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16-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000004258U1

1. Комбинированное пишущее средство, содержащее выполненные в виде трубок корпус и два наконечника с возможностью ограниченного размещения наконечников в корпусе, а также с возможностью расположения в каждом из наконечников пишущего элемента, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено двумя механизмами для закрепления в каждом из них пишущих элементов, размещенных в упомянутых наконечниках. 2. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что по меньшей мере один из наконечников снабжен колпачком, на закрытом конце которого закреплена резинка, например, посредством кольца. 3. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что один из наконечников выполнен составным, включающим в себя трубку и стакан с донышком, связанные между собой посредством втулки. 4. Средство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что стакан наконечника имеет внутренние продольные пазы, предназначенные для размещения в них запасных пишущих элементов. 5. Средство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что втулка наконечника имеет внутренние продольные пазы, предназначенные для размещения в них запасных пишущих элементов. (19) RU (11) (13) 4 258 U1 (51) МПК B43K 27/02 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96106074/20, 28.03.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.06.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Осипов Владимир Федорович, Калинина Валентина Павловна (73) Патентообладатель(и): Осипов Владимир Федорович Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 2 5 8 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Комбинированное пишущее средство, содержащее выполненные в виде трубок корпус и два наконечника с возможностью ограниченного размещения наконечников в корпусе, а также с возможностью расположения в каждом из наконечников пишущего элемента, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено двумя механизмами для закрепления в каждом из них пишущих элементов, размещенных в упомянутых наконечниках. 2. Средство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что по меньшей мере один из наконечников снабжен колпачком, на закрытом конце которого закреплена резинка, ...

10-05-2003 дата публикации

Многоцветная шариковая авторучка

Номер: RU0000029260U1
Автор: Соколов А.В.

Многоцветная шариковая авторучка, содержащая полый осесимметричный корпус, съемный выходной патрубок для размещения пишущего шарикового элемента, расположенный на одном конце корпуса, крышку, расположенную на другом конце корпуса, несколько стержней с чернильной пастой, размещенных в корпусе и ориентированных пишущими шариковыми элементами в сторону съемного выходного патрубка и механизм поочередной подачи стержней с пишущими шариковыми элементами в выходной патрубок, включающий возвратные пружины и толкатели-рычаги, одни концы которых закреплены в торцах пишущих стержней, а другие концы пропущены через прорези в корпусе наружу, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве возвратных пружин используют пружины растяжения, установленные перед торцами пишущих стержней и соосно им, одни концы которых закреплены на рычагах, а другие концы - на корпусе. (19) RU (11) 29 260 (13) U1 (51) МПК B43K 27/12 (2000.01) B43K 7/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002130027/20 , 10.11.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.11.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.05.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Соколов А.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Соколов Анатолий Васильевич R U Адрес для переписки: 630049, г.Новосибирск 49, а/я 219, А.В. Соколову (71) Заявитель(и): Соколов Анатолий Васильевич 2 9 2 6 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Многоцветная шариковая авторучка, содержащая полый осесимметричный корпус, съемный выходной патрубок для размещения пишущего шарикового элемента, расположенный на одном конце корпуса, крышку, расположенную на другом конце корпуса, несколько стержней с чернильной пастой, размещенных в корпусе и ориентированных пишущими шариковыми элементами в сторону съемного выходного патрубка и механизм поочередной подачи стержней с пишущими шариковыми элементами в выходной патрубок, включающий возвратные пружины и толкатели-рычаги, одни концы которых закреплены в торцах пишущих стержней ...

10-05-2013 дата публикации

Цветное средство для письма и рисования

Номер: RU0000127684U1

1. Цветное средство для письма и рисования, содержащее цилиндрический пастельный стержень (1), имеющий продольные участки (2, 3, 4), проходящие, по существу, параллельно оси стержня, причем по меньшей мере один из этих участков (2, 3, 4) расположен внутри стержня (1) так, что он выходит в районе его кончика (1'), отличающееся тем, что два участка из участков (2, 3, 4) образованы разными цветовыми тонами, относящимися к одной из шести областей спектра (А, В, С, D, Е, F) в колориметрическом треугольнике, причем в поперечном сечении продольные участки (2, 3, 4) выполнены в форме четырехугольника и расположены в цилиндрическом стержне в шахматном порядке, с регулярным чередованием отдельных оттенков цвета.2. Цветное средство для письма и рисования по п.1, отличающееся тем, что участки (2, 3, 4) образованы различными оттенками одной из шести областей спектра цветов (А, В, С, D, Е, F) в колориметрическом треугольнике. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 127 684 (13) U1 (51) МПК B43K 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2012108478/12, 07.03.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.03.2012 (73) Патентообладатель(и): КОХ-И-НОР ХАРДТМУТ а.с. (CZ) R U Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный приоритет: 20.01.2012 CZ PUV2012-25500 (72) Автор(ы): ЖАНОВА Зденька (CZ) (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2013 Бюл. № 13 1 2 7 6 8 4 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Цветное средство для письма и рисования, содержащее цилиндрический пастельный стержень (1), имеющий продольные участки (2, 3, 4), проходящие, по существу, параллельно оси стержня, причем по меньшей мере один из этих участков (2, 3, 4) расположен внутри стержня (1) так, что он выходит в районе его кончика (1'), отличающееся тем, что два участка из участков (2, 3, 4) образованы разными цветовыми тонами, относящимися к одной из шести областей спектра (А, В, С, D, Е, F) в колориметрическом треугольнике, причем в поперечном ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000195839U1

Предложен пишущий прибор, изготовленный из патрона. Пишущий инструмент содержит трубчатый корпус, состоящий из нижней части с отверстием, опорной части, средней части, верхней части с установленным на ней клипом, при этом нижняя, опорная и верхняя части корпуса выполнены из винтовочного либо промежуточного патрона, при этом опорная часть, средняя часть и верхняя часть корпуса имеют втулки и соединяются между собой резьбовым соединением, а на верхней части корпуса сформирован направляющий J-образный паз для движения рычага выдвижного механизма. 16 з.п. ф-лы 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 839 U1 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ PC9K Государственная регистрация отчуждения исключительного права по договору Лицо(а), передающее(ие) исключительное право: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Часовой завод "НИКА" (RU) R U Приобретатель(и) исключительного права: Саникидзе Тенгиз Амиранович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Саникидзе Тенгиз Амиранович (RU) Дата и номер государственной регистрации отчуждения исключительного права: 02.11.2020 РД0345444 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 02.11.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 02.11.2020 Бюл. №31 1 9 5 8 3 9 Адрес для переписки: 115407, Москва, ул. Речников, 17, стр. 2, Саникидзе Т.А. R U 1 9 5 8 3 9 U 1 U 1 Стр.: 1

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Multicolor writing and designing means

Номер: US20130189015A1
Автор: Zdenka ZANOVA
Принадлежит: Chartpak Inc, Koh I Noor Hardtmuth AS

A multicolor writing and designing device has an elongated pastel color capsule with a plurality of longitudinal segment groups disposed substantially in parallel with a main capsule axis, at least one segment of a group being located within the capsule such that it forms a capsule tip. At least two of the segment groups are of different tints from the same color sampling zone in a color space colorimetric triangle. having a plurality of such sampling zones. The color sampling zones may correspond to areas in the CIE 1964 10° Standard Observer color space.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130318761A1
Автор: Shim Youngtack

Various multicolor writing tools and methods for applying multiple volatile marking substances one at a time. The tool includes a case member, a cartridge member, a cap member, and an optional actuator member. The case member forms an interior in which is disposed the cartridge member with multiple cartridges each containing one of the marking substances and a tip through which the marking substance is applied. The cap member changes and restores its configuration, while the actuator member changes the configuration and exposes one of the tips selected by an user out of the interior when the tool is in use, and then restores the configuration and encloses all of the tips inside the interior when not in use. Thus, the tool opens the cap member in response to input force without requiring the user to engage in a separate maneuver to remove the cap member. 1. A method of inserting a plurality of cartridges into a writing tool , wherein said writing tool includes a case member defining an interior therein , wherein each of said cartridges contains therein a volatile marking substance with a preset color , includes in one end thereof a tip through which said marking substance is applied onto an article , and is shaped and sized to be retained into said interior , wherein said color is characterized by a color hue , a color value , and a color chroma , and wherein said writing tool includes a cap member and an actuator member which are capable of enclosing said tips of all of said cartridges in said interior in order to prevent drying of said tips when said tool is not in use and then capable of exposing said tip of each of said cartridges out of said interior one at a time while enclosing said tips of the rest of said cartridges in said interior in order to prevent drying of said tips of said rest of said cartridges when said tool is in use , said method comprising the steps of:forming a portion of said tool by assembling said case, cap, and actuator members;disposing a ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023423A1
Автор: Branch Benjamin

A writing device can be configured to provide ink or a colored dye upon a piece of paper or other medium. Such a writing device can include a plurality of selectable writing elements, wherein one of the writing elements comprises marker device comprising an ink reservoir connected to a writing tip. 1. A writing device comprising a plurality of selectable writing elements , the device comprising:the writing elements, wherein one of the writing elements comprises marker device comprising an ink reservoir connected to a writing tip.2. The writing device of claim 1 , wherein all of the writing elements each comprise a marker device comprising a felt ink reservoir connected to a felt writing tip.3. The writing device of claim 1 , wherein the marker device comprises a self-contained capped writing element claim 1 , the self-contained capped writing element comprising:a plastic casing;the felt ink reservoir contained within the plastic casing; anda spring activated cap preventing the felt writing tip from drying out when the device is not in use.4. The writing device of claim 3 , wherein the device can be opened by a user and the self-contained capped writing element can be replaced.5. The writing device of claim 3 , wherein each of the writing elements comprises a self-contained capped writing element.6. The writing device of claim 5 , wherein the writing elements further comprise three writing elements.7. The writing device of claim 6 , wherein the device further comprises a hole in the end of the device for each of the three writing elements.8. The writing device of claim 6 , wherein the device further comprises an opening in the end of the device for the felt writing tips to extend through.9. The writing device of claim 6 , wherein the device further comprises a depressible button for each of the three writing elements claim 6 , the depressible buttons being spring activated and configured such that depressing an initially not depressed button deactivates an initially ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150023719A1
Автор: Feuerstein Jurgen

A crayon or pencil type application tool () for applying a coating material to a substrate surface, having a shaft () where the tool () can be grasped and a reservoir (), housed in the shaft (), to be filled with the coating material. The tool () is provided with a tool head () having an applicator () by which the coating material reaches the substrate surface, and also includes a valve () which is arranged between the reservoir () and the tool head (), that has a valve body () and, upon actuation, switches from a closed position into an open position to dispense, in the latter position, an amount of the coating material to be applied to the substrate surface, from the reservoir () to the applicator (). In order to obtain an application tool () which reduces the consumption of application tools () per se and also permits them to be refilled with a coating material in a reliable and clean manner, it is suggested that, in the longitudinal extension of the application tool () between the shaft () and the tool head (), a carrier part () should be arranged which receives and secures the valve body () of the valve () by the main part of its longitudinal extension, in a direction facing away from the applicator (), and that the carrier part () is provided detachably connectable both to the shaft () and the tool head () of the tool (). 11324113118513241. An application tool for applying a coating material to a substrate surface , comprising a shaft , by which the tool is grippable , a reservoir accommodated in the shaft for supplying the coating material , a tool head which has an applicator by which the coating material is adapted to pass onto the substrate surface , and a valve arranged between the reservoir and the tool head with a valve body which is actuatable from a closed position into an open position and , in the open position , discharges a quantity of the coating material from the reservoir to the applicator for application to the surface , a carrier part () ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023058A1
Принадлежит: ZEBRA CO., LTD.

A mechanical pencil unit is provided which includes: a holding tube; a holder which is inserted into a front side opening portion of the holding tube and which protrudes forward from a front end of the holding tube, and moreover which is supported so as to be back and forth movable relative to the holding tube; a pencil lead delivering mechanism which delivers forward a pencil lead x inserted into the holder; and a movement direction conversion mechanism which causes the holder to go forward relative to the holding tube and the pencil lead x by using a force applied in a radial direction from the pencil lead x to the holder, wherein the pencil lead delivering mechanism is provided at a position further toward a rearward side than the holder and the movement direction conversion mechanism. 1. A mechanical pencil unit , comprising: a holding tube; a holder which is inserted into a front side opening portion of the holding tube and which protrudes forward from a front end of the holding tube , and moreover which is supported so as to be back and forth movable relative to the holding tube; a pencil lead delivering mechanism which delivers forward a pencil lead inserted into the holder; and a movement direction conversion mechanism which causes the holder to go forward relative to the holding tube and the pencil lead by using a force applied in a radial direction from the pencil lead to the holder , whereinthe pencil lead delivering mechanism is provided at a position further toward a rearward side than the holder and the movement direction conversion mechanism.2. The mechanical pencil unit according to claim 1 , wherein on an inner circumference face of the holder claim 1 , a pencil lead sliding contact surface which slidingly contacts an outer circumference face of a pencil lead on a front end side of the inner circumference face claim 1 , and a pencil lead guide surface which is adjacent to the outer circumference face of the pencil lead at a position further toward a ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Electronic pen and electronic pen main body unit

Номер: US20190025951A1
Принадлежит: Wacom Co Ltd

An electronic pen has increased strength, especially a pen tip portion that is not bent or broken even if the electronic pen is slimmed down. A core unit includes a ferrite core on which a coil is wound and a core rod. The core rod is fixed from a first end of the ferrite core to a second end of the ferrite core at a position including a center axis of the ferrite core and projects at an end thereof from the first end of the ferrite core. The ferrite core includes a first coil non-winding portion on which the coil is not wound provided on the pen tip side of the ferrite core. In operation, the end of the core rod and part of the first coil non-winding portion of the ferrite core project from an opening of a housing of the electronic pen.

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Marker for Optical Mark Response Forms

Номер: US20170028770A1
Автор: Durham Amara Rahman

A writing instrument includes a first reservoir for dispensing a first fluid having a first property of reflectivity. A first tip member is in fluid connection with the first reservoir. The first tip member has an end with a size and shape that corresponds to a response area of the response form. A second reservoir can be used for dispensing a second fluid, which is capable of modifying the first property of reflectivity when covering the first fluid. A second tip member is in fluid connection with the second reservoir. The second tip member has an end with a size and shape that corresponds to the response area of the response form. 1. A writing instrument to be used with a response form , the writing instrument comprising:a first reservoir for dispensing a first fluid having a first property of reflectivity;a first tip member in fluid connection with the first reservoir, the first tip member having an end with a size and shape that corresponds to a response area of the response form;a second reservoir for dispensing a second fluid, the second fluid capable of modifying the first property of reflectivity when covering the first fluid; anda second tip member in fluid connection with the second reservoir, the second tip member having an end with a size and shape that corresponds to the response area of the response form.2. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the end of the second tip member is larger than the end of the first tip member.3. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first fluid is dispensed from the first reservoir to the first tip member by a wicking function.4. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first reservoir is at least twice the size of the second reservoir.5. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first tip member and the second tip member are a same type of tip member.6. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first tip member includes a stamp.7. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Erasing implement and writing implement provided with erasing implement

Номер: US20150033499A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

Provided are an erasing implement and a writing implement equipped with the erasing implement, the erasing implement being capable of erasing writing regardless of the type of ink or lead of the writing implement, even writing with thermochromic ink or writing with pencil lead. The erasing implement is equipped with a first erasing member for erasing writing with thermochromic ink and a second erasing member for erasing writing of types other than thermochromic ink, and is configured by covering the outer surface of the second erasing member with the first erasing member.

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Handheld precise liquid marker

Номер: US20140119807A1
Принадлежит: Golf Rite Products LLC

A handheld precise liquid marker. The handheld precise liquid marker preferably creates a substantially perfect dot when marking one or more surfaces and is preferably used for multiple applications such as marking a dimple of a golf ball surface and/or providing a proper amount of dosage for medicinal applications. The handheld precise liquid marker may also comprise a liquid delivery system for dispensing a precise amount of ink or liquid onto various surfaces, a projecting/retracting mechanism, and an audible and/or tactile physical feedback mechanism. The projecting/retracting mechanism may controllably retract or protrude a nib into and out of the housing, and the audible/physical feedback mechanism may provide either a physical and/or audible click once a desired amount of ink or liquid transfers onto the surface.

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046142A1
Автор: Dashe Stephen P.

Described herein are marking instruments comprising an erasable ink and a non-erasable ink; eradicating instruments; and systems comprising same. 1. A marking instrument comprising:a housing;a first marking portion; anda second marking portion;wherein the first marking portion is configured to dispense an erasable ink; and the second marking portion is configured to dispense a non-erasable ink.2. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the erasable ink comprises a first color having a first color value as measured by ΔE.3. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the non-erasable ink comprises a second color having a second color value as measured by ΔE.4. The instrument of claim 3 , wherein the difference between the first color value and the second color value is less than 2.5. The instrument of claim 4 , wherein the difference between the first color value and the second color value is less than 1.6. The instrument of claim 3 , wherein the first color is red and the second color is red.7. The instrument of claim 3 , wherein the first color is black and the second color is black.8. The instrument of claim 3 , wherein the first color is blue and the second color is blue.9. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first marking portion is located at a first end of said housing and the second marking portion is located at a second end of said housing.10. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises a first reservoir and a second reservoir.11. The instrument of claim 10 , wherein the first reservoir is configured to store the erasable ink and the second reservoir is configured to store the non-erasable ink.12. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the second marking portion is wider than the first marking portion.13. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the first marking portion comprises a wick.14. The instrument of claim 1 , wherein the second marking portion comprises a wick.15. The instrument of claim 13 , wherein the wick of the first marking portion is in fluid ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Writing instrument

Номер: US20220088959A1
Принадлежит: BIC SA

A writing instrument, in particular a pen, comprises a housing comprising a front barrel and a rear barrel, the front barrel having a front opening, two or more cartridges for storing colorants or inks, each cartridge having a writing tip, at least one actuator for selectively moving one of the cartridges within the housing so that the writing tip of a selected cartridge extends through the front opening of the front barrel, and a cartridge guide member which is designed to guide the movement of the cartridges within the housing. The front barrel and to the cartridge guide member are designed to be removed from the rear barrel for replacing one or more of the cartridges. In particular, the front barrel and the cartridge guide member may be removed from the rear barrel while the cartridge guide member may remain mounted to the front member at the same time.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078353A1
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

A multi-function writing instrument comprises a body extending in an axial direction, at least two writing elements arranged inside the body, each writing element comprising a writing head able to take up a retracted position in which the writing head is stowed in the body and a writing position in which the writing head protrudes from the body, one of the writing elements being a lead-holder system comprising a lead-holder mechanism and a lead container, the lead container comprising a side opening for inserting leads. 1. A multi-function writing instrument comprising a body extending in an axial direction , at least two writing elements arranged inside the body , each writing element comprising a writing head able to take up a retracted position in which the writing head is retracted into the body and a writing position in which the writing head protrudes from the body) , one of the writing elements being a lead-holder system comprising a lead-holder mechanism and a lead container , the lead container comprising a side opening for inserting leads.2. A multi-function writing instrument according to claim 1 , comprising a lead retention element which is configured to take up a position for retaining leads in the lead container and an insertion position for inserting leads in the lead container through the side opening for inserting leads.3. A multi-function writing instrument according to claim 2 , wherein the retention element is configured to automatically return to the lead retention position.4. A multi-function writing instrument according to claim 2 , wherein the retention element is configured to pass from the retention position to the insertion position by a movement in the axial direction of at least one axial end of the retention element relative to the lead container.5. A multi-function writing instrument according to claim 2 , wherein the retention element is configured to passes from the retention position to the insertion position by a rotation about ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078355A1
Автор: MICHENAUD Etienne
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

A multifunction writing instrument comprising a body extending along an axial direction and housing at least two writing elements, each writing element comprising a writing tip, a selector device configured to select one writing element from among the at least two writing elements, a retraction device configured to move a selected writing element between a writing position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element projects from the body and a retracted position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element is retracted, and a return device configured to bring a writing element from the writing position to the retracted position when the selector device is activated while a writing element is in the writing position. 1. A multifunction writing instrument comprising a body that extends along an axial direction and houses two or more writing elements , each writing element including a writing tip , a selector device configured to select one writing element from the two or more writing elements , a retraction device configured to move a selected writing element between a writing position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element projects from the body and a retracted position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element is retracted , and a return device configured to bring one of the writing elements from the writing position back to the retracted position when the selector device is activated while another of the writing elements is in the writing position.2. A multifunction writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a front portion and a rear portion claim 1 , the front portion and the rear portion being rotatably movable relative to each other about the axial direction claim 1 , the selector device comprising a cam rotatably coupled with the rear portion and configured to co-operate with the writing elements while the writing elements are rotatably coupled with the front portion claim 1 , ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134797A1

A writing instrument includes a combination of a multi-color pen and a mechanical pencil.

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Writing implement with magnetic component

Номер: US20190105941A1
Принадлежит: Crayola LLC

A writing implement having a magnetic component is disclosed. The writing implement may be a pen, pencil, marker, highlighter, or other type of writing implement, and may include a writing tip, a reservoir for providing a writing fluid, a housing, and at least one magnetic component. The magnetic component may be sized and shaped so that it can be at least partially enclosed within the housing. The magnetic component may include one or more magnets and may be movably coupled to the housing to allow for alignment of the magnets with a ferromagnetic surface.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200108653A1

A multifunctional writing instrument includes a hollow body, wherein the hollow body comprises one or more cavities configured to attach with a projector pen and projector stick to project plurality of technical drawing tools images. A first writing member having a first writing tip is included. The first writing member includes lead and a mechanical pencil system being provided in a first portion of the hollow body, and wherein the first writing tip is axial with respect to the hollow body. A second writing member having a second writing tip is included. The second writing member comprises ink and an ink pen system being provided in a second portion of the hollow body. The first portion of the hollow body is at an opposite end of the second portion of the hollow body. The second writing tip is axial with respect to the hollow body. 1. A multifunctional writing instrument comprising:a hollow body, wherein the hollow body comprises one or more cavities configured to attach with a plurality of technical drawing tools, wherein the one or more cavities are configured to attach with a projector pen and projector stick to project a plurality of technical drawing tools images on a surface, and wherein the projected technical drawing tools images are calibrated to a real-world size measurement irrespective of a projection distance to a surface projected upon;a first writing member having a first writing tip, wherein the first writing member comprises a lead supply and a mechanical pencil system provided in a first portion of the hollow body, and wherein the first writing tip is axial with respect to the hollow body; anda second writing member having a second writing tip, wherein the second writing member comprises an ink supply and an ink pen system provided in a second portion of the hollow body, and wherein the first portion of the hollow body is at an opposite end of the second portion of the hollow body, and wherein the second writing tip is axial with respect to the ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190125483A1

The invention relates to a surgical marker () comprising an elongate handle () that can be gripped with the hand in the manner of a pen, and means provided on the handle () for interchangeably attaching interchangeable points (), the interchangeable points comprising: a point made of a porous material that can be soaked in ink (), for marking on skin; a graphite point () for marking on bone; and an injector point () for precision-marking points to outline skin grafts by means of an injection into the dermis that is not erased with surgical washing. 21331303130322. Surgical marker () according to characterised in that the tips () made of a porous material soakable in ink comprise an applicator () for said material and a reservoir (); the applicator () and the reservoir () mounted on a first support () in which are implemented the exchangeable attachment means to the handle ().313. Surgical marker () according to characterised in that the tips () made of a porous material soakable in ink are soaked in moisture-resistant ink.413. Surgical marker () according to characterised in that it comprises tips () made of a porous material soakable in ink with different thicknesses.51441422. Surgical marker () according to characterised in that the graphite tip () comprises a portion of graphite () with at least HD hardness claim 1 , mounted on a second support () in which are implemented the exchangeable attachment means to the handle ().61550512025051532. Surgical marker () according to characterised in that the injection tip () comprises a hollow needle () for subcutaneous injection of the ink in communication with an elastic reservoir () that can be compressed through an orifice () provided on the handle (); the hollow needle () and the reservoir () mounted on a third support () in which are implemented the exchangeable attachment means to the handle ().71535220. Surgical marker () according to characterised in that the third support () comprises a flexible elastic lever () ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Marker for Optical Mark Response Forms

Номер: US20140218737A1
Автор: Durham Amara Rahman

In a method, a response sheet is provided to a user. The response sheet includes a machine-readable form having a number of response areas where the user can provide responses. After being received from the user, the response sheet has ones of the response areas marked by the user with a non-reflective fluid and also has other ones of the response areas being marked by the user with a reflective fluid. The received response sheet includes response areas marked with the non-reflective and the reflective fluid that were not marked in the provided response sheet. Responses provided by the user can be determined using an optical reading apparatus. 1. A method comprising:providing a response sheet to a user, the response sheet comprising a machine-readable form having a plurality of response areas where the user can provide responses;receiving the response sheet from the user, the response sheet having ones of the response areas marked by the user with a non-reflective fluid and also having other ones of the response areas being marked by the user with a reflective fluid, wherein the received response sheet includes response areas marked with the non-reflective and the reflective fluid that were not marked in the provided response sheet; anddetermining responses provided by the user using an optical reading apparatus to optically read the machine-readable form.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the user marks the response sheet with a writing instrument having a first fluid dispensing portion and a second fluid dispensing portion claim 1 , the first fluid dispensing portion having a first size and shape and the second fluid dispensing portion having a second size and shape claim 1 , wherein each response area has a third size and shape that corresponds with the first size and shape and the second size and shape.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first size and shape is the same as the third size and shape.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150151565A1
Автор: Kawasaki Masayuki

A writing instrument includes a pen tip mechanism , an ink tank , an ink induction mechanism , and a regulator mechanism . The ink tank includes first and second ink tanks A and B. The pen tip mechanism includes first and second pen tips A and B. The ink induction mechanism includes first and second induction cores A and B. A regulator flow path set around the first induction core A and the second induction core B is partitioned into first and second regulator flow paths by the regulator mechanism . The first and second regulator flow paths are temporary accommodation spaces of inks and circulation spaces for sending air from the induction cores A and B to the ink tanks A and B. 1. A regulator mechanism that is provided around a circulation path of ink which connects an ink tank to a pen tip holding the ink discharged from the ink tank to adjust a flow rate of the ink in the circulation path of the ink , the regulator mechanism comprising:first and second regulator flow paths that are respectively set around circulation paths of first and second inks; anda flow-path partitioning member that is disposed to partition a regulator flow path into the first regulator flow path and the second regulator flow path, and prevents the first and second inks from being mixed with each other in the first and second regulator flow paths,wherein the first regulator flow path is a temporary accommodation space of the first ink and a space where air is circulated, andwherein the second regulator flow path is a temporary accommodation space of the second ink and a space where air is circulated.2. The regulator mechanism according to claim 1 , further comprising:an ink induction mechanism that supplies the ink discharged from the ink tank to the pen tip,wherein the ink induction mechanism includesa first-circulation-path forming part that forms the circulation path of the first ink, anda second-circulation-path forming part that forms the circulation path of the second ink.3. The ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170144473A1
Автор: Branch Benjamin

A writing device can be configured to provide ink or a colored dye upon a piece of paper or other medium. Such a writing device can include a plurality of separately extendable writing elements and a housing with a plurality of holes upon a terminal end of the housing, each hole providing a dedicated outlet hole for one of the writing elements, the housing comprising one of an elliptical cross section, a circular cross section, and a rounded off square cross section. 1. A writing device comprising a plurality of selectable writing elements , the device comprising:a plurality of separately extendable writing elements;a housing with a plurality of holes upon a terminal end of the housing, each hole providing a dedicated outlet hole for one of the writing elements, the housing comprising one of an elliptical cross section, a circular cross section, and a rounded off square cross section.2. The writing device of claim 1 , wherein each of the holes comprises a spring activated trap door cap.3. The writing device of claim 1 , wherein in the housing comprises:the elliptical cross section; andtwo separately extendable writing elements.4. The writing device of claim 1 , wherein in the housing comprises:the circular cross section; andthree separately extendable writing elements.5. The writing device of claim 1 , wherein in the housing comprises:the square cross section; andfour separately extendable writing elements.6. A writing device comprising a plurality of selectable writing elements claim 1 , the device comprising:two separately extendable writing elements; two holes upon a terminal end of the housing, each hole providing a dedicated outlet hole for one of the writing elements;', 'an elliptical cross section; and', 'a spring activated trap door cap for each of the two holes., 'a housing comprising7. A writing device comprising a plurality of selectable writing elements claim 1 , the device comprising:three separately extendable writing elements; three holes upon a ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Feeding pencil

Номер: US20170151824A1
Автор: Yoshikazu Tani
Принадлежит: Tokiwa Corp

A feeding pencil includes a pipe member, a leading tube, a tubular main body, a movable body, and a holding member. The pipe member is disposed inside the leading tube and loads a drawing material. The movable body extends in an axial direction includes a male screw formed across an entire outer periphery thereof in the axial direction. The holding member holds the movable body. The pipe member includes a female screw on an inner surface thereof. The female screw screws with the male screw. A relative rotation between the leading tube and the main body relatively rotates the pipe member and the holding member and acts a screwing action between the male screw and the female screw. The screwing action moves the movable body forward to extrude the drawing material from the pipe member.

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Feeding pencil

Номер: US20170151826A1
Автор: Yoshikazu Tani
Принадлежит: Tokiwa Corp

A feeding pencil includes a main body, a leading tube, a middle tube, and a ratchet mechanism. The middle tube is engaged to the leading tube to be relatively rotatable. A relative rotation between the leading tube and the main body in one direction moves a drawing material forward. The ratchet mechanism allows the relative rotation between the leading tube and the main body in the one direction, and regulates the relative rotation in another direction. The ratchet mechanism includes an elastic projecting part and a concave-convex part. The concave-convex part engages with the elastic projecting part to be movable in an axial direction and rotatable. A protrusion disposed at a center tube removably engages with an annular convex part disposed at an outer surface of the leading tube in the axial direction.

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220297468A1
Автор: BEZ Arnaud
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

The application relates to a color linker comprising a base segment including a first portion and a second portion, each of which are configured to allow ink to flow therethrough, and a barrier positioned between the first and second portions, the barrier being configured to prevent the exchange of ink between the first and second portions; a mixing segment adjacent to the base segment, a tip segment adjacent to the mixing segment, and a tip applicator adjacent to the tip segment, the tip applicator being configured to deposit ink onto a writing surface. 1. A color linker comprising:a base segment including a first portion and a second portion, each of which are configured to allow ink to flow therethrough, and a barrier positioned between the first and second portions, the barrier being configured to prevent the exchange of ink between the first and second portions;a mixing segment adjacent to the base segment, the mixing segment including a first portion and a second portion, each of which are configured to allow ink to flow therethrough, wherein the first and second portions have an angular offset relative to the first and second portions of the base segment;a tip segment adjacent to the mixing segment, the tip segment including a first portion and a second portion, each of which are configured to allow ink to flow therethrough, wherein the first and second portions have an angular offset relative to the first and second portions of the mixing segment, anda tip applicator adjacent to the tip segment, the tip applicator being configured to deposit ink onto a writing surface.2. The color linker according to comprises sintered polymer powder or foam with open porosity interconnected or a rod of pultruded fibers with any shape or non-woven felt.3. The color linker according to claim 1 , wherein the barrier is hydrophobic.4. The color linker of claim 1 , wherein angular offset of the first and second portions of the mixing segment relative to the first and second ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Highlighter Mechanica

Номер: US20200164677A1
Автор: Sylver Crystal

The invention is a refillable highlighter pen and mechanical pencil in one. 1. The invention claimed is a Highlighter Mechanica comprised of:housing with tip designed with a mechanical pencil tip and marker rod tip in one;a rod holder and spring to retract and extend the marker rod tip, enclosing it when not in use.2. The Highlighter Mechanica as recited in claim 1 , may use many different colored marker rods in addition to highlighter marker rods.3. The Highlighter Mechanica as recited in claim 1 , may not use refillable marker rods but use one disposable marker rod.4. The Highlighter Mechanica as recited in claim 1 , may be made of a number of different materials claim 1 , including plastic resin or metal.5. The Highlighter Mechanica as recited in claim 1 , may use a number of different methods for creating a marker rod from a felt tip to water and powder form.6. The Highlighter Mechanica as recited in claim 1 , may use a removable tip or another method of replacing the marker rod claim 1 , such as a side removable panel. Highlighter MechanicaProvisional Patent Filed Nov. 27, 2017Application No. 62/707,946Not ApplicableNot ApplicableThe Highlighter Mechanica is a mechanical device. It is a mechanical pencil and a refillable highlighter marker in one.Highlighters are not recyclable, do not last long, and create tons of consumer waste. One must repeatedly buy several highlighter pens to use, which quickly dry up and must be replaced. This is a waste of plastic and creates more garbage. People often have a jar or drawer of pen, marker, highlighter, and pencil waste because of the disposable nature of the tools.The Highlighter Mechanica combines a mechanical pencil and a highlighter in one. Both of which are refillable, with refillable leads, refillable colored leads, and refillable highlighter marker rods.The Highlighter Mechanica solves the problems listed above by creating a steel mechanical pencil with refillable highlighter tips that has the ability to last a ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140270888A1
Автор: YEUM SunYoung

A two-color ball pointed pen having two pen cartridges with different colors in one case allows a user to easily and rapidly select and use a wanted color. The two-color ball pointed pen includes: two-color pen cartridges(′) joined to one side of a case(); a highlighter pen() joined to the other side of the case(); and a transparent cap() joined to an assembly hole() of one side of the case() to which the two-color pen cartridges(′) are joined so as to allow a user to see colors of the two-color pen cartridges(′) from the outside. 1. A two-color ball pointed pen comprising:{'b': 3', '3', '1, 'two-color pen cartridges(,′) joined to one side of a case();'}{'b': 5', '1, 'a highlighter pen() joined to the other side of the case(); and'}{'b': 4', '11', '1', '3', '3', '3', '3, 'a transparent cap() joined to an assembly hole() of one side of the case() to which the two-color pen cartridges(,′) are joined so as to allow a user to see colors of the two-color pen cartridges(,′) from the outside.'}2. A two-color ball pointed pen comprising:{'b': 3', '3', '1, 'two-color pen cartridges(,′) joined to one side of a case();'}{'b': 30', '30', '1, 'other two-color pen cartridges(,′) joined to the other side of the case(); and'}{'b': 4', '4', '11', '12', '1', '3', '3', '30', '30', '3', '3', '30', '30, 'transparent caps() (′) joined to assembly holes() () of both sides of the case() to which the two-color pen cartridges(, ′) (,′) are joined so as to allow a user to see colors of the two-color pen cartridges(,′) (,′) from the outside.'}3. A two-color ball pointed pen comprising:{'b': 3', '3', '1, 'two-color pen cartridges(,′) joined to one side of a case(); and'}{'b': 4', '11', '1', '3', '3', '3', '3, 'a transparent cap() joined to an assembly hole() of one side of the case() to which the two-color pen cartridges(,′) are joined so as to allow a user to see colors of the two-color pen cartridges(,′) from the outside.'}4122133212151521. The two-color ball pointed pen according to claim 1 ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160220799A1

A handheld topical applicator. The handheld topical applicator is preferably adapted to release a precise amount of liquid onto a surface and is preferably used for various applications such as marking a surface and/or providing a proper amount of dosage for medicinal applications. The handheld topical applicator may comprise a liquid delivery system for dispensing a precise amount of liquid onto various surfaces, a projecting/retracting mechanism, and an audible and/or tactile physical feedback mechanism. The projecting/retracting mechanism may controllably retract or protrude a nib into and out of the housing, and the audible/physical feedback mechanism may provide either a physical and/or audible click once a desired amount of liquid transfers onto the surface. 1. A handheld topical applicator , comprising:a front housing;a first nib;a piston;a biasing member; anda reservoir;wherein said front housing contains said reservoir;wherein said reservoir is adapted to store a liquid;wherein said first nib is coupled to a proximal end of said front housing and is adapted to be in fluid communication with said liquid stored in said reservoir;wherein said piston is positioned at a distal end of said front housing;wherein said biasing member is disposed inside said piston, such that said piston is adapted to bias towards said distal end of said front housing;wherein said piston comprises: a first cylinder, a second cylinder, one or more first tabs, and one or more second tabs;wherein said one or more first tabs are disposed at an outer surface of said first cylinder;wherein said one or more second tabs are disposed at an inner surface of said second cylinder; andwherein said one or more first tabs and said one or more second tabs are adapted to produce an audible click after a user applies pressure to said first nib against a surface, such that said applied pressure causes said one or more first tabs to contact said one or more second tabs.2. The handheld topical applicator ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170225506A1

A multi-function writing implement comprises a pen shaft, a colored pen assembly, and an erasing pen assembly. The colored pen assembly is arranged at one end of the pen shaft. The colored pen assembly includes a cartridge seat, a nib seat, a plurality of colored cartridges, a plurality of relay cartridges, and a plurality of colored ink cotton tubes. The cartridge seat is connected to the pen shaft. One end of the nib seat has a plurality of cartridge slots. The colored cartridges are respectively arranged at the cartridge slots. The relay cartridges are respectively connected to the colored cartridges and arranged in the cartridge seat. The colored ink cotton tubes are respectively connected to the relay cartridges and arranged in the pen shaft and the cartridge in parallel. The erasing pen assembly is arranged at the other end of the pen shaft opposite to the colored pen assembly. 1. A multi-function writing implement , comprising:a pen shaft; a cartridge seat, connected to the end of the pen shaft;', 'a nib seat, connected to the cartridge seat, one end of the nib seat has a plurality of cartridge slots;', 'a plurality of colored cartridges, respectively arranged at the cartridge slots;', 'a plurality of relay cartridges, respectively connected to the colored cartridges and arranged in the cartridge seat; and', 'a plurality of colored ink cotton tubes, respectively connected to the relay cartridges and arranged in the pen shaft and the cartridge in parallel; and, 'a colored pen assembly, arranged at one end of the pen shaft and including an erasing cartridge; and', 'an ink erasing cotton tube, connected to the erasing cartridge., 'an erasing pen assembly, arranged at the other end of the pen shaft opposite to the colored pen assembly, the erasing pen assembly includes2. The multi-function writing implement as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the number of the cartridge slots claim 1 , the colored cartridges claim 1 , the relay cartridges claim 1 , and the colored ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210252903A1

In a writing tool a front shaft is detachably provided on a rear shaft containing an ink absorbent body A filling part is provided on an outside surface of a rear part of the front shaft The filling part detachably fits to a fitted part formed on an inside surface of an opening part of the rear shaft The filling part has an outward-facing pressure contact part and a radially penetrating slit The fitted part has an inward-facing pressure contact part The front shaft and the rear shaft are brought into a pressure contact with each other when the front shaft and the rear shaft are fitted to each other. 1. A writing tool in which a front shaft is detachably provided on a rear shaft containing an ink absorbent body , and in which the ink absorbent body is configured to be replaced or replenished under a state in which the front shaft has been detached from the rear shaft , wherein a smaller-diameter base having a cylindrical shape,', 'an outward-facing pressure contact part protruded radially from an outside surface of the smaller-diameter base, and', 'at least one slit extending in parallel with an axial direction and penetrating the smaller-diameter base in a radial direction in such a pattern that a position in the axial direction of at least a portion of the slit is overlapped with a position in the axial direction of at least a portion of the outward-facing pressure contact part,, 'one of a rear part of the front shaft and a front part of the rear shaft has a larger-diameter base having a cylindrical shape whose diameter is larger than that of the smaller-diameter base, into which the smaller-diameter base is configured to be inserted, and', 'an inward-facing pressure contact part provided on an inside surface of the larger-diameter base, and, 'the other of the rear part of the front shaft and the front part of the rear shaft hasthe outward-facing pressure contact part and the inward-facing pressure contact part are configured to be brought into a pressure contact ...

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180236807A1

A refill for a writing tool includes an ink containing tube that is made from a resin material and formed in a straight cylindrical shape, and a writing tip that is attached to an end of the ink containing tube. A press-fit portion, formed at the end of the ink containing tube, has a thickness being made thickened toward an inner circumferential surface and has an opening hole penetrating in an axial direction at a central portion of the press-fit portion. The writing tip or a relay member supporting the writing tip is press-fitted and attached to the press-fit portion. The refill for a writing tool can ensure a necessary and sufficient amount of ink stored without expanding an outer diameter of the ink containing tube, and sufficiently secure mechanical strength of an end portion, and a writing tool using the same can be provided. 1. A refill for a writing tool comprising:an ink containing tube that is made from a resin material and formed in a straight cylindrical shape; anda writing tip which is attached to an end of the ink containing tube,wherein a press-fit portion, of which thickness is made thickened toward an inner circumferential surface and which has an opening hole penetrating therethrough in an axial direction at a central portion of the press-fit portion, is formed at the end of the ink containing tube, andthe writing tip or a relay member supporting the writing tip is press-fitted and attached to the press-fit portion.2. The refill for a writing tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe press-fit portion is formed at each of both ends of the ink containing tube.3. The refill for a writing tool according to claim 1 ,whereinan abutment portion in which a shaft hole having a smaller diameter than the opening hole is bored is formed closer to the central portion of the ink containing tube in the press-fit portion.4. The refill for a writing tool according to claim 1 , whereinthe press-fit portion is integrally formed with the ink containing tube.5. A writing ...

24-08-2017 дата публикации

A Multip-purpose Combination Writing Instrument

Номер: US20170239976A1
Автор: CHEN Jason, Mark Richard
Принадлежит: Pengea Inc.

A multi-purpose combination writing instrument is provided. The instrument can comprise a writing instrument holder, with 2 casing members connected together by a retractable unwinding tool. The retractable unwinding tool can be automatically retractable. One or more removable individual writing instruments can be reversibly attached to the writing instrument holder. An individual writing instrument is provided that comprises a male connector adapted to be mated to a corresponding female connector or that comprises an external screw thread. A casing member of a writing instrument holder is provided, comprising an automatic retracting mechanism stored in the casing member and adapted to be attached to a retractable unwinding tool and adapted to allow the retractable unwinding tool to automatically retract. Another multi-purpose combination writing instrument is provided, comprising a writing instrument holder that is fan-shaped (like a hand-held fan). Yet another multi-purpose combination writing instrument is provided, comprising a writing instrument holder comprising zero, one, or two casing members comprising a hinge assembly, which comprises a hinge. 1. A multi-purpose combination writing instrument comprising:a writing instrument holder comprising two casing members connected together laterally by a retractable unwinding tool, wherein the casing members are outside of the retractable unwinding tool such that the retractable unwinding tool is inside of one or both of the casing members when retracted, each casing member comprising an opening adapted to receive the retractable unwinding tool and wherein the opening of each casing member faces each other and the retractable unwinding tool enters the casing member from the opening; and said multi-purpose combination writing instrument comprising one to four removable individual writing instruments attached to the casing members of the writing instrument holder.2. The multi-purpose combination writing instrument of ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200230998A1
Автор: EDEKAR Tina

A multi-function pen and accessory devices and kits; specifically, writing instruments with a plurality of attachable and multi-functional personal care accessories and the like and kits. An accessory assembly may have a connector having a first connector end and a second connector end; a first accessory component configured to releasably mount to the first connector end; and a second accessory component configured to releasably mount to the second connector end. 1. A writing instrument assembly , comprising:a barrel having disposed therein a writing instrument having a retracted position and an extended position;an accessory component; anda connector assembly to releasably mount the barrel to the accessory component.2. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the writing instrument is selected from the group consisting of a ball point ink cartridge claim 1 , a passive stylus claim 1 , and a graphite pencil.3. The writing instrument of claim 1 , wherein the accessory component is selected from the group consisting of a vibrator claim 1 , a laser claim 1 , a flashlight claim 1 , a mace/spray/perfume/aerosol claim 1 , a projector claim 1 , a GPS (mps battery) claim 1 , a key holder claim 1 , a key holder ring claim 1 , a key/key fob/rfid chip claim 1 , a siren/alarm claim 1 , a cell/fit bit/recorder/clock/gps claim 1 , a e-cigarette claim 1 , a pencil claim 1 , a pill holder claim 1 , a tire gauge claim 1 , a glucose monitor claim 1 , a breathalyzer claim 1 , a mascara applicator and a lipstick applicator.4. An accessory assembly claim 1 , comprising:a connector having a first connector end and a second connector end;a first accessory component configured to releasably mount to the first connector end; anda second accessory component configured to releasably mount to the second connector end.5. The accessory assembly of claim 4 , wherein the accessory component is selected from the group consisting of a vibrator claim 4 , a laser claim 4 , a flashlight claim 4 , a ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160250885A1
Автор: ODAKA Haruo

Problem to be Solved 1. A writing instrument , comprising a core holder and a tail plug , or core holders , that are fitted to a barrel through a sealing means , the barrel incorporating a cotton pad or ink reservoir ,said sealing means being a ring-like seal that is formed by the secondary molding onto said in-barrel fitting part of said core holder and said tail plug that have been primarily molded in a molding operation by the double molding method.2. The writing instrument according to claim 1 , wherein a belt-like gate is provided continuously to said ring-like seal such that said belt-like gate surrounds the peripheral face of said in-barrel fitting part of said core holder and said tail plug.3. The writing instrument according to claim 2 , wherein a recessed part that accommodates said ring-like seal and said belt-like gate is peripherally provided on the peripheral face of said in-barrel fitting part of said core holder and said tail plug.4. A method for disposing of said sealing means in a writing instrument having a core holder and a tail plug claim 2 , or core holders claim 2 , that are fitted to a barrel through a sealing means claim 2 , the barrel incorporating a cotton pad or an ink reservoir claim 2 , comprising:a step of using a double molding method to primarily mold said core holder and said tail plug, and then to form a ring-like seal as said sealing means by the secondary molding such that said ring-like seal surrounds said in-barrel fitting part of said core holder and said tail plug.5. The method for disposing of a sealing means according to claim 4 , wherein a belt-like gate is provided continuously to said ring-like seal such that said belt-like gate surrounds the peripheral face of said in-barrel fitting part of said core holder and said tail plug.6. The method for disposing of a sealing means according to claim 5 , wherein a recessed part that accommodates said ring-like seal and said belt-like gate is peripherally provided on the ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170246903A1
Автор: CHEON Kwang Ju

A multicolor writing instrument with an automatic return function includes a lower housing having a hollow cylindrical shape; an upper housing connected to an upper portion of the lower housing and formed with locking steps; a clip member hingedly provided on the upper housing so as to be movable about a hinge shaft; a coil spring resiliently installed between the clip member and the upper housing; pen cores filled with at least two different color inks; knobs having ends fitted into the respective pen cores; return springs resiliently installed between the pen cores and the knobs; and a return member formed integrally with the clip member on one side of the hinge shaft and toward the respective knobs. 1{'b': 10', '11, 'a lower housing () having a hollow cylindrical shape and having a nib passing through-hole () formed therethrough at a tip of the lower housing;'}{'b': 20', '10', '21', '22, 'an upper housing () connected to an upper portion of the lower housing () and having guide holes () and locking steps () formed respectively inside the guide holes;'}{'b': 30', '20', '31, 'a clip member () hingedly provided on the upper housing () so as to be movable about a hinge shaft ();'}{'b': 40', '30', '20, 'a coil spring () resiliently installed between the clip member () and the upper housing ();'}{'b': 50', '20', '10, 'pen cores () accommodated in the upper housing () and the lower housing () and filled with at least two different color inks;'}{'b': 60', '21', '50', '61', '22', '62', '63, 'knobs () installed to be slidably moved under guidance of the guide holes () and having ends fitted into the respective pen cores (), each of the knobs having a top locking protrusion () caught by the locking steps () and two unlocking portions (, );'}{'b': 70', '50', '60, 'return springs () resiliently installed between the pen cores () and the knobs (); and'}{'b': 80', '30', '31', '60', '30', '80', '60', '50, 'a return member () formed integrally with the clip member () on one side ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200238749A1
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

A multifunctional writing instrument comprising a body housing at least two writing elements, each writing element comprising a writing tip, a selection device configured to select one writing element from the at least two writing elements and a retraction device configured to move a selected writing element between a writing position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element protrudes from the body and a retracted position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element is retracted. 11414. A multifunctional writing implement comprising a body that houses at least two writing elements , each writing element comprising a writing tip , a selection device that is designed for selecting a writing element from the at least two writing elements , and a retraction device that is designed for moving a selected writing element between a writing position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element projects from the body , and a retracted position in which the writing tip of the selected writing element is pulled in , the body comprising a front portion and a rear portion , the front portion and the rear portion being rotatable relative to one another , the selection device comprising a cam that is rotatably coupled to the rear portion and is designed to cooperate , in abutment , with the writing elements , the writing elements (A , B) being rotatably coupled to the front portion , the retraction device comprising a ratchet mechanism , the ratchet mechanism comprising a piston that bears the cam of the selection device.2. A multifunctional writing implement according to claim 1 , wherein the retraction device is rotatably coupled to the rear portion.3. A multifunctional writing implement according claim 1 , wherein the ratchet mechanism comprises a rotary cam that cooperates claim 1 , in abutment claim 1 , with the cam of the selection device.4. A multifunctional writing implement according to claim 1 , wherein at least one writing element ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

One-Hand Operated Multi-Pencil

Номер: US20200247174A1
Автор: Arminak Armin

A four color multi-pencil capable of one-handed operation is presented. Each color is contained in a cartridge assembly and each cartridge assembly may be individually selected for use and the material within the cartridge advanced for dispensing by means of a single pressing motion. The multi-pencil is designed to be a “snap together” assembly. No fasteners or adhesives are required. The multi-pencil contains a main body and a barrel. Housed within the barrel are a plurality of cartridge assemblies. Housed within the main body are a plurality of slide members for actuating the cartridges. Each cartridge assembly contains a mechanism for advancing drawing material or material to be dispensed. 1. A multi-pencil , comprising:a main body having a closed forward end and an open aft end;a barrel having an open forward end and a tapered aft end, wherein the tapered aft end terminates in an aperture;the main body and the barrel configured such that the forward end of the barrel is slideably received within the aft end of main body;a plurality of cartridges movably retained within the barrel, each of the plurality of cartridges containing a drawing material and each cartridge configured to extrude the drawing material;a plurality of cartridge selectors, each of the plurality of cartridge selectors connected to one of the plurality of cartridges, each of the plurality of cartridge selectors is movable between a retracted position and a depressed position;wherein each cartridge of the plurality of cartridges comprises a material holder with a pushing rod slidably disposed therein; and,a movable sleeve slidably coupled with the pushing rod and having means for engaging and disengaging the pushing rod;wherein the means for engaging and disengaging the pushing rod is a tapered portion of the movable sleeve, wherein the tapered portion is divided into a first half and a second half;wherein the first half and the second half are inwardly deflectable to engage the pushing rod in ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Retractable Nosecone Writing Instrument

Номер: US20210331514A1

A writing instrument includes a body, a nosecone, and an adaptor each being of generally hollow tubular shape. Each the body, the nosecone, and the adaptor each have a first end and a second end. The first end of the adaptor is configured to slidably couple to the nosecone second end. The second end of the adaptor is coupled to the first end of the body. The writing instrument includes a writing element with a mounting end and a writing end where the mounting end is removably coupled to the second end of the body. The writing instrument includes a locking mechanism configured to selectively lock the nosecone in a storage position or a writing position. In the storage position, the nosecone extends and covers the writing end. In the writing position, the nosecone retracts and the writing end of the writing element extends beyond the nosecone. 1. A writing instrument , comprising:a body, a nosecone, and an adaptor, the body, nosecone, and adaptor each having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of the adaptor is configured to slidably couple to the second end of the nosecone and the second end of the adaptor is coupled to the first end of the body;a writing element having a writing end, the writing element housed at least partially within the body; anda locking mechanism configured to selectively lock the nosecone in a storage position and in a writing position, wherein when the nosecone is in the storage position, the nosecone is extended relative to the body and covers the writing end of the writing element, and when the nosecone is in the writing position, the nosecone is retracted relative to the body and the writing end of the writing element extends at least partially beyond the nosecone,wherein the locking mechanism comprises an extension element, a plunger, and a ratchet, the extension element, plunger, and ratchet being configured to slide over a portion of the writing element and fit inside the nosecone.2. The writing instrument of claim 1 , ...

18-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210354498A1
Автор: MICHENAUD Etienne

Multifunction writing instrument comprising a body extending in an axial direction and housing at least two retractable writing elements and a ring portion movable in rotation. The ring portion having at least as many pairs of guide surfaces as retractable writing elements. The writing elements include buttons. Each button is configured to cooperate with a respective one of the pair of guide surfaces of the ring portion. Actuation of the button of a writing element facilitates movement of the writing element from the retracted position to the writing position and returns any of the other writing elements in the writing position to the retracted position, whereby at most, one writing element is in the writing position. 1. A multifunction writing instrument comprising:a body extending in an axial direction and housing a ring portion movable in rotation about the axial direction, at least two retractable writing elements, and a fixed writing element;the ring portion having at least two pairs of guide surfaces and the at least two retractable writing elements each including a writing tip and a button, each of the at least two retractable writing elements being movable between a writing position in which the writing tip protrudes from the body and a retracted position in which the writing tip is retracted within the body;the button of each of the at least two retractable writing elements being configured to cooperate with the at least two pairs of guide surfaces so that actuation of the button of one of the at least two retractable writing elements facilitates movement of the one of the at least two retractable writing elements from the retracted position to the writing position and returns the other of the at least two retractable writing elements from the writing position to the retracted position, whereby at most, only one of the at least two retractable writing elements is in the writing position;wherein the buttons of the at least two retractable writing elements ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180272793A1
Автор: DeBoer Matthew

A marker and stamp system embodied in a double-end device is provided. The device includes a marker end and an opposing stamp end. The stamp end enables the creation of clear and concise group presentations/instructions through the uniform application of predetermined symbols via a stamp applicator portion and marking template, while the marker end facilitates the presentation of tailored, free-hand markings via application of a marker nib. 1. A marker and stamp system , comprising:a device extending from a marker end to an opposing stamp end.2. The marker and stamp system of claim 1 , further comprising a body portion interconnecting the marker and stamp ends.3. The marker and stamp system of claim 1 , further comprising a marker nib extending from the marker end.4. The marker and stamp system of claim 3 , further comprising a marker sleeve extending from the marker end claim 3 , wherein the marker nib protrudes from a distal end of the marker sleeve.5. The marker and stamp system of claim 2 , further comprising a marking template disposed along the stamp end claim 2 , wherein the marking template defines a void of a predetermined shape.6. The marker and stamp system of claim 5 , further comprising a tubular stamp nib housed by the body portion so that an applicator portion of the tubular stamp nib protrudes through the predetermined shape.7. The marker and stamp system of claim 6 , further comprising a tubular stamp reservoir in fluid communication with the tubular stamp nib.8. The marker and stamp system of claim 7 , further comprising a marker reservoir fluidly communicating with the marker nib.9. The marker and stamp system of claim 8 , further comprising a nib anchor extending through the lumens of the tubular stamp reservoir and the stamp nib so as to connect to the marker reservoir.10. The marker and stamp system of claim 9 , further comprising an anchor head perpendicularly joined to a distal end of the anchor so that the anchor head extends through the ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190275828A1

A manual device extends in an axial direction and includes a housing having a first housing portion and a second housing portion. First and second heads are each axially movable between a use position and a stowed position. The first head is in the stowed position when the second head is in the use position, whereas the second head is in the stowed position when the first head is in the use position. The first head and the second head both are carried by a single carriage movable in the axial direction and arranged inside a barrel. A groove forming a cam track is formed by a first shoulder of the first housing portion and by a second shoulder of the barrel. A lug of the carriage cooperates with the groove. 1. A manual device extending in an axial direction comprising: a housing having a first housing part having a first distal end and a second housing part having a second distal end opposite the first distal end in the axial direction; a first head being axially mobile between a use position in which the first head projects from the housing from the first distal end and a retracted position in which the first head is retracted into housing; a second head axially mobile between a use position in which the second head projects from the housing from the second distal end and a retracted position in which the second head is retracted into housing , the first head being in the retracted position when the second head is in the use position while the second head is in the retracted position when the first head is in the use position; and a barrel being disposed inside the housing , the first head and the second head both being borne by a carriage that is a single carriage mobile along the axial direction , the carriage being arranged at least partly inside barrel , the first housing part being coupled with the barrel in rotation around the axial direction , while the second housing part is coupled with the carriage in rotation around the axial direction , the carriage ...

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200282762A1
Принадлежит: Societe Bic

A writing instrument comprising a housing extending in a longitudinal direction and having a radial direction, and first and second concentric writing tips, the second writing tip arranged around the first writing tip, each writing tip received in the housing and able to assume an operating configuration, the housing comprising, at a longitudinal end, a deformable nose at least in the radial direction, the deformable nose comprising at least one slit extending in the longitudinal direction, the deformable nose not being deformed when only the first writing tip is in an operating configuration and the deformable nose being deformed when the second writing tip is in an operating configuration, the deformable nose comprising an exit opening of the first and second writing tips, the diameter of the exit opening being greater than the diameter of the first writing tip and less than that of the second writing tip. 1. A writing instrument comprising a housing extending in a longitudinal direction and having a radial direction , the writing instrument comprising a first concentric writing tip and a second concentric writing tip , the second writing tip being arranged around the first writing tip , each writing tip being received in the housing and being able to assume an operating configuration in which the writing tip protrudes from the housing , the housing comprising , at a longitudinal end , a deformable nose at least in the radial direction , the deformable nose comprising at least one slit extending in the longitudinal direction , the deformable nose not being deformed when only the first writing tip is in the operating configuration and the deformable nose being deformed when the second writing tip is in the operating configuration and the deformable nose comprising an exit opening of the first and second writing tips , the diameter of the exit opening being greater than the diameter of the first writing tip and less than the diameter of the second writing tip.2. The ...

05-11-2015 дата публикации

Multicolor eyeliner, lipliner, balpoint pen

Номер: US20150313343A1
Автор: SR. Bela William, Weibl

There are presently no suppliers in the cosmetics industry that offer an eyeliner applicator with more than two colors. My pen style applicator contains four different colors of eyeliner which can be selected by pressing down a button on top of the pen. The eyeliner is contained in replaceable cartridges which would be available in numerous colors. It is a simple 15 part device similar in design to an ordinary four color pen. It consists of three main body parts and twelve internal moving parts as shown in the drawings. 1132614455662366213666644663244adadadadadadadadadad. A composite liquid gel eyeliner applicator and holder with potential ability to contain other liquid gel cosmetic products, comprising of 2 hollow housing members (,), a cartridge guide hub (), and a plurality of up to 4 carrier members (-); the upper hollow housing member () comprising of 4 knob slide slots and latching slots used in conjunction with push knobs (-) and return springs (-) to protract/retract the carrier members (-) through the cartridge guide hub (); the lower hollow housing member (), has an applicator tip opening at one end where the carrier members (-) will protrude, and a plurality of up to 4 carrier members contained within; the cartridge guide hub () is in between the Upper housing member () and the lower housing member () containing 4 openings where the carrier members (-) will pass through; the carrier members (-) contain unique replaceable cosmetic cartridges with special ballpoint applicators, they will pass through the cartridge guide hub and attach to the bottom of the push knobs (-); Carrier members (-) replacement is achieved by unscrewing lower housing member () from Cartridge guide hub (), pulling out the empty carrier member, and pushing the new carrier member through the cartridge guide hub until it attaches to the push knobs (-). Not ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableFollowing extensive research we were unable to find anyone who produces an ...

19-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150328917A1
Автор: Jackson Daniel Travis

A flexible marker includes a flexible body for gripping, and a marking implement carried at least partially within the body. The body is flexible to conform to the grip preferences of a user, The body has two parallel lateral sides and a first longitudinal end defining a central apex from which the marking implement can be extended. The body can be folded along or near a central longitudinal axis to bring together two lateral sides. The body can be folded along a first laterally extending axis in a first configuration in which the marking implement extends longitudinally beyond a second longitudinal end for use of the marking implement. The body can be folded along a second laterally extending axis in a second configuration in which the second longitudinal end extends longitudinally beyond the marking implement.

08-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180319202A1
Автор: ODAKA Tadao

A composite writing implement according to an embodiment includes a barrel, writing shafts housed in the barrel, a cam main body including a cam projection, an end surface extending along the cam projection, and a latch recess provided in the cam projection, and sliders configured to be connected to respective rear ends of the writing shafts, and include a cam configured to be latchable to the latch recess, and have a sliding contact surface to be pressed against the end surface, wherein the end surface includes a first inclined portion that is positioned on the front end side of the cam projection and is inclined by a first incline angle, and a second inclined portion that is positioned further toward the rear end side of the cam projection than the first inclined portion, and is inclined by a second incline angle that is larger than the first incline angle. 1. A composite writing implement comprising:a barrel having an opening provided in a front end side thereof;a plurality of writing shafts housed in the barrel;a cam main body configured to rotate about a central axis of the barrel, and include a cam projection projecting toward the front end side, an end surface extending along the cam projection so as to face the front end side, and a latch recess provided in an apex part of the cam projection; anda plurality of sliders configured to be connected to respective rear ends of the plurality of writing shafts, and include a cam configured to be latchable to the latch recess of the cam main body, and have a sliding contact surface facing a rear end side to be pressed against the end surface,wherein the end surface includes a first inclined portion that is positioned on the front end side of the cam projection and is inclined relative to the central axis by a first incline angle, and a second inclined portion that is positioned further toward the rear end side of the cam projection than the first inclined portion, and is inclined relative to the central axis by a ...

17-11-2016 дата публикации

Input apparatus, electronic apparatus having the same, and control method thereof

Номер: US20160334863A1

An input apparatus, an electronic apparatus having the same, and a control method thereof are provided. The input apparatus includes a body, a first input unit provided in first end of the body and configured to input information to a first medium, and a second input unit detachably coupled to one of the first input unit and a second end of the body and configured to provide information input to a second medium. An input mode of the input apparatus is selectively set to one of the first input unit and the second input unit according to a coupling position of the second input unit.

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150343832A1
Автор: TANI Yoshikazu

A multi pencil includes a cylindrical main body, a cylindrical leading tube engaged with the main body, and a plurality of sliding parts that are each coupled with a plurality of drawing materials held in the interior of the leading tube and slidably provided by a constant distance with respect to the main body. Regarding this configuration, one arbitrary sliding part, out of the plurality of sliding parts, moves forward by a constant distance with respect to the main body, whereby the drawing material coupled with the sliding part is exposed from the leading tube, and in this state, the leading tube and the main body are relatively rotated in one direction, which allows the drawing material to move forward. In the multi pencil, the forward movement of the drawing material is regulated by the relative rotation of the leading tube and the main body in the one direction. 1. A multi pencil comprising:a cylindrical main body;a cylindrical leading tube configured to be engaged with the main body; anda plurality of sliding parts configured to be each coupled with a plurality of drawing materials held in an interior of the leading tube and configured to be slidably provided by a constant distance with respect to the main body, andwherein one arbitrary sliding part, out of the plurality of sliding parts, moves forward by a constant distance with respect to the main body, whereby the drawing material coupled with the one arbitrary sliding part is exposed from the leading tube, and in this state, the leading tube and the main body are relatively rotated in one direction, which allows the drawing material to move forward,wherein only a forward movement of the drawing material is regulated by relative rotation of the leading tube and the main body in the one direction.2. The multi pencil according to further comprising a ratchet mechanism configured to allow a first relative rotation of the leading tube and the main body in the one direction and regulate a second relative ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170332766A1
Автор: Caulier Eric
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

Applicator () for applying a cosmetic or care product, which extends along a longitudinal axis (X) and has: —an applicator member (), —a holder () for the applicator member, and a handle () that defines a gripping surface allowing the user to hold the applicator during the application of the product, the handle being deformable with shape memory at least along a part of its length. 1. Applicator for applying a cosmetic or care product , which extends along a longitudinal axis and has:an applicator member,a holder for the applicator member, anda handle that defines a gripping surface allowing the user to hold the applicator during the application of the product, the handle being deformable with shape memory at least along a part of its length.2. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the handle extends initially without deformation in a rectilinear manner along the longitudinal axis of the applicator.3. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the handle extends along a length greater than 25 mm claim 1 , better still greater than 30 or 40 mm.4. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the handle is deformable in a portion that is deformable with shape memory and extends along a length of between 20 and 100 mm claim 1 , better still between 30 and 90 mm.5. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the handle has a non-deformable portion that is disposed at a proximal end thereof.6. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the handle has a core that is deformable with shape memory and is made of a first material claim 1 , in particular a malleable metal material claim 1 , and a sheath covering the core claim 1 , made of a second material.7. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the holder is rigid.8. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the handle is configured such that it can be deformed through 360°.9. Applicator according to claim 1 , wherein the force to be applied by the user in order to deform the handle is between 0.5 and 10 N.10. Applicator ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190322121A1

A hand-held device, in particular a writing instrument, comprising a body, a single carriage carrying a first head and a second head, or a first carriage and a second carriage carrying respectively the first head and the second head, and a blocking device including a cavity and a ball, the ball) blocking the single carriage or the first carriage when the first end is below the second end, such that the first head is blocked and projecting while the second head is retracted, and the ball blocking the single carriage or the second carriage when the first end is above the second end, such that the second head is blocked and projecting while the second first head is retracted. 18-. (canceled)9. A writing instrument , comprising:a body extending along an axial direction and presenting a first axial end and a second axial end opposite from the first axial end along the axial direction;a single carriage housed in the body and movable in translation along the axial direction relative to the body, the single carriage carrying a first head and a second head opposite from the first head along the axial direction housed in the body and being movable in translation along the axial direction relative to the body and a single blocking device including a single cavity and at least one ball;the at least one ball is configured to block the single carriage relative to the body when, relative to a direction of gravity, the first axial end is below the second axial end, so that the first head is blocked relative to the body to project axially from the first axial end, while the second head is retracted into the body, andthe at least one ball is configured to block the single carriage when, in the direction of gravity, the first axial end is above the second axial end, so that the second head is blocked relative to the body to project axially from the second axial end, while the first head is retracted into the body.10. The writing instrument of claim 9 , wherein the single cavity ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160347111A1
Автор: Sferle Florina

A cap connector is provided. The cap connector includes an elongated cord. The present invention further includes a plurality of caps. Each cap may include a first end having a rim forming an opening leading into the cap and a second end. An aperture is formed through the second end of the cap. The elongated cord runs through each of the apertures of each of the caps, thereby securing the caps together and to the cord. 1. An apparatus comprising:an elongated cord; anda plurality of caps, wherein each cap comprises a first end and a second end, wherein the first end comprises a rim forming an opening leading into the cap, and the second end comprises at least one aperture, whereinthe elongated cord runs through the aperture of each of the plurality of caps, thereby securing the plurality of caps to the cord.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of writing utensils each comprising a first end comprising a writing tip claim 1 , wherein the first end of each of the plurality of writing utensils is releasably attached to the first end of one of the plurality of caps.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of writing utensils are each a marker.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the elongated cord comprises an endless loop.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a carrying ring secured to the elongated cord.6. A method of attaching writing utensils together comprising the steps of:forming an aperture through a plurality of caps of a plurality of writing utensils;running a cord through each of the apertures of the plurality of caps; andconnecting a first end of the cord to a second end of the cord forming an endless loop.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of writing utensils are each a marker.8. The method of claim 6 , further comprising the step of securing a carrying ring to the elongated cord. This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. provisional application No. 62/168,056, filed May 29, 2015, the ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190329585A1
Автор: Skinner Craig
Принадлежит: Crayola LLC

Provided is an integrated highlighting marker system. The marking system includes a multi-component marker ink comprising a base colorant and a tinting colorant. The marking system also includes a highlighting component configured to transform the base colorant from a first colored state to a second colored state based on the tinting colorant. The highlighting component may be configured to transform the primary base colorant from a colored state to a transparent state to reveal the tinting colorant.

29-11-2018 дата публикации

Stackable Chalk Dispensing Device

Номер: US20180339542A1

The technology described herein relates to a stackable chalk dispensing device that allows a user to stack multiple chalk dispensing devices to form a vertical or horizontal stack of chalk dispensing devices. The vertical stack of stackable chalk dispensing devices increases the reach of the chalk dispensing device, for example, allowing a user to use the chalk within the chalk dispensing device closest to a receiving surface that the user wishes to mark with the chalk dispensing device. The horizontal stack allows a user to mark with several chalks at once. Thus, the stackable chalk dispensing devices allow for the vertical or horizontal stacking of chalks, which allows users to have flexibility in how the users want to interact with multiple chalks at once, whether it is to reach the floor from a standing position, or making multiple markings with several chalks simultaneously. 1. A stackable chalk dispensing device comprising:a housing portion comprising a first terminal portion and a second terminal portion;a first end cap fitted to the first terminal portion of the housing portion; anda second end cap fitted to the second terminal portion of the housing portion, wherein the second end cap comprises a chalk holding/dispensing mechanism disposed within a sheltering portion of the second end cap.2. The stackable chalk dispensing device of claim 1 , wherein the sheltering portion of the second end cap comprises a first interior diameter/perimeter that is larger than a second interior diameter/perimeter of the dispenser tip portion.3. The stackable chalk dispensing device of claim 2 , wherein the chalk holding/dispensing mechanism comprises a spring claim 2 , and a ring portion with a tab portion.4. The stackable chalk dispensing device of claim 3 , wherein when the spring is in a relaxed state claim 3 , the spring is expanded claim 3 , and wherein when the spring is in a loaded state claim 3 , the spring is contracted.5. The stackable chalk dispensing device of ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации

Refill for writing implements and writing implements using the same

Номер: US20190337323A1
Автор: Takayuki Ikai
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Pencil Co Ltd

A refill for writing implements has an ink reservoir tube (1) made of resin material and formed to be a straight cylinder and a writing tip (2) attached to one end of the ink reservoir tube (1), and a value of an expression of D4−(D−2t)4 is selected to be 45 or greater, where D denotes an outer diameter of the ink reservoir tube (1) and t denotes a thickness of the ink reservoir tube (1). It is possible to secure the necessary storage amount of ink in the ink reservoir tube (1) without increasing the outer diameter thereof, and is also possible to provide a refill for a writing implement and a writing implement which allow one to keep writing comfortably without feeling of discomfort in writing.

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170361639A1

A writing instrument includes a cylindrical outer housing, one end of the outer housing having an outer opening, and an electronic pen body stored in the outer housing. The electronic pen body includes a stylus, one end of the stylus in an axial direction of the stylus serving as a pen tip, and a cylindrical inner housing storing the stylus, the one end of the stylus serving as the pen tip extending from an inner opening at a distal end of the inner housing, the inner opening of the inner housing defining one axial end of a hole extending axially forming a stylus guide that enables the stylus to move axially. In operation, the pen tip of the stylus and a distal portion of the inner housing having the inner opening extend from the outer opening of the outer housing. 1. A writing instrument comprising:a cylindrical outer housing, a first end of the outer housing having an outer opening; andan electronic pen body stored in the outer housing, a stylus, a first end of the stylus in an axial direction of the stylus serving as a pen tip, and', 'a cylindrical inner housing storing the stylus, the first end of the stylus serving as the pen tip extending from an inner opening at a distal end of the inner housing, the inner opening of the inner housing defining one axial end of a hole extending axially forming a stylus guide that enables the stylus to move axially, and, 'wherein the electronic pen body includeswherein, in operation, the pen tip of the stylus and a distal portion of the inner housing having the inner opening extend from the outer opening of the outer housing.2. The writing instrument according to claim 1 ,wherein, on a second end of the stylus opposite the first end of the stylus serving as the pen tip is a writing pressure detector which, in operation, is pushed in by the stylus while the stylus is moved toward the writing pressure detector.3. The writing instrument according to claim 1 ,wherein the stylus guide of the inner housing is externally tapered.4. ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190347507A1

Presented is a smart multi-color writing tool in the form of a pen having a color capture and replication capability, and is equipped with a novel ink dispensing, mixing, and delivery system. The multi color writing tool is configured to capture/scan any colors from variety of objects or images, store the captured colors from the objects or images within a local memory unit configured within the tool or transmit the same to a remotely located computing device, and make use of the captured colors for writing on, marking, or coloring objects, paper, and/or other suitable surfaces. 1100. A multi-color writing tool () with color capture and replication capability configured for writing on , marking , or coloring objects , paper , and/or other suitable surfaces , comprising:{'b': 102', '102, 'claim-text': [{'b': 103', '103, 'claim-text': [{'b': 104', '104', '103', '104', '104, 'i': a', 'd', 'a', 'd, 'at least four ink cartridges (-) disposed within the first section () near the proximal end, each of the at least four ink cartridges (-) containing a different basic color ink for dispensing on the objects, paper, or other suitable surfaces;'}, {'b': '105', 'a color capturing button ();'}, {'b': 106', '12', '14', '16', '16', '20', '16', '105', '12, 'a control circuitry () comprising at least a microcontroller unit (), a memory unit (), and one or more optical sensors (), the one or more optical sensors () disposed near the distal end and adapted to capture a color from an object or image () placed in view of the one or more optical sensors (), upon activation of the color capturing button (), and the microcontroller unit () adapted to receive and process the captured color to derive corresponding basic color values; and'}], 'a first section () having a proximal end, and a distal end, the first section () comprising, {'b': 110', '115, 'claim-text': [{'b': 113', '113', '104', '104', '104', '104', '113', '113', '12', '20, 'i': a', 'd', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'd, 'at least ...

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190366756A1
Автор: MICHENAUD Etienne

Multifunction writing instrument comprising a body extending in an axial direction and housing at least two retractable writing elements and a ring portion movable in rotation. The ring portion having at least as many pairs of guide surfaces as retractable writing elements. The writing elements include buttons. Each button is configured to cooperate with a respective one of the pair of guide surfaces of the ring portion. Actuation of the button of a writing element facilitates movement of the writing element from the retracted position to the writing position and returns any of the other writing elements in the writing position to the retracted position, whereby at most, one writing element is in the writing position. 111-. (canceled)12. A multifunction writing instrument comprising:a body extending in an axial direction and housing a ring portion movable in rotation about the axial direction, at least two retractable writing elements, and a fixed writing element;the ring portion having at least two pairs of guide surfaces and the at least two retractable writing elements each including a writing tip and a button, each of the at least two retractable writing elements being movable between a writing position in which the writing tip protrudes from the body and a retracted position in which the writing tip is retracted within the body;the buttons being configured to cooperate with the pair of guide such that actuation of the button facilitates movement of one of the at least two retractable writing elements from the retracted position to the writing position and returns the other of the at least two retractable writing elements from the writing position to the retracted position, whereby at most, only one of the at least two retractable writing elements is in the writing position;wherein the buttons of the at least two retractable writing elements are disposed radially outside the ring portion while the fixed writing element extends inside the ring portion.13. The ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200398605A1
Автор: BEZ Arnaud, ROLION Franck

A writing felt pen including a barrel and a nib attached to the barrel, and a deformable pouch comprising a mix of absorbent polymer and fibres, an ink being absorbed in the absorbent polymer and the nib being in fluidic communication with the mix. 1. A writing felt pen comprising a barrel , a nib attached to the barrel , and a deformable pouch comprising a mix of absorbent polymer and fibres , an ink being absorbed in the absorbent polymer and the nib being in fluidic communication with the mix.2. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the nib is inserted into a buffer claim 1 , the buffer being in contact with the mix.3. The writing felt pen according to claim 2 , wherein the buffer has a porosity greater than the porosity of the nib.4. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres are made of polyethylene claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polyamide or polyacrylonitrile.5. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres are fibres having a denier between 1 and 10 den.6. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres are continuous fibres having a length greater than 10 cm.7. The writing felt pen according to claim 6 , wherein the continuous fibres have a length equal to or smaller than five times the maximum barrel length.8. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the fibres are staple fibres having a length equal to or smaller than 10 cm.9. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the content of absorbent polymer in the mix is capable of absorbing all the ink.10. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the absorbent polymer is made of polyacrylamide of potassium claim 1 , polyacrylamide of sodium claim 1 , polyacrylate of potassium claim 1 , polyacrylate of sodium or crosslinked poly(itaconate).11. The writing felt pen according to claim 1 , wherein the nib is a sintered powder nib.12. The writing felt pen according to claim 11 , wherein the sintered powder nib comprises ...

24-12-2020 дата публикации

Multi-function writing instrument comprising a leadholder system

Номер: US20200398607A1
Принадлежит: BIC SA

A multi-function writing instrument comprises a body extending in an axial direction and a radial direction, and having at least two writing elements arranged inside the body, each writing element comprising a writing head and a button, at least one button extending in the radial direction through a window and allowing the writing element to be moved between a retracted position in which the writing head is retracted into the body and a writing position in which the writing head projects from the body, and one of the writing elements being a leadholder system comprising a leadholder mechanism and a lead container, the button of the leadholder system comprising a lead-insertion channel extending in the axial direction.

01-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CN100473799C
Автор: 郭钟螫
Принадлежит: Quan Fanzhe


11-08-2005 дата публикации

Multicolor light-emitting ballpen

Номер: KR200392109Y1
Автор: 김진웅
Принадлежит: 김진웅

본 고안에 따른 다색 발광 볼펜은 복수 개의 볼펜심들(20)을 내장한 몸통(2), 상기 몸통(2)의 하단에 결합된 하부뚜껑(3), 상기 몸통(2)의 상단에 위치하며 케이스(5b) 및 상기 케이스(5b)를 덮는 뚜껑(5a)으로 구성되고 상기 케이스(5b)는 중앙에 관통공(54)이 형성되며 발광다이오드(LED; 50)와 밧데리(52) 및 밧데리 홀더(53)가 설치된 인쇄회로기판(51)을 가진 발광장치부(5), 상기 몸통(2)의 상단부에 형성된 버튼홈들(7a), 상기 버튼홈들(7a)의 각각마다 삽입되며 상부돌기(71) 및 하부돌기(72)를 구비한 누름버튼들(7), 상기 몸통(2)의 내부에서 상기 볼펜심들(20)을 안내하는 안내통(24), 상기 안내통(24)과 상기 누름버튼들(7) 사이에서 각 볼펜심(20)마다 끼워진 스프링들(22), 상기 안내통(24)과 상기 하부뚜껑(3)의 사이에 끼워진 지지통(25a, 25b), 및 상기 발광장치부(5)의 케이스(5b)의 관통공(54)을 통과하고 그 상단에는 도전성 물질이 도포된 스위치 수단(9)을 구비한다. 상기 스위치 수단(9)은 누름버튼들 중의 하나의 누름버튼(7)이 볼펜사용위치로부터 원 위치로 복귀할 때에 그 누름버튼(7)의 타격에 의해 인쇄회로기판(51) 밑면의 접촉회로부(51a)와 접촉함으로써 발광다이오드(50)가 점멸되도록 한다. The multi-color light-emitting ball pen according to the present invention is located on the upper body (2), the lower lid (3) coupled to the lower end of the body (2), a plurality of ball pen cores 20 built-in It consists of a case (5b) and a lid (5a) covering the case (5b), the case (5b) has a through hole 54 formed in the center, the light emitting diode (LED) 50, the battery 52 and the battery holder A light emitting device unit 5 having a printed circuit board 51 provided with 53 is inserted in each of the button grooves 7a and the button grooves 7a formed at the upper end of the body 2, and the upper projections. A push button 7 having a 71 and a lower protrusion 72, a guide tube 24 for guiding the ball pen cores 20 in the body 2, and the guide tube 24; Springs 22 fitted for each ball pen core 20 between the pushbuttons 7, Support cylinders 25a and 25b sandwiched between the guide cylinder 24 and the lower lid 3, and the Case of light emitting device section 5 The switch means 9 which passes through the through-hole 54 of 5b, and the upper end of which has a conductive substance applied is provided. The switch means 9 is a contact circuit portion of the bottom surface of the printed circuit board 51 by hitting the push button 7 when the push button 7 of one of the push buttons returns from the ball pen use ...

22-06-2016 дата публикации

Multi-color writing instrument having an automatic return function

Номер: KR101632590B1
Автор: 천광주
Принадлежит: 천광주

The present invention relates to a multi-color writing instrument having an automatic return function, which prevents damage to the exposed tip of the writing instrument and clothes when not in use as the exposed tip of the writing instrument is automatically received in a pen housing. The multi-color writing instrument having an automatic return function comprises: a lower housing (10) which has a tip entrance hole (11) in the front end; an upper housing (20) which is connected to the top of the lower housing (10); a clip member (30) which is installed in the upper housing (20) to be moved; a coil spring (40) which is elastically installed between the clip member (30) and the upper housing (20); tips (50) which are received in the upper and lower housings (20, 10) and are filled with two or more different color inks; knobs (60) of which the ends are fitted and assembled to the tips (50), respectively; return springs (70) which are elastically installed between the tips (50) and the knobs (60); a return member (80) which is formed in the clip member (30) to be integrated; and auxiliary members (90) which are formed between the return member (80) and the knobs (60) and simultaneously press the knobs (60) when the return member (80) is rotated.

11-03-2003 дата публикации

a ball-point pen to write possible of two color

Номер: KR200306939Y1
Автор: 송진호
Принадлежит: 송진호

본 고안은, 색깔이 다른 2개의 볼펜심을 내부에 수용하는 케이스를 구성하고, 상기 케이스의 내부에 장착된 2개의 볼펜심 중, 하나의 볼펜심을 선택하여 사용할 수 있도록 사용자의 검지손가락으로 변환시키는 작동부를 구성함으로서, 사용자가 필기도중 사용자 손의 자세를 크게 변환시키지 않는 상태에서 검지손가락으로 쉽게 색깔이 다른 2개의 볼펜심을 선택적으로 변환시키므로, 용이하게 사용할 수 있는 2가지 색깔의 필기가 가능한 필기구에 관한 것이다. The present invention constitutes a case accommodating two different ball pen nibs inside, and converts the user's index finger so that one of the two ball pen nibs mounted inside the case can be selected and used. By configuring the unit, the user can selectively convert two ballpoint pens of different colors easily with the index finger while the user does not greatly change the posture of the user's hand during writing. will be.

25-08-2020 дата публикации

Multicolor writing instruments with extended nib length and capacity

Номер: KR102148104B1
Автор: 어명혁
Принадлежит: 어명혁

펜심의 길이 및 용량이 확장된 다색 필기구에 관한 것으로, 소정의 직경으로 형성된 상부케이스의 내면에 클립부재가 체결되도록 나선부가 형성된 상부케이스와, 상기 상부케이스의 하부로 연장된 하부케이스로 이루어지고, 상기 하부케이스에 다수의 펜심이 수납되도록 각각 구획된 펜심공간부가 형성된 케이스부재; 상기 나선부에 체결되도록 클립몸체의 하부에 나선부가 형성되고, 노크가이드부재 및 노크부재가 클립부재의 내측에 안정되게 결합시킴은 물론 상기 노크부재의 승강을 억제시키도록 노크박스부가 일체로 형성된 클립부재; 상기 케이스부재의 내부에 설치된 다수의 펜심이 상기 케이스부재의 외측으로 출몰시키는 노크부재가 설치되도록 상기 클립부재의 내측에 결합되는 노크가이드부재; 상기 다수의 펜심에 각각 대응되게 상기 펜심을 가압 시킬 수 있도록 상기 노크가이드부재에 승강 가능하게 설치되는 다수의 노크부재;를 마련하여 케이스부재 내에 각각의 펜심이 수납되는 공간부에 독립 작동되게 펜심을 구비할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 펜심의 길이를 종래의 펜심보다 길게 형성하여 대용량의 잉크를 수용할 수 있으며, 이로 인해 필기구의 사용 기간을 증대시킬 수 있다는 효과가 얻어진다.

23-06-2008 дата публикации

Absorbent pad having a peel strip removable at a time and a pack for the same

Номер: KR100840841B1
Принадлежит: 유한킴벌리 주식회사

본 발명은, 액체 투과성 상면 시트, 상기 상면 시트와 일부분 이상이 결합되는 액체 비투과성 하면 시트, 상기 상면 시트와 상기 하면 시트 사이에 위치되어 있는 흡수 코어로 구성된 중앙부, 그리고 상기 중앙부의 횡방향 연장부로서 상기 상면 시트와 동일한 방향을 향하는 상면과 상기 하면 시트와 동일한 방향을 향하는 하면을 갖는 한 쌍의 날개로 구성되는 날개부를 갖는 흡수패드에 있어서, 상기 흡수패드를 의복에 부착하기 위한 것으로 상기 날개부의 각각의 하면과, 상기 중앙부의 상기 하면 시트에 도포되어 있는 다수의 의복 접착부, 그리고 상기 다수의 의복 접착부에 분리 가능하게 부착될 수 있게 릴리즈 코팅 처리된 코팅면과 상기 코팅면의 반대면인 노출면을 갖는 하나의 몸체로 된 스트립을 포함하는 흡수패드를 제공한다. The present invention provides a liquid permeable top sheet, a liquid impermeable bottom sheet to which at least a portion of the top sheet is coupled, a central portion consisting of an absorbent core positioned between the top sheet and the bottom sheet, and a transverse extension portion of the center portion. An absorbent pad comprising a pair of wings having a top surface facing in the same direction as the top sheet and a bottom surface facing in the same direction as the bottom sheet, wherein the absorbent pad is attached to the garment. Each of the lower surface, a plurality of garment adhesive portions applied to the bottom sheet of the central portion, and an exposed surface opposite to the coating surface with a release coated coating surface detachably attached to the plurality of garment adhesive portions. It provides an absorbent pad including a strip of one body having a. 흡수패드, 포장, 팩, 스트립, 날개, 생리대, 릴리즈 Absorbent Pad, Packed, Pack, Strip, Wing, Sanitary Napkin, Release

18-08-2017 дата публикации

By starting writing

Номер: CN107048674A
Автор: 谷仁, 谷仁一
Принадлежит: Tokiwa Corp


19-06-2020 дата публикации

Multi-color writing tool with automatic return function

Номер: CN106808847B
Автор: 千光柱
Принадлежит: Individual


16-02-2004 дата публикации

Composite writing instrument

Номер: JP3497568B2

27-11-2006 дата публикации

Tent folding type auto

Номер: KR100649607B1
Автор: 곽종석
Принадлежит: 곽종석, 권범철

본 발명은 자동 절첩식 텐트에 관한 것으로, 상부 지지폴의 상부측에 자동으로 펼쳐질 수 있는 프레임 구조를 설치하여 토션스프링의 탄성력만으로 텐트의 상부 지지폴이 펼쳐질 수 있도록 함으로써 텐트의 설치와 해체시 별도의 작업없이 보다 용이하게 텐트를 펼쳐 설치하거나 접어 해체할 수 있도록 함에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 구성되는 본 발명은 상부 지지폴 각각의 방사상 중심방향 끝단으로부터 일정거리에 설치 고정되어지되 방사상의 중심 방향측에 힌지 결합홈이 형성된 힌지 결합부재; 상부 지지폴의 상부면 상부측으로 위치되어 프레임의 펼쳐진 상태를 유지시키는 프레임 유지폴; 프레임 유지폴의 상단 각각이 힌지 결합되는 프레임 유지폴 결합홈이 방사상으로 형성되어 상부 지지폴의 방사상 중심부 상부측에 위치되는 프레임 유지폴 결합부재; 프레임 유지폴 결합부재의 하부 중심에 수직 방향으로 결합 고정되어 승강면을 제공하는 승강 가이드 부재; 승강 가이드 부재의 외주연에 상하로 승강 가능하게 결합되어지되 상부 지지폴의 방사상 중심방향 끝단이 힌지 결합되는 상부 지지폴 결합홈이 방사상으로 형성된 승강부재; 승강 가이드 부재의 하단에 결합 고정되어 승강부재의 하강시 그 하강을 제한하되 그 하단면에는 텐트천의 최상단 중심에 구비된 고리부재를 거는 고리홈이 형성된 스토퍼; 및 벌어지려는 탄성력을 통해 프레임의 펼쳐진 상태를 유지시키는 프레임 유지 토션스프링을 포함하여 이루어진다. The present invention relates to an automatic folding tent, by installing a frame structure that can be automatically unfolded on the upper side of the upper support pole so that the upper support pole of the tent can be unfolded only by the elastic force of the torsion spring separate when installing and dismantling the tent Its purpose is to make it easier to open, unfold, or dismantle the tent without the work of a person. The present invention is configured for this purpose is installed hinged at a predetermined distance from the radial center direction end of each of the upper support pole, the hinge coupling member formed with a hinge coupling groove in the radial center direction side; A frame retaining pole positioned toward an upper side of an upper surface of the upper support pole to maintain an unfolded state of the frame; A frame retaining pole engaging member having a top of the frame retaining pole hingedly coupled to each other so as to be radially formed, and positioned at an upper side of the radial center of the upper support pole; An elevating guide member coupled to the lower center of the frame retaining pole engaging member in a vertical direction to provide an elevating surface; An elevating member which is coupled to the outer periphery of the ...

03-05-2006 дата публикации

Method of packaging of mems device at the vacuum state and vacuum packaged mems device using the same

Номер: KR100575363B1

오링을 이용하여 진공상태에서 미소기계소자의 실장 방법 및 이 방법에 의해 진공 실장된 미소기계소자가 개시된다. 본 발명의 미소기계소자의 진공 실장 방법은 동공이 형성된 상부기판과 미소기계소자가 형성된 하부기판을 준비하여 진공챔버에 인입하고, 상기 하부기판의 미소기계소자의 가장자리 상에 오링을 개재하여 하부기판과 상부기판을 정렬한 한 후에 상기 상부기판과 하부기판 사이에 압력을 가하여 상기 오링이 상부기판과 하부기판 사이에서 압착하게 한다. 이어서, 상기 진공챔버를 벤트(vent)시켜서 진공과 대기압의 압력차이로 상부기판과 하부기판을 진공실장하고, 상기 상부기판과 하부기판 사이의 압력을 제거한다. 본 발명은 동공의 가스누설과 동공 내로의 가스방출이 없으면서도 공정이 간단하게 미소기계소자를 진공실장할 수 있다. A method of mounting a micromechanical element in a vacuum state using an O-ring and a micromechanical element vacuum-mounted by the method are disclosed. In the vacuum mounting method of the micromechanical element of the present invention, an upper substrate having a pupil and a lower substrate having a micromechanical element are prepared and introduced into a vacuum chamber, and the lower substrate is disposed on an edge of the micromechanical element of the lower substrate via an O-ring. After aligning the upper and upper substrates, pressure is applied between the upper and lower substrates so that the O-ring is compressed between the upper and lower substrates. Subsequently, the vacuum chamber is vented to vacuum mount the upper substrate and the lower substrate with a pressure difference between vacuum and atmospheric pressure, and remove the pressure between the upper substrate and the lower substrate. According to the present invention, the micromechanical element can be vacuum mounted in a simple process without the gas leakage of the pupil and the gas discharge into the pupil. 미소기계소자, 실장, 오링, 진공챔버, 벤트 Micro Mechanical Device, Mount, O-Ring, Vacuum Chamber, Vent

29-11-2018 дата публикации

Liquid cosmetic material container

Номер: KR101923809B1
Автор: 사오리 구도
Принадлежит: 가부시키가이샤 도끼와

거울을 보면서 화장을 할 때에 용기가 방해되지 않고, 또한 사용성을 향상시킨다. 용기 본체(1) 내에 액상 화장료를 수용하는 수용부(1a)를 마련하고, 본체(1)의 선단측에 통 구멍이 수용부(1a)에 연통하는 선통(2)을 마련하며, 본체(1) 및 선통(2) 내에 액상 화장료를 보내는 중계심(4)을 배치하고, 중계심(4)의 후단이 수용부(1a) 내에 위치함과 함께 선단을 선통(2) 선단의 개구(2a)로부터 돌출시켜 도포부(4a)로 하며, 선통(2)의 선단측이, 본체(1)의 축심에 대하여 경사진 경사부(2c)를 갖는 구성에 의하여, 거울을 보면서 화장을 할 때에 용기가 방해되지 않아 사용성을 향상시킬 수 있다. 또, 경사부(2c)의 통 구멍(2j)의 축심을, 경사부(2c)의 축심이 본체(1)의 축심에 대하여 경사지는 경사 방향과 동 방향으로, 경사부(2c)의 축심보다 더 경사시킴으로써, 도포부(4a)가 원래대로 되돌아가려고 휘어지면, 경사부(2c)의 축심에 도포부(4a)의 축심이 가까워져, 경사부(2c)와 도포부(4a)의 축심끼리가 대략 일치하게 되어, 사용성을 보다 향상시킬 수 있다. The container is not disturbed when making a makeup while looking at the mirror, and the usability is improved. The container body 1 is provided with the accommodating portion 1a for accommodating the liquid cosmetics and the tube 2 provided with the tube hole communicating with the accommodating portion 1a at the tip end side of the body 1, And the rear end of the relay padding 4 is positioned in the accommodating portion 1a and the distal end of the relay padding 4 is inserted into the opening 2a at the front end of the linear cylinder 2. [ And the tip end side of the linear tube 2 has the inclined portion 2c inclined with respect to the central axis of the main body 1 so that when the cosmetic is performed while looking at the mirror, So that the usability can be improved. The axial center of the tube hole 2j of the inclined portion 2c is set so that the axial center of the inclined portion 2c is inclined in the same direction as the inclined direction inclined with respect to the axial center of the main body 1 The central axis of the coated portion 4a is brought close to the axial center of the inclined portion 2c and the axial centers of the inclined portion 2c and the coated portion 4a are shifted toward each other So that the usability can be further improved.

12-05-1989 дата публикации

Composite writing-materials

Номер: KR890001646B1

This writing tool combines a propelling pencil and a ball-point pen with an improvement of the push button. The tool has within its rear barrel (2) a cam member (9) for pushing the rear ends of the lead holder (4) and the ball point holder (5) with a push botton (13). Turning of barrel (2) results for the cam member (9) to move in the axial direction the lead (4) and the ball point relative to each other for use. But the push botton pops out knocking only when the lead is pushed out.

17-04-2018 дата публикации

Multicolor boardmaker

Номер: KR101849221B1
Автор: 엄형근, 오한샘, 차민준
Принадлежит: 엄형근, 오한샘, 차민준

The present invention relates to a multicolor board marker, in which a pen tip (319) or an eraser in a same part as a grip (103) protrudes by pressing the grip (103) of a specific color or the eraser; and the pressed grip, and pen tip of the same color or the eraser is restored to an original state by pressing the grip of the other color which is not pressed. The multicolor board marker comprises: a use part (310) which is either a multicolor pen tip or the eraser; a section dividing part (300) for preventing ink mixing of the multicolor pen; and a body part for protecting the use part (310) and the section dividing part (300).

31-08-2010 дата публикации

Multi core writing tool

Номер: KR100979323B1

축통과, 축통 내에 전후방향으로 이동가능하게 수용된 복수의 필기체와, 상기 각각의 필기체를 후방으로 작동하는 탄발체와, 상기 각각의 필기체의 후단에 연결된 조작체와, 직경방향으로 관통설치되고, 상기 축통의 측벽에 전후방향으로 뻗는 복수의 창구멍을 갖는 다심 필기구, 여기서, 하나의 조작체를 창구멍에 따라 전방으로 슬라이드 시킴으로써, 그 하나의 조작체에 연결된 필기체의 펜 끝을 축통의 전단구멍으로부터 돌출시키며, 또한 이미 돌출되어 있던 다른 필기체의 펜 끝을 축통내에 몰입시킨다. 또, 필기 및 조작체는 축통내로부터 제거가능하게 또한 축통내로 삽입가능하다. A barrel, a plurality of writing bodies movably accommodated in the cylinder in the front-rear direction, a ballistic body for driving the respective writing bodies backward, an operating body connected to the rear end of each writing body, and penetrated in the radial direction, A multi-core writing instrument having a plurality of window holes extending in the front and rear directions on the side wall of the barrel, wherein a single operating body slides forward along the window hole, so that the pen tip of the writing connected to the one operating body protrudes from the front end of the shaft. Also, the pen tip of another handwriting that has already protruded is immersed in the barrel. In addition, the writing and operating bodies are removable from the barrel and can be inserted into the barrel. 축통, 필기체, 탄발체, 조작체 Shaft, cursive, bullet, manipulator

30-08-2017 дата публикации

Writing instrument and method for providing sealing means in writing instrument

Номер: EP3056352A4
Автор: Haruo ODAKA
Принадлежит: Epoch Chemical Co Ltd

07-10-1986 дата публикации

Combination writing device

Номер: SU1263200A3
Принадлежит: Зебра Ко,Лтд (Фирма)

1. КОМБИНИРОВАННОЕ ПИШУЩЕЕ УСТРОЙСТВО, содержащее трубчатый корпус, выполненный по высоте из двух частей,- верхн   из которых установлена с возможностью поворота на 180 относительно нижней, имеющей на концах отверсти , цилиндрическую муфту, имеющую две диаметрально расположенные канавки и стопорный кулачок на верхнем торце, направл ющую втулку, установленную на верхней части корпуса, охватывающую верхнюю часть цилиндрической муфты и имеющую в верхней части взаимодействующий с кулачком сегментный стопор, расположенные диаметрально противоположно относительно оси корпуса в его нижней части и смонтированные с возможностью осевого перемещени  механический карандаш и шариковый пишущий узел, пишущие элементы которьк обращены к отверстию нижнего конца корпуса и которые имеют на верхних концах расположенные в канавках цилиндрической муфты ползунки , взаимодействующие с направл ющей втулкой, а механический карандаш имеет установленный в кожухе с коническим наконечником с возможностью осевого перемещени , соединенньш с ползунком стержень, св занный с кожухом через соединительную втулку, цанговый патрон, взаимодействующий с зажимом, и установленное в наконечнике с возможностью перемещени  уплотнительное кольцо, о т л и ч- а ющ е е с   тем, что, с целью повышени  удобства в пользовании, оно имеет соединительную муфту, установленную в нижней части корпуса, цилиндрическа  муфта имеет в нижней части кольцевой выступ, жестко соединенньш с соединительной муфтой, нижн   часть корпуса св зана с верхней частью с возможностью осевого перемещени , направл юща  втулка имеет кулачок О) и паз, а ползунки механического ка-, с рандаша и шарикового пишущего узла имеют выступы дл  взаимодействи  с кулачком и пазом втулки. 2. Устройство по п.1, о-т л ичающеес  тем, что кулачок , направл ющей втулки выполнен в виде двух соединенных концами криволинейN ных выступов, а паз расположен в о зоне соединени  выступов, при этом со цилиндрическа  муфта св зана с наfo правл ющей втулкой с возможностью ...

28-06-2011 дата публикации

a pen

Номер: KR200454320Y1
Автор: 유영실
Принадлежит: 유영실

본 고안은 싸인펜을 개시한다. The present invention discloses a sign pen. 본 고안은, 내부에 유성 또는 수성 싸인펜 심이 내장된 원통형의 바디와; 바디의 상단부에 결합되어 싸인펜 심이 외부로 노출되는 것을 차단시키는 원추형 단면의 커버;로 이루어지되, 커버는, 바디와 연결되는 제1 커버와, 이 제1커버와 리브로 연결된채 제 1커버를 중심으로 개방되어 싸인펜 심이 노출되도록 개방 가능한 제2 커버로 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 하는 것으로서, 커버를 이루고 있는 제 1 커버가 바디에 나사 결합되어 있고, 제 2 커버는 제 1 커버에 리브를 통해 일체로 연결되는 것이기 때문에 별도의 부품을 사용하지 않고도 커버의 분실 우려를 미연에 방지할 수 있다. The present invention is a cylindrical body with an oily or aqueous pen pen core therein; A cover having a conical cross section coupled to an upper end of the body to prevent the sign pen core from being exposed to the outside; wherein the cover includes a first cover connected to the body and a first cover connected to the first cover and ribs; And a second cover open to expose the sign pen core, the first cover constituting the cover being screwed to the body, and the second cover being integrally connected to the first cover through a rib. Therefore, it is possible to prevent the loss of the cover without using a separate component. 또한 리브 자체가 동일 재질로 성형된 것이기 때문에 커버를 견고히 연결 시킬 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 외관을 저해하지 않으며 사용도 편리한 이점이 있다. In addition, since the rib itself is molded of the same material, the cover can be firmly connected, and it does not interfere with the appearance and has the advantage of being convenient.

01-09-2000 дата публикации

Transparence glass bead refraction reflex display panel

Номер: KR200195627Y1
Автор: 강신태랑
Принадлежит: 강신태랑

본 고안은 미입자상의 투명 유리알을 이용한 굴절 란반사 표지판에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a refraction ban reflection sign using a transparent glass ball on the fine particles. 종래에도 교통 안전 표시판과 같이 여러가지 종류의 빛 반사표지판이 공지된 바 있으나, 이와 같은 빛 반사표지판은 주로 야광 도료를 이용하고 있는 관계로 빛을 보내는 방향으로만 빛이 직반사되고, 빛을 보내지 않는 예컨대 차도의 건널목과 같은 측방향에서는 반사 빛을 볼 수 없어 안전사고를 유발케하는 폐단이 있었던 것이다. Conventionally, various kinds of light reflecting signs have been known, such as traffic safety signs. However, these light reflecting signs mainly use luminous paint, so light is directly reflected only in the direction of light transmission, and does not send light. For example, in the sideways, such as crossings of the roadway, there was a closed point that could not see reflected light, causing a safety accident. 본 고안은 이상의 문제점을 해결하고자 창안한 것으로 이의 고안요지는 평면 또는요철면으로 된 대판(1)(101)(201) 위에 임의의 색상이 투입된 페인트나 접착제로서 문자나 도형(5)을 표시한 후 이 접착제나 페인트가 건조하기 전에 그 위에 투명유리알(지름2mm∼10mm)(2)을 시포하여 이 도포액이 접착층(3)으로 되어 투명 유리알(2)을 고정시킨 후 먼 곳에서 빛을 보내게 되면 이 빛이 유리알(2)에서 굴절 란반사될 시는 페인트나 접착체에 착색된 색상이 함께 굴절 란반사하게 되고, 란반사 방향은 빛을 보낸 방향은 물론 빛을 보내지 않고 있는 측 방향으로도 란반사되기 때문에 안전사고 방지는 물론 광고 효율을 극대화 할 수 있는 것이다. The present invention was devised to solve the above problems, and the subject matter of the present invention is to display letters or figures (5) as paints or adhesives in which arbitrary colors are put on the flat plates (1) (101) (201) made of flat or uneven surfaces. After the adhesive or paint is dried, a transparent glass egg (diameter 2 mm to 10 mm) (2) is placed thereon, and the coating liquid becomes an adhesive layer (3) to fix the transparent glass egg (2) and then send light from a distance. When the light is refracted by the refraction in the glass ball 2, the colored color of the paint or adhesive is refracted by the refraction, and the refraction direction is not only the direction of the light but also the side of the light not being transmitted. Because it is reflective, safety accidents can be prevented as well as maximize advertising ...

15-09-1984 дата публикации

Composite writing instrument

Номер: SU1114327A3
Принадлежит: Зебра Ко,Лтд (Фирма)

СОСТАВНОЕ ПИШУЩЕЕ ПРИСПОСОБЛЕНИЕ , содержащее трубчатый.корпус, имеющий подвижный колпачокj шариковый пишущий узел и механический карандашный узел, установленные в трубчатом корпусе, и механизм продольного перемещени  и фиксации узлов , имекнций направл ющую втулку с наклонными поверхност ми у нижнего конца и расположенный в колпачке, цилиндрическую муфту, расположенную направл ющей втулке и имеющую направл юпще канавки дл  ползунов, прикрепленных к концам узлов, и стопор, отличающеес  тем, что, с целью повышени  удобства пользовани , механический карандашный узел содержит соединенную со св занным с ним ползуном соединительную втулку, св занную со стержнем, промежуточную втулку, св занную с соединительной втулкой, цанговый патрон, прикрепленный к промежуточной втулке, подпружиненную соединительную трубку, охватывающую цанговый патрон и зажимную втулку, расположенную ниже соединительной втулки дл  зажима цангового патрона, конический наконечник и упругое кольцо, расположенное в коСО ническом наконечнике дл  захвата карандаша , при этом направл юща  втулка имеет секторный упор на верхнем ее конце, стопор имеет у верхнего кон-2 ца цилиндрический кулачок дл  направлени  секторного упора и фиксации кольца на цилиндрическом кулачке COMPOSITION WRITTEN DEVICE, comprising a tubular body, a movable cap, a ball writing unit and a mechanical pencil unit, installed in a tubular body, and a mechanism for longitudinal movement and fixation of units, imitations a guide sleeve with inclined surfaces at the lower end and located in the cap, is cylindrical a sleeve disposed on the guide bushing and having a guideway grooves for sliders attached to the ends of the knots and a stopper, characterized in that, in order to increase the convenience of use The mechanical pencil assembly contains a connecting sleeve connected to the stem connected to the slide, an intermediate sleeve connected to the coupling sleeve, a collet chuck attached to the intermediate sleeve, a spring-loaded ...

21-06-2022 дата публикации

Multi-color writing instrument with increased length and capacity of refill

Номер: CN114650916A
Автор: 鱼命赫
Принадлежит: Individual


08-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR20200000726U
Автор: 김수철
Принадлежит: 김수철

본 고안은 필기구에 관한 것으로서, 서로 다른 기능을 갖는 2개의 필기구 중 제1 필기구의 본체 일측에는 제2 필기구의 본체의 반단면보다는 큰 반경이면서 본체의 길이 방향으로 일정 경사각을 갖도록 일정 길이에 걸쳐 결합홈이 형성되도록 하여 상기 제1 필기구의 결합홈에 상기 제2 필기구가 X자 형상으로 결합되도록 함으로써 제1 필기구의 일측에서 제2 필기구가 일정 가압력에 의해 쉽게 결합 고정되게 하면서 파지 부위의 두께를 최소화하여 그립감이 향상되도록 하여 취급이 용이하도록 하고, 손목의 각도만을 변경시켜 서로 다른 기능의 필기구를 선택적으로 사용할 수 있도록 함으로써 편리함과 함께 보다 신속한 필기를 제공할 수 있도록 한다.

12-06-2007 дата публикации

Writing instruments with eradicable inks and eradicating fluids

Номер: US7229487B2
Автор: David Godbout
Принадлежит: Sanford LP

Improved eradicating fluids and eradicable inks are disclosed. A color changing eradicating fluid is disclosed which includes a volatile base, a pH sensitive dye and an eradicating agent whereby the dye changes color as the volatile base evaporates thereby provided a visual indication to the user when the eradicating fluid is sufficiently dry and ready to receive a corrected marking. A non-color changing eradicating fluid having a more moderate pH is also disclosed. The combination eradicable and re-write ink is disclosed which features phosphoric acid (or phosphorus pentoxide in solution) along with an eradicable dye. A combination writing and correction instrument that combines a disclosed eradicating fluid and a combination eradicable and re-write ink is also disclosed.

14-09-2007 дата публикации

Writing implements of double head type

Номер: KR100758391B1
Автор: 오오이케시게루

양단이 개구하는 축통을 투명성 합성수지의 사출성형에 의해 형성하고, 상기 축통의 내부에 격벽을 일체로 형성하며, 상기 격벽에 의해 상기 축통 내부에 상기 축통의 일단으로부터 개구하는 제 1잉크탱크와, 상기 축통의 타단으로부터 개구하는 제 2잉크탱크를 마련하고, 상기 제 1잉크탱크와 상기 제 2잉크탱크를 서로 연통하지 않는 구성으로 하며, 상기 제 1잉크탱크의 개구부에 제 1펜끝과 접속되는 제 1잉크보류부재를 마련하고, 상기 제 1잉크보류부재 뒤쪽의 제 1잉크탱크내에 제 1잉크저류부를 마련하며, 상기 제 1잉크저류부내에 제 1잉크를 저류하고, 상기 제 1잉크보류부재는 상기 제 1잉크저류부내의 압력상승에 따른 넘쳐나는 잉크를 일시적으로 보지하여 이루어지며, 상기 제 2잉크탱크의 개구부에 제 2펜끝과 접속되는 제 2잉크보류부재를 마련하고, 상기 제 2잉크보류부재의 뒤쪽의 제 2잉크탱크내에 제 2잉크저류부를 마련하며, 상기 제 2잉크저류부내에 제 2잉크를 저류하고, 상기 제 2잉크보류부재가 상기 제 2잉크저류부내의 압력상승에 따른 넘쳐나는 잉크를 일시적으로 보지하여 이루어지며, 상기 격벽을 축방향으로 연설하고 상기 격벽을 통해 제 1잉크저류부와 제 2잉크저류부를 지름방향으로 서로 겹치는 중층상태로 구성하고, 상기 격벽의 두께를 C로 하며 상기 격벽과 접속하는 축통측벽의 두께를 D로 할 때, 0.2≤C/D≤2.5 의 관계를 만족하는 것을 특징으로 하는 양두식 필기구.

11-10-2006 дата публикации

Multi core writing tool

Номер: KR20060105515A

축통과, 축통내에 전후방향으로 이동가능하게 수용된 복수의 필기체와, 상기 각각의 필기체를 후방으로 작동하는 탄발체와, 상기 각각의 필기체의 후단에 연결된 조작체와, 직경방향으로 관통설치되고, 상기 축통의 측벽에 전후방향으로 뻗는 복수의 창구멍을 갖는 다심 필기구, 여기서, 하나의 조작체를 창구멍에 따라 전방으로 슬라이드 시킴으로써, 그 하나의 조작체에 연결된 필기체의 펜 끝을 축통의 전단구멍으로부터 돌출시키며, 또한 이미 돌출되어 있던 다른 필기체의 펜 끝을 축통내에 몰입시킨다. 또, 필기 및 조작체는 축통내로부터 제거가능하게 또한 축통내로 삽입가능하다. 축통, 필기체, 탄발체, 조작체

06-08-2004 дата публикации

Capless Marking Pen

Номер: KR200357378Y1
Автор: 김제원
Принадлежит: 동아연필 주식회사

캡이 없이도 자연스럽게 선부재가 개폐되므로 사용이 편리하면서 보관상태에서 밀폐력이 향상되도록, 소정의 통형상으로 형성되고 내면에는 나선홈이 형성되는 축통과, 축통의 한쪽 끝부분에 회전가능하게 조립되고 내주면에는 길이방향으로 길게 직선홈이 형성되며 선단면에는 펜닙출입구멍이 형성되는 선부재와, 축통 및 선부재의 내부에 삽입하여 설치되고 내부에 잉크가 저장되며 필기가 이루어지는 펜닙이 선단부에 조립되고 축통의 나선홈에 조립되는 이동돌기가 후단쪽에 형성되고 선부재의 직선홈에 조립되는 회전구속돌기가 선단쪽에 형성되며 선단부쪽 외주면에는 제1래크부가 형성되는 심부재와, 한쪽 끝부분은 심부재에 고정되고 다른쪽 끝부분은 심부재를 전진시킴에 따라 선부재의 펜닙출입구멍을 개방하고 후진시킴에 따라 선부재의 펜닙출입구멍을 밀폐하는 개폐부재와, 선부재의 내부에 회전가능하게 설치되고 심부재의 제1래크부와 맞물리는 피니언기어와, 심부재의 선단부에 전후로 왕복운동가능하게 조립되고 피니언기어와 맞물리는 제2래크부가 형성되며 선부재의 전후진과 반대방향으로 이동하고 개폐부재의 밀폐상태를 유지시키는 보조밀폐장치를 포함하여 이루어지는 캡이 없는 필기구를 제공한다. Since the wire member is naturally opened and closed without a cap, it is easy to use and improves sealing force in the storage state so that the cylinder is formed in a predetermined tubular shape and a spiral groove is formed on the inner surface thereof, and is rotatably assembled at one end of the shaft and the inner peripheral surface. There is a linear groove is formed in the longitudinal direction in the longitudinal direction, the front end is formed with a line member is formed pen pen entry hole, and inserted into the cylinder and the line member, the ink is stored in the pennip is assembled to the tip end and the shaft cylinder The moving protrusions assembled in the spiral groove of the core member are formed on the rear end, and the rotating restraint protrusions assembled in the linear grooves of the wire member are formed on the tip side. The other end is fixed and the lead member is opened and retracted as the lead member opens and retracts the lead member as the core member is advanced. An opening / closing member for sealing the pennipe entry hole, a pinion gear rotatably installed inside the wire member and engaged with the first rack portion of the shim member, and assembled with the pinion gear so as to reciprocate back and forth in the tip portion of the shim member. The physics provides a capless writing instrument comprising a secondary sealing device which is formed ...

28-10-2011 дата публикации

An Adjustable Angle Mark Pen

Номер: KR200456338Y1
Автор: 심동영
Принадлежит: 심동영

The angle adjusting mark pen according to the present invention relates to a mark pen for use on a white board, and more particularly, to an angle adjusting mark pen which can be used after fixing the mark pen at a convenient angle. The angle control mark pen according to the present invention is made of a cylindrical pillar, the pen nib 103 made of a resin material having a plurality of capillaries formed therein to suck ink; It consists of a long tube shape, the pen tip 103 is inserted at one end, the inside is filled with ink tube filler 106 made of fiber material so that ink is easily transferred to the pen tip 103 by capillary action. An ink tube 105 having a tube pleat 303 formed therein so as to bend well; An open end is formed at one end to insert the nib 103, and a tube insertion hole 104 is formed therein so that the ink tube 105 can be mounted therein, and has a cylindrical shape. At the other end, a joint first coupling part 203 protruding in the shape of a rectangular disk is formed at the center thereof, and a porous first joint fitting 407 is formed at the side of the joint first coupling part 203. A pen hold portion 101; It is made of a cylindrical shape so as to be easily grasped by a hand, and the inside of the penetrates the ink tube 105 so that the insertion can be made. The second joint is formed by projecting two parallel disks having a hollow joint second coupling hole 509 formed at a side thereof so as to be pivotally coupled to the joint first coupling portion 203 while being wrapped in the joint. Coupling portion 205 is formed, the ink storage unit 109 is formed inside the empty space, the other side that is not coupled to the pen hold portion 101 is open, the open outer circumferentially A main body portion 107 in which screws are formed; Stored in the ink storage unit 109 formed inside the main body portion 107, and made of a fiber material to impregnate a large amount of ink impregnated ink to the nib portion 103 through the ink tube 105 ...

27-02-2006 дата публикации

A NEW METHOD FOR PRODUCING 4-AMINOMETHYL-3-ALCOXIIminopyrrolidine Methanesulfonate

Номер: RU2005127868A

ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2005 127 868 (13) A (51) ÌÏÊ C07D 207/22 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÇÀßÂÊÀ ÍÀ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈÅ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005127868/04, 06.03.2004 (71) Çà âèòåëü(è): ÝË ÄÆÈ ËÀÉÔ ÑÀÉÅÍÑÈÇ ËÒÄ. (KR) (30) Ïðèîðèòåò: 07.03.2003 KR 10-2003-0014469 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.02.2006 Áþë. ¹ 6 (86) Çà âêà PCT: KR 2004/000476 (06.03.2004) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ã.Á. Åãîðîâîé (74) Ïàòåíòíûé ïîâåðåííûé: Åãîðîâà Ãàëèíà Áîðèñîâíà (54) ÍÎÂÛÉ ÑÏÎÑÎÁ ÏÎËÓ×ÅÍÈß ÌÅÒÀÍÑÓËÜÔÎÍÀÒÀ 4-ÀÌÈÍÎÌÅÒÈË-3- R U (57) Ôîðìóëà èçîáðåòåíè 1. Ñïîñîá ïîëó÷åíè ñîåäèíåíè (I) A 2 0 0 5 1 2 7 8 6 8 A ÀËÊÎÊÑÈÈÌÈÍÎÏÈÐÐÎËÈÄÈÍÀ ãäå R ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé Ñ1-4 àëêèë èëè Ñ1-4 ãàëîãåíàëêèë, êîòîðûé âêëþ÷àåò ñòàäèè (a) âçàèìîäåéñòâè ñîåäèíåíè (II) ãäå P ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé çàùèòíóþ ãðóïïó ñ àëêîêñèàìèíîì èëè ãàëîãåíàëêîêñèàìèíîì èëè èõ ñîëüþ â ïðèñóòñòâèè îñíîâàíè ñ ïîëó÷åíèåì ñîåäèíåíè (III) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 RU 2 0 0 5 1 2 7 8 6 8 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2004/092129 (28.10.2004) R U (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 20050906 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÕÂÀÍà Ãèî-Õèóí (KR), ÊÈÌ Éåîíã-Äàå (KR), ÍÀÌ Õèóí (KR), ×ÀÍà Äæåé-Õèîê (KR), ØÈÍ Õèóí-Èê (KR), ÊÈÌ ßíã-Êåóí (KR), ËÈ Êèóíã-Õåå (KR), ËÈ Äçàå-Ñóíã (KR), ÍÎÕ Õèóí-Êóê (KR) Ñòðàíèöà: 2 2 0 0 5 1 2 7 8 6 8 R U A ãäå R ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé Ñ1-4 àëêèë èëè Ñ1-4 ãàëîãåíàëêèë, êîòîðûé âêëþ÷àåò ñòàäèè (a) âçàèìîäåéñòâè ñîåäèíåíè (II) 2 0 0 5 1 2 7 8 6 8 ãäå R âë åòñ òàêèì, êàê îïðåäåëåíî âûøå, è (ñ) äîáàâëåíè ìåòàíñóëüôîíîâîé êèñëîòû è êàòàëèçàòîðà ãèäðèðîâàíè ê ñîåäèíåíèþ (IV) è îñóùåñòâëåíè ðåàêöèè ãèäðèðîâàíè óêàçàííîãî ñîåäèíåíè ñ ïîëó÷åíèåì ñîåäèíåíè (I). 2. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, ãäå R ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé ìåòèë. 3. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, ãäå P ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé òðåò-áóòîêñèêàðáîíèë (BOC). 4. Ñïîñîá ïî ï.1, ãäå îñíîâàíèå èç ñòàäèè (a) ïðåäñòàâë åò ñîáîé òðèýòèëàìèí, òðè-íáóòèëàìèí, äèèçîïðîïèëýòèëàìèí, ...

26-03-2003 дата публикации

Single type multiple color ball-point pen and cartridge

Номер: KR200308247Y1
Автор: 이지중
Принадлежит: 이지중

본 고안은 서로 다른 2가지 색상의 잉크를 1개의 볼을 통해서, 필기하는 방향에 따라 2가지 색상이 동시에 쓰여지거나, 서로 혼합 되어져 제3의 다른 색으로 표현돼 필기할 수 있는 일체형 다중 색상 볼펜 심에 관한 것으로서, 서로 색상이 다른 제1 잉크 및 제2 잉크; 상기 제1 잉크 및 제2 잉크가 각각 충진될 수 있도록 내부가 격 벽으로 분리되어 형성된 제1 잉크 저장부 및 제2 잉크 저장부로 이루어진 잉크 저장부; 및 상기 잉크 저장부 하단과 결합하여 고정되며, 상기 제1 잉크 저장부 및 제2 잉크 저장부에 충진된 잉크가 각각 유입될 수 있도록 내부가 격 벽으로 분리되어 형성되고 말단에 1개의 볼이 삽입된 제1 팁부 및 제2 팁부로 이루어진 팁부;를 구비하는 것을 특징으로 하는 일체형 다중 색상 볼펜심을 제공한다. 본 고안에 따른 일체형 다중 색상 볼펜 심을 구비한 볼펜으로 쓰여진 글씨는 한번의 필기만으로 쓰이는 방향에 따라 2색으로 필기되거나 서로 혼합되어 제3의 다른 색으로 필기 할 수 있고 미감이 뛰어나 중요한 서술 부분을 강조하는데도 효과적이다. The present invention is an integrated multi-color ballpoint pen shim that can write two different colors of ink through one ball at the same time depending on the writing direction, or can be mixed with each other and expressed in a third different color A first ink and a second ink different in color from each other; An ink storage unit including a first ink storage unit and a second ink storage unit, each of which is formed to be separated by a partition wall so that the first ink and the second ink may be filled, respectively; And fixed in combination with a lower end of the ink reservoir, the inner portion of which is separated into a partition wall so that ink filled in the first ink reservoir and the second ink reservoir may be introduced into each other, and one ball is inserted into the end. It provides a one-piece multi-color ballpoint pen, characterized in that it comprises a; tip portion consisting of a first tip portion and a second tip portion. Letters written with a ballpoint pen with an integrated multi-color ballpoint pen core according to the present invention can be written in two colors or mixed with each other according to the direction of writing with only one writing, and can be written in a third different color. It is also effective.

23-04-1998 дата публикации

Multi functional writing device

Номер: KR0117206Y1
Автор: 안중우
Принадлежит: 안중우

본 고안은 다양하고 복합적인 기능을 갖도록 한 색연필용 필기구에 관한 것으로 특히 필기구의 팁부위에 색연필심 및 샤프심의 고정이 가능하도록 하는 심취부 구조를 구비함과 동시에 필기구의 몸체를 색연필심을 보관할 수 있는 연결조립식 카트리지를 다수개 결합시켜 구성토록 한 것 필기구의 팁부위에 색연필심 또는 샤프심을 끼워 고정하는 지지체를 삽지, 고정시킬 수 있는 심취부 구조를 구비함과 동시에 내부에 심수납부를 형성시킨 다수개의 연결조립식 카트리지를 결합시켜 필기구의 몸체를 구성토록 함으로써 여러개의 색연필이 필요없이 하나의 필기구에 다수색상의 색연필심을 선택적으로 적용시켜 사용할 수 있도록 하여 휴대 보관의 용이성은 물론 자원의 낭비를 예방하게 되며, 색연필심과 종류가 상이한 샤프연필심의 사용이 가능토록 하여 필기심의 사용범위를 넓혀 줄 수 있도록 한 것이다. The present invention relates to a writing instrument for colored pencils to have a variety of complex functions, and in particular, having a core portion structure for fixing the colored pencil lead and the sharp core at the tip of the writing instrument, and at the same time can store the colored pencil core of the writing instrument body. Combination of a plurality of connection assembly cartridges There are a plurality of cores formed inside the core mounting structure to insert and fix the support for inserting and fixing the colored pencil lead or the sharp lead on the tip of the writing instrument By combining the connection assembly cartridge to compose the body of the writing instrument, it is possible to selectively apply a multi-colored pencil lead to a single writing instrument without the need for several colored pencils, thereby making it easy to carry and prevent waste of resources. It is possible to use sharp pencil lead which is different from colored pencil lead It is intended to broaden the scope of use of writing notes.

23-12-2014 дата публикации

Multi-color writing instrument having protecting means for preventing dry

Номер: KR101475781B1
Автор: 김영학, 김진형

The present invention relates to a multi-color writing instrument having a dry prevention unit comprising: a first case part (10) which has a first guide hole (12) in a longitudinal direction and multiple nonvolatile writing members (14); a second case part (20) which is coupled to the first case part (10) and has a second guide hole (22) and multiple volatile writing members (24); a pressing part (30) which is buried in the case parts (10, 20) and protrudes to the outside through the guide holes (12, 22); a spacing part (40) which is buried in the case parts (10, 20) and has through holes (42) for the writing members (14, 24); spring parts (50) which are connected between the pressing part (30) and the through holes (42); and a sealing part (60) which is formed on one end of the second case part (20) in the opposite to the pen core of the volatile writing members (24). Thereby, the present invention improves portability since a writing instrument body has the pen cores of multiple writing instruments having strong volatility, thereby, enabling the easy use of the multi-color writing instrument; and prevents the writing instrument having strong volatility, such as a highlighter pen, from drying using a dry prevention unit.

20-07-2007 дата публикации

Novel method for preparing 4-aminomethyl-3-alkoxyiminopyrrolidine methanesulfonate (variants), intermediate compounds and method for preparing quinolone antibiotics

Номер: RU2303029C2

FIELD: organic chemistry, chemical technology. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to novel improved methods for synthesis of 4-aminomethyl-3-alkoxyiminopyrrolidine methanesulfonate of the formula (I) that represents a novel intermediate compound used in synthesis of the known quinolone compounds of the formula (VI) possessing antibiotic properties. In compounds of the formula (I) and (VI) R represents (C 1 -C 4 )-alkyl or (C 1 -C 4 )-halogenalkyl. Method for synthesis of compound of the formula (I) involves the following steps: (a) interaction of compound of the formula (II) with alkoxyamine or halogenalkoxyamine or their salt in the presence of a base to yield compound of the formula (III); (b) interaction of compound of the formula (III) with methanesulfonic acid to yield compound of the formula (IV); (c) hydrogenation of compound of the formula (IV) with addition of sufficient amounts of methanesulfonic acid and metal-containing hydrogenation catalyst to yield compound of the formula (I). The process can be carried out without isolation of compound of the formula (IV) (step b) adding metal-containing hydrogenation catalyst and the corresponding amount of methanesulfonic acid to compound of the formula (III) directly. Compound of the formula (VI) is prepared from synthesized compound of the formula (I) by its interaction with compound of the formula (V). Also, invention relates to novel compounds of the formula (III) and (IV). EFFECT: improved methods of synthesis. 27 cl ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß RU (19) (11) 2 303 029 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ C07D 207/22 C07D 471/04 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2005127868/04, 06.03.2004 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 06.03.2004 (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 07.03.2003 KR 10-2003-0014469 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.02.2006 (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.07.2007 Áþë. ¹ 20 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÝË ÄÆÈ ËÀÉÔ ...

17-05-2004 дата публикации

construction of ball-pen body being able to use with stubby pencil

Номер: KR200351049Y1
Автор: 신영지
Принадлежит: 신영지

본 고안은 몽당연필(20)을 끼워 쓸 수 있는 볼펜 몸체(11) 구조에 관한 것으로, 볼펜 몸체(11)의 상단에 몽당연필(20)이 끼워지는 관통 구멍(12)이 있는 고정부(10)를 형성하고, 상기 고정부(10)의 관통 구멍(12) 내측에 나사산(14)을 형성하여, 상기 몽당연필(20)이 관통 구멍(12)의 나사산(14)을 따라 돌려 끼워질 수 있게 한 것을 특징으로 하는 몽당연필 사용이 가능한 볼펜 몸체 구조. The present invention relates to a ballpoint pen body (11) structure that can be inserted into the mongdang pencil (20), the fixing portion 10 having a through hole 12 into which the mongdan pencil (20) is fitted on the top of the ballpoint pen body (11) ), And the thread 14 is formed inside the through hole 12 of the fixing part 10, so that the monk pencil 20 can be screwed along the thread 14 of the through hole 12. Ballpoint pen body structure that can be used mongdang pencil, characterized in that there is.

25-02-2003 дата публикации

Side click type multi writing tool

Номер: KR100370508B1
Автор: 성예경
Принадлежит: 주식회사 모리스산업

본 발명은 볼펜(ball-point pen) 또는 샤프 펜슬(mechanical pencil) 등의 필기구를 하나의 필기구 케이스에 함께 수용하는 복합 필기구에 관한 것으로, 본 발명의 복합 필기구는 대략 중심부 표면상에 방사 방향으로 돌출된 적어도 하나 이상의 돌출부(5a)를 구비한 제 1 필기구(5); 상기 제 1 필기구(5)의 돌출부(5a)와 대응하지 않는 대략 중심부 표면상에 방사 방향으로 돌출된 적어도 하나 이상의 돌출부(6a)를 구비한 제 2 필기구(6); 가이드 레일(10)과 길이 방향으로 형성된 슬롯(9)을 가진 케이스 몸통(1); 상기 케이스 몸통(1)의 위쪽 개구부에 삽입 고정되어 상기 제 1 및 제 2 필기구들(5, 6)을 관통시키고 하기 스프링(12)을 한쪽에서 지지하는 지지부재(11); 상기 지지부재(11)를 관통한 상기 제 1 및 제 2 필기구들(5, 6)의 단부에 끼워지고 타단이 고정되는 스프링(12); 상기 케이스 몸통(1)과 결합되어 상기 케이스 몸통의 위쪽 개구부를 덮는 케이스 뚜껑(2); 및 상기 케이스 몸통(1)의 슬롯(9)에 끼워지며 자체 탄성을 가진 누름편(4)을 포함하여 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention relates to a composite writing instrument that accommodates a writing instrument such as a ball-point pen or mechanical pencil together in one writing instrument case, wherein the composite writing instrument of the present invention protrudes in a radial direction on a substantially central surface. A first writing instrument 5 having at least one protrusion 5a; A second writing instrument (6) having at least one projection (6a) projecting in a radial direction on a substantially central surface that does not correspond to the projection (5a) of the first writing instrument (5); A case body 1 having a guide rail 10 and a slot 9 formed in the longitudinal direction; A support member 11 inserted into and fixed to an upper opening of the case body 1 to penetrate the first and second writing instruments 5 and 6 and to support the following spring 12 from one side; A spring 12 fitted to an end of the first and second writing instruments 5 and 6 penetrating the support member 11 and fixed at the other end thereof; A case lid (2) coupled to the case body (1) to cover an upper opening of the case body; And it is characterized in that it comprises a pressing piece (4) having its own elasticity fitted in the slot (9) of the case body (1).

26-03-2003 дата публикации

A multi highlighters

Номер: KR200308826Y1
Автор: 김용택
Принадлежит: 김용택

본 고안은 도포되는 하나의 넓은 선이 두 색상으로 이루어지며 중심으로 가면서 두 색상이 점진적으로 섞여 자연스럽게 변화되는 색의 혼합현상에 따르는 아름다운 색상의 선을 얻게 됨으로 어린이들의 그림공부, 디자인 작업 등을 운필의 묘미를 살리면서 효과적으로 수행토록 하는 다색 형광펜에 관한 것이다. 이를 실현하기 위한 본 고안은, 잉크저장부재(11a)가 내장된 두 개의 잉크저장실(11)과, 상기 두 개의 잉크저장실(11)에 잉크가 도포되는 납작한 형태의 닙(12) 본체로부터 두 개로 나뉘어 형성된 지관(12a))이 연결되어 하나의 닙(12)에서 두 개 색상이 인출되기 위한 잉크 저장 및 도포수단(10)과; 상기 잉크 저장 및 도포수단(10)을 내장하는 동시에 닙의 선단부가 노출되도록 수용하는 케이싱(20)을 포함하여 구성됨을 특징으로 하는 것이다.

27-03-2009 дата публикации

Combined typewriter

Номер: RU2350475C2
Принадлежит: Сосьете Бик

FIELD: printing production. SUBSTANCE: typewriter with distal and proximal ends includes external case with open distal end close to distal end of writing tool and proximal end close to proximal end of writing tool; internal point with first stylus and first print medium tank; and external point with second stylus and second print medium tank. Internal and external points are positioned in internal axial passageway running through second stylus and second printing medium tank. Internal point is mounted in internal axial passageway running through second stylus and second printing medium tank, first stylus is in direct work contact with first printing medium tank, second stylus is in direct work contact with second printing medium tank, and external point can shift against external case. EFFECT: possible use of two different typewriters. 35 cl, 17 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 350 475 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ B43K 27/04 B43K 27/08 (2006.01) (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2006120401/12, 10.11.2004 (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 10.11.2004 (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 11.11.2003 US 10/706,315 19.04.2004 US 10/828,020 (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 27.12.2007 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: US 5026189 À, 25.07.1991. GB 1317312 À, 16.05.1973. PR 2691928 A1, 10.12.1993. DE 4139141 A, 06.03.1993. GB 1198016 A, 08.07.1970. SU 285545 A1, 01.01.1970. (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÑÎÑÜÅÒÅ ÁÈÊ (FR) 2 3 5 0 4 7 5 R U (86) Çà âêà PCT: US 2004/037664 (10.11.2004) C 2 C 2 (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 13.06.2006 (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 2005/047016 (26.05.2005) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129090, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á.Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð. 3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è Ïàðòíåðû", ïàò.ïîâ. Ñ.À.Äîðîôååâó (54) ÊÎÌÁÈÍÈÐÎÂÀÍÍÛÉ ÏÈØÓÙÈÉ ÈÍÑÒÐÓÌÅÍÒ (57) Ðåôåðàò: Ïèøóùèé èíñòðóìåíò, êîòîðûé èìååò ïðîêñèìàëüíûé êîíåö è äèñòàëüíûé ...

18-11-1988 дата публикации

Instruments for writing

Номер: KR880004126Y1
Автор: 김수홍
Принадлежит: 김수홍

내용 없음. No content.

23-06-1989 дата публикации

Compositeness sharp pencil

Номер: KR890002210B1

The utensile has a buffing elastic structure positioned on the top of the refill, which retracts the refill not to break the refill when the over writing pressure is applied. The rotation limit projections (28,33) are formed at an upper case (3) and the inserting structure (2) to limit the rotation range of the upper case.
