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02-07-2019 дата публикации

Автономный необитаемый подводный аппарат с изменяемой геометрией корпуса

Номер: RU0000190501U1

Устройство относится к области судостроения и предназначено для патрулирования акваторий, мониторинга подводной флоры и фауны, оценки качества воды, проведения подводной фото- и видеосъемки, а также проведения других видов исследовательских и изыскательных работ, производящихся в акваториях различного типа. Корпус АНПА с изменяемой геометрией формы содержит систему изменения плавучести, систему изменения углов дифферента и крена. Конструктивной особенностью заявляемого АНПА является замена жесткого корпуса на упругий, а также наличие на борту пневматической системы изменения геометрии корпуса аппарата. Гибкий корпус АНПА может деформироваться под действием прикрепленных к нему упругих пневматических элементов (пневмомускулов), приводимых в действие исполнительными элементами пневматической системы. АНПА перемещается за счет изменения своей плавучести (изменения массы аппарата посредством забора воды из окружающей среды). Настройка точного угла всплытия/погружения осуществляется системой изменения дифферента (перенос центра тяжести АНПА вдоль оси аппарата на каретке, приводимой в движение шаговым двигателем). Корректировка курса, в частности, повороты и развороты АНПА, осуществляется системой изменения крена, которая смещает центр тяжести с помощью вращений подвижной массы относительно продольной оси аппарата в его поперечной плоскости на левый или правый борт. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 190 501 U1 (51) МПК B63G 8/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63G 8/001 (2018.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018140151, 13.11.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.11.2018 (45) Опубликовано: 02.07.2019 Бюл. № 19 1 9 0 5 0 1 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2522168 C2, 10.07.2014. US 20110051555 A1, 03.03.2011. RU 164034 U1, 20.08.2016. EA 17560 B1, 30.01.2013. (54) Автономный необитаемый ...

13-07-2021 дата публикации

Автономный подводный аппарат класса "микро" для мониторинга экологического состояния малых водоемов

Номер: RU0000205389U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к судостроению, а именно к миниатюрным автономным подводным аппаратам, и может использоваться для осуществления экологического мониторинга водоёмов с ограниченным пространством для манёвра (малых водоёмов).Техническим результатом является повышение эксплуатационных характеристик автономного подводного аппарата.Автономный подводный аппарат класса «микро» для мониторинга экологического состояния малых водоёмов, содержащий корпусную несущую конструкцию, систему энергообеспечения на основе аккумуляторной батареи, двигательно-движительную установку, расположенную в кормовой части аппарата, блок навигации и управления, при этом дополнительно вводятся две горизонтальные рулевые плоскости, расположенные по бортам аппарата, устройства для управления ими, содержащие радиальные магнитные муфты для передачи поворачивающего момента от устройств управления к рулевым плоскостям, в кормовой части аппарата расположены хвостовые вертикальные и горизонтальные стабилизаторы, а также двигательно-движительная установка, в которой передача крутящего момента от двигателя к движителю осуществляется за счет радиальной магнитной муфты, причем ось вращения гребного винта совпадает с продольной осью аппарата, носовая часть аппарата состоит из носового обтекателя, имеющего отверстия для свободного заполнения забортной водой, в котором располагаются датчики экологического мониторинга, причем носовой обтекатель соединен с носовой водонепроницаемой переборкой. 6 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 389 U1 (51) МПК B63G 8/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63G 8/00 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021105037, 28.02.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бражникова Александра Максимовна (RU) Дата регистрации: 13.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 13.07.2021 Бюл. № 20 2 0 5 3 8 9 R U (54) Автономный подводный аппарат класса "микро" для мониторинга ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации

Мобильная надводная платформа для базирования автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата

Номер: RU0000205927U1

Полезная модель относится к области морской техники, в частности к платформам для автономных необитаемых подводных аппаратов (АНПА), и может быть применима в мониторинговых, исследовательских и поисковых работах, предполагающих нахождение АНПА на большом удалении от берега. Предложена мобильная надводная платформа для базирования автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата, содержащая раму, аккумуляторы для накопления заряда, герметичный бокс, в котором расположен блок управления электронным оборудованием, блок спутниковой системы навигации и систему беспроводной связи, обеспечивающую удаленное управление платформой, в верхней части мобильной надводной платформы на поддерживающей раме расположена солнечная панель, заряжающая аккумуляторы, в герметичном боксе дополнительно расположена система позиционирования платформы, обеспечивающая точное взаимное расположение автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата и мобильной надводной платформы, под рамой мобильной надводной платформы на стойках расположены 2 и более движителя, модуль автоматической зарядки автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата, блоки плавучести платформы, обеспечивающие положительную плавучесть, устройство стыковки с автономным необитаемым подводным аппаратом. Техническим результатом является увеличение продолжительности времени автономной работы мобильной надводной платформы для базирования автономных необитаемых подводных аппаратов при проведении мониторинговых, исследовательских и поисковых подводных работ. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 927 U1 (51) МПК B63G 8/00 (2006.01) B63C 11/48 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63G 8/00 (2021.05); B63C 11/48 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021112048, 27.04.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 12.08.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 12.08.2021 Бюл. № 23 2 0 5 9 2 7 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2738281 C1, 11.12. ...

08-02-2022 дата публикации

Подводный аппарат с y-компоновкой движителей

Номер: RU0000209233U1

Полезная модель относится к области подводных аппаратов (ПА), предназначенных для выполнения широкого спектра осмотровых, подводно-технических, исследовательских и прочих работ, осуществляемых в толще воды.Конструкция подводного аппарата представляет собой корпус с Y-образным размещением шести движителей: трех движителей с тягой в горизонтальной плоскости и трех движителей с тягой в вертикальной плоскости. Указанная компоновка движителей позволяет достичь управляемости ПА в шести степенях свободы. Движители с тягой в горизонтальной плоскости обеспечивают линейные перемещения ПА в горизонтальной плоскости и изменение курсового угла ПА. Движители с тягой в вертикальной плоскости обеспечивают линейные перемещения ПА по вертикальной оси и изменения углов дифферента и крена.Таким образом, предлагаемая компоновка движителей обеспечивает управляемость ПА по шести степеням свободы, что в типовых конструкциях ПА обеспечивается при большем числе движителей. Данная особенность обеспечивает высокую маневренность ПА по сравнению с распространенными конструкциями. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 233 U1 (51) МПК B63G 8/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК B63G 8/001 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021127924, 22.09.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 08.02.2022 Адрес для переписки: 299053, г. Севастополь, ул. Университетская, 33, ФГАОУ ВО "Севастопольский государственный университет" (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2387570 C1, 27.04.2010. US 20070283871 A1, 13.12.2007. RU 193287 U1, 22.10.2019. U 1 2 0 9 2 3 3 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 (54) ПОДВОДНЫЙ АППАРАТ С Y-КОМПОНОВКОЙ ДВИЖИТЕЛЕЙ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области плоскости обеспечивают линейные перемещения подводных аппаратов (ПА), предназначенных ПА в горизонтальной плоскости и изменение для выполнения широкого спектра осмотровых, курсового угла ПА. Движители с тягой в ...

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Remotely Operated Submersible Vehicle

Номер: US20120048172A1
Автор: Jeffrey Paul Lotz
Принадлежит: Individual

A remotely controlled submersible with a circular profile. A shaft crosses the submersible at the center on the pitch axis that is fixed to the external shell holding the thrusters. From this shaft the framework of the submersible hangs with all of the essential components and any additional weight required gaining the desired buoyancy. A motor such as a servo motor is mounted to the framework and is coupled to a gear, sprocket or pulley that is fixed on the center shaft. When activated the motor rotates the shell of the submersible along with the thrusters to the desired pitch while the internal frame remains low. The design of the submersible external body in relation with the internal body allows the submersible to pitch and maintain stability with a fixed center of buoyancy and center of gravity.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Unmanned underwater vehicle and method for recovering such vehicle

Номер: US20120118217A1
Автор: Allan Bertelsen
Принадлежит: Atlas Elektronik GmbH

An unmanned underwater vehicle and a method for recovering an unmanned underwater vehicle. The unmanned underwater vehicle ( 1 ) is recovered by releasing a recovery buoy ( 21 ), which is connected to the vehicle ( 1 ) by a recovery line ( 22 ), recovering the recovery buoy ( 21 ) from the surface, attaching the recovery line ( 22 ) to a recovery system and lifting the vehicle ( 1 ) by the recovery system and the recovery line ( 22 ). To provide a safe recovery of the unmanned underwater vehicle under most weather condition, the vehicle ( 1 ) is submerged after releasing the recovery buoy ( 21 ) by reducing the buoyancy of the vehicle ( 1 ) and providing negative net-buoyancy ( 29 ).

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Linear cutting assembly, linear cutting system, and net penetrating method

Номер: US20120210836A1
Принадлежит: Adaptive Methods Inc

The problem of penetrating through nets and other objects is solved by cutting the object using a linear cutting assembly having a linear cutter arm that moves in an arc and pivots about an attachment point. The object is cut by a severing action caused by a moveable blade of the linear cutting arm moving back and forth across a stationary blade of the linear cutter arm. An underwater vehicle modified to incorporate an embodiment of the linear cutting assembly can cut a sufficiently large opening in the object to allow the vehicle to pass through.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

External Rescue and Recovery Devices and Methods for Underwater Vehicles

Номер: US20130233232A1
Принадлежит: Ocean Server Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices are provided for rescuing and recovering underwater vehicles. In one embodiment, a system is provided that includes a modular rescue device configured to attach to an underwater vehicle, such as with a tow line. The rescue device can include one or more emergency mechanisms that can be automatically and/or manually activated to aid in detecting the location of the underwater vehicle in the event of an emergency. One exemplary emergency mechanism includes a buoyancy mechanism, e.g., an expandable lift bag, configured to be inflated with a fluid to add buoyancy force to the system to pull the underwater vehicle toward a water surface. Another exemplary emergency mechanism includes a signaling mechanism configured to signal the underwater vehicle's location. 1. A rescue and recovery system , comprising:a submersible housing configured to be coupled to and disposed at least partially outside an underwater vehicle;an emergency mechanism located within the housing and configured to be deployed upon detection of an emergency condition; andan actuator configured to deploy the emergency notification mechanism.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the emergency mechanism includes at least one of a light claim 1 , an expandable bag claim 1 , a flare claim 1 , a signal transmitter claim 1 , a flag claim 1 , a dye claim 1 , and a GPS system.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a cable configured to couple the housing to the underwater vehicle.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the cable connects to a head of the housing and a tail of the underwater vehicle to allow the housing to be towed underwater by the underwater vehicle.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the cable is configured to have a first length extend between the housing and the underwater vehicle and a second length that is longer than the first length contained within at least one of the housing and the underwater vehicle.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein at least a portion of the cable is ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Surface-cleaning device and vehicle

Номер: US20130263770A1
Автор: Robert Andersen
Принадлежит: Individual

A remotely operated underwater vehicle for cleaning surfaces submerged in water, the underwater vehicle having a first side, a second side, a propulsion means, a plurality of trimming means, a first buoyancy means attached to the first side and a second buoyancy means attached to the second side. Elements of the plurality of trimming means are arranged on opposite sides of the centre of gravity of the vehicle and at least one of the plurality of trimming means has a movable mass and a displacement region into which the movable mass can move. The centre of gravity of the vehicle is automatically shifted when the vehicle is accelerating or changes orientation, in which the first buoyancy means provides more buoyancy than the second buoyancy means such that the centre of buoyancy is located above the centre of gravity of the vehicle irrespective of the orientation of the vehicle.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130340662A1

Provided are a salvage container and a salvaging method capable of salvaging ammunition dumped into the sea using a simple configuration while more reliably suppressing the leakage of a chemical agent from the ammunition. A salvage container includes: a container body (); a lid () that blocks an opening portion of the container body (); a gasket () that is formed of a compressively deformable member and that blocks a gap between an inner side surface () of the container body () and the lid () from the outer side in a specific direction; and a gasket presser () that clamps the gasket () between the gasket presser () and the lid (). The container body () includes: a lid holder () that holds the lid () so that the lid () is displaced toward the outer side in the specific direction in relation to the container body (); and a gasket presser holder () that holds the gasket presser () so that the lid () is displaced toward the outer side in the specific direction in relation to the gasket presser () according to a decrease in the hydraulic pressure. The gasket () is compressively deformed by the relative displacement of the lid () so that the gap between the inner side surface () of the container body () and the lid () is hermetically sealed. 1. A salvage container for salvaging ammunition , which has been dumped into the water , on the water , comprising:a container body that has a bottomed cylindrical shape that is open in a specific direction so that the ammunition is inserted therein and that has an inner side surface surrounding the ammunition inserted therein;a lid that is disposed in a region surrounded by the inner side surface of the container body so as to block an opening portion of the container body; a gasket that is disposed in the region surrounded by the inner sidesurface of the container body so as to block a gap between the inner side surface of the container body and the lid from an outer side in the specific direction of the lid; anda gasket presser ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033962A1
Принадлежит: CGG SERVICES SA

Method and device for cleaning a marine seismic equipment. The device includes a body, a propulsion system for moving along the streamer, a cleaning device for cleaning the equipment, and a control device for controlling a movement of the device. 1. A cleaning device for cleaning a marine seismic equipment , the device comprising:a body having an opening configured to receive the marine seismic equipment;an actuator configured to be removably attached to the marine seismic equipment;a rope connecting the body to the actuator; anda control device configured to activate the actuator to retract or release the body,wherein the body is configured to clean the marine seismic equipment.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a switch provided on the body and configured to generate a signal when the body is close to an obstacle,wherein the control device is configured to receive a signal from the switch and to reverse a movement direction of the body.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one wing controllable by the control device and configured to produce drag underwater so that the body moves along the marine seismic equipment.4. The device of claim 3 , further comprising:an electrical motor provided in the body and configured to change a position of the wing.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a coating device attached to the body for coating a biocide material on the marine seismic equipment.6. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a cleaning component attached to the body for removing material deposited on the marine seismic equipment.7. A cleaning system for cleaning a marine seismic equipment claim 1 , the system comprising:a first cleaning device configured to be attached to the marine seismic equipment, between first and second birds;a second cleaning device configured to be attached to the marine seismic equipment, between second and third birds;a rope connecting the first cleaning device to the second cleaning device; anda ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053768A1
Автор: BRIZARD Thierry
Принадлежит: CGG SERVICES SA

An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for recording seismic signals during a marine seismic survey. The AUV includes a body extending along an axis X and having a head portion, a middle portion, and a tail portion, wherein the middle portion is sandwiched between the head portion and the tail portion along the X axis; a cross-section of the middle portion, substantially perpendicular on the X axis, having a triangular-like shape; the head portion including a base portion having the triangular-like shape and configured to match the middle portion; the head portion having a tip that, when projected along the X axis on the base portion, substantially coincides with a centroid of the base portion having the triangular-like shape; and a seismic payload located within the body and configured to record seismic signals. 1. An autonomous underwater vehicle for recording seismic signals during a marine seismic survey , the AUV comprising:a body extending along an axis X and having a head portion, a middle portion, and a tail portion, wherein the middle portion is sandwiched between the head portion and the tail portion along the X axis;a cross-section of the middle portion, substantially perpendicular on the X axis, having a triangular-like shape;the head portion including a base portion having the triangular-like shape and configured to match the middle portion;the head portion having a tip that, when projected along the X axis on the base portion, substantially coincides with a centroid of the base portion having the triangular-like shape; anda seismic payload located within the body and configured to record seismic signals.2. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the triangular-like shape includes a triangle for which all vertices are replaced with curved lines.3. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the tail portion has a base portion having the triangular-like shape and configured to match the middle portion.4. The AUV of claim 3 , wherein a tip of the tail portion claim 3 , when ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatus for Mitigating Vortex Rings Affecting Submersible Vehicles

Номер: US20140060418A1
Автор: Agius Frank, Moody Ryan
Принадлежит: iRobot Corporation

A method for operating a submersible vehicle includes, responsive to detection of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle and/or at least one vehicle condition indicating the presence of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle, initiating at least one control action to mitigate the effect of the vortex ring on the vehicle. 1. A method for operating a submersible vehicle , the method comprising:responsive to detection of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle and/or at least one vehicle condition indicating the presence of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle, initiating at least one control action to mitigate the effect of the vortex ring on the vehicle.2. The method of wherein the vehicle has a negative buoyancy and is in a hovering mode wherein a propeller of the vehicle is driven to provide upward thrust to the vehicle to maintain the vehicle at or near a selected depth.3. The method of wherein the at least one vehicle condition includes a descent rate of the vehicle and a propeller speed of the propeller while the vehicle is in the hovering mode.4. The method of wherein the at least one control action disrupts the vortex ring.5. The method of wherein the at least one control action includes horizontally displacing the propeller to disrupt the vortex ring.6. The method of wherein horizontally displacing the propeller includes causing the vehicle to wobble or precess while in the hovering mode.7. A submersible vehicle comprising:a hull;a driven propeller to provide thrust to the hull; and detect a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle and/or at least one vehicle condition indicating the presence of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle; and', 'in response to detection of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle and/or at least one vehicle condition indicating the presence of a vortex ring undesirably affecting the vehicle, to initiate at least one control action to mitigate the effect of the vortex ring ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Autonomous Hull Navigation

Номер: US20140081504A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Company

An autonomous hull robot navigation subsystem for guiding a hull robot on a hull of a vessel independent of external guidance devices includes a drive subsystem onboard the robot for driving and maneuvering the robot about the hull. A sensor subsystem onboard the robot senses an environmental characteristic. A navigation subsystem onboard the robot is responsive to the sensor subsystem and includes a processor. The processor utilizes the environmental characteristic to determine a position of the robot on the hull. 1. An autonomous hull robot navigation system for guiding a hull robot on a hull of a vessel independent of external guidance devices , comprising:a drive subsystem onboard the robot for driving and maneuvering the robot about the hull;a sensor subsystem onboard the robot configured to sense an environmental characteristic; anda navigation subsystem onboard the robot and responsive to the sensor subsystem, the navigation subsystem being configured to determine a position of the robot on the hull and to facilitate navigation based on the environmental characteristic.2. The system according to claim 1 , further comprising a memory onboard the robot including data concerning the configuration of the hull and a desired path of travel for the robot.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor subsystem comprises a cleanliness detection system claim 1 , and the environmental characteristic near the robot is a cleanliness of the hull claim 1 , and wherein the navigation subsystem is configured to control the drive subsystem to maneuver the robot to a less clean position on the hull when a current position cleanliness is greater than a predetermined threshold.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the sensor subsystem comprises a cleanliness detection system claim 1 , and the environmental characteristic near the robot is an interface between a recently cleaned portion of the hull and a yet-to-be-cleaned portion of the hull.5. The system ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150002092A1
Автор: Niizuma Motonao

An underwater power supply system is provided with an ascending/descending station that ascends and descends underwater between the water depth at which an underwater moving body works and the vicinity of the water surface, and a charging station that supplies electrical power wirelessly to the ascending/descending station in the vicinity of the water surface. At the aforementioned water depth, the underwater moving body moves adjacent to the ascending/descending station, and electrical power is supplied wirelessly from the ascending/descending station to the underwater moving body.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001860A1

An ocean exploration apparatus including: a probe body; a buoyancy adjusting section that adjusts buoyancy generated in the probe body; a posture adjusting section that adjusts a posture of the probe body; a position information acquiring section that acquires position information of the probe body; a wing section that moves the probe body using a lifting force applied from seawater; a sensor section that is provided in the probe body and measures an electromagnetic field; and a control section that controls operations of the buoyancy adjusting section, the posture adjusting section, the position information acquiring section, and the sensor section according to predetermined conditions. 1. An ocean exploration apparatus comprising:a probe body;a buoyancy adjusting section that adjusts buoyancy generated in the probe body;a posture adjusting section that adjusts a posture of the probe body;a position information acquiring section that acquires position information of the probe body;a wing section that moves the probe body using a lifting force applied from seawater;a sensor section that is provided in the probe body and measures an electromagnetic field; anda control section that controls operations of the buoyancy adjusting section, the posture adjusting section, the position information acquiring section, and the sensor section according to predetermined conditions.2. The ocean exploration apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the sensor section includes an MI sensor.3. The ocean exploration apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the wing section is formed as a glider type.4. The ocean exploration apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the sensor section detects the electromagnetic field through an electrode provided at an endpoint of an arm that protrudes from the probe body in a horizontal direction, andat least a part of the arm overlaps the wing section in a vertical direction.5. The ocean exploration apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the position ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001981A1
Автор: Boss John
Принадлежит: Fathom Drones, Inc.

A remotely operated underwater vehicle system includes a hull having a front end and a tail positioned to the rear of the front end. The remotely operated underwater vehicle may include a first and second side thrust module configured to drive the vehicle in forward and reverse directions and removably connected to the hull, and a rear thrust module configured to drive the tail up and down and removably connected to the tail. The vehicle may include a tether and buoy to facilitate communication with a remote input device. A power source, such as a battery, may be positioned in the hull to power the vehicle and the buoy. The buoy may house a communication source configured to communicate with the input device. The tether is configured to transfer power and communication signals from the buoy to the hull. The buoy may float on a water surface to relay communication between the input device and the hull. 1. A remotely operated underwater vehicle system comprising:a hull including a front end and a tail positioned to the rear of the front end;a first side thrust module connected to a first side of the hull, the first side thrust module configured to drive the hull in a forward or reverse direction;a second side thrust module connected to a second side of the hull, the first side thrust module configured to drive the hull in a forward or reverse direction;a rear thrust module connected to the tail of the hull, the rear thrust module configured to drive the tail in an upward or downward direction, approximately perpendicular to the direction of the first and second side thrusters.2. The remotely operated underwater vehicle system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second side thrust modules are removably connected to the hull.3. The remotely operated underwater vehicle system of claim 2 , wherein the removable first side thrust module includes a multi-pin receptacle configured to engage pins on the hull to transfer power and control signals from the hull to the side ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001957A1
Автор: Tillotson Brian J.

A methane transportation system is provided. The system may include a methane source configured to dispense methane at a first location, and an underwater vehicle. The underwater vehicle may include a propulsion system configured to transport the underwater vehicle underwater from the first location to a second location and a vessel defining a storage chamber configured to receive water and the methane from the methane source. The storage chamber of the vessel may have a pressure exceeding one atmosphere and a temperature during transport from the first location to the second location sufficient to form methane clathrate in the storage chamber. The system may further include a methane receiver configured to receive the methane released from the storage chamber at the second location. Related methods are also provided. 18-. (canceled)9. A methane transportation method , comprising:positioning an underwater vehicle comprising a vessel defining a storage chamber at a first location;at least partially filling the storage chamber with water;dispensing methane into the storage chamber at the first location;providing the storage chamber of the vessel with a pressure exceeding one atmosphere and a temperature that forms the methane and the water into methane clathrate;transporting the underwater vehicle from the first location to a second location; anddispensing the methane from the vessel at the second location.10. The methane transportation method of claim 9 , wherein providing the vessel with the pressure exceeding one atmosphere and the temperature that forms the methane and the water into methane clathrate comprises positively pressurizing the vessel with the methane to produce the methane clathrate.11. The methane transportation method of claim 10 , wherein dispensing the methane into the storage chamber at the first location comprises sealing an outlet of a supply conduit with an inlet port of the vessel.12. The methane transportation method of claim 9 , wherein ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002070A1

An autonomous underwater vehicle includes: an underwater vehicle main body incorporating a power source; a buoy connected to the underwater vehicle main body through a rope; and an injector configured to, with the underwater vehicle main body floating on a sea surface, inject the buoy from the underwater vehicle main body by compressed gas in an obliquely upward direction. 1. An autonomous underwater vehicle comprising:an underwater vehicle main body incorporating a power source;a buoy connected to the underwater vehicle main body through a rope; andan injector configured to, with the underwater vehicle main body floating on a sea surface, inject the buoy from the underwater vehicle main body by compressed gas in an obliquely upward direction.2. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein:an opening portion is provided at an upper portion of the underwater vehicle main body; andthe injector is arranged inside the underwater vehicle main body and injects the buoy through the opening portion.3. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein: an extended portion connected to the buoy and extended by the injected buoy and', 'a lift portion connected to the underwater vehicle main body and used to lift the underwater vehicle main body; and, 'the rope includes'}the extended portion is smaller in diameter than the lift portion.4. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein a tail unit extending in a forward/rearward direction is provided at a rear side of an upper portion of the underwater vehicle main body.5. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , further comprising a receiver configured to receive an injection signal based on which the injector injects the buoy.6. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 5 , wherein:the injector is configured to release the compressed gas to an atmosphere by an electric signal; andthe receiver receives a discharge signal based on which the injector ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150008280A1
Автор: Smoker Thomas William

A launch canister for ejection from a submerged launch platform, the launch canister being adapted for ejection in a direction substantially along a first axis of the launch canister and comprising: an enclosure for carrying a UAV; a nose cap releasably located in a launch opening at a forward end of the launch canister; a launch mechanism for driving a UAV carried in the enclosure out of the launch canister through the launch opening in a direction substantially along said first axis; and a water surface sensor for detecting when the nose cap of the canister broaches the surface of the water; wherein the launch canister is configured to, on the water surface sensor detecting that the nose cap of the canister has broached the surface of the water, immediately release the nose cap and initiate the launch mechanism to drive a UAV carried in the enclosure out of the launch canister through the launch opening. 1. A launch canister for ejection from a submerged launch platform , the launch canister being adapted for ejection in a direction substantially along a first axis of the launch canister and comprising:an enclosure for carrying an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV);a nose cap releasably located in a launch opening at a forward end of the launch canister;a launch mechanism for driving a UAV carried in the enclosure out of the launch canister through the launch opening in a direction substantially along said first axis; anda water surface sensor for detecting when the nose cap of the canister broaches the surface of the water;wherein the launch canister is configured to, on the water surface sensor detecting that the nose cap of the canister has broached the surface of the water, immediately release the nose cap and initiate the launch mechanism to drive a UAV carried in the enclosure out of the launch canister through the launch opening.2. A launch canister as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the launch mechanism is an explosive or high pressure gas charge.3. A launch ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200006984A1

Disclosed is a display apparatus having a water tank in which one or more swimming robots are located. This apparatus includes communicator for communicating with the swimming robot or a mobile terminal, a display for displaying a video, one or more sensors, a wireless power transmitter which is located on an inner wall of the water tank and which includes a plurality of arranged transmission coils, and a controller. Accordingly, a display apparatus and a swimming robot which have artificial intelligence and which perform 5G communication may be provided. As a result, a charging efficiency can be improved, and a user's convenience can be further improved. 1. A display apparatus having a water tank in which one or more swimming robots are located , comprising:a communicator configured to communicate with the swimming robot or a mobile terminal;a display configured to display a video;one or more sensors;a wireless power transmitter which is located on an inner wall of the water tank and which includes a plurality of arranged transmission coils; anda controller,wherein when the swimming robot enters a charging range of the wireless power transmitter, the controller selects a transmission coil to transmit wireless power to the swimming robot, and controls the wireless power transmitter such that the wireless power transmitter transmits the wireless power to a reception coil of the swimming robot using the selected transmission coil.2. The display apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the transmission coils are arranged in a row in a vertical direction or a horizontal direction on one surface of the inner wall of the water tank, andwherein the controller is configured to control the wireless power transmitter such that the wireless power transmitter transmits the wireless power to the reception coil of the swimming robot while changing the transmission coil based on a moving direction of the swimming robot.3. The display apparatus according to claim 1 , a first ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009731A1
Принадлежит: Minesto AB

The invention relates to a submersible power plant. The power plant comprises a structure and a vehicle. The vehicle is arranged to be secured to the structure by means of at least one tether. The vehicle is arranged to move in a predetermined trajectory by means of a fluid stream passing the vehicle. The vehicle comprises a first wing and a second wing, where the first wing is arranged at a first distance D from the second wing in a longitudinal direction, and the first wing is arranged at a second distance D from the second wing in a lateral direction. 11123324333565656. Submersible power plant () , the power plant () comprising a structure () and a vehicle () , the vehicle () being arranged to be secured to the structure () by means of at least one tether (); the vehicle () being arranged to move in a predetermined trajectory by means of a fluid stream passing the vehicle () , characterized in that the vehicle () comprises a first wing () and a second wing () , where the first wing () is arranged at a first distance from the second wing () in a longitudinal direction , and the first wing () is arranged at a second distance from the second wing () in a lateral direction.21125136141551661756. Submersible power plant () according to claim 1 , wherein a first right end () of the first wing () and a second right end () of the second wing () are connected by a first hydrodynamic element () and a first left end () of the first wing () and a second left end () of the second wing () are connected by a second hydrodynamic element () claim 1 , the first wing () and second wing () thereby forming a closed wing.311417. Submersible power plant () according to claim 2 , wherein the hydrodynamic elements ( claim 2 , ) are hydrodynamically shaped.413778756. Submersible power plant () according to any of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the vehicle () comprises a nacelle () comprising a generator claim 2 , the nacelle () being attached to a turbine () claim 2 , where the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210009248A1

Disclosed is a pile leg walking type manganese nodule mining robot. The robot includes a body, a pile walking mechanism, a vector propulsive mechanism, a negative pressure suction mechanism and a manganese nodule cutter suction mechanism. The invention involves a stable and efficient deep-sea mining robot which can complete the mining task on the geological layer where the manganese nodule are located, and effectively protects the marine life and living environment in the deep-sea mining area. The existence environment of manganese nodule is also protected. After mining, the regeneration environment of living or other resources on the deep-sea floor will not be affected, thus greatly resolving the sharp contradiction between resource exploitation and environmental protection. 1. A pile leg walking type mining robot , comprising:a body, pile walking mechanisms, a vector propulsive mechanism, a negative pressure suction mechanism and a manganese nodule cutter suction mechanism;wherein a number of the pile walking mechanisms is three; the pile walking mechanisms comprise a plurality of drive components and a plurality of lifting piles; three drive components are respectively provided on two sides of a middle wall of the body and the center of a tail of the body; the lifting piles and the drive components are respectively connected such that a horizontal or a vertical arrangement is achieved under the driving of the drive components; when the lifting piles are vertically arranged, the drive components drive the lifting piles to move back and forth in vertical and horizontal directions;the vector propulsive mechanism comprises a plurality of vertical vector propellers and horizontal vector propellers evenly provided around the body;the negative pressure suction mechanism is provided on the head of the body and configured for suction and transfer of benthic organisms; andthe manganese nodule cutter suction mechanism is provided on the head of the body and located between ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010161A1

An underwater mobile inspection apparatus capable of inspecting an inspection object on a seafloor while cruising includes a cruising body configured to submerge under-water and cruise along the inspection object so as to not come into contact with the inspection object, a first movable arm provided on the cruising-body, and an inspection tool unit provided on the first movable arm and including at least one of an image-capturing camera for use in visually inspecting the inspection object and a device configured to inspect a wall thickness of the inspection object by using an ultrasonic wave. A controller is configured to, when the cruising-body cruises along the inspection object so as to not come into contact with the inspection object, operate the first movable arm to move the inspection tool unit, such that a positional relationship of the inspection tool unit with the inspection object becomes a predetermined target positional relationship. 1. An underwater mobile inspection apparatus capable of inspecting an inspection object on a seafloor while cruising ,the underwater mobile inspection apparatus comprising:a cruising body configured to submerge under water and cruise along the inspection object in such a manner as not to come into contact with the inspection object;a first movable arm provided on the cruising body;an inspection tool unit for use in inspecting the inspection object, the inspection tool unit being provided on the first movable arm; anda controller configured to, when the cruising body cruises along the inspection object in such a manner as not to come into contact with the inspection object, operate the first movable arm to move the inspection tool unit, such that a positional relationship of the inspection tool unit with the inspection object becomes a predetermined target positional relationship, wherein stores a map showing an installation location of the inspection object; and', 'controls the cruising body based on installation location ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Sampling container for a remotely operated vehicle

Номер: US20190011335A1
Принадлежит: Aquabotix Technology Corp

A sampling container apparatus for a remotely operated vehicle (“ROV”) is disclosed. An example sampling container includes a tank configured to hold a sample collected from an underwater environment. The tank includes at least one opening that contains a plunger therein. The plunger includes a contraction or retraction mechanism that pulls the plunger into the tank causing the plunger to actuate from an open position to a closed position. The plunger is retained in the open position by a retainer plate. To enable the plunger to actuate to the closed position, the tank is rotated relative to the retainer plate, causing the plunger to traverse a travel channel in the retainer plate. The travel channel includes a plunger window, which when reached by the plunger, enables the plunger to be pulled through the retainer plate, thereby sealing the opening of the tank and preserving the collected sample.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190011565A1
Принадлежит: 3D at Depth, Inc.

Systems and methods for positioning objects in underwater environments are provided. The geolocation of a target for an object is determined, and a light source provided as part of a positioning system is operated to project a visible target at that location. The determination of the target location relative to the positioning system can include determining a location of the positioning system using information obtained from a laser system included in the positioning system. The light source used to project the visible target can be the same as a light source included in the laser system. A location of an object relative to the target location can be tracked by the laser system as the object is being moved towards the target location. The described methods and systems utilize one or more non-touch subsea optical systems, including but not limited to laser systems, for underwater infrastructure installation, measurements and monitoring. 1. A method for placing an object at a desired location in an underwater environment , comprising:determining a target location for an object, wherein the target location is in the underwater environment;operating a positioning system to project a visible target at the target location, wherein the positioning system is in the underwater environment.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:geolocating the positioning system, wherein the target location for the object is geolocated relative to the positioning system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein geolocating the positioning system includes operating a laser system to geolocate the positioning system.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the positioning system is geolocated by detecting a location of a monument claim 2 , structure claim 2 , or feature relative to the positioning system.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the positioning system is geolocated using underwater acoustic beacons with or without an Inertial Navigation Unit in conjunction with the positioning system.6. The ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200011992A1
Принадлежит: 3D at Depth, Inc.

Described herein are methods and devices for improved location of any and all underwater structures or equipment installed underwater. In particular, systems are disclosed that combine optical and acoustic metrology for locating objects in underwater environments. The systems allow for relative positions of objects to be determined with great accuracy using optical techniques, and support enhanced location of devices that utilize acoustic location techniques. In addition, location information can be provided by the system even in conditions that make optical metrology techniques impossible or impractical. 1. A method for locating objects underwater , comprising:placing a first metrology device at a first approximate location;operating an optical metrology system provided as part of the first metrology device to determine a location of the first metrology device relative to an object having a known location;placing a first acoustic transponder at a second approximate location;operating the optical metrology system of the first metrology device to determine a location of the first acoustic transponder relative to the known location.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:prior to placing the first acoustic transponder at the second approximate location, applying a target to the first acoustic transponder, and determining dimensional control data concerning a relationship between the applied target and an acoustic transducer of the first acoustic transponder.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:operating the first acoustic transducer to output at least one of an identification and a ranging signal.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:operating the optical metrology system of the first metrology system to point at the acoustic transducer of the first acoustic transponder over time and to measure a vibration of the acoustic transducer and thus acquire the acoustic signal output from the acoustic transponder while the optical metrology system is ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220033043A1
Принадлежит: Fishboat Incorporated

A robotic fish comprises one or more torque reaction engines and a fish body, wherein the torque reaction engine cyclically oscillates and causes a wave to propagate across the fish body, including through a flexible wing, accelerating thrust fluid and propelling the robotic fish. 1. A robotic fish comprising a wing and a plurality of torque reaction engines (“TREs”) secured to the wing, wherein the TREs cause the wing to translate through and accelerate a surrounding thrust fluid. This application is a continuation of and claims the benefit of and incorporates by reference the content and subject matter of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/731,038, titled, “Robotic Fish with Multiple Torque Reaction Engines”, filed 2019 Dec. 31; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/731,038 is a non-provisional of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 62/787,253, filed 2018 Dec. 31, titled, “Robotic Fish with Multiple Torque Reaction Engines”; this application is a continuation in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/160,215, filed 2021 Jan. 27, titled, “Robotic Fish with One or More Torque Reaction Engines”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/160,215 claims priority from U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 62/966,081, filed 2020 Jan. 27; this application further is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/222,965, filed 2021 Apr. 5, titled, “Robotic Eel”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 17/222,965 is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/942,545, filed 2018 Apr. 1, titled, “Robotic Eel”; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/942,545 was a non-provisional of U.S. provisional patent application Ser. No. 62/480,167, filed 2017 Mar. 31. This application claims the benefit of and incorporates by this reference the subject matter of the foregoing applications.illustrates an example of a robotic fish including at least one torque reaction engine.illustrates the robotic fish of , with a section view of internal components. ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170015395A1

An underwater base for handling plural underwater vehicles equipped with seismic sensors for recording seismic signals during a marine seismic survey. The underwater base including a storing part configured to store the plural underwater vehicles; an inlet part located above the storing part and configured to control access of the plural underwater vehicles to the storing part; a control part configured to acoustically guide the plural underwater vehicles to the inlet part; and a support part configured to support the control part, the storing part and the inlet part. The storing part is further configured to receive the plural underwater vehicles as the plural underwater vehicles fall from the inlet part into the storing part. 1. An underwater base for handling plural underwater vehicles equipped with seismic sensors for recording seismic signals during a marine seismic survey , the underwater base comprising:a storing part configured to store the plural underwater vehicles;an inlet part located above the storing part and configured to control access of the plural underwater vehicles to the storing part;a control part configured to acoustically guide the plural underwater vehicles to the inlet part; anda support part configured to support the control part, the storing part and the inlet part,wherein the storing part is further configured to receive the plural underwater vehicles as the plural underwater vehicles fall from the inlet part into the storing part.2. The underwater base of claim 1 , wherein the control part comprises:an acoustic system configured to generate acoustic signals for guiding an underwater vehicle to the inlet part; anda control system configured to control the acoustic system.3. The underwater base of claim 2 , wherein the acoustic system comprises:{'b': 1', '2, 'first and second transducers (T, T) configured to emit the acoustic signals.'}4. The underwater base of claim 1 , wherein the control part is further configured to control a movement ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Hover Apparatus, Method, and Applications

Номер: US20160016649A1
Автор: Jewell Stephen W.

An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) including a deployable anchor and a method for operating an AUV having a deployable anchor in a hover mode.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015991A1

A robotic submersible includes a housing having a body and a tail. In another aspect, a pump and a pump tank adjust the buoyancy of a submersible housing. In a further aspect, a first linear actuator controls the pump and/or a buoyancy, and/or a second linear actuator controls a position of a battery and/or adjusts a center of gravity. Another aspect includes a pump and at least one linear actuator that control gliding movements of the housing. In still a further aspect, a motor couples a tail with a body, such that the motor controls the movements of the tail to create a swimming movement. Moreover, an additional aspect provides a controller selectively operating the pump, first actuator, second actuator, and motor to control when swimming and gliding movements occur 1. A robotic submersible comprising:a housing including a body and a tail;a pump and a pump tank adjusting a buoyancy of the housing;a first linear actuator controlling the pump;a battery powering a plurality of electronics;a second linear actuator controlling a position of the battery and adjusting a center of gravity;a controller controlling the pump and second linear actuator;the pump, first linear actuator and second linear actuator controlling gliding movements of the housing;at least one motor coupling the tail with the body, the motor controlling the movements of the tail to create a swimming movement; andthe controller selectively operating the pump, first linear actuator, second linear actuator, and motor to control when the swimming and gliding movements occur.2. The robotic submersible of claim 1 , further comprising at least one sensor collecting environmental data.3. The robotic submersible of claim 2 , further comprising a first sensor and a second sensor claim 2 , wherein the first sensor and second sensor collect different types of data and are interchangeable on the housing.4. The robotic submersible of claim 3 , wherein the linear actuator moves the battery to reposition the center of ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016424A1
Автор: Erell Ehud, Farber Amit

Systems and methods are provided for underwater use. In one example the system includes an autonomous mother unmanned underwater vehicle (AMUV) and one or more auxiliary unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). The AMUV is configured for autonomously searching for and detecting undersea objects potentially present in an undersea region of interest (ROI), for generating object information relating to the objects detected thereby to enable identification of at least one object of interest (OOI) among the detected objects, and for selectively transporting the UUV to at least within a predetermined distance from a location of the OOI. The UUV is configured for interacting with the OOI at least within the predetermined distance. Such a system is further configured for providing verification information indicative of the interaction between the UUV and the OOI. The AMUV includes a communications system at least configured for transmitting at one or both of the verification information and the object information. 150-. (canceled)51. A system for underwater use , comprising:an autonomous mother unmanned underwater vehicle (AMUV) and at least one auxiliary unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV),the AMUV being configured for autonomously searching for and detecting undersea objects potentially present in an undersea region of interest (ROI), for generating object information relating to the objects detected thereby to enable identification and location of at least one object of interest (OOI) among the detected objects, and for selectively transporting said at least one UUV to at least within a predetermined distance from said location of said at least one OOI;wherein said AMUV is configured for autonomously identifying at least one said OOI among the detected objects in said ROI by processing said object informationsaid at least one UUV being configured for autonomously interacting with said at least one OOI at least within said predetermined distance, responsive to said control ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Mobile Underwater Docking System

Номер: US20190016425A1

A docking system has flat funnel and a slotted ramp at the end of the flat funnel. The ramp has a plurality of inclined planes, each on a respective side of the slot. A docking adapter, fitted over an underwater vehicle, includes a guide plane and a mask. The funnel guides the guide plane to the top of the ramp during docking/charging of the underwater vehicle. Another aspect of the invention is a highly maneuverable glider including a forwardly mounted buoyancy module followed, in order, by a pitch module, a processing module, and a roll module, mounted concentrically with respect to each other. The glider may be attached to any docking system. When used in conjunction with the docking system of the present invention, the glider may be attached to either the flat funnel or the docking adapter of the docking system of the present invention. 1. A system comprising: a flat funnel, and', 'a ramp at a narrow end of the flat funnel and defining a slot and comprising a plurality of inclined planes, each on a respective side of the slot; and, 'a docking station, comprising a guide plane, and', 'a mast,, 'a docking adapter, fitted over an underwater vehicle, comprisingthe flat funnel guiding the mast to the slot of the ramp, and the inclined planes of the ramp guiding the guide plane to a top of the ramp during a docking operation.2. An autonomous underwater vehicle comprising: a buoyancy module mounted forward of the center of gravity of said vehicle, said buoyancy module comprising a ballast tank of variable volume and a pump, located behind said ballast tank, that adds and removes water from said ballast tank, thereby changing the buoyancy of said vehicle;', 'a pitch module located behind said buoyancy module, said pitch module comprising a mass and an actuator to drive said mass forward and backward with respect to said rail; and', "a roll module located behind said pitch module, said roll module comprising a servomotor, mounted to said rail, said roll module ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017185A1

A joining device configured to join two facing and aligned pipeline sections presents two coupling members selectively couplable to respective pipeline sections at two respective facing flanges located at the ends of respective pipeline sections; a pulling mechanism suitable to move the coupling members towards each other in abutment against the flanges and to temporarily tighten the flanges by moving the coupling members towards each other; and a tightening mechanism suitable to definitively tighten the coupling members while the pulling mechanism keeps the flanges tight. 118-. (canceled)19. A joining device comprising:a first annular coupling member configured to be selectively coupled to a first pipeline section in proximity to a first flange located at an end of the first pipeline section, said first coupling member including two partial-rings hinged and pivotable around a first hinge axis from an open position to a closed position in which the first coupling member is operable to slide along the first pipeline section,a second annular coupling member configured to be selectively coupled to a second pipeline section in proximity to a second flange located at an of end the second pipeline section, said second coupling member including two partial-rings hinged and pivotable around a second hinge axis from an open position to a closed position in which the second coupling member is operable to slide along the second pipeline section, wherein said second flange of the second pipeline section faces and is aligned with the first flange of the first pipeline section,a pulling mechanism configured to move the first and second coupling members towards each other to temporarily tighten the first and second flanges to each other, anda tightening mechanism configured to definitively tighten the first and coupling members while the pulling mechanism maintains the first and second flanges tight.20. The joining device of claim 19 , wherein the pulling mechanism includes a ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016862A1
Автор: LEE Wen-Sung

A power saving system for underwater vehicles includes a control system, a power unit and a battery. The control system controls the power unit to drive the underwater vehicle, and generates an output driving value. The control system includes a calculation unit, a three-axis accelerometer and gyro and an underwater vehicle weight value. The calculation unit creates a correspondent acceleration value by the output driving value and the underwater vehicle weight value. The three-axis accelerometer and gyro detects the acceleration of the underwater vehicle by every less than 0.5 second interval, and generates an acceleration value. The control system compares the correspondent acceleration value and the acceleration value to control the output driving value so as to save battery power and elongate the range of travelling of the underwater vehicles. 1. A power saving system for underwater vehicles , comprising:an underwater vehicle having a control system, a power unit and a battery, the battery providing electric power to the power unit, the control system controlling the power unit to drive the underwater vehicle, and generating an output driving value, andthe control system including a calculation unit, a three-axis accelerometer and gyro and an underwater vehicle weight value which is built in the control system, the calculation unit creating a correspondent acceleration value by the output driving value and the underwater vehicle weight value, the three-axis accelerometer and gyro detecting an acceleration of the underwater vehicle at interval of less than 0.5 second, and generating an acceleration value, the control system comparing the correspondent acceleration value and the acceleration value, when the correspondent acceleration value is larger than the acceleration value, the control system judges that an resistance applied to the underwater vehicle increases, and the output driving value is increased, when the correspondent acceleration value is smaller ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017694A1

A system () for operating a subsea sensor field (), comprises an automated underwater vehicle—AUV () and a subsea service station (). A sensor () in the sensor field () comprises a permanently installed base unit () and a removable control unit (). The AUV () moves control units () to the service station () for charging and updating, and then back to the base units. The permanent positions of the base units () facilitate time-lapse surveys, and saves energy as heavy equipment may remain on the seafloor. 110-. (canceled)11. A system for operating a subsea sensor field , comprising an AUV and a sub sea service station , wherein a sensor in the sensor field comprises a permanently installed base unit and a removable control unit , in that the AUV and control unit are provided with complementary transport connectors and in that the service station is provided with a docking connector for receiving the control unit.12. The system according to claim 11 , wherein the service station is connected to the surface through an umbilical.1310. The system according to claim 11 , further comprising a docking station for the AUV ().14. The system according to claim 11 , wherein the base unit is connected to a wired network.15. The system according to claim 14 , wherein the wired network is connected to the service station.16. The system according to claim 11 , wherein the AUV comprises a control system and a set of base units comprise a corresponding guidance system claim 11 , such that the AUV can operate without communication to the surface except through the docking station.17. A method for operating a subsea sensor field claim 11 , comprising the steps of:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00011', 'claim 11'}, 'deploying a system according to ;'}connecting a control unit to a base unit by means of the AUV;operating the control unit at the base unit for a predetermined period of time; andmoving the control unit to the service station by means of the AUV.18. The method according to ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Autonomous submersible vehicle and method for pulling in same

Номер: US20160023722A1
Автор: Sven-Christian Hesse
Принадлежит: Atlas Elektronik GmbH

A method for pulling an autonomous submersible vehicle into a mother ship is proposed. The method comprises the steps of letting out a floating line from the mother ship, allowing at least part of a capturing line to rise from the submersible vehicle using a capturing buoy, to cause the submersible vehicle to cross under the floating line in such a way that the capturing line with the capturing buoy becomes caught on the floating line, and to draw the submersible vehicle to the mother ship by pulling in the floating line.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023732A1

A subsea vessel includes filler material, which may be enclosed by an outer shell and may provide the vessel with a density for floatation. Exemplary applications for the vessels include buoyancy and tanks to hold fluids for operations subsea. The filler may include thermoplastic materials and/or concrete, which may be formed to create internal void spaces. 1. A method of using a subsea vessel for buoyancy , comprising:floating the vessel in water, wherein the vessel includes a shell arranged around at least one inner enclosure containing gas with concrete material poured to fill between the shell and the enclosure; andsubmerging the vessel until supported by a seabed.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the gas in the enclosure is pressurized to at least 6500 kilopascals.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the submerging includes increasing the weight of the vessel by introducing the water into the inner enclosure through a valve.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein steel forms the shell and the inner enclosure.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the shell and the inner enclosure are concentric cylinders.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the inner enclosure has a domed top with a conduit at an apex of the top providing fluid communication through a check valve to an exterior of the vessel for venting the gas as the enclosure is flooded for the submerging.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one inner enclosure includes a plurality of enclosures arranged in the shell.8. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising releasing weight coupled to the vessel thereby causing ascent of the vessel from the seabed for recovery of the vessel.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the vessel further includes a thermoplastic material contributing to the buoyancy.10. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the concrete material has a density less than the water.11. The method according to claim 1 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190023367A1
Принадлежит: Seabed Geosolutions B.V.

Apparatuses, systems, and methods for the deployment of a plurality of autonomous underwater seismic vehicles (AUVs) on or near the seabed based on acoustic communications with an underwater vehicle, such as a remotely operated vehicle. In an embodiment, the underwater vehicle is lowered from a surface vessel along with a subsea station with a plurality of AUVs. The AUVs are configured to acoustically communicate with the underwater vehicle or a second surface vessel for deployment and retrieval operations. The underwater vehicle and/or second surface vessel is configured to instruct the AUVs to leave the subsea station or underwater vehicle and to travel to their intended seabed destination. The underwater vehicle and/or second surface vessel is also configured to selectively instruct the AUVs to leave the seabed and return to a seabed location and/or a subsea station for retrieval. 1. A method for the deployment of a plurality of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) on or near the seabed , comprisinglowering an underwater vehicle from a first surface vessel into a body of water;towing the underwater device by the first surface vessel;launching a first plurality of AUVs from the underwater device as it is towed by the first surface vessel; anddeploying the first plurality of AUVs to the seabed after being launched from the underwater vehicle.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprisingloading the first plurality of AUVs in the underwater device on the first surface vessel prior to the lowering step.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the loading step further comprisesloading the first plurality of AUVs onto a plurality of storage devices, wherein each of the plurality of storage devices is configured to carry two or more of the first plurality of AUVs.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of storage devices comprises a plurality of conveyors or trays.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprisinglaunching the first plurality of AUVs from the underwater ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025449A1

The present disclosure is directed to underwater seismic exploration with a helical conveyor and skid structure. The system can include an underwater vehicle comprising a sensor to identify a case having a hydrodynamic shape, wherein the case stores one or more ocean bottom seismometer (“OBS”) units. The underwater vehicle includes an arm. The underwater vehicle includes an actuator to position the arm in an open state above a cap of the case, or to close the arm. The underwater vehicle can move the arm to a bottom portion of the case opposite the cap. An opening of the case can be aligned with the conveyor of the underwater vehicle. The conveyor can receive, via the opening of the case, a first OBS unit of the one or more OBS units. The conveyor can move the first OBS unit to the seabed to acquire seismic data from the seabed. 1. A system to acquire seismic data from a seabed , comprising:an underwater vehicle comprising a sensor to identify a case having a hydrodynamic shape, wherein the case stores one or more ocean bottom seismometer (“OBS”) units;the underwater vehicle comprising an arm;the underwater vehicle comprising an actuator to position the arm;the underwater vehicle comprising a conveyor;the underwater vehicle configured to move the arm to a bottom portion of the case opposite a cap, an opening of the case aligned with the conveyor of the underwater vehicle;the conveyor configured to receive, via the opening of the case, a first OBS unit of the one or more OBS units; andthe conveyor configured to move the first OBS unit to the seabed to acquire seismic data from the seabed.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the case comprises a first portion that is hydrodynamic and a second portion configured to produce drag to dampen rotation of the case through an aqueous medium.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the case comprises a helix structure to store the one or more OBS units and convey the one or more OBS units from a second opening of the case to the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029082A1

An underwater vehicle may be configured to perform vertical profiling and diagonal profiling. The vehicle may include a body having an elongated shape with a central longitudinal axis orthogonal to a central lateral axis. The vehicle may include lateral control surfaces. The lateral control surfaces may be disposed outside of the body and mechanically coupled with the body at a position proximal to the central lateral axis. The lateral control surfaces may be configured to rotate about a control axis parallel to the central lateral axis in order to control an attitude of the vehicle during ascent or descent. A given one of the lateral control surfaces may have a portion extend from the mechanical coupling in a direction perpendicular to the control axis. 1. An underwater vehicle configured to perform vertical motion , the vehicle comprising:a body having an elongated shape with a central longitudinal axis, the body having an upper end on the central longitudinal axis and a lower end on the central longitudinal axis; andlateral control surfaces including a first control surface and a second control surface, the lateral control surfaces having a mechanical coupling with the body, the lateral control surfaces being configured to rotate about a control axis in order to control an attitude of the vehicle during ascent or descent.2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the upper end is positioned above the lower end during ascent of the vehicle claim 1 , and wherein the upper end is positioned above the lower end during descent of the vehicle.3. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the body has a central lateral axis that is orthogonal to the central longitudinal axis claim 1 , wherein the mechanical coupling of the lateral control surfaces is positioned at a position proximal to a central lateral axis claim 1 , and wherein the control axis is parallel to the central lateral axis.4. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the lateral control surfaces are disposed outside of the body ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140116318A1

A submarine is designed for combating oil when submerged. The submarine includes a snout () which is conduit-connected to a conduit leading into the submarine. The snout () is part of an oil suction device and/or part of a device for bringing out an oil decomposition substance. The snout () may be designed in a rigid manner and be pivotable from a position between a pressure hull () of the submarine and an outer hull () forming an upper deck () of the submarine, into a position outside the outer hull (). The snout () may also be designed in a flexible manner, wherein the snout () is fastened in a section adjacent to a free end, on an ROV (). 1. A submarine comprising means for combating oil when submerged.2. A submarine according to claim 1 , wherein the means for combating oil when submerged comprises a snout which is conduit-connected to a conduit leading into the submarine.3. A submarine according to claim 2 , wherein the snout is part of an oil suction device and/or part of a device for supplying oil decomposition means from within the submarine.4. A submarine according to claim 2 , wherein the submarine further comprises a pressure hull and an outer hull forming an upper deck and the snout is designed in a rigid manner and is pivotable from a position between the pressure hull of the submarine and the outer hull forming the upper deck of the submarine claim 2 , into a position outside the outer hull.5. A submarine according to claim 2 , further comprising a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) claim 2 , wherein the snout is designed in a flexible manner claim 2 , wherein the snout is fastened in a section adjacent a free end claim 2 , on the ROV.6. A submarine according to claim 1 , further comprising an oil locating device.7. A submarine according to claim 1 , further comprising an oil/water separating device.8. A submarine according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one oil tank for storing sucked-away oil.9. A submarine according to claim 1 , further ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031307A1
Автор: Siersdorfer William

A technique facilitates a subsea operation such as a well intervention operation. A system comprises a station movably positioned at a subsea location. The station comprises a housing and a lifting arrangement mounted on the housing to enable lifting of the station and movement of the station from one subsea location to another to enable successive subsea operations. The station further comprises a docking station which may have connectors within the housing. In some applications, the station also may comprise a power lead which may be operatively connected to a subsea installation and a transceiver for communicating data to a desired location, e.g. a surface location. The docking station enables docking with an underwater vehicle used to facilitate the subsea servicing operation. 1. A system for use in a subsea operation , comprising: a housing;', 'a lifting arrangement coupled to the housing to enable repeated coupling of the lifting arrangement with a lift line as the station is sequentially transported from one subsea location to another for a plurality of well servicing operations; and', 'a docking station having interfaces for an underwater vehicle receivable within the housing., 'a station movably positioned at a subsea location, the station comprising2. The system as recited in claim 1 , further comprising the underwater vehicle dockable with the docking station within the housing.3. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the station further comprises a power lead coupled to the docking station and a transceiver for communicating data wirelessly.4. The system as recited in claim 3 , further comprising a host claim 3 , the transceiver communicating data between the station and the host.5. The system as recited in claim 1 , wherein the station further comprises batteries for supplying electrical power.6. The system as recited in claim 2 , wherein the underwater vehicle comprises a sensor to detect subsurface equipment.7. The system as recited in claim 2 , ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031308A1

An underwater vehicle is configured to transfer a payload between a first location and a second location at a subsea structure. The underwater vehicle includes a payload support configured to support the payload and a buoyancy control system. The buoyancy control system includes at least one of an exchange weight system configured to receive one or more exchange weights when delivering the payload, a floatation system having one or more floatation devices coupled to the payload, or a combination thereof. 1. A system , comprising: a payload support configured to support the payload; and', 'a buoyancy control system comprising at least one of an exchange weight system configured to receive one or more exchange weights when delivering the payload, a floatation system having one or more floatation devices coupled to the payload, or a combination thereof., 'an underwater vehicle configured to transfer a payload between a first location and a second location at a subsea structure, wherein the underwater vehicle comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the buoyancy control system comprises the exchange weight system.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the buoyancy control system comprises the floatation system.4. The system of claim 1 , comprising the subsea structure having one or more receptacles configured to support the payload claim 1 , one or more exchange weights claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The system of claim 4 , wherein the subsea structure comprises a subsea installation.6. The system of claim 4 , wherein the subsea structure comprises a subsea hydrocarbon drilling installation.7. An underwater vehicle claim 4 , comprising:a frame defining a first payload receptacle and a first exchange weight receptacle; anddocking hardware configured to facilitate docking the underwater vehicle to a subsea structure;wherein the underwater vehicle is configured to deposit a payload from the first payload receptacle of the underwater vehicle to a second payload ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190031433A1
Автор: BAKKE Ruben

A subsea storage unit includes a pressure hull having a cargo hold configured for storing cargo. The pressure hull has a movable hatch, providing access to the cargo hold; and a base configured for supporting the storage unit on a seabed. The unit also includes a suspension, whereby the storage unit can be lifted and lowered in a body of water, and a ballast. A seabed facility can be configured for receiving and accommodating at least one subsea storage unit. 1. A subsea storage unit , comprising:a pressure hull having a cargo hold configured for storing cargo, the pressure hull having a movable hatch providing access to the cargo hold; anda base configured for supporting the storage unit on a seabed.2. The subsea storage unit of claim 1 , further comprising a suspension claim 1 , whereby the storage unit can be lifted and lowered in a body of water.3. The subsea storage unit of claim 1 , further comprising at least one ballast tank and a controller claim 1 , whereby the storage unit buoyancy may be controlled.4. The subsea storage unit of claim 1 , wherein the base comprises solid ballast.5. The subsea storage unit of claim 2 , wherein the suspension comprises a releasable connector.6. The subsea storage unit of claim 1 , wherein the cargo hold comprises supports configured for receiving a container.7. The subsea storage unit of claim 1 , further comprising movable claim 1 , footprint-increasing plates that are movable between retracted and deployed positions.8. The subsea storage unit of claim 1 , further comprising a detectable signal emitter.9. A subsea storage system claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'at least one subsea storage unit according to ; and'}a seabed facility configured for receiving and accommodating at least one subsea storage unit.10. The subsea storage system of claim 9 , the seabed facility further comprising a detectable signal emitter.11. A subsea storage method claim 9 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190032437A1

A blowout preventer (BOP) stack module includes a chassis core having a module frame, wherein the chassis core supports one or more submodules each configured to perform a function of a BOP stack, an underwater vehicle coupling hardware coupled to the chassis core, wherein the underwater vehicle coupling hardware couples with an underwater vehicle configured to transport and selectively couple and uncouple the BOP stack module relative to the BOP stack, and a mechanical connector coupled to the chassis core, wherein the mechanical connector couples to a stack frame of the BOP stack, and at least one port coupled to the chassis core, wherein the at least one port is a fluid port, a hydraulic port, a pneumatic port, an electrical port, or a combination thereof, wherein the at least one port couples with a corresponding port of the BOP stack. 1. A system , comprising: a chassis core comprising a module frame, wherein the chassis core is configured to support one or more submodules each configured to perform a function of a BOP stack;', 'an underwater vehicle coupling hardware coupled to the chassis core, wherein the underwater vehicle coupling hardware is configured to couple with an underwater vehicle configured to transport and selectively couple and uncouple the BOP stack module relative to the BOP stack; and', 'a mechanical connector coupled to the chassis core, wherein the mechanical connector is configured to couple to a stack frame of the BOP stack; and', 'at least one port coupled to the chassis core, wherein the at least one port comprises a fluid port, a hydraulic port, a pneumatic port, an electrical port, or a combination thereof, wherein the at least one port is configured to couple with a corresponding port of the BOP stack., 'a blowout preventer (BOP) stack module, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more submodules comprise a controller submodule having a processor claim 1 , a memory claim 1 , and instructions configured to perform ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031890A1
Автор: Alshuhail Abdulrahman

An autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system includes a housing, and an autonomous navigation system, a propulsion system and a seismic wave generator, each connected to the housing. The autonomous navigation system can navigate the autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system to subsea locations including a location on a seabed. The propulsion system can drive the autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system to the location on the seabed. The seismic wave generator can couple to the location on the seabed to generate seismic waves at the location on the seabed. 1. An autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system comprising:a housing;an autonomous navigation system connected to the housing, the autonomous navigation system configured to navigate the autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system to subsea locations comprising a location on a seabed;a propulsion system connected to the housing, the propulsion system configured to drive the autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system to the location on the seabed; anda seismic wave generator connected to the housing, the seismic wave generator configured to couple to the location on the seabed and to generate seismic waves at the location on the seabed.2. The autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system of claim 1 , further comprising an anchor connected to the housing claim 1 , the anchor configured to attach the autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system to the location on the seabed.3. The autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system of claim 2 , wherein the anchor comprises a screw comprising an end configured to penetrate the seabed at the location on the seabed.4. The autonomous underwater seismic wave generation system of claim 3 , wherein the housing has a longitudinal length claim 3 , wherein the screw has a longitudinal length that is substantially one-third of the longitudinal length of the housing.5. The autonomous underwater ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033887A1

A system for navigation of an autonomously navigating submersible body during entry into a docking station below the water surface includes a determiner for determining an actual motion vector of the autonomously navigation submersible body in relation to the set motion vector describing the optimum entry direction into the docking station and a calculating unit. The calculating unit serves to determine the deviation between the actual motion vector and the set motion vector to determine control vectors based on the deviation and to thereby control the autonomously navigating submersible body during entry. 1. System for navigation of an autonomously navigating submersible body during entry into a docking station below the water surface , comprising:determiner for determining an actual motion vector of the autonomously navigating submersible body in relation to the set motion vector describing the optimum entry direction into the docking station, wherein the determiner for determining the actual movement is mounted on the docking station;a calculating unit for determining the deviation between the actual motion vector and the set motion vector to determine control signals based on the deviation, wherein the calculating unit is disposed on the docking station; anda control determining the control signals based on the deviation and controlling the autonomously navigating submersible body during entry into a docking station by means of the control signals such that the actual motion vector approaches the set motion vector;wherein the autonomously navigating submersible body comprises an autonomous driving mode and remote control driving mode and wherein the control is configured to activate the remote control driving mode in the near range of the docking station.2. System according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit comprises an acoustic modem for emitting an acoustic data signal and/or a light modem for outputting a modulated light beam andwherein the acoustic modem ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036746A1

A water drone capable of navigating on the surface, or below the surface, of a body of water. In some embodiments such a vehicle is light-weight, electric-powered, and propeller-driven, and may be operated by remote control from the shore and guided with simple autopilot commands. The vehicle may have two actuators at the rear of the vehicle, each including a motor and a propeller, and each capable of producing forward or reverse thrust. The vehicle may be capable of travelling horizontally through the surf zone and diving vertically through the water column to the seafloor. The vehicle may monitor its own location and depth and may measure environmental conditions such as water temperature; such measurements may be communicated back to the operator using a telemetry system. 1. A vehicle for use in a body of water having a surface , the vehicle comprising:a hull having a front end and a rear end and defining a longitudinal axis;a communications system comprising an antenna positioned at the front end of the hull; anda propulsion system comprising two actuators, each actuator comprising a propeller positioned at the rear end of the hull and configured to supply thrust along a thrust vector, assume a first steady-state position when the propulsion system produces no thrust, an elevation angle of the longitudinal axis in the first steady-state position being greater than 20 degrees;', 'assume a second steady-state position when the propulsion system produces forward thrust of a first magnitude, the elevation angle of the longitudinal axis in the second steady-state position being greater than 0 degrees and less than 40 degrees; and', 'assume a third steady-state position when the propulsion system produces reverse thrust of a second magnitude, the elevation angle of the longitudinal axis in the second steady-state position being greater than 60 degrees., 'the vehicle being configured to2. The vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the elevation angle of the longitudinal axis in ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180041029A1

An underwater vehicle includes an on board power grid, the power grid including powerlines, a plurality of DC energy storage sources based on lithium-ion batteries, each source having a positive terminal and a negative terminal, and being connected on the one hand to a charger and on the other hand to energy consumers of the vehicle, one of the terminals of each source being connected to a first powerline of the power grid, the other terminal of each source being connected on the one hand by a second powerline of the power grid to the charger through one-way semiconductor conducting unit and on the other hand by a third powerline of the electric grid to consumers through one-way semiconductor conducting unit. 14-. (canceled)5. An underwater vehicle , comprising:an on board power grid, the power grid comprising powerlines,a plurality of DC energy storage sources based on lithium-ion batteries, each source having a positive terminal and a negative terminal, and being connected on the one hand to charging means and on the other hand to energy consumers of the vehicle, one of the terminals of each source being connected to a first powerline of the power grid, the other terminal of each source being connected on the one hand by a second powerline of the power grid to the charging means through one-way semiconductor conducting means and on the other hand by a third powerline of the electric grid to consumers through one-way semiconductor conducting means.6. The underwater vehicle according to claim 5 , wherein the one-way semiconductor conducting means comprise diodes.7. The underwater vehicle according to claim 5 , wherein the terminal of the sources connected to the first powerline of the power grid is the negative terminal of the sources.8. The underwater vehicle according to claim 5 , wherein circuit breakers are provided in the electric grid.9. The underwater vehicle according to claim 6 , wherein the terminal of the sources connected to the first powerline of the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150046014A1
Автор: Hesse Sven-Christian

The invention relates to an underwater work system with at least one autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle and one unmanned relay vehicle floating at the surface of the water , which comprises a radio antenna for external communication and a drive . The underwater vehicle is connected to the relay vehicle via an internal communication device. 1. An underwater work system comprising at least one autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle and one unmanned relay vehicle floating at the surface of the water , which comprises a radio antenna for external communication a drive and a control unit , the autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle being physically connected to the relay vehicle via a coupling connection , the coupling connection including or being part of an internal communication device , and the relay vehicle , the autonomous underwater vehicle and/or the coupling connection being configured in such a manner that the relay vehicle is guidable by means of a control unit via the autonomous underwater vehicle.2. The underwater work system according to claim 1 , wherein the internal communication device is designed in such a manner that it is real-time capable.3. The underwater work system according to wherein said control unit controls the relay vehicle the system further comprising a control unit for the underwater vehicle claim 1 , the control units being configured in such a manner that navigation information for the relay vehicle and control information for the underwater vehicle is exchangeable via the internal communication device.4. The underwater work system according to wherein the coupling connection occurs by way of an optical fiber cable claim 1 , which physically connects the relay vehicle to the underwater vehicle.5. The underwater work system according to claim 1 , wherein the relay vehicle and/or the underwater vehicle comprise means for determining the distance between the underwater vehicle and the relay vehicle.6. The underwater work system ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047019A1

Disclosed is a self-balancing control method for an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) that includes: fitting the UUV vehicle with at least one reversible propeller; converting the forces the unmanned underwater vehicle is subjected to into a resultant force in each of at least one degree of freedom (DOF) of motion based on a DOF of motion control model, where each of the DOF of motion corresponds to a measurable motion control parameter; designing a corresponding sub-PID controller according to each of the at least one DOF of motion; and calculating the thrust required by each of the at least one reversible propeller based on a thrust distribution matrix. 1. A self-balancing control method for an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) , the self-balancing control method comprising:fitting the UUV with at least one reversible propeller;converting forces the UUV is subjected to into a resultant force in each of at least one degree of freedom (DOF) of motion based on a DOF of motion control model, where each of the at least one DOF of motion corresponds to a measurable motion control parameter;designing a corresponding sub-PID (proportional, integral, and derivative) controller according to each of the at least one DOF of motion; andcalculating a thrust required by each of the at least one reversible propeller based on a thrust distribution matrix.2. The self-balancing control method as recited in claim 1 , wherein in “fitting the UUV with at least one reversible propeller” claim 1 , a number of six reversible propellers are fitted claim 1 , comprising four reversible propellers configured to provide vertical thrusts completely perpendicular to a plane of a main body of the unmanned underwater vehicle claim 1 , and two reversible propellers configured to provide horizontal thrusts completely parallel to the plane of the main body of the unmanned underwater vehicle.3. The self-balancing control method as recited in claim 2 , wherein in “converting forces the UUV is subjected ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Methods and underwater bases for using autonomous underwater vehicle for marine seismic surveys

Номер: US20160046358A1
Принадлежит: Seabed Geosolutions BV

A method for cycling autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that record seismic signals during a marine seismic survey. The method includes deploying plural current AUVs on the ocean bottom; recording the seismic signals during the marine seismic survey with plural current AUVs; releasing from an underwater base a new AUV to replace a corresponding current AUV from the plural current AUVs; recovering the current AUV; and continuing to record the seismic signals with the new AUV.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Improving Access into Subsea Structures

Номер: US20210047875A1

A protective subsea housing for protecting an equipment space enclosed by the housing has an access opening in a wall of the housing for providing access to the equipment space by an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). The housing has a closure that is movable by translation, or by rotation relative to an axis transverse to or extending through the wall, to open and close the access opening, and an operating member, such as a rotary coupling, that is positioned outside the equipment space and is engageable and movable by the UUV to move the closure. 1. A protective subsea housing for protecting an equipment space enclosed by the housing , the housing comprising:an access opening in a wall of the housing for providing access to the equipment space by an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV);a closure that is movable by translation, or by rotation relative to an axis transverse to the wall, to open and close the access opening; andan operating member, positioned outside the equipment space, that is engageable by and movable by the UUV to move the closure, wherein the operating member is movable relative to the housing to operate a drive mechanism that acts on the closure.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the closure is movable substantially parallel to the wall.3. The housing of claim 2 , wherein the wall is planar and the closure is movable in a parallel plane.4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the closure is positioned on an inner side of the wall claim 1 , within the equipment space.5. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the closure is positioned on an outer side of the wall.6. The housing of claim 5 , wherein the closure is substantially surrounded by a ridge that protrudes from the outer side of the wall.7. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the closure is rotatable about a pivot beside the access opening.8. The housing of claim 7 , wherein the closure comprises a part-circular panel that can be pivoted across or away from the access opening claim 7 , the panel having a ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170043851A1

An underwater mobile inspection apparatus capable of inspecting an inspection object on a seafloor while cruising; including a cruising body configured to submerge under-water and cruise along the inspection object so as to not come into contact with the inspection object, a first movable arm provided on the cruising-body, and an inspection tool unit provided on the first movable arm and including at least one of an image-capturing camera for use in visually inspecting the inspection object and a device configured to inspect a wall thickness of the inspection object by using an ultrasonic wave. A controller is configured to, when the cruising-body cruises along the inspection object so as to not come into contact with the inspection object, operate the first movable arm to move the inspection tool unit, such that a positional relationship of the inspection tool unit with the inspection object becomes a predetermined target positional relationship. 1. An underwater mobile inspection apparatus capable of inspecting an inspection object on a seafloor while cruising ,the underwater mobile inspection apparatus comprising:a cruising body configured to submerge under water and cruise along the inspection object in such a manner as not to come into contact with the inspection object;a first movable arm provided on the cruising body;an inspection tool unit provided on the first movable arm and including at least one of an image-capturing camera for use in visually inspecting the inspection object and a wall thickness inspection device configured to inspect a wall thickness of the inspection object by using an ultrasonic wave; anda controller configured to, when the cruising body cruises along the inspection object in such a manner as not to come into contact with the inspection object, operate the first movable arm to move the inspection tool unit, such that a positional relationship of the inspection tool unit with the inspection object becomes a predetermined target ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Integrated Method and System for Communication, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing of Deep-Sea Vehicle

Номер: US20200042020A1

An integrated method and system for communication, positioning, navigation, and timing of a deep-sea vehicle. The method implements integration and deep fusion of communication, positioning, navigation, and timing, and can achieve uniformity of space references and time references between sensors and systems, can reduce difficulty in information fusion, and can implement convenient underwater acoustic communication, real-time/high-update-rate/low-power-consumption/high-precision positioning, high-precision/fault-tolerant navigation, and precise timing. The present invention implements simultaneous operation of four working modes: communication, positioning, navigation, and timing, to fundamentally resolve problems such as insufficient practicability of underwater acoustic communication, low accuracy of navigation and positioning, and no timing function, so as to improve underwater operation efficiency of a deep-sea vehicle. 1. An integrated method for communication , positioning , navigation , and timing of a deep-sea vehicle , wherein the integrated method is applied to an integrated device for communication , positioning , navigation , and timing of a deep-sea vehicle , the integrated device comprises a water surface monitoring platform , a deep-sea vehicle , and a scientific research ship/shore-based monitoring center; and the integrated method comprises the steps of:acquiring latitude and longitude and time information of the water surface monitoring platform;delivering the latitude and longitude and time information of the water surface monitoring platform to the deep-sea vehicle in an underwater acoustic communication manner;decoding the communication information by the deep-sea vehicle, to acquire the latitude and longitude and a time when the water surface monitoring platform transmits the communication information;acquiring a time when the deep-sea vehicle receives the communication information;obtaining a transmission delay according to the time when the ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210048544A1

A system to perform marine surveying may include a pair of identical design autonomous marine survey vehicles configured for coordinated operations. The vehicles may navigate and transit from a launch location to a geographically distant designated survey location, continuously survey and transit to a designated recovery location. A pair of vehicles may operate interchangeably at the sea surface, semi-submerged and underwater. Each may generate energy when operating at the surface and store energy in a rechargeable battery to power vehicle operation. The payload may include a sensor system to acquire seabed sensor data. A data storage system may store the sensor data. An on-board payload quality control system may analyze data validity. Positioning when the vehicle is collecting seabed sensor data may be determined with high precision, to provide survey data of high precision. 1. An autonomous marine survey system for performing a subsea survey of a location , comprising:a set of identical design, autonomous marine survey vehicles, instanced by a first and second vehicle, each comprising:a maneuvering system, the maneuvering system comprising a propulsion system, the maneuvering system comprising a buoyancy control system, the maneuvering system comprising a steering system;a sensor array configured to collect information about the surroundings at the location where the autonomous marine survey system is located;an acoustic communications system configured to send and receive acoustic command signals through the ocean water to the other vehicle;an information storage system configured to receive and store information from the sensor array, digital communications system, and acoustic communications system;an on-board power generation system configured to generate electrical power when operated at the sea surface;an autonomous control system configured to receive information from the digital communications system, acoustic communications system, power generator, power ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Method for detecting naval mines and naval mine detection system

Номер: US20150049588A1
Принадлежит: Atlas Elektronik GmbH

The invention concerns a group of vessels ( 24 ), having an unmanned surface vessel ( 3 ) and an unmanned underwater vessel ( 1, 1 a ), wherein the underwater vessel comprises a location device, in particular a sonar device, for sensing location data ( 12 ) in the underwater area and one evaluation unit or more evaluation units, and the evaluation unit or the evaluation units are arranged in such a manner that these comprise detection means ( 20 ) for detecting ( 14 ) a contact (MILEC) with the aid of the sensed location data ( 12 ) and with classification means ( 21 ) for classifying ( 15 ) the detected contact (MILEC) as a mine-like contact (MILCO) or non mine-like contact (NONMILCO), whereby classification is accomplished by comparing the contact (MILEC) with known mine information so that a mine-like contact (MILCO) can be identified as a mine contact (MINE) or as another object (NOMBO).

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047666A1

A remote-controlled underwater vehicle may be used to extract oil from an underside of a closed ice cover. Further, a system for extracting oil from an underside of a closed ice cover may comprise such a remote-controlled underwater vehicle and a submarine that can receive the remote-controlled underwater vehicle and store oil retrieved by the remote-controlled underwater vehicle. Finally, a method can be employed to extract oil from an underside of a closed ice cover. 112.-. (canceled)13. A remote-controlled underwater vehicle for extracting oil from an underside of a closed ice cover , wherein the remote-controlled underwater vehicle has underwater buoyancy and comprises:drive means;a pump for extracting fluid;means for localizing oil;means for connecting to a parent ship, the means for connecting having a first connection for communication, a second connection for supplying power to the remote-controlled underwater vehicle, and a third connection for conveying extracted fluid to the parent ship; anda first floatation panel.14. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil comprises sonar or multibeam sonar.15. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil comprises an acoustic Doppler profiler.16. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil comprises an infrared spectrometer.17. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil comprises a visual camera.18. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil comprises a gas chromatograph.19. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil comprises a mass spectrometer.20. The remote-controlled underwater vehicle of wherein the means for localizing oil is a first means for localizing oil claim 13 , the remote-controlled underwater vehicle comprising a second means for localizing oil claim 13 , wherein the first and ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Modular Maritime Tow Body

Номер: US20190047669A1

A tow body apparatus, a method of making a modular tow body, and a method of using a tow body. The tow body comprises a nose module, a tail module, and a first payload module that may be made of plastic by three-dimensional printing. The nose module is configured to be connected to a tow cable for towing the tow body through water and comprises a nose module mating interface. The tail module comprises fins for stabilizing the tow body as the tow body is towed through water and a tail module mating interface. The first payload module comprises an interior configured to hold a payload, a first mating interface configured to be attached alternatively to the nose module mating interface or to a second payload module, and a second mating interface configured to be attached alternatively to the tail module mating interface or to the second payload module. 1. A tow body apparatus , that comprises:a nose module configured to connect to a tow cable and tow the tow body through water, such that the nose module comprises a nose module mating interface; fins configured to stabilize the tow body as the tow body moves through the water; and', 'a tail module mating interface; and, 'a tail module that comprises [ a release mechanism configured to release, responsive to a release signal, a deployable payload from the interior; and', 'a ballast system configured to change, responsive to a deployment of the deployable payload from the interior, a buoyancy of the tow body apparatus;, 'an interior configured to hold a payload, such that the payload comprises, 'a first mating interface configured to be attached alternatively to the nose module mating interface or to a second payload module; and', 'a second mating interface configured to be attached alternatively to the tail module mating interface or to the second payload module., 'a first payload module that comprises2. The tow body apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the nose module claim 1 , the tail module claim 1 , and the first payload ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053126A1

The problem of penetrating through nets and other objects is solved by cutting the object using a linear cutting assembly having a linear cutter arm that moves in an arc and pivots about an attachment point. The object is cut by a severing action caused by a moveable blade of the linear cutting arm moving back and forth across a stationary blade of the linear cutter arm. An underwater vehicle modified to incorporate an embodiment of the linear cutting assembly can cut a sufficiently large opening in the object to allow the vehicle to pass through. 136-. (canceled)37. A cutting apparatus for an underwater vehicle comprising:a cutter arm configured to rotate in a forward arc;and a motor configured to operate a cutting motion of the cutter arm and rotate the cutter arm.38. The cutting apparatus of claim 37 , further comprising an elongated opening on a surface of a housing structure claim 37 , wherein the cutter arm is configured to rotate out of the housing structure.39. The cutting apparatus of claim 38 , wherein the housing structure is a cutting apparatus housing structure configured to connect to a hull of the underwater vehicle.40. The cutting apparatus of claim 38 , wherein the housing structure is the hull of an underwater vehicle.41. The cutting apparatus of claim 37 , wherein the cutter arm is configured to rotate at least 225 degrees.42. The cutting apparatus claim 37 , wherein the cutter arm comprises a first blade and a second blade and the cutting motion of the cutter arm comprises moving the second blade linearly back and forth and parallel to the first blade.43. The cutting apparatus of claim 42 , further comprising a drive shaft in mechanical association with the motor claim 42 , wherein the second blade is configured to move linearly back and forth when the cutter arm is positioned at more than one angle of rotation about the drive shaft.44. A cutting apparatus for an underwater vehicle comprising:a cutter arm comprising a first blade and a second ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053413A1
Автор: Collins Patrick

A method of providing buoyancy, the method comprising the steps of: (a) adding a buoyant fluid to a container, the buoyant fluid comprising a base fluid, an activator and from 25 to 60% vol/vol microspheres; and (b) increasing the viscosity of the buoyant fluid to at least 80,000 mPa·s at a shear rate of 0.8 sat 293K. The structure may be a tubular-shaped container that is used subsea, such as a frame of a cable laying plough. Embodiments thus provide a convenient method of adding buoyancy to a structure. 1. A method of providing buoyancy , the method comprising the steps of:(a) adding a buoyant fluid to a container, the buoyant fluid comprising a base fluid, an activator and from 25 to 60% vol/vol microspheres; and{'sup': '−1', '(b) increasing the viscosity of the buoyant fluid to at least 80,000 mPa·s at a shear rate of 0.8 sat 293K.'}2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the container is part of a structure that claim 1 , in use claim 1 , is located subsea.3. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the container is tubular-shaped.4. A method as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the tubular-shaped container is part of a frame of the structure.5. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the viscosity of the buoyant fluid is at least 120 claim 1 ,000 mPa·s at a shear rate of 0.8 sat 293K.6. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the viscosity of the buoyant fluid is at least 10 claim 1 ,000 mPa·s claim 1 , optionally 15 claim 1 ,000 mPa·s; at a shear rate of 4.18 sat 293K.7. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the container is suitable to attach to a riser.8. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the container is suitable to fit within a void in an ROV.9. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the base fluid comprises an oil.10. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the activator is a blend comprising a gelling agent such as a phosphate ester optionally an iron phosphate ester (FePO3).11. A method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the buoyant fluid ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220069612A1

An energy management system of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (“ROV”) has a generating unit located in a remote station on a water body and configured to generate a generated electrical power with a first maximum value); a ROV configured to operate in the water body and configured to absorb a second maximum value of an absorbed electrical power greater than the first maximum value; an electrical energy transmission line connected to the generating unit and to the ROV; and an electrical energy storage device located along the transmission line and/or on board the ROV. 115-. (canceled)16. A remotely operated vehicle energy management system comprising:an electrical power generation unit locatable in a remote station on a body of water, the electrical power generation unit configured to generate electrical power with a first maximum value;a wire-guided remotely operated vehicle configured to operate in the body of water and absorb a second maximum value of electrical power that is greater than the first maximum value;an electrical energy transmission line connectable to the electrical power generation unit and to the remotely operated vehicle, the electrical energy transmission line configured to transmit electrical energy from the electrical power generation unit to the remotely operated vehicle; andan electrical energy storage device locatable at at least one of: along the electrical energy transmission line and on the remotely operated vehicle.17. The remotely operated vehicle energy management system of claim 16 , wherein the electrical energy storage device comprises at least one of: at least one rechargeable battery claim 16 , at least one capacitor claim 16 , and a combination of at least one rechargeable battery and at least one capacitor.18. The remotely operated vehicle energy management system of claim 16 , wherein the electrical energy storage device is configured to deliver a third maximum value of electrical power to compensate for a difference between the ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210055731A1

The disclosure first measures the current information of the underwater situation the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) is found in, then calculates the force of the UUV on each degree of freedom (DOF) based on the information. Then the force on each UUV is fused with the respective force output by a command of a terminal to obtain a resultant force on each UUV Further, a thrust distribution matrix is used to distribute the resultant forces to the various thrusters of the UUV to obtain the output forces of the respective thrusters. Finally, the output force of each thruster is fused with the respective output force of the thruster that is output by the command of the terminal to obtain the thrust output required by the thruster. 1. A closed-loop motion control method for a three-thruster unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) , comprising:measuring current information of underwater situation the unmanned underwater vehicle is found in;calculating a force of the unmanned underwater vehicle on each degree of freedom (DOF) based on the information;fusing the force on each DOF calculated above with a respective force output by a command of a terminal to obtain a resultant force on each DOF;distributing the resultant forces obtained above to a plurality of thrusters of the UUV based on a thrust distribution matrix, thus obtaining an output force of each of the plurality of thrusters; andfusing the output force of each of the plurality of thrusters with the output force of the thruster that is output by the command of the terminal to obtain a thrust output required by the thruster.2. The closed-loop motion control method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: limiting an output force of each of the plurality of thrusters claim 1 , wherein when the output force of the thruster exceeds a set value claim 1 , the output force of the thruster is taken as the set value.3. The closed-loop motion control method as recited in claim 2 , wherein the operation of “measuring current ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200049849A1
Автор: Hartland Martin John
Принадлежит: Seabed Geosolutions B.V.

Embodiments, including systems and methods, for deploying ocean bottom seismic nodes. Two or more underwater vehicles (such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)) may be deployed by a surface vessel and each connected to the surface vessel by a ROV deployment line. A catenary shape of each ROV deployment line may be modeled for more accurate and efficient subsea ROV operations. Real-time modeling and predictive modeling of the catenary shape of the deployed lines may be performed, and the surface vessel and/or ROVs may be positioned based on the modeled catenary shapes. The ROVs may be automatically positioned and/or controlled based on commands from a dynamic positioning (DP) system. An integrated navigation system (INS) may be located on the surface vessel and directly coupled to the one or more DP systems. The surface vessel may travel backwards during deployment operations and deploy one or more subsea baskets astern from the ROVs. 1. A method for the deployment of ocean bottom seismic nodes , comprising:deploying a plurality of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) from a surface vessel, wherein each of the ROVs is connected to the surface vessel by a ROV deployment line, wherein the plurality of ROVs comprises three or more ROVs;deploying a plurality of ocean bottom seismic nodes on the seabed by the three or more ROVs;modeling a catenary shape of each ROV deployment line during the deployment of the ocean bottom seismic nodes; andautomatically positioning the plurality of ROVs during the deployment of the ocean bottom seismic nodes by one or more Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of ROVs comprises six ROVs.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining one or more operating parameters for the surface vessel based on the modeled catenary shape of the ROV deployment lines.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining one or more operating parameters for each of the plurality of ROVs based on the ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180052247A1

An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for recording seismic signals during a marine seismic survey. The AUV includes a body extending along an axis X and having a front region, a middle region, and a tail region, wherein the middle region is sandwiched between the front region and the tail region along the X axis. The AUV also includes a seismic payload located within the body and configured to record seismic signals. The tail region has a trapezoidal cross-section. 1. An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for recording seismic signals during a marine seismic survey , the AUV comprising:a body extending along an axis X and having a front region, a middle region, and a tail region, wherein the middle region is sandwiched between the front region and the tail region along the X axis; anda seismic payload located within the body and configured to record seismic signals,wherein the tail region has a trapezoidal cross-section.2. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the tail region includes a plane that makes a non-zero angle with a gravitational direction.3. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the tail region includes a plane that is the most distal area from a nose of the front region.4. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the middle region has a trapezoidal cross-section claim 1 , smaller than the trapezoidal cross-section of the tail region.5. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the body is flush so that no component of the AUV exits the body.6. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein a top surface of the tail region is flat.7. The AUV of claim 1 , wherein the entire tail region is defined by planes.8. The AUV of claim 1 , further comprising:a propulsion system hosted by the body.9. The AUV of claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , when the propulsion system is actuated claim 8 , a frontal force is generated by the front region due to an angle of attack claim 8 , and a tail force is generated due to a low-pressure generated by the tail region.10. The AUV of claim 9 , wherein a size of the tail region is selected so ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Underwater data center

Номер: US20180054916A1
Принадлежит: Fujitsu Ltd

An underwater data center includes an electronic device; a housing member that houses the electronic device and that is configured to be disposed under water; and a heat exchanger that is provided at the housing member and that is configured to discharge, into the water, heat discharged from the electronic device, with a face of the heat exchanger that discharges the heat making contact with the water, an opening being formed in a bottom face of the housing member and placing an inside of the housing member in communication with the water.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190054982A1

A system for managing and controlling a subsea module is described herein. The system includes a deployment module configured to releasably receive and accommodate the subsea module and a load-bearing cable. One end of the load-bearing cable is connected to the subsea module and the other end is connected to a cable control device on the deployment module. The subsea module may be lowered out of and retracted into the deployment module. The subsea module may be configured to hold a subsea vehicle, such as a remotely operated vehicle or autonomous underwater vehicle. The subsea module may also be a remotely operated tool. 1. A system for managing and controlling a subsea module , comprising:a deployment module having lifting lugs and a chassis on which an umbilical winch is arranged, and a first interface for releasably receiving and accommodating the subsea module; wherein the deployment module is configured to be placed on a carrier structure and connected to an electrical power and signal interface unit on the carrier structure, the carrier structure being one of a ship, a floating platform; a fixed offshore, inshore or atshore installation, or a quay;a load-bearing umbilical cable or a load-bearing wire or rope in combination with a piggy-back control cable, one end of which is connected to the subsea module and the other end of which is connected to the umbilical winch on the deployment module, wherein the subsea module may be lowered out of and retracted into the deployment module;wherein the deployment module is configured to be placed on the carrier structure when the subsea module is at a subsea location.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the deployment module comprises power distribution and control portion claim 1 , and a communication portion configured to communicate with a control facility.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the communication portion further comprises a control and communications module configured to communicate with a control room at a ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074742A1
Автор: TJØM Kyrre J.

The invention relates to a method for determining a water current velocity profile in a water column by registration of a deviation between a first position and a second position of an underwater vehicle travelling in the water column. A batch of underwater vehicles is deployed from a surface vessel into the water. The vehicle(s) steers to the first position, which for the first batch is a predefined estimated position (PEP). The vehicle is by first means recording the second position, which is the actual position (AP). The difference ΔP between the predefined estimated position PEP and the actual position is registered and based on the difference a deviation data set is calculated. An updated current profile or stack of horizontal water current velocities UV is determined. 110-. (canceled)11. A method for determining a water current velocity profile in a water column by registration of a deviation between a first position and a second position of an underwater vehicle travelling in the water column , said method comprising deploying a batch of underwater vehicles—comprising at least one vehicle—from a surface vessel into the water , said vehicle steering to the first position which for the first batch is a predefined estimated position (PEP) calculated by a first predefined water current velocity profile wherein the vehicle by first means is recording the second position , which is the actual position (AP) ,and the difference ΔP between the predefined estimated position PEP and the actual position (AP) is registered and based on said difference a deviation data set is calculated and an updated horizontal water current velocity UV is determined in said water column.12. The method according to claim 11 , wherein the updated water current velocity UV is sent to a controller claim 11 , said controller is updating the predefined estimated position PEP to an updated estimated position UEP based on the predefined estimated position PEP and the updated water current ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Wirelessly Controlled Subsystems For Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles

Номер: US20180057127A1

A system for underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and wirelessly controlled subsystems is provided. The system comprises an ROV and a subsystem mounted to the ROV. The ROV includes a microcontroller, a main battery, and a transmitter-receiver. The subsystem includes a controller and a transmitter-receiver. The ROV is configured to communicate wirelessly with the subsystem via signals transmitted between the ROV transmitter-receiver and the subsystem transmitter-receiver. The system can further comprise a control center having a transmitter-receiver configured to communicate wirelessly with the ROV transmitter-receiver and the subsystem transmitter-receiver. The system can further comprise at least one relay module configured to relay signals between the transmitter-receivers of the system. The ROV of the system can also be configured to wirelessly transfer power from the main battery to the power source of the subsystem, such as by resonance coupling. 1. A system for underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and wirelessly controlled subsystems , comprising:an ROV comprising a main hull, a microcontroller, a main battery, and at least one ROV transmitter-receiver, wherein the main hull encloses the microcontroller, the main battery, and the at least one ROV transmitter-receiver;a subsystem mounted to the main hull, the subsystem comprising a housing, a controller, and at least one subsystem transmitter-receiver, wherein the housing encloses the controller and the at least one subsystem transmitter-receiver; andwherein the ROV is configured to communicate wirelessly with the subsystem via signals transmitted between the at least one ROV transmitter-receiver, and the at least one subsystem transmitter receiver.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the subsystem further comprises a battery.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising:at least one additional subsystem, wherein the at least one additional subsystem comprises a battery.4. The system of claim 3 , ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Photovolatic Powered Cathodic Protection Probe

Номер: US20170057605A1
Автор: Glenn Casey, Groves Robert

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) compatible photovoltaic powered cathodic protection (CP) probe can measure voltage potential of subsea structures. In an embodiment, the CP's meter is integrated and able to send CP data topside. The CP meter's compact display module also houses the telemetry board to send CP readings, via an ROV serial, topside. The CP probe does not require a battery and can be used standalone or connected through an ROV to topside logging and display. Further, the CP probe can monitor a plurality of CP voltages and other conditions such as an electrical field gradient. 1. An ROV compatible cathodic protection (CP) probe , comprising:a. a housing;b. an isolation cap disposed about a first end of the housing;c. a probe tip disposed proximate the first end of the housing, a first portion of the probe tip operatively exposed to an exterior portion of the housing proximate the isolation cap;d. a reference cell disposed within the housing and operatively in communication with the probe tip; i. a power housing;', 'ii. a photovoltaic cell disposed proximate the power housing and operatively in communication with the reference cell, the photovoltaic cell adapted to be powered by a ambient light;', 'iii. an ROV serial interface operatively in communication with the reference cell and the photovoltaic cell; and', 'iv. telemetry electronics operatively in communication with the ROV serial interface and the reference cell, the telemetry board configured to send CP readings; and, 'e. an electrical source operatively in communication with the reference cell, the electrical source comprisingf. an ROV handle disposed about a second end of the housing opposite the first end of the housing.2. The ROV compatible cathodic protection (CP) probe of claim 1 , wherein the probe tip comprises at least one of a heat treated 440C stainless tip or a ground tungsten tip.3. The ROV compatible cathodic protection (CP) probe of claim 1 , wherein the probe tip comprises an ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150063916A1

A self-propelled underwater vehicle for underground laying a continuous elongated member in a bed of a body of water having a work assembly, which is configured to be set, at least partly, into the bed, and is provided with two facing supporting walls for delimiting a space there-between and supporting two opposite scarp slopes; and drive assemblies, which are arranged on opposite sides of the work assembly and are configured to rest on the bed and advancing the work assembly in a travelling direction. 1. A self-propelled underwater vehicle for underground laying a continuous elongated member in a bed of a body of water , the self-propelled underwater vehicle comprising:a work assembly configured to be set, at least partly, into the bed, the work assembly including two facing supporting walls for delimiting a space therebetween and supporting two opposite scarp slopes; andtwo drive assemblies arranged on opposite sides of the work assembly, the two drive assemblies configured to rest on the bed and advance the work assembly in a travelling direction.2. The self-propelled underwater vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the two drive assemblies includes a supporting body of adjustable buoyancy.3. The self-propelled underwater vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the two drive assemblies includes a body of adjustable buoyancy and a powered crawler being looped about the body of adjustable buoyancy.4. The self-propelled underwater vehicle as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising two connecting assemblies each of which is located between the work assembly and a respective one of the two drive assemblies to adjust a depth of the work assembly into the body of water.5. The self-propelled underwater vehicle as claimed in claim 4 , wherein each of the two connecting assemblies includes:two tracks along a supporting wall;two connecting members each of which is fitted to a respective one of the two tracks; andtwo first actuators each of which is ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации

Watercraft Automatic Bi-Planar Explorer

Номер: US20140137788A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A watercraft is disclosed which has the ability to automatically adjust one of its planes in relation to a surface of water to achieve useful goals.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140137789A1

An installation vehicle for a nacelle of a tidal power plant having a turbine-generator unit includes at least two floating devices with a plurality of ballast tanks, the buoyancy of which is settable, a drive device acting in different directions, and a controllable fastening device for holding the nacelle. The fastening device is connected at least indirectly to a support element, which produces a connection between the floating devices. The connection between the floating devices and the support element is embodied by a detachable coupling unit or the support element includes a device for size adaptation. 1. A submersible installation vehicle for a nacelle of a tidal power plant having a turbine-generator unit , the submersible vehicle comprising:at least two floating devices having a plurality of ballast tanks, a buoyancy of said plurality of tanks being settable;a drive device configured for acting in different directions and coupled at least indirectly with said at least two floating devices;a support element;a device for setting a spacing of said plurality of floating devices; and said connection between said plurality of floating devices and said support element is a detachable coupling unit; and', 'said support element is a device for size adaptation., 'a controllable fastening device configured for holding the nacelle, said controllable fastening device being attached at least indirectly to said support element to form a connection between said plurality of floating devices, wherein at least one of2. The submersible installation vehicle according to claim 1 , said plurality of floating devices being fastenable on a plurality of different fastening points of said support element.3. The submersible installation vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein said connection between said plurality of floating devices and said support element is a detachable coupling unit and said detachable coupling unit includes a bolt connection between said plurality of floating ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200057026A1
Автор: Dingman Scott Paul

Embodiments of the present invention include systems, apparatuses, and methods that include a pipeline inspection apparatus containing a carriage, a first member including at least a first and second sensor configured to take a first round of measurements of a pipe, a second member including at least a third and fourth sensor configured to take a first round of measurements of the pipe, and a multiplexer. The first and second members are attached to opposite side members of the carriage. The carriage, first member, and second member are configured to surround a section of the pipe and are movably mountable on the pipe. The multiplexer receives a signal from the at least first, second, third, and fourth sensors and creates a measurement signal. 1. An inspection apparatus , comprising:a carriage;a first member including at least a first and second sensor configured to take a first round of measurements of a pipe;a second member including at least a third and fourth sensor configured to take a first round of measurements of the pipe; anda multiplexer;wherein the first and second members are attached to opposite side members of the carriage,wherein the carriage, first member, and second member are configured to surround a portion of a section of the pipe and are movably mountable on the pipe, wherein the multiplexer receives a signal from the at least first, second, third, and fourth sensors and creates a measurement signal.2. The inspection apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least first claim 1 , second claim 1 , third claim 1 , and fourth sensors are pulsed eddy current (PEC) sensors.3. The inspection apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising at least one roller attached to each opposing end of the carriage claim 1 , first member claim 1 , and second member claim 1 , the roller configured to assist in placing and moving the inspection apparatus along the pipeline.4. The inspection apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an attachment configured to attach to a ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

System for detecting flooding in flexible tubular pipes under high pressure conditions

Номер: US20210063353A1
Принадлежит: Oceaneering International Inc

A system for inspecting flexible pipelines comprises a data analyzer, a data collector and an ultrasonic transducer. Further, the ultrasonic transducer is adapted to propagate shear wave into the annulus of the flexible pipeline. The data collector further comprises a data store and a communicator. Further, the system is capable of differentiating flooding and non-flooding condition of the annulus of the flexible pipeline which is subjected to high pressure. Using the system, an indicator of a flooded or non-flooded condition within the flexible pipeline may be calculated using transmitted and detected reflective waves or the lack of detected reflective waves.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

High Efficiency, Low RPM, Underwater Propeller

Номер: US20190061891A1
Автор: Kaufman Amanda

A marine propeller is disclosed having two blades. The shape of the propeller blades remains constant through the radial position of the propeller blades. The blade length of the propeller blades changes as a function of the radial position of the propeller blade. The twist angle of each blade starts at approximately 63 degrees at the propeller hub (proximal end) and decreases to about 15 degrees at the blade tip (distal end). 1. A marine propeller comprising:a propeller hub; and wherein each of said propeller blades has a chord length that varies in size as a function of a radial position ratio, with a maximum chord length ratio between 0.300 and 0.330,', 'wherein each of said propeller blades has a twist angle that decreases from the proximal end to the distal end as a function of the radial position ratio, and', 'wherein the twist angle is between 58 and 68 degrees at the proximal end and between 10 and 20 degrees at the distal end., 'two propeller blades, each propeller blade having a blade length with a proximal end attached to said propeller hub and a distal end extending radially outward from said propeller hub,'}2. The marine propeller of claim 1 , wherein each of said propeller blades has a constant hydrofoil shape along the blade length.3. The marine propeller of claim 2 , wherein said constant hydrofoil shape defines a low pressure side and a high pressure side claim 2 , the low pressure side having a thickness at its trailing edge that is greater than that of the high pressure side.4. The marine propeller of claim 1 , wherein the marine propeller is a two-bladed propeller consisting of only two propeller blades.5. The marine propeller of claim 1 , wherein the maximum chord length ratio is between 0.307 and 0.322.6. The marine propeller of claim 1 , wherein the twist angle is between 60.5 and 65.5 degrees at the proximal end.7. The marine propeller of claim 1 , wherein the twist angle is between 12.5 and 17.5 degrees at the distal end.8. The marine ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068440A1
Принадлежит: Cameron International Corporation

A system including a fluid injection system configured to removably couple to a mineral extraction system, wherein the fluid injection system includes a fluid injection system controller, a flow meter system coupled to the fluid injection system controller, wherein the flow meter system is configured to measure a fluid flow of a fluid through the fluid injection system, an adjustable valve configured to control the fluid flow through the fluid injection system, and a non-return valve configured to block reverse flow of the fluid through the fluid injection system, wherein the fluid injection system controller, the flow meter system, the adjustable valve, and the non-return valve are coupled to a common housing. 1. A system , comprising: a fluid injection system controller;', 'a flow meter system coupled to the fluid injection system controller, wherein the flow meter system is configured to measure a fluid flow of a fluid through the fluid injection system;', 'an adjustable valve configured to control the fluid flow through the fluid injection system; and', 'a non-return valve configured to block reverse flow of the fluid through the fluid injection system, wherein the fluid injection system controller, the flow meter system, the adjustable valve, and the non-return valve are coupled to a common housing., 'a fluid injection system configured to removably couple to a mineral extraction system, wherein the fluid injection system comprises2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the fluid injection system comprises a first end configured to couple to a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and a second end configured to couple to the mineral extraction system.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the second end comprises a fluid inlet claim 2 , a fluid outlet claim 2 , and an electrical connector.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the fluid inlet comprises a first coupler and the fluid outlet comprises a second coupler claim 3 , wherein the first coupler and the second coupler are ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200062359A1
Автор: Lyssy Matthew E.

A system for ocean bottom node (OBN) deployment can include a first deployment device located on a marine vessel, a second deployment device located on the marine vessel, a first line coupled to the first deployment device and comprising a first plurality of OBNs, and a second line coupled to the second deployment device and comprising a second plurality of OBNs. The first deployment device and the second deployment device can be configured to deploy and retract the first line and the second line simultaneously. 1. A system , comprising:a first deployment device located on a marine vessel;a second deployment device located on the marine vessel;a first line coupled to the first deployment device and comprising a first plurality of ocean bottom nodes (OBNs); anda second line coupled to the second deployment device and comprising a second plurality of OBNs;wherein the first deployment device and the second deployment device are configured to deploy and retract the first line and the second line simultaneously.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of tethers configured to be coupled to the first line and the second line at intervals along the first and the second lines during deployment of the first line and the second line.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising an apparatus configured to be coupled to at least one of the plurality of tethers claim 2 , the apparatus further configured to maintain a spread of the first line and the second line via the at least one of the plurality of tethers.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the apparatus comprises a different marine vessel.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the apparatus comprises a paravane.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a tether coupled to the first line and the second line to maintain a particular distance between the first line and the second line.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of OBNs and the second plurality of OBNs comprise acoustic positioning ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066504A1

Systems and methods of reducing drag on outer surfaces of vehicles that are in contact with water using a polymer solution that reduces the drag on the outer surfaces of the vehicles as the vehicles travel through water. A polymer solution is passively ejected into the boundary layer of the water flowing past the outer surface of the vehicle. The polymer solution is mixed and introduced into the boundary layer passively with minimal or no usage of electrical energy. The passive mixing and ejection of the polymer solution minimizes energy consumption, thereby maximizing electrical energy consumption efficiency during operation of the vehicle. 1. A reduced drag vehicle , comprising:a structure having a forward end, an interior, and an outer surface;a plurality of water inlets in the forward end through which water can flow into the interior of the structure;a mixing chamber in the interior of the structure in fluid communication with the plurality of water inlets and receiving water that flows into the structure through the plurality of water inlets;a polymer within the interior of the structure in communication with the mixing chamber, the polymer mixes with the water in the mixing chamber to form a polymer solution;a plurality of polymer solution outlets in the outer surface in fluid communication with the mixing chamber through which the polymer solution is ejected from the structure into a boundary layer to reduce drag on the outer surface as the structure moves in a forward direction through water with the water flowing past the forward end and then over the polymer solution outlets in the outer surface;the plurality of water inlets are positioned forwardly of the plurality of polymer solution outlets;the plurality of polymer solution outlets are positioned rearwardly of at least a portion of the mixing chamber; andthe pressure at the water inlets is higher than the pressure at the polymer solution outlets so that the polymer solution is passively ejected from at ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180067228A1

The present invention relates to a method and to a device for in situ underwater detection of physicochemical parameters in a body of water with a particular focus on using the acquired data for prospecting for potential reservoirs rich in hydrocarbons. The present invention provides a method for in situ real-time underwater detection of physicochemical and optionally biological parameters in a body of water by using an instrumented detection carrier. The present invention secondly provides an underwater instrumented detection carrier for in situ real-time detection of physicochemical parameters in a body of water comprising an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) arranged to use an instrumented module (or “payload”), capable of completing programmed missions without human intervention and configured to carry out the method provided by the invention. 1. A method for in situ real-time underwater detection of physicochemical parameters in a body of water by means of an instrumented detection carrier (S) comprising the steps of:a) programming the instrumented detection carrier (S) to follow a path (T) along which the detection operations have to be performed;b) programming a plurality of measuring pointpoints (PT) along said path (T);c) defining a plurality of physicochemical parameters to be detected along the path (T) and at the programmed pointpoints (PT);d) causing the instrumented detection carrier (S) to navigate to the starting point of the programmed path (T);e) carrying out the detection of the defined parameters along the programmed path (T) by means of said instrumented detection carrier (S);f) stopping the instrumented detection carrier (V) at the programmed measuring pointpoints (PT) and maintaining said means substantially stationary for the time period required to carry out the detection operations at a maximum distance of 0.2 m from the bed (F) of the body of water;g) carrying out the detection of the defined parameters at the programmed measuring ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Charging system for autonomous underwater vehicle and method of lifting and recovering autonomous underwater vehicle

Номер: US20210072746A1
Принадлежит: Kawasaki Jukogyo KK

A charging system includes a charging station having: a base underwater; a pole extending in an upper-lower direction; and a power supplying portion. An AUV includes: an underwater main body; a power receiving portion; a holding device including a pair of guide and holding portions, the pair of guide portions guides the pole to a holding position after the pole contacts the guide portions from a proceeding-direction, the holding portion holds the pole to be rotatable relative to the pole; a thrust generating apparatus generates in a horizontal direction; and a control device controls the thrust generating apparatus. A light emitter at one of the base and the underwater main body, and a light receiver is provided at the other. The control device controls the thrust so the underwater main body reaches a rotational position where the light receiver receives light emitted, the rotational position set relative to the pole.

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072168A1

An apparatus includes a shell having multiple ducts that define multiple flow passages through the shell. The apparatus also includes a core disposed within the shell and including one or more rechargeable power supplies. The apparatus further includes multiple drivers configured to cause water to flow through the ducts in order to maneuver the apparatus toward a host device. In addition, the apparatus includes at least one interface on the shell, where the at least one interface is configured to receive power from the one or more rechargeable power supplies and provide the power to the host device. The apparatus may be configured to dock with the host device and to be transported by and supply the power to the host device as the host device travels through a body of water. 1. An apparatus comprising:a shell having multiple ducts that define multiple flow passages through the shell;a core disposed within the shell and comprising one or more rechargeable power supplies;multiple drivers configured to cause water to flow through the ducts in order to maneuver the apparatus toward a host device; andat least one interface on the shell, the at least one interface configured to receive power from the one or more rechargeable power supplies and provide the power to the host device.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a controller configured to control the drivers in order to maneuver the apparatus into a docking position with the host device.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one interface is further configured to receive the power and to provide the power for storage in the one or more rechargeable power supplies.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shell is spherical.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein each of the ducts is formed completely in the shell and does not extend into an inner volume of the shell where the core is located.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is configured to dock with the host device and to be ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180072494A1

Using a subsea fluid storage system comprising a soft bladder () disposed within a pressure balanced reservoir (), a rotatable piston () disposed at least partially within the pressure balanced reservoir where a top of the soft bladder is in communication with the rotatable piston, and a piston rotator () operative to rotate and twist the rotatable piston as the rotatable piston travels along a predetermined axis within the pressure balanced reservoir, a predictable and repeatable collapse of the soft bladder may be obtained by allowing the rotating piston () to cooperatively travel about the piston rotator () to twist the soft bladder () as the rotating piston moves along the predetermined axis in such a manner as to collapse the bladder inward, thereby emptying the bladder of fluid within the bladder. The rotation of the piston pulls the soft bladder away from an interior of the pressure balanced reservoir, thereby preventing binding or pinching of the bladder with respect to the interior of the pressure balanced reservoir. In configurations, fluid is allowed to enter the pressure balanced reservoir via a valve () until a balance is achieved between an interior and an exterior of the pressure balanced reservoir. 1. A subsea fluid storage system suitable for use subsea , comprising:a. a pressure balanced reservoir;b. a soft bladder disposed within the pressure balanced reservoir;c. a rotatable piston disposed at least partially within the pressure balanced reservoir, the rotatable piston in communication with a top of the soft bladder, the rotatable piston configured to axially rotate and twist the soft bladder as the rotatable piston travels along a predetermined axis within the pressure balanced reservoir; andd. a piston rotator disposed within the pressure balanced reservoir, the piston rotator operatively in communication with the rotatable piston and operative to axially rotate the rotatable piston along the predetermined axis.2. The subsea fluid storage ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140152455A1

The present invention has, as a first object, an autonomous underwater vehicle equipped for the acquisition of the gravimetric and magnetic gradient near the seabed, characterized in that it comprises: —at least one gravimetric gradiometer; —at least one magnetic gradiometer. In particular, said autonomous equipped underwater vehicle allows underwater explorations as far as 3,000 m. A second object of the present invention relates to an analysis method of the geophysical characteristics of the subsoil, comprising the acquisition of the gravimetric and magnetic gradient in an underwater environment characterized by the following phases: —use of an autonomous equipped underwater vehicle according to the present invention; —immersion of said vehicle to the proximity of the seabed; —navigation along a programmed route; —acquisition and storage of the data collected by said gradiometers and said instruments with correlation to the geographic measurement point; —recovery of the data collected and use thereof for geophysical analysis of the subsoil. 1. An autonomous equipped underwater vehicle for the acquisition of the gravimetric and magnetic gradient near the seabed , characterized in that it comprises:at least one gravimetric gradiometer; andat least one magnetic gradiometer.2. The autonomous equipped underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein said gravimetric gradiometer measures the vertical component Tzz of the gravimetric gradient.3. The autonomous equipped underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein said gravimetric gradiometer comprises two accelerometers having a sensitivity of 1 μGal/√{square root over (Hz)} within a range of frequencies lower than 10Hz.4. The autonomous equipped underwater vehicle according to claim 3 , wherein said range of frequencies ranges from 10Hz to 10Hz.5. The autonomous equipped underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein said gravimetric gradiometer is positioned in the barycentre of said autonomous equipped ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074105A1

A current detection sensor is disclosed. The current detection sensor comprises a current probe configured to connect to a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The current probe comprises a low reluctance core configured to selectively enclose about a conductor in response to an actuation of the ROV. A gauge comprising a gauge control circuit is in conductive communication with an input and an output of the current probe. The gauge controller is configured to identify transmission data for the conductor based on a detection routine. The detection routine comprises supplying an input signal to the input and monitoring a voltage at the output. Based on the voltage, the routine identifies electrical properties of the current transmitted through the conductor. 1. A current detection sensor comprising:a current probe configured to connect to a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), the current probe comprising a low reluctance core configured to selectively enclose about a conductor in response to an actuation of the ROV; anda gauge comprising a gauge controller in conductive communication with an input and an output of the current probe, wherein the gauge controller is configured to identify transmission data for the conductor based on a detection routine comprising:supplying an input signal to the input;monitoring a voltage at the output; andidentifying electrical properties of current transmitted through the conductor based on the voltage.2. The current detection sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the current probe comprises a first clamp arm and a second clamp arm configured to enclose around the conductor and connect to an actuation device of the ROV.3. The current detection sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the gauge controller is in communication with an ROV controller of the ROV claim 1 , wherein the gauge controller is configured to receive control instructions from the ROV controller and execute the detection routine in response to the control instructions.4. The ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180074489A1

The invention relates to equipment comprising an underwater robot () and a device () for the remote control of the robot, which can communicate with each other, wherein: the robot comprises means for underwater movement and an image-capturing device; and the control device comprises 3D glasses designed so that a user wearing the glasses views the underwater environment of the robot in three dimensions on the basis of the images captured by the robot, and means for remotely guiding the movement of the robot on the basis of the three-dimensional underwater environment viewed. 1. Equipment for assisting underwater exploration , comprising an underwater robot and a device for remote control of the robot , able to communicate with each other , whereinthe robot comprises means of underwater movement and an image capturing device;the control device comprises 3D glasses designed so that a user wearing the glasses views the underwater environment of the robot in three dimensions on the basis of images captured by the robot and means of remote guidance of the movement of the robot on the basis of the underwater environment visualized in three dimensions.2. The equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the glasses are designed to guide the robot by head movements of the user wearing the glasses.3. The equipment as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the glasses are designed to be worn by a user situated outside the water.4. The equipment as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the glasses are integrated in a diving mask and are designed to be worn by a diver user situated in the-water.5. The equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the robot comprises a jet propulsion nozzle of pressurized water designed to clear away a zone.6. The equipment as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the robot comprises an aspiration pipe for deposits.7. The equipment as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the aspiration pipe is disposed concentrically around the propulsion nozzle.8. The equipment as claimed in claim 6 , ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070941A1

The present invention relates to an underwater drone which is an unmanned mobile which can move in the water, and more particularly to a communication system for the underwater drone which performs communication between the underwater drone and a land-based controller (or maneuvering device). The present invention also relates to an airlock apparatus for the drone which transfers the drone into or from facilities or containers, or equipment sealed (or closed) against surrounding environment. 1. A communication system for an underwater drone , comprising:an underwater drone configured to move in the water;at least one transmitting and receiving antenna provided in an area where the transmitting and receiving antenna can communicate with the underwater drone by wireless communication; anda controller or a maneuvering device connected to the at least one transmitting and receiving antenna by a wired cable and configured to control the underwater drone.2. The communication system for an underwater drone according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transmitting and receiving antenna is installed in the water.3. The communication system for an underwater drone according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transmitting and receiving antenna and the wired cable comprise a leakage coaxial cable.4. The communication system for an underwater drone according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one transmitting and receiving antenna is installed on the underwater drone and serves as a mobile antenna claim 1 , and wireless communication is performed between the mobile antenna and the underwater drone.5. The communication system for an underwater drone according to claim 1 , wherein the underwater drone has a function for moving autonomously to an area where the underwater drone can transmit and receive a signal to or from the at least one transmitting and receiving antenna.6. The communication system for an underwater drone according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Номер: US20200070942A1
Автор: HOLLOWAY Arran

An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for sensing at a seabed is provided. The AUV is configured to be grounded in a stationary condition on the seabed. The AUV comprises a body (), a sensing module configured to acquire data when the vehicle is grounded on the seabed, and a multiplane wing configuration () extending from the body. The multiplane wing may be a box wing. 1. An autonomous underwater vehicle for sensing at a seabed , the vehicle being configured to be grounded in a stationary condition on the seabed , and comprising:a body,a sensing module configured to acquire data when the vehicle is grounded on the seabed, anda multiplane wing configuration extending from the body.2. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the sensing module is configured to couple with the seabed.3. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 2 , further comprising:a base of the body;wherein the sensing module comprises a coupling plate configured to couple with the seabed and a sensor;wherein the coupling plate is at the base; andwherein the coupling plate and multiplane wing are configured to form a stable platform on the seabed.46-. (canceled)7. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the multiplane wing comprises an upper wing section and a lower wing section.810-. (canceled)11. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 7 , wherein the multiplane wing comprises a starboard wing side and a port sing side claim 7 , wherein the body is defined between the starboard wing side and the port wing side.12. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 11 , wherein the starboard wing side and port wing side are spaced apart from each other by the body.13. The autonomous underwater vehicle according to claim 12 , wherein the body comprises a vertical water thruster claim 12 , the vertical water thruster being disposed between the starboard wing side and the port wing side.14. The autonomous underwater vehicle ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Underwater Inspection System Using An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ("AUV") In Combination With A Laser Micro Bathymetry Unit (Triangulation Laser) and High Definition Camera

Номер: US20170074664A1
Автор: Cheramie Jami

A system for inspecting underwater objects includes an untethered, autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), having a laser micro bathymetry system, namely a triangulation laser system, and a high resolution digital camera carried on the AUV. 1. A system for inspecting underwater objects , comprising:an autonomous underwater vehicle;said autonomous underwater vehicle further comprising a laser micro bathymetry system and a high resolution digital camera.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein said laser micro bathymetry system comprises a triangulation laser system claim 1 , said triangulation laser system comprising a transmitter adapted to project a laser onto a target claim 1 , a receiver adapted to receive a returned laser signal claim 1 , and a means for detecting and determining an angle between said projected and returned laser and for determining a distance between said autonomous underwater vehicle and said target.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a multi-beam sonar and a side scan sonar.4. The system of claim 3 , further comprising an acoustic communication system.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising a navigation system.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising a means for guiding said autonomous underwater vehicle along a desired underwater path.7. The system of claim 6 , further comprising:a geochemical sensor;a motion reference unit;conductivity, temperature, and depth sensors;a velocity measurement unit; anda magnetometer.8. The system of claim 7 , further comprising a microprocessor and a means for data display.9. A system for inspecting underwater objects claim 7 , comprising:a) an autonomous underwater vehicle comprising a propulsion system and an acoustic communication system for acoustically communicating with a support vessel;b) a triangulation laser system, said triangulation laser system carried by said autonomous underwater vehicle and comprising a transmitter adapted to project a laser onto a target, a receiver adapted to ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Reusable Buoyancy Modules for Buoyancy Control of Underwater Vehicles

Номер: US20180079475A1

A water environment robotic system and method has a buoyancy configuration which can be selectively altered. The system includes an underwater robotic vehicle and a buoyancy module that is configured to be selectively buoyantly engaged and buoyantly disengaged with the underwater robotic vehicle. A tether is connected to the buoyancy module and a motor is operatively connected to the tether and is configured to extend and retract the tether and buoyancy module. The tether can be extended and retracted to extend and retract the buoyancy module. Extending and retracting the buoyancy module can buoyantly engage or buoyantly disengage the buoyancy module with the underwater robotic vehicle according to the arrangement of the system. By engaging and disengaging the buoyancy module, the buoyancy of the underwater robot can be selectively altered. 1. A water environment robotic system , comprising:an underwater robotic vehicle, wherein the underwater robotic vehicle is at least one vehicle of the water environment robotic system;a buoyancy module that is configured to be selectively buoyantly engaged and buoyantly disengaged with the underwater robotic vehicle;a tether connected to the buoyancy module; anda motor operatively connected to the tether and being configured to extend and retract the tether and buoyancy module;wherein in a first condition the tether and buoyancy module are in a retracted position and the underwater robotic vehicle has a first buoyancy, and in a second condition the tether and buoyancy module are in an extended position and the underwater robotic vehicle has a second buoyancy,wherein the buoyancy module is in one of the states of being buoyantly engaged or buoyantly disengaged with the underwater robot in the first condition, and the buoyancy module is in the other one of the states of being buoyantly engaged or buoyantly disengaged with the underwater robot in the second condition.2. The water environment robotic system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Launch and Recovery Techniques for Submersible Vehicles and Other Payloads

Номер: US20150086299A1

A subsea payload such as an AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) or an AUV garage is lifted from an underwater location by flying a latch unit through the water to the payload. The latch unit carries a lift line toward the payload. The latch unit is then attached to the payload and the payload is lifted using tension applied through the lift line via the latch unit. The latch unit can also be used on a lift line to lower a payload and then to release the payload at an underwater location. The lift line is supported by a heave-compensating winch on a surface vessel that effects z-axis movement of the latch unit. The winch maintains tension on the lift line to prevent the lift line falling on the payload. Movement of the latch unit on x- and y-axes is effected by on-board thrusters. 1. A method of lifting a payload from an underwater location , comprising:flying a latch unit through the water to the payload, the latch unit being attached to a lift line supported by a heave-compensating winch on a surface vessel to carry the lift line toward the payload;attaching the latch unit to the payload; andlifting the payload using tension applied through the lift line via the latch unit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein flying the latch unit comprises moving the latch unit horizontally on x- and/or y-axes to align the latch unit above the payload before attachment.3. The method of claim 2 , comprising lowering the latch unit on a z-axis toward the payload by paying out the lift line from the winch during movement of the latch unit on the x- and/or y-axes.4. The method of claim 1 , comprising determining underwater positions of the latch unit and the payload and flying the latch unit while monitoring its changing position to converge with the position of the payload.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the latch unit is suspended from the lift line with negative buoyancy.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein heave compensation by the winch is activated when the latch unit is at a mid ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081002A1

Autonomous underwater vehicles are described that are stackable with other like autonomous underwater vehicles on a suitable launch platform, such as within a vertical missile launch tube of a submarine, waiting to be deployed into the water. The underwater vehicles can be deployed or launched individually, in groups, or all together into the water. While stacked together, the stacked autonomous underwater vehicles can connect to one another or to external structure of the launch platform. In addition, the underwater vehicles can be positively buoyant or can be made to have controllable buoyancy to allow the underwater vehicles to float up and out of the launch platform during deployment without an external deployment force. 1. An unmanned underwater vehicle , comprising:a disk-shaped hull having a perimeter edge, a top surface, and a bottom surface;in a side view, the disk-shaped hull has a maximum lateral dimension that is larger than a maximum thickness dimension that extends from the top surface to the bottom surface;a plurality of horizontal thrusters for horizontal propulsion of the unmanned underwater vehicle, the horizontal thrusters are disposed within a boundary defined by the perimeter edge; anda single vertical thruster that extends vertically through the disk-shaped hull from the bottom surface to the top surface for vertical propulsion of the unmanned underwater vehicle.2. The unmanned underwater vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the disk-shaped hull has a principle axis that is parallel to the maximum lateral dimension claim 1 , and a central axis of the single vertical thruster intersects the principle axis.3. The unmanned underwater vehicle of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter edge defines a curved leading edge claim 1 , a curved trailing edge claim 1 , a first linear side edge interconnecting the curved leading edge and the curved trailing edge claim 1 , a second linear side edge opposite the first linear side edge and interconnecting the curved leading ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081004A1

Autonomous underwater vehicles are described that are stackable with other like autonomous underwater vehicles on a suitable launch platform, such as within a vertical missile launch tube of a submarine, waiting to be deployed into the water. The underwater vehicles can be deployed or launched individually, in groups, or all together into the water. While stacked together, the stacked autonomous underwater vehicles can connect to one another or to external structure of the launch platform. In addition, the underwater vehicles can be positively buoyant or can be made to have controllable buoyancy to allow the underwater vehicles to float up and out of the launch platform during deployment without an external deployment force. 1. A method of deploying an autonomous underwater vehicle , comprising:arranging a plurality of the autonomous underwater vehicles in a vertically stacked arrangement on a launch platform;deploying an uppermost one of the autonomous underwater vehicles of the vertically stacked arrangement so that the uppermost one of the autonomous underwater vehicles is deployed from the launch platform.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the launch platform is a vertical missile launch tube of a submarine claim 1 , the vertically stacked arrangement is within the vertical missile launch tube claim 1 , and the uppermost one of the autonomous underwater vehicles of the vertically stacked arrangement is deployed from within the vertical missile launch tube to an exterior of the vertical missile launch tube.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sequentially and individually deploying each one of the remaining ones of the autonomous underwater vehicles of the vertically stacked arrangement so that each one of the autonomous underwater vehicles is deployed from the launch platform.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein each one of the autonomous underwater vehicles has positive buoyancy claim 1 , and wherein deploying the uppermost one of the autonomous ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170081005A1

Autonomous underwater vehicles are described that are stackable with other like autonomous underwater vehicles on a suitable launch platform, such as within a vertical missile launch tube of a submarine, waiting to be deployed into the water. The underwater vehicles can be deployed or launched individually, in groups, or all together into the water. While stacked together, the stacked autonomous underwater vehicles can connect to one another or to external structure of the launch platform. In addition, the underwater vehicles can be positively buoyant or can be made to have controllable buoyancy to allow the underwater vehicles to float up and out of the launch platform during deployment without an external deployment force. 1. A method of deploying an autonomous underwater vehicle , comprising:arranging a plurality of the autonomous underwater vehicles within an interior space of a missile launch tube of a submarine in a vertically stacked arrangement, each one of the autonomous underwater vehicles being individually releasably connected to the missile launch tube by a releasable connection mechanism; andwhile the submarine is submerged in water, releasing the releasable connection mechanism between an uppermost one of the autonomous underwater vehicles of the vertically stacked arrangement and the missile launch tube, and thereafter deploying the uppermost one of the autonomous underwater vehicles so that the uppermost one of the autonomous underwater vehicles is deployed into the water from the interior space of the missile launch tube.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising sequentially and individually releasing the releasable connection mechanisms between each one of the remaining autonomous underwater vehicles of the vertically stacked arrangement claim 1 , and thereafter deploying each one of the remaining ones of the autonomous underwater vehicles of the vertically stacked arrangement so that each one of the remaining autonomous underwater vehicles is ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

System for Attitude Control of Underwater Vehicle and Method for Attitude Control of Underwater Vehicle

Номер: US20150090175A1

A system for attitude control of an underwater vehicle of the present invention includes an underwater vehicle with a thruster , an assist device that is coupled to the underwater vehicle with a cable and has cable handling equipment and a thruster , a cable attachment-to-attachment distance detection unit that detects distance between a cable attachment of the underwater vehicle and a cable dispenser of the assist device , and a control unit that previously stores the relationship between the attachment-to-attachment distance and cable length including a predetermined amount of slack and determines the amount of cable to be wound up or let out based on the cable length associated with the detected attachment-to-attachment distance. 1. A system for attitude control of an underwater vehicle comprising:an underwater vehicle that includes a thruster;an assist device that is coupled to said underwater vehicle with a cable and includes cable handling equipment and a thruster;a cable attachment-to-attachment distance detection unit that detects a distance between a cable attachment of said underwater vehicle and a cable dispenser, serving as a cable attachment, of the assist device; anda control unit that previously stores the relationship between the attachment-to-attachment distance and cable length including a predetermined amount of slack and determines the amount of cable to be wound up or let out based on said cable length associated with said detected cable attachment-to-attachment distance.2. The system for attitude control of the underwater vehicle according to claim 1 ,wherein said assist device includes a first depth finder and an image acquisition unit that acquires images of an upper surface of said underwater vehicle,said underwater vehicle includes a second depth finder and a plurality of light emitting devices on the upper surface of a hull thereof, andsaid cable attachment-to-attachment distance detection unit determines said cable attachment-to- ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Unmanned Underwater Vehicle and Method for Localizing and Examining An Object Arranged At The Bottom Of A Body Of Water and System Having the Unmanned Underwater Vehicle

Номер: US20140165898A1

The invention relates to an unmanned underwater vehicle for localizing and examining an object, for example a pipeline, arranged at the bottom of a body of water. For this purpose, the underwater vehicle has object localization means and object examination means. The underwater vehicle has a sonar device with 3D underground sonar for collecting measurement data. The object localization means are designed for three-dimensional acoustic localization of local sections of the object which are arranged both above and below the surface of the bottom of the body of water by means of these measurement data while the underwater vehicle is simultaneously moving away over these local sections for the purpose of examining local sections of the object by means of the object examination means. As a result, the invention allows a pipeline to be simultaneously surveyed and inspected as it is traversed once. The invention also relates to a system having the underwater vehicle and also to a method for localizing and examining the object.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170085864A1
Автор: Chen Xida, Yang Herbert

An underwater camera system includes a projector operable to project a pattern of electromagnetic radiation toward a target object. The electromagnetic radiation includes at least three different wavelengths. A sensor directed toward the target object receives reflected electromagnetic radiation from the target object and stores corresponding image data received from the sensor. One or more processors process the image data to compute a refractive normal according to a wavelength dispersion represented by differences in the image data, and to compute an interface distance corresponding to a distance from a center point of the sensor to a first refractive interface nearest the sensor according to the refractive normal. The processors generate a D representation of the target object by back projecting each pixel of the image data at the first, second, and third wavelengths in order to determine an object point location according to the refractive normal and interface distance. 1. A camera system comprising:a projector selectively operable to project a pattern of electromagnetic radiation toward a target object, the electromagnetic radiation comprising at least three different wavelengths including a first wavelength, a second wavelength, and a third wavelength;a sensor directed toward the target object to receive reflected electromagnetic radiation from the target object;a storage device; andone or more processors coupled to the projector, sensor, and storage device;wherein, by the one or more processors executing software loaded from the storage device, the one or more processors are operable to:send one or more control signals to the projector causing the projector to project the pattern of electromagnetic radiation toward the target object at each of the first, second and third wavelengths;store into the storage device a plurality of image data received from the sensor, the image data corresponding to the reflected electromagnetic radiation detected by the sensor ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210088687A1

A submersible node and a method and system for using the node to acquire data, including seismic data is disclosed. The node incorporates a buoyancy system to provide propulsion for the node between respective landed locations by varying the buoyancy between positive and negative. A first acoustic positioning system is used to facilitate positioning of a node when landing and a second acoustic positioning system is used to facilitate a node transiting between respective target landed locations. 1. A submersible autonomous data acquisition node comprising a buoyancy system enabling variation of the node buoyancy between positive buoyancy and negative buoyancy , the buoyancy system including:at least one inflatable external bladder; andat least one internal reservoir containing a liquid,wherein the liquid can be transferred between the at least one inflatable external bladder and the internal reservoir to vary node buoyancy by changing total displacement of the node, andwherein the buoyancy system is operable as a buoyancy propulsion system enabling the node to transit between two submarine locations, wherein the buoyancy system is arranged to vary node buoyancy between a positive buoyancy and a negative buoyancy.2. The node according to claim 1 , wherein the buoyancy system is arranged to vary node buoyancy between a positive buoyancy and a negative buoyancy to maintain the node within a transit envelope below the water surface and above a seabed when traversing along the oscillating path from the first submarine location to a second submarine location.3. The node according to claim 1 , wherein the submarine locations are landed locations on the seabed and wherein the buoyancy system is operable upon the node landing on the seabed to increase the negative buoyancy of the node to thereby increase contact pressure between the node and the seabed.4. The node according to claim 3 , wherein the node is configured when landed on the seabed in manner wherein the negative ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090160A1

An underwater mobile body capable of acquiring information on hydrosphere and moving between a position under water and a water surface includes: a body unit provided with a data acquisition device that acquires hydrosphere information, and a specific gravity adjusting device that adjusts the position of the underwater mobile body under water; and an antenna unit arranged at a tail of the body unit and provided with an antenna that transmits the acquired hydrosphere information, wherein the antenna unit holds the antenna such that the antenna is able to turn in a vertical direction. 1. An underwater mobile body capable of acquiring information on hydrosphere and moving between a position under water and a water surface , comprising:a body unit provided with a data acquisition device that acquires the hydrosphere information, and a specific gravity adjusting device that adjusts the position of the underwater mobile body under water; andan antenna unit arranged at a tail of the body unit and provided with an antenna that transmits the acquired hydrosphere information,wherein the antenna unit holds the antenna such that the antenna is able to turn in a vertical direction.2. The underwater mobile body according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna unit includes a pair of supporting members extending rearward from the body unit claim 1 , a pivot shaft rotatably connected to the supporting members claim 1 , the antenna projecting from a peripheral surface of the pivot shaft claim 1 , and a weight member joined to the pivot shaft and located opposite the antenna.3. The underwater mobile body according to claim 2 , wherein a communication cable connected to the antenna is passed through interiors of the antenna claim 2 , the pivot shaft and the supporting member to be guided to the body unit.4. The underwater mobile body according to claim 1 , wherein the antenna is able to turn through an angle of at least 180 degrees or more.5. The underwater mobile body according to claim 2 ...
