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10-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2435803C2

Изобретение относится к резиновым смесям и может быть применено в формованных изделиях. Резиновая смесь содержит (А) по меньшей мере один бутадиен-стирольный каучук, (Б) по меньшей мере один наполнитель и (В) по меньшей мере один (поли)сульфидный органо(алкилполиэфирсилан) общей формулы (I) ! . ! Резиновые смеси получают путем смешения между собой по меньшей мере одного бутадиен-стирольного каучука, по меньшей мере одного наполнителя и по меньшей мере одного (поли)сульфидного органо(алкилполиэфирсилана) формулы I. Изобретение позволяет снизить выделение спирта в процессе смешения резиновой смеси и повысить степень удлинения при разрыве резин при сохранении их показателей прочности при разрыве. 4 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 6 табл.

20-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2429252C2

Изобретение относится к композиции резиновой смеси и шине. Резиновую смесь получают смешением 1-60 мас.ч. низкомолекулярного полимера на основе сопряженных диенов (В), имеющего среднемассовую молекулярную массу, измеренную по данным гельпроникающей хроматографии в пересчете на молекулярную массу полистирола от более чем 30000 до не более чем 200000, и содержание винильных связей на участке диенового соединения с сопряженными двойными связями не менее 40%, из расчета на 100 мас.ч. каучукового компонента (А), который смешивают с (В). Каучуковый компонент (А) содержит натуральный каучук и/или полиизопреновый каучук и, при необходимости, по меньшей мере, один каучук, выбранный из группы, состоящей из каучука на основе сополимера бутадиена и стирола, полибутадиенового каучука и изобутиленизопренового каучука. Причем низкомполекулярный полимер на основе сопряженных диенов (В) получен анионной полимеризацией, и общая доля содержания стирольных звеньев в низкомолекулярном полимере на основе сопряженных ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2418013C2

Изобретение относится к функционализированным эластомерным полимерам, их применению при получении эластомерных композиций и изделиям из них. Модифицированный по концам цепей полимер включает продукт взаимодействия живущего анионного эластомерного полимера и силансульфидного модификатора формулы: (RO)x(R)ySi-R'-S-SiR3. Изобретение также относится к вулканизованной композиции на основе эластомерного полимера и к способу получения такой композиции. Способ включает объединение наполнителя, вулканизующего агента, модифицированного по концам цепей эластомерного полимера и вулканизацию эластомерной полимерной композиции. Композиция применяется для изготовления изделий, таких как пневматические шины, шинные протекторы, ремни и тому подобное. Представленные композиции характеризуются меньшей величиной tg δ при 60°С при сохранении хороших технологических свойств и хорошего баланса физико-механических свойств, включающих износостойкость, предел прочности при разрыве, условное напряжение при растяжении ...

20-06-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2254348C2
Принадлежит: БАЙЕР ИНК. (CA)

Изобретение относится к способу прививки полимеров на основе сопряженных диеновых мономеров к бромированным бутилкаучукам и использования этих привитых сополимеров в резиновых композициях, которые после вулканизации приобретают улучшенные физические характеристики. Способ получения привитого сополимера бромированного бутилкаучука и полимера на основе сопряженного диолефинового мономера, включающий перемешивание твердого бромированного бутилкаучука с твердым полимером на основе сопряженного диолефинового мономера, включающего некоторое количество связей C-S-(S)n-C, где n является целым числом, равным от 1 до 7, при этом перемешивание проводят при температуре выше 50°С в течение времени, достаточного для осуществления прививки. Каучуковая композиция, содержащая привитой полимер, полученный вышеописанным способом, и необязательно один или больше агентов вулканизации. Вулканизованная каучуковая композиция, композиция, предназначенная для изготовления протекторов шин, формованное изделие, содержащие ...

11-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2729660C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к напольному покрытию и способу изготовления напольного покрытия. Данное напольное покрытие содержит полимерную композицию, включающую смесь компонента А, компонента В и компонента С. Компонент А включает полимер на основе олефина. Компонент В включает полимер, выбранный из полиэтилена (ПЭ), этилен винилацетата (ЭВА) или блок-сополимера стирол-этилен-бутилен-стирол (СЭБС). Полимер компонента В включает группы ангидрида малеиновой кислоты или группы акриловой кислоты, которые привиты к полимеру и составляют 1 мас.% или более компонента В. Компонент С включает термопластичный эластомер на основе стирола. Способ изготовления напольного покрытия включает стадии: обеспечение компонентов А, В и С; изготовление полимерной композиции посредством смешивания компонентов А, В и С в смесителе; формирование полимерной композиции в полотно. Технический результат – изготовление надежным и экономичным способом высококачественного напольного покрытия, имеющего хорошие адгезивные ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2570045C2

Изобретение относится к термопластичной эластомерной композиции для герметизирующего слоя пневматической шины. Термопластическая эластомерная композиция содержит (А) 100 мас.ч. галогенированного сополи(изоолефин-п-алкилстирольного) каучука, (В) от 40 до 120 мас.ч. полиамидной смолы и (С) от 0,5 до 10 мас.ч. амина, содержащего, по меньшей мере, одну гидроксильную группу. Амин (С), представляет собой соединение, описывающееся формулой (1): где Rпредставляет собой Cалкил; Rпредставляет собой -(CHO)-H, где n представляет собой целое число в диапазоне от 1 до 30; и Rпредставляет собой -(CHO)-H, где m представляет собой целое число в диапазоне от 1 до 30, Cалкил или водород. Изобретение позволяет улучшить усталостную долговечность. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы. 3 табл.

28-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2648897C2
Принадлежит: ПИРЕЛЛИ ТАЙР С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к шинам для колес транспортных средств, в частности, шины с высокими и сверхвысокими эксплуатационными характеристиками наряду с технологическим процессом их изготовления. Шина для колес транспортных средств, в которой, по меньшей мере, один компонент указанной шины содержит вулканизированную эластомерную композицию, полученную вулканизацией поддающейся вулканизации эластомерной композиции, содержащей, по меньшей мере, один эластомерный полимер P, по меньшей мере, один активный наполнитель а), по меньшей мере, одно вулканизирующее средство b) и по меньшей мере, одну совулканизирующую композицию с), полученную посредством смешивания c1) по меньшей мере, одного эластомерного полимера Р, с2) по меньшей мере, одного цинкового комплекса, полученного за счет взаимодействия между с3) от 20 до 80 массовыми частями, по меньшей мере, одного соединения цинка на 100 массовых частей Ри с4) от 20 до 80 массовыми частями - на 100 массовых частей Р, - по меньшей мере, одной низшей ...

10-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2596231C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к полимерам, содержащим функциональные концевые группы, и их получению. Способ включает процесс анионной полимеризации в растворе, в котором одну или несколько бис(триалкилсилил)перекисей (функционализирующие реагенты) общей формулы (II)где R, R, Rмогут быть одинаковыми или различными и означают алкил, циклоалкил или аралкил, которые могут содержать гетероатомы, такие как О, N, S, Si, в виде чистого вещества, раствора или суспензии добавляют к полимерам с реакционноспособными концами полимерных цепей, выбранным из группы полибутадиена, полиизопрена, сополимера бутадиена и изопрена, сополимера бутадиена и стирола, сополимера изопрена и стирола или тройного полимера бутадиена, изопрена и стирола. Технический результат - разработка полимеров с функциональными концевыми группами подходящего стерического экранирования для получения гидрокси-терминальных полимеров. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 2 пр.

27-07-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2257395C2

Изобретение относится к приготовлению композиций для наполнения кабелей, используемых в области дистанционной передачи данных. Приготавливают композицию, включающую, мас.%: минеральное или синтетическое масло - 70-90, гидрированный блок-сополимер стирола и бутадиена с радиальной структурой - 2-15, полиэтиленовый воск - до 12. Блок-сополимер может быть синтезирован с помощью четыреххлористого кремния или четыреххлористого олова. Технический результат изобретения состоит в улучшении показателя испытаний на каплезащищенность и повышении стабильности композиций. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

13-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2716689C2

Изобретение относится к смеси полимеров. Описана смесь полимеров, приемлемая для получения шины, протектора шины, боковой стенки шины, ленты конвейера, уплотнителя или рукава, состоящая из (a) от 60 до 96% мас. первого эластомерного полимера, (b) от 4 до 35% мас. второго полимера и, необязательно, (c) от 0 до 13% мас. одного или более масла-наполнителя(лей); причем первый эластомерный полимер может быть получен (I) анионной полимеризацией по меньшей мере одного мономера конъюгированного диена и, необязательно, одного или более α-олефинового мономера(ов) в присутствии инициатора полимеризации в органическом растворителе и, необязательно, (II) модификацией концов цепи полимера, полученного на этапе (I), путем добавления и проведения реакции по меньшей мере одного соединения, представленного любой из формул от (1) до (3) или от (11) до (15), как определено ниже; причем второй эластомерный полимер может быть получен (i) анионной полимеризацией в присутствии инициатора полимеризации в органическом ...

10-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2515431C2

Изобретение относится к нефтехимической промышленности, в частности к производству бутадиен-стирольных каучуков, получаемых эмульсионной сополимеризацией, и к способам их наполнения на стадии латексов, и может быть использовано в производстве резинотехнических изделий. Способ получения наполненного бутадиен-стирольного каучука включает сополимеризацию бутадиена со стиролом в эмульсии в присутствии радикальных инициаторов, стопперирование процесса, дегазацию, введение антиоксиданта и волокнистого наполнителя - хлопкового, вискозного, капронового волокна или их смеси, выделение каучука из латекса методом коагуляции в присутствии коагулирующего агента и 2%-ного раствора серной кислоты, отмывку и сушку крошки каучука. Причем волокнистый наполнитель используют на стадии коагуляции в составе комбинированного коагулирующего агента, состоящего из 5-30%-ного раствора хлорида алюминия, вводимого в количестве 2,0-3,0 кг/т каучука, и волокнистого наполнителя, вводимого в количестве 1,0-10,0 кг/т каучука ...

20-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2482142C2

Изобретение относится к химической промышленности, в частности к производству резиновых смесей, предназначенных для использования в производстве шин легкового и грузового производства. Полимерная композиция включает, мас.%: каучук изопреновый - 26,98-41,57, синтетический каучук бутадиеновый - 3,10-8,98, немаслонаполненный бутадиенстирольный каучук - 12,41-17,97, синтетический каучук этиленпропиленовый тройной сополимер - 4,96-6,00, вулканизующие агенты: белила цинковые - 1,86-3,00, кислота стеариновая - 1,24-1,79, тетраметилтиурамдисульфид - 0,0991-0,1482, дифенилгуанидин - 0,49-0,93, сера - 1,55-1,67, наполнители: кремнекислота - 5,99-15,52, углерод технический N330 - 15,52-23,98, вспомогательные ингредиенты: мягчитель нефтяной - 1,24-3,00, модификатор - смесь фуллеренов фракции С-С- 0,0009-0,0018. Изобретение позволяет повысить физико-механические показатели резин, устойчивость к воздействию тепла и атмосферных факторов, морозостойкость, а также усталостную выносливость вулканизатов при ...

13-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661220C2

Изобретение относится к модифицированному эластомерному полимеру. Модифицированный эластомерный полимер получают посредством приведения в контакт живого анионного эластомерного полимера с конкретным модифицирующим концевую группу цепи соединением, причем живой анионный эластомерный полимер содержит по меньшей мере 75 и менее чем 99 мас.% бутадиеновых элементарных звеньев и более чем 1 и менее чем 25 мас.% стирольных элементарных звеньев и характеризуется содержанием виниловых связей от 2 до менее чем 10% исходя из полибутадиеновой фракции живого анионного эластомерного полимера. Изобретение позволяет улучшить сцепление шины при применении вулканизированного модифицированного полимера с мокрым дорожным покрытием, повысить устойчивость к истиранию, улучшить устойчивость к качению. 4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 4 табл.

10-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2213751C2

Изобретение относится к производству цветных, в частности белых, высоконаполненных полимерных композиций и может быть применено в производстве изделий и материалов с высокой твердостью и адгезией к металлической подложке - эбонитов, резинометаллических изделий, полимерной основы для абразивных порошков различных типов. Композиция содержит, мас.%: натуральный каучук - 14-30, бутадиеновый каучук - 1,0-1,84, немаслонаполненный каучук - 1,0-16,6, белила цинковые - 1-13, кремнекислота - 4,5-25, 00, кислота стеариновая - 0,3-3,0, сера полимерная - 1,1-11,39, дифенилгуанидин - 0,1-3,0, тетраметилтиурамдисульфид - 0,01-1,00, ангидрид фталевый - 0,03-0,20, пигмент - 0,18-2,5, порошок абразивный - 2,0-41,95. Технический результат - увеличение эксплуатационного срока службы за счет повышения твердости до 98±3 у.е. по Шору и адгезии до 3,3 МПа к металлической подложке. 1 табл.

19-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2781874C2

Изобретение относится к резиновым композициям для получения шин. Предложена резиновая композиция, включающая каучуковый компонент, содержащий натуральный каучук, полибутадиеновый каучук и стирол-бутадиеновый сополимерный каучук, и от 50 до 90 частей по массе наполнителя, содержащего диоксид кремния в расчете на 100 частей по массе каучукового компонента, в котором масса n натурального каучука в каучуковом компоненте составляет 40% по массе или больше, масса n, масса b полибутадиенового каучука и масса s стирол-бутадиенового сополимерного каучука удовлетворяют соотношению: s ≤ b ≤ n при условии, что, когда n = b, s < b, и 50% по массе или больше диоксида кремния содержатся в фазе, включающей полибутадиеновый каучук и стирол-бутадиеновый сополимерный каучук, причем либо один, либо оба из полибутадиенового каучука и стирол-бутадиенового сополимерного каучука модифицированы модифицирующей функциональной группой, которая содержит по меньшей мере один атом, выбранный из группы, состоящей из атома ...

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676281C2

Изобретение относится к получению каучуковой композиции, характеризующейся высокими прозрачностью, ударной вязкостью и теплостойкостью. Композиция содержит катализированный неодимом изопреновый каучуковый (IR) компонент в количестве от 5 до 95 массовых частей и каучуковый полимерный компонент (RB), выбранный из группы: бутадиеновый каучук (BR), 1,2-полибутадиенового каучука, стирол-бутадиеновый каучук (SBR), при условии, что совокупное количество полимеров IR и RB составляет 100 массовых частей. При этом композиция является свободной от диоксида кремния и характеризуется мутностью, меньшей чем 20% в отношении листа с толщиной 2 мм, а твердостью по дюрометру типа А (0 сек), составляющей приблизительно 30 и более. При этом неодимкатализированный изопреновый каучук имеет уровень содержания цис-изомера 95% или более и включает приблизительно 10000 ч./млн или менее железа или лития. Композиция обеспечивает превосходную прозрачность, прочность и теплостойкость. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл., 9 ...

10-03-2004 дата публикации

Электропроводна эластомерна композици дл заземл ющих электродов (и ее варианты), заземл ющий прот женный эластомерный электрод, анодное заземление и глубинный анодный заземлитель

Номер: RU2225420C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности и одновременно к электротехнической защите металлических объектов от коррозии, в частности для катодной защиты подземных сооружений с переменными электрическими характеристиками, например трубопроводов и кабелей в резкогетерогенных или высокоомных электролитических средах. Изобретение касается эластомерных электропроводных композиций для изготовления электродов на основе бутадиен-нитрильного каучука, хлоропренового каучука или их смеси, а также смеси бутадиен-нитрильного каучука и бутадиен-стирольного термоэластопласта, наполненных углеродсодержащими наполнителями, в сочетании с различными целевыми добавками (пластификатор, вулканизующие агенты, противостарители и др.), обеспечивающие им удельное объемное сопротивление 0,05-0,5 Ом·м и 0,5–2500 Ом·м. Другой группой изобретения являются заземляющий эластомерный электрод, полученный с использованием в качестве гибкой оболочки вышеуказанных эластомерных композиций, а также устройств анодного ...

10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2232170C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, в частности к производству резиновых смесей, используемых для изготовления изделий различного целевого назначения, например пластин для акустических покрытий. Резиновая смесь включает следующие компоненты, мас.ч (на 100 ч. массы каучука): каучук синтетический бутадиен-стирольный марки ДССК-18 - 70,00; каучук цис-изопреновый марки СКИ-3 - 30,00; ацетонанил-Р - 2,00; сера - 2,00; 2,2'-дибензтиазол-дисульфид - 0,80; дифенилгуанидин - 0,80; белила цинковые - 5,00; стеарин - 1,00; смола стирольно-инденовая - 7,00; канифоль - 3,00; технический углерод П-514 - 26,60; технический углерод П-803 - 40,00; фактис - 15,00. Технический результат состоит в улучшении физико-механических показателей при достаточной прочности резиновой смеси. 1 табл.

10-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2131441C1

Способ приготовления раствора каучуков для дорожного строительства включает растворение крошки каучука в смеси сланцевого масла и керосина в следующей последовательности. В реактор с мешалкой подают керосин, нагревают до 70-80oС, вводят крошку каучука фракции с размером не более 10 мм, выдерживают полученную смесь 3-4 ч для набухания каучука, после чего подают сланцевое масло и перемешивают при указанной температуре до получения однородного раствора. Достигается упрощение технологии, снижение энергоемкости технологического процесса. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 1 табл.

22-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639464C1

Изобретение относится к автомобильной промышленности. Пневматическая шина имеет протектор, в котором содержится вулканизируемая каучуковая композиция, содержащая в расчете на 100 массовых частей эластомера (phr) (мас. ч. на 100 мас. ч. эластомера): (A) от приблизительно 50 до приблизительно 90 phr полимеризованного в растворе стирол-бутадиенового каучука, у которого температура стеклования (Tg) составляет от -65°C до -55°C; (B) от приблизительно 50 до приблизительно 10 phr полибутадиена, у которого цис-1,4 содержание составляет более чем 95 процентов и Tg составляет от -80 до -110°C; и (C) от 30 до 80 phr сочетания масла и терпен-фенольной смолы, у которой Tg составляет более чем 100°C. Технический результат – улучшение характеристик износостойкости, сопротивления качению и проскальзывания шин на мокрой дороге. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл.

20-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2481956C2

Изобретение относится к резинокордным композитам и может быть использовано в шинной и резинотехнической промышленности. Резинокордный композит состоит из слоя текстильного корда, пропитанного латексно-резорцинформальдегидным составом на основе латекса ДБА-1 - сополимера бутадиена, бутилакрилата, амида метакриловой кислоты или на основе латекса со звеньями винилпиридина, необязательно с другим латексом и необязательно содержащего блокированный Е-капролактамом полиизоцианат, и резинового слоя. Резиновый слой выполнен из композиции на основе ненасыщенного каучука, при соотношении компонентов резинового слоя, мас.ч: ненасыщенный каучук - 100; сера молотая техническая - 0,5-0,8; сера полимерная - 1,0-1,5; сульфенамид Ц - 0,2-0,4; альтакс - 0,4-0,7; технический углерод N 550 - 50-55; стеариновая кислота - 1-2; масло-мягчитель - 7-16; смола «Пикар» - 0,5-2,0; диафен ФП-1 - 2,5; канифоль сосновая - 1-3; оксид цинка - 5-6; модификатор РУ-Д - 1-4 или модификатор смола R-17-34 - 0,8-1,5; белая сажа ...

10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2235645C1

Изобретение относится к технологии полимеров и может использоваться для ремонта поврежденных участков лакокрасочного покрытия изделий авиационной промышленности, а также в судостроении, автомобильной промышленности и машиностроении. Материал включает полимерную пленку, на внутренней поверхности которой расположены адгезионный слой, представляющий собой клей с постоянной липкостью с прочностью при сдвиге не менее 2,0 кг/см2 на основе стиролсодержащих эластомеров с массовым содержанием стирола 12-20% и молекулярной массой 110-180 тыс. и антиадгезионный слой в виде защитной бумаги или пленки, а на наружной поверхности полимерной пленки расположено многослойное лакокрасочное покрытие на эпоксидной, акриловой, фторопластовой или фторорганической основе. Полимерная пленка выполнена из полимера, выбранного из группы, включающей полисульфон, полиуретан, поливинилхлорид или фторорганический полимер, а соотношение слоев лакокрасочного покрытия, полимерной пленки и адгезионного слоя составляет (0,5 ...

20-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2308469C1

Изобретение относится к резиновым смесям, применяемым в производстве шин, конкретно к резиновым смесям для изготовления низкогистерезисных протекторов топливоэкономичных шин, обладающих улучшенными сцепными свойствами. Вулканизуемая резиновая смесь с пониженной вязкостью для низкогистерезисных резин протекторов шин на основе полидиенов содержит осажденный кремнекислотный наполнитель, силановые связующие агенты и целевые добавки. В качестве силановых связующих агентов смесь содержит триэтоксисилилпропилмеркаптобензтиазолсульфид в сочетании с бис-[3-(триэтокси)-силилпропил]-тетрасульфидом, причем указанные компоненты берут в отношении от 0,3 до 3,3, при отношении их общего содержания в смеси (в мас.ч.) к дозировке осажденного кремнекислотного наполнителя от 0,097 до 0,133. Технический результат состоит в снижении гистерезиса в протекторной резине при 60°С, увеличении гистерезиса и сцепных свойств при 0°С и одновременном снижении остаточного сжатия при многократных деформациях и в повышении ...

20-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2149165C1
Принадлежит: ТОО "Талгат"

Изобретение относится к вариантам резиновой смеси с наполнителями, включающей шлак феррохромовый саморассыпающийся, и может использоваться в производстве резинотехнических изделий. Резиновая смесь включает бутадиен-нитрильный каучук, серу, ускоритель вулканизации, оксид цинка, технический углерод, пластификатор, противостаритель и шлак феррохромовый саморассыпающийся. Варианты резиновой смеси могут включать смесь бутадиенового и бутадиен-стирольного каучуков, изопреновый, бутадиен-стирольный и смесь изопренового и бутадиенового каучуков, также различные пластификаторы, добавки и регенерат резиновых шин. Изобретение позволяет получить резины с оптимальными прочностью, твердостью, показателями температурного предела хрупкости и относительного удлинения. 5 с.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

29-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2798935C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, конкретно к пластификатору для резиновых смесей на основе бутадиен-метилстирольного каучука и может быть использовано в производстве резины различного назначения. Пластификатор представляет собой симметричный или несимметричный эфир дикарбоновой алифатической или циклоалифатической кислоты С2-С10, соответствующий общей формуле R1O-C(=O)-B-C(=O)-OR2, где В - алкилен C1-C8 циклического или нециклического строения либо его отсутствие, в случае симметричных эфиров дикарбоновых кислот: R1=R2=[CH(R)-CH2-O]n-R3, где R=Н или СН3, R3=Alk или Ar, n=1,0…4,0; Alk - радикал С4-С10, Аr - радикал С6-С13, в случае несимметричных эфиров дикарбоновых кислот: R1=[CH(R)-CH2-O]n-R3, где R=Н или СН3, R3=Alk или Ar; n=1,0…4,0; R2=Alk, Аr, [CH(R)-CH2-O]x-R4, где R=Н или СН3, R4=Alk или Ar, х=1,0…4,0; Alk - радикал С4-С10, Аr - радикал С6-С13. Техническим результатом изобретения является расширение спектра экологически безопасных добавок для резин на основе бутадиен-метилстирольного ...

20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2044006C1

Использование: гуммирование валов, эксплуатируемых в текстильных отделочных машинах непрерывного действия (плюсовки, промывные и пропиточные ванны и др. ). Сущность изобретения: резиновая смесь содержит, мас.ч. бутадиен-стирольный каучук 70, синтетический цис-1,4- полиизопреновый каучук 30, сера 3, N циклогексил-2- бензтиазолилсульфенамид 1,5; оксид цинка 5, стеариновая кислота 1; молекулярный комплекс резорцина с гексаметилентетрамином 4, фталевый ангидрид 1, белая сажа с удельной поверхностью 75-100 м2/г 10-20; каолин 30-40. Массовое соотношение белой сажи и каолина составляет 1 (2-3). Использование новой резиновой смеси улучшает внешний вид, ровноту и гладкость каландрового полотна и шприцованной ленты, что способствует получению покрытий валов без скрытых дефектов массива резины. Резина устойчива к окислительным средам и позволяет повысить срок службы валов текстильных отделочных машин. 2 табл.

04-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2747313C1

Изобретение относится к шине, по меньшей мере один внутренний слой которой содержит каучуковую композицию на основе по меньшей мере эластомерной матрицы, содержащей от 10 до 40 phr (мас.ч. на 100 мас.ч. эластомера) полиизопрена, от 10 до 40 phr полибутадиена и от 40 до 80 phr стирол-бутадиенового сополимера, функционализированного оловом, от 10 до 80 phr технического углерода, имеющего удельную поверхность по БЭТ (метод Брунауэра, Эммета и Теллера) более 99 м2/г, и сшивающую систему. Композиции для внутреннего слоя шины по изобретению позволяют увеличить скорость движения и нагрузки, которым подвергаются большие шины, предназначенные для сельскохозяйственной и строительной техники, при сохранении их срока службы. Данные композиции также позволяют увеличить срок службы данных шин при их нормальных условиях использования. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл.

22-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2685668C1

Изобретение относится к динамически вулканизированным расплавам, содержащим эластомер и термопластичные смолы, и может найти применение для изготовления герметизирующего слоя покрышки, камеры покрышки, надувной камеры, рукава, ленты, пневматической рессоры или подложки для кузова машины. Динамически вулканизированный расплав содержит по меньшей мере один эластомер, по меньшей мере одну термопластичную смолу, обладающую температурой плавления в диапазоне от 170 до 260°С, графен и смолу, содержащую сополимер этилена с виниловым спиртом, где эластомер содержится в виде фазы частиц, диспергированных в непрерывной фазе термопластичной смолы. Изобретение обеспечивает снижение газопроницаемости. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 2 ил.

12-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2700050C1

Композиция встречно сужающихся термопластичных эластомеров, содержащая: (а) встречно сужающийся диблочный сополимер А-[А/В] с пиковой молекулярной массой от 20000 до 250000, который включает моновинилароматический гомополимерный блок А с пиковой молекулярной массой по меньшей мере 8000 и встречно сужающийся сополимерный блок [А/В] с содержанием винила по меньшей мере 15 мас. % в расчете на количество звеньев сопряженного диена в диблочном сополимере; и (b) блок-сополимер, выбранный из группы, состоящей из линейных триблок-сополимеров, имеющих пиковую молекулярную массу, которая по меньшей мере примерно в 1,5 раза больше пиковой молекулярной массы встречно сужающегося диблочного сополимера А-[А/В], описанного в (а), многолучевых связанных блок-сополимеров, имеющих пиковую молекулярную массу, которая по меньшей мере примерно в 2,5 раза больше пиковой молекулярной массы встречно сужающегося диблочного сополимера А-[А/В], описанного в (а), и их смесей; и (с) причем отношение (а) к (b) в композиции ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации

Озоностойкая эластомерная композиция на основе бутадиен-стирольного каучука

Номер: RU2693766C1

Изобретение относится к области создания эластомерных композиций на основе бутадиен-стирольного каучука, которые можно использовать для изготовления резинотехнических изделий, обладающих стойкостью к действию износа, в шинной промышленности и других отраслях, где необходима озоностойкость. Эластомерная композиция содержит бутадиен-стирольный каучук, изопреновый каучук, ускоритель вулканизации тиурам Д, оксид цинка, стеариновую кислоту, технический углерод и модифицированный сополимером этилена с винилацетатом регенерат. Техническим результатом предлагаемого решения является повышение озоностойкости. 2 пр., 2 табл.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2507225C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности и может быть использовано для изготовления резинотехнических изделий. Резиновая смесь на основе бутадиен-метилстирольного каучука включает серу, дифенилгуанидин, ускоритель вулканизации, технический углерод, оксид цинка, стеариновую кислоту, противостаритель и модификатор. В качестве ускорителя вулканизации используется сульфенамид Ц, в качестве противостарителя и модификатора - 2-(дибутиламинометил)-4-метил-6-(1,7,7-триметилбицикло[2.2.1]гепт-экзо-2-ил)фенол. Результатом является повышение конфекционной клейкости с сохранением высокой стойкости к старению резиновой смеси на основе бутадиен-метилстирольного каучука. 3 табл., 4 пр.

12-02-2024 дата публикации

Резиновая смесь

Номер: RU2813472C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, в частности к производству резиновых смесей, используемых для изготовления изделий различного целевого назначения, в том числе для прокладок рельсовых скреплений железнодорожного пути. Резиновая смесь содержит изопреновый каучук СКИ-3, бутадиен-метилстирольный каучук с содержанием α-метилстирола 22-25 мас.%, бутадиен-нитрильный каучук с содержанием нитрила акриловой кислоты 27-29 мас.%, серу, N,N'-дитиодиморфолин, тетраметилтиурамдисульфид, N-циклогексил-2-бензтиазолилсульфенамид, оксид цинка, стеариновую кислоту, N-изопропил-N'-фенил-п-фенилендиамин, ацетонанил Н, воск ЗВ-П, технический углерод N 220, технический углерод П 514, диоксид кремния Zeosil 1165 MP, гепсол ХКП, канифоль, N-нитрозодифениламин, масло индустриальное И-12А, транс-полинорборнен и диатомит NDP-D-400. Предложенное изобретение позволяет уменьшить изменение массы после суточного воздействия масла индустриального И-20А, уменьшить изменение условной прочности при растяжении ...

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2315075C1

Изобретение относится к составам, а именно к антикоррозионной композиции, применяемой в технике для антикоррозионной защиты металлов, которая может быть использована для длительной защиты оборудования химических цехов, теплоэлектростанций, эксплуатируемых в условиях переменного воздействия растворов кислот и щелочей. Поставленная задача решается тем, что антикоррозионная композиция содержит герметик 51-Г10, полученный самовулканизацией раствора дивинилстирольного термоэластопласта ДСТ-30-01 в бутилацетате в присутствии наполнителя-графита или сажи, адгезива - инденкумароновой смолы и тиксотропной добавки - аэросила, и модифицирующие добавки - активаторы вулканизации - оксид цинка или оксид магния и жирные кислоты стеариновую или олеиновую, вулканизующий агент - серу и совулканизирующий агент - полисульфидный олигомер тиокол и ускорители вулканизации - дитиокарбамат цинка и аминный ускоритель дифенилгуанидин. 2 табл.

27-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: SU1165042A1

Способ получения бутадиен-стирольного каучука водно-эмульсионной сополимеризацией бутадиена со стиролом в присутствии эмульгаторов, инициаторов, регулятора молекулярной массы, дегазацией, коагуляцией выделением каучука с введением полимерной модифицирующей добавки, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения стойкости вулканизатов на основе целевого продукта к тепловому старению и повышения прочности вулканизатор на раздир, в качестве модифицирующей добавки используют 0,6 - 6,0 мас.% на каучук продукта водно-эмульсионной сополимеризации стирола и кубовых остатков ректификации стирола, взятых в их массовом соотношении от 1 : 1 до 2,5 : 1,0, при содержании в кубовых остатках ректификации стирола 50 - 80% низкомолекулярного олигомера стирола, причем молекулярная масса продукта взаимодействия равна 22000 - 95000, и указанную модифицирующую добавку вводят перед дегазацией.

19-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2675557C1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности и может быть использовано в производстве акустических материалов для снижения шумовых уровней акустических полей защищаемого объекта, находящегося под водой, в частности для объектов судостроения. Резиновая смесь для изготовления шумопоглощающих покрытий на основе бутадиен-метилстирольного каучука СКМС-30АРК включает, мас.ч.: серу - 2,8-3,2, тиазол 2МБС - 1,8-2,2, гуанид Ф - 0,5-1,5, оксид цинка - 3,0, стеариновую кислоту - 1,0-1,5, нафтам-2 - 1,0, канифоль - 1,0-1,5, технический углерод П514 - 20,0-25,0, технический углерод N220 - 40,0-45,0, корундовые микросферы HCM-L - 3,0-5,0, СЭВА 11808-3400 - 10,0-15,0, транс-полинорборнен - 20,0-30,0, дибутилфталат - 5,0-10,0, масло индустриальное И-12А - 25,0-30,0, гепсол ХПК - 1,0-1,5, N-нитрозодифениламин - 1,0. Изобретение обеспечивает улучшение технологических свойств при формовании полимерного материала для изготовления акустических пластин с улучшенными гидроакустическими показателями и улучшение ...

17-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667142C1
Принадлежит: ВЕРСАЛИС С.П.А. (IT)

Изобретение относится к способу получения диенового полимера или статического виниларен-диенового сополимера. Способ включает анионную (со)полимеризацию по меньшей мере одного сопряженного диенового мономера необязательно в присутствии по меньшей мере одного виниларена, одного углеводородного растворителя, одного инициатора на литиевой основе и одного органического соединения, выбранного из 2,2,6,6-тетраметил-1-пиперидинилокси (ТЕМРО), 1,1,3,3-тетраэтилизоиндолин-2-илоксила (ТEDIО) или их смесей. Технический результат – увеличение стабильности карбанионных/живых концевых групп (группы) и улучшение регулирования макроструктуры получаемого (со)полимера. 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 табл., 16 пр.

04-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2665706C1

Изобретение относится к способу получения функционализированного, азотсодержащего литийорганического инициатора анионной сополимеризации. Способ включает следующие стадии: (1) взаимодействие в среде углеводородного растворителя при непрерывном перемешивании литийорганического соединения, вторичного амина, представленного общей формулой (I),где R, R- одинаковые или различные, ароматические или алифатические заместители, представляющие собой углеводородную группу, содержащую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода, причем Rможет содержать одну вторичную аминогруппу, и азотсодержащей электронодонорной добавки; и (2) добавление при постоянном перемешивании единовременно или порционно в две или более подачи к полученному на стадии (1) амиду лития сопряженного диена в молярном соотношении от 1 до 4 на 1 моль лития. Также предложены вариант способа получения функционализированного азотсодержащего литийорганического инициатора анионной сополимеризации, функционализированный азотсодержащий литийорганический ...

04-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668919C1

Изобретение относится к способу изготовления каучуковой композиции. Описан способ изготовления каучуковой композиции для покрышек, содержащей 100 мас.ч. каучукового компонента (А), включающего по меньшей мере 80 мас.% стирол-бутадиенового сополимерного каучука; наполнитель (В), включающий от 80 до 130 мас.ч. диоксида кремния, характеризующегося площадью удельной поверхности по адсорбированию азота в диапазоне от по меньшей мере 85 до менее чем 120 м/г; от 5 до 15 мас.ч. силанового аппрета (С); по меньшей мере один компонент (D), выбираемый из тиомочевины и диэтилтиомочевины; и вулканизатор (Е), при этом способ включает замешивание каучуковой композиции на множестве ступеней, где замешивание включает ступень первого замешивания путем замешивания 100 мас.ч. каучукового компонента (А), наполнителя (В), включающего по меньшей мере 80 мас.ч. диоксида кремния, по меньшей мере 2 мас.ч. силанового аппрета (С) и всего или некоторого количества по меньшей мере одного компонента (D), выбираемого из ...

27-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007128238A

Способ получения бутадиен-стирольного карбоксилированного латекса путем эмульсионной сополимеризации бутадиена, стирола, метакриловой кислоты в присутствии инициатора, эмульгатора - комбинации неионогенного ПАВ с ионными эмульгаторами, регулятора молекулярной массы, с последующим связыванием незаполимеризовавшихся мономеров, путем введения окислительно-восстановительной инициирующей системы, отличающийся тем, что вначале в реактор, содержащий персульфат калия в количестве 0,3-0,5 мас.ч., подают 8-12% мономерной эмульсии, включающей мономеры, воду, смесь эмульгаторов, процесс ведут при перемешивании и при температуре 76-80°С до конверсии не менее 70%, а затем непрерывно подают оставшуюся часть мономеров при массовом соотношении мономер: полимер 1:1,5-10 мас.ч., и при достижении конверсии мономеров не менее 97%, в латекс дополнительно вводят окислительно-восстановительную инициирующую систему, включающую гидроперекись третичного бутила и формальдегидсульфоксилат натрия в количестве 0,2-0,05 ...

10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002135009A

Резиновая смесь, характеризующаяся тем, что включает при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.ч. (на 100 ч. массы каучука): Каучук синтетический бутадиен-стирольный марки-ДССК-18 70,00 Натуральный каучук 30,00 Сера 2,00 Нафтам-2 1,00 2,2’-дибензтиазол-дисульфид 0,80 Дифенилгуанидин 0,80 Белила цинковые 5,00 Стеарин 1,00 Смола стирольно-инденовая 7,00 Канифоль 3,00 Технический углерод П-514 20,00 Технический углерод П-803 40,00 Фактис 10,00 ...

10-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002135008A

Резиновая смесь, характеризующаяся тем, что включает при следующем соотношении компонентов мас. ч. (на 100 ч. массы каучука): Каучук синтетический бутадиен-стирольный марки-ДССК-18 70,00 Каучук цис-изопреновый марки СКИ-3 30,00 Ацетонанил-Р 2,00 Сера 2,00 2,2'-дибензтиазол-дисульфид 0,80 Дифенилгуанидин 0,80 Белила цинковые 5,00 Стеарин 1,00 Смола стирольно-инденовая 7,00 Канифоль 3,00 Технический углерод П-514 26,60 Технический углерод П-803 40,00 Фактис 15,00 ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014121110A

... 1. Резиновая смесь, содержащая несшитый каучук и частицы каучука, имеющие сшитую структуру, диспергированные в нем, в которой частицы каучука, имеющие сшитую структуру, представляют собой частицы синтетического каучука и/или частицы натурального каучука со средним размером частиц от 20 до 500 нм и содержанием геля по меньшей мере 60% масс., а несшитый каучук представляет собой бутадиен-стирольный каучук, при этом массовое отношение частиц каучука, имеющих сшитую структуру, к несшитому каучуку составляет от 1:99 до 20:80.2. Резиновая смесь по п. 1, характеризующаяся тем, что частицы каучука, имеющие сшитую структуру, представляют собой одни или несколько из частиц каучука, выбранных из группы, состоящей из частиц натурального каучука, частиц стирол-бутадиенового каучука, частиц карбоксилированного стирол-бутадиенового каучука, частиц бутадиен-нитрильного каучука, частиц карбоксилированного бутадиен-нитрильного каучука, частиц хлоропренового каучука, частиц полибутадиенового каучука, частиц ...

04-09-2023 дата публикации

Каучуковая композиция для шины

Номер: RU2022105801A

27-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014148680A

... 1. Резиновая композиция, содержащая:базовую композицию резиновой смеси;графеновые углеродные частицы в количестве от 0,1 мас. % до 20 мас. %; ичастицы наполнителя в количестве от 1 мас. % до 50 мас. %, при этом резиновая композиция имеет поверхностное удельное сопротивление менее 10Ом/кв.2. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в которой резиновая композиция содержит композицию протектора шины.3. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в которой графеновые углеродные частицы составляют менее 10 мас. % композиции.4. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в которой графеновые углеродные частицы составляют менее 5 мас. % композиции.5. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в которой графеновые углеродные частицы имеют объемную жидкостную проводимость по меньшей мере 100 мкСм.6. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в которой графеновые углеродные частицы имеют насыпную плотность менее 0,2 г/см.7. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в которой графеновые углеродные частицы имеют плотность сжатия менее 0,9.8. Резиновая композиция по п. 1, в ...

28-02-1976 дата публикации

Клеевая композиция

Номер: SU504812A1

30-08-1992 дата публикации

Фрикционная композиция

Номер: SU1360162A1

Изобретение относится к химической технологии, точнее к фрикционнымкомпозициям для материалов, работающих в муфтах сцепления транспортных средств. Композиция содержит, мас.%: формальдегидную смолу 5-15, ненасыщенный каучук 8-16, вулканизующую группу 2-3J графит 5-15, асбест 25- 45, окислы металлов 5-15, металлическую стружку 4-9, полидиены 0,5-1,0, борат кальция 2-15, порошок меди 2-10, что позволяет повысить коэффициент трения и снизить линейньй износ материала на ее осгтове. 2 табл.

28-02-1991 дата публикации

Вулканизуемая резиновая смесь

Номер: SU590966A1

ВУЛКАНИЗУРЛ^Я РЕЗИНОВАЯ СМЕСЬ, включающая бутадиеннитрильный и ^1атрийбутадиеновый или бутадиенсти- рольньм каучуки, фенолформальдегид- ную смолу, вулканизующую группу, окись цинка, углерод, алюминиевую пудру, асбест,латунную стружку и пластификатор, отличающая-с я тем, что, с целью повышения износостойкости, термостойкости,прочности на разнос и коэффициента трения резины из данной смеси, послед- .няя содержит крезолксиленолформаль- дегидную смолу и дополнительно -окись магния и окись меди при соотношении компонентов, мас.%:5-7Бутадиеннитрильный каучукНатрийбутадиеновый или бутадиенстироль- ный каучук Крезолксютенол- формальдегидная смолаВулканизующая группа Латунная стружка Алюминиевая пудра Графит или антрацит, или угольный коксОкись цинка • Пластификатор Асбест Окись меди Окись магния5 2 4 215 3,5 12 4,5 ...

12-05-1969 дата публикации


Номер: SU228265A1

15-01-1992 дата публикации

Резиновая смесь

Номер: SU1705314A1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, в частности к разработке рецептуры резиновой смеси для изготовления изделий с высокими физико-механическими свойствами, устойчивыми к воздействию низких температур. Улучшение прочности и низкотемпературных свойств вулканиэатов, а также утилизация отходов нефтеперерабатывающей промышИзобретение относится к резиновой промышленности, в частности к разработке рецептуры резиновой смеси для изготовления изделий с высокими физико-механическими свойствами, устойчивыми к воздействию низких температур. Цель изобретения - улучшение прочности и низкотемпературных свойств вулкани- затов, а также утилизация отходов ленности обеспечивается благодаря использованию в резиновой смеси отработанной отбеливающей земли после адсорбционной очистки нефтяных масел, которая имеет плотность 1,365-1,380 г/см . содержит 28-32 мас.% углеводородов следующего группового состава, мас.%: парафино-нафтеновые 10-12; ароматические 58-60 и асфальтено-смолистые вещества 30-32 ...

07-11-1989 дата публикации

Способ получения пластификатора-диспергатора для резиновых смесей

Номер: SU1520071A1

Изобретение относится к шинной и резинотехнической промышленности, в частности к разработке способа получения пластификатора-диспергатора для резиновых смесей. Изобретение позволяет улучшить диспергирование сыпучих ингредиентов резиновой смеси при сохранении уровня физико-механических свойств резин, а также утилизировать отходы химических производств. В предлагаемом способе получения пластификатора-диспергатора для резиновых смесей путем этерификации гликолем продукта, содержащего карбоксильные группы, в качестве исходного продукта используют расплав кубового остатка колонны дистилляции производства ε-капролактама. Этерификацию проводят диэтиленгликолем при массовом соотношении исходного продукта и диэтиленгликоля 1:(0,011-0,06) соответственно до достижения кислотного числа 3,3-4,0 мг КОН/г или этиленгликолем при массовом соотношении исходного продукта и этиленгликоля 1:(0,03-0,06) соответственно до достижения кислотного числа 3,3-4,2 мг КОН/г. 7 табл.

15-10-1983 дата публикации

Способ получения резиновой смеси

Номер: SU1047925A1

СПОСОБ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ РЕЗИНОВОЙ СМЕСИ предварительным смешением карбоцепного каучука с вулканизук«дим агентом и резиновым порошком в молотковой дробилке до размера частиц измельченного каучука 0,25-5 мм с последующим смешением в резиносмесителе или на вальцах с техническим углеродом , серуускорительными вулканизующими агентагли, противостарителями и мягчителями, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения упругопрочностных свойств резин и снижения себестоимости резиновой смеси, сначала смешивают в молотковой дробилке каучуй с резиновым порошком и 10-30% серы от- общего ее количества, а затем в резиносмесителе или на вальцахс остальным количеством серы.

23-09-1989 дата публикации

Резиновая смесь

Номер: SU1509371A1

Изобретение относится к резиновой промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение сопротивления раздиру и износостойкости вулканизатов. В резиновую смесь на основе хлоропренового и бутадиенметилстирольного каучуков в массовом соотношении 70:30, включающую (мас.ч.) окись цинка 5,1-5,2 окись магния 4,1-4,2 технический углерод 96,6-97,0 фенил-β - нафтиламин 1,4-1,5 N-фенил-NЪ-изопропил-п-фенилендиамин 0,9-1,0 воск 3,0-3,1 индустриальное масло 5,7-6,0 фактис 16,3-16,6 стеарин 0,9-1,0 дибутилфталат 15,0-19,0 низкомолекулярный полиэтилен 3,2-3,4, дополнительно введен олигомер (1,0-5,0) общей формулы H2C=C(CH3)-CO-O-R-O-CO-NH-R1-NH-CO-O-R-O-CO-NH-R-NH-CO-O(CH2)3-O-CO-C(CH3)-CH2, где R--(CH2)3-C(CH3CN) - [CH2-CH=CH-CH2]N - C(CH3CN)-(CH2)3 N=34-36 R1-C6H3(CH3)-. 2 ТАбл.

15-03-1984 дата публикации

Полимерная фрикционная композиция

Номер: SU1079653A1

ПОЛИМЕРНАЯ ФРИКЦИОННАЯ КОШОЗИЦИЯ, включакицая фенольную смолу, синтетический каучук, серу, барит, порошок железа, графит, железный сурик и асбест, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения коэффициента трения в условиях тяжелого режима торможения, она содержит в качестве фенольной смолы фенолформальдегидную резальную смолу, а в качестве синтетического каучука бутадиен-китрильный каучук с 26-34%-ньм содержанием акрилонитрила или бутадиен- oi -jjerHn тирольный каучук с 30%-ным содержани:ем «С-метилстирола при следующем со ojHomeHHH компонентов, мае.%I Фенолформальдегидная 6-8 резольная;,. смола Бутадиен-нит ильный каучук с 2б-34%-ным содержанием акрилонитрила или бута- диен- oL-метилстнрольный каучук с 30%-ным содержанием, 12-14 в6 метилстирола : Сера 2,1-2,3 Барит 20-27,6 Порошок железа Графит 2-3 Железный сурик 15-19 Асбест Остальное, ...

22-12-1969 дата публикации

Способ изготовления каучуковых смесей

Номер: SU260542A1
Автор: Ханс Беш

18-04-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002709060C2
Принадлежит: MONSANTO CO., ST. LOUIS, MO., US

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Kautschukmischung und Fahrzeugreifen

Номер: DE102015216308A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine schwefelvernetzbare Kautschukmischung, insbesondere für Laufstreifen von Fahrzeugreifen, und einen Fahrzeugreifen und ein Verfahren zur Herstellung der Kautschukmischung. Die Kautschukmischung enthält: – wenigstens einen Dienkautschuk und – 5,5 phr oder mehr eines oder mehrerer Prozesshilfsmittel A, wobei das Prozesshilfsmittel A ein Gemisch aus Zinkseifen von Fettsäuren ist.

22-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060325230D1

10-09-2020 дата публикации

Reifenkautschukzusammensetzung, vulkanisiertes Produkt und Verwendung des vulkanisierten Produkts in einem Luftreifen

Номер: DE112014005541B4

Reifenkautschukzusammensetzung, umfassend 40 bis 180 Gewichtsteile Ruß mit einer spezifischen Stickstoffadsorptionsoberfläche von 80 bis 400 m/g und 1 bis 100 Gewichtsteile von aromatischem Copolymer vermischt mit 100 Gewichtsteilen Dien-Kautschuk,wobei der Dien-Kautschuk ein Styrol-Butadien-Kautschuk mit einem Gehalt an Styrol von 25 bis 50 Gew.-% und einem Vinylgehalt von 10 bis 75 Gew.-% ist,wobei das aromatische Copolymer ein Copolymer eines a-Methylstyrolderivats, dargestellt durch die allgemeine Formel (I) und Inden ist:, wobei in der Formel R eine Alkylgruppe mit 1 bis 3 Kohlenstoffen ist.

28-03-1968 дата публикации

Thermoplastische Formmassen verbesserter mechanischer Eigenschaften und Flammwidrigkeit

Номер: DE0001264770B

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE102013104594A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Kautschukmischung, insbesondere für Fahrzeugluftreifen, Gurte, Riemen und Schläuche, die sich durch ein verbessertes Nassbremsverhalten, bei gleichzeitig ausreichendem Rollwiderstandsverhalten auszeichnet. Dazu ist die Kautschukmischung durch folgende Zusammensetzung gekennzeichnet: wenigstens einen Dienkautschuk und wenigstens einen mit OH-Gruppen modifizierten Polyether und wenigstens einen Füllstoff und weitere Zusatzstoffe.

01-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DD0000129660A5

05-10-1977 дата публикации

Номер: DD0000127611A1

15-08-1956 дата публикации

Moulding compositions and method of making the same

Номер: GB0000754817A

A thermoplastic moulding composition comprises 50-80 per cent of an alkenyl aromatic resin containing at least 70 per cent of a monovinyl aromatic hydrocarbon of the benzene series, or a nuclear halogenated derivative thereof, from 50-20 per cent of a synthetic rubber containing 30-70 per cent butadiene and 70-30 per cent of styrene or vinyltoluene, and, as stabilizer, from 0.5-4 per cent of a tetraalkyldiamino-2-propanol of formula where R is methyl or ethyl. Specified resins are polymers of styrene, vinyl toluene, vinylxylene, ar-ethylvinylbenzene, ar-isopropylstyrene, chlorostyrene, dichlorostyrene, and arethylvinyltoluene or their copolymers with up to 3 per cent of alpha-methyl-styrene, paramethyl-alpha-methyl styrene or alpha-ethyl styrene. Specified propanols are tetraethyldiamino, or tetramethyl diamino, or diethyldimethyl diamino-2-propanol. The synthetic rubber may be used in the form of a latex which may also contain plasticizers such as butyl stearate, ...

19-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008625023D0

10-09-1969 дата публикации

Composition and Articles Made Therefrom.

Номер: GB0001163656A

... 1,163,656. Moulding compositions based on trans-1,4-polyisoprene. POLYMER CORP. Ltd. 13 Feb., 1967 [16 Feb., 1966], No. 6789/67. Heading C3P. A composition comprises a major proportion by weight of trans-1,4-polyisoprene together with a minor proportion by weight of a compatible polymer together with 30-150 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight total polymer of a filler having an average particle size less than 45 Á. Suitable compatible polymers are butyl rubber, oil-extended SBR and a mixture of SBR and styrene-butadiene resin. Suitable fillers are kaolin, calcium carbonate, carbon black and silica. The composition may be moulded to form a cutting block.

04-10-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001291897A

... 1291897 Graft polymer-polyorganosiloxane compositions MITSUBISHI RAYON CO Ltd and NITTO CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO Ltd 29 July 1970 [6 Aug 1969 31 Oct 1969] 36642/70 Heading C3G A transparent resin composition comprises (I) 97 to 99À9% by weight of a resin composed of (A) 10 parts by weight of a rubber which is polybutadiene or a styrene-butadiene copolymer containing at least 60% by weight of butadiene, which rubber has a weight average particle diameter of 0À20 to 0À35 micron, a particle diameter distribution in the range 0À05 to 1À5 micron and a degree of swelling of at least 10 and (B) 15 to 190 parts of a terpolymer obtained by polymerizing a mixture comprising 22 to 65% by weight of styrene, 15 to 68% of methyl methacrylate and 2 to 20% of acrylonitrile, at least 5 parts of said mixture being subjected to polymerization in the presence of said (A) component while being continuously or intermittently added to said (A) component, and (II) 0À01 to 3% of an oily polyorganosiloxane. The composition ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Natural oil polyols in elastomers for tires

Номер: US20120018066A1
Принадлежит: Dow Global Technologies LLC

Prepolymers having active NCO groups are disclosed. The prepolymers are the reaction product of at least one polyisocyanate and a polyhydric component which comprises at least one dimer fatty derivative diol or diamine that is a natural oil based polyol or polyamine which includes the derivative of at least one dimer fatty acid. Polyurethane and polyurea elastomer obtained from the prepolymers are also disclosed. Also disclosed are methods of manufacturing polyurethane or polyurea treaded tires.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Pneumatic tire

Номер: US20120138203A1
Принадлежит: Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co

The invention is directed to a pneumatic tire having a rubber tread of a cap/base construction comprising an outer rubber tread cap layer containing an outer running surface and an underlying rubber tread base layer; wherein said tread cap layer comprises at least two circumferential, longitudinal rubber tread cap zones; wherein said tread cap zones individually extend from said tread cap running surface radially inward to said tread base layer; wherein said at least two tread cap zones comprises a first tread cap zone and a second tread cap zone adjacent to the first tread cap zone; the first tread cap zone and the second tread cap zone each independently comprising a vulcanizable rubber composition.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Elastomer composite blends, method and apparatus for producing same

Номер: US20120172517A1
Принадлежит: Cabot Corp

A wet mix elastomer composite comprising carbon black dispersed in an elastomer including a blend of a natural rubber and styrene-butadiene rubber. When the wet mix elastomer composite is processed with CTV Method 1, the vulcanized wet mix elastomer composite exhibits a resistivity that A) has a natural logarithm satisfying the equation ln(resistivity)≧−0.1(loading)+x, where x is 14, or B) is at least 2.9 times greater than the resistivity of a vulcanized dry mix elastomer composite having the same composition and prepared using Comparative CTV Method 1.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Rubber composition for pneumatic tire tread for heavy load, and pneumatic tire for heavy load

Номер: US20120225973A1
Автор: Shinya Hasegawa
Принадлежит: Toyo Tire and Rubber Co Ltd

A rubber composition for a pneumatic tire tread for heavy load, comprising a rubber component, and a carbon black, the carbon black satisfies (1) the carbon black has a dibutyl phthalate (DBP) absorption number of 90 to 180 mL/100 g, (2) the difference between the BET specific surface area (BET5) [unit: m 2 /g] of the carbon black and the external specific surface area (STSA) [unit: m 2 /g] thereof satisfies the following: 5<BET5−STSA<12, (3) the ratio between the Stokes diameter (Dst) of the carbon black and the Stokes diameter distribution (ΔD-50 (half band width)) thereof satisfies the following: 0.70<(ΔD-50)/Dst<1.10, and (4) the ratio between the BET specific surface area (BET5) [unit: m 2 /g] of the carbon black and the iodine adsorption number (IA) [unit: mg/g] thereof satisfies the following: 1.05<BET5/IA<1.35.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Mixtures composed of functionalized diene rubbers with trimethylolpropane and fatty acid, a process for production thereof and use thereof

Номер: US20120270974A1

The invention relates to functionalized diene rubbers with trimethylolpropane and fatty acid, to a process for production there of and use thereof for the production of wet-skid-resistant and low-rolling-resistance motor-vehicle tire treads with high abrasion resistance.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Mix for producing tyres with improved rolling resistance

Номер: US20120277345A1
Принадлежит: Bridgestone Corp

A mix for a structural component of a tyre, having a cross-linkable polymer base; curing agents; 20-100 phr of a reinforcing filler; and 2-16 phr of a methylene acceptor compound combined with a methylene donor compound. The reinforcing filler is defined by a blend of 20-80% by weight of carbon black classified as N 1 or N 2, and 80-20% by weight of carbon black classified as N 5 or N 6.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Elastomeric Compositions Comprising Reclaimed Vulcanized Elastomer Particles of Broad Size Distribution and Chemically Modified Vulcanized Elastomer Particles

Номер: US20120316283A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Elastomer compositions comprising uncured elastomer and reclaimed elastomer are described. In one embodiment, the compositions comprise reclaimed elastomer material (micronized rubber powder) of broad particle size distribution, which is less expensive than traditional reclaimed elastomer material with narrow particle size distribution. Further, compositions comprising reclaimed elastomer materials with broad particle size distribution perform comparably to those comprising reclaimed elastomer materials with narrow particle size distribution. In other embodiments, the compositions comprise both vulcanized and devulcanized elastomer materials. Advantageously, by using a combination of vulcanized and devulcanized material, it is possible to incorporate a greater percentage by weight of reclaimed material in to an elastomer composition, thus providing additional cost savings while maintaining high levels of mechanical properties. Further, the use of the reclaimed material reduces landfill waste resulting in a more environmentally friendly product.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Tire having a crown area provided with a sublayer comprising a thermoplastic elastomer

Номер: US20120318425A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A radial tire for a motor vehicle, having: a crown surmounted by a tread provided with at least one radially outer elastomer layer to contact the road when the tire is rolling; two inextensible beads, two sidewalls connecting the beads to the tread, a carcass reinforcement passing into the two sidewalls and anchored in the beads; the crown reinforced by a crown reinforcement or belt placed circumferentially between the carcass reinforcement and the tread; a radially inner elastomer sublayer having a formulation different from that of the outer elastomer layer, placed between the outer layer and the belt, and having a rubber composition having at least one diene elastomer, one reinforcing filler and one thermoplastic styrene copolymer (“TPS elastomer”) which makes possible an increase of the stiffness of the sublayer and improvement of handling performance of the tire, while retaining good hysteresis and rolling resistance.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079464A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition that achieves a well-balanced improvement in fuel economy, wet-grip performance, and abrasion resistance, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition, including a rubber component and silica, wherein the rubber component contains not less than 5% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, the conjugated diene polymer containing a constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene and a constituent unit represented by the following formula (I): 2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': '1-6', 'wherein the Rand Rin the formula (Ia) are Chydrocarbyl groups.'}3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2', '3, 'wherein two of the X, X, and Xin the formula (I) are selected from the group consisting of a group represented by the formula (Ia) and a hydroxyl group.'}5. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the conjugated diene polymer has a vinyl bond content of at least 10 mol % but not more than 80 mol %, based on 100 mol % of the constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene.6. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , comprising at least one of natural rubber and butadiene rubber.7. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the silica has a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 40 to 400 m/g.'}8. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , which is for use as a rubber composition for a tread.9. A pneumatic tire claim 1 , formed from the rubber composition according to . The present invention relates to a rubber composition and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition.The demands on automobiles for better fuel economy have been increasing in recent years as concern with environmental issues has been rising. Hence, better fuel economy is also required of rubber compositions used for automotive tires. For ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130085228A1
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

By a method comprising a process including (a) producing a modified conjugated diene polymer through reaction of a conjugated diene polymer having an alkali metal or alkaline-earth metal active terminal with a first alkoxysilane compound which has both an alkoxysilyl group and at least one group convertible into an onium, and (b) mixing the modified conjugated diene polymer, an agent for producing onium, a second alkoxysilane compound having an alkoxysilyl group and at least one group convertible into an onium and a condensation catalyst containing metal element(s) for alkoxysilane compounds, conjugated diene rubber usable as a starting material of cross-linked rubber which is used for a tire tread or the like and allows enhancement of low fuel consumption property can be obtained. 1. A method of producing a modified conjugated diene rubber , the method comprising:mixing i) a modified conjugated diene polymer comprising a group convertible into an onium and an alkoxysilyl group, ii) an agent that produces onium, iii) a second alkoxysilane compound comprising an alkoxysilyl group and at a group which is convertible into an onium with the agent for per molecule, and iv) a condensation catalyst comprising a metal element for alkoxysilane compounds, to obtain a mixture.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the modified conjugated diene polymer is produced by reacting:a conjugated diene polymer comprising an alkali metal or alkaline-earth metal active terminal, which is a polymer produced by polymerizing a conjugated diene compound or a conjugated diene compound with an aromatic vinyl compound; anda first alkoxysilane compound comprising both of an alkoxysilyl group comprising two or more alkoxy groups and a group which is convertible into an onium with the agent per molecule.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the group convertible into an onium in the first alkoxysilane compound is at least one group selected from the group consisting of a nitrogen-comprising group formed ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Rubber composition and pneumatic tire

Номер: US20130090409A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

The present invention provides a rubber composition that achieves a well-balanced improvement in fuel economy, wet-grip performance, and abrasion resistance, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition, including a rubber component and silica, wherein the rubber component contains not less than 5% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, the conjugated diene polymer containing a constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene and a constituent unit represented by the following formula (I): at least one terminal of the conjugated diene polymer being modified by a compound containing a group represented by the following formula (II): and wherein the silica is contained in an amount of 5 to 150 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Rubber composition and pneumatic tire

Номер: US20130090422A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

The present invention provides a rubber composition that achieves a well-balanced improvement in fuel economy, wet-grip performance, and abrasion resistance, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition, including a rubber component and silica, wherein the rubber component contains not less than 5% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, the conjugated diene polymer containing a constituent unit derived from a conjugated diene and a constituent unit represented by the following formula (I): at least one terminal of the conjugated diene polymer being modified by a compound containing a group represented by the following formula (II): and wherein the silica is contained in an amount of 5 to 150 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090423A1

Vulcanizates with desirable properties can be obtained from compounds incorporating polymers that include hydroxyl group-containing α-methylstyrene functionalities. The functionalities can be incorporated by using any or all of appropriate initiators, monomers and optional terminating compounds. Such polymers exhibit excellent interactivity with both conventional and non-conventional fillers. 2. A method of using the compound of comprising incorporating said compound into a carbanionic polymer.3. (canceled)4. The method of wherein said polymer comprises polyene mer.5. (canceled)8. The process of wherein said at least one type of polyene is polymerized before said compound is polymerized.9. The process of further comprising hydrolyzing each of said protecting groups so as to provide hydroxyl groups.11. A rubber composition comprising at least one type of particulate filler and the functionalized polymer of .12. The rubber composition of further comprising a vulcanizing agent.13. (canceled)14. A vulcanizate provided from the rubber composition of .15. (canceled)16. The compound of wherein m is 2.17. The method of wherein m is 2.18. The method of wherein m is 2.19. The functionalized polymer of wherein m is 2.20. The process of wherein m is 2.21. The process of further comprising hydrolyzing each of said protecting groups so as to provide hydroxyl groups.22. The process of wherein m is 2.23. The rubber composition of wherein said at least one type of particulate filler comprises carbon black and claim 11 , optionally claim 11 , silica.24. A vulcanizate provided from the rubber composition of . This international application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application No. 61/349,947, filed 31 May 2010.Rubber goods such as tire treads often are made from elastomeric compositions that contain one or more reinforcing materials such as, for example, particulate carbon black and silica; see, e.g., 13th ed. (1990), pp. 603-04.Good traction and resistance to ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096248A1

Tires having treads constructed of a material that is based upon a cross-linkable rubber composition, the rubber composition in some embodiments including between 25 phr and 5.0 phr of a butadiene rubber and between 50 phr and 75 phr of a styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR). wherein the butadiene portion of the SBR has at least 50% vinyl content. The rubber composition may further include between 25 phr and 60 phr of a plasticizing resin having a glass transition temperature Tg of between 30° C. and 120° C. and between 25 phr 60 phr of a vegetable oil. The ratio of the vegetable oil phr to the high Tg resin phr may, in some embodiments, be between 0.75 and 3. Further, such rubber compositions may also be reinforced with between 100 phr and 200 phr of a silica filler. 1. A tire , the tire comprising a tread constructed of a material that is based upon a cross-linkable rubber composition , the cross-linkable rubber composition comprising , per 100 parts by weight of rubber (phr):between 25 phr and 50 phr of a butadiene rubber;between 50 phr and 75 phr of a styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), wherein a butadiene portion of the SBR has at least 50% vinyl content;25 phr and 60 phr of a plasticizing resin having a glass transition temperature Tg of between 30° C. and 120° C.;between 25 phr 60 phr of a vegetable oil; andbetween 100 phr and 200 phr of a silica filler.2. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the butadiene portion of the SBR has between 55% and 65% vinyl content.3. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition comprises between 30 phr and 45 phr of the butadiene rubber and between 55 phr and 70 phr of the SBR.4. The tire of claim 3 , wherein the butadiene portion of the SBR has between 55% and 65% vinyl content.5. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the resin has a number average molecular weight of between 400 and 2000 g/mol and a polydispersity index of less than 3.6. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the resin has a Tg of between 45° C. and 85° C.7. The tire of claim 1 , ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Rubber Blend

Номер: US20130109799A1
Автор: Weber Christian

A rubber blend, in particular for vehicle tires and various types of belts and hoses. The rubber blend has the following composition: 95 to 100 phr of at least, one natural or synthetic polyisoprene; 41 to 50 phr of at least one carbon black; 3 to 15 phr of at least, one process oil; 3 to 15 phr of at least one silicic acid; 1 to 7 phr of at least one adhesive resin; and, other additives. 1. A rubber mixture comprising:95 to 100 phr of at least one natural, or synthetic polyisoprene;41 to 50 phr of at least one carbon black;3 to 15 phr of at least one plasticizer oil;3 to 15 phr of at least one silica;1 to 7 phr of at least one tackifier resin; and,optionally, further additives.2. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , comprising 98 to 100 phr of the at least one natural or synthetic polyisoprene.3. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the silica has been activated by a coupling agent.4. The rubber mixture of claim 3 , wherein the coupling agent is a silane.5. The rubber mixture of claim 4 , wherein the amount of the silane is 0.1 to 5 phr.6. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the amount of silica is 3 to 10 phr.7. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , comprising 3 to 10 phr of a plasticizer oil.8. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer oil is a mineral oil.9. The rubber mixture of claim 8 , wherein the mineral oil is mild extracted solvents (MES).10. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the carbon black has an iodine absorption number to ASTM D 1510 of 60 to 300 g/kg and a DBP number to ASTM D 2414 of 80 to 200 cm/100 g.11. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the tackifier resin is a phenolic resin.12. A method of producing the rubber mixture of comprising preparing a basic mixture.13. The method of for producing a pneumatic tire.14. The method of for producing a tread or a body mixture of a pneumatic tire.15. The method of for producing a belt claim 12 , drive-belt claim 12 , or hose. This application is a continuation application of ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Rubber Blend

Номер: US20130109800A1
Автор: Weber Christian

A rubber blend, in particular for vehicle tires and various types of belts and hoses. The rubber blend has the following composition; 60 to 85 phr of at least one natural or synthetic polyisoprene; 15 to 40 phr of at least one butadiene rubber and/or of at least one styrene-butadiene rubber which is solution-polymerized and has a glass transition temperature of less than or equal to −55° C.; 5 to 15 phr of at least one process oil; 15 to 75 phr of at least one silicic acid; 2 to 10 phr of at least one adhesive resin; and, optionally, other additives. 1. A rubber mixture comprising:60 to 85 phr of at least one natural or synthetic polyisoprene;15 to 40 phr of a butadiene rubber, a styrene-butadiene rubber, or a mixture thereof, the styrene-butadiene rubber having been solution-polymerized and possessing a glass transition temperature of less than or equal to −55° C.5 to 15 phr of at least one plasticizer oil;15 to 75 phr of at least one silica;2 to 10 phr of at least one tackifier resin; and optionally, further additives.2. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , comprising 70 to 85 phr of the at least one natural or synthetic polyisoprene.3. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , comprising 15 to 30 phr of the butadiene rubber claim 1 , the styrene-butadiene rubber claim 1 , or the mixture thereof.4. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber has been modified.5. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , further comprising 45 to 80 phr of at least one carbon black.6. The rubber mixture of claim 5 , wherein the carbon black has an iodine absorption number according to ASTM D 1510 of 60 to 300 g/kg and a DBP number according to ASTM D 2414 of 80 to 200 cm/100 g.7. The rubber mixture of claim 6 , wherein the carbon claim 6 , black has an iodine absorption number according to ASTM D 1510 of 80 to 130 g/kg and a DBP number according to ASTM D 2414 of 100 to 140 cm/100 g.8. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the silica has been activated by a coupling agent.9. The ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130116376A1

A rubber composition, which can be used for manufacturing tyres, is based on one or more diene elastomers, on one or more reinforcing fillers, and on a crosslinking system. The rubber composition includes particles of one or more thermoplastic materials chosen from thermoplastic materials with melting or softening points varying from 80° C. to 300° C. The rubber composition also includes one or more compatibilizing agents chosen from block copolymers that includes at least one diene elastomer block and at least one thermoplastic block compatible with the one or more thermoplastic materials. 125-. (canceled)26. A rubber composition used in manufacturing tyres , the rubber composition comprising:one or more diene elastomers;one or more reinforcing fillers;a crosslinking system;particles of one or more thermoplastic materials chosen from thermoplastic materials with melting or softening points varying from 80° C. to 300° C.; andone or more compatibilizing agents chosen from block copolymers that include at least one diene elastomer block and at least one thermoplastic block compatible with the one or more thermoplastic materials.27. The rubber composition according to claim 26 , wherein the one or more thermoplastic materials is or are chosen from a group that includes: polypropylenes claim 26 , polyethylenes claim 26 , polystyrenes claim 26 , acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene copolymers claim 26 , polyacrylates claim 26 , polyamides claim 26 , polyphenylene ethers claim 26 , polycarbonates claim 26 , polyacetals claim 26 , thermoplastic polyurethanes claim 26 , thermoplastic fluoropolymers claim 26 , and polyesters.28. The rubber composition according to claim 27 , wherein the polyesters are chosen from a group that includes: polyethylene terephthalates claim 27 , polybutylene terephthalates claim 27 , and polyethylene naphthoates.29. The rubber composition according to claim 27 , wherein the fluoropolymers are chosen from a group that includes: copolymers of ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130122358A1

Disclosed is a sealing material composition for a secondary battery, which is capable of providing a safe sealing layer that exhibits excellent adhesion in the sealing portion, while preventing leakage of the electrolyte solution. Specifically disclosed is a sealing material composition for a secondary battery, which is characterized by containing a diene rubber, a thermoplastic elastomer, carbon and an organic liquid material. The sealing material composition for a secondary battery is also characterized in that the number of coarse particles contained in 3 mL of the composition is 10 or less, said coarse particles having a maximum diameter of 10 μm or more. 1. A sealing material composition for a secondary battery comprising a diene rubber , a thermoplastic elastomer , a carbon and an organic liquid , wherein a number of coarse particle having maximum diameter of 10 μm or larger included in 3 mL of said composition is 10 or less.2. The sealing material composition for the secondary battery as set forth in wherein said diene rubber is butadiene rubber.3. The sealing material composition for the secondary battery as set forth in wherein said butadiene rubber is butadiene rubber having 1 claim 2 ,4-cis content of 90% or more.4. The sealing material composition for the secondary battery as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a weight ratio between said diene rubber and said thermoplastic elastomer (diene rubber/thermoplastic elastomer) is 60/40 to 99/1.5. The sealing material composition for the secondary battery as set forth in claim 1 , wherein said organic liquid is the organic liquid having a boiling point of 50 to 170° C. and a SP value of 14.0 to 20.0 MPaat a normal pressure.6. The sealing material composition for the secondary battery as set forth in further comprising imidazole compound.7. A method of producing a sealing material composition for a secondary battery as set forth in including steps of;obtaining a master batch by kneading a carbon, and a diene rubber ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Rubber composition containing a modifed elastomer, method for preparing same, and tire containing same

Номер: US20130123418A1

The invention relates to a rubber composition based on at least one diene elastomer, a reinforcing filler, a chemical crosslinker and a modifier selected from compounds comprising at least one group Q, and at least one group A, which are joined to one another by at least one and preferably one spacer group Sp, wherein: Q comprises a dipole containing at least one and preferably one nitrogen atom, A comprises an associative group comprising at least one nitrogen atom, Sp is an atom or group of atoms forming a bond between Q and A. This composition has an improved balance between stiffness under moderate deformations/elongation at break and improved hysteresis properties and is therefore especially suited to the manufacture of tyres for enhancing the trade off between rolling resistance and resistance to large deformations.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130130581A1

Disclosed herein are thermoplastic olefin (TPO) membranes with enhanced thermal resistance. In an embodiment, the disclosed may include a cap layer, a core layer, and a scrim layer disposed therebetween. The cap layer may be formulated with TPO resins and a UV stabilizer package comprising ultrafine TiO. The UV stabilizer package may further comprise various other additives, including a UV stabilizer, an antioxidant, a process or thermal stabilizer, and/or a UV absorber. 1. A thermoplastic polyolefin roofing or geothermal membrane , comprising:a cap layer made of a first thermoplastic polyolefin composition, the first thermoplastic polyolefin composition comprising thermoplastic polyolefin resins and a UV stabilizer package;a core layer made of a second thermoplastic polyolefin composition;a scrim layer disposed between the cap layer and the core layer;wherein the UV stabilizer package of the first thermoplastic polyolefin composition comprises from 0.001 weight percent to 3 weight percent ultrafine titanium dioxide.2. The thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane of claim 1 , wherein the first thermoplastic polyolefin composition comprises rutile titanium dioxide.3. The thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane of claim 2 , wherein the first thermoplastic polyolefin composition comprises from 1 to 10 weight percent rutile titanium dioxide.4. The thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane of wherein the first thermoplastic polyolefin composition comprises from 2 to 4 weight percent rutile titanium dioxide.5. The thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane of claim 1 , wherein the UV stabilizer package further comprises at least one of the following: a UV stabilizer claim 1 , an antioxidant claim 1 , a process or thermal stabilizer claim 1 , and a UV absorber.6. The thermoplastic polyolefin roofing membrane of claim 1 , wherein the UV stabilizer package further comprises a UV stabilizer claim 1 , an antioxidant claim 1 , a process or thermal stabilizer claim 1 , and a ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Surface protection film

Номер: US20130149525A1
Принадлежит: Toray Advanced Film Co Ltd

A surface protection film has moderate adhesive properties for bonding to adherend bodies with a rough surface, a rear surface with good slipping properties, and blocking resistance and good unwinding properties. The surface protection film has a laminated structure formed at least of an adhesive layer and a back layer, wherein the adhesive layer is formed mainly of a styrene-based elastomer while the back layer is formed mainly of a propylene-based resin containing 0.5 wt % to 10 wt % of a fluorine-containing compound having a polyfluorohydrocarbon group and a polyoxy ethylene group.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130153110A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Tatsuya

Rubber compositions excellent in durability are disclosed, as well as a pneumatic tire including a band and/or a breaker edge strip formed from the rubber compositions. A rubber composition for a band topping includes, per 100 parts by mass a rubber component containing not less than 50% by mass of an isoprene-based rubber, predetermined amounts of sulfur, a compound such as resorcinol resins, a compound such as partial condensates of hexamethoxymethylol melamine, silica, and a carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 38 to 125 m/g. A rubber composition for a breaker edge strip includes, per 100 parts by mass of a rubber component containing not less than 50% by mass of an isoprene-based rubber, predetermined amounts of sulfur, a compound such as resorcinol resins, a compound such as partial condensates of hexamethoxymethylol melamine, and a cobalt salt of an organic acid. 1. A rubber composition for a band topping , comprising , per 100 parts by mass of a rubber component containing not less than 50% by mass of an isoprene-based rubber ,1.5 to 2.9 parts by mass of sulfur,1 to 3 parts by mass of at least one first compound selected from the group consisting of resorcinol resins, modified resorcinol resins, cresol resins, modified cresol resins, phenolic resins, and modified phenolic resins,0.7 to 3 parts by mass of at least one second compound selected from the group consisting of partial condensates of hexamethoxymethylol melamine and partial condensates of hexamethylol melamine pentamethyl ether,5 to 17 parts by mass of silica, and{'sup': '2', '10 to 55 parts by mass of a carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 38 to 125 m/g.'}2. The rubber composition for a band topping according to claim 1 ,wherein the rubber component contains styrene-butadiene rubber.3. A rubber composition for a breaker edge strip claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , per 100 parts by mass of a rubber component containing not less than 50% by mass ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157056A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

Provided are a resin blend for melt processing, a pellet and a method of preparing a resin article using the same. The resin blend may include a first resin, and a second resin having a difference in melt viscosity from the first resin of 0.1 to 3000 pa*s at a shear rate of 100 to 1000 sand a processing temperature of the resin blend. The resin blend can improve mechanical and surface characteristics of a resin article. Further, since coating or plating is not required for manufacturing a resin article, a manufacturing time and/or cost can be reduced, and productivity can be increased. 1. A resin blend for melt processing , comprising:a first resin; and{'sup': '−1', 'a second resin having a difference in melt viscosity from the first resin of 0.1 to 3000 pa*s at a shear rate of 100 to 1000 sand a processing temperature of the resin blend.'}2. The resin blend according to claim 1 , wherein the second resin has a molecular weight distribution of 1 to 2.5.3. The resin blend according to claim 1 , wherein the second resin has a weight average molecular weight of 30 claim 1 ,000 to 200 claim 1 ,000.4. The resin blend according to claim 1 , wherein the first resin includes at least one selected from the group consisting of a styrene-based resin claim 1 , a polyolefin-based resin claim 1 , a thermoplastic elastomer claim 1 , a polyoxyalkylene-based resin claim 1 , a polyester-based resin claim 1 , a polyvinyl chloride-based resin claim 1 , a polycarbonate-based resin claim 1 , a polyphenylene sulfide-based resin claim 1 , a vinyl alcohol-based resin claim 1 , an acrylate-based resin claim 1 , engineering plastics and a copolymer thereof.5. The resin blend according to claim 1 , wherein the second resin includes at least one selected from the group consisting of an anti-wear resin claim 1 , an anti-contamination resin claim 1 , an anti-fingerprint resin claim 1 , a colored resin claim 1 , a pearl resin claim 1 , a high-gloss resin claim 1 , a non-gloss resin and a barrier ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Tire of which the Tread Comprises a Thermoplastic Vulcanizate (TPV) Elastomer

Номер: US20130158172A1
Автор: Beatrice Lopez

A tire, the tread of which comprises a rubber composition comprising at least a diene elastomer, such as, for example, an SBR or BR elastomer, a thermoplastic elastomer vulcanizate of EPDM and polypropylene, at a content preferably of greater than 5 phr, and a reinforcing filler, such as silica and/or carbon black. Such a composition confers, on the tire, an improvement in the wet grip.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158185A1

Tires, especially tires for passenger and light track vehicles, that have treads constructed of a silica reinforced material that is based upon a cross-linkable rubber composition that includes, per hundred parts by weight of rubber (phr), between 50 phr and 90 phr of natural rubber and between 10 phr and 50 phr of a silanol end-functionalized styrene-butadiene rubber and may include between 5 phr and 40 phr of a plasticizing resin. The plasticizing resin may be characterized as having a glass transition temperature Tg of between 30° C. and 120° C. or alternatively, between 45° C. and 85° C. The plasticizing resin may be a polylimonene resin. Tires manufactured with such treads may be characterized as having improved rolling resistance with no loss in wet or dry grip properties. 1. A tire , the tire comprising a tread constructed of a material that is based upon a cross-linkable rubber composition , the cross-linkable rubber composition comprising , per 100 parts by weight of rubber (phr);between 50 phr and 90 phr; of natural rubber;between 10 phr and 50 phr; of a silanol end-functionalized styrene-butadiene rubber;between 5 phr and 40 phr; of a plasticizing resin having a glass transition temperature Tg of between 30° C. and 120° C.; andbetween 40 phr and 75 phr of a silica filler.2. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition comprises between 65 phr and 85 phr of the natural rubber and between 15 phr and 35 phr of the silanol end-functionalized styrene butadiene rubber.3. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber has a glass transition temperature of between −50° C. and −10° C.4. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber has a glass transition temperature of between −30° C. and −20° C.5. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber has a vinyl content of the butadiene part of between 25% and 70%.6. The tire of claim 1 , wherein the resin has a number average molecular weight of between 400 and 2000 g/mol ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130158204A1
Автор: OZAWA Yuichiro

One-piece golf balls or golf ball cores are obtained by molding and vulcanizing a rubber composition which includes (A) a polybutadiene-containing base rubber and (B) methacrylic acid. By including in the rubber composition (C) from 0.1 to 0.5 part by weight of a maleimide per 100 parts by weight of component A, the vulcanization time during molding and vulcanization is shortened, which enhances productivity without altering the performance and properties of the molded and vulcanized material. 3. The rubber composition of claim 2 , wherein the maleimide of component C is N claim 2 ,N′-m-phenylenebismaleimide.4. The rubber composition of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , as a crosslinking agent:(D) an organic peroxide.5. The rubber composition of which is adapted for use in forming a golf ball core or a one-piece golf ball.6. A method of manufacturing golf balls claim 1 , comprising the step of molding and vulcanizing claim 1 , for a vulcanization time claim 1 , a rubber composition which includes (A) a polybutadiene-containing base rubber and (B) methacrylic acid so as to obtain a golf ball core or a one-piece golf ball claim 1 , wherein the vulcanization time during molding and vulcanization is shortened by including in the rubber composition (C) from 0.1 to 0.5 part by weight of a maleimide per 100 parts by weight of component A.8. The manufacturing method of claim 7 , wherein the maleimide of component C is N claim 7 ,N′-m-phenylenebismaleimide.9. The manufacturing method of claim 6 , wherein the rubber composition further includes claim 6 , as a crosslinking agent claim 6 , (D) an organic peroxide. This non-provisional application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119(a) on Patent Application No. 2011-274101 filed in Japan on Dec. 15, 2011, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to a rubber composition for use in one-piece golf balls and the cores of solid golf balls such as two-piece golf balls and ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172443A1

A rubber composition for tires contains a diene rubber, silica, a sulfur-containing silane coupling agent and a triethoxysilane containing an alkyl group having a prescribed number of carbon atoms, wherein 50 mass % or more of the aforementioned diene rubber is a styrene-butadiene copolymer rubber, the aforementioned sulfur-containing silane coupling agent has a mercapto group, the content of the aforementioned silica is from 5 to 150 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the aforementioned diene rubber, the content of the aforementioned sulfur-containing silane coupling agent is from 3 to 15 mass % relative to the content of the aforementioned silica, and the content of the aforementioned alkyltriethoxysilane is from 0.1 to 20 mass % relative to the content of the aforementioned silica. 2. The rubber composition for tires according to claim 1 , wherein a CTAB adsorption specific surface area of the silica is greater than 160 m/g.3. The rubber composition for tires according to claim 1 , wherein a weight-average molecular weight of the styrene-butadiene rubber is from 900 claim 1 ,000 to 2 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000.4. A pneumatic tire that uses the rubber composition according to .5. The rubber composition for tires according to claim 2 , wherein a weight-average molecular weight of the styrene-butadiene rubber is from 900 claim 2 ,000 to 2 claim 2 ,000 claim 2 ,000.6. A pneumatic tire that uses the rubber composition according to .7. A pneumatic tire that uses the rubber composition according to .8. A pneumatic tire that uses the rubber composition according to .9. The rubber composition for tires according to claim 1 , wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber contains from 30 to 50 mass % of an aromatic vinyl and has a vinyl bond content in a conjugated diene of from 30 to 65 mass %.10. The rubber composition for tires according to claim 1 , wherein the alkyl group having 7 to 20 carbon atoms is an octyl group or a nonyl group.11. A pneumatic tire that uses the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172461A1

The invention provides a rubber composition for golf balls which includes: (A) a base rubber containing a polybutadiene having a cis-1,4 bond content of at least 60 wt %; (B) an unsaturated carboxylic acid and/or a metal salt thereof; (C) an anthranilic acid derivative of the general formula 2. The rubber composition for golf balls of claim 1 , wherein the anthranilic acid derivative serving as component C is mefenamic acid.3. The rubber composition for golf balls of claim 1 , wherein the anthranilic acid derivative serving as component C is included in an amount of from 0.01 to 5 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of component A.4. The rubber composition for golf balls of which further comprises claim 1 , as a crosslinking agent claim 1 , (E) an organic peroxide.5. The rubber composition for golf balls of which claim 1 , in a molded and crosslinked form claim 1 , is adapted for use in a golf ball core. This application is a continuation-in-part of copending application Ser. No. 13/301,322 filed on Nov. 21, 2011, the entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates to a rubber composition for use in one-piece golf balls and, for example, the cores of solid golf balls such as two-piece golf balls and multi-piece golf balls. More specifically, the invention relates to a rubber composition which, in a molded and crosslinked form, has a suitable hardness and a good resilience, and is thus ideal as a golf ball material.One-piece golf balls and the solid cores of two-piece golf balls and multi-piece golf balls which are composed of a solid core encased, either directly or over an intervening intermediate layer, by a cover are generally obtained by vulcanizing a rubber composition containing as the base material a rubber component such as polybutadiene and containing also, for example, an unsaturated carboxylic acid metal salt such as zinc acrylate and an organic peroxide. The unsaturated carboxylic acid metal salt serves ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178577A1

The invention relates to a processes for preparing nanocomposites comprising rubber ionomers which were prepared by an energy efficient, environmentally favourable process that uses a common medium for solution polymerization, bromination of rubber and optionally subsequent polymer nanocomposite formation. Polymer nanocomposites according to the present invention exhibit high oxygen impermeability. 1. A process for the preparation of polymer nanocomposites comprising at least the steps of a common aliphatic medium comprising at least 50 wt.-% of one or more aliphatic hydrocarbons having a boiling point in the range of 45° C. to 80° C. at a pressure of 1013 hPa, and', {'b': '85:15 and', 'a monomer mixture comprising at least one monoolefin monomer, at least one multiolefin monomer and either no or at least one other co-polymerizable monomer in a mass ratio of monomer mixture to common aliphatic medium of from 40:60 to 95:5, preferably from 50:50 to more preferably from 61:39 to 80:20;'}], 'a) providing a reaction medium comprising'}b) polymerizing the monomer mixture within the reaction medium to form a rubber solution comprising a rubber polymer which is at least substantially dissolved in the medium comprising the common aliphatic medium and residual monomers of the monomer mixture;c) separating residual monomers of the monomer mixture from the rubber solution to form a separated rubber solution comprising the rubber polymer and the common aliphatic medium,d) brominating the rubber polymer in the separated rubber solution to obtain a solution comprising the brominated rubber polymer and the common aliphatic medium,e) reacting the brominated rubber polymer obtained in step d) with at least one nitrogen and/or phosphorous containing nucleophile andf) adding a filler to the ionomer obtained in step e) and mixing the filler and the ionomer to form an uncured nanocomposite.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the rubber is a butyl rubber.3. The process ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184387A1

Provided is a rubber composition capable of preventing discoloration due to an amine-based antiaging agent and wax without deteriorating the ozone resistance not only in cases where the rubber composition is used in side wall portions of tires but also in cases where the rubber composition is used in tread portions of tires. The rubber composition comprises at least one rubber component selected from a dienic synthetic rubber and a natural rubber and, as incorporated therein, at least one nonionic surfactant selected from specific compounds. 1. A rubber composition comprising at least one rubber component selected from a dienic synthetic rubber and a natural rubber and , as incorporated therein , at least one nonionic surfactant selected from the compounds represented by the following formula (I):{'br': None, '[Chem. 1]'}{'br': None, 'sup': 2', '1, 'sub': 'n', 'RO(RO)H \u2003\u2003(I)'}{'sup': 2', '1, '[in the formula (I), Rrepresents an alkyl group or an alkenyl group having from 1 to 15 carbon atoms, and the alkyl group and the alkenyl group may be any of linear chain-like, branched chain-like or cyclic ones; Rrepresents an alkylene group having from 2 to 4 carbon atoms; n indicates a mean addition molar number, and is from 16 to 30].'}2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , which contains wax as incorporated therein.3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , which contains an antiaging agent as incorporated therein.4. The rubber composition according to claim 3 , wherein the antiaging agent is an amine-based antiaging agent.5. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the nonionic surfactant is incorporated in an amount of from 0.1 to 10 parts by mass relative to 100 parts by mass of the rubber component therein.6. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , which contains claim 1 , as the rubber component claim 1 , at least one selected from a natural rubber claim 1 , an isoprene rubber claim 1 , a styrene-butadiene copolymer rubber ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202830A1

The invention provides a first composition comprising at least the following: i) a modified polymer comprising at least one branched modified polymer macromolecule (b1) and at least one linear modified polymer macromolecule (a1), and wherein the at least one branched modified polymer macromolecule and the at least one linear modified polymer macromolecule each, independently, comprises at least one amine group selected from the group consisting of formulas (1A-1F), each as described above: and combinations thereof; and wherein the at least one branched modified polymer macromolecule further comprises one of the structures (ib1-ib4) as described above, and the at least one linear modified polymer macromolecule further comprises one of the structures (iib1) as described above (see Formula 3A) 2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the amine group is selected from the group consisting of Formula 1D claim 1 , Formula 1E claim 1 , and Formula 1F.3. The composition of claim 2 , wherein E is selected from the group consisting of (i) a (C-C) alkyl which is substituted with an amine group which is a tertiary amine claim 2 , RRRSi— or RRRSi-amine group claim 2 , (C-C) aryl claim 2 , (C-C) aralkyl; (ii) tertiary amine group; (iii)RRRSiN group; (iv) an oxygen atom (O); (v) a sulfur atom (S); (vi) N—CHR—CR═CR; (vii) N—CHR—C═CHR; (viii) N—CR—CR═CHR; (ix) N—CHR—CR═CHR; and (x) H—N group.4. The composition of claim 2 , wherein E is a (C-C) alkyl which is substituted with a tertiary amine group or a RRRSiN group.5. The composition of claim 2 , wherein E is an oxygen atom (O) or a sulfur atom (S).6. The composition of claim 2 , wherein E is N—CHR—CR═CR claim 2 , N—CHR—C═CHR claim 2 , N—CR—CR═CHRor N—CHR—CR═CHR.7. The composition of claim 2 , wherein E is an H—N group or a RRRSiN group.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the amine group is selected from the group consisting of Formula 1A claim 1 , Formula 1B claim 1 , or Formula 1C;a is 2;b is 0; and{'sup': 6', '45', '46', '47, ' ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Tire the Tread of which Comprises a Thermoplastic Elastomer

Номер: US20130203889A1

A tire whose tread comprises a rubber composition comprising at least one diene elastomer, for instance an SBR, a reinforcing filler, for instance a silica, and a polyether block amide (PEBA) thermoplastic elastomer. Such a composition has a reduced raw-state viscosity, thus promoting the processability of the treads, while at the same time conserving a good level of dry road holding and of rolling resistance. 1. A tire having a tread that comprises a rubber composition comprising at least one diene elastomer , a reinforcing filler and a polyether block amide thermoplastic elastomer.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the diene elastomer is chosen from the group consisting of polybutadienes claim 1 , synthetic polyisoprenes claim 1 , natural rubber claim 1 , butadiene copolymers claim 1 , isoprene copolymers and mixtures of these elastomers.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the content of polyether block amide thermoplastic elastomer is greater than 5 pce and more preferentially in a range from 10 to 50 pce.4. The tire according to claim 1 , further comprising a plasticizer.5. The tire according to claim 4 , wherein the plasticizer content is greater than 10 pce.6. The tire according to claim 4 , wherein the plasticizer is a thermoplastic hydrocarbon-based resin that has a glass transition temperature greater than 0° C.7. The tire according to claim 6 , wherein the thermoplastic hydrocarbon-based resin is chosen from the group consisting of cyclopentadiene (abbreviated as CPD) or dicyclopentadiene (abbreviated as DPCD) homopolymer or copolymer resins claim 6 , terpene homopolymer or copolymer resins claim 6 , terpene phenol homopolymer or copolymer resins claim 6 , CS fraction homopolymer or copolymer resins claim 6 , C9 fraction homopolymer or copolymer resins claim 6 , α-methylstyrene homopolymer or copolymer resins claim 6 , and mixtures of these resins.8. The tire according to claim 4 , wherein the plasticizer is liquid at 20° C. and has a glass ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130203890A1

A tire, the tread of which comprises a rubber composition comprising a diene elastomer, such as, for example, an SBR or BR elastomer, a poly(vinyl ester) resin, at a content preferably of between 5 and 50 phr, and a reinforcing filler, such as silica and/or carbon black. The poly(vinyl ester) resin is in particular a vinyl ester homopolymer or copolymer of foimula R—C(═O)O—CH═CH2, at least one of the vinyl ester monomers of which comprises a radical R having more than 2 carbon atoms, preferably from 4 to 20 carbon atoms. Such a composition makes it possible to improve the wet grip of the treads of the tire and also the processability of such a composition. 1. A tire the tread of which comprises a rubber composition comprising at least a diene elastomer , a poly(vinyl ester) resin , the glass transition temperature of which is less than 0° C. , and a reinforcing filler.2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the diene elastomer is chosen from the group consisting of polybutadienes claim 1 , synthetic polyisoprenes claim 1 , natural rubber claim 1 , butadiene copolymers claim 1 , isoprene copolymers and the mixtures of these elastomers.3. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the content of poly(vinyl ester) resin is between 5 and 50 phr.4. The tire according to claim 3 , wherein the content of poly(vinyl ester) resin is between 10 and 40 phr.5. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the poly(vinyl ester) resin is a homopolymer of a vinyl ester monomer of formula R—C(═O)O—CH═CH2 claim 1 , where R is an alkyl radical having more than 3 carbon atoms.6. The tire according to claim 5 , wherein R is an alkyl radical having from 4 to 20 carbon atoms.7. The tire according to claim 5 , wherein the poly(vinyl ester) resin is a homopolymer chosen from the group consisting of poly(vinyl butyrate) claim 5 , poly(vinyl pentanoate) claim 5 , poly(vinyl hexanoate) claim 5 , poly(vinyl 2-ethylhexanoate) claim 5 , poly(vinyl decanoate) claim 5 , poly(vinyl laurate) claim 5 , ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing an Elastomeric Composition having a Self-Sealing Property

Номер: US20130203913A1

Process for the manufacture of an elastomer composition having a self-sealing property which is based on at least (phr meaning parts by weight per 100 parts of solid elastomer): a blend of at least two solid elastomers, a polybutadiene or butadiene copolymer elastomer, referred to as “elastomer A”, and a natural rubber or synthetic polyisoprene elastomer, referred to as “elastomer B”, the elastomer A:elastomer B ratio by weight being within a range from 10:90 to 90:10; between 30 and 90 phr of a hydrocarbon resin; from 0 to less than 30 phr of filler, in which, during a first stage or stage (a), a masterbatch comprising at least the elastomers A and B and between 30 and 90 phr of a hydrocarbon resin is prepared by mixing these various components in a mixer at a “hot compounding” temperature or up to a “hot compounding” temperature which is greater than the softening temperature of the hydrocarbon resin. 1. A process for the manufacture of an elastomer composition having a self-sealing property comprising (phr meaning parts by weight per 100 parts of solid elastomer):a blend of at least two solid elastomers, a polybutadiene or butadiene copolymer elastomer, referred to as “elastomer A”, and a natural rubber or synthetic polyisoprene elastomer, referred to as “elastomer B”, the elastomer A:elastomer B ratio by weight being within a range from 10:90 to 90:10;between 30 and 90 phr of a hydrocarbon resin;from 0 to less than 30 phr of filler,wherein, during a first stage (a), a masterbatch comprising at least the elastomers A and B and between 30 and 90 phr of a hydrocarbon resin is prepared by mixing these various components in a mixer at a “hot compounding” temperature or up to a “hot compounding” temperature which is greater than the softening temperature of the hydrocarbon resin.2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during the hot compounding stage (a) claim 1 , the diene elastomer is brought into contact with the hydrocarbon resin in the solid state ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Modified Polyethylene Compositions with Enhanced Melt Strength

Номер: US20130216812A1

The present invention relates to a branched modifier and a composition comprising more than 25 wt % (based on the weight of the composition) of one or more linear ethylene polymers having a g′of 0.97 or more and an Mw of 20,000 g/mol or more and at least 0.1 wt % of a branched modifier where the modifier has a) a g′of 0.70 or less; b) an Mw of 100,000 g/mol or more; c) an Mw/Mn of 4.0 or more; d) a shear thinning ratio of 110 or more, e) a melt strength of 10 cN or more; f) a complex viscosity at 0.1 rad/sec at 190° C. of at least 130,000 Pa·s; and g) a phase angle of Z° or less where Z=138.3G*, where G* is the complex modulus reported in Pascals measured at 190° C. and the phase angle units are reported in degrees, wherein the G* is from 1,000 to 1,000,000 Pa. 1. A branched polyethylene modifier comprising at least 50 mol % ethylene , one or more Cto Ccomonomers , and a polyene having at least two polymerizable bonds , wherein said branched polyethylene modifier has: a) a g′of 0.70 or less; b) an Mw of 100 ,000 g/mol or more; c) an Mw/Mn of 4.0 or more; d) a shear thinning ratio of 110 or more , e) a melt strength of 10 cN or more; f) a complex viscosity at 0.1 rad/sec at 190° C. of at least 130 ,000 Pa·s; and g) a phase angle of Z° or less where Z=138.3G* , where G* is the complex modulus reported in Pascals measured at 190° C. and the phase angle units are reported in degrees , wherein the G* is from 1 ,000 to 1 ,000 ,000 Pa.2. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the comonomer is present at from 0.5 mol % to 30 mol %.3. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the polyene is present at from 0.001 mol % to 10 mol %.4. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the modifier has a g′of 0.70 or less.5. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the modifier has a strain-hardening ratio of 1.5 or greater.6. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the Cto Ccomonomers are one or more Cto Calpha olefin comonomers.7. The modifier of claim 1 , wherein the modifier has a phase angle at complex shear ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130217802A1

A method for producing a rubber composition containing a rubber component (A) of at least one selected from natural rubbers and synthetic dienic rubbers, a filler containing an inorganic filler (B), and a silane coupling agent (C) of a compound having a mercapto group, wherein the rubber composition is kneaded in multiple stages, in the first stage of kneading, the rubber component (A), all or a part of the inorganic filler (B), and all or a part of the silane coupling agent (C) are kneaded, then in the first stage or in the subsequent kneading stage, at least one compound selected from an acidic compound (D) and a basic compound (E) is added, and the highest temperature of the rubber composition in the final stage of kneading is from 60 to 120° C. 1. A method for producing a rubber composition containing a rubber component (A) of at least one selected from natural rubbers and synthetic dienic rubbers , a filler containing an inorganic filler (B) , and a silane coupling agent (C) of a compound having a mercapto group , wherein the rubber composition is kneaded in multiple stages , in the first stage of kneading , the rubber component (A) , all or a part of the inorganic filler (B) , and all or a part of the silane coupling agent (C) are kneaded , then in the first stage or in the subsequent kneading stage , at least one compound selected from an acidic compound (D) and a basic compound (E) is added , and the highest temperature of the rubber composition in the final stage of kneading is from 60 to 120° C.3. The method for producing a rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic compound (D) is added in the kneading stage after the first stage of kneading.4. The method for producing a rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the basic compound (E) is added in the kneading stage after the first stage of kneading.5. The method for producing a rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the acidic compound (D) and the basic compound (E) ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231417A1

A rubber composition based on a diene elastomer, a crosslinking system, and a reinforcing filler is provided, as well as a process for obtaining the composition. The composition includes a starch in a proportion of from 10 to 50 phr (parts by weight per hundred parts of elastomer) and an aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer in a proportion of from 3 to 30 phr. The aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer is water or a mixture of water and glycerol, in which the water is predominant by weight in the aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer. The composition can be used for preparing calendered or profiled tyre-related products, such as a tyre tread, for example. 119-. (canceled)20. A rubber composition comprising:a diene elastomer;a crosslinking system;a reinforcing filler;a starch in a proportion of from 10 to 50 phr (parts by weight per hundred parts of elastomer); andan aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer in a proportion of from 3 to 30 phr,wherein the aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer is water or a mixture of water and glycerol, in which the water in the mixture is predominant by weight in the aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer.21. The rubber composition according to claim 20 , wherein the proportion of the starch ranges from 15 to 40 phr.22. The rubber composition according to claim 20 , wherein the proportion of the aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer ranges from 7 to 28 phr.23. The rubber composition according to claim 20 , wherein the starch includes a minimum of 10% of amylose.24. The rubber composition according to claim 23 , wherein the starch includes a minimum of 15% of amylose.25. The rubber composition according to claim 24 , wherein the starch includes a minimum of 20% of amylose.26. The rubber composition according to claim 20 , wherein the aqueous or water-soluble plasticizer is water.27. The rubber composition according to claim 20 , wherein reinforcing filler includes predominantly carbon black.28. The rubber composition according to claim 20 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231426A1

Disclosed herein are rubber compositions suitable for use in tire treads comprising (a) at least one conjugated diene polymer or copolymer; (b) at least one filler; (c) a curative package; and (d) at least one of: (i) from 0.2 to 10 phr of at least one halogenated hydrocarbon wax, or (ii) from 0.2 to 10 phr of at least one silicone-containing wax comprising a functionalized polyalkylsiloxane, a functionalized polyalkylsilsesquioxane resin, or combinations thereof. In certain embodiments, the at least one halogenated hydrocarbon wax is a chlorinated hydrocarbon or a fluorinated hydrocarbon wax. 1. A rubber composition suitable for use in a tire tread , comprising:(a) at least one conjugated diene-containing polymer or copolymer comprising at least one conjugated diene monomer and optionally at least one vinyl-containing monomer;(b) at least one filler in an amount of 5 to 200 phr wherein at least a majority of the filler is carbon black or silica;(c) a curative package; and (i) from 0.2 to 10 phr of at least one halogenated hydrocarbon wax, or', '(ii) from 0.2 to 10 phr of at least one silicone-containing wax comprising a functionalized polyalkylsiloxane, a functionalized polyalkylsilsesquioxane resin, or combinations thereof., '(d) at least one of2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogenated hydrocarbon wax of (d) is at least one fluorinated hydrocarbon wax in an amount of 0.5 to 5 phr.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein (d) is at least one silicone-containing wax in an amount of 0.5 to 5 phr.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogenated hydrocarbon wax of (d) is at least one chlorinated hydrocarbon wax in an amount of 0.5 to 5 phr.5. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogenated hydrocarbon wax of (d) is at least one fluorinated hydrocarbon wax comprising 0.2% to 70% by weight fluorine based on the total weight of the wax.6. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the at least one halogenated ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231443A1
Автор: Yamagishi Uichiro

To provide a chloroprene rubber composition that provides excellent low temperature characteristics such as low temperature permanent compression set and dynamic characteristics at low temperature and provides good permanent compression set, mechanical strength, and processing characteristics also at high temperature thus to achieve excellent characteristics within a wide temperature region, and a vulcanizate and a molding thereof. 1. A chloroprene rubber composition comprising:a chloroprene rubber and a natural rubber in a total amount of 100 parts by mass;ethylene thiourea in an amount of 0.1 to 3.0 parts by mass; anddipentamethylenethiuram tetrasulfide in an amount of 0.1 to 3.0 parts by mass;the chloroprene rubber including a 2,3-dichlorobutadiene unit in an amount of 5 to 20% by mass; andthe blending ratio of the chloroprene rubber and the natural rubber (chloroprene rubber/natural rubber) being 60/40 to 95/5 by mass ratio.2. A vulcanizate obtained by vulcanization of the chloroprene rubber composition according to .3. A molding obtained by vulcanization of the chloroprene rubber composition according to after or during molding of the composition. This application is a national stage application of PCT Application No. PCT/JP2011/070717, filed Sep. 12, 2011, which claims the benefit of Japanese Application No. JP2010-253788, filed Nov. 12, 2010, in the Japanese Intellectual Property Office, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a chloroprene rubber composition, a vulcanizate thereof, and molding using them. More specifically, the present invention relates to a chloroprene rubber composition used for rubber moldings such as a wiper blade and a vibration isolator.2. Description of the Related ArtChloroprene rubber is excellent in heat resistance, weather resistance, ozone resistance, chemical resistance, and other properties and has been used in wide variety of fields such as general ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237653A1

A rubber composition for a tire tread contains styrene-butadiene rubber in a compounding amount of 100 parts by weight, silica in a compounding amount of 90 to 170 parts by weight, and an aromatic modified terpene resin in a compounding amount of 10 to 30 parts by weight. The styrene-butadiene rubber contains 40 to 100% by weight of solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (S-SBR1) and 60 to 0% by weight of solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (S-SBR2), the total content thereof being 100% by weight. The S-SBR1 has a styrene content of 30 to 38% by weight and a vinyl content of 60 to 80% by weight, the total content thereof being 100% by weight, a glass transition temperature of −20 to −5° C., and a weight average molecular weight of 1,000,000 to 1,800,000. 1. A rubber composition for a tire tread comprising:styrene-butadiene rubber in a compounding amount of 100 parts by weight,silica in a compounding amount of 90 to 170 parts by weight, andan aromatic modified terpene resin in a compounding amount of 10 to 30 parts by weight,wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber contains 40 to 100% by weight of solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (S-SBR1) and 60 to 0% by weight of solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber (S-SBR2), the total content thereof being 100% by weight,the S-SBR1 has a styrene content of 30 to 38% by weight and a vinyl content of 60 to 80% by weight, the total content thereof being 100% by weight, a glass transition temperature of −20 to −5° C., and a weight average molecular weight of 1,000,000 to 1,800,000, andthe S-SBR2 has a glass transition temperature of −30° C. or higher and lower than −20° C., and a weight average molecular weight of 1,000,000 to 1,800,000.2. The rubber composition for a tire tread according to claim 1 , wherein the aromatic modified terpene resin has a softening point of 80° C. or higher and lower than 100° C.3. The rubber composition for a tire tread according to claim 1 , wherein the aromatic modified ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245192A1
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

This invention relates to a method for producing a modified conjugated diene rubber wherein the method involves: (a) a step in which a conjugated diene polymer having an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal active end and obtained by polymerizing a conjugated diene compound or by polymerizing a conjugated diene compound with an aromatic vinyl compounds is reacted with a first alkoxysilane compound which has an alkoxysilyl group having two or more alkoxy groups and has a group protected by a protecting group wherein deprotection is possible to obtain a modified conjugated-diene polymer having an alkoxysilyl group; and (b) a step in which the modified conjugated-diene polymer is reacted with a second alkoxysilane compound which has an alkoxysilyl group. 1. A method for producing a modified conjugated diene rubber , the method comprising:(a) reacting a conjugated diene polymer comprising an alkali metal or alkaline earth metal active end with a first alkoxysilane compound comprising an alkoxysilyl group comprising two or more alkoxy groups and a group protected by a protecting group, followed by deprotection to obtain a modified conjugated-diene polymer comprising a first alkoxysilyl group; and(b) reacting the modified conjugated-diene polymer comprising the first alkoxysilyl group with a second alkoxysilane compound comprising a second alkoxysilyl group,to form a modified conjugated-diene rubber,wherein the conjugated diene polymer is obtained by polymerizing a conjugated diene compound or by polymerizing a conjugated diene compound with an aromatic vinyl compound.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the group protected by a protecting group is at least one selected from the group consisting ofa nitrogen-containing group in which two hydrogen atoms of a primary amine have been replaced by two protecting groups,a nitrogen-containing group in which one hydrogen atom of a secondary amine has been replaced by one protecting group,a sulfur-containing group in which ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Functionalized elastomer

Номер: US20130245199A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is directed to a functionalized elastomer comprising: a polymeric backbone chain derived from a monomer comprising at least one conjugated diene monomer and optionally at least one vinyl aromatic monomer; and a functional group bonded to the backbone chain, the functional group comprising an oligopeptide or modified oligopeptide.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Disk-Like Nanoparticles

Номер: US20130261225A1

A disk-like nanoparticle includes a core layer that comprises a cross-linked multi-vinyl substituted aromatic hydrocarbon and a shell layer that comprises tri-block copolymer chains, each having a first, a second, and a third block. The first and third blocks of the tri-block copolymer chains comprise vinyl aromatic monomer units and are crosslinked with the core. The second block comprises conjugated diene monomer units and comprises a top and bottom axial surface of the disk-like nanoparticle. In the case of a nanoparticle having A-B-C tri-block copolymer chains, the third block comprises a top and bottom axial surface of the disk-like nanoparticle. 1. A method for making a disk-like nanoparticles in a liquid hydrocarbon medium , the nanoparticles having a core layer and a shell layer , the shell layer comprising tri-block copolymer chains having a first block , a second block , and a third block , the method comprising the steps of:polymerizing a conjugated diene monomer with a multi-functional initiator;copolymerizing a vinyl aromatic monomer to form the first and third blocks, thereby producing the tri-block copolymer chains;assembling the tri-block copolymer chains in the liquid hydrocarbon medium to form micelle structures; andcrosslinking a multiple-vinyl-substituted aromatic hydrocarbon with the tri-block copolymer chains in the micelle structures to form a cross-linked core and to form polymer nanoparticles.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the initiator is dilithio N claim 1 ,N′-diethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-propanediamine (Li-DEPDA-Li) claim 1 , dilithio N claim 1 ,N′-diisopropyl-1 claim 1 ,3-propanediamine (Li-DPPDA-Li) claim 1 , dilithio N claim 1 ,N′-diethyl-2-butene-1 claim 1 ,4-diamine (Li-DEBDA-Li) claim 1 , trilithio tris[2-(methylamino)ethyl]amine (Tri-Li-TMAEA) claim 1 , trilithio tris[2-(isopropylamino)ethyl]amine (Tri-Li-TPAEA) claim 1 , or trilithio-1 claim 1 ,5 claim 1 ,9-triazacyclododecane (Tri-Li-TACD).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267640A1

A snow tyre with an improved grip on wet ground includes a tread formed of a rubber composition. The rubber composition includes: 20 to 100 phr of a first diene elastomer bearing at least one SiOR function, with R being hydrogen or a hydrocarbon radical, and with phr referring to parts by weight per hunder parts of elastomer; 100 to 160 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler; and a plasticizing system. The plasticizing system includes: a content A of between 10 and 60 phr of a hydrocarbon resin having a Tg above 20° C.; and a content B of between 10 and 60 phr of a liquid plasticizing agent. A total content A+B is greater than 50 phr. Optionally, the rubber composition also includes 0 to 80 phr of a second diene elastomer. 121-. (canceled)22. A snow tire comprising a tread formed of at least a rubber composition , wherein the rubber composition includes:20 to 100 phr of a first diene elastomer bearing at least one SiOR function, R being hydrogen or a hydrocarbon radical;100 to 160 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler; and a content A of between 10 and 60 phr of a hydrocarbon resin having a Tg above 20° C., and', 'a content B of between 10 and 60 phr of a liquid plasticizing agent,', 'wherein a total content A+B is greater than 50 phr., 'a plasticizing system that includes23. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the rubber composition further includes:0 to 80 phr of a second diene elastomer;24. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first elastomer includes vinylaromatic units.25. The tire according to claim 24 , wherein the vinylaromatic units are styrene units.26. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first elastomer includes butadiene units.27. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first elastomer is an SBR.28. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein R is hydrogen.29. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein R is an alkyl.30. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first diene elastomer also bears at least one amine function.31. The ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267646A1

A rubber composition for tire tread contains a diene-based rubber including 30 wt % or more of a terminal modifying group-containing conjugated diene-based copolymer, silica, carbon black, and at least one of silane coupling agents represented by specified formulae. The total amount of silica and carbon black in the composition is 35 to 140 parts by weight relative to 100 parts by weight of the diene-based rubber, while the silane coupling agent content is 4 to 18 wt % on the silica content. The copolymer is produced by a specified method such that the aromatic vinyl monomer content in the copolymer is 38 to 48 wt %, the vinyl unit content in all the conjugated diene-based monomers is 20 to 35 mol %, the weight average molecular weight of the copolymer is 600,000 to 1,000,000, and the terminal modifying group in the copolymer contains a functional group which interacts with the silica. 2. The rubber composition for tire tread according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of the silica is 20 parts to 120 parts by weight relative to 100 parts by weight of the diene-based rubber.4. The rubber composition for tire tread according to claim 1 , wherein the functional group which interacts with the silica is at least one selected from the group consisting of an alkoxysilyl group claim 1 , a hydroxyl group claim 1 , an aldehyde group claim 1 , a carboxyl group claim 1 , an amino group claim 1 , an imino group claim 1 , an epoxy group claim 1 , an amido group claim 1 , a thiol group claim 1 , and an ether group.5. The rubber composition for tire tread according to claim 1 , wherein the terminal modifying group-containing conjugated diene-based copolymer has claim 1 , as the functional group which interacts with the silica claim 1 , a hydroxyl group and at least one selected from the group consisting of an alkoxysilyl group claim 1 , an aldehyde group claim 1 , a carboxyl group claim 1 , an amino group claim 1 , an imino group claim 1 , an epoxy group claim 1 , an amido group ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274360A1

The invention is related to a process for preparing a vulcanizable rubber composition comprising at least one elastomeric polymer, at least one phenol formaldehyde resin cross-linker, an activator package, and at least one activated zeolite, and a vulcanizable rubber composition prepared by said process.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274374A1

The invention provides vulcanizable rubber compound having improved tensile mechanical and dynamic viscoelastic properties. The compounds are formed by mixing an elastomer, containing unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds in its molecular structure, with a reinforcing inorganic filler silica in the presence of an alkyl alkoxysilane and a non-sulfur coupling agent that binds to the rubber backbone with an “ene” linkage or a 1,3 dipolar addition linkage. In particular, the coupling agent and the alkyl alkoxysilane are present in the compound in a weight ratio of about 0.0001:1 to about 1:1. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of the coupling agent to the alkyl alkoxysilane is about 0.001:1 to about 0.80:1.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent is present in an amount of about 0.0001% to about 3% by weight claim 1 , based on the weight of the silica.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the alkyl alkoxysilane is present in an amount of about 0.1% to about 20% by weight claim 3 , based on the silica.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the non-sulfur moiety of the coupling agent consists essentially of an eneophile.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the coupling agent comprises an imidoalkoxysilane claim 5 , an azo-bis-carbonyl-alkoxysilane claim 5 , or mixtures thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic filler is selected from the group consisting of silicates claim 1 , talc claim 1 , kaolin claim 1 , clay claim 1 , metal oxides claim 1 , aluminum hydrate claim 1 , mica claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer is selected from the group consisting of homopolymers of a conjugated diene monomer claim 1 , and copolymers and terpolymers of the conjugated diene monomers with monovinyl aromatic monomers and trienes.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elastomer is selected from the group consisting of natural rubber claim 1 , polyisoprene claim 1 , styrene/butadiene rubber claim 1 , polybutadiene ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274404A1

A tyre, which has an improved grip on wet ground, includes a tread formed of at least a rubber composition. The rubber composition includes: from 50 to 100 phr of a copolymer based on styrene and butadiene, e.g., a styrene/butadiene copolymer (SBR), with phr referring to parts by weight per hundred parts of elastomer; from 100 to 150 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler, e.g., silica; and a plasticizing system. The plasticizing system includes: a content A of between 10 and 60 phr of a thermoplastic hydrocarbon resin exhibiting a Tg of greater than 20° C.; and a content B of between 10 and 60 phr of a liquid plasticizing agent. A total content A+B is greater than 50 phr. Optionally, the rubber composition includes from 0 to 50 phr of another copolymer, e.g., a diene elastomer such as a polybutadiene or natural rubber. 115-. (canceled)16. A tire comprising a tread formed of at least a rubber composition , wherein the rubber composition includes:from 50 to 100 phr of a copolymer elastomer based on styrene and butadiene;from 100 to 150 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler; and a content A of between 10 and 60 phr of a thermoplastic hydrocarbon resin exhibiting a Tg of greater than 20° C., and', 'a content B of between 10 and 60 phr of a liquid plasticizing agent,', 'wherein a total content A+B is greater than 50 phr., 'a plasticizing system that includes17. The tire according to claim 16 , wherein the rubber composition further includes:from 0 to 50 phr of a second elastomer that includes a diene elastomer.18. The tire according to claim 16 , wherein the copolymer elastomer is a styrene/butadiene copolymer elastomer.19. The tire according to claim 17 , wherein the second elastomer is selected from a group that includes: polybutadienes claim 17 , natural rubber claim 17 , synthetic polyisoprenes claim 17 , butadiene copolymers claim 17 , isoprene copolymers claim 17 , and mixtures thereof.20. The tire according to claim 19 , wherein the second elastomer is a ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281609A1

The present invention relates to functionalized high-vinyl-content diene rubbers, to the preparation of rubber mixtures which comprise functionalized high-vinyl-content diene rubbers, and to the use thereof for the production of rubber vulcanizates which serve in particular for the production of highly reinforced rubber mouldings, particularly preferably for the production of tyres, where these have particularly low rolling resistance, and particularly high wet skid resistance and abrasion resistance. 1. A rubber mixture , comprising: at least one rubber ,wherein said rubber has from 0.02 to 3% by weight of bonded functional groups or salts thereof and a content of 1,2-bonded dienes from 60 to 95% by weight,said percent by weight, in each case, being based on the weight of a rubber solution used for the preparation of the rubber via a polymerization of one or more dienes in a solution with subsequent introduction of functional groups; andat least one filler, wherein said filler is present in an amount of from 10 to 500 parts by weight, based on 100 parts by weight of rubber.2. The rubber mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the functional groups are selected from carboxy groups and hydroxy groups.3. The rubber mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the diene is 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene.4. The rubber mixture according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one filler comprises a mixture of a plurality of different fillers.5. A process for the preparation of the rubber mixture according to claim 1 , comprising:polymerizing the one or more dienes in solution to thereby form a non-functionalized rubber, andfunctionalizing said non-functionalized rubber via the introduction of functional groups or salts thereof into the solution, wherein solvent is removed using hot water and/or steam at temperatures of from 50 to 200° C., and subsequently adding the at least one filler.6. A process for producing highly reinforced rubber moldings claim 1 , comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130281611A1

A rubber blend, particularly for pneumatic vehicle tires, harnesses, straps and hoses. The rubber blend has the following composition: at least one polar or nonpolar rubber, at least one light and/or dark filler, at least one plasticizer which is free from polycyclic aromatic compounds and which has been produced based on waste materials containing carbon that result from the production of tires and additional technical rubber articles, as well as further additives. 1. A rubber mixture comprising:at least one rubber, the rubber being selected from the group consisting of a polar rubber and a nonpolar rubber or a mixture thereof;at least one filler, the filler being selected from the group consisting of a pale filler and a dark filler or a mixture thereof;a plasticizer, the plasticizer being free from polycyclic aromatics, and the plasticizer having been produced on the basis of carbon-containing wastes from the production of tires and other industrial rubber products; andfurther additives.2. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one rubber is selected from the group consisting of a natural polyisoprene claim 1 , a synthetic polyisoprene claim 1 , a butadiene rubber claim 1 , and a styrene-butadiene rubber claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.3. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one filler is a pale filler and is silica.4. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the at least one filler is a dark filler and is carbon black.5. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizer has been produced by direct catalytic liquefaction.6. The rubber mixture of claim 1 , wherein an amount of the plasticizer is of from 0.1 to 150 phr.7. A method of producing a tire comprising preparing the rubber mixture of .8. The method as claimed in for producing the tread or a body mixture of a tire.9. A method of producing a belt claim 1 , drive-belt or hose comprising preparing the rubber mixture of . This application is a continuation application of ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Vegetable oil derivatives as extender oils for elastomer compositions

Номер: US20130289182A1
Принадлежит: Novamont SpA

Elastomer composition comprising at least one elastomer and at least one vegetable oil derivative selected from one or more of: a. mixture of triglycerides comprising one or more of the following oligomeric structures: R4[OC(O)R 1 C(O)OCH 2 CH(OR 2 )CH 2] n OR 3 wherein R 1 is selected from C2-C22 alkylenes, R 2 is selected from one or more of the following groups consisting of C6-C24 dicarboxylic acid residues and C6-C24 monocarboxylic acid residues, R 3 is selected from one or more of the following groups consisting of H, C 6 -C 24 dicarboxylic acid residues and C 6 -C 24 monocarboxylic acid residues, R 4 is an alkyl group, n is an integer greater than or equal to 2, said C 6 -C 24 dicarboxylic acid residues of R 2 and R 3 being esterified with monoalcohols and said mixture of triglycerides having a Numerical Average Molecular Weight (Mn) of between 800 and 10.000. b. triglycerides of one or more long chain carboxylic acids including at least one carboxylic acid containing adjacent hydroxyl groups, c. esters of polyols with at least a monocarboxylic acid and at least a dicarboxylic acid, the said esters being other than triglycerides.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289197A1

A rubber blend, particularly for pneumatic vehicle tires, harnesses, straps and hoses. The rubber blend includes at least one rubber blend A of a solid styrene-butadiene rubber with an average molecular weight Mof 100,000 to 5,000,000 g/mol and a liquid butadiene rubber with an average molecular weight Mof 500 to 9000 g/mol, wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber is solution-polymerized or emulsion-polymerized, as well as 30 to 300 phr of at least one silicic acid and further blend components. 1. A rubber mixture comprising:{'sub': n', 'n, 'at least one rubber blend A which is composed of a solid styrene-butadiene rubber with an average molar mass Mof from 100 000 to 5 000 000 g/mol, wherein the styrene-butadiene rubber has been solution-polymerized or emulsion-polymerized, and of a liquid butadiene rubber with an average molar mass Mof from 500 to 9000 g/mol;'}from 30 to 300 phr of at least one silica; andfurther mixture constituents.2. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a proportion of the solid rubber of the rubber blend A claim 1 , based on a total amount of the solid rubber in the rubber mixture claim 1 , is at least 50 phr.3. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rubber mixture also comprises at least one further liquid butadiene rubber with average molar mass Mof from 500 to 9000 g/mol as plasticizer.4. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one mineral oil.5. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an amount of the at least one silica is from 50 to 300 phr.6. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising from 0.1 to 20 phr of carbon black.7. The rubber mixture as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising at least one solid butadiene rubber having an average molar mass Mof from 200 000 to 3 000 000 g/mol and a cis-content of at least 80% by weight.8. A method of producing a tire comprising preparing the rubber mixture as claimed in .9. The method as claimed in for ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296471A1

A tyre, which has an improved grip on wet ground, includes a tread formed of at least a rubber composition. The rubber composition includes: 20 to 100 phr of a first diene elastomer bearing at least one SiOR function, with R being hydrogen or a hydrocarbon radical, and with phr referring to parts by weight per hundred parts of elastomer; 100 to 160 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler; and a plasticizing system. The plasticizing system includes: a content A of between 5 and 60 phr of a hydrocarbon resin having a Tg above 20° C.; and a content B of between 5 and 60 phr of a liquid plasticizing agent. A total content A+B is greater than 45 phr. The rubber composition optionally includes 0 to 80 phr of a second diene elastomer. 121-. (canceled)22. A tire comprising a tread formed of at least a rubber composition , wherein the rubber composition includes:20 to 100 phr of a first diene elastomer bearing at least one SiOR function, R being hydrogen or a hydrocarbon radical;100 to 160 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler; a content A of between 5 and 60 phr of a hydrocarbon resin having a Tg above 20° C., and', 'a content B of between 5 and 60 phr of a liquid plasticizing agent,', 'wherein a total content A+B is greater than 45 phr., 'a plasticizing system that includes23. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the rubber composition further includes:0 to 80 phr of a second diene elastomer.24. A tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first diene elastomer includes vinylaromatic units.25. The tire according to claim 24 , wherein the vinylaromatic units are styrene units.26. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first diene elastomer includes butadiene units.27. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first diene elastomer is an SBR.28. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein R is hydrogen.29. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein R is an alkyl.30. The tire according to claim 22 , wherein the first diene elastomer also bears at least one amine function. ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Rubber composition including a functionalized thermoplastic polymer

Номер: US20130296475A1

The present invention relates to a diene rubber composition reinforced with an inorganic filler comprising a thermoplastic polymer bearing, at at least one end, a silanol or silyl ether functional group. The presence of the functional thermoplastic polymer makes it possible to improve the compromise of performances, which are the handling and the grip, of a tyre having a tread that is based on such a composition.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296477A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition for a tire, which results in both excellent fuel economy and high wet grip performance as well as good abrasion resistance; and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition for a tire, the rubber composition containing a modified styrene butadiene rubber formed using a specific nitrogen-containing compound as a monomer, silica, and a specific amount of a diene rubber gel. 2. The rubber composition for a tire according to claim 1 ,wherein the modified styrene butadiene rubber is contained in an amount of 5% by mass or more based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, andthe silica is contained in an amount of 10 to 150 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.3. The rubber composition for a tire according to claim 1 , which is for use as a rubber composition for a tread.4. A pneumatic tire claim 3 , comprising a tread formed from the rubber composition according to . The present invention relates to a rubber composition for a tire, and a pneumatic tire using the same.The fuel economy of vehicles has been improved by decreasing the rolling resistance (or improving the performance in terms of rolling resistance) of tires. These days, better fuel economy is increasingly required of vehicles, and very low heat build-up (excellent fuel economy) is required of rubber compositions for producing tires.As the method for improving the fuel economy of a rubber composition, a method of reducing the amount of reinforcing filler is known. However, in this method, the hardness and strength of the rubber composition may be decreased, causing a decrease in handling performance (handling stability), wet grip performance, durability, and abrasion resistance.Another known method for improving the fuel economy is a method of replacing carbon black used as a reinforcing filler by silica. However, because silica contains a hydrophilic silanol group on its ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310483A1

A method of producing a rubber compound, which includes mixing at least one cross-linkable unsaturated-chain polymer base, silica, a first type of silane coupling agent, and a second type of silane coupling agent. The second type of silane coupling agent is added to the mix after the first type of silane coupling agent has reacted with the silica. The first type of silane coupling agent is a trialkoxymercaptoalkyl-silane, and the second type of silane coupling agent is a mercaptosilane protected in the form of thioester. 1. A method of producing a rubber compound , comprising mixing at least one cross-linkable unsaturated-chain polymer base , silica , a first type of silane coupling agent , and a second type of silane coupling agent; said method being characterized in that said second type of silane coupling agent is added to the mix after said first type of silane coupling agent has reacted with said silica.2. A method of producing a rubber compound claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that said first type of silane coupling agent is a trialkoxymercaptoalkyl-silane claim 1 , and said second type of silane coupling agent is a mercaptosilane protected in the form of thioester.3. A method of producing a rubber compound claim 2 , as claimed in claim 2 , characterized by comprising a first mixing step of mixing at least said cross-linkable unsaturated-chain polymer base claim 2 , 50 to 250 phr of said silica claim 2 , and 2 to 30 phr of said trialkoxymercaptoalkyl-silane; a second mixing step claim 2 , in which 2 to 15 phr of said mercaptosilane protected in the form of thioester is added to the mix from said first mixing step; and a final mixing step claim 2 , in which curing agents are added.4. A method of producing a rubber compound claim 3 , as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that said cross-linkable unsaturated-chain polymer base comprises 20 to 60 phr of an S-SBR polymer mix containing 25-45% styrene and 20-70% vinyl claim 3 , and comprising 20 ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324657A1
Автор: OKADA Koji, Tanaka Ryoji
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

Objects of the present invention are to provide a rubber composition that can obtain a rubber elastic body having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience and a method for producing the same, and to provide a tire having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience. 1. A method for producing a rubber composition , comprising kneading a rubber component comprisingof from 30 to 95% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer (A) comprising a hydrocarbyloxysilyl group, andof from 5 to 70% by mass of cross-linked rubber particles (B),with of from 20 to 100 parts by mass of silica (C), based on 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene polymer (A) comprises at least one functional group selected from the group consisting of a primary amino group claim 1 , a secondary amino group claim 1 , a tertiary amino group claim 1 , a thiol group claim 1 , an epoxy group claim 1 , a thioepoxy group claim 1 , an oxetane group and a hydrocarbylthio group.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a cross-linked rubber constituting the cross-linked rubber particles (B) comprises at least one rubber polymer selected from the group consisting of isoprene rubber claim 1 , butadiene rubber claim 1 , styrene-butadiene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , styrene-isoprene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , butadiene-isoprene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , styrene-butadiene-isoprene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , styrene-acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , ethylene-α-olefin copolymerized rubber claim 1 , ethylene-α-olefin-diene copolymerized rubber claim 1 , chloroprene rubber claim 1 , halogenated butyl rubber and polysiloxane rubber claim 1 , anda graft polymer obtained by graft polymerizing a conjugated diene compound, a styrene compound, or both, to the rubber polymer.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the cross-linked rubber ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324659A1
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

A rubber composition which can obtain a rubber elastic body having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience and a method for producing the same, and a tire having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience are provided. 1. A method for producing a rubber composition , the method comprising kneading:a rubber component comprising a conjugated diene polymer having at least one functional group selected from the group consisting of a tertiary amino group, a thiol group, an epoxy group, a thioepoxy group, an oxetane group and a hydrocarbylthio group;a catalyst for condensing silanol; andsilica.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a polymer having no functional group bondable to silica is also kneaded as a rubber component other than above-mentioned conjugated diene polymer.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the polymer having no functional group bondable to silica claim 2 , a part or the whole of above-mentioned silica claim 2 , and the catalyst are initially kneaded to add the conjugated diene polymer thereto claim 2 , followed by kneading.4. A rubber composition obtained by kneading:a rubber component comprising a conjugated diene polymer having at least one functional group selected from the group consisting of a tertiary amino group, a thiol group, an epoxy group, a thioepoxy group, an oxetane group and a hydrocarbylthio group;a catalyst for condensing silanol; andsilica.5. The rubber composition according to claim 4 , which is obtained by kneading a polymer having no functional group bondable to silica claim 4 , as a rubber component other than above-mentioned conjugated diene polymer claim 4 , together with the conjugated diene polymer claim 4 , the catalyst and the silica.6. The rubber composition according to claim 5 , which is obtained by initially kneading the polymer having no functional group bondable to silica claim 5 , a part or the whole of the silica claim 5 , and the catalyst to add the conjugated diene ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324660A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition that is used for manufacturing a rubber excellent in weather resistance, fracture resistance and crack growth resistance, and that contains a conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer, a conjugate diene-based polymer and a non-conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer, a rubber composition for tire side use using the rubber composition for tire sidewall members, a crosslinked rubber composition obtained by crosslinking the rubber composition, and a tire. The rubber composition includes: (A) a conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer containing a conjugated diene compound-derived unit by at least 40 mol %; (B) a conjugated diene-based polymer; and (C) a non-conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer containing an ethylene-propylene-diene rubber. 1. A rubber composition comprising:a conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer (A) containing a conjugated diene compound-derived unit by at least 40 mol %;a conjugated diene-based polymer (B); anda non-conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer (C) containing an ethylene-propylene-diene rubber.2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer (A) contains an olefin component by 60 mol % or less.3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the non-conjugated diene compound/non-conjugated olefin copolymer (C) contains the ethylene-propylene-diene rubber by at least 10 mol %.4. The rubber composition according to further comprising a reinforcing filler (D).5. The rubber composition according to claim 4 , wherein the content of the reinforcing filler (D) is 10 parts by mass to 70 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of rubber component.6. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , the conjugated diene-based polymer (B) is at least one selected from the group consisting of natural rubber claim 1 , ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324667A1
Автор: OKADA Koji, Yuasa Takeshi
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

Objects of the present invention are to provide a rubber composition that can obtain a rubber elastic body having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience and a method for producing the same, and to provide a tire having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience. The rubber composition of the present invention is obtained by kneading a conjugated diene polymer (A) having a group with bonding reactivity to silica only at one site of one molecule of the polymer, a polymer (B) having groups with bonding reactivity to silica at a plurality of sites of one molecule of the polymer, and a filler (C) containing silica. 1. A method for producing a rubber composition the method comprising kneading:a conjugated diene polymer (A) having a group with bonding reactivity to silica only at one site of one molecule of the polymer,a polymer (B) having groups with bonding reactivity to silica at a plurality of sites of one molecule of the polymer anda filler (C) comprising silica.2. The method of claim 1 , comprising first kneading the conjugated diene polymer (A) and the filler (C) to obtain a kneaded mixture claim 1 , then kneading the kneaded mixture and the polymer (B).3. The method of claim 1 , wherein a mass ratio of the conjugated diene polymer (A) to the polymer (B) is in a range from 97/3 to 60/40.4. The method claim 1 , wherein the polymer (B) comprises a structural unit derived from a conjugated diene compound.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein:the group with bonding reactivity to silica at one site of one molecule of the conjugated diene polymer (A) is at least one functional group selected from the group consisting of a hydrocarbyloxysilyl group, a primary amino group, a secondary amino group, a tertiary amino group, a thiol group, an epoxy group, a thioepoxy group, an oxetane group and a hydrocarbylthio group, andthe groups with bonding reactivity to silica at a plurality of sites of one molecule of the polymer (B) are each independently at ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324668A1
Автор: MATSUO Shigeaki

A rubber composition containing 100 parts by mass of a rubber component (A) comprising at least one rubber of natural rubber and synthetic diene base rubbers and 5 to 120 parts by mass of a low molecular weight aromatic vinyl compound-diene compound copolymer (B) having a weight average molecular weight (measured by gel permeation chromatography and reduced to polystyrene) of 1,000 to 300,000 and, wherein the copolymer (B) comprises 0 to 80% by mass of an aromatic vinyl compound and has a vinyl bond content of 0 to 80% by mass in the part of the diene compound, and has a cross-linkable functional group at an end. Further, tires produced by using the rubber composition are provided. 1. A rubber composition comprising 100 parts by mass of a rubber component (A) comprising at least one rubber of natural rubber and synthetic diene base rubbers and 5 to 120 parts by mass of a low molecular weight aromatic vinyl compound-diene compound copolymer (B) having a weight average molecular weight (measured by gel permeation chromatography and reduced to polystyrene) of 1 ,000 to 300 ,000 , wherein the copolymer (B) comprises 0 to 80% by mass of an aromatic vinyl compound and has a vinyl bond content of 0 to 80% by mass in the part of the diene compound , and has at least one cross-linkable functional group at an end.218. The rubber composition as described in claim , wherein the cross-linkable functional group is a functional group which can be reacted with the natural rubber and/or the synthetic diene base rubbers by forming active sites through cleavage reaction , decomposition reaction or addition reaction.319. The rubber composition as described in claim , wherein the cross-linkable functional group has at least one sulfur atom.4. The rubber composition as described in claim 1 , wherein the copolymer (B) has a cross-linkable functional group at one end and a functional group having affinity with a filler at the other end.5. The rubber composition as described in claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331498A1
Автор: MIYAZAKI Tatsuya

Provided are a rubber composition for treads that has both excellent abrasion resistance and good wet grip performance and also offers good fuel economy and elongation at break, and a pneumatic tire (particularly for passenger vehicles and for sport utility vehicles) formed therefrom. The rubber composition includes, based on 100% by mass of a rubber component, 40-75% by mass of BR and 25-55% by mass of SBR; and includes, per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, 40-120 parts by mass of a silica having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 160-270 m/g, and 15-50 parts by mass of a carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 100-250 m/g, wherein a ratio of a total content of silica to a total content of SBR is 0.70-2.50, and a ratio of a total content of carbon black to a total content of BR is 0.25-0.75. 1. A rubber composition for a tread ,which comprises, based on 100% by mass of a rubber component, 40 to 75% by mass of butadiene rubber and 25 to 55% by mass of styrene butadiene rubber; and{'sup': 2', '2, 'comprises, per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, 40 to 120 parts by mass of a silica having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 160 to 270 m/g, and 15 to 50 parts by mass of a carbon black having a nitrogen adsorption specific surface area of 100 to 250 m/g,'}wherein a ratio of a total content of silica to a total content of styrene butadiene rubber is 0.70 to 2.50, and a ratio of a total content of carbon black to a total content of butadiene rubber is 0.25 to 0.75.2. The rubber composition for a tread according to claim 1 ,wherein the butadiene rubber comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of a butadiene rubber synthesized with a rare earth catalyst and a modified butadiene rubber for silica, andthe rubber component comprises 8% by mass or more of a modified styrene butadiene rubber for silica.3. The rubber composition for a tread according to claim 1 ,wherein the rubber component ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Tire, the tread of which comprises a thermoplastic polyurethane block copolymer

Номер: US20130345336A1
Автор: Garance Lopitaux

A tire, the tread of which comprises a rubber composition comprising at least: as first elastomer, a diene elastomer; as second elastomer, a thermoplastic polyurethane block copolymer with polyurethane blocks and polydiene blocks; 70 to 150 pce of an inorganic reinforcing filler; a plasticizing system comprising: with a content A of 5 to 60 pce, a hydrocarbon resin, the Tg of which is higher than 20° C.; with a content B of 5 to 60 pce, a plasticizer which is liquid at 20° C., and the Tg of which is lower than −20° C.; it being understood that A+B is higher than 30 pce. The use of a thermoplastic polyurethane block copolymer with polyurethane blocks and polydiene blocks, in particular in the presence of high filler and plasticizer contents, in the composition of a tire tread as per the present invention enables tires having improved grip on wet ground to be obtained.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011910A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition that can enhance the fuel economy, wet-grip performance, abrasion resistance, and kneading processability in a balanced manner, and a pneumatic tire using this rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition that contains a rubber component and silica, wherein the rubber component contains, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, 10 to 70% by mass of a high-cis polybutadiene having a cis content of 95% by mass or more and satisfying the following requirements (A) to (C): (A) a Mooney viscosity (ML) of 40 to 49; (B) a molecular weight distribution (weight-average molecular weight (Mw)/number-average molecular weight (Mn)) of 3.0 to 3.9; and (C) an index (n-value in Expression (1) below) of velocity dependence of Mooney viscosity of 2.3 to 3.0, and 30 to 90% by mass of a conjugated diene polymer containing a constituent unit based on a conjugated diene and a constituent unit represented by formula (I) below, and an amount of the silica is 5 to 150 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component, 2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2, 'sub': '1-6', 'wherein Rand Rin formula (Ia) are Chydrocarbyl groups.'}3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,{'sup': 1', '2', '3, 'wherein two of X, X, and Xin formula (I) are selected from a group represented by formula (Ia) and a hydroxyl group.'}7. The rubber composition according to claim 6 ,{'sup': 34', '35, 'wherein one of Rand Rin formula (IVa) is a hydrogen atom.'}8. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the conjugated diene polymer has a vinyl bond content of at least 10 mol % but not more than 80 mol % per 100 mol % of the constituent unit based on a conjugated diene.9. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the high-cis polybutadiene has a ratio (Tcp/ML) of a 5% by mass toluene solution viscosity (Tcp) to the Mooney viscosity (ML) of 2.5 to 3.5.10. The rubber ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140011944A1
Автор: KONDO Toshikazu

The present invention provides a rubber composition for a tread which enables not only to improve handling stability, abrasion resistance, and fuel economy in a balanced manner, but also to improve wet grip performance and processability in a balanced manner, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a rubber composition for a tread, comprising a terminally-modified solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber, a butadiene rubber synthesized in the presence of a rare earth catalyst, and a reinforcing agent. 17.-. (canceled)9. The rubber composition according to claim 8 ,wherein a rubber component of the rubber composition contains, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, 10 to 70% by mass of the terminally-modified solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubber and 5 to 30% by mass of the butadiene rubber synthesized in the presence of a rare earth catalyst.10. The rubber composition according to claim 8 ,wherein the reinforcing agent comprises 3 to 20 parts by mass of carbon black and 30 to 100 parts by mass of silica, each per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component.11. The rubber composition according to claim 8 ,wherein the rubber component contains, based on 100% by mass of the rubber component, 10 to 40% by mass of a styrene-butadiene rubber having a styrene content of 20% by mass or more, a weight average molecular weight (Mw) of 800,000 or more, and a ratio of weight average molecular weight to number average molecular weight (Mw/Mn) of 0.9 to 2.5.12. The rubber composition according to claim 8 , comprising claim 8 , per 100 parts by mass of the rubber component claim 8 ,1 to 8 parts by mass of an aromatic vinyl polymer polymerized from at least one of α-methylstyrene and styrene.13. The rubber composition according to claim 8 , {'br': None, '3.0≦[(the amount of the reinforcing agent)/(the acetone-extractable content)]≦10.0.'}, 'wherein an amount of the reinforcing agent and an acetone-extractable ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Porous material for ink stamps, production method therefor, and self-inking stamp

Номер: US20140013974A1
Принадлежит: SHACHIHATA INC.

A porous stamp material allows only resin in a region thereof irradiated with a laser beam during laser engraving in a production process of an ink stamp to be burnt and vaporized while preventing melting in any other unwanted region. The porous material for ink stamps comprises: at least one thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting of low-density polyethylene, linear low-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymer, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, and ethylene-acrylic copolymer; at least one thermoplastic elastomer selected from a plurality of different hydrogenated styrene based thermoplastic elastomers; and at least one filler selected from a plurality of different inorganic compounds, wherein the thermoplastic resin and/or the thermoplastic elastomer are cross-linked, and formed in a continuous pore structure. 1. A porous material for ink stamps , comprising:at least one thermoplastic resin selected from the group consisting of low-density polyethylene, linear low-density polyethylene, high-density polyethylene, ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymer, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer, and ethylene-acrylic copolymer;at least one thermoplastic elastomer selected from a plurality of different hydrogenated styrene based thermoplastic elastomers; andat least one filler selected from a plurality of different inorganic compounds,wherein the thermoplastic resin and/or the thermoplastic elastomer are cross-linked, and formed in a continuous pore structure.2. The porous material as defined in claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic resin is contained at a mixing ratio of 2 to 30 with respect to the at least one thermoplastic elastomer.3. The porous material as defined in claim 1 , wherein the at least one thermoplastic resin has a glass-transition temperature of 0° C. or less.4. The porous material as defined in claim 1 , wherein the at least one filler is selected from a plurality of different silicates.5. The porous ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018479A1
Автор: OKADA Koji, Tanaka Ryoji
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

A rubber composition that can obtain a rubber elastic body having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience and a method for producing the same, and a tire having small rolling resistance and excellent impact resilience are provided. 1. A method for producing a rubber composition , the method comprising kneading a rubber component containing a conjugated diene polymer (A) having at least one functional group selected from a tertiary amino group , a thiol group , a hydroxyl group , an epoxy group , a carboxylic acid group , a thioepoxy group , a hydrocarbylthio group and a hydrocarbylsilyl group and a conjugated diene polymer (B) having no functional group chemically bondable to silica , silica (C) and a dispersing agent (D) comprising an organic compound having at least one element selected from the group consisting of nitrogen , carbonyl oxygen and ether oxygen.3. The method for according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene polymer (B) claim 1 , the silica (C) and the dispersing agent (D) are kneaded claim 1 , and thereafter claim 1 , the conjugated diene polymer (A) is added thereto claim 1 , followed by kneading.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the conjugated diene polymer (A) claim 1 , the conjugated diene polymer (B) and the silica (C) are kneaded claim 1 , and thereafter claim 1 , the dispersing agent (D) is added thereto claim 1 , followed by kneading.5. A rubber composition obtained by the process of .6. The rubber composition according to claim 5 , wherein the dispersing agent (D) comprises an organic compound represented by formula (1) or formula (2):{'br': None, 'A—X—H; \u2003\u2003Formula (1)'}{'br': None, 'sub': 'n', 'M(A′—X—H),\u2003\u2003Formula (2)'}wherein:A represents a group comprising nitrogen and/or oxygen;A′ represents a group comprising nitrogen and/or oxygen;X represents a hydrocarbylene group or a polyoxyalkylene chain each having 1 to 20 carbon atoms, which may be straight-chain or branched;H represents ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018493A1

The present invention provides a random copolymer that is used for manufacturing a tire having excellent rollability and wear resistance and that includes randomly arranged monomer units of a conjugated diene compound and of a non-conjugated olefin, a rubber composition containing the random copolymer, a cross-linked rubber composition obtained by crosslinking the rubber composition, and a tire manufactured by using the rubber composition or the cross-linked rubber composition. A copolymer of a conjugated diene compound and a non-conjugated olefin, including a random copolymer having randomly arranged monomer units of the conjugated diene compound and of the non-conjugated olefin, and containing, by more than 30 mol %, a unit derived from the conjugated diene compound. 1. A copolymer of a conjugated diene compound and a non-conjugated olefin , comprising a random copolymer having randomly arranged monomer units of the conjugated diene compound and of the non-conjugated olefin , and containing , by more than 30 mol % , a unit derived from the conjugated diene compound.2. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the copolymer contains claim 1 , by at least 5 mol % claim 1 , alternate bonding units of the conjugated diene compound and the non-conjugated olefin in a unit derived from the non-conjugated olefin.3. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the content of the unit derived from the conjugated diene compound is 50 mol % or more and less than 100 mol %.4. The copolymer according to claim 1 , wherein the content of 1 claim 1 ,2 adduct units (including 3 claim 1 ,4 adduct units) of the conjugated diene compound in the unit derived from the conjugated diene compound is 5% or less.5. The copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising a copolymer having a polystyrene-equivalent average-weight molecular weight of 10 claim 1 ,000 to 10 claim 1 ,000 claim 1 ,000.6. The copolymer according to claim 1 , comprising a copolymer having a molecular weight distribution ( ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140024745A1

A tyre, the tread of which comprises a rubber composition comprising at least: a diene elastomer; from 100 to 150 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler; a poly(alkylene ester) thermoplastic resin; a plasticizing system comprising: according to a content A of between 5 and 60 phr, a hydrocarbon resin exhibiting a Tg of greater than 20° C.; according to a content B of between 5 and 60 phr, a plasticizer which is liquid at 20° C., the Tg of which is less than −20° C.; and it being understood that A+B is greater than 40 phr. The use of a poly(alkylene ester) resin, combined in particular with high contents of filler and plasticizers, makes it possible to improve the stiffness of the tread and thus the road behaviour of the tyre, without affecting the hysteresis and thus the rolling resistance. 1. A tire , the tread of which comprises a rubber composition comprising at least:a diene elastomer;from 100 to 150 phr of a reinforcing inorganic filler;a poly(alkylene ester) thermoplastic resin; according to a content A of between 5 and 60 phr, a hydrocarbon resin exhibiting a Tg of greater than 20° C.;', 'according to a content B of between 5 and 60 phr, a plasticizer which is liquid at 20° C., the Tg of which is less than −20° C.;', 'wherein A+B is greater than 40 phr., 'a plasticizing system comprising2. The tire according to claim 1 , wherein the diene elastomer is selected from the group consisting of polybutadienes (BRs) claim 1 , synthetic polyisoprenes (IRs) claim 1 , natural rubber (NR) claim 1 , butadiene copolymers claim 1 , isoprene copolymers and mixtures of these elastomers.3. The tire according to claim 2 , wherein the diene elastomer is selected from the group consisting of polybutadienes claim 2 , butadiene copolymers and the mixtures of these elastomers.4. The tire according to claim 3 , wherein the diene elastomer is a styrene/butadiene copolymer (SBR).5. The tire according to claim 4 , wherein the SBR content is within a range from 50 to 100 phr.6. The tire ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031489A1
Автор: TADA Toshio

The present invention provides a tire rubber composition that makes it possible to suppress discoloration of tires, and a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The present invention relates to a tire rubber composition containing a bluing agent. 1. A tire rubber composition , comprising a bluing agent.2. The tire rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the bluing agent is a pigment or a dye.3. The tire rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the bluing agent is present in an amount of 0.2 to 50 parts by mass per 100 parts by mass of a rubber component in the tire rubber composition.4. The tire rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the tire rubber composition is for use as a sidewall rubber composition.5. A pneumatic tire claim 1 , formed from the tire rubber composition according to . The present invention relates to a tire rubber composition, and a pneumatic tire formed from the same.Sidewall rubber compositions for tires contain antioxidants for preventing cracks from developing in sidewalls. However, such an antioxidant in a sidewall rubber migrates to the sidewall surface over time, and thus the antioxidant is oxidized at the surface, which causes the sidewall to turn yellow. Moreover, tire component rubbers, which contain many double bonds, have poor weather resistance, and therefore may turn yellow over time. Such sidewall yellowing causes an undesired appearance since tires are originally black due to carbon black. This problem should be overcome to maintain the commercial value of tires.Patent Literature 1 discloses a method for suppressing migration of an antioxidant to the sidewall surface by using polyethylene glycol having a specific molecular weight. Still, there is a demand for other techniques.Patent Literature 1: JP-A H05-179067The present invention aims to solve the above problem and to provide a tire rubber composition that makes it possible to suppress discoloration of tires, and a pneumatic tire formed ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031495A1

The present invention refers to an improved composition for the production of vinyl aromatic polymers modified with rubber, in which a substantial impact resistance improvement of the final product is produced by the incorporation of a structure modifying additive in different steps of the polymerization, preferably during the process of co-continuity of phases and specially, during the inversion of phases interval. The additive is an insaturated compound of formula: 2. A composition according to wherein the structure modifying additive is added without mixing with vehicles.3. A composition according to wherein the structure modifying additive is added as a mixture of polymers comprising the family of vinyl aromatic compounds comprising the family of the ethers claim 1 , esters claim 1 , amines and amides.4. A mixture of the additive according to wherein the additive is found in a ratio from 5/1 to 1/5 in weight.5. A composition according to wherein the structure modifying additive is added during the interval of inversion of phases of the reaction.6. A composition according to wherein the structure modifying additive is added once.7. A composition according to wherein the structure modifying additive is added on intermittent dosages.8. A composition according to wherein the conjugated diene is selected form the group comprising: 1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , isoprene claim 1 , 2 claim 1 ,3-dimethyl-1 claim 1 ,3-butadiene claim 1 , copolymers in linear or radial blocks claim 1 , in perfect or partially randomized blocks from the type of SB claim 1 ,SBR claim 1 ,SBS claim 1 ,BSB or multiple blocks (SB)n claim 1 , wherein S is a vinyl aromatic polymer claim 1 , B is a conjugated diene and n is an integer number claim 1 , and wherein a elastomeric part can be partially or totally hydrogenated.9. A composition according to claim 1 , wherein the composition of the copolymers in blocks can be varied between 5/95 to 80/20 in weight and mixtures therebetween claim 1 , ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039107A1

A composition includes a polymer matrix, a multiple-acid-derived metal soap, wherein the metal has an oxidation state of +3 or +4. An associated method for making a rubber composition includes the steps of: combining a solvent and a multiple carboxylic, phosphonic, phosphoric, sulfuric, or sulfonic acid, or mixtures thereof, and mixing to form solution A; adding a source of metal ions to solution A and mixing to form a product A, the metal being selected from the metals having an oxidation state of +3 or +4, whereby product A includes a multiple-acid-derived metal soap; and combining the multiple-acid-derived metal soap with a diene rubber. A method of making a tire component includes the steps of: combining a solvent and a multiple carboxylic, phosphonic, phosphoric, sulfuric, or sulfonic acid, or mixtures thereof, and mixing to form solution A; adding a source of metal ions to solution A and mixing to form a product A, the metal being selected from the metals having an oxidation state of +3 or +4, whereby product A includes a multiple-acid-derived metal soap; combining the multiple-acid-derived metal soap with a diene rubber; and molding and vulcanizing the rubber composition into a tire component. 2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the solvent is a polar solvent claim 1 , and a base is added to the polar solvent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the source of metal ions is added in solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metal is aluminum claim 1 , iron claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , or cobalt.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the multiple-acid-derived metal soap contains an alkyl R group between acid-derived groups claim 1 , wherein the R group contains about twelve to about fifty carbon atoms.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the diene rubber is selected from the group consisting of styrene-butadiene rubber claim 1 , natural rubber claim 1 , butadiene rubber claim 1 , polyisoprene rubber claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051791A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition containing: (A) a rubber component containing 10% by mass or more of at least one kind of rubber selected from diene rubber synthesized by emulsion polymerization and natural rubber and 90% by mass or less of another kind of diene rubber; (B) silica having a n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) adsorption specific surface area of not less than 180 m/g measured according to a method described in ASTM D3765-92; (C) at least one silane coupling agent selected from a polysulfide compound and a thioester compound; and (D) a vulcanization accelerator, the rubber composition after vulcanization having an average aggregated aggregate area (nm) of the silica of 1,900 or less, and thus provides a rubber composition that is improved in low-heat-generation property. 1. A rubber composition comprising: (A) a rubber component containing 10% by mass or more of at least one kind of rubber selected from diene rubber synthesized by emulsion polymerization and natural rubber and 90% by mass or less of another kind of diene rubber; (B) a silica having a n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) adsorption specific surface area of not less than 180 m/g measured according to a method described in ASTM D3765-92; (C) at least one silane coupling agent selected from a polysulfide compound and a thioester compound; and (D) a vulcanization accelerator , the rubber composition after vulcanization having an average aggregated aggregate area (nm) of the silica of 1 ,900 or less , measurement method of average aggregated aggregate area:an upper surface of a specimen of the rubber composition after vulcanization is cut in a direction making an angle of 38° with respect to the upper surface of the specimen with a focused ion beam; then a smooth surface of the specimen formed by cutting is imaged with a scanning electron microscope at an acceleration voltage of 5 kV in a direction perpendicular to the smooth surface; the resulting image is ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140051793A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition containing: (A) a rubber component containing 10% by mass or more of at least one kind of rubber selected from diene rubber synthesized by emulsion polymerization and natural rubber and 90% by mass or less of another kind of diene rubber; (B) silica having a n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) adsorption specific surface area of less than 140 m/g measured according to a method described in ASTM D3765-92; (C) at least one silane coupling agent selected from a polysulfide compound and a thioester compound; and (D) a vulcanization accelerator, the rubber composition after vulcanization having an average aggregated aggregate area (nm) of the silica of 3,300 or less, and thus provides a rubber composition that is improved in low-heat-generation property. 1. A rubber composition comprising: (A) a rubber component containing 10% by mass or more of at least one kind of rubber selected from diene rubber synthesized by emulsion polymerization and natural rubber and 90% by mass or less of another kind of diene rubber; (B) a silica having a n-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) adsorption specific surface area of less than 140 m/g measured according to a method described in ASTM D3765-92; (C) at least one silane coupling agent selected from a polysulfide compound and a thioester compound; and (D) a vulcanization accelerator , the rubber composition after vulcanization having an average aggregated aggregate area (nm) of the silica of 3 ,300 or less , measurement method of average aggregated aggregate area:an upper surface of a specimen of the rubber composition after vulcanization is cut in a direction making an angle of 38° with respect to the upper surface of the specimen with a focused ion beam; then a smooth surface of the specimen formed by cutting is imaged with a scanning electron microscope at an acceleration voltage of 5 kV in a direction perpendicular to the smooth surface; the resulting image is ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Polymer-modified asphalt compositions

Номер: US20140066549A1

A modified-asphalt composition prepared by introducing a diene end-capped block copolymer with a molten asphalt composition, where the block copolymer is defined by the formula α-(D-V-d) x where each D is independently a polydiene block, each V is independently a vinyl aromatic block, each d is a polydiene end cap, α is a coupling moiety, and x is an integer from 2 to 10.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076202A1
Принадлежит: Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

Diol derived blocked mercaptofunctional silane compositions in which the silanes comprise cyclic and bridged alkoxy groups derived from hydrocarbon-based diols and processes for their preparation are provided. Also provided are rubber compositions comprising the cyclic diol-derived blocked mercaptofunctional silanes, processes for their preparation and articles of manufacture comprising the rubber compositions, in particular, automotive tires and components thereof. 119-. (canceled)21. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. The process of claim 20 , wherein the reaction temperature is about 40 to about 85° C. and the pressure is ambient.27. (canceled)28. (canceled)29. The process of claim 26 , wherein the phase transfer catalyst is selected from the group consisting of tetramethylammonium chloride claim 26 , tetramethylammonium bromide claim 26 , tetramethylammonium iodide claim 26 , tetramethylammonium hydroxide claim 26 , tetraethylammonium chloride claim 26 , tetraethylammonium bromide claim 26 , tetraethylammonium iodide claim 26 , tetraethylammonium hydroxide claim 26 , tetrabutylammonium chloride claim 26 , tetrabutylammonium bromide claim 26 , tetrabutylammonium iodide claim 26 , tetrabutylammonium hydroxide claim 26 , methyltributylammonium chloride claim 26 , methyltributylammonium bromide claim 26 , methyltributylammonium iodide claim 26 , methyltributylammonium hydroxide claim 26 , tetraoctylammonium chloride claim 26 , tetraoctylammonium bromide claim 26 , tetraoctylammonium iodide claim 26 , tetraoctylammonium hydroxide claim 26 , methyltrioctylammonium chloride claim 26 , methyltrioctylammonium bromide claim 26 , methyltrioctylammonium iodide claim 26 , methyltrioctylammonium hydroxide claim 26 , benzyltrimethylammonium chloride claim 26 , benzyltrimethylammonium bromide claim 26 , benzyltriethylammonium chloride claim 26 , benzyltributylammonium chloride claim 26 , dibenzyldimethylammonium chloride claim 26 , dibenzyldimethylammonium bromide claim ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076473A1

A tyre includes a tread, a crown with a crown reinforcement, first and second sidewalls, two beads, and a carcass reinforcement anchored to the two beads and extending from the first sidewall to the second sidewall. The tread includes a thermoplastic elastomer that is a block copolymer, which includes at least one elastomer block and at least one thermoplastic block. A total content of the thermoplastic elastomer in the tread is within a range varying from 65 to 100 phr (parts by weight per hundred parts of elastomer). 116-. (canceled)17. A tyre comprising:a tread;a crown that includes a crown reinforcement;first and second sidewalls;two beads; anda carcass reinforcement anchored to the two beads and extending from the first sidewall to the second sidewall,wherein the tread includes at least one thermoplastic elastomer, the at least one thermoplastic elastomer being a block copolymer that includes at least one elastomer block and at least one thermoplastic block, andwherein a total content of the at least one thermoplastic elastomer in the tread is within a range varying from 65 to 100 phr (parts by weight per hundred parts of elastomer).18. The tyre according to claim 17 , wherein a number-average molecular weight of the at least one thermoplastic elastomer is between 30 claim 17 ,000 and 500 claim 17 ,000 g/mol.19. Tyre according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one elastomer block of the block copolymer is chosen from elastomers having a glass transition temperature of less than 25° C.20. The tyre according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one elastomer block of the block copolymer is selected from a group consisting of ethylene elastomers claim 17 , diene elastomers claim 17 , and mixtures thereof.21. The tyre according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one elastomer block of the block copolymer is chosen from ethylene elastomers.22. The tyre according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one elastomer block of the block copolymer is chosen from diene ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140080969A1
Автор: SUZUKI Eiju

The invention relates to a rubber composition having better workability and fracture resistance than the prior art, and more specifically, to a rubber composition containing a polymer (B) obtained from an emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (A) having a number average molecular weight in the range of 1,000-130,000. 1. A rubber composition comprising a polymer (B) obtained from an emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (A) with a number average molecular weight in the range of 1 ,000 to 130 ,000.2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , further comprising a polymer (D) obtained from an emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (C) with a number average molecular weight exceeding 130 claim 1 ,000.3. The rubber composition according to claim 2 , comprising a polymer (E) obtained by mixing the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (A) with the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (C) and then coagulating and drying the mixture.4. The rubber composition according to claim 3 , wherein the polymer (E) has a Mooney viscosity within the range of 10 to 200.5. The rubber composition according to claim 3 , wherein the polymer (E) has a molecular weight distribution (Mw/Mn) within the range of 3.0 to 7.0.6. The rubber composition according to claim 2 , wherein at least one of the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (A) and the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (C) is a latex of a diene-based polymer.7. The rubber composition according to claim 6 , wherein at least one of the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (A) and the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (C) is a latex of a copolymer of a diene compound and an aromatic vinyl compound.8. The rubber composition according to claim 7 , wherein a difference between a content of aromatic vinyl compound of the polymer (B) obtained from the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (A) and a content of aromatic vinyl compound of the polymer (D) obtained from the emulsion-polymerized polymer latex (C) is 10 mass % or less.9. The rubber composition ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088224A1

The invention relates to a tire with tread of a rubber composition containing a functionalized elastomer and pre-hydrophobated precipitated silica reinforcement. 1. A rubber composition comprised of , based upon parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of rubber (phr): (1) at least one functionalized diene-based elastomer, or', '(2) combination of at least one functionalized diene-based elastomer and at least one non-functionalized diene-based elastomer where said combination contains greater than 50 percent (by weight) of said functionalized diene-based elastomer(s), and, '(A) 100 phr of at least one diene-based elastomer comprised of (1) precipitated silica, or', '(2) a combination of precipitated silica and rubber reinforcing carbon black containing up to about 65 phr of rubber reinforcing carbon black;', (a) pre-hydrophobated precipitated silica (precipitated silica hydrophobated prior to its addition to the rubber composition) and, optionally, a silica coupling agent added to said rubber composition, or', '(b) combination of pre-hydrophobated precipitated silica and hydropohilic precipitated silica and, optionally, a silica coupling agent added to said rubber composition,', (i) at least one of alkylsilane and alkoxysilane, or', '(ii) a combination of at least one of alkylsilane and alkoxysilane together with at least one of an organoalkoxysilyl polysulfide and organomercaptoalkoxysilane, or', '(iii) at least one of an organoalkoxysilyl polysulfide and organomercaptoalkoxysilane,, 'wherein said pre-hydrophobated precipitated silica is hydrophobated prior to its addition to the rubber composition by treatment with, (iv) at least one of alkylsilane and alkoxysilane, or', '(v) a combination of at least one of alkylsilane and alkoxysilane together with at least one of an organoalkoxysilyl polysulfide and organomercaptoalkoxysilane, or', '(vi) at least one of an organoalkoxysilyl polysulfide and organomercaptoalkoxysilane, and, 'wherein said precipitated silica ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Rubber composition for tread, and pneumatic tire

Номер: US20140100317A1
Автор: Soh Ishino
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd

The present invention provides a rubber composition for a tread, having improved abrasion resistance, heat aging resistance, processability, and fuel economy in a balanced manner, and a pneumatic tire formed therefrom. The present invention relates to a rubber composition for a tread, comprising a rubber component, silica, a silane coupling agent, a sulfur vulcanizing agent, a sulfenamide or thiazole vulcanization accelerator 1, and a thiuram vulcanization accelerator 2.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002256A1

The present invention is directed to compounds represented by the formula: Formula (i) wherein Rcomprises a hydrogen atom or an alkyl group having 1 to 2 carbon atoms; wherein Rcomprises an alkylene group, an arylene group, or a heterocyclic group; and wherein M comprises a monovalent metallic cation such as sodium, lithium, or potassium; or a multivalent metallic cation such as zinc, nickel, iron, titanium, or cobalt; or an ammonium or alkyl ammonium cation derived by addition of proton (s) to a nitrogenous base. 2. The compound of claim 1 , wherein R1 comprises a hydrogen atom;wherein R2 comprises an alkylene group having from 1 to 5 carbon atoms; andwherein M comprises a monovalent metallic cation.3. The compound of claim 1 , wherein R1 comprises hydrogen;wherein R2 comprises an alkylene group having from 1 to 3 carbon atoms; andwherein M comprises a monovalent metallic cation or an ammonium or alkyl ammonium cation derived by addition of one or more protons to a nitrogenous base.4. Sodium S claim 1 ,S′ claim 1 ,S″-((1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazinane-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triyl)tris(ethane-2 claim 1 ,1-diyl)) tris(sulfurothioate).5. Sodium S claim 1 ,S′ claim 1 ,S″-((1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazinane-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triyl)tris(propane-3 claim 1 ,1-diyl)) tris(sulfurothioate).6. Sodium S claim 1 ,S′ claim 1 ,S″-((1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazinane-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triyl)tris(butane-4 claim 1 ,1-diyl)) tris(sulfurothioate).7. Sodium S claim 1 ,S′ claim 1 ,S″-((1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triazinane-1 claim 1 ,3 claim 1 ,5-triyl)tris(pentane-5 claim 1 ,1-diyl)) tris(sulfurothioate).8. A method of making the compound of claim 1 , comprising:reacting a haloalkylamine hydrohalide with a metal thiosulfate to obtain an alkylammonium halide thiosulfate metal salt;deprotonating the alkylammonium halide thiosulfate metal salt to obtain an alkylammonium thiosulfate metal salt; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'reacting the alkylammonium ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220002524A1
Принадлежит: JSR Corporation

A polybutadiene composition which enables the achievement of a rubber material that has excellent crack propagation resistance and a method for producing this polybutadiene composition are provided. A polybutadiene composition is produced by a method that comprises a step Y wherein 1,3-butadiene is polymerized in the presence of 1,2-polybutadiene and a lanthanoid catalyst. A polybutadiene composition which contains 1,2-polybutadiene and 1,4-polybutadiene, and which is obtained by polymerizing 1,3-butadiene in the presence of 1,2-polybutadiene and a lanthanoid catalyst. 1. A method for producing a polybutadiene composition , the method comprising:polymerizing 1,3-butadiene in the presence of 1,2-polybutadiene and a lanthanoid-containing catalyst.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:preparing 1,2-polybutadiene by polymerizing 1,3-butadiene in the presence of a cobalt-containing catalyst.3. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:adding an organoaluminum compound to a reaction mixture in the preparing to terminate a polymerizing reaction.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the polymerizing is polymerizing 1 claim 2 ,3-butadiene by adding the lanthanoid-containing catalyst to a reaction mixture prepared in the preparing.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the cobalt-containing catalyst comprises a cobalt compound claim 2 , a phosphine compound claim 2 , and an organoaluminum compound.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the 1 claim 1 ,2-polybutadiene is 1 claim 1 ,2-syndiotactic polybutadiene.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the lanthanoid-containing catalyst comprises a lanthanoid compound claim 1 , an organoaluminum compound claim 1 , and a halogen compound.8. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe preparing comprises producing 1,4-polybutadiene having active ends; andthe method further comprises reacting the active ends of 1,4-polybutadiene with an alkoxysilane compound.9. The method ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001142A1

A golf ball includes a core and a cover. The core is formed of a material molded under heat from a rubber composition. The rubber composition includes components (A) through (C). The components (A) through (C) are (A) a base rubber, (B) an organic peroxide, and (C) a metal salt containing hydration water. 1. A golf ball comprising:a core; anda cover,wherein the core is formed of a material molded under heat from a rubber composition,the rubber composition including components (A) through (C), where the components (A) through (C) are(A) a base rubber,(B) an organic peroxide, and(C) a metal salt containing hydration water.2. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a moisture content of (C) the metal salt containing the hydration water in a molecular formula thereof is 6% by mass or more.3. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a dissociation rate of water of (C) the metal salt containing the hydration water in a case of heating (C) the metal salt containing the hydration water up to 155° C. is 60% by mass or more.4. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a JIS-C hardness difference obtained by subtracting a center hardness of the core from a surface hardness of the core is 20 or more.5. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein (A) the rubber composition further includes 0.1 parts by mass or more and 5 parts by mass or less of an organosulfur compound per 100 parts by mass of the base rubber.6. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the metal salt of (C) the metal salt containing the hydration water is an inorganic compound. This application is based on and claims priority to Japanese patent application No. 2018-124750, filed on Jun. 29, 2018, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to golf balls.It has been known that when striking a golf ball with a driver or the like, a lower (smaller) amount of spin on the golf ball leads to a longer distance and is thus significant. Therefore, ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Composition for Mineralizing Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide Gases and Uses of Same

Номер: US20200001273A1

The invention relates to a composition for mineralising carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases, which comprises a mixture of magnesium (between 1 and 25%), iron (between 1 and 23%), calcium monoxide (between 1 and 25%), titanium dioxide (between 0.1 and 11%) and silicon dioxide (between 16 and 75%), with a particle diameter between 100 nm and 4000 μm. The composition causes the mineralisation of carbon dioxide (CO) and of the gaseous chemical compounds known as “nitrogen oxides” (NO) in the atmosphere. This composition can be added or mixed as an additive in paints, dyes, resins and elastic polymers (gum and natural rubber) in parts with wear, and for any type of covering. 1. A composition for mineralising gases of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides comprising a mixture of igneous rocks which comprises magnesium (between 1 and 25%) , iron (between 1 and 23%) , calcium monoxide (between 1 and 25%) , titanium dioxide (between 0.1 and 11%) and silicon dioxide (between 16 and 75%) , with a particle diameter between 100 nm and 4000 μm.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The composition according to claim 1 , comprising between 0.1 and 2% of titanium dioxide.7. A coating comprising the composition defined in .8. A coating comprising the composition defined in .9. A paint claim 1 , lacquer claim 1 , dye claim 1 , resin claim 1 , natural rubber claim 1 , gum and/or varnish claim 1 , comprising the composition defined in .10. A paint claim 6 , lacquer claim 6 , dye claim 6 , resin claim 6 , natural rubber claim 6 , gum and/or varnish claim 6 , comprising the composition defined in .11. The natural rubber and/or gum according to claim 9 , wherein it is an element subject to wear.12. The natural rubber and/or gum according to claim 11 , wherein said element subject to wear is a tire.13. The paint claim 9 , lacquer claim 9 , dye claim 9 , resin claim 9 , natural rubber claim 9 , gum and/or varnish according to claim 9 , wherein it comprises a percentage by ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001398A1

A method of producing a rubber compound for a tread portion designed to assume, with use, a porous surface with a 75 to 800 μm pore area. The method includes a first mixing step, in which a polymer base, recycled rubber, and silica are mixed together; and a second mixing step, in which a curing system is added and mixed to the compound from the first mixing step. 5 to 20 phr of recycled rubber is added at the first mixing step. The recycled rubber is 75 to 800 um in size, and is treated beforehand cryogenically. And the polymer base is selected from SBR, BR, NR and mixtures thereof. The invention also relates to a rubber compound for producing a tread portion, a tread portion and a winter tyre comprising said tread portion. 1. A method for obtaining a tread portion that during its use assumes a porous surface with a 75 to 800 μmpore area; said method comprising a preparation phase of a rubber compound , wherein:in a first mixing step a polymer base selected from SBR, BR, NR and mixtures thereof, 5 to 20 phr of recycled rubber having 75 to 800 μm in size, and silica are mixed together; andin a second mixing step a curing system is added and mixed to the compound from the first mixing step;said method being characterized by the fact that said recycled rubber is treated beforehand cryogenically and is added to said first mixing step without being beforehand pre-mixed with any polymer base.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that said recycled rubber is 100 to 200 μm in size.3. A method of producing tread compounds claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that said recycled rubber is tyre rubber.45-. (canceled) The present invention relates to a tyre tread production method.One long-used method of improving tyre grip in wet-road and winter conditions is to form a porous surface on the tread. The pores increase the tread-road contact area, as well as allowing run-off of the water layer that forms between the tread and the road surface.To obtain ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Tire Tread For Heavy Vehicle Of Construction Plant Tire

Номер: US20170001475A1
Автор: Bondu Lucien

Tire () for a heavy vehicle of construction plant type with tread () comprising raised elements (), separated by grooves (), extending radially outwards from a bottom surface () as far as a contact face () over a height (H) and comprising base compound () and coating compound (). Coating compound () has a constant maximum thickness (e), at the contact face () of each raised element (), at most equal to 0.15 H, the coating compound () has a constant minimum thickness (e), at each groove bottom (), at least equal to 0.04 H, and the elongation at break at 23° C. Aof the coating compound () is at least equal to 1.05 times the elongation at break of 23° C. Aof the base compound (). 1. A tire for a heavy vehicle of construction plant type , comprising:a tread comprising raised elements separated by grooves;each raised element extending radially outwards from a bottom surface as far as a contact face over a height H and comprising lateral faces;each said groove being a cut in the tread which cut is delimited laterally by lateral faces of raised elements that face one another and is delimited radially towards the inside by a groove bottom resting on the bottom surface;the tread comprising at least one first elastomeric compound, referred to as base compound, and at least one second elastomeric compound, referred to as painting compound, fully covering the base compound;{'sub': R1', 'R2, 'the base compound and coating compound respectively having elongations at break at 23° C. Aand A;'}{'sub': max', 'min', 'R2', 'R1, 'wherein the coating compound has a constant maximum thickness e, at the contact face of each raised element, at most equal to 0.15 times the height H of the raised element, wherein the coating compound has a constant minimum thickness e, at each groove bottom, at least equal to 0.04 times the height H of the raised element, and wherein the elongation at break at 23° C. Aof the coating compound is at least equal to 1.05 times the elongation at break at 23° C. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001650A1

A tire comprises a rubber composition based on at least an elastomer matrix comprising 20 to 70 phr of a first diene elastomer bearing at least one SiOR function, R being a hydrogen atom or a hydrocarbon radical, the SiOR function not located at the chain ends of the first diene elastomer, 20 to 70 phr of a second diene elastomer which is a polyisoprene, and optionally, 0 to 20 phr of a third diene elastomer; and a reinforcing filler comprising a reinforcing inorganic filler. 117.-. (canceled)18. A tire comprising a rubber composition based on at least:an elastomer matrix comprising 20 to 70 phr of a first diene elastomer bearing at least one SiOR function, R being a hydrogen atom or a hydrocarbon radical, the SiOR function not located at the chain ends of the first diene elastomer, 20 to 70 phr of a second diene elastomer which is a polyisoprene, and optionally, 0 to 20 phr of a third diene elastomer; anda reinforcing filler predominantly comprising a reinforcing inorganic filler.19. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the first diene elastomer is a styrene-butadiene copolymer.20. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the first diene elastomer further bears at least one amine function.21. The tire according to claim 20 , wherein the SiOR function bears the amine function.22. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein R of the SiOR function is a hydrocarbon radical.23. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the first diene elastomer has a glass transition temperature of lower than −40° C.24. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the elastomer matrix comprises 30 to 60 phr of the first diene elastomer.25. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the elastomer matrix comprises 30 to 60 phr of the second diene elastomer.26. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the second diene elastomer comprises more than 50% by weight of natural rubber per 100% by weight of the second diene elastomer.27. The tire according to claim 18 , wherein the elastomer matrix ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Pneumatic Tire

Номер: US20200001651A1

Provided is a pneumatic tire. An undertread is obtained by blending Wu parts by mass (Wu≥0) of a softener (U) including a plasticizer component with 100 parts by mass of a rubber component. A cap tread is obtained by blending 30 parts by mass or greater of silica and Wc parts by mass (Wc is from 20 to 70) of a softener (C) including from 5 to 30 parts by mass of a resin component having a softening point of from 90° C. to 150° C. and a plasticizer component with 100 parts by mass of a diene rubber containing 30 mass % or greater of polybutadiene. The cap tread rubber component has a mass ratio of the resin component in the softener of from 0.1 to 0.5. A difference (Wc−Wu) in compounded amount between the softener and the softener is from 20 parts by mass to 60 parts by mass. 1. A pneumatic tire comprising:a tread portion having a cap tread disposed outward in a tire radial direction and an undertread disposed inward in the tire radial direction,the undertread being made of a rubber component for an undertread obtained by blending Wu parts by mass, provided that Wu means a real number of 0 or greater, of a softener U including a plasticizer component with 100 parts by mass of a rubber component,the cap tread being made of a rubber component for a cap tread that is obtained by blending 30 parts by mass or greater of silica and Wc parts by mass, provided that Wc means a real number of from 20 to 70, of a softener C including from 5 to 30 parts by mass of at least one resin component having a softening point of from 90° C. to 150° C. and a plasticizer component with 100 parts by mass of a diene rubber containing 30 mass % or greater of polybutadiene,the rubber component for a cap tread having a mass ratio of the resin component in the softener C of from 0.1 to 0.5 and a rubber hardness at 20° C. with type A in accordance with JIS K6253 of 60 or less,a difference (Wc−Wu) in compounded amount between the softener C and the softener U being from 20 parts by mass to 60 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001748A1

A tire tread is based on one or more diene elastomers, on one or more reinforcing fillers, on a crosslinking system, and on at least one compound (A) selected from a metal chelate comprising at least one ligand and at least one metal, a pigment and their mixture. 115.-. (canceled)16. A tire tread based on:one or more diene elastomers;one or more reinforcing fillers;a crosslinking system; andat least one compound A selected from the group consisting of a metal chelate comprising at least one ligand and at least one metal, a pigment and the mixture thereof.17. The tread according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one ligand is selected from cyclic tetrapyrrole derivatives selected from the group consisting of chlorins claim 16 , bacteriochlorins claim 16 , porphyrins claim 16 , hemins and phthalocyanines.18. The tread according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one ligand is selected from the group consisting of porphyrins and phthalocyanines.19. The tread according to claim 16 , wherein the at least one metal is selected from the group consisting of copper claim 16 , cobalt and iron.20. The tread according to claim 19 , wherein the at least one metal is iron.21. The tread according to claim 16 , wherein the metal chelate is selected from the group consisting of iron porphyrins claim 16 , iron hemiporphyrazine claim 16 , iron hemin claim 16 , iron phthalocyanines and copper phthalocyanines.22. The tread according to claim 21 , wherein the metal chelate is iron porphines.24. The tread according to claim 16 , wherein the pigment is selected from the group consisting of diketopyrrolopyrroles claim 16 , anthraquinones claim 16 , quinacridones claim 16 , perylenes and pyrazolo-quinazolones.25. The tread according to claim 24 , wherein the pigment is a diketopyrrolopyrrole.26. The tread according to claim 16 , wherein the pigment is selected from the group consisting of Red 254 claim 16 , Red 255 claim 16 , Red 257 and Red 264.27. The tread according to claim 26 , wherein ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Rubber composition, modified polymer, and tire

Номер: US20170002101A1
Принадлежит: Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd

An object of the present invention is to provide a modified polymer that can realize a rubber composition having excellent low heat build-up and that has excellent productivity, a rubber composition containing the modified polymer, and a tire produced using the rubber composition. The modified polymer of the present invention is obtained by reacting a modifier having a nitrone group and a carboxy group with a conjugated diene polymer not containing a tetrasubstituted olefin and/or a trisubstituted olefin.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Functionalized elastomer, method of making, and uses thereof

Номер: US20180002456A1
Принадлежит: SABIC Global Technologies BV

A method of preparing functionalized elastomers, including epoxy ring-opening an epoxidized elastomer with a C 1 -C 32 hydrocarbyl-substituted thiol to provide a functionalized elastomer comprising an epoxy functional group, a hydroxy functional group, and a C 1 -C 32 hydrocarbyl-substituted thio functional group. The hydroxy functional group and the C 1 -C 32 hydrocarbyl-substituted thio functional group are vicinal functional groups.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002497A1

An elastomeric composition is provided comprising at least one vulcanizable unsaturated hydrocarbon elastomeric compound, at least one non-fibril, water insoluble vinyl acetal polymer, at least one filler, and optionally at least one coupling agent. A process of making the elastomeric composition is also provided as well as articles comprising the elastomeric composition. In particular, tires comprising the elastomeric composition are provided wherein the handling and processing characteristics are improved while other performance characteristics are retained. 1. A process for producing an elastomeric composition , said process comprising mixing at least one vulcanizable unsaturated hydrocarbon elastomer , at least one non-fibril , water insoluble vinyl acetal polymer , at least one filler , and optionally at least one coupling agent.2. The process according to wherein said elastomer is selected from the group consisting of natural rubber (NR) claim 1 , styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) claim 1 , butadiene rubber (BR) claim 1 , nitrile rubber (NBR) claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4-cis polybutadiene claim 1 , polychloroprene claim 1 , 1 claim 1 ,4-cis polyisoprene claim 1 , halogenated or non-halogenated isoprene-isobutene copolymers claim 1 , butadiene-acrylonitrile claim 1 , styrene-butadiene-isoprene terpolymers and derivatives and mixtures thereof.4. The process according to wherein said non-fibril claim 3 , water insoluble vinyl acetal polymer has about 25 wt % to about 95 wt % of vinyl acetal monomer units claim 3 , from about 2 wt % to about 40 wt % vinyl alcohol monomer units claim 3 , and 0 wt % to 40 wt % vinyl acetate monomer units.5. The process according to wherein said non-fibril claim 1 , water insoluble vinyl acetal polymer is polyvinyl formal and wherein said polyvinyl formal has about 25 wt % to about 95 wt % of vinyl acetal monomer units claim 1 , from about 2 wt % to about 40 wt % vinyl alcohol monomer units claim 1 , and 0 wt % to 40 wt % vinyl acetate ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002498A1

A rubber composition that is based upon a cross-linkable elastomer composition comprising, per 100 parts by weight of rubber (phr) between 70 phr and 100 phr of an epoxidized rubber component selected from an epoxidized polybutadiene rubber (eBR), an epoxidized styrene-butadiene rubber (eSBR), or combinations thereof, wherein the epoxidized rubber component has a Tg of between −80° C. and −110° C. and an epoxy-function content of between 1 mol % and 25 mol %; between 30 phr and 150 phr of a plasticizing resin; and a quickly reactive silica that provides a macro dispersion Z-value of at least 50 in a defined rubber composition; and a non-silol coupling agent. 2. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the quickly reactive silica that provides a macro dispersion Z-value of at least 60.3. The rubber composition of claim 2 , wherein the quickly reactive silica that provides a macro dispersion Z-value of at least 654. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent is selected from bis-(triethoxysilylpropyl) tetrasulfide claim 1 , bis-(triethoxysilylpropyl) disulfide or combinations thereof.5. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the epoxidized rubber component is the eBR.6. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the epoxidized rubber component is the eSBR.7. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the quickly reactive silica has a BET surface area of between 140 m/g and 180 m/g as determined by ASTM 5604.8. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition comprises between 40 phr and 180 phr of the quickly reactive silica.9. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition includes less than 15 phr of carbon black.10. The rubber composition of claim 1 , wherein the plasticizing resin is an efficient plasticizing resin such that when included in a mixture consisting of the epoxidized rubber component and 67 phr of the efficient plasticizing resin claim 1 , causes a Tg of the mixture to be at least 14° ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200002514A1

A golf ball includes a core and a cover. The core is formed of a material molded under heat from a rubber composition. The rubber composition includes components (A) through (C). The components (A) through (C) are (A) a base rubber, (B) an organic peroxide, and (C) a water providing agent. The water providing agent releases water at a vulcanization temperature at which the rubber composition is vulcanized. The dissociation rate of water of the water providing agent in the case of heating the water providing agent up to the vulcanization temperature of the rubber composition is 60% by mass or more. 1. A golf ball comprising:a core; anda cover,wherein the core is formed of a material molded under heat from a rubber composition,the rubber composition including components (A) through (C), where the components (A) through (C) are(A) a base rubber,(B) an organic peroxide, and(C) a water providing agent, andwherein the water providing agent releases water at a vulcanization temperature at which the rubber composition is vulcanized, and a dissociation rate of the water of the water providing agent in a case of heating the water providing agent up to the vulcanization temperature of the rubber composition is 60% by mass or more.2. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a moisture content of (C) the water providing agent in a molecular formula thereof is 6% by mass or more.3. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the dissociation rate of the water of (C) the water providing agent in a case of heating (C) the water providing agent up to 155° C. is 60% by mass or more.4. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a JIS-C hardness difference obtained by subtracting a center hardness of the core from a surface hardness of the core is 20 or more.5. The golf ball as claimed in claim 1 , wherein (A) the rubber composition further includes 0.1 parts by mass or more and 5 parts by mass or less of an organosulfur compound per 100 parts by mass of the base rubber.6. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002459A1

An object of the present invention is to provide a cured product of a golf ball rubber composition capable of imparting excellent durability to a golf ball. The present invention provides a cured product of a golf ball rubber composition, wherein the golf ball rubber composition contains (a) a base rubber, (b) an α,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid having 3 to 8 carbon atoms and/or a metal salt thereof as a co-crosslinking agent, and (c) a crosslinking initiator, and wherein an effective crosslinking density DC (mmol/cm) of the cured product of the golf ball rubber composition and a tensile elastic modulus TM (MPa) between 0.05% strain and 0.25% strain of the cured product of the golf ball rubber composition satisfy a relation of TM−3.33×In(DC)>(−0.10). 1. A cured product of a golf ball rubber composition , wherein the golf ball rubber composition contains (a) a base rubber , (b) an α ,β-unsaturated carboxylic acid having 3 to 8 carbon atoms and/or a metal salt thereof as a co-crosslinking agent , and (c) a crosslinking initiator , wherein an effective crosslinking density DC (mmol/cm) of the cured product of the golf ball rubber composition and a tensile elastic modulus TM (MPa) between 0.05% strain and 0.25% strain of the cured product of the golf ball rubber composition satisfy a relation of the mathematical formula (1):{'br': None, 'i': '×In', 'TM−3.33(DC)>(−0.10) \u2003\u2003(1).'}2. The cured product of the golf ball rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the effective crosslinking density DC (mmol/cm) of the cured product of the golf ball rubber composition and the tensile elastic modulus TM (MPa) between 0.05% strain and 0.25% strain of the cured product of the golf ball rubber composition satisfy a relation of the mathematical formula (2):{'br': None, 'i': '×In', 'TM−3.33(DC)>0.30 \u2003\u2003(2).'}3. The cured product of the golf ball rubber composition according to claim 1 , wherein the golf ball rubber composition contains (d) a radical scavenger. ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002460A1

A pneumatic tire comprising a tread composed of a rubber composition, the rubber composition containing 30 to 120 parts by mass of silica having a BET specific surface area of 180 to 280 m/g based on 100 parts by mass of a rubber component, wherein, under a normal state with no load where the pneumatic tire is mounted with a normal rim and filled with a normal internal pressure, a grounding surface shape in which a normal load is applied and the tread is pressed against a plane surface satisfies the following equation (1): 0.95≤SL0/SL80≤1.6 (wherein, SL0 is a ground contact length in a circumferential direction of the tire on a tire equator, and SL80 is a ground contact length in a circumferential direction of the tire on a position away from the tire equator by a distance in a tire axial direction of 80% of a tread grounding half width.) 2. The pneumatic tire of claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition further contains carbon black.3. The pneumatic tire of or claim 1 , wherein the rubber composition further contains a silane coupling agent.4. The pneumatic tire of claim 1 , wherein the tread has a JIS A hardness of 55 to 80. The present invention relates to a pneumatic tire comprising a tread composed of a rubber composition containing a rubber component and a predetermined amount of a fine particle silica.In recent years, as market demands have increased, it has been required for a longer service life of and a higher durability of a tire and for improvement in abrasion resistance of a tread rubber.On the other hand, at the same time, it has also been required for reduction in rolling resistance of a tire due to demand for a low fuel consumption, and silica is generally used as a reinforcing filler for a high-performance tire for a passenger car.Further, Patent Document 1 discloses that a high-performance studless tire can be provided which has both a good braking force and steering stability on ice and snow by using a rubber composition containing 0.5 to 5.0 parts ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Tire Compositions and Methods for Making Thereof

Номер: US20210002461A1
Принадлежит: Kraton Polymers LLC

A tire composition is disclosed. The composition comprises a rubber component and based on 100 parts by weight (phr) of the rubber component, 50-200 phr of covered silica, with the covered silica comprising silica core and a first resin covering the silica core, wherein the first resin is not chemically bonded to the silica core. The silica core is covered with the first resin by mixing a slurry comprising silica core with a mixture containing the first resin as a solution, an aqueous dispersion; or a solution by dissolving the first resin in a solvent. 1. A tire composition comprising a blend of:a rubber component and based on 100 parts by weight (phr) of the rubber component;from 50 phr to 200 phr of a resin-covered silica having an average primary particle size of <1000 μm,from 50 phr to 200 phr of at least one filler;from 0 phr to 50 phr of a plasticizer; andfrom 0 to 50 phr of a second resin,wherein the resin-covered silica is formed in a process consisting essentially of coating finely divided silica with a composition consisting essentially of a first resin to coat at least a surface of the finely divided silica forming the resin-covered silica as separate silica particles coated with the first resin,wherein the first resin is not chemically bonded to the finely divided silica, andwherein the first resin and the second resin are the same or different, and selected from the group consisting of:a coumarone-indene resin consisting of coumarone and indene repeat units,a petroleum hydrocarbon resin, consisting of petroleum hydrocarbon repeat units, and optionally, aliphatic olefin units, phenol units, or cresol units;a terpene-based resin selected from the group consisting of a polyterpene resin and a terpene phenol resin, wherein the polyterpene resin consists of terpene repeat units; and the terpene phenol resin consists of terpene and phenol repeat units;a styrene-alpha-methylstyrene resins consisting of styrene and alpha-methylstyrene repeat units,rosin ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002653A1

Rubber compositions and articles made such rubber compositions having at least 80 phr of a styrene-butadiene elastomer modified with a functional group that is capable of interacting with a silica reinforcing filler and having a glass transition temperature of between −60° C. and less than −40° C. The rubber compositions may also include an effective amount of a plasticizing system having a plasticizing resin and a plasticizing liquid, wherein the effective amount of the plasticizing system provides the rubber composition with a shear modulus G* measured at 60° C. of between 0.9 MPa and 1.5 MPa and a Tg of between −35° C. and −15°. The filler for the rubber compositions is silica and there is further a curing system. 1. A tread for a tire , the tread comprising a rubber composition that is based upon a cross-linkable elastomer composition , the cross-linkable elastomer composition comprising , per 100 parts by weight of rubber (phr):greater than 85 phr of a styrene-butadiene elastomer modified with a functional group that is capable of interacting with a silica reinforcing filler and having a glass transition temperature of between −60° C. and less than −40° C.;between 0 phr and less than 15 phr of an additional highly unsaturated diene elastomer;an effective amount of a plasticizing system that includes 3 phr and 40 phr of a plasticizing resin having a glass transition temperature (Tg) of at least 25° C. and a plasticizing liquid, wherein the effective amount of the plasticizing system provides the rubber composition with a shear modulus G* measured at 60° C. of between 0.9 MPa and 1.5 MPa and a Tg of between −35° C. and −15°;between 45 phr and 95 phr of a silica reinforcing filler; anda curing system.2. The tread of claim 1 , wherein the cross-linkable elastomer composition comprises 100 phr of the styrene-butadiene elastomer.3. The tread of claim 1 , wherein the butadiene portion of the styrene-butadiene elastomer has a vinyl-1 claim 1 ,2 content of less than 35 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Rubber Composition and Pneumatic Tire Using Same

Номер: US20190002670A1

A rubber composition contains a diene rubber including a styrene-butadiene copolymer component including a styrene-butadiene copolymer and a reinforcing filler. (1) The bonded styrene content is from 5 to 50 wt. %. (2) The total amount of styrene of an ozone decomposed component S1 including one styrene-derived unit and an ozone decomposed component S1V1 including one styrene-derived unit and one 1,2-bonded butadiene-derived unit is less than 80 wt. % of the amount of bonded styrene. The total amount of styrene of the decomposed component S1V1 is less than 10 wt. % of the amount of bonded styrene. (3) The integrated intensity of an ozone decomposed component S1V2 including one styrene-derived unit and two 1,2-bonded butadiene-derived units is less than 15% of the integrated intensity of all decomposed components including styrene-derived units. (4) The vinyl content of a butadiene portion is not less than 20% and less than 50%. 1. A rubber composition comprising a diene rubber containing at least one type of styrene-butadiene copolymer and a reinforcing filler , a styrene-butadiene copolymer component including the at least one type of styrene-butadiene copolymer having the characteristics of (1) to (4):(1) a bonded styrene content is from 5 to 50 wt. %;(2) when a decomposed component S1 including one styrene-derived unit and a decomposed component S1V1 including one styrene-derived unit and one 1,2-bonded butadiene-derived unit are measured by gel permeation chromatography as decomposed components obtained by ozone decomposition, a total amount of styrene of the decomposed component S1 and the decomposed component S1V1 is less than 80 wt. % of the amount of bonded styrene, and a total amount of styrene of the decomposed component S1V1 is less than 10 wt. % of the amount of bonded styrene;(3) when the decomposed components obtained by ozone decomposition are measured by a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer, an integrated intensity of a decomposed component S1V2 ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002671A1

The present invention provides a rubber composition which provides a balanced improvement of initial wet grip performance, wet grip performance after aging, fuel economy, and abrasion resistance. Also provided is a pneumatic tire formed from the rubber composition. The rubber composition contains: a rubber component including a diene rubber; and a glycerol fatty acid triester of plant origin. The glycerol fatty acid triester has a content of saturated fatty acids of 10 to 25% by mass and a content of monovalent unsaturated fatty acids having one unsaturated bond of less than 50% by mass, each based on 100% by mass of the constituent fatty acids of the triester. 1. A rubber composition , comprising:a rubber component including a diene rubber; anda glycerol fatty acid triester of plant origin,the glycerol fatty acid triester having a content of saturated fatty acids of 10 to 25% by mass and a content of monovalent unsaturated fatty acids having one unsaturated bond of less than 50% by mass, each based on 100% by mass of constituent fatty acids of the triester.2. The rubber composition according to claim 1 ,wherein the glycerol fatty acid triester has a content of polyvalent unsaturated fatty acids having two or more unsaturated bonds of 50% by mass or more based on 100% by mass of the constituent fatty acids.3. The rubber composition according to claim 1 , {'br': None, '80≤the content (% by mass) of monovalent unsaturated fatty acids having one unsaturated bond based on 100% by mass of the constituent fatty acids×1 (the number of unsaturated bonds)+the content (% by mass) of divalent unsaturated fatty acids having two unsaturated bonds based on 100% by mass of the constituent fatty acids×2 (the number of unsaturated bonds)+the content (% by mass) of trivalent unsaturated fatty acids having three unsaturated bonds based on 100% by mass of the constituent fatty acids×3 (the number of unsaturated bonds)≤200.'}, 'wherein the glycerol fatty acid triester satisfies the ...
