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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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16-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000006396U1

1. Линия получения рафинированного ферромарганца и/или металлического марганца, включающая установленные по ходу технологического процесса и связанные транспортными средствами модуль обжига руды, модуль выплавки силикомарганца и модуль выплавки ферромарганца, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена модулем выплавки марганцевого шлака, расположенным перед модулем выплавки силикомарганца, и модулем газоочистки, размещенным за модулем обжига руды, причем модуль газоочистки через модули выплавки марганцевого шлака, силикомарганца и ферромарганца соединен газопроводом в замкнутый контур с модулем обжига руды, который средствами транспортировки шихты связан с модулем выплавки марганцевого шлака и ферромарганца, а последний - с модулем выплавки силикомарганца и марганцевого шлака. 2. Линия по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что модуль выплавки силикомарганца представляет собой однофазную электропечь постоянного тока. (19) RU (11) (13) 6 396 U1 (51) МПК C22B 47/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96122403/20, 22.11.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.04.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью - Научно-технический центр "Эйприл" (RU) 6 3 9 6 R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Линия получения рафинированного ферромарганца и/или металлического марганца, включающая установленные по ходу технологического процесса и связанные транспортными средствами модуль обжига руды, модуль выплавки силикомарганца и модуль выплавки ферромарганца, отличающаяся тем, что она снабжена модулем выплавки марганцевого шлака, расположенным перед модулем выплавки силикомарганца, и модулем газоочистки, размещенным за модулем обжига руды, причем модуль газоочистки через модули выплавки марганцевого шлака, силикомарганца и ферромарганца соединен газопроводом в замкнутый контур с модулем обжига руды, который средствами транспортировки шихты связан с модулем выплавки марганцевого шлака и ферромарганца, а последний ...

10-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016738U1

Печь для нагрева перед плавкой маслосодержащих брикетов из стружки цветных металлов, содержащая рабочую камеру, каналы, соединенные с рециркуляционным вентилятором, патрубки подачи воздуха, отличающаяся тем, что печь снабжена камерой предварительного дожигания с установленной в ней горелкой, соединенной с рабочей камерой каналом дозированного отбора продуктов горения, и камерой окончательного дожигания, снабженной каналом вывода очищенных продуктов горения, при этом всасывающий патрубок рециркуляционного вентилятора также соединен с рабочей камерой печи. (19) RU (11) 16 738 (13) U1 (51) МПК C22B 4/08 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000121152/20 , 07.08.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 07.08.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.02.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Волгунин А.А., Мишин А.Ф., Путилов М.Д., Губин Ю.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ГАЗ" U 1 1 6 7 3 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Печь для нагрева перед плавкой маслосодержащих брикетов из стружки цветных металлов, содержащая рабочую камеру, каналы, соединенные с рециркуляционным вентилятором, патрубки подачи воздуха, отличающаяся тем, что печь снабжена камерой предварительного дожигания с установленной в ней горелкой, соединенной с рабочей камерой каналом дозированного отбора продуктов горения, и камерой окончательного дожигания, снабженной каналом вывода очищенных продуктов горения, при этом всасывающий патрубок рециркуляционного вентилятора также соединен с рабочей камерой печи. 1 6 7 3 8 (54) ПЕЧЬ ДЛЯ НАГРЕВА ПЕРЕД ПЛАВКОЙ МАСЛОСОДЕРЖАЩИХ БРИКЕТОВ ИЗ СТРУЖКИ ЦВЕТНЫХ МЕТАЛЛОВ R U Адрес для переписки: 603004, г.Нижний Новгород, пр. Ленина 88, ОАО "ГАЗ", Управление новой техники (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "ГАЗ" U 1 U 1 1 6 7 3 8 1 6 7 3 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 16 738 U1 RU 16 738 U1 RU 16 738 U1 RU 16 738 U1 RU 16 738 U1 RU 16 738 U1

20-09-2003 дата публикации

Устройство для плавления материалов

Номер: RU0000032494U1

1. Устройство для плавления материалов, содержащее по меньшей мере один плавильный тигель, выход которого соединен с отверстием для слива готового расплава, отличающееся тем, что тигель выполнен кольцевым, причем отверстие для слива расплава расположено внутри внутреннего кольца тигля или оно содержит по меньшей мере три тигля, расположенных вокруг отверстия для слива расплава, причем конфигурация тигля и/или расположение тиглей выбраны таким образом, чтобы суммарная выделяемая устройством тепловая энергия была достаточна для поддержания в районе отверстия для слива расплава температуры, превышающей температуру плавления материала. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выходы всех тиглей соединены с отверстием для слива расплава. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что выход одного тигля соединен с отверстием для слива расплава, а выходы всех остальных тиглей соединены перетоками с емкостями соседних тиглей. 4. Устройство по п.3, отличающееся тем, что центры тиглей расположены по замкнутой кривой вокруг отверстия. 5. Устройство по любому из пп.1-3, отличающееся тем, что тигли установлены с возможностью перемещения относительно отверстия для слива расплава. 6. Устройство по любому из пп.1-5, отличающееся тем, что внешние поверхности тиглей, расположенные противоположно отверстию для слива расплава, теплоизолированы. (19) RU (11) 32 494 (13) U1 (51) МПК C22B 4/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002127345/20 , 15.10.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.10.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 20.09.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Свирский В.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Свирский Владимир Владимирович R U Адрес для переписки: 125368, Москва, а/я 84, А. Щитову (71) Заявитель(и): Свирский Владимир Владимирович Ñòðàíèöà: 1 3 2 4 9 4 R U U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для плавления материалов, содержащее по меньшей мере один плавильный тигель, выход которого ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000103104U1

1. Установка утилизации люминесцентных ламп, содержащих ртуть, содержащая узел разрушения и утилизации, узел сепарации очищенных отходов с решеткой для отделения цоколей ламп от стеклобоя и вибратор, отличающаяся тем, что узел разрушения и утилизации выполнен в виде цилиндра большого диаметра и двух соосных с ним цилиндров меньшего диаметра, заглушенных с торцов, опирающихся на четыре катка с электроприводом, причем внутри цилиндра большого диаметра смонтирована рубашка-термостат и в боковой части цилиндра большого диаметра и рубашки-термостата вмонтирован герметически закрываемый люк, узел сепарации очищенных отходов выполнен в виде бункера с расширением в верхней его части, сопряженного нижней частью с вертикально расположенной под ним шахтой с установленными внутри в верхней части крупной решеткой и в нижней части мелкой решеткой, снабженными поворотными механизмами, а вибратор установлен в средней части шахты на наружной стороне. 2. Установка утилизации по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что боковые и торцевые части цилиндра большого диаметра с внутренней стороны покрыты слоем теплоизолятора. 3. Установка утилизации по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в цилиндрической части рубашки-термостата имеется отверстие и к нему для вакуумной разгрузки паров ртути присоединена трубка, которая через последовательно соединенные вентиль, штуцер и гибкий трубопровод подключена к вакуумному насосу и охлаждаемой ловушке. 4. Установка утилизации по пп.1 и 2, отличающаяся тем, что для более глубокого извлечения ртути гибкий трубопровод подключен к промывочному устройству. 5. Установка утилизации по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что в цилиндре большого диаметра выполнено отверстие, к которому присоединена выходная трубка, через выходной вентиль, выходной штуцер и выходной гибкий трубопровод соединенная со входным патрубком байпасной емкости, подключенной, в свою очередь, ко входу теплогенератора, а к отверстию в диаметрально противоположной части цилиндра большого диаметра присоединен входной патрубок, ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000118304U1

1. Система термохимической переработки поликомпонентного титансодержащего сырья, содержащая средства для подготовки и переработки шихты в рудотермической печи и последующего извлечения из продуктов плавки целевых продуктов, отличающаяся тем, что средства для подготовки шихты включают оборудование для загрузки, фракционирования, дозировки и смешивания исходного сырья с получением шихты, содержащей титаномагнетитовый, сфеновый, пироксеновый концентраты и кокс при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: титаномагнетитовый концентрат 40-80, сфеновый концентрат 8-16, пироксеновый концентрат 10-50, кокс - в количестве, достаточном для восстановления железа из оксидов, причем средства для первичной переработки шихты включают рудотермическую печь, выполненную, преимущественно, в виде индукционной тигельной печи на рабочую температуру 1100-1300°С, корпус которой изготовлен из жаростойкого материала и снабжен донным и, по крайней мере, одним боковым отверстием - леткой для выпуска из тигельной печи промежуточных продуктов обогащения в виде чугуна и шлака, а выходные отверстия тигельной печи по продуктам обогащения соединены с входами участка для вторичной переработки ликвантов расслоенного расплава с возможностью извлечения из них целевых продуктов путем термохимической или химической переработки. 2. Система по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что индукционная тигельная печь содержит автоматизированное оборудование для герметизации, вакуумирования, заполнения тигельной печи защитным газом, подачи шихты в ее рабочий объем, выпуска продуктов плавки и их транспортировки на участок для вторичной переработки ликвантов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 118 304 U1 (51) МПК C01G 23/00 (2006.01) C22B 4/00 (2006.01) F27B 14/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011152261/05, 21.12.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.12.2011 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Мелентьев Гелий Борисович (RU) ( ...

10-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000126706U1

Устройство для утилизации ртутных ламп, содержащее вакуумированную камеру с электронагревателем, охлаждаемую ловушку, установленную перед форвакуумным насосом, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено лазером, а на выходе лазерного излучения расположена фокусирующая линза с возможностью вращения в своей плоскости, установленная эксцентрично во внутренней обойме подшипника, наружная обойма которого жестко установлена на подвижной подставке, при этом на боковой поверхности вакуумированной камеры выполнено оптическое окно, диаметр которого равен разности внутреннего диаметра упомянутой камеры и диаметра утилизируемой ртутной лампы. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК C22B 43/00 (13) 126 706 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2011141286/02, 11.10.2011 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.10.2011 (45) Опубликовано: 10.04.2013 Бюл. № 10 1 2 6 7 0 6 R U Формула полезной модели Устройство для утилизации ртутных ламп, содержащее вакуумированную камеру с электронагревателем, охлаждаемую ловушку, установленную перед форвакуумным насосом, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено лазером, а на выходе лазерного излучения расположена фокусирующая линза с возможностью вращения в своей плоскости, установленная эксцентрично во внутренней обойме подшипника, наружная обойма которого жестко установлена на подвижной подставке, при этом на боковой поверхности вакуумированной камеры выполнено оптическое окно, диаметр которого равен разности внутреннего диаметра упомянутой камеры и диаметра утилизируемой ртутной лампы. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ УТИЛИЗАЦИИ РТУТНЫХ ЛАМП 1 2 6 7 0 6 Адрес для переписки: 390013, г.Рязань, Первомайский пр-кт, 80/44, Рязанский институт бизнеса и управления, Н.А. Сесюнину (73) Патентообладатель(и): Негосударственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Рязанский институт бизнеса и управления" (RU) R U ...

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000192206U1

Полезная модель относится к способу извлечения металлической ртути из ртутьсодержащих материалов, в частности технологических шламов, загрязненных грунтов, строительных отходов. Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является упрощение очистки отверстий для вывода ртути, упрощение ремонта, получение возможности калибровки отверстий. Технический результат достигается тем, что концентратор для извлечения ртути из грунтов, содержащий подвижный барабан с отверстиями, стационарный барабан центробежного концентратора, внутренняя поверхность которого изготовлена в виде двух прямых усеченных конусов с общим основанием, расположенным между торцевыми частями барабана, причем в области общего основания и наименьшей толщины барабана выполнено минимум одно отверстие для вывода ртути из стационарного барабана, характеризуется тем, что указанное отверстие выполнено в виде форсунки. Форсунка может выполняться в виде цилиндрической втулки с наружной резьбой и калиброванным отверстием, а в стационарном барабане выполнены соответствующие отверстия с внутренней резьбой. Технический результат - упрощение очистки отверстий для вывода ртути, упрощение ремонта, получение возможности калибровки отверстий достигается тем, что форсунки легко заменяются и ремонтируются в заводских условиях или заменяются при необходимости на новые. Полезная модель может с успехом применяться для сооружения мультироторных сепараторов для выделения металлической ртути из стройматериалов, грунтов и т.д. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 192 206 U1 (51) МПК C22B 43/00 (2006.01) B09C 1/00 (2006.01) B04B 3/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C09B 43/00 (2019.02); B09C 1/00 (2019.02); B04B 3/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019104198, 14.02.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "ИТОМАК" (RU) 06.09.2019 (56) Список документов, ...

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for recovery of cobalt and manganese from spent cobalt-manganese-bromine (cmb) catalyst and method for producing cmb catalyst including the recovery method

Номер: US20120046159A1

Disclosed is a method for recovering cobalt and manganese from a spent cobalt-manganese-bromine (CMB) catalyst. The method includes (a) continuously leaching a spent CMB catalyst with sulfuric acid, (b) separating the leachate into a solution and a residue, (c) extracting the solution with a solvent, and (d) washing the extract with water. According to the method, high-purity cobalt and manganese can be recovered in high yield from a spent CMB catalyst while minimizing the amount of impurities. Further disclosed is a method for producing a CMB liquid catalyst from the extract containing cobalt and manganese obtained by the recovery method.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method for removing mercury contamination from solid surfaces

Номер: US20120073601A1
Принадлежит: ConocoPhillips Co

A method of selecting a mercury-contaminated solid surface followed by heating a cleaning solution to a temperature less than 100° C. The cleaning solution can contain hydrocarbon oil and one or more organic sulfur compounds. Afterwards, the heated cleaning solution is contacted with the mercury-contaminated solid surface to remove the mercury contamination.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

High Temperature Reactor System and Method for Producing a Product Therein

Номер: US20130118304A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Magnetic Processes Inc

A plasma system including a plasma source or torch such as an ICP torch acting on a granulated feed material containing a desired product is presented. Methods for employing the system are described including a process for extracting the desired product from a reaction in the plasma system, recovery of otherwise wasted heat energy, and separation of useful materials from mixed mineral substances is discussed.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Magneto-Plasma Separator and Method for Separation

Номер: US20130118305A1

A plasma separator and mass filter system is described. In some aspects the system is designed and configured to cause a plasma in a vacuum chamber and to move charged particles therein axially and circumferentially towards one or more sets of collectors. Waste material is ejected from the system while the one or more collectors yield one or more corresponding products. 1. A magneto-plasma separator system , comprising:a chamber having walls substantially defining an enclosed volume therein;a plasma torch coupled to said chamber at a first end thereof, the plasma torch receiving a multi-component feed material and providing a plasma of ionized particles from said feed material and injecting said plasma into said enclosed volume;a magnetic field coil, set external to said enclosed volume, that generates a substantially axial magnetic field therein;a plurality of electrodes that generate a substantially radial electric field within said enclosed volume;said magnetic and electric fields acting in combination on charged particles within said enclosed volume so as to cause a translation and rotation thereof defining a general helical motion and trajectory of said charged particles away from said plasma source through said chamber, said trajectory corresponding to a mass and a charge of said particles;at least one collector disposed within said chamber at an axial distance from said plasma source commensurate with a mass of said charged particles, that collects a portion of said charged particles; anda discharge at a second end of said chamber that receives uncollected materials from said enclosed volume.2. The system of claim 1 , said plasma torch comprising an inductively coupled plasma torch comprising an electrical induction coil that increases a temperature of said plasma in said plasma torch.3. The system of claim 1 , said feed material comprising a rare earth material.4. The system of claim 1 , said feed material comprising any of: Tantalum claim 1 , Titanium claim ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130152734A1

In one aspect, the present invention is directed to methods and apparatuses for recovering target metals from scrap. In some embodiments, the methods comprise dissolving a portion of a mixed metal scrap into a molten salt to form a molten salt and metal mixture, the scrap including a target metal species and at least one contaminant metal species; bubbling a gas through the molten salt and metal mixture to form a gas and metal vapor mixture comprising target metal vapors; and condensing at least a portion of the target metal vapors. In some embodiments, the apparatuses comprise a housing; a divider at least partially disposed within the housing, the divider forming at least a first chamber, a second chamber, and a fluid conduit between the first and second chambers; a top wall cooperating with a lower housing wall and at least one of the plurality of side walls to enclose the second chamber; a plurality of gas inlets disposed in the second chamber; and a gas outlet in fluid communication with the second chamber. 1. A method for recovering a target metal , comprising:(a) providing a molten salt;(b) dissolving a portion of a mixed metal scrap into the molten salt to form a molten salt and metal mixture, the mixed metal scrap comprising a target metal species and at least one contaminant metal species;(c) bubbling a gas through the molten salt and metal mixture to form a gas and metal vapor mixture, the gas and metal vapor mixture comprising target metal vapors; and(d) condensing at least a portion of the target metal vapors.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mixed metal scrap comprises an oxide of the target metal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is inert.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gas is argon.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the dissolving step comprises melting the mixed metal scrap.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target metal comprises magnesium claim 1 , calcium or a lanthanide.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the target metal ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174694A1
Автор: Xu Kaihua

A method for recycling noble metals from electronic waste materials and apparatus thereof. The method comprises the following steps: mechanically breaking up the electronic waste materials; removing rubber and plastic materials by electrostatic separation; removing ferromagnetic metals by magnetic separation; removing residual rubber and plastic materials by microwave pyrolysis; removing low-melting-point metals by indirectly heating using microwave; separating the noble metals from one another in turn from low-melting-point metal to high-melting-point metal for recycle. The apparatus includes a microwave housing. A filtering screen is positioned on the inside wall of the housing horizontally, and vertically-arranged and open-ended heating pipes are positioned over the filtering screen. The method and apparatus can adequately recycle resources in the electronic waste materials. 1. A method for recycling noble metals from electronic waste materials containing noble metals , comprising the following steps:(1) taking electronic waste materials containing noble metals, mechanically breaking up and sieving to obtain electronic waste powders containing noble metals;(2) taking said electronic waste powders containing noble metals, removing rubber and plastic materials by electrostatic separation, collecting noble metal-rich part;(3) taking said noble metal-rich part, removing ferromagnetic metals by magnetic separation, collecting ferromagnetism-free metal-rich part;{'sub': '1', '(4) taking and feeding said ferromagnetism-free metal-rich part into heating chamber from feed inlet of microwave reactor, shutting the feed inlet valve and valve that connects the channels, heating to pyrogenation temperature T=400˜600° C. by microwave, collecting gases generated by pyrolysis at exhaust outlet;'}{'sub': '2', '(5) heating to melting temperature T=700˜900° C. by microwave, melting stannum, lead, antimony and other low-melting-point metals, keeping melting for 5˜30 minutes, allowing ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177493A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

The invention provides polycrystalline silicon having concentrations of dopants of 1-10 ppta of boron, 1-20 ppta of phosphorus, 1-10 ppta of arsenic, 0.01-1 ppta of aluminum, and having a charge carrier lifetime of at least 2000 and at most 4500 μs. 1. A polycrystalline silicon having concentrations of dopants of1-10 ppta of boron,1-20 ppta of phosphorus,1-10 ppta of arsenic,and 0.01-1 ppta of aluminum,and having a charge carrier lifetime of at least 2000 and at most 4500 μs.2. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a phosphorus concentration of 1-10 ppta.3. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a boron concentration of 1-5 ppta.4. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having an arsenic concentration of 1-5 ppta.5. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Fe claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Zn and Na totaling less than 1400 pptw.6. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Fe of 10-100 pptw.7. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Cu of 10-250 pptw.8. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Ni of 1-20 pptw.9. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Cr of 0.1-10 pptw.10. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Zn of 1-20 pptw.11. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , having a bulk concentration of Na of 10-1000 pptw.12. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 2 , having a boron concentration of 1-5 ppta.13. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 12 , having an arsenic concentration of 1-5 ppta.14. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 13 , having a bulk concentration of Fe claim 13 , Cu claim 13 , Ni claim 13 , Cr claim 13 , Zn and Na totaling less than 1400 pptw.15. The polycrystalline silicon as claimed ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Method for treating a solution containing zinc sulphate

Номер: US20130192424A1
Принадлежит: OUTOTEC OYJ

The invention relates to a method for treating a solution containing zinc sulphate, so that at least one of the rare metals such as indium, gallium and germanium can be separated from it. A portion of the metals to be separated can be precipitated from zinc sulphate solution by neutralizing the acidic solution and at least a portion is cemented by means of metal powder. The solid precipitates that are formed can be combined and treated subsequently in some suitable way to leach out the desired metals.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130192425A1
Принадлежит: LS-Nikko Copper Inc.

Valuable metals such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, and lithium can be economically recovered from various lithium secondary battery-related wastes by the inventive method which comprises liquid-phase leaching a scrap powder containing Co, Ni, Mn, and Li, and purifying and solvent-extracting the resulting leaching solution to recover each of said Co, Ni, Mn, and Li, wherein the liquid-phase leaching is performed by a two-step counter-current leaching using an inorganic acid solution or a mixed solution of an inorganic acid and hydrogen peroxide. 1. A method for recovering valuable metals comprising:liquid-phase leaching a scrap powder containing Co, Ni, Mn, and Li, and purifying and solvent-extracting the resulting leaching solution to recover each of said Co, Ni, Mn, and Li, wherein the liquid-phase leaching is performed by a two-step counter-current leaching using an inorganic acid solution or a mixed solution of an inorganic acid and hydrogen peroxide.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic acid solution is a sulfuric acid solution having a concentration of 240 g/L or higher.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hydrogen peroxide is used in an amount of no less than 20 g based on 1 L of the inorganic acid solution.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein in the two-step counter-current leaching claim 1 , the first and the second steps are each independently performed at a temperature ranging from 60 to 80° C. for 4 to 6 hrs.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the purification of the leaching solution is performed by adding CaCOthereto claim 1 , adjusting the pH of the solution to 4.5 to 5.0 by adding a dilute NaOH solution thereto claim 1 , further adding NaSH thereto claim 1 , and then filtering the resulting solution.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the recovery of each of Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , and Li is achieved by conducting respective extractions of Mn claim 1 , Co claim 1 , and Ni in order to obtain a solution containing only lithium ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202502A1

A process for batchwise preparation of carbonates of at least two transition metals which may comprise hydroxide(s) of the corresponding transition metals, which comprises combining at least one aqueous solution comprising at least two transition metal salts having cations of at least two different transition metals overall with at least one solution of at least one carbonate or hydrogencarbonate of at least one alkali metal or ammonium, 1. A process for batchwise preparation of carbonates of at least two transition metals which may comprise hydroxide(s) of the corresponding transition metals , which comprises combining at least one aqueous solution comprising at least two transition metal salts having cations of at least two different transition metals overall with at least one solution of at least one carbonate or hydrogencarbonate of at least one alkali metal or ammonium ,introducing a stirrer power of at least 0.25 W/l,and keeping the reaction volume essentially constant during the admixing with alkali metal (hydrogen)carbonate by removing liquid phase while adding solution of alkali metal (hydrogen)carbonate or alkali metal hydroxide.2. The process according to claim 1 , which is performed in the presence of at least one complexing agent other than water.3. The process according to or claim 1 , which is performed for at least some of the time at a solids concentration of at least 500 g/l.4. The process according to any of to claim 1 , wherein the reactor system selected is a reaction vessel having at least one apparatus by which solid/liquid separations can be conducted.5. The process according to claim 4 , wherein the apparatus by which solid/liquid separations can be conducted is selected from sedimenters claim 4 , lamellar clarifiers claim 4 , centrifuges and units for inverse filtrations.6. The process according to any of to claim 4 , wherein the reactor system selected is a tank having a pumped circulation system.7. The process according to any of to claim ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130209336A1
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc.

This invention relates to a method for the selective recovery of manganese and zinc from brines that includes the steps of contacting a brine with an ionic liquid in order to selectively extract manganese and zinc from the brine into the ionic liquid; and treating the ionic liquid containing extracted manganese and zinc with an aqueous solution to selectively precipitate manganese, producing a manganese depleted, zinc rich ionic liquid. The method can further include the steps of treating the manganese depleted, zinc rich ionic liquid with an aqueous solution to selectively precipitate zinc. 1. A method for recovering manganese from a brine , the method comprising the steps of:providing a brine, said brine comprising manganese;contacting said brine with an ionic liquid and producing an ionic liquid comprising extracted manganese; andtreating said ionic liquid comprising extracted manganese with an aqueous solution to selectively recover manganese from the ionic liquid.2. A method for recovering manganese and zinc from a brine , the method comprising the steps of:providing a brine, said brine comprising manganese and zinc;contacting said brine with an ionic liquid to selectively extract manganese and zinc from said brine and produce an ionic liquid comprising extracted manganese and zinc; andtreating said ionic liquid comprising extracted manganese and zinc with an aqueous solution to selectively recover manganese from the ionic liquid, producing a manganese depleted, zinc rich ionic liquid.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the step of treating said manganese depleted claim 2 , zinc rich ionic liquid with an aqueous solution to selectively recover zinc from the manganese depleted claim 2 , zinc rich ionic liquid.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the ionic liquid is trihexyl(tetradecyl) phosphonium chloride.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the aqueous solution used to recover manganese from the ionic liquid is water.6. The method ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Selective Recovery of Manganese and Zinc From Geothermal Brines

Номер: US20130236378A1
Принадлежит: Simbol Inc.

This invention relates to a method for the selective recovery of manganese and zinc from geothermal brines that includes the steps of removing silica and iron from the brine, oxidizing the manganese and zinc to form precipitates thereof, recovering the manganese and zinc precipitates, solubilizing the manganese and zinc precipitates, purifying the manganese and zinc, and forming a manganese precipitate, and recovering the zinc by electrochemical means. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for recovering zinc and manganese from a brine , the method comprising the steps of:providing a brine, said brine comprising manganese and zinc;selectively removing silica and iron from the brine to produce a substantially silica free brine;adjusting the pH of the substantially silica free brine to a pH suitable to form precipitates of zinc and manganese, such that precipitates of zinc and manganese are selectively formed and other metal precipitates are not formed;separating the zinc and manganese precipitates from the brine.22. The method of wherein the precipitates of zinc and manganese are dissolved in an acid.23. The method of wherein the precipitates of zinc and manganese are dissolved in ammonium sulfate.24. The method of wherein the step of selectively removing silica and iron from the brine comprises providing iron (III) at a pH of between about 4.5 and 6 and precipitating the silica and iron from the brine.25. The method of wherein the step of precipitating the zinc and manganese comprises adding sufficient base to adjust the pH to between 6 and 8 and providing an air oxidant to the substantially silica free brine.26. The method of further comprising contacting the zinc with hydrochloric acid to produce zinc chloride.27. A method for recovering zinc and manganese from a brine claim 21 , the method comprising the steps of:providing a brine, said brine comprising manganese and zinc;selectively removing silica and iron from the brine to produce a substantially silica free brine; ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130269481A1

The present invention provides a method for producing blister copper directly from copper concentrate, comprising: a) adding copper concentrate, copper matte, slagging material, oxygen enriched air, endothermic material to a upper segment of the reaction furnace; b) adding reducing agent to the lower segment space of the reaction furnace; c) directing the produced hot coke and liquid slag into an electric furnace, and adding copper concentrate into the electric furnace to generate an electric furnace slag and copper matte; d) the copper matte being granulated and finely ground, then re-fed into the reaction furnace. The addition of reducing agent in the lower segment will not increase the heat load of the reaction furnace since the reducing agent does not burn. Over-oxidized CuO and FeOare reduced by hot coke, which improves the direct recovery rate of copper, improves the character of the slag, and also controls the amount of CuO and FeOcontained in the slag by controlling the thickness of hot coke layer; copper matte back to the reaction furnace can reduce the amount of Fe in the reaction furnace, thereby reducing the oxygen demand and heat generated in the reaction furnace, reducing furnace gas amount and heat load, therefore can process low-grade copper concentrate with high Fe and low Cu. 1. A method for producing blister copper directly from copper concentrate , characterized in that it comprises the following steps:a) feeding copper concentrate, copper matte, slagging material, oxygen enriched air, and endothermic material together into a reaction furnace at the upper segment of the reaction furnace;b) feeding reducing agent into the reaction furnace at the lower segment of the reaction furnace, wherein furnace gas, a hot coke layer in solid state, a slag layer in liquid state, and a blister copper layer in liquid state are formed in the molten bath at the bottom of the reaction furnace;c) directing the hot coke and the slag in liquid state into an electric ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Lighting apparatus for capturing and stabilizing mercury

Номер: US20130270995A1

The present invention is a method and material for using a sorbent material to capture and stabilize mercury. The method for using sorbent material to capture and stabilize mercury contains the following steps. First, the sorbent material is provided. The sorbent material, in one embodiment, is nano-particles. In a preferred embodiment, the nano-particles are unstabilized nano-Se. Next, the sorbent material is exposed to mercury in an environment. As a result, the sorbent material captures and stabilizes mercury from the environment. In the preferred embodiment, the environment is an indoor space in which a fluorescent has broken.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods of Using Tires and Scrap Rubber in the Manufacture and Melting of Steel and Other Metals

Номер: US20130276581A1

A method of using scrap rubber and other scrap materials, such as tires or parts or pieces of tires, to manufacture or melt steel and other metals in a furnace is disclosed. The scrap rubber may be used as a carbon source for the manufacture of steel and other metals, and may be used as an energy source to melt the scrap metal used to make the steel and other metals. The net benefit of this method includes reducing the amount of scrap rubber, such as tires, to be sent to a waste disposal facility or landfill, thereby improving the environment. In addition, by increasing the use of scrap rubber as a source of energy for steel or metal production, less energy is required from other sources. 1. A steel or metal alloy product made from a process comprising the steps of:applying a quantity of metal into a furnace;applying a quantity of an energy source into the same furnace,wherein the quantity of an energy source is selected from the group consisting of whole tires, tire pieces, tire parts, tire sections, tire bales, tire powder, tire particles, tire chunks, waste hoses, carbon-based rubber materials, rubber pieces, rubber parts, rubber sections, rubber powder, rubber particles, rubber chunks, carbon-based waste materials and carbon-based scrap materials,wherein the quantity of an energy source combusts in the furnace,wherein the combustion of the quantity of an energy source in the furnace aids in forming liquid metal in the furnace,wherein the quantity of an energy source aids in converting the carbon monoxide gas to carbon dioxide gas in the furnace, andwherein the quantity of an energy source increases the carbon level of the liquid metal.2. The product of wherein the step of applying the quantity of metal and the step of applying the quantity of an energy source are performed at the same time.3. The product of wherein the step of applying the quantity of metal is performed prior to the step of applying the quantity of an energy source.4. The product of wherein the ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130302226A1

Cathode material from exhausted lithium ion batteries are dissolved in a solution for extracting the useful elements Co (cobalt), Ni (nickel), Mn (manganese), Li (lithium), and Fe (iron) to produce active cathode materials for new batteries. The solution includes compounds of desirable materials such as cobalt, nickel and manganese dissolved as compounds from the exhausted cathode material of spent cells. Depending on a desired proportion, or ratio, of the desired materials, raw materials are added to the solution to achieve the desired ratio of the commingled compounds for the recycled cathode material for new cells. The desired materials precipitate out of solution without extensive heating or separation of the desired materials into individual compounds or elements. The resulting active cathode material has the predetermined ratio for use in new cells, and avoids high heat typically required to separate the useful elements because the desired materials remain commingled in solution. 1. A method of recycling batteries comprising:generating a solution of aggregate battery materials from spent cells;precipitating impurities from the generated solution;adjusting the solution to achieve a predetermined ratio of desirable materials; andprecipitating the desirable material in the predetermined ratio to form cathode material for a new battery having the predetermined ratio of the desirable materials.2. The method of wherein the desirable materials remain commingled during precipitation.3. The method of further comprising maintaining a temperature of the solution sufficiently low to maintain a structure of the cathode material compounds.4. The method of wherein adjusting the solution includesidentifying a desired ratio of the desirable materials for use in recycled cathode material resulting from the generated solution;adding raw materials to achieve the desired ratio, the raw materials including additional quantities of the desirable materials; andadjusting a pH of the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for breaking up ore

Номер: US20130305879A1

The invention relates to methods and devices for breaking up ore. The methods and devices are characterised in particular in that ore mineral or ore minerals can be subsequently easily extracted. For this purpose coherent NIR radiation, non-coherent NIR radiation, at least one electric alternating field having a frequency greater than 300 GHz, at least one magnetic alternating field having a frequency greater than 300 GHz, at least one electromagnetic alternating field having a frequency greater than 300 GHz, or a combination thereof are respectively applied to the ore at least once by means of a device for generating the radiation, the at least one alternating field, or the radiation and the at least one alternating field, wherein ore mineral, ore minerals, absorbent components, or ore minerals and absorbent components of the ore absorb(s) energy from the radiation, the alternating field, or the radiation and the alternating field and said energy is not or is only slightly absorbed by the lode matter. Thus, advantageously, cracks are formed in the ore or the ore splits by means of the resulting stresses.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323142A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Method of recovering active material from waste battery materials comprises: (1) an electrode material mixture recovery step of separating an electrode from the waste battery material to recover an electrode material mixture including the active material, a conductive material, and a binder from the electrode; (2) an activation agent mixing step of mixing an activation agent including one or more alkali metal compounds with the recovered electrode material mixture; (3) an activation step of heating the obtained mixture to a retention temperature not less than a melting start temperature of the activation agent to activate the active material included in the mixture; and (4) an active material recovery step of recovering the activated active material from a mixture obtained as a result of cooling after the activation step. 1. A method for producing an active material by recovering the active material from a waste battery material , the method comprising the following steps:(1) an electrode material mixture recovery step of separating an electrode from the waste battery material to recover an electrode material mixture including the active material, a conductive material, and a binder from the electrode;(2) an activation agent mixing step of mixing an activation agent including one or more alkali metal compounds with the recovered electrode material mixture;(3) an activation step of heating the obtained mixture to a retention temperature not less than a melting start temperature of the activation agent to activate the active material included in the mixture; and(4) an active material recovery step of recovering the activated active material from a mixture obtained as a result of cooling after the activation step.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the active material is a positive electrode active material.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the positive electrode active material is a positive electrode active material of a non-aqueous secondary ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323153A1

The present invention provides a silicon single crystal wafer sliced out from a silicon single crystal ingot grown by a Czochralski method, wherein the silicon single crystal wafer is sliced out from the silicon single crystal ingot having oxygen concentration of 8×10atoms/cm(ASTM' 79) or less and includes of a defect region where neither FPDs nor LEPs are detected by preferential etching but LSTDs are detected by an infrared scattering method. As a result, the wafer having the low oxygen concentration can be provided at low cost without causing a breakdown voltage failure or a leak failure at the time of fabricating a device. 14-. (canceled)5. A silicon single crystal wafer sliced out from a silicon single crystal ingot grown by a Czochralski method , wherein the silicon single crystal wafer is sliced out from the silicon single crystal ingot having oxygen concentration of 8×10atoms/cm(ASTM' 79) or less and comprises a defect region where neither FPDs nor LEPs are detected by preferential etching but LSTDs are detected by an infrared scattering method.6. The silicon single crystal wafer according to claim 5 , wherein the silicon single crystal wafer consists of: a defect region where neither FPDs nor LEPs are detected by the preferential etching but LSTDs are detected by the infrared scattering method; and a defect-free region where LSTDs are not detected by the infrared scattering method.7. The silicon single crystal wafer according to claim 5 , wherein the silicon single crystal wafer is sliced out from the silicon single crystal ingot having oxygen concentration of 5×10atoms/cm(ASTM' 79) or less.8. The silicon single crystal wafer according to claim 6 , wherein the silicon single crystal wafer is sliced out from the silicon single crystal ingot having oxygen concentration of 5×10atoms/cm(ASTM' 79) or less.9. The silicon single crystal wafer according to claim 5 , wherein the silicon single crystal ingot contains nitrogen and oxygen in such a manner that nitrogen ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041485A1
Автор: Short Stephen A.

The invention relates to a process for conditioning material for pyrometallurgical conversion to magnesium, the process comprising carrying out de-su'fation of the material in a slurry to reduce sulfur content of the material; and carrying out de-ferration of the de-sulfated material in a slurry to reduce iron content of the material to produce a conditioned material suitable for pyrometallurgical conversion to magnesium. 1. A process for conditioning material for pyrometallurgical conversion to magnesium , the process comprising:carrying out de-sulfation of the material in a slurry to reduce sulfur content of the material; andcarrying out de-ferration of the de-sulfated material in a slurry to reduce iron content of the material to produce a conditioned material suitable for pyrometallurgical conversion to magnesium.2. The process according to wherein the material is selected from ash derived from brown coal or lignite being in the form of raw dry fly ash claim 1 , dry emplaced ash claim 1 , stored or aged dry ash claim 1 , wet emplaced ash claim 1 , stored or aged wet ash claim 1 , raw dry or aged dry or wet slags derived from metallurgical production of iron claim 1 , steel or other ferrous metals claim 1 , blast furnace slags and dusts claim 1 , basic oxygen furnace slags and dusts claim 1 , electric arc furnace slags claim 1 , dusts and sludges claim 1 , dolomite claim 1 , dolime claim 1 , limestone claim 1 , any material having a realisable MgO and CaO content claim 1 , or mixtures thereof.3. The process according to wherein the material is a fly ash from a brown coal power station.4. The process according to wherein the slurry is up to about 30% (w/v) material in water.5. The process according to wherein the slurry is from 1% (w/v) to 20% (w/v) material in water.6. The process according to wherein de-sulfation is carried out using a carbonation agent.7. The process according to wherein the carbonation agent is a combination of a strong alkali and carbon ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160002749A1
Автор: Yagi Kazuto

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a high purity Mn, the method comprising: placing a flake-like electrolytic Mn raw material in a magnesia crucible to perform melting with the use of a vacuum induction melting furnace (VIM furnace) at a melting temperature of 1240 to 1400° C. under an inert atmosphere of 500 Torr or less; then adding calcium in a range between 0.5 and 2.0% of the weight of Mn to perform deoxidation and desulfurization; casting the resultant in an iron mold after the completion of the deoxidation and desulfurization to manufacture an ingot; then placing the Mn ingot into a magnesia crucible to perform melting with the use of a vacuum induction melting furnace (VIM furnace) at a melting temperature, which is adjusted to 1200 to 1450° C. and maintained for 10 to 60 minutes, under an inert atmosphere of 200 Torr or less; casting the resultant in an iron mold to manufacture an ingot; then placing the metal Mn ingot in an alumina crucible; reducing pressure to 0.01 Torr with a vacuum pump; and then heating to develop a sublimation and distillation reaction. Provided is a method for manufacturing a high purity metal Mn from a commercially available electrolytic Mn. In particular, an object is to obtain a high purity metal Mn in which the amount of impurities such as B, Mg, Al and Si is small. 1. A method for manufacturing a high purity Mn , the method comprising: placing an Mn raw material in a magnesia crucible to perform melting with the use of a vacuum induction melting furnace (VIM furnace) at a melting temperature of 1240 to 1400° C. under an inert atmosphere of 500 Torr or less; then adding calcium (Ca) in a range between 0.5 and 2.0% of the weight of Mn to perform deoxidation and desulfurization; casting the resultant in an iron mold after the completion of the deoxidation and desulfurization to manufacture an ingot; then placing the Mn ingot in a magnesia crucible to perform melting with the use of a vacuum induction ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Process for Recovering Precious Metals from Clay-Containing Ores

Номер: US20200002783A1

A solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore and a method of leaching ore is described. The solution comprises a cyanide; a wetting agent; and a clay stabilizing polymer. 126-. (canceled)27. A method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore comprising:forming a heap of ore on a leach bed; cyanide;', 'a wetting agent; and', 'a clay stabilizing polymer;, 'percolating a leach solution through said heap wherein said leach solution comprisesthereby forming a pregnant leach solution comprising said precious metal; andremoving said precious metal from said pregnant leach solution.28. The method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore of wherein said metal is selected from the group consisting of gold claim 27 , silver claim 27 , copper and uranium.29. The method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore of wherein said leach solution has a pH of at least 8 to no more than 11.30. The method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore of wherein said leach solution has a pH of at least 9.5 to no more than 10.5.31. The method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore of wherein said leach solution comprises at least 50 ppm cyanide to no more than 1000 ppm cyanide.32. The method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore of wherein said leach solution comprises at least 200 ppm cyanide to no more than 800 ppm cyanide.33. The method for heap leaching of metals from clay containing ore of wherein said clay stabilizing polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyalkylene oxide copolymer; propoxylated glycols; polyamine copolymer comprising dicyandiamide claim 27 , formaldehyde and ammonia; polyvinyl alcohol; partially hydrolyzed polyvinyl acetate; polyacrylamide; quaternary amines and particularly tetramethylammonium salts; carboxymethyl cellulose; methacrylate copolymers; hydroxyaldehydes; hydroxyketones; and copolymers of anionic or cationic monomers.34. The method for heap leaching of metals ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210002742A1

An environmentally friendly (e.g. no acid, base, or cyanide) system and process for large scale extraction of metal ion into aerobic molten salt (or ionic liquid) and the electrodeposition of metal (e.g. copper, gold, silver, etc.) from the metal ion dissolved in the molten salt. The non-volatile low vapor pressure liquid salt is reusable, and heat from the molten slag can heat the molten salts or ionic liquids. Another embodiment comprises a one-pot apparatus for the extraction of metal (e.g. copper) from metal earths and electrodepositing the metal using a low melting (209° C.) aerated Na—K—Zn chloride salt in which copper metal oxidizes and is converted to soluble copper chloride. When an electrical power supply is connected to the graphite vessel (cathode) and to copper rods in the melt (anodes), then the copper chloride is deposited as copper metal by electroreduction on the bottom of the graphite reaction vessel. 1. An environmentally friendly leaching process for extracting and depositing metals from ore and slag , the process comprising:(a) passing a molten ore or slag through a heat exchanger to transmit heat from the molten ore or slag to the heat exchanger;(b) heating a non-volatile low vapor pressure liquid with the heat exchanger;(c) transmitting the heated non-volatile low vapor pressure liquid to an open air crucible;(d) dissolving ore or slag into the non-volatile low vapor pressure liquid in the open air crucible until the mixture is a liquid solution with metal ions and undissolved ore or slag;(e) separating, using a filtration or decanting mechanism, said liquid solution from said undissolved ore or slag; i. a high temperature resistant housing;', 'ii. a cathode electrode and an anode electrode connected to a direct current power supply on an upper end, and immersed in said liquid solution on a bottom end; and,', 'iii. one or more valves to drain said electrochemical reactor;, '(f) transferring said liquid solution from the open air-crucible into ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010104A1
Автор: LEE Yu-Min, PARK Joo-Hyun

Provided is a molten salt composition for smelting magnesium using a solid oxide membrane (SOM) process. The low-temperature molten salt composition can be applied to a SOM process and contains, by wt %, 42% to 47% of MgF, 42% to 47% of CaF, 6% to 16% of one or more of LiF and NaF, and a remainder of inevitable impurities. 1. A low-temperature molten salt composition applicable to a solid oxide membrane (SOM) process , comprising , by weight%: 42% to 47% of MgF , 42% to 47% of CaF , 6% to 16% of one or more of LiF and NaF , and a remainder of inevitable impurities.2. The low-temperature molten salt composition of claim 1 , wherein the composition has a MgF—CaF(=1:1)-MF(M═Li claim 1 , Na)-base composition.3. The low-temperature molten salt composition of claim 1 , wherein solubility of magnesium oxide (MgO) in the composition is 1.5 wt % or higher at 950° C.4. The low-temperature molten salt composition of claim 1 , wherein a melting point of the low-temperature molten salt is 950° C. or below claim 1 , and a partial pressure of LiF or NaF is less than 2.0×10atm. This application is a national entry of PCT Application No. PCT/KR2018/010177 filed on Aug. 31, 2018, which claims priority to and the benefit of Korean Application No. 10-2017-0114732 filed Sep. 7, 2017, in the Korean Patent Office, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a molten salt composition required for smelting magnesium employing a solid oxide membrane (SOM) process, more specifically, to a low-temperature molten salt composition for smelting magnesium at a working temperature lower than a working temperature of a conventional high temperature process, which is reduced by about 200° C., employing a SOM process, thereby maximizing energy efficiency.A solid oxide membrane (SOM) process is a method for reducing various metals (magnesium, aluminum, silicon, or the like) from metal oxides.For example, U.S. Patent Publication Application No. ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016662A1

The present invention relates to a technical field of functional materials, and in particular to a high-strength dissolvable aluminum alloy and a preparation method therefor. In order to solve the problem of a relatively low strength of the existing dissolvable materials, a high-strength dissolvable aluminum alloy material and a preparation method therefor are provided. The raw materials of the high-strength dissolvable aluminum alloy comprise: aluminum, a functional metal, and a metal oxide; the addition amounts of the aluminum and the functional metals are: 60-99 wt. % of aluminum, 0.9-39.9 wt. % of the functional metals; and the addition amount of the metal oxide is: 0.01-11 wt. %. The high-strength dissolvable aluminum alloy can not only meet the usage requirements of high mechanical strength in service, but can also rapidly degrade after the service is completed. In addition, the preparation method of this material is simple, low in cost, and easy for large-scale production. 1. A high-strength soluble aluminum alloy , wherein raw materials of the high-strength soluble aluminum alloy comprise aluminum , functional metals and metallic oxide , addition amounts of aluminum and the functional metals are as follows: 60-99 wt. % of aluminum and 0.9-39.9 wt. % of functional metals , and an addition amount of the metallic oxide is 0.01-11 wt. %.2. The high-strength soluble aluminum alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the raw materials of the high-strength soluble aluminum alloy comprise aluminum claim 1 , functional metals and metallic oxide claim 1 , an addition amount of aluminum is 98-99 wt. % claim 1 , and an addition amount of the functional metals and the metallic oxide is 1-2 wt. %.3. The high-strength soluble aluminum alloy according to claim 1 , wherein addition amounts of aluminum and the functional metals are as follows: 60-99 wt. % of Al claim 1 , 0.1-20 wt. % of Sn claim 1 , 0-10 wt. % of Si claim 1 , 0.1-10 wt. % of Mn claim 1 , 0-10 wt. % of Mg claim 1 , ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020646A1

The present invention is a method for manufacturing a titanium ingot (), the method being characterized by comprising: a step of melting a titanium alloy for a predetermined time by cold crucible induction melting (CCIM); a step of supplying molten titanium () to a cold hearth (), and separating high density inclusions (HDIs)() by precipitation in the cold hearth () while spraying a plasma jet or an electron beam onto the bath surface of the molten titanium (); and a step of supplying a molten titanium starting material from which the HDIs () are separated by precipitation to a mold () to obtain the titanium ingot. 1. A method for manufacturing a titanium alloy ingot (the titanium alloy being allowable to be pure titanium) , comprising: {'br': None, 'i': y≧', '×A, 'sup': '−1.2', '700\u2003\u2003(1)'}, '(a) melting a titanium material or titanium scrap material (hereinafter referred to as “titanium material”) by a cold crucible induction melting (hereinafter referred to as “CCIM”) in such a manner that the following expression (1) can be satisfied y: the period [min] for the melting,', 'A: a thermal balance parameter,', 'P: the applied electric power [kW] in the CCIM,', {'sup': '3', 'V: the volume [m] of the melted titanium, and'}, {'sup': '2', 'S: the surface area [m] of the melted titanium,'}], 'wherein A=P/(V/S) wherein'}{'sup': '3', '(b) supplying, after (a), the resultant titanium material, which has been melted (hereinafter referred to as the “melted titanium material”), to a cold hearth, and separating an inclusion having a large specific gravity which is more than 5 g/cm(hereinafter referred to as “HDIs”) by precipitation inside the cold hearth while a plasma jet is blown onto or an electron beam is radiated onto a surface of the melted titanium material, thereby yielding a titanium alloy, and'}(c) supplying, into a mold, the titanium alloy, in which the inclusion, the specific gravity of which is large, has been separated by precipitation, thereby yielding ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021981A1

Disclosed herein is a method for recovering silicon particles and abrasive grains from a wasted abrasive slurry. The method includes providing a wasted abrasive slurry that contains silicon particles, abrasive grains and a water-soluble glycol, and mixing the wasted abrasive slurry with a metal chloride solution, so as to obtain a micelle layer and a slurry layer, the micelle layer including the water-soluble glycol, and the slurry layer including the silicon particles and the abrasive grains. 1. A method for recovering silicon particles and abrasive grains from a wasted abrasive slurry , comprising:providing a wasted abrasive slurry that contains silicon particles, abrasive grains and a water-soluble glycol; andmixing the wasted abrasive slurry that contains silicon particles, abrasive grains and a water-soluble glycol with a metal chloride solution, so as to obtain a micelle layer and a slurry layer, the micelle layer including the water-soluble glycol, and the slurry layer including the silicon particles and the abrasive grains.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising subjecting the slurry layer to a separation treatment claim 1 , so as to obtain an aqueous supernatant and a precipitate that includes the silicon particles and the abrasive grains.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising adding an acid solution into the precipitate so as to separate the silicon particles and the abrasive grains.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the acid solution is an organic acid solution.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the abrasive grains are selected from the group consisting of silicon carbide grains claim 1 , aluminium oxide grains claim 1 , zirconium oxide grains claim 1 , yttrium oxide grains claim 1 , brown corundum grains claim 1 , white corundum grains claim 1 , and combinations thereof.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the water-soluble glycol is selected from the group consisting of diol claim 1 , polyol and the combination thereof.7. The method of claim ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024366A1

Provided is a method for inhibiting extractant degradation in the DSX process through the manganese extraction control, the method comprising: (a) stirring DSX solvent and DSX feed solution, which is a solution containing a valuable metal from which iron has been removed in an agitator, in which soda ash (NaCO) is further added to maintain a constant pH; and (b) scrubbing the manganese from the DSX solvent, extracted in step (a). 1. A method for inhibiting extractant degradation in a DSX process through a manganese extraction control , the method comprising:{'sub': 2', '3, '(a) stirring DSX solvent and DSX feed solution, which is a solution containing a valuable metal from which iron has been removed by a step of removing iron, in which soda ash (NaCO) is further added to maintain a constant pH; and'}(b) scrubbing the manganese from the DSX solvent, extracted in step (a)2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of agitators is used in step (a) claim 1 , and the DSX feed solution and DSX solvent extracting cobalt and zinc in the first agitator are sequentially treated in the same manner in the next agitator.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the DSX feed solution of step (a) includes cobalt (Co) and zinc (Zn) claim 1 ,the raffinate further includes aluminum (Al) and manganese (Mn), andthe raffinate further include at least one of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), and nickel (Ni).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the DSX solvent of step (a) is a mixture of an extractant and kerosene claim 1 , which is a diluent claim 1 , andthe extractant includes aliphatic hydroxy oxime and neodecanoic acid in a volume ratio of 1:0.5 to 4.0.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the DSX solvent and DSX feed solution are input in a volume ratio of 1:0.5 to 2 in step (a) claim 1 , andthe stirring temperature is 35° C. to 55° C. and the stirring time is 0.5 minutes to 3 minutes in step (a).6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Rare earth oxide to rare earth extraction apparatus and method of use thereof

Номер: US20210025027A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention comprises a method and apparatus for generating a rare earth from a rare earth oxide, comprising the sequential steps of: (1) reducing temperature about the rare earth oxide to less than zero degrees Celsius; (2) reducing pressure to boil off contaminant water in a powder sample of the rare earth oxide at a molecular escape velocity not disturbing the powdered rare earth oxide; and (3) heating the rare earth oxide to greater than 1000° C. in the presence hydrogen gas while optionally: (1) collecting and determining mass of a water product to determine a consumption mass of the starting hydrogen gas in a main reaction process using the equation RE2O3+3H2→2RE+3 H2O, wherein “RE” comprises at a rare earth and (2) injecting replacement hydrogen gas into the main reaction chamber up to the consumption mass.

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160032427A1
Автор: Yagi Kazuto

The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing a high purity Mn, the method comprising: placing a Mn raw material in a magnesia crucible to perform melting with the use of a vacuum induction melting furnace (VIM furnace) at a melting temperature of 1240 to 1400° C. under an inert atmosphere of 500 Torr or less; then adding calcium in a range between 0.5 and 2.0% of the weight of Mn to perform deoxidation and desulfurization; casting the resultant in an iron mold after the completion of the deoxidation and desulfurization to manufacture an ingot; then placing the Mn ingot in a skull melting furnace; reducing pressure to 10Torr or less with a vacuum pump; starting heating and keeping the Mn in a molten state for 10 to 60 minutes; and then ending the melting reaction for obtaining a high purity metal Mn. Provided is a method for manufacturing a high purity metal Mn from a commercially available electrolytic Mn. In particular, an object is to obtain a high purity metal Mn in which the amount of impurities such as B, Mg, Al and Si is small. 1. A method for manufacturing a high purity Mn , the method comprising: placing a Mn raw material in a magnesia crucible to perform melting with the use of a vacuum induction melting furnace (VIM furnace) at a melting temperature of 1240 to 1400° C. under an inert atmosphere of 500 Torr or less; then adding calcium (Ca) in a range between 0.5 and 2.0% of the weight of Mn to perform deoxidation and desulfurization; casting the resultant in an iron mold after the completion of the deoxidation and desulfurization to manufacture an ingot; then placing the Mn ingot in a skull melting furnace; reducing pressure to 10Torr or less with a vacuum pump; starting heating and keeping the Mn in a molten state for 10 to 60 minutes; and then ending the melting reaction for obtaining a high purity Mn.2. A high purity Mn refined via vacuum induction melting (VIM) and skull melting , wherein a total amount of B , Mg , Al , Si , S , Ca , Cr ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049368A1
Автор: Tripathy Prabhat K.

A method of forming a metal alloy. The method comprises forming a metal oxide precursor and conducting cathodic polarization of the metal oxide precursor in a molten salt electrolyte to form a metal alloy. In an additional method, a metal oxide precursor is formed. The metal oxide precursor is reduced to a metal in an electrochemical cell that comprises a working electrode, a counter electrode, and an electrolyte. The metal is reacted with a metal of the working electrode to form a metal alloy. In another method, a metal oxide precursor is formed on a base material. The base material is introduced into a molten salt electrolyte of an electrochemical cell and the metal oxide precursor is reduced to a metal in the electrochemical cell. The metal is reacted with the base material to form a metal alloy on the base material. 1. A method of forming a metal alloy , comprising:forming a metal oxide precursor on a substrate; andconducting cathodic polarization of the metal oxide precursor in a molten salt electrolyte to form a metal alloy on the substrate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein conducting cathodic polarization of the metal oxide precursor comprises conducting cathodic polarization to form a tantalum alloy on the substrate.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein conducting cathodic polarization of the metal oxide precursor comprises conducting cathodic polarization to form a tantalum-transition metal alloy or a tantalum-refractory metal alloy on the substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein conducting cathodic polarization of the metal oxide precursor comprises conducting cathodic polarization to form a tantalum-tungsten alloy claim 1 , a tantalum-titanium claim 1 , a tantalum-hafnium alloy claim 1 , or a tantalum-molybdenum alloy on the substrate.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein conducting cathodic polarization of the metal oxide precursor comprises forming the metal alloy on a metallic substrate.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein conducting cathodic polarization ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047870A1

The invention relates to a method for preparing a material made of silicon and/or germanium nanowires, comprising the steps of: 1. Method for preparing a material made of silicon and/or germanium nanowires , that comprises the steps of:i) placing a silicon source and/or a germanium source in contact with a catalyst comprising a binary metal sulfide or a multinary metal sulfide, said metal(s) being selected from Sn, In, Bi, Sb, Ga, Ti, Cu, and Zn, by means of which the silicon and/or germanium nanowires are obtained,ii) optionally recovering the silicon and/or germanium nanowires obtained in step (i);the catalyst, and optionally the silicon source and/or the germanium source, being heated before, during, and/or after the placing in contact under temperature and pressure conditions allowing the growth of silicon and/or germanium nanowires.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the metal is tin.3. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the heating is done claim 2 , for example under atmospheric pressure claim 2 , at a temperature of between 200° C. and 500° C. claim 2 , in particular between 230° C. and 500° C. claim 2 , more specifically between 250° C. and 500° C. claim 2 , more specifically still between 300° C. and 450° C. claim 2 , in particular between 300° C. and 400° C.4. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the silicon source is selected from silanes claim 1 , in particular SiH; SiCl; and organosilanes.5. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the germanium source is selected from germanes claim 1 , in particular GeH4; GeCl4; and organogermanes.6. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is in the form of nanoparticles.7. Method according to claim 1 , wherein said catalyst is present on a substrate.8. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is present on a substrate claim 1 , said catalyst being in the form of one or more thin layers on said substrate.9. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the catalyst is present on a substrate claim 1 ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140127496A1

A crystalline silicon ingot and a method of fabricating the same are provided. The method utilizes a nucleation promotion layer to facilitate a plurality of silicon grains to nucleate on the nucleation promotion layer from a silicon melt and grow in a vertical direction into silicon grains until the silicon melt is completely solidified. The increment rate of defect density in the silicon ingot along the vertical direction has a range of 0.01%/mm˜10%/mm. 1. A crystalline silicon ingot having a bottom and defining a vertical direction , characterized in that:the crystalline silicon ingot comprises a plurality of silicon grains grown in the vertical direction and a nucleation promotion layer on the bottom, wherein the silicon grains that are adjacent to the nucleation promotion layer have an average grain size of less than about 10 mm.2. The crystalline silicon ingot according to claim 1 , wherein an increment rate of defect density of the silicon crystalline ingot in the vertical direction ranges from 0.01%/mm to 10%/mm.3. The crystalline silicon ingot according to claim 2 , wherein the nucleation promotion layer is composed of a plurality of crystal particles with random geometry claim 2 , each of which has a grain size of less than about 50 mm.4. The crystalline silicon ingot according to claim 3 , wherein the plurality of the crystal particles include a component selected from the group consisting of a poly-Si particle claim 3 , a mono-Si particle claim 3 , and a single crystal silicon carbide.5. The crystalline silicon ingot according to claim 2 , wherein the nucleation promotion layer is a plate made of a material having a melting point higher than about 1400° C. claim 2 , and the interface between the plate and the silicon melt has a roughness of 300 μm to 1000 μm for providing the plurality of the silicon grains with multiple nucleation sites. This application is a divisional application of U.S. utility application Ser. No. 13/416,525 and hereby claims all ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160052790A1

The invention provides chunk polycrystalline silicon having a concentration of carbon at the surface of 0.5-35 ppbw. A process for cleaning polycrystalline silicon chunks having carbon contaminations at the surface, includes a thermal treatment of the polycrystalline silicon chunks in a reactor at a temperature of 350 to 600° C., the polycrystalline silicon chunks being present in an inert gas atmosphere during the thermal treatment, and the polycrystalline silicon chunks after the thermal treatment having a concentration of carbon at the surface of 0.5-35 ppbw. 1. Chunk polycrystalline silicon having a concentration of carbon of 0.5-35 ppbw at a surface thereof.2. The chunk polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the concentration of carbon at the surface is 0.5-20 ppbw.3. The chunk polycrystalline silicon as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the concentration of carbon at the surface is 0.5-10 ppbw. The invention provides chunk polycrystalline silicon and a process for cleaning polycrystalline silicon chunks.Polycrystalline silicon serves as a starting material in the production of monocrystalline silicon by means of crucible pulling (Czochralski or CZ process) or by means of zone melting (float zone or FZ process).More particularly, however, polycrystalline silicon is required for production of mono- or multicrystalline silicon by means of pulling or casting processes, this mono- or multicrystalline silicon serving for production of solar cells for photovoltaics.On the industrial scale, crude silicon is obtained by the reduction of silicon dioxide with carbon in a light arc furnace at temperatures of about 2000° C.This affords “metallurgical grade” silicon (Si) having a purity of about 98-99%.For applications in photovoltaics and in microelectronics, the metallurgical grade silicon has to be purified.For this purpose, it is reacted, for example, with gaseous hydrogen chloride at 300-350° C. in a fluidized bed reactor to give a silicon-containing gas, ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Method for Making a Strong Aluminum Alloy

Номер: US20140130637A1

A method is used to make an aluminum alloy with excellent tensile strength, low density and excellent radiation. The method includes the steps of providing a base material, adding 0.06 wt % to 0.30 wt % of zirconium and 0.06 wt % to 0.30 wt % of vanadium to the base material, and melting the basic material with the zirconium and vanadium to provide an aluminum alloy. The base material includes 92.55 wt % to 97.38 wt % of aluminum, 0.9 wt % to 1.8 wt % of silicon, less than 0.5 wt % of iron, 0.6 wt % to 1.2 wt % of copper, 0.4 wt % to 1.1 wt % of manganese, 0.6 wt % to 1.4 wt % of magnesium, less than 0.40 wt % of chromium, less than 0.25 wt % of zinc and less than 0.20 wt % of titanium. 1. A method for making a strong aluminum alloy including the steps of providing a base material consisting essentially of 92.55% to 97.38% of aluminum , 0.9% to 1.8% of silicon , less than 0.5% of iron , 0.6% to 1.2% of copper , 0.4% to 1.1% of manganese , 0.6% to 1.4% of magnesium , less than 0.40% of chromium , less than 0.25% of zinc and less than 0.20% of titanium; adding 0.06% to 0.16% of zirconium and 0.06% to 0.30% of vanadium to the base material , the above all percentages being by weight , and melting the basic material with the zirconium and vanadium to provide an aluminum alloy having a strength of 400 Mpa after a T6 heat treatment.2. The method for making a strong aluminum alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the step of melting the base material with the zirconium and vanadium includes the step of providing an induction furnace for melting the base material with the zirconium and vanadium in argon to provide an aluminum alloy melt.3. The method for making a strong aluminum alloy according to claim 2 , further including the steps of subjecting the aluminum alloy melt to degassing and slag-removing; turning the aluminum alloy melt into an aluminum alloy nugget by direct chill casting; andpressurizing the aluminum alloy nugget to turn the aluminum alloy nugget into another ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации

Process for the recovery of metals from polymetallic nodules

Номер: US20220074018A1
Принадлежит: Umicore NV SA

The present disclosure concerns a process for the recovery of valuable metals from polymetallic nodules. A two-stage process using SO2 in an acidic aqueous media is disclosed. In a first step, performed in mildly acidic conditions, Mn, Ni, and Co are dissolved; in a second, more acidic step, Cu is dissolved. Under these conditions, the leachate of the first step contains most of the Mn, Ni, and Co, while being nearly Cu-free. The Ni and Co are precipitated as sulfides; the Mn can be recovered as sulfate by crystallization. Cu, which is leached in the second step, is secretively precipitated, also as sulfide.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160060730A1

Solid immiscible alloys and methods for making the solid immiscible alloys are provided. The microstructure of the immiscible alloys is characterized by a minority phase comprising a plurality of particles of an inorganic material dispersed in a majority phase comprising a continuous matrix of another inorganic material. The methods utilize nanoparticles to control both the collisional growth and the diffusional growth of the minority phase particles in the matrix during the formation of the alloy microstructure. 1. A solid immiscible alloy material comprising:(a) an immiscible alloy comprising a majority phase comprising a continuous matrix of a first inorganic material; and a minority phase comprising a plurality of particles of a second inorganic material dispersed in the majority phase, wherein the minority phase particles have an average diameter of no greater than about 20 μm; and(b) nanoparticles comprising a thermally stable material coating the surfaces of the dispersed minority phase particles, wherein the average smallest diameter for the distribution of the nanoparticles is no greater than about 250 nm.2. The alloy material of claim 1 , wherein the minority phase particles have an average diameter of no greater than about 15 μm and the average smallest diameter for the distribution of the nanoparticles is no greater than about 150 nm.3. The alloy material of claim 1 , wherein the minority phase particles have an average diameter of no greater than about 11 μm and no more than about 1% of the minority phase particles have a diameter greater than about 20 μm.4. The alloy material of claim 1 , wherein the first inorganic material is a metal claim 1 , the second inorganic material is a metal or metalloid and the thermally stable material is a ceramic.5. The alloy material of claim 4 , wherein the immiscible alloy is an aluminum-based alloy.6. The alloy material of claim 1 , wherein the area fraction of the minority phase particles varies by no more than ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170057829A1

A method of fabricating a poly-crystalline silicon ingot includes: (a) loading a nucleation promotion layer onto a bottom of a mold; (b) providing a silicon source on the nucleation promotion layer in the mold; (c) heating the mold until the silicon source is melted into a silicon melt completely; (d) controlling at least one thermal control parameter regarding the silicon melt continually to enable the silicon melt to nucleate on the nucleation promotion layer such that a plurality of silicon grains grow in the vertical direction; (e) controlling the at least one thermal control parameter to enable the plurality of the silicon grains to continuously grow with an average grain size increasing progressively in the vertical direction until entirety of the silicon melt is solidified to obtain the poly-crystalline silicon ingot, wherein the nucleation promotion layer is loaded by spreading a plurality of mono-Si particles over the bottom of the mold. 1. A method of fabricating a poly-crystalline silicon ingot , comprising:(a) loading a nucleation promotion layer onto a bottom of a mold, the mold itself defining a vertical direction;(b) providing a silicon source on the nucleation promotion layer in the mold;(c) heating the mold until the silicon source is melted into a silicon melt completely;(d) controlling at least one thermal control parameter regarding the silicon melt continually to enable the silicon melt to nucleate on the nucleation promotion layer such that a plurality of silicon grains grow in the vertical direction from the bottom of the silicon melt;(e) controlling the at least one thermal control parameter to enable the plurality of the silicon grains to continuously grow with an average grain size increasing progressively in the vertical direction until entirety of the silicon melt is solidified to obtain the poly-crystalline silicon ingot,wherein the nucleation promotion layer is loaded by spreading a plurality of mono-Si particles over the bottom of the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Process for reducing the amounts of zinc (zn) and lead (pb) in materials containing iron (fe)

Номер: US20170058378A1
Принадлежит: Paul Wurth SA

The present invention relates to a process for reducing the amounts of zinc and lead in starting materials comprising iron which comprises the steps of: —selectively leaching Zn and Pb comprised in the starting materials by mixing the starting materials with hydrochloric acid and an oxidizing agent comprising at least 5 wt-% of manganese dioxide in one or several reactor(s) at a temperature superior or equal to 35° C. and at a p H comprised between 0.5 and 3.5, —filtrating the mixture obtained in order to separate the solid and the filtrate, —washing the solid with water, the resulting solid comprising mainly Fe, a reduced amount of Zn and Pb compared to the original starting materials, —recovering the filtrate of step b) and the washing water of step c) which comprise chloride, solubilized Zn and Pb in one or several reactor(s), —precipitating solubilized Zn, Pb in the recovered filtrate and the washing water by mixing with a neutralizing agent, —filtrating and washing the solid residues obtained in step e) in order to remove the chloride from the solid residues which comprise at least Pb and Zn. The present invention also refers to the use of the materials obtained after treatment in a in a sinter plant and blast furnace or in all pyrometallurgical furnace which value iron such as electrical arc furnace (EAF), cupola furnace, oxycup furnace, submerged arc furnace (SAF), a plasma furnace, rotary hearth furnace.

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Continuous Methods for Treating Liquids and Manufacturing Certain Constituents (e.g., Nanoparticles) in Liquids, Apparatuses and Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle/Liquid Solution(s) Resulting Therefrom

Номер: US20190059386A1
Принадлежит: Clene Nanomedicine, Inc.

This invention relates generally to novel methods and novel devices for the continuous manufacture of nanoparticles, microparticles and nanoparticle/liquid solution(s). The nanoparticles (and/or micron-sized particles) comprise a variety of possible compositions, sizes and shapes. The particles (e.g., nanoparticles) are caused to be present (e.g., created) in a liquid (e.g., water) by, for example, preferably utilizing at least one adjustable plasma (e.g., created by at least one AC and/or DC power source), which plasma communicates with at least a portion of a surface of the liquid. At least one subsequent and/or substantially simultaneous adjustable electrochemical processing technique is also preferred. Multiple adjustable plasmas and/or adjustable electrochemical processing techniques are preferred. The continuous process causes at least one liquid to flow into, through and out of at least one trough member, such liquid being processed, conditioned and/or effected in said trough member(s). Results include constituents formed in the liquid including micron-sized particles and/or nanoparticles (e.g., metallic-based nanoparticles) of novel size, shape, composition and properties present in a liquid. 1. A device for substantially continuously forming at least one constituent in at least one flowing liquid comprising:at least one trough member;at least one means for supplying said at least one flowing liquid to said at least one trough member thereby creating a flow direction of liquid in said at least one trough member;a plurality of sets of submerged electrodes for conducting at least one electrochemical reaction, said plurality of sets comprising at least a first set of submerged electrodes and at least a last set of submerged electrodes, wherein said plurality of sets of submerged electrodes are each located along said flow direction such that the flowing liquid passes by each of said sets sequentially such that the last of said plurality of said sets of ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068928A1

An environmentally friendly (e.g. no acid, base, or cyanide) system and process for large scale extraction of metal ion into aerobic molten salt (or ionic liquid) and the electrodeposition of metal (e.g. copper, gold, silver, etc.) from the metal ion dissolved in the molten salt. The non-volatile low vapor pressure liquid salt is reusable, and heat from the molten slag can heat the molten salts or ionic liquids. Another embodiment comprises a one-pot apparatus for the extraction of metal (e.g. copper) from metal earths and electrodepositing the metal using a low melting (209° C.) aerated Na—K—Zn chloride salt in which copper metal oxidizes and is converted to soluble copper chloride. When an electrical power supply is connected to the graphite vessel (cathode) and to copper rods in the melt (anodes), then the copper chloride is deposited as copper metal by electroreduction on the bottom of the graphite reaction vessel. 1. A one-pot metal extraction and deposition apparatus , comprising:a. a high temperature resistant, corrosion resistant outer crucible;b. a high temperature resistant, corrosion resistant inner crucible centered within a bottom of said outer crucible, wherein said inner crucible is a cathode electrode;c. a liquid solution within said inner crucible produced by combining aerated low vapour-pressure molten salt or ionic liquid with metal ore or slag;d. a heat source within said outer crucible and encircling said inner crucible to heat said liquid solution;e. an anode rod electrode positioned vertically within said inner crucible;f. a power supply operatively connected to said inner crucible cathode electrode and said anode rod electrode; and,g. a means to stir for continuously mixing said liquid solution within said inner crucible.2. The one-pot metal extraction and deposition apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said liquid solution within said inner crucible is maintained above the melting point of the liquid solution preferably at a temperature of at ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Extracting High-Purity Gold from Ore

Номер: US20200063237A1
Автор: Ten Robert

A method and plant for gold recovery from any gold-bearing ore by low-temperature chlorination, wherein the finely-divided gold-bearing feedstock is chlorinated gaseous chlorine at a temperature of about 245° C. to form a highly volatile chloride compound, which after leaving a reactor is directed to a low-temperature nitrogen plasma unit having a temperature of 900-1100° C., wherein the said compound decomposes and turns into high-purity gold powder, which is cooled with gaseous nitrogen at a cooling reactor's inlet, which is equipped with a water chamber, and collected in a dumping hopper. Some embodiments allow recovery of high-purity 999.9 fine gold using an environmentally friendly, cost effective and inexpensive method implemented on an industrial scale. 1. A method of extracting gold from gold-bearing material , comprising:chlorination of the gold-bearing material using gaseous chlorine at a temperature not greater than 245° C. to form a volatile chloride compound in a reactor; anddecomposing the volatile chloride compound in a low-temperature nitrogen plasma unit having a temperature between 900° C. and 1100° C. to produce high-purity gold powder.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the particle size of the gold-bearing material is 30-50 μm.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reactor is blown down with an inert gas to remove air prior to the chlorination.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the gold-bearing material is fed into the reactor through a screw in countercurrent to gaseous chlorine.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising filtering the volatile chloride compound through a granular material to remove impurities before the decomposing in the plasma unit.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising trapping particles of the gold powder in filtration sleeves.7. A method of extracting gold from gold-bearing material claim 1 , comprising:chlorination of the gold-bearing material using gaseous chlorine at a temperature not greater than 245° C. to ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Process for depleting calcium and/or iron from geothermal brines

Номер: US20150076064A1
Принадлежит: Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co

This invention relates generally to processes for extracting iron and/or calcium from geothermal brines.

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Hyperuniform and Nearly Hyperuniform Random Network Materials

Номер: US20160075563A1

This invention is in the field of physical chemistry and relates to novel hyperuniform and nearly hyperuniform random network materials and methods of making said materials. Methods are described for controlling or altering the band gap of a material, and in particular commercially useful materials such as amorphous silicon. These methods can be exploited in the design of semiconductors, transistors, diodes, solar cells and the like. 1. A composition comprising annealed amorphous silicon , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is less than 0.035.2. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is less than 0.028.3. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is less than 0.016.4. The composition of claim 1 , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is approximately 0.0075.5. A method comprising: a) thermal annealing amorphous silicon for at least one hour and b) measuring the degree of hyperuniformity.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein hyperuniformity is measured by determining the observed value S(k→0).7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the observed value of S(k→0) is less than 0.035.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is less than 0.028.9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is less than 0.016.10. The method of claim 6 , wherein the observed value S(k→0) is approximately 0.0075. This invention was made with government support awarded by the United States Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering under Award DE-FG02-04-ER46108. The government has certain rights in the invention.This invention is in the fields of condensed matter physics and physical chemistry and relates to novel hyperuniform and nearly hyperuniform random network materials and methods of making said materials. Methods are described for controlling or altering the electronic band gap of a material, and in particular commercially useful materials such as amorphous ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071169A1
Автор: Yang Shi, Zhou Xu

The present disclosure provides a system and method for granulating and molding silicon liquid. The system includes a silicon liquid transferring device, wherein cooling system and a lifting system matching with the cooling system are provided below the silicon liquid transferring device. The silicon liquid transferring device transfers smelted silicon liquid to a position above the cooling system, uniformly pours the silicon liquid into the cooling system according a set flow to enable the silicon liquid to be solidified into silicon pellets, and then the molded silicon pellets are extracted by the lifting system, solving the problem in the prior art of irregular molding and inconsistent size of silicon blocks caused by pouring. A container bottom and a diversion pipe are set to be of detachable structures, and can be quickly disassembled and assembled as vulnerable parts without affecting the production. 1. A system for granulating and molding silicon liquid , characterized in that , the system comprises a silicon liquid transferring device , wherein a cooling system and a lifting system matching with the cooling system are provided below the silicon liquid transferring device , wherein , the silicon liquid transferring device comprises a cylindrical container body and a container bottom matching with the container body , a lining is disposed in the container body , wherein the container bottom and the container body form a detachable structure , and at least one through hole and a detachable diversion pipe connected to the through hole are disposed on the container bottom.2. The system for granulating and molding silicon liquid according to claim 1 , characterized in that claim 1 , the container bottom is concaved downwards to form an arc structure; an insulating layer is arranged between the container body and the lining; an interval between a lower end of the insulating layer and the container body forms a cavity claim 1 , and a sealing ring is installed in the ...

12-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140161691A1

The invention relates to a process and a device for bringing two immiscible liquids into contact, without mixing and at high temperature, with heating and kneading by induction. In particular, the invention relates to a process and a device for bringing into contact metals and salts which are molten at high temperatures, for example as high as approximately 1,100 K. 134.-. (canceled)35. A process for bringing into contact , without mixing , a first material , consisting of a metal or of an alloy of several metals , in the liquid state , and of a second material , consisting of a salt or a mixture of several salts , in the liquid state , said first material and said second material in the liquid state being immiscible , said first material being electrically conductive in the solid state and in the liquid state , and said second material being electrically conductive in the liquid state and optionally in the solid state , comprising the following successive steps:a) the first material, in the solid state, is placed in at least one first container comprising a wall made of a refractory solid material, which is not electrically conductive, transparent to a magnetic field created by at least one inductor, and not reactive with regard to the first and the second materials, said wall comprising one or more through aperture(s); the first material in the liquid state being non-wetting with regard to the said solid material of the wall;b) the said first container is brought into contact with a volume of the second material in the solid state, placed in at least one second container made of a refractory solid material, transparent to a magnetic field created by at least one inductor, which is not electrically conductive, and not reactive with regard to the second material;c) the first and second containers are subjected to the action of an electromagnetic field created by at least one inductor, by which induced electrical currents are generated in the first material in the ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136083A1
Автор: Clift Paul Milton

A system for collecting mercury from feed material that can be tailings comprises: a water inlet for forming a slurry containing the tailings; at least one screen for separating tailings from the slurry to form a screened slurry; a rotatable collection chamber containing at least one plate, a drive for rotating the collection chamber for collecting mercury on the plate to provide a discharge material comprising water and treated tailings, the treated tailings containing less mercury than in the feed material.

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220136084A1

Process for the recovery of transition metal from cathode active materials containing nickel and lithium, wherein said process comprises the steps of (a) treating a lithium containing transition metal oxide material with a leaching agent (preferably an acid selected from sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, methanesulfonic acid, oxalic acid and citric acid), (b) adjusting the pH value to 2.5 to 8, and (c) treating the solution obtained in step (b)with metallic nickel, cobalt or manganese or a combination of at least two of the foregoing.

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140182416A1

A system and method for melting a raw material. The raw material is fed into an electrically conductive vessel. A plasma arc torch melts at least some of the raw material within the vessel to thereby create a molten material. An inductor, physically disposed adjacent the vessel, and electrically disposed in series with the vessel in operation, effects electromagnetic stirring of the molten material by interacting with the current of the plasma arc torch. 1. A system for melting a raw material , comprising:a vessel made of electrically conductive material, configured and dimensioned for the raw material to be introduced and melted therein;a plasma arc torch configured to melt at least some of the raw material when the raw material is disposed within the vessel to thereby create a molten portion of the material;a power supply configured to supply power to the plasma arc torch such that the plasma arc torch can thereby melt the raw material; andan inductor, physically disposed adjacent the vessel, and configured to be electrically disposed in series with the vessel in operation, configured to effect electromagnetic stirring of the molten material by interacting with a current of the plasma arc torch in operation.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the inductor is not connected to any additional power source.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a switch claim 1 , configured to switch the system between:a first configuration in which the inductor is in series with the vessel; anda second configuration in which the inductor is electrically bypassed and is not in series with the vessel.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the power supply is a direct current power supply and the plasma arc torch is configured to use direct current to melt the material.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the power supply is an alternating current power supply and the plasma arc torch is configured to use alternating current to melt the material.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing titanium ingot

Номер: US20140182807A1
Принадлежит: Kobe Steel Ltd

The present invention is a method for manufacturing a titanium ingot ( 30 ), the method being characterized by comprising: a step of melting a titanium alloy for a predetermined time by cold crucible induction melting (CCIM); a step of supplying molten titanium ( 6 ) to a cold hearth ( 10 ), and separating high density inclusions (HDIs)( 8 ) by precipitation in the cold hearth ( 10 ) while spraying a plasma jet or an electron beam onto the bath surface of the molten titanium ( 6 ); and a step of supplying a molten titanium starting material from which the HDIs ( 8 ) are separated by precipitation to a mold ( 20 ) to obtain the titanium ingot.

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150110692A1
Автор: Kim Myong Jun, Tran Tam

A method for producing high-purity manganese sulfate monohydrate from a low-grade composition includes acquiring a primary leached manganese solution by adding sulfuric acid and a reductant to a low-grade manganese-containing composition and leaching manganese therefrom; acquiring a secondary leached manganese solution from which primary impurities have been eliminated by adding calcium hydroxide to the primary leached manganese solution; acquiring a tertiary leached manganese solution from which secondary impurities have been eliminated by adding sulfides to the secondary leached manganese solution; acquiring manganese oxide from precipitating manganese by using sodium hydroxide in the tertiary leached manganese solution so as to control the pH thereof; adding sulfuric acid to the manganese oxide and redissolving; and drying the redissolved manganese oxide and acquiring high-purity manganese sulfate monohydrate. Thus the present invention allows production of high-purity manganese sulfate monohydrate from a low-grade manganese-containing composition, for use as material for a secondary battery. 1. A method for producing high-purity manganese sulfate monohydrate (MnSO.HO) , comprising:{'sub': 2', '4, 'leaching manganese from a low-purity manganese-containing substance with sulfuric acid (HSO) and a reductant to give a first manganese leachate;'}{'sub': '2', 'obtaining a second manganese leachate by removing a first impurity from the first manganese leachate with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH));'}obtaining a third manganese leachate by removing a second impurity from the second manganese leachate with a sulfide;precipitating manganese as a manganese oxide by adjusting pH of the third manganese leachate with sodium hydroxide (NaOH);re-dissolving the manganese oxide with sulfuric acid;{'sub': 4', '2, 'drying the re-dissolved manganese oxide to afford high-purity manganese sulfate monohydrate (MnSO.HO).'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein sulfuric acid is added in an amount ...

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140191450A1
Принадлежит: Global Metal Technologies LLC

An apparatus and methods for removing metal from complex materials. 1. An apparatus for processing complex material comprising:a chamber having a first opening for accommodating entry of a plasma torch where said plasma torch operates in a non-transfer mode;where said torch has an active end and an inactive end;where said torch is operatively located through the first opening in an orientation with the active end extending into the chamber and away from the first opening and the inactive end is secured in the chamber proximate to the first opening;where said chamber further comprises a second opening near the first opening for entry of complex material and carrier gas having a constrained path into the chamber, the second opening being proximate to the first opening; the path of the complex material and carrier gas being along the same axis in relation to the major axis of the plasma torch;where said chamber is surrounded by a secondary heating system.2. The apparatus of comprises a: secondary melt system; gas treatment system; off-gas system; or combinations thereof.3. An apparatus for processing complex material where the apparatus is adapted to receive components that are subject to wear claim 1 , are consumable claim 1 , or both claim 1 , said apparatus comprising:a chamber having a first opening for accommodating entry of a plasma torch where said plasma torch operates in a non-transfer mode;where said torch has an active end and an inactive end;where said torch is operatively located through the first opening in an orientation with the active end extending into the chamber and away from the first opening and the inactive end is secured in the chamber proximate to the first opening;where said chamber further comprises a second opening near the first opening for entry of complex material and carrier gas having a constrained path into the chamber, the second opening being proximate to the first opening; the path of the complex material and carrier gas being along ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220177315A1
Принадлежит: Wacker Chemie AG

Silicon metal-containing agglomerates are produced by agglomerating a mixture of finely divided silicon metal-containing particles having a particle size parameter d50 of not more than 250 μm and in the dry state a silicon metal content of at least 10% by mass, at least one binder containing 90% to 98% by mass of silicon dioxide and having a specific surface area of 15 to 35 m/g, and water, 18.-. (canceled)9. A process for producing silicon metal-containing agglomerates , comprising:{'sub': '50', 'agglomerating a mixture of finely divided silicon metal-containing particles having a particle size parameter dof not more than 250 μm and in the dry state a silicon metal content of at least 10% by mass, a'}{'sup': '2', 'binder containing 90% to 98% by mass of silicon dioxide and having a specific surface area of 15 to 35 m/g, and'}water,wherein the mass ratio between finely divided silicon metal-containing particles and binder in the mixture is from 80/20 to 99/1,wherein the resulting moist agglomerates have a water content of 5% to 15% by mass based on the total weight of the agglomerates,and drying the agglomerates to form dried agglomerates.10. The process of claim 9 , wherein the finely divided silicon metal-containing particles are silicon residues selected from byproducts or wastes of the silicon-producing or silicon-processing industries.11. The process of claim 9 , wherein the binder comprises a weight fraction of 2% to 10% by mass claim 9 , based on the total weight of the binder claim 9 , of at least one compound selected from the group consisting of AlO claim 9 , FeO claim 9 , CaO claim 9 , MgO claim 9 , NaO claim 9 , KO claim 9 , Cl claim 9 , C claim 9 , PO claim 9 , SO claim 9 , HO and combinations thereof.12. The process of claim 9 , wherein the binder is a microsilica which is generated as a byproduct in the production of industrial quality silicon by carbothermic reduction of silicon dioxide in an electric furnace.13. The process of claim 9 , wherein the ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150122082A1

The invention relates to a method for processing slags of non-ferrous metallurgy, containing iron and valuable metals, to produce clean slag that is free of detrimental substances and valuable metals and suitable as it is for use as a raw material or construction material. Slag is reduced in a reduction furnace () with the help of reducing agents () so far that at least 5% of the iron of the slag is reduced into metal. At the same time, some of the valuable metals, such as zinc, lead, arsenic and cadmium, vaporize. The contents of the reduction furnace () are continuously mixed to prevent separation of a metallic phase from the slag. The generated slag-metal mixture () is tapped off from the reduction furnace (), cooled, crushed and ground to a finer size. Finally, a metal fraction () is separated from a clean slag (). 19-. (canceled)10. A method for processing slag containing iron and non-ferrous metals , the method comprising the steps of:feeding slag into a reduction furnace;reducing the slag in the reduction furnace by means of a reducing agent to convert at least some of the non-ferrous metals to metallic form, where reduction occurs at least until 5% of the iron has reduced into metal and at least some of the non-ferrous metals has vaporized;mixing the contents of the reduction furnace during reduction to prevent settling of metal droplets from the slag;tapping a molten slag-metal mixture generated in the reduction furnace;cooling, crushing and grinding the slag-metal mixture;processing the slag-metal mixture to separate a metal fraction from a clean slag, where the clean slag is suitable as raw material in a useful process.11. A method according to claim 10 , wherein processing the slag-metal mixture comprises using at least one of the following methods: magnetic separation claim 10 , gravitational separation claim 10 , flotation claim 10 , and screening.12. A method according to claim 11 , further comprising:feeding an exhaust gas from the reduction furnace ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112689A1
Автор: KHASIN Ernst
Принадлежит: PHINERGY LTD

Methods of producing high purity powders of submicron particles of metal oxides are presented. The methods comprise providing or forming an alloy of a first metal with a second metal, optionally heating the alloy, subjecting the alloy to a leaching agent to remove the second metal from the alloy and to oxidize the first metal, thus forming submicron oxide particles of the first metal. Collections of high purity, high surface area, submicron particles are presented as well. 1. Metal oxide clusters which comprise metal oxide particles at a size range between 3 nm and 200 nm , wherein the metal-oxide particles form a nano-porous structure and have a specific surface area that is larger than 70 m/g.2. The metal oxide clusters of claim 1 , wherein a metal-base purity of said metal oxide particles is larger than 99%.3. The metal oxide clusters of claim 1 , wherein the nano-porous structure has an average pore size of between 5-100 nm.4. The metal oxide clusters of claim 1 , wherein the metal(s) in said metal oxide particles is selected from the group consisting of Ti claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Co claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , La claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , W claim 1 , V and combinations thereof.5. The metal oxide clusters of claim 4 , wherein the metal in said metal oxide particles includes Cu and Co.6. The metal oxide clusters of claim 5 , wherein the crystalline structure of said metal oxide particles is perovskite claim 5 , spinel or spinel-like.7. The metal oxide clusters of claim 5 , wherein the specific surface area of said copper cobalt spinel particles is larger than 100 m/g.8. The metal oxide clusters of claim 4 , wherein the metal oxide particles are titanium oxide particles.9. The metal oxide clusters of claim 8 , wherein a crystalline structure of said titanium oxide is TiOor a mix of TiOwith crystalline TiO.10. The metal oxide clusters of claim 8 , wherein a specific surface area of said titanium ...

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150125366A1
Автор: Kim Myong Jun, Tran Tam

A method for producing high-purity trimanganese tetraoxide from dust containing manganese includes adding sulfuric acid (HSO) and a reductant to manganese dust and leaching manganese therefrom; eliminating primary impurities by adding calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH))) to the leached manganese solution acquired from the leaching step; eliminating secondary impurities by adding sulfides to the leached manganese solution from which primary impurities have been eliminated; precipitating manganese by using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) so as to control the pH in the leached manganese solution from which secondary impurities have been eliminated, and cleaning and drying the precipitated specimen; and acquiring high-purity trimanganese tetraoxide by injecting the dried specimen with air and heat-treating same under oxidizing conditions. Thus the present invention allows high-purity trimanganese tetraoxide to be produced from dust containing manganese, for use as material for a secondary battery. 1. A method for producing high-purity trimanganese tetraoxide (Mn3O4) , comprising:{'sub': 2', '4, 'leaching manganese from manganese-containing dust with sulfuric acid (HSO) and a reductant to give a manganese leachate;'}{'sub': '2', 'removing a first impurity from the manganese leachate with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH));'}removing a second impurity from the first impurity-depleted manganese leachate with a sulfide;precipitating manganese by adjusting pH of the manganese leachate free of both first and second impurities with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) then washing and drying the precipitate; andthermally treating the dried precipitate with air in an oxidative condition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein sulfur is added in an amount 0.5 to 3 times a mole content of manganese in the manganese-containing dust in the manganese leaching step.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the reductant of the manganese leaching step includes an oxalate (CO4)-containing reagent or sulfurous acid (SO) gas claim 2 , ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202213A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

A laser annealing apparatus includes a lens unit configured to transmit a laser beam to be irradiated onto an irradiation target; a lens unit housing accommodating the lens unit and having an opening configured to allow the laser beam to pass through the opening; a blocking plate configured to block at least a portion of the laser beam reflected by the irradiation target after being transmitted through the lens unit to the irradiation target; and a cooling unit between the blocking plate and the lens unit housing. 1. A laser annealing apparatus comprising:a lens unit configured to transmit a laser beam to be irradiated onto an irradiation target;a lens unit housing accommodating the lens unit and having an opening configured to allow the laser beam to pass through the opening;a blocking plate configured to block at least a portion of the laser beam reflected by the irradiation target after being transmitted through the lens unit to the irradiation target; anda cooling unit between the blocking plate and the lens unit housing.2. The laser annealing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the laser beam transmitted through the lens unit is incident on the irradiation target at an incident angle other than 0°.3. The laser annealing apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the blocking plate is below the lens unit housing and at least partially blocks the laser beam reflected by the irradiation target from proceeding toward the lens unit housing.4. The laser annealing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the cooling unit comprises a fluidic channel having an inlet and an outlet.5. The laser annealing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the cooling unit has a plate shape having an opening corresponding to the opening of the lens unit housing.6. The laser annealing apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the cooling unit surface-contacts the blocking plate at a side of the opening of the lens unit.7. The laser annealing apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the cooling unit comprises a housing contact unit protruding ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140202284A1

The present invention relates to a magnesium-based alloy, and to a method for producing same. The method comprises the steps of: melting a magnesium alloy into a liquid state; adding a silicon compound to said molten magnesium alloy; exhausting the silicon compound through a full reaction between said molten magnesium alloy and said added silicon compound such that the silicon compound does not substantially remain in the magnesium alloy; and exhausting the silicon produced as a result of said exhaustion in the precious step such that the silicon may not substantially remain in said magnesium alloy. 1. A method for producing a magnesium-based alloy , the method comprising:melting a magnesium alloy into a liquid phase;adding a silicon compound to the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy;exhausting at least some of the silicon compound in the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy through a full reaction between the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy and the added silicon compound such that the silicon compound does not substantially remain in the magnesium alloy; andreacting at least some of the silicon produced as a result of the exhausting in the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy.2. A method for producing a magnesium-based alloy , the method comprising:melting a magnesium or magnesium alloy into a liquid phase;adding a silicon compound to the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy;exhausting the silicon compound through a full reaction between the molten magnesium alloy and the added silicon compound such that the silicon compound does not substantially remain in the magnesium alloy; andreacting the silicon produced as a result of the exhausting such that the silicon compound does not substantially remain in the magnesium alloy.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising evenly spreading the added silicon compound on the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy such that the added silicon compound is not mixed into the molten magnesium or magnesium alloy.4. The method of ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180119251A1

A method of recovering rare earth elements from a rare earth-containing material comprises contacting the rare earth-containing material with a solution formulated and configured to dissolve rare earth elements from the rare earth-containing material and form a solution including a plurality of rare earth elements dissolved therein. The method further includes exposing the solution including the plurality of rare earth elements dissolved therein to one of a liquefied gas or a supercritical fluid to isolate the rare earth elements from each other. Related methods of removing and purifying rare earth elements from materials and phosphor lamps are also disclosed. 1. A method of recovering rare earth elements from a rare earth-containing material , the method comprising:contacting the rare earth-containing material with a solution formulated and configured to dissolve rare earth elements from the rare earth-containing material and form a solution including a plurality of rare earth elements dissolved therein; andexposing the solution including the plurality of rare earth elements dissolved therein to one of a liquefied gas or a supercritical fluid to isolate the rare earth elements from each other.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:selecting the rare earth-containing material to comprise a phosphor powder; andprior to contacting the phosphor powder with the solution formulated and configured to dissolve rare earth elements from the rare earth-containing material, immersing a glass material including the phosphor powder attached to at least some surfaces thereof in an acoustic medium and sonicating the acoustic medium to remove the phosphor powder from the at least some surfaces.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , prior to contacting the phosphor powder with the solution claim 2 , adding a metal complexing agent to the acoustic medium and removing mercury from the phosphor powder while sonicating the acoustic medium.4. The method of claim 2 ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170121790A1

A method of extracting germanium from a germanium deposit using a thermal reduction process is disclosed. The present disclosure relates to a method of extracting germanium, which belongs to the field of metallurgy technologies of nonferrous metal, and particularly relates to a method of extracting germanium from a germanium deposit through thermal reduction, volatilization and concentration using sodium monophosphate as a reducing agent. The method of the present disclosure includes: adding sodium monophosphate to a germanium deposit; isolating from air; increasing the temperature and baking the germanium deposit; and obtaining a germanium concentrate after volatilization and concentration of the germanium deposit. Through baking the germanium deposit at 1,000° C., volatilization and concentration of the germanium deposit, the germanium recycling rate exceeds 96% when sodium monophosphate weighing 2.5% of the germanium depositis added. The present disclosure solves the following problems in the prior arts: existing pyrogenic methods for concentrating and extracting germanium from germanium deposits can hardly achieve a germanium recycling rate of greater than 75%; secondary pyrogenic recycling methods for extracting germanium slag have excessively high production cost and yield low germanium recycling rates; and the cost of hydrometallurgical treatment methods for low-grade germanium concentrates is too high. 1{'b': '1', 'Step ): taking a germanium deposit having a particulate diameter of less than 1 cm, taking sodium monophosphate crushed to 120 meshes or more and accounting for 2.5%-7.5% of a weight of the germanium deposit, dissolving the sodium monophosphate with water having a weight of 0.1-0.5 time of the germanium deposit to obtain a solution, and uniformly mixing the solution with the germanium deposit; and'}{'b': '2', 'Step ): placing uniformly mixed germanium deposit in a Muffle furnace or a novel pyrogenic germanium extracting device preheated to 900° C ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140205519A1
Принадлежит: Metallic Waste Solutions PTY LTD

A process for recovering zinc from a zinc containing material, the process including the steps of: leaching the zinc containing material with an alkaline lixiviant comprising an aqueous mixture of NHand NHCl, or ionic equivalent, having a NHCl concentration of between about 10 g/L and about 150 g/L HO and a NHconcentration of between 20 g/l HO and 250 g/L HO, to produce a zinc containing leachate; stripping ammonia from the leachate to produce a stripped liquor which includes a zinc containing precipitate, the stripped liquor having a NHconcentration of between 7 and 30 g/L HO; and recovering the zinc from the stripped liquor. 1. A process for recovering zinc from a zinc containing material , the process including the steps of:{'sub': 3', '4', '4', '2', '3', '2', '2, 'leaching the zinc containing material with an alkaline lixiviant comprising an aqueous mixture of NHand NHCl, or ionic equivalent, having a NHCl concentration of between about 10 g/L and about 150 g/L HO and a NHconcentration of between 20 g/l HO and 250 g/L HO, to produce a zinc containing leachate;'}{'sub': 3', '2, 'stripping ammonia from the leachate to produce a stripped liquor which includes a zinc containing precipitate, the stripped liquor having a NHconcentration of between 7 and 30 g/L HO; and'}recovering the zinc from the stripped liquor.2. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the lixiviant has a NHCl concentration of between 20 g/L HO and 100 g/L HO.3. A process according to claim 2 , wherein the concentration of NHin the lixiviant is between 20 and 150 g/L HO.4. A process according to claim 3 , wherein the NHconcentration after stripping is about 10 g/L HO.5. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the stripped liquor has a pH greater than 7.6. A process according to claim 1 , wherein the stripping step includes an air stripping process step.7. A process according to claim 6 , wherein the air stripping process step includes at least two stripping process stages claim 6 , the air stream ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160136634A1
Автор: Coupland Duncan Roy

A method for producing a catalyst using an additive layer method includes: 1. A method for producing a catalyst using an additive layer method comprising:(i) forming a layer of a powdered catalyst or catalyst support material,(ii) binding or fusing the powder in said layer according to a predetermined pattern,(iii) repeating (i) and (ii) layer upon layer to form a shaped unit, and(iv) optionally applying a catalytic material to said shaped unit.2. A method according to wherein the powdered material is a catalyst powder.3. A method according to wherein the catalyst powder comprises a metal powder or a powdered metal compound.4. A method according to wherein the catalyst powder comprises one or more metals or metal compounds containing metals selected from the group consisting of Na claim 2 , K claim 2 , Mg claim 2 , Ca claim 2 , Ba claim 2 , Al claim 2 , Si claim 2 , Ti claim 2 , V claim 2 , Cr claim 2 , Mn claim 2 , Fe claim 2 , Co claim 2 , Ni claim 2 , Cu claim 2 , Zn claim 2 , Y claim 2 , Zr claim 2 , Nb claim 2 , Mo claim 2 , Ru claim 2 , Rh claim 2 , Pd claim 2 , Ag claim 2 , Sn claim 2 , Sb claim 2 , La claim 2 , Hf claim 2 , W claim 2 , Re claim 2 , Ir claim 2 , Pt claim 2 , Au claim 2 , Pb claim 2 , or Ce.5. A method according to wherein the catalyst powder comprises a precious metal catalyst powder claim 2 , comprising one or more of Pt claim 2 , Pd claim 2 , Ir claim 2 , Ru or Re.6. A method according to wherein the catalyst powder comprises a transition metal compound selected from a metal oxide claim 2 , metal hydroxide claim 2 , metal carbonate claim 2 , metal hydroxycarbonate or mixture thereof.7. A method according to wherein the transition metal oxide comprises a single or mixed metal oxide or a composition comprising two or more transition metal oxides.8. A method according to wherein the catalyst powder further comprises one or more inert materials.9. A method according to wherein the inert materials are selected from the group consisting of ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150143951A1

The invention relates to a method and to an arrangement for refining copper concentrate (). The arrangement comprises a suspension smelting furnace () comprising a reaction shaft (), and a settler (). The reaction shaft () is provided with a concentrate burner () for feeding copper concentrate () such as copper sulfide concentrate and/or copper matte and additionally at least reaction gas () into the reaction shaft () to obtain a blister layer () containing blister and a first slag layer () containing slag on top of the blister layer () in the settler (), and a slag cleaning furnace (). The arrangement comprises feeding means () for feeding blister from the blister layer () in the settler () and for feeding slag from the first slag layer () in the settler () into the slag cleaning furnace (). 1. A method for refining copper concentrate , wherein the method comprisesusing a suspension smelting furnace comprising a reaction shaft, and a settler, wherein the reaction shaft of the suspension smelting furnace is provided with a concentrate burner for feeding copper concentrate such as copper sulfide concentrate and/or copper matte and additionally at least reaction gas into the reaction shaft of the suspension smelting furnace to obtain a blister layer containing blister and a first slag layer containing slag on top of the blister layer in the settler of the suspension smelting furnace, andusing a slag cleaning furnace, andfeeding copper concentrate and additionally at least reaction gas into the reaction shaft of the suspension smelting furnace to obtain a blister layer containing blister and a first slag layer containing slag on top of the blister layer in the settler of the suspension smelting furnace,characterized byfeeding slag from the first slag layer in the settler of the suspension smelting furnace and blister from the blister layer in the settler of the suspension smelting furnace from the suspension smelting furnace into the slag cleaning furnace,treating ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180136161A1
Автор: Dozortsev Vladimir

This disclosure provides a voltammetric measurement system predicated on a mercury electrode. To minimize mercury consumption and/or disposal, the disclosed system includes a recirculatory system and mechanisms for cleaning mercury that permit mercury to be reclaimed, purified and reused on a nearly indefinite basis. Optional embodiments provide a modular design including a specially designed measurement cell, and for an automated control system to facilitate these ends. 1. A voltammetric measurement system , comprising:electrodes to measure an electrochemical property of an aqueous solution, wherein one of the electrodes is to form a liquid mercury surface in contact with the aqueous solution;a recirculatory system comprising a trap to collect liquid mercury shed from the one of the electrodes and a pump to recirculate the liquid mercury collected by the trap back to the one of the electrodes; anda cleaning system to remove contaminants from the liquid mercury.2. The voltammetric measurement system of claim 1 , further comprising a control system to:automatically provide the aqueous solution to be measured into a measurement chamber in presence of the electrodes;measure the electrochemical property; and expel liquid mercury from the one of the electrodes such that the expelled liquid mercury collects in the trap,', 'control the pump so as to produce a fresh liquid mercury surface the one of the electrodes, and', 'engage the cleaning system so as to remove the contaminants from the liquid mercury., 'following measurement of the electrochemical property,'}3. The voltammetric measurement system of claim 1 , wherein the cleaning system is to reverse a polarity of current flow between two of the electrodes used for measurement of the aqueous solution claim 1 , to strip metal contaminants accumulated into the liquid mercury.4. The voltammetric measurement system of claim 3 , wherein the voltammetric measurement system further comprises a galvanic wire in contact with the ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170137914A1
Автор: STEVENS James George

Disclosed is selective removal of mercury from aqueous feeds also including precious metals. In particular, the present invention is useful for removal of mercury from processing waters produced during precious metal mining processes. The process includes contacting the aqueous feed solution with a solid sorbent material including thiol and/or thiolate functional groups, wherein (i) the aqueous feed solution includes at least 10 ppm of free cyanide ions; and/or (ii) the sorbent material is contacted with an aqueous cyanide solution after contact with the aqueous feed solution to selectively desorb precious metal from the sorbent material. 1. A process for selectively removing mercury from an aqueous feed solution , the aqueous feed solution comprising mercury in addition to one or more precious metals , wherein the process comprises contacting the aqueous feed solution with a solid sorbent material comprising thiol and/or thiolate functional groups , wherein(i) the aqueous feed solution comprises at least 10 ppm of free cyanide ions; and/or(ii) the sorbent material is contacted with an aqueous cyanide solution after contact with the aqueous feed solution to selectively desorb precious metal from the sorbent material.2. A process according to wherein the precious metal present in the aqueous feed solution is one or both of gold and silver.3. A process according to wherein the mercury is present as a mercury cyanide complex and each precious metal is present as a precious metal cyanide complex.4. A process according to wherein the aqueous feed solution comprises at least 30 ppm of free cyanide ions.5. A process according to wherein the aqueous cyanide solution comprises at least 30 ppm of cyanide ions.6. A process according to wherein the process further comprises the step of adding cyanide ions to the aqueous feed solution.7. A process according to wherein the aqueous feed solution has a pH in the range from 9 to 13.8. A process according to where in the sorbent ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Process And System For Plasma-Induced Selective Extraction And Recovery Of Species From A Matrix

Номер: US20190136341A1

The invention relates to a process for selectively and continuously extracting a series of desired species from a matrix, comprising the steps of:—injecting a plasma () in an extraction chamber by means of a plasma torch,—continuously monitoring () the excited elements extracted from the matrix and contained in the plasma by optical emission spectroscopy, and for each species of the series,—setting a distance () between the support and the plasma torch, and the composition of the injected plasma as a function of the monitored excited elements so that only one desired species of the series of species is being extracted from the matrix under molecular form, and—providing () a plate in the extraction chamber, exterior to the plasma, causing collection of molecules comprising said desired species by deposition onto the surface of the plate. 2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the step of adjusting the distance between the support and the plasma torch is performed by moving the support relative to the plasma torch.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the step of adjusting the composition of the injected plasma comprises selectively mixing claim 1 , to a plasma-producing gas claim 1 , at least one additive gas selected among the group consisting of oxygen claim 1 , hydrogen claim 1 , nitrogen claim 1 , ammonia gas claim 1 , chlorine claim 1 , fluorine claim 1 , carbon dioxide and their derivatives including nitrates and hydrocarbines.4. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of setting the matrix at a determined potential related to the plasma and adjusting the said potential according to the monitored excited elements.5. The process according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of adjusting respective flows of a plasma-producing gas and an additional gas composing the injected plasma claim 1 , in order to adjust the partial pressure of the additional gas inside the extraction chamber claim 1 , according to the monitored excited ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150152524A1

An improved method for treating manganese-containing materials, such as seafloor manganese nodules, by leaching such materials with aqueous HNOand polymerized nitric oxide (NO), and more particularly to methods for recovering valuable constituents from such nodules, especially manganese, cobalt, nickel, iron, and copper. It also provides a method to leach manganese-containing material to release any titanium, vanadium, cerium, molybdenum and other metals from the manganese oxides and to make them available to be recovered, as well as providing a method of producing a fertilizer grade nitrate product. 1. A method of recovering manganese from manganese-containing materials , comprising the steps of:a. obtaining manganese-containing materials having a manganese content of at least 5%;{'sub': 3', '2', '3', 'x, 'b. leaching the manganese-containing materials with HNOand polymerized nitric oxide (NO)in an aqueous solution to form MnO and to release the other metals;'}c. filtering the acid-insoluble residue from the solution leaving desired metal values in solution; andd. precipitating and recovering manganese.2. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising heating the solution during or following the leaching step to complete the formation and release of metal nitrates.3. A method according to wherein heating of the solution comprises raising the solution temperature into the range of 30 to 150° C.4. A method according to wherein the manganese-containing materials are leached in an aqueous nitric acid solution into which polymerized nitric oxide is then introduced.5. A method according to wherein the polymerized nitric oxide is introduced into the aqueous solution followed by addition of the HNOto complete the leaching reaction.6. A method according to wherein the manganese-containing material contains at least one of the elements of the group consisting of: nickel claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , copper claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , iron claim 1 , ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160152479A1
Автор: Imafuku Kosuke

A silicon focus ring in a processing chamber of a plasma etching apparatus is provided. The silicon focus ring comprises: silicon wastes an amount of which is determined based on a content of impurity in the silicon wastes and a target value of an electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring; a silicon source material an amount of which is determined based on the content of impurity in the silicon wastes and the target value of the electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring; and impurity an amount of which is determined based on the content of impurity in the silicon wastes and the target value of the electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring. The target value of the electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring is about 2Ω. 1. A silicon focus ring in a processing chamber of a plasma etching apparatus , comprising:silicon wastes an amount of which is determined based on a content of impurity in the silicon wastes and a target value of an electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring;a silicon source material an amount of which is determined based on the content of impurity in the silicon wastes and the target value of the electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring; andimpurity an amount of which is determined based on the content of impurity in the silicon wastes and the target value of the electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring,wherein the target value of the electrical resistance of the silicon focus ring is about 2Ω.2. The silicon focus ring of claim 1 , wherein the silicon wastes are wastes collected during a manufacturing process of silicon components.3. The silicon focus ring of claim 1 , wherein the silicon source material is a polycrystalline-silicon or an impurity-containing single-crystalline-silicon.4. The silicon focus ring of claim 1 , wherein the impurity is boron.5. The silicon focus ring of claim 1 , wherein the content of impurity is obtained by measuring one of electrical resistance and mass.6. The silicon focus ring ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140230605A1
Автор: Forbes Jones Robin M.

A method of processing a metallic material includes introducing an electrically conductive metallic material comprising at least one of a metal and a metallic alloy into a furnace chamber maintained at a low pressure relative to atmospheric pressure. A first electron field having a first area of coverage is generated using at least a first ion plasma electron emitter, and the material within the furnace chamber is subjected to the first electron field to heat the material to a temperature above a melting temperature of the material. A second electron field having a second area of coverage smaller than the first area of coverage is generated using a second ion plasma electron emitter. At least one of any solid condensate within the furnace chamber, any solidified portions of the electrically conductive metallic material, and regions of a solidifying ingot to the second electron field, is subjected to the second electron field, using a steering system. 1. A method of processing an electrically conductive metallic material , the method comprising:introducing an electrically conductive metallic material comprising at least one of a metal and a metallic alloy into a furnace chamber maintained at a low pressure relative to atmospheric pressure;generating a first electron field having a first area of coverage using at least a first ion plasma electron emitter;subjecting the material within the furnace chamber to the first electron field to heat the material to a temperature above a melting temperature of the material;generating a second electron field having a second area of coverage using a second ion plasma electron emitter; andsubjecting at least one of any solid condensate within the furnace chamber, any solidified portions of the electrically conductive metallic material, and regions of a solidifying ingot to the second electron field, using a steering system, to melt or heat at least one of the solid condensate, the solidified portions, and the regions of the ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Process for the recovery of metals from oxidic ores

Номер: US20220290273A1
Принадлежит: Umicore NV SA

A process is disclosed for the recovery of valuable metals from oxidic ores, in particular from polymetallic nodules. The process is suitable for the recovery of Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, and Mn, which are the main metals of interest in such polymetallic nodules. The present process is, among others, characterized by the handling of Fe, which is dissolved and kept in solution until the step of crystallization rather than removed at an earlier stage. A mixed Mn—Fe residue is obtained, which, after thermal treatment, provides a Mn—Fe oxide that is suitable for the steel or for the manganese industry. Excellent Cu, Co and Ni yields are obtained, while Fe is leached and valorized together with Mn.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160160313A1

Processes for the production of tantalum alloys and niobium are disclosed. The processes use aluminothermic reactions to reduce tantalum pentoxide to tantalum metal or niobium pentoxide to niobium metal. 1. A process for the production of a tantalum alloy comprising: tantalum pentoxide powder;', 'at least one of iron (III) oxide powder and copper (II) oxide powder;', 'barium peroxide powder; and', 'aluminum metal powder., 'conducting aluminothermic reactions using a reactant mixture comprising2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reactant mixture further comprises at least one of niobium pentoxide powder claim 1 , tungsten trioxide powder claim 1 , molybdenum trioxide powder claim 1 , chromium (III) oxide powder claim 1 , hafnium dioxide powder claim 1 , zirconium dioxide powder claim 1 , titanium dioxide powder claim 1 , vanadium pentoxide powder claim 1 , and tungsten metal powder.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reactant mixture further comprises at least one of niobium pentoxide powder claim 1 , tungsten trioxide powder claim 1 , molybdenum trioxide powder claim 1 , and tungsten metal powder.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reactant mixture further comprises niobium pentoxide powder.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reactant mixture further comprises tungsten trioxide powder and/or tungsten metal powder.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reactant mixture further comprises molybdenum trioxide powder.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein the aluminothermic reactions produce a tantalum alloy regulus and a separate slag phase.8. The process of claim 7 , further comprising electron beam melting the tantalum alloy regulus and producing a tantalum alloy ingot.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein the tantalum alloy ingot comprises:at least one of niobium, tungsten, and molybdenum; andbalance tantalum and incidental impurities.10. The process of claim 1 , wherein conducting the aluminothermic reactions comprises:positioning the reactant mixture in ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161816A1

The present disclosure provides a metallurgical electric furnace, and a smelting method for the metallurgical electric furnace. The metallurgical electric furnace includes a furnace body, an oxygen lance and a coal lance, wherein the furnace body is provided with a furnace chamber; the oxygen lance is located on a side wall of the furnace chamber and is used for blowing oxygen into the slag promoting the smelting process, and the outlet of the oxygen lance is higher than the slag; and the coal lance is located on the side wall of the furnace chamber beside the oxygen lance and is used for spraying coal into the slag, and the outlet of the coal lance is higher than the slag. 1. A metallurgical electric furnace , comprising:a furnace body provided with a furnace chamber;an oxygen lance located on a side wall of the furnace chamber and used for blowing oxygen into slag promoting the smelting process, wherein the outlet of the oxygen lance is higher than the slag; anda coal lance located on the side wall of the furnace chamber beside the oxygen lance and used for injecting coal particles into the slag, wherein the outlet of the coal lance is higher than the slag.2. The metallurgical electric furnace according to claim 1 , comprising:a plurality of oxygen lances that are uniformly distributed along the side wall of the furnace chamber; andan equal number of coal lances that are uniformly distributed along the side wall of the furnace chamber,wherein the oxygen lances are located below the coal lances, or the oxygen lances and the coal lances are located at the same height on the side wall of the furnace chamber.3. The metallurgical electric furnace according to claim 1 , further comprising:a spray tube located on the side wall of the furnace chamber and used for spraying a hydrocarbon into a furnace freeboard, wherein the outlet of the spray tube is higher than the slag.4. The metallurgical electric furnace according to claim 3 , whereinthe spraying direction of the ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190161825A1

A method and an apparatus for recycling magnesium alloy cuttings are provided. A structure of the apparatus includes: a smelting furnace, configured to hold molten magnesium, where the smelting furnace is segmented into a refining chamber and a molten metal tapping chamber in communication with each other; a mixing unit, rotatably disposed in the refining chamber, and configured to generate a sinking whirlpool toward a bottom of the smelting furnace during rotation; and a waste material treatment unit, including a feeding module, where the feeding module includes a material rod capable of continuously rotating and a material channel in communication with the refining chamber, the material rod is configured to drive magnesium cuttings to enter the refining chamber through the material channel, and the material channel is configured to feed a protective gas. 1. An apparatus for recycling magnesium alloy cuttings , wherein a structure thereof comprises:a smelting furnace, configured to hold molten magnesium, wherein the smelting furnace is segmented into a refining chamber and a molten metal tapping chamber in communication with each other;a mixing unit, rotatably disposed in the refining chamber, and configured to generate a sinking whirlpool toward a bottom of the smelting furnace during rotation; anda waste material treatment unit, comprising a feeding module, wherein the feeding module comprises a material rod capable of continuously rotating and a material channel in communication with the refining chamber, the material rod is configured to drive magnesium cuttings to enter the refining chamber through the material channel, and the material channel is configured to feed a protective gas.2. The apparatus for recycling magnesium alloy cuttings according to claim 1 , wherein the waste material treatment unit further comprises a heating module and an air intake and dust collection module claim 1 , wherein the heating module heats the feeding module claim 1 , so as to ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140260805A1
Автор: Gerard Dale A., Wang Qigui

A method of reducing entrained aluminum oxides in aluminum castings. The method comprises preheating a furnace charge to remove moisture and contaminants. The furnace charge is then coated on all free surfaces with a layer of flux. Subsequently the furnace charge is melted in a furnace to form a melt bath of liquid aluminum suitable for casting. The flux layer removes the naturally occurring oxide film from the furnace charge surface as well as provides a cover flux to protect the melt bath from oxidation. 1. A method of reducing entrained aluminum oxides in aluminum castings; the method comprising:preheating a furnace charge;coating the furnace charge free surfaces with a layer of flux; andmelting the furnace charge in a furnace to form a melt bath with a melt surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the coating furnace charge free surfaces with a layer of flux is achieved by dipping the furnace charge into a molten flux bath.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flux coating is at least approximately 1 mm in thickness.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the flux coating is approximately 1 mm to approximately 2 mm in thickness.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the furnace charge is preheated to at least approximately 150° C.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the furnace charge is preheated using hot flue gases of the melting furnace.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the furnace charge is preheated in a rotary kiln.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the rotary kiln is atmosphere controlled with an oxygen level below the flammability limits of any organic contaminants on the aluminum.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the oxygen level is maintained below 6% oxygen by volume.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the furnace is a side well furnace.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises allowing the flux to float to the melt surface and form a cover flux.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein the method does not comprise injecting flux into the ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации

Laser conversion of high purity silicon powder to densified granular forms

Номер: US20150183055A1

The present invention relates to a direct method to convert fine and ultra fine silicon powder from polysilicon manufacturing sources such as fluid bed and free space reactors into densified granular forms. This conversion process is effected by the use of lasers of selective wavelengths from solid state diode or optically-pumped YAG sources to locally heat, melt and densify a controlled quantity of silicon powder, and comprises the steps of distributing dry silicon powder on an inert substrate, subjecting the silicon charge to a focused laser beam to realize melted and densified granular forms, and discharging the product. When adapted to high purity silicon powder, the end use for the densified silicon granular forms is primarily as feedstock for silicon-based semiconductor and photovoltaic manufacturing industries. The process, suitably modified, is adaptable to form other silicon body shapes and components. 1. A method for converting high purity silicon powder into a polysilicon granule of a desired size and of a desired shape , the method comprising:(a) providing a dry source of high purity silicon powder;(b) providing a process substrate comprising a recess having a defined size and shape, the defined size and shape being the size and shape required to form the polysilicon granule of the desired size and the desired shape;(c) feeding a selected amount of dry silicon powder into the recess of the process substrate, the selected amount of dry silicon powder being the amount required to form the polysilicon granule of the desired size and the desired shape;(d) heating the dry silicon powder disposed in the recess with a laser emitting light at a wavelength in the range of ultraviolet to near infrared for a selected time and at a selected power so as to cause local melting, densification and solidification, whereby to form a polysilicon granule of the desired size and the desired shape, wherein the polysilicon granule has a diameter greater than 0.75 mm and less ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207242A1

A method and a system, the system, comprising a laser source, a ionization and acceleration unit, a separation unit, and a collecting unit, wherein the laser source comprises a large bandwidth laser delivering successive pulses of fixed central wavelength and bandwidth to a surface of a target positioned inside the ionization and acceleration unit, surface atoms of the target being ionized by the pulses, accelerated from the surface of the target to a kinetic energy in the range between 100 eV and 10 KeV, and focused to the separation unit, the separation unit separating received atoms into different ions species, and the collecting unit separately collecting the different ion species. The method comprises positioning a target inside a resistive tube, delivering successive pulses of same selected wavelength and bandwidth from a large bandwidth laser generating a beam of fixed central wavelength and bandwidth to a surface of the target to ionize atoms of the surface of the target, accelerate the ionized atoms to a kinetic energy in a range between 100 eV and 10 KeV, under an electric field in a resistive tube, directing the ionized atoms to a magnetic separator, and collecting ions species of the target separately in cup collectors. 1. A system , comprising:a large bandwidth laser source;a ionization and acceleration unit;a separation unit; anda collecting unit,wherein the laser source delivers successive pulses of fixed central wavelength and bandwidth to a surface of a target positioned inside the ionization and acceleration unit; surface atoms of the target being ionized by the pulses, accelerated from the surface of the target, and focused to the separation unit; the separation unit separating received atoms into different ions species; and the collecting unit separately collecting the different ion species.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ionization and acceleration unit comprises a resistive tube claim 1 , and the surface atoms of the target ionized by ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации

Continuous Ore Process and Apparatus Using Plasma

Номер: US20160186291A1

A method of processing ore using a plasma arc reactor includes the steps of first determining the content of the ore, modeling the plasma arc reaction for different stoichiometric ratios of ore to candidate reagents, selecting one or more of candidate reagents pre-mixing the selected reagents with the ore at corresponding stoichiometric ratios, and continuously feeding the pre-mixed ore into a plasma arc reactor, and controlling the plasma arc reaction according to the previously modeled conditions. 1. A continuous ore processing method , comprising the steps of:a. determining the constituents of the particular ore from which the desired metal is to be extracted;b. using process simulation or modeling software to model the plasma arc reaction for an ore having the constituents determined in step a and one or more candidate reagents, said reagents including at least one of a flux and an reducing or oxidizing agent;c. using the software to simulate the plasma arc reaction when different fluxes and/or reducing/oxidizing agents in different stoichiometric ratios are added to the ore;d. selecting a combination of at candidate reagents and corresponding stoichiometric ratios that optimize separation of the desired metal from the ore in the simulated plasma arc reaction;e. pre-processing the ore to obtain a powder or crushed material;f. adding the selected combination of at least one flux and/or reducing/oxidizing agent to the material;a. feeding the material with the added flux and/or reducing/oxidizing agent into a plasma arc reactor to separate the desired metal from the ore;b. controlling the plasma reaction by moving electrodes in the plasma arc reactor;g. continuously cooling the reactor to achieve rapid cooling and ensure that vaporized metal is retained in the reactor; andh. removing the desired metal from the plasma arc reactor.2. A continuous ore process method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein step g includes the step of circulating coolant through passages in a ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150197837A9

The disclosure is directed to a method of forming high-aspect-ratio metallic glass articles that are substantially free of defects and cosmetic flaws by means of rapid capacitive discharge forming. Metallic glass alloys that are stable against crystallization for at least 100 ms at temperatures where the viscosity is in the range of 10to 10Pa-s are considered as suitable for forming such high-aspect-ratio articles. 1. A method of forming an article from a metallic glass alloy , the method comprising:{'sup': 0', '4, 'applying a quantum of electrical energy to the feedstock using a rapid capacitive discharge forming system to heat the feedstock to a temperature above the glass transition where the viscosity of the metallic glass alloy is in the range of 10to 10Pa-s, wherein the feedstock comprising a metallic glass alloy having a uniform cross-section, the metallic glass alloy being capable of resisting crystallization for at least 100 ms at a temperature above the glass transition at said viscosity;'}shaping the heated feedstock into an article having an aspect ratio of at least 10; andcooling the shaped article to a temperature below the glass transition temperature of the metallic glass alloy sufficiently fast to avoid crystallization of the metallic glass.2. A method according to claim 1 , where the article has thickness of 2 mm or less.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the article thickness is from 0.5 mm to 2 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is from 10to 10Pa-s.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is from 10to 10Pa-s.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said shaping is subsequent to said applying.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the shaping is selected from molding claim 1 , forging claim 1 , and casting.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic glass alloy composition is Zr—based claim 1 , Ti—based claim 1 , Ta—based claim 1 , Y-based claim 1 , Hf-based claim 1 , Ni—based claim 1 , Pd-based claim 1 , ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации

Process for Recovering Precious Metals from Clay-Containing Ores

Номер: US20180187286A1

A solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore and a method of leaching ore is described. The solution comprises a cyanide; a wetting agent; and a clay stabilizing polymer. 1. A solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore comprising:cyanide;a wetting agent; anda clay stabilizing polymer.2. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of wherein said metal is selected from the group consisting of gold claim 1 , silver claim 1 , copper and uranium.3. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of with a pH of at least 8 to no more than 11.4. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of with a pH of at least 9.5 to no more than 10.5.5. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of comprising at least 50 ppm cyanide to no more than 1000 ppm cyanide.6. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of comprising at least 200 ppm cyanide to no more than 800 ppm cyanide.7. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of wherein said clay stabilizing polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyalkylene oxide copolymer; propoxylated glycols; polyamine copolymers comprising dicyandiamide claim 1 , formaldehyde and ammonia; polyvinyl alcohol; partially hydrolyzed polyvinyl acetate; polyacrylamide; quaternary amines and particularly tetramethylammonium salts; carboxymethyl cellulose; methacrylate copolymers; hydroxyaldehydes; hydroxyketones; and copolymers of anionic or cationic monomers.8. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of wherein said clay stabilizing polymer is selected from the group consisting ofa polyalkylene oxide copolymer, a propoxylated glycol and a polyamine copolymer.9. The solution for leaching metals from clay containing ore of wherein said polyalkylene oxide copolymer is defined by:{'br': None, 'sup': 1', '2', '3', '4', '5, 'R—R—R—R—R'}wherein:{'sup': 1', '5', '6', '6, 'Rand Rare terminal groups independently selected from the ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140283651A1

A method of production of inexpensive aluminum alloy is provided which enables precipitation of fine particles of Al—Fe—Si-based compounds and primary crystal Si to an aluminum alloy melt which is comprised of Si: 10 to 20 mass %, Fe: 0.5 to 4 mass %, P: 0.003 to 0.02 mass %, and further, if necessary, one or more of Mn, Ni, and Cr or furthermore, if necessary, one or more of Mg, Ti, Cr, Zr, and V, and has a balance of Al and unavoidable impurities. To the melt is added 0.01 to 1 mass %, in terms of silicide, of a substance, which includes fine particles of a metal silicide which are present as a solid phase in the melt, when the Al—Fe—Si-based compound is crystallized. 1. A method of production of aluminum alloy with refined Al—Fe—Si-based compounds and primary crystal Si characterized by adding to an aluminum alloy melt which contains Si: 10 to 20 mass % , Fe: 0.5 to 4 mass % , and P: 0.003 to 0.02 mass % and has a balance of Al and unavoidable impurities , a substance which contains fine particles of a metal silicide which are present as a solid phase in the melt at the time of precipitation of an Al—Fe—Si-based compound , in 0.01 to 1 mass % as a silicide.2. A method of production of aluminum alloy with refined Al—Fe—Si-based compounds and primary crystal Si characterized by adding to an aluminum alloy melt which contains Si: 10 to 20 mass % , Fe: 0.5 to 4 mass % , Mn: 0.6×Fe mass % or less , and P: 0.003 to 0.02 mass % and has a balance of Al and unavoidable impurities , a substance which contains fine particles of a metal silicide which is present as a solid phase in the melt at the time of precipitation of an Al—Fe—Si-based compound , in 0.01 to 1 mass % as a silicide.3. The method of production of aluminum alloy with refined Al—Fe—Si-based compounds and primary crystal Si according to wherein said aluminum alloy melt further contains one or both of Ni: 0.5 to 6 mass % and Cu: 0.5 to 8 mass %.4. The method of production of aluminum alloy with refined Al—Fe—Si ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140283956A1

The disclosure is directed to a method of forming high-aspect-ratio metallic glass articles that are substantially free of defects and cosmetic flaws by means of rapid capacitive discharge forming. Metallic glass alloys that are stable against crystallization for at least 100 ms at temperatures where the viscosity is in the range of 10to 10Pa-s are considered as suitable for forming such high-aspect-ratio articles. 1. A method of forming an article from a metallic glass alloy , the method comprising:{'sup': 0', '4, 'applying a quantum of electrical energy to the feedstock using a rapid capacitive discharge forming system to heat the feedstock to a temperature above the glass transition where the viscosity of the metallic glass alloy is in the range of 10to 10Pa-s, wherein the feedstock comprising a metallic glass alloy having a uniform cross-section, the metallic glass alloy being capable of resisting crystallization for at least 100 ms at a temperature above the glass transition at said viscosity;'}shaping the heated feedstock into an article having an aspect ratio of at least 10; andcooling the shaped article to a temperature below the glass transition temperature of the metallic glass alloy sufficiently fast to avoid crystallization of the metallic glass.2. A method according to claim 1 , where the article has thickness of 2 mm or less.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the article thickness is from 0.5 mm to 2 mm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is from 10to 10Pa-s.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the viscosity is from 10to 10Pa-s.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said shaping is subsequent to said applying.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the shaping is selected from molding claim 1 , forging claim 1 , and casting.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the metallic glass alloy composition is Zr—based claim 1 , Ti—based claim 1 , Ta—based claim 1 , Y-based claim 1 , Hf-based claim 1 , Ni—based claim 1 , Pd-based claim 1 , ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации

Methods for Recovering Magnetite from Bauxite Residue

Номер: US20150203362A1
Автор: Mohsen Amiran

The presently disclosed methods utilize both physical and chemical processes by which the Fe 2 O 3 (iron oxide) contained in undissolved bauxite residue (Red Mud) may be reduced to form Fe 3 O 4 (magnetite) and/or elemental iron that is then separated from the treated residue for reuse and/or sale. The disclosed methods, when properly executed, are generally capable of extracting 80 to 90% of the iron (Fe) from the Red Mud as magnetite and/or iron. The magnetite, in particular, can then be used in industrial manufacturing applications including, for example, high-temperature composite materials, coatings, acrylic and oil-based paints, plastics and other polymer resins, as well as being used for coloring various types of metallic surfaces and is, therefore, the generally preferred product.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150203937A1

An alumina- or magnesia-reducing process in which a greenhouse gas or substance harmful to the human body is not emitted, which can achieve improved energy efficiency in comparison with the Hall-Heroult or Pidgeon methods. The process includes: introducing an alumina or magnesia powder with a carrier gas to the upstream side of a throat provided on a reducing unit; pressure-transferring the powder and carrier gas to the throat by an operative gas introduced to the upstream side of the throat; irradiating the throat with a laser beam to convert the alumina or magnesia into a plasma state and dissociate the alumina or magnesia thermally; jetting the thermally dissociated product through a nozzle provided on the downstream side of the throat at a supersonic speed to form a frozen flow; and isolating aluminum or magnesium. Hydrogen may be added to the operative gas to accelerate the reduction of alumina or magnesia. 1. A method for reducing alumina or magnesia , the method comprising:heating alumina powders or magnesia powders by heating means for putting it in a plasma state so as to thermally dissociate aluminum or magnesium from oxygen, andejecting gas in the plasma state in a form of supersonic jet steam from a nozzle so as to make it in frozen flow, to thereby isolate aluminum or magnesium.2. The method for reducing alumina or magnesia as described in claim 1 , wherein;alumina powders or magnesia powders are fed into a reducing device together with carrier gas at upstream of a throat portion provided to the reducing device,operating gas is introduced similarly at upstream of the throat portion, gas pressure of which forcedly transport the fed powders toward the throat portion,heating means heats the throat portion, thereby dissociating alumina or magnesia which is then ejected in a form of supersonic jet gas stream from the nozzle located at downstream of the throat portion.3. The method for reducing alumina or magnesia as described in claim 2 , wherein hydrogen is ...

30-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150211092A1
Автор: Chaiko David J.

A method of leaching a copper bearing sulfide mineral slurry containing chalcopyrite is described. The method comprises the steps of providing a slurry having chalcopyrite particles therein, exposing the slurry to an acidic leach solution, and chemically leaching copper from the slurry into the acidic leach solution in the presence of microwave irradiation. The microwave irradiation of the slurry takes place under process conditions whereby crystalline pyrite may be formed in-situ on surfaces of the chalcopyrite particles. Crystalline pyrite may be formed on surfaces of the chalcopyrite particles from amorphous phase pyrite. Leached copper is recovered from said acidic leach solution. A device for more efficiently leaching a copper bearing sulfide mineral slurry containing chalcopyrite is also described herein. 1. A method of leaching a copper-bearing sulfide mineral slurry , comprising the steps of:(a) providing a slurry having copper sulfide particles therein;(b) exposing the slurry to an acidic leach solution;(c) chemically leaching copper from the slurry into the acidic leach solution in the presence of microwave irradiation, under conditions whereby crystalline pyrite can be formed in-situ, on surfaces of the copper sulfide particles;(d) generating microwaves at a predetermined frequency or intensity that is configured for forming crystalline pyrite on surfaces of the copper sulfide particles in-situ; and(d) recovering leached copper from said acidic leach solution.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step (c) is further performed under conditions whereby elemental sulfur (which may form surface passivation layer(s) on the copper sulfide particles as a result of exposure to the acidic leach solution) claim 1 , is prevented from entering a plasma phase.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising forming crystalline pyrite on surfaces of the copper sulfide particles in-situ and/or converting amorphous pyrite to crystalline pyrite.4. The method of claim 1 , ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140294712A1
Автор: Imafuku Kosuke

A silicon component in a processing chamber for performing an etching process on a substrate is provided. The silicon component contains recycled silicon obtained by a silicon component recycling method including: collecting silicon wastes from any one of a silicon component for a plasma etching apparatus and a silicon ingot for a semiconductor wafer; obtaining a content of impurity based on an electric characteristic of the collected silicon wastes; determining an input amount of the silicon wastes, an input amount of a silicon source material, and an input amount of impurity based on the content of impurity obtained in the measurement process and a target value of an electric characteristic of a final product; manufacturing a silicon ingot by inputting the silicon wastes, the silicon source material, and the impurity into a crucible; and manufacturing the final product using the silicon ingot. 1wherein the recycling method includes:a collecting process of collecting silicon wastes from any one of a silicon component for a plasma etching apparatus and a silicon ingot for a semiconductor wafer;a measurement process of obtaining a content of impurity based on an electric characteristic of the collected silicon wastes;an input amount determination process of determining an input amount of the silicon wastes, an input amount of a silicon source material, and an input amount of impurity based on the content of impurity obtained in the measurement process and a target value of an electric characteristic of a final product;a silicon ingot manufacturing process of manufacturing a silicon ingot by inputting the silicon wastes, the silicon source material, and the impurity based on the input amounts determined in the input amount determination process into a crucible; anda product manufacturing process of manufacturing the final product having the target value of the electric characteristic using the silicon ingot.. A silicon component in a processing chamber of a plasma ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218443A1

A method of improving the photoluminescence of silicon nanoparticles is provided along with a description of the silicon nanoparticle compositions prepared therefrom. The method generally comprises exposing a composition comprising silicon nanoparticles having a mean particle diameter not greater than 5 nm and a fluid to a non-ambient condition selected from (i) elevated temperature, (ii) elevated humidity, (iii) elevated pressure exerted by an oxygen-containing gas, (iv) a hydrogen plasma, (v) hydrogen gas, (vi) ultraviolet radiation, and (vii) and a combination of at least two of (i)-(vi). Optionally, the silicon nanoparticles may be prepared by a gas phase reaction. The exposure of the silicon nanoparticle compositions to the non-ambient condition results in improved photoluminescence. In particular, the exposed nanoparticles exhibit increased maximum emission intensity and luminescent quantum efficiency. Moreover, these improvements are accompanied by a blue shift in the emitted light to a shorter wavelength. 1. A method of improving the photoluminescence of silicon nanoparticles , the method comprising:providing a silicon nanoparticle composition comprising silicon nanoparticles having a mean particle diameter not greater than 5 nm dispersed in a fluid; andexposing the silicon nanoparticle composition to a non-ambient condition selected from (i) elevated temperature, (ii) elevated humidity, (iii) elevated pressure exerted by an oxygen-containing gas, (iv) a hydrogen plasma, (v) molecular hydrogen, (vi) ultraviolet radiation, and (vii) a combination of two or more of (i)-(vi) for a time sufficient to enhance the photoluminescence of the composition.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises preparing the silicon nanoparticles by a gas phase reaction.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the non-ambient condition is selected from (i)-(v) or a combination of two or more of (i)-(v).4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218672A1

An improved method for treating manganese-containing materials, such as nodules recovered by undersea mining, including reacting the materials with ammonia, and leaching with a mineral acid, and to methods for recovering valuable constituents from such nodules, especially manganese, cobalt, nickel, iron, copper, titanium, vanadium, cerium, and molybdenum. A method for the production of nitrate products is also disclosed. 1. A method of recovering metal values from manganese-containing materials , comprising the steps of:a. obtaining manganese-containing materials also containing other metals;{'sub': '3', 'b. reacting the manganese-containing materials with NHto form MnO and to release the other metals;'}c. leaching the reacted materials with a mineral acid to form metal salts,d. precipitating and recovering pay metals from the metal salts; ande. precipitating and recovering manganese oxides and hydroxides.2. A method according to wherein the manganese-containing materials are polymetallic nodules obtained from any body of water.3. A method according to wherein the manganese-containing materials are deep-sea manganese nodules.4. A method according to wherein the manganese-containing materials are manganese-containing nodules recovered by undersea mining.5. A method according to wherein the manganese-containing materials are obtained by the chemical or metallurgical treatment of polymetallic nodules obtained from any body of water.6. A method according to claim 5 , further comprising crushing or grinding the nodules.7. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising removing chlorides from the manganese-containing materials by washing the materials.8. A method according to wherein step b is carried out at elevated temperature.9. A method according to wherein said manganese-containing materials also contain at least one of the metals of the group consisting of: nickel claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , iron claim 1 , copper claim 1 , magnesium claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , ...

06-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150218720A1

It is described a process for extracting magnesium from magnesium-bearing materials comprising the steps of leaching the magnesium-bearing material with HCl as to obtain a leachate comprising the magnesium in solution and a solid form; purify said leachate to produce magnesium chloride and electrolysing the magnesium chloride producing magnesium metal. 1. A process for extracting magnesium metal from a magnesium-bearing material , said process comprising:a. leaching the magnesium-bearing material with HCl as to obtain a leachate containing magnesium chloride; andb. electrolyzing the magnesium chloride for extracting magnesium metal.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of electrolyzing the magnesium chloride comprises using an electrolysis cell having a cathode and an anode wherein a source of hydrogen gas is delivered to the anode.3. The process of claim 2 , further comprising the step of dehydrating magnesium chloride contained in the leachate before the step of electrolyzing the leachate containing magnesium chloride to obtain magnesium metal.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein a two step fluidized bed is used for dehydrating the magnesium chloride.5. The process of claim 4 , further comprising a drying step in a fluidized bed dryer followed by gaseous HCl drying to extract anhydrous magnesium chloride.6. The process of claim 5 , wherein the dehydrated magnesium chloride is further dissolved in molten salt electrolyte.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein dry hydrochloric acid is added to proceed with the dehydration step.8. The process of claim 1 , further comprising recycling said gaseous HCl by contacting it with water so as to obtain a composition having a concentration of about 25 to about 45 weight % and using said composition for leaching.9. The process of claim 8 , wherein said magnesium-bearing material is leached with HCl having a concentration of about 20 to about 45 weight % at a temperature of about 60 to about 125° C.10. (canceled)11. The ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Method And A Control System For Controlling A Melting And Refining Process

Номер: US20140305261A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and device for controlling a melting and refining process in an electric arc furnace for melting a metal, wherein the electric arc furnace includes molten and solid metal and a slag layer on the surface of the molten metal, wherein an electromagnetic stirrer is arranged for stirring the molten metal. The method includes calculating/determining masses of the molten and solid metal at a point of time, wherein the calculation is based on initial values of the molten and solid metal, an arc power supplied to the electric arc furnace, and temperatures of the molten and solid metal, determining a stirring power based on the calculated/determined masses, and supplying the determined stirring power to the electromagnetic stirrer.

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160225937A1

The present invention comprises directionally solidified multicrystalline silicon ingots, a silicon masteralloy for increasing the efficiency of solar cells made from wafers cut from the silicon ingots, method for increasing the yield when producing multicrystalline silicon ingots from a silicon melt by directional solidification. Further the present invention comprises a method for preparing said silicon masteralloy. 1. Directionally solidified multicrystalline silicon ingots , wherein said ingot comprises elemental calcium added to a high purity silicon melt in an amount chosen from at least one of the following ranges: 5-9.99 ppmw , 10-500 ppmw , 500-550 ppmw.2. Directionally solidified multicrystalline silicon ingots according to claim 1 , wherein elemental calcium is added to the silicon melt in an amount chosen from at least one of the following ranges: 10-250 claim 1 , 20-250 claim 1 , 10-150 claim 1 , 20-150 claim 1 , 10-100 ppmw.3. Directionally solidified multicrystalline silicon ingots according to claim 1 , wherein said silicon melt is polysilicon or compensated silicon.4. Silicon masteralloy for addition to silicon when making directionally solidified multicrystalline silicon ingot to increase yield and electrical properties of the ingot claim 1 , wherein said silicon masteralloy comprises elemental calcium in an amount chosen from at least one of the following ranges: 0.5-20 weight % claim 1 , 1-15 weight % claim 1 , 5-15 weight % claim 1 , the remaining being high purity silicon.5. Silicon masteralloy according to claim 4 , wherein said silicon masteralloy is added to a silicon melt when directionally solidifying silicon ingot.6. Method for increasing the yield of directional solidified multicrystalline silicon ingots comprising adding elemental calcium to a silicon melt in an amount chosen from at least one of the following ranges: 5-9.99 ppmw claim 4 , 10-500 ppmw claim 4 , 500-550 ppmw prior to subjecting the silicon melt to directional ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140318312A1

The present invention relates to a method for the treatment of metal-containing waste, the method comprising: (i) introducing a particulate metal-containing waste into a plasma treatment unit; (ii) plasma treating the particulate metal-containing waste to form a layer of slag and, optionally, a layer of metal beneath the layer of slag; and (iii) recovering slag and/or metal from the plasma treatment unit; wherein the plasma treatment unit comprises an electrically conductive hearth for holding the layer of slag and optional layer of metal, one or more inlets for the particulate metal-containing waste arranged above the hearth, and an electrode arranged above the hearth so that, in use, a plasma arc is formed between the electrode and the hearth, and wherein the one or more inlets for the particulate metal-containing waste are arranged so that, in use, the particulate metal-containing waste introduced into the plasma treatment unit is heated by the plasma arc before contacting the slag layer. 1. A method for the treatment of metal-containing waste , the method comprising:(i) introducing a particulate metal-containing waste into a plasma treatment unit;(ii) plasma treating the particulate metal-containing waste to form a layer of slag and, optionally, a layer of metal beneath the layer of slag; and(iii) recovering slag and/or metal from the plasma treatment unit;wherein the plasma treatment unit comprises an electrically conductive hearth for holding the layer of slag and optional layer of metal, one or more inlets for the particulate metal-containing waste arranged above the hearth, and an electrode arranged above the hearth so that, in use, a plasma arc is formed between the electrode and the hearth, andwherein the one or more inlets for the particulate metal-containing waste are arranged so that, in use, the particulate metal-containing waste introduced into the plasma treatment unit is heated by the plasma arc before contacting the slag layer.2. The method ...

30-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140318313A1

Provided is a method for increasing the rate of recovery of valuable metals when waste batteries batteries are treated by a dry process. The valuable metal recovery method in the dry step S includes a melting step ST including melting waste batteries to form a melt, a slag separation step ST including separating slag from the melt, and an alloy separation step ST including separating an alloy of valuable metals from the melt, wherein the slag has an aluminium oxide content of 20% by weight to less than 75% by weight and an iron content of 5% by weight to 40% by weight, calculated as metallic iron, and silicon oxide and calcium oxide are added as fluxes in the melting step ST21 so that the slag can have a melting point of at least 1,500° C., preferably at most 1,650° C. 1. A method for recovering a valuable metal from a waste battery containing aluminium and iron , comprising:a melting step comprising melting the waste battery to form a melt;a slag separation step comprising separating slag from the melt; andan alloy separation step comprising separating an alloy of a valuable metal from the melt, whereinsilicon dioxide and calcium oxide are added as fluxes in the melting step,the slag has an aluminium oxide content of 20% by weight to 75% by weight and an iron content of 5% by weight to 40% by weight, calculated as metallic iron, and the melting step is performed at at least 1,500° C.2. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the melting step is performed at at most 1 claim 1 ,650° C.3. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the slag has a weight ratio of silicon dioxide to calcium oxide in the range of 0.5 to 2.4. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the melting step is performed in an electric furnace.5. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 1 , wherein the waste battery is a lithium-ion battery.6. The valuable metal recovery method according to claim 2 , wherein the ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150240326A1

Processes for the production of tantalum alloys are disclosed. The processes use aluminothermic reactions to reduce tantalum pentoxide to tantalum metal. 1. A process for the production of a tantalum alloy comprising: tantalum pentoxide powder;', 'iron (III) oxide powder;', 'copper (II) oxide powder;', 'barium peroxide powder;', 'aluminum metal powder; and', 'tungsten metal powder;, 'forming a reactant mixture comprisingpositioning a magnesium oxide powder layer on at least a bottom surface of a graphite reaction vessel;positioning the reactant mixture in the graphite reaction vessel on top of the magnesium oxide powder layer;positioning a tantalum or tantalum alloy ignition wire in contact with the reactant mixture;sealing the reaction vessel inside a reaction chamber;establishing a vacuum inside the reaction chamber; a monolithic and fully-consolidated alloy regulus comprising tantalum and tungsten; and', 'a separate slag phase comprising aluminum oxide and barium oxide;, 'energizing the ignition wire to initiate aluminothermic reactions between the reactant mixture components, thereby producing reaction products comprisingcooling the reaction products to ambient temperature;removing the reaction products from the reaction vessel; andseparating the slag and the regulus.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the regulus comprises a tantalum yield of at least 90% claim 1 , on a metal weight basis claim 1 , of the initial tantalum provided by the tantalum pentoxide reactant.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the regulus comprises a tantalum yield of at least 93% claim 1 , on a metal weight basis claim 1 , of the initial tantalum provided by the tantalum pentoxide reactant.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein the regulus comprises at least 1.0% tungsten based on total weight of the regulus.5. The process of claim 1 , wherein the regulus comprises at least 80% tantalum based on total weight of the regulus.6. The process of claim 1 , wherein the reactant mixture comprises ...
