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10-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2323994C2

Изобретение относится к сплавам на основе никеля, имеющим желаемое соотношение прочности и сопротивления коррозии и окислению, и может быть использовано для изготовления соплового аппарата газотурбинного двигателя. Сплав состоит по существу из, мас.%: 10-25 кобальта, 20-28 хрома, 1-3 вольфрама, 0,5-1,5 алюминия, 1,5-2,8 титана, 0,8-1,45 ниобия, 0,001-0,025 бора, вплоть до 0,4 циркония, 0,02-0,15 углерода, остальное - по существу никель и случайные примеси. Сплав содержит тантал в количестве, меньшем, чем ниобий, причем Nb+0,508Ta составляет 1,15-1,45, или не содержит тантала. Сплав обладает улучшенной пластичностью и свариваемостью, но без ухудшения литейных свойств. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 6 ил.

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2335386C2

Изобретение может найти применение при изготовлении паяных деталей горячего тракта турбин ГТД из жаропрочных никелевых сплавов. Для уменьшения эрозионной активности припоя, повышения жаропрочности и жаростойкости соединений припой содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: хром 12,0-15,0; бор 0,8-1,3; кремний 0,1-0,6; молибден 0,9-2,0; вольфрам 0,6-2,5; алюминий 6,5-12,0; кобальт 7,0-12,0; углерод 0,04-0,2; никель - остальное. Применение предлагаемого припоя при пайке деталей горячего тракта ГТД и ремонте отливок из никелевых жаропрочных сплавов позволит существенно повысить надежность паяных соединений и обеспечить значительный экономический эффект от увеличения ресурса ГТД. 2 табл.

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2433197C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к жаропрочным сплавам на основе никеля. Сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас.%: хром 11,5-13,5; кобальт 11,5-16,0; молибден от более 3,4 до 5,0; вольфрам 3,0-5,0; алюминий 2,2-3,2; титан 3,5-5,0; ниобий 0,5-2,0; гафний 0,25-0,35; цирконий 0-0,07; углерод 0,015-0,030; бор 0,01-0,02; никель - остальное. Из порошка сплава изготовлены детали турбомашины методом порошковой металлургии. Полученный сплав может подвергаться субсольвусной и гиперсольвусной обработке и обладает высоким сопротивлением ползучести при высоких температурах. 4 н. и 5 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 4 табл.

13-11-2023 дата публикации

Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля и изделие, изготовленное из него

Номер: RU2807233C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к жаропрочному сплаву на основе никеля, предназначенного для изготовления деталей авиационной техники (лопаток газовых турбин, термообработанных и обточенных штамповок дисков, дефлекторов, лабиринтов и носков) с рабочей температурой 750-900°С. Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас. %: углерод не более 0,070, кремний не более 0,70, марганец не более 0,60, хром 12,0-16,0, титан 2,0-3,0, алюминий 1,0-2,0, вольфрам не более 1,0, молибден 2,0-3,5, ниобий 1,0-2,5, железо не более 1,0, бор 0,005-0,010, церий 0,001-0,05, кальций 0,005-0,012, магний 0,005-0,012, азот ≤30 ppm, кислород ≤20 ppm, никель и примеси – остальное. Сплав имеет оптимальное сочетание физических, механических и эксплуатационных свойств, характеризуется повышенной структурной стабильностью на ресурс и высокими значениями длительной прочности изделий и пластичности при растяжении. 2 н. и 6 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 3 пр.

27-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2169783C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к жаропрочным сплавам на никелевой основе, предназначенным для изготовления сварных конструкций, работоспособных в интервале температур от -253 - 800oC в литом и деформированном состоянии. Жаропрочный свариваемый сплав на никелевой основе содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: углерод 0,03 - 0,08, хром 16,0 - 20,0, молибден 4,0 - 5,0, вольфрам 3,5 - 5,0, титан 2,0 - 2,8, алюминий 0,7 - 1,5, железо 0,5 - 4,0, ниобий 0,1 - 2,5, бор 0,001 - 0,01, церий 0,001 - 0,02, кальций 0,001 - 0,01, марганец 0,05 - 0,5, кремний 0,05 - 0,6, ванадий 0,1 - 0,8, азот 0,01 - 0,08, никель - остальное. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение стойкости против растрескивания сварных соединений. 2 табл.

27-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2280702C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, конкретнее к устройству и способу, используемым при рафинировании и разливке слитков и заготовок большого диаметра из металлов и металлических сплавов, склонных к сегрегации во время разливки, а также к заготовкам и изделиям, полученным с использованием способа и/или устройства. В способе проводят плавку и рафинирование металлического материала и отливку рафинированного расплавленного материала методом зародышевого литья. Рафинированный расплавленный материал подают к распылительному соплу устройства для зародышевого литья через передаточное устройство, выполненное с возможностью сохранения чистоты рафинированного материала. Формируют струю из капель расплавленного рафинированного материала путем столкновения газа с потоком расплавленного рафинированного материала, выходящего из канала, причем газ подают к потоку расплавленного рафинированного материала при отношении массы газа к массе расплавленного материала менее 1. Также предложено устройство ...

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2277637C2
Принадлежит: НЕОМЕТ ЛИМИТЕД (GB)

Истираемое уплотнение предназначено для турбин. Оно содержит новую сотовую ячеистую структуру, изготовленную из металлической фольги или листа, обладающую хорошей технологичностью, облегчающую процесс пайки и имеющую высокую стойкость к окислению и высокую конструкционную целостность после припайки к металлической опорной конструкции. Фольга или листы из сплава MCrAlY (где М - Ni, Fe, Co или их комбинации) особенно хорошо подходят для изготовления такой ячеистой структуры. Такое выполнение истираемого уплотнения позволит повысить его высокую долговременную размерную стабильность при высокой температуре. 3 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 3 табл.

20-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2272083C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к способам производства слитков большого диаметра из суперсплавов на основе никеля, которые по существу не имеют положительной и отрицательной ликвации. Способ включает разливку сплава в литейную форму и последующий отжиг и перестаривание слитка при температуре, равной, по меньшей мере, 649°C в течение, по меньшей мере, 10 часов. Слиток подвергают электрошлаковому переплаву со скоростью расплавления, по меньшей мере, 3,63 кг/мин, а затем ЭШП-слиток переносят в нагревательную печь в течение 4-х часов от времени полного затвердевания и подвергают термообработке, следующей после ЭШП. ЭШП-слитку придают подходящую для ВДП-электрода форму, и электрод подвергают вакуумно-дуговому переплаву со скоростью расплавления от 3,63 до 5,00 кг/мин с получением ВДП-слитка. Способ дает возможность получить высококачественные ВДП-слитки, имеющие диаметры более 762 мм, изготовленные из сплава 718 и других суперсплавов на основе никеля, подверженных значительной ...

10-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2175722C2

Изобретение относится к области двигателестроения и позволяет повысить долговечность выпускного клапана и поршня за счет использования коррозионно-стойкого при высоких температурах покрытия. Подвижный перегородочный элемент в виде выпускного клапана или поршня в двигателе внутреннего сгорания на стороне перегородочного элемента, обращенной к камере сгорания, покрыт коррозионно-стойким при высоких температурах материалом, изготовленным из зернистого исходного материала из сплава, содержащего никель и хром, который с помощью процесса горячего изостатического прессования был преобразован в плотный (когерентный) материал, по существу, без расплавления исходного материала. Коррозионно-стойкий материал имеет твердость менее 310 HV, измеренную при приблизительно 20°С после того, как произвели нагрев материала до температуры 550-850°С и выдерживание его при данной температуре более 400 ч. 13 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 2 табл.

20-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2242544C2

Изобретение относится к способу избирательного удаления составов для пайки твердым или среднеплавким припоем из базовых узлов (узлов основания), и в частности, к способу избирательного удаления никелевого сплава для твердой пайки с деталей из сплавов на основе никеля. Способ включает погружение в электролит узла, содержащего детали из сплава на основе никеля, которые соединены посредством никелевого сплава для твердой пайки, затем прикладывают к указанному электролиту потенциал такой величины, при котором оставляют указанные детали из сплава на основе никеля электрохимически пассивными и растворяют указанный никелевый сплав для твердой пайки с удалением его с указанных деталей. Технический результат: снижение загрязнения окружающей среды и материальных затрат. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил., 2 табл.

27-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2377336C2

Изобретение относится к деформируемому дисперсионно-твердеющему сплаву на основе никеля-хрома-кобальта для компонентов газовых турбин. Сплав содержит, вес.%: от 17 до 22 хрома, от 8 до 15 кобальта, от 4,0 до 9,5 молибдена, до 7 вольфрама, от 1,28 до 1,65 алюминия, от 1,50 до 2,30 титана, до 0,80 ниобия, от 0,01 до 0,2 углерода, до 0,01 бора, никель и примеси - остальное. Сплав имеет высокое сопротивление растрескиванию под действием напряжений в результате старения, высокую термостойкость и высокое сопротивление ползучести. 3 н. и 17 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил., 5 табл.

21-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2749981C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к суперсплавам на основе никеля, и может быть использовано в авиационной промышленности, в частности, для изготовления монокристаллических лопаток газотурбинного двигателя. Суперсплав на основе никеля содержит, в мас.%: 4,0-6,0 хрома, 0,4-0,8 молибдена, 2,5-3,5 рения, 6,2-6,6 вольфрама, 5,2-5,7 алюминия, 0,0-1,6 титана, 6,0-9,9 тантала, 0,3-0,7 гафния, 0,0-0,3 кремния, остальное – никель и возможные примеси. Монокристаллическая лопатка (20А, 20В) для газотурбинного двигателя, изготовленная с использованием суперсплава и имеющая защитное покрытие, содержащее металлический подслой, нанесённый на суперсплав, и керамический тепловой барьер, нанесённый на металлический подслой. Сплав характеризуется высокими значениями жаростойкости и стойкости к термической усталости, повышается стойкость теплового барьера к отслоению. 3 н. и 7 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил., 3 табл., 5 пр.

20-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2525952C2

Изобретение относится к жаропрочному сплаву на основе никеля. Сплав содержит, мас. %: 7,7 - 8,3 Cr, 5,0 - 5,25 Co, 2,0 - 2,1 Mo, 7,8 - 8,3 W, 5,8 - 6,1 Та, 4,9 - 5,1 Аl, 1,0 - 1,5 Ti, 1,0 - 2,0 Re, 0 - 0,5 Nb, 0,11 - 0,15 Si, 0,1 - 0,7 Hf, 0,02 - 0,17 C, 50 - 400 частей на миллион В, остальное - никель и неизбежные примеси. Сплав характеризуется высокой стойкостью к окислению, коррозионной стойкостью и положительными свойствами ползучести при высоких температурах.18 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил., 1 табл.

28-11-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2808314C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к способу получения порошка из никелевого сплава с высокой стойкостью к водородному охрупчиванию и высокими механическими свойствами, а также к его применениям. Способ получения порошка из никелевого сплава, содержащего, мас.%: Ni 50 – 55, Cr 17 – 21, Mo > 0 – 9, W 0 – < 9, Nb 1 – < 5,7, Ta > 0 – 4,7, Ti 0,1 – 3,0, Al 0,4 – 4,0, Co не более 3,0, Mn не более 0,35, Si не более 0,35, Cu не более 0,23, С 0,001 – 0,045, S не более 0,01, Р 0,001 – 0,02, В 0,001 – 0,01, остальное – Fe и обычные обусловленные производством примеси, при выполнении соотношений: Nb + Ta: > 1 – 5,7, Al + Ti: > 1,2 – 5, Mo + W: 3 – 9, включает выплавку сплава в вакуумно-индукционной печи, выдержку расплава в течение от 5 мин до 2 ч для гомогенизации, установку в закрытой распылительной установке с подведённым газом точки росы от -10 до 120°С, нагнетание расплава через форсунку в газовый поток при расходе газового потока от 2 м3/мин до 150 м3/мин, собирание отвержденных частиц ...

11-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2777822C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к упрочненному гамма-штрих фазой суперсплаву на основе никеля и его применению для производства и ремонта компонентов турбинного двигателя. Упомянутый суперсплав содержит, мас.%: 9,0-10,5 Сr, 20-22 Со, 1,0-1,4 Мо, 5,0-5,8 W, 2,0-6,0 Та, 3,0-6,5 Аl, 0,2-1,5 Hf, 0,01-0,16 С, 1,5-3,5 Re, 0-1,0 Ge, 0-0,2 Y, 0-1 Si, 0-0,015 В и никель с примесями - остальное. Упрочненный гамма-штрих фазой суперсплав может быть использован в качестве материала для сварочной проволоки или сварочного порошка при изготовлении компонента турбинного двигателя сваркой. Упомянутый компонент может быть получен также с использованием данного суперсплава путем послойного наращивания, или отливки, или горячего формования. Приведенный упрочненный гамма-штрих фазой суперсплав на основе никеля обладает высокой стойкостью к окислению, высокой прочностью и пластичностью, а сварочный материал из суперсплава обеспечивает получение сварных швов без трещин на монокристаллических материалах при температуре ...

20-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2344195C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии и может быть использовано, в частности, для изготовления рабочих лопаток газотурбинных двигателей и других узлов и деталей, работающих в диапазоне температур до 1000°С. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение предела выносливости и прочностных характеристик изделий. Отливки из сплава, содержащего, мас.%: хром 3,0-7,0, кобальт 4,0-8,5, вольфрам 11,5-15,0, углерод 0,1-0,2, алюминий 4,8-5,8, ниобий 0,4-1,0, титан 2,0-3,0, молибден 0,5-1,0, бор ≤0,025, лантан ≤0,02, иттрий ≤0,02, церий ≤0,02, никель - остальное, подвергают термообработке или термообработке после газостатического прессования. Термообработку осуществляют по режиму - нагрев до температуры полного растворения γ'-фазы ±25°С, выдержка и охлаждение. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 1 ил.

10-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2361009C2

Сплавы типа 718 на основе никеля имеют микроструктуру, которая преобладающим образом упрочнена выделениями γ'-фазы и содержит некоторое количество по меньшей мере одного выделения по границам зерен, достаточное для того, чтобы закрепить большинство границ зерен в матрице. Упомянутые выделения по границам зерен выбраны из группы, состоящей из выделений δ-фазы, выделений η-фазы и их смесей, и имеют короткие, в целом стержнеобразные морфологии. Такая микроструктура обеспечивается термообработкой, включающей предварительную обработку на твердый раствор, обработку на твердый раствор, охлаждение и две обработки старением. Раскрыты режимы термообработки и состав никелевого сплава. Изобретение обеспечивает высокие механические свойства при повышенных температурах. 7 н. и 32 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил., 13 табл.

27-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2353691C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии и может быть использовано для производства монокристаллических рабочих и сопловых лопаток газотурбинных двигателей, длительное время работающих при температурах выше 1000°С. Сплав по первому варианту содержит, мас.%: хром 1,0-4,0, алюминий 4,5-7,0, вольфрам 10,0-14,0, тантал 5,0-10,0, рений 4,0-7,0, кобальт 2,0-5,0, иттрий 0,003-0,1, лантан 0,001-0,1, церий 0,003-0,1, никель - остальное и характеризуется более высоким уровнем жаропрочности и меньшей склонностью к образованию топологически плотноупакованных (ТПУ) фаз, особенно при длительной эксплуатации. Сплав по второму варианту содержит, мас.%: хром 1,0-4,0, алюминий 4,5-7,0, титан ≤ 2,0, молибден ≤ 4,0, вольфрам 8,0-14,0, тантал 5,0-10,0, рений 4,0-7,0, кобальт 2,0-5,0, ниобий ≤ 2,0, иттрий 0,003-0,1, лантан 0,001-0,1, церий 0,003-0,1, углерод ≤ 0,1, никель - остальное и характеризуется повышенной жаропрочностью, улучшенными литейными свойствами, технологической пластичностью и повышенной коррозионной ...

20-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2355891C2
Принадлежит: СНЕКМА (FR)

Деталь газовой турбины содержит металлическую подложку из суперсплава, связующий нижний слой и внешнее керамическое покрытие. Связующий нижний слой сформирован на подложке и содержит интерметаллический материал, содержащий алюминий, никель и платину. Внешнее керамическое покрытие прикреплено пленкой окиси алюминия, образованной на связующем нижнем слое. Связующий нижний слой в основном содержит трехкомпонентную систему Ni-Pt-Al, состоящую из структуры типа α-NiPt с добавками алюминия, в частности систему Ni-Pt-Al, имеющую состав NizPtyAlx, где z, у, х подобраны таким образом, что 0,05 Подробнее

10-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2351672C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии прецизионных сплавов, которые применимы для литья микропроводов в стеклянной изоляции. Аморфный резистивный сплав на основе никеля содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: хром 6,0-14,0, кремний 4,0-6,0, бор 1,3-2,0, галлий 4,0-6,0, цирконий 6,0-8,0, иттрий 0,2-0,6, церий 0,05-0,2, лантан 0,05-0,2, никель - остальное. Изобретение направлено на получение аморфной структуры резистивного сплава, повышение хладостойкости до -196°С и удельной прочности при этих температурах. При этом аморфный резистивный сплав сохраняет низкий температурный коэффициент сопротивления, высокую температурно-временную стабильность и хорошую смачиваемость со стеклами боросиликатной группы в условиях литья микропроводов. 1 ил., 1 табл.

10-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2302326C2

Изобретение относится к сложнолегированным жаропрочным сплавам на никелевой основе для сварки коррозионно-стойких аустенитных сталей и жаропрочных сплавов на никелевой основе. Состав сварочной проволоки содержит компоненты, мас.%: углерод 0,005-0,03, кремний 0,10-0,30, марганец 1,8-6,5, хром 18,0-22,0, ниобий 2, 0-3,5, молибден 3,0-6,0, вольфрам 0,8-3,0, кальций 0,001-0,1, магний 0,001-0,1, иттрий 0,005-0,1, церий 0,005-0,1, никель и примеси - остальное. Суммарное содержание кальция, иттрия, церия и магния должно быть меньше или равно 0,15. Суммарное содержание марганца, молибдена и вольфрама должно быть в пределах 7,5-13,0. Отношение содержания ниобия к содержанию углерода больше или равно 100. Снижается склонность металла шва к тепловому охрупчиванию, образованию горячих трещин при длительной эксплуатации в интервале температур 550-750°С и к межкристаллитной коррозии. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

19-07-2017 дата публикации

Способ получения быстрозакаленного безбористого припоя на основе никеля для пайки изделий из коррозионностойких сталей, припой, паяное соединение и способ его получения

Номер: RU2625924C2

Изобретение может быть использовано для соединения пайкой изделий из коррозионностойких жаропрочных сталей и сплавов, в частности, для соединения изделий из стали 12Х18Н10Т. В соответствии со способом получения быстрозакаленного безбористого припоя после выплавки никелевый сплав подвергают индукционному переплаву, а ленту припоя получают литьем на закалочный медный диск, вращающийся со скоростью 15-30 м/с при давлении эжекции инертного газа 0,2-0,7 кг/смпри температуре разливки 1250-1350°С. Припой имеет следующий состав, мас.%: хром 3-12, кремний 4-7, бериллий 2,5-5, никель остальное. Припой изготавливают в виде быстрозакаленной гибкой ленты с аморфной или субмикрокристаллической структурой. Пайку осуществляют в условиях вакуума (1÷5)×10мм рт.ст. путем нагрева до температуры 1130-1170°С со скоростью 20°С/мин с последующей выдержкой 30-60 мин и охлаждением паяного изделия с печью. Паяное соединение из стали 12Х18Н10Т, полученное с использованием данного припоя, характеризуется пределом прочности ...

10-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2310004C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к производству жаропрочных сплавов на основе никеля, и может быть использовано при выплавке безуглеродистых коррозионно-стойких литейных жаропрочных сплавов, предназначенных для литья лопаток стационарных энергетических и газоперекачивающих газотурбинных установок и других деталей с монокристаллической структурой. Техническим результатом является снижение потерь хрома на угар и окисление при выплавке сплавов, что позволит получать содержание хрома в готовом металле в нужных пределах за счет снижения содержания в сплаве кислорода (не более 0,0010%) и использовать при выплавке до 40 мас.% отходов, повысить жаростойкость сплава при сохранении содержания углерода, серы и азота. Способ включает расплавление в вакууме чистых шихтовых материалов, обезуглероживающее рафинирование с введением окислителя в атмосфере инертного газа и последующее введение в вакууме хрома, активных легирующих элементов, РЗМ и рафинирование кальцием. При этом после ...

12-07-2017 дата публикации

Сплав на основе никеля

Номер: RU2625192C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности, к составам сплавов на основе никеля, которые могут быть использованы, например, для изготовления деталей двигателей, труб. Сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас. %: углерод 0,02-0,1; хром 20,0-25,0; кобальт 10,0-15,0; алюминий 0,1-0,18; элемент из группы, включающей лантан и неодим 0,01-0,1; рений 0,3-0,8; гафний 2,0-4,0; ниобий 2,0-4,0; никель - остальное. Сплав характеризуется высокой термостойкостью. 1 табл.

10-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2237741C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к сплавам на основе никеля, используемым для наплавки на детали, работающие в жестких условиях при высокотемпературной сульфидно-оксидной коррозии. Предложен литейный сплав на основе никеля, содержащий углерод, хром, вольфрам, молибден, титан, алюминий, железо, ниобий, бор, церий, марганец, кремний, серу, фосфор, при этом он дополнительно содержит иттрий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод ≤0,10, хром 32,0-35,0, вольфрам 4,3-5,50, молибден 2,3-3,30, титан 0,50-1,10, алюминий 0,50-1,10, железо ≤4,0, ниобий 0,50-1,10, бор 0,30-0,55, церий ≤0,030, иттрий 0,03-0,05, марганец ≤0,50, кремний ≤0,40, сера ≤0,01, фосфор ≤0,015, никель остальное. Технический результат - повышение технологической прочности сплава при наплавке с сохранением его твердости и стойкости к сульфидной коррозии при работе сплава в условиях высоких температур. 2 табл.

27-05-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2356979C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к составам сплавов на основе никеля, которые могут быть использованы в энергетическом машиностроении. Сплав содержит, мас.%: хром 12,0-14,0; молибден 4,0-5,0; вольфрам 5,5-6,5; титан 0,1-0,2; кремний 0,1-0,2; алюминий 0,2-0,3; ниобий 6,0-7,0, рений 0,6-0,8; никель - остальное. Повышается прочность сплава. 1 табл.

16-10-2017 дата публикации

Литейный жаропрочный сплав на никелевой основе и изделие, выполненное из него

Номер: RU2633679C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к жаропрочным сплавам на основе никеля, и может быть использовано при изготовлении рабочих лопаток газотурбинных установок. Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас. %: углерод 0,05-0,15, хром 11,9-12,7, кобальт 10,0-12,0, вольфрам 4,0-5,2, молибден 1,5-2,1, титан 3,2-4,2, алюминий 3,2-4,0, тантал 1,5-2,9, бор 0,001-0,015, цирконий 0,008-0,08, церий 0,002-0,02, иттрий 0,002-0,02, лантан 0,002-0,02, кальций 0,001-0,01, никель - остальное. Сплав характеризуется высокими значениями длительной прочности, коррозионной стойкости, а также высокой фазовой стабильностью и снижением объемной доли выделений неравновесных фаз. 2 н. и 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 3 пр.

06-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2781134C1

Изобретение относится к области порошковой металлургии, в частности к составам шихты для получения пористого проницаемого каталитического материала методом самораспространяющегося высокотемпературного синтеза, и может быть использовано для изготовления фильтрующих элементов каталитических нейтрализаторов отработавших газов двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Шихта для получения пористого проницаемого каталитического материала содержит, мас.%: железная окалина 47,5-47,7, оксид хрома(III) 10,5-11,5, хром 5,2-5,6, никель 5,5-5,9, алюминий 12,4-12,6, диатомит 15,0-17,0, медь 1,6-2,0. Технический результат - изобретение обеспечивает качественную каталитическую очистку отработавших газов двигателей внутреннего сгорания и повышение устойчивости к динамическим и статическим нагрузкам. 1 табл.

10-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2405851C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к литейным сплавам на основе интерметаллида Ni3Al и изделиям, получаемым методом точного литья по выплавляемым моделям с поликристаллической и направленной столбчатой структурами, таким как, например, сопловые лопатки, блоки сопловых лопаток, створки регулируемого сопла и другие детали газотурбинных двигателей авиационной и автомобильной промышленности. Предложен сплав на основе интерметаллида Ni3Al следующего химического состава, мас.%: Al 8,0-10,8, Cr 4,0-6,0, W 1,5-5,5, Ti 1,0-1,4, Zr 0,03-0,05, С 0,15-0,20, Y 0,01-0,02, La 0,0015-0,0150, В 0,008-0,018, Ni - остальное. Сплав характеризуется повышенной жаропрочностью при температурах 1100-1200°C на базе 100 часов и жаростойкостью при 1250°C. Использование предлагаемого сплава на основе интерметаллида Ni3Al повышает температуру газа перед турбиной, тягу двигателя, надежность деталей и увеличивает ресурс их работы. 2 табл.

17-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2610990C1
Принадлежит: ФДМ МЕТАЛЗ ГМБХ (DE)

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к сплавам на основе никеля, которые могут быть использованы в качестве материала для изготовления элементов зажигания двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас.%: Si 1,5-3,0, Al 1,5-3,0, Cr >0,1-3,0, Fe 0,005-0,20, Y 0,01-0,20, один или несколько из элементов: Hf, Zr, La, Ce, Ti <0,001-0,20, C 0,001-0,10, N 0,0005-0,10, Mn 0,001-0,20, Mg 0,0001-0,08, O 0,0001-0,010, S не более 0,015, Cu не более 0,80, Ni и обычные технологически обусловленные примеси - остальное. Сплав характеризуется высокими значениями стойкости к искровой эрозии и стойкости к коррозии при одновременно достаточных значениях деформируемости и свариваемости. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы.

10-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2124417C1

Изобретение относится к машиностроению, а именно к способам изготовления сопла клапана для впуска топлива, предназначенного для двигателя внутреннего сгорания, в частности для большого двухтактного двигателя. Сопло клапана для впуска топлива изготавливают посредством воздействия на изотропный, мелкозернистый порошок, находящийся в форме, имеющей желаемую наружную конфигурацию сопла, давления порядка по меньшей мере 800 бар (790 кгс/см2) и температуры порядка по меньшей мере 1000oC в течение по меньшей мере 1 ч. После этого в заготовке сопла, обработанной изостатическим давлением в горячем состоянии, посредством механической обработки создают канал для прохождения потока с определенным количеством отверстий сопла. Сопло мажет быть выполнено из обработанного давлением в горячем состоянии сплава на основе кобальта, например Стеллита 6, или сплава на основе никеля, содержащего 20 - 30% Сr , 4 -8% Аl и 0,2- 0,55%С, а возможно и W, Нf , Nb , Мо, Si , Y и/или Fе в количествах порядка 1,8%. Сопло ...

29-12-2021 дата публикации

Блок из трех полых направляющих лопаток турбины для газотурбинных двигателей и энергетических установок

Номер: RU208686U1

Полезная модель относится к области машиностроения, а именно к блокам направляющих лопаток энергетических и транспортных турбин, и, в особенности блоков лопаток газовых турбин ГТУ и ГТД с жаростойкими покрытиями. Блок содержит на внешней поверхности пера внешнее жаростойкое покрытие и на внутренней поверхности полости лопаток внутреннее жаростойкое покрытие, причем блок выполнен из сплава на основе никеля, содержащего углерод, хром, кобальт, вольфрам, молибден, алюминий, бор, ниобий, титан, гафний, марганец, цирконий, кремний, азот, железо, медь и никель. При этом сплав дополнительно содержит церий, иттрий и гафний. Внешнее жаростойкое покрытие толщиной от 10 мкм до 15 мкм выполнено шликерным алюмосилицированием при содержании в покрытии, вес. %: Аl - от 26% до 32%; Si - от 3,0% до 4,7%; Ni - остальное, а внутреннее жаростойкое покрытие толщиной от 10 мкм до 15 мкм выполнено из сплава состава, вес %: Cr - от 4,0% до 8,0% и Al - от 15,0% до 25,0%, Ni - остальное, толщиной от 10 мкм до 15 ...

20-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2523185C2

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к металлическому покрытию со связующим, и может быть использовано в качестве покрытия для детали газовой турбины. Металлическое покрытие из сплава на основе никеля для деталей газовых турбин содержит γ- и γ-фазы и, необязательно, β-фазу, при этом сплав содержит, вес.%: тантал 0,1-7,0, кобальт по меньшей мере 1, хром от 12 до 22, предпочтительно от 15 до 19, алюминий от 5 до 15, предпочтительно от 8 до 12, причем сплав предпочтительно не содержит кремний (Si), и/или гафний (Hf), и/или цирконий. Покрытие характеризуется высокими термомеханическими свойствами и стойкостью к окислению, а также длительным сроком службы. 2 н. и 10 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2500827C2

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к γ/γ'-суперсплавам на основе никеля. Сплав содержит, вес.%: вплоть до 20 суммы Со и Fe, между 17 и 21 Сr, между 0,5 и 3 суммы Мо и W, не более 2 Мо, между 4,8 и 6 Аl, между 1,5 и 5 Та, между 0,01 и 0,2 суммы С и В, между 0,01 и 0,2 Zr, между 0,05 и 1,5 Hf, между 0,05 и 1,0 Si, и между 0,01 и 0,5 суммы по меньшей мере двух элементов из актиноидов и редкоземельных металлов, таких как Sc, Y и лантаноиды, причем содержание каждого элемента составляет не более 0,3. Сплав применяют в высокотемпературных компонентах, представляющих собой рабочие лопатки, направляющие лопатки, тепловые экраны, уплотнения или детали камеры сгорания в газовых турбинах, а также в качестве присадочного сплава для ремонтной сварки и/или плакирования таких высокотемпературных компонентов. Сплав обладает высокими показателями устойчивости к окислению, стойкости к высокотемпературной коррозии, прочности и пластичности, свариваемости. 6 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы.

01-08-2022 дата публикации

Жаропрочный никелевый сплав с равноосной структурой

Номер: RU2777077C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к производству никелевых жаропрочных сплавов, и может быть использовано при изготовлении деталей и узлов для авиационных газотурбинных двигателей и газоперекачивающих, энергетических и морских газотурбинных установок, применяемых в авиации, судостроении, энергетике, ракетостроении и других отраслях промышленности, в том числе для высокотемпературных штампов. Никелевый жаропрочный сплав с равноосной структурой содержит, мас.%: С 0,08-0,18; Сr 3,0-8,0; Со 5,0-10,0; W 4,0-10,0; Мо 0,5-2,0; Аl 4,5-6,5; Ti 0,5-3,5; Nb 0,5-2,5; Та 5,0-10,0; Hf 0,05-1,0; Re 3,0-5,0; V 0,1-1,0; В 0,01-0,1; Zr 0,005-0,05; Се 0,005-0,1; La 0,005-0,1; Y 0,005-0,1; Mg 0,005-0,3; Mn 0,05-0,5; Si 0,05-0,5; Ca 0,02-0,2; Fe 0,1-0,5; Ni - остальное. Сплав характеризуется высоким уровнем жаропрочности. 2 табл.

27-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2350674C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии жаропрочных сплавов с литой структурой на железохромоникелевой основе с карбидным упрочнением и может быть использовано при создании установок высокотемпературного пиролиза для нефтехимических отраслей промышленности. Сплав содержит углерод, азот, хром, никель, ниобий, вольфрам, молибден, титан, кремний, марганец, алюминий, медь, магний, цирконий, иттрий, бор, церий, лантан, неодим, празеодим и железо при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: углерод 0,35-0,55, азот 0,02-0,05, хром 22-27, никель от 25 до менее 40, ниобий 1-2, вольфрам 0,5-5, молибден 0,2-0,6, титан 0,05-0,6, кремний 0,8-2,0, марганец 0,8-1,5, алюминий 0,1-1,0, медь 0,1-1,0, магний 0,01-0,1, цирконий 0,005-0,15, иттрий 0,008-0,1, бор 0,007-0,01, церий 0,022-0,063, лантан 0,006-0,027, неодим 0,002-0,005, празеодим 0,005-0,008, железо остальное. При этом соблюдаются соотношения %C+%N-((%Nb+2×%Ti)/10)=0,24÷0,28 и (%La+%Ce+%Nd+%Pr)/%B=5÷10. Повышается стойкость в воздушной среде к коррозионно-механическому ...

20-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2367698C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии и касается составов сплавов, используемых для изготовления штампового инструмента для пластмасс. Сплав содержит, мас.%: молибден 8,0-9,0, кремний 0,2-0,3, железо 0,5-1,0, марганец 2,0-2,5, медь 1,0-2,0, хром 25,0-27,0, ниобий 1,4-2,0, алюминий 1,0-1,4, магний 0,01-0,02, титан 0,03-0,04, цирконий 0,03-0,04, бор 0,4-0,5, углерод 0,8-1,2, вольфрам 0,5-0,6, платина 0,005-0,007, никель - остальное. Сплав характеризуется повышенной износостойкостью. 1 табл.

20-01-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2125110C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к жаропрочному сплаву, который может быть использован для изготовления реакционных труб установок производства этилена, водорода, аммиака, сероуглерода, метанола и др. Жаропрочный сплав содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: углерод не более 0, 60; кремний не более 2,75; марганец не более 2,00; хром 16,0 - 29,0; никель 8,0 - 50,0; вольфрам не более 6,0; ниобий не более 2,0; церий не более 0,2; медь не более 1,1; молибден не более 0,6; азот не более 0,06; титан не более 0,6; бор не более 0,006; алюминий не более 1,0; ванадий не более 0,2; магний не более 0,15; цирконий не более 0,20; иттрий не более 0,15; бериллий не более 0,20; барий не более 0,005; кальций не более 0,01; кобальт не более 16,0; железо остальное, при этом сумма компонентов хром + никель + кобальт должна быть не менее 24,01%, но не более 81,1%. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение долговечности труб из сплава за счет повышения стабильности свойств после старения ...

30-09-1994 дата публикации


Номер: RU2020178C1

Использование: ответственные детали газотурбинных двигателей. Сплав содержит следующие компоненты, мас. %: углерод 0,005 - 0,12; бор 0, 005 - 0,015; хром 9,5 - 11,4; кобальт 5,2 - 6,8; молибден 0,5 - 1,5; вольфрам 7,5 - 9,8; алюминий 3,8 - 4,4; титан 4,0 - 4,6; ниобий 0,5 - 1,5; марганец 0,3 - 0,8; кальций 0,005 - 0,02; иттрий 0,01 - 0,03; цирконий 0,005 - 0,03; никель - основа. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

20-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2515794C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к конструкционным материалам для ядерных энергетических установок и к материалам для свариваемых деталей и конструкций, работающих при повышенных температурах в высокоагрессивных средах. Сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас.%: хром 38-44, по крайней мере, один металл, выбранный из группы, содержащей молибден и вольфрам, 1-3, церий 0,01-0,2, магний 0,005-0,05, азот 0,05-0,25, никель - остальное. Сплав характеризуется повышенными механическими свойствами, устойчивостью к радиационному охрупчиванию, а также высокой коррозионной стойкостью сварных соединений. 8 табл.

25-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2040570C1

Изобретение относится к покрытиям, получаемым физико-металлургическими методами, а именно к составам для газотермического напыления, которые могут быть использованы для поверхностного упрочнения и восстановления изношенных деталей, узлов трения. Технической задачей изобретения является повышение абразивной износостойкости покрытий из самофлюсующихся порошков. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что в самофлюсующийся порошок ПР H70XI7C4P4 добавляют в малом количестве ультрадисперсный порошок Co Al2O4 при следующем соотношении компонентов в порошковом материале, мас. шпинель Co Al2O4 0,1 0,5; ПР H70XI7C4P4 остальное. 1 табл.

27-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2088686C1

Изобретение относится к области цветной металлургии, в частности к сплавам на основе интерметаллида Ni3Al, и может быть использовано для изготовления штампов, применяемых для получения деталей из жаропрочных сплавов на никелевой основе методом изотермической деформации, например, дисков турбин газовых двигателей. Сплав содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: алюминий 8,0-9, 0; хром 5,0-6,8; вольфрам 2,7-4,0; молибден 3,0-4,3; титан 1,3-2,2; углерод 0,13-0,18; олово 0,03-0,08; никель остальное.2 табл.

20-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2434069C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии сплавов, в частности к производству никелевых жаропрочных сплавов с поликристаллической равноосной структурой и изготовлению из них деталей газотурбинных двигателей, например сопловых и рабочих лопаток газовых турбин и роторов. Литейный жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля имеет следующий химический состав, мас.%: хром 7,8-9,0, вольфрам 1,0-3,2, алюминий 5,0-5,8, титан 3,1-4,1, кобальт 9,5-12,5, цирконий 0,01-0,05, бор 0,008-0,04, углерод 0,08-0,16, молибден 2,8-4,2, церий 0,002-0,02, иттрий 0,0015-0,01, кальций 0,001-0,01, лантан 0,002-0,02, тантал 2,0-3,4, магний 0,001-0,01, никель - остальное. Технический результат - получение сплава с поликристаллической равноосной структурой и низкой плотностью, обладающего повышенными характеристиками длительной прочности и пластичности. 2 табл.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2321654C1

Сплав используется в энергетическом машиностроении. Сплав состава, мас.%: хром 12,0-14,0, кремний 0,3-0,8, молибден 5,0-6,0, вольфрам 5,5-6,5, титан 4,0-4,5, алюминий 0,1-0,3, ниобий 8,0-12,0, никель - остальное. Увеличивается прочность сплава при повышенных температурах. 1 табл.

18-08-2023 дата публикации

Коррозионностойкий сплав, легированный скандием

Номер: RU2801911C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к сплавам на никелевой основе, предназначенным для эксплуатации в атомной промышленности при температурах 700, 750°С. Коррозионностойкий сплав содержит, мас.%: углерод ≤0,006, кремний ≤0,1, марганец ≤1,0, хром 22,8-24,0, железо ≤0,75, молибден 12,0-14,0, ниобий 0,01-0,03, титан 0,01-0,06, алюминий 0,1-0,2, магний 0,005-0,01, фосфор ≤0,015, сера ≤0,012, скандий 0,05-0,15, никель и неизбежные примеси остальное. Отношение содержания молибдена к содержанию скандия 93≤([Mo])/([Sc])≤240, а отношение содержания скандия к содержанию углерода ([Sc])/([C])≥12. Коррозионностойкий сплав характеризуется высоким уровнем пластических свойств при эксплуатации при температурах 700 и 750°С. 3 табл., 3 пр.

11-09-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2826513C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к способу изготовления слитков из прецизионного сплава марки Н70Х10Ф8Я7, и может быть использовано при изготовлении из них резистивных проволок и лент, в том числе для прецизионных фольговых резисторов. Способ получения слитка из прецизионного сплава марки Н70Х10Ф8Я7 включает выплавку сплава из чистых шихтовых материалов в вакуумной печи, разливку расплава сплава с получением слитка. Перед выплавкой сплава предварительно смешивают галлий с измельченным дегазированным хромом и помещают их в глуходонный никелевый стакан, размещают в монолитном корундовом тигле глуходонный никелевый стакан со смешанными галлием и измельченным дегазированным хромом, а также чистые шихтовые материалы в виде никеля, хрома, ванадия, германия, рения и железа, выплавляют сплав в вакуумной индукционной печи с последующей разливкой расплава в стальные изложницы. В результате обеспечивается изготовление слитка требуемого химического состава прецизионного сплава марки Н70Х10Ф8Я7 ...

27-08-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2042728C1

Изобретение относится к области покрытий, получаемых физико-металлургическими методами, а именно к составам для газотермического напыления, которые могут быть использованы для поверхностного упрочнения и восстановления изношенных деталей узлов трения. Технической задачей изобретения является повышение износостойкости в условиях сухого трения покрытий из самофлюсующихся порошков на основе никеля. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что в самофлюсующийся порошок ПР-Н70Х17С4Р4 добавляют в малом количестве ультрадисперсный порошок CuAl2 O4 при следующем соотношении компонентов в порошковом материале, мас. шпинель CuAl2O4 0,02 0,2; ПР-Н70Х17С4Р4 остальное. 1 табл.

27-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2446223C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к жаропрочным хромоникелевым сплавам с аустенитной структурой, и может быть использовано при изготовлении отливок для коллекторов и реакционных труб печей риформинга крупнотоннажных агрегатов аммиака и метанола с температурой эксплуатации до 1200°С и давлении до 50 атм. Предложен жаропрочный хромоникелевый сплав с аустенитной структурой, содержащий, мас.%: углерод 0,05-0,10, хром 21-23, никель 30-33, ниобий 0,6-1,5, церий 0,06-0,12, кремний 0,01-0,95, марганец 0,001-0,55, ванадий менее 0,10, титан менее 0,10, алюминий 0,001-0,10, вольфрам менее 0,10, сера менее 0,03, фосфор менее 0,03, свинец менее 0,01, олово + мышьяк + цинк + сурьма менее 0,01, молибден менее 0,20, медь менее 0,10, железо - остальное, при выполнении следующих условий: %Ni+32%C+0,6%Mn+%Cu=31,601-34,950%, %Cr+3%Ti+%V+%Mo+l,6%Si+0,6%Nb=23,170-26,090%. Технический результат - повышение жаропрочности сплава за счет формирования однородной аустенитной структуры. 1 пр.

20-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2581936C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к жаропрочным сплавам, и может быть использовано для изготовления коллекторов и реакционных труб нефтегазоперерабатывающих установок с рабочими режимами при температуре от плюс 1000°С до плюс 1200°С и давлении до 46 атмосфер. Жаропрочный сплав содержит, мас. %: углерода 0,45÷0,55; хрома 25,0÷28,0; никеля 34,0÷37,0; вольфрама 4,50÷5,50; кобальта 14,0÷16,0; кремния 1,1995÷1,59; марганца 0,0005÷1,25; ванадия 0,0005÷0,20; титана 0,0005÷0,10; алюминия 0,0005÷0,10; иттрия >0÷0,001; кислорода >0,0005÷0,028; водорода >0,0005÷0,0025; азота >0,0005÷0,095; серы ≤0,02; фосфора ≤0,025; свинца ≤0,009; олова ≤0,009; мышьяка ≤0,009; цинка ≤0,009; сурьмы ≤0,009; молибдена ≤0,5; меди ≤0,2; железа - остальное. Выполняются следующие условия, мас. %: (Cr/Ni)≥0,506, где: Cr- эквивалент хрома; Ni- эквивалент никеля; Cr=Cr+2×Al+3×Ti+V+Mo+1,6×Si+W; Ni=Ni+32C+0,6×Mn+Co+22×N+Cu. Для содержаний серы и фосфора выполняется условие (S+Р)≤0,025. Обеспечивается увеличение ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580765C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к жаропрочным сплавам, и может быть использовано при изготовлении труб, листа, поковок и др. металлопроката для теплообменного и др. оборудования, работающего в коррозионных средах, а также для сосудов и аппаратов, работающих высоком давлении в диапазоне температур от минус 196°С до плюс 450°С. Жаропрочный сплав содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас. %: углерод ≤0,10; хром 20,5÷23,5; кремний ≤0,60; марганец ≤0,60; ниобий 3,05÷4,20; кобальт ≤1,1; титан ≤0,45; алюминий ≤0,45; иттрий >0÷0,001; кислород >0,0005÷0,018; водород >0,0005÷0,0017; азот >0,0005÷0,050; сера ≤0,013; фосфор ≤0,013; свинец ≤0,009; олово ≤0,009; мышьяк ≤0,009; цинк ≤0,009; сурьма ≤0,009; молибден 7,9÷10,1; железо ≤5,1; никель - остальное. Для содержаний серы и фосфора выполняется условие (S+Р)≤0,020, а для соотношения эквивалентов хрома и никеля выполняется следующее условие, мас. %: (Сr/Ni)≥0,537, где: Сr- эквивалент хрома; Ni- эквивалент никеля; Сr=%Cr+ ...

20-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2113530C1
Принадлежит: Крупп ФДМ ГмбХ (DE)

Использование: изготовление неокисляемых и стойких к науглероживанию при 750 - 1200oC деталей, в том числе способных воспринимать и циклические нагрузки. Сущность изобретения: сплав содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: углерод 0,001 - 0,15; кремний 0,10 - 3,0; марганец макс. 0,5; фосфор макс. 0,015; сера макс. 0,005; хром 28 - 33; железо макс. 2,0; алюминий макс. 0,3; азот 0,25 - 1,2; бор 0,001 - 0,1; иттрий, церий, лантан, цирконий, гафний и тантал по отдельности и в комбинации 0,01 - 0,5; никель - остальное, причем содержание никеля составляет по меньшей мере 64 мас.%. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил, 1 табл.

27-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2245387C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к литейным интерметаллидным сплавам на основе Ni3Al и изделиям, получаемым из этого сплава методом точного литья по выплавляемым моделям с поликристаллической, направленной столбчатой и монокристаллической структурами, например, рабочим и сопловым лопаткам, деталям газотурбинных двигателей, применяемых в авиационной, автомобильной промышленности и судостроении. Предложен сплав на основе Ni3Al, содержащий алюминий, хром, вольфрам, молибден, титан, углерод, кобальт, лантан и никель, при этом он дополнительно содержит цирконий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Al 8,0-9,0, Cr 4,5-5,5, W 1,8-2,5, Мо 4,5-5,5, Ti 0,6-1,2. С 0,12-0,2, Со 3,5-4,5, La 0,0015-0,015, Zr 0,05-0,5, Ni остальное, а также изделие, выполненное из него. Технический результат - получение сплава, обладающего повышенными кратковременной прочностью и жаропрочностью при температурах 1150-1200°С, высокой жаростойкостью при температуре 1150°С. Изделия из предлагаемого ...

10-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2164959C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии жаропрочных свариваемых сплавов на никелевой основе и изделий, выполненных из этих сплавов, для авиационной техники, машиностроения и народного хозяйства. Сплав обладает повышенными значениями рабочих температур пределов длительной прочности, выносливости и термостойкости и имеет следующий химический состав, мас.%: углерод 0,01-0,07, хром 20,0-30,0, кобальт 10,0-20,0, вольфрам 5,0-16,0, молибден 0,5-5,0, лантан 0,02-0,08, магний 0,02-0,10, титан 2-4, азот 0,5-2,0, никель - остальное. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение рабочей температуры материала до 1300°С, увеличение характеристик длительной прочности, выносливости и термостойкости, что позволит повысить КПД применяемых в газотурбинных двигателях жаровых труб, экранов и т.д. на 5-10%, увеличить ресурс двигателя в 1,5-2 раза, снизить вес на 8-12%. 2 с.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

10-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2452600C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии и может быть использовано при изготовлении деталей горячего тракта газотурбинных двигателей, таких как направляющие аппараты компрессоров и сопловые аппараты турбин из деформированных и литых жаропрочных никелевых сплавов. Заявлен припой на основе никеля следующего химического состава, мас.%: хром 8,5-9,5, железо 0,05-0,2, бор 0,8-1,8, кремний 3,5-8,5, вольфрам 4,0-7,8, углерод 0,05-0,2, алюминий 1,3-3,0, молибден 1,0-2,5, ниобий 1,0-2,5, кобальт 12,0-16,0, титан 0,5-1,2, никель - остальное. Припой обладает низкой эрозионной активностью на основных материалах и хорошей растекаемостью при пайке жаропрочных никелевых сплавов. 3 табл., 3 пр.

20-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2165472C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии жаропрочных литейных сплавов на никелевой основе и изделиям, таким как литые сегменты труб камер сгорания (Т ≥ 1827oС) авиационных двигателей и другие детали авиационной техники, машиностроения и народного хозяйства. Сплав обладает повышенной жаропрочностью при температурах 1200 и 1250°С, термостойкостью, кратковременной прочностью и пластичностью при комнатной температуре при сохранении уровня плотности ≤ 8000 кг/м3. Сплав и изделие из него содержат следующие компоненты, мас.%: Аl 9,2 - 9,8, Cr 5,5 - 6,5, Mo 2,0 - 3,0, W 3,0 - 4,0, Ti 1,3 - 2,0, Co 2,0 - 3,0, С 0,001-0,02, La 0,0015-0,015, Се 0,003-0,025, Ni - остальное. 2 с.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2590792C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к жаропрочным никелевым сплавам для получения изделий, производимых методом металлургии гранул и предназначенных для работы при высоких нагрузках и температурах, например в газотурбинных двигателях. Сплав содержит, мас. %: углерод - 0,03-0,08, хром - 9,0-11,0, кобальт - 14,0-16,0, вольфрам - 5,5-6,5, молибден - 3,2-3,8, титан - 3,8-4,2, алюминий - 3,4-4,2, ниобий - 1,5-2,2, гафний - 0,2-0,4, бор - 0,005-0,055, цирконий - 0,001-0,055, магний - 0,01-0,06, церий - 0,001-0,055, никель - остальное. Сплав имеет размер зерна 35-40 мкм, а также характеризуется высокими характеристиками длительной и кратковременной прочности во всем диапазоне рабочих температур, пластичности при горячей и холодной обработке. Повышается надежность срока службы изделий из заявленного сплава. 2 табл.

19-04-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2794497C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к жаропрочным сплавам на основе никеля, предназначенным для изготовления деталей газотурбинных двигателей и установок, длительно работающих в агрессивных средах при температурах до 750°С. Жаропрочный литейный сплав на основе никеля содержит, мас.%: хром 18–20, кобальт 11–13, ниобий 4,0-6,0, тантал 2,5-3,5, молибден 2,5-3,5, титан 0,5-1,5, алюминий 0,2-1,0, углерод до 0,10, бор до 0,02, вольфрам до 0,50, гафний до 0,20, магний до 0,05, лантан до 0,20, гадолиний до 0,20, по меньшей мере один элемент из группы: иттрий и эрбий до 0,20, при необходимости, диспрозий и цирконий: диспрозий до 0,05, цирконий до 0,03, никель - остальное. Обеспечивается повышение длительной прочности, коррозионной стойкости, структурной стабильности, а также увеличение ресурса работы сплава при температурах до 750°С. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 8 пр.

10-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2521740C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к литейным сплавам на основе интерметаллида NiAl и изделиям, получаемым методом точного литья по выплавляемым моделям с дендритной столбчатой структурой, таким как, например, сопловые лопатки, блоки сопловых лопаток и другие детали газотурбинных двигателей авиационной и автомобильной промышленности. Сплав на основе интерметаллида NiAl имеет следующий химический состав, мас.%: Al 8,4-9,0, Cr 4,5-5,5, W 3,0-3,8, Mo 3,0-3,8, Ti 0,3-0,8, Co 6,5-7,5, C 0,02-0,08, La 0,0015-0,015, Hf 0,3-0,8, Ni - остальное. Сплав на основе интерметаллида NiAl характеризуется повышенной жаропрочностью при температурах 1000 и 1050°C на базах испытания 100, 500 и 1000 часов. Использование предлагаемого сплава на основе интерметаллида NiAl повысит надежность изделий и увеличит ресурс их работы. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 3 пр.

10-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2089642C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности, к конструкционным материалам для ядерных энергетических установок и к материалам для свариваемых деталей и конструкций, работающих при повышенных температурах в высокоагрессивных средах. По первому варианту изобретения сплав содержит следующие компоненты, мас. %: хром 38,0-44,0, по крайней мере один металл, выбранный из группы, содержащей молибден и вольфрам 1,0-3,0, церий 0,01-0,2, магний 0, 005-0,05, никель-остальное. По второму варианту - следующие компоненты, мас. %: хром 38,0-44,0, по крайней мере один металл, выбранный из группы, содержащей молибден и вольфрам 1,0-3,0, церий 0,01-0, 2, магний 0,005-0,05, титан 0,1-1,5, алюминий 0,1-0,9, никель - остальное. 2 с. п. ф-лы, 9 табл.

02-07-2019 дата публикации

Жаропрочный сплав аустенитной структуры с интерметаллидным упрочнением

Номер: RU2693417C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к жаропрочным сплавам аустенитного класса с интерметаллидным упрочнением, и может найти применение в производстве реакционных труб для агрегатов аммиака и метанола с рабочими температурами 850-950°С и давлением 2,5-5 МПа и нефтегазоперерабатывающих установок с режимами эксплуатации от 1000 до 1160°С и давлением до 0,7 МПа. Жаропрочный хромоникелевый сплав содержит, мас.%: углерод 0,35÷0,45; кремний 1,4÷2,0; марганец 0,8÷1,55; хром 34÷36; никель 43÷47; титан 0,26÷0,50; цирконий <0,1; церий 0,005÷0,10; лантан 0,005÷0,10; скандий 0,005÷0,10; кобальт 0,005÷0,10; алюминий 0,001÷0,05; сера ≤0,025; фосфор ≤0,025; свинец ≤0,007; олово ≤0,007; мышьяк ≤0,007; цинк ≤0,007; сурьма ≤0,007; азот ≤0,01; медь ≤0,2; железо - остальное. Сплав имеет структуру, состоящую из аустенитной матрицы и распределенных в ней интерметаллидов СrFeNi и NbCr(FeNiTi)при массовом соотношении аустенитной матрицы и интерметаллидов (88÷94):(4÷10):(1÷3). Сплав характеризуется ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2484167C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к производству сплавов на основе интерметаллида NiАl и изделиям, получаемым из них методом направленной кристаллизации, с монокристаллической или столбчатой структурами, например лопаток газовых турбин, работающих при температурах до 1200°С. Сплав характеризуется повышенными характеристиками кратковременной прочности в интервале температур 20-1200°С и длительной прочности в интервале температур 1000-1200°С. Сплав содержит, мас.%: алюминий 8,0-8,8, хром 3,0-4,0, молибден 4,0-5,0, вольфрам 2,0-3,0, углерод 0,002-0,05, кобальт 4,0-6,0, рений 0,15-0,65, лантан 0,005-0,25, тантал 5,6-6,4, церий 0,001-0,02, никель - остальное. Повышается надежность и ресурс выполненных из заявленного сплава турбинных лопаток с монокристаллической структурой при рабочих температурах до 1200°С. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 4 пр.

28-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678352C1

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к литейным жаропрочным коррозионностойким сплавам на основе никеля, и может быть использовано для изготовления литьем деталей горячего тракта газотурбинных установок, например рабочих лопаток газовой турбины с равноосной или монокристаллической структурой, работающих в агрессивных средах при рабочих температурах 750-900°С. Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля для литья рабочих лопаток газотурбинных установок содержит, мас. %: углерод 0,05-0,10; хром 11,8-12,6; кобальт 8,4-9,2; вольфрам 4,2-4,8; молибден 1,0-1,5; алюминий 3,0-3,4; титан 3,7-4,15; тантал 4,0-4,5; цирконий 0,01-0,025; бор 0,005-0,02; гафний 0,06-0,15; железо 0,08-0,3; медь ≤0,05; сера ≤0,005; азот ≤30 ppm; кислород ≤20 ppm; ниобий 0,05-0,15; церий 0,002-0,012; кремний 0,002-0,012; марганец 0,002-0,012; фосфор ≤0,005; никель остальное. Суммарное содержание ниобия и гафния составляет ≤0,20 мас. %, церий, кремний и марганец содержатся в равных количествах, а суммарное содержание ...

10-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2527543C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к высокопрочным прецизионным сплавам на основе никеля для получения покрытий микроплазменным или холодным сверхзвуковым напылением. Сплав содержит, мас.%: хром 18,0-40,0, молибден 30,0-40,0, алюминий 0,45-0,63, цирконий 4,5-6,4, карбид кремния 1,4-2,6, церий 0,2-0,6, иттрий 0,1-0,5, лантан 0,5-0,8, никель - остальное. Алюминий и цирконий присутствуют в сплаве в виде интерметаллида AlZr, содержание которого составляет 5-7 мас.%. Сплав характеризуется повышенной коррозионной стойкостью и улучшенными прочностными характеристиками. 2 пр.

20-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2301277C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии жаропрочных деформируемых свариваемых сплавов на основе никеля и может быть использовано для изготовления жаровых труб, газосборников, экранов и других деталей и сварных узлов авиационной техники, машиностроения и других отраслей народного хозяйства, работающих при температурах до 1100°С. Предложен жаропрочный свариваемый сплав на основе никеля, мас.%: кобальт 26,0÷30,0; хром - 20,0÷23,0; углерод - 0,02÷0,07; вольфрам - 13,0÷16,0; алюминий - 0,01÷0,30; ниобий - 0,5÷1,0; лантан 0,003÷0,06; магний - 0,002÷0,03; ванадий - 0,1÷0,6; неодим - 0,002÷0,03; церий - 0,01÷0,3; иттрий - 0,001÷0,05; никель - остальное. Технический результат - повышение характеристик жаропрочности, жаростойкости, термостойкости, технической пластичности, в первую очередь деформируемости и свариваемости. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 2 табл.

27-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2299918C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к производству жаропрочных никелевых сплавов на основе интерметаллида NiAl, используемых для изготовления теплонагруженных деталей газотурбинных двигателей. Гранулируемый литой сплав на основе интерметаллида NiAl содержит алюминий, гафний, хром и никель при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%.: алюминий 30,0-32,0, гафний 1, 0-2,0, хром 3,0-4,0, никель остальное. Это позволит повысить жаропрочность и жаростойкость сплава, повысить надежность изделий и увеличить ресурс их работы. 2 табл.

27-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2520934C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, в частности к никелевым сплавам, и может быть использовано при производстве сопловых и рабочих охлаждаемых лопаток газотурбинных двигателей и установок. Жаропрочный никелевый сплав, обладающий высоким сопротивлением к сульфидной коррозии в сочетании с высокой жаропрочностью, содержит, мас.%: хром 9-16, кобальт 10-16, вольфрам 4-9, молибден 0,2-3,0, алюминий 1,8-4,5, титан 2,0-4,5, тантал 2,5-7,0, ниобий 0,01-1,5, бор 0,01-0,5, лантан 0,01-0,5, иттрий 0,01-0,2, церий 0,01-0,2, рений 0,5-5,0, гафний 0,1-1,0, марганец 0,05-1,0, кремний 0,05-1,0, магний 0,01-0,2, никель - остальное. Сплав обладает высоким сопротивлением к сульфидной коррозии в сочетании с высокой жаропрочностью. 1 табл.

20-09-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU92015776A

Изобретение относится к металлургии, а именно к сплавам на никелевой основе, используемых для изготовления немагнитных деталей арматуры, упругих чувствительных элементов и автоматических устройств, работающих в агрессивных средах. Сплав содержит, мас.%: вольфрам 18 - 22, хром 18 - 23, титан 1,0 - 2,8, углерод 0,001 - 0,07, церий 0,001 - 0,08, цирконий 0,001 - 0,06, бор 0,001 - 0,05, железо 0,05 - 1,0, алюминий 0,01 - 0,1, марганец 0,05 - 0,5, кремний 0,05 - 0,4, магний 0,001 - 0,05, кальций 0,001 - 0,05, никель - остальное.

20-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2004115603A

... 1. Способ уменьшения температуры газа, содержащего водород и монооксид углерода, характеризующийся тем, что вводят газ в контакт с образуемой металлическим сплавом поверхностью, имеющей более низкую температуру по сравнению с температурой газа, причем на образуемой металлическим сплавом поверхности содержится от 0 до 20% (мас.) железа, от 0 до 5% (мас.) алюминия, от 0 до 5% (мас.) кремния, от 20 до 50% (мас.) хрома и, по меньшей мере, 35% (мас.) никеля, при этом образуемую металлическим сплавом поверхность выдерживают при своей более низкой температуре по сравнению с температурой газа в результате использования охлаждающей воды. 2. Способ по п.1, характеризующийся тем, что на образуемой металлическим сплавом поверхности содержится от 1 до 5% (мас.) кремния. 3. Способ по п.1 или 2, характеризующийся тем, что содержание хрома превышает 30% (мас.). 4. Способ по любому из пп.1 и 2, характеризующийся тем, что на образуемой металлическим сплавом поверхности содержится от 1 до 5% (мас.) алюминия ...

10-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97119309A

Аустенитный железохромоникелевый сплав для пружинных элементов атомных реакторов, содержащий хром, никель, марганец, молибден, ниобий, ванадий, титан, алюминий, углерод, азот, бор, железо и сопутствующие примеси, отличающийся тем, что его состав изменяется при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Хром - 16,0 - 20,0 Никель - 38,0 - 45,0 Молибден - 4,0 - 6,0 Марганец - 0,7 - 3,5 Ниобий - 0,05 - 0,8 Титан - 1,6 - 3,0 Алюминий - 0,8 - 1,5 Ванадий - 0,05 - 0,6 Углерод - 0,03 - 0,09 Азот - 0,003 - 0,06 Бор - 0,003 - 0,010 Кремний - 0,01 - 0,6 Сера - ≤ 0,03 Фосфор - ≤ 0,03 Кобальт - ≤ 0,03 Железо - Остальное причем сумма углерода, азота и бора составляет не более 0,13 мас.%, отношение никеля к сумме титана и алюминия изменяется в пределах 10-15, а отношение суммы ниобия и ванадия к сумме углерода и азота изменяется в пределах 6-12.

20-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009113022A

... 1. Монокристаллический суперсплав на основе Ni, имеющий состав, включающий: от 5,0 до 7,0 мас.% Al, от 4,0 до 10,0 мас.% Та, от 1,1 до 4,5 мас.% Мо, от 4,0 до 10,0 мас.% W, от 3,1 до 8,0 мас.% Re, от 0,0 до 2,0 мас.% Hf, от 2,5 до 8,5 мас.% Cr, от 0,0 до 9,9 мас.% Со, от 0,0 до 4,0 мас.% Nb и от 1,0 до 14,0 мас.% Ru в расчете на массовую долю; а остальное включает Ni и случайные примеси. ! 2. Монокристаллический суперсплав на основе Ni по п.1, в котором Hf составляет в интервале от 0,0 до 0,5 мас.%, а Cr составляет в интервале от 5,1 до 8,5 мас.%. ! 3. Монокристаллический суперсплав на основе Ni по п.1, в котором Hf составляет в интервале от 0,0 до 0,5 мас.%, Cr составляет в интервале от 5,1 до 8,5 мас.%, Мо составляет в интервале от 2,1 до 4,5 мас.%, а Та составляет в интервале от 4,0 до 6,0 мас.%. ! 4. Монокристаллический суперсплав на основе Ni, имеющий состав, включающий: от 5,0 до 6,5 мас.% Al, от 4,0 до 6,5 мас.% Та, от 2,1 до 4,0 мас.% Мо, от 4,0 до 6,0 мас.% W, от 4,5 до 7,5 мас ...

20-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006118986A

Сплав на основе никеля, содержащий марганец, хром, молибден, ниобий, тантал, алюминий, магний, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно содержит углерод, титан, цирконий при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: марганец 1,0-2,0; хром 10,0-15,0; молибден 20,0-25,0; ниобий 1,0-2,0; тантал 1,0-2,0; алюминий 0,1-0,2; магний 0,05-0,1; углерод 0,5-1,0; титан 0,5-1,0; цирконий 0,5-1,0; никель остальное.

18-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2712323C9

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к получению заготовок из ковочного сплава на основе никеля, которые могут быть использованы при изготовлении высокотемпературных элементов конструкции турбины. Заготовка из ковочного сплава на основе Ni содержит кристаллические зерна γ-фазы и выпадающие частицы γ'-фазы и имеет химический состав, при котором в матричную γ-фазу при 700°С выпадает 50-70 об.% γ'-фазы. Фаза γ' содержит: частицы γ'-фазы старения, выпадающие в кристаллические зерна γ-фазы, и частицы γ'-фазы эвтектической реакции, выпадающие между этими кристаллическими зернами γ-фазы, причем в частицах γ'-фазы эвтектической реакции содержание Ni и Аl превышает содержание этих элементов в частицах γ'-фазы старения, а средний размер частиц γ'-фазы эвтектической реакции составляет 2-40 мкм. Заготовка характеризуется высокими значениями механических свойств. 3 н. и 4 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил., 4 табл., 5 пр.

27-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2441089C1

Изобретение относится к области металлургии, а именно к коррозионно-стойким сплавам на основе системы Fe-Cr-Ni, предназначенным для изготовления высоконагруженных деталей. Технический результат - повышение прочностных свойств и коррозионной стойкости сплава, повышение стабильности свойств при работе изделий, а также увеличение ресурса работы изделий. Заявлен коррозионно-стойкий сплав на основе Fe-Cr-Ni, содержащий, мас.%: углерод 0,005÷0,15; кремний ≤2,0; марганец ≤2,0; хром 10÷25; никель, кобальт и медь при их суммарном содержании 35÷85; при этом содержание никеля ≥35; молибден 0,01÷7,0; азот 0,001÷0,15; бор 0,0001÷0,01; алюминий, титан в сумме <3,0; по крайней мере, один из элементов: ниобий, ванадий, вольфрам 0,01÷6,5; железо - остальное, при соблюдении соотношений: Ni/Cu≥1,6; Cr+3·Мо≥14,0; V/4,2+Nb/7,8+W/15,3+Mo/8>0,7·C. Микроструктура сплава после термической обработки содержит 2÷40 об.% равномерно распределенных карбидов и/или нитридов, и/или карбонитридов, и/или интерметаллидов эквивалентными ...

08-05-2018 дата публикации

Коррозионностойкий сплав

Номер: RU2653376C1

Изобретение относится к области черной металлургии, в частности к составам сплавов, которые могут быть использованы в химической промышленности, судостроении. Коррозионностойкий сплав содержит, мас.%: углерод 0,1-0,3; кремний 0,1-0,3; хром 14,5-15,5; титан 0,005-0,03; железо 7,0-10,0; ниобий 0,1-0,2; медь 0,25-0,35; алюминий 0,4-0,6; кальций 0,001-0,0015; бор 0,08-0,12; тантал 0,3-0,8; цирконий 1,5-2,5; никель - остальное. Сплав характеризуется высокой коррозионной стойкостью. 1 табл.

10-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: SU1157865A1

Сплав на основе никеля, содержащий углерод, хром, кобальт, вольфрам, молибден, ниобий, алюминий, бор, ванадий, церий, иттрий, лантан, отличающийся тем, что, с целью улучшения литейных свойств, повышения жаростойкости и жаропрочности, он дополнительно содержит рений и тантал, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Углерод - 0,02 - 0,5 Хром - 2,0 - 10,0 Кобальт - 5,0 - 15,0 Вольфрам - 2,0 - 10,0 Молибден - 0,5 - 5,0 Ниобий - 1,1 - 5,0 Алюминий - 4,5 - 8,0 Бор - 0,01 - 0,2 Ванадий - 0,1 - 3,0 Церий - 0,005 - 0,1 Иттрий - 0,005 - 0,05 Лантан - 0,001 - 0,2 Рений - 1,0 - 5, 0 Тантал - 1,0 - 9,0 Никель - Остальное ...

27-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: SU1048824A1

Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля, содержащий алюминий, хром, цирконий и иттрий, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения коррозионной стойкости в условиях высокотемпературной солевой и газовой коррозии, он дополнительно содержит тантал при следующем соотношении компонентов, вес.%: Алюминий 7,1-10,3 Хром 14-25 Цирконий 0,01-0,5 Иттрий 0,01-0,5 Тантал 2-10 Никель Остальное ...

20-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: SU764402A1

Сплав на основе никеля, содержащий хром, отличающийся тем, что, с целью уменьшения контактного сопротивления с материалом кислородного электрода высокотемпературного электрохимического устройства, он дополнительно содержит медь при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Хром - 23,5 - 25,8 Медь - 2,2 - 10,8 Никель - Остальное ...

10-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: SU1527930A1

Состав для нанесения покрытий на стальные изделия на основе карбида титана, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения антифрикционных свойств покрытия, он дополнительно содержит дисульфид молибдена, порошок самофлюсующегося сплава марки ПР-Н73х16С3Р3 при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Дисульфид молибдена - 5,0 - 15,0 Порошок самофлюсующегося сплава марки ПР-Н73х16С3Р3 - 42,0 - 50,0 Карбид титана - Остальное ...

20-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2283742C1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения, а именно к припоям на основе никеля, которые могут найти применение при изготовлении паяных деталей горячего тракта турбин ГТД из монокристаллических никелевых сплавов. Припой на основе никеля для соединения никелевых жаропрочных сплавов содержит следующие компоненты, мас.%: хром 25,0-32,0; алюминий 7,5-9,0; вольфрам 1,0-2,5; титан 0,6-1,5; молибден 0,05-0,6; кремний 0,05-0,3; кобальт 0,1-1,0; железо 0,06-0,5; никель - остальное. Припой обеспечивает повышение жаропрочности и жаростойкости соединений при рабочих температурах на воздухе до 1200°С, что позволит существенно повысить надежность паяных соединений и увеличит ресурс ГТД. 3 табл.

15-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016104415A

27-03-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU92006255A

Изобретение относится к металлургии, в частности к сплавам, используемым в стоматологии для изготовления литейной технологией зубных коронок, протезов, бюгелей и т. д. Технологический результат - повышение жидкотекучести и сцепляемости с керамическим покрытием при пластичности сплава не менее 5%. Сплав, содержащий хром, никель, железо, молибден, кремний, медь, алюминий, титан, углерод, ванадий, азот, и элемент из группы щелочноземельных металлов, дополнительно содержит бор при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас. %: хром 20 - 25, железо 8 - 15, молибден 1,0 - 5,0, кремний 0,7 - 2, 0, медь 0,3 - 2,0, алюминий 0,3 - 2,0, титан 0,1 - 1,0, углерод 0,1 - 0,4, ванадий 0,1 - 0,5, азот 0,01 - 0,04, элемент из группы щелочноземельных металлов 0,01 - 0,1, бор 0,003 - 0,02, никель - остальное.

27-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU93041275A

Изобретение относится к области композиции литейных жаропрочных сплавов на никелевой основе, предназначенных для изготовления отливок, например, рабочих и сопловых лопаток газотурбинных двигателей с равноосной и направленной структурой. Задачей изобретения является повышение термической усталости металла при сохранении его жаропрочности. Поставленная цель достигается посредством дополнительного введения в сплав одного элемента из группы, включающей иттрий и скандий. Использование изобретения позволит в 3-4 раза повысить термическую усталость сплава и соответственно в 2-3 раза увеличить ресурс работы лопаток газотурбинных авиационных двигателей.

27-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU98120814A

Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля, содержащий хром, кобальт, молибден, вольфрам, алюминий, титан, ниобий, углерод, бор, церий, цирконий, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит гафний и магний, при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Хром - 8,0 - 11,0 Молибден - 3,0 - 5,5 Вольфрам - 4,5 - 5,9 Алюминий - 4,5 - 6,0 Титан - 1,5 - 3,0 Ниобий - 2,0 - 3,5 Кобальт - 14,0 -18,0 Гафний - 0,2 -1, 5 Бор - 0,01 - 0,035 Углерод - 0,02 - 0,08 Магний - 0,005 - 0,1 Церий - 0,01 - 0,06 Цирконий - 0,01 - 0,1 Никель - Остальное ...

27-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013118013A

... 1. Суперсплав на основе никеля, содержащий, вес.%:2. Суперсплав на основе никеля по п. 1, который содержит, вес.%:3. Деталь турбины, выполненная из суперсплава на основе никеля по п.1 или 2.4. Деталь турбины по п.3, которая является деталью газовой турбины с направленно кристаллизованной структурой или монокристаллической структурой.5. Деталь турбины по п.4, причем деталь является рабочей или направляющей лопаткой газовой турбины.6. Деталь турбины по п.5, причем рабочая или направляющая лопатка содержит участок крепления без покрытия.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012136310A

Сталь, преимущественно для изготовления литых высоконагруженных деталей, подвергающихся ударным нагрузками с трением в условиях коррозионного и кавитационного износа, сталь, состоящая из углерода, хрома, никеля, молибдена, титана, кремния и железа со следующим соотношением, мас.%:дополнительно содержит марганец, ниобий и бор в следующем соотношении, мас.%: ...

20-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2563084C1

Изобретение относится к порошковой металлургии. Способ получения композиционного материала на основе никеля включает перемешивание порошков для приготовления матрицы материала и дисперсного порошка оксида металла, механическое легирование полученной смеси, компактирование и прокатку полученного сплава. Порошки перемешивают с получением смеси, содержащей оксид металла с его объемным содержанием 1-3,5 %, 7,5-8,5 мас. % алюминия, 4-5 мас. % хрома, 2-2,5 мас. % вольфрама, 2,5-3,5 мас. % кобальта, 0,8-1,5 мас. % титана, Ni - остальное. Механическое легирование проводят в высокоэнергетической установке для размола и смешивания в защитной атмосфере в течение 40-60 часов. Компактирование проводят методом горячей экструзии при температуре 1100-1250°C и с коэффициентом вытяжки 11-16. Полученный сплав в виде прутков экструдата прокатывают вдоль направления экструзии при температуре 950-1150°C и коэффициенте деформации 15-20% за один проход. Обеспечивается получение композиционного материала на основе ...

27-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU99111620A

Дисперсионно-твердеющий свариваемый сплав на основе никеля, содержащий углерод, хром, молибден, титан, алюминий, ниобий, ванадий, железо, медь, марганец, цирконий, церий, лантан и никель, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит азот и кремний при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас. %: Углерод - 0,01 - 0,08 Хром - 14,0 - 20,0 Молибден - 3,0 - 6,0 Титан - 0,1 - 1,0 Алюминий - 0,5 - 2,0 Ниобий - 3,5 - 5,5 Ванадий - 0,3 - 0,8 Железо - 12,0 - 16,0 Медь - 0,05 - 1,0 Марганец - 0,1 - 0,7 Цирконий - 0,01 - 0,3 Церий - 0,001 - 0,02 Лантан - 0,001 - 0,01 Кремний - 0,1 - 0,7 Азот - 0,01 - 0,1 Никель - Остальное ...

10-04-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003130733A

... 1. Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля, отличающийся тем, что он имеет следующий химически состав (данные в вес.%): 7,7-8,3 Cr 5,0-5,25 Со 2,0-2,1 Мо 7,8-8,3 W 5,8-6,1 Та 4,9-5, 1 Al 1,3-1,4 Ti 0,11-0,15 Si 0,11-0,15 Hf 200-750 ppm C 50-400 ppm B Остальное - никель и технологические примеси. 2. Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля по п.1, предназначенный, в частности, для изготовления монокристаллических деталей, отличающийся тем, что он имеет следующий химический состав (данные в вес.%): 7,7-8,3 Cr 5,0-5,25 Со 2,0-2,1 Мо 7,8-8,3 W 5,8-6,1 Та 4,9-5,1 Al 1,3-1,4 Ti 0,11-0,15 Si 0,11-0,15 Hf 200 -300 ppm C 50-100 ppm B остальное - никель и технологические примеси. 3. Жаропрочный сплав на основе никеля по п.2, отличающийся тем, что он имеет следующий химический состав (данные в вес.%): 7,7 Cr 5,1 Со 2,0 Мо 7,8 W 5,8 Та 5,0 Al 1,4 Ti 0,12 Si 0,12 Hf 200 ppm C 50 ppm B Остальное - никель и технологические примеси.

20-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123028A

... 1. Сплав на основе интерметаллида Ni3Al, содержащий алюминий, хром, молибден, вольфрам, титан, углерод, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит рений и лантан при следующем соотношении компонентов, мас.%: Al 8,5-9,5 Cr 4,8-5,5 Мо 2,5-3,5 W 2,6-3,2 Ti 1,0-1,6 С 0,001-0,005 Re 1,0-3,5 La 0,0015-0,015 Ni Остальное 2. Изделие из сплава на основе интерметаллида Ni3Al, отличающееся тем, что выполнено из сплава по п.1.

20-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123811A

... 1. Жидкотекучий, свариваемый сплав на основе никеля, по существу содержащий, по массе, 10-25% кобальта, 20-28% хрома, 1-3% вольфрама, 0,5-1,5% алюминия, 1,5-2,8% титана, 0,8-1,45% ниобия, тантал в количестве меньшем, чем ниобий, причем Nb+0,508Та составляет 1,15-1,45%, 0,001-0,025% бора, вплоть до 0,4% циркония, 0,02-0,15% углерода, остальное по существу никель и побочные примеси. 2. Сплав по п.1, в котором содержание ниобия составляет по меньшей мере 1,25%. 3. Сплав по п.1, в котором содержание тантала составляет около 0,0%. 4. Сплав по п.1, в котором содержание кобальта составляет 18,5-19,5%, содержание хрома составляет 22,2-22,8%, содержание вольфрама составляет 1,8-2,2%, содержание алюминия составляет 1,1-1,3%, содержание титана составляет 2,2-2,4%, содержание бора составляет 0,002-0,015%, содержание циркония составляет 0, 005-0,4%, и содержание углерода составляет 0,08-0,12%. 5. Сплав по п.1, который содержит по меньшей мере 18 об.% выделившейся гамма-прим-фазы. 6. Сплав по п.1, который ...

01-01-1959 дата публикации

Электродная проволока

Номер: SU124994A1

07-11-1988 дата публикации

Сплав на основе никеля

Номер: SU1039235A1

... 1. СПЛАВ НА ОСНОВЕ НИКЕЛЯ, содержащий углерод, хром, {собальт, вольфрам, молибден, титан, алюминий, церий и бор, отличающийся тем, что, с. целью повышения жаропрочности , он содержит компоненты в следующем соотношении, мас.%: Углерод0,06-0,1 Хрой 14,0-16,0 Кобальт8-10 Вольфрам . 6,2-8,0 Молибден0,2-2,0 Титан3,0-4,4 Алюминий . 3,4-5,0 Церий0,015-0,012 Бор0,01-0,015 (Л НикельОстальное 2. Сплав по П.1, отличающийся .тем, что отношение титана : к алюминию составляет 0,9-1,1.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Nickel-iron-base alloy and process of forming a nickel-iron-base alloy

Номер: US20120051963A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A nickel-iron-base alloy has by weight about 0.06% to about 0.09% C, about 35% to about 37% Fe, about 12.0% to about 16.5% Cr, about 1.0% to about 2.0% Al, about 1.0% to about 3.0% Ti, about 1.5% to about 3.0% W, up to about 5.0% Mo, up to about 0.75% Nb, up to about 0.2% Mn, up to about 0.1% Si, up to about 0.006% B, and balance essentially Ni. A method for making the nickel-iron-base alloy is also disclosed.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Repair of turbine components and solder alloy therefor

Номер: US20120125979A1

A method for repairing a component of a gas turbine and a solder alloy are disclosed. In an embodiment, the method includes applying the solder alloy to the component in an area of the component having a punctiform damage or a linear imperfection, where the solder alloy is a mixture of a NiCoCrAlY alloy and a Ni-based solder. A molded repair part made of the solder alloy is applied to the component in an area of the component having a planar defect. The component is heat treated to solder the molded repair part on the component and to solder the solder alloy applied to the component in the area of the component having the punctiform damage or the linear imperfection. The component is cooled after the heat treating and, following the cooling, the component is further heat treated.

28-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120164020A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

An object of the present invention is to provide a Ni-based superalloy, especially for a conventional casting, having a good balance among high temperature strength, corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, as compared to a conventional material. The Ni-based superalloy comprises Cr, Co, Al, Ti, Ta, W, Mo, Nb, C, B, and inevitable impurities, the balance being Ni, the Ni-based superalloy having a superalloy composition comprising, by mass, 13.1 to 16.0% Cr, 11.1 to 20.0% Co, 2.30 to 3.30% Al, 4.55 to 6.00% Ti, 2.50 to 3.50% Ta, 4.00 to 5.50% W, 0.10 to 1.20% Mo, 0.10 to 0.90% Nb, 0.05 to 0.20% C, and 0.005 to 0.02% B.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Nickel-based superalloy and parts made from said superalloy

Номер: US20120183432A1
Принадлежит: Aubert and Duval SA

A nickel superalloy has the following composition, the concentrations of the different elements being expressed as wt-%: Formula (I), the remainder consisting of nickel and impurities resulting from the production of the superalloy. In addition, the composition satisfies the following equation, wherein the concentrations of the different elements are expressed as atomic percent: Formula (II).

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of fabricating inconel 718 type nickel superalloys

Номер: US20120247626A1
Принадлежит: SNECMA SAS

A method of fabricating Inconel 718 type nickel superalloys. A last forging operation to which the nickel superalloy is subjected is such: that it takes place at a temperature lower than the δ-solvus temperature; that at all points of the nickel superalloy the local deformation ratio is not less than a minimum value; and that the nickel superalloy is not subjected to any heat treatment at a temperature higher than a threshold temperature equal to 750° C. after a quenching.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130142661A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

Adding silicon, in a defined range of weight percentage, to the composition of a known nickel-based alloy improves oxidation, hot corrosion and dwell crack growth resistance without the detrimental effects on the thermal stability of the microstructure and on other material properties that have been found with known alloys. In a particular preferred embodiment the alloy has the following composition (in weight percent): chromium 14.6-15.4%; cobalt 18-19%; molybdenum 4.75-5.25%; aluminium 2.8-3.2 titanium 3.4-3.8%; tantalum 1.8-2.2%; hafnium 0.4-0.6%; carbon 0.020-0.034%; boron 0.005-0.025%; silicon 0.2-0.6%; the remainder being nickel and incidental impurities. 1. A nickel-based alloy including between 0.2 wt % and 0.6 wt % silicon to improve oxidation resistance , dwell crack growth resistance and hot corrosion resistance without detrimental effect on other mechanical properties of the alloy.2. An alloy as claimed in claim 1 , further including at least one of the following:hafnium <=0.75 wt %;zirconium <=0.1 wt %;magnesium <=0.03 wt %;sulphur <=5 ppm;phosphorous <10 ppm.3. An alloy as claimed in having the following composition in weight percent:chromium 14.6-15.4%;cobalt 18-19%;molybdenum 4.75-5.25%;aluminium 2.8-12%;titanium 3.4-3.8%;tantalum 1.8-2.2%;hafnium 0.4-0.6%;carbon 0.020-0.034%;boron 0.005-0.025%;silicon 0.2-0.6%;the remainder being nickel and incidental impurities.4. An alloy as claimed in claim 1 , having the following composition in weight percent:chromium 15%;cobalt 18.5%;molybdenum 5%;aluminium 3%;titanium 3.6%;tantalum 2%;hafnium 0.5%;carbon 0.027%;boron 0.015%;silicon 0.2-0.6%;the remainder being nickel and incidental impurities.5. An alloy as claimed in claim 1 , having the following composition in weight percent:chromium 15%;cobalt 18.5%;molybdenum 5%;aluminium 3%;titanium 3.6%;tantalum 2%;hafnium 0.5%;carbon 0.027%;boron 0.015%;silicon 0.2%;the remainder being nickel and incidental impurities.6. An alloy as claimed in claim 1 , having the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Ultra-High Strength, Corrosion Resistant Wire, a Method of Making Same, and a Method of Using Same

Номер: US20130143042A1
Принадлежит: CRS Holdings LLC

A method of making steel wire includes the step of forming a length of wire from an alloy that preferably contains in weight percent: Carbon 0.03 max. Manganese 0.15 max. Silicon 0.15 max. Phosphorus 0.015 max.  Sulfur 0.010 max.  Chromium 19.00-21.00 Nickel 33.00-37.00 Molybdenum  9.00-10.50 Titanium 1.00 max. Boron 0.010 max.  Iron 1.00 max. The balance is cobalt and usual impurities. The wire is annealed at a combination of temperature and time effective to provide a grain size of about ASTM 6 or finer and is then drawn to provide a reduction in cross-sectional area of about 50 to 80%. The wire is—then heat treated under temperature and time conditions effective to provide the wire with high strength and sufficient wrap ductility that the wire does not crack or break in a standardized wrap test.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Nickel Based Forged Alloy, Gas Turbine Member Using Said Alloy and Gas Turbine Using Said Member

Номер: US20130160466A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

It is an objective of the invention to provide an Ni-based forged alloy having good large ingot formability and good hot formability as well as high mechanical strength at high temperature. There is provided an Ni-based forged alloy comprising: 0.001 to 0.1 mass % of C; 0.001 to 0.01 mass % of B; 16 to 22 mass % of Cr; 0.5 to 1.5 mass % of Al; 0.1 to 6.0 mass % of W; 3.5 to 5.5 mass % of Nb; 0.8 to 3.0 mass % of Ti; 16 to 20 mass % of Fe; 2.0 mass % or less of Mo; and the balance including Ni and unavoidable impurities, in which: a segregation parameter Ps defined by a formula of “Ps (mass %)=1.05[Al concentration (mass %)]+0.6[Ti concentration (mass %)]−0.8[Nb concentration (mass %)]−0.3[Mo concentration (mass %)]” satisfies a relationship of “Ps≧−3.0 mass %”; and total amount of W and Mo is 1.75 atomic % or less. 1. An Ni-based forged alloy comprising: 0.001 to 0.1 mass % of C; 0.001 to 0.01 mass % of B; 16 to 22 mass % of Cr; 0.5 to 1.5 mass % of Al; 0.1 to 6.0 mass % of W; 3.5 to 5.5 mass % of Nb; 0.8 to 3.0 mass % of Ti; 16 to 20 mass % of Fe; 2.0 mass % or less of Mo; and the balance including Ni and unavoidable impurities , wherein:a segregation parameter Ps defined by a formula of “Ps (mass %)=1.05[Al concentration (mass %)]+0.6[Ti concentration (mass %)]−0.8[Nb concentration (mass %)]−0.3[Mo concentration (mass %)]” satisfies a relationship of “Ps≧−3.0 mass %”; andtotal amount of W and Mo is 1.75 atomic % or less.2. The Ni-based forged alloy according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one additional element selected from a group consisting of 5 mass % or less of Co claim 1 , 0.1 mass % or less of Mg claim 1 , 0.1 mass % or less of Ca claim 1 , 0.1 mass % or less of Zr claim 1 , 0.5 mass % or less of Mn claim 1 , 0.5 mass % or less of Si claim 1 , 0.5 mass % or less of V claim 1 , 0.5 mass % or less of Ta claim 1 , and 0.5 mass % or less of Re.3. The Ni-based forged alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the content of C is from 0.03 to 0.08 mass %; the ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130177442A1

A nickel-base superalloy for turbine vanes or turbine blades is provided. The nickel-base superalloy has in wt %: C: equal to or greater 0.1; Si: Подробнее

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206287A1

A Co-based alloy containing not less than 0.001 mass % and less than 0.100 mass % of C, not less than 9.0 mass % and less than 20.0 mass % of Cr, not less than 2.0 mass % and less than 5.0 mass % of Al, not less than 13.0 mass % and less than 20.0 mass % of W, and not less than 39.0 mass % and less than 55.0 mass % of Ni, with the remainder being made up by Co and unavoidable impurities, wherein the contents of Mo, Nb, Ti and Ta which are included in the unavoidable impurities are as follows: Mo<0.010 mass %, Nb<0.010 mass %, Ti<0.010 mass %, and Ta<0.010 mass %. 1. A Co-based alloy comprising:not less than 0.001 and less than 0.100 mass % of C;not less than 9.0 and less than 20.0 mass % of Cr;not less than 2.0 and less than 5.0 mass % of Al;not less than 13.0 and less than 20.0 mass % of W;not less than 39.0 and less than 55.0 mass % of Ni; andthe balance being Co and inevitable impurities, wherein the impurities includeless than 0.010 mass % of Mo,less than 0.010 mass % of Nb,less than 0.010 mass % of Ti, andless than 0.010 mass % of Ta.2. The Co-based alloy according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ofnot less than 0.0001 and less than 0.020 mass % of B andnot less than 0.0001 and less than 0.10 mass % of Zr.3. The Co-based alloy according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ofnot less than 0.0001 and less than 0.10 mass % of Mg andnot less than 0.0001 and less than 0.20 mass % of Ca.4. The Co-based alloy according to claim 1 , produced through hot working claim 1 , solution treatment and aging treatment claim 1 , the alloy{'sub': '2', 'comprising a γ phase matrix, carbide precipitated in the matrix, and a γ′ phase composed of an L1-type intermetallic compound.'} The present invention relates to a Co-based alloy suitable for various components required to have a high strength in a high-temperature environment, such as for a gas turbine, an aircraft engine, a chemical plant, a vehicle engine and a high-temperature furnace. In particular, it ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130243642A1

A metallic coating or alloy is provided, which is nickel based, and includes at least γ and γ′ phases. The metallic coating or the alloy further includes tantalum (Ta) in the range of between 4 wt % to 7.5 wt %. The metallic coating or the alloy also includes cobalt (Co) in the range between 11 wt %-14.5 wt %. 115-. (canceled)16. A metallic coating or alloy ,wherein the metallic coating or alloy is nickel based,wherein the metallic coating or alloy comprises at least γ and γ′ phases,wherein the metallic coating or the alloy further comprises tantalum (Ta) in the range of between 4 wt % to 7.5 wt %,wherein the metallic coating or the alloy further comprises cobalt (Co) in the range between 11 wt %-14.5 wt %.17. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , wherein the amount of tantalum (Ta) is in the range between 5 wt % and 6.8 wt %.18. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 17 , wherein the amount of tantalum (Ta) is 6 wt %.19. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , wherein the amount of cobalt (Co) is in the range between 12 wt %-14 wt %.20. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 19 , wherein the amount of cobalt (Co) is 13 wt %.21. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , wherein the metallic coating or alloy contains no Yttrium (Y) and/or no platinum (Pt) and/or no melting depressant.22. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , further comprising chromium (Cr) claim 16 , wherein the amount of chromium (Cr) is between 14 t %-16 wt %.23. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , further comprising aluminum claim 16 , wherein the amount of aluminum (Al) is between 9 wt %-13 wt %.24. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , further comprising yttrium claim 16 , wherein the amount of yttrium (Y) is between 0 claim 16 ,1 wt %-0 claim 16 ,7 wt %.25. The metallic coating or alloy according to claim 16 , wherein the metallic coating or the alloy contains no rhenium (Re).26. The ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255843A1

A precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy of the present invention includes 0.03 wt % or less of C, 0.5 wt % or less of Mn, 0.01 wt % or less of P, 0.01 wt % or less of S, 2.0 to 3.0 wt % of Si, 23 to 30 wt % of Cr, 7.0 to 14.0 wt % of W, 10 to 20 wt % of Fe, and 40 to 60 wt % of Ni, wherein a total content of C, N, O, P and S is 0.01 wt % or less. A silicide is dispersed and precipitated and a grain size of a matrix austenite is controlled through a thermo-mechanical treatment. As a result, the precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy excellent in irradiation resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance can be obtained with a low cost. 1. A precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy , comprising , in terms of wt % ,0.03% or less of C,0.5% or less of Mn,0.01% or less of P,0.01% or less of S,from 2.0 to 3.0% of Si,from 23 to 30% of Cr,from 7.0 to 14.0% of W,from 10 to 20% of Fe, andfrom 40 to 60 wt % of Ni,wherein a total content of C, N, O, P and S is 0.01 wt % or less, anda silicide is dispersed and precipitated and a grain size of a matrix austenite is controlled to be a predetermined grain size.2. The precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the silicide is tungsten silicide.3. The precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the silicide is dispersed and precipitated within a range of from 20 to 40 vol %.4. The precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy according to claim 2 , wherein the silicide is dispersed and precipitated within a range of from 20 to 40 vol %.5. A method for producing a precipitation-strengthened Ni-based heat-resistant alloy claim 2 , which comprises:an extra high purity ingot-forming step of forming a steel ingot by smelting a raw material so as to have a composition comprising, in terms of wt %,0.03% or less of C,0.5% or less of Mn,0.01% or less of P,0.01% or less of S,from 2.0 to 3 ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263974A1

An austenitic heat resistant alloy, which comprises by mass percent, C: over 0.02 to 0.15%, Si≦2%, Mn≦3%, P≦0.03%, S≦0.01%, Cr: 28 to 38%, Ni: over 40 to 60%, Co≦20% (including 0%), W over 3 to 15%, Ti: 0.05 to 1.0%, Zr: 0.005 to 0.2%, Al: 0.01 to 0.3%, N≦0.02%, and Mo<0.5%, with the balance being Fe and impurities, in which the following formulas (1) to (3) are satisfied has high creep rupture strength and high toughness after a long period of use at a high temperature, and further it is excellent in hot workability. This austenitic heat resistant alloy may contain a specific amount of one or more elements selected from Nb, V, Hf, B, Mg, Ca, Y, La, Ce, Nd, Sc, Ta, Re, Ir, Pd, Pt and Ag. 112-. (canceled)13. A method for manufacturing a heat resistant pressure member excellent in creep resistance and structural stability in a high temperature range which is made from a austenitic heat resistant alloy comprising , by mass percent , C: more than 0.02% to not more than 0.15% , Si: 2% or less , Mn: 3% or less , P: 0.03% or less , S: 0.01% or less , Cr: 28 to 38% , Ni: more than 40% to not more than 60% , W: more than 3% to not more than 15% , Ti: 0.05 to 1.0% , Zr: 0.005 to 0.2% , Al: 0.01 to 0.3% , N: 0.02% or less , and Mo: less than 0.5% , with the balance being Fe and impurities , in which the following formulas (1) to (3) are satisfied:{'br': None, 'P≦3/{200(Ti+8.5×Zr)}\u2003\u2003(1),'}{'br': None, '1.35×Cr≦Ni≦1.85×Cr\u2003\u2003(2),'}{'br': None, 'Al≧1.5×Zr\u2003\u2003(3);'}wherein each element symbol in the formulas (1) to (3) represents the content by mass % of the element concerned, andwherein the austenitic heat resistant alloy is treated in sequence by the following steps (i), (ii) and (iii):step (i): heating to 1050 to 1250° C. at least once before final hot or cold working;step (ii): carrying out a final hot or cold plastic working such that the reduction of area is 10% or more;step (iii): carrying out a final heat treatment in which cooling is performed ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284326A1

A nickel-titanium-rare earth (Ni—Ti-RE) alloy comprises nickel at a concentration of from about 35 at. % to about 65 at. %, a rare earth element at a concentration of from about 1.5 at. % to about 15 at. %, boron at a concentration of up to about 0.1 at. %, with the balance of the alloy being titanium. In addition to enhanced radiopacity compared to binary Ni—Ti alloys and improved workability, the Ni—Ti-RE alloy preferably exhibits superelastic behavior. A method of processing a Ni—Ti-RE alloy includes providing a nickel-titanium-rare earth alloy comprising nickel at a concentration of from about 35 at. % to about 65 at. %, a rare earth element at a concentration of from about 1.5 at. % to about 15 at. %, the balance being titanium; heating the alloy in a homogenization temperature range below a critical temperature; and forming spheroids of a rare earth-rich second phase in the alloy while in the homogenization temperature range. 1. A method of processing a nickel-titanium-rare earth alloy , the method comprising:providing a nickel-titanium-rare earth alloy comprising nickel at a concentration of from about 34 at. % to about 60 at. %, titanium at a concentration of 34 at. % to about 60 at. %, and at least one rare earth element at a concentration of from about 0.1 at. % to about 15 at. %;heating the nickel-titanium-rare earth alloy in a homogenization temperature range below a critical temperature; andforming spheroids of a rare earth-rich second phase in the nickel-titanium-rare earth alloy while in the homogenization temperature range.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the critical temperature is an incipient melting temperature of the rare earth-rich second phase.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the rare earth element comprises Er and the critical temperature is about 925° C.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the homogenization temperature range is from about 750° C. to about 875° C.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the spheroids includes keeping the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287623A1

A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. for acid and alkali neutralization in the field of waste management; the alloy contains, in weight percent, 27 to 33 chromium, 4.9 to 7.8 molybdenum, greater than 3.1 but no more than 6.0 copper, up to 3.0 iron, 0.3 to 1.0 manganese, 0.1 to 0.5 aluminum, 0.1 to 0.8 silicon, 0.01 to 0.11 carbon, up to 0.13 nitrogen, up to 0.05 magnesium, up to 0.05 rare earth elements, with a balance of nickel and impurities. 1. A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. , consisting essentially of:27 to 33 wt. % chromium4.9 to 7.8 wt. % molybdenumGreater than 3.1 wt. % but no more than 6.0 wt. % copperUp to 3.0 wt. % iron0.3 to 1.0 wt. % manganese0.1 to 0.5 wt. % aluminum0.1 to 0.8 wt. % silicon0.01 to 0.11 wt. % carbonUp to 0.13 wt. % nitrogenUp to 0.05 wt. % magnesiumUp to 0.05 wt. % rare earth elementswith a balance of nickel and impurities.2. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the impurities comprise levels of at least one of cobalt claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , niobium (columbium) claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , vanadium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and calcium.3. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloys are in wrought forms selected from the group consisting of sheets claim 1 , plates claim 1 , bars claim 1 , wires claim 1 , tubes claim 1 , pipes claim 1 , and forgings.4. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloy is in cast form.5. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloy is in powder metallurgy form.6. A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. claim 1 , consisting essentially of:30 to 33 wt. % chromium5.0 to 6.2 wt. % molybdenum3 ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130287624A1
Автор: Crook Paul

A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. for acid and alkali neutralization in the field of waste management; the alloy contains, in weight percent, 27 to 33 chromium, 4.9 to 7.8 molybdenum, greater than 3.1 but no more than 6.0 copper, up to 3.0 iron, 0.3 to 1.0 manganese, 0.1 to 0.5 aluminum, 0.1 to 0.8 silicon, 0.01 to 0.11 carbon, up to 0.13 nitrogen, up to 0.05 magnesium, up to 0.05 rare earth elements, with a balance of nickel and impurities. Titanium or another MC carbide former can be added to enhance thermal stability of the alloy. 1. A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. , consisting essentially of:27 to 33 wt. % chromium4.9 to 7.8 wt. % molybdenumgreater than 3.1 wt. % but no more than 6.0 wt. % copperup to 3.0 wt. % iron0.3 to 1.0 wt. % manganese0.1 to 0.5 wt. % aluminum0.1 to 0.8 wt. % silicon0.01 to 0.11 wt. % carbonup to 0.13 wt. % nitrogenup to 0.05 wt. % magnesiumup to 0.05 wt. % rare earth elementsup to 0.56 wt. % titaniumup to 1.12 wt. % niobiumup to 2.24 wt. % tantalumup to 2.24 wt. % hafniumwith a balance of nickel and impurities.2. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the impurities comprise levels of at least one of cobalt claim 1 , tungsten claim 1 , sulfur claim 1 , phosphorus claim 1 , oxygen claim 1 , and calcium.3. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloys are in wrought forms selected from the group consisting of sheets claim 1 , plates claim 1 , bars claim 1 , wires claim 1 , tubes claim 1 , pipes claim 1 , and forgings.4. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloy is in cast form.5. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloy is in powder metallurgy form.6. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , consisting essentially of:30 to 33 wt. % ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130294964A1

A weldable, high temperature oxidation resistant alloy with low solidification crack sensitivity and good resistance to strain age cracking. The alloy contains by weight percent, 25% to 32% iron, 18% to 25% chromium, 3.0% to 4.5% aluminum, 0.2% to 0.6% titanium, 0.2% to 0.43% silicon, up to 0.5% manganese and the balance nickel plus impurities. The Al+Ti content should be between 3.4 and 4.2 and the Cr/Al ratio should be from about 4.5 to 8. 1. A weldable , high temperature , oxidation resistant alloy consisting essentially of , by weight percent , 25% to 32% iron , 18% to 25% chromium , 3.0% to 4.5% aluminum , 0.2% to 0.6% titanium , 0.2% to 0.43% silicon , up to 0.5% manganese , up to 2.0% cobalt , up to 0.5% molybdenum , up to 0.5% tungsten , up to 0.01% magnesium , up to 0.25% carbon , up to 0.025% zirconium , up to 0.01% yttrium , up to 0.01% cerium , up to 0.01% lanthanum , up to 0.004 boron and the balance nickel plus impurities , Al+Ti content is from 3.4% to 4.22% and chromium and aluminum are present in amounts so that a Cr/Al ratio is from 4.5 to 8.2. The alloy of wherein the Al+Ti content is from 3.8% to 4.2%.3. The alloy of wherein the Al+Ti content is from 3.9% to 4.1%.4. The alloy of having a Cr/Al ratio from 5.0 to 7.05. The alloy of having a Cr/Al ratio from 5.2 to 7.06. The alloy of wherein niobium is present as an impurity in an amount not greater than 0.15%.7. The alloy of wherein manganese is present in an amount of 0.2 to 0.5%.8. The alloy of wherein the alloy contains 26.8% to 31.8% iron9. The alloy of wherein the alloy contains 18.9% to 24.3% chromium claim 1 ,10. The alloy of wherein the alloy contains 3.1% to 3.9% aluminum claim 1 ,11. The alloy of wherein the alloy contains 0.26% to 0.48% titanium.12. The alloy of wherein the alloy contains 0.25% to 0.41% silicon.13. The alloy of wherein the alloy possesses oxidation resistance of not more than 0.3 mils average metal affected when tested in flowing air at 1800° F. for at least 1000 hours ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130323113A1

The invention relates to a nickel-chromium-aluminum-iron alloy, comprising (in wt %) 12 to 28% chromium, 1.8 to 3.0% aluminum, 1.0 to 15% iron, 0.01 to 0.5% silicon, 0.005 to 0.5% manganese, 0.01 to 0.20% yttrium, 0.02 to 0.60% titanium, 0.01 to 0.2% zirconium, 0.0002 to 0.05% magnesium, 0.0001 to 0.05% calcium, 0.03 to 0.11% carbon, 0.003 to 0.05% nitrogen, 0.0005 to 0.008% boron, 0.0001 to 0.010% oxygen, 0.001 to 0.030% phosphorus, max. 0.010% sulfur, max. 0.5% molybdenum, max. 0.5% tungsten, the remainder nickel and the common contaminants resulting from the process, wherein the following relations must be satisfied: 7.7C−x·a<1.0, wherein a=PN if PN>0 or a=0 if PN≦0. Here, x=(1.0 Ti+1.06 Zr)/(0.251 Ti+0.132 Zr), PN=0.251 Ti+0.132 Zr−0.857 N, and Ti, Zr, N, and C are the concentration of the respective element in mass percent. 1. Nickel-chromium-aluminum-iron alloy having (in wt.-%) 12 to 28% chromium , 1.8 to 3.0% aluminum , 1.0 to 15% iron , 0.01 to 0.5% silicon , 0.005 to 0.5% manganese , 0.01 to 0.20% yttrium , 0.02 to 0.60% titanium , 0.01 to 0.2% zirconium , 0.0002 to 0.05% magnesium , 0.0001 to 0.05% calcium , 0.03 to 0.11% carbon , 0.003 to 0.05% nitrogen , 0.0005 to 0.008% boron , 0.0001-0.1010% oxygen , 0.001 to 0.030% phosphorus , max. 0.010% sulfur , max. 0.5% molybdenum , max. 0.5% tungsten , remainder nickel and the usual process-related contaminants , wherein the following relationships must be fulfilled:{'br': None, 'i': 'x·a<', '0<7.7C−1.0\u2003\u2003(2)'}{'br': None, 'i': 'a=', 'with PN, if PN>0\u2003\u2003(3a)'}{'br': None, 'i': 'a=', 'or 0, if PN≦0\u2003\u2003(3b)'}{'br': None, 'i': 'x', 'and =(1.0Ti+1.06Zr)/(0.251Ti+0.132Zr)\u2003\u2003(3c)'}{'br': None, 'where PN=0.251Ti+0.132Zr−0.857N\u2003\u2003(4)'}and Ti, Zr, N, C are the concentration of the related elements in mass-%.2. Alloy according to claim 1 , having a chromium content of 16 to 28%.3. Alloy according to claim 1 , having a chromium content of 20 to 28%.4. Alloy according to claim 1 ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Cast superalloy pressure containment vessel

Номер: US20130323522A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A large volume, cast superalloy pressure containment vessel is disclosed. The vessel includes a hollow body portion having a volume of at least about 4 cubic feet and a substantially porosity-free cast microstructure. The containment vessel configured for operation at an operating temperature of at least about 1,200° F. and an operating pressure of at least about 1,500 psi. A large volume, cast superalloy article is also disclosed. The article has a volume of at least about 4 cubic feet and a substantially porosity-free cast microstructure, the article configured for operation at an operating temperature of at least about 1,400° F.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030141A1

Nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy, comprising 40 to 48 wt % nickel, 30 to 38 wt % chromium, 4 to 12 wt % molybdenum and iron, wherein the alloy optionally further comprises up to 5 wt % manganese, up to 2 wt % copper, up to 0.6 wt % nitrogen, up to 0.5 wt % aluminium and up to 0.5 wt % vanadium. 1. Nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy , comprising40 to 48 wt % nickel,30 to 38wt % chromium,4 to 12 wt % molybdenum,and iron.2. Nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum alloy , comprising:40 to 48 wt % nickel,30 to 38 wt % chromium,4 to 12 wt % molybdenum, and one or more of:vanadium, andbalance of iron plus impurities.3. Alloy according to claim 2 , wherein the alloy containsup to 5 wt % manganese,up to 2 wt % copper,up to 0.6 wt % nitrogen,up to 5 wt % tungsten,up to 3 wt % niobium,up to 2 wt % cobalt, up to 0.2 wt % carbon,up to 1 wt % tantalum,up to 1 wt % titanium,up to 1 wt % silicon,up to 0.5 wt % aluminium,up to 0.5 wt % vanadium, andbalance iron plus impurities.4. Alloy according to claim 2 , wherein the sum of impurities is no greater than 0.1 wt %.5. Alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains at least 2 wt % iron.6. Alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains:(i) 42 to 48 wt % nickel,(ii) 32 to 38 wt % chromium,(iii) 4 to 11.5 wt % molybdenum,(iv) 0.01 to 5 wt % manganese,(v) 0.1 to 2 wt % copper,(vi) 0.01 to 0.6 wt % nitrogen,(vii) up to 2 wt % tungsten,(viii) up to 1 wt % niobium,(ix) up to 1.8 wt % cobalt,(x) 0.002 to 0.2 wt % carbon,(xi) up to 0.5 wt % tantalum,(xii) up to 0.5 wt % titanium,(xiii) 0.01 to 1 wt % silicon,(xiv) 0.01 to 0.5 wt % aluminium,(xv) 0.01 to 0.5 wt % vanadium.7. Alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains:(i) 43 to 47 wt % nickel,(ii) 33 to 37 wt % chromium,(iii) 4 to 11 wt % molybdenum,(iv) 0.02 to 2 wt % manganese,(v) 1 to 2 wt % copper,(vi) 0.05 to 0.4 wt % nitrogen,(vii) up to 1 wt % tungsten,(viii) up to 0.2 wt % niobium,(ix) up to 1.5 wt % cobalt,(x) 0.005 to 0.1 wt % carbon,(xi) up to 0.2 wt % ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Acid and Alkali Resistant Ni-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloys with Critical Contents of Chromium and Copper

Номер: US20140044587A1

A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. for acid and alkali neutralization in the field of waste management; the alloy contains, in weight percent, 27 to 33 chromium, 4.9 to 7.8 molybdenum, 3.1 to 6.0 wt. % copper (when chromium is between 30 and 33 wt. %) or 4.7 to 6.0 wt. % copper (when chromium is between 27 and 29.9 wt. %), up to 3.0 iron, 0.3 to 1.0 manganese, 0.1 to 0.5 aluminum, 0.1 to 0.8 silicon, 0.01 to 0.11 carbon, up to 0.13 nitrogen, up to 0.05 magnesium, up to 0.05 rare earth elements, with a balance of nickel and impurities. Titanium or another MC carbide former can be added to enhance thermal stability of the alloy. 1. A nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy resistant to sulfuric acid , having a corrosion rate of less than 0.45 mm/y in 70% sulfuric acid at 93° C. and resistant to sodium hydroxide , having a maximum internal attack corresponding to corrosion rate of less than 0.45 mm/y in 50% sodium hydroxide at 121° C. , consisting essentially of:27 to 33 wt. % chromium4.9 to 7.8 wt. % molybdenum3.1 to 6.0 wt. % copper when chromium is between 30 and 33 wt. %, or 4.7 to 6.0 wt. % copper when chromium is between 27 and 29.9 wt. %.up to 3.0 wt. % iron0.3 to 1.0 wt. % manganese0.1 to 0.5 wt. % aluminum0.1 to 0.8 wt. % silicon0.01 to 0.11 wt. % carbonup to 0.13 wt. % nitrogenup to 0.05 wt. % magnesiumup to 0.05 wt. % rare earth elementsup to 0.56 wt. % titaniumup to 1.12 wt. % niobiumup to 2.24 wt. % tantalumup to 2.24 wt. % hafniumwith a balance of nickel and impurities.)2. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloys are in wrought forms selected from the group consisting of sheets claim 1 , plates claim 1 , bars claim 1 , wires claim 1 , tubes claim 1 , pipes claim 1 , and forgings.)3. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , wherein the alloy is in cast form.)4. The nickel-chromium-molybdenum-copper alloy of claim 1 , ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Ni Base Forged Alloy and Gas Turbine Utilizing the Same

Номер: US20140064981A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An Ni base forged alloy is easy to make hot forging and miniaturization of crystal grains while excellent high-temperature strength and segregation property are compatible. The Ni base forged alloy has solid solution temperature of a precipitation strengthening phase lower than or equal to 970° C., difference in the solid solution temperature between a δ-phase and the precipitation strength phase larger than or equal to 50° C., Al of 0.5 to 1.0%, Cr of 17 to 21%, Fe of 17 to 19%, Nb of 4.5 to 5.5%, Ti of 0.8 to 1.3%, W of 3.0 to 6.0%, B of 0.001 to 0.03%, C of 0.001 to 0.1% and Mo of 1.0% or less in mass percentage [%] and remainder made of Ni and inevitable impurities. 1. An Ni base forged alloy having solid solution temperature of a precipitation strengthening phase lower than or equal to 970° C. , difference in the solid solution temperature between a δ-phase and the precipitation strength phase larger than or equal to 50° C. , Al of 0.5 to 1.0% , Cr of 17 to 21% , Fe of 17 to 19% , Nb of 4.5 to 5.5% , Ti of 0.8 to 1.3% , W of 3.0 to 6.0% , B of 0.001 to 0.03% , C of 0.001 to 0.1% and Mo of 1.0% or less in mass percentage [%] and remainder made of Ni and inevitable impurities.2. An Ni base forged alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a value of an expression 1 defined by “2.20×amount of Al+1.32×amount of Ti−0.46×amount of Nb” is smaller than or equal to 1.3. An Ni base forged alloy according to claim 1 , wherein an average diameter of crystal grains is smaller than or equal to 100 μm.4. An Ni base forged alloy according to claim 1 , whereinthe Ni base forged alloy has weight heavier than or equal to 2 tons and yield stress at 500° C. larger than or equal to 1000 Mpa.51. A turbine disk larger than or equal to 1 ton and processed from the Ni base forged alloy according to Claim.6. A turbine spacer larger than or equal to 1 ton and processed from the Ni base forged alloy according to .7. A gas turbine comprising the turbine disk and/or the turbine spacer according to ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Ni Base Alloy and Gas Turbine Blade and Gas Turbine Utilizing the Same

Номер: US20140064982A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

An Ni base alloy uses GTD-111 as a base to improve high-temperature strength while maintaining the weldability and corrosion resistance and a gas turbine blade utilizes the Ni base alloy. The Ni base alloy contains Al of 2.5 to 3.5%, Co of 1.5 to 5.5%, Cr of 11.8 to 13.8%, Mo of 0.4 to 1.4%, Ta of 3.0 to 5.0%, Ti of 5.1 to 6.1%, W of 3.3 to 4.3%, B of 0.01 to 0.02%, C of 0.08 to 0.12% in mass % and remainder containing Ni and inevitable impurities and does not substantially contain Nb. 1. An Ni base alloy containing Al of 2.5 to 3.5% , Co of 1.5 to 5.5% , Cr of 11.8 to 13.8% , Mo of 0.4 to 1.4% , Ta of 3.0 to 5.0% , Ti of 5.1 to 6.1% , W of 3.3 to 4.3% , B of 0.01 to 0.02% , C of 0.08 to 0.12% in mass % and remainder containing Ni and inevitable impurities.2. An Ni base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the inevitable impurities contain Nb of 0 to 0.2% or less claim 1 , Hf of 0 to 2.0% or less claim 1 , Re of 0 to 0.5% or less claim 1 , Zr of 0 to 0.05% or less claim 1 , O of 0 to 0.005% or less claim 1 , N of 0 to 0.005% or less claim 1 , Si of 0 to 0.01% or less claim 1 , Mn of 0 to 0.02% or less claim 1 , P of 0 to 0.01% or less and S of 0 to 0.01% or less in mass %.3. An Ni base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein Nb is not substantially contained.4. An Ni base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Ni base alloy precipitates γ′-phase having NiAl which is intermetallic compound as representation in γ-phase which is matrix phase.5. An Ni base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Ni base alloy of precipitation strengthening type contains Al of 2.7 to 3.3% claim 1 , Co of 3.0 to 4.0% claim 1 , Cr of 12.3 to 13.3% claim 1 , Mo of 0.6 to 1.2% claim 1 , Ta of 3.5 to 4.5% claim 1 , Ti of 5.3 to 5.9% claim 1 , W of 3.6 to 4.0% claim 1 , B of 0.012 to 0.018% and C of 0.09 to 0.11% in mass %.6. A casting product utilizing the Ni base alloy according to .7. A gas turbine blade utilizing the casting product according to .8. A gas turbine utilizing the gas turbine ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Hf-Co-B Alloys as Permanent Magnet Materials

Номер: US20140090751A1
Принадлежит: UT-BATTELLE, LLC

An alloy composition is composed essentially of HfZrCoB, wherein 00.5. An alloy composition in accordance with wherein said alloy is ferromagnetic at room temperature and has a saturation magnetic moment of at least 50 emu/g.6. An alloy composition in accordance with wherein said magnetic moment of at least 50 emu/g is persistent to a temperature of at least 100° C.7. A method of making a magnetic alloy comprising the steps of:{'sub': 2-X', 'X', '11', 'Y, 'a. Forming an essentially, macroscopically homogeneous alloy consisting essentially of HfZrCoB, wherein 0≦X<2 and 0 Подробнее

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Precipitation hardening nickel-base alloy, part made of said alloy, and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20170002449A1
Принадлежит: Aubert and Duval SA

A precipitation hardened nickel-base alloy, characterized in that its composition is, in weight percentages: 18%≦Cr≦22%, preferably 18%≦Cr≦20%; 18%≦Co≦22%, preferably 19%≦Co≦21%; 4%≦Mo+W≦8%, preferably 5.5%≦Mo+W≦7.5%; trace amounts≦Zr≦0.06%; trace amounts≦B≦0.03%. preferably trace amounts≦B≦0.01%; trace amounts≦C≦0.1%, preferably trace amounts≦C≦0.06%; trace amounts≦Fe≦1%; trace amounts≦Nb≦0.01%; trace amounts≦Ta≦0.01%; trace amounts≦S≦0.008%; trace amounts≦P≦0.015%; trace amounts≦Mn≦0.3%; trace amounts≦Si≦0.15%; trace amounts≦O≦0.0025%; trace amounts≦N≦0.0030%; the remainder being nickel and impurities resulting from the elaboration, the Al and Ti contents further satisfying the conditions: Ti/Al≦3;  (1) Al+1.2 Ti≧2%;  (2) (0.2 Al−1.25) 2 −0.5 Ti≧0%;  (3) Ti+1.5 Al≦4.5%.  (4) Part made in this alloy and its manufacturing method.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Abrasive Coating and Manufacture and Use Methods

Номер: US20160003064A1

A method for applying an abrasive comprises: applying, to a substrate, the integral combination of: a self-braze material; an abrasive; and a matrix in which the abrasive is at least partially embedded; and heating to cause the self-braze material to braze to the substrate. The heating leaves at least a portion of the self-braze material with a composition comprising, in weight percent: cobalt 2.5-13.5; chromium 12-27; aluminum 5-7; yttrium 0.0-1.0; hafnium 0.0-1.0; silicon 1.0-3.0; tantalum 0.0-4.5; tungsten 0.0-6.5; rhenium 0.0-2.0; molybdenum 0.1-1.0; and the balance nickel. 1. A method for applying an abrasive , the method comprising: a self-braze material;', 'an abrasive; and', 'a matrix in which the abrasive is at least partially embedded; and, 'applying, to a substrate, the integral combination of cobalt 2.5-13.5;', 'chromium 12-27;', 'aluminum 5-7;', 'yttrium 0.0-1.0;', 'hafnium 0.0-1.0;', 'silicon 1.0-3.0;', 'tantalum 0.0-4.5;', 'tungsten 0.0-6.5;', 'rhenium 0.0-2.0;', 'molybdenum 0.1-1.0; and', 'the balance nickel., 'heating to cause the self-braze material to braze to the substrate, the heating leaving at least a portion of the self-braze material with a composition comprising, in weight percent2. The method of wherein: cobalt 2.5-13.5;', 'chromium 12-27;', 'aluminum 5-7;', 'yttrium 0.0-1.0;', 'hafnium 0.0-1.0;', 'silicon 1.0-3.0;', 'tantalum 2.0-4.5;', 'tungsten 2.0-6.5;', 'rhenium 0.0-2.0;', 'molybdenum 0.1-1.0; and', 'the balance nickel., 'said portion of the self-braze material has said composition comprising, in weight percent3. The method of wherein:said composition has no more than 1.0 weight percent of any other individual element.4. The method of wherein:said composition has no more than 3.0 weight percent of all other individual elements combined.5. The method of wherein:the matrix comprises an MCrAlY; andthe abrasive comprises cubic boron nitride.6. The method of wherein the self-braze material comprises a sintered sheet of:at least one first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Abrasive Coating and Manufacture and Use Methods

Номер: US20160003065A1

A method for applying an abrasive comprises: applying, to a substrate, the integral combination of a self-braze material, an abrasive, a matrix in which the abrasive is at least partially embedded, and an intermediate layer between the self-braze material and the matrix; and heating to cause the self-braze material to braze to the substrate. 1. A method for applying an abrasive , the method comprising:applying, to a substrate, the integral combination of:a self-braze material;an abrasive;a matrix in which the abrasive is at least partially embedded; andan intermediate layer between the self-braze material and the matrix; andheating to cause the self-braze material to braze to the substrate.2. The method of wherein the intermediate layer is a cast layer.3. The method of wherein the heating leaves at least a portion of the self-braze material with a composition comprising claim 1 , in weight percent:cobalt 2.5-13.5;chromium 12-27;aluminum 5-7;yttrium 0.0-1.0;hafnium 0.0-1.0;silicon 1.0-3.0;tantalum 0.0-4.5;tungsten 0.0-6.5;rhenium 0.0-2.0;molybdenum 0.1-1.0; andthe balance nickel.4. The method of wherein:said portion of the self-braze material has said composition comprising, in weight percent:cobalt 2.5-13.5;chromium 12-27;aluminum 5-7;yttrium 0.0-1.0;hafnium 0.0-1.0;silicon 1.0-3.0;tantalum 2.0-4.5;tungsten 2.0-6.5;rhenium 0.0-2.0;molybdenum 0.1-1.0; andthe balance nickel.5. The method of wherein:said composition has no more than 1.0 weight percent of any other individual element.6. The method of wherein:said composition has no more than 3.0 weight percent of all other individual elements combined.7. The method of wherein:the matrix comprises an MCrAlY; andthe abrasive comprises cubic boron nitride.8. The method of wherein the self-braze material comprises a sintered sheet of:at least one first alloy of low melting point relative to the substrate; andat least one second alloy of high melting point relative to the first alloy.9. The method of wherein:the at least one ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Abrasive Preforms and Manufacture and Use Methods

Номер: US20160003066A1

A method for applying an abrasive comprises: applying, to a substrate, the integral combination of: a self-braze material; and an abrasive embedded in the self-braze material; and securing the combination to the substrate. 1. A method for applying an abrasive , the method comprising: a self-braze material; and', 'an abrasive embedded in the self-braze material; and, 'applying, to a substrate, the integral combination ofsecuring the combination to the substrate.2. The method of wherein:the securing comprises heating to cause the self-braze material to braze to the substrate or an intervening component.3. The method of wherein the applying comprises applying an assembly of the combination and at least one additional braze material layer claim 1 , said additional braze material layer lacking abrasive.4. The method of wherein the assembly further comprises a cast intermediate layer.5. The method of wherein the self-braze material and the at least one additional braze material layer each comprise a mixture of alloys of different melting points.6. The method of wherein: cobalt 2.5-13.5;', 'chromium 12-27;', 'aluminum 5-7;', 'yttrium 0.0-1.0;', 'hafnium 0.0-1.0;', 'silicon 1.0-3.0;', 'tantalum 0.0-4.5;', 'tungsten 0.0-6.5;', 'rhenium 0.0-2.0;', 'molybdenum 0.1-1.0; and', 'the balance nickel., 'the securing comprises heating and leaves at least a portion of the self-braze material with a composition comprising, in weight percent7. The method of wherein: cobalt 2.5-13.5;', 'chromium 12-27;', 'aluminum 5-7;', 'yttrium 0.0-1.0;', 'hafnium 0.0-1.0;', 'silicon 1.0-3.0;', 'tantalum 2.0-4.5;', 'tungsten 2.0-6.5;', 'rhenium 0.0-2.0;', 'molybdenum 0.1-1.0; and', 'the balance nickel., 'said portion of the self-braze material has said composition comprising, in weight percent8. The method of wherein:said composition has no more than 1.0 weight percent of any other individual element.9. The method of wherein:said composition has no more than 3.0 weight percent of all other individual ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002784A1

Provided is a Ni-based alloy having a composition consisting of, by mass %, Cr: 14.0% to 17.0% (preferably, not less than 14.0% and less than 15.0%), Fe: 5.0% to 9.0%, Ti: 2.2% to 2.8%, Al: 0.40% to 1.00%, a total amount of Nb+Ta: 0.7% to 1.2%, B: 0.001% to 0.010%, Zr: 0.01% to 0.15%, Mg: 0.001% to 0.050%, Mn: 0.01% to 0.20%, Cu: 0.005% to 0.300%, Mo: 0.01% to 0.30%, C: 0.01% to 0.05%, and the balance of Ni with inevitable impurities. In a creep test under conditions of a test temperature of 750° C. and a test load of 330 MPa, the Ni-based alloy preferably has a creep rupture life of not less than 120 hours and an elongation of not less than 16%, i.e., has good high-temperature creep characteristics. The Ni-based alloy is suitable for a gas turbine member. 1. An Ni-based alloy having a composition consisting of , by mass % , Cr: 14.0% to 17.0% , Fe: 5.0% to 9.0% , Ti: 2.2% to 2.8% , Al: 0.40% to 1.00% , a total amount of Nb+Ta: 0.7% to 1.2% , B: 0.001% to 0.010% , Zr: 0.01% to 0.15% , Mg: 0.001% to 0.050% , Mn: 0.01% to 0.20% , Cu: 0.005% to 0.300% , Mo: 0.01% to 0.30% , C: 0.01% to 0.05% , and the balance of Ni with inevitable impurities.2. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a total content of B claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , and Mo is from 0.18% to 0.51%.3. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the content of Cr is not less than 14.0% and less than 15.0%4. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , wherein in a creep test under conditions of a test temperature of 750° C. and a test load of 330 MPa claim 1 , the Ni-based alloy has a creep rupture life of at least 120 hours and an elongation of at least 16%.5. A gas turbine member claim 1 , comprising the Ni-based alloy according to . The present invention relates to a Ni-based alloy having excellent high-temperature creep characteristics and a gas turbine member using this Ni-based alloy and, more particularly, to a Ni-based alloy having a long creep rupture time and large rupture ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002793A1

A method for preparing an article including a nickel-based superalloy is presented. The method includes heat-treating a workpiece including a nickel-based superalloy at a temperature above a gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy and cooling the heat-treated workpiece with a cooling rate less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit/minute from the temperature above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy so as to obtain a cooled workpiece. The cooled workpiece includes a gamma-prime precipitate phase having an average particle size less than 250 nanometers at a concentration of at least 10 percent by volume, and is substantially free of a gamma-double-prime phase. An article having a minimum dimension greater than 6 inches is also presented. The article includes a material that has a gamma-prime precipitate phase having an average particle size less than 250 nanometers, and is substantially free of a gamma-double-prime phase. 1. A method for preparing an article , comprising:heat-treating a workpiece comprising a nickel-based superalloy at a temperature above a gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy; andcooling the heat-treated workpiece with a cooling rate less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit/minute from the temperature above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy so as to obtain a cooled workpiece comprising a gamma-prime precipitate phase at a concentration of at least 10 percent by volume of a material of the cooled workpiece and having an average particle size less than 250 nanometers,wherein the cooled workpiece is substantially free of a gamma-double-prime phase.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based superalloy comprises:at least 30 weight percent nickel;from about 0.25 weight percent to about 6 weight percent aluminum;from about 0.5 weight percent to about 9 weight percent niobium, andless than 4 weight percent titanium, less than 4 weight percent tantalum or less ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002794A1

A method for preparing an improved article including a nickel-based superalloy is presented. The method includes heat-treating a workpiece including a nickel-based superalloy at a temperature above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy and cooling the heat-treated workpiece with a cooling rate less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit/minute from the temperature above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy so as to obtain a cooled workpiece. The cooled workpiece includes a coprecipitate of a gamma-prime phase and a gamma-double-prime phase, wherein the gamma-prime phase of the coprecipitate has an average particle size less than 250 nanometers. An article having a minimum dimension greater than 6 inches is also presented. The article includes a material having a coprecipitate of a gamma-prime phase and a gamma-double-prime phase, wherein the gamma-prime phase of the coprecipitate has an average particle size less than 250 nanometers. 1. A method for preparing an article , comprising:heat-treating a workpiece comprising a nickel-based superalloy at a temperature above a gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy, andcooling the heat-treated workpiece with a cooling rate less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit/minute from the temperature above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the nickel-based superalloy so as to obtain a cooled workpiece comprising a coprecipitate of a gamma-prime phase and a gamma-double-prime phase at a concentration of at least 10 percent by volume of a material of the cooled workpiece, wherein the gamma-prime phase has an average particle size less than 250 nanometers.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based superalloy comprises:at least 30 weight percent nickel;from about 0.1 weight percent to about 6 weight percent titanium, from about 0.1 weight percent to about 6 weight percent tantalum or from about 0.1 weight percent to about 6 weight percent of a combination of titanium ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180002795A1
Автор: Das Gopal

A method of metallurgical processing includes, providing a workpiece that has been formed by additive manufacturing of a nickel-chromium based superalloy. The workpiece has an internal porosity and a microstructure with a columnar grain structure and delta phase. The workpiece is then hot isostatically pressed to reduce the internal porosity and to at least partially retain the columnar grain structure and the delta phase. The workpiece is then heat treated to at least partially retain the columnar grain structure and the delta phase. 1. A method of metallurgical processing , the method comprising:providing a workpiece that has been formed by additive manufacturing of a nickel-chromium based superalloy, the workpiece having an internal porosity and a microstructure with a columnar grain structure and delta phase;hot isostatically pressing the workpiece to reduce the internal porosity and to at least partially retain the columnar grain structure and the delta phase; andheat treating the workpiece after the hot isostatic pressing to at least partially retain the columnar grain structure and the delta phase.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the hot isostatic pressing of the workpiece forms new delta phase at grain boundaries in the columnar grain structure claim 1 , and the heat treating of the workpiece after the hot isostatic pressing forms additional new delta phase at grain boundaries in the columnar grain structure.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the nickel-chromium based superalloy has a composition including claim 1 , by weight: 50-55% Ni+Co claim 1 , 17-21% Cr claim 1 , 4.74-5.5% Nb+Ta claim 1 , 2.8-3.3% Mo claim 1 , 0.65-1.15 Ti claim 1 , 0.2-0.8 Al claim 1 , and a balance Fe and impurities.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the workpiece has a geometry of an aerospace component.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the hot isostatic pressing reduces the internal porosity by a relative percentage of least 40%.6. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003020A1

The present invention relates to a waste gate component for a turbo charger comprising an alloy comprising about 30 to about 42 wt.-% Ni, about 15 to about 28 wt.-% Cr, about 1 to about 5 wt.-% Cr, about 1 to about 4 wt.-% Ti, and at least about 20 wt.-% Fe, and to processes for preparing such a waste gate component. 2. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises Nb in an amount of 1 to 4 wt.-% Nb claim 1 , and/or Win an amount of 0.1 to 3 wt.-% claim 1 , and/or Mo in an amount of 0.5 to 4 wt.-% claim 1 , and C in the alloy is less than 0.1 wt.-%.3. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises between 1 and 10 wt.-% of one or more elements selected from Mn claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Si.4. Waste gate component according to claim 3 , wherein the alloy comprises 0.5-4 wt.-% Mo claim 3 , 0.1 to 2 wt.-% Al claim 3 , and 0.1 to 3 wt.-% W.5. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises 0.5-4 wt.-% Mo claim 1 , 0.1 to 2 wt.-% Al claim 1 , 0.1 to 3 wt.-% Mn claim 1 , 0.1 to 3 wt.-% W claim 1 , 0.5 to 4 wt.-% Si claim 1 , and 1 to 4 wt.-% Nb.7. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises 1.0 to 3.0 wt.-% Mo claim 1 , 0.3 to 0.8 wt.-% Al claim 1 , 0.5 to 2.5 wt.-% Mn claim 1 , 0.5 to 2.5 wt.-% W claim 1 , 0.6 to 2.4 wt.-% Si claim 1 , and 1.7 to 2.5 wt.-% Nb.8. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy comprises less than 0.1 wt.-% claim 1 , less than 0.05 wt.-% P claim 1 , less than 0.05 wt.-% S claim 1 , and less than 300 ppm claim 1 , by weight claim 1 , of N.9. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy has been subjected to solution heat treatment claim 1 , precipitation hardening claim 1 , or both.10. Waste gate component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy has an austenitic microstructure and comprises second phase particles or aggregates of said second phase particles claim 1 , wherein said particles have an average ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003026A1

A method for heat treating a superalloy component includes heating a superalloy component to a first temperature, cooling the superalloy from the first temperature to a second temperature at a first cooling rate in a furnace, and cooling the superalloy component from the second temperature to a final temperature at a second cooling rate. The second cooling rate is higher than the first cooling rate. 1. A method for heat treating a superalloy component , comprising:heating a superalloy component to a first temperature;cooling the superalloy from the first temperature to a second temperature at a first cooling rate in a furnace; andcooling the superalloy component from the second temperature to a final temperature at a second cooling rate, wherein the second cooling rate is higher than the first cooling rate.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first cooling step is performed at a first pressure claim 1 , and the second cooling step is performed at a second pressure higher than the first pressure.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the second pressure is between about 1 and 20 bar (0.1 and 2 MPa).4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first temperature is above a solvus temperature for the superalloy component and the second temperature is below the solvus temperature.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the furnace includes a fan operable to provide convection within the furnace claim 1 , and the fan has a first speed during the first cooling step and a second speed during the second cooling step claim 1 , the second speed higher than the first speed.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising performing the second cooling step immediately after the first cooling step without removing the component from the furnace.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the superalloy component comprises a supersolvus processed powder metallurgy superalloy claim 1 , wherein the average grain size is between about 20 to 120 μm (0.787 to 4.72 mils) in diameter.8. The method of claim 7 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008081A1

A method comprising introducing a first casting material into a casting mold; applying directional solidification to the first casting material in the casting mold; introducing a second casting material into the casting mold, the second casting material having a different chemical composition than the first casting material; applying directional solidification to the second casting material in the casting mold; and forming a molded article, wherein the molded article comprises a first region 120.-. (canceled)21. A molded article comprising:a first region formed by a first casting material; anda second region formed by mixing a molten or liquid portion of the first casting material and a second casting material,wherein the first casting material has a different chemical composition than the second casting material,wherein the first region and the second region are cast as one integral casting using directional solidification, andwherein the molded article has a lower concentration of impurities than were present in the first casting material and the second casting material.22. The molded article of claim 21 , wherein the molded article is a component in a gas turbine engine.231. The molded article of claim 21 , wherein the molded article is a stage bucket in a gas turbine engine.24. The molded article of claim 21 , wherein the molded article is a latter stage bucket in a gas turbine engine.25. The molded article of claim 24 , wherein the second region is a squealer tip.26. The molded article of claim 25 , wherein the second region is a tip shroud.27. The molded article of claim 21 , wherein the first region and the second region are each single crystal claim 21 , columnar claim 21 , equiaxed claim 21 , or a combination thereof.28. The molded article of claim 21 , wherein the interface between the first region and the second region is devoid of an oxidation layer.29. The molded article of claim 21 , wherein the molded article further comprises a third region formed by ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150010427A1

In a Ni-base alloy, an area-equivalent diameter D is calculated. D is defined by D=Afrom an area A of a largest nitride in a field of view when an observation area Sis observed. This process is repeated in n fields of view for measurement, where n is the number of the fields of view for measurement, so as to acquire n pieces of data on D, and the pieces are arranged in ascending order D, D, . . . , Dto obtain a reduced variate y. The obtained values are plotted on X-Y axis coordinates, where an X axis corresponds to D and a Y axis corresponds to y. In a regression line y=a×D+b, yis obtained when a target cross-sectional area S is set to 100 mm. When the obtained yis substituted into the regression line, the estimated nitride maximum size is ≦25 μm in diameter. 2. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein 13 mass % to 30 mass % of Cr and 8 mass % or less of at least one of Al and Ti are contained in the alloy.3. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein 25 mass % or less of Fe is further contained in the alloy.4. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein 0.01 mass % to 6 mass % of Ti is contained in the alloy.5. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.6. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 3 , wherein 0.01 mass % to 6 mass % of Ti is contained in the alloy.7. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.8. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 3 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.9. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 4 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride.10. The Ni-base alloy according to claim 6 , wherein the nitride is a titanium nitride. This is the U.S. National Phase Application under 35 U.S.C. §371 of International Patent Application No. PCT/JP2013/052683 filed Feb. 6, 2013, which designated the United States and claims the benefit of Japanese Patent Application No. 2012-024294 filed on Feb. 7, 2012, both of which are incorporated by ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170009324A1
Принадлежит: Haynes International Inc

In a method for making a wrought nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy having homogeneous, two-phase microstructures the alloy in ingot form is subjected to a homogenization treatment at a temperature between 2025° F. and 2100° F. , and then hot worked at start temperature between 2025° F. and 2100° F. The alloy preferably contains 18.47 to 20.78 wt. % chromium, 19.24 to 20.87 wt. % molybdenum, 0.08 to 0.62 wt. % aluminum, less than 0.76 wt. % manganese, less than 2.10 wt. % iron, less than 0.56 wt. % copper, less than 0.14 wt. % silicon, up to 0.17 wt. % titanium, less than 0.013 wt. % carbon, and the balance nickel.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010594A1

A method for recycling a Ni-based single crystal superalloy part or unidirectionally solidified superalloy part provided with a thermal barrier coating containing at least a ceramic on a surface of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy substrate or Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy substrate, in which the method including the steps of: melting and desulfurizing a Ni-based single crystal superalloy part or Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy part at a temperature of the melting point or more of the Ni-based single crystal superalloy or Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy and less than the melting point of the ceramic; heating a casting mold for a recycled Ni-based single crystal superalloy part or casting mold for a recycled Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy part to a temperature of the melting point or more of the Ni-based single crystal superalloy or Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy; pouring the desulfurized melted Ni-based single crystal superalloy or Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy into the casting mold, and producing a melting stock or growing a Ni-based single crystal superalloy or Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy; and removing the melting stock or the recycled Ni-based single crystal superalloy part or recycled Ni-based unidirectionally solidified superalloy part from the casting mold. In this way, a method for recycling a Ni-based superalloy part, by which the recycle cost of a Ni-based superalloy part and the lifetime cost of a highly efficient gas turbine engine using a Ni-based superalloy part can be significantly reduced, and further a Ni-based superalloy part having the same high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance as those of a newly produced Ni-based superalloy part can be obtained, is provided. 1. A method for recycling a Ni-based single crystal superalloy part provided with a thermal barrier coating containing at least a ceramic on a surface of ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010930A1

Ni-based super heat-resistant alloys have a composition in which the equilibrium precipitated amount of a gamma prime phase at 700° C. is 35 mol % or greater, and have grains having a maximum diameter of 75 nm or less in cross-sectional structure. One Ni-based super heat-resistant alloy manufacturing method includes preparing a raw material of a Ni-based super heat-resistant alloy having the aforementioned composition, and performing plastic processing of the raw material a plurality of times at a temperature of 500° C. or less so as to obtain a cumulative processing rate of 30% or greater. Another Ni-based super heat-resistant alloy manufacturing method includes preparing an alloy material having the aforementioned composition, a hardness of 500 HV or greater, and the aforementioned crystal grain maximum diameter, performing plastic processing of the alloy material at a temperature of 500° C. or less, and obtaining an alloy having a hardness of 500 HV or greater. 1. A super heat resistant Ni-based alloy having a composition such that an amount of precipitated gamma prime phase in equilibrium at 700° C. is not less than 35 mol % , and having a cross-sectional structure including grains having a maximum grain size of not more than 75 nm.2. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , having a hardness of not less than 500 HV.3. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the cross-sectional structure includes not less than 5 grains having a maximum grain size of not more than 75 nm per 1 μm.4. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , comprising claim 1 , by mass % claim 1 ,0 to 0.25% of C,8.0 to 25.0% of Cr,0.5 to 8.0% of Al,0.4 to 7.0% of Ti,0 to 28.0% of Co,0 to 8% of Mo,0 to 6.0% of W,0 to 4.0% of Nb,0 to 3.0% of Ta,0 to 10.0% of Fe,0 to 1.2% of V,0 to 1.0% of Hf,0 to 0.300% of B,0 to 0.300% of Zr, andthe balance of Ni and impurities.5. The Ni-based alloy according to claim 1 , having a composition such that an amount of precipitated gamma prime phase in ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Ni-Based Heat Resistant Alloy and Method for Producing the Same

Номер: US20200010931A1

A Ni-based heat resistant alloy of the present invention contains predetermined amounts of C, Si, Mn, P, S, N, O, Ni, Co, Cr, Mo, W, B, Al, Ti, Nb, REM, Mg, Ca, and the balance of Fe and impurities, wherein [0.1≤Mo+W≤12.0], [1.0≤4×Al+2×Ti+Nb≤12.0], and [P+0.2×Cr×B<0.035] are satisfied, a shortest distance from a center portion to an outer surface portion of a cross section of an alloy member is 40 mm or more, the cross section being perpendicular to a longitudinal direction of the alloy member, an austenite grain size number at the outer surface portion is −2.0 to 4.0, a total content of Al, Ti and Nb which are present as precipitates obtained by extraction residue analysis satisfies [(Al+Ti+Nb)/(Al+Ti+Nb)≤10.0], and [YS/YS≤1.5] and [TS/TS] are satisfied at a normal temperature. 1. A Ni-based heat resistant alloy having a chemical composition consisting of , in mass %:C: 0.005 to 0.15%;Si: 2.0% or less;Mn: 3.0% or less;P: 0.030% or less;S: 0.010% or less;N: 0.030% or less;O: 0.030% or less;Ni: 40.0 to 60.0%;Co: 0.01 to 25.0%;Cr: 15.0% or more to less than 28.0%;Mo: 12.0% or less;W: less than 4.0%;B: 0.0005 to 0.006%;Al: 0 to 3.0%;Ti: 0 to 3.0%;Nb: 0 to 3.0%;REM: 0 to 0.1%;Mg: 0 to 0.02%;Ca: 0 to 0.02%; andthe balance: Fe and impurities, whereinfollowing formulas (i) to (iii) are satisfied,a shortest distance from a center portion to an outer surface portion of a cross section of the alloy is 40 mm or more, the cross section being perpendicular to a longitudinal direction of the alloy,an austenite grain size number at the outer surface portion is −2.0 to 4.0,a total content of Al, Ti and Nb which are present as precipitates obtained by extraction residue analysis satisfies a following formula (iv), and [{'br': None, '0.1≤Mo+W≤12.0 \u2003\u2003(i)'}, {'br': None, '1.0≤4×Al+2 ×Ti+Nb≤12.0 \u2003\u2003(ii)'}, {'br': None, 'P+0.2×Cr×B<0.035 \u2003\u2003(iii)'}, {'br': None, 'sub': PB', 'PS, '(Al+Ti+Nb)/(Al+Ti+Nb)≤10.0 \u2003\u2003(iv)'}, {'br': None, 'sub': S', 'B, 'YS/ ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200010932A1

Turbocharger components comprising a relatively light-weight nicked-based superalloy having an amount of γ′-phase domains that is greater than 40% after aging the component at 1000° C. for 300 hours. 1. A turbocharger component , comprising a polycrystalline nickel-based alloy of the following composition:Cr 10.0 to 15.0 wt.-%;Co 4.0 to 9.0 wt.-%;C 0.05 to 0.15 wt.-%;Al, Ti, Nb, and Ta in a total amount of 7.0 to 15.0 wt. %, with the proviso that the amount of Al is at least 3.7 wt.-%, the amount of the γ′-phase is greater than 40% after aging the component at 1000° C. for 300 hours;Mo and W in a total amount of 2.0 to 5.0 wt.-%, wherein Mo and W are present in the weight ratio of Mo:W=0.7 to 1.8;optionally Re and Hf with the proviso that each element is present in an amount of less than 1 wt.-%;optionally other elements in a total amount of less than 3 wt.-% (impurities), independently from each other, Fe, Mn, P, S, and Si in amounts of less than 0.05 wt.-%; andNi as balance.2. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the average size of the γ′-phase is less than 1.0 μm and the density of the component is less than 8.35 g/cm.3. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains 1.2 to 2.4 wt. % Ta.4. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains 0.3 to 1.5 wt.-% Nb.5. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains 4.0 to 5.5 wt.-% Al.6. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the amount of Re and Hf is independently from each other less than 0.15 wt.% claim 1 , in particular less than 0.1 wt.-%.7. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the weight ratio of Al to Ti is in the range of 1.1 to 1.9 claim 1 , or 1.3 to 1.8 claim 1 , and in particular 1.35 to 1.65.8. The turbocharger component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy contains 2.4 to 3.5 wt.-% Ti claim 1 , in particular about 2.7 to about 3.2 wt. % Ti.9. The ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Nickel Based Alloy for Forging

Номер: US20150017015A1

A nickel (Ni) based alloy for forging includes: 0.001 to 0.1 wt. % of carbon (C); 12 to 23 wt. % of chromium (Cr); 3.5 to 5.0 wt. % of aluminum (Al); 5 to 12 combined wt. % of tungsten (W) and molybdenum (Mo) in which the Mo content is 5 wt. % or less; a negligible small amount of titanium (Ti), tantalate (Ta) and niobium (Nb); and the balance of Ni and inevitable impurities. 1. A forged product made of an Ni based alloy capable of being forged , the Ni based alloy including:{'sub': 3', '3, '0.001 to 0.04 wt. % of C; 12 to 23 wt. % of Cr; 3.5 to 5.0 wt. % of Al; more than 15 wt. % but not more than 23 wt. % of Co; 5 to 12 combined wt. % of W and Mo in which the Mo content is 5 wt % or less; a negligible small amount of Ti, Ta and Nb; and the balance of Ni and inevitable impurities, wherein NiAl phase grains of an average diameter of 50 to 100 nm precipitate in the alloy with a volume percentage of 30% or more at or below 700° C.; temperature of solid solution limit line (solvus temperature) of the NiAl phase is 1000° C. or lower; and 100,000-hour creep rupture strength of the alloy is 100 MPa or more at 750° C.'}2. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a component for use in a steam turbine plant.3. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a boiler tube for use in a steam turbine plant having main steam temperature of 720° C. or higher.4. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a bolt for use in a steam turbine plant and used at a temperature of 750° C. or higher.5. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is a steam turbine rotor used at a temperature of 750° C. or higher.6. The forged product according to claim 1 , wherein the forged product is prepared by a procedure including:{'sub': '3', 'hot forging the Ni based alloy into a predetermined shape at a temperature higher than a temperature of solid solution limit line (solvus temperature) ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Nickel based alloy

Номер: US20220033936A1
Автор: Magnus Hasselqvist
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Global GmbH and Co KG

A nickel based superalloy, including: Chromium (Cr) 12.0%-14.0%, Molybdenum (Mo) 1.5%-3.0%, Tungsten (W) 2.5%-4.5%, Aluminum (Al) 4.0%-5.0%, Titanium (Ti) 1.8%-2.8%, Niobium (Nb) 1.5%-3.5%, Hafnium (Hf) 0.8%-1.8%, Carbon (C) 0.03%-0.13%, Boron (B) 0.005%-0.025%, Silicon (Si) 0.005%-0.05%, and optionally: Cobalt (Co) 0.0%-10.0%, Tantalum (Ta) 0.0%-3.0%, Zirconium (Zr) 0.0%-0.03%, especially remainder Nickel.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021424A1

A method of manufacturing a Ni alloy part includes a solution treatment step of solution treating a sintered compact, which is obtained by sintering and molding a precipitation hardening Ni alloy powder by metal injection molding, by allowing the sintered compact to hold at a temperature of not lower than 1050° C. but not higher than 1250° C. for one hour to five hours, followed by rapidly cooling to room temperature, where the precipitation hardening Ni alloy powder, and an aging treatment step of aging-treating the solution-treated sintered compact by allowing the solution-treated sintered compact to hold at the temperature of not lower than 600° C. but not higher than 800° C., followed by cooling to room temperature. 1. A method of manufacturing a Ni alloy part comprising:a solution treatment step of solution treating a sintered compact, which is obtained by sintering and molding a precipitation hardening Ni alloy powder by metal injection molding, by allowing the sintered compact to hold at a temperature of not lower than 1050° C. but not higher than 1250° C. for one hour to five hours, followed by rapidly cooling to room temperature, where the precipitation hardening Ni alloy powder includes Ti of 0.65% by mass to 1.15% by mass, inclusive, Al of 0.20% by mass to 0.80% by mass, inclusive, Cr of 17.00% by mass to 21.00% by mass, inclusive, Nb of 4.75% by mass to 5.50% by mass, inclusive, Mo of 2.80% by mass to 3.30% by mass, inclusive, Ni of 50.00% by mass to 55.00% by mass, inclusive, and the balance including Fe and unavoidable impurities; andan aging treatment step of aging-treating the solution-treated sintered compact by allowing the solution-treated sintered compact to hold at the temperature of not lower than 600° C. but not higher than 800° C., followed by cooling to room temperature.2. The method of manufacturing a Ni alloy part according to claim 1 , wherein in the solution treatment step claim 1 , the sintered compact is solution treated at a ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170022586A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A nickel-base alloy of, in atomic percent unless otherwise stated, up to 8 percent Fe, up to 16 percent Co, between 15 and 25 percent Cr, up to 3 percent Mo, up to 2 percent W, between 3 and 5 percent Al, between 3 and 7.5 percent Nb, up to 3 percent Ta, up to 0.2 percent Ti, up to 0.5 percent C, up to 0.175 percent B, up to 0.07 percent Zr, up to 1 percent Mn, up to 1 percent Si, up to 0.2 percent Hf, the balance of Ni and incidental impurities, wherein the atomic ratio of Al to Nb is between 0.4 and 1.7, the atomic ratio of the sum of Al and Ti to Nb is between 0.4 and 1.8, and, the composition including at least 10 percent of elements from the group of Al, Nb, and Ti. 1. A nickel-base alloy consisting of , in atomic percent unless otherwise stated: up to 8 percent Fe , up to 16 percent Co , between 15 and 25 percent Cr , up to 3 percent Mo , up to 2 percent W , between 3 and 5 percent Al , between 3 and 7.5 percent Nb , up to 3 percent Ta , up to 0.2 percent Ti , up to 0.5 percent C , up to 0.175 percent B , up to 0.07 percent Zr , up to 1 percent Mn , up to 1 percent Si , up to 0.2 percent Hf; the balance consisting of Ni and incidental impurities; wherein ,the atomic ratio of Al to Nb is between 0.4 and 1.7; and,the atomic ratio of the sum of Al and Ti to Nb is between 0.4 and 1.8.2. A nickel-base alloy according to claim 1 , the composition comprising at least 9 percent of elements from the group consisting of Al claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , and Ti.3. A nickel-base alloy according to claim 2 , the composition comprising between 9 and 12.7 percent of elements from the group consisting of Al claim 2 , Nb claim 2 , and Ti.4. A nickel-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of the sum of Al and Ta to Nb is between 0.4 and 2.7.5. A nickel-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the atomic ratio of Al to the sum of Nb and Ta is between 0.2 and 1.7.6. A nickel-base alloy consisting of claim 1 , in atomic percent unless otherwise stated: up to 1.5 ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023176A1

A method for manufacturing a Ni-based super-heat-resistant alloy includes: a first cold working step for cold working a Ni-based super-heat-resistant alloy ingot, which has a composition in which the γ′ mole ratio is at least 40%, at a working ratio of 5% to less than 30%; and a first heat treatment step for heat-treating the cold worked material, on which the first cold working was performed, at a temperature exceeding the γ′ solid solution temperature. It is preferable that the manufacturing method also includes a second cold working step for performing, after the first heat treatment step, a second cold working on the heat-treated material at a working ratio of at least 20%, and a second heat treatment step for heat-treating the second cold worked material, on which the second cold working has been performed, at less than the γ′ solvus temperature. 1. A method for producing a Ni-based heat-resistant super alloy , comprising:preparing an ingot of the Ni-based heat-resistant super alloy having such a composition that the alloy includes not less than 40 mol % of a gamma prime (γ′) phase;a first cold work step of cold-working the ingot at a working ratio of not less than 5% but less than 30%; anda first heat treatment step of heat-treating the first-cold-worked material at a temperature exceeding a solid solution temperature of the gamma prime phase.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first heat treatment is conducted at a temperature not higher than the gamma prime solid solution temperature plus 40° C. and lower than a solidus temperature of the alloy.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:a second cold work step of cold-working the first-heat-treated material at a working ratio of not less than 20%; anda second heat treatment step of heat-treating the second-cold-worked material at a temperature lower than the gamma prime solid solution temperature.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the second heat treatment is conducted at ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220042144A1

The present invention provides a method for producing a ring-rolled material of an Fe—Ni based superalloy which inhibits AGG, has a fine-grained structure having an ASTM grain size number of at least 8, and has high circularity. A method for producing a ring-rolled material of an Fe—Ni based superalloy having a composition of an Alloy 718 comprises: heating a ring-shaped material for ring rolling having the composition, in a temperature range of 900° C. to 980° C., and performing finishing ring rolling, as a finishing ring rolling step; heating the ring-rolled material that has been subjected to the finishing ring rolling, in a temperature range of 980 to 1010° C.; and correcting ellipticalness while expanding a diameter of the ring-rolled material by using a ring expander. 1. A method for producing a ring-rolled material of an Fe—Ni based superalloy having a composition including , by mass % , up to 0.08% of C , 50.0 to 55.0% of Ni , 17.0 to 21.0% of Cr , 2.8 to 3.3% of Mo , 0.20 to 0.80% of Al , 0.65 to 1.15% of Ti , 4.75 to 5.50% of Nb+Ta , up to 0.006% of B , and the balance of Fe with inevitable impurities , using ring rolling , the method comprising:a finishing ring rolling step, as a final step of the ring rolling, of heating a material for ring rolling in a temperature range of 900 to 980° C., and expanding a diameter of the material for ring rolling and also pressing the material for ring rolling in an axial direction thereof by using a ring rolling mill having a pair of rolling rolls including a main roll and a mandrel roll, and a pair of axial rolls;a heating step of heating a ring-rolled material that has been rolled by the finishing ring rolling step, in a temperature range of 980 to 1010° C.; anda circularity correcting step of improving a circularity of the ring-rolled material that has been heated by the heating step, while expanding a diameter of the ring-rolled material by using a ring expander including a pipe-expanding cone and a pipe-expanding ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Nickel Based Superalloy With High Volume Fraction of Precipitate Phase

Номер: US20200024716A1

A process includes solution heat treating a nickel based superalloy with greater than about 40% by volume of gamma prime precipitate to dissolve the gamma prime precipitate in the nickel based superalloy; cooling the nickel based superalloy to about 85% of a solution temperature measured on an absolute scale to coarsen the gamma prime precipitate such that a precipitate structure is greater than about 0.7 micron size; and wrought processing the nickel based superalloy at a temperature below a recrystallization temperature of the nickel based superalloy. A material includes a nickel based superalloy with greater than about 40% by volume of gamma prime precipitate in which the precipitate structure is greater than about 0.7 micron size. 114-. (canceled)15. A material , comprising:a nickel based superalloy with greater than about 40% by volume of gamma prime precipitate in which the precipitate structure is greater than about 0.7 micron size, wherein the nickel based superalloy includes rhenium and about 8-12.5% tantalum.16. The material as recited in claim 15 , wherein the nickel based superalloy includes about 50% by volume of gamma prime precipitate.17. The material as recited in claim 15 , wherein the nickel based superalloy has been subjected to isothermal over-aging.18. The material as recited in claim 15 , wherein the nickel based superalloy has been subjected to a wrought process.19. The material as recited in claim 15 , wherein the nickel based superalloy has been subjected to a solution heat treatment and a low temperate heat treatment.20. (canceled) The instant application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/867,232 filed Sep. 28, 2015.The present disclosure relates to nickel based superalloy materials and, more particularly, to the preparation of a nickel based superalloy in which the coarse precipitate structure facilitates wrought processes and precipitation hardening is not re-invoked.Nickel based superalloys are widely ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210025032A1

It is an objective of the invention to provide a Ni-based superalloy cast article exhibiting the corrosion resistance compatible or superior to the conventional ordinary precision cast articles and reducing the cost than the conventional ones while maintaining the mechanical properties compatible to the conventional ones. There is provided a Ni-based superalloy cast article including: 12.1 to 16 mass % of Cr; 4 to 16 mass % of Co; 3 to 5 mass % of Al; 2.1 to 3.3 mass % of Ti; 3.5 to 9 mass % of W; 1 to 2.4 mass % of Mo; 1.2 mass % or less of Nb; 0.005 to 0.05 mass % of B; 0.03 to 0.2 mass % of C; more than 0 mass % and 0.005 mass % or less of O; and the balance being Ni and impurities. 1. A Ni-based superalloy cast article having a chemical composition comprising:12.1 mass % or more and 16 mass % or less of Cr;4 mass % or more and 16 mass % or less of Co;3 mass % or more and 5 mass % or less of Al;2.1 mass % or more and 3.3 mass % or less of Ti;3.5 mass % or more and 9 mass % or less of W;1 mass % or more and 2.4 mass % or less of Mo;1.2 mass % or less of Nb;0.005 mass % or more and 0.05 mass % or less of B;0.03 mass % or more and 0.2 mass % or less of C;more than 0 mass % and 0.005 mass % or less of O; andthe balance being Ni and impurities.2. The Ni-based superalloy cast article according to claim 1 , wherein the impurities comprises:0.1 mass % or less of Ta;0.05 mass % or less of Hf;0.05 mass % or less of Re;0.05 mass % or less of Zr;0.005 mass % or less of N;0.01 mass % or less of P; and0.01 mass % or less of S.3. The Ni-based superalloy cast article according to claim 1 , wherein the chemical composition comprises:the Cr of 13.1 mass % or more and 16 mass % or less;the Co of 5.1 mass % or more and 15 mass % or less;the Al of 3.6 mass % or more and 5 mass % or less;the Ti of 2.2 mass % or more and 3.3 mass % or less;the W of 4.5 mass % or more and 9 mass % or less;the Mo of 1.4 mass % or more and 2.4 mass % or less;the Nb of 0.5 mass % or less;the B of 0.01 mass ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Age-Hardening Process Featuring Anomalous Aging Time

Номер: US20170029926A1
Автор: Han Ke, Mao Pingli, Xin Yan

This document describes a process/strategy for age hardening nickel based alloys to create desirable properties with reduced energy expenditure. The inventive process introduces isolated atom nucleation sites to accelerate the nucleation rate by approximately 36 times, thereby permitting age hardening to occur in significantly less time and with significantly less energy expenditure. 1. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy while minimizing the risk of over-aging , comprising:a. providing a metal alloy containing nickel, molybdenum, chromium, and rhenium;b. wherein said rhenium comprises 3% to 10% of the total weight of said metal alloy;c. wherein nickel comprises the majority of said metal alloy by weight; and{'sub': '2', 'd. subjecting said metal alloy to an age hardening process that forms long-range-ordered precipitates of the form NiRe.'}2. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising annealing said metal alloy before subjecting said metal alloy to said age hardening process.3. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy as recited in claim 1 , wherein said molybdenum comprises at least 20% to 30% of the total weight.4. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy as recited in claim 1 , wherein said age hardening is conducted at a temperature in excess of 800 K.5. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising work hardening said metal alloy before subjecting said metal alloy to said age hardening process.6. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy as recited in claim 2 , further comprising work hardening said metal alloy before subjecting said metal alloy to said age hardening process.7. A method for achieving accelerated age hardening in a metal alloy as recited in claim 3 , further comprising work hardening said metal alloy before ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220049326A1

A nickel superalloy has the following composition, the concentrations of the different elements being expressed as wt-%: Formula (I), the remainder consisting of nickel and impurities resulting from the production of the superalloy. In addition, the composition satisfies the following equation, wherein the concentrations of the different elements are expressed as atomic percent: Formula (II). 1. A process for the preparation of a part comprising manufacturing a part from a nickel-based superalloy of the following composition , the contents of the various elements being expressed as weight percentages:1.3%≤Al≤2.8%;trace amounts≤Co≤11%;14%≤Cr≤17%;trace amounts≤Fe≤12%;2%≤Mo≤5%;0.5%≤Nb+Ta≤2.5%;2.5%≤Ti≤4.5%;1%≤W≤4%;0.0030%≤B≤0.030%;trace amounts≤C≤0.1%;0.01%≤Zr≤0.06%;the remainder consisting of nickel and impurities resulting from the production, [{'br': None, '8 Al at %+Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %≤11'}, {'br': None, '0.7≤(Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %)/Al % at %≤1.3'}], 'and such that the composition satisfies the following equations wherein the contents are expressed as atomic percentages2. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition of the nickel-based superalloy satisfies the following equation wherein the contents are expressed as atomic percentages:{'br': None, '1≤(Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %)/Al at %≤1.3'}3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based superalloy contains between 3.6 and 12% of Fe claim 1 , as weight percentages.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the composition of the nickel-based superalloy is claim 1 , expressed as weight percentages:1.3≤Al≤2.8%;7%≤Co≤11%;14%≤Cr≤17%;3.6%≤Fe≤9%;2%≤Mo≤5%;0.5%≤Nb+Ta≤2.5%;2.5%≤Ti≤4.5%;1%≤W≤4%;0.0030%≤B≤0.030%;trace amounts≤C≤0.1%;0.01%≤Zr≤0.06%; [{'br': None, '8≤Al at %+Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %≤11'}, {'br': None, '0.7≤(Ti at %+Nb at %+Ta at %)/Al at %≤1.3'}], 'and said composition satisfies the following equations wherein the contents are expressed as atomic percentagesthe remainder ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030863A1
Автор: Gang Han, Remi MUKOSE
Принадлежит: Hitachi Metals Ltd

A hot extrusion-molding method is for a Ni-based super heat-resistant alloy, wherein: a billet has a component composition for a precipitation strengthened-type Ni-based super heat-resistant alloy having a gamma prime phase equilibrium precipitation amount of 40 mol % or more at 700° C.; a lubrication glass pad is installed between a die and the billet; and adjustment is made so the relationship between the outer diameter DB (mm) of the billet at the time of insertion in a container and the inner diameter DC (mm) of the container satisfies (DC-DB): 2-8 mm, or adjustment is made so the relationship between the outer diameter DB′ (mm) of the billet prior to being heated to a hot processing temperature and the inner diameter DC′ (mm) of the container prior to being heated to a preheating temperature satisfies (DC′−DB′): 3-9 mm. A production method is performed using the hot extrusion-molding method mentioned above.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033005A1
Автор: Romlund Jens

A heat exchanger plate, a plate heat exchanger for evaporation of a first fluid, and a method of making a plate heat exchanger are disclosed. The heat exchanger plate comprises a heat exchanger area extending in parallel with an extension plane of the heat exchanger plate, an edge area extending around the heat exchanger area, a number of portholes extending through the heat exchanger area, and a peripheral rim surrounding a first porthole of the number of portholes and extending transversely to the extension plane from a root end to a top end with a rim height perpendicular to the extension plane. The heat exchanger plate comprises at least one restriction hole extending through the peripheral rim and having a hole height perpendicular to the extension plane. 116.-. (canceled)17. A heat exchanger plate to be comprised by a plate heat exchanger configured for evaporation of a first fluid , the heat exchanger plate comprising:a heat exchanger area extending in parallel with an extension plane of the heat exchanger plate;an edge area extending around the heat exchanger area;a number of portholes extending through the heat exchanger area;a peripheral rim surrounding a first porthole of said number of portholes and extending transversely to the extension plane from a root end to a top end with a rim height H perpendicular to the extension plane;at least one restriction hole extending through the peripheral rim and possessing a hole height h perpendicular to the extension plane, the relation h/H being at most 30%; andthe heat exchanger plate possessing a thickness, the peripheral rim forming a transition portion to the heat exchanger area, and the transition portion being concavely curved with a radius of curvature equal to or less than 3 times the thickness of the heat exchanger plate.18. A heat exchanger plate according to claim 17 , wherein the at least one restriction hole is centrally located between the root end and the top end of the peripheral rim.19. A heat ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200032379A1

Heat treatment of an Alloy 282 which has been subjected to an initial solution annealing followed by cooling can be heat treated by heating the Alloy 282 to a temperature between 954° C. and 1010° C. until the gamma prime (γ′) phase is sufficiently dissolved, and cooling the Alloy 282 to a temperature a sufficiently low temperature, and at a sufficiently high cooling rate, to suppress gamma prime precipitation. A component such as a turbine exhaust case and a gas turbine engine made of said alloy can be heat treated in the above manner. 122.-. (canceled)23. A method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 which has been subjected to an initial solution annealing followed by cooling , the method comprising:a) heating the Alloy 282 at a temperature between 954° C. and 1010° C. until a gamma prime phase is sufficiently dissolved, andb) cooling the Alloy 282 to a sufficiently low temperature, and at a sufficiently high cooling rate, to suppress gamma prime precipitation.24. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 23 , wherein in step b) the Alloy 282 is cooled to a temperature below 594° C.25. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 23 , wherein the heating in step a) takes place during 0.5 to 2 hours.26. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 23 , wherein the cooling in step b) is performed at a rate equal to or higher than 19° C./min.27. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 26 , wherein the cooling in step b) is performed at a rate of 19-25° C./min.28. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 23 , wherein the heating as defined by step a) is performed at 954° C.29. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 23 , wherein the heating as defined by step a) is performed at 996° C.30. The method for heat treatment of an Alloy 282 according to claim 23 , wherein the method further comprises:c) heating the Alloy 282 at 760° C. for 5 ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140119941A1
Принадлежит: MTU Aero Engines AG

Disclosed is a nickel base alloy which is substantially free of rhenium and has a solidus temperature of more than 1320° C. Precipitates of a γ′-phase are present in a γ-matrix with a fraction of 40 to 50 vol % at 1050° C. to 1100° C., and a γ/γ′ mismatch at 1050° C. to 1100° C. is from −0.15% to −0.25%. The alloy comprises 11 to 13 at % aluminum, 4 to 14 at % cobalt, 6 to 12 at % chromium, 0.1 to 2 at % molybdenum, 0.1 to 3.5 at % tantalum, 0.1 to 3.5 at % titanium, 0.1 to 3 at % tungsten. The tungsten content of the γ-matrix is greater than that in the precipitated γ′-phases. 1. A nickel base alloy , wherein the alloy is substantially free of rhenium and has a solidus temperature of more than 1320° C. , wherein precipitates of a γ′-phase are present in a γ-matrix with a fraction of from 40 to 50 vol % at temperatures of from 1050° C. to 1100° C. , and a γ/γ′ mismatch at temperatures of from 1050° C. to 1100° C. is from −0.15% to −0.25% , and wherein the alloy comprises:aluminum from 11 to 13 at %,cobalt from 4 to 14 at %,chromium from 6 to 12 at %,molybdenum from 0.1 to 2 at %,tantalum from 0.1 to 3.5 at %,titanium from 0.1 to 3.5 at %,tungsten from 0.1 to 3 at %,optionally, hafnium from 0.05 to 0.3 wt %, andnickel and unavoidable impurities as remainder,a tungsten content of the γ-matrix being greater than a tungsten content of the precipitates of the γ′-phase.2. The nickel base alloy of claim 1 , wherein the tungsten content of the γ-matrix at a temperature of 1100° C. is greater than 3.5 at %.3. The nickel base alloy of claim 1 , wherein the tungsten content of the γ-matrix is at a maximum when taking into account remaining constituents of the alloy.4. The nickel base alloy of claim 1 , wherein tungsten content and molybdenum content of the γ-matrix together are more than 5 at %.5. The nickel base alloy of claim 1 , wherein for a minimum aluminum content a maximum tantalum content and a medium titanium content are present.6. The nickel base alloy of claim 1 , ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040272A1
Автор: Pandey Awadh B.

A die-cast nickel based superalloy includes 4.5-5.5 wt % Tungsten (W), 1.5-2.5 wt % Columbium (Cb), 4.5-5.5 wt % Tantalum (Ta), 0.5-5.0 wt % Titanium (Ti), and 0.5-3.0 wt % Aluminum (Al), 1. A nickel based superalloy comprising:4.5-5.5 wt % Tungsten (W), 1.5-2.5 wt % Columbium (Cb), 4.5-5.5 wt % Tantalum (Ta), 0.5-5.0 wt % Titanium (Ti), and 0.5-3.0 wt % Aluminum (Al).2. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 0-0.2 wt % Carbon (C).3. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 0-0.35 wt % Manganese (Mn).4. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 13-15 wt % Chromium (Cr).5. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 3.4-5.5 wt % Molybdenum (Mo).6. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 0.005-0.015 wt % Boron (B).7. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 0.05-0.12 wt % Zirconium (Zr).8. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 0-1.0 wt % Iron (Fe).9. The nickel based superalloy as recited in claim 1 , further comprising: 0-0.2 wt % Carbon (C) claim 1 , 0-0.35 wt % Manganese (Mn) claim 1 , 13-15 wt % Chromium (Cr) claim 1 , 0-1.0 wt % Cobalt (Co) claim 1 , 3.4-5.5 wt % Molybdenum (Mo) claim 1 , 0.005-0.015 wt % Boron (B) claim 1 , 0.05-0.12 wt % Zirconium (Zr) claim 1 , 0-1.0 wt % Iron (Fe) claim 1 , 0-0.5 wt % Copper (Cu) claim 1 , 0-0.00003 wt % Bismuth (Bi) claim 1 , 0-0.0005 wt % Lead (Pb) claim 1 , and the balance Nickel (Ni) plus incidental impurities.10. A gas turbine engine component comprising a die-cast nickel based superalloy as claimed in .11. A gas turbine engine rotor blade comprising a die-cast nickel based superalloy as claimed in .12. A gas turbine engine rotor blade comprising a die-cast nickel based superalloy as claimed in claim 1 , said die-cast nickel based superalloy die cast at a cooling rate on the order of at least equal 10̂2 ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Ni-based superalloy with excellent unsusceptibility to segregation

Номер: US20160040277A1

A subject for the invention is to diminish the occurrence of streak-type segregation in producing a material comprising a Ni-based superalloy. The invention relates to a Ni-based superalloy having excellent unsusceptibility to segregation, characterized by comprising: 0.005 to 0.15 mass % of C; 8 to 22 mass % of Cr; 5 to 30 mass % of Co; equal or greater than 1 and less than 9 mass % of Mo; 5 to 21 mass % of W; 0.1 to 2.0 mass % of Al; 0.3 to 2.5 mass % of Ti; up to 0.015 mass % of B; and up to 0.01 mass % of Mg, with the remainder comprising Ni and unavoidable impurities.

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190039188A1

An Ni-based alloy solid wire for welding has a composition comprising specific amounts of Cr, Ti, Nb, C, S, Mn and Fe, where Mo+W, P, Si, Al, Ca, B, Mg, Zr, Co, O, H, and N are controlled to specific amounts, ([Ti]+[Nb])/[C] is 80 to 150, and the balance is Ni and inevitable impurities. [Ti], [Nb], and [C] represent the contents of Ti, Nb, and C (mass %), respectively. 2: A Ni-based alloy weld metal produced from the Ni-based alloy solid wire for welding according to . The present disclosure relates to a solid wire for welding and a Ni-based alloy weld metal that have a Ni-30Cr-based composition.Ni-based alloys have been used as weld metals for a pressure vessel and a steam generator in a light-water reactor for nuclear power generation. Overlay welding with Ni-based alloys have involved using Ni-15Cr-based or Ni-20Cr-based wire. As a measure against primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) generated in weld metal of Ni-15Cr-based or Ni-20Cr-based wire in pure water, which is primary cooling water, Ni-30Cr-based wire becomes more widely used. A weld metal of Ni-30Cr-based wire, however, tends to cause hot cracking at high temperature during welding compared with that of Ni-15Cr-based or Ni-20Cr-based wire.The types of hot cracking include solidification cracking in which a liquid phase remaining at the final solidification position before complete solidification of molten weld metal forms openings due to distortion caused by solidification shrinkage and thermal shrinkage; liquation cracking in which impurity element-rich crystal grain boundaries heated to high temperature with welding heat in a subsequent pass in multilayer welding liquefy and form openings; and ductility-dip cracking in which grain boundaries having low cohesive strength in the middle-temperature range not higher than the solidus temperature form openings in response to stress acting on the grain boundaries.A weld metal of Ni-30Cr-based wire has lower tensile strength than a weld metal of Ni ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040501A1
Принадлежит: VDM Metals International GmbH

A Ni—Co alloy includes 30 to 65 wt % Ni, >0 to max. 10 wt % Fe, >12 to <35 wt % Co, 13 to 23 wt % Cr, 1 to 6 wt % Mo, 4 to 6 wt % Nb+Ta, >0 to <3 wt % Al, >0 to <2 wt % Ti, >0 to max. 0.1 wt % C, >0 to max. 0.03 wt % P, >0 to max. 0.01 wt % Mg, >0 to max. 0.02 wt % B, >0 to max. 0.1 wt % Zr, which fulfils the following requirements and criteria: a) 900° C.<γ′ solvus temperature<1030° C. with 3 at %5 (on the basis of the contents in at %). 1. A component of an aircraft turbine comprising an Ni—Co alloy with 30 to 65 wt % Ni , >0 to max. 10 wt % Fe , >12 to <35 wt % Co , 13 to 23 wt % Cr , 1 to 6 wt % Mo , 4 to 6 wt % Nb+Ta , >0 to <3 wt % Al , >0 to <2 wt % Ti , >0 to max. 0.1 wt % C , >0 to max. 0.03 wt % P , >0 to max. 0.01 wt % Mg , >0 to max. 0.02 wt % B , >0 to max. 0.1 wt % Zr , 0 to 0.5 wt % Cu , 0 to 0.015 wt % S , 0 to 1.0 wt % Mn , 0 to 1.0 wt % Si , 0 to 0.01 wt % Ca , 0 to 0.03 wt % N , 0 to 0.02 wt % 0 , 0 to 4 wt % V , and 0 to 4 wt % W , wherein the alloy satisfies the requirements and criteria listed below:a) 900° C.≤γ′-solvus temperature≤1030° C. at 3 at %≤Al+Ti (at %)≤5.6 at % as well as 11.5 at %≤Co≤35 at %;b) stable microstructure after 500 h of aging annealing at 800° C. and an Al/Ti ratio≥5 (on the basis of the contents in at %).2. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy satisfies the requirement “945° C.≤γ′-solvus temperature≤1000° C.”.3. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy has ΔT (δ-γ′) 80 K and Al+Ti≤4.7 at % as well as Co contents≥11.5 at % and ≤35 at %.4. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy has a temperature interval between δ-solvus and γ′-solvus temperatures equal to or greater than 140 K and a Co content ≥15 at % and ≤35 at %.5. The component according to claim 1 , wherein the alloy has a Ti content of ≤0.8 at %.6. The component according to claim 1 , ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Nickel-Based Alloy Tubes and Method for Production Thereof

Номер: US20190040509A1

A method for producing a tube of a nickel-based alloy tube which comprises the steps of hot working a nicked-based alloy casting into a pretubular-shaped workpiece or into a cylindrical bar, trepanning the cylindrical bar or machining an inner diameter of the pretubular-shaped workpiece to obtain a tubular workpiece, and cold working the tubular workpiece. The hot working comprises one of: rolling, forging, and a combination thereof. The cold working comprises flow forming or pilgering. A nickel-based alloy tube produced with the method comprises an outer diameter greater than or equal to 60.3 mm, an average wall thickness greater than or equal to 2.8 mm, and less than or equal to 70 mm. 1. A method for producing a tube of a nickel-based alloy , the method comprising:(a) hot working a nicked-based alloy casting into a pretubular-shaped workpiece or into a cylindrical bar;(b) trepanning the cylindrical bar or machining an inner diameter of the pretubular-shaped workpiece to obtain a tubular workpiece; and(c) cold working the tubular workpiece.2. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein:the method further comprises (d) casting the nickel-based alloy casting; and(d) is performed prior to (a).3. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy is an alloy at least comprising nickel and chromium.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy is UNS N06625.5. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the hot working comprises one of: rolling claim 1 , forging claim 1 , and a combination thereof.6. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising (e) solution annealing the pretubular-shaped workpiece or cylindrical bar claim 1 , at a temperature between 870° C. and 1010° C.7. The method as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising (e) solution annealing the tubular workpiece claim 1 , at a temperature between 870° C. and 1010° C.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein (e) is performed in at least one of the following:after (b) and ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160045987A1

Provided is a nickel brazing material having a melting temperature of 1000° C. or less and acid corrosion resistance. It includes 15.0 to 30.0 mass % of Cr, 6.0 to 18.0 mass % of Cu, 1.0 to 5.0 mass % of Mo. 5.0 to 7.0 mass % of P, 3.0 to 5.0 mass % of Si, and 0.1 to 1.5 mass % of Sn, the remainder being Ni and inevitable impurities. and the total of Si and P being 9.5 mass % to 11.0 mass %. It can include additional element selected from the group consisting of Co, Fe, Mn, C, B, Al, and Ti. The content of Co is 5.0 mass % or less, the content of Fe is 5.0 mass % or less, the content of Mn is 3.0 mass % or less, the total content of C, B, Al, and Ti is 0.5 mass % or less, and the total content of these elements is 10.0 mass % or less. 1. A nickel brazing material having a melting temperature of 1000° C. or less and also having acid corrosion resistance , wherein the nickel brazing material comprises 15.0 to 30.0 mass % of Cr. 6.0 to 18.0 mass % of Cu , 1.0 to 5.0 mass % of Mo. 5.0 to 7.0 mass % of P , and 3.0 to 5.0 mass % of Si , with the remainder being Ni and inevitable impurities , and the total of Si and P being 9.5 to 11.0 mass %.2. The nickel brazing material according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , as an element that improves the wettability of the nickel brazing material on a stainless steel base material claim 1 , 0.1 to 1.5 mass % of Sn.3. The nickel brazing material according to claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , as an element that does not adversely affect the characteristics of the nickel brazing material claim 1 , at least one element selected from the group consisting of Co claim 1 , Fe claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , C claim 1 , B claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Ti claim 1 , wherein the content of Co is 5.0 mass % or less claim 1 , the content of Fe is 5.0 mass % or less claim 1 , the content of Mn is 3.0 mass % or less claim 1 , the total content of C claim 1 , B claim 1 , Al claim 1 , and Ti is 0.5 mass % or less claim 1 , and the total content ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050182A1
Принадлежит: VDM Metals GmbH

A nickel-chromium-aluminum-iron alloy includes (in wt.-%) 24 to 33% chromium, 1.8 to 4.0% aluminum, 0.10 to 7.0% iron, 0.001 to 0.50% silicon, 0.005 to 2.0% manganese, 0.00 to 0.60% titanium, 0.0002 to 0.05% each of magnesium and/or calcium, 0.005 to 0.12% carbon, 0.001 to 0.050% nitrogen, 0.0001 to 0.020% oxygen, 0.001 to 0.030% phosphorus, not more than 0.010% sulfur, not more than 2.0% molybdenum, not more than 2.0% tungsten, the remainder nickel and the usual process-related impurities, wherein the following relations must be satisfied: Cr+Al≧28 (2) and Fp≦39.9 (3) with Fp=Cr+0.272* Fe+2.36*Al+2.22 *Si+2.48*Ti+0.374*Mo+0.538*W−11.8*C (4), wherein Cr, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, Mo, W and C is the concentration of the respective elements in % by mass. 1. Nickel-chromium-aluminum alloy with (in % by wt) 24 to 33% chromium , 1.8 to 4.0% aluminum , 0.10 to 7.0% iron , 0.001 to 0.50% silicon , 0.005 to 2.0% manganese , 0.00 to 0.60% titanium , respectively 0.0002 to 0.05% magnesium and/or calcium , 0.005 to 0.12% carbon , 0.001 to 0.050% nitrogen , 0.0001 [{'br': None, 'Cr+Al≧28\u2003\u2003(2a)'}, {'br': None, 'and Fp≦39.9 with\u2003\u2003(3a)'}, {'br': None, 'Fp=Cr+0.272*Fe+2.36*Al+2.22*Si+2.48*Ti+0.374*Mo+0.538*W−11.8*C\u2003\u2003(4a)'}], '0.020% oxygen, 0.001 to 0.030% phosphorus, max. 0.010% sulfur, max. 2.0% molybdenum, max. 2.0% tungsten, the rest nickel and the usual process-related impurities, wherein the following relationships must be satisfiedwhere Cr, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, Mo, W and C are the concentrations of the elements in question in % by mass.2. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a chromium content of 25 to 33% claim 1 , especially of 26 to 31%.3. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a chromium content >25 to <30%.4. Alloy according to claim 1 , with an aluminum content of 1.8 to 3.2% claim 1 , especially 2.0 to <3.0%5. Alloy according to claim 1 , with an iron content of 0.1 to 4.0% claim 1 , especially 0.1 to 3.0%.6. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a silicon content ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065111A1
Принадлежит: SAFRAN

The present invention concerns a turbine part comprising a substrate made of nickel-based monocrystalline superalloy, comprising chromium and at least one element chosen among rhenium and ruthenium, the substrate having a γ-γ′ phase, an average mass fraction of rhenium and of ruthenium greater than or equal to 4% and an average mass fraction of chromium less than or equal to 5% and preferably less than or equal to 3%, a sub-layer covering at least a part of a surface of the substrate, characterised in that the sublayer has a γ-γ′ phase and an average atomic fraction of chromium greater than 5%, of aluminium between 10% and 20% and of platinum between 15% and 25%. 2. The turbine part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sublayer has exclusively a γ-γ′ phase.3. The turbine part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sublayer has an average atomic fraction of silicon less than 2%.4. The turbine part as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the sublayer has a thickness comprised between 5 μm and 50 μm.5. The turbine part as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a protective layer of aluminum oxide covering the sublayer.6. The turbine part as claimed in claim 5 , comprising a ceramic thermal insulation layer covering the protective layer of aluminum oxide.7. A turbine blade claim 1 , comprising the turbine part as claimed in .9. The process as claimed in claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , during step a) of depositing an enrichment layer claim 8 , at least one chromium layer and one platinum layer are deposited separately claim 8 , the chromium layer or layers having a total thickness comprised between 200 nm and 2 μm and the platinum layer or layers having a total thickness comprised between 3 μm and 10 μm.10. The process as claimed in claim 8 , wherein claim 8 , during step a) of depositing an enrichment layer claim 8 , chromium and platinum are deposited simultaneously.11. The process as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the assembly formed by the substrate and the enrichment layer is heat treated ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190047253A1

An adhesion promoter layer for joining a high-temperature protection layer to a substrate includes a first layer of a first adhesion promoter material, provided for application to the substrate, and a second layer, arranged on the first layer and including a second adhesion promoter material having additionally introduced oxide dispersions, which is provided for joining a high-temperature protection layer. 1. An adhesion promoter layer for joining a high-temperature protection layer to a substrate , the adhesion promoter layer comprising:a first layer of a first adhesion promoter material, provided for application to the substrate, anda second layer, arranged on the first layer and comprising a second adhesion promoter material comprising additionally introduced oxide dispersions, which is provided for joining a high-temperature protection layer.2. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer comprises oxide dispersions in a proportion of 0.01 to 50% by weight.3. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second adhesion promoter material comprises MCrAIY claim 1 , where M=Co claim 1 , Ni claim 1 , and/or Fe.4. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second adhesion promoter material comprises Si or an Si alloy.5. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second adhesion promoter materials are identical.6. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , wherein the second layer comprises yttrium oxide claim 1 , aluminum oxide claim 1 , zirconium oxide claim 1 , hafnium oxide or else rare earth oxide dispersions.7. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer is thicker than the second layer.8. The adhesion promoter layer according to claim 1 , having a total layer thickness of between 50 and 300 μm claim 1 , wherein the second layer has a layer thickness of at least 50 μm.9. A high-temperature protection ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Ni-Based Casting Alloy and Steam Turbine Casting Part Using the Same

Номер: US20140127525A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

To provide, in producing a large product through casting, a Ni-based alloy with a composition that minimizes variations in strength at different locations even when the solidification rate becomes slow and the amount of micro segregation increases. The Ni-based casting alloy of the present invention has a composition of, in mass %, 0.001% to 0.1% C, 15% to 23% Cr, 0% to 11.5% Mo, 3% to 18% W, 5 or less % Fe, 10 or less % Co, 0.4 or less % Ti, 0.4 or less % Al, and Nb and Ta (where 0.5%≦Nb+Ta≦4.15%), in which 7%≦Mo+1/2W≦13% is satisfied, and the composition also contains inevitable impurities and Ni. 1. A Ni-based casting alloy comprising a composition of , in mass % , 0.001% to 0.1% C , 15% to 23% Cr , 0% to 11.5% Mo , 3% to 18% W , 5 or less % Fe , 10 or less % Co , 0.4 or less % Ti , 0.4 or less % Al , and Nb and Ta (where 0.5%≦Nb+Ta≦4.15%) , wherein7%≦Mo+1/2W≦13% is satisfied, andthe composition further contains inevitable impurities and Ni.2. A steam turbine casting part comprising the Ni-based casting alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of a thickest portion is 50 mm or greater.3. A steam turbine casting part comprising the Ni-based casting alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a weight of the part is 1 ton or greater. 1. Technical FieldThe present invention relates to a Ni-based casting alloy and a steam turbine casting part using the same.2. Background ArtIn recent years, the development of thermal power plants with steam temperature of 700° C. or higher (A-USC, Advanced-Ultra Super Critical) has been advanced with the aim of increasing the efficiency of coal-fired power plants. For high-temperature parts of steam turbines that have been developed up to the present, iron-based 9Cr, 12Cr heat resistant ferritic steel, and the like have been used. However, as the upper limit of the steam temperature for heat resistant ferritic steel in the use environment is said to be 650° C., application of heat resistant ferritic steel to a 700° C.-level steam ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Ni-Based Alloy Member

Номер: US20190048451A1
Автор: IMANO Shinya, OTA Atsuo

Provided is a method for manufacturing an Ni-based alloy member in which the equilibrium amount of γ′ phase precipitation at 700° C. is from 30 to 70 volume %. The method includes the steps of preparing an Ni-based alloy powder having a predetermined chemical composition; forming a precursor body wherein an average grain diameter of the γ phase grains is 50 μm or less, by using the Ni-based alloy powder; and heating the precursor body to a temperature at least the γ′ phase solvus temperature and subsequently slow-cooling the heated precursor body from the temperature to a temperature at least 100° C. lower than the γ′ phase solvus temperature at a cooling rate of 100° C./h or lower. There is obtained a softened body in that the γ′ phase particles of at least 20 volume % precipitate between/among the γ phase grains having an average grain diameter of 50 μm or less. 1. A method for manufacturing an Ni-based alloy member , the Ni-based alloy member having a chemical composition in which the equilibrium amount of precipitation of a γ′ phase precipitating in a γ phase of matrix at 700° C. is 30 volume % or more and 80 volume % or less ,the manufacturing method comprising:an alloy powder preparation step for preparing an Ni-based alloy powder having the chemical composition;a precursor body formation step for forming a precursor body in which an average grain diameter of the γ phase grains is 50 μm or less, by using the Ni-based alloy powder; anda softening heat treatment step for heating the precursor body to a temperature equal to or higher than the solvus temperature of the γ′ phase but lower than the melting temperature of the γ phase in order to dissolve the γ′ phase into the γ phase, and then slow-cooling the heated precursor body from the temperature to a temperature at least 50° C. lower than the γ′ phase solvus temperature at a cooling rate of 100° C./h or lower, thereby fabricating a softened body in that particles of the γ′ phase at least 20% precipitate on ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Ni-Cr Based Alloy Brazing Material Containing Trace Amount of V

Номер: US20200048740A1
Принадлежит: Sanyo Special Steel Co Ltd

Disclosed is a Ni—Cr-based brazing alloy including, on the basis of mass %: 15%<Cr<30%; 3%<P<12%; 0%<Si<8%; 0.01%<C<0.06%; 0%≤Ti+Zr<0.1%; 0.01%<V<0.1%; 0%≤Al<0.01%; 0.005%<O<0.025%; 0.001%<N<0.050%; 0%≤Nb<0.1%; and the balance being Ni and incidental impurities. Inequality (1): 0.2≤0.24V %/C %≤1.0 is satisfied if the alloy contains no Nb, and Inequality (2): 0.2≤(0.24V %+0.13Nb %)/C %≤1.0 is satisfied if the alloy contains Nb. Also disclosed is an inexpensive Ni—Cr-based brazing alloy containing a trace amount of V for use in the production of stainless steel heat exchangers and other steel articles. The alloy has a low liquidus temperature and high corrosion resistance, and achieves high brazing strength.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048741A1
Принадлежит: VDM Metals International GmbH

The invention relates to the use of an alloy having the composition (in mass %) of: Cr 20.0 to 23.0%, Mo 18.5 to 21.05%, Fe≤1.5%, Mn≤0.5%, Si≤0.1%, Co≤0.3%, W≤0.3%, Cu≤0.5%, Al≤0.4%, C≤0.01%, P≤0.015%, S≤0.01%, N 0.02 to 0.15%, if necessary V≤0.3%, Nb≤0.2%, Ti≤0.02%, the rest Ni and further smelting-related impurities as cladding material in the field of thermal reprocessing systems and substitute-material combustion systems. 1: Use of an alloy having the composition (in mass %) ofCr 20.0-23.0%Mo 18.5-21.05%Fe≤1.5%Mn≤0.5%Si≤0.1%Co≤0.3%W≤0.3%Cu≤0.5%Al≤0.4%C≤0.01%P≤0.015%S≤0.01%N 0.02-0.15%if necessaryV≤0.3%Nb≤0.2%Ti≤0.02%Ni the rest as well as smelting-related impuritiesas cladding material in the field of thermal reprocessing systems and substitute-material combustion systems.2: Use according to with the following composition (in mass %):Cr>20.0-<23.0%Mo>18.5-<21.0%Fe>0.1-<1.0%Mn>0.05-<0.4%Si>0.001-<0.10%Co≤0.2%W≤0.25%Cu≤0.4%Al≤0.3%C≤0.05%P≤0.015%S≤0.005%N 0.04-<0.1%if necessaryV≤0.25%Nb≤0.2%Ti≤0.02%Ni the rest as well as smelting-related impurities.3: Use according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding material is used in the field of heat-exchanger tubes of the waste incineration system.4: Use according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding material after application has an offset yield strength Rp 0.2 of at least 600 MPa in the operationally stressed condition.5: Use according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding material claim 1 , as a deposition-welding material claim 1 , has an offset yield strength Rp 0.2 (MPa) above 600 claim 1 , especially above 640.6: Use according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding material claim 1 , as a deposition-welding material claim 1 , has a tensile strength Rm (MPa) above 800 claim 1 , especially above 840.7: Use according to claim 1 , wherein the cladding material is used for repairs. The invention relates to the use, for the coating of steels, of a nitrogen-alloyed nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy, which has a high corrosion resistance to ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

A Nickel-Based Alloy

Номер: US20200048742A1
Автор: CRUDDEN David, REED Roger

A nickel-based alloy composition consisting, in weight percent, of: between 4.0% and 6.9% aluminium, between 0.0% and 23.4% cobalt, between 9.1% and 11.9% chromium, between 0.1% and 4.0% molybdenum, between 0.6% and 3.7% niobium, between 0.0 and 1.0% tantalum, between 0.0% and 3.0% titanium, between 0.0% and 10.9% tungsten, between 0.02 wt. % and 0.35 wt. % carbon, between 0.001 and 0.2 wt. % boron, between 0.001 wt. % and 0.5 wt. %. zirconium, between 0.0 and 0.5% silicon, between 0.0 and 0.1% yttrium, between 0.0 and 0.1% lanthanum, between 0.0 and 0.1% cerium, between 0.0 and 0.003% sulphur, between 0.0 and 0.25% manganese, between 0.0 and 0.5% copper, between 0.0 and 0.5% hafnium, between 0.0 and 0.5% vanadium, between 0.0 and 10.0% iron, the balance being nickel and incidental impurities. 1. A nickel-based alloy composition consisting , in weight percent , of: between 4.0% and 6.9% aluminium , between 0.0% and 23.4% cobalt , between 9.1% and 11.9% chromium , between 0.1% and 4.0% molybdenum , between 0.6% and 3.7% niobium , between 0.0 and 1.0% tantalum , between 0.0% and 3.0% titanium , between 0.0% and 10.9% tungsten , between 0.02 wt. % and 0.35 wt. % carbon , between 0.001 and 0.2 wt. % boron , between 0.001 wt. % and 0.5 wt. %. zirconium , between 0.0 and 0.5% silicon , between 0.0 and 0.1% yttrium , between 0.0 and 0.1% lanthanum , between 0.0 and 0.1% cerium , between 0.0 and 0.003% sulphur , between 0.0 and 0.25% manganese , between 0.0 and 0.5% copper , between 0.0 and 0.5% hafnium , between 0.0 and 0.5% vanadium , between 0.0 and 10.0% iron , the balance being nickel and incidental impurities.2. The nickel-based alloy composition according to claim 1 , wherein the following equation is satisfied in which W claim 1 , W claim 1 , Wand Ware the weight percent of niobium claim 1 , tantalum claim 1 , titanium and aluminium in the alloy respectively{'br': None, 'i': W', '+W', '+W', 'W, 'sub': Nb', 'Ta', 'Tl', 'Al, '19≤()+3.2≤24.5'}{'br': None, 'i': W', '|W ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074026A1
Принадлежит: Sandvik Intellectual Property AB

The present disclosure relates to the use of a component manufactured of an aluminium alloyed nickel-based material in a molten salt environment, especially a carbonate salt environments. 1. Use of a component containing a dispersion strengthened nickel-based alloy comprising the following in weight % (wt %):C 0.05-0.2;Si max 1.5;Mn max 0.5;Cr 15-20;Al 3-6;Fe 15-25Co max 10;N 0.03-0.15;O max 0.5;one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti and Nb 0.25-2.5;one or more elements selected from the group consisting of REM max 0.5;balance Ni and normally occurring impurities in a molten carbonate salt mixture environment.2. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy comprises 16-21.5 wt-wt % Fe.3. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy comprises 17-20 wt-wt % Cr.4. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy comprises max 0.3 wt-wt % Si.5. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy comprises one or more elements selected from the group consisting of REM in a total content of 0.05-0.25 wt-wt %.6. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy comprises one or more elements selected from the group consisting of Ta claim 1 , Zr claim 1 , Hf claim 1 , Ti and Nb in a total content of 0.3-1.5 wt %.7. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy comprises 52-62 wt-wt % Ni.8. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the nickel-based alloy is manufactured from conventional metallurgical processes or from powder technology.9. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the carbonate salt mixture is a LiNaK or a LiCO-NaCO-KCOsalt mixture.10. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the atmosphere of the environment consists of pure CO.11. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the component is selected from a tube claim 1 , a strip claim 1 , a plate claim 1 , a wire or a coating.12. The use according to claim 1 , wherein the component has any shape ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057920A1

Provided is a method of fabricating an article, including deforming an ingot of a nickel-based superalloy to form an intermediate article, forming a substantially homogeneous dispersion of Laves phase precipitates within the intermediate article, wherein the Laves phase precipitates are present at a concentration of at least about 0.05% by volume and the precipitates have a mean diameter of less than one micron. Also provided is a nickel-based superalloy including a substantially homogeneous dispersion of Laves phase precipitates, wherein the intergranular and transgranular Laves phase precipitates are present at a concentration of at least about 0.1% by volume and wherein the precipitates have a mean diameter of less than one micron. Precipitation of Laves phase may control microstructure during Thermo-mechanical processing and produce superalloys with refined grain size. 1. A method of fabricating an article , the method comprising:deforming an ingot comprising a nickel-based superalloy to form an intermediate article;forming a substantially homogeneous dispersion of Laves phase precipitates within the intermediate article, wherein the Laves phase precipitates are present in the intermediate article at a concentration of at least about 0.05% by volume and wherein the precipitates have a mean diameter of less than one micron.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Laves phase precipitates are present in the intermediate article at a concentration of at least about 0.075% by volume.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the Laves phase precipitates are present in the intermediate article at a concentration of at least about 0.1% by volume.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming comprises holding a temperature range to which the intermediate article is exposed to between 700° C. and 1000° C. for at least one hour.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming comprises cooling the intermediate article at or below a cooling rate such that the intermediate article is exposed ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180057921A1

A method of producing a Ni-based super heat-resistant alloy in which a hot working material is subjected to hot working with a mold is provided. The hot working material consists of, in mass %, 0.001 to 0.050% of C, 1.0% to 4.0% of Al, 3.0% to 7.0% of Ti, 12% to 18% of Cr, 12% to 30% of Co, 1.5% to 5.5% of Mo, 0.5% to 2.5% of W, 0.001% to 0.050% of B, 0.001% to 0.100% of Zr, 0% to 0.01% of Mg, 0% to 5% of Fe, 0% to 3% of Ta, 0% to 3% of Nb, and the remainder of Ni and impurities. The method includes: heating and holding the hot working material in a temperature range of 950° C. to 1150° C. for 1 hour or longer; and performing hot working on the material with the mold that is heated to a temperature range of 800° C. to 1150° C. 1. A method of producing a Ni-based superalloy in which a hot working material of a Ni-based superalloy is subjected to hot working with a die heated to a temperature , the hot working material having a composition consisting of , in mass % , 0.001 to 0.050% of C , 1.0% to 4.0% of Al , 3.0% to 7.0% of Ti , 12% to 18% of Cr , 12% to 30% of Co , 1.5% to 5.5% of Mo , 0.5% to 2.5% of W , 0.001% to 0.050% of B , 0.001% to 0.100% of Zr , 0% to 0.01% of Mg , 0% to 5% of Fe , 0% to 3% of Ta , 0% to 3% of Nb , and the remainder of Ni and impurities ,the method comprising:a hot working material heating step of heating and holding the hot working material in a temperature range of 950° C. to 1150° C. for 1 hour or longer; anda hot working step of performing hot working on the hot working material at a strain rate of 0.005/second to 0.05/second with the die that is heated to the temperature in a range of 800° C. to 1150° C.2. The method of producing a Ni-based superalloy according to claim 1 ,wherein, in the hot working step, a surface temperature of the hot working material when hot working is ended is set to be in a range of 0° C. to −200° C. with respect to a heating temperature of the hot working material.3. The method of producing a Ni-based ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210062317A1

There is provided a process for heat treating a component () having a first section () and a section shot peened section (), the first section () and shot peened second section () formed from a nickel-based gamma prime strengthened superalloy. The process includes heating the first section () to at least a gamma prime solvus temperature thereof; and during the heating of the first section () to at least the gamma prime solvus temperature thereof, preventing the shot peened second section () from reaching a recrystallization temperature thereof. 13032343234. A process for heat treating a component () having a first section () and a shot peened second section () , the first section () and shot peened second section () formed from a nickel-based gamma prime strengthened superalloy , the process comprising:{'b': '32', 'heating the first section () to at least a gamma prime solvus temperature thereof; and'}{'b': 32', '34, 'during the heating of the first section () to at least the gamma prime solvus temperature thereof, preventing the shot peened second section () from reaching a recrystallization temperature thereof.'}234344034. The process of claim 1 , wherein the preventing the shot peened second section () from reaching a recrystallization temperature is done by encompassing the shot peened second section () within a housing () which retards a heating rate of the shot peened second section ().340. The process of claim 2 , wherein the metal block () comprises a superalloy material.43234323234. The process claim 2 , further comprising claim 2 , prior to the heating the first section () to at least a gamma prime solvus temperature thereof and prior to heating the shot peened second section () to a temperature below the recrystallization temperature thereof claim 2 , pre-heating the first section () to a temperature below a recrystallization temperature of both the first section () and the shot peened second section ().5. The process of claim 4 , wherein the pre-heating ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Method for Manufacturing Nickel-Based Alloy High-Temperature Component

Номер: US20200056275A1
Автор: IMANO Shinya, OTA Atsuo

This method for manufacturing a high-temperature component formed of a Ni-based alloy includes a step of subjecting a workpiece of the Ni-based alloy to hot die forging using predetermined dies to form a forge-molded article, the step including: a die/workpiece co-heating substep of heating the workpiece interposed between the dies to a forging temperature; and a hot forging substep of taking out the workpiece and the dies into a room temperature environment and immediately performing hot forging on the workpiece using a press machine. The predetermined dies are formed of another Ni-based superalloy comprising γ and γ′ phases, and have features in that: a solvus temperature of the γ′ phase is 1050-1250° C.; and the γ′ phase precipitates at least 10 vol. % at 1050° C. and has two kinds of forms of intra-grain γ′ phase precipitations within the γ phase grains and inter-grain γ′ phase precipitations between/among the γ phase grains. 1. A method for manufacturing a high-temperature component formed of a Ni-based alloy , the method comprising:a melting/casting step of melting and casting a material of the Ni-based alloy to form a workpiece;a hot die forging step of subjecting the workpiece to hot die forging using predetermined dies to form a forge-molded article, the predetermined dies being formed of a high-precipitation-strengthened Ni-based superalloy comprising a γ phase as a matrix and a γ′ phase; anda solution/aging treatment step of subjecting the forge-molded article to solution treatment and aging treatment to form a precipitation-strengthened molded article,wherein the hot die forging step comprises:a die/workpiece co-heating substep of heating the workpiece to a forging temperature together with the dies using a heater with the workpiece interposed between the dies; anda hot forging substep of taking the workpiece and the dies heated to the forging temperature out of the heater into a room temperature environment and immediately performing hot forging on the ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068932A1

A high-strength Ni-base alloy having favorable corrosion resistance, high strength, and high ductility, around room temperature is provided. A high-strength Ni-base alloy includes: in % by mass, less than 0.01% of C, not more than 0.5% of Si, not more than 0.5% of Mn, 15 to 25% of Cr. 1.0 to 5.0% of Mo or Mo+0.5W, 0.2 to 0.8% of Al, 1.0 to 2.0% of Ti, 3.00 to 3.80% of Nb, not more than 30% of Fe, and 0.0007 to 0.010% of Mg; Ni; and impurities. A value represented by Mg/S is not less than 0.7, and an A value is not less than 0.015 and less than 0.027, the A value being represented by A value=Al/(Al+1.77(Ti−1.36C)+3.44(Nb−5.1C)). 1. A high-strength Ni-base alloy comprising: in % by mass , less than 0.01% of C , not more than 0.5% of Si , not more than 0.5% of Mn , 15 to 25% of Cr , 1.0 to 5.0% of Mo or Mo+0.5W , 0.2 to 0.8% of Al , 1.0 to 2.0% of Ti , 3.00 to 3.80% of Nb , not more than 30% of Fe , and 0.0007 to 0.010% of Mg; Ni; and impurities , {'br': None, 'A value=Al/(Al+1.77(Ti−1.36C)+3.44(Nb−5.1C)).'}, 'wherein a value represented by Mg/S is not less than 0.7, and an A value is not less than 0.015 and less than 0.027, the A value being represented by2. The high-strength Ni-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the A value is 0.015 to 0.025.3. The high-strength Ni-base alloy according to claim 1 , wherein a total of an area ratio of a region where a plate-like intermetallic compound exists alone and an area ratio of a region where a plate-like intermetallic compound phase and a γ phase exist in a lamellar manner claim 1 , in a cross-sectional microstructure after age-hardening treatment claim 1 , is not more than 12.5%.4. The high-strength Ni-base alloy according to claim 2 , wherein a total of an area ratio of a region where a plate-like intermetallic compound exists alone and an area ratio of a region where a plate-like intermetallic compound phase and a γ phase exist in a lamellar manner claim 2 , in a cross-sectional microstructure after age-hardening ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066340A1

A nickel-based alloy composition consisting, in weight percent, of: between 7.0 and 1.0% chromium, between 4.0 and 14.0% cobalt, between 1.0 and 2.0% rhenium, between 0.5 and 11.0% tungsten, between 0.0 and 0.5% molybdenum, between 4.0 and 6.5% aluminium, between 8.0 and 12.0 tantalum, between 0.0 and up to 0.5% hafnium, between 0.0 and 0.5% niobium, between 0.0 and 0.5% titanium, between 0.0 and 0.5% vanadium, between 0.0 and 0.1% silicon, between 0.0 and 0.1% yttrium, between 0.0 and 0.1% lanthanum, between 0.0 and 0.1% cerium, between 0.0 and 0.003% sulphur, between 0.0 and 0.05% manganese, between 0.0 and 0.05% zirconium, between 0.0 and 0.005% boron, between 0.0 and 0.01% carbon, the balance being nickel and incidental impurities. 1. A nickel-based alloy composition consisting , in weight percent , of: between 7.0 and 11.0% chromium , between 4.0 and 14.0% cobalt , between 1.0 and 2.0% rhenium , between 5.5 and 11.0% tungsten , between 0.0 and 0.5% molybdenum , between 4.0 and 6.5% aluminium , between 8.0 and 12.0% tantalum , between 0.0 and up to 0.5% hafnium , between 0.0 and 0.5% niobium , between 0.0 and 0.5% titanium , between 0.0 and 0.5% vanadium , between 0.0 and 0.1% silicon , between 0.0 and 0.1% yttrium , between 0.0 and 0.1% lanthanum , between 0.0 and 0.1% cerium , between 0.0 and 0.003% sulphur , between 0.0 and 0.05% manganese , between 0.0 and 0.05% zirconium , between 0.0 and 0.005% boron , between 0.0 and 0.01% carbon , the balance being nickel and incidental impurities.2. The nickel-based alloy composition according to claim 1 , consisting claim 1 , in weight percent claim 1 , of between 7.0 and 8.5% chromium.3. The nickel-based alloy composition according to claim 1 , consisting claim 1 , in weight percent claim 1 , of between 4.0 and 12.0% cobalt claim 1 , preferably between 7.0 and 11.0% cobalt claim 1 , more preferably between 9.0 and 11.0% cobalt.4. The nickel-based alloy composition according to claim 1 , consisting claim 1 , in weight ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063240A1

Provided are: a method for manufacturing a Ni-based heat-resistant superalloy wire having excellent bending workability; and a Ni-based heat-resistant superalloy wire. The method for manufacturing a Ni-based heat-resistant superalloy wire comprises a rod preparation step for preparing a Ni-based heat-resistant superalloy rod; and a rod processing step in which plastic working having a working rate of 40% or less is repeated several times toward the axis from the circumferential surface of the rod at a temperature of 500° C. or lower until the cumulative working rate reaches 60% or more to reduce the cross-sectional area of the rod. A Ni-based heat-resistant superalloy wire obtained by the manufacturing method has a plastic worked or recrystallized microstructure. 1. A method of manufacturing a super heat resistant Ni-based alloy wire , the method comprising:preparing a bar material of a super heat resistant Ni-based alloy; andplastically working the bar material to reduce a cross-sectional area of the bar material by compressing a peripheral surface toward an axis of the bar material, the working being performed multiple times until a cumulative working rate becomes not less than 60%, each working being performed at a working rate of not more than 40% at a temperature not higher than 500° C., wherein no heat treatment at a temperature higher than 500° C. is performed between the workings.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the working is performed multiple times until a cumulative working rate becomes not less than 70%.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein each working is performed at a working rate of not more than 30%.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the step of plastically working the bar material claim 1 , the cross-sectional area of the bar material is reduced so that the bar material has a final wire diameter.5. The method according to claim 1 , the method further comprising:heat-treating, at a temperature higher than ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220090233A1
Автор: CRUDDEN David

A nickel-based alloy composition consisting, in weight percent, of: between 5.0% and 6.9% aluminium, between 0.0% and 11.0% cobalt, between 6.0% and 11.6% chromium, between 0.0% and 4.0% molybdenum, between 0.0% and 2.0% niobium, between 0.6 and 8.6% tantalum, between 0.0% and 3.0% titanium, between 8.4% and 15.2% tungsten, between 0.02 wt. % and 0.35 wt. % carbon, between 0.001 and 0.2 wt. % boron, between 0.001 wt. % and 0.5 wt. %. zirconium, between 0.0 and 0.5% silicon, between 0.0 and 0.1% yttrium, between 0.0 and 0.1% lanthanum, between 0.0 and 0.1% cerium, between 0.0 and 0.003% sulphur, between 0.0 and 0.25% manganese, between 0.0 and 0.5% copper, between 0.0 and 2.0% hafnium, between 0.0 and 1.0% vanadium, between 0.0 and 4.0% iron, between 0.0 and 1.0% rhenium, the balance being nickel and incidental impurities, wherein the following equations are satisfied in which W, W, W, W, W, Wand Ware the weight percent of niobium, tantalum, titanium, chromium, molybdenum, tungsten and rhenium in the alloy respectively 6.6≤2W+W+1.44W, 22.2≥W+W+1.16 W+1.7W, 13.9≤W+1.17(W+3.3W). 1. A nickel-based alloy composition consisting , in weight percent , of: between 5.0% and 6.9% aluminium , between 0.0% and 11.0% cobalt , between 6.0% and 11.6% chromium , between 0.0% and 4.0% molybdenum , between 0.0% and 2.0% niobium , between 0.6 and 8.6% tantalum , between 0.0% and 3.0% titanium , between 8.4% and 15.2% tungsten , between 0.02 wt. % and 0.35 wt. % carbon , between 0.001 and 0.2 wt. % boron , between 0.001 wt. % and 0.5 wt. %. zirconium , between 0.0 and 0.5% silicon , between 0.0 and 0.1% yttrium , between 0.0 and 0.1% lanthanum , between 0.0 and 0.1% cerium , between 0.0 and 0.003% sulphur , between 0.0 and 0.25% manganese , between 0.0 and 0.5% copper , between 0.0 and 2.0% hafnium , between 0.0 and 1.0% vanadium , between 0.0 and 4.0% iron , between 0.0 and 1.0% rhenium , the balance being nickel and incidental impurities , wherein the following equations are satisfied ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154093A1

A method of heat treating a superalloy article is disclosed. The method includes hot-working an article comprising an superalloy to produce a hot-worked microstructure throughout the article; solution treating the article at a temperature and for a time sufficient to form a partially recrystallized warm-worked microstructure throughout the article; and cooling the article. The method also includes precipitation aging the article at a first precipitation aging temperature of about 1300° F. to about 1400° F. for a first duration of about 4 hours to about 12 hours; cooling the article to a second precipitation aging temperature; precipitation aging the article at a second precipitation aging temperature of about 1150° F. to about 1200° F. for a second duration of about 4 hours to about 12 hours; and cooling the article from the second precipitation aging temperature to an ambient temperature. 1. A method of heat treating an article comprising an Ni-base superalloy having a hot-worked microstructure throughout the article:solution treating the article at a temperature and for a time sufficient to form a partially recrystallized, warm-worked microstructure throughout the article;cooling the article;precipitation aging the article at a first precipitation aging temperature of about 1300° F. to about 1400° F. for a first duration of about 4 hours to about 12 hours;cooling the article to a second precipitation aging temperature;precipitation aging the article at a second precipitation aging temperature of about 1150° F. to about 1200° F. for a second duration of about 4 hours to about 12 hours; andcooling the article from the second precipitation aging temperature to an ambient temperature, wherein the Ni-base superalloy has the partially recrystallized, warm-worked bimodal, bimorphic microstructure throughout the article, and wherein the microstructure also comprises gamma prime and gamma double prime and wherein the bimodal, bimorphic microstructure comprises larger ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140154094A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Copmpany

Articles suitable for use in high temperature applications, such as turbomachinery components, and methods for making such articles, are provided. One embodiment is an article. The article comprises a material comprising a plurality of L12-structured gamma-prime phase precipitates distributed within a matrix phase at a concentration of at least 20% by volume, wherein the gamma-prime phase precipitates are less than 1 micrometer in size, and a plurality of A3-structured eta phase precipitates distributed within the matrix phase at a concentration in the range from about 1% to about 25% by volume. The solvus temperature of the eta phase is higher than the solvus temperature of the gamma-prime phase. Moreover, the material has a median grain size less than 10 micrometers. 2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the eta phase solvus temperature is greater than about 1100 degrees Celsius.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of eta phase is in the range from about 3% to about 15% by volume.4. The article of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of eta phase is in the range from about 5% to about 10% by volume.5. The article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of eta phase precipitates have a mean aspect ratio less than about 30.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of eta phase precipitates has a median size less than about five times the grain size of the material.7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of eta phase precipitates has a median size less than about three times the grain size of the material.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the material has a median grain size of less than 3 micrometers.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein the material has a median grain size of less than 1 micrometer.10. The article of claim 1 , wherein the material further comprisesfrom about 2% to about 8% tantalum,from about 11.5% to about 15% chromium,from about 15% to about 30% cobalt,from about 0.02% to about 0.2% carbon,from about 0.01% to about 0.05 ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071797A1

The present invention provides a Co-free heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member that has properties superior to or equal to those of Co-containing heat resistant steel. The heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member according to the present invention is a heat-resistant alloy used in a hearth metal member of a steel heating furnace, the heat resistant alloy containing: 0.05% to 0.5% of C; more than 0% and 0.95% or less of Si, where 0.05% ≤C+Si≤1.0%; more than 0% and 1.0% or less of Mn; 40% to 50% of Ni; 25% to 35% of Cr; 1.0% to 3.0% of W; and 10% or more of Fe and inevitable impurities as the balance, with all percentages being in mass %. The heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member may further contain 0.05% to 0.5% of Ti and/or 0.02% to 1.0% of Zr, with all percentages being in mass % 15-. (canceled)6. A heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member of a steel heating furnace , the heat-resistant alloy comprising:0.05% to 0.5% of C;more than 0% and 0.95% or less of Si, where 0.05%≤C+Si≤1.0%;more than 0% and 1.0% or less of Mn;40% to 50% of Ni;25% to 35% of Cr;1.0% to 3.0% of W; and10% or more of Fe and inevitable impurities as the balance, with all percentages being in mass %.7. The heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member according to claim 6 , further comprising0.05% to 0.5% of Ti and/or 0.02% to 1.0% of Zr, with all percentages being in mass %.8. The heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member according to claim 6 , further comprising0.03% or less of P and/or 0.03% or less of S, with all percentages being in mass %.9. The heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member according to claim 7 , further comprising0.03% or less of P and/or 0.03% or less of S, with all percentages being in mass %.10. The heat-resistant alloy for a hearth metal member according to claim 6 , comprising at least one selected from the group consisting of 0.2% or less of N claim 6 , 0.2% or less of O claim 6 , and 0.1% or less of H claim 6 , with all percentages ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210079499A1

The invention relates to an austenitic alloy comprising the following elements in weight %: C ≤0.03; Si ≤1.0; 5 Mn ≤1.5; S ≤0.03; P ≤0.03; Cr 25.0 to 33.0; Ni 42.0 to 52.0; 10 Mo 6.0 to 9.0; N 0.07-0.11; Cu ≤0.4; Balance Fe and unavoidable impurities; and characterized in that the austenitic alloy fulfills the following condition: E>1.864*E−19.92 wherein E=[wt % Cr]+[wt % Mo]+1.5*[wt % Si] and E=[wt % Ni]+30*[wt % C]+30*[wt % N]+0.5*[wt % Mn]+0.5*[wt % Cu]. The invention also relates to a manufacturing method and an object comprising said alloy. The alloy and objects made thereof have less than 0.3% intermetallic phases after solidification. 1. An austenitic alloy comprising the following elements in weight %:C ≤0.03;Si ≤1.0;Mn ≤1.5;S ≤0.03;P ≤0.03;Cr 25.0 to 33.0;Ni 42.0 to 52.0;Mo 6.0 to 9.0;N 0.07 to 0.11;Cu 0.4;Balance Fe and unavoidable impurities; [{'br': None, 'i': E', '*E, 'sub': Ni', 'Cr, '>1.864−19.92'}, {'br': None, 'wherein'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'E', 'sub': 'Cr', '=[wt % Cr]+[wt % Mo]+1.5*[wt % Si] and'}, {'br': None, 'i': 'E', 'sub': 'Ni', '=[wt % Ni]+30*[wt % C]+30*[wt % N]+0.5*[wt % Mn]+0.5*[wt % Cu].'}], 'wherein the austenitic alloy fulfills the following condition2. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Cu content is ≤0.25 wt %.3. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Mn content is ≤1.2 wt %.4. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Si content is ≤0.5 wt %.5. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Cr content is between 25.5 to 32.0 wt %.6. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Mo content is between 6.1 to 9.0 wt %.7. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the Ni content is between 43.0 to 51.0 wt %.8. The austenitic alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the austenitic alloy has a CPT which is greater than 88° C. (ASTM G150 with 3 M MgClas electrolyte).9. A method for manufacturing an austenitic alloy having a composition of the following elements in ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170077617A1

The present invention relates to a male electrical contact of twist-pin type comprising an electrical terminal formed by a bundle comprising three central strands made of nickel or made of copper and 7 peripheral strands made of Ni—Cr—Ti—Al alloy and a bulge in the central portion, it being possible for said alloy to optionally additionally comprise Co and/or Mo. It also relates to the use of this contact in a micro-D connector, advantageously for applications at a service temperature≦260° C. 1. A male electrical contact of twist-pin type , comprising an electrical terminal formed by a bundle comprising three central strands made of nickel or made of copper and 7 peripheral strands made of Ni—Cr—Ti—Al alloy and a bulge in the central portion , it being possible for said alloy to optionally additionally comprise Co and/or Mo.2. The electrical contact as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the peripheral strands are helically wound around the central strands.3. The electrical contact as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the Ni—Cr—Ti—Al alloy essentially consists of claim 1 , as percentage by weight relative to the total weight of the alloy:chromium: 15%-25%,titanium: 1.5%-3.5%,cobalt: 0-25%,aluminum: 1%-2%,molybdenum: 0-11%,nickel: balance,and the unavoidable impurities.4. The electrical contact as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the content of nickel+cobalt claim 3 , as percentage by weight relative to the total weight of the alloy claim 3 , is between 62% and 83%.5. The electrical contact as claimed in claim 3 , wherein it comprises cobalt in a content of between 10% and 22% by weight relative to the total weight of the alloy.6. The electrical contact as claimed in claim 3 , wherein it comprises molybdenum in a content of between 3.5% and 11% by weight relative to the total weight of the alloy.7. The electrical contact as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the three central strands are assembled with a pitch of between 1 and 5 mm left claim 1 , and the seven peripheral strands are ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078178A1

The Ni-based alloy exhibits superior grain boundary corrosion resistance including C: 0.005 to 0.03 mass %, Si: 0.02 to 1 mass %, Mn: 0.02 to 1 mass %, P: not more than 0.03 mass %, S: not more than 0.005 mass %, Cr: 18 to 24 mass %, Mo: 8 to 10 mass %, Nb: 2.5 to 5.0 mass %, Al: 0.05 to 0.4 mass %, Ti: not more than 1 mass %, Fe: not more than 5 mass %, N: not more than 0.02 mass %, and Ni as a remainder and inevitable impurities. The C concentration range, the ratio of (Nb, Ti) C carbides to all carbides is not less than 90%, and the number of (Nb, Ti) C carbides satisfies the following formula: −30×T+37220= Подробнее

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180082044A1

A computer assisted method of designing a designed alloy composition comprising a plurality of elements, the method comprising the steps of: populating a multi-dimensional alloy space with a plurality of candidate alloy compositions, the plurality of candidate alloy compositions including for each of the plurality of elements at least three candidate alloy compositions with different amounts of the respective element to each other; performing at least one test on each individual one of the plurality of candidate alloy compositions until each of the individual ones of the plurality of candidate alloy compositions fails a test or has passed all tests; outputting the designed alloy composition based on one or more of the individual ones of the plurality of candidate alloy compositions which have passed all tests, wherein the at least one test includes at least: a phase equilibrium test in which predicted phase equilibrium is determined as a function of elemental composition of the individual one of the plurality of candidate alloy compositions; and at least one merit index test in which a predicted property of the individual one of the plurality of candidate alloy compositions is predicted as a function of the elemental composition of the individual one of the plurality of candidate alloy compositions and failing the individual one of the plurality candidate alloy compositions if the predicted property does not meet a desired predicted property. 1. A computer assisted method of designing a designed alloy compositioncomprising a plurality of elements, the method comprising the steps of:populating a multi-dimensional alloy space with a plurality of candidate alloy compositions, the plurality of candidate alloy compositions including for each of the plurality of elements at least three candidate alloy compositions with different amounts of the respective element to each other;performing at least one test on each individual one of the plurality of candidate alloy ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220098704A1
Принадлежит: VDM Metals International GmbH

A nickel alloy includes (in wt. %) Ni 50-55%, Cr 17-21%, Mo>0-9%, W 0-9%, Nb 1-5.7%, Ta>0-4.7%, Ti 0.1-3.0%, Al 0.4-4.0%, Co max. 3.0%, Mn max. 0.35%, Si max. 0.35%, Cu max. 0.23%, C 0.001-0.045%, S max. 0.01%, P 0.001-0.02%, B 0.001-0.01%, the remainder Fe and the conventional process-related impurities, wherein the following relations are provided: Nb+Ta 1-5.7% (1), Al+Ti>1.2-5% (2), Mo+W 3-9% (3), where Nb, Ta, Al and Ti are the concentration of the elements in question in wt. %. 2. The alloy according to claim 1 , with a chromium content of 17 to 20% claim 1 , especially 17 to 19%.3. The alloy according to claim 1 , with a molybdenum and/or tungsten content of 3 to 8% claim 1 , especially 3 to 7%.4. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the following relationship is fulfilled between niobium and tantalum:{'br': None, '#text': 'Nb+Ta=2 to 4.5%,'}{'br': None, '#text': 'especially'}{'br': None, '#text': 'Nb+Ta=2 to 4%'}wherein Nb and Ta are the concentrations of the elements in question in mass %.5. The alloy according to claim 1 , with a titanium content of 0.5 to 3.0% claim 1 , especially 1.0 to 3.0% claim 1 , preferably 1.0 to 2.0%.6. The alloy according to claim 1 , with an aluminum content of 0.6 to 2.5% claim 1 , especially 0.6 to 2.0% claim 1 , preferably 0.6 to 1.5%.7. The alloy according to claim 1 , with a carbon content of 0.001 to max. 0.035% claim 1 , especially max. 0.025%.8. The alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the following relationship is fulfilled between aluminum and titanium:{'br': None, '#text': 'Al+Ti=1.4 to 4%,'}{'br': None, '#text': 'especially'}{'br': None, '#text': 'Al+Ti=1.6 to 4%,'}wherein Al and Ti are the concentrations of the elements in question in mass %.9. A method for the manufacture of a powder from the nickel-base alloy according to claim 1 , in whichan alloy is smelted in a VIM furnace,the molten melt is maintained for 5 minutes to 2 hours for homogenization,a closed atomization system having a supplied gas is adjusted ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200080183A1

A treatment process for treating an article including a superalloy having a degraded microstructure is presented. The process includes subjecting the article to a first heat-treatment including successively heating and cooling the article between a low-end temperature and a high-end temperature and subjecting the article to a second heat-treatment at a solution annealing temperature in a range of from about 80 degrees Fahrenheit below a gamma-prime solvus temperature of the superalloy to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the superalloy after performing the first heat-treatment. The low-end temperature is in a range of from about 1000 degrees Fahrenheit to about 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and the high-end temperature is in a range of from about 1900 degrees Fahrenheit to about 2250 degrees Fahrenheit. 1. A treatment process comprising: heat-treating an article comprising a superalloy having a degraded microstructure , the heat-treatment comprising:subjecting the article to a first heat-treatment comprising successively heating and cooling the article between a low-end temperature and a high-end temperature, wherein the low-end temperature is in a range of from about 1000 degrees Fahrenheit to about 1800 degrees Fahrenheit and the high-end temperature is in a range of from about 1900 degrees Fahrenheit to about 2250 degrees Fahrenheit; andsubjecting the article to a second heat-treatment at a solution annealing temperature in a range of from about 80 degrees Fahrenheit below a gamma-prime solvus temperature of the superalloy to about 80 degrees Fahrenheit above the gamma-prime solvus temperature of the superalloy after performing the first heat-treatment.2. The treatment process of claim 1 , wherein the article comprises the superalloy in a single crystal form or directionally solidified form.3. The treatment process of claim 1 , wherein the low-end temperature is in a range of from about 1300 degrees Fahrenheit to about 1600 degrees ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150093288A1

The invention relates to a nickel-chromium alloy comprising (in wt.-%) 29 to 37% chromium, 0.001 to 1.8% aluminum, 0.10 to 7.0% iron, 0.001 to 0.50% silicon, 0.005 to 2.0% manganese, 0.00 to 1.00% titanium and/or 0.00 to 1.10% niobium, 0.0002 to 0.05% each of magnesium and/or calcium, 0.005 to 12% carbon, 0.001 to 0.050% nitrogen, 0.001 to 0.030% phosphorus, 0.0001 to 0.020% oxygen, not more than 0.010% sulfur, not more than 2.0% molybdenum, not more than 2.0% tungsten, the remainder nickel and the usual process-related impurities, wherein the following relations must be satisfied: Cr+Al≧30 (2a) and Fp≦39.9 (3a) with Fp=Cr+0.272*Fe+2.36*Al+2.22*Si+2.48*Ti+0.374*Mo+0.538*W−11.8*C (4a), wherein Cr, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, Mo, W and C is the concentration of the respective elements in % by mass. 2. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a chromium content of 30 to 37%.3. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a chromium content >32-37%.4. Alloy according to claim 1 , with an aluminum content of 0.001 to 1.4%.5. Alloy according to claim 1 , with an iron content of 0.1 to 4.0%.6. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a silicon content of 0.001 to 0.2%.7. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a manganese content of 0.005 to 0.50%.8. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a titanium content of 0.001 to 0.60%.9. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a niobium content of 0.00 to 1.0%.10. Alloy according to claim 1 , with a carbon content of 0.01 to 0.12%.11. Alloy according to claim 1 , optionally containing yttrium with a content of 0.01 to 0.20%.12. Alloy according to claim 1 , optionally containing lanthanum with a content of 0.001 to 0.20%.13. Alloy according to claim 1 , optionally containing cerium with a content of 0.001 to 0.20%.14. Alloy according to claim 13 , with a content of cerium mixed metal of 0.001 to 0.20%.15. Alloy according to claim 1 , optionally containing zirconium with a content of 0.01 to 0.20%.16. Alloy according to claim 15 , in which the zirconium is substituted completely or ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Ni-Based Heat Resistant Alloy, Gas Turbine Component and Gas Turbine

Номер: US20140169973A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A Ni-based heat resistant alloy has a composition of, by mass percent, carbon: 0.001 to 0.1%, chromium: 16 to 22%, aluminum: 0.5 to 1.5%, molybdenum: 0.1 to 2.0%, tungsten: 0.1 to 6.0%, niobium: 3.5 to 5.5%, titanium: 0.8 to 3.0%, iron: 16 to 20%, and the balance being nickel and inevitable impurities. A parameter Ps indicating a segregation tendency is in a range of Ps≧−3.5. The parameter Ps is represented by Formula (1). 2. The nickel-based forging alloy according to claim 1 , wherein the parameter Ps is in a range of Ps≧−3.0.3. A gas turbine disc comprising the nickel-based forging alloy according to .4. A gas turbine spacer comprising the nickel-based forging alloy according to .5. A gas turbine comprising the gas turbine disc according to .6. A gas turbine comprising the gas turbine spacer according to . This application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/286,274, filed Nov. 1, 2011, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.The present invention relates to a Ni-based heat resistant alloy having improved segregation properties and capable of being applied to large-sized components. The invention also relates to a gas turbine component including the alloy, and a gas turbine.It is effective to rise a combustion temperature for increasing an efficiency of a gas turbine. Therefore, a Ni-based heat resistant alloy having high-temperature strength is employed for various parts in components for the gas turbine. The Ni-based alloy contains large amounts of solid-solution strengthening elements such as tungsten, molybdenum or cobalt and precipitation strengthening elements such as aluminum, titanium, niobium or tantalum, and therefore has excellent high-temperature strength. A γ′ phase (NiAl) is a main precipitation strengthening phase, and the strength thereof increases depending on an increase of its temperature. Thus, the γ′ phase is very effective in improving the strength at a high temperatures. The γ′ phase is ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170088919A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A nickel-base superalloy consisting of, by weight: 14.6% to 15.9% cobalt; 11.5% to 13.0% chromium; 0.8% to 1.2% iron; 0.2% to 0.60% manganese; 2.00% to 2.40% molybdenum; 3.30% to 3.70% tungsten; 2.90% to 3.30% aluminium; 2.60% to 3.10% titanium; 3.50% to 5.10% tantalum; 1.20% to 1.80% niobium; 0.10% to 0.60% silicon; 0.02% to 0.06% carbon; 0.010% to 0.030% boron; 0.05% to 0.11% zirconium; up to 0.045% hafnium; and the balance being nickel and impurities. 1. A nickel-base superalloy consisting of , by weight:14.6% to 15.9% cobalt;11.5% to 13.0% chromium;0.8% to 1.2% iron;0.20% to 0.60% manganese;2.00% to 2.40% molybdenum;3.30% to 3.70% tungsten;2.90% to 3.30% aluminium;2.60% to 3.10% titanium;3.50% to 5.10% tantalum;1.20% to 1.80% niobium;0.10% to 0.60% silicon;0.02% to 0.06% carbon;0.010% to 0.030% boron;0.05% to 0.11% zirconium;up to 0.045% hafnium;and the balance being nickel and impurities.2. A nickel-base superalloy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nickel-base superalloy consists of claim 1 , by weight:15.50% cobalt; 12.3% chromium; 1.0% iron; 0.55% manganese; 2.3% molybdenum; 3.6% tungsten; 3.1% aluminium; 2.8% titanium; 4.9% tantalum; 1.4% niobium; 0.25% silicon; 0.03% carbon; 0.025% boron; 0.09% zirconium; and the balance being nickel and impurities.3. A nickel-base superalloy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nickel-base superalloy consists of claim 1 , by weight:15.50% cobalt; 12.4% chromium; 1.0% iron; 0.55% manganese; 2.3% molybdenum; 3.6% tungsten; 3.2% aluminium; 2.9% titanium; 3.7% tantalum; 1.6% niobium; 0.25% silicon; 0.03% carbon; 0.025% boron; 0.09% zirconium; and the balance being nickel and impurities.4. A nickel-base superalloy as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the nickel-base superalloy consists of claim 1 , by weight:15.00% cobalt; 12.6% chromium; 0.9% iron; 0.50% manganese; 2.1% molybdenum; 3.4% tungsten; 3.2% aluminium; 2.8% titanium; 4.8% tantalum; 1.4% niobium; 0.50% silicon; 0.03% carbon; 0.020% boron; 0.06% zirconium; and the balance ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Nickel Based Superalloy With High Volume Fraction of Precipitate Phase

Номер: US20170088926A1
Принадлежит: United Technologies Corp

A process includes solution heat treating a nickel based superalloy with greater than about 40% by volume of gamma prime precipitate to dissolve the gamma prime precipitate in the nickel based superalloy; cooling the nickel based superalloy to about 85% of a solution temperature measured on an absolute scale to coarsen the gamma prime precipitate such that a precipitate structure is greater than about 0.7 micron size; and wrought processing the nickel based superalloy at a temperature below a recrystallization temperature of the nickel based superalloy. A material includes a nickel based superalloy with greater than about 40% by volume of gamma prime precipitate in which the precipitate structure is greater than about 0.7 micron size.

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150096652A9

Ni—Fe—Si—B and Ni—Fe—Si—B—P metallic glass forming alloys and metallic glasses are provided. Metallic glass rods with diameters of at least one, up to three millimeters, or more can be formed from the disclosed alloys. The disclosed metallic glasses demonstrate high yield strength combined with high corrosion resistance, while for a relatively high Fe contents the metallic glasses are ferromagnetic. 1. An alloy represented by the formula NiFeSiB , wherein the atomic percent a is between 5 and 50 , the atomic percent b is between 10 and 14 , the atomic percent c is between 9 and 13 , and wherein the alloy is capable of forming a metallic glass rod having a diameter of at least 1 mm.2. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the Fe atomic percent a is between 15 and 50 claim 1 , and the diameter of the metallic glass rod that can be formed is at least 1 mm.3. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein the Fe atomic percent a is between 25 and 40 claim 1 , and the diameter of the metallic glass rod that can be formed is at least 2 mm.4. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein a combined atomic percent of Si and B is between 21 and 24.5. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein up to 3 atomic % of Ni or Fe is substituted by Cr.6. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein up to 1.5 atomic % of Fe or Ni is substituted by Co claim 1 , Mn claim 1 , W claim 1 , Mo claim 1 , Ru claim 1 , Re claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , Pd claim 1 , Pt claim 1 , Nb claim 1 , V claim 1 , Ta claim 1 , or a combination thereof.7. A metallic glass comprising the alloy of .8. An alloy comprising composition selected from a group consisting of NiFeSiB claim 1 , NiFeSiB claim 1 , NiFeSiB claim 1 , NiFeSiB claim 1 , NiFeSiB claim 1 , NiFeSiB claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , NiFeSiBP claim 1 , and NiFeSiBP.9. An alloy represented by the formula NiFeSiBP claim 1 , wherein the atomic percent a is between 5 and 50 claim 1 , the atomic percent b is ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200087754A1

A method for producing a high temperature component includes a shaping step of shaping a powder compact of a desired high temperature component shape using a specific powder shaping method, from an alloy powder of γ′ precipitation strengthening-type Ni-based alloy, and a crystal grain coarsening step of coarsening a crystal grain size of the powder compact by heat treatment, wherein the powder compact contains 0.002% or more and 0.07% or less of C, and 5.40% or more and 8.40% or less of Al+Ti by mass percentage. 1. A method for producing a high temperature component , comprising:a shaping step of shaping a powder compact of a desired high temperature component shape using a specific powder shaping method, from an alloy powder of γ′ precipitation strengthening-type Ni-based alloy; anda crystal grain coarsening step of coarsening a crystal grain size of the powder compact by heat treatment,wherein the powder compact contains 0.002% or more and 0.07% or less of C, and 5.40% or more and 8.40% or less of Al+Ti by mass percentage.2. The method for producing a high temperature component according to claim 1 , further comprising:a porosity reduction step of reducing a porosity by applying an isotropic pressure to the powder compact using a gas pressure, which is performed between the shaping step and the crystal grain coarsening step, or simultaneously with the crystal grain coarsening step.3. The method for producing a high temperature component according to claim 1 , whereinthe crystal grain coarsening step includes heating the powder compact at a predetermined coarsening temperature in a vacuum atmosphere or an inert gas atmosphere, andthe coarsening temperature is a temperature in the range of a pinning effect disappearance temperature specific to the powder compact or higher and a solidus temperature of the powder compact or lower.4. The method for producing a high temperature component according to claim 1 , whereinthe content of C in the powder compact is greater ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220145428A1

A nickel-based superalloy includes, in atomic percentages, 13% to 21% chromium, 15% to 26% cobalt, 4% to 8% aluminum, 4.5% to 8% titanium, 8% to 18% iron, boron in an atomic percentage less than or equal to 0.5% or no boron, carbon in an atomic percentage less than or equal to 1% or no carbon, at least one additional element selected from molybdenum, tungsten, tantalum and niobium, a total atomic content of the at least one additional element being less than or equal to 1.5% or no such at least one additional element, the remainder being nickel and unavoidable impurities, with a sum of the atomic percentages of aluminum and titanium being comprised between 8.5% and 15%. The novel superalloy composition has a limited density and exhibiting, when hot, good mechanical properties as well as good resistance to oxidation and corrosion. 1. A nickel-based superalloy comprising , in atomic percentages , 13% to 21% chromium , 15% to 26% cobalt , 4% to 8% aluminum , 4.5% to 8% titanium , 8% to 18% iron , boron in an atomic percentage less than or equal to 0.5% or no boron , carbon in an atomic percentage less than or equal to 1% or no carbon , at least one additional element selected from molybdenum , tungsten , tantalum and niobium , a total atomic content of the at least one additional element being less than or equal to 1.5% or no such at least one additional element , the remainder being nickel and unavoidable impurities , with a sum of the atomic percentages of aluminum and titanium being comprised between 8.5% and 15% , and the superalloy satisfying one of the following conditions:the superalloy comprising, in atomic percentages, 16% to 17% chromium, 16% to 17% cobalt, 4.5% to 5.5% aluminum, 4.5% to 5.5% titanium and 16% to 17% iron, orthe superalloy comprising, in atomic percentages, 13% to 14% chromium, 21.5% to 22.5% cobalt, 4.5% to 5.5% aluminum, 7% to 8% titanium and 17% to 18% iron, orthe superalloy comprising, in atomic percentages, 19.5% to 20.5% chromium, 24.5% ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190093196A1

The present invention provides first generation Ni-based directionally solidified alloy containing none of Co and Re, which has excellent TMF characteristics, creep property and environment-resistant characteristics, and is superior in cost performance in practical use. The Ni-based directionally solidified alloy according to one embodiment of the present invention consists of Cr: 6% by mass or more and 12% by mass or less; Mo: 0.4% by mass or more and 3.0% by mass or less; W: 6% by mass or more and 10% by mass or less; Al: 4.0% by mass or more and 6.5% by mass or less; Nb: 0% by mass or more and 1% by mass or less; Ta: 8% by mass or more and 12% by mass or less; Hf: 0% by mass or more and 0.15% by mass or less; Si: 0.01% by mass or more and 0.2% by mass or less; Zr: 0% by mass or more and 0.04% by mass or less; B: 0.01% by mass or more and 0.03% by mass or less; and C: 0.01% by mass or more and 0.3% by mass or less, and a balance of Ni and inevitable impurities. 1. Ni-based directionally solidified alloy consisting of:Cr: 6% by mass or more and 12% by mass or less;Mo: 0.4% by mass or more and 3.0% by mass or less;W: 6% by mass or more and 10% by mass or less;Al: 4.0% by mass or more and 6.5% by mass or less;Nb: 0% by mass or more and 1% by mass or less;Ta: 8% by mass or more and 12% by mass or less;Hf: 0% by mass or more and 0.15% by mass or less;Si: 0.01% by mass or more and 0.2% by mass or less;Zr: 0% by mass or more and 0.04% by mass or less;B: 0.01% by mass or more and 0.03% by mass or less; andC: 0.01% by mass or more and 0.3% by mass or less, anda balance of Ni and inevitable impurities.2. Ni-based directionally solidified alloy consisting of:Cr: 7% by mass or more and 12% by mass or less;Mo: 0.4% by mass or more and 2.5% by mass or less;W: 7% by mass or more and 10% by mass or less;Al: 4.0% by mass or more and 6.5% by mass or less;Nb: 0% by mass or more and 1% by mass or less;Ta: 9% by mass or more and 11% by mass or less;Hf: 0% by mass or more and 0.15% by ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100217A1

Disclosed are nickel alloys for exhaust system components having improved tensile strength, fatigue strength, oxidation resistance, and abrasion resistance at a high temperature condition. A nickel alloy for exhaust system components according to an embodiment is used for exhaust system components of a vehicle engine, the nickel alloy including: 0.01 to 0.2 wt % of C; 0.1 to 1.0 wt % of Si; 0.1 to 1.5 wt % of Mn; 8 to 24 wt % of Cr; 0.1 to 2.5 wt % of Nb; 0.1 to 4.0 wt % of Al; 0.01 to 1 wt % of Co; 0.01 to 5.0 wt % of Mo; 0.01 to 4 wt % of W; 0.1 to 1 wt % of Ta; 0.1 to 2.4 wt % of Ti; 4.0 to 11.0 wt % of Fe; a remainder being Ni; and inevitable impurities. 1. A nickel alloy for exhaust system components , wherein the nickel alloy is used for exhaust system components of a vehicle engine , the nickel alloy comprising:0.01-0.2 wt % C;0.1-1.0 wt % Si;0.1-1.5 wt % Mn;8-24 wt % Cr;0.1-2.5 wt % Nb;0.1-4.0 wt % Al;0.01-1 wt % Co;0.01-5.0 wt % Mo;0.01-4 wt % W;0.1-1 wt % Ta;0.1-2.4 wt % Ti;4.0-11.0 wt % Fe; anda remainder comprising Ni and any impurities.2. The nickel alloy of claim 1 , wherein the nickel alloy contains a Ta—Ti based compound and a complex carbide of (Cr claim 1 , Mo)C.3. The nickel alloy of claim 2 , wherein the nickel alloy has a tensile strength of 950 Mpa or more at a temperature higher than 20° C.4. The nickel alloy of claim 3 , wherein the nickel alloy has a fatigue strength of 350 Mpa or more at the temperature higher than 20° C.5. The nickel alloy of claim 4 , wherein the nickel alloy has an oxidation weight gain of 0.7 g/mor less at the temperature higher than 20° C.6. The nickel alloy of claim 5 , wherein the nickel alloy has an abrasion amount of 2.0 mg or less at the temperature higher than 20° C.7. The nickel alloy of claim 1 , wherein the nickel alloy has a tensile strength of 950 Mpa or more at a temperature higher than 20° C.8. The nickel alloy of claim 7 , wherein the nickel alloy has a fatigue strength of 350 Mpa or more at the ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

High Temperature, Damage Tolerant Superalloy, an Article of Manufacture Made from the Alloy, and Process for Making the Alloy

Номер: US20180100222A1

A nickel-base alloy is disclosed that has the following weight percent composition. 2. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 0.01% carbon.3. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 14% chromium.4. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 3.5% molybdenum.5. The alloy as claimed in which contains not more than about 17% iron.6. The alloy as claimed in which contains up to about 8% cobalt.7. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 1% niobium.8. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 1% titanium.10. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 0.02% carbon.11. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 14.5% chromium.12. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 3.8% molybdenum.13. The alloy as claimed in which contains not more than about 16% iron.14. The alloy as claimed in which contains up to about 5% cobalt.15. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 2% niobium.16. The alloy as claimed in which contains at least about 1.5% titanium.21. A process for improving the tensile ductility of a precipitation hardenable nickel-base superalloy comprising the steps of:providing an intermediate product form made from a precipitation hardenable, nickel-base alloy;determining the solvus temperature of γ′ phase in the precipitation hardenable, nickel-base alloy;heating the intermediate product form at a supersolvus temperature for a time sufficient to solution the γ′ phase in the alloy; thenheating the intermediate product form at a subsolvus temperature for a time sufficient to cause precipitation and coarsening of γ′ precipitate in the alloy; and thenaging the intermediate product form at temperature and time conditions selected to precipitate γ′ phase in the alloy without further coarsening of the γ′ phase.22. The process according to wherein the aging step comprises the steps of:heating the intermediate product form at a first aging temperature;cooling the ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170100804A1

Method of repairing and manufacturing of turbine engine components includes application of a transition layer by fusion welding with dissimilar nickel based filler material, preferably comprising from about 0.05 wt. % to about 1.2 wt. % B and other alloying elements, followed by a diffusion and primary aging heat treatment and application of the top oxidation resistance layer using dissimilar nickel based filler materials comprised 3-6 wt. % Al, 0.5-6 wt. % Si, 12-25 wt. % Cr and other alloying elements that enhance strength and oxidation resistance followed by a secondary aging heat treatment and machining of the repaired area to restore geometry of turbine engine components. The inventions also relates to a turbine engine components repaired and manufactured by the method. 1. Method of repairing and manufacturing of turbine engine components includes the steps of:a) pre-weld preparation of a base material by removal of a damaged material and contaminants to reveal a defect and contamination free base material; i) Chromium from about 10 to 25 wt. %', 'ii) Cobalt from about trace amount to 10 wt. %', 'iii) Aluminum from about trace amount to 1.5 wt. %', 'iv) Iron from about trace amount to 20 wt. %', 'v) Silicon from about trace amount to 1 wt. %', 'vi) Carbon from about trace amount to 0.2 wt. %', 'vii) Titanium from about trace amount to about 3.5 wt. %', 'viii) Boron from about 0.05 wt. % to about 1.2 wt. %', 'ix) At least one element selected from among niobium, molybdenum and tungsten with a total amount from about 2 wt. % to 25 wt. %', 'x) Nickel with impurities for balance, 'b) an application of a transition layer to the defect and contamination free base material using a fusion welding process and a first dissimilar filler material comprising i) Cobalt from about 5 to 15 wt. %', 'ii) Chromium from about 12 to 25 wt. %', 'iii) Molybdenum from about trace amount to 5 wt. %', 'iv) Tungsten from about trace amount to 10 wt. %', 'v) Titanium from about trace ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160107269A1
Принадлежит: Liburdi Engineering Limited

A ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material which includes boron within the range of 0.4-0.6 wt. % B, carbon from a trace amount to 0.04 wt. % C, 17-23 wt. % Cr, 0.35-10 wt. % Mo, 0.1-4.15 wt. % Nb with nickel or iron and impurities to balance for manufacturing of welding and brazing wires, powders and foils used in the repair of various articles made of nickel, cobalt and iron based alloys. 1. A ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material comprised of the following elements in weight percentages:a) Boron: from about 0.4 to 0.6 wt. %b) Carbon: from a trace amount to about 0.04 wt. %c) Chromium: from about 20 to 23 wt. %d) Molybdenum from about 8 to 10 wt. %e) Niobium: from about 3.15 to 4.14 wt. %f) Nickel with impurities: to balance.2. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per further including the following elements in weight percentages:a) iron from about trace amount to 5 wt. %; andb) micro alloying elements selected from among titanium, tantalum, tungsten, silicon and manganese: from about a trace amount to a combined 1.5 wt. %.3. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is wire for welding and brazing.4. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is powder for welding and brazing.5. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is a foil for brazing and diffusion bonding.6. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is used for welding and brazing of a polycrystalline nickel claim 1 , cobalt and iron based alloys.7. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is used for welding and brazing directionally solidified nickel claim 1 , cobalt and iron based alloys.8. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is used for welding and brazing of single crystal nickel claim 1 , cobalt and iron based materials.9. The ductile boron bearing nickel based welding material as per is used for TIG brazing and welding of ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160108501A1

A nickel chromium alloy comprising 0.4 to 0.6% carbon, 28 to 33% chromium, 15 to 25% iron, 2 to 6% aluminum, up to 2% silicon, up to 2% manganese, up to 1.5% niobium, up to 1.5% tantalum, up to 1.0% tungsten, up to 1.0% titanium, up to 1.0% zirconium, up to 0.5% yttrium, up to 0.1% nitrogen, and nickel, has a high oxidation and carburization stability, long-term rupture strength and creep resistance. This alloy is particularly suited as a material for components of petrochemical plants and for parts, for example tube coils of cracker and reformer furnaces, pre-heaters, and reformer tubes, as well as for use for parts of iron ore direct reduction plants. 1. A nickel-chromium alloy , comprising:0.4 to 0.6% carbon by weight,28 to 33% chromium by weight,17 to 22% iron by weight,3 to 4.5% aluminum by weight,0.01 to 1% silicon by weight,0.01 to 2% manganese by weight,0.01 to 1.0% niobium by weight,0.01 to 0.6% tungsten by weight,0.001 to 0.5% titanium by weight,0.001 to 0.3% zirconium by weight,0.001 to 0.3% yttrium by weight, and0.001 to 0.1% nitrogen by weight,remainder nickel with melt-induced impurities.2. The alloy of claim 1 , said alloy further comprising:0.01 to 0.5% molybdenum by weight.3. The alloy of claim 2 , said alloy further comprising:0.01 to 0.5% tantalum by weight.4. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein said alloy comprises 0.01 to 0.5% manganese by weight.5. The alloy of claim 1 , wherein said alloy comprises 0.06 to 0.11% zirconium by weight.6. The alloy of claim 5 , said alloy further comprising:0.01 to 0.06% cobalt by weight.7. A nickel-chromium alloy claim 5 , comprising:0.4 to 0.6% carbon by weight,28 to 33% chromium by weight,17 to 22% iron by weight,3 to 4.5% aluminum by weight,0.01 to 1% silicon by weight,0.01 to 2% manganese by weight,0.01 to 1.0% niobium by weight,0.01 to 0.5% molybdenum by weight,0.001 to 0.5% titanium by weight,0.001 to 0.3% zirconium by weight,0.001 to 0.3% yttrium by weight, and0.001 to 0.1% nitrogen by weight,remainder nickel ...
