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10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428529C2

Изобретение относится к композиционному материалу, способу его изготовления и его применению. Композиционный материал, содержащий по меньшей мере одну механически упрочненную ватку из стекловолокна, и по меньшей мере с одной стороны нанесенную, механически упрочненную ватку из минерального волокна с большей термостойкостью, чем у механически упрочненной ватки из стекловолокна. При этом ватка из стекловолокна и ватка из минерального волокна соединены друг с другом посредством иглопрокалывания. Технический результат заявленного изобретения заключается в том, что изоляционный материал может применятся в интервале до 900°С, а так же его производство не требует больших затрарт. 3 н. и 24 з.п. ф-лы.

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2539982C2
Принадлежит: СЭН-ГОБЭН ИЗОВЕР (FR)

Изобретение относится к связующим композициям для изоляционных изделий на основе минеральной ваты. Предложена связующая композиция на основе минерального войлока или стекловолокна, которая включает по меньшей мере один сахарид, по меньшей мере одну органическую поликарбоновую кислоту, включающую от 2 до 4 функциональных карбоксильных групп и имеющую молекулярную массу менее или равную 1000, и по меньшей мере один полиорганосилоксан, содержащий по меньшей мере одну функциональную группу, способную реагировать с по меньшей мере одним из составляющих связующей композиции. Предложены также звуко- и/или теплоизоляционное изделие и покрытие из минеральных волокон, проклеенные с использованием предложенной композиции и способ получения указанного звуко- и/или теплоизоляционного изделия. Технический результат - заявленная связующая композиция не содержит формальдегида и придает изоляционным изделиям пониженную способность абсорбировать воду. 4 н. и 21 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 8 пр.

10-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2213819C2

Двойные стекловолокна могут обрабатываться в связанные ткани и войлоки посредством первоначального смешения двойного стекловолокна с равным или большим количеством прямых волокон. Могут добавляться другие витые волокна без значительного влияния на технологичность. Способ образования войлока включает образование однородной смеси, содержащее двойное стекловолокно и прямое волокно, обработку этого волокна на кардочесальной машине для образования связанной ткани, перекрестное перекрывание связанной ткани для образования перекрестно перекрытой валяной ткани волокон и швейное штампование (прошивание) упомянутой перекрестно перекрытой валяной ткани для изготовления войлока. Фильтровальный войлок содержит слоистую валяную ткань волокон и холст. Слоистая валяная ткань включает однородную смесь от примерно 1-30 вес. % двойного стекловолокна, от примерно 1-60 вес.% прямого волокна и от примерно 10-98 вес. % витого волокна, при этом прямое волокно используют в количестве, равном или большем, чем двойное ...

10-07-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2152489C1

Изобретение относится к производству плит из минерального волокна. Для изготовления плит из минерального волокна получают отвержденное нетканое полотно из минерального волокна путем получения первого нетканого полотна из минерального волокна, содержащего минеральные волокна, расположенные преимущественно в первом продольном направлении, и сегменты первого полотна из минерального волокна, расположенные с частичным взаимным перекрыванием для получения второго нетканого полотна из минерального волокна, которое содержит минеральные волокна, расположенные в основном под косым углом по отношению друг к другу. Второе полотно из минерального волокна сложено под косым углом для получения третьего нетканого полотна из минерального волокна. Третье нетканое полотно из минерального волокна отверждено для получения отвержденного нетканого полотна из минерального волокна, из которого вырезают плиту из минерального волокна или в альтернативном случае - трубчатый изоляционный элемент. Объем плиты из минерального ...

27-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008137944A

... 1. Мат из прошитых иглой прядей волокон из минерального стекла, проклеенных композицией, содержащей воду, причем сухое вещество указанной композиции содержит от 1 до 30 вес.% связующего вещества и от 30 до 99 вес.% поливинилпирролидона. ! 2. Мат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что пряди являются непрерывными. ! 3. Мат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сухое вещество композиции содержит от 2 до 10 вес.% связующего вещества. ! 4. Мат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сухое вещество композиции содержит от 30 до 90 вес.% поливинилпирролидона. ! 5. Мат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сухое вещество композиции содержит смазочный материал, содержание которого составляет менее 79 вес.%. ! 6. Мат по п.5, отличающийся тем, что содержание смазочного материала в сухом веществе составляет от 5 до 70%. ! 7. Мат по п.6, отличающийся тем, что содержание смазочного материала в сухом веществе составляет от 20 до 70%. ! 8. Мат по п.1, отличающийся тем, что сухое вещество композиции содержит противовспенивающую присадку, ...

20-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011154198A

... 1. Связующая композиция для изоляционных изделий на основе минеральной ваты, в частности минерального войлока или стекловолокна, отличающаяся тем, что она включает:- по меньшей мере, один сахарид,- по меньшей мере, одну органическую поликарбоновую кислоту, молекулярная масса которой составляет менее чем или равна 1000, и- по меньшей мере, одно реакционноспособное кремнийорганическое соединение.2. Композиция по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что сахарид представляет собой моносахарид, полисахарид или смесь данных соединений.3. Композиция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что моносахарид выбран из моносахаридов, включающих от 3 до 8 атомов углерода, предпочтительно от 5 до 7 атомов углерода.4. Композиция по п.3, отличающаяся тем, что моносахарид представляет собой альдозу.5. Композиция по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что альдозой является гексоза, в том числе глюкоза, манноза и галактоза.6. Композиция по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что полисахарид имеет среднемассовую молекулярную массу менее чем 1000000, предпочтительно ...

25-09-1975 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002512621A1

05-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003774214D1
Принадлежит: MENZOLIT GMBH

Chopped glass fibre bundles are made into a random-orientated fibre mat by blowing them in a turbulent current of air. The fibres are also bonded into GRP with e.g. thermoplastics. Specifically glass fibres are fed by the hopper into a current of air in the feed tube leading to the chamber. The quantity of glass is decided by the process and it also has the appropriate content of powdered binder. The dry mix is fed to the bottom of the chamber, the top of which has a filter and plate moved by the cylinder. The dry mix is swirled round turbulently in the chamber. The bottom damper is opened, the top plate is dropped down, and the mix is pressed on the conveyor belt and its backing below. The sheet of material is conveyed to the heated band press and consolidated into an intermediate GRP sheet.

20-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007509146U

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069728399T2

21-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE602008005441D1

14-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001394460A

... 1394460 Non-woven fabrics RHONE-POULENC SA 15 Dec 1972 [17 Dec 1971] 58047/ 72 Headings D1R and D2B A non-woven fabric comprises a web of either non-fusible fibres or fibres having a softening point or melting point above 180‹C bonded together by a polyamide-imide in an amount from 3 to 150% by wt. based on the dry wt. of the fibres. The polyamide-imide may comprise a plurality of units of the formula: in which Q represents a divalent radical containing at least one benzene ring and R represents a trivalent aromatic radical. The fibres may be inorganic e.g. glass, carbon, boron, asbestos, metal e.g. copper, steel, or fibres of aluminium oxide and of zirconium oxide, or organic polymeric e.g. polyesters, polyacrylonitrile, polytetrafluoroethylene, copolymers of tetrafluoroethylene and hexafluoropropylene, polyamides, or polyamide-imides. The fabric may be made by forming a dry web of fibres, contacting the web with organic solution of the polyamide-imide, and drying the treated web. The ...

23-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001400692A

07-11-1984 дата публикации

Fabric member

Номер: GB0002139227A

A curable fabric member comprising first and second curing reactants in elongate, preferably extruded, form. The reactants may be coextruded orsequentially extruded to form aa single filament, or may be provided as separate staple fibres incorporated in a spun yarn, or as separate continuous filaments assembled into a multi-filament yarn.

04-06-1969 дата публикации

Heat Insulating Materials

Номер: GB0001154324A

... 1,154,324. Fibrous mats; thermal insulating. CAPE INSULATION Ltd. 25 Nov., 1966 [27 Aug., 1965], No. 36922/65. Headings DIN and D1R. A thermal insulating body comprises a mass of short (mean length less than 1") mineral fibres, which fibres are orientated in planes parallel to the body surface. The fibres may be asbestos, glass wool, rock wool or slag wool, and may be mixed with long (greater than 1") fine (diameter less than 7Á) fibres. In preferred embodiments the body is in the form of a flat mat or a half-cylinder. A bonding agent such as sodium silicate, urea formaldehyde or phenol-formaldehyde may be incorporated in the material. A method of producing the material comprises conveying a mass 9 of mineral fibres on a belt 1 to a pair of feed rollers 3 associated with a spiked rotating drum 2. The fibres are then dispersed in an air hood 4 and entrained in a stream of air which carries them to a perforated rotating collecting drum 6, the mat thus formed being carried away by a conveyor ...

23-08-1972 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001286499A

... 1286499 Woven and non-woven fabrics GLASSEIDEN-WERK OSCHATZ VEB 6 Oct 1969 48997/69 Headings D1K and D1R A woven or non-woven fabric, suitable for use as a heat resistant filter material, consists of polyacrylonitrile fibres and glass fibres twisted together so that the glass fibres are wholly covered by the polyacrylonitrile fibres; the heat resistance of the polyacrylonitrile fibres has been increased by heat treatment, e.g. at 250-400‹C.

14-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008517077D0

20-09-1972 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001290176A

19-05-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001232511A

03-07-1957 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to methods of agglomerating textile fibres by the use ofadhesives

Номер: GB0000778235A

... 778,235. Method of agglomerating textile fibres by use of adhesives. VINZELLES, M. P. DE. Oct. 15, 1954 [Oct. 17, 1953], No. 29746/54. Class 140. A method of agglomerating textile fibres comprises applying to the fibres a fine spray, e.g. a mist, of polyester resin, dissolved in a solvent and containing from 5 to 20 per cent by weight (based on the resin) of polymerization catalyst and up to 40 per cent by volume (based on the resin) of accelerator for the catalyst. The fibres may be glass fibres. The polyester resin may be a liquid resin obtained by the reaction of a di-acid with a di-alcohol. Specified solvents are trichloroethylene and acetone. A suitable polymerization catalyst is benzoyl peroxide and a suitable accelerator for the catalyst is a solution of dimethyl aniline in monomeric styrene. A suitable commercially available polyester resin consists .of a solution of glycol maleate polyester in styrene. A fine mist of a very dilute resin solution may be projected by a spray gun ...

15-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000397118T

26-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366652B

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000501293T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000420254T

15-11-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000448345T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000457021T

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: ATA406179A

15-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA628372A

15-04-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000147092A

15-06-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000406179A

15-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000219375A

15-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000031948T

15-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000027470T

15-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000028672T

15-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000181311T

15-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000164642T

15-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000015989T

10-01-1968 дата публикации

Device for the production of a mat from glass cloth shreds

Номер: AT0000259151B

15-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000312694T

25-09-1973 дата публикации

Device for the continuous production of Dochten, Gespinsten or fleeces from fibers from thermoplastic material

Номер: AT0000310370B

15-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000099004T

15-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000218120T

12-02-1968 дата публикации

Procedure for the perforation of thin fleeces

Номер: AT0000259782B

10-03-1969 дата публикации

Procedure for the production of bound non-woven cloths

Номер: AT0000269056B

15-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000286521T

25-04-1967 дата публикации

Roll-cash fiber body

Номер: AT0000253713B

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000250684T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000262607T

30-01-2002 дата публикации

Heat /sound insulation product based on mineral wool and method

Номер: AU0007758901A

31-05-2007 дата публикации

Formaldehyde-free binder

Номер: AU2006316473A1

22-09-2011 дата публикации

Use of glycerol as an additive for aqueous glues devoid of formaldehyde

Номер: AU2005252413B2

The invention relates to the use of glycerol as an additive for aqueous glues which are devoid of formaldehyde and based on acrylic polymer or acrylate, used for the production of mineral-wool based products, in order to improve the resistance to ageing of said mineral-wool based products obtained after the cross-linking of said glue. The products which are based on mineral-wool which is bound with said environmentally friendly glue have the same quality as products which are bound in a conventional manner with phenolic resin. Modifications in the thickness and the flexibility of the products obtained are improved. .

10-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008653182A

10-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002940084A

02-05-1996 дата публикации

Non-woven fibre fabric and method of making the fabric

Номер: AU0003573795A

20-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004777979A

22-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000940288A1

22-04-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1075907A

Method and apparatus for suppression of pollution in the manufacture of glass fibers by toration, i.e., by the technique in which attenuable material is fiberized by admitting the attenuable material into the zone of interaction of gaseous jets directed transversely into a larger gaseous blast, the material being acted upon in the interaction zone of the jet and blast to produce a highly attenuated fiber. Most of the gases in the region of the toration operation are freed of pollutants and are recirculated.

27-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: CA1178446A

Method and apparatus are disclosed for forming fibers from attenuable materials, especially mineral materials such as glass, the disclosed technique including components providing for attenuation by toration, i.e., attenuation by delivering a stream of attenuable material in attenuable condition into the zone of interaction of a gaseous jet penetrating into a larger gaseous blast. The blast, jet and means for delivery of the stream of attenuable material are disclosed in an interrelationship according to which the device for generating the blast is arranged to deliver the blast in a downwardly directed path, in which the means for generating the jet is arranged to deliver the jet laterally into the blast, in which the stream of attenuable material in attenuable condition is delivered downwardly from a delivery orifice in a position between the blast generating device and the jet generating means, and in which the orifices for both the jet and the attenuable material are spaced from the ...

25-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1090072A

System for suppression of pollution in fiber attenuating operations, especially in mineral fiber insulating blanket production. The system disclosed provides gas blast attenuation of the attenuable material in a fiber forming chamber and for recirculation of attenuating gases and for discharge of a portion of the gases by means of a controllable blower. The operation of the blower is regulated by a pressure sensor responsive to the pressure in the forming section.

06-09-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1016819A

14-04-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001099061A1

15-06-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002353566A1

... ▓▓▓A non-intumescent mat (20) for providing a support structure for low ▓temperature fragile structures (18) in exhaust treatment devices (10), such as ▓catalytic converters, diesel particulate traps, and like, including amorphous ▓inorganic fibers. The fibers have Young's Modulus of less than about 20X106 ▓psi and a geometric mean diameter of less than about 5 .mu.m. The mat (20) is ▓adapted to provide a holding force of at least 5 psi throughout an average mat ▓temperature range from ambient temperature up to at least about 350 ~C. The ▓amorphous inorganic fibers are preferably melt formed fibers including the ▓fiberization product of a melt including alumina/silica.▓ ...

24-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002329572C

There is provided an antibacterial fiber, an antibacterial twisted yarn and an antibacterial cloth which exhibits high durability to post-processing with water, detergent, staining or the like at a small added amount. In an antibacterial fiber200, an antibacterial property imparting glass composition10 is fixed in a form of, for example, a particle on the surface of a fiber substrate16 and/or dispersed and complexed in the fiber substrate16. An antibacterial property imparting glass composition 10 comprises 0.1 to 5.0% by weight of Ag2O in a composition containing 45-67 mol% of P2O5, 5 to 20 mol% of A12O3, 1 to 40 mol% of 1 or 2 or more selected from MgO, CaO and ZnO, and 20 mol% or less of B2O3. An antibacterial fiber200 containing such the antibacterial property imparting glass composition10 at a ratio of, for example, 0.1 to 5.0% by weight shows high water resistance, acid resistance, alkali resistance and detergent resistance in antibacterial property.

16-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002558981C

... ²Disclosed are formaldehyde-free, thermally curable, alkaline, aqueous ²binder compositions, curable to formaldehyde-free, water-insoluble thermoset ²polyester resins, and uses thereof as binders for non-woven fibers and fiber ²materials.² ...

11-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002106593C

In order to be able to consolidate mineral fibers without binder, such as in particular glass wool. into. a needle-felt by needle-punching, an agent as a needling aid which comprises a thixotropizing additive having a relatively low flow viscosity during needling and thus allows to effectively support the needling process; is add ed to the mineral fibers. At rest. this thixotropizing additive however has an extremely high viscosity, whereby the needle-punched felt obtains good strength. In particular for needling rock wool, suppler textile fibers are moreover added which contribute to improved mutual interlocking of the fibers, in particular in the case of mineral fibers such as basalt fibers, which can only with difficulty be interlocked by needling. A corresponding processing aid furthermore proves advantages in the production of a crimped mat from a laminar mat, as the drastically weakened resistance against further shifting makes it possible to reorient the fibers in the crimping zone ...

12-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002021977C

A non-woven matrix of sized bushing glass and synthetic fibers provides a rigid but resilient product having good strength and insulating characteristics. The product finds particular application in large area panels such as vehicle headliners. The matrix consists of glass fibers, first, solid or hollow homogeneous synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon or Kevlar and second, bi-component synthetic fibers which have been intimately combined with a thermosetting resin into a homogeneous mixture. The bi-component synthetic fibers include an outer low melting temperature sheath and a higher melting temperature core. This mixture is dispersed to form a blanket. The blanket may be heated and pressed to cure and form it into a final product in one step on two steps. In the one step process, the curing temperature is sufficiently high to melt the sheath of the bi-component fibers and activate and cure the thermosetting resin. In the two step process, first the sheath of the bi-component fibers ...

21-07-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002153672A1

A method of producing a mineral fiber-insulating web comprises the steps of firstly producing a first non-woven mineral fiber-web being a loosely compacted mineral fiber web of a low area weight. The first material fiber web contains mineral fibers arranged generally in the longitudinal direction of the mineral fiber web. Secondly, the first material fiber web is moved in the longitudinal direction of the web and folded transversely relative to the longitudinal direction and parallel with a transversal direction of the first mineral fiber web, so as to produce a second mineral fiber-web containing mineral fibers arranged generally perpendicular to the longitudinal and transversal directions. Thereupon, the folded mineral fiber web is cured for bonding the mineral fibers together so as to produce the mineral fiber-insulating web comprising a central body containing mineral fibers arranged generally perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the mineral fiber web.

27-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002212921C

L'invention a pour objet un procédé de fabrication d'un mat de fils de verre selon lequel on dépose en continu, sur un matelas de fils de verre, réparti sur un convoyeur en mouvement, un liant, puis on soumet ledit matelas à un étuvage et éventuellement à un calandrage, qui consiste à déposer sur le matelas de fils un liant liquide dont la viscosité lors du dépôt est inférieure à environ 40 millipascals/seconde, ledit liant étant formé d'une solution aqueuse d'alcool(s) polyvinylique(s).

10-06-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002311672A1

A nonwoven fabric constituted of high-flatness glass fibers whose cross sections have aspect ratios of 2.0 to 10 and rates of filling of 85 % or above, preferably 90 % or above. Such glass fibers have nearly rectangular cross sections and therefore can be arranged in an extremely dense state to give a nonwoven fabric which is extremely thin and has a high bulk density. The fabric can give laminates which are enhanced in the glass fiber content and improved in the surface smoothness, thus being suitably usable as the reinforcement for printed wiring boards. The glass fibers can be produced by the use of, e.g., a nozzle equipped with a tip which has a flat orifice and whose major-axis wall is partially cut out on one side.

15-12-2001 дата публикации

Process and apparatus for producing mineral fibreboard

Номер: CH0000691960A5

Process for producing mineral fibreboard comprises a fleece of greater than twice the finished product thickness (2 t) being compressed (17) to a first thickness of 0.8-1.5 (preferably 0.9-1.3) t without longitudinal compression to a weight per unit area of W. The fleece is then longitudinally compressed by roller systems (30,32) without pleating to a unit weight of 2-10 W and a thickness of 1-1.3 and preferably 1-1.1 t. The fleece is then tightly held and fed to a bonding oven (25).

15-05-1958 дата публикации

Appareil pour la production d'une natte

Номер: CH0000329667A

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Multivariable predictive control optimizer for glass fiber forming operation

Номер: US20120271445A1
Автор: Michael D. PIETRO, Wei Li

A system and method for determining and controlling for cure status of binder on a fibrous product are disclosed. Cure status is monitored by measuring one or more control variables and attempting to keep them within known control limits. Exemplary control variables include oven temperatures at various locations and color values of sections of the fibrous product. Sensors such as thermocouples and image capture systems sense these variables continuously online and provide input signals for a MPC processor-optimizer. The MPC optimizers balances the constraints according to a programmed optimization function and priority ranking of control variables and solves for optimal control setting on manipulatable variables, such as oven fan speed, oven setpoint temperatures and coolant water flow rate.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130137325A1
Принадлежит: Pella Corporation

A method of preparing a reinforcing structure for use in manufacture a pultruded part where the reinforcing structure is pulled through a pultrusion die in a continuous longitudinal pull direction. The method includes arranging a plurality of first reinforcing fibers in a transverse direction and attaching a permeable transport web of staple fibers to the first reinforcing fibers such that the portion of the first reinforcing fibers oriented in the direction transverse comprises at least 30% of a volume of materials comprising the reinforcing structure. 1. A mat for use as reinforcement for a resin composition to be used in forming an elongated , pultruded part of constant transverse cross-section using a pultrusion die , said mat comprising:{'b': 30', '28, 'a pull layer () of continuous, generally longitudinally-arranged pulling fibers () to provide strength to the mat longitudinally thereof in the pull direction of the mat during pultrusion of the part;'}{'b': 34', '32', '30, 'a reinforcement layer () of angular mat fibers () in association with the pulling fiber layer () and oriented in a direction at an angle with respect to the longitudinal pull direction of the mat to provide stiffness to the mat during pultrusion of the part;'}{'b': 47', '30', '34, 'lines of stitching () interconnecting the pull layer () and the reinforcement layer () to provide the mat; and'}{'b': '46', 'i': 'a', 'relatively short entangling fibers (), at least a portion of which extend through the thickness of the mat layers and interconnect the fibers of the layers to increase the integrity of the mat during pultrusion of the part and curing of the resin composition.'}2384234. The reinforcement mat according to claim 1 , wherein the mat further includes elongated diagonal fibers ( claim 1 , ) extending diagonally across substantially the full transverse width of the mat and at an angle with respect to the fibers of the reinforcement layer ().3. The reinforcement mat according to claim 1 , ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Electron beam cured siliconized fibrous webs

Номер: US20130210300A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Siliconized fibrous webs are described. The siliconized webs include a fibrous web saturated with an electron beam cured silicone composition. Siliconized webs with electron beam cured silicone coating are also described. Methods of preparing both the coated and uncoated siliconized fibrous webs are also described.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Glass Fibre Mat and Products Containing Glass Fibre Mats

Номер: US20130337251A1
Автор: Grassl Thomas

A glass fibre mat comprises glass fibres of a first kind, glass fibres of a second kind and a binding agent. Glass fibres of the first kind in this case are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of under 6 μm and compliance with the EC Protocol “ECB/TM/27 rev. 7” and glass fibres of the second kind by a mean fibre diameter of over 6 μm. The ratio between the weight component of glass fibres of the first kind and the weight component of glass fibres of the second kind is between 0.01 and 0.15. And the surface weight of the glass fibre mat is between 25 g/m2 and 80 g/m2. In a CV floor covering comprising a usable layer and a structural layer, the structural layer comprises a glass fibre mat of this kind provided with impregnation. 1. A glass fibre mat comprising glass fibres of a first kind , glass fibres of a second kind and a binding agent , having the following features:glass fibres of the first kind are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of under 6 μm and compliance with the EC Protocol “ECB/TM/27 rev. 7”;glass fibres of the second kind are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of over 6 μm; andthe ratio between the weight component of glass fibres of the first kind and the weight component of glass fibres of the second kind is between 0.01 and 0.15;{'sup': 2', '2, 'the surface weight is between 25 g/mand 80 g/m.'}2. The glass fibre mat according to claim 1 , characterized in that the binding agent comprises urea resin claim 1 , preferably a mixture of urea resin and a polymer dispersion.3. The glass fibre mat according to claim 1 , characterized in that the binding agent comprises polyacrylic acid binders claim 1 , preferably a mixture of polyacrylic acid binders and a polymer dispersion.4. The glass fibre mat according to one of the to claim 1 , characterized in that the mean fibre diameter of glass fibres of the first kind is between 0.5 μm and 6 μm claim 1 , preferably between 0.6 μm and 3.0 μm claim 1 , particularly preferably between 0.6 μm and 1.5 μm. ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140099851A1

Fibrous material webs and methods of making the fibrous material webs. Binderless webs can be formed in a continuous process where fiber material, such as glass is melted and formed into fibers. The fibers are formed into a web of binderless glass fibers or a web with a dry binder. The binderless web or the web with dry binder can be layered and/or the fibers that make up the web can be mechanically entangled, for example, by needling. 1. An insulation system for a thermal appliance comprising:an outer cabinet having interior surfaces;a liner positioned within the outer cabinet and including an outside surface;fibrous insulation material disposed between the outside surface of the liner and the interior surfaces of the cabinet;wherein the fibrous insulation material comprises layers of a binderless web of glass fibers comprising:glass fibers that are mechanically entangled to form the web;wherein the web has an area weight of about 5 to about 50 grams per square foot;wherein the glass fibers have a diameter range of in a range of from about 9 HT to about 35 HT;wherein the glass fibers have a length range from about 0.25 inches to about 10.0 inches.2. The insulation system of wherein the glass fibers used to form the web have never been compressed for packaging or shipping.3. The insulation system of wherein the glass fibers are mechanically entangled by needling.4. The insulation system of wherein the thermal appliance is a thermal oven.5. An insulation system for a thermal appliance comprising:an outer cabinet having interior surfaces;a liner positioned within the outer cabinet and including an outside surface;a layered binderless web of glass fibers disposed between the outside surface of the liner and the interior surfaces of the cabinet;wherein the layered binderless web of glass fibers comprises:a first web of glass fibers;at least one additional web of glass fibers disposed on the first web of glass fibers;wherein the first web has an area weight of about 5 to ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190002356A1

The invention relates to an improved method for producing silica aerogel in pure and flexible sheet form having effective suppression of radiative heat transport at high temperatures and increased thermal insulation property. The suppression of radiative heat transport was achieved by in-situ production of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in very minor concentrations during gelation of silica precursor, with nanoporous surface area more than 300 m2/g and acts as an infra red reflecting agent. When aerogel is subjected to heat during hot object insulation, it automatically turn into infra red reflecting material. Said silica aerogel can be incorporated into the inorganic fibre mat matrix individually or into two or more layers with organic sponge sheet placed in between and stitched together to form a sandwich sheet to form highly insulating flexible sheet. 118.-. (canceled)19. A method for preparation of a silica aerogel thermal insulation product , the method comprising:(a) preparing a hydro-alcoholic solution containing at least one alkali;(b) adding a solution of a metal oxide precursor to the hydro-alcoholic solution to form a dispersion effecting in-situ formation and precipitation of nanoparticles of at least one metal oxide, wherein the metal oxide precursor comprises one or more metals selected from the group consisting of iron, manganese, magnesium, zirconium, zinc, chromium, cobalt, titanium, tin, and indium;(c) mixing at least one silica precursor with the dispersion to form a first mixture;(d) stirring the first mixture to obtain a viscous mixture with the nanoparticles entrapped therewithin;(e) aging the viscous mixture to form an aged viscous mixture; and(f) effecting supercritical drying of the aged viscous mixture, to obtain the silica aerogel thermal insulation product.20. The method of claim 19 , wherein the at least one silica precursor is selected from the group consisting of tetraethylorthosilicate claim 19 , tetramethylorthosilicate claim 19 , ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Mineral wool insulation

Номер: US20170002971A1
Принадлежит: Knauf Insulation Inc, KNAUF INSULATION SPRL

A method of manufacturing a mineral fibre thermal insulation product comprises the sequential steps of: Forming mineral fibres from a molten mineral mixture; Spraying a substantially formaldehyde free binder solution on to the mineral fibres, the binder solution comprising: a reducing sugar, an acid precursor derivable from an inorganic salt and a source of nitrogen; Collecting the mineral fibres to which the binder solution has been applied to form a batt of mineral fibres; and Curing the batt comprising the mineral fibres and the binder which is in contact with the mineral fibres by passing the batt through a curing oven so as to provide a batt of mineral fibres held together by a substantially water insoluble cured binder.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190010641A1

A coherent growth substrate product formed of man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) bonded with a cured binder composition and a wetting agent is described, wherein the binder composition prior to curing comprises the following components:—a component (i) in form of one or more carbohydrates;—a component (ii) in form of one or more compounds selected from sulfamic acid, derivatives of sulfamic acid or any salt thereof. Use of said coherent growth substrate product for growing plants and propagating seeds is also disclosed. In addition, a process for making said coherent growth substrate product is disclosed. 1. A coherent growth substrate product formed of man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF) bonded with a cured binder composition and a wetting agent , wherein the binder composition prior to curing comprises the following components:a component (i) in form of one or more carbohydrates;a component (ii) in form of one or more compounds selected from sulfamic acid, derivatives of sulfamic acid or any salt thereof.2. The growth substrate product according to wherein the wetting agent is an alkyl ether sulphate.3. The growth substrate product according to wherein the wetting agent is an alkali metal alkyl ether sulphate or an ammonium alkyl ether sulphate.4. The growth substrate product according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent is a sodium alkyl ether sulphate.5. The growth substrate product according to claim 1 , wherein the wetting agent is sodium lauryl ether sulphate.6. The growth substrate product according to claim 1 , wherein the binder composition is an aqueous binder composition.7. The growth substrate product according to claim 1 , wherein component (i) is one or more carbohydrate having a DE value of 60 to less than 100 claim 1 , in particular 60 to 99 claim 1 , more particular 85 to 99.8. The growth substrate product according to claim 1 , wherein the component (i) is a glucose syrup having a DE of 60 to less than 100 claim 1 , in particular of 60 to 99 claim 1 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Glass Chopped Strand Mat, Glass Chopped Strand Mat Roll, Method for Manufacturing Glass Chopped Strand Mat and Automotive Molded Ceiling Material

Номер: US20170015257A1
Принадлежит: Nitto Boseki Co Ltd

In a glass chopped strand mat, a short chopped strand layer having first glass chopped strands with an average length of 25.4 to 76.2 mm and a long chopped strand layer having second glass chopped strands with an average length of 76.2 to 203.2 mm are laminated, a difference between the average length of the first glass chopped strands and that of the second glass chopped strands is 25.4 mm or greater, the short chopped strand layer occupies 50 to 70 parts by mass, and the long chopped strand layer occupies 30 to 50 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the glass chopped strand mat, a mass per unit area of the glass chopped strand mat is 180 g/m 2 or lower, and a loss on ignition of the glass chopped strand mat measured on the basis of JIS R 3420 is lower than 10%.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200017732A1
Автор: Frick Agnes, Groh Werner

Textile fabrics consolidated with a binder that is made from a binder system are described. The binder system may include: 1. A method for the manufacture of a textile fabric which is consolidated with a binder , the method comprising:providing a plurality of fibers;applying the binder system to the plurality of fibers, wherein the binder system comprises:a) 1% to 30% by dry weight of at least one polymer based on polyvinyl alcohol;b) 80% to 99% by dry weight of at least one starch, wherein the at least one starch comprises 50% by weight or more of one or more natural starches based on the total weight of the at least one starch;c) 0 to 10% by dry weight of at least one crosslinker;d) 0 to 10% by dry weight of at least one filler; ande) 0 to 10% by dry weight of at least one additive,wherein a sum of components a) to e) is 100% by dry weight of the binder system, and wherein the sum of components a) and b) is at least 80% by dry weight of the binder system; anddrying and curing the binder system on the plurality of fibers to form the textile fabric.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder system is applied in one application step.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the drying and curing of the binder system on the plurality of fibers comprises heating the binder system on the plurality of fiber to a temperature ranging from 140° C. to 250° C.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder system is applied to the plurality of fibers by one or more application techniques selected from the group consisting of curtain coating claim 1 , foam application claim 1 , and dip coating.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein excess binder system is removed from the plurality of fibers by one or more removal techniques selected from the group consisting of suction removal and mechanical rolling.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further comprises incorporating a reinforcement into the plurality of fibers or the textile ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021717A1

Method of using a shape-formable apparatus comprising fibrous material. A shape-formable apparatus can include an envelope defining a chamber, a port positioned to fluidly couple the chamber with ambience, and a fibrous material positioned in the chamber. The fibrous material can be substantially less formable when the apparatus is in the second state than when the apparatus is in the first state. The method can include providing the shape-formable apparatus in a first state; forming the apparatus into a desired shape; and reducing the pressure in the chamber to change the apparatus from the first state to a second state in which the apparatus is substantially less formable than in the first state. 1. A method of using a shape-formable apparatus , the method comprising: an envelope defining a chamber, the envelope formed of a gas-impermeable material;', 'a port positioned to fluidly couple the chamber with ambience; and', 'a fibrous material positioned in the chamber;, 'providing a shape-formable apparatus in a first state in which the apparatus is formable, the shape-formable apparatus comprising;'}forming the apparatus into a desired shape when the apparatus is in the first state; andreducing the pressure in the chamber to change the apparatus from the first state to a second state in which the apparatus has the desired shape and is substantially less formable than in the first state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the apparatus into a desired shape includes forming the apparatus at least partially over a tissue or organ.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing a shape-formable apparatus includes providing a sheet-like shape-formable apparatus.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising increasing the pressure in the chamber from the reduced pressure to change the apparatus from the second state at least partially back to the first state.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein reducing the pressure in the chamber includes reducing the pressure below ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Insulation blanket having a deposited passivator for industrial insulation applications

Номер: US20220042640A1

A passivating flexible insulation blanket positionable about a pipe includes an insulation core, an enclosing fabric, and a non-consumable passivator. The insulation core is substantially hydrophobic and includes a microporous material. The enclosing fabric fully encapsulates the insulation core to form a capsule or pouch about the insulation core. The non-consumable passivator is non-consumable such that there is no appreciable change to a mass of the non-consumable passivator after an extended time of activation. The non-consumable passivator is deposited into the insulation core and has a composition soluble in water. The non-consumable passivator includes a leachable component that leaches from the insulation core and is capable of neutralizing acidic components. The leachable component is water soluble and is capable of reacting with a surface of the pipe to form a protective coating on the pipe to aid in inhibiting corrosion formation on the surface of the pipe.

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113125A1

A method of forming a needled fiberglass glass insulation product is provided. The formation of the needled insulation product may be conducted in a process in which the fibers are formed, a binder is sprayed onto the fibers, the fibers are collected and formed into a fiberglass pack, the fiberglass pack is passed through the oven, and at least partially cured insulation blanket is passed through a needling apparatus. The reduction in thickness and increased density caused by the needling process permits the production of lower thickness and high density insulation products. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of forming a needled glass insulation product comprising the steps of:forming glass fibers;adding a binder to at least a portion of said glass fibers;collecting said glass fibers and binder to form an insulation pack;passing said insulation pack through an oven to at least partially cure said binder on said glass fibers and form an insulation blanket; andneedling said insulation blanket after said curing to a thickness of greater 0.1 inch than to form said needled rotary glass insulation product.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising the step of :blowing said glass fibers downward to form a veil of said fibers prior to applying said binder to said glass fibers.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein said needling step comprises:pushing needles in a downward and upward motion through said insulation blanket to entangle said glass fibers and impart mechanical strength and integrity to said insulation blanket.24. The method of claim 21 , further comprising the step of:compressing said fiberglass pack in said oven between upper and lower compression rollers prior to needling said insulation blanket.25. The method of claim 24 , further comprising the step of:rolling said needled rotary glass insulation product onto a reel for shipping or storage.26. The method of claim 24 , further comprising the steps of:cutting said needled insulation product into a predetermined ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170029669A1

The present invention relates to an aqueous sizing composition for insulating products based on mineral wool, comprising 1. An aqueous sizing composition for insulating products based on mineral wool , the aqueous sizing composition comprising:(a) at least one saccharide selected from the group consisting of a reducing sugar, a hydrogenated sugar and a mixture thereof, a proportion of hydrogenated sugars in the saccharide being between 25% and 100% by weight;(b) at least one monomeric polycarboxylic acid or a salt or anhydride thereof; and(c) more than 2.0% by weight, relative to a sum of the components (a) and (b), of at least one epoxysilane.2. The aqueous sizing composition according to claim 1 , comprising from 2.1% to 7% by weight of the at least one epoxysilane claim 1 , relative to the sum of the components (a) and (b).3. The aqueous sizing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the epoxysilane is selected from the group consisting of a 3-glycidoxypropyltrialkoxysilane claim 1 , a 3-glycidoxypropyldialkoxyalkylsilane claim 1 , an epoxycyclohexylethyltrialkoxysilane and an epoxycyclohexylethyldialkoxyalkylsilane.4. The aqueous sizing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the saccharide comprises at least 30% by weight.5. The aqueous sizing composition according to claim 1 , comprising a hydrogenated sugar that is a hydrogenation product of a monosaccharide claim 1 , a disaccharide claim 1 , an oligosaccharide claim 1 , a polysaccharide claim 1 , or a mixture thereof.6. The aqueous sizing composition according to claim 1 , comprising a hydrogenated sugar that is a hydrogenation product of a starch hydrolysate.7. The aqueous sizing composition according to claim 1 , wherein the monomeric polycarboxylic acid is citric acid.8. A process for manufacturing an insulating product based on mineral wool claim 1 , the process comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'applying the aqueous sizing composition according to to mineral wool fibres; ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047227A1

A fibre forming device for fabricating mineral fibres, includes a fibre forming spinner wheel pierced to enable centrifugal fabrication of the fibres, the fibre forming device including at least one annular burner producing an annular gas flow to stretch the fibres and an evacuation system for evacuating smoke created by the burner, the device further including a system adapted to vary the temperature of the spinner wheel, the temperature variation system being a device for circulation of air between the annular burner and the evacuation system to control the smoke evacuation flow. 1. A fibre forming device for fabricating mineral fibres , comprising a fibre forming spinner wheel pierced to enable fabrication of fibres by internal centrifuging , the fibre forming device comprising at least one annular burner producing an annular gas flow to stretch the fibres and an evacuation system for evacuating smoke created by said burner , wherein the fibre forming device further comprises a system adapted to vary the temperature of said fibre forming spinner wheel comprising an air circulation device adapted to control the smoke evacuation flow.2. The fibre forming device according to claim 1 , wherein the fibre forming spinner wheel comprises an annular wall pierced by a plurality of orifices extended laterally by a top part and a bottom part claim 1 , said air circulation device being adapted to modify locally the temperature at a point of said spinner wheel.3. The fibre forming device according to claim 2 , wherein the air circulation device includes a main pipe having a first end connected to a first secondary pipe used as an air outlet and a second end connected to a second secondary pipe in which the air enters claim 2 , said air circulation device further comprising a system adapted to vary the flow adapted to generate an additional flow in the main pipe adding to or opposing the evacuation flow.4. The fibre forming device according to claim 3 , wherein the means for ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210047508A1

A method of forming a binder composition includes providing a urea-formaldehyde resin and combining one or more starch compounds with the urea-formaldehyde resin to form a starch modified urea-formaldehyde resin. The one or more starch compounds may be combined with the urea-formaldehyde resin so that the starch modified urea-formaldehyde resin includes about 1 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of the one or more starch compounds. 1. A method of forming a binder composition comprising:providing a urea-formaldehyde resin; andcombining one or more starch compounds with the urea-formaldehyde resin to form a starch modified urea-formaldehyde resin;wherein the one or more starch compounds are combined with the urea-formaldehyde resin so that the starch modified urea-formaldehyde resin includes about 1 wt. % to about 10 wt. % of the one or more starch compounds.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein combining the one or more starch compounds with the urea-formaldehyde resin comprises combining a starch solution with an aqueous solution of formaldehyde and urea.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein water in the starch solution provides an aqueous environment for formaldehyde and urea; and wherein the method further comprises synthesizing the urea-formaldehyde resin via condensation polymerization of the aqueous solution of starch claim 2 , formaldehyde claim 2 , and urea.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein:providing the urea-formaldehyde resin comprises providing an aqueous solution of formaldehyde and urea and initiating synthesis of the urea-formaldehyde resin; andcombining the one or more starch compounds with the urea-formaldehyde resin comprises adding a starch slurry to the aqueous solution of formaldehyde and urea during synthesis of the urea-formaldehyde resin.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein:providing the urea-formaldehyde resin comprises heating a formaldehyde and urea solution to at or near a boiling temperature of the formaldehyde and urea solution to initiate synthesis of the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048499A1

Loose-fill insulating products include mineral wool, in particular glass wool or rock wool, in the form of down, nodules or flakes, which are obtained from a method including an aeration step that allows the mineral wool to be expanded. 1. An insulating product comprising loose-fill glass wool in the form of down , wherein a mass distribution of agglomerates which is obtained by screening 2 to 5 g of the insulating product using a vibrating sieve shaker comprising a stack of screens and a maximum amplitude of oscillation of 3 mm set to between 1.5 and 2.5 mm , exhibits:a mass percentage of agglomerates passing through a 6 mm screen of less than 5 wt %, and/ora mass percentage of agglomerates passing through a 13 mm screen of less than 50 wt %.2. The insulating product comprising loose-fill glass wool in the form of down as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a mass percentage of agglomerates passing through both 25 mm and 32 mm screens with respect to the agglomerates passing through the 32 mm screen is less than 10 wt %.3. The insulating product comprising loose-fill glass wool in the form of down as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a mass percentage of agglomerates passing through both 19 mm and 25 mm screens with respect to a mass of agglomerates passing through a 32 mm screen is greater than 10 wt%.4. The insulating product comprising loose-fill glass wool in the form of down as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a mass percentage of agglomerates passing through both 13 mm and 25 mm screens with respect to a mass of agglomerates passing through a 32 mm screen is greater than 50%.5. The insulating product comprising loose-fill glass wool in the form of down as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a mass percentage of agglomerates passing through both 13 mm and 32 mm screens with respect to a mass of agglomerates passing through the 32 mm screen is greater than 60%.6. An insulating product comprising loose-fill glass wool in the form of down claim 1 , wherein the insulating product has a ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190048501A1

Soy protein and carbohydrate containing binder compositions are described. The binder compositions may include a carbohydrate, a nitrogen-containing compound, and a soy protein. The binder compositions may also optionally include thickening agents such as modified celluloses and polysaccharides. 1. A process of making a non-woven glass fiber mat , the process comprising:forming an aqueous dispersion of fibers;passing the dispersion through a mat forming screen to form a wet mat;applying a soy-containing binder composition to the wet mat to form a binder-containing wet mat; andcuring the binder-containing wet mat to form the non-woven glass fiber mat,wherein the soy-containing binder composition comprises a carbohydrate, a nitrogen-containing compound, and a soy protein.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein the step of applying the soy-containing binder composition to the wet mat comprises curtain coating the binder composition on the wet mat.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the carbohydrate comprises a reducing sugar claim 1 , and the nitrogen-containing compound is chosen from a diamine and a reaction product of a urea compound and an aldehyde-containing compound.4. The process of claim 3 , wherein the reducing sugar is chosen from dextrose claim 3 , fructose claim 3 , allose claim 3 , galactose claim 3 , xylose claim 3 , ribose claim 3 , maltose claim 3 , cellobiose claim 3 , and lactose.5. The process of claim 3 , wherein the diamine is chosen from ethylene diamine claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,3-propanediamine claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,4-butanediamine claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,5-pentanediamine claim 3 , 1 claim 3 ,6-hexanediamine claim 3 , α claim 3 , α′-diaminoxylene claim 3 , diethylenetriamine claim 3 , triethylenetetramine claim 3 , tetraethylenepentamine claim 3 , and diamino benzene.6. The process of claim 3 , wherein the reaction product of a urea compound and an aldehyde-containing compound is 4 claim 3 ,5-dihydroxyimidazolidin-2-one.7. The process of claim 1 , wherein ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055680A1

A system for debundling fiber tow into chopped fibers is provided that has one or more reels of fiber tow, a cutting element configured to receive the fiber tow to form chopped fiber, and a tube with introduced gas flow configured to receive the chopped fiber. A moving belt is positioned under the tube to collect the chopped fiber. A dispenser is positioned along the moving belt for applying a binder or additive. A treatment chamber receives the treated chopped fiber. A process for debundling fiber tow into chopped fibers is provided that supplies one or more reels of fiber tow to a cutting system, drops the chopped fiber into a tube with introduced gas flow to debundle the chopped fiber with a vortex, collects the chopped fiber exiting the tube onto a moving belt, chemically treats the chopped fiber, and provides the chemically treated chopped to a treatment chamber. 1. A system for debundling fiber tow into chopped fibers comprising:one or more reels of fiber tow;a cutting element configured to receive the fiber tow to form chopped fiber from the one or more reels of fiber tow;a tube with an introduced gas flow configured to receive the chopped fiber and to create a debundling vortex;a moving belt positioned under the tube to collect the chopped fiber exiting the tube under gravity;a dispenser positioned along the moving belt for applying a binder or an additive to the chopped fiber; anda treatment chamber that receives the treated chopped fiber.2. The system of wherein the one or more reels of fiber tow are at least one of glass; carbon; polyimides; polyesters; or polyamides claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. (canceled)4. The system of wherein the tube further comprises a plasma generator.5. The system of wherein the dispenser includes the binder.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. The system of further comprising a particulate reservoir in fluid communication with the gas flow.9. The system of further comprising a rail angled inward relative to a direction of ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200063335A1

A thermally-conductive material includes: a textile fabric; and a graphite-containing, thermally-conductive coating, in which graphite is present in a proportion of 5 wt % to 50 wt % relative to a total weight of the thermally-conductive material. The thermally-conductive material has a flow resistance of 60 Pa*s/m to 400 Pa*s/m. In an embodiment, a proportion of graphite in relation to the thermally-conductive coating is more than 50 wt %. 1. A thermally-conductive material , comprising:a textile fabric; anda graphite-containing, thermally-conductive coating, in which graphite is present in a proportion of 5 wt % to 50 wt % relative to a total weight of the thermally-conductive material,wherein the thermally-conductive material has a flow resistance of 60 Pa*s/m to 400 Pa*s/m.2. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of graphite in relation to the thermally-conductive coating is more than 50 wt %.3. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of polymer binder in the thermally-conductive coating and/or between the thermally-conductive coating and the textile fabric is less than 40 wt %.4. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the textile fabric comprises fibers comprising a hydrophilic fiber material.5. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the thermally-conductive coating comprises a pattern on the textile fabric.6. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 5 , wherein the pattern at least partially has continuous lines.7. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein a coating weight of the thermally-conductive coating is 1 to 50 g/m.8. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the graphite comprises graphite in particle form claim 1 , with an average particle size of 0.5 to 10 μm.9. The thermally-conductive material according to claim 1 , wherein the thermally-conductive material has a ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070802A1
Автор: Chomarat Gilbert

A textile reinforcement that can be used for the creation of composite components by pultrusion, including a reinforcing layer having lengths of fiberglass oriented randomly and coated in a polyester binder. The reinforcing layer includes at least one reinforcement layer formed of fibers structured as a weave or as a mesh, or as longitudinal and transverse filaments. The reinforcing layer includes at least one thickness layer, adjacent to the reinforcement layer, and based on the lengths of fiberglass oriented randomly and coated in a polyester binder. At least one first surface layer as a web of fibers forms a first external face of the textile reinforcement. A second external face of the textile reinforcement is formed by the reinforcement layer or by a second surface layer as a web of fibers. The polyester binder binds the layers of the textile reinforcement together. 120-. (canceled)21. A textile reinforcement which can be used to make composite parts by pultrusion , comprising a reinforcement layer having segments of glass fiber oriented randomly and coated with a polyester binder ,wherein:the reinforcement layer comprises at least one reinforcement layer formed of fibers structured by weaving, or by a grid, or by longitudinal and transverse threads,the reinforcement layer comprises at least one thickness layer, adjacent to the reinforcement layer and based on said segments of glass fiber oriented randomly and coated with a polyester binder,at least one first surface layer of fiber web forms a first external face of the textile reinforcement,a second external face of the textile reinforcement is formed by said at least one reinforcement layer or by a second surface layer of fiber web,the polyester binder bonds together the layers of the textile reinforcement.22. The textile reinforcement as claimed in claim 21 , wherein the glass fiber segments in said at least one thickness layer are pieces of fiber obtained from rovings of glass thread.23. The textile ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071864A1
Автор: Hjelmgaard Thomas

The present invention relates to a formaldehyde-free binder composition for mineral fibres comprising: —at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound, —at least one protein, —at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol. 127.-. (canceled)28. A binder composition for mineral fibers , wherein the composition is formaldehyde-free and comprises (i) at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound , (ii) at least one protein , and (iii) at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol.29. The binder composition of claim 28 , wherein (i) comprises a phenol containing compound.30. The binder composition of claim 28 , wherein (i) comprises one or more of a hydroxybenzoic acid claim 28 , a hydroxybenzoic aldehyde claim 28 , a hydroxyacetophenone claim 28 , a hydroxyphenylacetic acid claim 28 , a cinnamic acid claim 28 , a cinnamic acid ester claim 28 , a cinnamyl aldehyde claim 28 , a cinnamyl alcohol claim 28 , a coumarin claim 28 , an isocoumarin claim 28 , a chromone claim 28 , a flavonoid claim 28 , a chalcone claim 28 , a dihydrochalcone claim 28 , an aurone claim 28 , a flavanone claim 28 , a flavanonol claim 28 , a flavan claim 28 , a leucoanthocyanidine claim 28 , a flavan-3-ol claim 28 , a flavone claim 28 , an anthocyanidine claim 28 , a deoxyanthocyanidine claim 28 , an anthocyanine claim 28 , a biflavonyl claim 28 , a benzophenone claim 28 , a xanthone claim 28 , a stilbene claim 28 , a benzoquinone claim 28 , a naphthoquinone claim 28 , an anthraquinone claim 28 , a betacyanine claim 28 , a polyphenol claim 28 , a polyhydroxyphenol claim 28 , a lignan claim 28 , a neolignan (dimers or oligomers formed by coupling of monolignols) claim 28 , a lignin claim 28 , a tannin claim 28 , a condensed tannin (proanthocyanidine) claim 28 , a hydrolysable tannin claim 28 , a gallotannin claim 28 , an ellagitannin claim 28 , a complex tannin claim 28 , tannic acid claim 28 , a phlobabene claim 28 , a lawsone.31. The binder composition of claim 28 , wherein (i) comprises ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200071866A1

The present invention concerns a method of producing a moulded mineral wool insulation product, said method comprising the steps of providing a mixture by mixing mineral fibres with a binder composition, and providing said mixture in a mould form, and then curing the binder, wherein the binder composition comprises at least one hydrocolloid, and then removing the moulded product from the mould form. 1. A method of producing a moulded mineral wool product , said method comprising the steps of:providing a mixture by mixing mineral fibres with a binder composition, andproviding said mixture in a mould form, and thencuring the binder composition, wherein the binder composition comprises at least one hydrocolloid, and thenremoving the moulded product from the mould form.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the binder composition further comprises at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol.3. A method according claim 2 , wherein the at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol is in form of a plant oil and/or animal oil.4. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol is a plant-based oil.5. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol is selected from one or more components from the group consisting linseed oil claim 2 , olive oil claim 2 , tung oil claim 2 , coconut oil claim 2 , hemp oil claim 2 , rapeseed oil claim 2 , and sunflower oil.6. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol is in form of an animal oil claim 2 , such as fish oil.7. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol comprises a plant oil and/or animal oil having a iodine number of ≥75 claim 2 , such as 75 to 180 claim 2 , such as ≥130 claim 2 , such as 130 to 180.8. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol comprises a plant oil and/or animal oil having an iodine number of ≤100 claim 2 , such ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Dispersant, dispersion composition, and fibrous sheet

Номер: US20170080397A1
Принадлежит: Meisei Chemical Works Ltd

The present invention aims to provide a dispersant and a dispersion composition that exhibit high dispersing ability for nano-carbons such as, in particular, CNTs. The dispersant according to the present invention includes a polyalkylene oxide having a structural unit of the following chemical formula (1). In the chemical formula (1), L 1 and L 2 are each a straight-chain alkylene group that may have a substituent, Z is a linking group that links L 1 and Ar, or alternatively, Z may not be present and L 1 and Ar may be linked directly to each other, and Ar is represented by the following chemical formula (1a), (1b), or (1c).

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180080658A1

A mineral wool insulating product having improved off gassing characteristics is particularly adapted for high temperature applications. 119.-. (canceled)20. A method of insulating a heating device comprising providing mineral fiber insulating material for insulating the heating device ,wherein the heating device is selected from an oven, a domestic oven, a self-cleaning oven, a range and a storage heater,wherein the mineral fiber insulating material comprises mineral fibers bound by at least 0.5% by weight of a cured organic binder; andwherein an initial heating of the mineral fiber insulating material to a temperature of 200° C. off-gases a mixture of gases comprising predominately ketones.21. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mixture of gases includes furans.22. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mineral fiber insulating material has a dust level of less than or equal to 20 g/m.23. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mixture of gases comprises less than about 30 mg/kg of formaldehyde.24. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mixture of gases comprises less than about 15 mg/kg of formaldehyde.25. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mixture of gases have an odor characteristic of baking.26. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mineral fiber insulating material has a recovered thickness of at least about 100% measured in accordance with Annex A of British standard BS EN 823:1995.27. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mineral fiber insulating material has an ordinary parting strength of at least about 100 g/g.28. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mineral fiber insulating material has a weathered parting strength of at least about 80 g/g.29. The method of claim 20 , wherein the mineral fibers are bound by between about 1.5% and about 8% by weight of the organic binder.30. The method of claim 20 , wherein the heating device is adapted for use at an operating temperature of greater than 100° C.31. The method of claim 20 , wherein the organic binder is ...

30-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170092916A1

Acid-resistant and biosoluble glass compositions and products made therefrom. The glass compositions exhibit acid resistance, durability in white water as may be used in a wet laid fabrication process, and good biosolubility. In another aspect, a glass fiber mat is made from such a glass composition, and may be used in the manufacture of lead-acid batteries, for example as a pasting material or battery separator. 1. A battery , comprising:at least two electrodes and an electrolyte; anda nonwoven glass fiber mat within the battery, the nonwoven glass fiber mat comprising glass microfibers having a diameter between 0.2 and 5.0 microns, the glass microfibers having a biosolubility index of not more than 2.20.2. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the glass microfibers have a biosolubility index of not more than 2.10.3. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the battery comprises a battery separator including the nonwoven glass fiber mat.4. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the battery comprises a pasting material including the nonwoven glass fiber mat.5. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the battery is a lead acid battery comprising an absorbent glass mat (AGM) claim 1 , the absorbent glass mat including the nonwoven glass fiber mat.6. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the glass microfibers have an acid durability index of at least 1.95 and a white water durability index of at least 1.85.7. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the glass microfibers are made of a glass composition consisting essentially of:{'sub': '2', '64.5-69.5 mol percent SiO;'}{'sub': 2', '3, '0.5-1.7 mol percent AlO;'}{'sub': 2', '3, '5.0-7.5 mol percent BO;'}{'sub': 2', '2, '14.0-17.0 mol percent NaO+KO;'}0.5-1.5 mol percent F; and7.5-12 mol percent CaO+MgO.8. The battery of claim 1 , wherein the glass microfibers are comprised in a first group of fibers claim 1 , and wherein the nonwoven glass mat further comprises a second group of fibers made from glass or other materials and having an average diameter of ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации

Glass Chopped Strand Mat, Glass Chopped Strand Mat Roll, Method for Manufacturing Glass Chopped Strand Mat and Automotive Molded Ceiling Material

Номер: US20180099625A1
Принадлежит: NITTO BOSEKI CO., LTD.

In a glass chopped strand mat, a short chopped strand layer having first glass chopped strands with an average length of 25.4 to 76.2 mm and a long chopped strand layer having second glass chopped strands with an average length of 76.2 to 203.2 mm are laminated, a difference between the average length of the first glass chopped strands and that of the second glass chopped strands is 25.4 mm or greater, the short chopped strand layer occupies 50 to 70 parts by mass, and the long chopped strand layer occupies 30 to 50 parts by mass with respect to 100 parts by mass of the glass chopped strand mat, a mass per unit area of the glass chopped strand mat is 180 g/mor lower, and a loss on ignition of the glass chopped strand mat measured on the basis of JIS R 3420 is lower than 10%. 15-. (canceled)6. An automotive molded ceiling material comprising:a glass chopped strand mat in which glass chopped strands are deposited in a sheet shape and are bound together by a binder made of a thermoplastic resin; anda resin foam sheet laminated and adhered onto the glass chopped strand mat,wherein a short chopped strand layer having first glass chopped strands with an average length of 25.4 mm to 76.2 mm and a long chopped strand layer having second glass chopped strands with an average length of 76.2 to 203.2 mm are laminated,a difference between the average length of the first glass chopped strands and the average length of the second glass chopped strands is 25.4 mm or greater,with respect to 100 parts by mass of the glass chopped strand mat, the short chopped strand layer occupies 50 to 70 parts by mass, and the long chopped strand layer occupies 30 to 50 parts by mass,{'sup': '2', 'a mass per unit area of the glass chopped strand mat is 180 g/mor lower, and'}a loss on ignition of the glass chopped strand mat measured on the basis of JIS R 3420 is lower than 10%.7. The automotive molded ceiling material according to claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , with respect to 100 parts by mass of ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180100256A1

A nonwoven flame barrier useful in applications requiring a high performance low cost flame barriers that can protect against elevated flame temperatures for extended time periods includes an intimate blend of virgin oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers; regenerated oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers; and silica fibers or silica-loaded fibers. 1. A nonwoven flame barrier comprising an intimate blend of virgin oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers; regenerated oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers; andsilica fibers.2. A nonwoven flame barrier comprising an intimate blend of virgin oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers; regenerated oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers; and silica-loaded fibers.3. A nonwoven flame barrier of claim 1 , wherein the barrier further comprises flame resistant fibers of a second type other than oxidized polyacrylonitrile fibers.4. A nonwoven flame barrier of claim 3 , wherein the second type of flame resistant fibers is chosen from among virgin or regenerated versions of meta-aramids claim 3 , para-aramids claim 3 , poly(diphenylether para-aramid) claim 3 , polybenzimidazole claim 3 , polyimides claim 3 , polyamideimides claim 3 , novoloids claim 3 , poly(p-phenylene benzobisoxazoles) claim 3 , poly(p-phenylene benzothiazoles) claim 3 , flame retardant viscose rayon claim 3 , polyetheretherketones claim 3 , polyketones claim 3 , polyetherimides claim 3 , and combinations thereof.5. A nonwoven flame barrier of claim 1 , wherein the barrier further comprises non-flame resistant fibers.6. A nonwoven flame barrier of claim 1 , wherein the barrier further comprises high temperature reinforcing fibers chosen from among glass fiber claim 1 , ceramic fiber claim 1 , mineral fiber claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , stainless steel fiber and combinations thereof.7. A nonwoven flame barrier of claim 1 , further comprising a reinforcing layer of a fiberglass mat or fiberglass scrim.8. A nonwoven flame barrier of claim 1 , further comprising an outer laminar material.9. A ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200095712A1

A fibrous insulation product is provided comprising a nonwoven fiber mat including a plurality of fibers bound together by an aqueous binder composition comprising that includes a thermally degradable polyol; a crosslinking agent; and an acid/aldehyde. The binder composition is free of added formaldehyde. 1. A fibrous insulation product comprising: a thermally degradable polyol;', 'a crosslinking agent; and', 'an acid/aldehyde scavenger selected from the group consisting of alkali hydroxides;', 'alkaline earth hydroxides; alkali carbonates and alkali bicarbonates; ammonium and/or alkali phosphates; mono-, di-, and poly-primary amines; secondary or tertiary amines; aromatic amines; amides and lactams; and sulfites, wherein said binder composition is free of added formaldehyde., 'a nonwoven fiber mat comprising a plurality of fibers bound together by an aqueous binder composition comprising2. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein said crosslinking agent comprises a homopolymer or copolymer of acrylic acid.3. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein said thermally degradable polyol is selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl acetate.4. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein said thermally degradable polyol is present in said binder composition in an amount from about 3.0 to 30.0% by weight solids.5. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein said aqueous binder composition further includes one or more of a short-chain polyol with a molecular weight less than 1000 Daltons and carbohydrate-based polyol.6. The fibrous insulation product of claim 5 , wherein said carbohydrate-based polyol comprises a sugar alcohol selected from the group consisting of glycerol claim 5 , erythritol claim 5 , arabitol claim 5 , xylitol claim 5 , sorbitol claim 5 , maltitol claim 5 , mannitol claim 5 , iditol claim 5 , isomaltitol claim 5 , lactitol claim 5 , cellobitol claim 5 , palatinitol claim 5 , maltotritol ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Absorbent and Resilient Fibrous Structures

Номер: US20180105993A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Low Load Wet Resiliency of greater than 0.95 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Compressive Modulus Test Methods and a Bending Modulus of less than 10.00 as measured according to the Bending Modulus Test Method.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a coform fibrous structure.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers is a pulp fiber.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein the pulp fiber is a wood pulp fiber.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the wood pulp fiber is selected from the group consisting of hardwood pulp fibers claim 8 , softwood pulp fibers claim 8 , and mixtures thereof.10. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a Low Load Wet Resiliency of at least 0.95 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Compressive Modulus Test Methods and a TS7 of less than 15.50 as measured according to the Emtec Test Method.11. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.12. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.13. The ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Absorbent and Compressible Fibrous Structures

Номер: US20180105994A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits an HFS of greater than 17.0 g/g as measured according to the Horizontal Full Sheet (HFS) Test Method and a Dry Thick Compression of greater than 700 as measured according to the Dry Compressive Modulus Test Method.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 5 , polyethylene claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a conform fibrous structure.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers is a pulp fiber.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a Bending Modulus of less than 10.00 as measured according to the Flexural Rigidity and Bending Modulus Test Method.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a TS7 of less than 17.0 as measured according to the Emtec Test Method.11. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits an HFS of greater than 17.0 g/g as measured according to the Horizontal Full Sheet (HFS) Test Method and a Wet Thick Compression of greater than 1800 as measured ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180105995A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a CRT Rate of greater than 0.35 g/sec as measured according to the Absorptive Rate and Capacity (CRT) Test Method and a Dry Thick Compression of greater than 700 as measured according to the Dry Compressive Modulus Test Method.2. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further comprises a plurality of filaments.3. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the filaments comprises a polymer.4. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polymer comprises a thermoplastic polymer.5. The fibrous structure according to wherein the thermoplastic polymer comprises a polyolefin.6. The fibrous structure according to wherein the polyolefin is selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 5 , polyethylene claim 5 , and mixtures thereof.7. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure comprises a coform fibrous structure.8. The fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the fibers is a pulp fiber.9. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a Bending Modulus of less than 10.00 as measured according to the Flexural Rigidity and Bending Modulus Test Method.10. The fibrous structure according to wherein the fibrous structure further exhibits a TS7 of less than 17.0 as measured according to the Emtec Test Method.11. A fibrous structure comprising a plurality of fibers wherein the fibrous structure exhibits a CRT Rate of greater than 0.35 g/sec as measured according to the Absorptive Rate and Capacity (CRT) Test Method and a Wet Thick Compression of ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101441A1

The invention relates to a mounting member for wrapping and mounting a pollution control element in a casing of a pollution control device, the mounting member comprising: inorganic fiber material; and inorganic particles, wherein the inorganic particles are distributed throughout most of the mat and comprise an average diameter of 800 nm to 15000 nm (DV 50), preferably of 1000 nm to 15000 nm (DV 50) measured according to DIN ISO 13320. 1. A mounting member for wrapping and mounting a pollution control element in a casing of a pollution control device , the mounting member comprising:inorganic fiber material; andinorganic particles, wherein the inorganic particles are distributed throughout most of the mounting member and comprise an average diameter of 1000 nm to 15000 nm (DV 50) measured according to DIN ISO 13320.2. The mounting member according to wherein the inorganic fiber material comprises fibers selected from the group of glass fibers claim 1 , ceramic fibers claim 1 , carbon fibers claim 1 , silicon carbide fibers or boron fibers or a combination thereof.3. The mounting member according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic fiber material of the mounting member is needle-punched.4. The mounting member according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particles are selected from the group consisting of metal oxides claim 1 , metal hydroxides claim 1 , metal oxide hydroxides claim 1 , silicates claim 1 , clays claim 1 , nitrides claim 1 , carbides claim 1 , sulphides claim 1 , carbonates and combinations thereof.5. The mounting mat according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particles are selected from Dispal™ particles from Sasol Corporation claim 1 , USA.6. The mounting member according to claim 1 , wherein the mounting member contains organic binder up to 3 wt. %.7. The mounting member according to claim 1 , wherein the inorganic particles get impregnated through the mat by using a water based slurry containing the inorganic particles.8. The mounting member ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190105589A1
Автор: Moon Jai Joung
Принадлежит: CLEAN & SCIENCE CO., LTD.

An exemplary composite filter medium is disclosed which can include a melt-blown nonwoven fabric layer having a weight of 5 gsm to 40 gsm and include a fiber with a fiber diameter of 1 μm to 3 μm and a wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer located on the melt-blown nonwoven fabric layer, the wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer having a weight of 40 gsm to 100 gsm and including 5 wt % to 30 wt % of a glass fiber with a fiber diameter of 0.1 μm to 2 μm. 1. A composite filter medium , comprising:a melt-blown nonwoven fabric layer having a weight of 5 gsm to 40 gsm and having fiber with a fiber diameter of 1 μm to 3 μm; anda wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer located on the melt-blown nonwoven fabric layer, the wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer having a weight of 40 gsm to 100 gsm and having 5 wt % to 30 wt % of a glass fiber with a fiber diameter of 0.1 μm to 2 μm.2. The composite filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer comprises:one or more of a polypropylene fiber, a polyethylene terephthalate fiber, an acrylic fiber, and a nylon fiber.3. The composite filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer comprises:one or more of a low-melting fiber and a tackifier resin.4. The composite filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the wet-laid nonwoven fabric layer has an efficiency of 30% to 80% in trapping fine particles with a diameter of 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm.5. The composite filter medium of claim 1 , wherein the composite filter medium has an efficiency of not less than 90% and not more than 99.99% in trapping fine particles with a diameter of 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm claim 1 , and has filtration efficiency of 50% to 95% after the composite filter medium is processed with isopropyl alcohol (IPA).6. A method for manufacturing a composite filter medium claim 1 , the method comprising:(a) cutting a glass fiber, a polyethylene terephthalate fiber, and a low-melting fiber into respective fiber chops;(b) preparing a first mixture by mixing the respective fiber ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106563A1

An aqueous binder composition is disclosed that comprises at least one long-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight of at least 2,000 Daltons; a primary cross-linking agent comprising at least two carboxylic acid groups; and a secondary cross-linking agent comprising a short-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight less than 2,000 Daltons. 1. An aqueous binder composition comprising:at least one long-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight of at least 2,000 Daltons;a cross-linking agent comprising at least two carboxylic acid groups; anda short-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight less than 2,000 Daltons, wherein said binder composition has a pH after cure between 5 and 9 and achieves a b* color value, using L*a*b* coordinates, of less than 45.2. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking agent is a polymeric polycarboxylic acid.3. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking agent is present in the binder composition in an amount from about 50 wt. % to about 85 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total solids content of the aqueous binder composition.4. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking agent is present in the binder composition in an amount from about 65 wt. % to about 80 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total solids content of the aqueous binder composition.5. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said long-chain polyol is selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl acetate.6. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said long-chain polyol is present in the binder composition in an amount from about 5 wt. % to about 30 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total solids content of the aqueous binder composition.7. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190106564A1

An aqueous binder composition is disclosed that comprises at least one long-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight of at least 2,000 Daltons; a primary cross-linking agent comprising at least two carboxylic acid groups; and a secondary cross-linking agent comprising a short-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight less than 2,000 Daltons. 1. An aqueous binder composition comprising:at least one long-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight of at least 2,000 Daltons;a cross-linking agent comprising at least two carboxylic acid groups; anda short-chain polyol having at least two hydroxyl groups and a number average molecular weight less than 2,000 Daltons, wherein a ratio of molar equivalents of carboxylic acid groups to hydroxyl groups is from about 1/0.05 to about 1.0/5.0 and a ratio of long-chain polyol to short-chain polyol is from about 0.1/0.9 to about 0.9/0.1.2. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking agent is a polymeric polycarboxylic acid.3. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking agent comprises a homopolymer of copolymer of acrylic acid.4. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said cross-linking agent is present in the binder composition in an amount from about 50 wt. % to about 85 wt. % claim 1 , based on the total solids content of the aqueous binder composition.5. The aqueous binder composition of claim 4 , wherein said cross-linking agent is present in the binder composition in an amount from about 65 wt. % to about 80 wt. % claim 4 , based on the total solids content of the aqueous binder composition.6. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said long-chain polyol is selected from the group consisting of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl acetate.7. The aqueous binder composition of claim 1 , wherein said long-chain polyol is ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180128414A1
Автор: Carl Hampson
Принадлежит: Knauf Insulation Inc, KNAUF INSULATION SPRL

An un-reacted substantially formaldehyde free curable binder solution for binding loose matter consists essentially of a solution obtainable by dissolving a reducing sugar, an ammonium salt acid precursor, optionally a carboxylic acid or a precursor thereof and optionally ammonia in water.

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220274373A1

Articles, such as sanitary tissue products, including fibrous structures, and more particularly articles including fibrous structures having a plurality of fibrous elements wherein the article exhibits differential cellulose content throughout the thickness of the article and methods for making same are provided. 1. A multi-ply fibrous structure comprising:a. a first ply comprising: a plurality of wood pulp fibers and a plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments selected from the group consisting of polyester thermoplastic meltblown filaments, nylon thermoplastic meltblown filaments, polyolefin thermoplastic meltblown filaments, biodegradable thermoplastic meltblown filaments, compostable thermoplastic meltblown filaments, and mixtures thereof, wherein the plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments exhibit a length of greater than or equal to 5.08 cm, wherein a first portion of the plurality of wood pulp fibers are in the form of a first wet laid fibrous structure and a second portion of the plurality of wood pulp fibers are commingled together with a portion of the thermoplastic meltblown filaments in the form of a coform fibrous structure, wherein the portion of the thermoplastic meltblown filaments in the form of the coform fibrous structure are spun from a die and directly laid on top of the first wet laid fibrous structure; andb. a second ply comprising a second wet laid fibrous structure comprising a plurality of wood pulp fibers associated with the first wet laid fibrous structure such that the multi-ply fibrous structure exhibits a Wet/Dry CD TEA of at least 1.300 as measured according to the Wet and Dry Tensile Strength Test Methods.2. The multi-ply fibrous structure according to wherein at least one of the plurality of thermoplastic meltblown filaments is selected from the group consisting of polyolefin thermoplastic meltblown filaments claim 1 , polylactic acid thermoplastic meltblown filaments claim 1 , polyhydroxyalkanoate thermoplastic ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210163796A1

Fiber-containing composites are described that include woven or non-woven fibers, and a binder that holds the fibers together. The binder may include the reaction product of a starch and a polycarboxylic acid. The starch has a weight average molecular weight that ranges from 1×10Daltons to 10×10Daltons. The fiber-containing composite has an unaged tensile strength of greater than 4.0 and an aged tensile strength greater than 3.0. Also described are methods of making the fiber-containing composites. The methods may include applying a binder composition to fibers to form coated fibers, measuring a moisture content of the coated fibers, and curing the coated fibers in a curing oven to form the fiber-containing composite. The binder composition may include a starch having a weight average molecular weight that ranges from 1×10Daltons to 10×10Daltons, and a polycarboxylic acid. 1. A fiber-containing composite comprising:woven or non-woven fibers; a polyol, and', 'a polycarboxylic acid; and, 'wherein the binder comprises a reaction product of, 'a binder that holds the fibers together,'}a dedusting agent.2. The fiber-containing composite of claim 1 , wherein the woven or non-woven fibers include one or more types of fibers selected from the group consisting of glass fibers claim 1 , carbon fibers claim 1 , mineral fibers claim 1 , stone wool fibers claim 1 , and organic polymer fibers.3. The fiber-containing composite of claim 1 , wherein the woven or non-woven fibers comprise a batt of the glass fibers.4. The fiber-containing composite of claim 1 , wherein the dedusting agent comprises a polyether compound.5. The fiber-containing composite of claim 4 , wherein the polyether compound is polyethylene glycol.6. The fiber-containing composite of claim 1 , wherein the dedusting agent comprises 0.1 wt. % to 1 wt. % of the weight of the binder in the fiber-containing composite.7. The fiber-containing composite of claim 1 , wherein the fiber-containing composite has an ordinary ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Random Mat and Fiber-Reinforced Composite Material Shaped Product

Номер: US20180134857A1

There is provided a random mat including reinforcing fibers having an average fiber length of 3 to 100 mm and a thermoplastic resin, wherein the reinforcing fibers satisfy the following i) to iii). 1. A process for producing a random mat comprising a reinforcing-fiber mat and a thermoplastic resin , the process comprising:widening a reinforcing fiber strand; and the following steps (1) to (4):(1) cutting off reinforcing fibers from the reinforcing fiber strand;(2) introducing the cut reinforcing fibers into a tube, conveying the reinforcing fibers in the tube with air and spraying the reinforcing fibers from the tube;(3) fixing the sprayed reinforcing fibers to obtain a reinforcing-fiber mat; and(4) adding a thermoplastic resin to the reinforcing-fiber mat to obtain a random mat, whereinthe reinforcing fibers have an average fiber length of 3 to 100 mm;the weight-average fiber thickness of the reinforcing fibers is 0.01 mm or more and 0.30 mm or less;fiber axes of the reinforcing fibers are substantially parallel to a plane of the random mat;the reinforcing fibers are randomly dispersed in the plane of the random mat; andthe reinforcing fibers satisfy the following i) to iii): {'br': None, '0 mm Подробнее

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190135688A1
Автор: Hjelmgaard Thomas

The invention relates to a formaldehyde-free binder composition for mineral fibres comprising at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound, and at least one protein. 120.-. (canceled)21. A binder composition for mineral fibers , wherein the composition is formaldehyde-free and comprises at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound and at least one protein.22. The binder composition of claim 21 , wherein the at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound is selected from one or more of hydroxybenzoic acids claim 21 , hydroxybenzoic aldehydes claim 21 , hydroxyacetophenones claim 21 , hydroxy-phenylacetic acids claim 21 , cinnamic acids claim 21 , cinnamic acid esters claim 21 , cinnamyl aldehydes claim 21 , cinnamyl alcohols claim 21 , coumarins claim 21 , isocoumarins claim 21 , chromones claim 21 , flavonoids claim 21 , chalcones claim 21 , dihydrochalcones claim 21 , aurones claim 21 , flavanones claim 21 , flavanonols claim 21 , flavans claim 21 , leucoanthocyanidines claim 21 , flavan-3-ols claim 21 , flavones claim 21 , anthocyanidines claim 21 , deoxyanthocyanidines claim 21 , anthocyanins claim 21 , biflavonyls claim 21 , benzophenones claim 21 , xanthones claim 21 , stilbenes claim 21 , benzoquinones claim 21 , naphthoquinones claim 21 , anthraquinones claim 21 , betacyanines claim 21 , polyphenols and/or polyhydroxyphenols claim 21 , lignans claim 21 , neolignans (dimers or oligomers from coupling of monolignols) claim 21 , lignins synthesized primarily from monolignol precursors p-coumaryl alcohol claim 21 , coniferyl alcohol and sinapyl alcohol claim 21 , tannins claim 21 , benzoquinones claim 21 , naphthoquinones claim 21 , anthraquinones claim 21 , lawsone.23. The binder composition of claim 22 , wherein the tannins are selected from one or more of tannic acid claim 22 , condensed tannins (proanthocyanidines) claim 22 , hydrolysable tannins claim 22 , gallotannins claim 22 , ellagitannins claim 22 , complex tannins claim 22 , ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200131679A1
Автор: Hjelmgaard Thomas

The present invention relates to an aqueous binder composition for mineral fibers comprising —at least one hydrocolloid, —at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol. 1123.-. (canceled)124. An aqueous binder composition for mineral fibers , wherein the composition comprises (i) at least one hydrocolloid , and (ii) at least one fatty acid ester of glycerol.125. The binder composition of claim 124 , wherein (i) comprises one or more of gelatin claim 124 , pectin claim 124 , starch claim 124 , alginate claim 124 , agar agar claim 124 , carrageenan claim 124 , gellan gum claim 124 , guar gum claim 124 , gum arabic claim 124 , locust bean gum claim 124 , xanthan gum claim 124 , cellulose claim 124 , a cellulose derivative claim 124 , arabinoxylan claim 124 , curdlan claim 124 , β-glucan.126. The binder composition of claim 124 , wherein (i) comprises a polyelectrolytic hydrocolloid.127. The binder composition of claim 124 , wherein (i) comprises at least two hydrocolloids claim 124 , one hydrocolloid being gelatin and at least one other hydrocolloid being pectin claim 124 , starch claim 124 , alginate claim 124 , agar agar claim 124 , carrageenan claim 124 , gellan gum claim 124 , guar gum claim 124 , gum arabic claim 124 , locust bean gum claim 124 , xanthan gum claim 124 , cellulose claim 124 , a cellulose derivative claim 124 , arabinoxylan claim 124 , curdlan claim 124 , or β-glucan.128. The binder composition of claim 127 , wherein the gelatin is present in an amount of from 10 wt.-% to 95 wt.-% claim 127 , based on a total weight of (i).129. The binder composition of claim 127 , wherein gelatin and the at least one other hydrocolloid have complementary charges.130. The binder composition of claim 124 , wherein (ii) is present in the form of a plant oil and/or an animal oil.131. The binder composition of claim 124 , wherein (ii) comprises one or more of linseed oil claim 124 , olive oil claim 124 , tung oil claim 124 , coconut oil claim 124 , hemp oil claim 124 , ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190136427A1
Автор: Hjelmgaard Thomas

The invention relates to a method of bonding together surfaces of two or more elements, whereby at least one of the two or more elements is a mineral wool element, said mineral wool element(s) being bound by a mineral wool binder, the method comprising the steps of providing two or more elements; applying an adhesive to one or more of the surfaces to be bonded together before, during or after contacting the surfaces to be bonded together with each other; curing the adhesive, wherein the adhesive comprises at least one protein; at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound, and/or at least one enzyme. 121.-. (canceled)22. A method of bonding together surfaces of two or more elements at least one of which is a mineral wool element , bonded by a mineral wool binder , wherein the method comprises providing the two or more elements , applying an adhesive to one or more surfaces to be bonded together before , during or after contacting the surfaces to be bonded together with each other , and curing the adhesive , the adhesive comprising (i) at least one protein , and (ii) at least one phenol and/or quinone containing compound and/or at least one enzyme.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the two or more elements comprise two or more mineral wool elements.24. The method of claim 22 , wherein the two or more elements comprise at least one element which is not a mineral wool element.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein the at least one element which is not a mineral wool element is selected from a fleece and a building structure.26. The method of claim 22 , wherein the adhesive further comprises at least one additive.27. The method of claim 22 , wherein curing is carried out at a temperature of from 5° C. to 95° C.28. The method of claim 22 , wherein curing comprises a drying process.29. The method of claim 22 , wherein the at least one protein is selected from one or more of proteins of animal origin claim 22 , including collagen claim 22 , gelatin claim 22 , ...

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Fiberglass insulation product

Номер: US20210170715A1

A fibrous insulation product having a plurality of randomly oriented glass fibers and a binder composition that holds the glass fibers together is disclosed. The fibrous insulation product has an R-value in the range of 10 to 54 and, after curing, has a density, when uncompressed, in the range of 0.30 pcf to 2.7 pcf. Furthermore, the fibrous insulation product includes glass fibers that, prior to the application of the binder composition, have an average fiber diameter in the range of 15 HT to 19 HT and a quantity of binder that is in the range of 2% to 10% by weight of the fibrous insulation product. The fibrous insulation product also has an average fiber diameter to density ratio (Fd/D) of less than or equal to 40 and a comfort factor less than or equal to 3.417(Fd/D)+60.

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160145779A1
Принадлежит: Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LLC

Hybrid nonwoven mats are made by depositing a slurry of fibers and water onto a fibrous web and applying a binder onto the hybrid nonwoven mat formed therefrom. The fibers are sized and present in an amount such that the binder forms a substantially continuous film on the hybrid nonwoven mat. Gypsum panels may be faced with a hybrid nonwoven mat on one or both surfaces. 1. A method of making a hybrid nonwoven mat , comprising:depositing a slurry comprising fibers selected from the group consisting of polymer fibers, natural fibers, glass microfibers, and combinations thereof, and water onto a fibrous web to form a hybrid nonwoven mat; andapplying a binder onto the hybrid nonwoven mat to form a binder-coated hybrid nonwoven mat,wherein the fibers are sized and deposited in an amount such that the binder forms a substantially continuous film on the hybrid nonwoven mat.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fibers are present in the slurry in an amount from about 0.01 to about 2 percent by weight of the slurry.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fibers are deposited onto the fibrous web in an amount from about 0.1 to about 10 percent by weight of the fibrous web.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the polymer fibers are selected from the group consisting of aramids claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polypropylene claim 1 , acrylics claim 1 , nylon claim 1 , polyolefins claim 1 , rayon claim 1 , and combinations thereof.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the glass microfibers have an average diameter of from about 1 micron to about 7 micron.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the natural fibers are selected from the group consisting of wood pulp claim 1 , flax claim 1 , jute claim 1 , kenaf claim 1 , hemp ramie claim 1 , rattan claim 1 , vine fibers claim 1 , and combinations thereof.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fibers have an average aspect ratio from about 100 to about 30 claim 1 ,000.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the binder-coated hybrid nonwoven mat ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Filter device and analysis device using same

Номер: US20140224724A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A filter device of the present disclosure includes at least a sheet-shaped fiber structure having a plurality of fibers made of amorphous silicon dioxide, wherein the plurality of fibers are tangled and thus connected together to form voids in the sheet-shaped fiber structure. A filter device of the present disclosure corresponds to an analysis device including: a substrate; a flow path formed on the substrate; and a sheet-shaped fiber structure provided on the inner wall of the flow path, wherein the sheet-shaped fiber structure includes a plurality of fibers made of amorphous silicon dioxide, and the plurality of fibers are tangled and thus connected together to form voids in the sheet-shaped fiber structure.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Fiberglass insulation product

Номер: US20210171756A1

A fibrous insulation product having a plurality of randomly oriented glass fibers and a binder composition that holds the glass fibers together is disclosed. The fibrous insulation product has an R-value in the range of 10 to 54 and, after curing, has a density, when uncompressed, in the range of 0.30 pcf to 2.7 pcf. Furthermore, the fibrous insulation product includes glass fibers that, prior to the application of the binder composition, have an average fiber diameter less than 15 HT and a quantity of binder that is in the range of 2% to 10% by weight of the fibrous insulation product. The fibrous insulation product also has an average fiber diameter to density ratio (Fd/D) of less than or equal to 40 and a comfort factor less than or equal to 3.417(Fd/D)+60.

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210172165A1

A fibrous insulation product having a plurality of randomly oriented glass fibers and a binder composition that holds the glass fibers together is disclosed. The fibrous insulation product has an R-value in the range of 10 to 54 and, after curing, has a density, when uncompressed, in the range of 0.30 pcf to 2.7 pcf. Furthermore, the fibrous insulation product includes glass fibers that, prior to the application of the binder composition, have an average fiber diameter in the range of 8 HT to 12 HT and a quantity of binder that is in the range of 2% to 10% by weight of the fibrous insulation product. 1. A fibrous insulation product , comprising:a plurality of randomly oriented glass fibers; anda binder composition that holds the glass fibers together;wherein the quantity of binder is in the range of 2% to 10% by weight of the fibrous insulation product;wherein the R-value of the fibrous insulation product is in the range of 10 to 54; andwherein the glass fibers have an average fiber diameter in the range of 8 HT to 12 HT; andwherein the fibrous insulation product, after curing, has a density, when uncompressed, in the range of 0.30 pcf to 2.7 pcf.2. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous insulation product has a thickness in the range 2 inches to 18 inches and is formed by a single ply of the randomly oriented glass fibers.3. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein the fibrous insulation product has a thickness in the range 2 inches to 18 inches and is formed by no more than two plies of the randomly oriented glass fibers.4. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises maltodextrin claim 1 , citric acid claim 1 , sodium hypophosphite and vegetable oil.5. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein the binder comprises polyacrylic acid claim 1 , polyvinyl alcohol claim 1 , sorbitol and sodium hypophosphite.6. The fibrous insulation product of claim 1 , wherein the R-value of the fibrous ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145031A1
Автор: Kimura Yusuke

An alumina fiber aggregate that is formed of alumina short fibers and has been subjected to needling treatment, wherein the alumina short fibers have an average fiber diameter of 6.0 μm or more and 10.0 μm or less and a specific surface area of 0.2 m/g or more and 1.0 m/g or less, and a residual percentage (%) of high-temperature-cycle opened gap pressure of the alumina fiber aggregate is 45% or more. A value obtained by subtracting twice the standard error of a length-weighted geometric mean diameter of fiber diameters of the alumina short fibers from the length-weighted geometric mean diameter is 6.0 μm or more. A proportion of alumina short fibers having a fiber diameter of more than 10.0 μm is preferably 5.0% or less on a number basis. 1. An alumina fiber aggregate that is formed of alumina short fibers and has been subjected to needling treatment ,{'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the alumina short fibers have an average fiber diameter of 6.0 μm or more and 10.0 μm or less and a specific surface area of 0.2 m/g or more and 1.0 m/g or less, and'}a residual percentage (%) of high-temperature-cycle opened gap pressure of the alumina fiber aggregate is 45% or more.2. The alumina fiber aggregate according to claim 1 , wherein a value obtained by subtracting twice the standard error of a length-weighted geometric mean diameter of fiber diameters of the alumina short fibers from the length-weighted geometric mean diameter is 6.0 μm or more.3. The alumina fiber aggregate according to claim 1 , wherein a proportion of alumina short fibers having a fiber diameter of more than 10.0 μm is 5.0% or less on a number basis.4. The alumina fiber aggregate according to claim 1 , wherein the alumina short fibers have a total pore volume of 2.5×10ml/g or less.5. The alumina fiber aggregate according to claim 1 , wherein the alumina short fibers have an average single-fiber tensile strength of 1.20×10MPa or more.6. The alumina fiber aggregate according to claim 1 , wherein the alumina short ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации

Aqueous binder comprising reaction products of itaconic acid

Номер: US20200140681A1
Принадлежит: Cargill Inc

An aqueous binder composition is provided for use in the formation of fiber insulation and non-woven mats that comprises a reaction product of one or more Liquid Polyol Monomers; itaconic acid, its salts or anhydride; and a C4 to C6 polyol selected from the group consisting of pentaerythritol, trimethylol propane, neopentyl glycol, and mixtures thereof. The molar ratio of the combined alcohols (Liquid Polyol Monomers and C4 to C6 polyols) to itaconic acid is at least 2:1, wherein the molar ratio of Liquid Polyol Monomers to C4 to C6 polyols is from about 1:1 to about 30:1.

01-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170152379A1
Принадлежит: Rohm and Haas Company

The present invention provides polymer modified aqueous urea formaldehyde resin (UF resin) binder compositions useful in making a treated glass mat, e.g., for roofing shingles, wherein the polymer modifier is an multistage aqueous emulsion acorn copolymer comprising one protuberant polymer stage containing phosphorous acid groups and one or more other polymer stage comprising an addition copolymer incompatible with the protuberant polymer stage, wherein the multistage aqueous emulsion copolymer has a measured Tg of from −60 to 25° C., or, preferably from 31 30 to 12° C. and, further wherein the weight ratio of the total of monomers used to make the one or more other polymer stage to the total amount of monomers used to make the protuberant polymer stage ranges from 3:1 to 50:1, or, preferably, from 3:1 to 30:1 or, more preferably, from 3:1 to 20:1, or, even more preferably, from 8:1 to 12:1. 1. An aqueous urea formaldehyde resin (UF resin) binder composition comprising the UF resin and from 2 to 10 wt. % , based on the total solids of the binder composition , of at least one polymer modifier which is a multistage aqueous emulsion copolymer having two or more polymer stages and having one protuberant polymer stage which is a phosphorous acid group containing polymer that sticks out or protuberates from the one or more other polymer stages of the multistage emulsion copolymer , the protuberant polymer stage copolymer comprising , as copolymerized units , a) from 0.5 to 10 wt. % of one or more phosphorus acid monomers or salts thereof; b) from 0.2 to 20 wt. % , of one or more carboxylic acid monomers , sulfur acid monomers , salts thereof or combinations thereof; c) from 0.1 to 30 wt. % of one or more multiethylenically unsaturated monomers; and d) as the remainder of monomers at least one second monoethylenically unsaturated monomer , all monomer proportions based on the total weight of monomers used to make the emulsion copolymer , and the overall multistage aqueous ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180156539A1

A drying oven for crosslinking a continuous mat of mineral or plant fibers includes a plurality of heating boxes through which the mat of fibers successively passes. At least one of the boxes includes, between an external insulating jacket of the drying oven and a central compartment of the box, an in-built hot-gas heating and recirculation device that includes at least one radial turbine mounted horizontally, the axis of rotation of which is arranged vertically, the turbine drawing hot gas along the axis through a gas outlet orifice of the central compartment after it has passed through the mat, and discharging it radially toward a recirculation device that recirculates the hot gas leaving the radial turbine to a gas inlet orifice of the compartment, and at least one heating device for heating the gas circulating in the box. 1. A drying oven for crosslinking a continuous mat of mineral or plant fibers , comprising:a plurality of heating boxes through which said mat of fibers successively passes, said boxes each comprising a central compartment delimited by lateral walls, an upper wall, and a lower wall, said compartment comprising inlet and outlet orifices for a stream of hot gas, the inlet and outlet orifices being situated on each side of the mat of fibers, so that after the stream of hot gas has passed through the mat the binder is progressively raised to a temperature above its curing temperature;at least one conveyor for conveying the mat through the boxes, said conveyor being permeable to the stream of hot gas passing through said mat; andan external insulating jacket surrounding said plurality of boxes, at least one radial turbine mounted horizontally on the upper wall or the lower wall of the central compartment, an axis of rotation of which is arranged vertically, said turbine drawing the hot gas along said axis through a gas outlet orifice of the central compartment after the hot gas has passed through the mat, and discharging the hot gas radially toward ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220298689A1
Принадлежит: Nissin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

The present invention provides a binder for inorganic fibers characterized by containing (A) 100 parts by mass of a polyvinyl alcohol-based resin having a degree of polymerization of 100-3500, (B) 1-50 parts by mass of a metal salt, and (C) 3 parts by mass of an ammonia denatured product of a copolymerization product containing maleic anhydride. By using the binder for inorganic fibers according to the present invention, it is possible to produce an inorganic fiber mat having a high recovery rate comparable to that of phenol resins. In addition, the amount of volatile organic compounds released from such an inorganic fiber mat is extremely low. 1. A binder for inorganic fibers , comprising:(A) 100 parts by weight of a polyvinyl alcohol resin having a degree of polymerization of from 100 to 3,500,(B) from 1 to 50 parts by weight of a metal salt, and(C) at least 3 parts by weight of a maleic anhydride-containing copolymer modified with ammonia.2. The inorganic fiber binder of claim 1 , wherein the polyvinyl alcohol resin (A) has a degree of saponification of at least 70 mol %.3. The inorganic fiber binder of claim 1 , wherein the metal salt (B) includes at least one selected from the group consisting of oxides claim 1 , hydroxides claim 1 , carbonates claim 1 , sulfates claim 1 , silicates claim 1 , titanates claim 1 , acetates and benzoates.5. The inorganic fiber binder of claim 1 , wherein the metal salt (B) is a metal salt having a monovalent or divalent metal.6. The inorganic fiber binder of claim 1 , wherein the ammonia-modified maleic anhydride-containing copolymer is an ammonia-modified isobutylene-maleic anhydride copolymer.7. The inorganic fiber binder of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic fibers are glass wool or rock wool.8. An inorganic fiber mat comprising inorganic fibers treated with the inorganic fiber binder of . The present invention relates to a binder for inorganic fibers, particularly a binder for inorganic fibers which, in inorganic fiber mats ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190153665A1

Siliconized fibrous webs are described. The siliconized webs include a fibrous web saturated with an electron beam cured silicone composition. Siliconized webs with electron beam cured silicone coating are also described. Methods of preparing both the coated and uncoated siliconized fibrous webs are also described. 1. A siliconized web comprisinga fibrous web saturated with a first composition comprising one or more polysiloxane materials so as to form a saturated fibrous web; anda second composition comprising one or more polysiloxane materials in the form of a coating on the saturated fibrous web so as to form a saturated and coated web,wherein the polysiloxane materials of the first composition and the second composition are electron beam curable so as to be crosslinked and form a cured, saturated and coated web.2. The siliconized web of claim 1 , wherein the polysiloxane material in the first composition is selected from the group consisting of nonfunctional polysiloxanes claim 1 , silanol terminated polysiloxanes claim 1 , and alkoxy terminated polysiloxane.3. The siliconized web according to claim 1 , wherein the polysiloxane material in the first composition comprises silanol terminated polysiloxanes.4. The siliconized web of claim 1 , wherein the polysiloxane material in the first composition comprises a poly dimethylsiloxane.5. The siliconized web according to claim 1 , wherein the first composition is substantially free of catalysts and initiators.6. The siliconized web according to claim 1 , wherein the first composition comprises no greater than 5 wt. % solvent.7. The siliconized web of claim 2 , wherein the polysiloxane material in the second composition is selected from the group consisting of nonfunctional polysiloxanes claim 2 , silanol terminated polysiloxanes claim 2 , and alkoxy terminated polysiloxane.8. The siliconized web according to claim 2 , wherein the polysiloxane material in the second composition comprises silanol terminated ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170159944A1

A mineral wool insulating product having improved off gassing characteristics is particularly adapted for high temperature applications. 1. A mineral fibre insulating material comprising at least 0.5% by weight of an organic binder and having an off-gassing dominated by ketones when first heated to a temperature of 200° C.2. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the off gassing also comprises significant furans.3. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the dust level is less than or equal to 20 g/m.4. A mineral fibre insulating material comprising at least 0.5% by weight of a binder claim 1 , the material having a dust level of less than or equal to 20 g/mand off-gassing dominated by ketones when first heated to a temperature of 200° C.5. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which when first heated to a temperature of 200° C. off gassing of formaldehyde is less than 30 mg/kg.6. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the off gassing gives predominantly baking odours.7. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the Recovered Thickness is at least 100%.8. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the Ordinary Parting Strength is at least 100 g/g.9. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the Weathered Parting Strength is at least 80 g/g.10. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the binder content is in the range 0.5 to 10% by weight.11. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the binder is formaldehyde free.12. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the binder is based on a reducing sugar.13. The mineral fibre insulating material in accordance with claim 1 , in which the binder comprises at least one Maillard ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150167212A1
Принадлежит: UCOMPOSITES A/S

In order to recycle glass fibre/fiber fabric production waste material, such as a material used in the manufacturing of rotor blades for wind turbines, and preferably where the material is bendable or flexible and reinforced in a plurality of layers in one or more directions in planes that are parallel with the surface of the material and stitch bonded together, the material is mechanically processed involving a size reduction of the material into shorter fibre length, in order to convert the material into one or more substantial pure glass fibre products. In this way it is possible inter alia to further process the material and create materials such as acoustic insulation wool, and chopped glass fibre strands. 1. A method of converting a glass fibre fabric material into another glass fibre product by a mechanical process , wherein said fabric material is unidirectional or multiaxial and is made up of multilayers of glass fibres in one or more directions stitch bonded together into a fabric , said glass fibres being coated with a sizing , wherein the fabric material is cut into glass fibres having a length of from 5 cm to 30 cm , and subsequently the cut fibres are further processed into said other glass fibre product.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the glass fibre fabric material is a production waste material.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the glass fibre fabric material is bendable or flexible.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more directions is (are) parallel with the surface of the material.5. (canceled)6. The method according to claim 4 , wherein the glass fibre fabric material is stitch bonded by polyester thread.711.-. (canceled)12. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanical process is performed by a cutting process cutting the material into chopped glass fibre strands.13. The method according to claim 12 , wherein the cutting process is performed using knives made from tungsten carbide.14. The ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160168771A1

This forming device is intended to be mounted on a flight () of a conveyor for transporting a fibrous product through a heating device, where the flight () defines a receiving surface () for the fibrous product. The forming device has a forming block (), a main part () of which is intended to be arranged at the front of the receiving surface (), and at least one anchoring element () which is intended to be fixed to the flight by being arranged at the rear of the receiving surface (). The forming block () and the anchoring element () comprise complementary snap-fastening members () which, when the main part () of the forming block () is opposite the receiving surface () and the anchoring element () is fixed to the flight () at the rear of the receiving surface (), are able to engage by the application of a one-way pushing force (F) that pushes the main part () of the forming block () towards the receiving surface () in a transverse direction (X) with respect to the receiving surface (). 116-. (canceled)17. A forming device for creating a form in a fibrous product , the forming device configured to be mounted on a flight of a conveyor for transporting the fibrous product through a heating device , the flight defining a receiving surface for the fibrous product , the forming device comprising:a forming block, a main part of which is configured to be arranged at a front of the receiving surface, andat least one anchoring element configured to be fixed to the flight while being arranged at a rear of the receiving surface,wherein the forming block and the anchoring element comprise complementary snap-fastening members which, when the main part of the forming block is facing the receiving surface and the anchoring element is fixed to the flight at a rear of the receiving surface, are configured to engage by application of a one-way pushing force that pushes the main part of the forming block towards the receiving surface in a transverse direction with respect to the ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220307171A1
Принадлежит: BKRZ GMBH

The present invention relates to a method for producing a recycled insulating material from insulating wool, said method comprising the steps of: comminuting insulating wool to give a first intermediate comprising fibre balls; adding binder to the first intermediate to give a second intermediate; hot-pressing the second intermediate into the desired shape, to give a third intermediate; and curing the third intermediate to give the recycled insulating material. The present invention further relates to a method for recycling insulating wool, an apparatus for processing insulating wool, and a fibre-reinforced foam. The invention additionally embraces a fire-resistant wood-based material and a method for producing it. 1. Method for producing a recycled insulating material from insulating wool , comprising the steps of:S1: comminuting insulating wool to give a first intermediate comprising fibre balls;S2: adding binder to the first intermediate to give a second intermediate;S3: hot-pressing the second intermediate into the desired shape to obtain a third intermediate; andS4: curing the third intermediate to obtain the recycled insulating material.2. Method for producing a recycled insulating material from insulating wool according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating wool to be comminuted is rock wool and the binder is inorganic and comprising water glass, orthe insulating wool to be comminuted is glass wool and the binder is organic and comprising one or more of powder, urea, resins, starch, lignin and sugars.3. Method for producing a recycled insulating material from insulating wool according to claim 1 , wherein a foaming agent is also added in step S2.4. Method for producing a recycled insulating material from insulating wool according to claim 1 , wherein wood chips are also added in the step S2.5. Method for producing a recycled insulating material from insulating wool according to claim 1 , wherein in step S3 the second intermediate is hot-pressed at a temperature ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200157718A1

An annular discharge device for discharging a gluing composition onto glass fibres includes at least one distribution circuit for the gluing composition and a plurality of spray nozzles fluidically connected with the distribution circuit and distributed over the perimeter of the annular discharge device for discharging the gluing composition onto the glass fibres intended to pass into the annular discharge device defined by an axis of revolution, each spray nozzle being oriented towards the interior of the annular discharge device with an angle of inclination determined in relation to the plane of revolution of the annular discharge device. At least two spray nozzles arranged consecutively on the perimeter of the annular discharge device are disposed so as to have an orientation with respect to the plane of revolution of the annular discharge device each with a different angle of inclination with respect to one another. 1. An annular discharge device discharging a gluing composition onto mineral fibres , comprising at least one distribution circuit for distributing said gluing composition and a plurality of spray nozzles fluidically connected with the distribution circuit and distributed over the perimeter of the annular discharge device for discharging the gluing composition onto the fibres intended to pass inside the annular discharge device defined by an axis of revolution , each spray nozzle being oriented towards the interior of the annular discharge device with an angle of inclination determined in relation to the plane of revolution of the annular discharge device , wherein at least two spray nozzles arranged consecutively on the perimeter of the annular discharge device are disposed so as to have an orientation with respect to the plane of revolution of the annular discharge device each with a different angle of inclination with respect to one another.2. The annular discharge device for discharging a gluing composition according to claim 1 , wherein said ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Melt-Formed Inorganic Fibres

Номер: US20200165758A1

A needled blanket is provided comprising melt-formed inorganic fibres having an overall composition in weight percent SiO: 47 to 65%; AIO: 35 to 53%; the blanket having • a shot content, of shot >45 μm, of less than 51 wt %, • a specific surface area [BET)>0.25 m·g. also disclosed are fibres for producing such blankets, and self-supporting products made from such fibres. 2. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 1 , in which the amount of SiOis greater than 52%.3. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 2 , in which the amount of SiOis greater than 53%.4. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 3 , in which the amount of SiOis greater than 54%.5. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 4 , in which the amount of SiOis greater than 55%.6. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 5 , in which the amount of SiOis greater than 56%.7. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 6 , in which the amount of SiOis greater than 57%.8. A needled blanket as claimed in in which{'sub': 2', '2', '3, 'SiO+AlO>98%.'}9. A needled blanket as claimed in having a shot content of less than 45 wt % or less than 44 wt % or less than 43 wt %.10. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 1 , in which the needled blanket has a tensile strength to density ratio of >0.39 kPa/kg·mor >0.43 kPa/kg·mor >0.45 kPa/kg·m.11. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 1 , in which the specific surface area is in excess of 0.3 m·g.12. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 1 , in which the inorganic fibres have an arithmetic mean diameter <2.5 μm.13. A needled blanket as claimed in claim 1 , in which the inorganic fibres have an arithmetic mean diameter <2.25 μm.15. A self-supporting insulating body other than a needled blanket claim 14 , formed of fibres as claimed in and havinga shot content, of shot >45 μm, of less than 51 wt %,{'sup': 2', '−1, 'a specific surface area (BET)>0.25 m·g.'}16. A self-supporting insulating body as claimed in claim 15 , in the form of a monolithic refractory fibre module havinga shot content, of ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210207301A1
Автор: Wu Tony

Disclosed herein is a binder system for nonwoven fiber mats that provides desirable properties to the nonwoven mat including desirable porosity, desirable surface properties e.g., desirable wettability and/or moisture resistance, and enhanced tensile strength. The system includes a two-part binder that includes (1) a formaldehyde-free carbohydrate-based binder and (2) a formaldehyde-free hydrophobic acrylic-based hinder. 1. A nonwoven fiber mat comprising:randomly oriented fibers; and a formaldehyde-free carbohydrate-based binder, and', 'a formaldehyde-free hydrophobic acrylic-based binder,, 'a two-part binder system applied to at least a portion of the randomly oriented fibers, wherein the binder system comprises{'sup': 2', '3, 'wherein, when the mat has a basis weight of about 0.015 lb/ft(about 75 gsm) and about 20% by weight solids of the two-part binder system based on the total weight of the nonwoven fiber mat, the mat has a Frazier permeability of about 650 to about 715 CFM (about 18.4 to about 20.2 m/min).'}2. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 1 , wherein the mat has a basis weight of about 0.012 to about 0.018 lb/ft(about 60 to about 88 gsm).3. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fiber mat comprises from about 10% to about 30% by weight solids of the two-part binder system based on the total weight of the nonwoven fiber mat.4. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 1 , wherein the carbohydrate-based binder comprises a carbohydrate and a crosslinking agent.5. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 4 , wherein the carbohydrate comprises a polysaccharide having a dextrose equivalence of 2 to 20.6. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 4 , wherein the carbohydrate comprises a water soluble polysaccharide.7. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 4 , wherein the carbohydrate comprises maltodextrin claim 4 , dextrin claim 4 , starch claim 4 , modified starch claim 4 , starch derivative claim 4 , or combinations thereof.8. The nonwoven fiber mat of claim 4 , wherein the ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160186367A1
Принадлежит: National Nonwovens Inc.

The present invention generally relates to composites and articles made from nonwoven structures. One aspect of the invention is generally directed to nonwoven structures which are heated and/or pressed to form a substantially rigid article. In some cases, the nonwoven structure may be heated to temperatures greater than the glass transition temperature but less than the melting temperature of a polymer within the nonwoven structure. Such articles may exhibit creep of the polymer around other fibers in the nonwoven structure, but without any evidence of melting and/or flow. In addition, in some embodiments, such articles may have relatively large void volumes, or exhibit properties such as low flammability, smoke resistance, or acoustic insulation. Other aspects of the present invention are generally directed to systems and methods for making such articles, methods of use of such articles, kits comprising such articles, etc. 149-. (canceled)50. An article comprising fibers and polyetherimide disposed on at least some of the fibers , wherein the polyetherimide exhibits crystallinity without showing evidence of flow.51. The article of claim 50 , wherein the fibers comprise poly(paraphenylene terephthalamide).52. The article of claim 50 , wherein the fibers comprise polymeric fibers.53. The article of claim 50 , wherein the fibers comprise glass fibers.54. The article of claim 50 , wherein the fibers comprise fiberglass.55. The article of claim 50 , wherein the fibers comprise carbon fibers.56. The article of claim 50 , wherein the article has an average void volume of at least about 50%.57. The article of claim 50 , wherein the article has a density of at least about 0.1 g/cm.58. The article of claim 50 , wherein the article has an average pore size of between about 5 micrometers and about 50 micrometers as determined by microscopy.59. The article of claim 50 , wherein the article comprises a nonwoven structure.60. The article of claim 50 , wherein at least some of ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190185366A1
Автор: THIERY Julien

The invention relates to an uncured thermal and/or sound insulation product, based on mineral wool, advantageously on glass wool, that is in the form of a ply comprising a mineral wool layer sized by at least one binder, said sized layer having: 1. An uncured thermal and/or sound insulation product , based on mineral wool , comprising a mineral wool ply sized by at least one binder , said sized ply having:{'sup': '2', 'a surface density, or basis weight, of less than or equal to 350 g/m, measured according to the EN 822 standard,'}a micronaire of at most 3 under 5 grams, anda thickness of greater than 10 mm.2. The product claim 1 , comprising between 8% and 14% by weight of binder claim 1 , relative to the total weight of the mineral wool and binder claim 1 , and is chosen from thermosetting binders.3. The product as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the binder is chosen from thermosetting binders based (i) on phenol-formaldehyde resin claim 2 , (ii) on polyepoxides claim 2 , or (iii) on carbohydrates.4. The product as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the mineral wool fibers are laid on a hydrophobic and/or oleophobic claim 1 , woven or nonwoven web.5. The product as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the web has claim 4 , in addition claim 4 , flame retardant and/or fungicidal properties owing to a compound fixed to said web by impregnation claim 4 , coating or heat setting.6. The product as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the web is a polyester-based woven web or a needle-punched nonwoven web based (i) on polyester and/or viscose fibers claim 4 , (ii) on polypropylene fibers claim 4 , or (iii) on carbon fibers claim 4 , or a polyester-reinforced glass web.7. A lining obtained from the product as claimed in by molding into a shape at a polymerization temperature of the binder claim 1 , the lining conforming to contours of a support surface on which the lining is mounted.8. The lining as claimed in claim 7 , having a thermal conductivity of less than or equal to 42 mW/(m·K) claim 7 , ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации

Aqueous binder comprising reaction products of itaconic acid

Номер: US20180194937A1
Принадлежит: Cargill Inc

An aqueous binder composition is provided for use in the formation of fiber insulation and non-woven mats that comprises a reaction product of one or more Liquid Polyol Monomers; itaconic acid, its salts or anhydride; and a C4 to C6 polyol selected from the group consisting of pentaerythritol, trimethylol propane, neopentyl glycol, and mixtures thereof. The molar ratio of the combined alcohols (Liquid Polyol Monomers and C4 to C6 polyols) to itaconic acid is at least 2:1, wherein the molar ratio of Liquid Polyol Monomers to C4 to C6 polyols is from about 1:1 to about 30:1.

13-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170198425A1

The present invention relates to an aqueous sizing composition for insulating products based on mineral wool, comprising 1. An aqueous sizing composition for mineral wool-based insulating products , the composition comprising(a) at least one carbohydrate selected from the group consisting of hydrogenated sugars, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars and mixtures thereof,(b) at least one polycarboxylic acid or a salt or anhydride thereof,(c) from 1% to 25% by weight, relative to the sum of the components (a) and (b), of at least one aliphatic, cycloaliphatic or aromatic monoalcohol free of acid or base functions and having an octanol/water partition coefficient Log Kow of between 1 and 3.2. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the at least one monoalcohol (c) is between 1.5% and 10% by weight relative to the sum of components (a) and (b).3. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the octanol/water partition coefficient of the monoalcohol is between 1.05 and 2.0.4. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the monoalcohol is at least one selected from the group consisting of aliphatic and cycloaliphatic monoalcohols.5. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the monoalcohol comprises at least one aromatic ring.6. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the monoalcohol is 2-phenoxy ethanol.7. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polycarboxylic acid is a polycarboxylic acid monomer.8. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the polycarboxylic acid is citric acid.9. The composition as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the proportion of hydrogenated sugars in the carbohydrate is between 25% and 100% by weight.10. The composition as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the carbohydrate contains at least 50% by weight of hydrogenated sugars.11. The composition as claimed in claim 9 , wherein the hydrogenated sugar is at least one selected from the group consisting of hydrogenation products of ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170207435A1
Автор: Huusken Robert

A non-woven fiber mat for lead-acid batteries is provided. The non-woven fiber mat includes glass fibers coated with a sizing composition, a binder composition, and organic active compounds, wherein the organic active compounds are effective in reducing or preventing sulphation in lead-acid batteries. 1. A non-woven fiber pasting mat comprising:a plurality of fibers coated with a sizing composition;a binder composition; andone or more organic active compounds, said organic active compounds comprising one or more of sulphosuccinate (di-octyl); polyvinylalcohol; colloidal silica; polyacrylamide;phosphonic acid; polyacrylic acid; phosphate ester; polycarboxylic acid; polymeric anionic compounds; hexamethylenediaminetetrakis; chitin; chitosan; inulin; polyaspartic acid;polysuccinimide; iminodisuccinate; maleic acid/acrylic acid copolymer; maleic acid/acrylamide copolymer; humic acid; calcium salt of polymers from naphtalenenesulphonic acid condensed with formaldehyde; sodium salt of condensed sulfonated naphtalene; perfluoroalkylsulfonic acid; and cellulose,wherein said organic active compounds operable to reduce sulphation in a lead-acid battery.2. The non-woven fiber pasting mat of claim 1 , wherein said binder composition is selected from the group consisting of an acrylic binder claim 1 , a styrene acrylonitrile binder claim 1 , a styrene butadiene rubber binder claim 1 , an epoxy binder claim 1 , a polyurethane binder claim 1 , a phenolic binder claim 1 , a polyester binder claim 1 , and mixtures thereof.3. The non-woven fiber pasting mat of claim 1 , wherein said binder composition is an acid resistant binder.4. The non-woven fiber pasting mat of claim 1 , wherein said fibers comprise one or more of glass fibers claim 1 , polyester fibers claim 1 , polyolefin fibers claim 1 , nylon fibers claim 1 , aramid fibers claim 1 , poly(phenylene sulfide) fibers claim 1 , carbon fibers claim 1 , silicon carbide (SiC) fibers claim 1 , boron nitride fibers.5. The non-woven ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации

Inorganic fibrous insulating material

Номер: US20170210094A1
Принадлежит: Asahi Fiber Glass Co Ltd

An inorganic fibrous insulating material is provided that exhibits an excellent insulating performance wherein heat transfer by air convection within the insulating material and by the inorganic fibers is suppressed. This is an inorganic fibrous insulating material in which a plurality of inorganic fibrous mats are stacked. The inorganic fiber constituting the inorganic fibrous mat has a fiber diameter of 3 to 5 μm and a fiber length of at least 20 mm. The inorganic fibers are bonded to each other at their contact points by a thermosetting binder. The areal weight of each inorganic fibrous mat is 300 to 600 g/m 2 , and the orientation angle of the inorganic fibrous mats with respect to a direction perpendicular to the thickness direction of the inorganic fibrous insulating material is inclined at from more than 0° to not more than 20°.

25-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200199796A1

The present invention provides a mat comprising a layer having a mixture of long and short fibers wherein said short fibers have a length of not more than about 13 mm and wherein said long fibers have a length of at least about 20 mm and wherein the amount of said short fibers is at least about 3% by weight based on the total weight of said mixture of long and short fibers. 1. A mat comprising a layer having a plurality of inorganic fibers comprising a mixture of long and short inorganic fibers constituting at least 50% by weight of said plurality of fibers in said layer , said short fibers having a length of not more than about 13 mm , said long fibers having a length of at least about 20 mm , the amount of said short fibers being at least about 3% by weight based on the total weight of said mixture of long and short fibers.2. The mat according to wherein said mixture of long and short fibers is a mixture of long and short glass fibers.3. The mat according to wherein at least about 90% by weight claim 1 , based on the total weight of said layer claim 1 , of said mixture of long and short fibers are magnesium aluminium silicate glass fibers.4. The mat according to wherein the amount of said short fibers is at least about 5% by weight.5. The mat according to wherein the length of said long fibers is at least about 25 mm.6. The mat according to wherein said short and said long fibers together constitute at least about 80% by weight of the fibers of said layer having said mixture of long and short fibers.7. The mat according to wherein the mat consists of a single layer of chopped magnesium aluminium silicate glass fibers.8. The mat according to wherein the mat comprises two or more layers of chopped magnesium aluminium silicate glass fibers claim 1 , at least one of said layers comprising a mixture of said long and said short glass fibers.9. The mat according to wherein said mat exhibits a static compression test result of at least about 200 kPa.10. The mat according ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200208313A1
Автор: ZWAAG Claudia

The present invention describes a mineral wool product comprising mineral fibers bound by a binder resulting from the curing of a binder composition comprising a hydrophobic agent comprising: at least one silicone compound, such as silicone resin, such as a reactive silicone resin, such as a reactive silicone resin chosen from the group of polyalkylethoxysiloxane, polymethylethoxysiloxane, polyphenylethoxysiloxane, polyphenylsiloxane, polyphenylmethylsiloxane; to inhibit corrosion when insulating metallic structures. 139-. (canceled)40. A method of inhibiting corrosion when insulating a metallic structure , wherein the method comprises insulating the metallic structure with a mineral wool product which comprises mineral fibers bound by a cured binder composition which comprises a hydrophobic agent comprising at least one silicone compound.41. The method of claim 40 , wherein the silicone compound comprises a silicone resin.42. The method of claim 40 , wherein the silicone compound comprises a reactive silicone resin selected from one or more of a polyalkylethoxysiloxane claim 40 , a polymethylethoxysiloxane claim 40 , a polyphenylethoxysiloxane claim 40 , a polyphenylsiloxane claim 40 , a polyphenylmethylsiloxane.43. The method of claim 40 , wherein the binder composition further comprises a phenol-formaldehyde-based resin and/or a carbohydrate containing component.44. The method of claim 40 , wherein the binder composition further comprises at least one hardener.45. The method of claim 44 , wherein the at least one hardener comprises a silane.46. The method of claim 45 , wherein the at least one hardener comprises an alkyltriethoxysilane.47. The method of claim 46 , wherein the at least one hardener comprises octyltriethoxysilane.48. The method of claim 40 , wherein the binder composition further comprises at least one emulsifier.49. The method of claim 40 , wherein the metallic structure has an operating temperature of from 0° C. to 650° C.50. The method of claim ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190211484A1

A process for manufacturing insulating products based on mineral wool includes applying, on mineral wool fibers, a binding composition containing (a) at least one carbohydrate selected from reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, hydrogenated sugars, and a mixture thereof, and (b) at least one crosslinking agent for crosslinking the carbohydrate(s). The process also includes evaporating the solvent phase of the binding composition and thermal curing the non-volatile fraction of the composition. Further, added to the binding composition, preferably immediately before the application thereof on the mineral wool fibers, is an oil-in-water emulsion including water, a mineral oil, at least one nonionic surfactant and a water-soluble polysaccharide. The mean diameter of the oil droplets of the stable oil-in-water emulsion, determined by laser diffraction particle size analysis, is greater than 5 μm. 1. A process for manufacturing insulating products based on mineral wool , comprising (a) at least one carbohydrate selected from reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, hydrogenated sugars, and a mixture thereof, and', '(b) at least one crosslinking agent for crosslinking the carbohydrate(s),, 'applying, on mineral wool fibers, a binding composition containing'}evaporating the solvent phase of the binding composition, andthermal curing the non-volatile fraction of the composition,wherein an oil-in-water emulsion comprising water, a mineral oil, from 0.5 to 5.0 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of mineral oil of at least one nonionic surfactant and from 0.1 to 2.0 parts by weight per 100 parts by weight of mineral oil of a water-soluble polysaccharide are added to the binding composition, andwherein the mean diameter of the oil droplets of the oil-in-water emulsion, determined by laser diffraction particle size analysis, is greater than 5 μm.2. The process as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the crosslinking agent is selected from polycarboxylic acids claim 1 , salts and ...

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180220807A1

Flame retardant covers for mattress and flame retardant mattresses are provided. At least a portion of the fibers, yarns or the fabric of the covers is treated with a blend comprising a flame retardant compound such as ammonium phosphate. The covers do not further require any flame barrier element such as fiberglass or silica-loaded rayon. The mattresses provided herein fully comply with the federal mattress flammability standards of 16 C.F.R. 1632 and 1633. 1. A flame retardant cover , comprising:a fabric comprising a network of yarns comprising a plurality of interlocked fibers; whereinat least a portion of the fibers, yarns or fabric is treated with a blend comprising a flame retardant compound;the fabric is substantially free of a flame barrier element; andthe flame retardant cover is adapted for at least partially enclosing a core mass of stuffing material.2. The flame retardant cover according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant compound is one or more selected from the group consisting of aluminum hydroxide claim 1 , magnesium hydroxide claim 1 , phosphoric acid claim 1 , dicyandiamide claim 1 , cyanoguanidine claim 1 , phosphonic acid huntite claim 1 , hydromagnesite claim 1 , ammonium phosphate claim 1 , diammonium phosphate claim 1 , ammonium polyphosphate claim 1 , red phosphorus claim 1 , antimony trioxide claim 1 , zinc borate claim 1 , zinc hydroxystannate claim 1 , zinc stannate claim 1 , a metal hydrate claim 1 , a metal oxide claim 1 , ammonium bromate claim 1 , diguanidine hydrogen phosphate claim 1 , aluminum trihydrate claim 1 , calcium carbonate claim 1 , gypsum claim 1 , an organohalogen compound and an organophosphorus compound.3. The flame retardant cover according to claim 1 , wherein the flame retardant compound is one or more selected from the group consisting of ammonium phosphate claim 1 , diammonium phosphate and ammonium polyphosphate.4. The flame retardant cover according to claim 1 , wherein the blend comprises:about 10 wt % to ...

11-08-2016 дата публикации

Glass fibre mat and products containing glass fibre mats

Номер: US20160230319A1
Автор: Thomas Grassl

A glass fibre mat comprises glass fibres of a first kind, glass fibres of a second kind and a binding agent. Glass fibres of the first kind in this case are characterized by a mean fibre diameter of under 6 μm and compliance with the EC Protocol “ECB/TM/27 rev. 7” and glass fibres of the second kind by a mean fibre diameter of over 6 μm. The ratio between the weight component of glass fibres of the first kind and the weight component of glass fibres of the second kind is between 0.01 and 0.15. And the surface weight of the glass fibre mat is between 25 g/m2 and 80 g/m2. In a CV floor covering comprising a usable layer and a structural layer, the structural layer comprises a glass fibre mat of this kind provided with impregnation.

09-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180224051A1

A method of manufacturing a mineral fibre thermal insulation product comprises the sequential steps of: 1. A method of manufacturing a mineral fibre thermal insulation product comprising the sequential steps of:forming mineral fibres from a molten mineral mixture;spraying a substantially formaldehyde free binder solution on to the mineral fibres, the binder solution comprising: a reducing sugar, an acid precursor derivable from an inorganic salt and a source of nitrogen;collecting the mineral fibres to which the binder solution has been applied to form a batt of mineral fibres; andcuring the batt comprising the mineral fibres and the binder by passing the batt through a curing oven so as to provide a bait of mineral fibres held together by a substantially water insoluble cured binder.244.-. (canceled)45. The method of comprising at least one of the following features:in which wash water is sprayed on to the mineral fibres between their formation and their collection to form a batt, at least a part of the wash water having been sprayed on mineral fibres and subsequently returned to a wash water system to be reused as wash water.in which the binder solution is sprayed on to the mineral fibres when the mineral fibres are at a temperature of between 30° C. and 150° C.in which the binder solution has a pH of greater than 7 when sprayed on to the mineral fibres.46. The method of in which curing of the binder is carried out by passing the batt through at least one zone of a curing oven at a temperature within the range 230° C.-300° C. with an oven residence time in the range 30 seconds to 20 minutes.47. The method of comprising at least one of the following features:in which the acid precursor makes up between 5% and 25% by dry weight of the binder solution.in which the acid precursor of the binder solution derivable from an inorganic salt comprises an ammonium salt.in which the acid precursor of the binder solution derivable from an inorganic salt comprises an ammonium ...

25-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190226134A1
Автор: TERAGAMI Kenichiro

The invention relates to a thermal insulation product based on mineral wool comprising mineral fibers, the product comprising two main faces and longitudinal and transverse edges perpendicular to the main faces, the product being characterized by the following orientation fractions: 1. A thermal insulation product based on mineral wool comprising mineral fibers , the product comprising two main faces and longitudinal and transverse edges perpendicular to the main faces , the product being characterized by the following orientation fractions:{'sub': 'L', 'a longitudinal orientation fraction TO(0°+/−6°) greater than or equal to 48%, or even 50%, along an angle of more or less 6° with respect to the plane of the main faces, when the mineral fibers are counted only in a longitudinal cross-section, and'}{'sub': 'm', 'a mean orientation fraction TO(0°+/−6°) greater than or equal to 40%, or even 45%, along an angle of more or less 6° with respect to the plane of the main faces, when the mineral fibers are counted both in a transverse cross-section and in a longitudinal cross-section.'}2. The thermal insulation product as claimed in claim 1 , the product being furthermore characterized by the following orientation fractions:{'sub': 'L', 'a longitudinal orientation fraction TO(0°+/−12°) greater than or equal to 75%, or even 80%, along an angle of more or less 12° with respect to the plane of the main faces, when the mineral fibers are counted both in a transverse cross-section and in a longitudinal cross-section, and'}{'sub': 'm', 'a mean orientation fraction TO(0°+/−12°) greater than or equal to 70%, or even 72%, along an angle of more or less 12° with respect to the plane of the main faces, when the mineral fibers are counted both in a transverse cross-section and in a longitudinal cross-section.'}3. The thermal insulation product as claimed in claim 1 , the product being furthermore characterized by the following orientation fractions:{'sub': 'L', 'a longitudinal ...

03-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150247270A1

An insulation pad includes a binderless pack of glass fibers and an envelope around the binderless pack of glass fibers. The glass fibers are mechanically entangled by needling such that the binderless pack has a density of from 4.5 to 5.5 pounds per cubic foot. The insulation pad is used to insulate pipes and vessels. 1. An insulation pad comprising:a binderless pack of glass fibers;wherein the glass fibers are mechanically entangled by needling such that the binderless pack has a density of from 4.5 to 5.5 pounds per cubic foot;wherein the glass fibers have a diameter range of from 15 HT to 19 HT;an envelope dispose around the binderless pack of glass fibers.2. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless pack of glass fibers comprises 99% to 100% glass or 99% to 100% glass and inert components that do not bind the glass fibers together.3. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless pack of glass fibers is about two inches thick and has an R value (hr-ft° F./BTU) of between 4.4 and 5 at 75 degrees F. claim 1 , between 2.5 and 4 at 300 degrees F. claim 1 , between 2.0 and 3.0 at 500 degrees F. claim 1 , and between 1.4 and 2.0 at 700 degrees F.4. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless pack of glass fibers is about one inch thick and has a Thermal Conductivity value K of between 0.20 and 0.22 at 75 degrees F. claim 1 , between 0.24 and 0.40 at 300 degrees F. claim 1 , between 0.34 and 0.50 at 500 degrees F. claim 1 , and between 0.49 and 0.70 at 700 degrees F.5. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless pack of glass fibers is hydrophobic.6. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless pack of glass fibers is not damaged when the insulation pad is installed directly a pipe having a 500 degree Fahrenheit surface temperature.7. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless pack of glass fibers is not damaged when the insulation pad is installed directly a pipe having a 1000 degree Fahrenheit surface temperature.8. The insulation pad of wherein the binderless ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Mineral fibre insulation

Номер: US20200224887A1
Принадлежит: Knauf Insulation Inc, KNAUF INSULATION SPRL

A mineral wool insulating product having improved off gassing characteristics is particularly adapted for high temperature applications.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180237332A1

A method for manufacturing glass chopped strands is provided that includes cutting, into a predetermined length, a doubled glass strand that combines glass strands drawn from cakes each of which is formed by winding one of the glass strands. The doubled glass strand, from which the glass chopped strands are manufactured, is formed by combining a first glass strand or strands that are twisted clockwise when drawn from some of the cakes and a second glass strand or strands that are twisted counterclockwise when drawn from the rest of the cakes. 1. A method for manufacturing glass chopped strands , the method comprising cutting , into a predetermined length , a doubled glass strand that combines glass strands drawn from cakes each of which is formed by winding one of the glass strands ,wherein the doubled glass strand, from which the glass chopped strands are manufactured, is formed by combining a first glass strand or strands that are twisted clockwise when drawn from some of the cakes and a second glass strand or strands that are twisted counterclockwise when drawn from the rest of the cakes.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the percentage of the number of the first glass strand or strands with respect to the total number of the first glass strand or strands and the second glass strand or strands in the doubled glass strand is 25 to 75%.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the cakes are divided filament cakes.4. A method for manufacturing a glass chopped strand mat claim 1 , comprising depositing the glass chopped strands manufactured by the method according to into a sheet and then binding the glass chopped strands to each other to manufacture the glass chopped strand mat. The present invention relates to a method for manufacturing glass chopped strands by cutting, into a predetermined length, a doubled glass strand that combines a plurality of glass strands and to a method for manufacturing a glass chopped strand mat by matting the glass chopped ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200232133A1

A nonwoven composite for high temperature applications requiring low flammability, smoke, and/or toxicity, including a fibrous structure having one or more nonwoven material layers including a fiber matrix. The fiber matrix is formed from inorganic fibers in an amount of about 60 percent by weight or greater. The inorganic fibers in the fiber matrix are adapted to withstand temperatures of up to about 1150° C. 1. An article comprising: 'wherein the fiber matrix comprises inorganic fibers in an amount of about 60 percent by weight or greater; wherein at least the inorganic fibers in the fiber matrix are adapted to withstand temperatures of up to about 1150° C.; and', 'a fibrous structure including one or more nonwoven material layers comprising a fiber matrix;'}wherein fibers of the fiber matrix are arranged to form a series of loops extending from one surface of the fiber matrix to an opposing surface in the thickness direction.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein one or more nonwoven material layers are formed by vertical lapping claim 1 , rotary lapping claim 1 , or cross lapping.3. The article of claim 1 , wherein one or more nonwoven material layers are formed by air laying or mechanical pleating.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The article of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic fibers are ceramic fibers and/or silica-based fibers.8. The article of claim 7 , wherein the ceramic fibers and/or silica-based fibers are formed from polysilicic acid (Sialoxol or Sialoxid) claim 7 , may contain traces of other minerals claim 7 , other types of ceramic and/or silica-based fibers claim 7 , and any modifications with compounds of siloxane/siloxyl claim 7 , silane claim 7 , and silanol.9. The article of claim 1 , wherein the inorganic fibers are fibers based on an amorphous aluminum oxide containing polysilicic acid.10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. The article of claim 1 , wherein the fiber matrix includes a polymeric binder comprising polybutylene terephthalate (PBT); ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190241460A1

A thermal insulation product based on mineral wool, characterized in that the fibers have a micronaire of less than 10 l/min, preferably less than 7 l/min and especially between 3 and 6 l/min, and in that the material has a thermal conductivity of less than 31 mW/m·K, especially less than 30 mW/m·K. The parameters for obtaining this product are in particular the pressure of the burner, the rotation speed of the fiberizing spinner and the daily fiber output per spinner orifice. 1: (canceled)2: In an internal centrifugation fiberizing process for producing a thermal insulation product using an internal centrifugation device comprising (1) a spinner capable of rotating about an axis X which has its peripheral band drilled with a plurality of orifices for delivering filaments of a molten material , (2) a high-temperature gas attenuating unit in the form of an annular burner which attenuates the filaments into fibers , (3) a receiving belt for receiving the fibers , and (4) a conveyor for the fibers that extends the receiving belt;the improvement wherein the conveyor conveys the fibers at speed greater than the speed of the receiving belt by more than 10% and the process produces a thermal insulation product having at least 75% of its fibers aligned approximately parallel to the longer dimensions of the planes of the thermal insulation product, meaning a parallelism to within plus or minus 30° with respect to the planes formed by the longer dimensions of the product.3: In the internal centrifugation fiberizing process for producing a thermal insulation product according to claim 2 , the improvement wherein the conveyor conveys the fibers at speed greater than the speed of the fiber-receiving belt by more than 15% and the process produces a thermal insulation product having at least 80% of its fibers parallel to the longer dimensions of the planes of the thermal insulation product.4: The improved internal centrifugation fiberizing process for producing a thermal ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190242041A1

A non-woven chopped fiber mat includes a mixture of glass fibers and synthetic fibers. The non-woven mat is formed using a binder composition that includes a binder resin, a coupling agent, and a corrosion inhibitor. The non-woven mat is non-corrosive and resistant to volatile unsaturated monomers such as styrene, but still remains fully compatible with solvent-containing polyester resins, such that it can be used in various pultruded products. 1. A non-woven mat comprising:a plurality of reinforcing fibers; anda binder composition comprising a binder resin, a coupling agent, and a corrosion inhibitor,wherein the binder composition is non-corrosive,wherein the binder resin comprises a thermoset material, a thermoplastic material, or a combination thereof, andwherein the non-woven mat exhibits a tensile strength of at least 1.0 lb/ft after being soaked in a 100% styrene monomer for 10 minutes.2. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of reinforcing fibers comprises at least one of glass fibers claim 1 , synthetic fibers claim 1 , and natural fibers.3. (canceled)4. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of reinforcing fibers is a mixture of chopped glass fibers and synthetic fibers.5. (canceled)6. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion inhibitor is an organic corrosion inhibitor.7. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the corrosion inhibitor is triethanolamine.8. (canceled)9. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the binder composition further comprises a defoamer.10. (canceled)11. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the coupling agent comprises a silane coupling agent.12. (canceled)13. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the thermoset material comprises at least one of an acrylic material and a urea formaldehyde material.1415-. (canceled)16. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the thermoplastic material comprises ethylene vinyl acetate.17. The non-woven mat of claim 1 , wherein the binder resin comprises from 50.0 ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240136A1

A glass wool panel, intended to be used as an acoustic panel, has a density of less than or equal to 130 kg/m, an air flow resistivity of between 30 and 120 kPa·s/m, a Young's modulus of between 0.5 and 4 MPa. 1. A glass wool panel intended to be used as acoustic panel and having:{'sup': '3', 'a density of less than or equal to 130 kg/m,'}{'sup': '2', 'an air flow resistivity of between 30 and 120 kPa·s/m, and'}a Young's modulus of between 0.5 and 4 MPa.2. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , additionally having a micronaire of between 2.5/5 g and 6/5 g.3. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , additionally having a thickness of greater than or equal to 25 mm.4. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , additionally comprising a veil on each of main faces of the panel.5. The panel as claimed in claim 4 , wherein the veil intended to be facing a side from where the sound to be absorbed originates having a specific air flow resistance of less than or equal to 1 kPa·s/m claim 4 , and the opposite veil having a specific air flow resistance of greater than or equal to 1 kPa·s/m.6. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a weight content of binder of between 5% and 15% of the total weight.7. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , having a sound absorption αof greater than or equal to 0.9.8. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , having a sound insulation Dof greater than or equal to 38 dB.9. A process for manufacturing the glass wool panel as claimed in claim 1 , comprising: at least one centrifuge capable of rotating about an axis X and a peripheral band of which is pierced by a plurality of orifices for delivering filaments of a molten material,', 'a high-temperature gas attenuating means in the form of an annular burner that attenuates the filaments into fibers, and', 'a receiving belt associated with suction means for receiving the fibers,, 'manufacturing a mat of glass fibers by internal centrifugation, using equipment comprisingcrimping the mat of glass fibers with a degree of crimping ...

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200240137A1

A mineral wool panel, intended to be used as an acoustic panel, has a surface density of greater than or equal to 3.2 kg/m, an air flow resistivity of between 30 and 120 kPa·s/m, and a Young's modulus of between 0.5 and 4 MPa. 1. A mineral wool panel intended to be used as an acoustic panel and having:{'sup': '2', 'a surface density of greater than or equal to 3.2 kg/m,'}{'sup': '2', 'an air flow resistivity of between 30 and 120 kPa·s/m, and'}a Young's modulus of between 0.5 and 4 MPa,and the panel not being cut through the thickness along a plane substantially parallel to its main faces.2. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , additionally having a micronaire of between 2.5/5 g and 6/5 g or a fasonaire of between 200 and 300.3. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , additionally comprising a veil on each main face of the panel.4. The panel as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the veil intended to be facing a side from where the sound to be absorbed originates having a specific air flow resistance of less than or equal to 1 kPa·s/m claim 3 , and the opposite veil having a specific air flow resistivity of greater than or equal to 1 kPa·s/m.5. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , comprising a weight content of binder of between 2% and 15% of the total weight.6. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , having a sound absorption αw of greater than or equal to 0.9.7. The panel as claimed in claim 1 , having a sound insulation Dof greater than or equal to 38 dB.8. A process for manufacturing the mineral wool panel as claimed in claim 1 , comprising: [ at least one centrifuge capable of rotating about an axis X and a peripheral band of which is pierced by a plurality of orifices for delivering filaments of a molten material,', 'a high-temperature gas attenuating means in the form of an annular burner that attenuates the filaments into fibers, and', 'a receiving belt associated with suction means for receiving the fibers, or, 'internal centrifugation for glass fibers, using equipment comprising, ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140345882A1

Gravity-laid inorganic fiber webs and methods of making and using are disclosed. The gravity-laying process comprises mechanically separating inorganic fibers and collecting the fibers as a web, and may comprise blending of multiple types of inorganic fibers and/or blending of inorganic particulate additives with the fibers. 1. A method of enhancing the fire-protecting of a through-penetrating opening in a partition , the method comprising: inserting at least one article comprising a gravity-laid inorganic fiber web at least partially into the through-penetrating opening.2. The method of wherein the article is a fire-protective packing material.3. The method of wherein the inorganic fiber web and packing material comprised thereof claim 2 , are hand-tearable.4. The method of wherein the article is a fire-protective flexible strip.5. The method of wherein the inorganic fiber web is a blended fiber web comprising a blend of at least two types of inorganic fibers.6. The method of wherein substantially all of the inorganic fibers of the inorganic fiber web are biosoluble ceramic fibers.7. The method of wherein at least about 5% by weight of the inorganic fibers of the inorganic fiber web are long basalt fibers.8. The method of wherein at least some of the inorganic fibers of the inorganic fiber web are long inorganic fibers of at least 5 cm in length.9. The method of wherein the inorganic fiber web comprises an inorganic particulate additive.10. The method of wherein the inorganic particulate additive comprises an intumescent additive.11. The method of wherein the inorganic particulate additive comprises an endothermic additive comprising an inorganic compound capable of liberating water at temperatures of between 200° C. and 600° C.12. The method of wherein the inorganic particulate additive comprises an insulative additive.13. A method of enhancing the fire-protecting of an elongated object or a collection of elongated generally-aligned objects claim 9 , the method ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170256823A1

Examples of the present technology may include a method of making a non-woven fiber mat. The wet nonwoven fiber mat may include a first plurality of first glass fibers and a second plurality of second glass fibers. The first plurality of first glass fibers may have nominal diameters of less than 5 μm, and the second plurality of second glass fibers may have nominal diameters of greater than 6 μm. The method may further include curing the binder composition to produce the nonwoven fiber mat. The nonwoven fiber mat may have an average 40 wt. % sulfuric acid wick height of between about 1 cm and about 5 cm after exposure to 40 wt. % sulfuric acid for 10 minutes conducted according to method ISO8787, and the nonwoven fiber mat may have a total normalized tensile strength greater than 2 (lbf/in)/(lb/sq) fora sq (100 ft). 1. A lead-acid battery comprising:a positive electrode;a negative electrode; and the nonwoven fiber mat comprises a first plurality of first glass fibers having nominal diameters of less than 5 μm,', 'the nonwoven fiber mat comprises a second plurality of second glass fibers having nominal diameters greater than 6 μm,', 'the first plurality of first glass fibers comprises between about 10% and about 50% by weight of the combined weight of the first plurality of first glass fibers and the second plurality of second glass fibers,', 'the nonwoven fiber mat comprises a binder composition,', 'the nonwoven fiber mat has an average 40 wt. % sulfuric acid wick height of between about 1 cm and about 5 cm after exposure to 40 wt. % sulfuric acid for 10 minutes conducted according to method ISO8787, and, 'a nonwoven fiber mat disposed adjacent the positive electrode or the negative electrode, whereinthe nonwoven fiber mat has a total normalized tensile strength of greater than 2 (lbf/in)/(lb/sq).2. The lead-acid battery of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fiber mat further comprises synthetic precipitated silica.3. The lead-acid battery of claim 1 , wherein the ...

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190247828A1

This inorganic fiber sheet contains a glass fiber as a main component, while containing 3 to 20% by mass of an organic fiber having an aspect ratio of 300 to 2000 with respect to a total amount of the inorganic fiber sheet. 1. An inorganic fiber sheet comprising a glass fiber as a main component ,wherein the inorganic fiber sheet comprises 3 to 20% by mass of an organic fiber having an aspect ratio of 300 to 2000 with respect to a total amount of the inorganic fiber sheet.2. The inorganic fiber sheet according to claim 1 ,wherein a weighted average fiber diameter of said organic fiber is equal to or less than 3 times a weighted average fiber diameter of said glass fiber.3. The inorganic fiber sheet according to claim 1 , wherein an ash content after firing in air at 500° C. for 2 hours is 60% by mass or more.4. The inorganic fiber sheet according to claim 1 , wherein a fold number in a papermaking direction at a load of 1.0 kg is 5 times or more.5. A honeycomb molded body having a honeycomb shape made of the inorganic fiber sheet according to .6. A honeycomb filter in which one or more functional materials selected from the group consisting of a silica gel claim 5 , zeolite claim 5 , sepiolite claim 5 , activated carbon claim 5 , and an ion exchange resin are supported on the honeycomb molded body according to .7. The inorganic fiber sheet according to claim 2 , wherein an ash content after firing in air at 500° C. for 2 hours is 60% by mass or more.8. The inorganic fiber sheet according to claim 2 , wherein a fold number in a papermaking direction at a load of 1.0 kg is 5 times or more.9. The inorganic fiber sheet according to claim 3 , wherein a fold number in a papermaking direction at a load of 1.0 kg is 5 times or more.10. A honeycomb molded body having a honeycomb shape made of the inorganic fiber sheet according to .11. A honeycomb molded body having a honeycomb shape made of the inorganic fiber sheet according to .12. A honeycomb molded body having a ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160264454A1

A formaldehyde-free sizing composition for products based on fibers, in particular mineral fibers, such as fibers of glass or of rock, includes at least one non-reducing sugar, and at least one inorganic acid ammonium salt, preferably chosen from ammonium sulfates, phosphates, nitrates and carbonates. Another subject matter of the present invention is the products thus obtained, in particular thermal and/or acoustic insulators based on mineral wool and veils of nonwoven mineral fibers, and their process of manufacture. 116.-. (canceled)17. An aqueous formaldehyde-free sizing composition comprising:sucrose; andammonium sulfate;wherein the ammonium sulfate is present in a range from 3% to 20% by weight of sucrose and ammonium sulfate.18. The composition of claim 17 , wherein the ammonium sulfate is present in a range from 5 to 15% by weight of sucrose and ammonium sulfate.19. The composition of claim 17 , further comprising one or more additives in an amount from0 to 2 parts of silane,4 to 15 parts of mineral oil,0 to 20 parts of glycerol,0 to 5 parts of a silicone, and0 to 30 parts of an extender,wherein the amount of each of the one or more additives is calculated on the basis of 100 parts by weight of sucrose and ammonium sulfate.20. The composition of claim 19 , wherein the one or more additives comprise from 0 to 10 parts of glycerol.21. The composition of claim 17 , wherein the sizing composition is devoid of organic polycarboxylic acid.22. A product based on mineral fibers and/or organic fibers claim 17 , the mineral fibers and/or organic fibers being sized using an aqueous formaldehyde-free sizing composition comprising:sucrose; andammonium sulfate;wherein the ammonium sulfate is present in a range from 3% to 20% by weight of sucrose and ammonium sulfate.23. The product of claim 22 , wherein the product is a veil that includes mineral fibers.24. The product of claim 22 , wherein the product is an acoustic and/or thermal insulating product.25. The product of ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160268566A1

Glass-fiber mats for lead-acid batteries are described. The glass-fiber mats may include a plurality of glass fibers held together with a binder. The binder may be made from a binder composition that includes (i) an acid resistant polymer, and (ii) a hydrophilic agent. The hydrophilic agent increases the wettability of the glass-fiber mat such that the glass-fiber mat forms a contact angle with water or aqueous sulfuric acid solution of 70° or less. Also described are methods of making the glass-fiber mats that include applying a binder composition to the glass fibers, and including a hydrophilic agent in the glass fiber mat that increases the wettability of the mat. The hydrophilic agent may be added to the binder composition, applied to the glass-fiber mat, or both. 1. A glass-fiber mat for a lead-acid battery , the mat comprising:a plurality of glass fibers; anda binder that holds together the plurality of glass fibers in the mat, an acid resistant polymer; and', 'a hydrophilic agent;, 'wherein the binder is made from a binder composition comprisingwherein the hydrophilic agent increases wettability of the glass-fiber mat such that the glass-fiber mat forms a contact angle with water or aqueous sulfuric acid solution of 70° or less.2. The glass fiber mat of claim 1 , wherein the hydrophilic agent is chosen from a hydrophilic gel and a hydrophilic carboxyl-containing compound.3. The glass fiber mat of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophilic gel is formed from a hydrophilic polymer chosen from polyacrylamide claim 2 , polyacrylic acid claim 2 , and polyvinyl alcohol.4. The glass fiber mat of claim 3 , wherein the hydrophilic polymer is a polymerization product of N claim 3 ,N′-Methylenebis(acrylamide) and acrylamide.5. The glass fiber mat of claim 3 , wherein the hydrophilic polymer is crosslinked by N claim 3 ,N′-Methylenebis(acrylamide).6. The glass fiber mat of claim 2 , wherein the hydrophilic carboxyl-containing compound comprises a hydrophilic glycol ester.7. The ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160268640A1

Examples of the present technology may include a method of making a non-woven fiber mat. The wet nonwoven fiber mat may include a first plurality of first glass fibers and a second plurality of second glass fibers. The first plurality of first glass fibers may have nominal diameters of less than 5 μm, and the second plurality of second glass fibers may have nominal diameters of greater than 6 μm. The method may further include curing the binder composition to produce the nonwoven fiber mat. The nonwoven fiber mat may have an average 40 wt. % sulfuric acid wick height of between about 1 cm and about 5 cm after exposure to 40 wt. % sulfuric acid for 10 minutes conducted according to method ISO8787, and the nonwoven fiber mat may have a total normalized tensile strength greater than 2 (lbf/in)/(lb/sq) for a sq (100 ft). 1. A method of making a nonwoven fiber mat for use in a lead-acid battery , the method comprising: the wet nonwoven fiber mat comprises a first plurality of first glass fibers and a second plurality of second glass fibers,', 'the first plurality of first glass fibers has nominal diameters of less than 5 μm,', 'the second plurality of second glass fibers has nominal diameters of greater than 6 μm, and', 'the first plurality of first glass fibers comprises between about 10% and about 50% by weight of the combined weight of the first plurality of first glass fibers and the second plurality of second glass fibers; and, 'adding a binder composition to a wet nonwoven fiber mat, wherein the nonwoven fiber mat has an average 40 wt. % sulfuric acid wick height of between about 1 cm and about 5 cm after exposure to 40 wt. % sulfuric acid for 10 minutes conducted according to method ISO8787, and', 'the nonwoven fiber mat has a total normalized tensile strength of greater than 2 (lbf/in)/(lb/sq)., 'curing the binder composition to produce the nonwoven fiber mat, wherein2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the nonwoven fiber mat has a Cobbdegree of less than 1.3. The ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160272343A1

A sheet material for use in static dissipation applications comprises conductive staple fibres and a cross-linked binder system. Laminar structures comprising an insulating substrate and a layer of the sheet material are also disclosed as are static electricity dissipation assemblies comprising the laminar structure associated with an electrical conductor in contact with the sheet material layer of the laminar structure, the conductor also being for connection to an earthing point. The laminar structures and static dissipation assemblies may be used for constructing tanks, reservoirs and/or pipes that hold or convey flammable liquids in aircraft. 1. A sheet material for use in static dissipation applications , said sheet material comprising conductive staple fibres and a cross-linked binder system that bonds said fibres together , and having a sheet resistance of 50 ohms/sq to 50×10ohms/sq.2. A sheet material as claimed in having a sheet resistance of 1×10ohms/sq to 3×10ohms/sq claim 1 , preferably 1×10ohms/sq to 1×10ohms/sq claim 1 , more preferably 1×10ohms/sq to 1×10ohms/sq and more preferably 1×10ohms/sq to 5×10ohms/sq.3. (canceled)4. A sheet material as claimed in which comprises an admixture of non-conducting staple fibres and the conducting staple fibre.5. A sheet material as claimed in where the sheet material comprises up to 95% by weight claim 4 , and preferably comprises 20% to 80% by weight claim 4 , more preferably claim 4 , 40 to 60% by weight claim 4 , of the conductive staple fibres based on the total weight of the conductive and non-conductive staple fibres.67-. (canceled)8. A sheet material as claimed in wherein the non-conductive fibres are glass fibres.9. A sheet material as claimed in having a basis weight of 1 to 500 g m claim 1 , preferably 5 to 150 g m claim 1 , more preferably 5 to 100 g m claim 1 , and even more preferably 5 to 40 g m.1012-. (canceled)13. A sheet material as claimed in wherein the staple fibres have a length in the range of ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190255804A1

The purpose of the present invention is to provide an inorganic fiber laminate having improved uniformity of surface density, as well as provide a vacuum insulation material using the same, and a manufacturing method for the same. The present invention relates to an inorganic fiber laminate () at least including a first inorganic fiber mat () that has a high-surface-density section () and a low-surface-density section (), and a second inorganic fiber mat () that has a high-surface-density section () and a low-surface-density section (), wherein the high-surface-density section () of the first inorganic fiber mat () and/or the second inorganic fiber mat () are/is laminated on the low-surface-density section () of the first inorganic fiber mat (), and the high-surface-density section () of the first inorganic fiber mat () and/or the second inorganic fiber mat are/is laminated on the low-surface-density section () of the second inorganic fiber mat (). 2. The mineral fiber laminate according to claim 1 , wherein:the first high area density portion and the first low area density portion form mutually adjacent band-shaped regions across the length thereof; andthe second high area density portion and the second low area density portion form mutually adjacent band-shaped regions across the length thereof.3. The mineral fiber laminate according to claim 2 , wherein:in the first mineral fiber mat, the first high area density portion is a central band-shaped region across the width thereof, and the first low area density portions are band-shaped regions adjacent to both sides of the central band-shaped region; andin the second mineral fiber mat, the second low area density portion is a central band-shaped region across the width thereof, and the second high area density portions are band-shaped regions adjacent to both sides of the central band-shaped region.4. The mineral fiber laminate according to claim 1 , wherein:the first high area density portion and the first low area ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160273140A1

A non-woven chopped fiber mat is provided that includes a mixture of about 10 to about 100 weight percent glass fibers and about 5 to about 50 weight percent synthetic fibers. The non-woven mat includes a binder composition that includes a binder resin and a silane coupling agent. It has been found that the physical properties (e.g., flexibility, tensile strength) of a non-woven mat may be improved by formulating a soft but strong binder composition for use in forming the mat. 128-. (canceled)29. A non-woven mat comprising:about 10 to about 100 weight percent chopped glass fibers;about 0 to about 90 weight percent synthetic fibers; anda binder composition comprising a mixture of a thermoset material and a thermoplastic material, and a coupling agent, wherein said non-woven mat increased flexibility and tensile strength.30. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said mat comprises about 50 to about 90 weight percent chopped glass fibers and about 10 to 50 weight percent synthetic fibers.31. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said chopped glass fibers are blended with said synthetic fibers.32. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said synthetic fibers comprise at least one of polypropylene claim 29 , polyester claim 29 , and a combination thereof.33. The non-woven mat of claim 29 , wherein said chopped glass fibers have lengths from about 0.25 to about 2.0 inches.34. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said synthetic fibers are chopped fibers having lengths from about 0.5 to about 2.0 inches.35. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said chopped glass fibers have diameters of about 5 to 20 microns.36. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said synthetic fibers have diameters of about 10 to 16 microns.37. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said coupling agent is a silane coupling agent.38. The non-woven mat according to claim 29 , wherein said thermoset material comprises at ...

22-09-2016 дата публикации

Nonwoven joint tape having low moisture expansion properties and method for using same

Номер: US20160273234A1
Принадлежит: United States Gypsum Co

The invention is directed to a joint tape for finishing a joint between boards comprising a nonwoven substrate that does not swell substantially in the presence of water. The invention further provides a method of finishing a joint between boards comprising (i) applying a joint tape of the invention to a joint between boards by embedding the joint tape in a first coat of joint compound, (ii) applying a second coat of joint compound over the tape, wherein step (ii) is carried out before the joint tape and joint compound applied in step (i) have substantially dried, and optionally (iii) applying a third fill or finish coat of joint compound over the tape, wherein step (iii) is carried out before the joint tape and second coat have substantially dried.

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Thin layer uv curing coating on non-woven facers

Номер: US20210332260A1
Автор: Paul Geel, XIN Wang

A UV-cured coated facer includes a non-woven mat having a first side and a second side and an intermediate coating disposed on the first side of the non-woven mat. The intermediate coating includes a coating binder and a filler. The UV-cured coated facer also includes a UV-curable coating composition disposed on the intermediate coating, wherein the UV-curable coating composition is essentially free of a filler.

22-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190256673A1

A random mat material including fiber bundles, said fiber bundles including fibers having an average fiber length of 5 to 100 mm, and having an average number N of fibers in the fiber bundle that satisfies: 115.-. (canceled)17. The random mat according to claim 16 , wherein the standard deviation SDof the number of fibers in a fiber bundle satisfies:{'br': None, 'sub': 'N', '2,000 Подробнее

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200254367A1
Принадлежит: Hollingsworth & Vose Company

Filter media suitable for various applications (e.g., hydraulic) and related components, systems, and methods associated therewith are described. The filter media may include a fiber web having a mixture of glass fibers and fibers that are fibrillated. The fibrillated fibers, for example, may be formed of lyocell. 1. (canceled)2. A filter media comprising:a fiber web including glass fibers and fibrillated fibers, the fiber web having a basis weight of between about 10 and about 1000 g/m2 and a thickness of between about 0.10 mm and about 50.0 mm, wherein the average Canadian Standard Freeness level of fibrillation of the lyocell fibers is between 45 and 850.3. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the average Canadian Standard Freeness level of fibrillation is between about 100 and about 600.4. The filter media of claim 1 , wherein the fibrillated fibers comprise between about 5% and about 60% by weight of the fiber web.5. The filter media of claim 4 , wherein the fibrillated fibers comprise between about 5% and about 30% by weight of the fiber web.6. The filter media of claim 2 , further comprising synthetic fibers other than lyocell.7. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the glass fibers comprise between about 40% and about 90% by weight of the fiber web.8. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the glass fibers comprise chopped strand fibers claim 2 , wherein the chopped strand fibers comprise less than about 30% by weight of the fiber web.9. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the glass fibers comprise microglass fibers claim 2 , wherein the microglass fibers comprise between about 40% and about 90% by weight of the fiber web.10. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the filter media is pleated.11. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the filter media is wrapped around an inner substrate.12. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the fiber web has a dust holding capacity of greater than about 50 g/m.13. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the fiber web has ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170268143A1

According to one embodiment, a method of forming a facer includes forming a first layer of nonwoven glass fibers and positioning a second layer of reinforcement fibers atop the first layer of nonwoven glass fibers. The method also includes coating the first layer of nonwoven glass fibers and/or the second layer of reinforcement fibers with a binder composition and pressing the first layer of nonwoven glass fibers and the second layer of reinforcement fibers together between a pair of rollers. The binder composition is then dried to couple the first layer of nonwoven glass fibers and the second layer of reinforcement fibers to form the facer. The first layer of nonwoven glass fibers and/or the second layer of reinforcement fibers are free of a material coating prior to coating of the binder composition.

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190263717A1
Принадлежит: Hollingsworth & Vose Company

Fiber webs that may be coated and used in filter media are provided. In some embodiments, the fiber web is a non-woven web that is coated with a resin including at least two components (e.g., a first component and a second component) that may react with one another to form a copolymer. In some embodiments, the coated fiber web may be sufficiently self-supporting, durable, and strong, such that filter media and/or elements formed of the web do not require additional support structures (e.g., a scrim). 1. (canceled)2. A filter media , comprising:a non-woven web comprising a first plurality of fibers; anda coating that coats at least a portion of the non-woven web, wherein the coating comprises a reaction product of carboxymethylcellulose and a second component.3. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the non-woven web has a dry Mullen Burst strength of greater than or equal to about 10 psi and less than or equal to about 200 psi.4. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the second component is a thermoset monomer claim 2 , oligomer claim 2 , polymer claim 2 , or a combination thereof.5. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the second component is a phenolic monomer claim 2 , oligomer claim 2 , polymer claim 2 , or a combination thereof.6. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the second component is a component of a thermoset resin system.7. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the weight percentage of cellulose fibers in the non-woven web is greater than or equal to about 1 wt % and less than or equal to about 90 wt %.8. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the reaction product is a cross-linked polymer network.9. The filter media of claim 2 , the weight percentage of the coating in the non-woven web greater than or equal to about 10 wt % and less than or equal to about 35 wt %.10. The filter media of claim 2 , wherein the coating coats at least a portion of one surface and at least a portion of the interior of the non-woven web.11. The filter media of claim 2 , ...

08-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150285083A1

A fiber mat for use in the production of a component for a wind turbine, in particular a rotor blade, is provided. The component is curved at least in parts. The fiber mat includes several rovings being arranged side by side and being connected to one another in at least two connection areas, wherein at least one of the rovings is continuous between the at least two connection areas and wherein at least one of the rovings is discontinuous between the at least two connection areas. The fiber mat is advantageous in that the fiber mat can be laid along a curved path without producing wrinkles or crinkles at an inner edge of the fiber mat. 1. A fiber mat for use in the production of a component for a wind turbine , the component being curved at least in parts , the fiber mat comprisingseveral rovings being arranged side by side and being connected to one another in at least two connection areas,wherein at least one of the rovings is continuous between the at least two connection areas andwherein at least one of the rovings is discontinuous between the at least two connection areas.2. The fiber mat of claim 1 ,wherein each roving is divided into sections and wherein gaps are provided between the sections of each roving.3. The fiber mat of claim 2 ,wherein each section is connected to at least one of the connection areas.4. The fiber mat of claim 2 ,wherein the gaps are positioned such that the gaps of neighboring rovings are arranged offset.5. The fiber mat of claim 2 ,wherein a size of the gaps is are configured to be variable when laying the fiber mat on a curved path.6. The fiber mat of claim 5 ,wherein the sections of a single roving are configured for moving relative to each other when laying the fiber mat on the curved path.7. The fiber mat of claim 1 ,wherein the connection areas comprise stitching yarns.8. The fiber mat of claim 1 ,wherein the rovings are made of glass fibers.9. A component for a wind turbine claim 1 , the component being curved at least in parts ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190264857A1
Автор: Hampson Carl

An un-reacted substantially formaldehyde free curable binder solution for binding loose matter consists essentially of a solution obtainable by dissolving a reducing sugar, an ammonium salt acid precursor, optionally a carboxylic acid or a precursor thereof and optionally ammonia in water. 113.-. (canceled)14. A material comprising a collection of loose matter maintained together by a substantially formaldehyde free binder characterized in that the material comprises more that 500 mg/kg of species selected from the group consisting of sulphates , phosphates , nitrates , and carbonates.15. A material in accordance with in which the species selected from the group consisting of sulphates claim 14 , phosphates claim 14 , nitrates claim 14 , and carbonates is derived essentially from binder precursors.1620.-. (canceled) This application is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 12/599,858, filed Mar. 30, 2010, which is a U.S. national counterpart application of International Application Serial No. PCT/EP2008/060185, filed Aug. 1, 2008 under 35 USC § 371, which claims priority to GB Patent Application Serial Number 0715100.4, filed Aug. 3, 2007, GB Patent Application Serial Number 0807777.8, filed Apr. 29, 2008, and GB Patent Application Serial Number 0810297.2, filed Jun. 6, 2008, the entire disclosures of each of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.This invention relates to binders, for example for glass wool or stone wool insulation.WO 2007/014236 (incorporated herein by reference) relates to binders, including binders comprising Maillard reactants. One particular binder disclosed is based on a triammonium citrate-dextrose system derived from mixing dextrose monohydrate, anhydrous citric acid, water and aqueous ammonia. One of the many advantages of this binder system is that it is formaldehyde free.One aspect of the present invention provides a binder solution in accordance with claim ; the dependent claims define alternative and/or preferred ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180274142A1
Автор: KEMPSTER Vincent Paul

According to the invention, there is provided a method of compressing an uncured man-made vitreous fibre web, the web having two opposed major faces. The method comprising the steps: passing the web along a path; and subjecting the web to thickness compression by applying compression to the two major opposed faces of the web. Compression of each of said major faces of the web is applied by passing the path between converging continuous or discontinuous compression surfaces. Further, the respective major face of the web that is being compressed is in contact with one of the converging compression surfaces, and said converging compression surface is inclined towards the path. Additionally, each inclined converging compression surface applies an amount of compression to the major face of the web with which the respective inclined converging surface is in contact, wherein the amount of compression applied to at least one of the two opposing major faces of the web is adjustable. 1. A method of compressing an uncured man-made vitreous fibre web , the web having two opposed major faces , wherein the method comprises the steps:passing the web along a path; andsubjecting the web to thickness compression by applying compression to the two major opposed faces of the web,whereincompression of each of said major faces of the web is applied by passing the path between converging continuous or discontinuous compression surfaces,whereinthe respective major face of the web that is being compressed is in contact with one of the converging compression surfaces,whereinsaid converging compression surface is inclined towards the path, and whereineach inclined converging compression surface applies an amount of compression to the major face of the web with which the respective inclined converging surface is in contact, wherein the amount of compression applied to at least one of the two opposing major faces of the web is adjustable.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein each surface ...
