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16-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000005594U1

1. Устройство для продольного раскроя материала на полосы, содержащее раму, смонтированные на ней один под другим два рабочих сменных вала с режущими элементами и привод, отличающееся тем, что перед рабочими валами установлены на раме неподвижный ролик с отверстиями для прохождения воздуха, две подвижные щеки и стол стыковочный, а после рабочих валов - подвижная штанга с закрепленными на каждой ее грани пальцами, выставленными на размер раскраиваемых полос. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что один из рабочих валов с режущими элементами расположен под углом 30 - 40 к другому рабочему валу. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что скорость вращения ножей и скорость подачи материала равны между собой. (19) RU (11) (13) 5 594 U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/04 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 96116262/20, 06.08.1996 (46) Опубликовано: 16.12.1997 (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Омскшина" (72) Автор(ы): Гаврюшенко С.С. U 1 5 5 9 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для продольного раскроя материала на полосы, содержащее раму, смонтированные на ней один под другим два рабочих сменных вала с режущими элементами и привод, отличающееся тем, что перед рабочими валами установлены на раме неподвижный ролик с отверстиями для прохождения воздуха, две подвижные щеки и стол стыковочный, а после рабочих валов - подвижная штанга с закрепленными на каждой ее грани пальцами, выставленными на размер раскраиваемых полос. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что один из рабочих валов с режущими элементами расположен под углом 30 - 40 ъ к другому рабочему валу. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что скорость вращения ножей и скорость подачи материала равны между собой. 5 5 9 4 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПРОДОЛЬНОГО РАСКРОЯ МАТЕРИАЛА НА ПОЛОСЫ R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Омскшина" U 1 U 1 5 5 9 4 5 5 9 4 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: ...

16-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000007681U1

Устройство для резки эластичных листовых материалов, включающее станину, приспособление для подачи эластичного листового материала, режущий инструмент, прижим и привод, отличающееся тем, что прижим выполнен гребенчатой формы с иглами на выступах гребней, во впадинах гребней размещены дополнительные рычажные прижимы, режущий инструмент размещен на каретке, установленной с возможностью перемещения вдоль гребенчатого прижима, а привод движения каретки снабжен демпфером, при этом гребенчатый прижим установлен с возможностью вертикального перемещения перпендикулярно плоскости станины и горизонтального перемещения перпендикулярно движению каретки. (19) RU (11) (13) 7 681 U1 (51) МПК C14B 5/00 (1995.01) D06H 7/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95121281/20, 26.12.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.09.1998 (71) Заявитель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Техоснастка" (73) Патентообладатель(и): Закрытое акционерное общество "Техоснастка" U 1 7 6 8 1 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для резки эластичных листовых материалов, включающее станину, приспособление для подачи эластичного листового материала, режущий инструмент, прижим и привод, отличающееся тем, что прижим выполнен гребенчатой формы с иглами на выступах гребней, во впадинах гребней размещены дополнительные рычажные прижимы, режущий инструмент размещен на каретке, установленной с возможностью перемещения вдоль гребенчатого прижима, а привод движения каретки снабжен демпфером, при этом гребенчатый прижим установлен с возможностью вертикального перемещения перпендикулярно плоскости станины и горизонтального перемещения перпендикулярно движению каретки. 7 6 8 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ РЕЗКИ ЭЛАСТИЧНЫХ ЛИСТОВЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ R U (72) Автор(ы): Сысоев В.В., Мачулин А.П. RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1 RU 7 681 U1

10-02-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000016743U1

Машина для резки твердых отходов текстильного производства, содержащая остов и смонтированные на нем механизм питания, режущую головку, привод, металлодетектор, выпускной транспортер, шлифовальное устройство, отличающаяся тем, что механизм питания выполнен из транспортера и двух вытяжных пар, верхние валики которых подпружинены, имеют эластичную поверхность, неподвижный нож, установленный жестко перед режущей головкой. (19) RU (11) 16 743 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/02 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2000108359/20, 05.04.2000 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.04.2000 (46) Опубликовано: 10.02.2001 (72) Автор(ы): Базунов Л.Ю., Шмелев М.В. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Ивчесмаш" U 1 1 6 7 4 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Машина для резки твердых отходов текстильного производства, содержащая остов и смонтированные на нем механизм питания, режущую головку, привод, металлодетектор, выпускной транспортер, шлифовальное устройство, отличающаяся тем, что механизм питания выполнен из транспортера и двух вытяжных пар, верхние валики которых подпружинены, имеют эластичную поверхность, неподвижный нож, установленный жестко перед режущей головкой. 1 6 7 4 3 (54) МАШИНА ДЛЯ РЕЗКИ ТВЕРДЫХ ОТХОДОВ ТЕКСТИЛЬНОГО ПРОИЗВОДСТВА R U Адрес для переписки: 153027, г.Иваново, ул. П. Большевикова 27, ОАО "Ивчесмаш" (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Ивчесмаш" RU FD 16 743 U1 RU 16 743 U1 RU 16 743 U1 RU FA 16 743 U1 RU DR 16 743 U1

10-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027598U1

Машина для переработки текстильных отходов в волокнистую массу, содержащая остов и смонтированные на нем механизм питания, состоящий из транспортера, уплотняющей пары валиков, чистильного валика, обтянутых пильчатой гарнитурой, разволокняющий барабан, вентилятор с соплом, привод и пульт управления, отличающаяся тем, что после разволокняющего барабана установлен съемно-чешущий барабан, в верхней части которого смонтирован чешущий сегмент, а в нижней части - съемный нож. (19) RU (11) 27 598 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2002109959/20 , 17.04.2002 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 17.04.2002 (46) Опубликовано: 10.02.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Базунов Л.Ю., Агапов И.И. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Ивчесмаш" U 1 2 7 5 9 8 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Машина для переработки текстильных отходов в волокнистую массу, содержащая остов и смонтированные на нем механизм питания, состоящий из транспортера, уплотняющей пары валиков, чистильного валика, обтянутых пильчатой гарнитурой, разволокняющий барабан, вентилятор с соплом, привод и пульт управления, отличающаяся тем, что после разволокняющего барабана установлен съемно-чешущий барабан, в верхней части которого смонтирован чешущий сегмент, а в нижней части - съемный нож. 2 7 5 9 8 (54) МАШИНА ДЛЯ ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ ТЕКСТИЛЬНЫХ ОТХОДОВ В ВОЛОКНИСТУЮ МАССУ R U Адрес для переписки: 153027, г.Иваново, ул. П. Большевикова, 27, ОАО "Ивчесмаш" (71) Заявитель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Ивчесмаш" U 1 U 1 2 7 5 9 8 2 7 5 9 8 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 27 598 U1 RU 27 598 U1 RU 27 598 U1 RU 27 598 U1

27-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000036836U1

Устройство для обтягивания цельнометаллической лентой барабана чесальной машины, включающее механизм протяжки цельнометаллической пильчатой ленты, бухтодержатель, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено индивидуальным приводом, выполненным с электронным блоком, дистанционным управлением и планетарным редуктором, который связан, например, цепной передачей с обтягиваемым барабаном чесальной машины, а механизм протяжки имеет подвижный корпус с подпружиненными пластинами для натяжения ленты. (19) RU (11) 36 836 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003134493/20 , 27.11.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 27.11.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 27.03.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Ивчесмаш" U 1 3 6 8 3 6 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для обтягивания цельнометаллической лентой барабана чесальной машины, включающее механизм протяжки цельнометаллической пильчатой ленты, бухтодержатель, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено индивидуальным приводом, выполненным с электронным блоком, дистанционным управлением и планетарным редуктором, который связан, например, цепной передачей с обтягиваемым барабаном чесальной машины, а механизм протяжки имеет подвижный корпус с подпружиненными пластинами для натяжения ленты. 3 6 8 3 6 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОБТЯГИВАНИЯ ЦЕЛЬНОМЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКОЙ ЛЕНТОЙ БАРАБАНА ЧЕСАЛЬНОЙ МАШИНЫ R U Адрес для переписки: 153027, г.Иваново, ул. П. Большевикова, 27, ОАО "Ивчесмаш" (72) Автор(ы): Базунов Л.Ю., Сафронов Ю.В. U 1 U 1 3 6 8 3 6 3 6 8 3 6 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1 RU 36 836 U1

20-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000039892U1
Автор: Базунов Л.Ю.

Поточная линия для переработки отходов текстильной промышленности, например, для производства ваты, содержащая машины для разволокнения текстильных отходов, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет установленные последовательно по ходу технологического процесса питающий транспортер, машину для предварительного разволокнения отходов, машину для окончательного разволокнения отходов, машину для расчесывания и формирования ваты на барабан, кинематически связанные между собой бункерами с выпускными валами с помощью вентиляторов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 39 892 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003132381/20 , 10.11.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 10.11.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 20.08.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Базунов Л.Ю. (RU) Адрес для переписки: 153027, г.Иваново, ул. П. Большевикова, 27, ОАО "Ивчесмаш" U 1 3 9 8 9 2 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Поточная линия для переработки отходов текстильной промышленности, например, для производства ваты, содержащая машины для разволокнения текстильных отходов, отличающаяся тем, что она имеет установленные последовательно по ходу технологического процесса питающий транспортер, машину для предварительного разволокнения отходов, машину для окончательного разволокнения отходов, машину для расчесывания и формирования ваты на барабан, кинематически связанные между собой бункерами с выпускными валами с помощью вентиляторов. 3 9 8 9 2 (54) ПОТОЧНАЯ ЛИНИЯ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ ОТХОДОВ ТЕКСТИЛЬНОЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ ДЛЯ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА, НАПРИМЕР, ВАТЫ R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Открытое акционерное общество "Ивчесмаш" (RU) RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 39 892 U1 Полезная модель относится к переработке текстильных отходов в виде лоскута, тряпья, путанки из хлопчатобумажных, льняных, шерстяных волокон и их смесей с химическими в волокнистую массу для использования ее в ...

10-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000049830U1

Устройство для поперечного резания длинномерного материала, содержащее остов, вал с установленными на нем режущими элементами, неподвижный нож, систему подачи текстильного материала, отличающееся тем, что режущие элементы имеют упругую установку на вращающемся валу с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения в плоскости их установки посредством взаимодействия с коромыслово-ползунным механизмом с упругой связью, а геометрическая ось вращения вала является перекрещивающейся с монтажной базой неподвижного ножа. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 49 830 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/02 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2005122204/22 , 13.07.2005 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.07.2005 (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2005 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (RU) U 1 4 9 8 3 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Устройство для поперечного резания длинномерного материала, содержащее остов, вал с установленными на нем режущими элементами, неподвижный нож, систему подачи текстильного материала, отличающееся тем, что режущие элементы имеют упругую установку на вращающемся валу с возможностью возвратно-поступательного перемещения в плоскости их установки посредством взаимодействия с коромыслово-ползунным механизмом с упругой связью, а геометрическая ось вращения вала является перекрещивающейся с монтажной базой неподвижного ножа. 4 9 8 3 0 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ПОПЕРЕЧНОГО РЕЗАНИЯ ДЛИННОМЕРНОГО МАТЕРИАЛА R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса, 21, ИГТА, комн.359, патентный отдел (72) Автор(ы): Калинин Е.Н. (RU) , Горьков Г.Н. (RU) , Горькова А.Г. (RU) U 1 U 1 4 9 8 3 0 4 9 8 3 0 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 49 830 U1 Полезная модель относится к текстильной промышленности и ...

27-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000072700U1

Средство для нарезания рулонов косой бейки на стационарной раскройной ленточной машине, содержащее упор-ограничитель ширины рулона бейки, заднюю и переднюю стенки, направляющую перемещения устройства к ленточному ножу, отличающееся тем, что над рулоном ткани размещена П-образная крышка с жестко закрепленной на ней передней стенкой, на П-образную крышку надета вертикальная съемная пластина, при этом П-образная крышка с передней стенкой и съемная пластина установлены с возможностью вертикального перемещения, а ленточный нож и правая торцевая сторона крышки, являющаяся направляющей перемещения, расположены в одной плоскости резания. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 72 700 (13) U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/18 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2007148310/22 , 24.12.2007 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 24.12.2007 (45) Опубликовано: 27.04.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Ивановская государственная текстильная академия" (ИГТА) (RU) U 1 7 2 7 0 0 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Средство для нарезания рулонов косой бейки на стационарной раскройной ленточной машине, содержащее упор-ограничитель ширины рулона бейки, заднюю и переднюю стенки, направляющую перемещения устройства к ленточному ножу, отличающееся тем, что над рулоном ткани размещена П-образная крышка с жестко закрепленной на ней передней стенкой, на П-образную крышку надета вертикальная съемная пластина, при этом П-образная крышка с передней стенкой и съемная пластина установлены с возможностью вертикального перемещения, а ленточный нож и правая торцевая сторона крышки, являющаяся направляющей перемещения, расположены в одной плоскости резания. 7 2 7 0 0 (54) СРЕДСТВО ДЛЯ НАРЕЗАНИЯ РУЛОНОВ КОСОЙ БЕЙКИ НА СТАЦИОНАРНОЙ РАСКРОЙНОЙ ЛЕНТОЧНОЙ МАШИНЕ R U Адрес для переписки: 153000, г.Иваново, пр. Ф. Энгельса ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122658U1

1. Стол для резки ткани, снабженный штифтами, вставленными в пазы на поверхности столешницы, отличающийся тем, что штифты установлены на линейке, расположенной поперек столешницы с возможностью перемещения вдоль нее, а пазы на поверхности столешницы выполнены в виде канавок или щелей, вытянутых по направлению перемещения линейки. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что линейка выполнена с возможностью вертикального перемещения штифтов, расположенных в выполненных в столешнице сквозных щелях и снабженных упором в нижнюю поверхность столешницы, обеспечивающим прижатие линейки к поверхности столешницы при подъеме штифтов. 3. Стол по п.2, отличающийся тем, что на линейке установлен привод или несколько приводов вертикального перемещения штифтов. 4. Стол по п.2, отличающийся тем, что на линейке, вдоль нее и над столешницей, установлена с возможностью вертикального перемещения прижимная планка. 5. Стол по п.4, отличающийся тем, что на линейке установлен привод или несколько приводов вертикального перемещения прижимной планки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (13) 122 658 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012141306/12, 28.09.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.09.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Анисимова Вера Александровна (RU), Кармаев Сергей Васильевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.12.2012 Бюл. № 34 1 2 2 6 5 8 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Стол для резки ткани, снабженный штифтами, вставленными в пазы на поверхности столешницы, отличающийся тем, что штифты установлены на линейке, расположенной поперек столешницы с возможностью перемещения вдоль нее, а пазы на поверхности столешницы выполнены в виде канавок или щелей, вытянутых по направлению перемещения линейки. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что линейка выполнена с возможностью вертикального перемещения штифтов, расположенных в выполненных в столешнице сквозных щелях и снабженных упором в нижнюю ...

10-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000125583U1

1. Стол для резки ткани с линейкой, расположенной поперек столешницы с возможностью перемещения вдоль нее, отличающийся тем, что включает привод для перемещения линейки, в столешнице выполнена продольная сквозная щель, а линейка снабжена стержнем, расположенным в сквозной щели столешницы и соединенным с приводом для перемещения линейки. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод для перемещения линейки выполнен ременным. 3. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод для перемещения линейки является электроприводом. 4. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что снабжен пультом управления приводом для перемещения линейки в заданное положение или на заданное расстояние. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (13) 125 583 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012149001/12, 19.11.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.11.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Анисимова Вера Александровна (RU), Кармаев Сергей Васильевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.03.2013 Бюл. № 7 1 2 5 5 8 3 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Стол для резки ткани с линейкой, расположенной поперек столешницы с возможностью перемещения вдоль нее, отличающийся тем, что включает привод для перемещения линейки, в столешнице выполнена продольная сквозная щель, а линейка снабжена стержнем, расположенным в сквозной щели столешницы и соединенным с приводом для перемещения линейки. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод для перемещения линейки выполнен ременным. 3. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что привод для перемещения линейки является электроприводом. 4. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что снабжен пультом управления приводом для перемещения линейки в заданное положение или на заданное расстояние. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СТОЛ ДЛЯ РЕЗКИ ТКАНИ 1 2 5 5 8 3 Адрес для переписки: 125167, Москва, а/я 54, ООО АИС "Технид", Г.Ф. Вострикову R U (73) Патентообладатель(и): Анисимова Вера Александровна (RU), Кармаев Сергей Васильевич ( ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000133134U1

1. Стол для резки ткани с линейкой, расположенной поперек столешницы со сквозными продольными щелями и выполненной со штифтами, расположенными в щелях столешницы, и с возможностью перемещения вдоль столешницы, отличающийся тем, что штифты снабжены элементами прижима ткани, расположенными в продольных щелях столешницы с возможностью вертикального перемещения и прижима к линейке края ткани, располагаемого на столешнице под линейкой. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что штифты установлены на линейке с возможностью вертикального перемещения вместе с элементами прижима ткани. 3. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что элемент прижима ткани установлен на штифте с возможностью вертикального перемещения вдоль штифта. 4. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на снабжен приводами для перемещения штифтов вместе с элементами прижима ткани или элементов прижима ткани вдоль штифтов. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (13) 133 134 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013132127/12, 11.07.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.07.2013 (72) Автор(ы): Анисимова Вера Александровна (RU), Кармаев Сергей Васильевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2013 Бюл. № 28 1 3 3 1 3 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Стол для резки ткани с линейкой, расположенной поперек столешницы со сквозными продольными щелями и выполненной со штифтами, расположенными в щелях столешницы, и с возможностью перемещения вдоль столешницы, отличающийся тем, что штифты снабжены элементами прижима ткани, расположенными в продольных щелях столешницы с возможностью вертикального перемещения и прижима к линейке края ткани, располагаемого на столешнице под линейкой. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что штифты установлены на линейке с возможностью вертикального перемещения вместе с элементами прижима ткани. 3. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что элемент прижима ткани установлен на штифте с возможностью вертикального ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000133135U1

1. Стол для резки ткани с линейкой, расположенной поперек столешницы с продольными сквозными щелями, выполненной со штифтами, расположенными в щелях столешницы, и с возможностью перемещения вдоль столешницы и прижима к поверхности столешницы, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно включает перекладину, установленную под столешницей с возможностью перемещения по направляющим вдоль столешницы, при этом штифты линейки установлены на перекладине, выполненной с приводами вертикального перемещения штифтов для прижима линейки к поверхности столешницы. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество расположенных вдоль столешницы направляющих для перекладины больше двух. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (13) 133 135 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2013132128/12, 11.07.2013 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 11.07.2013 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Анисимова Вера Александровна (RU), Кармаев Сергей Васильевич (RU), Лукас Капитан (CZ) (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2013 Бюл. № 28 1 3 3 1 3 5 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Стол для резки ткани с линейкой, расположенной поперек столешницы с продольными сквозными щелями, выполненной со штифтами, расположенными в щелях столешницы, и с возможностью перемещения вдоль столешницы и прижима к поверхности столешницы, отличающийся тем, что дополнительно включает перекладину, установленную под столешницей с возможностью перемещения по направляющим вдоль столешницы, при этом штифты линейки установлены на перекладине, выполненной с приводами вертикального перемещения штифтов для прижима линейки к поверхности столешницы. 2. Стол по п.1, отличающийся тем, что количество расположенных вдоль столешницы направляющих для перекладины больше двух. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) СТОЛ ДЛЯ РЕЗКИ ТКАНИ 1 3 3 1 3 5 Адрес для переписки: 125167, Москва, а/я 54, ООО АИС "Технид", Вострикову Г.Ф. R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 11.07.2013 (72) ...

20-06-2017 дата публикации

Устройство продольного возвратно-поступательного движения раскройного ножа

Номер: RU0000171902U1

Полезная модель относится к технологическому оборудованию легкой промышленности и может быть использована для возвратно-поступательного перемещения ножа в машинах и автоматах с пластинчатыми консольными стержневыми ножами для раскроя многослойных настилов и им подобных материалов. Задачей полезной модели является повышение качества раскроя многослойных настилов материалов. Технический результат - увеличение точности раскроя многослойных настилов материалов за счет улучшения чистоты среза. Устройство продольного возвратно-поступательного движения раскройного ножа, содержащее привод механизма, раскройный нож, кривошипно-ползунный механизм, отличающееся тем, что палец кривошипа кинематически соединен с шатуном и смонтирован в опоре кривошипа, с возможностью вращения, при этом кривошип является водилом зубчатого колеса, закрепленного на одном конце пальца и входящего в зацепление с неподвижным зубчатым колесом, смонтированным соосно с осью вращения кривошипа, а другой конец пальца выполнен в виде эксцентрика, входящего в кинематическую пару вращения с шатуном, образующим кинематическую пару с ползуном, на котором закреплен раскройный нож. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 902 U1 (51) МПК D06H 7/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016149393, 15.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 15.12.2016 20.06.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 15.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2017 Бюл. № 17 2235154 C1, 27.08.2004. KG 1544 C1, 31.05.2013. R U (54) Устройство продольного возвратно-поступательного движения раскройного ножа (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к содержащее привод механизма, раскройный нож, технологическому оборудованию легкой кривошипно-ползунный механизм, отличающееся промышленности и может быть использована тем, что палец кривошипа кинематически для возвратно-поступательного перемещения соединен с шатуном и смонтирован в опоре ножа в ...

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Device for Transferring and Aligning Strips Intended to be Assembled to form a Ply

Номер: US20120067516A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for manufacturing a reinforcing ply N by assembling lengths of strip cut at an angle, comprising: a feed means ( 300 ) for delivering a strip (B), an assembly belt ( 101 ), a transfer means ( 200 ) for conveying onto the assembly belt a given length of straight-grain strip in a direction (AA′) comprising a retaining wall ( 211 ), parallel to the planes of the assembly belt ( 101 ) and of the feed means, and a first face ( 211 a ) of which is intended to come into contact with the surface of the strip, in which device the feed means ( 300 ), the transfer means ( 200 ) and the assembly belt ( 101 ) are fitted with magnetic means. The retaining wall ( 211 ) is able to move up and down and back and forth, and the magnetic means are adjusted so that when the device is in operation: in the lowered position, the said magnetic means of the transfer means ( 212 ) exert on the metallic threads of the strip a magnetic field of a strength higher than the strength of the magnetic field exerted by the magnetic means ( 102, 103, 104 ) positioned on the feed means ( 300 ), in the raised position, the said magnetic means of the transfer means ( 212 ) exert a magnetic field of a strength weaker than the strength of the magnetic field exerted by the magnetic means positioned on the assembly belt ( 101 ).

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for separating dunnage from a pallet

Номер: US20120138652A1
Автор: Donald Long
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides an apparatus for separating dunnage from a pallet which generally comprises a base plate for placement on a floor, a shearing surface positioned at a predetermined distance above the base plate, and means for securing the shearing surface to the base plate. The shearing surface includes a bottom edge which is substantially planar with the base plate. The base plate, bottom edge of the shearing surface, and the means for securing define an opening for passing a pallet therethrough. In a second aspect, the present invention includes a method for separating dunnage from a pallet which generally comprises providing the apparatus, and forcing the pallet through the opening, whereby the shearing surface separates the dunnage from the pallet when the pallet passes through the opening.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Continuous web of a plurality of tabs and methods of making and using the same

Номер: US20120205037A1
Автор: Peter Kitzer
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An elongate continuous material web is disclosed that includes a plurality of adjacent tabs arranged in a longitudinal direction of the web with connection regions between adjacent tabs. Each connection region includes three or more incisions that extend in the transverse direction of the web and are arranged in a manner such that at least one extensible connection member, extensible in the longitudinal direction of the web, is formed. At least one incision forms a side incision that travels through one longitudinal edge of the web, and at least one incision forms a further side incision that travels through the other longitudinal edge of the web. Also disclosed are a method for making such a web, a method for manufacturing a tab from such a web, a method for manufacturing an absorbent hygiene product with the help of such a web, and a cutting device to produce such a web.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable seal trimmer and method of use thereof

Номер: US20120311867A1
Принадлежит: PPC Broadband Inc

A support member having an inner sleeve portion and an outer sleeve portion defining a cavity therebetween, and a length guide portion variably disposed within the cavity of the support member is provided. Moreover, an inner sleeve portion insertable within the port seal for preventing deformation of the seal under a force of a cutting blade, an outer sleeve portion configured to radially surround a port seal, a bottom surface portion connecting the outer sleeve portion to the inner sleeve portion, wherein the bottom surface portion includes a plurality of openings, a plurality of axial fingers configured to extend from the bottom surface portion through the plurality of openings, wherein an extension of the plurality of axial fingers determines a length of a port seal is also provided. Furthermore, an associated method is also provided.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Absorbing disposable incontinence diaper

Номер: US20120316534A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A disposable absorbent incontinence diaper ( 2 ) has a main part ( 4 ), with a front area ( 6 ), a rear area ( 8 ) and a crotch area ( 10 ) as well as rear side sections ( 20 ) joined on both sides to the rear area ( 8 ) and front side sections ( 22 ) joined on both sides to the front area ( 6 ) and extending in a transverse direction ( 30 ) past lateral front and rear longitudinal edges ( 42, 41 ) of the main part ( 4 ) to connect the front area ( 6 ) and the rear area ( 8 ) when the disposable incontinence diaper has been applied. The article is shaped by one single respective separating process and holding forces between closing elements ( 32 ) and the outer side of the first front side sections ( 22 ) are larger than holding forces between the closing elements and the outer side of the main part ( 4 ).

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130110073A1
Автор: Umebayashi Toyoshi

The present invention relates to a disposable worn article, including: an absorbent body including an absorbent core which absorbs body fluid laminated between a liquid-permeable top sheet and a liquid-impermeable back sheet ; a pair of front flaps Ff extending in a girth direction X to be continuous with a front portion of the absorbent body that covers a front surface of a torso of a wearer; and a pair of back flaps Fb extending in the girth direction to be continuous with a back portion of the absorbent body that covers a back surface of the torso of the wearer, wherein: the front and back flaps Ff and Fb include a stretchable non-woven fabric that stretches in the girth direction X; and an entire area of the absorbent core is not essentially covered by the stretchable non-woven fabric 1. A disposable worn article comprising:an absorbent body including an absorbent core absorbing body fluid, the absorbent core laminated between a liquid-permeable top sheet and a liquid-impermeable back sheet;a pair of front flaps extending in a girth direction to be continuous with a front portion of the absorbent body that covers a front surface of a torso of a wearer; anda pair of back flaps extending in the girth direction to be continuous with a back portion of the absorbent body that covers a back surface of the torso of the wearer, wherein:the front flaps and the back flaps each include at least one stretchable non-woven fabric that stretches in the girth direction; andan entire area of the absorbent core is not essentially covered by the stretchable non-woven fabric.2. A method for manufacturing a worn article according to claim 1 , comprising the steps of:obtaining a first and second laminate non-woven fabrics including pieces of the stretchable non-woven fabric arranged intermittently on a continuous non-woven fabric that is continuous in a longitudinal direction and is essentially non-stretchable while the pieces of the stretchable non-woven fabric are being elongated ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130157002A1
Автор: MARAMOTTI Luigi

A method including: 1. A method comprising the steps of:providing a portion of double cloth comprising a first layer joined to a second layer, the first layer being joined to the second layer by means of a two-dimensional distribution of joining threads obtained by weaving;detaching the first layer from the second layer along an edge zone of the double cloth, so as to define on the first layer a band in which the first layer is separated from the second layer;cutting said band of the first layer, so that the second layer exhibits a projecting strip which projects with respect to a free edge of the first layer;arranging a further portion of fabric in contact with the second layer;joining the further portion of fabric to the second layer by means of a joining line arranged along the projecting strip;after the step of joining, turning the further portion of fabric, such as to move the further portion of fabric away from the second layer.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the first layer is detached from the second layer by introducing therebetween a blade for breaking a plurality of threads of said two-dimensional distribution of joining threads.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the free edge is defined on the first layer when the band is cut claim 1 , such that the projecting strip projects from a side of the free edge and a joining area extends on another side of the free edge claim 1 , the first layer being joined to the second layer in the joining area.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of turning brings the further portion of fabric to face at least partially the first layer.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , during the step of turning claim 1 , the projecting strip rotates about the free edge and the further portion of fabric rotates about the joining line up to being superposed on the first layer.6. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the joining line is parallel to the free edge.7. A method according to ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130176422A1
Принадлежит: Automated Vision, LLC

Systems, methods, and computer program products for processing coverings such as leather hides and fabrics are provided. A system for processing coverings can include a conveyor having a surface on which a covering can be placed and being rotatable to move the covering in at least one direction. An imaging device can be configured to obtain an image of the covering on the surface of the conveyor. A projector can be configured to project an image onto the surface and the covering. The covering and the projected image can have a positional relationship to one another. A controller can be in communication with the imaging device and projector. The controller can be configured to project and move the projected image of the projector with the covering to maintain a positional relationship of the projected corrected image to the covering upon rotation of the conveyor. Methods are also provided for orienting an image projected onto work surface with a covering on the work surface to align the image and covering. 1. A system for processing coverings , the system comprising:a conveyor having a surface on which a covering is placeable, the conveyor being rotatable to move the covering in at least one direction;an imaging device configured to obtain an image of the covering on the surface of the conveyor;a projector configured to project an image onto the surface of the conveyor and the covering on the surface, the covering and the projected image having a positional relationship to one another; anda controller in communication with the imaging; device and projector, the controller configured to project and move the projected image of the projector with the covering to maintain a positional relationship of the projected corrected image to the covering upon rotation of the conveyor.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the controller further comprises one or more pointing devices in communication with the controller claim 1 , the one or more pointing devices configured ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing disposable worn article

Номер: US20130178350A1
Автор: Toyoshi Umebayashi
Принадлежит: Zuiko Corp

A method for manufacturing a disposable worn article including an absorbent body 2 and an external sheet 3 , the method including the steps of: carrying a continuous sheet in a carrying direction X, wherein the continuous sheet includes external sheets 3 continuous with one another in the carrying direction, the external sheets 3 being stretchable in a girth direction Y and substantially less stretchable in the carrying direction X perpendicular to the girth direction Y; placing the absorbent body 2 on the continuous sheet while a front portion 2 f , a crotch portion 2 c and a rear portion 2 b are lined up in the carrying direction X; and severing the continuous sheet along a virtual cut-off line extending in the girth direction Y, thereby obtaining individual worn articles each having the absorbent body 2 placed on the external sheet 3.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180373A1

A cutting plotter includes a cut mechanism, an operation device, a processor and a memory. The cut mechanism is to cut a pattern from a cut target. The holding member is to hold the cut target and set on the cutting plotter. The operation device is to receive input. The memory stores computer-readable instructions that instruct the cutting plotter to execute steps including designating, selecting, determining, and instructing. The designating includes designating a partial area based on an input. The partial area is a part of a holding area. The selecting includes selecting a certain pattern from plural patterns based on an input. The determining includes determining a position, included in the partial area, of the certain pattern on the cut target. The instructing includes instructing the cut mechanism to cut the certain pattern from the position on the cut target determined by the determining. 1. A cutting plotter comprising:a cut mechanism configured to cut a pattern from a cut target by relatively moving a cutting blade and a holding member, the holding member being configured to hold the cut target and being to be set on the cutting plotter;an operation device configured to receive input;a processor; and designating a partial area based on an input received by the operation device, the partial area being a pan of a holding area in which the cut target is held;', 'selecting a certain pattern from plural patterns based on an input received by the operation device;', 'determining a position of the certain pattern on the cut target, the position being included in the partial area; and', 'instructing the cut mechanism to cut the certain pattern from the position on the cut target determined by the determining., 'a memory storing computer-readable instructions therein, wherein the computer-readable instructions instruct the cutting plotter to execute steps comprising2. The cutting plotter according to claim 1 , whereinthe designating comprises designating the partial ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130180374A1

A cutting apparatus includes a cutting unit configured to move a holding member set on the cutting apparatus and a cutting blade relative to each other thereby to cut a desired pattern out of at least one object to be cut, by the cutting blade, the holding member holding the object so that the object is removable therefrom, a detection unit configured to detect information including a hold position of the object held by the holding member, a pattern selecting unit configured to select a desirable one of a plurality of patterns, and an arrangement unit which sets an arrangement position of the pattern selected by the pattern selecting unit, relative to the object, based on the detected hold position of the object. The pattern is cut off by the cutting unit with the arrangement position set by the arrangement unit serving as a cutting position of the object. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising:a cutting unit which is configured to move a holding member set on the cutting apparatus and a cutting blade relative to each other thereby to cut a desired pattern out of at least one object to be cut, by the cutting blade, the holding member holding the object so that the object is removable therefrom;a detection unit which is configured to detect information including a hold position of the object held by the holding member;a pattern selecting unit which is configured to select a desirable one of a plurality of patterns;an arrangement unit which sets an arrangement position of the pattern selected by the pattern selecting unit, relative to the object, based on the hold position of the object detected by the detection unit, wherein the pattern is cut off by the cutting unit with the arrangement position set by the arrangement unit serving as a cutting position of the object.2. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a display unit claim 1 , wherein when the arrangement position of the pattern has been set by the arrangement unit claim 1 , the display unit ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Weaving Finishing Device

Номер: US20130186505A1
Автор: Cross Tory M., Dua Bhupesh
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A dynamic finishing device that is able to finish one side of a product independently of a second side of the product while the product is being woven is provided. The sides may be finished in a non-linear fashion by the dynamic finishing device. Additionally, one or more finishing devices can be dynamically positioned in an interior portion of the woven product as it is being woven. Once positioned, the finishing devices may create apertures, pockets, and/or tunnels in the woven product and finish the edges of these creations. Finishing in the interior portions of the woven product occurs in the direction of the warp and in the direction of the weft. 1. A finishing device , the finishing device comprising:a positioning mechanism; anda finishing mechanism, the finishing mechanism coupled with the positioning mechanism.2. The finishing device of claim 1 , further comprising:a logic unit programmably-coupled to the finishing device and the positioning mechanism.3. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is located along a lateral beam edge.4. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is located in an interior portion of a beam.5. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device moves in a lateral direction.6. The finishing device of claim 5 , wherein the finishing device moves in the direction of a weft thread.7. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is functional to finish warp threads.8. The finishing device of claim 1 , wherein the finishing device is functional to finish weft threads.9. The finishing device of is further comprised of a cutting mechanism.10. The finishing device of claim 9 , wherein the cutting mechanism is functional for cutting weft threads.11. The finishing device of claim 9 , wherein the cutting mechanism is functional for cutting warp threads.12. The finishing device of further comprised of a second finishing mechanism and a second positioning mechanism claim 1 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239376A1

In various embodiments, the present disclosure relates generally to a method for needling a spiral textile to create a needled preform, the method comprising receiving the spiral textile on a bed plate of a circular needle loom, engaging a positional structure of the spiral textile, rotating the spiral textile around the circular needle loom, depositing a predetermined number of layers of the spiral textile on the bed plate, and needling the spiral textile to create the needled preform. Moreover, the present disclosure also provides, in various embodiments, a method for creating a circular needled preform from a spiral textile, comprising attaching sacrificial fibers to at least one of the weft tow and the plurality of warp tows proximate at least one of the inside diameter and the outside diameter, and engaging the sacrificial fibers with an engagement mechanism on a circular needle loom. 1. A method for needling a spiral textile to create a needled preform , the method comprising: receiving the spiral textile on a bed plate of a circular needle loom;engaging a positional structure of the spiral textile;rotating the spiral textile around the circular needle loom;depositing a predetermined number of layers of the spiral textile on the bed plate; andneedling the spiral textile to create the needled preform.2. A method for creating a circular needled preform from a spiral textile , comprising:weaving a weft tow from an inside diameter to an outside diameter of the spiral textile into a plurality of warp tows spaced between the inside diameter and the outside diameter;attaching sacrificial fibers to at least one of the weft tow and the plurality of warp tows proximate at least one of the inside diameter and the outside diameter;engaging the sacrificial fibers with an engagement mechanism on a circular needle loom;moving the spiral textile on the circular needle loom to deploy a predetermined number of layers of the spiral textile on the circular needle loom; ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255458A1

A cutting plotter includes a processor and a memory. The memory stores computer-readable instructions that cause the processor to perform setting, counting, storing, and notifying when executed. The setting sets a plurality of partial areas by dividing a cuttable area of a holding member, the cuttable area is an area in which a cutting object is to be detachably adhered. The counting counts a number of cuts by a cutting blade within the cuttable area for each of the plurality of partial areas. The storing stores each of count values associated with each of the plurality of partial areas in a storage portion, each of the count values is counted by the counting for each of the plurality of partial areas. The notifying notifies, based on the count values stored in the storage portion, information relating to the number of cuts for each of the plurality of partial areas. 1. A cutting plotter comprising:a processor; and setting a plurality of partial areas by dividing a cuttable area of a holding member, the cuttable area being an area in which a cutting object is to be detachably adhered;', 'counting a number of cuts by a cutting blade within the cuttable area for each of the plurality of partial areas;', 'storing each of count values associated with each of the plurality of partial areas in a storage portion, each of the count values being counted by the counting for each of the plurality of partial areas; and', 'notifying, based on the count values stored in the storage portion, information relating to the number of cuts for each of the plurality of partial areas., 'a memory storing computer-readable instructions, the instructions, when executed by the processor, causing the processor to perform2. The cutting plotter according to claim 1 , wherein specifying at least one partial area from the plurality of the partial areas as a specified area based on the count values stored in the storage portion, the count value of the specified area being greater than the count ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Apparatuses and Methods for Making Absorbent Articles

Номер: US20130255864A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to methods and apparatuses for assembling absorbent articles, and more particularly, diaper pants, each including a chassis connected with front and back elastic belts. As discussed in more detail below, opposing end regions of the chassis are connected with regions of the elastic belts where the elasticity of the elastic belts has been removed or deactivated. As discussed in more detail below, an elastic laminate may be formed by continuously bonding elastic strands between a first continuous substrate layer and a second continuous substrate layer. The elastic strands are then intermittently severed in light-bond regions of the elastic laminate. Adhesive on the laminate causes the severed elastic ends to retract or snap back from the light-bond regions at a relatively slower and/or controlled rate.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Elastic Member Cutting Roll System, Method, and Absorbent Article Made Therefrom

Номер: US20130261589A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

The present disclosure relates to apparatuses for cutting an elastic member suitable for use in absorbent articles. The cutting roll system includes: an anvil roll; and a cutting roll adjacent the anvil roll, the cutting roll adapted to rotate about a roll axis, and wherein the cutting roll comprises a knife block; wherein the knife block comprises at least two rows of knife edges, each row having at least two knife edges arrayed linearly parallel to the roll axis; each row of knife edges circumferentially spaced apart from each other; each knife edge oriented at an angle which does not match with the roll axis direction or a roll circumferential direction, the roll circumferential direction being perpendicular to the roll axis direction; the knife edges in the same knife block staggered with each other such that each elastic strand in the region is cut no more than once. 1. A cutting roll system for cutting a plurality of elastic strands in a region , the cutting roll system comprising:an anvil roll; anda cutting roll adjacent the anvil roll, the cutting roll adapted to rotate about a roll axis, and wherein the cutting roll comprises a knife block;wherein the knife block comprises at least two rows of knife edges, each row having at least two knife edges arrayed linearly parallel to the roll axis; each row of knife edges circumferentially spaced apart from each other;each knife edge oriented at an angle which does not match with the roll axis direction or a roll circumferential direction, the roll circumferential direction being perpendicular to the roll axis direction;the knife edges in the same knife block staggered with each other such that each elastic strand in the region is cut no more than once.2. The cutting roll system of claim 1 , wherein the knife edge is a rotary die cutter.3. The cutting roll system of claim 1 , wherein the knife edges in the same knife block are oriented in the same angle to the roll axis.4. The cutting roll system of claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331250A1
Автор: Coulombe Benoit

Unattached elastic portions of an elasticised web are grasped and raised above a support surface for feeding the elasticised web. The raised portions are brought into contact with a knife blade that is positioned to protrude through the thickness of the raised elastic layer into free space so as to remain spaced from the support surface that is moving beneath the blade in a direction normal to the support surface. The raised elastic layer is held raised during trimming with the knife blade by an elevation element over which the elastic layer runs. A grasping device holds the unattached portion being cut in a taut state in the cross machine direction. The elastic layer thus spans across the elevation element and the grasping device. The knife blade extends through the thickness of the elastic layer along the spanned part of the elastic layer into free space. 1. A method of trimming material from a web in a method of manufacturing an absorbent article , the trimming method comprising:feeding the web and holding it against a support surface;holding material to be trimmed in an elevated position from the support surface as the web is fed, held against the support surface;trimming the elevated material from the web with a knife blade that is spaced from the support surface.2. The method of claim 1 , where the material to be trimmed is part of an elastic layer attached to the web.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the knife blade protrudes beyond the elevated material in the thickness direction of the elevated material toward the support surface yet is spaced from the support surface.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein an elevation element is used to hold the material elevated above the support surface such that the knife blade severs the elevated material as it is positioned over the elevation element.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the elevated material is held taut against the elevation element so that the knife blade severs the taut elevated material.6. The method ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000429A1

A cutting apparatus comprises a cutter holder configured to receive a cutter, a transfer mechanism configured to transfer an object to a first direction. The cutting apparatus further comprises a cutter moving mechanism configured to move the cutter holder to a second direction, and the first direction and the second direction are relative to each other. The cutting apparatus further comprises a pressure control mechanism configured to change a pressure of the cutter holder to the object, based on a pressure value for pressing the cutter holder. The cutting apparatus further comprises a processor and a memory. The memory is configured to store computer-readable instructions, when executed by the processor, cause the cutting apparatus to specify a specific pressure value for pressing the cutter holder by the pressure control mechanism, according to one or more of the first direction and the second direction. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising:a cutter holder configured to receive a cutter;a transfer mechanism configured to transfer an object to as first direction;a cutter moving mechanism configured to move the cutter holder to a second direction, the first direction and the second direction are relative to each other;a pressure control mechanism configured to change a pressure of the cutter holder to the object, based on a pressure value for pressing the cutter holder;a processor; anda memory configured to store computer-readable instructions, when executed by the processor, cause the cutting apparatus to:specify a specific pressure value for pressing the cutter holder by the pressure control mechanism, according to one or more of the first direction and the second direction.2. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the specifying the specific pressure value comprises specifying a first pressure value for pressing the cutter holder by the pressure control mechanism, when the transfer mechanism transfers the object to the first direction; andwherein the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Weight Material Dispensing And Cutting System

Номер: US20140000432A1

An apparatus includes a receiving module, a conversion module, first and second rollers, a motor, a forcing member, an implement, and a cutting head. The receiving module receives a desired weight value to correct an imbalance of a wheel/tire assembly. The conversion module converts the desired weight value to a corresponding first amount of a wheel weight material. The first and second rollers engage first and second opposing sides of the wheel weight material. The motor drives the first roller according to the first amount. The forcing member presses the second roller in a first direction that forms an angle with an axis of the first roller. The implement selectively forms a mark on the wheel weight material. The cutting head is selectively actuated to separate the first amount from the wheel weight material. 1. (canceled)2. An apparatus comprising:a receiving module that receives a desired weight value to correct an imbalance of a wheel/tire assembly;a conversion module that converts the desired weight value to a corresponding first amount of a wheel weight material;first and second rollers that engage first and second opposing sides of the wheel weight material;a motor that drives the first roller according to the first amount;a forcing member that presses the second roller in a first direction that forms an angle with an axis of the first roller;an implement that selectively forms a mark on the wheel weight material; anda cutting head that is selectively actuated to separate the first amount from the wheel weight material.3. The apparatus of wherein the motor directly drives the first roller.4. The apparatus of wherein a drive shaft of the motor is collinear with an axle of the first roller.5. The apparatus of wherein the receiving module receives the desired weight value from a balancing machine.6. The apparatus of wherein the first amount is expressed as a length.7. The apparatus of wherein the wheel weight material is a continuous strip claim 2 , and wherein ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140013908A1
Автор: KOBAYASHI Hisayuki

A cutting apparatus includes a blade relatively movable with respect to a media to cut the media along a cutting line. The blade is so constructed to pre-cut the media along the cutting line to leave non-cutting portions and to cut the non-cutting portions after pre-cutting the media. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising:a blade relatively movable with respect to a media to cut the media along a cutting line, the blade being so constructed to pre-cut the media along the cutting line to leave non-cutting portions and to cut the non-cutting portions after pre-cutting the media.2. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a length of each of the non-cutting portions is smaller than a maximum cutting length of a cutting portion made by inserting the blade into the media by an maximum allowable insertion amount.3. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the non-cutting portions are cut by vertically moving the blade a plurality of times with respect to the non-cutting portions and by moving the blade along the cutting line every time the blade vertically moves.4. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a rotating holder to rotate the blade every time the blade vertically moves with respect to the non-cutting portions.5. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blade is to cut the non-cutting portions in order from one side of the media in a moving direction of the media.6. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the blade is to cut the non-cutting portions in order from the non-cutting portions that are directed in a same direction.7. A cutting apparatus comprising:a support base to support a media;a moving device to move the media on the support base in a second direction; anda blade movable in a vertical direction and a first direction crossing the second direction, the blade being so constructed to cut the media along a cutting line moving in the first direction and forward and backward ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140020536A1

A feeding device includes a tool holder, a cutter, a feeding mechanism and a mounting seat. The cutter is positioned on the tool holder. The mounting seat has at least one guiding portion. The tool holder is slidably engaged with the at least one guiding portion. The feeding mechanism includes at least two drivers. Each driver includes a forcer and a stator. The forcers are mounted in the mounting seat, the stators are fixedly positioned on the tool holder. Interactions between alternating magnetic fields produced by the forcers and magnetic fields produced by the stators drive the tool holder and the cutter to backwards and forwards under precise control along the guiding portion. 1. A feeding device , comprising:a mounting seat comprising at least one guiding portion;a tool holder slidably engaging with the at least one guiding portion;a cutter positioned on the tool holder; anda feeding mechanism comprising at least two drivers, each driver comprising a forcer mounted in the mounting seat and a stator fixedly positioned on the tool holder,wherein interactions between alternating magnetic fields produced by the forcers and magnetic fields produced by the stators drive the tool holder and the cutter backwards and forwards under precise control along the at least one guiding portion.2. The feeding device of claim 1 , wherein the tool holder comprises a main body and a sliding board protruding from the main body claim 1 , the sliding board extends into the mounting seat and slidably connects with the at least one guiding portion claim 1 , and the main body is positioned outside of the mounting seat and fixedly connects with the cutter.3. The feeding device of claim 2 , wherein the mounting seat comprises a frame defining two opening sides claim 2 , and two mounting boards mounted on the frame to close the two opening sides of the frame claim 2 , the at least one guiding portion is positioned on an inner surface of the frame claim 2 , and the at least one forcer is ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048577A1

A packaging material handling device is disclosed. The device includes a first pair of traction members configured for cooperatively engaging a chain of pre-inflated pillows from opposite sides thereof and being operable for driving the chain in the flow direction. The device further includes a second pair of traction members configured for cooperatively engaging the chain from opposite sides thereof. The second pair of traction members are spaced apart from the first pair of traction members along a flow direction and are operable for driving the chain in the flow direction. The first and second pairs of traction members are operable for holding the first and second portions of the chain during a breaking operation. The device further includes a breaking member disposed between the first and second pairs of traction members and movable against the chain across the flow direction in the breaking operation to break the chain for detaching the first portion from the second portion. 122-. (canceled)23. A packaging material handling device , comprising: first rotational traction portions arranged laterally with respect to each other on a first side of a chain region, and including a first opposed traction portion and a first staggered traction portion, each having a surface extending towards the chain region to engage the chain of preinflated pillows disposed in the chain region, the first traction portions being spaced laterally from each other and define a first gap between the surfaces thereof;', a second opposed traction portion having a surfaced extending towards the chain region opposed to the first opposed traction portion surface across the chain region and in abutment therewith to cooperatively pinch the chain between the first and second opposed traction portions, and', 'a second staggered traction portion having a surfaced extending towards the chain region directly opposed to the first gap across the chain region and being spaced laterally from the second ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060273A1
Автор: Chan Pak Him

Embodiments herein provide an cutting system for cutting a fabric. In various embodiments, a stabilizing material may be disposed on one or both sides of the fabric during the cutting operation. The stabilizing material may prevent/reduce stretching/elongation of the fabric to facilitate achieving precise cutting dimensions (e.g., cutting length). In some embodiments, the stabilizing material may be paper. 1. A cutting system , comprising:a cutting machine configured to receive a fabric at a feed end, the cutting machine including a cutting element configured to selectively engage the fabric to cut the fabric;a dispenser configured to feed a layer of stabilizing material on a top or bottom side of the fabric; anda puller wheel configured to pull the stabilizing material through a cutting region of the cutter.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dispenser is a first dispenser configured to feed a first layer of stabilizing material on the top side of the fabric claim 1 , and wherein the cutting system further comprises:a second dispenser configured to feed a second layer of stabilizing material on the bottom side of the fabric.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the first dispenser and second dispenser are vertically separated to form a gap between the first layer and second layer of stabilizing material at the feed end of the cutting machine.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the cutting machine is configured to receive the fabric in the gap.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing material is paper.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing material is more rigid than the fabric.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the cutting machine is an ultrasonic cutting machine configured to vibrate the cutting element at an ultrasonic frequency.8. A method for cutting a fabric comprising:feeding, from a dispenser, a stabilizing material through a cutting region of a cutting machine, wherein the stabilizing material is automatically fed through the cutting ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076116A1
Принадлежит: Nichias Corporation

Provided is a cutting apparatus including a workpiece fixing jig that supports a workpiece rotates by operation of rotary drive means and rotates the workpiece while fixing the workpiece rotary drive means for driving and rotating the workpiece fixing jig support means to for supporting the workpiece while rotating along with rotation of the workpiece fixing jig cutter knives and that cut the rotating workpiece at least at axially opposite ends of the workpiece and slide moving means for slidably moving the cutter knives. The cutting apparatus having a simple apparatus configuration does not produce chips as a result of cutting with small variations in size and with high planarity of cut surfaces. 16-. (canceled)7. A cutting apparatus comprising:a workpiece fixing jig that supports a longitudinal hollow resin molded product as a workpiece so as to hold an outer peripheral surface of the workpiece between two half cylindrical members from opposite sides, rotates by operation of rotary drive means, and rotates the workpiece while fixing the workpiece;rotary drive means for driving and rotating the workpiece fixing jig;support means for supporting the workpiece fixing jig while rotating along with rotation of the workpiece fixing jig;a cutter knife that cuts the rotating workpiece at least at axially opposite ends of the workpiece; andslide moving means for slidably moving the cutter knife.8. The cutting apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein connection between the rotary drive means and the workpiece fixing jig is achieved by meshing of a gear of the rotary drive means with a gear of the workpiece fixing jig.9. The cutting apparatus according to or claim 7 , wherein connection between the support means and the workpiece fixing jig is achieved by meshing of a gear of the support means with a gear of the workpiece fixing jig.10. The cutting apparatus according to claim 7 , wherein the workpiece is made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).11. The cutting apparatus ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140084039A1

The invention is method and an apparatus for performing the method having the steps of providing a workpiece, cleaving the workpiece to form a first unit piece and a second unit piece having a spatial relationship with the first unit piece in which the second unit piece abuts the first unit piece. Without substantially altering the spatial relationship after cleaving the workpiece, forming a first crack within the first unit piece and propagating the first crack from the first unit piece into the second unit piece. 1. A method , comprising:providing a workpiece;cleaving the workpiece to form a first unit piece and a second unit piece having a spatial relationship with the first unit piece in which the second unit piece abuts the first unit piece; and forming a first crack within the first unit piece; and', 'propagating the first crack from the first unit piece into the second unit piece., 'without substantially altering the spatial relationship after cleaving the workpiece2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece has a thickness of less than 1 mm.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the workpiece has a thickness of less than or equal to 200 μm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein cleaving the workpiece comprises irradiating the workpiece with a laser beam.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein cleaving the workpiece comprises propagating a second crack through the workpiece.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the propagating the second crack comprises propagating the second crack through a thickness of the workpiece.7. The method of claims 5 , whereinpropagating the first crack from the first unit piece into the second unit piece comprises propagating the first crack in a first direction, andwherein the propagating the second crack through the workpiece comprises propagating the second crack in a second direction at least substantially perpendicular to the first direction.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the first crack comprises irradiating the first unit ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing absorbent article

Номер: US20140087933A1
Автор: Seiji Murakami
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

A method for manufacturing an absorbent article including a mounting step of conveying a web 7 in which components forming the absorbent article 1, and then mounting an absorber on the web 7, a folding step of folding the web, a cutting step S 5 of cutting the web and forming a plurality of absorbent articles, an assigning step S 6 of assigning the absorbent articles cut by the cutting step to at least a first path 75 and a second path 76, one by one, and a direction-changing step S 8 of changing the direction of the absorbent articles.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091126A1

A device is used for separating an ejection workpiece from a stub bar, and includes a fixing element, a clamp, and a mechanism arm. The fixing element fixes the stub bar. The clamp clamps the ejection workpiece. The mechanism arm connects the clamp and actuates the clamp to clamp the ejection workpiece and then rotates the clamp relative to the stub bar, such that the ejection workpiece is separated from the stub bar. 1. A device for separating an ejection workpiece from a stub bar , comprising:a fixing element for fixing the stub bar,a clamp for clamping the ejection workpiece, anda mechanism arm connected to the clamp and configured to actuate the clamp to clamp the ejection workpiece and then rotate the clamp relative to the stub bar, so as to separate the ejection workpiece from the stub bar.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the stub bar comprises a sprue bar and a runner bar extending from the sprue bar claim 1 , the runner bar comprises a fixing end claim 1 , the ejection workpiece is fixed to an end of the runner bar away from the sprue bar claim 1 , the fixing element comprises a main body claim 1 , the main body comprises a loading surface claim 1 , the loading surface defines a receiving groove for receiving the fixing end claim 1 , the loading surface further defines a slot communicating with the receiving groove and passing through an outer circumferential surface of the main body claim 1 , the slot is used for receiving the runner bar claim 1 , a length of the slot is less than or substantially equal to a length of the runner bar.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the fixing element comprises a substrate supporting the main body claim 2 , and the loading surface is positioned away from the substrate.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the main body is cylindrical claim 2 , and the slot extends along a radius direction of the loading surface.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the clamp comprises a first clamping plate claim 1 , a second clamping plate ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001635A1

The cutting system is configured to cut a continuous strip which extends lengthwise in a longitudinal direction and widthwise between a first edge and a second edge into strips. The cutting system includes a drive device which imparts to the continuous strip a feed speed, a first cutting roller and a contrarotating second cutting roller that cooperate to cut the continuous strip across its full width. The first cutting roller is provided with a first helical blade and is driven in rotation A variable synchronizer makes it possible to select and to modify the synchronization ratio between the rotational speed of the first cutting roller and the non-zero forward speed of the continuous strip in such a way as to be able to adjust the cutting angle according to which the cross-section of the continuous strip is oriented with respect to the longitudinal direction of the continuous strip. 1. A cutting system for cutting a strip termed a “continuous strip” which extends lengthwise in a direction termed a “longitudinal direction” and widthwise between a first edge and a second edge , said cutting system being wherein it comprises:a drive device adapted to drive the continuous strip along a strip path at a speed termed a “forward speed” that is oriented in the longitudinal direction of said continuous strip,a first cutting roller that is mounted so as to be able to be driven in a first movement in rotation at a chosen rotation speed about a first rotation axis oriented transversely to the strip path, preferably perpendicularly to said strip path, said first cutting roller being provided with a first helical blade that extends helically around said first rotation axis,a second cutting roller that is mounted to rotate about a second rotation axis, preferably parallel to the first rotation axis, in a second movement in rotation in the opposite direction to the movement in rotation of the first cutting roller and that is adapted to be able, when the continuous strip is engaged ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001488A1
Автор: GUILBERT Sylvain

A method is provided for automatically modifying the cutting paths for parts to be cut out from a flexible material by automatically moving a cutter tool along predetermined cutting paths. The cutting paths are associated with each part being defined by a succession of cutting segments forming a polygon. Two cutting segments are identified and belonging to two different parts for cutting out in the material and for which a maximum distance condition between these cutting segments is satisfied. Two cutting segments are verified for being situated facing each other, and that no other cutting segments lie between the two cutting segments. A common cutting path for the two cutting segments is computed, and a common cutting path is connected to the cutting paths of the two parts for cutting out to obtain modified cutting paths for the two parts for cutting out. 111.-. (canceled)12. A method of automatically modifying the cutting paths for parts that are to be cut out from a flexible material by automatically moving a cutter tool along predetermined cutting paths , the cutting paths associated with each part being defined by a succession of cutting segments forming a polygon , the method comprising in succession:a step of identifying two cutting segments belonging to two different parts for cutting out in the material and for which a maximum distance condition between these cutting segments is satisfied;a step of verifying that the two previously-identified cutting segments are situated facing each other by reciprocal orthogonal projection of the cutting segments onto each other;a step of verifying that no other cutting segments lie between the two previously-identified cutting segments by computing intersections between the two parts for cutting out;a step of computing a common cutting path for the two previously-identified cutting segments; anda step of connecting the common cutting path to the cutting paths of the two parts for cutting out so as to obtain modified ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007704A1
Автор: VIEIRA Francisco
Принадлежит: Branson Ultrasonics Corporation

An ultrasonic tuned blade includes a base and a tire cutting edge made of a tool steel having a vanadium content which is at least about 8 percent. For example, the tool steel can have a combined vanadium, cobalt, and tungsten content that is at least about 15 percent. The tool steel can be formed into a simple block via a powder metallurgy process. The simple block can be milled into an ultrasonic tire cutting horn shape comprising a tuned blade including a base and a tire cutting edge. The ultrasonic steel tire cutting horn can be heat treated to provide the tool steel with a Rockwell hardness, for example, of at least about 50 HRC and less than about 64 HRC. The ultrasonic steel tire cutting horn can include a low friction or wear resistant coating. 1. A tire cutting ultrasonic horn comprising:a tuned blade including a base and a tire cutting edge, wherein the tuned blade comprises a tool steel having a vanadium content which is at least about 8 percent.2. The tire cutting ultrasonic horn according to claim 1 , wherein the tool steel has a vanadium content which is at least about 9 percent and less than about 15 percent.3. The tire cutting ultrasonic horn according to claim 1 , wherein the tool steel has a combined vanadium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , and tungsten content that is at least about 15 percent.4. The tire cutting ultrasonic horn according to claim 1 , wherein the tool steel has a combined vanadium claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , and tungsten content that is at least about 17 percent and less than about 22 percent.5. The tire cutting ultrasonic horn according to claim 1 , wherein the tool steel is formed by a powder metallurgy process to have a finer grained microstructure than that of traditional steel casting processes.6. The tire cutting ultrasonic horn according to claim 1 , wherein the tool steel has a Rockwell hardness of at least about 50 HRC and less than about 64 HRC.7. The tire cutting ultrasonic horn according to claim 1 , wherein the tool steel ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007902A1

An absorbent article can have a topsheet layer, a liquid impermeable layer, and an absorbent core positioned between the topsheet layer and the liquid impermeable layer. The absorbent article can further include an exudate management layer in fluid communication with the topsheet layer. In various embodiments, the exudate management layer can be positioned on a body facing surface of the topsheet layer. In various embodiments, the exudate management layer can be positioned between the topsheet layer and the absorbent core. The exudate management layer has a first component which defines an opening for direct passage of body exudates into the absorbent core. The exudate management layer has a second component which at least partially overlaps the first component of the exudate management layer and further extends in the longitudinal direction of the absorbent article in a direction towards the posterior region of the absorbent article. 1. A method of manufacturing an exudate management layer having a first component and a second component , the method comprising the steps of: i. a cutting roller having an exterior surface upon which are positioned a pair of first cutting tools extending in a cross-machine direction of the cutting roller and a second cutting tool positioned between and separating the pair of first cutting tools wherein the second cutting tool has a shape different than a shape of the first cutting tools, wherein the cutting roller is associated with a first vacuum system;', 'ii. an anvil roller; and', 'iii. a transfer roller associated with a second vacuum system and an air blowing system;, 'a) providing an apparatus for forming the exudate management layer, the apparatus comprisingb) providing a base material to the apparatus;c) partitioning the base material into at least a first exudate management layer pre-form and a second exudate management layer pre-form;d) partitioning the base material within the first exudate management layer pre-form to ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009370A1

A method and an arrangement for finishing a steel strip including the texturing of the steel strip wherein a texture is applied to the surface of a moving steel strip by means of a single laser beam or a plurality of laser beams directed at the surface of a moving steel strip, and wherein the single laser beam or the plurality of laser beams are position controlled to apply a predetermined texture pattern on the surface of the moving steel strip. 1. A method for finishing a steel strip comprising the texturing of the steel strip wherein a texture is applied to the surface of a moving steel strip , wherein ,a single laser beam or a plurality of laser beams is directed at the surface of a moving steel strip, andthe single laser beam or the plurality of laser beams are position controlled to apply a predetermined texture pattern on the surface of the moving steel strip.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the laser beams are divided in groups each with a single laser beam or a plurality of laser beams claim 1 , which groups are controlled separately.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the groups of laser beams are positioned over the width and/or direction of movement of the steel strip with respect to each other.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the groups of laser beams are controlled such that adjacent parts of the texture are applied with different groups of laser beams wherein the groups have different positions with respect to each other.5. The method according to claim 2 , wherein two or more groups of laser beams are controlled to form an interference pattern with a power density distribution suitable for texturing of the moving steel strip.6. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the control comprises the control of one or more of the laser beams and the position thereof within one or more of the different groups of laser beams.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the control comprises the focussing of laser beams into ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Separator Unit Particularly Suitable for Being Used in Cutting Lines of Laminar Material into Strips and Cutting Line Comprising said Separator Unit

Номер: US20200009667A1
Автор: PILOT Andrea
Принадлежит: Kema r.r.l. - In LiquidAzione

A separator unit suitable for being used in a cutting line of laminar materials into strips, of the type comprising an expandable shaft, a storage magazine for storing separator tools, which is operatively associated with an end of the expandable shaft, separator tools provided with ring nuts configured to allow the translation of the separator tools from the storage magazine to the expandable shaft, and vice versa, the separator tools being susceptible to being locked on the expandable shaft, and translation apparatus means configured to translate the separator tools along the expandable shaft. The separator unit provides for the expandable shaft to be provided with a first slit adapted to house a locking element with a knurling on its outwards facing surface and susceptible to translating in radial direction and provides for the ring nuts to have a counter-knurling on a length of their surfaces facing the expandable shaft. The knurling and the counter-knurling are configured to fixedly couple when the surface of the locking element is placed in contact with the surfaces of the ring nuts. 2. The separator unit according to claim 1 , wherein said knurling and said counter-knurling comprise respectively a toothing and a counter-toothing which are complementary to each other.3. The separator unit according to claim 2 , wherein the teeth of said toothing and of said counter-toothing are defined in sequence according to a parallel direction with respect to said longitudinal axis (X) of said expandable shaft.4. The separator unit according to claim 2 , wherein the teeth of said toothing and of said counter-toothing are defined in sequence according to an orthogonal direction with respect to said longitudinal axis (X) of said expandable shaft.5. The separator unit according to claim 1 , further comprising an expandable element interposed between the bottom of said first slit and said locking element claim 1 , said expandable element being configured to translate said ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015625A1
Автор: Abe Daisuke

A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus including a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece, the cut data generating apparatus comprising: a controller, the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to: divide an original pattern to be cut into plural divided patterns; add, to the divided pattern, a margin as a joining margin partially overlapping with other adjacent divided pattern; and generate cut data for cutting the divided patterns which involve the divided pattern provided with the margins. 1. A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus comprising a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece , the cut data generating apparatus comprising:a controller,the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to:divide an original pattern to be cut into plural divided patterns;add, to the divided pattern, a margin as a joining margin partially overlapping with other adjacent divided pattern; andgenerate cut data for cutting the divided patterns which involve the divided pattern provided with the margin.2. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 1 , the controller being configured to further control the cut data generating apparatus to:acquire a shape of an adjacent part overlapping with the margin in the other adjacent divided pattern,add the margin shaped to fall within the adjacent part shape.3. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 1 ,the controller being configured to further control the cut data generating apparatus to:acquire a shape of an adjacent part overlapping with the margin in the other adjacent divided pattern,add the margin shaped to coincide with the adjacent part shape.4. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 2 ,the controller being configured to further control the cut data generating apparatus to:generate the margin in a predetermined shape;judge ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Cut data generating apparatus and non-transitory recording medium recording cut data generating program

Номер: US20180015626A1
Автор: Daisuke Abe
Принадлежит: Brother Industries Ltd

A cut data generating apparatus configured to: identify a size of an original pattern to be cut; judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece; calculate a number of workpieces necessary to cut the original pattern based on the size of the original pattern and the size of the workpiece in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece; change an arrangement angle of the original pattern; judge whether the number of workpieces necessary to cut the original pattern of which the arrangement angle is changed is smaller than the number of workpieces necessary to cut the original pattern before changing the arrangement angle; divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns after changing the arrangement angle in case the number of necessary workpieces is smaller; each of the divided patterns are smaller than the size of the workpiece; and generate cut data for cutting each of the divided patterns.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015627A1
Автор: Abe Daisuke

A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus including a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece, the cut data generating apparatus comprising: a controller, the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to: identify a size of an original pattern to be cut; judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece; divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns smaller than the size of the workpiece in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece; and generate cut data for cutting each of the divided patterns divided. 1. A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus comprising a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece , the cut data generating apparatus comprising:a controller,the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to:identify a size of an original pattern to be cut;judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece;divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns smaller than the size of the workpiece in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece; andgenerate cut data for cutting each of the divided patterns divided.2. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 1 ,the controller being configured to further control the cut data generating apparatus to:set possible dividing line as a candidate of a dividing line for dividing the original pattern;obtain the number of intersection points of the possible dividing line and an outline of the original pattern; andsearch for the possible dividing line with a smaller number of intersection points to determine the possible dividing line as the dividing line.3. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 2 ,the controller being configured to further control the cut data ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015630A1
Автор: Abe Daisuke

A cut data generating apparatus configured to: identify a size of an original pattern to be cut; judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece; set possible dividing line as a candidate of dividing line in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece; calculate a penetration length of the possible dividing line crossing the original pattern; determine, as the dividing line, the possible dividing line with larger penetration length calculated among the plural possible dividing line set; divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns smaller than the size of the workpiece based on the dividing line; and generate cut data for cutting each of the divided patterns divided. 1. A cut data generating apparatus configured to generate cut data for a cutting apparatus comprising a cut mechanism to cut a pattern from a workpiece , the cut data generating apparatus comprising:a controller, the controller being configured to control the cut data generating apparatus to:identify a size of an original pattern to be cut;judge whether the size of the original pattern identified is larger than a size of the workpiece;set possible dividing line as a candidate of a dividing line in case the size of the original pattern is larger than the size of the workpiece;calculate a penetration length of the possible dividing line crossing the original pattern;determine, as the dividing line, the possible dividing line with larger penetration length calculated among the plural possible dividing line set;divide the original pattern into plural divided patterns smaller than the size of the workpiece based on the dividing line; andgenerate cut data for cutting each of the divided patterns divided.2. The cut data generating apparatus according to claim 1 ,the controller being configured to further control the cut data generating apparatus to:determine, as the dividing line, the possible dividing line with the ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190016102A1

The present invention provides a method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material, the method including an opening step of opening an elongated fiber bundle to be widened in a width direction thereof to be put into a flat state; and a heat setting step of heat-setting the opened fiber bundle in the flat state by heating. In addition, the present invention provides an apparatus for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material containing a plurality of fiber bundles and a resin, the apparatus including an opening section that opens an elongated fiber bundle to be widened in a width direction thereof to be put into a flat state; and a heat setting section that heat-sets the opened fiber bundle in the flat state by heating. 1. A method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material , the method comprising:an opening step of opening an elongated fiber bundle to be widened in a width direction thereof to be put into a flat state; anda heat setting step of heat-setting the opened fiber bundle in the flat state by heating.2. The method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material according to claim 1 , wherein a fiber bundle attached with a resin is used as the fiber bundle.3. The method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material according to claim 1 , wherein a fiber bundle attached with a sizing agent is used as the fiber bundle.4. The method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material according to claim 1 , further comprising a separating step of separating the opened fiber bundle to be divided in the width direction between the opening step and the heat setting step.5. The method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material according to claim 1 , wherein the method is a method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin material containing a plurality of fiber bundles and a resin and includes a step of continuously cutting the fiber bundle after the heat setting step.6. The method for manufacturing a fiber reinforced resin ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180016740A1

Methods and components produced from carbon fiber pre-impregnated composite precursor materials (pre-preg) having enhanced flowability and moldability are provided. Discontinuous cut regions are introduced into a pre-preg. A sheet of pre-preg may be contacted with a patterned surface having a plurality of non-contiguous staggered cutters, so that the contacting creates discontinuous cuts in the pre-preg. A plurality of staggered discontinuous cut regions are formed in the plurality of continuous carbon fibers that define a first plurality of carbon fibers having a first length and a second plurality of carbon fibers having a second distinct length. The patterned surface may be provided on a cutter device that is a roller or a plate having the non-contiguous staggered cutters formed or disposed thereon. The discontinuous cut regions that are formed in the pre-preg reduce stiffness and improve moldability/flowability when forming carbon fiber polymeric composites, while retaining high strength levels. 1. A method of producing a carbon fiber pre-impregnated composite precursor material having enhanced moldability , the method comprising:contacting a sheet of a carbon fiber pre-impregnated composite precursor material comprising a plurality of continuous carbon fibers and a polymer material precursor with a patterned surface having a plurality of non-contiguous staggered cutters defined therein, so that the contacting creates discontinuous cuts in the carbon fiber pre-impregnated composite precursor material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the discontinuous cuts are a plurality of staggered discontinuous cut regions in the plurality of continuous carbon fibers of the carbon fiber pre-impregnated composite precursor material claim 1 , so as to define a first plurality of carbon fibers having a first length and a second plurality of carbon fibers having a second distinct length.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein after the contacting claim 2 , the plurality of ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140101924A1
Автор: Mathieu Yanick

A machine and method for reducing giveaway material on mint products. The machine may include a conveying assembly for conveying a plurality of mints products to be processed. The machine may also include a processing assembly for processing at least one given mint product at a time, so as to remove an amount of giveaway material from each one of the mint products. The machine may also include a recuperating assembly for recuperating mint products having being processed. The method may include the steps of a) evaluating at least one physical parameter of a given mint product to be processed; b) comparing said at least one physical parameter of the mint product to be processed with a minimum threshold physical parameter in order to determine an attainable range of giveaway material to be removed; c) projecting a targeted amount of giveaway material to be removed from the mint product to be processed depending on the attainable range of giveaway material; and d) removing the targeted amount of giveaway material via at least one surface of the mint product. 1. A method of reducing giveaway material from a plurality of mint products , the method comprising the steps of:a) evaluating at least one physical parameter of a given mint product;b) comparing said at least one physical parameter with a minimum threshold physical parameter in order to determine an attainable range of giveaway material to be removed;c) projecting a targeted amount of giveaway material to be removed from the mint product to be processed depending on the attainable range of giveaway material; andd) removing the targeted amount of giveaway material via at least one surface of the mint product.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein step a) comprises the step of assigning an identifying tag to each one of the plurality of mint products to be processed claim 1 , and further comprises the step of individually evaluating at least one physical parameter of each one of said mint products to be processed ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022506A1
Автор: Umebayashi Toyoshi

The present invention relates to a disposable worn article, including: an absorbent body including an absorbent core which absorbs body fluid laminated between a liquid-permeable top sheet and a liquid-impermeable back sheet ; a pair of front flaps Ff extending in a girth direction X to be continuous with a front portion of the absorbent body that covers a front surface of a torso of a wearer; and a pair of back flaps Fb extending in the girth direction to be continuous with a back portion of the absorbent body that covers a back surface of the torso of the wearer, wherein: the front and back flaps Ff and Fb include a stretchable non-woven fabric that stretches in the girth direction X; and an entire area of the absorbent core is not essentially covered by the stretchable non-woven fabric 12-. (canceled)3. A method for manufacturing a disposable worn article , the worn article including:an absorbent body including an absorbent core absorbing body fluid, the absorbent core laminated between a liquid-permeable top sheet and a liquid-impermeable back sheet;a pair of front flaps extending in a girth direction to be continuous with a front portion of the absorbent body that is adapted to cover a front surface of a torso of a wearer; anda pair of back flaps extending in the girth direction to be continuous with a back portion of the absorbent body that is adapted to cover a back surface of the torso of the wearer, wherein:the front flaps and the back flaps each include at least one stretchable non-woven fabric that stretches in the girth direction; andan entire area of the absorbent core is not covered by the stretchable non-woven fabric,the method comprising the steps of: obtaining a first and second laminate non-woven fabrics including pieces of the stretchable non-woven fabric arranged intermittently on a continuous non-woven fabric that is continuous in a longitudinal direction and is non-stretchable while the pieces of the stretchable non-woven fabric are being ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Tool holder and pipe machining tool

Номер: US20220040874A1

A skiving apparatus is provided for at least partial removal of the surface of an least approximately tubular body having a center axis, in particular of a plastic pipe, comprising a clamp assembly having a center axis and at least one clamp member for clamping the skiving apparatus to the tubular body, a skiving assembly comprising a skiving arm unit, a skiving knife arrangement disposed at a first end of the skiving arm unit, and a skiving arm support that connects the clamp assembly to the skiving arm unit. The skiving arm unit is connected by its first and second ends to the skiving knife arrangement and the skiving arm support and is pivotable in the common plane with the center axis of the clamp assembly in such a way that the skiving knife arrangement keeps its orientation relative to the center axis of the clamp assembly in every pivoted position of the skiving arm unit. A clamp assembly as a tool holder for a tool such as a skiving tool is also provided, for machining an approximately tubular body having a center axis, in particular a plastic pipe, having a center axis, a mandrel disposed coaxially with the center axis of the clamp assembly, and at least one clamping device disposed on the mandrel and directed substantially radially outwards.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Electronic Cutting Machine

Номер: US20160026168A1

An electronic cutting machine includes at least one housing to which a drive roller is coupled for moving a sheet to be cut in a first direction and a cutter assembly coupled to the housing and moveable in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction. 121-. (canceled)22. An apparatus , comprising:a first working tool for working a workpiece,a first user selectable control having settings calibrated as a function of a type of material from which a workpiece is formed or a one or more characteristic of said workpiece,a first motor coupled to the first working tool for urging said first working tool against said workpiece,an electronic controller coupled to said first motor for reading the setting of said user selectable control and for translating the user selectable control setting into a calibrated force signal to be sent to said first motor, wherein said first motor exerts said first working tool against said workpiece in proportion to said calibrated force signal.23. The apparatus of claim 22 , wherein said first working tool is at least one of a scriber claim 22 , embosser claim 22 , cutting blade claim 22 , or ink based marker.24. The apparatus of claim 22 , further including:a first rack and first pinion coupled between the first motor and the first working tool.25. The apparatus of claim 24 , wherein the first working tool and the first pinion are coupled together by way of a first downward urging member.26. The apparatus of claim 22 , including a first sensor for at least indirectly sensing an absolute position of said first working tool.27. The apparatus of claim 22 , further including:a carriage assembly for carrying said first working tool and said first motor and for carrying,a second working tool for wording said workpiece and for carrying,a second motor coupled to said second working tool for urging said second working tool against said workpiece.28. The apparatus of claim 27 , wherein said first and second motors are mounted to a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023537A1

Provided is a material-inspection system for planning a cutting pattern for a composite material sheet based on a detected defect. The system comprises one or more sensors to measure one or more material properties of the composite material sheet; a cutter assembly having a cutter tool to cut the composite material sheet; a control system comprising a processor and a storage medium comprising instructions, that when executed by the processor, configured to: obtain an initial cutting pattern for the composite material sheet, wherein the initial cutting pattern comprises a plurality of shapes to be cut; determine a defect in the composite material based on a sensor; determine a reject region in the composite material around the defect; shift one or more shapes of the plurality of shapes away from the reject region; and provide a revised cutting pattern based on the shifting to be cut by the cutter assembly. 1. A material-inspection system for planning a cutting pattern for a composite material sheet based on a detected defect , the material-inspection system comprising:one or more sensors to measure one or more material properties of the composite material sheet;a cutter assembly having a cutter tool to cut the composite material sheet; obtain an initial cutting pattern for the composite material sheet, wherein the initial cutting pattern comprises a plurality of shapes to be cut;', 'determine a defect in the composite material sheet based on the measured one or more material properties;', 'determine a reject region in the composite material around the defect;', 'shift one or more shapes of the plurality of shapes away from the reject region, wherein the one or more shapes that are shifted are optimized to make use of the composite material sheet; and', 'provide a revised cutting pattern based on the shifting to be cut by the cutter assembly, wherein the revised cutting pattern comprises the plurality of shapes to be cut., 'a control system comprising a hardware ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Forming An Adjustable Pant-Like Disposable Undergarment With Laser Cutting

Номер: US20140110037A1

A method and apparatus for producing a pre-fastened adjustable pant-like disposable absorbent undergarment including a fully or partially severed front body panel is disclosed. The method includes the steps of providing a moving web and passes through a fastener attachment station to define a leading portion of the moving web and a trailing portion of the moving web at a location under the fastener assembly. The moving web is then passed through a laser cutting station to cut to web, such that the leading portion and trailing portion remains bridged together by the fastener assembly without damaging the fastener assembly. 1. A method of producing pre-fastened disposable garments , comprising:a. providing a moving web for use as a body panel;b. attaching a fastener assembly to the moving web at a fastener attachment station;c. passing the moving web, with the fastener assembly attached, downstream from the fastener attachment station to a laser cutting station and cutting the moving web with a laser at a position under the fastener assembly at the laser cutting station to define a leading portion of the moving web and a trailing portion of the moving web, such that the leading portion and trailing portion remains bridged together by the fastener assembly.2. The method of wherein cutting the moving web comprises completely separating the leading portion of the moving web and the trailing portion of the moving web.3. The method of wherein cutting the moving web comprises a single cut across the web substantially in the cross-machine direction.4. The method of wherein cutting the moving web comprises creating a line of weakness between the leading portion of the moving web and the trailing portion of the moving web.5. The method of wherein cutting the moving web comprises a series of intermittent perforations.6. The method of wherein cutting the moving web comprises scoring the web to provide a weakened area.7. The method of wherein the fastener assembly is not damaged ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Slip-Cut Operation with Static Electric Holding Force and Ultrasonic Bonding Apparatus

Номер: US20160030252A1

A slip-cut mechanism uses static force to hold a material layer onto a preferably smooth rotating drum, and ultrasonic energy bonds discrete pieces of the material layer to second material layer. 1. An apparatus for processing a web of material , the apparatus comprising:an infeeding web of material traveling at a first speed;a source of static electricity imparting static electricity upon said infeeding web of material;a rotating drum traveling at a second speed;said infeeding web of material clinging to said rotating drum due to said imparted static electricity.2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , said apparatus further comprising a severing mechanism to sever said infeeding web of material into discrete pieces.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , said apparatus comprising a slip and cut device. This application claims the benefit of co-pending U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/032,727 filed 4 Aug. 2014.The present invention relates to disposable hygiene products and more specifically, to methods and apparatuses for processing disposable hygiene products. More specifically, the invention relates to cutting and applying segments of one web to attach to a disposable diaper.This invention relates to a method and apparatus for rapidly and accurately transporting a discrete article or a web of material. This invention is not limited to its preferred use, carrying components of a disposable diaper or sheet of paper; but instead the methods and apparatus' of the present invention may be used in wide ranging applications.Generally, diapers comprise an absorbent insert or patch and a chassis, which, when the diaper is worn, supports the insert proximate a wearer's body. Additionally, diapers may include other various patches, such as tape tab patches, reusable fasteners and the like. The raw materials used in forming a representative insert are typically cellulose pulp, tissue paper, poly, nonwoven web, acquisition, and elastic, although application ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031108A1
Автор: Bailie Brian D.

Using an existing embroidery design that has been created for applique, data is automatically created for a cutting machine, which will cut the applique. Currently, the user currently has to cut these by hand—a labor intensive process or use a custom die that can be expensive. The process only requires that the applique steps in the sewing sequence are labeled as such. Generally, the applique steps are so labeled in order for the design creator to be able to let the sewer know what they are doing. 1. A method for producing a cutting data file from sewing data in an applique data file specifying an applique design wherein the applique data file is in an embroidery file format readable by an embroidery machine and wherein the cutting data file is in a cutting data format readable by a cutting machine , the method comprising:obtaining the applique data file, wherein the applique data file comprises sewing data comprising a series of sewing vectors, wherein the applique data file is interpretable by the embroidery machine to create a stitched outline, and wherein zero or more jump commands separate the sewing vectors into one or more subsection comprising a first subsection;creating a first list of sewing vectors from the first subsection;normalizing the first list by removing at least one sewing artifact;analyzing the first list to determine if it describes a first closed path;closing the first list if it does not describe the first closed path such that the first list does describe the first closed path; andcreating the cutting data file wherein the cutting data file is based at least in part on the first list.2. The method of further comprising:creating a second list of sewing vectors wherein the one or more subsection comprise a second subsection;normalizing the second list by removing at least one sewing artifact;analyzing the second list to determine if it describes a second closed path;closing the second list if it does not describe the second closed path such ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140113791A1
Автор: PERINI Fabio

Apparatus for trimming paper rolls or logs () including: a section for the entry of the logs () to be trimmed; a section for the exit of the trimmed logs (); a station with cutting device () for trimming the logs (); a device () for moving the logs () between the entry section, the cutting station and the exit section; a device (), associated with the log-moving device (), for retaining the logs when subjected to movement. 1. A method for treating elongated paper rolls , the method comprising the steps:providing a cut-off machine;providing elongated paper rolls;providing a trimming device, said cut-off machine being a machine that is separate from said trimming device;trimming said elongated paper rolls with said trimming device to form trimmed paper rolls;supplying said trimmed paper rolls to said cut-off machine; andtrimming said trimmed paper rolls with said cut-off machine to form a plurality of rolls.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said cut-off machine comprises a cut-off machine actuating mechanism claim 1 , said trimming device comprising a trimming device actuating mechanism claim 1 , said cut-off machine actuating mechanism being actuated independent of said trimming device actuating mechanism.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said cut-off machine is disconnected from said trimming device.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said cut-off machine is operated independent of said trimming device.5. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:providing a rewinding machine;providing a paper roll storage element;producing said elongated uncut paper rolls with said rewinding machine;storing said uncut paper rolls in said paper roll storage element; anddelivering said uncut paper rolls from said paper roll storage element to said trimming device.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein said trimming device trims at least one end of each elongated paper rolls to form said trimmed paper rolls.7. A method according to ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036179A1

A method for manufacturing absorbent articles comprises delivering a continuous web assembly including a backsheet material, a liquid permeable bodyside liner material, and an absorbent structure interposed between the backsheet material and the bodyside liner material, the web assembly having a body-facing side and a garment-facing side; attaching a discrete segment of first waist elastic material to the body-facing side of the web assembly; attaching a discrete segment of second waist elastic material to the garment-facing side of the web assembly such that the web assembly is interposed between the discrete segments of first and second waist elastic materials; and cutting the web assembly to form a plurality of absorbent articles. 1. A method for manufacturing absorbent articles , the method comprising:providing an absorbent assembly including a liquid permeable bodyside liner, and an absorbent structure underlying the bodyside liner material;delivering a continuous web of chassis material having a body-facing side and a garment-facing side;attaching the absorbent assembly to the web of chassis material to form a continuous web assembly;attaching a discrete segment of first waist elastic material to at least one of the body-facing side of the chassis material and the absorbent assembly;attaching a discrete segment of second waist elastic material to the garment-facing side of the chassis such that the chassis is interposed between the discrete segments of first and second waist elastic materials; andcutting the web assembly to form a plurality of absorbent articles.2. The method as set forth in wherein attaching the discrete segment of first waist elastic material comprises attaching the discrete segment of first waist elastic material to the body-facing side of the chassis material and the absorbent assembly.3. The method as set forth in wherein the discrete segment of first waist elastic material is attached to the body-facing side of the chassis material such ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170036369A1
Автор: Huang Haibo, Li Dong, Yang Hang

A splitting apparatus of an LCD panel and splitting method thereof are described. The LCD panel has a first substrate and a second substrate. The splitting apparatus includes a first splitting device and a second splitting device disposed correspondingly to the first splitting device, and the second splitting device includes protrusion adjustment devices. The protrusion adjustment device extrudes the second substrate for forming a protrusion corresponding to a split line to separate a split plate from the first substrate by a deformation portion of the protrusion and to remove the split plate by the first splitting device. The splitting apparatus makes a rapid separation of the split plate. 1. A splitting apparatus of a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel , wherein the splitting apparatus comprises a first splitting device and a second splitting device disposed correspondingly to the first splitting device , and wherein the second splitting device comprises at least one protrusion adjustment device capable of extending and retracting;wherein the splitting apparatus further comprises a base unit, and the first splitting device having a first retaining member and the second splitting device having a second retaining member are disposed at two end portions of the base unit respectively;wherein the first splitting device further comprises a first extensible controller for controlling a movement operation of the first retaining member along a horizontal direction, and a lifting and lowering controller for controlling the lifting and lowering operations of the first retaining member and the first extensible controller along a vertical direction; andwherein the second splitting device further comprises a second extensible controller for controlling a movement operation of the second retaining member along the horizontal direction, and the second extensible controller is connected to the second retaining member.2. The splitting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein an adhering ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036896A1
Автор: Kroll Rebecca
Принадлежит: Dimensions Crafts LLC

An apparatus for cutting a stem to generate beads is provided. The apparatus includes a base member having a stem guide formed on a top surface of the base member, a cutting chamber positioned on the top surface of the base member, wherein the cutting chamber includes a cutting member for cutting the stem, and the cutting chamber includes a back end opening for sliding therethrough the stem and front end opening for dispensing the generated beads, measurement markings positioned along a length side of the stem guide, and an actuation member coupled the cutting member, thereby enabling the cutting member to cut the stem when actuated by a user. 1. An apparatus for cutting a stem to generate beads , comprising:a base member having a top surface;a stem guide formed on the top surface of the base member;a cutting chamber positioned on the top surface of the base member, wherein the cutting chamber includes a cutting member for cutting the stem, the cutting chamber further including a back end opening for sliding the stem therethrough, and a front end opening for dispensing generated beads;measurement markings positioned along a length of the stem guide; andan actuation member coupled the cutting member, the actuation member moveable to a cutting position, wherein when the actuation member is moved to the cutting position the cutting member is positioned to cut the stem.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a stem advancement mechanism configured to automatically advance the stem through the cutting chamber after each cutting operation.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the stem advancement mechanism is coupled to the cutting member claim 2 , wherein the stem advancement mechanism automatically advances the stem after the cutting member rises above the stem guide following a cutting operation.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the stem advancement mechanism is coupled to the actuation member claim 2 , wherein the stem advancement mechanism automatically ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036976A1
Автор: CONTI Davide
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

A tyre building plant includes a forming drum and a supply device for supplying an elongated element toward the forming drum. The supply device includes at least one conveyor belt which extends in a supply direction between a loading region, in which the elongated element is loaded on the conveyor belt and an unloading region, a control unit for controlling the loading of the elongated element on the conveyor belt, at least a first detection element which is fixed with a first portion of the conveyor belt, a sensor which is fixed and independent with respect to the conveyor belt and which detects the position of the first portion with respect to the supply device. The loading of the elongated element on the conveyor belt is performed when the first portion is at a predefined reference distance from the loading region. 142-. (canceled)43. A method for supplying by means of a supply device , including at least one conveyor belt , an elongated element to a forming drum in a tyre building plant , comprising:fixedly associating at least one first detection element with a first portion of said at least one conveyor belt;positioning, at a loading region of said supply device, a front end of said elongated element at a predefined reference distance from said first portion;detecting a position of said first portion with respect to said supply device by means of mutual interaction between said at least one first detection element and a sensor which is positioned on said supply device fixedly and independently with respect to said conveyor belt;calculating, in accordance with the detected position of said first portion, the movement of said at least one conveyor belt which is necessary to bring said first portion to said reference distance from said loading region;advancing said at least one conveyor belt toward an unloading region of said supply device until said elongated element is deposited at said forming drum;bringing, in accordance with the calculated movement, said ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Absorbent Article with a Slitted Absorbent Core

Номер: US20150040367A1

The invention relates to slit absorbent articles and the use of slits in absorbent materials to provide improved liquid intake rate, flexibility and softness compared to the unmodified material. The absorbent material, including superabsorbent materials, are particularly useful as absorbent cores in disposable absorbent articles such as diapers, incontinent products, sanitary napkins and the like. 1. A method of manufacturing an absorbent core for incorporation into a disposable absorbent article , said method comprising:providing an absorbent core by providing an absorbent layer containing superabsorbent material and supported on a substrate; andslitting said absorbent layer at a plurality of locations to define slits penetrating downward through a surface of a layer of the superabsorbent material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said slitting provide slits at one or more locations to improve the flexibility of the absorbent core.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said providing an absorbent core includes providing a non-woven substrate and distributing superabsorbent particles thereon claim 1 , whereby the superabsorbent particles are intermixed with microfibrillated cellulose and embedded into pores of the nonwoven substrate.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said providing an absorbent core includes providing a non-woven substrate and distributing superabsorbent particles thereon.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the absorbent layer provides an absorbent core having about 61% to about 97% by weight of the superabsorbent material claim 4 , from about 3% to about 39% by weight of non-absorbent nonwoven resilient fibers claim 4 , and 0% by weight of absorbent hydrophilic fibers claim 4 , wherein the superabsorbent material comprises particles and the non-absorbent nonwoven resilient fibers form a low-density layer and a high-density layer.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a second absorbent layer of a nonwoven substrate and superabsorbent ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042779A1

The methods herein relate to assembling an elastic laminate with a first elastic material and a second elastic material bonded between first and second substrates. During assembly, an elastic laminate may be formed by positioning the first and second substrates in contact with stretched central regions of the first and second elastic materials. The elastic laminates may include two or more bonding regions that may be defined by the various layers or components of the elastic laminate that are laminated or stacked relative to each other. In some configurations, a first plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a first bond density in the first bonding region, and a second plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a second bond density in the second bonding region, wherein the second bond density is not equal to the first bond density. 1. A method for assembling elastic laminates , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first substrate and a second substrate, the first substrate and the second substrate each comprising a first surface and an opposing second surface, a first longitudinal edge and a second longitudinal edge separated from the first longitudinal edge to define a width in a cross direction;providing a first elastic film and a second elastic film, each of the first elastic film and the second elastic film comprising an unstretched first edge region and an unstretched second edge region separated from the unstretched first edge region in the cross direction by a stretched central region;positioning the stretched central region of the first elastic film in contact with the second surface of the first substrate;positioning the stretched central region of the second elastic film in contact with the second surface of the first substrate, and wherein the unstretched second edge region of the second elastic film is separated from the unstretched first edge region of the first elastic film ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160046030A1
Автор: Zuzik Paul J.

A method for cutting or trimming a hollow object having one or more relatively thin walls, the method including an oscillation step that reduces wall deformation at the site of the initial cut to produce a relatively straight leading edge on the object, in combination with a further cutting step that does not include oscillation of a cutting blade. A second oscillation step can be performed after the non-oscillation step that leads to the separation of the object into two pieces and also produces a relatively straight trailing edge. A device for performing the cutting methods is disclosed. 1. A method for cutting an object having a wall and at least one hollow portion , comprising the steps of:obtaining the object;cutting the object using at least two different cutting sequences, including an oscillation step wherein a blade is oscillated while first contacting and cutting into a portion of the object followed by a second step of cutting the object without oscillating the blade.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the method further includes the step of oscillating the blade for a second time after the second step of cutting the part without oscillating the blade.3. A method according to claim 2 , wherein the blade is oscillated prior to and during the first contact with the part in a direction other than along a cutting axis.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein the blade is oscillated at an angle of about 35° to about 90° in relation to the cutting axis.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the oscillation step is performed until a cutting edge of the blade has cut through up to 45% of a length of the object as measured along a cutting axis.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein the second step is followed by a third step that includes oscillating the blade for a second time and maintaining oscillation until the cutting edge cuts the object into two different pieces.7. The method according to claim 6 , wherein the third step is initiated ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Cutting Guide With Seam Allowance Recess

Номер: US20170044708A1
Принадлежит: USAUS Holdings LLC

A cutting guide having a seam allowance recess and methods of cutting a piece of material with such cutting guide. 134-. (canceled)35. A cutting guide , comprising:a substantially rectangular body having a top surface disposed in opposed relation to a substantially flat bottom surface, said top surface and said bottom surface extending to each of a plurality of sides of said substantially rectangular body, said substantially rectangular body having a thickness sufficient to guide a cutting tool along each of said plurality of sides of said body; anda first recess disposed in said bottom surface of said body, said first recess having a pair of opposed sides joined by a cross member which defines a first passage which intersects a first pair of diagonally opposed corners of said substantially rectangular body.36. The cutting guide of claim 35 , wherein said pair of opposed sides of said first recess comprise substantially linear parallel opposed sides.37. The cutting guide of claim 36 , further comprising a second recess disposed in said bottom surface of said body claim 36 , said second recess having a pair of opposed sides joined by a cross member.38. The cutting guide of claim 37 , wherein said second recess defines a second passage which communicates with said first passage of said first recess and at least one of said plurality of sides of said body.39. The cutting guide of claim 38 , wherein said second passage defined by said second recess communicates with at least two of said plurality of sides of said body.40. The cutting guide of claim 39 , wherein said second passage defined by said second recess intersects a second pair of diagonally opposed corners.41. The cutting guide of claim 40 , wherein said opposed sides of said second recess comprise substantially linear parallel opposed sides.42. The cutting guide of claim 41 , wherein one of said opposed sides of said first or said second recess intersect a first pair or a second pair of diagonally opposed ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Automated MEPI Design for Hollow Wall Construction

Номер: US20220064952A1

Disclosed embodiments include the production of construction plans upon planar surfaces such as studless walls near studless walls or traditional framing. Disclosed embodiments include specialized databases, cutting systems and printing systems useful for implementation of various plans upon planar surfaces sometimes used with hollow wall systems, sometimes constructed with bamboo or other fast growing sources of structural fiber, with the types of subject printing and cutting sometimes including architectural plans, structural plans, electrical plans, plumbing plans, mechanical plans, insulation plans, media plans, security plans and construction plans and details including those derived directly from various plans

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200048024A1
Автор: NASU Nobuo

A cutting apparatus cuts a fabric using a rotary blade and a fixed blade that are built into a cutter head. The fixed blade is linked, to the other-end side of a swing arm of which one end is pivotally fitted on a blade frame by a swing shaft. The fixed blade is urged by a coil spring connected to the one-end side of the swing arm. When a prescribed resistance force is applied to the fixed blade, a position sensor detects movement of the swing arm, a fixed blade drive cylinder drives the swing arm in response to the detection, and the fixed blade is moved to an accommodation position that is above the position during cutting and that is on an opposite side in the advancing direction of the cutter head. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising:a support surface supporting a sheet material;a cutter head having a first cutting blade coming into contact with the sheet material on the support surface from a side farther from the support surface and a second cutting blade coming into contact with the sheet material from a side nearer to the support surface; anda cutter head drive mechanism driving the cutter head within a plane parallel to the support surface,with the cutter head having a second cutting blade drive portion driving the second cutting blade at the time of notching the sheet material to an accommodation position above the position at the time of cutting the sheet material,wherein when, at the time of cutting the sheet material, a predetermined resistance force is exerted on the second cutting blade from the sheet material, the second cutting blade drive portion drives the second cutting blade to the accommodation position.2. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the first cutting blade is a rotary blade; andthe second cutting blade is a fixed blade arranged such that at the time of cutting the sheet material, a distal end thereof is directed in the driving direction of the cutter head, and that a side edge portion thereof is in contact with a ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050396A1

A bleeder cord affixing device is made up of an affixing roller extending in a width direction of the treatment member and adapted to be pressed into the treatment member being moved, thereby to be rotated; and a roller moving mechanism that moves the affixing roller to and away from the treatment member. The roller moving mechanism operates to move the affixing roller to a pressed position urged to the treatment member, with a result that the affixing roller is caused to be rotated due to the movement of the treatment member at the pressed position and attaches the rubber member to the treatment member under the pressing force, and then presses the bleeder cords onto the treatment member to continuously affix the bleeder cords onto the surface of the treatment member. 1. A bleeder cord affixing device comprising:a treatment member feeding device for feeding a treatment member in a direction;an affixing roller disposed to extend in a breadth direction across the direction in which the treatment member is fed;a bleeder cord arranging device for guiding and arranging a plurality of bleeder cords with leading ends of adhesive nature in parallel rows along the direction in which the treatment member is fed; andan affixing roller moving mechanism rotatably supporting the affixing roller thereon and being operative to move the affixing roller between a pressed position in which the affixing roller is pressed onto the treatment member being fed, to cause the affixing roller to be rotated due to friction with the treatment member being fed, and a standby position in which the affixing roller is moved away from the treatment member;said affixing roller moving mechanism being configured to move the affixing roller in the standby position to the pressed position onto the treatment member being continuously fed, in a state in which the leading ends of adhesive nature of the bleeder cords arranged by the bleeder cord arranging device are attached to an outer surface of the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Cutting Guide With Seam Allowance Recess

Номер: US20170051451A1
Принадлежит: USAUS Holdings LLC

A cutting guide having a seam allowance recess and methods of cutting a piece of material with such cutting guide. 1. A cutting guide , comprising:a body having a top surface and a generally flat bottom surface, each of said top and bottom surfaces extending to each of a plurality of sides interconnected in a quadrilateral configuration having one pair of said plurality of sides joined at a corner defining an interior angle of about 90 degrees, said body having a thickness sufficient to guide a cutting tool along one of a plurality of sides of said body; anda recess disposed in said bottom surface of said body, said recess having a width defined by location of a pair of linear opposed sides disposed a distance apart in generally parallel relation, said recess having a depth defined by location of a cross member coupled between said pair of linear opposed sides, wherein said recess intersects at least a pair of said plurality of sides and said corner defining said interior angle of about 90 degrees.2. The cutting guide of claim 1 , wherein said depth of said recess comprises a height of a seam allowance.3. The cutting guide of claim 2 , wherein said thickness of said body comprises about ⅛ to about ⅝ inches.4. The cutting guide of claim 3 , wherein said width of said recess comprises about ¼ to about ¾ inches.5. The cutting guide of claim 4 , wherein said depth of said recess comprises about 1/16 to about 5/16 inches.6. The cutting guide of claim 5 , wherein one of said pair of linear opposed sides has a location on an axis which intersects said corner defining said interior angle of about 90 degrees and a non-consecutive side of said corner defining said interior angle of about 90 degrees of said quadrilateral configuration.7. The cutting guide of claim 6 , further comprising indicia located on said bottom surface or said top surface and wherein said indicia comprise graphic indicia or numeric indicia8. A method of producing a cutting guide claim 6 , comprising the ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130644A1

The present invention provides a system and method for creating screen protectors for electronic devices where the screen protectors may be formed from stock screen protector material to fit any of a multitude of differently sized, shaped and/or configured screens for distinct portable electronic devices. The system includes screen protector material, a cutting element, a control unit and an interface. The interface enables a user to actuate the control unit by selecting an electronic device from one of the supported devices. The system then cuts a screen protector to fit the selected device allowing a user to create new screen protectors as needed or required. 1. A system for creating screen protectors for electronic devices , said system comprising:screen protector material configured for being applied to electronic devices;a cutting element;a control unit, said control unit being programmed and operable to control the cutting of said screen protector material by said cutting element to form a screen protector in one of a plurality of supported screen protector shapes associated with various electronic devices; andan interface, said interface being operatively connected to said control unit and enabling a user to actuate said control unit to form a user selected screen protector.2. The system of wherein said screen protector material is in the form of a sheet.3. The system of wherein said cutting element comprises a blade.4. The system of wherein said one of a plurality of supported screen protector shapes is selected by a user based on the type of electronic device for which said screen protector is intended.5. The system of wherein said system includes at least one driver claim 1 , said driver being operatively connected with said control unit and said cutting element whereby said driver moves said cutting element in response to said control unit based on a selected one of said plurality of supported screen protector shapes.6. The system of further including a ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for producing detailed fabric applique

Номер: US20150060399A1
Автор: Dywan J. Michael

A method to produce a fabric applique includes the steps of providing a piece of steel, removing oxide layers from the steel, and forming a pattern on the steel. The steel is etched and coded. A die cutting laminate including the coded steel is prepared and compressed to cut fabric. 1. A method to produce a fabric applique , comprising the steps of: (i) more than 0.3% by weight carbon and', '(ii) exterior surfaces having oxide layers;, '(a) providing a piece of high carbon non-stainless steel including'}(b) removing oxide layers from said exterior surfaces; (i) a plurality of intermediate cover portions not comprising photo resist and,', '(ii) photo resist cover portions bounding said intermediate portions and having a width greater than the desired final thickness of a die cutting edge,', 'said photo resist cover portions having a thickness in the range of 0.0034 inch to 0.0055 inch;, '(c) forming a detailed pattern on said steel, said pattern comprising'} (i) in said steel beneath said intermediate cover portions a depth in the range of 0.027 inch to 0.035 inch,', '(ii) a rounded die cutting edge, and', '(iii) a safety die;, '(c) etching through said intermediate cover portions and etching said steel beneath said intermediate cover portions to produce'}(d) promptly after said etching is completed removing said photo resist cover portions from said safety die;(e) promptly after said photo resist cover portions are removed applying to said safety die a protective non-stick coating having a thickness in the range of 0.0008 to 0.0012 inch to round edges on said die and minimize corrosion of said safety die;providing a pair of spaced apart parallel rollers;(g) providing a stack of a plurality of fabric sections to be cut by said safety die, each fabric section having a thickness of less than 0.010 inch;(h) providing a thin metal plate having a thickness of at least 0.010 inch;(i) providing a pair of polymer bounding sheets; (i) fabric sections contacting and generally ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

CNC Flatbed Cutting Machine, Its Method of Operation, and a Graphics Sheet with a Fiducial that Indicates the Orientation of the Graphics Sheet

Номер: US20190054644A1
Автор: Hansen Jacob

An apparatus comprising a flatbed cutting machine with a work plane () with an upper surface () for receiving the printed sheets (); the machine further comprising an operating group () mobile along the work plane () and comprising a cutting member () for cutting the sheets (). The apparatus comprises a first camera () above the work plane () for imaging the upper surface and a computer system () functionally connected to the first camera () and configured for receiving digital images from the first camera (). The computer system () analyses received images with respect to image data for a fiducial (); the fiducial () comprising an optically readable two-dimensional code for a numeric or alphanumeric sequence. The computer system is decoding the two-dimensional code to extract an ID code that identifies the graphics on the sheet (). On the basis of stored data in the database, related to the ID code, a cutting curve is determined and corresponding computer instructions submitted to the machine for moving the operating group () with the cutting element () along the work plane () for cutting the sheet () along the cutting curve. 142349223325226542955928998151542415494281545624. A method of operating an apparatus for cutting printed sheets () , the apparatus comprising a flatbed cutting machine , which comprises a work plane () with an upper surface () for receiving the printed sheets () thereon; the apparatus comprising a first camera () arranged over the work plane () at a first distance above the work plane () and configured for imaging part of the upper surface () or the entire upper surface () of the work plane (); the apparatus further comprising an operating group () mobile along the work plane () at a second distance from the work plane () , and the operating group comprising a cutting member () mobile together with the operating group () for cutting the sheets () when placed on the work plane (); wherein the first distance is larger than the second distance , ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056895A1

A job includes pages that have multiple items positioned according to coordinates. A sheet coordinate location identifier for each of the items (that corresponds to the coordinates for the items) is added to the job. The job is printed to produce printed sheets of items (printed items) printed according to the coordinates. A cutting device cuts the printed sheets, according to the coordinates, into individually cut items. Each of the cut items includes the sheet coordinate location identifier printed thereon, and this identifies the pre-cutting locations of the cut items within the uncut sheets of print media. The cut items are inspected for cutting defects to identify defective items. Pre-cutting locations of the defective items are identified using only the sheet coordinate location identifier printed on the defective items. A repair recommendation for the cutting device is based on the most common pre-cutting location of the defective items. 1. A method comprising:receiving printing and sheet cutting information into a printing system;automatically combining, by a processor of said printing system, said printing and sheet cutting information, to produce a print and cut job that includes pages, each of said pages includes multiple items positioned according to coordinates;automatically adding, by said processor, a sheet coordinate location identifier that corresponds to said coordinates for said items to each of said items in said print and cut job;automatically printing said print and cut job on sheets of print media using a printing device of said printing system, to produce printed sheets of said items printed as printed items on said printed sheets according to said coordinates;automatically cutting said printed sheet using an automated cutting device of said printing system to separate said printed sheet, according to said coordinates, into individually cut items, each of said cut items includes said sheet coordinate location identifier printed thereon, each ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200056324A1
Автор: Rieger Keril

The Triangle Quilting Template is a template utilized by quilters to fabricate triangularly-shaped quilting blocks. The Triangle Quilting Template comprises two templates: a trapezoid shaped template and a template with a triangular shape. A quilter utilizes the templates to cut three trapezoid-shaped fabric pieces from the trapezoid-shaped template and a single fabric piece with a triangular shape from the template with a triangle shape. These four fabric pieces are sewn together to create a unique triangle-shaped quilting block. A number of triangle-shaped quilting blocks may be sewn together to create a quilt. 1. A quilting template for cutting fabric pieces comprising:a first template having a triangle shape, wherein the first template comprises an equilateral triangle with three straight edges; anda second template having a trapezoid shape, wherein said second template comprises a first straight edge and a second straight edge that run parallel to each other, wherein the first straight edge is longer than the second straight edge; further comprising two straight edges that connect the first straight edge to the second straight edge.2. The device of wherein the first template having a triangle shape includes markings or sewing lines that run along the three straight edges.3. The device of wherein the markings or sewing lines run ⅛″ to ¼″ from the three straight edges.4. The device of wherein the second template having a trapezoid shape includes a first marking or cutting line that connects the first straight edge to the second straight edge claim 1 , a second marking or cutting line that connects the first straight edge to the second straight edge claim 1 , wherein the first marking or cutting line and the second marking or cutting line run parallel to each other.5. A triangle quilting pattern formed from the quilting template of claim 1 , further comprising:a triangle fabric piece formed from the first template;a first trapezoid fabric piece formed from the ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

Unit for Feeding Lateral Flaps of a Hygiene Absorbent Article and Method for the Format Change of the Feeding Unit

Номер: US20190060133A1
Принадлежит: GDM S.p.A.

The unit for feeding lateral flaps of a hygiene absorbent article having: an input conveyor of a first continuous strip; a cutting assembly provided with a receiving drum, of the first suction-pick up heads that hold the lateral flaps and which are mounted to as to be radially movable on the receiving drum, and at least one blade which cyclically cuts the first strip crosswise; a spacer assembly having a pair of spacer drums provided with second suction-pick up heads that receive the lateral flaps of the receiving drum; and an actuator system, which cyclically moves each first suction-pick up head radially between a radial pick-up position and a radial release position, in the area of an output station. 112. A unit () for feeding lateral flaps () of a hygiene absorbent article;{'b': '1', 'claim-text': [{'b': 3', '1', '2, 'an input conveyor () to convey a first continuous strip (N) from which the lateral flaps () are separated;'}, {'b': 4', '3', '5', '1', '1', '1', '7', '2', '6', '5', '1', '2', '1, 'a cutting assembly () arranged downstream of the input conveyor () and comprising: a receiving drum (), which is mounted so as to rotate around a first rotation axis (X), receives the first continuous strip (N) in an input station (S), and is provided with first suction-pick up heads (), which are designed to hold the lateral flaps (); and at least one blade (), which cooperates with the receiving drum (), to cyclically cut the first continuous strip (N) crosswise, so as to separate the lateral flaps () from the first continuous strip (N) itself; and'}, {'b': 17', '4', '18', '2', '19', '2', '5', '2', '5', '2', '2', '18, 'a spacer assembly (), which is arranged downstream of the cutting assembly () and comprises a pair of spacer drums (), each of which is mounted so as to rotate around a second rotation axis (X), is provided with second suction-pick up heads () designed to hold the lateral flaps (), and is arranged close to the receiving drum (), to receive the lateral ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150068380A1

A log saw machine includes a first arm, a second arm parallel to the first arm, a shaft having a first end and an opposite second end, and a circular knife fixed on the shaft. The first end of the shaft is rotatably installed on the first arm. The second end of the shaft is rotatably installed on the second arm. The circular knife is positioned between the first and second arms, and the plane of the circular knife is parallel to the extending direction of the first and second arms. 1. A log saw machine comprising:a first arm;a second arm parallel to the first arm;a shaft comprising a first end and an opposite second end, the first end rotatably installed on the first arm, and the second end rotatably installed on the second arm; anda circular knife fixed on the shaft, the circular knife being positioned between the first and second arms, and the knife defining a plane parallel to the first and second arms.2. The log saw machine of further comprising a support and at least one driving spindle claim 1 , the at least one driving spindle rotatably installed on the support claim 1 , and at least one transmission component being disposed on the driving spindle and the shaft to transfer a rotational drive from the driving spindle to the shaft.3. The log saw machine of claim 2 , wherein the at least one transmission component is two transmission components claim 2 , the two transmission components respectively being cooperatively associated with the first and second ends of the shaft.4. The log saw machine of claim 3 , wherein the transmission components are symmetrical with respect to the plane of the circular knife.5. The log saw machine of claim 3 , wherein the at least one driving spindle is two driving spindles claim 3 , and each of the transmission components is cooperatively associated with a corresponding driving spindle.6. The log saw machine of claim 2 , wherein the at least one driving spindle is rotatably installed on the first arm and the second arm.7. The log ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150069027A1

An optical scanning device includes: a projector configured to radiate laser light incident thereon while causing the laser light to make angular movement around a projection center, and a reflector with a parabolic surface, the reflector being configured to reflect the laser light from the projector. The projection center is positioned at a focal point of the parabolic surface. The projector radiates the laser light such that the greater a difference between a rotation angle of the laser light and a reference angle, the lower an angular speed of the laser light, the reference angle being the rotation angle of the laser light when the laser light reflects on a vertex of the parabolic surface. A laser machining device includes the optical scanning device, and is configured to cause the laser light from the reflector to fall on a workpiece to form a machining line. 1. An optical scanning device comprising:a projector configured to radiate laser light while causing the laser light to make angular movement around a projection center, anda reflector with a parabolic surface, the reflector being configured to reflect the laser light from the projector, whereinthe projection center is positioned at a focal point of the parabolic surface, andthe projector radiates the laser light while causing the laser light to make the angular movement at a non-constant speed, such that the greater a difference between a rotation angle of the laser light and a reference angle, the lower an angular speed of the laser light, the reference angle being the rotation angle of the laser light when the laser light reflects on a vertex of the parabolic surface.2. The optical scanning device according to claim 1 , whereinthe projector includes a multifaceted rotating mirror with a plurality of reflecting surfaces,a single scanning line is formed while the laser light that is incident on the multifaceted rotating mirror is passing across one of the plurality of reflecting surfaces, anda rotation ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Cutting Guides with Interchangeable Handles

Номер: US20160067873A1

Systems and methods for fabric cutting guides are provided. The cutting guide system includes interchangeable cutting guides and interchangeable handles. The cutting guides include a base having a fabric engagement structure on the bottom. The fabric engagement structure includes a seam engagement surface to engage with a seam of a fabric piece in order to position the fabric piece as desired. Once the fabric piece is positioned, at least a portion of the perimeter of the base may be used as a cutting guide so that a user may cut along the side of the base with a blade in order to produce fabric shapes that are highly uniform. The base also includes a socket so that the interchangeable handle may be interchanged between cutting guides. Additionally, the interchangeable handle has a height sufficient to remove a user's have from the proximity of the cutting guide when in use. 1. A cutting guide including: at least one cutting guide edge positioned along the perimeter of said base; and', 'a fabric engagement structure positioned on a bottom surface of said base and extending outwardly from said base,', 'wherein said fabric engagement structure includes a seam engagement surface,, 'a base, wherein said base includeswherein a fabric piece including a seam is positionable relative to said cutting guide edge by positioning said seam proximate to said seam engagement surface,wherein, when said seam is positioned proximate to said seam engagement surface, said cutting guide edge describes a desired shape of a cut to be made in said fabric piece.2. The cutting guide of wherein said fabric engagement structure also includes a fabric holding surface claim 1 ,wherein, when said fabric piece is positioned on a support surface and said seam is positioned proximate to said seam engagement surface, said fabric piece is compressed between said support surface and said fabric holding surface.3. The cutting guide of wherein said base also includes a fabric height relief region claim 1 ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160068362A1

A label sheet cutting apparatus includes a first rotating shaft and a second rotating shaft arranged parallel to each other, a driving device configured to rotate the first rotating shaft and the second rotating shaft, and a cutter unit including a first disc-like rotary blade and a second disc-like rotary blade each having a hole in a center, and a holding member configured to rotatably support the first rotary blade and the second rotary blade, and hold one surface of the first rotary blade and one surface of the second rotary blade such that the two surfaces are partially in contact with each other, the cutter unit configured to cut a sheet-like medium to be cut which is fed to pass between the first rotary blade and the second rotary blade. The first rotating shaft and the second rotating shaft are inserted into the holes of the first rotary blade and the second rotary blade and rotate the first rotary blade and the second rotary blade, respectively, and support the cutter unit such that the cutter unit is movable in an axial direction of the first rotating shaft and the second rotating shaft. 1. A label sheet cutting apparatus comprising:a first rotating shaft and a second rotating shaft arranged parallel to each other;a driving device configured to rotate the first rotating shaft and the second rotating shaft; anda cutter unit including a first disc-like rotary blade and a second disc-like rotary blade each having a hole in a center, and a holding member configured to rotatably support the first rotary blade and the second rotary blade, and hold one surface of the first rotary blade and one surface of the second rotary blade such that the two surfaces are partially in contact with each other, the cutter unit configured to cut a sheet-like medium to be cut which is fed to pass between the first rotary blade and the second rotary blade,wherein the first rotating shaft and the second rotating shaft are inserted into the holes of the first rotary blade and the ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Apparatuses and Methods for Making Absorbent Articles

Номер: US20170065461A1

The present disclosure relates to methods and apparatuses for assembling absorbent articles, and more particularly, diapers, each including a chassis connected with front and back elastic belts. Opposing end regions of the chassis are connected with regions of the elastic belts where the elasticity of the elastic belts has been removed or deactivated. As discussed in more detail below, an elastic laminate is formed by intermittently bonding elastic strands between a first continuous substrate layer and a second continuous substrate layer. The elastic strands are then intermittently deactivated by severing the strands in the non-bonded regions to form deactivated regions of the elastic laminate. A plurality of chassis may then be bonded with the elastic laminate, wherein the first or second end regions of each chassis may be bonded with deactivated regions of the continuous elastic laminate. 1. A method for assembling disposable pant diapers , each pant diaper comprising a chassis having a first end region and an opposing second end region separated from each other by a central region , and having a longitudinal axis and a lateral axis , the chassis comprising: a topsheet , a backsheet , and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet , the method comprising the steps of:advancing a first continuous substrate layer having a first surface and an opposing second surface in a machine direction, and defining a width in a cross direction;advancing a second continuous substrate layer having a first surface and an opposing second surface in a machine direction, and defining a width in a cross direction;advancing elastic strands in the machine direction in a stretched state;intermittently bonding the elastic strands in the stretched state between the first surface of the first substrate layer and the first surface of the second substrate layer to form an elastic laminate, the elastic laminate including bonded regions and non-bonded regions ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140144966A1
Автор: Tan Daniel Brian

A vertical core slot dispenser supports a roll of film bags wound on a hollow central core. An adapter for a bin provides mounting for at least one of the dispensers. An optional bracket has fixtures to connect lower portions of the platforms to a mounting system. A core pin has first and second ends, fits slidably within the central core and has at least one notch that extends across one of the ends. First and second guide slots are sized, shaped and located to fit slidably about the first and second ends of the core pin. At least one guide rail is located between outer edges of the guide slots. The rail is sized and shaped to slidably engage and retain the at least one notch in the core pin. At least one bag stream guide, pair of side constraints and snagging hook are attached to the bag dispenser. 1. A vertical core slot dispenser comprising:first and second angled platforms, said platforms being sized and shaped to support a roll of film bags wound on a hollow central core;a core pin, said core pin having first and second ends, being sized and shaped to fit slidably within said central core; andfirst and second guide slots, said slots being sized, shaped and disposed to fit slidably about said first and second ends of said core pin.2. The vertical core slot dispenser claim 1 , as described in claim 1 , further comprising a bracket claim 1 , said bracket having fixtures for attachment to lower portions of said angled platforms and being adapted to connect to at least one mounting system.3. The vertical core slot dispenser claim 1 , as described in claim 1 , wherein said core pin further comprises at least one notch claim 1 , said notch extending across one of said ends.4. The vertical core slot dispenser claim 3 , as described in claim 3 , further comprising at least one guide rail claim 3 , said guide rail being disposed between outer edges of at least one of said first and second guide slots and being sized and shaped to slidably engage said at least one notch ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170066152A1

A cutting apparatus includes a first motor to move a carriage, a second motor to cause a cutter to approach a work material, and a controller configured or programmed to control the first motor and the second motor. The controller includes a load detector to detect a load of the first motor, a storage storing a first relationship between the load of the first motor and a supply signal to the second motor, and a cutting pressure controller configured or programmed to control a cutting pressure applied from the cutter to the work material based on the first relationship and the load of the first motor detected by the load detector. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising:a cutter to cut a work material;a holder to support the cutter so as to enable the cutter to approach toward and move away from the work material;a carriage to support the holder and being movable relatively to the work material;a first motor coupled to the carriage to cause the carriage to move relatively to the work material;a second motor coupled to the holder to impart a force to the holder at least toward the work material; anda controller configured or programmed to control the first motor and the second motor; whereinthe second motor is capable of changing the force to be imparted to the holder according to a supply signal supplied to the second motor; and a load detector to detect a load of the first motor;', 'a storage to store a first relationship that is a predetermined relationship between the load of the first motor and the supply signal to the second motor; and', 'a cutting pressure controller configured or programmed to control a cutting pressure applied from the cutter to the work material by supplying the supply signal to the second motor based on the load of the first motor detected by the load detector and the first relationship stored in the storage., 'the controller is configured or programmed to include2. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the supply signal of the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Food wrap organizer and storage bag dispenser

Номер: US20190071240A1
Автор: Modikhan Ashmeen

A food wrap organizer and storage bag dispenser providing a wall- or door-mounted receptacle specially designed for the management of food preserving bags and wraps. 1. A food wrap organizer and storage bag dispenser providing a wall- or door-mounted receptacle specially designed for the management of food preserving bags and wraps. This patent application claims priority under 35 USC 119 (e) (1) from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/459,874 filed Feb. 16, 2017, of common inventorship herewith entitled, “Food Wrap Organizer and Storage Bag Dispenser,” which is incorporated herein by reference as though the same were set forth in its entirety.The present invention pertains to the field of a food wrap organizer and storage bag dispenser, and more specifically to the field of a food wrap organizer and storage bag dispenser providing a wall- or door-mounted receptacle specially designed for the management of food preserving bags and wraps.As the cost of dining out continues to spiral, many Americans are endeavoring to prepare their own snacks and lunches to take with them to work or school. Whether brown-bagging a hastily prepared sandwich, spooning leftovers from the night before into a portable food dish, or filling a child's lunch box with a combination of yummy and nutritious food items, consumers spend a significant portion of their mornings packing sustenance to enjoy later in the day. This practice not only saves money, but also accommodates time constraints that may not allow busy people to spend a leisurely hour in a restaurant at noontime.Leftovers, especially, provide the most economical means of supplying a daily lunch or even a repeat performance at the next night's dinner. Even so, those who endeavor not to waste food by storing leftovers in the refrigerator for later enjoyment do face an obstacle. Particularly, the many wraps and storage bags needed for preserving the foods can present quite the organizational challenge. From rolls of ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200070378A1

A rod slicer includes a receiving vessel, a cover vessel, and a rod mount. The rod mount may releasably couple with the cover vessel. At least one blade is mounted to or within the cover vessel. The rod mount has openings for one or more rods. The rod mount can be rotated, causing any rods in the openings to pass across from the rod mount into the cover vessel. In the cover vessel, a slicing edge of the blade, thus cutting a segment of a desired length from the rod. A pump may be connected to an opening in the vessel to vacuum the cut segments into the vessel. In some configurations, the blade is adjustable to change the length of the segments. 1. A rod slicer assembly for slicing medical implant rods , the rod slicer comprising:a receiving vessel comprising a bottom having an interior surface and an exterior surface, a side wall having an interior surface and an exterior surface, and an at least partially open top section, an edge of the side wall having a first part of a reciprocated coupling structure;a rod mount, the rod mount including a rotation point at a center and having at least one cylindrical shaft at a first radius length from the center and open on a top surface and a bottom surface and passing through the rod mount from the top surface to the bottom surface, the cylindrical shaft structured to receive a rod inserted via the opening at the top of the cylindrical shaft for passing to the opening of the bottom of the cylindrical shaft; anda cover vessel comprising a top having an exterior surface and an interior surface, a side wall, and a bottom having an exterior surface and an interior surface, the exterior of the top having a shaft structured to rotatably coupled with rotation point, the exterior of the top having a first area exposed to the opening of the bottom of a cylindrical shaft of rod mount and a second area open towards the interior of the bottom of the cover vessel, the cover vessel having a blade mounted to the bottom, and further having ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150080820A1
Автор: Fjeldsa Patrik

An absorbent article, such as a pant diaper, a sanitary pant or an incontinence pant, includes a front part, a back part, and a crotch part. Lateral side portions of the front part and the back part are superposed, so that their inner surfaces face each other, and are joined to each other along side seams extending in a longitudinal direction of the article. The lateral side portions of the front part and/or the back part include at least one layer of nonwoven material which is reinforced in the area of at least one of the side seams. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a front part, a back part, and a crotch part, whereinlateral side portions of the front part and the back part are superposed, so that an inner surface of the lateral side portions of the front part face an inner surface of the lateral side portions of the back part, and the lateral side portions of the front part are joined to the lateral side portions of the back part along side seams extending in a longitudinal direction of the absorbent article,the lateral side portions of at least one of the front part and the back part include a first layer of nonwoven material which is reinforced in an area of at least one of the side seams,the absorbent article includes at least one additional layer of nonwoven material extending at least in the area of the at least one side seam for reinforcing the first layer nonwoven material, andthe at least one additional layer of material is obtained by folding the first layer of nonwoven material upon itself.23-. (canceled)4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , including at least two additional layers of material extending at least in the area of the at least one side seam claim 1 , which are obtained by double folding the first layer of nonwoven material of the lateral side portions of the front part upon itself.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the at least one additional layer of material is provided on an outer surface of the first layer of nonwoven ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210078192A1
Автор: CHOI Insung

A pipe machining carriage, including a carriage configured to travel along an outer circumference of a pipe, and a chain coupled to both ends of the carriage wraps around the outer surface of the pipe. The carriage and the chain precisely move along the outer surface of the pipe. The disclosure may provide a carriage that performs machining with high accuracy by preventing the carriage from deviating from the original mounted position by moving the chain along with movement of the carriage. The disclosure may also provide a carriage mounted stably on the outer circumferential surface of the pipe to machine the pipe, regardless of pipe diameter, by adjusting a distance between the carriage drive wheels. The disclosure may prevent the carriage from slipping by mounting a front wheel and a rear wheel to the same drive shaft so the front and rear wheels rotate simultaneously in response to motor operation. 1. A carriage for pipe machining , comprising:a traveling unit equipped with a machining tool for machining a pipe, wherein the traveling unit is configured to travel along an outer circumferential surface of the pipe; anda roller chain coupled to the traveling unit to wrap around the outer circumferential surface of the pipe, wherein the roller chain is configured to guide the traveling unit to travel along the outer circumferential surface of the pipe, cause both ends of the roller chain to be coupled to the traveling unit;', 'cause a plurality of unit roller chains to be coupled to each other in succession so as to extend in a longitudinal direction of the roller chain; and', 'cause a roller mounted in each of the unit roller chains to rotate on the outer circumferential surface of the pipe., 'wherein the roller chain is configured to2. The carriage for pipe machining according to claim 1 , wherein the traveling unit comprises:a body; anda front wheel and a rear wheel that are mounted to a lower portion of the body to roll while in contact with the outer ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Adjustable Pant-Like Disposable Undergarment With Attachment Assembly Concealing A Line Of Weakness And Method Of Manufacture

Номер: US20140155855A1

A method and apparatus for producing a pre-fastened adjustable pant-like disposable absorbent undergarment including a front body panel having a line of weakness is disclosed. The method includes providing a moving web having a waist end and a leg-cut-out end. The moving web is weakened to form a line of weakness defining a leading portion of the moving web and a trailing portion of the moving web at the line of weakness. Desirably, the line of weakness includes a series of weakened areas having a combined length in a cross-machine direction at least 85% of a distance between the waist end and the leg cut-out end. The method further includes passing it through a fastener attachment station to bridge the leading portion and the trailing portion of the moving web together with a fastener assembly. 1. A pre-fastened adjustable pant-like disposable absorbent undergarment comprising:a. a body panel having a waist end and a leg-cut-out end;b. a fastener assembly attached to the body panel, wherein at least one side of the fastener assembly is releasably attached to the body panel;c. a line of weakness under the fastener assembly defining a first section of the body panel and a second section of the body panel attached at the line of weakness, the fastener assembly bridging the first section of the body panel and the second section of the body panel; andd. wherein the line of weakness comprises a series of weakened areas, the series of weakened areas having a combined length in a longitudinal direction at least 85% of a distance between the waist end and the leg cut-out end.2. The pre-fastened adjustable pant-like disposable absorbent undergarment of wherein the series of weakened areas having a combined length in the longitudinal direction at least 90% of the distance between the waist end and the leg cut-out end.3. The pre-fastened adjustable pant-like disposable absorbent undergarment of wherein the series of weakened areas having a combined length in the longitudinal ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076300A1

A method for making absorbent sanitary articles whereby each absorbent article is provided with at least one pair of side tabs. The method includes the steps of feeding a single continuous web with a longitudinal axis towards at least one cutting station where the continuous web is divided, by a succession of cuts transverse to the longitudinal axis, into a first and a second series of side tabs, each of which has an asymmetrical shape and separately applying each rotated side tab of the first series and each side tab of the second series along a continuous strip of a material for making the absorbent articles, in such a way that each rotated tab of the first series is juxtaposed with a respective tab of the second series to define a respective pair of side tabs. 1) A method for making absorbent sanitary articles whereby each absorbent article is provided with at least one pair of side tabs , the method comprising the steps offeeding a single continuous web, with a longitudinal axis, towards at least one cutting station where the continuous web is subdivided by a succession of cuts transverse to the longitudinal axis into a first and a second series of side tabs, each of which has an asymmetrical shape; the side tabs of the first and second series being arranged alternately with each other in a continuous succession;the continuous web is subdivided according to a continuous repetition of a continuous succession, each of which comprises a succession of pairs of side tabs which are mirror-symmetrical to each other about an axis at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the continuous web; each continuous succession comprises a pair defined by a first tab of the first series and first tab of the second series which are consecutive and mirror-symmetrical to each other about an axis at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the continuous web, and a pair defined by a second tab of the first series and a second tab of the second series which are consecutive and mirror ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190077035A1

A machine for cutting tubes is provided including a support table, at least two tube rests protruding from the table and arranged at a distance from one another, and a separating device arranged therebetween. The support table has a substantially flat tube-supporting surface, and the separating device has a cutting knife and a tube feed which can move parallel to the separating plane and has two thrust pieces arranged on both sides of the separating plane, each having a tube contact surface. At least one of the thrust pieces has a thrust piece attachment adjustably attached to a carrier and having tube contact surfaces. 11341245279109121110. A machine for cutting hoses comprising a support table () , at least two hose rests () protruding therefrom and spaced apart from one another , and a cutting device () disposed between them , wherein the support table () has a substantially plane hose support face () and the cutting device () comprises a cutting blade () , which extends in a cutting plane disposed substantially perpendicular to the hose support face () , as well as a hose feed () , movable parallel to the cutting plane , with two thrust pieces () disposed on both sides of the cutting plane with one hose contact face () each , wherein at least one first of the thrust pieces () is provided with a thrust-piece attachment () affixed positionably on a carrier () and provided with the associated hose contact face ().212102. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the positionability of the thrust-piece attachment () comprises at least an ability to change the angular position of the hose contact face () relative to the hose support face ().312112. The machine of claim 2 , wherein the thrust-piece attachment () is positionable on the carrier () by the fact that it can be pivoted around an axis (Y) directed substantially parallel to the hose support face () and substantially perpendicular to the cutting plane.4121110. The machine of claim 1 , wherein the positionability of the ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079097A1
Принадлежит: Duplo Seiko Corporation

A slitter comprising: an upper rotary blade; a lower rotary blade; an upper housing for holding the upper rotary blade; and a lower housing for holding the lower rotary blade, the slitter being constructed such that the both rotary blades revolve in a manner that a tip on a cutting surface side of the upper rotary blade and a tip on a cutting surface side of the lower rotary blade are rubbed together so that a sheet passing through between the both rotary blades is cut, wherein the upper rotary blade is cantilevered on the cutting surface side by a cantilevered supporting part and the lower rotary blade is cantilevered on a non-cutting surface side by a cantilevered supporting part. 1. A slitter comprising: an upper rotary blade; a lower rotary blade; an upper housing for holding the upper rotary blade; and a lower housing for holding the lower rotary blade , the slitter being constructed such that the both rotary blades revolve in a manner that a tip on a cutting surface side of the upper rotary blade and a tip on a cutting surface side of the lower rotary blade are rubbed together so that a sheet passing through between the both rotary blades is cut , whereinone rotary blade selected from the upper rotary blade and the lower rotary blade is cantilevered on the cutting surface side of the one rotary blade by a first cantilevered supporting part.2. The slitter according to claim 1 , whereinthe other rotary blade selected from the upper rotary blade and the lower rotary blade is cantilevered on a non-cutting surface side of the other rotary blade by a second cantilevered supporting part.3. The slitter according to claim 1 , whereinthe first cantilevered supporting part holds a first revolving shaft for supporting the one rotary blade, in a manner not permitting swing relative to a shaft center.4. The slitter according to claim 2 , whereinthe second cantilevered supporting part holds a second revolving shaft for supporting the other rotary blade, in a manner not ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180079099A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Satomi

A cutting apparatus comprising: a cutting mechanism configured to cut an object to be cut based on cutting data; and a controller configured to: specify a plurality of patterns; acquire attribute information representing an attribute of the specified patterns; classify the respective patterns into two or more groups based on the acquired attribute information; generate the cutting data in which the patterns are arranged for each of the classified groups; and control the cutting mechanism to cut the patterns based on the generated cutting data. 1. A cutting apparatus comprising:a cutting mechanism configured to cut an object to be cut based on cutting data; and specify a plurality of patterns;', 'acquire attribute information representing an attribute of the specified patterns;', 'classify the respective patterns into two or more groups based on the acquired attribute information;', 'generate the cutting data in which the patterns are arranged for each of the classified groups; and', 'control the cutting mechanism to cut the patterns based on the generated cutting data., 'a controller configured to2. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , 'generate, when an arbitrary one of the plurality of patterns is used as a reference, the cutting data in which the plurality of patterns are arranged in a manner that a distance between the pattern used as the reference and another pattern belonging to a group different from the group of the pattern used as the reference and adjacent to the pattern used as the reference is larger than a distance between the pattern used as the reference and the other pattern belonging to a same group as the group of the pattern used as the reference and adjacent to the pattern used as the reference.', 'the controller being further configured to3. The cutting apparatus according to claim 1 , calculate an enclosing rectangle including all the patterns belonging to the same group; and', 'generate the cutting data in which the respective patterns ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220097334A1

A corrugated paperboard box making machine comprises: a slotter device comprising a rotatable cylindrical-shaped upper slotter, and a slotter blade detachably attached onto an outer periphery of the upper slotter, wherein the slotter device performs slotting on a corrugated paperboard sheet; and an upper-level management device and/or a lower-level management device configured to control the slotter device. The management device is configured to set a limit value of the length of the slotter blade for satisfying a given condition determined from the perimeter of the upper slotter, dimensions of a corrugated paperboard box to be produced by the corrugated paperboard box making machine, and a production mode to be set to operate the slotter device in conformity to the box to be produced, and determine whether or not the length of a given slotter blade to be attached to the slotter device exceeds the limit value. 1. A corrugated paperboard box making machine comprising:a slotter device comprising a rotatable cylindrical-shaped slotter, and a slotter blade detachably attached onto an outer periphery of the slotter, the slotter device being configured to perform slotting on a corrugated paperboard sheet by the slotter blade; anda control device configured to control at least the slotter device,wherein the control device is configured to:set a limit value of a length of the slotter blade for satisfying a given condition determined from a perimeter of the slotter, dimensions of a corrugated paperboard box to be produced by the corrugated paperboard box making machine, and a production mode to be set to operate the slotter device in conformity to the box to be produced; anddetermine whether or not a length of a given slotter blade to be attached to the slotter device exceeds the limit value.2. The corrugated paperboard box making machine according to claim 1 , wherein the control device is configured to set the limit value by using claim 1 , as the given condition claim 1 , ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200078973A1

A method of partitioning involves a predetermined layout of parts that are to be cut out from a sheet of flexible material by moving at least one cutter tool along two directions in at least two distinct and determined cutting windows along which the material is advanced in succession. Starting from a predetermined layout of the parts in the material, the method comprises: automatically creating mutually distinct groups of parts by allocating each part to a single group of parts as a function of its geometrical position, each group of parts being associated, for cutting out, with a single cutter tool and with a single cutting window; and applying spacings between the various groups of parts. 112.-. (canceled)13. A method of partitioning a predetermined layout of parts that are to be cut out from a sheet of flexible material by moving at least one cutter tool along two directions in at least two distinct and determined cutting windows along which the material is advanced in succession , wherein , starting from a predetermined layout of the parts in the material , the method comprises:automatically creating mutually distinct groups of parts by allocating each part to a single group of parts as a function of its geometrical position, each group of parts being associated, for cutting out, with a single cutter tool and with a single cutting window; andapplying spacings between the various groups of parts.14. The method according to claim 13 , wherein the step of automatically creating groups of parts comprises claim 13 , for each part of the layout claim 13 , allocating the part to one of the cutter tools as a function of the transverse position of said part measured along a transverse direction of the material relative to its direction of advance; andif the cutter tool to which the part is allocated has previously been associated with a predefined group of parts, measuring, in the direction of advance of the material, the length of a rectangle that surrounds all of the ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Control of a Cutting Tool

Номер: US20200078974A1

An example system includes a cutting tool and a device configured to remotely control the cutting tool. The device is configured to establish a wireless communication with the cutting tool, and the cutting tool is configured to send a first signal to the device indicating that the cutting tool is enabled to be operated remotely responsive to the cutting tool receiving information indicating that a trigger is locked in an “on” state and a remote switch is in a first position. The device is configured to send a second signal to the cutting tool indicating a request to cause the cutting tool to perform a cutting operation responsive to receiving information indicative of actuation of at least one button of a user interface of the device. 125-. (canceled)26. A device configured to remotely control a cutting tool , the device comprising:a user interface comprising a first button and a second button;at least one processor; and establishing a wireless connection with the cutting tool,', 'receiving a first signal from the cutting tool indicating that the cutting tool is enabled to be operated remotely,', 'receiving information indicative of actuation of the first button,', 'responsive to receiving the information indicative of the actuation of the first button, sending a second signal to the cutting tool indicating a request to arm the cutting tool,', 'receiving information indicative of actuation of the second button, and', 'responsive to receiving the information indicative of the actuation of the second button, sending a third signal to the cutting tool indicating a request to cause the cutting tool to perform a cutting operation., 'data storage comprising instructions that, when executed by the at least one processor, cause the device to perform operations comprising27. The device of claim 26 , wherein the operations further comprise sending the third signal to the cutting tool indicating the request to cause the cutting tool to perform the cutting operation responsive ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200079040A1
Автор: CONTI Davide
Принадлежит: PIRELLI TYRE S.P.A.

A tyre building plant () comprises a forming drum () and a supply device () for supplying an elongated element () towards the forming drum. The supply device comprises at least one conveyor belt () which extends in a supply direction (X) between a loading region (), in which the elongated element is loaded on the conveyor belt and an unloading region (), a control unit () for controlling the loading of the elongated element () on the conveyor belt (), at least a first detection element which is fixed with a first portion () of the conveyor belt, a sensor () which is fixed and independent with respect to the conveyor belt and which detects the position of the first portion () with respect to the supply device. The loading of the elongated element on the conveyor belt is performed when the first portion is at a predefined reference distance from the loading region (). 142.-. (canceled)43. A tyre building plant comprising a forming drum and a supply device for supplying an elongated element toward said forming drum , said supply device comprising:at least one conveyor belt extending in a supply direction between a loading region, wherein in the loading region, said elongated element is loaded on said conveyor belt, and an unloading region, wherein in the unloading region, said elongated element is unloaded from said conveyor belt;a motor member configured for moving said at least one conveyor belt between said loading region and said unloading region;a control unit configured for controlling the loading of said elongated element on said conveyor belt and moving of said at least one conveyor belt;at least a first detection element fixedly associated with a first portion of said at least one conveyor belt; anda sensor, wherein the sensor is fixed and independent with respect to said at least one conveyor belt and detects a position of said first portion with respect to said supply device,wherein said control unit is further configured for controlling the loading of said ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086390A1

It is often required to cut designs with inner geometries in foam blocks. In traditional method of cutting with hotwire, cutting can only start from outer edge. This results in a cut line between outer and inner geometries, weakening the design. In this invention, an intelligent rigid heating tool is proposed, that can pierce the raw material in the middle, without having to start from outer edge. A latching mechanism for providing double side support for the rigid cutting tool is proposed. An automatic tool path generation method is also proposed, to prevent the tool from cutting the block, when piercing or retracting. A flexible knife is proposed in this knife, that can make the system compact. A sensor to measure deflection in the knife is also proposed in this system, to implement closed loop speed control, resulting in higher productivity. 1100101105. An automatic CNC wire cutting system , comprising of an intelligent knife , whose zone of heating is programmable , capable of piercing and starting profile cuts from middle of the block of material. The system having a spring loaded end support to support the tip of the knife after block piercing.21013. The automatic system of claim 1 , in which the knife can have different heating modes i.e. Tip only claim 1 , Body Only claim 1 , Tip & Body heating.3101. The automatic system of claim 1 , in which the body of the knife is made of a flexible material claim 1 , such that the knife can be vertical when outside the block and become horizontal when piercing or cutting the block claim 1 , resulting in a compact system.4101904910906906. The automatic system of claim 1 , where the hotknife claim 1 , carries forward a heating wire when piercing the block and retracts back once the wire is held on at the end of piercing by a latching mechanism at other side of the block. Then cutting is continued by the wire and wire also retracts back from the block pulled by actuator . can optionally be a torsional spring also. ...
