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10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2512256C2

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству, а именно к гидротехническим сооружениям, и может быть использовано для крепления подводных откосов, берегов рек и водоемов, бортов каналов, ремонта промоин, а также в качестве утяжелителя трубопроводов и защиты их при прокладке через водные акватории. Бетонный мат содержит соединенные между собой замоноличенным канатом бетонные блоки, нижняя часть которых выполнена в виде усеченной пирамиды с общим большим прямоугольным основанием и с меньшей вершиной. Верхняя часть бетонных блоков выполнена в виде шарового слоя с общим большим основанием и с меньшей вершиной, усеченного, по крайней мере, одной наклонной плоскостью, проходящей через ребро пирамиды. Использование изобретения позволит увеличить срок эксплуатации защитного мата. 6 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

20-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2219306C2
Принадлежит: КВЕОН Хиук-Мин (KR)

Изобретение относится к области гидротехнического строительства и касается армирующих блоков (АБ) для прибрежного или берегового сооружения и способов укладки указанных блоков с гидравлической устойчивостью поверхности откоса и экономичной стоимостью строительства. АБ содержит корпус (К), образующий восьмиугольную колонну с прямоугольными боковыми сторонами и перфорированным отверстием (ПО) в центре, опору (О), выполненную за одно целое и альтернативно прикрепленную к каждой стороне К и выступающую подошву (П), выполненную в каждой из нижних и верхних частей О. Каждый угол О и П имеет скос. ПО может быть выполнено в форме квадрата, при этом каждая сторона ПО параллельна стороне К, не имеющей указанных О. Для укладки таких блоков АБ наклоняют на определенный угол, и каждая сторона опоры блока входит в контакт с другой стороной опоры соседнего блока по всему направлению рядов. При размещении АБ под искусственными АБ соотношение веса АБ к весу искусственного АБ составляет 1:3-1:10. АБ согласно ...

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU158735U1

Покрытие откосов, включающее бетонные блоки, образованные путем нагнетания самоуплотняющейся бетонной смеси через прорези в пространство прошитых между собой по периметру водопроницаемых полотен, имеющих гибкие вертикальные связи в виде прочных тканых лент шириной не более 5 мм, находящихся между верхним и нижним полотном, устроенные путем сквозного прошивания лентами этих полотен, обеспечивающие требуемую форму бетонным блокам и предотвращающие разрыв полотен под напором нагнетаемого бетона, с расположенными между бетонными блоками узкими перемычками, имеющими укороченные вертикальные связи, и фильтрующими элементами, находящимися в перемычках по углам бетонных блоков, отличающееся тем, что оно дополнительно снабжено гибкими наклонными связями, внутренними армирующими элементами, демпфирующими прослойками и фильтрующим полотном из водопроницаемого материала, при этом каждая гибкая наклонная связь соединена одним концом с верхним полотном в месте соединения гибкой вертикальной связи, а ...

20-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU153403U1

... 1. Гибкое бетонное покрытие, содержащее гибкие плиты из бетонных блоков и соединительные элементы из частей для связи указанных плит между собой, отличающееся тем, что составные части данных соединительных элементов опрессованы втулками в местах их взаимного сопряжения.2. Покрытие по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что составные части соединительных элементов опрессованы втулками в непосредственной близости от бетонных блоков соединяемых плит.3. Покрытие по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что число втулок и параметры их опрессовки выбраны из условий исключения возможности проскальзывания составных частей соединительных элементов в местах их сопряжения и снижения при этом прочности каждого из данных соединительных элементов не более чем на 10% от нормального значения.

20-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU151889U1

... 1. Гибкое бетонное покрытие, содержащее гибкие плиты из бетонных блоков с арматурными и дополнительными монтажными канатами, в котором связи между данными плитами образованы посредством указанных монтажных канатов, выступающие из бетонных блоков части которых соединены между собой, отличающееся тем, что соединения дополнительных монтажных канатов выполнены при помощи опрессованных втулок.2. Покрытие по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что соединения монтажных канатов опрессованными втулками выполнены в непосредственной близости от бетонных блоков соединяемых плит.3. Покрытие по п. 1, характеризующееся тем, что число втулок и параметры их опрессовки выбраны из условий исключения возможности проскальзывания монтажных канатов в местах их сопряжения и снижения при этом прочности каждого из данных канатов не более чем на 15% от нормального значения.

20-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU156766U1

... 1. Узел втулочного соединения бетонных блоков, содержащий блоки, канаты и втулочное техническое средство для жесткой фиксации данных канатов, характеризующийся тем, что указанные блоки имеют пирамидальную форму, взаимно прилегают и выполнены из бетона, при этом в каждом из блоков частично замоноличен канат, а втулочное техническое средство опрессовано на свободных концах данных канатов, причем диаметр и гибкость канатов, а также размер втулочного технического средства выбраны из условия возможности размещения свободных концов канатов и втулочного технического средства в пределах бокового просвета между гранями блоков.2. Узел по п. 1, характеризующийся тем, что свободные концы канатов и втулочное техническое средство полностью размещены в пределах бокового просвета между гранями блоков.3. Узел по п. 1, характеризующийся тем, что канат замоноличен в бетонный блок так, что свободный конец каната выходит из тела данного блока вне плоскости его наибольшего размера.

20-08-2002 дата публикации


Номер: RU24692U1

... 1. Облицовочный блок, имеющий наклонно и взаимно параллельно расположенные верхнюю и, по крайней мере на части ее ширины, нижнюю грани, а также фасадную и тыльную грань, расположенные предпочтительно, взаимно параллельно, при этом, со стороны тыльной грани в верхней ее части в теле блока выполнена выемка, грань основания которой образует с тыльной гранью блока острый угол, а другая ее грань - тупой или прямой угол с верхней гранью блока, причем в теле блока со стороны грани основания выемки выполнен для размещения геосетки продольный паз, глубина которого не менее трехкратной минимальной его ширины.2. Облицовочный блок по п.1, в котором ширина продольного паза, по крайней мере в верхней его части, не менее толщины геосетки в месте пересечения осей образующих ее пластин.3. Облицовочный блок по п.1 или 2, в котором ширина продольного паза превышает удвоенную толщину геосетки в месте пересечения осей образующих ее пластин не более, чем на толщину пластины геосетки.4. Облицовочный блок по любому ...

12-01-2021 дата публикации

Гибкий мат для быстровозводимых покрытий

Номер: RU2740278C1

Изобретение относится к области строительства и может быть использовано при возведении временных автомобильных дорог, взлетно-посадочных площадок для вертолетов, стоянок автомобильной и другой техники, закрепления откосов при строительстве котлованных сооружений, капониров и укрытий для военной техники и личного состава, а также для укрепления берегов и защиты гребней плотин и дамб от размыва. Технический результат - снижение веса гибкого мата, повышение скорости возведения покрытия, снижение затрат на доставку и монтаж покрытия из соединенных блоков, улучшение сцепления с грунтом или искусственным основанием на который укладываются маты, а также повышение надежности и прочности соединения блоков за счет использования прочных металлических тросов в качестве канатов. Гибкие маты для быстровозводимых покрытий из связанных между собой отдельных блоков доставляют к месту установки в свернутом виде - в рулоне. Призмовидные элементы, расположенные на нижней поверхности каждого блока, фиксируют ...

27-03-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2107768C1

Использование: в промышленном и гражданском строительства при строительстве дорог, аэродромов, фундаментов под различные сооружения, а также при строительстве любых сооружений на слабых грунтах. Сущность изобретения: опорная конструкция содержит плиту, на опорной поверхности которой расположены выступы, и выпукло-изогнутый в плане анкетный элемент с накопленной в поперечном направлении от центра основания плиты к ее периферии боковой поверхностью, и имеющий замкнутые дугообразные участки, выступающие за контур основания на величину не менее толщины выступа. Выступ расположен напротив выступа у противоположной боковой грани и смещен в продольном направлении основания плиты в сторону выступа у торцевой грани, а дугообразный участок анкерного элемента расположен напротив замкнутого дугообразного участка. Сущность изобретения: способ включает установку на естественное или предварительно подготовленное основание плит с расположенными на их основаниях со стороны опорной поверхности выступами, ...

27-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95115299A
Автор: Меликов М.М.

Берегозащитный волногасящий блок, включающий в себя "контр-волну" в виде изогнутой поверхности, отличающийся тем, что блок выполнен пустотелым с открытой П-образной тыльной частью, профиль блока в верхней части имеет полупараболическую форму, нижняя часть выполнена в виде наклонной плоскости, расположенной под углом 40-45o к плоскости основания блока, основание имеет дополнительно ножки-зубцы для придания устойчивости, при этом пустота блока заполнена пляжным или любым другим сыпучим материалом для придания блоку большей устойчивости к удару волны.

07-07-1991 дата публикации

Блок для наброски

Номер: SU1661266A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству и может быть использовано для укрепления берегов молов, а также для наброски при перекрытии проранов рек. Цель изобретения - повышение упругости блока и снижение его материалоемкости. Блок состоит из трех и более сплошных утилизированных автопокрышек 1, которые попарно соединены посредством такого же количества разрезанных автопокрышек 2, при этом разрезанные автопокрышки 2 ориентированы своими разрезами 3 наружу. Внутренние полости сплошных автопокрышек 1 и заключенное между ними пространство в стыке разрезанных автопокрышек 2 имеют бетонную пробку 4. 1 ил.

15-05-1986 дата публикации

Сборный фасонный блок

Номер: SU1231111A1

07-03-1992 дата публикации

Блок буны

Номер: SU1717704A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехнике, а именно к конструкциям морских берегозащитных .сооружений, выполненным в виде бун. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности работы путем увеличения интенсивности волногашения и осаждения пляжеобра зующего материала. Блок содержит массив с трапецеидальным очертанием в плане, вертикальными торцовыми гранями 2 и 3 с вертикальными пазом 5 и выступом 6 и наклонными боковыми гранями 4. На каждой боковой грани 4 в средней ее части выполнено продольное углубление, очерченное по коробовой кривой в поперечном сечении с образованием винтовой поверхности 7 с подъемом в сторону грани 2. В средней части массива выполнены поперечные сквозные отверстия 8. Буна, состав- ленная из блоков, имеет боковую поверхность пилообразной формы, что обеспечивает гашение части энергии волнового потока. Далее лоток закручивается поверхностями 7, делится отверстиями 8 на части, части потока соударяются, теряя энергию. 7 ил. (/) С VI VI о Јь ...

15-03-1985 дата публикации

Строительный бетонный массив для гидротехнических сооружений

Номер: SU1145397A1

СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЙ БЕТОННЫЙ МАССИВ ДЛЯ ГИДРОТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ включающий плиту с отверстиями и примыкаюдае к плите на ее концевых участках с двзгх противоположных сторон симметрично расположенные выступы , отличающийся тем что, с целью повышения универсальности массива при возведении сооружений различного типа и профиля, обладающих повышенными волногасящими свойствами, а также упрощения технологии его изготовления, массив выполнен в поперечном сечении двутавровой формы, при этом полки двутавра образованы выступам, выполненными в виде призм, установленных вдоль всей торцовой грани плиты. i СП со со Фие.{ ...

12-08-1969 дата публикации

Блок для крепления земляных откосов

Номер: SU250735A1
Автор: Семенов О.А.

07-09-1993 дата публикации

Блок берегозащитного сооружения

Номер: RU2000382C1

Использование: в гидротехническом строительстве для защиты берегов от разрушающих волновых воздействий. Сущность изобретения: берегозащитное сооружение включает установленные в ряд блоки из плит с щелевидными отверстиями клиновидной формы и тремя параллельными вертикальными прорезями. Глубина прорезей - не менее половины ширины плиты, а ширина - не менее ее толщины. Одна из прорезей расположена по центру плиты, а две другие - на диагонально противоположных торцах на равных расстояниях от краев плиты. 5 ил.

07-05-1987 дата публикации

Способ возведения подводного гидротехнического сооружения

Номер: SU1308682A1

Изобретение относится к области гидротехнического строительства, в частности к способам возведения сооружений , устанавливаемых на дно водоема , например берегозащитных молов. Цель изобретения - повышение устойчивости сооружения. Способ возведения :о 30 05 00 ю ...

23-09-1983 дата публикации

Защитное крепление откосов гидротехнических сооружений

Номер: SU1043238A1

... 1. ЗАЩИТНОЕ КРЕПЛЕНИЕ ОТКОСОВ ГИДРОТЕХНИЧЕСКИХ СООРУЖЕНИЙ , выполненное из отдельных блоков прямоугольной в плане формы, состыкованных между собой, отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности и упрооления технологии возведения крепления. блоки выполнены со ступенчатыми выступами по двум смежным сторонам, перекрывающими рядом уложенные блоки, при этом выступы размещены на наружной поверхности крепления.. 2.Крепление по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что каждый блок выполнен с отверстиями на ступенчатых выступах под болты рядом уложенных блоков, при этом диаметр отверстий больше диаметра болтов. 3.Крепление по пп. 1 и 2, отличающееся тем, что каждый блок снабжен йрижимной Г-образной в плане щпонкой, размещенной под ступенчатыми выступами. 4.Крепление по пп. 1-3, отличающееся тем, что каждый блок снабжен противосуффозйонной пластиной Х-образной формы в плане, размещенной на части крепления, лиi шенной выступов по контуру поверхности, причем пластина приварена к рабочей ар (Л матуре и выступает ...

23-02-1992 дата публикации

Защитное покрытие

Номер: SU1714023A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству. Цель изобретения - снижение стойкости покрытия, упрощение конструкции и улучшение технологичности изготовления покрытия. Защитное покрытие изготавливают из фасонных элементов 1. Элементы 1 соединены в гибкую дорожку стыковочными элементами 2. Стыковочные элементы 2 выполняют из двух тросов 3. Тросы 3 образуют петли 4 между элементами 1. Петли 4 закрепляют скобами 5 на поверхности элементов. Сборку покрытия осуществляют при помощи тягового тросг. 6. 4 з.п.ф-лы. 2 ил.

05-03-1980 дата публикации

Покрытие для укрепления откосов

Номер: SU720095A1

07-09-1991 дата публикации

Сборный фасонный блок гидротехнических сооружений

Номер: SU1675474A1

Изобретение относится к гидротехническому строительству, в частности к элементам берегоукрепительных сооружений. Цель изобретения - повышение эффективности работы. Фасонный блок гидротехнических сооружений содержит кубовую конфигурацию из автопокрышек разного диаметра с расположением их в горизон/ тальной и вертикальной плоскостях. Горизонтально расположенные автопокрышки 1 имеют больший диаметр, а вертикально расположенные автопокрышки 2 - меньший. Покрышки 2 смонтированы в плане квадратом и закреплены к нижней и верхней горизонтально расположенным покрышкам 1 посредством хомутов 3, образуя внутри полое пространство. Полое пространство заполнено двумя покрышками 5 меньшего диаметра, установленными перекрестно одна относительно другой. Пространство между и внутри покрышек 5 выполнено с наполнителем 7 или без него. Скоростной водный поток, проходя через полое пространство , заполненное двумя покрышками 5 и инертным материалом 7 (или без него), гасит свою энергию. 1 э.п. ф-лы. 3 йл. 9 Ё Оч ...

30-01-1984 дата публикации

Сквозная берегозащитная шпора

Номер: SU1070257A1

СКВОЗНАЯ БЕРЕГОЗАЩИТНАЯ ШПОРА, содержащая бычки на сваях, закрепленных на дне русла, со сквозными каналами между бычками, отличающаяся тем, что, с целью повышения защитной способности шпоры, каждый бычок выполнен в виде открытого лотка, жестко закрепленного на сваях и установлен на них с образованием свободного пространства между нижней поверхностью лотка и дном русла с обеспечением сквозности между сваями и бычками.

07-10-1981 дата публикации

Устройство для заполнения гибких оболочек

Номер: SU870571A1

23-10-1992 дата публикации

Переход через речку или овраг

Номер: SU1771496A3
Принадлежит: МП "ИЗОТЕХ"

Переход через речку или овраг включает береговые опоры, пролетное строение и покрытие . Пролетное строение выполнено из горизонтально расположенных автопокрышек , объединенных между собой и предварительно сжатых по оси перехода, при этом покрытие соединено с автопокрышками по их боковинам , а пролетное строение натянуто на береговые опоры. Опоры установлены с наклоном к поперечной оси перехода, а пролетное строение выполнено из автопокрышек разного диаметра. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

14-05-1987 дата публикации

Purpose-made block which consists of concrete or is in the form of a brick in order to produce walls and masonry walls of all types

Номер: DE0003537524A1

The purpose-made block which can be produced from concrete or is in the form of a brick, manufactured in the conventional manner, is the central, novel structural element for walls and masonry walls using dry and mortar construction methods, also a soundproofing concrete element. Its special shape permits it also to be used advantageously for stabilising the surfaces of water courses and for erecting soundproofing walls, for assembling crash barriers and consolidating solid floors.

26-10-2006 дата публикации

Welded wired fence for gabion, has welded wires coated with composition of zinc-aluminum, where weight percentage of aluminum amounts to six-sixteen percent and weight percentage of zinc amounts to ninety four-eighty four percent

Номер: DE202006004462U1

The fence has welded wires with a diameter of 4.5 millimeter. The wires are coated with a composition of zinc-aluminum, where the weight percentage of aluminum amounts to 6-16 percent and the weight percentage of zinc amounts to 94-84 percent. The wires are cold drawn steel wires and are welded using electric spot welding. The coating contains additive silicon up to 5 percent. The coating contains additive magnesium from 1-2 percent.

22-03-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003162309D1

21-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002324214A1

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Vegetationsträger für Teiche

Номер: DE102009018844B4
Принадлежит: JOREK NORBERT, Jorek, Norbert

Vegetationsträger für Teichufer, mit einer angrenzend an ein Ufer (2) und unterhalb eines Wasserspiegels (5) anzuordnenden Rinne, die dazu eingerichtet ist, ein Substrat zu halten, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Rinne einen Grundkörper aus einem Profil (7, 33, 40) aufweist, das einen nach oben offenen Innenraum (22) begrenzt, und dass eine Haltevorrichtung (9) vorgesehen ist, die einerseits an dem Grundkörper und andererseits an dem Ufer (2) oberhalb des Wasserspiegels (5) befestigbar ist, wobei die Haltevorrichtung (9) an eine Böschungskontur des Ufers (2) anpassbar ist.

24-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002635017A1

16-01-1986 дата публикации

Номер: DE0003406752C2

06-07-1928 дата публикации

Aus Platten bestehende Sohlenbewehrung fuer Bewaesserungsgraeben

Номер: DE0000462268C

14-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE202009012633U1
Принадлежит: BERDING BETON GmbH, 49439 Steinfeld, DE

Deckwerkstein in quaderförmiger Gesamtgestalt, wobei in einer Oberseite (12) eine relativ dazu schräg geneigte Vertiefung (18) angeordnet ist, deren Tiefe in Richtung auf eine Seite (8) zunimmt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Vertiefung (18) an ihrem tiefsten Bereich unmittelbar an die Seite (8) des Deckwerksteins anschließt.

10-11-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0007608516U1

02-08-1973 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002203159A1

15-11-1995 дата публикации

Water defence block

Номер: GB0009518792D0

26-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001385207A

23-03-2011 дата публикации

Assembly for dissipating wave energy through diffraction

Номер: GB0002445182B

02-06-2010 дата публикации

Beach erosion control system

Номер: GB0002462741B

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Embankment support

Номер: GB0002537291A

This invention relates to an embankment support (10), and more particularly to an embankment support (10) for the protection and stabilisation of sea embankments against wave impact and erosion. According to a first aspect of the invention there is provided an embankment support (10) comprising an anchoring portion for anchoring the support in an embankment, connecting means for allowing interlocking of the embankment support with an adjacent embankment support, and an operatively upper side connected to the anchoring portion for receiving flowing water and directing the water along the operatively upper side of the embankment support, thereby dispersing the water in a desired direction and reducing erosion of the embankment.

15-08-1984 дата публикации

Paving blocks

Номер: GB0002134561A

A paving block, particularly for use in constructing revetments, is configured so that a three-dimensional interlock is obtained between adjacent blocks. At least one face (1, 21) of the block has an edge contour comprising alternate recesses and projections with inclined faces e.g. 24b, 27b running either between the opposite faces of the block, or to a mid plane, as shown. The blocks may be roped together to form a mat by cables. ...

23-06-1982 дата публикации

Wave dissipation caisson

Номер: GB0002089408A
Автор: Iwasa, Nobuhiko

PCT No. PCT/JP81/00098 Sec. 371 Date Dec. 23, 1981 Sec. 102(e) Date Dec. 23, 1981 PCT Filed Apr. 24, 1981 PCT Pub. No. WO81/03190 PCT Pub. Date Nov. 12, 1981.This is a wave dissipation caisson made of concrete wherein trapezoidal wing pieces having an appropriate number of holes are fixed in combination to the inside of a box-type frame formed only by angled sections of a framework. The caisson has a permeable structure wherein the waves advancing into the frame are shifted and divided by wing pieces so as for the energy of the waves to be dissipated and is placed on a seabed to be utilized as a revetment and a breakwater.

27-06-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008413062D0

19-12-1956 дата публикации

Slope or bank protection system

Номер: GB0000763795A

... 763,795. Revetments. BEVEREN, P. W. VAN. Jan. 21, 1955 [Feb. 17, 1954], No. 1931/55. Class 68 (2). A revetment comprises blocks 1 having raised triangular portions 2 forming between them collecting basins 3 for the receding water, the basins communicating with each other through narrower passages 4.

03-03-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002005792B

25-04-1979 дата публикации

A protector for use on the sea bed and a method of providing protection thereon

Номер: GB0002005792A

A means and a method for protecting a sea bottom surface or an installation positioned on same, for instance a pipeline, which means comprises a plurality of pliable concrete plate elements which are flexibly interconnected one after the other and thereby forming a chain-like unit, which chain-like unit is positioned along the sea bottom surface, its flexible characteristics both longitudinally and transversally enabling the unit to adapt itself to transverse and to longitudinal level variations in the course of the laying.

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508885D0

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP2015008885A0

31-12-1979 дата публикации

Block intended for the protection of works against liquid masses moving.

Номер: OA0000004222A

31-07-1981 дата публикации

Artificial block for maritime and river structures.

Номер: OA0000006466A

31-08-1980 дата публикации

New work to slow down and/or divert water currents and its manufactoring process.

Номер: OA0000004743A

31-12-1980 дата публикации

Apparatus for the fish breeding on the open sea.

Номер: OA0000005027A

28-02-1981 дата публикации

Filter coating for protection against erosion, the contamination and the wear of the grounds, banks and the funds.

Номер: OA0000005340A

21-07-1969 дата публикации

Artificial block for the protection of hydraulic works.

Номер: OA0000001487A

30-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AP0201508885A0

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Pond edge module

Номер: AT0000520906A2
Автор: THOMAS PENZ, Thomas Penz

Fixierbarer,schwenkbarer und justierbarer Teichrandbaustein aus Kunststoff. Teichrandbausteine können beliebig aneinander gereiht werden. Die dadurch entstehende Form und Länge der Bausteinkette ist nahezu beliebig und an das jeweilige Gelände angepasst. Somit ist Herstellung einer durchgängigen Kapillarsperre für Zierteiche, Bachläufe und Schwimmteiche einfach und rasch möglich. 2 wird die Höhe der gesamten fixierten Kette in dem gewünschten waagerechten Linie gebracht ...

15-09-2019 дата публикации

Pond edge module

Номер: AT0000520979A2

Fixierbarer,schwenkbarer und justierbarer Teichrandbaustein aus Kunststoff. Teichrandbausteine können beliebig aneinander gereiht werden. Die dadurch entstehende Form und Länge der Bausteinkette ist nahezu beliebig und an das jeweilige Gelände angepasst. Somit ist Herstellung einer durchgängigen Kapillarsperre für Zierteiche, Bachläufe und Schwimmteiche einfach und rasch möglich.

15-04-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000114271A

15-06-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000601874A

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508028A4

15-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000508028B1

Bei einem Steinkorb (1) mit einem Gittermantel aus an den Kreuzungsstellen verbundenen Metallstäben (2) und zumindest einer an gegenüberliegende Mantellängsseiten des gegebenenfalls bodenlosen Steinkorbes zug- und druckfest anschließenden Querstrebe (4), die eine höhere Biegesteifigkeit als die Metallstäbe des Gittermantels aufweist, weist die wenigstens eine biegesteife Querstrebe (4) an ihren Enden Einhängehaken (5) auf. Diese Einhängehaken (5) sind für die untersten horizontalen Metallstäbe (2) des Gittermantels bestimmt und wenigstens an einem Ende der Querstrebe (4) zusätzlich mit einem Mittelspalt (6) zum Einführen über einen stehenden Metallstab (2) im Kreuzungspunkt der Metallstäbe (2) des Gittermantels versehen.

25-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000005143U1

Ein Ziergegenstand besteht aus dreidimensional aneinandergereihten Bach- oder Flußsteinen (1, 2), die insbesondere auf Tragstäben aufgefädelt sind.

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010249U1

15-12-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010521T

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009704U1

15-08-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000054694T

15-04-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000051913T

15-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000782T

11-02-1974 дата публикации

Quadripartite toothable composite stone with two-story structure

Номер: AT0000313351B

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000261027T

19-05-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007738081A

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003268690A1

18-04-1995 дата публикации

Concrete armor unit to protect coastal and hydraulic structures and shorelines

Номер: AU0007632994A

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Sea defence

Номер: AU2014202480B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave Pty Ltd

H:\tw\Interwoven\NRPortbl\DCC\TW0869 11.doc-24/10/2011 - 16 A sea defence apparatus including a plurality of precast interlocking blocks arranged in a stepped configuration, a duct contiguous through blocks on adjacent steps and a tensioning member extending through the duct to thereby interconnect the blocks. Fig. 1A - . ... ' .. . . . .. . . .

07-05-2015 дата публикации

Connection surface for a structural unit

Номер: AU2013344469A1

A connection surface that is disposed on at least a portion of a face of a structural unit comprises a first convex surface and a first concave surface arranged substantially along a first line. The shape of the first concave surface is complementary to the shape of the first convex surface. A second convex surface and a second concave surface are arranged substantially along a second line that is substantially parallel to the first line. The shape of the second concave surface is complementary to the shape of the second convex surface. The concave-convex order of the second line is reversed relative to the first line, such that the second convex surface corresponds with the first concave surface and the second concave surface corresponds with the first convex surface.

03-09-1998 дата публикации

Concrete product for promotion of afforestation

Номер: AU0000696082B2

06-04-2000 дата публикации

Shore erosion control structures

Номер: AU0000718080B2

02-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000573178B2

04-04-1996 дата публикации

A foldable multicellular structure for rapid intervention works

Номер: AU0003172995A

10-04-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004793585A

27-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001159266A1

22-03-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001234294A1

31-05-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001237288A1

STRUCTURAL MODULE FOR RETAINING WALLS AND THE LIKE of the Invention A prefabricated concrete module and a composite wall structure comprised of an assembly of modules, where the module comprises a generally rectangular front and rear panel, joined by at least one generally trapezoidal partition means. A cellular wall structure is formed by stacking the modules and aligning the partition means on top of each other, thereby forming bins which contain loose material contributing to the weight of the structure. Provisions can be made for slabs which span longitudinally across partition means to be positioned upon or between partition means of vertically contiguous modules. These slabs, which capture an additional amount of loose material, can also, where desired, transfer lateral forces between superposed partition means. In a version of the module, useful whether or not the trapezoidal partition means are employed, the longitudinal distance from a partition to the edge of the front panel, ...

20-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA1158874A

A fabric mat protecting against erosion comprising a water-pervious fabric layer-provided with anchoring loops. The anchoring loops have the form of a yarn woven across the fabric and protruding from the surface thereof. It is possible to use for this purpose a rugged yarn guaranteeing a satisfactory anchorage. The anchoring loops of the fabric ensure that the mat penetrates into the ground and is thus anchored. It is also possible to anchor concrete blocks of means of the anchoring loops by pouring the concrete on the mat or by pressing it thereon.

15-11-2017 дата публикации

Комбинированная шпунтовая стенка

Номер: RU0000174999U1

Полезная модель относится к разновидностям гидротехнических сооружений и может быть использована в защитных гидротехнических сооружениях в виде стен и пр., которые имеют высокую несущую способность.Задача - снижение металлоемкости стенки при одновременном упрощении ее конструкции. Комбинированная шпунтовая стенка (фиг. 1) состоит из шпунтовых свай 1различных профилей, где n - целое число, последовательно соединенных между собой с помощью замка 2. При этом замок 2 (фиг. 2) образован из двух одинаковых элементов 3 и 4 в виде профилей, которые закреплены на двух соседних шпунтовых сваях lи 1. В качестве профиля в замке 2 использован стандартный фасонный трубчатый профиль квадратного или прямоугольного сечения, имеющий продольный вырез на обращенных друг к другу гранях трубчатого профиля для взаимного вхождения профилей друг в друга в этот продольный вырез. Захватами 5 и 6 замка служат оба трубчатых профиля квадратного/прямоугольного сечения, а их обоймами 7 и 8 - внутренние части этих профилей, выступами 9 и 10 являются части разрезанных граней внутри обоймы каждого из элементов замка, служащие одновременно гребнями. Выполнение стенки в виде последовательно соединенных между собой шпунтовых свай разного вида в совокупности с соединением всех свай между собой одинаковым вышеописанным замком, обеспечивающим надежное и простое соединение, упрощает конструкцию шпунтовой стенки и снижает ее металлоемкость. Необходимая жесткость и несущая способность обеспечиваются подбором вида входящих в стенку свай, как правило, использованием в качестве звеньев большего числа трубчатых свай. 3 ил. Ц 1 174999 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) (11) зе а за = (13) (51) МПК ВО2В 306 (2006.01) В02р 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017104835, 14.02.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 14.02.2017 Дата регистрации: 15.11.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 14.02.2017 (45) Опубликовано ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Модуль сборного гидротехнического сооружения

Номер: RU0000195367U1

Полезная модель относится к области берегозащитных сооружений, способствующих предотвращению размывания береговой линии.Модуль сборного гидротехнического сооружения, характеризующийся тем, что представляет собой блок, выполненный в виде прямоугольного параллелепипеда, на верхней и нижней сторонах которого, относительно центральной оси, слева и справа выполнены выемки в виде прямоугольников, причем по центру каждой выемки выполнено отверстие, а по боковым противоположным сторонам блока расположены крепежные соединения, выполненные в виде анкеров. Блок может быть выполнен из бетона или железобетона. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 195 367 U1 (51) МПК E02B 3/12 (2006.01) E02B 3/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК E02B 3/12 (2019.08); E02B 3/14 (2019.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019130098, 23.09.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Андросов Николай Анатольевич (RU), Калина Анатолий Анатольевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 23.01.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 23.01.2020 Бюл. № 3 1 9 5 3 6 7 R U (54) Модуль сборного гидротехнического сооружения (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области берегозащитных сооружений, способствующих предотвращению размывания береговой линии. Модуль сборного гидротехнического сооружения, характеризующийся тем, что представляет собой блок, выполненный в виде прямоугольного параллелепипеда, на верхней и нижней сторонах которого, относительно Стр.: 1 центральной оси, слева и справа выполнены выемки в виде прямоугольников, причем по центру каждой выемки выполнено отверстие, а по боковым противоположным сторонам блока расположены крепежные соединения, выполненные в виде анкеров. Блок может быть выполнен из бетона или железобетона. 2 ил. U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 236023, Калининградская обл., г. Калининград, Советский пр-т, 179, Калининградская ТПП, Котельникова Н.П. (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Erosion-and-sediment-control block and method of manufacture

Номер: US20140050527A1
Принадлежит: American Excelsior Corp

In one aspect, the present invention relates to an erosion-and-sediment-control system. The erosion-and-sediment-control system includes a sleeve having a substantially-flat bottom surface and a fiber matrix disposed within, and substantially filling, the sleeve. A flap is formed at a first end of the sleeve. The substantially-flat bottom surface resists movement due to wave action and currents.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190003138A1

A cellular structure includes a plurality of interconnected cells of fabric material. The cells are at least partially filled with a composite fill material that includes a particulate material and a bonding agent. A cellular unit made up of a plurality of the interconnected cells may have an associated load-bearing frame to enable lifting and/or transportation of the structure. The fill material is preferably resilient. 116-. (canceled)17. A method , comprising:at least partially filling an open cellular unit with a first fill material, the open cellular unit comprising a plurality of interconnected cells comprising a fabric material, and the open cellular unit being on or in a frame; andusing the frame to lift and/or transport the filled open cellular unit.18. The method of claim 17 , further comprising filling at least some spaces between the open cellular unit and the frame with a second fill material claim 17 , wherein the second fill material is the same as or different from the first fill material.1920-. (canceled)21. The method of claim 17 , wherein the frame comprises (i) an outer frame ring; (ii) at least one cross-piece attached to the outer frame ring and configured to pass underneath the open cellular unit; and (iii) at least one upright member attached to the outer frame ring and extending in a vertical direction from the outer frame ring.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the at least one upright member includes a first end proximate to the outer frame ring and a second end distal from the outer frame member claim 21 , and wherein the first end includes a socket and the second end includes a hole aligned with the socket.23. The method of claim 17 , wherein the fabric comprises a single strip of fabric folded back and forth on itself to form the plurality of interconnected cells.24. The method of claim 17 , wherein the first fill material comprises a mixture of (i) a solid bonded composite fill material comprising a particulate material and a bonding ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Production and application of biodegradable sediment control device

Номер: US20160010299A1
Автор: Lipscomb Chad M.

An elongated web of flexible material having a covering of excelsior across a portion thereof has an elongated edge portion uncovered. The elongated covered portion is folded over upon itself a number of times, and the elongated uncovered side portion (a tail) are wound upon a roll for utilization after unrolling, as a sediment barrier, properly staked into the ground. 117-. (canceled)18. An “L” shaped ground securable elongated biodegradable , temporary , sediment control arrangement having a longitudinal axis , the elongated sediment control arrangement being comprised of:a biodegradable, normal-to-ground arrangement of soil trapping, longitudinally extending multi-folded, excelsior treatment material coated body portion, anda biodegradable ground parallel arrangement, longitudinally elongated excelsior treatment material free tail portion, wherein both the elongated excelsior treatment material coated body portion and the tail portion form a single L-shape and cross-section in their ground secured configuration and wherein the normal-to-ground arrangement of excelsior treatment material coated portion has a plurality of spaced apart stake receiving pockets along one side thereof.19. The “L” shaped ground securable elongated biodegradable claim 18 , temporary claim 18 , sediment control arrangement as recited in claim 18 , wherein the multi-folded excelsior treatment material coated body portion is folded onto itself at least three times.20. (canceled)21. The “L” shaped ground securable elongated biodegradable claim 19 , temporary claim 19 , sediment control arrangement as recited in claim 19 , wherein the multi-folded elongated excelsior treatment material coated body portion consists of a 180° flip around its longitudinal axis.22. The “L” shaped ground securable elongated biodegradable claim 18 , temporary claim 18 , sediment control arrangement as recited in claim 18 , wherein the tail portion is ground securable.23. The “L” shaped ground securable elongated ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160017556A1

Armor units for rubble mound structures including breakwaters, revetments, groins, jetties, and the like. Embodiments are appropriate for ocean, river, lake and reservoir structure armoring, to prevent erosion from damaging hydrodynamic forces resulting from waves and water currents, and the like. An embodiment includes a central rectangular section, three “half H-shaped” appendages, optionally, one end frusta, and a flat bottom with two extrusions, nominally smaller than other appendages and frusta. An embodiment is symmetric about two perpendicularly intersecting vertical planes extending through the centroid of the unit. The three half H-shaped members are connected to outer parts of a side defined as the top and the two longitudinal sides of the central section. The three half H-shaped members comprise four-sided frusta that taper from a base at the central rectangular section to four-sided distal ends. For select embodiments, the frusta are generally symmetric. 1. An armor unit for stabilizing rubble mound structures such as coastal revetments , breakwaters , and the like , comprising: a central configuration having a length , a width and a depth , dimensions of which said length , said width and said depth are established by dimensions of right frusta of identical dimensions , each said right frusta having at least sides and a distal base said distal base having an area defined by an angle , α , of uniform taper of the sides of each said right frustum from said central configuration and a height , d , of each said right frustum and a square proximal base establishing both said width and said depth of said central configuration , said square proximal bases of two abutting said identical right frusta establishing said length , said central configuration having two ends established by said width and said depth and four sides established by said length and said depth , a first pair of parallel said sides established as top and bottom , respectively , and a second ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Process for Installing a Modular Retaining Wall

Номер: US20190017240A1
Автор: Yeany Scott A.
Принадлежит: Truline, LLC

A process for installing a modular retaining wall is illustrated and described having open or closed polygonal modules with channels disposed therein. The wall is set at least partially below a surface, the surface either being land-based or aqueous-based, and interfaces therebetween, e.g., shoreline. The modules of the wall are fastened to each other by respective fastening mating fasteners. The retaining wall is installed by a process employing a fluid-assisted internal mandrel. 1. A process to install retaining wall modules , at least one module having a closed polygon-shaped channel disposed therein comprising the steps of: a top portion of the mandrel and a bottom portion of the mandrel in connected relationship;', 'a fluid conduit disposed between the top portion of the mandrel and the bottom portion of the mandrel, the fluid conduit having an inlet and an outlet;', 'the top portion of the mandrel having an upwardly-extending projection portion for releasable secured connection with a pair of jaws of a vibrator,', 'the top portion of the mandrel having a pair of opposed downwardly-extending slots to permit insertion of a pair of opposed sides of the module,', 'the top portion of the mandrel containing a fluid inlet into the fluid conduit;', 'the bottom portion of the mandrel securely positioned on a bottom of the at least one of the opposed pair of connected sides of the mandrel and having an egress opening for the fluid conduit at the bottom of the mandrel and positioned at an extremity of the mandrel beyond the module length of the closed polygon-shaped module channel along its longitudinal axis, the bottom portion of the mandrel extending beyond the longitudinal length of the closed polygon-shaped module channel of the retaining wall module;, 'inserting a mandrel into the at least one closed polygon-shaped module channel, the mandrel having a mandrel length along its longitudinal axis greater than the module length along its longitudinal axis, the mandrel ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Methods, Systems, and Kits for Building Interlocking Seawalls

Номер: US20220042306A1
Автор: Donnelly William

This disclosure provides methods, systems, and kits for building seawalls using mechanically interlocking blocks. The interlocking blocks have interiors that can be filled with sand, gravel, or cementitious material after formation of a wall. The interlocking blocks that can be connected on any side to form a structure, wall, foundation, floor, building, flotation device, gardening structure, or toy. The interlocking blocks typically comprise center openings and connecting openings on each side and can be connected with hardware through the connecting openings. The center openings allow for materials such as pipes, wires, conduit, and rebar to pass through interlocked blocks. Connected blocks can also be filled with fortifying material to strengthen the structure. Sides of connected blocks can be covered with faceplates to direct flow of fortifying material and aid in the creation of desired configurations. Also provided are connectors for connecting sides of the interlocking blocks. 1. A kit for building a sea wall configured to be filled with gravel , sand , cementitious material , or a combination thereof , comprising: an interior; and', a first side center opening around the center of the first interlocking side,', 'four first side corners,', 'four first side interlocking openings, each first side interlocking opening being proximate to a first side corner,, 'a first interlocking side comprising, 'six sides comprising], 'a first cementitious interlocking block comprising an interior; and', a second side center opening around the center of the second interlocking side,', 'four second side corners,', 'four second side interlocking openings, each second side interlocking opening being proximate to a second side corner;, 'a second interlocking side comprising, 'six sides comprising], 'a second cementitious interlocking block comprisinghardware for mechanically interlocking the first interlocking side and the second interlocking side via the first side interlocking ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Integrated Drain Gate Seawall System

Номер: US20200032471A1
Принадлежит: Pak Nguyen Chung

The Integrated Drain Gate Seawall System (IDGSS) was designed to mitigate flooding due to rising sea water, severe rain and storm damages at costal area or other various waterfront properties like riverbanks, bay, beach, ocean, lake, marsh and low lying areas. The IDGSS has incorporated two functions simultaneously by separating water and land with a flood resilient fixed water barrier wall, but more importantly, has an automatic drainage system, especially for an unexpected severe and prolonged storms; to address the unintended consequence of trapping water inside the pre-existing water barrier walls. Unfortunately, during these severe storms, the trapped water has created a bathtub like scenario by the manmade fixed wall barriers, and causing an insult to an injury to an already devastated storm conditions, due to a lack of drainage systems. To mitigate this type of severe drainage problem, IDGSS was created with a characteristics of a concrete wall blocks, which includes a one-way valve or flap drain gate inside as a single unified structure, with an adjustable one-way valve or flap drain gate specification; with a various shape, sizes, materials and configurations for both one-way valve or flap gate and wall blocks; and adaptable retrofitting mechanisms to meet the site specific topography and special drainage needs. To protect the one-way valve or flap gate drainage system and to allow for an efficient drainage pathway system, the wall blocks are built to withstand severe wind and unpredictable weather conditions to become storm resilient, pressure reducing mechanism within the unlimited combinations of geometrical wall shape and size arrangements. Thus, the IDGSS is a reinforced wall system that can adapt to a specific drainage problem by allowing the trapped water to be returned back to where it came from as long as the water recedes by gravity.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Method And System For Anchoring A Waterproofing Liner To Concrete Curbs Of A Hydraulic Structure

Номер: US20170044732A1
Автор: SCUERO Alberto Maria
Принадлежит: CARPI TECH B.V.

A method and a system for anchoring a waterproofing liner of thermoplastic material to a longitudinally extending wall of a hydraulic structure of compacted loose material. The waterproofing liner is seamed to a plurality of continuous anchor bands of thermoplastic material, laterally spaced apart from one another, vertically extending in a traverse direction of the wall, from an upper to a lower position of the hydraulic structure; each continuous anchor band consists of a plurality of axially aligned and partially superimposed modular strips, seamed together and fixed to concrete curbs, defining a surface for laying down the waterproofing liner, in which the curbs longitudinally and/or transversely extend to the wall of the hydraulic structure. 1. A method for anchoring a waterproofing liner to a side wall which extends in a longitudinal direction of a hydraulic structure comprising compacted layers of loose material , according to which the waterproofing liner comprises flexible sheets of synthetic material fastened to the side wall , the method further comprising the steps of:defining a laying surface of the side wall for laying down the waterproofing liner, providing the laying surface with a plurality of continuous seaming bands for the waterproofing liner, in synthetic material;fastening the waterproofing liner to the side wall of hydraulic structure by seaming the waterproofing liner to the continuous seaming bands;characterised by the steps of:configuring the side wall of the hydraulic structure with a plurality of concrete curbs providing said laying surface for the waterproofing liner;anchoring the plurality of continuous seaming bands to the concrete curbs by arranging the continuous seaming bands in a traverse direction from an upper to a lower position of the side wall;laying down the waterproofing liner on the laying surface of the concrete curbs; andanchoring the waterproofing liner to the concrete curbs by seaming the waterproofing liner to the ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150050086A1

Improved breakwater construction blocks and interlocking shear key blocks for use in constructing diverse systems and works, in broad fields of use including, but not limited to, coastal engineering: river, stream and torrent control, bulkhead designed projects, scour control, check dams, permeable and impermeable groins-both river and ocean structures and other hydraulic works including marinas. 146-. (canceled)47. A construction block system for protection against erosion along beaches , streambeds , riverbeds and other bodies of water , said construction block system comprising:a set of construction blocks,wherein each said construction block includes(i) a central trapezoidal core portion of substantially trapezoidal cross-sectional dimensions and having sidewall surfaces,(ii) a set of four trapezoidal support legs, each said trapezoidal support leg extending from one corner of the central trapezoidal core portion in a radially-extending manner, and(iii) a top portion extending axially from the central trapezoidal core portion; anda plurality of interlocking shear key blocks, each being adapted for placement between an adjacent set of said construction blocks so as to form a closely-nested arrangement of construction blocks;wherein each said interlocking shear key block has X and Y dimensions, and is adapted for placement between the sidewall surfaces of an opposing set of said construction blocks in said closely-nested arrangement of construction blocks.48. The construction block system of claim 47 , wherein said closely-nested arrangement of construction blocks extend along a path defined by a single course of said construction block.49. The construction block system of claim 48 , wherein the X and Y cross-sectional dimensions of at least one said interlocking shear key block are substantially equal.50. The construction block system of claim 48 , wherein the X and Y cross-sectional dimensions of at least one said interlocking shear key block are substantially ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Tsunami Breakwater Wall of Retaining Wall Structure Supported By Steel Pipe Piles and Its Construction Method

Номер: US20140133911A1

A tsunami breakwater wall of retaining wall structure supported by a steel pipe pile , includes a steel pipe pile that has a bottom end thereof reach a support layer of a ground and is installed to a ground such that an upper end thereof is positioned to a part below a surface of a ground , a retaining wall that is placed on a ground and supported by the steel pipe pile , and a ground anchor that connects the retaining wall and a support layer of a ground 1. A tsunami breakwater wall of retaining wall structure supported by a steel pipe pile , comprising:a steel pipe pile installed to a ground such that a bottom end thereof reaches a support layer of a ground and an upper end thereof is positioned to a part below a surface of a ground;a retaining wall placed on a ground and supported by the steel pipe pile; anda ground anchor for connecting the retaining wall and a support layer of a ground.2. The tsunami breakwater wall of retaining wall structure supported by a steel pipe pile according to claim 1 , whereina plurality of the retaining walls are reverse T-shaped reinforced concrete blocks provided in a continuous single row on a ground of the area while a gap is not formed between adjacent retaining walls.3. The tsunami breakwater wall of retaining wall structure supported by steel pipe piles according to claim 1 , whereinthe ground anchor is installed to penetrate a bottom base part of the retaining wall and reach the support layer of the ground.4. The tsunami breakwater wall construction method claim 1 , comprising:a process of forming a hole for a steel pipe pile that reaches a support layer of a ground;a process of erecting a steel pipe pile into the hole for a steel pipe pile;a process of placing a seawall on a ground and supporting the retaining wall by the steel pipe pile; anda process of installing a ground anchor that penetrates the retaining wall to reach the support layer, fixing a tip portion of the ground anchor to the supper layer, and fixing a head ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220074157A1

An ecological slope protection has an efficient water purification function, built in a land-lake ecozone along the bank of a basin, wherein the body of the ecological slope protection extends into the water of the basin, and has a flexible mattress laid on the surface thereof; an ecological filter pool is provided below the flexible mattress and is isolated from the water of the basin by means of the pool body; the ecological filter pool is contained with a filler layer and a support layer, and the filler layer is supported by the support layer; the sewage pretreated via a sedimentation pool is introduced into the ecological filter pool and treated by the filler layer to clean up pollutants therein and reduce its eutrophication level; and the treated sewage is discharged from the ecological slope protection via the support layer and enters the basin. 1100110120110. A novel ecological slope protection with efficient water purification function , built in a land-lake ecozone along the bank of a basin , wherein the body of the ecological slope protection () extends into the water of the basin , and has a flexible mattress () laid on the surface thereof; and an ecological filter pool () is provided below the flexible mattress ().2. The ecological slope protection according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': ['120', '120', '125', '120', '120', '125'], '#text': 'the ecological filter pool () is isolated from the basin water by sealing the pool body; preferably, the ecological filter pool () is contained with a filler layer and a support layer () supporting the filler layer; the sewage is introduced into the ecological filter pool () and treated by the filler layer to clean up pollutants therein and reduce its eutrophication level; and the treated sewage is discharged from the ecological filter pool () via the support layer () and enters the basin.'}3. The ecological slope protection according to claim 1 , wherein:{'b': ['100', '110', '100'], '#text': 'a plurality of the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190055730A1
Автор: JIN Shengxi

A module splicing structure comprises to-be-spliced modules (C), a connecting component (A), a reinforcing accessory (B), and functional accessories (D, E, G). The to-be-spliced modules (C) are provided with holes or troughs. The connecting component (A) is inserted into the holes or the troughs of two adjacent to-be-spliced modules (C). The shape of the whole or partial cross section of the connecting component (A) inserted into the to-be-spliced modules (C) is the same as the shape of the cross sections of the holes or the troughs of the to-be-spliced modules (C). Connected by the connecting component (A), multiple to-be-spliced modules (C) are spliced into a whole structure or a building. The structure is applied to the field of engineering construction, and can be assembled, disassembled and maintained conveniently and quickly. 1. A module splicing structure , comprising to-be-spliced modules and a connecting component , wherein the to-be-spliced modules are provided with holes or troughs , the connecting component is inserted into the holes or the trough of the two adjacent to-be-spliced modules , and the shape of the whole or partial cross section of the connecting component inserted into the to-be-spliced modules is the same as the shape of the cross sections of the holes or the troughs of the to-be-spliced modules;the connecting component has a non-circular cross section.2. The module splicing structure of claim 1 , wherein:each of the to-be-spliced modules is provided with convex, concave and convex-concave connection structures; the maximum surface projection shape after removing the convex, concave and convex-concave connection structures is a triangle, a square, a rectangle, a diamond, a parallelogram, a trapezoid, a pentagon, a hexagon, a heptagon, an octagon, an enneagon or a closed curve; and the convex, concave and convex-concave connection structures of each of the to-be-spliced modules are equipped with holes, the contour of each hole is a plane ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Structure Including Interlocking Containers

Номер: US20170067219A1
Автор: Stewart KRIEGSTEIN
Принадлежит: Warstone Innovations LLC

A container is disclosed. The container has a side part, an upper part, a lower part, and a cavity formed by the side part, the upper part, and the lower part. The container also has a material disposed in the cavity. The side part has at least one protrusion and at least one recess. The side part is permeable to water. The side part is also nonpermeable to the material disposed in the cavity.

19-03-2015 дата публикации

System and Method for Building and Maintaining Stable Sand Beach and Shoreline Profiles and for Controlling Beach or Riparian Erosion

Номер: US20150078825A1
Автор: Messina Mario L.

A method of building up and maintaining beach sediment, building and changing beach profiles, and controlling beach erosion that uses a series of varying diameter plastic pipes joined to obtain various lengths, laid parallel and on top of each other and situated perpendicular or at various angles to the shoreline. The pipes act to slow bottom currents and promote sand accretion in and around the pipes thereby stabilizing shoreline profiles and controlling beach erosion. The pipes are held together by cables or in a “cradle” to help stabilize the pipes on the sea bottom. Certain pipes have pre-drilled holes of various diameters through their sidewalls to allow in-flow of sand-carrying water such that the pipes become filled with sand acting to stabilize the pipes. Pipe diameter sizes are selected as necessary to accomplish most efficient sediment accumulation around the pipe structures. 1. A beach building method for underwater installation along the near-shore profile of a body of water having a multiplicity of connected members comprising:a series of synthetic tubular members interconnected to lie parallel or on top of each other on the seafloor of the body of water and perpendicular to the shore line,the tubular members having holes of various sizes drilled in the sidewalls adapted to receive self-filling sand accumulation into the interior,the tubular members having connection means to hold the pipes together end-to-end or in parallel groups to help stabilize the pipes on the sea bottom,the tubular members being of varying diameters to accommodate efficient arrangement to achieve sand accumulation adjacent to the members,the tubular members having a lifting system incorporated in their design said lifting system being selected from the group comprising hooks, ropes, turnbuckles, straps or woven wires of sufficient strength to support said tubular members in lifting tension.2. The beach building method as defined in wherein said tubular members are connected end- ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации

Revetment System

Номер: US20170081819A1
Автор: Nadeau James A.
Принадлежит: Shoretec, LLC

A revetment system includes multiple layers to reinforce a surface exposed to possible high water flow. The revetment system includes both a cellular confinement layer and an articulated block layer. The cellular confinement layer is adapted to be placed on the ground surface to be protected. The block layer is mounted on top of that cellular confinement layer. Optional geosynthetic layers may be mounted under the cellular confinement layer and between the cellular confinement layer and block layers. 1. A multi-layer revetment system comprising:a cellular confinement layer adapted to be placed on a ground surface, the cellular confinement system comprising a matrix of rigid wall cells that are open across the height of the cells, andan articulated block layer adapted to be mounted on top of the cellular confinement layer on the opposite side of the cellular confinement layer than the ground surface, whereby the combined layers protect the underlying ground from erosion.2. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 1 , further comprising a geosynthetic layer that is positioned on the ground surface and under the cellular confinement layer.3. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 2 , wherein the geosynthetic layer is an impermeable layer.4. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 2 , wherein the geosynthetic layer is a permeable layer.5. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 2 , further comprising a second geosynthetic layer positioned between the cellular confinement layer and the articulated block layer.6. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 1 , wherein the open cells in the cellular confinement layer are filled with sand.7. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 1 , wherein the open cells in the cellular confinement layer are filled with aggregate.8. The multi-layer revetment system described in claim 5 , wherein the second geosynthetic layer is a permeable layer.9. The multi-layer ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160090705A1
Автор: SCHERKL Helmut
Принадлежит: RESCO Consulting GmbH

The invention relates to a stone, in particular a dam stone for a flood dam. In order to be able to build a stable flood dam in an easy way, according to the invention a cover surface is provided with at least two ribs and an opposing base surface is provided with at least two grooves corresponding to the ribs so as to create an indirect connection between two stones by means of a third stone that can be detached by applying a tensile force perpendicular to the base surface. The invention further relates to the use of such a stone. In addition, the invention relates to a method for manufacturing a mass retention structure, in particular a flood dam. 1. A stone , in particular a dam stone for a flood dam , wherein a cover surface is provided with at least two ribs and an opposing base surface is provided with at least two grooves corresponding to the ribs so as to create an indirect connection between two stones by means of a third stone that can be detached by applying a tensile force perpendicular to the base surface.2. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein the ribs situated on the cover surface and/or the grooves provided on the base surface essentially exhibit a rectangular cross section.3. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein a first lateral surface is provided with at least two ribs claim 1 , and a second lateral surface lying opposite the first lateral surface is provided with grooves corresponding to these ribs.4. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein the stone is essentially square shaped claim 1 , wherein a corner joint is created by providing ribs on at least two sides and corresponding grooves on at least two other sides.5. The stone according to one claim 1 , wherein the ribs and grooves are designed at least in part for a bond exposable to a tensile force claim 1 , in particular for a dovetailed joint.6. The stone according to claim 1 , wherein at least one rig is shorter than a groove corresponding to the rib and lying on an opposing lateral ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Fluid Diversion Assembly

Номер: US20160090706A1
Автор: Johnson, JR. Daniel

A fluid diversion assembly for diverting the fluid in a selected direction includes a rail structured to have an upright portion extending upwardly from a horizontal portion. The rail may be positioned on a support surface such that the horizontal portion of the rail abuts the support surface. The horizontal portion of the rail is sloped such that the horizontal portion may divert a fluid in a selected direction. A plurality of fasteners is extended through the horizontal portion of the rail and engages the support surface such that the rail is retained on the support surface. 1. A fluid diversion assembly comprising:a rail structured to have an upright portion extending upwardly from a horizontal portion, said rail being configured to be positioned on a support surface such that said horizontal portion of said rail abuts the support surface, a top side of and outer wall of said rail being sloped away from said upright portion such that said top side of said outer wall of said rail is configured to divert a fluid in a selected direction; anda plurality of fasteners being extended through said horizontal portion of said rail and engaging the support surface such that said rail is retained on the support surface; andsaid outer wall extending between each of a first end and a second end of said rail, said first and second ends of said rail being closed, said a top side extending upwardly from a bottom side of said rail, said top side of said outer wall of said rail being spaced upwardly from said bottom side of said outer wall of said rail such that said upright portion and said horizontal portion of said rail are substantially hollow.2. (canceled)3. The assembly according to claim 2 , further comprising said top side of said outer wall of said rail having a pair of curves each being evenly spaced apart from a center of said rail claim 2 , said pair of curves each extending between said first and second ends of said rail such that said pair of curves defines said ...

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Stabilized damping element, as well as water barrier having such damping elements

Номер: US20180087230A1
Автор: Hans Hill

A damping element ( 6 ) comprises, adjoining one another in the longitudinal direction ( 7 ), a head part ( 3 ), neck part ( 4 ) and foot part ( 5 ) of concrete. The cross section of the neck part transversely to the longitudinal direction ( 7 ) is smaller than the cross section of the head part transversely to the longitudinal direction and is smaller than the cross section of the foot part transversely to the longitudinal direction, such that a system of channels ( 8 ) is formed. The foot part ( 5 ) has, over at least a portion of the periphery ( 18 ) thereof, a recess ( 15 ) directed transversely to the longitudinal direction. Together with the grit particles ( 16 ) accommodated therein, these grooves ( 15 ) provide a stabilizing effect.

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Water Containment Apparatus and Method, and Associated Fastener

Номер: US20150110558A1
Автор: McKenzie Scott

A unique water containment wall or barrier employs a flexible envelope that is extendable in a longitudinal direction from a collapsed condition for storage and transport into an expanded position for use. Support ribs disposed at spaced apart positions along the longitudinal direction provide support and shape retention to the envelope, the interior of which is fillable with water to weigh down the envelope down against oncoming or expanding waters. A unique fastening mechanism attaches a pair of wail or barrier sections together by using an inflatable member to force apart a pair of profiled ribs on the two sections into engagement with matching-profile walls of a channel member that bridges together the two sections over the ribs. A bumper mechanism rises and falls with water levels to protect the wail or barrier against impact by floating debris. 1. A water containment apparatus comprising a flexible envelope enclosing an expandable and collapsible interior space and having an expanded shape defining a front side to be faced toward the body of water , a rear side situated opposite the front panel to face away from the body of water , an underside spanning between lower ends of the front and rear sides to lie atop the ground , a top end joining together the front and rear sides , and a pair of end walls at opposing ends of a longitudinal dimension of the envelope; supports ribs attached to the flexible envelope at spaced apart locations along the longitudinal dimension of the envelope; and a primary filling mechanism through which water is introducible into the interior space to build up an accumulation of water in said interior space to weigh down the envelope against the ground in a stationary position in which the front side of the envelope blocks spread of the body of water.2. The apparatus of wherein the flexible envelope is collapsible into a compact condition the longitudinal dimension by bringing together of the end walls.3. The apparatus of comprising a ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190112770A1
Автор: Lee Gwang Soo

A lost sand collecting apparatus, according to the present invention, comprises: a filling frame which has a plurality of plates, extends in the lateral direction and forms a plurality of filling spaces; and a collecting means which is provided on the filling frame and is positioned so as to correspond to the filling spaces. The plurality of plates are overlapped so as to be parallel to each other and the plates adjacent with a fixed distance therebetween are partly connected to one another. The collecting means can be formed in a flat structure protruding upward from the filling frame and disposed on the back of the filling spaces with respect to the littoral current toward the sea, and comprises a barrier layer or a web layer. The barrier layer or the web layer is curved toward the littoral current toward the sea. According to the present invention, the collecting means enables inhibition of the flow of the littoral current toward the sea and collection of sand moving with the littoral current flowing from the shore to the sea, thereby regulating coastal erosion. Therefore, coastal beaches can be preserved. 1. A lost sand collecting apparatus comprising:a filling frame which has a structure in which a plurality of plates are disposed in parallel to overlap each other at certain intervals in a longitudinal direction thereof and adjacent plates are partially attached to each other, wherein the filling frame extends in a lateral direction thereof to form a plurality of filling spaces; andcollecting units which are provided on the filling frame and are each disposed to correspond to one of the filling spaces,wherein sands moved by a near shore current flowing from a coast to a sea above the filling frame are collected by the collecting units.2. The lost sand collecting apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the collecting unit is formed in a planar structure form which protrudes in an upward direction from the filling frame and is formed in the rear of the filling space of ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Submarine construction for Tsunami and flooding protection, for fish farming, and for protection of buildings in the sea

Номер: US20140227033A1
Автор: SCHEEL Hans

Construction of buildings in deep sea by conventional methods is extremely difficult. A new technology by using steel fences and anchors, and fixed by inserted rocks, will be demonstrated with the example of efficient vertical Tsunami barriers extending at least 50 m up to 4 km below sea level. New gained land surface and also the fishing farms between Tsunami barrier and shore may compensate most of the costs. Walls and buildings in deep sea may assist deep-sea mining. Vertical walls extending above sea level, preferably protected with hanging triangular structures as surge stoppers, with massive stabilization landward, will replace conventional dikes and levees and will save land areas. Vertical walls of fences extending above sea level, which are circular and filled with rocks, surround pillars to protect off-shore platforms, windpower plants, bridge pillars and other submarine structures. 14. Barrier against shock waves such as Tsunami and/or against high sea waves comprising a wall extending preferably 50 m to 500 m , maximum km below sea level , a wall of which the lowest end is adapted to be fixed on the sea floor or in the ground , said wall being furthermore designed to be stabilized in a substantially vertical position and to be protected against erosion above sea level by hanging and replaceable surge stoppers or wave deflectors.2. Barrier according to wherein said wall is a fence with horizontal anchors stabilized landward by rocks claim 1 , concrete blocks or other solid bodies claim 1 , or is a double-fence wall filled with rocks.3. Barrier according to comprising several fences horizontally and vertically interconnected to form a large continuous surface.4. Barrier according to wherein said fence(s) is/are made of steel.5. Barrier according to comprising anchors which are fixed to said fence(s) and which are held horizontally and adapted to be fixed by rocks or concrete blocks inserted from above.6. Barrier according to comprising two substantially ...

09-06-2016 дата публикации

Water-control structure and cladding element therefor

Номер: US20160160462A1
Автор: Hans Hill

A water-control structure includes a control structure body ( 1 ) having at least one side ( 10, 11 ) which is exposed to the influence of a body of water ( 12 ) and adjacent cladding elements ( 3 ) which cover the control structure body ( 1 ) and which each include a base ( 6 ). The cladding elements ( 3 ) each have a free projection ( 7 ) which is upright with respect to the base ( 6 ) and are covered with a soil layer ( 5 ) which is provided between and above the projections ( 7 ).

11-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160230387A1

Provided is an assembly unit including 3×N (here, N is a natural number) number of polygonal surface parts, which extend in a vertical direction and have flat surfaces, connecting parts connecting end portions, which are adjacent to each other, of end portions of each of the polygonal surface parts, and coupling protrusions respectively protruding from the polygonal surface parts in a horizontal direction that is perpendicular to the vertical direction. The three polygonal surface parts in a clockwise direction are defined as one set, and the coupling protrusions respectively have formation positions that sequentially increase in height within the one set in the vertical direction. 1. An assembly unit comprising:3×N (here, N is a natural number) number of polygonal surface parts, which extend in a vertical direction and have flat surfaces;connecting parts connecting end portions, which are adjacent to each other, of end portions of each of the polygonal surface parts; andcoupling protrusions respectively protruding from the polygonal surface parts in a horizontal direction that is perpendicular to the vertical direction,wherein the three polygonal surface parts in a clockwise direction are defined as one set, and the coupling protrusions respectively have formation positions that sequentially increase in height within the one set in the vertical direction.2. The assembly unit of claim 1 , wherein the coupling protrusions are disposed overall in a stair shape within the one set.3. The assembly unit of claim 1 , wherein the polygonal surface parts comprises first to sixth polygonal surfaces in the clockwise direction claim 1 , and the coupling protrusions comprises first to sixth coupling protrusions that are defined in the clockwise direction claim 1 , andthe first and fourth coupling protrusions have the same formation position as each other, the second and fifth coupling protrusions have the same formation position as each other, and the third and sixth coupling ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170233964A1
Автор: Vene Nicholas

High-density bales for erosion control or for forming a flood barrier are made by the compaction of tree leave material. The bales are made substantially from tree leave material that retains at least a portion of the vein structure. The vein structure improves the structurally integrity of the bale. A baler may be used to form the bale and it may compact the leave material up to an 8:1 compaction ratio, forming bales with a density of 0.3 to 0.8g/cc or more. The bales may have a retainer wire or mesh configured around a portion of the bale to retain the bale shape. The bales may contain seeds for growing plants directly from the bales as the leave material degrades to provide the nutrients for plant growth. This plant growth from the bale provides an aesthetically appealing bale that blends into the natural environment. 1. A high-density bale comprising:a) compacted tree leave material having at least a portion of an original vein structure;b) a length;c) width;d) height;e) a weight;f) an outside surface; andg) a density.2. The high-density bale of claim 1 , wherein the high-density bale consists essentially of compacted tree leave material having at least a portion of an original vein structure claim 1 , wherein at least 80% of the bale by weight is said compacted tree leave material.3. The high-density bale of claim 1 , wherein the high-density bale consists essentially of compacted tree leave material having at least a portion of an original vein structure claim 1 , wherein at least 95% of the bale by weight is said compacted tree leave material.4. The high-density bale of claim 1 , wherein the high-density bale consists essentially of compacted tree leave material that has not completed a thermophilic phase of decomposition.5. The high-density bale of claim 1 , further comprising non-compacted tree leave derived seeds retained in the high-density bale.6. The high-density bale of claim 5 , wherein vegetative growth has germinated from the non-compacted tree ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

Low-Impact Water Conserving Dam

Номер: US20190242083A1

A low-impact water conserving dam includes a dam body and reinforcing ribs arranged on a rear portion of the dam body. The reinforcing ribs comprise transverse reinforcing ribs and vertical reinforcing ribs interlaced with the transverse reinforcing ribs. A front portion of the dam body is an inclined surface and a rear end of the dam body is a platform surface. A planting bin is arranged on the platform surface of the dam body for planting vegetation. A plurality of water flow through holes are arranged in a matrix manner at a bottom of the planting bin. A water storage bin is arranged in an interior of the dam body. The water flow through holes are communicated with the water storage bin. A water drainage channel communicated with the water storage bin is formed in a middle upper portion of the inclined surface of the dam body. 1. A low-impact water conserving dam , comprisinga dam body, andreinforcing ribs arranged on a rear portion of the dam body;wherein the reinforcing ribs comprise transverse reinforcing ribs and vertical reinforcing ribs interlaced with the transverse reinforcing ribs; the reinforcing ribs are made of metal; a front portion of the dam body is an inclined surface and a rear end of the dam body is a platform surface;wherein a planting bin is arranged on the platform surface of the dam body for planting vegetation; a plurality of water flow through holes are arranged in a matrix manner at a bottom of the planting bin; the low-impact water conserving dam further comprises a water storage bin arranged in an interior of the dam body; the water flow through holes arranged at the bottom of the planting bin are communicated with the water storage bin; a water drainage channel is formed in a middle upper portion of the inclined surface of the dam body, and the water drainage channel is communicated with the water storage bin; the interior of the dam body is tilled with gravel material; a plurality of filter plates and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) filter ...

07-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170254041A1

A triangle unit assembly block comprises a body portion comprising mutually facing first and second side surfaces and mutually facing third and fourth side surfaces between a upper surface and a lower surface; a first fastening protrusion formed on the first side surface of the body portion; a second fastening protrusion formed on the second side surface of the body portion; a first fastening groove formed on the third side surface of the body portion; and a second fastening groove formed on the fourth side surface of the body portion, wherein the first and second fastening protrusions are disposed to correspond to each other and protrude in mutually opposite directions, and the first and second fastening grooves are disposed to be misaligned with one another to be concave in mutually facing directions. 1. A triangle unit assembly block comprising:a body portion comprising mutually facing first and second side surfaces and mutually facing third and fourth side surfaces between a upper surface and a lower surface;a first fastening protrusion formed on the first side surface of the body portion;a second fastening protrusion formed on the second side surface of the body portion;a first fastening groove formed on the third side surface of the body portion; anda second fastening groove formed on the fourth side surface of the body portion,wherein the first and second fastening protrusions are disposed to correspond to each other and protrude in mutually opposite directions, and the first and second fastening grooves are disposed to be misaligned with one another to be concave in mutually facing directions.2. The triangle unit assembly block of claim 1 , wherein the area of the first side surface of the body portion is equal to the area of the second side surface of the body portion claim 1 , and is larger or smaller than the area of the third or fourth side surface of the body portion.3. The triangle unit assembly block of claim 1 , wherein the first and second fastening ...

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150266615A1
Автор: Kriegstein Stewart

A container is disclosed. The container has a side part, an upper part, a lower part, and a cavity formed by the side part, the upper part, and the lower part. The container also has a material disposed in the cavity. The side part has at least one protrusion and at least one recess. The side part is permeable to water. The side part is also nonpermeable to the material disposed in the cavity. 1. A container , comprising:a side part;an upper part;a lower part;a cavity formed by the side part, the upper part, and the lower part; anda material disposed in the cavity;wherein the side part includes at least one protrusion and at least one recess;wherein the side part is permeable to water; andwherein the side part is nonpermeable to the material disposed in the cavity.2. The container of claim 1 , further comprising a removable cover that is nonpermeable to water and is disposed on the side part.3. The container of claim 2 , wherein the removable cover is a polyvinyl sheet.4. The container of claim 1 , further comprising a coating disposed on at least one of the upper part and the lower part claim 1 , the coating including a rubberized material.5. The container of claim 4 , further comprising a coating disposed on at least one of the upper part and the lower part claim 4 , the coating forming a line having a shape of a portion of another container that is stacked on the container.6. The container of claim 5 , wherein the coating is a painted line.7. The container of claim 1 , wherein the side part includes one of a woven fabric and a perforated material.8. The container of claim 1 , wherein the material disposed in the cavity is a granular material.9. The container of claim 1 , wherein the material disposed in the cavity is a concrete mix.10. The container of claim 1 , wherein the material disposed in the cavity is a dry cementitious mix including at least one of a coarse aggregate material and a fine aggregate material.11. The container of claim 10 , wherein the dry ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170268191A1
Принадлежит: Means Precast Co.

The disclosed systems, methods, and apparatuses may combat coastal erosion using a shell module shaped to enable retention of sand on a beach and shore face. The shell module may be shaped to minimizing interference with recreational use of the beach and providing a beneficial environment for desirable sea life. The modular shell can be conveniently transported and emplaced in shell reefs. These shell reefs may comprise multiple, optionally interlocking shell modules. These shell reefs can prevent fill, such as sand, de-watered sand, or sand slurry from being scoured and sluiced out to sea. The disclosed systems and methods harness the energy of incoming and returning waves, including tidal and surf action, to assist in spreading the fill, recreating a natural beach, complete with layers of sand capable of resisting the scouring force of ocean waves and currents.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Building Products and Associated Methods for Providing Contoured and Elevated Features for Artificial Surfaces

Номер: US20190263090A1
Автор: Allen Bernard Ty

A modular foundation structure for artificial surface systems includes a structural base layer with a shaped rigid foam having contoured and elevated features, an adhesive layer covering the structural base layer, and an impact and thermal protective layer attached to the structural base layer via the adhesive layer. The impact and thermal protective layer is configured to support an artificial surface layer and has a relatively higher melting point and compression recovery factor than the structural base layer. The shaped rigid may be a closed-cell foam such as Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) or Expanded polyethylene (EPE), and the impact and thermal protective layer may be a bead molded Expanded Polypropylene (EPP) foam. The impact and thermal protective layer may have a melting point of about 300 degrees Fahrenheit, and the structural base layer has a melting point of less than 200 degrees Fahrenheit. 1. A modular foundation structure for artificial surface systems comprising:a structural base layer comprising a shaped rigid foam having contoured and elevated features;an adhesive layer covering the structural base layer; andan impact and thermal protective layer attached to said structural base layer via said adhesive layer, and configured to support an artificial surface layer;said impact and thermal protective layer having a relatively higher melting point and compression recovery factor than said structural base layer.2. The modular foundation structure according to claim 1 , wherein said shaped rigid foam comprises a closed-cell foam.3. The modular foundation structure according to claim 2 , wherein said closed cell foam comprises at least one of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) or Expanded polyethylene (EPE).4. The modular foundation structure according to claim 1 , wherein said adhesive layer comprises a closed cell foam adhesive.5. The modular foundation structure according to claim 1 , wherein said impact and thermal protective layer comprises bead molded Expanded ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170275839A1

An erosion-preventing laminate mat may include a first layer of slivers of a natural material, a second layer of slivers of a synthetic material, and, in embodiments, a third layer of an open mesh. A system for utilizing the erosion-preventing laminate may include a movable frame having an upper surface shaped to pass beneath a substantially flat sheet of tied block mat, the frame including a spindle below the upper surface for supporting a roll of the first mat, the first mat including the first layer of slivers of a natural material, the second layer of slivers of a synthetic material, and the third layer of an open mesh. In embodiments, a system for forming the mat includes a movable frame shaped to pass beneath a substantially flat sheet of the tied block mat, and including a spindle below the upper surface for supporting a roll of the first mat. 1. An erosion-preventing laminate mat comprising:a first layer of slivers of a natural material; anda second layer of slivers of a synthetic material.2. The laminate mat of claim 1 , wherein the first layer is a lowermost layer.3. The laminate mat of claim 2 , further comprising a third layer of an open mesh.4. The laminate mat of claim 3 , wherein the third layer is above the first layer and the second layer; wherein the open mesh maintains the first layer and the second layer in place when the mat is placed on a surface.5. The laminate mat of claim 4 , wherein the second layer is positioned between the third layer and the first layer; and wherein the synthetic material continues to hold moisture adjacent the surface after decomposition of the first layer.6. The laminate mat of claim 3 , wherein the open mesh is a leno weave of synthetic material.7. The laminate mat of claim 1 , wherein the natural material is excelsior; and the synthetic material is a plastic.8. The laminate mat of claim 7 , wherein the excelsior is selected from wood fibers and coconut fibers.9. The laminate mat of claim 1 , further comprising a ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации

Breakwater construction blocks having improved stability against over-turning and pulling-out when struck by natural forces

Номер: US20180274191A1

A breakwater construction block design produced with various degrees of stability by reducing the height of the rear leg portions of the blocks, to increase the batter, which automatically provides an increase in the stability of the works. The breakwater construction block provides a significantly higher stability factor against over-turning, or pullout, when compared against the cylinder and upright rectangular blocks now in conventional use. The construction block system of the present invention can eliminate pole failures caused by severe hurricane winds and heavy rain.

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180274192A1

A transportable breakwater construction block factory contained within an ISO-shipping container and transportable along shorelines where marine construction sites extend. The transportable breakwater construction block factory comprising a plurality of multi-form block molding subsystems, having base mold portions mechanically coupled to the factory floor, and side molding portions being mechanically coupled, so that all or multiple groups of side mold portions (for the construction blocks and the matching shear key blocks) can be simultaneously lifted (e.g. by a hydraulic crane on site) to remove the side mold portions from the casted concrete blocks. 1. A transportable breakwater construction block factory system comprising:a plurality of ISO-shipping containers, each said ISO-shipping container being storable at a warehouse and having GPS-tracking while dispatching and shipment via rail, air, roadway or sea to a remote work site location, near an oceanfront or coastal shoreline, for in situ manufacturing of breakwater construction block systems;wherein each said breakwater construction block system constructed in situ includes a plurality of breakwater construction blocks, and a plurality of trapezoidal-like interlocking shear key blocks, interconnecting said breakwater construction blocks, so as to form an erosion-control structure along said oceanfront or coastal shoreline, in a loosely constructed manner so as to withstand forces of water waves impacting said erosion-control structure.2. The transportable breakwater construction block factory system of claim 1 ,wherein said plurality of breakwater construction blocks are formed from concrete material, and after cured, are arranged closely together with a selected inter-spacing between said neighboring breakwater construction blocks so as to provide multiple sets of neighboring breakwater construction blocks, andwherein said plurality of trapezoidal-like interlocking shear key blocks are formed from concrete, ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Modular wave-break and bulkhead system

Номер: US20140369756A1
Автор: David Minton
Принадлежит: CHD Development LLC

A modular wave-break includes a wall, a tapered base attached to the wall, and an anchor attached to the base. The wall includes a set of dissipating holes integrally formed in the wall and a set of passage holes integrally formed in the wall. A set of eyebolts are connected to the wall. Reinforcing structural rods are embedded in the wall, the tapered base, and the anchor to provide strength. Mounting holes in the tapered base enable the modular wave-break to be secured to a water bottom surface. Multiple modular wave-breaks may be interconnected to form a single wave-break.

05-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190271128A1

Disclosed is a concrete cover element for a breakwater or jetty construction. The cover element includes a plate portion and two noses. The plate portion lies in the xy-plane and has a thickness. The two noses project in opposite directions from the plate portion and form a single part with the plate portion. The plate portion is to be imagined as being formed from a quadrangular plate whose two opposite plate edges are incised in the middle to form a plate recess, and whose corners located on the first plate diagonal are both cut off along a first secant. The plate portion has a first dimension measured along the first plate diagonal and a second dimension measured along the second plate diagonal. The first dimension is smaller than the second dimension. 140-. (canceled)41100110120130140150160. Cover element ( , , , , , , ) of concrete for a breakwater or jetty construction , such as a slope or breakwater ,wherein an x-axis (X), a y-axis (Y) and a z-axis (Z) define an imaginary system of axes, and wherein the x-axis (X) and y-axis (Y) define an xy-plane and the z-axis is at right angles to the xy-plane;{'b': 100', '110', '120', '130', '140', '150', '160', '16', '17', '18', '16', '17', '18', '16, 'wherein the cover element (, , , , , , ) comprises a plate portion () and two noses (, ), wherein the plate portion () extends in the direction of the xy-plane and has a thickness (T) which extends in the direction of the z-axis (Z), and wherein the two noses (, ) project in the direction of the z-axis from the plate portion (), in a direction opposite each other, and are formed as a single part with the plate portion;'}{'b': 16', '1', '2', '3', '1', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '1', '8', '10', '14', '15, 'wherein the plate portion () should be imagined as being formed from a quadrangular plate () with a first plate diagonal () which extends parallel to the y-axis and a second plate diagonal () which extends parallel to the x-axis, wherein the plate () is ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации

Embankment Support

Номер: US20160312427A1
Автор: De Groot Trevor

This invention relates to an embankment support (), and more particularly to an embankment support () for the protection and stabilisation of sea embankments against wave impact and erosion. According to a first aspect of the invention there is provided an embankment support () comprising an anchoring portion for anchoring the support in an embankment, connecting means for allowing interlocking of the embankment support with an adjacent embankment support, and an operatively upper side connected to the anchoring portion for receiving flowing water and directing the water along the operatively upper side of the embankment support, thereby dispersing the water in a desired direction and reducing erosion of the embankment. 1. An embankment support comprising:an anchoring portion for anchoring the support in an embankment;connecting means for allowing interlocking of the embankment support with an adjacent embankment support; andan operatively upper side connected to the anchoring portion for receiving flowing water and directing the water along the operatively upper side of the embankment support, thereby dispersing the water in a desired direction and reducing erosion of the embankment.2. The embankment support according to claim 1 , wherein the connection means is a flange on one side of the embankment support that engages with a complementary shaped receiving formation on a subsequent embankment support.3. The embankment support according to claim 1 , wherein the anchoring portion consists of pillars located at each corner of the embankment support claim 1 , with an annular base connecting the pillars at an opposite end relative to the operatively upper side.4. The embankment support according to claim 3 , wherein at least one side of the embankment support is solid claim 3 , or substantially solid with a plurality of perforations.5. The embankment support according to claim 1 , wherein the embankment support surrounds a hollow interior which is filled with sand in ...

24-10-2019 дата публикации

Geotextile-Based Structure for Vegetative Growth Enhancement and Erosion Resistance

Номер: US20190320599A1
Принадлежит: Propex Operating Company, LLC

This application discloses a geotextile-based structure for soil stabilization, erosion control, and vegetation-growth enhancement that is made from a cage having a hollow interior lined with a geotextile fabric designed to retain fine materials, which cage is attached to a geotextile mat capable of supporting vegetation. 120-. (canceled)21. A geotextile-based structure for soil stabilization comprising at least one cage comprising (a) a geotextile fabric lining on at least one section of the cage and (b) a geotextile mat cover capable of supporting live vegetation on at least one section of the cage wherein a pocket is formed between the geotextile mat cover capable of supporting live vegetation and at least one section of the cage.221. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the geotextile mat capable of supporting vegetation comprises a three-dimensional mat comprising a thermoplastic filament yarn.231. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the geotextile mat capable of supporting vegetation comprises a three-dimensional , cuspated profile , woven mat comprising a trilobal thermoplastic filament yarn.241. The geotextile-based structure of claim further comprising a vegetative-sustaining material.254. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the vegetative-sustaining material comprises soil , mulch , hydroseeding , sand , or mixtures thereof.264. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the vegetative-sustaining material lies within the pocket formed between the geotextile mat capable of supporting live vegetation and at least one section of the cage.271. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the cage comprises a mesh , a frame , a perforated sheet , a grid , or mixtures thereof.281. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the cage comprises metal , plastic , fiberglass , stone , clay , cement , or mixtures thereof.298. The geotextile-based structure of claim wherein the metal comprises stainless steel , galvanized ...

29-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180338431A1

A stick of staples comprising a plurality of staples stacked against each other and oriented in the same direction, each of the plurality of staples comprising a first prong which is attached to a second prong by a bridge. A first adhesive sheet affixed to only the first prong of each of the plurality of staples. 1. A stick of staples comprising:a plurality of staples stacked adjacent to each other and oriented in the same direction, each of the plurality of staples comprising a first prong having a length and which is connected to a second prong by a bridge; anda first adhesive material affixed to only the first prong of each of the plurality of staples, the first adhesive material forming a connector between each adjacent staple.2. The stick of staples of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive material is affixed within only a lower one half of the length of the first prong of each of the plurality of staples.3. The stick of staples of claim 2 , wherein the first adhesive material is affixed within only a lower one quarter of the length of the first prong of each of the plurality of staples.4. The stick of staples of claim 1 , wherein the first adhesive material comprises a backing applied to a flexible sheet.5. The stick of staples of claim 4 , wherein the flexible sheet is selected from one of a polymer claim 4 , an organic fabric claim 4 , and a metal.6. The stick of staples of claim 5 , wherein the metal is selected from one of aluminum and copper.7. The stick of staples of claim 4 , wherein the flexible sheet is affixed to only an external surface of the first prong.8. The stick of staples of claim 4 , wherein the flexible sheet is affixed to both an external surface of the first prong and to an internal surface of the first prong.9. The stick of staples of claim 4 , wherein the flexible sheet is folded upon itself to create a downward extending portion and an upward extending portion that together form a tab that extends below a bottom point of the first prong ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180363263A1
Автор: CHO Hee Sung, Cho Jun Ho

The present invention relates to a block structure for preventing sand erosion, more specifically to a block structure for preventing sand erosion, which is positioned in the sea, collects sand pushed into sea according to flow of low tide and pushes the collected sand toward coast or coastal side at high tide in coast or s-a near coast according to flow of wave. 1. A block structure for preventing sand erosion , comprising:{'b': '100', 'claim-text': [{'b': '120', 'a first wing portion facing a sea and having an inclined surface gradually increasing from an outer side to a central side,'}, {'b': 140', '120, 'a first inclined portion positioned opposite the first wing portion and having an inclined surface gradually increasing from an outer side to a central side and having a hook shaped end, and'}, {'b': 160', '120', '140, 'a first base portion constituting a lower body of the first wing portion and the first inclined portion ; and'}], 'a first block body comprising,'}{'b': 200', '100', '100', '200, 'claim-text': [{'b': '220', 'a second wing portion facing sea and having an inclined surface gradually increasing from an outer side to a central side,'}, {'b': 240', '220, 'a second inclined portion positioned opposite the second wing portion , and facing a coastal side, and having a hook shaped end,'}, {'b': 260', '220', '240, 'a second base portion constituting a lower body of the second wing portion and the second inclined portion and of which a stepped portion is formed on each end, and'}, {'b': 270', '260, 'a second extension portion extendedly coupled with the stepped portion formed on each end of the second base portion in a longitudinal direction and having rounded upper surface, wherein the first block body and the second block body are arranged side by side in plurality,'}], 'a second block body shaped as a long bar longer than the first block body and positioned at a side of the first block body , the second block body comprising,'}2300. The block structure ...

21-09-2006 дата публикации

기화식 가습장치의 가습판

Номер: KR20060100876A
Автор: 이진숙
Принадлежит: 이진숙

본 발명은 환기장치, 공조기, 팻키지 에어콘, 온풍기 등의 공기 토출구 또는 상기 장치등과 연결되는 덕트나 급기관에 설치되어 실내로 흡입되는 공기에 가습을 시키도록 하되 자연적으로 증발되는 수분을 이용하여 실내 습도를 조절해주도록 하는 기화식 가습장치에 있어서, 수분을 증발시키는 가습판이 간단히 결합될 수 있도록 하는 한편 수조로부터 흡수천을 통하여 공급되는 물을 자연스럽게 가습판을 구성하는 가습천에 스며들게 하여 가습 능력을 향상시키도록 하는 기화식 가습장치의 가습판에 관한 것이다. 이러한 본 발명은 외부에서 유입되는 물을 공급받는 수조와, 공기흐름 방향과 같은 방향으로 직립상태에서 병렬로 다수 배치되어 유입공기의 가습이 이루어지는 가습판과, 상기 수조에서 가습판의 상부로 물을 공급하여 가습판이 습윤상태가 되도록 가교 역할을 하는 흡수천과, 상기 가습판의 하부에 설치되고 가습판을 통하여 배출된 물을 받아 배출시키는 드레인통이 설치된 기화식 가습장치에 있어서, 상기 가습판은 가습천의 가장자리 일측에 일정폭을 갖는 사각테 형상의 심재 프레임을 인서트 사출하되 심재 프레임의 모서리 부위와 심재 프레임이 교차하는 부위에 공간 확보와 결합을 위한 스페이서를 설치하여 구성하고, 상기 가습판은 하부를 일방향으로 경사지게 하거나 상부에 수조가 놓이는 공간을 형성시켜 다양한 공기의 흐름 방향에 대해 유연하게 변화시킬 수 있도록 하는 한편 가습기의 크기를 줄일 수 있는 것이다. 기화, 가습, 습도, 환기, 공조기

18-08-2006 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for treating substrates

Номер: KR100614239B1
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 기판 처리 방법에 관한 것으로, 상기 방법은 연마 단계와 세정 단계를 포함한다. 연마 단계는 종말점 검출법에 의해 웨이퍼의 하부막이 노출될 때까지 연마가 이루어지는 중간 연마 단계와 폐루프 제어에 의한 가변 타임 방식에 의해 설정두께까지 연마가 이루어지는 최종 연마 단계를 포함한다. 또한, 세정 단계는 탈이온수로 웨이퍼를 세척하는 단계, 불산을 포함한 약액으로 웨이퍼를 브러시 세정하는 단계, 암모니아를 포함한 약액으로 웨이퍼를 브러시 세정하는 단계, 암모니아, 과산화수소, 그리고 탈이온수의 혼합 약액으로 웨이퍼를 세정하는 단계, 그리고 마란고니 원리를 이용한 건조 단계를 포함한다. The present invention relates to a substrate processing method, which comprises a polishing step and a cleaning step. The polishing step includes an intermediate polishing step in which polishing is performed until the lower film of the wafer is exposed by the end point detection method and a final polishing step in which polishing is performed up to a set thickness by a variable time method by closed loop control. In addition, the cleaning step includes the steps of washing the wafer with deionized water, brush cleaning the wafer with a chemical solution containing hydrofluoric acid, brush cleaning the wafer with a chemical solution containing ammonia, a wafer with a mixed chemical solution of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and deionized water. Washing, and drying using the Marangoni principle. 연마 두께, 가변 타임 방식, 폐루프 제어, 세정 Polishing Thickness, Variable Time Method, Closed Loop Control, Cleaning

14-01-2014 дата публикации

옹벽블록의 상단 마감용 마감블록

Номер: KR20140000247U

본 고안은 지반표면이 경사면의 자중에 의해 무너져 내리는 것을 방지하기 위해 블록을 하나씩 축조한 옹벽블록의 상단 마감용 마감블록에 관한 것으로, 특히 우천시 빗물이 마감블록의 표면으로 타고 하부에 축조된 옹벽블록의 내부로 흘러들어가는 것을 완벽히 차단할 수 있는 옹벽블록의 상단 마감용 마감블록을 제공함에 그 목적이 있다. 본 고안에서 제안하는 옹벽블록의 상단 마감용 마감블록은, 직육면체형태로 되며, 선단의 전면은 세로방향으로 물결형태의 줄무늬로 되고, 후단 전면은 민무늬 또는 자연절단면 중 어느 하나로 되고, 측방 단면상 중간은 안착요홈이 형성되며, 선단 하면에 삼각형태의 빗물낙하유도홈이 마련됨을 특징으로 한다.

07-09-2005 дата публикации

스프링 댐퍼 장치

Номер: KR20050089106A
Автор: 김재식, 김홍배
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명는 전자기기에 사용되는 토션 스프링의 충격을 흡수하고 완화시킬 수 있도록 구성한 스프링 댐퍼 장치에 관한 것으로서, 이를 위해 토션 스프링을 구비하는 전자기기에 있어서, 상기 토션 스프링의 텐션부분에 결합되는 제 1 커버와, 상기 제 1 커버와 회전가능하도록 결합되는 제 2 커버와 상기 제 1, 2 커버의 사이에 구비되어 상기 토션 스프링의 탄성작용에 따른 충격을 흡수하거나 완화시키는 판 스프링으로 구성되어짐을 특징으로 하며, 이에 따라, 전자기기에 구비된 토션 스프링의 기능을 향상시킬 수 있을 뿐만아니라, 토션 스프링의 동작 및 기능을 원활하게 하고, 토션 스프링의 수명을 연장할 수 있는 이점이 있다.

15-12-2006 дата публикации

Light emitting device with RGB diodes and phosphor converter

Номер: KR100658700B1

본 발명은 발광장치에 관한 것으로서, 블루, 그린 및 레드 스펙트럼영역의 1차광을 각각 발생시키는 서로 상이한 발광파장을 가지는 적어도 3개의 발광소자;상기 적어도 3개의 발광소자를 봉지하는 몰딩부; 및 상기 발광소자들 상부 및 상기 몰딩부 내에 분포되어, 상기 1차광을 가시광선 스펙트럼영역의 2차광으로 파장변환시키는 파장변환수단을 포함하며, 상기 파장변환수단은 발광피크가 450-520nm인 형광체; 발광피크가 500-570nm인 형광체; 및 발광피크가 570-680nm인 형광체 중 적어도 하나를 조합하여 구성된다. 이에 따르면, 2,000K 내지 8,000K 또는 10,000K 범위내의 색온도를 가지며 연색성도 90이상으로 높고, 넓은 발광대역의 옐로우-그린 또는 오렌지색을 구현할 수 있는 발광장치가 제공된다. 본 발광장치는, 색온도 및 연색성이 우수하고 사용자가 요구하는 색좌표값의 발광을 용이하게 구현할 수 있기 때문에, 핸드폰이나 노트북, 그리고, 각종 전자제품의 키패드용이나 백라이트용으로 다양하게 채용할 수 있고, 특히, 자동차 및 실내외의 조명용으로 다양하게 응용가능하다. The present invention relates to a light emitting device, comprising: at least three light emitting devices having different light emission wavelengths for generating primary light of blue, green, and red spectral regions, respectively; a molding unit encapsulating the at least three light emitting devices; And wavelength conversion means distributed over the light emitting elements and in the molding part to convert the primary light into secondary light in the visible light spectrum region, wherein the wavelength conversion means comprises: a phosphor having an emission peak of 450-520 nm; Phosphors having an emission peak of 500-570 nm; And at least one of phosphors having a light emission peak of 570-680 nm. According to this, there is provided a light emitting device having a color temperature in the range of 2,000K to 8,000K or 10,000K and having a high color rendering property of 90 or more, and which can realize a yellow-green or orange color of a wide light emission band. Since the light emitting device has excellent color temperature and color rendering properties and can easily emit light of color coordinate values required by the user, the light emitting device can be variously used for keypads and backlights of mobile phones, laptops, and various electronic products. In particular, it is possible to apply a variety of applications for automotive and indoor and outdoor lighting.

08-10-2010 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display apparatus

Номер: KR100985858B1
Автор: 김진복, 김현석
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 이미지가 표시되는 액정표시패널을 갖는 액정표시장치에 있어서, 상기 액정표시패널을 조명하는 복수 색상의 광을 발광하기 위한 다수의 발광 소자가 소정의 패턴으로 배열된 백라이트 어레이부와; 상기 각 발광 소자의 발광 여부 및 광의 세기를 제어하는 백라이트 구동부와; 상기 액정표시패널에 표시되는 이미지의 화이트 밸런스가 조절되도록 상기 백라이트 구동부를 제어하는 제어부를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의해, 이미지의 표현 가능한 밝기 레벨, 즉 휘도의 손실 및 대비비의 저하 문제를 발생하지 않고 화이트 밸런스를 조절할 수 있다. A liquid crystal display device having a liquid crystal display panel on which an image is displayed, comprising: a backlight array unit in which a plurality of light emitting elements for emitting light of a plurality of colors illuminating the liquid crystal display panel are arranged in a predetermined pattern; A backlight driver which controls whether each of the light emitting devices emits light and intensity of light; And a controller for controlling the backlight driver to adjust the white balance of the image displayed on the LCD panel. As a result, the white balance can be adjusted without causing the problem of expressing the brightness level of the image, that is, the loss of the luminance and the deterioration of the contrast ratio.

03-05-2005 дата публикации

Y-shaped structure element, construction methods of deep foundations and retaining structures by using the Y-shaped structure element

Номер: KR100487140B1
Автор: 조남설
Принадлежит: 가산토건 주식회사

연약한 지반에 시공될 수 있는 파일 및 옹벽, 제방 등의 토류 구조물의 경사면을 보강할 수 있는 Y자형 구조 요소(Y-shaped structure elements)과 이를 이용한 파일 공법 및 토류 구조물 구축 방법이 개시된다. 상기 구조 요소는 각기 일측에 수직하게 관형 통로가 형성된 세 개의 철근-콘크리트 패널들과 상기 패널들이 수직하게 형성된 중앙 관형 통로를 갖는 연결부를 중심으로 서로 접속하여 형성된다. 상기 구조 요소를 연직으로 설치하면 Y형 파일로 사용할 수 있고, 옆으로 수평하게 설치하면 제방 사면이나 옹벽 등을 구축하는 Y형 블록으로 사용 가능하다. 상기 Y형 파일은 단위 체적당 흙과의 접촉 면적이 여타의 파일 공법에 비하여 크기 때문에 단위 체적당 주면 마찰력이 증가하여 연직 방향의 지지력이 향상된다. 또한 Y형 파일의 두 패널은 횡방향 투영 면적이 크므로 연약한 점토의 횡방향 소성 유동을 억제하며 다른 한 패널은 파일의 횡방향 변형을 최소화시키는 역할을 한다. 또한, 토류구 조물 등에 사용되는 Y형 블럭은 패널 중의 적어도 하나가 제체에 박혀있는 형태로 설치되므로 블록이 제체로부터 이탈되거나 변형되는 것이 억제되어 토류 구조물의 안정성을 향상시킬 수 있다. Disclosed are Y-shaped structure elements capable of reinforcing slopes of earth structures such as piles, retaining walls, and embankments that can be constructed on soft ground, pile methods, and methods for constructing earth structures using the same. The structural elements are formed by connecting three reinforcement-concrete panels each having a tubular passage perpendicular to one side and a connecting portion having a central tubular passage formed vertically with the panels. When the structural element is installed vertically, it can be used as a pile file, and when installed horizontally to the side, it can be used as a structure block for constructing a bank slope or a retaining wall. Since the p-shaped pile has a larger contact area with soil per unit volume than other pile methods, the frictional force of the principal surface per unit volume is increased, thereby improving the supporting force in the vertical direction. In addition, the two panels of the flat pile have a large lateral projection area, thus suppressing the lateral plastic flow of the soft clay, and the other panel serves to minimize the transverse deformation of the pile. In addition, since the U-shaped block used in the earth structure is installed in a form in which at least one of the panels is embedded in the body, it is suppressed that the block is separated from the body or ...

29-11-2013 дата публикации

Vegetation block in tiers for retaining wall and method for construction of retaining wall using the same

Номер: KR101334749B1
Автор: 재 술 나
Принадлежит: 주식회사 성원안전

The present invention relates to a terraced vegetation block for a retaining wall and a retaining wall construction method using the same to construct a retaining wall for preventing soil erosion and the collapse of a cut area and a slope and applying green appearance to the retaining wall. A vegetation block comprises a vegetation lattice part formed with a plurality of vegetation holes which is partitioned into ribs in the vertical and horizontal directions on the rear surface; a plurality of vegetation pocket parts at regular intervals in the vertical direction by being filled with potting soil and protruding from the front surface in the horizontal direction; a plurality of joint holes on the flat surface; a plurality of joint members protruding from the bottom surface; a cross space part between the vegetation lattice parts; and a fixing hole at the center of the cross space part. The present invention enables the simple and firm construction of the retaining wall by performing the installation of an anchor bolt, a lock bolt, and a drainpipe; the placement of concrete; the injection of potting soil; and seeding while vertically and horizontally piling up and fixing the vegetation blocks to the entire surface of a cut slope. The present invention provides environmentally friendly retaining walls where the vegetation blocks protrude for greening the appearance of the retaining wall.

07-06-2004 дата публикации

Revetment block for a slope of river dike

Номер: KR100433496B1
Автор: 윤성호
Принадлежит: 윤성호

본 발명은 하천의 범람방지와 수자원의 이용을 위하여 조성된 제방의 경사면에 설치되어 경사면의 침식과 토사의 유출을 방지하는 하천 제방용 호안블록에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 격자틀 형태의 제방보호용 프레임을 조립식 결합에 의하여 형성시키고, 상기 프레임의 사이에는 제방 경사면의 표면보호기능과 함께 초본식물의 식생기능을 가지는 식생블록을 조립식으로 고정시키므로서, 우수한 보호기능을 가지는 호안블록을 별도의 장비없이 빠르고 손쉽게 설치할 수 있도록 하고, 호안블록의 시공상에 노출되는 각종 문제점을 해결함과 동시에 초본식물의 식생토 취부와 취부된 식생토의 안전한 지지를 도모하여 제방 경사면의 조기녹화를 이루어 낼 수 있도록 한 하천 제방용 호안블록에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a bank embankment protection block installed on the inclined surface of the embankment formed for the prevention of flooding of the river and the use of water resources, and more specifically to protect the embankment in the form of a lattice frame. The frame is formed by a prefabricated coupling, and between the frame and the surface protection function of the inclined slope of the embankment and the vegetation block having the vegetation function of the herbaceous plant to be assembled into a prefabricated, without the additional equipment to provide a revetment block having excellent protection function A river that enables quick and easy installation, solves various problems exposed to the construction of shore banks, and promotes the early recording of bank slopes by installing vegetation soils of plants and safe support of the vegetation soils. The present invention relates to a bank embankment block. 본 발명에 의한 하천 제방용 호안블록은, "¬" 형태의 모서리블록(21)과 일자형블록(22) 및 T자형블록(23)에 의하여 사각형태로 연결 고정되는 외곽프레임(20)이 앵커볼트(11)에 의하여 경사면(1)상에 고정 설치되고, 상기 외곽프레임(20)의 내부에는 십자형블록(31)과 일자형블록(22)에 의하여 격자형태로 연결 고정되는 커버프레임(30)이 체결볼트(12)와 앵커볼트(11)에 의하여 상기 T자형블록(23)과 경사면(1)에 각각 고정 설치되고, 상기 외곽프레임(20)과 커버프레임(30)을 이루는 각 블록(21)(22)(23)(31)의 사이에는 몸체(40a) 전체에 걸쳐 형성된 식생공(41)의 후방에 식생시트(42)가 부착된 식생블록(40)이 끼움 결합되어 앵커볼트(11)로서 경사면(1)에 고정 설치되며, 상기 외곽프레임(20)의 모서리블록(21)은 앵커공(214)이 관통된 막대형상의 몸체(210) 양단에 연결단부(211)와 삽입홈(212)이 각각 형성되고, 상기 일자형블록(22)은 막대형상의 몸체(220) 양단에 연결단부(221)가 형성되고, 상기 T자형블록(23)은 앵커공(234)이 관통된 몸체(230)의 각 절단면에 삽입홈(232)이 형성되며, 상기 커버프레임(30)의 십자형블록(31)은 앵커공(314)이 관통된 몸체(310)의 머리부의 각 절단면에 삽입홈( ...

14-08-2003 дата публикации

Afforestation Retaining-Wall laying Concrete-block

Номер: KR100393515B1
Автор: 김상수
Принадлежит: 김상수

본 발명은 비탈면의 지반붕괴를 방지하기 위해 콘크리트 블록들을 단계적으로 쌓아 축조되어지는 옹벽에 관한 것으로, The present invention relates to a retaining wall that is constructed by building up concrete blocks step by step in order to prevent ground collapse of the slope. 본 발명의 목적은 식생 도입율이 높은 녹화옹벽을 완성하되, 전면벽을 견고하게 지지시켜서 구조적인 안정성을 보장하기 위한 블록식 녹화 옹벽을 제공하는데 있으며, An object of the present invention to complete the greening retaining wall with high vegetation introduction rate, to provide a block-type greening retaining wall to ensure structural stability by firmly supporting the front wall, 이 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명은 기초 콘크리트부(10)의 상부에 가로방향으로 긴 선반형태의 선반블록(20)들과 상기 선반블록(20)보다 더 높은 키높이를 가지면서 그 앞부분에 가로방향 접속홈(31)이 형성된 앵커블록(30)들로 조합된 콘크리트 블록들을 단계적으로 쌓아 전면벽을 형성하면서 그 적층되는 블록들의 배면에 뒷채움 작업을 실시하여서 식생이 가능한 옹벽을 축조하되, 상기 앵커블록(30)이 상하로 적층되어지는 각 열마다의 후부에는 기초 지반에 하부가 박히면서 설계되어진 전면벽의 경사도를 따라 상부로 솟아오르는 강제 H빔(50)을 설치하고, 상기 앵커블록(30)들의 배면을 상기 H빔(50)의 전면에 맞댄 상태에서 상기 H빔(50)에 연결하여 지지시킨 것을 특징으로 하는 기술구성을 제공한다. The present invention for achieving this object has a shelf-type shelf block 20 of the longitudinally long shape on the upper portion of the base concrete portion 10 and a higher height than the shelf block 20 in the transverse direction in front While stacking concrete blocks combined with anchor blocks 30 having connection grooves 31 formed in a stepwise manner to form a front wall and backfilling the stacked blocks, a retaining wall capable of vegetation is constructed, but the anchor block At the rear of each column in which the 30 is stacked up and down, a forced H beam 50 that rises upward along the inclination of the front wall designed while the lower part is embedded in the foundation ground is installed, and the anchor block 30 is provided. It provides a technical configuration characterized in that the back of the field is supported by connecting to the H beam 50 in the state of facing the front of the H beam (50).

02-03-2011 дата публикации

Environment garden-stone retaining wall

Номер: KR101017979B1
Автор: 박태영, 서인식, 오명주

PURPOSE: An environment-friendly retaining wall using landscape stone is provided to securely reinforce the retaining wall by integrating nails with the retaining wall. CONSTITUTION: An environment-friendly retaining wall using garden stone comprises a slope(10), a post stone(40), upper landscape stones(60), and a back filling material. The slope is reinforced using shotcrete(1) and multiple soil nails(2). The post stone is fixed to the bottom(12) of the slope using a fixture. The upper landscape stones are arranged in the top area of the slope to be vertically overlapped with each other using fixing members(50). Gaps between the slope and the landscape stones are filled with the back filling material.

23-12-2010 дата публикации

Environment-friendly revetment block having straw layer

Номер: KR200451586Y1
Автор: 한일욱
Принадлежит: 주식회사 하은산업

본 고안은 하천의 경사면이나 도로변의 절성토 구간에 시공하는 호안블록(또는 법면블록)에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는, 수변 경계면의 토사유실 방지는 물론이고 식물의 원활한 생육공간을 제공하여 빠른 시일내에 안정적으로 주변의 자연환경과 융화될 수 있도록 볏짚 층을 부착하고 있고, 호안블록 상호간의 연결조립이 용이하고 하천의 급경사면 등에 설치가 쉬우며, 호안블록 상호간의 연결이 견고한 환경친화형 조립식 호안블록에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a raft block (or a front block) to be installed on a slope of a river or a cut section of a roadside, and more specifically, to provide a smooth growth space of plants as well as to prevent soil loss at the waterfront boundary. A straw-straw layer is attached to reliably integrate with the surrounding natural environment, and it is easy to assemble the connection between the banks of the banks and is easy to install on steep slopes of rivers. It's about blocks. 호안블록, 볏짚층, 측면결속홈, 돌출형 인터로킹, 공동형 인터로킹, 밀림방지턱, 블록연결부 Shore block, rice straw layer, side binding groove, protruding interlocking, cavity interlocking, push bump, block connection

14-01-2010 дата публикации

Electro-luminescence Display Device And Fabricating Method thereof

Номер: KR100936817B1
Автор: 김수만
Принадлежит: 엘지디스플레이 주식회사

본 발명은 캐소드전극의 거울효과를 제거함과 동시에 재료비를 줄일 수 있는 일렉트로루미네센스 표시소자에 관한 것으로, 기판 상에 형성되는 액티브층; 상기 액티브층을 덮는 게이트절연막; 상기 게이트절연막을 사이에 두고 상기 액티브층과 중첩되는 박막트랜지스터의 게이트전극; 상기 게이트 전극을 덮도록 상기 게이트 절연막 상에 형성되는 층간절연막; 상기 게이트절연막과 상기 층간절연막을 관통하는 소스접촉홀 및 드레인접촉홀을 통해 상기 액티브층과 접촉되는 상기 박막트랜지스터의 소스전극 및 드레인전극; 상기 소스전극 및 드레인전극을 덮는 보호막; 상기 드레인전극을 노출시키는 상기 보호막의 화소접촉홀을 통해 상기 드레인전극과 접속되고 상기 보호막 상에 형성되는 제1 전극; 상기 제1 전극 상에 형성되는 유기발광층; 및 상기 유기발광층 상에 형성되는 제2 전극을 구비한다. The present invention relates to an electroluminescence display device capable of reducing the material cost and at the same time removing the mirror effect of the cathode electrode, the active layer formed on the substrate; A gate insulating film covering the active layer; A gate electrode of the thin film transistor overlapping the active layer with the gate insulating layer interposed therebetween; An interlayer insulating film formed on the gate insulating film to cover the gate electrode; A source electrode and a drain electrode of the thin film transistor contacting the active layer through a source contact hole and a drain contact hole penetrating the gate insulating film and the interlayer insulating film; A passivation layer covering the source electrode and the drain electrode; A first electrode connected to the drain electrode through the pixel contact hole of the passivation layer exposing the drain electrode and formed on the passivation layer; An organic light emitting layer formed on the first electrode; And a second electrode formed on the organic light emitting layer.

21-09-2009 дата публикации

제방 생태복원용 격자형 중공블록 및 그것들을 이용한 제방의 구축공법

Номер: KR100917790B1
Принадлежит: 류제철, 주식회사동인건설

본 발명은 제방 생태복원용 격자형 중공블록 및 그것들을 이용한 제방의 구축공법에 관한 것으로서, 중앙부가 트여 있는 개구부를 형성하면서 상하 일정거리 이격되어 쌍을 이루는 수평프레임과, 이 수평프레임 사이에서 수직부재가 일체로 연결되어 내측으로 일정 부피의 속이 빈 중공부(中空部)(S)를 갖는 격자형 입체 형상의 뼈대 지지골조의 구성으로 이루어진 격자형 중공블록에 있어서, 상기 수평프레임의 각변마다 이웃하는 블록의 수평프레임 간에 서로 맞닿는 외측단에 홈부 및 돌기부들이 서로 교대로 요철 결합됨으로써 블록 간 이탈방지를 기하고, 또한 앵커에 의해 블록들을 관통하여 지반 내에 견고하게 매설 정착이 가능한 유니트화된 공장제품으로, 별도의 형상조립이 필요 없으며, 운반취급 및 조립의 용이성 및 시공기간 단축과, 서로 일체화되는 구조적 안정성과, 시공비 및 유지비용의 절감으로 경제성과, 안전사고 방지와, 제방의 수변구역과 사면부에 초본류 및 목본류의 녹생으로 각각 수서생물과, 동물의 서식처를 제공하여 자연생태계를 복원시켜 친수공간을 구비하게 되는 친환경 제방 구축공법이다. 친환경, 생태, 복원, 제방, 호안, 수변, 사면, 격자형, 중공부, 블록, 녹화

25-02-2011 дата публикации

Method for vegetation block using reed

Номер: KR101017684B1

PURPOSE: An environment-friendly vegetative block manufacturing method using the reed processed under a microorganism cracking step is provided to reduce the toxic gas produced in decomposition and to make environment-friendly environment. CONSTITUTION: An environment-friendly vegetative block manufacturing method is composed like next. Reed(12) is washed. The microorganism included within the reed is eliminated using anaerobe. A first block(10) is formed with the reed of chip form. A second block(20) is formed with the reed of powdered form. The first block and the second block are impregnated in environment-friendly resin.

06-12-2005 дата публикации

Ecological bank protection facility for river

Номер: KR100533519B1
Автор: 정재경
Принадлежит: 주식회사 서영엔지니어링

본 발명은 소류력에 의한 제방의 유실 방지와 풍부한 어류 서식처를 제공하여 수중생태계를 보호할 수 있도록 한 친환경적인 하천 호안시설물에 관한 것으로, 하천(32)의 제방(30)을 따라 일정한 간격으로 기초파일(40)을 설치하고, 기초파일(40)의 상단에 고정링(42)을 끼우고 고정볼트(46)로 고정하며, 역(逆) "L"형으로 절곡된 꺾쇠(44a)(44b)를 상호 "V"형을 이루도록 간격을 벌려 고정링(42)의 외주면 설치하며, 좌우측의 원호형호안블록(52)(54)을 힌지핀(56)을 통해 회동이 자유롭게 "3"자 형으로 결합하여 그 내측에는 어류서식공간(68)을 형성하고, 그 외측 후부에는 기초파일(40)과 밀착하는 파일밀착홈(69)을 형성하며, 원호형호안블록(52)(54) 사이에 어류서식공간(68)으로 통하는 출입구(64)를 형성하고, 꺾쇠(44a)(44b)를 원호형호안블록(52)(54)의 내측에 각각 걸며, 그 원호형호안블록(52)(54)에 안팎으로 관통되는 볼트체결공(52h)(54h)을 형성하여 체결볼트(60)와 너트(62)에 의해 원호형호안블록(52)(54)끼리 결합하여 구성된 것이다. The present invention relates to an eco-friendly river shore protection facility that provides protection of underwater ecosystems by providing abundant fish habitat and prevention of loss of the dike due to the small current force, and the foundation piles at regular intervals along the dike 30 of the river 32. 40 is installed, the fixing ring 42 is inserted into the upper end of the foundation pile 40 and fixed by fixing bolts 46, and the bent (44a) (44b) bent in the reverse "L" shape Are installed on the outer circumferential surface of the fixing ring 42 to be spaced apart to form a mutual "V" type, and the left and right arc-shaped arc relief blocks 52, 54 are rotated freely through the hinge pins 56 in a "3" shape. Combined to form a fish habitat space 68 in the inner side, the outer rear portion to form a pile contact groove 69 in close contact with the foundation pile 40, between the arc-shaped revetment block 52, 54 The entrance and exit 64 leading to the habitat space 68 is formed, and the clamps 44a and 44b are respectively hooked to the inside of the arc-shaped arc relief blocks 52 and 54, and The bolt fastening holes 52h and 54h which penetrate in and out of the arc-shaped arc relief blocks 52 and 54 are formed by the fastening bolt 60 and the nut 62, and the arc arc relief blocks 52 and 54 comrades. It is composed by combining.

28-12-2006 дата публикации

A waste water disposal system

Номер: KR100661814B1
Автор: 이종래, 최삼룡
Принадлежит: 지유 주식회사

본 발명은 콘테이너식 여과장치를 이용한 시스템에 관한 것으로, 특히 오,폐수를 여과하는 여과장치를 이동 가능한 컨테이너식으로 변경한 후, 호이스트 또는 기중기를 통하여 교체가 기계화 될 수 있게 하였고 제거 및 충진이 벌크식으로 자유로이 신속 간편하게 교체되게 하여 관리상의 편리함을 도모함은 물론 교체하는 과정에서도 다음 대기하는 여과장치에 의해 연속적으로 오,폐수가 여과되게 하고, 대기중인 여과장치는 세정수에 의해 세정되게 하여 여과 미분탄을 제거하는 효과를 더욱 증진시킴으로써 안정적인 수질을 유지할 수 있도록 한 것으로 여재의 유실을 방지하기 위하여 상부와 하부에 탈부착이 용이한 거름망을 장착한 콘테이너식 여과 시스템이다. The present invention relates to a system using a container type filtration device, and in particular, after changing the filtration device for filtering waste and waste water into a movable container type, the replacement can be mechanized through a hoist or a crane and the removal and filling is bulk In this way, it is possible to freely change quickly and conveniently for convenience of management, and also during the replacement process, the waste water is continuously filtered by the next waiting filtration device, and the waiting filtration device is washed by the washing water to filter the pulverized coal. It is to maintain a stable water quality by further enhancing the effect of removing the container type filtration system equipped with a removable strainer on the upper and lower easily to prevent the loss of media. 콘테이너식 여과장치를 이용한 연속 여과 시스템 Continuous Filtration System Using Container Filter

22-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CN1530382A
Принадлежит: Ai Zhixian, Eike Kogyo K K


10-01-2023 дата публикации

Wave dissipation block and retaining wall using the same

Номер: KR102486212B1
Автор: 김중석, 김중영, 김철환

본 발명은 항만 제방용 소파블록 및 그것을 이용한 제방옹벽에 관한 것으로, 본 발명은 해안을 따라 사석들이 일정 높이와 면적으로 채워진 기초사석층; 상기 기초사석층에 해안을 따라 수평 방향으로 배열되는 항만 제방용 소파블록들; 상기 항만 제방용 소파블록들의 서로 인접하는 두 개의 항만 제방용 소파블록들 사이에 위치하며, 상기 항만 제방용 소파블록보다 두께가 작은 제1 하프 항만 제방용 소파블록들; 및 상기 제1 하프 항만 제방용 소파블록의 상면에 적층되며, 상면이 상기 항만 제방용 소파블록의 상면과 동일면을 이루는 제2 하프 항만 제방용 소파블록들을 포함한다. 본 발명에 따르면, 구조가 견고할 뿐만 아니라 밀려오는 파도를 효과적으로 상쇄시킨다. 또한 물속에서도 시공이 간단한다. The present invention relates to a sofa block for a harbor embankment and an embankment retaining wall using the same. Harbor embankment sofa blocks arranged in a horizontal direction along the coast on the foundation rubble layer; First half harbor embankment sofa blocks located between two adjacent harbor embankment sofa blocks of the harbor embankment sofa blocks and having a smaller thickness than the harbor embankment sofa blocks; and second half harbor embankment sofa blocks stacked on an upper surface of the first half harbor embankment sofa block and having an upper surface flush with the upper surface of the harbor embankment sofa block. According to the present invention, the structure is not only robust, but also effectively cancels out the surging waves. It is also easy to install under water.

10-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: KR200371892Y1
Автор: 최석주
Принадлежит: (주)신우씨엔씨

본 고안은 팔각형상의 블럭체(1)와, 상기 블럭체(1)의 상부에 자연석형상의 돌기(2)가 형성되고 하부의 세부분에 사각형돌기가 형성(3)되고, 블럭의 중심부는 상부와 하부가 원형으로 통공(4)되고, 상기 블럭체(1)의 측면 중심부분 네 곳에 타 블럭체들과 상호결속 시킬 수 있는 블럭일체형 연결고리(5)로 구성됨을 특징으로 하는 생태하상보호블럭에 관한 것이다.

20-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CN106869076A
Автор: 凌小君, 漆志飞, 蒋益军


14-06-2012 дата публикации

Mounting structure of stronggrided for Revetment-block

Номер: KR101148228B1
Автор: 강선욱
Принадлежит: 강선욱

본 발명에서는 서로 분리?결합할 수 있는 후면블럭과 전면블럭으로 분리되어 후면블럭에 발생하는 크랙의 진행이 전면블럭에 진행하는 것을 차단하고, In the present invention is separated into a rear block and a front block that can be separated and combined with each other to block the progress of the crack occurring in the rear block to the front block, 옹벽블럭의 전면에는 빗살무늬형 등의 다양한 형태로 구성되어 성토지(盛土地) 또는 절개지의 옹벽축조시 사용되는 옹벽블럭에서 전,후면 블럭을 분리결합 할 수 있어서 안전하고도 견고하게 장착할 수 있고, 옹벽블럭의 상,하부면 사이에 강성그리드와 연성그리드(직조형)를 보강 설치 하므로서 시공후 옹벽블럭의 안정성을 향상시킨 새로운 강성그리 와 연성(직조형)그리드가 구비된 옹벽블럭 장착구조가 개시된다.  The front of the retaining wall block is composed of various shapes such as comb pattern, and it can be installed safely and firmly because the front and rear blocks can be separated and combined in the retaining wall block used when building retaining wall of land or incision. The retaining wall block mounting structure is equipped with a new rigid grid and a flexible (woven) grid that improve the stability of the retaining wall block after construction by reinforcing and installing the rigid grid and the flexible grid between the upper and lower surfaces of the retaining wall block. Is disclosed. 이와 같은 본 발명은 설계에 따라 정해진 형상과 크기를 가지며, 성토지 또는 절개지를 따라 종방향 및 횡방향으로 연속?반복하여 적층?시공되는 후면블럭과; 상기 후면블럭과 분리 구성된 상태에서 시공시 후면블럭에 꼭맞게 끼워져 결합되는 전면블럭 및 상기 옹벽블럭의 전면에는 빗살무늬형 등의 다양한 형태로 구성하는 옹벽블럭에 있어서, 옹벽블럭 상부면에는 강성그리드의 머리부를 끼울수 있는 요홈부를 형성하고, 상기 강성그리드를 설치하기 위하여 옹벽블럭의 상부면에 구비된 연결핀공에 T형 연결핀으로 강성그리드의 중공부를 관통하여 강성그리드를 고정설치하고, 전면블럭과 ,후면블럭을 연결하는 옹벽블럭의 전,후블럭 연결부에는 완충재가 구비된 구조로 이루어진다. The present invention as described above has a shape and size determined according to the design, and the rear block is laminated and constructed in succession and repetition in the longitudinal and transverse direction along the land or incision; In the retaining wall block configured in various forms such as a comb-tooth pattern on the front of the front block and the front of the retaining wall block is fitted and fitted to the rear block when the construction is separated from the rear block, the retaining wall ...

17-08-2011 дата публикации

자연흙블록 및 그 제조방법

Номер: KR20110092259A
Автор: 최석주
Принадлежит: (주)대양그린텍

본 발명은, 5∼12%의 수분을 함유하며 100∼160메쉬의 입도를 갖는 자연흙 60∼90%, 제올라이트 1∼12%, 100∼200메쉬의 입도를 갖는 마사토 10∼30%, 무기질파우더 8∼20%와 SiO 2 , CaO, Al 2 O 3 성분을 포함한 고화제 2∼8%를 혼합한 재료 혼합물에 적정한 수분을 추가하여 혼합 교반하고 고압 성형하여 토목용 호안블록이나 건축용 벽돌과 같은 자연흙블록을 구성하여 일반 시멘트블록과 유사한 강도와 내구성을 갖으면서도 무독성인 장점이 있다.

24-01-2007 дата публикации

Block in revetment to preserve river environment

Номер: KR100671791B1
Автор: 김종윤
Принадлежит: 김종윤

하천의 식생과 인접 제방을 보호하고 하천과 제방이 물리적으로 격리되는 것을 방지하면서도 상호간을 연통시키며 제방 측의 흙이 하천으로 유동되는 것을 방지하는 친환경적 하상 옹벽 블록이 개시된다. An environmentally friendly river retaining wall block is disclosed that protects the vegetation and adjacent dikes of the stream, prevents the segregation of the rivers and the dikes, and communicates with each other and prevents the soil on the dike from flowing into the stream. 본 발명의 일면에 따른 하상 옹벽 블록은 대략 직육면체 형상의 외관을 갖는 블록 본체; 및 상기 블록 본체의 정면 측상부와 배면 측하부에 양단부가 각각 위치되어 전고후저(前高後低) 형상을 가지며, 상기 블록 본체의 좌, 우측면에 각각 상호 대칭되면서 함몰 형성되는 식생홈; 을 포함하여 이루어진다. Bottom retaining wall block according to an aspect of the present invention is a block body having an appearance of a substantially rectangular parallelepiped shape; And a vegetation groove formed at both front and rear sides of the block body, respectively, having both ends at a front and rear bottom shape, and recessed and symmetrically formed on the left and right sides of the block body, respectively. It is made, including. 본 발명에 따른 하상 옹벽 블록은 동, 식물의 식생을 모두 보존하며 제방의 흙이 하천으로 유입되는 것을 방지한다. 또한, 초본류, 관목류 등의 원활한 성장을 돕고 별도의 공정 없이 축조 후 옹벽을 구조적으로 안정되게 한다. The riverbed retaining wall block according to the present invention preserves both vegetation of copper and plants and prevents the soil of the dike from entering the river. In addition, it helps the smooth growth of herbs, shrubs, etc., and makes the retaining wall structurally stable after construction without a separate process. 하상, 옹벽, 블록, 식생, 호안, 친환경. Riverbed, retaining wall, block, vegetation, shore, eco-friendly.

05-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CN112176944A


27-06-2003 дата публикации

Slope protection structure of river using rectangular block and stair-shaped block

Номер: KR200318120Y1
Автор: 시채수
Принадлежит: 주식회사 건화엔지니어링

본 고안은, 하천 제방의 법면에 있어서, 하천 측에 연접하여 다짐적층되는 기초 잡석층; 상기 기초 잡석층의 상부에 안착되는 사각 구조물로, 법면측으로 경사지게 체결 돌출부가 형성되고, 측면에 앵커홈이 형성되는 블록 지지대; 상기 블록 지지대에 연접되어 안착되는 한편, 법면과 같은 경사도를 가지도록 일측에 다른 체결 돌출부가 형성되고, 타측에 체결 삽입홈이 형성되며, 또한 블록 몸체의 중앙에 원형공이 형성되고, 측면에 2개의 앵커홈이 형성된 사각 블록; 상기 사각 블록의 상면에 밀착되고, 전방은 계단식으로 식재 공간부가 형성되고, 그 식재 공간부의 후방은 경사지도록 레일 홈부가 일체로 형성된 계단 블록; 상기 블록 지지대와 사각 블록이 설치되기전 법면을 다짐작업한 후 설치되는 토목섬유 매트; 및 상기 사각 블록의 원형공을 관통하여 법면에 고정되는 한편, 앵커 몸체의 일측에 T자형 체결부가 형성되어 계단 블록의 레일 홈부에 체결되고, 그 체결부의 반대측에 포크형 지지부가 형성되어 법면에 고정되는 계단블록 체결앵커;로 구성된 것을 특징으로 하는 사각 블록과 계단 블록을 이용한 하천 제방의 법면 보호구조을 제공한다. The present invention, in the law of the river bank embankment, the foundation rubble layer is connected to the stream side compacted; A block structure having a rectangular structure seated on an upper portion of the basic rubble layer, the fastening protrusion being inclined toward the law surface, and an anchor groove formed at a side thereof; While being connected to and seated on the block support, another fastening protrusion is formed at one side to have the same slope as the normal surface, a fastening insertion groove is formed at the other side, and a circular hole is formed at the center of the block body, and two at the side Square block formed with an anchor groove; A step block which is in close contact with the upper surface of the quadrangle block, and has a planting space portion formed in a stepwise manner, and a rail groove portion integrally formed so that the rear of the planting space portion is inclined; Geosynthetic mat is installed after the compaction work before the block support and the square block is installed; And a T-shaped fastening part is formed at one side of the anchor body and fastened to the rail groove of the stair block, and a fork-shaped support part is formed at the opposite side of the fastening part, and fixed to the legal surface while penetrating the circular hole of the square block. It provides a front surface protection structure of the river bank using a ...

13-10-2014 дата публикации

Erosion protection block and arrangement structure thereof

Номер: KR101450787B1
Автор: 강석진, 이중우

본 발명은, 침식 방호 블록이 폭방향으로 연속하여 결합되면서 배치되어 폭방향 결합 블록 집합을 이루며 ; 상부로 볼록한 형태의 단면 구조가 폭방향으로 연장되는 제2본체부와, 상기 제2본체의 상면 길이방향 양측 가장자리 각각에 폭방향을 따라 두 개의 제2길이방향 결합용 돌출부가 상부로 돌출 형성되며, 상기 폭방향을 따라 배치된 두 개의 제2길이방향 결합용 돌출부 사이마다 빈 공간인 제2공간이 형성되며, 상기 제2본체부의 일측면에 일측 방향으로 돌출된 제2폭방향 결합용 돌출부가 형성되며, 상기 제2본체부의 타측면에 다른 최상부 보호 블록의 제2폭방향 결합용 돌출부가 삽입되기 위한 제2폭방향 결합용 홈부가 형성되는 최상부 보호 블록이 마련되며 ; 상기 최상부 보호 블록이 폭방향으로 연속하여 결합되면서 배치되어 최상부 보호 블록 집합을 이루며 ; 상기 최상부 보호 블록 집합의 길이방향 양측에 상기 폭방향 결합 블록 집합이 결합되며 ; 상기 폭방향 결합 블록 집합은 하나의 최상부 보호 블록의 폭방향 길이의 절반만큼 오프셋(off-set)되어 상기 최상부 보호 블록 집합에 연속하여 결합되는 것 ; 을 특징으로 하는 침식 방호 블록들의 배치 구조가 제공된다. The present invention is characterized in that the erosion protection blocks are arranged while being continuously connected in the width direction to form a set of widthwise combined blocks; A second body portion having a convexly-shaped cross-sectional structure extending in the width direction, and two second longitudinal directional engaging projections projecting upwardly on both side edges in the longitudinal direction of the upper surface of the second body, A second space as an empty space is formed between the two second longitudinal direction engaging projections arranged along the width direction, and a second lateral direction engaging projection protruding in one direction on one side face of the second main body part And an uppermost protection block is provided on the other side of the second main body to form a second widthwise coupling groove for insertion of the second widthwise coupling protrusion of another uppermost protection block; Wherein the uppermost protection block is continuously connected in the width direction to form a topmost protection block set; The width direction coupling block set being coupled to both longitudinal sides of the topmost set of protection blocks; Wherein the set of widthwise coupled blocks is offset off-set by half the length in the width direction of one top protective block and is continuously connected to the topmost set of ...

09-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CN111745814A
Автор: 马义和


07-04-2010 дата публикации

Environment-friendly built-up-type revetment block having straw layer

Номер: KR100951125B1
Автор: 한일욱
Принадлежит: 주식회사 하은산업

하천의 경사면이나 도로변의 절성토 구간에 시공하는 볏짚 층이 부착된 환경친화형 조립식 호안블록을 개시한다. 상기 호안블록은 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체, 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 상부 후방면에 일정한 간격을 두고 형성된 3 개의 상부 돌출부, 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 하부 후방면에 일정한 간격을 두고 형성된 2 개의 하부 돌출부 및 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 전방 표면을 완전히 덮도록 부착된 볏짚 층을 포함하고 있다. 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체 및 상기 볏짚 층의 중심부분에는 복수개의 식물생장용 개구부가 형성되어 있고, 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 우측면과 좌측면 중의 어느 한쪽 면에는 좌우결속용 홈이 형성되어 있고 상기 우측면과 좌측면 중의 다른 한쪽 면에는 좌우결속용 돌출부가 형성되어 있다. 상기 3 개의 상부 돌출부는 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 좌측 단부로부터 우측 단부까지 일정한 간격을 두고 형성되어 있고, 좌측 상부 돌출부와 우측 상부 돌출부는 길이가 같고, 중심 상부 돌출부의 길이는 좌측 상부 돌출부 또는 우측 상부 돌출부의 길이의 2배이다. 상기 2 개의 하부 돌출부 중 왼쪽에 있는 좌측 하부 돌출부는 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 좌측 단부로부터 상기 좌측 상부 돌출부의 길이만큼 간격을 두고 안쪽에 형성되어 있고, 상기 2 개의 하부 돌출부 중 오른쪽에 있는 우측 하부 돌출부는 상기 직사각형 형상의 블록 본체의 우측 단부로부터 상기 우측 상부 돌출부의 길이만큼 간격을 두고 안쪽에 형성되어 있으며, 상기 좌측 하부 돌출부와 상기 우측 하부 돌출부는 길이가 같고 상기 중심 상부 돌출부의 길이만큼 이격되어 있다. Disclosed is an eco-friendly prefabricated revetment block with a straw straw layer applied to a river slope or a cut section of a roadside. The revetment block has a rectangular block body, three upper protrusions formed at regular intervals on the upper rear surface of the rectangular block body, and two lower portions formed at regular intervals on the lower rear surface of the rectangular block body. And a straw layer attached to completely cover the protrusion and the front surface of the rectangular block body. A plurality of plant growth openings are formed in a central portion of the rectangular block body and the straw straw layer, and grooves for right and left binding are formed on either one of the right side and the left side of the rectangular block body. The left and right binding protrusions are formed on the other of the right side and the left side. The three upper protrusions are formed at regular intervals from the left end to the right end of the rectangular block body, the left upper protrusion and the right upper protrusion are equal in length, and the length of the center upper protrusion is the left upper protrusion or the ...

24-01-2004 дата публикации

The concrete blocks for retaining wall and revetments

Номер: KR200338720Y1
Автор: 유경희
Принадлежит: 유경희

본 고안은 하천 및 해안의 호안이나, 도로의 법면에 시공되는 자연 친화적인 콘크리트 재질의 식물 재배용 호안블럭인 식생 호안블럭으로서, 좀 더 상세하게는 호안블럭 상호간의 연결 구조(11,15,51,55,57)와 식물 재배용 구멍(14,46)의 형태를 개선함으로서, 호안블럭 상호간의 체결만을 통하여 강한 결속력을 가지게 하여 시공기간을 단축하며, 간편하게 경제적으로 시공할 수 있고, 시공된 하천 제방의 토사 유출을 방지하여 집중호우로 인한 호안이나 법면의 붕괴가 최대한 방지되며, 시공 후 별도의 보수작업이 필요하지 않도록 하고, 시공한 후에 노출되는 시공 면에 식물 재배용 구멍(14,46)의 면적을 크게 하여, 시공 면의 미관 성능을 향상시키며, 많은 식물이 효과적으로 자생할 수 있도록 하는 등 시공의 용이성, 시공체의 견고성, 환경친화성, 미관성 등의 향상에 기여할 수 있도록 한 탈락 방지 기능을 가지는 식물 재배용 식생 호안블럭에 관한 것으로서, The present invention is a vegetation raft block which is a raft block for plant cultivation of nature-friendly concrete that is constructed on the banks of rivers and shores or on road surfaces, and more specifically, the interconnection structure between the raft blocks (11, 15, 51, 55, 57) and the shape of the hole for plant cultivation (14, 46), by making the strong binding force only through the interlocking of the raft block to shorten the construction period, can be easily and economically installed, the construction of the river bank Prevents the outflow of soil and prevents the collapse of shelter or surface due to heavy rains, and eliminates the need for additional maintenance after construction, and increases the area of plant cultivation holes (14, 46) on the exposed surface after construction. Increasing the aesthetic performance of the construction surface, and allowing many plants to grow effectively, such as ease of construction, solidity of the construction body, environmental friendliness, aesthetics As having the anti-falling off function to contribute to the improvement of plant cultivation relates to a vegetation revetment block, 식물이 자생할 수 있도록 호안블럭의 몸체에 형성된 밑 부분이 좁아지는 사다리꼴의 식물 재배용 구멍(14,24,34)과; A trapezoidal plant cultivation hole (14, 24, 34) in which the bottom portion formed in the body of the revetment block becomes narrow so that the plant can grow natively; 식물이 자생할 수 있도록 호안블럭의 조립 시공시 연접하는 호안블럭과의 틈새에 생성되는 식물 재배용 구멍(46)과; A plant cultivation hole 46 formed in a gap ...

15-06-2022 дата публикации

fishway block assembly

Номер: KR102409757B1
Автор: 신동국
Принадлежит: 신동국

본 발명은 조립식 어도블록에 관한 것으로써 양측벽과; 양측벽 사이 하단에 일체로 형성된 베이스부와; 상기 베이스부 상면으로부터 직교로 결합하여 월류공간부를 형성하는 상면경사형구획부및 상기 상면경사형구획부의 전면 중앙에 비월류공간부를 일체로 형성하는 “ㄷ”형 비월류구획부를 구비한 블록유닛으로; 구성되어 있어, 현장 타설 없이 간편하게 설치될 수 있으며 베이스부에 경사필링부가 형성되어 있어, 하천의 수위가 낮아졌을 때, 블록유닛의 월류 또는 비월류 공간부에 물이 고이는 것을 방지하여, 수생생물의 폐사를 방지할 수 있는 조립식 어도 블록에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a prefabricated adoblock, both sides of the wall; a base unit integrally formed at the lower end between both side walls; A block unit having a top inclined partition forming an overflow space by combining orthogonally from the upper surface of the base part, and a "C"-shaped non-overflow partition that integrally forms a non-overflow space in the front center of the top inclined partition. ; It can be installed easily without on-site pouring, and the inclined filling part is formed in the base part to prevent water from accumulating in the overflow or non-overflow space of the block unit when the water level of the river is low. It relates to a prefabricated fishing block that can prevent death.

13-01-2017 дата публикации

Gabion adjustable the angle of inclination and construction method

Номер: KR101694502B1
Автор: 강경실
Принадлежит: 강경실

The present invention relates to a vegetation gabion with a controllable inclination angle and a vegetation gabion construction method using the same and, more specifically, relates to a vegetation gabion with a controllable inclination angle and a vegetation gabion construction method using the same, capable of enabling a user to combine a side wall with a front wall while selectively controlling a degree of bending of the side wall. To achieve this purpose, the vegetation gabion with a controllable inclination angle, installed in a slope of a river after earthwork, comprises: a first body including a rear wall and a floor surface, divided by bending, and placed on the slope; a pair of side walls formed of a bendable material, but installed in both sides of the floor surface facing each other; and a second body including a cover and a front wall, divided by bending, and having the front wall combined with an opposite side of the rear wall in a state in which the first body and the side walls are combined, and having the cover combined with an upper part of the rear wall and the side walls. The second body is combined in a state in which a slope part is formed by bending a front side of the side walls.

18-07-2005 дата публикации

절약형 열효율 향상 연탄 보일러

Номер: KR100501726B1
Автор: 김홍길
Принадлежит: 김홍길

본 발명은 연탄의 화력과 배출되는 연통에서 열을 회수하여 물을 이중으로 데울 수 있도록 하는 연탄 보일러에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 연탄 통의 상측으로 물을 데우는 물집을 설치하여 고온으로 데워진 물이 공급되도록 하며, 연통의 외측으로 설치되는 보조물집에서 연통이 확관부 및 좁힘부와 같이 다수의 요철을 형성하여 소멸하는 열을 회수하여 물을 이중으로 데워 열효율을 향상시킬 수 있도록 하는 절약형 열효율 향상 연탄 보일러에 관한 것이다. 본 발명은 연탄 통(10)에 올려지며 입수구(21)와 배수구(22)에 이르도록 격벽(24)이 지그재그 형태로 설치되어 온수 이동로(23)를 갖는 물집(20)과; 상기 물집(20)의 배수구(22)와 연결된 순환펌프(28)를 통하여 보조물집(30)과 연결되는 배수관(29)과; 상기 배수관(29)이 입수관(34)을 통하여 연결되며, 연탄 통(10)에 연결된 연통(40)이 관통되는 부분을 확관부(31)와 좁힘부(32)로 형성하는 보조물집(30)에 온수를 공급하여 순환시켜 난방함을 특징으로 하는 것이다.

23-11-2002 дата публикации

A manufacturing method of stone block

Номер: KR100362049B1
Автор: 나계환
Принадлежит: 주식회사유신코퍼레이션

본 발명은 입체형상의 호안블록에 관한 것으로, 특히 입체적인 형상의 호안블록을 제조함에 있어 제조시간이 짧고, 특정부위만을 칼라화할 수 있으며 내구성이 뛰어난 호안블록의 제조방법에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a three-dimensional relieving block, particularly in the manufacture of a three-dimensional relieving block, the manufacturing time is short, it is possible to color only a specific part, and to a manufacturing method of the excellent relieving block. 본 발명의 목적은, 하나의 금형으로 입체적인 형상의 호안블록을 짧은 시간에 다수개 제조함은 물론, 입체적인 형상의 호안블록 제조시 특정부위만을 칼라화할 수 있는 한편, 호안블록의 내구성이 뛰어나도록 한 호안블록의 제조방법과 이에따른 호안블록을 제공하는데 있다.상기와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명은, 호안블록의 제조방법에 있어서, 호안블록의 입체적인 형상을 상/하부몰드(110,120)에 가공하는 입체몰드제조공정(S11)과, 상기 입체몰드제조공정 (S11)에서 제작된 하부몰드(120)와 상부몰드(110)를 건식방식호안블록의 블록성형기(200)에 설치하는 입체몰드설치공정(S12)과, 상기 하부몰드(120)의 하부면을 받쳐주는 파레트(300)를 컨베이어 상부에 위치하고, 상기 하부몰드(120)에 투입되는 거친입자의 초벌콘크리트를 블록성형기(200)의 제1공급통(210)에 투입되도록 준비함과 아울러 색깔이 혼합된 재벌콘크리트를 제2공급통(220)에 투입되도록 준비하는 성형준비공정(S13)과, 상기 블록성형기(200)에 전원을 공급하여 블록성형기(200)를 작동하면, 상기 파레트(300)가 컨베어라인을 따라 상기 하부몰드(120)의 하부로 이동되고, 이어서 초벌콘크리트가 담긴 제1공급통(210)이 실린더구동에 의해 하부몰드(120)의 상측으로 이동하여 진동과 흔듬에 의해 하부몰드(120)에 초벌콘크리트 채움을 한 뒤에 제1공급통(210)은 초벌콘크리트를 새로이 공급받을 수 있는 최초의 위치로 이동한 다음, 색깔이 혼합된 재벌콘크리트가 담긴 제2공급통(220)이 실린더 구동에 의해 하부몰드(120)의 상측으로 이동하여 초벌콘크리트 위에 일정두께로 콘크리트 공급을 한 뒤에 제2공급통(220)은 재벌콘크리트를 새로이 공급받을 수 있는 최초의 위치로 이동한 후, 상기 상부몰드(110)가 하강하여 상기 하부몰드(120)에 채워진 초벌콘크리트와 재벌콘크리트를 진동과 압축을 가하는 성형공정(S14)을 포함하여 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. It is an object of the present invention to manufacture a plurality of three-dimensional revetment block in a short time in one mold, as well as to color only a specific part in the production of a three-dimensional revetment block, while also excellent durability of the revetment block. The present invention for achieving the above object, in the manufacturing method of the relief block, the three-dimensional shape of the relief block in the upper / lower mold (110, 120). The three-dimensional mold manufacturing process (S11) and the three-dimensional mold installation process for installing the lower mold 120 and the ...

10-11-2008 дата публикации

The block for a breast wall with grass growing structure

Номер: KR200442424Y1
Автор: 정윤호
Принадлежит: 정윤호

본 고안은 도로변 비탈면, 제방, 해안, 단지 조경 벽면 등 토목공사에 의하여 형성되는 절개지의 경사면 등에 시공 설치되는 식생용 옹벽블록에 관한 것으로, The present invention relates to a vegetation retaining wall block is installed on the slope of the incision site formed by civil works such as roadside slope, embankment, coast, landscaping wall, 더욱 상세하게는 다단의 고정핀 삽지공이 구비되고, 격벽을 통해 토사나 자갈을 채워 수용할 수 있게 하되, 전방에 배수공이 천공된 채움재 수용공간부와 격리되는 상태로, 해면체 형태의 보습구가 수용되어 식물을 식재할 수 있는 식재포트부를 블록의 내부에 마련함으로써, 토양의 유실억제와 습도 저장, 영양분 공급기능을 통해 식물이 안정되게 식생할 수 있는 식생공간을 확보할 수 있도록 함은 물론, 블록간의 전후 적층 위치를 다양하게 조절하는 것이 가능하여 광범위하고 다양한 경사면에 충분하게 적용 가능한 맞춤시공이 가능하며, 블록간의 결속력을 극대화할 수 있는 식생용 옹벽블록에 관한 것이다. More specifically, a multi-stage fixing pin insertion hole is provided, and the soil or gravel can be filled and accommodated through the partition wall, but in the state of being separated from the filling material accommodating space portion in which the drain hole is perforated, the sponge-shaped moisturizing port is accommodated. By providing a planting pot for planting inside the block, it is possible to secure a vegetation space in which the plant can be stably grown through the function of suppressing the loss of soil, storing humidity, and supplying nutrients. The front and rear stacking position of the liver can be adjusted in various ways to be able to be fully adapted to a wide variety of inclined surfaces, and to provide a retaining wall block for vegetation that can maximize the binding force between blocks. 식생용 옹벽블록, 보습구, 식재포트부, 고정핀 삽지공. Retaining wall block, moisturizing port, vegetation pot part, fixing pin inserter for vegetation.

22-11-2005 дата публикации

Protective facilities structure for embankment

Номер: KR100530455B1
Автор: 정재경
Принадлежит: 주식회사 서영엔지니어링

본 발명은 제방의 굴곡면과의 밀착력을 높임으로써 제방을 더욱 튼튼히 할 수 있으며 풍부한 어류 서식처를 제공하여 수중생태계를 보호할 수 있도록 한 하천제방 보호시설물 설치구조에 관한 것으로, 제방(18)의 최하측과 하천바닥면(16)이 만나는 부위를 따라 설치되는 역T형기초블록(20)의 상면에 반원홈(22)을 형성하고, 그 반원홈(22) 중앙에 복수의 스터드볼트(24)를 일정한 간격을 두고 수직으로 설치하며, 생태출입구(34)이 길이방향을 따라 등간격으로 형성된 원통형생태블록(30)의 상하부에 상기 스터드볼트(24)를 삽입하기 위한 장공(32)(33)을 원주방향으로 형성하고, 그 장공(32)(33)을 통해 상기 스터드볼트(24)가 삽입되도록 원통형생태블록(30)을 역T형기초블록(20) 위에 올려놓고 너트(26)로 고정하며, 장방형의 틸팅블록(40) 상하면에 상·하부반원홈(42)(44)을 형성하고, 그 틸팅블록(40)의 상·하부반원홈(42)(44) 중앙에 복수의 스터드볼트(46)(48)를 일정한 간격을 두고 각각 수직으로 설치하며, 틸팅블록(40)을 사이사이에 두고 상기 원통형생태블록(30)을 제방(18)의 수직면을 따라 상하로 적층하면서 너트(36)(49)로 결합하고, 상측에 난간(54)이 설치되어 있는 원통형의 난간블록(50)을 최상측에 위치한 틸팅블록(40)의 상부반원홈(42)에서 너트(49)로 고정하여 구성된 것이다. The present invention relates to a river dike protection facility installation structure that can strengthen the dike more by increasing the adhesion to the curved surface of the dike and provides a rich fish habitat to protect the aquatic ecosystem, the lowest of the dike (18) A semicircular groove 22 is formed on the upper surface of the inverted T-type foundation block 20 installed along the side where the side and the river bottom surface 16 meet, and a plurality of stud bolts 24 are formed at the center of the semicircular groove 22. Is installed vertically at regular intervals, and the long hole 32, 33 for inserting the stud bolt 24 in the upper and lower portions of the cylindrical ecological block 30 formed at equal intervals along the longitudinal direction of the ecological entrance 34 To the circumferential direction, the cylindrical ecological block 30 is placed on the inverted T-type base block 20 so that the stud bolt 24 is inserted through the long holes 32 and 33 and fixed with a nut 26. And, the upper and lower semicircular grooves 42 and 4 on the upper and lower sides of the rectangular tilting block 40. 4) and vertically install a plurality of stud bolts 46 and 48 in the center of the upper and lower semicircular grooves 42 and 44 of the tilting block 40 at regular ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

ecology block for providing refugeof fish and terrestrial animal

Номер: KR101297419B1
Автор: 기인서, 김재형
Принадлежит: 기인서, 김재형

본 발명은 어류 및 육상동물의 은신처와 이동통로를 제공하는 친환경 생태 블록에 관한 것으로서, 더욱 상세하게는 하천이나 호소, 바다 등의 수중에 설치되거나 호안, 도로가와 같은 물 밖에 설치되어 토종 어류나 양서류, 파충류, 설치류, 조류 등의 은신처, 이동통로 및 서식지를 제공하여 생태계 및 자연환경을 보호할 수 있는 친환경 생태 블록에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 친환경 생태 블록은 지면에 설치되는 베이스부와, 베이스부의 상부에 설치되어 내측에 제 1은신처가 형성되며, 좌우 양 측벽에 마련된 도피구를 통해 외부에서 상기 제 1은신처로 진입하여 포식자로부터 1차로 도피할 수 있는 제 1본체와, 베이스부의 상부에 설치되어 상기 제 1본체의 전면 또는 후면에 연속되게 결합되며, 좌우 양 측벽에 의해 외부와 차단된 제 2은신처가 내측에 형성된 제 2본체와, 제 1은신처와 상기 제 2은신처의 연결은 차단하면서 상기 제 1은신처로 진입한 피식자가 포식자를 피해 상기 제 2은신처로 이동할 수 있게 하는 바리케이드부를 구비한다. The present invention relates to an eco-friendly ecological block that provides a hide and a mobile passage for fish and terrestrial animals, and more specifically, is installed in water such as rivers, lakes and seas, or installed outside water such as lakes and roads. The present invention relates to eco-friendly ecological blocks that can protect the ecosystem and the natural environment by providing hiding places such as amphibians, reptiles, rodents, and birds, passageways and habitats. Eco-friendly ecological block of the present invention is installed on the base and the upper portion of the base portion is provided with a first hiding place in the inside, through the escape holes provided on the left and right side walls to enter the first hiding place from the outside from the predator A second main body which can be escaped primarily, and a second main body which is installed on an upper part of the base part and continuously coupled to the front or rear surface of the first main body, and has a second hiding place which is blocked from the outside by left and right side walls. And a barricade to allow predators entering the first hiding place to move to the second hiding place while blocking the connection between the first hiding place and the second hiding place.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Armor unit against high wave with reinforcement structure

Номер: KR101698061B1
Автор: 박영현, 오영민, 한택희
Принадлежит: 한국해양과학기술원

본 발명은 외해부터 해안에 입사하는 파랑으로부터 연안을 보호하는 방파제에 설치되어 입사 파랑의 파고 및 방파제로부터 발생되는 반사파를 저감시키는 소파블록에 관한 것으로, 직육면체로 이루어진 직육면체 본체부; 상기 직육면체 본체부를 이루는 4개의 수직면 각각에 사다리꼴의 단면을 이루면서 돌출되는 사다리꼴 돌출부; 상기 사다리꼴 돌출부의 단부 각각에 돌출방향을 따라 연장형성되면서 직육면체로 형성되어 상기 직육면체 본체부를 중심으로 방사상의 다리를 이루는 직육면체 다리부; 상기 직육면체 다리부의 단부 각각에 돌출형성되어 수평방향의 경사면을 이루고, 상기 직육면체 다리부의 수평중심축을 중심으로 상하 대칭을 이루는 모따기부; 및 상기 사다리꼴 돌출부들 중 서로 이웃하는 돌출부들의 사이를 연결하는 형태로 돌출형성되어 상기 사다리꼴 돌출부 및 상기 직육면체 다리부를 보강하는 보강부;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

24-03-2020 дата публикации

Embankment fish way Block

Номер: KR102092260B1
Автор: 김흥섭
Принадлежит: 김흥섭, 수생태복원(주)

본 발명의 여울블럭은 펼쳐진 상태에서 서로 마주보는 면이 합동이 되도록 하여 입체도형 형상으로 조합되고 유체가 투과되는 모듈부와, 상기 모듈부 내부에 충진되어 하천의 오염 물질을 흡착, 여과, 분해 및 침전시키기 위한 여과부로 이루어진다. In the unfolded state of the present invention, the faces facing each other in the unfolded state are combined to form a three-dimensional shape and the fluid is permeable, and the inside of the module part is filled inside the module to adsorb, filter, decompose and adsorb pollutants in the river. It consists of a filtration part for precipitation.

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Bank and method for the same using the geotextiles tube law for preventing coastal erosion

Номер: KR20160027646A
Автор: 이대석, 최의용
Принадлежит: 이대석, 최의용

본 발명은 해안 또는 하안에 신축되는 제방을 대체하거나 정식 제방 축조 이전에 임시로 축조되는 해안 및 하안의 침식방지용 제방축조를 위한 토목섬유 튜브공법 기반의 항구적인 시공방법과 제방축조물에 관한 것으로, 하나 또는 둘 이상의 지오튜브 블록이 적층되어 이루어진 지오튜브 구조물; 상기 지오튜브 구조물의 둘레를 감싸 보호하는 지오그리드; 및 상기 지오그리드와 일체로 고정되며, 격벽에 의해서 일정한 체적과 형상을 이루며 채움석을 수용하기 위한 구획공간을 갖춘 지오셀;을 포함하는 것이다.

16-01-2017 дата публикации

소파블록용 거푸집

Номер: KR101696725B1
Автор: 박영현
Принадлежит: 한국해양과학기술원

본 발명은 다각기둥으로 이루어진 본체부; 상기 본체부를 이루는 수직면 각각에 돌출형성되고, 상기 본체부의 중앙으로 갈수록 돌출폭이 커지는 돌출부; 및 상기 돌출부의 단부 각각에 연장형성되어 상기 본체부를 중심으로 방사상의 다리를 이루는 다리부;가 형성된 소파블록을 제조하기 위한 거푸집에 관한 것으로, 상기 본체부와 상기 돌출부 및 상기 다리부들의 하부절반을 형성하기 위한 성형공간이 구비되어 시멘트 몰탈이 수용되는 하부금형; 상기 하부금형과 상하 대칭상태로 이루어지면서 상기 본체부와 상기 돌출부 및 상기 다리부들의 상부절반을 형성하기 위한 성형공간이 구비되며, 시멘트 몰탈이 주입되는 주입커버가 개폐가능하게 형성되는 상부금형; 및 상기 상부금형과 상기 하부금형을 밀폐된 상태로 체결시키는 체결부재;를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다.

27-09-2006 дата публикации

Internetwork optical fiber sharing system

Номер: KR100630118B1
Автор: 박성범, 정대광, 황성택
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명에 따라 제1 중앙 기지국과 제1 지역 기지국을 제1 간선 광섬유로 연결하는 제1 수동형 광가입자망과, 제2 중앙 기지국과 제2 지역 기지국을 제2 간선 광섬유로 연결하는 제2 수동형 광가입자망에서 발생하는 간선 광섬유 장애를 치유하기 위한 망간 광섬유 공유 시스템은, 상기 제1 간선 광섬유와 연결되며, 상기 제1 간선 광섬유로부터 제1 상향 파장 대역의 상향 광신호가 수신되지 않는 경우에 제2 광스위칭부를 통해 상기 제1 중앙 기지국과 상기 제2 간선 광섬유를 연결하는 제1 광스위칭부와; 상기 제2 간선 광섬유와 연결되며, 상기 제2 간선 광섬유로부터 제2 상향 파장 대역의 상향 광신호가 수신되지 않는 경우에 상기 제1 광스위칭부를 통해 상기 제2 중앙 기지국과 상기 제1 간선 광섬유를 연결하는 상기 제2 광스위칭부를 포함한다. According to the present invention, a first passive optical subscriber network connecting the first central base station and the first local base station with a first trunk fiber and a second passive optical link connecting the second central base station and the second local base station with a second trunk fiber A manganese optical fiber sharing system for treating trunk fiber failures occurring in a subscriber network is connected to the first trunk fiber, and a second optical fiber is not received from the first trunk fiber when an uplink optical signal of a first upstream wavelength band is not received. A first optical switching unit connecting the first central base station and the second trunk fiber through a switching unit; When the uplink optical signal of the second uplink wavelength band is not received from the second trunk optical fiber, the second central base station and the first trunk optical fiber are connected to each other through the first optical switching unit. The second optical switching unit is included. 수동형 광가입자망, 중앙 기지국, 지역 기지국, 자기 치유, 광섬유 공유 Passive Optical Subscriber Network, Central Base Station, Local Base Station, Self-Healing, Fiber Sharing

30-05-2011 дата публикации

Marble block for retaining wall and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: KR101037904B1
Автор: 박석민, 황승호
Принадлежит: 박석민, 황승호

본 발명은 보강토 옹벽 구축용 대리석 옹벽블럭 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 콘크리트몰탈로 성형되는 몸체와, 상기 몸체의 중심부분에는 좌,우측 방향을 향해 직사각형을 이루면서 상,하 관통하도록 형성되는 채움공과, 상기 채움공의 양측과 몸체의 후면 양측을 일정 깊이로 연결시키도록 형성되어 띠형 보강재를 상기 몸체에 걸어줄 수 있도록 하는 양측 보강재 걸이홈이 형성되어 있는 보강토 옹벽 구축용 대리석 옹벽블럭에 있어서, The present invention relates to a marble retaining wall block for constructing a reinforced soil retaining wall and a method for manufacturing the same, and a body formed of concrete mortar, and a filling hole formed to penetrate up and down while forming a rectangle toward a central portion of the body. In the marble retaining wall building marble retaining wall block formed on both sides of the filling hole is formed to connect the both sides of the back of the body to a certain depth to be able to hang the band-shaped reinforcing material to the body, 상기 몸체의 전면에는 모래 33∼64 중량%, 시멘트 15∼25 중량%, 6∼12mm 크기의 골재 10∼20 중량%, 6∼12mm 크기의 옥돌·게르마늄·야광석·화강석 중에서 선택된 어느 하나의 광석 10∼20 중량% 및 고성능유동화제 1∼2 중량%의 혼합비로 구성된 대리석 배합층이 20∼50mm의 두께로 형성되어 있는 것을 특징으로 하는 발명이다. The front of the body is any one of ore selected from 33 to 64% by weight of sand, 15 to 25% by weight of cement, 10 to 20% by weight of aggregates of 6 to 12 mm, and jade, germanium, luminous ore, granite of 6 to 12 mm. The invention is characterized in that a marble compounding layer composed of a mixing ratio of 10 to 20% by weight and 1 to 2% by weight of a high performance fluidizing agent is formed to a thickness of 20 to 50 mm. 보강토 옹벽, 대리석 옹벽블럭, 몸체, 대리석 배합층, 블럭성형틀, 콘크리트몰탈, 대리석 혼합몰탈 Reinforced soil retaining wall, marble retaining wall block, body, marble compounded layer, block molding frame, concrete mortar, marble mixed mortar

10-01-2014 дата публикации

Fish block with landscaping section

Номер: KR101348427B1
Автор: 민승기
Принадлежит: 민승기

본 발명은 하천의 어류가 상,하류로 이동할 수 있도록 설치된 어도에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는 하천의 경사면에서 물이 흐르는 구간에서 친환경적인 조경구역이 구비된 어도를 제공함으로서, 하천의 어류가 상,하류로 이동하는 것이 용이하도록 제공하는 어도에 관한 발명이다. 고로 상,하체부(110)(115)과 양측의 측벽(161)에 의하여 어도가 형성되도록 양측으로 각각 입구(171)와 출구(172)을 형성시켜 주되, 상기 하체부(110)에서 만곡되면서 돌출되는 하측 유도벽(111)과, 상기 하측 유도벽(111)의 상측으로 상측통로(131)을 형성하여 주고, 상기 상체부(115)의 하측으로 만곡으로 돌출되는 상측유도벽(121)과 상기 상측유도벽(121)의 하측으로 하측통로(132)을 형성시켜 주되, 상기 상,하측 유도벽(121)(111) 사이의 구간에는 교호상으로 상측통로(131)와 하측통로(132)를 형성하여 주되, 상기 상측통로(131)와 하측통로(132) 구간을 중간통로(133)로 연결시켜 주는 어도에 있어서, The present invention relates to a fish that is installed so that the fish in the river can move up and down, and more specifically, by providing an eco-friendly landscaping zone in the water flow section on the slope of the river, the fish in the river The invention relates to a fishery provided to facilitate movement downstream. The inlet 171 and the outlet 172 are formed at both sides so that the upper and lower body parts 110 and 115 and the side walls 161 on both sides are formed so that the upper and lower body parts 110 and 115 are curved at the lower body part 110. An upper guide wall 121 protruding from the lower guide wall 111 and an upper passage 131 formed above the lower guide wall 111 and protruding curvedly below the upper body 115; The lower passage 132 is formed below the upper guide wall 121, but the upper passage 131 and the lower passage 132 alternately in the section between the upper and lower guide walls 121 and 111. In the airway to form a, but connecting the upper passage 131 and the lower passage 132 section to the intermediate passage 133, 상기 상체부(115)에서 중간통로(133)로 돌출되는 상측 유도벽(121)의 하측 가장자리에서 입구(171) 방향으로 돌출되는 저측면(134)을 형성하여 주되, 상기 저측면(134)의 단부 부위에서 상측방향으로 돌출되는 벽면(139')을 상체부(115)와 일체되게 구비하여 줌으로서 이동홈(112)을 형성하여 주면서, 내측공간인 조경구역(150)을 구비하여 주고, On the lower edge of the upper guide wall 121 protruding from the upper body 115 to the intermediate passage 133 to form a bottom side 134 protruding toward the inlet 171, the lower side 134 ...

12-10-2012 дата публикации

Retaining wall structure which has stone

Номер: KR101190280B1
Автор: 윤정흠
Принадлежит: 현도지앤씨 주식회사

본 발명은 옹벽의 설치를 용이하게 하고, 시공시간 및 시공비가 감소될 수 있는 조경석이 고정된 옹벽 구조체에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a retaining wall structure in which a landscape stone is fixed, which facilitates installation of the retaining wall and in which construction time and construction cost can be reduced. 본 발명에 따른 조경석이 고정된 옹벽 구조체는, 터파기 후 타설되는 옹벽 기초; 다수의 타이홀이 형성된 콘크리트 벽체; 상기 콘크리트 벽체에 고정되는 하나 이상의 조경석; 상기 각 타이홀에 결합되는 결합부재; 및 상기 각 결합부재에 결합되고, 상기 콘크리트 벽체의 후측에 보강용 토석이 성토됨에 따라 상기 콘크리트 벽체를 고정시키도록 적층되는 다수의 그리드;를 포함하고, 상기 콘크리트 벽체는 조경석이 콘크리트 벽체에 고정된 상태에서 상기 옹벽 기초에 조적된다. Retaining wall structure fixed to the landscape stone according to the present invention, the retaining wall foundation is poured after the trench; Concrete wall formed with a plurality of tie holes; At least one landscape stone fixed to the concrete wall; Coupling members coupled to the tie holes; And a plurality of grids coupled to each of the coupling members and stacked to fix the concrete walls as the reinforcing soils are deposited on the rear side of the concrete walls, wherein the concrete walls have landscaping stones fixed to the concrete walls. In the state is bonded to the retaining wall base. 옹벽 구조체, 콘크리트 벽체, 자연석 Retaining wall structure, concrete wall, natural stone

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Planting block establish structure

Номер: KR100770162B1
Автор: 최종남
Принадлежит: (주)우주엔지니어링

An installation structure of vegetation blocks for environmental protection and ecological restoration is provided to green a river slope by promoting the growth of trees and plants on a river slope and to prevent the loss of a river slope effectively by increasing the binding strength of vertical and horizontal vegetation blocks. An installation structure of vegetation blocks for environmental protection and ecological restoration includes a retaining wall(10) composed of a bottom portion(11) and a vertical portion(12) formed perpendicular to the bottom portion to support a vegetation block assembly from the riverside to be formed in an L-shape and constructed along an edge of a river(1), a vegetation block assembly(20) formed by piling up many vegetation blocks(60) at the backside of the retaining wall in the vertical and horizontal directions and constructed on a slope at the backside of the retaining wall in multistage, trees and plants(30) planted in vegetative soils filled in the vegetation block assembly, a mesh grid(40) fixing the vegetation block assembly to the slope, and a connector(50) connecting the vegetation block assembly and the mesh grid. The vegetation block of the vegetation block assembly is composed of a front portion provided with a primary fastening groove opened downward, and a pair of side walls extended backward from right and left sides of the front portion and provided with secondary fastening grooves opened upward, so that two adjacent vegetation blocks are engaged with each other through the primary and secondary fastening grooves to be constructed in zigzags.

04-09-2007 дата публикации

Rivers construction which use fixing constructions stone

Номер: KR100754979B1

본 발명은 시공석 고정구조물을 이용한 하천 구조물에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는 철망과 시공석을 기본 구성으로 하여 하천의 호안이나 바닥면의 보강 구조물을 용이하게 시공할 수 있으며, 식생이 가능하도록 구성되어 친환경적인 식생 하천을 구축할 수 있는 시공석 고정구조물을 이용한 하천 구조물에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to a river structure using the construction stone fixed structure, and more specifically, it is possible to easily construct a reinforcement structure of the revetment or bottom of the river by the basic configuration of the wire mesh and the construction stone, it is configured to allow vegetation The present invention relates to a river structure using construction-fixed structures for constructing eco-friendly vegetation rivers. 본 발명에 시공석 고정구조물의 구성은, 상기의 목적을 달성하기 위한 본 발명의 구성은, 식물의 자연스러운 생장이 확보되는 하천 구조물을 시공하기 위한 시공석 고정구조물에 있어서, 하천의 바닥이나 호안에 접하는 구조물의 하부에 설치되어 시공석을 지지하는 밑철망과; 상기 시공석의 상면을 감싸도록 설치되는 덮개망과; 상기 밑철망과 상기 덮개망을 상호 연결하여 상기 시공석의 유동을 방지하여주는 고정수단이 포함되되, 상기 시공석을 다단으로 적층시키고, 그 사이에 상기 덮개망을 설치하여 상기 덮개망 상호간을 상기 고정수단으로 연결한 것을 특징으로 한다. The construction of the construction stone fixed structure according to the present invention, the construction of the present invention for achieving the above object, in the construction stone fixed structure for constructing a river structure to ensure the natural growth of plants, A wire mesh installed at a lower portion of the contacting structure to support a construction stone; A cover net installed to surround the top surface of the construction stone; Fixing means for preventing the flow of the construction stone by interconnecting the base mesh and the cover network is included, the stacking of the construction stone in multiple stages, between the fixing of the cover network by installing the cover net between It is characterized by connecting by means. 하천, 호안, 식생, 철망, 시공석 Rivers, shores, vegetation, wire mesh, construction stones

16-10-2006 дата публикации

Humidifier having sterilizing LED

Номер: KR100634300B1
Автор: 김방현, 우도철
Принадлежит: 서울반도체 주식회사

본 발명은, 일정량의 물을 담을 수 있도록 형성되는 가습수조와, 가습수조의 물을 기화시키는 진동자와, 가습수조의 물을 살균하도록 가습수조의 물을 향하여 자외선을 발광하는 하나 이상의 자외선 발광다이오드와, 자외선 발광다이오드로부터 발광되는 자외선의 살균력을 향상시키기 위하여 TiO 2 , ZnO, CdS, ZrO 2 , SnO 2 , V 2 O 2 , WO 3 및 SrTiO 3 중에서 어느 하나의 광촉매 물질로 코팅되어 가습수조 내부에 결합되는 광촉매 필터와, 가습수조 내의 물 또는 증기가 자외선 발광다이오드에 직접 접촉되지 아니하도록 자외선 발광다이오드와 가습수조 사이에 자외선 투과가 가능한 재질로 형성되어 가습수조의 상부에 결합되는 다이오드 커버를 포함하여 구성되어, 적은 전력을 사용하여 가습 수조 내부의 물을 고르게 살균할 수 있고 내부 구성이 간단하여 전체 부피가 크게 증대되지 아니하며 외부 충격에 의한 파손 우려가 감소되도록 구성되는 살균 가습기를 제공한다. The present invention provides a humidification tank formed to hold a predetermined amount of water, a vibrator for vaporizing the water in the humidification tank, one or more ultraviolet light emitting diodes emitting ultraviolet rays toward the water of the humidification tank to sterilize the water in the humidification tank; In order to improve the germicidal power of the ultraviolet light emitted from the ultraviolet light emitting diodes, any one of TiO 2 , ZnO, CdS, ZrO 2 , SnO 2 , V 2 O 2 , WO 3 and SrTiO 3 is coated with a photocatalytic material Including a photocatalyst filter to be combined, and a diode cover formed of a material capable of transmitting ultraviolet rays between the ultraviolet light emitting diode and the humidifying tank so that water or steam in the humidifying tank does not directly contact the ultraviolet light emitting diode. It can be used to sterilize the water inside the humidification tank evenly with less power and its internal configuration is simple. Volume shall not significantly increase provides a sterile humidifier is configured to decrease the damage caused by external impact concerns. 가습기, 살균, 자외선, 발광다이오드, 광촉매 Humidifier, Sterilization, UV, Light Emitting Diode, Photocatalyst

24-11-2009 дата публикации

Reinforced soil retaining wall with vegetation function of vine plants and shrub plants

Номер: KR200446723Y1
Автор: 김학은
Принадлежит: 김학은

본 고안은 덩굴식물과 관목식물의 식생기능을 갖는 보강토 옹벽에 관한 것으로서, 보강토 옹벽에 식재된 덩굴식물 또는 관목식물에 빗물을 공급할 수 있는 수단을 마련하여 덩굴식물 또는 관목식물이 시드는 현상을 방지함과 아울러 덩굴식물 또는 관목식물의 성장을 촉진시켜 빠른 기간내에 성장하면서 보강토 옹벽의 전면을 수려하게 녹화할 수 있도록 함에 따라 도심의 환경미화에 일조할 수 있으며, 보강토 옹벽의 주변과 도로 주변의 온도를 낮추어 생태환경을 보호할 수 있도록 함을 목적으로 한다. 본 고안에 의한 덩굴식물과 관목식물의 식생기능을 갖는 보강토 옹벽은 하부에 단차홈이 형성되고 상부에 내측을 향하는 경사면이 형성되며 상기 단차홈과 경사면 사이에 수직면이 형성되고, 덩굴종묘 또는 관목식물이 식재된 식생토사 블럭과, 하부에 상기 식생토사 블럭의 단차홈이 안착되는 안착부가 형성되고, 상부에 상기 식생토사 블럭의 경사면과 접하는 사선 접촉부가 형성되며, 상기 안착부와 사선 접촉부의 사이에 상기 식생토사 블럭의 수직면과 접하는 수직 접촉부가 형성된 보강토 블럭과, 상기 보강토 블럭의 상단에 적층되며 상부에 덩굴 또는 관목이 성장 및 노출될 수 있도록 개방부가 형성되고 하부에 통과홀이 형성된 식재블럭과, 상기 식재블럭의 상단에 적층되고 상,하로 관통되는 복수개의 유입홀이 형성된 빗물 집수블럭과, 상부는 상기 유입홀에 결합되고 도중마다 절곡되며, 하부가 상기 식생토사 블럭에 관통설치되어 상기 식생토사 블럭에 빗물을 공급하는 물공급관으로 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 한다. 옹벽, 덩굴 식물, 관목 식물, 식생, 물공급 The present invention relates to a reinforcement soil retaining wall having a vegetation function of vine plants and shrub plants, to provide a means for supplying rainwater to the vine plants or shrub plants planted in the reinforcement soil retaining wall to prevent the vine plant or shrub plants from wilting In addition, it promotes the growth of vine plants or shrub plants, so that they can grow quickly and record beautifully the front surface of the reinforcement soil retaining wall, thereby contributing to the environmental beautification of the city. It aims to protect the ecological environment by lowering it. Reinforcing soil retaining wall having a vegetation function of the vine plants and shrub plants according to the present invention is a stepped groove is formed at the bottom and the inclined surface is formed inward on the upper side, a vertical plane is formed between the stepped groove and the slope, vine seedlings or shrub plants The planted earth and sand blocks, and a seating portion in which the stepped grooves of the vegetation earth and sand blocks are seated, and an oblique contact portion is formed in contact with the inclined surface of the vegetated soil blocks, ...

17-02-2014 дата публикации

Fish block with landscaping section

Номер: KR101350246B1
Автор: 민승기
Принадлежит: 민승기

본 발명은 조경구간이 구비되는 어도용 블럭에 관한 것으로서, 보다 상세하게는 하천의 경사면에서 물이 흐르는 구간에서 친환경적인 조경구역이 구비된 어도를 제공함으로서, 하천의 어류가 상,하류로 이동하는 것이 용이하도록 제공하는 어도에 관한 발명이다. 고로 하천바닥(105)과 양측벽면(107)으로 단면이 U형으로 형성되는 하천(100)에서, 양측의 벽체(161)의 하측구간에 구성되는 하체부(110)와, 상기 양측의 벽체(161)의 상측구간에 일체로 조립되는 상체부(115)로 구성되는 어도(100)에 있어서, The present invention relates to a fishery block having a landscape section, and more particularly, by providing a fishery equipped with an environment-friendly landscaping section in the water flow section on the slope of the river, the fish of the river to move up and down The invention relates to a fishbone provided to facilitate. In the stream 100 having a U-shaped cross section formed from the blast furnace river bottom 105 and both side wall surfaces 107, the lower body part 110 formed in the lower section of the wall 161 on both sides, and the wall on both sides ( In the fish tract 100 composed of the upper body portion 115 which is integrally assembled in the upper section of the 161, 상기 어도(100)가 구비되는 하측바닥(105)의 구간에서 길이방향에 따라 교호상으로 구비된 받침기둥(135)과 조경구역(150)과, 조경구역(150)에서 조경구역(150)과 조경관체(136)을 돌출로 구비함으로서, 상측 통로(131)과 하측통로(132)가 교호상으로 상,하측 구간으로 각각 구비되도록 단면이 형과 형의 블록(160)(160')이 중간통로(133)을 유지하도록 교호상으로 구성시켜서 주고, 상기 상체부(115)는 투명판(166)으로 조정관체(136) 사이의 폭으로 분할되면서 덮어 주어서 제공하는 발명이다. The support pillar 135 and the landscaping zone 150 and the landscaping zone 150 in the landscaping zone 150 are alternately provided along the longitudinal direction in the section of the lower bottom 105 where the fishery 100 is provided. By providing the landscape tube 136 as a protrusion, the upper passage 131 and the lower passage 132 is alternately provided in the upper and lower sections, respectively, the cross section is Brother and sister The block 160, 160 'of the mold is alternately configured to maintain the intermediate passage 133, and the upper body portion 115 is divided into a width between the adjusting tube 136 by a transparent plate 166 The invention is provided by covering it. 또한 ...

25-06-2009 дата публикации

Fishway block which is able to change the flow direction

Номер: KR100903802B1
Автор: 정재천
Принадлежит: 정재천

본 발명은 유수의 방향조정이 가능한 세굴방지형 어도블록에 관한 것으로, 하천을 횡단하는 제방 또는 취입보와 같은 인공구조물에 경사지게 설치되며, 본체와 상기 본체 상에 돌출되도록 배치되는 봉을 포함하는 어도블록에 있어서, 상기 본체의 상면에는 일정한 깊이로 절개 형성되는 고정홈을 구비하고; 상기 봉은 상부로 갈수록 폭이 좁아지되 일정한 수평길이를 갖는 형상으로 되고, 상기 고정홈 상에 안착되어 탈부착 가능하게 고정되는 것이다. The present invention relates to an anti-washing type of fish block capable of adjusting the flow of water, which is installed obliquely on an artificial structure such as an embankment or a blown beam that crosses a river, and includes an air block including a body and a rod disposed to protrude on the body. In the upper surface of the main body is provided with a fixing groove formed to be cut to a predetermined depth; The rod is narrowed toward the top, but becomes a shape having a constant horizontal length, and is mounted on the fixing groove to be detachably fixed.

08-12-2005 дата публикации

Semiconductor device and method for manufacturing the same

Номер: KR100534205B1
Автор: 이영현
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 반도체소자 및 그 제조방법을 개시한다. 이에 의하면, 반도체기판표면 일부에 식각홈을 형성하고 그 식각홈의 저면에 게이트 산화막과 게이트 전극의 적층 구조를 형성하고 식각홈의 빈공간에 스페이서를 형성하고 스페이서 아래의 반도체기판에 저농도 소오스/드레인영역을 형성하고 이에 일체로 연결되며 스페이서 외측의 반도체기판에 고농도 소오스/드레인영역을 형성한다. The present invention discloses a semiconductor device and a method of manufacturing the same. According to this, an etch groove is formed in a portion of the surface of the semiconductor substrate, a gate oxide film and a gate electrode are formed on the bottom surface of the etch groove, a spacer is formed in the empty space of the etch groove, and a low concentration source / drain is formed in the semiconductor substrate under the spacer. A region is formed and integrally connected thereto, and a high concentration source / drain region is formed on the semiconductor substrate outside the spacer. 따라서, 본 발명은 LDD구조의 소오스/드레인영역의 고농도 소오스/드레인영역의 접합 레벨을 게이트 산화막의 저면을 기준으로 높여 게이트전극 길이를 축소하더라도 고농도 소오스/드레인영역의 공핍층 확장에 따른 펀치스루 발생을 억제하여 펀치스루 마진을 높여주고 나아가 저농도, 고농도 소오스/드레인영역의 형성을 위한 이온주입공정을 용이하게 제어할 수 있다. Therefore, even though the gate electrode length is reduced by increasing the junction level of the high concentration source / drain regions of the source / drain regions of the LDD structure with respect to the bottom of the gate oxide layer, punchthrough occurs due to the depletion layer expansion of the high concentration source / drain regions. In this way, the punch-through margin can be increased, and the ion implantation process for forming low concentration and high concentration source / drain regions can be easily controlled.

14-06-2004 дата публикации

Friendly enviromental vegetable retaining wall block and construction of using the same

Номер: KR200352883Y1
Автор: 한상희
Принадлежит: 한상희

본 고안에 따른 친환경 식생 옹벽블록 및 이를 이용한 구조체는 동식물이 자랄 수 있는 공간을 제공하며, 결합력을 향상시키기 위한 연결부재의 결합이 용이하여 시공성이 향상되는 친환경 식생 옹벽블록 및 이를 이용한 구조체에 관한 것으로서, 옹벽블록의 시공시 시공면의 형태에 제약을 받지 않고 축조가 가능하고, 토압이 균일하게 분산되어 결합강도가 우수하며, 동식물이 성장할 수 있는 환경을 제공할 뿐만 아니라 연결부재를 간편하고 원활하게 연결할 수 있어 시공이 간편하고, 옹벽블록의 지지력이 향상되는 친환경 식생 옹벽블록 및 이를 이용한 구조체를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 상기한 목적을 달성하기 위해 본 고안에 따른 친환경 식생 옹벽블록은 내부에 중공부가 형성되고 종방향으로 연장된 본체부와, 상기 본체부의 중공부를 두 개의 구역으로 구획하는 격벽부와, 상기 본체부에 종방향으로 관통 형성된 하나 이상의 장공을 포함한다. Eco-friendly vegetation retaining wall block and the structure using the same according to the present invention is to provide a space in which plants and animals can grow, and easy connection of the connection member for improving the bonding force, the construction efficiency is improved eco-friendly vegetation retaining wall block and a structure using the same When constructing a retaining wall block, it is possible to construct without being constrained by the shape of the construction surface. The earth pressure is uniformly distributed, so that the bonding strength is excellent, and it provides an environment where animals and plants can grow. The purpose of the present invention is to provide an eco-friendly vegetation retaining wall block and a structure using the same, which can be easily connected to each other and improve the bearing capacity of the retaining wall block. Eco-friendly vegetation retaining wall block according to the present invention for achieving the above object is a hollow portion formed therein and extending in the longitudinal direction, the partition wall portion for partitioning the hollow portion of the body portion into two sections, and the body portion One or more long holes formed through the longitudinal direction.

28-11-2007 дата публикации

The stability technology of using the technology of the liposome including kinetin which is effective for anti-wrinkle and the components of cosmetics including the liposome and the method of manufacturing the components.

Номер: KR100779819B1
Автор: 김재용, 한충섭
Принадлежит: 김재용, 한충섭

본 발명에 따르면 피부노화억제에 효과적인 키네틴함유 리포좀을 함유하는 화장료 조성물 및 그의 제조방법이 제공되며, 본 발명의 화장료 조성물은 총 조성물 중량의 1.0-10.0%의 레시틴, 조성물 총 중량의 0.1-2.0%의 세라마이드, 조성물 총 중량의 0.1-40.0%의 락틱애씨드와 조성물 총 중량의 0.01-2.0%의 키네틴으로 이루어진 리포좀, 조성물 총 중량의 0.1%-40.0%의 유화안정보조제로서의 프로필렌글리콜을 함유한다. According to the present invention, there is provided a cosmetic composition containing a kinetin-containing liposome effective for inhibiting skin aging, and a method for preparing the same, wherein the cosmetic composition of the present invention is 1.0-10.0% of the total composition weight, and 0.1-2.0% of the total weight of the composition. Ceramide, liposome consisting of 0.1-40.0% lactide of the total weight of the composition and 0.01-2.0% kinetin of the total weight of the composition, and propylene glycol as 0.1% -40.0% of the emulsifying stability aid of the total weight of the composition. 상기와 같은 화장료 조성물은 키네틴을 장기간 안정하게 활성의 손실이나 변질없이 유지할 수 있으며, 키네틴의 피부에의 침투력이 우수하기 때문에 키네틴에 의한 피부 미용효과를 충분히 발휘할 수 있다. The cosmetic composition as described above can maintain the kinetin stably for a long time without loss of activity or alteration, and can exhibit sufficient skin cosmetic effects by kinetin because of its excellent penetration into the skin. 레시틴, 세라마이드, 키네틴, 리포좀, 고압균질기 Lecithin, ceramide, kinetin, liposome, autoclave

19-10-2012 дата публикации

Three-segment assembly retaining wall

Номер: KR101193312B1
Автор: 김정회, 박영식, 오종환
Принадлежит: 아이에스동서 주식회사

본 발명은 경사면을 보호하기 위한 조립식 옹벽에 있어서, 더욱 상세하게는 하부의 안쪽 끝면이 바깥쪽 끝면보다 돌출되게 제1돌출면이 형성되어 있어 전체적으로 하부가 턱이 져 있는 형태인 상부벽체; 상기 상부벽체 하부의 제1돌출면이 전면부 윗면에 형성되어 있는 홈과 수직으로 결합되고, 상기 홈에 상응하도록 반대 면이 돌출되게 제2돌출면이 형성되어 있는 기초판; 상부의 바깥쪽 끝면이 안쪽 끝면보다 돌출되게 제3돌출면이 형성되어 있어 전체적으로 상부가 턱이 져 있고, 상기 제3돌출면이 이루는 턱과 상기 제2돌출면이 결합되는 하부벽체; 측면이 상기 하부벽체의 안쪽 면과 중앙에서 수직으로 결합되고, 위면은 상기 기초판을 지지하되 연결홈이 형성되어 있는 제1지지부재; 및 상기 제1지지부재의 연결홈에 수직으로 결합되는 연결부재;로 이루어지는 것을 특징으로 하는 3분절식 조립 옹벽에 관한 것이다.

03-08-1972 дата публикации

Patent AU2485671A

Номер: AU2485671A

16-04-2008 дата публикации

Revetment structure using natural stones and method for constructing revetment structure using the same

Номер: KR100822265B1
Автор: 김성배, 송회복, 송회성
Принадлежит: 김성배, 송회복, 송회성

A native rock retaining wall structure and a construction method of a native rock retaining wall structure are provided to prevent the breakdown and overturn of a retaining wall by supporting native rocks strongly without a welding process, connecting native rocks strongly using a resistance plate and a strap type fiber reinforcement material and improving the degree of compaction for back-filling soil easily, and to heighten constructability and to reduce an economical burden by reducing the number of components. A native rock retaining wall structure includes many native rocks(10) installed to erect, a resistance plate(20) installed to be located at the back part of the native rock by many anchor pins and connected with a strap type fiber reinforcement material to support native rocks and to prevent the native rocks from overturning, an I-bolt(30) inserted into a fastening hole of a wing part of the resistance plate and coupled to the resistance plate by a nut, an I-nut(40) coupled to a set anchor(11) installed at the back part of the native rock, and a strap type fiber reinforcement material(50) inserted to rings of the I-bolt and the I-nut, and connecting and supporting the native rock and the resistance plate to reinforce the ground and to increase the connecting strength of the native rocks and the ground with frictional force of the strap type fiber reinforcement material. A construction method of a native rock retaining wall structure comprises the steps of: pit-excavating the ground where native rocks are to be piled and tamping the ground; placing reinforced concrete foundation on the tamped ground; sitting many native rocks to the reinforced concrete foundation; back-filling soil to a set anchor integrated to the back part of the native rock and an I-nut coupled to the set anchor; installing many resistance plates to the back-filled soil at the back part of the native rock at a certain distance; installing a strap type reinforcement material to ...

15-12-2006 дата публикации

River sand carrying away protecting facility

Номер: KR100657182B1
Автор: 천성열
Принадлежит: (주)정도엔지니어링

A system for preventing loss of earth in a valley of a small waterway is provided to construct the system simply regardless of geographical feature, and to prevent loss of earth and sand and erosion by assembling the system easily. A system for preventing loss of earth includes a base block(10) installed in a riverbed of a valley, a couple of auxiliary blocks(20) placed at both ends of the base block and fixed to the base block by a vertical bolt, plural tension bolts(30) spacing and connecting the base blocks and the auxiliary blocks, a gabion retaining wall(40) arranged between the blocks in assembling the base block with the auxiliary block to support earth around the river and to prevent loss of earth, and filler stone(50) charged in the riverbed between the base blocks. The gabion retaining wall has a rectangular mesh(400), rubble(410) charged in the mesh and a planting mat(420) formed in an upper part of the mesh filled with rubble for planting.

08-09-2011 дата публикации

Eco reef block

Номер: KR101063976B1
Автор: 김규한, 이수권

본 발명은 에코리프블록에 관한 것으로, 일단부가 바닥면에 지지되고 타단부가 상측으로 들린 상태를 유지하여서 바닥면에 대해 예각을 이루며, 좌우 방향으로 맞닿은 상태로 연속 배열되고, 예각을 이룬 상태에서 전후방향으로 일정간격 이격되어서 배열되는 단위소파블록들; 전면이 단위소파블록의 배면에 지지되고 배면이 다른 단위소파블록의 전면에 지지되도록 일단부가 바닥면에 지지되고 타단부가 상측으로 들려서 바닥면에 대해 예각을 이루며, 좌우방향으로 연속배열된 단위소파블록들 중 최외측의 두 단위소파블록들을 지지하도록 전후방향으로 이격된 단위소파블록들 사이의 공간들에 각각 구비되는 제1연결블록들; 좌우방향으로 배열된 두 단위소파블록들의 이음부위 및 전후방향으로 배열된 단위소파블록들 사이에 구비되어서 배열된 다수의 단위소파블록들이 좌우 및 전후 방향으로 유동되지 않도록 지지하는 제2연결블록들; 최후방에 좌우방향으로 배열된 단위소파블록들의 저면에 각각 결합되어서 단위소파블록들, 제1연결블록들, 제2연결블록들이 바닥면에 대해 예각을 유지한 상태로 설치되도록 지지하는 받침블록들로 이루어진다. 따라서, 해안침식방지 기능과 바다생물이 생식할 수 있는 어장공간을 구비할 수 있고, 소파효과가 향상되며, 안정성 및 경제성이 향상되는 에코리프블록에 관한 것이다. The present invention relates to an eco-leaf block, the one end is supported on the bottom surface and the other end is maintained at the upper side to form an acute angle with respect to the bottom surface, in a continuous state in contact with the left and right direction, in an acute angle state Unit sofa blocks arranged to be spaced apart at a predetermined interval in the front and rear directions; The front end is supported on the back of the unit sofa block, and the back end is supported on the front side of the other unit sofa block, and one end is supported on the bottom surface and the other end is lifted upward to form an acute angle with the bottom surface, and the unit sofas are arranged in the left and right direction continuously. First connection blocks respectively provided in spaces between the unit sofa blocks spaced in the front and rear directions to support two outermost unit sofa blocks among the blocks; Second connection blocks provided between the joint portions of the two unit sofa blocks arranged in the left and right directions and the unit sofa blocks arranged in the front and rear directions to support the plurality of unit sofa blocks arranged so as not to flow in the left and right directions; Support blocks that are coupled to the bottom of the unit sofa blocks arranged in the rearward direction in the ...

26-04-2013 дата публикации

Cabled concrete block

Номер: KR101258663B1
Автор: 장창학, 홍창우

PURPOSE: An articulating concrete block is provided to save human resources and time by simultaneously transferring the whole concrete block connected to a cable. CONSTITUTION: An articulating concrete block(1) comprises a main body(10), connecting protrusions(21,22,23), first connection holes(31,32,33), and second connection holes(41,42,43). The connecting protrusion is attached to a lower part and an upper part of the main body. The first connection hole penetrates the connecting protrusion. The second connection hole penetrates the connecting protrusion and the main body is formed in a vertical direction of the first connection hole.
