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Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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20-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2565516C2

Изобретение относится к регулирующему модулю для возврата в исходное состояние отклонения осциллятора, к устройству, включающему в себя такой регулирующий модуль, и к способу эксплуатации и изготовления такого датчика. Технический результат - повышение характеристик регулятора в переходном периоде, вызванном возмущающей величиной отклонения осциллятора. Регулирующий модуль содержит пропорционально-интегральный регулятор для гармонических задающих величин. Передаточная функция пропорционально-интегрального регулятора для гармонических задающих величин имеет комплексно сопряженный полюс при круговой частоте ωрегулятора в плоскости s или полюс прив плоскости z, при этом Т является периодом дискретизации дискретного входного сигнала пропорционально-интегрального регулятора, а ω>0. Круговую частоту ωрегулятора выбирают равной резонансной круговой частоте ωосциллятора. Параметры регулятора определяют, например, посредством компенсации полюсов и нулевых точек. В частности, регулирующий модуль ...

10-08-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU2210007C2

Изобретение является способом ограничения критического параметра (как, например, давления всасывания, давления нагнетания или степени сжатия) компрессорной станции либо одиночно работающего компрессора, когда эти агрегаты подвергаются большим, быстро нарастающим возмущениям. Каждая установка, будь то станция или одиночно работающий компрессор, снабжена двумя ПИД-регуляторами: 1) главным регулятором критического параметра компрессорной станции или одиночно работающего компрессора; 2) ограничивающим регулятором, который участвует в управлении рециркуляционными клапанами. При возникновении внезапных больших изменений массового расхода на нагнетании компрессора или компрессорной станции эффективность обоих регуляторов (действующих независимо друг от друга) может быть недостаточной для того, чтобы предотвратить достижение давлением нагнетания уставки аварийного останова, которая в свою очередь нарушает процесс, поддерживаемый компрессорами, и уменьшает ресурс приводных двигателей. Настоящее ...

16-08-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU7517U1

Корректирующее устройство для гашения автоколебаний в релейных автоматических устройствах управления преимущественно режимами химико-технологических процессов, содержащее генератор сигнала S, периодически изменяющегося во времени t, и сумматор, отличающееся тем, что выход генератора связан с первым входом сумматора, второй вход сумматора является входом корректирующего устройства, а выход сумматора является выходом корректирующего устройства, при этом сигнал S(t) имеет нулевую постоянную составляющуюзначения величины сигнала S(t) равномерно распределены в пределах от (-S) до S, а период его первой гармонической составляющей Tсвязан с постоянной времени объекта регулирования τ соотношениемT< 0,3τ .о ...

20-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: SU1254899A1

... 1. Непрерывный привод, содержащий последовательно соединенные усилитель, силовой механизм и блок обратной связи, последовательно соединенные модель усилителя, модель силового механизма и модель блока обратной связи, причем выходы блока обратной связи и модели блока обратной связи соединены с первыми входами соответственно усилителя и модели усилителя, вторые входы которых соединены между собой, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности привода, в него включены последовательно соединенные дополнительный усилитель и коммутатор, причем первый и второй входы дополнительного усилителя соединены с выходами соответственно блока обратной связи и модели блока обратной связи, выход модели усилителя соединен с вторым входом силового механизма. 2. Непрерывный привод, содержащий последовательно соединенные усилитель, силовой механизм и блок обратной связи, последовательно соединенные модель усилителя, модель силового механизма и модель блока обратной связи, причем выходы блока обратной связи ...

20-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94028409A

Изобретение относится к нелинейным корректирующим устройствам, компенсирующим влияние ограничения, и может быть использовано в системах автоматического управления с приводом, имеющим ограничение, например в системах управления подвижными объектами. Устройство решает задачу компенсации влияния ограничения при действии помех путем измерения значений характеристик действующего на систему сигнала помехи и вычисления момента компенсации. Компенсация влияния ограничения осуществляется путем симметричного отсечения определенной части входного сигнала в нижней части его полуволны на интервале времени, не превышающем период следования входного сигнала.

27-02-2004 дата публикации

Способ управлени химическим технологическим процессом

Номер: RU2002129584A

... 1. Способ управления химическим технологическим процессом, включающий в себя следующие операции: текущий контроль сигнала, связанного с расположенным ниже по течению технологическим оборудованием, для того, чтобы обнаружить имеющиеся в нем переходные процессы; нахождение связи изменения качества продукта с обнаруженными переходными процессами; регулирование параметра процесса, связанного с расположенным выше по течению оборудованием, в ответ на изменение качества продукта. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором контролируемый сигнал выбран из группы, в которую входят сигналы электрического тока, напряжения или частоты, а также сигналы гидравлического давления или пневматического давления. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором расположенное выше по течению оборудование представляет собой химический реактор, который используют для производства полимерного материала. 4. Способ по п.1, в котором наблюдаемый эксплуатационный параметр связан с оборудованием для обработки порошка. 5. Способ по п.4, в котором химический ...

10-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013130092A

Способ управления нелинейной динамикой преобразователей постоянного напряжения, основанный на линеаризации отображения Пуанкаре, отличающийся тем, что в стандартный метод линеаризации отображения Пуанкаре (прототип) при работе системы в области мультистабильности вводится способ расчета величины возмущения коэффициента пропорционального регулятора, реализуемый вычислителем возмущения, основной задачей которого является возвращение системы к устойчивому проектному режиму, путем малого возмущения указанного коэффициента при попадании системы в опасный непроектный режим в области мультистабильности, что осуществляется с использованием основной матрицы линеаризованного стробоскопического отображения, которая находится по формуле:,где y- i-я компонента вектора Y; y- i-я компонента вектора Y, Y=X-X*; X* - неподвижная точка проектного режима; X- вектор фазовых переменных в начале k-го тактового интервала; Х=[i, u], где i- ток дросселя; u- напряжение на конденсаторе; Y=(1-c)Y, где с - коэффициент ...

30-11-1991 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU1695260A1

Изобретение предназначено для улучшения динамических характеристик систем автоматического управления. Наибольший эффект применения устройства может дать в системах, требующих обеспечения апериодического переходного процесса, в частности в приводах промышленных роботов. Цель изобретения достигается за счет повышения линейности его эквивалентной фазовой характеристики. Для этого в устройство введены блок определения модуля, формирователь , управляемый ключ и сумматор. 2 ил.

01-01-1954 дата публикации

Феррорезонансный стабилизатор напряжения

Номер: SU98649A1

15-08-1986 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU1251022A1

Изобретение относится к средствам нелинейной коррекции систем автоматического управления и может быть использовано для коррекции следящих систем, неизменяемая часть которьпс содержит нелинейные элементы типа зоны нечувствительности, например для коррекции гидравлических следящих систем. В устройстве решается задача компенсации влияния зоны нечувствительности на характеристики корректируемой системы. Устройство устанавливается между выходом измерителя рассогласования и входом блока, содержащего зону нечувствительности . Его входными сигналами являются сигнал рассогласования и выходной сигнал блока с зоной нечувствительности. В корректирующем устройстве сигнал рассогласования пропускается через первое динамическое звено, являющееся моделью линейной части блока с зоной нечувствительности, и поступает на вход релейного блока и первый вход первого сумматора. В первом сумматоре этот сигнал сравнивается с выходным сигналом блока с зоной нечувствительности , а результат с рав- g нения поступает ...

30-03-1991 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU1638706A1

Изобретение относится к те автоматического управления ч быть использовано з бортовых электромеханических системах, высокоточных позиционных электроприводах. Целью изобретения является улучшение динамических характеристик системы з широком диапазоне ампшп уд входных воздействий за счет обеспечения независимой фазовой частотной характеристики от амплитз ды входного сигнала, Устройство содержит последовательно соединенные фильтр и первый релейный элемент, последовательно соединенные усилитель и гумматор„ выход которого ЛРПЯЙТГЯ выходом устройства, последовательно ссег; ненные второй релейный элемент и блок вычитания, второй гхсд которого соединен с выходом первого релейного элемента, последо- Е тегьчо соединенные пиковый детектор и регулируемый усилитель, сигналь- чь й вход которого соединен с выходом блоьгЯ .чния, я 1- -од - со вторым входом сумматора, и - рмирозатель сброс- пикового детек10ра, выход которого соединен со входом сброс пикового детектора. При этом сигнальный вход пикового детектора ...

15-03-1991 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU1635160A1

Изобретение относится к двухканаль- ным нелинейным корректирующим устройствам и позволяет осуществлять как режим оптимального быстродействия, так и режим терминального управления, при котором разные по величине скачки отрабатываются за одно и то же время. Целью изобретения является расширение функциональных возможностей за счет инвариантности к величине входного сигнала. Устройство содержит измеритель рассогласования 1, блок умножения скорости 2, сумматор 3, исполнительный двигатель 4 с нагрузкой, датчик скорости 5, нелинейное корректирующее устройство 6. в состав которого входят пиковый детектор 7, масштабирующий блок 8, первый сумматор 9. сигнум-реле 10, первый переключатель 11, масштабирующий блок 12, второй сумматор 13, второй переключатель 14, источник постоянного напряжения 15, нуль-орган 16, усилитель 17, сигнальный вход 18, и первый 19 и второй 20 выходы нелинейного корректирующего устройства 6, блок умножения, блок выделения модуля 22, третий переключатель 23 и вход 24 переключения ...

17-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU761980A1

23-09-1988 дата публикации

Нелинейный фильтр

Номер: SU1425593A1

Изобретение относится к автоматическому регулированию и может применяться в системах автоматического регулирования, работающих в условиях действия высокочастотных и импульсных помех. Цель изобретения - повышение помехозащмценности и упрощение фильтра. В нелинейный фильтр входят : усилительное звено 1, вычнтакмцее звено 2, пороговый элемент 3, коммутатор 4 и апериодическое звено 5. В фильтре используются два динамических звена: усилительное при малом уровне помете и апериодическое при большом. При этом уровень помех оценивается по величине сигнала разног, сти между выходными сигналами этих звеньев. 1 ил.

23-12-1986 дата публикации

Комбинированная система управления

Номер: SU1278804A1

Изобретение относится к автоматическому управлению и может быть использовано для управления nosifционных электроприводов. Цель изобретения - повышение точности воспроизведения задающего действия. Указанная цель достигается тем, что вводится специальная цепь коррекции, позволяющая получить инвариантную по задающему воздействию систему при постоянных параметрах объекта и отсутствии внешних возмущений. В случае изменения парам1етров объекта к наличия внешних возмущений данная депь коррекции позволяет повысить точность воспроизведения задающего воздействия. 1 ип.

23-09-1985 дата публикации

Логический переключатель

Номер: SU1180838A1

ЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ПЕРЕКЛЮЧАТЕЛЬ, содержащий первый и второй элементы НЕ, первьй, второй, третий и четвертый элементы ИЛИ, третий элемент НЕ, соединенный выходом с первыми входами первого и второго элементов И, и четвертьй элемент НЕ, соединенньш выходом с первыми входами третьего и четвертого элементов И, а вторые входы первого и третьего элементов И соединены между собой, о тл и чающийся тем, что, с целью повышения надежности переключателя , в нем дополнительно установ- лены пятый, шестой, седьмой, восьмой девятьй и десятый элементы НЕ, причем вход первого элемента НЕ соединен с выходом первого элемента И, а выход - с вторым входом второго элемента И, подключенного, выходом через пятый элемент НЕ к входам первого и второго элементов ИЛИ, соединенных выходами с входами соответственно шестого и седьмого элементов НЕ, вход второго элемента НЕ соединен с выходом третьего элемента И, а выход - с вторым входом четвертого элемента И, подключенного i выходом через восьмой элемент НЕ к второму входу второго ...

18-08-1969 дата публикации

Стабилизатор давления с регулируемой зоной стабилизации

Номер: SU248816A1
Автор: Рубанов И.Н.

18-03-1969 дата публикации

Корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU239433A1

03-02-1969 дата публикации

Стабилизатор напряжения

Номер: SU236603A1
Автор: Кулинич В.А.

30-05-1985 дата публикации

Корректирующий фильтр

Номер: SU1158971A1

КОРРЕКТИРУЮЩИЙ «ШЛЬТР, соде каций первый детектор, первый резистор, соединенный первым выводом с первой обкладкой первого конденсатора , параллельно соединенные -. второй конденсатор и второй резистор , первым вьтодом соединенный с входной клеммой фильтра, а вторым вьшодом через третий резистор - с катодом второго детектора подключенного анодом к катоду первого детектора и к выходной клемме фильтра, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности фильтра, в него дополнительно установлены четвертый резистор н третий конденсатор , соединенный первой обкладкой с первой выходной клеммой фильтра, второй - с вторыми входной и выходнойклеммами фильтра, подключенного первой входной клеш4ой к второй обкладке первого конденсатора и к второму вьшоду первого резистора, соединенного вторым выводом с первым вьшодом четвертого резистора, подключенного вторым вьшодом к аноду первого детектора. СП 00 со « ...

01-01-1961 дата публикации

Стабилизированный высоковольтный выпрямитель

Номер: SU143124A1

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Стабилизирующий трансформатор

Номер: SU81301A1
Автор: Барский С.З.

05-10-1975 дата публикации

Непрерывный привод

Номер: SU487374A1

04-06-1971 дата публикации

Устройство для подавления квадратурной помехи

Номер: SU305454A1

13-05-1971 дата публикации


Номер: SU303620A1

12-03-1968 дата публикации

Схема цепей управления систем автоматики

Номер: SU213139A1

03-12-1970 дата публикации

Фильтр с переменной структурой

Номер: SU288083A1

01-01-1937 дата публикации

Стабилизирующее устройство

Номер: SU51290A1

21-04-1971 дата публикации

Источник опорного напряжения

Номер: SU301684A1

01-01-1956 дата публикации

Стабилизатор электрического тока

Номер: SU103758A1
Автор: Попов В.С.

15-05-1992 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU1734070A1

Изобретение относится к двухканаль- ным нелинейным корректирующим устройствам (НКУ) и предназначено для повышения точности и качества обеспечиваемого им процесса позиционирования с учетом изменения параметров корректируемых систем автоматического регулирования (САР). Введение НКУ дифференциатора, делителя, инвертирующего усилителя и блока умножения позволяет получить качественно новый режим подхода к точке позиционирования, v характеризующийся отсутствием перерегулирования и заданной точностью, которая не зависит от момента перехода в данный режим и от изменения параметров в корректируемой САР в широком диапазоне. 6 ил.

30-07-1987 дата публикации

Нелинейный фильтр

Номер: SU1327054A1

Изобретение может быть использовано в автом атике, радиотехнике, и информационно-измерительной технике. Фильтр позволяет с высокой точностью вьщелять полезный сигнал, подавляя нестационарную гармоническую помеху. Это обеспечивается применением блока 3 фиксации моментов экстремума и элементов выборки-хранения 1 и 2, которые на своих выходах вьоделяют .ступенчатые огибающие входного сигнала.Сум;матор 8, суммируя эти огибающие,выделяет ступенчатую аппроксимацию полезного сигнала (длительность ступеньки равна половине периода помехи), при- чем степень подавления помехи не зависит от амплитуды и частоты помехи. Фильтр проявляет адаптационные свойства: при отсутствии помехи фильтр становится чисто линейным и не вносит искажений в полезный сигнал. Адаптационные свойства обеспечиваются применением инвертирующих расширителей импульсов 4,5 и элементов ИЛИ 6,7. При этом, выход максимума блока 3 фиксации моментов экстремума подсоединен непосредственно к одному входу - элемента ИЛИ 6, а к его другому ...

28-02-1989 дата публикации

Нелинейный фильтр

Номер: SU1462231A1

28-02-1983 дата публикации

Инерционное устройство

Номер: SU1001003A1

15-04-1983 дата публикации

Устройство нелинейной коррекции

Номер: SU1012192A1

... 1. УСТРОЙСТВО НЕЛИНЕЙНОЙ КОРРЕКЦИИ, содержащее усил тель выход которого соединен с первым входом сумматоре, вход - со входом дифференциатора, отличаю га еес я 7ем, что, с пелью .шерия мической точности устройства, оно со , держит широтно-импульсный блок,вход которого под1шючен к выходу дифферев пяатора, а шлход - ко второму входу сумматора. 2. Устройство по п. 1, о т л и ч а - ю ш е е с я тем, что 111Иротш -импупьо- №1й блок содержит последовательвр соединенные прерыватель, формирующий 8ле мент и нелинейное звена с , причем вход прерывателя является BXOfltet широтно-импульсного блока, а ctuxoa нелинейного звена с ограниченвюл - его уходом. 3 ...

30-07-1979 дата публикации

Корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU676974A1

15-12-1988 дата публикации

Устройство компенсации нелинейности

Номер: SU1444705A1

Изобретение относится к области автоматического управления и регулирования и может быть использовано в следящих системах, системах стабилизации и программного управления, в приборах вычислительной техники и автоматики. Цель изобретения - повышение точности компенсации. Поставленная цель достигается яа счет формирования компенсационного сигналя, при котором в пределах зоны нечувствительности нелинейного звена объекта компенсации обеспе чивается минимально возможное время переходного процесса инерционного звена объекта компенсации. 2 ил.

23-10-1988 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство системы управления

Номер: SU1432453A1

Изобретение относится к автоматике и предназначено для использования в системах электропривода постоянного тока, к которым предъявляются высокие требования к стабильности динамических свойств при существенно нестационарных параметрах объекта управления и исполнительного устройства . Целью изобретения является повышение помехозащищенности и быстродействия устройства. Устройство содержит эталонную модель 1, сумматор 2, масштабные усилители 3 и 5, нелинейный статический элемент 4 с квяд- ратичной зависимостью. Свойства устройства и системы управления, где может быть применено устройство,обусловлены видом нелинейной статической характеристики нелинейного элемента 4. 2 ил. /) ...

15-03-1988 дата публикации

Устройство компенсации нелинейности

Номер: SU1381420A1

Изобретение относится к техническим средствам коррекции систем управления и может быть использовано в следящих системах , системах стабилизации и программного управления, в приборах вычислительной техники и автоматики, содержащих инерционный нелинейный блок с нелинейностью типа люфт. Целью настоящего изобретения является повыщение точности устройства. Поставленная цель достигается за счет того, что входной сигнал устройства проходит через линейную модель нелинейного динами ческого звена, дифференцируется и сравни вается по уровню с пороговым значением и подается на первый информационный коммутатор . Кроме того, после сравнения с пороговым устройством сигнал масщтабирует- ся первый раз и подается на второй вход информационного коммутатора, затем масштабируется второй раз и сравнивается с выходным сигналом коммутатора. Результат этого сравнения осуществляет управление коммутатором . Выходной сигнал коммутатора суммируется с входным сигналом устройства, а результат суммирования является выходным ...

15-12-1982 дата публикации

Фильтр для систем автоматического управления

Номер: SU981926A1

15-04-1983 дата публикации

Следящая система

Номер: SU1012193A1

СЛЕДЯ1ЦАЯ СИСТЕМА:, содер-, жатая последовательно соедивеявые шви ротнонЕолпульсвый модулятор, первый ; блок умножевив, исполввтельвый двигг редуктор, сравнивающий элемевт. усилитель, ф|альтр, первый релейный элемент , второй блок умножения и суммаTop , подключенный вторым входом, к выходу первого выпрямителя, вход которого х единен с выхсдсж усилителя и вхоаам интегратора, подключенного выходом к второму входу второго блока умножения , отличающаяся тем, что, с хюлью повышения надежности, ош содержит второй выпрямитель и последовательно соединенные второй релейный элемент и третий блок умножения, подключенный вторым входом к выходу перв яю релейного элемента, а выходом - к второму .входу первого блока умножения; вход второго выпрямителя соединен с выходом сумматора и входом второго релейного зя&лешА, а Еыхрд . с входом широттю-импульсного мол тштора, который выполнен оереверошным. ю со ...

07-12-1983 дата публикации

Устройство для коррекции электрогидравлических систем нагружения

Номер: SU1059540A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ КОРРЕКЦИИ ЭЛЕКТРОГИДРЙВЛИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ НАГРУЖЕНИЯ , содержашее два параллельно включенных по входу корректирукпгих звена, причем их входы являются входом устройства, блок умножения, выход которого является выходом устройства , отличающееся тем, что, с целью повышения точности воспроизведения входного сигнала при раздельной регулировке амплитудно-частотной и фазсчастотной характеристик устройства, в него введены два блока измерения амплиTyJDja и блок деления, причем выход первого корректйруюи.его звена соединен непосредственно с первым входом блока умножения и через первый блок измерения амплитуды - с первым входом.блока деления, а выход второго к(фректируютего звена соединен с входом второго блока измерения амплитуды, выход которого подклк«чен к второму входу .блока . .деления, причем выход последнего подключен к вт.орому входу блока (Л умножения.

15-01-1974 дата публикации

Нелинейное корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU411430A1

07-10-1984 дата публикации

Сглаживающий фильтр

Номер: SU1117583A2

СГЛАЖИВАЮЩИЙ ФИЛЬТР по авт.св. № 980065, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения эффективности фильтра, в нем дополнительно установлены -второй, третий и четвертый блоки управления, первый и второй элементы И, последовательно соединенные второй блок сравнения , третий фильтр низкой частоты и второй ключ, последовательно соединенные четвертый фильтр низкой часто ты , третий блок сравнения, пятый фильтр низкой частоты, четвертый блок сравнения, шестой фильтр низкой частоты, третий ключ и второй блок суммирования, вторым входом через четвертый ключ подключенный к выходу пятого фильтра низкой частоты, а третьим входом подключенный к выходу четвертого (фильтра низкой частоты,соединенного входом с вторым входом третьего блока сравнения, выходом подключенного к второму входу четвертого блока сравнения, выход первого блока управления соединен с управляющими входами первого и четвертого ключей через первый элемент И, подключенный вторым входом через второй блок управi ления к -выходу пятого фильтра ...

30-11-1980 дата публикации

Корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU783749A1

15-12-1980 дата публикации

Корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU788072A1

15-01-1989 дата публикации

Устройство для моделирования неминимально-фазового звена с передаточной функцией @

Номер: SU1451641A1

Изобретение относится к аналоговой вычислительной технике. Оно может быть использовано при конструировании корректирующих устройств систем автоматического регулирования, а также при построении моделей систем с параметрической оптимизацией. Цель изобретения - расширение области применения путем обеспечения независимой регулировки параметров передаточной функции Поставленная цель достигается введением дополнительных времязадакщих цепей и регулировок для отображения параметров передаточной функции и масштаба по времени и организацией новых связей этих цепей. Схема устройства реализована на опе-п рационных усилителях и имеет структуру с одним замкнутым контуром и двумя прямыми путями передачи сигнала , связанными с контуром. Распределение регулировок параметров передаточной функции и масштаба времени по-ветвям контура и цепи прямой передачи обеспечивает их полную независимость . 1 ил. а (О ...

15-08-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для компенсации нелинейности объекта типа "люфт

Номер: SU1108387A1

УСТРОЙСТВО Д11Я КОМПЕНСАЦИИ НЕЛИНЕЙНОСТИ ОБЪЕКТА ТИПА ЛЮФТ, содержащее поеладователъно соединенные первый сумматор, нелинейность типа люфт и линейную часть объекта , а также последовательно соединенные дифференциатор и релейный элемент, первый вход первого сумматора соединен с входом дифференциатора , а выход - с входом нелинейности типа люфт, отличающее с я тем, что, с целью повышения точности устройства, оно содержит первую модель и последовательно соединенные ключ, вторую модель , второй сумматор, делитель, блок автоматической подстройки и блок умножения, выход которого соединен с вторым входом первого сумматора, а второй вход - с выходом релейного элемента и через первую модель - с вторым входом делителя, первый вход ключа соединен с первым выходом линейной части объекта, а второй вход - с выходом блока автоматичес (Л кой подстройки и с вторым входом первой модели, второй вход второго с сумматора соединен с вторым выходом линейной части объекта, второй вход Q е второй модели соединен ...

28-02-1984 дата публикации

Псевдолинейное корректирующее устройство для систем управления

Номер: SU1076870A1

... 1. ПСЕВДОЛИНЕЙНОЕ КОРРЕКТИРУЮЩЕЕ УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СИСТЕМ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ , содержащее последовательно соединенные блок сигнатуры, интегратор с конденсатором в обратной связи, блок выделения модуля и блок умножения, отличающееся тем, что, с целью уменьшения фазового запаздывания и повышения точности воспроизведения входного сигнала, в него введены логический блок, а также последователь но, соединенные сумматор и усилитель , выход которого соединен с вторым входом блока умножения,причем вход устройства является одновременно входом для блока сигнатуры, сумматора и логического блока, выход которого соединен параллельно с конденсатором интегратора и является его вторым входом, выход блока умножения соединен с вторым входом сумматора и является выходом устройства 2. Устройство по П.1, отличающееся тем, что логический блок выполнен в виде последовательно соединенных дискриминатора и управляющего транзистора, причем вход дискриминатора соединен с входом логического блока, а его выход является выходом ...

07-09-1981 дата публикации

Следящая система

Номер: SU862114A1

25-12-1974 дата публикации

Регулируемое корректирующее устройство

Номер: SU454532A1

09-08-2001 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069521566D1

05-01-1967 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001219574C2

30-03-1967 дата публикации

Schrittregler mit Rueckfuehrung

Номер: DE0001237827B

28-10-1999 дата публикации

Gerät zur Prozess-Steuerung

Номер: DE0069324097T2

16-04-1970 дата публикации

Elektrisch angetriebenes Werkzeug,insbesondere elektrisches Messer

Номер: DE0001563042A1

02-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001937714B2

22-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060205554D1

22-12-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060016459T2

30-06-2005 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zum Steuern eines Reaktors

Номер: DE0010393550D2

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079900A1
Автор: Kitano Hiroaki

The present invention sets, for each cells or each condition, a production output of the cells or the biomass based on the measured data and a variable indicating an extent of variation of the production output, calculates a variable range of the production output and the variable in case of combining the multiple cells or conditions based on the production output and the variable set, and calculates an optimum combination within the variable range by using an optimization method. 1. A cell selecting apparatus comprising at least a storage unit and a control unit , whereinthe storage unit includes:a measured data storage unit that stores, for each cells, measured data about a proliferation of the cells cultured under multiple conditions or a production of biomass, andthe control unit includes:a setting unit that sets, for each cells or each condition, a production output of the cells or the biomass based on the measured data that are stored in the measured data storage unit and a variable indicating an extent of variation of the production output;a variable range calculating unit that calculates a variable range of the production output and the variable in case of combining the multiple cells or conditions based on the production output and the variable set by the setting unit; andan optimizing unit that calculates an optimum combination within the variable range by using an optimization method.2. The cell selecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe variable is standard deviation of the production output.3. The cell selecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe variable range calculating unit calculates, based on the production output and the variable, a variable range of the production output and the variable in case of combining the multiple cells or conditions on the basis of covariance.4. The cell selecting apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe optimizing unit calculates a combination closest to effective frontier for maximizing the ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Numerical control method

Номер: US20130173026A1
Принадлежит: Makino Milling Machine Co Ltd

In this numerical control method that drives the feed shaft of a machine tool ( 10 ) by means of a servo control unit ( 52 ), a transmission function is determined by modeling the operation of the servo control unit ( 52 ) of the feed shaft, the closed loop transmission function (G BP ) of the position loop and/or the closed loop transmission function of the velocity loop of the servo control unit ( 52 ) of the machine tool is measured using the frequency response of the feed shaft, the control subject (P P ) of the position loop and/or the control subject of the velocity loop is determined using the measured closed loop transmission function, the position loop modeling error (ΔP P ) and/or the velocity loop modeling error is determined from the control subject, and at least one control parameter of the servo control unit ( 52 ) is calculated using the closed loop transmission function and/or the modeling error. As a result, the optimum plurality of control parameters corresponding to the state of the feed shaft is determined easily and automatically.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184838A1
Принадлежит: Michigan Aerospace Corporation

In a method for dynamically optimizing resource utilization in a system over time according to one or more objectives, data including information indicative of current environmental conditions, upcoming environmental conditions, a current state of a system configuration, and current system operating conditions is dynamically updated. Automatic analysis of the data using a probabilistic model based on conditional relationships is performed periodically. For each periodically generated set of possible system control actions, a probabilistic model is used to automatically analyze each possible system control action and an optimal system control action is selected based on a set of current utility functions. For each periodically generated set of possible system control actions, control of the system according to the optimal system control action selected from the possible system control actions. Resource optimization couples condition-based and environmental monitoring with automated reasoning and decision making technologies, to develop real time optimal control and decision strategies. 1dynamically updating a set of data including information indicative of current environmental conditions, upcoming environmental conditions, a current state of a system configuration, and current system operating conditions;periodically performing an automatic analysis of the set of data using a probabilistic model that is based on a set of conditional relationships defined between current environmental conditions, upcoming environmental conditions, system configuration states, and system operating conditions to periodically generate a set of possible system control actions;for each periodically generated set of possible system control actions, using the probabilistic model to automatically analyze an outcome of each possible system control action and select an optimal system control action from the set of possible system control actions based on a set of current utility functions ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Motor Control with Voltage Harmonic Shaping

Номер: US20130193898A1
Принадлежит: TRW Ltd

A control system for an electric motor comprises a current sensing means arranged to produce a current sensing output indicative of electric current in the motor, current control means arranged to receive the current sensing output and to output a voltage demand indicative of voltages to be applied to the motor, and voltage demand correction means arranged to generate a correction signal and to use the correction signal and the voltage demand to produce a corrected voltage demand.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Motor control device

Номер: US20130214718A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A motor control device includes a feedback filter that has filter characteristics that a frequency response gain is substantially one at frequencies equal to or lower than a filter cutoff frequency, a frequency response gain decreases with increase in frequency in a range from the filter cutoff frequency ωfL to a filter upper limit frequency ωfH higher than the filter cutoff frequency ωfL, and a frequency response gain is substantially constant at frequencies equal to or higher than the filter upper limit frequency ωfH, and performs computing to apply the filter characteristics to a feedback transfer function, wherein a control-constant set unit sets a speed gain Kv and at least one of the filter cutoff frequency ωfL and the filter upper limit frequency ωfH to reduce a ratio of the filter upper limit frequency ωfH to the filter cutoff frequency ωfL with increase in the speed gain Kv.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234642A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A motor control device that controls motion of a control target including a motor and a vibratable element includes a generating unit configured to generate, according to state information representing a state of the control target related to a vibration characteristic of the control target, a first parameter representing the vibration characteristic of the control target, a first calculating unit configured to calculate a second parameter corresponding to a temporal change amount of the first parameter generated by the generating unit, a second calculating unit configured to calculate, using a motion target value, the first parameter, and the second parameter, model torque such that the control target does not excite vibration, and a developing unit configured to develop, according to the model torque calculated by the second calculating unit, a torque command such that the motion of the control target follows the motion target value. 1. A motor control device that controls motion of a control target including a motor and a vibratable element , the motor control device comprising:a generating unit configured to generate, according to state information representing a state of the control target related to a vibration characteristic of the control target, a first parameter representing the vibration characteristic of the control target;a first calculating unit configured to calculate a second parameter corresponding to a temporal change amount of the first parameter generated by the generating unit;a second calculating unit configured to calculate, according to a motion target value, the first parameter, and the second parameter, a model torque such that the control target does not excite vibration; anda developing unit configured to develop, according to the model torque calculated by the second calculating unit, a torque command for the motor for causing the motion of the control target to follow the motion target value.2. The motor control device according to ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241461A1
Автор: Huang Xiaodong

Disclosed herein are sinusoidal modulation control methods and circuits for PMSM. In one embodiment, a method can include: detecting rotor position information of the PMSM to obtain a rotor position signal and a rotor rotating speed measured value; comparing the rotating speed measured value against a reference rotating speed value to generate an error signal, and generating a first regulating voltage signal based on the error signal using a PI regulator; receiving the rotor position signal and the first regulating voltage signal, and generating a full-wave U-shaped modulation wave by using the rotor position signal as a time reference; generating a second U-shaped modulation wave by multiplying the full-wave U-shaped modulation wave with the first regulating voltage signal; comparing the second U-shaped modulation wave against a triangular wave to generate a PWM control signal that controls a switch of an inverter to regulate a current of the PMSM. 1. A sinusoidal modulation control method for a permanent magnet synchronous motor , the method comprising:a) detecting rotor position information of said permanent magnet synchronous motor to obtain a rotor position signal and a rotor rotating speed measured value;b) comparing said rotating speed measured value against a reference rotating speed value to generate an error signal, and generating a first regulating voltage signal based on said error signal using a proportion integral (PI) regulator;c) receiving said rotor position signal and said first regulating voltage signal, and generating a full-wave U-shaped modulation wave by using said rotor position signal as a time reference;d) generating a second U-shaped modulation wave by multiplying said full-wave U-shaped modulation wave with said first regulating voltage signal;e) comparing said second U-shaped modulation wave against a triangular wave to generate a pulse-width modulation (PWM) control signal; andf) controlling a switch of an inverter with said PWM control ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345832A1

Exemplary embodiments allow users to interactively formulate and solve multivariable feedback control problems. For example, users can solve problems where a plurality of control elements are distributed over one or more feedback loops and need to be jointly tuned to optimize overall performance and robustness of a control system. Embodiments allow users to specify design requirements and objectives in formats familiar to the user. Embodiments can operate on tunable parameters to solve the control problem in a manner that satisfies the design requirements and/or objectives provided by the user. 117-. (canceled)18. A non-transitory computer-readable medium storing instructions , the instructions comprising: [ 'parameterizations for a particular set of components;', 'the one or more interfaces including, 'identifying or more interfaces,'}, 'dynamically create tunable components, associated with the particular set of components, using arithmetic operations or helper functions; and', 'the parametric model interacting with tunable parameters of the tunable components.', 'produce a parametric model of the tunable components,'}], 'one or more instructions which, when executed by at least one processor, cause the at least one processor to19. The medium of claim 18 , where the tunable components are implemented in a MATLAB-compatible language claim 18 , a Simulink-compatible language claim 18 , or a LabVIEW-compatible language.20. The medium of claim 18 , where the one or more instructions include: 'the tunable components being dynamically created using the implemented set of arithmetic operations or the implemented set of the helper functions.', 'one or more instructions to implement a set of the arithmetic operations or a set of the helper functions,'}21. The medium of claim 18 , where the parametric model interacts with the tunable parameters based on a received instruction associated with a user input claim 18 , the instruction being associated with one or more of: ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and device for filtering a signal and control device for a process

Номер: US20130346460A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method for filtering a signal is proposed. A noisy input signal is continuously examined in order to determine whether the input signal it is within or outside a deadband. The deadband width and the zero point of the deadband are continuously adapted to the noise power of the input signal depending on the time behavior of the input signal and a predefined system time constant. At least one filtered output signal is continuously output, such as a deadband signal, which substantially corresponds to a smoothed input signal.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009100A1
Автор: SERA Takehisa

A vibration control robot system of the present invention includes: a robot controller () transmitting an operation command value and receiving an output value of a pulse encoder of the servo motor, wherein the robot controller includes a controller-side communication unit () which transmits the operation command value and the output value of the pulse encoder to a robot vibration controller; and the robot vibration controller () including: an acceleration sensor interface (); a corrected operation command value calculation unit () which calculates a corrected operation command value obtained so as to suppress vibration of the robot; and a vibration-controller-side communication unit () which transmits the corrected operation command value to the robot controller (), wherein the robot vibration controller () is arranged independently of the robot controller (). 1. A vibration control robot system comprising:a robot controller transmitting an operation command value to a servo motor which drives a robot and receiving an output value of a pulse encoder of the servo motor moving based on the operation command value, wherein the robot controller includes a controller-side communication unit which transmits the operation command value and the output value of the pulse encoder to a robot vibration controller; andthe robot vibration controller including: an acceleration sensor interface which receives data of an acceleration sensor included in a control target portion of the robot; a corrected operation command value calculation unit which calculates, based on the output value of the pulse encoder and the data of the acceleration sensor, a corrected operation command value obtained by correcting the operation command value so as to suppress vibration of the robot; and a vibration-controller-side communication unit which transmits the corrected operation command value to the robot controller,wherein the robot vibration controller is arranged independently of the robot ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015467A1

A motor control apparatus includes a motor that rotates a controlled object, an encoder that outputs a pulse signal in synchronization with a rotation of the motor, and a control section that performs a feedback control so as to rotate the motor to the target rotational position. The control section includes a stopping and holding control portion. The stopping and holding control portion performs a stopping and holding process in which the stopping and holding control portion supplies electric current to the motor so as to stop and hold the motor for a current-supply holding time. The stopping and holding control portion sets the current-supply holding time on the basis of a rotation speed of the motor just before the stopping and holding process. 1. A motor control apparatus comprising:a motor rotating a controlled object;an encoder outputting a pulse signal in synchronization with a rotation of the motor; anda control section performing a feedback control in which each time a target rotational position is changed, the control section sequentially switches a current-supply phase of the motor on the basis of a count value of the pulse signal outputted from the encoder so as to rotate the motor to the target rotational position, the control section stopping supplying electric current to the motor after performing the feedback control, whereinthe control section includes a stopping and holding control portion,the stopping and holding control portion performs a stopping and holding process in which the stopping and holding control portion supplies electric current to the motor so as to stop and hold the motor for a current-supply holding time, andthe stopping and holding control portion sets the current-supply holding time on the basis of a rotation speed of the motor just before the stopping and holding process.2. The motor control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe stopping and holding control portion increases the current-supply holding time with increase ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140055074A1

A motor control device according to an embodiment includes a first subtractor, a speed controller, and a phase compensating speed observer. The first subtractor subtracts a speed reference from a speed feedback signal to obtain a speed deviation. The speed controller receives the speed deviation and outputs a first torque reference. The phase compensating speed observer receives the first torque reference and a speed of a controlled object including a motor, and outputs the speed feedback signal. The phase compensating speed observer includes a delay element model having an integral element of an order optimally satisfying a setting condition based on a degree of easiness for implementation and a degree of usefulness for phase delay compensation of the speed feedback signal to the speed reference. 1. A motor control device comprising:a first subtractor that subtracts a speed reference from a speed feedback signal to obtain a speed deviation;a speed controller that receives the speed deviation and outputs a first torque reference; anda phase compensating speed observer that receives the first torque reference and a speed of a controlled object including a motor and that outputs the speed feedback signal, the phase compensating speed observer including a delay element model that has an integral element of an order optimally satisfying a setting condition based on a degree of easiness for implementation and a degree of usefulness for phase delay compensation of the speed feedback signal to the speed reference.2. The motor control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe phase compensating speed observer comprises:an observer object that serially includes a controlled object model obtained by modeling the controlled object as a rigid body and the delay element model obtained by modeling delay elements of a control system, and that receives the first torque reference as an input to the controlled object model and outputs the speed feedback signal based on an input to the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140094938A1
Автор: Kihas Dejan

A method and system for updating tuning parameters associated with a controller without repetitive compilation of a controller code. The controller code represents an algorithm associated with the controller and can be compiled separately from a data set representing a solution for an optimization problem and also from a data set representing parameters required for prediction. The algorithm can be implemented in a programming language code suitable for implementation on an embedded platform or other types of computer platforms. The data sets can be represented in a specified data structure and the variables associated with the data structure can be declared in the controller template code. The variables can be updated independently without varying the compiled code associated with the controller algorithm that is referring to the variables. The controller can also be updated while the controller actively performs online. Such an approach enables repetitive tuning of the controller without repetitive compilation of the code representing the controller algorithm. 1. A method for updating tuning parameters of a controller , said method comprising:compiling a set of controller instructions to generate a compiled controller code, the compiled controller code including an algorithm to control a dynamic operating process, the complied controller code comprising one or more references to a pre-allocated memory space that stores a data set that is not compiled;generating the data set;storing the generated data set in the pre-allocated memory space; andupdating the data set during a tuning process of the controller.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data set has a predefined data structure.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the data set further has one or more declared variables.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the data set includes one or more variables claim 1 , and the compiled controller code includes a variable space claim 1 , wherein the one or more variables of ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160004226A1

A PID controller includes: a manipulated variable calculating portion that calculates a manipulated variable MV based on a set point SP and a process variable PV through a PID control calculation; a manipulated variable outputting portion that outputs a manipulated variable MV to outside of the controller; an alarm notifying portion that generates an alarm when a problem has been detected; a data recording portion that temporarily records time series data for the process variable PV; and a data storing portion that reads out and storing data recorded by the data recording portion 15 before and after the alarm event. 1. A PID controller , comprising:a manipulated variable calculating portion that calculates a manipulated variable MV based on a set point SP and a process variable PV through a PID control calculation;a manipulated variable outputting portion that outputs, to a subject of control, the manipulated variable MV calculated by the manipulated variable calculating portion;a data recording portion that records temporarily time series data for the process variable PV;an alarm notifying portion that generates an alarm when a problem has been detected; anda data storing portion that reads out from the data recording portion, and stores, data recorded by the data recording portion before and after the occurrence of the alarm.2. The PID controller as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:{'b': 1', '2, 'the data storing portion stores data in a range from a time that is a first time interval T prior to the time at which an alarm has occurred until a time that is a second time interval T after the time at which the alarm occurred; and'}{'b': 1', '2, 'the first time interval T and the second time interval T are set in advance to a value that is α times the integrating time interval TI in the PID parameters.'}3. The PID controller as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the subject of control is a heating controlling system wherein a heater is used;{'b': 1', '2, 'the data storing ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004211A1
Автор: Takahashi Eisuke

A calculation method includes: acquiring one or more sets of time-series data including a sample u0 of control input u, a sample ym0 of first output ym, and a sample yf of second output yf; and calculating a value ρ* based on the time-series data, a transfer function C(ρ), and a model function Td that defines a normative value of the second output yf relative to a desired value r. The value ρ* is a value of parameter ρ that minimizes a control error and that is to be set to a control system. The control error is one of: an error between yf and a normative value of yf, the normative value of yf being calculated from C(ρ), Td, u, and ym; and an error between u0 and a normative value of the control input u, the normative value of u being calculated from C(ρ), Td, ym, and yf 1. A calculation method of calculating a value of a parameter ρ that is set to a control system , the control system being configured to calculate a control input u that follows a transfer function C(ρ) including the parameter ρ based on a desired value r and a first output ym that is an output of a first controlled element and , by manipulating the first controlled element based on the control input u , control a second output yf that is an output of a second controlled element that receives action from the first controlled element , the calculation method comprising:{'b': 0', '0', '0, 'acquiring one or more sets of time-series data including a sample u of the control input u, a sample ym of the first output ym, and a sample yf of the second output yf; and'}calculating a value ρ* based on the one or more sets of time-series data, the transfer function C(ρ), and a model function Td that defines a normative value of the second output yf relative to the desired value r, the value ρ* being a value of the parameter ρ that minimizes a control error and that is to be set to the control system, [{'b': 0', '0', '0, 'an error between the sample yf of the second output yf and the normative value of the second ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220026809A1
Принадлежит: ASML Netherlands B.V.

A method of determining a parameter of a lithographic apparatus, wherein the method includes providing first height variation data of a first substrate, providing first performance data of a first substrate, and determining a model based on the first height variation data and the first performance data. The method further includes obtaining second height variation data of a second substrate, inputting the second height variation data to the model, and determining second performance data of the second substrate by running the model. Based on the second performance data, the method determines a parameter of the apparatus. 1. A method comprising:decomposing first height variation data of a first substrate, into at least a substrate specific fingerprint;determining a model based at least partially on the first height variation data, first performance data of the first substrate and the substrate specific fingerprint;obtaining second height variation data of a second substrate;inputting the second height variation data to the model;determining, by running the model using a hardware computer system, second performance data of the second substrate; anddetermining a parameter of a lithographic apparatus based on the second performance data.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first substrate and the second substrate are the same substrate.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second performance data is overlay data and the first and second height variation data is levelling data.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising:obtaining reference data of the second substrate; andinputting the reference data to the model.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein obtaining the reference data comprises running the model a first time claim 4 , and further comprising storing the second performance data as the reference data for inputting during a subsequent run of the model.6. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising: ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011569A1
Автор: Schultz Mark

A method includes determining an average set load corresponding to a plurality of gensets of a power system, generating a power error based on the determined average set load and a set load of a genset of the plurality, generating a first offset based on a function of the power error and a predetermined factor, determining a secondary offset, generating a final offset based on the first offset and the secondary offset, generating a final reference value based on a nominal reference and the final offset, and applying the final reference value to obtain proportional load sharing between the plurality of gensets. 1. A method comprising:determining an average set load corresponding to a plurality of gensets of a power system;generating a power error based on the determined average set load and a set load of a genset of the plurality;generating a first offset based on a function of the power error and a predetermined factor;determining a secondary offset;generating a final offset based on the first offset and the secondary offset;generating a final reference value based on a nominal reference and the final offset; andapplying the final reference value to obtain proportional load sharing between the plurality of gensets.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining the secondary offset comprises selecting either a local offset of a network node corresponding to the genset or a system offset corresponding to the power system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the system offset is based on a negative sum of each local offset of gensets in a local offset state divided by a number of gensets in a system offset state.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the local offset is selected when the network node is in a local offset state claim 2 , and wherein the system offset is selected when the network node is in a system offset state.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the system offset state is selected when the local offset state is not selected.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Servo control device, servo control method, and computer readable recording medium

Номер: US20180011453A1
Принадлежит: FANUC Corp

A servo control device includes a velocity command creation part configured to create a velocity command value for driving a servomotor; a velocity detection part configured to detect velocity of the servomotor; and a torque command creation part configured to create a torque command value using a difference between the velocity command value and the velocity detection value. The torque command creation part has an integral gain part and a proportional gain part, an integral gain and a proportional gain are obtained by multiplying a value calculated by multiplying an initial value by a ratio of load inertia of a machine relative to rotor inertia of the servomotor, by an integral gain magnification and a proportional gain magnification, respectively, and the integral gain magnification is set to a value smaller than the square of the proportional gain magnification according to a delay time of a velocity control loop.

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Method for ascertaining a time characteristic of a measured variable, prediction system, actuator control system, method for training the actuator control system, training system, computer program, and machine-readable storage medium

Номер: US20210011447A1

A method for ascertaining a time characteristic of a measured variable adjustable by an actuator, wherein a time characteristic of a control variable is applied to the actuator, wherein the ascertaining is effected by means of a Gaussian process state model of the behavior of the actuator, wherein the time characteristic of the measured variable of the actuator is ascertained on the basis of a parameterizable family of functions, wherein in the parameterizable family of functions a time dependency of a later latent state, in particular ascertained using a transfer function, of the actuator on an earlier latent state of the actuator and an earlier control variable of the actuator is the same as the applicable dependency of the Gaussian process state model.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210011467A1

An industrial automation system may include an automation device and a control system communicatively coupled to the automation device. The control system may include a first module of a number of modules, such that the first module may receive an indication of a target variable associated with the industrial automation device. The first module may then receive parameters associated with the target variable, identify a portion of data points associated with controlling the target variable with respect to the parameters, generate a model of each data point of the portion over time with respect to the parameters based on the data points, determine functions associated with the model. The functions represent one or more relationships between the each data point of the portion with respect to controlling the target variable. The first module may then adjust one or more operations of the automation device based on the functions. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable medium comprising computer-executable instructions that , when executed , are configured to cause a processor to:receive an indication of a target variable associated with an operation of an automation device associated with an industrial automation system;retrieve a model indicative of one or more relationships between a plurality of data points and the target variable, wherein the plurality of data points is received from a plurality of components associated with the industrial automation system;identify a first portion of data points of the plurality of data points based on the one or more relationships, wherein the first portion of data points is indicative of one or more values for the target variable;identify a second portion of data points of the plurality of data points based on the one or more relationships, wherein the second portion of data points is indicative of one or more values for one or more variable types different from the target variable;determine one or more functions to control the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Electronic Stopper in Actuator Control

Номер: US20200012298A1
Автор: Matsui Gen

A system and method of controlling a position of a structure. A position command indicating a desired position for the structure and a position feedback signal indicating the position of the structure are received. A position control signal is generated based on a difference between the desired position and the position indicated by the position feedback signal. A stop feedback signal relative to the position of the structure is received. A stop control signal is generated based on the stop feedback signal and a stop condition for the structure. One of the position control signal and the stop control signal is selected. The selected one of the position control signal and the stop control signal is provided to an actuator for controlling the position of the structure. 1. A method of controlling a position of a structure , comprising:using an actuator controller to perform the steps of:receiving a position command indicating a desired position for the structure, wherein the structure is configured to move over a mechanical range of positions;receiving a position feedback signal indicating the position of the structure;generating a position control signal based on a difference between the desired position and the position of the structure indicated by the position feedback signal;receiving a stop feedback signal indicating a current condition of the structure relative to the position of the structure;generating a stop control signal based on a difference between the stop feedback signal and a stop condition for the structure, wherein the stop condition defines a stop for the structure;selecting a one of the position control signal and the stop control signal as an actuator control signal by selecting the position control signal to be the actuator control signal in response to a determination that a magnitude of the position control signal is smaller than a magnitude of the stop control signal and selecting the stop control signal to be the actuator control signal in ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220034775A1
Автор: MATSUURA Tohru

Provided is a material testing machine () including: a load mechanism () that applies a load to a test object; a load measurement device that measures the load applied to the test object; and a control device () that performs a feedback control for the load mechanism () based on a deviation between a measurement value of the load and a target value of the load, in which a change in a physical quantity generated in the test object due to the load is measured, and the control device () includes a hunting detection unit () that detects hunting by comparing a frequency spectrum obtained by converting time-series data of the measurement value with a frequency spectrum obtained by converting the time-series data of the target value. 1. A material testing machine comprising:a load mechanism that applies a load to a test object;a load measurement device that measures the load applied to the test object; anda control device that performs a feedback control for the load mechanism based on a deviation between a measurement value of the load and a target value of the load,wherein a change in a physical quantity generated in the test object due to the load is measured, andthe control device comprises a hunting detection unit that detects hunting by comparing a frequency spectrum obtained by converting time-series data of the measurement value with a frequency spectrum obtained by converting time-series data of the target value, or by comparing a frequency spectrum obtained by converting time-series data of a command value of the feedback control with the frequency spectrum obtained by converting the time-series data of the target value.2. The material testing machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe hunting detection unit removes an influence of noise of a control system in the feedback control and/or noise of a measurement system measuring the load and the physical quantity from the measurement value and compares the frequency spectrum of the measurement value with the ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160018794A1

A control device according to the present invention includes a plurality of arithmetic units that operate in parallel. A sensor value of the control amount is input to the first arithmetic unit in a signal transmission sequence, and a correction amount for the manipulation amount is output from the last arithmetic unit in the signal transmission sequence. The first arithmetic unit has a controller that produces an output by processing the input sensor value, and the arithmetic units other than the first arithmetic unit has a delay element that delays an input by a predetermined number of steps and a controller that produces an output by processing the delayed input. 1. A control device that determines a manipulation amount of a control object by feedback control so as to bring a control amount of the control object closer to a target value , comprising:a plurality of arithmetic units that operate in parallel,wherein the plurality of arithmetic units are configured so that a signal is sequentially transmitted by the arithmetic units, a sensor value of the control amount is input to the first arithmetic unit in a signal transmission sequence, and a correction amount for the manipulation amount is output from the last arithmetic unit in the signal transmission sequence,the first arithmetic unit has a controller that produces an output by processing the sensor value of the control amount, andthe arithmetic units other than the first arithmetic unit have a delay element that delays an input by a predetermined number of steps and a controller that produces an output by processing the input delayed by the delay element.2. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the control device is implemented in a multi-core processor that has a plurality of cores claim 1 , anda different core is used as each of the plurality of arithmetic units.3. The control device according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arithmetic units are configured so that the amount of operation ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018373A1
Автор: Csonka Paul

Aspects of the disclosure provide for a controller of a system. The controller is configured to apply a drive to transition the system from a first state to a second state and to continually adjust the drive in response to a detected disturbance quantity in real-time by performing a loop until the system is in the second state. The loop comprises determining a predicted state of the system at a given instance based on the obtained current state of the system and the applied drive, obtaining the current state of the system at the given instance using one or more sensors, determining a disturbance quantity amount based on a difference between the predicted state at the given instance and an actual state of the system at the given instance, determining an adjustment to the drive based on the disturbance quantity amount, and applying the adjusted drive to the system. 1. A controller of a system , the controller comprising: receive instructions to move the system from a first state to a second state;', 'obtain a current state of the system from the one or more sensors;', 'apply a drive to transition the system from the first state to the second state; and', determining a predicted state of the system at a given instance based on the obtained current state of the system and the applied drive;', 'obtaining the current state of the system at the given instance using the one or more sensors;', 'based on a difference between the predicted state at the given instance and an actual state of the system at the given instance, determining a disturbance quantity amount;', 'determining an adjustment to the drive based on the disturbance quantity amount; and', 'applying the adjusted drive to the system., 'continually adjust the drive in response to a detected disturbance quantity in real-time by performing a loop until the system is in the second state, the loop comprising], 'one or more processors in communication with one or more sensors, the one or more processors configured to2. ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018374A1

A plant control supporting apparatus includes a segment selector configured to select, from among a plurality of segments defined in a plant, a segment for which learning for acquiring an optimal value of at least one parameter representing an operation state is executed, a reward function definer configured to define a reward function used for the learning, a parameter extractor configured to extract at least one parameter that is a target for the learning in the selected segment on the basis of input and output information of a device used in the plant and segment information representing a configuration of a device included in the selected segment, and a learner configured to perform the learning for acquiring the optimal value for each segment on the basis of the reward function and the at least one parameter. 1. A plant control supporting apparatus comprising:a segment selector configured to select, from among a plurality of segments defined in a plant, a segment for which learning for acquiring an optimal value of at least one parameter representing an operation state is executed;a reward function definer configured to define a reward function used for the learning;a parameter extractor configured to extract at least one parameter that is a target for the learning in the selected segment on the basis of input and output information of a device used in the plant and segment information representing a configuration of a device included in the selected segment; anda learner configured to perform the learning for acquiring the optimal value of the at least one parameter for each segment on the basis of the reward function and the extracted at least one parameter.2. The plant control supporting apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a parameter classifier configured to classify the at least one parameter extracted by the parameter extractor into variable parameters inside the selected segment, monitor parameters inside the selected segment, variable ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Method and system for verification of tow end placement

Номер: US20200019141A1
Автор: Thomas J. Hagman
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

A method and apparatus for managing tow end placement. A time at which movement of a tow is initiated or stopped during a layup process is detected. A latency between the time and a command time corresponding to a command to begin movement or stop movement of the tow is determined. A determination is made as to whether the latency is within a desired range. A timing offset used by a control system that controls tow layup is adjusted in response to a determination that the latency is not within the desired range.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200021110A1

Systems and techniques for tolerance-based intelligent edge network energy delivery are described herein. A flexibility metric may be calculated for a node of the edge network. The flexibility metric of the node and flexibility metrics of a set of additional nodes of the edge network may be ranked to create a set of flexibility ranked edge nodes. A notification may be received of a demand response event. A candidate node subset may be identified from the set of flexibility ranked nodes based on requirements of the demand response event and a ranked order the set of flexibility ranked nodes. A demand response command may be transmitted to the candidate node subset upon determining that the candidate node subset satisfies the requirements of the demand response event. The demand response command may cause nodes of the candidate node subset to alter energy consumption for a time period of demand response event. 1. A system for tolerance-based intelligent energy delivery at an edge network , the system comprising:at least one processor; and calculate a flexibility metric for a node of the edge network;', 'receive a notification of a demand response event from a utility service communicatively coupled to the edge network;', 'identify a candidate node subset from a set of flexibility-ranked nodes based on requirements of the demand response event and a ranked order of the set of flexibility-ranked nodes; the set of flexibility-ranked nodes including the node; and', 'transmit a demand response command to the candidate node subset upon a determination that the candidate node subset satisfies the requirements of the demand response event, wherein the demand response command causes nodes of the candidate node subset to alter energy consumption for a time period coinciding with the demand response event., 'memory including instructions that, when executed by the at least one processor, cause the at least one processor to perform operations to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for optimizing vehicles and engines used for driving such vehicles

Номер: US20160025025A1
Автор: Peter SCHÖGGL
Принадлежит: AVL List GmbH

A method for optimizing vehicles and engines that are used for driving such vehicles includes the steps of taking measurements during real operation of the vehicle on the road or on a roller-type test stand, or the engine on an engine test stand; parameterizing a simulation model representing the vehicle or the engine so as to be able to arithmetically determine a prediction about the measured values obtained by means of the measurements; simulating the vehicle by using the simulation model, additionally calculating at least one drivability index (DR) which results from several measured values based on an empirically determined function and which indicates the drivability of a vehicle in a specific driving mode; and optimizing the settings of the vehicle during the simulation, at least one drivability index (DR) being input into the target function or the fringe conditions of the optimization process.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140107813A1
Автор: Gao Zhiqiang

Controller scaling and parameterization are described. Techniques that can be improved by employing the scaling and parameterization include, but are not limited to, controller design, tuning and optimization. The scaling and parameterization methods described here apply to transfer function based controllers, including PID controllers. The parameterization methods also applies to state feedback and state observer based controllers, as well as linear active disturbance rejection controllers. It is emphasized that this abstract is provided to comply with the rules requiring an abstract that will allow a searcher or other reader to quickly ascertain the subject matter of the application. It is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the claims. 1. A method , comprising:comparing, by a control system, comprising a processor, one or more parameters associated with a first process to one or more corresponding parameters associated with a second process, the first process being implemented in part by a first controller;determining, by the control system, a first gain scale and a first frequency scale of the second process based on the comparing, wherein the first gain scale and the first frequency scale of the second process are different from a second gain scale and a second frequency scale of the first process;adjusting, by the control system, one or more functions of a second controller based in part on the first gain scale and the first frequency scale of the second process, wherein the second controller represents a duplication of the first controller; andimplementing, by the control system, at least a portion of the second process with the second controller.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adjusting comprises adjusting the first frequency scale of the second controller claim 1 , wherein the first frequency scale is a scalable parameter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first gain scale and ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180023499A1
Автор: SHIBATA Jonathan T.

A delay module, based on a base request received for a first loop, sets a delayed base request for a second loop. A first period between the first and second loops corresponds to: a first delay period of an oxygen sensor; and a second delay period for exhaust to flow from a cylinder of an engine to the oxygen sensor. A closed loop module determines a closed loop correction for the second loop based on: the delayed base request for the second loop; a measurement from the oxygen sensor; the closed loop correction for the first loop; and the closed loop correction for a third loop. A second period between the second and third loops corresponds to the first delay period of the oxygen sensor. A summer module sets a final request for the second loop based on the base request plus the closed loop correction for the second loop. 1. A fuel control system of a vehicle , comprising:an equivalence ratio (EQR) delay module that, based on a base EQR request received for a first control loop, sets a delayed base EQR request for a second control loop, a first delay period of an exhaust gas oxygen (EGO) sensor; and', 'a second delay period for exhaust to flow from a cylinder of an engine to the EGO sensor;, 'wherein a first period between the first and second control loops corresponds to a sum of the delayed base EQR request for the second control loop;', 'an EQR measured using the EGO sensor for the second control loop;', 'a first value of the closed loop correction determined for the first control loop; and', 'a second value of the closed loop correction determined for a third control loop,', 'wherein a second period between the second and third control loops corresponds to the first delay period of the EGO sensor;, 'a closed loop module that determines a closed loop correction for the second control loop based ona summer module that sets a final EQR request for the second control loop based on the base EQR request for the second control loop plus the closed loop correction for ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method for Controlling a Control Loop Having a Standardized Selection Variable

Номер: US20160026158A1

Various methods and systems control the power of a process power supply by a control circuit with a controller and several control channels, wherein each control channel comprises an actual value and a target value of a control variable. The systems and methods specify target values of the control variables, determine the actual values of the control variables, determine a selected control channel with the assistance of a selection variable dependent upon the actual value, determine a selected control difference from the target value and the actual value of the selected control channel, and control the control loop with the selected control difference of the selected control channel. 1. A method for controlling a control loop for controlling a power of a process power supply , by means of a control circuit with a controller and a plurality of control channels , wherein each control channel comprises an actual value and a target value of a control variable , the method comprising:specifying the target values of the control variables;determining the actual values of the control variables;determining a selected control channel from the plurality of control channels based on a selection variable dependent upon the actual values;determining a selected control difference from a target value and an actual value of the selected control channel,controlling the control loop with the selected control difference of the selected control channel,wherein the selection variable is normalized for at least one of the control channels to the target value of the corresponding control channel to form a normalized selection variable and wherein determining the selected control channel comprises determining the selected control channel on the basis of a comparison of the normalized selection variable with at least one further similar variable.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the further similar variable is the normalized selection variable of one of the other control channels. ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160026162A1

Methods, systems, and non-transitory, computer-readable medium are disclosed to enable a user to configure a process control system. A graphical programming user interface is described for generating coded native control components instantiated from typical and adapter components selected from a library of templates including respective control functions and associated logical expressions. In various embodiments, typical components represent a common core control process or function that is used among one or more other plant equipment devices in the process control system. In addition, various embodiments of the adapter components include one or more parameters that may be changed by a user in conjunction with the logical expressions and/or defined in terms of natural language expressions. As a result, the typical component and the adapter component are instantiated to provide a native control component that provides functionality with respect to one or more control loops within a process control system. 1. A process control configuration method for developing a process control strategy in a process plant , comprising:selecting, by one or more processors, a typical component template from a library of typical component templates that includes an implementation of process control operations common to a plurality of plant equipment devices within a process plant;selecting, by one or more processors, an adapter component template from a library of adapter component templates that includes a plurality of logical expressions and a plurality of logic algorithms;configuring, by one or more processors, the plurality of logical expressions and the plurality of logic algorithms based on a process control operation corresponding to a plant equipment device from among the plurality of plant equipment devices; andinstantiating, by one or more processors, the typical component template with the adapter component template to generate a native control component configured to ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210026341A1

A computer readable network analysis program of performing local modeling analysis of determining an estimated value of a current network quality corresponding to explanatory variable vector in current aggregated data based on a local model including local training data; determining an abnormality in the network based on whether or not a measured value of the current network quality is lower than a threshold; determining whether or not a distribution of the connections having the measured value of the network quality exceeding the threshold is present in a large size; extracting an individual-analysis-target connection group including more than predetermined proportions of connections in the distribution of the connections having the large size; and performing the local modeling analysis to the individual-analysis-target connection group and the remaining connection groups to determine the abnormality in the network. 1. A non-transitory computer-readable storage medium storing therein a computer readable network analysis program for causing a computer to execute processing including:performing local modeling analysis which determines an estimated value of a current network quality corresponding to explanatory variable vector in current aggregated data based on a local model including local training data,the local training data including explanatory variable vectors that are within a predetermined distance from an explanatory variable vector in the current aggregated data among explanatory variable vectors in previous training data,the previous training data being time-period-based training data that is obtained by aggregating, in a plurality of connection groups each including same communication node group as a source or a destination, previous network analysis data of connections which is obtained by acquiring packets the plurality of connection groups on a communication path of a network and analyzing the acquired packets, andthe current aggregated data being ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140117919A1

A servo control device includes a follow-up control unit that controls a control target that drives a mechanical system by a motor, a command function unit that has input therein a phase signal θ indicating a phase of a cyclic operation performed by the control target, and that calculates a machine motion command according to the phase signal θ by a preset first function, a second derivative unit that uses a second function obtained by second-order differentiating the first function with respect to the phase signal to calculate a value of the second function according to the phase signal as a second-order differential base signal, a correction-value computation unit that computes a first command correction value for correcting the motor motion command by using a product of a square value of the phase velocity, the second-order differential base signal, and a first constant, and a correction-value addition unit that calculates the motor motion command based on an added value of the first command correction value and the machine motion command. 1. A servo control device comprising:a follow-up control unit that controls a motor to a control target configured with the motor and a mechanical system driven by the motor, so that motor motion corresponding to a position or a speed of the motor follows a motor motion command;a command function unit that has input therein a phase signal indicating a phase of a cyclic operation performed by the control target, and that calculates a machine motion command according to the phase signal by a preset first function;a second derivative unit that has the phase signal input therein, and that uses a second function preset as a second derivative that is a function obtained by second-order differentiating the first function with respect to the phase signal to calculate a value of the second function according to the phase signal as a second-order differential base signal;a correction-value computation unit that has input therein a phase ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050428A1

Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a computer storage medium, for determining causal models for controlling environments. One of the methods includes repeatedly selecting control settings for the environment based on (i) a causal model that identifies causal relationships between possible settings for controllable elements in the environment and environment responses that reflect a performance of the control system in controlling the environment and (ii) current values of a set of internal parameters; and during the repeatedly selecting: monitoring environment responses to the selected control settings; determining, based on the environment responses, an indication that one or more properties of the environment have changed; and in response, modifying the current values of one or more of the internal parameters. 1. A method for controlling an environment , the method comprising:repeatedly selecting control settings for the environment based on (i) a causal model that identifies causal relationships between possible settings for controllable elements in the environment and environment responses that reflect a performance of the control system in controlling the environment and (ii) current values of a set of internal parameters; and monitoring environment responses to the selected control settings;', 'determining, based on the environment responses, an indication that one or more properties of the environment have changed; and', 'in response, modifying the current values of one or more of the internal parameters., 'during the repeatedly selecting2. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the internal parameters include a first set of parameters that define how frequently control settings are selected based on the causal model relative to being selected based on baseline probabilities for the possible settings for the controllable elements that are independent of the causal model, andwherein modifying the current values of the one or more ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160040871A1

Embodiments of methods and systems for controlling a load generated by a power generating system may include controlling at least a portion of the system using model-based control techniques. The model-based control techniques may include a dynamic matrix controller (DMC) that receives a load demand and a process variable as inputs and generates a control signal based on the inputs and a stored model. The model may be configured based on parametric testing, and may be modifiable. Other inputs may also be used to determine the control signal. In an embodiment, a turbine is controlled by a first DMC and a boiler is controlled by a second DMC, and the control signals generated by the first and the second DMCs are used in conjunction to control the generated load. Techniques to move the power generating system from Proportional-Integral-Derivative based control to model-based control are also disclosed. 1. A method of controlling a load generated by a power generating system , comprising:receiving a signal indicative of a target load demand at an input of a dynamic matrix controller;determining, by the dynamic matrix controller, a value of a control signal by inputting a value of the target load into a model stored in a memory of the dynamic matrix controller, the model being descriptive of a behavior of a process response at various values of load demands;generating, by the dynamic matrix controller, the control signal; andcontrolling the load generated by the power generating system based on the control signal.2. The method of :further comprising receiving a signal indicative of a setpoint of a process variable used in the power generating system and a signal indicative of a current value of the process variable at additional inputs of the dynamic matrix controller; andwherein determining the value of the control signal is further based on the signal indicative of the setpoint of the process variable and the signal indicative of the current value of the process ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041533A1
Автор: Ueda Koichiro
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A motor control device. When the motor control device executes pressure control of which a minor loop is speed control or position control, the pressure control is executed in a manner that pressurization or depressurization is performed while a control parameter of the speed control is fixed; a control parameter of the pressure control is gradually increased; an oscillation amount is successively detected and stored. If the oscillation amount exceeds an acceptable value, on the basis of the control parameter of the pressure control and the oscillation amount stored during adjustment, the control parameter of the pressure control is adjusted such that the oscillation amount is equal to or less than the acceptable value. 1. A motor control device comprising:a motor;a speed detection unit that detects or estimates a speed of the motor;a mechanical drive unit that drives a mechanical load by an operation of the motor;a pressure detection unit that detects, as a pressure detection signal, information on pressure or force when the mechanical load is pressed against a pressurization target;a pressure control unit that calculates an internal speed-command signal for the motor on the basis of a pressure control parameter such that the pressure detection signal follows a pressure command signal;a speed control unit that calculates a torque command signal or a force command signal for the motor on the basis of a speed control parameter such that a speed detection signal follows a speed command signal that is either one of the internal speed-command signal and an external speed-command signal;an oscillation detection unit that detects an oscillation of control state quantity; and in a state where the mechanical load does not make contact with the pressurization target and after the speed control parameter is adjusted, and in a state of the mechanical load being pressed against the pressurization target, the pressure control parameter is changed while the speed control ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Feedback control method, feedback control apparatus, and feedback control program

Номер: US20140121853A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corp

A feedback control method determines a manipulated value to be output to a control target so that a process value obtained from the control target matches a target value. The feedback control method includes: a step of filtering the target value with a filter having a low-pass characteristic; a step of determining the manipulated value in accordance with a deviation between the target value that has been filtered and the process value; and a step of delaying change rate of the target value that has been filtered in accordance with at least one of a fact that the target value is changed and a fact that the determined manipulated value deviates from a predetermined permissible range or approaches the permissible range.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220065270A1

The invention concerns a method for controlling a mechanism () displaying asymmetrical behaviour, the mechanism () comprising a first operating direction (F+) and a second operating direction (F−), the control method making it possible to generate, using a control module () of a computer (), a control signal (x_com) from a setpoint signal (x_cons), in which—when the setpoint signal (x_cons) indicates that the mechanism () should be operated in the first direction (F+), the control module () applies a first corrector () to the setpoint signal (x_cons) in order to generate a control signal (x_com),—when the setpoint signal (x_cons) indicates that the mechanism () should be operated in the second direction (F−), the control module () applies a second corrector () to the setpoint signal (x_cons) in order to generate a control signal (x_com), and in which the first and second correctors () have different parameters (Kp1, Kp2, Ti1, Ti2), in order to compensate for the asymmetrical behaviour of the mechanism (). 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein one of the first and second correctors associated with one among the first and second directions is which the mechanism reacts slower than in the other direction is a faster corrector than the other corrector.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the correctors are proportional-integral correctors.4. The method according to claim 1 , comprising choosing the corrector by using a hysteresis parameter claim 1 , with different thresholds depending on the first and second directions.5. The method according to claim 1 , comprising choosing the corrector depending on a sign of an error signal corresponding to a difference between the setpoint signal and a measurement signal.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein parameters of the correctors are variable depending on operating points of the mechanism.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the mechanism is a valve of a hydraulic circuit of a turbomachine.8. A ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации

System and method to simulate demand and optimize control parameters for a technology platform

Номер: US20220066802A1
Принадлежит: Smart Software Inc

A system and method are presented for optimizing choices of control parameters. A method includes collecting demand sequences each associated with a resource managed by a technology platform; processing a demand sequence for a resource to calculate an optimized control parameter (CP) value set to manage an automated process within the technology platform, wherein calculating includes: processing the demand sequence with an advanced bootstrap process to generate a collection of bootstrapped demand sequences; processing the bootstrapped demand sequences with a performance prediction process that models the automated process to predict a performance metric for an initially selected CP value set; identifying a neighborhood of CP value sets that includes neighbors and the initially selected CP value set; predicting the performance metric for each neighbor with the performance prediction process; and identifying from the neighborhood of CP value sets the optimized CP value set that provides a best performance metric.

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050470A1

An apparatus for taking out a molded product that is capable of suppressing displacement vibration of an attachment in a shorter time than ever without using a large-scaled electric actuator. An active controller performs active control in conjunction with the positioning, control by the servomotor. At the beginning of the active control, the positioning control is primarily performed by the servomotor, and then the active control is positively performed by the active controller using an electric actuator. Compared with when only the active control is performed for vibration suppression, a lighter and smaller electric actuator can be employed. 1. An apparatus for taking out a molded product , comprising:a positioning servo device using a servomotor;an approach frame controlled by the positioning servo device and having an attachment mounted thereon;a displacement vibration detector operable to detect a displacement vibration of the attachment;an active controller including an electric actuator and configured to perform active control to suppress the displacement vibration of the attachment by causing the electric actuator to apply to the attachment a vibration having an antiphase to the displacement vibration detected by the displacement vibration detector, wherein:the active controller performs the active control in conjunction with at least positioning control performed by the positioning servo device.2. The apparatus for taking out a molded product according to claim 1 , whereinthe positioning servo device is configured to perform the positioning control and vibration suppression control.3. The apparatus for taking out a molded product according to claim 1 , whereinthe positioning servo device is configured to perform the positioning control and jerk control.4. The apparatus for taking out a molded product according to claim 1 , whereinthe positioning servo device is configured to perform the positioning control and both of vibration suppression control and jerk ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Control facility with adaptive fault compensation

Номер: US20160056794A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A control facility for controlling a controlled system experiencing a disturbance includes a front nodal point receiving a target value and an actual value outputted by the controlled system and supplying a difference value corresponding to a difference between the target value and the actual value to a compensation circuit. The compensation circuit supplies a frequency-filtered and time-delayed signal formed as the sum of the weighted difference value and a weighted feedback signal as an input to a controller for the controlled system. The sum of a filter delay time and of first and second propagation delays is an integer multiple of the cycle duration of the disturbance, and a sum of the filter delay time and the first propagation delay is an integer multiple of the cycle duration minus a propagation time, which elapses until a change in the target value causes a change in the actual value.

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220072500A1
Автор: Lusk Richard, Quinn Paul

Various embodiments of the present disclosure relate to proactive dosing optimization chemical feed units producing an output solution (such as an oxidizing biocide) therefrom. Online sensors generate signals corresponding to directly measured variables for respective process components. Information is selectively retrieved from models relating combinations of input variables to respective industrial process states, wherein various current process states may be indirectly determined based on directly measured variables for respective system components. An output feedback signal is automatically generated corresponding to a detected intervention event based on the indirectly determined process state. A controller may receive the signal and implement, e.g., regulation of oxidizing biocide feed for optimization of end products and/or performance metrics. 1. A method of dosing optimization for a chemical feed unit receiving at least one input water source and producing at least one output solution , the method comprising:generating signals from a plurality of online sensors, the signals corresponding to directly measured variables for respective process components;selectively retrieving information from models relating combinations of input variables to respective process states in at least one of the chemical feed unit, the output solution, and the at least one input water source;indirectly determining a process state for at least one of the chemical feed unit, the output solution, and the at least one input water source, based on the data corresponding to the directly measured variables for the respective system components; andautomatically generating an output feedback signal corresponding to a detected intervention event based on the indirectly determined process state.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the output solution from the chemical feed unit comprises an oxidizing biocide.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein:the indirectly determined process state comprises ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055403A1
Принадлежит: Hiroshima University

A data-oriented feedback controller disclosed herein allows the user to wear or use a device under control comfortably, and includes: a device under control for determining a controlled variable θ(t) with respect to a human being in accordance with an input manipulated variable u(t); a primary controller for determining the manipulated variable u(t) based on an input difference v(t) between an estimated target value w(t) and the controlled variable θ(t); a psychological evaluator for detecting biometric information bio(t) about the human being corresponding to the controlled variable θ(t), evaluating the human being's psychology based on the biometric information bio(t), and determining a psychological output value y(t) representing the psychology; and a secondary controller for receiving a difference ε(t) between a target value r(t) of the human being's psychology and the psychological output value y(t) and determining the estimated target value w(t) based on the difference ε(t). 1. A data-oriented feedback controller comprising:a device under control configured to determine a controlled variable θ(t) with respect to a human being in accordance with an input manipulated variable u(t);a primary controller configured to determine the manipulated variable u(t) based on an input difference v(t) between an estimated target value w(t) and the controlled variable θ(t);a psychological evaluator configured to detect biometric information bio(t) about the human being corresponding to the controlled variable θ(t), evaluate the human being's psychology based on the biometric information bio(t), and determine a psychological output value y(t) representing the psychology; anda secondary controller configured to receive a difference ε(t) between a target value r(t) of the human being's psychology and the psychological output value y(t) and determine the estimated target value w(t) based on the difference ε(t).2. The data-oriented feedback controller of claim 1 , whereinthe ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180058536A1

Systems and methods for tracking unintentional muscle movements of a user and stabilizing a handheld tool while it is being used are described. The method may include measuring, with a first inertial measuring unit (“IMU”), at least an orientation of a housing of the handheld tool, and measuring, with a second IMU, at least an orientation or an attachment arm extending from the housing of the handheld tool. The method may also include storing the orientation of the housing and the orientation of the attachment arm in a memory. Furthermore, the method may include controlling, with a processing logic, a first motion generating mechanism and a second motion generating mechanism to move the attachment arm relative to the housing based on the measured orientation of the housing and the measured orientation of the attachment arm to stabilize motion of a user-assistive device attached to a distal end of the attachment arm. 1. A handheld tool , comprising:a housing having a first inertial measuring unit (“IMU”) that measures at least an orientation of the housing;a first motion generating mechanism disposed within the housing;an attachment arm having a second IMU that measures at least an orientation of the attachment arm, wherein the attachment arm extends from the housing and is coupled with the first motion-generating mechanism;a second motion generating mechanism disposed within the attachment arm;a user-assistive device attached to a distal end of the attachment arm; anda tremor tracking module (“TTM”) attached to the housing that, based on the measured orientation of the housing and the measured orientation of the attachment arm, controls the first motion generating mechanism and the second motion generating mechanism to move the attachment arm relative to the housing to stabilize motion of the user-assistive device.2. The handheld tool of claim 1 , further comprising a controller coupled to the TTM to:read the measured orientation of the housing and the measured ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190056702A1

A model-based control system comprises a processor. The processor is configured to select a desired parameter of a machinery configured to produce power and to output emissions, and to select an emissions model configured to use the desired parameter as input and to output an emissions parameter. The processor is further configured to continuously tune the emissions model during operations of the machinery via a tuning system to derive a setpoint, and to adjust the setpoint by applying a tuning bias, wherein the tuning bias is continuously updated via segmented linear regression. The processor is additionally configured to control one or more actuators coupled to the machinery based on the adjusted setpoint. 1. A model-based control system , comprising:a processor configured to:select a desired parameter of a machinery configured to produce power and to output emissions;select an emissions model configured to use the desired parameter as input and to output an emissions parameter;continuously tune the emissions model during operations of the machinery via a tuning system to derive a setpoint;adjust the setpoint by applying a tuning bias, wherein the tuning bias is continuously updated via segmented linear regression, andcontrol one or more actuators coupled to the machinery based on the adjusted setpoint.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein applying the tuning bias comprises deriving a transfer function tuning bias via the segmented linear regression.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the transfer function comprises a Nitrogen oxides (NOx) transfer function.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the NOx transfer function comprises a polynomial based on a compressor reference temperature (CRT).5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to adjust the setpoint by comparing an observed machinery measurement and a value derived via the setpoint and applying the tuning bias to reduce any error between the machinery measurement and the value.6. The system of ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170060106A1
Принадлежит: Gencoa Ltd

This invention relates to the automated tuning and calibration of feedback control of systems and processes. According to the present invention a series of actuator pulses are automatically performed and, based on the gradient of the sensor response, information is determined on the dynamics of the system to be controlled (this will be known as the system identification procedure). This is preceded by an automatic sensor calibration procedure in order to determine the controller's window of operation. Based on the information collected during the system identification procedure controller parameters are automatically calculated for a specified time for the sensor to reach the setpoint. The present invention relates to any system that is managed and/or controlled by a controller and/or control algorithm. The present invention relates to the use of the present method for parameterisation of any control algorithm, for example, PID, PI, P, PDF.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200061831A1
Автор: Egi Mamoru
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A control system includes a drive-side control device and a host-side control device. The drive-side control device has a drive-side control structure including a drive-side feedback system and a drive-side control model part and configured so as to be capable of model tracking control in accordance with a control model which the drive-side control model part has. The host-side control device has a host-side control structure including a host-side control model part a host-side correcting signal based on a deviation between an output of the host-side control model part and the operation command signal is fed back to an input side of the host-side control model part, and a corrected command signal generated based on the host-side correcting signal that is fed back and the operation command signal is input to the host-side control model part. The corrected command signal is further input to the drive-side control structure. 1. A control system , comprising:a drive-side control device driving a control target; anda host-side control device generating an operation command signal for driving control of the control target by the drive-side control device,wherein the drive-side control device comprises:a drive-side control structure which comprises a drive-side feedback system comprising one or more controllers to which a feedback signal associated with an operation of the control target is input, and a drive-side control model part having a control model modeling the drive-side feedback system and the control target, the drive-side control structure is configured so as to be capable of model tracking control in accordance with the control model which the drive-side control model part has; anda drive-side calculating part performing a calculating process of a predetermined signal for driving control of the control target in the drive-side control structure,wherein the host-side control device comprises:a host-side control structure which comprises a host-side control model ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160070241A1
Автор: KAWASHIMA Reiji

A control device outputs, to a to-be-controlled system which operates based on a control input and from which an observable amount varying cyclically is obtained, the control input based on the observable amount. The control device includes a deviation processing unit performing at least proportional integral control on a deviation between the observable amount and a command value being a target value of the observavle amount and varying cyclically, and a totaling unit tataling an output of the deviation processing unit for each cycle of the command value to generate the control input. 113.-. (canceled)14. A control device outputting , to a to-be-controlled system which operates based on a control input and from which an observable amount varying cyclically is obtained , said control input based on said observable amount , said control device comprising:a deviation processing unit performing at least proportional integral control on a deviation between said observable amount and a command value being a target value of said observable amount and varying cyclically; anda totaling unit totaling an output of said deviation processing unit for each cycle of said command value to generate said control input.15. The control device according to claim 14 , wherein a proportional computing unit outputting a result obtained by multiplying the deviation between said command value and said observable amount by a first gain,', 'an integral computing unit outputting a value obtained by multiplying an integral of said deviation by a second gain, and', 'a first adder adding and outputting at least an output of said proportional computing unit and an output of said integral computing unit, and, 'said deviation processing unit includes'} a repetitive controller accumulating an output of said first adder for each cycle of said command value and outputting a result obtained by multiplying a result of the accumulation by a third gain, and', 'a second adder adding an output of said first ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

System and Method for Determining the Parameters of a Controller

Номер: US20200064787A1
Автор: Labisch Daniel

A system and a method for determining the parameters of a controller for a controlled system, wherein a simulation model for the controlled system is identified based on detected input and output signals of the controlled system, where parameters of a master controller and a sequence controller used in a pilot control process for the controlled system are automatically defined based on model-based design methods for a controller designed as a model sequence controller, where the behaviour of the closed-loop system can be further improved via a subsequent optimization method, such that the controller can be advantageously designed without any particular control engineering expertise, and thus the frequency of use for model sequence controllers, with their many advantages, can be significantly increased in practical applications. 110.-. (canceled)11. A system for determining parameters of a controller for a controlled system , comprising:an evaluator; anddata memory;wherein the system is configured to determine, based on detected input and output signals of the controlled system, a simulation model for the controlled system and to identify the parameters of the controller for the controlled system, the controller comprising a model slave controller having (i) a slave controller for the controlled system and (ii) a pilot control process having a master controller and a simulation model for the controlled system; and 'define based on the determined simulation model and the identified parameters of the controller for the controlled system, the simulation model in the pilot control process based on a first model-based design method and the determined simulation model parameter of a proportional or proportional-differential controller as a master controller in the pilot control process, and based on a second model-based design method and the determined simulation model, parameters of a proportional or', 'wherein the system for determining the parameters is further ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076544A1
Автор: FAN Yaoyin

Provided are a fan control method and a fan control system. The fan control method of the present invention includes the steps of predetermining a reliable operating temperature of a hard disk; creating a storing a corresponding relationship between an average hard disk temperature and a fan speed, and creating and storing a corresponding relationship between a hard disk temperature greater than the reliable operating temperature and a fan speed; reading actual temperatures of the plurality of hard disks; comparing the actual temperatures of the plurality of hard disks with the reliable operating temperature; computing an average temperature of the plurality of hard disks; and outputting a control signal to adjust the fan speed based on the stored corresponding relationship between an average hard disk temperature and a fan speed. Accordingly, the present invention may increase hard disk reliability and decrease power dissipation of a fan and system noise. 1. A fan control method for cooling down an electronic device having a plurality of hard disks by using a plurality of fans corresponding to the plurality of hard disks , comprising the steps of:predetermining a reliable operating temperature of a hard disk;creating and storing a corresponding relationship between an average hard disk temperature and a fan speed, and creating and storing a corresponding relationship between a hard disk temperature greater than the reliable operating temperature and a fan speed;reading actual temperatures of the plurality of hard disks;comparing the actual temperatures of the plurality of hard disks with the reliable operating temperature and determining whether the actual temperatures of the plurality of hard disks are greater than the reliable operating temperature, wherein if the actual temperatures of the plurality of hard disks are not greater than the reliable operating temperature, proceed to a first determination result, but if the actual temperatures of the plurality of ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220091568A1

The disclosure relates to a method and device for predicting a physical parameter based on input physical information, and medium. The method may include predicting, by a processor, an intermediate variable based on the input physical information with an intermediate sub-model, which incorporates a constraint on the intermediate variable according to prior information of the physical parameter. The method may also include transforming, by the processor, the intermediate variable predicted by the intermediate sub-model to the physical parameter with a transformation sub-model. 1. A method for predicting a physical parameter based on input physical information , comprising:predicting, by a processor, an intermediate variable based on the input physical information with an intermediate sub-model, which incorporates a constraint on the intermediate variable according to prior information of the physical parameter; andtransforming, by the processor, the intermediate variable predicted by the intermediate sub-model to the physical parameter with a transformation sub-model.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate sub-model is based on a learning model claim 1 , the transformation sub-model is a preset function claim 1 , and the intermediate sub-model and the transformation sub-model collectively trained with training dataset comprising sample physical information annotated with corresponding ground truth physical parameter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the intermediate sub-model is configured to predict an unconstrained intermediate variable and apply the constraint to the unconstrained intermediate variable to predicted the intermediate variable.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prior information of the physical parameter comprises a profile tendency of a profile of the physical parameter or a bound range of the physical parameter in a temporal domain or a spatial domain.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the profile tendency comprises any one of a ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180081329A1

Apparatuses () for mapping devices (-) to representations (-) of the devices (-) in models comprise displays () for displaying representations (-), memories () for storing triggering information defining triggering procedures for triggering the devices (-), inputs () for receiving identifying information comprising identifiers from devices (-) that have been triggered, and processors () for linking the identifiers and the representations (-) at the hand of the triggering procedures. The commissioning of devices (-) is done faster and more user-friendly. The triggering procedures may define the devices (-) to be triggered in a sequence. The processor () can then link the identifiers and the representations (-) via the sequence. Alternatively the triggering procedures may define unique codes to be allocated to the representations (-) and to be provided to the devices (-), with the identifying information further comprising the codes. The processor () can then link the identifiers and the representations (-) via the codes. 1. An apparatus for mapping devices to representations of the devices in a model , the apparatus comprisinga display for displaying a representation,a memory for storing triggering information, the triggering information defining a triggering procedure for triggering the devices, the triggering procedure defining the devices to be triggered in an order,an input for receiving identifying information from a device that has been triggered, the identifying information comprising an identifier of the device, anda processor for linking the identifier and the representation of the device at the hand of the triggering procedure.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus as defined in claim 1 , the processor being configured to link the identifier and the representation via the order.4. The apparatus as defined in claim 1 , the processor being configured to generate the triggering information.5. The apparatus as defined in claim 1 , the memory being configured to receive ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Active dead band for noise reduction in high response high bandwidth control systems

Номер: US20160085217A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A control system comprises an active dead band, coupled to a feedback path of the control system, configured to receive a first signal derived from a motor position signal of the feedback path of the control system and a utilize, in accordance with the signal, a set of thresholds to prevent feedback noise within a driveline of the control system.

12-06-2014 дата публикации

Method for Optimizing Vehicles and Engines used for Driving such Vehicles

Номер: US20140163807A1
Автор: Peter SCHÖGGL
Принадлежит: AVL List GmbH

A method for optimizing vehicles and engines that are used for driving such vehicles includes the steps of taking measurements during real operation of the vehicle on the road or on a roller-type test stand, or the engine on an engine test stand; parameterizing a simulation model representing the vehicle or the engine so as to be able to arithmetically determine a prediction about the measured values obtained by means of the measurements; simulating the vehicle by using the simulation model, additionally calculating at least one drivability index (DR) which results from several measured values based on an empirically determined function and which indicates the drivability of a vehicle in a specific driving mode; and optimizing the settings of the vehicle during the simulation, at least one drivability index (DR) being input into the target function or the fringe conditions of the optimization process.

29-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180085919A1
Автор: NAGAMATSU Kenji

A control device controlling a robot including a driving unit, a moving unit that is slidable along a predetermined track and a predetermined shaft that is slidably supported by the moving unit includes an instruction value calculating unit calculating an instruction value that drives the driving unit such that the moving unit is moved to a target position, an accelerating-speed calculating unit calculating an angular accelerating speed of when the instruction value changes, a gravity-center distance calculating unit calculating a gravity center distance, a correction instruction-value calculating unit calculating a correction instruction value by correcting the instruction value such that a position of the gravity center which is projected on the predetermined track approaches the target position, and a driving control unit controlling the driving unit based on the correction instruction value. 1. A control device for a robot including a driving unit , a moving unit that is driven by the driving unit and is slidable along a predetermined track in a horizontal surface , and a predetermined shaft that is slidably supported by the moving unit in a vertical direction , the predetermined shaft to which a subject is assembled , comprising:an instruction value calculating unit calculating an instruction value that drives the driving unit such that the moving unit is moved to a target position that is a latest target position of the moving unit;an accelerating-speed calculating unit calculating an accelerating speed of when the instruction value calculated by the instruction value calculating unit changes;a gravity-center distance calculating unit calculating a gravity center distance that is a distance from a support portion of the moving unit supporting the predetermined shaft to a gravity center of a total load that is equivalent to the predetermined shaft and the subject, based on the gravity center and a position of the predetermined shaft in the vertical direction;a ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086879A1
Автор: Sloane Brandon

A system implements changes to improve control effectiveness. The system is typically configured for determining at least one stored control of a plurality of controls similar or identical to a present control from a control library comprising the plurality of controls; extracting a consideration set of indicators associated with the stored control from the control library; applying a regression algorithm on the consideration set of indicators; determining a threshold correlation or threshold number of indicators for inclusion in a final equation relating a subset of the consideration set of indicators with control effectiveness of the control; reducing a number of the subset of the consideration set of indicators based on the threshold correlation or threshold number; finalizing the final equation with the number of the subset, each having a corresponding coefficient; and automatically performing an action configured to improve effectiveness of the control based on the final equation. 1. A system implementing system changes to improve control effectiveness , the system comprising:one or more memory devices having computer readable code stored thereon; and determine at least one stored control of a plurality of controls similar or identical to a present control from a control library comprising the plurality of controls;', 'extract a consideration set of indicators associated with the at least one stored control from the control library;', 'apply a regression algorithm on the consideration set of indicators;', 'determine a threshold correlation or threshold number of indicators for inclusion in a final equation relating a subset of the consideration set of indicators with control effectiveness of the control;', 'reduce a number of the subset of the consideration set of indicators based on the threshold correlation or threshold number;', 'finalize the final equation with the number of the subset, each having a corresponding coefficient; and', 'in response to ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190086880A1

Techniques to facilitate generation of controller application code that emulates functionality of an industrial controller are disclosed herein. In at least one implementation, a computing system interfaces with the industrial controller and monitors input and output states of the industrial controller while the industrial controller operates a machine system. The input and output states of the industrial controller used to operate the machine system are analyzed to generate a functional design specification for the industrial controller. The controller application code that emulates the functionality of the industrial controller is generated based on the functional design specification. 1. One or more computer-readable storage media having program instructions stored thereon to facilitate generation of controller application code that emulates functionality of an industrial controller , wherein the program instructions , when executed by a computing system , direct the computing system to at least:interface with the industrial controller and monitor input and output states of the industrial controller while the industrial controller operates a machine system;analyze the input and output states of the industrial controller used to operate the machine system to generate a functional design specification for the industrial controller; andgenerate the controller application code that emulates the functionality of the industrial controller based on the functional design specification.2. The one or more computer-readable storage media of wherein the program instructions direct the computing system to analyze the input and output states of the industrial controller by directing the computing system to analyze the input and output states to detect changes of the input and output states of the industrial controller while the industrial controller operates the machine system over time.3. The one or more computer-readable storage media of wherein the program instructions ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220134295A1
Автор: FRANK David, Herzog Konrad

A method for operating a shaking machine, in particular for optimizing an operating state of the shaking machine, including shaking at least one shaking material in at least one shaking vessel; setting at least one target operating parameter to at least one target value or one target range; detecting an adjustment range of at least one additional operating parameter; determining an operating state by means of an optimizer that varies at least one adjustable operating parameter and by using at least one model, such that at least one target operating parameter maintains, achieves, or approaches the target value or target range, wherein at least one operating state of the shaking machine is imaged by at least one model.

30-03-2017 дата публикации

Utility provisioning with iot analytics

Номер: US20170090427A1
Автор: Robert L. Vaughn, Rong Gao
Принадлежит: Intel Corp

Briefly, in accordance with one or more embodiments, an analytic system controls operation of a machine. The analytic system includes a sensor device to monitor power utilized by the machine, and to collect load data for the machine during startup. The analytic system further includes an analytic engine to determine a start time for the machine based at least in part on the load data for the machine received from the sensor device, and to communicate the determined start time to the machine. Start times for multiple machines may be selected wherein a maximum allowable current is not exceeded during the startup of the machines based at least in part on startup signatures for the machines generated from the load data.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200089175A1

To provide a characteristic judgment apparatus that can easily perceive a difference in characteristics of a target machine from other machines, a characteristic judgment method, and a characteristic judgment program. A characteristic judgment apparatus includes: a learning section that individually sets a parameter in accordance with an individual difference of a machine by machine learning; an acquisition section that acquires the parameter that is set; and a comparison section that compares a parameter of a target machine with a distribution of the parameter of a plurality of other machines, and outputs characteristic information that is unique to the target machine. 1. A characteristic judgment apparatus comprising:an acquisition section configured to acquire a parameter that is individually set in accordance with an individual difference of a machine; anda comparison section configured to compare a parameter of a target machine with a distribution of the parameter of a plurality of other machines, and output characteristic information that is unique to the target machine.2. The characteristic judgment apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a learning section configured to set the parameter by machine learning.3. The characteristic judgment apparatus according to claim 2 , whereinthe learning section receives information of a control command or feedback of the machine, and sets the parameter on a basis of a predetermined evaluation function having the information as an argument.4. The characteristic judgment apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe parameter is a control parameter of the machine or a parameter of a mathematical model for calculating a state of the machine.5. The characteristic judgment apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe comparison section outputs, as the characteristic information, deviation from a statistic that is acquired from the distribution of the parameter.6. The characteristic judgment apparatus according to ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160098020A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

A setpoint alarming system includes a feedback controller that monitors a process variable provided as a feedback signal from a plant and uses an error signal representing a difference between the process variable and a setpoint to generate a control signal for the plant. The plant uses the control signal to affect the process variable. The system includes a normalized index generator that uses the error signal to generate a normalized performance index for the plant. The system includes an expected value estimator that estimates a value of the normalized performance index expected to occur when a setpoint error of a predetermined magnitude has persisted for a predetermined duration. The system includes an alarm manager that compares the normalized performance index to the expected value and generates an alarm in response to the normalized performance index dropping below the expected value. 1. A feedback control system comprising:a feedback controller that monitors a process variable provided as a feedback signal from a plant and uses an error signal representing a difference between the process variable and a setpoint to generate a control signal for the plant, wherein the plant uses the control signal to affect the process variable;an exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA) calculator that generates EWMA values based on the error signal as new values of the process variable are received;a normalized index generator that uses the EWMA values to calculate a normalized performance index; andan alarm manager that compares the normalized performance index to a threshold and generates an alarm in response to the normalized performance index dropping below the threshold.2. The feedback control system of claim 1 , wherein the threshold is control loop agnostic and does not depend on any variables or parameters that are specific to the feedback control system.3. The feedback control system of claim 1 , wherein the threshold represents an expected value of the ...

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140176036A1

A motor control apparatus includes a state quantity detector configured to output a detection signal in correspondence with a state quantity of a motor, a vibration detection unit configured to detect a disturbance vibration component of the motor based on a torque instruction and the detection signal and output a vibrational component signal in correspondence with the detection result, a speed signal generator configured to generate a speed signal based on a result of subtracting the vibration component signal from the detection signal, and a speed controller configured to generate the torque instruction based on a deviation between a speed instruction and the speed signal. 1. A motor control apparatus comprising:a state quantity detector configured to output a detection signal in correspondence with a state quantity of a motor;a vibration detection unit configured to detect a disturbance vibration component of the motor based on a torque instruction and the detection signal and output a vibrational component signal in correspondence with the detection result;a speed signal generator configured to generate a speed signal based on a result of subtracting the vibration component signal from the detection signal; anda speed controller configured to generate the torque instruction based on a deviation between a speed instruction and the speed signal.2. The motor control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe motor is controlled based on the torque instruction.3. The motor control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereina state quantity of the motor indicates a position or a speed of a motor.4. The motor control apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein a subtractor configured to subtract the vibrational component signal from the detection signal; and', 'a state estimation observer configured to calculate the speed signal based on a subtraction result of the subtractor and the torque instruction., 'the speed signal generator includes5. The motor control apparatus ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210096520A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC

A computing device is provided, including memory storing a cost function of a plurality of variables. The computing device may further include a processor configured to, for a stochastic simulation algorithm, compute a control parameter upper bound. The processor may compute a control parameter lower bound. The processor may compute a plurality of intermediate control parameter values within a control parameter range between the control parameter lower bound and the control parameter upper bound. The processor may compute an estimated minimum or an estimated maximum of the cost function using the stochastic simulation algorithm with the control parameter upper bound, the control parameter lower bound, and the plurality of intermediate control parameter values. A plurality of copies of the cost function may be simulated with a respective plurality of seed values. 1. A computing device comprising:memory storing a cost function of a plurality of variables; and [ compute a control parameter upper bound;', 'compute a control parameter lower bound; and', 'compute a plurality of intermediate control parameter values within a control parameter range between the control parameter lower bound and the control parameter upper bound; and, 'for a stochastic simulation algorithm, 'compute an estimated minimum or an estimated maximum of the cost function using the stochastic simulation algorithm with the control parameter upper bound, the control parameter lower bound, and the plurality of intermediate control parameter values, wherein a plurality of copies of the cost function are simulated with a respective plurality of seed values., 'a processor configured to2. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the stochastic simulation algorithm is a simulated annealing algorithm claim 1 , a simulated quantum annealing algorithm claim 1 , a parallel tempering algorithm claim 1 , a diffusion Monte Carlo algorithm claim 1 , a population annealing algorithm claim 1 , or a sub-stochastic ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

System and Method for Policy Optimization using Quasi-Newton Trust Region Method

Номер: US20210103255A1

A computer-implemented learning method for optimizing a control policy controlling a system is provided. The method includes receiving states of the system being operated for a specific task, initializing the control policy as a function approximator including neural networks, collecting state transition and reward data using a current control policy, estimating an advantage function and a state visitation frequency based on the current control policy, updating the current control policy using the second-order approximation of the objective function, a second-order approximation of the KL-divergence constraint on the permissible change in the policy using a quasi-newton trust region policy optimization, and determining an optimal control policy, for controlling the system, based on the average reward accumulated using the updated current control policy. 1. A computer-implemented learning method for optimizing a control policy controlling a system , comprising:receiving states of the system being operated by for a specific task to be learned using the policy optimization method;initializing the control policy as a function approximator including neural networks;collecting data of state, action and next state tuples using a current control policy;estimating an advantage function and a state visitation frequency based on the current control policy;estimating Kullback-Leibler-divergence constraint (KL-divergence constraint) and the surrogate objective function as a function of the policy parameters;updating the current control policy based on the estimated constraint and the surrogate objective function using a quasi-newton trust region policy optimization (QNTPRO); anddetermining an optimal control policy, for controlling the system, based on the expected average reward accumulated using the updated current control policy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the collecting claim 1 , the estimating and the updating are iteratively performed until the value of the average ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210122038A1

A method and a device for ascertaining control parameters in a computer-assisted manner for handling a technical system is provided. A starting state and the surroundings of the technical system are detected using at least one sensor, and a physical simulation model of the technical system is generated using same. On the basis of the starting state, different combinations of handling steps of the technical system are simulated with respect to a specified target state using the simulation model, wherein control parameters of the technical system for carrying out the handling steps are varied. The simulation data is used to train a machine learning routine by an evaluation of each handling step, and the trained machine learning routine is used to ascertain an optimized combination of handling steps. The control parameters of the optimized combination of handling steps are output to control the technical system is also provided. 1. A method for ascertaining control parameters in a computer-assisted manner for a favorable action of a technical system , the method comprising:detecting an initial state and a surrounding area of the technical system by means of at least one sensor;generating a physical simulation model of the technical system and the surrounding area;ascertaining a target state for the technical system;simulating various combinations of action steps of the technical system by means of the physical simulation model, on a basis of the initial state and with respect to the target state, control parameters of the technical system for carrying out the action steps being varied, and outputting respective resultant simulation data;training a machine learning routine on a basis of the respective resultant simulation data and by means of an evaluation of a respective action step;ascertaining an optimized combination of action steps on a basis of the trained machine learning routine, the optimized combination of action steps being assigned a favorable evaluation; ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150115862A1

A motor control apparatus includes a position and speed estimator configured to output a new estimated motor position and an estimated motor speed based on a position estimation deviation that is a difference between an acquired motor position and an estimated motor position of a motor, and a controller configured to output a motor power command, which controls the motor, based on the estimated motor position, the estimated motor speed, and a position command. The position and speed estimator includes a motor model of the motor configured to output the estimated motor position and the estimated motor speed based on a predetermined calculation value, and a nonlinear compensator configured to output a compensation motor power based on the position estimation deviation to compensate an error of the motor model. 1. A motor control apparatus comprising:a position and speed estimator configured to output a new estimated motor position and an estimated motor speed based on a position estimation deviation that is a difference between an acquired motor position and an estimated motor position of a motor; anda controller configured to output a motor power command, which controls the motor, based on the estimated motor position, the estimated motor speed, and a position command, whereinthe position and speed estimator includesa motor model of the motor configured to output the estimated motor position and the estimated motor speed based on a predetermined calculation value, anda nonlinear compensator configured to output a compensation motor power based on the position estimation deviation to compensate an error of the motor model.2. The motor control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe position and speed estimator further includesan observer corrector configured to output an observer correction value based on the position estimation deviation, anda calculator configured to output the calculation value input to the motor model based on the observer correction value and ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Method For Designing PID Controller (as amended)

Номер: US20210124315A1
Автор: Luo Ying, ZHENG Weijia
Принадлежит: Foshan University

Disclosed is a method for designing a PID controller, having a control model 1setting a control model of the PID controller, as equation 2:. A method for designing a PID controller, comprising:{'sub': P', 'I', 'D, 'wherein, Kis a proportional gain, Kis an integral gain, Kis a differential gain, λ is a fractional-order, u is a fractional-order, and s is a Laplace operator;'}{'sub': D', 'I, 'resetting the control model of the PID controller by setting K=aK, and u=bλ in equation 2, wherein a and b are proportional coefficients, as equation 3setting a transfer function of a controlled object in a control system, as equation 4:{'sub': 1', '2, 'wherein τ, τ, and K are model parameters of the object; and'}the method further comprising the following steps of:{'sub': c', 'm, 'step 1: selecting a cut-off frequency ωand a phase margin φof the control system;'}{'sub': c', 'm, 'step 2: obtaining values of the proportional coefficients a and b, according to an optimal proportion model of control model parameters establishing the fractional order PID controller, and according to the cut-off frequency ωand the phase margin φof the control system;'}{'sub': 'c', 'step 3: calculating amplitude information and phase information of the transfer function at the cut-off frequency ω, respectively, according to equation 5 and equation 6{'sub': 1', '2, 'sup': 2', '3, 'wherein, A(ω)=−τωand B(ω)=τω−ω;'}{'sub': 'I', 'step 4: obtaining two equations related to the integral gain Kand the fractional-order λ according to the proportional coefficients a and b obtained in the step 2{'sub': c', 'm', 'c', 'c', 'm', 'c, 'wherein, M=A(ω)tan(−π+φ)+B(ω) and N=B(ω)tan(−π+φ)−A(ω), in equation 7, and'}{'sub': 'I', 'step 5: solving the integral gain Kand the fractional-order λ according to equation 7 and equation 8;'}{'sub': D', 'D', 'I, 'step 6: solving the differential gain Kand the fractional-order u according to relationships K=aKand u=bλ; and'}{'sub': 'P', 'step 7: calculating the proportional gain ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200103836A1

A system for generating actionable plant tasks from multiple operational data sources includes a computing device including an associated memory configured for receiving operational data associated with the plant from ≥2 devices in the plant, where the operational data includes one or more alerts associated with problem(s) that have occurred at the plant. At least one numerical confidence value relating to a reliability is assigned to each operational data, at least one numerical importance value relating to importance is assigned to an operation of the plant to each operational data. The operational data is analyzed to determine correlations between different portions of the operational data, and based on the confidence values and the importance values at least one task associated with resolving the problem is determined, an action associated with the task is determined, and then an indication relating to the action is transmitted to another computing device. 1. A method comprising:a computing device comprising a processor including an associated memory receiving operational data associated with a plant that has processing equipment configured and controlled to run a process involving at least one tangible material or a power application from two or more devices in the plant, the operational data comprising one or more alerts associated with one or more problems that have occurred at the plant; assigning at least one numerical confidence value relating to a reliability to each of the operational data;', 'assigning at least one numerical importance value relating to importance to an operation of the plant to each of the operational data;', 'analyzing to determine correlations between different portions of the operational data;', 'determining, based on the confidence values and the importance values, at least one task associated with resolving the problem;', 'determining an action associated with the task, and', 'transmitting to another computing device an indication ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации

Method and System for Process Schedule Reconciliation Using Algebraic Model Optimization

Номер: US20220179372A1

A computer-implemented method and system for process schedule reconciliation receives a scheduling model and an initial schedule for reconciliation, where the initial schedule includes projected plant data. Current plant data is imported into the system. The current plant data and projected plant data is processed using mathematical modeling techniques to identify event boundaries, stream flowrates associated with tanks and process units. The system builds an optimization model applying identified event boundaries, stream flowrates and pre-determined constraints along a period of time that includes priority slots to reconcile the projected plant data of the initial schedule with the current plant data, and then solves the optimization model to develop a reconciled schedule. 1. A computer-implemented method of process control and schedule reconciliation , comprising receiving a scheduling model and an initial schedule for reconciliation , the initial schedule having projected plant data;importing current plant data into a model of a plant process;processing the current plant data and projected plant data using mathematical modeling techniques to identify event boundaries, stream flowrates and properties associated with tanks and process units, wherein the event boundaries may be calculated event boundaries from processing the current plant data;building an optimization model applying identified event boundaries, stream flowrates and pre-determined constraints along a period of time that includes priority slots to reconcile the projected plant data of the initial schedule with the current plant data;solving the optimization model to develop a reconciled schedule to control the plant process; andcontrolling the plant process using the reconciled schedule.2. The computer-implemented method of wherein the pre-determined constraints include operation constraints.3. The computer-implemented method of wherein the pre-determined constraints include scheduling constraints.4. ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220179373A1

A device and computer implemented method of controlling a machine. The method includes determining a state of the machine, determining a policy comprising parameters in particular a gain, for mapping the state of the machine to an input for the machine, mapping the state to the input according to the policy, an controlling the machine according to the input. A cone program is defined by a plurality of parameters of a linear quadratic regulator for the machine. A cost function is defined depending on the plurality of parameters and the policy. A constraint is defined for the parameters and for a solution of the cone program. The determining of the policy comprises determining the solution to the cone program so that the cost function meets a criterion subject to the constraint. 1. A computer implemented method of controlling a machine , the method comprising the following steps:determining a state of the machine;determining a policy including parameters, for mapping the state of the machine to an input for the machine, the parameters including a gain;mapping the state to the input according to the policy;controlling the machine according to the input;wherein a cone program is defined by a plurality of parameters of a linear quadratic regulator for the machine,wherein a cost function is defined depending on the plurality of parameters and the policy,wherein a constraint is defined for the parameters and for a solution of the cone program,wherein the determining of the policy includes determining the solution to the cone program so that the cost function meets a criterion subject to the constraint, determining the parameters depending on the solution, determining a normalized loss depending on a difference between the policy and a reference for the policy or depending on a difference between the input and a reference for the input for the machine, determining a partial derivative of the loss with respect to the policy, determining a partial derivative of the policy ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113903A1
Автор: IIJIMA Kazunori

A controller of the present invention for a drive mechanism which is driven by a plurality of motors includes a position command calculation unit and a torque command calculation unit, the position command calculation unit delivers a common position command value to each of the motors and the torque command calculation unit switches, according to the operation state of the drive mechanism, between individualization control for individually performing the output of an integral element of the torque command calculation unit to each of the motors and sharing control for sharing the output of the integral element of the torque command calculation unit to the motors. 1. A controller for a drive mechanism which is driven by a plurality of motors , the controller comprising , according to the motors:a position command calculation unit which calculates a position command value for driving the drive mechanism;a position detection unit which detects a position of the motor;a speed command calculation unit which calculates a speed command value based on a position error value determined from the position command value calculated by the position command calculation unit and a position detection value detected by the position detection unit;a speed detection unit which calculates a speed detection value from the position detection value detected by the position detection unit; anda torque command calculation unit which calculates a torque command value from a speed error value determined from the speed command value calculated by the speed command calculation unit and the speed detection value detected by the speed detection unit by use of at least an integral element, wherein the position command calculation unit delivers the common position command value to each of the motors, andthe torque command calculation unit switches, according to an operation state of the drive mechanism, between individualization control for individually performing an output of the integral element of ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170123387A1

A method for computer-aided control of an automation system is provided by use of a digital simulation model which simulates the automation system and which is specified by a number parameters comprising a number of configuration parameters) describing the configuration of the automation system and a number of state parameters describing the operational state of the automation system. Simulated operation runs of the automation system based on the simulation model can be performed with the aid of a computer, where a simulation run predicts a number of performance parameters of the automation system. 1. A method for computer-aided control of an automation system , wherein the automation system is controlled in real operation by use of a digital simulation model which simulates the automation system and which is specified by a number of configuration parameters describing the configuration of the automation system and a number of state parameters describing the operational state of the automation system , where simulated operation runs of the automation system based on the simulation model can be performed with the aid of a computer , where a simulation run predicts a number of performance parameters of the automation system ,wherein the following steps are performed at each processing event of a plurality of successive predetermined processing events during the real operation of the automation system:a) sensing the number of state parameters of the automation system in real operation and performing a simulated operation run based on the simulation model specified by the number of configuration parameters and the number of sensed state parameters;b) if one or more predetermined performance parameters out of the number of performance parameters predicted by the simulated operation run in step a) do not fulfil a performance criterion with respect to a minimum performance of the automation system, adapting the simulation model by changing one or more predetermined ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации

Intelligent PID control method

Номер: US20210157281A1
Автор: ZENG Zhezhao

For more than 80 years, although the traditional Proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller and all kinds of improved PID controller have been in the leading position in the field of industrial control, and played a huge role, but the tuning of the three gains for PID has been a prominent problem in the field of control theory and control engineering, and the lack of anti-disturbance ability. The intelligent PID or wisdom PID (WPID) control method of the invention establishes the tuning rule of three gains for PID controller through the speed factor irrelevant to the controlled system, which effectively solves the tuning problem of the three gains for the traditional PID, and has the global robust stability and good anti-disturbance robustness. The invention subverts the control theory system of nearly a century, and has a wide application value in the fields of electric power, transportation, machinery, chemical industry, light industry, aerospace etc. 1{'sub': d', '1', '1', '0', '1, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': e', '=y', '−y, e', 'e', 'dτ, 'sub': 1', 'd', '0', '0', '1, 'sup': 't', '=∫'}, '(1) according to the known desired output swing angular yand the known actual output swing angular y=yin the inverted pendulum system, the tracking error eof the swing angle and the integral eof the error eare established as follows{'sub': 1', '2, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': e', '={dot over (y)}', '−y, 'sub': 2', 'd', '2}, '(2) after obtaining the swing angular error eaccording to step (1), calculating the differential of the swing angular error to obtain the angular speed error eas follows{'sub': d', '2', '1, 'Wherein, {dot over (y)}is the known desired angular speed and y={dot over (y)}={dot over (y)} is the known actual angular speed;'}{'sub': 1', '0', '2, 'claim-text': {'br': None, 'i': u=b', 'ÿ', '+k', 'e', '+k', 'e', '+k', 'e, 'sub': 0', 'd', 'p', '1', 'i', '0', 'd', '2, 'sup': '−1', '()'}, '(3) after obtaining e, eand eaccording to the steps (1) and (2), ...

14-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150134127A1
Принадлежит: Landmark Graphics Corporation

Systems and methods for determining operating settings for a fluid production system that includes wells and a processing facility, the method including identifying at least one swing well and one or more non-swing wells and determining at least one target parameter equation that is a function of at least one processing facility constraint and one or more non-swing well parameters. The method further includes incorporating the target parameter equation into a fully-coupled equation set representing the production system, simulating the production system using the fully-coupled equation set to obtain one or more operating settings that meet the processing facility constraint, and presenting to a user the operating settings. 1. A method for determining operating settings for a fluid production system comprising a plurality of wells and a processing facility , the method comprising:identifying at least one swing well and one or more non-swing wells of the plurality of wells;determining at least one target parameter equation that is a function of at least one processing facility constraint and of one or more non-swing well parameters;incorporating the at least one target parameter equation into a fully-coupled equation set representing the production system;simulating the production system using the fully-coupled equation set to obtain one or more operating settings that meet the at least one processing facility constraint; andpresenting to a user the one or more operating settings.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising operating the one or more non-swing wells at their maximum or optimal production or injection rates claim 1 , and operating the at least one swing well at a setting other than its full or optimal production or injection rate.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising updating the one or more operating settings of the at least one swing well in response to changes in production or injection rates of the one or more non-swing wells claim 1 , ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180129173A1
Автор: KUSAKA Tsubasa

According to one embodiment, a data collection system includes an event data collector, a state machine generator, a state machine list, and a state machine driver. The event data collector collects sense signals respectively as a plurality of event data. The state machine generator generates a state machine as a model corresponding to the workpiece. One of the sense signals is acquired when the workpiece is fed into the processing system. The state machine generator generates the state machine and generates an ID for the state machine when the event data collector collects one of the plurality of event data corresponding to the one of the sense signals. The state machine driver drives the state machine retained in the state machine list by sending, to the state machine retained in the state machine list, an event corresponding to another one of the sense signals. 1. A data collection system , comprising:an event data collector collecting a plurality of sense signals respectively as a plurality of event data, the plurality of sense signals each being acquired when a passage of a workpiece in a processing system is sensed;a state machine generator generating a state machine as a model corresponding to the workpiece, the state machine including a plurality of states, a transition between the plurality of states, and an action, one of the plurality of sense signals being acquired when the workpiece is fed into the processing system, the state machine generator generating the state machine and generating an ID for the state machine when the event data collector collects one of the plurality of event data corresponding to the one of the plurality of sense signals;a state machine list retaining the generated state machine; anda state machine driver driving the state machine retained in the state machine list by sending, to the state machine retained in the state machine list, an event corresponding to another one of the plurality of sense signals.2. The system according ...

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190128236A1

A computer-implemented method of controlling a power take-off (PTO) of an energy converter apparatus having at least one body which receives energy from their environment and whose energy is absorbed by said PTO is described. The method involves: (a) receiving an input describing the motion of the at least one body making up the apparatus; (b) predicting the excitation force Fwhich will be incident on the body over a prediction horizon H, by approximating said excitation force using generalised truncated half-range Chebyshev-Fourier (HRCF) basis functions; (c) solving an optimal control problem, defined in terms of optimising a cost function J representing the energy absorbed by the PTO over the prediction horizon H, using a HRCF pseudo spectral optimal control wherein the state and control variables are approximated by their truncated half-range Chebyshev Fourier series to generate an optimal reference trajectory; (d) providing as an output to said PTO a control signal adapted to cause the PTO to approximate said optimal reference trajectory; and (e) repeating steps (a) to (d) after a calculation interval Tc where Tc Подробнее

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200123927A1

A system for controlling a plurality of hydraulic effectors operably connected to an engine to control engine parameters. The system also includes a plurality of sensors operably connected to measure a state or parameter of each effector, a pump configured to supply fluid to the plurality of effectors, and a controller operably connected to the plurality of sensors, the plurality of effectors, and the pump. The controller executes a method for an adaptive model-based control for controlling each effector, The method includes receiving a request indicative of a desired state for each effector, receiving a weighting associated each request, obtaining information about a current state of each effector, and updating an adaptive model based control (MBC) based upon the information. The method also includes generating a control command for an effector based upon the adaptive MBC and commanding the effector based upon the control command. 1. A method for controlling a plurality of effectors of a gas turbine engine system , the method comprising:receiving a request indicative of a desired state for each effector of the plurality of effectors;receiving a weighting associated with each request;obtaining information about a current state and at least one previous state of each effector of the plurality of effectors; wherein the current state includes at least one of an effector position and an effector fluid flow rate;updating model data information in an adaptive model based control (MBC) based upon the obtained information;generating at least one control command for at least one effector of the plurality of effectors based upon the adaptive model based control; andcommanding the at least one effector of the plurality of effectors based upon the generated at least one control command.2. The method of claim 1 , further including determining at least one of a constraint claim 1 , an objective claim 1 , an operational parameter or characteristic claim 1 , a weighting claim 1 , ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Direct feedback regarding metered flow of fuel system

Номер: US20200123986A1
Автор: Michael Hahn
Принадлежит: Woodward Inc

The present disclosure describes a fuel system for an engine. The fuel system includes a fuel metering valve, a flow measuring system, and a controller in communication with the fuel metering valve and the flow measuring system. The fuel metering valve is operable to meter a flow rate of fuel based on a stroke of the fuel metering valve. The flow measuring system is configured to measure a mass flow rate of the fuel leaving the fuel system at a bandwidth greater than 20 Hz. The controller is configured to dynamically adjust the stroke of the fuel measuring system based on the mass flow rate of the fuel measured by the flow measuring system to change the flow rate of the fuel.

02-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190129447A1
Автор: Tulpule Pinak Jayant

Exemplary embodiments include unique apparatuses, methods and systems providing coordinated control of vehicle cohorts. Certain embodiments perform an optimization of a vehicle cohort model and a plurality of vehicle models to determine vehicle cohort operating parameters and individual vehicle operating parameters in order to minimize total vehicle cohort power or a total vehicle cohort energy over a route of travel. Such embodiments further determine vehicle operating commands executable by vehicles of the cohort to implement the vehicle cohort operating parameters and individual vehicle operating parameters. Such vehicle operating commands may be transmitted to, received by and, executed by vehicles of the vehicle cohort. 1. A system comprising:a vehicle cohort controller in operative communication with a plurality of vehicles of a vehicle cohort, the vehicle cohort controller being configured to:store a model of total power or energy consumed by operation of the vehicle cohort in one or more non-transitory memory media,perform an optimization of total power or energy consumed by operation of the vehicle cohort using the model, the optimization providing a plurality of optimized vehicle cohort operating parameters defining positioning of the plurality of vehicles relative to one another and a plurality of optimized individual vehicle operating parameters defining one or more internal operating conditions of individual vehicles of the vehicle cohort,determine a plurality of vehicle operating commands corresponding to respective ones of the plurality of vehicles, the plurality of vehicle operating commands configured to modify operation of the plurality of vehicles to produce the optimized vehicle cohort operating parameters and the optimized individual vehicle operating parameters; andtransmit the plurality of vehicle operating commands to the respective ones of the plurality of vehicles effective to modify operation of the plurality of vehicles to produce the ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Position Control Apparatus

Номер: US20140217952A1
Автор: MIYAJI Masashi
Принадлежит: Okuma Corporation

A position control apparatus is configured to perform full-closed control for controlling the position of a driven member. The position control apparatus includes a vibration period and amplitude detector that detects a vibration period and a vibration amplitude included in a difference value between the position command value and the driven member position detection value. The position control apparatus also includes a constant vibration detector that outputs, as a vibration period of the constant vibration, a vibration period obtained while the driven member is not in an acceleration/deceleration state and the vibration period and the vibration amplitude detected by the vibration period and amplitude detector are equal to or greater than a vibration period threshold value and a vibration amplitude threshold value, respectively. The position control apparatus also includes a control parameter changer that changes the control parameter based on the vibration period output from the constant vibration detector. 2. The position control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe vibration period threshold value is obtained by reducing a predetermined threshold value from a maximum vibration period value detected by the vibration period and amplitude detector as a maximum value of the vibration period.3. The position control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe constant vibration detector is configured to perform a smoothing operation on the amplitude of the vibration detected by the vibration period and amplitude detector while the driven member is not in the acceleration/deceleration state and when the vibration period is equal to or greater than the vibration period threshold value, and configured to determine whether the smoothed amplitude is equal to or greater than the vibration amplitude threshold value.5. The position control apparatus according to claim 1 , whereinthe position feedback value is a value obtained by adding a motor position detection value ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Control Apparatus

Номер: US20160139572A1
Автор: ITO Akira

A control apparatus includes: a tentative target calculator that calculates a tentative target value for a first physical quantity, based on a control target value; a correction calculator that calculates a correction value; and a first target value calculator that calculates as a first target value by adding the correction value to the tentative target value. When a second sensor fails, the first target value calculator designates the tentative target value as the first target value without adding the correction value to the tentative target value. The control apparatus further includes a variation inhibitor that inhibits the designated first target value from greatly varying due to the failure in the second sensor. 1. A control apparatus that performs control of matching a control physical quantity , which is an object of control , with a designated control target value , comprising:a first sensor that measures a first physical quantity;a second sensor that measures a second physical quantity;a target designator that designates a first target value, which is a target value for the first physical quantity, to match the control physical quantity with the control target value; anda main controller that performs control of matching the first physical quantity with the first target value,wherein: a tentative target calculator that calculates a tentative target value, which is a tentative target value for the first physical quantity, based on the control target value,', 'a correction calculator that calculates a correction value, which is added to the tentative target value, based on a first measured value outputted from the first sensor and a second measured value outputted from the second sensor,', 'a first target value calculator that calculates as the first target value a value obtained by adding the correction value to the tentative target value,', 'a failure discriminator that discriminates whether a failure has occurred in the second sensor, and', 'a variation ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170138625A1
Автор: SHIRATORI Mitsugu

An air conditioner has a control-data storage unit to store therein control data, a buffer unit to store therein update data of the control data, a rewriting unit, a data reception unit, and a reception processing unit. The rewriting unit executes a rewriting process of rewriting the control data stored in the control-data storage unit with the update data stored in the buffer unit. The data reception unit receives, through a wireless communication, the update data that is transmitted multiple times from a transmitter. The reception processing unit determines whether the rewriting process is in progress at a time when the update data is received, discards the received update data if the rewriting process is in progress, and stores the received update data in the buffer unit if the rewriting process is not in progress. 1. An air conditioner comprising:a control-data storage unit to store therein control data for air-conditioning control;a buffer unit to store therein update data of the control data;a rewriting unit to execute a rewriting process of rewriting the control data stored in the control-data storage unit with the update data stored in the buffer unit;a data reception unit to receive, through a wireless communication, the update data that is transmitted multiple times from a transmitter; and to determine whether or not the rewriting process is in progress at a time when the update data is received,', 'to discard the received update data if the rewriting process is in progress, and', 'to store the received update data in the buffer unit if the rewriting process is not in progress., 'a reception processing unit'}2. The air conditioner according to claim 1 , further comprising a rewriting decision unit to decide whether to permit or prohibit the rewriting process claim 1 ,wherein when permitted by the rewriting decision unit, the rewriting unit executes the rewriting process.3. The air conditioner according to claim 2 ,wherein the rewriting decision unit ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200130709A1

According to various embodiments, a method for determining a configuration for an autonomous vehicle is described comprising, for each configuration parameter setting of a plurality of configuration parameter settings and each driving scenario of a plurality of driving scenarios, simulating a behavior of an autonomous vehicle configured in accordance with the configuration parameter setting in the driving scenario and determining a continuous measure of a safety of the autonomous vehicle in the driving scenario configured in accordance with the configuration parameter setting based on the simulated behavior, wherein the measure represents a continuous degree of safety of the vehicle configured in accordance with the configuration parameter setting and selecting one or more configurations for the autonomous vehicle based on the determined measures of a safety that meet a threshold degree of safety. 1. A method for determining a configuration for an autonomous vehicle comprising: simulating a behavior of an autonomous vehicle configured in accordance with the configuration parameter setting in the driving scenario; and', 'determining a continuous measure of a safety of the autonomous vehicle in the driving scenario configured in accordance with the configuration parameter setting based on the simulated behavior, wherein the measure represents a continuous degree of safety of the vehicle configured in accordance with the configuration parameter setting; and, 'for each configuration parameter setting of a plurality of configuration parameter settings and each driving scenario of a plurality of driving scenarios'}selecting one or more configurations for the autonomous vehicle based on the determined measures of a safety that meet a threshold degree of safety.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each configuration parameter setting comprises a configuration parameter value for each configuration parameter of a plurality of configuration parameters.3. The method of claim 2 , ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220282839A1
Принадлежит: Solar Turbines Incorporated

Industrial machines positioned along a gas transmission pipeline are controlled using setpoints. Operators of such pipelines would benefit from real-time data and recommendations to guide them in optimizing performance of the pipelines. Accordingly, a compression optimization system is disclosed that monitors and provides real-time data and notifications, recommends optimal control setpoints using a machine-learning or other artificial-intelligence model, which may self-learn to realistically represent the pipeline, and executes simulations for hypothetical scenarios. The compression optimization system enables efficient management of the gas transmission pipeline. 1. A system comprising:at least one hardware processor;a memory; and receive real-time pipeline data representing one or more parameters of a pipeline,', 'add the real-time pipeline data to historical pipeline data stored in the memory,', 'execute a simulation model of the pipeline based on the real-time pipeline data, and', 'generate one or more control setpoints, representing optimum compression, for one or more stations along the pipeline, based on an output of the simulation model., 'one or more software modules that are configured to, when executed by the at least one hardware processor,'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more software modules are further configured to claim 1 , in a self-learning phase claim 1 , use machine learning to update the simulation model claim 1 , using at least a portion of the historical pipeline data as a training dataset claim 1 , to minimize a difference between the output of the simulation model and at least one parameter represented in the historical pipeline data.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the simulation model comprises a steady-state model.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the steady-state model comprises a plurality of models claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of models represents one of a plurality of segments of the pipeline.5. The ...

30-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200133207A1
Автор: ZENG Zhezhao

Disclosed herein is a control method based on disturbance perception, which relates to control theory and engineering. In the method, an error-based dynamic system is established under motivation of the total disturbance based on the error between the expected value and the actual output value of the system, based on which a Disturbance Perception Controller (DPC) model is further established. The control method generally includes the establishment of a tracking error and an integral thereof, and a differential based on a desired trajectory and differential signals thereof, and an actual output of a nonlinear uncertain object and determination of a disturbance perception control law. 1{'sub': 1', '0', '2', 'd', '1, 'img': [{'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00007', '@he': '7.53mm', '@wi': '135.93mm', '@file': 'US20200133207A1-20200430-P00999.TIF', '@alt': 'text missing or illegible when filed', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': 'tif'}, {'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00008', '@he': '7.53mm', '@wi': '135.93mm', '@file': 'US20200133207A1-20200430-P00999.TIF', '@alt': 'text missing or illegible when filed', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': 'tif'}], '(1) establishing a tracking error eand an integral ethereof, and a differential ebased on a desired trajectory yand differential signals thereof and , and an actual output of a nonlinear uncertain object y equal to y=y. A control method based on disturbance perception, comprising:{'sub': '2', 'img': [{'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00009', '@he': '7.53mm', '@wi': '135.93mm', '@file': 'US20200133207A1-20200430-P00999.TIF', '@alt': 'text missing or illegible when filed', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': 'tif'}, {'@id': 'CUSTOM-CHARACTER-00010', '@he': '7.53mm', '@wi': '135.93mm', '@file': 'US20200133207A1-20200430-P00999.TIF', '@alt': 'text missing or illegible when filed', '@img-content': 'character', '@img-format': 'tif'}], 'wherein, y==,'}{'sub': 1', '2', '0', '0', 'c', '0', 'c', '1', 'c', '2, 'img': [{'@id': ' ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190137952A1
Принадлежит: Johnson Controls Technology Company

A self-configuring extremum-seeking controller includes a dither signal generator, a communications interface, a phase delay estimator, and a bandwidth estimator. The dither signal generator identifies a stored dither frequency, generates a dither signal having the stored dither frequency, and uses the dither signal to perturb a control input for a plant. The communications interface provides the perturbed control input to the plant and receives an output signal from the plant resulting from the perturbed control input. The phase delay estimator estimates a phase delay between the output signal and the dither signal. The bandwidth estimator estimates a bandwidth of the plant based on the estimated phase delay. The dither signal generator updates the stored dither frequency based on the estimated bandwidth. 120-. (canceled)21. A self-configuring extremum-seeking controller comprising:a processor; and receive an output signal from the plant representative of an operation of the plant in response to a first control input perturbed using a first dither signal having a first dither frequency;', 'estimate a phase delay between the output signal and the first dither signal;', 'estimate a bandwidth of the plant based on the phase delay;', 'perturb a second control input using a second dither signal having a second dither frequency based on the bandwidth of the plant; and', 'transmit the second control input to the plant., 'a memory comprising a non-transitory machine readable medium storing instructions that, when executed by the processor, cause the processor to22. The controller of claim 21 , wherein the instructions claim 21 , when executed by the processor claim 21 , further cause the processor to:estimate a natural frequency of the plant based on the phase delay; anduse the natural frequency of the plant as the bandwidth of the plant.23. The controller of claim 21 , wherein the instructions claim 21 , when executed by the processor claim 21 , further cause the ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Thermo-economic modeling and optimization of a combined cooling, heating, and power plant

Номер: US20140229012A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A method to manage operating costs of a combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) plant that includes converting complex models of underlying components of the plant into simplified models (S 101 ), performing an optimization that uses the simplified models as constraints of the optimization to output at least one decision variable (S 102 ), and adjusting controls of the plant based on one or more of the output decision variables (S 103 ).

10-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210175711A1

A power supply system includes: a synchronous generator connected to a three-phase power distribution system that is connected to a consumer load; an inverter that is connected to the power distribution system, supplies power to the consumer load, and compensates for unbalanced current of the synchronous generator; and a control device that generates a gate command for controlling the inverter. The control device: generates, based on a three-phase voltage and current output from the inverter, a target output voltage which is an amplitude of a vector in a complex plane combining voltages of three phases, and a target output phase which is a phase of the vector in the complex plane combining the voltages of three phases; generates a first compensation voltage, based on a current negative-phase-sequence component relating to the synchronous generator; and generates a gate command from the generated values. 1. A power supply system comprising:a power distribution system that is connected to a consumer load, the power distribution system being a three-phase power distribution system;a power generation device that is connected to the power distribution system;an inverter that is connected to the power distribution system, supplies power to the consumer load, and compensates for an unbalanced current of the power generation device;an inverter output component calculator that calculates a voltage positive-phase-sequence component, a current positive-phase-sequence component, a voltage angular velocity, and a voltage value relating to the inverter, based on a three-phase voltage and a three-phase current output from the inverter to the power distribution system;a power generation device output component calculator that calculates a current negative-phase-sequence component and a voltage phase relating to the power generation device, based on a three-phase voltage and a three-phase current output from the power generation device to the power distribution system;an active and ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170146981A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corporation

A control device, by which a user causes a servo motor to perform desired operation without being conscious of a maximum torque of the servo motor while easily understanding the transmission characteristic, selects which one of sliding mode control and PID control is adopted to control a servo motor based on at least one of a position deviation and a velocity deviation. 1. A control device for controlling a servo motor or a reference model servo motor to be used for implementing model following control on the servo motor ,the control device comprising:a sliding mode controller configured to implement sliding mode control that determines a torque to be output to the servo motor such that a position deviation indicating a deviation of a position of the servo motor from an externally input position command value and a velocity deviation indicating a deviation of a velocity of the servo motor from an externally input velocity command value converge onto a switching curve determined from a predetermined torque that can be output from the servo motor and a motion characteristic of a load machine to be driven by the servo motor;a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller configured to implement PID control such that the position and velocity of the servo motor follow the position command value and velocity command value; anda selector configured to select the control by the sliding mode controller or the control by the PID controller, based on at least one of the position deviation and the velocity deviation.2. The control device according to claim 1 , whereinthe sliding mode controller and the PID controller are configured to control the reference model servo motor,the control device further comprisinga feedback controller configured to implement the PID control on the actual position and velocity of the servo motor such that the actual position and velocity of the servo motor follow a position and velocity of the reference model servo motor to be controlled by ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации

System and method for superior performance with respect to best performance values in model predictive control applications

Номер: US20180150037A1
Принадлежит: Shell Oil Co

Model predictive control is used to obtain the best performance value for an objective in a dynamic environment. One or more best performance values for a model predictive application are obtained by utilizing asymmetric dynamic behavior that pushes the process to the edges of the operative window. When a setpoint becomes infeasible, a controller slows down when moving away from a specified setpoint. When the infeasibility clears and the controller starts moving back towards the setpoint, the controller follows a tuned speed. When the controller moves in a direction against economic profit, the controller slows down and when moving in the direction of economic profit, the controller follows the tuned dynamic speed. The controller computes the best performance value for each controlled variable and is equal to the setpoint for the controlled variables with a setpoint or the highest profit value between limits for controlled values affected by economic functions.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200142364A1

A central plant optimization system for designing and operating a central plant includes a planning tool, a central plant controller, and an optimization platform. The planning tool is configured to generate a model of the central plant. The central plant controller is configured to receive the model of the central plant from the planning tool and combine the model of the central plant with timeseries data including a timeseries of predicted energy loads to be served by equipment of the central plant. The optimization platform is configured to receive the model of the central plant combined with the timeseries data, construct an optimization problem using the model of the central plant and the timeseries data, solve the optimization problem to determine an optimal allocation of the energy loads across the equipment of the central plant, and provide optimization results to the central plant controller. The central plant controller is configured to use the optimization results to operate the equipment of the central plant to achieve the optimal allocation of the predicted energy loads. 1. A central plant optimization system for designing and operating a central plant , the central plant optimization system comprising:a planning tool configured to generate a model of the central plant, the model of the central plant comprising one or more subplant models representing equipment of the central plant and one or more element links representing connections between the equipment of the central plant;a central plant controller configured to receive the model of the central plant from the planning tool and combine the model of the central plant with timeseries data comprising a timeseries of predicted energy loads to be served by the equipment of the central plant; receive, from the central plant controller, the model of the central plant combined with the timeseries data;', 'construct an optimization problem using the model of the central plant and the timeseries data;', ' ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190147355A1

Machine logic for: (i) selecting a sampled word for use as a next word in a text stream; (ii) determining, by an algorithm, an expected future reward value for the sampled word using a test policy including a training policy and a test-time inference procedure; and (iii) normalizing a set of expected future reward estimate(s) using the expected future reward value for the sampled word. 1. A computer-implemented method comprising:selecting a word for use as a next word in a text stream;determining, by an algorithm, an expected future reward value for the word using a test policy including a training policy and a test-time inference procedure; andnormalizing a set of expected future reward estimate(s) using the expected future reward value for the sampled word using the test policy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the test-time inference procedure is utilized only in the normalization of the set of expected future reward estimate(s).3. The method of claim 1 , where the test-time inference procedure involves any approximate search algorithm such as A* claim 1 , or exhaustive search.4. The method of claim 1 , where the test-time inference procedure is greedy search.5. The method of claim 1 , where the selection of words involves sampling from the policy being learned claim 1 , (prioritized) training or experienced data claim 1 , or any other policy.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the selection of words involves leveraging a similarity metric defined over words claim 1 , sentences claim 1 , or phrases (e.g. a clustering of words claim 1 , sentences claim 1 , or phrases).7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the test-time inference procedure involves leveraging a similarity metric defined over words claim 1 , sentences claim 1 , or phrases (e.g. a clustering of words claim 1 , sentences claim 1 , or phrases).8. The method of wherein the algorithm is a REINFORCE type algorithm.9. The method of wherein the algorithm is an actor-critic policy-gradient type algorithm.10. ...

01-06-2017 дата публикации

Control device, control program, and recording medium

Номер: US20170153609A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corp

A characteristic change, disturbance, and an abnormal state are accurately detected with no use of a high-accuracy simulation model. A control device for controlling a control target includes a predictive value calculator that outputs a predictive value of an output value to an input value with respect to a model of the control target, a prediction error calculator that calculates a relational value indicating a relationship between the predictive value and a measured value of output of the control target; and a change detector that compares a first relational value to a second relational value, the first relational value being the relational value in a reference state in which the control target operates normally, the second relational value being the relational value in an operating state in which the control target is operated.

09-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160161925A1

A variable PID gain design device, including: a parameter setting unit for setting a natural frequency, a damping ratio, a sampling time, and a nonlinear damping, which enable establishment of an error dynamics required for controlling an object to be controlled; a PID gain induction unit for inducing a PID gain, using the correlation between a PID control and a backstepping control with time delay estimation and nonlinear damping (BCTND), the PID control controlling, using the set parameters, the object to be controlled; and a PID gain calculating unit for calculating a gain of a PID controller by adjusting a BCTND control gain on the basis of the induced PID gain. 1. A variable PID gain design device , wherein a PID controller controls a multi-variable nonlinear object to be controlled in a discrete time domain , comprising:a parameter setting unit for setting a natural frequency, a damping ratio, a sampling time, and a nonlinear damping factor (hereinafter referred to as “parameters”), which enable establishment of an error dynamics required for controlling an object to be controlled;a PID gain induction unit for inducing a PID gain, using the correlation between a PID control and a backstepping control with time delay estimation and nonlinear damping (BCTND), the PID control controlling, using the set parameters, the object to be controlled; anda PID gain calculating unit for calculating a gain of a PID controller by adjusting a BCTND control gain on the basis of the induced PID gain.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe parameter setting unit sets a nonlinear damping factor W such as a variable parameter that is determined by a feedback of an output of the object to be controlled and an expected output.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe PID gain induction unit induces, via numerical differentiation an input of the PID control and an input of the BCTND control, the PID gain using the correlation between the two control inputs.4. The apparatus of claim 1 ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299949A1
Автор: OYAMA Hiroyuki
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

The information processing device B mainly includes an abstract model information acquisition unit X, a measurement information acquisition unit Y, and an abstract model generation unit Z. The abstract model information acquisition unit X is configured to acquire abstract model information I regarding an abstract model in which dynamics in a workspace where a robot performs an objective task is abstracted. The measurement information acquisition unit Y is configured to acquire measurement information Im indicating a measurement result in the workspace . The abstract model generation unit Z is configured to generate an abstract model Σ based on the abstract model information I and the measurement information Im. 1. An information processing device comprising:at least one memory configured to store instructions; andat least one processor configured to execute the instructions toacquire abstract model information regarding an abstract model in which dynamics in a workspace where a robot performs a task is abstracted;acquire measurement information indicating a measurement result in the workspace; andgenerate an abstract model based on the abstract model information and the measurement information.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , information relating to the robot included in the measurement information and', 'information relating to a target object subjected to operation by the robot., 'wherein the at least one processor is configured to generate the abstract model based on'}3. The information processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one processor is configured, in a case where the robot performs a task relating to pick-and-place, to generate the abstract model that is a model of a hybrid system in which an operation of grasping a target object by the robot is abstractly expressed by a logical variable.4. The information processing device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one processor is further configured to ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299950A1

A controller includes: an acquisition unit configured to acquire process data for an actually used controlled object; and a calculation unit configured to, based on at least one of a target set value and parameters for the actually used controlled object, convert the process data acquired by the acquisition unit, and calculate a manipulated variable for the actually used controlled object by use of the converted process data and a trained model. Upon receiving input of process data for a specific controlled object, the trained model outputs a manipulated variable for approximating process data for the specific controlled object to a specific target set value. The parameters include parameters for specifying the relation between manipulated variables for the actually used controlled object and process data obtained by use of the manipulated variables. 1. A controller comprising:an acquisition unit configured to acquire process data for an actually used controlled object; anda calculation unit configured to, based on at least one of a target set value and parameters for the actually used controlled object, convert the process data acquired by the acquisition unit, and calculate a manipulated variable for the actually used controlled object by use of the converted process data and a trained model, whereinupon receiving input of process data for a specific controlled object, the trained model outputs a manipulated variable for approximating process data for the specific controlled object to a specific target set value, andthe parameters include parameters for specifying a relation between manipulated variables for the actually used controlled object and process data obtained by use of the manipulated variables.2. The controller according to claim 1 , further comprising a function adjustment unit configured to adjust a mapping function based on a result of comparison between at least one of the target set value and the parameters for the actually used controlled object ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299951A1

Methods for building models that estimate compositional properties of a process may include (a) receiving data relating to a process; (b) cleaning the data by identifying and removing outlying data points from the data; and conditioning the data; (c) identifying inferential model parameters comprising a parameter selected from the group consisting of: a compositional property of the process as a model output that is not part of the data, operational constraints of the process, interactions between process variables of the chemical process, and any combination thereof; (d) building one or more inferential models based on the cleaned data and the inferential model parameters; and (e) outputting the one or more models and the corresponding validation metric. 1. A method comprising:receiving data relating to a process; identifying and removing outlying data points from the data; and', 'conditioning the data;, 'cleaning the data to yield cleaned data, wherein cleaning the data comprisesidentifying inferential model parameters comprising a parameter selected from the group consisting of: a compositional property of the process as a model output that is not part of the data, operational constraints of the process, interactions between process variables of the process, and any combination thereof; identifying input variables from the cleaned data;', 'fitting the input variables from a first portion of the cleaned data to a model;', 'validating the model using a second portion of the cleaned data to yield a validation metric corresponding to the model; and, 'building one or more inferential models based on the cleaned data and the inferential model parameters, wherein building comprisesoutputting the one or more models and the corresponding validation metric.2. The method of further comprising:selecting a preferred model from the one or more models based on the corresponding validation metric.3. The method of further comprising:implementing the preferred model relative to ...

22-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220299989A1

Provided is a method for configuring a thermal energy storage system including the following steps: 1. A method for configuring a thermal energy storage system , comprising the following steps:providing a thermal energy storage device for storing heat,providing a plurality of temperature sensors at different locations of the thermal energy storage device for measuring temperatures at the different locations,providing a control device of the thermal energy storage system for reading measurement data of the plurality of temperature sensors,generating a numerical model for at least one first temperature sensor of the plurality of temperature sensors based on measured and/or simulated temperature values of the plurality of temperature sensors by means of machine learning, andstoring the numerical model by control device of the thermal energy storage, for configuring the thermal energy storage system.2. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe numerical model is generated on the basis of a temperature distribution of a heat transfer fluid of the thermal energy storage device.3. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe numerical model is generated on the basis of a pressure and/or mass flow distribution of a heat transfer fluid of the thermal energy storage device.4. The method according to claim 1 , whereinthe numerical model is generated for multiple temperature sensors of the plurality of temperature sensors.5. The method according to claim 1 , whereinfor generating the numerical model, a computational fluid dynamic model and/or a finite element method model and/or a discrete element method model of the thermal energy storage device for representing temperatures of a plurality of volume elements of the thermal energy storage device is used, wherein the numerical model is based on properties of the thermal energy storage device.6. A thermal energy storage system claim 1 , comprising a thermal energy storage device for storing heat claim 1 , a plurality of ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200150599A1

A plurality of evaluation functions and a machine learning result of each of the evaluation functions are output so that a relation between the evaluation function and the learning result can be ascertained. An output device includes: an output unit that outputs a plurality of evaluation functions used by a machine learning device that performs machine learning of parameters of components of a servo control device that controls a servo motor that drives an axis of a machine tool, a robot, or an industrial machine and a machine learning result of each of the evaluation functions; and an information acquisition unit that acquires the machine learning result from at least one of the servo control device and the machine learning device. 1. An output device comprising:an output unit that outputs a plurality of evaluation functions used by a machine learning device that performs machine learning of parameters of components of a servo control device that controls a servo motor that drives an axis of a machine tool, a robot, or an industrial machine and a machine learning result of each of the evaluation functions; andan information acquisition unit that acquires the machine learning result from at least one of the servo control device and the machine learning device.2. The output device according to claim 1 , whereinthe output unit includes a display unit that displays the plurality of evaluation functions and the machine learning result acquired for each of the evaluation functions on a display screen.3. The output device according to claim 1 , comprising:an information output unit that outputs a parameter selected on the basis of the machine learning result of each of the plurality of evaluation functions from a plurality of parameters machine-learned using the plurality of evaluation functions to the servo control device.4. The output device according to claim 1 , comprising:an information output unit that outputs a change instruction to an evaluation function selected ...
