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19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661808C2

Изобретение относится к способу расширения области обзора дисплейного устройства для отображения контента. Технический результат заключается в расширении ограниченной экранной области, имеющейся в вычислительных устройствах, в целях обеспечения возможности работы в многозадачном режиме для пользователей. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что способ включает этапы, на которых определяют наличие окулярного вычислительного устройства вблизи первичного вычислительного устройства. Первичное вычислительное устройство имеет первичный дисплей, который выполнен с возможностью отображения контента. Окулярное вычислительное устройство включает вторичный дисплей. Окулярное вычислительное устройство соединяют с первичным вычислительным устройством. Определяют направление обзора для окулярного вычислительного устройства относительно первичного дисплея. Отображают на вторичном дисплее дополнительный контент, который является дополнением к контенту, отображаемому на первичном дисплее. Вторичный дисплей ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2612031C2
Принадлежит: СЯОМИ ИНК. (CN)

Изобретение относится к области управления устройствами посредством обнаружения ориентации устройства, а именно к управлению съемкой и соответствующему устройству. Техническим результатом является обеспечение возможности автоматически инициировать интеллектуальный мобильный терминал для фотографирования путем обнаружения действия пользователя с помощью интеллектуального носимого устройства, чтобы интеллектуальный мобильный терминал мог фотографировать с помощью дистанционного управления, без инициирования пользователями кнопки съемки вручную в интеллектуальном мобильном терминале в процессе съемки. Для этого, когда интеллектуальный мобильный терминал обнаруживает, что он находится в состоянии съемки, он инициирует интеллектуальное носимое устройство для обнаружения действия пользователя. Интеллектуальное носимое устройство отправляет полученную кривую собственного движения интеллектуальному мобильному терминалу. Потом интеллектуальный мобильный терминал инициирует приложение камеры для ...

11-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU212838U1

Гаптическая перчатка относится к манипуляторам, а именно к виртуальным перчаткам, и может быть использована для получения данных о позиции и ориентации кисти человека, а также ориентации фаланг его пальцев. В дальнейшем эта информация может быть использована для управления в режиме реального времени робототехническими или виртуальными объектами. Устройство состоит из перчатки, выполненной из ткани. На перчатке расположены шесть гироскопов, причем пять из них расположены на средних фалангах мизинца, безымянного, среднего, указательного и большого пальцев, один гироскоп расположен на запястье. Гироскопы могут крепиться на любой фаланге пальцев. Однако с точки зрения удобства и целесообразности оптимальным является крепление на средней фаланге пальцев. Помимо этого, на тыльной стороне перчатки расположена штанга, на концах которой закреплены два световых маркера. При этом все шесть гироскопов и два световых маркера соединены гибким кабелем с блоком управления, на котором имеется модуль радиосвязи ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2696978C1

Изобретение относится к дисплеям с сенсорным экраном для транспортных средств. Техническим результатом является снижение отвлечения водителя транспортного средства, когда транспортное средство находится в эксплуатации. Предложено определять местоположение первого носимого устройства на основе первой биометрической сигнатуры. Работа дисплея с сенсорным экраном ограничивается, если местоположение первого носимого устройства находится на стороне оператора салона транспортного средства и первое носимое устройство находится в пределах первого расстояния от дисплея. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

07-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU179301U1

Полезная модель относится к манипуляторам, а именно к виртуальным перчаткам, предназначенным для работы с интерактивными устройствами, компьютерной робототехникой и компьютером. Техническим результатом полезной модели является возможность получать и передавать в компьютер или другое устройство данные о положении пальцев, кистей рук, локтевых и плечевых суставов, а также осуществлять тактильную обратную связь путем передачи вибрации на пальцы. Также техническим результатом является возможность фиксировать виртуальную модель руки не в локтевом суставе, а в плечевом и с высокой точностью распознавать и передавать на компьютер или иное устройство всех возможных движений руки, в том числе и в горизонтальной плоскости. Еще одним преимуществом является возможность использования вне стационарно оборудованных помещений, что удобно при использовании решения вместе с мобильными устройствами (смартфонами) или портативными решениями виртуальной и дополненной реальностей. Указанный технический результат ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695053C1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике. Технический результат – обеспечение отслеживания пространственных манипуляторов перед экраном отображения объектов 3D-сцены. Способ управления трехмерными объектами в виртуальном пространстве содержит: получение 3D-координат глаз пользователя с помощью устройства отслеживания; получение 3D-координат и угловых параметров манипулятора с помощью устройства отслеживания, расположенного в каждом манипуляторе; определение действий, которые следует выполнить с объектом 3D-сцены, путем определения воздействия на органы управления манипулятора; построение карты глубины 3D-сцены с учетом 3D-координат глаз пользователя; построение 3D-луча от каждого манипулятора и определение ближайшего к пользователю объекта 3D-сцены, пересекаемого 3D-лучом; построение 3D-сцены с учетом информации о ближайших к пользователю объектах 3D-сцены, пересекаемых 3D-лучами с обеспечением эффекта параллакса движения и/или эффекта бинокулярного параллакса; вывод изображения 3D-сцены ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Способ, устройство и электронное оборудование для управления виртуальной реальностью

Номер: RU2677566C1

Изобретение относится к способам управления виртуальной реальностью (VR). Технический результат заключается в повышении точности ввода данных. Такой результат достигается за счет получения данных датчика, указывающих на передвижение носимого VR-устройства в трехмерном пространстве в течение заданного периода времени, определяемого первым моментом времени, в который принимается первая инструкция управления, и вторым моментом времени, в который принимается вторая инструкция управления; определение траектории передвижения носимого VR-устройства в течение заданного периода времени на основе данных датчика, полученных в течение заданного периода времени; управление устройством выполнения функций VR для выполнения операций, соответствующих траектории передвижения, и отображения на дисплее VR-устройства результатов операций, соответствующих траектории передвижения; получение данных датчика, указывающих на передвижение носимого VR-устройства в трехмерном пространстве, от первого гироскопического ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Betreiben eines mobilen Geräts an Bord eines Fahrzeugs und mobiles Gerät zum Betrieb an Bord eines Fahrzeugs sowie Fahrzeug

Номер: DE102018129233B4

Ein Verfahren zum Betreiben eines mobilen Geräts an Bord eines Fahrzeugs umfasst Schritte des Bestimmens einer räumlichen Ausrichtung des mobilen Geräts in dem Fahrzeug, des Bestimmens einer Lage wenigstens einer am Fahrzeug angebrachten Ausgabevorrichtung; des Identifizierens einer der bestimmen Ausgabevorrichtungen basierend auf der erfassten Ausrichtung des mobilen Geräts; und des Ausgebens einer Ausgabe des mobilen Geräts auf der bestimmten Ausgabevorrichtung. Dabei erfolgt das Identifizieren der bestimmten Ausgabevorrichtung auf der Basis einer Auswertung der Ausrichtung des mobilen Geräts im Raum zu einer erfassten Ausrichtung des Fahrzeugs im Raum.

30-08-2006 дата публикации

Handheld device for navigating and displaying data

Номер: GB0002423685A

A handheld device (1) for navigating through and displaying data comprises projection means (10) for projecting a selected portion (4) of a larger data set (3) on a projection surface (2) and data navigation means which select in response to the orientation, position and/or movement of the device (1) the data to be displayed by the projection means (10). The device (1) can be intuitively used to pan through a large data set and to visualise an area of interest.

19-03-2008 дата публикации

A handheld device for displaying information

Номер: GB0002423137B

28-06-2017 дата публикации

Videogame controller, system and entertainment device

Номер: GB0002522008B
Автор: MARK HEMS, Mark Hems

11-11-2015 дата публикации

Mobile device data transfer using location information

Номер: GB0002525902A

A method and system are provided for mobile device data transfer using location information carried out at a mobile sending device 501. The method comprises: receiving a user gesture 512 on a touch sensitive screen of the mobile sending device; determining the direction of the gesture based on an orientation 511 of the mobile sending device; determining a location of the mobile sending device; combining the direction of the gesture and the location of the mobile sending device to give a three-dimensional direction 512 or vector from the mobile sending device; identifying possible receiving devices currently at locations in the three-dimensional direction from the mobile sending device; and wirelessly transmitting data to a receiving device 504. If multiple receiving devices are identified, a prompt may be provided to the user to select a receiving device. A receiving device may be paired with the mobile sending device and receive position updates. Identified receiving devices may be displayed ...

29-06-2016 дата публикации

An interactive video system and a method of controlling an interactive video system

Номер: GB0002533637A

A video system comprising a display 12, a motion sensor 6 integrated with the display and a controller or processor 4. When the display is moved and the processor receives a signal from the motion sensor, the processor causes a change in the displayed video output. This change may be the display of a different video. A sound sensor 8 may also be connected to the processor, and the processor may also cause a change in the displayed video based on sound input. The change in the displayed video may only occur when receiving a motion and sound signal simultaneously. A sliding scale may be provided on the display to indicate the level of detected movement. A training system comprising the video system is also claimed. The training system might feature videos of industrial accidents.

12-03-2003 дата публикации

Controlling an electronic device by detecting a handheld member with a camera

Номер: GB0002379493A

A means for controlling an electronic device 1 comprises a control member 4 adapted to be held in a users hand and moved in space. The control member 4 has at least one characteristic such as the shape of spokes 8,9,19,11 or coloured marks such as circle, square, cross and triangle 12,13,14,15 enabling its position and orientation in space to be determined. A camera means 5 detects the position of the control member 4 with respect to time and an analysing means 6 analyses the positional information to ascertain the movement of the control member 4. Control signal generating means 7 generates signals for the electronic device 1 in response to the analysed movement of the control member 4. The camera means may be a stereoscopic array of pinhole cameras, or a single camera; the member 4 may have a ring (23, fig 4) connecting the spokes; while the analysing means 6 may be hardware or software. Comparison with a reference image of the control member may be made. The means may join to a games ...

14-07-2004 дата публикации

Apparatus for producing a virtual spatial array

Номер: GB0002397132A

Apparatus for producing a virtual spatial array comprises a number of individual cells comprising a number of field transducers 9 producing fields which are scanned cyclically by a scan controller 10 to identify and record the position of a disturbance in the array. A position register 11 records the position of the cell or cells in which the disturbance has taken place and produce an output, representative of the position or positions. The arrangement may be used for example to produce a virtual keypad for a phone, for a computer mouse or in a three dimensional security passed panel. The field transducers produce magnetic, electric or electrostatic fields wherein an inductive disturbance, radio disturbance or capacitive disturbance is detected respectively.

03-04-2013 дата публикации

A head-mounted somatosensory control and display system based on a user's body action

Номер: GB0002495159A

A head-mounted somatosensory control and display system is suitable for use as a head-mounted movie theatre for use in an airplane cabin. It includes a base unit, an image pick-up device which may be a microcamera (32, figure 3), a display device which can be LCD display module (34, figure 3) and a processing device (36, figure 3). The display device may be mounted on the base unit at a position that is viewable by the user. The image pick-up device is mounted on the base unit at a position having a visual filed closely approximating to that of the user's eyes. The image pick-up device captures an image of the user's body action such as a specific hand gesture and the processing device analyzes the body action 503, 504, thereby overlaying the body action onto virtual images displayed on the display device and even allowing the user to immersively interact with virtual objects.

17-06-2015 дата публикации

Display apparatus

Номер: GB0002521107A

Display apparatus 10 comprises a display arrangement operative to provide an image on a display surface 18, and plural hand-held input apparatus 12. Each of the plural hand-held input apparatus 12 is configured to sense its location without receiving position information from the display arrangement and to transmit corresponding location information. The display apparatus 10 is configured to provide plural control entities, each of the plural control entities corresponding to a different one of the plural hand-held input apparatus 12. Each control entity is operative to determine where a trace is displayed on the display surface 18 in dependence on location information received from a respective one of the plural hand-held input apparatus 12, whereby a trace is displayed on the display surface 18 in dependence on movement of each of the plural hand-held input apparatus 12. The hand-held input apparatus may comprise inertial sensing apparatus, which may comprise a three-axis accelerometer ...

11-06-2008 дата публикации

Joystick for video game machine

Номер: GB0000807954D0

03-08-2011 дата публикации

A Hand Operated Controller

Номер: GB0002477347A

A controller for maneuvering an interrogation plane relative to a reference surface; the interrogation plane intersects the reference surface and is associated with a pole about which the interrogation plane is rotatable; the pole has an adjustable angle of inclination relative to the reference surface; the controller comprises a base 10, a handle 12 and an arm 14 extending from a connection 16 with the base to a connection 18 with the handle; the arm has hinge able joints 16, 20 which hinge to allow the handle to be translated relative to the base in arbitrary directions across a user surface; position sensors which measure the translation of the handle relative to the base on the user surface, the translation provides a corresponding translation of the interrogation plane relative to the reference surface; the handle is rotatable about a rotation axis 30 and is tiltable about a tilt axis 34 to allow the handle to be angularly moved relative to the user surface; angle sensors are used ...

08-04-2009 дата публикации

Orientation detection

Номер: GB0000902939D0

07-09-1994 дата публикации

Haptic computer input device

Номер: GB0009414373D0

24-10-2001 дата публикации

Controlling electronic device

Номер: GB0000121536D0

14-01-2015 дата публикации

Portable electronic device including virtual keyboard and method of controlling same

Номер: GB0002516190A

A method includes displaying a keyboard on a display of an electronic device, detecting a tilt of the device, and when the detected tilt is associated with a keyboard transformation function, resizing one or keys of the keyboard.

28-10-1998 дата публикации

A pointing device

Номер: GB0009819249D0

17-05-2023 дата публикации

Gesture-centric user interface

Номер: GB0002603392B

03-08-2022 дата публикации

Gesture-centric user interface

Номер: GB0002603392A

A gesture-recognition (GR) device made to be held or worn by a user includes an electronic processor configured by program instructions in memory to recognize a gesture. The device or a cooperating system may match a gesture identifier to an action identifier for one or more target devices in a users environment, enabling control of the target devices by user movement of the GR device in three-dimensional space.

31-12-2013 дата публикации

Method, system and mobile terminal for mobile terminal-based image display

Номер: AP2013007334A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Intruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal and server

Номер: AP2014008020A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Intruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal and server

Номер: AP0201408020A0

31-10-2014 дата публикации

Intruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal and server

Номер: AP0201408020D0

31-12-2013 дата публикации

Method, system and mobile terminal for mobile terminal-based image display

Номер: AP0201307334D0

31-12-2013 дата публикации

Method, system and mobile terminal for mobile terminal-based image display

Номер: AP0201307334A0

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000485556T

25-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006009U1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Steuerung eines Mauszeigers auf einem Bildschirm. Die genannte Vorrichtung hat die Größe und Form einer Fernseherfernbedienung. Mittels Gyrostaten wird die Neigung und die Schwenkung der Vorrichtung gemessen, entsprechend dieser Neigung und Schwenkung der Vorrichtung wird der Mauszeiger am Bildschirm bewegt. Wichtig ist noch eine Deaktivierungstaste, sodass die Vorrichtung bewegt werden kann, ohne daß sich der Mauszeiger bewegt. Die Betätigung der Deaktivierungstaste würde dem Aufheben, also dem von der Unterlagen heben, einer konventionellen Maus entsprechen. Fig. 1 zeigt in perspektivischer Ansicht eine Ausführungsform der erfindungsgemäßen Vorrichtung welche eine linke und rechte Maustaste (1), eine Deaktivierungstaste (2), weitere Tasten (3), ein Handrad (4), eine Hochachse (5), eine Querachse (6), eine Längsachse (7) und einen Griff (8) aufweist.

15-09-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000336743T

29-05-1997 дата публикации

Information retrieval and display systems

Номер: AU0007325696A

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Headphones with interactive display

Номер: AU2018329647B2
Принадлежит: Phoenix Intellectual Property

A novel headphone system includes a first speaker assembly, a second speaker assembly, and an interactive visual display system. The interactive visual display system includes a display operative to output visual contents according to interaction with a user. In one embodiment, one of the displays can be a transparent display placed in front of the user's eyes. Live images passing through the transparent display can be merged with the digital image generated by the transparent display to give the user an augmented reality experience. In another embodiment, the headphone system includes an external device interface that enables a user to interact with the contents displayed from the screen via an external device or via the Internet. In another embodiment, the interactive visual display system is removable from the rest of the headphone system and can optionally be installed in another compatible non-headphone device.

04-03-2002 дата публикации

Imaged toggled data input product

Номер: AU0008491501A

20-10-2003 дата публикации

Input device, system and method for controlling objects that can be displayed on a display

Номер: AU2003233961A8

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and method for moving cursor thereof

Номер: AU2011371364A1

Disclosed are a mobile terminal and a method for moving a cursor thereof. The method comprises: acquiring accelerations a ...

30-11-2017 дата публикации

Displaying relevant user interface objects

Номер: AU2013404001B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

Techniques for displaying relevant user interface objects when a device is placed into viewing position are disclosed. The device can update its display in response to user input. Display updates can be based on a logical arrangement of user interface information along a z-axis.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Projected user interface system for multiple users

Номер: AU2013206685A1

... - 38 PROJECTED USER INTERFACE SYSTEM FOR MULTIPLE USERS A method (699) of projecting a user interface (205) for a plurality of users with a calculated orientation (614) is provided. The method detects (601) gestures from the plurality of users associated with a projection of the user interface and applies (603) a weighting, representing a level of interaction between a user and the user interface, to each of the detected gestures according to (601) a gesture type and a context (602) of the user interface when the gesture was detected, the context including consideration of positions of the plurality of users. An orientation of the user interface is calculated (604) based on the weighting of the detected gestures and the context of the user interface, and the user interface is projected (605) for the plurality of users with the calculated orientation. 7569715_1 P073176_speci lodge Fig. 9 ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации

Instruction triggering method and device, user information acquisition method and system, terminal, and server

Номер: AU2013248815A1

Disclosed are an instruction triggering method and device, a user information acquisition method and system, a terminal, and a server. An instruction triggering method includes: detecting a shaking operation of a mobile terminal; and according to the acquired shaking operation, triggering a preset input instruction. A user information acquisition method includes: a mobile terminal sending a user information acquisition request to a server when a shaking operation is detected; and the mobile terminal receiving the user information of a matching user which is returned by the server according to the user information acquisition request. Another user information acquisition method includes: after a server receives a user information acquisition request from a mobile terminal triggered by a shaking operation, acquiring a user matching with the user information acquisition request, and sending the user information of the matching user to the mobile terminal. The present invention improves the ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Control terminal for processing systems

Номер: AU2015306432A1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The invention relates to a control terminal (20) for processing systems having a communication apparatus (28) configured to exchange information with a communication partner via the processing system, a screen (22) configured to display information about the processing system, a position sensor (26) configured to detect output information concerning an alignment of the control terminal (20) and a processor (24), configured to control the communication apparatus (28), the screen (22) and the position sensor (26). The functionality of the control terminal is expanded in that the processor (24) adjusts a function of the control terminal (20) in dependence on alignment information of the position sensor (26).

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Method, system and apparatus for detecting a change in angular position of a camera

Номер: AU2017202584A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

... -39 Abstract METHOD, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING A CHANGE IN ANGULAR POSITION OF A CAMERA A method of detecting a change in angular position of a camera. A plurality of frames 5 captured by the camera is received, each frame being associated with brightness and acceleration metadata. The brightness metadata is associated with a frame being representative of brightness of a scene captured by the frame. A contiguous set of candidate panning motion frames is selected from the plurality of frames, based on similarity of acceleration characteristics, to determine a change of brightness metadata in the selected contiguous set of 10 frames. An angular movement score is determined for the selected contiguous set of frames using the change of brightness metadata. A change in the angular position of the camera is detected based on the angular movement score to adjust a manner in which the plurality of frames is displayed by a display device coupled with the camera. 12841109v1 -1/9 C\J C%4 ...

18-06-2001 дата публикации

Hand held data processor unit

Номер: AU0001880901A

30-10-2001 дата публикации

Combined pointing device and joystick

Номер: AU0005250101A

17-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002759335A1

The present disclosure provides a portable electronic device having a sensor arrangement for gesture recognition and a method for gesture recognition. In accordance with one example embodiment, the portable electronic device comprises: a processor; a flexible housing including a magnet; a magnetic sensor connected to the processor which monitors a magnetic field generated by the magnet.

30-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2773348C

Systems and methods for navigating a three- dimensional (3D) media guidance application are provided. A first selectable media guidance object may be displayed on a screen that when viewed through the stereoscopic optical device may appear in a first plane. A second selectable media guidance object may be displayed on the screen that when viewed through the stereoscopic optical device may appear in a second plane. The first and second planes may be perceived to intersect an axis normal to the display in different locations. A user selection of at least one of the first and second selectable media guidance objects may be received. An action of moving a cursor in 3D space or selecting one of the selectable media guidance objects displayed in the 3D space may be performed based on the user selection. The user selection may be performed with an input device having an accelerometer.

17-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3132983A1

A holographic display system for a portable electronic device. The display system includes a case configured to receive the portable electronic device and a projector coupled to the case by a first hinge element. The projector includes a projector screen for generating images. A reflective element is coupled to the projector by a second hinge element. The reflective element is oriented to reflect light from the images in order to create holographic images perceptible to a user of the portable electronic device. The case may include a connector for receiving, from the portable electronic device, a video signal defining the images. The holographic display system may further include a substantially transparent touch screen attached to the first hinge element.

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014264A1

The present invention relates to a wireless positioning pen with a pressure- sensitive tip comprising an electric power source, optical system (1), inertial sensors and Bluetooth wireless technology, in which a casing (6) is provided with the second casing (7) in the rear, and the top part is provided with holes (61) with fingerboards (8) with buttons; said casing (6) provides a sliding housed body (4) with a battery (10) therein, a head (3) is attached to the front part thereof, and the first cover is (5) provided with a fastening mechanism (51 ) attached to lower part of the body (4), wherein the said body (4) houses a printed circuit board (2) consisting of the first fixed part (21), the second fixed part (22), the third fixed part (23), and the fourth fixed part (24) mutually interconnected with flexible parts (20), wherein the front body (4) part is provided with the optical system (1) configured for sliding thereof on the PCB fixed part (14) bearing the optical sensor (13) connected ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003008423A1

The group of inventions relates to microelectronics and describes an inertial device which can determine the magnitude of revolutions of the device body in the horizontal plane and vertical plane irrespective of the angle to which said body rotates relative to its longitudinal axis. Methods for controlling electronic systems with the use of the inertial device are also described.

02-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002166508A1

An optical scanning system for reading indicia of differing light reflectivity has an optical scan module (1) which is adapted to be mounted on a finger of a user. A first peripheral module (7), preferably in the form of a wrist watch, has a receiver (920) which detects the reflected light. A second peripheral module (9), mounted on the other arm of the user, communicates with the first module by radio frequency transmission. According to other aspects of the invention, the light detector may be mounted in a housing which is separate and apart from the optical scan module. According to another aspect, a laser pointer or scanner is mounted to a ring (1) which is arranged to be worn on a single finger of the user.

22-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002200718C
Принадлежит: FAGER, JAN G., FAGER JAN G

A control equipment provided with an operator-actuated control member (1) having a transducer (10, 11) that receives signals which propagate linearly between a plurality of signal sources (M1-M4) and the transducer. The equipment has means (10, CU) sensing the directions from the transducer to t he signal sources, which therefrom determines the angles between the sight line s from the transducer to the signal sources and, on the basis of these angles, determines the position of the control member.

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Portable computer with sticks the X, Y and Z-optionally retractable or removable.

Номер: CH0000708757A2

Linvention concerne un ordinateur portable équipé de sticks mobiles dans les axes x, y et éventuellement z. Ces sticks sont soit intégrés dans le corps de lordinateur soit amovibles et munis dune fiche USB. Dans une réalisation, le système est pourvu dun guide conique creux où lon peut, par exemple, introduire un stylo faisant alors office de tige du joystick. La présente invention offre à lusager un plus grand confort, une précision accrue et une rapidité bien meilleure que la souris tactile équipant chaque ordinateur portable lorsquil sadonne à des jeux vidéos, des supports de simulations 3D. Le système proposé dans la présente invention permet également une utilisation très ergonomique de son ordinateur portable surtout lorsque la personne se trouve en voyage et dispose de très peu de place.

30-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201301064A1

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000111420U

10-08-2016 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000112276C2

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000110191C2

11-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000115083C2

20-01-2016 дата публикации

Method and device for non-contact sensing of reproduced image pointing location

Номер: CN0105264470A

19-04-2017 дата публикации

Identifying gestures using motion data

Номер: CN0106575150A

14-08-2020 дата публикации

Building safety experience method and system based on VR integrated helmet technology

Номер: CN0111540058A

16-02-2018 дата публикации

Method for controlling display using sensor data and electronic device thereof

Номер: CN0107710724A

01-01-2019 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for converting gyroscope events of Android system

Номер: CN0109117001A

01-07-2015 дата публикации

Estimating the gravity vector in a world coordinate system using an accelerometer in a mobile device

Номер: CN104756039A

An accelerometer located within a mobile device is used to estimate a gravity vector on a target plane in a world coordinate system. The accelerometer makes multiple measurements, each measurement being taken when the mobile device is held stationary on the target plane and a surface of the mobile device faces and is in contact with a planar portion of the target plane. An average of the measurements is calculated. A rotational transformation between an accelerometer coordinate system and a mobile devices coordinate system is retrieved from a memory in the mobile device, where the mobile devices coordinate system is aligned with the surface of the mobile device. The rotational transformation is applied to the averaged measurements to obtain an estimated gravity vector in a world coordinate system defined by the target plane.

18-01-2017 дата публикации

A handle for realizing human -computer interaction

Номер: CN0205899500U

06-08-2008 дата публикации

Method of determining the motion of a pointing device

Номер: CN0101238429A

20-08-2014 дата публикации

Outdoor augmentation reality system

Номер: CN0203786778U

06-04-2018 дата публикации

Wireless virtual reality helmet system based on double -basis station space orientation technique

Номер: CN0207198798U

20-11-2013 дата публикации

Finger mouse

Номер: CN102163092B

30-07-2014 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and method for realizing user posture detection through operation system

Номер: CN103955271A

The invention relates to terminal equipment, in particular to mobile terminal equipment and a work method for detecting the user posture. The mobile terminal equipment and the work method solve the problem of body injury caused by incorrect posture of users during the terminal equipment using. A mobile terminal comprises a posture sensing module, a user configuration input module, a warning signal output module, an operation system operating device, a display screen and one or a plurality of application program modules. The operation system operating device comprises a posture service module which identifies the face position of the user and generates posture parameters, the posture parameters are compared with a threshold value, and warning data and/or posture correcting data is generated. A terminal equipment user posture detection method provided by the invention comprises the steps of configuration input, posture detection, posture comparison, posture prompt and the like. The mobile ...

10-03-2020 дата публикации

Sensor data acquisition method, intelligent terminal, storage medium and electronic equipment

Номер: CN0110874143A

20-10-2010 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing method, and information processing program

Номер: CN0101866214A

The invention provides an information processing apparatus, and an information processing method. The information processing apparatus include: a control detection block configured to detect a control in a predetermined detection space; a position detection block configured to detect a three-dimensional position of a control detected by the control detection block; a threshold value setting block configured, if the control has approached the control detection block beyond a threshold value set to a predetermined distance through the control detection block on the basis of a three-dimensional position detected by the position detection block, to set the threshold value farther from the control detection block than the predetermined distance; a setting change block configured, if the control has exceeded the threshold value set by the threshold value setting block, to change setting values for predetermined processing; and a processing execution block configured to execute the processing ...

19-02-2019 дата публикации

A screen capture method and a mobile terminal

Номер: CN0109358793A
Автор: PENG YE

06-07-2018 дата публикации

The trigger into the writing mode of the method and device

Номер: CN0108255498A

20-04-2018 дата публикации

Intelligent wearing equipment, working method, and device with storage function

Номер: CN0107943279A

07-12-2016 дата публикации

Terminal control method, terminal control apparatus and terminal

Номер: CN0106203008A

10-09-2019 дата публикации

Video file playing method, device, storage medium and terminal

Номер: CN0110221765A

07-12-2018 дата публикации

Control method in electronic terminal and electronic terminal

Номер: CN0108959890A

21-12-2016 дата публикации

Method for triggering residual shadow elimination refreshment on electronic ink screen

Номер: CN0106249919A

21-04-2020 дата публикации

Display device, user terminal device, display system including the display device and user terminal device, and control method thereof

Номер: CN0111052053A

23-07-2019 дата публикации

Haptic activation peripheral for two-dimensional tracking and three-dimensional tracking

Номер: CN0110045813A

27-02-2018 дата публикации

A three-dimensional positioning device and its positioning method

Номер: CN0104345906B

05-12-2017 дата публикации

Indicating stick detection device and indicating stick detection method

Номер: CN0103946668B

15-06-2016 дата публикации

Method for realizing air mouse remote controller

Номер: CN0103428552B

02-10-2020 дата публикации

System, method and apparatus for foot control actions and motion control in virtual reality and simulation environments

Номер: CN0107708820B

25-06-2019 дата публикации

Information processing system and information processing method

Номер: CN0106255940B

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Hand-held equipment screen control system and control method

Номер: CN0103455133B

08-12-2017 дата публикации

By the gestural control of an audio user interface

Номер: CN0103999021B

25-12-2013 дата публикации

Air electronic mouse

Номер: CN0203366233U

14-09-2016 дата публикации

Mobile communication equipment and its input device

Номер: CN0101772750B

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for presenting a first person world view of content

Номер: US20120013609A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

An approach is provided for presenting a global view of content. A content mapping platform determines a viewing location of a device with respect to a user interface, wherein the user interface depicts a three-dimensional object in which a surface closest to the viewing location is transparent to show, at least in part, an opposite surface of the three-dimensional object. Further, the content mapping platform then determines at least one target location associated with at least one content item. Furthermore, the content mapping platform causes, at least in part, a rendering of the at least one content item on the opposite surface of the three-dimensional object based, at least in part, on the at least one target location.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Signaling device position determination

Номер: US20120026084A1
Автор: Bradley N. Suggs
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A system and method for providing user input to a device. A system includes a light source, a user positioned signaling device, an image capture device, and an image processor. The user positioned signaling device includes a retroreflective structure and a polarization retarder. The image capture device captures images of the signaling device. The image processor processes the captured images and determines a position of the signaling device based, at least in part, on light polarized and reflected by the signaling device.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Viewing Content on a Mobile Computing Device

Номер: US20120026197A1
Автор: Xintian Li
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Innovation Center Inc

Methods and apparatus for changing the display of content on a mobile computing device are disclosed. In one embodiment, a non-transitory, tangible computer readable storage medium, encoded with processor readable instructions to perform a method of changing a content display on a mobile computing device screen comprises operatively receiving and processing a first signal comprising visual content and displaying at least a portion of the visual content on screen. In additional a second signal is provided from at least one sensor and the mobile computing device is subsequently moved, the second signal is processed and the display of the at least a portion of the visual content on the mobile computing device screen is changed relative to the movement of the device.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Three Dimensional User Interface Effects on a Display by Using Properties of Motion

Номер: US20120036433A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

The techniques disclosed herein use a compass, MEMS accelerometer, GPS module, and MEMS gyrometer to infer a frame of reference for a hand-held device. This can provide a true Frenet frame, i.e., X- and Y-vectors for the display, and also a Z-vector that points perpendicularly to the display. In fact, with various inertial clues from accelerometer, gyrometer, and other instruments that report their states in real time, it is possible to track the Frenet frame of the device in real time to provide a continuous 3D frame-of-reference. Once this continuous frame of reference is known, the position of a user's eyes may either be inferred or calculated directly by using a device's front-facing camera. With the position of the user's eyes and a continuous 3D frame-of-reference for the display, more realistic virtual 3D depictions of the objects on the device's display may be created and interacted with by the user.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for controlling object

Номер: US20120038551A1

An object controlling apparatus and method are provided. An object of a virtual world may be more intuitively and readily manipulated by controlling an operation, a state, a shape, and the like of the object based on transform information associated with the object and a pointing signal for manipulating the virtual that is received from an input device. In addition, by manipulating the object based on information matching the input pointing signal between internal transform information and total transform information, a unique transform operation may be assigned to each object and thus, the user may be provided with a variety of functions. Here, the internal transform information is uniquely set for each object and the total transform information is set to be commonly applied to all the objects of the virtual world.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Information processing device, information processing method, and program

Номер: US20120050270A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided an information processing device including a display control section configured to display objects in a virtual three-dimensional space, the virtual three-dimensional space including a depth direction of a display screen and having a center region and a peripheral region located around the center region, and an acquisition section configured to acquire an operation on the objects at least in the depth direction based on a movement of a body of a user. The range of the depth direction in which the objects are displayed is set to a first range in the center region and to a second range narrower than the first range in the peripheral region.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Information processing device and information processing method

Номер: US20120057792A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A processing device and method is provided. According to an illustrative embodiment, the device and method is implemented by detecting a face region of an image, setting at least one action region according to the position of the face region, comparing image data corresponding to the at least one action region to the detection information for purposes of determining whether or not a predetermined action has been performed, and generating a notification when it is determined that the predetermined action has been performed.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Image display apparatus and method for operating the same

Номер: US20120062457A1
Автор: Chungha Lee, Hongjin LEE

An image display apparatus and a method for operating the same are discussed. According to an embodiment, the method for operating the image display apparatus having a display screen, includes processing a signal for displaying a first object; associating, by the image display apparatus, the first object with a pointer to be displayed, the pointer being movable according to a pointing operation of a pointing device associated with the image display apparatus; and automatically displaying, by the image display apparatus on the display screen, the first object and the pointer on the first object based on the associating step.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Virtual touch control apparatus and method thereof

Номер: US20120062477A1
Автор: Chun-Huang Lin
Принадлежит: Chip Goal Electronics Corp

The present invention discloses a virtual touch control apparatus and a method thereof. The virtual touch control apparatus includes a virtual touch interface for generating a graphic display; a remote controller device controllable by a user to interact with the virtual touch control interface, wherein the interaction between the remote controller device and the virtual touch control interface generates a coordinate or an action command; a data format converter device converting the coordinate or action command into data with a format compatible to a physical touch control apparatus; and a processor for processing the converted data.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Hands-Free Control of Mobile Communication Device Based on Head Movement

Номер: US20120064951A1

A user controls a function of a mobile terminal with the aid of a motion sensor integrated in a headset. A motion sensor in the headset detects movement of the user's head and transmits head movement signals to the mobile. The mobile terminal uses the head movement signals received from the headset to control a function of the mobile terminal. For example, the mobile terminal may lock or unlock the mobile terminal based on the user's head movement. The mobile terminal may also accept, decline, initiate, or terminate a call based on the user's head movement. Head movement may also be used to navigate desktop icons and menus to perform tasks such as starting programs and selecting music for play back.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Remote Control Functionality Including Information From Motion Sensors

Номер: US20120068922A1
Автор: Amir Nobakht
Принадлежит: Viaclix Inc

According to some aspects, the invention provides methods and apparatuses for incorporating motion sensors into a full function remote control. In addition to using movement for cursor location on an associated display, the invention can use the motion sensor information in many new and useful ways. As one example, information about movement along the ±Z axis can be used to activate a “zoom in” function when remote pointed toward the screen and “zoom out” when it is pulled back. As another example, a remote control incorporating the invention can include controls on two opposite sides, and the motion sensors can be used to activate controls on one side of the device and deactivate controls on the other side based on its orientation.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and displaying method thereof

Номер: US20120075182A1

A mobile terminal and a control method thereof are provided. The mobile terminal may include a body, at least one display provided to one side of the body, at least one key button provided to the body to receive a user input, a sensing unit to sense a motion of the body, and a controller to cancel a lock screen displayed on the display based on the motion detected by the sensing unit when the user input is acquired through the key button.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

System and method for tracking an electronic device

Номер: US20120076359A1
Автор: Yaron Tanne
Принадлежит: Y T Ventures Ltd

A system for tracking a spatially manipulated user controlling object using a camera associated with a processor. While the user spatially manipulates the controlling object, an image of the controlling object is picked-up via a video camera, and the camera image is analyzed to isolate the part of the image pertaining to the controlling object for mapping the position and orientation of the device in a two-dimensional space. Robust data processing systems and computerized method employing calibration and tracking algorithms such that minimal user intervention is required for achieving and maintaining successful tracking of the controlling object in changing backgrounds and lighting conditions.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Interactive presentaion control system

Номер: US20120079435A1
Автор: Ping-Yang Chuang
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

An interactive presentation control system includes a computer, a projection screen, a computer-controlled projector, and a presentation control device. The projector projects images generated by the computer onto the projection screen. The presentation control device includes a storage unit, an image capturing unit, and a processing unit. The storage unit stores a control table recording relationship between gesture shadow patterns and control commands Each gesture shadow pattern corresponds to one control command. The image capturing unit captures an image of the projection screen periodically. The processing unit processes the captured image to determine whether the captured image includes a gesture shadow pattern, and determine the corresponding control command if the determined gesture shadow pattern is recorded in the control table. The processing unit further generates a control signal corresponding to the determined control command, and transmits the control signal to the computer through the communication unit.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Access of an application of an electronic device based on a facial gesture

Номер: US20120081282A1
Автор: David H. Chin
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of accessing an application of an electronic device based on a facial gesture is disclosed. In one aspect, a method of an electronic device includes capturing an image of a face a user through a camera of the electronic device such that an application of the electronic device is accessible through the electronic device based on the image of the face of the user. The facial gesture of the image of the face of the user of the electronic device is determined to be associated with a user-defined facial gesture. The facial gesture of the image of the face of the user is compared with a designated security facial gesture. An access of the application of the electronic device is permitted when the facial gesture of the image of the face of the user of the electronic device matches the designated security facial gesture.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Gesture-Based Animal Trainer

Номер: US20120092170A1
Принадлежит: Radio Systems Corp

A gesture-based animal trainer is provided. The gesture-based animal trainer is configured to be used by a person that provides gesture commands to an animal. As used herein, the term “gesture commands” refers to gestures that are each associated with a respective animal training command, wherein a gesture is defined as a selected group of movements performed by a person. The gesture-based animal trainer detects whether the person performs a gesture command and provides a stimulus to the animal in accordance with the gesture command. Upon the animal associating the respective stimulus with the gesture command, the gesture-based animal trainer allows the animal to receive the gesture command regardless of whether the person is within the animal's line of sight.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Proximity sensor with motion detection

Номер: US20120092254A1

A proximity sensor with movement detection is provided. The proximity sensor may provide a navigation function in response to movement of an object. The proximity sensor includes a driver operable to generate a current to a plurality of light sources in a particular timing sequence, a photo detector configured to receive light and generate an output signal, a controller configured to report the movement of an object near the proximity sensor if the output signal pattern generated matches one of the output signal patterns from among a set of known output signal patterns. The proximity sensor may be configured to provide a navigation operation when an object moves near the proximity sensor.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Input device, input control system, method of processing information, and program

Номер: US20120092332A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An input device includes a housing having a two dimensional detection surface, a first detection unit detecting a position coordinate of a detection object that travels on the detection surface and outputting a first signal to calculate a travel direction and an amount of travel of the detection object, a second detection unit detecting gradient of the detection surface relative to one reference plane in a spatial coordinate system to which a screen belongs and outputting a second signal to calculate a tilt angle of the detection surface relative to the reference plane, and a control unit generating a control signal to three dimensionally control a display of an image displayed on the screen based on the first signal and the second signal.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

User Input Device

Номер: US20120105312A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A user input device is described. In an embodiment the user input device is hand held and comprises a sensing strip to detect one-dimensional motion of a user's finger or thumb along the sensing strip and to detect position of a user's finger or thumb on the sensing strip. In an embodiment the sensed data is used for cursor movement and/or text input at a master device. In an example the user input device has an orientation sensor and orientation of the device influences orientation of a cursor. For example, a user may move the cursor in a straight line in the pointing direction of the cursor by sliding a finger or thumb along the sensing strip. In an example, an alphabetical scale is displayed and a user is able to zoom into the scale and select letters for text input using the sensing strip.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Position aware gestures with visual feedback as input method

Номер: US20120110516A1
Автор: Ilya Tumanov
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

A gesture based user interface is provided for a user to interact with a device in order to operate and control the device through detection of gestures and movements of the user. Visual feedback of the user gestures is provided to the user to aid in the user's operational and control decisions of a device. An image capturing device such as a video camera may be employed to capture a user's image, and an integrated application on a computing device may process continuous images from the capturing device to recognize and track user gestures. The gestures may correlate to an object and/or location on the display and the user's image may be projected on the display to provide visual feedback of the user's interaction.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Interactive pointing device

Номер: US20120112996A1

An interactive pointing device having pointing function in space and game control is provided in the present disclosure. The interactive pointing device comprises an accelerometer module, a dual-axis gyroscope device, and a micro processing unit. The accelerometer module functions as sensing the movement of the operator and generates at least one axis of accelerating signal corresponding to the sensed movement. The dual-axis gyroscope device functions as sensing rotation status of the interactive pointing device about dual axis and generate a corresponding rotating signal. The micro processing unit processes the at least one axis of accelerating signal and the rotating signal so as to interact with an electronic device accordingly. The micro processing unit is able to use the rotating signal to compensate the accelerating signal and assist an action evaluation process of the interactive pointing device operating under different operation modes.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Display with an optical sensor

Номер: US20120113062A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A display system can include a panel 110 and a three dimensional optical sensor. The three dimensional optical sensor 115 can be to determine depth of an object located in the field of view of the three dimensional optical sensor. A transparent layer 105 can be in front of the panel and the three dimensional optical sensor.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Fingertip tracking for touchless user interface

Номер: US20120113241A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

In general, this disclosure describes techniques for providing a gesture-based user interface. For example, according to some aspects of the disclosure, a user interface generally includes a camera and a computing device that identifies and tracks the motion of one or more fingertips of a user. In some examples, the user interface is configured to identify predefined gestures (e.g., patterns of motion) associated with certain motions of the user's fingertips. In another example, the user interface is configured to identify hand postures (e.g., patterns of showing up of fingertips). Accordingly, the user can interact with the computing device by performing the gestures.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Image recognition apparatus, operation determining method and computer-readable medium

Номер: US20120119988A1
Автор: Kenji Izumi
Принадлежит: Shimane Prefecture

An accurate determination of an operation is possible. Data photographed by a video camera is read by an image reading unit, and an image of an operator is extracted from the data by an image extracting unit. As a result of such preparation, a virtual operation screen and an operation region are created based upon the extracted image of the operator. In a case of an adult operator, an operation region can be created in consideration with a length (position of sight line) or a length of an arm, and in a case of a child, since a length is lower and a length of an arm is shorter, an operation region can be set to match it.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Applying Model Tracking to Motion Capture

Номер: US20120127176A1
Автор: Jeffrey Margolis
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

An image such as a depth image of a scene may be received, observed, or captured by a device and a model of a user in the image may be generated. The model may then be adjusted to mimic one or more movements by the user. For example, the model may be a skeletal model having joints and bones that may be adjusted into poses corresponding to the movements of the user in physical space. A motion capture file of the movement of the user may be generated in real-time based on the adjusted model. For example, a set of vectors that define the joints and bones for each of the poses of the adjusted model may be captured and rendered in the motion capture file.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for selecting item using movement of object

Номер: US20120131518A1

An item selecting apparatus includes a movement detecting unit detecting a movement of a user, a screen displaying image information, a display image storage unit storing data to generate an image to be displayed on the screen, a display image generating unit generating an image to be displayed on the screen, and a control unit controlling so that a plurality of items is displayed on the screen in one of one-, two- and three-dimensional arrangements, in which the control unit receives a signal from the movement detecting unit to measure a movement of the object in at least one of x-, y- and z-axis directions and issues a command to select at least one from among the plurality of items or provides visual feedback thereto, in response to the measured movement of the user and in accordance with the arrangement of the plurality of items on the screen.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for searching for e-book in portable terminal

Номер: US20120137245A1
Автор: Ji-Woo LEE, Sung-Hyun Kim

A device and a method for searching for an electronic book (e-book) in a portable terminal are provided. More particularly, a device and a method for searching for an e-book in a portable terminal, which can conveniently manage and search for a plurality of e-books in a portable terminal, are provided. The device includes a display unit for displaying categories of e-books that each include one or more e-books, and a controller for controlling such that an e-book is searched for by displaying and scrolling through the categories of e-books according to a detected shift of the portable terminal, a corresponding category is enlarged according to a touch to the corresponding category, and at least one of the one or more e-books included in the enlarged category is displayed.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Acceleration sensor module with attitude determining function

Номер: US20120137776A1
Принадлежит: Hokuriku Electric Industry Co Ltd

An X-axis acceleration level determining section determines whether an X-axis acceleration signal output from a three-axis acceleration sensor has a value equal to or more than a predetermined positive threshold level, a value equal to or less than a predetermined negative threshold level, a value between the positive threshold level and a level of 0, or a value between the level of 0 and the negative threshold level. A Y-axis acceleration level determining section also makes a similar determination for a Y-axis acceleration signal output from the three-axis acceleration sensor. An attitude determining section determines the rotated attitude of a device equipped with the three-axis acceleration sensor with respect to the Z axis based on results of determinations made by the X-axis acceleration level determining section and the Y-axis acceleration level determining section.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Golf club apparatuses and methods

Номер: US20120139729A1
Принадлежит: Radar Corp

Methods, apparatuses, machine readable non-transitory storage media, and systems which process measured light values in order to determine the status of a golf club relative to a golf club bag are described. In one embodiment, a system uses a floating threshold, which is between a running bright average and a running dark average, to determine whether to add a current light meter value to one or the other of these running averages. In another embodiment, a system resets or re-seeds the running averages so that re-seeded averages are used after exiting from a sleep state such as a dark sleep state. In another embodiment, a system uses light sensor information or other sensor information to determine when a club is in use. In another embodiment, an active golf ball tag includes a sensor (e.g. one or more impact sensors) to detect when a golf ball is hit and to cause an RF transmitter to transmit an RF signal to an RFID reader.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Operation control device, operation control method, and input device

Номер: US20120146901A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides an operation control device for preventing an incorrect operation during a change in a holding pattern of an input device. The operation control device is an operation control device which controls an operation inputted into a grippable input device by a user, including: a grip state detection unit ( 103 ) configured to detect a first grip state which is a state in which the user is holding the input device; an orientation detection unit ( 106 ) configured to detect an orientation of the input device; a holding pattern determination unit ( 1107 ) configured to determine whether or not the user is changing a holding pattern of the input device by determining whether or not a combination of the first grip state and the orientation corresponds to a predetermined combination; and an operation control unit ( 108 ) configured to invalidate the operation inputted into the input device when it is determined that the user is changing a holding pattern of the input device and configured to validate the operation inputted into the input device when it is determined that the user is not changing a holding pattern of the input device.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Gesture recognition apparatus, gesture recognition method, control program, and recording medium

Номер: US20120146903A1
Принадлежит: Omron Corp

A gesture recognition apparatus has a temperature sensor in which a plurality of infrared sensors are arranged, a change region specifying unit that specifies a change region where a temperature change is generated as a region indicating a hand based on a temperature detected by each infrared sensor of the temperature sensor, and a gesture recognition unit that specifies a movement locus of the change region specified by the change region specifying unit and recognizes a gesture of the hand.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Enhanced detection of circular engagement gesture

Номер: US20120151421A1
Автор: Ian Clarkson
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

The enhanced detection of a circular engagement gesture, in which a shape is defined within motion data, and the motion data is sampled at points that are aligned with the defined shape. It is determined whether a moving object is performing a gesture correlating to the defined shape based on a pattern exhibited by the sampled motion data. An application is controlled if determining that the moving object is performing the gesture.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Integrated Camera-Projection Device

Номер: US20120154595A1
Автор: Jari Sassi

A projector for projecting media, such as video and images, comprises an integrated camera. The camera can capture an image of a subject external to the projector, as well as an image of the media being projected. To capture these images, a controller dynamically changes the orientation of one or more reflective members of a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) within the projector.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Image processing device and image display device

Номер: US20120162409A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The input device and the input system include a hand detection means which detects the position of the hand, a body part detection means which detects positions of user's body parts such as the face, for example, a relative position calculation means which calculates a relative position of the hand with respect to body parts from hand position information being a detection result of the hand detection means and body part position information being a detection result of the body part detection means, and a gesture recognition means which recognizes a hand gesture on the basis of a change in the hand position information being the detection result of the hand detection means, wherein when a hand gesture is recognized, the operation of the input device with respect to the user's gesture is changed according to a relative position of the hand with respect to body parts.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Classification of posture states

Номер: US20120163723A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Systems and methods for estimating a posture of a body part of a user are disclosed. In one disclosed embodiment, an image is received from a sensor, where the image includes at least a portion of an image of the user including the body part. The skeleton information of the user is estimated from the image, a region of the image corresponding to the body part is identified at least partially based on the skeleton information, and a shape descriptor is extracted for the region and the shape descriptor is classified based on training data to estimate the posture of the body part.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adaptive gesture recognition

Номер: US20120167017A1
Автор: Andy Oh
Принадлежит: SLING MEDIA LLC

Systems and methods are described for adaptively recognizing gestures indicated by user inputs received from a touchpad, touchscreen, directional pad, mouse or other multi-directional input device. If a user's movement does not indicate a gesture using current gesture recognition parameters, additional processing can be performed to recognize the gesture using other factors. The gesture recognition parameters can then be adapted so that subsequent user inputs that are similar to the previously-rejected inputs will appropriately trigger gesture commands as desired by the user. Gestural data or parameters may be locally or remotely stored for further processing.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Gesture recognition apparatus and method of gesture recognition

Номер: US20120176303A1
Автор: Yuichi Miyake
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A gesture recognition apparatus ( 200 ) which controls a display device ( 101 ) based on a gesture operation performed by a user in a vicinity of a screen ( 101 a ) includes: a picture obtainment unit ( 201 ) which obtains a picture of the vicinity of the screen ( 101 a ); a direction determination unit ( 204 ) which determines, based on position information indicating a direction from the screen ( 101 a ) or the picture obtainment unit ( 201 ) toward the user, an operational direction which is a direction of a movement to be recognized as the gesture operation; a gesture recognition unit ( 205 ) which recognizes, as the gesture operation, a movement of whole or part of a body of the user in the operational direction determined by the direction determination unit, with reference to the obtained picture; and a display control unit ( 206 ) which controls the display device ( 101 ) based on the recognized gesture operation.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Surgical device

Номер: US20120179072A1
Автор: Marc Kegreiss
Принадлежит: Erbe Elecktromedizin GmbH

A surgical device for the treatment of biological tissue has a surgical instrument with at least one HF electrode and an HF surgical unit with an HF generator for generating an HF voltage and supplying an HF current to the HF electrode, and a control device for open-loop or closed-loop control of the HF generator. The surgical instrument has a movement detection device to detect a movement sequence of the surgical instrument and the HF surgical unit has an evaluation device for evaluating a movement sequence detected by the detection device. The movement detection device and the evaluation device are connected to each other, movement sequences of the surgical instrument detected by the detection device can be transmitted to the evaluation device, and the HF surgical unit is configurable by an evaluation of the movement sequences of the surgical instrument by the evaluation device.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus, information processing system, and information processing method

Номер: US20120179408A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An information processing apparatus includes: an operation unit configured to calculate, based on information on an acceleration detected by an acceleration sensor included in an operation device that is operated by a user, movement information as information on one of a velocity and a movement distance of the operation device; and a correction unit configured to correct, based on information obtained by the acceleration sensor within an acceleration period as a period between an acceleration start time and an acceleration end time of the operation device, the movement information of the operation device within a period between the acceleration end time of the operation device and a movement end time at which the movement ends, that is calculated by the operation unit.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Natural input for spreadsheet actions

Номер: US20120180002A1
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

Different gestures and actions are used to interact with spreadsheets. The gestures are used in manipulating the spreadsheet and performing other actions in the spreadsheet. For example, gestures may be used to move within the spreadsheet, select data, filter, sort, drill down/up, zoom, split rows/columns, perform undo/redo actions, and the like. Sensors that are associated with a device may also be used in interacting with spreadsheets. For example, an accelerometer may be used for moving and performing operations within the spreadsheet.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Ar glasses with sensor and user action based control of external devices with feedback

Номер: US20120194553A1
Принадлежит: Osterhout Group Inc

This disclosure concerns an interactive head-mounted eyepiece with an integrated processor for handling content for display and an integrated image source for introducing the content to an optical assembly through which the user views a surrounding environment and the displayed content, wherein the eyepiece includes sensor and user action based control of external devices with feedback.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Ar glasses with state triggered eye control interaction with advertising facility

Номер: US20120200601A1
Принадлежит: Osterhout Group Inc

This disclosure concerns an interactive head-mounted eyepiece with an integrated processor for handling content for display and an integrated image source for introducing the content to an optical assembly through which the user views a surrounding environment and the displayed content, wherein the eyepiece includes a state triggered eye control interaction with advertising facility.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Camera Control Means to Allow Operating of a Destined Location of the Information surface of a Presentation and Information System

Номер: US20120200759A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

The invention concerns a control device for controlling an information device arrangement. Control device includes camera means (CAM) and display means (VF) to allow operating of a destined location of the information surface. Destined location is adapted for determination from the control information being in the image information (IMAGE) formed by the camera means (CAM). The control device is arranged at least to determine from the control information of the image information (IMAGE) data (x1, y1, hei, wid, gx, gy) in order to determine a continuous stream of locations pointed by the control device. System, method and program products are also targets of the present invention.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Ar glasses with event and sensor input triggered user action capture device control of ar eyepiece facility

Номер: US20120206322A1
Принадлежит: Osterhout Group Inc

This disclosure concerns an interactive head-mounted eyepiece with an integrated processor for handling content for display and an integrated image source for introducing the content to an optical assembly through which the user views a surrounding environment and the displayed content, wherein the eyepiece includes event and sensor input triggered user action capture device control.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Handheld electronic device and function control method thereof

Номер: US20120212403A1
Автор: Jun Zhang, Qi-Long Yu

A handheld electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes an electrode unit, a storage unit, and a processing unit. The electrode unit includes a main body defining an annular cavity, a plurality of electrode groups, and a conductive element arranged within the annular cavity, wherein each of the plurality of the electrode groups includes a pair of conductive sheets, which are partially received in the annular cavity and are spaced apart from each other. When the electronic device is rotated to be in different orientation, the conductive element connects different electrode groups and the conductive sheets of the one of the electrode groups are connected to each other via the conductive element. The processing unit determines the connected electrode groups and executes a function corresponding to the determined electrode group. A function control method of the handheld electronic device is also provided.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Operation input device

Номер: US20120212410A1
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment Inc

To provide an operation input device capable of realizing operation input by changing the posture of the operation input device even without a posture determining sensor. This is an operation input device for use by a user while being held by his/her hand, for obtaining a captured image captured by an image capturing unit provided to the operation input device, and determining the posture of the operation input device, based on the result of analysis on the captured image obtained.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Opinion feedback in a computer-based social network

Номер: US20120221964A1
Автор: Shlomo Markel
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A method for soliciting opinion feedback in a computer-based social network in which the computer-based social network is populated by a set of users defined by social profiles indicating shared interests with an individual. The method includes displaying, in substantially real-time, a mirrored-representation of an individual based upon a captured digital image of the individual. The individual identifies an item of a plurality of items, wherein the mirrored-representation mimics a motion gesture of the individual to identify the item. The individual adorns the mirrored-representation with the identified item of the plurality of items, uploads the adorned mirrored-representation to the computer-based social network. The individual receives, in response, opinion feedback relating to the adorned mirrored-representation from at least a subset of the set of users.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Visual Pairing in an Interactive Display System

Номер: US20120223883A1
Автор: Yoram Solomon
Принадлежит: Interphase Corp

An interactive display system including a wireless pointing device including a camera or other image capture system. Pairing of the pointing device is performed by a computerized display system displaying a visual pairing code at its display, for capture by the pointing device. The pairing code may be displayed in a form that is human-readable, human-perceptible but not human-readable, or human-imperceptible. In response to detecting the pairing code, the pointing device transmits a wireless signal to the computerized display system including the pairing code. If the pairing code received by the display system matches that originally displayed, the computerized display system authorizes the pointing device as a source of control signals in the graphical user interface manner. Various additional handshaking approaches in combination with the visual pairing procedure are disclosed.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

3d interactive input system and method

Номер: US20120223909A1

A three-dimensional (3D) interactive input system comprises a holographic image generator defining an enclosed space to accommodate a 3D object and configured to generate a holographic image of the 3D object that appears adjacent an input region of the holographic image generator. A projection unit is configured to project image data onto the 3D object, the image data projected onto the 3D object appearing on the holographic image. A sensing unit is configured to detect user proximity to the input region. Processing structure is configured to process sensing unit output and in response, update image data projected by the projection unit.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

System, Method and Device for Presenting Different Functional Displays When Orientation of the Device Changes

Номер: US20120229370A1
Принадлежит: Cox Communications Inc

Different functional views for a mobile device are provided depending on orientation of the device. The mobile device includes an enclosure and a display disposed within the enclosure, wherein the display presents a functional view to a user when the device is positioned in a first orientation and a second functional view when the display is rotated to a second orientation.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Gesture support for controlling and/or operating a medical device

Номер: US20120229383A1
Принадлежит: BRAINLAB AG

The invention relates to a gesture support device ( 10 ) for controlling and/or operating a medical device ( 24 ), wherein the gesture support device is used to make gestures which are to be detected by a gesture detection system ( 23 ) and translated into control and/or operating inputs for the medical device ( 24 ), characterized in that the gesture support device ( 10 ) comprises discrete or delimited sections ( 12 - 18 ) which can be recognized as such by the gesture detection system ( 23 ). It also relates to a system for controlling and/or operating a medical device ( 24 ), comprising such a gesture support device, and to a method for controlling and/or operating a medical device ( 24 ).

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Mobile terminal and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20120231839A1

A mobile terminal and a method of controlling the same are provided. The mobile terminal includes: a body; a sensing unit for acquiring a motion of the body; a camera provided in at least one side of the body to photograph an image; at least one display provided in at least one side of the body; and a controller for forming information related to at least one object included in the photographed image into a group according to the acquired motion and for controlling to display the information in the at least one display. Therefore, information is formed into a group and displayed according to a motion of a body and thus a state that can easily select necessary information can be provided.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Touchless interactive display system

Номер: US20120235892A1
Принадлежит: Motorola Solutions Inc

A touchless interactive display system includes a display with a display area bounding the display. A reflective surface is located along an edge of the display. One optical sensor opposes and faces the reflective surface so that the optical sensor has a primary, non-reflected field of view and a secondary, reflected field of view that is reflected back from the reflective surface. The primary field of view covers a first portion of the display area that is less than the whole display area, and the reflected field of view covers a second portion of the display area, such that the first and second portions of the display area cover the entire display area. The optical sensor and a processor are operable to detect an object placed within at least one of its first and second fields of view without having the object touch the display.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Control systems and methods for head-mounted information systems

Номер: US20120235902A1
Принадлежит: Recon Instruments Inc

A head-mounted information system is provided, the head-mounted information system comprising a frame configured to be mounted on a head of a user, a display unit coupled to the frame, a sensor unit coupled to the frame comprising one or more motion sensors, and, a processor unit coupled to the frame and connected to receive signals from the motion sensors. The processor unit comprises a processor and a memory accessible by the processor. The processor unit is configured to monitor the received signals and enter a gesture control mode upon detection of a gesture control enable signal. In the gesture control mode the processor is configured to convert signals received from the motion sensors into menu navigation commands.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Advanced remote control of host application using motion and voice commands

Номер: US20120236025A1
Принадлежит: Kopin Corp

A head mounted microdisplay (HMD) device that uses hand, body, head movement or gesture and voice commands to control interaction with a local processor or host computer. The local processor overlays information, such as onto an operating system desktop or application program menu, indicating the motion, gesture, and/or voice input needed to activate an associated action.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Hybrid keyboard

Номер: US20120242514A1
Автор: Min-Chih Hsuan
Принадлежит: Smile Technology Co Ltd

The invented hybrid keyboard comprises: a main body, to provide an enclosing space; an input key assembly including at least one input key and a corresponding encoder, to generate predetermined signals in response to striking operations of said at least one input key; and an output module, to pick up said signals generated by said input key assembly and to output said signals; characterized in that said input key assembly further comprises a motion sensor, to generate predetermined signals in response to motions detected by said motion sensor.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

See-through near-eye display glasses including an auto-brightness control for the display brightness based on the brightness in the environment

Номер: US20120242678A1
Принадлежит: Osterhout Group Inc

This disclosure concerns an interactive head-mounted eyepiece with an integrated processor for handling content for display and an integrated image source for introducing the content to an optical assembly through which the user views a surrounding environment and the displayed content. The image source includes an auto-brightness control that controls the brightness of the displayed content based on the brightness in the environment.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Interactive input system and method

Номер: US20120249422A1

An interactive input system comprises an interactive surface, an illumination source projecting light onto the interactive surface such that a shadow is cast onto the interactive surface when a gesture is made by an object positioned between the illumination source and the interactive surface, at least one imaging device capturing images of a three-dimensional (3D) space in front of the interactive surface, and processing structure processing captured images to detect the shadow and object therein, and determine therefrom whether the gesture was performed within or beyond a threshold distance from the interactive surface and execute a command associated with the gesture.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Virtual Touchpad Using a Depth Camera

Номер: US20120249468A1
Автор: Jeffrey Brian Cole
Принадлежит: Microsoft Corp

The subject disclosure is directed towards a virtual touchpad comprising a region in space positioned relative to a detected user with which a user interacts by hand movements as determined from frames of depth data obtained via a depth camera. The user's hand position or positions in the virtual touchpad region may be converted to coordinates, such as for posting to a message queue for use by an application. The computing device and depth camera may be incorporated into a robot that moves on a floor, with the depth camera angled upwardly and the virtual touchpad region tilted to facilitate user interaction.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for tracking augmented reality content

Номер: US20120249528A1
Принадлежит: Maxst Co Ltd

Provided are an apparatus and method for tracking augmented reality content using a mobile sensor. The method includes recognizing an augmented reality marker from an input image and calculating a position and posture of the recognized augmented reality marker, calculating a position and posture of augmented reality content corresponding to the augmented reality marker using the calculated position and posture of the augmented reality marker, synthesizing the augmented reality content with the input image using the calculated position and posture of the augmented reality content, and displaying the synthesized image, updating the position and posture of the augmented reality content using a 6-axis sensor when the augmented reality marker is not recognized in the input image; and synthesizing the augmented reality content with the input image using the updated position and posture of the augmented reality content, and displaying the synthesized image.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Virtual pointer

Номер: US20120249531A1
Автор: Håkan Jonsson

An electronic device for enabling display of a virtual object representing a real object on a remote display may be placed in a first position and first orientation. The virtual object is displayed on the remote display. The electronic device generates a virtual beam, which is displayed on the remote display, and directs the virtual beam towards the virtual object by moving the electronic device from the first position/first orientation to a second position and second orientation. The electronic device determines the second position/second orientation in relation to the virtual beam. The electronic device selects the virtual object to which the virtual beam is directed based on the determined orientation and position. The electronic device transfers information about the selected virtual object to the remote display. The information enables display of the selected virtual object or a representation of the selected virtual object on the remote display.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

System and method for filtering content based on gestures

Номер: US20120254228A1
Автор: John Patoskie
Принадлежит: Recursion Software Inc

In order to provide filtering of content to be presented on a mobile device, a gesture-based preferencing system and method may be employed. When content is presented to a user, the user may indicate a positive or negative preference toward that content by making a gesture. The gesture may be detected by a motion sensor and the preference of the content indicated by the gesture may be stored in a preference datastore. The preference may be used to subsequently filter content that is to be presented to the user.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Controlling method and system for handheld communication device and recording medium using the same

Номер: US20120270609A1
Принадлежит: HTC Corp

A controlling method and a controlling system for a handheld communication device are provided. In the present method, a tilting state of the handheld communication device is detected by using a G-sensor when a notice is activated. Then, whether the tilting state is changed from a face up state to a face down state is determined. The handheld communication device is controlled to perform a function when the tilting state is confirmed to be changed from the face up state to the face down state. Accordingly, the handheld communication device may be controlled to perform a function timely according to the positioned state of the device without going through complicated procedures, so as to provide a more intuitive and convenient way to control the handheld communication device.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Gesture recognition using plural sensors

Номер: US20120280900A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Oyj

Apparatus comprises a processor; a user interface enabling user interaction with one or more software applications associated with the processor; first and second sensors configured to detect, and generate signals corresponding to, objects located within respective first and second sensing zones remote from the apparatus, wherein the sensors are configured such that their respective sensing zones overlap spatially to define a third, overlapping, zone in which both the first and second sensors are able to detect a common object; and a gesture recognition system for receiving signals from the sensors, the gesture recognition system being responsive to detecting an object inside the overlapping zone to control a first user interface function in accordance with signals received from both sensors.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for detecting gestures using a multi-segment photodiode and one or fewer illumination sources

Номер: US20120280904A1
Принадлежит: Maxim Integrated Products Inc

A gesture sensing device includes a multiple segmented photo sensor and a control circuit for processing sensed voltages output from the sensor. The control circuit processes the sensed voltage signals to determine target motion relative to the segmented photo sensor. The control circuit includes an algorithm configured to calculate one of more differential analog signals using the sensed voltage signals output from the segmented photo sensors. A vector is determined according to the calculated differential analog signals, the vector is used to determine a direction and/or velocity of the target motion.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Control system and method for controlling a plurality of computer devices

Номер: US20120280910A1
Автор: Arjen Brinkman

The invention provides a control system for controlling a plurality of computer devices, the computer devices each having at least a processing unit, the control system comprising a pointer device, a tracking system connected to a processing unit of each of the plurality of computer devices, the tracking system comprising at least a tracking unit arranged to determine an actual position and/or orientation of the pointer device, wherein the tracking system is arranged to determine a parameter set representative of at least one of position and orientation of the pointer device and to select one of a plurality of computer devices depending on said parameter set and to send a control signal from the tracking system to a processing unit of the selected computer device wherein the control signal is based on said parameter set.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

System and Method for Operating a Helmet Mounted Display

Номер: US20120287040A1
Принадлежит: Raytheon Co

A display system comprises a transparent display device mountable on the head of a user. A scene of an environment is visible to the user through the transparent display device. The system further comprises a user interface image adapted for display on the display device. The user interface image remains fixed relative to the scene as the user and the display device move within the environment. The display system also comprises an indicator image adapted for display on the display device. The indicator is movable relative to the user interface image in response to movement of the user's head.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20120287153A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

An image processing apparatus includes an image generation unit configured to generate an image that is obtained by photographing a subject from a different viewpoint or an image equivalent to the image obtained by photographing the subject from the different viewpoint, in conjunction with a changing amount of an attention part of the subject, as a subject image, and a display control unit configured to allow a display screen to display the subject image that is generated by the image generation unit.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Image display apparatus and method of selecting image region using the same

Номер: US20120293544A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to an embodiment of the invention, in an image display apparatus, the image capturing unit captures an image including the hands of the operator. The gesture recognition unit recognizes at least one type of hand shapes of both hands in the captured image of the operator as a recognition object, compares a first geometric region defined by the hand shapes of both hands presented by the operator with the display screen, and recognizes the first geometric region as a second geometric region in a display screen coordinate system. The image generation unit performs emphasis processing of an image of the second geometric region displayed on the display screen. The display unit displays the emphasized image of the second geometric region on the display screen.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Computer and recording medium

Номер: US20120295712A1
Автор: Daisuke Nonaka
Принадлежит: Capcom Co Ltd

A computer to which multiple operation units can be connected is caused to function as a reception unit that receives identification information and operation information from each operation unit that is connected, an association setting unit that sets an association between connected operation units based on the identification information received from the connected operation units and an association condition that is set in advance, and an execution unit that executes processing on the same processing target based on the operation information received from the associated operation units.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Method for controlling electronic devices and a hand-held device using the same

Номер: US20120297019A1
Автор: Tung-Sheng Ting
Принадлежит: Wistron Corp

A hand-held device can communicate with at least one electronic device via a communicating platform. The hand-held device includes a location database, at least one orientation device, a computing module, a comparing module, a control unit, and a transmitting module. The at least one orientation device detects a direction information related to the pointed-to electronic device relative to the hand-held device. The location database stores a location information related to the position of each electronic device relative to the hand-held device. The computing module can calculate a pointed-to location information related to the position of the pointed-to electronic device relative to the hand-held device based on the direction information. The comparing module can distinguish the pointed-to electronic device by comparing the pointed-to location information with the location information in the location database.

29-11-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120301006A1

A controller is provided for manoeuvring an interrogation plane relative to a reference surface. The interrogation plane intersects the reference surface and is associated with a pole about which the interrogation plane is rotatable. The pole has an adjustable angle of inclination relative to the reference surface. The controller has a base, a handle, and an arm extending from a connection with the base to a connection with the handle. The arm has hingeable joints which hinge to allow the handle to be translated relative to the base in arbitrary directions across a user surface. The controller further has position sensors which measure the translation of the handle relative to the base on the user surface. The translation provides a corresponding translation of the interrogation plane relative to the reference surface. The handle is rotatable about a rotation axis and is tillable about a tilt axis to allow the handle to be angularly moved relative to the user surface. The controller further has angle sensors which respectively detect the rotation about the rotation axis and the tilt about the tilt axis. The rotation about the rotation axis and the tilting about the tilt axis provide angular movement of the interrogation plane relative to the reference surface corresponding to the angular movement of the handle relative to the user surface.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Improving Object Detection

Номер: US20120304063A1
Принадлежит: CyberLink Corp

Various systems and methods for adaptively modifying a user interface are described. One embodiment is a method performed in a multimedia playback system for adaptively modifying a user interface. The method comprises receiving, by the multimedia playback system, multimedia content and displaying the multimedia content. The method further comprises generating, by a user interface generator, one or more controls displayed in conjunction with the multimedia content, identifying, by an object detector, a target object in a field of view of a video capture device coupled to the multimedia playback system, and predicting, by a selection predictor, a next selection of one of the one or more controls based on a path defined by the target object. The method further comprises displaying, by the user interface generator, a virtual pointer representing the target object in a vicinity of the predicted next selection of the one or more controls.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Information input device using virtual item, control method therefor, and storage medium storing control program therefor

Номер: US20120306740A1
Автор: Saori Hoda
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An information input device that enables a user to input information easily by a single hand. The information input device inputs information using a virtual item displayed on a display unit. An image pickup unit shoots an indicator that operates the virtual item continuously to obtain indicator image data. A display control unit displays an indicator image corresponding to the indicator image data on the display unit. A setting unit sets, when detecting an action of the indicator to an element included in the virtual item displayed on the display unit, information corresponding to the element concerned as input information.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Pointing device of augmented reality

Номер: US20120319949A1
Автор: Moon Key LEE
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a pointing device capable of inputting a particular position of augmented reality to a computer. The invention comprises: a camera which takes a picture of a feature point or a mark used to generate an augmented reality image; and an imam processor which recognizes the feature point or the mark taken by the camera, and outputs position information indicative of a particular position in the augmented reality. Mouse cursor images can be synthesized as augmented reality images at the position outputted from the image processor.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Fast fingertip detection for initializing a vision-based hand tracker

Номер: US20120326963A1
Автор: David Minnen
Принадлежит: Oblong Industries Inc

Systems and methods for initializing real-time, vision-based hand tracking systems are described. The systems and methods for initializing the vision-based hand tracking systems image a body and receive gesture data that is absolute three-space data of an instantaneous state of the body at a point in time and space, and at least one of determine an orientation of the body using an appendage of the body and track the body using at least one of the orientation and the gesture data.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Determination of controller three-dimensional location using image analysis and ultrasonic communication

Номер: US20130002550A1
Автор: Gary M. Zalewski
Принадлежит: Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC

Methods, systems, and computer programs are presented for determining the location of a controller. One method includes an operation for capturing image data of a capture area in front of a display. Additionally, the method includes another operation for capturing sound data emitted by the controller in the capture area in front of the display. The two-dimensional location of the controller is calculated based on the captured image data, and the third dimensional location of the controller is calculated based on the captured sound data.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods for detection of unique physical motions

Номер: US20130006572A1
Автор: David Hayner
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatus and methods for the generation, collection and use of specific user-induced motions of an appliance device and the use of the correspondence between these collected measures of user-induced motions and previously generated and possibly stored measures of user-induced motions of an appliance device are provided. This system includes methods for generating the stored measures of user-induced motions and for continuously updating these stored references.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Method and sytem for controlling at least one device

Номер: US20130013087A1

A method and system for controlling ( 210 ) at least one device. The device is controlled by sensing ( 208 ) at least one movement or presence of the user within at least one zone. The location of the zone being defined ( 202, 206 ) on the basis of the detected position of the user and updated ( 206 ) upon changes in position of the user being detected.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for gesture-based creation of interactive hotspots in a real world environment

Номер: US20130024819A1
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

Systems and methods provide for gesture-based creation of interactive hotspots in a real world environment. A gesture made by a user in a three-dimensional space in the real world environment is detected by a motion capture device such as a camera, and the gesture is then identified and interpreted to create a “hotspot,” which is a region in three-dimensional space through which a user interacts with a computer system. The gesture may indicate that the hotspot is anchored to the real world environment or anchored to an object in the real world environment. The functionality of the hotspot is defined in order to identify the type of gesture which will initiate the hotspot and associate the activation of the hotspot with an activity in the system, such as control of an application on a computer or an electronic device connected with the system.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Input apparatus, input method, and control system

Номер: US20130027294A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided an apparatus including an input apparatus including an input apparatus main body with which input manipulation is performed to manipulate a manipulation target object, a first manipulation detection unit that detects a first manipulation on the input apparatus main body, a second manipulation detection unit that detects a second manipulation on the input apparatus main body after the first manipulation is detected, and a first processing unit that performs first processing for manipulation on the manipulation target object or a first response of the input apparatus, based on a movement detection value corresponding to movement of the input apparatus main body according to the first manipulation or a detection value of the first manipulation.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Sensor-based user interface control

Номер: US20130035139A1
Принадлежит: Qualcomm Inc

Methods and devices for sensor-based user interface control are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for determining a characteristic of handedness includes sensing a rotation of a mobile device, determining a direction of rotation based at least in part on accessing information indicative of a first position state prior to sensing the rotation and accessing information indicative of a second position state subsequent to sensing the rotation, and determining the characteristic of handedness based at least in part on the direction of rotation, the first position state, and the second position state. The characteristic of handedness includes one of a left handedness or right handedness. The method further includes determining a user interface mode based on the determined characteristic of handedness, and controlling the mobile device in accordance with the determined user interface mode.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Mobile Application for Providing Vehicle Information to Users

Номер: US20130046592A1
Автор: Steven J. Ross

The described method and system provide for quickly and intuitively presenting users with a variety of detailed vehicle information through a mobile application on a mobile computing device. The mobile computing device is preferably a mobile phone having at least a camera, a display, a processor, and a tangible non-transient computer-readable medium for storing appropriate programming and vehicle information. By pointing a camera at a vehicle, the mobile computing device receives images of the vehicle and may identify various objects or features of the vehicle. The mobile computing device then overlays these identifications on top of images of the vehicle displayed to a user corresponding to the location of the identified objects or features in the images. The user can then select the various objects or features to receive further detailed vehicle information regarding the selection.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Optical Tracking Marker Mounting Apparatus

Номер: US20130050826A1
Принадлежит: Under Armour Inc

An arrangement comprises a garment, a mounting apparatus and an optical tracking marker to be used in motion capture. The arrangement may include a plurality of mounting apparatuses and optical tracking markers. The garment includes openings. The mounting apparatus includes legs which are shaped and include features to enable the mounting apparatus to engage the openings of the garment. The mounting apparatus further includes a marker coupling which is shaped and includes features to engage the optical tracking marker. The mounting apparatus provides a secure yet removable attachment for the optical tracking marker to the garment.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Navigation system, method of position estimation and method of providing navigation information

Номер: US20130054130A1
Принадлежит: Cywee Group Ltd

A hybrid-computing navigation system worn by a user includes a modified motion sensor group which includes 9-axis or 10-axis motion sensors that are built-in, and a host device configured for providing navigation information, in which the modified motion sensor group is worn on the user so that a moving direction of the user is the same as a heading direction calculated from the modified motion sensor group. The modified motion sensor group provides step counting and absolute orientation in yaw, roll and pitch using a sensor fusion technique. The navigation system further includes at least one wireless sensor at wifi hot spot to perform sensor fusion for obtaining an absolute position of an estimated position of the user. Sensor fusion combining with location map are used to perform location map matching and fingerprinting. A method of position estimation of a user using the navigation system is also disclosed.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130063360A1
Автор: DODS Jeffrey Alton

The disclosure relates to a system and method for analyzing movements of a handheld electronic device. The method comprises: calculating a matching score for a rotational string representation of rotational movement data for the device to a gesture string representing a gesture related to a command for the device by recursively traversing a matrix containing the rotational string representation, the gesture string representation and earlier movement data of the device using a distance edit algorithm to generate matching scores for values of the rotational string representation against the gesture string; and if a threshold for the matching score is met, executing a command associated with the gesture on the device. 1. A method for analyzing movements of a handheld electronic device , comprising:calculating a matching score for a rotational string representation of rotational movement data for the device to a gesture string representing a gesture related to a command for the device by recursively traversing a matrix containing the rotational string representation, the gesture string representation and earlier movement data of the device using a distance edit algorithm to generate matching scores for values of the rotational string representation against the gesture string; andif a threshold for the matching score is met, executing a command associated with the gesture on the device.2. The method for analyzing movements of a handheld electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the rotational string representation is generated by:converting the rotational movement data to a magnitude value representing at least one axis of rotation for a rotational movement.3. The method for analyzing movements of a handheld electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a gyroscope provides the rotational movement data for the device.4. The method for analyzing movements of a handheld electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the threshold discards contiguously ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130069866A1
Принадлежит: InvenSense, Inc.

Selectable communication interface configurations for motion sensing devices. In one aspect, a module for a motion sensing device includes a motion processor connected to a device component and a first motion sensor, and a multiplexer having first and second positions. Only one of the multiplexer positions is selectable at a time, where the first position selectively couples the first motion sensor and the device component using a first bus, and the second position selectively couples the first motion sensor and the motion processor using a second bus, wherein communication of information over the second bus does not influence a communication bandwidth of the first bus. 1. A module for a motion sensing device , the module comprising:a device component including a motion processor and at least one first motion sensor;at least one second motion sensor connected to the device component; anda host processor connected to the device component, where data from the at least one first motion sensor or data from the at least second motion sensor is available to the host processor.2. The module of claim 1 , where the host processor collects data directly from the at least one first motion sensor or data from the at least one second motion sensor.3. The module of claim 2 , where the host processor controls the at least one second motion sensor.4. The module of claim 1 , where the device component further comprises a first memory to directly store data from the at least one first motion sensor or to store data from the at least one second motion sensor.5. The module of claim 4 , where the host processor can request the device component to control the at least one first motion sensor or the at least one second motion sensor.6. The module of claim 1 , where the data from the at least one first motion sensor or the data from the at least one second motion sensor is available for motion processing.7. The module of claim 1 , further comprising a second memory external to the device ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Position detecting device, information processing device, position detection method, information processing method, and computer readable medium

Номер: US20130069872A1
Автор: Kiyoshi Tashiro
Принадлежит: Fuji Xerox Co Ltd

A position detecting device includes a device specifying unit, a motion obtaining unit, and a relative position detecting unit. The device specifying unit specifies plural information processing devices that have been brought into contact with one another. The motion obtaining unit obtains information about a motion of any one of the plural information processing devices. The relative position detecting unit detects, on the basis of a motion produced when the any one of the plural information processing devices specified by the device specifying unit is brought into contact with another of the plural information processing devices, relative positions of the plural information processing devices specified by the device specifying unit.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076615A1
Автор: Iao Mike

An interface apparatus and method is disclosed for inputting information with a user's finger gesture while the user is driving with his two hands on a steering wheel. In one aspect, the interface apparatus includes a gesture sensor, a gesture processor, and a head-up display (HUD), where the gesture sensor and the gesture processor recognizes and interpret the information input by the user's finger gesture and such information is displayed on the HUD. In one embodiment, a plurality of point of interest (POI) icons are displayed on the HUD after the user inputs at least one letter into the system and the user can select the POI by his/her finger gesture. In another embodiment, the gesture sensor can recognize the user's finger gesture in non-alphabet characters. 1. An interface apparatus for an electronics system , comprising:a gesture sensor provided near a steering wheel of a vehicle to capture a user's finger gesture;a head-up display configured to display information on a vehicle windshield and to provide feedback in response to the user's finger gesture captured by the gesture sensor; anda gesture processor communicably coupled to the gesture sensor and configured to interpret the user's finger gesture that is received from the gesture sensor to cause the head-up display to display the information based on the interpreted gesture.2. The interface apparatus as defined in claim 1 , wherein the gesture sensor is a video camera or a motion sensor.3. The interface apparatus as defined in claim 1 , wherein the head-up display shows a list of entries or options in response to a character drawn by the finger gesture of the user.4. The interface apparatus as defined in claim 3 , wherein the head-up display is configured to show available options in response to the information input by the user's finger gesture claim 3 , the gesture sensor is configured to detect a direction of the user's finger claim 3 , and the finger gesture processor is configured to interpret which ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076617A1

An adaptive tracking system for spatial input devices provides real-time tracking of spatial input devices for human-computer interaction in a Spatial Operating Environment (SOE). The components of an SOE include gestural input/output; network-based data representation, transit, and interchange; and spatially conformed display mesh. The SOE comprises a workspace occupied by one or more users, a set of screens which provide the users with visual feedback, and a gestural control system which translates user motions into command inputs. Users perform gestures with body parts and/or physical pointing devices, and the system translates those gestures into actions such as pointing, dragging, selecting, or other direct manipulations. The tracking system provides the requisite data for creating an immersive environment by maintaining a model of the spatial relationships between users, screens, pointing devices, and other physical objects within the workspace. 1. A system comprising:a plurality of tags affixed to a plurality of objects, wherein the plurality of tags include a plurality of features such that each tag comprises at least one feature;a plurality of sensors, wherein a location of the plurality of sensors defines a spatial operating environment (SOE) that includes the plurality of objects; andan adaptive tracking component (ATC) running on a processor, wherein the ATC receives from each sensor of the plurality of sensors feature data corresponding to each object of the plurality of objects detected by the respective sensor, wherein the feature data is absolute three-space location data of an instantaneous state of the respective body at a point in time and space, wherein the ATC generates and maintains a coherent model of relationships between the plurality of objects and the SOE by integrating the feature data from the plurality of sensors, wherein the ATC automatically detects from the feature data a gesture of at least one object of the plurality of objects, ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076622A1
Принадлежит: Nokia Corporation

An apparatus, comprising a processor, a memory including computer program code, the memory and the computer program code configured to, working with the processor, cause the apparatus to perform at least the following: receiving a first image, recognizing at least part of the first image as a command receiver, recognizing at least part of the first image as an input article, determining that at least part of the input article is associated with at least part of the command receiver, and causing display of a guidance associated with the command receiver is disclosed. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a processor;memory including computer program code, the memory and the computer program code configured to, working with the processor, cause the apparatus to perform at least the following:receiving a first image;recognizing at least part of the first image as a command receiver;recognizing at least part of the first image as an input article;determining that at least part of the input article is associated with at least part of the command receiver; andcausing display of a guidance associated with the command receiver.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the guidance relates to at least one position.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the guidance relates to a movement.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the memory and the computer program code are further configured to claim 1 , working with the processor claim 1 , cause the apparatus to perform receiving at least a second image claim 1 , recognizing at least part of the second image as an input article claim 1 , and determining that at least part of the input article corresponds with at least part of the guidance.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the memory and the computer program code are further configured to claim 4 , working with the processor claim 4 , cause the apparatus to perform modifying the guidance to indicate that the input article corresponded with at least part of the guidance.6. The apparatus of ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076990A1

An electronic apparatus and a method for controlling thereof are provided. The method for controlling the electronic apparatus controls a level of a volume of a provided broadcast signal or provides another broadcast signal if a broadcast signal is provided in response to a recognized user motion, and changes at least part of a screen on which a provided content is displayed if a content is provided in response to the recognized user motion. 1. An electronic apparatus , comprising:a display unit which provides images;a motion input unit which receives a user motion;a storage unit which stores a motion database where a motion task corresponding to a predetermined user motion is mapped differently according to a type of image; andrecognizing a user motion input through the motion input unit, and performing a motion task corresponding to the recognized user motion according to a type of image currently provided to the display unit.2. The electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the control unit performs a channel changing function or volume adjusting function in response to the recognized user motion claim 1 , if the type of image is a broadcast image claim 1 ,and performs a screen moving function in response to the recognized user motion, if the type of image is a web page image.3. The electronic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the user motion is a slap motion.4. The electronic apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein in a case where the user motion is a slap motion in an up and down direction claim 3 , the control unit performs a channel changing function in response to the recognized user motion claim 3 , if the type of image is a broadcast image claim 3 ,and performs a screen moving function in an up and down direction in response to the recognized user motion, if the type of image is a web page image.5. The electronic apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein in a case where the user motion is a slap motion in a left and right direction claim 3 ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Force sense presentation apparatus

Номер: US20130082829A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A force sense presentation apparatus includes a main body, a first movable unit, and a first drive mechanism. The main body has a longitudinal direction in a first axis direction and includes a holding unit held by a user. The first movable unit is configured to cover at least a part of the holding unit and is capable of being displaced with respect to the main body in a second axis direction which intersects the first axis. The first drive mechanism is provided to the main body and configured to cause the first movable unit to be displaced in the second axis direction with respect to the main body to generate a moment about a third axis to the holding unit. The third axis intersects the first axis and the second axis.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082922A1
Автор: Miller Samuel A.

One embodiment is directed to a system for human-computer interface, comprising an input device configured to provide two or more dimensions of operational input to a processor based at least in part upon a rubbing contact pattern between two or more digits of the same human hand that is interpreted by the input device. The input device may be configured to provide two orthogonal dimensions of operational input pertinent to a three-dimensional virtual environment presented, at least in part, by the processor. The input device may be configured to detect the rubbing between a specific digit in a pen-like function against one or more other digits. The input device further may be configured to detect the rubbing between the specific digit in a pen-like function and one or more other digits in a receiving panel function. 1. A system for human-computer interface , comprising:an input device configured to provide two or more dimensions of operational input to a processor based at least in part upon a rubbing contact pattern between two or more digits of the same human hand that is interpreted by the input device.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the input device is configured to provide two orthogonal dimensions of operational input pertinent to a three-dimensional virtual environment presented claim 1 , at least in part claim 1 , by the processor.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the input device is configured to detect the rubbing between a specific digit in a pen-like function against one or more other digits.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the input device further is configured to detect the rubbing between the specific digit in a pen-like function and one or more other digits in a receiving panel function.5. The system of claim 3 , wherein the input device is configured to detect the rubbing between a thumb of an operator in a pen-like function against one or more other digits.6. The system of claim 5 , wherein the input device is configured to detect the ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082969A1
Автор: Moriyama Takashi
Принадлежит: NEC Corporation

Provided are a display, which displays a screen, and a touch panel, which is disposed on the display. In accordance with a series of consecutive operations by a user to the touch panel involving touch operation, drag operation, and release operation, the following are accepted: the selection of an action area from among one or more action areas displayed on the basis of a touched area on the touch panel at the time of a user's touch operation, and the execution of an action corresponding to the action area. 1. An electronics device using touch panel input , comprising:a display which displays a screen;a touch panel which is disposed on the display; anda controller which controls the display so that one or more action areas corresponding to a touched area of the touch panel are displayed in response to touch operation onto the touch panel, and which accepts selection of the action area from among the one or more action areas displayed and execution of an action corresponding to the action area, in accordance with drag and release operations that come after the touch operation.2. The electronics device using touch panel input according to claim 1 , wherein the controller includes:an action extraction unit which extracts one or more actions corresponding to the touched area of the touch panel;a display control unit which controls the display so that one or more action areas corresponding to the one or more actions extracted are displayed around the touched area by the display; andan execution initiation unit which selects an action area in response to drag operation to any one of the action areas, the drag operation following the touch operation, and which starts executing a selected action in response to release operation from the selected action area, the release operation following the drag operation.3. The electronics device using touch panel input according to claim 2 , wherein the display control unit controls the display so that an action area used for selection ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Gesture recognition capable picture video frame

Номер: US20130083252A1
Автор: David John Boyes
Принадлежит: JDS Uniphase Corp

The invention is using gesture recognition technology to feed into a computer controller that will then manipulate a video image playing back on a screen, such that the video image reacts as a user would see it looking out a window.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130086533A1

An end-user system () for transforming real-time streams of content into an output presentation includes a user interface () that allows a user to interact with the streams. The user interface () includes sensors (-) that monitor an interaction area () to detect movements and/or sounds made by a user. The sensors (-) are distributed among the interaction area () such that the user interface () can determine a three-dimensional location within the interaction area () where the detected movement or sound occurred. Different streams of content can be activated in a presentation based on the type of movement or sound detected, as well as the determined location. The present invention allows a user to interact with and adapt the output presentation according to his/her own preferences, instead of merely being a spectator. 130. A user interface () for interacting with a device that receives and transforms streams of content into a presentation to be output , comprising:{'b': 32', '36', '32, 'at least one sensor () for detecting a movement made by a user positioned in an interaction area () proximate to a location at which the presentation is output, wherein said sensor () is arranged to be aimed towards said interaction area;'}{'b': '32', 'wherein a type of movement corresponding to said detected movement is determined by analyzing a detection signal from said at least one sensor ();'}wherein the type of movement is different facial expressions or hand gestures made by the user, a gesture that imitates the use of a device or a tool, or an amount of force or speed with which the user makes a gesture; andwherein the presentation is controlled by manipulating one or more streams of content based on said determined type of movement and a received stream of content is activated or deactivated in the presentation based on the determined type of movement.23-. (canceled)43032. The user interface () according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one sensor () includes a plurality of ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Gesture recognition device, gesture recognition method, and program

Номер: US20130088426A1
Автор: Osamu Shigeta, Takuro Noda
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

There is provided a gesture recognition device that recognizes a gesture of shielding the front side of the imaging sensor, the gesture recognition device including a first detection unit that detects a change in a captured image between a state in which a front side of an imaging sensor is not shielded and a state in which the front side of the imaging sensor is shielded, and a second detection unit that detects a region in which a gradient of a luminance value of the captured image is less than a threshold value in the captured image in the state in which the front side of the imaging sensor is shielded.

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130090065A1

Methods and apparatus are provided for operating a close proximity communication channel based on a gesture. A gesture event is generated on a touch screens of a portable terminal. The portable terminal includes a close proximity communication module. The portable terminal generates a context message corresponding to the gesture event. The context message is transmitted to at least one other portable terminal. The close proximity communication channel is established based on the context message. 1. A method of operating a close proximity communication channel based on a gesture , the method comprising the steps of:generating a gesture event on a touch screen of a portable terminal, wherein the portable terminal comprises a close proximity communication module;generating, at the portable terminal, a context message corresponding to the gesture event;transmitting the context message to at least one other portable terminal; andestablishing the close proximity communication channel based on the context message.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the context message comprises collecting gesture generation time point information of the gesture event and gesture form information of the gesture event.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising at least one of:collecting terminal orientation information at a gesture event generation time point;collecting address information of the portable terminal; andcollecting user function information associated with the close proximity communication channel according to the gesture event.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein collecting user function information comprises:obtaining gesture event information for the gesture event in which a user function is previously defined; andconfirming the user function information from previously defined event information.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:confirming generation time point information of a gesture event included in a received context message or an allowable range ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for determining controller functionality based on position, orientation or motion

Номер: US20130090166A1
Автор: Noam Rimon, Xiaodong Mao
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and systems for providing input to an interactive program are presented. An interactive system includes a server for executing the interactive program, and a game client interfaced with the server over a network. The game client is configured to send, over the network, position data defining a position of a controller device. The server is configured to define interactive zones, each interactive zone being defined by a spatial region having an associated specified function for an action of the controller device when the controller device is located within that interactive zone. The server is further configured to set the functionality of the action of the controller device to the specified function associated with the interactive zone within which the controller device is located.
