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01-01-1961 дата публикации

Устройство для сортировки монет

Номер: SU140611A1
Автор: Дубков А.П.

31-07-1931 дата публикации

Аппарат для сортировки и счета монет

Номер: SU21544A1

31-08-1932 дата публикации

Аппарат для сортирования нонет по диаметру

Номер: SU27501A1
Автор: Штиллер З.Я.

25-03-1992 дата публикации

Coin sorting apparatus

Номер: GB0002248138A

The invention provides an apparatus for sorting various kinds of coins into various categories of coins. To this end, the invention includes a semicircular member having a plane surface and an arc surface. The semicircular member is capable of rotating between a first position wherein the plane surface is disposed substantially in the plane defined by a guiding edge and the arc surface is disposed within a guide rail and a second position wherein the plane surface is disposed normal to the guiding edge and the arc surface faces towards the upstream of the coin feeding direction. The semicircular member rotates from the first position to the second position when a first group coin is fed to collide with the semicircular member so as to diverge the coin away from the guiding edge so that the circumferential end of the coin closest to the guiding edge is disposed on a sort-out opening. The semicircular member returns to the first position when the coin passes the semicircular member.

28-12-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to coin handling machines

Номер: GB0000914017A

... 914,017. Sorting and testing coins. ELECTRONIC COIN PROCESSING CORPORATION. Aug. 10, 1960, No. 27771/60. Class 27. Coin-handling apparatus comprises means for sorting coins into batches according to their sizes and feeding these batches to respective testers which cause a coin to ring at its natural frequency in air and have means responsive to a predetermined frequency band for directing authentic coins to collecting means. The apparatus is described as either set up at a central station to which coins collected from parking meters, vending machines, telephone boxes, &c. are brought or disposed on a vehicle for making the collection. As shown in Fig. 1, the apparatus is mounted on a vehicle and comprises a sorter 6 arranged to distribute the coins according to size to testers 9 . . . 13 leading to compartments 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, for authentic coins and a compartment 22 for rejected or counterfeit coins. The coins may be delivered to a hopper 7 which feeds them by a conveyer 8 to the sorter ...

08-05-2000 дата публикации

Device and method for separating foreign objects from coins

Номер: AU0001430000A

24-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002248022C

A coin conditioner is provided for cleaning or otherwise conditioning coins in a coin discriminator apparatus prior to transfer to a coin sensor. Coins enter through a feed tray (1302) and move down the length of a perforated tumbler (1314), preferably without the use of gravity, such as under screw force, mechanical or centrifugal force. The spinning tumbler is preferably rotated about its longitudinal axis by a motor (1352). In one embodiment, a blower or vacuum draws or moves air from one area to another, with the air preferably being filtered. As coins move through and down a tumbler, projections such as vanes (1922a), fins, ridges, dimples (1820), spines or other raised features cause mechanical agitation and/or abrasion as coins are lifted and dropped while passing longitudinally ~ through the tumbler. The coins are conditioned and non-coin matter is collected as it is separated and/or abraded from the coin surfaces.

31-03-1953 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Sortieren von Geldmünzen.

Номер: CH0000289847A

08-05-2020 дата публикации

Coin classification finishing device

Номер: CN0111127737A

01-02-1911 дата публикации

Screening apparatus coinage

Номер: FR0000420519A

23-08-2002 дата публикации

Device for receiving, sorting and distribution of coins, uses box with parallel compartments and having calibrated slots in the compartment walls to allow smaller coins to fall through to sort and store coins

Номер: FR0002821194A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif permettant la réception, le triage et la distribution de pièces de monnaie d'origines diverses, par exemple de la monnaie euro. Dans un boîtier (1) essentiellement parallélipédique sont prévus un certain nombre de compartiments parallèles les uns aux autres (3a, 3b, 3c... 3n) le compartiment supérieur (3a) communiquant avec l'extérieur par une ouverture (2) pourvue de moyens anti-retour (2a) pour empêcher la sortie des pièces du boîtier, cette ouverture étant sensiblement conformée aux dimensions de la pièce la plus grande et la plus épaisse, ce compartiment (3a) et les compartiments sous-jacents (3b, 3c... 3n) étant chacun pourvu d'une ouverture latérale (9a, 9b, 9c... 9n), chaque compartiment communiquant avec le compartiment sous-jacent par au moins une ouverture calibrée (5a, 5b; 6a, 6b; 7a, 7b). Elle vise également sa fabrication et son utilisation de ce dispositif comme support publicitaire.

01-05-1997 дата публикации

Sequential coin-collecting device of a coin machine

Номер: TW0000304611U

26-04-1980 дата публикации

Номер: JP0055061767U

22-12-1980 дата публикации

Номер: JP0055178768U

07-11-1987 дата публикации

Номер: JP0062052915B2

16-08-1967 дата публикации

Improved coin handling device

Номер: GB0001079981A

... 1,079,981. Coin counting and sorting. JOHNSON FARE BOX CO. June 29, 1965, No. 27451/65. Heading G4X. A coin counter and sorter comprises a hopper 25 from which loose coins are conveyed intermittently to a second hopper and thence to sorting and counting mechanism from which they are discharged to appropriate coin compartments, the counting mechanism being connected with a totalizer and printer. In operation a card is inserted through slot 31 to rest on a stop 197 and arm 43 is raised, closing switch 205 to prepare the energizing circuit for the sorting and counting mechanism. Arm 37 is moved to the right thereby printing on the card the initial total and closing switch 237 to complete the circuit and thus energize conveyer and counter motors (61, 117) respectively (Figs. 15, 14, not shown). An interlock 131 permits movement of lever 37 to the right or left only when arm 43 is in its upper or lower position respectively. Coins are conveyed from hopper 25 to counter hopper (101) (Fig. 3, ...

15-07-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000220470T

03-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002399445A1

03-10-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002216709A1

04-09-2018 дата публикации

Coin sorter

Номер: CN0108492441A

07-11-2017 дата публикации

Coin classification sieve

Номер: CN0206619189U

10-08-2018 дата публикации

Vibrating coin sieve separator

Номер: CN0207718476U

26-04-2017 дата публикации

Coin screening machine

Номер: CN0206133766U

26-07-1939 дата публикации

Screening machine of currencies, tokens and objects similar

Номер: FR0000844507A

02-02-2006 дата публикации

Device and method for separating foreign objects from a mass of coins

Номер: US2006025062A1

A device is used to separate foreign objects from a mass of coins between a coin intake and a coin lifting device in a coin sorting and/or counting machine. The device has a perforated drum ( 13; 33 ), which is rotatable around its longitudinal axis, is open at its respective ends and is connected at a first end to the coin intake and at a second end to the coin lifting device. The machine also has a driving device ( 15, 16:35 ) for rotating drum.

27-07-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2133981C1
Принадлежит: Скан Коин АВ (SE)

FIELD: mechanical engineering. SUBSTANCE: coin sorting machine has perforated drum capable of rotating around its longitudinal axis. Drum is open at its ends. Its first end is coupled to coin receiver, while the second end, to coin lifting device. Machine is provided with drive to rotate drum. Method of separation of foreign objects from coins mass is realized by overturning effort through holes of perforated drum. EFFECT: higher efficiency. 14 cl, 7 dwg Гзезстс пы ГЭ (19) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ ВИ "” 2 133 981 ' (51) МПК 13) СЛ С 070 3/02, 5/02 12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21), (22) Заявка: 97117598/09, 07.02.1996 (30) Приоритет: 28.03.95 (30) Приоритет: 28.03.1995 ЗЕ 95 01 091-4 (46) Дата публикации: 21.01.1999 (56) Ссылки: МО 94106101 АЛ, 17.03.94. 4$ 4544058 АЛ, 01.10.85. ЕР 091731 АД, 19.10.83. ЕК 2075054 А, 27.02.70. $Ц 120442 А, 05.03.80. ЗЧ 1624491 А, 30.01.91. 4$ 4383540 А, 17.05.83. 4$ 5039848 А, 13.08.91. 4$ 4249552 А, 10.02.81. (85) Дата перевода заявки РСТ на национальную фазу: 28.10.97 (86) Заявка РСТ: ЗЕ 96/00142 (07.02.96) (87) Публикация РСТ: \М/О 96/30877 (03.10.96) (98) Адрес для переписки: 103735, Москва, ул.Ильинка 5/2, Союзпатент, Томской Е.В. (71) Заявитель: Скан Коин АВ (3Е) (72) Изобретатель: Йерген Кнутссон (ЗЕ), Стаффан Лундгрен (3Е) (73) Патентообладатель: Скан Коин АВ ($Е) (54) МОНЕТОСОРТИРОВАЛЬНАЯ МАШИНА И СПОСОБ ОТДЕЛЕНИЯ ПОСТОРОННИХ ПРЕДМЕТОВ ОТ МАССЫ МОНЕТ (57) Реферат: Изобретение относится К монетосортировальной машине и способу отделения посторонних предметов от массы монет. Техническим результатом изобретения является создание монетосортировальной машины и эффективного способа отделения посторонних предметов от массы монет между монетоприемником и монетоподъемным устройством в машине для сортировки и/или подсчета монет. Монетосортировальная машина имеет перфорированный барабан, который выполнен с возможностью вращения вокруг своей продольной оси, открыт на своих ...

21-06-1961 дата публикации

Coin and like sorting machines

Номер: GB0000870820A

... 870,820. Sorting coins. INTERNATIONAL COIN COUNTING MACHINE CO. Ltd. April 1, 1960 [April 27, 1959], No. 14356/59. Class 27 A coin-sorting machine comprises a rotatable drum 1 in which coins are fed in at one end and progressed to the other, transverse partitions 10, 11, 12 dividing the drum into'a a series of compartments 13, 14, 15, peripheral slots 16 in the partitions, and holes 17, 18, 19 in the wall of the drum of increasing diameter in successive compartments. The drum is mounted on a shaft 2 which is carried in bearings 4 and rotated by a worm and wheel mechanism 6, 7 at one end, the other end 8 of the drum having a chute 9 projecting into it and down which the coins are fed into the drum. A number of helical ribs 20 are mounted on the cylindrical wall of the drum and the holes 17, 18, 19 are arranged in spiral fashion adjacent these ribs 20 and on the side remote from the feeding chute 9. The holes 17 are the smallest and allow the smallest diameter coin being sorted to pass through ...

27-10-1971 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001251166A

16-10-1996 дата публикации

Device and method for separating foreign objects from a mass of coins

Номер: AU0005128796A

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Paper currency and coin sorting machine based on screening formula

Номер: CN0208384676U

16-01-1990 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002001647Y2

18-03-1992 дата публикации

Coin sorting apparatus

Номер: GB0002247971A

The invention provides an apparatus for separating one specified kind of coins from a plurality of coins including various kinds of coins. To this end, a coin sorting apparatus in accordance with the invention is characterized by a sort-out opening formed on a surface of a coin guideway downstream with respect to a coin identifying device; a rotor having an axis about which the rotor is rotatable, which rotor having a larger diameter portion having elevation equal to or slightly higher than the coin guideway and a smaller diameter portion having elevation lower than the coin guideway, the axis lying substantially beneath the center of the sort-out opening and under the coin guideway, the axis parallel to the coin guideway and normal to the coin feeding direction; and a controller for controlling the rotation of the rotor so that the larger diameter portion of the rotor aligns with the coin guideway when coins belonging to a first group are fed to the sort-out opening and the smaller diameter ...

28-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009115206D0

19-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003271863A1

09-11-2016 дата публикации

Coin sorting machine

Номер: CN0106097543A

08-02-2017 дата публикации

Oscillating coin classification counting assembly

Номер: CN0205942860U

15-02-1907 дата публикации

Device for sorting and stacking coins of different sizes

Номер: FR0000370630A

26-02-1924 дата публикации

Номер: US0001484806A1

01-01-1949 дата публикации

Сортировальная машина для монет

Номер: SU76640A1
Автор: Лиманов А.Г.

06-09-1989 дата публикации

Apparatus for sorting coins

Номер: GB0002214683A

Apparatus (2) for sorting coins, which apparatus (2) comprises a plurality of containers (4) and vibrator means (6), the containers (4) being arranged one on top of each other, the containers (4) above the lowermost container each being provided with a plurality of apertures (8) through which coins are able to drop, the apertures (8) in the containers (4) being progressively smaller from the uppermost container and the apparatus (2) being such that vibration of the containers (4) above the lowermost container causes the coins to drop through the containers (4) such that different containers (4) retain coins of different sizes. ...

15-06-1994 дата публикации

Coin sorting apparatus

Номер: GB0002247971B

15-08-2017 дата публикации

Tower type coin separator

Номер: CN0107045746A

09-11-2016 дата публикации

Batch coin automatic classification ware

Номер: CN0205680180U

15-09-2017 дата публикации

Special pen container device for accountants

Номер: CN0107160930A

19-02-1992 дата публикации

Coin selector

Номер: EP0000471520A1

A coin selector (20) includes a single coin passage (24) and a single coin rolling-down passage (25). The coin passage (24) is equipped with coin discriminating means (32) so as to discriminate whether a coin inserted through a coin insert slit (22) is a true coin or a false coin, and moreover, discriminate the kind of the coin which has been recognized as a true coin. On the other hand, the coin rolling-down passage (25) is equipped with coin distributing means (35) so as to selectively distribute the true coin conveyed from the coin passage (24) depending on the kind of each coin. Conclusively, the coin selector (20) is constructed in a very compact configuration. ...

31-07-1996 дата публикации

Номер: JP0002518724B2

14-08-1974 дата публикации

Номер: JP0049084499A

30-11-1926 дата публикации

Прибор для сортирования металлических

Номер: SU1932A1
Автор: Гринев Ф.Г.

21-11-1968 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Sortieren von Muenzen entsprechend ihrer Groesse

Номер: DE0001449003A1

24-01-1921 дата публикации

Improved apparatus for sorting coins and the like

Номер: GB0000157565A

... 157,565. Robson, J. Oct. 23, 1919. Coins and the like, separating and sorting.- Apparatus for sorting coins &c., comprises a series of trays f hinged together along the back, and provided over the whole surface, except for a strip h along the front edge, with numerous perforations g, the perforations in each tray being smaller than those in the tray next above. Each tray, except the bottom one, which is unperforated, has on its underside a bar j, which rests on the tray below and forms a front flange thereto, back and side flanges being arranged on the upper side of each tray. Additional means, such as pegs k, may be provided for supporting the trays from beneath, and means may also be provided for supporting the trays when they are turned up on their hinges. In use, the mixed coins are placed on the top tray near the back edge and are spread out flat and drawn towards the front, the smaller coins falling through the perforations and the largest size being retained. These are then counted ...

18-09-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009116792D0

08-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002499829A1

A coin cleaning device (1) for use in a self-service bulk coin counter is described. The device has a coin receiving means (4) into which a batch of coins may be inserted, an elongate tray assembly (10), vibration means (14') connected to the tray assembly and arranged to cause coins on the tray assembly to travel along the tray assembly in the direction from an inlet end towards a coin outlet (25), the tray assembly (10) comprising upper and lower shelves (13, 14) the upper shelf (13) comprising a first upper shelf portion (15) and a second upper shelf portion (16), the first upper shelf portion (15) being perforated by apertures (23) of transverse dimensions smaller than a predetermined minimum diameter of coins to be handled by the device, whereby some foreign matter of transverse dimensions smaller than said perforations (23) can fall through the perforations of the first upper shelf portion, the second upper shelf portion (16) being formed with coin receiving apertures of transverse ...

19-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002216709C

A device is used to separate foreign objects from a mass of coins between a coin intake and a coin lifting device in a coin sorting and/or counting machine. The device has a perforated drum (13; 33), which is rotatable around its longitudinal axis, is open at its respective ends and is connected at a first end to the coin intake and at a second end to the coin lifting device. The machine also has a driving device (15, 16; 35) for rotating the drum.

10-05-2017 дата публикации

High-speed banknote and coin classifying and counting machine

Номер: CN0106652179A

29-12-2017 дата публикации

Automatic coin sorting and counting machine

Номер: CN0107527417A

05-04-2017 дата публикации

Board -like coin counting machine of double -deck screen

Номер: CN0206075388U

11-01-2017 дата публикации

Separation of vertical drum coin and finishing device thereof

Номер: CN0205880990U

25-10-2019 дата публикации

A coin cleaning, drying and separation integrated device

Номер: CN0106238392B

29-09-1996 дата публикации

Anordning och sätt för avskiljning av främmande föremål från en myntmassa

Номер: SE0009501091L

15-07-1909 дата публикации

Machines for Assorting, Stacking, and Counting Coins.

Номер: GB0190902056A

... 2056. Brewster, B. F., and Wilson, W. S. Jan. 28. Coins, separating. - A mixture of coins of various denominations is placed in a machine, which separates and stacks the coins according to denominations, and counts all the coins, the register showing the total value of the coins received. The machine as described is adapted to be used for United States coinage, hut by slight adjustment may be used for other coinages. The machine is mounted on standard 2, the spindle 3 being mounted in a pivot bearing 4, which has a cutout in its lower side in which a pin 6 works to limit the rocking movement. A hand-wheel 8, fast on the spindle 3, turns the machine and carries a hopper 9 in which the coins are placed. The coin-separating disks 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 are bolted to the hand-wheel, and are provided with spacing-blocks 19, 27, 40, 47, 50, Fig. 2, in which the disks are omitted. The coins first pass on to a dollar disk 10, Fig. 8, which has apertures 18 for smaller coins to pass through, and one ...

15-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002048743A1

19-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002842578C

Apparatuses, systems, and methods for separating debris from coins and the like from customer-operated kiosks and other machines. A debris diverter including a motor, a rotating bobbin, and at least one vane is positioned over a coin track with the vane spaced apart from the coin track by a predetermined distance to permit objects smaller than the predetermined distance to pass by the debris diverter and to contact objects larger than the predetermined distance.

05-11-2019 дата публикации

A coin sorting device

Номер: CN0110415423A

14-12-2016 дата публикации

Coin classification and collating unit

Номер: CN0205809971U

23-09-2015 дата публикации

Categorised receiver of coin

Номер: CN0204654049U

The utility model discloses a categorised receiver of coin, including the box body be provided with a plurality of vertical cylindrical inner tubes in the box body, all be fixed with big spring, every in every cylindrical inner tube bottom central authorities central authorities bottom cylindrical inner tube are fixed to big spring one end, and the other end is connected with preforming, every big spring pushes up the preforming to being close to cylindrical inner tube top under no pressure state, and the top is provided with the flatter near top department to the side of every cylindrical inner tube, all is provided with the propelling movement structure and is convenient for release the coin in the cylindrical inner tube outside the cylindrical inner tube with the relative one side of every flatter, is provided with the wedge shell fragment by every flatter. The utility model discloses a categorised receiver of coin, a plurality of cylindrical inner tubes set up as that different diameters ...

12-10-2016 дата публикации

Coin sorter

Номер: CN0205644745U

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Coin sorting machine

Номер: CN0105976492A

13-03-1907 дата публикации

Apparatus for classifying the coins

Номер: FR0000371662A

04-03-1941 дата публикации

Screening machine for currencies, tokens, etc

Номер: FR0000862335A

12-03-1937 дата публикации

Apparatus screening machine of currency

Номер: FR0000809906A

04-11-2020 дата публикации

Coin sorting apparatus

Номер: EP2765559B1
Автор: Neumann, Thorsten
Принадлежит: Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH

24-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008801834D0

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002842578A1

Apparatuses, systems, and methods for separating debris from coins and the like from customer-operated kiosks and other machines. A debris diverter including a motor, a rotating bobbin, and at least one vane is positioned over a coin track with the vane spaced apart from the coin track by a predetermined distance to permit objects smaller than the predetermined distance to pass by the debris diverter and to contact objects larger than the predetermined distance.

17-08-2016 дата публикации

Crank-guide rod type coin separating machine

Номер: CN0105869266A

20-07-1938 дата публикации

Screening machine. meter. carrier. roller. mixer. embrochor of currency

Номер: FR0000830095A

30-11-1999 дата публикации

Dispositivo e processo para separar objetos estranhos de uma massa de moedas.

Номер: BR9608297A

20-01-2000 дата публикации

Mechanischer Münzprüfer

Номер: DE0029916469U1

15-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008901623D0

20-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008246591A

03-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002404612A1

L'invention concerne un dispositif permettant la réception, le triage et la distribution de pièces de monnaie d'origines diverses, par exemple de la monnaie euro. Dans un boîtier (1) essentiellement parallélipédique sont prévus un certain nombre de compartiments parallèles les uns aux autres (3a, 3b, 3c... 3 n) le compartiment supérieur (3a) communiquant avec l'extérieur par une ouverture (2)pourvue de moyens anti-retour (2a) pour empêcher la sortie de pièces du boîtier. Elle vise également sa fabrication et son utilisation de ce dispositif comme support publicitaire.

15-01-2019 дата публикации

Novel coin sieving machine

Номер: CN0109215211A

04-01-2017 дата публикации

Coin receiving unit and coin classifying, counting and receiving integrated device

Номер: CN0106296964A

27-06-2023 дата публикации

ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) with coin saving function

Номер: CN116343390A
Автор: YU ZIYI

The invention provides an ATM (automatic teller machine) with a coin saving function, and relates to the technical field of electronic equipment and finance, and the ATM comprises a machine body which is provided with a coin collector and a coin outlet; the input device is arranged on the machine body and is suitable for inputting an instruction; the coin recognition device is arranged in the machine body, the coin recognition device is respectively communicated with the coin collector and the coin outlet so as to recognize coins input by a user, and the coins which fail in recognition exit from the coin outlet; the coin box is communicated with the coin recognition device and is used for receiving the coins which are successfully recognized by the coin recognition device; wherein the coin selector is configured to be started in response to the input device inputting a zero storage instruction so as to allow coins to flow to the coin recognition device through the coin selector.

07-07-1961 дата публикации

Machine to handle the coins and subsets constitutive of such a machine

Номер: FR0001266344A

14-01-2005 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002821194B1

15-12-1980 дата публикации

Номер: JP0055174668U

11-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: JP0004077890A

PURPOSE: To attain selection accuracy and to increase selection speed by providing a coin carrying direction converting means and allowing a first group coin to be dropped in a selective hole, a second group coin not to be dropped in the selective hole and the selection of the coin to be executed while being led to a housing part. CONSTITUTION: When a coin discriminated to be the first group coin by a discriminating means 6 arrives at a coin carrying direction converting means 8, the means 8 collides with the first group coin carried from the first position to the second position while projecting it and the first group coin where a carrying direction is converted into a direction to separate from an erecting wall 41, is carried by a coin carrier belt 5 in a condition after direction converting. A coin end apt which is in contact with the erecting wall 41 is separated from the erecting wall 41, arrives on a selecting hole 7 formed in a coin carrying path 3 and falls down. Even when the coin ...

12-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002248022A1

A coin conditioner is provided for cleaning or otherwise conditioning coins in a coin discriminator apparatus prior to transfer to a coin sensor. Coins enter through a feed tray (1302) and move down the length of a perforated tumbler (1314), preferably without the use of gravity, such as under screw force, mechanical or centrifugal force. The spinning tumbler is preferably rotated about its longitudinal axis by a motor (1352). In one embodiment, a blower or vacuum draws or moves air from one area to another, with the air preferably being filtered. As coins move through and down a tumbler, projections such as vanes (1922a), fins, ridges, dimples (1820), spines or other raised features cause mechanical agitation and/or abrasion as coins are lifted and dropped while passing longitudinally through the tumbler. The coins are conditioned and non-coin matter is collected as it is separated and/or abraded from the coin surfaces.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Holder for Removably Storing Circular Disc-Like Objects

Номер: US20120145565A1
Автор: Valerian F. Sottile
Принадлежит: Individual

A holder for removably storing therein circular disc-like objects. The holder comprises a body having a front opening surrounded by a first annular ledge facing a rear portion of the body. The front opening is smaller than the circular objects and the first annular ledge is of a size to support the circular objects thereon such that the circular object in engagement with the first annular ledge is viewed through the front opening. The rear portion of the body has a circular rear opening that is larger than the first annular ledge. A second annular ledge is disposed inwardly of the rear opening and supports a metal ring that is engageable by a circular magnet to releasably close the rear opening and rear portion of the body. The body may be opened by applying rearward pressure through the front opening.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Disk transferring device and disk dispensing device

Номер: US20120145741A1
Автор: Minoru Enomoto
Принадлежит: Asahi Seiko Co Ltd

A disk transferring device transferring disks delivered one by one from an disk reception opening to an disk ejection opening includes: a disk guide path having left and right guide surfaces that guide a peripheral surface of each of the disks and front and back guide surfaces that guide an front surface and a back surface of the disk, the disk guide path extending from the disk reception opening toward the disk ejection opening; and a plurality of disk pushers protruding into the disk guide path and pushing the disks by making a rotational movement about a plurality of rotational axis lines approximately at a right angle with respect to the front and back guide surfaces.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Coin processing apparatus and method

Номер: US20120217127A1
Автор: Yuji Yasui
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

According to one embodiment, a coin processing apparatus, comprising: a storing section, a coin dispensing unit, a storage unit, a sensor and a drive unit. The storing section configured to house coins. The coin dispensing unit configured to dispense the coins housed in the storing section. The storage unit configured to store the coins dispensed from the coin dispensing unit. The sensor configured to detect coins in the storage unit. The drive unit configured to start driving the sensor if the coin dispensing unit starts to dispense coins, and stop driving the sensor if no dispensed coins are detected by the sensor.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Coin depositing and dispensing unit apparatus

Номер: US20130035024A1
Автор: Kazuya Okawa
Принадлежит: Toshiba TEC Corp

A coin depositing and dispensing apparatus comprises a storing section configured to select and store a deposited coin according to a denomination, a coin conveying unit configured to convey the coin stored in the storing section, a switching member configured to switch a coin conveying route of the coin conveying unit to either a coin dispensing path for dispensing the coin from a coin dispensing port or a coin collecting path where a coin collecting bag is provided for collecting the coin and a regulating unit configured to restrict the switching to the coin collecting path by the switching member if the coin collecting bag is mounted but not located at a specified coin collecting position.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Coin processing device with temporary coin withholding mechanism

Номер: US20130090048A1
Принадлежит: Nippon Conlux Co Ltd

A coin processing device includes a temporary coin-withholding mechanism for driving coin withholding levers using a single driving device. The temporary coin-withholding mechanism includes a single driving mechanism, a first coin withholding lever for withholding/releasing a coin guided by a first coin sorting route, a second coin withholding lever for withholding/releasing a coin guided by a second coin sorting route, and a link mechanism including detecting whether a coin is withheld in the first coin sorting route. When the retention is detected, the first lever is shifted from the withholding position to the release position to allow the driving mechanism to drive only the first coin lever without driving the second coin lever. When the retention is not detected, the second lever is shifted from the withholding position to the release position to allow the driving mechanism to drive the second coin withholding lever.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for varying coin-processing machine receptacle limits

Номер: US20130199890A1
Автор: John R. Blake
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

In one aspect, a method for optimizing a usable volume of a coin receptacle associated with a coin-processing device includes receiving a plurality of coins in a coin input area of the coin-processing device, obtaining data for each coin from at least one sensor, associating the data for each coin with a denomination, depositing all of the received plurality of coins with an associated denomination into the coin receptacle of the coin-processing device, the coin receptacle being configured to accept, but not dispense, deposited coins until a maximum number of coins occupy the coin receptacle and to securely store the coins in the coin receptacle until removal of the coin receptacle from the coin-processing device and adjusting, responsive to the data, an upper limit of the maximum number of coins which may be deposited into the coin receptacle.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130306722A1
Автор: AKAMATSU Toru

When a recognition result matches with a denomination stored by the storage unit and the number of the moneys for the denomination counted by the recognition unit has not yet reached the number of the moneys for the denomination stored by the storage unit, the transport unit transports the moneys to the dispense unit. When a recognition result matches with a denomination stored by the storage unit and the number of the moneys for the denomination counted by the recognition unit has already reached the number of the moneys for the denomination stored by the storage unit, the transport unit transports the moneys to the plurality of storing and feeding units. When a recognition result matches with no denomination stored by the storage unit, the transport unit transports the moneys to the plurality of storing and feeding units. 1. A money handling system that performs a deposit operation for counting moneys and a dispense operation for preparing change funds , the money handling system comprising:a reception unit configured to receive the moneys;a recognition unit configured to recognize denominations of the moneys and to count the number of the moneys for each denomination;a plurality of storing and feeding units, each of which being configured to store and feed the moneys;a dispense unit configured to dispense the moneys such that the moneys can be taken out from outside;a transport unit configured to transport the moneys to the plurality of storing and feeding units or the dispense unit;a storage unit configured to store change information showing the number of the change funds for each denomination; anda control unit configured to control the transport unit such that:when a recognition result of the moneys received by the reception unit matches with a denomination stored by the storage unit and the number of the moneys for the denomination counted by the recognition unit has not yet reached the number of the moneys for the denomination stored by the storage unit, ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus, Method, Software & Graphical Interface for Flexible Dispensing of Coins in a Coin Handling Apparatus

Номер: US20140031974A1
Принадлежит: SCAN COIN AB

A coin dispensing apparatus has a cabinet serving as an apparatus housing for the apparatus. The apparatus has a control means for controlling the apparatus. The apparatus further has a module for receiving, optionally validating and optionally sorting coins of different types and at least one dispenser for coins to be dispensed. The apparatus also comprises a filling compartment comprising a plurality of dispense locations. Each dispense location is adapted for receiving a portable coin receptacle for collecting dispensed coins from a specific dispenser. The apparatus is adapted to dispense a specific amount of coins under control of said control means to at least one portable coin receptacle at a specific dispense location in said filling compartment. The control means is adapted to only start the dispense operation at said specific dispense location if a portable coin receptacle is present at the location.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190026970A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

At the time of dispensing money for replenishing a cash settlement apparatus, to dispense the money in the form of loose money and/or wrapped money based on user requirement, a money handling system is configured to dispense money for replenishing includes at least one cash settlement apparatus configured to store money for being utilized as change, and a money management apparatus including a communication unit configured to acquire information on money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus, a loose money handling unit configured to dispense loose money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus, and a wrapped money handling unit configured to dispense wrapped money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus. 1. A money handling system comprising:at least one cash settlement apparatus configured to store therein money for being utilized as change; and a communication unit configured to acquire information on money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus;', 'a loose money handling unit configured to dispense loose money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus; and', 'a wrapped money handling unit configured to dispense wrapped money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus., 'a money management apparatus that includes'}2. The money handling system as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe wrapped money that the wrapped money handling unit dispenses includes a coin roll in which a predetermined number of coins are wrapped.3. The money handling system as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe wrapped money that the wrapped money handling unit dispenses includes a banknote bundle in which a predetermined number of banknotes are bundled.4. The money handling system as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe loose money handling unit receives the loose money and stores the loose money inside the apparatus, and utilizes the stored loose money for replenishing the cash settlement apparatus.5. The money handling system as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe money ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031236A1
Автор: Schons Georg, Schons Marc

A sorting device for sorting out coins from bulk material, includes at least one sorting gap () for coins that is limited by at least one roller () which can be rotated by a drive () about an axis of rotation (A) such that objects that cannot be conveyed through the sorting gap () are applied with force by the roller () in a direction away from the sorting gap () wherein a discharge hood () is provided for an eddy current separator device (), which has an adjustable trajectory separator unit () in a hood interior (), wherein the at least one roller () is arranged in or on the discharge hood () in relation to the trajectory separator unit () such that a non-ferrous metal fraction separated from the bulk material by the trajectory separator unit () is guided in the direction of the sorting gap () by the weight force of the non-ferrous metal objects (). 1. A sorting device for sorting out coins from bulk material , the sorting device comprising{'b': 5', '2', '33', '5', '5', '2, 'at least one sorting gap () for coins, each sorting gap being limited by at least one roller () which can be rotated about an axis of rotation (A) by means of a drive () in such a manner that objects that cannot be transported through the sorting gap () are subjected to a force in a direction away from the sorting gap (), along the axis of rotation (A) of the roller, by the roller (),'}further comprising{'b': 6', '4', '7', '2', '6', '4', '4', '5', '12, 'a discharge hood () which has a trajectory separator device () in a hood interior (), the at least one roller () being disposed in or on the discharge hood () relative to the trajectory separator device () in such a manner that a non-ferrous metal fraction separated out from the bulk material by the trajectory separator device () is transported in the direction of the sorting gap () by the weight of the non-ferrous metal objects ().'}2286. The sorting device according to claim 1 , wherein the axis of rotation (A) of the at least one roller () ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170046673A1

An automatic transaction device includes a first device mounted internally and a control unit that controls devices send and receive data between the first device and the control unit. The first device executes processing that generates a first code relating to the first device and sends same to the control unit and executes processing that verifies a second code received from the control unit and generates an encryption key in accordance with the verification results. The control unit executes: processing whereby, after the first code has been received, verification is made that the operation environment is within the automatic transaction device; and processing whereby, if a determination is made that the operation environment is within the automatic transaction device, a second code is generated and sent to the first device. 1. An automatic transaction device comprising:a first device mounted internally; anda control unit configured to control devices, wherein transmission and reception of data are performed between the first device and the control unit, a process of generating a first code relating to the first device, and', 'a process of performing verification of the first code and a second code received from the control unit and generating an encryption key in accordance with a result of the verification, and, 'the first device being configured to execute'} a process of performing verification regarding the fact that an operation environment exists in the automatic transaction device after reception of the first code and', 'a process of generating the second code and transmitting the second code to the first device in response to it having been determined that the operation environment exists in the automatic transaction device., 'the control unit being configured to execute'}2. The automatic transaction device as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the control unit is configured to carry out a process of generating the second code from the first code.3. The ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Analysis system

Номер: US20200051176A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

According to the present invention, an analysis system (10) including a generation unit (11) that generates frequency data indicating a temporal change in an occurrence frequency of a predetermined event for each processing object, and an extraction unit (12) that extracts the processing object having a first feature appearing in the frequency data as a possible abnormal object is provided.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Adjusting Device for Coin Counting Machine

Номер: US20150065022A1
Автор: Chen Chiu-Ming

An adjusting device for a coin counting machine contains: a base including a plate member, an orifice, an adjusting hole, and a positioning hole. The plate member has the orifice screwing with a screw rod of an elastic fitting set, the adjusting hole, and the positioning hole. The adjusting hole has an adjusting post engaging with an elongated aperture of an adjustment piece, the positioning hole has a fixing post engaging with a fix aperture. An adjustment piece includes a tab, an extension, an arcuate sliding aperture, the elongated aperture, and the fix aperture. The elastic fitting set includes the screw rod, a resilient element, and a driving block, wherein the screw rod is screwed with the orifice via the arcuate sliding aperture and has the resilient element, and the driving block is fitted between the resilient element and the tab and is screwed with the screw rod. 1. An adjusting device for a coin counting machine comprising:a base including a plate member, an orifice, an adjusting hole, and a positioning hole; the plate member having the orifice defined on one side thereof and screwing with a screw rod of an elastic fitting set, the adjusting hole and the positioning hole formed beside the orifice of the plate member, the adjusting hole having an adjusting post screwed therein and engaging with an elongated aperture of an adjustment piece, and the positioning hole having a fixing post screwed therein and engaging with a fix aperture;an adjustment piece including a tab, an extension, an sliding aperture, the elongated aperture, and the fix aperture; the tab having the extension extending outwardly from an outer peripheral side thereof, the sliding aperture defined at a central position thereof, the elongated aperture defined between the extension and the sliding aperture, and the fix aperture formed on the outer peripheral side thereof so as to engage with the fixing post;the elastic fitting set including the screw rod, a resilient element, and a driving ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Automatic teller machine, terminal device, and medium reading method

Номер: US20210074131A1
Принадлежит: NEC Corp

An automatic teller machine includes: a first reading sensor that reads display information displayed on a medium at a predetermined position; and a second reading sensor that reads, from the medium at the predetermined position, storage information stored in the medium. The first reading sensor is disposed above the second reading sensor.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190080545A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

A money handling system allows easy handling of money, which is processed in a first money handling apparatus installed in a shop and the like, in a second money handling apparatus installed in another place. The money is transported using a container in which the money is stored in mixed state. The second money handling apparatus receives, recognizes and counts the money of a plurality of transactions processed by the first money handling apparatus. Based on money information generated when processed by the first money handling apparatus and a recognition and counting result obtained by the second money handling apparatus, it is determined whether the money recognized and counted by the second money handling apparatus matches with the money from the plurality of transactions processed by the first money handling apparatus. 111.-. (canceled)12. A money handling system comprising:a first money handling apparatus that recognizes money per transaction;a second money handling apparatus that receives and recognizes money of a plurality of transactions that has been processed by the first money handling apparatus; anda determination unit that determines whether the money of the plurality of transactions recognized by the second money handling apparatus matches with the money of the plurality of transactions processed by the first money handling apparatus based on first information of the money of the plurality of transactions processed by the first money handling apparatus and second information obtained by recognizing the money of the plurality of transactions by the second money handling apparatus.13. The money handling system as claimed in claim 12 , whereinthe plurality of transactions that has been processed by the first money handling apparatus includes at least a first transaction in which first money is processed and a second transaction in which the second money is processed, andthe first money and the second money are processed in a mixed state, where money of ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180108199A1

A method of repurposing coins includes the acts of discharging processed mixed coins into a coin bin, receiving a first request for a number of or value of coins of a first denomination from an authorized person, outputting the mixed coins from the coin bin onto a coin conveyor responsive to the received first request, conveying the mixed coins output from the coin bin, using the coin conveyor, to the coin processing machine for repurposing, and discharging the coins of the first denomination from the coin processing machine to a secure coin cassette and discharging coins of a denomination other than the first denomination back to the coin bin. These acts of outputting, conveying and discharging are continued until the number of or value of coins of the first denomination have been discharged to the secure coin cassette. 1. A method of recycling coins comprising:processing mixed coins received at a first business using a coin processing machine;discharging the mixed coins into a coin bin;receiving, in the coin processing machine, a first request for a number of or value of coins of a first denomination from an authorized person;outputting the mixed coins from the coin bin onto a coin conveyor responsive to the received first request;conveying the mixed coins output from the coin bin, using the coin conveyor, to the coin processing machine for recycling;discharging the coins of the first denomination from the coin processing machine to a secure coin cassette and discharging coins of a denomination other than the first denomination back to the coin bin; andcontinuing the acts of outputting, conveying and discharging until the number of or value of coins of the first denomination have been discharged to the secure coin cassette.2. The method of recycling coins according to claim 1 , wherein the authorized person is a supervisor in the first business.3. The method of recycling coins according to claim 2 , wherein the first business comprises a grocery store claim 2 , a ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Coin counting device

Номер: US20150147948A1
Автор: Shu-Chuan Chung

A coin counting device includes a mounting seat, a counting unit disposed removably on the mounting seat, a guiding unit, and a track unit. The mounting seat includes a first guide passage, and two retaining groove units located respectively at two sides of a central axis of the first guide passage. The counting unit is disposed selectively within one of the retaining groove units.

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180144317A1
Автор: MURAKAMI Hitotoshi

A transaction device is provided for (1) paying in and paying out a first currency. The transaction device includes (2) a display section to display transaction content, and a transaction processing section to perform a transaction using the display section and an inserted medium. (3) In cases in which a second currency corresponding to the medium is to be used to perform a pay-out transaction in the first currency, the transaction processing section performs settlement selection processing to receive selection of whether to use a settlement rate at the time of payout or a settlement rate subsequent thereto as an exchange rate between the first currency and the second currency. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. A transaction device for paying out a first currency , the transaction device comprising:a display configured to display transaction content; anda transaction processing section configured to perform a transaction using an inserted medium,wherein, when paying out the first currency, the display displays a settlement selection screen in order to enable a user to select either the first currency or a second currency as a currency to settle a pay-out transaction.14. The transaction device of claim 13 , wherein the transaction processing section is further configured to perform settlement selection processing comprising processing to receive claim 13 , from a user claim 13 , a selection of a currency with which to settle the pay-out transaction.15. A transaction device for paying out a first currency claim 13 , the transaction device comprising:a display section configured to display transaction content; anda transaction processing section configured to perform a transaction using at least an inserted medium,wherein, when a pay-out transaction in the first currency is to be settled in a second currency, the display displays a settlement ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

A coin feeding unit, a module comprising said coin feeding unit, and a coin handling machine

Номер: US20220292904A1
Принадлежит: SCAN COIN AB

The disclosure relates to a coin feeding unit for a coin handling machine, the coin feeding unit comprising: a coin guiding arrangement, and a coin transport arrangement defining a movable transport surface, wherein said coin guiding arrangement is configured to receive coins and to guide said received coins to an inner coin arrival surface of the coin guiding arrangement, wherein the coin transport arrangement is configured to move said coins, on the movable transport surface, from the coin arrival surface to a coin output position, wherein a discharge gate is provided in the coin guiding arrangement, at the coin arrival surface, for discharging unwanted objects residing thereon, wherein the discharge gate is slidably arranged in the coin guiding arrangement so as to be displaceable, between a closed position and an open position.

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190218053A1

A conveying-direction switching device includes: a shaft; and a plurality of blades that are pivotally supported by the shaft and that switch a conveying direction of a sheet conveyed through a conveyance path to a predetermined direction toward a delivering/discharging section for the sheet included in a housing unit that houses the sheet by winding the sheet around a drum together with a belt-like member, wherein the plurality of blades include: a first blade group that is pivotally supported in a neighborhood of a center of the shaft and that is opposed to the delivering/discharging section; and a second blade group that is pivotally supported on an outer side of the shaft as compared with the first blade group. 1. A conveying-direction switching device comprising:a shaft; anda plurality of blades that are pivotally supported the shaft and that switch a conveying direction of a sheet conveyed through a conveyance path to a predetermined direction toward a delivering/discharging section for the sheet included in a housing unit that houses the sheet by winding the sheet around a drum together with a belt-like member, wherein a first blade group that is pivotally supported in a neighborhood of a center of the shaft and that is opposed to the delivering/discharging section; and', 'a second blade group that is pivotally supported on an outer side of the shaft as compared with the first blade group, and, 'the plurality of blades includeeach blade in the second blade group is formed such that a height in the predetermined direction relative to the conveyance path is shorter as a pivotally supported position is located on an outer side of the shaft.2. The conveying-direction switching device according to claim 1 , wherein each blade in the second blade group is formed such that a length in a direction of the conveyance path is longer as a pivotally supported position is located on an outer side of the shaft.3. The conveying-direction switching device according to claim 2 ...

28-09-2017 дата публикации

Wrapped-coin dispensing apparatus

Номер: US20170278332A1
Автор: Jason Ammar Nader
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd

Provided is a wrapped-coin dispensing apparatus 300 in which a storage unit 310 includes a pair of side walls forming a storage area for wrapped coin rolls therebetween, and at least one of the pair of side walls is configured as an openable and closable door 314 through which the wrapped coin rolls are taken in and out from the storage unit 310 . The height of a storage area differs between a side, in the storage unit 310 , where a dispensing mechanism 319 is provided, and a side opposite to the side where the dispensing mechanism 319 is provided.

15-10-2015 дата публикации

Device for dispensing coins

Номер: US20150294520A1
Принадлежит: Crane Payment Solutions GmbH

A device for dispensing coins includes a rotatingly-driven rotary disk, a coin container arranged above the rotary disk, through which coins are fed to a top side of the rotary disk, and a coin discharge. A wiper device is also includes and comprises at least one elastic wiper arm arranged above and at a distance from the top side of the rotary disk and turning with the rotary disk.

20-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160307386A1
Принадлежит: NIPPON CONLUX CO., LTD.

A coin processing device includes a coin discriminating unit, a coin distributing unit, plural coin tubes, and a coin delivering unit that delivers coins that have been housed in the coin tubes, by delivering operation of pulling out by a payout slide. For specific denominations, a two-coin delivering coin tube and one-coin delivering coin tubes are provided. In a normal state, the coin distributing unit distributes coins that have been inserted, to at least one of the coin tubes, the at least one having the coin housing number smaller, and the coin delivering unit delivers the coins to minimize the number of times of the delivering operation. In a change-shortage state, the coin distributing unit preferentially distributes the coins that have been inserted, to the one-coin delivering coin tubes, and the coin delivering unit performs delivery from only the two-coin delivering coin tube as much as possible. 1. A coin processing device comprising:a coin discriminating unit configured to discriminate denominations of coins that have been inserted;a coin distributing unit configured to distribute the coins that have been discriminated by the coin discriminating unit, each denomination;a plurality of coin tubes for housing the coins that have been distributed by the coin distributing unit, each denomination; anda coin delivering unit configured to deliver the coins that have been housed in the coin tubes, by delivering operation of pulling out by a payout slide,wherein, for specific denominations, a two-coin delivering coin tube from which two coins are pulled out in one time of the delivering operation, and a one-coin delivering coin tube from which one coin is pulled out in one time of the delivering operation, are provided,in a normal state where the coin housing number of the one-coin delivering coin tube is sufficient, the coin distributing unit distributes the specific denomination coins that have been inserted, to at least one of the coin tubes, the at least one ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Vane Member for Paper Sheet Conveyance Impeller

Номер: US20190291999A1

The present invention relates to a vane member for a paper sheet conveyance impeller in which at least one vane member is disposed so as to protrude from the external peripheral surface of a rotatable cylindrical member, the vane member being provided with: a vane member body comprising a thermosetting polyurethane elastomer; and a plurality of core wires which comprise polyester fibers and are arranged along the axial direction of a rotary shaft of the cylindrical member. At least a portion of the core wires being embedded within the vane member body. 1. A vane member for a paper sheet-conveyance impeller , at least one the vane member being arranged so as to protrude from an outer peripheral surface of a rotatable cylindrical member , the vane member comprising:a vane member body comprising a thermosetting polyurethane elastomer; anda plurality of core wires being arranged side by side in a shaft direction of a rotating shaft of the cylindrical member and each comprising a polyester fiber,wherein at least a part of the core wire is embedded inside the vane member body.2. The vane member for a paper sheet-conveyance impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the core wire has a fineness being in a range of 100 to 300 deniers.3. The vane member for a paper sheet-conveyance impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the core wire has a fineness being in a range of 120 to 180 deniers.4. The vane member for a paper sheet-conveyance impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the vane member body comprises the thermosetting polyurethane elastomer comprising no plasticizer.5. The vane member for a paper sheet-conveyance impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the vane member body comprises the thermosetting polyurethane elastomer comprising a plasticizer claim 1 , and an amount of the plasticizer is 20 parts by mass or less per 100 parts by weight of the thermosetting polyurethane elastomer.6. The vane member for a paper sheet-conveyance impeller according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190304233A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

A sheet storage apparatus (for example, banknote handling machine includes: a holding unit (for example, each holding member) configured to hold a storage bag in a state where an opening portion of a banknote storage bag is opened or in a state where the opening portion of the banknote storage bag is sealed; a regulation unit configured to selectively regulate access to the banknote storage bag held by the holding unit; and a control unit configured to control the regulation unit so as to allow access to the banknote storage bag held by the holding unit in a state where the opening portion of the banknote storage bag is opened when a predetermined condition is satisfied. 1. A sheet storage apparatus comprising:a holding unit configured to hold a storage bag in a state where an opening portion of the storage bag is opened or in a state where the opening portion of the storage bag is sealed;a sealing unit configured to seal the opening portion of the storage bag held by the holding unit;a regulation unit configured to selectively regulate access to the storage bag held by the holding unit; anda control unit configured to control the regulation unit so as to allow access to the storage bag held by the holding unit in a state where the opening portion of the storage bag is opened when a predetermined condition is satisfied.2. The sheet storage apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising: a drawer unit in which at least the holding unit is disposed, the drawer unit configured to be drawn outward from the housing, wherein', 'the regulation unit includes a locking unit configured to regulate drawing of the drawer unit to outside of the housing, and', 'the control unit controls the locking unit so as to allow the drawer unit to be drawn to outside of the housing when the predetermined condition is satisfied., 'a housing; and'}3. The sheet storage apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising:a housing;a drawer unit in which at least the holding unit is ...

10-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190311564A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

Disclosed is a coin handling apparatus including: a transport unit including a transport disk which moves a coin along a coin track; sorting units each of which sorts the coin when the coin falls into any of openings; a fall detector which detects the opening into which the coin has fallen; a motor which allows the transport disk to rotate; and a controller (controller) which stops the motor upon determining an occurrence of a transport error in the coin track, and identifies the opening into which the coin has fallen after the stop of the motor and during recovery from the transport error based on a detection result of the fall detector. 1. A coin handling apparatus , comprising:an arcuate coin track configured to move a coin;a transport unit comprising a transport disk that rotates about a shaft, the transport disk rotating with pressing an upper surface of the coin by a lower surface of the transport disk so as to move the coin in a single layer and a single file along the coin track;a sorting unit comprising a plurality of openings provided in the coin track, and configured to sort the coin by making the coin moving along the coin track fall into any of the openings;a fall detector configured to detect the opening into which the coin has fallen;a motor configured to allow the transport disk to rotate; anda controller configured to stop the motor upon determining an occurrence of a transport error of the coin in the coin track, and identify the opening into which the coin has fallen in a period from the stop of the motor to the end of recovery from the transport error based on a detection result of the fall detector.2. The coin handling apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the transport disk is arranged to face the coin track so as to sandwich the coin between the lower surface of the transport disk and the coin track when the transport disk moves the coin claim 1 , and the lower surface of the transport disk during the recovery from the transport error is at a ...

01-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200312076A1
Автор: Yoshida Yusuke
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd.

In order to drop a coin into an opening formed in a transport path for sorting coins, a coin handling apparatus includes: a transport path having a transport surface in which the opening for dropping a coin is formed; a conveyor configured to transport a coin on the transport surface along the transport path; a gate including a plurality of members configured to move between a closed position for closing the opening such that a coin transported by the conveyor is not dropped into the opening, and an opened position for opening the opening such that the coin is dropped into the opening; and a drive motor configured to drive the plurality of members to control the gate to move between the closed position and the opened position. 1. A coin handling apparatus comprising:a transport path having a transport surface in which an opening for dropping a coin is formed;a conveyor configured to transport a coin on the transport surface along the transport path;a gate including a plurality of members configured to move between a closed position for closing the opening such that a coin transported by the conveyor is not dropped into the opening, and an opened position for opening the opening such that the coin is dropped into the opening; anda drive motor configured to drive the plurality of members to control the gate to move between the closed position and the opened position.2. The coin handling apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of members include at least a first member and a second member each attached to opposing walls of the transport path in a width direction.3. The coin handling apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of members include a member configured to protrude into the transport path and cause the coin to drop into the opening in a case that the gate is in the opened position.4. The coin handling apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe gate is configured to form a flat surface that is substantially parallel to the transport surface in a case that the gate ...

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190333305A1

Disclosed is a coin chute protector for a self-service terminal. The coin chute protector may comprise a body having a first surface and a second surface. The second surface may define a channel arranged to direct a liquid toward a first edge of the second surface. The coin chute protector may be sized to fit within an indentation defined by a coin chute of the self-service terminal.

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190337676A1

A medium storage box includes a storage unit that stores a medium, a handle configured to rotate in a first direction from a first state to a second state and a second direction opposite to the first direction from the second state to the first state, and a rotation restricting portion that prevents rotation of the handle in the second direction. The handle includes a grip portion and an arm that includes an upper surface portion or a top portion and extends in an extending direction toward the upper surface portion or the top portion from the rotational axis. The arm is configured such that an end portion of an arm center line side in the upper surface portion or the top portion is separated toward a first direction side with respect to an arm center line extending from the rotational axis to the extending direction. 1. A medium storage box , comprising:a storage unit that stores a medium;a handle configured to rotate, in opposite first and second directions, with respect to the storage unit around a rotational axis between a first state standing with respect to the storage unit and a second state lying with respect to the storage unit; anda rotation restricting portion that, when the handle is in the first state, restricts rotation of the handle to only the first, wherein a grip portion that extends in a parallel direction of the rotational axis; and', 'an arm that includes an arm upper surface portion or arm top portion on a grip portion side and extends in an extending direction from the rotational axis toward the arm upper surface portion or arm top portion; and, 'the handle includesthe arm is configured such that an end portion of an arm center line side in the arm upper surface portion or arm top portion is separated toward a first direction side with respect to an arm center line extending from the rotational axis to the extending direction.2. The medium storage box of claim 1 , whereinthe arm further includes an inclined surface inclining from the end ...

07-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170352221A1
Принадлежит: NIPPON CONLUX CO., LTD.

A coin tube in which coins falling from an upper side are loaded and stored, the coin tube includes: a coin posture conversion unit, configured to convert a falling posture of a coin, at a coin entry port. The coin posture conversion unit has a shape asymmetric to a center line cl in a progressing direction of the coin on the coin posture conversion unit. The coin tube can suppress generation of coin erection. 1. A coin tube in which coins falling from an upper side are loaded and stored , the coin tube comprising:a coin posture conversion unit, configured to convert a falling posture of a coin into a posture almost horizontal, at a coin entry port,wherein the coin posture conversion unit has a shape asymmetric to a center line in a progressing direction of the coin on the coin posture conversion unit.2. The coin tube according to claim 1 , whereinthe coin posture conversion unit includes a plate-shaped member provided with a rib-like protrusion,the rib-like protrusion is provided only at one side between both sides in the center line in the progressing direction of the coin on the coin posture conversion unit or the rib-like protrusion with different heights are provided, respectively, at both the sides in the center line in the progressing direction of the coin on the coin posture conversion unit.3. A coin storage cassette which is formed to be integrated with a plurality of coin tubes arranged in parallel claim 1 , wherein{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'at least one of the plurality of coin tubes is the coin tube according to .'}4. A coin storage cassette which is formed to be integrated with a plurality of coin tubes arranged in parallel claim 1 , wherein{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00002', 'claim 2'}, 'at least one of the plurality of coin tubes is the coin tube according to .'} The present invention relates to a coin tube of a coin processing device installed in a vending machine, an exchange machine, a fare adjustment machine, a ticket ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150371474A1
Автор: Neumann Thorsten

A device () for sorting coins () has at least first and second receiving containers () for receiving coins () and a separating unit (). Further, a transport unit () for transporting coins () to the receiving containers () is provided and has a first transport section () arranged between the separating unit () and the first transport container (). The transport unit () also has a second transport section () between the first receiving container () and the second receiving container (). A first sensor () for detecting coins () is arranged in the first transport section () and a second sensor () for detecting coins () is arranged in the second transport section (). A control unit () determines the number of coins () fed to the first receiving container () dependent on the information obtained from the first sensor () and from the second sensor (). 12031. A device for sorting coins , comprising a first and at least a second receiving container () for receiving the coins () ,{'b': 14', '31, 'a separating unit () for separating the coins (), and'}{'b': 18', '31', '14', '20', '14', '20', '20', '18', '52', '14', '20', '20', '20', '54', '20', '20', '20, 'a transport unit () for transporting the coins () from the separating unit () to the first receiving container () arranged downstream of the separating unit () and the second receiving container () arranged downstream of the first receiving container (), wherein the transport unit () has a first transport section () between the separating unit () and the first transport container () and along which both the coins to be fed to the first receiving container () and to the second receiving container () are transported, and a second transport section () between the first transport container () and the second transport container () and along which only the coins not fed to the first transport container () are transported,'}{'b': 62', '52', '31', '52, 'a first sensor () in the first transport section () for detecting coins () ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150371475A1

An apparatus for conveying money items, which is configured to singulate money items during conveyance, sense characteristics of money items during conveyance and eject money items from a conveyor. 124.-. (canceled)25. A money item conveying member of a money item conveyor , comprising:a money item support section configured to support a primary money item on the conveying member during movement of the conveyor; anda money item release section which does not support a money item on the conveying member during movement of the conveyor and is configured to release one or more surplus money items from the conveying member;wherein the conveying member is arranged to direct the surplus money items into the release section when a primary money item is in the support section.26. The money item conveying member according to claim 25 , wherein the money item support section is configured to support only the primary money item.27. The money item conveying member according to claim 25 , wherein the support section comprises a money item conveying surface arranged to abut an edge of the primary money item to convey it forward in the movement direction of the conveyor.28. The money item conveying member according to claim 27 , wherein the conveying surface is approximately perpendicular to the movement direction of the conveyor.29. The money item conveying member according to claim 27 , wherein the conveying surface stops short of the money item release section of the conveying member.30. The money item conveying member according to claim 27 , wherein the support section comprises a money item guide surface arranged to support a main face of the primary money item during movement of the conveyor.31. The money item conveying member according to claim 30 , wherein the guide surface is approximately parallel to the movement direction of the conveyor.32. The money item conveying member according to claim 30 , wherein the money item conveying surface is upstanding from the money item ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150371476A1

An apparatus for conveying money items, which is configured to singulate money items during conveyance, sense characteristics of money items during conveyance and eject money items from a conveyor. 132.-. (canceled)33. A money item conveying system comprising:a first conveyor configured to convey money items around a first looped path from a first escalating region of the first conveyor to a first bridge region of the first conveyor; anda second conveyor located inside the first looped path of the first conveyor and configured to convey the money items around a second looped path from a second escalating region of the second conveyor to a second bridge region of the second conveyor.34. The money item conveying system according to claim 33 , comprising:a guide groove where the money items are conveyed by the second conveyor from the second escalating region of the second conveyor to the second bridge region of the second conveyor.35. The money item conveying system according to claim 33 , comprising:a guide groove where the money items are conveyed by the first conveyor from the first escalating region of the first conveyor to the first bridge region of the first conveyor.36. The money item conveying system according to claim 34 , wherein edges of the money items are conveyed in the guide groove during movement of the first conveyor.37. The money item conveying system according to claim 34 , wherein a conveying plane of the first conveyor is substantially a same as a conveying plane of the second conveyor.38. The money item conveying system according to claim 34 , comprising a first money item source configured to feed the money items onto the first conveyor and a second money item source configured to feed the money items onto the second conveyor.39. The money item conveying system according to claim 38 , wherein the first and second money item sources are configured to feed the money items onto the conveyors from a same side of the conveyors.40. The money item ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150371477A1

An apparatus for conveying money items, which is configured to singulate money items during conveyance, sense characteristics of money items during conveyance and eject money items from a conveyor. 126.-. (canceled)27. A money item conveying system comprising:a money item conveyor configured to convey money items; anda money item guide where the conveyor is configured to convey an edge of the money items;wherein the guide comprises a money item agitating region configured to agitate movement of surplus money items off the conveyor in order to singulate money items on the conveyor.28. The money item conveying system according to claim 27 , wherein the conveyor is configured to direct edges of the primary money items against the guide as the primary money items are conveyed.29. The money item conveying system according claim 27 , wherein movement of a money item into the agitating region of the guide causes opposing movement of a surplus money item into a money item release section of the conveyor.30. The money item conveying system according to claim 27 , wherein the money item conveyor is configured to direct primary money items at least partially out of a conveying plane of the conveyor in the agitating region of the conveyor path.31. The money item conveying system according to claim 27 , wherein the agitating region of the guide comprises a region that extends towards the conveyor configured to physically contact edges of surplus money items on the conveyor and direct the surplus items into a money item release section of the conveyor.32. The money item conveying system according to claim 31 , wherein the region is configured to contact surplus money items that are resting edge to edge with another money item and that are forward of the other money item in the conveying direction of the conveyor.33. The money item conveying system according to claim 27 , wherein the agitating region of the guide is in a money item escalating region of the conveyor path.34. The ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150371478A1

An apparatus for conveying money items, which is configured to singulate money items during conveyance, sense characteristics of money items during conveyance and eject money items from a conveyor. 115.-. (canceled)16. A money item conveying system comprising:a money item conveyor configured to convey a money item; andat least one money item sensor located adjacent the money item conveyor and configured to sense at least one characteristic of the money item as the money item is conveyed;wherein the money item conveyor is configured to direct the money item at least partially out of a conveying plane of the conveyor and into a sensing plane of the adjacent sensor as the money item passes the sensor in a sensing region of a conveyor path.17. The money item conveying system according to claim 16 , further comprising a guide located adjacent the conveyor against where the money item is conveyed past the sensor.18. The money item conveying system according to claim 17 , wherein the conveyor comprises a conveying surface that is configured to direct an edge of the money item against the adjacent guide.19. The money item conveying system according to claim 17 , wherein the guide comprises a bottom of a guide groove arranged to receive an edge of the money item such that the edge of the money item runs along the bottom of the groove as the money item is conveyed past the sensor.20. The money item conveying system according to claim 17 , wherein the guide is on the same side of the conveyor as the sensor.21. The money item conveying system according to claim 17 , wherein a region between the guide and the conveyor where the money item is directed is out of the conveying plane of the conveyor and in the sensing plane of the sensor.22. The money item conveying system according to claim 17 , wherein the distance between the conveyor and the guide is greater in the sensing region of the conveyor path than in other regions of the conveyor path.23. The money item conveying system ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190362606A1

An operation panel structure includes a panel member provided with an IC reader on which an IC medium may be placed. An upper surface portion of the panel member is provided with an elongated protrusion extending along, and in the vicinity of an edge among a front edge, a back edge, a left edge and a right edge of the IC reader, and a concave portion extending in an extending direction of the elongated protrusion, at a position of a side on which the IC medium may be placed with respect to the elongated protrusion. 1. An operation panel structure , comprising:a panel member provided with an IC reader on which an IC medium may be placed, wherein an elongated protrusion extending along, and in the vicinity of an edge among a front edge, a back edge, a left edge and a right edge of the IC reader; and', 'a concave portion extending in an extending direction of the elongated protrusion, at a position of a side on which the IC medium may be placed with respect to the elongated protrusion., 'an upper surface portion of the panel member includes'}2. The operation panel structure according to claim 1 , wherein a length of the concave portion is longer than a width of the portion of the IC medium placed on the IC reader facing the concave portion.3. The operation panel structure according to claim 1 , wherein in a side view claim 1 , the concave portion has a “V”-shape.4. The operation panel structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe upper surface portion of the panel member has an inclined surface portion, andthe IC reader is installed on the inclined surface portion.5. The operation panel structure according to claim 1 , further comprisinga cash port through which to deposit or withdraw cash, formed in the upper surface portion of the panel member, whereinthe edge on which the elongated protrusion is formed is the edge of the IC reader farthest from the cash port6. The operation panel structure according to claim 1 , further comprisinga cash port through which to deposit ...

13-06-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CN101777206B
Автор: 百濑正吾
Принадлежит: Nidec Sankyo Corp


17-08-1977 дата публикации

Dispensing machine

Номер: GB1483421A
Принадлежит: Individual

1483421 Dispensers G LAFON 30 April 1975 [30 April 1974] 18027/75 Heading B8S A dispensing machine for small articles such as coins comprises a chamber 1 which is rotatable about a vertical axis, a circular plate 2 positioned within the chamber 1 for rotation with an inclined shaft 8 about the axis of the latter, the chamber 1 having a flat arm 7 on to which coins, which are initially poured on to the lower part of the plate 2, are led by rotation of the latter, the rim 7 being bounded by a non- rotatable cylinder member 3 so that the coins travel along with the rim 7 and are held by centrifugal force against the inner surface of the member 3 and pass out of the machine through a shoot (4) located in a sector of the member 3, Figs. 1, 2 (not shown). The inner wall of the chamber 1 is shaped at 5 like the frustum of a cone leading into a cylindrical portion 6. The centre 15 of the upper surface 9 of plate 2 is spaced by a distance d from the axis of revolution of the chamber 1.

22-05-1989 дата публикации

Patent JPH0126118B2

Номер: JPH0126118B2
Принадлежит: Laurel Bank Machine Co Ltd

21-11-1995 дата публикации

코인 송출 장치

Номер: KR950014079B1
Автор: 히로시 아베

내용 없음.

21-09-2018 дата публикации

Device for transactions

Номер: RU2667577C1

FIELD: control devices.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the field of non-cash financial transactions, more particularly to transaction devices, and can be applied to ATMs and the like. Transaction device includes an input section, a determining means, a recording section, and a transaction processing means. Input section includes multiple keys. Detection tool monitors one of the simultaneous pressing states, in which a plurality of keys are pressed simultaneously, and a long press state in which one of the keys is pressed continuously for a predetermined duration or longer, and determines that the wrong input was made, in cases in which either a state of simultaneous pressing was detected, or a long-press state. Write section records the configuration information indicating the content of the processing for the cases in which the determining means determined that an incorrect entry was made. Transaction processing means performs the transaction processing in the user using the input section and performs the action according to the setting information recorded in the recording section, in cases in which the means of determining determined that an incorrect entry was made.EFFECT: increased security (safety) of transactions.9 cl, 29 dwg РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 2 667 577 C1 (51) МПК G07D 9/00 (2006.01) G07F 19/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G07D 9/00 (2006.01); G07F 19/206 (2006.01); G07F 7/1016 (2006.01); G07F 7/1033 (2006.01); G07F 7/1083 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017143783, 16.06.2016 16.06.2016 (73) Патентообладатель(и): ОКИ ЭЛЕКТРИК ИНДАСТРИ КО., ЛТД. (JP) Дата регистрации: 21.09.2018 05265632 A, 15.10.1993. RU 2507588 C2, 20.02.2014. 24.07.2015 JP 2015-146959 (45) Опубликовано: 21.09.2018 Бюл. № 27 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 14.12.2017 (86) Заявка PCT: 2 6 6 7 5 7 7 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: JP 2010282309 ...

18-09-2019 дата публикации

Media processing device

Номер: JP6575227B2
Автор: 円 若林, 和宏 細川
Принадлежит: Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd

20-04-2009 дата публикации

Method for detecting height of bundle of papers, and paper handling apparatus

Номер: KR100893707B1
Принадлежит: 후지쯔 가부시끼가이샤

지폐 다발이 반송된 스테이지는 조출 기구에 의한 지폐의 조출을 위해 하단 위치로 이동시킨다. 지폐 다발의 최하층의 지폐가 픽 롤러와 적절한 압력으로 접촉하도록 그 지폐 다발을 푸셔에 의해 가압한다. 그 때 센서에 의해 검출되는 위치를 기준으로 하여, 그보다 아래쪽으로 이동시킨 거리를 구한다. 구한 거리는 그 기준 위치로부터 아래쪽으로 이동할 수 있는 최대의 거리로부터 감산한다. 이에 따라 지폐 다발의 가압시의 높이를 구한다. The stage in which the banknote bundles are conveyed is moved to the lower position for the feeding of the banknotes by the feeding mechanism. The banknote bundle is pressed by the pusher so that the banknote of the lowest layer of the banknote bundle contacts the pick roller at an appropriate pressure. At that time, the distance moved below it is calculated | required based on the position detected by a sensor. The distance obtained is subtracted from the maximum distance that can be moved downward from the reference position. Thereby, the height at the time of pressurization of a banknote bundle is calculated | required.

09-02-2011 дата публикации

Coin receiving and dispensing mach1ne

Номер: CN101268496B
Автор: 西田英生
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd


23-10-2020 дата публикации

Paper sorting device

Номер: CN107851342B
Автор: 增田航一, 水野康生
Принадлежит: Hitachi Omron Terminal Solutions Corp


24-02-2022 дата публикации

Banknote processing device and banknote processing system including it

Номер: JP7024423B2
Автор: 諭 箕野
Принадлежит: Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd

24-01-2018 дата публикации

Medium storage apparatus and medium transaction apparatus

Номер: JP6264191B2
Принадлежит: Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd

07-01-1930 дата публикации

Shipping pack

Номер: US1743085A
Принадлежит: Keyes Fibre Corp

15-12-1999 дата публикации

Coin holder for motor vehicles

Номер: KR100234867B1

본 발명은 자동차용 코인 홀더(coin holder for motor vehicle)에 관한 것으로서, 코인 홀더의 하우징(2)은 제어 패널 내에 삽입될 수 있고, 복수개의 코인을 수용하기 위한 리셉터클 요소(8)를 구비한다. 상기 리셉터클 요소(8)는 회전 베어링(16)에 의해 수평 회전축(9)에 대해 회전되어 저장 위치로부터 하우징에서 나와 제거 위치로 이동될 수 있다. 리셉터클 요소(8)가 부주의하게 접촉되거나 중앙의 암레스트가 리셉터클 요소(8)로 떨어져 내리는 경우에도 리셉터클 요소(8)는 제거 위치쪽으로 탄성적으로 유지될 수 있고, 상기 리셉터클 요소(8)는 상기 하우징의 내부에 배치되어 추가의 탄성적 선형 이동을 할 수 있도록 구성된다. The present invention relates to a coin holder for a motor vehicle, in which a housing (2) of a coin holder can be inserted into a control panel and has a receptacle element (8) for receiving a plurality of coins. The receptacle element 8 can be rotated about the horizontal axis of rotation 9 by the rotary bearing 16 to move out of the storage position to the removal position. Even when the receptacle element 8 is inadvertently contacted or the central armrest falls into the receptacle element 8, the receptacle element 8 can remain elastically towards the removal position, the receptacle element 8 being the It is arranged inside the housing and is configured to allow for further elastic linear movement.

08-03-2005 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for conditioning coins prior to discrimination

Номер: US6863168B1
Принадлежит: Coinstar LLC

Methods and systems for cleaning coins and issuing a redeemable voucher for same. In one embodiment, an apparatus for issuing a redeemable voucher includes a coin input region configured to receive a plurality of coins, and a user interface configured to receive a request for a redeemable voucher. The apparatus can further include a debris separation device having a first opening configured to receive the plurality of coins from the coin input region, and at least a first wall forming an interior surface and an exterior surface. The first wall of the debris separation device includes at least one second opening smaller than the first opening and sized to prevent passage therethrough of the smallest coin of the plurality of coins. A driver can be configured to move the debris separation device and agitate the plurality of coins.

10-02-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus, system and method for coin exchange

Номер: US8950566B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

A method for exchanging coins, the method including the acts of receiving in a self-service coin exchange machine a plurality of coins, processing the plurality of coins to determine a total value of the plurality of coins, and dispensing currency to the patron from a currency dispenser, the currency having a value related to the total value.

22-11-2005 дата публикации

Coin chute

Номер: US6966417B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

The invention is related to a coin chute for transporting coins in a coin processing machine. The coin chute includes a first surface, a second surface, and a rolling surface. The rolling surface connects the first surface and the second surface to form generally a V-shape cross-section to the coin chute. The V-shape has an angle θ between the first and second surface surfaces, and is inclined at an angle α relative to the horizontal. The angles θ and α are selected to be values that cause the coins to move under a gravitational force and slidably roll across the rolling surface.

12-03-2013 дата публикации

Coin processing device having a moveable coin receptacle station

Номер: US8393455B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

A coin processing machine comprises a housing for containing the coin processing device, a coin processing unit disposed within the housing for processing received coins of a plurality of denominations and discharging processed coins into a plurality of coin receptacles, and a coin receptacle station disposed within the housing for holding a plurality of coin receptacles. The coin receptacle station includes a plurality of individually moveable platforms each having at least one coin receptacle disposed thereon. Each moveable platform is moveable between a first position and a second position. Each moveable platform is disposed entirely within the housing for receiving coins in the at least one coin receptacle disposed thereon when in the first position, and each moveable platform extends out of the housing when in the second position.

16-01-2007 дата публикации

System and method for managing dispensation and reconciliation of coins

Номер: US7163454B2
Автор: Kenneth Carter
Принадлежит: Balance Innovations LLC

A system ( 10 ) and method for managing coin dispensation and reconciliation. The system ( 10 ) broadly comprises a controller logic, preferably in the form of a computer program stored on and executed by a computing device ( 14 ); a coin dispensing mechanism ( 16 ); and security package ( 22 ). The system ( 10 ) may be a configured for constructing cash drawers or coin canisters. In either case, the controller logic may receive input relating to past coin usage, analyzes the input to predict future coin usage, and transmits a control signal to the dispensing mechanism ( 16 ) to control dispensation of the coins based at least on part on the predicted future coin usage.

28-08-2012 дата публикации

Self-service cash handling machine and method with configurable coin storage

Номер: US8251198B2
Принадлежит: Talaris Inc

A self-service change redemption machine ( 10 ) has an intake area ( 18 ) for receiving batches of mixed coinage and conveying the coins to a coin sorter ( 22 ) for sorting, counting and directing coins into a plurality of coin chutes ( 26 ). From there, the coins are routed to coin receptacles such as bags ( 60 ). Multiple bags are provided for certain denominations. To fill multiple bags for a given denomination, repositionable diverter mechanisms ( 30 ) are provided between the chutes ( 26 ) and pluralities of bags for the respective denominations. The bags are held by bag holders ( 34 ) which extend downward from a substantially rigid one-piece chassis ( 40 ), which also supports the diverter mechanisms ( 30 ). The machine ( 10 ) has buttons ( 80 ) responsive to inputs from a user to turn on the machine, to process coins that are input through the intake area ( 18 ) and to issue the voucher or other form of credit. Instructions for using the machine ( 10 ) and other information are displayed on a screen display ( 15 ).

03-04-2018 дата публикации

System, method and apparatus for repurposing currency

Номер: US9934640B2
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

A method of repurposing coins includes the acts of discharging processed mixed coins into a coin bin, receiving a first request for a number of or value of coins of a first denomination from an authorized person, outputting the mixed coins from the coin bin onto a coin conveyor responsive to the received first request, conveying the mixed coins output from the coin bin, using the coin conveyor, to the coin processing machine for repurposing, and discharging the coins of the first denomination from the coin processing machine to a secure coin cassette and discharging coins of a denomination other than the first denomination back to the coin bin. These acts of outputting, conveying and discharging are continued until the number of or value of coins of the first denomination have been discharged to the secure coin cassette.

10-12-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for varying coin-processing machine receptacle limits

Номер: US8602200B2
Автор: John R. Blake
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

In one aspect, a method for optimizing a usable volume of a coin receptacle associated with a coin-processing device is provided. This method includes the steps of obtaining data from at least one sensor and adjusting, responsive to such data, an upper limit of coins which may be input into the receptacle or an available number of coins which may be input into the receptacle.

28-07-2015 дата публикации

Disk-type coin processing unit with angled sorting head

Номер: US9092924B1
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

Currency processing systems, coin processing machines, and methods of sorting batches of coins are presented herein. A currency processing system is disclosed which includes a housing with a coin input area for receiving coins, and one or more coin receptacles stowed inside the housing. A disk-type coin processing unit is operatively coupled to the coin input area and the coin receptacle(s). The coin processing unit includes a rotatable disk for imparting motion to coins received from the coin input area, and a sorting head having a lower surface generally parallel to and at least partially spaced from the rotatable disk. The lower surface forms a plurality of shaped regions for guiding the coins, under the motion imparted by the rotatable disk, to a plurality of exit stations through which the coins are discharged to the coin receptacle(s). The sorting head and the rotatable disk are obliquely angled with respect to the support surface upon which the housing rests.

13-08-1968 дата публикации

Counting machine adjustable for coins of different diameters

Номер: US3396737A
Автор: Picollo Giacomo
Принадлежит: Individual

27-02-1979 дата публикации

Vibratory coin feeder

Номер: US4141372A
Автор: Ronald C. Gdanski
Принадлежит: Individual

A vibrating feeder for feeding disc-like objects such as coins to a subsequent work station such as a coin sorter has a unitary box-like structure provided with a particularly contoured bottom. The bottom defines a main flow path and an auxiliary flow path leading to the main flow path which in turn terminates in an exit for the coins. The auxiliary flow path has longitudinally inclined fins for guiding coins to the main flow path while somewhat retarding the flow rate to avoid jamming of coins and to avoid an excessive flow rate. Each flow path also includes one or more troughs contoured so that a coin will not lie flat thereon. The feeder is inexpensive to produce, is simple in execution and operation and provides a controlled flow rate for coins or other objects to the subsequent work station.

07-07-1953 дата публикации

Coin dispensing machine

Номер: US2644470A
Автор: Roy J Labbe
Принадлежит: Individual

14-04-1959 дата публикации

Coin dispensing machine

Номер: US2881774A
Автор: Roy J Labbe
Принадлежит: Individual

07-09-1971 дата публикации

Jam eliminator apparatus for coin counting machines

Номер: US3603327A
Принадлежит: Brandt Automatic Cashier Co

A helper wheel is disposed at the entrance to the exit passage of a coin counting machine in which a rotating disk forms coins into a single file and normally moves the file into the exit passage. The coins in the exit passage are engaged seriatim by a rotating ejector wheel which forces the coins past a star wheel connected to a counter and out a discharge chute. The ejector wheel is mounted on a driven shaft which is journaled in a tiltable support so that the ejector wheel may be moved away from the exit passage to halt the counting of coins. The helper wheel is supported on a bracket assembly which is mounted on the driven shaft and is also geared to the driven shaft. The helper wheel is tilted with the ejector wheel to be rendered operable to engage coins at the entrance and feed them to the ejector wheel, thereby preventing the jamming of coins at the entrance.

19-07-1977 дата публикации

Hopper payout for various coin denominations

Номер: US4036242A
Принадлежит: SPIRAL STEP TOOL Co

A hopper payout for various coin denominations is disclosed having a hopper, a rotary pin wheel, removably secured shelf wheel, and delivery opening in which the pin wheel is suspended for rotation by means of rollers oriented at the periphery of the wheel on spaced centers. The shelf wheel is removable and replaceable with differing diameter shelf wheels to accommodate varying denominations of coins. A centrally disposed agitator is similarly removable and interchangeable. The knife which removes coins from the shelf wheel is pivotally mounted to accommodate varying diameters of the varying coin dimensions. A uniformly widening coin gutter is provided to reduce the tendency of the coins to jam and shingle, irrespective of denomination and size. In order to adjustably accommodate the varying weights of coins within the hopper to divert the flow of coins into the permanent coin reservoir, the hopper is pivotally secured to the frame, and a yieldable means having a preselected resiliency secures the same against pivoting. Thus an empirical determination of the number of coins to be held in the hopper before bypassing to the permanent collection member can be made by service personnel in the field.

12-10-1983 дата публикации

Patent JPS5845750B2

Номер: JPS5845750B2
Автор: Katsuaki Furuya
Принадлежит: Laurel Bank Machine Co Ltd

15-03-1983 дата публикации

Coin Assorter

Номер: US4376442A
Принадлежит: General Railway Signal Co

A fare collection system using a bus fare box that receives and counts paper currency and paper transfers and tickets into a paper collection chamber and receives and counts coins into a coin collection chamber and receives and collects operating data into a data storage unit, the operating data including fare classification, bus identification and mileage; a secure coupling is made to the fare box chambers and the data storage unit after satisfying mechanical and pneumatic and electrical security devices so as pneumatically to convey from the chambers the papers and coins therein to a central processing unit and to convey the data stored in the data storage unit to a data collection center; the paper is first conveyed in an air stream and separated from the air stream and deposited into a storage vault therefor, after which the coins are conveyed to a coin slowdown device and then discharged to a sorter-counter-recorder for coins and then to a secure storage vault, the air stream being pulsed during conveying of the paper and the coins to prevent clogging and clinging thereof to the walls of the various conduits through which the air stream passes; the intensity of the air stream is decreased during the conveying of the paper, increased during the conveying of the coins and thereafter again decreased and an air stream is directed countercurrent to the coins during dumping thereof into the coin-sorter-recorder to separate any retained paper therefrom; there also is disclosed a novel fare box, a novel paper counter-measurer, a novel extractor coupling, a novel slowdown mechanism, a novel coin sorter-counter and a novel fare box coin registering device.

23-11-1982 дата публикации

Coin sorter-counter

Номер: US4360034A
Принадлежит: Individual

A coin sorter-counter comprising a stack of plates mounted for rotation about an axis inclined to the horizontal with a housing therearound having coin openings therein, coin pockets arranged around each plate for catching coins, a resilient wheel for each of the plates to move coins from the pockets through the housing openings, and coin sensors associated with each of the coin openings for counting the coins passing therethrough; also provided is overload protection for each of the coin sorting plates, and a sensor for detecting jams and reversing the drive motor to clear the jam.

16-08-1983 дата публикации

Coin dispensing mechanism

Номер: US4398550A
Автор: Phillip E. Shireman

Disclosed is a coin dispensing apparatus in which coins are transported by first and second plates supported for rotation in stacked, overlapping relation and are rotated by motor in opposite angular direction. Each plate carries a plurality of coin receiving apertures with the apertures in each circularly arranged about the plates axis of rotation, the locus of centers of each plate's apertures being tangent. Successive apertures in the plates move into registration as the plates rotate to permit a coin on the surface of the first plate to move into an aperture of the second plate with each registration of the plate apertures.

26-03-1985 дата публикации

High-speed coin sorting and counting apparatus

Номер: US4506685A
Принадлежит: CHILDERS CORP

A coin-sorting and counting apparatus in which a mixture of coins of different denominations is deposited on a rotating surface and queued thereon by multiple coin guides. These coin guides define a coin-queueing channel for lining up coins on the rotating surface in an orderly fashion preparatory to introducing them into a coin-sorting channel. To increase the speed of sorting, a coin recirculation channel is also provided for receiving certain ones of the coins which have been moved by the rotating surface past the entrance to the coin-queueing channel and redirecting such coins to such entrance. One of the queueing channel guides also acts as a coin position retainer for retaining those coins which have been moved past the entrance of the queueing channel, without forming into the queue, at the same radial distance from the axis of the rotating surface while the surface moves such coins toward the recirculation channel.

17-12-1985 дата публикации

Coin processing apparatus

Номер: US4558711A
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd

In a coin processing apparatus, coins are inserted in a lump in a coin receiving unit, and are transferred through a conveyor section to a temporary retainer section, while the identifying unit identifies the coins when they are successively conveyed, and data concerning the coins identified are produced. After all the coins have been transferred out of the coin receiving unit, the coins are transferred from the temporary retainer section back to the coin receiving unit. When an accept command is inputted by an operator the coins having been transferred to the coin receiving unit are transferred again to the conveyor section, and the identifying unit identifies the coins as to denomination, and the separating devices selectively separate the coins from the conveyor path of the conveyor section in accordance with the result of the identification. The coins separated are led to containers respectively associated with the separating devices.

04-10-1988 дата публикации

Spiral coin-queueing head for high-speed coin-sorting and counting apparatus

Номер: US4775353A
Принадлежит: CHILDERS CORP

A coin-queueing head for use in a high-speed coin-sorting and counting apparatus is provided using a spiral coin-processing channel. Coins are fed from a central loading area through an infeed opening into an infeed area having a height permitting unrestricted outward travel of the coins to a peripheral limit having a generally helical shape. The coins are then fed into a coin-processing channel having a first portion for partially separating face-stacked coins. The coins then pass to a second ramped channel portion providing a gradual depessing of the coins and a sudden release into a third channel portion. An inwardly positioned camming lobe and an outwardly positioned expanded area are provided to facilitate lateral separation of the coins upon their release from the second channel portion. The trailing end portion of the third channel portion has a height to relieve the coins of all restriction and the peripheral limit is sloped upward to provide a smooth transition of the coins from their helical path to the circumferential peripheral rim of the disc. Recirculation is provided into the infeed area of coins positioned too far inward at the entry into the first channel portion.

18-12-1990 дата публикации

Coin wiper for escalator hopper

Номер: US4978322A
Автор: Craig Paulsen

A coin dispensing machine (10) of the type having a rotating pinwheel (22) is provided with a coin wiper (30) to substantially prevent coil jams. The wiper includes a resilient member (35) affixed to a stiffening member (40). The wiper is attached to the housing of the coil dispensing machine parallel to the surface of the pinwheel at a distance above the pinwheel surface about equal to a coin thickness, and along a chord of the pinwheel. As the pinwheel rotates, coins on the pinwheel surface are forced by the resilient member to lie flatly against the pinwheel surface or be rejected, thus minimizing jamming.

23-10-1990 дата публикации

Pivoting tray for coin sorter

Номер: US4964495A
Автор: James M. Rasmussen
Принадлежит: Cummins Allison Corp

In the field of coin handling, and particularly coin sorting, it is important to keep different batches of coins separated from one another. A problem arises during the transfer of a batch of coins from a coin tray through an opening and into the coin sorting mechanism, because different batches of coins can inadvertently be mixed if the opening is not adequately protected. To solve this problem, a coin tray is provided that includes a coin holding portion which is adapted to be pivotally mounted on the coin sorter. The coin tray pivots between a coin holding position and a coin transferring position, and has an opening therein which allows coins to pass through the coin holding portion to the coin sorting mechanism. A barrier portion prevents coins on the coin holding portion from entering the opening when the coin holding portion is in the coin holding position. The barrier portion borders the opening, and is preferably stationary with respect to the coin handling machine. When the coin holding portion is lifted into the coin transferring position, the barrier portion allows coins on the coin holding portion to enter the opening because the coin holding portion is higher than the barrier portion. The interior of the barrier portion forms a chute which guides coins through the opening and into the coin handling mechanism.

24-03-1992 дата публикации

Coin feeding device

Номер: US5098339A
Автор: Stanley P. Dabrowski
Принадлежит: 7 s Unlimited Inc

The coin dispensing device is adapted to be disposed at the bottom of a vertical coin hopper and receives loose coins to be dispensed from the coin hopper. A first rotating agitator disk withdraws the loose coins from the coin hopper and feeds the coins through a central feed aperture in the first rotating disk. A fixed disk lies below the first rotating disk and has a dispensing slot therein that receives the coins from the central feed aperture. The coins to be dispensed are lined up in a row in the dispensing slot from the center of the fixed disk to the periphery thereof for dispensing through an exit slot in the fixed disk. A second rotating dispensing disk lies below the fixed disk and spring biased pusher balls on the second rotating disk push on the edge of each coin to push coins from the center of the fixed disk down the dispensing slot. The dispensing slot in the fixed disk sits adjacent to a coin tray where the loose coins that have been dispensed are accessible to the patron. The direction of rotation of the first and second rotating disks can be reversed to alleviate any interruption of coin dispensing that may be caused by coins bridging or jamming in the device.

23-02-2006 дата публикации

Self-service cash redemtion machine and method

Номер: AU2005275075A1
Принадлежит: Talaris Inc

19-04-1985 дата публикации

Patent JPS6015534B2

Номер: JPS6015534B2
Принадлежит: Laurel Bank Machine Co Ltd

24-01-1991 дата публикации

Patent JPH034956B2

Номер: JPH034956B2
Принадлежит: Laurel Bank Machine Co Ltd

11-03-2009 дата публикации

High speed coin payout device

Номер: JP4235743B2
Автор: 保 土田
Принадлежит: Asahi Seiko Co Ltd

05-11-1998 дата публикации

Banknote stacking device

Номер: KR19980073042A
Автор: 박국호
Принадлежит: 박국호, 주식회사 제패트로닉스

본 발명은 입출식 지폐 적재장치에 관한 것으로, 구매자의 반환요구에 따라 투입된 지폐를 직접 반환하기 위해, 좌프래임(50)과 우프래임(60)으로 이루어진 프래임(32)과, 상기 프래임(32)의 상부측에 분리가능하도록 금고(34)가 안착되는 결합부재(80)와, 상기 결합부재(80)의 하부측 소정량 이격된 거리에 형성된 슬라이딩부재(90)와, 상기 슬라이딩부재(90)의 하부측 좌우프레임(50, 60) 내면 양측에 설치되어 투입구(40)로부터 들어오는 지폐(36)가 안착되는 안착부(57, 64)와, 상기 안착부(57, 64)의 하부측에 상/하 이동가능하게 구비되는 제 2이동수단(120)과, 상기 제 2이동수단(120)의 하부에 일측이 밀착되어 연동되는 제 1이동수단(100)과, 상기 제 1이동수단(100)의 반대측에 구비되며 지폐(36)를 반환시키는 제 3이동수단(140)과, 상기 제 3이동수단(140)의 일측에 고정되며 지폐(36)를 반환구(42)측으로 이동시키는 반송부재(160)와, 상기 반송부재(160)로부터 반환되는 지폐(36)의 반환구(42) 및 투입구(40)가 설치되며 투입구(40)로부터 투입되는 지폐(36)의 금액을 판독하거나 지폐(36)의 손상을 감지하도록 설치되는 감지박스(38)로 이루어진 것을 특징으로 하는 입출식 지폐 적재장치를 제공하는 것이다.

23-11-2018 дата публикации

Banknote processing device

Номер: CN108885810A
Автор: 柴田晋辅
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd


30-03-2005 дата публикации

Recovery machine for game chip

Номер: CN1194782C
Автор: 山岸润一
Принадлежит: YUKURENAI CO Ltd


09-09-2009 дата публикации

Paper sheet bundle conveying device and handling device

Номер: JP4326989B2
Принадлежит: NCR International Inc

09-06-2010 дата публикации

Safe coin dispenser

Номер: JP4474583B2
Автор: 正義 梅田
Принадлежит: Asahi Seiko Co Ltd

01-08-2012 дата публикации

Coin deposit and withdrawal machine

Номер: JP4988580B2
Автор: 英生 西田
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd

21-09-2011 дата публикации

Illumination optical system, exposure apparatus, and device manufacturing method

Номер: JP4776891B2
Автор: 堅一郎 森
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

14-07-2010 дата публикации

Magnetic sensor and device for identifying sheet

Номер: CN101777206A
Автор: 百濑正吾
Принадлежит: Nidec Sankyo Corp


24-04-1978 дата публикации

Coin assorting device combined with coin delivering device

Номер: JPS5345597A
Принадлежит: Individual

20-11-2001 дата публикации

Game machine detachable coin sending device for coins inserted in a lump

Номер: US6319126B1
Автор: Masami Tamaki
Принадлежит: Aruze Corp

A game machine wherein there is provided an attach-detach guide means D for guiding attaching and detaching of a coin-sending device C with respect to the game machine body 8 and causing an outlet passing C 20 of the device C to be aligned with a communicating opening at the body 8 at an attach-finish position of the coin-sending device C with respect to the game machine body, thereby easily connecting passages and excellently receiving and transferring coins to a coin-payout hopper or the like arranged for following stages; upon detaching operation, the coin-sending device C is guided by the guide means D to be removed from the machine body 8 , thereby simultaneously disengaging the outlet passage C 20 from the communicating opening and providing simple separation of passages.

16-09-1998 дата публикации

Coin dispenser

Номер: GB2323202A
Принадлежит: Coin Controls Ltd

A coin dispenser comprises a rotary member including a plurality of coin receptacles, a coin outlet 18, a motor for rotating the rotary member past the outlet, an abutment member 23 against which a coin in a receptacle intially engages, and coin driving means operative on rotation of the rotary member to store potential energy as the result of the engagement of the coin with the abutment member and to release the stored energy so as to accelerate the coin out through the outlet when the coin is no longer engaged with the abutment member. The rotary disc preferably rotates in a circular recess having a side wall 7 and the underside of the rotary disc may include a plurality of curved vanes 14a which together with the side wall 7 define the receptacles, each vane including driving means in the form of a member 16 and an integrally formed spring 17 which stores the potential energy. Alternatively, the potential energy may be stored in a body of elastomeric material (30, Figure 7) or in a resiliently deformable mounting (33, Figure 8). Outlet rollers 19,20 may be provided adjacent outlet 18, roller 19 being biassed to help with ejection once the coin has passed it.

30-05-1995 дата публикации

Paper money automatic delivery apparatus for cash dispenser

Номер: KR950004413Y1
Автор: 곽진근
Принадлежит: 이헌조, 주식회사 엘지전자

내용 없음. No content.

22-09-2009 дата публикации

Method and device for sorting, counting, and/or examining objects

Номер: US7591362B2
Автор: Dominik Winau
Принадлежит: CountR GmbH

A device for sorting, counting and/or examining objects of a collective of objects, in particular, flat objects such as coins or the like, the collective of objects containing objects of different features, comprising an object individualizing device for individualizing the objects of the collective of objects, an object track along which the individualized objects move, after they have left the object individualizing device, an object accelerating means for accelerating the objects when leaving the object individualization device, an object recognition means for recognizing objects having different features, and a means for selectively conveying the objects depending on one or more features of the objects, wherein the object track provides an air cushion on which the objects float.

12-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: FR2824165B1
Автор: Patrick Cousin
Принадлежит: Traidis

21-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR2418502A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd

Machine de traitement de pièces de monnaie comportant un plateau tournant, un passage de pièces délimité par deux guides-pièces, dont il est possible de régler la largeur en fonction du diamètre des pièces en déplaçant un guide-pièces réglable, et un élément de commande du guide-pièces réglable. Le dispositif de détection comprend un moteur électrique 34 qui fait venir l'élément de commande 37 dans une position prédéterminée en réponse à un signal d'une section de fixation de la valeur nominale des pièces, et un élément 18 de détection des pièces résiduelles qui est lui aussi déplacé verticalement par le moteur électrique, avant le guide-pièces mobile, entre les guides-pièces 6, 6a; 7, 7a; 10, 10a, en permettant la détection des pièces qui pourraient encore se trouver dans le passage de pièces 3. Coin processing machine comprising a turntable, a coin passage delimited by two coin guides, the width of which can be adjusted according to the diameter of the coins by moving an adjustable coin guide, and a control element adjustable workpiece guide. The detecting device includes an electric motor 34 which drives the control member 37 to a predetermined position in response to a signal from a coin denomination setting section, and a residual coin detecting member 18 which is also moved vertically by the electric motor, before the movable part guide, between the part guides 6, 6a; 7, 7a; 10, 10a, allowing the detection of parts which could still be in the passage of parts 3.

11-01-1936 дата публикации

Coin locker with movable partitions

Номер: FR792831A
Принадлежит: GOBEL FILS SOC Ets

21-07-1981 дата публикации

Coin-agitating method and means for coin-counting and dispensing machines

Номер: CA1105426A
Автор: Frank G. Nicolaus
Принадлежит: Bally Manufacturing Corp

(2-0276C) COIN-AGITATING METHOD AND MEANS FOR COIN-COUNTING AND DISPENSING MACHINES Abstract Of The Disclosure A coin-agitating attachment for use on rotary coin transport discs fed by a coin hopper for coin-dispensing and counting machines. The attachment can be made in several configurations of elastomeric materials each characterized by at least a superficial resiliency of limited stiffness such that any point of impact with or by a coin presents a yieldable contact surface which is nevertheless sufficiently rigid to repel and drive the coins while retaining the original shape or configuration.

25-08-2016 дата публикации

Medium delivery device and medium stacking and handing-over mechanism

Номер: JP2016153330A
Принадлежит: Oki Electric Industry Co Ltd

【課題】構成を簡素化する。 【解決手段】集積部16は、紙幣を集積する集積空間16Sが内部に形成され、傾斜姿勢及び水平姿勢に切り替わる集積庫30と、紙幣収納庫11から搬送された紙幣を集積空間16Sへ放出する放出部16Jと、放出部16Jから放出された紙幣の先端と接触するビルストッパ48と、集積庫30の底面を構成し、傾斜姿勢及び水平姿勢に切り替わり、放出部16Jから放出された紙幣を積み重ねて集積して紙幣束を生成するステージ16Tと、駆動力を発生する駆動モータ32と、傾斜姿勢においてステージ16Tに紙幣が集積されると、駆動モータ32の駆動力により駆動され、ステージ16T及び集積庫30を傾斜姿勢から水平姿勢へ切り替えた後、ステージ16Tに集積された紙幣束を束搬送ユニット3へ受け渡すよう該ステージ16Tを移動させる移動アーム58とを設ける。 【選択図】図6

16-02-1996 дата публикации

Specifications cutting apparatus for cash dispenser

Номер: KR960002319B1
Автор: 김주연
Принадлежит: 구자홍, 엘지전자주식회사

The apparatus comprises a sprocket including paper, a plurality of slits formed on an encoder fixed at the sprocket at regular intervals, a slit sensor for sensing the rotation of the sprocket according to the movement of the slit, and a paper end sensor for sensing the end of the paper transferred by the sprocket, thereby cutting the paper of the cash dispenser. The paper of the cash dispenser is cut to be a positive number by means of the operation of the slit sensor and the paper end sensor.

18-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: FR2321729A1
Принадлежит: Glory Ltd
