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10-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2234147C2

Изобретение относится к области автоматики и вычислительной техники и предназначено для отображения информации на дискретных матричных индикаторах. Техническим результатом является повышение надежности работы устройства для отображения информации за счет включения датчиков тока непосредственно в цепи коммутации электродов матричного индикатора, анализа значений этих токов и формирования необходимых управляющих сигналов. Для этого устройство содержит матричный индикатор, блок информационных ключей, регистр, блок ключевых элементов развертки, дешифратор развертки, счетчик развертки, генератор импульсов, счетчик, дешифратор, датчики тока, схему определения последовательности подключения электродов, схему обнаружения максимально допустимого тока, источник напряжения, триггер, преобразователь уровней напряжения, преобразователи уровней напряжения соответственно сигналов тактовой и кадровой синхронизации, формирователи. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

07-09-2018 дата публикации

Светодиодный индикатор

Номер: RU183023U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области информационно-измерительной и вычислительной техники и может быть использована для отображения алфавитно-цифровой информации. Техническим результатом является упрощение индикатора и снижение расхода электроэнергии. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что индикатора содержит трансформатор 1, двухполупериодный диодный выпрямитель 2, конденсатор 3, источник 4 стабилизированного напряжения, переменный резистор 5, n (где n≥1 - число десятичных разрядов многоразрядного индикатора) семисегментных индикаторов 6-7 на светодиодах 8 с общим катодом, связанным с общей шиной устройства, n информационных входов 9-10, являющихся информационными входами n дешифраторов 11- 12 из двоично-десятичного кода в семисегментный код. Ил. 1.

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011122216A

... 1. Способ возбуждения светоизлучающего диода, который содержит стадии, на которых:предоставляют выпрямляющий контур для получения энергии от источника напряжения и предоставления источника напряжения импульсного постоянного тока;предоставляют контур источника тока для предоставления контурного тока, соответствующего различным уровням тока положительной части источника напряжения; иразмещают множество светодиодных модулей под управлением множества контуров управления током таким образом, чтобы соответствующие светодиодные модули излучали свет при возбуждении соответствующими контурами управления током, где каждый из контуров управления током включает, по меньшей мере, два транзистора для образования, по меньшей мере, двух переключательных контуров, чтобы селективно позволять электрическому току течь через них в ответ на предварительно установленный уровень тока, применяемый к ним, при том что соответствующие контуры управления током реагируют на различные предварительно установленные уровни ...

20-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU2002123600A

Устройство для отображения информации, содержащее матричный индикатор, горизонтальная система электродов которого через блок информационных ключей соединена с регистром, информационный и синхронизирующий входы которого являются входами устройства, вертикальная система электродов матричного индикатора соединена с выходами блока ключевых элементов развертки, информационные входы которых соединены с выходами дешифратора развертки, информационные входы которого соединены с выходами счетчика развертки, первый формирователь, выход которого соединен с первым входом преобразователя уровней напряжения, преобразователь уровней сигналов тактовой синхронизации, преобразователь уровней сигналов кадровой синхронизации, выход которого соединен с входом установки нуля счетчика развертки, источник напряжения, отличающееся тем, что введены генератор импульсов, счетчик, дешифратор, первый, второй и третий датчики тока, триггер, схема определения последовательности подключения электродов, схема обнаружения ...

23-12-1987 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU1361618A1

Изобретение относится к вычислительной технике, в. частности к устройствам отображения информации. Цель изобретения - упрощение устройства и повьшение качества изображения за счет увеличения диапазона модуляции яркости свечения индикаторов. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что устройство для индикации, содержащее генератор импульсов 1, регистр 4 и элементы индикации 6, дополнительно содержит первый и второй счетчики 2 и 3, D-триггеры, информационные входы которых соединены с выходами регистра, входы синхронизации - с выходом второго счетчика, выходы - с элементами индикации, выход генератора импульсов соединен с входом первого счетчика. Это обеспечивает индикацию информации на период следования кодового слова. 1 ил. 00. 05 СГ5 эо ...

23-07-1987 дата публикации

Элемент индикации

Номер: SU1325554A1

Изобретение относится к информационной технике и может быть использовано при построении устройств отображения информации . Цель изобретения - снижение потребляемой мощности. Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в элемент, содержащий светодиоды 9, 11. фотодиоды 1-3 и транзистор 4, введены резисторы 6-8, третий светодиод 10 и второй транзистор 5. Запись и гащение информации в элементе индикации осуществляется напряжением одинаковой полярности. Введение указанных элементов позволяет использовать одну и ту же щину питания для цепей записи и гащения. 1 ил. 00 ГчЭ СП ел сл ...

23-12-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации аналоговых сигналов

Номер: SU1446647A1

Изобретение относится к информационной и измерительной технике и может быть использовано в индикаторных школьных дисплеях. Цель изобрете-, НИН - повышение информативности устройства . Поставленная цель достигается тем, что в устройство, содержащее компаратор 13, ключи 4, 5, тактовый генератор 6, распределитель импульсов 7, светодиоды 8, формирователь импульсов 9, формирователь треугольных импульсов 11, введены блок дифференцирования 1, D-тригг ры 2, 3, злемент НЕ 13. Устройство обеспечивает работу в двух режимах индикации в зависимости от характера изменения входного сигнала. 1 ил.

15-11-1984 дата публикации

Устройство для индикации

Номер: SU1124377A1

УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ИНДИКАЦИИ, содержащее группу регистров, выходы которых соединены с информационными входами коммутаторов группы, адресные входы которых соединены с выходом счетчика, вход которого является входом устройства, первый и второй дешифраторы, первый блок индикаторов , формирователь длительности импульсов, выход которого соединен с входом реле времени, о т л и ч а ю-щ е е с я тем, что, с целью повышения надежности устройства за счет возможности контроля работы самих индикаторов, содержит третий дешифратор , второй блок индикаторов, первый и второй элементы НЕ, первый и второй элементы И, элемент И-НЕ и датчик тока, один из входов которого соединен с шиной питания первого дешифратора , а другой вход и выход соединены соответственно с шиной питаНИН устройства и входом первого элемента НЕ, выход которого соединен с первым входом первого элемента И, второй вход которого соединен с выходом элемента И-ИЕ, входы которого соединены с соответствуищими выходами первого и второго дешифраторов ...

22-06-2006 дата публикации

Ansteuerschaltung für eine digitale Anzeigeeinheit

Номер: DE0004117889C5

Ansteuerschaltung für eine Kochplattensteuerung mit als Kochplattenstellgliedern ausgebildeten Eingabeelementen (2-5) und einer Übertragungsstrecke zu einer digitalen Anzeigeeinheit (12-15), wobei die von den Eingabeelementen (2-5) für eine Kochplattensteuereinheit erzeugten Informationen über einen Multiplexer (7) und eine Gray-Code/7-Segment-Wandlungseinheit (8) einem von einem Oszillator (10) getakteten Parallel-Serienwandler (6) zugeführt werden, an dessen Ausgang eine Verbindungsleitung (Dat) liegt, die wiederum an einen Serien-Parallelwandler zur Ansteuerung der Anzeigeeinheit (12-15) angeschlossen ist.

23-12-2011 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Aussteuerung einer LED-Anordnung

Номер: DE202011101272U1

Vorrichtung zur Aussteuerung einer LED-Anordnung- in Form einer Treiberschaltung, gekennzeichnet durch ein Treibermodul (1) und einen mit dem Treibermodul in einer Kommando/Feedback-Schaltung verbundenen Prozessor (2), wobei das Treibermodul eine Gesamtheit parallel geschalteter Regler (3) umfasst, wobei jeweils einem Regler jeweils ein Regelkreis mit mindestens einer LED (4) und einer Energieerfassungseinheit (5) zugeordnet ist.

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Rotating disc or turntable has an attached array of LED devices that are controlled to provide word display

Номер: DE202006003141U1

The rotating disc has a series of light emitting diodes, LED, [11] fixed to the surface. The rotational speed of the disc is measured by a magnet and reed relay [20] coupled to a microcontroller. The microcontroller outputs phased commands to the LED devices to form a word display.

09-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008304450U1

09-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: DE102009056319A1

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Verfahren und Schaltungsanordnung zur Ansteuerung einer Last

Номер: DE102009003632B4

Verfahren zur Versorgung einer Last (12, 25, D1 bis Dn) mit einem Strom (Iq) aus einer Stromquelle (11, 20), wobei die Stromstärke des Stroms (Iq) temperaturabhängig ausgestaltet und auf eine maximal vordefinierte Stromstärke begrenzt wird, wobei der Stromquelle (11) eine Referenzspannung (UC) zugeführt wird, die von einem Port eines integrierten Schaltkreises (C) abgegriffen wird und schaltbar ist, und wobei mittels dieser Referenzspannung (UC) ein Steuerstrom erzeugt wird, mittels dessen über eine Treiberstufe (23) der Strom (Iq) der Stromquelle (11) erzeugt wird, wobei durch Elemente in der Stromquelle (11) der Strom (Iq) in seiner Stromstärke begrenzt und temperaturabhängig verändert wird, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Stromquelle (11, 20) aus einer Stromeinprägungseinheit (21), einer Spannungsveränderungseinheit (22), einer Referenzspannungsquelle (24) und einer Treiberstufe (23) gebildet wird und die Stromeinprägungseinheit (21) durch einen ersten Transistor (TS) und dessen Beschaltung ...

18-05-2017 дата публикации

Modul für eine Videowand

Номер: DE102015119653A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Modul für eine Videowand, mit einer Vielzahl von Bild-pixeln, wobei ein Bildpixel von wenigstens einem ersten und einem zweiten Leuchtchip gebildet wird, wobei jeder Leuchtchip einen ersten und einen zweiten elektrischen Anschluss aufweist, wobei der erste Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem ersten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer ersten Stromleitung verbunden ist, wobei der erste Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem zweiten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer dritten Stromleitung verbunden ist, wobei der zweite Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem ersten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer zweiten Stromleitung verbunden ist, und wobei der zweite Leuchtchip eines Bildpixels mit dem zweiten elektrischen Anschluss mit einer vierten Stromleitung verbunden ist.

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Anzeige für die Bedienung einer Taste eines Instruments oder Gerätes

Номер: DE102016002445A1

Vorrichtung zur Anzeige für die Bedienung einer Taste eines Instruments oder Gerätes welches zusätzlich zur Anzeige der zu bedienenden Taste, insbesondere von Tastenmusikinstrumenten, gleichzeitig den dazu zu verwendenden Finger einer Hand signalisiert, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Anzeige durch eine Lichtprojektion auf die zu bedienende Taste aus folgenden Eigenschaften besteht: a) Die Projektion wird durch eine, in einem einzelnen Gehäuse untergebrachten, dreifarbigen, Licht-Emissions-Diode (LED) und einer davor platzierten Lichtbrechenden Linse erzeugt. b) Die Projektion ist, basierend auf einem vorgegebenen Schema, eindeutig einem Finger einer Hand zuordenbar. c) Die Projektion besteht aus mindestens einem, höchstens drei Farbpunkten entsprechend der bauteilbedingten Grundfarben der verwendeten Leuchtquelle. d) Die Farbpunkte sind innerhalb der Projektionsfläche, welche die sichtbare projizierte Gehäuseumrandung der Leuchtquelle darstellt, fest und eindeutig einer räumlichen Position ...

12-08-2010 дата публикации

Anzeigevorrichtung, Betriebsverfahren und Beleuchtungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE102009007504A1

Es wird eine Anzeigevorrichtung angegeben, mit - einer Pulsweitenmodulationsschaltung (1), - einem Demultiplexer (2), der zumindest einen Signaleingang (21) und zumindest zwei Signalausgänge (22) aufweist, wobei der Signaleingang (21) mit der Pulsweitenmodulationsschaltung (1) verbunden ist, und - zumindest zwei Leuchtdioden (3), die jeweils mit einem Signalausgang (22) des Demultiplexers verbunden sind.

28-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001434075A

... 1434075 Alpha numeric displays C M SINCLAIR 25 June 1973 30053/73 Heading G5C An alpha-numeric display device comprises selectively energisable electroluminescent elements, a light transmissive or reflective screen S and optical means for forming a magnified image of the energized elements on the screen. A device comprises 8 figure-of-eight arrays D1 ... DB of LEDs on a printed circuit board and lenses L1 ... L8 formed in a single sheet of plastics material; alternatively a single lens can be used. The screen may be perpendicular to the light beams which are turned through 90 degrees by a prism. Spurious images are removed by opaque strips between each array and the corresponding lens. The screen may be covered with a filter to cut out ambient light and improve contrast.

20-02-2002 дата публикации

Brightness control for backlighting device

Номер: GB0002365691A

An electronic apparatus with a backlit display (103) and an input device (102) allows reduced power consumption while maintaining sufficient brightness. A mode detecting section (20) detects the currently set operation mode. The brightness of the backlighting is controlled (30) depending on the currently set operation mode. When the operation mode is a data input mode, the brightness of the backlighting is reduced. The device may be for example, a mobile telephone, a digital clock including an LCD, a liquid crystal television set or a car navigation system. The mobile phone may have data input, display, communication status display, graphic and text modes. The device may be used for communication, mails, short messages, as a phone directory, scheduling or for games. The brightness may also be adjusted based upon the determined brightness level.

07-06-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001513624A

... 1513624 Keyboards ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORP 10 Nov 1976 [2 Feb 1976] 46819/76 Heading G4H In a digital calculator in which digit select clock signals DIG1-DIG8 used to scan the display also scan the columns of a matrix of keyswitches 36 (only some shown), each row of the matrix is connected to an output via a non-inverting path Q6 or an inverting path Q3-Q5 according to the logic level (at 15) represented by the power supply voltage of the display. Thus the same voltage levels appear at the output whether the display is an LED display with its negative power supply (as shown) or fluorescent number indicating tubes (in which case the earth terminal of the power supply would be connected at 15).

06-09-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001524128A

... 1524128 Selective calling receiver DAINI SEIKOSHA KK 9 Sept 1976 [10 Sept 1975] 37400/76 Heading G4H A selective calling receiver comprises a sound circuit 1 which generates an audible calling sound in response to a calling message, a register 19 in which received messages are stored, a circuit D for displaying the stored message, and a manually operated control circuit 12 which turns off the sound circuit and causes circuit D to display the message stored in register 19. Receipt of a message causes a bistable 2 to be set and an astable multivibrator 5 in sound circuit 1 to be actuated. The resulting sound is maintained until bistable 2 is reset by operation of a switch 13 in circuit 12, operation of this switch also serving to enable gates A1, ..., An, so that timing signals P 1 , ..., P n can control the operation of circuit D and the transfer of the message thereto via gates TG11- TG14 &c. and decoder 20. The display may be a 7-segment L.E.D. display.

15-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000109288T

26-07-1999 дата публикации

Device and method of displaying images

Номер: AU0002077399A

13-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002507536A1

Electronics reliability testing is traditionally carried out by accelerating the failure mechanisms using high temperature and high stress, and then predicting the real-life performance with the Arrhenius model. Such methods have also been applied to OLED testing to predict lifetimes of tens of thousands of hours. However, testing the active matrix OLED thin-film transistor backplane is a unique and complex case where standard accelerated testing cannot be directly applied. This is because the failure mechanism of pixel circuits is governed by multiple material and device effects, which are compounded by the self-compensating nature of the circuits. In this work, we define and characterize the factors affecting the primary failure mechanism and develop a general method for accelerated stress testing of TFT pixel circuits in a-Si AMOLED displays. The acceleration factors derived are based on high electrical and temperature stress, and can be used to significantly reduce the testing time ...

21-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001012616A1

29-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CA1082804A

Apparatus for indicating the location of particular information, such as instructions, represented by predetermined signals previously recorded on a record medium. An array Or light emitting sources is selectively energized to indicate the position of the particular information relative to the length of the record medium while the array is scanned in synchronism with the scanning of the record medium to detect the presence of such predetermined signals. Indexing means sequentially conditions each of the light emitting sources to be energized during scanning and a temporary storage circuit stores a representation of a detected predetermined signal until a light emitting source is conditioned.

14-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1238126A

The invention relates to a display panel for displaying alphanumeric texts comprising arrays of luminous display elements for displaying respective selected alphanumeric characters, the arrays being controlled by control devices including respective shift registers comprising at least as many shift elements as there are display elements in an array, a latch register and drive circuits driving respective display elements. An object of the invention is to provide a reliable display panel of reduced size and cost. In accordance with the invention, neighbouring arrays of a given line or column are assembled in pairs on common printed circuit boards with a common control device for each pair, and one in two multiplexing means for connecting the control device alternately with the two arrays of the pair.

17-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA995329A

04-12-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1067630A

A low-noise character element display device is obtained by periodically gradually switching on and off of the display elements and by changing the information to be displayed at instants that the display elements are off.

14-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1042521A

SELF-REGULATING DRIVING CIRCUIT FOR LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES A self-regulating circuit is disclosed for driving a load, such as an arithmetical calculator display using light-emitting diodes, directly from a single MOS calculator chip. A strobe driver, which may be a field effect transistor switch, has its gate electrode connected to a regulated supply of dc voltage, its drain electrode connected to a supply of voltage subject to variation, and its source electrode connected at a common point to one terminal of each of the light-emitting diodes of the display in order that the light-emitting diodes may be driven thereby. A second field effect transistor switch is also provided and has the conduction path thereof connected between the other terminal of a respective light-emitting diode and a reference potential, e.g. ground, to selectively complete a current path including the respective light-emitting diode. Hence, a light-emitting diode may be illuminated at a particular time and according ...

05-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1056049A

A colour display system includes an electrically controlled colour filter and a screen for displaying monochrome images in response to inputs of different kinds. The colour transmitted by the filter is controlled so that the colour of an observed image is selected according to its kind. The filter includes between electrode structures, a layer of liquid crystal material having an electrically adjustable optical activity, the layer being arranged in optical combination with at least one polariser and at least one layer of birefringent material. The colour transmitted by the filter may be changed by stopped changes in control voltage or frequency but is stable to control voltage and frequency fluctuation, and is uniform. The system has application to colour television, and to electronic data display.

05-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001056049A1

15-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0001212073D

01-01-1000 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000621917B

13-08-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000578759B5
Принадлежит: EBAUCHES SA

15-05-1968 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000450969A

13-03-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000621917A

31-01-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000584440A5

15-09-1977 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000591185A5

31-10-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000614065A5

15-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000631035A5

15-03-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0001212073A4

27-02-2003 дата публикации


Номер: EA200201021A1

Данное изобретение обеспечивает способ и устройство для распределения импульсов сигнала с широтно-импульсной модуляцией по временному периоду. При применении к цифровому дисплею изобретение обеспечивает сигнал, представляющий цифровые данные, содержащие множество меньших импульсов, распределённых по временному периоду обновления, для управления элементом дисплея. Предусматривается логическая схема для генерирования множества комбинируемых сигналов, чтобы поступающие данные могли комбинироваться с сигналами для определения смеси сигналов, генерируемой в качестве конечного выхода. Отдельные сигналы генерируются путём идентификации активного бита самого низкого порядка счётчика, то есть подразделения подходящего временного периода на меньшие временные подразделения, и генерирования импульса на одном из множества выходов, при этом каждый уникальный идентифицированный бит самого низкого порядка выводится на отдельный выход, а последующие идентифицированные общие биты самого низкого порядка генерируют ...

25-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: EA0000005964B1

Данное изобретение обеспечивает способ и устройство для распределения импульсов сигнала с широтно-импульсной модуляцией по временному периоду. При применении к цифровому дисплею изобретение обеспечивает сигнал, представляющий цифровые данные, содержащие множество меньших импульсов, распределённых по временному периоду обновления, для управления элементом дисплея. Предусматривается логическая схема для генерирования множества комбинируемых сигналов, чтобы поступающие данные могли комбинироваться с сигналами для определения смеси сигналов, генерируемой в качестве конечного выхода. Отдельные сигналы генерируются путём идентификации активного бита самого низкого порядка счётчика, то есть подразделения подходящего временного периода на меньшие временные подразделения, и генерирования импульса на одном из множества выходов, при этом каждый уникальный идентифицированный бит самого низкого порядка выводится на отдельный выход, а последующие идентифицированные общие биты самого низкого порядка генерируют ...

25-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000064833U

Светодиодный модуль состоит из линейки со светодиодами, держателя и цилиндрической линзы ...

23-11-2011 дата публикации

Changeable digital identifier

Номер: CN0202049708U

16-11-2011 дата публикации

Express way integrated fee display

Номер: CN0202041997U

07-07-2010 дата публикации

Picture element driving circuit of a kind of luminescent device

Номер: CN0201522837U

23-06-2010 дата публикации

Air covering machine

Номер: CN0201512633U

07-12-2011 дата публикации

Electronic signal board of speed limit suitable for existing railway

Номер: CN0202067464U

13-04-2011 дата публикации

Byte displayer

Номер: CN0102013226A

The invention discloses a byte displayer, and aims to provide a byte displayer without side face light leakage. The byte displayer comprises a substrate, wherein a plurality of light emitting devices and packages are arranged on the substrate; the packages are provided with openings around the light emitting devices; the light emitting devices are exposed in the openings; light guide glue is arranged above the light emitting devices at the openings to form bytes; and the packages around the openings are higher than the packages at other positions to form bump structures so as to surround the light guide glue. The byte displayer is mainly applied to display panels of instruments and electronic equipment.

10-01-2007 дата публикации

Method of pixel multiplexing to increase display screen image analytic degree

Номер: CN0001892745A

21-12-2011 дата публикации

Heat of

Номер: CN0102290021A

05-09-2012 дата публикации

Luminous device

Номер: CN102102814B

09-01-2013 дата публикации

Quality detection method for LED (Light Emitting Diode) nixie tube

Номер: CN102194392B

12-08-2009 дата публикации

Neon with video effect

Номер: CN0201288987Y

15-02-2006 дата публикации

LED display control circuit for domestic electrical appliance

Номер: CN0002758918Y

04-12-1992 дата публикации

Digitally driven photoemitting cell

Номер: FR0002677159A1

L'invention concerne une cellule photoémettrice permettant d'obtenir une émission lumineuse dont l'intensité est directement proportionnelle à une valeur numérique de l'intensité à émettre. La cellule photoémettrice est constituée d'un ensemble d'éléments émissifs indépendants. La surface de ces éléments est en progression géométrique. Chaque élément est directement activé (émission en tout ou rien) par un bit de la valeur numérique de l'intensité à émettre. L'intensité de l'émission globale par la cellule est alors proportionnel à la valeur numérique de commande. Cette progression géométrique de la surface des éléments peut être notamment obtenue lorsque l'émission est activée par des électrodes de contrôle en x (1) et en y (2) dont les largeurs sont en proportion décrite par la présente invention. La cellule photoémettrice selon l'invention est particulièrement destinée à la constitution d'écrans de visualisation.

03-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002588112A


13-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002741742B1

31-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002363783A

La présente invention concerne un dispositif d'affichage. Ce dispositif comprend un interrupteur 3 de coupure d'un affichage 1 pour mettre en route ou non l'affichage. Il comprend en outre des moyens pour afficher un état de mauvais fonctionnement ou de manipulation erronée indépendamment de l'état de l'interrupteur 3. Application aux appareils photographiques à commande automatique d'exposition.

31-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002568396A1

20-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002163120A5

27-12-1985 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002566566A1

26-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002779553B3

04-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101079693B1

05-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100985130B1

24-06-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080056878A

PURPOSE: An output current correction circuit is provided to obtain stability of a circuit by reducing an error rate caused by a welding. CONSTITUTION: An output current correction circuit includes a couple of resistors(R1-R4), and a switch(200). The resistors are coupled to a functional block of an LED driving unit, and correct an error according to a characteristic deviation of components configured in the block. The switch is coupled between the block and the coupled of resistors. Each of terminals is separately coupled to the couple of resistors. The switch operates one of the couple of resistors to be coupled to the block. © KIPO 2008 ...

04-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020050020464A

PURPOSE: A radiation control apparatus having a charging circuit is provided to improve interest and esthetic feeling by expressing various colors. CONSTITUTION: The radiation control apparatus comprises a plurality of light emitting diodes(LD1,LD2,LD3,LD4), and a plurality of human body sensing contact points(TPa,TPb) to sense contact of a human body. A charging circuit(20) makes a current and a voltage to drive the light emitting diodes with a voltage of a subminiature battery. A control unit(30) detects human body contact from the human body contact points through an input port(P13), and determines a charging time and a boosting time of the charging circuit by the first control port(P7) and the second control port(P8) connected to the charging circuit, and makes the light emitting diodes radiate RGB colors by controlling ON/OFF time and ON period of the light emitting diodes by a plurality of output ports(P3,P4,P5,P6) connected to the light emitting diodes. © KIPO 2005 ...

01-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080087206A

PURPOSE: An LED(Light Emitting Diode) control driver is provided to increase a current value according to a step if a fade-in signal is recognized and decrease a current value according to a step if a fade-out signal is recognized. CONSTITUTION: A general current control terminal receives a basic current value. Two terminals receive a fade-in signal and a fade-out signal. A memory(112) stores current values by each step. A controller(103) drives a timer according to preset time if a fade-in or fade-out signal is recognized through the two terminals to which the fade-in and fade-out signals are inputted. After that, the controller performs a control operation so as to increase or decrease the current value, stored in the memory, at every predetermined time according to a step, and transmits the signal to a DAC(Digital Analog Converter)(115). The DAC outputs an analog signal corresponding to the current value transmitted from the controller. © KIPO 2008 ...

01-08-2007 дата публикации

Light emitting module and manufacturing method

Номер: TW0200730023A

A light emitting module (19), comprising at least one semiconductor light source (20a-c) capable of emitting light, and a light-modifying member (21) arranged adjacent to the at least one semiconductor light source (20a-c) in a direction of emission of the light. The light-modifying member (21) is formed by a stacked sheet element (21) separated from an integral stacked sheet structure comprising first and second stacked sheets, so that the stacked sheet element (21) includes first and second sheet portions of the first and second stacked sheets, and at least the first sheet portion is configured to modify the emitted light. By providing the light-modifying member as a stacked sheet element which has been separated from an integral stacked sheet structure, batch manufacturing of the light-modifying member and/or the light emitting module is enabled, such that manufacturing steps requiring manual labor, or use of expensive equipment may be performed to produce the integral stacked sheet ...

11-01-1994 дата публикации

Frequency identifying device and indicating component controller

Номер: TW0000218917B

One frequency identifying device consists of 1. the first comparator, used to compare the voltage of inputsignal with the one of the first reference signal, generates thefirst transient signal approximating the zigzag wave according theresult of comparison. The higher the frequency of input signal is,the lower the amplitude of the first transient signal. 2. the first filter used to filter the first transient signal togenerate the second transient direct current signal 3. the second comparator, used to compare the voltage of the secondtransient signal with the one of the second reference signal, generatesa two level output signal According the frequency of input signal the frequency identifyingdevice can generates corresponding voltage level of output signal.

25-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010133083A1
Автор: LI, Hongshen

A LED artistic decorative lamp device and a construction method thereof are provided. The LED artistic decorative lamp device comprises multiple LED lamp strings (100) and a drive board (200). The drive board (200) provides each LED lamp string (100) with suitable electric power and function control. Each LED lamp string (100) comprises a narrow and long print circuit board narrow strip (120) on which multiple LED illuminants (110) are welded. At least one end of each print circuit board narrow strip (120) is fixed to and electrically connected with the drive board (200), so as to form a planar or tridimensional decorative lamp device. Consumers control the LED illuminants (110) in a wireless manner to display different patterns, characters and lamplight effects.

27-11-2012 дата публикации

Rendering an image pixel in a composite display

Номер: US0008319703B2

Rendering an image pixel in a composite display is disclosed. In some embodiments, an image pixel is mapped to a plurality of temporal pixels, and the image pixel is rendered in a composite display using at least a subset of the plurality of temporal pixels to which it is mapped, with the intensity of the image pixel spread across the subset of temporal pixels.

13-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US20080062070A1
Принадлежит: Honeywell International Inc.

LED brightness compensation system and method to account for aging and/or temperature effects on LED brightness. The system includes one or more LEDs and a circuit coupled to the LEDs to maintain substantially constant LED brightness based on determined operating characteristics of the LEDs. The circuit includes an LED brightness controller for controlling the current running through the LEDs and a brightness compensation controller for directing the LED brightness controller to compensate for aging and/or temperature. The method includes: storing adjustment information in a memory unit; energizing one or more LEDs with an electric current; accumulating the operating time; sensing the operating temperature of the LEDs; and adjusting the current supplied to the LEDs based on the stored adjustment information, the accumulated time the LEDs have been energized, and the operating temperature of the LEDs.

01-10-2002 дата публикации

Precision illumination methods and systems

Номер: US0006459919B1

Methods and systems are provided for illuminating a material using an LED system, a processor for controlling the LED system and a positioning system for positioning the LED system in a spatial relationship with the material being illuminated. Furthermore, these methods and systems are available for producing certain color characteristics in an illuminated material or environment. These methods and systems can be applied to a plurality of materials, including biological entities. These methods and systems can be adapted for use in a medical applications, and are advantageously employed for diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.

13-03-2012 дата публикации

LED driving circuit

Номер: US0008134522B2

An LED driving circuit includes: a current generating circuit configured to generate a drive current corresponding to a voltage level of a drive voltage applied to anodes of the first to fourth LEDs so as to alternately drive the first and second LEDs and the third and fourth LEDs; a first drive control circuit connected to cathodes of the first and third LEDs, and configured to drive the first or third LED with the drive current in response to a first control signal for controlling driving of the first or third LED; and a second drive control circuit connected to cathodes of the second and fourth LEDs, and configured to drive the second or fourth LED with the drive current in response to a second control signal for controlling driving of the second or fourth LED.

26-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: US2007171145A1

A circuit for a lighting device comprises a sub-circuit which comprises a series current regulator and a group of solid state light emitters. The current regulator and the solid state light emitters are arranged in series. In some embodiments, the circuit further comprises a fan electrically connected in series in the sub-circuit. In some embodiments, the circuit further comprises a second sub-circuit which comprises a second series current regulator and a second group of solid state light emitters, the first sub-circuit and the second sub-circuit being arranged in parallel. In some embodiments, an anode of the series current regulator is electrically connected to a cathode of one of the solid state light emitters. Also, methods of lighting wherein a sum of voltage drops across light emitters and a current regulator is in the range of from 1.2 to 1.6 times the line voltage.

09-02-2021 дата публикации

Cyber-enabled displays for intelligent transportation systems

Номер: US0010916165B2

A display system that produces an image that encodes both machine-readable and human-readable data is described. The image has two underlying patterns that are changed at two different rates. The rapidly changing image encodes the machine-readable data and the slower changing image encodes the human-readable data.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180130423A1
Автор: Byungil KIM, Changho AN

A driving circuit for real-time external compensation and an electroluminescent display including the same are disclosed. The driving circuit includes a timing controller generating a gate shift clock group, a gate start pulse, and first and second selection signals and a gate driver generating a gate signal based on the control of the timing controller and supplying the gate signal to a display panel. The gate driver includes a plurality of stages which shifts the gate start pulse in accordance with the gate shift clock group to generate an output signal and supplies the output signal to a first output node, a first output control switch connected between a second output node connected to a gate line of the display panel and the first output node, and a second output control switch connected between the second output node and an input terminal of a gate low voltage.

08-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: US2007257860A1

A method of driving LED pairs comprising: providing a plurality of LED pairs each exhibiting a parallel reverse anode to cathode arrangement and each comprising a first LED and a second LED; receiving a time varying electrical signal commonly at the anode of the first LED of each of the LED pairs; and individually driving the anode of the second LED each of the provided LED pairs to one of a high value and a low value, wherein the received time varying electrical signal exhibits a high value operative to illuminate the first LED of each of the LED pairs when the anode of the second LED is driven to a low level, and a low voltage level operative to light the second LED of each of the LED pairs when the anode of the second LED is driven to a high level.

06-07-2010 дата публикации

Method for representing true colors with device-dependent colors on surfaces and for producing paints and coatings matching the true colors

Номер: US0007750917B2

A method for selecting paints is disclosed. This method includes the steps of selecting true paint colors, displaying device-dependent colors corresponding to the true paint colors in a simulated full size room and interacting with the buyers to change the displayed colors and select the desired colors. The method also includes the step of dispensing paints corresponding to the selected colors. The displayed colors are generated by multiple color and/or white LEDs to provide a wider gamut of displayable colors and more color saturation and chromatic. A full-size apparatus for displaying paint colors using device-dependent colors is also disclosed.

30-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: EP2458578A1

Provided is a display device in which design properties have been improved by eliminating the flickering when the display level changes. A microcomputer (5) causes light emission of first LEDs (23 and 24) which are the first and second ones counting from the right end among the emitting first LEDs (21 to 24), with decreasing brightness towards the right end. Furthermore, the microcomputer (5) causes light emission of second LEDs from a second LED (77) which is disposed at the right end of the second LEDs (71 to 77), to a second LED (73) which is disposed at a position overlapped with the first LEDs (23 and 24) that emit light with decreasing brightness towards the right end, and also causes light emission of second LEDs (73 and 74), which are the first and second ones counting from the left end among the emitting second LEDs (73 to 77), with decreasing brightness towards the left end.

22-09-2004 дата публикации

Transparent programmable LED display panel and method

Номер: EP0001460609A2
Автор: Robertson, John A.

A programmable transparent display message center is formed from an array of rows and columns of light emitting diodes (LED's). A wire connects each row of LED's. Each column of LED's is connected to a conductive transparent layer. The transparent layer is electrically isolated from the rows of wires. A voltage drive is associated with each row and with each column. The LED's, the wires, the conductive transparent layer, and the voltage driver and sequenced controller do not obscure an object located on one side of the display message center to the observer located on the opposite side thereof. Transparency often is achieved when the display obscures less than about 20% of the light emitted from the scene toward the viewer. The message displays to the observer is one or more of alphanumeric characters or graphics.

25-03-1992 дата публикации

LED matrix display panel

Номер: EP0000221786B1
Автор: Flinois, Jean

06-10-1978 дата публикации

Номер: JP0053037179B2

17-01-1989 дата публикации

Номер: JP0064002202B2

22-05-1979 дата публикации

Номер: JP0054012398B2

14-11-1980 дата публикации

Номер: JP0055044918B2

08-01-1982 дата публикации

Номер: JP0057003288U

25-12-1984 дата публикации

Номер: JP0059194793U

05-01-2012 дата публикации

Pixel and organic light emitting display device using the same

Номер: US20120001896A1
Автор: Jin-Tae Jeong, Sam-Il Han
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A pixel having an improved response time includes an organic light emitting diode connected between a first power supply and a second power supply; a first transistor connected between the first power supply and the organic light emitting diode, in which a gate electrode is connected to a first node; a second transistor connected between a first electrode of the first transistor connected to the first power supply and a data line, in which a gate electrode is connected to a current scanning line; a third transistor connected between a second electrode of the first transistor connected to the organic light emitting diode and the first node, in which a gate electrode is connected to the current scanning line or a control line; a fourth transistor connected between the second electrode of the first transistor and the organic light emitting diode, in which a gate electrode is connected to a light emitting control line, a fifth transistor connected between a connecting node of the fourth transistor and the organic light emitting diode, and the second power supply or a third power supply that is an initialization power supply, in which a gate electrode is connected to a previous scanning line or the control line; and a storage capacitor connected between the first power supply and the first node.

07-09-2018 дата публикации

Светодиодный индикатор

Номер: RU0000183019U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области информационно-измерительной и вычислительной техники и может быть использована для отображения алфавитно-цифровой информации. Техническим результатом является упрощение индикатора и снижение расхода электроэнергии. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что индикатор содержит трансформатор 1, двухполупериодный диодный выпрямитель 2, конденсатор 3, первый 4 и второй 5 источники стабилизированного напряжения, переменный резистор 6, n (где n≥3 - число десятичных разрядов многоразрядного индикатора) ключей 7-8, n семисегментных индикаторов 9-10 на светодиодах 11 с общим анодом, последовательно соединенные тактовый генератор 12 и двоичный счетчик 13, дешифратор 14 из двоичного кода в унитарный, n×4 информационных входов 15-16, многоканальный коммутатор 17 типа «4n в 4», дешифратор 18 из двоично-десятичного кода в семисегментный код. Ил. 1. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 019 U1 (51) МПК G09G 3/14 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G09G 3/14 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018117207, 07.05.2018 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Ермаков Владимир Филиппович (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.09.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: SU 318968 A1, 28.10.1971. RU 81364 U1, 10.03.2009. SU 1381586 A1, 15.03.1988. EP 686953 A1, 13.12.1995. 2017137870 30.10.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 07.09.2018 Бюл. № 25 1 8 3 0 1 9 R U (54) Светодиодный индикатор (57) Реферат: Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области информационно-измерительной и вычислительной техники и может быть использована для отображения алфавитноцифровой информации. Техническим результатом является упрощение индикатора и снижение расхода электроэнергии. Технический результат достигается за счет того, что индикатор содержит трансформатор 1, двухполупериодный диодный выпрямитель 2, конденсатор 3, первый 4 и второй 5 источники ...

01-11-2018 дата публикации

Устройство светодиодного экрана с передачей данных по волноводам

Номер: RU0000184635U1

Полезная модель относится к области устройств для представления меняющегося информационного материала и может быть использована для создания устройств демонстрации наружной видеорекламы. Светодиодный экран с микроволновой передачей данных по волноводам состоит из одного или более сегментов. Каждый сегмент светодиодного экрана содержит по крайней мере один видеоконтроллер и несколько светодиодных модулей. Светодиодные модули и видеоконтроллеры содержат микроволновые приемопередатчики. Беспроводная передача данных между видеоконтроллерами и светодиодными модулями осуществляется с помощью микроволнового излучения, которое передается по волноводам от видеоконтроллера сегмента к светодиодным модулям и обратно. Полезная модель позволяет повысить надежность передачи данных. 13 п. ф-лы, 8 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 184 635 U1 (51) МПК G09F 9/33 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G09F 9/33 (2006.01); G09G 3/32 (2006.01); G09G 2370/16 (2006.01) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018109461, 24.11.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Шторм Алексей Викторович (RU) Дата регистрации: 01.11.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: US 2011050658 A1, 03.03.2011. US 2012212465 A1, 23.08.2012. RU 2125350 C1, 20.01.1999. (45) Опубликовано: 01.11.2018 Бюл. № 31 R U (54) Устройство светодиодного экрана с передачей данных по волноводам (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области модулей. Светодиодные модули и устройств для представления меняющегося видеоконтроллеры содержат микроволновые информационного материала и может быть приемопередатчики. Беспроводная передача использована для создания устройств данных между видеоконтроллерами и демонстрации наружной видеорекламы. светодиодными модулями осуществляется с Светодиодный экран с микроволновой передачей помощью микроволнового излучения, которое данных по волноводам состоит из одного или ...

06-08-2021 дата публикации

Электромеханическое цветовоспроизводящее устройство для элементов носимой электроники

Номер: RU0000205746U1

Настоящая полезная модель относится к области электротехники, а именно к визуальным средствам отображения информации. И может использоваться в качестве цветовоспроизводящего элемента в составе матриц устройств для отображения информации, а также в качестве устройства индикации в составе комплексов носимой электроники.Электромеханическое цветовоспроизводящее устройство для элементов носимой электроники, состоящее из основания, с установленными на нем электромагнитным приводом и двумя бленкерами, отличающееся тем, что бленкеры выполнены в виде лопастей и расположены коаксиально, один из которых неподвижно прикреплен к основанию, а второй вращается на оси, проходящей через его геометрический центр за счет электромагнитного привода, на основании расположен электронный блок управления электромагнитным приводом, управляемый посредством внешних сигналов, поступающих по интерфейсному проводу, на лицевой панели размещен прозрачный экран, защищающий бленкеры от загрязнений и механических повреждений. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 205 746 U1 (51) МПК G09F 9/37 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК G09F 9/37 (2021.05); G09G 3/32 (2021.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021115411, 29.05.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Бражникова Александра Максимовна (RU) Дата регистрации: 06.08.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 06.08.2021 Бюл. № 22 2 0 5 7 4 6 R U (54) Электромеханическое цветовоспроизводящее устройство для элементов носимой электроники (57) Реферат: Настоящая полезная модель относится к выполнены в виде лопастей и расположены области электротехники, а именно к визуальным коаксиально, один из которых неподвижно средствам отображения информации. И может прикреплен к основанию, а второй вращается на использоваться в качестве оси, проходящей через его геометрический центр цветовоспроизводящего элемента в составе за счет электромагнитного привода, на основании матриц ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Area Sensor and Display Apparatus Provided With An Area Sensor

Номер: US20120007090A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

An area sensor of the present invention has a function of displaying an image in a sensor portion by using light-emitting elements and a reading function using photoelectric conversion devices. Therefore, an image read in the sensor portion can be displayed thereon without separately providing an electronic display on the area sensor. Furthermore, a photoelectric conversion layer of a photodiode according to the present invention is made of an amorphous silicon film and an N-type semiconductor layer and a P-type semiconductor layer are made of a polycrystalline silicon film. The amorphous silicon film is formed to be thicker than the polycrystalline silicon film. As a result, the photodiode according to the present invention can receive more light.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Display, Scan Driving Apparatus for the Display, and Driving Method Thereof

Номер: US20120013588A1
Автор: Kyung-hoon Chung
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A scan driving apparatus includes a first driving apparatus connected to a plurality of scan lines and a second driving apparatus connected to the plurality of scan lines. Wherein when one of the first driving apparatus and the second driving apparatus is in a scan enable state such that the plurality of scan lines are applied with a scan signal, the other is in a floating state such that the output terminal is floated. The scan driving apparatus according to the present invention has the function of a shift register for sequentially applying the scan signals and may apply a scan signal of a different waveform which is additionally required. The output terminal of the scan driving apparatus is floated in a period in which a different waveform is necessary such that a scan signal having the different waveform may be applied without influence of the scan signal, thereby realizing a complicated scan signal.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for power control of an organic light-emitting diode panel and an organic light-emitting diode display using the same

Номер: US20120019506A1
Принадлежит: Chimei Innolux Corp

A power control method, a power control apparatus, and an OLED display are provided. The method includes the steps of: estimating a voltage value according to image content of an image, the voltage value indicative of a minimal required voltage allowing the OLED panel to display the image; and controlling a voltage generator to adjust a booster voltage provided to the OLED panel according to the estimated voltage value.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Light-Emitting Device

Номер: US20120032606A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

The amplitude of a potential of a signal line is decreased and a scan line driver circuit is prevented from being excessively loaded. A light-emitting device includes a light-emitting element; a first power supply line having a first potential; a second power supply line having a second potential; a first transistor for controlling a connection between the first power supply line and the light-emitting element; a second transistor, which is controlled in accordance with a video signal, whether outputting the second potential applied from the second power supply line or not; a switching element for selecting either the first potential applied from the first power supply line or the output of the second transistor; and a third transistor for selecting whether the first potential or the output of the second transistor which is selected by the switch is applied to a gate of the first transistor.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Active matrix organic light emitting diode display

Номер: US20120044235A1

There is provided an active matrix organic light emitting diode display, including a data driver converting pre-prepared correction data into an analog correction signal and generating a driving signal according to the analog correction signal, a selector selecting a charging path for programming, according to the driving signal in a preset programming period and selecting a deterioration detection path in a preset emission period, a pixel unit including an organic light-emitting diode connected between a power supply receiving power and a ground, charging a value corresponding to the correction data according to the driving signal in the programming period, and allowing current to flow to the organic light-emitting diode according to the charged value in the emission period, and an ADC detecting deterioration voltage having deterioration information of the organic light-emitting diode of the pixel unit in the emission period.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Photosensitive circuit and system for photosensitive display

Номер: US20120061556A1

A photosensitive circuit is provided. The photosensitive circuit is adapted to a pixel in a pixel array. The photosensitive circuit includes a display element for generating light, transmitting light, or reflecting light, a control circuit coupled to the display element for controlling light intensity of the display element according to a data line and a gate line, and a photosensitive element coupled between the gate line and a read line for generating current at the read line to sense the position of an object according to a reflected light or a shadow from ambient light when light from the display element is reflected by an object or ambient light is shadowed by the object. The control terminal of the photosensitive element is connected to another gate line.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display and method of driving the same

Номер: US20120062623A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A method of driving an organic light emitting display in which a frame is divided into a plurality of sub frames, includes: storing a plurality of bit change values corresponding to emission times in a plurality of lookup tables; selecting one of the lookup tables from among the plurality of lookup tables; measuring and storing emission times of pixels included in the organic light emitting display; extracting one of the bit change values from the selected lookup table corresponding to the emission time of one of the pixels when first data to be supplied to the one of the pixels is input; and changing a bit value of the first data to generate second data to be supplied to the one of the pixels utilizing the extracted bit change value.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device, drive control method thereof, and electronic device

Номер: US20120068986A1
Принадлежит: Casio Computer Co Ltd

The light emitting device comprises at least one data line, at least one pixel, a common electrode, a data driver and an ammeter, The pixel comprises a pixel drive circuit and a light emitting element, in which the pixel drive circuit includes a first transistor electrically connected to the data line and one end of the light emitting element, and the other end of the light emitting element is connected to the common electrode. The ammeter measures the current value of a detection current flowing from the data driver to the ammeter via the data line, the first transistor, the light emitting element of the pixel, and the common electrode when the data driver applies to the data line a first set voltage having such a potential that applies a forward bias voltage between both ends of the light emitting element via the first transistor.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Pixel circuit and display panel with ir-drop compensation function

Номер: US20120086694A1

A pixel circuit and a display panel with an IR-drop compensation function are disclosed. The display panel includes multiple pixel circuits and multiple compensation circuits. Each of the pixel circuits includes a detecting switch. After a real work voltage of a pixel circuit is transmitted to a corresponding compensation circuit through a corresponding detecting switch, a data transmitted to the pixel circuit is adjusted by the compensation circuit according to a relationship between the real work voltage and an original work voltage.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device

Номер: US20120104939A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display device is disclosed. In certain embodiments, the display has improved quality and lower cost because the subpixels of the display are oriented to have their longer sides parallel to the longer sides of the display. With the orientation, during crystallization of the subpixels, laser radiation is projected across the display device in a direction parallel to the short sides of the display device. Accordingly, less expensive laser equipment producing a shorter beam width may be used.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Display with emissive and reflective layers

Номер: US20120105384A1
Автор: Richard M. Clayton
Принадлежит: Symbol Technologies LLC

A display comprising includes a reflective panel 104 and a substantially transparent emissive panel 102 . The emissive panel is aligned and positioned over the reflective panel 104 . The emissive panel is operable to have an active pixel region 200 smaller than an active pixel region of the reflective panel 104 . A controller 108 operable to provide first information for display on the reflective panel 104 and second information for display on the emissive panel 102 , wherein the first and second information are coordinated to provide a single composite image to a user.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Organic Light Emitting Display

Номер: US20120105420A1
Автор: Sang-Moo Choi
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display includes common coupling units at crossing regions of scan lines and data lines; first pixels at the crossing regions and positioned on an ith horizontal line to be coupled to the common coupling units positioned at the same crossing regions, wherein i is a positive integer; second pixels at the crossing regions and positioned on an (i+1)th horizontal line to be coupled to the common coupling units positioned at the same crossing regions; first control lines coupled to the first pixels; and second control lines coupled to the second pixels.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Pixel driving circuit of an organic light emitting diode

Номер: US20120105421A1

A pixel driving circuit of an organic light emitting diode (OLED) includes a first switch, a first capacitor, a transistor, a second switch, a second capacitor, and an OLED. The operation of the pixel driving circuit includes four stages of reset, threshold voltage compensation, data writing, and emitting. The pixel driving circuit compensates the threshold voltage of the transistor, so the driving current of the OLED is only related to the data voltage and the reference voltage.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Flexible pixel hardware and method

Номер: US20120120033A1
Принадлежит: Daktronics Inc

A graphical display station of arbitrary shape such as channel letters or other shaped structures is populated with pixels which are components of flexible pixel strings which can be arranged to fit the arbitrary shape(s). The flexible pixel strings provide for straightforward and cost effective fabrication of channel letter or other shaped displays. The invention also includes pixel units which comprise lighting elements together with such control circuits as are needed to roperly drive the lighting elements to form a graphical image. Addressing of the particular pixels is provided to accommodate the arbitrary arrangement of pixels of the flexible pixel strings. Methods of fabricating a channel letter display are also disclosed.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent display apparatus

Номер: US20120127064A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

Provided is a display apparatus that can select either an “outdoor visibility mode” or a “wide viewing angle mode” or either a “power saving mode” or a “wide viewing angle mode” depending on a user scene; that can also select intermediate states between the two modes; and provide high displayed image quality. An organic electroluminescent display apparatus of the present invention includes a plurality of pixels, an organic electroluminescent element, a data line driver, a pixel circuit, and a gate line driver, in which each pixel includes two organic electroluminescent elements that emit light of the same color, an element with high light-collecting property is disposed over a light emission side of only one of the two organic electroluminescent elements, and units that make a difference in lighting times or drive currents between the two organic electroluminescent elements are included.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting diode pixel array

Номер: US20120139819A1
Автор: Tsung-Ting Tsai

An organic light emitting diode (OLED) pixel array includes a plurality of first signal lines, a plurality of second signal lines, and a plurality of pixel array units. The pixel array units are arranged in array on a substrate. Each of the pixel array units includes a plurality of OLED pixels. The OLED pixels are connected to the same first signal line and respectively connected to a first portion and a second portion of the second signal lines. At least two of the OLED pixels are located between the first portion and the second portion. A transmittance region is surrounded by the first portion, the second portion, and the OLED pixels, and the first portion and the second portion are respectively located at two opposite sides of the transmittance region.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Organic Light Emitting Diode Display and Method for Driving the Same

Номер: US20120139977A1
Автор: Hwanjoo Lee
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Embodiments of the invention relate to an organic light emitting diode (OLED) display and a method for driving the same. The OLED display includes a data driving circuit configured to output a data voltage to the display panel; a scan driving circuit configured to sequentially output a scan pulse synchronized with the data voltage to a display panel; and a timing controller configured to decide whether or not the multicolor data are inputted, to control the scan driving circuit and the data driving circuit in a normal mode when the multicolor data are inputted, and to control the scan driving circuit and the data driving circuit in a current saving mode when the multicolor data are not inputted.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for tuning color temperature in digital display device

Номер: US20120147061A1
Автор: Kyong-Ho LIM
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

The present invention relates to method and device for tuning a color temperature in a digital display device, in which variation of color temperatures and color feelings between gradients is reduced for improving a picture quality.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Signal processing device and display apparatus

Номер: US20120162188A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A signal processing device includes: a switching element for driving supplying a driving current supplied from a power supply section to a light emitting portion; and a cutoff element cutting off the switching element for driving according to a cutoff signal supplied before a threshold voltage adjusting signal for adjusting a threshold voltage of the switching element for driving is supplied to the switching element for driving from a signal line for supplying the threshold voltage adjusting signal.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device, driving method thereof, and manufacturing method thereof

Номер: US20120162275A1
Автор: Dong-Wook Park
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting diode (OLED) display with improved long range uniformity is disclosed. The OLED display includes an OLED, a first transistor for transmitting a data signal of a voltage level in response to a current scan signal, a second transistor for generating a driving current of the OLED according to the data signal of the voltage level transmitted by the first transistor, a first capacitor for storing the data signal of the voltage level transmitted to the second transistor, and a second capacitor for shielding parasitic capacitor between a gate electrode of the second transistor and a cathode of the OLED.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120175647A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A display device including: a plurality of sub-pixels arranged in a matrix, each including an electro-optical element having a structure in which a display functional layer is sandwiched between an upper electrode and a lower electrode; and an auxiliary interconnect contact in a pixel area in which the plurality of sub-pixels are arranged in a matrix and electrically connecting the upper electrode to an auxiliary interconnect, wherein m (m is an integer equal to or larger than two) sub-pixels adjacent to each other along an arrangement direction of the sub-pixels are regarded as one group, and n (n is a natural number smaller than m) auxiliary interconnect contacts are formed for each group.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device and method of driving the same

Номер: US20120176422A1
Автор: Shinya Ono
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The display device including pixels has formed therein at least two drive blocks each made up of pixel rows. Each of the pixels includes: a drive transistor; a capacitor element, a luminescence element; and a first switching transistor which causes conduction between the source of the drive transistor and a fixed potential line. Each of the pixels further includes a second switching transistor which connects a pixel in a k-th drive block and a first signal line or a third switching transistor which connects a pixel in a (k+1)-th drive block and a second signal line. A first control line for controlling conduction of the first switching element is connected to each of the pixels in a same one of the drive blocks.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20120182281A1
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A sampling transistor in embodiments of the present invention is kept at the on-state with a time width shorter than one horizontal cycle, during the period from the rising of a control pulse supplied from a scanner to the falling of the control pulse, and samples a video signal Vsig from a signal line SL to write the video signal Vsig to a hold capacitor. A sampling transistor T 1 has a double gate structure in which a pair of transistor elements are connected in common. This suppresses change in the threshold voltage of the sampling transistor.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Display device and electronic system utilizing the same

Номер: US20120188222A1
Автор: Du-Zen Peng, Ping-Lin Liu
Принадлежит: Chimei Innolux Corp

A display device including a pixel unit, a selection unit, and a control unit is disclosed. The pixel unit includes a driving transistor and a capacitor. The driving transistor includes a gate and a source. The capacitor is coupled between the gate and the source. The selection unit selectively transmits a first voltage or a second voltage to the driving transistor. The control unit controls the selection unit and receives the voltage of the source.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Image display device

Номер: US20120194501A1
Автор: Shinya Ono
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

In an image display device, a transistor formed in each pixel circuit is an N-channel transistor. Each pixel circuit further comprises an enable switch disposed in a current path supplying electric current to a light-emitting element and a supplementary capacitor for controlling changes in voltage of a terminal of a holding capacitor at one end opposite another terminal connected with writing switch. The light-emitting element is connected between the source of a driver transistor for supplying a current to the light-emitting element and a low-voltage side power line, an enable switch is connected between the drain of the driver transistor and a high-voltage side power line, and supplementary capacitor is connected between the drain of driver transistor and a predetermined power line.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Display device and method of controlling the same

Номер: US20120194576A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A display device including pixels has formed therein at least two driving blocks each made up of pixel rows, and includes: a signal line driving circuit that outputs a signal voltage to an output line disposed in each of pixel columns; and a selector circuit that provides a signal voltage outputted from the output line to one of a first signal line and a second signal line which are provided in each of the columns, provides a standard voltage from a standard voltage source to one of the two signal lines, and provides the signal voltage and the standard voltage mutually exclusively to the two signal lines. Each of the pixels includes a current control unit and an organic EL element. Pixels in the k-th driving block are connected to the first signal line and pixels in the (k+1)-th driving block are connected to the second signal line.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Compensation method and apparatus for light emitting diode circuit

Номер: US20120223655A1
Принадлежит: E Ink Holdings Inc

A compensation method for a light emitting diode (LED) circuit including a first transistor, a second transistor, a capacitor, and a LED is illustrated. A first end as a control end of the first transistor is connected to one end of the second transistor and the capacitor, and a second end of the first transistor is connected to the LED. A width to length (W/L) ratio of the second transistor is less than one. An initial control voltage is applied to a control end of the second transistor, and the current output voltage of the LED is correspondingly measured. If a difference between the current output voltage and an initial output voltage exceeds a predetermined value, a compensation voltage, which is a summation of the initial control voltage and the difference, is applied to the control end of the second transistor.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Light emitting device and method of driving the light emitting device

Номер: US20120261665A1
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

A light emitting device that achieves long life, and which is capable of performing high duty drive, by suppressing initial light emitting element deterioration is provided. Reverse bias application to an EL element ( 109 ) is performed one row at a time by forming a reverse bias electric power source line ( 112 ) and a reverse bias TFT ( 108 ). Reverse bias application can therefore be performed in synchronous with operations for write-in of an image signal, light emission, erasure, and the like. Reverse bias application therefore becomes possible while maintaining a duty equivalent to that of a conventional driving method.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Display device and method of driving the same

Номер: US20120327066A1
Автор: Toshiyuki Kato
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A display device includes an organic EL display unit including plural pixels, a variable-voltage source which supplies a positive electrode supply potential and a negative electrode supply potential to the display organic EL display unit, and an arithmetic circuit which measures an anode potential and a cathode potential of a representative pixel. The variable-voltage source regulates the positive electrode supply potential with respect to the negative electrode supply potential, according to at least the potential difference between the negative electrode supply potential of the variable-voltage source and the cathode potential of the representative pixel, and supply the regulated positive electrode supply potential to the organic EL display unit.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130009942A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a display device, the anode voltage of an organic light emitting element is periodically reset. The control terminal of a driving transistor is periodically reset, and an input data voltage is connected to the control terminal through an input terminal and an output terminal of the driving transistor. As a result, good control over the displayed luminance is achieved. Other features are also provided.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Light-emitting component driving circuit and related pixel circuit and applications

Номер: US20130063040A1
Принадлежит: Wintek Corp

A pixel circuit related to an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) is provided. When signals having appropriate operating waveforms are supplied, the circuit configuration (6T1C) of the pixel circuit keeps a current flowing through an OLED unchanged when the Vth shift of the TFT for driving the OLED changes and eases the impact of a power supply voltage Vdd on the current. Thereby, the luminance uniformity of an OLED display adopting the OLED pixel circuit is greatly improved.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Pixel circuit and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130069537A1
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd

The disclosure relates to a pixel circuit which includes an LED, a storage capacitor, a driving transistor, and first to third switching transistors. The driving transistor is utilized to control connection/disconnection between a power supply voltage and the LED. The first switching transistor receives a first scanning signal for controlling connection/disconnection between a gate of the driving transistor and the power supply voltage. The second switching transistor receives a second scanning signal for controlling connection/disconnection between the storage capacity and a ground voltage. The third switching transistor receives the first scanning signal for controlling connection/disconnection between the storage capacity and a data voltage. The first scanning signal and the second scanning signal are in antiphase to each other. A driving method thereof is also disclosed.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Dual mode organic light emitting device and pixel circuit including the same

Номер: US20130076251A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

A dual mode organic light emitting device and a pixel circuit including the same are disclosed. The dual mode organic light emitting device includes a cathode formed over a substrate, an electron transport layer (ETL) formed over the cathode, an emission layer formed over the electron transport layer (ETL), and an anode formed over the emission layer, wherein the cathode includes a first metal selected from silver (Ag), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), and gold (Au) and a second metal having a work function of about 4.0 eV or less, and the first metal and the second metal are present at a weight ratio of about 1:1 to about 1:100.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083084A1
Автор: SCOTT Miles L.

Methods and systems for displaying full-color three-dimensional imagery are provided. A first color set, having a first color spectrum, is defined to include a first set of LEDs. The first color set is assigned to a first color-coded image perspective. A second color set, having a second color spectrum, is defined to include a second set of LEDs. The second color set is assigned to a second color-coded image perspective. The full-color three-dimensional imagery is caused by activating, alternatively, at least two LEDs of the first color set or the second color set and one LED of a remaining color set and displaying the three-dimensional image based on the first image perspective and the second image perspective. 1. A method of displaying full-color three-dimensional imagery comprising:defining a first color set, having a first color spectrum, to include a first set of LEDs;assigning the first color set to a first color-coded image perspective;defining a second color set, having a second color spectrum, to include a second set of LEDs;assigning the second color set to a second color-coded image perspective;activating, alternatively, at least two LEDs of the first color set or the second color set and one LED of a remaining color set; anddisplaying a three-dimensional image based on the first image perspective and the second image perspective.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first color spectrum claim 1 , includes wavelengths corresponding to each of a first red LED claim 1 , a first green LED claim 1 , and a first blue LED.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second color spectrum claim 1 , includes wavelengths corresponding to each of a second red LED claim 1 , a second green LED claim 1 , and a second blue LED.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first color spectrum is different from the second color spectrum.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first color-coded image perspective and the second color-coded image perspective correspond to one of a ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Active-matrix display device, and active-matrix organic electroluminescent display device

Номер: US20130088524A1
Автор: Akira Yumoto
Принадлежит: Individual

An active-matrix display device employs current-programmed-type pixel circuits and performs the writing data to each of pixels on a line-by-line basis. The active-matrix display device having a matrix of current-programmed-type pixel circuits includes a data line driving circuit 15 formed of m current driving circuits (CD) 15 - 1 to 15 - m arranged corresponding to respective data lines 13 - 1 to 13 - m . The data line driving circuit (CD) 15 - 1 to 15 - m holds image data (luminance data herein) in the form of voltage, and then converts the voltage of the image data into a current signal. The current signal is then fed to the data lines 13 - 1 to 13 - m at a time. The image information is thus written on the pixel circuits 11.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Organic electro luminescence display

Номер: US20130113774A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic electro luminescence display is disclosed. In one embodiment, the display includes a substrate, an organic light emitting diode disposed on the substrate and including a pixel electrode, an organic light emitting layer, and a common electrode, a scan interconnection disposed on the substrate and providing a scan signal to the organic light emitting diode. The display may further include a data interconnection disposed on the substrate and providing a data signal to the organic light emitting diode, and a power interconnection disposed on the substrate and providing a power to the organic light emitting diode. The common electrode has an opening which overlaps with at least a portion of the scan interconnection, the data interconnection, and the power interconnection.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130113843A1
Автор: Shunpei Yamazaki
Принадлежит: Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co Ltd

Disclosed is a display device including a pixel portion having a plurality of pixels which have a display element and a transmissive portion. The display element includes a light-emitting element which does not transmit external light, while the transmissive portion is arranged to transmit external light. In the display element, a top-emission or bottom-emission type light-emitting element is provided. On the other hand, no light-emitting element or a dual-emission type light-emitting element which possesses an EL layer interposed between two light-transmissive electrodes is provided to the transmissive portion. The emission color of the display element is controlled by a color filter which overlaps with the light-emitting element in the display element, while no color filter is given to the transmissive portion.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127818A1

A driving method of a pixel circuit, implemented with five transistors and two capacitors, includes steps of: supplying three control signals and a gate signal to the pixel circuit; modulating an operation state of each control signal and keeping the gate signal being disable so as to reset data of the pixel circuit and have an voltage compensation effect on the pixel circuit; and enabling the gate signal so as to operate the pixel circuit in a data writing period, and supplying, in the data writing period, a data voltage to the pixel circuit so as to change a terminal voltage of a driving transistor, which is used to drive the light-emitting device. A pixel circuit is also provided. 1. A pixel circuit , comprising:a first switch;a second switch;a third switch;a fourth switch; anda driving transistor;wherein the switches and the driving transistor each have a first terminal, a second terminal and a control terminal configured to control turn-on or turn-off between its associated first and second terminals; the first terminal of the first switch is configured to receive a data voltage; the second terminal of the first switch, the second terminal of the third switch and the control terminal of the driving transistor are configured to be electrically coupled to a first connecting node; the first terminal of the second switch is configured to receive a first power voltage; the first terminal of the fourth switch is configured to receive a second power voltage; the first terminal of the third switch is configured to receive a third power voltage; the second terminal of the fourth switch and the first terminal of the driving transistor are configured to be electrically coupled to each other; the second terminal of the second switch and the second terminal of the driving transistor are configured to be electrically coupled to each other.2. The pixel circuit according to claim 1 , further comprising a first capacitor claim 1 , wherein one terminal of the first capacitor is ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147691A1

There are provided a driving circuit of a semiconductor display device which can obtain an excellent picture without picture blur (display unevenness) and with high fineness/high resolution, and the semiconductor display device. A buffer circuit used in the driving circuit of the semiconductor display device is constituted by a plurality of TFTs each having a small channel width, and a plurality of such buffer circuits are connected in parallel with each other. 1. A semiconductor device including a display device , comprising:a pixel matrix circuit; anda first gate signal line side driving circuit and a second gate signal line side driver circuit, wherein the pixel matrix circuit is located between the first gate signal line side driving circuit and the second gate signal line side driver circuit, each of the first gate signal line side driving circuit and the second gate signal line side driver circuit including a shift register circuit and a buffer circuit electrically connected with the shift register circuit, the buffer circuit comprising an inverter,wherein the inverter comprises a plurality of n-channel thin film transistors and a plurality of p-channel thin film transistors, andwherein each of the plurality of n-channel thin film transistors is connected in parallel with each other and each of the plurality of p-channel thin film transistors is connected in parallel with each other, andwherein a channel region of the plurality of n-channel thin film transistors and the plurality of p-channel thin film transistors comprises crystalline silicon.2. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor device is selected from the group consisting of a video camera claim 1 , a still camera claim 1 , a projector claim 1 , a head mount display claim 1 , a car navigation system claim 1 , a personal computer claim 1 , a portable information terminal claim 1 , and a portable phone.3. The semiconductor device according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147694A1
Принадлежит: LG DISPLAY CO., LTD.

An organic light emitting display device having a data line that is used for sending data voltage signals to pixels from a data driver as well as send sensor signals for detecting threshold voltage levels of driving transistors in the pixels at different times. By using the same data line to transmit the data voltage signals and the sensor signals, the number of signal lines in the organic light emitting display can be reduced. The data driver also includes switches for selectively coupling the data line to a driver unit or an analog to digital converter (ADC) unit. 1. An organic light-emitting display device , comprising:a plurality of data lines;a plurality of pixels connected to each of the plurality of data lines; and a driver unit configured to generate a first data voltage signal to operate a pixel and a second data voltage signal;', 'a sensing unit configured to detect a threshold voltage of a driving transistor for controlling current through an organic light emission element in the pixel;', connect the driver unit to the pixel via a data line of the plurality of data lines during first times to transmit the first data voltage signal from the driver unit to the pixel,', 'connect the driver unit to the pixel via the data line during second times to transmit second data voltage signal from the driver unit to the pixel, and', 'connect the sensing unit to the pixel via each of the data line to detect the threshold voltage of the driving transistor during third times., 'a switching unit configured to], 'a data driver comprising2. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 1 , wherein the pixel comprises a first node coupled to a gate of the driving transistor and a second node coupled to the data line.3. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 2 , wherein the second data voltage signal configured to set a voltage difference between the first node and the second node.4. The organic light-emitting display device of claim 1 , wherein the switching ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147695A1

Disclosed herein is a display including, a pixel array section configured to include power feed lines, scan lines disposed along rows, signal lines disposed along columns, and pixels that are disposed at intersections of the scan lines and the signal lines and are arranged in a matrix, each of the pixels including a drive transistor and a light-emitting device, one of a pair of current terminals as source and drain of the drive transistor being connected to the power feed line, and a power supply scanner configured to sequentially switch potential of each power feed line between higher potential and lower potential, wherein the power supply scanner switches the higher potential applied to the power feed line between first higher potential and second higher potential at different levels in a predetermined sequence. 1. A display comprising a pixel array section and a driving section ,the pixel array section configured to includepower feed lines,cathode potential lines,scan lines disposed in a row direction,signal lines disposed in a column direction, anda plurality of pixel circuits, respectively disposed in a matrix arrangement at intersections of the scan lines and the signal lines;respective ones of the pixel circuits including a drive transistor and a light-emitting device, the drive transistor and the light emitting device being disposed within a current path between one of the power feed lines and one of the cathode potential lines,wherein the driving section is configured to drive the pixel array section such that:a voltage between said one of the power feed lines and said one of the cathode potential lines is 15V or higher during at least a light-emission period of the respective pixel circuit, anda voltage between a pair of current terminals of the drive transistor does not exceed 12 V during the light-emission period and a non-light-emission period of the respective pixel circuit.2. An electronic apparatus including the display of .3. A pixel circuit claim 1 ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device

Номер: US20130155033A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display device includes a pixel unit including a plurality of pixels formed in regions where a plurality of scan lines and a plurality of data lines cross each other, a first scan driving unit detecting a defect of the plurality of pixels by sequentially applying a first test signal to the plurality of scan lines, and a second scan driving unit detecting a defect of the plurality of pixels by simultaneously applying a second test signal to the plurality of scan lines.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130155038A1

A displaying apparatus having a finer-pitch circuit constitution is provided without deteriorating a displaying quality and increasing each pixel size. In the displaying apparatus which can suppress a characteristic variation of a driving transistor included in each pixel circuit by using a control circuit, the control circuit is arranged on an outer side of a region in which the plurality of pixel circuits are arranged, and there are a second capacitor in which an input data signal is supplied to one end thereof, a first voltage follower circuit of which an input is connected to the other end of the second capacitor and of which an output is connectable to a data line, and a second voltage follower circuit of which an input is connected to the data line and of which an output is connectable to the other end of the second capacitor. 1. A displaying apparatus which comprises a plurality of pixel circuits , a data line configured to supply a voltage to the plurality of pixel circuits , and a control circuit connected to the data line , whereineach of the plurality of pixel circuits includes a light emitting device, a driving transistor configured to supply to the light emitting device a current according to the voltage applied to a gate electrode thereof, a first capacitor of which one end is connected to the gate electrode of the driving transistor, a first switch transistor configured to control conduction between the gate electrode of the driving transistor and the data line, and a second switch transistor configured to control conduction between a drain electrode of the driving transistor and the data line, andthe control circuit is arranged on an outer side of a region in which the plurality of pixel circuits are arranged, and the control circuit includes a second capacitor in which an input data signal is supplied to one end thereof, a first voltage follower circuit of which an input is connected to the other end of the second capacitor and of which an output is ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Drive voltage generation circuit for light emitting diode display device and method for driving the same

Номер: US20130162175A1
Автор: Byeong-Hee Kim
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

A drive voltage generation circuit for an LED display device capable of increasing the input voltage range thereof is disclosed. The drive voltage generation circuit includes a booster that boosts an input voltage from an external source, to generate a boosted voltage, a protection switching element that controls whether or not the boosted voltage generated from the booster is to be output, in accordance with a switch control signal, a protection circuit that compares a level of the boosted voltage output from the booster via the protection switching element with a predetermined threshold voltage, selects one of a high voltage and a low voltage, based on a result of the comparison, and outputs the selected voltage as the switch control signal, and a discharger that discharges a low voltage node, to which the low voltage is applied.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Light emitting display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20130169699A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Disclosed is a light emitting display device capable of minimizing deviation of current driving capability between driving switching devices of respective pixels, thereby achieving enhanced screen quality. A method of driving the light emitting display device includes sensing the threshold voltage and mobility of driving Thin Film Transistor (TFT) of each pixel through each data line or each power line using a first sensing voltage; correcting an error of the mobility between the driving TFTs by again sensing the mobility of the driving TFT of each pixel through each data line or each power line using a second voltage; and compensating for video data to be displayed on a display panel using the threshold voltage and the corrected mobility.

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130181890A1

A scanning line driving circuit includes a first transistor having a source electrode connected to a power supply and a drain electrode to a scanning line and a second transistor having a source electrode connected to the scanning line and a drain electrode connected to a clock signal line. The conductivity type of the second transistor is identical to that of the first transistor. A bias can be supplied, so that the first and second transistors are caused to be in an off-state simultaneously. 1. A scanning line driving circuit , comprising:a first transistor having a source electrode connected to a power supply and a drain electrode connected to a scanning line; anda second transistor having a source electrode connected to the scanning line and a drain electrode connected to a clock signal line and having a conductivity type identical to that of the first transistor;wherein a bias can be supplied so that the first and second transistors are simultaneously caused to be in an off-state;the circuit further comprising:a diode having one end connected to a gate electrode of the first transistor and the other end supplied with a driving signal of the first transistor; anda voltage control switch circuit having one end connected to the gate electrode of the first transistor, a control terminal connected to the other end of the diode, and the other end connected to an external control signal line used for causing the scanning line in a floating state,wherein, when the first transistor is a P-type transistor, one end of the diode is a cathode and the other end is an anode, and when the first transistor is an N-type transistor, one end of the diode is an anode and the other end is a cathode,wherein the voltage control switch circuit comprises a transistor of a conductivity type identical to that of the first transistor, andwherein the gate electrode of the first transistor, a gate electrode of the second transistor, and the clock signal line are supplied with signals ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display and method of driving the same

Номер: US20130194245A1
Автор: Jae-Woo Ryu
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display capable of improving data charging time, includes pixels at crossing regions between scan and data lines and configured to control an amount of current supplied from a first to a second power source, a charge unit adjacent to an adjacent pixel of the pixels and coupled to the same data line as the adjacent pixel, a scan driver for supplying scan signals to the scan lines, a data driver for supplying data signals to the data lines in synchronization with the scan signals, and a comparison unit in a channel of the data driver to compare a data signal supplied to a current line with a data signal supplied to a previous line and to control coupling between the charge unit and the data line according to a comparison result in a partial period of a period in which the scan signals are supplied.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Pixel driving circuits, pixel driving methods, display panels and electronic devices

Номер: US20130207957A1

A pixel driving circuit is provided, including first, second, third, fourth, and fifth switching devices and first and second capacitors. The first switching device has a first terminal coupled to a power source voltage, and a control terminal coupled to a first scan signal line. The second switching device has a first terminal coupled to a second terminal of the first switching device, a second terminal coupled between a first node and an emitting device, and a control terminal coupled to a second node. The third switching device has a first terminal coupled to the second node, a second terminal coupled between the first terminal of the second switching device and the second terminal of the first switching device, and a control terminal coupled to a second scan signal line.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting diode display and method of driving the same

Номер: US20130208015A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Mobile Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting diode (OLED) display is disclosed. In one embodiment, the OLED display includes a panel including pixels which are configured to control an amount of current that flows from a first power source to a second power source to generate an image of predetermined brightness. The display may also include at least one first power source line formed on a top of the panel and at least one second power source line positioned on a bottom of the panel to face the first power source line. The display may further include a first switch configured to alternately supply the first power source to the first power source line and the second power source line.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus generating gray scale voltage for organic light emitting diode display device and generating method thereof

Номер: US20130249955A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An apparatus for generating gray scale voltage includes a brightness/color coordinate correction unit having a gamma table including data corresponding to an image displayed on a pixel unit of an OLED device at a first brightness level, and a gamma reference voltage look-up table including voltage values of red, green, and blue data corresponding to each gray scale and brightness values at the first brightness level in accordance with the gamma table, a gamma control signal output unit configured to output a gamma reference voltage control signal corresponding to a second brightness level in accordance with the gamma table and the gamma reference voltage look-up table, and a gamma correction circuit configured to receive the gamma reference voltage control signal, to generate gray scale voltages corresponding to the second brightness level, and to output the generated gray scale voltages to a data driver.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method of setting target locations for reducing image sticking, organic light emitting display device, and method of driving the same

Номер: US20130257884A1
Автор: Byung-Sik Koh
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A method of setting target locations for reducing image sticking is provided. According to the method, a plurality of images, each of the images being displayed during each frame by an organic light emitting display device are acquired. The target locations at which image sticking frequently occurs are set by comparing the images. Image data corresponding to the target locations are stored in a memory unit. A plurality of pixel circuits may simultaneously emit light in the organic light emitting display device.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257923A1
Автор: Choi Woonyong
Принадлежит: CONSTANTEC CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a display device using LED blocks, which includes at least one LED block having an LED installed. The LED block adjusts the color of light displayed according to the contact by the user. According to the present invention, the display device using LED blocks includes: at least one LED block including a plurality of installed color LEDs and a contact sensing unit for sensing contact by the user; and a controller for adjusting the color of light displayed by the LED block on the basis of the color data corresponding to the contact data which is generated by the contact sensing unit in accordance with contact by the user. 111-. (canceled)13. The LED block display device according to claim 12 , wherein the at least one LED block is included in an LED block module.14. The LED block display device according to claim 13 , wherein the LED block module is coupled to another LED block module in a two-dimensional form or a three-dimensional form.15. The LED block display device according to claim 12 , further comprising: a memory storing the color data.16. The LED block display device according to claim 15 , wherein the color data is capable of being transferred to or from an outside claim 15 , corrected claim 15 , or edited.17. The LED block display device according to claim 12 , further comprising: a sound transmitter claim 12 , wherein the controller controls the LED block to emit light claim 12 , color of which has been adjusted while controlling the sound transmitter to transmit a predetermined sound.18. The LED block display device according to claim 12 , wherein the contact data comprises the number of contacts and a contact time.20. The LED block display device according to claim 19 , wherein the at least one LED block is included in an LED block module.21. The LED block display device according to claim 20 , wherein the LED block module is coupled to another LED block module in a two-dimensional form.22. The LED block display device ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271514A1
Автор: Ha Young-Jae

The invention relates to an LED electronic sign board capable of power-saving per pixel line, comprising: an LED display panel; a panel driver; a switching mode power supply that receives AC power, generates driving power required to operate the LED display panel and the panel driver and supplies power to the LED display panel and the panel driver; a black line extractor that analyses an image signal which will be displayed on the LED display panel and extracts pixel lines which becomes black per LED module; and a main controller that controls the panel driver to display an image on the LED display panel according to the image signal, and that controls a switching signal for the operation of the switching mode power supply to shut off driving power that is supplied to the pixel lines extracted by the black line extractor from the switching mode power supply. 1. An LED electronic sign board capable of power-saving per pixel line , comprising:an LED display panel comprising a plurality of LED modules arranged in a matrix to form a screen, wherein each LED module includes a predetermined number of LEDs;a panel driver comprising a plurality of module drivers to drive the LED modules, respectively, wherein each module driver corresponds to each LED module to display an image on each LED module;a switching mode power supply that receives AC power, generates driving power required to operate the LED display panel and the panel driver and supplies power to the LED display panel and the panel driver;a black line extractor that analyses an image signal which will be displayed on the LED display panel and extracts pixel lines which becomes black per LED module; anda main controller that controls the panel driver to display an image on the LED display panel according to the image signal, and that controls a switching signal for the operation of the switching mode power supply to shut off driving power that is supplied to the pixel lines extracted by the black line extractor ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130314305A1

A pixel circuit of a light emitting diode display includes a light emitting diode, six transistors and two capacitors. The effect of the variation of the threshold voltage of the transistor in the pixel circuit on the display quality can be improved through supplying specific the first to fourth control signals and the first to third reference voltages to the pixel circuit. A light emitting diode display using the aforementioned pixel circuit and a driving method of the aforementioned pixel circuit are also provided. 1. A pixel circuit of a light emitting diode display , comprising:a first transistor having a first terminal, a control terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal of the first transistor is configured to receive a data signal, the control terminal of the first transistor is a configured to receive a first control signal;a first capacitor having a first terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal of the first capacitor is electrically connected to the second terminal of the first transistor, the second terminal of the first capacitor is electrically connected to a connecting node;a second transistor having a first terminal, a control terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal of the second transistor is configured to receive a first reference voltage, the control terminal of the second transistor is electrically connected to the connecting node;a third transistor having a first terminal, a control terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal of the third transistor is electrically connected to the connecting node, the control terminal of the third transistor is configured to receive a second control signal, the second terminal of the third transistor is electrically connected to the second terminal of the second transistor;a fourth transistor having a first terminal, a control terminal and a second terminal, wherein the first terminal of the fourth transistor is electrically connected to the ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Pixel and organic light emitting display device using the same

Номер: US20130321376A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A pixel and an organic light emitting display device using the same, which can improve display quality, are provided. An organic light emitting display device includes pixels, an emission control line, an initial power supply unit, a scan driver and a data driver. The pixels are at intersection portions of scan lines and data lines. The emission control line is commonly coupled to the pixels. The initial power supply unit is commonly coupled to gate electrodes of one or more transistors included in each of the pixels, and supplies a first voltage during a first period, a second voltage lower than the first voltage during a second period, and a third voltage higher than the first voltage during a third period in one frame period. The scan driver drives the scan lines and the emission control line. The data driver drives the data lines.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328754A1

A display device includes a housing, a screen mounted on the housing, an imagine capture unit, a distance measuring unit, and a display module assembly received in housing. The display module assembly includes a light emitting unit, a micro reflection unit, and a micro control unit; the micro control unit includes an identify module and a reflection control module. The identify module is electrically connected to the imagine capture unit and the distance measuring unit for receiving images of a viewer to identify position of eyes of viewer and sending instruction to measure distances between eyes of viewer and the display device to the distance measuring unit; the reflection control module is electrically connected to one of the light emitting unit and the micro control unit to control the micro reflection unit to rotate relative to the light emitting unit, to reflect light into eyes of the viewer. 1. A display device , comprising:a housing;a screen mounted on the housing;an imagine capture unit positioned on the housing adjacent to the screen, and configured to capture images of a viewer;a distance measuring unit positioned on the housing adjacent to the screen and spaced from the imagine capture unit, the distance measuring unit configured to measure a distance between the eyes of the viewer and the display device, and a display module assembly comprising a light emitting unit, a micro reflection unit, and a micro control unit, the display module assembly received in the housing, the micro control unit comprising an identify module and a reflection control module,wherein the identify module is electrically connected to the imagine capture unit and the distance measuring unit, the identify module receives image data from the imagine capture unit to identify the position of the eyes of the viewer and sending an instruction to measure the distance between the eyes of the viewer and the display device to the distance measuring unit; the reflection control module is ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Driving circuit of an organic light emitting device and method of operating a driving circuit of an organic light emitting device

Номер: US20130335394A1
Принадлежит: Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd

A driving circuit of an organic light emitting device includes a switch module, a capacitor, and a driving unit. The switch module includes a first switch unit and a second switch unit. The first switch unit is coupled to a data line. The second switch unit is coupled to the organic light emitting device. During a programming period, the first switch unit is turned on and the second switch unit is turned off; and during an emission period, the first switch unit is turned off and the second switch unit is turned on. The capacitor is coupled to the first switch unit for being charged to a data voltage according to a data current of the data line during the programming period. The driving unit is used for generating a driving current to drive the organic light emitting device according to the data voltage during the emission period.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display and method of driving the same

Номер: US20130335395A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display includes pixels positioned at intersections of scan lines, emission control lines, control lines, and data lines, wherein gate voltages of driving transistors of the pixels are initialized by a first or second initialization power supply and an initialization power supply generating unit for supplying the first initialization power supply to pixels positioned in odd horizontal lines via a first power supply line and for supplying the second initialization power supply to pixels positioned in even horizontal lines via a second power supply line. The first initialization power supply and the second initialization power supply repeat a high voltage and a low voltage with different phases.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Stage Circuit and Organic Light Emitting Display Device Using the Same

Номер: US20130342584A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display device having a stage circuit capable of creating a scan signal and a light emitting control signal. The stage circuit includes a control unit controlling a first node and a second node corresponding to signals of a first input terminal, a third input terminal, and a fourth input terminal, a first output unit supplying a light emitting control signal to a second output terminal corresponding to voltages at the first node and the second node, and a second output unit supplying a scan signal having different polarity than that of the light emitting control signal to a first output terminal corresponding to a signal of a second input terminal and voltages at the first node and the second node.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Pixel Circuit Display Driver

Номер: US20140009515A1
Автор: Stewart Roger Green

A display includes a plurality of pixels and operates in a selected load period, a separate deselected load period, and a separate illumination period. Light may be generated by the plurality of pixels during the illumination period based on voltages stored in the plurality of pixels during the selected and deselected load periods. Methods of operating a display are also disclosed. 1. A display , comprising:a plurality of pixels, wherein the display is configured to operate in a selected load period, a separate deselected load period, and a separate illumination period, wherein light generated by the plurality of pixels during the separate illumination period is a function of voltages stored in the plurality of pixels during the selected and separate deselected load periods.2. The display of claim 1 , wherein light is generated in at least some pixels of the plurality of pixels during the selected and separate deselected load periods and the separate illumination period during a cycle of maximum illumination.3. The display of claim 1 , wherein data is not received by the plurality of pixels during the separate illumination period.4. The display of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pixels is organized into rows of pixels claim 1 , and only one row of pixels at a time produces light during the selected and separate deselected load periods.5. The display of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of pixels is organized into rows of pixels claim 1 , and multiple rows of pixels produce light during the separate illumination period.6. The display of claim 1 , wherein display information is transferred to the plurality of pixels during the selected load period.7. The display of claim 1 , wherein display information is not transferred to the plurality of pixels during the separate illumination period.8. The display of claim 1 , wherein the display is further configured such that between separate illumination periods claim 1 , each pixel of the plurality of pixels is driven to a ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Pixel and organic light emitting display using the same

Номер: US20140028647A1
Автор: Min-Kyu Woo
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A pixel capable of stably compensating for the threshold voltage of a driving transistor is disclosed. In one aspect, the pixel includes an organic light emitting diode (OLED), a first transistor for controlling an amount of current supplied from a first power supply coupled to a second node to the OLED to correspond to a voltage applied to a third node, and a second transistor coupled between the second node and a first node and turned on when a control signal is supplied to a control line. The pixel also includes a third transistor coupled between the third node and a reference power supply and turned on when the control signal is supplied, a first capacitor coupled between the first node and the first power supply, and a second capacitor coupled between the first node and the third node.

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140028651A1
Автор: Choi Hak-Ki

A voltage generator includes a DC/DC converter and first to third transistors. The DC/DC converter outputs a first voltage during a first period of a frame period and does not output the first voltage during other periods of the frame. The first transistor is coupled between the DC/DC converter and an output terminal, and is to be turned on during the first period. The second transistor is coupled between the output terminal and a third voltage source that supplies a third voltage lower than the first voltage, and is to be turned on during a second period of the frame period. The third transistor is coupled between the output terminal and a second voltage source that supplies a second voltage identical to or lower than the first voltage, and is to be turned on during a third period of the frame period. 1. A voltage generator , comprising:a DC/DC converter that outputs a first voltage during a first period of a frame period and does not output the first voltage during other periods;a first transistor coupled between the DC/DC converter and an output terminal, the first transistor to be turned on during the first period;a second transistor coupled between the output terminal and a third voltage source that supplies a third voltage lower than the first voltage, the second transistor to be turned on during a second period of the frame period; anda third transistor coupled between the output terminal and a second voltage source that supplies a second voltage identical to or lower than the first voltage, the third transistor to be turned on during a third period of the frame period.2. The voltage generator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the second voltage is a voltage higher than the third voltage.3. The voltage generator as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the DC/DC converter comprises:fourth and fifth transistors coupled in series between a first power voltage and a second power voltage lower than the first power voltage;an inductor coupled between the first transistor and ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Display unit, drive circuit, driving method, and electronic apparatus

Номер: US20140035797A1
Автор: Seiichiro Jinta
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

A display unit includes: a pixel circuit including a display element, a first transistor having a gate and a source, and a capacitor inserted between the gate and the source, the first transistor supplying a current to the display element; and a drive section driving the pixel circuit, through sequentially performing first and second driving operations, the first driving operation allowing the drive section to apply a pixel voltage to a first terminal and allowing a second terminal to be at a first voltage, the pixel voltage determining luminance of the display element, the first and second terminals being one and the other of the gate and the source of the first transistor, respectively, and the second driving operation allowing the second terminal to be at a second voltage, through applying the pixel voltage to the first terminal and allowing a current to flow through the first transistor.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140035970A1

A pixel includes four sub-pixels. The pixel is used to receive a plurality of signal values to display an image. The signal values are N-bit signal values, and the largest value of the signal values is (2−1). The method of displaying the image with the pixel includes providing three color signals, generating four transformation signals corresponding to the four sub-pixels according to the values of the three color signals, and using four output signals to display the image of the pixel when the color saturation value is not larger than a first predetermined value and a fourth transformation signal of the four transformation signals is larger than other three transformation signals of the four transformation signals. 1. A method of displaying an image of a pixel , the pixel comprising a first sub-pixel , a second sub-pixel , a third sub-pixel and a fourth sub-pixel , the pixel receiving a plurality of N-bit signal values to display the image , a largest value of each of the signal values being (2−1) , the method comprising:providing a first signal, a second signal and a third signal;transforming the first signal, the second signal and the third signal into a first output signal, a second output signal, a third output signal and a fourth output signal, wherein when a color saturation value is substantially not larger than a first predetermined value, the fourth output signal is substantially not smaller than the first output signal, the second output signal and the third output signal; andusing the first output signal, the second output signal, the third output signal and the fourth output signal to display images corresponding to the first sub-pixel, the second sub-pixel, the third sub-pixel and the fourth sub-pixel respectively so as to form the image of the pixel;wherein N is a positive integer.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first predetermined value is 0.25.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein transforming the first signal claim 1 , the second signal and the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Controlling apparatus and method, recording medium, program and inputting and outputting apparatus

Номер: US20140055042A1
Автор: Mitsuru Tateuchi
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Disclosed herein is a controlling apparatus for controlling an inputting and outputting apparatus of the active matrix driving type including pixels each having an electroluminescence element whose operation can be changed over between light emitting operation and light receiving operation in response to a voltage applied thereto, including: a removing section for removing, when the light receiving operation is to be performed by the electroluminescence element included in a predetermined pixel, charge accumulated. in a parasitic capacitance upon the light emitting operation performed immediately before the light receiving operation by the electroluminescence element; and a detection section for detecting light inputted from the outside to the inputting and outputting apparatus based on an output from the predetermined pixel including the electroluminescence element whose charge has been removed from the parasitic capacitance thereof by the removing section.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Organic Electroluminescent Display Device and Method of Driving the Same

Номер: US20140055327A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

An organic electroluminescent display device includes an organic electroluminescent diode receiving a driving voltage and a first ground voltage; first and second driving thin film transistors for providing a driving current to the organic electroluminescent diode; a first switching thin film transistor receiving a data voltage and switched by an nth scan signal; a second switching thin film transistor switched by a current providing signal; a third switching thin film transistor receiving a second ground voltage and switched by a selection signal; a fourth switching thin film transistor disposed among an output terminal of the second switching thin film transistor; and a first capacitor disposed among the output terminal of the first switching thin film transistor, the gate terminal of the first driving thin film transistor and the gate terminal of the second driving thin film transistor.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

System and methods for extraction of parasitic parameters in amoled displays

Номер: US20140062993A1
Принадлежит: Ignis Innovation Inc

A system reads a desired circuit parameter from a pixel circuit that includes a light emitting device, a drive device to provide a programmable drive current to the light emitting device, a programming input, and a storage device to store a programming signal. One embodiment of the extraction system extracts a parasitic capacitance value from a pixel circuit by measuring at least one parameter of the pixel circuit when in a first state having a first set of operating voltages and currents, measuring at least one parameter of the pixel circuit when in a second state having a second set of operating voltages and currents different from the first set, and extracting the value of a selected parasitic capacitance from the measurements.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Systems and methods for controlling current in display devices

Номер: US20140063074A1
Автор: Paul Stephen Drzaic
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

The present disclosure relates generally systems and methods for controlling current provided to display devices. A method for controlling the current may include receiving drive current values associated with subpixels in a display and receiving information that corresponds to an application type being rendered on the display and/or an indication of image data being rendered on the display. The method may then include reducing at least some of the drive current values based at least in part on the application type. Alternatively, the method may include reducing the at least a portion of the image data corresponding to the at least some of the drive current values has substantially similar luminance and color values. The method may then include supplying the subpixels with drive currents that correspond to the drive current values.

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Organic electroluminescent display device and method for driving the same

Номер: US20140077725A1
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

An organic electroluminescent display device includes an organic electroluminescent display panel including top emission pixels to emit light toward a top side of a substrate and bottom emission pixels to emit light toward a bottom side of the substrate, the top emission pixels and the bottom emission pixels being formed such that corresponding ones thereof share a common transparent area, a scan driver for supplying a scan signal to scan lines each connected to selected ones of the top and bottom emission pixels, and a data driver for supplying a data voltage to data lines each connected to selected ones of the top and bottom emission pixels. The top emission pixels and the bottom emission pixels are formed on the substrate to alternate with each other on a pixel basis, on a scan line basis, or a data line basis.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display device

Номер: US20140085907A1
Автор: Gi Hyon JUN
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display device is disclosed which includes a magnet inserted into a bottom cover. The magnet is used to combine an organic light emitting display panel with a support means which is used to support the organic light emitting display panel and includes an upper cover, the bottom cover and a side cover. A sealing member included in the organic light emitting display panel is fastened to the bottom cover by a magnetic force of the magnet. As such, it is easy to separate the organic light emitting display panel and the support means from each other when a fault is generated in any component. In accordance therewith, the manufacturing process can be simplified and the faulty component can be easily replaced with a normal component. As a result, the manufacturing costs of the organic light emitting display device can be reduced.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091993A1
Автор: LAU Kei May, LIU Zhaojun

A high-resolution, Active Matrix (AM) programmed monolithic Light Emitting Diode (LED) micro-array is fabricated using flip-chip technology. The fabrication process includes fabrications of an LED micro-array and an AM panel, and combining the resulting LED micro-array and AM panel using the flip-chip technology. The LED micro-array is grown and fabricated on a sapphire substrate and the AM panel can be fabricated using PMOS process, NMOS process, or CMOS process. LED pixels in a same row share a common N-bus line that is connected to the ground of AM panel while p-electrodes of the LED pixels are electrically separated such that each p-electrode is independently connected to an output of drive circuits mounted on the AM panel. The LED micro-array is flip-chip bonded to the AM panel so that the AM panel controls the LED pixels individually and the LED pixels exhibit excellent emission uniformity. According to this constitution, incompatibility between the LED process and the PMOS/NMOS/CMOS process can be eliminated. 126-. (canceled)27. A Light Emitting Diode (LED) display comprising:an Active Matrix (AM) panel mounted with a plurality of active control circuits, the AM panel having a surface with a plurality of active control circuits mounted so that each active control circuit has a two-transistor-one-capacitor (2T1C) structure, which comprises a first transistor (T1) as a switch transistor, a second transistor (T2) as a driving transistor, and a capacitor (C), a gate electrode of the second transistor (T2) electrically connected to a drain electrode of the first transistor (T1) and an end of the capacitor (C); anda LED panel mounted with a plurality of LEDs arranged in rows and columns; and combined with the AM panel to associate each of the plurality of LEDs with each of the active control circuits, with each pair of an LED and an associated active control circuit electrically insulated from other pairs of LEDs and associated active control circuits in the LED ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Organic light-emitting diode display device

Номер: US20140092076A1
Автор: Hoyoung Lee
Принадлежит: LG Display Co Ltd

Disclosed an organic light-emitting diode display device in which the number of signal lines is minimized by sharing a predetermined signal line between adjacent pixels in a display panel having a plurality of signal lines formed therein, thereby improving an aperture ratio. The organic light-emitting diode display device includes a display panel defining pixels, a gate driver, a data driver, a multiplexer (MUX) electrically connecting an output terminal of the data driver and the pixels into a 1:1, 1:N (N is a natural number) or N:N structure, and a timing controller. Accordingly, the MUX is provided between the data driver and the pixels, and each pixel and signal lines are selectively connected through the MUX, so that it is possible to reduce the number of Integrated chips (ICs) provided by allowing a compensation circuit built in the data driver.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Pixel, display device and driving method thereof

Номер: US20140098082A1

A first reference voltage is applied to a plurality of pixels during a data writing period when data is written and a second reference voltage is applied to the plurality of pixels during a light emitting period when the plurality of pixels emit light, in which each of the plurality of pixels includes a switching transistor to transfer a data voltage applied to a data line to a first node; a driving transistor controlling a driving current flowing into an OLED according to the voltage of the first node and a first power supply voltage; and a storage capacitor including a first electrode connected to the first node and a second electrode receiving one of the first reference voltage and the second reference voltage. A difference between the first reference voltage and the second reference voltage is determined according to a threshold voltage deviation characteristic of the display unit.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Pixel circuit, driving method, and display apparatus having the same

Номер: US20150002557A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A pixel circuit includes a first path coupled to a gate of a driving transistor and a second path passing through a source and drain of the driving transistor. An initialization voltage of the driving transistor is set based on a gray scale data voltage carried along the first path. A voltage is stored in a capacitor coupled to the gate of the driving transistor based on the gray scale data voltage carried along the second path. The voltage stored in the capacitor is based on the gray scale data voltage, and may be compensated for variation in a threshold voltage of the driving transistor.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Organic light emitting diode display and driving method thereof

Номер: US20150002560A1
Автор: Jae-Sic Lee, Sun-Ja Kwon
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting diode (OLED) display includes a display unit including a plurality of pixels connected to a plurality of data lines, a plurality of scan lines, a plurality of initializing control lines, and a plurality of light emission control lines, a scan driver to output scan signals to the scan lines and initializing signals to the initializing control lines, and a data driver to output data signals to respective ones of the data lines. A first pixel and a second pixel may be commonly connected to a scan line and a data line. The scan driver may output at least one first initializing signal and at least one second initializing signal to the first pixel and second pixel, respectively. The scan signals and the first and the second initializing signals may be activated at different points in time.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005389A1

A micro LED display panel capable of simpler but more precise manufacture by pre-loading micro LEDs onto wafers which are then transferred to a substrate includes the substrate and light-emitting units. Each light-emitting unit includes a wafer unit and at least two micro LEDs on the wafer unit. The display panel includes pixel regions, each pixel region including at least three adjacent sub-pixel regions. Each sub-pixel region has one micro LED therein. Each micro LED of the light-emitting units is located in one sub-pixel region and the micro LEDs in each pixel regions emit light of different colors. 1. A method for making a micro light emitting diode (LED) display panel , comprising:providing a substrate;providing a plurality of light-emitting units, each of the plurality of light-emitting units comprising a wafer unit and at least two micro LEDs on the wafer unit; andtransferring the plurality of light-emitting units onto the substrate, the micro LED display panel defines a plurality of sub-pixel regions; each of the micro LEDs of the plurality of light-emitting units is located in one of the plurality of sub-pixel regions.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sub-pixel regions is arranged in an array.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the micro LED display panel defines a plurality of pixel regions; each of the plurality of pixel regions comprises three of the plurality of sub-pixel regions adjacent to each other; and the micro LEDs located in each of the plurality of pixel regions emitting light of different colors.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of light-emitting units comprises a plurality of first light-emitting units claim 1 , a plurality of second light-emitting units claim 1 , and a plurality of third light-emitting units;each of the plurality of first light-emitting units comprises at least two of the micro LEDs emitting red light;each of the plurality of second light-emitting units comprises at least two of the micro LEDs ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220005403A1
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd.

A pixel circuit includes a current control circuit, a time control circuit, and a light-emitting component, which are electrically coupled to one another in series along a common passage path of a driving current. The current control circuit is configured to control an intensity of the driving current according to a display data signal received thereby. The time control circuit is configured to control a passage time of the driving current according to a time data signal and a switch control signal received thereby. The light-emitting component is configured to emit a light according to the intensity and the passage time of the driving current. 1. A pixel circuit , comprising a current control circuit , a time control circuit , and a light-emitting component , electrically coupled to one another in series along a common passage path of a driving current , wherein:the current control circuit is configured to control an intensity of the driving current according to a display data signal received thereby;the time control circuit is configured to control a passage time of the driving current according to a time data signal and a switch control signal received thereby; andthe light-emitting component is configured to emit a light according to the intensity and the passage time of the driving current.2. The pixel circuit of claim 1 , wherein the current control circuit claim 1 , the time control circuit claim 1 , and the light-emitting component are electrically connected in series between a first voltage terminal and a second voltage terminal along the common passage path of the driving current.3. The pixel circuit of claim 2 , wherein the time control circuit comprises a switch circuit claim 2 , a time data writing circuit and a first storage circuit claim 2 , wherein:the time data writing circuit is electrically connected to a first control terminal of the switch circuit, and is configured to receive the time data signal and write the time data signal into the first ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220013062A1

An adjusting device for adjusting a driving voltage of a light-emitting element is provided. The adjusting device includes a driving circuit and a control circuit. The control circuit is configured to generate a voltage difference. A control signal indicates that brightness of a display is adjusted from first brightness of the display to second brightness of the display, and the driving circuit adjusts the driving voltage according to the voltage difference. The control circuit queries a look-up table to obtain a first voltage corresponding to the first brightness of the display and a second voltage corresponding to the second brightness of the display. The voltage difference is obtained from the difference between the first voltage and the second voltage. The first voltage and second voltage respectively indicate the minimum cross-voltages required by the light-emitting element under the first brightness of the display and the second brightness of the display. 1. An adjusting device for adjusting a driving voltage of a light-emitting element , configured to a display comprising the light-emitting element , wherein the adjusting device comprises a driving circuit and a control circuit ,wherein the driving circuit is configured to provide the light-emitting element with a driving voltage and a driving current;the control circuit is coupled to the light-emitting element and the driving circuit and is configured to start a driving voltage adjustment procedure to generate a voltage difference according to a control signal S,wherein the control signal indicates that brightness of the display is adjusted from first brightness of the display to second brightness of the display by a user, and the driving circuit is further configured to adjust the driving voltage according to the voltage difference,wherein in the driving voltage adjustment procedure, the control circuit is configured to perform:querying a look-up table according to the control signal to obtain a first ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Display device and method for driving same

Номер: US20210005138A1
Автор: Seiji Umezawa
Принадлежит: Sharp Corp

A pixel circuit includes an organic EL element; a drive transistor; a first capacitor having a first electrode to be supplied with a reference voltage during a data writing period and a second electrode to be supplied with a data voltage-during a data writing period; a second capacitor having a first electrode connected to the first electrode of the first capacitor and a second electrode connected to a first conduction terminal of the drive transistor; and a short-circuit control transistor having a gate terminal to be supplied with a light emission control signal, which becomes active during a light emission period, a first conduction terminal connected to the first electrode of the first capacitor, and a second conduction terminal connected to the second electrode of the first capacitor.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005565A1
Автор: Rotzoll Robert R.

A self-compensating circuit for controlling pixels in a display includes a plurality of light-emitter circuits. Each light-emitter circuit includes a light emitter, a drive transistor, and a compensation circuit. The compensation circuit is connected to the light emitter of one or more different light-emitter circuits. 1. A self-compensating circuit for controlling pixels in a display , comprising: a light emitter having a power connection to a power supply and an emitter connection;', 'a drive transistor having a gate connected to a drive signal, a drain connected to the emitter connection, and a source connected to a ground; and', 'a compensation circuit comprising one or more compensation diodes, each compensation diode connected to the emitter connection and connected to an other emitter connection of one or more light-emitter circuits other than the light-emitter circuit of which the compensation diode is a part, thereby emitting compensatory light from the one or more light-emitter circuits when the light emitter is faulty., 'a plurality of light-emitter circuits, each light-emitter circuit comprising2. The self-compensating circuit of claim 1 , wherein the light emitters are inorganic light-emitters.3. The self-compensating circuit of claim 2 , wherein the inorganic light emitters are inorganic light-emitting diodes.4. The self-compensating circuit of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the size of the compensation diodes in a light-emitter circuit is inversely related to the number of compensation diodes in the light-emitter circuit.5. The self-compensating circuit of any one of the preceding claims claim 2 , wherein the number of compensation diodes in each light-emitter circuit is one fewer than the number of light emitters in the self-compensating circuit.6. The self-compensating circuit of any one of to claim 2 , wherein each compensation circuit of the plurality of light-emitter circuits has one compensation diode and the compensation ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180005567A1

An electronic device includes a display portion, an imaging portion, a control portion, an input portion, and a sensor portion. The display portion has a first display element that reflects visible light and a second display element that emits visible light. The display portion has a function of displaying an image using one of or both first light reflected by the first display element and second light emitted from the second display element. The imaging portion takes an image of an object, the control portion controls the display portion and the imaging portion, the input portion inputs a signal for controlling the display portion and the imaging portion to the control portion, and the sensor portion outputs sensing data to the control portion, in consideration of illuminance of external light. Such a display device increases the display quality, or keeps high-quality display regardless of environmental conditions and reduces power consumption. 1. An electronic device comprising: a first display element capable of reflecting visible light; and', 'a second display element capable of emitting visible light;, 'a display portion comprisingan imaging portion configured to take an image of an object;a control portion configured to control the display portion and the imaging portion;an input portion configured to input a signal for controlling the display portion and the imaging portion to the control portion; anda sensor portion configured to measure illuminance of external light and configured to output sensing data to the control portion,wherein the display portion is configured to display the image using one of or both first light reflected by the first display element and second light emitted from the second display element.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , further comprising a housing claim 1 , a first surface;', 'a second surface which faces the first surface; and', 'a third surface in contact with the first surface and the second surface,, 'wherein ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Pixel circuit, driving method therefor, and display device

Номер: US20180005569A1
Автор: Yunfel LI
Принадлежит: BOE Technology Group Co Ltd

A pixel circuit, a driving method therefor, and a display device. The pixel circuit comprises a first transistor, a second transistor, a third transistor, a fourth transistor, a fifth transistor, a sixth transistor, a seventh transistor, an eighth transistor, a storage capacitor, and a light-emitting device. The pixel circuit can avoid the influence of drifting of a threshold voltage on brightness uniformity and constancy of a display.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200005699A1

Disclosed is a display apparatus in which each pixel corresponds to at least one light-emitting element. The display apparatus includes a display including a plurality of pixels, a driver configured to drive a plurality of light-emitting elements constituting the plurality of pixels, and a processor configured to control the driver to drive the plurality of light-emitting elements based on a first pulse width modulation signal having a duty corresponding to a grayscale of an input image, and to control the driver to drive light-emitting elements constituting a specific pixel, among the plurality of pixels, using a second PWM signal having a duty corresponding to the grayscale of the input image, wherein a frequency of the first PWM signal is different from a frequency of the second PWM signal. 1. A display apparatus in which each pixel corresponds to one or more light-emitting elements , the display apparatus comprising:a display including a plurality of pixels;a driver configured to drive a plurality of light-emitting elements corresponding to the plurality of pixels; and control the driver to drive one or more light-emitting elements corresponding to a first pixel, among the plurality of pixels, based on a first pulse width modulation (PWM) signal having a duty corresponding to a grayscale of an input image,', 'control the driver to drive one or more light-emitting elements corresponding to a second pixel, among the plurality of pixels, based on a second PWM signal having the duty corresponding to the grayscale of the input image,, 'a processor configured towherein a frequency of the first PWM signal is different from a frequency of the second PWM signal.2. The display apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is configured to divide the plurality of pixels into a plurality of groups claim 1 , and to control the driver to drive light-emitting elements corresponding to pixels of one or more groups among the plurality of groups based on the second PWM signal.3. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Method of Operating a Light-Emitting Device

Номер: US20200005700A1

A method for operating a light-emitting device includes operating, at least for some pixels, a selected subpixel of a pixel and at least one further subpixel of the pixel configured to emit light of a different color to display a pure color corresponding to a dominant wavelength of the selected subpixel and providing, at least for some pixels, a correction matrix associated with the pixel for adjusting brightness of the subpixels of the pixel, wherein the correction matrix is provided by determining, at least for some pixels, a brightness of each subpixel of the pixel necessary to emit light of a given color, determining, at least for some pixels, a dominant wavelength (λ, λ, λ) of each subpixel, plotting dominant wavelengths (λ, λ, λ) of each subpixel in a CIE-XY color space and forming color triangles, and determining inner triangles of the color triangles in pairs. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of operating a light-emitting device , wherein the light-emitting device comprises a plurality of pixels and wherein each pixel comprises at least three subpixels configured to emit light of different colors in pairs , the method comprising:operating, at least for some pixels, a selected subpixel of a pixel and a further subpixel of the pixel configured to emit light of a different color to display a pure color corresponding to a dominant wavelength of the selected subpixel; and determining, at least for some pixels, a brightness of each subpixel of the pixel necessary to emit light of a given color;', 'determining, at least for some pixels, a dominant wavelength of each subpixel;', 'plotting dominant wavelengths of each subpixel in a CIE-XY color space and forming color triangles;', 'determining inner triangles of the color triangles in pairs; and', 'determining the given colors by corner points in the CIE-XY color space of an inner triangle with a largest area., 'providing, at least for some pixels, a correction matrix associated with the pixel for adjusting brightness of ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Display device and driving method for display device

Номер: US20200005714A1
Автор: Ilin WU
Принадлежит: Japan Display Inc

A display device includes a first pixel arranged with a first light emitting element having a first pixel electrode and a common electrode, and a drive transistor having an input/output terminal, one end of the input/output terminal being connected to the first pixel electrode, and a second pixel adjoins the first pixel electrode, and is arranged with a second light emitting element having a second pixel electrode and the common electrode, wherein the first pixel electrode and the second pixel electrode are connected via first switch.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005704A1

A display device includes a display panel that has a display area displaying an image and a non-display area around the display area. The display panel includes: a substrate; a plurality of connection lines on the substrate in the non-display area and including a first connection line and a second connection line adjacent to each other; a first dummy line overlapping and disposed on the first connection line; and a second dummy line overlapping the second connection line and disposed between the substrate and the second connection line. 1. A display device comprising a display panel including a display area , in which an image is displayed , and a non-display area around the display area , wherein the display panel includes:a substrate;a plurality of connection lines on the substrate in the non-display area and including a first connection line and a second connection line adjacent to each other;a first dummy line overlapping the first connection line and disposed on the first connection line; anda second dummy line overlapping the second connection line and disposed between the substrate and the second connection line.2. The display device of claim 1 , whereinthe first dummy line does not overlap the second connection line, andthe second dummy line does not overlap the first connection line.3. The display device of claim 1 , whereinthe display panel further includes a first insulating layer disposed between the first connection line and the second dummy line.4. The display device of claim 3 , whereinthe display panel further includes a second insulating layer disposed between the first connection line and the second connection line.5. The display device of claim 4 , whereinthe display panel further includes a third insulating layer disposed between the second connection line and the first dummy line.6. The display device of claim 5 , whereinthe first dummy line is connected to the first connection line through a contact hole defined in the second insulating layer ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150009189A1
Автор: Nagara Wes A.

A system and method for driving a multi-layer transparent display, the multi-transparent display including a first transparent display layer and a second transparent display layer is provided. The system includes an input module to receive a stimulus to present content via the multi-transparent display; a display module to determine whether the content is presented via the first transparent display layer or the second transparent display layer; and a layer driver to determine, in response to a condition, whether the content is displayed via the first transparent display layer or the second transparent display layer. 1. A system for driving a multi-layer transparent display , the multi-transparent display including a first transparent display layer and a second transparent display layer , comprising:a data store comprising a computer readable medium storing a program of instructions for the driving of the multi-layer transparent display;a processor that executes the program of instructions;an input module to receive a stimulus to present content via the multi-transparent display;a display module to determine whether the content is presented via the first transparent display layer or the second transparent display layer; anda layer driver to determine, in response to a condition, whether the content is displayed via the first transparent display layer or the second transparent display layer.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the display module determines whether the content is presented via the first transparent display layer or the second transparent display layer based on a lookup table claim 1 , and the lookup table includes a corresponding priority associated with the content.3. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the layer driver is configured to switch the content via the first transparent display layer and the second transparent display layer at a predetermined rate.4. The system according to claim 1 , wherein in response to engaging a selection ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Organic light emitting display and driving method thereof

Номер: US20150009198A1
Автор: Sung-Cheon Park
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An organic light emitting display includes a plurality of pixels coupled to scan and data lines; a scan driver configured to supply a scan signal to the pixels through the scan lines; a data driver configured to supply a data signal to the pixels through the data lines; and a power supplier configured to supply first and second voltages to the pixels and a third voltage to at least one of the scan and the data driver, wherein the power supplier includes a first converter configured to convert an input voltage into the first voltage, a second converter configured to convert the input voltage into the second voltage, a third converter configured to receive the first voltage and convert the received first voltage into the third voltage, and a shutdown switch configured to control whether or not the first voltage generated by the first converter is supplied to the pixels.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220020310A1

Embodiments relate to a display device that includes a control circuit, an array of light emitting diode (LED) zones, and an array of zone integrated circuits that are distributed in the display area. The zone integrated circuits may comprise integrated a LED, driver circuits, and at least one redundant driver circuit. A non-operational driver circuit is bypassed, and the LED driving responsibility is assumed by the neighboring driver circuit. The neighboring driver circuit may be another one of the driver circuits or the redundant driver circuit. 1. A display device comprising:an array of light emitting diode zones each comprising one or more light emitting diodes that generate light in response to respective driver currents;a control circuit to generate driver control signals and address signals; anda group of driver circuits including a plurality of driver circuits, each driver circuit in the group configured to drive a respective light emitting diode zone from the array of light emitting zones responsive to all of the plurality of driver circuits operating in a first mode;wherein responsive to a first driver circuit from the plurality of driver circuits having a fault condition, a second driver circuit included in the plurality of driver circuits is switched to a second mode during which the second driver circuit is reconfigured to drive the faulty first driver circuit's respective light emitting diode zone.2. The display device of claim 1 , further comprising a redundant driver circuit claim 1 , wherein the redundant driver circuit is disabled responsive to all of the plurality of driver circuits operating in the first mode claim 1 , and is enabled to drive one of the light emitting zones responsive to the first driver circuit having the fault condition.3. The display device of claim 1 , wherein responsive to the first driver circuit having the fault condition claim 1 , each remaining driver circuit from the plurality of driver circuits that is subsequent to ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220028330A1
Автор: HWANG In Su, KIM Dong Ik

An electroluminescent display device according to the present disclosure includes a first pixel, a second pixel sharing a data line, a reference voltage line, and an initialization voltage line with the first pixel and disposed adjoining the first pixel, a first gate line provided to supply a first gate control signal to the first pixel, a second gate line provided to supply a second gate control signal to the second pixel, a third gate line provided to supply a third gate control signal to the first and second pixels, and a fourth gate line and provided to supply a fourth gate control signal to the first and second pixels, wherein a first driving element included in the first pixel and a second driving element included in the second pixel have different channel widths. 1. An electroluminescent display device , comprising:a first pixel;a second pixel sharing a data line, a reference voltage line, and an initialization voltage line with the first pixel and disposed adjoining the first pixel in a horizontal direction;a first gate line coupled to the first pixel and provided to supply a first gate control signal to the first pixel;a second gate line coupled to the second pixel and provided to supply a second gate control signal to the second pixel;a third gate line commonly coupled to the first and second pixels and provided to supply a third gate control signal to the first and second pixels; anda fourth gate line commonly coupled to the first and second pixels and provided to supply a fourth gate control signal to the first and second pixels,wherein a channel width of a first driving element included in the first pixel differs from a channel width of a second driving element included in the second pixel.2. The electroluminescent display device of claim 1 , wherein the first pixel further includes a first light-emitting element driven by the first driving element to generate a light of a first color claim 1 , a first group of switching elements coupled to the first ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Light Emitting Diode Display Device

Номер: US20170011676A1
Автор: Wu Chung-Yu

A light emitting diode (LED) display device includes a plurality of pixel units, a plurality of current sources and a plurality of switches. The pixel units are arranged in a matrix with a plurality of rows and a plurality of columns. Each pixel unit includes a plurality of LEDs of different colors. Each current source is coupled to cathodes of the LEDs in a respective column for providing a respective driving current signal thereto. Each switch is coupled to anodes of the LEDs that are of a corresponding color and in a corresponding row. The switches that correspond to the LEDs of the same color are used to receive a corresponding power supply voltage. 1. A light emitting diode (LED) display device comprising:a plurality of pixel units which are arranged in a matrix with a plurality of rows and a plurality of columns, and each of which includes a plurality of first LEDs of different colors, each of said first LEDs having an anode and a cathode;a plurality of first current sources which respectively generate a plurality of first driving current signals, and each of which is coupled to said cathodes of said first LEDs in a respective one of said columns for providing the respective one of the first driving current signals thereto; anda plurality of switches, each of which has a first terminal and a second terminal, said second terminal of each of said switches being coupled to said anodes of said first LEDs that are of a corresponding one of the colors and in a corresponding one of said rows,wherein for said first LEDs of each of the colors, said first terminals of said switches that correspond thereto are used to receive a corresponding one of different power supply voltages.2. The LED display device of claim 1 , wherein said first current sources respectively receive a plurality of first current control signals claim 1 , and respectively generate the first driving current signals based respectively on the first current control signals.3. The LED display device of ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190012012A1

A micro LED touch display pane of reduced thickness includes a substrate, a display driving layer, micro LEDs on the display driving layer, and common electrodes connecting to the micro LEDs. The micro LEDs are spaced apart from each other and coupled to the display driving layer. The common electrodes cover the micro LEDs. The touch display panel further includes first and second electrodes. The common electrodes and the first electrodes are defined in one layer, insulated from the second electrodes. The first electrodes and the second electrodes cooperatively form mutual-capacitance touch sensing structures. 1. A micro LED touch display panel , comprising:a substrate;a display driving layer on the substrate;a plurality of micro LEDs on the display driving layer, the plurality of micro LEDs being spaced apart from each other and coupled to the display driving layer; anda plurality of common electrodes located at a side of the plurality of micro LEDs away from the substrate, the plurality of common electrodes covering the plurality of micro LEDs;wherein the micro LED touch display panel further comprises a plurality of first electrodes and a plurality of second electrodes; the plurality of common electrodes and the plurality of first electrodes are located at a same layer and defined by a single conductive layer; the plurality of first electrodes are electrically insulated from and intersect with the plurality of second electrodes; the plurality of first electrodes and the plurality of second electrodes cooperatively form a mutual-capacitance touch sensing structure.2. The micro LED touch display panel of claim 1 , further comprising an insulating layer on a side of the display driving layer away from the substrate claim 1 , wherein the plurality of micro LEDs are embedded in the insulating layer.3. The micro LED touch display device of claim 2 , wherein the insulating layer comprises a first insulating layer on a side of the display driving layer away from the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Pixel circuit and organic light emitting display including the same

Номер: US20160012779A1
Автор: Bon-Seog Gu, Hae-Kwan Seo
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

A pixel circuit includes a first organic light emitting diode (OLED), a second OLED, a storage unit coupled to a data line, the storage unit including a first capacitor configured to store at least one of a first data signal and a second data signal received via the data line, a first driver including a second capacitor configured to store the first data signal received via the storage unit, and a first transistor configured to control an amount of a current supplied to the first OLED in response to a voltage stored in the second capacitor, and a second driver including a third capacitor configured to store the second data signal received via the storage unit, and a second transistor configured to control an amount of a current supplied to the second OLED in response to a voltage stored in the third capacitor.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

LED display screen capable of implementing a variety of assembling modes

Номер: US20190012955A1

An LED display screen having two or more frames each including a left and a right side plate. An oblique boss is disposed on left end surface of the left side plate. A through-hole extending left-and-right is defined in the right side plate. A front side plate and a rear enclosure plate are respectively disposed on front and rear sides and enclose a space communicated with the through-hole. An arc-shaped locking mechanism disposed on the right side of the frame includes a rotating block between the front side plate and rear enclosure plate; a knob outside the front end of the front side plate and fixedly connected to the rotating block; and multiple differently inclined plates on the outer ring of the rotating block. The oblique boss of one frame is operative to abut against different inclined plates of an adjacent frame, respectively. 1. A light emitting diode display screen operative to implement a plurality of assembling modes , comprising two or more frames , wherein each frame comprises:a left side plate, comprising an oblique boss disposed on a left end surface of the left side plate;a right side plate, wherein a through hole extending leftward and rightward is provided in the right side plate, and a front side plate and a rear enclosure plate are respectively disposed on front and rear sides to the left of the right side plate, wherein the space between the front side plate and the rear enclosure plate communicates with the through hole;an arc-shaped locking mechanism, disposed on the right side of the frame and comprising a rotating block disposed between the front side plate and the rear enclosure plate; a knob disposed outside a front end of the front side plate and fixedly connected to the rotating block; and a plurality of inclined plates having different tilt angles disposed on an outer ring of the rotating block; wherein the oblique boss of one of the frames is operative to stick with and abut against different inclined plates of the rotating block of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012703A1

A method for expressing a grey level of a sub-pixel in a display device includes providing at least one light emitting unit in the sub-pixel, the light emitting unit including a plurality of illumination portions, and illuminating at least one of the plurality of illumination portions to express the grey level of the sub-pixel, and each illumination portion is illuminated independently. 1. A method for expressing a grey level of a sub-pixel in a display device , comprising:providing at least one light emitting unit in the sub-pixel, the light emitting unit comprising a plurality of illumination portions, each illumination portion being configured to be illuminated independently; andilluminating at least one of the plurality of illumination portions to express the grey level of the sub-pixel;wherein:the plurality of illumination portions comprise a first illumination portion and a second illumination portion;an area of the second illumination portion is eight times an area of the first illumination portion;the first illumination portion expresses one of first eight grey levels according to a first current;the second illumination portion expresses one of second eight grey levels according to a second current; andthe first illumination portion and the second illumination portion express one of 64 grey levels according to the first current and the second current;when the first current has a first amplitude and a 100% duty ratio, the first illumination portion expresses a first grey level of the first eight grey levels;when the first current has a second amplitude and a 100% duty ratio, the first illumination portion expresses a second grey level of the first eight grey levels;when the first current has a third amplitude and a 100% duty ratio, the first illumination portion expresses a third grey level of the first eight grey levels;when the first current has a fourth amplitude and a 100% duty ratio, the first illumination portion expresses a fourth grey level of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210012704A1

A display device and a driving method thereof are disclosed, and the display device includes a first pixel connected to a first data line, a first scan line, and a first power source line, emitting light in a first period, and not emitting light in a second period following the first period; a second pixel connected to a second data line, the first scan line, and the first power source line, not emitting light in the first period, and emitting light in the second period; a current sensor sensing a current flowing through the first power source line in the first period to provide a first sensing current value, and sensing the current flowing through the first power source line in the second period to provide a second sensing current value; and a memory to storing a first block target current value corresponding to the first sensing current value and a second block target current value corresponding to the second sensing current value. 1. A display device comprising:a first pixel connected to a first data line, a first scan line, and a first power source line, emitting light in a first period, and not emitting light in a second period following the first period;a second pixel connected to a second data line, the first scan line, and the first power source line, not emitting light in the first period, and emitting light in the second period;a current sensor sensing a current flowing through the first power source line in the first period to generate a first sensing current value, and sensing the current flowing through the first power source line in the second period to generate a second sensing current value; anda memory storing a first block target current value corresponding to the first sensing current value and a second block target current value corresponding to the second sensing current value.2. The display device of claim 1 , further comprising:a block target current value generator generating a representative value of a plurality of the first sensing current ...
