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30-05-2023 дата публикации

Токопровод с комбинированной изоляцией

Номер: RU218539U1

Полезная модель относится к области электротехники. Технический результат заключается в повышении эффективности применения токопроводов и расширении области применения, в том числе для подводной прокладки. Технический результат достигается тем, что токопровод содержит цилиндрическую токоведущую жилу (1), внутренний полупроводящий слой (2), внутренний изоляционный слой (3) с выступами (4), внешний полупроводящий слой (5), внешний изоляционный слой (6) и оболочку (7). Между внутренним изоляционным слоем (3) и внешним полупроводящим слоем (5) имеется газовая полость (8), заполненная газом. Внешний полупроводящий слой (5) выполнен упругим. Выступы (4) внутреннего изоляционного слоя (3) плотно прижаты к внешнему полупроводящему слою (5). 1 ил.

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU171233U1

Полезная модель относится к магистральным шинопроводам для передачи электроэнергии большой мощности. Магистральный шинопровод содержит сжатые в пакет шины через слой изоляции, размещенные в металлическом корпусе, причем шины на концах секции разведены в стороны для соединения. Новым в предложенной конструкции является установка сверху и снизу на торцах сжатого пакета шин и с двух сторон секции в образуемый зазор относительно металлического корпуса, электроизоляционной пластины с повышенной теплопроводностью, заходящей внутрь зазора на расстояние равное 1-1,5 ширины пакета шин, поверх которой в зазор до корпуса введена огнестойкая пена на длину, меньшую длины пластины с двух сторон на 0,5-1 см, выступающая наружу на 0,3-1 см. Технический результат заключается в одновременном повышении класса защиты и огнестойкости без существенного увеличения размеров и массы. 1 н.п. формулы, 1 з.п. формулы, 1 илл. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 171 233 U1 (51) МПК H02G 5/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ФОРМУЛА ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017101127, 13.01.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 13.01.2017 (72) Автор(ы): Воронин Сергей Валентинович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Воронин Сергей Валентинович (RU) 25.05.2017 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: CN 202967681 U, 26.11.2014. US Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 13.01.2017 3732353 A, 08.05.1973. JP 2001028824 A, 30.01.2001. SU 1176403 A1, 30.08.1985. Адрес для переписки: 119180, Москва, ул. Большая Полянка, 7/10, стр. 1, оф. В 35, ООО "Кастальский и партнеры. Патентно-правовая группа", для С.А. Синченко R U (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Магистральный шинопровод, содержащий сжатые в пакет шины через тонкий слой изоляции, размещенные в металлическом корпусе, а также разведенные на концах секции шины для соединения, отличающийся тем, что с двух сторон секции шинопровода, сверху и снизу на торцах сжатого ...

16-07-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2822924C1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, в частности к электропитанию постоянного и/или переменного напряжения с большими токами от одного и/или нескольких источников к одному и/или нескольким потребителям электроэнергии. Технический результат заключается в повышении электрической и механической прочности силовой шины электропитания с низкими паразитными параметрами и повышенной устойчивостью к воздействию внешних электромагнитных помех и электростатического разряда. Помехозащищенная силовая шина электропитания включает корпус и расположенный внутри изолированный проводник в виде пластины, обеспечивающие передачу электроэнергии. За счет П-образного в поперечном сечении основания и крышки в виде пластины, образующих токопроводящую шину для обратных токов и одновременно корпус, внутри которого располагается токопроводящая шина прямых токов, что позволяет в целом снизить паразитные параметры за счёт уменьшения погонной индуктивности и увеличения погонной ёмкости. Для электрического подключения ...

27-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014123774A

... 1. Электрический коммутационный аппарат (10), в частности, для электрической коммутационной системы с газовой изоляцией, содержащий две полости (41, 42), в которых установлены первый электропроводный элемент (26) и, при необходимости, другие компоненты коммутационного аппарата (10), и опорный изолятор (20), который отделяет друг от друга две полости (41, 42) и через который проходит насквозь первый электропроводный элемент (26), отличающийся тем, что содержит кольцо (24), которое предназначено для опорного изолятора (20) и через которое первый электропроводный элемент (26) проходит насквозь с обеспечением возможности перемещения первого электропроводного элемента (26) в кольце (24).2. Электрический коммутационный аппарат (10) по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что первый электропроводный элемент (26) выполнен, по меньшей мере, частично в виде стержня или трубки с возможностью перемещения в направлении оси, заданной выполнением первого электропроводного элемента (26) в виде стержня или трубки.3.

10-12-2001 дата публикации


Номер: RU2000101037A

... 1. Шинопровод взрывозащищенный, выполненный в виде секций, последовательно соединенных по направлению одна с другой торцевыми фланцами, с параллельными силовыми жилами, расположенными центрально-симметрично относительно продольной оси секции внутри кожуха на определенном расстоянии друг от друга и от внутренней поверхности кожуха посредством жестких поперечных изоляционных распорок и соединенными с соответствующими им по продолжению соседними жилами посредством соединительных элементов, отличающийся тем, что каждая из секций выполнена в виде отдельного модуля ограниченной длины, а ее кожух - в виде взрывозащищенного полого жесткого корпуса с соединительными фланцами, внешняя торцевая поверхность которых выполнена с возможностью защиты "взрыв" по отношению к соседнему фланцу, распорки выполнены в виде дисковых поперечных опор из жесткого электроизоляционного материала, например из премикса, каждая из которых снабжена по периферии двухсторонним буртиком, достаточным по ширине для защиты " ...

30-05-1977 дата публикации

Пофазно экранированный токопровод

Номер: SU560286A1

15-02-1989 дата публикации

Высоковольтное газонаполненное устройство

Номер: SU1458921A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано в комплексных распределительных устрой1 10 ствах на электрических станциях и подстанциях. Цель изобретения - упро щение конструкции и повышение надежности . Высоковольтное газонаполненное устройство содержит металлическую оболочку 1 с расположенным внутри нее токопроводом 2, прикрепленным с помощью изоляционных втулок 8, распорок 3 и фланцев 7 к металлической оболочке 1 . В торцах металлической оболочки 1 на фланцах 7 закреплена спиралевидная ловушка 10 тороидальной формы, установленная соосно с токопроводом 2 и перпенди11:5шярно к его продольной оси. Цель достигается за счет наличия более простой и надежной ловуппси для загрязняющих частиц. 2 ил. I Ф (Л с: 4: СД 00 ( o ...

30-11-1989 дата публикации

Трехфазный токопровод

Номер: SU1525796A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может использоваться при канализации электроэнергии. Целью изобретения является повышение электробезопасности и упрощение конструкции. Устройство содержит токоведущие шины 1, размещенные внутри изоляционного кожуха 8 и зафиксированные распоркой 4, соединенной с фиксаторами 3, жестко установленными на токоведущих шинах 1. Распорка 4 фиксируется посредством распорного приспособления, состоящего из толкателя 5, выдвижных штырей 6 и опорных лап 7, неподвижно установленных на стенках кожуха 8, внутри которого создано избыточное давление. 2 ил.

23-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: SU1390680A1

Изобретение относится к электроэнергетике и может быть использовано в закрытых экранированных токопроводах , предназначенных для работы в электрической цепи с напряжением до 24 кВ на ток до 10000 А и электродинамической стойкостью до 750 кА. Цель - повьпнение надежности токопро- вода. В токопроводе продольные оси изоляторов, удерживающих токоведущую шину, расположены горизонтально. По длине токопровода изоляторы установлены поочередно по разные стороны от шины. Цель достигается расстановкой изоляторов путем снижения величины нагрузок, испытываемых изоляторами при прохождении по шине ударного тока короткого замыкания. 5 ил.

07-11-1989 дата публикации

Секция фигурная шинопровода

Номер: SU1520618A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, в частности к секциям многоамперных шинопроводов, предназначаемых для изменения их направления и подгонки к трассе прокладки. Цель изобретения - облегчение монтажа. Секции шинопроводов содержат не менее двух последовательно и подвижно соединенных звеньев, образуя по крайней мере двухзвенные секции с возможностью поворота смежных звеньев относительно друг друга на угол до ±90° вокруг одностержневого контактного зажима и с обеспечением при этом закрытия мест соединения звеньев и прилегающих к ним зон при любых положениях звеньев в пределах указанного диапазона их поворота. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

07-10-1990 дата публикации

Трехфазный шинный соединитель

Номер: SU1598007A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано для соединения участков шин высокого напряжения. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции и снижение материалоемкости. Трехфазный шинный соединитель содержит корпус, состоящий из двух взаимно перпендикулярных лучей четырехугольного сечения. Внутри корпуса размещены друг под другом фазы шин, на концах шин со смещением по длине лучей установлены контактные выводы. Лучи корпуса по длине могут быть выполнены ступенчатыми. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 4 ил.

30-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: SU760273A1

15-03-1977 дата публикации

Кабель высокого напряжения

Номер: SU550998A3
Принадлежит: СИМЕНС АГ (ФИРМА)

23-08-1993 дата публикации

Многофазный шинопровод

Номер: SU1836767A3

Сущность изобретения: многофазный шинопроеод содержит изолированные друг от друга шины со спаренными фазами. Шины каждой фазы выполнены в виде уголков и расположены диаметрально противоположно относительно центра шинопроводз. 1 ил.

03-03-1977 дата публикации

Through bushing joining ducts with dissimilar dielectrics - are contoured to give constant electric stress on both sides

Номер: DE0002624325A1

The through bushing is typically for use in metal clad installations, e.g. for joining the HV terminals of an oil filled transformer with an SF6 insulated bus duct. The bushing comprises a disc designed to bolt between the mating flanges of the ducts, and has a central conducting bolt. The bolt passes through a central insulator typically of epoxy resin which is covered with a stress grading semiconducting layer. Sealing rings prevent the flow of oil to gas or vice versa. The contouring of the outer part of the disc is designed to give a constant electric stress along the surface, with the thickness determined by the mechanical pressure difference between gas and oil sides.

27-12-2018 дата публикации

Stromschiene und Stromschienensystem

Номер: DE102016103014B4

Es ist eine Stromschiene (1) für Hochstromverbraucher offenbart, mit einem Supraleiter (2) zum Leiten eines elektrischen Stroms, welcher sich entlang der Stromschiene erstreckt; einem Gehäuse (3) mit einem Wärmerohr, (4) zum Kühlen des Supraleiters auf eine Temperatur unterhalb der Sprungtemperatur des Supraleiters, wobei das Wärmerohr (4), das Gehäuse (3) und der Supraleiter (2) sich entlang der Stromschiene (1) erstrecken, das Wärmerohr über seine Länge thermisch leitend mit dem Gehäuse verbunden ist, wobei das Wärmerohr (4) umfasst: ein verdampfbares Wärmeträgermedium (44), ein kaltes Ende (41), ein warmes Ende (42) und einen Leitungsbereich (43) zwischen dem kalten und dem warmen Ende zum Zirkulieren des Wärmeträgermediums zwischen dem warmen und dem kalten Ende; einem Kühlaggregat (5) zum Kühlen des Wärmerohrs (4), welches mit dem kalten Ende (41) des Wärmerohrs thermisch leitend verbunden ist, wobei das Gehäuse (3) derart ausgestaltet ist, dass eine Vielzahl der Gehäuse an ihren Enden ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Schutzprofil für Stromschienen

Номер: DE102016119939A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Schutzprofil für Stromschienen, insbesondere Sammelstromschienen, das sich an einer Längsachse über eine vorgegebene Länge erstreckt. Das Schutzprofil umfasst einen nach außen geschlossenen Innenraum, der einen ersten und einen zweiten Teilinnenraum umfasst, wobei der erste Teilinnenraum so ausgebildet ist, dass eine Stromschiene eingesetzt werden kann.

11-07-1955 дата публикации

Elektrische Anlage

Номер: DE0000930098C

04-07-1991 дата публикации

Номер: DE9105173U1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG, 8000 MUENCHEN, DE

13-06-2002 дата публикации

Insulator, for supporting a high-voltage current conductor within a casing filled with an insulating gas, comprises an insulator body with rolling elements joined to one another by a bridge piece

Номер: DE0010059366A1

The insulator (4) for supporting a high-voltage current conductor (3) within a casing (2) filled with an insulating gas comprises an insulator body with rolling elements (7, 8) which are joined to one another by a bridge piece (6) and are simultaneously rollable on the conductor and casing surfaces.

07-10-2010 дата публикации

Bus bar for central distribution of electrical energy, has housing comprising support part for accommodation of pole bus, where part of housing cover is formed by isolation modules that are arranged in parallel

Номер: DE102009015994A1

The bus bar (1) has a housing in which a pole bus with two terminal lugs (41) is arranged. The housing is comprised of a support part (2) for accommodation of the pole bus, which is closable with a housing cover. A part of the housing cover is formed by isolation modules (3) that are arranged in parallel, where the isolation modules comprise a passage sleeve (32). The isolation modules are arranged relative to one another in longitudinal direction of the support part, and a detent lug is formed at a side wall.

03-07-1980 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002301460C3

06-09-2007 дата публикации

Koaxialleitung mit Zwangskühlung

Номер: DE102004014757B4

Koaxialleitung mit einem rohrförmigen Innenleiter (3, 30), einem Außenleiter (1), Isolierstoffstützen (5) zwischen dem Innenleiter und dem Außenleiter und Anschlüssen zum Hindurchleiten eines Kühlmediums durch den Innenleiter (3, 30), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Leitung aus getrennt voneinander kühlbaren, elektrisch und mechanisch miteinander verbundenen Abschnitten (A, B) besteht und dass die rohrförmigen Innenleiter (3, 30) aneinandergrenzender Abschnitte (A, B) der Leitung über komplementäre Steckverbindungen miteinander verbindbar sind.

18-12-1969 дата публикации

Gekapselte Hochstromschienen

Номер: DE0001540096A1

25-11-1971 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001540618B2

05-06-1985 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002352811C2

17-12-1937 дата публикации

Isoliert gekapselte Sammelschienenkaesten

Номер: DE0000654124C

23-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102014118884A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Stromschienenisolierung, zur elektrischen Isolation einer oder mehrerer Stromschienen, insbesondere eines Stromschienenverbundes mit mehreren, zumindest teilweise beabstandet angeordneten, Stromschienen (2a–2g), umfassend mindestens eine Stromschienenisolierungsmanschette zur elektrischen Isolierung mit mindestens einem Verschlusssystem (6a–6g). Die Isolierung weist mindestens eine Isolierungsmanschette mit einem flexiblen Isolierstoffstreifen (4a–4g) mit Verschlusssystem auf, wobei das Verschlusssystem (6a–6g, 66) auf wenigstens einer Längsseite des Isolierstoffstreifens (4a–4g) angeordnet ist und der Isolierstoffstreifen (4a–4g) dafür vorgesehen ist um den Querschnitt zumindest einer Stromschiene (2a–2g) gelegt und mittels des Verschlusssystems (6a–6g, 66) reversibel geschlossen zu werden.

06-09-1984 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002504904C2

07-08-2008 дата публикации

Enclosure section for gas-isolated high voltage system, has axial force transferring and compensating element with ring including connection sections that are arranged in axial distance, where sections are fixed to respective flanges

Номер: DE102007006727A1

The section (1) has two enclosure devices (2, 3) arranged one above the other along an axis (a). Each enclosure device is provided with a connection flange (4, 5). An axial force transferring and thick compensating element (6) is arranged between the connection flanges that are faced with each other. The compensation element consists of a ring made from a spring-elastic material. The ring comprises two connection sections (7, 8) that are arranged in an axial distance from each other. The connection sections are fixed directly or indirectly to the respective flanges.

06-04-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002048989A1

27-01-1972 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002036270A1

16-05-2002 дата публикации

Abdeckung für ein Sammelschienensystem

Номер: DE0010056340A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Abdeckung (3, 3) für ein Sammelschienensystem (2), wobei die Abdeckung auf mindestens eine Sammelschiene (1) aufsteckbar ist. DOLLAR A Erfindungsgemäß ist vorgesehen, daß die Abdeckung durch mindestens zwei Abdeckelemente (3) gebildet ist, die flächige Abdeckabschnitte (4) für die Sammelschienen aufweisen, wobei die Abdeckelemente, quer zur Längserstreckung (X) der Sammelschienen positioniert, auf die Sammelschiene aufsteckbar und in überlappende Anordnung bringbar sind. DOLLAR A Eine solche Abdeckung ist einfach herstellbar und einfach montierbar, insbesondere universell verwendbar.

06-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001401905A

... 1401905 Gas-filled cables KABELUND METALLWERKE GUTEHOFFNUNGSHUTTE AG 7 May 1973 [6 July 1972] 21646/73 Heading H1A A cylindrical metal member 6, Fig. 2, together with an electrically insulating member 7, are attached in a gas-tight manner to the corrugated outer sheath 2, and to the single inner conductor 1, of a gas-insulated high tension cable, so that it can be filled with gas in the factory, initially, and can retain this gas charge during field installation and subsequent use of the cable, thereby avoiding contamination risks which attend gas filling in the field. A three-way valve 9, connected by pipes 8, permits evacuation and filling of each space separately, with subsequent gas interconnection between adjacent cable lengths. A sleeve 15, Fig. 4, for electrical connection to an adjoining cable, may either be sealed fixedly to the insulator 14, or alternatively have a sliding seal to an interposed metal sealing bush 13, thereby permitting some relative axial movement of conductor ...

28-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001443809A

... 1443809 High voltage switchgear; earthing switches SIEMENS AG 30 Nov 1973 [30 Nov 1972] 55751/73 Heading H1N A metal-enclosed switchgear chamber 8a contains three conductors R, S, T, supported on insulators 4 and symmetrically disposed around the periphery of the chamber in a common plane, transverse to the longitudinal axes of the conductors, are three earthing switches 14 each having individual drive means 13 and a displaceable conductive rod 10 operable to connect an associated conductor to the enclosure at which point the conductors are provided with contacts 11 and shields 12. The chamber is filled with SF6 gas at 2-3 bars pressure and forms part of a conventional double-bus switchgear installation (Fig. 1, not shown) with selector isolators (7), CT and/or VT chamber (16a), circuit breaker chamber (24) and a cable box isolating switch chamber (17) containing a similar set of earthing switches 14 as described. The earthing switch rods 10 may be displaceable by means of a common drive ...

13-03-1968 дата публикации

Switchgear cubicle with busbars extending through it

Номер: GB0001105684A

... 1,105,684. Switchgear structures. LICENTIA PATENT - VERWALTUNGS - G.m.b.H. 15 June, 1966 [18 June, 1965], No. 26623/66. Headings H1A and H1N. A switchgear cubicle (not shown) traversed by busbars 1, 2, 3, has insulation 4 on the busbars forming box-like apertures 5 through which the bare bars are accessible for the connection of electrical apparatus thereto, the insulation 4 lying directly on the bars except for the connection points. The strip-shaped busbars 1, 2, 3, have the narrow sides facing the electrical apparatus (not shown) covered by an insulating plate 6 with circular openings 7 which can be closed by insulating stoppers (not shown) when no connections are made at those points. A transverse spacer 8 is provided, and an additional wrapping 9, giving mutual support of the bars. The apertures 5 are of square or circular cross-section (Figs. 3-5, not shown), and the circular apertures form cylindrical cups (10), (Figs. 3-5) or have conical side-walls to form a bowl (Fig. 6, not shown ...

16-11-1943 дата публикации

Improvements relating to supporting arrangements for electric circuit conductors

Номер: GB0000557332A

... 557,332. Distribution boards; two-part couplings. DRAKE & GORHAM, Ltd., and NEWELL, J. May 13, 1942, No. 6487. [Class 38 (i)] Conductors 2 ... 5 carried on transverse supports in a trunking 1 as described in Specification 553,607 are secured on the supports at the points where a tapping is required by conductive members 6 that engage both sides of the conductor and also form spring contacts 13 into which blades 15 on a tapping box 16 enter. The members 6 are mounted on the transverse support or cross-bar 7 and insulated by a sleeve 10, metal spacers 11 being fitted between the limbs which are held in place by sleeves 17. The conductors 2 ... are retained in position by bosses 14 on the members 6. The tapping box 16 is secured to the trunking 1 by screws 20 having wing heads co-operating with brackets 21. Earthing contacts 22 engage the screws.

18-10-1967 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001087605A

... 1,087,605. Connecting bus-bars; supporting bus-bars. GEMES HOLDINGS PTY. Ltd. June 29, 1965, No. 27604/65. Headings H2C and H2E. Connections between bus-bars of small cross-section 14, 14A in adjacent sections of a conduit 11, 12 are made by male and female terminals at their ends. Insulating sleeves 21 and spacers on the single or paired through bolts 13 which hold the conduit together, support and insulate the assembled bus-bars, and when tightened force the terminals into pressure contact. Examples of terminal arrangements illustrated are annular two-part female flag contacts and U-shaped male ones, both mounted on ferrules on the bus-bar ends and shaped to fit over the through bolts (Fig. 4, not shown), off-set rod ends with riveted contact blades which form a female socket to hold the plain end of the other bus-bar (Fig. 5, not shown) and for round bus-bars resilient split trumpet sockets which serve the same purpose (Fig. 10, not shown). A round trunking in an optional form contains ...

25-02-2009 дата публикации

Electrostatic coalescing device

Номер: GB2452161A

The invention relates to an electrical appliance comprising one or several sheet-shaped electrodes (1) and a connecting device (30) for electrically connecting said one or several electrodes to a voltage source. The connecting device comprises a casing (31) having two or more tubular casing parts (32), each of which enclosing a channel filled with a dielectric medium, and an elongated conductor for feeding electric power from the voltage source to said one or several electrodes. The conductor extends through the channels of said casing parts and is surrounded by the dielectric medium therein. The conductor extends through a hole in an electrically conductive member of each individual electrode. The conductor is electrically connected to the conductive members of the electrodes and each individual electrode has a part (4) arranged between two of said casing parts (32) with the two casing parts clamped against opposite sides of the intermediate electrode part.

29-04-1981 дата публикации

Electrode arrangement for a capacitive voltage transformer

Номер: GB2060258A

The arrangement of the outer electrode of a capacitive voltage transformer designed as a capacitor in a completely insulated, metal-encapsulated electrical switching section is disclosed. The outer electrode comprises a tube which is arranged coaxially in a tubular jacket of the metal encapsulation and is fastened, electrically insulated, to the tubular jacket. The inner electrode of the voltage transformer is a conductor concentrically arranged in the tubular jacket. Between the tube and the tubular jacket, an insulating tube section is arranged. An insulating bushing extends through the wall of the insulating tube section and the wall of the tubular jacket. The insulating bushing is mounted on a metallic bushing. A head screw clamps the insulating tube section between the tube and the tubular jacket, and a flange of the insulating bushing is clamped between the outside of the tubular jacket and a flange of the metallic bushing. A voltage take-off is secured to the metallic bushing.

15-10-1980 дата публикации

Gas-insulated transmission line

Номер: GB0002044513A

A gas-insulated transmission line includes two transmission line sections each of which are formed of a corrugated outer housing enclosing an inner high-voltage conductor disposed therein, with insulating support means supporting the inner conductor within the outer housing and an insulating gas providing electrical insulation therebetween. The outer housings in each section have smooth end sections at the longitudinal ends thereof which are joined together by joining means which provide for a sealing fixed joint.

22-09-1982 дата публикации

Electrical distribution system having unitary shutters.

Номер: GB0002095049A
Автор: Humphreys, Michael

An electrical distribution system comprises a longitudinally-extending conduit containing a plurality of continuous conductors. Spaced apertures are provided in one wall of the conduit to allow access to the conductors for a connecting plug. A safety mechanism is provided at each entry point substantially to prevent access to the conductors by means other than a correct connecting plug, and to facilitate assembly and servicing of the system this safety mechanism comprises a unitary assembly which can be inserted into or removed from the conduit as a self-contained unit.

01-08-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002090695B

14-10-1987 дата публикации

Slide cover assembly

Номер: GB0002189091A

A slide cover assembly 1 provides for selectively exposing and covering four tapping outlets t of a busbar tapping outlet location L. A flexible cover part 2 is movably mounted on a busbar housing 3 and has apertures 2a movable into and out of registration with outlets t, relative to cover retaining part 4, automatically on the introduction and removal of a plug-in tapping box. A cam on the tapping box extends into slot 4b and bears on tongue 2c deforming the latter and allowing the apertures 2a to move into registration with outlets t, as the tapping box is plugged into the tapping box location. ...

09-03-1966 дата публикации

Bus duct hanger

Номер: GB0001021803A

... 1,021,803. Supporting conduits. SQUARED CO. July 3, 1964 [Sept. 4, 1963], No. 27486/64. Heading H2C. A bus duct or conduit having an upper channel portion 36 (Fig. 6) is suspended by leg portions 12 which pivot from body 11 of a hanger 10, Fig. 1 (not shown), itself bolted to a drop-rod 32. The hook portions 18 of legs 12 receive the flanges 37 of channel 36. The ends of anchoring portions 17 of legs 12 are so shaped that they can only enter slots 29 of body 11 when the arm is approximately horizontal (Figs. 2, 3, 4, not shown). The ends 30 of Z-springs 14 hold anchoring portions 17 firmly against body 11. Parts 34 of the springs prevent upward motion of the conduit, but may be disengaged during assembly &c. by flexing them through holes 21 (Figs. 4, 5, not shown).

03-06-1946 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electric switchboards and the like

Номер: GB0000577845A

... 577,845. Conductor clips ; distribution boards and panels. BRITISH INSULATED CABLES, Ltd., and RAWLINSON, J. Oct. 9, 1944, No. 19379. [Classes 36 and 38 (i)] [Also in Group XXV] A support for a busbar consisting of two spaced parallel bars 10a, 10b comprises plates 15 having upturned ends 16 which engage the outer edges of the bars and which are provided with slots s through which pass threaded bolts 14 carrying clamping nuts at their outer ends. The busbars are clamped between the base 11 of a contact blade 9 and a base piece 12 secured by a screw 13 to a supporting insulator 8. The bolts 14 are carried by the base 12 and project through the base 11 on opposite sides of the blade 9. Busbars of various widths can be supported and clamped in position by altering the position of the plates 15, the slots s being scalloped, if desired, as shown in Fig. 6 to allow of definite positions for the plates. Bars of various thicknesses can be supported by the employment of distance pieces 21 as shown ...

23-07-1969 дата публикации

Double Plug-in Bus Duct

Номер: GB0001159411A

... 1,159,411. Two-part couplings; bus-bars. SQUARE D CO. 27 July, 1966 [14 Aug., 1965], No. 11020/68. Divided out of 1,143,601. Headings H2C and H2E. [Also in Division H1] A double bus-bar conduit comprises two parallel housings 61, 62 secured together adjacent their ends and containing flat conductors 32, the conductors of one housing being interconnected with corresponding ones of the other by a joint structure disposed between the ends of the conduit. As described, each housing has corrugated side walls to support the conductors 32, and recurring door and frame assemblies 22 affording access for plugs to contact bared portions of the conductors 32, insulating inserts 36 being carried by the frames 22. The joint structure comprises splice plates 68 and insulating plates 70, 71 clamped together and to the conductors 32 by spring washers 76 and spacers 77, 78 on a bolt 72 which extends between tie plates 82 screwed 38 between the housings. Vertical scalloped plates 84 enclose the longitudinal ...

19-04-1928 дата публикации

A new or improved three-way or four-way junction box or connector for electric conductors

Номер: GB0000288885A

... 288,885. English, J. R. Aug. 17, 1927. Plug couplings.-A 3 or 4-way connector comprises a two-part casing a, shown in Fig. 4 with the upper part removed, insulating discs e located in recesses f in the ends and front and if necessary in the back of the casing, and T- or X-shaped connectors d which are carried by and pass through the disc e. The front extension d<4> of the rear connector is flattened and bent so as to clear the other two. The upper half of the casing is provided with a filler plug so that the casing can be filled with an insulating compound which can reach the joints in the casing through recesses k in the discs e. The ends d<1>, d<2>, d<3> of the connectors are formed as connecting plugs and may co-operate with a coupling device as described in Specification 286,344.

15-06-1933 дата публикации

Improvements in electric conductors

Номер: GB0000393930A

... 393,930. Couplings. ROSSMAN PATENTS, Inc., 20, N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, U.S.A. Sept. 9, 193], No. 6638/32. Convention date, Oct. 6, 1930. Void [Published under Sect. 91 of the Acts]. Drawings to Specification. Divided on 390,859. [Class 38 (i).] The Specification describes the bus-bar coupling and oil-filled housing with self-aligning features both on the electrical coupling and on the housing, as in Specification 390,859. In the present Specification it .is stated that the coupling and oil-enclosing features are applicable to the coupling of conductors in general.

09-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001604279A

04-10-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001527127A

... 1527127 Electrical couplings BCC BROWN BOVERI & CO Ltd 31 Oct 1975 [10 Jan 1975] 45157/75 Heading H2E A jointing member for interconnecting non- colinear three phase pipe type gas pressure cables 1, 2 whose conductors 4, 5, 6 and 41, 51, 61 form apices of triangles, comprises an enclosure 3 formed by a sphere with branches 3a, 3b projecting therefrom for connection to the cables and within the enclosure, three curved conductors 411, 511, 611 for connection to the cable conductors. The curved conductors are, in the embodiment, supported from the enclosure by insulators 7 and are connected at their ends to the conductors of the cables, the axes of which latter are at 90 degrees. The pipes of the cables are welded to the branches 3a, 3b in a gas tight manner to prevent leakage of the SF 6 gas contained therein.

12-09-1962 дата публикации

Electric power distribution system

Номер: GB0000905785A

... 905,785. Supplying current to moving conductors. E.M.S. ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS Ltd. Feb. 22, 1961 [May 12, 1960], No. 16743/60. Class 38 (1). In a distribution system having a wheeled trolley 17 providing a travelling tapping to one or more bus-bars 23 . . . 26, supported inside a duct, the duct comprises upper and lower plates 10, 11, respectively, Fig. 1, with inwardly facing ridges forming rails 13, 14 for upper and lower pairs of trolley wheels 15, 16, respectively, while rearwardly of the rails, plates 10, 11 are spaced apart by two or more transverse members 18. Members 18, of the form described in Specification 905,787, provide a trough in which are held insulating blocks 21 supporting the bus-bars 23 . . . 26, for contact with their respective contacts 23a . . . 26a, carried by the trolley. Contacts 23a . . . 26a are mounted in support frames 29 . . . 32 of the trolley, and the ends of the frames are held against a rebate 28, Fig. 7, by cross-bars 33, 34. The trolley has a cranked ...

28-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387874B

15-10-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA836973A

15-08-1988 дата публикации


Номер: ATA295485A

15-10-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000476080A

15-04-2016 дата публикации

Isolierabdeckung für eine Stromschiene

Номер: AT514634B1

Eine lsolierabdeckung zur Isolierung einer sich entlang einer Längsrichtung (Z) erstreckenden Stromschiene (105) umfasst einen Körper (110), zumindest einen Abstandshalter (120) und einen Verschlussabschnitt (130). Der Körper (110) weist eine Öffnung (116) und einen Innenbereich (118) zur Aufnahme der Stromschienen (105) auf, wobei der Körper (110) und die Öffnung (116) sich entlang der Längsrichtung (Z) erstrecken und ausgebildet sind, um die Stromschiene (105) durch ein Einschieben durch die Öffnung (116) aufzunehmen, sodass der Körper (110) die Stromschiene (105) an zumindest drei Seiten zumindest teilweise umschließt. Der zumindest eine Abstandshalter (120) ist ausgebildet, um die Stromschiene (105) von dem Körper (110) zumindest abschnittsweise auf einem Abstand (d) zu halten. Der Verschlussabschnitt (130) ist an der Öffnung (116) des Körpers (110) mit diesem einstückig ausgebildet und hält die Stromschiene (105) nach dem Einschieben in den Innenbereich (118), wobei zumindest der Körper ...

15-04-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000074658T

25-05-1973 дата публикации

Metallumschlossene electrical distribution and/or switchgear for high tension

Номер: AT0000307548B

26-04-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000329141B

27-06-1977 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000337285B

15-11-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000172821T

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208091T

15-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000097266T

15-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000284602T

11-10-1965 дата публикации

Electrical building services system consisting of straight-line Hüllelementen with branch openings

Номер: AT0000242770B

31-03-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002427488A

08-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002290070A

31-01-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004921579A

15-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001141310A1

13-07-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001127727A1

24-06-1986 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001206546A1

20-12-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002706299C

A busway section with an electrically conductive housing is described. The busway section includes a lid connected with the housing through a hinging mechanism. Internal slots are also present, along which bus bars can be located. Possible applications of the busway section are feeder sections and plug-in sections.

13-06-1972 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000902742A

11-08-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1225444A

A gas insulated electrical apparatus comprises: a metal pipe in which an insulation gas is sealed; a conductor supported inside of the metal pipe by an insulation supporting member; and an insulation layer provided on the inner surface of the metal pipe, in which strong dielectric material is mixed in the insulation layer so that its specific inductive capacity becomes 10 or more.

04-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1123070A
Принадлежит: SPACAB AB

A gas-filled cable having low heat emission and low power loss and being used for the transmission of high voltage electric current. The cable includes one or more conductors which are axially spaced in position relative to each other in the cable by means of supporting insulators inside an enclosing conduit which is filled with an insulating gaseous medium. In such a cable the conduit comprises a cylindrical metal sheath of plain or low-alloy merchant steel having a carbon content of less than 0.6% and a metal shield of non-magnetic material fixed inside the sheath and having a low specific electrical resistivity.

24-04-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA925177A

22-05-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA926957A

02-06-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1222538A

... 49,366 A circuit breaker switchgear housing device having a stab positioning system whereby a draw-out circuit breaker having separable contacts is contained in the switchgear housing. A stab positioning system is utilized so as to precisely locate stabs so that a circuit breaker having contact clusters which are electrically attached to the circuit breaker contacts make accurate and uniform contact with the stabs. The stabs are generally a rectangular-shaped bar with one of the ends being rounded off. Cut into two sides of the stab and opposing each other are notches. The stab is inserted into a retainer or positioning washer which has a bayonet-type lock opening into which the stab is inserted and rotated 90.degree., thereby prohibiting axial movement of the stab with respect to the washer. A retainer or positioning washer having an opening slightly larger than the stab crosssection is used to rigidly position an inserted stab, prohibiting rotational movement with respect to the opening ...

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Gas-insulated bus

Номер: US20120103645A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

Gas-insulated bus is provided with: current-carrying conductor disposed along axial direction of metallic container that is filled with insulating-gas; shield fitting through which passes current-carrying conductor and that has depressed portion formed on portion of barrel-shaped outer surface; insulating support that has second end thereof fixed in depressed portion of shield fitting and has first end thereof fixed to metallic-container, and that supports current-carrying conductor via shield fitting; internal conductor being implanted in second end of insulating support and being, along with second end, positioned in depressed portion and fixed to shield fitting; and contact being attached to inner surface of shield fitting, being disposed in space formed on inside of shield fitting, and that makes contact with current-carrying conductor so as to maintain shield fitting and current-carrying conductor at same electric potential, wherein internal conductor has such shape that internal conductor and shield fitting together form barrel-like profile.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Gas-insulated bus bar

Номер: US20130192864A1
Автор: Daisuke Fujita
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A gas-insulated bus bar includes a metal container, a main circuit conductor that is accommodated in the metal container, an insulation spacer of a one-legged structure that includes one end portion attached to the metal container and the other end portion holding the main circuit conductor in the metal container, a shield that is substantially barrel-shaped, attached to the other end portion, and having an outer diameter larger than an outer diameter of the main circuit conductor, and a branch pipe provided on a side of the metal container and branched in a direction substantially perpendicular to an axis line, thereby including an inside portion where the one end portion is arranged. When viewing from a direction parallel to a branching direction of the branch pipe, the insulation spacer and the shield have respective sizes that are arranged within an area defined by an inner diameter of the branch pipe.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Gas insulated bus

Номер: US20130284489A1
Автор: Daisuke Fujita
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A gas insulated bus is provided which comprises a metallic container whose axis is an axis line; a main circuit conductor housed in the metallic container; a metallic container to be connected with an end of the metallic container and whose axis is an axis line crossing the axis line; a main circuit conductor housed in the metallic container; an insulating spacer of a single-leg structure that supports and insulates a connection portion of the main circuit conductors; a metal-made shield attached to the insulating spacer and provided with an opening open in a direction of the axis line and an opening open in a direction of the axis line, the shield covering the connection portion, the shield being substantially in a barrel or spindle shape having an outside diameter exceeding that of the main circuit conductors.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005313A1

A bus bar according to an embodiment includes a block-shape thick portion, two thin portions provided along the thick portion on both sides, and two bend portions that connect the thick portion and the thin portions, the connected thick portion and the thin portions being elastically deformable. 1. A bus bar comprising:a block-shaped thick portion;two thin portions provided along both sides of the thick portion;connection terminal portions each provided to the thin portions;two bend portions elastically and deformably connecting the thick portion to the two thin portions.2. The bus bar according of claim 1 , wherein the two thin portions are arranged along a first surface that is one end of the thick portion in a thickness direction; andthe two bend portions each extend from a position of the first surface where each of the two thin portions and the thick portion are adjacent toward a second surface of the thick portion which is opposite to the first surface, and are connected to the thick portion on the second surface.3. The bus bar according of claim 2 , wherein the bend portions are inclined walls that are inclined relative to the first surface on which the thin portions and the thick portion are connected.4. The bus bar according of claim 1 , wherein the two thin portions are arranged along a first surface that is one end of the thick portion in a thickness direction; andthe bend portions each extend from a position of the first surface where each of the two thin portions and the thick portion are adjacent toward a second surface of the thick portion which is opposite to the first surface, are folded at least once, and are connected to each of the two thin portions and the thick portion adjacent to the thin portions.5. The bus bar according of claim 1 , further comprising:a first endothermic member on a side opposite to a side where each of the two thin portions is connected to the bend portions.6. The bus bar according of claim 1 , whereinone of the connection ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200013573A1

A power relay assembly is provided. A power relay assembly according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention comprises: an upper case having at least one electric element mounted on one surface thereof; a lower case coupled to the upper case; and at least one bus bar electrically connected to the electric element, disposed between the upper case and the lower case, and including a bottom portion that is in surface contact with at least one of the upper case and the lower case, wherein at least one side of the bottom portion contacts a portion made of a plastic material having heat dissipation and insulation properties in the upper case and the lower case. 1. A power relay assembly comprising:an upper case in which at least one electric element is mounted on one surface thereof;a lower case coupled to the upper case; andat least one bus bar electrically connected to the electric element, disposed between the upper case and the lower case, and including a bottom portion in surface contact with at least one of the upper case and the lower case,wherein at least one surface of the bottom portion is in contact with a portion formed of a plastic material having a heat dissipation property and an insulation property between the upper case and the lower case.2. The power relay assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bus bar includes the bottom portion and at least one height portion configured to extend from the bottom portion to protrude to an outer side of the upper case.3. The power relay assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bottom portion is formed in a plate shape having a predetermined area and at least one surface of the bottom portion is in surface contact with one of an inner surface of the upper case and an inner surface of the lower case.4. The power relay assembly of claim 3 , wherein the inner surface of the upper case in surface contact with the bottom portion is a protruding portion configured to protrude by a predetermined height.5. The power relay ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140126120A1

An electrical enclosure wherein an electrical component can be moved between various positions (e.g., connected, disconnected, test, etc.) without opening an enclosure door. The electrical enclosure supports a component for movement between a withdrawn position, a test position, and an inserted position. A handle is accessible by an operator from an exterior of the enclosure and is configured to move the component between the respective positions without having to open the enclosure. The handle is integral with the enclosure and thus an operator needs no special tool or other device to effect movement of the electrical component between its respective positions. 1. An electrical enclosure for enclosing one or more associated electrical components , the enclosure comprising:a shell having an enclosed interior volume for housing at least one associated electrical component;at least one movable support member mountable in the shell for supporting the at least one associated electrical component, the movable support member movable between a disengaged position corresponding to disconnection of the associated electrical component from line power, and an engaged position corresponding to connection of the associated electrical component to line power;a component connector assembly for connecting the associated electrical component with an associated control network, the component connector assembly configured to connect the associated electrical component to the associated control network when the movable support member is in the engaged position, disconnect the associated electrical component from the associated control network when the movable support member is in the disengaged position, and maintain the associated electrical component in connection with the associated control network during at least a portion of the movement of the movable support member between the engaged and disengaged positions after disconnection of the associated electrical component from line ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Inverter DC Bus Bar Assembly

Номер: US20170063065A1

Power inverter assemblies are provided herein for use with motor vehicles. An inverter assembly may have a symmetrical structure configured to convert DC input power to AC output power. The inverter assembly may include a housing enclosing a symmetrical DC input portion, a symmetrical AC output portion, a DC link capacitor, and a gate drive portion having a pair of power modules. The symmetrical DC input portion can include a DC input bus bar sub-assembly to which the DC link capacitor is coupled, and a second DC bus bar sub-assembly that may electrically couple the DC link capacitor with the power modules. The symmetrical AC output portion may include a three phase output AC bus bar sub-assembly to which the power modules can be electrically coupled. A cooling sub-assembly may be provided for cooling the power modules with fluid transfer using a coolant. 1. A DC bus bar sub-assembly for an inverter assembly , the DC bus bar sub-assembly comprising: an input tab;', 'an output tab; and', 'a bar body, the input tab extending in alignment with a first section of the bar body, the output tab extending normally to a second section of the bar body., 'a pair of bus bars that each comprise2. The DC bus bar sub-assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the first section and the second section of the bar body are disposed at substantially a right angle relative to one another.3. The DC bus bar sub-assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the bar body of a first of the pair of bus bars is spaced apart from a second of the pair of bus bars so as to minimize inductance therebetween.4. The DC bus bar sub-assembly according to claim 1 , wherein an insulating spacer is disposed within a space formed between the pair of bus bars.5. The DC bus bar sub-assembly according to claim 4 , further comprising an insulating housing that encloses the first section of both of the pair of bus bars to prevent the pair of bus bars from contacting a terminal block onto which the pair of bus bars are ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Inverter AC Bus Bar Assembly

Номер: US20170063066A1

Power inverter assemblies are provided herein for use with motor vehicles. An inverter assembly may have a symmetrical structure configured to convert DC input power to AC output power. The inverter assembly may include a housing enclosing a symmetrical DC input portion, a symmetrical AC output portion, a DC link capacitor, and a gate drive portion having a pair of power modules. The symmetrical DC input portion can include a DC input bus bar sub-assembly to which the DC link capacitor is coupled, and a second DC bus bar sub-assembly that may electrically couple the DC link capacitor with the power modules. The symmetrical AC output portion may include a three phase output AC bus bar sub-assembly to which the power modules can be electrically coupled. A cooling sub-assembly may be provided for cooling the power modules with fluid transfer using a coolant. 1. A three phase output AC bus bar sub-assembly for an inverter assembly , the three phase output AC bus bar sub-assembly comprising: a bar body having a front surface and a back surface;', 'a plurality of power module tabs spaced apart from one another so as to allow a first of the plurality of power module tabs to couple with a first power module of the inverter assembly and a second of the plurality of power module tabs to couple with a second power module of the inverter assembly, the plurality of power module tabs extending away from the back surface; and', 'an output tab extending from the front surface; and, 'three bus bars each comprisingthe bar body of a first of the three bus bars is positioned behind the bar body of a second of the three bus bars and a third of the three bus bars is positioned in front of the second of the three bus bars.2. The three phase output AC bus bar sub-assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the front surface of one or more of the three bus bars includes an insulating layer.3. The three phase output AC bus bar sub-assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising an insulating ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Mould and method for flexible holding inserts in the mold during molding

Номер: US20200061888A1
Автор: Lukas Treier
Принадлежит: General Electric Technology GmbH

The invention relates to a mould for moulding a component with one or more inserts, the mould comprising a mould body for defining in part the shape of the component, and at least one insert holder for holding an insert within the mould body. Each insert holder is movably supported such it can move relative to the mould body in a direction of shrinkage of the component, and wherein the mould further comprises a biasing means to bias each insert holder to a first position relative to the mould body. The invention also relates to a method of moulding.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160079744A1

A power conversion apparatus has a configuration in which plate-like bus-bars are laminated via an insulating material to define a pair of bus-bars. A laminated bus-bar, in which the pair of bus-bars is disposed vertically so that a width direction thereof is in a vertical direction, includes a pair of voltage measuring terminals that is correspondingly branched from a part of the pair of bus-bars to extend toward a circuit board. The pair of voltage measuring terminals is arranged symmetrically with respect to the pair of bus-bars to extend upward toward the circuit board, while extending in an intersecting direction intersecting with the pair of bus-bars, to be electrically connected to the circuit board. 1. A power conversion apparatus comprising:a semiconductor element;a cooler cooling the semiconductor element;a circuit board electrically connected to the semiconductor element; anda laminated bus-bar electrically connected to the semiconductor element, with the semiconductor element and the laminated bus-bar being disposed above the cooler, and the circuit board being further disposed above the semiconductor element and the laminated bus-bar, to exhibit a power converting function by a switching operation of the semiconductor element,wherein the laminated bus-bar has a configuration in which plate-like bus-bars are laminated via an insulating material to define a pair of bus-bars, and the pair of bus-bars is disposed vertically so that a width direction thereof is set in a vertical direction,and wherein the laminated bus-bar includes a pair of voltage measuring terminals that is correspondingly branched from a part of the pair of bus-bars to extend toward the circuit board to be electrically connected thereto, and the pair of voltage measuring terminals is arranged symmetrically with respect to the pair of bus-bars to extend upward toward the circuit board, while extending in an intersecting direction intersecting with the pair of bus-bars, to be electrically ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200076170A1
Автор: Baiatu Tudor, de Roo Harm

A busbar system includes a busbar with at least two parallel arranged phase conductors running between a first end and a second end of the busbar and at least two feeders connected onto the busbar, each feeder including contacts for at least some of the phase conductors of the busbar; a first supply line and a second supply line interconnecting the first feeder and the second feeder with a common power supply; wherein a first feeder of the at least two feeders is connected onto the first end of the busbar and a second feeder of the at least two feeders is connected onto the second end of the busbar; wherein each of the first supply line and the second supply line has a higher impedance than the busbar. 1. A busbar system , comprising:a busbar with at least two parallel arranged phase conductors running between a first end and a second end of the busbar;at least two feeders connected onto the busbar, each feeder comprising contacts for at least some of the phase conductors of the busbar;a first supply line and a second supply line interconnecting the first feeder and the second feeder with a common power supply;wherein a first feeder of the at least two feeders is connected onto the first end of the busbar and a second feeder of the at least two feeders is connected onto the second end of the busbar;wherein each of the first supply line and the second supply line has a higher impedance than the busbar.2. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the common power supply comprises a short-circuit protection device.3. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the first supply line and the second supply line have the same impedance.4. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the contacts comprises at least one of a plug-in contact claim 1 , a bolt-on contact and a screw-in contact.5. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the busbar comprises two claim 1 , three or more phase conductors.6. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the busbar comprises at least one of three phase ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220102955A1
Принадлежит: Eugen Forschner GmbH

The invention relates to a connection arrangement for connecting a busbar () to a housing () for electrical components (), comprising the busbar () and at least one wall () of the housing () and at least one electrically insulating element (), characterized in that the connection arrangement () has at least one fastening element (A; ) for preferably detachable connection to the wall () of the housing () and the at least one electrically insulating element () is formed from a material having good thermal conductivity. 115-. (canceled)164010304011105020606162111050. A connection arrangement for connecting a busbar () to a housing () for electrical components () , comprising the busbar () and at least one wall () of the housing () and at least one electrically insulating element () , wherein the connection arrangement () has at least one fastening element (; A; ) for connection to the wall () of the housing () , and the at least one electrically insulating element () is made of a material that has good thermal conductivity , of more than 1.5 W/(m·K){'b': ['20', '60', '61', '62', '61', '40', '50', '62', '50', '11', '10'], '#text': 'characterized in that the connection arrangement () has at least two fastening elements (; A; ), wherein a first fastening element (A) connects the busbar () and the electrically insulating element () to one another, and a second fastening element () connects the electrically insulating element () to the wall () of the housing ().'}1730401110. The connection arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , characterized in that an electrical component () can be simultaneously fastened claim 16 , with the busbar () claim 16 , to the wall () of the housing ().1820606140501110. The connection arrangement as claimed in claim 16 , characterized in that the connection arrangement () has at least one through-going fastening element (; A) for connecting the busbar () claim 16 , the electrically insulating element () and the wall () of the housing ().192060. The ...

16-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150101838A1

Housing for electrical components includes a housing body, an insulating body and a bus bar. The insulating body is disposed within the housing body and is integral with the housing body. The bus bar is disposed within the within the housing body and embedded in the insulating body. The insulating body and housing body are integral with one another for fixing the bus bar within the housing body. 1. A housing for electrical components , comprising:a housing body;an insulating body disposed in and integral with the housing body; anda bus bar embedded in the insulating body and integral with the housing body, the insulating body electrically insulating the bus bar from the housing and fixing bus bar within the housing.2. A housing as recited in claim 1 , wherein the housing body and the bus bar define respective standoffs for coupling electrical components in the housing.3. A housing as recited in claim 1 , further including a cooling body connected to the housing body.4. A housing as recited in claim 3 , wherein the cooling body is finned structure configured for cooling the housing using a gaseous coolant flow.5. A housing as recited in claim 3 , wherein the coolant body is a cold plate configured for cooling the housing using a liquid coolant flow.6. A housing as recited in claim 1 , further including a printed wire board disposed within and coupled to the housing body.7. A housing as recited in claim 6 , further including a standoff embedded in the bus bar and coupling the printed wire board to the housing body.8. A housing as recited in claim 7 , wherein the standoff electrically connects the printed wire board to the bus bar.9. A housing as recited in claim 7 , wherein the standoff couples the printed wire board to the housing body through the insulating body.10. A housing as recited in claim 6 , further including a standoff embedded in the housing body and coupling the printed wire board to the housing body.11. A housing as recited in claim 1 , further including ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации

Switchgear Bus Support Bushing Structure

Номер: US20140182930A1

A bushing structure for switchgear includes first and second separate support structures ( 30, 32 ) each having surfaces defining at least one opening ( 48 ). The support structures are coupled together so that the openings define a passage ( 49 ) through the bushing structure and so that a slot ( 50 ) is defined between the first and second support structures, surrounding the passage. A bushing ( 40 ) is disposed in the passage and has a body ( 42 ), a bus receiving member ( 44 ), and a compression structure ( 45 ). The bus receiving member has an opening ( 46 ) there-through sized to receive a bus bar ( 28 ). When the first and second support structures are coupled together with the bushing in the passage, the compression structure is disposed in the slot, sandwiched between the first and second support structures so that they exert pressure on the compression structure.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160126714A1
Автор: HACHIYA Masahiro

A housing for an electronic circuit unit has a housing body and a bus bar. The housing body is made from a resin material and includes a bottom wall part and a side wall part for defining an inner space where electronic components are located. The bus bar includes a base portion buried in the bottom wall part and a folded portion buried in the side wall part. The folded portion includes two ends each connected to the base portion. 1. A housing for an electronic circuit unit , the housing comprising:a housing body including a bottom wall part and a side wall part and defining an inner space therein, wherein the housing body is made from a resin material; anda bus bar including a base portion and a folded portion, the folded portion including two ends each connected to the base portion, wherein the base portion is buried in the bottom wall part, and the folded portion is buried in the side wall part.2. The housing according to claim 1 ,wherein the folded portion of the bus bar is exposed at an inward facing surface of the side wall part of the housing body.3. The housing according to claim 1 ,wherein the bus bar includes an inclined portion disposed between the base portion and the folded portion, wherein the inclined portion includes an inward facing surface; andwherein the bottom wall part of the housing body has an opening that exposes the inward facing surface of the inclined portion.4. The housing according to claim 3 ,wherein the base portion of the bus bar includes a connection end directly connected to the inclined portion and having an inward facing surface and an outward facing surface; andwherein the inward facing surface and the outward facing surface of the connection end are exposed in the opening of the bottom wall part of the housing body.5. The housing according to claim 3 ,wherein the housing body has a covering part filling an recess defined by an outward facing surface of the inclined part and an outer periphery of the opening.6. An electronic ...

31-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140212732A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corporation

Disclosed is a bus bar module and a power source unit capable of reducing manufacturing cost thereof. A bus bar module () includes a plurality of bus bars () arranged in line so as to connect a plurality of batteries () in series; a plurality of housings () housing each of the bus bars () and each including a placement part () on which each of the bus bar () is placed; a pair of opposite walls () upstanding from the placement, part () and opposed to each other, a continuing wall () continuous wish the pair of opposite walls (), and an opening () located opposed to the continuing wall (); and a flat circuit board () connected to each of the bus bars () and arranged in an arrangement direction X of the bus bars (), the flat circuit board () being, with a width direction thereof along an upstanding direction of the pair of opposite walls (), attached to the housings () so as to cover the opening (). 1. A bus bar module , comprising:a plurality of bus bars arranged in line to connect in series a plurality of batteries; a placement part on which each of the bus bar is placed,', 'a pair of opposite walls upstanding from the placement part and opposed to each other,', 'a continuing wall continuous with the pair of opposite walls, and', 'an opening located opposed to the continuing wall; and, 'a plurality of housings each housing the bus bars and including'}a flat circuit board connected to each of the bus bars and arranged in an arrangement direction of the bus bars, the flat circuit board being, with a width direction thereof along an upstanding direction of the pair of opposite walls, attached to the housings so as to cover the opening.2. The bus bar module as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each of the housings includes a pair of attaching walls to which the flat circuit board is attached at a position to which the continuing wall is located opposed claim 1 , and wherein the pair of attaching walls is separated from each other with a space claim 1 , the opening being ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140216780A1
Автор: Yanniello Robert

A busway is described herein that is configured for receipt of plural power sources. The busway device comprises a first plurality of busbars in a spaced apart relationship, with the width, thickness, and spacing of the busbars configured for receipt of a first power source. The first plurality of busbars is contained in a first housing. The device further includes a second plurality of busbars in a spaced apart relationship, with the width, thickness, and spacing of the busbars configured for receipt of a second power source. The second plurality of busbars is contained in a second housing and electrically isolated from the first plurality. The first housing is configured for adjacent placement and connection to the second housing. 1. A bus way system comprising:a first plurality of busbars in a spaced apart relationship, the width, thickness, and spacing of said busbars configured for receipt of a first power source;said first plurality of busbars contained in a first housing;a second plurality of busbars in a spaced apart relationship, the width, thickness, and spacing of said busbars configured for receipt of a second power source;said second plurality of busbars contained in a second housing and electrically isolated from said first plurality; andsaid first housing configured for adjacent placement to said second housing.2. The device of wherein said housings are chemically joined.3. The device of wherein said housings are mechanically joined.4. The device of wherein said housings are integrally joined.5. The device of wherein said housings are removably joined.6. The device of wherein said housings are slidably joined.7. The device of wherein said first housing includes a U-shaped section hingedly joined to a top section member claim 3 , said second housing jointly incorporating said top section member of said first housing.8. The device of further comprising a splitter plate claim 1 ,said splitter plate including a first plurality of conductor plates, a ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220278518A1

Busbar comprising a supporting body () made of a tough-hard material, and at least one electrical conductor (, . . . ), wherein the conductor (, . . . ) is connected to the supporting body (). The supporting body () comprises a seal () that is made of a rubber-elastic material, which encloses the conductor (, . . . ) on the outer circumferential side with an annular sealing region () in a sealing manner. 1. A busbar comprising:a supporting body made of a tough-hard material; andat least one electrical conductor connected to the supporting body, wherein the supporting body comprises a seal made of a rubber-elastic material, the seal having an outer circumferential side with an annular sealing region and being configured to enclose the conductor in a sealing manner on the outer circumferential side.2. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting body is comprised of a polymeric material.3. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the seal is comprised of an elastomeric material.4. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting body and the seal are connected to one another with a substance-to-substance bond.5. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the conductor comprises a copper-metal part.6. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the conductor is configured as a plug.7. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the conductor comprises a substantially L-shaped cross-section claim 1 , and has a first leg and a second leg.8. The busbar according to claim 7 , wherein the first leg and the second leg each have a contact at a free end claim 7 , the free ends of each of the first leg and the second leg facing away from one another respectively.9. The busbar according to claim 7 , wherein the conductor penetrates the supporting body with one of the first leg and the second leg.10. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein the supporting body comprises a core and a collar-shaped fastening flange claim 1 , and wherein the core is enclosed by the ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160141854A1
Автор: FUJITA Daisuke
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A gas insulated bus is provided which comprises a metallic container whose axis is an axis line; a main circuit conductor housed in the metallic container; a metallic container to be connected with an end of the metallic container and whose axis is an axis line crossing the axis line; a main circuit conductor housed in the metallic container; an insulating spacer of a single-leg structure that supports and insulates a connection portion of the main circuit conductors; a metal-made shield attached to the insulating spacer and provided with an opening open in a direction of the axis line and an opening open in a direction of the axis line, the shield covering the connection portion, the shield being substantially in a barrel or spindle shape having an outside diameter exceeding that of the main circuit conductors. 1. A gas insulated bus comprising:a first cylinder-shaped metallic container filled with an insulating gas and an axis line of whose main body extends in a first direction;a first main circuit conductor provided extending parallel to the first direction in the first metallic container and the outline of whose cross-section is circular;a second cylinder-shaped metallic container filled with the insulating gas and an axis line of whose main body extends in a second direction crossing the first direction, an end of the second metallic container being connected with an end of the first metallic container;a second main circuit conductor provided extending parallel to the second direction in the second metallic container and connected to the first main circuit conductor inside the end of the first metallic container and the outline of whose cross-section is circular;an insulating spacer of a single-leg structure provided inside the end of the first metallic container and whose one end is fixed to the first metallic container and an other end of which is attached to a connection portion of the first main circuit conductor and the second main circuit conductor, the ...

26-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160149388A1
Автор: Lee Kangho

A busbar kit is provided. The busbar kit electrically connects a circuit breaker and a main busbar, and comprises an insulating case having an inner space, a branch busbar disposed in the insulating case such that the branch busbar is spaced apart from the main busbar and crosses over the main busbar, and a busbar connector for electrically connecting the main busbar and the branch busbar. 1. A busbar kit electrically connecting a circuit breaker and a main busbar , the busbar kit comprising:an insulating case having an inner space;a branch busbar arranged in the insulating case such that the branch busbar is spaced apart from the main busbar and crosses over the main busbar; anda busbar connector for electrically connecting the main busbar and the branch busbar, wherein the busbar connector includes: an upper member that comes into contact with the branch busbar; a lower member that comes into contact with the main busbar; and a connecting member connecting the upper member and the lower member to each other.2. The busbar kit of claim 1 , wherein the insulating case comprises:a front plate and a rear plate arranged parallel to each other;outer side plates connected to opposed ends of the front plate and the rear plate;an upper plate connected to upper edges of the front plate, the rear plate, and the outer side plates;a plurality of lower plates connected to lower edges of the front plate and the rear plate, and spaced apart from each other; anda plurality of inner side plates connected to edges of the lower plates and arranged parallel to the outer side plates, wherein the front plate and the rear plate have recessed areas extending from opposite edges of the lower plates of the insulating case to the inner space of the insulating case such that areas between the inner side plates of neighboring elements defined by the inner side plates and the lower plates are exposed to a front side and a rear side of the insulating case.3. The busbar kit of claim 2 , further ...

21-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140231135A1
Автор: Okuhara Takashi

A purpose of the present invention is to enable, with a more compact configuration, a path of an electric wire to be kept constant while covering the electric wire. A corrugated tube with a path-maintaining member is provided with a corrugated tube having annular convex portions and annular concave portions alternately formed along a longitudinal direction, and a path-maintaining member attached to the corrugated tube along the longitudinal direction thereof. The path-maintaining member is formed as a long member die-molded to maintain a shape at least a portion of which is bent in the longitudinal direction and includes an arc-shaped portion [[ in which a lateral-direction cross section exhibits an arc shape. 1. A corrugated tube with a path-maintaining member comprising:a corrugated tube having annular convex portions and annular concave portions alternately formed along a longitudinal direction; anda path-maintaining member configured as an elongated member die-molded to maintain a shape at least a portion of which is bent along the longitudinal direction, that includes an arc-shaped portion in which a lateral-direction cross section has an arc shape, and that is attached to the corrugated tube along the longitudinal direction in a condition where the arc-shaped portion is arranged on an inner periphery side of the corrugated tube, whereinthe path-maintaining member includes a first portion and a second portion having different dimensions in a width direction of the arc-shaped portion, andthe first portion has a longer dimension in the width direction of the arc-shaped portion, and is more sharply bent, than the second portion that has a shorter dimension in the width direction of the arc-shaped portion.2. The corrugated tube with the path-maintaining member according to claim 1 , whereinthe path-maintaining member includes, on at least a portion of the arc-shaped portion in the longitudinal direction, a protruding portion protruding in a width-direction middle ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170149223A1

An electrical junction box includes an insulating substrate, a bus bar that is bonded to the insulating substrate, and a reinforcement plate that is bonded to a region of the insulating substrate to which the bus bar is not bonded. The reinforcement plate includes a through hole that allows passage of a shaft portion of a screw. A heat-dissipating member is stacked on a surface of the reinforcement plate opposite to the insulating substrate, and includes a screw hole into which the screw is screwed. A retaining member retains the respective positions of the insulating substrate, the bus bar, and the reinforcement plate, and the reinforcement plate includes an engagement portion that aligns the through hole and the screw hole by engaging with the retaining member. 18-. (canceled)9. An electrical junction box , comprising:an insulating substrate that includes a first electroconductive path formed on an insulating plate;a bus bar that is bonded to the insulating substrate and forms a second electroconductive path;a reinforcement plate that is bonded to a region of the insulating substrate to which the bus bar is not bonded, the reinforcement plate having formed therein a through hole that allows passage of a shaft portion of a screw;a terminal that is soldered to the insulating substrate;a heat-dissipating member that is stacked on a surface of the reinforcement plate opposite to the insulating substrate, the heat-dissipating member having formed therein a screw hole into which the screw is screwed; anda retaining member that retains the respective positions of the insulating substrate, the bus bar, and the reinforcement plate, wherein:the reinforcement plate includes an engagement portion that aligns the through hole and the screw hole by engaging with the retaining member.10. The electrical junction box as set forth in claim 9 , wherein:the engagement portion is arranged in the vicinity of the through hole.11. The electrical junction box as set forth in claim 9 , ...

04-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140246229A1

A member for separating the access slot in the housing of a continuous electrical busway into a number of discrete openings includes a body portion formed from a non-conductive material. The body portion includes a portion structured to span across the access slot and thus divide the slot into more than one discrete opening while only blocking a small portion of the access slot. 1. A member for separating the access slot in the housing of a continuous electrical busway into a number of discrete openings , the member comprising:a body portion formed from a non-conductive material, the body portion including a portion structured to span across the access slot and thus divide the slot into more than one discrete opening while only blocking a small portion of the access slot.2. The member of wherein the portion of the member is structured to cover at most 20% of the area of the access slot which is divided into discrete openings.3. The member of wherein the portion of the member is structured to cover about 10% of the area of the access slot which is divided into discrete openings.4. The member of further comprising a securement mechanism structured to couple the member to the housing.5. An electrical busway assembly comprising:a housing;a number of busbars disposed in the housing;a continuous access slot defined by, and running along generally the entire length of the housing; and{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'a plurality of members as recited in disposed in the access slot such that the access slot is divided into a plurality of discrete openings.'}6. The busway assembly of wherein the portions of the plurality of members cover at most 20% of the area of the access slot.7. The busway assembly of wherein the portions of the plurality of members cover about 10% of the area of the access slot.8. The busway assembly of wherein each member of the plurality of members is coupled to the housing via a securement mechanism.9. An electrical busway comprising ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180198267A1

The invention relates to a device for receiving and supporting busbars as electrical connection elements for a circuit board. The device is arranged in a gap between the circuit board and a housing wall, in contact with the circuit board and with the housing wall, and comprises a housing which receives at least one busbar and which, on a first end, is designed with a supporting element for holding the device on the housing wall. Here, the housing wall is designed with a screw base of a screw connection, and the supporting element is designed in the form of an eyelet such a manner that the supporting element encloses the screw base at least partially, and the circuit board is connected on a front side of the screw base to the housing wall. 1. A device for receiving and supporting busbars as electrical connecting elements for a circuit board , wherein the device is arranged in a gap between the circuit board and a housing wall , in contact with the circuit board and with the housing wall , the device comprising:a housing which receives and supports at least one busbar, and on a first end, includes a supporting element for holding the device on the housing wall, wherein the housing wall includes a screw base of a screw connection, wherein the supporting element is an eyelet wherein the supporting element encloses the screw base at least partially, and wherein the circuit board is connected on a front side of the screw base to the housing wall.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein an inner side of the supporting element is conical claim 1 , and an outer side of the screw base is conical claim 1 , wherein the inner side of the supporting element and the outer side of the screw base correspond to one another and are in flat contact with one another.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the housing is formed from a first housing element and a second housing element.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one busbar further comprises a ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210234352A1
Автор: YENER Bulent

A conductor stopper apparatus used in electrical distribution systems known as busbar, wherein the conductive bars contained within the busbar module body remain in place and do not slip outside the busbar module body in vertical applications. 1. A stopper apparatus used to keep conductive bars located within the a busbar module body in an electrical distribution systems known as busbar , and to not move outside the busbar module body in vertical applications , characterized in that it comprises a conductor stopper apparatus , which is mounted on two open ends of said busbar module body , allowing for easy mounting by preventing gliding of said busbar module without making any physical changes in said conductive bars.2. A stopper apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising a stopping tip positioned at the extreme end of said conductor stopper apparatus claim 1 , the portion in which said conductive bars are stopped.3. A stopper apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising conductor guide holes positioned on said conductor stopper apparatus claim 1 , allowing said conductive bars to easily enter into said conductor stopper apparatus.4. A stopper apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising a conductor slot with a conductive feature claim 1 , wherein said conductive bars are positioned in the conductor stopper apparatus and which comprise the portion from the conductor guide holes to the stopping tip. The invention relates to a conductor stopper apparatus for busbars used in energy distribution systems.The invention relates, in particular, to the conductor stopper apparatus used in electrical distribution systems known as busbar, so that the conductive rods contained within the body remain in place and do not slide out of the busbar body in vertical applications.In today's energy distribution systems, modular compact conductors called busbar are used. Each conductor called busbar is more preferred because it has structures with a high current carrying capacity. ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140299373A1

A power supply control device includes: a control board that is configured to control a voltage of a battery module; and a bus bar module that is configured to electrically connect the control board and the battery module, the control board and the bus bar module are arranged in a stacked manner, and connection terminals of the bus bar module which are connected to the battery module are exposed when viewed from the control board. 1. A power supply control device , comprising:a control board that is configured to control a voltage of a battery module; anda bus bar module that is configured to electrically connect the control board and the battery module,wherein the control board and the bus bar module are arranged in a stacked manner, andwherein connection terminals of the bus bar module which are connected to the battery module are exposed when viewed from the control board.2. The power supply control device according to claim 1 , wherein the bus bar module includes bus bars claim 1 , which have the connection terminals claim 1 , and a resin member which supports the bus bars claim 1 ,wherein the resin member includes an opening, andwherein each bus bar includes a lead pin that is exposed from the opening and connected to the control board.3. The power supply control device according to claim 2 , wherein each bus bar includes a bent portion that is bent outside the resin member and connected to the connection terminal.4. The power supply control device according to claim 2 , wherein the lead pins are bent so that tips thereof face the control board. The present invention relates to a power supply control device.Priority is claimed on Japanese Patent Application No. 2011-225912, filed Oct. 13, 2011, the content of which is incorporated herein by reference.A battery system mounted on a hybrid vehicle or an electric vehicle includes a control board that detects a voltage of a battery so as to prevent degradation of the battery due to overcharge or the like. For ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140326499A1
Автор: OHASHI Yoshinori

A frequency range and an attenuation amount of noise to be eliminated change depending upon to which one of two regions of side frames of a bottom serving as a ground conductor surface first, second and third capacitors are connected. Even if impedance of a ferrite core, the shape of a casing, capacitances of the capacitors, and the like are constant, a noise elimination characteristic changes by changing positions of the first to third capacitors. As a result, components including the ferrite core are commonalized and the noise elimination characteristic is easily adjusted in spite of characteristics of electrical equipment. 1. A bus bar device with a noise filter , comprising:a magnetic body;a bus bar having an input end and an output end and extending through the magnetic body;a first capacitor provided on an electrical path connecting between the bus bar and a ground conductor surface grounding the bus bar, the first capacitor being located at the input end side of the bus bar with respect to the magnetic body, the first capacitor having two ends, one of which is connected to the bus bar and the other of which is connected to the ground conductor surface in one of two regions divided with the bus bar being located therebetween; anda second capacitor provided on the electrical path connecting between the bus bar and the ground conductor surface and located at the output end side of the bus bar with respect to the magnetic body, the second capacitor having two ends, one of which is connected to the bus bar and the other of which is connected to the ground conductor surface in the same region as the first capacitor or in the other region.2. The bus bar device according to claim 1 , further comprising a third capacitor provided on the electrical path and located at the output end side of the bus bar with respect to the magnetic body claim 1 , the third capacitor having two ends claim 1 , one of which is connected to the bus bar and the other of which is connected to ...

17-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150263500A1

An electrical enclosure system includes a housing includes an interior cavity for receiving electrical components. The electrical enclosure system includes at least one dual bus bar arranged in the interior cavity. The at least one dual bus bar includes a first bus bar, and a second bus bar arranged alongside and connected to the first bus bar through an insulated connection. The first bus bar is configured to carry a first electrical current and the second bus bar is configured to carry a second electrical current that is distinct from the first electrical current. An electrical component is arranged in the housing. The electrical component includes a dual bus bar connector operatively connected to and electrically connected to the dual bus bar. The dual bus bar connector includes a first connector portion and a second connector portion electrically isolated from the first connector portion. 1. An electrical enclosure system including a housing having at least a rear wall and a plurality of side walls extending from the rear wall to form an interior cavity configured to receive electrical components , the electrical enclosure system comprising:at least one dual bus bar arranged in the interior cavity, the at least one dual bus bar including a first bus bar, and a second bus bar arranged alongside and connected to the first bus bar through an insulated connection, the first bus bar being configured to carry a first electrical current and the second bus bar being configured to carry a second electrical current that is distinct from the first electrical current; andan electrical component arranged in the housing, the electrical component including a dual bus bar connector electrically connected to the dual bus bar, the dual bus bar connector including a first connector portion and a second connector portion operatively connected to and electrically isolated from the first connector portion, the first and second connector portions exerting a clamping force on the dual ...

04-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140354042A1
Принадлежит: Gemeral Electric Company

A power delivery system includes a bus bar and a housing coupled to the bus bar. A semiconductor power device is enclosed within the housing. The housing comprises an outlet configured to direct failure material of the power semiconductor device away from any remaining components connected to the bus bar. In another aspect, the power delivery system additionally or alternatively comprises two bus bars. A first of the two bus bars has a first landing, a riser, and a second landing, which is parallel to the first landing and in effect spatially offset from the first landing. A second of the two bus bars is attached to the second landing of the first bus bar, such that the second bus bar is parallel to but offset from the first landing of the bus bar. 1. A power delivery system comprising:a first bus bar;a first semiconductor power device coupled to the first bus bar;one or more second semiconductor power devices coupled to the first bus bar; anda first housing coupled to the first bus bar, wherein the first semiconductor power device in enclosed within the first housing;wherein the first housing comprises a first outlet configured to direct failure material of the first semiconductor power device away from the one or more second semiconductor power devices.2. The power delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the first semiconductor power device comprises an insulated gate bipolar transistor.3. The power delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more second semiconductor power devices are enclosed within the first housing.4. The power delivery system of claim 1 , further comprising one or more second housings coupled to the first bus bar claim 1 , wherein the one or more second semiconductor power devices are housed in the one or more second housings.5. The power delivery system of claim 4 , comprising plural of the second semiconductor power devices and plural of the second housings claim 4 , wherein the second semiconductor power devices are respectively ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180261990A1

A bus bar assembly for a power distribution unit or other piece of electrical equipment includes a stack of bus bars configured to be attached to a surface and insulated from one another. The bus bars have aligned longitudinal centerlines and respective widths that decrease along a direction perpendicular to the surface to provide a stepped profile in cross-section. In some embodiments, the bus bars may have substantially the same cross-sectional area. 1. A bus bar assembly , the bus bar assembly comprising:a stack of bus bars configured to be attached to a surface and insulated from one another, wherein the bus bars have aligned longitudinal centerlines and respective different widths in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal centerlines and parallel to the surface that decrease along a direction perpendicular to the surface, wherein the stack of bus bars comprises:a first bus bar having a first width;a second bus bar overlying the first bus bar and having a second width less than the first width; anda third bus bar overlying the second bus bar and having a third width less than the second width.2. The bus bar assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bus bars form a stepped profile in a cross-section plane perpendicular to the longitudinal centerlines.3. The bus bar assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bus bars of the stack of bus bars have substantially the same cross-sectional area.4. (canceled)5. The bus bar assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first claim 1 , second and third bus bars have conductor attachment portions proximate edges thereof.6. The bus bar assembly of claim 5 , wherein the first claim 5 , second and third bus bars have conductor connection means provided at the conductor attachment portions.7. The bus bar assembly of claim 6 , wherein the conductor connection means comprise bolt holes.8. The bus bar assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second bus bar is thicker than the first bus bar and wherein the third bus bar is thicker than the second bus bar.9. ...

29-09-2016 дата публикации

Power Supply Device and Power Supply Method in Data Center

Номер: US20160285307A1
Автор: QIN Zhen, Wang Shaohua, Zeng Yi

A power supply device and a power supply method in a data center, and the power supply device includes at least two busbars, where a first busbar of the two busbars is connected to a first battery, a second busbar of the two busbars is connected to a second battery, and a voltage level of the first battery is different from a voltage level of the second battery, and at least one first bidirectional direct current converter configured to connect the first busbar and the second busbar such that the first busbar and the second busbar perform electrical energy transmission using the first bidirectional direct current converter. 1. A power supply device in a data center , comprising:at least two busbars, wherein a first busbar of the at least two busbars is connected to a first battery, wherein a second busbar of the at least two busbars is connected to a second battery, and wherein a voltage level of the first battery is different from a voltage level of the second battery; andat least one first bidirectional direct current converter configured to connect the first busbar and the second busbar such that the first busbar and the second busbar perform electrical energy transmission using the at least one first bidirectional direct current converter.2. The power supply device according to claim 1 , further comprising:a direct current power source;a third battery; anda second bidirectional direct current converter,wherein the direct current power source and the third battery are connected to the first busbar using a direct current converter,wherein one end of the second bidirectional direct current converter is connected to the third battery, andwherein the other end of the second bidirectional direct current converter is connected to the first busbar or the second busbar.3. The power supply device according to claim 1 , wherein the first bidirectional direct current converter is separately and directly connected to the first busbar and the second busbar.4. The power supply ...

16-12-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210391699A1
Автор: CANOVA Aldo
Принадлежит: BESHIELDING S.R.L.

A busbar having a magnetic shielding structure arranged between conductor bars and an outer casing. The magnetic shielding structure includes a first shielding element and a second shielding element each having a U-shaped cross-section. The shielding elements are made of ferromagnetic material and enclose—on opposite sides—conductor bars so that each fin of the first shielding element is at least partially superimposed on a homologous fin of the second shielding element. The shielding elements can consist of anisotropic ferromagnetic strips with oriented grains. 1. A busbar comprising:at least one rigid conductor bar,an outer support casing enclosing said at least one conductor bar,a magnetic shielding structure arranged between said at least one conductor bar and the outer support casing, said magnetic shielding structure comprising a first shielding element and a second shielding element, each of which is formed by at least one U-shaped folded strip comprising two fins and a base,said shielding elements consist of a ferromagnetic material and enclosing—on opposite sides—said at least one conductor bar, with each fin of the two fins of the first shielding element which is totally superimposed on a homologous fin of the two fins of the second shielding element.2. The busbar according to claim 1 , wherein said shielding elements consist of anisotropic ferromagnetic strips.3. The busbar according to claim 2 , wherein said anisotropic ferromagnetic strips have grains oriented in a direction orthogonal to a longitudinal axis of said at least one conductor bar.4. The busbar according to claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of conductor bars with a flattened rectangular-shaped cross-section arranged parallel to each other along a longitudinal direction.5. The busbar according to claim 4 , wherein said plurality of conductor bars has a generally prismatic shape with two larger sides and two smaller sides and said bases of said shielding elements face the respective ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150303670A1

A busbar system for the transport of energy especially for long vertical paths is disclosed, wherein the busbar system includes multiple sections, the sections each include multiple busbars and a holding piece, and the busbars of the sections are held by the respective holding pieces and electrically connected to one another via a connection. 1. A busbar system for the transport of electrical energy , comprising:at least a first section and a second section, the sections each including at least a first busbar including a first cross-sectional area and a holding piece, wherein the at least a first busbars of the sections are held by the respective holding pieces and are electrically connected via a connection.2. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the first busbar of each of the sections extends longitudinally in a direction of current flow.3. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the sections each comprise multiple first busbars claim 1 , arranged in parallel to one another in the respective section.4. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the holding pieces each comprise a first bolt connection and wherein the first busbars of the respective sections are electrically connected with ends of the first busbars lying flat against one another and wherein the first bolt connection is configured to exert a force that presses the ends of the first busbars claim 1 , lying flat against one another claim 1 , against one another.5. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the holding pieces of the sections serve as a holding device for fastening the busbar system.6. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the sections each further comprise at least a second busbar with a second cross-sectional area.7. The busbar system of claim 6 , wherein the first cross-sectional area of the first busbars is different from the second cross-sectional area of the second busbars.8. The busbar system of claim 6 , wherein the sections each comprise multiple second busbars claim 6 , arranged in ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200280180A1

“CONSTRUCTIVE ARRANGEMENT APPLIED TO BUSBAR”, which refers to a busbar and constructive variations thereof, which has a closed tubular format, based on single, double and triple walls, attributing to the busbar greater mechanical resistance and same electric conductivity compared to conventional solid busbars, and said busbar can be manufactured by extrusion, profiling or bending process. 110010020203040100305060. A constructive arrangement , applied to high-current primary or secondary busbars , used in low and medium voltage electric cabinets , wherein the busbar () is obtained by extrusion , profiling or bending process , in a continuous manner , wherein the busbar () presents a triple wall () in its lower portion , which has central holes equidistant to each other along its entire extent , that is , length; right above the triple wall () is a central structure () , in tubular format , substantially cubic , containing a real wall () in V-format , where the vertex extends inwardly of the busbar (); just above the central structure () is a double wall () , which has central holes equidistant to each other along its entire extent , as well as an upper flange () in its uppermost portion , where the double walls are slightly spaced apart.210030. The constructive arrangement claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the busbar () has in its central structure () a gap that can be filled with insulating material claim 1 , preferably polystyrene.310010030708070aa. The constructive arrangement claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the busbar () presents a constructive variation () claim 1 , wherein the central structure () has a substantially pyramidal format claim 1 , containing a real wall () in double curvilinear format claim 1 , having a central intersection joining the two curves and a front wall () in the same format as the real wall ().410012322343534. The constructive arrangement claim 1 , according to claim 1 , wherein the busbar () presents a main constructive ...

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170298909A1

A busbar system includes a plurality of bar modules arranged one behind the other and connected to each other via clamping brackets. Each bar module has a plurality of busbars. The bar module end including the recesses running in a longitudinal extension is inserted into the clamping bracket and the bar module end with the recesses running transversely to the longitudinal extension is suspended on the opposite side in the clamping bracket. Each of the busbars of the one bar module rests laterally against a busbar of the other bar module and the recesses, as viewed from the side, form a through-opening, through which a tensioning element supported on the clamping bracket runs, which presses together the sides of the busbars which rest against each other. 1. A busbar system , comprising:a plurality of bar modules, situated one behind another and connected to one another via clamping brackets, each of the plurality of bar modules including a plurality of busbars arranged parallel to one another at a distance and including recesses open on one side, at both ends, the recesses running in the longitudinal extent at one end of the respective bar module and running transversely to the longitudinal extent at the other end, wherein, for electrically connecting two of the plurality of bar modules, the bar module end is plugged into the clamping bracket via the recesses which run in the longitudinal extent, and the bar module end with the recesses which run transversely to the longitudinal extent is suspended in this clamping bracket on the opposite side,wherein in each case one of the plurality of busbars of one bar module bears laterally against a busbar of another bar module, andwherein the recesses, from the side, form a passage opening through which a clamping element, supported against the clamping bracket, runs, the clamping element pressing the sides of the busbars, the sides bearing against one another, against one another.2. The busbar system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации

Disk-shaped insulator

Номер: US20150325993A1
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A disk-shaped insulator contains a conductive block and an insulating body, wherein the conductive block is located in a central region of the disk-shaped insulator. The radial dimensions of the insulating body are adapted to those of a flange used for connecting. Multiple holes are distributed over an edge region of the disk-shaped insulator, and the edge region is covered by a conductive coating. Since the conventional metal flange ring is dispensed with, precision can be better maintained while the cost of the disk-shaped insulator is lowered.

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Arrangement Comprising A Fluid-Insulated Phase Conductor

Номер: US20170331266A1

An arrangement includes an encapsulation housing and a fluid-insulated phase conductor which is disposed within the encapsulation housing, so that an electrically insulating fluid flows around the phase conductor. The phase conductor has a plurality of electrically parallel conductor tracks, at least in some sections. The conductor tracks mutually support each other. 114-. (canceled)15. An arrangement , comprising:an encapsulation housing;a fluid-insulated phase conductor disposed within said encapsulation housing to permit an electrically insulating fluid to flow around said phase conductor, said phase conductor being divided at least in sections into a plurality of conductor tracks; andsaid conductor tracks supporting one another.16. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein said conductor tracks support one another in an enclosed circuit.17. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein at least one of said conductor tracks includes multiple wires.18. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein said conductor tracks each form a segment of said phase conductor.19. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein said conductor tracks form a substantially circular envelope contour of said phase conductor.20. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein:said conductor tracks have supporting faces;said conductor tracks support one another at said supporting faces; andan electrically insulating medium protects said supporting faces against direct contact with one another.21. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein said conductor tracks are braided with one another.22. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein said conductor tracks are formed of wires being braided within said conductor tracks.23. The arrangement according to claim 22 , wherein said wires and said conductor tracks are braided in the same direction.24. The arrangement according to claim 15 , wherein said phase conductor is supported on said encapsulation housing.25. The ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190319440A1
Автор: HARAGUCHI Akira

Provided is an electrical junction box in which it is possible to prevent a switching element from catching fire. An electrical junction box according to one aspect of the present disclosure is an electrical junction box including: a circuit substrate on which a switching element is mounted on one side of the circuit substrate; and a housing member that houses the circuit substrate. The housing member further houses a thermally expandable expansion material member. When the temperature of the switching element is low, the expansion material member is spaced apart from the circuit substrate and the switching element, and is disposed at a position opposing the one side. When the temperature of the switching element is high, the switching element is embedded in the thermally expanded expansion material member. 1. An electrical junction box comprising:a circuit substrate on which a switching element is mounted on one side of the circuit substrate; anda housing member that houses the circuit substrate,wherein the housing member further houses a thermally expandable expansion material member,when a temperature of the switching element is low, the expansion material member is spaced apart from the circuit substrate and the switching element, and is disposed at a position opposing the one side, andwhen the temperature of the switching element is high, the switching element is embedded in the thermally expanded expansion material member.2. The electrical junction box according to claim 1 , wherein the housing member further houses a thermal conductor that transfers heat emitted from the switching element to the expansion material member.3. The electrical junction box according to claim 2 , wherein the thermal conductor is in contact with a surface of the expansion material member that opposes the one side and an inner portion of the expansion material member.4. The electrical junction box according to claim 2 , wherein the thermal conductor also functions as a fixing member ...

22-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200335958A1

A method of manufacturing a connector device suitable for making an inter or intra static electrical energy converter connection. The device includes at least two flat conductors and at least one insulating material. The said method includes: preparing each flat conductor individually; applying at least one coat of enamel varnish to each conductor, which is thinner than a desired final thickness; carrying out cross-linking of the enamel coating; and repeating the depositing of a layer of enameling resin and the cross-linking until the chosen thickness is reached. The varnish coated conductors of the connector device are assembled by using a template and connecting elements. 1. A method of manufacturing a connector device suitable for making an inter or intra static electrical energy converter connection , said device comprising at least two flat conductors and at least one insulating material , said method comprising:preparing each flat conductor individually;applying a layer of enamel varnish in liquid form of less than a desired final thickness to each conductor;cross-linking the enamel coating layer;applying a new coat of enamel varnish and cross-linking until the desired final thickness is reached to form the at least one insulating material; andassembling the conductors, coated with varnish, of said connector device by using a template and connecting elements.2. The method of manufacturing the connector device according to claim 1 , further comprising placing a mask on each zone of the conductor where an electrical contact is to be established before applying the varnish in liquid form.3. The method of manufacturing the connector device according to claim 1 , wherein the varnish layer is applied in fine particles claim 1 , using a gas as propellant claim 1 , or by pressure.4. The method of manufacturing the connector device according to claim 1 , wherein the varnish layer is applied by dipping or spraying.5. The method of manufacturing the connector device ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Power Module for an Electric Motor

Номер: US20180351498A1

A power module for an electric motor includes at least one semiconductor switch half bridge. The half bridge includes a high-side semiconductor switch and a low-side semiconductor switch. Each switch has a contact gap terminal formed by a surface region of the switch, in particular a flat surface region. The contact gap terminals, in particular a normal vector of the terminals, each points in a same direction. At least one electrically conductive layer is enclosed between the switches and electrically connects the contact gap terminal of the low-side semiconductor switch and the contact gap terminal of the high-side semiconductor switch of the half bridge to each other. Preferably an output terminal of the half bridge is formed by at least one electrically conductive layer. 1. A power module for an electric motor , comprising: a plurality of semiconductor switches;', 'an output terminal; and', 'at least one electrically conductive layer,, 'at least one semiconductor switch half-bridge including 'the plurality of switches includes a high-side semiconductor switch and a low-side semiconductor switch;', 'whereineach semiconductor switch has a respective switching path terminal formed by a respective flat surface region of the semiconductor switch;the switching path terminal of each semiconductor switch faces in a same direction;the at least one electrically conductive layer is enclosed between the high-side semiconductor switch and the low-side semiconductor switch, and electrically connects the respective switching path terminal of the low-side semiconductor switch and the respective switching path terminal of the high-side semiconductor switch of the half-bridge to each other; andthe output terminal of the half-bridge is formed by the at least one electrically conductive layer.2. The power module according to claim 1 , wherein the respective switching path terminals of the plurality of semiconductor switches of a half-bridge are arranged so as to be opposite one ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180366919A1

A switchgear assembly includes a plurality of gas insulated switches arranged in at least one row and a plurality of enclosures arranged in at least one row forming at least one channel extending parallel to the at least one row of switches. The switchgear assembly further includes at least one bus assembly disposed in the at least one channel and including a plurality of interconnected bus sections having an insulating covering and electrically connected to the gas insulated switches. 1. A switchgear assembly comprising:a plurality of gas insulated switches arranged in at least one row;a plurality of enclosures arranged in at least one row forming at least one channel extending parallel to the at least one row of switches; andat least one bus assembly disposed in the at least one channel and comprising a plurality of interconnected bus sections having an insulating covering and electrically connected to the gas insulated switches.2. The switchgear assembly of : a first row of tubular enclosures forming a first channel; and', 'a second row of tubular enclosures forming a second channel parallel to the first channel; and, 'wherein the plurality of enclosures comprises a first bus assembly in the first channel and electrically connected to a first group of the gas insulated switches; and', 'a second bus assembly in the second channel and electrically connected to a second group of the gas insulated switches., 'wherein the at least one bus assembly comprises3. The switchgear assembly of claim 2 , wherein the first and second bus assemblies provide respective phases.4. The switchgear assembly of claim 2 , wherein walls of adjacent tubular enclosures of the first and second rows of tubular enclosures are separated by an air gap.5. The switchgear assembly of claim 2 , wherein walls of the tubular enclosures are grounded or insulating.6. The switchgear assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one bus assembly comprises interconnected bus sections claim 1 , each ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180366931A1

A conductive member includes an enclosure, a coolant, and a conductor. The enclosure includes a sheet and has liquid tightness. The coolant is enclosed in the enclosure. The conductor includes a cool section that is disposed in the enclosure and a projecting section that is liquid-tightly sealed with the sheet and projects from the enclosure. 1. A conductive member comprising:an enclosure including at least one sheet and having liquid tightness;a liquid coolant enclosed in the enclosure; anda conductor including a cool section disposed in the enclosure and a projecting section projecting from the enclosure and being liquid-tightly bonded with the at least one sheet.2. The conductive member according to claim 1 , further comprising a sealant disposed between the projecting section of the conductor and an inner surface of the at least one sheet claim 1 , wherein a gap between the projecting section and the sealant and a gap between the inner surface of the at least one sheet and the sealant are liquid-tightly sealed.3. The conductive member according to claim 1 , further comprising an absorbent sheet disposed in the enclosure claim 1 , wherein the absorbent sheet is configured to hold the liquid coolant therein.4. The conductive member according to claim 3 , wherein the absorbent sheet is disposed in an internal space of the enclosure to surround a periphery of the conductor in an internal space of the enclosure.5. The conductive member according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one sheet of the enclosure includes a pair of sheets disposed to overlap each other, andthe sheets include edges disposed on top of each other and liquid-tightly bonded.6. The conductive member according to claim 1 , whereinthe at least one sheet of the enclosure is folded and includes a folding section extending along a longitudinal direction in which the conductor extends, andthe at least one sheet includes edges located on an opposite side from the folding section, disposed on top of each ...

10-11-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220360030A1

A busbar module includes: busbars fixed to battery cells of a battery module; a plate-like flexible circuit body; and a case that accommodates the circuit body and the busbars, in which the circuit body includes a trunk portion extending in a first direction in which the battery cells are arranged, and branch portions branching from the trunk portion and connected to the busbars, the branch portion includes a base portion, a fixed portion fixed to the busbar, and an intermediate portion extending from the base portion to the fixed portion is the first direction, a first end portion of the trunk portion has a first through-hole, and the case includes a first protrusion and locks the first end portion with the first protrusion to hold the circuit body in a state where the intermediate portion is flexurally deformed. 1. A busbar module comprising:a plurality of busbars configured to be fixed to a plurality of battery cells of a battery module including the plurality of battery cells;a plate-like flexible circuit body that includes a plurality of connection conductors corresponding to the plurality of busbars; anda case that accommodates the circuit body and the busbars, whereinthe circuit body includes a trunk portion extending in a first direction in which the plurality of battery cells are arranged, and a plurality of branch portions branching from the trunk portion and connected to the busbars,the branch portion includes a base portion connected to the trunk portion, a fixed portion fixed to the busbar, and an intermediate portion extending from the base portion to the fixed portion in the first direction,a first end portion of the trunk portion in the first direction has a first through-hole, andthe case includes a first protrusion inserted into the first through-hole, and locks the first end portion with the first protrusion to hold the circuit body in a state where the intermediate portion is flexurally deformed.2. The busbar module according to claim 1 , further ...

12-03-1990 дата публикации

Gas-insulated electrical apparatus

Номер: KR900001481B1

The apparatus includes a metallic tube, hermetically sealed and containing an insulating gas such as SF6. A high-voltage conductor is held in concentric relation to the tube by insulating supports. An insulating layer is applied to the inside of the tube which forms an electret made of a high-polymeric material capable of holding electrical charges on a semi-permanent basis. The electret may take the form of sheet insulating material arranged in close contact with the interior of the metal tube. The electret is polarised by a DC electric field, or injected with charged particles such as ions.

09-03-2012 дата публикации

Assembly type standard distribution panel board

Номер: KR101120596B1
Автор: 이경수
Принадлежит: (주)시그너스시스템

PURPOSE: An assembly type standard distribution panel board is provided to shorten assembly time since a breaker is fixed by a main bus bar and a branch bus bar. CONSTITUTION: An outer case(210) comprises a door on the front side thereof and a space(213) inside. A base panel(220) is attached in and fixed in the bottom surface of the outer case by bolts. A main circuit breaker(230) is fixed to the upper end of the base panel. The base block is fixed in the base panel in a row. A secondary and earth leakage breaker(250) is installed on the side of the base block. A cover(300) blocks the exposure of the branch bus bar.

28-06-2000 дата публикации

Gas-filling method for high-voltage transmission lines and method for making the same lines

Номер: EP1014521A2

La présente invention concerne une méthode de remplissage gazeux de lignes (20) de transport de courant électrique dites à isolation gazeuse, à l'aide d'un mélange gazeux d'isolation, ligne comportant une gaine tubulaire extérieure, au moins un conducteur interne à la gaine, et coaxial avec cette gaine, qui comporte la mise en oeuvre des étapes suivantes, appliquées à l'espace situé entre le ou les conducteurs internes et la gaine extérieure : a) l'application au dit espace d'au moins un cycle de purge comportant : une étape de pompage jusqu'à un premier niveau de vide; une étape de purge par introduction d'un gaz de purge; b) l'application au dit espace d'un cycle de remplissage comportant : une étape de pompage jusqu'à un second niveau de vide; une étape de remplissage à l'aide du dit gaz d'isolation. Application à la fabrication de lignes de transport de courant électrique dites à isolation gazeuse. <IMAGE>

16-07-2002 дата публикации

Method for filling gas-insulated electric current transmission lines with gas and process for manufacturing lines which incorporates such a filling method

Номер: US6418980B1

A method for filling a gas-insulated electric current transmission line with gas using an insulating gas mixture, which line comprises an outer tubular sheath, at least one conductor internal to the sheath and coaxial with this sheath, and a space lying between the at least one conductor and the outer sheath, comprising the steps of: a) applying at least one purging cycle to the space comprising: a pumping step, down to a first vacuum level; a purge step comprising introducing a purge gas and obtaining a first internal atmosphere including the purge gas; b) applying to the space a filling cycle comprising: a pumping step, down to a second vacuum level; a filling step using the insulating gas to obtain a second internal atmosphere.

30-09-1977 дата публикации

High-voltage device

Номер: SU575049A3
Принадлежит: Сименс Аг (Фирма)

27-10-2017 дата публикации

A kind of high voltage bus groove having a safety feature

Номер: CN106253178B
Автор: 丁恒井, 张晓进


10-05-2013 дата публикации

Housing sealing structure for bus duct corresponding to dustproof and waterproof grade

Номер: KR101263621B1

본 발명은 전력 전송용 부스덕트에 관한 것으로서, 특히 방진 및 방수 보호 등급에 대응되는 하우징 실링 구조를 갖는 부스덕트에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 방진 및 방수 등급에 대응되는 부스덕트용 하우징의 실링 구조는, 전력 공급용 부스덕트의 커버를 형성하며, 그 커버는 수형 덕트 형상의 제1 하우징과 암형 덕트 형상의 제2 하우징의 결합으로 이루어지고, 상기 제1 하우징의 돌출 부분이 상기 제2 하우징의 내측으로 인입되어 결합되어 상기 제1 하우징의 외측면과 상기 제2 하우징의 내측면이 서로 맞닿게 되며, 상기 제1 하우징의 외측면의 소정 위치에는 방진 및 방수를 위한 실링홈이 길이방향으로 길게 형성되며, 상기 실링홈의 길이에 대응되는 실리콘 재질의 실리콘 실링재가 삽입된 채 상기 제1 및 제2 하우징이 결합되는 것을 특징으로 하여 이루어진다.

26-10-2018 дата публикации

GIS bus devices with earthing switch

Номер: CN108711805A
Автор: 景清源, 罗亚非
Принадлежит: Henan Senyuan Electric Co Ltd


06-04-2018 дата публикации

A kind of bus duct rapid installation device for preventing from assembling misphase

Номер: CN106129932B
Автор: 王晓岩, 马春洋
Принадлежит: Baoheng New Electric (group) Co Ltd


24-07-2018 дата публикации

A kind of direct current disc insulator

Номер: CN108320869A


17-05-2010 дата публикации

Joint Kit Being Compactable For Bus Duct

Номер: KR100958487B1
Принадлежит: 엘에스전선 주식회사

본 발명은 인접한 부스 덕트의 접속부 부스바에 결합되어 부스 덕트를 연결하는 조인트 키트(300)에 관한 것으로, 관통공이 형성되며 양단에 위치하여 도체(340)를 지지하는 조인트 하우징(310)과; 관통공이 형성되며, 상기 조인트 하우징(310) 사이에 위치하며, 절연재로 이루어지는 판형의 복수의 절연판(320)과; 상기 절연판(320)의 일측 또는 양측에 위치하며, 관통공(340a)이 형성되고 판 형상으로 이루어지는 복수의 도체(340)와; 관통공이 형성되고, 상기 도체(340) 사이에 위치하며, 절연재로 이루어지는 복수의 절연링(350)과; 상기 관통공을 관통하는 볼트(305)와; 상기 볼트(305)에 나사 결합하는 너트(303)를 포함하여 구성되며, 상기 절연판(320)의 면적은 도체(340)의 면적보다 크게 형성되어 도체(340)가 절연판(320)의 일측 또는 양측에 위치할 때 절연판(320)의 외주 부분은 노출되며, 상기 외주 부분에는 둘레를 따라 하나 이상의 환상 홈(321)이 형성되는 것을 특징으로 하는 컴팩트화가 가능한 부스 덕트용 조인트 키트에 관한 것으로, 절연판의 면적을 작게 하면서도 도체 사이의 단락을 방지할 수 있어 조인트 키트의 부피를 작게 할 수 있으며, 고온에서도 절연체의 부피 변화가 억제되어 절연체의 팽창에 의한 고장이나 파손을 방지할 수 있고 절연 성능이 유지되도록 할 수 있으며, 절연체에 크랙이 발생하거나 도체와 접촉하는 절연체의 접촉면 손상을 방지할 수 있는 효과가 있다. The present invention relates to a joint kit (300) coupled to a connection busbar of an adjacent booth duct to connect a booth duct, wherein a through hole is formed and is positioned at both ends to support a conductor (340); A through hole is formed and is located between the joint housings 310 and includes a plurality of plate-shaped insulating plates 320 made of an insulating material; A plurality of conductors 340 positioned at one side or both sides of the insulating plate 320 and having a through hole 340a formed in a plate shape; A plurality of insulating rings 350 formed with a through hole and positioned between the conductors 340 and made of an insulating material; A bolt 305 penetrating the through hole; It comprises a nut 303 for screwing to the bolt 305, the area of the insulating plate 320 is formed larger than the area of the conductor 340, the conductor 340 is one side or both sides of the insulating plate 320 When positioned in the outer peripheral portion of the insulating plate 320 is exposed, the outer circumferential portion relates to a joint kit for the compact duct booth, characterized in that at least one annular groove 321 is formed along the periphery, It can prevent the short circuit between the conductors ...

08-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and systems for coupling busway components

Номер: KR101816316B1
Принадлежит: 제너럴 일렉트릭 캄파니

전력분배 시스템(10)이 설명된다. 이 시스템은 내부에 제 1 개구(150)가 형성된 접지 버스바(60) 및 내부에 제 2 개구(140)가 형성된 버스웨이 하우징(64)을 포함한다. 이 시스템은 또한 파스너(118) 및 적어도 하나의 시일(130)을 포함하는 파스너 시일링 시스템(90)을 포함한다. 이 파스너는 제 1 개구 및 제 2 개구를 통하여 연장되어 접지 버스바를 버스웨이 하우징에 연결하도록 구성된다. 접지 버스바는 버스웨이 하우징과 접촉하여 그 사이에 접지 접속을 형성한다. The power distribution system 10 is described. The system includes a bus bar housing (60) having a first opening (150) formed therein and a busway housing (64) having a second opening (140) formed therein. The system also includes a fastener sealing system 90 including a fastener 118 and at least one seal 130. The fastener is configured to extend through the first opening and the second opening to connect the ground bus bar to the busway housing. The ground bus bar contacts the busway housing to form a ground connection therebetween.

15-02-1977 дата публикации

High voltage device with compressed gas isolation

Номер: SU547180A3
Принадлежит: Сименс Аг (Фирма)

14-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: DE3721594A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

08-10-2010 дата публикации

Liquid crystal display apparatus and control method thereof

Номер: KR100985859B1
Автор: 김진복, 김현석
Принадлежит: 삼성전자주식회사

본 발명은 액정표시장치 및 그 제어방법에 관한 것이다. 본 발명에 따른 액정표시장치는 이미지가 표시되는 액정표시패널과; 상기 액정표시패널을 조명하는 상호 상이한 색상의 광을 발광하기 위한 다수의 발광 소자가 소정의 패턴으로 배열된 백라이트 어레이부와; 상기 각 발광 소자의 발광 여부 및 광의 세기를 제어하기 위한 백라이트 구동부와; 입력되는 영상신호를 분석하고, 그 분석 결과에 대응하는 변환 대상 정보를 출력하는 신호분석부와; 상기 신호분석부로부터의 상기 변환 대상 정보에 기초하여 상기 액정표시패널에 표시되는 이미지의 표시 상태가 변하도록 상기 백라이트 구동부를 제어하는 제어부를 포함하는 것을 특징으로 한다. 이에 의해, 입력되는 영상신호를 분석하여 백라이트 유니트의 제어를 통해 액정표시패널에 표시되는 이미지의 표시 상태를 조절할 수 있다.

07-09-2016 дата публикации

Dense insulated bus duct

Номер: CN105932622A
Автор: 郭道鹏


11-03-2015 дата публикации

Optical-fiber-containing insulating spacer

Номер: CN102812368B
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD, Toko Electric Corp


23-09-2015 дата публикации

Gas-insulated switchgear

Номер: CN104937796A
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp


17-09-2013 дата публикации

Block-type bus bar connecting device

Номер: KR20130005426U
Автор: 홍성권
Принадлежит: 에이치제이산전(주)

분전반용 블록형 부스바 배선 장치가 개시된다. 블록형 부스바 배선 장치는 절연 재료로 이루어지며 메인 부스바 및 서브 부스바의 결합을 지지하는 하부 케이스; 및 상기 하부 케이스를 덮는 상부 덮개;를 포함한다..

21-04-2020 дата публикации

Integrated VFTO measuring bus and bus barrel thereof

Номер: CN111049085A


08-02-2012 дата публикации

Casting mold and gas insulated switchgear

Номер: CN102343650A
Автор: 平田大裕
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp


03-02-1998 дата публикации

Gas insulation bus

Номер: JPH1032915A
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

(57)【要約】 【課題】 ガス絶縁母線において、円筒状密閉容器をア ークに対して保護する。 【解決手段】 接地した円筒状密閉容器1に絶縁性ガス 4を封入し、内部導体10を絶縁性スペーサ3により円 筒状密閉容器1の軸に沿わせて支持するガス絶縁母線に おいて、円筒状密閉容器1の内周面に熱的電気的遮蔽材 14を介在させて円筒状密閉容器1の導電性保護円筒体 13を設け、導電性保護円筒体13を円筒状密閉容器1 に電気的に接続したものである。

12-03-1983 дата публикации

Gas insulating transmission line

Номер: JPS5843126A
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Corp

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。

11-03-2022 дата публикации

Connection structure with UHF antenna for gas-insulated switchgear

Номер: CN114175431A
Принадлежит: Siemens Energy Global GmbH and Co KG


12-02-2021 дата публикации

Method for disassembling and assembling pressure fluid insulated electric energy transmission device

Номер: CN108701974B
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG


21-02-1989 дата публикации

Superconducting bus

Номер: JPS6447209A
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Joint kit for connecting bus ducts

Номер: KR20080090905A
Автор: 김동욱, 박성주, 허성수
Принадлежит: 엘에스전선 주식회사

본 발명은 인접한 두 개의 부스 덕트 접속부를 연결하며, 도체들 사이를 절연하도록 도체 사이에 삽입되는 절연판을 재활용이 가능한 나일론 수지로 제작하여 종전의 페놀 수지를 포함한 절연판이 가지는 재질 상의 단점을 보완한 재활용이 가능한 부스 덕트 연결용 조인트 키트에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 조인트 키트(30)는 인접한 부스 덕트(1)의 덕트부(20) 사이에서 상기 덕트부(20)의 서로 마주보는 측단의 접속부 부스바(11)에 결합되어 상기 덕트부(20)를 연결하는 것으로서, 상기 조인트 키트(30)의 절연판(33)은 나일론 수지로 제작되는 것을 특징으로 한다. 따라서, 본 발명에 따르는 부스 덕트 연결용 조인트 키트(30)에 의하면, 절연판을 성형이 용이한 열가소성 재료로 제작하므로 제조과정이 용이하고, 재료의 재활용이 가능하므로 생산성 향상을 기대할 수 있으며, 폐기 시 재료로 인한 환경오염을 염려할 필요가 없게 된다. 조인트 키트, 부스 덕트, 절연판, 재활용, 나일론 수지

17-01-2012 дата публикации

insulation structure of Joint kit for bus duct

Номер: KR101104692B1
Автор: 정수상
Принадлежит: 주식회사 신화기전

본 발명은 부스 덕트용 조인트 키트의 절연체구조에 관한 것으로, 부스바(210)를 삽입하여 접속하되 전후면에 간격유지블록(112)을 각각 형성하는 다수개의 절연판(110)과, 상기 다수개 절연판(110)의 최전방 전열판(110)의 전면과 최후방 절연판(110)의 후면과 결합하여 다수개의 절연판(110)을 고정시키는 조인트하우징(120), 및 상기 절연판(110)과 조인트하우징(120)을 관통하여 조립하는 조립부재(130)로 형성한 조인트 키트에 있어서, 상기 절연판(110)의 상하단에 전후로 돌출되는 차단블록(111)을 형성하여 다수개의 절연판(110)을 연접할 때 끼움 결합하여 절연판(110)의 내부를 차단하도록 구성하므로, 부스 덕트의 부스바를 연결하는 조인트 키트의 판형의 절연체를 비접속 방향으로 차단할 수 있도록 하되 절연체의 개수와 관계없이 지속적으로 차단상태를 유지할 수 있도록 하여 외부 물질의 유입을 차단하고 이로 인하여 발생되는 사고를 방지하는 것이다. The present invention relates to an insulator structure of a joint kit for a booth duct, and includes a plurality of insulating plates 110 for inserting and connecting a bus bar 210 to form a space maintaining block 112 on the front and rear surfaces thereof, and the plurality of insulating plates. A joint housing 120 for fixing the plurality of insulating plates 110 by combining with the front surface of the frontmost heat transfer plate 110 and the rear surface of the rearmost insulating plate 110, and the insulating plate 110 and the joint housing 120. In the joint kit formed of the assembly member 130 to assemble through the through, forming a blocking block 111 protruding back and forth on the upper and lower ends of the insulating plate 110 by fitting when connecting a plurality of insulating plates 110 Since it is configured to block the inside of the insulating plate 110, it is possible to block the plate-shaped insulator of the joint kit connecting the bus bar of the booth duct in the non-connecting direction, but maintain the blocking state continuously regardless of the number of insulators It would be to block the entry of foreign material and prevent accidents arising therefrom so.

18-11-1983 дата публикации

Gas insulated power line

Номер: KR830008435A

내용 없음

18-10-2006 дата публикации

A major bus-bar for an distribution switchboard and connecting apparatus thereof

Номер: KR100635102B1
Автор: 김인태
Принадлежит: (주)제일피앤피

A bus bar for a distribution switchboard is provided to supply the maximum electric power by maximizing a contact area between a major bus bar and a minor bus bar, thereby smoothly supplying a power to the major bus bar. A mounting member(10) made of insulation material has a support inserted into each end so that a receiving space(12) is formed in a major bus bar(210). A connection terminal of a minor bus bar is inserted into the receiving space, and is resiliently supported by a resilient clip(25) having a leading portion(22). The resilient clip has a lower portion of a width wider than the leading portion. A connection member made of a conductor member(28) is connected to a connection member between the leading portions of the resilient clip.

02-08-2017 дата публикации

Busbar structure and switchboard using the same

Номер: JP6173579B2
Автор: 尊美 寒川
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

09-10-2008 дата публикации

Waterproof plug-in unit for bus duct and bus duct comprising the plug-in unit

Номер: KR20080090906A
Автор: 김동욱, 박성주, 허성수
Принадлежит: 엘에스전선 주식회사

본 발명은 플러그인 유닛의 브러시 홀더와 베이스에 각각 요철을 주고 베이스와 브러시 사이에 그리고 베이스와 상면 덕트 사이에 개스킷 개재시켜 전체적인 방수 및 방오 성능을 향상시킨 부스 덕트용 방수형 플러그인 유닛에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 부스 덕트용 방수형 플러그인 유닛(31)은 기부를 이루는 베이스(35), 상기 베이스(35) 위에 덮이도록 결합되는 커버(37), 및 상기 베이스(35)와 커버(37) 사이에 접촉 브러시(33)를 고정하도록 개재되는 브러시 홀더(41)를 포함하여 구성되어 있는 것을 특징으로 한다. 따라서, 본 발명의 플러그인 유닛에 의하면, 베이스와 브러시 홀더의 접촉 부분에 형성된 요철부와 이 요철부 사이에 개재되는 개스킷에 의해 플러그인 유닛 내부로의 물이나 이물질 침투를 방지하여 이로 인한 피해를 막을 수 있게 된다. 부스 덕트, 플러그인 유닛, 방수, 방오, 요철부

19-08-2003 дата публикации

Plug in brush docking unit

Номер: KR200323651Y1
Автор: 김형원, 박성주
Принадлежит: 엘지전선 주식회사

본 고안은 플러그인 브러쉬 결합장치에 관한 것으로, 더욱 상세하게는 버스덕트에서의 부하분기를 위해 플러그인 방식을 채택하는 경우에 설치되며 플러그인 브러쉬가 삽입되어 버스바로 안내되는 가이드부를 갖는 브러쉬 결합본체와 브러쉬 결합본체를 보호하는 결합본체 커버로 구성되는 플러그인 브러쉬 결합장치에 관한 것이다. 본 고안에 따른 플러그인 브러쉬 결합장치는 플러그인 브러쉬가 각각 삽입되는 복수의 삽입구와, 상기 각 삽입구로부터 소정 길이만큼 연장되며 상기 플러그인 브러쉬를 수용하는 공간이 형성된 가이드부로 이루어지는 브러쉬 결합본체; 및 상기 브러쉬 결합본체의 일측 가장자리에 설치되는 평판형의 결합본체 커버를 포함하여 구성된다. The present invention relates to a plug-in brush coupling device, and more particularly, a brush coupling body and a brush coupling body having a guide part inserted into a plug-in brush and guided to a busbar by installing a plug-in method for load branching in a bus duct. It relates to a plug-in brush coupling device composed of a coupling body cover to protect the body. Plug-in brush coupling device according to the present invention is a brush coupling body consisting of a plurality of insertion openings for inserting the plug-in brushes, respectively, and a guide portion extending from each insertion hole by a predetermined length and receiving the plug-in brush; And a flat coupling body cover installed at one edge of the brush coupling body.

10-10-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010111713A

1. Высоковольтное устройство (100), содержащее: ! проводящий элемент (121, 122, 123) для проведения высоковольтного тока; и ! по меньшей мере, одно устройство гашения переходных процессов (120, 130) для уменьшения пиков напряжения существующих распространяющихся чрезвычайно быстрых переходных процессов посредством порождения электрической дуги, устройство гашения переходных процессов, имеющее, по меньшей мере, одну поверхность возникновения электрической дуги (131; 131a; 131b; 131c; 131d; 131e) и, по меньшей мере, один участок (150) постоянного электрического контакта, проводящим образом соединенный с проводящим элементом (121; 122; 123), в котором указанная, по меньшей мере, одна поверхность возникновения электрической дуги (131; 131a; 131b; 131c) указанного, по меньшей мере, одного устройства (130) гашения переходных процессов расположена рядом с указанным проводящим элементом (121; 122; 123), так что в зазоре (303), расположенном между указанным устройством гашения переходных процессов и указанным проводящим элементом возникает электрическая дуга, когда разность потенциалов переходного процесса между указанным устройством гашения переходных процессов и указанным проводящим элементом превышает пороговое значение. ! 2. Высоковольтное устройство по п.1, в котором указанное устройство (120, 130) гашения переходных процессов является, главным образом, безрезисторным. ! 3. Высоковольтное устройство по п.1, в котором указанное устройство (120, 130) гашения переходных процессов имеет такие размеры, что его геометрия вызывает изменение полного сопротивления волновода во время распространения волны чрезвычайно быстрого переходного процесса вдоль проводящего элемента � РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2010 111 713 (13) A (51) МПК H02B 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ЗАЯВКА НА ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010111713/07, 26.03.2010 (71) Заявитель(и): АББ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИ АГ (CH) Приоритет(ы): (30) Конвенционный ...

20-08-2007 дата публикации

Bus-channel insulated-phase junction

Номер: RU2304831C2

FIELD: electrical engineering. SUBSTANCE: proposed junction designed for interconnection or plug-and-socket connection of insulated-phase bus sheath sections, that is for connection to insulated-phase bus channel stuffing box used in enclosed space functions to interconnect first and second sections of mentioned bus channel; each section has internal bus conductor enclosed by external sheath. Junction interconnects extreme parts of bus internal conductor and second part of conductor stuffing box; each of these parts runs from extreme part of one of bus internal conductors. Each part of stuffing box has reduced external size with respect to that of internal bus conductors. Junction has aggregate of movable pins affording electrical contact; they are installed by means of spring-loaded adjustable fastenings about external surface of conductor stuffing box first part. EFFECT: reduced size, facilitated separation and maintenance. 13 cl, 4 dwg ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÀß ÔÅÄÅÐÀÖÈß (19) RU (11) 2 304 831 (13) C2 (51) ÌÏÊ H02G 5/06 (2006.01) ÔÅÄÅÐÀËÜÍÀß ÑËÓÆÁÀ ÏÎ ÈÍÒÅËËÅÊÒÓÀËÜÍÎÉ ÑÎÁÑÒÂÅÍÍÎÑÒÈ, ÏÀÒÅÍÒÀÌ È ÒÎÂÀÐÍÛÌ ÇÍÀÊÀÌ (12) ÎÏÈÑÀÍÈÅ ÈÇÎÁÐÅÒÅÍÈß Ê ÏÀÒÅÍÒÓ (21), (22) Çà âêà: 2003132468/09, 20.02.2003 (30) Êîíâåíöèîííûé ïðèîðèòåò: 21.03.2002 CA 2,377,853 (73) Ïàòåíòîîáëàäàòåëü(è): ÄÆÅÍÅÐÀË ÝËÅÊÒÐÈÊ ÊÝÍÀÄÀ ÈÍÊ. (CA) (43) Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè çà âêè: 10.04.2005 R U (24) Äàòà íà÷àëà îòñ÷åòà ñðîêà äåéñòâè ïàòåíòà: 20.02.2003 (72) Àâòîð(û): ÓÀÉÒ Ìàéêë Óîëòåð (CA), ÌÈËËÇ Áðþñ Âèëëü ì (CA), ÐÅÄÅÐ Ðîáåðò Ãåíðè (CA) (45) Îïóáëèêîâàíî: 20.08.2007 Áþë. ¹ 23 2 3 0 4 8 3 1 (56) Ñïèñîê äîêóìåíòîâ, öèòèðîâàííûõ â îò÷åòå î ïîèñêå: US 3061665 À, 30.10.1962. SU 1554065 A1, 30.03.1990. SU 618814 A, 02.08.1978. RU 2065652 C1, 20.08.1996. (85) Äàòà ïåðåâîäà çà âêè PCT íà íàöèîíàëüíóþ ôàçó: 05.11.2003 2 3 0 4 8 3 1 R U (87) Ïóáëèêàöè PCT: WO 03/081740 (02.10.2003) C 2 C 2 (86) Çà âêà PCT: CA 03/00237 (20.02.2003) Àäðåñ äë ïåðåïèñêè: 129010, Ìîñêâà, óë. Á. Ñïàññêà , 25, ñòð.3, ÎÎÎ "Þðèäè÷åñêà ôèðìà Ãîðîäèññêèé è ...

18-06-2019 дата публикации

Power relay assembly

Номер: KR101990394B1
Автор: 원민호, 황승재
Принадлежит: 주식회사 아모그린텍

파워 릴레이 어셈블리가 제공된다. 본 발명의 예시적인 실시예에 따른 파워 릴레이 어셈블리는 적어도 하나의 전기소자가 일면에 장착되는 상부케이스; 상기 상부케이스와 결합되는 하부케이스; 및 상기 전기소자와 전기적으로 연결되며, 상기 상부케이스와 하부케이스 사이에 배치되어 상기 상부케이스 및 하부케이스 중 적어도 어느 하나와 면접되는 바닥부를 포함하는 적어도 하나의 부스바;를 포함하고, 상기 바닥부는 적어도 일면이 상기 상부케이스 및 하부케이스 중 방열성 및 절연성을 갖는 플라스틱 재질로 이루어진 부분과 접촉된다.

15-10-2013 дата публикации

Optical-fiber-containing insulating spacer

Номер: KR101318597B1

변류기에 사용하는 광 파이버를 내장시켜서 용이하고 게다가 경제적으로 제작할 수 있으며, 미소 공극에 전계 집중에 의한 코로나의 발생이 없어, 변류기의 특성에 영향을 주는 일이 없는 광 파이버 내장형 절연 스페이서를 제공한다. 에폭시 수지 등의 절연 재료를 몰드해서 일체로 성형하는 절연 성형 부재(3) 내에, 적어도 하나의 통전도체(2)와, 이를 둘러싸도록 배치하는 접지 실드 및 패러데이 효과재의 광 파이버(14)를, 매립해서 내장시킨 절연 스페이서(1)를 구성한다. 접지 실드에는, 금속선이나 띠 형상 금속 재료나 복수의 작은 구멍을 형성한 금속 원통재제의 원통 형상 실드 부재(15)를 사용하고 있으며, 이 원통 형상 실드 부재(15)의 내부의 소정 위치에, 광 변류기의 부품으로서 사용하는 광 파이버(14)를 배치하고 있다. The present invention provides an optical fiber built-in insulating spacer that can be manufactured easily and economically by incorporating an optical fiber used in a current transformer, and there is no occurrence of corona due to electric field concentration in the micro voids, and does not affect the characteristics of the current transformer. In the insulating molding member 3 which molds and integrally molds an insulating material such as an epoxy resin, at least one conductive conductor 2 and an optical fiber 14 of a ground shield and a Faraday effect material disposed to surround the same are embedded. The insulating spacer 1 built in this way is comprised. As the ground shield, a cylindrical shield member 15 made of a metal wire, a band-shaped metal material, or a metal cylindrical material having a plurality of small holes is used, and at a predetermined position inside the cylindrical shield member 15, The optical fiber 14 used as a component of a current transformer is arrange | positioned.

15-01-2013 дата публикации

Insulating cover of bus bar

Номер: KR101222139B1
Автор: 이덕중
Принадлежит: 주식회사 서울디핑

본 발명은 색상가변형 버스바 절연보호커버에 관한 것으로서, 특히 버스바의 연결부위를 덮어 연결부위가 외부로 노출되는 것을 방지하는 버스바 절연보호커버에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 색상가변형 버스바 절연보호커버는, 버스바(BUS BAR) 절연보호커버에 있어서, 버스바의 연결부위를 덮는 절연체 재질의 커버본체와; 상기 커버본체에 결합되어 온도에 의해 색상이 가역적 또는 비가역적으로 변하는 가변색상부재;로 이루어지되, 상기 커버본체에는 장착홀이 관통형성되어 있고, 상기 가변색상부재는 실리콘재질로 이루어져 탄성변형되어 상기 장착홀에 고정장착되는 것을 특징으로 한다.

29-05-2019 дата публикации

rack type bus duct guard device for pre-setting

Номер: KR101983737B1
Принадлежит: 임현택

본 발명은 사전에 설치된 상태에서도 버스 덕트의 터미널에 설치되는 전원 박스에 대한 관리자의 검측 및 컨트롤 동작이 제약을 받지 않도록 전원 박스를 보호하는 장치에 관한 기술로서, 전원 박스의 방수 커버를 전원 박스와 독립된 랙 프레임에 장착함으로써 사전에 미리 설치한 상태에서도 전원 박스의 검측이나 컨트롤 과정에서 관리자의 작업을 방해하지 않도록 하는 기술이다. 특히, 전원 박스의 증설이나 다른 배선의 추가 설치가 있는 경우에도 애초 설치된 전원 박스의 인접 공간을 미리 확보하도록 하는 기술이다. 본 발명에 따르면, 전원 박스의 보호 장치를 전원 박스의 시공과 무관하게 사전에 설치할 수 있으므로 전체 공사기간을 단축하는 장점이 있다. The present invention relates to a device for protecting a power box so that a power supply box installed in a terminal of a bus duct is prevented from being restricted by an administrator's detection and control operation even in a state where the power supply box is installed in advance, It is a technology that prevents the administrator's operation from being interrupted during the inspection and control process of the power box even if it is installed in advance by installing it in a separate rack frame. In particular, even when there is an extension of a power box or an additional installation of another wiring, it is a technique of securing an adjacent space of a power box originally installed. According to the present invention, since the protection device of the power box can be installed in advance regardless of the construction of the power box, the entire construction period is shortened.

14-07-2020 дата публикации

Bus system with compact commutation unit and no box tap-off unit

Номер: CN109616974B


20-06-2013 дата публикации

Устройство с телом из изоляционного материала, а также способ изготовления тела из изоляционного материала

Номер: RU2485655C2

Тело (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала содержит отверстие (3а, 3b, 3с, 3d) под проводник, которое пересекает насквозь тело (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала. Тело (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала ограничено окружающей поверхностью (13). Выемка (4а, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e) заходит в поверхность (13). Для формования выемки (4а, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e) измерительное устройство (7) заливают телом (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала. Изобретение решает задачу создания устройства, для которого требуется меньше изоляционного материала и которое упрощает использование его как барьера жидких сред. 2 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 2 485 655 (13) C2 (51) МПК H02G 5/06 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ИЗОБРЕТЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010123635/07, 28.10.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 28.10.2008 (73) Патентообладатель(и): СИМЕНС АКЦИЕНГЕЗЕЛЛЬШАФТ (DE) (43) Дата публикации заявки: 27.12.2011 Бюл. № 36 2 4 8 5 6 5 5 (45) Опубликовано: 20.06.2013 Бюл. № 17 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЕР 0454281 А, 30.10.1991. JP 09051610 А, 20.06.1997. JP 09163528 А, 20.06.1997. JP 11146544 А, 28.05.1999. SU 1554065 А1, 30.03.1990. SU 1176403 А1, 30.08.1985. 2 4 8 5 6 5 5 R U (86) Заявка PCT: EP 2008/064564 (28.10.2008) C 2 C 2 (85) Дата начала рассмотрения заявки PCT на национальной фазе: 16.06.2010 (87) Публикация заявки РСТ: WO 2009/062841 (22.05.2009) Адрес для переписки: 129090, Москва, ул.Б.Спасская, 25, стр.3, ООО "Юридическая фирма Городисский и Партнеры", пат.пов. А.В.Мицу, рег.№ 364 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО С ТЕЛОМ ИЗ ИЗОЛЯЦИОННОГО МАТЕРИАЛА, А ТАКЖЕ СПОСОБ ИЗГОТОВЛЕНИЯ ТЕЛА ИЗ ИЗОЛЯЦИОННОГО МАТЕРИАЛА (57) Реферат: Тело (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала содержит отверстие (3а, 3b, 3с, 3d) под проводник, которое пересекает насквозь тело (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала. Тело (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d) из изоляционного материала ...

15-12-2005 дата публикации

Insulating supporter for high voltage bus bar

Номер: KR200404015Y1
Автор: 이재복
Принадлежит: 제일중전기산업(주)

본 고안은 고압 부스바용 절연 지지대에 관한 것으로서, The present invention relates to an insulating support for a high-voltage busbar, 판상의 상부 지지대, 하부 지지대, 및 상부 지지대와 하부지지대를 체결하는 체결수단으로 구성되어 있되, It consists of a plate upper support, a lower support, and a fastening means for fastening the upper support and the lower support, 상기 상부 지지대(100)는, 아래쪽 변에 원통형 부스바와 접촉하는 복수개의 상부 안착홈(110)이 형성되어 있고, 상기 이웃하는 상부 안착홈들(110)(110) 사이의 두께부에는 상부 평탄부(120)가 형성되어 있으며, 상기 상부 평탄부(120)로부터 돌출부(130)가 아래쪽을 향해 돌출 형성되어 있고, 상기 돌출부(130)에는 상부 체결공(140)이 형성되어 있으며, 상기 하부 지지대(200)는, 위쪽 변에 원통형 부스바와 접촉하는 복수개의 하부 안착홈(210)이 형성되어 있고, 상기 이웃하는 하부 안착홈들(210)(210) 사이의 두께부에는 하부 평탄부(220)가 형성되어 있으며, 상기 하부 평탄부(220)에는 상기 돌출부(130)와 밀착 결합하는 결합홈(230)이 형성되어 있고, 상기 결합홈(230)의 바닥에는 상기 상부 체결공(140)과 연통되는 하부 체결공(240)이 형성되어 있으며, 상기 체결수단(300)은, 상기 상부 체결공(140)을 관통하여 상기 하부 체결공(240)에 결합하는 나사 또는 볼트인 것을 특징으로 하므로, 조립 및 시공이 간단하고, 조립도 견고하게 이루어진다는 이점이 있다. The upper support 100 has a plurality of upper seating grooves 110 are formed in contact with the cylindrical busbar on the lower side, the upper flat portion in the thickness portion between the neighboring upper seating grooves (110, 110) 120 is formed, the protrusion 130 is protruded downward from the upper flat portion 120, the protrusion 130 is formed with an upper fastening hole 140, the lower support ( 200 has a plurality of lower seating grooves 210 contacting the cylindrical busbars on an upper side thereof, and a lower flat portion 220 is formed in a thickness portion between the neighboring lower seating grooves 210 and 210. Is formed, the lower flat portion 220 is formed with a coupling groove 230 for tight coupling with the protrusion 130, the bottom of the coupling groove 230 is in communication with the upper fastening hole 140 Lower fastening hole 240 is formed, the fastening means 300, Group so characterized in that through the upper fitting hole (140) or screw bolt coupled to the lower coupling holes 240, there are advantages and construction of the assembly is simple, takes place also firmly ...

14-08-2020 дата публикации

Groove body wire arranging device for processing bus duct and using method thereof

Номер: CN111541207A
Автор: 王俊, 郭春松
Принадлежит: Zhenjiang Sicurezza Electric Co ltd


24-08-2022 дата публикации

Distributing Board

Номер: KR102435410B1
Автор: 김병철
Принадлежит: 엘에스일렉트릭(주)

본 발명은 전술한 문제점을 해결하고자 안출된 것으로, 그 목적은 차단기 터미널의 상간 거리와 모선 버스바의 상간 거리의 차이를 용이하게 보정할 수 있는 배전반에 관한 것이다. 본 발명의 일 실시예에 따른 배전반은 차단기가 인입되는 제1 격실; 상기 제1 격실에 인접하고, 모선 버스바가 구비되는 제2 격실; 상기 제1 격실과 제2 격실이 접하는 격판에 설치되는 절연 부싱;을 포함하고, 상기 절연 부싱에는 연결 도체가 구비되고, 상기 연결 도체는, 일측에 상기 차단기의 차단기 터미널이 연결되고, 타측에 상기 모선 버스바가 연결되는 것을 특징으로 한다. The present invention has been devised to solve the above problems, and the object thereof is to a switchboard capable of easily correcting the difference between the phase distance of a breaker terminal and the phase distance of a bus bar. A switchboard according to an embodiment of the present invention includes a first compartment into which a circuit breaker is introduced; a second compartment adjacent to the first compartment and provided with a bus bar; an insulating bushing installed on a diaphragm contacting the first compartment and the second compartment, wherein the insulating bushing is provided with a connecting conductor, and the connecting conductor is connected to a breaker terminal of the circuit breaker on one side, and the breaker terminal on the other side It is characterized in that the busbar is connected to the busbar.

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Bus line structure and distribution board using same

Номер: KR20160144026A

배전반의 내부에 이용되는 모선 구조로서, 동일 계통의 전원으로부터 전력 공급되는 제1 수평 모선(2)과 제2 수평 모선(3)이, 배전반의 케이스(1) 내의 상하 방향의 2개소에 분산하여 배치되고, 제1 수평 모선(2)에는 제1 수직 모선(4)이, 또 제2 수평 모선(3)에는 제2 수직 모선(5)이, 각각에 개별로 접속되어 수직 방향으로 분기하고, 양 수직 모선(4, 5)은 배전반의 케이스(1) 내의 상하 방향으로 늘어서 배치되어 있다.

15-05-2009 дата публикации

Joint Kit For Connecting Bus Ducts Using Plate Type Rotation Preventing Mean

Номер: KR100897341B1
Автор: 박성주, 황남훈
Принадлежит: 엘에스전선 주식회사

본 발명은 인접한 두 접속부의 부스바와 결합되는 조인트 키트의 절연판과 도체를 적층 상태로 결합함에 있어 절연판과 도체의 중앙에 관통 삽입되는 고장력 볼트를 고정하기 위해 이 볼트에 나사결합되는 너트를 판형의 회전방지구로 구속하여 헛돌지 않게 함으로써, 너트를 따로 파지하지 않고도 편리하게 고장력 볼트와 체결될 수 있도록 한 판형 회전방지구가 적용된 조인트 키트를 구비하는 부스 덕트 연결용 조인트 키트에 관한 것이다. The present invention is to rotate the plate-shaped nut screwed to this bolt to fix the high-strength bolt inserted through the center of the insulation plate and the conductor in the laminated state of the joint kit and the conductor of the joint kit coupled to the busbar of the two adjacent connections The present invention relates to a joint kit for connecting a bus duct having a joint kit to which an anti-rotation bolt is applied so that it can be fastened with a high-tension bolt conveniently without being gripped by a restraint. 본 발명의 조인트 키트(30)는 인접한 두 개의 덕트부(10) 사이에서 상기 덕트부(10)의 서로 마주보는 측단의 접속부 부스바(11)에 결합되어 상기 덕트부(10)를 연결하는 조인트 키트(30)를 구비한 부스 덕트(1)에 있어서, 조인트 하우징(31) 사이에 적층된 복수의 절연판(33)과 도체(35)의 관통공(41)에 삽입된 고장력 볼트(36)에 체결되는 너트(38)의 회전을 방지하는 판형 회전방지구(61)와, 상기 회전방지구(61)를 끼워 고정하도록 상기 조인트 하우징(31) 외면에 형성된 미끄럼 안내홈(57)을 구비하고 있는 것을 특징으로 한다. The joint kit 30 of the present invention is coupled to the connection busbar 11 of the side ends of the duct part 10 facing each other between two adjacent duct parts 10 to connect the duct part 10. In the booth duct 1 having the kit 30, a plurality of insulating plates 33 stacked between the joint housings 31 and the high tension bolts 36 inserted into the through holes 41 of the conductors 35. And a plate-shaped anti-rotation device 61 for preventing rotation of the nut 38 to be fastened, and a sliding guide groove 57 formed on an outer surface of the joint housing 31 so as to fix the anti-rotation device 61. It is characterized by. 따라서, 본 발명의 부스 덕트 연결용 조인트 키트에 의하면, 고장력 볼트에 결합되어 적층된 절연판 및 도체를 하나로 묶는 너트를, 조인트 하우징 외면의 안내홈에 삽입되는 슬라이드판의 고정홈에 의해 구속하여 회전을 방지하므로, 회전방지구인 슬라이드판의 조립 작업을 간편하게 할 수 있게 된다. Therefore, according to the joint kit for connecting the bus duct of the present invention, the nut ...

13-09-2019 дата публикации

Bus duct

Номер: CN109510142B
Автор: 姚勇, 曹云峰, 闫乐, 陈飞
Принадлежит: Zhenjiang Yituo Electric Co Ltd


14-06-2022 дата публикации

Power bus duct convenient to assembly connection

Номер: CN112864995B
Автор: 谢立
Принадлежит: Jiangsu Chaoyu Electric Co ltd


09-03-1983 дата публикации

Connection element for a conductor with a solid insulation

Номер: EP0073423A1

Bei dieser Verbindungsstelle für vollfeststoffisolierte Stromleiter (1, 2) wird von einem Hohlkörper (6) Gebrauch gemacht, der innen eine Schirmung (7) aufweist. Um die Stromtragfähigkeit vor dem Abdichten der Fugen herzustellen und zu kontrollieren sowie wirkungsvolle und sichere Verbindungsverfahren anwendbar zu machen, wird der Hohlkörper (6) starr ausgebildet und mit Durchstecköffnungen mit fest eingebetteten Stromleitern (1, 2) ausgeführt. Der Hohlkörper (6) wird ferner mit Montageöffnungen versehen, welche mit einem Deckel (12) elektrisch abgedichtet sind. Zwischen dem vollfeststoffisolierten Hohlkörper (6) und dem vollfeststoffisolierten Stromleiter (1, 2) bzw. Geräteanschluß kann ein elastischer, elektrisch abdichtender Kompensator (9) angeordnet werden. At this connection point for fully solid-insulated current conductors (1, 2) use is made of a hollow body (6) which has a shield (7) on the inside. In order to establish and control the current carrying capacity before sealing the joints and to make effective and safe connection methods applicable, the hollow body (6) is rigid and designed with through openings with permanently embedded current conductors (1, 2). The hollow body (6) is further provided with mounting openings which are electrically sealed with a cover (12). An elastic, electrically sealing compensator (9) can be arranged between the fully solid-insulated hollow body (6) and the fully solid-insulated current conductor (1, 2) or device connection.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Power distribution unit

Номер: KR101212056B1
Автор: 정승현
Принадлежит: 한국단자공업 주식회사

PURPOSE: A power distribution unit is provided to minimize the height of the power distribution unit by arranging bus bars for high voltage and low voltage in a single layer. CONSTITUTION: A second body(20) and a first main body(10) form a predetermined space. The second body includes a first protection rib(26) and a second protection rib(28). A first bus bar is installed along the edge of the inner surface of the second body. The first bus bar is used for high voltage. The second bus bar(38) is installed at the inner surface of the second body. The second bus bar is used for low voltage.

28-07-2006 дата публикации

Plug-In Mold

Номер: KR100605227B1
Автор: 김종우, 이진철, 최재봉
Принадлежит: 삼성물산 주식회사

본 발명은 버스덕트시스템(Bus Duct System)을 구성하는 덕트의 절개부에 장착되어 플러그인박스(Plug-In Box) 또는 탭오프박스(Tap-Off Box)를 수용하는 플러그인몰드(Plug-In Mold)로서, 몰드몸체; 및, 상기 몰드몸체의 상부면에 회동가능하도록 힌지결합되는 덮개;를 포함하여 구성되며, 상기 몰드몸체는 부전도성의 절연재로 구성되고, 그 상부면에서 하부면까지 관통되는 다수 개의 통로;가 구비되어 상기 플러그인박스 또는 탭오프박스의 접속단자가 통과하는 것을 특징으로 하는 플러그인몰드에 관한 것이다. The present invention is mounted to the cutout of the duct constituting the Bus Duct System (Plug-In Mold) to accommodate the Plug-In Box or Tap-Off Box As a mold body; And a cover hinged to the upper surface of the mold body to be rotatable, wherein the mold body is made of a non-conductive insulating material and has a plurality of passages penetrating from the upper surface to the lower surface. It relates to a plug-in mold, characterized in that passing through the connection terminal of the plug-in box or tap-off box. 몰드몸체, 덮개, 통로, 버스덕트시스템, 덕트, 플러그인몰드, 플러그인박스, 탭오프박스 Mold body, cover, passage, bus duct system, duct, plug-in mold, plug-in box, tap-off box

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT506141A1
Принадлежит: Kuvag Gmbh & Co Kg

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Electrical switching device

Номер: WO2013072153A1
Принадлежит: ALSTOM Technology Ltd

An electrical switching device (10) is described, in particular for a gas-insulated electrical switching system. The switching device (10) is provided with two chambers (41, 42), in which a first conductor piece (26) and, if necessary, additional components of the switching device (10) are housed. A support insulator (20) is further provided, which separates the two chambers (41, 42) from one another and through which the first conductor piece (26) is guided. A ring (24) is present, which is assigned to the support insulator (20) and through which the first conductor piece (26) is guided such that a movement of the first conductor piece (26) in the ring (24) is possible.

03-01-2014 дата публикации

Bus bar kit

Номер: KR101344929B1
Автор: 이강호
Принадлежит: 주식회사 아이일렉

A bus bar kit is provided. The bus bar kit connecting a circuit breaker and a main bus bar electrically comprises: insulated cases having interior spaces; branch bus bars placed away from crossing the main bus bar in the insulated cases; and bus bar connectors connecting the main bus bar and the branch bus bars electrically.
