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05-01-2012 дата публикации

Shock absorprion device for motor bearing system

Номер: US20120002908A1
Автор: Shen Zhang, Yingcheng Li

A shock absorption device for a motor bearing system, including a washer, an end cover, a bearing, a rotating shaft, a retaining ring, a cap, and a shock absorption pad. The bearing is disposed in a bearing seat of the end cover. The rotating shaft abuts against the bearing. The washer is disposed on the rotating shaft and on one side of the bearing. The retaining ring is buckled on the rotating shaft and axially positions the washer. The cap is disposed on the periphery of the washer, and on the end cover. The shock absorption pad is disposed on the end cover. The washer is disposed between the shock absorption pad and the retaining ring. The shock absorption pad axially separates the washer from the bearing, and end surface of the bearing seat.

10-10-2016 дата публикации

Трехфазный асинхронный электродвигатель

Номер: RU0000165132U1

Трехфазный асинхронный электродвигатель, характеризующийся тем, что содержит вал ротора, ротор, статор, передний фланцевый подшипниковый щит, вводное устройство, станину, задний подшипниковый щит, вентилятор, наружную подшипниковую крышку, пленочные уплотнения по линии вала, подшипники, заземляющее устройство, внутреннюю подшипниковую крышку, рым-болт, резиновые уплотнения вводного устройства, при этом ротор имеет шихтовочный паз, выполненный на его внутренней поверхности, и пазы, равномерно размещенные по периметру его зубцовой зоны, статор имеет шихтовочный паз, выполненный на его внешней поверхности, и пазы, равномерно размещенные по периметру его зубцовой зоны. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 165 132 U1 (51) МПК H02K 17/12 (2006.01) H02K 5/124 (2006.01) H02K 15/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016103892/07, 08.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 08.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Лагерев Алексей Сергеевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Электрозавод" (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 08.02.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2016 Бюл. № 28 1 6 5 1 3 2 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Трехфазный асинхронный электродвигатель, характеризующийся тем, что содержит вал ротора, ротор, статор, передний фланцевый подшипниковый щит, вводное устройство, станину, задний подшипниковый щит, вентилятор, наружную подшипниковую крышку, пленочные уплотнения по линии вала, подшипники, заземляющее устройство, внутреннюю подшипниковую крышку, рым-болт, резиновые уплотнения вводного устройства, при этом ротор имеет шихтовочный паз, выполненный на его внутренней поверхности, и пазы, равномерно размещенные по периметру его зубцовой зоны, статор имеет шихтовочный паз, выполненный на его внешней поверхности, и пазы, равномерно размещенные по периметру его зубцовой зоны. Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) ТРЕХФАЗНЫЙ АСИНХРОННЫЙ ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации

Электрический генератор

Номер: RU0000165899U1

1. Электрогенератор, включающий подвижные и неподвижные магниты, обращенные одноименными полюсами друг к другу, а также элемент индуктивности, характеризующийся тем, что подвижный магнит выполнен в виде цилиндра со сквозным отверстием в его центральной части и размещен в цилиндрической трубке, которую охватывает элемент индуктивности, при этом в нижней части цилиндрической трубки закреплен неподвижный магнит, верхний торец цилиндрической трубки оснащен заглушкой, выполненной из упругого материала, при этом электрогенератор оснащен корпусом, причем между корпусом и трубкой залит герметик, посредством чего цилиндрическая трубка герметично изолирована от внешней среды.2. Электрогенератор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что неподвижный магнит отделен от подвижного магнита упругой прокладкой.3. Электрогенератор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что между неподвижным магнитом и элементом индуктивности расположено экранирующее кольцо из электропроводного магнитного материала, которое охватывает цилиндрическую трубку.4. Электрогенератор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что элемент индуктивности представляет собой или включает в себя соленоид, предпочтительно, соленоид с двойной обмоткой.5. Электрогенератор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что элемент индуктивности представляет собой катушку индуктивности или соединенные в электрическую цепь катушки индуктивности, предпочтительно, плоские катушки индуктивности.6. Электрогенератор по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что он дополнительно содержит электронный блок, который выпрямляет и сглаживает пульсации генерируемого электрического тока.7. Электрогенератор по п. 6, отличающийся тем, что электронный блок включает РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 165 899 U1 (51) МПК H02K 35/02 (2006.01) H02K 5/10 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2016103663/07, 04.02.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 04.02.2016 (72) Автор(ы): Медведицын Василий ...

19-12-2017 дата публикации

Электрическая машина

Номер: RU0000175773U1

Устройство «Электрическая машина» относится к электротехнике, к электрическим машинам переменного тока, и может быть использовано в качестве электропривода вращательного или поступательного движения.Электрическая машина содержит статор. Обмотки статора в количестве, кратном трем, равномерно распределены по его окружности, уложены пофазно с угловым расстоянием 120 градусов, соединены по схеме «звезда» или «треугольник». Короткозамкнутый ротор. Параллельно каждой обмотке статора подключен конденсатор. Для достижения наибольшего эффекта применяются конденсаторы, одинаковые по емкости. Увеличение выходной мощности относительно входной достигается тем, что на каждом участке трехфазной электрической цепи, образованном обмоткой статора и параллельно подключенным конденсатором, и при наличии напряжения на этих участках возникает резонанс токов. В результате возникшего резонанса токов увеличивается амплитуда колебаний, что приводит к увеличению мощности на выходе. Ц 175773 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ о уе еь (3) 1 а $ ох Ц < < $: п РЦ ‘’ (50) МПК НО2К 23/000 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016150910, 23.12.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 23.12.2016 Дата регистрации: 19.12.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 23.12.2016 (45) Опубликовано: 19.12.2017 Бюл. № 35 Адрес для переписки: 111394, Москва, ул. Утренняя, 10, корп. 2, кв. 73, Камалендинову Константину Геннадьевичу (72) Автор(ы): Кузнецов Александр Борисович (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Кузнецов Александр Борисович (КО) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: ЗО 1211841 АТ, 15.02.1986. КЦ 2044397 СТ, 20.09.1995. КЗ 2303536 С2, 27.07.2007. 05 0007084601 В2, 01.08.2006. (54) ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСКАЯ МАШИНА (57) Реферат: Устройство «Электрическая машина» относится к электротехнике, к электрическим машинам переменного тока, и может быть использовано в качестве электропривода вращательного или ...

28-09-2018 дата публикации

Устройство погружного маслозаполненного электродвигателя

Номер: RU0000183619U1

Полезная модель относится к нефтяному машиностроению, а именно к погружным маслозаполненным электродвигателям, входящих в состав установки скважинных электроприводных лопастных насосов. Устройство погружного электродвигателя насосной установки содержит статор 1, состоящий из корпуса 2 и магнитопровода 3 с зубцами 4 по числу N, между которыми установлены обмотки 5, установленный на подшипниках 6 ротор 7 с полым валом 8 и турбинкой 9 с радиальными отверстиями 10 для сообщения полости 11 вала 8 с полостью 12 статора 1. На наружной поверхности магнитопровода 3 на радиальных осях симметрии зубцов 4 выполнены продольные пазы 13 по числу N-1. На наружной поверхности магнитопровода 3 на радиальных осях симметрии зубцов 4 по числу N-1 выполнены продольные пазы 13. На N-м зубце 4 магнитопровода 3 по направлению его оси симметрии выполнен прямоугольный паз 14. Магнитопровод 3 установлен в корпусе 2 между гильзами 15 и 16 и стопорными кольцами 17 и 18, установленными в концентрических канавках 19 и 20, выполненных в корпусе 2. Магнитопровод 3 жестко соединен с корпусом 2, например, клеевым соединением. Использование в полезной модели гильз с каналами, стопорных колец, шпонки и клея обеспечивает максимальное заполнение железом статора и предотвращается проворот магнитопровода относительно корпуса, также уменьшает потери в электродвигателе. Использование в полезной модели нагнетателя обеспечивает эффективный отвод тепла из внутренней полости электродвигателя на наружную поверхность электродвигателя, что обеспечивает повышение его надежности и долговечности. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 183 619 U1 (51) МПК F04D 13/10 (2006.01) F04D 29/58 (2006.01) H02K 9/19 (2006.01) H02K 5/132 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК F04D 13/10 (2018.05); F04D 29/5806 (2018.05); H02K 9/19 (2018.05); H02K 5/132 (2018.05) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017128022, 04.08.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Electronically commutated electric machine

Номер: US20120007456A1

The invention relates to an electronically commutated electric machine ( 1 ), comprising a stator housing ( 3 ) which receives a stator ( 4 ) in a stator chamber ( 13 ) and which delimits a rotor chamber ( 14 ) receiving a rotor. According to the invention, the stator housing ( 3 ) comprises a main housing ( 31 ) and a cover ( 9 ), wherein an elastic sealing element ( 8 ) is arranged between the main housing ( 31 ) and cover ( 9 ) and extends into the inside of the stator housing ( 3 ) with at least one radial region ( 30 ) and forms a tolerance compensating element ( 19 ) acting on the stator ( 4 ).

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Electric pump

Номер: US20120014819A1
Автор: Motohisa Ishiguro
Принадлежит: Aisin Seiki Co Ltd

An electric pump which includes a rotor rotationally supported by a housing at a rotation shaft, a stator positioned at an outer side in radial direction of the rotor and fixed to the housing, a pump portion for taking in and discharging fluid in response to a rotation of the rotor, and a can positioned in between the rotor and the stator for preventing the fluid in the pump portion from flowing into the stator. The can possesses conductivity. The stator is grounded via the can.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Motor, electric equipment, and method of manufacturing motor

Номер: US20120025746A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

In a motor driven by a drive circuit such as an inverter, there is a problem that electric current flowing through a bearing causes electric corrosion, which impairs the durability of the bearing. A motor of the invention includes: a stator in which a winding is applied through an insulating part to a stator core formed by laminating a predetermined number of electromagnetic steel plates which have been punched into a predetermined shape; a rotor assembly in which a rotor and bearings and formed by rolling bearings are fitted to a shaft; a printed wiring board which is arranged at an end part of the stator in an axial direction and to which a drive circuit is mounted; a bracket imposed to at least the end part of the stator in the axial direction to which the printed wiring board is arranged; and a conductive sheet provided between the printed wiring board and the bracket.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Oil composition comprising functionalized nanoparticles

Номер: US20120032543A1
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An improved oil composition is disclosed. The oil composition includes a base oil comprising a hydrocarbon, the base oil having a base thermal conductivity. The oil composition also includes a first additive comprising a plurality of derivatized first additive nanoparticles dispersed within the base oil to form a modified oil having a modified thermal conductivity, wherein the modified thermal conductivity is greater than the base thermal conductivity. Alternately, an improved oil composition includes a base oil comprising a hydrocarbon and a first additive comprising a plurality of derivatized first additive nanoparticles dispersed within the base oil to form a modified oil comprising a stabilized suspension of the derivatized first additive nanoparticles in the base oil.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Insulating Y-Points of Three Phase Electric Motors

Номер: US20120093666A1
Автор: John M. Knapp
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for insulating the Y-points of three-phase electric motors commonly used in ESP systems, in which the Y-points are not grounded or tied to a reference voltage, and may consequently experience high voltages. One embodiment is an apparatus for insulating the Y-point of the motor using an electrically insulating enclosure. The enclosure has apertures that extend from a cavity therewithin the to the exterior of the enclosure. The cavity accommodates the Y-point of the motor. The conductors which are connected at the Y-point junction extend from the cavity to the coils of the three-phase motor, and possibly to an instrument package. Seals are formed at the apertures to provide an electrically insulating barrier between the Y-point and the exterior of the enclosure. The cavity may be filled with an insulating material such as potting compound or oil.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Tuned Bearing

Номер: US20120098358A1
Автор: Carlos A. Prieto
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

A bearing assembly for a submersible pump motor has a bearing body, having a hub, an outer portion, and a plurality of wing portions. The wing portions are spaced apart to form a plurality of cavities in the bearing body. A mass damper is mounted to the hub. The mass damper has an upper portion, a lower portion and mass damper prongs connecting the upper and lower portion. The mass damper prongs are disposed in the cavities, and act to reduce the amplitude of the vibrating frequency of the motor shaft.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Pump motor control assembly

Номер: US20120104878A1
Принадлежит: Nidec Motor Corp

A pump motor assembly operable to provide driving power to a fluid pump includes a rotor, a stator, a case housing the rotor and the stator, and a control assembly mounted to the case and operable to control motor operation. The control assembly includes an information display and a cover overlying the display, with a window section in general alignment with the display. The control assembly also includes a filler plate underlying the window section to prevent any air gap along an underside thereof, allowing the display to be visible while reducing the risk of condensation buildup. The control assembly further includes a low voltage housing with the display disposed in a first compartment defined thereby, and a high voltage housing with a high voltage component disposed in a second compartment defined thereby. The low voltage housing includes a thermal and fluid barrier that substantially fluidly separates the first and second compartments to reduce the risk of liquid electrical conduction therebetween and to reduce heat transfer into the low voltage housing.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Spindle motor

Номер: US20120104889A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a spindle motor including: a sleeve including a hollow part having a shaft inserted thereinto and rotatably supporting the shaft; a thrust plate coupled to a lower portion of the shaft in an axial direction to thereby rotate together with the shaft; a cover plate coupled to a lower portion of the sleeve in the axial direction and covering the hollow part; and a step part stepped upwardly from a lower surface of the thrust plate in the axial direction so that the shaft and the thrust plate are easily coupled to each other and having surface roughness greater than that of other portions of the thrust plate.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Stator Manufacturing Method for a Motor and a Stator Manufactured Using the Same

Номер: US20120139387A1

A stator manufacturing method for a motor includes an assembling step coupling a magnetic driving assembly onto an outer circumferential wall of a shaft tube, a mold combining step disposing the shaft tube and the magnetic driving assembly in an intra-cavity of a fixture unit, a glue injecting and forming step injecting a filling glue into the intra-cavity, wherein the filling glue solidifies into a protective glue coating with which the shaft tube and magnetic driving assembly are coated, a mold removing step removing the fixture unit from the shaft tube, magnetic driving assembly and protective glue coating, and a shaft tube seat coupling step providing a shaft tube seat having an engaging portion and coupling the engaging portion with the shaft tube, allowing the shaft tube, the magnetic driving assembly, the protective glue coating and the shaft tube seat to be coupled together to form a stator for the motor.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Electric motor having an end frame

Номер: US20120205999A1
Автор: Philip A. Wilson, JR.
Принадлежит: Individual

An end frame for an electro-dynamic machine. The end frame includes a radial bearing support surface disposed concentrically about the axis and an axial bearing support surface substantially perpendicular to the axis. A base wall is substantially perpendicular to the axis. A first annular wall is disposed concentrically about the axis and extends from the base wall to the axial bearing support surface. A second annular wall is disposed radially outward of the first annular wall and cooperates therewith to define an annular space that extends from the base wall to the axial bearing support surface. A first boundary wall extends across the annular space from the base wall to the axial bearing support surface. A metering wall extends across the annular space a portion of a distance from the base wall to the axial bearing support surface. The base wall, the axial bearing support surface, the first annular wall, the second annular wall, the first boundary wall and the metering wall cooperate to define a first chamber for receiving grease.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Electric motor having an end frame

Номер: US20120206022A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An electro-dynamic machine including a rotor shaft extending along an axis and a bearing rotatably supporting the rotor shaft for rotation about the axis. An inner housing has an outer surface and defines a bearing bore. The bearing bore receives and supports the bearing. An outer housing surrounds the inner housing. A plurality of non-radial ribs extends from the outer housing to the inner housing. The non-radial ribs are coupled to the inner housing substantially tangential to the outer surface.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Connecting Element Between a Motor and a Control Unit

Номер: US20120223604A1

A connecting element between a motor and a control unit includes a flat base plate having electrical bushings and an, in particular centered, opening. The base plate further includes a shaft around the opening. A first seal is provided at the edge of the base plate and a second seal is provided at the upper edge of the shaft.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Electric machine, in particular a canned electric motor

Номер: US20120223605A1
Автор: Ralf Bode
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

An electric machine includes a rotor, a stator housing and a winding assembly surrounding the rotor. The winding assembly is arranged in the stator housing and has an axially extending effective region in which the winding assembly is set up to interact electrodynamically with the rotor. The stator housing has a peripheral opening slot on the side facing the rotor. The opening slot corresponds in its axial extent to the axial extent of the effective region of the winding assembly and in which an electrically non-conductive can of the electric machine is inserted. The can is sealed off with the stator housing in such a manner that the winding assembly is hermetically separated from the rotor. The can extends axially only on the effective region of the winding assembly.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Variable field magnet rotating electrical machine

Номер: US20120229066A1
Автор: Tuyoshi Nonaka
Принадлежит: Yaskawa Electric Corp

A variable field magnet rotating electrical machine includes a stator, a rotor, and a rotary position detector. The stator includes a stator winding coil and a stator iron core. The rotor includes a field magnet, a first field magnetic pole portion, and a second field magnetic pole portion. The first field magnetic pole portion is configured to turn relative to the second field magnetic pole portion. The first and second field magnetic pole portions include signal generators each configured to generate a signal to detect a rotary position of a corresponding one of the first and second field magnetic pole portions. The rotary position detector is configured to detect a rotary position of the rotor.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Food waste disposer with self-compensating bearing assembly

Номер: US20120234950A1

A food waste disposer system, including a food conveying section and a motor section. A grinding section is coupled between the food conveying section and the motor section. The motor section includes an electric motor having a rotor. The rotor has a rotor shaft entrained in at least one self-compensating bearing assembly. In an aspect, the self-compensating bearing assembly has a split spherical bearing and a compressive bearing pocket.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Fan and motor thereof

Номер: US20120235526A1
Автор: Chih-Hui WU
Принадлежит: Delta Electronics Inc

A motor includes a base, a bushing, a bearing structure, a stator structure, a rotor structure and a magnetic element. The base has a supporting platform. The bushing is connected with the base. The bearing structure is disposed in the bushing. The bushing is threaded through the stator structure. The rotor structure has a shaft, and the shaft threads through the bearing structure. The magnetic element corresponds to the shaft and is disposed on the supporting platform, and the magnetic element magnetically interacts with the shaft. A fan equipped with the motor is also disclosed.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Electrical drive unit for a motor vehicle

Номер: US20120242197A1
Принадлежит: Schaeffler Technologies AG and Co KG

An electrical drive unit for a motor vehicle, with the drive unit including a wheel-hub drive that drives a vehicle wheel and that is arranged on the vehicle wheel by a wheel bearing, the wheel-hub drive having a rotor and a stator. According to the invention, a sealing device is provided between the rotor and the stator, and/or between the rotor and a component adjacent to the rotor, and/or between the stator and a component adjacent to the stator. A sealing surface of the sealing device is arranged on a radius with the center point around a virtual tilt axis of the wheel bearing, or substantially along a tangent to the radius.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Fluid dynamic bearing device

Номер: US20120243813A1
Принадлежит: NTN Corp

Provided is a fluid dynamic bearing device which has excellent moment rigidity and an improved working efficiency in assembling and parts control, and in which a bearing sleeve can be easily manufactured. A plurality of bearing sleeves are axially disposed in the fluid dynamic bearing device. The bearing sleeves ( 3, 4 ) are formed with different axial lengths from each other.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Resolver of electric driving motor for vehicle

Номер: US20120262015A1
Принадлежит: Daesung Electric Co Ltd

The present invention relates to a resolver of an electric driving motor for vehicle which comprises a rotor, a stator comprising a stator main body which encircles the rotor and teeth which extend from the stator main body to be wound by a coil, a terminal module comprising a terminal end which contacts the coil for an electric connection and a terminal main body which supports the terminal end, and a connector module comprising a connector main body which is detachably coupled to the terminal main body and a lead line which is connected to an outer device and supported by the connector main body and which contacts the terminal end for an electric connection if the connector main body is coupled to the terminal main body, thus simplifying manufacturing process and repairing process and reducing cost.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Electric Motor Construction

Номер: US20120275942A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for constructing electric motors in which a stator core includes inner and outer portions that enable slots for magnet windings to be open during construction and closed in the completed motor. One embodiment comprises a method in which an inner stator core having a plurality of slots is formed by stacking a set of laminations. The slots are open radially outward from an axis of the inner stator core and which are configured to accommodate turns of magnet wire. After the magnet wire is positioned in the open slots, an outer stator core comprising stacked laminations is positioned around the inner stator core, enclosing the slots. The inner and outer stator cores are then positioned within a housing and assembled into a downhole motor.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Spindle motor

Номер: US20130009500A1
Автор: Dong Hyun Lee
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a spindle motor including: a sleeve including a shaft rotatably mounted therein and a circulation hole formed therein; and a cover member mounted on a lower end portion of the sleeve and including an opening/closing part opening and closing the circulation hole.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Method of Securing a Sealing Device to a Housing with a Limited Bore Diameter

Номер: US20130033139A1

An apparatus including a seal and a grounding ring along with methods for securing such an apparatus to the housing of a motor. The apparatus comprises an electrically conductive stator including a groove formed in a face thereof. A rotor mates with the stator, wherein the rotor includes a seal groove formed around an inner radius thereof and further comprising a rotor seal disposed in the seal groove. A seal ring is interposed between the stator and the rotor. The stator engages the seal ring around an inner circumference of the seal ring and the rotor engages the seal ring around an outer circumference of the seal ring. A grounding ring is interposed between the stator and the rotor, wherein the grounding ring is electrically coupled to the stator. An electrically conductive adhesive is included for application into the groove and onto the face.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Electric pump

Номер: US20130034455A1
Принадлежит: Aisan Industry Co Ltd

An electric pump may comprise a motor, an impeller driven by the motor, and a casing comprising a pump chamber that accommodates the impeller. The motor and the pump chamber may be disposed along a rotational axis of the impeller. The casing may comprise an intake port extending in a direction parallel to the rotational axis of the impeller and a discharge port extending in a direction perpendicular to the rotational axis of the impeller. The motor may have an oblong cross section that is perpendicular to the rotational axis of the impeller.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130076201A1

A drum motor has a drum motor shell having a hollow space therein, a rotor and a stator, and bearing journals in the drum motor shell, the rotor and the stator being mechanically coupled to the drum motor shell and the bearing journals in such a way that relative rotation between the rotor and the stator causes relative rotation between the drum motor shell, and the bearing journals. The drum motor shell has at least one torque transfer section in which the outer surface of the drum motor shell is polygonal in cross-section. The sprocket has a polygonal, preferably hexagonal inner recess. 1. A drum motor for driving a conveyor belt , in particular a modular belt in hygienic surroundings involving exposure to splash water and pressurized water , comprising:a drum motor shell having a hollow space therein,motor components arranged in said hollow space, namely a rotor and a stator,a first bearing journal arranged at a first end of the drum motor shell, anda second bearing journal arranged at a second end of the drum motor shell,the rotor and the stator being mechanically coupled to the drum motor shell and to the first and second bearing journals in such a way that relative rotation between the rotor and stator causes relative rotation between the drum motor shell, for the one part, and the first and second bearing journals, for the other part,the drum motor shell having at least one torque transfer section in which the outer surface of the drum motor shell is polygonal in cross-section,{'b': '110', 'characterized in that the inner surface of the drum motor shell () in the torque transfer section is polygonal in cross-section.'}2. The drum motor according to claim 1 ,characterized in that the inner surface of the drum motor shell in the torque transfer section is parallel to the outer surface of the drum motor shell.3. The drum motor according to claim 1 ,characterized in that at least one of the outer surface of the drum motor shell in the torque transfer section and ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130082578A1
Автор: Winkler Gunther
Принадлежит: Siemens Aktiengesellschft

A dynamo-electric machine, in particular a multi-pole dynamo-electric machine includes a shaft and an integrated fan which is connected to the shaft by a friction-wheel planetary gear. The friction-wheel planetary gear has first and second rolling bearings, with the first rolling bearing having an outer ring mounted in the hub of the fan, and the second rolling bearing having an outer ring which is press-fitted in the hub of the fan. Arranged between the first and second rolling bearings is a driving bush for transmitting a rotational speed of the shaft onto balls of the second bearing to thereby increase a rotational speed of the fan by a predefined factor compared to the rotational speed of the shaft. 15-. (canceled)6. A dynamoelectric machine , in particular a multipole dynamoelectric machine , comprising:a shaft;an integrated fan having a hub;a friction-wheel planetary gear connecting the fan to the shaft, said friction-wheel planetary gear having first and second rolling bearings, said first rolling bearing having an outer ring mounted in the hub of the fan, and said second rolling bearing having an outer ring which is press-fitted in the hub of the fan; anda driving bush arranged between the first and second rolling bearings for transmitting a rotational speed of the shaft onto balls of the second bearing to thereby increase a rotational speed of the fan by a predefined factor compared to the rotational speed of the shaft.7. The dynamoelectric machine of claim 6 , wherein the first and second rolling bearings have different diameters.8. The dynamoelectric machine of claim 6 , wherein the friction-wheel planetary gear is arranged in the hub of the fan. The invention relates to a dynamoelectric machine having an integrated fan on a shaft.In dynamoelectric machines, electric motors and generators having integral ventilation the rotational speed of a rotor and of the fan integrated on a shaft and co-rotationally connected to the shaft are the determining variable ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Fluid-sealing electric motor connector and motor

Номер: US20130088106A1

The invention relates to a fluid-sealing electric motor connector ( 1 ) for a housing ( 70 ) of an electric motor ( 7 ), in particular an electric motor ( 7 ) of an engine cooling fan or of an ABS/ESP system of a motor vehicle, comprising a connector housing ( 10 ), which can be attached to the housing ( 70 ) and by means of which at least one electrical line ( 80 ) can be connected to the electric motor so as to be fluid-sealed to the electric motor ( 7 ), wherein the connector housing ( 10 ) can be fastened to the housing ( 70 ) by means of a locking spring ( 50 ) or a catch mechanism, wherein the fluid-sealing electric motor connector ( 1 ) can be fastened to the housing ( 70 ) in an easily detachable manner. The invention further relates to a motor, in particular an electric motor ( 7 ) for an engine cooling fan or an ABS/ESP system of a motor vehicle, or a completed electrical cable ( 8 ) for a motor ( 7 ), in particular an electric motor ( 7 ), wherein the motor ( 7 ) or the completed electrical cable ( 8 ) has a fluid-sealing electric motor connector ( 1 ) according to the invention.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130093267A1

The invention relates to a drive unit () for a windscreen wiper device in a vehicle with a multiple-section housing () with a drive motor (), more particularly connected to the housing (), which is at least indirectly controllable by means of conductor leads (), more particularly in the form of punched components, whereby the conductor leads () end in a plug connection () of the housing () via which the drive motor () is externally electrically powered, whereby the housing (), at least in the housing section (to ) accommodating the conductor leads () is designed as an injection moulded component, in which the conductor leads () are at least partially overmoulded with the material of the housing section (to ). In accordance with the invention it is envisaged that the conductor rods () are also arranged in a sealed manner on the inside of the housing () so that the penetration of moisture into at least the section of the inside of the housing () overmoulded by the material of the housing section (to ) is prevented. 1. A drive unit for a windscreen wiper device in a vehicle with a multiple-section housing with a drive motor connected to the housing , wherein the drive motor is at least indirectly controllable by means of conductor leads in the form of punched components , whereby the conductor leads end in a plug connection of the housing via which the drive motor is externally electrically powered , whereby the housing , at least in the housing section accommodating the conductor leads is designed as an injection moulded component , in which the conductor leads are at least partially overmoulded with a material of the housing section , wherein the conductor rods are also arranged in a sealed manner on the inside of the housing so that the penetration of moisture into at least a section of an inside of the housing overmoulded by the material of the housing section is prevented.2. The drive unit in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the conductor leads have additional ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102163A1

With the present invention, actuators known from the prior art are supposed to be developed further. 1. A locking device for a motor vehicle , comprising an actuator or actu-ating element with at least one electrically movable locking bar for locking a first component , which has a first housing wall , namely an electric charging socket for an electric vehicle , with a second component with a second housing wall , namely a charging plug for an electric vehicle , the second housing wall being pushed into an opening of the first housing wall , the actuator with the locking bar being attached to the housing wall of the first component , the locking bar , for locking , being capable of being pushed by the actuator through a hole in the first housing wall , into a hole or a recess in the second housing wall , the actuator comprising a rotatably mounted lever with which the locking bar can be mechanically moved , manually actuated by a rotary movement , out of its locking position into its non-locking initial position , the locking bar being connected to a ramp with which a sensor can be actuated , with a latching mechanism , in particular a latching lug , being provided for latching the locking bar in its initial position and in its locking position , and with an elastic constricted portion and a bolt of the locking bar , which is moved through the constricted portion when the locking bar comes from the initial position into the locking position or vice versa , with a sealing sleeve resting against the housing of the actuator and against the locking bar the housing of the actuator moreover being sealed in a dust-tight and moisture-tight manner , the sealing sleeve being pressed against the wall of the second component through which the locking bar extends in its locking position , the space of the second component into which the locking bar extends in its locking position being sealed in a dust-tight and moisture-tight manner or configured to be capable of being sealed ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Electrical Machine for Submerged Application and Energy Conversion System

Номер: US20130106111A1
Принадлежит: SMARTMOTOR AS

The invention relates to an electrical machine for submerged applications and an energy conversion system for conversion of mechanical energy of unidirectional or reciprocating linear or rotational motion into electric energy and vice versa. The electric energy may be in the form of DC or AC current and voltage. The system is totally submerged in pure or salt water. The enabling element of the invention is multi-pole permanent magnet synchronous machine with separately encapsulated stator and rotor, integrated with mechanical system and power electronics. 124-. (canceled)25202132332227262132332522232122. An electrical machine () for submerged applications , comprising a stator () including a complete laminated core () and winding () providing a multiple-phase AC output voltage , and a rotor () consisting of rotor back iron () and permanent magnets () , characterized in that the stator () , including both laminated core () an windings () , is encapsulated in composites () or a polymer and the rotor () is either encapsulated in composites or a polymer or protected by other means , and a gap () between the stator () and the rotor () is open to surrounding fluid.2620. The electrical machine according to claim 25 , wherein the electrical machine () is a low-speed high-torque machine claim 25 , such as a multi-pole synchronous machine with permanent magnets.2721323325. The electrical machine according to claim 25 , wherein the stator () is made only of laminations () claim 25 , winding () and a polymer or composites ().2821. The electrical machine according to claim 25 , wherein the stator () is molded claim 25 , solid and fully encapsulated claim 25 , with no air or fluid within the encapsulation.292122. The electrical machine according to claim 25 , wherein the encapsulation of the stator () or rotor () is made by employing a vacuum process.302122. The electrical machine according to claim 25 , wherein the encapsulation of the stator () or rotor () is made by employing ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130106211A1
Автор: Holzner Andreas

Electrical machine rotors (R) suited for synchronous motors of electric vehicle drives. A rotor (R) includes a rotor shaft (), a sheet stack (), windings, and a restraining system () with support elements. The support elements of the restraining system include support rings () to protect winding heads () projecting from the sheet stack () in the axial direction against radial stresses. The elements of the restraining system () protecting the winding heads () from stresses also include axially inner end caps () configured as supports for the finished winding heads () in the operating state, and as guides and supports during the winding of the pole windings of the rotor (R) about the axial edge of the sheet stack (). The axially outer support rings () cooperate with the axially inner end caps () so that the support rings () may absorb centrifugal forces acting on winding heads () end caps (). 133-. (canceled)34. An electrical machine rotor comprising:a rotor shaft, said shaft having an axis;a sheet stack disposed on said rotor shaft, said sheet stack having an axial end;a plurality of windings in said sheet stack, said windings having respective end portions projecting from said sheet stack in the axial direction;a restraining assembly configured to protect said winding respective end portions from stresses;said restraining assembly including axially-inner end caps on said end of said sheet stack, said end caps serving as respective geometric guides around axial edges of said sheet stack for respective ones of said windings;and,said restraining assembly including an axially-outer support ring operatively connected with said axially-inner end caps to absorb the centrifugal forces exerted in said end caps by said windings end portions.35. An electrical machine rotor as claimed in claim 34 , further comprising:clamping screws connecting said end caps and said support ring to said sheet stack with a predetermined pretension to form an assembled compact rotor stack; and, ...

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Motor-driven compressor

Номер: US20130108485A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Industries Corp

A motor-driven compressor includes a compression mechanism compressing refrigerant gas, an electric motor driving the compression mechanism, a housing made of a thermally conductive material and accommodating the compression mechanism and the electric motor and an inverter assembly controlling rotation of the electric motor. The inverter assembly includes an elastic member made of a thermally conductive material and disposed in contact with the housing, a circuit board supported directly by the elastic member, an electronic part mounted on the circuit board and a base member made of a thermally conductive material, fixed to the housing and having a closed end. The base member fixes the electronic part. The base member and the housing cooperate to form an accommodation space that accommodates the elastic member, the circuit board and the electronic part. The closed end of the base member and the elastic member forms therebetween a space.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Housing for an Electric Circuit for a Fuel Pump

Номер: US20130114221A1
Автор: Rolf Graf
Принадлежит: Continental Automotive GmbH

A housing for an electronic circuit for a fuel pump includes a base and a cover which is connected to the base, a printed circuit board and, disposed on one side of the latter, electric and/or electronic components. Disposed on the side of the printed circuit board on which the components are disposed is a self-contained metal strip. The components are arranged in the region surrounded by the strip. A cover is soldered to the self-contained strip in such a way that the printed circuit board forms a base, the cover forms a housing, and the printed circuit board has at least one blocking layer.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119796A1
Автор: Maeda Shinsaku
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

To include a stator, a rotor that is arranged within the stator, a frame that encloses the stator and the rotor, a pair of bearings that respectively support a driving side and a driven side of a rotary shaft, and a fan that is mounted on the rotary shaft. A plurality of blades that extend in a radial direction of the rotor and are provided to stand at a substantially equal interval in a rotation direction of the rotor are formed in the fan. A cross section of each of the blades in a direction perpendicular to the rotor has an elliptical shape extending in the radial direction, and the cross section widens toward a side of the fan. 16-. (canceled)7. A rotary electric machine comprising:a stator;a rotor that is arranged within the stator;a frame that encloses the stator and the rotor;a pair of bearings that respectively support a driving side and a driven side of a rotary shaft; anda fan that is installed on inside of the rotary electric machine, that is mounted on the rotary shaft, and that stirs air in the inside of the rotary electric machine, whereina plurality of blades that extend in a radial direction of the rotor and that are provided to stand at a substantially equal interval in a rotation direction of the rotor are formed in the fan, andeach of the blades is provided between a disk-shaped main plate that is formed with a through hole through which the rotary shaft is inserted and a ring that holds an end opposite to the main plate of the blade, and each of the blades has an elliptical shape extending in a direction from the through hole to an outer periphery of the main plate, and widens from the ring toward the main plate.8. The rotary electric machine according to claim 7 , whereina surface shape of each of the blades does not have a straight portion, anda radius of curvature of the surface shape becomes larger from a first top in the rotation direction toward a second top in a center direction of the fan.9. The rotary electric machine according to claim ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130119800A1
Принадлежит: ROLLS-ROYCE PLC

A dynamo-electric machine, for example a marine propulsion unit, includes a stator and a rotor in the form of an impeller. The impeller is rim-driven and includes an annular core of ferromagnetic material, on which are provided layers in the form of an environmental enclosure and electrically conductive sleeves. Appropriate selection of the materials and thicknesses of the layers enables the starting and normal running performance of the machine to be optimised. 115-. (canceled)16. A dynamo-electric machine comprising a rotor which is rotatable within a stator provided with stator windings , the rotor comprising an annular core of ferromagnetic material provided with external circumferential layers , the layers comprising an environmental enclosure and at least one sleeve of electrically conductive material disposed between the rotor core and the environmental enclosurewherein:the environmental enclosure is made from an electrically conductive material and the electrical resistance of the environmental enclosure is higher than that of the or each sleeve.17. A machine as claimed in claim 16 , in which the annular core is provided with circumferentially distributed electrically conductive rotor bars.18. A machine as claimed in claim 16 , in which the annular core is provided with circumferentially distributed permanent magnets.19. A machine as claimed in claim 16 , in which the sleeve claim 16 , or at least one of the sleeves claim 16 , is provided with apertures.20. A machine as claimed in claim 19 , in which the apertures define circumferentially distributed bars extending longitudinally of the respective sleeve.21. A machine as claimed in claim 16 , in which the layers comprise at least two sleeves.22. A machine as claimed in claim 16 , in which the layers are of progressively reducing electrical resistance in the radially inwards direction.23. A machine as claimed in claim 22 , in which the difference in electrical resistance between the layers results from ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Canned motor for reducing cogging torque

Номер: US20130119818A1

Disclosed is a canned motor for restraining a cogging torque from being generated by inserting magnetic metal pins into slot openings of a stator, thereby reducing noise and vibrations during an operation of the canned motor. The canned motor includes: a can inserted into a housing to seal a coil mounted within the housing; and a stator installed on an outer peripheral surface of the can and inserted along an inner peripheral surface of the housing. A plurality of fixing guides protrude from an outer peripheral surface of the can and metal pins are inserted into the fixing guides to be integral with the fixing guide, such that the metal pins are inserted into and attached to slot openings of the stator when inserted into the stator.

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127275A1

An axial flux electric motor is disclosed. The motor includes a rotor having a first rotor face, a second rotor face, a primary bearing locator on the first rotor face and one or more permanent magnets mounted to the first rotor face. Also included is a stator having a first stator face, a second stator face, a secondary bearing locator on the first stator face, a stator winding having one or more conductors and a connector for connection of the stator winding to a power source. A bearing assembly is also provided and positioned between the first face of the rotor and the first face of the stator for rotationally supporting movement of the rotor relative to the stator, the bearing assembly axially displacing the rotor from the stator to provide an air gap therebetween. The bearing assembly is engaged by the primary and secondary bearing locators to correctly position the bearing assembly. 1. An axial flux electric motor comprising:a rotor having a first rotor face, a second rotor face, a primary bearing locator on the first rotor face, and one or more permanent magnets mounted to the first rotor face;a stator having a first stator face, a second stator face, and a secondary bearing locator on the first stator face.;a bearing assembly positioned between the first rotor face of the rotor and the first stator face of the stator for rotationally supporting movement of the rotor relative to the stator, the bearing assembly axially displacing the rotor from the stator to provide an air gap therebetween;wherein the bearing assembly is engaged by the primary and secondary bearing locators to correctly position the bearing assembly.2. The axial flux electric motor of claim 1 , wherein the bearing assembly is ring shaped having an outer ring and an inner ring; the primary bearing locator positioned on the rotor to engage the outer ring of the bearing assembly to correctly position the bearing assembly with respect to the rotor; and the secondary bearing locator positioned on ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130127303A1
Автор: MATSUMOTO Hiroshi
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A cooling structure for a brushless motor, which includes a stator, a rotor, and a motor shaft arranged integrally with the rotor. The stator includes a stator core including an inner circumferential surface, a cylindrical portion including first and second end surfaces adjacent to the inner circumferential surface, and teeth projecting from the inner circumferential surface. An insulator covers the inner circumferential surface, the first and second end surfaces, and the teeth. A coil is wound around each tooth that is covered by the insulator. The cooling structure includes a cooling fan coupled to one end of the motor shaft and arranged closer to the second end surface than the first end surface. At least one ventilation recess is arranged between two adjacent ones of the teeth in the circumferential direction in a portion of the insulator that covers the first end surface. 1. A cooling structure for a brushless motor , wherein the brushless motor includes a stator , a rotor rotated in the stator , and a motor shaft arranged integrally with the rotor , the stator includes a stator core including an inner circumferential surface , a cylindrical portion including first and second end surfaces , which are adjacent to the inner circumferential surface , a plurality of teeth projecting from the inner circumferential surface , an insulator that covers the inner circumferential surface , the first and second end surfaces , and the teeth , and a coil wound around each tooth that is covered by the insulator , the cooling structure comprising:a cooling fan coupled to one end of the motor shaft and arranged closer to the second end surface than the first end surface; andat least one ventilation recess arranged between two adjacent ones of the teeth in the circumferential direction in a portion of the insulator that covers the first end surface.2. The cooling structure according to claim 1 , further comprising at least one ventilation groove extending in an axial direction ...

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Spindle motor and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20130134812A1
Автор: Young Ha Park
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a spindle motor including: a shaft connected directly or indirectly to a base member and having a depression groove formed in a central portion of an outer peripheral surface thereof; a sleeve rotatably installed on the shaft and having a communication hole formed so as to be connected to the depression groove; and a rotor hub fixedly installed on the sleeve to thereby rotate together therewith, wherein the communication hole is inclined so that lubricating fluid may be easily injected into the depression groove, and the sleeve has a fluid storage part formed on an outer peripheral surface thereof, the fluid storage part being connected to the communication hole and temporarily storing the lubricating fluid therein.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130134841A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Provided is a motor for electric power steering, which prevents a foreign substance from entering the interior of a controller. The motor for electric power steering includes a resolver structure provided between a housing for separating the controller and a resolver from each other and an insulator opposed to the housing so as to surround a fixing portion for fixing base end portions of terminals electrically connected to distal end portions of conductors of coils, the resolver structure preventing a foreign substance from passing between the housing and the insulator to enter the interior of the controller. 1. A motor for electric power steering , comprising:a motor main body for outputting an assist torque to a steering wheel of a vehicle;a resolver provided to one end portion of a shaft of the motor main body, for detecting a rotational position of a rotor provided to another end portion of the shaft;a controller provided between the resolver and the motor main body so as to be shielded from the resolver, for controlling supply of a current from a battery mounted in the vehicle to the motor main body so as to control driving of the motor main body; andterminals for electrically connecting the resolver and the controller, for transmitting an output voltage from the resolver to the controller,the resolver including a stator core having teeth, an insulator covering the stator core, and coils wound around the teeth through the insulator,wherein the motor for electric power steering includes sealing means provided between the housing for separating the controller and the resolver from each other and the insulator opposed to the housing so as to surround a fixing portion for fixing base end portions of the terminals electrically connected to distal end portions of conductors of the coils, for preventing a foreign substance from entering interior of the controller.2. A motor for electric power steering motor according to claim 1 , wherein the insulator and the fixing ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Explosion-proof, compound electric motor

Номер: US20130140929A1
Принадлежит: Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd

Provided is a combined explosion-proof electromotor, which includes a body in which an interior space is formed and whose one end is open in an axial direction, a terminal box whose one end is open in the axial direction so as to face the open end of the body and in which a space is formed to hold terminal cables extending from the outside, and a middle plate that is disposed between the opposing ends of the body and the terminal box which are connected by separate fastening means and that includes terminal insertion holes through which ends of the terminal cables are inserted into the body.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147311A1

A direct current motor has a wound stator, a permanent magnet rotor having a commutator assembly, and brush gear. The brush gear has a first pole brush, a second pole brush and a plurality of commutating brushes. The commutator assembly has a cylindrical insulating base, and first and second members fixed to the base. The first member includes a radially extending first slip ring and a number of axially extending first bars. The second member includes a radially extending second slip ring and a number of axially extending second bars. The first and second pole brushes make continuous sliding contact with the first and second slip rings respectively. The first and second bars are fixed to the outer cylindrical surface of the base and form a cylindrical surface against which the commutating brushes make sliding contact. 1. A direct current motor , comprising:a rotor comprising: a shaft, a rotor core fixed to the shaft, a plurality of permanent magnets fixed to the rotor core, and a commutator;a stator comprising a stator core surrounding the rotor core, and a plurality of coils wound on the stator core; andbrush gear comprising a plurality of commutating brushes connected to corresponding coils, a first pole brush, and a second pole brush;wherein the commutator comprises a substantially cylindrical insulating base fixed to the shaft, a first member fixed to the base, and a second member fixed to the base and insulated from the first member;the first member comprises a first slip ring extending radially and a plurality of first bars electrically connected to the first slip ring, the first pole brush making continuously sliding contact with the first slip ring;the second member comprises a second slip ring extending radially and a plurality of second bars electrically connected to the second slip ring, the second pole brush making continuously sliding contact with the second slip ring; andthe first bars and the second bars are fixed to the outer surface of the base and ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147402A1

There is provided a driving control device of an opening and closing body, which drives the opening and closing body in a closed state by a motor through an idling section thereof. The device includes a calculation section for calculating a rotation speed difference between a rotation speed of the motor in the idling section and a current rotation speed of the motor; and an insertion detection section for detecting insertion of a foreign member based on the calculated rotation speed difference and a predetermined threshold value. The threshold value monotonously decreases according to an increase in the rotation amount of the motor to coincide with a fully-closed state threshold value at a predetermined rotation amount of the motor within an error range of the rotation amount corresponding to the fully-closed state, and to maintain the fully-closed state threshold value to a maximum rotation amount in the error range. 1. A driving control device of a opening and closing body for a vehicle , the driving control device configured to drive the opening and closing body into a closed state by driving force of a motor through an idling section of the motor , and stop a closing driving of the opening and closing body in response to a fully-closed state detection section detecting a fully-closed state of the opening and closing body , the driving control device comprising:a rotation detection section configured to detect a rotation amount and a rotation speed of the motor;a calculation section configured to calculate a rotation speed difference which is a deviation between the rotation speed of the motor detected in the idling section and a current rotation speed of the motor detected thereafter; andan insertion detection section configured to detect insertion of a foreign member if the calculated rotation speed difference becomes lower than a predetermined threshold value,wherein the threshold value is set to monotonously decrease according to an increase in the rotation ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Involute Jet Pump

Номер: US20130149175A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An involute jet pump includes a spiral blade, a permanent magnet cylinder rotor having a plurality of magnetic poles and a stator armature. The rotor is a hollow ring body and fastened at an outside of the spiral blade. Magnetic fields of adjoined magnetic poles are different. The stator armature is disposed at an outside of the rotor. The stator coil has rotating magnetic field after electrifying, and the magnetic field of the stator can be electrically modulated. The rotor drives the spiral blade for rotating due to modulated rotating magnetic field of the stator. The rotor embedded with the spiral blade is placed inside the stator armature. The whole volume of the involute jet pump can be effectively reduced. A magnetic field induction generated between the rotor and the stator drives the rotor embedded with the spiral blade for rotating.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154402A1

The invention relates to an actuating drive for a motor vehicle. It is an object of the invention to provide a further developed actuating drive. It is sought in particular for the actuating drive, in one embodiment, to have a small installation space and/or to be protected against the infiltration of dust and moisture. To achieve the object, the actuating drive comprises a drive, for example an electric motor for a drive wheel with an internal thread. The external thread of a spindle extends into the internal thread. By correspondingly rotating the wheel, an end of the spindle can be moved out of a housing of the actuating drive proceeding from a retracted state. Proceeding from the deployed state, the end of the spindle can be moved in the direction of the housing by correspondingly rotating the wheel in the opposite direction. Furthermore, in one embodiment, the actuating drive comprises an emergency unlocking device. 1. An actuator , comprisinga locking bar that can be retracted and extended by means of a spindle,an electric drive unit for retracting and extending the locking bar,a dust-tight and moisture-tight inner space in which the drive unit is located,with a manually actuatable emergency release device comprising a lever and an extension arm connected with the locking bar, anda guide channel for the lever disposed outside of the inner space,the lever comprising a bolt which can be partially pushed through a stationarily disposed sealing ring in order to then arrive in an inner space sealed in a dust-tight and moisture-tight manner,with a sealing ring, which is disposed in a groove and extends peripherally around the locking bar, for a tight connection between the actuator and the component connected to the actuator,the sealing ring being inserted into a peripherally extending groove of the housing of the actuator,with a dust-tight and moisture-tight housing,a single-walled wall portion of the housing being formed by a membrane consisting of a flexible ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Housing of a driving device

Номер: US20130154413A1
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

A housing of a driving device, in particular an electric motor adjustment drive for a motor vehicle, has a housing opening, which is covered by a gas-permeable membrane, in particular a membrane that is impermeable to liquid. The housing opening is surrounded by a collar contour, which is interrupted locally at the circumference and within which the membrane lies.

20-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130154417A1
Автор: HAN Hoon Hee

There is provided a spindle motor, including: a shaft directly or indirectly fixed to a base; a rotor hub rotatably disposed via oil while maintaining a bearing gap from the shaft and including a communicating part in communication with the outside so that a fluid-air interface is formed between the rotor hub and the shaft; and a compensating part formed by allowing a predetermined area of the rotor hub to be depressed so as to compensate for mass unbalance of the rotor hub due to the communicating part. 1. A spindle motor , comprising:a shaft directly or indirectly fixed to a base;a rotor hub rotatably disposed via oil while maintaining a bearing gap from the shaft and including a communicating part in communication with the outside so that a fluid-air interface is formed between the rotor hub and the shaft; anda compensating part formed by allowing a predetermined area of the rotor hub to be depressed so as to compensate for mass unbalance of the rotor hub due to the communicating part.2. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein the compensating part is symmetrically formed with regard to the communicating part claim 1 , based on a rotational center of the rotor hub.3. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein the compensating part and the communicating part have the same volume.4. The spindle motor of claim 1 , further comprising an upper thrust part and a lower thrust part fixed to the shaft and allowing the fluid-air interface to be formed.5. The spindle motor of claim 4 , wherein the fluid-air interface formed in the upper thrust part is formed between the upper thrust part and a seal part coupled to the rotor hub.6. The spindle motor of claim 5 , wherein one surface of the seal part is inclined downwardly in an inner radial direction so as to form the fluid-air interface together with the upper thrust part.7. The spindle motor of claim 4 , wherein the compensating part is formed outwardly of at least one of the upper thrust part and the lower thrust part in a ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Spindle motor

Номер: US20130162079A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a spindle motor. In the spindle motor according to the present invention, a thrust part is disposed at a lower portion of a shaft, and a support part surface-contacting a lower end of the shaft is formed at the thrust part so as to have a round shape, thereby making it possible to easily prevent a wobble phenomenon of a rotor due to a gap in a shaft system. In addition, a guide part is formed to be protruded at the thrust part to lock the shaft including a narrow part formed therein, thereby making it possible to easily prevent floating of the rotor.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130162111A1
Автор: Kim Yong Sik

Disclosed herein is a spindle motor, including: a shaft forming the center of rotation of a rotor; a sleeve receiving the shaft therein and rotatably supporting the shaft; a base coupled to an outer side surface of the sleeve so as to support the sleeve; and a conductive adhesive applied to a coupled surface between the sleeve and the base. According to the present invention, the conductive adhesive is used at the time of adhering between the sleeve and the base of the spindle motor, thereby making it possible to discharge excessive electric charges generated at the time of driving the spindle motor to the outside through the base. 1. A spindle motor comprising:a shaft forming the center of rotation of a rotor;a sleeve receiving the shaft therein and rotatably supporting the shaft;a base coupled to an outer side surface of the sleeve so as to support the sleeve; anda conductive adhesive applied to a coupled surface between the sleeve and the base.2. The spindle motor as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the conductive adhesive is an anisotropic conductive film (ACF) applied in a solution state.3. The spindle motor as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the ACF is applied to the coupled surface between the sleeve and the base to bond therebetween by a thermo-compression method.4. The spindle motor as set forth in claim 3 , wherein the thermo-compression method is performed in a range of 250 to 300° C.5. The spindle motor as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the ACF is applied to the coupled surface between the sleeve and the base and has a vertical ultrasonic wave applied thereto claim 2 , such that heat is spontaneously generated claim 2 , thereby bonding between the sleeve and the base.6. The spindle motor as set forth in claim 2 , wherein the ACF in the solution state is applied to a bonded surface of the sleeve or the base in a dispensing or spray scheme. This application claims the benefit of Korean Patent Application No. 10-2011-0140918, filed on Dec. 23, 2011, entitled “ ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169090A1
Автор: KUSUNOKI Tokuro

A brush motor includes a case, a rotor containing a wiring portion wound around an iron core fixed to a shaft, a bearing making a sliding contact with the shaft to support the shaft, and a holder holding the bearing. The holder is made of resin, and includes a central portion with a cylindrical shape, containing an inner circumferential side into which the bearing is inserted, and a top portion protruding from an opening formed in the case; and an outer circumferential portion shielding the inner surface side of the exterior case and the winding portion. Thereby, the reliability of the motor can be improved. 1. A motor comprising an exterior case , a rotor including a wiring portion wound around an iron core fixed to a rotating shaft , a bearing in a sliding contact with the rotating shaft to support the rotating shaft , and a bearing holder made of resin and arranged at one side of the rotating shaft and holding the bearing , whereinthe bearing holder comprises a central portion with a cylindrical shape, including a top portion protruding from an opening formed in the exterior case, and an inner circumferential side into which the bearing is inserted; and an outer circumferential portion shielding an inner surface side of the exterior case and the winding portion.2. The motor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a plurality of oil sump portions are provided on the inner circumferential side of the central portion of the bearing holder.3. The motor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a positioning projection is provided on either one of the outer circumferential portion of the bearing holder and the exterior case claim 1 , the positioning projection being fit with a hole formed on another one of the outer circumferential portion of the bearing holder and the exterior case so as to perform a positioning of the bearing holder with respect to the exterior case.4. The motor as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a plurality of projecting abutting portions abutting against the inner ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169197A1
Принадлежит: MOTOTECH. CO. LTD.

Disclosed is a system for controlling a power trunk in a trunk-equipped vehicle, including: a motor configured to transfer power to the trunk to drive the trunk; a velocity sensing unit configured to sense a velocity of the motor; a control unit configured to compute a current trunk position and an operational velocity based on information on the velocity of the motor sensed by the velocity sensing unit and control the motor based on the computed position and the operational velocity, wherein a predetermined target velocity and the operational velocity are compared, and a difference between the target velocity and the operational velocity is compensated using a proportional integral derivative (PID) control scheme. It is possible to constantly control an open/close velocity of a power trunk regardless of a change of external environments when a power trunk is opened or closed in a vehicle having a power trunk system. 1. A system for controlling a power trunk in a trunk-equipped vehicle , comprising:a motor configured to transfer power to the trunk and drive the trunk;a velocity sensing unit configured to sense a velocity of the motor;a control unit configured to compute a current trunk position and an operational velocity based on information on the velocity of the motor sensed by the velocity sensing unit and control the motor based on the computed position and the computed operational velocity,wherein a predetermined target velocity and the operational velocity are compared, and a difference between the target velocity and the operational velocity is compensated using a proportional integral derivative (PID) control scheme.2. The system according to claim 1 , wherein the velocity sensing unit is a Hall sensor.3. The system according to claim 2 , wherein the control unit controls the motor such that a revolution per minute (RPM) of the motor measured using the Hall sensor and an RPM of the target velocity are compared claim 2 , and a difference between the RPM of ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Electric motor with a power output stage and with efficient heat transport and method

Номер: US20130187490A1

The invention relates to an electric motor, in particular an electronically commutated electric motor. The electric motor has a stator, a rotor and a housing, which accommodates at least the stator and the rotor in a cavity. The electric motor also has a power output stage, which is connected to the stator and is designed to energize the stator in order to induce a rotating magnetic field. The power output stage has at least one power semiconductor with a thermal contact area, wherein the thermal contact area is thermally conductively connected to the housing, with the result that heat generated in the power semiconductor can be dissipated to the housing. According to the invention, the housing has a housing cup, which at least partially surrounds the cavity and is preferably thermally conductive and which has a cup wall, wherein the cup wall has a mating contact area corresponding to the thermal contact area.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Vibration motor

Номер: US20130187502A1
Автор: Yong Jin Kim
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There is provided a vibration motor including: a housing having one open surface; a permanent magnet disposed in an internal space of the housing and interacting with a coil to generate electromagnetic force; an elastic member formed in the housing; a mass member coupled to the elastic member to perform resonant movement through the electromagnetic force; a cover covering the one open surface of the housing; and an extension part extended from the one open surface of the housing in a height direction thereof and compressed with the cover to closely attach the housing and the cover to each other.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Monitoring fiber for a machine and method of installation

Номер: US20130192821A1
Автор: Carl W. Stoesz
Принадлежит: Baker Hughes Inc

An electric machine assembly and a method of installing an electric machine assembly, the electric machine including a downhole electric machine; and a fiber operatively arranged at least partially through a housing of the electric machine for sensing at least one parameter of the electric machine assembly.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193784A1
Автор: Zheng Nengan
Принадлежит: Regal Beloit America, Inc.

A motor includes a rotor supported for rotation about a longitudinal axis, a stator including a magnetic core, a first end plate positioned at a first end of the magnetic core, and a second end plate positioned at a second end of the magnetic core. The magnetic core, first end plate, and second end plate cooperate to define a central opening. The motor also includes a plurality of rods each fixedly attached to the first end plate and the second end plate and including a first end that extends along the longitudinal axis beyond the first end plate and a second end that extends along the longitudinal axis beyond the second end plate. A first support disk is coupled to the first end of each of the rods and a second support disk is coupled to the second end of each of the rods. 1. A motor comprising:a rotor supported for rotation about a longitudinal axis;a stator including a magnetic core;a first end plate positioned at a first end of the magnetic core;a second end plate positioned at a second end of the magnetic core, the magnetic core, the first end plate, and the second end plate cooperating to define a central opening, at least a portion of the rotor disposed within the central opening;a plurality of rods, each rod fixedly attached to the first end plate and the second end plate and including a first end that extends parallel to the longitudinal axis beyond the first end plate in a direction away from the magnetic core and a second end that extends parallel to the longitudinal axis beyond the second end plate in a direction away from the magnetic core;a first support disk coupled to the first end of each of the plurality of rods such that the first support disk is spaced apart from the first end plate; anda second support disk coupled to the second end of each of the plurality of rods such that the second support disk is spaced apart from the second end plate.2. The motor of claim 1 , wherein the magnetic core includes a plurality of laminations stacked along the ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193789A1
Автор: KOKUBU Hiroshi
Принадлежит: ASMO CO., LTD.

A brush holder is placed between a yoke housing and a gear housing and includes a holder member and a base member. The holder member is installed to an opening of the yoke housing and holds a plurality of brushes. The base member is installed to the holder member and includes a connector configured to connect with an external connector to receive an electric power. An output side end part of the yoke housing has a flange portion, through which the gear housing is fixed to the yoke housing. The holder member includes a contact portion that contacts an opening end portion of the yoke housing in an axial direction of a rotatable shaft. The contact portion is axially spaced from the base member by an axial gap. 1. An electric motor comprising:a yoke housing;a gear housing that is formed separately from the yoke housing and is fixed to the yoke housing; and a holder member that is installed to an opening of the yoke housing and holds a plurality of brushes; and', 'a base member that is formed separately from the holder member and is installed to the holder member, wherein:, 'a brush holder that is placed between the yoke housing and the gear housing and includesthe base member includes a connector configured to connect with an external connector to receive an electric power;an output side end part of the yoke housing has a flange portion, through which the gear housing is fixed to the yoke housing;the holder member includes a contact portion that contacts an opening end portion of the yoke housing in an axial direction of a rotatable shaft, which is rotatably received in the yoke housing; andthe contact portion is axially spaced from the base member by an axial gap.2. The electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein the base member is displaceable relative to the holder member in the axial direction.3. The electric motor according to claim 1 , further comprising an elastic member claim 1 , which is placed in a compressed state between the holder member and the base ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130193792A1
Автор: KIM Ju Ho

There is provided a spindle motor capable of reducing generation of negative pressure. The spindle motor includes: a sleeve fixedly installed on a base member; a shaft rotatably supported by the sleeve; a rotor hub fixedly installed on an upper end portion of the shaft to rotate together therewith; and a thrust plate fixedly coupled to the sleeve so as to be disposed to face a lower surface of the rotor hub and having a ring shape, wherein the thrust plate includes a channel part formed therein in order to reduce a difference in pressure between a bearing clearance on an inner side thereof and a bearing clearance on an outer side thereof. 1. A spindle motor comprising:a sleeve fixedly installed on a base member;a shaft rotatably supported by the sleeve;a rotor hub fixedly installed on an upper end portion of the shaft to rotate together therewith; anda thrust plate fixedly coupled to the sleeve so as to be disposed to face a lower surface of the rotor hub and having a ring shape,the thrust plate including a channel part formed therein in order to reduce a difference in pressure between a bearing clearance on an inner side thereof and a bearing clearance on an outer side thereof.2. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein the channel part is configured of grooves formed in a lower surface of the thrust plate and an inner peripheral surface thereof.3. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein the thrust plate is formed by a sintering process in order to reduce abrasion.4. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve includes a circulation hole formed therein in order to connect a bearing clearance at a lower end portion of the sleeve and a bearing clearance at an upper end portion of the sleeve to each other.5. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein at least one of an upper surface of the thrust plate and the lower surface of the rotor hub is provided with a thrust dynamic pressure groove.6. The spindle motor of claim 1 , wherein at least one of an inner surface of ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Motor and disk drive apparatus

Номер: US20130194701A1
Автор: Kazuhiko Fukushima
Принадлежит: Nidec Corp

A spindle motor, which is for use in a disk drive apparatus which includes a housing including a base member and a cover member, includes a stationary portion and a rotating portion. The stationary portion includes a stationary shaft and the base member. The rotating portion includes a sleeve portion. The stationary shaft is inserted into the bearing hole. The stationary shaft includes an annular surface arranged to come into direct or indirect contact with the cover member, the annular surface being located higher than the sleeve portion and extending in a circumferential direction, and an upper protrusion arranged to be fixed to a cover inner circumferential surface defining a cover penetrating hole of the cover member, the upper protrusion protruding upward from the radial inner side of the annular surface. The base member includes a fixing portion arranged to directly or indirectly fix the cover member.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200733A1
Автор: LAU James Ching-Sik

A power tool includes a casing with an inlet and an outlet extending in a radial direction of the casing, a motor installed within the casing between the inlet and the outlet. The motor includes a stator and a rotor with a shaft, an air passage being formed between a radially outer surface of the stator and an inner surface of the casing. The air passage extends in the axial direction of the casing. A heat dissipation device is arranged on the radially outer surface of the stator for absorbing heat from the stator, and is disposed in the air passage. A fan is fixed to the shaft of the rotor. Air flow generated by the fan enters the casing via the inlet and exits the casing via the outlet after passing through the air passage and the heat dissipation device, 1. A power tool comprising:a casing with an inlet and an outlet extending in a radial direction of the casing;a motor installed within the casing between the inlet and the outlet, the motor comprising a stator and a rotor with a shaft, an air passage being formed between a radially outer surface of the stator and an inner surface of the casing, the air passage extending in a direction parallel to an axial direction of the casing;a heat dissipation device being arranged on the radially outer surface of the stator for absorbing heat from the stator, the heat dissipation device being disposed in the air passage; anda fan attached to the shaft of the rotor,wherein air flow generated by the fan enters the casing via the inlet and exits the casing via the outlet after passing through the air passage and heat dissipation device.2. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the fan is a centrifugal fan that is located at one end of the motor with a radially outer side of the fan facing the outlet.3. The power tool of claim 2 , wherein the fan extends radially beyond the radially outer surface of the stator.4. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the heat dissipation device comprises a plurality of fins that extend in a direction ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Motor Structure

Номер: US20130214622A1
Автор: Horng Alex, Shan Duo-Nian

A motor structure includes a housing having a shaft tube receiving a shaft retaining assembly. The shaft tube includes a positioning member on an outer periphery thereof. A rotor includes a shaft rotatably extending through the bearing. A stator is mounted around the shaft tube, couples with the positioning member, and includes a bobbin having an abutting portion pressing a top face of the shaft retaining assembly by a free end thereof. Specifically, the positioning member is distant from the top face by a first distance in an axial direction of the shaft tube, the abutting portion is made of elastic material, the positioning member is distant from the free end by a second distance in an axial direction of the assembling hole is defined, and the second distance is smaller than the first distance when the stator is separate from the shaft tube. 1. A motor structure comprising:a housing including a shaft tube having an upper opening, with a shaft retaining assembly being received in the shaft tube and having a top face adjacent to the upper opening, with the shaft tube including a positioning member on an outer periphery thereof, with the positioning member distant from the top face by a first distance in an axial direction of the shaft tube;a rotor including a shaft rotatably extending through the bearing; anda stator including an assembling hole receiving the outer periphery of the shaft tube, with the stator including a bobbin, a plurality of silicon steel plates coupled with the bobbin, and a winding wound around the plurality of silicon steel plates, with the stator coupling with the positioning member of the shaft tube, with the bobbin including an abutting portion pressing the top face of the shaft retaining assembly by a free end thereof;wherein the abutting portion is made of elastic material, a second distance between the positioning member and the free end in an axial direction of the assembling hole is defined, and the second distance is smaller than the ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Bearing assembly and motor including the same

Номер: US20130221782A1
Принадлежит: Samsung Electro Mechanics Co Ltd

There are provided a bearing assembly and a motor including the same capable of securing shaft system reliability while maintaining motor slimness. The bearing assembly includes a sleeve supporting a shaft via oil; and a sleeve holder having the sleeve inserted thereinto and fixedly supporting the sleeve, wherein an upper end of the sleeve is protruded from the sleeve holder to be higher than an upper end of the sleeve holder in an upward axial direction.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130221795A1
Автор: Hata Masato

A stepping motor comprises: a first plate having plural band connection portions; a second plate mounting a band portion; a stator; and a structure that the stator is held by the first plate and the second plate from a front side and a back side of axial direction, wherein the plural band connection portions are positioned at a side surface of the stator and extend toward the second plate, and each of the plural band connection portions has an engagement portion at an outside thereof, the band portion has plural arms extending toward the first plate and engaging with the engagement portion of each of the plural band connection portions, and the band portion is connected to the first plate by engaging the arm portions with the engagement portions in a condition that the band portion holds the second plate and the stator. 1. A stepping motor comprising:a first plate having plural band connection portions;a second plate mounting a band portion;a stator; anda structure that the stator is held by the first plate and the second plate from a front side and a back side of axial direction, whereinthe plural band connection portions are positioned at a side surface of the stator and extend toward the second plate, and each of the plural band connection portions has an engagement portion at an outside thereof,the band portion has plural arms extending toward the first plate and engaging with the engagement portion of each of the plural band connection portions, andthe band portion is connected to the first plate by engaging the arm portions with the engagement portions in a condition that the band portion holds the second plate and the stator.2. A stepping motor according to claim 1 , whereinpositioning of the stator and the first plate and positioning of the stator and the second plate are performed by fitting a projection into a recess.3. A stepping motor according to claim 1 , whereinpositioning of the second plate and the band portion is performed by fitting a projection ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229071A1

An electric motor has a stator, a shaft and a rotor. The stator has an annular yoke portion; a plurality of stator teeth inwardly extending from the yoke portion; stator windings wound on the stator teeth; and a molded member made of heat conductive plastic material. The molded member has a plurality of fins arranged on an outer wall of the yoke portion, a covering portion disposed in the spaces between adjacent stator teeth, and two connecting portions respectively located at axially outer end faces of the yoke portion and connected to the covering portion and the fins. The covering portion covers an inner wall of the yoke portion and the stator windings, and connects to the fins via the connecting portions. Heat generated by the stator windings is transmitted to the fins via the covering portion and the connecting portions, where it is dissipated. 1. A motor , comprising a stator , a shaft , and a rotor received in the stator ,the stator comprising:an annular yoke portion;a plurality of stator teeth inwardly extending from the yoke portion;stator windings wound on the stator teeth; anda molded member made of heat conductive plastic material, the molded member comprising:a plurality of fins arranged on an outer wall of the yoke portion,a covering portion disposed in spaces between adjacent stator teeth and covering the stator windings, andtwo connecting portions respectively located at two axial end faces of the yoke portion and connected to the covering portion and the fins.2. The motor of claim 1 , wherein each connecting portion is ring shaped and completely covers the corresponding end face.3. The motor of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of axially extending recesses is formed on a radially outer wall of the yoke portion; andeach fin is axially arranged on the radially outer wall of the yoke portion and a radially inner portion of each fin is received in a corresponding said recess.4. The motor of claim 1 , wherein each fin extends in the axial direction of the ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Miniature Motor and Bearing Arrangement

Номер: US20130229076A1
Принадлежит: MultiElectric GmbH & Co. KG

Electric miniature motor, comprises bearings; stationary assemblies having end faces; and metallic configurations for seating the bearings are formed at the end faces. At least one of the bearings is a roller bearing wherein the outer diameter of the roller bearing is smaller than the inner diameter of the corresponding configuration for seating the bearing; and the roller bearing is connected by at least one welded joint to the configuration. 1. Electric miniature motor , comprising:a) bearings;b) stationary assemblies having end faces;c) metallic configurations for seating the bearings are formed at the end faces;d) at least one of the bearings is a roller bearing wherein the outer diameter of the roller bearing is smaller than the inner diameter of the corresponding configuration for seating the bearing; ande) the roller bearing is connected by at least one welded joint to the configuration.2. Electric miniature motor according to claim 1 , wherein the welding occurs radially through the configuration with the outer ring of the roller bearing.3. Electric miniature motor according to claim 2 , wherein the welded joint is formed point-like claim 2 , as an axial corrugation or as a corrugation at the circumference of the configuration.4. Electric miniature motor according to claim 1 , wherein the welding between the roller bearing and the configuration occurs at the contact edge between both components.5. Electric miniature motor according to claim 4 , wherein the welded joint is formed point-like or as a corrugation between the roller bearing and the configuration.6. Electric miniature motor according to claim 1 , wherein the welding between the roller bearing and the configuration occurs at several positions.7. Bearing arrangement for an electric miniature motor claim 1 , comprising:a) a metallic configuration for seating a roller bearing at an end face of the stationary assemblies of the miniature motor;b) a roller bearing having an outer diameter which is less ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130229092A1
Автор: GRADY Thomas

A generating axle for a vehicle. The generating axle can include a hollow, tubular housing, a shaft rotatably disposed within the housing, at least one armature carried by the shaft, and at least one permanent magnet carried by the housing, wherein the at least one armature and the at least one permanent magnet are disposed such that a current is induced in the armature when the shaft is rotated with respect to the housing. 1. A generating axle for a vehicle , comprising:a hollow, tubular housing;a shaft rotatably disposed within the housing;at least one armature carried by the shaft; andat least one permanent magnet carried by the housing;wherein the at least one armature and the at least one permanent magnet are disposed such that a current is induced in the armature when the shaft is rotated with respect to the housing.2. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the armature is disposed on the surface of the shaft.3. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the armature is disposed in a channel defined in the surface of the shaft.4. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the axle is electrically coupled to a battery of the vehicle.5. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is coupled to a differential of the vehicle.6. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the shaft is coupled to a transmission of the vehicle.7. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a passenger vehicle.8. The axle of claim 1 , wherein the vehicle is a trailer.9. A generating hub for a vehicle claim 1 , comprising:a hollow, tubular housing;a shaft rotatably disposed within the housing;at least one armature carried by the shaft; andat least one permanent magnet carried by the housing;wherein the at least one armature and the at least one permanent magnet are disposed such that a current is induced in the armature when the housing is rotated with respect to the shaft.10. The axle of claim 9 , wherein the armature is disposed on the surface of the shaft.11. The axle of claim 9 , wherein the armature is disposed in a channel defined ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130234545A1
Автор: Pal Debabrata

An electric machine includes a stator having an outer circumference. Spaced apart first walls are arranged about the outer circumference and provide generally parallel first channels. A second wall adjoins the first wall and is arranged about the outer circumference providing a second channel in fluid communication with the first channels, thus, providing a tortuous fluid flow path about the circumference. The first and second channels have an inner surface. A structure is provided within at least one of the first and second channels. The structure has an outer surface spaced radially outward from the inner surface and at least partially defines the tortuous flow path between the outer and inner surfaces. The stator includes an end turn. An end cap extends axially and radially outward from the stator and provides an enclosure about the end turn in fluid communication with the exit associated with the flow path. 1. An electric machine comprising:a stator having an outer circumference;spaced apart first walls arranged about the outer circumference providing generally parallel axially extending first channels, and a second wall adjoining the first walls and arranged about the outer circumference providing discrete, arcuate second channels in fluid communication with the first channels and providing a tortuous serpentine fluid flow path about the circumference that is configured to alternate between opposite axial fluid flow directions within the first channels, the first and second channels having an inner surface; anda structure provided within at least one of the first and second channels and having an outer surface spaced radially outward from the inner surface to provide a flow passage and at least partially defining the tortuous fluid flow path between the outer and inner surfaces.2. The electric machine according to claim 1 , wherein the stator includes at least one wire winding providing a main stack and end turns extending generally axially outwardly from the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241325A1
Автор: LAU James Ching-Sik

A power tool has a casing and a motor assembly installed within the casing. The motor assembly comprises a motor, a heat dissipation device, a fan and a guiding member. The motor has a stator and a rotor. The heat dissipation device has an annular heat absorbing section which is fitted to a housing of the stator and a plurality of fins extending from the heat absorbing section for dissipating heat. Air flow generated by the fan is guided to the fins of the heat dissipation device by the guiding member to cool the motor. 1. A motor assembly comprising:a motor comprising a stator and a rotor having a shaft;a heat dissipation device disposed about a radially outer surface of the stator for absorbing heat from the stator,a fan attached to the rotor; anda guiding member configured to guide airflow generated by the fan to the heat dissipation device,wherein airflow generated by the fan passes through an airflow passage inside the motor from one axial open end of the motor to the other, and is then guided to the heat dissipation device by the guiding member.2. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the heat dissipation device comprises a heat absorbing section and a plurality of fins extending from the heat absorbing section claim 1 , the heat absorbing section being disposed around and contacting with a radially outer surface of the stator.3. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the guiding member comprises a pair of curved sections integrally formed with the heat dissipation device.4. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the guiding member is integrally formed with the fan.5. The motor assembly of claim 1 , wherein the stator comprises a housing and at least one permanent magnet fixed to an inner surface of the housing.6. A power tool comprising:a casing with an inlet and an outlet; anda motor assembly installed within the casing, the motor assembly comprising a motor with a housing, a heat dissipation device, and a fan, an air passage being formed between the ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130241329A1

According to one embodiment, an electric motor includes a stator, a rotor, bearings and a rotor shaft, in a frame, supporting surfaces on the rotor, and a plurality of threaded holes in the frame, which are configured to receive bolts for pressing the support surfaces from outside. 1. An electric motor comprising:a stator, a rotor, bearings and a rotor shaft in a frame;supporting surfaces on the rotor; anda plurality of threaded holes in the frame, which are configured to receive bolts for pressing the support surfaces from outside.2. An electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor comprises a rotor core attached to the rotor shaft claim 1 , and rotor holders attached to the rotor shaft at respective sides of the rotor core and respectively including the supporting surfaces.3. An electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor comprises a rotor core attached to the rotor shaft claim 1 , and a first separating plate and a second separating plate attached to the rotor shaft and respectively comprising the supporting surfaces.4. An electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein the rotor comprises a rotor core attached to the rotor shaft claim 1 , and a ventilating fan and a supporting body attached to the rotor shaft at respective sides of the rotor core and respectively comprising the supporting surfaces.5. An electric motor comprising:a frame supporting a stator;a bracket and an end plate configured to close respective ends of the frame;a first bearing housing and a second bearing housing respectively retaining bearings, and respectively fixed to the bracket and the end plate from an outside;a rotor shaft arranged inside the frame and rotatably supported by the bearings;a rotor attached to the rotor shaft and opposing the stator;supporting surfaces on the rotor;a plurality of threaded holes formed respectively in the bracket and the end plate to oppose the supporting surfaces, and configured to receive bolts for pressing the support surfaces from ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130242429A1

A motor includes a shaft component including an inner shaft portion and an outer shaft portion. A radial gap is defined between a sleeve portion and the outer shaft portion. A radial dynamic pressure generating groove array is arranged on at least one surface of an inner circumferential surface of the sleeve portion and an outer circumferential surface of the outer shaft portion, which define the radial gap. The radial dynamic pressure generating groove array includes an upper and lower radial dynamic pressure generating groove array. The inner shaft portion is fixed to the outer shaft portion in an interference fit. An axial range of a fixing region of the inner shaft portion and the outer shaft portion which is in the interference fit is included in a range between the upper and lower radial dynamic pressure generating groove array. 1. A motor comprising:a rotating portion including a rotor magnet; anda stationary portion including a stator facing the rotor magnet; wherein a shaft component including an inner shaft portion arranged around a central axis and an outer shaft portion fixed to an outer circumferential surface of the inner shaft portion;', 'an upper plate portion defining a single monolithic member together with one of the inner shaft portion and the outer shaft portion and extending radially outward from an upper portion of the one of the inner shaft portion and the outer shaft portion; and', 'a lower plate portion defining a single monolithic member together with the other of the inner shaft portion and the outer shaft portion and extending radially outward from a lower portion of the other of the inner shaft portion and the outer shaft portion;, 'the stationary portion includesthe rotating portion includes a sleeve portion which is disposed between the upper plate portion and the lower plate portion;a lubricating oil is continuously present between an upper thrust gap between the sleeve portion and the upper plate portion, a radial gap between the ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257193A1
Принадлежит: Denso Corporation

A motor drive apparatus includes a heat sink, on which a power module is disposed. A control circuit board and a power circuit board are disposed on axially opposite sides of the heat sink. A component carrier is disposed close to the power circuit board at a side opposite to an output part of a motor case. An electric connector is extended from the component carrier, passed through a hole of a cover and extended to an outside opposite to the output part. Even in a case where a mounting space is limited in a radial direction of the motor case, the electric connector can be easily connected to an external connector of a vehicle. 1. A motor drive apparatus comprising:a motor having a motor shaft;a motor case for housing the motor;an output part protruded from the motor case in one direction of the motor shaft for outputting torque of the motor;a heat sink disposed on a side axially opposite to the output part of the motor case;a connector disposed on a side axially opposite to the output part relative to the heat sink and provided with a power source terminal, which supplies a current for driving the motor, and signal terminals, which supplies signals for controlling drive of the motor;a component carrier formed integrally with the connector and fixed to the heat sink;a plurality of switching elements fixed to the heat sink and for converting the current supplied to the power source terminal of the connector into a current for driving the motor;a power circuit board disposed on the heat sink at a side opposite to the output part and provided with a wiring, through which the current for driving the motor is passed from the power source terminal of the connector via the switching elements;a control circuit board disposed on the heat sink at an output part side and provided with a control circuit for controlling operations of the switching elements based on signals supplied to the signal terminals of the connector; anda cover housing the heat sink, the component carrier, ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130257229A1

A brushless motor includes a plate-shaped armature and a magnet facing either one of a top surface and a bottom surface of the armature. An inner peripheral surface of a base member and an outer peripheral surface of a bearing mechanism contact with each other or face each other in a diametrical direction with an adhesive therebetween in a first fixing part. Further, a rotor yoke and a hub protrusion contact with each other or face each other in a diametrical direction with an adhesive therebetween in a second fixing part. Then, a press-fitting or adhesion is carried out in the other of the first and the second fixing part. 1. A brushless motor , comprising:a stationary unit; anda rotary unit rotatably supported with respect to the stationary unit through a bearing mechanism,wherein the stationary unit includes a flat armature arranged radially outward of the bearing mechanism to extend in a direction orthogonal to a center axis extending in an up-down direction and a base member arranged to support the armature, the base member including a base through-hole extending in the up-down direction,the rotary unit includes a hub having a top plate portion made of a magnetic material and a hub protrusion portion made of a magnetic material and arranged to extend downward from the top plate portion, a rotor yoke made of a magnetic material, the rotor yoke fixed to the hub protrusion portion and positioned below the armature, and a magnet fixed to the hub or the rotor yoke and opposed to one of upper and lower surfaces of the armature,the base member includes an inner circumferential surface defining the base through-hole, the bearing mechanism including an outer circumferential surface, the inner circumferential surface of the base member arranged to make contact with the outer circumferential surface of the bearing mechanism or to radially oppose the outer circumferential surface of the bearing mechanism across an adhesive agent in a first fixing portion,the rotor yoke is ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270931A1

A rotary machine capable of carrying out efficient cooling without increasing costs or deteriorating performance is provided. A motor serving as the rotary machine has a rotor configured to be rotatable around a rotary shaft , a stator having a stator core arranged around the rotor and a coil attached to the stator core so that a coil end part protrudes from each end of the stator core , mold members and formed at both ends of the stator core , to cover base parts of the coil end parts , and partition parts and attached in contact with the mold members and , to separate a space S in which the rotor is arranged from a space S in which the coil end parts are arranged. 1. A rotary machine comprising:a rotor rotatable around a center axis of a rotor shaft;a stator having a stator core arranged around the rotor and a coil attached to the stator core so that a coil end part protrudes from each end of the stator core;a mold member formed at each end of the stator core and configured to cover a base part of the coil end part; anda partition member attached in contact with the mold member and configured to separate a first space with the rotor arranged therein from a second space with the coil end part arranged therein.2. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , further comprising a mold member formed inside the stator core and configured to fill a gap in a slot formed in the stator core to accommodate the coil.3. The rotary machine according to claim 2 , whereinthe mold member formed at each end of the stator core and the mold member formed inside the stator core are made of materials having different thermal conductivities, respectively.4. The rotary machine according to claim 1 , whereinthe mold member formed at a first end of the stator core and the mold member formed at a second end thereof are asymmetric in shape in an axial direction of the rotor shaft.5. The rotary machine according to claim 4 , wherein:the mold member formed at the first end of the stator core has ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130270932A1
Принадлежит: BLACK & DECKER INC.

A power tool includes a brushless DC motor having a stator assembly and a rotor assembly at least a portion of which is arranged pivotably inside the stator assembly. The rotor assembly includes a rotor lamination stack housing a permanent magnets and a rotor fixedly housed inside a center portion of the lamination stack to pivot therewith. A fan may be fixedly attached to the rotor and arranged adjacent the stator assembly. The fan includes a back plate and blades longitudinally projecting from a periphery of the back plate towards the stator assembly, where a middle portion of the back plate is contoured away from an end cap of the motor to accommodate a projecting portion of the end cap. The permanent magnets may extend beyond the longitudinal length of the rotor lamination stack towards a magnet sensor to facilitate sensing of the permanent magnet via the magnet sensor. 1. A power tool comprising:a housing;a brushless DC motor housed inside the housing, the motor comprising a stator assembly and a rotor assembly at least a portion of which is arranged pivotably inside the stator assembly, the rotor assembly including a rotor lamination stack housing a plurality of permanent magnets, a rotor fixedly housed inside a center portion of the lamination stack to pivot therewith, and a fan fixedly attached to the rotor and arranged adjacent the stator assembly, the fan having a back plate and a plurality of blades longitudinally projecting from a periphery of the back plate towards the stator assembly, wherein a middle portion of the back plate is contoured away from an end cap of the motor to accommodate a projecting portion of the end cap.2. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the projecting portion of the end cap encapsulates an end bearing of the rotor.3. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the projecting portion partially protrudes inside the middle portion of the back plate.4. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the fan plate is securely fastened to the rotor via ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Saddle-Type Vehicle

Номер: US20130270940A1
Автор: Matsuda Yoshimoto

An electric two-wheeled vehicle includes a case, an electric component accommodated in the case and having an electric part producing heat during operation, and a traveling wind guide body for cooling the electric component by traveling wind, and the traveling wind guide body has a traveling wind inlet taking in traveling wind from front, a traveling wind path through which the traveling wind taken in by the traveling wind inlet flows, and a traveling wind outlet ejecting the traveling wind flowing through the traveling wind path toward a radiation fin of the case. 1. A saddle-type vehicle comprising:an electric component having an electric part producing heat during operation; anda traveling wind guide body for cooling the electric component by traveling wind,wherein the traveling wind guide body has a traveling wind inlet taking in traveling wind from front, a traveling wind path through which the traveling wind taken in by the traveling wind inlet flows, and a traveling wind outlet ejecting the traveling wind flowing through the traveling wind path in order to cool the electric component, and a flow path sectional area of the traveling wind outlet is smaller than that of the traveling wind inlet.2. The saddle-type vehicle according to claim 1 , wherein the electric component is accommodated in a case claim 1 ,the case has a radiation fin, andthe traveling wind outlet ejects the traveling wind flowing through the traveling wind path toward the radiation fin.3. The saddle-type vehicle according to claim 1 , the saddle-type vehicle being an electric vehicle claim 1 ,wherein the electric component includes at least one of a motor generating traveling power transmitted to a drive wheel, a battery supplying electric power to the motor, and an inverter interposed between the battery and the motor.4. The saddle-type vehicle according to claim 1 , comprising:a valve capable of opening/closing the traveling wind path;a valve actuator driving the valve;a detector for ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Electric machine and method for operating an electric machine

Номер: US20130270944A1

An electric machine for starting an internal combustion engine, comprising a housing ( 10 ) having at least one sealing device ( 14 ) which seals an interior ( 10 a) of the housing with respect to the surroundings of the housing ( 10 ), and at least one pressure reduction device ( 1 ), wherein the at least one pressure reduction device ( 1 ) is embodied so as to be moveable in a translatory fashion relative to the at least one sealing device ( 14 ) in order to form, in the case of an overpressure in the interior ( 10 a ) of the housing, at least one venting duct via which an at least partial reduction in pressure is ensured.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Axial load sharing bearing system and associated method of use

Номер: US20130270945A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An axial flux electric machine and associated method of use that includes a shaft, a rotor attached to the shaft, a plurality of permanent magnets positioned underneath the rotor, an electrical winding positioned below the plurality of permanent magnets, a stator that encircles the shaft that is located below the rotor, a first bearing assembly located below the stator and encircling the shaft of the rotor, a second bearing assembly located below the first bearing assembly and encircling the shaft, and a spring mechanism, located between the first bearing assembly and the second bearing assembly, to distribute load placed on the shaft between the first bearing assembly and the second bearing assembly.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130271743A1

The present invention provides a driving apparatus including an axis member supported on a base, and a movable member movable along the axis member, comprising a plurality of plate members each including a through-hole through which the axis member penetrates and surrounding the axis member, wherein the plurality of plate members are located apart from each other in a moving direction of the movable member. 1. A driving apparatus including an axis member supported on a base , and a movable member movable along the axis member , comprising:a plurality of plate members each including a through-hole through which the axis member penetrates and surrounding the axis member,wherein the plurality of plate members are located apart from each other in a moving direction of the movable member.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a cover member that includes an elongated portion elongated from a portion connected to the movable member in the moving direction of the movable member and surrounds the plurality of plate members by the elongated portion.3. The apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a spacer inserted between the plurality of plate members.4. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of plate members are divided into a plurality of parts in a direction perpendicular to an axial direction of the axis member.5. An exposure apparatus for exposing a substrate claim 1 , comprising:a substrate stage configured to hold the substrate; anda driving apparatus configured to drive the substrate stage,wherein the driving apparatus including an axis member supported on a base, and a movable member movable along the axis member, comprising:a plurality of plate members each including a through-hole through which the axis member penetrates and surrounding the axis member,wherein the plurality of plate members are located apart from each other in a moving direction of the movable member.6. A method of manufacturing an article claim 1 ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278085A1
Принадлежит: SAMHONGSA CO., LTD.

Provided is a high-speed rotating spindle motor that achieves a smooth circulation of oil without any congestion regions of oil on an oil path taking place in a bearing housing. The spindle motor includes: a rotor; a rotating shaft whose one end is combined with the rotor; a sleeve bearing whose inner circumference rotatably supports the outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft, and on the outer circumferential surface of which at least one oil circulation recess is provided along the lengthy direction of the sleeve bearing, and that is made of an oil-containing sintered metal; a bearing housing having a first recess accommodating the sleeve bearing and a second recess that supports the other end of the rotating shaft at a central portion of the first recess, and made of a resin; and a number of protrusions that are protrudingly formed at a gap radially spaced apart from each other around the rotating shaft so that a plurality of guide grooves through which oil passes are formed on the bottom of the first recess, and on which the bottom of the sleeve bearing is mounted. 1. A spindle motor comprising:a rotor;a rotating shaft whose one end is combined with the rotor;a sleeve bearing whose inner circumference rotatably supports the outer circumferential surface of the rotating shaft, and on the outer circumferential surface of which at least one oil circulation recess is provided along the lengthy direction of the sleeve bearing, and that is made of an oil-containing sintered metal;a bearing housing having a first recess accommodating the sleeve bearing and a second recess that supports the other end of the rotating shaft at a central portion of the first recess, and made of a resin;a number of protrusions that are protrudingly formed at a gap radially spaced apart from each other around the rotating shaft so that a plurality of guide grooves through which oil passes are formed on the bottom of the first recess, and on which the bottom of the sleeve bearing ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Airflow Management

Номер: US20130278093A1
Автор: Baxter Richard

The present invention relates to an airflow management system, particularly for a lawn mower, especially a robotic lawn mower. We describe a battery-operated robotic lawn mower with an active airflow management system, said active airflow management system comprising: at least one first air vent positioned on an underside of said mower; at least one second air vent; an internal housing surrounding a motor; a fan; and at least one cooling air channel located within said housing and around said motor. An air flow path is defined between the first and the second vents; and said at least one second vent has a lower air flow capacity than an air flow capacity of said at least one cooling air channel, such that in operation, a greater volume of air is drawn through the first vent than the second. 1. A battery operated robotic lawn mower with an active airflow management system , said active airflow management system comprising:at least one first air vent positioned on an underside of said mower;at least one second air vent;an internal housing surrounding a motor;a fan; andat least one cooling air channel located within said internal housing and around said motor,wherein an air flow path is defined between the at least one first air vent and the at least one second air vent, andwherein said at least one second air vent has a lower air flow capacity than an air flow capacity of said at least one cooling air channel such that, in operation, a greater volume of air is drawn through the first vent than the second.2. The lawn mower as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an enveloping outer shell, defining an insulating layer between said mower and ambient atmospheric conditions.3. The lawn mower as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when said mower is in operation claim 1 , said fan provides a downward flow of air around said motor.4. The lawn mower as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said at least one first air vent is positioned behind a cutting area of said mower.5. The ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130278099A1
Принадлежит: THK CO., LTD.

An alignment stage including: a base plate; one or more X direction thrust generation guide mechanisms for generating thrust and performing guidance in the direction of a straight line X; a pair of lower plates disposed above the X direction thrust generation guide mechanisms; a pair of upper plates provided corresponding to the lower plates, respectively; a pair of rotatable bearings disposed between the lower plates and the upper plates; one or more Y direction thrust generation guide mechanisms for generating thrust and performing guidance in the direction of a straight line Y perpendicular to the straight line X; and a table plate disposed above the Y direction thrust generation guide mechanisms. With this configuration, it is possible for the alignment stage to be compact and easy to assemble. 1. An alignment stage comprising:a base plate fixed to a base;one or more X direction thrust generation guide mechanisms disposed on the base plate, and configured to generate thrust and to perform guidance in a direction of a straight line X;a pair of lower plates disposed above the X direction thrust generation guide mechanisms, and configured to horizontally move in the direction of a straight line X;a pair of upper plates provided corresponding to the pair of lower plates, respectively;a pair of rotatable bearings configured to realize relative free movement of the upper plates with respect to the lower plates in a direction of rotation θ by being disposed between respective upper and lower plates of the pair of lower plates and of the pair of upper plates;one or more Y direction thrust generation guide mechanisms disposed above at least one of the pair of upper plates, configured to generate thrust and to perform guidance in a direction of a straight line Y perpendicular to the direction of a straight line X, a plurality of the Y direction thrust generation guide mechanisms being provided when one of the X direction thrust generation guide mechanisms is provided, and ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130280110A1

An electric machine has in a machine housing, a stator and a rotor which is arranged on a motor shaft which is supported on a non-drive side in a bearing unit which has a ball bearing arrangement and is arranged within the machine housing in a radially elastic and axially displaceable manner. The electric machine is preferably coupled on the drive side without a bearing via a rigid shaft coupling to a work machine, in particular to a hydraulic pump. 1. An electric machine , comprising:a motor shaft containing a bearing-side shaft shank having a circumferential side with an annular groove formed therein;a machine housing;a stator disposed in said machine housing;a rotor disposed in said machine housing and disposed on said motor shaft supported on a non-drive side;a bearing unit on said non-drive side disposed axially displaceably within said machine housing and having a ball bearing configuration with bearing inner rings, said bearing unit further having a sleeve enclosing said ball bearing configuration, and an elastomeric element, on which said sleeve rests radially elastically such that said sleeve can be displaced in an axial direction;a coupling unit, said motor shaft being guided out of said machine housing on a drive side without a bearing and guided to said coupling unit;a shrink disk disposed at said coupling unit and providing a rigid coupling of said motor shaft to a machine shaft of a work machine; andsaid bearing unit further having an inner securing ring for axially fixing an adjacent one of said bearing inner rings of said ball bearing configuration, said inner securing ring having a ring outer edge seated in said annular groove disposed on said circumferential side in said bearing-side shaft shank of said motor shaft.2. The electric machine according to claim 1 , wherein:said sleeve has an outer side with an annular groove formed therein; andsaid elastomeric element is received in said annular groove of said sleeve.3. The electric machine according ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285481A1

The invention intends to improve a stator which is detachably installed to an outer peripheral portion of a can accommodating a rotor. The stator is integrally formed with a resin mold by arranging a stator assembly () within metal molds () and injecting a molten resin (P) from a gate (G) at one position. An annular plate () is mounted to an upper portion of the stator assembly () so as to prevent the molten resin from intruding into magnetic pole teeth (), and prevent a weld line from being generated in an outer peripheral surface of the resin mold. 1. A stator of a drive motor for an electrically operated valve which is installed to an outer peripheral portion of a can attached to a valve main body having a valve port which is opened and closed by a valve member coupled to a rotor ,wherein said stator comprises:a stator assembly which is provided with a yoke having magnetic pole teeth and a coil; anda resin mold which integrally forms said stator assembly by injecting a molten resin within a metal mold, andwherein said stator comprises:a plate having an inner diameter which is substantially the same as an inner diameter of said magnetic pole teeth, and arranged in an upper surface of the stator assembly so as to prevent the molten resin from flowing to the magnetic pole teeth side.2. The stator of the drive motor for the electrically operated valve according to claim 1 , wherein said resin mold is formed by the molten resin after said stator assembly and said plate are fitted and inserted to a protruding portion of the metal mold.3. The stator of the drive motor for the electrically operated valve according to claim 1 , wherein said resin mold is formed by the molten resin which is injected from one gate provided in an upper portion of the metal mold opposed to the plate.4. The stator of the drive motor for the electrically operated valve according to claim 2 , wherein said resin mold is formed by the molten resin which is injected from one gate provided in an ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130285493A1
Автор: Paone Andrea, Paone Guido

An explosion-proof braking device is described, which is configured to be connected to the front flange of an explosion-proof electric motor, the braking device comprising: a shaft () connected to the shaft of the motor from the outside, and provided with bearings () internal to the device, an electromagnetic brake () acting upon said shaft (), comprising at least one excitation coil () and one air gap (). The shaft () is made of a non-magnetic metal alloy, the bearings () are so positioned as to lie outside the main flux lines of the magnetic field produced between the coil and the air gap, and the braking device is provided with flame-proof lamination joints of the through or closed type. 1. Explosion-proof braking device configured so as to be connected to the front part of an explosion-proof electric motor , the braking device comprising:a shaft connected to the shaft of the motor from the outside, and provided with bearings internal to the device,an electromagnetic brake acting on said shaft, comprising at least an excitation coil and an air gap; said shaft is made of a non-magnetic metal alloy,', 'said bearings are positioned so as to be to the outside the main flux lines of the magnetic field produced between the coil and the air gap,', 'said braking device being provided with flame-proof lamination joints of the through or closed type., 'characterized in that2. Explosion-proof braking device as in claim 1 , wherein said excitation coil is of the annulus type claim 1 , provided with two concentric and separated windings claim 1 , wound one over the other claim 1 , thus forming coils with two couples of ends claim 1 , said two windings being connectable in series or in parallel.3. Explosion-proof braking device as in claim 1 , comprising an electric power system for said excitation coil claim 1 , comprising a current rectifier normally working at half-wave claim 1 , and also able to work at full-wave for a given time period at the beginning of the rotation of ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Miniature Motor and Bearing Arrangement

Номер: US20130285496A1

Electric miniature motor comprises bearings; stationary assemblies having end faces; and metallic configurations disposed at the end faces for seating the bearings. At least one of the bearings is a sleeve bearing of sintered material inserted into a massive ring of weldable material, the outer diameter of which is smaller than the inner diameter of the corresponding configuration for seating; and the ring is connected by at least one welded joint to the configuration for seating. 1. Electric miniature motor , comprising:a) bearings;b) stationary assemblies having end faces;c) metallic configurations disposed at the end faces for seating the bearings;d) at least one of the bearings is a sleeve bearing of sintered material inserted into a massive ring of weldable material, the outer diameter of which is smaller than the inner diameter of the corresponding configuration for seating; andd) the ring is connected by at least one welded joint to the configuration for seating.2. Electric miniature motor according to claim 1 , wherein the welding occurs radially through the configuration with the ring.3. Electric miniature motor according to claim 2 , wherein the welded joint is formed point-like claim 2 , as an axial corrugation or as a corrugation at the circumference of the configuration.4. Electric miniature motor according to claim 1 , wherein the welding between the ring and the configuration occurs at the contact edge between both components.5. Electric miniature motor according to claim 4 , wherein the welded joint is formed point-like or as a corrugation between the ring and the configuration.6. Electric miniature motor according to claim 1 , wherein the welding between the ring and the configuration occurs at several positions.7. Bearing arrangement for an electric miniature motor claim 1 , comprising:a) a metallic configuration for seating a sleeve bearing at an end face of stationary assemblies of the miniature motor;b) a sleeve bearing of sintered material ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Mold motor and air conditioner

Номер: US20130293036A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corp

A mold motor includes a mold stator, a rotor, and a bracket. The mold stator includes a first bearing housing section formed of thermosetting resin, one bearing of the rotor fitting in one end in an axial direction of the first bearing housing section, an opening section formed at an end on the opposite side of the bearing housing section, and a bracket press-fitting section formed near the opening section and having a diameter larger than a stator inner diameter. The bracket includes a bracket resin section configuring a second bearing housing section in which the other bearing of the rotor fits and a bracket sheet metal section press-fit into the bracket press-fitting section of the mold stator. In the bracket, the bracket resin section and the bracket sheet metal section are integrally molded.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Adjustment drive

Номер: US20130293044A1
Принадлежит: Brose Fahrzeugteile SE and Co KG

An adjustment drive, in particular a window winder drive of a motor vehicle. The adjustment drive has an electric motor with a brush system, the respective brush of the brush system being connected to a plug contact in order to supply power to the electric motor, and an electronics system housing in which a mating contact, with which the plug contact makes contact, is arranged. In this case, the plug contact is mounted such that it can move in the plug-contact-making direction.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Pump unit

Номер: US20130300330A1
Принадлежит: Grundfos Holdings AS

A pumping set includes an electric motor, which exhibits a stator, a rotor and a can arranged between the stator and rotor, and at least one impeller linked with the rotor, wherein the electric motor has engine electronics designed for electronically commutating the electric motor, and the electric motor and commutation are configured in such a way that, in a state where the rotor chamber inside the can and/or the impeller is not filled with liquid, the rotor is shut down.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130307358A1
Автор: Parviainen Asko
Принадлежит: AXCO-Motors Oy

The invention relates to a laminated rotor structure for a permanent magnet synchronous machine wherein disks () of a ferromagnetic material constitute the body of the rotor. The body includes bars () of a damper winding that extend axially close to the surface () from one end thereof to the other, and a circle of permanent magnets () disposed in a V-shaped configuration inside the circle formed by the bars, in which permanent magnets the first ends () are disposed close to the outer perimeter of the rotor and the second ends () are disposed closer to the central axis of the rotor. According to the invention, two permanent magnets () constitute a pair of permanent magnets wherein the magnets are disposed at an angle (a) to each other so that their first ends () are disposed at a distance from each other and their second ends () in proximity to each other. In addition, a pair of permanent magnets includes an air channel () that extends axially through the laminar structure of the rotor in direct heat transfer contact with the second ends () of the magnets in the pair of magnets. 1. A laminated rotor structure for a permanent magnet synchronous machine wherein disks of a ferromagnetic material constitute the body of the rotor that includes bars of a damper winding extending axially close to the surface from one end thereof to the other , and a circle of permanent magnets disposed in a V-shaped configuration inside the circle formed by the bars , in which permanent magnets the first ends are disposed close to the outer perimeter of the rotor and the second ends are disposed closer to the central axis of the rotor , wherein two permanent magnets constitute a pair of permanent magnets wherein the magnets are disposed at an angle to each other so that their first ends are disposed at a distance from each other and their second ends in proximity to each other , and that a pair of permanent magnets includes an air channel that extends axially through the laminar structure ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Motor and Fuel Pump

Номер: US20130309109A1

A motor includes a stator and a rotor disposed in the stator. The stator includes a housing and a plurality of magnets attached to an inner surface of the housing. The rotor includes a shaft, with a rotor core and a commutator. Windings are wound on the rotor core and terminated on the commutator. The rotor core includes a plurality of teeth extending outwardly about which the windings are wound. Radially outer surfaces of the teeth are coated with a Zn-Al film. 1. An electric motor comprising:a stator comprising a housing, and a plurality of magnets attached to an inner surface of said housing; anda rotor disposed in said housing and comprising a shaft, a rotor core fixed to the shaft and including a plurality of teeth extending outwardly, a commutator fixed to the shaft, and windings wound on the rotor core and connected to the commutator,wherein radially outer surfaces of the teeth are coated, with a Zn-Al film.2. The motor of claim 1 , wherein said Zn-Al film comprises a mixture of adhesive claim 1 , Zn and Al.3. The motor of claim 2 , wherein said Zn and Al are in the form of flakes.4. The motor of claim 1 , wherein the Zn-Al film is applied by dip-spin and/or spray technique.5. The motor of claim 1 , wherein the Zn-Al film has a thickness in a range of 5 μm to 30 μm.6. The motor of claim 1 , wherein the Zn-Al film has a thickness in a range of 8 μm to 15 μm.7. The motor of claim 1 , wherein at least one of an inner surface and an outer surface of the housing of the stator is coated with a Zn-Al coating.8. A motor claim 1 , comprising:a stator comprising a housing, a stator core press fit in the housing, the stator core comprising a plurality of inwardly extending teeth, and windings wound on the stator core; anda rotor disposed in said stator and comprising a shaft, a rotor core fixed to the shaft, and a plurality of magnets fixed to the rotor core,wherein a radially inner surface of the teeth are coated with a Zn-Al film.9. The motor of claim 8 , wherein the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313924A1

A power tool is provided including a tool housing in which an electric motor is disposed. The electric motor includes a stator and an armature rotatably received within the stator. The armature has an armature shaft on which a commutator is mounted. The power tool further includes at least one brush assembly disposed around the commutator, the brush assembly including: a brush having two grooves on opposites surfaces therein; a brush holder comprising two support plates arranged defining guiderails that extend into the grooves of the brush to facilitate movement of the brush along a single axis; and a spring contacting the brush that urges the brush radially inwardly along the axis. 1. A power tool comprising:a tool housing in which an electric motor is disposed, the electric motor including a stator and an armature rotatably received within the stator, the armature having an armature shaft on which a commutator is mounted; andat least one brush assembly disposed around the commutator, the brush assembly including: a brush having two grooves on opposites surfaces therein; a brush holder comprising two support plates arranged defining guiderails that extend into the grooves of the brush to facilitate movement of the brush along a single axis; and a spring contacting the brush that urges the brush radially inwardly along the axis.2. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the brush holder is supported by the tool housing.3. The power tool of claim 2 , wherein the tool housing includes at least one openings around the commutator in which the brush assembly is arranged claim 2 , the tool housing including retaining features for retaining the brush holder in the opening.4. The power tool of claim 1 , wherein the two support plates are arranged along a single plane and the brush holder further comprises at least one side plate extending angularly from the two support plates to provide an opening for the axial movement of the brush.5. The power tool of claim 4 , wherein the ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130313929A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A control device () includes: a housing (); a control section including control-section connection terminals () and an electronic component (); a heat sink (); an external-connection connector () which includes connector connection terminals () to be electrically connected to the control-section connection terminals (); and a cover (). The connector connection terminals () and the control-section connection terminals () pass through a housing hole portion () covered with the cover () to be electrically connected to each other at respective distal end portions. Accordingly, in the control device having a different mounting direction of the external-connection connector or including a different type of the external-connection connector, the same housing, heat sink, and control section can be used so that manufacturing cost of the control device can be significantly reduced. 1. A control device , comprising:a housing having a cylindrical shape with a closed end, the housing includinga housing projecting portion, and a housing hole portion formed through the housing projecting portion projecting in a radial direction;a control section housed inside the housing, the control section including control-section connection terminals, to which an external signal is input from outside of the housing, and an electronic component for performing computation processing on the external signal;a heat sink including a heat-sink projecting portion, and a heat-sink hole portion formed through the heat-sink projecting portion projecting in the radial direction, for closing an opening portion of the housing;an external-connection connector to be fixed to one of the housing projecting portion and the heat-sink projecting portion, the external-connection connector including connector connection terminals to be electrically connected to the control-section connection terminals; anda cover to be fixed to another of the housing projecting portion and the heat-sink projecting portion,wherein ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328424A1
Автор: Goto Takashi
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

A power element is mounted on a board outside an electric motor body when viewed from an axial direction X. Heat produced by the power element is conducted to a heat mass formed outside the electric motor body when similarly viewed from the axial direction X in a portion opposed to the power element and radiated from a board-side heat radiating fin and is also conducted through an uneven structure which surrounds the power element and radiated from a cover 1. An electric motor comprising:an electric motor body;a board which is disposed on one end side of the electric motor body in an axial direction thereof, and on which a power element and a control element for controlling electrification of the electric motor body are mounted on the same plane; anda housing which accommodates the electric motor body,wherein the power element is mounted on a surface of the board on the side opposite to the electric motor body and outside the control element, andwherein the housing has a heat mass on the side of a surface of the board facing the electric motor body at a position opposed to the power element.2. The electric motor according to claim 1 , further comprising:a metal member which passes through a portion of the board on which the power element is mounted, and has a heat conductivity higher than that of the board; anda heat conductive member which is disposed between the metal member and the heat mass, and conducts heat of the power element to the heat mass via the metal member.3. The electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein the power element is disposed outside the electric motor body when viewed from the axial direction.4. The electric motor according to claim 1 , wherein the housing has a board-side heat radiating fin on an outer surface of a portion constituting the heat mass claim 1 , and has an electric motor body-side heat radiating fin on an outer surface of a portion covering an outer peripheral surface of the electric motor body in the axial direction at a ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130328459A1
Автор: Blaser Georg
Принадлежит: Grundfos Holding A/S

A wet electric motor for a pump includes a stator casing, a stator arranged in the stator casing, and a can, wherein first resilient pressure elements are arranged inside the stator casing in such a way as to exert a compressive force in the direction of the can on at least parts of the stator, as well as to a pumping set with such a wet electric motor. 116.-. (canceled)1724266226244. A wet electric motor for a pump comprising a stator casing () , a stator () arranged in the stator casing () , and a can () , wherein first resilient pressure elements () are arranged inside the stator casing () in such a way as to exert a compressive force in the direction of the can () on at least parts () of the stator ().1842462246224. The wet electric motor according to claim 17 , wherein the stator () includes a plurality of pole webs () extending axially and parallel to a rotational axis (X) of the electric motor claim 17 , and the first pressure elements () are situated in such a way as to exert a compressive force on the pole webs () claim 17 , wherein a first pressure element () is preferably present for each pole web ().1924. The wet electric motor according to claim 18 , wherein the pole webs () are movable in at least one direction claim 18 , preferably in a radial direction (r).2062. The wet electric motor according to claim 17 , wherein the first pressure elements () generate a radially directed compressive force.21622. The wet electric motor according to claim 17 , wherein the first pressure elements () are designed as resilient tongues fabricated as a single piece with the stator casing ().226264664. The wet electric motor according to claim 17 , wherein the first pressure elements () are designed as latching elements () claim 17 , which engage corresponding latching elements () on the stator ().2342430303224. The wet electric motor according to claim 17 , wherein the stator () includes a plurality of pole webs () claim 17 , on each of which a respective electrical ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Stepping motor, lens apparatus, and image pickup apparatus

Номер: US20130334908A1
Автор: Kota Asano
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

A stepping motor includes a rotor having a rotor magnet fixed to a rotating shaft, a plurality of coil bobbins where coils are wound, a stator yoke group having a plurality of stator yokes each of which surrounds each of the plurality of coil bobbins in an axial direction and a radial direction of the rotating shaft, and the plurality of stator yokes each having pole teeth alternately arranged in a circumferential direction around the rotating shaft so as to be opposed to a side surface of the rotor magnet, and a magnetic attractive force generating member configured to attract the rotor magnet to the axial direction of the rotating shaft by a magnetic attractive force, and a magnetic center of the rotor magnet and a magnetic center of the stator yoke group coincide with each other.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Voltage regulator device for a rotary electric machine, bearing for such a machine equipped with such a device and such a machine comprising such a bearing

Номер: US20130334914A1

A voltage regulator device for a rotary electric machine, notably an alternator and/or an alternator/starter of a motor vehicle, said regulator device ( 14 ) comprising a support ( 34 ) and one or more electronic components ( 28 ) able to play a part in controlling said electric machine, the support comprising a first part ( 60 ) on which the component or components is or are mounted, said first part having an edge ( 62 ) equipped with a brush holder ( 50 ) equipped with at least one housing, known as the brush housing, capable of housing a brush ( 15 ) for making an electrical connection with a rotor ( 3 ) of the electric machine possible. According to the invention, said device is configured to allow air to flow through said first part of the support, in contact with said brush holder. The invention also relates to an assembly of a device for rectifying the current produced by the electric machine and of such a regulator device, to a bearing of an electric machine equipped with such an assembly and to an electric machine equipped with such a bearing.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334915A1

A voltage regulator device for a rotary electrical machine, notably an alternator and/or alternator-starter of a motor vehicle. The regulator device () comprises one or more electronic components () able to contribute to controlling the electric machine, a heat sink () having parallel heat-dissipating vanes (). The heat sink is in a heat-exchange relationship with the component or components, and a support () on which the heat sink is positioned. The support is able to be mounted on the electric machine in such a way that the vanes of the heat sink can orient an air flow towards a region of depression provided between the support and the machine. A bearing of an electric machine is equipped with such a device and to an electric machine equipped with such a bearing. 11428303213234. Voltage regulator device for a rotary electric alternator and/or alternator-starter of a motor vehicle , said regulating device () comprising one or several electronic component or components () , able to contribute to controlling said electric machine , a heat sink () , having parallel heat-dissipating vanes ( , ) , said heat sink being in a heat-exchange relationship with said component or components , and a support () on which said heat sink is positioned , wherein said support is able to be mounted on the electric machine in such a way that the vanes of the heat sink can orient an air flow towards a region of depression provided between said support and said machine.252. Device according to claim 1 , wherein the heat sink comprises a base () in a heat-exchange relationship with said electronic component or components claim 1 , said vanes extending from said base.3. Device according to claim 2 , wherein said vanes extend substantially perpendicularly in relation to said base claim 2 , said heat sink having an axis D claim 2 , parallel with the vanes claim 2 , oriented towards said region of depression.4503. Device according to claim 3 , wherein the support moreover comprises a brush ...
