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27-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2269212C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике, в частности к конструкциям электронагревателей, и может быть использовано в стоматологии для работы с восковыми моделями, для стерилизации инструментов, а также во всех других областях техники, в том числе в биологии, микробиологии, химии, медицине, ювелирном деле, везде, где необходимо осуществлять быстрый разогрев и плавление легкоплавких материалов или нагрев объектов, размещаемых внутри электрического нагревателя, и обеспечивает существенное понижение потерь тепла, равномерность разогрева и распределения температурного поля, упрощение конструкции, надежность, экономичность и электробезопасность при эксплуатации, а также возможность работы с любым напряжением без трансформатора. Для этого в электрическом нагревателе, содержащем корпус с глухой внутренней полостью и электропроводный элемент в виде витков проволоки, размещенный на его наружной поверхности, согласно изобретению витки проволоки электропроводного элемента размещены в расположенных по ...

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU102865U1

Устройство для нагревания плоских электронагревателей, содержащее плоские электронагреватели, управляемый ключ, датчик температуры, установленный в структуре плоских электронагревателей, регулятор напряжения, подсоединенный своими первым и вторым входами к выходам датчика температуры и своим выходом к управляющему входу управляемого ключа, и источник сигналов задания, подсоединенный своим выходом к третьему входу регулятора напряжения, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено преобразователем переменного напряжения в постоянное, подсоединенным своим первым выходом к первым выводам и своим вторым выходом ко вторым выводам плоских электронагревателей, своим первым входом через управляемый ключ и своим вторым входом к выходам сети переменного напряжения.

10-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU81404U1

Полезная модель относится к электроэнергетике и может быть использована как средство предупреждения гололедных аварий в электрических сетях энергосистем путем плавки гололедных образований на проводах и тросах воздушных линий электропередачи. УПГ содержит ограничитель сверхтока и соединенную с ним последовательно выпрямительную установку постоянного тока, выполненную в виде группы однофазных выпрямительных устройств или трехфазного выпрямительного устройства. Ограничитель сверхтока содержит в каждой фазе магнитопровод с рабочей и подмагничивающей обмотками, рабочие обмотки которого включены в цепь фазных проводов, а подмагничивающие обмотки подключены к источнику постоянного тока или содержит в каждой фазе две группы магнитопроводов с рабочими и подмагничивающими обмотками, рабочие обмотки которых соединены согласно-последовательно и включены в цепь фазных проводов, а подмагничивающие обмотки магнитопроводов первой группы соединены согласно-последовательно между собой и включены встречно ...

20-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2048087C1

Использование: изобретение относится к средствам поддержания микроклимата, преимущественно сельскохозяйственных помещений. Сущность изобретения: нагревательные элементы, выполненные в виде плоских и жестких пластин с резистивным слоем, скреплены посредством фиксаторов. Последние выполнены в виде внутреннего элемента, вложенного во внешний элемент и скрепленного с ним посредством защелкивания выступов внешнего элемента в прорезях внутреннего. Это позволяет осуществлять оперативную сборку разборку панели, например, для очистки ее поверхностей от загрязнения. Наличие термостата позволяет задавать необходимый режим работы. Окантовка нагревательных элементов служит для их удержания упругими зацепами фиксаторов и для фиксации корпуса термостата. 2 з. п. ф лы, 6 ил.

20-12-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU2070773C1

Изобретение относится к области электротехники и предназначено для использования при обогреве любых жилых и других помещений зданий, сооружений, салонов различных видов наземного, воздушного и водного транспорта. Резистивный электронагреватель содержит подложку из ситалла, характеризуемого способностью пропускать инфракрасные лучи и объемным сопротивлением до 108 Ом/см3. На подложку нанесен нагреватель в виде пленки из диоксида элемента IV группы с добавкой переходного элемента d-подуровня. В результате нанесения нагревателя на подложку образуется токопроводящий переходный слой, который вместе с нагревателем включен в общую электрическую цепь. Вследствие лучепропускания через ситалловую подложку электрическая энергия эквивалентно превращается в тепловую и до 95% тепла передается в обогреваемый объем при малом потреблении энергии (0,25-0,35 кВт на 1 м2 обогревающей поверхности). Использование предлагаемого устройства позволит заменить существующие громоздкие и малоэффективные системы водо ...

10-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663811C1

Изобретение относится к нагревательному резистору, используемому, например, в нагревателях для барабанных сушильных устройств, когда нужно производить поток горячего воздуха. Технический результат - создание нагревательного элемента, который должен использоваться в бытовых устройствах, например, таких как барабанные сушильные устройства, и который может устранить явление вспучивания. Достигается тем, что нагревательный элемент устройства для нагревания воздушного потока состоит из поддерживающего элемента (4) по существу плоской формы, выполненного из слюды, и провода (5), имеющего высокое сопротивление и намотанного в виде спирали вокруг такого поддерживающего элемента, чтобы избежать деформации поддерживающего элемента (4), вызванной его нагреванием, при этом соотношение В/А между шириной В и длиной А поддерживающего элемента (4) меньше чем. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 19 ил.

10-07-2003 дата публикации

Резистивный электронагреватель

Номер: RU2001129690A

Резистивный электронагреватель, содержащий подложку из диэлектрического материала, с нанесенным на нее токопроводящим слоем, отличающийся тем, что токопроводящий слой выполнен в виде параллельных лент из аморфного металла, покрытых с обеих сторон полимерной пленкой, подложка выполнена из пенополиэтилена, с одной стороны которой нанесена алюминиевая фольга, а внешняя поверхность токопроводящего слоя зафиксирована защитным тканевым полотном, в котором выполнены прорези.

27-02-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU97102044A

... 1. Устройство (10, 20) для преобразования электрического тока в тепло и его рассеяния, отличающееся тем, что оно образовано из одной или более непрерывных полос (13, 23), выполненных из электропроводного материала и имеющих постоянную ширину, толщину, измеряемую в микронах, и высокое отношение ширины к толщине, при этом полосы уложены по длине рядом друг с другом на слой из электроизоляционного материала, нанесенный на металлическую пластину, и расположены друг от друга на расстоянии, достаточном для обеспечения электрической изоляции (15, 25), полосы имеют на концах два контакта (18, 19) (28, 29), которые выполнены с возможностью соединения с источником электрического тока. 2. Устройство (10, 20) по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что полосы (13, 23) выполнены из меди. 3. Устройство (10) по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что полосы (13) уложены в виде змеевика (14). 4. Устройство (20) по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что полосы (23) уложены в виде спирали (24). 5. Устройство (10, 20) по п. 1, отличающееся ...

20-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU95104197A

Электронагревательное устройство и материал для реализации устройства предназначены для применения в нагревательных приборах. Данное электронагревательное устройство является надежным, экономичным и обладает высокими мощностными характеристиками. Приведены оптимальные характеристики элемента и новый материал для его изготовления. В устройстве предложено применять пленочные нагревательные элементы повышенной удельной мощности от 20 до 300 Вт/см, содержащие подложку из теплопроводящей керамики с коэффициентом теплопроводности от 70 до 200 Вт/м•град и имеющие характерные геометрические размеры, приведенные в описании. Это дает возможность уменьшать количество нагревательных элементов в электрических нагревательных приборах, повышать их ремонтопригодность, снижать стоимость нагревательного устройства. Резистивный слой состоит из параллельно расположенных и электрически соединенных секций. В резистивную структуру вмонтирован термодатчик. Подложка крепится к теплопроводящей пластине для перераспределения ...

15-07-1991 дата публикации

Способ изготовления электронагревателя для ультрачистых сред

Номер: SU1663788A1

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано для нагрева текучих сред, в частности для нагрева ультрачистых сред, а именно деионизованной воды, используемой в электронной промышленности. Цель изобретения - повышение качества нагреваемых сред путем снижения загрязнения нагреваемой среды. Способ изготовления электронагревателя, корпус которого выполнен преимущественно из кварца в виде тела вращения с переменным сечением, в частности в виде шаров с соединительными кольцевыми перемычками, предусматривает нанесение на нагретую наружную поверхность корпуса пленку из двуокиси олова, легированную сурьмой и бором, посредством пульверизации пленкообразующего раствора. Новым в изобретении является предварительное нанесение на внутреннюю поверхность корпуса пленки двуокиси олова с последующей ее термообработкой при 1000 - 1200°С не менее 1 ч, а затем охлаждением до комнатной температуры, при этом охлаждение до 400 - 450°С ведут со скоростью не более 70°С/ч. После охлаждения ведут ...

01-06-1983 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002917808C2

30-01-2003 дата публикации

Heizkörper für gasförmige Medien

Номер: DE0020217309U1

18-06-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001565460A1

09-02-1989 дата публикации

Electric heating device for a toaster

Номер: DE0003740298C1

The invention relates to an electric heating device intended for a toaster, the heating device consisting of an insulating-material plate (1) and of heating conductors (4, 4') attached on both sides of the insulating-material plate (1). The heating conductors (4, 4') intersect - only separated by the insulating-material plate (1) - on its median axis (X). To avoid large thermal stresses and the attendant risks of the insulating-material plate (1) melting and of electrical short circuits, the heating conductors (4, 4') are held down by holding elements (11) running at a distance on both sides of the median axis (X). ...

16-04-1987 дата публикации

Номер: DE8701993U1

28-04-1960 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001810418U

29-07-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002502406A1

18-07-1974 дата публикации

Номер: DE0001579531B2

17-04-1975 дата публикации

Flexible electrical heater for e.g. pipes, walls etc. - with multicomponent metallic heating wires fastened to surface of flexible support

Номер: DE0002350461A1

Flexible electrical heating unit for the surfaces of e.g. containers, pipes and walls, has a metallic heating conductor fastened to a flexible, flat support, the conductor being passed over the surface of the support as wires combined into >=1 seam. Prod. has good mechanical strength. High operating voltages can be used with small heating units. Heat output is easily controlled.

27-01-1972 дата публикации

Flachheizkoerper zur Verwendung als Seitenheizkoerper elektrischer Brotroester

Номер: DE0001615253A1

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Herstellen einer elektrisch leitenden Widerstandsschicht sowie Heiz- und/oder Kühlvorrichtung

Номер: DE0010162276B4

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines rohrförmigen Durchlauferhitzers mit einer elektrisch leitenden Heizwiderstandsschicht (26; 26a, 26b), bei dem ein elektrisch leitendes Material (18) mittels thermischem Spritzen (16) auf einen nicht leitenden rohrförmigen Untergrund (12; 12, 46) aufgebracht wird, wobei das elektrisch leitende Material (18) flächig derart aufgebracht wird, dass eine hieraus entstandene Materialschicht (14) zunächst noch keine gewünschte Form aufweist, und danach die Materialschicht (14) bereichsweise derart entfernt wird (24; 24a, 24b), dass eine elektrisch leitende Heizwiderstandsschicht (26; 26a, 26b) entsteht, welche die gewünschte Form hat.

19-05-1954 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to a refractory core for a helical resistance element and an electrical immersion heater

Номер: GB0000709294A

... 709,294. Electric immersion heaters. TRAUTMAN, O. C. Oct. 4, 1951 [July 25, 1951], No. 23171/51. Class 39 (3) A cylindrical refractory core A for a resistance helix 7, e.g. in an immersion heater in a lead bath, has a plurality of circumferentially spaced, helically arranged, radially projecting fins 9, and a plurality of circumferential, radially projecting ribs 13 longitudinally spaced on the core and projecting radially beyond the fins 9. The core A of the heating element comprises ceramic cylindrical sections 8, 12 alternately positioned on a metal rod 15, the sections 8 having spaced fins 9, 10, helically arranged on their surface, and the sections 12 having a continuous helical rib 13. The fins 10 and ribs 13 extend outwardly the same distance beyond the fins 9 to locate the core in a tube 1 in a container 2, e.g. the melting pot of a lead bath. The convolutions of the resistance helix 7 are positioned between adjacent ribs and fins, one end of the helix 7 being welded at 17 to the ...

26-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001437139A

... 1437139 Lamps; space heaters NIPPON KINZOKU CO Ltd 10 July 1973 [29 July 1972 4 April 1973 (2) 13 April 1973] 32749/73 Headings F4R and F4S [Also in Division H5] An electric panel heater element comprises a metal sheet 1 formed as two plain edge portions 2 interconnected by a mesh pattern radiation section, the sheet 1 being sandwiched between two panels 4 of heat resistant material such as glass or polycarbonate. The sheet 1 and the panels 4 together form the heater element which is mounted in a frame so that the mesh patterned central area of the element is exposed to view for decorative effect. The metal sheet 1 is from 0À06 to 2 mm. thick, decorative in form, and is of stainless steel or aluminium etched through or punched out to form the mesh. Electrical connections are made between the two opposed edge portions 2 of the sheet 1 where it is hidden behind the frame 8, and a cable 9 is provided for supplying power. Spacers are provided between the panels 4 so that there is no contact ...

01-06-1916 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Electrical Heating Elements.

Номер: GB0191512702A

... 12,702. Cheshire, H., [trading as Cranmer & Cheshire]. Sept. 4. Resistances for heating. As shown in section in Fig. 2, a coiled wire is laced between two rows of eyelet-hooks 2 which are riveted in a sheet 3 of slate, fibre, &c. and separated from a base 4 of blued or nickelled steel by a second sheet 5 of insulating-material; or the sheet 3 may have countersunk holes to separate the hooks from the base. The base may be screwed or riveted to the insulator or may slide upon it, and may be cut away at the ends to clear the terminals. Each element may comprise two separate sections of resistance wire with means for connecting them either in series or parallel. Fig. 4 shows a back view of a heater of this kind in which the main terminals 10 are connected to the terminals 6 of the separate resistances by bars 9, and the other terminals 6b of the resistances can be connected by bent links 11 either to the terminals 6 or to the terminals 8 of an insulated bar 7.

28-07-1999 дата публикации

Electric toaster elements

Номер: GB0002333680A

An electric toaster comprises a housing (1) having at least one slot (2) for receiving at least one food item to be toasted. At least two radiant electric heating means (4A, 4B) are disposed in facing spaced relationship in the housing with the at least one slot (2) therebetween, each radiant electric heating means comprising at least one heating element (7) disposed on or adjacent to a layer (6) of microporous thermal insulation material.

14-02-1929 дата публикации

Improved electric heating element

Номер: GB0000305799A

... 305,799. Katunsky, J. Jan. 24, 1928. Wire resistances, embedded.-In an electric heating element consisting of a resistance wire embedded in refractory material, the core is constituted by a calcined mixture of ground emery, felspar and water glass, the resistance wire being wound thereon and surrounded by an outer layer of a similar calcined mixture. In an example, 4 parts by weight of ground emery are mixed with 1 part of felspar and 1 to 2 of a 33 per cent solution of sodium silicate. Cylindrical or other bars are formed from this mixture, dried and fired at from 500‹ to 700‹ C. On the bars so formed the resistance wire, such as chrome nickel, is wound and coated with the above mixture made sufficiently then by the dilution of the sodium silicate. After setting, the body is dried at 50‹ to 60‹ C., calcined and annealed by passat 50‹ to 60‹ C., calcined and annealed by passing a current through the wire. It is stated that the resistance of units so formed increases with temperature up ...

23-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002035766B

23-11-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002062429B

30-06-1965 дата публикации

Improvements relating to apparatus comprising electric heating elements and thermal protective switches therefor

Номер: GB0000996882A

... 996,882. Thermal switches. FIRTH CLEVELAND Ltd. Jan. 5, 1962 [Jan. 17, 1961], No. 569/62. Heading H2B. An electric heating element 24 is protected against overheating by a pair of bimetal switches connected in series with each other and with the heater 24, the bimetals lying within the area covered by the heater. The two bimetals 27a, 27b are formed from the ends of a single strip fixed at its centre 29 and bent over at its ends 31a, 31b to latch a pair of spring contact blades 32a, 32b in the closed position. The bimetals are insulated from blades 32a, 32b or they may be separately formed. In a second embodiment (Fig. 3) U-shaped spring contact blades 50 are latched closed by the edges of two separate bimetals 45. A blade 57 applies an adjustable spring bias to the bimetal 45. In a third embodiment (Fig. 6) the bimetal members 68 carry the contacts 77 which are of the selfresetting type.

16-12-1926 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electric resistances for heating elements or the like

Номер: GB0000262696A

... 262,696. General Electric Co., Ltd., Kinnes, A., and Rycroft, J. L. Sept. 29, 1926. Drawings to Specification. Wire.-The resistance wire of an electric heating element is reinforced where required by an envelope united to it by swaging. The envelope mav be in the form of a metal tube of the same material as the wire and of a size to fit thereto. The reinforcement may be applied to parts of the wire subjected to specially high temperatures or near the terminals.

10-07-1919 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to Electric Heating Apparatus.

Номер: GB0000129959A

... 129,959. Forrester, H. J. C., (Burgess, H.). July 10, 1918. Resistances f o r heating. A core of refractory material has a groove for the reception of a resist. ance coil so formed as to prevent the escape of the wire from the groove on expansion. As shown in connexion with a core of conical form as described in Specification 129,438, the groove has parallel sides and a rounded bottom and is deeper and slightly wider than the diameter of the wire.

01-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002076268B

18-04-1963 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrical heating apparatus

Номер: GB0000923922A

... 923,922. Electric heating resistances. R. McGLASHEN. May 4, 1959 [May 5, 1958], No. 14234/58. Class 39 (3). Electrical heating apparatus comprises a heating unit in which the heating element is connected across two of a plurality of bus-bars within a casing, the bus-bars being so mounted that longitudinal expansion or contraction of the bars is permitted relative to the casing within predetermined limits while when these limits are exceeded the expansion or contraction is transmitted to the casing. The heater, Fig. 1, comprises a helical heating coil 1 mounted on electrical insulators 3, the insulators being mounted on metal bus-bars 4, all contained within a tubular casing 6 provided with end caps 5. The metal bars 4 extend through the end caps and are connected to the bars of adjacent units. Current is supplied to the units over the bars 4, connections to the coil being shown at 12. Locating bushes 10 permit limited heat expansion of the bars 4. Thrust pins 11 on the bars limit the longitudinal ...

23-09-1915 дата публикации

Improvements in Electrical Heating Elements.

Номер: GB0191420728A

... 20,728. Collins, G. H., and Collins, H. F. Oct. 8. Resistances for heating. A coiled wire a is wound between ribs a' on one side of a curved base of refractory material, such as China clay, and round the projecting ends of the ribs. The base may be in sections connected by bolts c<1> passing through lugs at the back, each section having at least two ribs. The bolts are screw-threaded at one end and plain at the other. Terminals fit into screw-holes at the ends of the base and at intermediate points.

08-01-1969 дата публикации

Heating panel for curing concrete

Номер: GB0001139576A

... 1,139,576. Curing concrete. E. P. M. INTER. NATIONAL. 22 March, 1966 [22 March, 1965], No. 12639/66. Heading F4G. [Also in Division H5] A heating panel 1 for curing concrete comprises an electric resistance heating element 2 made of thin elongated conductors, sandwiched between thick and thin layers 16, 1a of electrically insulating material connected together by mechanical fastening means e.g. flat headed nails. Adhesive may be added between the layers and an insulating layer of glass cloth or asbestos inserted between the element and lower layer 1b. The top layer is of laminated wood and the element of Cu wire gauze or metal foil. The panel may be curved with the lower layer of planks (24), Fig. 7 (not shown) or flat when it rests on ribs and beams to form a table, Fig. 4 (not shown). The table rests on a concrete floor connecting vertical walls and concrete is poured on the table to form another floor. The panel is supplied with 3 phase A.C. from a transformer beneath the panel.

04-09-1969 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Heating Conductors and Heater Elements Made Therefrom.

Номер: GB0001163109A

... 1,163,109. Electrical heating. METALLWERK PLANSEE A.G. 21 Dec., 1966 [21 Dec., 1965], No. 57297/66. Heading H5H. A heating element is made from one or more tubular conductors which are fabricated to form a hollow cylindrical shape. Each conductor is made from individual wires by braiding or cabling, Figs. 1-3 (not shown) to produce a tubular form and, in general, the wires may be from 0.01 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, made from, e.g. tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum or nickelchromium, while the resultant conductor may be 2 mm. or more in diameter. Such conductors are woven or otherwise associated to produce a fabric 1, Fig. 5, which shows a heating element in which two rectangular pieces of such fabric are curved to semi-cylindrical form and welded to a common conducting ring 4, at one end, and to individual terminal elements 5, 6 at the other end. In a further form of heating element, Fig. 6, a single tubular conductor 8, of 5 mm. diameter, is looped repeatedly to form a cylindrical shape 7 and ...

01-02-1912 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to Electric Heating Devices.

Номер: GB0191110549A

... 10,549. British Thomson-Houston Co., [General Electric Co.]. May 1. Resistances.-A heating-element comprises a spiral wire or other resistance mounted within a trough-shaped casing of enamelled metal or other material. As shown, the spiral 11 is connected to terminal bolts 21, and is threaded through stamped metal eyes 13, all mounted in insulating-bushes in flared holes in the casing, the eyes 13 being secured by bending down ears 15. A number of the casings may be fastened side by side by cross-strips, to form a heater of any size for ovens, boilers, &c.

29-08-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001364919A

... 1364919 Crimp corrections STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES Ltd 7 Dec 1972 [29 Sept 1971] 45369/71 Heading H5H [Also in Division H2] To prevent strain on resistance wire 10 from the leads 30, the lead support plate 38 and the adjacent wire support 16 have apertures 40b, 22 sufficiently small that the crimp connector 32 can not pass therethrough, the connector thus acting as a stop. The lead support may be a resilient plastics, e.g. epoxy glass, so that the apertures 40b may be connected to the edge of the plate by slots 40a of smaller width than the wire. The apertures in the wire supports may also be extended to a side portion. The supports 16 are of a ceramic material and slot into metal plates 12, 14. The crimp connector is of copper or soft brass and has an enlarged portion 34 to prevent the connector passing through aperture 22. The plates 12, 14 can form part of an outlet duct of a tangential fan heater. The element assembly may be used in a hair drier.

16-02-1922 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrical heating units

Номер: GB0000175411A

... 175,411. Robinson, H. J. Nov. 16, 1920. Electric stoves.-An electric heating-unit of the type comprising a metallic resistance wire wound on an insulating core mounted on a binding-bolt, for example of the kind described in Specification 9522/15, is provided with a terminal plate 1 having an internal pocket 2 to receive the end of the binding-bolt 3 and a nut 4 and washer 5 thereon, and having three equi-spaced through perforations, two of which accommodate terminal bolts 9, 10, connected to the ends of two separate resistance wires connected at their other ends to the bolt 3, and the third of which accommodates a supplementary bolt 12 engaging at its outer end a nut 14 abutting against the plate 1, and at its inner end a screwthreaded eccentric perforation 15 in the washer 5.

21-12-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001495678A

... 1495678 Resistance heating mats ELECTRICITE NEUCHATELOISE SA 23 May 1975 [13 June 1974] 23050/75 Heading H5H A heating mat is produced by stepwise advancing two parallel non-metallic bands 2, stretching insulated resistance wire 1 perpendicular to the bands 2 to form a meander pattern composed of parallel reaches 1a joined by end loops 1b which protrude beyond the side edges of the bands 2, and securing the parallel reaches 1a to the bands 2 by adhesive tape 3. The step-by-step advancement of the bands 2 can be controlled to create zones of the mat free of resistance wire 1. The wire 1 is wound about retractable bolts 6 of the assembly machine after its end has been secured, e.g. by adhesive tape to one of the bands. Holes 4 are stamped through the advancing bands 2 and adhesive tape 3. These are used for positioning the mats during installation. Connector boxes 5 on the bands 2 connect cold terminal wires to the ends of the heating wire 1. Boxes 5 contain connectors in the form of clips ...

28-01-1959 дата публикации

Electric heating element

Номер: GB0000807958A

... 807,958. Electric resistance heaters. FORSTER, H. VON. Nov. 17, 1955, No. 32986/55. Class 39(3) A method of producing a waterproof, flexible heater consists of sewing heating wires o of approximately 0.12 mm. diameter on to a plastic foil p of approximately 0.1 to 0.3 mm. thickness in bifilar arrangement by means of a plastic thread t, and then interposing the foil between further plastic foils and fusing the foils together. A conventional sewing machine may be used in which the shuttle is loaded with the wire and the needle is threaded with the plastic thread. A regulator q is provided for temperature control.

22-02-1978 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001501930A

... 1501930 Electric resistance heating LIEBELT PALMER & CO Ltd 20 Aug 1976 [11 July 1975] 29183/75 Heading H5H A helically coiled wire heating resistor 5 is wound upon an insulating corrugated former 3, enclosed within a mechanically protecting and electrically insulating body. The protecting body may be sheets of insulating material 2, 4 or an embedding mass. A rigid outer casing may be provided. Former 3 is corrugated, 7, for flexibility and notched 8 to locate the resistor. Former 3 and plates 2, 4 may be of mica, asbestos, asbestos compound or ceramic. The embedding material may be a ceramic or magnesium oxide. The casing, of stainless steel or mild steel or brass, may be formed as a bobbin and closed by an outer plate 12, or be open on the inner side during manufacture and closed by an inner plate. Leads 9, conduit 10 may be brazed on. The heater may be an incomplete annulus (Fig. 3, not shown) for ease of clamping around a member (e.g. an extrusion nozzle), or a complete annulus, as ...

04-06-1980 дата публикации

Electrical heating element for fluid media

Номер: GB0002034560A

An electrical heating element for fluid media, more particularly for hot air appliances, comprising a support member of insulating material and at least two heating conductors which are made of resistance wire and which surround the support member, the heating conductors being wound as helical coils and supported on supporting edges of the support member, the coils being wound with radial spacing from one another. The heating conductors may comprise an outer coil consisting of a resistance wire of high specific power consumption and an inner coil consisting of a resistance wire of low specific power consumption. The support member may comprise a tubular body with ribs projecting radially at the periphery, said ribs forming the supporting edges. The outer ribs may be U-shaped extending from end to end of the tubular body and forming passages through which the turns of the inner coil pass. The ribs preferably comprise mica strips; various mounting means for such strips are described.

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000466368T

15-04-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000463837T

15-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000427641T

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000015889A

15-07-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000125095T

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000162356T

15-12-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160481T

15-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000157501T

15-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000276638T

15-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000341179T

11-09-1972 дата публикации

Flexible electrical heating element for gaseous media

Номер: AT0000301709B

15-01-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA50274A

10-06-1968 дата публикации

Heating element

Номер: AT0000262467B

15-05-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000238640T

20-12-1921 дата публикации

An improved heating element for electric irons and other domestic and industrial electrical apparatus

Номер: AU0001902020B1

25-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AU0001810383A

30-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002542877A

25-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002518097C
Принадлежит: TUTCO, INC.

An open coil resistance heating apparatus uses a pair of twisted wires (11, 13) having a particular gauge and pitch as the resistance heating wire. Using the twisted pair of wires in the selected gauge and pitch results in significant cost reductions; less wire is needed to achieve the same heating capacity.

30-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002463861C

An electrically conductive heated glass panel assembly (20), control system, and method for producing panels are provided to warm objects and to insure unobstructed viewing through glass by removing moisture. An integrated connection circuit (18) interconnects glass sheets, which have a low emissivity conductive coating deposited thereon. The circuit includes copper bus bars (22) that are disposed onto the conductive coating through the use of a circularly rotating or an inline heating head and mask apparatus. A metallic tab (24), which extends from the glass sheet's peripheral edge (37), is disposed onto each conductive metal bus bar for external electrical connectivity. Two types of glazing channels are offered to interconnect multiple panels to external circuits and controls. A solid-state controller (16) may be provided to obtain sensor control signals so as to drive a triac circuit that provides current flow through the panel for the desired heating.

29-08-1989 дата публикации


Номер: CA1258879A

An electric heating element assembly for a bread toaster having a resistance element disposed in a tortuous configuration on a plate of insulating material and having a heat conducting, electrically insulating sheet secured in parallel relation to said plate to sandwich said element against said plate. The heating element being mounted in a toaster in closer proximity to the bread slice position than the elements of a conventional toaster.

31-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1272303A

A substrate for supporting electrical components, such as thick film resistive heating elements, comprises a plate member, such as a metallic plate member, coated on one or both of its flat surfaces with a glass ceramic material. It has been found that the problems of (a) electrical breakdown between the metallic plate member and the thick film resistive heating element and (b) lack of adhesion between the thick film and the glass ceramic material can be substantially reduced or eliminated by reducing the porosity of the glass ceramic material. Methods of producing a glass ceramic layer having a low porosity, involving a two-stage heating process, are described.

06-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: CA1121424A

The specification describes a heater assembly for installation in a duct. The assembly comprises a metallic platform, insulated support members projecting from both sides of the platform, and an electric resistance heating wire supported on the members on both sides of the platform. Air flowing along both sides of the platform is heated by the wire and by the platform which is radiantly heated by the wire.

11-12-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA938330A

08-02-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1005107A

31-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001293762C

Case 3022 HEATER COIL MOUNTING FOR A DRYER A support bracket and a method for mounting a heating coil in a dryer or the like by means of such bracket is disclosed. The support bracket is a plate of unitary construction having one or more openings for receiving and supporting an insulating bushing and a pair of support legs adapted for engagement with slots in a support wall. At least one portion of the plate is folded upon itself to form a retaining rim for the bushing and reinforcing the support legs.

10-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000994845A1

03-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002492624A1

An open coil resistance heater assembly is made for universal mounting between left and right hand installations in an appliance or other equipment. The heater assembly has its coils arranged symmetrically about a bisecting plane of the heater assembly and/or a center line of its terminal assembly aligned with the bisecting plane. The symmetrical coil arrangement and/or bisected terminal assembly allow the heater to be used in right hand or left hand installations.

24-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001229646A1

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3130204A1

A heating assembly for a cooking appliance, such as a toaster or oven, has a support and/or heating element with a curved shape having a concave side facing a cooking cavity. The support and/or heating element may be flexible, e.g., having a planar shape when unstressed and a curved shape when stressed. The support and/or heating element may define a sheet, e.g., having a length and width. The heating element may have openings in the sheet. The heating element may be coupled to the support so as to be slidable movable relative to the support, e.g., so the heating element can slide relative to the support when the support and heating element are bent into a curved shape.

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003065180A1
Принадлежит: PERRY + CURRIER

A support insulator for an open coil electric heater includes an insulator body having at least one coil support portion and plate attachment slots. The support insulator has an arm extending from the insulator body, the arm having a slot on an end thereof. Depending on the mounting of the support insulator, the slot can receive a resistance wire as a portion of a coil break-turn, a wire as part of a coil section, a part of a lead wire, or a part of a run of resistance wire that is not a coil break-turn or coil section.

20-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002974309A1

Disclosed is the use of a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) fabric as a skin for protection of nano-carbon heaters used for de-icing aircrafts or other vehicles. This allows the heaters to be resistant to hail, bird, and other mechanical striking damages, and can be applied to parts of aircraft that require acoustic protection.

09-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002813340A1

An infrared (IR) heating panel for a sauna, including a thermally and electrically insulating substrate, a power buss, at least one IR heating element electrically coupled to the power buss and supported by the substrate, at least one return element electrically coupled to the power buss and the at least one IR heating element, and a shielding layer substantially covering the at least one IR heating element. The at least one IR heating element is configured to emit IR radiation when an electrical current is passed there through, and the shielding layer is arranged such that the at least one IR heating element is disposed between the shielding layer and the substrate. The shielding layer is electrically coupled to ground and configured to harness and shunt electrical field charge emitted by the at least one IR heating element.

04-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002810620C
Принадлежит: TUTCO, INC., TUTCO INC

An open coil electrical resistance heater subassembly for use in a heater has a support plate dividing the heater into at least two portions. At least two resistance wire coils are supported on the support plate using a plurality of insulators. Each insulator is configured to provide support to a portion of the resistance wire coil. The at least two resistance wire coils are arranged with respect to the support plate so that the coil power for each coil is distributed generally evenly between the top and bottom of the support plate and across the width of the support plate.

16-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002273486C
Принадлежит: CAMCO INC., CAMCO INC

There is disclosed an arrangement for mounting a heating coil relative to a supporting wall of a clothes dryer heater housing. An insulator has a main body portion adapted to secure the heating coil relative thereto and a base portion adapted to be seated in fixed relation t o the supporting wall. The base portion has first and second flanges which curve downwardly and outwardly from the insulator. The support wall has two raised tab members which are adapted to define between these tab members and the supporting wall a recessed channel for receiving the first flange of the insulator. The supporting wall further has two spaced apart guide members for engagement with opposite sides of the second flange of the base member to prevent relative lateral movement of the insulator. The supporting wall has a pivotably movable locking flange which is pivotable about a crease located between the two guide members. The locking flange has a hook adapted to move into engagement with the second flange ...

16-02-1920 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizvorrichtung

Номер: CH0000084215A

01-03-1920 дата публикации

Chaufferette électrique

Номер: CH0000084214A

01-03-1921 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizvorrichtung.

Номер: CH0000088486A

01-06-1921 дата публикации

Appareil électrique de chauffage.

Номер: CH0000089510A

16-08-1924 дата публикации

Elektrischer Heizkörper und Verfahren zur Herstellung desselben.

Номер: CH0000104039A

01-06-1927 дата публикации

Elektrischer Widerstandsheizkörper.

Номер: CH0000120748A

01-06-1928 дата публикации

Corps de chauffe électrique.

Номер: CH0000125907A

31-10-1940 дата публикации

Elektrisches Heizelement.

Номер: CH0000212048A
Принадлежит: SALVIS A G, SALVIS A.-G.

30-06-1939 дата публикации

Elektrischer Heizkörper.

Номер: CH0000205465A

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Integral heater assembly and method for carrier or host board of electronic package assembly

Номер: US20130094148A1
Автор: Jeffrey Sloane
Принадлежит: Integrated Microwave Corp

A multilayer printed circuit board has an embedded heater layer having at least one elongated heater element trace of copper which is densely arranged in a predetermined circuitous path over at least part of the area of the board. The heater element has inputs configured for connection to a standard high current, low voltage power supply, and may also have ground connections for selective connection to a ground layer. The heater layer may be embedded in a carrier board of a surface mount module close to the lower solder interface layer, or may be embedded in a host board of an electronics assembly close to the mounting surface.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130200067A1
Принадлежит: NHK SPRING CO., LTD.

A method of manufacturing a ceramic sintered body, includes: a film forming step of forming, on a surface of a heat-resistant metal material, a metal coating film made of a metal material having a standard free energy of formation of metal carbides lower than that of the heat-resistant metal material; a molding step of disposing heat-resistant metal material provided with the coating film in the film forming step at a predetermined position in powder that serves as a starting material of a ceramic base, and molding a ceramic green body by press-molding the powder; and a sintering step of generating a ceramic sintered body by sintering the ceramic green body molded in the molding step. 1. A method of manufacturing a ceramic sintered body , comprising:a film forming step of forming, on a surface of a heat-resistant metal material, a metal coating film made of a metal material having a standard free energy of formation of metal carbides lower than that of the heat-resistant metal material;a molding step of disposing the heat-resistant metal material provided with the coating film in the film forming step at a predetermined position in powder that serves as a starting material of a ceramic base, and molding a ceramic green body by press-molding the powder; anda sintering step of generating a ceramic sintered body by sintering the ceramic green body molded in the molding step.2. The method of manufacturing a ceramic sintered body according to claim 1 ,wherein the heat-resistant metal material is a metal having a high melting point and low thermal expansion and selected from molybdenum or a molybdenum alloy, tungsten or a tungsten alloy, and niobium or a niobium alloy.3. The method of manufacturing a ceramic sintered body according to claim 1 ,wherein the metal coating film is formed of titanium, aluminum, tantalum, or zirconium.4. The method of manufacturing a ceramic sintered body according to claim 1 ,wherein the ceramic base is aluminum nitride, silicon nitride, or ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Heating and cooling table

Номер: US20130216213A1
Автор: Brad THOMAS
Принадлежит: Individual

A temperature controlled table has a hollow support base with a hollow table top portion. A series of air intake openings in the support base allow air to be drawn in from the outside and circulated through the table. A series of controllable vents arraigned on the outside edge of the table top allow users to control and direct the airflow. In one embodiment, a heating element is provided within the support base to heat air as it circulates. An ice tray is provided to cool air flowing through. In this way, the user can control the temperature in close proximity to the table to enhance their comfort.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034634A1

The invention relates to a heating rod comprising a tube housing, at least one ceramic heating element, which is arranged in the tube housing, a first contact plate, which in the tube housing bears against the heating element or the heating elements, and an insulating frame, which surrounds the longitudinal edges of the first contact plate. In accordance with this disclosure, a second contact plate is provided, which carries a second insulating frame, wherein the at least one heating element is arranged between the two contact plates and the two frames are plugged into one another. 1. A heating rod , comprising:a tube housing;at least one ceramic heating element arranged in the tube housing;a first contact plate, which in the tube housing bears against the heating element or the heating elements;an insulating frame, which surrounds the longitudinal edges of the first contact plate; anda second contact plate, which carries a second insulating frame;wherein the at least one ceramic heating element is arranged between the two contact plates and the two frames are plugged into one another.2. The heating rod according to claim 1 , wherein the two frames are plugged into one another in the form of a tongue-and-groove connection.3. The heating rod according to claim 1 , wherein the contact plates protrude from the tube housing with an extension.4. The heating rod according to claim 3 , wherein the contact plates have a reduced width outside the tube housing.5. The heating rod according to claim 4 , wherein the extensions of the two contact plates are offset from one another.6. The heating rod according to claim 3 , wherein the two frames each have a transverse limb at the end at which the contact plates protrude from the tube housing claim 3 , said transverse limbs having a greater width than the longitudinal limbs of said frames.7. The heating rod according to claim 6 , wherein the two transverse limbs engage in one another.8. The heating rod according to claim 1 , ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140042149A1
Автор: KAMITANI Satoru

A ceramic base body, which is a ceramic heater which suppresses noise radiation and thus has little adverse effect on surrounding electronic devices, includes a plurality of ceramic layers, and a mixed-material layer disposed between two ceramic layers, the mixed-material layer being formed of a mixture of a ceramic material and a metal material. Between the ceramic layer and the mixed-material layer, a heat-generating resistor which generates heat by a passage of electric current therethrough is disposed. Radiation of a high-frequency component generated by the passage of electric current through the heat-generating resistor is suppressed by the mixed-material layer, wherefore the adverse effect of the radiation on surrounding electronic devices can be reduced. 1. A ceramic heater , comprising:a ceramic base body;a heat-generating resistor disposed in an interior of the ceramic base body, the heat-generating resistor generating heat by a passage of electric current therethrough; anda mixed-material layer disposed in the interior of the ceramic base body, the mixed-material layer being formed of a mixture of a ceramic material and a metal material.2. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the mixed-material layer is disposed between the heat-generating resistor and a heating surface of the ceramic base body3. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the heat-generating resistor comprises main surface opposed to the heating surface of the ceramic base body, and a side surface contiguous to the main surface,and wherein the mixed-material layer is disposed so as to cover the main surface and the side surface of the heat-generating resistor.4. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the mixed-material layer is disposed so as to entirely cover the heat-generating resistor.5. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 ,wherein the mixed-material layer is configured so that a mixing rate of the metal material blended therein becomes lower gradually ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140091074A1

A carrier, in particular a plastic film, comprising an electrical heating layer is described. The heating layer is applied to at least a portion of a carrier surface. The heating layer is electrically divided by one or more first separating zones, each of which is designed such that a current path changes the direction of flow thereof at the free zone ends, and one or more second separating zones, which are designed such that the current path changing the direction of flow thereof at the free zone ends is divided in at least some sections into a plurality of electrically parallel current sub-paths. One or more second separating zones are associated with at least one free zone end of a first separating zone, with the second separating zones arranged in an aligned extension to the first separating zone. 1. A carrier for panel heating elements , in particular plastic film , with an electrical heating layer applied to at least a part of a carrier surface and with at least two electrodes provided for connection to a voltage source , wherein the at least two electrodes are connected to the electrical heating layer such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the electrodes , wherein the heating layer is electrically divided by:one or more first separating zones, which have, in each case, at least one free zone end, and are implemented such that the current path changes its direction of flow on the free zone ends, andone or more second separating zones, which are implemented such that the current path changing its direction of flow on the free zone ends is divided at least in sections into a plurality of electrically parallel current subpaths,wherein one or more second separating zones are associated with at least one free zone end of a first separating zone, and are arranged in an aligned extension of the first separating zone.2. The carrier according to claim 1 , wherein the separating zones have a distance between them that becomes smaller toward the ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Foam heat exchanger for hot melt adhesive or other thermoplastic material dispensing apparatus

Номер: US20140093227A1
Автор: Grant McGuffey

A foam heat exchanger, for use in connection with hot melt adhesive or other thermoplastic material dispensing applicators, comprises a foam having an open cell reticulated foam structure. Due to the open cell reticulated structure of the foam, the surface area of the foam heat exchanger, with which the air comes into contact, is significantly increased. In addition, the open cell reticulated structure of the foam heat exchanger will also cause the air flow to experience resistance and turbulence so as to in turn enhance the heating efficiency of the heat exchanger, through means of enhanced thermal energy transfer from the heat exchanger to the processed air stream, whereby a significantly larger volume of air can be heated as compared to a conventional heat exchanger of similar size.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001077A1
Автор: OISHI Yuta, OYA Seiji
Принадлежит: NGK SPARK PLUG CO., LTD.

A heater which realizes both reduction of power consumption and improvement of durability against thermal shock. The heater includes a ceramic substrate formed of a ceramic material containing alumina as a main component; and a heat-generating resistor provided on the ceramic substrate and having a heat-generating portion and a lead portion, the heat-generating resistor containing, as a main component, one or more metals selected from the group consisting of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and rhodium (Rh), or an alloy of any of these, and a ceramic material which is the same as the ceramic material of the ceramic substrate. In the heater, the ratio of the resistance of the heat-generating portion to the sum of the resistances of the heat-generating portion and the lead portion is 76 to 95%, and the heat-generating portion has a thickness of 1 to 6 μm. 1. A heater comprising:a ceramic substrate formed of a ceramic material containing alumina as a main component; anda heat-generating resistor provided on the ceramic substrate and having a heat-generating portion and a lead portion, the heat-generating resistor containing, as a main component, one or more metals selected from the group consisting of platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and rhodium (Rh), or an alloy of any of these, and a ceramic material which is the same as the ceramic material of the ceramic substrate, whereinthe ratio of the resistance of the heat-generating portion to the sum of the resistances of the heat-generating portion and the lead portion is 76 to 95%; andthe heat-generating portion has a thickness of 1 to 6 μm.2. A heater according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-generating portion has a thickness of 1 to 4 μm.3. A heater according to claim 1 , wherein the heat-generating portion has a ceramic content of 10 to 35 vol. %.4. A heater according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the heat-generating portion is 50% or less that of the lead portion.5. A gas sensor element comprising:a sensor cell for ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007474A1

A heating circuit assembly and method of manufacture includes an electrically conductive heating element having a pattern. An electrically non-conductive substrate is additive manufactured and secured to the element for structural support. The substrate has a topology that generally aligns with the pattern of the element thereby reducing the assembly weight and minimizing substrate material waste. 1. A heating circuit assembly comprising:an electrically conductive element arranged in a pattern; andan electrically non-conductive substrate secured to the element and having a topology that generally aligns with the pattern.2. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is thermoplastic.3. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is a thermosetting substrate.4. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 1 , wherein the pattern and topology are three-dimensional.5. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 4 , wherein the substrate includes at least one of a glass and a ceramic material to enhance structural integrity.6. The heating circuit assembly set forth in further comprising:an electrically non-conductive and thermally conductive layer secured to at least the element with the element disposed between the substrate and layer.7. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 6 , wherein the layer is an additive manufactured layer.8. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 7 , wherein the layer has a topology that generally corresponds to the pattern.9. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 8 , wherein the layer includes at least one of glass and ceramic materials to enhance structural integrity.10. The heating circuit assembly set forth in claim 8 , wherein the layer includes at least one of boron nitride claim 8 , aluminum oxide claim 8 , aluminum nitride claim 8 , silicon carbide claim 8 , and diamond particles to control thermal conductivity.11. The heating circuit ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008165A1
Принадлежит: The General Hospital Corporation

A transparent portable warming device to insure normothermia during medical transport, particularly for transporting pediatric patients and infants is disclosed. The warming device includes a one or more layers of a thin, flexible, transparent material. A heating element includes a parallel circuit of resistive wires controlled by a battery-powered power controller. The controller maintains the temperature of the blanket at a predetermined temperature level for periods of time suitable for transporting patients. In one embodiment, the resistive wires are nichrome, and the flexible material comprises polyvinylchloride. The system can be powered by a lightweight twelve volt battery. 1. A portable transparent warming device comprising:a flexible transparent layer sized and dimensioned to cover a portion of a body of a medical patient;a plurality of resistive wires integrated with the flexible transparent layer; anda power controller electrically connected to the resistive wires so to apply a current to sufficient to produce heat from the resistive wires, wherein heat produced from the wires is sufficient to achieve and maintain a steady state temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius beneath a substantial portion of the flexible transparent layer.2. The portable transparent warming device of claim 1 , wherein the power controller is sized to produce a steady state temperature of about 40 degrees within an environment having an ambient temperature of about 23 degrees Celsius or less.3. The portable transparent warming device of claim 1 , wherein the power controller is sized to provide sufficient power to the resistive heating element to raise the temperature of the flexible transparent layer from ambient to a predetermined steady state temperature within a time period of about 14 minutes.4. The portable transparent warming device of claim 1 , wherein the steady state temperature can be achieved within a time period of about 2 minutes.5. The portable transparent warming ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Electronic cigarette with multiple atomizer assemblies

Номер: US20160015081A1
Автор: Qiuming Liu
Принадлежит: Kimree Technology Co Ltd

An electronic cigarette with multiple atomizing assemblies is provided. The atomizing assembly includes a first atomizing device and a second atomizing device. When the cigarette liquid is atomized by the first atomizing device, the smoke generated by the first atomizing device generally contains large particles of the cigarette liquid that have been not sufficiently. The large particles of the cigarette liquid that have been not sufficiently atomized are delivered by the smoke towards the second atomizing device. When passing through the second atomizing device, the cigarette liquid that have been not sufficiently atomized is atomized again by the second atomizing device, thereby enabling the smoke to be more soft and smooth, subtly increasing the amount of the smoke, and preventing the user from sucking in large particles of the cigarette liquid that have been not sufficiently atomized.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014619A1
Автор: IKESAKI Roberto Jun

A resistive element applied to heating equipment significantly increases the efficiency and savings in heating equipment such as hair drying equipment and other similar equipment. A resistive element has at least one flat and aligned profile resistive element mounted in a wave-shaped format. At least one support structure with four radial vanes is mounted and houses, aside from the resistive element units, the respective connection terminals, a thermostat, and required electrical wires. 17-. (canceled)8. A resistive element applied to heating equipment , the resistive element comprising:at least one flat and aligned profile resistive element mounted in a wave-shaped format on which at least one support structure unit with four radial vanes is mounted and able to receive, aside from the resistive element unit, one or more respective connection terminals and a thermostat, as well as electrical wires.91. The resistive element applied to heating equipment according to claim , wherein the at least one support structure unit is a plurality of stamped support structures placed radially with each other and having four vanes manufactured in demicanite.101. The resistive element applied to heating equipment according to claim , wherein the flat profile resistive element provides between 30% and 40% reduction in power consumption.111. The resistive element applied to heating equipment according to claim , wherein the resistive element is obtained through a stretching process.121. The resistive element applied to heating equipment according to claim , wherein the resistive element is flexible and adaptable in shape.131. The resistive element applied to heating equipment according to claim , wherein the resistive element is manufactured in a zigzag shape.141. The resistive element applied to heating equipment according to claim , wherein the resistive element is used in hair dryers. This invention patent specification particularly refers to a new resistive element, built from an ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014822A1

A cartridge coupled or coupleable with a control body to form an aerosol delivery device is provided that includes a container of aerosol precursor composition and an atomizer enclosing a reservoir configured to receive and carry aerosol precursor composition. The container and the atomizer are removably coupleable with one another, and include respectively a septum and a connector including a cannula that are engaged when the container and the atomizer are coupled to enable passage of aerosol precursor composition from the container to the reservoir. The atomizer further includes a heating element controllable to activate and vaporize components of the aerosol precursor composition in the reservoir. 1. A cartridge coupled or coupleable with a control body to form an aerosol delivery device , the cartridge comprising:a container of aerosol precursor composition; andan atomizer enclosing a reservoir configured to receive and carry aerosol precursor composition,wherein the container and the atomizer are removably coupleable with one another, and include respectively a septum and connector including a cannula that are engaged when the container and the atomizer are coupled to enable passage of aerosol precursor composition from the container to the reservoir, andwherein the atomizer further includes a heating element controllable to activate and vaporize components of the aerosol precursor composition in the reservoir.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the cannula includes a first passageway for the passage of aerosol precursor composition claim 1 , and a second passageway for passage of air into the container.3. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the atomizer further includes a second cannula that is also engaged with the septum when the container and the atomizer are coupled claim 1 , the second cannula and the septum being engaged to enable passage of air into the container.4. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the atomizer further comprises a porous element in ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Infrared Heating Mechanism and Device

Номер: US20200015322A1
Автор: Qi Wenguo

An infrared heating mechanism and device are provided. The infrared heating mechanism includes infrared heating tubes, wherein a plurality of reflection plates are disposed at intervals in a length direction of the infrared heating tubes, and mounting holes corresponding to the infrared heating tubes are provided on the reflection plates so that the reflection plates are sleeved on side walls of the infrared heating tubes. 1. An infrared heating mechanism , comprising infrared heating tubes , wherein a plurality of reflection plates are disposed at intervals in a length direction of the infrared heating tubes , and the plurality of reflection plates are each provided with mounting holes corresponding to the infrared heating tubes , so that the reflection plates are sleeved on side walls of the infrared heating tubes.2. The infrared heating mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein a plane where the reflection plates lie is perpendicular to a length direction of the infrared heating tubes claim 1 , and the plurality of reflection plates are uniformly arranged.3. The infrared heating mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein a reflection protrusion is provided on a plate surface of each of the reflection plates claim 1 , and the reflection protrusion is configured to increase a reflection area of each of the reflection plates; and/ora reflection groove is provided on a plate surface of each of the reflection plates, and the reflection groove is configured to increase the reflection area of each of the reflection plates.4. The infrared heating mechanism according to claim 3 , wherein the reflection protrusion is a semicircular protrusion; and/orthe reflection groove is a semicircular groove.5. The infrared heating mechanism according to claim 1 , wherein both front surface and back surface of each of the reflection plates are provided with a reflection protrusion and a reflection groove.6. The infrared heating mechanism according to claim 5 , wherein the reflection ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022397A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A cartridge for an electronic vaping device includes an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction and a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation. The reservoir is in the outer housing. The reservoir has a first reservoir end and a second reservoir end. The cartridge also includes a seal at the first reservoir end, a transfer pad at the second reservoir end, and a wick in contact with the transfer pad. The transfer pad includes a plurality of fibers. Each of the plurality of fibers is substantially parallel to the longitudinal direction. 1. A cartridge for an electronic vaping device comprising:an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction;a reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation, the reservoir in the outer housing;a transfer pad at an end of the reservoir, the transfer pad including a plurality of fibers, each of the plurality of fibers being substantially parallel to the longitudinal direction; anda wick in contact with the transfer pad.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the reservoir is under atmospheric pressure.3. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a density ranging from about 0.08 g/cc to about 0.3 g/cc.4. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a length of about 5.0 mm to about 10.0 mm and a density of about 0.08 g/cc to about 0.1 g/cc.5. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a length of about 0.5 mm to about 10.0 mm and a density of about 0.1 g/cc to about 0.3 g/cc.6. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad has a length of about 3.0 mm and the transfer pad has a generally square-shaped cross-section with rounded corners.7. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad includes a plurality of channels claim 1 , each of the plurality of channels between adjacent ones of the plurality of fibers.8. The cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the transfer pad includes an outer side wall claim 1 , the outer side wall having a coating thereon.9. The ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027459A1

The present disclosure relates to an electronic smoking article that provides for improved aerosol delivery. Particularly, the article comprises one or more microheaters. In various embodiments, the microheaters provide for improved control of vaporization of an aerosol precursor composition and provide for reduced power requirements to achieve consistent aerosolization. The present disclosure further relates to methods of forming an aerosol in a smoking article. 161-. (canceled)62. An aerosol forming article comprising:an electrical power source;an atomizing chamber defined by a plurality of walls, the atomizing chamber including at least one entry adapted for passage of aliquots of an aerosol precursor composition into the chamber and at least one exit adapted for passage of formed vapor therefrom;a controller adapted to control active flow of the aliquots of the aerosol precursor composition into the atomizing chamber; anda microheater that forms at least a portion of one of the plurality of walls defining the atomizing chamber, the microheater comprising an electrically conductive material overlying a supporting layer and being configured to vaporize the aliquots of the aerosol precursor composition.63. The aerosol forming article according to claim 62 , wherein the electrically conductive material is selected from the group consisting of elemental metals claim 62 , metal alloys claim 62 , silicon claim 62 , ceramics claim 62 , carbon claim 62 , carbides claim 62 , nitrides claim 62 , and combinations thereof.64. The aerosol forming article according to claim 62 , wherein the electrically conductive material is a printed layer overlying the supporting layer.65. The aerosol forming article according to claim 62 , wherein the supporting layer comprises a silicon-based material.66. The aerosol forming article according to claim 62 , wherein the microheater comprises a protective layer overlying the electrically conductive material.67. The aerosol forming article ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220044850A1

A process manufactures a PTC heating element () that includes at least one PTC component () and, on at least one side () of the at least one PTC component (), at least one carrier () permanently connected to the PTC component (). The process includes arranging solder material () between the one side of the at least one PTC component (), which side is to be permanently connected to the at least one carrier (), and the at least one carrier to be connected on this side of the at least one PTC component (). The solder material () is melted by induction soldering to connect the at least one PTC component () to the at least one carrier (). 1. A process for manufacturing a PTC heating element , wherein the PTC heating element comprises at least one PTC component and a carrier permanently connected to the at least one PTC component on at least one side of the at least one PTC component , the process comprising the steps of:arranging solder material between the at least one side of the at least one PTC component, which side is to be permanently connected to the carrier, and the carrier to be connected on the least one side of the at least one PTC component; andmelting the solder material by induction soldering and thereby connecting the at least one PTC component to the carrier.2. The process in accordance with claim 1 , wherein:the step of arranging solder material comprises applying solder material to the at least one side of the at least one PTC component, which side is to be connected to the carrier; orthe step of arranging solder material comprises applying solder material to the carrier to be connected to the at least one PTC component; orthe step of arranging solder material comprises applying solder material to the at least one side of the at least one PTC component, which side is to be connected to the carrier and also applying solder material to the carrier to be connected to the at least one PTC component.3. The process in accordance with claim 2 , wherein ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Air heater having two-piece ceramic holder and ceramic holder for air heater and methods of assembly

Номер: US20160029436A1

An air heater, method of assembling an air heater and a ceramic holder for an air heater are provided. The ceramic holder is formed from two parts that are operably mounted to the housing for securing a ceramic insulator to the housing.

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034622A1
Автор: Sasaki Ken

The present invention is directed to a steering wheel. Turning portions are alternately formed in a longitudinal direction by way of heater wires of heating portions that are fixed to a skin body main body formed in a belt shape. Of the turning potions, on an outer circumferential side of an arc of a rim portion main body, central turning portions in a plurality of arrays are formed so as to be displaced from each other in a longitudinal direction of the rim portion main body. Among the turning portions, on an inner circumferential side of the arc of the rim portion main body, lateral turning portions are formed in such a manner that a dimension in the longitudinal direction of the rim portion main body is smaller in length than that of a respective one of turning pattern portions of the central turning portions. 2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthree or more heater wires are disposed in the direction crossing the longitudinal direction of the covering portion main body,the central turning portion is disposed in the heater wire that is positioned at a center side in the direction crossing the longitudinal direction of the covering portion main body, anda turned portion of the inner circumferential side are disposed in the heater wire that is positioned along both sides in the longitudinal direction of the covering portion main body.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe covering portion main body has a plurality of covering piece portions which are jointed with each other in a longitudinal direction,the turned portions are respectively disposed in the covering piece portions,the heating portion has a connecting portion which is formed by the heater wire at a position at which the covering piece portions are jointed with each other,the connecting portion being configured to extend along the jointed position and connect the turned portions of the covering piece portions to each other. This application claims priority of Japanese ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Heater For Heating Gas and Method of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20210030995A1
Автор: Park Jae-Sang

The present invention relates to a heater for heating a gas and a method for manufacturing the same for heating the anesthetic gas or the like by heating the heat transfer area to make it more instantaneous at a short distance. To this end, the present invention is made of an insulator and formed by a slit and a plurality of supports to form a hollow cylindrical or polygonal body, and the slit formed in the body and a portion of the hollow inside the body. It includes a heating wire wound to be exposed to, the slit is formed in a spiral in the body, the support is formed in the middle of the slit, characterized in that the heating wire is wound in the spiral in the body. In addition, the method for manufacturing a heater for heating a gas according to the present invention includes a plate preparation step of preparing a rectangular-shaped plate member made of an insulator, and a slit forming a supports while obliquely forming a plurality of slits through the plate member in the vertical direction. Step and the bending shape forming step of bending the plate member formed with the slit in a cylindrical or polygonal column shape to form a body, and a heating wire spirally winding the heating wire so that a part of the heating wire is exposed inside the body by the slit and the support. Characterized in that it comprises a winding step. 1. A gas heating heater , comprising;a body, which is formed in a hollow cylindrical or polygonal columnar shape by forming a plurality of slits and a plurality of supports; anda heating cable, part of which is wound around the inside of the body to be exposed thereto by the slits formed in the body;wherein the slits are each formed to be inclined in a spiral shape on the body;the supports are each formed in the middle part of each slit; and the heating wire is spirally wound to the body.2. The gas heating heater of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of supports formed on the body such that at least two supports are formed at least two ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160036034A1
Принадлежит: LG CHEM, LTD.

A method for injecting an electrolyte includes heating a case in which an electrode assembly is accommodated, and injecting an electrolyte into the case after the heating of the case. Here, the heating of the case may include heating the case through high-frequency induction heating using a coil. Also, the coil may have a spiral shape to surround the outside of the case along a longitudinal direction of the case. 1. A method for injecting an electrolyte , the method comprising:heating a case in which an electrode assembly is accommodated; andinjecting an electrolyte into the case after the heating of the case.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the heating of the case comprises heating the case through high-frequency induction heating using a coil.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the coil has a spiral shape to surround the outside of the case along a longitudinal direction of the case.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the case has a cylindrical shape.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the heating of the case comprises raising an internal temperature of the case to a temperature of 40° C. to 50° C. through the high-frequency induction heating.6. The method of claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , in the heating of the case claim 2 , the case is heated for 5 seconds to 10 seconds. The present invention relates to a method for injecting an electrolyte, and more particularly, to a method for injecting an electrolyte, which is capable of increasing injectability of the electrolyte without directly heating the electrolyte.Batteries are devices in which a cathode electrochemically reacts with an anode to generate electricity. The batteries (for example, lithium ion secondary batteries) may be classified into a stacked type battery, a winding-type (jelly-roll-type) battery, or a stack and folding type battery according to structures of an electrode assembly.In case of the stacked type battery, each of a cathode, a separator, and an anode is cut into a predetermined size, and then ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190040926A1

A viscous damper system includes a body having a chamber disposed inside the body that contains a viscous fluid. The viscous damper system also includes a moving member that is disposed inside the chamber that moves to displace the viscous fluid. A heater strip is operably coupled to a surface of the body. The heater strip includes a heating element and an insulator. A connector electrically coupled to the heater strip powers the heater strip to stabilize a temperature of the viscous fluid inside the chamber of the body. 1. A viscous damper system comprising:a body having a chamber disposed inside the body, wherein the chamber is configured to contain a viscous fluid;a moving member disposed inside the chamber, wherein the moving member is configured to move to displace the viscous fluid;a heater strip operably coupled to a surface of the body, the heater strip having a heating element and an insulator; anda connector electrically coupled to the heater strip, wherein the connector is configured to power the heater strip to stabilize a temperature of the viscous fluid inside the chamber of the body.2. The viscous damper system of claim 1 , wherein the heater strip is a flexible strip that is configured to be wrapped around the surface of the body.3. The viscous damper system of claim 1 , wherein the heater strip includes conductive buses that are configured to electrically couple the heater strip to the connector.4. The viscous damper system of claim 3 , wherein the conductive buses are configured to be printed on an outer surface of the heating element.5. The viscous damper system of claim 3 , wherein the connector is electrically coupled to an electrical system comprising a switch claim 3 , wherein the electrical system provides power to the heater strip when the switch is in a first position claim 3 , and wherein the electrical system does not provide power to the heater strip when the switch is in a second position.6. The viscous damper system of claim 5 , ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043920A1
Автор: Fujii Takahiro

A steering wheel decorative member that is configured to be attached corresponding to a resin member covering a periphery of a ring core of a steering wheel. The decorative member includes a base member constituting a design part, a heater provided on a back surface of the base member and an attachment part that is configured to attach the base member to the resin member. The attachment part is configured so as to electrically connect a terminal of the heater to a power supply side terminal provided in the resin member. 1. A steering wheel decorative member that is configured to be attached corresponding to a resin member covering a periphery of a ring core of a steering wheel , the decorative member comprising:a base member constituting a design part;a heater provided on a back surface of the base member; andan attachment part that is configured to attach the base member to the resin member,wherein the attachment part is configured so as to electrically connect a terminal of the heater to a power supply side terminal provided in the resin member.2. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the attachment part comprises an engaging fixing piece that claim 1 , at a first end side thereof claim 1 , is electrically connected to the terminal of the heater and that claim 1 , at a second end side thereof claim 1 , protrudes from the back surface of the base member and is electrically connected to the power supply side terminal.3. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 2 , wherein the engaging fixing piece comprises an electrically conductive material.4. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 1 , wherein the power supply side terminal is provided in an attachment opening into which the attachment part is inserted and pushed.5. The steering wheel decorative member according to claim 2 , wherein the engaging fixing piece is formed separate from the base member and comprises an electrically conductive material.6. The ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045847A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A vaporizing assembly for an aerosol-generating system may comprise a delivery device and a heater assembly. The heater assembly may comprise a heat resistive substrate and a heating element. The delivery device is configured to deliver an aerosol-forming substrate to at least a surface of the heat resistive substrate, wherein the heating element is isolated or separated from the aerosol-forming substrate by the heat resistive substrate. The present disclosure is also directed to a method for generating an aerosol. 1. A vaporizer comprising:a heater assembly including a substrate and a heating element, the substrate including a first surface and an opposing second surface; anda delivery device spaced apart from the heater assembly, the delivery device configured to dispense a liquid onto the first surface of the substrate, the heating element disposed such that the first surface of the substrate is between the delivery device and the heating element.2. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the substrate of the heater assembly is at an angle to a longitudinal axis of the vaporizer.3. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the substrate of the heater assembly is transparent or semi-transparent.4. The vaporizer according to claim 1 , wherein the substrate of the heater assembly is non-porous.5. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the substrate is planar.6. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is configured to heat the first surface of the substrate to vaporize the liquid.7. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is downstream from the delivery device.8. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is in a form of a film.9. The vaporizer according to claim 1 , wherein the heater assembly is configured such that the heating element does not come into direct contact with the liquid during a normal operation of the vaporizer.10. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed on the second surface ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053664A1
Автор: Hu Jin

A method for providing an electrical connection for conductive ink includes direct writing a bus bar onto areas of a desired electrical connection of the conductive ink. The conductive ink is screen printed onto a dielectric film to create a conductive circuit. An aircraft heated floor panel includes at least one floor panel of an aircraft. The one floor panel includes a conductive circuit having a conductive ink including a bus bar directly written onto areas of a desired electrical connection of the conductive ink. The conductive ink is screen printed onto a dielectric film to create a conductive circuit. 1. A method for providing an electrical connection for conductive ink , the method comprising:direct writing a bus bar onto areas of a desired electrical connection of the conductive ink, wherein the conductive ink is screen printed onto a dielectric film to create a conductive circuit.2. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of direct writing further includes forming a conformal layer of bus bar on the conductive ink.3. A method as recited in claim 1 , further including soldering a wire to the bus bar to electrically connect the wire to the conductive ink.4. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the conductive ink includes silver particles in an epoxy resin.5. A method as recited in claim 1 , further including applying the conductive circuit to at least one panel skin of an aircraft floor panel.6. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the bus bar is a metal bus bar.7. A method as recited in claim 6 , wherein the metal bus bar is a copper bus bar.8. A method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the bus bar is an alloy bus bar.9. A heated floor panel comprising:at least one floor panel of an aircraft including a conductive circuit having a conductive ink including a bus bar directly written onto areas of a desired electrical connection for the conductive ink, wherein the conductive ink is screen printed onto a dielectric film to create a conductive ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053666A1

Provided is a semiconductor device including an asymmetric electrode arrangement in which a plurality of electrodes are arranged asymmetrically in a vertical or horizontal direction. 1. A semiconductor device comprising:a semiconductor structure configured to perform a predetermined function; anda plurality of electrodes arranged on the semiconductor structure, wherein:the plurality of electrodes are asymmetrically arranged in at least one of a first direction and a second direction; andthe second direction is perpendicular to the first direction.2. The semiconductor device of claim 1 , wherein the semiconductor structure comprises a rectangular shape including an upper surface opposite a lower surface claim 1 , a first side and a second side facing each other in the first direction claim 1 , and a third side and a fourth side facing each other in the second direction.3. The semiconductor device of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of electrodes comprise:a plurality of first electrodes arranged on the upper surface along an edge of the first side; anda plurality of second electrodes arranged on the upper surface along an edge of the second side.4. The semiconductor device of claim 3 , wherein a gap between the edge of the second side and the plurality of second electrodes is greater than a sum of a width of one of the first electrodes and a gap between the first electrodes and the edge of the first side.5. The semiconductor device of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of electrodes comprise:a plurality of first electrodes arranged on the upper surface along an edge of the first side; anda plurality of third electrodes arranged on the upper surface along an edge of the third side.6. The semiconductor device of claim 5 , wherein a gap between an electrode of the plurality of third electrodes that is closest to the second side and an edge of the second side is greater than a sum of a width of one of the plurality of first electrodes and a gap between the plurality of first ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Next Generation Bare Wire Water Heater

Номер: US20190049149A1
Принадлежит: EEMAX, INC.

A heating unit for heating fluid is described having at least one electrical resistance heating element on an outer surface of a tube. At least one indexed groove is provided around a surface of the tube allowing for at least one retention clip to hold the electrical resistance heating element. A heating chamber is also provided to enclose a portion of the tube and to provide a flow channel therebetween. The heating chamber includes an optical sensor to detect overheating of the at least one electrical resistance heating element. Fluid is heated by flowing over the surface of the at least one electrical resistance heating element and through the tube. 1a tube having a flange and at least one indexed groove located along a length of the cylindrical tube and forming a continuous recession across a circumference of the cylindrical tube, wherein the at least one indexed groove contains a retention clip; andat least one electrical resistance heating element positioned outside the indexed grooves and having a first end connected to the tube via the flange and a second end connected to the tube via the retention clip.. A heating unit comprising: This Application is a continuation application of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/951,001 filed Nov. 24, 2015, which is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/835,346 filed Mar. 15, 2013, which is based upon and claims the benefit of priority from the U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/740,653, filed on Dec. 21, 2012, the entire contents of each which are incorporated herein by reference.There are a variety of methods for heating fluid. One method involves the user of an electrically charged bare wire to heat fluids passing over the bare wire. As fluid in this method is passed directly over the bare wire itself, the water is heated at an extremely high rate. However, bare wire elements are susceptible to damage when dry fired or operated under low pressure. In other words, fluid must be continually present and flowing using ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180054857A1

An article that includes a substrate, a metal or metal alloy coating on at least a portion of the substrate, and an electrically conductive lead connected to the metal or metal alloy coating, where the electrically conductive lead is configured to conduct an electric current to the metal or metal alloy coating to generate resistance heating within the metal or metal alloy coating. 1. An article comprising:a substrate;a metal or metal alloy coating on at least a portion of the substrate; andan electrically conductive lead connected to the metal or metal alloy coating, wherein the electrically conductive lead is configured to conduct an electric current to the metal or metal alloy coating to generate resistance heating within the metal or metal alloy coating.2. The article of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a polymeric material.3. The article of claim 2 , wherein the polymeric material is selected from the group consisting of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) claim 2 , polyamide (PA) claim 2 , polyimide (PI) claim 2 , bis-maleimide (BMI) claim 2 , epoxy claim 2 , phenolic polymers (e.g. claim 2 , polystyrene) claim 2 , polyesters claim 2 , polyurethanes claim 2 , silicone rubbers claim 2 , and combinations thereof.4. The article of claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor configured to detect the temperature of at least one of the metal or metal alloy coating or substrate.5. The article of claim 4 , wherein the temperature sensor is embedded within the substrate.6. The article of claim 1 , wherein the metal or metal alloy coating is a nanocrystalline coating that defines an average grain size of less than 20 nanometers (nm).7. The article of claim 1 , further comprising an outer coating on the metal or metal alloy coating claim 1 , wherein the outer coating comprises an electrically insulating material.8. The article of claim 1 , wherein the article comprises a component for a gas turbine engine selected from a group consisting of a cold section ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Novel heater for high-power hair dryer

Номер: US20170055668A1
Автор: Guo Qiang Chen
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a novel heater for a high-power hair dryer, comprising a frame consisting of at least two interlaced plate-like heat-resistant insulators and an electric heating wire wound on the frame; the electric heating wire winds around the frame from the upper part to the lower part; the tail of the frame is provided with at least two silicon-controlled rectifiers, each connected to different parts of the electric heating wire via a connecting lead; besides, all silicon-controlled rectifiers are connected in turn. Through configuring the silicon-controlled rectifiers and connecting the silicon-controlled rectifiers to different parts of the electric heating wire, stepwise control over the heat of the hair dryer is achieved, meeting multiple hair-dressing demands and making independent control over the wind power of the hair dryer and the heating temperature possible.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220086959A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

An aerosol-generating system includes a storage portion configured to hold an aerosol-forming substrate, a first electrode, a second electrode spaced from the first electrode, and a control system. At least a portion of the storage portion is between the first electrode and the second electrode. The portion of the storage portion between the first electrode and the second electrode holds the aerosol-forming substrate when the aerosol-forming substrate is held in the storage portion. The control system is configured to measure an electrical quantity between the first electrode and the second electrode, and identify the liquid aerosol-forming substrate held in the storage portion based on the measured electrical quantity information. 1. An aerosol-generating system comprising:a storage portion configured to hold an aerosol-forming substrate, the storage portion in contact with a wick;a first electrode;a second electrode spaced from the first electrode, at least a portion of the storage portion being arranged between the first electrode and the second electrode, the portion of the storage portion arranged between the first electrode and the second electrode contains the aerosol-forming substrate when the aerosol-forming substrate is held in the storage portion, the first electrode being arranged to circumscribe an entirety of a surface of the storage portion at a first point, and the second electrode being arranged to circumscribe the entirety of the surface of the storage portion at a second point, the first point and the second point are longitudinally spaced apart; anda control system configured to measure an electrical quantity between the first electrode and the second electrode, and, in response to the measured electrical quantity being within a range of reference of a plurality of range of references, identify the aerosol-forming substrate held in the storage portion as corresponding to an approved producer.2. The aerosol-generating system according to claim 1 , ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170074815A1

It is disclosed herein a semiconductor device and a method of manufacturing the semiconductor device. The semiconductor device is made using partly CMOS or CMOS based processing steps, and it includes a semiconductor substrate, a dielectric region over the semiconductor substrate, a heater within the dielectric region and a patterned layer of noble metal above the dielectric region. The method includes the deposition of a photoresist material over the dielectric region, and patterning the photo-resist material to form a patterned region over the dielectric region. The steps of depositing the photo-resist material and patterning the photo-resist material may be performed in sequence using similar photolithography and etching steps to those used in a CMOS process. The resulting semiconductor device is then subjected to further processing steps which ensure that a dielectric membrane and a metal structure within the membrane are formed in the patterned region over the dielectric region. 1. A method of manufacturing a microhotplate comprising a semiconductor substrate , a dielectric region over the semiconductor substrate , a resistive heater within the dielectric region , the method comprising:forming the semiconductor substrate, the dielectric region and the resistive heater using complementary metal oxide semiconductor, CMOS, compatible processing steps;depositing a photo-resist material over the dielectric region using the CMOS compatible processing steps;patterning the photo-resist material to form a patterned region over the dielectric region using the CMOS compatible processing steps;etching at least a portion of the semiconductor substrate to form a dielectric membrane, wherein the steps of depositing the photo-resist material, patterning the photo-resist material and etching the portion of the semiconductor substrate are performed in sequence; andsubjecting the dielectric membrane to a further process which ensures that a metal structure is deposited in the ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150082856A1

An integrated sensor device including a first die, housing a sensor element to detect a quantity external to the sensor device and transduce the external quantity into an electrical sensing signal; a second die mechanically coupled to the first die so that the first and second dies are stacked on one another along one and the same axis; and at least one heater of a resistive type integrated in the first die and/or in the second die, having a first conduction terminal and a second conduction terminal configured to couple respective first and second conduction terminals of a signal generator for causing an electric current to flow, in use, between the first and second conduction terminals of the heater and generate heat by the Joule effect. It is possible to carry out calibration in temperature of the sensor element. 1. An integrated sensor device , comprising:a first die including: a sensor element configured to detect a quantity external to the sensor device and transduce said external quantity into an electrical sensing signal;a second die mechanically coupled to the first die, the first and second dies stacked on one another along a first axis;a resistive heater , having a first conduction terminal and a second conduction terminal;a signal generator having a first conduction terminal and a second conduction terminal electrically coupled to the first and second conduction terminals of the resistive heater, respectively, and configured to provide an electric current between the first and second conduction terminals of the resistive heater to generate heat by the Joule effect to bring the sensor element to a predefined temperature; anda calibration circuit configured to acquire said electrical sensing signal when the sensor element has reached said predefined temperature and to obtain an offset value that biases the electrical sensing signal when the sensor element has reached said predefined temperature.2. The integrated sensor device of wherein the resistive heater ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085109A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A vaporizing assembly for an aerosol-generating system may comprise a delivery device and a heater assembly. The heater assembly may comprise a heat resistive substrate and a heating element. The delivery device is configured to deliver an aerosol-forming substrate to at least a surface of the heat resistive substrate, wherein the heating element is isolated or separated from the aerosol-forming substrate by the heat resistive substrate. The present disclosure is also directed to a method for generating an aerosol. 1. A vaporizer comprising:a heater assembly including a substrate and a heating element, the substrate including a first surface and an opposing second surface; anda delivery device spaced apart from the heater assembly, the delivery device configured to dispense a metered amount of a liquid onto the first surface of the substrate, the heating element disposed such that the first surface of the substrate is between the delivery device and the heating element.2. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the substrate of the heater assembly is at an angle to a longitudinal axis of the vaporizer.3. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the substrate of the heater assembly is transparent or semi-transparent.4. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the substrate of the heater assembly is non-porous.5. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the substrate is planar.6. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is configured to heat the first surface of the substrate to vaporize the liquid.7. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is downstream from the delivery device.8. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is in a form of a film.9. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heater assembly is configured such that the heating element does not come into direct contact with the liquid during a normal operation of the vaporizer.10. The vaporizer of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is disposed on the second surface ...

05-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220132928A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

A glass atomizer includes a member for e-liquid injection and vapor discharge. The member for e-liquid injection and vapor discharge includes an outer glass tube and an inner glass tube disposed in the outer glass tube. The inner glass tube includes a top end. The top end includes a disk edge; the top end is integrated with the inner wall of the outer glass tube. The disk edge includes an e-liquid injection hole. The e-liquid injection hole communicates with a space between the outer glass tube and the inner glass tube.

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180093696A1

A steering wheel assembly includes an inner body, a heat sink material overlying the inner body and a heating mat overlying the heat sink material. The steering wheel assembly also includes an outer wrap overlying the heating mat. A heated steering wheel system is also disclosed. 1. A steering wheel assembly , comprising:an inner body;a heat sink material overlying said inner body;a heating mat overlying said heat sink material; andan outer wrap overlying said heating mat.2. The steering wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein said heat sink material is a single layer of a high thermal conductive material having a thermal conductivity equal to or greater than 204 W/(m*K°).3. The steering wheel assembly of claim 2 , wherein said single layer is a solid sheet.4. The steering wheel assembly of claim 2 , wherein said single layer is a mesh.5. The steering wheel assembly of claim 2 , wherein said single layer is a sprayed mat.6. The steering wheel assembly of claim 2 , wherein said single layer of said high thermal conductive material is selected from a group consisting of a metal claim 2 , a mineral claim 2 , a composite claim 2 , copper claim 2 , aluminum claim 2 , diamond claim 2 , graphite or other carbon material claim 2 , copper-tungsten pseudoalloy claim 2 , aluminum-(silicon carbide) composite claim 2 , dymalloy claim 2 , beryllium oxide in beryllium matrix and combinations thereof.7. The steering wheel assembly of claim 6 , wherein said inner body comprises polyurethane foam molded around an armature.8. The steering wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein said inner body comprises polyurethane foam molded around an armature.9. The steering wheel assembly of claim 1 , wherein said heat sink material is multiple layers of a high thermal conductive material having a thermal conductivity equal to or greater than 204 W/(m*K°).10. The steering wheel assembly of claim 9 , wherein at least one layer of said multiple layers is a solid sheet.11. The steering wheel assembly of ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098579A1

A cartomizer assembly of an electronic cigarette which is formed from automated assembly compatible parts comprises a container assembly including a container and a heater coil surrounding a wick in an airflow space of the container. The entire coil of the heater coil is inside the container and the heater coil is configured to heat liquid on the wick to generate an aerosol mist during a vaporization process. A liquid storage space is in liquid communication with the wick and is operable to supply liquid to the wick. The heater, the wick, and the container are shaped such that the heater and wick can be dropped into the container during automated assembly thereof and be directed to and located at a desired location in the container. 19-. (canceled)10. A method of assembling a container assembly of a cartomizer assembly of an electronic cigarette wherein the container assembly is formed from automated assembly compatible parts , the method comprising:winding a heater coil around a wick;dropping the heater coil and wick into a container; andlocating heater coil leads of the heater coil in location notches of the container by bending ends of the heater coil leads around an end of the container;wherein the heater, the wick, and the container are shaped such that the heater and wick can be dropped into the container during automated assembly thereof and be directed to and located at a desired location in the container.11. (canceled)12. A method of assembling a cartomizer assembly of an electronic cigarette wherein the cartomizer assembly is formed from automated assembly compatible parts , the method comprising:inserting an inner post into an outer post wherein a conductive strip is disposed therebetween; andinserting a punch into a hole in the inner post wherein the punch removes a portion of the conductive strip so as to form conductors.13. The method of comprising aligning orientation fingers of the inner post into the outer post.14. The method of claim 12 , further ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160113062A1
Автор: GOTOH Kazutaka

A molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element holding structure includes a holding member that is attached to a base portion and that holds an elongated support member, for mounting a molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element of an elongated shape at intervals in a long axis direction thereof. The molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element mounted on the support member can be exchanged without breaking the holding structure. A plurality of elongated support members can be provided, and a U-shaped portion of an elongated molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element having a meandering shape can be inserted and extracted from a uniaxial direction in a space partitioned by the base portion. The plurality of support members and the holding member holding the plurality of elongated support members are detachable and the support member is removable from the holding member. 1. A molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element holding structure , comprising:one or more elongated support members arranged to support a molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element having an elongated shape by mounting the molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element at locations along a long axis direction thereof; anda plurality of first holding members for holding each elongated support member at two or more locations in a long axis direction of each elongated support member, wherein the plurality of first holding members are held by one or more second holding members or held by a base portion of a holding structure, the elongated molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element being exchangeably mounted on the elongated support member so as to be exchanged without breaking a heating element holding structure.2. The molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic heating element holding structure according to claim 1 , wherein a plurality of the elongated support members are provided claim 1 , the elongated molybdenum disilicide-based ceramic ...

09-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220175037A1
Автор: LIU Tuanfang

An atomizer, including an e-liquid injection and vapor discharging module. The e-liquid injection and vapor discharging module includes an outer tube and an inner tube disposed in the outer tube. The inner tube is fixed in the outer tube through the protrusions. The inner tube is configured to accommodate e-liquid, and a cavity formed between the outer tube and the inner tube is configured to guide air and discharge vapor. 1. An atomizer , comprising an e-liquid injection and vapor discharging module , wherein the e-liquid injection and vapor discharging module comprises an outer tube and an inner tube disposed in the outer tube; the inner tube is configured to accommodate e-liquid , and a cavity formed between the outer tube and the inner tube is configured to guide air and discharge vapor.2. The atomizer of claim 1 , wherein the outer tube comprises an inner wall claim 1 , and two ends of the inner wall comprise protrusions; the inner tube is fixed in the outer tube through the protrusions.3. The atomizer of claim 1 , wherein the e-liquid injection and vapor discharging module further comprises a seal ring and a ceramic core; the seal ring comprises a hollow center and is disposed on an outer edge of the ceramic core; a bottom end of the inner tube is disposed on the seal ring around the ceramic core claim 1 , or is disposed in the hollow center of the seal ring.4. The atomizer of claim 3 , wherein the ceramic core is in the shape of a concave bowl comprising the outer edge protruding upwards claim 3 , and the ceramic core further comprises a heating wire disposed in the concave bowl.5. The atomizer of claim 4 , wherein the e-liquid injection and vapor discharging module further comprises a fixed ring and a base; the fixed ring is disposed on the base; and the fixed ring is disposed in a bottom opening of the outer tube.6. The atomizer of claim 5 , wherein the base comprises at least one air vent.7. The atomizer of claim 6 , wherein the e-liquid injection and ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200107406A1

A transparent planar heating film is provided. The transparent planar heating film includes a transparent electrode, metal nanoparticles applied to the upper surface of the transparent electrode, and a transparent adhesive film attached to the upper surface of the metal nanoparticles. The heating temperature of the transparent planar heating film is a maximum of at least two times higher at the same power consumption than that of conventional planar heating films. In the transparent planar heating film, the metal nanoparticle film is bonded to a desired location on the surface of the transparent electrode, enabling selective heating. Also provided is a method for manufacturing the transparent planar heating film. 1. A transparent planar heating film comprising a transparent electrode , metal nanoparticles transferred to the upper surface of the transparent electrode , and a transparent adhesive film attached to the upper surface of the metal nanoparticles.2. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent electrode is made of a material selected from the group consisting of indium tin oxide (ITO) claim 1 , zinc oxide (ZnO) claim 1 , fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) claim 1 , and aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO).3. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles are nanoparticles of a metal selected from the group consisting of Ag claim 1 , Al claim 1 , Au claim 1 , Cu claim 1 , W claim 1 , Cr claim 1 , Ti claim 1 , and alloys thereof.4. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the metal nanoparticles have an average diameter of 3 to 500 nm.5. The transparent planar heating film according to claim 1 , wherein the transparent adhesive film is made of at least one material selected from the group consisting of polyethylene claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) claim 1 , polyester claim 1 , polyurethane claim 1 , ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Heat generating body

Номер: US20170118800A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A heat generating body ( 11 ) includes a polyimide resin film base material ( 12 ), a metal nanowire layer ( 14 ) arranged in a planar mariner along one side of the polyimide resin film base material ( 12 ), and an electrode ( 5 ) connected electrically to the metal nanowire layer ( 14 ). The electrode ( 5 ) is connected electrically to the metal nanowire layer ( 14 ) via a polythiophene resin film layer ( 18 ). The heat generating body ( 11 ) also includes a triacetate resin film layer ( 13 ) arranged on the side of the polyimide resin film base material ( 12 ) on which the metal nanowire layer ( 14 ) is provided and formed of triacetate resin as an insulating material. The heat generating body ( 11 ) also includes a spacer portion ( 16 ) arranged between the metal nanowire layer ( 14 ) and the triacetate resin film layer ( 13 ) and capable of forming an enclosed space ( 17 ) between the metal nanowire layer ( 14 ) and the triacetate resin film layer ( 13 ).

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220264951A1

A cartridge used in a non-combustion type suction device having a suction port includes a tank having a liquid storage in which a liquid is storable; a heater to which the liquid in the liquid storage is supplied and configured to heat the liquid; and an atomizing container configured to support the heater, in which the atomizing container includes a liquid holder configured to hold the liquid and provided apart from the heater, and a liquid guide configured to recirculate the liquid held in the liquid holder to the heater. 1. A cartridge which is used in a non-combustion type suction device having a suction port , the cartridge comprising:a tank having a liquid storage in which a liquid is storable;a heater to which the liquid in the liquid storage is supplied and configured to heat the liquid; andan atomizing container configured to support the heater, the atomizing container including a liquid holder configured to hold the liquid and provided apart from the heater, and a liquid guide configured to recirculate the liquid held in the liquid holder to the heater.2. The cartridge according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid storage is provided apart from the liquid holder and the liquid guide.3. The cartridge according to claim 1 ,wherein the liquid holder and the liquid guide are arranged in a circumferential direction of the cartridge when viewed from an axial direction of the cartridge,the tank is disposed on a side of the suction port with respect to the heater in the axial direction, andthe atomizing container is disposed on a side opposite to the suction port with respect to the heater in the axial direction.4. The cartridge according to claim 3 ,wherein the liquid guides are disposed at two locations facing each other in a radial direction of the cartridge when viewed from the axial direction.5. The cartridge according to claim 3 ,wherein the liquid holder is disposed to abut on both sides of the liquid guide when viewed from the axial direction.6. The cartridge ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273041A1
Автор: Quintana Reynaldo
Принадлежит: NJOY, LLC

The temperature of a vaporizing device, e.g., the temperature of a heating element of the vaporizing device, may be controlled according to various aspects of the present disclosure. The vaporizing device may comprise a heating element, a power source, at least one sensor in electronic communication with the heating element and the power source, and a processor configured to control the temperature of the heating element. The method of controlling the temperature may comprise receiving a resistance measurement of the heating element from the at least one sensor, determining the temperature of the heating element based on the resistance measurement, and adjusting the amount of power supplied to the heating element based on the determined temperature of the heating element. 120-. (canceled)21. A vaporizing device comprising:a heating element;a power source;a memory;one or more sensors in electronic communication with the heating element and the power source; and supplying a first amount of power from the power source to the heating element;', 'terminating the first amount of power to the heating element;', 'receiving, from the one or more sensors, a first resistance measurement of the heating element;', 'determining a first temperature of the heating element based on the first resistance measurement;', 'determining, using at least one of the one or more sensors, an average duration of a puff from the device;', 'controlling a second amount of power supplied from the power source to the heating element based on a difference between the first temperature of the heating element and a target temperature of the heating element stored in the memory, the second amount of power being different from the first amount of power; and', 'after a predetermined time interval, terminating the second amount of power;, 'a processor configured to perform a method of controlling a temperature of the heating element, the method comprisingwherein the memory stores data including the average ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220279848A1

An atomizer includes a liquid delivery element configured to absorb an aerosol generating material of a liquid storage and a wire configured to heat the aerosol generating material and wound on a surface of the liquid delivery element, wherein the wire is wound in a spiral shape such that coils of the wire are spaced apart from each other by a certain distance on the surface of the liquid delivery element, one of end portions of the wire is in contact with a first portion of the surface of the liquid delivery element, and the other one of the end portions of the wire is in contact with a second portion of the surface of the liquid delivery element. 1. An atomizer comprising:a liquid delivery element configured to absorb an aerosol generating material contained in a liquid storage; anda wire configured to heat the aerosol generating material and wound on a surface of the liquid delivery element,wherein the wire is wound in a spiral shape such that coils of the wire are spaced a part from each other by a certain distance on the surface of the liquid delivery element, andwherein one of end portions of the wire is in contact with a first portion of the surface of the liquid delivery element, and the other one of the end portions of the wire is in contact with a second portion of the surface of the liquid deliver element.2. The atomizer of claim 1 , wherein the end portions of the wire point in a direction different from a direction of gravity.3. The atomizer of claim 2 , wherein the end portions of the wire include a ridge portion.4. The atomizer of claim 3 , wherein a top of the ridge portion is separated from the liquid delivery element by a certain distance.5. The atomizer of claim 4 , wherein the certain distance ranges from 0.001 mm to 2 mm.6. A cartridge comprising:a liquid storage configured to store an aerosol generating material; andan atomizer configured to heat the aerosol generating material to generate aerosol, a liquid delivery element configured to absorb ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Pane having an electric heating layer

Номер: US20190141792A1
Принадлежит: Saint Gobain Glass France SAS

A pane having an electric heating layer is described, including at least: a first pane having a first surface; at least one electric heating layer that is applied to at least part of the surface and has an uncoated zone; at least two busbars, provided for connection to a voltage source, which are connected to the electric heating layer such that a current path for a heating current is formed between the busbars; and at least one separating line which electrically subdivides the electric layer into at least two segments. At least one segment is arranged in the form of a strip around the uncoated zone such that the current path for the heating current is at least partially guided around the uncoated zone.

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150157055A1
Автор: LORD Christopher
Принадлежит: Nicoventures Holdings Limited

An electronic vapor provision device comprising a power cell and a vaporizer, wherein the vaporizer comprises a heater and a heater support, wherein one or more gaps are provided between the heater and the heater support. 1. An electronic vapour provision device comprising a power cell and a vaporiser , where the vaporiser comprises a heating element and a heating element support , wherein one or more gaps are provided between the heating element and the heating element support.2. The electronic vapour provision device of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is on the outside of the heating element support.3. The electronic vapour provision device of or claim 1 , wherein the heating element support comprises a support outer surface and the gap is provided between the heating element and the support outer surface.4. The electronic vapour provision device of any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the heating element and heating element support form a heating rod.5. The electronic vapour provision device of any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the heating element support is a rigid support.6. The electronic vapour provision device of any preceding claim claim 1 , wherein the heating element support is porous.7. The electronic vapour provision device of claim 6 , wherein the heating element support comprises a porous ceramic material.8. The electronic vapour provision device of any preceding claim claim 6 , wherein the heating element is a heating coil.9. The electronic vapour provision device of claim 8 , wherein the heating coil is coiled around the heating element support.10. The electronic vapour provision device of or claim 8 , wherein the one or more gaps are between a coil turn and the heating element support.11. The electronic vapour provision device of any preceding claim claim 8 , wherein the vaporiser further comprises a vaporisation cavity configured such that in use the vaporisation cavity is a negative pressure region.12. The electronic vapour provision ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220295599A1

A method for creating a carbon nanotube heater assembly includes creating a carbon nanotube heater with varying resistances and attaching the carbon nanotube heater to both carrier and encapsulating materials. Creating the carbon nanotube heater with varying resistances is accomplished by applying a carbon nanotube mixture to a substrate, adjusting the thickness or width of the carbon nanotube mixture, and drying the nanotube mixture. 1. A method for creating a carbon nanotube heater assembly comprising: applying a carbon nanotube coating to a substrate;', 'adjusting the thickness and width of the carbon nanotube coating such that the thickness and width of the carbon nanotube coating varies along the substrate to vary the resistance of the carbon nanotube coating along the substrate; and, 'creating a carbon nanotube heater having a varying resistance along a length of the carbon nanotube heater, the step of creating the carbon nanotube heater comprisingdrying the carbon nanotube coating on the substrate;attaching a first side of the carbon nanotube heater to a carrier material;covering a second side of the carbon nanotube heater opposite the first side with an encapsulating material; andbonding, with an adhesive layer, the encapsulating material to an aircraft part.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the at least one of the thickness and the width of the carbon nanotube coating is performed using a tool.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein adjusting the thickness of the carbon nanotube coating is performed by controlling a gap between the tool and the substrate claim 2 , such that the thickness of the carbon nanotube coating is controlled.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein adjusting the thickness of the carbon nanotube coating further comprises creating at least two different thicknesses.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the tool has a curvature such that the carbon nanotube coating is contoured when the at least one of the thickness and the width is ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220295600A1
Автор: FUKAGAWA Koji

A sensor cover heat generating structure, applied to a sensor cover of an in-vehicle sensor that transmits and receives an electromagnetic wave for detecting an object outside a vehicle, the sensor cover being located in front of the in-vehicle sensor in a transmission direction of the electromagnetic wave, the heat generating structure includes: a heater wire provided to the sensor cover, the heater wire being configured to generate heat when the heater wire is energized. The heater wire includes two electrode portions and a plurality of parallel portions, the two electrode portions have a predetermined length and are disposed at a distance from each other, the plurality of parallel portions extend in parallel to each other so as to connect the two electrode portions, and the electrode portions have a wire width equal to or greater than a total value of wire widths of the plurality of parallel portions. 1. A sensor cover heat generating structure , applied to a sensor cover of an in-vehicle sensor that transmits and receives an electromagnetic wave for detecting an object outside a vehicle , the sensor cover being located in front of the in-vehicle sensor in a transmission direction of the electromagnetic wave , the sensor cover heat generating structure comprising:a heater wire provided to the sensor cover, the heater wire being configured to generate heat when the heater wire is energized, wherein:the heater wire includes two electrode portions and a plurality of parallel portions;the two electrode portions have a predetermined length and are disposed at a distance from each other;the plurality of parallel portions extend in parallel to each other so as to connect the two electrode portions; andthe electrode portions have a wire width equal to or greater than a total value of wire widths of the plurality of parallel portions.2. The sensor cover heat generating structure according to claim 1 , whereinthe electrode portions are disposed at positions without ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Atomization assembly and electronic cigarette

Номер: US20170156400A1
Автор: Qiuming Liu

An atomization assembly and an electronic cigarette are provided. The atomization assembly configured to combine with a battery assembly to form the electronic cigarette comprises an atomizer and an oil container detachably connected to one end of the atomizer. A smoke outlet configured to discharge atomized smoke is defined on the other end of the atomizer, away from the oil container. The atomizer comprises an atomization sleeve; a heating wire assembly provided in the atomization sleeve, and an oil delivery mechanism inserted in the oil container and configured to deliver the oil to be atomized to the heating wire assembly. The heating wire assembly comprises a liquid delivery element extended along an axial direction of the atomizer, and a heating wire twined around the liquid delivery element.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180160482A1

A method for creating a carbon nanotube heater assembly includes creating a carbon nanotube heater with varying resistances and attaching the carbon nanotube heater to both carrier and encapsulating materials. Creating the carbon nanotube heater with varying resistances is accomplished by applying a carbon nanotube mixture to a substrate, adjusting the thickness or width of the carbon nanotube mixture, and drying the nanotube mixture. 1. A method for creating a carbon nanotube heater assembly comprising: applying a carbon nanotube mixture to a substrate;', 'adjusting at least one of thickness or width of the carbon nanotube mixture; and', 'drying the carbon nanotube mixture on the substrate;, 'creating a carbon nanotube heater having a varying resistance along a length of the carbon nanotube heater, the step of creating the carbon nanotube heater comprisingattaching a first side of the carbon nanotube heater to a carrier material; andcovering a second side of the carbon nanotube heater opposite the first side with an encapsulating material.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the at least one of the thickness and the width of the carbon nanotube mixture is performed using a tool.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein adjusting the thickness of the carbon nanotube mixture is performed by controlling a gap between the tool and the substrate claim 2 , such that the thickness of the carbon nanotube mixture is controlled.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein adjusting the thickness of the carbon nanotube mixture further comprises creating at least two different thicknesses.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the tool has a curvature such that the carbon nanotube mixture is contoured when the at least one of the thickness and the width is adjusted.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising attaching the encapsulating material to an aircraft part for ice protection.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein adjusting the at least one of the thickness and the width of the carbon ...

29-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220304384A1
Автор: LIU Xiang

Disclosed are a novel heat generating body and an atomizer. The novel heat generating body may include a ceramic body, a plurality of micro pores used for liquid infiltration are distributed in the ceramic body, heat generating wires respectively corresponding to two electrodes extend outward from a bottom of the ceramic body, the heat generating wires corresponding to two electrodes are connected by auxiliary heat generating wires arranged on an outer surface of the ceramic body, the auxiliary heat generating wires are distributed on outer surfaces of a bottom and a side wall of the ceramic body, and the auxiliary heat generating wires are metal wires embedded in the outer surfaces of the bottom and the side wall of the ceramic body, or the auxiliary heat generating wires are metal powder/metal wires printed on the outer surfaces of the bottom and the side wall of the ceramic body. 1. A novel heat generating body , comprising: a ceramic body , wherein a plurality of micro pores used for liquid infiltration are distributed in the ceramic body , heat generating wires respectively corresponding to two electrodes extend outward from a bottom of the ceramic body , the heat generating wires corresponding to two electrodes are connected by auxiliary heat generating wires arranged on an outer surface of the ceramic body , the auxiliary heat generating wires are distributed on outer surfaces of a bottom and a side wall of the ceramic body , and the auxiliary heat generating wires are metal wires embedded in the outer surfaces of the bottom and the side wall of the ceramic body , or the auxiliary heat generating wires are metal powder/metal wires printed on the outer surfaces of the bottom and the side wall of the ceramic body.2. The novel heat generating body of claim 1 , wherein two auxiliary heat generating wires are provided claim 1 , both of which use roots of the heat generating wires corresponding to two electrodes as a starting point and an ending point respectively ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации

Heating wire arrangement for ceramic heater

Номер: US20150173127A1
Автор: Yun Ho Kim
Принадлежит: KSM Component Co Ltd

Provided is a heating wire arrangement for a ceramic heater, which is an arrangement of a heating wire on a ceramic substrate in a ceramic heater and emits heat. The heating wire arrangement for the ceramic heater includes a heating wire that is a metal wire member extending in a longitudinal direction and is two-dimensionally arranged on a virtual two-dimensional (2D) plane that is substantially parallel to a top surface of the ceramic substrate. Thus, a uniform heat density may be maintained and a rapid temperature ramp-up may be enabled, unlike a conventional heating wire of a three-dimensional (3D) type.

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Warmer with Integrated Heating Module

Номер: US20190166655A1
Автор: Yang Hai, Yang Lin

A warmer includes a main housing, a heating assembly and a control module. The main housing has a receiving cavity. The heating assembly includes a top heating plate and am integrated heating module. The integrated heating module includes a heating element and an insulating member assembled to form an integrated structure. The insulating member is connected to a bottom side of the heating element for preventing excessive heat from reaching the receiving cavity. The heating element is electrically connected to a power source for generating heat. 1. A warmer , comprising:a main housing having a receiving cavity;a heating assembly, which comprises:a top heating plate secure on a top surface of said main housing; andan integrated heating module which comprises a heating element and an insulating member assembled to form an integrated structure, said insulating member being provided on a bottom side of said heating element for preventing excessive heat from reaching said receiving cavity, said heating element being connected to a power source for generating heat; anda control module received in said receiving cavity, said control module comprising a PCB and a control circuitry implemented on said PCB, said PCB being electrically connected to said integrated heating module for controlling an operation thereof.2. The warmer claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein said integrated heating module further comprises a conductive member claim 1 , said heating element being sandwiched between said conductive member and said insulating member claim 1 , said conductive member claim 1 , said heating element and said insulating member forming an integral structure which is secured in said receiving cavity of said main housing.3. The warmer claim 1 , as recited in claim 1 , wherein said heating assembly further comprises a conductive member attached on a bottom side of said top heating plate for conducting heat from said integrated heating module to said top heating plate.4. The ...

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150180443A1

An IC for heating includes a semiconductor substrate on which a diffusion layer is formed; a first pad and a first via that apply a power voltage to the diffusion layer; and a second pad and a second via that apply a ground voltage to the diffusion layer. The vias overlap with an area on which the diffusion layer is formed in a plan view, the first pad overlaps with the first via in a plan view, and the second pad overlaps with the second via in a plan view. The current flowing through the first pad and the first via, the second pad and the second via, and the diffusion layer flows between an upper surface of the first pad and a lower surface of the first via, and a lower surface of the second via and an upper surface of the second pad. 1. A heating body comprising:a heating unit that is formed on a semiconductor substrate; andan input unit that overlaps with the heating unit in a plan view and inputs a current to the heating unit,wherein the input unit includes a front surface and a rear surface which is an opposite surface of the front surface and the rear surface is electrically connected to the heating unit, andthe current flowing in the heating unit flows between the front surface and the rear surface of the input unit to be input to the heating unit.2. A heating body comprising:a semiconductor substrate on which a diffusion resistance layer is formed;a first electrode that applies a first voltage to the diffusion resistance layer; anda second electrode that applies a second voltage to the diffusion resistance layer,wherein the first electrode includes a first surface that is in contact with the diffusion resistance layer and a second surface that is a rear surface of the first surface and overlaps with the first surface in a plan view,the second electrode includes a third surface that is in contact with the diffusion resistance layer and a fourth surface that is a rear surface of the third surface and overlaps with the third surface in a plan view,the first ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160183599A1

An electronic smoking article includes a liquid supply including liquid material, a heater operable to heat the liquid material to a temperature sufficient to vaporize the liquid material and form an aerosol, a wick in communication with the liquid material and in communication with the heater such that the wick delivers the liquid material to the heater, at least one air inlet operable to deliver air to a central air passage upstream of the heater, and a mouth end insert having at least two diverging outlets. 1. (canceled)2. A cartridge of an electronic article comprising:an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction, the outer housing defining a portion of a liquid supply region configured to store a liquid material;an inner tube within the outer housing;a coil heater in the outer housing;a wick in communication with the liquid supply region and at least partially surrounded by the coil heater;a mouthpiece at a mouth-end of the outer housing, the mouthpiece including at least two outlets; anda gasket including a central orifice between the inner tube and the mouthpiece.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the mouthpiece further includes an interior surface upon which drops of liquid material may impact.4. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the mouthpiece includes two outlets.5. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the central orifice has a diameter of about 2.0 mm to about 3.0 mm.6. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the wick comprises:a plurality of filaments.7. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the coil heater extends substantially transverse to the longitudinal direction.8. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the coil heater includes 3 to 8 windings.9. An electronic article comprising: an outer housing extending in a longitudinal direction, the outer housing defining a portion of a liquid supply region configured to store a liquid material;', 'an inner tube within the outer housing;', 'a coil heater in the outer housing;', 'a wick in communication with ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180176989A1

A floor panel assembly includes an insulating layer which protects a sheet heater, first and second structural layers, and a honeycomb layer for support. The floor panel assembly allows for heating of the cabin of an aircraft without mechanical damage to the sheet heater. 1. A floor panel assembly comprising:an insulating layer comprising a material selected from the group consisting of nano alumina and boron nitride nanotubes;a sheet heater, the sheet heater attached to the insulating layer by a first adhesive;a first structural layer attached to the sheet heater opposite the insulating layer by a second adhesive;a honeycomb layer attached to the first structural layer opposite the sheet heater with a third adhesive; anda second structural layer attached to the honeycomb opposite the first structural layer with a fourth adhesive.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a skin layer attached to the insulating fabric opposite the sheet heater with a fifth adhesive.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the skin layer is metallic.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer is a nano alumina fabric.5. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer is a boron nitride nanotube fabric.6. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first structural layer comprises:a first fiberglass pre-impregnated layer attached to the sheet heater opposite the insulating layer with a fourth adhesive;a first carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer attached to the first fiberglass pre-impregnated layer opposite the sheet heater;a second carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer attached to the first carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer opposite the first fiberglass pre-impregnated layer; anda second fiberglass pre-impregnated layer attached to the second carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer opposite the first carbon fiber pre-impregnated layer, and the honeycomb layer.7. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second structural layer comprises:a third fiberglass pre-impregnated layer ...

13-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190174828A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

In an example embodiment, a heater assembly for an electronic heating device includes a heating element and a support. The heating element includes a planar portion, a first lead, and a second lead. The planar portion includes a filament. The filament defines an air channel through the planar portion. The filament includes a plurality of curves. At least one of the curves has a tip thereon. At least one of the first lead portion, the second lead portion, or both the first lead portion and the second lead portion are generally coplanar with the planar portion of the heating element. The heating element is in contact with the support such that the tip of the at least one of the curves rests thereon. 1. A heater assembly comprising: a planar portion including a filament, the filament defining an air channel through the planar portion, the filament arranged so as to form a plurality of curves, each of the curves having a closed end and an open end, and at least one of the curves having a tip thereon,', 'a first lead portion, and', 'a second lead portion, at least one of the first lead portion, the second lead portion, or both the first lead portion and the second lead portion being generally coplanar with the planar portion of the heating element; and, 'a heating element including,'}a support, the heating element in contact with the support such that the tip of the at least one of the curves rests thereon.2. The heater assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the curves generally has a keyhole shape.3. The heater assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the curves generally has an omega shape.4. The heater assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the curves generally has a U-shape.5. The heater assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tip extends from the closed end of the at least one of the curves.6. The heater assembly of claim 1 , wherein the filament defines the air channel through a central area of the planar portion.7. The heater assembly of claim 1 , ...

15-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210212382A1

A heater for a vaporizer with air preheating element includes a casing, a tunnel with a perforated bottom, which is a cylindrical heating chamber for placing a cigarette, a heating element of a resistive type, a heat exchanger, including air channels for circulation and preheating of air by a heater, a top end and a bottom end, an air intake hole made in the top end. Outlet holes are communicated with exits of air channels of the heat exchanger for intake of air preheated by the heater in the tunnel. The casing is made in the form of a tape of a thin-film dielectric heat-resistant material, on which a thin layer of resistive material with contacts is applied on the end of one side, forming the heating element, and on the other side a top and bottom spacers are fixed and inclined toward the middle, as well as the edging, which are made of flexible heat-resistant material. The above mentioned tape with a heating element, located on its external side, is rolled into a cylinder and forms a tunnel, and is additionally coiled into several interconnected spiral coils, and forms a spiral casing with the top and bottom ends so that the top and bottom spacers and the edging located on the inside form a spiral heat exchanger comprising the top and bottom and the middle spiral air ducts for spiral and labyrinth circulation and preheating of air, and at the bottom there is an additional inlet hole for air intake. 1. A heat exchanger for heating a tobacco stick and for preheating air before it passes through a tobacco stick , comprising:a roll or winding comprising a plurality of layers of rolled or wound thin-film material, the roll or winding having a hollow core forming a tunnel extending at least partially through a longitudinal rolling or winding axis of the roll or winding for receiving a tobacco stick, the layers of rolled or wound thin-film material being separated by spacers forming interconnected air flow channels between adjacent layers of the rolled or wound thin-film ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160213065A1

A device for generating a condensation aerosol includes vaporization chamber having an upstream first inlet and a downstream outlet. A tube supplies liquid to a heater in the vaporization chamber. The liquid is pumped out of the tube and onto the heater, which vaporizes the liquid. Air flows from inlets through the vaporization chamber, and generally perpendicular to the tube. The vaporized liquid is entrained in the air, forming a condensation aerosol having a particle size in a selected range. A second inlet provides a substantially laminar flow of air into the airflow path, wherein the second inlet is downstream of the heater; and the device capable of changing air flow in the vaporization chamber to change the particle size of the condensation aerosol and/or to change the amount of visible vapor emitted from the device. 1. A device for generating an aerosol , comprising:a liquid reservoir for holding a liquid;a tube including one or more tube outlets;a heater around the tube;a pump positioned to pump liquid from the reservoir through the tube, out through the tube outlets, and onto the heater.2. The device of wherein the heater comprising a wire coil surrounding the tube.3. The device of with the heater in an aerosolizing chamber having one or more air inlets claim 2 , and an air outlet oriented perpendicular to the air inlets.4. The device of further including a battery having a first electrode electrically connected to a first end of the wire coil and a second electrode electrically connected to the tube.5. The device of wherein the pump comprises a piston pump having a piston movable over a stroke length claim 4 , and with each cycle of the piston pumping 0.1 to 1.0 ml of liquid through the tube.6. The device of further comprising an electronic controller electrically connected to a battery claim 3 , to the pump claim 3 , to the heater claim 3 , and to a sensor adapted for sensing inhalation at the air outlet claim 3 , with the electronic controller ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170208649A1
Автор: Shouhei TABUSHI
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A heater includes: a base body formed of ceramics; a heat generating resistor layer disposed on a surface of the base body; a conductive layer laminated on the heat generating resistor layer; a plate-like member which is disposed on the conductive layer and is provided with a pair of through holes; and a connection terminal composed of wires which are inserted successively through one of the pair of through holes and the other and are unified at a side of the plate-like member which side is opposite to a side of the plate-like member facing the conductive layer, the connection terminal being electrically connected with the conductive layer.

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170211866A1

A plane heater is a plane heater arranged in an ice tray of an ice machine including the ice tray having a partitioned space arranged therein to receive ice-making water, an ejector for separating ice within the ice tray, a motor which is arranged to face the ice tray and drives the ejector therein, and a control box having a printed circuit board formed therein. The plane heater includes a heat emitting body which is formed by a metal thin film and has a thickness thicker than 0 mm and equal to and thinner than 0.5 mm, a heat insulation member arranged to cover the heat emitting body, an electrode pad electrically connected to the heat emitting body, and a power source connection part including a support plate arranged below the electrode pad. 1: A plane heater provided at an ice tray of an ice machine which comprises the ice tray having a partitioned space to accommodate ice-making water , an ejector configured to separate ice inside the ice tray , a motor provided to face the ice tray and configured to drive the ejector therein and a control box having a printed circuit board , the plane heater comprising:a heat emitting body formed of a metal thin film and having a thickness thicker than 0 and equal to or thinner than 0.5 mm;a heat insulation member provided to cover the heat emitting body; anda power source connection part including an electrode pad electrically connected to the heat emitting body and a support plate provided below the electrode pad.2: The plane heater of claim 1 , wherein the electrode pad of the power source connection part is connected to a connector provided at the printed circuit board inside the control box and transmits electric power to the heat emitting body.3. (canceled)4: The plane heater of claim 1 , wherein the support plate extends in a lengthwise direction of the plane heater claim 1 , and the heat emitting body is provided on the extending support plate claim 1 , and the heat insulation member is provided on the extending ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Next Generation Bare Wire Water Heater

Номер: US20210239362A1

A heating unit for heating fluid is described having at least one electrical resistance heating element on an outer surface of a tube. At least one indexed groove is provided around a surface of the tube allowing for at least one retention clip to hold the electrical resistance heating element. A heating chamber is also provided to enclose a portion of the tube and to provide a flow channel therebetween. The heating chamber includes an optical sensor to detect overheating of the at least one electrical resistance heating element. Fluid is heated by flowing over the surface of the at least one electrical resistance heating element and through the tube. 1. (canceled)2. A heating unit comprising: a fluid inlet;', 'a fluid outlet;', 'a flange proximate the first end; and', 'an attachment groove formed into an external surface of the body;, 'a body having a first end and a second end, the body comprisingan attachment device attachable to the body at the attachment groove;an electrical resistance heating element having a first end and a second end, the first end of the electrical resistance heating element being attached to the body proximate the first end of the body and the second end of the electrical resistance heating element being attached to the attachment device.3. The heating unit of claim 2 , wherein the attachment device is attachable at a plurality of locations along the attachment groove.4. The heating unit of claim 2 , wherein:the attachment groove is a first attachment groove located at a first location along a length of the body,the body comprises a second attachment groove located at a second location along the length of the body, andthe attachment device is configured to attach to the body at either the first attachment groove or the second attachment groove.5. The heating unit of claim 2 , wherein the electrical resistance heating element is one of a plurality of electrical resistance heating elements claim 2 , each of the plurality of electrical ...

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170215235A1

A cooking device includes a body, at least one functional element which is positioned on the body; and a ceramic-based panel which is positioned on the outer section of the body. At least one conductive strip is directly passed through the ceramic-based panel so as to transmit electricity to the functional element through the ceramic-based panel. The conductive strip can be electrically positively or negatively charged. The functional element may be a motor or an illumination element which can function at low voltage. 118-. (canceled)19. A cooking device , comprising:a body;at least one functional element positioned on the body;a ceramic-based panel positioned on an outer section of the body; andat least one conductive strip directly passed through the ceramic-based panel so as to transmit electricity to the functional element through the ceramic-based panel.20. The cooking device of claim 19 , wherein the at least one conductive strip is only electrically positively or negatively charged.21. The cooking device of claim 19 , further comprising a further one of said at least one conductive strip claim 19 , with one of the conductive strips being positively charged and the other one of the conductive strips being negatively charged claim 19 , said conductive strips being connected to the functional element so as to complete an electrical circuit.22. The cooking device of claim 19 , wherein the conductive strips are supplied with a voltage value between 0 and 60 volts.23. The cooking device of claim 19 , further comprising an electronic card connected to the at least one conductive strip so as to transmit electrical current to the at least one conductive strip and converting the electrical current from AC to DC.24. The cooking device of claim 21 , wherein the conductive strips are supplied with a DC current.25. The cooking device of claim 19 , wherein the at least one conductive strip is made of metal material comprising Ag ion.26. The cooking device of claim 19 , ...

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190208579A1

Infrared panel radiators are provided including a carrier with a heating surface, and a printed conductor made of an electrically conductive resistor material that generates heat when current flows through it. The printed conductor is applied to a printed conductor occupation surface of the carrier. The printed conductor includes a first printed conductor section for generation of a first power per unit area and a second printed conductor section for generation of a second power per unit area that differs from the first power per unit area. The carrier contains a composite material including an amorphous matrix component and an additional component in the form of a semiconductor material. The first printed conductor section and the second printed conductor section are circuited in series and differ from each other by their occupation density and/or by their conductor cross-section. 1. An infrared panel radiator comprising ,a carrier with a heating surface and with a printed conductor that is made of an electrically conductive resistor material that generates heat when current flows through it, the printed conductor being applied to a printed conductor occupation surface of the carrier, whereby the printed conductor includes a first printed conductor section for generation of a first power per unit area and a second printed conductor section for generation of a second power per unit area that differs from the first power per unit area, wherein the carrier contains a composite material that includes an amorphous matrix component and an additional component in the form of a semiconductor material, and in that the first printed conductor section and the second printed conductor section are circuited in series and differ from each other by at least one of (i) their occupation density and (ii) their conductor cross-section.2. The infrared panel radiator according to claim 1 , wherein the entire carrier is made from the composite material claim 1 , whereby the composite ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210243843A1

A heating element includes an electrically insulating layer; resistive layer formed of a positive temperature coefficient material; and an electrically conductive layer disposed between the electrically insulating layer and the resistive layer and including a first bus and a second bus that is spaced apart from the first bus, the resistive layer electrically connecting the first bus and the second bus. The electrically insulating layer, the electrically conductive layer, and the resistive layer are stacked to form a lamination and the lamination having a thickness and a width and length extending orthogonal to the thickness. The lamination may have slits extending through the thickness thereof and along a portion of the length thereof. Terminals may be connected to the buses and arranged to provide a counter current flow pattern across the lamination. The lamination may be used in a warming device and in connection with a patient warming system. 1. A heating element comprising:an electrically insulating layer;a resistive layer formed of a positive temperature coefficient material; andan electrically conductive layer disposed between the electrically insulating layer and the resistive layer and comprising a first bus and a second bus that is spaced apart from the first bus, the resistive layer electrically connecting the first bus and the second bus,wherein the electrically insulating layer, the electrically conductive layer, and the resistive layer are stacked to form a lamination and the lamination having a thickness and a width and length extending orthogonal to the thickness, and the lamination has a plurality of slits extending through the thickness thereof and along a portion of the length thereof.2. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the slits are evenly spaced along the width of the lamination.3. The heating element according to claim 1 , wherein the slits segment the lamination into parallel strips that each have a width that is less than a ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190215951A1

A system for reducing low cycle fatigue of a soldered connection includes a controller and a heating element operatively connected to the controller. The system also includes a printed wire board soldered in connection with an electronic component. The controller is configured to retrieve a signal indicative of a temperature of the electronic component, and compare the temperature to a stored predetermined range of operating temperatures. Responsive to determining that the temperature of the electronic component is less than a lower threshold temperature of the predetermined range of operating temperatures, the controller transmits a signal to the heating element that causes the heating element to heat the electronic component. The controller then saves, to an operatively connected computer readable memory, a magnitude of temperature difference and a number of times that magnitude is reached. The controller uses the stored information to track the life of the electronic component. 1. An system for reducing low cycle fatigue of a soldered connection comprising:a controller;a heating element operatively connected to the controller; and retrieve a signal indicative of a temperature of the electronic component;', 'compare the temperature to a stored predetermined range of operating temperatures;', 'responsive to determining that the temperature of the electronic component is less than a lower threshold temperature of the predetermined range of operating temperatures, transmit a signal to the heating element that causes the heating element to raise the temperature of the electronic component; and', 'save, to an operatively connected computer readable memory, a magnitude of temperature difference and a number of times that magnitude is reached., 'a printed wire board (PWB) soldered in connection with an electronic component, wherein the controller is configured to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller is further configured to:retrieve, from the computer ...

10-08-2017 дата публикации

Corrosion test chamber

Номер: US20170227449A1
Автор: ROJO Nelson

A multilayer temperature control shell for a test chamber to control the temperature within the interior of the test chamber wherein the multilayer temperature control shell comprises an inner temperature generating zone and an outer temperature insulating zone disposed between an interior layer of sealant and an exterior layer of sealant. 1. A multilayer temperature control shell for a test chamber to increase the efficiency of temperature transfer to the interior of the test chamber to control the temperature within the interior of the test chamber wherein said multilayer temperature control shell comprises an inner temperature generating zone and an outer temperature insulating zone disposed between an interior layer of sealant and an exterior layer of sealant.2. The multilayer temperature control shell of wherein said inner temperature generating zone comprises an interior layer of temperature conductive material claim 1 , a layer of temperature distribution material disposed adjacent to said interior layer of temperature conductive material and an interior layer of insulation material disposed adjacent to said outer temperature insulating zone.3. The multilayer temperature control shell of wherein said layer of temperature distribution material and said interior layer of insulation material are disposed in spaced relationship relative to each other to cooperatively form a space of gap therebetween to receive a plurality of heating elements and a plurality of cooling elements.4. The multilayer temperature control shell of wherein said interior layer of temperature conductive material comprises a fiber glass impregnated with a mixture of resin and temperature conductive metallic powder.5. The multilayer temperature control shell of wherein said layer of temperature distribution material comprises a sheet or film of aluminum claim 4 , copper or other heat conductive material.6. The multilayer temperature control shell of wherein said layer of insulation material ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210259055A1
Принадлежит: Altria Client Services LLC

A heating element for an e-vapor device includes a planar portion including at least one filament. The filament may define an air channel through the planar portion. The heating element may include first and second lead portions extending away from the planar portion. The planar portion, the first lead portion, and the second lead portion may be a unitary body. 1. A heating element for an e-vapor device , comprising: 'a filament defining an air channel through a central portion of the planar portion, the filament extending in a circular shape about the air channel, the filament arranged so as to form a plurality of u-shaped portions, tips of the plurality of u-shaped portions extending away from the air channel, and a first one of the plurality of u-shaped portions being beside a last one of the plurality of u-shaped portions.', 'a planar portion including,'}2. The heating element of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 ,a first lead portion, anda second lead portion, the first lead portion and the second lead portion extending away from the planar portion.3. The heating element of claim 2 , whereinthe planar portion, the first lead portion, and the second lead portion are a unitary body,the first lead portion is connected to the first one of the plurality of u-shaped portions, andthe second lead portion is connected to the last one of the plurality of u-shaped portions, such that the first lead portion is beside the second lead portion at a point of connection to the planar portion.4. The heating element of claim 2 , wherein the first lead portion and the second lead portion at least partially surround the planar portion.5. The heating element of claim 2 , whereinthe first lead portion includes a first tip,the second lead portion includes a second tip, andthe first tip and the second tip are on opposite sides of the planar portion.6. The heating element of claim 5 , wherein the first tip of the first lead portion and the second tip of the second lead portion are ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210274845A1
Автор: LORD Christopher

An electronic vapor provision device comprising a power cell and a vaporizer, wherein the vaporizer comprises a heater and a heater support, wherein one or more gaps are provided between the heater and the heater support. 1. An electronic vapor provision device comprising a power cell and a vaporizer , wherein the vaporizer comprises a heating element and a heating element support , wherein the heating element support defines a flat substrate surface , wherein the heating element support is a rigid support made from porous ceramic so as to allow liquid storage within the heating element support.2. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein one or more gaps are provided between the heating element and the heating element support.3. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is on the outside of the heating element support.4. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the heating element has a zig-zag shape which is coplanar with the substrate.5. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 4 , wherein the heating element support has a rectangular shape claim 4 , and wherein opposing corners of the zig-zag shape are aligned along respective edges of the rectangular shape.6. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 4 , wherein the heating element passes through the flat planar substrate.7. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is a wire.8. The electronic vapor provision device claim 1 , wherein the vaporizer further comprises a vaporization cavity claim 1 , and wherein at least part of the heating element is inside the vaporization cavity.9. The electronic vapor provision device of claim 8 , wherein the vaporizer is configured such that in use the vaporization cavity is a negative pressure region.10. The electronic vapor provision device claim 1 , wherein the electronic vapor provision device comprises a mouthpiece section and the vaporizer is part of ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150257205A1

A cord-shaped heater has a plurality of conductive wires that are covered with an insulating film . The insulating film includes a silicone resin. A quantity of the silicone resin included in the insulating film is 40 to 80% by a weight ratio. The conductive wires are wound around a core material in a state of being paralleled together. An insulation body layer is formed on an outer periphery of the conductive wires. A part or all of the insulation body layer is formed of a heat-fusing material. A sheet-shaped heater is wherein the cord-shaped heater is arranged on a substrate 1. A cord-shaped heater having a plurality of conductive wires that are covered with an insulating film , whereina quantity of a silicone resin included in the insulating film is 10 to 90% by a weight ratio.2. The cord-shaped heater according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating film includes a resin comprised of one of an alkyd, a polyester, an urethane, an acrylic, an epoxy and a combination thereof in addition to the silicone resin.3. The cord-shaped heater according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating film includes a resin comprised of one of an alkyd, polyester, an acrylic and a combination thereof in addition to the silicone resin.4. The cord-shaped heater according to claim 1 , whereinthe insulating film includes a resin comprised of one of an alkyd, polyester and a combination thereof in addition to the silicone resin.5. The cord-shaped heater according to claim 1 , whereinthe conductive wires are wound around a core material in a state of being paralleled together.6. The cord-shaped heater according to claim 1 , whereinthe quantity of the silicone resin included in the insulating film is 40 to 80% by the weight ratio.7. The cord-shaped heater according to claim 1 , whereina film thickness of the insulating film is within a range of 1 μm to 100 μm.8. The cord-shaped heater according to of claim 1 , whereinan insulation body layer is formed on an outer periphery of the conductive wires.9. ...

01-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160255680A1

A heating apparatus, which can stably fix a heater and be easily produced, includes a heat insulating material and an electric heater embedded in the surface or near the surface of the heat insulating material . At least one hook extends from the electric heater into the heat insulating material. The heat insulating material is formed of ceramic fibers and a binder binding the ceramic fibers, and is integrally molded with the electric heater having the hook. 1. A heating apparatus , comprising:a heat insulating material having a surface;an electric heater embedded in the surface or near the surface of said heat insulating material; anda hook extending from said electric heater into said heat insulating material, wherein said heat insulating material is formed of ceramic fibers and a binder binding the ceramic fibers, and is integrally molded with said electric heater having said hook.2. The heating apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising an electrically insulating support member embedded in said heat insulating material claim 1 , wherein said electrically insulating support member supports said hook in said heat insulating material.3. The heating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said electric heater is formed in a meander configuration by providing alternate slits in a metal plate from both side edges thereof claim 1 , the portion forming each of said slits of said metal plate is bent from said metal plate to form a plurality of alternately opposing hooks.4. The heating apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein said alternately opposing hooks in rows on both sides are supported by one electrically insulating support member.5. The heating apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein said alternately opposing hooks in each row are supported by each of the separate electrically insulating support members.6. The heating apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein said electric heater includes a plurality of metal plates formed in a meander configuration ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160260529A1
Автор: Francke Tom, Nyberg Gunnar

A novel compound having exponential temperature dependent electrical resistivity comprises an electrically insulating bulk material (), electrically conductive particles () of a first kind, and electrically conductive particles () of a second kind covered by a lubricant. The bulk material holds the particles of the first and second kinds in place therein; the particles of the second kind are smaller than the particles of the first kind; the particles of the second kind are more in number than the particles of the first kind; and the particles of the second kind have higher surface roughness than the particles of the first kind, wherein the particles of the second kind comprise tips () and the particles of the first kind comprise even surface portions (). The particles of the first and second kinds are arranged to form a plurality of current paths () through the compound, wherein each of the current paths comprises galvanically connected particles of the first and second kinds and a gap () between a tip () of one of the particles of the second kind and an even surface portion () of one of the particles of the first kind, which gap is narrow enough to allow electrons to tunnel through the gap via the quantum tunneling effect. The bulk material has a thermal expansion capability such that it expands with temperature, thereby increasing the gap widths (w) of the current paths, which in turn increases the electrical resistivity of the compound exponentially. 1111213. A compound having exponential temperature dependent electrical resistivity comprising an electrically insulating bulk material () , electrically conductive particles () of a first kind , and electrically conductive particles () of a second kind , whereinthe electrically insulating bulk material holds the electrically conducting particles of the first and second kinds in place in the electrically insulating bulk material;the electrically conducting particles of the second kind are smaller than the ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160262208A1

A fixing method of carbon fiber bundle and a flexible gas permeable electric heating structure made thereof. The fixing method includes steps of: making multiple carbon fiber bundles each composed of at least two carbon fiber yarns intersect and touch each other to form a carbon fiber mesh as a meshed electro-conductive circuit; laying two load electrodes on the carbon fiber mesh in two different positions; and using a smocking machine to form multiple machine sewing threads for sewing the carbon fiber mesh with the meshed electro-conductive circuit and the two load electrodes at least one face of a flexible substrate to form the flexible gas permeable electric heating structure. The flexible gas permeable electric heating structure is advantageous in that it is uneasy to break, gas permeable and durable and a user can comfortably wear the flexible gas permeable electric heating structure. 1. A fixing method of carbon fiber bundle , comprising steps of:making multiple carbon fiber bundles each composed of at least two carbon fiber yarns intersect and touch each other to form a carbon fiber mesh as a meshed electro-conductive circuit; laying two load electrodes on the carbon fiber mesh in two different positions; andusing a smocking machine to form multiple machine sewing threads for sewing the carbon fiber mesh with the meshed electro-conductive circuit and the two load electrodes at least one face of a flexible substrate to form a flexible gas permeable electric heating structure.2. A flexible gas permeable electric heating structure comprising:a flexible substrate;a carbon fiber mesh woven from multiple carbon fiber bundles each including at least two carbon fiber yarns, the carbon fiber bundles intersecting and touching each other to form a meshed electro-conductive circuit;multiple machine sewing threads for sewing the carbon fiber mesh with the meshed electro-conductive circuit on at least one face of the flexible substrate; andtwo load electrodes laid on the ...

13-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180257456A1

The present invention relates to a vehicle radiation heater being configured to perform heating by directly emitting radiant heat toward a passenger at an early stage of starting of a vehicle in winter. The vehicle radiation heater according to the present invention can be simple in structure, thereby being easy to manufacture, can quickly emit high-temperature radiant heat over the entire area of the heater, thereby enhancing rapid and comforting heating effects, and can maintain a constant temperature, thereby preventing a risk of overheating. 1. A vehicle radiation heater , comprising:a base member made of a material having thermal conductivity, and provided on a first surface thereof with a radiation layer provided to enhance emission performance of radiant heat;a heating portion fixed to a second surface of the base member and provided therein with a heating element, the heating portion generating heat; anda heat insulating material being in close contact with the second surface of the base member and a second surface of the heating portion, and blocking heat loss to the second surfaces.2. The vehicle radiation heater of claim 1 , wherein the heating portion is formed in a rod shape having one or more heating elements.3. The vehicle radiation heater of claim 2 , wherein each of the heating elements is a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) element.4. The vehicle radiation heater of claim 1 , wherein the radiation layer is ceramic claim 1 , or an oxide film formed by an anodizing process claim 1 , and has a predetermined thickness to have electrical insulation.5. The vehicle radiation heater of claim 4 , wherein when the radiation layer is ceramic claim 4 , the radiation layer has a thickness of 200 to 300 μm claim 4 , and when the radiation layer is the oxide film formed by the anodizing process claim 4 , the radiation layer has a thickness of several to several tens μm.6. The vehicle radiation heater of claim 1 , further comprising a coloring layer formed on ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170259840A1

A steering wheel includes a grip portion configured to be gripped by a driver and a heating wire disposed along a circumferential direction of the grip portion. The grip portion includes a base having an outer profile shaped along a surface shape of the grip portion, end portions of the base are joined on at least one parting line extending in an axial direction of the grip portion, and a part of the heating wire exists on the parting line. 1. A steering wheel comprising:a grip portion configured to be gripped by a driver; anda heating wire disposed along a circumferential direction of the grip portion, whereinthe grip portion includes a base having an outer profile shaped along a surface shape of the grip portion,end portions of the base are joined on at least one parting line extending in an axial direction of the grip portion, anda part of the heating wire exists on the parting line.2. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , further comprising a sheet wound on a surface of the grip portion claim 1 , whereinthe heating wire is disposed on the sheet,one end portion and another end portion of the sheet wound around the base are disposed close to each other on the parting line,the one end portion and the other end portion are both formed in a waveform shape extending along the parting line, andthe heating wire is formed in a waveform along the waveform shape of the end portions of the sheet.3. The steering wheel according to claim 1 , whereinthe heating wire has a first waveform shaped portion formed in a waveform shape extending in the axial direction of the grip portion while having an amplitude in the circumferential direction of the grip portion and a second waveform shaped portion opposed to the first waveform shaped portion in the circumferential direction,the first waveform shaped portion has a first protruding portion protruding toward a first side in the circumferential direction of the grip portion and a first recess portion recessed toward a second side ...

14-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170260887A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

There is provided a honeycomb type heating device including: a pillar-shaped honeycomb substrate having a partition wall defining a plurality of cells extending from one end face to the other end face and a circumferential wall surrounding the partition wall; a plurality of heaters adjacently arranged on a circumferential face that is an outside surface of the circumferential wall in a circumferential direction of the circumferential face; and intermediate members interposed between the circumferential face of the honeycomb substrate and the plurality of heaters. The sum of areas of portions of the circumferential face covered with the intermediate members between the circumferential face of the honeycomb substrate and the plurality of heaters is 20 to 100% of the sum of areas of portions of the circumferential face covered with the plurality of heaters. 1. A honeycomb type heating device comprising:a pillar-shaped honeycomb substrate having a partition wall defining a plurality of cells extending from one end face to the other end face and a circumferential wall surrounding the partition wall;a plurality of heaters adjacently arranged on a circumferential face that is an outside surface of the circumferential wall in a circumferential direction of the circumferential face; andintermediate members interposed between the circumferential face of the honeycomb substrate and the plurality of heaters,wherein the sum of areas of portions of the circumferential face covered with the intermediate members between the circumferential face of the honeycomb substrate and the plurality of heaters is 20 to 100% of the sum of areas of portions of the circumferential face covered with the plurality of heaters.2. The honeycomb type heating device according to claim 1 , wherein a thermal conductivity of at least a portion of each of the intermediate members is 1 W/m·K or more.3. The honeycomb type heating device according to claim 1 , wherein a Young's modulus of each of the ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации

Heater and fixing apparatus

Номер: US20200249607A1
Автор: Osamu Takagi

A heater includes an insulator substrate, a heat generating section in which a plurality of divided regions are formed in a longitudinal direction on a first surface of the insulator substrate, electrodes formed at both end portions of the heat generating section to correspond to the plurality of divided regions, and electric conductors connected to at least one of the electrodes and formed over a surface different from the first surface of the insulator substrate.

15-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160270157A1
Автор: HEO Beomseok

The present invention relates to a heat insulation material installation device and, more particularly, to a heat insulation material installation device wherein, during dryvit installation, which is an external thermal insulation method, various types of joints are directly installed on thermal insulation materials such that no separate PVC joints need to be installed, materials and labor costs can be reduced, the joints are prevented from being damaged or contaminated during lithic painting, thereby making installation convenient, and the thermal insulation materials can be cut without using hot wires, thereby making the work convenient and preventing accidents. The aforementioned present invention is characterized in that the device comprises: a heating part having a heating element adapted to generate heat through application of power thereto and a controller adapted to set a temperature of the heating element through a bimetal embedded therein to turn the power on/off according to the set temperature; a body disposed on the underside of the heating part and having an installation surface to which the heat generated from the heating element is transmitted; and a handle part having a handle mounted on top of the installation surface of the body to pressurize the body thereagainst. 1. A thermal insulation material joint installation device , comprising:a heating part having a heating element adapted to generate heat through application of power thereto and a controller adapted to set a temperature of the heating element through a bimetal embedded therein to turn the power on/off according to the set temperature;a body disposed on the underside of the heating part and having an installation surface to which the heat generated from the heating element is transmitted; anda handle part having a handle mounted on top of the installation surface of the body to pressurize the body thereagainst.2. The thermal insulation material joint installation device according to ...

20-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180263290A1

The present disclosure relates to an electronic smoking article that provides for improved aerosol delivery. Particularly, the article comprises one or more microheaters. In various embodiments, the microheaters provide for improved control of vaporization of an aerosol precursor composition and provide for reduced power requirements to achieve consistent aerosolization. The present disclosure further relates to methods of forming an aerosol in a smoking article. 161-. (canceled)62. A smoking article comprising:a first unit formed of a shell that defines an interior space, the first unit having a distal end and an opposing, proximate end that includes a mouthpiece with an opening;a second unit having a closed end and an opposing, connecting end configured to engage the distal end of the first unit in a press-fit engagement;a reservoir in the interior space of the first unit, the reservoir containing a liquid aerosol precursor composition;a heater chamber and a heater in the interior space of the first unit, the heater chamber configured to receive the aerosol precursor composition from the reservoir through an opening in the heater chamber;an electrical power source positioned in the second unit, wherein when the first unit is engaged with the second unit, the electrical power source is in electrical connection with the heater; andan air flow path in the first unit, the air flow path opening into the mouthpiece and being configured to provide for passage of aerosol formed by heating in the heater chamber into the mouthpiece;wherein a fill status of the liquid aerosol precursor composition is visible through at least a portion of the shell of the first unit.63. The smoking article of claim 62 , wherein the second unit includes one or more control components that actuate or regulate flow of an electrical current from the electrical power source.64. The smoking article of claim 63 , wherein the one or more control components are configured to permit uninterrupted ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Ceramic heater for heating water in an appliance

Номер: US20210333012A1
Принадлежит: Lexmark International Inc

An appliance for heating fluid includes a reservoir for holding the fluid during use. One or more ceramic heaters mount with the reservoir to heat the fluid. The heater includes electrically resistive traces thick-film printed on a substrate. The heaters optionally mount with a heat transfer element having a relatively large surface area. The heat transfer element typifies a conductive element, such as an aluminum plate of forged aluminum. The plate has cavities to retain the heaters or sections fitted about heaters. Holes through a thickness of the plate induce turbulent fluid flow as the fluid freely passes there through during use. Heater control and mounting are still other aspects of the technology.

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210340764A1
Принадлежит: HEKA graphit.technology GmbH

A construction panel contains at least one insulation layer, at least one active thermal layer containing at least an electrical heating and/or an electrical cooling element, and a connector for connecting the at least one active thermal layer to a source of electrical current. The active thermal layer is preferably an active heating or cooling layer. 115-. (canceled)16: A construction panel , comprising:at least one insulation layer, said at least one insulation layer comprising an electrically insulating sheet, an electrically insulating web, or an electrically insulating paper;at least one active thermal layer manufactured using printing techniques, said at least one active thermal layer comprising at least an electrical heating element and/or an electrical cooling element, wherein said electrical heating element and/or electrical cooling element comprises one or more electrically conductive layers; anda connector means for connecting said at least one active thermal layer to a source of electrical current.17: The construction panel according to claim 16 , wherein said at least one insulation layer comprises a foam made from a foaming first siliceous-based polyurea composition obtained by reacting ingredients comprising a polyisocyanate and an aqueous silicate claim 16 , andwherein said at least one insulation layer comprises a stabilizing material.18: The construction panel according to claim 17 , wherein said stabilizing material comprises a resin obtained from a non-foaming second siliceous-based polyurea composition claim 17 , obtained by reacting ingredients comprising a polyisocyanate and an aqueous silicate claim 17 ,wherein said non-foaming second siliceous-based polyurea composition has a higher concentration of said aqueous silicate than a concentration of aqueous silicate in said foaming first siliceous-based polyurea composition.19: The construction panel according to claim 16 , wherein said at least one insulation layer comprises a rigid foam made ...

04-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210345457A1

A heater () includes: a substrate (); a heat-generation layer () that is a conductive metal oxide layer (); a pair of power supply electrodes (); and a pressure-sensitive adhesive bonding laminate (). The substrate () is formed of an organic polymer. The heat-generation layer () is disposed in contact with the substrate () in the thickness direction of the substrate (). The pair of power supply electrodes () are electrically connected to the heat-generation layer (). The pressure-sensitive adhesive bonding laminate () has a pressure-sensitive adhesive surface () used for pressure-sensitive adhesive bonding with an adherend. In the pressure-sensitive adhesive bonding laminate (), a plurality of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers () and at least one support () for the plurality of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers are alternately laminated between the pressure-sensitive adhesive surface () and the heat-generating layer (). 1. A heater comprising:a substrate that is formed of an organic polymer;a heat-generating layer that is disposed in contact with the substrate in a thickness direction of the substrate, the heat-generating layer being a conductive metal oxide layer;a pair of power supply electrodes that are electrically connected to the heat-generating layer; anda pressure-sensitive adhesive bonding laminate that has a pressure-sensitive adhesive surface used for pressure-sensitive adhesive bonding with an adherend and in which a plurality of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers and at least one support for the plurality of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers are alternately laminated between the pressure-sensitive adhesive surface and the heat-generating layer in the thickness direction of the substrate.2. The heater according to claim 1 , whereinthe plurality of pressure-sensitive adhesive layers include a first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer that forms the pressure-sensitive adhesive surface, andthe first pressure-sensitive adhesive layer has a thickness of 150 ...

13-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200260531A1

Known infrared radiators have a support, a heating conductor's conductor path applied to the support, of an electrically conducting resistor material, as well as an electrical contacting of the heating conductor's conductor path. In order to specify an infrared radiator with a high radiation efficiency based on this, the heating conductor's conductor path of which is provided with a structurally simple and cost-efficient electrical contacting, it is proposed according to the invention for the support to include a composite material, which comprises an amorphous matrix component as well as an additional component in the form of a semiconductor material, and for the contacting to be applied to the support as contacting conductor path, wherein the cross section of the contacting conductor path is at least 3-times the cross section of the heating conductor's conductor path. 1. An infrared radiator , having a support , a heating conductor's conductor path applied to the support , of an electrically conducting resistor material , as well as an electrical contacting of the heating conductor's conductor path , characterized in the support includes a composite material , which comprises an amorphous matrix component as well as an additional component in the form of a semiconductor material , and that the contacting is applied to the support as contacting conductor path , wherein the conductor cross section of the contacting conductor path is at least 3-times the conductor cross section of the heating conductor's conductor path.2. The infrared radiator according to claim 1 , characterized in that the heating conductor's conductor path and contacting conductor path are connected to one another with a substance-to-substance bond.3. The infrared radiator according to claim 1 , characterized in that the heating conductor's conductor path and the contacting conductor path are made of the same material.4. The infrared radiator according to claim 1 , characterized in that the ...

27-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180271403A1

A breath sensor () includes a heat exchange portion () that allows heat exchange between breath discharged from a second chamber C and breath introduced into a first chamber C Therefore, breath introduced into the first chamber C can be heated by breath discharged from the second chamber C to increase the temperature of the introduced breath. Since the temperature of the breath is increased, an effect of reducing power consumption of a heater () in heating a conversion portion () and a detection portion () is realized. The heater () heats both the conversion portion () and the detection portion () to a temperature in an operation or activation temperature range. Further, power consumption for heating to an operation temperature can be reduced by preheating the introduced breath as described above. 1. A breath sensor comprising:an adjustment unit having a first chamber into which breath is introduced, and having a conversion portion that converts, to a second gas component, a first gas component included in the breath that is introduced into the first chamber;a sensor unit having a second chamber into which the breath that has passed through the adjustment unit is introduced, and having a detection portion having an electric characteristic which varies with a change in concentration of the second gas component;a single heater configured to heat the conversion portion and the detection portion;a gas flow path configured to connect the first chamber and the second chamber in a state in which at least a part of the gas flow path extends outside the adjustment unit and outside the sensor unit, whereinthe adjustment unit, the sensor unit, and the heater are integrated into a sensor body portion in a state where the adjustment unit and the heater are thermally coupled to each other, and the sensor unit and the heater are thermally coupled to each other;a housing which surrounds an outer circumference of the sensor body portion; anda heat exchange portion that allows for ...

20-08-2020 дата публикации

Heating assembly for cooking appliance

Номер: US20200260912A1
Принадлежит: Revolution Cooking LLC

A heating assembly for a cooking appliance, such as a toaster or oven, has a support and/or heating element with a curved shape having a concave side facing a cooking cavity. The support and/or heating element may be flexible, e.g., having a planar shape when unstressed and a curved shape when stressed. The support and/or heating element may define a sheet, e.g., having a length and width. The heating element may have openings in the sheet. The heating element may be coupled to the support so as to be slidable movable relative to the support, e.g., so the heating element can slide relative to the support when the support and heating element are bent into a curved shape.

25-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210362767A1
Принадлежит: Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

A capacitive coupling sensor () is equipped with a sensor unit () which has: a detection electrode layer () which generates capacitance between the detection electrode layer () and a detection target, a shield electrode layer (), and an insulation layer () which is arranged between the detection electrode layer () and the shield electrode layer (), wherein the insulation layer () has a cross-linked polymer obtained by cross-linking of a thermoplastic polymer. The capacitive coupling sensor () has high heat resistance, can be made thinner, and has an excellent tactile quality. 1. A capacitive coupling sensor , comprising: a detection electrode layer which generates capacitance between the detection electrode layer and a detection target,', 'a shield electrode layer, and', 'an insulation layer which is arranged between the detection electrode layer and the shield electrode layer,, 'a sensor unit, comprising'}wherein the insulation layer has a cross-linked polymer obtained by cross-linking of a thermoplastic polymer.2. The capacitive coupling sensor according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the insulation layer is 0.1 mm or more and 1 mm or less.3. The capacitive coupling sensor according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of fixation between the detection electrode layer and the insulation layer and fixation between the shield electrode layer and the insulation layer is performed without using an adhesive.4. The capacitive coupling sensor according to claim 1 , wherein the insulation layer has an insulation particle having thermal conductivity of 20 W/m·K or more.5. The capacitive coupling sensor according to claim 1 , further comprising a heater layer claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , with a lamination direction from the detection electrode layer toward the shield electrode layer in the sensor unit defined as a front and back direction claim 1 ,the heater layer is arranged on a back side of the sensor unit, andthe heater layer has a heat source and a cross-linked ...

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Plate heater

Номер: US20190268975A1
Автор: Yong-Ki Kim
Принадлежит: Charmtron Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a plane heater that generates heat by using graphene or the like as the conductive heat generation material thereof. The plane heater includes: a nonconductor substrate; a heat generation material applied to the nonconductor substrate; and a pair of electrodes configured to generate resistance heat in the heat generation material. The pair of electrodes include a first electrode configured to be connected to one pole of a power source, and a second electrode configured to be connected to the other pole of the power source. The sectional areas of at least some portions of the first electrode and the second electrode are determined such that a plurality of electric circuits formed by the first electrode, the heat generation material, and the second electrode can have the theoretically same resistance.

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170280776A1

An aerosol generating system includes a heater assembly and a manually operated pump. The pump includes a hollow member with an inlet portion and an outlet portion. The inlet portion of the hollow member is configured connectable with a liquid storage portion. The outlet portion of the hollow member is in fluid communication with a dispensing assembly. The pump is configured to dispense a liquid material onto the heater assembly. The pump is configured to pump the liquid material from the liquid storage portion via the dispensing assembly and onto the heater assembly. 1. An aerosol generating system comprising:a heater assembly, and [ an inlet portion, the inlet portion being connectable to a liquid storage portion, the liquid storage portion configured to store a liquid material, and', 'an outlet portion, the outlet portion being in fluid communication with a dispensing assembly, the dispensing assembly configured to dispense the liquid material onto the heater assembly, the inlet portion and the outlet portion each including a one way valve, the one-way valve at the inlet portion configured to allow the liquid material to flow from the liquid storage portion into the hollow member only, and the one-way valve at the outlet portion configured to allow the liquid material to flow from the hollow member to the dispensing assembly only, and, 'a hollow member including,'}, 'a volume modifier including a moveable element, the volume modifier being configured to change an internal volume of the hollow member., 'a manually operated pump including,'}2. The aerosol generating system according to claim 1 , wherein the hollow member comprises claim 1 ,at least one wall, at least a portion of the at least one wall being flexible.3. The aerosol generating system according to claim 2 , wherein the volume modifier is configured to be pressed against the flexible portion of the at least one wall of the hollow member of the manually operated pump.4. The aerosol generating system ...

05-10-2017 дата публикации

Heat pipe with printed heater and associated methods for manufacturing

Номер: US20170290096A1
Принадлежит: Boeing Co

Described herein is a heater for space equipment that includes a heat pipe. The heater also includes a first layer applied to the heat pipe. The first layer may be made from an electrically non-conductive material. The heater additionally includes a resistance heater printed onto the first layer after the first layer is applied to the heat pipe. The heater includes a second layer adjacent the resistance heater. The resistance heater may be positioned between the first layer and the second layer, and the second layer may be made from an electrically non-conductive material.

12-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170290370A1

A cartridge of an electronic vaping device includes a housing extending in a longitudinal direction. The housing includes a sidewall, a transverse wall at the first end of the sidewall, and an inner tube integrally formed with the housing. The sidewall is generally cylindrical and a first end and a second end. The transverse wall includes at least one outlet therein. The inner tube extends in the longitudinal direction. The inner tube is concentrically positioned with respect to the sidewall. The inner tube communicates with the at least one outlet. The cartridge also includes a reservoir between the sidewall and the inner tube. The reservoir is configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation. 1. A cartridge of an electronic vaping device , the cartridge having an integral structure , the cartridge comprising: a sidewall, the sidewall being generally cylindrical, the sidewall including a first end and a second end,', 'a transverse wall at the first end of the sidewall, the transverse wall including at least one outlet therein, and', 'an inner tube integrally formed with the sidewall and the transverse wall, the inner tube extending in the longitudinal direction,, 'a housing extending in a longitudinal direction, the housing including,'}the inner tube concentrically positioned with respect to the sidewall, andthe inner tube in communication with the at least one outlet; anda reservoir between the sidewall and the inner tube, the reservoir configured to contain a pre-vapor formulation.2. The cartridge of claim 1 , further comprising:an end cap configured to connect with the sidewall of the housing at the second end thereof, the end cap including an end cap sidewall and an end wall, the end cap sidewall being generally cylindrical.3. The cartridge of claim 2 , wherein the end cap sidewall has a smaller outer diameter than an inner diameter of the sidewall of the housing claim 2 , such that the end cap sidewall is configured to be received in the sidewall of the housing.4 ...

03-09-2020 дата публикации

Seat heater, and temperature control method and temperature control program for seat heater

Номер: US20200276922A1
Автор: Kyoichi MURAMATSU
Принадлежит: Kurabe Industrial Co Ltd

A seat heater according to the present invention includes: a heater that is provided between a seat cushioning material and a seat trim cover and includes a heating wire laid on a base material; a temperature detection unit provided in the vicinity of the heating wire of the heater; and a temperature control unit configured to control a temperature of the heater so that it approaches a target temperature, in which the temperature control unit calculates an estimated environment temperature, which is an estimated value of a temperature around the temperature detection unit, based on a rate of increase of a temperature indicating an amount of change of the temperature detected by the temperature detection unit in a period after an elapse of a predetermined time from a start of heating the heater, and corrects the target temperature so that it becomes lower as the estimated environmental temperature becomes lower.

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190289674A1

An electrical heating device for mobile applications, includes a substrate and a heat-conducting layer formed on the substrate. The heat-conducting layer has at least one heat-conducting track that is arranged on the substrate, and the heat-conducting track is structured such that a multiplicity of track sections, separated from one another by insulating gaps, is formed. The heat-conducting track has at least one deflection section at which the heat-conducting track is deflected and which is arranged between a first and a second track section, wherein the first and the second track section have a smaller curvature in comparison with the deflection section. The heat-conducting track in the first track section or in the deflection section branches into at least two branch tracks separated from one another by one or more branch insulating gaps. The branch tracks meet up again in the second track section or in the deflection section. 1. Electrical heating device for mobile applications , having:a substrate and a heat-conducting layer formed on the substrate, wherein the heat-conducting layer has at least one heat-conducting track that is arranged on the substrate, wherein the heat-conducting track is structured such that a multiplicity of track sections, separated from one another by insulating gaps, is formed, wherein the heat-conducting track has at least one deflection section at which the heat-conducting track is deflected and which is arranged between a first and a second track section, wherein the first and the second track section have a smaller curvature in comparison with the deflection section, in particular are designed so as to be at least substantially straight, wherein the heat-conducting track in the first track section or in the deflection section branches into at least two branch tracks separated from one another by one or more branch insulating gaps, wherein the branch tracks meet up again in the second track section or in the deflection section.2. ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190289920A1
Автор: LORD Christopher

An electronic vapor provision device comprising a power cell and a vaporizer, wherein the vaporizer comprises a heater and a heater support, wherein one or more gaps are provided between the heater and the heater support. 1. A vapor provision device comprising:a heating element support comprising a porous ceramic so as to allow liquid storage within the heating element support, the heating element support having at least one flat exterior surface; anda heating element that at least partially extends along the flat exterior surface, wherein a portion of the heating element that extends along the flat exterior surface is arranged in a zig-zag shape.2. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the porous ceramic includes a plurality of gaps arranged between the heating element support and the heating element claim 1 , and the plurality of gaps is also configured to wick a liquid onto the heating element.3. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the flat exterior surface is rectangular.4. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , further comprising a mouthpiece section.5. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the heating element support has a pitted surface.6. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the vapor provision device is configured to be coupled to a battery assembly.7. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , further comprising:a liquid store;a wicking element configured to wick liquid from the liquid store to the heating element for vaporizing the liquid; andan air outlet for vaporized liquid from the heating element.8. The vapor provision device of claim 1 , wherein the heating element is arranged in a wire form. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/211,132, filed Jul. 15, 2016, which in turn is a divisional of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/415,524 filed Jan. 16, 2015, which in turn is a National Stage of International Application No. PCT/EP2013/064922, filed Jul. 15, 2013, which in turn claims ...

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180302952A1
Автор: Cubon Michael M.

A self regulating heating device includes a first layer made of an electrically insulating material. The first layer is thin and flexible. First and second buses spaced from each other are connected to the first layer. A resistive layer electrically connects the first and second buses. The resistive layer has a higher electrical resistance than the second layer. The resistive layer experiences a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) effect when heated. A solar active layer is connected to the first layer. The solar active layer is electrically connected to the first and second buses. The solar active layer converts light into electrical energy to apply a voltage across the first and second buses. 1. A self regulating heating device comprising:a first layer made of an electrically insulating material, the first layer being thin and flexible;first and second buses spaced from each other and connected to the first layer;a resistive layer electrically connected to the first and second buses, the resistive layer having a higher electrical resistance than the first and second buses, the resistive layer experiencing a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) effect when heated; anda solar active layer connected to the first layer, the solar active layer being electrically connected to the first and second buses, the solar active layer converting light into electrical energy to apply a voltage across the first and second buses.2. The self regulating heating device of wherein the first and second buses are screen printed flexible polymeric ink.3. The self regulating heating device of wherein the resistive layer is screen printed on at least one of the first and second buses.4. The self regulating heating device of wherein the resistive layer includes a conductive carbon black filler material dispersed in a polymer having a crystalline structure.5. The self regulating heating device of wherein the solar active layer is screen printed on at least one of the first and second ...

26-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190297678A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

A device () converts electricity into heat. A first flat winding support () including electrically insulating material, has a first electric heating element () wound thereon. The first flat winding support with wound first electric heating element is inserted into a housing () electrically insulated against the housing. A second flat winding support, including electrically insulating material, has a second electric heating element (), which is galvanically separated from the first electric heating element, wound thereon. The second flat winding support with wound second electric heating element is inserted into the housing electrically insulated against the housing. 1. A device for converting electricity into heat , the device comprising:a housing;a first flat winding support comprised of an electrically insulating material;first electrical insulation;a first electric heating element wound on the first flat winding support, the first flat winding, supported in a wound state on the first flat winding support, being disposed in the housing electrically insulated relative to the housing by the first electrical insulation;a second flat winding support comprised of an electrically insulating material;second electrical insulation;further electrical insulation;a second electric heating element wound on the second flat winding support galvanically separated from the first electric heating element by the further electrical insulation, the second electric heating element being disposed in the housing electrically insulated relative to the housing by the second insulation such that first electric heating element and the second electric heating element are electrically insulated relative to the housing.2. A device for converting electricity into heat in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the further electrical insulation for the galvanic separation of the first electric heating element from the second electric heating element has a higher dielectric strength than the first and ...

26-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170311386A1
Автор: Murphy Ben
Принадлежит: CALORAY PTY LTD

There is provided an electric suspended radiant disk heater apparatus comprising: a central and vertical ceiling mount pole for hanging from a ceiling at an upper end thereof in use; a radiant heater disk element fastened at a lower end thereof, the radiant heater disk element being substantially co-axial with the ceiling mount pole, being substantially perpendicular to the ceiling mount pole and extending radially from the lower end of the pole; and an electric heater element thermally coupled to the radiant heater disk element to heat the radiant heater disk to radiate heat from a radiant heat emitting undersurface thereof. 1. An electric suspended radiant disk heater apparatus comprising:a central and vertical ceiling mount pole for hanging from a ceiling at an upper end thereof in use;a radiant heater disk element fastened at a lower end thereof, the radiant heater disk element being substantially co-axial with the ceiling mount pole, being substantially perpendicular to the ceiling mount pole and extending radially from the lower end of the pole; andan electric heater element thermally coupled to the radiant heater disk element to heat the radiant heater disk to radiate heat from a radiant heat emitting undersurface thereof.2. A radiant disk heater apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electric element is configured to heat the radiant heater disk elements to approximately 380° C.3. A radiant disk heater apparatus as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the radiant heater disk element comprises an alloy comprising a glass temperature of approximately 430° C.4. A radiant disk heater apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , wherein radiant heater disk element comprises a radiant underplate and a backing plate thereby defining a void therebetween and wherein the electric element is located within the void and thermally coupled to a rear surface of the radiant underplate.5. A radiant disk heater apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , further comprising ceramic insulation ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200305237A1

An electrically-energized heater comprises a sheet heater element and a control element in thermal communication therewith. Certain embodiments make the heater self-limiting. 2. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the heater is flexible.3. The heater claim 1 , wherein the sheet heater element has a sheet resistance of 10-500 Ω/square.4. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the sheet heater element comprises a polymer.5. The heater of claim 4 , wherein the sheet heater element comprises a polymer having a surface metallization.6. The heater of claim 4 , wherein the sheet heater element comprises a polymer having particles of a conductive material distributed therein.7. The heater of claim 6 , wherein the sheet heater element comprises a polyimide having a first sublayer and a second sublayer bonded thereto claim 6 , the first sublayer being composed of a polyimide dielectric and the second sublayer being composed of a polyimide having particles of a conductive material distributed therein.8. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the control element comprises NTC material disposed on at least a portion of a surface of the sheet heater element.9. The heater of claim 8 , wherein the first terminal is connected to the line terminal through a via that passes through the sheet heater element.10. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the control element comprises a silicon nano-ink;poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS), a nickel oxide ink, a vanadium-vanadium pentoxide multi-layer structure, or a material having a negative thermal coefficient of resistance mixed with a low melting point electrically conductive matrix material.11. An electrically-energized heater system comprising the heater of and a controller configured and operably connected to sense a difference between an incoming current flowing into the line terminal from the electrical source and an outgoing current flowing from the neutral terminal back to the electrical source and claim 1 , upon detection ...

26-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150336602A1

A heater unit includes a pair of substrates formed from a polymeric foam and a cord-shaped heater sandwiched between the pair of substrates. The thickness of a region of each of the substrates at which the cord-shaped heater is disposed is thinned relative to other regions of the substrates in such a manner as to be shaped to the cord-shaped heater and thus the heater unit forms a flat shape. In the heater unit, the substrates are bonded together by an adhesive layer that is composed only from a pressure-sensitive adhesive. 1. A heater unit comprising a pair of substrates that are formed from a polymeric foam and a cord-shaped heater that is sandwiched between the substrates , wherein a thickness of a region of each of the substrates at which the cord-shaped heater is disposed is thinned relative to other regions of the substrates in such a manner as to be shaped to the cord-shaped heater such that the heater unit forms a flat shape.2. The heater unit as set forth in wherein the pair of the substrates are bonded together by an adhesive layer that is composed only from a pressure-sensitive adhesive.3. The heater unit as set forth in wherein the cord-shaped heater includes on an outmost layer thereof a thermal fusible region.45-. (canceled)6. The heater unit as set forth in claim 1 , wherein:the pair of the substrates are bonded together by an adhesive layer that is composed only from a pressure-sensitive adhesive; andthe cord-shaped heater includes on an outmost layer thereof a thermal fusible region.7. A steering wheel comprising a rim for holding for steering claim 1 , the rim comprising a heater unit as set forth in claim 1 , a rim core and a cladding member for covering the rim core claim 1 , the cladding member comprising a base cladding that covers the rim core and a cover cladding that is disposed on an outer surface of the rim claim 1 , the heater unit being disposed between the base cladding and the cover cladding.8. The steering wheel as set forth in ...

03-12-2015 дата публикации

Cartridge for electronic cigarette

Номер: US20150342258A1
Автор: Zhiping CHEN
Принадлежит: Shenzhen Smoore Technology Ltd

The present disclosure relates to a cartridge for an electronic cigarette. The cartridge includes a cartridge body defining a smoke channel for smoke flowing therethrough and a reservoir chamber surrounding the smoke channel for storing liquid solution, the reservoir chamber comprising an opening which communicates the interior of the reservoir chamber with the exterior of the reservoir chamber; and a sealing member secured to the cartridge body, the sealing member comprising a first sealing portion for sealing the opening

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190320504A1

Disclosed is a heating device, including a substrate, a metal oxide layer formed on the substrate, hyper heat accelerator dots having a spherical shape formed on the metal oxide layer and arranged in a lattice form, and a conductive adhesive layer formed on the metal oxide layer and the hyper heat accelerator dots, wherein the lower portions of the hyper heat accelerator dots having a spherical shape are included in the metal oxide layer and the upper portions thereof are included in the conductive adhesive layer. 1. A hyper heat accelerator for a heating device , comprising a material selected from the group consisting of SnF , SnF , tin nickel fluoride (SnNiF) , tin chromium fluoride (SnCrF) , tin zinc fluoride (SnZnF) , zinc nickel fluoride (ZnNiF) and combinations thereof.2. The hyper heat accelerator of claim 1 , wherein the hyper heat accelerator is hyper heat accelerator dots having a spherical shape and a diameter of 50 to 100 nm claim 1 , which are arranged in a lattice form on the heating device.3. The hyper heat accelerator of claim 2 , wherein the hyper heat accelerator dots are arranged at an interval of 10 to 20 nm.4. A heating device claim 2 , comprising:a substrate;a metal oxide layer formed on the substrate;hyper heat accelerator dots having a spherical shape formed on the metal oxide layer and arranged in a lattice form; anda conductive adhesive layer formed on the metal oxide layer and the hyper heat accelerator dots,wherein lower portions of the hyper heat accelerator dots having a spherical shape are included in the metal oxide layer and upper portions thereof are included in the conductive adhesive layer.5. The heating device of claim 4 , wherein the hyper heat accelerator is selected from the group consisting of SnF claim 4 , SnF claim 4 , tin nickel fluoride (SnNiF) claim 4 , tin chromium fluoride (SnCrF) claim 4 , tin zinc fluoride (SnZnF) claim 4 , zinc nickel fluoride (ZnNiF) and combinations thereof.6. The heating device of claim 4 , ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

E-vapor device including a compound heater structure

Номер: US20160345632A1
Автор: Peter Lipowicz
Принадлежит: Individual

An e-vapor device may include a pre-vapor sector and a heater structure arranged in thermal contact with the pre-vapor sector. The pre-vapor sector includes a reservoir and a dispensing interface. The pre-vapor sector is configured to hold and dispense a pre-vapor formulation. The heater structure is configured to vaporize the pre-vapor formulation to generate a vapor. The heater structure includes a base wire and a heater wire coiled around the base wire. The base wire is insulated from the heater wire. As a result of the heater design, the heater structure is stiffer and more robust than other related heaters in the art, thus allowing more options for its implementation.
