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27-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: RU2119729C1

Плоский гибкий электронагреватель предназначен для сушки, в частности для послойной сушки древесины, уложенной в штабель. Резистивный элемент выполнен из углеродной ткани с равномерно или неравномерно расположенными нитями основы и монолитно связанной с ней полиэфирной изоляции. Электронагреватель работает при напряжении, близкому к сетевому, имеет малый допустимый радиус гиба и обладает высокий механической прочностью и химически агрессивной среде, допускает мощность до 500 Вт/м2 в течение 4 ч, при нормальной работе до 150 Вт/м2. 1 з.п.ф-лы, 1 ил.

20-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008108419A

... 1. Варочная поверхность с варочной панелью (1) и по меньшей мере одним узлом, например нагревателем (2), или корпусом для устройства электронного управления, которые с помощью по меньшей мере одного удерживающего элемента (3) разъемно установлены на нижней стороне варочной панели (1), отличающаяся тем, что удерживающий элемент (3) разъемно соединен с боковой стенкой узла. ! 2. Варочная поверхность по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что удерживающий элемент (3) выполнен упругим и таким образом зажимает узел сбоку. ! 3. Варочная поверхность по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что удерживающий элемент (3) плоско прилегает к боковой стенке узла. ! 4. Варочная поверхность по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что удерживающий элемент (3) прилегает к боковой стенке узла по линии. ! 5. Варочная поверхность по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что удерживающий элемент (3) соединен с фрикционным замыканием с боковой стенкой узла. ! 6. Варочная поверхность по п.1 или 2, отличающаяся тем, что удерживающий элемент (3) выполнен ...

25-09-1997 дата публикации

Radiation heating device for glass ceramic cooking hob

Номер: DE0019611403A1

The device has a number of spaced radiation heating elements corresponding to the hob cooking zones contained within a common insulator block (1), incorporating ribbon cables (7) for providing the current leads for the heating elements. The insulator block is fitted into a sheet metal reception dish, with a temperature limitation device fitted into the side of the block and coupled to temperature sensors on the underside of the hob surface.

05-12-2011 дата публикации

Kochplatte umfassend einen Wellenleiter

Номер: DE202011102663U1

Platte aus Glaskeramik (1, 21, 37) umfassend einen Wellenleiter (3, 23, 41a, 43a, 45a, 47a), der in dieser Platte (1, 21, 37) aufgenommen und zur Diffusion elektromagnetischer Strahlungen ausgelegt ist.

08-06-2000 дата публикации

Sensorgesteuertes Kochfeld mit unterhalb der Kochfeldplatte angeordneter Sensoreinheit

Номер: DE0019856140A1

Bekannt ist ein sensorgesteuertes Kochfeld mit einer Kochfeldplatte, insbesondere aus Glaskeramik, mit zumindest einer Kochzone, die mittels eines unterhalb der Kochfeldplatte angeordneten Heizelementes beheizbar ist, sowie mit einer unterhalb der Kochfeldplatte angeordneten und gegen deren Unterseite im Bereich eines flächenmäßig begrenzten Meßfleckes gerichteten Wärmestrahlungs-Sensoreinheit, die in Verbindung steht mit einer Steuereinheit zur Regelung der Heizleistung des Heizelementes. Um topfunabhängig eine möglich genaue Heizleistungsregelung zu erreichen, ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, daß der Wert des Transmissionsgrades des Materials der Kochfeldplatte zumindest im Bereich des Meßfleckes zumindest im spektralen Meßbereich der Wärmestrahlungs-Sensoreinheit kleiner als 30%, vorzugsweise kleiner als 10% und insbesondere annähernd etwa 0% ist.

12-02-2004 дата публикации

Heizelement für elektrische Heizplatten

Номер: DE0020317994U1

Heizelement für elektrische Heizplatten, insbesondere für Glaskeramikplatten, welches als bandförmiger länglicher Streifen (1) mit einer Länge LR, einer Höhe hR und einer Dicke sR aus elektrisch leitfähigem Material mit einem spezifischen Widerstand ρR ausgebildet und in der Gebrauchslage hochkant stehend auf einer thermisch isolierenden Unterlage angebracht ist, wobei der Streifen (1) an der der Unterlage zugewandten Seite Laschen (3) mit einer Höhe hs und einer Breite bs aufweist, welche sich über eine Eingriffstiefe e von einem Anteil der Höhe hs in die Unterlage verzahnen, zwischen welchen Laschen (3) Lücken (4) mit einer Höhe hs und einer Breite bF gebildet sind, welche über den Abstand Höhe hs minus Eingriffstiefe e Durchlüftungslücken bilden, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Höhe hR des Streifens (1) von dem über eine definierte Messlänge Lm gemessenen Widerstand RTund/oder der gemessenen mittleren Dicke sm des Streifens (1) zur Erzielung eines bestimmten Wider-stands RN entsprechend ...

15-01-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0059209047D1

16-12-2010 дата публикации

Sensorvorrichtung mit zumindest einem IR-Sensor

Номер: DE112007001267A5

06-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069636540T2

24-10-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010112236C1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT GLAS

Es wird ein Keramik-Kochfeld (10) mit einer Kochplatte (12) aus Glaskeramik oder Glas angegeben, mit einer elektrischen Heizleiterschicht (20) und mit einer thermisch gespritzten Isolierschicht (16) zwischen der Kochplatte (12) und der Heizleiterschicht (20). Auf die Unterseite der Kochplatte (12) ist zunächst eine Haftvermittlerschicht (14), die z. B. aus Al¶2¶O¶3¶ bestehen kann, durch thermisches Spritzen aufgetragen, bevor die thermisch gespritzte Isolierschicht (16) aus Keramik, vorzugsweise aus Cordierit oder Mullit, aufgetragen wird. Auf der Unterseite der thermisch gespritzten Isolierschicht (16) ist eine Heizleiterschicht (18), die beispielsweise aus einem mäanderförmig gewundenen Heizleiter (20) besteht, vorzugsweise durch thermisches Spritzen aufgetragen. Mit einem derartigen Schichtenverbund ergibt sich eine hohe Stabilität gegen thermisch bedingte Spannungen und eine gute Langzeitbeständigkeit des Keramik-Kochfeldes (10) (Fig. 1).

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Cooking hob has carrier formed to set down preparation tank in which subunit of power supply device is arranged

Номер: DE102006020156A1

The hob (2) has carrier (2b) formed to set down preparation tank (25) in which a subunit (31) of a power supply device is arranged. The power supply device has an indicator for the residual heat indication of the cooking hob. The indicator is arranged beneath the operating unit (1) for residual heat indication.

23-12-1993 дата публикации


Номер: DE0009308473U1

18-10-2001 дата публикации

Haushaltsgerät, insbesondere Haushaltsgargerät

Номер: DE0010015973A1

Haushaltsgerät, insbesondere Haushaltsgargerät, mit einer durch eine zumindest teilweise transparente Scheibe, insbesondere eine Scheibe eines Glaskeramikkochfelds sicht- und/oder betätigbaren elektronischen Anzeige- und/oder Betätigungseinrichtung mit wenigstens einem Anzeigeelement und/oder wenigstens einem Betätigungselement, wobei ein unmittelbar an der Unterseite der Scheibe mittels einer Klebeverbindung befestigtes Halteteil vorgesehen ist, an dem die Anzeige- und/oder Betätigungseinrichtung unmittelbar derart befestigt ist, dass das wenigstens eine Anzeigeelement und/oder das wenigstens eine Betätigungselement direkt an der Unterseite der Scheibe anliegt.

16-09-2004 дата публикации

Elektrische Heizung mit einer Kontaktkochplatte

Номер: DE0010310255A1

Bei einem Ausführungsbeispiel der Erfindung kann eine elektrische Heizung (11) mit einer Kontaktkochplatte (12) geschaffen werden, an der drahtförmige Heizer (14) angeordnet sind. Zumindest einer der Heizer (14b) besteht aus einem Material mit PTC-Effekt, beispielsweise einer Eisenbasislegierung. Diese behält während aller Betriebszustände des Heizers eine kubisch innen zentrierte Kristallstruktur bei und weist gleichzeitig den PTC-Effekt auf. Ein solcher Heizer (14) hat zusätzlich zu seiner Heizungsfunktion eine eigenständige Temperaturregelung zur Vermeidung von Übertemperatur, wodurch separate Temperaturbegrenzer mit Schaltkontakten eingespart werden können.

16-10-2008 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Temperaturmessung an Kochstellen

Номер: DE0019646826C5

Vorrichtung zur Temperaturmessung einer Kochstelle (1) aus Glaskeramik mit mindestens einem an der Kochstelle (1), insbesondere unmittelbar unterhalb der Kochstelle (1), angebrachten Sensor (2), der als Leiterbahn mit einem temperaturabhängigen elektrischen Widerstand und mit zwei äußeren Anschlussenden (3) ausgebildet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, – dass von der Leiterbahn zwei Messanschlüsse (4) abgezweigt sind und – dass die beiden Abzweigpunkte (5) für die Messanschlüsse einen zentralen Leitungsabschnitt (6) der Leiterbahn begrenzen, der sich innerhalb des zentralen Flächenbereichs der wirksamen Heizfläche einer Kochstelle befindet, und – dass zur Temperaturmessung an den beiden Messanschlüssen der Widerstand des zentralen Leitungsabschnittes messbar ist, – dass der Leiterbahnsensor (2) zur Kapazitätsmessung um ein Aufsetzten eines Kochtopfes auf die Kochstelle (1) zu erkennen und um die Stellung und Größe eines Kochtopfes auf der Kochstelle (1) zu bestimmen, von zwei kreissegmentförmigen ...

25-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010211520A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Glaskeramik-Kochfläche für ein regelbares elektrisch- und/oder gasbeheiztes Kochgerät mit einer Bedienfront. Die Glaskeramik-Kochfläche weist wenigstens zwei Kochfelder (4) mit unterhalb jedem Kochfeld (4) platzierter Strahlungs-Heizquelle sowie eine Bedien- und Anzeigefront (6) auf, die einstückig und materialgleich mit der Kochfläche (2) ausgebildet ist. Zwischen Kochfläche (2) und Bedien- und Anzeigefront (6) ist eine Abstufung (23) vorgesehen, die eine an die Kochfläche (2) grenzende obere Kante (62) der Bedien- und Anzeigefront (6) leicht gegenüber der Kochfläche (2) erhöht. Es ist vorgesehen, dass die Bedien- und Anzeigefront (6) pultförmig nach vorne abgeschrägt ist.

03-06-2004 дата публикации

Microwave oven door with inspection window, includes microwave screening comprising fabric of thin metal fibers woven with given spacing

Номер: DE0010250317A1

The metallic screen comprises a fabric of thin metal fibers woven with a given small spacing from each other.

06-04-1995 дата публикации

Platte aus Glaskeramik als Bestandteil eines Kochgerätes

Номер: DE0004333334A1

11-09-2003 дата публикации

Elektrischer Speisenwärmer

Номер: DE0020308794U1

08-02-2001 дата публикации

Vollautomatische Rühreinrichtung in Kochplatten mit Glaskeramikfeld

Номер: DE0020016381U1

04-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010349818B3

Kochfeld mit einer Kochfeldplatte, einem Einbauteile des Kochfeldes aufnehmenden Schutzkasten und Verbindungsmitteln zur Verbindung von Kochfeldplatte und Schutzkasten, mit einer Mehrzahl erster, an der Kochfeldplatte randnah fest angebrachter Führungs- und Trägerelemente, die jeweils eine feststehende Auflage für den Schutzkasten definieren, und einer Mehrzahl zweiter, an der Kochfeldplatte randnah fest angebrachter Führungs- und Trägerelemente, die ein Arretierungselement zur lösbaren Arretierung des Schutzkastens an der Kochfeldplatte aufweisen, welches zugleich eine bewegliche Auflage für den Schutzkasten definiert.

15-11-1979 дата публикации

Radiation heating unit for cooking utensils - has insulating support for resistors with transverse elevations in which resistors are partly embedded

Номер: DE0002820114A1

The unit is esp. for vitrified ceramic electric cooking utensils with heating resistors mounted in a flat insulating support in the heating area, as in 27 29 929. It has shaped in it elevations in which the heating resistors are partly embedded, but apart from this they are not embedded and run on the insulating support surface. The insulating support surface is slightly wavy, with the crests (17) transversal to the resistors (18), forming the elevations (21) in which the resistors (18) are partly embedded.

18-05-2000 дата публикации

Radiation heater for cooker has heat conducting part with reaction surfaces protruding into internal vol., at least one receiving radiation heat of heating element reflecting onto bimetallic switch

Номер: DE0019852166A1

The radiation heater has a heating element in an internal vol. (9) and a bimetallic switch (10) as well as a heat conducting part (18) in thermal connection with the switch and protruding into the internal vol. The heat conducting part has several reaction surfaces (19) protruding from the bimetallic switch into the internal vol., at least one of which is arranged to acquire the radiation heat of the heating element and to reflect it onto the bimetallic switch.

13-11-1986 дата публикации

Radiant heating device for cooking apparatuses, especially for glass-ceramic cooking hobs

Номер: DE0003516788A1

The radiant heating device is intended for cooking apparatuses, especially for glass-ceramic cooking hobs having at least one bright radiator and at least one dark radiator. In order to carry out a high-temperature or boiling process, the bright radiator and the dark radiator are connected to the power supply in a parallel circuit. A changeover to low-temperature or simmering operation is carried out by means of a thermostat, the parallel circuit of the bright and dark radiators being connected in series with a bias resistor, as a result of which the overall heating power is reduced. ...

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060201683T2

12-02-1998 дата публикации

Residual heat indicator for ceramic hob cooking field for improved safety of operation

Номер: DE0019632270A1

The indicator (1) uses a light signal source for providing a visual residual heat indication, and is positioned at the centre of the radiation heating element (4) located beneath the ceramic hob surface. The light signal source is contained in a light guide block (2) made of a transparent glass or plastics material, abutting the underside of the ceramic hob surface. The light source can be provided by a halogen lamp enclosed by a U-shaped light guide block.

17-11-2010 дата публикации

Grill or toaster with thin film heating elements incorporated into transparent front panel

Номер: GB0002470292A

A grill or toaster for cooking food 100, 600 comprises front 105 and rear 106 panels, where the front panel comprises a substantially transparent panel through which food is visible and the rear panel is non-transparent. The transparent front panel is comprised of at least one substantially transparent substrate 607 bearing an electrical heating element 610 and an outer substantially transparent panel 609. An inner transparent panel 608 may also be present, situated between the substrate and the outer panel. The heating element may be a thin film coating located on the outer face of the substrate. The inner panel and the substrate may form a sealed chamber to reduce heat losses, and may be angled so as to compensate for heat build-up at the top of the grill. The rear panel may also include a heating element 604, which may be of the thin film type or resistance wire. Air vents 601 may be provided to arrange air flow in a single direction to aid uniform cooking.

03-04-2002 дата публикации

Electric heater assembly

Номер: GB0000203826D0

19-02-2003 дата публикации

Radiant electric heater

Номер: GB0000301165D0

01-12-1999 дата публикации

Electric heater

Номер: GB0009922915D0

30-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008719971D0

10-02-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008800331D0

26-02-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009200532D0

24-03-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009302693D0

13-02-1974 дата публикации

Номер: GB0001346574A

09-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002169461A

A cooking hob with at least three separate heating devices P, Q, R, e.g in the form of tungsten halogen lamps, has a plurality of triacs 1, 2, 3 each associated with a respective device; a selector circuit 16 controls the operation of the triacs for energising one or a selected combination of devices and a switching means 24, 25 is arranged to connect the devices selectively in series or parallel or partly in series and partly in parallel. The switching means 24, 25 may be electromechanical relays also controlled by the selector 16. When a charge of heat output is demanded by operation of touch pads 17, all the triacs 1, 2, 3 are turned off so that the contacts of relays 24, 25 do not make or break load current. Subsequently the triacs for the new heat level are fired in a soft-start node to reduce surge currents. The relays 24, 25 may be replaced by further triacs arranged to give the same switching actions. ...

04-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002220333A

A radiant electric heater (10) includes a layer of microporous thermal insulation (16) in a metal dish (12) and a peripheral wall (18) of ceramic fibre. A tungsten-halogen heating lamp (22) is supported in the dish above the insulation by its ends and by a protrusion (46) extending from the silica envelope (26) of the lamp. The protrusion may extend sideways and be clamped between the insulation and the peripheral wall, and comprise a sealed exhaust tube used to evacuate and back-fill the lamp during its manufacture. Downwardly extending protrusions (120, 718) may be used instead of or in addition to sideways ones. A ridge (48) of the insulating material may also or alternatively be provided, projecting up to engage with the underside of the lamp. This ridge may cooperate with the protrusion or with a clip (614 fig. 25) extending above the lamp to retain the lamp in position. ...

20-10-1993 дата публикации

Temperature compensated load energising device

Номер: GB0002266184A

A device (D1, D2) for electrical connection to a voltage source (V) and an electrically resistive load (L) , for energising the load at a required duty cycle irrespective of the ambient temperature. The device incorporates a temperature-responsive switch (S) and electrical resistance heating means (R; R1, R2) in thermo-conducting relationship with the switch, the switch being arranged for connecting and disconnecting the voltage source (V) to and from the load (L) and the heating means (R; R1, R2) . The device (D1, D2) also incorporates an arrangement which includes means responsive to change in ambient temperature and which effects consequential adjustment of electrical power dissipated in the electrical resistance heating means (R; R1, R2) when the device (D1, D2) is operating with the switch (S) in a closed state, so that a required duty cycle obtained at a predetermined ambient temperature is maintained, within acceptable limits, at an ambient temperature different from the predetermined ...

28-06-1995 дата публикации

Alloy for radiant electric heater

Номер: GB0002285058A

A radiant electric heater comprises a base (2) of thermal and electrical insulation material supporting an electrical heating element (4) which may be in the form of a strip or ribbon (5) and comprises an alloy having the following composition: Chromium 14 to 27 percent by weight Aluminium 3.5 to 6.5 percent by weight Silicon less than or equal to 1.0 percent by weight Carbon less than or equal to 0.02 percent by weight Lanthanum between 0.05 and 0.20 percent by weight Cerium less than or equal to 0.01 percent by weight the remainder being iron and impurities. Titanium is optionally present in an amount greater than or equal to five times the content of carbon and up to a maximum of 0.10 percent by weight. One or more lanthanides other than lanthanum and cerium maybe further optionally present in an amount greater than or equal to 0.001 percent by weight and less than 0.03 percent by weight, the overall lanthanide content, including lanthanum and cerium being less than or equal to 0.20 ...

06-10-1999 дата публикации

Base for an electric heater having a U-shaped connection link providing electrical connection of the element and corresponding method of manufacture.

Номер: GB0002336087A

A base for an electric heater comprising a dish like support 11 holding a base layer of compacted insulation material 13 having a U-shaped electrically conductive link 6 which has an elongate portion 7 and upstanding leg portions 8,9. The link 6 is embedded in the base with the leg portions 8,9 protruding therefrom and the insulation material 13 is formed with at least on recess 14 which extends from the surface of the insulating material to the elongate portion 7 of the link. The base is manufactured using a press tool 1 having a major face 2 provided with recesses 4,5 for receiving the leg portions 8,9 of the link, the press tool 1 having at least one protrusion 3 on the major face which contacts the elongate portion 7 of the link. The link acts to electrically connect the periphery of the heater with the termination of the heating element.

14-08-2002 дата публикации

Temperature sensor restraint means for radiant electric heater

Номер: GB0002372190A

A radiant electric heater (2) comprises a dish-like support (6) having a base layer (8) of thermal insulation material. At least one heating element (10) is supported relative to the base layer. A temperature-responsive device (16) has a rod-like component (18) secured at one end at a peripheral region of the dish-like support (6) and extends without support partly across the heater over the at least one heating element (10). Restraining means (30) is provided at a free end region (28) of the rod-like component (18). The restraining means (30) has a first portion (32) thereof secured in the base layer (8) of thermal insulation material and a second portion (34) thereof at least partially surrounding and spaced from the rod-like component. The restraining means (30) serves to limit displacement of the free end (28) of the rod-like component (18) away from and/or towards the base layer (8) of thermal insulation material and thus helps to prevent damage occuring, e.g. due to dropping and mechanical ...

06-01-1988 дата публикации

Thermal cut-out devices for radiant heaters

Номер: GB0002192279A

A thermal cut-out device for a radiant heater comprises a probe- type thermally responsive assembly (2), at least a part of which is coated with and/or is surrounded by a radiation reflective material (30), (31). The probe-type assembly may comprise a first element (3) in the form of a rod of material having a relatively high coefficient of thermal expansion and a second element (4) in the form of a tube of material having a relatively low coefficient of thermal expansion. The rod may be coupled to a snap- acting switch assembly (1). One (Fig. 2) or both (Fig. 3) of the first and second elements may be coated with or surrounded by the radiation reflective material. Alternatively the tube (4) which surrounds the first element (3) may be made of the radiation reflective material. The radiation reflective material may comprise a metal such as gold or a suitable element from Group VIII of the Periodic Table or may comprise a high temperature resistant particulate material such as aluminium ...

07-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002230852B

11-12-1996 дата публикации

Light indicator arrangement in an electric cooking plate

Номер: GB0002301760A

An electric heater for arranging beneath a translucent cooking plate includes at least one electrical heating means, such as a ribbon, coil or filament lamp, in a housing comprising a base and a peripheral wall. Light indicator means is supported peripherally on the heater and visible, in operation, through the cooking plate. The light indicator means comprises an elongate light-emitting device at least partially surrounding the heater and arranged to emit light towards the underside of the cooking plate. Mask means is provided overlying the device and integral with the heater, the mask means being of a material substantially opaque to light from the device. The mask means has one or more apertures, different in configuration to the configuration of the device, through which one or more apertures light from the device is visible, viewed through the cooking plate.

03-11-2004 дата публикации

Radiant electric heater

Номер: GB0002361159B

14-05-2003 дата публикации

Cooking station

Номер: GB0002381860A

A cooking station includes a working panel (2) or other cooking station component providing a work or cooking surface; a glass-ceramic bowl (1) built into an opening provided in the working surface (2), which has an upstanding edge (1e) and a sunken curved heating surface, the upstanding edge (1e) being arranged to lie below the work surface or flush with the work surface; attaching components for rigidly mounting the glass-ceramic bowl (1) in the opening in the work surface; and a bottom pan (3) located under the glass-ceramic bowl (1) and attached to the attaching components, which provides support for heating element (7) of the cooking station. The heating elements may form part of an induction heating unit. Preferably, a metallic wok is placed in the glass-ceramic bowl and heated by the induction heating elements.

27-06-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009010154D0

29-09-1999 дата публикации

Concave profile for element support material

Номер: GB0002335834A

A radiant electric heater comprises a base (2) of thermal and electrical insulation material having a surface (3) supporting at least one electrical heating element (4). The surface (3) has a substantially continuous concave profile at least where the at least one heating element is supported. A rod-like temperature-responsive device (10) extends partly across the heater from a periphery thereof and spaced from the at least one electrical heating element, the device having a metal end region (12) thereof remote from the periphery of the heater which is located at a greater distance from the surface of the base (3) and hence from the at least one heating element (4) than a region of the device nearer the periphery of the heater.

14-03-2001 дата публикации

Radiant electric heater

Номер: GB0002324946B

13-04-2005 дата публикации

Radiant electric heater incorporating a temperature-limiting device

Номер: GB0002407014A

A radiant electric heater (2) comprises at least one electric heating element (12) and a temperature-limiting device (14). The at least one electric heating element (12) has terminal regions (12A, 12B) and is in the form of a corrugated metal ribbon. The temperature-limiting device (14) comprises a multiple-faced housing (22) and a temperature-sensitive assembly (16) extending from the housing at least partly across the at least one electric heating element (12). First and second electrically conductive elements (30, 32) extend from opposing faces (26, 28) of the housing and are connected to the terminal regions (12A, 12B) of the at least one electric heating element. The first and second electrically conductive elements (30, 32) are directed such that both elements converge towards a longitudinal axis (34) of the temperature-sensitive assembly (16).

12-10-1983 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002080660B

27-03-2002 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for manufacturing an electric heater

Номер: GB0000202957D0

21-05-1997 дата публикации

Heater for a glass ceramic top cooking appliance

Номер: GB0002307363A

An infra-red heater arrangement for a glass-ceramic top cooking appliance includes a heater connected to a manually adjustable cyclic energy regulator having a full power setting and a plurality of other, lower power, settings. The heater incorporates at least one infra-red heating element having a substantial positive temperature coefficient of electrical resistance and first and second electrical resistance heating elements having low temperature coefficients of electrical resistance relative to that of the at least one infra-red heating element. The first electrical resistance heating element can be connected in series with the at least one infra-red heating element and to a power supply in the full power setting of the cyclic energy regulator, which setting is attainable directly from an 'OFF' setting of the regulator. The infra-red heating element and the first and second electrical resistance heating elements are provided in an undivided heating zone and the first and second electrical ...

20-12-2000 дата публикации

Electric heater assembly

Номер: GB0000026991D0

30-07-1981 дата публикации

Glass ceramic hob including temperature sensor

Номер: GB0002067880A

A glass ceramic cooker hob includes, as a temperature sensing device, an electrical resistance temperature detector which may be either in contact with or beneath and spaced apart from the glass ceramic. The output of the temperature detector may be used to thermostatically control the heating element or to light a warning lamp.

13-05-1981 дата публикации

Heating element for a ceramic heating unit

Номер: GB0002061679A
Автор: Gossler, Gerhard

A heating element for a glass ceramic cooking unit includes heating resistors in the form of a substantially circular main heating element (26) and additional heating elements (27) disposed laterally of the main heating element (26) to form therewith an elongate rectangular heated surface. The main heating element (26) can be switched on independently of the additional heating elements (27). The support shell (18) carrying the heating elements (26, 27) is formed with walls, acting as thermal barriers, between the heating elements (26, 27). A thermostat (30) is provided. ...

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Electrical heating assembly

Номер: GB0000206738D0

22-01-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002120509B

22-02-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002090399B
Принадлежит: BELLING & CO LTD

28-11-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002092869B

12-02-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008600103D0

14-08-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008517401D0

25-09-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008520565D0

10-11-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009319785D0

30-09-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008720054D0

06-01-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008728345D0

09-11-1994 дата публикации

Plate of glass ceramic as component of a cooking appliance

Номер: GB0009418812D0

14-05-1997 дата публикации

Method of securing a heating element

Номер: GB0009706420D0

11-08-1999 дата публикации

Cooker hob cover plate

Номер: GB0009913582D0

28-05-1997 дата публикации

Electric heater

Номер: GB0009707468D0

09-12-1998 дата публикации

Radiant electric heater

Номер: GB0009822385D0

29-09-1999 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing a thermal insulation body

Номер: GB0009917947D0

21-04-1999 дата публикации

Heat cooking device with a heating portion formed from a heat emitting member and an insulator

Номер: GB0009904593D0

19-11-1997 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing an electric heater assembly

Номер: GB0009719884D0

24-09-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001575553A

28-04-1982 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002011769B

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000413622B

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360349T

15-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365440T

25-02-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000328047B

15-01-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000349878T

26-09-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386673B

26-03-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390137B

15-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000302540T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000300855T

10-08-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000371911B

15-05-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA120775A

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Cook top appliance having spill and boil-over detection and response

Номер: US20130175254A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A cook top appliance that can detect a food deposit on the cook top surface from a spill or boil-over is provided. A sensor zone that surrounds a heating source is used to detect the food deposit. Based on the detection of the food deposit, the cook top appliance can take one or more remedial actions to e.g., notify the user and/or modify the operation of the heating source. A variety of configurations of the sensor zone are described.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220003422A1
Автор: BAI YUN, SHEN Chunlei

A glass-ceramic cooking apparatus and a method relating to temperature limiting control of the glass heating area for preventing cooking oil ignition is disclosed. The apparatus comprises at least one glass surface, at least one heat source under the glass to create a heating area on the glass, one temperature sensor and one control unit for each heat source, wherein the sensor measures the temperature on the underside the glass heating area, and the control unit is electrically connected with the heat source, compares the measured glass temperature with predetermined upper and lower temperature limits that are based on a corresponding relationship between the heating area temperature and the cooking oil temperature within the cooking vessel, and then reduces or increases the output power of the heating source, so that the maximum temperature of the cooking oil in the cooking vessel can be limited in a range that is below the cooking oil ignition point while a minimum temperature can still be maintained for a desired cooking performance. 124-. (canceled)25. A method of applying temperature limiting control of a heating area on a cooking apparatus to prevent cooking oil ignition during cooking while maintain a desired cooking performance; the method comprisesa. testing to establish a relationship between a temperature of the heating area and a cooking oil temperature within a cooking vessel;b. based on said relationship, setting up an upper temperature limit for controlling output power of a heating source to limit the cooking oil temperature below an oil ignition point, and setting up a lower temperature limit to maintain the cooking oil temperature for a desired cooking performance; blocking heat transferring from the heating source to the heat insulated spot;', 'making heat transferring from the cooking vessel placed on the heating area a main heat source to the heat insulated spot;, 'c. creating a heat insulated spot on the heating area;'}d. measuring a ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Light source unit and cooking appliance including the same

Номер: US20180003391A1
Автор: Sangkyun LEE

A light source module and a cooking appliance including the same may include a light source emitting light toward a glass top plate, a light source guide to accommodate the light source, including a light transmitting path formed in the light source guide, and limit a light irradiation region so as to guide light emitted from the light source to a light display region of the glass to plate through the light transmitting path, and an attachment bracket provided between the light source guide and the glass top plate, the attachment bracket having an optical emission path to allow light to pass from the light transmitting path and the light display region.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220010964A1
Автор: Malcolm Ashley L.

A cooking device safety system includes a stovetop cooking device with a first sensor to detect the presence of an object on or adjacent to a burner; a second sensor to detect a condition of the burner; a transceiver to send a signal from the first and/or the second sensor to a remote device; a microcontroller with a timer; and a signal output device. A method for providing a safe cooking device environment includes detecting a status of a cooking device and detecting the presence of an object on or in the cooking device. When the cooking device has an activated status and an object is detected, the system detects whether a threshold cooking time has been exceeded. If the threshold has been exceeded, the system produces an alert via a signal output device; and/or sends an alert to a remote device; and/or inactivates the cooking device. 1. A cooking device safety system , comprising a stovetop cooking device , comprising:at least one first sensor to detect the presence of an object on or adjacent to a stovetop burner;at least one second sensor to detect a condition of the stovetop burner;at least one transceiver to send a signal from the at least one first sensor and/or the at least one second sensor to a remote device;a microcontroller comprising a timer; anda signal output device.2. The stovetop safety system of claim 1 , wherein the system is communicatively connected to a remote device via wired or wireless communication.3. The cooking device safety system of claim 2 , wherein the remote device comprises a cellular device.4. The cooking device safety system of claim 1 , wherein the transceiver receives a signal from the at least one first and second sensor claim 1 , and optionally claim 1 , sends said signal(s) to the microcontroller.5. The cooking device safety system of claim 1 , wherein the timer comprises a cooking time threshold for a stovetop burner.6. The cooking device safety system of claim 1 , wherein the timer comprises a non-cooking time threshold for ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Cooktop appliance and heating element having a thermostat

Номер: US20220018544A1
Автор: Paul Bryan Cadima
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

An electric resistance heating coil assembly, as provided herein, may include a spiral would sheathed heating element, a thermostat, and a shroud cover. The spiral wound sheathed heating element may have a first coil section and a second coil section. The thermostat may be connected in series between the first and second coil sections of the spiral wound sheathed heating element. The thermostat may include a base and a top cap. The base may extend axially between a first end and a second end. The top cap may be held on the base at the first end. The shroud cover may be mounted to the thermostat below the top cap.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007181A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A wafer placement table includes: a ceramic member having a wafer placement surface; a mesh electrode buried in the ceramic member; a conductive connection member in contact with the mesh electrode and exposed to outside from a surface of the ceramic member on the opposite side of the wafer placement surface; and an external current-carrying member joined to a surface of the connection member exposed to outside. The mesh electrode has a mesh opening in a region that faces the connection member, and the mesh opening is filled with a sintered conductor being a sintered body of a mixture containing a conductive powder and a ceramic raw material. 1. A wafer placement table comprising:a ceramic member having a wafer placement surface;a mesh electrode buried in the ceramic member;a conductive connection member in contact with the mesh electrode and exposed to outside from a surface of the ceramic member on the opposite side of the wafer placement surface; andan external current-carrying member joined to a surface of the connection member, the surface being exposed to outside,wherein the mesh electrode has a mesh opening in a region that faces the connection member, and the mesh opening is filled with a sintered conductor being a sintered body of a mixture containing a conductive powder and a ceramic raw material.2. The wafer placement table according to claim 1 , wherein the mesh electrode is a RF electrode to which a high-frequency voltage is applied.3. The wafer placement table according to claim 1 , wherein the mesh opening has a quadrilateral shape with a length of one side of 0.3 mm or more and 1 mm or less claim 1 , andthe conductive powder has a particle size of 1 μm or more and 10 μm or less.4. The wafer placement table according to claim 1 , wherein the conductive powder is a powder made of the same material as that of the mesh electrode.5. A method for manufacturing a wafer placement table claim 1 , the method comprising:(a) a step of disposing a mesh electrode ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220022288A1

An item, in particular for domestic and/or furniture use, in particular a countertop or furniture unit, includes a carcass on which a glass-ceramic assembly is arranged, the glass-ceramic assembly including a glass-ceramic plate and an electronic module including at least one heating element, the carcass including a support surface on which the glass-ceramic plate is placed and fastened and a housing in which the heating element is arranged, wherein the glass-ceramic plate bears a fastening system for reversibly fastening it to the carcass. 1. An item , comprising a carcass on which a glass-ceramic assembly is arranged , said glass-ceramic assembly comprising a glass-ceramic plate and an electronic module comprising at least one heating element , said carcass comprising a support surface on which the glass-ceramic plate is placed and fastened and a housing in which said at least one heating element is arranged , wherein said glass-ceramic plate directly bears a fastening system to fasten it to said carcass.2. The item as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the fastening system comprises at least two assemblies formed of a threaded rod fastened to the glass-ceramic plate and a nut that is able to be screwed onto the threaded rod claim 1 , said carcass comprising at least one opening into which the threaded rod is inserted.3. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the threaded rod is mounted on a block adhesively bonded to the glass-ceramic plate.4. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least two assemblies are arranged on an axis of symmetry of a larger of the two dimensions of the glass-ceramic plate.5. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the at least two assemblies are arranged on an axis of symmetry of a smaller of the two dimensions of the glass-ceramic plate.6. The item as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the fastening system comprises at least four assemblies formed of a threaded rod and a nut that are arranged symmetrically in pairs with respect to axes ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010677A1

A temperature sensor assembly for a cooktop appliance can include a plate with a cylindrically-shaped boss, one or more seals located in one or more grooves of the plate, a grommet disk engaged with the bottom surface of the plate, and a cylindrically-shaped grommet in which a cap for a temperature sensor is positioned and is slidable therein. 1. A temperature sensor assembly for a cooktop appliance , the temperature sensor assembling defining a vertical axis , comprising:a plate defining a top surface and a bottom surface, the plate defining a first annular groove positioned on the top surface of the plate and facing upwardly along the vertical axis;a first seal located in the first annular groove of the plate;a grommet disk defining a top surface and a bottom surface, the top surface of the grommet disk engaged with the bottom surface of the plate, the grommet disk defining a cylindrically-shaped grommet extending along the vertical axis from the grommet disk, the cylindrically-shaped grommet having a grommet opening; anda cap for a temperature sensor, the cap positioned within the grommet opening, the cap slidable along the vertical axis within the grommet opening, the cap defining an interior space for receipt of a temperature sensor.2. The temperature sensor for a cooktop appliance as in claim 1 , further comprising a cylindrically-shaped boss protruding upwardly along the vertical axis from the top surface of the plate claim 1 , the boss defining a centrally-located aperture extending though the plate; wherein the cylindrically-shaped grommet extends into the centrally-located aperture; and wherein the boss defines a second annular groove on a radially outward surface of the boss claim 1 , the second annular groove facing radially outward from the vertical axis claim 1 , and further comprising a second seal located in the second annular groove.3. The temperature sensor for a cooktop appliance as in claim 2 , wherein the first annular groove has a first annular ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021312A1

A cooking apparatus with a cooktop composed of a glass or glass-ceramic material is provided. The cooking apparatus includes a heating element and a lighting element that are disposed in the region below the underside of the cooktop. The heating element is applied to the underside of the cooktop indirectly by a pressing device or directly by pre-stressing one or a plurality of spring elements. The lighting element and the heating element are disposed on a common support section of the pressing device in such a way that they are adjustable with an oscillation of the cooktop. 1. A cooking apparatus comprising:a cooktop of a glass or a glass-ceramic material, the cook top having an underside; andat least one heating element and at least one lighting element are disposed in a region below the underside,wherein the heating element is applied directly or indirectly to the underside by a spring-action pressing device, andwherein the at least one lighting element and the at least one heating element are disposed on a common support section of the pressing device in such a way that they can be adjusted by a deflection and/or oscillation of the cooktop.2. The cooking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in the case of the deflection and/or oscillation of the cooktop claim 1 , a distance between the at least one lighting element and the underside of the cooktop does not change.3. The cooking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the spring-action pressing device has at least one spring element that can be deflected with an adjustment of the at least one lighting element and of the at least one heating element.4. The cooking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the common support section is formed in a spring-elastic manner.5. The cooking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one lighting element is supported pre-stressed by spring(s) relative to the spring-action pressing device.6. The cooking apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039212A1
Автор: JUNG Chul Ho

The present invention relates to a ceramic heater for independently controlling a middle region, and more specifically, to a ceramic heater comprising: a center-edge heating element provided at a position corresponding to a center region and an edge region of a heating surface of the ceramic heater; and a middle heating element provided at a position corresponding to a middle region which is surrounded by the center region and the edge region of the heating surface of the ceramic heater, and thus the present invention has an effect whereby the respective temperatures of three divided regions may be 1100. A ceramic heater () having an independently controllable middle region , the ceramic heater comprising:{'b': '200', 'a center-edge heating element () provided at a position corresponding to a center region and an edge region of a heating surface of the ceramic heater; and'}{'b': '300', 'a middle heating element () provided at a position corresponding to a middle region surrounded by the center region and the edge region of the heating surface of the ceramic heater.'}2100200300. The ceramic heater () of claim 1 , wherein the center-edge heating element () and the middle heating element () are electrically separated to be driven independently of each other.3100200300. The ceramic heater () of claim 1 , wherein the center-edge heating element () and the middle heating element () are embedded in the ceramic heater.4100200300. The ceramic heater () of claim 1 , wherein the center-edge heating element () and the middle heating element () are provided on the same plane.5100200300. The ceramic heater () of claim 1 , wherein the center-edge heating element () and the middle heating element () are provided on different planes.6100200300. The ceramic heater () of claim 5 , wherein at least one portion of the center-edge heating element () and the middle heating element () are disposed to overlap each other in a vertical direction.7100200210220. The ceramic heater () of claim 1 ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027378A1

A heating appliance includes a translucent cooktop and a burner in communication with the cooktop. The burner is operable between deactive and active states. The upper surface of the cooktop defines a cooldown state after the burner is moved from the active to the deactive state. A light module includes a light source and is in an illuminated state when the burner is in the active state and when the cooktop is in the cooldown state. A light guide extends from the light module and around a portion of the burner. The light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the light guide. The outer surface of the light guide includes a formed surface that directs light upward and through the cooktop, wherein the light guide is visible through the cooktop when the light module is in the illuminated state. 1. A heating appliance comprising:a cooktop that is at least partially translucent;an electric burner positioned in thermal communication with an upper surface of the cooktop, the electric burner being operable between a deactive state and at least one active state, wherein the upper surface of the cooktop proximate the electric burner defines a temporary cooldown state after the electric burner is moved from the at least one active state to the deactive state;a light module including at least one light source, wherein the light module is in an illuminated state when the electric burner is in the at least one active state, and wherein the light module remains at least partially in the illuminated state during the temporary cooldown state; anda light guide extending from the light module and extending around a portion of the electric burner, wherein the light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the light guide, and wherein an outer surface of the light guide includes a formed surface for directing the light upward and through the cooktop such that the light guide is at least partially visible through the cooktop when ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027379A1

A heating appliance includes a translucent cooktop and a burner in communication with the cooktop. The burner is operable between deactive and active states. The upper surface of the cooktop defines a cooldown state after the burner is moved from the active to the deactive state. A light module includes a light source and is in an illuminated state when the burner is in the active state and when the cooktop is in the cooldown state. A light guide extends from the light module and around a portion of the burner. The light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the light guide. The outer surface of the light guide includes a formed surface that directs light upward and through the cooktop, wherein the light guide is visible through the cooktop when the light module is in the illuminated state. 1. A heating appliance comprising:a translucent cooktop surface;an electric burner positioned below and in thermal communication with the cooktop surface, the electric burner being operable between a deactive state and at least one active state, wherein the cooktop surface proximate the electric burner defines a temporary cooldown state after the electric burner is moved from the at least one active state to the deactive state;a light module including at least one light source, wherein the light module is in an illuminated state when the electric burner is in the at least one active state, and wherein the light module remains in the illuminated state during the temporary cooldown state; anda fiber optic light guide extending from the light module and extending around a portion of the electric burner, wherein the fiber optic light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the fiber optic ring, and wherein the fiber optic light guide includes a conditioned surface for directing the light upward and through the translucent cooktop surface.2. The heating appliance of claim 1 , wherein the illuminated state of the light module ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210029783A1

A radiant heating device for a hob has a sheet-like carrier with a carrier surface on its top side on which an electrical heating element runs in a meandering manner within an outer edge. A single temperature sensor is arranged in a temperature sensor housing which is arranged above a region which is free of heating elements. The temperature sensor housing covers the temperature sensor at the top and to the side and encloses the said temperature sensor in all directions. The temperature sensor housing is designed so as to be electrically insulating and thermally insulating at least at the top and to the side, wherein the said temperature sensor housing consists of an inner electrically insulating insulation housing part with the temperature sensor therein and an outer surrounding thermally insulating insulation housing part. 1. Radiant heating device having:a sheet-like carrier, said sheet-like carrier having a top side with a carrier surface on said top side, and having an outer edge,at least one electrical heating element, said electrical heating element being arranged so as to run on said carrier surface,said outer edge surrounding said carrier surface, wherein all of said electrical heating elements are arranged within said outer edge,a temperature sensor, said temperature sensor being arranged higher than said carrier surface,wherein:said outer edge has an outer side,said temperature sensor is arranged within said outer side of said outer edge,said temperature sensor is the only temperature sensor of said radiant heating device,said radiant heating device has a temperature sensor housing, said temperature sensor being arranged in said temperature sensor housing,said temperature sensor housing covers said temperature sensor at a top and to a side and encloses said temperature sensor in said directions,said temperature sensor housing is designed so as to be electrically insulating and thermally insulating at least at said top and to said side.2. Radiant heating ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200041137A1
Автор: Pille Alexander S.

A spring clip for attaching a radiant burner unit to a cooktop includes a retention tab having a portion extending in a first direction and a retention arm defining a lever portion projecting away from the retention tab to an end displaced from the tab in a second direction generally normal to the first direction. The retention arm further defines a resiliently deformable section facilitating movement of the lever toward and away from the retention tab. The spring clip further includes a snap tab positioned opposite the retention arm from the retention tab and resiliently deflectable toward and away from the retention tab. 1. A spring clip for a cooktop , comprising:a body;a retention tab extending from the body in a first direction;a retention arm projecting away from the retention tab in a second direction generally normal to the first direction; anda snap tab extending outwardly from the retention arm and including a release arm and at least one side arm.2. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the retention arm defines a lever projecting away from the retention tab in the second direction.3. The spring clip of claim 2 , wherein the retention arm defines a resiliently deformable section that facilitates movement of the lever toward and away from the retention tab.4. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein:a first portion of the snap tab extends away from the retention arm in the second direction; anda second portion of the snap tab is resiliently deflectable toward and away from the retention tab.5. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the retention tab is coupled to the body and includes a portion extending generally parallel therewith.6. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the body defines a spring loop from which a support arm extends to support the snap tab.7. The spring clip of claim 6 , wherein the snap tab includes a release arm resiliently deflectable toward and away from the support arm.8. A cooktop claim 6 , comprising:a support structure defining a burner ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048076A1
Автор: Mohr Hans

A heating device for a cooking point in a hob has three independent and separate long heating elements which are arranged on a support of the heating device along concentric circles. The support has a central region around the centre point, an outer region adjoining an outer edge, and an intermediate region between the central region and outer region. A rod-type thermostat engages over the heating device for the purpose of temperature detection. The first and the third heating element are connected to an energy supply over the rod-type thermostat. A second heating element is connected to an energy supply without interconnection of the rod-type thermostat, wherein the second heating element is arranged on the support in the central region, in the intermediate region and in the outer region. 1. A heating device for a cooking point in a hob , wherein said heating device comprises:a plurality of independent and separate long heating elements which are arranged on a support of said heating device in loops or in a spiral manner or substantially along concentric circles,wherein said support has at least a central region around a centre point and an outer region adjoining an outer edge, wherein a width of said central region and of said outer region is approximately equal,wherein said heating elements run on said support so as to engage one in the other and cover a significant area of said support,wherein an overtemperature protection means engages over said heating device or said support for purpose of detecting a temperature at said heating device,wherein at least a first heating element is connected to an energy supply means by means of said overtemperature protection means in order to switch off said first heating element in an event of an overtemperature,wherein a second heating element is connected to an energy supply means without interconnection of said overtemperature protection means or another overtemperature protection means, andwherein said second heating ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059131A1
Принадлежит: EUROKERA S.N.C.

An item of equipment includes at least one worktop formed of at least one substrate made of monolithic glass material with a surface area of greater than 0.7 m. The substrate exhibits a luminosity L* of greater than 10, a light transmission Tof less than 50%, and an opacity indicator of greater than 90. The item of equipment also includes at least one heating element and at least one interface for communication with at least one element of the worktop, such as the heating element(s), and/or with at least one external element for wireless communication. The item of equipment is devoid of light source(s). 1. An item of equipment , comprising:{'sup': '2', 'sub': 'L', 'at least one worktop formed of at least one substrate made of monolithic glass material with a surface area of greater than 0.7 m, said substrate exhibiting a luminosity L* of greater than 10, a light transmission Tof less than 50%, and an opacity indicator of greater than 90,'}at least one heating element,at least one interface for communication with at least one element of the worktop, and/or with at least one external element for wireless communication,said item of equipment additionally being devoid of light source(s).2. The item of equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the surface area of the substrate made of glass material is greater than 0.9 m claim 1 , the thickness of said substrate is at least 2 mm claim 1 , and the thickness of the substrate is less than 15 mm.3. The item of equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate made of glass material occupies at least 50% of the surface area of the worktop.4. The item of equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of tempered glass or of glass-ceramic.5. The item of equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate exhibits a flatness of less than 0.1% of the diagonal of the substrate.6. The item of equipment as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate is opaque and/or is colored or tinted in its bulk claim 1 ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060468A1
Автор: Kwon Yooseok, SONG Misun

An electric heater includes a substrate; and a plane heating element disposed on one surface of the substrate, in which the plane heating element includes a pattern portion including a start point and an end point; and an electrode portion connected to the start point and the end point of the pattern portion, and a thickness of the electrode portion is thicker than a thickness of the pattern portion. 1. An electric heater comprising:a substrate; anda plane heating element disposed on one surface of the substrate,wherein the plane heating element includes:a pattern portion including a start point and an end point; andan electrode portion connected to the start point and the end point of the pattern portion,wherein a thickness of the electrode portion is thicker than a thickness of the pattern portion.2. The electric heater of claim 1 , a plurality of tracks spaced apart from each other and having an arc shape increasing from an inside to an outermost side of the pattern portion, and', 'a plurality of bridges connecting the plurality of tracks in series., 'wherein the pattern portion includes3. The electric heater of claim 2 ,wherein the thickness of the electrode portion is thicker than a thickness of a track.4. The electric heater of claim 2 ,wherein a thickness of a bridge is thicker than a thickness of a track.5. The electric heater of claim 1 , further comprising: a second pattern portion including a second start point and a second end point, the second pattern portion surrounding at least a portion of the pattern portion,', 'a second electrode portion connected to the second start point and the second end point of the second pattern portion,, 'a second plane heating element includingwherein a thickness of the second electrode portion is thicker than a thickness of the second pattern portion.6. The electric heater of claim 5 , a plurality of second tracks spaced apart from each other and having an arc shape increasing from an inside to an outermost side of the ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060469A1
Автор: SONG Misun

An electric heater includes a substrate and a plane heating element disposed on one surface of the substrate. The plane heating element includes a first pattern portion including a start point and an end point, a second pattern portion that surrounds at least a portion of the first pattern portion and includes a start point and an end point, which are located at an innermost side of the second pattern portion, and a third pattern portion that surrounds at least a portion of the second pattern portion and includes a start point and the end point, which are located at an outermost side of the third pattern portion. The first pattern portion includes a plurality of first tracks that are space apart from each other and have an arc shape that is increasing in length from a center to an outermost side of the first pattern portion, the second pattern portion includes a plurality of second tracks spaced apart from each other and having an arc shape that is increasing in length from the innermost side to an outermost side of the second pattern portion, the third pattern portion includes a plurality of third tracks spaced apart from each other and having an arc shape that is increasing in length from an innermost side to the outermost side of the third portion, and a width of a third track is wider than a width of a first track. 1. An electric heater comprising:a substrate; anda plane heating element disposed on one surface of the substrate; a first pattern portion including a start point and an end point,', 'a second pattern portion that surrounds at least a portion of the first pattern portion and including a start point and an end point, which are located at an innermost side of the second pattern portion, and', 'a third pattern portion that surrounds at least a portion of the second pattern portion and including a start point and an end point, which are located at an outermost side of the third pattern portion,, 'wherein the plane heating element includes 'a plurality of ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180066852A1
Автор: Pille Alexander S.

A spring clip for attaching a radiant burner unit to a cooktop includes a retention tab having a portion extending in a first direction and a retention arm defining a lever portion projecting away from the retention tab to an end displaced from the tab in a second direction generally normal to the first direction. The retention arm further defines a resiliently deformable section facilitating movement of the lever toward and away from the retention tab. The spring clip further includes a snap tab positioned opposite the retention arm from the retention tab and resiliently deflectable toward and away from the retention tab. 1. A spring clip for attaching a radiant burner unit to a cooktop , comprising:a retention tab having a portion extending in a first direction;a retention arm defining a lever portion projecting away from the retention tab to an end displaced from the tab in a second direction generally normal to the first direction, the retention arm further defining a resiliently deformable section facilitating movement of the lever toward and away from the retention tab; anda snap tab positioned opposite the retention arm from the retention tab and resiliently deflectable toward and away from the retention tab.2. The spring clip of claim 1 , further comprising a body extending in the first direction claim 1 , the retention tab coupled to the body and extending generally parallel therewith.3. The spring clip of claim 2 , wherein the resiliently deformable portion of the retention arm is joined between the body and the lever portion.4. The spring clip of claim 2 , wherein the snap tab is positioned opposite the retention arm from the retention tab by a support arm projecting from the body.5. The spring clip of claim 4 , wherein the support arm of the snap tab is coupled with the body by a spring loop disposed between the body and the support arm claim 4 , the spring loop being resiliently expandable in a direction away from the body.6. The spring clip of claim 2 ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073820A1

The cooking hob () comprises a continuous glass or glass ceramic support plate () having a treatment area () capable of supporting a cooking vessel (). A drive motor () is operatively connected for rotating a lower magnetic coupling member () located below the support plate () at the treatment area (). The cooking vessel () is provided with rotary blades () connected to an upper magnetic coupling member () magnetically coupleable to the lower magnetic coupling member () through the support plate (). The cooking hob () and the cooking vessel () comprise respective components of detection means for detecting an angular position change of the cooking vessel () in relation to the treatment area () and electronic control means () are configured for modifying or stopping the operation of the electric drive motor () when the angular position change is detected. 2. The cooking system according to claim 1 , wherein said hob components of detection means comprise a wave receiver arranged below the support plate for receiving waves emitted or reflected from the vessel components of detection means located at the appendage of the cooking vessel when the cooking vessel is located on the treatment area indicated by the first visual indication with the appendage at the predetermined angular position indicated by the second visual indication.3. The cooking system according to claim 2 , wherein the vessel components of detection means comprise a wave reflector located at the appendage of the cooking vessel and the hob components of detection means further comprise a wave emitter arranged below the support plate and arranged for emitting a wave beam directed towards said wave reflector when the cooking vessel is located on the treatment area indicated by the first visual indication with the appendage at the predetermined angular position indicated by the second visual indication.4. The cooking system according to claim 3 , wherein the wave emitter is provided with a wave directing ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Display device

Номер: US20140153234A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A display device is provided that is a transparent, colored glass-ceramic with a display face on the front, an illumination face on the back, and at least one light-emitting element being disposed in the region of the illumination face. The display device further includes a color compensation filter in the form of a color layer introduced directly or indirectly on the glass ceramics.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160076775A1
Принадлежит: Primaira, LLC

A device for limiting the temperature of cookware on a cooktop to a threshold level that corresponds to an oil ignition temperature. The device includes a temperature sensor that is positioned adjacent a bottom of the cookware on the cooktop. A control device in combination with each of the temperature sensor and the cooktop monitors the temperature and adjusts a heating element of the cooktop as needed to avoid cooking oil ignition. The temperature sensor can be a spring loaded temperature sensor to ensure and/or absorb contact with the cookware. 1. A device for limiting a temperature of a cookware on a cooktop to a threshold level that corresponds to an oil ignition temperature , the device comprising:a temperature sensor adjacent a bottom of the cookware on the cooktop; anda control device in combination with each of the temperature sensor and the cooktop, wherein the control device modifies a heating element of the cooktop in response to a signal from the temperature sensor to maintain a temperature of the bottom of the cookware below a predetermined oil ignition temperature and above a cooking temperature.2. A device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor comprises a spring loaded temperature sensor.3. A device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor comprises a thermistor or a resistance temperature detector.4. A device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the temperature sensor comprises a convex cover that maintains cookware contact during cookware use on the cooktop.5. A device in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising an algorithm executed by the control device that relies on both temperature and rate of change of temperature to ensure that the cookware does not exceed the oil ignition temperature.6. A device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the cooktop is an electric coil cooktop including a source of electric power and an electric resistance heating element that has thermal inertia such that the cookware ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200072472A1

An induction heating type cooktop includes a case, a cover plate that is coupled to an upper end of the case and that includes an upper plate configured to seat an object on an upper surface of the upper plate, a working coil disposed in the case and configured to heat the object, a thin film attached on the upper plate, and a thermal insulating member disposed vertically between a lower surface of the upper plate and the working coil. 1. An induction heating type cooktop , comprising:a case;a cover plate coupled to an upper end of the case, the cover plate comprising an upper plate configured to seat an object on an upper surface of the upper plate;a working coil disposed in the case and configured to heat the object;a thin film attached on the upper plate; anda thermal insulating member disposed vertically between a lower surface of the upper plate and the working coil.2. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the thin film is coated on the upper surface of the upper plate or a lower surface of the upper plate.3. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the thin film is made of a conductive material and has a magnetic property.4. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the thin film is made of a conductive material and has a non-magnetic property.5. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the thin film is between 0.1 μm and 1 claim 1 ,000 μm claim 1 , andwherein the thin film is configured to, based on an electrical resistance of the thin film, be heated by the working coil by induction.6. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the working coil is configured to claim 1 , based on a magnetic object being placed on the upper surface of the upper plate claim 1 , be driven to heat the magnetic object claim 1 , andwherein the thin film is configured to, based on the magnetic object being placed on the upper surface of the upper plate, define an equivalent circuit comprising ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190075619A1
Принадлежит: Eurokera

A method for preparing an article, the structure of which comprises a substrate of a glass or a glass-ceramic and a coating fixed to at least one portion of the surface of said substrate. In a characteristic way, said coating is generated from at least one loaded polysilsesquioxane resin; said at least one polysilsesquioxane resin not containing any aryl radical in its structure. 1. A cooktop comprising:a glass or glass-ceramic substrate; and [{'sub': '1.5', 'a continuous phase comprising at least one polysilsesquioxane resin, the at least one polysilsesquioxane resin having units of formula (RSiO), R being identical or not, all different from an aryl group and being selected from a group consisting of linear and branched alkyl groups having 1 to 6 carbon atoms and cycloalkyl groups having 3 to 6 carbon atoms, wherein the at least one polysilsesquioxane resin is crosslinked; and'}, 'a dispersed phase comprising mineral fillers., 'a coating fixed to at least one portion of a surface of the glass or glass-ceramic substrate, wherein the coating comprises a heat treated dispersion layer, the heat treated dispersion layer comprising2. The cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the at least one polysilsesquioxane resin has units (RSiO) claim 1 , R being selected from the group consisting of linear and branched alkyl groups having 1 to 3 carbon atoms and cycloalkyl groups having 3 to 6 carbon atoms.3. The cooktop of claim 1 , wherein at least one fraction of the mineral fillers comprises lamellar fillers.4. The cooktop of claim 1 , wherein at least one fraction of the mineral fillers comprises pigments.5. The cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the heat treated dispersion layer is a first heat treated dispersion layer and the coating further comprises a second heat treated dispersion layer claim 1 , the second heat treated dispersion layer comprising:{'sub': 1.5', '1.5, 'a continuous phase comprising at least one polysilsesquioxane resin, the at least one polysilsesquioxane resin having ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190075620A1
Автор: Abendschoen Robin

A heating device in the form of a radiant heating device for a hob has a sheet-like support with a support top side, with at least one heating element on the support top side, which heating element is highly corrugated and runs in tracks in a laying pattern. The heating element has at least two heating conductor strips which each have lateral sides and a top edge and a bottom edge. These at least two heating conductor strips are placed together or placed on one another by way of their mutually facing lateral sides and are at least partially in contact. The at least two heating conductor strips are connected to one another in a fixed and non-detachable manner, advantageously before corrugation. 2. Heating device according to claim 1 , wherein a ratio of thickness of one said heating conductor strips to its height in a direction away from said support top side lies between 1:20 and 1:500.3. Heating device according to claim 1 , wherein said heating conductor strips are welded to one another.4. Heating device according to claim 3 , wherein said heating conductor strips are welded to one another by welding points at a distance along a longitudinal direction of said heating conductor strips from one another claim 3 , said distance being 2 times to 20 times a height of one said heating conductor strip.5. Heating device according to claim 1 , wherein a connection of said at least two heating conductor strips is arranged below half a height of said heating conductor strips.6. Heating device according to claim 1 , having precisely two said heating conductor strips being designed in one part and integrally with one another and are placed on one another by bending or folding along a bending line claim 1 , said bending line running parallel in relation to an longitudinal extent of said heating element or parallel in relation to said top edge.7. Heating device according to claim 6 , having precisely two said heating conductor strips being designed in one part and integrally with ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190078792A1

An embodiment of an electric heating element is disclosed, including an electrically resistive inner heating element, an electrically resistive outer heating element, and a thermostat positioned along a cold leg of the inner heating element. The thermostat is configured to selectively allow electrical current to be delivered to the inner heating element while maximum electrical current, for example, continues to be provided to the outer heating element. The thermostat cycles the electrical current on and off when detecting maximum and minimum desired temperatures radiated from the electric heating element. The inner heating element has a pair of cold legs that extend parallel to a pair of cold legs of the outer heating element, some or all of which may be supported by a terminal bracket. 1. An electric heating element , comprising:an electrically resistive inner heating element including an inner coiled heating portion and first and second cold legs extending from the inner coiled heating portion for connection to an electrical power source;an electrically resistive outer heating element including an outer coiled heating portion positioned in a common plane with and around the inner coiled heating portion, the outer heating element including third and fourth cold legs extending from the outer coiled heating portion for connection to the electrical power source, the third and fourth cold legs positioned parallel to the first and second cold legs; anda controller positioned under the common plane in proximity to the inner coiled heating portion and along one of the first and second cold legs, the controller configured to selectively open and close an electrical circuit to cycle off and on the inner coiled heating portion.2. The electric heating element of claim 1 , wherein the controller is coupled to a timer to enable the controller to open the electrical circuit after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed to turn off the inner coiled heating element while the ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Dual coil electric heating element

Номер: US20190086098A1
Принадлежит: Backer EHP Inc, Wako USA Inc

An embodiment of an electric heating element is disclosed, including an electrically resistive inner heating element, an electrically resistive outer heating element, and a thermostat positioned along a cold leg of the inner heating element. The thermostat is configured to selectively allow electrical current to be delivered to the inner heating element while maximum electrical current, for example, continues to be provided to the outer heating element. The thermostat cycles the electrical current on and off when detecting maximum and minimum desired temperatures radiated from the electric heating element. The inner heating element has a pair of cold legs that extend parallel to a pair of cold legs of the outer heating element, some or all of which may be supported by a terminal bracket.

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Coil heating element with a temperature sensor shield

Номер: US20210100073A1
Автор: Paul Bryan Cadima
Принадлежит: Haier US Appliance Solutions Inc

An electric resistance heating coil assembly includes a spiral wound sheathed heating element having a first coil section and a second coil section. A bimetallic thermostat is connected in series between the first and second coil sections of the spiral wound sheathed heating element. The bimetallic thermostat is spring loaded such that a distal end of the bimetallic thermostat is urged away from a top surface of the spiral wound sheathed heating element. The electric resistance heating coil assembly also includes a shroud cover and a heat transfer disk.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200096201A1
Автор: Gabriel Gameel

This present invention provides a ceramic burner cover for gas stovetops. The ceramic burner cover is a solid ceramic cover that is able to removably rest above and cover a gas burner assembly on a stovetop. The ceramic burner cover has a planar ceramic plate and a support member for supporting the plate above the burner assembly. The support member can be formed as a perforated continuous peripheral flange or as a pair of protruding handles secured to outer peripheral edge of the ceramic plate. The burner cover is sized and shaped to cover one or more burner assemblies, while supporting cooking vessels. A metallic insert is incorporated in the burner cover to reduce weight and to more efficiently distribute heat from the burner assembly to a cooking vessel. 1. A burner cover for stovetops having at least one burner assembly , the apparatus comprising:a substantially planar ceramic plate shaped and sized to cover and detachably rest above the at least one burner assembly; anda support member supporting the ceramic plate on the stovetop.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the support member comprises a ceramic downwardly extending peripheral flange integrally secured to an outer peripheral edge of the ceramic plate.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a plurality of spaced-apart heat vents is formed in the peripheral flange.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the peripheral flange is configured for resting on the stovetop and for supporting the ceramic plate in an elevated position above the at least one burner assembly.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the burner cover is shaped and sized to operationally fit over more than one burner assembly.6. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the burner cover comprises a metallic insert in the ceramic plate claim 2 , said metallic insert providing additional heat transfer claim 2 , while reducing weight of the burner cover.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the ceramic flange comprises a metallic insert.8. The ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации

Heater temperature control method, heater, and placement stand

Номер: US20220151026A1
Автор: Shigeru Kasai
Принадлежит: Tokyo Electron Ltd

Disclosed is a method for controlling the temperature of a heater which has a single plate-shaped member formed of a semiconductor substrate, and three or more electrodes formed on a side surface of the single plate-shaped member while being spaced apart from each other in a circumference direction, the method comprising a step for heating the plate-shaped member by supplying a power between the electrodes and sequentially changing the pair of electrodes to which the power is supplied, wherein a period of time in which the power is supplied between the electrodes in the heating step is individually determined for each set of electrodes.

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220174793A1

An induction heating cooking apparatus includes a glass provided such that a cooking container is disposed on an upper surface thereof and a side surface thereof is exposed to the outside. The induction heating cooking apparatus also includes an operating coil positioned below the glass to inductively heat the cooking container by generating a magnetic field. The side surface includes a first surface extending from the upper surface of the glass and having a first curvature. The side surface also includes a second surface extending from the first surface and having a second curvature different from the first curvature. The side surface further includes a third surface extending from the second surface to a lower surface of the glass and having a third curvature different from the first curvature and the second curvature. 1. An induction heating cooking apparatus comprising:a glass including an upper surface and a side surface, wherein the upper surface supports a cooking container that is disposed thereon and the side surface is externally exposed; andan operating coil positioned below the glass to inductively heat the cooking container by generating a magnetic field,wherein the side surface of the glass comprises:a first surface extending from the upper surface of the glass and including a first curvature;a second surface extending from the first surface and including a second curvature different from the first curvature; anda third surface extending from the second surface to a lower surface of the glass and including a third curvature different from the first curvature and the second curvature.2. The induction heating cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:a radius of curvature of the first surface is formed to be greater than a radius of curvature of the second surface and a radius of curvature of the third surface.3. The induction heating cooking apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:a height of the first surface is formed to be greater than a sum of a height of the ...

18-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190113238A1

A low profile spring bracket for a heating element of a cooktop appliance includes features that allow the bracket to move along the axial direction in a smooth fashion with minimal force. In this way, a temperature sensor attached thereto can maintain contact with a cooking utensil placed on the heating element. 1. A spring bracket for a cooktop appliance , the cooktop appliance comprising a heating element and a support bracket for supporting the heating element , the spring bracket defining an axial direction , a radial direction , and a circumferential direction , the spring bracket comprising:a mounting plate moveable along the axial direction;a first arm extending from the mounting plate between a proximal end and a distal end and connecting the mounting plate with the support bracket, wherein the first arm comprises a curved portion that extends about the circumferential direction along at least a portion of the first arm between the proximal end and the distal end of the first arm; anda second arm extending from the mounting plate between a proximal end and a distal end and connecting the mounting plate with the support bracket, wherein the second arm comprises a curved portion that extends about the circumferential direction along at least a portion of the second arm between the proximal end and the distal end of the second arm.2. The spring bracket of claim 1 , wherein the first arm extends outward from the mounting plate along the radial direction at the proximal end of the first arm and the second arm extends outward from the mounting plate along the radial direction at the proximal end of the second arm.3. The spring bracket of claim 1 , wherein the mounting plate is moveable between a first position and a second position along the axial direction claim 1 , wherein the mounting plate is in a relaxed state in the first position and the mounting plate is in a compressed state in the second position claim 1 , and wherein the curved portion of the first arm ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Electric heater and electric heating apparatus having same

Номер: US20200113378A1
Автор: Misun Song

An electric heater includes a substrate, a first outer pattern part disposed on one surface of the substrate and to connect with a pair of first electrodes, a second outer pattern part to connect with the pair of first electrodes in parallel with the first outer pattern part and to be spaced apart from the first outer pattern part, and an inner pattern part disposed on one surface of the substrate so as to be located such that the first outer pattern part and the second outer pattern part surround the inner pattern part, to be spaced apart from the first outer pattern part and the second outer pattern part, and to connect with a pair of second electrodes spaced apart from the pair of first electrodes.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180124873A1
Автор: KANO Shoji

A heating element in which, in a connecting portion of a rod portion in which the rod portion is connected to a heat generator, a connecting unit is provided in a face of the rod portion on which the rod portion is connected to the heat generator, a feeder terminal for feeding power to the heating element is formed on a face of the rod portion opposite to the face in which the connecting unit is provided and the rod portion includes, at the feeder terminal, a securing unit for securing the heating element, and the rod portion includes a hollow portion between the connecting unit and the securing unit. This provides a heating element that can prevent corrosion of a feeder terminal, possesses high durability, can be produced at low cost, and has a good temperature distribution. 1. A heating element comprising:a heat generator including a support substrate on which a heater pattern is formed; anda rod portion that is connected to one side of the heat generator and is provided for energizing the heat generator,whereinin a connecting portion of the rod portion in which the rod portion is connected to the heat generator, a connecting unit is provided in a face of the rod portion on which the rod portion is connected to the heat generator,a feeder terminal for feeding power to the heating element is formed on a face of the rod portion opposite to the face in which the connecting unit is provided and the rod portion includes, at the feeder terminal, a securing unit for securing the heating element, andthe rod portion includes a hollow portion between the connecting unit and the securing unit.2. The heating element according to claim 1 , whereinthe connecting unit is a connecting hole and the securing unit is a securing hole.3. The heating element according to claim 2 , whereinthe hollow portion has a cross-sectional area larger than a cross-sectional area of the connecting hole and a cross-sectional area of the securing hole.4. The heating element according to claim 2 , ...

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180124879A1
Принадлежит: Electrolux Appliances Aktiebolag

The invention relates to a hob comprising a transparent or semi-transparent hob plate () and multiple heating elements () arranged below said hob plate (), the hob further comprising illumination means arranged below said hob plate () for providing light markings () at the upper side () of the hob plate (), said light markings () indicating heating zones () associated with the heating elements (), wherein the illumination means comprise a light box () with at least a bottom wall portion () and a pair of side wall portions (), said light box () including one or more lighting elements () for illuminating an interior space () of the light box (), wherein the light box () further comprises an upper portion () being adapted to emit light towards the hob plate () in order to provide said light marking () at the upper side of the hob plate (). 1. Hob comprising a transparent or semi-transparent hob plate and multiple heating elements arranged below said hob plate , the hob further comprising illumination means arranged below said hob plate for providing light markings at an upper side of the hob plate , said light markings indicating heating zones associated with the heating elements , wherein the illumination means comprise a light box with at least a bottom wall portion and a pair of side wall portions , said light box including one or more lighting elements for illuminating an interior space of the light box , wherein the light box further comprises an upper portion being adapted to emit light towards the hob plate in order to provide said light marking at the upper side of the hob plate.2. Hob according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom wall portion and the side wall portions are integrally formed at the light box.3. Hob according to claim 1 , wherein at least one wall portion of the light box comprises one or more apertures through which light is emitted into an interior space of the light box.4. Hob according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom wall portion is formed by a ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150144613A1
Принадлежит: EUROKERA S.N.C.

The present invention relates to an article comprising at least one glass-ceramic substrate, in particular a plate, intended, for example, to cover or receive at least one heating element, said substrate exhibiting, in at least one zone, a surface roughness such that the characteristic dimensions of the patterns forming said roughness are between 2 and 100 μm. 1. An article , comprising:a glass-ceramic substrate, configured to cover or receive a heating element,wherein the substrate has, in at least one zone, a surface roughness such that characteristic dimensions of patterns forming the roughness are between 2 and 100 μm.2. The article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the roughness comprises a network of patterns claim 1 , a periphery of a greater longitudinal section of each of the patterns falling between two concentric circles claim 1 , one circle of the concentric circles having a diameter of 2 μm and the other circle of the concentric circles having a diameter of 100 μm.3. The article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a height of the patterns is between 2 and 50 μm and a spacing between each of the patterns is less than or equal to 50 μm.4. The article as claimed in claim 1 , whereinthe patterns have a square or rectangular longitudinal and/or transverse section, with a height, a length, and a width each of between 2 and 15 μm, and a spacing of less than or equal to 50 μm,and/orthe patterns have a triangular or pyramidal transverse section, with a height of less than 20 μm and a spacing of less than 30 μm.5. The article as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises claim 1 , in a zone of a face claim 1 , a layer having the roughness.6. The article as claimed in claim 5 , wherein the layer is a sol-gel layer.7. The article as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising a heating element.8. A process for manufacturing the article as claimed in claim 1 , the process comprising:duplicating a target roughness with a pad or mask molded to outlines of the target ...

25-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170150552A1

A heater, in particular a high-temperature heater, for example for domestic heating appliances, in which a layer that produces heat when a current flows through is provided on a carrier material as a heating element, wherein a first electrically conductive layer which is formed from a free-flowing, non-electrically conductive base material and carbon nano tubes dispersed therein is applied to the carrier material, wherein a protective layer is applied to this first layer and at least partly penetrates into the first layer as it is applied, or wherein a functional layer with carbon nano tubes dispersed therein is applied to the carrier material, and wherein the at least one layer or the functional layer makes contact with strip-like contact elements, and the layers applied to the carrier material or the functional layer are heated. 1. A heating installation comprising:a substrate;a first electrically conductive layer on the substrate, the first electrically conductive layer including base material and carbon nanotubes dispersed in the base material; anda protective layer provided on the first electrically conductive layer, which protective layer is penetrated into the first electrically conductive layer, and wherein the protective layer includes a silicate.2. The heating installation according to claim 1 , wherein the layers are contacted with particularly strip-shaped contact elements.3. The heating installation according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second layer have a layer thickness of less than 500 μm.4. The heating installation according to claim 1 , wherein the first electrically conductive layer has a concentration of 0.1 to 100 wt % carbon nanotubes in the base material.5. The heating installation according to claim 1 , wherein a matrix of a concentration of 1 to 3 wt % carbon nanotubes and 5 to 50 wt % graphite is provided in the base material.6. The heating installation according to claim 1 , wherein the heating element produced by the first and ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220295605A1

An inductive cooktop includes a top plate that has an upper surface that supports a cookware object. An induction coil is disposed below the top plate and is operable to generate an electromagnetic field that is configured to heat the cookware object. A display, such as an OLED display, is disposed between the inductive coil and the top plate and operates to emit light through the top plate, such as to display information that is visible at the upper surface of top plate. A transparent thermal insulator is provided to prevent the cookware object from heating the display above a threshold temperature. The transparent thermal insulator may include a silica aerogel material, which may be disposed between an upper glass panel and a lower glass panel. 1. An inductive cooktop comprising:a top plate having an upper surface configured to support a cookware object;an induction coil disposed below the top plate and operable to generate an electromagnetic field that is configured to heat the cookware object;a display disposed between the inductive coil and the top plate and operable to emit light through the top plate; andwherein the top plate comprises a transparent thermal insulator that is configured to prevent the cookware object from heating the display above a threshold temperature.2. The inductive cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the display is configured to display information that is visible at the upper surface of top plate.3. The inductive cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the top plate comprises a visible transmittance between the upper surface and a lower surface of the top plate of greater than 70%.4. The inductive cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the top plate comprises an upper glass panel claim 1 , a lower glass panel in planar parallel alignment with the upper glass panel claim 1 , and the transparent thermal insulator disposed between the upper and lower glass panels.5. The inductive cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the transparent thermal insulator comprises a silica ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160169532A1

An inside-mount countertop-range support for a flush-mount countertop range includes a counter bracket configured to be engaged to an inner edge of an opening defined within a countertop with a top surface. A base flange extends from the counter bracket and into the opening. The inside-mount countertop-range support includes a range having a housing and top member above the housing that extends over the opening and includes a bottom surface, wherein the housing is configured to be disposed within the opening. A range bracket is configured to be coupled to the housing and includes a top flange that is configured to be supported by the base flange, wherein when the top flange rests upon the base flange, the bottom surface of the top member engages and is flush with the top surface of the countertop. 1. An inside-mount countertop-range support for a flush-mount countertop range , the inside-mount countertop-range support comprising:a counter bracket configured to be engaged to an inner edge of an opening defined within a countertop, the countertop having a top surface, wherein a base flange extends from the counter bracket and into the opening;a range having a housing and top member above the housing that extends over the opening and includes a bottom surface, wherein the housing is disposed within the opening; anda range bracket configured to be coupled to the housing and including a top flange that is received by and supported by the base flange, wherein when the top flange rests upon the base flange, the bottom surface of the top member engages and is flush with the top surface of the countertop.2. The inside-mount countertop-range support of claim 1 , further comprising:an adjustment member disposed within the base flange, the adjustment member configured to adjust a height of the top flange relative to the base flange, such that the top member is flush with and minimally supported by the top surface of the countertop.3. The inside-mount countertop-range support of ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190159295A1

A heater circuit track pattern designed to be coated on a heater plate in order to achieve high uniform heat distribution and fast heating up, low power consumption and prevent current crowding with high fill factor. The heater plate includes a substrate layer which is an electrically insulative, highly thermally conductive, low heat capacity substrate where the heater circuit track pattern has a conductive layer and a resistive layer. The conductive layer has conductive parts such that power pads, main power lines, electrical transfer pads, sub-conductor lines are formed by a highly conductive material to distribute power equally to the resistive layer. The resistive layer has resistive portions including resistive parts formed by a resistive ink to heat up the heater plate. 1. A low volume heater plate comprising:heater circuit track pattern, coated on a substrate in order to achieve high uniform heat distribution and fast heating up, low power consumption and prevent current crowding with high fill factor;a substrate layer;a bottom layer of the low volume heater plate, wherein the bottom layer is electrically insulative;wherein the substrate layer is highly thermally conductive;wherein the substrate layer has a low heat capacity;wherein the substrate layer has a critical heating surface on one side and a heating circuit surface on another side; a conductive layer;', 'wherein the conductive layer is made of a highly conductive material;', 'wherein the conductive layer is coated on the heating circuit surface;', 'wherein the conductive layer has a plurality of power pads, a plurality of main power lines, a plurality of electrical transfer pads, and a plurality of sub-conductor lines;', 'wherein the plurality of power pads, the plurality of main power lines, the plurality of electric transfer pads, and the plurality of sub conductor lines are made of a conductive material;', 'wherein the plurality of power pads, the plurality of main power lines. the plurality of ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210195702A1

An induction heating type cooktop includes a cover plate that is coupled to a top of a case and that includes an upper plate configured to seat an object to be heated, a working coil disposed inside the case and configured to heat the object, an insulator disposed between a bottom surface of the upper plate and the working coil, and a thin film that is disposed on at least one of a top surface of the upper plate or the bottom surface of the upper plate and that includes a plurality of sub-films that are arranged about a central portion of the thin film. An outer boundary of one of the plurality of sub-films is positioned radially outward of an outer boundary of another of the plurality of sub-films relative to the central portion of the thin film. 1. An induction heating type cooktop , comprising:a cover plate coupled to a top of a case, the cover plate comprising an upper plate configured to seat an object to be heated;a working coil disposed inside the case and configured to heat the object;an insulator disposed between a bottom surface of the upper plate and the working coil; anda thin film disposed on at least one of a top surface of the upper plate or the bottom surface of the upper plate, the thin film comprising a plurality of sub-films that are arranged about a central portion of the thin film,wherein an outer boundary of one of the plurality of sub-films is positioned on a radially different position from an outer boundary of another of the plurality of sub-films relative to the central portion of the thin film.2. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the thin film is coated on the at least one of the top surface of the upper plate or the bottom surface of the upper plate.3. The induction heating type cooktop of claim 1 , wherein the thin film is configured to claim 1 , based on the object being placed on the top surface of the upper plate claim 1 , form an equivalent circuit comprising a resistance component and an inductor component.4. ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации

Heating plate

Номер: US20140263277A1
Автор: Shui-Po Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A heating plate includes a thermally conductive, electrically insulating main board on whose surface an electrically-conductive heat-generating circuit and an outer insulating layer are layered. The heat-generating circuit is formed by connecting one first electrically-conductive layer and one second electrically-conductive layer that are arranged in different directions. The first and second electrically-conductive layers are overlapped to form an overlapping area. The heat-generating circuit has at least two electrically-conductive segments exposed outside the outer insulating layer. Thereby, when the electrically-conductive segments receive incoming current, the electrically-conductive heat-generating circuit can generate heat rapidly, and the heat can be transmitted to the main board through the thermally-conductive insulating layer. The overlapping area formed at each turning point along the electrically-conductive heat-generating circuit is more capable of load bearing so that the electrically-conductive heat-generating circuit is unlikely to be damaged at the turning point.

06-06-2019 дата публикации

Glass-Ceramic Cooking Apparatus and A Method relating to Temperature Limiting Control for Preventing Cooking Oil Ignition

Номер: US20190170363A1
Автор: Chunlei Shen, Yun Bai

A glass-ceramic cooking apparatus and a method relating to temperature limiting control of the glass heating area for preventing cooking oil ignition is disclosed. The apparatus comprises at least one glass surface, at least one heat source under the glass to create a heating area on the glass, one temperature sensor and one control unit for each heat source, wherein the sensor measures the temperature on the underside the glass heating area, and the control unit is electrically connected with the heat source, compares the measured glass temperature with predetermined upper and lower temperature limits that are based on a corresponding relationship between the heating area temperature and the cooking oil temperature within the cooking vessel, and then reduces or increases the output power of the heating source, so that the maximum temperature of the cooking oil in the cooking vessel can be limited in a range that is below the cooking oil ignition point while a minimum temperature can still be maintained for a desired cooking performance.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180176994A1
Автор: Wittenhagen Wolfgang

A heating device has a sheet-like heating element and a holding device for the heating element, wherein the heating element is held along an outer edge on the holding device and, by way of at least 70% of its surface area, runs freely within the holding device. The heating element has a weave which at least partially contains heating conductor material. Therefore, warp threads can advantageously be composed of electrically conductive heating conductor material, and weft threads can be composed of carbon fibre or ceramic fibres. The heating element can be centrally supported or be provided with a structuring over its surface area, which structuring stabilizes the heating element, for example can be corrugated. 1. A heating device comprising: said heating element is held along said outer edge on said holding device and, by way of at least 70% of a surface area of said heating element, runs freely between said holding device or within said holding device;', 'said heating element comprises a lattice or a weave; and', 'said lattice or said weave at least partially comprises a heating conductor material., 'a sheet-like heating element comprising an outer edge and with a holding device for said heating element, wherein2. The heating device according to claim 1 , wherein said heating element is held at least at holding points of said holding device.3. The heating device according to claim 2 , wherein said holding points are along a holding line.4. The heating device according to claim 1 , wherein said heating element is three-dimensionally structured for mechanical stabilization in a perpendicular direction or in a direction perpendicular and parallel to opposite outer edges of said heating element.5. The heating device according to claim 1 , wherein said heating element has a corrugated claim 1 , sinusoidal or sawtooth-like structure or trench-like or crater-like stabilizing embossed portions.6. The heating device according to claim 5 , wherein said embossed portions are ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190174581A1
Автор: Iordanoglou Dimitrios

A cooktop appliance is provided herein. The cooktop appliance may include a ceramic plate, an electric heating element, a temperature sensor, and a thermal conduction strip. The electric heating element may be positioned below the ceramic plate. The electric heating element may define a horizontal length from a center point projected on the ceramic plate. The temperature sensor may be positioned between the ceramic plate and the electric heating element relative to a vertical direction. The temperature sensor may be spaced apart from the ceramic plate and the electric heating element. The thermal-conduction strip may be attached to the temperature sensor. The thermal-conduction strip may extend in contact with a bottom surface of the ceramic plate between an inner tip proximal to the center point and an outer tip distal to the center point. 1. A cooktop appliance , comprising:a ceramic plate;an electric heating element positioned below the ceramic plate, the electric heating element defining a horizontal length from a center point projected on the ceramic plate;a temperature sensor positioned between the ceramic plate and the electric heating element relative to a vertical direction, the temperature sensor being spaced apart from the ceramic plate and the electric heating element; anda thermal-conduction strip attached to the temperature sensor, the thermal-conduction strip extending in contact with a bottom surface of the ceramic plate between an inner tip proximal to the center point and an outer tip distal to the center point, the thermal-conduction strip spanning a point defined at a position between 50% and 100% of the horizontal length.2. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the inner tip is located at a position 50% of the horizontal length.3. The cooktop appliance of claim 2 , wherein the outer tip is located at a position 95% of the horizontal length.4. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the outer tip is located at a position 95% of the ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150201465A1

The present subject matter provides an oven range appliance. The oven range appliance includes a cabinet. The cabinet defines a width. A cooktop is positioned at a top portion of the cabinet. The cooktop includes a ceramic panel. The ceramic panel defines a width. The width of the ceramic panel is about equal to the width of the cabinet. Thus, the ceramic panel can extend across the width of the cabinet. 1. An oven range appliance defining a vertical direction , a lateral direction and a transverse direction , the vertical , lateral and transverse directions being mutually perpendicular , the oven range appliance comprising:a cabinet that defines a cooking chamber, the cabinet extending between a first side and a second side along the lateral direction, the cabinet also extending between a front and a back along the transverse direction, the cabinet having a continuous frame positioned above the cooking chamber along the vertical direction, the continuous frame having a first leg, a second leg and a third leg, the first leg of the continuous frame positioned at the first side of the cabinet and extending from the front of the cabinet towards the back of the cabinet along the transverse direction, the second leg of the continuous frame positioned at the second side of the cabinet and extending from the front of the cabinet towards the back of the cabinet along the transverse direction, the third leg of the continuous frame positioned at the front of the cabinet and extending between the first and second legs of the continuous frame along the lateral direction;a ceramic panel mounted to the continuous frame such that the ceramic panel is positioned above the continuous frame along the vertical direction, the ceramic panel extending between a first side edge and a second side edge along the lateral direction, the first side edge of the ceramic panel positioned at the first leg of the continuous frame, the second side edge of the ceramic panel positioned at the second ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140291313A1

The object of the present invention is a method for preparing an article, the structure of which comprises a substrate in a glass or in a glass-ceramic and an original coating fixed to at least one portion of the surface of said substrate, in a characteristic way, said coating, most particularly proposed with reference to the technical problem of VOC emission when it is brought to high temperature, is generated from at least one loaded polysilsesquioxane resin; said at least one polysilsesquioxane resin not containing any aryl radical in its structure. The object of the present invention is also the article which may be obtained after carrying said method. 1. A method for preparing an article , the structure of which comprises a glass or glass-ceramic substrate and a coating fixed to at least one portion of a surface of said substrate , said method comprising:making available a substrate of a glass or a glass-ceramic; [{'sub': 1.5', '1.5, 'a continuous phase of which essentially consists of at least one polysilsesquioxane resin in solution in a solvent, said at least one polysilsesquioxane resin having units of formula (HSiO) and/or of formula (RSiO), the radicals R of these units either being identical or not, and all different from an aryl radical, and'}, 'a dispersed phase consisting essentially of mineral fillers;, 'applying on at least one portion of a surface of said substrate, a layer of a dispersionheat-treating the layer-coated substrate or the layer so as to remove said solvent and to crosslink said resin.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one polysilsesquioxane resin has units (RSiO) claim 1 , the radicals R of said units claim 1 , either identical or not claim 1 , being selected from the group consisting of linear and branched alkyl groups having 1 to 6 carbon atoms and the cycloalkyl groups having 3 to 6 carbon atoms.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein said at least one polysilsesquioxane resin has units (RSiO) claim 1 , ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180202666A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A cooktop with a graphical display device is provided. The cooktop includes a glass ceramic substrate with a dead-front effect in which lightness differences in the display area and in particular differences between the latter and the adjacent areas of the cooktop are not visible for a user from the exterior. The cooktop has a glass or glass ceramic substrate and a display device with a display surface for displaying information by emission of light, wherein the display device is in the interior of the cooktop or cooking appliance such that light emitted from the display surface passes through the glass or glass ceramic substrate and is perceptible by a user in the exterior. 130-. (canceled)31. A cooktop for a cooking appliance having an exterior and an interior , comprising:a glass or glass ceramic substrate having an outer face facing the exterior and an inner face facing the interior;a display device with a display surface for displaying information by emission of light, wherein the display device is arranged at the inner face such that light emitted from the display surface passes through the glass or glass ceramic substrate and is perceptible by a user at the outer face; and{'sub': 'vis', 'a display window for the light emitted from the display surface, wherein the glass or glass ceramic substrate at the display window has a light transmittance (τ) in a range from 5% to 70%.'}32. The cooktop of claim 31 , wherein the range of the light transmittance is from 12% to 30%.33. The cooktop of claim 31 , wherein the display device is a colored pixel display.34. The cooktop of claim 31 , further comprising an inner coating on the inner face claim 31 , wherein the inner coating defines the display window.35. The cooktop of claim 31 , wherein the display surface exhibits a luminance of at least 200 cd/mand of at most 2000 cd/m.36. The cooktop of claim 31 , wherein the display surface exhibits a luminance of at least 500 cd/mand not more than 800 cd/m.37. The cooktop of ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180204748A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A ceramic heater includes a disk-shaped ceramic plate with an upper surface defining a wafer placement surface on which a wafer is to be placed. One or more inner-peripheral-side heater elements are embedded in an inner peripheral zone of the ceramic plate, and one or more outer-peripheral-side heater elements are embedded in an outer peripheral zone of the ceramic plate. A thickness of the ceramic plate in a predetermined zone is 3.9% or less of a diameter of the ceramic plate. The predetermined zone is a zone including a boundary line between the inner peripheral zone and the outer peripheral zone. 1. A ceramic heater comprising a disk-shaped ceramic plate with an upper surface defining a wafer placement surface on which a wafer is to be placed , one or more inner-peripheral-side heater elements embedded in an inner peripheral zone of the ceramic plate , and one or more outer-peripheral-side heater elements embedded in an outer peripheral zone of the ceramic plate ,wherein a thickness of the ceramic plate in a predetermined zone is 3.9% or less of a diameter of the ceramic plate, andthe predetermined zone is a zone including a zone boundary line between the inner peripheral zone and the outer peripheral zone.2. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined zone is a zone spanning from an outer periphery of the ceramic plate to an inner side beyond the zone boundary line.3. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 , wherein a shaft joint portion joined to a shaft is provided in a region of the inner peripheral zone near a center claim 1 , andthe predetermined zone is an entire zone of the ceramic plate outside the shaft joint portion.4. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the ceramic plate in the predetermined zone is 3.3% or less of the diameter of the ceramic plate.5. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the ceramic plate in the predetermined zone is 1.8% or more of the diameter of ...

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160219651A1

A thick layer heating element (), in particular for heating a kitchen appliance (), comprising a planar substrate () coated on one of its faces () with at least one electrically resistive track () which is linked to at least one area of electrical contact, characterized in that it comprises at least one thermal expansion slot (), said at least one slot () defining deformable portions of the heating element, which each comprise a part of the resistive track () and which are distributed around said at least one area of electrical contact. 1. A thick layer heating element for heating a kitchen appliance , comprising a planar substrate coated on one of its faces with at least one electrically resistive track which is linked to at least one electrical contact area , characterized in that the heating element also comprises at least one heat expansion slot , said at least one slot defining deformable portions of the heating element , which each include a part of the resistive track and which are distributed around said at least one electrical contact area.2. The heating element as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the deformable portions have substantially the same dimensions and/or the resistive track parts of the deformable portions have substantially the same dimensions claim 1 , and in particular the same length.3. The heating element as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the heating element has a central fixing point around which said deformable portions are evenly distributed.410. The heating element () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the heating element comprises at least one first orifice for the passage of a heating element fixing means claim 1 , and in that the or each heat expansion slot communicates with the or at least one first orifice.5. The heating element as claimed in claim 4 , characterized in that the or each heat expansion slot passes through the or at least one first orifice.6. The heating element as claimed in claim 1 , ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210239541A1
Автор: MATSUSHITA Ryohei
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators, Ltd.

A ceramic heater includes a ceramic plate having a surface that serves as a wafer placement surface, resistance heating elements that are embedded in the ceramic plate, a tubular shaft that supports the ceramic plate from a rear surface of the ceramic plate, and a thermocouple passage that extends from a start point in a within-shaft region of the rear surface of the ceramic plate, the within-shaft region being surrounded by the tubular shaft, to a terminal end position in an outer peripheral portion of the ceramic plate. The thermocouple passage includes a stepped portion formed at an intermediate position between the start point and the terminal end position, a long-distance portion extending from the start position to the terminal end position, and a short-distance portion extending from the start position to the intermediate position. 1. A ceramic heater comprising:a ceramic plate having a surface that serves as a wafer placement surface;a resistance heating element that is embedded in the ceramic plate;a tubular shaft that supports the ceramic plate from a rear surface of the ceramic plate; anda thermocouple passage that extends from a start point in a within-shaft region of the rear surface of the ceramic plate, the within-shaft region being surrounded by the tubular shaft, to a terminal end position in an outer peripheral portion of the ceramic plate,wherein the thermocouple passage includes a stepped portion provided at an intermediate position between the start point and the terminal end position, a long-distance portion extending from the start position to the terminal end position, and a short-distance portion extending from the start position to the intermediate position.2. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 , wherein the stepped portion is provided as a step formed to lie in a planar direction of the ceramic plate.3. The ceramic heater according to claim 1 , wherein the stepped portion is provided as a step formed to lie in a thickness direction of ...

16-10-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus, system, and method for a heating surface having a selectable shape, size, location, and heat intensity

Номер: US20140305928A1

A heating appliance includes a heating structure having a lower surface and a flat upper surface for supporting and imparting heat into an object, such a pot or pan used to cook food. The heating structure includes an array of heating elements arranged on the lower surface of the heating structure in an m×n array having m columns and n rows. Each element is thermally coupled to a region of the structure for heating its respective region of the structure independently of other regions of the structure associated with the other heating elements.

16-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140305929A1
Принадлежит: SCHOTT AG

A volume-colored monolithic glass ceramic cooking plate is provided. The plate includes a first zone in which the coloration of the glass ceramic differs from that of a second, adjacent zone, so that an absorption coefficient of the first zone is lower than the absorption coefficient of the second, adjacent zone and so that integral light transmission in the visible spectral range is greater in the first zone than the integral light transmission of the second, adjacent zone. The light scattering in the glass ceramic of the first zone differs from light scattering in the glass ceramic of the second zone by not more than 20 percentage points, preferably by not more than 5 percentage points. 1. A volume-colored monolithic glass ceramic cooking plate , comprising:a first zone in which the coloration of the glass ceramic differs from that of a second, adjacent zone so that an absorption coefficient of the first zone is lower than the absorption coefficient of the second, adjacent zone and so that integral light transmission in the visible spectral range is greater in the first zone than integral light transmission of the second, adjacent zone,wherein light scattering in the first zone differs from light scattering in the second zone by not more than 20 percentage points.2. The glass ceramic cooking plate as in claim 1 , wherein light scattering in the first zone differs from light scattering in the second zone by by not more than 5 percentage points.3. The glass ceramic cooking plate as in claim 1 , further comprising ions of at least one metals selected from the group consisting of vanadium claim 1 , tin claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , rare earth metals claim 1 , cerium claim 1 , chromium claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , cobalt claim 1 , manganese claim 1 , iron claim 1 , and any combinations thereof.4. The glass ceramic cooking plate as in claim 3 , further comprising a glass ceramic element that is volume-colored by vanadium oxide claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , in the first zone ...

04-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160227609A1

A cooktop system with a glass or glass-ceramic cooktop system is provided. The cooktop system has a heating area that has a heating element thermally connected thereto and a limiter system so that the cooktop is suitable for a standard cooking operation at a first limit and suitable for a non-standard cooking operation at a second limit different from the first limit. 1. A cooktop system comprising:a glass or glass-ceramic cooktop, the cooktop having a control panel and at least one heating zone; anda control system, wherein the control system, the control panel, and the at least one heating zone are operatively connected, and wherein the control system has a first temperature limiter setting that is suitable for a standard cooking operation and a second temperature limiter setting that is suitable for a non-standard cooking operation, the second temperature limiter setting being different from the first temperature limiter setting.2. The cooktop system according to claim 1 , wherein the control panel allows selection between the first temperature limiter setting and the second temperature limiter setting.3. The cooktop system according to claim 1 , wherein the first temperature limiter setting and the second temperature limiter setting are selectable based on a selection of the control panel.4. The cooktop system according to claim 1 , wherein the control system is selected from the group consisting of two electromechanical limiters claim 1 , a two-step limiter with a switching contact claim 1 , an electronic temperature limiter claim 1 , a thermocouple claim 1 , and a resistance element.5. The cooktop system according to claim 1 , further comprising a first heating element that has a heating diameter that corresponds to the at least one heating zone.6. The cooktop system according to claim 5 , wherein the first heating element is a single-coil heating element.7. The cooktop system according to claim 5 , further comprising a second heating element claim 5 , wherein ...

23-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140312026A1

A kitchen worktop having a support plate () with a treatment area () on which a container is placed (), and a heating device () located in the treatment area under the support plate. Weight transducers () are fixed both to the support plate () and to a movable portion () of a series of actuators (), the fixed portion () of which is fixed to a structure (). A control device allows activating the actuators () in order to move the weight transducers () and the support plate () between a rest position in which the support plate () rests on the structure (), and a weighing position in which the support plate () is supported only by the weight transducers () in order to enable a weighing operation. 1211382434423822424241124382211238ab. A kitchen worktop with weighing means comprising a continuous support plate () made of glass or glass ceramic , supported on a fixed structure () by weighing means including a plurality of weight transducers () , said support plate () having at least one treatment area () on which a container can be placed , and heating means () located in said treatment area () below said support plate () , said weighing means comprising a plurality of weight transducers () are fixed both to the support plate () and to a movable portion () of respective actuators () which has a fixed portion () fixed to the fixed structure () , and said weighing means further comprising a control device whereby said actuators () can be activated for moving said weight transducers () and the support plate () between a rest position in which the support plate () rests on the fixed structure () and a weighing position in which the support plate () is supported only by the weight transducers () to allow a weighing operation.238152242415a. The kitchen worktop according to claim 1 , wherein each of said weight transducers () comprises a deformable body () fixed at one end to the support plate () and at the other end to said movable portion () of the corresponding actuator () ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210247072A1

A cooking system includes an operator interface configured to enable input of an identification characteristic for a placement unit for placement on a cooking surface for purpose of a heating operation, and a control unit configured to release or block a cooking function for the placement unit as a function of the identification characteristic input via the operator interface. 112-. (canceled)13. A cooking system , comprising:an operator interface configured to enable input of an identification characteristic for a placement unit for placement on a cooking surface for purpose of a heating operation; anda control unit configured to release or block a cooking function for the placement unit as a function of the identification characteristic input via the operator interface.14. The cooking system of claim 13 , constructed in the form of an induction cooking system.15. The cooking system of claim 13 , further comprising a detection unit configured to detect a placement unit characteristic of the placement unit claim 13 , said detection unit being operably connected to the control unit such that the control unit releases or blocks the heating operation for the placement unit as a function of the placement unit characteristic.16. The cooking system of claim 15 , wherein the control unit includes a storage unit for storing a reference characteristic for the placement unit characteristic in an operating state claim 15 , said control unit being configured to assign an identity to the placement unit by comparing the reference characteristic with the detected placement unit characteristic.17. The cooking system of claim 16 , wherein the control unit is configured to release the heating operation for the placement unit claim 16 , when identified as known claim 16 , while blocking a heating operation for another unknown placement unit claim 16 , when the cooking function is a safe operating state.18. The cooking system of claim 17 , wherein the safe operating state is preset.19. ...

12-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210251046A1

A cooking device according to one example embodiment includes a plurality of modular heaters. Each modular heater includes a ceramic substrate and an electrically resistive trace positioned on the ceramic substrate. Each modular heater is configured to generate heat when an electric current is supplied to the electrically resistive trace. The cooking device includes a thermally conductive heating plate. The plurality of modular heaters are positioned against a bottom surface of the heating plate. The heating plate includes a top surface positioned to transfer heat provided by the plurality of modular heaters to a cooking vessel for cooking an item held by the cooking vessel. 1. A cooking device , comprising:a plurality of modular heaters, each modular heater includes a ceramic substrate and an electrically resistive trace positioned on the ceramic substrate, each modular heater is configured to generate heat when an electric current is supplied to the electrically resistive trace; anda thermally conductive heating plate, the plurality of modular heaters are positioned against a bottom surface of the heating plate, the heating plate includes a top surface positioned to transfer heat provided by the plurality of modular heaters to a cooking vessel for cooking an item held by the cooking vessel.2. The cooking device of claim 1 , wherein the electrically resistive trace of each modular heater is positioned on an exterior surface of the ceramic substrate.3. The cooking device of claim 2 , wherein the electrically resistive trace of each modular heater includes an electrical resistor material thick film printed on the exterior surface of the ceramic substrate.4. The cooking device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of modular heaters directly contact the bottom surface of the heating plate.5. The cooking device of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of modular heaters includes substantially the same construction.6. The cooking device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210259057A1
Автор: Abendschoen Robin

A heating device in the form of a radiant heating device for a hob has a sheet-like support with a support top side, with at least one heating element on the support top side, which heating element is highly corrugated and runs in tracks in a laying pattern. The heating element has at least two heating conductor strips which each have lateral sides and a top edge and a bottom edge. These at least two heating conductor strips are placed together or placed on one another by way of their mutually facing lateral sides and are at least partially in contact. The at least two heating conductor strips are connected to one another in a fixed and non-detachable manner, advantageously before corrugation. 1. Method for producing a radiant heating device , said method comprising:providing: (a) a sheet-like support with a support top side, and (b) at least one heating element, the at least one heating element having at least two heating conductor strips that each have lateral sides, a top edge, and a bottom edge;placing the at least two heating conductor strips together or on one another by way of the lateral sides mutually facing each other, such that the lateral sides are at least partially but not completely in contact relative to one another;corrugating the at least one heating element with deflections of a corrugation out of the lateral sides of the at least two heating conductor strips; andafter the placement and corrugation steps, applying the at least one heating element to the support top side of the sheet-like support, the application being such that the at least one heating element runs in tracks in a laying pattern and is fastened by being pushed in the support top side.2. Method according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two heating conductor strips are fixedly connected to one another to form said heating element.3. Method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least two heating conductor strips are fixedly connected to one another to form said heating element ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Induction heating type cooktop for heating various objects

Номер: US20210259063A1

An induction heating type cooktop includes a cover plate, a working coil, a thin film, an additional metal film, and an insulator. The cover plate is coupled to a top of a case and includes an upper plate configured to place an object to be heated. The working coil is disposed in the case and configured to heat the object. The thin film is disposed on the upper plate. The additional metal film forms an equivalent circuit with the thin film and the object so as to allow an induced current by the working coil to be induced into the object arranged at the upper plate. The insulator is disposed between a bottom surface of the upper plate and the working coil.

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Sample holder

Номер: US20210265190A1
Автор: Seiya SAISHO
Принадлежит: Kyocera Corp

A sample holder according to the disclosure includes: for example, a plate-like ceramic substrate; a heat-generating resistor; a metallic member configured to cover another principal surface of the ceramic substrate; a bonding layer configured to bond the ceramic substrate and the metallic member; a lead terminal; a conduction section which is disposed inside the bonding layer and is configured to electrically connect the heat-generating resistor and the lead terminal; and a joining member configured to join the conduction section and the lead terminal. The joining member is covered with a low-thermal-conductivity member which is lower in thermal conductivity than the bonding layer.

23-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180242402A1

A surface heater including a substrate, an insulating layer positioned on the substrate, and a heater layer positioned on the insulating layer, wherein the insulating layer and the heating layer are co-fired. 1. A surface heater , comprising:a substrate;an insulating layer disposed on the substrate;a heater layer disposed on the insulating layer.2. The surface heater of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises one of a glass material claim 1 , a glass-ceramic material claim 1 , or a ceramic material.3. The surface heater of claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer comprises at least one of Boron nitride claim 1 , Aluminum nitride claim 1 , and Silicon nitride.4. The surface heater of claim 1 , wherein the insulating layer comprises glass frit as a binder.5. The surface heater of claim 4 , wherein the binder comprises a Borosilicate component and/or a Bentonite component.6. The surface heater of claim 1 , wherein the heater layer comprises at least one lanthanide oxide from a group consisting of LSM (Lanthanum Strontium Manganite) claim 1 , LSCF (Lanthanum Strontium Cobalt Ferrite) claim 1 , LNF (Lanthanum Nickel Ferrite) claim 1 , and LC (Lanthanum Cobalt oxide).7. The surface heater of claim 1 , wherein the heater layer comprises a metal powder.8. The surface heater of claim 7 , wherein the metal powder comprises at least one selected from a group consisting of silver (Ag) claim 7 , silver-palladium (Ag—Pd) claim 7 , and copper (Cu).9. The surface heater of claim 4 , wherein the heater layer comprises glass frit having the same composition as the binder of the insulating layer.10. An electric range claim 4 , comprising:a surface heater, comprising:a substrate,a co-fired insulating layer disposed on the substrate, anda co-fired heater layer disposed on the insulating layer.11. A method of manufacturing a surface heater claim 4 , comprising:preparing a substrate;providing an insulating layer on the substrate;providing a heater layer on the insulating layer; andco- ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180245796A1
Автор: Iordanoglou Dimitrios

A cooktop appliance includes an electric heating element positioned below a ceramic plate. A temperature sensor is positioned proximate a bottom surface of the ceramic plate. The temperature sensor may be offset from a center of the electric heating element. A controller is configured to receive a plurality of temperature measurements from the temperature sensor, determine a change between the plurality of temperature measurements over time, calculate a value of a control criterion with the change between the plurality of temperature measurements over time, and open a relay in response to the value of the control criterion passing a threshold value. A related method for operating a cooktop appliance is also provided. 1. A cooktop appliance , comprising:a ceramic plate;an electric heating element positioned below the ceramic plate;a temperature sensor positioned proximate a bottom surface of the ceramic plate, the temperature sensor positioned above the electric heating element;a relay coupled to the electric heating element, the relay operable to selectively terminate electrical power to the electric heating element; and receive a plurality of temperature measurements from the temperature sensor,', 'determine a change between the plurality of temperature measurements over time,', 'calculate a value of a control criterion with the change between the plurality of temperature measurements over time, the control criterion being a function of at the least a temperature change with respect to time, and', 'open the relay in response to the value of the control criterion passing a threshold value., 'a controller in operative communication with the temperature sensor and the relay, the controller configured to'}2. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the controller is configured to open the relay in response to the value of the control criterion passing the threshold value or keep the relay closed in response to the value of the control criterion not passing the ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190239680A1

A heating appliance includes a translucent cooktop and a burner in communication with the cooktop. The burner is operable between deactive and active states. The upper surface of the cooktop defines a cooldown state after the burner is moved from the active to the deactive state. A light module includes a light source and is in an illuminated state when the burner is in the active state and when the cooktop is in the cooldown state. A light guide extends from the light module and around a portion of the burner. The light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the light guide. The outer surface of the light guide includes a formed surface that directs light upward and through the cooktop, wherein the light guide is visible through the cooktop when the light module is in the illuminated state. 1. A heating appliance comprising:a translucent cooktop surface;an electric burner positioned below and in thermal communication with the translucent cooktop surface, the electric burner being operable between a deactive state and an active state, wherein the translucent cooktop surface proximate the electric burner defines a cooldown state after the electric burner is moved from the active state to the deactive state;a light module including a light source, wherein the light module is in an illuminated state when the electric burner is in the active state, and wherein the light module remains in the illuminated state during the cooldown state; anda fiber optic light guide extending from the light module and extending around a perimeter of the electric burner, wherein the fiber optic light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the fiber optic light guide, and wherein the fiber optic light guide includes a core member having an upper conditioned surface that is positioned along a top portion of the core member for directing a concentrated light pattern upward and through the translucent cooktop surface, wherein the ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210302025A1
Автор: Linares Miguel A.

An assembly for magnetic induction or magnetocaloric heating of a cooktop surface. One or more magnetic/electromagnetic plates are rotated by a motor or other rotary inducing input in proximity to a stationary supported magnetocaloric heating material conductive plate. Joule heating and eddy currents are generated through oscillating of magnetic fields at a given frequency when magnets/electromagnets rotate, and which is conducted through the magnetocaloric heating material via conduction and emanates from an exposed surface thereof. Conventional heating elements, such as resistor coils, are integrated into the magnetocaloric cooktop material in order to provide fast initial heat up of the materials and can be de-powered once inductive heating of the magnetocaloric material achieves desired performance levels. The housing interior can be sealed and contain a volume of any type of thermal fluid oil, lubricant or refrigerant or any other fluid with high specific heat capacity and high boiling point for providing any heat transfer properties.

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190246832A1
Автор: Millett Frederick

A heating appliance includes a translucent cooktop and a burner in communication with the cooktop. The burner is operable between deactive and active states. The upper surface of the cooktop defines a cooldown state after the burner is moved from the active to the deactive state. A light module includes a light source and is in an illuminated state when the burner is in the active state and when the cooktop is in the cooldown state. A light guide extends from the light module and around a portion of the burner. The light guide is positioned such that the light source directs light through the light guide. The outer surface of the light guide includes a formed surface that directs light upward and through the cooktop, wherein the light guide is visible through the cooktop when the light module is in the illuminated state. 1. A heating appliance comprising:a translucent cooktop;an electric burner positioned in thermal communication with an upper surface of the translucent cooktop, the electric burner being operable between a deactive state and at least one active state, wherein the upper surface of the translucent cooktop proximate the electric burner defines a cooldown state after the electric burner is moved from the at least one active state to the deactive state;a light module including at least one light source that is illuminated in the at least one active state and the cooldown state; anda light guide extending from the at least one light source and extending around a portion of the electric burner such that the at least one light source directs light through the light guide, wherein an outer surface of the light guide includes an elongated formed surface that directs and concentrates the light upward and through the translucent cooktop and is visible through the translucent cooktop, wherein the elongated formed surface is a single prism-shaped extrusion that extends uniformly and continuously along only a top portion of the light guide.2. The heating appliance ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248908A1

A glass-ceramic plate for a cooking device includes a first main face to be in contact with liquids, a second main face and an edge, a liquid-retaining bead fastened to and in contact with the first main face, wherein the retaining bead surrounds a region of the first main face so as to form a liquid-retaining reservoir, and includes at least two hydrophobic sub-beads inscribed within one another and separated by hydrophilic zones, a width of the hydrophilic zone between two consecutive sub-beads is throughout at least greater than 500 μm and less than a threshold value, the threshold value being defined so that, when a liquid is present in the hydrophilic zone, a variation in the retention time or volume of the liquid before overflowing, relative to a same liquid present in a hydrophilic zone, the width of which is greater than the value, is less than 5%. 2. The glass-ceramic plate as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the threshold value is at most 2.5 cm claim 1 , the width of the hydrophilic zone between two consecutive sub-beads being throughout between 500 μm and 2.5 cm.3. The glass-ceramic plate as claimed in claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the hydrophobic sub-beads are in contact with water claim 1 , the hysteresis H of the contact angle between said hydrophobic sub-beads and the water is greater than or equal to 20° claim 1 , said hysteresis H of the contact angle being defined as the difference between the advancing angle θa and the receding angle θr the water on said hydrophobic sub-beads.4. The glass-ceramic plate as claimed in claim 3 , wherein said advancing angle is between 108 and 120°.5. The glass-ceramic plate as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the width of the hydrophobic sub-beads is between 5 mm and 20 mm.6. The glass-ceramic plate as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a value of the roughness parameter claim 1 , Ra claim 1 , of the hydrophobic sub-beads is between 1 and 10 μm.7. The glass-ceramic plate as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a value of the peak-to- ...

06-10-2016 дата публикации

Replacement Modules For Cooktops

Номер: US20160295643A1
Автор: Duong Anthony T.

An apparatus relates generally to a cooktop. In such an apparatus, an induction heating module has an electrical connector. The electrical connector is configured for coupling to a socket for an electrical resistance heating coil of a conduction heating cooktop for receiving an electrical input. The induction heating module is configured for interchange with the electrical resistance heating coil associated with the conductive heating cooktop. 1. An apparatus , comprising:an induction heating module having an electrical connector;wherein the electrical connector is configured for coupling to a socket for an electrical resistance heating coil of a conduction heating cooktop for receiving an electrical input; andwherein the induction heating module is configured for interchange with the electrical resistance heating coil associated with the conductive heating cooktop.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the electrical input is an AC electrical input claim 1 , and wherein the induction heating module comprises:a housing;an induction heating coil located in the housing;a controller for converting the AC electrical input associated with the electrical resistance heating coil to a DC electrical output for the induction heating module;an electrical interface block coupled to receive the DC electrical output to control heating by the induction heating coil; anda cooktop platform supported by the housing.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the cooktop platform is for a single burner and is a glass-ceramic platform.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the cooktop platform has formed therein a pattern of channels.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the pattern of channels comprises:radial channels with a downward slope away from a central region of the cooktop platform; andan outer perimeter channel of the cooktop platform positioned for communication of fluid from the radial channels to the outer perimeter channel.6. The apparatus ...

22-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150300650A1

A cooking hob with illumination equipment. The cooking hob includes a transparent or semi-transparent top panel arranged at a top side of the hob. The cooking hob includes at least one cooking zone and at least one control element for controlling the cooking zone. The cooking hob includes at least one transparent or semi-transparent layer. Symbols or images are printed on, applied on, impressed in and/or embossed in the layer. Each symbol or image corresponds with a cooking zone, a control element and/or an operation state of the cooking hob. The cooking hob includes light source elements arranged below the top panel and the layer. Each light source element corresponds with one or more symbols or images. One or more light source elements are activated on demand by the user and, if the corresponding cooking zone is activated, the corresponding control element responds or the corresponding operation state occurs, respectively. 1. A cooking hob with illumination equipment , wherein:{'b': 10', '12', '10, 'the cooking hob () includes at least one transparent or semi-transparent top panel () arranged at a top side of said cooking hob (),'}{'b': '10', 'the cooking hob () includes at least one cooking zone and at least one control element for controlling said cooking zone,'}{'b': 10', '14, 'the cooking hob () includes at least one transparent or semi-transparent layer (),'}{'b': 16', '14, 'a plurality of symbols () or images is printed on, applied on, impressed in and/or embossed in said layer (),'}{'b': 16', '10, 'the symbol () or image corresponds with a cooking zone, a control element and/or an operation state of the cooking hob (),'}{'b': 10', '18', '12', '14, 'the cooking hob () includes a plurality of light source elements () arranged below the top panel () and the layer (),'}{'b': 18', '16, 'the light source element () corresponds with one or more symbols () or images, and'}{'b': '18', 'one or more light source elements () are activated on demand by the user and, if ...

19-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190285282A1
Принадлежит: Ceramaspeed, Inc.

A radiant electric heater having a dish-like support having a base layer of thermal insulation material. At least one heating element is supported relative to the base layer. A temperature-responsive device having a rod-like component is secured at one end at a peripheral region of the dish-like support and extends without support partly across the heater over the at least one heating element. A supporting member is provided at a free end region of the rod-like component. The supporting member comprises a central portion with a hoop at a first end to receive the free end of the rod-like component and a foot at a second end, the foot being bent at an angle relative to the central portion. A base of the dish-like support is provided with a loop of material extending internally of the dish-like support so as to provide an opening between the base of the dish-like support and the loop, the foot of the supporting member being received through the opening. 1. A radiant electric heater comprising: a dish-like support having a base layer of thermal insulation material; at least one heating element supported relative to the base layer; a temperature-responsive device having a rod-like component secured at one end at a peripheral region of the dish-like support and extending without support partly across the heater over the at least one heating element; and a supporting member provided at a free end region of the rod-like component , wherein the supporting member comprises a central portion with a hoop at a first end to receive the free end of the rod-like component and a foot at a second end , the foot being bent at an angle relative to the central portion , and wherein a base of the dish-like support is provided with a loop of material extending internally of the dish-like support so as to provide an opening between the base of the dish-like support and the loop , the foot of the supporting member being received through the opening.2. The heater of claim 1 , wherein the ...

29-10-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150312966A1
Принадлежит: EUROKERA S.N.C

A cooktop for a fixed or mobile cooking appliance, including a base plate, at least a part, or all, of a peripheral outer edge of a window being in the plane of a peripheral outer edge of the base plate, at least one end plate which is made of different material than that of a seal and is disposed above or on the seal, at least a part of an outer surface of the seal which is located between an outer surface of the base plate and an outer surface of the window being covered by the end plate. 114-. (canceled)15. A cooktop for a fixed or mobile cooking appliance , comprising:a base plate, or a glass-ceramic base plate, including a side edge, an outer surface, and a peripheral outer edge which forms a plane and which is located at the intersection between the side edge and the outer surface;at least one cooking area and at least one control and/or information area, the control and/or information area including a window that is separated from the base plate and including a side edge, an outer surface, and a peripheral outer edge located at the intersection between the side edge and the outer surface;a seal made of synthetic material which is located between a part of the side edge of the base plate and a part of the side edge of the window to provide sealing between the window and the base plate, the seal including an outer surface, at least a part, or all, of the peripheral outer edge of the window being in the plane of the peripheral outer edge of the base plate;at least one end plate which is made of different material than that of the seal and is disposed above or on the seal, at least a part of the outer surface of the seal which is located between the outer surface of the base plate and the outer surface of the window being covered by the end plate.16. The cooktop as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the material of the end plate has a transformation point from solid to viscous claim 15 , or a melting point claim 15 , which is greater than the transformation point of ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160313009A1
Автор: Pille Alexander S.

An appliance includes a spring clip for attaching a radiant burner unit to a cooktop includes a body extending in a lateral direction. A retention tab projects from the body and extends in the lateral direction adjacent the body. A retention arm projects from the body and defines a first spring loop and a lever. The spring loop biases the lever toward the retention tab. The spring clip further includes a snap tab having a support arm projecting from the body in a vertical direction and a tab resiliently flexible toward and away from the support arm. 1. A spring clip for attaching a radiant burner unit to a cooktop , comprising:a body extending in a lateral direction;a retention tab projecting from the body and extending in the lateral direction adjacent the body;a retention arm projecting from the body and defining a first spring loop and a lever, the first spring loop biasing the lever toward the retention tab; anda snap tab having a support arm projecting from the body in a vertical direction and a tab resiliently flexible toward and away from the support arm.2. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the support arm of the snap tab is coupled with the body by a second spring loop disposed between the body and the support arm claim 1 , the second spring loop being resiliently expandable to extend the tab vertically away from the body.3. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the body claim 1 , retention tab claim 1 , retention arm claim 1 , and snap tab are of a single claim 1 , unitary piece of material.4. The spring clip of claim 2 , wherein the single claim 2 , unitary piece of material is stamped steel having a thickness of between about 0.3 and 0.6 millimeters.5. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the tab of the snap tab includes:a release arm extending in the vertical direction opposite the support arm; andfirst and second side arms extending from the release arm on opposite sides thereof.6. The spring clip of claim 1 , wherein the snap tab is insertable within ...

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160316519A1

A heating element that limits the maximum temperature readied by a cooking utensil or food items placed on the heating element is provided. A cooktop appliance with features for limiting the maximum temperature reached by a cooking utensil or food items placed on a heating element of the cooktop appliance also is provided. In particular, a cooktop appliance with a positive temperature coefficient heating element and a controller for regulating the heating element to a selected temperature or heat output is provided. 1. A heating assembly for a cooktop appliance , the heating assembly configured for placement of a cooking utensil thereon , the heating assembly comprising:an insulating material, anda positive temperature coefficient heating element,wherein the positive temperature coefficient heating element regulates the temperature of the heating assembly such that the temperature of the cooking utensil placed on the heating assembly does not exceed a maximum temperature.2. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the positive temperature coefficient heating element is at least partially surrounded by the insulating material.3. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , further comprising a sheath surrounding the insulating material.4. The cooktop appliance of claim 3 , wherein the sheath has a semi-circular cross-section and defines a generally flat surface for the placement of the cooking utensil thereon.5. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the positive temperature coefficient heating element is made from a material composed of at least 10% Nickel.6. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the positive temperature coefficient heating element is made from a semiconductor material.7. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the positive temperature coefficient heating element has a temperature coefficient of resistivity greater than about 0.001.8. The cooktop appliance of claim 1 , wherein the positive temperature coefficient heating element has a ...

12-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150323192A1
Принадлежит: EUROKERA S.N.C.

A cooktop for a fixed or mobile cooking appliance, including a base plate, at least a part, or all, of a peripheral outer edge of a window not being in the plane of a peripheral outer edge of the base plate, at least one end plate which is made of different material than that of a seal and is disposed above or on the seal, at least a part of an outer surface of the seal which is located between the outer surface of the base plate and the outer surface of the window being covered by the end plate. 117-. (canceled)18. A cooktop for a fixed or mobile cooking appliance , comprising:a base plate, or a glass-ceramic base plate, including a side edge, an outer surface, and a peripheral outer edge which forms a plane and which is located at the intersection between the side edge and the outer surface;at least one cooking area and at least one control and/or information area, the control and/or information area including a window that is separated from the base plate and including a side edge, an outer surface, and a peripheral outer edge located at the intersection between the side edge and the outer surface;a seal made of synthetic material which is located between a part of the side edge of the base plate and a part of the side edge of the window to provide sealing between the window and the base plate, the seal including an outer surface, at least a part, or all, of the peripheral outer edge of the window not being in the plane of the peripheral outer edge of the base plate; andat least one end plate which is made of different material than that of the seal and is disposed above or on the seal, at least a part of the outer surface of the seal which is located between the outer surface of the base plate and the outer surface of the window being covered by the end plate.19. The cooktop as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the material of the end plate has a transformation point from solid to viscous claim 18 , or a melting point claim 18 , which is greater than the ...

24-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200305238A1

A structure of the present disclosure includes a substrate made of an aluminum nitride-based ceramic, a power supply terminal made of tungsten or molybdenum, a bonding layer located between the substrate and the power supply terminal to be in contact with each thereof, and an internal electrode electrically connected to the power supply terminal. Then, in the bonding layer, a total of components constituting the power supply terminal and aluminum nitride is 90 vol % or more in a total volume of 100 vol % constituting the bonding layer. 1. A structure comprising:a substrate made of an aluminum nitride-based ceramic;a power supply terminal made of tungsten or molybdenum;a bonding layer located between the substrate and the power supply terminal to be in contact with each thereof; andan internal electrode electrically connected to the power supply terminal, whereina total of components constituting the power supply terminal and aluminum nitride in the bonding layer is 90 vol % or more in a total volume of 100 vol % constituting the bonding layer.2. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the components constituting the power supply terminal in the bonding layer is 20 vol % or greater and 80 vol % or less in the total volume of 100 vol % constituting the bonding layer.3. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein the bonding layer contains an aluminum nitride lump with an aspect ratio that is 5 or greater.4. The structure according to claim 1 , wherein a content of the components constituting the power supply terminal in the internal electrode is greater than the content of the components constituting the power supply terminal in the bonding layer.5. The structure according to claim 4 , wherein the content of the components constituting the power supply terminal in the internal electrode is greater than the content of the components constituting the power supply terminal in the bonding layer by 10 vol % or greater.6. The structure according to claim ...

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190314876A1
Принадлежит: TRS Group, Inc.

A method and system to remediate soil containing PFAS compounds and organic carbon. Total organic carbon is reduced by heating the soil at a sufficient temperature and for a sufficient duration to reduce surface effects between the PFAS compounds and the organic carbon to permit evaporation and treatment of the PFAS compounds from the soil. 1. A method of remediation of soil containing PFAS compounds and organic carbon , the method comprising:reducing the total organic carbon by heating the soil at a sufficient temperature and for a sufficient duration to reduce surface effects between the PFAS compounds and the TOCs to a sufficient level to permit evaporation of the PFAS from the soil.2. The method of comprising heating the soil at a temperature and for a duration sufficient to reduce total organic carbon to less than 0.15% by weight.3. The method of comprising heating the soil at a temperature and for a duration sufficient to reduce total organic carbon to less than 0.1% by weight.4. The method of comprising heating the soil at a temperature and for a duration sufficient to reduce total organic carbon to less than 0.05% by weight.5. The method of wherein the soil is heated to a temperature in the range of 225 degrees Celsius to 440 degrees Celsius.6. The method of wherein the soil is heated to a temperature in the range of 300 degrees Celsius to 400 degrees Celsius.7. The method of wherein the soil is heated to a temperature in the range of 320 degrees Celsius to 380 degrees Celsius.8. The method of wherein the soil is heated to a temperature in the range of 330 degrees Celsius to 350 degrees Celsius.9. The method of wherein the soil is heated for a duration in the range of 1 to 30 days.10. The method of wherein the soil is heated for a duration in the range of 5 to 25 days.11. The method of wherein the soil is heated for a duration in the range of 2 to 10 days.12. The method of wherein heating is performed by conductive heat transfer using heater wells installed ...

16-11-2017 дата публикации

Stovetop heat management system

Номер: US20170332445A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A food warming system involving a heat sink component, a warming plate, and an intervening insulation and heat- or fire-resistant layer that moderates the flow of heat from a charged heat sink component to the warming plate on which a vessel containing food is placed to maintain food in a heat-regulated state.

17-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190320503A1

Systems and methods are provided for radiant heating by PTC radiant patches. A radiant heating system for warming an occupant of an enclosed space includes patches to radiate heat into the enclosed space toward the occupant. A power supply supplies electric power to the patches. A controller controls the electric power supplied to the patches based on a temperature in the enclosed space and locations of the patches within the enclosed space. 1. A radiant heating system for warming an occupant of an enclosed space , the system comprising:a first patch configured to radiate heat into the enclosed space toward the occupant;a second patch configured to radiate heat into the enclosed space toward the occupant;a power supply configured to supply electric power to the first and second patches; anda controller configured to control the electric power supplied to the first and second patches based on a temperature in the enclosed space and based on locations of the patches within the enclosed space.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the supply of electric power based on an occupant comfort level.3. The system of claim 2 , comprising a heating claim 2 , ventilation and air conditioning system including a blower claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to supply electric current to the first and second patches and to stop the blower when the temperature in the enclosed space is lower than a comfortable range.4. The system of claim 1 , comprising:a first sensor configured to determine an ambient temperature outside the enclosed space; anda second sensor configured to determine a cabin temperature inside the enclosed space; andwherein the controller is configured to control the supply of electric current to the first and second patches based on the ambient temperature and the cabin temperature.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the enclosed space is a cabin of a vehicle and comprising:a lower dash panel on which the first patch is positioned; anda ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180328592A1

An embodiment of an electric heating element is disclosed, including an electrically resistive inner heating element, an electrically resistive outer heating element, and a thermostat positioned along a cold leg of the inner heating element. The thermostat is configured to selectively allow electrical current to be delivered to the inner heating element while maximum electrical current, for example, continues to be provided to the outer heating element. The thermostat cycles the electrical current on and off when detecting maximum and minimum desired temperatures radiated from the electric heating element. The inner heating element has a pair of cold legs that extend parallel to a pair of cold legs of the outer heating element, some or all of which may be supported by a terminal bracket. 1. An electric heating element , comprising:an electrically resistive inner heating element including an inner coiled heating portion and first and second cold legs extending from the inner coiled heating portion for connection to an electrical power source;an electrically resistive outer heating element including an outer coiled heating portion positioned in a first common plane with and around the inner coiled heating portion, the outer heating element including third and fourth cold legs extending from the outer coiled heating portion for connection to the electrical power source, the third and fourth cold legs positioned parallel to and in a second common plane with the first and second cold legs; anda controller positioned under the first common plane in proximity to the inner coiled heating portion and along one of the first and second cold legs, the controller configured to selectively open and close an electrical circuit to cycle off and on the inner coiled heating portion.2. The electric heating element of claim 1 , wherein the controller is coupled to a timer to enable the controller to open the electrical circuit after a predetermined amount of time has elapsed to turn ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180332669A1
Автор: KUCHIMACHI Kazuhiro

A heater includes a first ceramic substrate having a heating face on one main face thereof; a second ceramic substrate disposed so that one main face thereof covers the other main face of the first ceramic substrate; a heat generating resistor disposed on the one main face of the second ceramic substrate; and an adhesive layer which bonds the first ceramic substrate and the second ceramic substrate while covering the heat generating resistor. 1. A heater , comprising:a first ceramic substrate having a heating face on one main face thereof;a second ceramic substrate disposed so that one main face thereof covers the other main face of the first ceramic substrate;a heat generating resistor disposed on the one main face of the second ceramic substrate; andan adhesive layer which bonds the first ceramic substrate and the second ceramic substrate while covering the heat generating resistor.2. The heater according to claim 1 , wherein the one main face of the second ceramic substrate is provided with a groove section claim 1 , and the heat generating resistor is disposed on a bottom face of the groove section along a profile of the groove section.3. The heater according to claim 2 , wherein a thickness of the heat generating resistor is smaller than a depth of the groove section.4. The heater according to claim 3 , wherein a clearance is provided between the heat generating resistor and the adhesive layer.5. The heater according to or claim 3 , wherein the thickness of the heat generating resistor becomes gradually smaller toward a center side in a width direction of the groove section.6. The heater according to claim 1 , further comprising a temperature sensor inside the first ceramic substrate. The present invention relates to a heater.As a heater, a ceramics heater for a semiconductor manufacturing apparatus described in Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication JP-A 2004-146567 (hereafter also referred to as Patent Literature 1) is known. The ceramics heater for a ...

15-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200329534A1
Автор: Matsui Yoshihiko

Provided is a heater in which heater patterns are provided in parallel between terminals. Each terminal is divided into a divided terminal having electrical conduction only with one heater pattern, and a divided terminal having electrical conduction only with the other heater pattern. After a heater body is fabricated, in a state prior to mounting a feed bolt, resistance adjustment is performed with respect to each of a virtual series path formed between the divided terminals and a virtual series path formed between the divided terminals. Then the feed bolt is mounted to each terminal, whereby a plurality of virtual series heater patterns are placed in electrical conduction with each other, thus forming a parallel circuit. 1. A parallel-type heater wherein a plurality of heater patterns are formed in parallel between a pair of terminals to which power supply bolts are fitted respectively the parallel-type heater comprising:each of said pair terminals is divided into a plurality of spaced segmental terminals of the same number as said plurality of heater patterns, said plurality of segmental terminals being electrically connected with each other by said power supply bolt,a plurality of imaginary serial heater patterns arc formed between one of said segmental terminals divided from one of said pair of terminals and one of said segmental terminals divided from the other pair of terminals when said power supply bolts are not yet fitted, said plurality of imaginary serial heater patterns being electrically connected with each other to form parallel circuits when said power supply bolts are fitted.2. The parallel-type heater of wherein a head of said power supply bolt is in contact with a heater element forming said heater pattern directly or via a washer made by conductive material.3. The parallel-type heater of wherein first and second heater patterns are formed in parallel between a pair of said pair of terminals claim 1 , each terminal being divided into a first ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200340678A1
Автор: JR. James William, Masten

An infrared heating apparatus includes a sheet of ceramic glass having a passband in the infrared spectrum, a metal resistive element having a first portion that is covered by a ceramic refractory material and a second portion that is exposed by the ceramic refractory material, and a controller that controls the metal resistive element to emit infrared radiation in a wavelength corresponding to the passband of the ceramic glass. 1. An infrared heating apparatus comprising:a sheet of ceramic glass having a passband in the infrared spectrum;a metal resistive element having a first portion that is covered by a ceramic refractory material and a second portion that is exposed by the ceramic refractory material; anda controller that controls the metal resistive element to emit infrared radiation in a wavelength corresponding to the passband of the ceramic glass.2. The infrared heating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when current is supplied to the metal resistive element claim 1 , more than 70% of radiant energy from the metal resistive element contacts the ceramic glass.3. The infrared heating apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a temperature sensor coupled to the ceramic glass,wherein the temperature is configured to control an amount of heat provided to an object on the ceramic glass based on a combination of radiant heat from the resistive element and conductive heat from the ceramic glass.4. The infrared heating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the metal resistive element is a coil claim 1 , and at least a portion of the ceramic refractory material is disposed within a central void of the coil.5. The infrared heating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the metal resistive element is a coil claim 1 , a lower portion of the coil is enclosed by the ceramic refractory material claim 1 , and an upper portion of the coil is exposed by the ceramic refractory material.6. The infrared heating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ceramic refractory material provides ...

07-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190342952A1

A sample holder includes: a ceramic substrate including a first circular main surface and a second circular main surface, the ceramic substrate including a first layer, a second layer and a third layer located in sequence; a conductive section located between the second layer and the third layer, the conductive section including a portion extending in a circumferential direction of the first circular main surface and a portion extending in a radial direction of the first circular main surface; a first heater located between the first layer and the second layer; and a second heater located between the second layer and the third layer and connected to the conductive section, the second heater having an annular shape which surrounds the first heater and the conductive section when viewed in a transparent plan view of the sample holder. 1. A sample holder , comprising:a ceramic substrate comprising a first circular main surface and a second circular main surface, the ceramic substrate comprising a first layer, a second layer and a third layer located in sequence;a conductive section located between the second layer and the third layer, the conductive section comprising a portion extending in a circumferential direction of the first circular main surface and a portion extending in a radial direction of the first circular main surface;a first heater located between the first layer and the second layer; anda second heater located between the second layer and the third layer and connected to the conductive section, the second heater having an annular shape which surrounds the first heater and the conductive section when viewed in a transparent plan view of the sample holder.2. The sample holder according to claim 1 , wherein the portion extending in the circumferential direction of the conductive section comprisesa first portion located on a circumference of a first virtual circle, and a second portion located on a circumference of a second virtual circle, wherein the first ...

24-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150373785A1

A fixing member, a cooking range and an oven with the same are provided. The fixing member includes: a base plate defining a mounting hole; a connecting plate comprising a first plate segment connected at a first side of the base plate, a second plate segment, and a third plate segment substantially parallel to the base plate, the second plate segment being connected between the first and third plate segments; and a fixing plate defining a first end connected at a second side of the base plate and perpendicular to the base plate, and a second end having a snapping tongue bent and extended in a direction away from the connecting plate, a vertical distance between a free end of the snapping tongue and the base plate being equal to or greater than that between the third plate segment and the base plate. 1. A fixing member , comprising:a base plate defining a mounting hole;a connecting plate comprising a first plate segment connected at a first side of the base plate, a second plate segment, and a third plate segment substantially parallel to the base plate, the second plate segment being connected between the first and third plate segments; anda fixing plate defining a first end connected at a second side of the base plate and perpendicular to the base plate, and a second end having a snapping tongue bent and extended in a direction away from the connecting plate, a vertical distance between a free end of the snapping tongue and the base plate being equal to or greater than that between the third plate segment and the base plate.2. The fixing member according to claim 1 , wherein the second plate segment is configured as a sloping plate slantwise extended from the base plate to the third plate segment upwardly.3. The fixing member according to claim 1 , wherein the first plate segment is configured as a flat plate perpendicular to the base plate.4. The fixing member according to claim 1 , wherein the first plate segment is configured as an arc plate protruded in a ...

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Method and Apparatus for Controlling Operation of Range Top Coils for Cooking

Номер: US20190346147A1
Принадлежит: BROWN STOVE WORKS Inc

A range has burner coil elements which have temperature switches as a portion of the replaceable coils. Upon reaching a predetermined temperature, the switch opens and power through the burner element is secured. The burner elements are preferably open coil units. Lowering the temperature in a cooking utensil below common ignition temperatures while still allowing boiling is an objective of many embodiments.

13-12-2018 дата публикации

Interior mounted cooktop bracket for concealed and surface mounted installation

Номер: US20180356102A1
Принадлежит: Whirlpool Corp

An inside-mount countertop-range support for a flush-mount countertop range includes a counter bracket configured to be engaged to an inner edge of an opening defined within a countertop with a top surface. A base flange extends from the counter bracket and into the opening. The inside-mount countertop-range support includes a range having a housing and top member above the housing that extends over the opening and includes a bottom surface, wherein the housing is configured to be disposed within the opening. A range bracket is configured to be coupled to the housing and includes a top flange that is configured to be supported by the base flange, wherein when the top flange rests upon the base flange, the bottom surface of the top member engages and is flush with the top surface of the countertop.

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200359466A1
Автор: SCHLIPF Andreas

A method for manufacturing an electrical heating device includes the steps of providing a coil form with a longitudinal axis, winding an electrical heating element on the coil form along the longitudinal axis and inserting one end section of the electrical heating element and a connecting wire into the opening passing through the coil form, inserting the coil form with an electrical heating element wound on it into an opening passing through the coil form parallel to the longitudinal axis into the interior of a tubular metal jacket, filling the tubular metal jacket with an electrically insulating, heat-conductive powder and compacting the tubular metal jacket with coil form inserted therein and filled with the electrically insulating, heat-conductive powder, wherein, by means of the compaction, the coil form is deformed to change the ratio between the length of the main axis and the length of the secondary axis. 1. A method for manufacturing an electrical heating device comprising the following the steps:providing a coil form with a longitudinal axis, wherein the coil form is shaped so that cross-sectional surfaces of the coil form, to which the longitudinal axis is perpendicular, have a main axis, which corresponds to a greatest diameter of the cross-sectional surfaces, and a secondary axis, which corresponds to a smallest diameter of the cross-sectional surfaces, and wherein the coil form has at least one opening extending parallel to the longitudinal axis; winding at least one section of an electrical heating element on the coil form along the longitudinal axis and inserting an end section of the electrical heating element and a connecting wire into the at least one opening passing through the coil form parallel to the longitudinal axis and', 'inserting a coiled section of the electrical heating element into an opening passing through the coil form parallel to the longitudinal axis;, 'one ofinserting the coil form with the electrical heating element wound on the ...

12-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200359470A1

A cooking hob includes a cooktop defining a major surface extending between a plurality of sides and a plurality of edge surfaces extending away from the major surface at respective sides thereof and a plurality of burner units disposed at the major surface within respective sections of the major surface. The cooktop further includes a lighting assembly affixed with the cooktop opposite the major surface and extending adjacent at least two of the sections of the major surface and including a plurality of lighting elements respectively exposed at respective portions of the edge surfaces corresponding with the sections of the major surface. 1. A cooking hob , comprising:a cooktop defining a major surface extending between a plurality of sides and a plurality of edge surfaces extending away from the major surface at respective sides thereof;a plurality of burner units disposed at the major surface within respective sections of the major surface; anda lighting assembly affixed with the cooktop opposite the major surface and extending adjacent at least two of the sections of the major surface and including a plurality of lighting elements respectively exposed at respective portions of the edge surfaces corresponding with the sections of the major surface.2. The cooking hob of claim 1 , wherein:the cooktop is of a glass-ceramic substrate, the major surface and edge surfaces being defined thereon, and further defining an inner surface opposite the major surface; andthe lighting assembly is affixed with the cooktop adjacent the inner surface.3. The cooking hob of claim 2 , wherein:the lighting assembly includes a light guide extending along portions of the inner surface adjacent at least two of the plurality of edge surfaces and defining at least two outer faces extending generally contiguously with the at least two of the plurality of edge surfaces, respectively; andthe plurality of lighting elements are spaced inwardly of the light guides.4. The cooking hob of claim 2 , ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190364621A1

A cooking device includes a light unit and an insulation unit configured to electrically insulate the light unit. The insulation unit includes a first insulation element and a second insulation element, with the light unit being at least partially arranged between the first insulation element and the second insulation element. 112-. (canceled)13. A cooking device , comprising:a light unit; andan insulation unit configured to electrically insulate the light unit and including a first insulation element a second insulation element, said light unit being at least partially arranged between the first and second insulation elements.14. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein at least one of the first and second insulation elements is embodied in flat form with a maximum material thickness of at most 2 mm.15. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein the light unit is configured to include a light element claim 13 , at least one of the first and second insulation elements claim 13 , and a light recess assigned to the light element.16. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein at least one of the first and second insulation elements is in contact with the light unit.17. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein the first and second insulation elements are arranged at least essentially parallel to each other.18. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein at least one of the first and second insulation elements is embodied in one piece.19. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein the first and second insulation elements are embodied at least essentially in a structurally identical manner to each other.20. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein at least one of the first and second insulation elements is embodied at least partially from mica.21. The cooking device of claim 13 , wherein the light unit comprises a support element claim 13 , which is embodied in at least partially strip-like form claim 13 , and a multiplicity of light elements claim 13 , which are arranged on the ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200396802A1
Автор: Kwon Yooseok

Discussed are a surface type heating element which generates heat using electricity and a method of manufacturing the surface type heating element. The surface type heating element includes a NiCr alloy and has an oxygen content of 1 to 4 wt %, so that it can be used even at a high operating temperature of 400° C. or more, suppresses the elution of the material itself, has high fracture toughness, a low coefficient of thermal expansion, and heat resistance, and furthermore, ensures conductivity by having improved adhesive strength with respect to at least one of a substrate and an insulating layer, and controlled electrical resistivity. 1. A surface type heating element to generate heat using electricity , the surface type heating element comprising:a NiCr alloy; andoxygen in an amount of about 1 to about 3 wt % of the surface type heating element.2. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein an adhesive strength of the surface type heating element is about 25 N or more with respect to a substrate or an insulating layer.3. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein an electrical resistivity of the surface type heating element is about 10to about 10Ωcm.4. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein a Ni content of the NiCr alloy ranges from about 60 to about 95 wt % of the surface type heating element.5. The surface type heating element of claim 2 , wherein the substrate is formed of any one of glass claim 2 , a glass ceramic claim 2 , AlO claim 2 , AlN claim 2 , polyimide claim 2 , polyether ether ketone (PEEK) claim 2 , and a ceramic.6. The surface type heating element of claim 2 , wherein the insulating layer includes any one of boron nitride claim 2 , aluminum nitride claim 2 , and silicon nitride.7. The surface type heating element of claim 6 , wherein the insulating layer includes a glass frit as a binder.8. The surface type heating element of claim 7 , wherein the glass frit includes a borosilicate component and/or a bentonite ...

17-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200396803A1
Автор: JEONG Changwoo

Discussed are a surface type heating element which generates heat using electricity and a method of manufacturing the surface type heating element. The surface type heating element includes: a substrate; a buffer layer disposed on the substrate, the buffer layer having a thermal expansion coefficient of about 50*10to about 100)*10m/° C.; and a surface type heating element layer disposed on the buffer layer and including a NiCr alloy, and thus it can be used even at a high operating temperature of about 450° C. or more, suppresses the elution of the material itself, and allows thermal stress caused by a difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between the surface type heating element layer and the substrate to be reduced while having high fracture toughness, a low coefficient of thermal expansion, and heat resistance. 1. A surface type heating element to generate heat using electricity , the surface type heating element comprising:a substrate;{'sup': −7', '−7, 'a buffer layer disposed on the substrate, the buffer layer having a thermal expansion coefficient of about 50*10to about 100*10m/° C.; and'}a surface type heating element layer including a NiCr alloy, and disposed on the buffer layer.2. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is formed of any one of glass claim 1 , a glass ceramic claim 1 , AlO claim 1 , AlN claim 1 , polyimide claim 1 , polyether ether ketone (PEEK) claim 1 , and a ceramic.3. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein the buffer layer has a thickness of about 1 to about 10 μm.4. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein the buffer layer has an electrical resistivity of about 10to about 10Ωcm.5. The surface type heating element of claim 1 , wherein the buffer layer includes a glass frit claim 1 , and the glass frit includes SiOat about 60 to about 70 wt % claim 1 , BOat about 15 to about 25 wt % claim 1 , AlOat about 1 to about 10 wt % claim 1 , an alkali oxide at about 10 wt % or less ...

16-07-1998 дата публикации

Device and method for detecting the presence and / or the size of metallic pots on a heating or cooking zone

Номер: DE19700753A1
Принадлежит: Schott Glaswerke AG

A device for recognising the presence and/or size of metallic pots on a heating or cooking zone of a non-metallic hotplate or cooking plate, in particular of a vitroceramic cooktop, has a measurement sensor (3) arranged in the area of the heating or cooking zone and an evaluation unit (5) connected to the measurement sensor. The measurement sensor has a primary coil (8) for generating a magnetic alternating field and a secondary coil (9) arranged in such a way that it is crossed by the magnetic alternating field of the primary coil. The evaluation unit (5) monitors the voltage induced in the secondary coil (9) by the magnetic alternating field. When a pot is set on the heating or cooking zone, this causes the induction voltage to change, the intensity of the induction voltage being dependent on the size of the pot.

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Hob with a sensor device and method for detecting cooking utensils on a hob

Номер: EP2034799A1

The hob has a sensor device (10) for detecting cookware elements (16a, 16b) positioned on a cooking surface, where the sensor device is provided with multiple sensor elements (12) e.g. induction heat elements, arranged in a sensor raster. A control unit (14) activates and deactivates the sensor elements according to a search program, where the control unit activates selection of one of the sensor elements to detect the cookware elements. The control element activates selection of another sensor element when the cookware elements are detected by the former sensor element. An independent claim is also included for a method for detecting cookware elements positioned on a cooking surface.

17-11-2022 дата публикации

Ceramic heater and method of manufacturing the ceramic heater

Номер: US20220369425A1
Принадлежит: NGK Insulators Ltd

A method of manufacturing a ceramic heater, the method includes the steps of: (a) forming, on a surface of a first ceramic fired layer or an unfired layer, a resistance heating element or its precursor in a predetermined pattern; (b) forming a recessed groove along a longitudinal direction by radiating laser light to the resistance heating element or its precursor; (c) obtaining a layered body by disposing a second ceramic unfired layer on the surface of the first ceramic fired layer or the unfired layer; and (d) obtaining the ceramic heater in which the resistance heating element is embedded in a ceramic substrate by performing hot press firing on the layered body, wherein, in the step (b), the recessed groove is formed such that a side wall surface of the recessed groove is inclined relative to the surface of the first ceramic fired layer or the unfired layer.

16-08-1984 дата публикации

Comfination locks

Номер: KR840001174B1

The combination lock may have several dials, each coupled to a corresponding rotary element having a periphery that is circular except for a peripheral portion that must be turned to a preditermined position w.r.t. a sliding bolt to permit the lock to be opened. Each peripheral portion has a notch and the bolt has a ridge portion for each noty, with the ridge portions mating with the notches, respectively, when the noches have the predetermined position. The combination lock may have the bolt altermatively moved by dialdriven cams between an unlocked position and a locked position.

15-12-1998 дата публикации

Radiant heater, in particular for heating a glass ceramic hot plate

Номер: KR0159802B1

이 발명은 전기가열구성요소에 지지되고 장착층 및/또는 단열성 미세공질절연층으로 구성되는 절연체의 표면을 가진 영역을 구비하고 그 절연체 주위에 환상테두리를 형성하는 디쉬형상 엔클로저를 구비하며 특히 글라스-세라믹가열판을 가열하는 방열기에 관한 것이다. The invention includes a dish-shaped enclosure having an area with an insulator surface supported by an electric heating component and consisting of a mounting layer and / or an insulating microporous insulating layer and forming an annular border around the insulator, in particular a glass- A radiator for heating a ceramic heating plate. 이 방열기는 고도의 다공질의 섬유없는 무기재, 예로서 버미큘라이트로 구성되는 장착층 및/또는 엔클로저 및/또는 미세공질절연층을 가진다. The radiator has a mounting layer and / or an enclosure and / or a microporous insulating layer composed of a highly porous, fiberless inorganic material such as vermiculite. 특히 바람직한 예에서는 섬유없는 방열기를 구성한다. In a particularly preferred example, a fiberless radiator is constructed.

14-09-2022 дата публикации

Ceramic heater and its manufacturing method

Номер: KR20220124779A
Принадлежит: 엔지케이 인슐레이터 엘티디

정전 척 히터는, 세라믹 기판(12)의 내부에 저항 발열체(16)를 구비하고 있다. 저항 발열체(16)의 표면에는, 저항 발열체(16)의 길이 방향을 따라서 오목 홈(17)이 마련되어 있다. 오목 홈(17)의 측벽면(17a)은 세라믹 기판(12)의 표면에 대하여 경사져 있다. 오목 홈(17)의 측벽면(17a)과 세라믹 기판(12) 사이에는 공극이 존재하지 않는다.

26-03-1998 дата публикации

Heating conductor for a hob

Номер: DE19638832A1
Принадлежит: AKO Werke GmbH and Co KG

The invention concerns a heat conductor that can be easily mounted on a geometric pattern in a radiant element of a cooking plate and that has good radiation properties. To this end, the heat conductor disclosed is separated from the metal foil in line with the shape or partial shape of the geometrical pattern and forms the connecting heating elements (1). In the geometrical pattern there are stabilizing connecting elements (5), the width of which is smaller than that of the connecting heating elements (1) so that they can burn out when an electrical current not dangerous to the connecting heating elements (1) is turned on.

01-07-1986 дата публикации

Electric cooker

Номер: JPS61143626A
Принадлежит: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd

(57)【要約】本公報は電子出願前の出願データであるた め要約のデータは記録されません。
