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20-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2414813C2
Принадлежит: ТАЛЬ (FR)

Изобретение применяется в создании конструкций корпусов электронной аппаратуры, а более конкретно - корпусов электронной аппаратуры, устанавливаемой на носителях и, в частности, на летательных аппаратах. Технический результат - изготовление корпусов электронной аппаратуры из материалов с меньшим удельным весом, чем у алюминиевых сплавов, таких как магниевые сплавы, при использовании новой конструкции корпуса, в которой каркас, изготовляемый методом литья и/или механической обработки первого металлического материала, обеспечивает жесткость корпуса, а стенки, изготовляемые из листов второго металлического материала, обеспечивают снижение массы. Достигается тем, что корпус электронной аппаратуры содержит металлические стенки (101), (102), (103), (104), смонтированные на каркасе, причем этот каркас содержит две рамки (111), (112) и четыре поперечины (113), (114), (115), (116) одинаковой длины, соединяющие две рамки (111), (112). Согласно изобретению рамки (111), (112) изготовлены из литого ...

22-03-2022 дата публикации

Способ изготовления корпусов модулей микроэлектроники

Номер: RU2767928C1

Изобретение относится к области обработки металлов давлением, более конкретно к способам изготовления заготовки корпуса модуля микросборки, применяемых в авиационной, ракетно-космической и подводной технике. Способ изготовления корпусов модулей СВЧ включает формирование заготовки для корпуса модуля микроэлектроники из алюминий-магниевого сплава, при этом заготовку корпуса формируют поковкой по следующему технологическому режиму: разрезание дисковой пилой мерной единичной заготовки, при этом отношение длины заготовки к ее диаметру и ширине составляет не более 2,5 и обеспечивает возможность осадки в процессе ковки, обработка всесторонней ковкой с применением нагрева заготовки в газовой или электрической печи до 340°С и выдержки ее при этой температуре не более двадцати минут, ковку заготовки осуществляют с тремя осадками молотом на 60% и протяжками поперек волокна с поворотом на 90 градусов с осуществлением контроля размеров, повторный нагрев заготовки и повторение операций ковки до получения ...

20-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU135874U1

Конструкция корпуса бескаркасного типа, имеющая форму металлической коробки со сглаженными углами с открывающейся дверцей и находящимися с ее внутренней стороны средствами для монтажа дверцы двумя шарнирами, состоящими из втулок и осей, отличающаяся тем, что в корпус, выполненный с помощью гибки из единого листа, дополнительно введены кронштейн, закрепленный со стороны дверцы при помощи скобы и перемещающийся по планке, закрепленной на корпусе винтами, упоры, приваренные к стенкам корпуса и фиксирующие дверцу в закрытом состоянии при помощи невыпадающих винтов, вворачиваемых в развальцованные втулки, скобы для фиксации корпуса на вертикальную поверхность, закрепленные на корпусе при помощи развальцованных втулок, гибкая шина, закрепленная на корпусе и дверце при помощи запрессованных шпилек.

20-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU139742U1

... 1. СВЧ микроблок, содержащий металлический корпус и микрополосковую плату на диэлектрической подложке, жестко зафиксированной в корпусе, отличающийся тем, что края подложки металлизированы и припаяны непосредственно к внутренним поверхностям стенок корпуса.2. СВЧ микроблок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что подложка микрополосковой платы выполнена из слоистого пластика.3. СВЧ микроблок по п. 1, отличающийся тем, что подложка микрополосковой платы выполнена из поликора, а корпус выполнен из титана.

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2397628C2

Изобретение относится к электротехнике и может быть использовано к шкафам для оборудования. Технический результат состоит в повышении надежности. Шкаф для электрооборудования образован корпусом с проемом, размеры которого ограничены рамой (5). Корпус содержит две боковые панели (2), каждая из которых одним из торцевых краев прикреплена к первой панели (3), а другим торцевым краем - ко второй панели. Первая (3) и вторая (4) панели на торце имеют выступ (24), который является продолжением панели. Каждый из этих выступов (24) предназначен для вставки в соответствующий отсек (33) боковой панели (2) таким образом, чтобы в каждом вышеуказанном выступе (24) узлы крепления (37) выступов (24) в соответствующем отсеке (33) располагались перпендикулярно первой (3) или второй панелям. 21 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

20-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU115142U1

... 1. Шкаф антивандальный в виде прямоугольного параллелепипеда, включающий две несущие рамы, стенки, крышку и цоколь, образующие корпус, дно и хотя бы одну дверь с внутренним замком, причем стенки, крышка и упомянутая дверь выполнены полыми с возможностью их вентиляции, отличающийся тем, что корпус, его составляющие и упомянутая дверь выполнены неразборными. ! 2. Шкаф антивандальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что корпус, его составляющие и упомянутая дверь выполнены методом сплошной сварки. ! 3. Шкаф антивандальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутая дверь прилегает к корпусу подпружиненными контактными элементами. ! 4. Шкаф антивандальный по п.3, отличающийся тем, что подпружиненные контактные элементы прилегают к выпуклой части S-образной внешней боковой стенки желобообразной несущей рамы. ! 5. Шкаф антивандальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что упомянутая дверь прилегает к корпусу посредством герметизирующей прокладки. ! 6. Шкаф антивандальный по п.1, отличающийся тем, что скважина замка ...

30-04-1995 дата публикации


Номер: RU2034416C1

Использование: в области техники СВЧ. Сущность изобретения: микрополосковый СВЧ микроблок содержит чашечный металлический корпус, крышку, коаксиальные разъемы, расположенную на дне корпуса диэлектрическую пластину, с несмежной с корпусом стороны которой расположены элементы СВЧ схемы. Между диэлектрической пластиной и дном металлического корпуса нанесен слой диэлектрического связующего вещества с диэлектрической проницаемостью больше диэлектрической проницаемости вещества диэлектрической пластины, причем дно металлического корпуса является токопроводящим СВЧ экраном для элементов СВЧ схемы, что упрощает конструкцию устройства, улучшает гальваническое и механическое соединение дна металлического корпуса с токопроводящим СВЧ экраном, а также устраняет паразитные емкости и паразитные направляющие систем между экраном и дном корпуса устройства. 2 ил.

27-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003126304A

... 1. Системный блок компьютера в конфигурации с боковыми панелями на зажимах, содержащий зажимы для крепления двух боковых панелей системного блока компьютера к двум сторонам корпуса компьютера, отличающийся тем, что отверстия для крепления выполнены в кромках корпуса компьютера, прорези выполнены рядом с отверстиями для крепления, сквозные отверстия выполнены рядом с кромками боковых панелей, и два выреза с дорожками для целей крепления кроме того выполнены рядом со сквозными отверстиями, улавливающие прорези выполнены в одной половине вырезов, образуя канавки, так что диаметр канавок улавливающих прорезей больше дорожек вырезов, посредством чего облегчается конфигурация защелок, в которые входят зажимы; зажим имеет такую конфигурацию, чтобы следовать по дорожке выреза при поворачивании, чем обеспечивается его поворачивание в вырезе; позиционирующий шарнир выполнен рядом с кромкой защелки, что обеспечивает его прохождение через сквозное отверстие в боковых панелях, и отверстие для крепления ...

23-03-1991 дата публикации

Корпус прибора

Номер: SU1637038A1

Изобретение относится к приборостроению и ««ожег быть использовано при проектировании несущих конструкций различных приборов. Цель изобретения - упрощение конструкции достигается тем. что корпус прибора, содержащий основание 3, рамки с панелями, П-образную крышку 2 с жестко закрепленными на ней выступами и крепежные элементы в виде винтов 12, снабжен планками-рычагами 11 с двумя расположенными под тупым углом участками с отверстием под винт 12 в одном из них. Выступы выполнены в виде П-образных пластин 8 со ступенью меньшей ширины и с прямоугольным отверстием 10 на ее свободном конце. В основании 3 выполнены прорези 9 и резьбовые отверстия под винты 12, при этом каждый выступ размещен в соответствующей прорези 9, а в отверстии 10 выступа размещена одним своим участком соответствующая планка-рычаг 11. закрепленная винтом 12 на основании 3. 5 ил.

10-08-1972 дата публикации

Приборный корпус радиоэлектронной аппаратуры

Номер: SU347962A1

15-10-1988 дата публикации

Устройство для установки и фиксации

Номер: SU1431080A1

Изобретение относится к области машиностроения и может быть использовано в различных отраслях промышленности , в частности в радиотехнике для монтажа-демонтажа радиоэлектронной аппаратуры в помещениях ограниченного объема. Цель изобретения повьш1ение удобства эксплуатации - достигается за счет того, что в устройстве для установки и фиксации, содержащем монтажную раму (МР), неподвижные упоры (НУ) 17, 18 и ролики (Р) 20, МР выполнена П-образного профиля , каждая из вертикальных полок которого выполнена из двух частей (Ч) 10 и 11,кинематически соединенных между собой посредством винтовой пары, гайка которой закреплена на 411, а винт (В) 12 - на Ч 10, причем на Ч 11 установлены НУ 18 и Р 20, а Ч 10 снабжена неповоротными 14 и поворотными 15 колесами и клиновыми уступами 16, угол наклона ра- % бочих поверхностей которых равен . наклона геометрической оси В 12, при C/J этом НУ 17 закреплен на Ч 10. 6 ил.

23-12-1989 дата публикации

Корпус для радиокомпонентов

Номер: SU1531236A1

Изобретение относится к радиоэлектронным компонентам (диоды, транзисторы, интегральные микросхемы), в частности к корпусам, преимущественно металлическим, и может применяться в радиоэлектронике и радиотехнике. Цель изобретения - повышение надежности и технологичности конструкции достигается тем, что корпус содержит крышку 1 в форме опрокинутой чашечки круглой или прямоугольной формы, эксцентрично установленную торцом своей стенки 2 на основании 3, имеющем приподнятое донышко 4 и обрамляющий открытый бортик 5. По обрезу приподнятого донышка 4 основания 3 выполнена фаска 6. Расстояние от края фаски 6 до стенки 2 крышки 1 выполнено больше максимального зазора в корпусе, но не более 4 мм. В кольцевом зазоре между крышкой 1 и основанием 3 расположен отвержденный термореактивный герметик 7. На уровне фаски 6 перекрытие зазора осуществлено по всему периметру, а ниже ее герметик 7 может отсутствовать на участках минимального зазора. При герметизации герметик 7 наносится на участок, соответствующий ...

28-10-1971 дата публикации

Облицовка приборных шкафов

Номер: SU319160A3

13-09-1972 дата публикации

Стойка для закрепления счетчиков

Номер: SU351402A3

10-03-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002607309A1

15-11-2001 дата публикации

Electronic unit comprises contact elements provided with elastically deformable sections to produce a shock and vibration absorbent mounting

Номер: DE0010022968A1

The electronic unit comprises contact elements (10) which are provided with elastically deformable sections along their length outside the contact openings (8) to produce a shock and vibration absorbent mounting for the circuit board (4) with a mechanically sensitive electronic element (5) in the housing (1). The housing is additionally provided with damping elements (20).

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010346847B4

Mikrowellenantenne bestehend aus: einem dielektrischen Träger (1) mit mindestens einem Streifenleiter (2), einem über dem dielektrischen Träger (1) auf dessen Streifenleiterseite angeordneten metallischen oder metallisierten Deckel (3) in den mindestens ein insbesondere trichter- oder hornförmiger Hohlleiterstrahler (4) integriert ist, wobei der Grund bzw. das erregerseitige Ende des trichter- oder hornförmigen Hohlleiterstrahlers (4) über einem der Streifenleiter (2) angeordnet ist, einem Transformationselement (5) über dem Streifenleiter (2) für den Übergang vom Streifenleiter (2) zur Öffnung des Hohlleiterstrahlers (4), wobei das Transformationselement (5) seitlich neben dem Hohlleiterstrahler (4) angeordnet ist.

08-09-2005 дата публикации

Electronic assembly e.g. transfer case module, for controlling motorized vehicle transmission operation, has opening giving access for repair tool to be inserted though housing and press on surface portion of electrical component

Номер: DE102004055525A1

The assembly has a housing with an inner compartment. An electrical component is received into a secured position in the inner compartment, and has a surface portion to receive a removal force when the electrical component is removed from the position. An opening (24) provides access for a repair tool to be inserted though the housing and press on the surface portion for removing the electrical component from connector units. An independent claim is also included for a method of dissembling an electrical component from a connector unit in a housing of an electrical assembly.

20-08-2015 дата публикации

Baueinheit mit einem Gehäuse als Tragbauteil und einem in dem Gehäuse angeordneten Elektronikbauteil

Номер: DE102014204836A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Baueinheit, die ein Gehäuse und wenigstens ein in dem Gehäuse angeordnetes Elektronikbauteil aufweist. Die Baueinheit zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass das Gehäuse als Tragelement für eine Tragstruktur, insbesondere eine Fahrzeugachse und/oder ein Fahrwerk und/oder ein Kraftfahrzeugfahrwerk und/oder einen Fahrzeugrahmen und/oder ein Karosserieteil, ausgebildet und bestimmt ist.

01-06-2006 дата публикации

Abschirmgehäuse für eine elektronische Einrichtung

Номер: DE0060114688T2

21-05-1987 дата публикации


Номер: DE0003371026D1

26-02-1976 дата публикации

Номер: DE0007528576U

02-07-1952 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to cases for electrical components

Номер: GB0000675039A

... 675,039. Electric condensers. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES, Ltd. Jan. 26, 1951 [Jan. 27, 1950]. No. 2199 /50. Addition to 621,903. Class 37. A metal case for electrical components such as condensers, inductances, transformers, comprises a tubularbody 1 and shallow dished closures 4, 5 each fitting closely within the body 1 and abutting against internal supports 3. The closures 4, 5 are soldered to the body 1, or the rims of the body 1 are swaged over the closures. The internal supports 3 may be continuous to form an internal tube. The closures may be thin enough to accommodate variations of expansion of an oil filling by elastic deformation.

22-04-1953 дата публикации

Improvements in cubicles and the like for electrical apparatus

Номер: GB0000690388A

... 690,388. Switchgear structures. ENGLISH ELECTRIC CO., Ltd. May 4,1951 [May 5, 1950], No. 11134/50. Class 38 (v) A cubicle for electrical apparatus comprises a generally tubular casing containing one or more panels arranged for rotation within the casing so as to permit access to both sides of the panel or panels through a single service aperture in the casing. The casing comprises a pair of end covers 1 with a main wall portion 2 held between them by tie rods and nuts 4, the wall 2.extending only part way around the casing to leave an aperture in the casing which is normally closed by a sliding door 5 running on dimples 7 in channels 6 in the end covers. Each end cover has a central dished portion 8 with a cup 9 forming with balls 10, a carrier 11 and a ferrule 12, a ball bearing. The carriers 11 provide a rotatable mounting for the panel 13 which is supported in transverse slots in the carriers. The ferrules 12 provide apertures for ventilation and for the entry of cables to radially arranged ...

02-11-1955 дата публикации

Metal containers for electrical components

Номер: GB0000739875A

... 739,875. Component mounting arrangement. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES, Ltd. April 14, 1954, No. 10948/54. Class 40 (4). A metal container for electrical components comprises a base-plate 4, Fig. 3, carrying electrical terminals, to which are secured two similar end plates 1, 2 each having a plurality of holes 3 whereby component mounting plates such as 17, 18 may be secured. The end plates are secured to the base-plate by studs 15 which may serve also for attaching the container to a panel, and a detachable cover which may fit between the upturned flange 5 and the end plates is detachably secured by means of the holes 3. The end plates may be recessed on their inside faces and the edge of the recess may be toothed to locate parts of plate - supporting brackets such as 33, Fig. 5, against rotation. Brackets 35, 31 carrying plates 29, 30 are loosely riveted to the end plates to form a hinge about which the plates may be turned to give greater access. The upper ends of the plates are detachably ...

10-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001333355A

... 1333355 Cabinets INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORP 17 Feb 1972 [2 March 1971] 7300/72 Heading A4B A container comprises a central column 12 extending between top and bottom panels 10, 11 formed with respective longitudinal channels 15, 22 each having a web 14, 22 abutted by an edge 42, 43 of the column 12 and sides 16, 23 to which are secured flanges formed by the upper and lower edges of walls 36 of the column 12. Plates 29, 31 are secured to the ends of the top and bottom panels 10, 11 to facilitate fitment of side panels 47. The container includes kickstrips 50, a top cover 46 and doors 48, 49 hinged about a vertical axis to the top and bottom panels 11,12. The door 49 may be louvred and perforated to permit passage of air.

09-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002222027B

04-03-1953 дата публикации

An improved fastening arrangement for the cover of a box or like container

Номер: GB0000688296A

... 688,296. Switch covers. METROPOLITANVICKERS ELECTRICAL CO., Ltd. June 5, 1951 [June 29, 1950], No. 16290/50. Class 38(v) The cover of a box, particularly one for enclosing the control gear of electrical apparatus in coal mines, is fastened to the box by a sliding movement which brings a finger 8 behind a finger 7. The fingers may be slightly chamfered. In the form shown, the box 1 and the cover 2 have flat mating flanges 3, 4 with gaps 5, 6 and the fingers 7, 8 are fixed respectively to the flanges 3, 4. To secure the lid the finger 8 is inserted in the gap 5 and the lid then slid bodily downwards. In a particular construction, Fig. 3 (not shown) two of such fastening devices are arranged on each side of the box and a further pair, with fingers mounted on extensions of the flanges, on the base of the box. After engagement of the fingers by a part sliding and part rotary movement the cover is secured by a bolt arranged on the top of the box.

06-06-1968 дата публикации

Housing for electrical components

Номер: GB0001116338A

... 1,116,338. Housings for electrical equipment; waveguides; co-axial cables. STANDARD TELEPHONES & CABLES Ltd. 18 Nov., 1966 [23 Nov., 1965], No. 49635/65. Headings H1A, H1R and H1W. A housing for electrical equipment comprises a metal member 7 of channel form, within which electrical, e.g. microwave, components (not shown) are housed in heat conductive relation with the member 7, the open side of member 7 being closed by a metal plate 9 so that members 7 and 9 constitute a support, a heat sink, and a screen for the components. Member 7 is made of sheet and/or extruded aluminium. A plurality of projecting fins on one side of member 7 are closed by a metallic screen 8, to form closed channels 11. Further fins 10 for heat-dissipation are formed on the other two sides of member 7, and internal projections 12 are slotted along their length to receive aluminium screens and component mounting boards (not shown) which are mounted transverse to the axis of channel member 7; components may also be ...

30-01-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008431996D0

15-07-1987 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002152291B

14-10-1926 дата публикации

Improvement in containers for electrical appliances

Номер: GB0000242270A

... 242,270. Dubilier Condenser Co. (1925), Ltd., (Assignees of Forbes, E. D.). Oct. 28, 1924, [Convention date]. Thermionic valve circuits. - A number of electrical appliances designed to take current from a supply circuit and so modify the current as to render it suitable for use under conditions prevailing in the load circuit, which may be the anode or plate circuits of a radio receiving set, are housed as a compact unit in a container, the partitions of which serve to shield the parts one from another. In the arrangement shown in Fig. 5, alternating current supplied to the input terminals 18, 18 is converted by the rectifying device 10 into a unidirectional pulsating current which is passed through a smoothing-out circuit and delivered to the output terminals 24. The several devices constituting this arrangement are, according to the invention, housed as a compact unit in a metal &c. casing 1, Fig. 1, which is divided by partitions 2, 5, 7 into compartments 4, 6, 3, 8. The lamp 10 ...

24-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008423472D0

28-03-1962 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to cabinets

Номер: GB0000892829A

... 892,829. Cabinets. ERICSSON TELEPHONES Ltd. March 15, 1960 [March 21, 1959], No. 9869/59. Class 52(1) A cabinet comprises a framework of L-shaped members 2 to which are screwed top, bottom and end walls and Y-shaped retaining members 9 and 12, deformable strips 18 (preferably of polyurethane foam) being fixed to the vertical members; the rectangular panels 13 with handles 17 have a flat peripheral flange 15 which engages the retaining members and the deformable strip so as to be held in position forming dust-proof joints. In a second embodiment a larger frame 31 is used with an additional horizontal bar which is either welded or detachably fixed to the frame carrying an X-shaped retaining member 47, additional vertical bars with deformable strips 48 are held in position by clips 35. In modifications the retaining members 9, 12, and 47 may be V-shaped or of any other shape and the top, bottom or end walls may be replaced by removable panels.

13-11-1939 дата публикации

Improvements in and relating to housings for high voltage electrical apparatus

Номер: GB0000514585A

... 514,585. Transformers; lamp-holders. CLAUDEGENERAL NEON LIGHTS, Ltd., and HIGGINS, C. June 1, 1938, No. 16391. [Class 38 (ii)] [Also in Group XXXVI] A housing 1 for high voltage electrical apparatus such as transformers or electrode boxes 3 for discharge tube lighting installations is formed with a double wall or base, both parts of which are removable, and the inner part 6 carries a warning notice 17 which is displayed when the outer part 9 is removed. The latter is secured by screws 12 to outwardly-turned flanges on the inner part 6, which in turn is secured by screws 15 to lugs 14 on the housing so that the outer cover can only be secured when the part bearing the warning is in position.

15-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA250876A

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000502498A4

15-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: ATA177173A

15-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: ATA184295A

15-05-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000088851T

15-04-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009073U2

Es handelt sich bei der Erfindung des Anmelders um ein Edelstahl - Wandeinbaugehäuse zur Aufnahme bzw. Ummantelung von Biometric - Fingerscanner - Produkten und zum Schutz derselben vor Verunreinigung, Umwelteinflüssen und Vandalismus. Es gleicht optimal einen eventuellen schiefen Einbau in die Wand aus und zeichnet sich durch sehr wirtschaftliche und umweltfreundliche Erzeugung mit dem Laser - Schweißverfahren aus.

10-03-1978 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342118B

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014101139B4

Disclosed is a Universal Serial Bus (USB) charging module for installation with a surface mounted power outlet. The charging module allows convenient and flexible installation in certain new and already installed power outlets to provide a convenient charging facility of devices with USB 5 connection. Also disclosed is a housing for the charging module, a charging circuit and a method of installation.

04-08-2016 дата публикации

Environmental system and modular power skid for a facility

Номер: AU2013256165B2
Принадлежит: Davies Collison Cave

A set of two or more modular-critical-power-distribution skids are arranged in a redundant power center configuration to supply power to electrical loads in a modular data center facility. The skids are housed in hardened buildings. The uninterruptable power supply is electrically and mechanically connected into the multiple power distribution cabinets, all of which are mounted onto a steel framed support structure, which supports a weight of those uninterruptable power supplies and power distribution cabinets. The environmental control system controls a cooling system for the modular-critical-power-distribution skids. Electrical power from the A-side and B-side connects in a redundant power configuration to electrical loads in the cooling system.

01-11-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0003545278A

05-04-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AU0004201978A

30-11-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002350289C
Принадлежит: HARTING KGAA

A printed circuit board connection for connecting printed circuit boards provided with conductor tracks and arranged at a right angle with respect to each other consists of a first plug connector having an isolating housing and a plug-in portion provided with contact sleeves, and a second plug connector having an isolating housing and a plug-in portion provided with contact pins, each of the plug connectors being mounted at one of the printed circuit boards. A conductor foil is mounted at the isolating housing of the first plug connector, the conductor foil being provided with contact tracks. A first connection end of the conductor foil is held at the isolating housing of the first plug connector at a side opposite the printed circuit board at which the first plug connector is mounted, and a second connection end is held between a mounting surface of the first plug connector and the printed circuit board at which the first plug connector is mounted, the second connection end of the conductor ...

30-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002773168A1

An implantable active pressure transducer including a pressure sensing element and associated sensor circuitry together enclosed within an innermost glass packaging. The pressure sensing element is anodically bonded to the innermost packaging substantially aligned with an opening defined therein. An outermost biocompatible metal packaging forms a cavity divided into first and second chambers by an intermediate partition. The innermost packaging is disposed within the first chamber without physically directly contacting or being fixed to the outermost packaging. A barrier plate is hermetically sealed to the intermediate partition to hermetically isolate the battery and communication circuitry from a pressure transmitting fluid. Inductive coupling is used to communicate data detected by the pressure sensing element internally within the implant.

07-11-1978 дата публикации


Номер: CA1041926A

There is provided a housing comprising a generally box-like structure which includes two end pieces and two elongate members which are joined to said end pieces. The elongate members are each provided with stiffening means and comprise at least one section cut from an extruded profiled bar of indefinite length, thereby affording the advantage whereby housings of any desired size can be produced from profiled bars of infinite length.

11-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA1062359A

MODULAR MOUNTING APPARATUS FOR SUBSTRATE MEANS BEARING PLANAR CIRCUIT MEANS A modular mounting apparatus for substrate means bearing planar circuit means is provided and includes a design of components that assemble into a housing package for microcircuit modules with means for locating, supporting, interconnecting and housing them; in an interference free environment, i.e., provisions for moisture, radio frequency interference and electromagnetic interference sealing are provided. The apparatus provides a modular systematic and economical means of packaging for low frequency printed circuit boards to microwave frequency microcircuits.

13-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001316245C

A shielded enclosure for electronic devices utilizing alternating current signals, the enclosure having first and second storage members that have a geniculated (i.e., abrupt angle) junction between them so as to inhibit transmission of alternating current radiation from the devices.

03-07-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000929616A1

10-09-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002006486C

Spurious cavity resonance effects in a cabinet housing electronics circuitry are suppressed by determining the maximum repetition rate or frequency for legitimate signals which can appear in the circuitry and then establishing the dimensions of each cavity within the cabinet such that each cavity's resonant frequency is less than the critical repetition rate/frequency. Since a given cavity in a cabinet is typically block-shaped (such as the space between a cabinet door and the circuit panel facing the door), a special purpose formula may be employed to obtain a good approximation of the cavity's resonant frequency, and the cavity dimensions then adjusted to raise the cavity resonant frequency above the critical frequency. For the still more particular cavity configuration in which the length is greater than the width which is much greater than the depth, a further simplified formula can be employed to find an approximate cavity resonant frequency. In addition, for the common configuration ...

10-07-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002218570C
Принадлежит: Schroff GmbH, SCHROFF GMBH

A contact element having at least one leaf spring 2, 3 has a U-shaped contact means 6, the two U-legs 8, 9 of which taper towards their ends and can be elastically deformed with respect to each other. This contact element 1 is introduced into a guide groove 22 of a guide rail 13 of a module support structure or the like. The leaf springs 2, 3 thereby contact a printed circuit board which can be inserted into the module support structure and the contact means 6, together with guide rail 13, can be clamped in a positioning hole 15 of a module rail 16 of the module support structure to thereby establish electrical contact with the module rail 16. In this manner, the interfering effect of an anodized layer on the module rail 16 is circumvented.

25-04-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002218571A1

A module support structure for printed circuit boards 2 which can be inserted on guide rails 7 and having electrical or electronic components is proposed which comprises two parallel side walls 3 and at least four module rails 4 for bearing the guide rails 7. The module rails 4 consist essentially of anodized aluminum or an anodized aluminum alloy and have, at their front side, at least one seating surface 12 for one or more front plates 9. To effect electrical contacting, the module rails 4 are, in sections, mechanically freed, preferentially of protrusions 18 initially disposed on the seating surfaces 12, from the anodized layer. For improved electrical contacting, resilient contact bands 19 are preferentially utilized which can be snapped onto the seating surfaces 12 of the module rails 4.

31-01-1959 дата публикации

Metallgehäuse für elektrische Bauteile

Номер: CH0000335734A

31-01-1967 дата публикации

Satz von Bauteilen für ein Chassis, insbesondere für elektronische Apparate

Номер: CH0000428888A

15-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000555129A
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

27-03-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000560449A5

13-02-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000572700A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

29-11-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000556629A
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

15-09-1967 дата публикации

Traggestell für Geräteeinheiten

Номер: CH0000443423A

15-08-1972 дата публикации

Gehäuse, insbesondere für elektronische Geräte

Номер: CH0000526899A

15-09-1978 дата публикации

Rack and slide=in units for telecommunications

Номер: CH0000604464A5
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

Rack and slide=in units for telecommunications has cover plate over front panels of units with holes for controls and indicators (OE 15.4.78) ...

15-12-1987 дата публикации

Cabinet for accommodating electronic devices

Номер: CH0000663509A5

The cabinet is distinguished by a simple construction with flexible dimensions. It consists of two side parts (1), a base and a cover (3), a front wall (9) and a rear wall (10) as well as elements for the installation of mounting racks which accommodate the electronic devices. The side parts (1) are bent in a U-shape and subsequently at right angles to the cabinet interior on their vertically running edges and, on their horizontally running edges, have a continuous fold on the inside of the cabinet. In each case one L-shaped attachment rail (4), which runs vertically from top to bottom, is fitted on the inside of the side parts (1). The base and the cover (3) are attached to both the fold on the side parts (1) and to the two attachment rails (4). The base and the cover (3) have an edge (17, 18), which is bent at right angles, on their sides facing the front wall (9) and the rear wall (10). Contact-making elements (14) which are fitted on the front wall (9) and on the rear wall (10) rest ...

15-03-1995 дата публикации

Sheet steel housing for electrical railway signalling appts.

Номер: CH0000685084A5

The housing has a number of chambers for receiving the electrical supply, control and monitoring components for railway signalling lights. The housing is formed from an L-shaped part (1) and a cooperating U-shaped part (6), clad with sheet steel panels (12).Pref. the L-shaped part has lipped side edges enclosing the edges of the interfitting U-shaped part, with a removable or pivoted transparent cover (13) fitting across the remaining open side of the housing. Pref. supported by a hooked lip (17) provided by the edge of the adjacent cladding panel.

11-09-2017 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000119005U

06-06-2017 дата публикации

Vehicle -mounted charger

Номер: CN0206226884U

14-07-2017 дата публикации

Key assembly and mobile terminal

Номер: CN0106952764A

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus

Номер: CN0105453712A

09-05-2012 дата публикации

Electric device

Номер: CN0202218500U

24-11-2017 дата публикации

Anti-water and anti-falling television remote controller

Номер: CN0107396156A

29-03-2017 дата публикации

Communications facilities shell sharing structure

Номер: CN0206061359U

04-09-2020 дата публикации

Monitoring device based on wireless communication scattered point equipment

Номер: CN0211429729U

16-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: CN0211702605U

14-03-2012 дата публикации

Shell structure with antenna function

Номер: CN0202168295U

04-09-2020 дата публикации

Combined tool control box structure

Номер: CN0211429768U

12-04-2017 дата публикации

Explosion -proof operation post

Номер: CN0206100676U

13-06-2012 дата публикации

Closed type communication machine cabinet

Номер: CN0202276584U

20-02-2013 дата публикации

Novel bulletproof machine cabinet

Номер: CN202750372U

21-07-2017 дата публикации

High performance does not have embedded communication manager of fan

Номер: CN0206350287U
Автор: HU BO

04-08-2020 дата публикации

Mechanical arm electric box shell

Номер: CN0211163985U

30-03-2016 дата публикации

Switching power supply casing of mountable on guide rail

Номер: CN0205124187U

10-11-2017 дата публикации

Electronic equipment casing and its manufacturing method

Номер: CN0104333991B

28-11-2017 дата публикации

Tree-shaped fin, heat radiation structure and electric control box

Номер: CN0107404830A

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Portable computer unified top case

Номер: US20120030930A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A top case assembly for a portable computer is disclosed. The assembly may include an integral unified (e.g., homogenous) top case formed from a single part. The integral top case provides an enclosure, frame and cosmetic exterior of the portable computer. The integral top case also serves as the primary structure of the portable computer. The assembly may include a variety of subassemblies such as keyboards, touchpads, circuit boards, and drives that are carried by the underside of the integral top case. The integral top case may be formed from aluminum slab that has been machined to form walls, openings, attachment areas and cosmetic areas of the top case.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Medical antibacterial full-flat touch screen

Номер: US20120081853A1
Принадлежит: Wincomm Corp

A medical antibacterial full-flat touch screen comprises an antibacterial housing, an antibacterial rubber strip and an antibacterial full-flat panel, wherein a recessed edge is configured around the periphery at the bottom of the antibacterial rubber strip which recessed edge encompassing the periphery of the antibacterial full-flat panel, and a plurality of upright buckle holes are configured on the inner side of the periphery of the antibacterial full-flat panel. In addition, a groove is configured around the periphery at the top of the antibacterial rubber strip such that the antibacterial housing can be directly inserted into the groove, and a plurality of bumps configured on the inner side of the antibacterial housing can be positioned into the upright buckle holes thereby allowing the antibacterial housing and the antibacterial full-flat panel to combine together. Furthermore, the antibacterial rubber strip closely joined between the antibacterial housing and the antibacterial full-flat panel can effectively prevent the breeding of bacteria inside the gap of the assembled body and the infiltration of any liquid into the body as well.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Casing of electronic device having base plate and supporting post

Номер: US20120126672A1

A casing includes a base plate and a supporting post extending upwardly from the base plate. The base plate and the supporting post are integrally formed as a single monolithic piece from the same material. The supporting post axially defines a fixing hole therein. The fixing hole has an opening at a top free end of the supporting post. The fixing hole includes a first section adjacent to the opening, a second section far from the opening and spaced from the first section, and a chamfer section between the first section and the second section. The first section has a diameter larger than that of the second section.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Information processing apparatus

Номер: US20120162885A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

When a peripheral device is connected to an information processing apparatus, the peripheral device is contained without protruding from the information processing apparatus, and therefore, the peripheral device and the information processing apparatus are protected. A recess is provided in a side surface of a first housing and a USB port is disposed within the recess, and thus, the USB device connected to the USB port can be prevented from significantly protruding from the first housing. Moreover, in the case of a USB device with a reduced-size main body portion, the main body portion can be contained in the recess without protruding from the first housing. Accordingly, a situation in which a user snags his/her clothing or the like on the USB device can be avoided, and thus, damage to the USB device or a notebook computer can be avoided.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Mobile device

Номер: US20120165081A1
Принадлежит: Casio Computer Co Ltd

A mobile device of the present invention having an upper case, a lower case arranged under the upper case, and a middle case arranged inside the upper case and the lower case, includes a first engaging section which is provided in the peripheral edge portion of the undersurface of the upper case, a second engaging section which is provided in the peripheral edge portion of the top surface of the middle case and engages with the first engaging section, a third engaging section which is provided in the peripheral edge portion of the undersurface of the middle case, and a fourth engaging section which is provided in the peripheral edge portion of the top surface of the lower case and engages with the third engaging section.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Integrated feature for friction-less movement of force sensitive touch screen

Номер: US20120200789A1

A suspension system for a differential-pressure touch sensitive panel suspended over force sensors, for use in either fixed or mobile devices such as point of sales terminals, kiosks, laptops, monitors, PDAs, cell phones, UMPCs and more. In one embodiment, a number of leaf springs are attached directly to the touch lens at both ends and attached directly to the underlying housing at the center, effectively pulling the leaf spring down at the center into a concave arc. The spring bias preloads the touch lens downward against the force sensors. The leaf springs bring the touch lens into a fixed state in the xy-plane and resist translation; however, the touch lens remains free to float against the bias of the leaf spring(s) without any frictional physical contact along the z-axis.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Electronic device

Номер: US20120206895A1
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one first embodiment, an electronic device includes a display module, a housing, an engagement portion, and a buffer. The display module includes a display screen, a side portion located at a periphery of the display screen, and a protrusion protruding from the side portion. The housing houses the display module such that the display screen is exposed. The engagement portion is provided to the housing to engage with the protrusion. The buffer is provided to the protrusion and is deformed by an engagement between the protrusion and the engagement portion.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Surface panel and method of manufacturing the same

Номер: US20120249452A1
Принадлежит: Alps Electric Co Ltd

The surface panel includes a transmissive resin layer and a sensor film closely attached to a back surface of the resin layer. The sensor film includes a base film, a frame-shaped decorative portion on a front surface of the base film, and a transmissive electrode layer and right and left wiring layers on a back surface of the base film. The sensor film is closely attached to and along the back surface of the resin layer. The right and left wiring layers are closely attached to the corresponding right and back-surface left portions. Consequently, the area that is allocated for the transmissive region and the electrode layer can be increased.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Device housing and manufacturing method

Номер: US20130009525A1
Автор: Kai-Rong Liao

A device housing includes a glass panel, a metal frame, and a housing body. The metal frame defines a plurality of through holes, and the glass panel is latched in the metal frame. The housing body includes a base and a reinforcement portion integrally formed together. The base surrounds the metal frame and the glass panel, and the reinforcement portion extends through the through holes of the metal frame and is bonded to the glass panel.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Handheld device

Номер: US20130063904A1
Принадлежит: HTC Corp

A handheld device includes a body, a back cover and a latch mechanism. The body has a back portion. The back cover coves the back portion. The latch mechanism is disposed between the body and the back portion to lock the back portion to the body. Reliving the lock connection between the body and the back cover performed by the latch mechanism causes the back cover is able to depart from the body.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Internal connection retention components for computing devices

Номер: US20130077234A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A computing device includes a Mini DisplayPort or other standardized plug and port connection that is fully internalized within the full device housing. The port can be affixed or coupled to a printed circuit board, with a display cable having a mating plug that is plugged into the port. To prevent the inadvertent uncoupling of the plug from the port, one or more clips, clamps, fixtures, or other cable retention components can hold the cable and/or plug in place at or near where the plug inserts into the Mini DisplayPort or other standardized communication port. Added stability to the cable can also be provided at or near such location.

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130083470A1
Принадлежит: Z124

A housing for a handheld computing device can include a metallic outer shell having a substantially flat base and a sidewall connected to a periphery of the base, the metallic outer shell having an inner surface and an outer surface and a polymeric portion nanomolded on the inner surface of the metallic outer shell in a predetermined location to provide rigidity to the metallic outer shell. 1. A housing for a handheld computing device , comprising:a metallic outer shell having a substantially flat base and a sidewall connected to a periphery of the base, the metallic outer shell having an inner surface and an outer surface; anda polymeric portion nanomolded on the inner surface of the metallic outer shell in a predetermined location to provide rigidity to the metallic outer shell.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the metallic outer shell has a thickness of less than about 0.3 millimeters.3. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the predetermined location of the metallic outer shell comprises at least a portion of the base.4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the base comprises a top portion claim 1 , a bottom portion claim 1 , and a middle portion interposed between the top and bottom portions claim 1 , and wherein the predetermined location comprises the top and bottom portions of the base.5. The housing of claim 4 , wherein the predetermined location further comprises at least a portion of the sidewall.6. The housing of claim 5 , wherein the polymeric portion nanomolded on the sidewall includes a shelf extending inward from the sidewall of the metallic outer shell.7. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the polymeric portion comprises polyphenol plastic.8. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the base is substantially rectangular claim 1 , and wherein the sidewall has four sides.9. The housing of claim 8 , wherein the sidewall has an elongate opening formed in one side claim 8 , and wherein the elongate opening is configured to accommodate a hinge.10. A handheld computing ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130088130A1

This disclosure relates generally to an apparatus and/or system for housing a device. The apparatus includes a housing that is configured such that a device may be fitted within the housing and thereby be protected, such as from shocks and/or liquid. The housing may include top and bottom members that may be removably coupled together so as to form the housing. Each top and bottom member optionally includes front and back surfaces surrounded by a perimeter. The perimeter is defined by proximal and distal ends as well as opposing sides. The top and bottom members may include respective clasping mechanisms that extend along the perimeter of the top and bottom members. The clasping mechanisms are configured for coupling the top and bottom members with one another thereby sealing the housing, for instance, in a shockproof and/or water tight seal. 1. An apparatus for covering at least part of a mobile computing device having a touch screen display , the mobile computing device further having an electrical connection in a housing that houses the mobile computing device , the apparatus comprising:an encasement that covers at least part of the mobile computing device that includes the electrical connection, the encasement having a bottom member to cover at least a first portion of the mobile computing device, and a top member to cover at least a second portion of the mobile computing device, the top member configured to allow touch access to the touch screen display;a coupling mechanism to couple the top member with the bottom member to cover the first and second portions of the mobile computing device, and to seal the top member with the bottom member;at least one aperture in the encasement proximate the electrical connection, the at least one aperture having a gasket seat;a door for attaching to the encasement proximate the at least one aperture, the door having an open configuration to enable access to the electrical connection of the mobile computing device, and a ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Electronic device housing

Номер: US20130112454A1

A housing of an electronic device comprises an upper cover and a front panel secured to the upper cover. The upper cover includes a locking portion. The front panel includes a limiting portion corresponding to the locking portion. The locking portion includes at least one locking plate. The limiting portion defines at least one recess corresponding to the at least one locking plate. The at least one locking plate is locked to the recess for preventing the upper cover from deforming and moving to separate from the front panel.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130147327A1
Принадлежит: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

A box-frame housing for the installation of electronic modules has frame elements and side walls and provides a subdivision into sub-regions, which are limited by dividing walls. The frame elements and the side walls and dividing walls provide at least one recess and/or at least one edge projection. A projection engages in a recess and both are connected to one another by welding. 1. A box-frame housing for the installation of electronic modules , said box-frame housing comprising:frame elements and/or side walls, which provides a subdivision into sub-regions, which are limited by dividing walls,wherein the frame elements and/or the side walls and the dividing walls provide at least one recess and/or at least one edge projection, andwherein the projection engages in a recess, and the projection and the recess are connected to one another by welding.2. The box-frame housing according to claim 1 ,wherein an intermediate space less than 100 μm wide, preferably less than 50 μm wide, is formed between the projection and one edge of the recess, into which the projection engages.3. The box-frame housing according to claim 1 ,wherein a top panel and/or a base panel are fitted in a detachable manner by plugging into retaining openings in the side walls.4. The box-frame housing according to claim 3 ,wherein a side wall and/or dividing wall provides at least one front flange with a first and a second arm inclined relative to one another, and provides retaining openings in the first arm for the top panel or respectively base panel.5. The box-frame housing according to claim 4 ,wherein a spring strip for the electromagnetic sealing is connected in a detachable manner to the front flange of the side wall and/or dividing wall.6. The box-frame housing according to claim 5 ,wherein the spring strip is held in several retaining openings on the second arm of the front flange.7. The box-frame housing according to claim 1 ,wherein a side wall and/or a dividing wall provides several ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Touchpad Protection

Номер: US20130155019A1

A user interface device including a touchpad behind a protection plate, behind which the touchpad can freely shift with respect to the protection plate, along an axis perpendicular to the protection plate. 1. A user interface device comprising:a protection plate; anda touchpad behind the protection plate, wherein the touchpad can freely shift with respect to the protection plate along an axis perpendicular to the protection plate.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein a resilient return maintains the touchpad against the protection plate.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the resilient return comprises at least one spring.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the spring is a helical metal spring.5. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a package; anda frame attached to the package,wherein the protection plate is maintained by the frame, andwherein the touchpad can freely shift with respect to the package.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the protection plate is a transparent glass.7. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a support claim 1 , wherein the touchpad is attached to the support and can freely shift perpendicularly to the protection plate.8. The device of claim 7 , wherein the support is assembled to freely shift along a plurality of slides arranged perpendicular to the protection plate.9. The device of claim 1 , wherein the touchpad is a projected capacitive touchpad.10. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is configured to process transport tickets.11. The device of claim 2 , further comprising:a package; anda frame attached to the package,wherein the protection plate is maintained by the frame, andwherein the touchpad can freely shift with respect to the package.12. The device of claim 3 , further comprising:a package; anda frame attached to the package,wherein the protection plate is maintained by the frame, andwherein the touchpad can freely shift with respect to the package.13. The device of claim 4 , further comprising:a package; anda frame ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130169126A1

The present disclosure relates to an information processing device which may include a housing made of metal. The housing may have a first surface and a mark formed on the first surface. The mark may be recessed relative to the first surface. At least one of a bottom surface and side surfaces of the mark may have different surface characteristics from that of the first surface. In the information processing device of the present disclosure, the mark is less prone to be abraded and is prone to be recognized. Further, the cost of the information processing device may be reduced by using the mark of the present disclosure. 1. An information processing device comprising a housing made of metal , the housing having a first surface and a mark formed on the first surface , the mark being recessed relative to the first surface ,wherein at least one of a bottom surface and side surfaces of the mark has different surface characteristics from that of the first surface.2. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein light reflectivity of at lease one of the bottom surface and the side surfaces is higher than that of the first surface.3. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the first surface has an anode oxidation layer.4. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the side surfaces are cut processed metal surfaces.5. The information processing device according to claim 4 , wherein the bottom surface has an anode oxidation layer.6. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom surface is a cut processed metal surface.7. The information processing device according to claim 6 , wherein the side surfaces have an anode oxidation layer.8. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein both of the bottom surface and the side surfaces are cut processed metal surfaces.9. The information processing device according to claim 1 , wherein the information processing device ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130189537A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

There is provided a thin-plate shaped chassis for an electronic apparatus, which has a plurality of step portions extended substantially in parallel with each other in such a way as to form at least one bulge portion which is bulged in a convex shape. The step portions are formed to have a larger thickness than that of other thin-plate portion having a predetermined thickness, and wherein there is provided at least one rib having a predetermined height which extends from the step portion to the thin-plate portion. 1. A thin-plate-shaped chassis for an electronic apparatus , which has a plurality of step portions extended substantially in parallel with each other in such a way as to form at least one bulge portion which is bulged in a convex shape ,wherein the step portions are formed to have a larger thickness than those of other thin-plate portions having a predetermined thickness, andwherein there is provided at least one rib having a predetermined height which extends from the step portion to the thin-plate portion.2. The chassis for the electronic apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the chassis is molded by injecting a molten material in a molten state or a semi-molten state into a predetermined molding die claim 1 , and the step portions are extended along the direction of a flow of the molten material.3. The chassis for the electronic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the molten material is a material selected from a material group consists of aluminum claim 2 , alloys of aluminum claim 2 , magnesium claim 2 , and alloys of magnesium.4. The chassis for the electronic apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the rib extends in a diagonal direction with respect to the direction of extension of the step portions such that the rib is gradually further spaced apart from the step portion as it proceeds in the direction of the flow of the molten material.5. The chassis for the electronic apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the molten material is a ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Assembly device and method

Номер: US20130192042A1

An assembly device for assembling a main body and an external chamber of a product includes: a base, laterally pressing units disposed on left and right sides of the base, and an actuator disposed on a rear side of the base. The external chamber of the product is positioned on the base. The laterally pressing units press an opening of the external chamber from left and right sides thereof so as to generate convex deformations on upper and lower sides of the opening. The actuator moves the main body towards the opening of the external chamber so as to dispose the main body in the external chamber. The invention avoids product damages, saves time and labor consumption, and improves the product yield.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130201627A1

An explosion protection housing constructed according to an explosion protection requirement having a temperature control system. The temperature control system includes a temperature control device that includes a pipe coil thermally connected to at least one of the walls of the housing. Optionally, temperature control fluid is directed through the pipe coil by means of circulating pump in order to increase or decrease the temperature of the housing, depending upon the explosion protection requirements. 111.-. (canceled)12. An ignition protection housing assembly comprising{'b': 2', '3', '4, 'a casing having a plurality () of walls (, ) that define an internal compartment,'}{'b': 9', '21, 'a temperature control system for the housing including at least one sensor () for determining a temperature associated with the housing,'}{'b': 10', '14', '15, 'a temperature altering device (, , ), and'}{'b': 17', '10', '14', '15', '2', '21, 'a control device () for activating and deactivating the temperature altering device (, , ) for heating or cooling the casing () in response to temperatures determined by the temperature sensor ().'}1310141517. The ignition protection housing of in which said temperature altering device ( claim 12 , claim 12 , ) is a cooling device for cooling the housing in response to activation by the control device ().1410141517. The ignition protection housing of in which said temperature altering device ( claim 12 , claim 12 , ) is a heating device for heating the housing in response to activation by the control device ().1521. The ignition protection housing of in which said temperature sensor () is thermally connected to one of the casing walls without an air gap there between.1621. The ignition protection housing of in which said temperature sensor () is supported in separated relation to the casing walls.17101415. The ignition protection housing of in which the temperature altering device ( claim 12 , claim 12 , ) is connected without an air gap to ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Electronic apparatus

Номер: US20130201642A1
Автор: Jingdong YU
Принадлежит: Toshiba Corp

According to one embodiment, an electronic apparatus includes a box shaped housing, a display unit, and a printed circuit board. The housing includes a front casing having an opening and a back casing. The display unit is configured in the housing and exposed from the opening. The printed circuit board is configured in the housing and mounted on the back casing. A power contact is located on a lowest portion of the printed circuit board. a portion of the printed circuit board which is above a topside of a position occupied by the power contact overlaps a corresponding portion of the display unit in a front-back direction.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Metal core substrate and electrical junction box using the same

Номер: US20130206443A1
Принадлежит: Yazaki Corp

The electrical junction box is provided with a metal core substrate including: a rectangular-shaped core metal layer in which two core metal plates are arranged with a slit-shaped gap therebetween; and insulating layers filling the gap and integrating the two core metal plates by covering surfaces of the core metal plates. Electric power from a battery is inputted into the core metal plate, and electric power from an alternator is inputted into the core metal plate. The gap includes: a first straight portion vertically extended straight from one side of the core metal layer; a second straight portion vertically extended straight from another side of the core metal layer, parallel to a virtual extended line of the first straight portion, and not arranged in the same line as the first straight portion; and a square-U-shaped portion.

22-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130216852A1

A housing for a portable electronic device includes a metallic base, a chemical plating layer, a primer layer, a color coating layer, a metallic luster layer, and a transparent protection layer. The chemical plating layer, the primer layer, the color coating layer, the metallic luster layer, and the transparent protection layer are coated on the metallic base in that order. The metallic luster layer defines a pattern extending through the metallic luster layer. 1. A housing for a portable electronic device , comprising:a metallic base;a chemical plating layer, a primer layer, a color coating layer, a metallic luster layer, and a transparent protection layer coated on the metallic base in that order;wherein the metallic luster layer defines a pattern extending through the metallic luster layer for exposing the color coating layer, the color coating layer comprises acrylic resin, polyester resin, epoxy resin, amino resin, acrylate copolymer, propylene glycol methyl ether acetate, butyl ester, and pigments dispersed therein, the metallic luster layer comprises acrylic resin, polyester resin, epoxy resin, amino resin, acrylate copolymer, propylene glycol methyl ether acetate, butyl ester, pigments and aluminum oxide powder dispersed therein, the transparent protection layer is formed on the metallic luster layer for protecting the metallic luster layer from abrasion.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the primer layer comprises a first connecting layer and a second connecting layer coated thereon.3. The housing of claim 2 , wherein the first connecting layer comprises a material selected from the group consisting of polyester resin claim 2 , epoxy resin claim 2 , and combination thereof; and the first connecting layer also comprises pigments dispersed therein.4. The housing of claim 2 , wherein the second connecting layer comprises a material selected from the group consisting of acrylic resin claim 2 , polyester resin claim 2 , epoxy resin claim 2 , amino resin claim 2 ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Server backplane

Номер: US20130229767A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A server structure includes a chassis including at least one partition oriented in a plane, and a backplane tray slideably supported by the chassis in a direction substantially perpendicular to the plane of the at least one partition. The at least one partition forms a bay to receive at least one module, and the backplane tray supports a backplane including at least one electrical connector for the at least one module.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130265715A1

A portable terminal including a body, a front deco positioned along a periphery of the body, a main battery cover positioned on a rear surface of the body to cover a battery, and a waterproofing cover interchangeable with the front deco and the main battery cover so that when substituted for the main battery cover and front deco all water intrusion paths on the portable terminal are sealed. 1. A portable terminal , comprising:a body;a front deco disposed along a front periphery of the body;a main battery cover disposed on a rear surface of the body to cover a battery; anda waterproofing cover interchangeable with the front deco and the main battery cover, wherein the interchangeable waterproofing cover seals a water intrusion path on the portable terminal.2. The portable terminal as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the waterproofing cover is fastened to the body at the same position where the front deco attaches to the body and along a periphery of a battery mounting space claim 1 , wherein the waterproofing cover surrounds four lateral and rear surfaces of the body to completely seal gaps of the portable terminal when the front deco and main battery cover are replaced by the waterproofing cover.3. The portable terminal as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a coupling portion formed along a periphery of a front surface of the body, wherein the front deco is detachably fastened to the body by the coupling portion, and wherein the waterproofing cover is coupled to the body by the coupling portion sealing the water intrusion path when the front deco is not detachably fastened to the body.4. The portable terminal as claimed in claim 3 , wherein the coupling portion comprises a protrusion extending in a direction towards a front of the body and is disposed along the front periphery of the body and adjacent to and spaced from an outer edge of a display positioned on the front surface of the body claim 3 , and wherein the front deco has an opening configured to engage ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Removable circuit card insert extractor

Номер: US20130301215A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Sundstrand Corp

A removable tool includes a toe, a clevis, and a handle. The toe is configured to be insertable into and removable from an enclosure notch of a card guided computer enclosure. The clevis is configured to be insertable into and removable from a card hook of a circuit card assembly. The handle is for receiving force for inserting or extracting an array of circuit card assembly contacts into or out of an array of motherboard contacts, respectively.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130329345A1

A housing structure includes a shell integrally formed in aluminum and at least one mounting member. The shell includes a bottom wall, a first end wall, a second end wall and a top wall connected to the first end wall and the second end wall. The first end wall and the second end wall extend from opposite ends of the bottom wall. The bottom wall, the first end wall, the second end wall, and the top wall cooperatively form a receiving space with at least one opening. A first installation rail and a second installation rail protrude respectively from inners wall of the first end wall and the second end wall. The at least one mounting member is connected with the first installation rail and the second installation rail to enclose the at least one opening. The disclosure also supplies an electronic device using the same. 1. A housing structure for an electronic device comprising: a bottom wall;', 'a first end wall extending from one end of the bottom wall by bending around in a curved shape;', 'a second end wall extending from another end of the bottom wall by bending around in a curved shape opposite to the first end wall;', 'a top wall connected to the first end wall and the second end wall, respectively, and the top wall positioned substantially parallel to the bottom wall; and, 'a shell integrally formed, the shell made of aluminum, comprisingat least one mounting member, wherein the bottom wall, the first end wall, the second end wall, and the top wall cooperatively form a receiving space, two opposite sides of the receiving space form at least one opening, a first installation rail protrudes from an inner wall of the first end wall, a second installation rail protrudes from an inner wall of the second end wall, and the at least one mounting member is connected with the first installation rail and the second installation rail to enclose the at least one opening.2. The housing structure of claim 1 , wherein the housing structure further comprises a button claim 1 , ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Recess for memory card

Номер: US20130344720A1
Автор: Chun-Pu Chen, Ning CHANG
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

An opening in a housing of a computing device. A port, including an electrical contact to electrically connect to a connector, can be in the opening. The electrical contract to receive power through the port. A memory card can also be inserted through the opening.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140009047A1
Автор: Yanagisawa Tsunenori

In a cabinet for electronic apparatus, even when Mg—Li alloy is employed to reduce weight of the cabinet and the cabinet is molded through presswork by using the Mg—Li alloy, neither a rough surface nor a crack appears in any bent portion of the cabinet. In a cabinet for electronic apparatus including at least one surface formed by conducting presswork for Mg—Li alloy, the surface has a plate thickness t (mm) in a range of 0.4≦t≦2.0, at least one bent portion between at least two of the surfaces has a radius of curvature r (mm) on an inside of the bent portion in a range of t≦r, and at least one side surface standing relative to a bottom surface selected from the surfaces has a height H (mm) in a range of 0≦H≦r+4. 1. A cabinet for electronic apparatus comprising at least one surface formed by conducting presswork for magnesium-lithium alloy , wherein:the surface has a plate thickness t (mm) in a range of 0.4≦t≦2.0;at least one bent portion between at least two of the surfaces has a radius of curvature r (mm) on an inside of the bent portion in a range of t≦r; andat least one side surface standing relative to a bottom surface selected from the surfaces has a height H (mm) in a range of 0≦H≦r+4.2. A cabinet for electronic apparatus in accordance with claim 1 , wherein at least one bent portion between a bottom surface selected from the surfaces and at least one side surface standing relative to a bottom surface selected from the surfaces has a radius of curvature r (mm) on an inside of the bent portion in a range of t≦r.3. A cabinet for electronic apparatus in accordance with claim 2 , wherein:at least one crest bent portion formed between at least two of the surfaces has a radius of curvature Ra (mm) on an inside of the cabinet in a range of t≦Ra; andthe at least one crest bent portion has a radius of curvature H (mm) in a range of 0≦H≦Ra+4.4. A cabinet for electronic apparatus in accordance with claim 2 , wherein:at least one trough bent portion formed between at ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140015386A1
Автор: LIU Lei

A mounting bracket includes a metal chassis and a metal cover. The metal chassis includes two opposite side plates, a top plate, a bottom plate, and a middle plate connected between middles of the top plate and the bottom plate, parallel to the side plates. Two receiving spaces are divided in the metal chassis by the middle plate, for receiving two power supply units. A first end of the metal cover is pivotably connected to a middle of a front end of the metal chassis. When the metal cover is rotated towards one of the receiving spaces, the metal cover covers the front end of the one of the receiving spaces, for shielding radiation and preventing air turbulence. 1. A mounting bracket , comprising:a metal chassis comprising two opposite side plates, a top plate connected between tops of the side plates, a bottom plate connected between bottoms of the side plates, and a middle plate connected between middles of the top plate and the bottom plate and parallel to the side plates, two receiving spaces are formed in the metal chassis and divided by the middle plate, for receiving two power supply units; anda metal cover, a first end of the metal cover pivotably connected to a middle of a front end of the metal chassis, and a plurality of resilient tabs formed on a top, a bottom, and a second end of the metal cover away from the first end, wherein when the metal cover is rotated towards one of the receiving spaces, the resilient tabs on the top, the bottom, and the second end of the metal cover respectively abut the top plate, the bottom plate, and a corresponding one of the side plates bounding said one of the receiving spaces, the metal cover covers a front end of said one of the receiving spaces.2. The mounting bracket of claim 1 , wherein a block protrudes from a middle of a front end of each of the top and bottom plates claim 1 , a pivot hole is defined in each block claim 1 , a pivot protrudes from a first end of each of the top and the bottom of the metal cover ...

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140023877A1

A workpiece has non-rotary curved surface and edges. The workpiece is machined by a lathe. The lathe includes a cutter and a work table under the cutter. The worktable is configured for driving the workpiece to rotate. The non-rotary curved surface of the workpiece has a good finish because the cutter moves along a spiral cutting path on the workpiece at high speed continuously during the machining. 1. A workpiece comprising a non-rotary curved surface and a plurality of edges , wherein the curved surface extends to the edges of the workpiece , and the workpiece is machined by a lathe comprising a feeding device and a work table for driving the workpiece to rotate , the feeding device comprises a feeding mechanism and a cutter , and the feeding mechanism is configured for driving the cutter to move backwards and forwards along a spiral cutting path to machine the workpiece under precise control.2. The workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece is made of a material selected from the group consisting of aluminum alloy claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , magnesium alloy claim 1 , and stainless steal.3. The workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece is a housing of an electronic device selected from the group consisting of a panel computer claim 1 , a notebook claim 1 , a computer integrated machine claim 1 , and a television.4. The workpiece of claim 1 , wherein an average surface roughness of the curved surface is in a range from about 0.2 micron to about 1.0 micron.5. The workpiece of claim 1 , wherein the workpiece is a hollow rectangular board claim 1 , and the radius of curvature of the curved surface gradually decreases from a middle portion of the curved surface to the edges of the workpiece.6. The workpiece of claim 1 , wherein a spiral track is retained on the workpiece after the cutter machining.7. The workpiece of claim 1 , wherein a frequency of the cutter moving back and forth is from about 400 times per minute to about 3200 times per minute.8. The workpiece ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030928A1

An electrical card connector includes an insulative housing, a plurality of the contacts received in the insulative housing and a metal shell covering the insulative housing. The insulative housing has a receiving cavity receiving a first and a second electrical cards. The contacts include a plurality of first contacts connecting with the first electrical card and a plurality of second contacts combining with the first contacts to contact with the second electrical card. The metal shell has at least one elastic arm extending into the receiving cavity and contacting with a pad of the second electrical card but not contacting with a pad of the first electrical card to instead of a grounding contact of an electrical connector of prior art. It would reduces the number of the contacts to make the structure of the contact easy. 1. An electrical card connector used for connecting with an electrical card , comprising:an insulative housing having a receiving cavity for receiving the electrical card;a plurality contacts retained in the insulative housing, the contacts having a first group of contacts including a plurality of first contacts and a second group of contacts including a plurality of second contacts and combined with the first group of contacts for connecting with the electrical card, each first contact formed with a first contacting portion located at a first row, each second contact formed with a second contacting portion located in a second row;a metal shell covering the insulative housing and having at least one elastic arm extending into the receiving cavity and having a resisting portion arranged in the second row same as the second contacting portions of the second contacts.2. The electrical card connector as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the electrical card has a plurality of first contacting pads and a plurality of second contacting pads claim 1 , the second contacting pads are located in a front of the first contacting pads claim 1 , the second contacts ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140049911A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

A magnetic attachment mechanism and method is described. The magnetic attachment mechanism can be used to releasably attach at least two objects together in a preferred configuration without fasteners and without external intervention. The magnetic attachment mechanism can be used to releasably attach an accessory device to an electronic device. The accessory device can be used to augment the functionality of usefulness of the electronic device. 1. A magnetic attachment unit for magnetically attaching together at least individual first electronic and second electronic devices each having an associated magnetic attachment feature , comprising:a body comprising: a first side, a second side opposite the first side, electronic circuitry arranged to at least provide a communication channel between the first and second electronic devices and processing resources, and a data storage unit arranged to store data;a first magnetic attachment system at a first side of the body comprising at least a first magnet arranged to provide a first activation force for activating the corresponding magnetic attachment feature in the first electronic device; anda second magnetic attachment system at a second side of the body comprising at least a second magnet arranged to provide a second activation force for activating the corresponding magnetic attachment feature in the second electronic device, wherein a magnetic attachment force generated between the activated first and second magnetic systems and the corresponding magnets in the magnetic attachment unit causes the first and second individual electronic devices to operate together as a cooperating electronic device.2. The magnetic attachment unit as recited in claim 1 , wherein substantially all of the body is flexible.3. (canceled)4. The magnetic attachment unit as recited in claim 1 , wherein the data storage unit stores programming code executed by the cooperating electronic device.5. The magnetic attachment unit as recited in claim ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Portable electronic device port cover

Номер: US20140053375A1
Принадлежит: Hewlett Packard Development Co LP

A portable electronic device port cover. In a first implementation multiple bands can be connected with adhesive in areas where there are no ports in a portable electronic device. In a second implementation the elastic band has a slit that aligns with the ports on the portable electronic device.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140054302A1

A device cover includes a bottom base and at least one sidewall extending from the bottom base. The at least one sidewall is formed by an upsetting process. The device cover is made of metal. Only one fold is formed by flow tracks of metallic grain of the at least one sidewall. 1. A device cover , comprising:a bottom base; andat least one sidewall extending from the bottom base;wherein the at least one sidewall is formed by an upsetting process; the device cover is made of metal; only one fold is formed by flow tracks of metallic grain of the at least one sidewall.2. The device cover of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sidewall comprises an angled contact surface claim 1 , and an angle defined by the contact surface relative to an axis of the at least one sidewall is about 55° to about 65°.3. The device cover of claim 2 , wherein the contact surface angles toward the bottom base.4. The device cover of claim 1 , wherein the device cover is made of aluminum alloy.5. The device cover of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a thickness of the at least one sidewall with to thickness of the bottom base is about 1 to about 1.76.6. The device cover of claim 1 , wherein the bottom base is rectangular claim 1 , and the at least one sidewall extends substantially perpendicularly from a periphery of the rectangular bottom base. The present application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12,545,207, filed on Aug. 21, 2009.1. Technical FieldThe present disclosure relates to device housings, and more particularly to a device cover for electronic devices.2. Description of Related ArtGenerally, metallic device covers present an appealing appearance and contact surface, and thus are popularly used for electronic devices such as mobile phones.In a typical method for fabricating such a device cover, a metallic sheet is drawn into a preformed cover having a bottom base and a plurality of sidewalls extending substantially perpendicularly from a periphery of the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140070680A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

A plate-shaped casing member is a plate-shaped casing having a front surface and a rear surface, wherein the rear surface includes a first surface, and a second surface having a height different from a height of the first surface and having a meandering contour line, and the plate-shaped casing member has a thickness from the meandering contour line in the second surface to the front surface which is different from a thickness from the first surface to the front surface. 1. A plate-shaped casing member having a front surface and a rear surface ,wherein the rear surface includes a first surface, and a second surface having a height different from a height of the first surface and having a meandering contour line, andthe plate-shaped casing member has a thickness from the meandering contour line in the second surface to the front surface which is different from a thickness from the first surface to the front surface.2. The plate-shaped casing member according to claim 1 , wherein the second surface has a meandering level difference adjacent to the first surface.3. The plate-shaped casing member according to claim 1 , wherein the second surface comprises a meandering inclined surface.4. The plate-shaped casing member according to claim 2 , wherein the rear surface further includes a third surface having a meandering level difference adjacent to the second surface claim 2 , andthe first surface, the second surface and the third surface are adapted to have heights which are monotonously increased or decreased in the mentioned order, in a stepwise manner.5. The plate-shaped casing member according to claim 4 , wherein a thickness from the first surface to the front surface claim 4 , a thickness from the second surface to the front surface claim 4 , and a thickness from the third surface to the front surface are adapted to be monotonously increased or decreased in a stepwise manner.6. The plate-shaped casing member according to claim 4 , wherein the front surface is ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140071608A1
Автор: MASAOKA Satoru
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corporation

An electronic device includes an input device, a display that displays information, a first housing provided with the input device, a second housing provided with the display, a coupler that couples the first housing and the second housing to each other to enable changing of a positional relationship between the first housing and the second housing, a setter that allows a user to make a setting for enabling or disabling inputting to the input device, a positional-relationship detector that detects the positional relationship between the first housing and the second housing, and a controller that enables inputting to the input device, regardless of a setting by the setter, when a result of detection by the positional-relationship detector satisfies a first predetermined condition, in a case where a setting by the setter is made to disable inputting to the input device. 1. An electronic device comprising:an input device;a display that displays information;a first housing provided with the input device;a second housing provided with the display;a coupler that couples the first housing and the second housing to each other to enable changing of a positional relationship between the first housing and the second housing;a setter that allows a user to make a setting for enabling or disabling inputting to the input device;a positional-relationship detector that detects the positional relationship between the first housing and the second housing; anda controller that enables inputting to the input device, regardless of a setting by the setter, when a result of detection by the positional-relationship detector satisfies a first predetermined condition, in a case where a setting by the setter is made to disable inputting to the input device.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinwhen the result of detection by the positional-relationship detector satisfies a second predetermined condition, the controller disables inputting to the input device, regardless of the ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076598A1
Принадлежит: PPC BROADBAND, INC.

An outer sleeve for a CATV filter has, in one embodiment, a first end and a second end. The second end has a face with one or more engagement holes. 1. An outer sleeve for a CATV filter , the outer sleeve comprising:a first end; anda second end, the second end comprising a face, the face defining a connector hole configured to receive a cable connector, the connector hole being located on an axis, the face further defining at least one engagement hole located on a different axis.2. The outer sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the outer sleeve comprises a cylindrical surface and a sloped section claim 1 , the sloped section being located between the face and the cylindrical surface.3. The outer sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the at least one engagement hole comprises a drifted configuration.4. The outer sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the face defines a plurality of engagement holes located on a plurality of axes other than the axis of the connector hole claim 1 , wherein the plurality of engagement holes comprises the at least one engagement hole claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of axes comprises the plurality of axes.5. The outer sleeve of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of engagement holes comprises two engagement holes located opposite of each other claim 4 , the central axis being located between the two engagement holes.6. The outer sleeve of claim 1 , where the axis of the connector hole is a central axis.7. The outer sleeve of claim 1 , where the first end comprises a first hole claim 1 , where the first hole is equal in size to an inner diameter of the outer sleeve.8. An outer sleeve for a CAN filter claim 1 , the outer sleeve comprising:a first end, the first end comprising a first hole, where the first hole is substantially equal in size to an inner diameter of the outer sleeve;a second end, the second end comprising a face, the face defining a connector hole configured to receive a cable connector, the connector hole being located on a central axis, the face further ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083296A1
Автор: Sanders Jacob
Принадлежит: Donaldson Company, Inc.

The technology encompassed by the current disclosure generally relates to membrane composites that can be used in acoustic venting assemblies. In one embodiment of the technology disclosed herein, a venting media composite has a microporous membrane layer and a coating on the microporous membrane layer to form a composite. The basis weight of the composite is at least about 0.5% higher than a basis weight of the microporous membrane layer without the coating. In some embodiments the composite has a decreased insertion loss than its membrane-only counterpart. 1. A venting media composite comprising:a microporous membrane layer; anda coating on the microporous membrane layer, wherein the microporous membrane layer and the coating are a composite, and wherein the basis weight of the venting media composite is at least about 0.5% higher than a basis weight of the microporous membrane layer without the coating.2. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the composite is configured to be coupled to an electronics enclosure about an opening defined in the enclosure.3. The composite of having an average insertion loss less than or equal to the average insertion loss of the microporous membrane layer without the coating in a frequency range from 300 Hz to 4000 Hz.4. The composite of claim 1 , further comprising an oleophobic coating.57-. (canceled)8. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the composite has porosity of greater than 25%.910-. (canceled)11. The composite of claim 1 , having an average insertion loss of less than or equal to 85% of the average insertion loss of the microporous membrane layer alone in the H1 frequency range from 300 Hz to 4000 Hz.12. The composite of claim 1 , having an average insertion loss of no more than 80% of the average insertion loss of the microporous membrane layer alone in a frequency range from 300 Hz to 4000 Hz.13. The composite of claim 1 , wherein the coating comprises a colorant.14. The composite of claim 13 , wherein the colorant comprises ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Electronic device and fastening apparatus thereof

Номер: US20140084762A1
Автор: Chien-Hua Lai

A fastening apparatus, applicable for adjusting a fastening state of a first object and a second object by a first magnetic component, includes a first fastening component, an elastic component, a second fastening component and a second magnetic component. The first fastening component is disposed on the first object. The elastic component includes a first end disposed on the second object and a second end connected to the second fastening component. The second magnetic component is disposed on the second fastening component. The first magnetic component attracts the second magnetic component to move the second fastening component between a first position and a second position. When the second fastening component is at the first position, the first object is affixed to the second object. When the second fastening component is at the second position, the first object is separated from the second object.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Portable Computer Hard Drive Structures

Номер: US20140098484A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

Portable computer structures are provided. The portable computer structures may include hard drive mounting structures. The hard drive mounting structures may include elastomeric support members. Each elastomeric support member may have a relatively rigid inner portion. The inner portion may include a hole that receives a hard drive mounting pin. Each elastomeric support member may also have a relatively flexible outer portion. The relatively flexible outer portion may be mounted within an opening in a plastic support member. The rigid inner portion may have a square outline and may be mounted within a square opening in the flexible outer portion. 1. Noise reduction structures for a component that resonates at a resonant frequency during operation , comprising:a planar sheet that is mounted to the component to alter the resonant frequency of the component and that has an outer surface; anda printed label that is mounted to the outer surface of the planar sheet.2. The noise reduction structures defined in wherein the planar sheet comprises a copper sheet.3. The noise reduction structures defined in further comprising adhesive between the planar sheet and the component that secures the planar sheet to the component claim 1 , wherein the planar sheet alters the resonant frequency of the component by lowering the resonant frequency.4. The noise reduction structures defined in further comprising adhesive between the planar sheet and the component that secures the planar sheet to the component claim 1 , wherein the planar sheet alters the resonant frequency of the component by lowering the resonant frequency to below 80 Hz.5. The noise reduction structures defined in wherein the component comprises a component in a portable computer.6. A portable electronic device claim 1 , comprising:a component that resonates at a resonant frequency during operation;a noise-reducing sheet that is mounted to the component to alter the resonant frequency of the component, wherein the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003717A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

In one example a electronic device comprises a body, a receptacle in the body comprising an opening to receive a memory card, wherein the receptacle comprises a first set of connectors configured to connect with pins on a memory card configured in accordance with a first standard and a second set of connectors configured to connect with pins on a memory card configured in accordance with a second standard. Other examples may be described. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a body; a first set of connectors configured to connect with pins on a memory card configured in accordance with a first standard; and', 'a second set of connectors configured to connect with pins on a memory card configured in accordance with a second standard., 'a receptacle in the body comprising an opening to receive a memory card, wherein the receptacle comprises2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein:the first set of connectors is disposed on a first side of the receptacle; andthe second set of connectors is disposed on a second side of the receptacle.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein:the first set of connectors is configured to connect with pins on a secure digital (SD) memory card; andthe second set of connectors is configured to connect with pins on a universal flash storage (UFS) memory card.4. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein at least one connector in the first set of connectors is connected to at least one connector in the second set of connectors.5. The electronic device of claim 4 , further comprising:a coupling sensor to detect when a memory card is inserted into the receptacle.6. The electronic device of claim 5 , wherein the coupling sensor comprises at least one of:a mechanical switch; oran electrical circuit.7. The electronic device of claim 5 , further comprising logic claim 5 , at least partly including hardware logic claim 5 , to: determine a type of memory card inserted into the receptacle; and', 'initiate a communication with the memory card., ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Tablet Attachment System

Номер: US20160004279A1

A display mounting system comprises a display () having a perimeter edge surrounding a front face () comprising a display region () and a rear face (). An opening () extends into the front face () and is spaced from the perimeter edge of the display () to receive and facilitate mounting of a display support accessory (). 1. A tablet mounting system comprising:{'b': 20', '120', '420', '720', '30', '730', '34', '734', '32', '732, 'a display (, , , ) comprising a perimeter edge surrounding a front face (, ) comprising a display region (, ) and a rear face (, ); and'}{'b': 26', '126', '426', '726', '30', '730', '20', '120', '420', '720', '44', '144', '244', '344', '345', '444', '544', '744', '844', '944', '1044', '1144', '1244, 'an opening (, , , ) extending into the front face (, ) and spaced from the perimeter edge of the display (, , , ) to receive and facilitate mounting of a display support accessory (, , , , , , , , , , , , ).'}21264267261204207203073032732. The system of claim 1 , wherein the opening ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) extends through the display ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) from the front face ( claim 1 , ) to the rear face ( claim 1 , ).31264267264414424434434544454474484494410441144124420120420720. The system of claim 2 , wherein the opening ( claim 2 , claim 2 , ) is configured to receive and facilitate mounting of a first display support accessory ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ) on a rear side of the display ( claim 2 , claim 2 , claim 2 , ).41264267264414424434434544454474484494410441144124420120420720. The system of claim 3 , wherein the opening ( claim 3 , claim 3 , ) is configured to receive and facilitate mounting of a second display support accessory ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ) on a front side of the display ( claim 3 , claim 3 , claim 3 , ). ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160006845A1
Автор: McKittrick Allen B.

The present invention provides an assembly for attaching a lens to a housing of a device. The assembly includes a housing having a front opening, and a front edge which extends at least partially around the front opening, and a circuit substrate coupled to the housing. The assembly further includes one or more end caps coupled to the circuit substrate, the one or more end caps each having a front facing surface, where each end cap extends at least partially into the space between the circuit substrate and the front edge of the housing. A lens is coupled to the housing at the front edge and the front facing surface of the end cap. 1. An assembly for attaching a lens to a housing of a device , said assembly comprising:a housing including a front opening, and a front edge which extends at least partially around the front opening;a circuit substrate coupled to the housing;one or more end caps coupled to the circuit substrate, the one or more end caps each having a front facing surface, where each end cap extends at least partially into the space between the circuit substrate and the front edge of the housing; anda lens coupled to the housing at the front edge and the front facing surface of the end cap.2. An assembly in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the housing includes a back side opposite the front opening and one or more sidewalls that extend from the back side to the front edge claim 1 , which extends at least partially around the front opening.3. An assembly in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the front opening is sized to receive the circuit substrate into the housing via the front opening.4. An assembly in accordance with claim 2 , wherein the sidewalls of the housing are integrated with the back side of the housing to form a bucket configuration for the housing.5. An assembly in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the circuit substrate is a printed circuit board.6. An assembly in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the circuit substrate is recessed from the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190006735A1
Принадлежит: Intel Corporation

Techniques for integrating a plurality of radio antennas in an electronic device are described. An example of an electronic device includes a display housing with a display screen and top bezel disposed above the display screen, and a plurality of components disposed in the top bezel. The plurality of components include a first cellular communication antenna disposed on a first side of the top bezel, and a second cellular communication antenna disposed on a second side of the top bezel opposite the first side. The plurality of components also include a first WiFi antenna disposed adjacent to the second cellular communication antenna, and a second WiFi antenna disposed adjacent to the second cellular communication antenna on an opposite side from the first WiFi antenna. 1. An electronic device with an integrated radio antenna complex , comprising:a display housing comprising a display screen and top bezel disposed above the display screen; anda plurality of components disposed in the top bezel, wherein the plurality of components comprises:a first cellular communication antenna disposed on a first side of the top bezel;a second cellular communication antenna disposed on a second side of the top bezel opposite the first side;a first WiFi antenna disposed adjacent to the second cellular communication antenna; anda second WiFi antenna disposed adjacent to the second cellular communication antenna on an opposite side from the first WiFi antenna.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first cellular communication antenna comprises a Long Term Evolution (LTE)-Main antenna that also configured as a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) proximity sensor pad claim 1 , and the second cellular communication antenna comprises an LTE auxiliary antenna that is configured only as receiver.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first WiFi antenna and the second WiFi antenna are configured as SAR proximity sensor pads.4. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein first ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007486A1

There is provided a package substrate including: a substrate on which a circuit layer and an insulating layer are stacked; a metal post provided in an outside region of at least any one of an upper surface and a lower surface of the substrate; an electronic component mounted in a cavity formed by the metal post; and a metal lid bonded to an upper portion of the metal post. 1. A package substrate , comprising:a substrate configured by stacking a circuit layer and an insulating layer;a metal post provided in an outside region of at least any one of an upper surface and a lower surface of the substrate;an electronic component mounted in a cavity formed by the metal post; anda metal lid bonded to an upper portion of the metal post.2. The package substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the metal post and the metal lid are made of the same metal material.3. The package substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the metal post and the metal lid are made of at least one metal material selected from a group consisting of Kovar claim 1 , alloy claim 1 , nickel (Ni) claim 1 , cobalt (Co) claim 1 , and chromium (Cr).4. The package substrate according to claim 1 , wherein a height of the metal post is determined depending on a thickness of the electronic component.5. The package substrate according to claim 1 , wherein a width of the metal post is determined depending on a size of the electronic component.6. The package substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the electronic component is at least any one selected from a group consisting of an RF chip claim 1 , an IC chip claim 1 , a capacitor claim 1 , an inductor claim 1 , and a resistor.7. The package substrate according to claim 1 , further comprising:a sealing material provided in the cavity to seal the electronic component.8. The package substrate according to claim 1 , wherein the metal post is configured of a vertical part and a horizontal part which is bonded to an upper portion of the vertical part and formed to have a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007493A1

A method of fabricating a housing includes: providing a metal member including a base plate and a sidewall, the base plate having an inner surface connected to the sidewall; providing a filler having a connecting surface and a first top surface; fixing the filler onto the metal member to make the connecting surface connect to the inner surface and the first top surface to respectively form first and second included angles larger than 90 degrees and smaller than 180 degrees; providing a film attached with an ink layer, and then performing a process of In-Mold-Roller Injection Molding to form a plastic on the sidewall and the filler, the ink layer attached to the plastic; and removing a part of the filler and a part of the plastic at the sidewall to form a machined surface connected to the inner surface and the upper appearance surface. 1. A method of fabricating a housing , comprising:(a) providing a metal member, wherein the metal member comprises a base plate and at least one sidewall, the base plate has an inner surface, and the sidewall is connected to the inner surface and disposed at an edge of the inner surface;(b) providing a filler, wherein the filler has a connecting surface and a first top surface;(c) fixing the filler onto the metal member, so as to make the connecting surface connect to the inner surface to form a first included angle, and make the connecting surface connect to the first top surface to form a second included angle, wherein the first included angle and the second included angle are larger than 90 degrees and smaller than 180 degrees;(d) providing a film on which an ink layer is attached, and then performing a process of In-Mold-Roller Injection Molding, so as to form a plastic on the sidewall and the filler, and the film and the plastic are pressed to make the ink layer attach to the plastic to form an upper appearance surface with the ink layer on a surface of a part of the plastic; and(e) removing at least a part of the filler and at ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Compact Casing Structure

Номер: US20160007494A1

This invention illustrates a compact casing structure, integrally made by press-fitting at least one metallic material and adapted to be connected with a preset electronic device. The casing structure has a base portion which has a first stress region and a plurality of second stress regions. The plurality of circle shape second stress regions are arranged in intervals within the first stress region. The larger stress first stress region combining with the lesser stress and toughness second stress region can improve the strength of whole casing structure relatively, and the thickness of the casing structure can be made lighter to thinner, same and the usage amount of the material required in the casing structure can be reduced, and the cost of the casing structure can be decreased. 1. A compact casing structure , integrally made by press-fitting at least one metallic material , the casing structure including a base portion which has a first stress region and a plurality of second stress regions , the plurality of second stress regions formed in circle shapes and arranged in intervals within the first stress region , wherein the density of the first stress region is lower than density of the second stress regions , so that a stress of the first stress region is higher than stresses of the second stress regions.2. The compact casing structure according to claim 1 , wherein the casing structure has a plurality of side walls at a peripheral of the base portion claim 1 , and the base portion and the plurality of side walls form an accommodating space correspondingly.3. The compact casing structure as defined in claim 2 , wherein the base portion of the casing structure is provided with at least one concave portion corresponding to the accommodating space.4. The compact casing structure as defined in claim 2 , wherein the base portion of the casing structure is provided with at least one convex portion corresponding to the accommodating space.5. The compact casing ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Packaging unit for a substrate

Номер: US20220022336A1
Принадлежит: Heraeus Deutschland GmbH and Co KG

The present invention relates to a packaging unit for a substrate, a package stack with such packaging units and a process for packaging a substrate. The packaging unit for a substrate comprises a first shell, a substrate and a second shell. The substrate is inserted into the first shell, and the second shell is mounted on the first shell so that a first side of the substrate is surrounded by the first shell and an opposite, second side of the substrate is covered by the second shell. A metal deposit is applied to the second side of the substrate and an adhesive point is arranged on the metal deposit. The second shell is supported on the first shell in such a way that the second shell is only in contact with the substrate outside the adhesive point.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210010151A1

This application relates to a part for a portable electronic device. The part includes a titanium alloy substrate including a network of branching channels. The branching channels include a first channel and a second channel, where the first channel is defined by a first channel wall that extends away from a first opening in the exterior surface, and the second channel is defined by a second channel wall that extends away from a second opening in the first channel wall. 1. A titanium alloy substrate for a portable electronic device , the titanium alloy substrate comprising:an exterior surface; and the first channel is defined by a first channel wall that extends away from a first opening in the exterior surface, and', 'the second channel is defined by a second channel wall that extends away from a second opening in the first channel wall., 'a branching channel structure that includes a first channel and a second channel, wherein2. The titanium alloy substrate of claim 1 , wherein the first and second channel walls define claim 1 , in part claim 1 , an internal volume.3. The titanium alloy substrate of claim 1 , wherein the branching channel structure further includes a third channel claim 1 , and the third channel is defined by a third channel wall that extends from a third opening in the exterior surface.4. The titanium alloy substrate of claim 3 , wherein the third channel wall further extends from a fourth opening in the first channel wall.5. The titanium alloy substrate of claim 1 , wherein the first channel extends towards a first terminus surface claim 1 , and the second channel extends towards a second terminus surface claim 1 , and the first and second terminus surfaces are positioned at varied depths relative to the exterior surface.6. The titanium alloy substrate of claim 5 , wherein the varied depths of the first and second terminus surfaces are between 10 micrometers to 20 micrometers from the exterior surface.7. The titanium alloy substrate of claim 1 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160011629A1

An electronic device includes a first housing component including a side wall portion surrounding an electronic component; a concave portion provided in the side wall portion of the first housing component; a second housing component whose edge portion is arranged on the side wall portion of the first housing component; a seal member which has elasticity and waterproofness and which is arranged between the side wall portion of the first housing component and the edge portion of the second housing component; and a fixing component which includes a first claw portion that comes into contact with an upper surface of the edge portion of the second housing component and a second claw portion that fits into the concave portion of the side wall portion of the first housing component and which fixes the second housing component onto the first housing component by the first claw portion. 1. An electronic device comprising:a first housing component including a side wall portion surrounding an electronic component;a concave portion provided in the side wall portion of the first housing component;a second housing component whose edge portion is arranged on the side wall portion of the first housing component;a seal member which has elasticity and waterproofness and which is arranged between the side wall portion of the first housing component and the edge portion of the second housing component; anda fixing component which includes a first claw portion that comes into contact with an upper surface of the edge portion of the second housing component and a second claw portion that fits into the concave portion of the side wall portion of the first housing component and which fixes the second housing component onto the first housing component by the first claw portion and the second claw portion.2. The device according to claim 1 ,wherein the fixing component is removable from the first housing component and the second housing component by applying pressure to the second housing ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Front cover assembly and terminal

Номер: US20180011519A1

A front cover assembly includes a frame, a cover glass, and a waterproof glue. The frame has a receiving cavity. The cover glass is partially received in the frame. The cover glass has a light exiting face and a lateral face extending from the light exiting face. The cover glass has a step portion located at the lateral face and extending toward the frame. A gap is defined between the step portion of the cover glass and the frame. A waterproof glue fills the gap and directly contacts the step portion and the frame. This assembly can prevent water or dust from entering a terminal device.

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Device Component Exposure Protection

Номер: US20200012321A1

In implementations of device component exposure protection, a computing device includes device components enclosed within a housing. The device components are assembled within the housing and enclosed within the housing upon completion of assembly of the computing device. The computing device further includes a protective material contained within the housing, which fills void spaces around the device components. The protective material prevents exposure of the device components to external matter that the computing device is exposed to upon completion of the assembly.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013735A1

An electronic device having a metal housing includes an external housing including a first face facing a first direction, a second face facing a second direction which is the opposite direction of the first direction, and a lateral face at least partially surrounding a space formed between the first and second faces, and a display exposed through the first face of the external housing, wherein the external housing includes a metal substrate having a first part at least partially forming the second face and a second part at least partially forming the lateral face, the second part being integrally extended from the first part; and a non-metallic material coated on the first part, and wherein the second part includes micro dimples having a repeated pattern on the lateral face. 1. An electronic device comprising: a display exposed through the first face of the external housing,', 'wherein the external housing includes:', 'a metal substrate having a first part at least partially forming the second face and a second part at least partially forming the lateral face, the second part being integrally extended from the first part; and', 'a non-metallic material coated on the first part, and', 'wherein the second part includes micro dimples having a repeated pattern on the lateral face., 'an external housing including a first face facing a first direction, a second face facing a second direction which is the opposite direction of the first direction, and a lateral face at least partially surrounding a space formed between the first and second faces; and'}2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the metal substrate further has a third part extended between the first and second parts and exposed to outside.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the metal substrate further has a third part extended between the first and second parts claim 1 , and the external housing further includes another non-metallic material coated on the third part of the metal substrate.4. The ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150015801A1

Disclosed herein is a touch panel including: a transparent substrate divided into an active region and a non-active area that is a boundary of the active region; and a bezel portion formed in the non-active region of one surface of the transparent substrate, wherein the bezel portion is formed by exposing and developing a silver halide emulsion layer, thereby reducing a step difference of the bezel portion. 1. A touch panel comprising:a transparent substrate divided into an active region and a non-active area that is a boundary of the active region; anda bezel portion formed in the non-active region of one surface of the transparent substrate,wherein the bezel portion is formed by exposing and developing a silver halide emulsion layer.2. The touch panel as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the bezel portion includes gentle inclined surfaces at both sides in a width direction.3. The touch panel as set forth in claim 1 , wherein a silver halide included in the silver halide emulsion layer is an inorganic silver halide.4. The touch panel as set forth in claim 1 , further comprising: an overcoat layer formed in the transparent substrate to cover the bezel portion.5. The touch panel as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the overcoat layer is formed of an insulation material.6. The touch panel as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the transparent substrate is a window glass.7. A method of manufacturing a touch panel claim 1 , the method comprising:(A) preparing a transparent substrate;(B) applying a silver halide emulsion layer to the transparent substrate; and(C) forming a bezel portion in a non-active region of one surface of the transparent substrate by exposing and developing the silver halide emulsion layer.8. The method as set forth in claim 7 , further comprising: forming an overcoat layer in the transparent substrate to cover the silver halide emulsion layer claim 7 , after step (B).9. The method as set forth in claim 8 , wherein the overcoat layer is formed of an insulation ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015008A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

To provide an electronic control device capable of suppressing leakage of radio-frequency radiation noise, radiated from a noise source, to the outside. 1. An electronic control device comprising:a board on which a radio-frequency electronic component that operates at a predetermined frequency or higher is mounted;a housing made of metal, the housing internally including the board;a high-speed communication connector for connecting to outside, the high-speed communication connector being mounted on the board; anda low-speed communication connector for connecting to the outside, the low-speed communication connector being mounted on the board and having a communication speed lower than the communication speed of the high-speed communication connector,wherein the housing includes a partition wall provided between the radio-frequency electronic component and the low-speed communication connector.2. The electronic control device according to claim 1 , whereina low-frequency electronic component that operates at a frequency lower than a predetermined frequency is mounted on the board,the low-frequency electronic component and the radio-frequency electronic component are mounted on the board in such a manner that the board is divided into a low-frequency region in which the low-frequency electronic component is mounted and a radio-frequency region in which the radio-frequency electronic component is mounted, andthe partition wall is provided between the low-frequency region and the radio-frequency region.3. The electronic control device according to claim 2 , whereinthe housing includes a metal base and a metal cover, andthe partition wall is electrically DC-coupled to the metal base and the metal cover.4. The electronic control device according to claim 2 , whereinthe housing includes a metal base and a metal cover, andthe partition wall is electrically AC-coupled to the metal base and the metal cover.5. The electronic control device according to claim 3 , whereinthe ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015378A1

This is directed to systems and methods for coupling sections of an electronic device together. Sections of an electronic device can be coupled together via “knuckles.” The particular shape and structure of the knuckles can be based on various design considerations. For example, in some embodiments each section can function as an individual antenna. In this case, the knuckles can be designed in order to provide electrical isolation between the sections, thus allowing proper operation of the antennas. For example, the knuckles can be formed from a dielectric material, etc. As another design example, the knuckles can be designed in order to provide increased strength in areas of high strain, and/or to counteract torsional twisting in areas of high impact. As yet another design example, the knuckle can be designed in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing or which otherwise meets cosmetic requirements. 1. A component of an electronic device , wherein the component is substantially rectangular in cross-section and has at least one spline , the component comprising:a first section constructed from a first conductive material;a second section constructed from a second conductive material; and 'the first knuckle is located in a first spline of the component; and', 'a first knuckle constructed from an insulating material, whereina first side of the first knuckle is connected to the first section and a second side of the first knuckle is connected to the second section, such that the first knuckle couples the first section to the second section at the first spline.2. The component of claim 1 , wherein the first knuckle includes a first rib feature and a second rib feature claim 1 , wherein the first rib feature locks the first knuckle into the first section and the second rib feature locks the first knuckle into the second section.3. The component of claim 2 , wherein each of the first rib feature and the second rib feature have a cylindrical shape that extends along a ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035404A1
Автор: Chen Min, LIU Xinzhao

A display panel and a display device are provided in the present disclosure. The display panel, including a display region and a non-display region, includes a first base substrate and a second base substrate. The display panel further includes a sealing adhesive between the first base substrate and the second base substrate. The sealing adhesive is disposed in the non-display region by surrounding the display region and includes a main body part and a plurality of first extension parts connected to the main body part. The plurality of the first extension parts is between the main body part and the display region. The display panel further includes a first reflective metal part in the non-display region, where at least a portion of the first reflective metal part surrounds the display region, and includes a plurality of second reflective metal parts, arranged along a first direction, in the non-display region. 1. A display panel , including a display region and a non-display region surrounding the display region , the display panel comprising:a first base substrate and a second base substrate that are oppositely configured; the sealing adhesive is in the non-display region and surrounds the display region;', 'the sealing adhesive includes a main body part and a plurality of first extension parts connected to the main body part; and', 'the plurality of the first extension parts is between the main body part and the display region and arranged along a first direction, the first direction being an extending direction of the main body part;, 'a sealing adhesive between the first base substrate and the second base substrate, whereina first reflective metal part in the non-display region, wherein at least a portion of the first reflective metal part surrounds the display region, and orthographic projections of the first reflective metal part and the main body part on a light-exiting surface of the display panel at least partially overlap; anda plurality of second ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Adaptive Grip Suppression Tuning

Номер: US20220035412A1

In aspects of adaptive grip suppression, a wireless device has a display screen with curved display edges to display a selectable element in a region of a curved display edge. The wireless device implements an adaptive control module to adaptively tune grip suppression in the curved display edges of the display screen, which limits a device application action from being initiated based on inadvertent touch inputs on the selectable element. The adaptive control module can adaptively tune the grip suppression by decreasing the grip suppression in the region of the curved display edge proximate the selectable element responsive to false rejects indicating that the device application action is not initiating responsive to intended touch inputs, or by increasing the grip suppression in the region of the curved display edge proximate the selectable element responsive to false accepts indicating that the device application action is initiating responsive to inadvertent touch inputs. 1. A wireless device , comprising:a display screen with curved display edges to display a user interface associated with a device application, the user interface including a selectable element displayable in a region of a curved display edge and selectable to initiate a device application action; receive indications of false rejects associated with intended touch inputs on the selectable element displayed within the region of the curved display edge of the display screen, the false rejects indicating that the device application action is not initiating responsive to the intended touch inputs; and', 'decrease the grip suppression in the region of the curved display edge of the display screen proximate the selectable element responsive to the indications of the false rejects., 'an adaptive control module implemented at least partially in hardware to adaptively tune grip suppression in the curved display edges of the display screen, the grip suppression limiting the device application action from ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035415A1

A thermal management device with electromagnetic (EM) shielding includes a fin pack with a plurality of channels. The fin pack has an upper and lower surface. The fin pack has a pack length, pack height, and pack width. The fin pack has fins are oriented connecting the upper surface to the lower surface. The plurality of channels extends from a first end toward a second end. A first channel of the plurality of channels is adjacent the upper surface, and a second channel of the plurality of channels is adjacent the lower surface. 1. A computing device , comprising:a housing;a heat source located inside an electromagnetic shield, wherein the electromagnetic shield has an aperture;one or more electromagnetic radiation emitting electronic components within the housing but outside the electromagnetic shield;a fin pack located in the electromagnetic shield aperture and thermally connected to the heat source.2. The computing device of claim 1 , wherein the fin pack provides fluid communication through the electromagnetic shield.3. The computing device of claim 2 , wherein the fluid communication is through the fin pack.4. The computing device of claim 2 , wherein the fluid communication is from a shielded side to an unshielded side of the electromagnetic shield.5. The computing device of claim 1 , further comprising a heat transfer element located between the heat source and the fin pack.6. The computing device of claim 1 , the electromagnetic shield defining a shielded side and an unshielded side with the aperture therethrough from the shielded side to the unshielded side.7. The computing device of claim 1 , the fin pack attenuating electromagnetic radiation in an attenuation range by at least 30 decibels.8. The computing device of claim 7 , the attenuation range being between 2.2 Gigahertz (GHz) and 2.6 GHz.9. The computing device of claim 7 , the attenuation range being between 1.8 GHz and 2.0 GHz.10. The computing device of claim 7 , the attenuation range being between ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016805A1

A housing for an electronic device includes a metal member combined with a plastic member. The combination molds the metal member to the plastic member but the plastic member is discontinuous and recesses and protrusions are cut into the metal member to enable molding and bonding with the plastic member in the manner of a dovetail joint. Manufacture in this way increases bonding strength and reduces the likelihood of internal stresses in the cooling plastic member resulting from complete envelopment of the metal by the plastic. The metal member and the plastic member are thus integrally formed and a thickness of a recess is less than a thickness of the plastic member. An electronic device and a method for making the housing are also provided. 1. A housing , comprising:a metal member; and 'at least one recessed portion;', 'a plastic member, the plastic member comprising;'}wherein the metal member and the plastic member are integrally formed, a thickness of the at least one recessed portion is less than a thickness of a remaining portion of the plastic member.2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein:the plastic member further comprises an outer surface and an inner surface opposite to the outer surface, the at least one recessed portion is recessed from the outer surface toward the inner surface or recessed from the inner surface toward the outer surface, and the outer surface is bonded to an inner wall of the metal member.3. The housing of claim 2 , wherein:the plastic member further comprises at least one raised portion, the recessed portions and the raised portions are arranged alternately.4. The housing of claim 3 , wherein:the thickness of the recessed portion is less than a thickness of the raised portion.5. The housing of claim 4 , wherein:an inner wall of the metal member is a smooth surface.6. The housing of claim 5 , wherein:the at least one recessed portion is recessed from the inner surface toward the outer surface.7. The housing of claim 4 , wherein:an inner ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180017995A1

A housing for an electronic device is disclosed. The housing includes a first conductive component defining a first interface surface, a second conductive component defining a second interface surface facing the first interface surface, and a joint structure between the first and second interface surfaces. The joint structure includes a molded element forming a portion of an exterior surface of the housing, and a sealing member forming a watertight seal between the first and second conductive components. Methods of forming the electronic device housing are also disclosed. 1. A housing for an electronic device , comprising:a first conductive component defining a first interface surface;a second conductive component defining a second interface surface facing the first interface surface; and a molded element forming a portion of an exterior surface of the housing; and', 'a sealing member abutting the molded element and forming a watertight seal between the first and second conductive components., 'a joint structure between the first and second interface surfaces, comprising2. The housing of claim 1 , wherein:the sealing member and the molded element are electrical insulators; andthe sealing member and the molded element electrically isolate the first conductive component from the second conductive component.3. The housing of claim 1 , wherein:the first and second conductive components comprise interlock features; andthe molded element engages the interlock features to retain the first conductive component to the second conductive component.4. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the sealing member comprises an elastomeric material.5. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the sealing member is compressed between the first and second interface surfaces.6. The housing of claim 1 , wherein:the molded element is a first molded element; andthe sealing member is a second molded element.7. The housing of claim 1 , wherein the first conductive component claim 1 , the second conductive ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190018455A1

The present disclosure provides a housing assembly, and the housing assembly is applied to an electronic device. The housing assembly includes a first part and a second part. The first part includes at least one opening. The second part includes at least one mesh area. The mesh area deformably connects to the first part, and covers the opening. 1. A housing assembly , applied to an electronic device , and the housing assembly comprising:a first part, including an opening; anda second part, including a mesh area deformably connecting to the first part and covering the opening.2. The housing assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a sensing element claim 1 , configured to detect a connection mode between the second part and the first part.3. The housing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the mesh area is configured to be selectively deformed to form an air inlet area claim 1 , and the air inlet area is adjacent to the first part.4. The housing assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the air inlet area comprises an air inlet hole claim 3 , and the air inlet hole is located between the first part and the mesh area.5. The housing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the second part is sleeved on the first part.6. The housing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the material of the mesh area comprises a textile material mixed with metal wires.7. A cover claim 1 , applied to an electronic device claim 1 , the electronic device including a housing with an opening claim 1 , and the cover comprising:a mesh area, deformably connecting to the housing, and covering the opening.8. The cover according to claim 7 , further comprising a sensing element claim 7 , configured to detect a connection mode between the cover and the housing.9. The cover according to claim 7 , wherein the mesh area is configured to be selectively deformed to form an air inlet area.10. The cover according to claim 9 , wherein the air inlet area comprises an air inlet hole.11. The cover ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Electronic device

Номер: US20190018456A1
Принадлежит: ASUSTeK Computer Inc

The present disclosure provides an electronic device. The electronic device includes a casing and a detachable unit. The casing includes an opening. The detachable unit is selectively disposed in the opening. The detachable unit includes a recognizing element. The detachable unit is provided for the electronic device provided in the present disclosure. In addition to having an electromagnetic shielding effect, the detachable unit can further provide various different functions, such as cooling, storage, display, communication, and accommodation. A user selects different detachable units according to needs. Therefore, the electronic device provided in the present disclosure helps improve user experience.

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021064A1

A metallic housing of an electronic device, includes a metallic outer frame and an inner structural member. The metallic outer frame comprises a plurality of latching portions protruding, and a plurality of latching grooves. The inner structural member is made from metal-alloy and embedded in the outer frame by die-casting. The inner structural member comprises a peripheral sidewall, a plurality of engaging portions, and a plurality of matching portions. The plurality of engaging portions and the plurality of matching portions protrude from the peripheral sidewall outwardly. Each latching portion comprises at least two parallel latching ribs, and forms a receiving groove between two adjacent latching ribs. The plurality of engaging portions is respectively embedded in the plurality of receiving grooves, and the plurality of matching portions is respectively embedded in the plurality of latching grooves. The present disclosure further provides a manufacturing method for the metallic housing. 1. A metallic housing of an electronic device , comprising a metallic outer frame and an inner structural member , wherein the metallic outer frame comprises an inner surface , a plurality of latching portions protruding from the inner surface inwardly , and a plurality of latching grooves each formed between two adjacent latching portions; the inner structural member is made from metal-alloy and embedded in the inner surface of the outer frame by die-casting; the inner structural member comprises a peripheral sidewall , a plurality of engaging portions , and a plurality of matching portions; the plurality of engaging portions and the plurality of matching portions protrude from the peripheral sidewall outwardly; each latching portion comprises at least two parallel latching ribs , and forms a receiving groove between two adjacent latching ribs; the plurality of engaging portions is respectively embedded in the plurality of receiving grooves , and the plurality of matching ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021065A1

A metallic housing of an electronic device includes a metallic outer case and an inner structural member embedded in the inner side of the outer case by die-casting. The outer case includes a bottom plate and a peripheral sidewall. The bottom plate is equipped with a number of latching hooks. The latching hooks are spaced from each other. The peripheral sidewall defines a receiving groove at an inner side along the peripheral sidewall. The inner structural member is made of metal alloy, and includes a base plate and a frame sidewall surrounding a periphery of the base plate, a protruding flange protruding from the frame sidewall, and a plurality of combining grooves on the base plate. The protruding flange is received in the receiving grooves, and the number of latching hooks is respectively received in the number of combining grooves. 1. A metallic housing of an electronic device , comprising a metallic outer case and an inner structural member , wherein the metallic outer case comprises a bottom plate , a plurality of latching hooks spaced from each other at an inner side of the bottom plate , and a peripheral sidewall extending from a periphery of the bottom plate toward a side thereof; the peripheral sidewall defines a receiving groove at an inner side along the peripheral sidewall; the inner structural member is made of metal-alloy and embedded in the inner side of the outer case by die-casting , the inner structural member comprises a base plate and a frame sidewall surrounding a periphery of the base plate , a protruding flange protruding from the frame sidewall outwardly , and defines a plurality of combining grooves on the base plate; the protruding flange is embedded in the receiving grooves , and the plurality of latching hooks is respectively embedded in the plurality of combining grooves.2. The metallic housing of claim 1 , wherein the bottom plate defines a plurality of receiving grooves respectively adjacent to the plurality of latching hooks claim 1 ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150021330A1

A cap assembly for optical communications comprising a housing that includes a front side perpendicular from a bottom side, opposing parallel first and second sides perpendicular from the bottom side, and a back side disposed perpendicularly between the first side and the second side offset from respective ends of the first side and the second side opposite the front side. The back side includes an opening there-through and a three-sided ledge formed along an interior of the first side leg, an exterior of the back side, and an interior of the second side leg. The cap assembly further includes a window configured to contact the three-sided ledge of the back side, the glass panel covering the opening there-through and attached to the assembly via a solder pre-form. 1. A cap assembly , comprising: a front side perpendicular from a bottom side,', 'opposing parallel first and second sides perpendicular from the bottom side, and', 'wherein the back side includes an opening there-through and a three-sided ledge formed along an interior of the first side leg, an exterior of the back side, and an interior of the second side leg; and', 'a back side disposed perpendicularly between the first side and the second side offset from respective ends of the first side and the second side opposite the front side,'}], 'a housing, includinga window configured to contact the three-sided ledge of the back side, the glass panel covering the opening there-through.2. The cap assembly of claim 1 , wherein the housing is comprised of an iron-nickel-cobalt alloy.3. The cap assembly of claim 2 , wherein the housing is plated with nickel and gold.4. The cap assembly of claim 3 , wherein the window is a multi-coated borosilicate glass panel having a thickness between 0.4 mm and 0.6 mm.5. The cap assembly of claim 4 , wherein the window includes a metallization seal ring disposed along a perimeter of the window on a side of the window contacting the back side of the housing.6. The cap assembly of ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019663A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.

An electric power conversion device includes: an active circuit section emitting noises; an output-side filter circuit section; a chassis including a first space and a second space for housing the active circuit section and the filter circuit section respectively; and a base plate that is installed so as to cover at least the first space and is electrically connected to the chassis. Here, the chassis includes a first partition wall for partitioning the first space and the second space, the base plate is disposed so as to cover the first space, and includes a second partition wall along the first partition wall, and the second partition wall is disposed between the filter circuit section and the first partition wall in the first space. 1. An electric power conversion device comprising:an active circuit section emitting noises;an output-side filter circuit section;a chassis including a first space and a second space for housing the active circuit section and the filter circuit section respectively; anda base plate that is installed so as to cover at least the first space and is electrically connected to the chassis,wherein the chassis includes a first partition wall for partitioning the first space and the second space,the base plate is disposed so as to cover the first space, and includes a second partition wall along the first partition wall, andthe second partition wall is disposed between the filter circuit section and the first partition wall in the first space.2. The electric power conversion device according to claim 1 ,wherein the first partition wall is integrally molded with the chassis, andthe second partition wall is integrally molded with the base plate.3. The electric power conversion device according to claim 2 ,wherein the base plate is fastened to the upper surface of the first partition wall with a fastening member.4. The electric power conversion device according to claim 3 ,wherein a fastening protrusion, to which the base plate is fastened in ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210019004A1
Автор: Roziere Didier

The present invention relates to a device () for a portable user apparatus (), including a portion () which can be folded over the user apparatus (), said foldable portion () including at least two detection layers, each kept at a reserve potential and including at least one capacitive detection electrode: a first of said layers being arranged to carry out a function of capacitive detection of at least one control object located on one side of said foldable portion (); a second of said layers being arranged so as to carry out a function of capacitive detection of at least one control object located on the other side of said foldable portion (), with a view to triggering a function in the user apparatus (). The invention also relates to an apparatus () provided with such an accessory device. 1. An apparatus having a first portion capable of being oriented with respect to a second portion , the apparatus comprising:at least one substrate formed in the first portion;a plurality of layers formed with the at least one substrate in the first portion; anda control unit configured for detecting an orientation of the first portion with respect to the second portion and configuring at least one of the plurality of layers as a first object detecting layer and configuring at least another of the plurality of layers as a first guard layer for shielding the first object detecting layer based on the detected orientation.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a first layer of the plurality of layers is formed along a first region of the at least one substrate and a second layer of the plurality of layers is formed along a second region of the at least one substrate.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein a third layer of the plurality of layers is disposed between the first and second layers claim 2 , the third layer configurable to operate as the first guard layer.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein a fourth layer of the plurality of layers is disposed between the third layer and ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020012A1

An electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes a first metal plate of a metal bezel that forms the external appearance of the electronic device, a second metal plate that overlaps the first metal plate while being spaced apart from the first metal plate, a dielectric member interposed between the first metal plate and the second metal plate, and a substrate electrically connected to a contact terminal of the second metal plate to feed power. Other embodiments are possible. 1. An electronic device comprising:a first metal plate configured to form at least a part of a metal bezel on the exterior of the electronic device;a second metal plate disposed to be spaced apart from the first metal plate and comprising a contact terminal;a dielectric member interposed between the first metal plate and the second metal plate; anda substrate electrically connected through the contact terminal.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises at least one power feeder configured to supply a current to at least one of the first or the second metal plate.3. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first metal plate comprises a plurality of sub-metal plates.4. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of sub-metal plates have one of a same width and different widths.5. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of sub-metal plates have one of a same thickness and different thicknesses.6. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein the gaps between the plurality of sub-metal plates are one of equal to claim 3 , and different from claim 3 , each other.7. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein each of the plurality of sub-metal plates is electrically connected to at least one power feeder of the substrate through at least one electrical connection means.8. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the first metal plate comprises a plurality of sub-metal plates that are disposed to overlap each other.9. The ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020017A1

An electronic device includes a framework defining a number of receiving grooves and a number of modules detachably retained in the receiving grooves. Each receiving groove has a respective notch at a bottom thereof. Each of the modules includes an insulative housing defining a receiving room, a cover having an opening, and an elastic member received in the receiving room. The elastic member has a tuber extending through the opening to engage the notch and a pair of ear portions welded on an inner surface of the cover. 1. An electronic device comprising:a framework defining a plurality of receiving grooves each having a respective notch at a bottom thereof; and an insulative housing defining a receiving room;', 'a cover having an opening; and', 'an elastic member received in the receiving room, the elastic member having a tuber extending through the opening to engage the notch and a pair of ear portions welded on an inner surface of the cover., 'a plurality of modules detachably retained in the receiving grooves, each of the modules comprising2. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the elastic member includes a plurality of peripheral portions surrounding the tuber claim 1 , the peripheral portions are attached to the inner surface of the cover claim 1 , and the ear portions extend outwardly from the peripheral portions.3. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein each ear portion includes a middle curved portion separated from the peripheral portions and a straight portion connected with the peripheral portions claim 1 , and the welded portions are located at the curved portions.4. The electronic device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the cover is made of metal.5. An electronic device comprising:a framework defining a plurality of receiving grooves each having a respective notch at a bottom thereof; anda plurality of modules detachably and snugly retained in the receiving grooves, each of the modules comprising:an insulative housing ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020637A1
Автор: Boltanski Rami

An optical system comprises a detector to determine one or more intensities of light impinging on one or more locations of the detector and an optical element to redirect light towards the detector along a detection axis. The detector and optical element are coupled together by three or more substantially flat flexures respectively defining three or more flexure planes parallel to the detection axis. The three or more substantially flat flexures prevent rotational movement of the optical element with respect to the detector with changes in temperature 1. A scanner comprising:a light source to generate light;a microlens array to split the light into an array of light beams;a base;a detector, mounted to the base, comprising an array of sensors, wherein each sensor of the array of sensors determines an intensity of light impinging on the sensor;a beam splitter to transmit the array of light beams towards a target and redirect a reflected array of light beams from the target towards the detector along a detection axis in a first direction; andthree or more flexures that couple the beam splitter to the base, wherein thermal expansion or contraction of the beam splitter with respect to at least one of the detector or the base bends each flexure of the three or more flexures in a respective second direction without bending the flexure in a respective third direction approximately perpendicular to the first direction and the respective second direction, wherein the three or more flexures maintain an alignment of the microlens array to the detector with changes in temperature.2. The scanner of claim 1 , wherein the beam splitter has a first coefficient of thermal expansion that is different from a second coefficient of thermal expansion of at least one of the detector or the base.3. The scanner of claim 1 , wherein each flexure has a height in the first direction claim 1 , a thickness in the respective second direction claim 1 , and a width in the respective third direction ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039295A1
Автор: Franz John, Lunsman Harvey

An electronic component enclosure includes a plurality of wall structures defining outer walls of the enclosure. Each wall structure has an internal fluid channel for circulation of cooling fluid. The enclosure further includes at least one partition structure disposed within the outer walls and having an internal fluid channel in sealed fluid communication with the internal fluid channel of at least one of the plurality of wall structures. The internal fluid channel of at least one of the plurality of wall structures and the internal fluid channel of the at least one partition structure defines a continuous fluid circulation path between a fluid inflow port and a fluid outflow port. 1. An electronic component enclosure comprising:a plurality of outer walls, each outer wall comprising a thermally conductive material and an internal fluid channel for circulation of cooling fluid;at least one partition structure comprising a thermally conductive material and an internal fluid channel in sealed fluid communication with the internal fluid channel of at least one outer wall of the plurality of outer walls;a fluid inflow port in sealed fluid communication with the internal fluid channel of the at least one outer wall of the plurality of outer walls; anda fluid outflow port in sealed fluid communication with the internal fluid channel of the at least one outer wall of the plurality of walls,wherein the internal fluid channels of the plurality of outer walls and the internal fluid channel of the at least one partition structure define a continuous fluid circulation path between the fluid inflow port and the fluid outflow port.2. The electronic component enclosure of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of outer walls comprises a laminar structure including first and second layers defining the internal fluid channel therebetween.3. The electronic component enclosure of claim 2 , wherein the at least one partition structure comprises a laminar structure including first and ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

High-Performance Electromagnetic Shielding Assemblies

Номер: US20190021191A1
Автор: JONES Daniel P.

A wireless communication electronic assembly can include a plurality of integrated modules each having a ground plate interfaced to each other and defining a shielding plane. Each ground plate can have a left edge and a right edge opposite each other. A plurality of wireless communication devices can be positioned on one side of the shielding plane, and a plurality of electronic devices can be positioned on the other side of the shielding plane. One or more electromagnetic shielding elements, such as gasket(s), channel strip(s), stamping element(s), etc. can be disposed between the left edge and the right edge of adjacent ground plates to electromagnetically shield the plurality of electronic devices from the plurality of wireless communication devices. The left and right edges can be recessed or offset on one side of the shielding plane. Rows and columns of integrated modules can be interfaced about a plurality of electromagnetic shielding elements. A method of installing and replacing integrated modules of an antenna array. 1. An electromagnetic shielding assembly of a wireless communication electronics assembly , the assembly comprising:a plurality of ground plates interfaced to each other and defining a shielding plane, the ground plates in support of wireless communication devices on one side of the shielding plane, and electronic devices supported on the other side of the shielding plane, wherein each ground plate includes a left edge and a right edge opposite each other; andat least one electromagnetic shielding element disposed between the left edge and the right edge of adjacent ground plates to electromagnetically shield the plurality of electronic devices from the plurality of wireless communication devices.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one electromagnetic shielding element comprises an elastically deformable electromagnetic shielding gasket.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the left and right edges of the plurality of ground plates ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023981A1

A display device makes a touch input through interception of light that passes through a touch area on a display panel defined by an optical guide portion. The display device includes a gap formed between at least one side end portion of the display panel and the optical guide portion surrounding the display panel, and the optical includes at least one drainage hole and a drainage path configured to guide a liquid that flows into the gap to the drainage hole. 1. A display device comprising:a display panel; and a drainage hole, and', 'a drainage path configured to receive liquid that flows into the gap and to guide the received liquid to the drainage hole,, 'an optical guide portion surrounding the display panel, defining a touch area on the display panel, disposed such that a gap is located between the optical guide portion and at least a portion of an outer edge of the display panel, and comprising'}wherein the display device is configured to sense a touch on the touch area by detecting interception of light, having been output through the optical guide portion, passing through the touch area.2. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drainage hole is formed through a portion of the optical guide portion.3. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a rear cover forming a rear portion of the display device, the rear cover having a drainage guide groove formed thereon to guide liquid discharged from the drainage hole out of the display device.4. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drainage path has a furrow structure formed by an outer wall of the optical guide portion claim 1 , which forms an outline of the optical guide portion claim 1 , and an inner wall of the optical guide portion arranged at an interval from the outer wall.5. The display device as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the drainage path has a plurality of micro-projections formed on a bottom of the drainage path.6. The display device as claimed in ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023983A1

A waterproof housing including a frame structure and a waterproof structure is provided. The frame structure includes an opening. The waterproof structure is fixed on the frame structure and covers whole of the external surface and the opening of the frame structure. The waterproof structure includes a plurality of ribs extending toward the opening correspondingly and located in the opening. An electronic device is further provided including the waterproof housing and a keyboard module. The keyboard module includes a plurality of keys. The keyboard module is disposed under the waterproof housing and passes into the opening from an underside of the frame structure. The waterproof structure covers the keyboard module disposed in the opening and is fixed between the keys via the ribs. Therefore, the electronic device and the waterproof housing thereof have an improved water-proof function and are convenient in use. 1. An electronic device , comprising: a frame structure including an opening; and', 'a waterproof structure configured to fix on the frame structure, and to cover whole of the external surface and the opening of the frame structure, wherein the waterproof structure includes a plurality of ribs extending toward the opening correspondingly and located in the opening; and, 'a waterproof housing includinga keyboard module including a plurality of keys, wherein the keyboard module is disposed under the waterproof housing and passes into the opening from an underside of the frame structure, the waterproof structure covers the keyboard module disposed in the opening and is fixed between the keys via the ribs.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the waterproof structure includes an operating portion and a fixing portion peripheral to the operating portion claim 1 , the waterproof structure is fixed on the whole of the external surface of the frame structure via the fixing portion claim 1 , the operating portion corresponds to the opening and the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160026222A1

A protective plate and a preparation method thereof, a display panel and a display device. The protective plate comprises a translucent substrate, wherein a white shading frame, for covering a circuit layer, is provided in a periphery of the translucent substrate. In this way, it is possible to make a non-display region of the display panel be white. 1. A protective plate , comprising a translucent substrate , wherein a white shading frame , for covering a circuit layer , is provided in a periphery of the translucent substrate.2. The protective plate according to claim 1 , further comprising an optical transparent layer claim 1 , which is arranged on the translucent substrate provided with the white shading frame claim 1 , with a height of the optical transparent layer over the white shading frame less than a height of the optical transparent layer over the translucent substrate.3. The protective plate according to claim 2 , whereina thickness of the white shading frame is 5-20 μm;the height of the optical transparent layer over the white shading frame is 1-5 μm;the height of the optical transparent layer over the translucent substrate is 6-25 μm.4. The protective plate according to claim 3 , whereinthe thickness of the white shading frame is 8-12 μm;the height of the optical transparent layer over the white shading frame is 1-3 μm;the height of the optical transparent layer over the translucent substrate is 8-15 μm.5. The protective plate according to claim 2 , wherein the optical transparent layer is made of a translucent polymer material.6. The protective plate according to claim 5 , wherein the translucent polymer material is an optical clear resin.7. The protective plate according to claim 2 , wherein the white shading frame is made of an opaque polymer material.8. The protective plate according to claim 7 , wherein the opaque polymer material is white photosensitive ink.9. The protective plate according to claim 1 , wherein a groove is further provided in the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Electronic device

Номер: US20220043485A1
Автор: Changmin Park
Принадлежит: Samsung Display Co Ltd

An electronic device includes a support under a display panel. The display panel includes a first area, a second area, and a third area. The third area is spaced from the first area, and the second area is between the first area and the second area. The electronic device also includes an electronic module spaced from the display panel, with the support therebetween and overlapping the third area. The support includes first and second supports. The second support is on the first support and includes a first opening overlapping the electronic module.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220043487A1

Provided are portable workstation covers comprising a frame of interconnected panels which define an interior volume and a resilient support member received within a retaining sleeve. Related methods of and use are further provided. 1. A portable workstation cover comprising: two oppositely positioned side panels,', 'a top panel and oppositely positioned to a base panel connected to the side panels, and', 'a rear panel connected to each of the side panels, the top panel and the base panel;, 'a series of interconnected panels comprisingat least one resilient support member received within at least one retaining sleeve;wherein the side panels, top panel, base panel and rear panel together define an interior volume, and wherein the base panel comprises at least one strap configured to secure an electronic device having a screen to the portable workstation cover.2. The portable workstation cover according to claim 1 , further comprising a front panel which is positioned opposite the rear panel.3. The portable workstation cover according to claim 2 , comprising a plurality of resilient support members configured to conform to perimeters of one or more of the side panels; top panel; base panel; rear panel; and front panel.4. The portable workstation cover according to claim 2 , wherein one or more of the side panels claim 2 , top panel claim 2 , base panel claim 2 , rear panel and front panel individually comprise a retaining sleeve disposed along perimeters of the respective panels.5. The portable workstation cover according to claim 2 , wherein each of the top panel claim 2 , base panel claim 2 , rear panel and front panel individually comprise a resilient support member received within a respective retaining sleeve.6. The portable workstation cover according to claim 2 , wherein each of the side panels claim 2 , the top panel claim 2 , the base panel and the rear panel comprise a material extending along a surface defined by the respective perimeters of the panels ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190025884A1

An electronic device, a display module and a display apparatus are disclosed. The electronic device may include a shell assembly, a display assembly and a fingerprint assembly. The shell assembly may have a display face and be connected to the shell assembly. The fingerprint assembly may be connected to the shell assembly. An orthographic projection area of the fingerprint assembly on the display assembly in a projection direction perpendicular to a finger contact plane of the fingerprint assembly may be defined as a second region, at least part of the second region may be overlapped with the display face. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a shell assembly;a display assembly, having a display face and connected to the shell assembly; anda fingerprint assembly, connected to the shell assembly, wherein an orthographic projection area of the fingerprint assembly on the display assembly in a projection direction perpendicular to a finger contact plane of the fingerprint assembly is defined as a second region, and at least part of the second region is overlapped with the display face.2. The electronic device of claim 1 , wherein the display assembly comprises:a substrate; anda display screen, attached on the substrate and having the display face;wherein the fingerprint assembly is located at a side of the display screen away from the substrate.3. The electronic device of claim 2 , wherein the display assembly further comprises a protecting plate located at the side of the display screen away from the substrate claim 2 , and attached on the display screen claim 2 , wherein the fingerprint assembly is embedded into the protecting plate.4. The electronic device of claim 3 , wherein a slot extends through the protecting plate claim 3 , and the fingerprint assembly is engaged in the slot.5. The electronic device of claim 4 , wherein the protecting plate comprises a step at the slot to engage with the fingerprint assembly; the fingerprint assembly comprises a cover claim 4 ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140111938A1
Автор: HUNG Wei-Chih

A metal cooling plate functioning includes a plurality of through cooling patterns. Each cooling pattern includes a ventilation through hole and two “V”-shaped annular grooves, each annular groove surrounding the outside the ventilation through hole. Each side of the cooling plate defines the “V”-shaped annular groove, where the annular grooves being paired are directly opposing each other. Areas of the metal cooling plate directly between respective bottoms of the opposing grooves form an annular plastic zone in which electrical resistance is higher than a resistance of the metal base at all other areas. 1. A cooling plate , comprising a metal base , the metal base comprising:a first surface;a second surface opposite to the first surface;a plurality of cooling patterns, each cooling pattern comprising a ventilation through hole passing through the first and the second surfaces and at least one annular groove, a vertical distance between the first surface and the second surface defining a thickness of the metal base, and each annular groove surrounding the ventilation through hole;wherein at least one of the first surface and the second surface defines the at least one annular groove, a width of each annular groove at a top of the annular groove is less than a width of each annular groove at a bottom of the annular groove, thereby forming a first tip at the bottom of each annular groove, a region of the metal base corresponding to the first tip forms an annular plastic zone which has a resistance higher than a resistance of the metal base in other areas besides the annular plastic zone.2. The cooling plate of claim 1 , wherein each cooling pattern comprises at least one protrusion attached to a sidewall of the ventilation through hole claim 1 , and the at least one protrusion includes a second tip extending towards a center of the ventilation through hole.3. The cooling plate of claim 2 , wherein each cooling pattern comprises two protrusions claim 2 , the two ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Adaptive processes for improving integrity of surfaces

Номер: US20160029496A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A process for performing localized corrective actions to structure of an electronic device is described. The structure may include a mating surface configured to receive another structured such that the two structures may be, for example, adhesively bonded together. The localized corrective actions are configured not to improve the mating surface but to also prevent light within the electronic device from escaping in undesired areas of the electronic device. In some embodiments, the corrective action includes using a removal tool to remove identified portions of the surface. In other embodiments, the corrective action includes using a different tool to add material identified portions of the surface. The identified means may include an automated inspection system.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026325A1

A touchpad device is fixed to a chassis. The touchpad device includes a base plate. The base plate is fixed to the chassis. The base plate includes a body portion and fixed portions. The body portion has holes. Each of the fixed portions is connected to the body portion and extends into a corresponding one of the holes. Each of the fixed portions includes a fixed segment and at least one connecting arm. The fixed segment is fixed to the chassis. The connecting arm is connected between the fixed segment and the body portion. 1. A touchpad device fixed to a chassis , the touchpad device comprising: a body portion having a plurality of holes; and', a fixed segment fixed to the chassis; and', 'at least one connecting arm connected between the fixed segment and the body portion., 'a plurality of fixed portions, wherein each of the fixed portions is connected to the body portion and extends into a corresponding one of the holes, each of the fixed portions comprising], 'a base plate fixed to the chassis, the base plate comprising2. The touchpad device of claim 1 , wherein the chassis further has a through area claim 1 , the touchpad device further comprising:a supporting element abutting against the base plate;a circuit board abutting against a side of the supporting element located away from the base plate; anda substrate abutting against a side of the circuit board located away from the supporting element,wherein the substrate is accommodated in the through area of the chassis.3. The touchpad device of claim 1 , further comprising a fastening element claim 1 , wherein the fixed segment has a fastening hole and the fastening element passes through the fastening hole to fasten the fixed segment to the chassis.4. The touchpad device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one connecting arm is inclined relative to the fixed segment and the body portion.5. The touchpad device of claim 1 , wherein a number of the at least one connecting arm is plural claim 1 , and the connecting ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200026334A1
Автор: Wu Chien-Hung

A locking device for a notebook computer contains: a fixer and a rotatable connection rod. The fixer includes a bottom extension configured to support a bottom of the notebook computer, and the fixer includes a lock body configured to abut against a rear end of the notebook computer. The lock body has at least one orifice configured to connect with a cable lock, and the lock body has a first receiving aperture and a second receiving aperture. The rotatable connection rod includes a rod body rotatably arranged above a keyboard of the notebook computer, a first coupling post and a second coupling post which are rotatably connected with two ends of the rod body respectively. The first coupling post is inserted into the first receiving aperture of a first side of the lock body, and the second coupling post is inserted into a second side of the lock body. 1. A locking device for a notebook computer comprising:a fixer including a bottom extension configured to support a bottom of the notebook computer, and the fixer including a lock body configured to abut against a rear end of the notebook computer, wherein the lock body having at least one orifice configured to connect with a cable lock, and the lock body having a first receiving aperture and a second receiving aperture which are formed on two sides of the lock body respectively; anda rotatable connection rod including a rod body rotatably arranged above a keyboard of the notebook computer, a first coupling post and a second coupling post which are rotatably connected with two ends of the rod body respectively, wherein the first coupling post is inserted into the first receiving aperture of a first side of the lock body, and the second coupling post is inserted into a second side of the lock body.2. The locking device for the notebook computer as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the lock body further includesa fitting tube connected on the bottom extension;a movable fastener connected with a first end of the fitting tube, ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Electronic device having handle

Номер: US20210026405A1
Принадлежит: Acer Inc

An electronic device includes a device main body, a handle and a positioning mechanism. The handle is adapted to be connected to the device main body in a first state, and is adapted to be connected to the device main body in a second state. The positioning mechanism includes a positioning member and an unlocking assembly. The positioning member is movably disposed on the handle. The positioning member is adapted to position the handle to the first state and adapted to position the handle to the second state. The unlocking assembly is movably disposed on the handle and is adapted to remove positioning of the positioning member acted on the handle.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029137A1
Принадлежит: CommScope Connectivity Belgium BVBA

A closure () protects telecommunications circuitry from water and dust. The closure () includes a base () that has a sidewall () that extends upwardly from a bottom (), and the sidewall () has at least one cable port (). The closure () also includes a cover () that attaches to the base () to close an interior () of the closure (). Further, a galvanic anode () is removably secured to the sidewall () of the base () of the closure () and electronic circuitry () is disposed within the interior () of the closure (). The electronic circuitry () is active electronic circuitry. 1. A telecommunications closure comprising:a housing including an external metallic portion subject to corrosion;at least one cable port; (a) a coating over the external metallic portion of the closure subject to corrosion;', '(b) a bumper positioned around a portion of the closure, the bumper leaving at least a portion of the closure exposed for heat removal; and', '(c) a galvanic anode secured to the closure; and, 'at least one of the group consisting ofelectronic circuitry disposed within or disposable within an interior of the closure, the electronic circuitry being active electronic circuitry;wherein the closure is watertight and configured to prevent water from entering the interior.2. The closure of claim 1 , wherein the coating includes an overmolding of the closure.3. A closure for telecommunications circuitry comprising:a base having a sidewall extending upwardly from a bottom, the sidewall defining at least one cable port;a cover that attaches to the base to close an interior of the closure;a galvanic anode removably secured to the sidewall of the base; andelectronic circuitry disposed within the interior of the closure, the electronic circuitry being active electronic circuitry.4. The closure of claim 3 , further comprising a coating adhered to the base and the cover.5. The closure of claim 4 , wherein the coating includes epoxy.6. The closure of claim 3 , further comprising a bumper ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029467A1
Автор: Chang Yu-Wei

A heat sink allowing a reduced thickness of an electronic device includes a housing, a wick structure, and a heat transfer fluid. The housing, comprising an upper housing and a lower housing, are opposite and form a sealed cavity. The wick structure and the heat transfer fluid are received in the cavity, the liquid absorbing heat and becoming gaseous upon reaching a certain temperature. The area of the upper housing is larger than the area of the lower housing. The upper housing forms a protrusion with respect to an edge of the lower housing. An electronic device using the heat sink is also provided. 1. A heat sink , comprising:a housing, wherein the housing comprises an upper housing and a lower housing, the upper housing and the lower housing are oppositely positioned and sealed to form a cavity, an area of the upper housing is larger than an area of the lower housing, the upper housing forms a protrusion with respect to an edge of the lower housing;a wick structure in the cavity;a heat transfer fluid in the cavity.2. The heat sink of claim 1 , wherein the wick structure is positioned on at least one of the upper housing and the lower housing.3. The heat sink of claim 1 , wherein the housing is made of metal material.4. The heat sink of claim 1 , wherein the protrusion is a part of the upper housing.5. An electronic device comprising: a housing, wherein the housing comprises an upper housing and a lower housing, the upper housing and the lower housing are oppositely positioned and sealed to form a cavity, an area of the upper housing is larger than an area of the lower housing, the upper housing forms a protrusion with respect to an edge of the lower housing;', 'a wick structure in the cavity;', 'a heat transfer fluid in the cavity;, 'a heat sink comprisinga middle frame, wherein the middle frame comprises a groove, the heat sink is received in the groove.6. The electronic device of claim 5 , wherein the groove defines a stepped cross section configured to match ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160034003A1

An electronic device includes a housing, a buffer layer, a display, and a printed circuit board. The housing includes a main body with a front side having an outer peripheral edge and a first surface and a peripheral side extending from the outer peripheral edge of the front side. The front side and the peripheral side cooperate to form a receiving recess with the first surface of the front side facing the receiving recess. The buffering layer is positioned on a portion of the first surface. The display is received into the receiving recess. The printed circuit board is received into the receiving recess and coupled to the display. The buffering layer includes elastic material and conductive material. The buffering layer is positioned between the first surface and the display. 1. An electronic device comprising: [ a front side having an outer peripheral edge and a first surface; and', 'a peripheral side extending from the outer peripheral edge of the front side;, 'a main body with, 'wherein, the front side and the peripheral side cooperate to form a receiving recess with the first surface of the front side facing the receiving recess;', 'a buffering layer positioned on a portion of the first surface;', 'a display received into the receiving recess; and', 'a printed circuit board received into the receiving recess and coupled to the display;', 'wherein, the buffering layer includes elastic material and conductive material;', 'wherein, the buffering layer is positioned between the first surface and the display., 'a housing having2. The electronic device of claim 1 , further comprising a screen guard covering the display claim 1 , wherein the screen guard is received in the receiving recess and resists against the buffering layer.3. An electronic device comprising: a main body defining a receiving recess, the receiving recess comprising a bottom surface and an inner surface extending from periphery of the bottom surface; and', 'an elastic and conductive buffering layer ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220050507A1

A film wrapping display includes a panel that is transparent to light and is configured to display information on one surface of the panel, and a film adhered to cover the one surface of the panel on which the information is displayed. The film is adhered to the other surface of the panel opposite to the one surface in addition to the one surface of the panel. An edge of the film is positioned at the other surface while the film covers an outermost periphery of the panel and extends around to the other surface. 1. (canceled)2. A film wrapping display comprising:a panel that is transparent to light and is configured to display information on one surface of the panel;a support frame configured to support the panel by being in contact with the other surface of the panel opposite to the one surface of the panel on which the information is displayed; anda film adhered to cover the one surface of the panel, whereinthe film is adhered to the support frame in addition to the one surface of the panel; andan edge of the film is positioned in a space on a side opposite to a side where a user who views the information displayed on the one surface of the panel exists while the film covers an outermost periphery of the panel and extends around to the space.3. The film wrapping display according to claim 2 , whereina maximum outer shape of the support frame is smaller than a maximum outer shape of the panel.4. The film wrapping display according to claim 2 , whereinthe film adhered to the support frame is covered by a cover.59-. (canceled)10. The film wrapping display according to claim 2 , whereinthe panel is a protective glass of a touch panel.11. The film wrapping display according to claim 2 , whereinan anti-glare film is adhered to a surface of the film that covers the one surface of the panel.12. The film wrapping display according to claim 2 , whereinan edge portion where adjacent end surfaces of the panel intersect each other is covered by a continuous part of the film.13. ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140118929A1
Принадлежит: Quanta Computer Inc.

A portable electrical device includes a tablet PC, a bottom plate, a support arm and a pivot portion. The tablet PC includes a breach and a first magnetic inducing member arranged inside the breach. One end of the support arm is pivoted to the bottom plate, and the other end of the support arm is pivoted to the pivot portion, and the other end of the pivot portion is with a second magnetic inducing member. When the second magnetic inducing member is moved into the breach to magnetize the first magnetic inducing member, the tablet PC is securely coupled with the pivot portion so that the tablet PC can be rotated; on the contrary, when the second magnetic inducing member is removed from the breach, the tablet PC can be totally independent to the support arm and the bottom plate. 1. A portable electrical device , comprising:a tablet PC comprising a breach and at least one first magnetic inducing member arranged inside the breach;a bottom plate comprising an input interface;at least one support arm comprising a first end and a second end opposite to each other, wherein the first end is pivoted to the bottom plate; andat least one pivot portion comprising a third end and a fourth end opposite to each other, wherein the third end is pivoted to the second end of the support arm, and the fourth end is provided with a second magnetic inducing member,wherein when the second magnetic inducing member is moved into the breach to magnetize the first magnetic inducing member, the tablet PC is securely coupled with the pivot portion so that the tablet PC can be rotated relative to the support arm,when the second magnetic inducing member is removed from the breach, the tablet PC can be totally independent to the support arm.2. The portable electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the second magnetic inducing member comprises two adjacent surfaces respectively magnetizing two of the at least one first magnetic inducing members.3. The portable electrical device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Display Device

Номер: US20140118955A1

The present invention provides a display device which is configured with a front cover, a rear cover, and a display module and flexible printed circuit sandwiched between the front and rear covers, wherein the display device further includes an elastic member arranged between a bottom surface of the front cover and the flexible printed circuit. A bending or folding contour of the flexible printed circuit can be readily controlled so as to prevent the flexible printed circuit from being damaged resulted from bending and folding. In addition, the display device made in accordance with the present invention featured a lowered manufacturing cost.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190033934A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc.

An electronic device is configured to detect the presence or absence of a case that is positioned over at least one surface of the electronic device. When a case is present, the electronic device is configured to determine one or more characteristics of the case and adjust one or more operations of the electronic device based on at least one characteristic of the case. 1. An electronic device , comprising:a device housing;a first electrical contact exposed at an exterior surface of the device housing, the first electrical contact being configured to mate with a second electrical contact of a case when the case is positioned at least partially about the device housing;a vibratory device: and detect a type of the case when the first electrical contact is mated with the second electrical contact; and', 'in response to a detection of the type of the case, adjust an output of the vibratory device in accordance with the detected type of the case., 'a processor configured to2. The electronic device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the device housing comprises a first plurality of electrical contacts exposed at the exterior surface of the device housing claim 1 , the first plurality of electrical contacts being configured to mate with a second plurality of electrical contacts of the case.3. The electronic device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the first plurality of electrical contacts are disposed upon a side wall of the device housing.4. The electronic device as recited in claim 1 , wherein adjusting the output of the vibratory device comprises shifting a frequency spectrum of the output.5. The electronic device as recited in claim 1 , wherein adjusting the output of the vibratory device comprises disabling the vibratory device.6. The electronic device as recited in claim 1 , wherein the vibratory device is a haptic device and adjusting the output of the haptic device comprises changing a strength of the output based on a thickness of the case.7. The electronic device as ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033697A1
Автор: Rami Anil

The invention discloses an improved design of slim mechanical webcam cover or more specifically, it is a slidable concealing webcam cover for the devices with cameras and webcams such as laptop, smartphone, tablet, Television or any personal digital assistant, etc. to protect the owner of such devices from unauthorized access of their camera by any unknown person without knowledge of the owner, for any reasons such as for stalking, blackmailing or voyeurism etc. The slidable concealing webcam cover comprises a main body having; a holder, a slider and an attachment member. The holder of the concealing cover is divided into two main portions which are holding frame and aperture, wherein the holding frame supports and ensures the displacement of the slider within the aperture allowing it to move only in one direction which is parallel to upper-lower frame, while it locks the movement of the slider in any other direction. The aperture encloses the slider so that slider can run within the length of the aperture only, to cover or uncover the lens of the camera. The permanent attachment member attaches the concealing cover over the surface of the camera from the side support members of the holder frame. Furthermore, the covers get attached over the camera in such a way that the lens of the camera fall beneath the aperture of the concealing cover allowing the slider to cover or uncover it by moving within the aperture. 1. The Slidable webcam concealing apparatus for protection from camfecting comprising of:a) A main body or holding frame having a parallel upper and lower frame members, a side support members and an aperture;b) A sliding member or slider; andc) An attachment member.2. The slidable webcam concealing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the holding frame is made as a single unit.3. The slidable webcam concealing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the aperture encloses the slider from two sides when installed together allowing it to run longitudinally within the length ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038199A1
Автор: Shiraishi Mitsutaka

A portable terminal device () according to the present invention includes a display section () and a housing () to which the display section () is fixed. The housing () includes a housing main body (), a first component (), and a second component (). The housing main body () contains a conductive material and is formed with a cut-out part in a place corresponding to a place where antennas (, ) are disposed at an end of the housing (). The first component () is arranged at the cut-out part of the housing main body () and contains material that transmits radio waves. The second component () is formed at the end of the housing () and has a higher rigidity than that of the first component (). 1. A portable terminal device comprising:a display section; anda housing to which the display section is fixed,wherein the housing comprises:a housing main body that contains a conductive material and is formed with a cut-out part in a place corresponding to a place where an antenna is disposed at an end of the housing;a first component that is arranged at the cut-out part and contains material that transmits radio waves; anda second component that is formed so as to surround the first component at the end of the housing and has a higher rigidity than that of the first component.2. The portable terminal device according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing main body comprises first and second protruding parts that are formed at both sides of the cut-out part, andthe second component is formed from the first protruding part to the second protruding part.3. The portable terminal device according to claim 1 , whereinthe housing has a curvature structure at a longitudinal end of the housing, andthe second component includes the most protruding part in the curvature structure in a longitudinal direction of the housing.4. The portable terminal device according to claim 1 , wherein the second component is formed so as to contact longitudinal ends of the first and second protruding parts.5. The ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180035557A1
Принадлежит: Sew-Eurodrive GMBH & Co. KG

An electrical device, for example, a converter, includes: a first circuit board, which includes first circuit traces and at least one plated-through hole, a second circuit board, which includes second circuit traces and at least one connection device, a power module, and a plug-connector part. The power module is placed on the first circuit board and is connected in an electrically conductive manner to the plated-through hole with the aid of the first circuit traces, the plug-connector part is placed on the second circuit board and is connected in an electrically conductive manner to the connection device with the aid of the second circuit traces, and the plated-through hole is connected in an electrically conductive manner with the aid of a cable to the connection device. 113to . (canceled).14. An electrical device , comprising:a first circuit board including first circuit traces and at least one plated-through hole;a second circuit board including second circuit traces and at least one connection device;a power module; anda plug-connector part;wherein the power module is arranged on the first circuit board and is connected in an electrically conductive manner to the plated-through hole by the first circuit traces;wherein the plug-connector part is arranged on the second circuit board and is connected in an electrically conductive manner to the connection device by the second circuit traces; andthe plated-through hole is connected in an electrically conductive manner to the connection device by a cable.15. The electrical device according to claim 14 , wherein the electrical device is arranged as a converter.16. The electrical device according to claim 14 , wherein an end region of the cable is inserted into the plated-through hole and is solder-connected to the plated-through hole.17. The electrical device according to claim 14 , wherein: (a) the connection device is arranged on the second circuit board; and/or (b) the second circuit board has a circuit board plane ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200033912A1

A top case assembly for a portable computer is disclosed. The assembly may include an integral unified (e.g., homogenous) top case formed from a single part. The integral top case provides an enclosure, frame and cosmetic exterior of the portable computer. The integral top case also serves as the primary structure of the portable computer. The assembly may include a variety of subassemblies such as keyboards, touchpads, circuit boards, and drives that are carried by the underside of the integral top case. The integral top case may be formed from aluminum slab that has been machined to form walls, openings, attachment areas and cosmetic areas of the top case. 1. A portable computer , comprising:a lid; anda base to which the lid is rotatably connected, wherein the base comprises a unified top case formed from a single piece of metal.2. The portable computer defined in further comprising a plurality of keys claim 1 , wherein the unified top case comprises a planar surface having portions that define openings for the keys.3. The portable computer defined in wherein the unified top case comprises integral planar sidewalls that are perpendicular to the planar surface.4. The portable computer defined in wherein the unified top case comprises four integral planar sidewalls that are perpendicular to the planar surface.5. The portable computer defined in wherein the lid comprises a display.6. The portable computer defined in further comprising a plurality of subassemblies attached to an inner surface of the unified top case.7. The portable computer defined in wherein the metal comprises aluminum and wherein the unified top case is formed exclusively from the aluminum.8. The portable computer defined in wherein the top case comprises an integral frame member and attachment features.9. A method of forming an integral top case for a portable computer having circuitry claim 1 , comprising:machining a metal part to produce a single finished part that serves as the integral top ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Cover Plate, Method for Manufacturing Cover Plate and Electronic Device

Номер: US20180036961A1

A cover plate, a method of manufacturing the cover plate, and an electronic device having the cover plate are provided. The cover plate includes a substrate, at least one slot defined in the substrate and penetrating through the substrate, and a filling layer received in the slot including an insulating layer and a gel layer located on the insulating layer. 1. A cover plate , comprising:a substrate;at least one slot, defined in the substrate and penetrating through the substrate in a thickness direction of the substrate; anda filling layer, received in the at least one slot, comprising an insulating layer and a gel layer located on the insulating layer.2. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the gel layer comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of silver powder and pigment.3. The cover plate of claim 2 , wherein the gel layer comprises 5-20% silver powder by weight.4. The cover plate of claim 3 , wherein the gel layer comprises 15% silver powder by weight.5. The cover plate of claim 2 , wherein the gel layer comprises 0.2% yellow pigment by weight and 0.1% red pigment by weight.6. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the gel layer has a width not less than that of the insulating layer.7. The cover plate of claim 6 , wherein the width of the gel layer is 0.02-0.06 mm larger than that of the insulating layer.8. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the gel layer has a thickness of 0.4-0.8 mm.9. The cover plate of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is made of metal claim 1 , and the cover plate further comprises an anodized layer formed on an outer surface of the substrate.10. A method for manufacturing a cover plate claim 1 , comprising:forming at least one slot in a substrate and filling the at least one slot with an insulating material, wherein the at least one slot penetrates through the substrate in a thickness direction of the substrate;forming an insulating layer in the at least one slot by removing a part of the insulating material and forming a ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210034113A1
Автор: Schwarz Michael

An explosion-proof enclosure includes a front cover (first housing half or portion) and a rear cover (second housing half or portion) joined together by a retention member inserted into a passageway at least partially formed by structures of both the front cover and the rear cover. The enclosure includes an internal chamber for containing an associated electronic device. The passageway generally extends peripherally about the internal chamber. In one exemplary embodiment, the retention member is a ball-chain and the passageway completely surrounds the internal chamber such that respective end portions of the ball-chain overlap. A sealing element is provided for sealing respective mating surfaces of the front cover and rear cover. In another example, the retention member is a rigid split retention member. 1. An enclosure for an electronic device comprising first and second housing portions adapted to be joined together by a retention member received in a passageway at least partially formed by portions of each of the first and second housing portions , the passageway extending longitudinally along at least a portion of a periphery of an internal chamber of the enclosure , wherein the retention member restricts separation of the first and second housing portions when received in the passageway.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the first and second housing portions included mating structures claim 1 , said mating structures at least partially forming the passageway.3. The enclosure of claim 2 , wherein each mating structure includes a flange and a channel claim 2 , said flange and channel of a first mating structure of the first housing portion adapted to mate with a corresponding channel and flange claim 2 , respectively claim 2 , of a second mating structure associated with the second housing portion.4. The enclosure of claim 3 , wherein a surface of the flange and a surface of the channel of each mating structure forms at least a portion of the passageway.5. The ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160041586A1

A latch having an idle position, a first position, and a second position is associated with a first panel and a second panel of a computing system. The first panel is associated with the latch being positioned in the first position. The second panel is associated with the latch being positioned in the second position. 1. An apparatus to control release and retention of removable panels of a device , comprising:a latch slidable between a first position and a second position, the latch in the second position to release a first panel of the removable panels from the device, andthe latch movable by a type of motion, different from a sliding motion, to a third position to release a second panel of the removable panels from the device.2. (canceled)3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the latch is depressible between the first position and the third position.4. The apparatus claim 1 , wherein the latch is pivotable between the first position and the third position.5. (canceled)6. A computing device claim 1 , comprising:a latch including a first position, a second position, and a third position, the latch slidable between the first position and the second position, and the latch movable by a type of motion, different from a sliding motion, to the third position;a removable first panel that is releasable from the computing device responsive to the latch sliding from the first position to the second position; anda removable second panel that is releasable from the computing device responsive to the latch moved to the third position.7. The computing device of claim 6 , wherein the first panel is associated with a battery compartment.8. The computing device of claim 6 , wherein the second panel is associated with a memory compartment.9. The computing device of claim 6 , further comprising a plurality of retention mechanisms associated with the first panel and the second panel.10. The computing device of claim 6 , further comprising a detent associated with the latch.11. A ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180039304A1
Автор: Liu Wei, Tang Bin, TANG Genchu

A glass housing includes: an inner surface; an outer surface opposite to the inner surface; and a circumferential surface interconnecting the outer surface and the inner surface, wherein the inner surface is a concave spherical surface, and the outer surface is a convex spherical surface, a distance between the inner surface and the outer surface ranges from 0.2 mm to 0.8 mm, in a cross-section of the glass housing on which geometric centers and spherical centers of the inner surface and the outer surface are located, an arc length L of the outer surface is less than or equal to 80 mm, an angle C formed by connection lines between opposite ends of the arc and the spherical center satisfies 30°10 mm.3. The glass housing according to claim 1 , wherein distances between each portion of the inner surface and the outer surface are the same.4. The glass housing according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential surface is a cylindrical surface.5. The glass housing according to claim 1 , wherein the circumferential surface is a side surface of a truncated cone claim 1 , wherein a climax of the truncated cone claim 1 , the spherical ...


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