15-03-1978 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 44976
Дата заявки: 23-01-1976


The invention refers to a mechanism for separating from master sections from a trunk, with a saw and clamping organs for clamping the trunk on both sides the Trennsehnlttes. With well-known mechanisms of this kind the difficulty arises that the trunk parts, as soon as the circular saw or swiveling chain saw splits the trunk has lain on both sides the separation cut, would drive small mutual movements out can, which lead despite the restraint on both sides the interface to a narrowing of the sawing gap due to the absence of the fixed connection in the interface, so that the saw blade or the chain saw is wedged and can be destroyed. s0 one already tried to meet this difficulty by the fact that the stump within the range of the separation cut, which can be split, was easily raised, before the trunk splits became, so that to both sides of the separation cut around the respective support place tips the coming hurry, as soon as the saw splits the Stnrnrn has, whereby a wedge-shaped itself opening of the sawing gap is reached. Hiebei can come it however nevertheless to a narrowing of the sawing gap into its unterere part, if due to an appropriate form or bend of the trunk its deepest point is convenient in the section between the clamping organs lain on both sides the Trennschnlttes more deeply than the respective support place, since in this case the FAppbewegung of a Stnmmteiles around the mentioned Unterstützungsste] le master surfaces at the deepest point, mentioned limiting to an approach the sawing gap, before leads. From there the task is to be solved by the invention, a mechanism for separating from Stnmrnabschnitten from a trunk to train with a saw and clamping organs as clamping the trunk on both sides the separation cut in such a manner that wedging the saw in the sawing gap is avoided surely to end of the separation process also with forms of the trunk which can be handled with difficulty. This task is solved according to invention thereby that the clamping organs are move awayable in the clamping condition toward the Stnmmachse of the interface. The clamping organs can be link upable after production of the clamping condition for moving away of the interface, so that if the saw splits the Baumstnmm has, which can become effective pre-loading in the sense of the Auseinanderbewegens of the master sections or coming hurry. There is however also the possibility that the clamping organs are about at the same time with the completion of the Trennsehnittes by the saw in the sense of moving away mentioned of the Trannstelle propelable. In accordance with a preferential execution form the clamping organs have the shape, tiltable clamping arms or pliers parts put onable arranged by pairs each other facing on the trunk by means of associated drives, which are stored on mentioned a mounting plate mobile by means of further drives for the execution of moving away in each case. Moving the clamping organs away of the interface needs to be made only by a very small distance, if the mounting plates are tiltable around drag axes, which are appropriate for one in a level parallel to the Stnmmaehse perpendicularly to a projection of the master axle in this level and lift more thinly for the achievement of moving mentioned of the clamping organs away with restraint outside of the master cross section remaining process to take. Favourable execution forms of the invention article become in the following with reference to the designs more near besehrieben. Represent: Fig.1 a schematic, perspective opinion of a mechanism for separating from master sections under Weglassung from details of the saw and Baumstammabstützungsund conveyer systems, Fig. 2 a schematic Stirnansicht of a mechanism and Fig.3 a schematic illustration of the control system for a mechanism after the Fig, slightly modified opposite Fig.1. 1 or 2. In Fig.1 a trunk is in dash-dotted lines --1-- is shown, that is course-promoted in axial direction of the mechanism and by means of preferably elevatoradjustable taper roller bearings --2-- runs and from these one falls. A Schwenkkettansäge --3-- makes possible separating from Stammabso cut from the trunk --1-- or, if only a coming projects in .den range of the mechanism, the straight line cuts this lifting by a cutting cut. To both sides by means of the swiveling chain saw --3-- separation cut which can be manufactured are pairs each other facing, pliers-like clamping arms --4 and 5 and/or 6 and 7--, which with Nr.346570 their lower ends to signs] lever --8 and/or 9 and/or 10 and/or 11-- are stored. The bell cranks are for their part again over short axles at intermediate holder plates, parallel to the master axle --12 and/or. 13-- linked and a Synchronlsationszahnung carries, with each other facing pairs of bell cranks at its in each case different thighs --8 and 9 and/or 10 and 11-- hneinanderffreffen. s in addition are at the lower edges the synchronisation teething exhibiting lever thigh of projections/leads --14--, against which itself pressure screw feathers/springs --15-- abstürz.en, their upper spring bearing --16-- by one at the respective intermediate holder plate embodied tie rods niederffehalten becomes, so that the pressure screw feathers/springs seek to press the lever thighs provided with the synchronisation teething against the respective intermediate holder plate after downward. To the drive of the pliers-like clamping arms --4, 5, 6 and 7-- serve associated in each case argument drives --17 and/or 18 and/or 19 and/or 20--, which itself on the one hand at the respective intermediate holder plate --12 and/or 13-- fall and are on the other hand above the drive place of the respective clamping arm at the associated bell crank attached at the clamping arm concerned. Becomes the Druclunittelantriebe --17, 18, 19 and 20-- subjected, then the clamping arms put --4 and 5 as well as 6 and 7-- first to the trunk --1-- on, clamp the trunk and become then against Kraft of the feathers/springs --15-- under turning of the bell cranks --8 and/or 9 and/or 10 and/or 11-- a short piece raised, so that also the trunk --1-- within the range of the separation cut which can be manufactured somewhat one raises. From the Fig.1 and 2 it is evident that the intermediate holder plates --12 and 13-- over to the Stammlänffsachse wind-inclined senkrechte axles tiltable on a baseplate --21-- is installed, whereby the drag axes just now specified have such radial distance of the master axle that a turning of the intermediate holder plates --13-- ver'mittels associated, at operating arms --22 and/or 23-- attacking argument drives --24 and/or 25-- a movement of the clamping arms --4 and 5 as well as. 6 and 7-- relative to the interface with a large component in Stmnmlängsrichtung causes. One recognizes that the area between the pairs of clamping arms --4 and 5-- on the one hand, as well as --6 and 7-- on the other hand for the Arbeitsweff of the saw --3-- is completely kept free, whereby the baseplate --21-- with a break-through --26-- is provided, by which during the execution of cutting cuts resulting cutting disks can fall through to a transportation mechanism. The execution form after Fig.2, into which indicators same for appropriate parts are used as in Fig. 1, differs from the mechanism described before thereby that the clamping arms --6 and 7-- here by an additional ouple device are connected, which through lever beginnings away-standing from the clamping arms --27 and 28-- and this connecting ouple element -29-- in the way evident from Fig.2 to be formed can. In accordance with an execution form not shown in the designs however also a further synchronisation teething between the clamping arms per a pair of clamping arms, implemented with appropriate play, can be intended. The Kopplunff between the clamping arms per a pair of clamping arms in accordance with Fig.2 aims at that the clamping arms set themselves about symmetrically with reference to a vertical Mitteilängsebene of the mechanism on the trunk and hold its longitudinal axis for instance in this datum plane. In the schematic representation after Fig.3 is a control unit also --3 0-- designated, which over signal lines --31-- with that the chain saw --3-- containing sawing plant --32-- is connected, whereby over the signal lines --31-- of the drives of the sawing plant --32-- derived, the completion of the separation cut announcing signals of the control unit --30-- are supplied. In addition is the control unit --30-- over argument lines --33-- with that the clamping arms --4, S, 6 and 7-- operating argument drives as well as over Druckmittelleitunffen --34-- with to the turning of the Zwisehenhalterungsplatten --12 and/or 13-- serving argument drives --24 and/or 25-- connected. In accordance with a function can in the control unit --30-- an enabling signal to be produced, as soon as an increase of pressure of the argument line --33-- it announces that the restraint of the trunk is accomplished. Then can by means of the control unit --30-- over a switching line --35-- the sawing plant --32-- into operation to be put. If the sawing procedure is terminated, then this becomes in such a way the control unit --30-- over the signal line --31-- announced. It takes place then immediately an admission of the drives --24 and 25-- over the argument line --34--, so that the manufactured master sections are pulled apart due to a turning of the clamping arms. Nr.346570 in another function can after execution of the restraint due to a Beaufsehlagung of the Druekmittelantriebe --17 to 20-- immediately a certain admission of the argument drives --24 and 25-- take place, in order to link up the mechanism before completion of the separation cut in the sense of pulling apart the master sections. In this case it acts with the Druel nittelantrieben itself --24 and 25-- either around a such pre-loading making possible Druckluftantriebe or around hydraulic drives, which under inserting a feather/spring at the operating arms --22 and/or 23-- attack, which is in detail not shown, or however hydraulic drives are intended, which are subjectable under inserting a Druckluftspelchers, so that they can bring a strutting effect out, which is not likewise in the designs shown. It is here still mentioned that the intermediate holder plates --12 and 13-- in accordance with another execution form at the baseplate --21-- also parallel to the master axle adjustably arranged to be can, in order to reach moving away the pairs of clamping arms from the interface to. PATENTANSPRÜCRE: 1. Mechanism for separating from master sections from a trunk, with a saw and with clamping organs for the restraint of the trunk on both sides the separation cut, D A D u r C h g e - k e n n z e i C h n e that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) in the clamping condition toward the master axle of the interface (12, 22, 24, 13, 23, 25) is move awayable. 2. Mechanism according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) after production of the clamping condition for moving away of the interface is link upable. 2S 3rd mechanism according to requirement I, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i e h n e t that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) about at the same time with the completion of the separation cut by the saw (3) in the sense of the mentioned of moving away of the interface (12, 22, 24, 13, 23, 25) is propelable. 4. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 3, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the clamping organs the shape by pairs each other facing arranged, tiltable, to the trunk (1) by means of associated drives, for example argument cylinders (17, 18, 19, 20), put onable clamping arms have (4, 5, 6, 7), or pliers parts, which on by means of further drives, for example further Druckmittelzyllnder (24, 25) is stored for the execution of the Weghewegung mentioned mobile mounting plate (12, 13) in each case. Mechanism according to requirement 4, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the mounting plates are versehieblich toward the Stammaehse in each case. 6. Mechanism according to requirement 4, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the mounting plates (12, 13) are tiltable around Schwenkaehsen, which lie in a level parallel to the master axle perpendicularly to a projection of the master axle in this level and for the achievement of moving mentioned of the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) away also with restraint more dännster lift outside of the master cross section remaining process to take. 7. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 6, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) in the clamping condition under the effect of propellants, for example of argument drives to implement a vertical stroke over a short distance is able. 8. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 7, g e k e n n z e i C h n e t D u r C h a 4s control unit (30), which control lines (31), indicating with the saw (3, 32) over their operating condition, with the propellants (17, 18, 19, 20) of the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) and with propellants and/or. the propellants (24, 25) for the execution of moving mentioned of the clamping organs away ven the interface is connected. (Hiezu 3 B1 att designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech, Vienna


The machine is used for cutting trunk sections from a tree with a saw and jaw clamps on both sides of the cutting area. The saw is prevented from jamming in the sawing gap at the end of the cutting process, even where the trunk is difficult to manipulate. The jaw clamps (4, 5, 6, 7) can be moved away (12, 22, 24, 13, 23, 25) from the cutting point, towards the axis of the trunk, when in the clamping position. The jaws are fitted against the trunk by means of drive units (17, 18, 19, 20) mounted on a holder (12, 13) for the away movement controlled by a second set of drive units (24, 25).

In another function can after execution of the restraint due to a Beaufsehlagung of the Druekmittelantriebe --17 to 20-- immediately a certain admission of the argument drives --24 and 25-- take place, in order to link up the mechanism before completion of the separation cut in the sense of pulling apart the master sections. In this case it acts with the Druel nittelantrieben itself --24 and 25-- either around a such pre-loading making possible Druckluftantriebe or around hydraulic drives, which under inserting a feather/spring at the operating arms --22 and/or 23-- attack, which is in detail not shown, or however hydraulic drives are intended, which are subjectable under inserting a Druckluftspelchers, so that they can bring a strutting effect out, which is not likewise in the designs shown. It is here still mentioned that the intermediate holder plates --12 and 13-- in accordance with another execution form at the baseplate --21-- also parallel to the master axle adjustably arranged to be can, in order to reach moving away the pairs of clamping arms from the interface to. PATENTANSPRÜCRE:

1. Mechanism for separating from master sections from a trunk, with a saw and with clamping organs for the restraint of the trunk on both sides the separation cut, D A D u r C h g e - k e n n z e i C h n e that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) in the clamping condition toward the master axle of the interface (12, 22, 24, 13, 23, 25) is move awayable.

2. Mechanism according to requirement 1, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) after production of the clamping condition for moving away of the interface is link upable. 2S 3rd mechanism according to requirement I, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i e h n e t that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) about at the same time with the completion of the separation cut by the saw (3) in the sense of the mentioned of moving away of the interface (12, 22, 24, 13, 23, 25) is propelable.

4. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 3, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the clamping organs the shape by pairs each other facing arranged, tiltable, to the trunk (1) by means of associated drives, for example argument cylinders (17, 18, 19, 20), put onable clamping arms have (4, 5, 6, 7), or pliers parts, which on by means of further drives, for example further Druckmittelzyllnder (24, 25) is stored for the execution of the Weghewegung mentioned mobile mounting plate (12, 13) in each case. Mechanism according to requirement 4, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the mounting plates are versehieblich toward the Stammaehse in each case.

6. Mechanism according to requirement 4, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the mounting plates (12, 13) are tiltable around Schwenkaehsen, which lie in a level parallel to the master axle perpendicularly to a projection of the master axle in this level and for the achievement of moving mentioned of the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) away also with restraint more dännster lift outside of the master cross section remaining process to take.

7. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 6, D A D u r C h g e k e n n z e i C h n e t that the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) in the clamping condition under the effect of propellants, for example of argument drives to implement a vertical stroke over a short distance is able.

8. Mechanism after one of the requirements 1 to 7, g e k e n n z e i C h n e t D u r C h a 4s control unit (30), which control lines (31), indicating with the saw (3, 32) over their operating condition, with the propellants (17, 18, 19, 20) of the clamping organs (4, 5, 6, 7) and with propellants and/or. the propellants (24, 25) for the execution of moving mentioned of the clamping organs away ven the interface is connected. (Hiezu 3 B1 att designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech, Vienna