Clamp for doors

12-02-1968 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Doerken & Mankel Kg
Номер заявки: 1095565
Дата заявки: 06-12-1965


The invention refers to one for doors determining clamp, which checkreflects in a guidance member fastenable at a leaf against the tension of a Räckstellfeder to the ground geradltnig adjustable and in the Wirkstelhmg by at the Ftlhrungsglied a tiltably supported, in spring-tensioned clamping plate automatically verriegdbaren Sperrsehieber exhibits. With the well-known Tllrfeststellem of this kind rises up in the Ausgangsstdlung of the Sperrsehieber with a part of his length over those guidance member forwards. The length of this before-rising up range determines the size of the maximum adjusting path. In order to hook the external dimensions of the clamp for a responding appearance as small as possible, with the fuel element-known Ausflinrungen on the one hand the supporting length is only relatively small selected the Fflhrungsglled in such a manner and in addition limited the size of the adjusting path that this is usually sufficient, but gelegenrllch does not meet the requirements. The small Fühmngslänge usual with the well-known Ausfühmngen that the invention at the basis 1legenden celebration divisor results in addition-high Beanspmchungen and decreases gelegentIich practical usefulness and/or Dauerhaftigkett. The invention is the basis the task, a Ttlrfeststelter that initially umsehriebenen kind to create, which in the case of meaning external dimensions for the Sperrschieber both results in a large Führtmgslänge and a far adjustment stroke and exhibits in the case of structure of simple a responding appearance. This is wesent according to invention in! it ichen by the fact reached that the Fühmngsglied one see in the position direction over the length of the regulating distance erstreekende guide way for the Sperrsehleber carries, which exhibits an operating cam before-rising up transverse to its longitudinal extending. Contrary to the vorbekaunten remarks with the Festste21er according to invention the pressure necessary for transferring the Sperrschiebers into the effect position is expressed not directly, but under switching of the operating cam on the Sperrsehieber. In order to ensure a reliable guidance of the Sperrsch nevertheless ebers, the guide way extending over the length of the regulating distance is been careful at the Fühmngsglied. Thus the advantage results that the Sperrschieber does not have to before-rise up mdlt as with the before well-known remarks in the output division with a part of its length freely over the Ftthrungs28 member. This leads to günsügen dimensions and a responding appearance. The guidance training according to invention results in a supporting length in the guidance, nderliche in the measure of the shift of the Sperrschiebers en, but is this for practical usefulness insignificantly, since it is easily possible, the guide way extending over the regulating distance in such a manner excerpt ta! - ten that it leads more errschieber always to a large extent spielfreä. The invention lets itself realise differently. With a preferential performance is the guide way of a transverse bar of a outer admitted themselves of u-shaped guidance member attached, sees formed in the 8tellrlehttmg erstreekenden guide pin. Thus a particularly simple manufacturing becomes possible, since as Ftthrtmgszapfen a profile material section is sufficient, which requires practically no splinter-giving treatment. It is particularly expedient with such Ausflihrung, the guide pin sees from the upper transverse bar of the Führtmgsgliedes out in the direction of the ground extending and prominently into a tubular part of the Sperrsehiebers seize let. Thus develop-developing one permanently reliable Teleskopfühnmg with large basic sliding surfaces, which are subject practically to no wear. The operating cam lets itself anorduen differently. It is particularly recommendable to attach the operating cam that preferably plattenförmigen within the lying exposed range the ground turned away wheel part of the Sperrschlebers preferably solvable. The operating cam then always remains within the directly geftihrten range of the Sperrschiebers, so that the forces no harmful tilting 6d expressed on it: such cause " can. In addition this space saving Anordntmg leads to one address-responds. A solvable connection of the Betädgungsnockens is in the sense of a comfortable assembly of simply producible Einzelte£tan zweckdienlich° in accordance with a further characteristic of the invention can besides the Betätigungsnoeken with the guidance member to the Drehslchertmg of the Sperrschiebers cooperate. This additional function cart in particular intestine important its, if in the interest of one kostensparendenFertigtmg the Sperrsehieber is essentially formed by a tubing section. erfindnngsgemäßeAusbi.ldtmg the celebration divisor steiIt for the Unterbringtmg of a feather/spring a large area loading the Sperrschieber in the Rüekstellsinne for the order, so that a feather/spring can be used also in the Arbeitsbereieh of flat characteristic, which does not experience unfavorably high Beanspruchtmgen with the practical use. In this sense empfiehh it, the led part of the Sperrschiebers a comprehensive Rücks.teilfeder upper-end yourself against the Betätigtmgmoeken and tmterendig against nnterenQuersteg the u-shaped Führnngsgliedes fit to let. In order with such arrangements besides the check plate looking tmterzubringen gebranchsteehnisch favorably and responding, is it further appropriate, between the nnteren transverse bar of the FührungsgIiedes and the lower spring end a bridge member to be inserted, which spreads the check plate arranged over the tmteren transverse bar. With the help of the Brüekengliedes on the one hand for the check plate and those their allocation feather/spring a ausreiehender area is kept free and on the other hand the tension of the feather/spring loading the Sperrsehieber in sense of resetting is transferred to the tmteren transverse bar, so that the two against-intimately linked up feathers/springs remain completely independent. With the training according to invention of the clamp it, if in the usual kind one cap is planned, is necessary, to plan in this the way of the Betätigungsnoekens releasing lengthwise slot. In order to avoid that this impairs the appearance of the clamp, it recommends it, it by a Flaehsteg abzudeoken itself: The flat bar can intersperse thereby a break-through of the Betätigungmoekens. Such Flaehsteg is fastened appropriately tmterendig to the Brüekenglied. A further Haltertmg is not necessary usually, if the Flaehsteg in a break-through of the Betätigangsnoekens is led, since thereby an additional support results at the same time. The Betätigangsnocken could umgteifen however the Hachsteg also on one side, obwehl this talent-moderately usually is more unfavorable. In the designs the invention article is dargesteilt in einemAusführtmgsbeispiel. Fig show. 1 as sideregards celebration-expensively, whose effect situation is gestricheit represented, a Fig sitting at a leaf. 2 the Anordnnng after Fig. 1 as Stimansicht, Fig. 8 in larger measure staff the clamp in partly geselmittener side view, whereby a Abdeekkappe which can be planned usually is omitted, Fig.4 the arrangement after Fig. 8 as side view also into the Wirkstelhmg transferred Sperrschieber, Fig.5 a cut V-V after Fig.4, Fig.6 a cut VI-VI nachFig.4. In accordance with the Fig. 1 and 9. is in the lower boundary region of a Tü.rflügels! 0 a clamp 1! arranged, a ausscbäebbaren, under-end with a printing foot 12 provided Sperrschieber 13 exhibits. ZumVorschieben of the Sperrschiebers 13 in dieWirkstelIung serves a Betätigangsnocken 14, while releasing under switching of the lying exposed part of a check plate! 5 takes place. The structure of the clamp is in particular from the Fig. 3 - ö evidently. As Fühmngsglied an u-shaped handle 16 with the door by screws a connectable serves itself, between two traversing gene 17 and 18 extending connecting post! 9. With the transverse bar 17 a cylindrical tap 20 is parallel by Vemietung connected, that itself to the connecting post! 9 extends. On eineFührtmgsbahn the biIdenden tap 20 is a part of the Sperrschiebers! 3 form-tubingcut off 21 lengthwise-adjustably led. DerRohrabsclmitt 2! through-risen up under-end to one it suitably umfassendenDurehbruch the transverse bar 18. The Gleifführung is therefore arranged for the Rohrabselmitt 9,1 by the tap 20 on the one hand and denQuersteg 18 on the other hand. With the upper end of the tubing section 21 is by a clamping screw and/or a dowel screw 22 the Betä = 3 - Nr.260048 tigungmocken 14 solvable connected. As in particular Fig.5 shows, the Betätigungmockea 14 points the Rohrabsehnitt 21 comprehensive, the screw 22 containing struggle-hurries 28 up, to which see in the direction of the connecting post 19 a beginning 24 attaches, whose broad has stiemende opposite the connecting post 19 an only small play, so that he prevents a rotating of the tubing section 21. At the beginning 24 against-practice-flying side the Betätfgungshocken exhibits one flat rechteckigeu break-through 25, whose purpose will be läutert later “, moreover is struggle-hurries 23 of the Betätigungmockens 14 from two a set in the middle 26 limited Eirtschnürung angeformt, whose purpose will be likewise still described. Over a schnürung of before-rising up Teü 27 of the Betätigungsnoekens 14 serves the attack for transferring into the effect position those which can be spent Kraft. This is expressed with the foot, the part of 27 is implemented normally from there as footstep plate. Within the lower final range of the tubing section 21 below the Eingrtffszone of the tap by a cross pin 28 a vorgesparmte screwing jerk feather/spring 29 fell, andemenda against the Stimende of a tap 30 of the Druekful3es 12 anttegt, which may carry a flexible employment 31 in üblleher way tmterendlg. The tap 30 is held in the tubing section 21 by a cross pin 32, which seizes 21 into each other opposite long RST rather 33 of the Rohrabsehnlttes. The length of the holes 22 determines the way, over that the tap 30 desDruekfußes 12 sees against the tension of the feather/spring 29 shifting kanu. Against the lower broadside of the Betätigtmgmockens 14 lies close to the Rohrabsehnitt to 21 comprehensive before-saved Schraubendmekfeder 34. This relies unterseitlg on a bridge member 35, which exhibits a plate 36 and each other opposite Fußteüe 37. The plate 36 is provided with a that cross section of the tubing section 21 adapted break-through. With that the Verbindtmgssteg 19 turned away Randbereieh of the plate 36 a flat bar 39 is riveted with 38, which stretches itself parallelzu demVerbindtmgssteg for 19 up to the transverse bar 17 “. It reaches thereby that through already mentioning break-through 25 of the Betätlgungsnockens 14. Untedaalb DOS of bridge member seizes the clamping plate 15 with a tongue 40 into a Ausspanmg of the connecting post 19, whereby the dimensions are in such a manner selected that the clamping plate tilt-move-borrowed 15 within certain limits is. The clamping plate 15 points, like Fig. 6 out broken, the tubing section 21 in one-broke through taking up plate 41, to which see over a eingesehnürten range 42 a Betätignugsplatte 43 attaches, under the clamping plate 15 points is arranged a Sehraubendruckfeder 44, which is clamped between dleKlemmplatte and the transverse bar 18. The screwing jerk feather/spring 44 loads the clamping plate 15 in the sense of a Ankippens, whereby a wedging at the tubing section will keep 21 upright. When coming down the tubing section 21 the clamping plate is in such a manner far carried forward 15 against the tension that it to branch-end feather/spring 44 that it does not obstruct the movement of the tubing section 21. The clamping plate returns with the completion that feed motion of the tubing section 21 to the effect position and prevents a movement of the tubing section 21. in actually usual way the clamp one is in the Fig. 1 and 2 as well as 4 - 6 Abdeekkappe 45 angedentete assigned, which exhibits a Längsschiitz, whose width the width of 26 formed Einsehnürung of the Betätigungsnoekens cut and within the lower range the width of the Einsehnürung 42 of the clamping plate correspond. The determination of an opened door the tubing section 21 becomes against the tension of the feather/spring 34 downward verse-lifted with pressure on the Betätlgungmocken 14, whereby the tubing section 21 upper-end on the tap 20 and is in all other respects in the Dttrchbmeh of the transverse bar 18 led. After putting the printing foot 12 on on the ground in accordance with the pressure of the taps 30 expressed on the operating cam 14 against the tension of the feather/spring 29 one imprints, in order to keep upright sufficient brake pressure. The feather/spring 29 adjusts thereby also a any small return motion of the tubing section 21. When putting the tubing section 21 forward slightly against the tension that feather/spring 44 along-swivelled Kiemmplatte 15 a Rtlckbewegen of the tubing section 21 returns to the 13eendigtmg the feed motion to the check situation and prevents. ZumAufheben that blockage of the door is only necessary it to exercise on the clamping plate 15, i.e. on their Teü 43 one printing in order to over-drive these into one denRohrabsehnitt 2I releasing situation, in which the feather/spring becomes effective 34 in the sense of a Rüekfilhmng into the Ausgangssteltung. The represented execution is, as was already mentioned, only one for example Verwirldichung of the invention. This is not limited to it. There is rather for still possible various other Ausftlhrungen. The favourable characteristics according to invention planned of the telescope guidance for the Sperrschieber also result, if the check plate were arranged outside of the Fühmngsbereiches in the kind usual with before-well-known clamps. The telescope guidance lets itself arrange deviating from the Darsteihmg.


1,105,982. Door holders. DORKEN & MANKEL KOMM-GES. 14, Jan, 1966 [17, Feb., 1965], No. 1907/66. Heading E2A. A foot operated door holder comprises means for securing the holder to a door, a bolt 13 axially slidable from a retracted position to an extended position in which the bolt is engageable against the floor to hold the door open, guide means for guiding said bolt during its travel between the retracted and extended positions, a first compression spring 34 effective to urge the bolt from the extended into the retracted position, a first foot pedal 14 connected to the bolt whereby the bolt is movable against the pressure of the first compression spring from the retracted 'to the extended position, clamping means 41 adapted to hold the bolt in the extended position, and a second foot pedal 43 adapted upon pressure applied thereto to release the clamping means to free the bolt for return movement into the retracted position under the action of the first compression spring, wherein the end of the bolt remote from the end which engages the floor is at all positions confined within the limit of the guide means. In the construction shown the means for securing the holder to the door is the base of a U-shaped bracket 16 and the guide means consist of a pin 20 secured to the upper arm 17 of the bracket and an aperture in the lower arm 18 of the bracket, the aperture closely engaging the outer surface of a tube 21 which forms part of the bolt 13; the pin 20 closely engages the inner surface of the tube 21. In addition to the tube 21 the bolt 13 comprises a plunger 30 one end portion of which slides in the tube 21 and which is connected to the tube by means of a pin 32, the end portions of which engage axially extending slots 33 in the tube. The plunger 30 carries at its lower end a thrust foot 12 which has a resilient insert 31 which engages the floor. The plunger 30 and hence the thrust foot 12 are urged downwardly by a spring 29 trapped between the free end of the plunger in the tube 21 and a pin 28 which is extends across the tube 21. The foot pedal 14 is attached to the tube 21 by means of a screw. The clamping means is part of a tiltable plate the other part of which is the foot pedal 43. The plate as a hole through which the tube 21 passes and the periphery of the hole engages the outer surface of the tube 21 in the clamping position of the plate. The plate is urged to the clamping position by a spring 44. The spring 34 bears at its lower end on a member 35 which provides a space, between itself and the lower arm of the bracket 16, for the clamping plate and the spring 44, the clamping plate having a tongue 40 which is received in a slot in the bracket and the spring 44 acting between the plate and the arm 18. The member 35 supports a strip 39 which closes an opening through which the foot pedal 14 passes in front of a cover which encloses the spring 34. The plate 41 if desired can be disposed outside the guide range below the arm 18 of the bracket.

1. Clamp for doors, which with a guidance member against the tension of a reset spring to the ground straight-lined adjustable and in the effect position by at the guidance member a tiltably supported, in the Sperrs [nne federheiastete clamping plate automatically lockable Sperrschieber it exhibits, in the fact characterized that the guidance member (16) carries a Fühmngsbahn (20) for the Sperrschieber (13), extending in the position direction over the length of the regulating distance, which exhibits, fastenable at a leaf, an operating cam (14), before-rising up transverse to its longitudinal extending.

2. Celebration divisor according to requirement l, thereby characterized that those guide way is formed attached by a transverse bar (17) of an actually well-known u-shaped guidance member (for 16), in the position direction extending guide pin (20).

3. FeststellernachAnspruch2, thereby characterized, that guide pins (20) of the upper transverse bar (17) of the Fühmngsgliedes (16) in the direction of the ground extends and prominently into the upper tubular part (21) of the Sperrschiebers (13) seizes.

4. Celebration divisor after one of the requirements 1bis 3, by characterized that the Betäuigungsnocken preferably plattenförmige within the lying exposed range (! 4) dern the ground turned away final part of the Sperrschiebers (13) is preferably solvable attached. Clamp after one would address 1 bis4, thereby characterized that the operating cam (14) cooperates with dern guidance member (16) in the sense of a twist lock of the Sperrschiebers (13).

6. Clamp after requirements for that a 2bis 5, by characterized that the led part (21) of the Sperrschiebers (13) a comprehensive Päicksteilfeder (34) upper-end against pray tigungsnocken (14) and under-end against the lowest transverse bar (18) of the guidance member (16) lies close.

7. FeststellernachAnspruch6, thereby characterized, daßzwischendenunterenQuersteg (18) the guidance member (16) and the lower spring end a bridge member (85) is inserted, which spreads the check plate (15), arranged over the lower transverse bar (18).

8. Clamp after one of the requirements 1 to 7, by characterized that the way of the operating cam (14) releasing lengthwise slot the guidance member (16) it augeschlossenen firmly cap (45) by a flat bar (39) is taken off.

9. Celebration divisor according to requirement 8, by characterized that the flat bar (39) intersperses a break-through (25) of the Betätigungmockens (14).

10. Clamps according to the requirements '/and 8 or 9, by it characterized, that flat bar (39) under-end at the bridge member (35) go-aged.