Procedure for coloring hair as well as means for the execution of the procedure
The invention refers to a procedure for coloring hair as well as to means to the D chführung this procedure. Coloring the hair takes place according to invention in the way that one the hair in a single-step procedure with an aqueous solution, those, which can be colored, at least a Anthrachinonfarbstoff of a! lgemeinen formula O NH 12 < y J I II I NHZ o NH 2 in which Z either It • - (C) n - n \ A 'or R! to be, n a whole number between 2 and 6, tt and RI same or different low Aläylreste with 1 to 4 C-atoms, can do 0 as e.g. CHs, CzH od. such, and/or also components of a heterocyelisehen remainder, as for example a Morpholinoder Piperidinrestes to be to be able, and/or their Quarternisierungsprodukte contains, whereby in the latter case the following meaning comes to Z:
- N/Rt A " CHen Ith /oa-o ", \ - I+ (CI-I2) n/- N CH I cH-c5/A " \ - I \ R " m A A in which formulas n, R and RZ the meaning indicated above have, Z " a low alkyl residue or benzyle remainder and A a Ardon, e.g. halogen, M represents thosulfat od. to such, lets impregnated, the solution during 15 to 60 min preferably at ambient temperature the fibers affect, rinses then with water, washes afterwards with a detergent, rinses recently and more dryly.
The procedure for the production of the new coloring materials consists essentially of the fact that one on I, 4-Diamino-5-nifroanfhrachinon either a N, N-dialkyl-alkylendiamin the formula R N - (CH2) n - N R, or a p (N, N-dialkyl) - phenylendiamin the formula R at increased temperature to influence appropriate lets. In these formulas have n, R and RI the meaning indicated already above.
The Quarternisiernngder so received tert. - One implements derivatives with the help of a Quarternisierungsmittels, like dimethyl sulfate or an alkyl halide, if necessary in presence of suitable solvents.
In this way the e.g. following coloring materials can be manufactured:
I, 4 - D iamino -5 - [7 (N, N-diäthylamino) - propylamino] - anthrachinon, 1, 4-Diamino-5 - (/B - morpholino äthylamino) - anthrachinon! , 4-Diamino-5 (y - pil ridiuo - pf opylamino) - anthrachinon, [¢ - (1, 4-Diamino-anthrachinonyl-5 - aminopropyl) - y (N-methyl-piperidinium)] - methyl ulfat, 1, 4-Diamino-5 [p (N, N-dimethylamino) - phenylamino] - anthrachinon, [¢ - (1, 4-Diamino-anthr achinonyl-5 - aminopropyl) - y (N, N-diäthyl-Nmethylammonium)] - methyl sulfate, - 8 - Nr.26q756 [“- (I, 4-Diamino-anthrachinonyl-5-aminoäthyl) - B (N-methyl-morpholinium)] - methyl sulfate, [et (1, 4-Diamino-anthr achinonyl-5 - aminopr opyl) -7” (N-benzyle-piperidtnum)] - chloride, [1,4-Diamtno-anthr achinonyl-5-aminophenyl-p (N, N, N-trimethyl-ammonium)] - methyl sulfate, (österr. Patentsehrift No. 252409).
It is well-known to use for coloring hair aminogruppenhaltige Anthrachinonfarbstoffe which are replaced in the core or in an amino group with oxygen containing aliphatic remainders.
In contrast to this the Anthmehinonfarbstoffe beside two free amino groups in 1, 4-Stellung, used in accordance with the invention, exhibits one in a AminoaIkyloder Aminoarylrest substituted amino group in 5-Stellung, whose Aminogrnppe is snbstituiert by alkyl and whose nitrogen atom can be also a component of a Heterocyclus.
The advantage of these Anfllrachinonfarbstoffe opposite the mentioned well-known Anthrachinonfarb - materials it consists of the fact that they are very steady to sunlight as well as exhibit a higher water solubility and possess a large affinity for Keratinfasern, in particular to living hair, which on the presence a Aminogrnppierung in the substituents of the amino group in 5-Stellung zurtlckzuführen is.
Erfindungbetrifftweiterhin means for coloring Kerattnfasern, in particular hair, which is manufactured in the way that one solves or mebxere the formula of appropriate coloring materials, if necessary together with other Anthrachinonfarbstoffen, stated above, in addition, with coloring materials, which do not belong to this row in water at a pH value between 3 and 9 and admits the desired additives, like dispersing agent, plasticizing means, smelling materials etc. The concentration that can its choice according to the high solubility within wide limits varying effected actually after the gewtiaschten result.
The coloring materials of the general formula mentioned devoted on the hair generally very strong, low-blue color nuances, arriving according to invention at application, and supplement in particularly gltlcklicher way the range of those nuances, yield with the help of others, of the Anmelderin coming A nthrachtnonfarbstoffe to be likewise received can (S. e.g. örtern. Patentsehrift No. 251144).
In the following examples the invention is to be described on the basis several remark examples more near, without being limited however to it.
Example 1: One prepares a coloring solution of the following composition:
[A (1,4-Diamino-anthrachinonyl-5-aminopropyl) - - - (N, N-dt ethyl N methylammonium)] - lg Natriumcarbonat up to a pH value of with water fill up methyl sulfate to 8 I00 cm3 0 one lays this solution on to hair white up to 100% and lets 20 min at room temperature influence. Whereupon one rinses with water, wämht with a Haarwaschmittel, rinses again and dries the hair. One receives a strong blue color.
B e i s p IE 1 2: One prepares a color solution of the following composition:
I, 4-Diamino-5 --(- piperidino - pf opylamino) - anthracbänon Milcbsäure up to a pH value of with water fill up 4,100 to 0,5 g cms this solution hair white up to 100% are laid on and 20 min at room temperature affect let long. Whereupon one rinses the hair with water, washes with a Haarwaschmittel, gap again and dry. One receives a greenish-blue colouring.
T3 e is p i e 1 3: One prepares a Färbelösnng of the following composition:
{1 Diamino-anthrachinonyl-5 [aminophenyl - p (N, N, N-trimethylammonium)] } - 20 min fills up methyl sulfate 1 g Natriumcarbonat up to a pH value of 7 with water at room temperature affect let long to 100 cms ö0 this solution hair white up to 100% is laid on and. Then one rinses the hair with water, washes with a Haarwaschmittel, rinses again and finally troeknet. One keeps - a blue colouring “more nattier”.
Example 4: One stands the following solution ago:
[A (I, 4-Diamino-anthrachinonyl-5-aminopropyl) - 7 - - (N, N-diäthyl-N-methylammonium)] - methyl ulfat [A (4-Hydroxy-anthraehinonyl - iaminopropyl) - 7 " - (N-methy1-pil ridinium)] - msthylsulfat [A (Anthr achinonyl-2-aminoäthyl) - B (N, N-diäthyl - N-methylammonium)] - methyl sulfate Natriumearbonatlösung up to a pH value of with water filling up to 0,5 g 0.5 g 1.5 g 8.5 I00 cms this solution is laid on up to 90% white of hair and left long 15 min to affect, rinsed and dried hienach plentifully with water. The hair receives a grey colouring.
B e spie 1 5: One manufactures the following solution.
[A (l, 4-Diamino-anthrachinonyl-5-aminopropyl) - y - (N-methyl-piperidinium)] - methyl sulfate [A (4-Hydroxy-anthrachinonyl-l-aminbpropyl) - 7 " - (N-methyl-piperidinium)] - methyl sulfate [A (Anthtachinonyl-2-aminoäthyl) - B (N, N-diäthyl - N-rnethylammonium)] - methyl sulfate - {Anthrachinonyl-1, 5-bis [amino äthylB - (N-methyl-rnorpholinum)]} - sodium carbonate solution up to a pH value of with water to methyhulfat auffflllen on 0,5 g 0.5 g lg 0.2 g 7,100 cms these on hair white up to 90% is laid on. After 15 min of long induction period at ambient temperature is rinsed and getroeknet reiehlieh with water. One receives a brown colouring with aschfarbenen reflexes.
B e i s p i e 1 6: One manufactures the following Färbemisehung:
P-Toluylendiamin m-Diamino-anisolsulfat Resorcin m-AminophenoI p-aminophenol [A (I, 4-Diamin o - anthrachinonyl-5 - aminopr opyl) - T3 - - (N, N-diäthyl-N-methylammoninm)] - Äthylendiamino tetraessigs äure Ammoniumthioglykolat ammonia, 20%1g with water 0.2 2g 1.5,1.8 6g 2g 2g g I 000 g g g fill up methyl sulfate cms cms this mixture with 50 cm3 hydrogen peroxide (20 VOL) are diluted and to hair white up to 90% laid on to 2g. After 80 min induction period the hair is washed, rinsed and getroeknet. One receives a aschblonde colouring.
The execution forms of the invention described in the examples are not to be able einsehränkenden character to be exhibited and it arbitrary changes made, without leaving the framework of the invention. The invention comprises anthraquinones of the formula <FORM:1080264/C4-C5/1> where Z is p-phenylene, and R and R1 are alkyl of 1-4 carbon atoms or together with the nitrogen atom form a heterocyclic ring. The corresponding quaternary ammonium salts and acid addition salts are also claimed. The compounds are prepated by reacting 1,4-diamino - 5 - nitro - anthraquinone with a compound of the formula <FORM:1080264/C4-C5/2> The compounds, and in addition those wherein Z is (CH2)n where n is 2-6 are used to dye keratinic fibres.ALSO:Compositions for the dyeing of keratinic fibres comprise a compound of the formula <FORM:1080264/D1-D2/1> where 2 is -(CH2)n- or P-phenylene, n is 2-6 and R and R1 is alkyl of 1-4 carbon atoms or form a ring with the nitrogen atom, or an acid addition or quaternary ammonium salt thereof, together with a solvent for the anthraquinone compound. Examples describe the lyeing of air from solutions of dye in aqueous sodium carbonate, aqueous lactic acid, and an aqueous solution containing P-toluylenediamine, m-diaminoanisole sulphate, resorcinol, m-aminophenol, P-aminophenol, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, ammonium thioglycolate and ammonia. Compositions comprising an aqueous solution of 1,4-diamino-5-(a -dimethylaminopropyl) amino-anthraquinone are disclaimed excepting those which also contain a wetting, dispersing or penetrating or hair-swelling agent, an emollient or a perfume. 1. Procedure for coloring hair by impregnating the same in a single-step procedure 46 with a w ässerigen solution aminogruppenhaltigen Anthraehinonfarbstoffen, D A D u r e h g e k e n n - draws that for application the arriving, a pH value from 8 to 9 exhibiting aqueous solution at least a Anthraehinonfarbstoff of the general formula in which Z either 0 NH 1 I' I II I I B I NHZ 0 NH - (Cl) n - n, \ R (i) or E--k__N/ --\ = \ R, IO can be, being able n a whole number between 2 and 6, R and RI same or different low alkyl residues with 1 bi 4 C-atoms, as e.g. CHs, C2 H5 od. such and/or also components of a hetero-cyclic remainder, as for example a Morpholinoder Piperidinrestes to be, and/or their Quarternisierungsprodukte contains, whereby in the latter case the following meaning comes to Z in the formula I.
A, in soft formulas n, R and Ri the above meaning, while R represents " a low alkyl residue or BenzylrestundAeinAnion, e.g. to halogen, Methosulfat od.dgl, impregnated, the solution w hrend 15 to 60 min at ambient temperature the fibers to preferably affect lets, then with water gap, afterwards with a detergent washes, recently rinses and more dryly. 2. Means for the execution of the procedure in accordance with requirement 1, by characterized that it consists one of a pH value from 8 to 9 exhibiting an aqueous solution or several Anthrachinonfarbstoffe of the general formula I or their Quarternisierungsprodukten, which contains ge - G - Nr.2G778G gebenenfalls additionally still different one fär the same purpose usable well-known coloring materials and if necessary-other usual additives, wieDispergiermlttel, of softener, Durchdringuagsmitte4Riechstoffe od. such.
Pressure: Engineer E. Voßjech, Vienna