Heater for liquid and/or gaseous media
The invention concerns a heater for liquid and/or gaseous media, in particular for intermittent enterprise. For Erhltzer konventione!! it design characteristically is their partitioning into three ranges, which must be laid out separately in each case. The zone in the direct burner range forms first of these ranges, in which the heat transition takes place via the bright flame radiation. For example of a Ö1-Luftbrenner formed burner flame can simplified as flowering, cylindrical body with a temperature of about 1300°C angeriommen to become. Between this glowing zylindrisctaen body and the wall of the heater is a gas layer. The heat transition value by the bright flame radiation amounts to in this section of the heater about! 00 Kcal/m2h°C. This zone a range of pure gas radiation with heat transition values between 40 and 60 Kcal/m2h°C follows. As the third section of the heater a Konvektlvteil which is beatrfschlagt with exhaust gas from 800 to 900°C, follows.
This three-division of the well-known constructions does not only cause considerable longitudinal dimensions and relatively high Invesdtionskosten of the heaters, but also certain operational disadvantages must be taken in purchase. Thus the well-known heaters are suitable mainly only for the kontinnierlichen enterprise, are thus for to closing LLC hay the covering of need points or for the burn by only, about with difficulty inflammable or poisonous materials resulting in smaller UmSang suitable. This has its cause in the small Auflaelzgeschwindlgkeit and Temperaturspreizf'ählgkeit of the well-known heaters, which are based on the large portion of the convection heat transition of the total heat transition, in addition comes, that so far the radiation portion of the Wärmeuhergang concerned istder heat transition to the radiation of the bright burner flame decreases/goes back, from which a strongly uneven Temperaturbelastnng results both in the radiation part and in the convection part, which requires further the temperature control of the medium which can be warmed up difficult more difficult and an accordingly high constructional expenditure.
With one of the well-known constructions a Kesselfeuerung with an elongated Feuerungsranm is intended, in which the heat transition takes place via radiation. The firing area Rauchrohre are attached, in which the heat transition takes place to the medium in the boiler via convection. During this Kesselfeuerung, for which the disadvantages already mentioned are valid, the elongated building method of the firing area is intended, whereby however the range of application of this boiler is already limited from spatial considerations strongly.
Also with two further well-known boiler to guidance a special convective part is present in the form of Rauchrohren in each case except the actual firing area. With a further, also boiler well-known design equipped with firing area and Kauchrohren the firing area is even so limited that in it a Rotatlonszone is formed, in which the flame gases with high speed rotate, in order a strengthened heat transition at the heating space wall to obtain. Convective heat transition takes place here thus not only in the Rauchrohren, but already to rate of price increases, which normally almost exclusively the heat transition is reserved by radiation.
A goal of the Erf'mdung is the creation one in particular for intermittent enterprise suitable Erhltzers for liquid and/or gaseous media, which avoids the disadvantages of the well-known constructions and which can be consulted favourably for the peak demand covering and if necessary burn of irregularly arrfaUender fuels. Further goals of the invention are a if possible pushed building method of the heater and opposite the well-known Aus£'ührungen reduced capital outlays.
This task is solved with a heater of the kind initially specified erFmdungsgemäß thereby that its boiler is trained as purer, kind well-known StrahlungskesseI, and that ever in kind well-known way of the Strahlungskessel an essentially cylindrical combustion chamber possesses itself, which burners in a front wall of the boiler arranged and the burner with oil oxygen and/or gas oxygen is claimant and which is preferably radially in the lateral combustion chamber wall planned Kauchgasaustrittsöffnungen directly into the wastegas flue of the heater led.
This training heater been based on realization that with a pure Sanerstoffflamme, with which the heat transition predominantly takes place via gas radiation the heat transition by flame radiation and convection is however negligible, can without the three-division of the heater without-further be done.
Thus a constructionally very simply developed heater with substantially smaller Augenabmessnngen than in the case of results the well-known remarks. In addition according to the higher Par.tialdrücke of carbon dioxide and water vapour the radiation part becomes actually small relatively. A completely even temperature load results, why the temperature of the medium which can be warmed up lets itself regulate very sensitivly and exactly. Due to the high Aufheizgeschwindlgkeit resuhierenden from the high portion of gas radiation the heater is suitable after the invention outstanding as peak demand equipment for the burn irregularly or in small quantities more resulting, also with difficulty inflammable or poisonous materials. A large capacity range and a high pyrometric efficiency with relatively high exhaust gas temperatures (about 1300°C) are further advantages of the erEmdungsgemäßen heater design.
The fact that ÖI Sanerstoffoder gas oxygen burners have high thermal outputs and thus for the covering of need points are suitable, is already actually well-known. However it is newer and a thought relevant for the advantages obtained by the invention to omit with a heater equipped with an oxygen burner the convective part and to implement it as pure StraMungskessel.
With a heater of the eriVmdungsgemäßen design the desired rise in temperature of the medium which can be warmed up can be selected very small and kept exactly. Beyond that, in particular with the heating of gaseous media, a heating up is possible on very high temperatures to the border of the heat maximum stress of the material forming the chamber wall, since due to the even Wärmebeanfschlagnng resulting from the gas radiation no temperature points arise.
In accordance with a further invention characteristic the burner can contain a pipe, by which with difficulty inflammable and/or or poisonous materials within the burner the oil and/or gas are addable. It is possible to destroy these materials under simultaneous utilization of their heat energy.
For a high pyrometric efficiency it is finally particularly favorable after the invention, if the flue gas outlets are intended in the burnernear range of the combustion chamber.
A Ausf'ührungsbeispiel of the invention is more near described below on the basis the schematic design.
In the design a heater for liquid and/or gaseous media is represented to boilers, its as pure Strahlungskessel --1-- , in its a front surface a Ö1-Sauerstoffbrenner or a gas oxygen burner is ausgefuchst --2-- is arranged. The boiler --1-- those consists from a mould-hoop area of the combustion chamber, --3-- surrounded, that is for his part with an entrance connecting piece --4-- as well as a discharge part --5-- f'ür the medium which can be warmed up is provided.
Those the burner --2-- opposite front wall --6-- it is formed of a PraUwand against what on the side of the burner --2-- lying wall with withdrawal slots --8-- to the wastegas flue --7-- for the flue gas is provided. As Austrlttsschlitze radial slots are intended in the represented case, which are arranged in the side panel of the chamber head, whereby a central guidance of the flue gases up to the percussion wall and an even feedback of the flue gases are reached along the chamber wall.
In the burner --2-- is a pipe --9-- arranged, by which the flame or Ölbzw.
Gas flow within the burner with difficulty inflammable poisonous materials to be added know. 1373430 Fluid heaters; burning waste material MESSER GRIESHEIM GmbH 24 Jan 1972 [12 Feb 1971] 3288/72 Headings F4S F4A and F4B A fluid heater for heating liquid or gaseous media comprises a combustion chamber 1 fired by an oil/oxygen or gas/oxygen burner 2, heat radiated from the combustion chamber being transferred to the medium to be heated flowing through an annular chamber 3 surrounding the combustion chamber 1. The medium enters through an inlet 4 and exits through an outlet 5. The combustion chamber is closed at its end remote from the burner by a plate 6 which serves to reverse the flow of combustion gases back towards the burner end of the chamber from whence they are removed through a series of radial slots 8 into a flue duct 7. Materials of low calorific value may be introduced through a tube 9 into the combustion chamber where they mix with the burner fuel and are burnt. 1. Heater for liquid and/or gaseous media, in particular for intermittent enterprise, thereby characterized that its boiler (1) when well-known Strahlungskessel is trained more purely, actually, and that ever in actually well-known way of the Strahlungskessel an essentially cylindrical combustion chamber possesses, the burner (2) in a front wall of the boiler (1) arranged and the burner (2) with oil oxygen and/or gas Sanerstoff claimant is preferably radial and the flue gas outlets planned in the lateral combustion chamber wall (8) directly into the wastegas flue (7) of the heater is led. 2. Heater according to requirement 1, by the fact characterized that the burner (2) a pipe (9) contains, by which with difficulty inflammable and/or or poisonous materials within the burner (2) the oil and/or.
Gas are addable. 3. Heater according to requirement 1 or 2, by the fact characterized that the flue gas outlets (8) within the burnernear range of the combustion chamber is intended.