The invention concerns a frequency detector, which a Nachftthr Regdkrds, with which as Fühmngsgröße, with an expenditure for controllable as those detector output signal screen end controlled variable exhibits incoming frequency which can be determined and with an output frequency steering wheel gnal as Stellgrö an e, whereby the NaehftlhrRegelkreis with the incoming frequency on the one hand and on the other hand hererodynes with subordinate frequency discriminator circuit than desired value actual value being and one subjected one to the output frequency as a function of the output signal of these Diskffra natorschaltung st uerbareu oscillator than control member enclosure.
Frequency detectors of the kind of aforementioned with adjust Rsgelkreis and complementary to the Eingangsfmquenz steered oscillator, whose output frequency divides a measure for the catch August frequency and which exit of the detector forms, have a broad area of application with the Vemtä kung or other use for new purposes from frequency-modulated oscillations and other Sig to aalen with variable frequency, e.g. as so-called Nachlaufempf Lugero the controlling of the Ausgangsfmquenz of the oscillator effected depending upon kind of of the used hererodyne, z, B. of a product modulator, and depending upon kind of of the following Frequeuzsiebung, for example via a band-pass filter with given mid-band frequency and identical Durchlagbandbreite, additive or subtraktiv komplimentär to one by the frequency discriminator circuit determined zero-frequency, i.e., a giving frequency, which produces a base factor at the Fingang of the Diskffminatomehaltung at their exit, e.g. the output signal zero. This base factor indicates that controlled variable and Fühmngsgröße reached their the Abgleichznstand of the Nachfllhr automatic control loop appropriate allocation, with which the output frequency a measure defined by the size derNullfrequeuz fu the Eingangsfrequeuz is. This balance strives the adjusting automatic control loop in the case of deviations by appropriate controlling of the oscillator again too, for managing is determining the temporal Komtanz of the Nnllfrequenz determining in that frequency discriminator circuit effective and the complementary representation of the incoming frequency by the output frequency for the long-term accuracy of the detector. On the other hand the frequenzbesümmenden elements of the frequency discriminator circuit are subject to generally more or less slow changes, which are due particularly to thermal influences, in addition, dumh Altemngserseheinungen and other one and appropriate Ände95 tongues of the output frequency with in and the same entail incoming frequency. It is also a mechanical Absümmeinrichinng well-known, with which a palace an engine einbzw. , that switches off an auxiliary oscillator mechanically detuned. This mechanism represents a two-step action controller with integral member and does not correspond due to the mechanical components not to the demands made here. Task of the invention is the creation of a Frequenzdetekters, which is characterised by high Konstanz of the allocation between Eingangsund ending frequency. L according to invention sung this task marks itself with a frequency detector that initially kind of identification by the fact that the frequency discriminator attitude wenigstem exhibits a alternate Diskrirnlnator with adjustable zero-frequency and associated Stelleingaug, adjustable in the adjusting automatic control loop adjustable and a outer zero-frequency desired value giver, as well as wenigstem a Kompematiomregler is reached, which serves with frequency discriminator turned on to the Nnllfrequenz Sollwertgeber for the Abgleieh on a given base factor between the exit and the position entrance the frequency discriminator, and that the frequency discriminator a memory stage is upstream with frequency discriminator switched on into the adjusting automatic control loop to the Aufmehterhaltung of the Diskffminator balance, with such a training of the detector that in that Frequency discriminator circuit effective Nullf equeuz iutermltüereud, for example after vorgegebeneu time intervals, in each case again with a Geneuigkeit is adjusted, which - apart from the sensibility of the Kompensafiomreglers - only on that of the zero-frequency desired value giver and/or on its output frequency depended and on use of usual Freqnen2monnale be practically arbitrarily highly floated can. This is valid also regarding the practically arising rates of change of the zero-frequency, which are besides generally very small and by choice of appropriate time intervals for the alignment can be berücksichügt.
Applications is not one kurzzeitigeUnterbreehung the Del of ktorbetffebes for denNullfmquenzabgleich disturbing Fürmanche, in particular with consideration when using electronic construction units much of the short time interval for the execution of the Abgleiehs and the attitude of the Speiehemtufen. Even if however such an brief operating interrupt is unerwüumht, then be recommended the application of a Weßterbildung rfindungsgemäI of the EN of detector, with which the frequency Diskrirränatorschaltung exhibits two against-intimately alternately into the adjusting automatic control loop one-durable and to the zero-frequency desired value giver turn onable frequency discriminators with assigned Spei¢herstufen. In this way in each case a frequency discriminator is within the Nachftihr automatic control loop in the operating condition, while the other Disksimfnator is attached at the Kompensaüonsregler and the Nullfrequenz Sollweßgeber. For the alignment of the latter and the attitude derSpeichemtufen for the maintenance of the Abgleichzustaude “is available from there a long length of time, which makes the Sehalinngsaufbau possible relieved and wirtmhaftlieh interesting simplification and/or one particularly high alignment accuracy.
The change-over of the Diskriminatom and/or the frequency discriminator zwischeu the adjusting automatic control loop uud the Kompensationskreis can be made with help of usual construction units in continuous operation automatically, for example with a firmly given Sehalffrequenz. Results such a FrequenzAetekter, which can work with highest accuracy over long Zeiträurr without maintenance.
Further details and distribute the invention result from the following description of Ausftihmngsbeispielen on the basis the designs, it show Fig.1 the Prlnzipschaltbild of a usual Fmquenzdetektors with adjusting automatic control loop, Fig, 2 the Diskriminaterschaltung of a frequency detector according to invention with a DiskHminator, which is switchable between the Nachfier Regelkmis and its Kompemaüousregler, Fig.8 variation in type of a Diskfiminatersehaltung with two switchable frequency discriminator and associated Kompensaüonskreisen and Fig.4 the diagram of a frequency discriminator for use within a Disl iminatorschaltung in accordance with Fig.2 or 3; further illustrate Fig. 5 an amplitude frequency diagram me explanation of the impact of the frequency discriminator Fig.4, Fig gemäht. 6 the diagram of another Ausftthrung of a frequency discriminator, likewise for use in dner frequency discriminator circuit finally gemäht Fig.2 or 3 and Fig. 7 the Schallbild the zero-frequency besttmmendeu Steuergliedes for use in a frequency discriminator in accordance with Fig. 6.
In Fig. 1 represented circuit works with one at abgeglieheuem Nachfuhr Regelkrefs --Kn-- firm Zwfsehenfrequenz - “fz--, those by addlüve or subtraküve overlay from an incoming frequency "" Te-- and an output frequency --company--in a product modulator --M-- with following intermediate frequency filter --ZF-- one forms. The Zwisehenfrequenz” - “fz-- becomes a frequency discriminator circuit --Dt-- with given Nullfrequeuz --40 -- supplied. During agreement at the entrance --to the Diskriminatersehaltung lining up intermediate frequency -” - fz-- with the zero-frequency --40 results in see at the exit --off-- for example the base factor zero of the Ausgangss£gnals, in the case of deviations from this Abgleiehzustand a Regelabweichungssi gual appropriate sign. The Zwiseheufrequenzfilter ZF-- in addition a necessary Durcblaßbandbrelte exhibits on both sides the zero-frequency, so that in the case of deviations in both directions the signal amplitude necessary for the formation of a Regelabweiehungssignals is verfttgbar to the Disl riminatorsehaltung. With additive and/or subtrakttv complementary allocation of incoming frequency and output frequency concerning the Zwlsehenfrequenz with fz = f0 in the Abglefchznstaud fe = f0 company is " the allocation lets itself by arrangement of the zero-frequency and the Bandro2ttenfrequenz of the Zwischenfrequenzfflters above and/or below the arising Eingaugsfrequenzbereiches determine, to the exit --b-- the Diskrircänatorschaltung closes for example as Möller - integrator a trained Integtalglied --I on, which a Ausgangsfrequenz Stene ignal --Sfa a outer following, controllable Oszällator ---OS-- supplies. The expenditure August of the oscillator is to an appropriate Modulaüenseingang of the hererodyne M-- attached and closes from there a Naehft r-Regell rice --Kn--, its controlled variable the output frequency --la--, its Ftlhrungsgröße the Fängangsfrequenz “- fe and its correcting variable the mentioned control signal --Sfa-- is. The Diskrimtnatorsehaltung --Dt--- hiebei and the Osziliator places the desired value actual value being --OS-- the control member.
The aforementioned relationship between incoming frequency, output frequency and zero-frequency shows directly the dependence of the Widergabegenauigkeit generally and in particular the Widergabekoustanz the more defective ones of the zero-frequency. The Diskrirränatorschaltung after Fig. täezu a Lösu shows 2 gsbeispfel ftlr the automatic constant of the zero-frequency through intermftüerenden Abgleieh.
Substantial components of the frequency discriminator circuit --Dt-- in accordance with Fig.2 is a frequency discriminator --Ad-- with entrance --EDP, exit --Ad-- and zero-frequency position entrance Ef0 -- as well as a Kompensationskreis --K with a memory stage --FR-- between the exit --Adund the position entrance --Ef0 is trained, and a distribution switchboard with two coupled Schaltem ---S 1 and S z as well as a master clock --T in the representation in accordance with Fig.2 is the Schalteinriehtung in the operating condition of the detector, whereby the Diskrirränator --D over the switch --S between the entrance --A-- and the exit b-- the Diskrirränatorschaltung --Dt--- into the Naehführ Regelkrels --Kn in accordance with Fig. 1 is switched on. In the Dlskriminator--D available zero-frequency “f0 -- is by at the position entrance--Ef0 lining up Stellslgnal --sf0 -- determined, what latter by the Speieherstufe adjusted to a defined Ausgartgssignalgrö e --FR during the operational period of the Detel of gate is kept constant. In the available example the Speieherstufe is in form of a Miller Integxators, i.e. a hoehverstärkenden Operaüonsverstärkers with differenüeller inverse feedback and from there integral Übergangsverhalteu trained. During the operational period the entrance of this integrator at the switch sp is open; so that the exit of the integrator remains constant over verglelehsweise large Zeitintervalie with high accuracy.
At expiration of the Betriebspeäode of the detector, their duration by the master clock --T is certain, becomes the frequency discriminator --D by the switch --$1 -- of the adjusting automatic control loop --Kn-- separated and at the input side to a Frequeuznormal in form of a zero-frequency desired value giver --Gf0 turned on (Sehaltstellung strichlierte). That becomes simultaneous compensation lot --K-- through deu switch sp between the Eingaug of the Speieherstufe FR-- and the exit --Ad of the Diskrimiuators closed. The Knmpensatioml rice represents its own automatic control loop, in which the Diskrirränator D as desired value actual value being and the Speieherstufe work as iutegrales control member. If thus by the Schalümgsparameter of the Dtskrirränators and the adjusting signal --sf0 -- besümmte zero-frequency, with which the output signal of the frequency discriminator D disappears, of by the being --Gf0 --supplied desired value deviates, then arises at the exit --Ad an appropriate Regelabweiehungssignal, in of the memory stage FR is integrated and an appropriate correction of the adjusting signal --sf0 causes. Thus becomes in the Diskrirränator--D-- effective zero-frequency with the high accuracy of a Lute gralreglers the desired value led back and with following return of the switches --S and S2 with open entrance of the memory stage --FR-- ftlr the following operational period of the detector constantly held. For this Eimtellung of the zero-frequency more tlber the Kompematiomkmls is sufficient a comparatively short length of time, why the master clock--TM with the high Tastverhältuis suggested in Fig.2 works. It results in sees so an accordingly short Betfiebsnnterbrechung of the detector for the alignment of the zero-frequency.
During the execution of the frequency discriminator circuit --Df-- in accordance with Fig.3 also the aforementioned, short Betriebsunterbreehungen of the Detekturs is avoided. Hiezu are two over a switching device alternately into the Nachfflhr automatic control loop mKnm in accordance with Fig. 1 switched on and to the zero-frequency desired value giver --Gf0 m as well as per one eigenenKompensationslueis --KL and/or K -- turned on Diskäminatoren mDI and/or Dr--planned. The Schaltelnächtung covers fllnf coupled with one another switches --S3 to S7 --, of those both first the input change-over of the Diskäminatoren mD1 and the Dzzwi entrance --vein frequency discriminator circuit and the Nullfmquenz Sollwertgeber--Gf0 --- cause. The switches--S and S “close and interrupt according to gegeusinnig the Kompensationskreise mKI and Kz--, during the switches --ST m ftir the output uncoupling of the two Diskr [minatomu and their Kompensationskreise ensures. The two Kompensationskreise contain again as integrators trained memory stages --FR, and Sp2 the w honouring that personnel of the associated Diskäminatoren the zero-frequency adjusting signal --sf0 to be kept constant and during the alignment periods by the associated Kompensationskreise on the details desired value that zero-frequency appropriate signal value be adjusted. The master clock ET--works at these Ausfllhmng with a symmetrical palpation relationship.
Fig.4 shows the structure one ftir the circuits in accordance with Fig.2 and 3 appropriate frequency discriminator. The effective zero-frequency is here certain r and Bp't by two filters joined in parallel in the form of Bandpgssen ßp, their upper and/or lower pass band flank --Fo and/or Fumin of the way within the range of the zero-frequency, evident from the amplitude frequency diagram in accordance with Fig.B --f0 are arranged. The band-pass filter --Bpr-- , during the band-pass filter is firmly co-ordinated --BP - a tiber the zero-frequency position entrance Ef0-- controllable reactance member --Xvm exhibits, and zw. in form of a Anüseriemchaltung of Kapazit, their effective Sperrsehichtkapazität tsdioden by the adjusting signal --sf0 -- in connection with a Vorspaunungsquelle receiving upright the blocking state of these diodes --U0 m over appropriate Entkopplungswlderstände is steered. Thus the lower Dumhlaßbereichflanke can --Fum of the band-pass filter --BP "-- in from Fig.5 evident the way of the strongly taken off Mitbsllage on both sides up to striehliert represented situations to be detuned. The effective in each case zero-frequency is by the Übereinsümmung of the output amplitudes --A m of the two band-pass filters certainly and can thus similar of the central position --i-- outgoing to the two gegeminnigen situations --t and h--are shifted.
38 the exits of the two band-pass filters becomes by two demodulation members --Dral and Dr demodulate, in the Beispielsfal! dumh against-intimately polarized diodes parallelly, and in a following comparison circuit VG-- by addition compared with one another. The comparison circuit is developed in the BeispielsfalI symmetrically and consists of two load condensers --C1 and Cz as well as to one voltage dividers the P its center the exit --Ad-- the frequency discriminator forms. During agreement of the two band-pass filter output amplitudes, i.e. when collapsing at the entrance talk--supplied intermediate frequency --fzm with the zero-frequency ruf0 --, results in see at the exit WAD-- the tension zero, in the case of deviations in the one or andemRichtung accordingly positive and/or negative Spannungals Regelabweichungssignal.Eine marmelte Justiemng of the zero-frequency is by means of the resistance designed as trimmers P1 -- the Spannungstellem P possible, since hiedurch an unbalance between the expenditure August signals of the two Bandpisse can be kompemlert.
In from Fig. a frequency discriminator with two firmly co-ordinated volume breaks can do 6 evident way --BP] and BP [-- are developed, whose mid-band frequencies and with same range also Dumhlaßbereichflanken over + Af and/or - A f against the intended zero-frequency f0 are shifted. Such a frequency diagram results according to the strongly taken off curves in Fig. 5. The Justiemng and attitude of the actually effective zero-frequency within the Kompemationskreise take place then within one again Tiber Demodulatiomglieder --Dm1 and Drn2 -- following comparison circuit--Vgim. The latter is developed similar to the comparison circuit in accordance with Fig.4, points however in place of the Trirnmers--P a Steuerglted --Stm up, its resistance and/or terminal voltage dumh the zero-frequency adjusting signal mSf0 ---at the position entrance --El0 -- is influenceable. Flir this Steuerglied e.g. comes a circuit in accordance with Fig. V with a for example mechanically adjustable resistance check valve and associated actuator Mstm in consideration, what latter Elber an achievement amplifier --V--inAbh mglgkeit from the adjusting signal --sf 0 one feeds. For the Steuerglied --Stm come naturally also electronic circuits with controllable resisted or valves, likewise in addition, steuerbareKompensationsspaunungsquellen iu consideration, what the latter effective zero-frequency shifting Klemmempannung into the Vergleichssehaltung mVgim einflihren. In the disclosed frequency detector, a mixer heterodynes the detector input frequency and the detector output frequency to produce a beat frequency. A frequency discriminator circuit controls an output oscillator on the basis of the departure of the beat frequency from the tuning frequency to which the discriminator circuit is tuned. The oscillator output represents the detector output and is fed back to the mixer to form a loop. In the discriminator circuit, an operating discriminator is tuned to a desired reference frequency by periodically disconnecting the operating discriminator from the loop, applying an accurate reference signal to the discriminator, and feeding the discriminator output into a frequency adjustor until the output reaches a null. A storage device in the feedback circuit memorizes the null producing adjustment voltage and keeps applying it to the adjustor after the discriminator is reconnected into the loop. Preferably, two discriminators are alternately tuned and connected into the loop. 1. > as well as at least a Kompensafionsre greed (K) exhibits, which with at denNullfrequenz Sollwertgeber (Gf0) angesehaltetemDiskrirninator (D) to the Abgleieh on a vorgegebeneßezugsgröße between dern exit (Ad) and serves the 8teIleingang (Fffo) of the frequency discriminator (D), and daß the Dlskrirninator (D) a Speieherstufe (FR) to the Aufreehterhaltung of the Distwiminator balance with into the Nachfuhr rule ice (Kn) switched on Disktimtnator (D) is vorgesehaltet. 2. Frequenzdetek or naehAmpruehl, dadu deer gekennzeieh ne t that the Frequenz~Diskrlminatorschaltung (DL) two against-intimately alternately and frequency discriminators capable of being activated into the Naehftlhr automatic control loop (Kn) adjustable to the zero-frequency desired value giver (Of0) (D1, D) with assigned Speieherstufen (Sp1, Spz) exhibits. 3. Frequency detector according to requirement 2, by characterized that in each case the zwe {frequency discriminators (DI, Dz) are connected with dern one of two Kornpensationsreglern (K I, Kz). 4. Frequency detector according to requirement 1, by it characterized, daßin the frequency Diskrlminatorschaltung (DL) as Speieherstufe (FR) an intended Integratiomverst is more rker intended.
Frequency detector according to requirement 1, by it characterized that derDiskrirninator 03) two filters fixed with an upper and/or a lower flank (F0 and/or Fu) of their Durehlaßbereiches weoägstens partly on both sides the zero-frequency (f0) (Bp' and/or Bpn) exhibits, which at the input side one from the Hngangsfrequenz (le) and that to course frequency (la) by overlay formed Zwisehenfrequenz (fz) is supplied and ausgangsseiüg a Vergieichsschaltung (VG) is downstream, and that at least the one of the two filters (BP “) exhibits the situation of the flank of its Durehlaßbereiches specifying neighbouring to the zero-frequency (fo), more laber the position entrance (Ef0) controllable peak dance member (Xv). 6. Frequency detector according to requirement 5, D A D u r e h g e k e n n z e i e h n e t, there 1 the Vergleiehssehaltung (VG) of the frequency discriminator (/3) more tlber at least a Dernodnlationsglied (DM: , Draz) to the exit go toward to t ri towards filters (Bp', BP n) is attached. 7. Frequency detector according to requirement 5, by characterized that in dern frequency discriminator (D) with two filters (BP: ', Bpin) without the controllable reactance member (Xv) this subordinate comparison circuit (V i), the away stone the base factor of the Diskrlminator Ausgangsstgrmls the specifying Steuerghed (St) is intended also over the position entrance (F40) of the Disktiminators (D) led Klernrnemparmung exhibits.