10-07-1984 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Siemens Ag Oesterreich
Номер заявки: 244681
Дата заявки: 01-06-1981


The invention concerns a more-canal transmission system, in particular for conference plants and Fernsehbzw. Rundfunkkommentatorzentralanlagen with Kommentatoraußenstellen, for both Einals also Zweiriehtungsverkehr on a transmission circuit, for the transmission of clay/tone, speaking, message, Rückmeldeund control signals, in the form of pulse rates - consisting of ever a Synehronisierimpuls, continuousmodulated, ever a channel zuordenbaren signal impulses, as well as data impulses, whereby the synchronizing pulse more briefly as actual is supplied to every other impulse with application of a time multiplex signal transmission without firm frames on a broadband transmission circuit, in particular an infrared distance, in the form of pulse-phasemodulated needle pulses of a pulse generator mechanism of an impulse receiver mechanism, using one as channel multiplexer and Kanaldemultiplexer of trained shift register, which is receiver-laterally register position-moderately corresponding intended both prayer as also. Transferring Tonund Spraehsignale differs from each other among other things in the fact that the range for the transmission of language, as e.g. with the telephone, can be importantly smaller, whereby a priority on borrowing silbenverständliehkeit of change of syllableamplifier is to be put etc., than the necessary range for the transmission of tones, as e.g. with watching television (10 kHz). For more-canal transmission systems, in which an optimal number of transferable channels is aimed at, here compromises are necessary. Admits is more-canal Dolmetschsysteme for facility traffic in particular time multiplex systems with infrared transmission circuits. In the CH-PS Nr.479209 becomes a time multiplex transmission method for the transmission of a multiplicity of binary, coded messages, which will transfer from several news channels to originate and over a common channel, whereby also the shortest code element of a message is at least once scanned, described, with which a value over the binary condition of the code element of a message is sent after a change of the binary condition of the code element in the respective message, whereby the value over the change of the binary condition of the code element is sent with the help of the transmit clock impulses arising after the change of the condition in the respective news channel, and whereby several transmit clock impulses for the transmission of the value over the change of the binary condition in the respective news channel are used, and whereby the value over the change of the binary condition 0 contains an indication concerning it, when - counted of the last transmit clock impulse - which took place change of the binary condition of the code element. Here a code-flexible time multiplex system is intended, which lets itself insert like a WT-system into the telex network. Each channel is attached to one coder each, to who the scanning clock for the information is supplied, whereby, by the channels again with a firm transmit clock, the information is scanned is passed on to the channel and whereby channels with different transmission rate to be present to be able, e.g. scanned in a channel with double modulation rate the information with the double scanning clock, whereby in the context of the firm transmit clock the information from this channel twice for each transmission distributor cycle is passed on to the channel, whereby a temporally symmetrical nesting of the channel scanning is intended in the context of the transmission distributor cycle. A multiplicity of data in a direction are transferred here. The circulating counter is trainable as a shift register. Here lies fixedtime-rested forwards with a scanning by a scanning pulse in the fixed time window. Of component reasons here a byte from 8-bits and two positions of the Umlaufzählers consists is intended for connecting a byte through; the second register position is intended for the second group of bytes. The existing symmetry in the allocation of the positions with the Umlaufzähler is also not necessary here without technical meaning and. Unfavorable it is here that binary coded messages by means of a firm transmit clock and a firm scanning clock will transfer in a fixed time multiplex framework, whereby by the scanning clock a counting device, besides are here only a facility traffic is advanced intended. In the US-PS Nr.3, 794.768 a mutual data communication in two-way traffic between two terminals is described by means of channel units, Submultiplexer/Subdemultiplexer and common multiplexers/Demultiplexer. The Submultiplexer has 5, 10 or 20 entrances by the timeframes with an appropriate number of time slots, all of same duration to be formed. The channel units, which are attached at the 9,6, 4,8oder 2,4-Kbs-Datenuntereinheiten, collect the arriving data to data sets, repeat each data set 5, 10oder 20mal accordingly and contrive everyone of the following individual repetitive data sets into following time slots. Any entrance of a five entrance Submultiplexers can be connected with any 9,6, 4,8oder 2,4-Kbs-Kanaleinheit. In similar way any entrance of a ten entrance Submultiplexers with any 4,8oder 2,4-Kbs-Kanaleinheit and any entrance of a twenty entrance Submultiplexers can can with any 2,4-Khs-Kanaleinheit be connected. The exits of all Submultiplexer are geftlhrt by the common multiplexer and attached to the data transmission line. Arriving data of the data transmission line are distributed to the different Submultiplexer/Subdemultiplexer, which distribute the data in sequence to the channel units. Here effected in the context of a time multiplex system via the local clock, and/or office clock and leads a shifting of the shift registers further to the formation of a fixed time slot pattern, whereby the activated register position leads to connecting through information binary coded in bit form, whereby a data distribution takes place in two directions. Unfavorable it is here that with clock pulses, Orts-Taktund office clock lmpulsen are worked and only uniform time slots use to find, in which data will transfer. Unfavorable it is here och that a fixed time slot pattern is intended and that the mechanism is intended for a data communication only. In the DE-OS 2825032 a more-canal low frequency transmission system, in particular for interpreter installations with portable receivers, is described with a time multiplex signal transmission without firm frames, by means of by the synchronization serving impulses or impulse breaks most marking cycles of by impulse breaks constant duration separated, continuousmodulated impulses or by impulses constant duration separate continuousmodulated impulse breaks, with which for the cyclic scanning of the low frequency signals of the individual channels with the transmitter as well as for selective connection that individual channels which can be assigned the impulse and/or impulse breaks are intended with the receivers into actually well-known way of synchronous impulses supplying and/or by synchronous impulses steered speedometers, and that for the signal transmission Lichtoder serves infrared radiation. Here is present a time multiplex system for a conference plant which is obvious a Dolmetschsystem, whereby a counter with Dekoder corresponds to a circulating shift register, with which at each time only one exit is activated, whereby into pulse phase modulation an analog signal will transfer, whereby the control from the modulation takes place, whereby an activated exit leads to the Aktivieren' and connecting the modulator through and whereby the controlling of the scanning takes place via the shift register. Unfavorable here the transmission in only one direction and the processing of only channels same regarding the incoming frequency volume are, e.g. to 4 kHz. A solution type for the multiple scanning of over-broad channels, in particular together with control paths etc., would consist of working with fixed time slot patterns whereby the disadvantage would be to be taken in purchase, the cycle time - thus the pulse rates - unnecessarily importantly to extend (in approximately would come out on a duplication). The invention is the basis the task, under avoidance of the disadvantages to plan in more-canal transmission systems mixed narrow-band Sprechund wide-band clay/tone channels whereby generally the number of voice channels is to outweigh and whereby besides in simple way a simple possibility for an additional adaptation of message, Rückmeldeund of control paths is to be given. This task according to invention via it solved that for the transmission of low frequency signals of larger range at least two continuousmodulated signal impulses are intended in each pulse rate it is made, their production via an at least twice scanning of the low frequency signals within the time of a pulse rate by means of at least two register positions as channel multiplexer and - more demultiplexer trained channel shift register takes place that the giver-lateral register positions of the channel multiplexer serve larger range during multiple scanning of a low frequency signal over an OR gate for the controlling of an analog switch, through - 4 - NR, 375228 that the connection of the low frequency signal of larger range to a modulator, whose exit over the pulse generator and the transmission circuit are attached to the impulse receiver, via by means of the receiver-lateral register positions of the Kanaldemultiplexers by an OR gate the control a further analog switch it takes place which is intended for the controlling of the demodulator of the low frequency signal of larger range that by allocation of the register positions of the channel shift register designed as channel multiplexers and Kanaldemultiplexer to the continuousmodulated signal impulses resulting from the repeated scanning of the low frequency signals of larger range a temporal Äquidistanz of these impulses is intended within a kontinuierliehen chain of the pulse rates - with accepted middle modulation stroke - I0 and that for the transmission of low frequency signals of schmälerer range into actually well-known way the further register positions than channel multiplexers and Kanaldemultiplexer of the trained channel blow register is intended. Favourable it is here that two or several impulses of the pulse rate are carriers of information, whereby the system of the transmission remains uniformly alike and whereby besides a large variation option and also a simple additional possibility of modification of Sprachin of clay/tone channels, thus by narrow-band into wide-band channels, are in reverse given or. It is of advantage that at the invention a transmission of frequency-moderately seen unequally broad audio-frequency channels for language and clay/tone in the two-simplex communication takes place, whereby the meaning lies always in each case in the distance of two impulses. No fixed time slot pattern is according to invention intended and is for the minimization of so-called “aliasing frequencies”, which unequally spread Einze] impulses and pulse rates by those arises, frequency-moderately seen an equidistant scanning that broader audio-frequency channels for better quality, in particular clay/tone, matching Doppelbzw. Mehrfaehabtastungen intended, whereby the temporally equidistant scanning of these channels and thus the transmission of the impulses are present over several or many scanning cycles only in the statistic means. At the invention shifting the shift register further takes place by the modulation impulses themselves. In the two-simplex communication the activation of a modulator takes place send-site and/or a demodulator at the receiver side, whereby Sendebzw. Receipt exits mixed in each case in a Sehieberegister of a terminal occur and whereby no uniform distribution between transmitters and receivers is compelling. Transfer transformed into ulsabstandsmodulation formed impulses into pulse phase modulation on the transmission circuit. With the invention a pulse phase modulation with a variable scanning cycle time and with variable pulse rates is intended, whereby in favourable way no binary coded messages are present separate the impulse the message contain. With the invention similar signals are not present as pulse distance and it are intended and from there also no encoder and/or Versehlüsseler through with parity check, already coded, necessary connecting stored signals in favourable way. After a further characteristic of the invention it is intended that in place of the control of low frequency signals of schmälerer range by means of the further register positions than channel multiplexers and Kanaldemultiplexer of the trained channel shift register the control of message, Rückmeldeoder control paths takes place. Favourable is here the possibility of the mixture of channels and the additional signal transmission of instructions. A remark example of the invention is represented and in the following is more near described in the designs. Fig.1 an example of the signal delivery of a clay/tone channel, and Fig.2 an example of the signal receipt shows with a clay/tone channel. On the basis the Fig.1 the function of the impulse production for a clay/tone channel of double range is described opposite a Sprechkanal. A shift register, that as channel multiplexers --M-- serves, steers via his register positions --R-- the Zuschaltung from Sprachsignalen to a modulator into impulses pulse time-modulated by tension comparison in well-known way to be formed. In the channel multiplexer --M-- is and only in each case one register position --R-- lively, whereby the register position registerstellenweiterschaltung with each impulse delivery to a broadband transmission circuit by means of a pulse generator --Industrial union-- taken place. Corresponding to the register positions of the channel multiplexer --M-- the register positions of a Kanaldemultiplexers are in a similar receiver-lateral shift register. For the two-simplex communication the shift registers at both ends of the broadband transmission STR corner, which is in particular a Infrarotstreeke, are depending upon wiring of the register positions --R-- both channel multiplexers --M-- and Kanaldemultiplexer --DM--, whereby for the direction reversal special the invention are at the basis not lying and more near not described mechanisms intended. For opposite voice channels twice as broad clay/tone channels a double scanning S of the sound signals is intended in accordance with the scanning theroem of the communications technology, whereby for still larger ranges a multiple scanning is to be planned. In the available example are two register positions --R-- the channel multiplexer --M-- to the entrances of a first OR gate --O1-- led, its exit to the control inlet of an analog switch, in particular a field-effect transistor is attached. Over a low frequency entrance --ENF-- becomes the Tensignale by the analog switch in the modulator --MOD-- in actually well-known way a tension comparator --KO-- including a relaxation oscillator --Sp-- supplied and converted into pulse time-modulated impulses, together with the impulses over a pulse generator, formed from the voice channels --Industrial union-- as pulse rate to the broadband transmission circuit to be transferred. For the invention it is particularly substantial that the register positions for the twice scanning are selected in such a way with clay/tone channels that with accepted middle modulation stroke in all signal impulses (from clay/tone, speaking, and if necessary command channels) the individual impulses from the twice scanning are to each other and among themselves temporally equidistant in the entire pulse rate and in the pulse rate package with several pulse rates. On the basis the Fig.2 the function of the impulse receipt for a clay/tone channel of double range is described opposite the voice channel. Bie of the broadband transmission circuit coming pulse rates arrive over a not drawn impulse receiver at a Kanaldemultiplexer --DM-- in that corresponding with the channel multiplexer --M-- a selection of the impulses over the register positions --R-- taken place. The two register positions intended for a clay/tone channel (double range) --R-- are to the entrance of a further OR gate --02-- attached, its exit to the control inlet of a demodulator --THAT-- is led, in across an actually well-known condenser reloading mechanism (by a load condenser --CL-- and a power source --Q-- symbolically suggested) at the exit --ANF-- the sound signal is removable. Pa T E N TAN SPRÜ CHE: 1. Multi-canal transmission system, in particular for conference plants and Fernsehbzw. Rundfunkkommentatorzentralanlagen by Kommentatoraußenstellen, characterized for both Einals also two-simplex communication on a transmission circuit, for the transmission of clay/tone, speaking, message, Rückmeldeund control signals, in the form of pulse rates - consisting of ever a synchronizing pulse, continuousmodulated, ever a channel zuordenbaren signal impulses, as well as data impulses, whereby the synchronizing pulse more briefly as actual is supplied to every other impulse with application of a time multiplex signal transmission without firm frames on a broadband transmission circuit, in particular a Infraretstrecke, in the form of pu sphasenmodulierten needle pulses of a pulse generator mechanism of an impulse receiver mechanism, using one as channel multiplexer and Kanaldemultiplexer of trained ski marriage register, which is receiver-laterally register position-moderately corresponding intended both giver as 4D also, by the fact that for the transmission of low frequency signals of larger range continuousmodulated at least two signal impulses in each pulse rate it are intended, their production by an at least twice scanning of the low frequency signals within the time of a pulse rate by means of at least two register positions (R) as channel multiplexers of (m) and - more demultiplexer (DM) trained channel blow register taken place that the giver-lateral register positions (R) of the channel multiplexer (m) during multiple scanning of a low frequency signal of larger range over an OR gate (O1) for the controlling of an analog switch serve, by which the connection of the low frequency signal of larger range taken place to a modulator (MOD), whose exit over the pulse generator (industrial union) and the transmission circuit are attached to the impulse receiver, through


A multi-channel transmission system for sound, voice, signalling, acknowledgement and control signals in the form of continuously modulated needle pulses in time-division multiplex, particularly by means of an infrared link. Low-frequency channels with a bandwidth which is wide compared with voice channels are sampled several times at the transmitting end, by means of an analog switch in a modulator (MOD), which analog switch is controlled by a channel shift register (M) via register positions (R) and an OR gate (O1). At the receiving end, a demodulator (DEM) is controlled in the same manner (DM, R, O2). The register positions are selected in such a manner that, assuming a medium modulation deviation in all signal pulses, the individual pulses from the multiple sampling in the entire pulse sequence and in the pulse sequence packet are equidistant in time with respect to one another and mutually in the case of several pulse sequences. This system is used, in particular, for conference systems and central television or broadcast commentator systems with remote commentator stations. <IMAGE>

is, depending upon wiring of the register positions --R-- both channel multiplexers --M-- and Kanaldemultiplexer --DM--, whereby for the direction reversal special the invention are at the basis not lying and more near not described mechanisms intended. For opposite voice channels twice as broad clay/tone channels a double scanning S of the sound signals is intended in accordance with the scanning theroem of the communications technology, whereby for still larger ranges a multiple scanning is to be planned. In the available example are two register positions --R-- the channel multiplexer --M-- to the entrances of a first OR gate --O1-- led, its exit to the control inlet of an analog switch, in particular a field-effect transistor is attached. Over a low frequency entrance --ENF-- becomes the Tensignale by the analog switch in the modulator --MOD-- in actually well-known way a tension comparator --KO-- including a relaxation oscillator --Sp-- supplied and converted into pulse time-modulated impulses, together with the impulses over a pulse generator, formed from the voice channels --Industrial union-- as pulse rate to the broadband transmission circuit to be transferred. For the invention it is particularly substantial that the register positions for the twice scanning are selected in such a way with clay/tone channels that with accepted middle modulation stroke in all signal impulses (from clay/tone, speaking, and if necessary command channels) the individual impulses from the twice scanning are to each other and among themselves temporally equidistant in the entire pulse rate and in the pulse rate package with several pulse rates. spreads opposite the voice channel descriptive. Bie of the broadband transmission circuit coming pulse rates arrive over a not drawn impulse receiver at a Kanaldemultiplexer --DM-- in that corresponding with the channel multiplexer --M-- a selection of the impulses over the register positions --R-- taken place. The two register positions intended for a clay/tone channel (double range) --R-- are to the entrance of a further OR gate --02-- attached, its exit to the control inlet of a demodulator --THAT-- is led, in across an actually well-known condenser reloading mechanism (by a load condenser --CL-- and a power source --Q-- symbolically suggested) at the exit --ANF-- the sound signal is removable. Pa T E N TAN SPRÜ CHE:

1. Multi-canal transmission system, in particular for conference plants and Fernsehbzw. Rundfunkkommentatorzentralanlagen by Kommentatoraußenstellen, characterized for both Einals also two-simplex communication on a transmission circuit, for the transmission of clay/tone, speaking, message, Rückmeldeund control signals, in the form of pulse rates - consisting of ever a synchronizing pulse, continuousmodulated, ever a channel zuordenbaren signal impulses, as well as data impulses, whereby the synchronizing pulse more briefly as actual is supplied to every other impulse with application of a time multiplex signal transmission without firm frames on a broadband transmission circuit, in particular a Infraretstrecke, in the form of pu sphasenmodulierten needle pulses of a pulse generator mechanism of an impulse receiver mechanism, using one as channel multiplexer and Kanaldemultiplexer of trained ski marriage register, which is receiver-laterally register position-moderately corresponding intended both giver as 4D also, by the fact that for the transmission of low frequency signals of larger range continuousmodulated at least two signal impulses in each pulse rate it are intended, their production by an at least twice scanning of the low frequency signals within the time of a pulse rate by means of at least two register positions (R) as channel multiplexers of (m) and - more demultiplexer (DM) trained channel blow register been made that the giver-lateral register positions (R) of the channel multiplexer (m) during multiple scanning of a low frequency signal of larger range over an OR gate (O1) for the controlling of an analog switch serve, by which the connection of the low frequency signal of larger range to a modulator (MOD) taken place, whose exit over the pulse generator (industrial union) and the transmission circuit are attached to the impulse receiver, by the receiver-lateral register positions (R) of the Kanaldemultiplexers (DM) over an OR gate (02) the controlling of a further Analogsehalters takes place, which is intended for the controlling of the demodulator () of the low frequency signal of larger range that by allocation of the register positions (R) as channel multiplexers of (m) and Kanaldemultiplexer (DM) of the trained channel shift register to the dauermodulier.ten resulting from the repeated scanning of the low frequency signals of larger range signal impulses a temporal Äquidistanz of these impulses within a continuous chain of the pulse rates - with accepted middle modulation stroke - is intended and that for the transmission of low frequency signals of schmälerer range in actually well-known way the further register positions (R) as channel multiplexers of (m) and Kanaldemultiplexer (DM) of the trained Kanalschteberegisters is intended.

2. Multi-canal transmission system according to requirement 1, by characterized that in place of the control of low frequency signals of schmälerer range by means of the further register positions (R) taken place as channel multiplexers of (m) and Kanaldemultiplexer (DM) of the trained channel shift register the control of message, Rückmeldeoder control paths. (Hiezu 1 sheet designs) pressure: Ing.E.Voytjech, Vienna