10-12-1987 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Westinghouse Electric Corp
Номер заявки: 2181383
Дата заявки: 29-11-1983


(19) AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE (10) Acceptance Ho. 567900 (51)4 International Patent Classification (21) Application No. : 21813/83 (22) Application Date s 29.11.83 (30) Priority Data (31) Number (32) Date (33) Country 451566 20.12.82 US UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (43) Publication Date : 28.06.84 (44) Publication Date of Accepted Application : 10.12.87 (71) Applicant WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP.; (72) Inventor CARL JOHN HEYNE (74) Attorney or Agent CLEMENT HACK & CO.


(54) Title ELECTROMAGNETIC LAUNCHER (56) Prior Art Documents US 4347463 US 4343223 (57) Claim 1. A launcher for a projectile comprising a non- electromagnetic arrangement for providing an initial velocity and spin stabilized motion to said projectile; and an electromagnetic arrangement axially aligned with said non-electromagnetic arrangement which receives said projectile having said initial velocity and spin stabilized motion and electromagnetically accelerates said projectile to launch velocity.




Int. CI:


Application Number: X I o I 3 "" & - Lodged:


...Complete Specification—Lodged Accepted •.•..♦ Lapsed . Published ..Prjprity:


Related Art:


This docu\T;*at cootains iho amendments nade uiscJct Section vi.


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3 i 'I'Htyno of Applicant:


TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION .'•Address of Applicant: 3 Gateway Center, •• • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, .•*• I United States of America.


Actual Inventor:


Address for Service: CLEMENT HACK & CO. , 140 William Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000.






The following statement is a full description of this invention, including the best method of performing it known to me:— ' • a • la.


ELECTROMAGNETIC LAUNCHER WITH POWDER DRIVEN PROJECTILE INSERTION This invention relates to electromagnetic pro¬ jectile launching systems and more particularly to such systems in which initial projectile acceleration occurs within a conventional rifled bore and additional accelera- tion is provided by electromagnetic forces.


Electromagnetic projectile launchers are known •I which comprise a pair of conductive rails, a sliding conductive armature between the rails, a source of high current and a switch for commutating this current into the rails and through the armature. Current flow through the rails and armature results in an electromagnetic force on the armature which propels it along the conductive rails.


Launchers which utilize a sliding metallic armature have experienced considerable rail damage caused by the sliding armature, particularly where high armature velocities are involved. In these cases, a plasma or arc armature may be more suitable.


The principal disadvantage to the use of a plasma propelling armature has been the damage that occurs to the breech section of the launcher rails during forma¬ tion of the plasma. Once the plasma is moving, very little, if any, damage occurs to the rails. Because the mass ratio between a projectile and a plasma armature is greater than that between a projectile and a sliding metallic armature, more efficient utilization of available launch package energy is possible with plasma drive.


Therefore, the application of plasma driven projectiles in multi-shot systems is appropriate. Such systems include rapid-fire air defense systems and impact fusion reactors.


Several methods have been suggested for initiating a plasma or arc in electromagnetic launcher systems. These procedures are primarily directed toward resolving the problem of creating the plasma armature and minimizing the resulting thermal damage of the launcher rails. Ablation of * 10 the rail surfaces is caused by a slow moving or stationary • • • arc and occurs during initial acceleration of the •J*"! projectile from zero velocity. At higher projectile I***.! velocities, the effects of this thermal phenomenon become increasingly insignificant. Therefore a means for imparting initial momentum to the launch package is desired to prolong • •"• launcher rail life.


Therefore according to the present invention there is '•••.* provided a launcher for a projectile comprising a non- *!** ' electromagnetic arrangement for providing an initial velocity ....2P and spin stabilized motion to said projectile; and an •**• J electromagnetic arrangement axially aligned with said non-electromagnetic arrangement which receives said projectile having said initial velocity and spin stabilized motion and electromagnetically accelerates said projectile to launch velocity.


2a W> An embodiment of the present invention utilizes conventional rapid-fire powder gun technology to rapidly load and fire projectiles into an electromagnetic launcher bore which continues to accelerate the powder driven projectile to velocities in excess of those attainable with conventional gun powder technology. This electro¬ magnetic launcher system exploits the inherent advantages of both the powder driven and electromagnetic launchers to produce a high repetition rate launcher with superior performance characteristics.


fireTrauQching system. The projectile is spin stabilized prior to itsftfev into the electromagnetic launcher bore.


By providing the projeSlrtiewith a bore sealing sabot and using a chemical propellant fSr—the initial projectile acceleration, the initial chemical exploswacan provide a low resistance gas for initiation of a plasma armatute in the clcctromagnoti< Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of an electro- magnetic projectile launcher in accordance with one embod¬ iment of the present invention; Figure 2 is a cross-section of the rifled barrel of the launcher system of Figure 1 taken along line II-II; and Figure 3 is a cross-section of the electro¬ magnetic launcher portion of the launcher system of Figure 1 taken along line III-III.


Referring to the drawings, Figure 1 is a sche¬ matic diagram of an electromagnetic projectile launching system in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention. A pair of generally parallel conductive pro¬ jectile launching rails 10 and 12 line an electromagnetic projectile launcher bore 14 and are restrained within support structure 16. These projectile launching rails are electrically connected to a source of high current 18 which in this embodiment comprises the series connection of a direct current generator 20, a switch 22 and an inductive energy storage means 24. A commutating switch 26 is connected across the projectile launching rails to provide a path for current which charges the inductive energy storage means 24 prior to electromagnetic accelera¬ tion of a projectile. Switch 26 may be of the type dis¬ closed in a copending commonly assigned application en¬ titled "Rotary Switch For Switching Very Large DC Cur- rents," assigned Serial No. 309,289, filed October 6, 1981 by Kemeny, and hereby incorporated by reference. A rifled barrel 28 is disposed adjacent to one end of conductive Al rails 10 and 12 and axially aligned with the bore 14 between these rails. Insulation 30 serves as a means for electrically insulating the barrel 28 from conductive rails 10 and 12. A projectile 32 and its associated chemical propellant cartridge 34 are inserted into the breech of barrel 28.


Figure 2 is a cross-section of barrel 28 of Figure 1 taken along line II-II. Rifling grooves 36 are cut into barrel 28 and spiral along the barrel axis to spin stabilize projectile 32 as it passes through the barrel in accordance with known technology.


Figure 3 is a cross-section of the electro¬ magnetic launcher portion of the launching system of Figure 1 taken along line III-III. Projectile launching rails 10 and 12 can be seen to have an arcuate surface lining bore 14. During a launch, the spinning projectile continues to spin while being further accelerated within the electromagnetic portion of the lauching system.


The projectile 32 in cartridge 34 of Figure 1 must include an electrically non-conductive sabot to prevent the transfer of current through the projectile during acceleration in the electromagnetic launcher por¬ tion of the launching system. The use of non-conductive sabots is a common and well-developed practice in use in high velocity powder driven guns. The use of a conven¬ tional powder driven gun to provide the force or initial projectile acceleration takes advantage of the excellent performance of chemically driven guns at lower projectile velocities. Traditional powder gun technology allows the projectile to be spin stabilized before entering the round bore of the electromagnetic launcher portion for improved accuracy and, in addition, allows the projectile to be introduced into the electromagnetic launcher portion at a substantial velocity. This will significantly reduce the size of the electromagnetic launcher drive components since the electromagnetic force need only boost the velo¬ city of the projectile instead of supplying the entire accelerating force. In addition, the launcher takes full advantage of the unsurpassed ability of powder propellants to provide high acceleration forces with minimum weight and volume, while achieving projectile velocities in excess of the limit for powder propellant driven projec¬ tiles.


Introduction of the projectile into the electro¬ magnetic launcher bore at a high velocity, for example 1 kilometer per second, will substantially improve the life of the electromagnetic launcher's conductive rails. Tests have shown that little rail damage occurs with a plasma armature once the projectile achieves a velocity of ap¬ proximately 100 meters per second. In the embodiment of Figure 1, the plasma produced by the chemical explosion in the powder driven gun portion is injected into the bore of the electromagnetic launcher portion behind the projectile and can provide a low resistance gas for initiation of a plasma armature to electromagnetically accelerate the projectile. Insulation 30 at the end of the powder gun barrel 28 electrically insulates the conductive barrel from the conductive rails of the electromagnetic launcher portion while simultaneously providing a seal to contain the expanding gases from the powder explosion and guiding the projectile into the electromagnetic launcher bore.


The electromagnetic launcher portion of the launching system comprises a high current source 18, a switch 26 which applies electrical power to the electro¬ magnetic launcher rails at the appropriate time and a pair of generally parallel conductive rails which conduct current to an armature behind the projectile and form a one-turned linear motor to accelerate the projectile. A variety of high current sources can be used, including capacitors, or a homopolar generator and inductor coil.


The launching system illustrated in Figure 1 shows a homopolar generator 20 and an inductive energy storage coil 24. The homopolar generator stores energy in the rotating mass of its rotor which, upon closing the switch.


is delivered to the inductor. The inductor stores the energy in a magnetic field and upon opening switch 26 develops a voltage which commutates the current into the conductive rails of the electromagnetic launcher portion and delivers the energy to the projectile. Proper timing and sequencing of the switching operation with the conven¬ tional powder gun will allow the electromagnetic launcher portion of the launcher system to accelerate the projec¬ tile which has been fired from the powder gun into the breech of the electromagnetic launcher portion.


One method of accomplishing this timing is to use hot gases resulting from the chemical explosion in the powder driven gun to initiate conduction in the bore of the electromagnetic launcher portion in the form of a plasma armature. The sequence of events which would effect this mode of operation are as follows:


1) Switches 22 and 26 are closed, thereby allow¬ ing homopolar generator 20 to charge inductive energy storage means 24.


2) The projectile 32 which has been loaded into the powder gun portion of the launching system is acceler¬ ated by the ignition of a powder propellant in cartridge 34. The firing of this cartridge is synchronized with the • •" operation of switch 26.


# 25 3) Switch 26 is opened, thereby causing a volt- * age to be developed across inductive energy storage means '*• 24 and projectile launching rails 10 and 12.


4) The projectile and hot gases from the burning • propellant enter the breech of the electromagnetic launch- • ! 30 er portion as the voltage developed between the rails reaches a value sufficiently high to initiate breakdown in the gas following the projectile.


5) An arc is initiated behind the projectile in the electromagnetic launcher bore which completes the circuit and allows current to flow through the inductor, along the electromagnetic launcher rails, through the plasma armature behind the projectile, through the homo- polar generator and back to the inductor.


6) This current flow causes the projectile to be accelerated electromagnetically and to achieve very high velocities.


7) Switch 26 is closed as the projectile exits from bore 14 of the electromagnetic launcher portion and begins to charge the inductor for the next round. Simul¬ taneously, a conventional powder gun reloading mechanism ejects the spent cartridge 34 and loads a live round. The sequencing of the,loading and firing mechanism is con- trolled by a mechanical or electrical linkage between the loading and firing mechanism of the powder gun portion and switch 26. It can be seen that an electromagnetic projec¬ tile launching system constructed in accordance with this invention provides for: the attainment of high projectile velocities; spin stabilization of projectiles; utilization of well developed rapid fire and loading technology; and use of available projectile technology.


In addition to the firing sequence described with respect to the preferred embodiment of Figure 1, there are several other methods which can be used to synchronize the firing of the powder and electromagnetic launcher portions of the launching system to provide a conductive armature for electromagnetic launcher portion operation. These methods include:


1) providing a metallic armature on the rear of the projectile to initiate current conduction in the electromagnetic launcher portion; 2) providing a metallic fuse on the rear of the projectile which will initiate the formation of an arc and form a plasma armature; 3) seeding the propellant with chemicals that will form a lower resistance arc; and 4) using an arc which results from the high voltage developed across the inductive energy storage means 24 to initiate breakdown within the electromagnetic launcher portion bore.


While the present invention has been described in terms of what is at present believed to be the pre¬ ferred embodiment, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various changes or modifications may be made without departing from the invention. It is therefore intended that the appended claims cover all such changes and modifications which occur within the scope of the invention.




1. A launcher for a projectile comprising a non- electromagnetic arrangement for providing an initial velocity and spin stabilized motion to said projectile; and an electromagnetic arrangement axially aligned with said non-electromagnetic arrangement which receives said projectile having said initial velocity and spin stabilized motion and electromagnetically accelerates said projectile to launch velocity.


2. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said non-electro- ,,..; magnetic arrangement includes a rifled barrel causing said .._ • projectile to spin prior to its entry into said electro¬ magnetic arrangement.


3. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said arrange¬ ment for propelling said projectile through said barrel includes a cartridge having a chemical propellant disposed therewithin.


4. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said electro¬ magnetic arrangement includes a pair of generally parallel electrically conductive rails lining an unrifled bore; and a source of electrical current switchably connected to said rails.


5. A launcher according to claim 4 wherein said projectile is electrically insulated from said conductive rails and is accelerated in the electromagnetic arrangement by an electrically conductive plasma extending between said rails.




An electromagnetic projectile launching system is provided with an electromagnetic launcher portion and a chemically driven launcher portion. The electromagnetic launcher portion includes a pair of generally parallel conductive rails, a source of high current connected to the rails, and means for conducting current between the rails and for propelling a projectile along the rails. The powder driven portion includes a rifled barrel adjacent one end of the conductive rails and axially aligned with the conductive rails, and means for chemically propelling a projectile through the rifled barrel and into the bore of the electromagnetic launcher portion while causing the projectile to spin prior to its entry into the bore.


1. A launcher for a projectile comprising a non- electromagnetic arrangement for providing an initial velocity and spin stabilized motion to said projectile; and an electromagnetic arrangement axially aligned with said non-electromagnetic arrangement which receives said projectile having said initial velocity and spin stabilized motion and electromagnetically accelerates said projectile to launch velocity.

2. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said non-electro- ,,..; magnetic arrangement includes a rifled barrel causing said .._ • projectile to spin prior to its entry into said electro¬ magnetic arrangement.

3. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said arrange¬ ment for propelling said projectile through said barrel includes a cartridge having a chemical propellant disposed therewithin.

4. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said electro¬ magnetic arrangement includes a pair of generally parallel electrically conductive rails lining an unrifled bore; and a source of electrical current switchably connected to said rails.

5. A launcher according to claim 4 wherein said projectile is electrically insulated from said conductive rails and is accelerated in the electromagnetic arrangement by an electrically conductive plasma extending between said rails. fc

6. A launcher according to claim 5 wherein said plasma is initiated by electrical breakdown of gases resulting from combustion of said chemical propellant.

7. A launcher according to claim 1 wherein said projectiles has a metallic armature adjacent the rear thereof.

8. A launcher according to claim 5 wherein a metallic fuse adjacent the rear of said projectile forms a plasma which forms following the fusing of said fuse. Dated this 20th day of October 1987 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORPORATION By Its Patent Attorneys: CLEMENT HACK & CO. Fellows Institute of Patent Attorneys of Australia /I".