13-11-1987 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Cryomec Ag, CRYOMEC AG
Номер заявки: 03-00-1984535
Дата заявки: 20-07-1984


PATENTANSPRÜCH E 1st Pumpvorriehtung for eryogene fluids, with a high pressure part and a Vorverdichterteil between those a partition runs, whereby the Vorverdichterteil is to attached thermally insulated Fiuidbehãlter in one because of the partition sealing, by the fact characterized that Hochdruckund of the Vorverdichterteil two in tandem arranged, by the partition (31) from each other separate piston pumps (3, 4, 5, 6) with the partition sliding and sealing durehsetzenden common piston rod (8) is, and that the Vorverdichter piston pump (5, 6) a suck in-laterally open cylinder (5) aufweist.


2. Pumping device according to requirement l, thereby characterized that the Vorverdichterkolben (6) with inlet drillings (61) is provided, those by a circular valve plate (62) taken off sind.


3. Pumping device according to requirement l, by the fact characterized that the drive mechanism containing crank case provided with cooling fins with the cylinder (3) of the Hoehdruckpnmpenteiles connected ist.


4. Requirement for pumping device sewing l, dadurehgekennzeichnet that in the Vorverdichterzylinder, within the range of the partition a bleed bore (51) is appropriate and that between the Vorverdiehtungszylinder (5) and the Vorverdichterkolben (6) play, soft a Volumenausgleich between compression volumes and pump volumes is present zulässt.


Pump device after requirement 1, thus that the fluid container (7) with a lockable gas orifice (74) provides ist.


6. Use of the Pumpvorriehtung according to requirement for consolidating eryogener fluids, characterized by a list, which is selected in such a way that the gas orifice (74) is in the highest place of the fluid container and is discharged gaseous fluid kann.


7. Use according to requirement 6, characterized by a list, with that the Längsaehse of the piston rod over at least approximately 45* against the vertical one bent ist.


The invention places itself to the task to create a pumping device in accordance with generic term of the patent claim I those according to this principle works to be however more simply developed and more cheaply manufactured can and to less Gasbils dung in compressing bewirkt.


The invention solves this task with a cryogenen pumping device, those the specific characteristics of the requirement 1 aufweist.


In the design a remark example of the Erfin o of dung article is represented. It shows a cryogene pumping device in simplified representation, whose drive mechanism regards in and whose pump part is represented on average. The pump covers a high pressure part and a Vorverdichterteil, those in tandem arranged sind.


is the main parts of the pumping device are: a crank case I, a distance piece 2, which is high pressure pumping cylinder 3 with pistons 4, a Vorverdichterzylinder 5 with pistons 6. the Vorverdichterzylinder with its piston in a double-walled fluid container 7. the two pistons 4 and 6 are on a common piston rod 8 fastened, the .die ground 31 of the Hochdruekzylinders provided with ribs intersperses. It is sealed by means of poetry 32. The ground serves thus as partition between the two Teilen.


z5 openings 33 intersperse the ground of the high pressure cylinder. During the Druckhubes a circular Plattenventi134 closes these openings. The discharge opening of the high pressure cylinder is provided with a spring-tensioned Kugelventi135, the high pressure piston 4 is with gaskets 36 versehen.


The Vorverdiehtungszylinder 5 has the form of a pipe open at the suction face, which exhibits a drilling 51 in its highest place. The Vorverdichterkolben 6 has some through-holes 61, which during compressing 3s or load stroke by a circular Plattenventi162 is closed. On the piston rod 8 is an attack for the Plattenventi162 angebracht.


Double-walled, like a Dewar vessel trained fluid containers 7 is connected 71 with the cylinder 5 by means of a flange. A Flui Zufuhrleitung 72 leads by a drilling 73 in the flange the fluid into the container 7th in the Flanseh 71 is still another lockable drilling 74 attached, those by a strichpunktiege line is suggested and those brief discharging of the gas dient.


4s the design shows the pumping device in a situation bent around 45* against the vertical one, which corresponds to a work situation, because see then the drilling 51 in the Vorverdichterzylinder in the highest place rules. This is of special importance, because then inevitable, but so as small a gases as possible forming from the fluid can ascend themselves and collect here. The Vorverdichterkolben 6 knows therefore almost exclusively liquid fluid in the high pressure pistons bringen.


In addition it comes still that the displacement volume ss of the Vorverdichterteiles is larger than that the high-pressure pump, so that also liquid fluid withdraws here. As follows from the proceeding description, the Vorverdichterkolben 6 does not possess gaskets against the cylinder 5, but has a small play against lnnenwand the cylinder, so that the oversize at promoted fluid can escape also here and so that no unnecessary high internal friction is caused, those to gasification leads würde.


In the design the pumping device is represented during a Saughubes, with which the piston rod with the 6s pistons 4 and 6 moves diagonally upward. Therefore the valve plate 62 the drillings in the piston 6 sehliesst off, while the valve plate 34 releases the drillings 33. The fluid container 7 is filled up to the level N with liquid fluid, over pumping cryogener fluids offers special difficulties, since the fluid ignores both when dropping the pressure and with the rise of the temperature of flüssigenin the gaseous aggregate condition. The pump finds sees under atmosphãrischem pressure and to the conditions of the vapour pressure diagram adjusted itself. During the enterprise the conditions must be brought over those the Dampfdruokkurve of the eryogenen fluid which can be pumped. This in consideration its that with the sucking in act the pressure decreases which likewise to gasification cause gibt.


Well-known measures for the meeting of these difficulties are from there:


1. to lead the fluid from the large Vorratstank, in which steam pressure conditions prevail, into a as well as possible thermally insulated closed fluid container and the temperature under those of the steam pressure too senken.


2. the pressure in the Fluidbehãlter over those of the steam pressure too erhöhen.


For the latter reading a pump with differential pistons, hollow piston rod and valves is in the piston admits become from the CH-PS 615,982. High compressing causes appropriate gas screen end currents, which must be derived by means of a complex valve system into the low pressure part. Such pumps are however complex and expensive in the Herstellung.


this level is the fluid in gaseous condition like this in the design by small gas bubbles is suggested. As evidently from there the Vorverdichterkolben fills the high pressure cylinder almost exclusively with liquid fluid. With the increased pressure the gaseous Teli changes again into diè liquid phase. If the Saughub is terminated, the Bewegu turns ng u m and presses the high pressure piston liquid fluid into the high pressure pipe 37.


The lockable drilling 74 serves discharging the gas, in particular when starting, if the different pump parts not yet until close of the very low-temperature of the fluid cooled down and much gas forms. The high pressure cylinder would compress only gas and no flüs663 065 siges fluid fördern.


If the pumping device is used for example for pumping liquid nitrogen, this has a temperature of to -196°C and is under a Ubers pressure of approx. 2 bar. The liquid nitrogen comes from a large Vorratstank, arrived by the line 72 to the pumping device and by this in liquid condition on a positive pressure of approx. 200 bar is brought, by an evaporator led and in gaseous condition with Umgel0 bungstemperatur into pressure resistant bottles filled up. In these bottles is the nitrogen under 200 bar of Druck.


In such a way filled bottles become the final consumer transportiert.


B 1 sheet designs 663,065 1 sheet


The cryogenic pump operates in two stages, utilizing a supercharging part and a high pressure part. These two parts are comprised of a high pressure piston pump (3, 4, 34, 35) and a supercharger (5, 6, 61, 62) disposed in a tandem relationship and sharing a common piston rod (8). The supercharger is enclosed in a heat insulated intermediate container (7) and delivers the liquid cryogenic fluid to the high pressure cylinder. The pump operates to convey a liquid cryogenic fluid such as liquid nitrogen, for example, at a high pressure through evaporating means into pressure resistant commercial steel cylinders where the gaseous nitrogen is kept at a pressure of 200 bar and ambient temperature.

1. Pump for cryogenic fluids, having a high pressure part and a supercharger part, the high pressure part and the supercharger part each comprising a piston pump (3,4) (5,6) disposed in tandem and separated from one another by a partition (31) the pistons having a common piston rod (8) which slidably and sealingly extends through said partition, said partition being provided with an intake valve (33,34) the supercharger part being disposed in a heat insulated intermediate fluid container in sealing relationship with said partition, providing a sump for said supercharger part, said supercharger part comprising a cylinder (5) open at the intake side and a piston (6) provided with an intake valve (61,62) the supercharger cylinder (5) having a larger inside diameter than the high pressure cylinder (3), volume equilibrium being attained by an opening (51) provided at the highest point of said supercharger - cylinder, said opening emptying into the intermediate fluid container (7).

2. The pump according to claim 1 in which said partion (31) is provided with inlet openings (33) covered by an annular valve plate (34).

3. The pump according to claim 1 in which said supercharger piston (6) is provided with inlet openings (61) covered by an annular valve plate (62).

4. The pump according to claim 1 in which said intermediate container (7) having an inlet duct (72) is connected to a storage tank.

5. The pump according to claim 1 in which said high pressure cylinder has a spring loaded ball valve (35) leading to a high pressure duct (37).

6. The pump according to claim 1 in which said intermediate container (7) is provided at its highest point, when it is in an operative position with a closable gs discharge opening (74).