Generator of pulsated hot air and process of emission
FRENCH REPUBLIC MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY 1be addition SERVICE iNTELLECTUAL INDUSTRIELLE of the [...] no. 894,665 No. 84,709 international Classification: A 01 M. Nathan [...] residing in France (Seine). Requisitioned 14 April 1962, to 10m Issued by stopped 22 February 1965. In the request of the main patent is de- crit a transmitter apparatus for between hot air other to the protection of plants against the frozen rendering and rotating to emit in all di- [...] and thereby cover a fixed point the maxi- mum of the surface defined by the radius of the transmission. According to the present invention the rotation of the- apparatus can conveniently be conducted by placing the apparatus on a circular rail on the ground and. controlling the rotation of one of the wheels forming part of the generator. Another object of the present invention is the-aug supplying broadcast coverage. It is [...] - member desirable to extending the range of a transmitted- sion hot air at maximum, which is possible by increasing the volume or the speed of the air emitted. Such solutions comprise However many problems such as: the-aug supplying of the power absorbed or danger for plants. Further the increasing the range is not proportional to the increase in the-vo [...] or speed but varies only- even in the best conditions-with the-ra cine square of the variation. Practically, the flow of an air stream generated by a fan-helical dal-used at the time-n ' is not straight but instead cyclonic, which leads to depletion of the kinetic energy by [...] - [...] and its undesirable conversion energy-ether thermal. According to the present invention the range of a transmitted- sion can be approximately doubled for a same volume of air delivered to a speed by the re- facer of the veins of cyclonic air on the one hand and by flattening the transmission on the other hand and the [...] to run along the ground. Since it is known that a 65 2191,0 73,251 3 surface of a solid opposes a much lower pressure drop to the flow of gas that another gas due to turbulence created by the interpenetration of two media moving-speed or in different directions. Another advantage of flattening the transmitter and increasing the range, thus the surface interested is that the number of calories emitted by apparatus can be increased without increasing the proportional volume of air while remaining in the limit of number of calories transmitted per unit area and time. In effect, if the limit value is exceeded a cal/m "/ hr in circumstances weather data, the web hot air rises in height as sought precisely the elevation of the temperature on the ground. The interest of the increase of the thermal power of a hot air generator without increasing the volume of air delivered is evident, because unlike the increase of air flow, the increase of the thermal power of a generator can be done almost no increase or the price or the driving force. The rectifying and the flattening of the hot air stream emitted are obtained by a screen starting above the mouth of transmission and inclined at an angle of 20° to 30° to the ground, resembling a low-sloped roof. Since the transmitter is rotating is normally a circular shape with a radius for example 5 to 8 m and has in the centre an opening also circular corresponding to the radius of the turning apparatus. The display resembling a roof of a circus for example, but with the central opening mentioned, can be executed as a sheet metal, plastics or Price the booklet: 2 francs other construction materials and positionable on simple stakes, to be removed at need. SUMMARY Hot air generator and transmitter rotating characterized by the fact that rotation is performed by the control of a wheel forming part of said generator and resting on a circular rail. Device for increasing the range of emission of hot air provided by a screen to incline towards the ground having crimping the current of air emitted and/or straightening of the air streams to approximate a line flow and according to the ground surface. Nathan [...], street Boileau, 59. Paris (xvie) For the sale of the fascicles, address {' Imprimerie Nationale. 27. the street Convention. Paris (15 *). To patent [...]
Hot air generator and method of transmitting.