Assembly with ultra-short waves

08-05-1936 дата публикации
Принадлежит: Loewe Opta GmbH
Номер заявки: 798088D
Дата заявки: 22-11-1935

French republic.



Direction of the industrial property.





Gr. 12. - Cl. 4. N


Montage microwave.


Society said _AOE280A2AO> [...] D. S. [...] residing in Germany.


Demanded 22 November 1935, to 14h 37, to Paris.

March [...] Issued the 2. -Published 8 May [...].


(Patent application deposited in Germany the ai November 198 4. -Declaration the applicant).


In the the broadcast, it


is usual to lock the lines-diet


rotational direct voltage leading to the


mountings tubes against earth or cathodes,


by capacitors. These capacitors,


optionally in combination with


resistors or reactors in the cir-


cooked supply, provide filtering


dC voltages to free it from its


snoring is other undulations [...] -


xylenes. It is always understood however that


the points dps blocked lines of the


are grounded also


the frequencies of the broadcast. The


assumption is, in effect, for the exact


normal stations t. wave S. F.


broadcast short-wave and d ' nme


length. However, by working


with waves of less than 10 m.


length, new difficulties is pre-


who due to absolute [...]


capacitors-blocks technology


and which use Twist of magnitude of i m.


F. about, form, for currents


haunts to frequency, short-circuits to


low ohmic resistance of the line of ali-


supplying voltage from said con-




Of more, if the dial is turned-scale


waves, selective disturbances


receiving, such as break points


phenomena and drive have already in use conductor 5 cm. length only. The cause of the disturbance is to be searched for in the fact that the electrodes of the tubes, connected to the ends of said staple yarns, are no longer to be considered as grounded, then, these inlet lines, with their hooked capabilities and their self-self-induction are circuits well defined, which can be brought into resonance at middle of the scale of the receiving. Such disturbance becomes particularly sensitive in the stations superheterodyne microwave constructed by the Company requesting for the television reception.


Figure 1 represents, as a tube [...] explanation, whose receiving circuit 1 is connected to the inner grid 2 of the modulation system is to be completely decoupled from and relative to the work of the oscillator system i/5, by the screen grid 3. Grounding the respectively blocking the screen grid 3 is performed, and qn ' it is usual in the art of the broadcast at a longer wavelength, using a 6 1 m. [...] of F. having assembly, with a resistor equalizer 8 dimensioned for filtering the

The booklet Price: 5 francs.


snoring the network. Experience has shown that the apparent inductance 9 of the line leading to the screen grid, together with the ground capacity ser) vice 10 of the screen grid, form, when operating with microwave and at locations disturbance are determined, and a flywheel circuit can no longer be considered made) earth to the speed of the frequency. During this natural frequency, the oscillation of the modulation grid 11, which is connected to conduit 4 and the frequency of the oscillation circuit 7, is transmitted therefore i to the input circuit by means of the gate 3, which no longer performs its function of screen and can thereby attract the input circuit to emit undesired oscillations, respectively 1' "driving", pro) [...] & s and dead center or a break in the receiver. However, the [...] is said above about the conductor at a screen grid is also valid in a manner s sorting general-and the [...] requesting > the Company demonstrated for grounding of any kind which are to satisfy the condition has not, relative to the earth, other potential oscillation. For example, > a driver boost gate that is within range of a short-wave oscillator, for example the line 12, can form a resonant circuit in combination with the service capability of existing l always 13, even if it has only a length of some centimetres and even if it is closed respectively rendered free of snoring at its end on the side of the battery using a condensation > engine-block 14 and additional resistance 15, ample size, according to the design of the normal technique long wavelength. All these grounded incomplete occur substantially, ; by turning the tuning dial of the microwaves by selective receiving defect.


Further is based on the idea of separating by the function of the principle i-landing any mounting poles of the microwave the function of suppressing snoring and filtering of the DC voltages supply, and in the application of a special device "emitter to ground" for 55 the frequency ultra-short. The mounting of the special device is set forth in the following. The emitter to ground should not alter anything in the conditions of the receiving jig in Go the direct current. The direct current need any voltage drop responsive to passing through its resistance nor additional reactance. On the other hand, it is necessary that the emitter to earth G5 has properties such that it is adapted to form a connection without resistance between the dots to remain free of oscillations so that the internal resistance of the grounding [...] o days remains low enough for the frequency involved.


completely impossible to [...] all reactions through the resistance of the grounding. On the other hand, is not emitter y5 to ground that it contributes to the filtering low frequencies, i.e. the suppression of the snoring. The emitter is inserted at all points to be "ground" at high frequencies and 8o that are expected to not be sufficiently during very short wave as a result of too high impedance their connection line.


Such assumption is particularly based, as well as experiments 85 requesting the Society already demonstrated for waves less than 10 metres, for conductor lengths of more than 5 cm. of [...] and when the conductors are installed on surfaces go grounded metal, thereby assuming a particularly sensitive self-induction on the connections with double bipolar core.


Figure 1 represents a "emitter q5 to the earth" 16/17 according to the invention, inserted into the lead 9 to the screen grid.


The grounding capacitor 17 is directly connected to the mounting respectively to the base of the tube by means of wires [...] so short, and is of such dimensions that the circuit consisting of interlaced wires and the capacitor always has a natural frequency greater than that of the ultra-high frequency existing in the mounting. It f may become necessary, for example, by working with waves of a length of centimeters from [...] -5 block in the interior of the tube so that the same unique wavelength becomes sufficiently short circuit. The value of 17 requires to encrypt that 100-500 cm.


The resistance 16 is part of the emitter [...] to ground 17. The resistor to prevent the screen grid 3, to j be grounded, or subjected! reactions to the influence of exerting its effect on the connection j 9 and which are represented symbolically by level i to the counter-inductance 18 respectively a partial capacity 19, Or, the series resistance 18 removes the fault of the mounting that have been made in the the supply line 9/8 2 0 and that could cause disturbances mentioned service despite the capacitor grounding 17, the case in which the resistance 16 is not provided. The resistance 16 does, need to be? .5 large as relative to the resistance 17 alternating current. Since it should, further, be negligible for the direct current circuit, is to assign to it a magnitude of 1000 [...] o 5000 Ohms at most. Tl can be used of a reactance, however, the solution is not mounting be tantamount to the aperiodic, because the reactance, -is known-can suspend 35 selectively its effect. The function of 16 becomes questionable as soon as the line 20 further comprises a pest impedance between 16 and the capacitor 17. Is provided, therefore, 16 and 17 are directly adjacent io and directly at the point to, be grounded. The arrangement of the component of the grounding, according to the invention, for suppressing interference in the gate line ! \ 5 mentioned is shown in Figure 1 by the capacitor 21 and the dropping resistor 22.


An arrangement, although known, but particularly advantageous in consideration of the foregoing, is obtained, oo as is represented in Figure 2.


if the capacitor 17 is wound around the strip resistance 16, it can be formed of the known manner by a helical brace. The inner frame of the capacitor 17 is, in this case, directly connected to the point to be protected 3, the outer frame of the capacitor 17 is an earthing point selected, for example, to the cathode of the tube and the point 9 is connected to the additional voltage line. The dropping resistor 16, in the form of a high ohmic resistance strip may be replaced by a connection, in resistance wire. The application do ohmic resistors distributed in this manner provides advantages just during microwave because resistors concentrated can be easily rendered ineffective due to the presence of capabilities-bridge, while the execution of a connection of a certain length as damping provides better assurance against the effect of the damping, because, at least portions of the connection always will act as dampers. On the other hand, a resistance of 30-50 Ohms, which can be already produced at high resistance wires technically in use to a line length of about 0 cm., is sufficient to remove circuit its swing capacity. -Can therefore be, for example, the lines 9 12 respectively by a resistance wire of about 250 ohms per meter and dispense treatment and then to the resistors 16 22 respectively.


li is obvious that the interference cancellation of the earth, to be applied to a modulation [...] may also be used to the elements of the mounting and coupling. It is advantageous in case voltages ultra-short could tend to penetrate through the supply lines in the coupling [...], Therefore, for example, the ultrahigh frequency can arrive at the gate of the next tube 24 by the anodic line 25 through a coupling reactance 23. By arranging the grounding means 26,27, only to stop the judicious selection of the grounding point 28. It is to recommend, in each case, connect the capacitor ground 27 to the cathode of the tube to be protected by the shortest path.

1° The functions of the filtering, on the one hand and grounding voltage supply lines, on the other hand, are assigned to two devices completely separated the first of which is disposed at any one of the radio receiver while the second has to be in the immediate vicinity of to ground and so that the unique wavelength of the circuit formed by the connecting lines and the ground becomes smaller than the wavelengths involved, for which the grounding must be;

2° The one of the poles of the capacitor of the grounding is always connected to the frame the tube, whose electrodes respectively coupling circuitry are to be grounded relative UHF-cathode that the armatures are, further, grounded or not;

3° The grounding device is characterized by using a transverse capacitor and by a longitudinal strength the first having a value such that the power supply circuit, including the capacitor, has an impedance minute in the service region frequencies involved while the longitudinal strength is-with respect to the impedance of the grounding additional resistance very large to the frequency of service and is connected to the capacitor by the ith shorter path;

4° The longitudinal strength is formed by executing the conductor wire resistance wire having a resistance value high;

5° The resistance of the earth and ia the capacitor are wound, around each other and, thereby, performed with the least possible space requirement; the connection between the two is provided already within the coil and the outer frame simultaneously exerts the function of shield the conducting portions of the oscillations.

Said Society:

[...] i). s. [...].

For proxy?

H. [...]wires.

For the sale of the fascicles, be directed to I ' [...] Nationale, 37, the street Convention. Paris ( i 5').