02-03-1920 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 2313358
Дата заявки: 25-07-1919


'LTNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIAX H. CRAWFORD, OF LOS ANGELES ' CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNOR TO CHARLOTTE E. CRAWFORD, OF LOS ANGELE-S, CALIFORNIA. DRAG-LINE SCRAPER. 1,332,609. SpecifLeation of Letters Patent. Patented illar. 2, 1920. Application filed Jiily 25,1919. Serial No. 313,358. To all whoin it may concern: Be it known that I, WILLIA-ivi H. CRAWR,ORD) a citizen of the Uiiited States, residing at Los Angeles, in t.he cotinty of Lbs Amgeles qnd State of Ctlifornia, have invented .new and useful Improven-ie-Lits in Drag-Line Scrapers, of NAhi6h the folloiving is a s peciflc,Ltion. My invention relates to dirt scrapers and lo consists of the novel features herein shown, described and claimed. My obje6t is to ii-iake a dr,,Lg line dirt scraper to be opetated froi-ii a single power to be moved forwardly -Lnd backw,,trdlv ,tnd 15 to load and dun-ip automatically. Fi,o-ure 1 is a Derspective Lipon t reduced scale ()f a drag line dii-t scraper einbodying the principles of my invention in use. Fig. 2 is 9, perspective of the scrapei- cle20 iiient with the parts ill position to load, the vie-w being taken from the front. Fig. 3 is a fragiiaentary perspective of the san-le construction as shown in Fig. '@), the view beiiig taken froi-ii the rear. 25 Fig. 4 is an enlarged fraomentary perspeetive of the inside and sliowiiig the saiiie parts in detail as are shown in the farther side in Fig. 2. Fig. 5 is a side elevation ivith the parts in 3o dtllfl ng.position. illi@i 6 is a vertical longitudinal cross sectional detail on the line 6-6 of Fig. 7. Fig. 7 is a rear elevation looliing in the direction indicated by the arrow 7 iii Fig. 6. 35 Fig. 8 is a view analoaous to Fig. 6 and showinu the parts in -working positions. Referring to Fig. 1, the cle,,td meii or anchors 1 and 2 are placed in a field to be oper,ited upon ,tt riglit angles to the Iiiie of 40 travel of the scraper. The eye 3 is slidingly iiiounted on th- cable 4, and 'LI-ie ends of the cable are secured to the aiiehors 1 ,tnd 2. The pulley 5 is connected to the eye 3 by a connector 6. The rope 7 is attael-ied to the 45 connector 6 and extends to the anchor 1, tnd the rope 8 is attached to the connector 6 aiicl extends to the anchor 2, so that by loos@-niiig one rope 7 or 8 aiid pulling the other ropc-, the eye 8 rlay be moved one -way or the 5o other Lipon the c@bl-e 4 ancl then the ropes att,@tebed to the anchors to hold the eye in its idjusted position. The scrapiiig elei-nent 9 has ,t bael6iig cLble 10 connectecl to chains 11 oncl -12, the ,5 5 chains I 1 and 12 being connected to the ends of the, scraping clelitent and extending back'"Iardly, and tl-ie backilig cable, 10 extendino, bacli:wardly around the pulley 5 then forwardly through the guide rollers 13 then forwardly over the guide i-oller 14: to the 60 windlass 15. The pulling cible 16 is att,,tched to the chaiiis 17 and 18 and the chaiiis are attached to the ends of the ser,-Lping element and exteiid forwardly, ,tnd the pi-illiiig cable 16 ex- 65 tends over the guide, roller 19 to the windlass 20. The -windlasses 15 and 20 are connected tog6ther by gears 21 and 22 so as to run in opposite directiolis Ind the gears 21 and 22 are driven fron-i an engine 23, so that 70 wheii the engine is operatir@g and the clutch connected tl-ie pulling epble 16 ivill be -wound upon the - windlass 20.aiid the bacl@ing cable 10 will be unwouild from the windlass 15 to pull the scraper forwardly to the desired 75 extent; then the reversiiig ge,,tr ivill be operated or the engine reversed to unwind the pulling cable 16 aiid -wind up the backiiig cable 10 to move the scraper backwardly to the, desired extent. 80 Refer riiig to Figs. 2 to 7 the details of the -Qci,aper elen-ieiit 9 are as follows: The top consists of ,t flat rectangular plate 24: haviiig eiid flanges 25 and 26 extending dov@iiiv,,,ir dly at riglit aiioles ,incl a rear 85 flaiige 27 extendiiig downwardly at rio,,ht aiigles. The end flanges 25 aiid 26 prefer-, ably h-,Lve two ro@vs of bolt holes 28. The r-tinners 29 and 30 are irregultrly shaped flat plites fitting ao-ainst the end flanges 25 90 ,tnd 26 and secured in place by bolts 31, so that by movii-ig the bolts from one row of holes 28. to aiiother. ro-w of holes 28 the hei@l-it of the top 247 may be acljusted. The rtiiiners 29 ,tiid 30 have round frol'it corners 95 32 P nd 33 aiid lower beari.i-ig edges 31 ,ti-id 35. The corners 32 and 33 and the lower edges 31 and 35 are thin so as to cut the dirt and tlloiv the scraper to siiik in the o,@round to the desired depth. 100 The ch-@Liiis 17 and 18 run through rings ITI ,tncl 181 tiid the rings 171 and 181 are conliected to the lo-wer ends of the chains 36 aiid 37, ,incl tl-ie el-iains 36 and 37 are securecl to eye bolts 38. The eye bolts 38 ar@ in- 105 serted throl-i tio@h desired ones of vertical rows of perfora Is 39, so that the eye bolts rnay be rtised or loaicred. The end portions 40 Liid 41 of the chains 17 and 18 are connected to ears 42 extending inwardly from the at- 110


1,332,609 taching plates 43, and the attaching plates 43 are i-iveted against the inner faces of tho runners 29 and 30 near the rear.lower corners. The chains 36 and 37 serve to raise or lower the lines upon 'which the chains 17 and 18 pull and assist iil tilting the scraper to make it take dirt, and the depth to which the scraper will carry is regulated by the adjustable top, the scraper being bottomless. The cutting or sertping plate 44 is a'flat 10 piece of sheet metal fitting aoainst the rear edges of the runners 29 and 30 and havitig flariges 45 beiit at right angles to fit against the outer f@ices of the runners and secured in place by rivets 46. Iii actua'l operation, 15 as iii Fig. 8, the runners 29 and 30 form the sides of 'uhe scraper to hold the dirt from goil-ig out around the ends of the plate 41. The upper edge portion 47 of the plate 44 20 telescopes witli the flange,27 and the plate 44 stalids at an angle of about 60' relative to the top 24. A cutting plate 441 is secured tlgainst the rear face of thp, lower edge of the scraping 25 plate 41 and extends below the edge of the scraping plate and below the edges of the runners or sides 29 and 30, and the cutting plate 441 is secured in place by rivets 4:42. Teeth 48 extend downwardly f rom the lower 30 edge of the scraping plate 44 and from the lom,er edge of the cutting plate 441 and have attaching plates 49 fitting ag,,tinst the front inner faces of the plate 44: and 441 and secured in place by rivets 50. The teeth 48 35 and the cutting plate 441 serve to dig up the g round and throw the dirt upwardly in front of the plate 44 and to loosen the ground for the next cut of the scraper. Bearing ears 51 aiid 52 are secured to the 40 rear face of the plate 41 eai,- the upper corners aiid the dumping a backing up runners 53 and 54 are hinged connected to the ears 51 and 52. The runners 53 and 54 are substantially 45 alike and are constructed of heavy strap iron@ and each ruliner comprises an upper straight portion 55, a lower straight inclined portion 56, and the central supporting portion 57, the corners 58 and 59 at the ends of bo the portion 57 being rounded so as to run either way. A brace 60 connects the portioi,is 55 near their forward ends. When the scraping element 9 is going ahead the runners 53 and 54: drag, and when 55 the scraping element is dumping or o-,oinz backwardly the supporting portions 57- con@-e into use, and the portions 53 and 56 are long enclugh to raise the teeth 48 from the ground as in Fig. 5. 60 The chains 11 and 12 extend around rollers 61 and 62 secured to the rear ftee of the plate 44 near its lower corner and the chains are connected by eye bolts 63 and 64 to the .portions 55 of the runners 53 and 54, so that 65 when the pulling cable 16 is being operated to move the scraping element forwardly and the b,,tcking cable 10 is released the runners 53 and 54 will drag, and when the pulling cable 16 is released and the backing cable 10 is pulling the chains 11 and 12 will pull the 70 rollers 61 tnd 62 toward the eye bolts 63 and 64 thereby raising the teeth 48 from the grouild and throwino@ the scraper element on to the supporting -portions 57, and continued operation will pull the scraper ele- 7 r ment backwardly to the desired extent. As soon as the operation is reversed by pulling the cable 16 and releasing the chain 10 the scraper element will straigliten out, as in Fig. 2, ready for the, scraping operation. ceiiter of the supporting b,,tr 65 and the ends I'lie guide rollers 13 are mounted upon the 80 66 and 67 of the supporting bar are bent doivnwardly and secured to the upper front corners of the runners 29 and 30, the object 85 beiiig siinply to ke-ep the cable 16 in line tud IKeep it from being taiigled iip with the scraper elemeiit 9 when the cable is slack. Refei.-ring to Fig. 8, when the plilling cable 16 is operated to move the scraper ele- go iiient froin the positioia shown in Fig. 5 to thpIviilposition shown in Fig. 2 the teeth 48 engage the ground first at an angle of about 45', and as the teefh 48 draw into the o-round the corners 32 and 33 will ride upon 95 the ground aiid the edges 34: and 35 will eiit into the ground, and as the dirt pulls up in front of the plate 44 the chains 17 and 18 run upon the surface of the ground and the plate 44 gradually assumes a scraping posi- 100 tion or loading position by tilting back wardly as shown in Fig. 8 u@til the space in front of the plate 44 below,the top 24 is filled with dirt. The-n the plate 44 is nearly horizcntal and will slide along the face of lo5 the ground to move the dirt to the desired point; then the operation is reversed to move the ser,,tper element backwardly to begin a new etit. The details of the power mechanism are 110 not a part of m present invention, and so far as my invention goes the only essentials are that means be provided for winding t,he cables b.ack and forth. Obviously a reversible eiigine, or a, reversible transmission, or 115 an electric motor, or a gasolene engine might be adapted for'tbe purpose. . Other opera,-@ tions and advantage-s are obviolis. Various changes may be made without de@@ parting from the spirit of my invention as 120 claimed. I

claim: 1. A drag line dirt scraper comprising a, top plate, runners connected to the ends of the top plate, a scraping plate connected 125 agaii-ist the rear edge's of the runners and the rear side of the top plate, pulling chainshaving branches connected to the rtinners, the upoer branches being adapted 'Lor vertical adjustment, dumpin and backing up 130 9

1,332,609 rtiniiei-s hiiigedly connected to the ser,,tping plate, pulleys connected to the scraping plate, and a backing cable having branches extei-iding ,tround the ptilleys and connected to the dumpiilg and backing up runners. 2. A drag line scraper eleiiient comprising a top plate, runners adjustably connected to the ends of the top plate, a scraping plate connected against the rear edges of lo the runiiers -,ii-id top plate, the, scraping plate being at an tngle of about 600 to tlie, top pl,,tte, diimpino- tnd bacli:ing Lip runners hiiigeclly coiine@!ted to the scraping pl,,tte, rollers 'sectired to the scraping pltte, and a 15 bacl,:iiag cable h-,tviiig branclies extending ,trouiid the rollers ancl connected to the dumping and bacliing up runliers. 1 3. A drtg line scraper elemeiit comprising runners, a top adjustably coniiected to the 20 ri-i,-@'iners ,i, scrapino, pl,,Lte connected agaiiist the rear edges of !he runnei-s and the rear edge. of the top at an angle of about 600 relativc,, to the top, teeth exten@ting froi-a the edge of the scraping plate, me,,ins for adjtisttb,l y connecting a pulling line tO the 25 runne rs and backing up runners adapted to be positioned out of en-ffa--ement when the scrape r is being drawn f@'rward and to be throw n into eng,,tgeirent -when tlie@ scraper is being drawn backward. 30 4. A drag line scraper comprising runners, a scraping plate connected to the rliniiers; and backing up runners hingedly coiinected ' to the scrapin- plate and ad,,ipted 'Lo be thrown into engagement when the sertper 35 is being drawl'i backwird. 5. A drtg Iiiie scraper coliiprisiilg i-Lillners, a scraping element connected to the runne rs; and baekinz up rtinl-iers hiiigedl3, conlie cted to the ser@piiig eleinent ,tn@l dis- 40 posed to be thrown into action when the scrape r is drawn baelkward aiid adapted to rtise the scrapino; element clear of the groiin d in its bacliivard travel. In testimony whereof I have signed my 45 naiiie to this specification. WILLIA-M H. CRAWFORD.

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