12-12-1922 дата публикации
Номер заявки:
Дата заявки:


i,438,796 Figures 4 and 5 are cross-sectional views, taken on the lines 4-4 and 5-5, respectii@oly, of Figure 3; and 0- e Figtire 6 is,,a@.det,,til,view,-of one f@th locking devices on the supporti-@io- stL,ucti-i@-,-of the apparatus that is -[A-sed for holding the oxtensible section of the rar,,i at rest whei,. the carri,,tge i@ bein(y iilo-ved to @'Lelescope the two soctions of the raill. 10 Rel@ei-rino, t6 '6'ne @irawiiio's Ni,hicii illtist@a't,e the @@eferr'ed forin oi: r-qy inveiltion, A desigiatt6s the sul.-)poi-ting str@iettire of ray impio@ed appdra@Lis which is prefer-ably biiilt tii3 pi-ii@cipall@, of- CODYjLne'reia,113T rollecl i5 @liapes stich ch,@iinel iroiis, .lrd A' desigRI'ttes a moiable trlick i@r,,tveling o@i an overhea4 d track from -which the stip@6rting struetiir6 A is sus1t)enclecl saici t.T-Llzf, Vjeiilg so, arr,qiig-ecl that tl-ie su@poi,tii-io- si@riiettirc, A caii 20 be ,@--qovecl loii,@-itudinally 6i a 'i3encli of reo@@ a pltira ity of tiers of reI ts coinpose cbdrging operation tncl loose enoti@yb to itisu're s'.Ild eLrrLage moving -Li-eel3,-. lihe cari,.ia,,.Ye C is irovect toivards and ---v,,a37 from e -or-ts b@ a nie,,] 's@m ,@,iiieh preferably th re@ -iani colisists of a wincliji(,, drum D (see Figure 2) 70 cti-@i-iao,e C and extending from same over a sheave 5 carried by a bracii:et oii t-he upper elicl of 'LI-le trtelc B, downwardly from said sheave 5 to an idle,- drtir@i oi@ sheave 6 car- 75 riecl '@ii, a bracket on the j'-ower pai-t of the sti,.)porti g -@-ri-icture -Al) lificie'r said sheave 6 ai,-cll .,ou,iici tlile drtiiii D, tlie-nee up-wardl,,i from saict drum over @-w, sheave @i mounted oii the Lirr@eT-@ ei-id -2ori,-ioii of 'the t.--ack B, dowii- 80 i),ai-Clly Tr.om th-c sheave 7 ai:o,,ind a slieave 8 arrai) (,ecL aCii the loiver eii d of the traclr L@ -iicl thei-ice Lip@vai,Oly !ram the sho.,@ve 8 to t-lie lower ejid ol' the cp-rritgo C, as showii cleai,ly iii Fic,@i-ire 1. The iviiidiiao, di@um D 85 is i@io-icil y coiine cted to a horizo litftilyclistort -q x. : It -is impiaterin, l @1$7!iat form of trucli: posed shaft 9 inoiint ecl in.bea rill(,s on ,- hc, is tise0c T6i cirryij-ig the sul,,I)O@t;iilg st@Licture lo,,-,,er Pq,rt, O:fr tt'iiie stipi:)ortinostrtict-Lire A, A @tne, in'soine of a;@allatus I )refer ahd a -iieaiis of ,@ny preieri,ed t pe oi, coilCt4on iS pf 25 to inotiiit 1'he su'pi,:)ortin_ stru,.cttire A on the strli ovicled for rol4atiiig saici drLii:,i .9 t--@iick of ii chavo-ino- lorl- The dl)paratus iii oi-i,,, so ,is to ea-cis,, t'i!C c,-, rrl,,ige liere@Iii illustrateci is cles,,-,-.,iied for tise -",ith C to rp@o,,e clow--,i@i,ar@113T toWa-@@@@,S 'he Petorts iiielined, opel@-6ncle@l retoi@ts. a,,).d thetefore, an,,l to ro'utl,-e said dr,,im in the ol)i)o,ite eiith(-,, supporti-ii,@, structi,,re is showri is being rectio-ci so as to l'ilove ",,aid c,,trriao,e 30 oviclecl iv-ith aTi incliiied 'uraclt- B arranaed bd6ic ,'o its 1- @ol.l)-i-al !)Osit'o Pr i ii. li,, tl-ic app ir, p,,trall@l @@ltti6n to tl-ie loq@@itLiclilihI axes r,','tus here;-ii 111,List@ateci t Oper-,i'Le,,'L tlle r6tol-Ls so as to' form rLini,.,ay for a i-neeiis is emplo- ")i@ ttiriiii,,-- tlle Ott-um DI i@i a2@e (@' P,,,oN,iCted N@,i@'h q r,,- ,m of lyd' oi @, 13 Lisher: C' wlli eb mepns a ho-e'zoiital istha t i,@-aCtapted to @)e iiatroducc-@,cl enc!N@,ise into i,,o sed shl@it 10 eO @ ii@ i -f)arallel rel,,ltioi, 9 - 35 tj@ie @r@ar@ eiicls ")@f tlio- retorts so is to clislod-ge io tll(- shaft 9 ii-i bearii-igs bii 'Lhe lo-",er pai.-'L 100 the materi,,tl tliei.-cip or diselitii-()-e the con- f tl tructure A, a hanci wlicel 0 ie stippcirtipg s 'tents of the retoris, WI-ien tli,- apparatus, is 11 op the froiit end of tho sha,'C' 10 i@)r ttirilldesig@-ied for use hori7.ontal retorts the o:i tiii o n 1 2 @ i l l t f t 1 ( t r a , , , k B ' " 7 i l l , b i l - o - L i r s e , 3 , ) e i n a ( s l i o i i , , - t i . i i i d o t t e o t i i i i e s i - - T l F i i i h i e l ) 40 hoi@izontal positi6-@i. ),!,,- reovel--, while I have la-iesh"S v@,-ith 13 oii he ctrttiii 9. 105 -Lii)porting striieture A as T'iae ha heel 11 is so clisl,)oE.,c-cl that i-t c,)@ii ilitistrated the s n o, Ni, erli@ad trucl@:1 I be 6pc-,r,tiLed co-,@ive-nien'uly 1)@7 -, ivorl@iri,,iii oeing slispeiiclecl frbm aii c,", 11 2' - ri,'I lile 1, i)reller to -",ish it to be iil@lc'ierstooo, that @It' is ii)@mastiiicli o--,i the f',--o(,,r 2a. terial, so, far ts -(D-y ir.,,,-enti-on is concer-ned, Ilse v lia,.-icl o,,)erited 45 ho-", -,tid t e'Lire is @,qoii-tited, s lono, it tli- cai-iia.ge C, I -",isli it 'uo 1,,,e s rti u 0 as cai-i be sh'ft (I Ion 0.1tticlinall o.L the %ench st'ob(-l t@ii,,it the--c sti-itable ineiiis 4,@otilc't be i e y O O-L retorts. In or@'Ler to steoldv - ,@l-e stipport- t,,secl TO-i ,c@tv@a I sfticl etti@riqo-e )vlthout cleipg s'UrLicture i'@ it is I)referable to I)roviOte fi@orii the spirit of iiiy I iivelltion. A the. loije-- ei-ici @)ortio-ii of sa,@d s7ipl:)orting CoLir)te@i@-eip-lit rliecl-ii@,lisin is pizef-c,,ii@@@;b'IV CO-IP510 striieltire ivit,h a roller 1, as sho)Nn in Figure L,,,] e,,', IATitil the ol:)eracing mechanis@n -i"or the I that bears acrtiii-,-t the etirb 2 of the floor car,,-itio-o C so Ps to malce it possible foil 21 o i l w l i i e h o p e l t o r i n c h a r g e o f t h e 1 . 0 r p @ o i @ e s a i d b ' @ L e k L , t r a c k B a - t i c ! a l s o t o i n s t i r e ,ipppr,,Ltzis stands. forth oia i's@ The iliciiiied -track B prei7iously referre.d siici carri,,,ige .einaining at rest iii. tn3, ,)osi55 to is prefera'),)Iv foriaied bv tNiTo el-iaiinels ar- tion on an inclined tracic slich as the P, i2o i-@aiiged oi)i)osit'e ,-o each other ii-i 1,)ai-allel i-e- i@,hei.i pressLir,,@ is removecl from t'.he hanOL iati6n @i,-ith tl-ie flai-io-es o--i' 'Lhe resi:)6cti-tTe v,7iieel -11 o-@ (Y tlic,, c,@ti-ritt e oi meeliach,inliels lDro3e,,ti,-ig towards each other as itisrd-@ 01,@e of I I - . inech@tslioiin in the iipper ,-)ortioii of Figtire 2@ l@liaie founcl to be -v,,ell acle.,pte-,Li 6o The carriage C, @,vhicli be Of allir 1,3re- fo.- this 1,@iii'l)ose conq-i,.Zts oj' a weight G con-: 12b ii-li@recl, foriii aiid co7-lsti,ticiioil-, is pro'i,icled iiecteei 'tc) @h---. 1-011,Ter end 6f a c,,Lble or oth(@Ir v@@ith wheels or rollers 3 ivhich are of slicii stiita'ole 1,1 i,,-hich @leacts I-lp-,war(]IT @titme@er tlll)t, ihey N-ill fit (@nouq,h i,@oin saicl over t s h e a v e 1 5 s u i ) p o r t e c i y betweeil tile 6n the track B to I)re-v@ent by 'Lile ta,.Ick P,. and thepee do-vNTEINI',tr@JIV to C, 5 the carrinoc- C fi-om '@ilting cluring the dis- (f@tllq 16 'L-Ihat -is ri 'dly coiinected the i3o 9 1 @,,rid a sectirecl to the 'L,.pper eiid of the


i g @ - u i r e 1 , ' , h e l c t f c h 2 @ L , n g a g e s the part 9.3 @,t the upper e-.qcl o'L said exteiil'oi@ir verticqllycl-i-sposeci angle birs co@n@nec t- @sible section aii@t holds saic, section in it@-,, (.,cl togethei, by cross,-d bt3- ,s or s-trips @,o ,,s to Iet @tetecl position, ancl r @ihen il-ie sectiop21 id ideway for the -@,ei-tically-id 15@ TOYM '9'rlg gtl - is extendecl, @@he Iitel-i 25 eng,,iges saici pgrt s jiis-@.able member F. The m@enliber F w.,,,iv be :23, @is sliown in Fic,,ure 3. o-f@ Iny preferrecl constriietion ,tiicl the. rpm r Tn o dlr to ti.1-e of C' be moti,.il@-eci o-n said membei- F in tene, -etr,,tetin(y the e y f e n s i - b l e s ( , c t i , o r , @ i n @ 4 o r I vl:i,i,i-oits Nva3,s. 1- prefer to 9-1- o-T the rim the supID6r'Uing sti-tictlire A "-h( Tthe app,,trati-is is I)rov.cled with a, -DI Lii-al;.t y 20 L @ member F so as -to en@ible s-,iicl iieinber oto be rnoved easily upnvardly and clowiiwardof ly so as to brin 'the ram O' i.nto i 1. holdin(I clevice-,, @6 Coilsisting ofl)olts o'r 9 1--.Ignm-Tlt similar,-,].ements 9,rringecl on said sLipporti--,qy -@Aritli the top,,intermediate or bottom tiej! of str@uct-Lire @,t points iii approx-,M,,ite alig-rithe cotititerw,-I,uht lierein slioivn co-n- nient 'With the 'different tiers of rp.torts anci 25 sl';,@i-pg of- a Nveizht 1.7 th,)@t is oiinected '-o , cl,, tecl to cooper ,,lte witb a rn@- w@ ber 9-7 o7.i "(Ih(- lower encl. of- @t c,,tble IS or o-ther suit- the extte,me -,ipper encl of tl-io ext,,-.nsible pori on 21- of the ra@-a,@-,vhich is provided -witb@,t ,,,ble clev'ce hich leacls tipvarclly from the t ive@io-ht oi,eisheaves t9 oii @the Linclerside o'@ bole 28, ,ts shown in Fio-Lire the I c,,irri,,t@4e C ,tnd tl-ience dolvt-iwardly to a AVIie-i @it to clisloclg( , oi P,11-t of the ram that is ri!@)idly connected t _a @, f r o n i O n e O L t h e r e t c , - " I t , , , , the vertic,,i,lly-mo-N7ablc, member F as shown ill er tie-,, sllr)po,2tinp,@ structliir(@ ill FigLire 1. A - @l' s s'iiift-.cl@ of t@1)(, bcIIQn so@ The ram or -DLisher oT the ,tppar,,itLis is as tt,) i-nto ,)referabiv co-.isc -Licted in s-Lich a ,tnner tli,,tu 1 r m -w-t" i-et6j,,' h i u ' W l i l i c ' s t o b e c l i s - , b a r g e @ l @5 the lepgth of s,-,me caii be increased -,Lsil q e y enoLiol-i to extencl e,,-, ,,s! the QIO is to make s,,ticl r,,tin lono, ri, ram is 1,,,Iaen ,iio@,ed i:tp4uhrotigh the r(,torts. In t@he forin of ,is show-,i iny iiiiention herein 1. tm com- in Fi@ II.LE 1 is t',)o l@ead on ti@ shown sa'd r, Eo L lie ])rises a st,,ttionary portion '-)O rigiclly coiI--oto loil@ al 'i.@p-ment ivitb saicl L I;i t 17, (@l. -1 -,I @l the verilelilly- io ii.ec@e(I ,it its 1-ipper end to tort. Tl-)e or,.(,r@"Lor ;n (@ilaro-e of 105 Ti'lovable n-ie-Tnber F ancl an extensible I)o @-n @ :@ rt.lie wil o st" (Is oil the fi-ool-- 9@@, 'ion 21, to -wl-iieli the he-,tcl of the ram is contlaen tlie 7,, beel 11- iD ?L clirect",OIY@-t nectec l. The s'Lationary porti6ii 20 of the t,,) c,,iiise t"lie C to iiiove Otowit-wtir 1-@- cgn be T-ormecl convenientlv by ti),o ,in7 oi, t("- W"I.-(,Cls t]-e, i-etort. 1,17hen carvil( re, 4.--, g'ie @i.i,ons ,trran(yed bacl,: to bacl@: -,LNCL -tigiclly tl-ie lower@ -.qd of tlio. trn,c!K B. ,is ii6 r e (@Oni).octed to(rether so as to form a s-ctbstan- -.1. Iiiic -Li sh( , Ti i-n clolt.@,,, in Fio re 1, tli(' opn ert, n -rs '-he la 2.@L so a,@ llpl'i.v iiavei-ted T-shil:),-cl m mber, qs sbo L I' firs@' tr@, c t, 'I,- , tq re,- @ _n 0 - in Fi@,iires 4-- ,t d 5@ @ind the extensible p r lo,,ise, the 21 o-ill tlle r@im of the ram cqn be f6rmoci convenient- @iiicl lie, tlio bolt 6i: lioldr117 I)y 1)ipe or rod arm@ iaged on the unde cl, @Ti- 26 on the sti'l-IeL'tire 115 o@@ the st,,ttionary porti6n 20 of the r,,Im, A iii SLICIA @he ell(I of s,,ticl sliclin@@ a e-,Lrin@?,2 con- b,)It )vi,l "in(L Iv@ mo-Lir@toc.1 iTi b et 'nt@o 'li(@ 1-iol-, 28 i-a ttie -! prolcl i iiected to tbe, lolver enci@of st,,),tioiiiry l@ a ci o e p(r'ion 20 - extensibl@ Th,@ e 1,)clcinp, s,,ticl _I)orti on 21 of: th , 55 r@iiii. is provi(@,ed its tip-@ei- eild with a sectio-@a t( 'cl-ie s-LL-[)I@)6-etiilg s@'t'rL,,ctua7e ik. Th-@ !2c) 9,@) tl,-,tt is slidin(y otinted on the stt- l@-i' -Ls @,I)en tlirtbd in tli6 op ly m PO.,on.p..,i@v portion 20 o'L the r,,tm, saicl part 23 @,itc, @)s Lo m o-,7(" t arr @)c-,iiig ri-lclly connectecl to the,@ te ible f@ ,n ',@h(- T3. I 1-,,i Vie-%v of tile CK Es t the ii 21 o@e ti-, IDortioii 9@l ,tnd ovideci wlith slots thtt Te- T,,@et io @L 60 the 1,,tter,@illy-projecting flanges on the r,,-in i@ I.OckeC,, @'@o tble Ettiictui,e 1 2 1 5 st2f.ionarv port-',-oii 9-0 of the ram as sl-io",n s@llid section @vill rc@l-ijaiii res"- inoi@e cle,,trl n is inoviil!,y TIPAV"Lrcll@7 .y:i Figi)re To inprease the l(@@n(yth of tl-.ie r,,tm it is only -necessary to ove 1)iit ti-(e 20 b-@, 'L-he rg@-@n will move Avi'til tl,ile extersible por@',ion '-)I downwardly loi,- !'lie tiD tli,-, that sqid see65 gitliclliial@y of the st,,Ltionary portion,20 of -tion 20 is riai@ily connected 'to the men-iber loo (li@-Lim shaft 9 'o wltich -he @,vir,(Iillg (irum,D L j@@' conliectecl. The ram or ,ousher C' is n-iounted on the carriage @'j 'in Siich i mgnner thit sai-et ram C'@In be raiseci ,ti-id lo-,,vered rel@tively 'to Q@l-icl 1,@l @,e so @@,s to bring the into aliaiiwitl-i tile of the different tie-rs. A.s sh wn in FigLi-i-e -L, the carria-@e C is pro-@,,7ith i clel:)eiiclin(-r -ir,,tmLe @-4'7th@t foi-mc,, q @E,,tiide-",ay foi- a vertically-movibl@,,; -@,,iei-iiber: wliieh carries the -f-@tria C', fi-ame or guicle@,7,,ty U4 being prpferably formeci by th e ram, the parts 22 -t--id 9A co-operatin,,@ -@vitli the tmo portioiis of the ram to holcl saia portions in sLib st,,tntictl!,-y pp@rall-I relation. VtrioLis mea--4s may be Lised for loel(inthe extensible; sect',ion 21 of tbe rim in its ext,?,nclecl or reurq@etecl position, the means here-. ;ii show,, T'or tl-iis ,)Lir-Dose coiisist!ne oi 01cill,,.Iti g I clies 24 alici 25 in up-te@l , i ii be,@i,, n at 0 in-s op- th,- statiot-iary section /0@O oi2 the r@qm. thc@ ext,-usilole shc).wn in F' 2@t is

i@i,- +@he clepelleing framc, l@@') oii the B3T t"Ile tin2e ',@lie e,,irrig@ge@ C I-e CII a ,eS -1 e,@el7,1,tQC@ @'I'le -'F Ollt 0-TI c@ r, @o %-,Ter encl Of @ 'clic 20 of tile rgm eiio@ or -Lipper e d i-cpclied tt e reai n Of t-i'l-- 2 "L o J' the ram. 'he e, - fio,,7es r@ 19-1-cli, 2,@ iTi.@' th,@, sh in Fi<r@iires 3 so ,,is t(,, t-@vo s-- ctioiis c,-I@! the 1,@ @qecti-ons Iiai e been I"e '-jhe, ';)o)'t (,r clee 26 sd -1119 Ilo tile e.-@:tensible see- -oi@ -I frc,- -le sti- -Lie !.,)II o@i'-' the @- I tl @)P OI@tipg st3,, - "'II, h x -o 'ro n@ ve 'th lif@, t ii is 0 c w r CELFrif",ge C n a dly oT) the ti!.iel@ B, oi, toiva,i-ds the retorts. so as Io cause ti-ie liead I ti end' o@. p@ t@irouql)- tl-ie fron@ 1),@if o-r,tlle -the mq,'t t ma erj-,il lias @ @_lee PI cl i s , l@l ',I T g e cl f -i@oili @t, "le tlic,@ C is moi,ed oii @ts thiis withie retor6 t-'iae s, 0 c,' 8TI@ig -etio' n 2 -i the ram tnd tlle ineinber 27 op@tl@ie tipi-)-,-- :e-iicl of 'cl-io sectio,-i 20 -t o-,f 'clie ii)- prc)2,--ir-aitv to 'cl-ie upljei,- b6 cr cl-vice, 26 oji tlc- -tilDporting To telesc,,)i)e -@'he ram or 3!etract t-'iie secti-oii 21 it is necessary foi- the op(,,at-,)r 'Lo -1,@irst ti-1p@ti-ie 1,,ltch 25 ,ind then kl move It-,he Tiol-cliiig clevice 9.() iD@o elIL)-ao,e,-Rent i@,itli iieiiaber 27 on tiie ex',-ensifl-, seetion (,f tl-le '--am so ,is to lock s-,tlcl exteiisible to se,-tion the sup-,Dort;,n,o4r,.icl.-ure A. C is moi,ecl clo-@,,N-no--,i its track, -.-nd s,,tid c-,Pr illige its lo-@vern-loqA -(Oslti.oii as s'iioiv,-i ',n ill Fi2@'Ll-fe I (lie 1,,tteli 2-1, is sn is ,-o r(iove s,,ticl latel@@ into en"iie pai@t 2,) on the eN-,@eiisib] 0 +lie P,-- ,,ici tlip. liolcling bolt 26 ;s then so . as to release, said exseet'6 :T-ro th-@ si@i- u m pp6r 'ing sti vicA of @ tllc@: - palatiis. Thei-eatter, the p 41,7) car)-@,t),O,e C -is mov,6cl up-@A",I]!Ctly to itselevzttecl 1,- osit-Lo-a, tlilis caiising tl@-e ram to be Avit'lidr,,wii 1'rom the retort, One desir,,tble f-eatlire o-,?' @i@ retort discharga@)-t@)ftrat-Lis oy' t ion o de tl-ie cons !- @tict ab ve - sci!"b("OL @is the mec hani-si--, li@ 0 'che rat-ia 'to moie ipto and oiit, c)-i@l retoi:t is -,iio-Linted on ,I 1:)a)!t of tlie strLictLire o-," th- @gpplirtittis ivhic,li ;s statiopq,,3T th resi)ect the Aeivi c@)lij,ingl3,, sLicL,tn c,%ii be macl-- 55 Tli,@ieLi liL,-Iiter aii Lli,,))ai@atiis in wl--tieli ol)eiati--.t,-; mechanisi-i@' -@oi- t,lie izf,m ij2to aiicl out oi the etor'L@, is eqrrie0t bv ai!t, 6f the app,,ii@- ,tuE,, -v;l-iieh is raisect "@llP ivhen the o'Leiation oi' tiae ra 60 is cli,)no@ecl. AP-o@t,!-ier clesirabl@-- feittire ofin an appar@itLi,- is '-ie oi)er S"C' charole of same c in ba statioiied 0--,i the i@loor at the, rear of tt-ie r-,to,@t bench insteacl of o-ii Ii verti-ea-Ily moi,,@ble part Of the aap" 65 ratlis. Ikloreover, suel-i an apparatus can be e,,isilv b.)r lial-id po-v.7er, ancl it c an b- for or Oilsloll-, open-exided C' re,@Or't-,S or 111- el'iied. 7( ,,is c s,-,ctire by T ets i t, 1 s ,-e"L'ort (-Iischar(yij-j,,y zi SU, i)Oi r cii,ria(,e sg@icl v pi,ov3.cte@,@ , il' jl.i-,L,"i(l, i',Ii,,it is -,,, -@ r@t f , (- "I., - - tc, TD.C, e I 0 iliicl @t @,6t I,t: !-I'll iii I-Ile"lns i@am '.6 L-,e a-q-,l 1-ov,7 so, -'o j! i,@) el-@ci ltji to said an-ci an o,De,-;,alt loi.@ said cii-rif,@ge cai@- 2. -111- izet.1-@-!,t cliselitr@o"i-ng :compi--isirig I sl,Lltion,,Ir-v' 5 'Li@@@ick ol'i Sllti-0, 'i) io tl.-ie ixes c@-f-' +' e etoi-,t i L,@-i r s witl,,i wh'Ich t'13.( s use@cl,:a -,-ecipi7o,,,a.ting carriage oii @,tiel trqclz i)i@ovicied 2, go @,,,iicl a y-iiiovab-i 'e iiiembe@' coiiibinect A,7,'Itli s,,,.,',.cl (-ui@iiiig ',Iild proT '@ll ipte0@ to r),Iol@re i@ -)zisher that is acl, e,.@iCiwise oi-ie eici of q retort Av'i'len saici ill@I'ves lovgitLiclills.,3.1-V oi' its t'rick 'In One @ii.selit,ro,e the iii s,,iicl ilpt,)i-i@ 'liroligh tb,e o I)posite same @e, o---t 9 A@ iii-@ @COMj)rlslnl), @,l SUP--)oi,L,jii(- a ol@, strticture a liaeci 'O I 00 I @ll 9 cl, LI: T-1. n a ifet'oii s@,ibstan'L-i,,tlly pai,,alie-', to lox-Lrit-Licliilp-,l a--,,@es o@'l. tl-,@e -w@it'll -,illiicl-i "tli@ie 'II)- I)avatus .9 s-Icl, i ri 'd raiii. eryriecl by s,,tici c,,trriage,1- d ldlpted to enter Ily el-ici o-f ,, -,etort ancl irove loii(-ittidin_ 05 o--r s,.,iiiie so f-@s to cliseliL-,,-,ge tl-ic, CO-Titeiits o-' the e r tort thro-tigh end of tl-ie reI-orf, ca s '-,)r -nibliiio- said tam to be 1, I ilI --Q i t@, raiseci -,tnd TTith relatio-n to s,-.icl, c,,tr-ia,,),,e @v,,.thoiit (1, S 'L 1- 0 @-) 7 i 1-1 g tlie rela- I !@l 10 t'- iisbi,,:) bet-weeii saicf '2@rld rtin, a-.q-.i ,).ii -1,,,iecha,@iisil7i s--icl (",qrrig@(re mou-.itecl oji saicl sLpp.-Ilfiii.@"' 4. A -retott pris@,n(- a suil-!)Ortillg,@-@t2tlCtIlrO raci-!.)rocLtst--viicl@-LlYe aYi@ap.,)@e(i t,-@, ii-iov(, t dircttiop 0,1 I-o the long'@-Ljejiiil ,,,xes rev,,,iieh the, al)l),qr,@tus is ecl. a torts us ciepencl.iiio- oTi onot a 1 2 GI rtieii,i"oer iii S,,ii@i frai-,ie @A)Titl-i t tli,,t". is a@,,fii@)tecl to ei-itei@ o--,ie enf,-i of @, retort in-oi,e loii2@itLiC@,i-nall-), oi@-' s-,iiie so is 'o clisel-@ai@g-e th coii'Uents of the, re".ort throi,,gll OP130site encl 0:1,z saine. J 5 retort clischlrging appirat-Lis, con-i13ris'lllg a: SIIPPO-" str@,,ictLire, a -feei-l-,rocating carrillto,e on saic@siipporting strLictLire arr,,nged i.o j:,,iove in c,, clirectioi@ stibstan'u.'Ially p@trillel to, the longitu-,Iinal axes of the re-

4-i - o tl,-L"tt @c@ oval)le ter 0ei,..@[ 6q t-fic 1. ,I 43,c- I,,) 1) @ii,, oD- sal,t sui)poL,till'). o-l-' the i-(,-! j-@ lr ol-le v e t , i , C r , I v 6 . A e t o - . t . , t a siii)@poi@till,,2. st@,tict,ui-e, 't eL I o irg Oil SI"L@ci is!@i si @l b3? to en,6el., @o,@c,.It,u(."ti.D'Llly C tlDVef@ 1-11) OTICI fil- tb@e :tlle n, ni@ 'i-5 3.1-lecliai-iis-m for, aT.- ,(it 13. clisch'@@rp' fo (@l so I-etol-L's com C,, lip, 3) a r ac -Lis ec,,lyiinciiiie0i ti:, 0 i, -A- rezor'L disch,,trglpg LCL sa 1 s II-ig cii-vii-tg(, oi-i s,@@C1. SL"ll,@'tire rieci b-@, saicl 20 is to i-iioi,ecl iD @i)l)osite cli- the oT. sttici p-Lisli"cr to 85 rectiolis 9, Tam th,,it" @-'ts d to et-lt 0,-L I e t,,r, rle,,ins f6r ,@a-' i @ e I i@. enc,]- of ,I retor'L- Llie co-itcri'c@s O@E compi@isi.@-?-- - c,@ble coiitiectecl t(@, @@@he OP]',OL,he retort thro-t,,@,rli tli.(-, oID[)ositc,, encl o@.@- san-ie, @,,ite enots of the she@ives ti'f, the r a vertic,,tlly-ai. ',!)le oii saict car- ol' tr,,)ck ove s ici eal)le 13,isses il r 90 2,,,5 -iige iyl)ich carries sfid, raiii, t-qcl a coLi7iter- @,-ncl a ivinclin,,o, . cl tini o,@)- said sui)l-,ortill@. bal,,ii-ice con-.ibi-.ned )-vi@ti-i soi0i @neiabpi: for -irotiiacl -@N-hich s,,iic.1 elliblo holdiii@-, ,-,he ram iii hori-zoiil,,Il 14 disel-i")Ir(y."Lli(r tpp@,,,ratiis for inclinecl A-vith tli,e )-f- re@orts I)ei-Ti(@ on. ue3,6rts corlprlsl--@)g Et, sLil)i)o3?tinc,- 2,-,ructure, 7 S. A al--)p,,iro.1-Lis for 1-- etorts, aD- ilieli.iiecl O-Li slict su")))O@-@tinostrue. - i - I n 30 a @@upportiii,)-- sul,ue4.tlre. sta- @u-d@e ,i oi-i siid ft )7el@tical'L .L z@, @ I )T - 9 5 tioiiary On s@ii-I s@'V-LIctLire, clispos-e@[ proiec'in@y ,,t c a@i,, i,-@ge st,,ic', ti,.,.ick pro-v@'cleci Nvith @i, re-:Troni S"I;cl carri,,Lge 'a ft i,7incli-,qcr @-.notintecl MLmber 1911clingl rrtotl--ateci irl sai@t @l y on --i,,pporti-Tig StrLlctLire, ,aiicl 111 C,.t'ole coniiectecl to s@-icl rn-eTD-ber. ,).n ope3--,it1 35 %v, out-id arolii-id S-.ict (,Trulky-l ),Iaet co,.in.ectecl to ilig@ rdeel'A"Inism for s,,ilcl carri,,Lge c,-Lrried by loo cai,riaffe i-Ti t siipportin,@- strtictt,,e, -nci a - I - ith - or @. pul!- directioii to etiuse the 'Lo be i.nser'Lecl iii clenice combined '%AT s,,),id r,,tyr, f -'he oi@ witbclr,,i@,,,-n -(i.,on @- I!etor'(,. pose desciilecl. 9. k clisel-iaro-iiig i,)ppr-,Ltus for r-,toi!ts. 15. A dischqr,,),incf ,tpp,,tr,-LtLis T-or oi-)eii40 coiiiprisin2: a, s@i,@,)Po',@tiliL u t @-e. traci@ (,,,- (Iecl retorts, COMI)-isil@ig t 105 slr,,ie ul oil S,@iet Sti@ppoll,+ill,f). struct-Lire, a oii cirritg,e, 9, ram t-y@To Portions, s'll.ld ti.-ack TI@i,-o-@,Ti(,(@(i w-Ltt), -L i,,.im, aone of- -,vhich can be m(,,v6o, rel.,,itively to the I)IO-LiDt(,Cl 01-1 S-.-i(l S-Lll)pol.tiiig st,--iicttir@, otl-ler to inei!e,,ise t,he leno@th of the ra@m, @in(i c, tz-, tid :(Iri m tn the x e qble 7jouji@,. , )iiiicl s, - i cl coii meal-)S ior teii sibi ort,410,1 ol its 45 i-iecteci to -@'@or MO-k,ln@,Y saicl Calram in ex@Ueiiclecl 'reLr,-.cteld posi- 'IO ti.,Lo,e )VIlen Sgli-@L CIr-LiTn- is ,tncl a. coiin- tions. t(@i@-w,eight iiiecl-ianisiii -with F,,,tid 6@ A retortdi.scliti:o-i-- ig -.pp,,.ir,,tti-is, coll,aticl o-L c bl co-,j--ctect pr si iecl b, cl to ttic Cir,,i-n @qncl: ,t de-,-ice thqt catise-,s said ind co,npi-isinot-,vo 1)o-tioiis that I-Lii 50 c@ible 'Lo ex-li-t on spicl teacl-- ,).re "trranq:ecl ill teles opic rel,,ition c iT, (y 115 iil,C@r 'co t-urli the etruyli i-ii@ one di-reo@tioii., the first bf the clischargiiig opezat@ion, 10. (@ncl rne,-,ns 'or bolcliiig oiie ortion o-I tl-ie i,etoi@,@-'s, eoiilprl"-- ,Illf)' i, r @-,m -@tcti.on,,try v,7-' resl)eet to the other e Lt@h ,,Ili iriciiiie(i o"-l S,,)@-ic@i p o i @ t i o n h e n t h e c a , - r i a p @ e 1 9 m o v e d i n i ,5 6 tu@@e, a efii-r@i.age (ii @lirectioii citber to ir@erease or se the 120 ri(.ifl ol (I C 11), 1: '70 i,, leliath of the ram. (1,-L 1) 'u(@ci @@o e-.ft.(@r oie encl ol' t-ii I'@. A clischarciiao, ,ipparatus for retorts. @ n z n retort an@k loiatyitii.(!-,,,iallv com,prising t carriage, ,i, r . am carriecl by sai.d carript@@e an g 0 rsaine when saict mo,,@,,Ds iii on(, d coml,)risin t-w p6rtions 6o tioli thereby (lisch,,trgiL@p- t-he co,-ite-Tit,,, of th-- ill te,lescopic rel,,ttion, me,,Lns fo,@- , 3-25 retort throti(yh he 6pl3o@.-,ite eiid o-A' saT'--.@('@ loelK@ien4 saicl portion.- to(-ether whe--q tl-ie c-,tr11. A disch,,ir n,-ov h ci@r 5ing al3par,@ttLis for in@,,I'.ned riage is ed in t e ecti.on to i-.ntioduce retorts, comprisin- a Su-pportin, st7,tTctt@-re th6 r-im in'tlo oiie end oT- a retort, meaits for an inclined. tracli: on sL,,,pi,,)o-ftiiig str,,ic- liolcli-ag one section of the r,,im @it -pest -@,7hen 65 ture@ a on -,,,iid tra,ci@ e eft@rria,-Yr, is moved in the opposite d'

1,438,725 @bere@jy th@,@ le,,,,-,@-h of the ri-rn 19. ik diseliaro,in(y apparatus for Vet0itS. 20 to 1,,e inereas-,d, anet rneans -Loilocl,7iii(,- cou-.iprisliig a shifta'ole stippo t@ ' n rting striiethe tl,),o sec .6.i@ of the rltm : too-etlioli- ti,@-e. a ti@acl@: on said stipport'ng I struc@urel, so as 'L-o preveiit 'Lllie ram- Trom colla,psiiag a carriige oii said tr,).ck pi-ovllhmi. the c,,i-riaoe is -@,h-l,e,,tfter mo-@,(,cl i--u vicled -%vith i oepencting gtiide a NTerticai'.I,,- ,-lie ol@)I)Osite I 0 p e c mbi-necl witli saicl guide. 25 d rection t coil-i let tli,-, (lis- -Tnovable riember o I-Ii,iro@ino- OP(,'I@@ttion. @t ram. cai@i,i-,d by s,,iid r@aember -@nd comprisci-@ -u is. ischarging apptrat S @0,' opc-la-. IlIg an extensible portiou, meqns for holding ended retor-tcolnl,)rising supDorti-Ei,@ @l 0 struct-Lire, a cp-rri,,tge on @:ail stipportip-.g @,-@rtictLire, a ram ca,rried by slid carri,-,,-e @i,ii(I coi-isisting o@ two portiori-s in 9;tion, latches -or tllp, t-wo portions of ti@e ram either in tiioir' colj -0, lapsed or extenclecl conclition, ,tncl me,,tiis for coiinectibg 't@'he exten-ibi cl_. e porti-oi-I o'L the I-am to sai,,l @Lipportino, stri-ictlire tli,, co,rrio,ge is moved in ,t clipection, eitlier to incre-,Lse@ or decrease the len,,otli of tbe ram. tl-ie extensible@ por@ion of the rin-i iii: - L's extenclecl tiici ietrctcted posit.ions, and aii ol)erati-Tic,- r-qech,,Li)i@m for stid car@iaoe car- 30 tn zn riecl by slid sLippoi@ti,-ig strlictiire for movs@icl cirriaoe in a cli -,.6tion to cause slici rq.-,ii to enter one end of a-.a open-ended retort ancl m6v,- 16-ngitiidinilly of sanie, therebx, ciiisinc,- @he co tents of the retoi-t 35 to be, @lischtr-,'e'd from nthe opposite end of the retort. SITAS B. RUS8ELT,

CPC - классификация


IPC - классификация
