01-11-1966 дата публикации
Номер заявки: 4307757
Дата заявки: 09-09-1963


3 , 2 8 2 , 0 8 8 Ullited States Patent Office Patented Nov. 1, 1966 3,282,088 SHOCK FORMING MACHINE Stephen C. Joannou, Elberon, N.J., assignor to the United States of America as represented by the Se(,retary of 5 the Army Filed Sept. 9, 1963, Ser. No. 307,757 1 Claim. (Cl. 73-71.6) T'he invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government for governmental pur- 10 poses, without the payment of any royalty thereon. The invention herein relates to a machine for generating a predetermined motion. More specifically the primary objective of the machine is to impart a variety of d:fferen,t shaped shock pulses to a table or - platform upon 1,5 @@ich there may be mounted particular cc)mponents, such as electronic equipments, that are to besubjected to shock tests. In the utilization of many electronic equipments it is necessary that such equipments be tested prior to use to 20 determine the de-ree of shock that such equipments can be subjected -to prior to such use. An important object of the present invention is to provide a machin-. that is capable of impartin,@ -a predetermined shock or pulse to @an equipment under controlled 25 conditions. Another object,of the invention is to provide a machine for impartin..- a contro,-Iled shock that can be repeatedly reproduced und.-r the exact environmental conditions. An important feature of the inventio@n is the I>rovision 30 of a machine for the pur-pose intended, that is re-latively small, stable and has a hi,-h de.-ree of reliability. The invention can best be understood from the following description, to be read in view of the acc(>n-ipanying drawin.- in which: 35 FIGURE I is a side elevational view of the @machine, taken on theline il-I of FIGURE 2, and FIGURE 2 is an end view, in section, taken on the line 2-2 of FIGURE 1. In the drawin.-s the shock impartin- machine is desig- 40 nated .-encrally as 10, and includes two pairs of spaced p-aralle,l upri-ht suppor-t mem-bers 12, which are preferably of an,-.le iron confl.-uration. The upri,-hts 12, are ri.-idly affixed to a supporting base 14. Extendiiig between the base 14 and the top of the upri.-ht members 12, 45 are brackets 16 which also serve to suppor-t and ri-.idly maintain the upri.-ht members. Positioned within the space defined by the upright members 12 is a table 18 which includes a top 20 and a rectan.-ular shaped base 22 tha@t is centrally affixed to the bottom surface of the top 50 20 and perpendicular thereto. Ri.-idly affixed to the resp.-ctive top and bottom surfaces of the tab-le top 20 are ei.-ht sets of identical roller bearin- assemblies @enerally desi,-nated as 24 which serve to re rmit vertical, or up and down, movement of the tab-le 18 but prevent any lateral or sidewise movem.-nt of the table as hereinafter set forth. For purposes of brevity only one of the bearin.- assemblies 24 need be described. Such assembly 24 includes an :an,.-le support 26, the base portion of which is ri-idly 60 secured to the table top. The upri-ht portion carries a right an-le shaft havin.- r(yllers 28, 2iA affixed thereon in transverse re,.Iationship to each other. By such arrange2 ment the roller 28 can r-id.- on <)ne surface of the an.-le iron upri.-ht 12, while the other roller 28A can ride on the other surface of said upright. In operative enga@ement with the base 22, is a cam ass--mbly ,-enerally designated as 30, and inc-ludes a pair of rectan.-Ular shaped cam plates 32, so dispo@sed that the discrete plates are on either side of the base 22 and -in parallol alignment therewith. Secured to, and extend-in- from the side surfaces of the base 22 are roller bearin- 34, tha@t ride in mutually aps posed discrete disposed slots 36 in the two carn plates 32. The nature of the slot is critical to the operation of the machine herein, and as can be seen in FIGURE 1 is, slanted, that is, inclined from the -leading ed.-e of th-@ cam -plite to a point adjacent to the far edge of sa-id cam plate. The cam assemhly 30 is movable @relative to the base 22 and the table IS by the f(>.llowing me:ans. Affixed to the cam surfaces facin.- the upri,-hts 12, are bearing plates, one of which is shown at 38. Each of the plates 38 carry a roller bea:rin-. 40 that is positioned perpendicu@lar to the plates atid adapted to ride in an elon-ated carriage assembly 42 which includ,@s upper and -lower slotted guide rails 44, 46 along which the upper and lower roller bea-rings 40 will ride. The cams 32, are linked at their bottom edges by a cross bar 48 which affords ri-.idity to the cam assembly and insures uniform motion of both cams. Included in the carria,-e assembly 42 is a deceleratin.- piston 50 which operates in a manner described in the operation of the machine. A component or equipment to be shock tested is shown in t-he block 52. To opetate the machine the equipment 52 is affix,-d to the table top 20. The cam assembly as shown in FlGURE I is extended to its extreme position in the carria.-e assembly. The cam assembly -is then thrust to the left as seen in FIGURE 1. In its travel along the - Uide rails 44, 46 the roller bearin-s 34 affixed to the table base 22 wilil rgtate as the cams 32 ride between the upri.-hts 12. Due to the upward incline of the slots 36 the table 1S will be raised to a hei-ht dependent upon the slope of the cam 'Sliot. Since the thrust of the cams 32 is very rapid, there will be a resultant very rapid uplift of the table 18 and the component thereon. Such sudden shock will be transIated to the equipment. Any conventional thrustin.,- or drivin.- force can be utilized on movin.- the cams 32. Thus for exaxiiple, the cams can b-- spring loaded, or provided with a pneum-,itic or prop-@llait device to effect their movement. The piston 50 will serve as an arresting mechanism to sto.p further movement of the cams after any desired len-th of travel. It will be apparent that th(l slope of the slots 36 in the cam plates can be varied to any desired de.-ree to secure greater movement of the table 18 and acquire varied pulse or shock movements. What is

claimed is: A shoek impartin.- machine comprisin.- a plurality of L-shaped upri,-hts fixedly attached to a horizontally elon,-atedfra@mework, in equipment support member slidabily mounted within said upri,- hts, said support member havin.@ a surface top and a base portion extendin.- downwardly therefrom, means affixed to said surface top and in operative en.-a.-ement with said upri-hts to permit vertical movement of said support member within said upri,-hts and restrain the support member fr4Dm lateral movement relative to said vertical movement, a @plurality of

3 roller bearings extending perp--ndicularly fro@ni the base port,ion of said support member, a substantially U-shaped cam assembly comprisina a pair of elon,-ated plates and a connectin.- cross br t,'hat surrounds said base pdrtion, said elongated plates having parallel inclined slots in each of said plates within which :the roller bearings of said base are enga.-ed, a second set of r4D-IIer bearings extendin.- perpendicularly from said elon.- ated plates a,dapted to travel in said framework whereby when said cam assembly is rapidlyth@r-ust along said framework said support assembly will be Tapidly elevated. 3,282,088 4 References Cited by the Examiner UNITED STATES PATENTS 3,106,840 10/1963 Bertsch ------------ 73-71.6 5 OTHER REFERENCES Albert and Ro.-ers, Kinematics of Machinery, Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1931, pa.-es 125-129 relied upon. 10 RICHARD C. QUEISSER, Primary Ecaminer. J. JOSEPH SMITH, JR., Assistatit Examiner.

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