The present invention refers to an improved apparatus for the separation of agricultural or vegetable products that are joined to each other through relative connecting appendages, such as petioles, stems, stalks, etc., as for example cherries, small clusters of cherry tomatoes, etc., that have been previously picked and that normally arrive joined in small bunches or that are still connected to each other through the relative stems, in particular in the case of cherries. In particular, the present invention refers to a specific improvement of the apparatus previously described in patent (application) PCT/IB2013/054267, priority 9 Jul. 2012, by the same applicant. As regards the description of the apparatus described below, and the reasons for the related invention, for the sake of brevity and clarity we refer directly to said patent application PCT/IB2013/054267. Although the apparatus described therein has proved to be efficient and perfectly suitable for its intended purpose, it has been observed that, in actual operation, a previously unforeseen operating condition may arise with considerable frequency; this unforeseen operating condition consists in the fact that it is occasionally necessary to process, i.e. to select and separate, by hand and not mechanically, a given load of cherries, either because they are very ripe, or because they have special characteristics pertaining to the size or density of the bunches, etc. As these particular cherries cannot be advantageously processed in an apparatus such as the one described in the previous patent, they must be selected separated by hand in an entirely conventional manner. However, in a large plant for the processing of freshly picked cherries to be distributed in large quantities, the actual situation that normally occurs during harvesting is that large loads of cherries arrive at the same processing plant with variable frequency, where the single loads may consist of types of cherries having widely different characteristics. In particular, loads of cherries arriving at the plant may be processed by an apparatus according to the above-mentioned invention, alternating with other loads of cherries which, on the contrary, cannot be processed by the same type of apparatus, but require processing by hand. In any case, all the loads of cherries, regardless of their quality and characteristics, are indifferently poured into a large bin filled with water, and from here a conveyor belt is generally used to transfer and pour them onto the movable table that occupies said surface “S”, as it is referred to in the above-mentioned patent. It is only at this stage that an assessment is made and a decision is finally reached whether the cherries in each load are to be sorted and processed by the machine or by hand. In the first case, the rest of the process is obviously carried out using the apparatus of the above-mentioned patent.
In this circumstance it is necessary to avoid processing the cherries in the apparatus of the invention described above, whereas that load, or specific loads, of cherries would have to be transferred onto another processing station/apparatus. This sort of operation is obviously expensive in terms of time and resources, requiring not only the deployment of personnel and equipment for the purpose, but also occasionally involving the necessity to keep inactive for certain periods of time personnel that would otherwise be fully, continuously, and therefore more efficiently employed. As these operations must be maintained at a very high level of efficiency, and therefore of speed, considering the highly competitive context in which they are carried out, it is advantageous that the loads of cherries already placed on the above-mentioned movable table should remain thereon even if the relative cherries should be processed by hand and not by the machine. However, using the apparatus described above this is impossible, since the apparatus continues to operate, i.e., the relative movable table continues to transport the cherries to the point where the stems are cut, since the latter are intercepted in any case by the relative ramps and are thereafter cut by the rotating blades. Moreover, it must be taken into account that, if the part of the plant consisting of rotating shafts, respective ramps, respective rotating blades and connected elements could be removed from the table, and particularly from the area above it, then the movable table itself could still be advantageously used as a means of transporting the cherries, and as a means on which the operators could perform their tasks in the conventional manner. In practice, the same movable table could always be used, with or without said rotating shafts, respective ramps, respective rotating blades and connected elements, regardless of the type of operation to be carried out, i.e. whether mechanical or manual, while the type of process to be carried out could be decided only at the last moment, and would always be performed on the same movable table and therefore without the necessity to transport elsewhere the cherries requiring manual processing. However, this alternative is evidently related to, and dependent on, the circumstance of not being hampered by the devices listed above, which must therefore be removed and shifted as quickly, entirely and easily as possible out of the way of the passing bunches of cherries, i.e. out of an area which corresponds exactly with the area situated above said movable table, so that manual processing may be carried out safely and easily. It would therefore be desirable, and is the main purpose of the present invention, to manufacture a type of apparatus, suitable for cutting the stems of agricultural products that are joined in bunches, that is multifunctional with respect to the different types of products to be processed, i.e. one that allows for:
Characteristics and advantages of the invention will be evident from the following description, given by way of example and without limitations, with reference to the enclosed drawings, wherein: With reference to the figures, an apparatus for cutting the stems of clusters of vegetable products, in particular cherries, comprises in general:
Said cutting modules are identical and therefore, for the sake of simplicity, only one of them will be described hereafter, for example module 2C (see For simplicity of description and manufacture, said apparatus is basically symmetrical with respect to a vertical plane “P” (See In general, the description and the claims will refer sometime to a single element, and sometime to a number of similar elements; since said cutting modules are substantially similar, and since each cutting module includes a plurality of rotating blades and relative associated elements, in particular the relative ramps and the means suitable to modify their position, that are similar or identical, it remains likewise understood that the reference to a single one of such modules, or to a single one of said means or blades extends successively and obviously to all the other modules and other means or blades, as is shown clearly in the enclosed figures. Said rotating shafts are arranged above the conveying means that cover said surface “S”, which conveying means are suitable to carry the produce placed on them toward said rotating blades. Said module 2C is equipped with:
As regards said To be precise, each ramp is aligned with the respective blade, and is arranged in its lower area; in order to allow the ramp to carry the clusters of produce toward the respective blade, said ramp is provided in its upper part with a respective recess 11-3, 12-3, 13-3, 14-3 of a size suitable to accommodate the relative blade 11, 12, 13, 14 . . . . In this manner, the clusters of vegetable products are carried toward said ramps, each of which intercepts a single cluster at a time and lifts the relative stem, which straddles the ramp, and thus, continuing on its movement, is intercepted by the relative blade and cut at the corresponding point on the respective edge.
With reference to Said grooves are reciprocally separated by respective raised portions 20-A, 21-A, 22-A . . . ; the set of said grooves and relative raised portions is typically formed by a continually moving conveying belt. This moves in a direction parallel to said grooves 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and relative raised portions, and thus moves orthogonally to said rotating shafts. In addition, each ramp is superimposed on a respective groove and is inclined and aligned with respect to the latter, so that the projection of each of said ramps with respect to the relative groove is aligned with the same groove; in particular, the position of the tip 11-P, 12-P, 13-P, 14-P . . . (see Since, in fact, most of the vegetable products, in particular cherries, that are joined in one cluster, come to be inside the same groove, it is evident that the operation of cutting the stems is more effective and productive if the cutting blades, and therefore the relative ramps, are centred and aligned within respective ones of said grooves. In fact, the task of performing the cutting of substantially all the stems relies on the fact of having not only one cutting module, but a plurality of cutting modules 2A, 2B, 2C arranged in succession, one downstream of the next, with respect to the direction of movement of the table formed by said grooves alternated with respective raised portions. The operation of the apparatus described here is as follows: the various clusters are set down and distributed with known means and manners on said table formed by the various grooves 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 . . . and the relative raised portions 20-A, 20-B, 20-C, 20-D . . . . With the movement of said conveyor toward said ramps and rotating blades, the products reach the position of said ramps, and due to the dragging movement to which said stems are subjected they are intercepted by respective ramps and are thus naturally captured and lifted, by effect of the dragging movement, up to where they reach the relative rotating blade, which cuts them exactly at the upper edge of the relative ramp. Thus is achieved a first objective of the invention, which consists of carrying the various clusters to the cutting station without subjecting them to vibrations, shaking, etc., which would naturally damage them. However, as already mentioned, the situation described above yields optimum results only if the distance of the upper edge of the ramp from the bottom of the adjacent groove is substantially similar to the height of the stem or, more precisely, to a length of the stem such that, considering also the size of the fruit, the knot of the stem positions itself exactly, or almost exactly, at the height of the upper edge of the ramp. In fact, if this condition does not occur, and if for example the stem is longer, it may happen that the ramp could fail to catch and lift the knot, because the knot positions itself naturally on the ramp itself; in this situation, the blade reaches the stem, and then cuts it in a position far from the knot, which would be decidedly unhelpful and undesirable. Another serious shortcoming found in similar machines already present and operating on the market, consists of the fact that, although they are built with a plurality of cutting modules, each of which is fairly similar in principle to the cutting modules 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E . . . of the present invention, these machines require however that, when it is necessary to modify the height or the inclination of the ramps, it is also necessary to operate:
This operation, although straightforward and easy, is still extremely time-consuming from the productive point of view, as it requires interrupting the processing of the products and intervening manually and sequentially on each cutting module. From the economical point of view, this situation is unacceptable both because it forces a machine shut-down that can sum up to a few hours, which is intolerable when it is necessary to process fresh, delicate and prized produce in very short times, and because of the burden of the maintenance and operating times that must be expended to adjust, one by one, the position of the individual cutting modules. To overcome these serious disadvantages, the improvements hereunder teach the implementation of such means as make it possible to adjust as desired the height of the ramp over the underlying table (grooves and raised portions), and at the same time to also adjust the height of the relative rotating shaft, so that the relationship between the shaft, and therefore the relative rotating blades, and the relative ramps, is substantially constant or almost so, with such a procedure and means as make it possible to adjust the height of all the cutting modules automatically and all at the same time, in a single operation, so that all the cutting modules are adjusted to a new operating condition. It is clearly evident that such means and the relative operating procedure allows a dramatic reduction of the times that were previously required to adjust the machine; this is so evident that it will not be specified further. For the purpose hereof, and referring to the figures, a mobile structure is provided:
Thus, if such configuration is replicated, with identical measurements, for both side members of both said mobile structure and said fixed structure, the configuration illustrated in In practice, each lower side member of the fixed structure is connected to the overlying side member of the mobile structure through two similar pairs of separate arms 7 and 8, 9. Thus a construction of a “parallelogram” type is provided, so that said mobile structure becomes suitable to move with respect to said fixed structure by means of a movement that will be defined hereunder as “translational motion following a rotating path”. In fact, the mobile structure rotates effectively around predefined points of the fixed structure, due to its being pivoted on said arms 6, 7, 8 and 9, but also due to the “rhombus” shaped structure that is formed:
However, We proceed in an entirely similar manner with regard to side members 1B and 5-B, placed on the other side of the same supporting structure.
If the upper structure comprising the side members 5-A and 5-B is lifted (through known means that are not included in the invention), then, as shown schematically in We have thus explained the meaning of the “translational motion following a rotatory path” defined above.
In short, given the configuration illustrated herein, it becomes possible to lift the mobile structure, with respect to the fixed structure, and in particular the side members 5-A, 5-B with a translational motion following a rotatory path. Moreover, said ramps are connected to the two upper side members 5-A and 5-B of the upper mobile structure, so that its lifting also automatically generates the partial lifting of the relative ramps, however without having the position of the respective points increasing or decreasing its vertical distance from the underlying groove, although it may happen that the horizontal position of the same points is modified. The manner of this connection is explained below. Naturally, it becomes necessary that the lifting or lowering of the ramps does not cause any problem with the respective blades, which must not be brought to interfere with the ramps themselves, and in any case the reciprocal distance and geometry of the ramp and the respective blade must be respected.
For what concerns the ramps relative to this cutting module and to said shaft 32C, mechanical connecting means are arranged which comprise, for each cutting module, a connecting pole 50 pivoted, at one end 51, on a fixed position of said support structure, and in effect to the lower side member 1A, and with the other end 52 on a first mechanical linking element 53 secured to an auxiliary shaft 55, which is in turn secured to one or more second mechanical linking elements 54 (see in particular As will be explained below in greater detail, the position of said supporting structure, onto which said end 51 is secured, may be either fixed or movable; however, these different types of arrangement, and the reasons for either, are explained in detail further down. With particular reference to The second mechanical linking element 54 is engaged, at one of its ends 54A, with said shaft 55, and at the other end 54B, with said rotating shaft 32C, in a manner that will be described hereunder. In addition, on the same auxiliary shaft 55 are fastened integral thereto a plurality of arms 56A, 56B, 56C, 56D . . . , all of which support respective ramps 11-1, 12-1, 13-1, 14-1 . . . at one of their respective lower ends. It should be immediately made clear that said devices connecting said auxiliary shaft 55 to said mechanical linking elements 53 and 54 and to said arms 56A, 56B, 56C, 56D . . . are such that the shaft 55 is non capable of rotating, about its own axis, with respect to said linking elements and ramps, so that ultimately said types of connecting devices translate into through holes arranged on said linking elements 53 and 54 and arms 56A, 56B, 56C, 56D . . . , which through holes are traversed by said same auxiliary shaft 55, which however is not capable of rotating with respect to them. Finally, the type of connection of said second linking element 54 with said end 54B on the rotating shaft 32C is a rotating connection, naturally in the sense that said shaft 32C traverses in a suitable through hole said end 54B of said second linking element 54, but it can rotate about its own axis, and thus said through hole in said end 54B works as a means that maintains only a definite geometrical position between the linking element 54 itself and the axis of rotation of the shaft 32C, but evidently not between the same linking element 54 and the shaft 32C. And thus said second linking element 54 is suitable to rotate—only marginally however, as will be explained later—about its respective shaft 32C. Given the configuration of the elements and devices involved, and comparing together the three However, due to the fact that said shaft 55 is not free but is connected at its end 55A to the first linking element 53, which is connected to said connecting pole 50, which is in turn connected to the lower side member with the pivot point 51, it follows that said mechanical linking elements, and therefore said ramp, are not only lifted but also rotated. Without entering into a rather complex and not essential geometrical discussion, it suffices to note that said ramps, said mechanical linking elements, said mobile arms, their points of application on the respective structures, said jointed arms must be dimensioned, positioned and joined to each other so that the lifting of said mobile structure, exemplified by the upper side members 5-A and 5-B—with respect to said fixed structure—causes the translational-rotatory motion which naturally entrains an equivalent movement in the axes of the respective rotating shafts, because the latter are connected to said upper mobile structure—which includes said side members 5-A and 5-B—by said brackets 40, 41. The translational-rotatory motion of said rotating shafts 32-C causes the lifting of the respective second linking elements 54, which drag said auxiliary shaft 55 and also the arms 56-A, 56B, 56-C . . . , so that the tips of the respective ramps—which are connected to said arms—maintain substantially the same height separation H1 on the respective groove, while instead the inclination of said ramps changes with said translational movement following a rotatory path (see A person skilled in the field is perfectly capable of imagining and defining the necessary dimensions; only for greater clarity, In said schematic are shown, in particular:
The operation of the improved apparatus described above is as follows: when the height of the ramps is to be changed, the upper mobile structure is lifted from the fixed structure by known means of conventional type. By the effect of such lifting, said mobile structure is moved upward, but with a movement of “parallelogram” type as explained above.
Since the first linking element 53 is connected, through the pin 52, to the connecting pole 50 which is in turn pivoted at the other end 51 to the lower fixed structure, it follows that the effect of the mechanical connections described, combined with the lifting of the upper structure (side members 5-A and 5-B) causes the lifting of the stem 50. A comparative examination of the positions of the devices described above, as can be seen in the However, as the movement of said ramp 11-1 is a complex movement, resulting from the combination of the movement of parallelogram type of the upper mobile structure and of the rotatory movement of the mechanical connections 53, 54, and also of the auxiliary shaft 55 about the shaft 32-C, which is in turn connected to the upper mobile structure, the final effect on the ramp 11-1 is its clockwise rotation which, with a suitable sizing of the devices involved, can generate an increase, with reference to It will also be evident that All said devices involved can therefore ensure that, with easy applications of geometrical type, said ramp and therefore in particular its upper edge are inclined so as to be at a greater height, thus making it possible to process clusters having stems of different lengths, without resulting in negative consequences:
The basic objective of the invention is thus easily and effectively achieved: since all the cutting modules are connected and supported by the two side members 5-A and 5-B it is in fact possible, with the means and manners illustrated above, to adjust in a single and simple operation all the cutting modules, each of them connected with the relative blades and also with the relative ramps. In fact, it will be sufficient to lift or to lower with a single operation the position of the mobile structure, and thus according to the invention also the two side members 5-A and 5-B that are part of it, to achieve the basic objective of the invention of being capable of adjusting, in a single operation, not only the inclination of all the ramps of all the cutting modules supported by said mobile structure, but also all the rotating shafts and the relative blades. It will be evident to a person skilled in the field that the devices and the lifting/lowering modes and the relative control of said mobile structure are methods completely within the area of expertise of said person, and therefore they will not be specified further. Finally, with reference to In fact, this characteristic makes it possible that between the blade itself and the respective upper edge of the respective ramp there will be a corresponding acute angle within which is automatically inserted and pushed the stem to be cut, so that said stem cannot escape by slipping off from under the blade, and so that (see In order to overcome the problem described in the introduction to the present patent, i.e. the need to eliminate all obstructions from the surface of the movable table, the solution adopted in order to prevent the devices described above from interfering with the movement of the cherries transported by said table 100 in its translational movement, consists in the partial lifting of both said ramps and the relative rotating blades, so that the latter move away from the movable table 100 and position themselves at such a height above it that they no longer constitute an obstruction for the objects, in particular the bunches of cherries, that are transported by said movable table. In particular, with reference to Naturally said table may retain its original characteristics, since the present invention brings a purely incremental improvement with respect to the known art, and therefore said table 100 still features a plurality of parallel grooves 20, 21, 22, 23 . . . basically orthogonal to said rotating shafts 32A, 32B, 32C . . . , said grooves being reciprocally separated by respective raised portions 20-A, 21-A, 22-A, 23-A . . . , in which said table moves in a parallel direction with said groves, and therefore perpendicularly to said rotating shafts 32A, 32B, 32C . . . , and in which said ramps are arranged to correspond with said respective grooves, and the projection of each of said ramps with respect to one of said grooves is aligned with the selfsame groove. In order to materially create this solution, and with particular reference to The apparatus of the invention is illustrated in Under normal operating conditions, i.e. with the ramps normally tilted over the table 100, observe the position of the first mechanical connection 53, pivoted to said articulated pole 50 through its lower end 52, and to said auxiliary shaft 55 through its upper end; as specified above, said auxiliary shaft 55 is engaged to rotate inside a suitable housing inside a second mechanical connection 54, which in its turn supports, at the opposite end, rotating shaft 32-C which is considered in the present explanation. The fundamental aspect of the invention is the fact that the articulation:
The result of this shift is that:
Since the link between the first mechanical connection 53A and the second mechanical connection 54A is rigid, and both are engaged on the same auxiliary shaft 55, it is inevitable that, with reference to The evident, final and desired effect is that both said rotating shaft and the relative blades and ramps are lifted off the table 100. It should be observed, in particular, with reference to Naturally, said angle “Δ” of rotation of the assembly 53, 54, shaft 32, respective blades and ramps, could be any angle whose magnitude is suitable to lift said ramps and relative rotating blades to a sufficient height to remove all obstacles to the passage of the underlying bunches of cherries; however, the optimal solution is, of course, to cause said auxiliary shaft 55 to rotate around its center of rotation corresponding to axis “X” by such a degree that the upper edges 11-2, 12-2, 13-2, etc. . . . , and as many tips 11-P, 12-P, 13-P, 14-P of corresponding ramps 11-1, 12-1, 13-1, 14-1 . . . are positioned horizontally, so as to maximize their distance from the underlying table 100; in From the point of view of construction, the present invention may be built as follows: with reference to With reference to Basically, said side member 1A is “U”-shaped, and said slide 60 is disposed in the relative central groove 90. With reference to To a lower end of said lower arm 73 is attached the end 85 of the piston of an actuator 82, preferably a pneumatic cylinder whose body is engaged onto a portion of the relative side member 1A.
With reference to Appendage 62 in the drawing, bearing the respective upper hole 62A to which said lower end 51 of the relative articulated pole 50 is pivoted, shifts to the new position 62-N. In said new position, obviously the articulated shaft 50 remains pivoted onto the upper hole 62A of the same appendage 62, and therefore its lower end is drawn to the new position 51A, which finally causes the articulated pole to move to the new position 50A, already described above.
By means of said construction, and by performing the above-described manoeuvre, it becomes possible, easy and instantaneous to activate said actuator 82 and obtain the consequent movement of said lower ends 51 along the respective side member 1A in the horizontal and longitudinal direction and in the opposite direction to the respective rotating shaft 32, whose axis is indicated by said axis “X”, which causes not only the shifting but alto the rotation of said articulated poles 50, with the previously explained effect that the connected auxiliary shafts 55, and relative ramps and rotating blades are rotated in such a way that they are lifted off table 100, thus clearing the way for the passage and manual processing of the products that are placed on it. According to the invention, maneuvering means are arranged, designed to rotate an auxiliary shaft around its centre of rotation so that said upper edges and the tips of the respective ramps are rotated so as to cause the rotational lifting of said ramps by a predetermined angle. 1. Apparatus for the separation of vegetable products, especially cherries, and comprising:
a fixed and supporting structure with a frame and two parallel horizontal bars which define an inner substantially plane and preferably rectangular surface, carrying means arranged inside said surface suitable to receive and transport said vegetable products with a rectilinear motion, a plurality of cutting modules, successively arranged over said rectangular surface, each module being provided with a respective rotating shaft having a plurality of rotating blades arranged on a fixed position along its length, said shafts being parallel and mounted above carrying means able of carrying the products, placed on them, towards said rotating blades, a plurality of positioning ramps mounted in correspondence of a respective rotating blade, said ramps having an elongated shape according to the direction of movement of said carrying means, and distinctly flattened and vertically oriented, the elongated upper edge of said respective ramps being oriented downwards and towards said carrying means, with such an inclination that the height of said edges is increasing in the progression motion of said carrying means, a movable frame is arranged, which includes two substantially parallel bars, formed with a like geometry of said supporting structure, overlying it, said movable frame being connected to said fixed structure through a plurality of movable arms, each of them being connected, on an end, to a position in said fixed structure, and on its opposite end, to a respective position of said movable frame, wherein said ends related to the same arm are arranged on different vertical straight lines, so that said movable frame becomes able of being shifted with respect to said fixed structure through a translation motion according to a rotating path, wherein said movable frame is able of drawing away or drawing up in the same time the position of said cutting modules, and therefore of the respective rotating shafts and of the respective ramps with respect to said fixed structure by impressing on said movable frame one sole translation motion according to a rotating path, and wherein the axis of said rotating shafts are made firm to said movable frame through suitable connecting and supporting means, said translating means being able of transporting the tufts placed on them towards said ramps mechanical joining means are arranged with include, for each cutting module, an articulated pole pivoted, to its lower end, to a fixed position of said supporting structure, and to the opposite end, to a first mechanical connection which is engaged to an auxiliary shaft, to which a second mechanical connection is engaged, one end of which is provided with a through-hole into which the respective rotating shaft is apt of rotating, and in that the ramp associated to a respective rotating shaft is engaged, preferably through a respective arm, to the respective auxiliary shaft, and wherein each of said ramps owns on the respective upper edge a respective groove able of lodging the lower edge of the respective rotating blade, characterized in that it comprises command and operating means able of rotating said auxiliary shaft around its center of rotation corresponding to said axis so that said upper edges and the respective tips of respective said ramps are rotated so to raise in a rotating way said ramps for a predetermined angle. 2. Apparatus according to 3. Apparatus according to and wherein said leveled member moves parallel to said grooves and therefore orthogonally to said rotating shafts, and in that said ramps are arranged in correspondence of respective said grooves, and the projection of each of said ramps with respect to one of said grooves is aligned to the respective said groove. 4. Apparatus according to 5. Apparatus according to 6. Apparatus according to a sliding sledge which is sliding with respect to a respective said bar of said fixed structure, a plurality of connecting points which are firm to said sliding sledge and which are able of engaging respective said lower ends of respective articulated poles. 7. Apparatus according to said sliding sledge is provided with a plurality of upper appendixes, and in that said connecting points are arranged on respective said upper appendixes. 8. Apparatus according to 9. Apparatus according to on the bottom side of said bar a through-opening is arranged, said sledge is provided on its bottom side with a lower arm apt of crossing said through-hole, and in that said transferring means comprise an actuator preferably an hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder, connected to one of its ends, to a fixed point of said bars, and with the opposed end to an end of said lower arm. 10. Apparatus according to and wherein said leveled member moves parallel to said grooves and therefore orthogonally to said rotating shafts, and in that said ramps are arranged in correspondence of respective said grooves, and the projection of each of said ramps with respect to one of said grooves is aligned to the respective said groove. 11. Apparatus according to
In the second case, on the other hand, the situation is that the cherries, even if they are already lying on said movable table, must be processed by hand.
This objective is achieved through an apparatus built and operating in accordance with the accompanying claims.
Also, as essential element for the functioning of the invention, the transportation and movement of said conveying means is attained as follows:
Keep in mind that, as already mentioned above, for simplicity of description and manufacture said apparatus is basically symmetrical with respect to a vertical plane “P” (see
Besides, this is the typical movement of any structure in the shape of a parallelogram.
As a result, the axes “X” of the rotating shafts must also be made integral, in the same sense just explained, with said side members.
For this purpose, and with reference to
Since it is desired that the tip 11-P of the ramp 71-72 maintain a constant and definite height H1 with respect to the underlying groove, it will be sufficient to dimension the devices involved so as to achieve such condition.
Said movement of the upper structure also entrains with it, through said brackets 40, 41, the corresponding rotating shaft 32C, which entrains in turn the mechanical linking elements 54, 53 and the auxiliary shaft 55 interconnected between them.
Therefore, the fixed horizontal side member 1A is shown, to which said articulated pole 50 is attached; the lower end 51 of the pole is pivoted to said side member 1A, as already explained above.
Now observe
In order to determine the new position of the end 52A, which “pilots” the entire manoeuvre, it must naturally be kept in mind that this is the intersection of two circumferences whose radiuses are, respectively, 50 and 53, whose linear dimension must obviously remain constant since they are two material arms.
Said slide 60 is equipped, at the top, with a plurality of appendages 61, 62, 63, 64 . . . that extend upwards and which are equipped, in their respective upper projections, with respective holes 61A, 62A, 63A, 64A.
After mounting the assembly, consisting of said slide 60 and relative appendages and arms, into side member 1A, as illustrated in the figures, each lower end 51 of a respective articulated pole 50 is engaged rotationally, i.e. is pivoted in a corresponding hole 61A, 62A, 63A, 64A.