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27-06-2016 дата публикации

Щеточное устройство для животных

Номер: RU0000162757U1

1. Щеточное устройство для животных, содержащее крепежный блок (3) для прикрепления к опорной конструкции (2), поддерживающий рычаг (4) для соединения с крепежным блоком (3) в установочном положении и вращаемую щетку (6), поддерживаемую поддерживающим рычагом (4), отличающееся тем, что поддерживающий рычаг (4) выполнен с возможностью высвобождаемого соединения с крепежным блоком (3) в нескольких разных установочных положениях на различной высоте.2. Щеточное устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что крепежный блок (3) содержит множество первичных соединительных деталей, расположенных на различной высоте, при этом поддерживающий рычаг (4) содержит по меньшей мере одну вторичную соединительную деталь (4f, 4g), подлежащую перемещению в зацепление с выбранной одной из первичных соединительных деталей таким образом, что щетка (6) будет поддерживаться поддерживающим рычагом (4) на высоте, зависящей от высоты выбранной первичной соединительной детали (3d, 3e).3. Щеточное устройство по п. 2, отличающееся тем, что крепежный блок (3) содержит по меньшей мере одну первичную соединительную деталь в виде вертикального ряда соединительных отверстий (3d, 3e).4. Щеточное устройство по п. 3, отличающееся тем, что поддерживающий рычаг (4) содержит по меньшей мере одну вторичную соединительную деталь в виде выступающего соединительного элемента (4f, 4g), подлежащего перемещению в зацепление с одним из соединительных отверстий (3d, 3e).5. Щеточное устройство по п. 4, отличающееся тем, что выступающий соединительный элемент (4f) является крюкообразным.6. Щеточное устройство по п. 4 или 5, отличающееся тем, что поддерживающий рычаг (4) содержит по меньшей мере одну пару выступающих соединительных элементов (4f, 4g), при этом, когда поддержи РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (51) МПК A01K 13/00 (13) 162 757 U1 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ТИТУЛЬНЫЙ (21)(22) Заявка: ЛИСТ ОПИСАНИЯ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2015126438/13, 01.07.2015 (24) Дата начала ...

04-12-2017 дата публикации

Одежда для животного

Номер: RU0000175422U1

Полезная модель относится к служебному и домашнему собаководству и может быть использована в качестве средства содержания животных, а именно прогулочной одежды, обеспечивающей защиту животных, в том числе, от атмосферных осадков и непогоды. Технический результат - надежная универсальная защита животного, подходящая под индивидуальные особенности строения его тела (для полных, худых животных в пределах породы и метисов), одновременно обеспечивающая удобство и свободу движения.Одежда для животного включает туловищеобразный элемент с застежкой-молнией, имеющий штанины для передних и задних конечностей, отверстия для головы, хвоста и для справления естественных потребностей животного и стягивающие элементы вокруг нижней части штанин и отверстий туловищеобразного элемента. Она снабжена дополнительными стягивающими элементами, один из которых частично охватывает туловищеобразный элемент с боков и снизу в районе талии животного, два вторых расположены с боковых сторон по линии сочленения задних конечностей и туловища животного симметрично друг другу. Два третьих дополнительных стягивающих элемента расположены симметрично друг другу и проходят от боковой части туловищеобразного элемента до отверстия для головы, под нижними частями передних конечностей. 3 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил. Ц 1 175422 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (11) 45 д.20) ВО о $ № 8 о Цл (51) МПК АСК 13/00 (2006.0Т) А41Р 13/00 (2006.0Т) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2017107733, 09.03.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 09.03.2017 Дата регистрации: 04.12.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 09.03.2017 (45) Опубликовано: 04.12.2017 Бюл. № 34 Адрес для переписки: 109316, Москва, ул. Сосинская, 43, ООО "Лев Клименко" (72) Автор(ы): Дубовицкая Наталья Борисовна (КО) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Дубовицкая Наталья Борисовна (КО) (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: 5 20100115895 А1, 13.05.2010. СА 2947686 А1 ...

03-08-2020 дата публикации

Когтеточка для кошек

Номер: RU0000198940U1

Полезная модель относится к лёгкой промышленности, а более конкретно к изделиям для ухода за животными, преимущественно за кошками, и предназначено для использования при заточке когтей.Когтеточка для кошек содержит блок для заточки когтей, выполненный в виде сотового бумажного заполнителя 1 с размером ячеек сотового бумажного заполнителя от 4 мм до 40 мм в растянутом состоянии. Сотовый бумажный заполнитель 1 имеет возможность после растяжения в направлении двух противоположных боков 2 принимать форму прямоугольного параллепипеда на плоской поверхности и выполнен с возможностью изгиба в направлении вдоль двух противоположных боков 2 и принятия формы поверхности предмета 4, например ножки стола, вокруг которой он может быть установлен. Противоположные бока 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1 выполнены с возможностью скрепления друг с другом. Выполнение противоположных боков 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1 с возможностью скрепления друг с другом может быть осуществлено в виде нанесённого на оба бока 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1 клея 3. Выполнение противоположных боков 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1 с возможностью скрепления друг с другом может быть осуществлено в виде двухсторонних клейких лент 3, приклеенных к бокам 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1. Выполнение противоположных боков 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1 с возможностью скрепления друг с другом может быть осуществлено в виде магнитных лент 3 с клеевым слоем и прикрепления клеевого слоя магнитной ленты 3 к каждому из боков 2 сотового бумажного заполнителя 1. Технический результат, на достижение которого направлена заявленная полезная модель когтеточка для кошек, состоит в том, что обеспечивается возможность после растяжения сотового бумажного заполнителя установка когтеточки для кошек из сотового бумажного заполнителя вокруг какого-либо предмета, принимая форму этого предмета и закрепить её на этом предмете. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 198 940 U1 (51) МПК A01K 15/02 (2006.01) A01K 13 ...

29-10-2020 дата публикации

Жилет для собаки, используемый в боевых контактах, искусствах охраны и дрессировки

Номер: RU0000200565U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к устройству для использования в носке животного для использования в боевых контактах и искусствах охраны и дрессировки, например собаки, при использовании которого достигаются различные уровни защищенности, необходимые для безопасного боевого контакта как в тренировочных целях для боевых искусств дрессировки и охраны заводчика, так и в целях личной безопасности животного.Достигаемый технический результат реализуется за счет того, что жилет для собаки, используемый в боевых контактах, искусствах охраны и дрессировки, характеризуется тем, что он содержит элементы для горла, спинки туловища, брюшка, передних лап и выполнен из 1-3 слоев ткани, нити которой состоят из высокомолекулярного полиэтилена, и при этом детали жилета соединены стачивающим швом шириной 1 см, по низу изделия и горловине проходит отделочная строчка 0,5 см, застежка расположена по спинке от шеи до хвоста и сверху закрыта липучкой или клапаном для защиты и сокрытия застежки от попадания влаги и пыли.Жилет для собаки, используемый в боевых контактах, искусствах охраны и дрессировки, дополнительно содержит элементы для задних лап. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 200 565 U1 (51) МПК A01K 13/00 (2006.01) A01K 29/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A01K 13/00 (2020.08); A01K 29/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020117551, 16.05.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Платонов Роман Валерьевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 29.10.2020 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 16.05.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 29.10.2020 Бюл. № 31 2 0 0 5 6 5 R U (54) Жилет для собаки, используемый в боевых контактах, искусствах охраны и дрессировки (57) Реферат: Заявленная полезная модель относится к он содержит элементы для горла, спинки устройству для использования в носке животного туловища, брюшка, передних лап и выполнен из для использования в боевых контактах и 1-3 слоев ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для определения живой массы крупного рогатого скота

Номер: RU0000203028U1

Полезная модель относится к измерительным устройствам, применяемым в животноводстве.Устройство для определения живой массы крупного рогатого скота включает мерную ленту, имеющую шкалу для измерения линейных промеров обхвата груди в сантиметрах и шкалу для определения массы тела в килограммах, отличающееся тем, что на свободном конце мерной ленты закреплен магнит, для фиксации которого применяют гибкий держатель в виде гофрированной металлической трубки, на конце которой установлен стальной наконечник с вклеенным в него магнитом.Устройство за счет быстрого и надежного захвата ленты магнитным держателем позволяет значительно сократить время проведения измерений, особенно в случаях, когда животное проявляет беспокойство. При проведении измерений отсутствует необходимость нагибаться под брюшную стенку животного для захвата свободного конца ленты, что значительно сокращает вероятность травмирования исполнителя. Процедура проведения измерений легко осуществляется одним человеком, что сокращает трудозатраты. 2 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 203 028 U1 (51) МПК A01K 13/00 (2006.01) A01K 29/00 (2006.01) A01K 67/00 (2006.01) A61B 5/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A01K 13/00 (2021.02); A01K 29/00 (2021.02); A01K 67/00 (2021.02); A61B 5/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020133076, 07.10.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 07.10.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 18.03.2021 Бюл. № 8 (54) Устройство для определения живой массы крупного рогатого скота (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к измерительным Устройство за счет быстрого и надежного устройствам, применяемым в животноводстве. захвата ленты магнитным держателем позволяет Устройство для определения живой массы значительно сократить время проведения крупного рогатого скота включает мерную ленту, измерений, особенно в случаях, когда животное имеющую шкалу для измерения ...

23-03-2022 дата публикации

Ворота для автоматической обработки животных

Номер: RU0000209800U1

Полезная модель относится к области ветеринарии, в частности к устройствам для обработки животных против эктопаразитов и гнусов. Технический результат от использования предлагаемой конструкции достигается тем, что ворота для автоматической обработки животных включают каркас 1, выполненный в виде перекладины 2, правой стойки 3, левой стойки 4, а также рамы 5, расположенной горизонтально в нижней части корпуса 1 и выполняющей опорную функцию. Перекладина 2, правая стойка 3, левая стойка 4 и рама 5, образуют вертикальный портал 6 для прохода через него животного. Правая стойка 3 и левая стойка 4 снабжены подвесами 7, на которых крепятся подвесные телескопические заграждения 8, выполняющие заградительную функцию. На перекладине 2 каркаса 1, выполнена платформа 9, на которой крепятся емкость 10 для жидкости с крышкой 11, солнечная панель 12 и блок управления 13. В блоке управления 13 размещается аккумуляторная батарея 14, заряжающаяся от солнечной панели 12, заборно-нагнетательный элемент в виде насоса 15 с заборным патрубком 16 и нагнетательным патрубком 17, подключенными проводами 18 к аккумуляторной батарее 14. При этом через заборный патрубок 16 заборно-нагнетательный элемент 15 подсоединен к емкости 10 для забора жидкости, а через нагнетательный патрубок 17, посредством сети трубок 19, соединяется с верхней форсункой 20, расположенной на перекладине 2, с правой боковой форсункой 21, расположенной на правой стойке 3, и с левой боковой форсункой 22, расположенной на левой стойке 4. Также на правой стойке 3 и левой стойке 4 закреплены устройства 23, приводящее в рабочее состояние заборно-нагнетательный элемент 15. Рама 5 с левой стороны 24 снабжена тягово-сцепным устройством 25, предназначенным для сцепления с фаркопом транспортного средства, а с правой стороны 26 рама 5 оснащена регулируемым подрамником 27 с двумя съемными колесами 28. Платформа 9 снабжена передним выступом 29 и задним выступом 30, направленными в обе стороны портала 6 ворот, на которых размещены ...

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Shoes for hooves

Номер: US20120018175A1
Автор: AZFOR Ali, Sven Revheim
Принадлежит: Equine Fusion AS

Sole ( 5 ) for a shoe adapted for use on hoofed or cloven-hoofed animals where the sole ( 5 ) at least comprises: a forward ( 10 ) and a rear part ( 11 ) plus at least a coupling/joint ( 14 ) which allows the at least one forward part ( 10 ) and the at least one rear part ( 11 ) to move completely or partly independent of each other. The invention also discloses a shoe ( 1 ) for use of said sole ( 5 ).

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Vision System for Facilitating the Automated Application of Disinfectant to the Teats of Dairy Livestock

Номер: US20120048208A1

In certain embodiments, a system includes a controller operable to access an image signal generated by a camera. The accessed image signal corresponds to one or more features of the rear of a dairy livestock. The controller is further operable to determine positions of each of the hind legs of the dairy livestock based on the accessed image signal. The controller is further operable to determine a position of an udder of the dairy livestock based on the accessed image signal and the determined positions of the hind legs of the dairy livestock. The controller is further operable to determine, based on the image signal and the determined position of the udder of the dairy livestock, a spray position from which a spray tool may apply disinfectant to the teats of the dairy livestock.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Horse hoof protective devices and related methods

Номер: US20120118587A1
Автор: Julia Patek
Принадлежит: Integrity Horse Products Inc

The various embodiments disclosed herein relate to horse hoof protective devices, systems, and methods, including, for example, a horse hoof protective device that can be coupled to a horseshoe and is configured to be positioned over a horse's hoof.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Lick Deterrent Strip

Номер: US20120152182A1
Автор: Travis Vickery
Принадлежит: Radio Systems Corp

A lick deterrent strip for deterring an animal from licking a wound is provided. The lick deterrent strip is securable to the animal or a bandage such that the lick deterrent strip is positioned over the wound or near the area of the wound. As used herein, a “wound” refers to an injured area on an animal, including, but not limited to, abscesses, cuts, hot spots, incisions, punctures, sores, and stitches. When secured to the animal, the lick deterrent strip provides an exposed surface with electrically energized contacts arranged on the exposed surface. When a conductive portion of the animal, such as the animal's mouth, is placed in electrical communication with the contacts, the lick deterrent strip provides an electrical stimulus to the animal, which deters the animal from accessing or licking the wound.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Cat grooming post

Номер: US20120192804A1
Автор: David Haaf
Принадлежит: Individual

A cat grooming device which includes a base configured to reside upon a horizontal surface to support a grooming post extending vertically therefrom. The base is provided with a bottom surface for residing upon the horizontal surface and a top surface, the top surface having a material for collecting and retaining fur emanating from a cat while engaging the grooming post. The grooming post has a grooming surface extending substantially its entire length, the grooming surface being in the form of a plurality of pliable nodules capable of grooming a cat when the cat contacts the nodules during use of the device

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Insect-Control Patch

Номер: US20120210630A1
Принадлежит: Dead Bug Ventures LLC

Apparatus and methods for controlling insects. Some embodiments provide apparatus (for instance patches) comprising one or more layers of degradable materials impregnated with respective insect-control materials. A first impregnated layer defines an effective thickness and degrades at a rate dependent on an environmental factor to thereby expose a portion of the insect-control material impregnated therein at a depth corresponding to the decreased thickness. As the first degradable layer degrades in a multi-layer insect-control patch it also exposes the second layer (which is attached to the first layer) at a rate corresponding to the degradation of the first layer. A barrier impervious to the second insect-control material can be attached to the second layer. In some embodiments the first and second degradable materials are the same material and the second impregnated layer is formed on the first impregnated layer thereby bonding them together.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Pet Self-Grooming Pass-Through Tunnel

Номер: US20120222627A1
Автор: Mike Chura
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a pet grooming device that allows a pet to groom itself by passing through an annular tunnel having a plurality of grooming elements disposed therewithin. The tube-shaped device comprises an elongated tunnel having a first and second opening with wire grooming bristles attached within its interior. The pet is able to walk through the opening and as the animal passes through the device wire bristles brush the pet's hair in the natural direction, from head to tail. The distance the animal must pass through while traversing the device ensures that the animal's fur is sufficiently engaged by the bristles to promote a thorough grooming with each pass through the device, while a pathway free of grooming elements is provided for the pet to walk through the tunnel with ease and less trepidation. A barrier crossing and stand alone embodiment are disclosed, along with a method of construction.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Washing device for humans and animals

Номер: US20120222695A1
Автор: Michael P. Suter
Принадлежит: Individual

A washing device [ 1000 ] is described which is uniquely adapted for use by elderly, handicapped, or other users which use one hand for support and have only one hand free to operate the device. The supply line [ 1010 ] directs the fluid to a fluid valve [ 1210 ] which is controlled by a first clicking mechanism 1231 which toggles the valve between an “open” position directing fluid flow to an additive valve [ 1240 ], and a “closed” position which stops fluid flow. Additive valve [ 1240 ] is also toggled between two positions by a second clicking mechanism [ 1232 ]. In its ‘fluid only’ position, only fluid is allowed to pass out of the additive valve [ 1240 ] through a mixing chamber [ 1400 ] and out of a changeable head [ 1700 ] to the user. In another embodiment, a single three-position valve performs the same functions.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Microbubble Therapy Method and Generating Apparatus

Номер: US20120234772A1
Принадлежит: Jason International Inc

A micro bubble generating system includes a shell having a well for retaining a first liquid to immerse an object. A micro bubble apparatus is provide to the shell for providing a pressurized mixture of a second liquid and a dissolved gas into the well so as to create a plurality of micro bubbles within the first liquid for engaging the object. One method of using micro bubbles includes providing a fluid mixture, including a saturated gas, to a fluid chamber connected a fitting; and producing a plurality of micro bubbles into a fluid. Another method of using micro bubbles includes providing a fluid mixture, including a saturated gas, into an air entrapment chamber; and producing a plurality of micro bubbles into a fluid.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

InstaBangs Attachable Hair Accessory

Номер: US20120266903A1
Автор: Noelle M. Devlin
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention provides a bang hair extension secured along the crown line by means of a lightweight and flexible hair comb, thus creating the illusion of stylish bangs, without requiring the commitment of actually cutting the hair. The invention also provides a bang hair extension having embellishments along the spine of the comb. The invention also provides a bang hair extension for use by non-humans, for example, by pets such as dogs.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Powder dispenser with cartridge

Номер: US20120285987A1
Автор: John LEIER
Принадлежит: Individual

Described are articles that serve as integrated dispensers or applicators for powdered compositions. Primarily, the powder-dispensing articles of the invention include a housing in which a cartridge is disposed that can move in relation to the housing, typically by depressing a plunger that protrudes from the housing. The housing unit contains a housing access port that provides access to the preferably replaceable cartridge. The cartridge also contains an orifice, referred to as a cartridge access port, in the cartridge wall. The housing and cartridge access ports are brought into alignment by the user, for example, by depressing a plunger that causes the cartridge to move in relation to the housing by compressing a biasing member. Such port alignment exposes the powdered composition inside the cartridge.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods for controlling pain in equines using a transdermal solution of fentanyl

Номер: US20120322828A1
Принадлежит: Eli Lilly and Co

This invention provides methods of controlling pain in an equine for an effective period of time comprising transdermally administering a composition comprising fentanyl, a penetration enhancer, and a volatile liquid, wherein the composition is a solution. The invention also provides a single unit dose of the composition.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Pet Brush and Integrated Spray

Номер: US20130008388A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A pet brush includes a brush unit, and a tonic attachment attachable to and detachable from the brush unit. The tonic attachment is cooperable with the brush unit to define an ergonomic handle-less pet brush.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Pressure-applying garment for animals

Номер: US20130042820A1
Автор: Philip J. Blizzard
Принадлежит: Thundershirt LLC

A garment to reduce an animal's anxiety, fearfulness, overexcitement, or a combination thereof. The garment may include a central portion, flaps extending from opposite sides of the central portion, and, in some cases, a cinching member that extends from a central area of the central portion. The flaps may be fastened together around the chest and stomach of the animal, and the cinching member may be fastened to the central portion or one or more flaps to tighten the garment further, applying pressure to reduce anxiety, fearfulness, or over-excitement. Straps may be provided to secure the garment to the animal's neck. One material that may be used in making the garment is a fabric made of 55% cotton, 35% polyester, and 10% spandex. The animal may generally be any animal with four legs, for example, a dog or cat, or two arms and two legs, for example, a monkey.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Protective Articles for Horses

Номер: US20130061563A1
Автор: Mills Brett W.

A protective article for a horse includes a protective member and a replaceable securing member. The protective member includes a body portion extending between a pair of opposing ends and dimensioned to be wrapped around and secured to a horse's body part, and further includes a first engagement member coupled to the body portion adjacent one end, and a second engagement member coupled to the body portion adjacent the other end. The replaceable securing member is adapted to be selectively engaged with the engagement members in a manner that urges the engagement members towards one another. The replaceable securing member includes a first securing assembly adapted to be manually reversibly secured to the first engagement member, and a second securing assembly adapted to be manually reversibly secured to the second engagement member, the first securing assembly securing to the first engagement member independently of the second securing assembly. 120-. (canceled)21. A device comprising:a fabric body configured to wrap around an object and having two ends,a pair of receiving elements disposed on the fabric body, anda removable fabric strap configured to be threaded through the receiving elements, the fabric strap including, on one surface, a first portion having hook fasteners and a second portion having loop fasteners, and, on an opposite surface, a portion having loop fasteners,wherein the portions of hook and loop fasteners are disposed relative to each other such that, when the strap is threaded through the receiving elements and folded about the receiving elements in thirds, substantially all of the loop fasteners are engaged by hook fasteners and both of the receiving elements are releasably captured between layers of the strap, andwherein the receiving elements are disposed on the fabric body such that when the fabric strap is folded about the receiving elements in thirds the two ends of the fabric body contact or overlap one another.22. The device of wherein ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074784A1

The invention provides a veterinarian collar in the form of a truncated cone that address the drawbacks of conventional cone-shaped collars. Alternatives are described for forming the collar from a single piece of plastics sheet. 1. A veterinarian collar having a rear edge and a forward edge; said collar having a first part flaring outwardly about a central axis from said rear edge to a transition; and a second part connecting said transition to said forward edge , wherein the included angle between said first part and said central axis is greater than the included angle between said second part and said central axis.2. A collar as claimed in wherein said first part is cone-shaped.3. A collar as claimed in wherein said second part comprises a substantially cylindrical section projecting from the cone-shaped first part or is formed by a plurality of facets arranged about the cone-shaped first part.4. A collar as claimed in wherein said facets are substantially planar claim 3 , the planes being arranged substantially parallel to said central axis.5. A collar as claimed in wherein said second part is substantially cylindrical and said first part is defined by inwardly folding substantially triangular tabs extending rearwardly from said transition.6. A collar as claimed in wherein said front edge is spaced a distance x along the central axis from said rear edge claim 1 , said transition being spaced from said rear edge by 0.45x to 0.8x.7. A collar as claimed in wherein said transition is spaced from said rear edge by 0.5x to 0.67x.8. A collar as claimed in when formed from substantially transparent plastics material.9. A sheet component for the formation of a veterinarian collar claim 1 , said sheet component having a first arcuate part foldable into a frusto-conical section; and a plurality of flap pieces projecting from one edge of said arcuate part.10. A sheet component for the formation of a veterinarian collar claim 1 , said sheet component having a substantially ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Device for applying a formulation to skin

Номер: US20130079735A1
Принадлежит: Wellmark International

The application provides a device for applying a formulation to skin, the device comprising a housing, a spreading means, and an ejecting means; wherein the housing comprises a chamber for receiving a cartridge, and wherein the cartridge comprises a formulation.

02-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130104427A1
Принадлежит: Pawz Dog Boots LLC

A disposable dog boot comprising a single, seamless piece of flexible latex or polymer material having a bulbously shaped, bottom closed end and a top open end of a smaller cross-section, wherein when a paw of the dog is slipped into the boot, the bottom end covers and loosely conforms to the paw to protect the paw, and the top end flexibly and removably secures, through the material's elasticity, the boot to a leg of the dog. 1. A disposable dog boot comprising:a single, seamless piece of flexible latex or polymer material having a bulbously shaped, bottom closed end and a top open end of a smaller cross-section section having a short, tube like opening and a ring-shaped lip, wherein when a paw of the dog is slipped into the boot, the bottom end covers and loosely conforms to the paw to protect the paw, and the top end flexibly and removably secures, through the material's elasticity, the boot to a leg of the dog.2. The dog boot of claim 1 , wherein the latex or polymer material permits the easy putting on and removal of the boot through pulling on the boot.3. The dog boot of claim 2 , wherein the latex material has a thickness equal to or greater than a standard thickness of a latex balloon.4. The dog boot of claim 1 , wherein the latex or polymer material is waterproof.5. The dog boot of claim 1 , wherein the latex or polymer material is durable such that the dog boot can withstand normal wear and tear claim 1 , and is flexible so that a dog wearing the boot can feel the ground through the boot.6. The dog boot of claim 1 , wherein the latex or polymer material is lightweight.714.-. (canceled) This application claims priority from co-pending Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/736,651 entitled “Disposable Protective Canine Sock/Boot Made of Light Weight, Waterproof, Flexible Latex or Polymer Material and Requires No Fasteners”, filed on Nov. 14, 2005.The present invention relates to paw protection for canines, and more particularly to a slip-on, waterproof, ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130125828A1
Автор: Van Der Poel Hans

An animal brushing arrangement includes a movable brush driven by an electric motor, a fixing part for attaching the arrangement to a stationary structure, and a first movable part which at a first end is pivotably attached to the fixing part by a first pivot arrangement to pivot about a first axis which is substantially horizontal when the fixing part is attached to the stationary structure and which allows the movable brush, suspended at a second end of the first movable part, to swing back and forth in at least one plane. An electric cable is provided to feed electric power to the electric motor. The first pivot arrangement is provided with a through hole and at least part of the through hole is arranged substantially concentrically with the first axis. The electric cable extends through the through hole. 122-. (canceled)232. An animal brushing arrangement () for mounting to a stationary structure and comprising:{'b': '18', 'an electric motor ();'}{'b': 16', '18', '18', '16, 'a movable, rotating brush () driven by the electric motor (), the electric motor () provided adjacent to the brush ();'}{'b': '4', 'a fixing part () adapted for attaching to the stationary structure,'}{'b': 8', '10', '4', '12', '14', '16', '29', '12, 'a first movable part () including i) a first end () pivotably attached to the fixing part () by a first pivot arrangement (), ii) a second end () suspending the brush (), and iii) a through hole () within the first pivot arrangement (),'}{'b': 4', '12', '24', '14', '16', '14', '8', '29', '24, 'wherein, when the fixing part () is attached to the stationary structure, i) the first pivot arrangement () allows pivoting about a first axis () which is substantially horizontal, ii) the second end () allows the brush (), suspended at the second end () of the first movable part (), to swing back and forth in at least one plane, and iii) at least part of the through hole () is arranged substantially concentrically with the first axis (); and'}{'b': 19', ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Poultry Support and Protection Device and Method of Supporting and Protecting Poultry

Номер: US20130125836A1
Автор: Tobi Kosanke
Принадлежит: Tobi Kosanke

A poultry support and protection device includes a body portion shaped to cover a crop of poultry. The body portion has opposing top and bottom edges (defining a width) separated by opposing side edges (defining a length). First and second securing straps are attached respectively to the first and second side edges. Each of the first and second securing straps extend longitudinally along an entirety of the body portion length and have a strap length greater than the body portion length such that each securing strap extends beyond at least one of the top and bottom edges. The first and second securing straps are operable to be releasably secured at a back of the poultry to attach the device to the poultry such that the body portion substantially covers the crop and to provide a non-constricting and adjustably secure fit.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Pet Grooming and Pest Terminating Comb

Номер: US20130133587A1
Автор: Carole Pelfrey
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a pet grooming and pest killing device that comprises a handled comb having a working end comprising a plurality of comb tooth electrodes powered by a battery power supply within the handle of the device. The comb teeth employ an alternating configuration wherein adjacent teeth employ opposing polarity and the tips of the teeth are shrouded by a protective insulator. The spacing of the teeth is such that a tick or flea will become trapped between two teeth, allowing current to flow from one electrode to another through the pest and thus killing it upon contact. The ends of the teeth are insulated to prevent shocking of the pet during the combing process. In this way, pet hair can be tended to while also killing loose ticks, fleas and other pests within the pet's hair while grooming.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130145992A1
Автор: Liang Yu, PENG JINSONG

A pet groomer and vacuum cleaner including the pet groomer are provided. The pet groomer includes a substance body having a suction channel to be connected with the suction hose of vacuum cleaner and has at least one air intake which transmits air to the suction channel; a combing assembly which is used to comb pet hair; and a driving assembly which drives the combing assembly so as to make the comb teeth in the combing assembly to move to the air intake from a comb position. The pet groomer drives the combing assembly through the driving assembly so as to move pet hair which is combed from pet body to the air intake to be vacuumed away by the vacuum cleaner directly, avoiding the intermediate action of stripping off pet hair from comb teeth or similar actions, so that pet hair will not fall down and environmental pollution and allergen spreading will not be caused by pet hair. 1. A pet groomer which is used in conjunction with the suction hose of a vacuum cleaner , comprising:a substance body which has a suction channel to be connected with said suction hose and has at least one air intake to transmit air to said suction channel;a combing assembly which is used to comb pet hair; anda driving assembly which drives said combing assembly so as to make comb teeth in said combing assembly to move to said air intake from a comb position.2. The pet groomer according to claim 1 , wherein said substance body also has a hollow front section which is placed outside of said air intake and said hollow front section has a comb use opening;said combing assembly is consisted of a rotating body and a plurality of groups of said comb teeth arranged in the axial direction of said rotating body, said rotating body is installed inside of said hollow front section, at least one group of said comb teeth extends outwards from said comb use opening to comb pet hair, and a rotation accepting assembly is set at one end of said rotating body;said driving assembly is formed from a knob drive ...

20-06-2013 дата публикации

Animal Leash

Номер: US20130152869A1
Автор: Morton Cameron

An animal leash apparatus comprising: an elongate hose portion having opposing ends; a hose nozzle at one end of the hose portion; a tap connector at the other end of the hose portion; and a clip at the same end of the hose portion as the tap connector, for enabling the animal leash to be coupled to an article worn by an animal. 1. An animal leash apparatus comprising:an elongate hose portion having opposing ends;a hose nozzle at one end of the hose portion;a tap connector at the other end of the hose portion; anda clip at the same end of the hose portion as the tap connector, for enabling the animal leash to be coupled to an article worn by an animal.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the hose nozzle is housed in a nozzle housing claim 1 , which resides at one end of the hose portion.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the nozzle housing is moveable to allow the hose nozzle to be moved between an exposed state for use and a stowed state when not in use.4. The apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the tap connector is housed in a connector housing claim 3 , which resides at a far end of the hose portion.5. The apparatus according to claim 4 , wherein the connector housing is moveable to allow the tap connector to be moved between an exposed state for use and a stowed state when not in use.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the hose portion is a woven integral hose made of suitable textile which is coated or lined.7. The apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein the textile is selected from one or more of the set comprising: polyester claim 6 , nylon filament;8. The apparatus according to claim 6 , wherein which the textile is coated or lined with elastomeric polyurethane.9. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the tap connector is housed in a connector housing claim 1 , which resides at a far end of the hose portion.10. The apparatus according to claim 9 , wherein the connector housing is moveable to allow the tap ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130174793A1
Автор: Powell Jewell Renee

A two-part self-cleaning system cleans and dries animal paws prior to when the animal enters a home. The system is an effective and hands-free way for the animal to clean and dry their paws so as not to track dirt, mud and other grime indoors and onto clean flooring. The system can include two parts—a sponge part for washing a pet's paws, and a drying pad for drying the pet's paws. A pet-friendly disinfectant can be included in the sponge portion to help disinfect the pet's paws before they walk about the home. 1. A system for cleaning and drying animal paws comprising:a first tray;an absorbent pad fitting into the first tray;a second tray;a dry pad fitting into the second tray;at least one hinge connecting the first tray to the second tray so that the first tray can fold together against the second tray in a closed configuration and so that the first tray can be open and lay flat next to the second tray in an opened configuration; anda closing mechanism to hold the first tray against the second tray in the closed configuration.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a moisture barrier operable to be disposed between the absorbent pad and the dry pad in the closed configuration.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the closing mechanism is at least one clasp.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one clasp includes a first clasp and a second clasp disposed on a side opposite the at least one hinge.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one hinge includes a first hinge and a second hinge disposed along one side of the first tray and the second tray.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of anti-slip pads disposed on a bottom side of the first tray and the second tray.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a handle region formed from in the first tray and the second tray claim 1 , the handle region operable to assist a user to carry the system in the closed configuration.8. A system for cleaning and drying animal paws ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Air moving devices

Номер: US20130183141A1
Автор: Jianliang Tan

Disclosed herein is an air moving device which includes a housing and a motor. The air moving device may include at least one shock absorber which is configured to reduce vibrations and/or noise. The air moving device may also be configured to cancel out noises generated when operating the device.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130199459A1
Автор: SEBÖ Gyula

A herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness, comprising a middle part in the intersection of the longitudinal axis and the transverse axis, and rounded side parts on both sides of the transverse axis in the continuation of the middle part, which side parts and the middle part are bordered by the same edging zone, furthermore a part containing herbs is included in the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness, in such a way that the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () has self-adhesive fixing elements (). 115. A herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness , comprising a middle part in the intersection of the longitudinal axis and the transverse axis , and rounded side parts on both sides of the transverse axis in the continuation of the middle part , which side parts and the middle part are bordered by the same edging zone , furthermore a part containing herbs is included in the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness , characterized in that the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () has self-adhesive fixing elements ().21911238. The herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () according to claim 1 , characterized in that on the middle part () of the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () claim 1 , on one side of the longitudinal axis () claim 1 , the edging zone () is convex shaped claim 1 , forming at least one domed part ().319112837. The herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () according to claim 1 , characterized in that on the middle part () of the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () claim 1 , on the side of the longitudinal axis () opposite to the domed part () claim 1 , the edging zone () is concave shaped claim 1 , forming at least one hollow part ().4114. The herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () has a protective cover () on at least one side.51541. The herbal cushion attachable to a dog harness () according to ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Animal Handling Station

Номер: US20130213318A1
Принадлежит: PetEdge, Inc.

Exemplary embodiments provide an animal hander station configured for use in handling an animal. The handling station can be a grooming tub having base work platform and a wall extending perpendicularly from a perimeter of the base work platform. The grooming tub can be designed and configured to have a dog-bone shaped outline. 1. An animal grooming tub comprising:a base work platform forming a closed end of the grooming tub and defining a work surface; anda wall extending perpendicularly from a perimeter of the base work platform to define an open end, the including a first end wall portion, a second end wall, and two opposing middle wall portions,an inner surface of the wall and the work surface of the base work platform defining an interior tub area having a first end, a second end, and a middle portion,{'b': '1', 'the first end of the interior tub area being defined by the first end wall portion and having a first width (W),'}{'b': '2', 'the second end of the interior tub area being defined by the second end wall portion and having a second width (W),'}{'b': '3', 'the middle portion of the interior tub area being defined by the two opposing middle wall portions and having a third width (W); and'}{'sub': 3', '1', '3', '2, 'an animal handler area is formed by the first end wall portion, the second end wall portion and a first one of the two opposing middle wall portions, the animal handler area being defined by a W:Wratio of about 1:2 and a W:Wratio of about 1:2 to allow an animal handler to be adjacent to an animal disposed within the interior area.'}2. The animal grooming tub of claim 1 , wherein the first one of the two opposing middle wall portions is concave in shape.3. The animal grooming tub of claim 1 , wherein the first end wall portion includes a first convex portion and a second convex portion claim 1 , the first and second convex portions disposed contiguous to each other.4. The animal grooming tub of claim 1 , wherein a length of the first one of the ...

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Universal Footwear Harness System For Pets

Номер: US20130213321A1
Принадлежит: WFK and Associates LLC

Disclosed is a paw pad protector harness that is a lightweight assembly of straps and buckles that is used to hold a variety of pet footwear securely in place for weather condition protection, and for protecting pet paws and legs from exposure to hazardous environments.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Hoof Sock Bandage

Номер: US20130219838A1
Автор: Jeannette Swearingen
Принадлежит: Individual

A one piece hoof sock bandage for use with horses, livestock, and other hoofed animals includes an elastic, water resistant sock material having a sole portion coated with a resilient, puncture resistant material. The sock material provides uniform compression to avoid constriction and extends up the leg to the pastern or higher where it is held in place by a cuff portion. The resilient sole portion covers the sole of the hoof and extends up the wall of the hoof far enough to prevent the sole portion from sliding on the hoof and to protect as much of the hoof as desired. The sock and sole portions may contain medications in various forms and generally function to treat the hoof area and protect it from contamination.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Nail or Claw Trimmer for Use With Pets

Номер: US20130220232A1

An improved trimmer is structured to be held in the palm of a user's hand. The trimmer has a grinding drum that is advantageously structured to be situated in a palmar region of the user's hand that can be said to extend from the palm and to be generally bounded by the fingertips. When the trimmer is held in the palmar region, the thumb and certain fingers can support the trimmer, and other fingers that are not necessarily employed in supporting the trimmer are usable to operate a control switch of the trimmer. The control switch controls operation of a drive motor that is connected with a grinding drum which provides abrasive surfaces that are engageable with the animal nail or claw. 1. A trimmer that is structured to be usable to trim a claw of an animal , the trimmer comprising:a support apparatus comprising a housing that is structured to be held in the hand of a user;a grinding apparatus comprising a cutting element that is disposed on the housing and that is structured to be movable to trim the claw, the cutting element being structured to be situated within a palmar region of the hand that extends from the palm and that is generally bounded by the fingertips when the housing is held in the hand of the user; anda control apparatus that is disposed on the housing and that is structured to control movement of the cutting element.2. The trimmer of wherein the cutting element comprises an abrasive element claim 1 , and wherein the control apparatus comprises a motor that is structured to rotate the abrasive element and a switch that is structured to control operation of the motor.3. The trimmer of wherein the motor is structured to rotate the abrasive element in two opposite directions responsive to operation of the switch.4. The trimmer of wherein the switch is movable in a first direction and in a second direction claim 3 , the abrasive element being structured to rotate in a first direction responsive to movement of the switch in the first direction claim 3 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228136A1

A method of dispensing liquid from a dispenser onto an animal. The method includes placing a tip of the dispenser on or near the skin of the animal and depressing a plunger which is movably disposed in a body of the dispenser. Depressing the plunger causes a membrane in the body to be pierced such that an opening is formed in the membrane. At least some of the liquid is dispensed through an opening of the dispenser onto the skin of the animal. In another embodiment, a dispenser is provided for dispensing liquid onto the skin of an animal. The dispenser can include a cap and a replaceable cartridge. 1. A liquid dispenser , comprising:a hollow body having a grip member;a cap coupled to one end of the body and defining a dispensing opening;a cartridge disposed in the cap, the cartridge having a membrane; anda plunger movably disposed in the body, wherein movement of the plunger pierces the membrane and creates an aperture in the membrane for liquid to exit the dispenser.2. The liquid dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the cartridge is removably disposed in the cap.3. The liquid dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a latch movably coupled to the body and positioned near the plunger claim 1 , wherein movement of the latch releases the plunger from a locked position.4. The liquid dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the cap couples to the body via a bayonet-style fitting.5. The liquid dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the cap comprises a plurality of latch arms for engaging features defined in the body.6. The liquid dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the cartridge comprises a housing with the membrane disposed at one end thereof.7. The liquid dispenser of claim 1 , further comprising a piston movably disposed in the cartridge.8. The liquid dispenser of claim 7 , wherein movement of the piston pierces the membrane and creates an opening the aperture in the membrane.9. The liquid dispenser of claim 7 , wherein the piston comprises a piercing member for piercing the membrane.10. The ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Vibratory hair grooming tool

Номер: US20130239903A1
Принадлежит: Andis Co

A hair grooming tool including a housing defining a cavity and including a grooming end, a vibratory motor assembly positioned within the cavity and configured to vibrate the housing, and a pet-engaging member coupled to the housing at the grooming end. Vibration of the housing enables constant motion of the hair tool and movement of the pet-engaging member as the pet-engaging member is pulled through hair to remove loose hair without cutting the hair.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247840A1
Автор: Blizzard Philip J.

A garment to reduce an animal's anxiety, fearfulness, overexcitement, or a combination thereof. The garment may include a central portion, flaps extending from opposite sides of the central portion, and, in some cases, a cinching member that extends from a central area of the central portion. The flaps may be fastened together around the chest and stomach of the animal, and the cinching member may be fastened to the central portion or one or more flaps to tighten the garment further, applying pressure to reduce anxiety, fearfulness, or over-excitement. Straps may be provided to secure the garment to the animal's neck. One material that may be used in making the garment is a fabric made of 55% cotton, 35% polyester, and 10% spandex. The animal may generally be any animal with four legs, for example, a dog or cat, or two arms and two legs, for example, a monkey. 2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the stretchable fabric forming the central portion and the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third flaps provides resiliency when stretched that is adequate to reduce anxiety claim 1 , fearfulness claim 1 , overexcitement claim 1 , or any combination thereof in the animal.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the stretchable fabric forming the central portion and the first claim 1 , second claim 1 , and third flaps comprises spandex.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the first strap and the second strap fasten to each other with hook and loop fasteners claim 1 , the inside surface of the first strap includes a hook section of fastener and a loop section of fastener claim 1 , and the outside surface of the second strap includes a hook section of fastener and a loop section of fastener.5. The garment of claim 4 , wherein the hook section of fastener on the inside surface of the first strap is interposed between the free distal end of the first strap and the loop section of fastener on the inside surface of the first strap claim 4 , and wherein the hook section of fastener on ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255589A1

Oral care devices (including cleaning devices and delivery devices), oral care compositions, and related methods for using such devices and compositions are disclosed herein. A cleaning device may include a plurality of bristles and a plurality of tongue scrapers. A delivery device may include a delivery surface that is configured to retain an oral care composition. The oral care composition may include an incentivizing agent to entice an animal to lick the disclosed cleaning and/or delivery devices and may be in the form of a foam, liquid spray, gel or paste. The oral care composition may be dispensed onto a surface of a cleaning and/or delivery device. The device and composition may then be presented to an animal. The animal may lick the surface of the device. The licking action of the animal in licking the oral care device may clean the oral cavity and/or deliver an oral care composition. 1. A tongue cleaning device configured to loosen and dislodge material on the surface of a tongue of an animal , the tongue cleaning device comprising:a handle at a proximal end; and a first tongue scraper disposed on the cleaning surface;', 'a first plurality of bristles being disposed on the cleaning surface adjacent the first tongue scraper and positioned toward a distal end of the head relative to the first tongue scraper, wherein a portion of one or more bristles of the first plurality of bristles extends at an angle toward the distal end of the head;', 'a second tongue scraper disposed on the cleaning surface adjacent the first plurality of bristles and toward the distal end of the head relative to the first plurality of bristles; and', 'a second plurality of bristles that are tapered to a point, the second plurality of bristles being disposed on the cleaning surface adjacent the second tongue scraper and toward the distal end of the head relative to the second tongue scraper, wherein a portion of one or more bristles of the second plurality of bristles extends at an angle ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255590A1
Принадлежит: Orabrush, Inc.

Oral care devices (including cleaning devices and delivery devices), oral care compositions, and related methods for using such devices and compositions are disclosed herein. A cleaning device may include a plurality of bristles and a plurality of tongue scrapers. A delivery device may include a delivery surface that is configured to retain an oral care composition. The oral care composition may include an incentivizing agent to entice an animal to lick the disclosed cleaning and/or delivery devices and may be in the form of a foam, liquid spray, gel or paste. The oral care composition may be dispensed onto a surface of a cleaning and/or delivery device. The device and composition may then be presented to an animal. The animal may lick the surface of the device. The licking action of the animal in licking the oral care device may clean the oral cavity and/or deliver an oral care composition. 1. An oral delivery device to deliver an oral care composition to an animal , the oral delivery device comprising:a handle at a proximal end; anda head at a distal end and coupled to the handle, the head comprising a first side and a second side, the first side having a delivery surface that is configured to retain an oral care composition on the first side to present the oral care composition to the animal;wherein the head is configured to be larger than can be contained within a mouth of the animal and the delivery surface is configured to be contacted by a tongue of the animal while the head is positioned outside of the mouth of the animal to allow the animal to lick the delivery surface.2. The oral delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the delivery surface comprises a plurality of protrusions disposed on the delivery surface claim 1 , the plurality of protrusions extending outwardly from the delivery surface in a direction that is substantially perpendicular to the delivery surface claim 1 , wherein one or more protrusions of the plurality of protrusions are configured to ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130263561A1
Автор: Caston Misty

An animal blanket comprises a main body panel, an underbody panel and a set of fasteners. The main body panel drapes over a back of an animal, such as a horse. The underbody panel extends across a belly of the animal. The first set of fasteners releasably connect the main body panel and the underbody panel. In one embodiment, the main body panel comprises a barrel panel and a neck panel, and the underbody panel comprises a belly panel and a chest panel. A first side of the underbody panel is connected to the main body panel via the set of fasteners. In one embodiment, a second side of the underbody panel is also connected to the main body panel via the set of fasteners. In another embodiment, the second side of the underbody panel is connected to the main body panel via a stitched seam. 1. An animal blanket comprising:a main body panel for draping over a back of an animal;an underbody panel for extending across an underside of the animal; anda first set of fasteners that releasably connect the main body panel and the underbody panel.2. The animal blanket of wherein: 'a barrel panel; and', 'the main body panel comprises an belly panel; and', 'a chest panel connected to the belly panel., 'the underbody panel comprises3. The animal blanket of wherein: 'a first rectilinear portion for extending across the back; and', 'the main body panel comprises a second rectilinear portion for extending across a belly of the animal; and', 'a third rectilinear portion extending from the second rectilinear portion for extending across a chest of the animal., 'the underbody panel comprises4. The animal blanket of wherein the main body panel further comprises:a triangular portion connected to the first rectilinear portion for extending across a neck of the animal.5. The animal blanket of and further comprising:a second set of fasteners that releasably connect the triangular portion to the third rectilinear portion.6. The animal blanket of wherein the second rectilinear portion is ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Animal Coat System

Номер: US20130276719A1
Автор: Carl Bart Ferrando
Принадлежит: Individual

The animal coat system comprises a two layer coat system for small animals or dogs. The bottom (base) layer provides warmth and also functions as a harness for the animal. Velcro type fasteners secure the base layer in place on the animal at several locations. The base layer has one or more D-rings allowing a leash to be attached. An upper layer attaches to the base layer at several points using Velcro, snap, or other fasteners. The upper layer has a keyhole opening so that the D-ring on the base layer can pass through to accommodate a leash. The upper layer is available in a variety of fabric types for providing extra warmth, weather protection, or fashion. The base layer can be used without the upper layer, but the upper layer cannot be used without the base layer.

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130284111A1

Disclosed are embodiments of airflow applicators used for delivering directional, heated air to, for example, the scalp and hair of humans and/or animals to eliminate ectoparasites, such as lice and lice eggs. In preferred embodiments, the applicators are configured to deliver heated airflow (from a separate device, or from another portion of a single device, that generates heated airflow) efficiently right to where ectoparasites and their eggs most frequently reside. Also disclosed are treatment methods, including preferred treatment patterns, for delivering heated airflows for use in eliminating ectoparasites and their eggs on an animal. 1. An applicator for delivering airflow to treat an animal having a lice infestation to substantially eliminate both lice and lice eggs from the animal , the applicator comprising:an applicator base configured to be coupled with a blower;an applicator tip connected with the applicator base; anda plurality of elongated fingers on the applicator tip, wherein at least a subset of the fingers comprise ports for delivering an airflow, and wherein at least substantially all of the ports open on the same side of the fingers such that the applicator tip delivers at least substantially all of the airflow laterally of the applicator on only a delivery side of the applicator.2. The applicator of claim 1 , wherein the applicator tip is configured to be removed from the applicator base.3. The applicator of claim 2 , wherein the applicator comprises at least one of tabs claim 2 , hinges claim 2 , snap rings claim 2 , detents claim 2 , clasps claim 2 , and tongue-and-groove elements to detachably couple the applicator tip with the applicator base.4. The applicator of claim 2 , wherein the applicator tip is disposable.5. The applicator of claim 2 , wherein the applicator is configured to deter a user from using the applicator tip more than once.6. The applicator of claim 5 , wherein the applicator is configured to provide for at least one of ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Pet Cleaning Apparatus

Номер: US20130305998A1

A pet cleaning apparatus comprises a portable lightweight self-contained pre-pressurizable fluid control and mix delivery station , a glove device for outputting fluid, and a connecting member for connecting the station and the glove device , thus facilitating simultaneous petting, holding and cleaning of a pet with a single hand. Preferably pressurizing is achieved via a hand pump . Preferably the glove device incorporates a pressure activated system, so that fluid is outputted when pressure is applied to a coat of a pet. Distance outputting may also be provided, thus providing multiple variable output options for a user. 1. A pet cleaning apparatus , comprising: a fluid containment chamber;', 'a mechanism for pressurizing said fluid containment chamber so that fluid is outputtable under pressure;', at least one mix addition holding chamber;', 'at least one mix addition compartment;', 'at least one mix addition holder,, 'at least one of, 'a mixing system configured to facilitate mixing of at least one mix addition with a fluid, thus outputting a mixed fluid from the station; and', 'a housing for substantially housing said comprising elements of the station;, 'a self-contained, portable, lightweight, pre-pressurizable fluid control and mix delivery station, itself comprising a wearable housing, wearable about a hand of a user; and', 'at least one fluid output point located about a palm of the device;', 'a connecting member configured to connect the station and the glove device, so that pressurized fluid outputted from the station is connectably outputtable from the at least one fluid output point about the palm of the glove device, thus facilitating simultaneous petting, holding, and cleaning of a pet by a user with a single hand; and', 'a manual selecting element configured so that manipulation of the selecting element by a user manipulates the mixing system, thus allowing mixing to be manually controlled by a user., 'a glove device, itself comprising2. A pet ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Blind animal halo guide

Номер: US20130306001A1
Автор: Bordeaux Silvie

A blind animal halo guide that is in the form of a harness, having a neck cushion that fits around the top circumference of the animal's neck to guide and protect the visually impaired animal from bumping into objects, causing injury or harm to the animal. The neck cushion holds a protective halo in place around the dogs head protecting its head, eyes, nose, and shoulders. The halo provides protection for the blind or visually impaired animal, from bumping into objects, while enabling the animal to feel its way around to participate in activities. This device specifically provides protection and guidance for the visually impaired animal, while also providing maximum comfort and does not inhibit the animal's movements, so the animal can lick itself, eat, drink, nap, sleep and participate in other normal daily living activities. 1A neck cushion that sits on the top circumference portion of the animal's neck. Said neck cushion is attached to the animal, by a collar or a harness. Said neck cushion sits on the upper portion circumference of the neck and allows the animal to move its neck up and down, for licking, eating, drinking and sleeping comfortably without any obstructions to get in the way.A semi rigid and flexible halo, that is connected to the said neck cushion which holds the said halo in a protective position around the animal's head area. Said neck cushion can be attached around the animal's neck by a collar or a harness, to secure the said neck cushion in place on the upper portion and circumference of the animal's neck area.At least one fastener for the said halo to be attached to the said neck cushion. The said fasteners hold the said halo in place securely, onto the said neck cushion in its protective position to guide the animal and to protect the animals head, eyes, nose, and shoulders from bumping into objects.. A blind animal halo guide comprising: The following is a tabulation of some prior art that presently appears relevant:A device for blind ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Hair Treatment Apparatus

Номер: US20130312780A1
Принадлежит: Radiancy Inc

A treatment apparatus for hair constituted of: a comb like assembly constituted of a base member and a plurality of teeth extending from the base member; a motion sensor fixed in relation to the comb like assembly and arranged to output a signal indicative of motion of the comb like assembly; a control circuitry in communication with the motion sensor; and a heat source arranged to provide heat to hair strands disposed between the plurality of teeth of the comb like assembly, wherein the control circuitry is arranged to interrupt the heat source in the absence of motion of the comb like assembly.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130319345A1
Автор: Freidell James E.
Принадлежит: HAIR PATROL LLC

A grooming tool is disclosed that includes a vacuum nozzle attachable to a vacuum source and has a hollow body with a mouth opening. A grooming device selected from a variety of animal grooming hand tools, such as a comb-like grooming blade comprising sharp edges, may span the mouth opening. The grooming device is positioned such that the airflow created by the vacuum source flows over at least one side of the grooming device. A vacuum cleaning tool for removing any animal hair from a grooming tool is also disclosed. A vacuum plenum of the cleaning tool is attachable to a vacuum source and has an opening for cleaning the grooming tool in one pass. The cleaning tool can be mounted on a stationary support may also include a pivot-action mechanism that connects the vacuum grooming tool or the cleaning tool to the vacuum source. 1. An apparatus comprising:a vacuum nozzle comprising a hollow body terminating in a mouth opening and adapted to be attached to a vacuum source; anda grooming blade spanning the mouth opening, the grooming blade having two sides and comprising a plurality of teeth supported by a common blade structure, each tooth comprises a blunt apex, at least one side and two edges descending from the apex to the common blade structure, at least one edge of each tooth is formed sharp and substantially perpendicular to at least one side of the tooth; at least a plurality of the sharp teeth edges collectively are substantially perpendicular to one side of the grooming blade; the common blade structure has edges located between supported teeth that are configured blunt; and the grooming blade is positioned geometrically coplanar with, or at an angle acute to, a plane perpendicular to a theoretical plane parallel to the mouth opening to allow negative airflow created by the vacuum source to flow over at least one of the two sides of the grooming blade, wherein, during grooming operations, as the grooming blade is pushed or pulled across a pet's coat, the ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130327282A1
Автор: SEBÖ Gyula

The invention relates to a dog harness equipped with a covering cover comprising a blanketing saddle part covered by a covering cover, within that a middle portion hollow on one side and domed on the other side, and two side portions, on which side portions a chest strap is attached to trace straps, connecting the two side portions at the height of the trace straps, furthermore a back strap crossing the trace straps is attached directly to the covering cover in the continuation of a belly strap, wherein the covering cover () consists of at least two pieces, covering sheet-A () and covering sheet-B (), connected to each other in a connection strip portion (), furthermore at least two through openings () are made in the covering cover (). 1891011148) A dog harness equipped with a covering cover comprising a blanketing saddle part covered by a covering cover , within that a middle portion hollow on one side and domed on the other side , and two side portions , on which side portions a chest strap is attached to trace straps , connecting the two side portions at the height of the trace straps , furthermore a back strap crossing the trace straps is attached directly to the covering cover in the continuation of a belly strap , characterized in that the covering cover () consists of at least two pieces , covering sheet-A () and covering sheet-B () , connected to each other in a connection strip portion () , furthermore at least two through openings () are made in the covering cover ().211415) The dog harness equipped with a covering cover () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the through openings () are fixed with through opening edging seams ().31910) The dog harness equipped with a covering cover () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the light-absorbing ability of covering sheet-A () and covering sheet-B () is different.41128) The dog harness equipped with a covering cover () according to claim 1 , characterized in that there is a waterproof sheet () ...

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130333628A1

A pet vest adapted to safely secure weights to a pet to improve the health benefits of exercise and a method for using same. 1. A garment for pets comprising:a body hugging material having compressive properties; anda compartment, wherein said compartment is integrated with said body hugging material and wherein said compartment is strategically located to minimize any adverse impact to a wearer of said garment.2. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising:a cutout wherein said cutout is large enough to surround a canine's leg.3. The garment of claim 1 , further comprising reflective piping.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein a thermal agent is placed in said compartment.5. The garment of wherein said thermal agent has a temperature below ambient.6. The garment of wherein said thermal agent has a temperature above the normal body temperature of the wearer.7. The garment of claim 1 , wherein a body conforming weight material is placed in said compartment.8. The garment of claim 7 , wherein said weight material is removable from said weight compartment without damaging said garment.9. The garment of claim 8 , wherein application of said weight material enhances blood flow.10. The garment of claim 8 , wherein application of said weight material decreases blood flow.11. The garment of claim 7 , wherein said weight material is steel shot.12. The garment of claim 1 , wherein said body hugging material has multi-directional stretching properties.13. The garment of additionally comprising panels lacking multi-directional stretching properties.14. A pet fitness garment comprising:a compartment, said compartment having a closeable opening wherein body conforming material may be inserted or removed through said opening; said compartment being positioned on said garment to increase the therapeutic benefit from use of said garment while decreasing the therapeutic detriment associated with use of said garment; andsaid garment having multi-directional compressive properties that ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Lighted Flea Comb

Номер: US20130343041A1

An improved flea comb apparatus can be used to remove fleas from animals such as cats, dogs, and the like and advantageously includes a retractable flea comb and lights that are automatically illuminated when the flea comb is in a deployed condition. The lights attract fleas and aid in their removal by providing an intensity of light at the undercoat region of an animal that has not previously been conveniently provided. The lights also assist the user in identifying fleas during combing of the animal.

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140000528A1

According to an aspect of the invention a device for braiding horse hair while minimizing damage to the horse hair is provided. The device includes at least one semi-rigid, resilient material being intertwined with the horse hair into a braid and to form and retain the braid into a decorative shape. In an embodiment, the at least one semi-rigid, resilient material intertwined with the horse hair to form and retain a decorative shape. 1. A method of braiding horse hair while minimizing damage to the horse hair , comprising:partitioning the horse hair into at least a first section and a second section;gathering a first segment of a semi-rigid, resilient material with the first section of the horse hair;gathering a second segment of the semi-rigid, resilient material with the second section of the horse hair;shaping the at least first and second sections of horse hair and the first and second segments of the semi-rigid, resilient material into a braid; andfastening an end of the braid.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:further partitioning the horse hair into at least a third section of hair.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:forming the semi-rigid, resilient material into at least the first segment and the second segment, the first segment and the second segment extending from a central section of the semi-rigid, resilient material.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:positioning the braid into a decorative shape.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:looping the braid by pulling a first end of the first segment and a second end of the second segment together with the braid end up towards the base of the braid;pushing the first end and the second end into the base of the braid and pulling the first end and the second end through the base of the braid to form a loop in the braid.6. The method of claim 5 , further comprising:fastening the first end and the second end to retain the decorative shape.7. The method of claim 1 , further ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Sole for a foot of an animal

Номер: US20140007548A1
Автор: Ali Azfor, Sven Revheim
Принадлежит: Equine Fusion AS

A sole for the foot of an animal, where the sole is constructed such that during use it maintains a stable and unchanged position between the foot and the sole independent of the surface and independent of whether the foot is loaded during the down step or unloaded during the up step, and furthermore where the sole, when in use, forms a natural and dynamic bio-mechanical anatomical chamber which takes up frictional forces that arise between sole and foot in a self-adjusting way in relation to the forces that are applied. The sole has damping and energy control of forces caused by internal and external influencing factors, i.e., the animal's foot and the surface on which the sole is used, respectively.

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007817A1

A finger mitt for cleaning an animal's ear, the finger mitt including an elongated finger portion having a closed end and an open end, the finger portion being formed of a soft cloth and configured for receiving a user's finger extending through the open end towards the closed end. The finger mitt further including a cuff attached to the open end of the finger portion, the cuff for engaging the user's finger for securing the finger mitt to the user's finger. The finger mitt configured for removing wax and/or other debris from an animal's ear. 1. A finger mitt for cleaning an animal's ear comprising:an elongated finger portion having a closed end and an open end, the finger portion being formed of a soft cloth and configured for receiving a user's finger extending through the open end towards the closed end;a cuff attached to the open end, the cuff for engaging the user's finger for securing the finger mitt thereto;the finger mitt configured for removing wax and/or other debris from an animal's ear.2. The finger mitt according to wherein the finger portion is made from a terry cloth.3. The finger mitt according to wherein the cuff portion is ribbed.4. The finger mitt according to wherein the cuff portion is elastic.5. The finger mitt according to wherein the finger portion is made of a single piece of material sewn along a side thereof and around the closed end claim 1 , the finger portion defining a finger cavity for receiving a user's finger.6. The finger mitt according to wherein the finger portion is made from an absorbent material for holding an ear wash solution.7. The finger mitt according to wherein the finger portion is configured to hold an ear wash solution in a range from about 2 ml to about 3.5 ml.8. The finger mitt according to wherein the finger portion is configured to hold an ear wash solution in a range from about 2.5 ml to about 3.0 ml.9. The finger mitt according to wherein the finger portion has a length in a range of about 2.25 inches to about 3 ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007819A1
Автор: Garrou Donna Gaye
Принадлежит: Garrouzoo, Inc.

A cover for protecting a surgical site wound on an animal includes a rectangular main body, a hole through the main body, and a strap. The body includes a first end and a second end including a tab joinable to the first end under the animal's neck. The main body includes a fabric on a first side and the fabric on a second side opposite the first side. The hole is designed to allow an esophagostomy tube to pass through the main body and to inhibit tearing of the rectangular main body by including stitching around the aperture. The strap is coupled to the first side of the main body. The strap is between the first end and the second end. The strap extends substantially across a short side of the rectangular main body. The strap is configured to secure the esophagostomy tubes against the cover. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. A cover for protecting a surgical site wound on an animal , the cover comprising:a rectangular main body including a first end and a second end including a tab including hook and loop fastener material, the tab joinable to the first end under the animal's neck, the main body comprising a fabric on a first side and the fabric on a second side, the second side opposite the first side,a hole through the main body, the hole designed to allow an esophagostomy tube to pass through the main body and to inhibit tearing of the rectangular main body by including stitching around the aperture, anda strap coupled to the first side of the main body, the strap between the first end and the second end, the strap extending substantially across a short side of the rectangular main body, the strap configured to secure the esophagostomy tube against the cover.5. The cover of claim 4 , further comprising a loop configured to allow connection of identification or medical tags.6. The cover of claim 4 , wherein the hole comprises a slit.7. A collar for an animal claim 4 , the collar comprising:a collar body including a first side, a second, and padding between ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140026822A1
Автор: Harris, II John Robert

A grooming device includes hair collectors and a scraper. The scraper uncovers the hair collectors when the device is pressed down for use, and scrapes the hair collectors to eject hair collected when the device is released. Ejection of collected hair can also be controlled manually. A collection chamber may be provided, and multiple combs may be mounted on a rotatable dowel that recede within the rotatable barrel, or with sliding plates around and offset from the dowel as the dowel is rotated. A door or window on a surface of the collection chamber can be opened to empty the chamber of collected hair. 1. A grooming device for removing loose hair or fur to be groomed , comprising:a grooming device main body;at least one set of hair collecting elements fixedly attached to the grooming device main body and extending outwardly from said grooming device main body, said at least one set of hair collecting elements being removably engageable with hair or fur to be groomed; andat least one hair dislodging element having at least one hair dislodging surface movably positioned adjacent to said at least one set of hair collecting elements and configured to dislodge hair collected on said at least one set of hair collecting elements from said at least one set of hair collecting elements when said at least one hair dislodging element is moved adjacent to said at least one set of hair collecting elements, said at least one hair dislodging element being slidably engaged with said at least one set of hair collecting elements for movement of said at least one hair dislodging element between a first position in which at least one set of hair collecting elements are exposed and extending beyond said at least one hair dislodging surface and a second position in which said at least one set of hair collecting elements are not extending beyond said at least one hair dislodging surface, said at least one hair dislodging element being biased to be in said second position in which said at ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Reduced Weight Equine Orthotic Pad and Method

Номер: US20140033661A1
Автор: Ruetenik Monty L.

There is disclosed an improved shock absorbing, light-weight, thermally insulative orthotic pad designed for use in a pad and boot assembly for hoofed livestock. The pad is comprised of a mixture of small particles, preferably spheroids, and elastomeric materials. In a preferred embodiment, elastomeric material generally is more concentrated at the top portion of the pad, and particles dispersed in a matrix of elastomeric material concentrated at the bottom section of the pad. The particles have a lower density than the elastomeric materials and possess better thermally insulative properties, and in a particularly preferred embodiment, at least some of the particles are comprised of closed-cell polypropylene foam. A method of making the light weight pad is also disclosed 1. An orthotic pad for use in an equine boot comprising a solid elastomer having a hardness of no greater than 70 Shore A and having discrete small particles with a hardness of at least 90 Shore A dispersed therein , wherein the spheroid materials are of lower density than the elastomer and wherein the particles are immovably encased in the elastomer.2. The pad in wherein the orthotic pad has an upper portion above a centerline of the pad and a lower portion below a centerline of the pad and wherein the lower portion of the pad has a greater concentration of particles dispersed in the elastomeric material of the pad.3. The pad of wherein the particles have cross sections or diameters in the range of one (1) to six (6) mm.4. The pad of wherein the particles are comprised of materials selected from the group consisting of: polypropylene claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , high density polyethylene claim 1 , ethylene propylene diene monomer claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , polystyrene claim 1 , polybutadiene claim 1 , styrene-butadiene rubber claim 1 , and polyvinyl chloride.5. The pad of claim 4 , wherein at the particles are spheroids and are comprised of closed-cell expanded polypropylene.6. The pad of ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140033985A1
Автор: Santiago Joseph

This invention is a nail file for pets! It is made of similar materials used to construct commercial grade emery boards for human use, but with a grit and sturdiness that is designed for a pets thicker and harder claw. The pad is a safe alternative to trim claws over cutting them with dangerous clips that can potentially cut into blood vessels and/or nerves beneath the claw, or the noisy motorized trimmers that are found to cause trauma to animals by frightening them. 1-The filing pad comprising of an abrasive front side is used for the purpose of safely filing a dog claw.2-It can be conveniently placed and removed from any gate or clean flat surface. Very excited or nervous pets often scratch and hurt one's skin when innocently vying for attention or playing. As well as ruining expensive flooring, carpets, doors and furniture. Not maintaining a dog's claws could not only lead to the previously described destruction, but could also cause health problems for the animal. Such as ingrown nails, split nails, paw and joint problems. The current home motorized rotary sanders just cause more trauma to the dog by scaring them immensely. And with clippers most pet owners are aware that there are blood vessels and nerves that supply the nail, called the quick, that are inside of each dog claw that could easily cause injury if cut. Because of this danger or the simple fact that trimming these claws at home is just too troublesome, owners resort paying to have this done professionally. Even when paying to have it done, the groomer may resort to sedating the animal to complete the job.To alleviate all the problems associated with trimming dog nails both in home and professionally, this invention allows the pet to simply trim their own claws by simply installing the invention anywhere the dog scratches repeatedly. It can be easily hung on a pet gate or even attached to a door or wall and removed when needed. The additional advantage is that there is no need for a pet owner to ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041597A1
Автор: Van Der Poel Hans

A rotatable livestock brush has a rotation axis and a brush surface configured to be brought into contact with a contact region of a body of a livestock animal. The brush surface includes at least a first region having first pressure-transfer properties, and a second region having second pressure-transfer properties which differ from the first pressure-transfer properties. A plane at a right angle to the rotation axis intersects both the first and second regions. The brush has a cylinder shape with a central cylinder axis. The rotation axis is eccentric and in a position which differs from a position of the central cylinder axis. Upon rotation, the brush massages the body of the livestock animal in the contact region thereof by transferring the varying pressures onto the body of the animal by successively bringing the first and second brush surface regions into contact with the body of the animal. 1. A rotatable livestock brush , comprising:a rotation axis; anda brush surface configured to be brought into contact with a contact region of a body of a livestock animal to transfer varying pressures onto a contact region of the body of the livestock animal, the brush surface comprising at least a first region having first pressure-transfer properties and a second region having second pressure-transfer properties, the first pressure-transfer properties being different from the second pressure-transfer properties, a plane at a right angle to the rotation axis intersecting both the first region and the second region,wherein the brush has a cylinder shape with a central cylinder axis, the rotation axis being eccentric and having a position which differs from a position of the central cylinder axis, andwherein the brush, upon rotation thereof, massages the body of the livestock animal in the contact region thereof by transferring the varying pressures onto the body of the livestock animal by successively bringing the first and second brush surface regions into contact with ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140041599A1
Автор: SEBÖ Gyula

The object of the invention is a swimming vest for dogs comprising an outer covering, at least one swimming pad placed into an openable pocket portion, an inner covering, and a strap closing element enclosing the body of the dog, these together forming a blanket, close-fitting on the body of the dog like a diving suit, which allows the water training, rehabilitation treatment of dogs unable to swim due to bodily injury or breed characteristics, and can also be used as a life vest. 17489. A swimming vest for dogs comprising an outer covering forming a blanket , at least one pocket portion , at least one swimming pad placed into the pocket portion , and an inner covering it at least partially , characterized in that the blanket () is equipped with at least one strap closing element () enclosing the body of the dog , with adjustable length , furthermore at least one swimming pad () is placed into a pocket portion () in a releasable manner.2173. The swimming vest for dogs () according to claim 1 , characterized in that the blanket () has a handle ().31127. The swimming vest for dogs () according to claims 1 , characterized in that a leash ring () is fixed on the blanket ().41127. The swimming vest for dogs () according to claim 2 , characterized in that a leash ring () is fixed on the blanket (). The object of the invention is a swimming vest for dogs comprising an outer covering, at least one swimming pad placed into an openable pocket portion, an inner covering, and a strap closing element enclosing the body of the dog, these together forming a blanket, close-fitting on the body of the dog like a diving suit, which allows the water training, rehabilitation treatment of dogs unable to swim due to bodily injury or breed characteristics, and can also be used as a life vest.By nature, dogs are born for action. Many pure and mixed breed dogs suffer from a young age from musculoskeletal, primarily spinal and extremity joint problems that can be treated only with costly and ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Dog flotation devices and life vests having safety flags

Номер: US20140045395A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dog flotation device with safety flag includes a flotation vest having a central panel adapted to cover the back of a dog, and a safety flag including a flag staff having a lower end connected with the flotation vest and an upper end remote from the lower end. The safety flag includes a motion-activated light connected to the upper end of the flag staff and a flag attached to the flag staff below the motion-activated light. One or more buoyant elements are incorporated into the flotation vest for providing buoyancy to the dog flotation device. The motion-activated light includes an LED light, a power source, a motion detector for detecting movement of the motion-activated light, and a circuit for activating said LED light in response to the detection of motion by the motion detector.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

All-in-one Pet Garment

Номер: US20140053790A1
Автор: Rumps Mystique

An integrated pet outfit that combines pet clothing with pet shoes and provides protection against inclement weather and outdoor elements as well as reducing the transmission of dirt and grime from outdoors into the owners home. The integration of the body covering, leggings and shoes minimizes exposure to the elements and prevents the loss or accidental removal of individual shoes. 1. A pet apparel apparatus comprising:a torso element for receiving a torso of an animal;an opening for receiving a head of the animal;a set of leggings, said set of leggings including materials for receiving legs of the animal and for receiving paws of the animal;a set of attachments disposed on the torso element, said set of attachments having a male portion and a female portion, wherein the male portion corresponds to the female portion, wherein the set of attachments enclose the animal therein; andanother opening for receiving a rear of the animal.2. The pet apparel apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the another opening comprises an opening for one or more of the following parts of the animal: croup claim 1 , tail claim 1 , rump claim 1 , hip claim 1 , and flank.3. The pet apparel apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a hood coupled to the torso element.4. The pet apparel apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the torso element claim 1 , the set of leggings claim 1 , and the set of attachments are connected as an integrated piece.5. The pet apparel apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the torso element and the set of leggings comprises being connected by hidden seams.6. The pet apparel apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a restricting device disposed on a lower end of the set of leggings.7. The pet apparel apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a sole disposed at each end of the set of leggings.8. A pet garment apparatus comprising:a torso element for receiving a torso of an animal;an opening for receiving a head of the animal;a ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Inflatable pool for dogs

Номер: US20140059760A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A dog pool provides a convenient, easy-to-use product for dogs to swim in, or fun, exercise and therapy. The dog pool is durable, portable, easy to set up and easy to store. Because the dog pool is made of inflatable PVC tarpaulin material, it can be made larger and deeper than conventional pools and still be easy to store, set up and move. A step can be included along at least a portion of one wall on the inside of the dog pool to assist the dog in getting themselves out of the pool. A ramp can be included on the outside of the pool, adjacent to the pool wall, to assist a dog in entering, and exiting, the pool. The pool walls and floor are typically formed as in integral unit, further increasing easy of set up and use.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Protective Shoe for Birds

Номер: US20140059892A1
Автор: Kosanke Tobi

A protective shoe for birds accommodate toes and/or pads of a bird's foot and includes a shoe body having an upper surface and a sole, and defining bird toe covers corresponding in number to the number of front toes of the bird's foot. An ankle cuff is connected to the shoe body and has an ankle closure system formed to secure about an ankle of the bird's foot. A closure tab is connected to the shoe body and has a closure system formed to tighten the shoe body to the bird's foot. 1. A bird shoe to accommodate at least one of toes and pads of a bird's foot , the shoe comprising: having an upper surface and a sole; and', "defining bird toe covers corresponding in number to the number of front toes of the bird's foot;"], 'a shoe bodyan ankle cuff connected to the shoe body and having an ankle closure system formed to secure about an ankle of the bird's foot; anda closure tab connected to the shoe body and having a closure system formed to tighten the shoe body to the bird's foot.2. The bird shoe according to claim 1 , wherein the bird toe covers include at least one of:an open toe sleeve;open toe sleeves;a closed toe sleeve;closed toe sleeves; anda toe slit.3. The bird shoe according to claim 2 , wherein the bird toe covers include three toe slits or toe sleeves on a front of the shoe body and one toe slit or toe sleeve on a rear of the shoe body.4. The bird shoe according to claim 2 , wherein the bird toe covers include two toe slits or toe sleeves on a front of the shoe body and two toe slits or toe sleeves on a rear of the shoe body.5. The bird shoe according to claim 4 , wherein the bird toe covers are open toe sleeves set to a length that allows nail tips of the bird to be exposed and claim 4 , thereby claim 4 , provide secure grip when climbing and perching.6. The bird shoe according to claim 2 , wherein the bird toe covers include a linked set of toe coverings on a front of the shoe body and one toe slit or toe sleeve on a rear of the shoe body.7. The bird shoe ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140060442A1
Принадлежит: Chompers, LLC

Described herein are animal feeding apparatuses that include a plurality of protrusions extending into a feeding well. The protrusions clean the teeth or gums of an animal as it feeds from the feeding well. Also described herein are methods of cleaning an animal's teeth with such a bowl and animal s that feed from such a bowl. 1. An animal feeding apparatus comprising:a bowl that includes a base and a side wall, wherein the bowl defines a feeding well; anda plurality of protrusions extending into the feeding well from the base and from the side wall of the bowl.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bowl further includes a central hub.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein protrusions extend into the feeding well from the central hub.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the side wall of the bowl defines a circular shape.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions are spaced apart from one another by a distance of between 0.5 centimeters and 2.6 centimeters.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions define a triangular cross-sectional shape.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions define a circular cross-sectional shape.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions extend into the feeding well a distance of between 0.9 centimeters and 3.2 centimeters.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions define a radial thickness of between 0.15 centimeters to 0.7 centimeters.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the protrusions have a length to radial thickness ratio of between 20:1 and 2:1.11. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the protrusions define a first radial thickness at a first location and a second radial thickness at a second location claim 1 , wherein the first radial thickness is greater than the second radial thickness and wherein the first location is more proximal to the bowl than the second location.12. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Insertion Guide for Animal Footwear

Номер: US20140061260A1
Автор: JR. Waldemar F., Kissel

Disclosed is a paw insertion device. In one embodiment, the device includes two pivotally interconnected arms. Each of the arm can include a paw insertion guide at a distal end. The insertion guides are designed to be inserted into an article of animal footwear. The opposite grip ends of the arms can then be brought together to spread apart the insertion guide and permit the animal paw to be easily positioned within the footwear. A lock subassembly is also included for permitting the insertion device to be locked in the opened position. 12020. A device () for inserting an animal paw into an article of footwear (F) , the device () having opened and closed positions and comprising:{'b': 22', '22', '34', '36', '62', '60', '22', '74', '36', '22, 'a pair of arms (), each arm () including a grip end (), a stretcher end (), and a geared surface () positioned therebetween, an aperture () formed within the arm (), a slot () formed at the stretcher end () of the arm ();'}{'b': 64', '64', '66', '68', '72', '66', '68', '66', '68', '74', '22', '64', '36', '22, 'a pair of paw guides (), each paw guide () including a insertion portion () and a funnel portion (), a connector () for releasably interconnecting the insertion portion () to the funnel portion (), the insertion portion () being connected to the funnel portion () through one of the slots () in the arms (), whereby each paw guide () is secured to the stretcher end () of a respective arm ();'}{'b': 42', '20', '42', '44', '46', '24', '56', '54', '56', '46', '42', '60', '22', '56', '24', '22, 'a lock () for keeping the device () in the opened position, lock () includes a geared surface () and a shaft (), a hinge plate () with a spindle (), a Belleville spring washer () positioned about the spindle (), the shaft () of lock () positioned through the apertures () within arms () and secured within the spindle () of the hinge plate (), whereby the arms () are pivotally interconnected;'}{'b': 20', '66', '64', '20', '34', '36', '54 ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Disinfestation Process

Номер: US20140069348A1
Принадлежит: SOLVAY SA

Process for controlling the development of parasites in an animal environment equipped with an air introduction device, according to which a parasiticidal powder composition is introduced into the air introduction device, preferably according to which the air introduction device comprises one or more point(s) of introduction of air into the animal environment located close to the animal droppings. The invention also relates to the use of the process, to the use of a parasiticidal composition in an air introduction device for controlling the development of parasites in an animal environment, to a device for controlling the development of parasites in the animal environment, and to a livestock building equipped with such a device. 1. A process for controlling the development of parasites in an animal environment equipped with an air introduction device , comprising introducing a parasiticidal powder composition into said air introduction device.2. (canceled)3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said air introduction device is an airing device comprising at least one appliance that forces the airing of said animal environment claim 1 , and wherein said parasiticidal composition is introduced upstream or downstream of said at least one appliance that forces the airing.4. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said air introduction device is a permanent ventilation device of said animal environment.5. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said air introduction device comprises at least one point for introducing air into said animal environment claim 1 , and wherein said at least one point for introducing air is located close to animal droppings.6. The process according to claim 5 , wherein said air introduction device is a device aiming at drying partially said animal droppings.7. The process according to claim 1 , wherein said parasiticidal powder composition consists of particles claim 1 , and wherein said particles have a particle size distribution ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140069351A1

A vest can be worn by a visually impaired pet, such as a dog, to help the pet navigate without hurting themselves by bumping into walls or objects. The vest includes plastic tubing with wire woven therein. The tubing is shaped like a halo that surrounds the front and sides of the pet's head. Should the visually impaired pet run into an object or wall, the halo will hit before their head hits and the pet will turn away before injuring themselves. The vest can be worn about their torso with their front legs fitting in leg holes of the vest. The vest can be adjustable to fit a range of pet sizes. The halo can also be adjustable to provide safe navigation of the pet. Typically, the vest is designed for dogs, but other visually impaired pets or animals may benefit by using the vest. 1. A dog vest comprising:a vest body;first and second front leg holes formed in the vest body;at least one attachment mechanism disposed at ends of the vest body, the at least one attachment mechanism operable to secure the vest body around a dog's body, attaching at a top location thereof;first and second tubing channels attached to opposite sides of the vest body;tubing extending from the tubing channels, the tubing extending beyond a dog's head when the dog vest is worn by a dog;a first wire extending from the first tubing channel and terminating inside the tubing; anda second sire extending from the second tubing channel and terminating inside the tubing, whereinthe first and second wires are secured to the vest body inside the tubing channels.2. The dog vest of claim 1 , wherein the at least one attachment mechanism includes a hook and loop fastener.3. The dog vest of claim 1 , further comprising first and second straps attached to each end of the vest body claim 1 , the first strap having a male connector and the second strap having a female connector claim 1 , the male and female connectors attaching together to secure the dog vest to the dog.4. The dog vest of claim 3 , wherein the ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083367A1

An insecticide impregnated strip configured for convenient and reliable attachment to conventional animal ear tags. The insecticide strip comprises an elongated integrally molded member having a key-hole shaped aperture formed in an upper portion thereof, enabling the elongated strip to be pendularly suspended from the ear tag. Various methods are disclosed for attaching the strip to different types of known ear tags. 1. A method of attaching an insecticide carrying strip to an animal ear tag that is installed in the ear of an animal , wherein the ear tag includes a component having a substantially circular flange positioned on a side of the ear of the animal , and further wherein the strip comprises an elongated flexible plastic member having an aperture formed in an upper portion of the strip , the aperture having a completely closed boundary and an overall length substantially equal to the diameter of said circular flange , the aperture being configured so as to present a substantially closed static condition wherein the size of the aperture opening is minimized and substantially smaller than the diameter of said circular flange , and an open condition wherein the size of the aperture opening is enlarged sufficiently to permit passage therethrough of said circular flange , comprising the steps of:flexing said plastic member adjacent said aperture so as to cause said aperture to expand from said static closed condition to said open condition,inserting said circular flange completely through said opened aperture, andallowing said aperture to return to said substantially closed static condition so that said insecticide strip is positioned between said circular flange and the ear of the animal.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the circular flange is connected to a substantially cylindrical post that extends through the ear of the animal claim 1 , and including the further step of positioning the post in a substantially circular hole portion of the aperture.3. The ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Insecticide strip and combination with identification ear tag

Номер: US20140083368A1
Принадлежит: Y Tex Corp

An insecticide impregnated strip configured for convenient and reliable attachment to conventional animal ear tags. The insecticide strip comprises an elongated integrally molded member having a key-hole shaped aperture formed in an upper portion thereof, enabling the elongated strip to be pendularly suspended from the ear tag. Various methods are disclosed for attaching the strip to different types of known ear tags.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140083373A1
Автор: Hoffmann Max

This invention concerns an animal cover comprising a piece of fabric with an extended surface area and at least one spike mat - Each spike mat - is arranged and fixed in place on the side of the piece of fabric that is in contact with the animal, with the spikes -of the spike mat facing in towards the animal. 1. An animal cover comprising a piece of fabric with an extended surface area and at least one spike mat arranged and attached to one side of the piece of fabric that lies in contact with the animal , with the spikes of the spike mat facing in towards the animal.2. The animal cover according to claim 1 , where the spike mat is located in such a manner that the spike mat lies in contact with the muscles of the back and the lower back of the animal when the animal cover lies on the animal.3. The animal cover according to claim 2 , where the active spikes of the spike mat are located in two regions arranged on each side of the spine of the animal claim 2 , with a region that is free of spikes between them.4. The animal cover according to claim 1 , where the spike mat is located in such a manner that the spike mat will lie in contact with the shoulder muscles of the animal when the animal cover lies on the animal.5. The animal cover according to claim 4 , where the spike mat lies in contact with the shoulder muscles of the animal on one side.6. The animal cover according to claim 1 , comprising fabric additions arranged in the region at which the spike mat is present in order to place the animal cover under load and to press the spike mat against the animal.7. The animal cover according to claim 6 , where the fabric additions comprise a coarser fabric or similar material claim 6 , or another type of material with an extended surface area that has weight.8. The animal cover according to claim 6 , where the fabric additions are arranged on the outer surface of the animal cover claim 6 , the side of the animal cover that faces out away from the animal.9. The animal ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090606A1
Автор: Heacox Dana
Принадлежит: Agventures, LLC

An ozone delivery system, method, and apparatus are disclosed. Ozonated water can be used to disinfect and dean various surfaces, equipment, and animals in a dairy setting. Animals can be disinfected and protected from disease through the use of wash-pen and sprayer injections, and other footbath products. Ozone can be educted into a drop hose and a pre-dip line at periodic intervals and into a foot bath to provide refreshed ozonated water. The ozone delivery system and method sterilizes all equipment and floor surfaces without damaging diary equipment components. The system can incorporate computer-controlled options such as maintaining of gas levels, monitoring ozonated water levels, monitoring concentrations of ozone in said ozonated water, controlling entry and exit gates, controlling a drainage system, and monitoring and educting ozone in a foot bath and wash pen. 1. An ozone delivery system , comprising:ozonated water comprising ozone dissolved at preferable concentrations of 0.04 parts per million to 2.1 parts per million, said ozone educted into a low-pressure hose and a pre-dip line with ozonated water;an ozone delivery apparatus comprising:a programmable logic controller and a relay for computer-controlled automation for educting ozone into said ozonated water, wherein said programmable logic controller turns off said ozone generator based on set parameters regarding pressure and ambient ozone level readings from a dissolved ozone meter; anda surface for applying said ozonated water for disinfecting and cleaning said surface through said application of said ozonated water to said surface through a low-pressure hose, wherein said surface comprises an exterior of an animal.2. The system of wherein said dissolved ozone meter reads and displays a concentration of said ozone in said ozonated water claim 1 , wherein said programmable logic controller links a reading from said dissolved ozone meter to at least one of an alarm claim 1 , an online monitoring system ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140090607A1
Автор: Bilskie Larry, Dole Kevin

An apparatus for brushing cattle comprises a motor mounted to a fixed support structure, and the motor remains stationary during operation of the apparatus. A pivotal motor output shaft assembly is operatively connected to the motor, and disposed vertically and downwardly relative the motor; and, a brush is attached to the shaft assembly distal to the motor, wherein the motor drives the output shaft causing the brush to rotate. The motor may have a longitudinal disposed and a gear assembly is connected to the motor and the output shaft assembly. The shaft assembly is pivotal at a location along the shaft location between the brush and the motor and/or gear assembly. 1. An apparatus for brushing cattle , comprising:a motor mounted to a fixed support structure, and the motor remains stationary during operation of the apparatus;a shaft assembly operatively connected to the motor and disposed vertically and downwardly relative the motor;a brush attached to the shaft assembly distal to the motor, wherein the motor drives the output shaft causing the brush to rotate;wherein the shaft assembly is pivotal at a location along the shaft assembly between the brush and the motor.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shaft assembly includes a pivoting joint disposed between the motor and the brush.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the shaft assembly includes a first shaft connected to the motor claim 2 , a second shaft connected to the brush and the pivoting joint connecting the first shaft to the second shaft.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the pivoting joint includes a universal joint.5. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the pivoting joint includes flexible cable.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shaft assembly includes a first shaft section that is flexible and operatively connected to the motor at a first end claim 1 , and is connected to a second rigid shaft section at a second end thereof and the brush is mounted to the second rigid shaft.7. The ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Bird Support and Protection Device and Method of Supporting and Protecting a Bird

Номер: US20140096723A1
Автор: Kosanke Tobi

A bird support and protection device includes a body portion shaped to cover a crop of bird, being of a long-stretch material having a long-stretch direction, and having a top edge and an opposing bottom edge separated by first and second opposing side edges, a first securing strap attached to the first side edge parallel to the long-stretch direction, a second securing strap attached to the second side edge parallel to the long-stretch direction, the first and second securing straps being operable to be releasably secured at a back of the bird to attach the device to the bird such that the body portion substantially covers and supports the crop and to provide a non-constricting and adjustably secure fit. 1. A bird support and protection device , comprising: shaped to cover a crop of a bird;', 'being of a long-stretch material having a long-stretch direction; and', a top edge and an opposing bottom edge separated by first and second opposing side edges;', 'a first securing strap attached to the first side edge parallel to the long-stretch direction; and', to attach the device to the bird such that the body portion substantially covers and supports the crop; and', 'to provide a non-constricting and adjustably secure fit., 'a second securing strap attached to the second side edge parallel to the long-stretch direction, the first and second securing straps being operable to be releasably secured at a back of the bird], 'having], 'a body portion2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the body portion includes a main body and at least one of an outer panel and an inner liner attached thereto.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second securing straps are operable to be secured at the back of the bird to define a single point of attachment including one of a bow and a knot.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the first and second securing straps are operable to be secured at the back of the bird in two points of attachment including one ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Takedown pet nail grinder

Номер: US20160000039A1
Автор: Chou Kuo-Wei

A takedown pet nail grinder includes a rectangular, inclined platform including four downward extending tabs at four corners respectively, and front, rear, and two side stops wherein each of the front and rear stops have an inward bending part; two triangular side panels each including first projections formed on a first edge, second projections formed on a second edge, and third projections formed on a third edge; a rectangular rear panel including protrusions formed on both sides respectively; and a hard board disposed on a top surface of the platform. The tabs are inserted into the side panels for being positioned. The first, second, and third projections are inserted into the platform for being positioned. The protrusions are inserted into the side panels for being positioned. Front and rear ends of the hard board are restrained by the bending parts respectively. 1a rectangular, inclined platform including four downward extending tabs at four corners respectively, and front, rear, and two side stops wherein each of the front and rear stops have an inward bending part;two triangular side panels each including a plurality of first projections formed on a first edge, a plurality of second projections formed on a second edge, and a plurality of third projections formed on a third edge;a rectangular rear panel including a plurality of protrusions formed on both sides respectively; anda hard board disposed on a top surface of the platform;wherein the tabs are inserted into the side panels for being positioned; the first, second, and third projections are inserted into the platform for being positioned; the protrusions are inserted into the side panels for being positioned; and front and rear ends of the hard board are restrained by the bending parts respectively.. A pet nail grinder comprising: 1. Field of the InventionThe invention relates to nail grinders and more particularly to a takedown nail grinder for pet.2. Description of Related ArtA pet's nails (e.g., a dog ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Pet Protective Collar With Stays And Ventilation

Номер: US20160000040A1
Автор: Markfield Linda

A flexible pet protective collar having stays formed of a more rigid material than flexible sheets of the collar, the stays being disposed inside channels located at seams of the collar. The collar may have a plurality of vent holes. 1. A protective collar effective as a veterinary restraint when fitted on an animal , the protective collar comprising: a first sheet comprising a flexible substantially non-resilient material having inner and outer arcuate edges extending between a first end and a second end of the first sheet, the inner and outer arcuate edges comprising single circular arcs, wherein the outer arcuate edge has a substantially greater radius than the inner edge;', 'a second sheet comprising a flexible substantially non-resilient material and having a substantially similar shape to that of the first sheet;', 'a flexible resilient padding layer, forming a generally similar shape to the first and second sheets located between said first and second sheets, such that when assembled the first and second sheets and the padding layer form the layered assembly having an outer arcuate edge and an inner arcuate edge and a first end and a second end;', 'a vent hole disposed on an outside surface of the collar;', 'at least one stay connected to one of the sheets, for preventing the sheet from folding, the stay being effective to stiffen the overall shape of the collar;', 'the first sheet and the second sheet and the padding layer between them being formed into the assembly by securing together the outer arcuate edges and the inner arcuate edges and the first and second ends of the first and second sheets;', "a closure, effective to secure the first and second ends of the protective collar, such that when the first and second ends of the protective collar are secured, a closed configuration is formed having an inner opening and an outer opening, the inner opening being substantially smaller than the outer opening, wherein the outer opening is configured to encompass ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000041A1
Автор: Ricker Joshua J.

A device and method for securing an animal boot to an animal's foot is taught. The device includes a pair of handles, a securing means and a pair of jaws that are pivotally attached to the pair of handles by the securing means. When the pair of jaws are in a closed position, an open end of the animal boot is attached around the sides of the pair of jaws. Squeezing the pair of handles towards each other causes the pair of jaws to extend away from each other to an open position and also causes the pair of jaws to expand the open end of the animal boot. 1. A device for securing an animal boot having an open end and a closed end to an animal's foot , the device comprising:a pair of handles;a securing means;a pair of jaws pivotally attached to the pair of handles at the securing means;wherein the pair of jaws receive the open end of the animal boot; andwherein the pair of jaws expand the open end of the animal boot when the pair of handles are squeezed towards each other.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the size and shape of the pair of jaws in a closed configuration generally corresponds to the size and shape of the open end of the animal boot.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pair of jaws have a top section and a bottom section claim 1 , and wherein the bottom section is recessed from the top section.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the sides of the open end of the animal boot surround the sides of the bottom section.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the sides of the open end of the animal boot surround the sides of the pair of jaws.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein the pair of jaws have one or more protrusions extending outwardly for securing the animal boot to the pair of jaws.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein the size and shape of the pair of jaws in an open configuration is larger than the size and shape of the animal's foot.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein the animal boot is made of a flexible and elastic material.9. A method of attaching an animal ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Pet comb with elastic handle

Номер: US20180000044A1
Автор: Chen Cheng Lang

A pet comb generally includes a comb plate and a handle. The comb plate is provided with a plurality of comb strips at its front surface and a base portion at its rear surface. The handle is constructed of a spring element, which is attached with a connection portion and an enlarged main grip portion at two opposite ends thereof, and a covering, which has a concave neck portion formed integrally with the spring element, such that the enlarged main grip portion abuts on a rear end of the concave neck portion. The connection portion of the handle is fixedly attached to the base portion of the comb plate, such that the handle is at a predetermined angle to the comb plate. As such, the comb plate together with the comb strips can be easily operated by the handle to groom a pet. 1. A pet comb , comprising:a comb plate, which is curved forwardly and provided with a plurality of comb strips at a front surface thereof for brushing a pet's fur or hair and provided with a base portion at a rear surface thereof; anda handle constructed of a spring element and a covering formed into a concave neck portion, the spring element being fixedly attached with a connection portion at one end thereof and a main grip portion at an opposite end thereof, the covering is made of elastomer, the concave neck portion of the covering being integrally formed around the connection portion and the spring element, such that the main grip portion abuts on a rear end of the concave neck portion of the covering and gradually increases in cross dimension in a direction opposite to the concave neck portion of the covering till a maximum cross section being achieved and gradually decreases in cross dimension thereafter, the connection portion of the handle being fixedly attached to the base portion of the comb plate, whereby the comb plate together with the comb strips can be easily operated by the handle to groom a pet.2. The pet comb of claim 1 , wherein the spring element is in the form of a metal ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000047A1
Автор: Stone John James
Принадлежит: The Kong Company, LLC

The pet toy comprises a body resembling an animal such as a bird with a laser light source mounted in the body. The body is attached to an elongate flexible wand or spring. The opposite end of the elongate wand connects to a base. The base has a plurality of prongs that extend substantially perpendicular to the base. Each prong has a stem and an arm extending substantially perpendicular to the stem. The pet toy is mounted to a corrugated surface having gaps between layers of material, such as cardboard. The prongs are oriented to engage the surface so sufficient frictional engagement is achieved to keep the pet toy mounted when an animal makes contact with the pet toy. In another embodiment the pet toy is a brush with a base and plurality of prongs in the same configuration such that the brush can be mounted flush to the corrugated surface. 1. A pet toy comprising:a body having a laser light source mounted therein;a flexible extension having one end secured to said body; anda mounting base secured to an opposite end of said flexible extension, said mounting base including a plurality of spaced prongs, each of said prongs having a stem and an arm extending substantially perpendicular to said stem.2. A pet toy claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further including:feathers attached to the body resulting in the body resembling a bird.3. A pet toy claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , further including:said laser light source can be selectively turned on and off by a switch.4. A pet toy comprising:a body having a plurality of bristles extending from a first side the bodysaid bristles have tips arranged such that the tips of the bristles form a curved exterior surface;a second opposite side of the body having a flat surface with plurality of spaced prongs extending from the flat surface for mounting to a corrugated mounting surface.5. A method of entertaining an animal claim 1 , comprising:providing a pet toy including a body, a flexible extension having one end secured to said ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000059A1
Автор: Korth Julie E.

Dog wear with specific functions for dogs to aid in house training and other issues relating to dog training, specifically indoor marking and urination. The garment includes a pair of leg covering and can be formed to fit over the front legs or the rear legs of the pet. The garment can help to prevent pet accidents by having an absorbent underside portion. The underside portion may be selectively removable, or in some variations, the underside portion may be fully removed to allow the animal free access to relieve itself while still warming the pet and protecting the pet's skin in cold conditions, or for generally covering wounds or hot spots to allow the user to forgo the typical protective cone. 1. A method of placing a pet garment onto a pet , the method comprising the steps:placing a covering having a torso opening and a pair of leg openings onto the pet, said torso opening terminating into a stretchable band;each of said pair of leg openings terminated from a respective pair of garment legs having a first length;each of said pair of garment legs including a plurality of back stitches located about a seam running vertically along said garment legs;cutting one of said garment legs, thereby shortening said garment leg to a second length, wherein one of said plurality of back stitches prevents said garment leg from separating about said seam;placing a tail hole of said covering about a tail of the pet; andcapturing fluids from said pet with said covering.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said pair of leg openings are configured to encompass a rear pair of pet legs.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said pair of leg openings are configured to encompass a front pair of pet legs.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the steps:wherein said covering having an underside portion terminating in proximity with said tail hole; andabsorbing pet urine with said underside portion;5. The method of claim 4 , further comprising the steps:removing said underside portion.6. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000084A1
Автор: Joyner Ken Lamont

A manual apparatus () for cleaning dog's paws () includes a soft, flexible and porous elongated tapered tube having a closed end that slips snuggly over a dog's paw () for rotating to substantially scrape and remove debris () and absorb fluid. A utilization method is also included. 1. An apparatus for substantially cleaning a dog paw or the like comprises:a) at least one substantially elongated tube or the like made of at least one substantially soft and flexible material; of at least one predefined size to enable it to be securely gripped at least with at least one human hand,b) at least one substantially hollow core thereby enabling at least one paw of at least one dog to be at least substantially slipped therein to be at least substantially cleaned by making substantial contact with at least one interior surface of said hollow core.2. The apparatus of ; wherein said material is at least one foam or rubber.3. The apparatus of ; wherein said material is at least one substantially water absorbent spongy foam or rubber claim 1 , thereby enabling at least one liquid on said paw to be substantially absorbed when said contact is made.4. The apparatus of ; wherein said material enables dirt or debris or the like to be substantially scrapped off or removed from the resulting friction of said substantial contact.5. The apparatus of ; wherein said hollow core is substantially tapered claim 1 , thereby enabling said paw to fit increasingly snug as said paw goes deeper into said tube.6. The apparatus of ; wherein the shape of said tube is at least one circle.7. The apparatus of ; wherein the shape of said tube is at least one polygon.8. The apparatus of ; further comprising a means to substantially scrape and deposit debris.9. The apparatus of ; wherein said means to substantially scrape and deposit said debris is at least one formed recessed groove on interior core surface thereby enabling debris to be substantially scrapped and deposited.10. The apparatus of ; wherein one ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000064A1
Автор: Ortiz Sharon G.

A decorative pet bandana including a collar retaining portion that has a notch formed near the center of the collar retaining portion to reveal pet tags over and near the center of the decorative pet bandana and including two open ends disposed at each ends of the collar retaining portion to reveal pet collar end connectors. 1. A decorative pet bandana , comprising:a decorative portion; anda collar retaining portion attached to the decorative portion, said collar retaining portion having a notch formed therein near the center of the collar retaining portion to reveal pet tags over and near the center of the decorative pet bandana and including two open ends disposed at each ends of the collar retaining portion to accept pet collar end connectors there through.2. The decorative pet bandana of claim 1 , further comprising a pocket formed in the decorative portion and adapted to contain objects.3. The decorative pet bandana of claim 2 , wherein objects containable in the pocket include at least one of: identification information for the pet claim 2 , prescription medicine claim 2 , a wireless RFID tag claim 2 , a beacon claim 2 , an RF communications device claim 2 , a sensor claim 2 , a speaker claim 2 , an LED light.4. The decorative pet bandana of claim 3 , wherein a slot is formed on the decorative portion to provide a pass-through from the pocket to outside the pocket to accommodate and reveal an LED light outside of the pocket.5. The decorative pet bandana of claim 2 , wherein the pocket is at least water resistant.6. The decorative pet bandana of claim 2 , wherein an opening of the pocket is closable using at least one of a zipper claim 2 , snaps claim 2 , and hook and loop.7. The decorative pet bandana of claim 2 , wherein an opening of the pocket is formed at the front-side of the decorative portion.8. The decorative pet bandana of claim 2 , wherein an opening of the pocket is formed at the back-side of the decorative portion.9. A decorative pet bandana claim ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000075A1
Автор: IM Hyung Gyu

The present disclosure relates to a pet dry room and a tray used therefor, the pet dry room including: a body having an accommodation space for accommodating a pet therein; a door connected to a front surface of the body and configured to seal or open the accommodation space; and an air circulation module including a motor, a fan, a flow path, a nozzle, and a heater so as to spray and circulate air into the accommodation space, wherein air sprayed from a plurality of spray holes of a combined defecation plate and air spray tray installed on a bottom surface of the accommodation space and nozzles formed on a side surface and a rear surface of the accommodation space is suctioned into a first inlet port positioned on a front side of a ceiling surface of the accommodation space. 1. A pet dry room comprising:a body having an accommodation space for accommodating a pet therein;a door connected to a front surface of the body and configured to seal or open the accommodation space; andan air circulation module including a motor, a fan, a flow path, a nozzle, and a heater so as to spray and circulate air into the accommodation space,wherein air sprayed from a plurality of spray holes of a combined defecation plate and air spray tray installed on a bottom surface of the accommodation space and nozzles formed on a side surface and a rear surface of the accommodation space is suctioned into a first inlet port positioned on a front side of a ceiling surface of the accommodation space.2. The pet dry room of claim 1 , wherein the combined defecation plate and air spray comprises a tray body configured as a container claim 1 , a foothold mounted on the top of the tray body and having the plurality of spray holes claim 1 , and a connection part disposed at a higher position than the foothold claim 1 , connected to a first outlet port formed on the rear surface of the accommodation space claim 1 , and configured to supply air into the tray body.3. The pet dry room of claim 1 , ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Brushing device and method for brushing an animal, and a shed

Номер: US20210000076A1
Принадлежит: Lely Patent NV

A brush device for brushing an animal, in particular the back, head and/or tail of the animal, such as a cow, includes a rotatable brush, as well as an electric drive motor, which is configured to supply a drive torque for rotatably driving the brush in at least one rotation direction. The drive torque supplied by the drive motor is set in such a manner that the brush can be turned back by means of muscular power of the animal and/or an individual counter to the driven rotation direction while said drive torque is being supplied by the drive motor.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Novel Applicator For Applying Cleaning, Disinfecting and Pet Care Solutions

Номер: US20150000609A1
Автор: Frye John Clifton

The present invention relates to a device that integrates a manually operable fluid dispenser for dispensing and applying a contained fluid to clean and/or disinfect a surface or care for a pet's fur coat. The device is preferably equipped with washable and reusable cleaning pads or various combing and brushing appliances thus obviating the need for a separate cleaning cloth or brush/comb. 1. A novel applicator for applying cleaning , disinfecting , and pet care solutions to a surface , comprising:a) a means of affixing a cleaning pad to the bottom surface of said applicator;b) a compressible fluid bladder with a hollow cavity to contain a solution;c) a closable aperture for introducing and subsequently confining said solution inside said compressible fluid bladder;d) a means of manually pressurizing said compressible fluid bladder to expel solution from at least one discharge port on the bottom surface of said compressible fluid bladder wherein said discharge port is fluidically coupled between said hollow cavity and said bottom surface; ande) a cleaning pad comprising cleaning material on one side wherein said cleaning pad has a at least one perforate opening such that when said cleaning pad is affixed to said bottom surface of said applicator said discharge port is coextensive with said perforate opening in said cleaning pad.2. A novel applicator for applying cleaning claim 1 , disinfecting claim 1 , and pet care solutions to a surface of wherein said cleaning pad is substantially comprised of fabric.3. A novel applicator for applying cleaning claim 1 , disinfecting claim 1 , and pet care solutions to a surface of wherein said cleaning pad is substantially comprised of microfiber fabric material.4. A novel applicator for applying cleaning claim 1 , disinfecting claim 1 , and pet care solutions to a surface of wherein said cleaning pad is comprised of a multiplicity cleaning pads vertically stacked together claim 1 , each of which is substantially comprised of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000610A1
Автор: Caldwell Russell L.

A compact self-service pet wash is provided. The compact self-service pet wash includes an equipment room, and a foldable wash tub. The equipment room has a depth that defines the storage depth of the pet wash. The equipment room provides the means to control and supply the wash tub with rinse water, wash solution mix and dry air to wash a pet in the wash tub. 1. A pet washing facility comprising:a self-service car wash including a bay for washing a car; a foldable wash tub that folds from an open position to storage position about an axis; and', 'a support structure to which the foldable wash tub is mounted for rotation between the open position and the storage position., 'a self-service pet wash station located within the bay of the self-service car wash, the pet wash includes2. The pet washing facility of claim 1 , wherein the self-service pet wash station has a reduced foot print above a floor of the bay of the self-service car wash when the foldable wash tub is in the storage position.3. The pet washing facility of claim 1 , wherein the wash tub defines a front wall claim 1 , a rear wall and a platform extending between the front wall and the rear wall claim 1 , the wash tub mounted to the support structure proximate the rear wall.4. The pet washing facility of claim 3 , wherein in the storage position claim 3 , the front wall is generally vertically above the rear wall and in the open position the front wall is generally horizontally spaced from the rear wall.5. The pet washing facility of claim 4 , wherein the support structure includes a stop member that limits pivoting motion of the wash tub about the axis from the storage position to the open position.6. The pet washing facility of claim 1 , further comprising a control unit for selectively controlling actuation of supplying the wash tub with rinse water claim 1 , wash solution mix and dry air to wash a pet in the wash tub.7. The pet washing facility claim 6 , wherein the control unit forms part of the ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Strap system for annimals to enable positioning of pouch holding cooling or warming medium in a targeted area of the chest

Номер: US20150007528A1
Автор: Landrith Susan Marie

It is sometimes desirable to apply and hold medication, ice or warming medium against the chest wall of an animal (i.e. an ice pack). Due of the anatomy of animals, this is difficult to do remotely without holding the medium against the chest wall with a hand or adhesive tape. My invention provides a way to attach a pouch or pack to the device and then, when the device is correctly placed over the animal's head and secured at the girth, firmly, but gently holds the medium in the targeted place on the chest wall of the animal.

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006818A1

A system includes a robotic arm positioned in an equipment area of a milking box that includes a stall portion housing a dairy livestock with four teats. The robotic arm retrieves a cup, and for a plurality of teats of the dairy livestock, the robotic arm attaches the cup to a teat, detaches the cup from the teat, and maintains the cup within the stall portion of the milking box from the time that the cup is attached to a first teat of the dairy livestock through the time that the cup is attached to a last teat of the dairy livestock. The cup is retracted into the equipment portion of the milking box after it is detached from the last teat of the dairy livestock. 1. A method , comprising:housing a dairy livestock in a stall portion of a milking box;retrieving, by a robotic attacher, a cup; attaching the cup to the teat;', 'detaching the cup from the teat; and', 'maintaining the cup within the stall portion of the milking box from the time that the cup is attached to the first teat of the dairy livestock through the time that the cup is attached to a last teat of the dairy livestock;, 'for each of a plurality of teats of a dairy livestock, using the robotic arm to perform the steps ofretracting the cup into an equipment area of the milking box after detaching the cup from the last teat of the dairy livestock.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cup comprises a preparation cup.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cup comprises a teat cup.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the attaching and detaching steps are performed in a sequence of right front teat claim 1 , left front teat claim 1 , left rear teat claim 1 , and right rear teat.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein retrieving the cup comprises retrieving the cup from the left side of an equipment area of the milking box.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the attaching and detaching steps are performed in a sequence of left front teat claim 1 , right front teat claim 1 , right rear teat claim 1 , and left rear ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006819A1

A system includes a camera, a controller and a robotic arm. The camera generates an image of an udder of a dairy livestock. The controller determines a position of the udder of the dairy livestock based at least in part upon the image. The controller further determines a spray position based at least in part upon the determined position of the udder of the dairy livestock. Determining the spray position includes processing the accessed image to determine a tangent at the rear of the udder and a tangent at the bottom of the udder. The spray position is a position relative to the intersection of the two tangents. The robotic arm is communicatively coupled to the controller and positions a spray tool at the spray position. 1. A method , comprising:accessing an image signal of an udder of a dairy livestock;determining a position of the udder of the dairy livestock based at least in part upon the image signal;determining a spray position based at least in part upon the determined position of the udder of the dairy livestock, wherein determining the spray position comprises processing the accessed image signal to determine a tangent at the rear of the udder and a tangent at the bottom of the udder, the spray position being a position relative to the intersection of the two tangents; andpositioning a spray tool at the spray position.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising applying disinfectant to one or more teats of the dairy livestock using the spray tool.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the image signal comprises a three-dimensional video image signal.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising determining positions of each of two hind legs of the dairy livestock by processing the accessed image signal to locate edges in depth claim 1 , the edges in depth corresponding to the edges of the hind legs of the dairy livestock.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein determining the position of the udder of the dairy livestock comprises processing the accessed image ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Livestock Management Apparatus and Method

Номер: US20170006826A1
Автор: Torres Pablo Rafael

An apparatus and method directionally administers at least one medication directly onto livestock while also monitoring the effect of the medication and tracking the movement and orientation of the livestock. The apparatus periodically administers the medication at a predetermined dosage. The apparatus also tracks the position and orientation of the livestock as an indication of whether the medication is effective. A solar cell provides renewable energy for powering the apparatus. A dispenser directionally and topically sprays medication on the wither area of the livestock. The medication is stored in at least one reservoir. A tracking portion tracks the position of the livestock in a predetermined range. The orientation of the livestock is also determined. The apparatus can be controlled directly from a control portion, or remotely from a remote processor. The apparatus minimize time and costs for managing livestock, especially over large areas and large numbers of livestock. 1. An apparatus for managing livestock through the administration of medication and tracking , the apparatus comprising:a housing defined by a power reception panel, an engagement panel, and a plurality of sidewalls,wherein the engagement panel has a substantially uneven surface;at least one strap having a generally elongated disposition;a solar cell disposed to couple to the power reception panel, the solar cell configured to generate renewable energy;at least one reservoir defined by a space for storing at least one medication;at least one dispenser defined by a channel for directional dispensing the at least one medication;at least one tracking portion configured to track a position and an orientation of the apparatus; anda control portion operatively connected to the at least one dispenser and the at least one tracking portion.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the apparatus is operatively attached to the at least one livestock or a quadruped.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006827A1
Автор: Miller Lorne

An article of clothing containing an integrated waste bag dispenser is provided. A storage pouch having a plurality of slits configured to enable a waste bag to be withdrawn for use. As the waste bag dispenser is integrated with an article of clothing it provides an easy carrying mechanism for animal waste bags. 1. An article of clothing comprising:a body of the article of clothing;a storage pouch integrated with the body of the article of clothing, the storage pouch configured to store one or more waste bags;a dispenser disposed on the storage pouch, the dispenser having one or more slits extending from an interior of the storage pouch to an exterior of the storage pouch.2. The article of clothing of wherein the storage pouch is located on an interior of the body of the article of clothing.3. The article of clothing of wherein the storage pouch is located on an exterior of the body of the article of clothing.4. The article of clothing of wherein the body of the article of clothing comprises a coat.5. The article of clothing of further comprising a flap configured to secure the storage pouch when the flap is in a closed position.6. The article of clothing of wherein the flap is secured in the closed position by a fastener.7. The article of clothing of wherein the fastener comprises a snap clasp.8. The article of clothing of wherein the fastener comprises a button. The present application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/189,492, which was filed on Jul. 7, 2015, by Lorne Miller for ANIMAL WASTE BAG DISPENSER, which is hereby incorporated by reference.Many municipalities require dog owners to pick up animal waste products that are deposited in public when, for example, a dog owner is walking his or her pet. Some municipalities, parks or other areas may provide waste disposal bags. These waste disposal bags may be provided in a kiosk, etc., located in areas frequented by dog walkers. However, noted disadvantages of relying on ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006828A1
Автор: Miller Lorne

An article of clothing for use with an animal having adjustable length leggings is provided. The article of clothing has a plurality of leggings sized to cover a portion of the animal's legs, either two or four of the legs. Internal to the leggings are one or more straps that may be utilized to secure, via a fastener system, the leggings in a rolled up arrangement. By utilizing the adjustable leggings, appropriate levels of warmth and comfort may be provided for the animal. 1. An article of clothing comprising:a body portion having a first legging and a second legging, the first and second leggings extending from an external side of the body portion;a first body fastener and a second body fastener, the first and second body fasteners attached to the external side of the body portion;a first strap, the first strap operatively attached at a first end to an interior side of the body portion, the first strap having a first strap fastener located at substantially a second end of the first strap;a second strap, the second strap operatively attached at a first end to the interior side of the body portion, the second strap having a second strap fastener located at substantially a second end of the second strap;wherein the first legging is configured to be rolled up and secured by the first strap by securing the first strap fastener to the first body fastener; andwherein the second legging is configured to be rolled up and secured by the second strap by securing the second strap fastener to the second body fastener.2. The article of clothing of further comprising a third legging and a fourth legging claim 1 , the third and fourth leggings extending from the external side of the body portion.3. The article of clothing of further comprising:a third body fastener attached to the external side of the body portion;a third strap, the third strap operatively attached at a first end to the interior side of the body portion, the third strap having a third strap fastener located at ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170006829A1
Автор: Blizzard Philip J.

A garment to reduce an animal's anxiety, fearfulness, overexcitement, or a combination thereof. The garment may include a central portion and first, second, and third flaps. The first and second flaps extend from opposite sides of the central portion and the third flap extends from a central, inner surface area of the central portion. The inner surface is configured to be proximate to the animal's body. The flaps are configured to extend around the animal's mid-body such that the central portion and flaps form a shape conforming to the outside of the animal's mid-body. The third flap may be between the central portion, the second flap, or a combination thereof and the animal's body. The garment may apply pressure to the animal adequate to reduce anxiety, fearfulness, overexcitement, or a combination thereof in the animal. 2. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the third flap is configured to be at least in part between the inner surface of the central portion claim 1 , the second flap claim 1 , or a combination thereof and the animal's body.3. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the garment applies pressure to the animal adequate to reduce anxiety claim 1 , fearfulness claim 1 , overexcitement claim 1 , or a combination thereof in the animal.4. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the first flap and the third flap are configured to fasten together to form a sleeve around the animal's mid-body claim 1 , and wherein the second flap is adapted to extend at least partially around the sleeve and to fasten to the central portion claim 1 , the first flap claim 1 , or a combination thereof to further tighten the garment to apply pressure to the animal.5. The garment of claim 4 , wherein the third flap extends from its proximal end at the central portion inner surface proximate to the longitudinal axis of the central portion.6. The garment of claim 1 , wherein the central portion claim 1 , the first flap claim 1 , and the second flap are made of a fabric that when stretched provides ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007326A1
Автор: Nieto James Greg

A portable pet drying apparatus is disclosed. Embodiments of the portable pet drying apparatus include a connectable frame. The connectable frame including a plurality of detachably connected members. The portable pet drying apparatus also including a detachable water-resistant cover. The detachable water-resistant cover detachably connected to the connectable frame to form a top surface, bottom surface, front surface, back surface, first side surface and second side surface defining an interior chamber. The front surface having an opening extending therethrough for a pet to enter and exit the interior chamber of the portable pet drying apparatus. In some embodiments, the connectable frame is movable between a stowed position where the interior chamber is at least partially collapsed and a deployed position where the connectable frame is extended so that the detachable water resistant cover defines the interior chamber of the portable pet drying apparatus. 1. A portable pet drying apparatus comprising:a connectable frame, the connectable frame comprising a plurality of detachably connected members;a detachable water-resistant cover, the detachable water-resistant cover detachably connected to the connectable frame to form a top surface, bottom surface, front surface, back surface, first side surface and second side surface defining an interior chamber, the front surface having an opening extending therethrough for a pet to enter and exit the interior chamber of the portable pet drying apparatus; andwherein the connectable frame is movable between a stowed position, where the interior chamber is at least partially collapsed and a deployed position where the connectable frame is extended so that the detachable water-resistant cover forms the top surface, bottom surface, front surface, back surface, first side surface and second side surface defining the interior chamber of the portable pet drying apparatus.2. The portable pet claim 1 , drying apparatus of further ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Smart Delivery Treatment Apparatus For Remote Treatment Of An Animal

Номер: US20210007327A1
Автор: WEYER Grant Andrew
Принадлежит: SmartVet Pty Ltd

The present disclosure is directed to an apparatus for remotely treating an animal with an agent comprising: a launcher adapted to hold an agent and propel the agent in a treatment dose over a distance to an animal in response to a trigger command; an electronic reader module comprising: a communication interface arranged to receive an identification signal from a sensor associated with an animal; a trigger interface arranged to detect a trigger command to the launcher; and a means to record in a memory the treatment of the animal identified from electronic sensor and treated by the launcher. 1. An apparatus for remotely treating an animal with an agent , the apparatus comprising:a launcher adapted to hold an agent and, in response to a trigger command, propel the agent in a treatment dose over a distance to the animal; 'a communication interface arranged to receive an identification signal from a sensor associated with the animal;', 'an electronic reader module comprisinga trigger interface arranged to detect the trigger command to the launcher; anda means to record in a memory the treatment of the animal identified from electronic sensor and treated by the launcher.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the launcher comprises:a chamber adapted to receive the agent;a launcher barrel or nozzle for facilitating launching of a treatment dose of the agent; anda propulsion assembly for propelling the treatment dose through the barrel or nozzle to an animal in response to the trigger command.3. The apparatus of wherein the treatment dose is contained in a dosage projectile claim 1 , a liquid claim 1 , a spray claim 1 , a dart claim 1 , a gel or a bolus.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when a treatment dose is launched by the launcher claim 1 , a signal is detected by the electronic reader module and the electronic reader module initiates recording of the record of treatment of the animal in the memory.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007328A1
Автор: Miller Lorne

An article of clothing for use with an animal having adjustable length leggings is provided. The article of clothing has a plurality of leggings sized to cover a portion of the animal's legs, either two or four of the legs. Internal to the leggings are one or more straps that may be utilized to secure, via a fastener system, the leggings in a rolled up arrangement. By utilizing the adjustable leggings, appropriate levels of warmth and comfort may be provided for the animal. 1. An article of clothing comprising:a body portion having a top side, a bottom side, a neck opening, a tail opening, a first legging opening and a second legging opening, said first legging opening and said second legging opening provided on said bottom side of said body portion;first and second leggings extending from an external side of the body portion at said first legging opening and said second legging opening, respectively, said first and second leggings for covering a substantial portion of front legs of the animal;a first body fastener and a second body fastener, the first and second body fasteners attached to the external side of the body portion adjacent said first and second leggings, respectively;a first strap, the first strap operatively attached at a first end to an interior side of the body portion, the first strap having a first strap fastener located at substantially a second end of the first strap;a second strap, the second strap operatively attached at a first end to the interior side of the body portion, the second strap having a second strap fastener located at substantially a second end of the second strap;wherein the first legging is configured to be rolled up and secured by the first strap by securing the first strap fastener to the first body fastener with said first legging retracted against said body portion leaving said first legging opening exposed; andwherein the second legging is configured to be rolled up and secured by the second strap by securing the second ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Animal Garment Assembly

Номер: US20180007864A1
Автор: Armstrong Jamii

An animal garment assembly includes a garment that may be worn on a male animal. The garment has a pair of wings. The male animal's genitalia are exposed when the garment is worn. Thus, the male animal may urinate without soiling the garment. A closure is coupled to the garment. Thus, the closure may secure the garment around the animal when the garment is worn. The closure adjustably secures the garment to facilitate a variety of sizes of animals. 1. An animal garment assembly being configured to facilitate a male animal to urinate without soiling said assembly , said assembly comprising:a garment being configured to be worn on a male animal, said garment having a pair of wings wherein said garment is configured to expose genitalia of the male animal thereby facilitating the male animal to urinate without soiling said garment; anda closure being coupled to said garment wherein said closure is configured to secure said garment around the animal when said garment is worn, said closure adjustably securing said garment wherein said garment is configured to facilitate a variety of sizes of animals.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein said garment comprises a panel having a first surface claim 1 , a second surface and a peripheral edge extending therebetween claim 1 , said peripheral edge having a first lateral side claim 1 , a second lateral side claim 1 , a front side and a back side claim 1 , said panel having a pair of leg openings extending through said first surface and said second surface wherein each of said leg openings is configured to insertably receive an associated one of a pair of front legs of the male animal claim 1 , each of said leg openings being positioned closer to said front side than said back side claim 1 , said leg openings being spaced apart from each other claim 1 , said pair of leg openings including a first leg opening and a second leg opening.3. The assembly according to claim 2 , further comprising a pair of first bends claim 2 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180007865A1
Автор: Korth Julie E.

Dog wear with specific functions for dogs to aid in house training and other issues relating to dog training, specifically indoor marking and urination. The garment includes a pair of leg covering and can be formed to fit over the front legs or the rear legs of the pet. The garment can help to prevent pet accidents by having an absorbent underside portion. The underside portion may be selectively removable, or in some variations, the underside portion may be fully removed to allow the animal free access to relieve itself while still warming the pet and protecting the pet's skin in cold conditions, or for generally covering wounds or hot spots to allow the user to forgo the typical protective cone. 1. A pet garment comprising:a covering having a torso opening and a pair of leg openings, said torso opening terminating into a stretchable band;each of said pair of leg openings terminated from a respective pair of garment legs having a first length;each of said pair of garment legs including leg tacks for selectively shortening said garment legs to a second length;said covering including a tail hole configured to allow a pet tail to pass through said hole; andwherein said covering configured to prevent urination accidents and other fluids.2. The pet garment of claim 1 , wherein said pair of leg openings are configured to encompass a rear pair of pet legs.3. The pet garment of claim 1 , wherein said pair of leg openings are configured to encompass a front pair of pet legs.4. The pet garment of claim 1 , further comprising:said covering having an underside portion terminating in proximity with said tail hole; andsaid underside portion configured to absorb pet urine.5. The pet garment of claim 4 , wherein said underside portion is selectively removable.6. The pet garment of claim 4 , further comprising:an opening along an underside portion of said covering, said opening terminating in proximity with a bottom edge of said tail hole; andsaid opening configured to allow said ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008114A1
Автор: Bareket Tal

A teat dip application system includes a teat cup having an opening for inserting therein a teat of a diary animal, one or more teat dip inlet ports located on the teat cup, one or more inflatable teat holders/scrubbers located inside the teat cup, and one or more inflation ports in fluid communication with the one or more teat holder/scrubbers. 1. A teat dip application system comprising:a teat cup having an opening for inserting therein a teat of a diary animal;one or more teat dip inlet ports located on said teat cup;one or more inflatable teat holders/scrubbers located inside said teat cup; andone or more inflation ports in fluid communication with said one or more teat holder/scrubbers.2. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said one or more teat dip inlet ports comprises a nozzle faced inwards in said teat cup.3. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more teat holder/scrubbers comprise inflatable bladders.4. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more teat holders/scrubbers have identical textures.5. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more teat holders/scrubbers have different textures.6. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said teat cup comprises a robotic arm interface member.7. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said teat cup comprises a drain port.8. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more teat holders/scrubbers are covered with a covering.9. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more teat holders/scrubbers comprise separate teat holders/scrubbers that extend between adjacent teat dip inlet ports.10. The teat dip application system according to claim 1 , wherein said one or more teat holders/scrubbers comprise discrete inflatable portions that extend between adjacent teat ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008122A1
Автор: HUANG Xinggen, ZHU Haiyuan

A pair of safe pet nail clippers includes a first handle and a second handle correspondingly disposed and pivotedly connected to each other. The first and second handles respectively include a blade portion and a handle portion. Blades of the blade portions of the first and second handles are provided in a concave shape. When the handle portions of the first and second handles are relatively opened to the maximum extent, an initial trimming hole is formed between the concave blades of the first and second handles. The first and second handles are provided therebetween with an adjustment mechanism for adjusting the relative opening of the handle portions of the first and second handles and the caliber of the initial trimming hole. 11281234313124128531121264125. A pair of safe pet nail clippers , comprising a first member () and a second member () correspondingly disposed and pivotally connected to each other by a pivot mechanism () , the first and second members ( , ) respectively comprising a blade portion () and a handle portion () , characterized in that: with blades (-) of the blade portions () of the first and second members ( , ) provided in a concave shape , when the handle portions () of the first and second members ( , ) are relatively opened by the pivot mechanism () , an initial trimming hole () is formed between the concave blades (-) of the first and second members ( , ) , with the first and second members ( , ) provided therebetween with an adjustment mechanism () for adjusting the relative opening of the handle portions () of the first and second members ( , ) and a caliber of the initial trimming hole () ,{'b': 1', '2', '7', '3', '1', '1', '2', '5', '7', '7', '1', '7', '2', '7', '1', '6', '2', '4', '1', '6', '1', '7', '2', '6', '3', '4', '2', '6', '1, 'wherein the first and second members (, ) are provided therebetween with a reset mechanism () for keeping the concave blades (-) of the first and second members (, ) in the position of the initial ...
