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16-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002073U1

Сапог литьевой из полимерных материалов, состоящий из четырех частей: подошвы, верха, вкладной утепленной стельки и подкладка, выполненного в виде чулка, отличающийся тем, что чулок выполнен из декоративного текстильного материала толщиной 1 - 1,25 мм, верх имеет свободные от полимера участки, причем соотношение поверхности полимера к поверхности свободной от него составляет (95 - 30) : (5 - 70). (19) RU (11) (13) 2 073 U1 (51) МПК A43B 9/18 (1995.01) A43D 86/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95103271/20, 05.02.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Московская государственная текстильная академия им.А.Н.Косыгина (73) Патентообладатель(и): Московская государственная текстильная академия им.А.Н.Косыгина U 1 2 0 7 3 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели Сапог литьевой из полимерных материалов, состоящий из четырех частей: подошвы, верха, вкладной утепленной стельки и подкладка, выполненного в виде чулка, отличающийся тем, что чулок выполнен из декоративного текстильного материала толщиной 1 - 1,25 мм, верх имеет свободные от полимера участки, причем соотношение поверхности полимера к поверхности свободной от него составляет (95 - 30) : (5 - 70). 2 0 7 3 (54) САПОГ ЛИТЬЕВОЙ ИЗ ПОЛИМЕРНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ R U (72) Автор(ы): Бастов Г.А., Третьякова С.В. RU 2 073 U1 RU 2 073 U1 RU 2 073 U1 RU 2 073 U1

16-05-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000002074U1

1. Сапог литьевой из полимерных материалов, содержащий верх, подошву, подкладку в виде чулка из трикотажного полотна и вкладную утепленную стельку, отличающийся тем, что в нем подкладка выполнена из декоративного текстильного материала, причем верх чулка удлинен на 15 - 25 см для использования в качестве манжета. 2. Сапог по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подкладка состоит из нижней и верхней частей длиной 20 - 30 см, нижняя часть выполнена из технического трикотажа, а верхняя - из декоративного текстильного материала, причем они соединены друг с другом. (19) RU (11) (13) 2 074 U1 (51) МПК A43B 9/18 (1995.01) A43D 86/00 (1995.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 95103272/20, 15.02.1995 (46) Опубликовано: 16.05.1996 (71) Заявитель(и): Московская государственная текстильная академия им.А.Н.Косыгина (73) Патентообладатель(и): Московская государственная текстильная академия им.А.Н.Косыгина U 1 2 0 7 4 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 (57) Формула полезной модели 1. Сапог литьевой из полимерных материалов, содержащий верх, подошву, подкладку в виде чулка из трикотажного полотна и вкладную утепленную стельку, отличающийся тем, что в нем подкладка выполнена из декоративного текстильного материала, причем верх чулка удлинен на 15 - 25 см для использования в качестве манжета. 2. Сапог по п.1, отличающийся тем, что подкладка состоит из нижней и верхней частей длиной 20 - 30 см, нижняя часть выполнена из технического трикотажа, а верхняя - из декоративного текстильного материала, причем они соединены друг с другом. 2 0 7 4 (54) САПОГ ЛИТЬЕВОЙ ИЗ ПОЛИМЕРНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ R U (72) Автор(ы): Бастов Г.А., Третьякова С.В. RU 2 074 U1 RU 2 074 U1 RU 2 074 U1

10-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000027995U1

Устройство для спускания краев деталей из кожи, содержащее дисковой нож, транспортирующий ролик, установленный на подпружиненном рычаге под дисковым ножом, прижимную лапку, смонтированную над транспортирующим роликом с возможностью перемещения в вертикальном направлении, упор для регулирования ширины снимаемого слоя кожи, механизм заточки дискового ножа, отличающееся тем, что нижняя часть дискового ножа выполнена в виде плоскости, а верхняя - в виде конуса, причем под дисковым ножом установлена щетка для очистки транспортирующего ролика от отходов и удаления их из зоны резания, а прижимная лапка в нижней части имеет углубление с радиусом, равным радиусом дискового ножа. (19) RU (11) 27 995 (13) U1 (51) МПК A43D 8/00 (2000.01) C14B 5/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К СВИДЕТЕЛЬСТВУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2001113253/20 , 18.05.2001 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.05.2001 (46) Опубликовано: 10.03.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Яковлев К.П., Носарев А.Н., Кузнецова М.Г. 2 7 9 9 5 R U (57) Формула полезной модели Устройство для спускания краев деталей из кожи, содержащее дисковой нож, транспортирующий ролик, установленный на подпружиненном рычаге под дисковым ножом, прижимную лапку, смонтированную над транспортирующим роликом с возможностью перемещения в вертикальном направлении, упор для регулирования ширины снимаемого слоя кожи, механизм заточки дискового ножа, отличающееся тем, что нижняя часть дискового ножа выполнена в виде плоскости, а верхняя - в виде конуса, причем под дисковым ножом установлена щетка для очистки транспортирующего ролика от отходов и удаления их из зоны резания, а прижимная лапка в нижней части имеет углубление с радиусом, равным радиусом дискового ножа. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 U 1 (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СПУСКАНИЯ КРАЕВ ДЕТАЛЕЙ ИЗ КОЖИ 2 7 9 9 5 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие Центральный научно-исследовательский институт кожевенно-обувной промышленности R U ...

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000041237U1

1. Шаблон перфорированной союзки на туфли летние, отличающийся тем, что имеет передний контур, отраженный на фиг.1. 2. Матрица для перфорирования союзки на туфли летние, включающая металлическое основание с отверстиями и запрессованными в них перфораторами, отличающаяся тем, что разработана под шаблон по п.1, а металлическое основание оснащено амортизирующей прокладкой. 3. Матрица для перфорирования союзки по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве амортизирующей прокладки к металлическому основанию приклеена резиновая прокладка. 4. Матрица для перфорирования союзки на туфли летние, включающая металлическое основание с отверстиями и запрессованными в них перфораторами, отличающаяся тем, что разработана под шаблон по п.1, а металлическое основание оснащено амортизирующей прокладкой и - дополнительно - узлом или узлами для тиснения, например, для имитации декоративной строчки. 5. Матрица для перфорирования союзки по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве узлов для тиснения использованы проволочные бортики, прикрепляющие к матрице, оснащенной амортизирующей прокладкой, пластины определяемой моделью формы. 6. Матрица для перфорирования союзки по п.4, отличающаяся тем, что в качестве амортизирующей прокладки к металлическому основанию приклеена резиновая прокладка. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 41 237 (13) U1 (51) МПК A43B 23/00 (2000.01) A43D 8/18 (2000.01) A43D 8/22 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004114436/22 , 18.05.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.05.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие "Давлекановская обувная фабрика" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 1 2 3 7 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Шаблон перфорированной союзки на туфли летние, отличающийся тем, что имеет передний контур, отраженный на фиг.1. 2. Матрица для перфорирования союзки на туфли летние, включающая ...

20-10-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000041238U1

1. Шаблон берцы на туфли, включающий цельнокроенную шлевку под застежку и боковой поворот на внутренней стороне берцы, при этом направление цельнокроенной шлевки соответствует направлению черезподъемного ремня, отличающийся тем, что боковой поворот на внутренней стороне берцы выполнен соответствующим направлению черезподъемного ремня. 2. Шаблон берцы по п.1, отличающийся тем, что имеет конструкцию соответственно фиг.1. 3. Черезподъемный ремень на туфли со скосом на конце, прилегающим к боковому повороту на внутренней стороне берцы, отличающийся тем, что скос на конце, прилегающем к боковому повороту на внутренней стороне берцы, выполнен соответствующим направлению черезподъемного ремня за счет использования делюжки строгой конфигурации. 4. Делюжка для разруба на черезподъемные ремни, отличающаяся тем, что имеет строгую конфигурацию, а именно скос, соответствующий направлению черезподъемного ремня. 5. Матрица для разруба делюжки на черезподъемные ремни, содержащая нож, отличающаяся тем, что имеет два и более двух ножей и оснащена ориентиром, обеспечивающим соответствие скоса на конце черезподъемного ремня, прилегающим к боковому повороту на внутренней стороне берцы, направлению черезподъемного ремня. 6. Матрица для разруба делюжки на черезподъемные ремни по п.5, отличающаяся тем, что оснащена перфораторами для пробивания отверстий для застегивания пряжки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 41 238 (13) U1 (51) МПК A43B 23/00 (2000.01) A43D 8/00 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004114437/22 , 18.05.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 18.05.2004 (45) Опубликовано: 20.10.2004 (73) Патентообладатель(и): Государственное унитарное предприятие "Давлекановская обувная фабрика" (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 1 2 3 8 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Шаблон берцы на туфли, включающий цельнокроенную шлевку под застежку и боковой поворот на внутренней ...

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Method of Preparing a Rubber Shoe Sole

Номер: US20120260437A1
Автор: Min-Chen Shiue
Принадлежит: Shei Chung Hsin Ind Co Ltd

Disclosed herein is a novel method of preparing shoe sole. The method of preparing shoe sole includes irradiating an uncured rubber sheet by laser beam to pattern and vulcanize a portion of the uncured rubber, tailoring the partially patterned vulcanized rubber into a shoe shape, and afterward fully vulcanizing the partially patterned vulcanized rubber sheet to form a shoe sole. An additional step of assembling the upper panel of shoe sole on the partially vulcanized rubber sheet is also performed.

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130139329A1

According to embodiments of the invention, a precursor sheet is formed by injecting an EVA-based material into a mold cavity. The mold cavity is configured to create a series of indentations through a first portion of the precursor sheet and into a second portion of the precursor sheet. The precursor sheet is removed from the mold cavity and the second portion of the precursor sheet is removed from the first portion of the precursor sheet to create an isolated sheet with a series of through-holes. The isolated sheet is then formed into a portion of a shoe. 1. A method of making a shoe comprising:injecting a material into a mold cavity to create a precursor sheet, wherein the mold cavity is configured to create a three-dimensional texture in a first surface of a first portion of the precursor sheet, the three-dimensional texture extending through the first portion of the precursor sheet;removing the precursor sheet from the mold cavity; andremoving a second portion of the precursor sheet from the first portion of the precursor sheet to create a second surface of the first portion that is opposite the first surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the material is an EVA-based material.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the mold cavity in which the EVA-based material is injected is configured to create a series of regularly spaced indentations through the first portion of the precursor sheet as at least part of the three-dimensional texture.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of removing the second portion of the precursor sheet from the first portion of the precursor sheet comprises cutting the precursor sheet along a plane that does not intersect the first surface of the first portion of the precursor sheet.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of removing the second portion of the precursor sheet from the first portion of the precursor sheet further comprises cutting the precursor sheet along the plane that does not intersect the first surface of the ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130198977A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A method of manufacturing footwear including the steps of positioning a sole member on a first portion of a cutting assembly; heating a second portion of the cutting assembly, the second portion including a cutting die; pressing the heated cutting die into the sole member to form a plurality of sipes in the sole member; and removing the cutting die from the sole member. 1. A cutting assembly for a sole member of an article of footwear comprising:a first portion configured to receive a sole member; anda second portion, the second portion including a cutting die having a plurality of blades configured to form Sipes in the sole member, at least one of the blades being connected to another blade.2. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the blades are arranged in a criss-cross pattern.3. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the cutting die includes a curved blade and a plurality of radial blades extending outwardly from the curved blade.4. The cutting assembly of claim 3 , wherein the radial blades have a zig-zag form.5. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the blades form a honeycomb pattern.6. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein at least some of the blades have a compound curve shape.7. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first portion includes a jig configured to hold the sole member in place on the first portion.8. The cutting assembly of claim 7 , wherein the jig includes a plurality of pins extending outwardly from the first portion.9. The cutting assembly of claim 7 , wherein the jig includes a plurality of upwardly extending projections and the second portion includes a plurality of recesses claim 7 , each projection configured to be received in one of the recesses.10. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein a height of at least one blade is different than a height of at least one other blade.11. The cutting assembly of claim 1 , wherein a height of the blades is between approximately 0.5 mm and ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Projector Assisted Alignment and Printing

Номер: US20140026773A1
Автор: Todd Miller
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A flexible manufacturing system for an article of footwear includes a printing system for printing graphics onto the footwear. The flexible manufacturing system also includes a projection system for aligning a projected graphic with a predetermined portion of the article prior to printing the graphic to the article. The graphic can include a masked portion that corresponds to a design element on the article.

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Unitary Multi-Use Alignment Fixture for Shoe Production

Номер: US20150000052A1

A system for manufacturing shoes is provided that includes two or more pieces of equipment used in the customization and manufacturing of shoes and an alignment fixture that may engage with each piece of equipment by way of an alignment mounting member. The alignment fixture may secure to it a portion of a shoe, such as an upper portion, wherein the shoe portion remains in a flat position, and in a fixed relationship to the alignment fixture, throughout the various processes performed by the pieces of equipment. These processes may include, for example, printing, laser, embroidery, forming, cutting, or the like. 1. An alignment fixture for use during a shoe manufacturing process , the alignment fixture comprising:a first portion;a second portion; anda securing mechanism for securing a portion of a shoe between the first portion and the second portion so that the shoe portion remains substantially flat and fixed in place in relation to the first and second portions while various processes are performed on the shoe portion to thereby reduce manufacturing variation from shoe to shoe.2. The alignment fixture of claim 1 , wherein the alignment fixture is used to perform one or more of printing claim 1 , laser claim 1 , embroidery claim 1 , stitching claim 1 , or forming on the portion of the shoe.3. The alignment fixture of claim 1 , further comprising a third portion that is secured to the first and second portions claim 1 , wherein the third portion includes at least one raised area.4. The alignment fixture of claim 3 , wherein the third portion includes one or more recessed areas where various materials are placed to be included in the shoe portion.5. The alignment fixture of claim 1 , wherein the securing mechanism includes one or more pins that extend through the first and second portions.6. The alignment fixture of claim 3 , wherein the first and second portions each have at least one cutout area that is similar in shape to the shoe portion.7. The alignment fixture ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Article of Footwear Including Full Length Composite Plate

Номер: US20150000053A1

A full length composite plate to be used as part of an outsole assembly in an article of footwear is disclosed. The full length composite plate comprises a composite material that has a certain percent elongation. The full length composite plate can include a heel cup for heel stability and improved traction. The full length composite plate also can include two angled portions along an arch region that provide arch support, as well as two flattened edges along the arch region to minimize or eliminate buckling. The forefoot region can be relatively flatter than the arch and heel regions, and notches are preferably included along a portion of the forefoot to increase flexibility. 1. A method of making an article of footwear comprising:associating a full length composite plate with a first side of a molding base, a first surface of the full length composite plate confronting the first side of the molding base, the full length composite plate also including a second surface disposed opposite to the first surface;associating a first side of a mold with the first side of the molding base, enclosing the full length composite plate within a central cavity disposed within the mold;filling the central cavity with a liquid or viscous substance through at least one injection channel in the mold; andwherein the liquid or viscous substance fills substantially the entirety of the central cavity and contacts the second side of the full length composite plate.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the central cavity contains at least one secondary cavity disposed along claim 1 , and in fluid communication with claim 1 , an outer periphery of the central cavity.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the at least one secondary cavity is shaped for molding a traction element; andthe method further comprises forming the traction element by filling the at least one secondary cavity with the liquid or viscous substance.4. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000157A1
Автор: HIKICHI Yuichi
Принадлежит: M-Support Limited Company

A new manufacturing method produces an insole that fits a user's foot properly and that is manufactured in a shorter time at a lower cost. The manufacturing method includes steps of: acquiring information on a user's foot by a foot printer; selecting a basic part based on the acquired information; attaching various modification parts to the selected basic part arranged in a trial shoe determining whether the trial insole including a combination of the basic part and modification parts is properly fitted to the user's foot in walking and standing statuses; repeating the steps from selecting to determining until the most fitting combination of the basic part and modification parts is determined; reproducing the determined trial insole in a three-dimensional CAD based on the most fitting combination; and manufacturing an insole by cutting out material based on the reproduced trial insole in the three-dimensional CAD.

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Automated Strobel Printing

Номер: US20160000187A1

A machine moves shoe strobels to a camera or scanner where images of the stobels are captured. Using the images, a computing device instructs a printer how to mark guidelines within a threshold distance of each other on the strobels that signify strobel sewing lines for different shoes models and shoe sizes. Cross-sectional lines may also be printed on the strobels to aid in error-checking guideline marking. Unmarked strobels are stacked in a loading compartment, sometimes in pairs—e.g., right and left shoe strobels. The unmarked strobels are transferred to a conveyor that brings the strobels to the camera or scanner and the printer. After guidelines and/or cross-sectional lines are added to the strobels, the marked strobels are stacked in a compartments housing other marked strobels. 1. A system for marking a strobel , comprising:a loading area for introducing the strobel onto a conveyor;a camera for capturing an image of the strobel when the strobel is moved by the conveyor to an imaging area;a printer for printing guidelines on the strobel when the conveyor moves the strobel from the imaging area to a printing area, wherein a first guideline of the guidelines is printed within a threshold distance of a second guideline of the guidelines; anda computing device for determining a position of the strobel from the image, and based on the position, instructing the printer where to print the guidelines on the strobel.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a movement mechanism for removing the strobel from the conveyor after being marked with the guidelines.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the movement mechanism uses compressed air to vacuum grip the strobel.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second conveyor capable of moving the strobel to a finished compartment comprising a stack of strobels marked with guidelines.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the camera comprises a charge coupled device (“CCD”) camera or a complementary metal oxide ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method of Decorating Shoes and Decorated Shoes

Номер: US20180000198A1
Автор: Chamberlain Karyn

A decoration for a shoe element and a method of decorating a shoe element includes the steps of cutting a substrate to correspond to the shape of the shoe element and applying decorative elements to the substrate. Openings are cut in a protective cover to align with areas where the decorative elements are applied to the substrate. The protective cover and the substrate are aligned, including aligning the openings in the protective cover with the decorative elements on the substrate. In the process, the substrate is coupled to the protective cover to form a one piece, and the one piece is coupled to the shoe element. The decoration, once installed on the shoe, includes the substrate under the protective cover with raised decorative elements appearing through the openings. 1. A method of decorating a shoe element , the method comprising:applying decorative elements to a substrate using heat transfer process;applying glitter ink to areas of the substrate adjacent to the decorative elements;cutting the substrate to correspond to the shoe element using die cutting;cutting openings in a coated aluminum sheet using laser cutting;coupling the die cut substrate to the laser cut coated aluminum sheet via an adhesive to obtain a one piece, such that the openings in the coated aluminum sheet are aligned with the areas of the substrate comprising the decorative elements and the glitter ink;applying the one piece to the shoe element via an adhesive;wherein the decorative elements comprise at least one selected from the group consisting of crystals, rhinestones, gems, nail heads, grommets, metal findings, metal eyelets and plastic findings; andwherein the substrate comprises at least one selected from the group consisting of fabric, leather, plastic, wood and metal.2. The method of further comprising the step of applying the decorative elements to the substrate using a drop-off process.3. The method of wherein the heat transfer process is a clamshell heat transfer process.4. A ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Articles with Embroidered Sequins in Variable Patterns

Номер: US20220002942A1
Автор: Luedecke Tom

Hot melt sequins and methods of applying these sequins are disclosed. Sequins can be arranged in various patterns. Sequins can be arranged in dispersive patterns. Sequin patterns can be used to create gradients on the outside of an upper. The sequins can be used to attach two layers where the density of the sequins used to attach the layers can affect thermal properties, flexibility and relative motion between the layers. 1. A method of making an article of footwear , comprising:attaching a plurality of sequins to the article of footwear, the plurality of sequins including a first group of sequins and a second group of sequins;wherein each sequin in the plurality of sequins has an approximately two-dimensional shape with a thickness that is less than a length and a width of the sequin and wherein each sequin includes an opening;wherein attaching each sequin in the plurality of sequins to the article of footwear comprises stitching a thread through the opening in each sequin to secure each sequin to the article of footwear;fixedly arranging the plurality of sequins in a dispersive gradient pattern on the article of footwear such that adjacent sequins in the first group of sequins forming the dispersive gradient pattern are closer together than adjacent sequins in the second group of sequins forming the dispersive gradient pattern;arranging the dispersive gradient pattern on the article of footwear such that spacing between the adjacent sequins increases along a longitudinal direction of the article of footwear extending from a toe region to a heel region;locating the first group of sequins in the toe region of the article of footwear and locating the second group of sequins in a lacing region of the article of footwear; andwherein the first group of sequins, having more sequins than the second group of sequins, provide a first amount of abrasion resistance to the toe region of the article of footwear that is greater than a second amount of abrasion resistance ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004893A1

Systems, methods, logic, and devices may support shoe design through 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) shoe models. In some examples, a system may include a 2D shoe shell pattern engine configured to access a 2D shoe shell pattern, the 2D shoe shell pattern generated for shoe design. The system may also include a 2.5D shoe model engine configured to generate a 2.5D shoe model by placing shoe design elements provided by a user onto the 2D shoe shell pattern of the shoe, including by adding 2.5D layering data for each shoe design element placed on the 2D shoe shell pattern to form the 2.5D shoe model, and wrap the 2.5D shoe model into a 3D shoe model for construction of a physical shoe from the 3D shoe model. 1. A method comprising: accessing a 2-dimensional (2D) shoe shell pattern, the 2D shoe shell pattern generated for shoe design;', 'generating a 2.5-dimensional (2.5D) shoe model by placing shoe design elements provided by a user onto the 2D shoe shell pattern of the shoe, wherein the placing comprises adding 2.5D layering data for each shoe design element placed on the 2D shoe shell pattern to form the 2.5D shoe model; and', 'wrapping the 2.5D shoe model into a 3-dimensional (3D) shoe model for construction of a physical shoe from the 3D shoe model., 'by a computing system2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the 2.5D shoe model tracks layers of shoe design elements placed unto the 2D shoe shell pattern with an associated thicknesses of the tracked layers; andwherein the 2.5D layering data added for a given shoe design element includes thickness data and material data for the given shoe design element.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein wrapping the 2.5D shoe model into the 3D shoe model comprises accounting for material data of the shoe design elements placed into the 2.5D shoe model.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising generating the 2D shoe shell pattern by flattening a 3D shoe representation into the 2D shoe shell pattern such that the flattening accounts for ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009574A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

This application discloses methods of printing a three-dimensional object on a base using a printing device. One method includes printing a color layer of the three-dimensional object onto a region of the base. The color layer has a color thickness corresponding to a selected color intensity of a color. The method also includes determining a structural thickness for a structural layer of the three-dimensional object by calculating a difference between the color thickness and a target thickness of the three-dimensional object. The target thickness is greater than the color thickness. The method further includes printing the structural layer having the structural thickness directly onto the color layer. 1. A method of printing a three-dimensional object using a printing device , the method comprising:determining a target thickness for a region of the three-dimensional object;selecting a color for the region, the color being assigned a color density;determining a color thickness for the color based on the color density, wherein the color thickness is less than the target thickness;printing a color layer having the color thickness in the region; andprinting a structural layer having a structural thickness directly onto the color layer, wherein a combination of the color layer and the structural layer form the target thickness.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the color density is a lowest color density to achieve a selected color intensity of the color within the region claim 1 , and wherein the lowest color density corresponds to a minimum volume of printed material to achieve the selected color intensity within the region.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein after printing the color layer and prior to printing the structural layer claim 1 , the method further comprises at least partially curing the color layer.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein after printing the structural layer claim 1 , the method further comprises at least partially curing the structural layer.5. ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031016A1
Автор: Geis Benoit, Shengching Wu

A shoe may comprise an upper () and a comfort sole () attached to an outsole (), the comfort sole having a radius of curvature at any point of a line from a heel (C) to a toe (D) and interfacing with outsole (), wherein the lowest point of comfort sole () and outsole (), called the center of mass or balance point of the sole or natural balance point of the shoe, when placed on a substantially horizontal reference plane (H) defines a transition zone (Z) of the roll of the foot having the highest radius of the comfort sole and the outsole, and in that the center of mass is behind point (B) of the metatarsals. 1. A shoe comprising:an upper and a comfort sole attached to an outsole;the comfort sole having a radius of curvature at any point of a line from a heel to a toe and interfacing with the outsole;wherein the lowest point of the comfort sole and the outsole, called the center of mass or balance point of the sole or natural balance point of the shoe, when placed on a substantially horizontal reference plane defines a first transition zone of the roll of the foot having the highest radius of the comfort sole and the outsole, and in that the center of mass is behind a point of the metatarsals.2. The shoe of claim 1 , wherein the radius of curvature at any point of the line from the heel to the toe of the comfort sole and the outsole is divided into several zones having different radii of curvature.3. The shoe of claim 2 , wherein the radius of curvature at any point of the line from the heel to the toe of the comfort sole and the outsole comprises 5 zones having different radii of curvature.4. The shoe of claim 3 , wherein the 5 zones comprise the first transition zone which corresponds to the center of mass which has the highest radius of the comfort sole claim 3 , a second transition zone which is a transition zone towards the heel whose radius is smaller than the radius of the first transition zone claim 3 , an impact zone which is an impact zone at the heel whose ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014866A1

An article of cleated footwear includes an outsole plate and an upper. The outsole plate includes a rigid first member and a second rigid member. The first rigid member extends substantially along the length of the outsole, and the rigid second member is attached to the first member. The first member and/or the second member has a ground-engaging profile. The upper is attached to the first member. 1. An article of cleated footwear comprising: a rigid first member extending substantially along a length of the outsole plate, and', 'a rigid second member,', 'wherein the second member is attached to the first member, and', 'wherein at least one of the first member or the second member has a ground-engaging profile; and, 'an outsole plate comprisingan upper attached to the first member.2. The article of cleated footwear according to claim 1 , wherein:a first part of the upper is lasted around a first region of the first member; andthe second member is attached to the first member such that at least a portion of the first part of the upper is arranged between the first member and the second member in at least a portion of the first region.3. The article of cleated footwear according to claim 2 , wherein a second part of the upper is sewn to a sheet claim 2 , and wherein the sheet is attached to a second region of the first member.4. The article of cleated footwear according to claim 3 , wherein the second member of the outsole plate extends over at least a portion of the second region and a portion of the first region such that the second member covers a transition point between the second region and the first region.5. The article of cleated footwear according to claim 3 , wherein the second region comprises at least one of a heel region or a shank region of the article of cleated footwear claim 3 , and wherein the first region comprises a forefoot region of the article of cleated footwear.6. The article of cleated footwear according to claim 3 , wherein the sheet ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Article of Footwear Having a Textile Upper

Номер: US20210015199A1

An upper for an article of footwear and a method of manufacturing the upper for an article of footwear are disclosed. The upper incorporates a textile element with edges that are joined together to define at least a portion of a void for receiving a foot. The joined edges form a plurality of seams within the textile element, including a longitudinal seam extending on the lower region of the upper from a heel region to a forefoot region. Various warp knitting or weft knitting processes, including circular knitting, may be utilized to form the textile element. 1. An upper for an article of footwear , the upper comprising:a medial region, a lateral region, and a lower region; anda knit textile element having a plurality of seams formed by joining edges of the knit textile element, the plurality of seams of the knit textile element including a longitudinal seam extending on the lower region of the upper from a heel region of the upper to a forefoot area of the upper, the longitudinal seam being centrally located on the lower region of the upper between the medial region and the lateral region.2. The upper for the article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the knit textile element forms the medial region claim 1 , the lateral region claim 1 , the lower region claim 1 , and the heel region of the upper.3. The upper for the article of footwear of claim 2 , wherein the knit textile element further forms an instep region of the upper.4. The upper for the article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the knit textile element is a one-piece knit textile element formed of unitary construction.5. The upper for the article of footwear of claim 1 , wherein the upper comprises an ankle opening.6. The upper for the article of footwear of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of seams includes a heel seam that linearly extends from the lower region to the ankle opening at the heel region of the upper.7. The upper for the article of footwear of claim 6 , wherein the heel seam is centrally located ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016559A1
Автор: Miller Todd W.
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A method and apparatus for printing on an article are disclosed. An embodiment of a method may include the generation of a virtual mask that can designate areas for printing and/or designate areas to exclude from printing. A method may include utilization of the virtual mask during either 2D or 3D printing such that a print design is printed in areas designated for printing by the virtual mask. 1. A method of partially printing a print design on a surface of an article , the method comprising:receiving the article on a surface of a print system;receiving a print design for the article;forming a digitized image of the article using a sensor system;identifying one or more first portions of the article and one or more second portions of the article represented in the digitized image based on one or more detectable features on the surface of the article using a computing system, the first portion representing a print area of the article onto which a print material is to be printed and the second portion representing a no-print area of the article onto which the print material is not to be printed;forming a digital mask representing the second portion of the digitized image of the article and applying the digital mask to the print design to form a modified print design; andprinting the modified print design on the article.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the digital mask to the print design comprises determining a mapping relationship between the digitized image of the article and the print design and associating the second portion of the article represented in the digitized image with a respective portion of the print design to form the modified print design.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the digitized image is represented by a first plurality of pixels and the print design is represented by a second plurality of pixels claim 2 , and the mapping relationship comprises associating at least some of the first plurality of pixels with at least some of the ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Method and system for customizing sandals for a user

Номер: US20150019372A1
Автор: Fox Terral

In one embodiment, a method and system for customizing sandals comprises providing a user with a series of foot sole templates embodying varying shapes and sizes from which the user selects their foot shape; providing a second template for the selected shape with a series of possible positions for the placement of a toe strap; and manufacturing the sandal according to the user selections. 1. A system for customizing sandals , comprising:a plurality of foot sole templates, wherein each template varies in shape; andwherein at least one template has at least one selecting means for selecting strap positioning.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the foot templates are printed on paper.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the foot templates are formed from plastic.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the selecting means is a plurality of apertures.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the selecting means is a plurality of position identifiers.6. A method of customizing sandals for a user claim 1 , comprising:presenting a user with a plurality of foot sole templates, wherein each template varies in shape;selecting the shape and size that is optimal for the user; andmanufacturing the sandal.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising a selecting means for strap positioning.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the selecting means is a plurality of apertures.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the selecting means is a plurality of position identifiers.10. The method of claim 6 , wherein the plurality of foot sole templates are overlaid one with another as a single template.11. A method of customizing a sandal order claim 6 , comprising:using an electronic device to view or download at least one foot sole template;selecting the optimal template for size and shape;selecting strap positioning using a selecting means; andplacing the order online.12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the electronic device is a personal computer.13. The method of claim 11 , wherein the electronic device is ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020412A1
Автор: Kue Chengkou

A method of forming an article of footwear according to an embodiment of the present invention includes injection molding a footbed component as a single monolithic piece, the footbed component comprising a footbed having a top surface configured to contact a user's foot when the article of footwear is worn by the user, the footbed component further comprising a stitch-out flange extending laterally outwardly about the footbed, the stitch-out flange having a top surface and a bottom surface; arranging at least a portion of an upper as a layer against the top surface of the stitch-out flange; stitching the upper to the stitch-out flange by applying a stitching pattern completely through the upper and the top and bottom surfaces of the stitch-out flange, for example along a vertical direction with respect to the footbed component. 1. A method of forming an article of footwear , the method comprising:injection molding a footbed component as a single monolithic piece, the footbed component comprising a footbed having a top surface configured to contact a user's foot when the article of footwear is worn by the user, the footbed component further comprising a stitch-out flange extending laterally outwardly about the footbed, the stitch-out flange having a top surface and a bottom surface;arranging at least a portion of an upper as a layer against the top surface of the stitch-out flange;stitching the upper to the stitch-out flange by applying a stitching pattern completely through the upper and the top and bottom surfaces of the stitch-out flange.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein applying the stitching pattern comprises applying the stitching pattern along a vertical direction with respect to the footbed.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein injection molding the footbed comprises injection molding the footbed component of a foaming resin comprising ethylene vinyl acetate.4. The method of claim 1 , further comprising adhering an outsole component to a bottom surface of the ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021449A1

An apparatus to assist in making an orthotic, insole or other footwear insert that is customized to a plantar surface of an individual's foot is provided. The apparatus includes a portable housing; a heater unit to selectively heat the orthotic or a heel cap of the footwear insert to increase its pliability; at least one alignment device to assist in positioning and orientating the individual's foot prior to conforming the orthotic or the heel cap to the plantar surface of the individual's foot; and a vacuum system to selectively apply a vacuum around the individual's foot to bring the orthotic or the heel cap into conformance with the plantar surface of the individual's foot prior to setting of the orthotic or the heel cap. Related methods of making custom orthotics, insoles and other footwear inserts are also provided. 127-. (canceled)28. An apparatus to assist in customizing a footwear insert to a plantar surface of an individual's foot , the apparatus comprising:a portable housing having a front face, the portable housing being engageable with a ground surface, and the front face including a foot receiving area that is transverse to the ground surface;a heater unit disposed in the portable housing, the heater unit having an opening formed in the portable housing, the opening being sized to receive a footwear insert to selectively heat the footwear insert;a cradle for a distal end portion of a leg of an individual, the cradle extending outwardly from the front face of the portable housing; anda vent disposed in the portable housing, the vent being thermally coupled to the heater unit to vent heated air generated by the heater unit.29. The apparatus of claim 28 , further comprising a vacuum system that includes a vacuum unit disposed in the enclosure of the portable housing claim 28 , the vacuum system including a bag and a control device to selectively apply a vacuum to the bag claim 28 , the bag being positionable around the individual's foot and the footwear ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации

Shoe, in particular a sports shoe

Номер: US20200022453A1
Принадлежит: PUMA SE

A shoe, in particular a sport shoe, having a sole and a shoe upper part connected to the sole. In order to improve the use properties of the shoe, the sole is made, at least in sections, from an expanded thermoplastic polyolefin.

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Printing platen and method for using the same

Номер: US20160031206A1
Автор: John Budd
Принадлежит: Individual

The present disclosure relates to a platen and process for using the platen for treating irregularly shaped textile such as a shoe upper. Platens disclosed herein can include a substantially flat platen comprising a base portion, an extension off the base portion, and a tip connected to the extension, in which all the respective components generally occupying a single plane. The base portion that includes at least one groove has a generally elongated shape with a distal end, a proximal end. The tip is configured to support one or more cords to apply tension to a textile. The platen also includes a securing member used to secure an edge of the textile to the base portion of the platen. The securing member can include protrusions running along one or both bottom edges to help secure the edge of a textile with the grooves.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029358A1

An article of footwear and a method of manufacturing the article of footwear are disclosed. The footwear may include an upper and a sole structure. The upper incorporates a textile element with edges that are joined together to define at least a portion of a void for receiving a foot. The textile element may also have a first area and a second area with a unitary construction with varying stitch configurations. The upper may also incorporate longitudinal ribs extending along the lateral and/or medial sides of the upper. Various warp knitting or weft knitting processes, including circular knitting, may be utilized to form the textile element. 1. A method of manufacturing an article of footwear , the method comprising:flat knitting a textile element having a shape of an upper in a planar configuration for the article of footwear, the knitted textile element including a plurality of flat knit edges defining the shape of the upper in the planar configuration, the flat knit edges being free of surrounding material from which the knitted textile element must be removed; andincorporating the knitted textile element into the article of footwear.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of flat knitting the textile element further comprises:knitting a lateral region;knitting an opposite medial region;knitting an instep region;knitting a lower region; andknitting a heel region.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the lateral region claim 2 , the medial region claim 2 , the instep region claim 2 , the lower region claim 2 , and the heel region are formed of unitary construction using at least one yarn.4. The method according to claim 2 , wherein the step of knitting the lower region includes a first flat knit edge and an opposite second flat knit edge.5. The method according to claim 4 , further comprising joining the first flat knit edge and the second flat knit edge to overlap portions of the knitted textile element and form a void within the upper for ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Footwear with a shell

Номер: US20220053878A1
Автор: Benoit Geis, Wu Shengching
Принадлежит: North Face Apparel Corp

A shoe may comprise an upper and a comfort sole attached to an outsole, the comfort sole having a radius of curvature at any point of a line from a heel to a toe and interfacing with outsole, wherein the lowest point of comfort sole and outsole, called the center of mass or balance point of the sole or natural balance point of the shoe, when placed on a substantially horizontal reference plane defines a transition zone of the roll of the foot having the highest radius of the comfort sole and the outsole, and in that the center of mass is behind point (B) of the metatarsals; and a rigid shell interposed between the upper and the comfort sole.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037710A1

A clamping system for a component, especially for an article of footwear or a sports article, may include: (a) a first member; (b) a second member, (c) a pivot about which the first member and the second member are rotatable relative to each other; (d) a first bracket slidably movable along a first path on the first member and a second path, by a first distance, on the second member, when the first member and the second member are rotated relative to each other from a first angle to a second angle; and (e) at least a second bracket slidably movable along a third path on the first member and a fourth path, by a second distance, on the second member, when the first member and the second member are rotated relative to each other from the first angle to the second angle. 1. A clamping system for an article of footwear or a sports article , the clamping system comprising:a first member;a second member,a pivot about which the first member and the second member are rotatable relative to each other;a first bracket slidably movable at least partly along a first path on the first member and at least partly along a second path, by a first distance, on the second member when the first member and the second member are rotated relative to each other from a first angle to a second angle; andat least a second bracket slidably movable at least partly along a third path on the first member and at least partly along a fourth path, by a second distance, on the second member, when the first member and the second member are rotated relative to each other from the first angle to the second angle.2. The clamping system of claim 1 , wherein the first member comprises a first plate; wherein the first path is defined by a first slot arranged in the first member;', 'wherein the third path is defined by a second slot arranged in the first member;', 'wherein the second path is defined by a first channel arranged in the second member; and', 'wherein the fourth path is defined by a second channel ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044985A1
Автор: Lien Kurt

An integrally-formed shoe having no machine sewing and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. A structure of the shoe includes: a lining sock body that uses a knitting manner and includes an opening; and a surface sock body that uses a knitting manner and includes an opening and a sole, where the opening of the lining sock body is nested inside the surface sock body; the two sock bodies are properly mounted on a sock machine; low melting point yarn and nylon elastic filament are mixed into knitting of the lining sock body; low melting point yarn, nylon elastic filament, and set yarn are mixed into knitting of the surface sock body; after the sock machine weaves and molds the two sock bodies into a whole, a hollow mold is nested inside the surface sock body; the whole is heated and baked to slightly damage surface tissues of the yarn, and is then cooled to make the set yarn in knitwear be reorganized and extended according to the shape of an external fixing mold, to present a predetermined pattern; and after the surface sock body presents the predetermined pattern, the sole is directly bonded to the bottom of the surface sock body so as to achieve bonding of the sole and the surface sock body, to complete the integrally-formed shoe having no machine sewing, so that a user feels more comfortable due to no machine sewing. 1. A method for manufacturing an integrally-formed shoe having no machine sewing , comprising the following steps:(a) encasing a surface sock body in a lining sock body with inside out, and knitting one end of the lining sock body to one end of the surface sock body to form a first sock body, wherein the lining sock body comprises nylon elastic filament and low melting point yarn which is mixed into an outer layer, and the surface sock body comprises nylon elastic filament, and low melting point yarn and set yarn which are mixed into an inner layer;(b) nesting a hollow mold inside the first sock body, wherein the hollow mold is heatable;(c) an ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160044995A1
Автор: YANG Teng-Jen

A method for integrally forming a sole with hobnails includes the following steps: providing a mold assembly, the mold assembly includes a sole forming member and a hobnail forming member, the hobnail forming member is movable with respect to the sole forming member; forming of sole and hobnails, injecting plastic material into the mold cavity to integrally form the sole and a hobnail; demolding the hobnail, moving the hobnail forming member with respect to the sole forming member to create a buffer space between the hobnail and the hobnail forming member; and demolding of the sole, taking the sole with the hobnail obtained by the previous step out of the mold assembly, wherein an arc-shaped paw portion of the hobnail is bent through the buffer space and then demolded. 1. A method for integrally forming a sole with hobnails comprising the following steps:providing a mold assembly, the mold assembly including an injection mold and a shaping mold, the shaping mold including a sole forming member, and a hobnail forming member, the sole forming member being formed with a hobnail forming hole, around the hobnail forming hole being formed an arc-shaped rib, the hobnail forming member being placed into the hobnail forming hole in a manner that a mold cavity is defined between the injection mold and the shaping mold, the mold cavity including a hobnail forming portion between the injection mold and the hobnail forming member, and a sole forming portion between the injection mold and the sole forming member, the hobnail forming member being able to move with respect to the sole forming member within the hobnail forming hole;forming of sole and hobnails, assembling the injection mold to the sole forming member and the hobnail forming member, injecting plastic material into the mold cavity to integrally form a sole and a hobnail which is integral with the sole;demolding the hobnail, moving the hobnail forming member with respect to the sole forming member to move away from the ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Apparel and other products incorporating a thermoplastic polymer material

Номер: US20170042264A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A yarn or thread may include a plurality of substantially aligned filaments, with at least ninety-five percent of a material of the filaments being a thermoplastic polymer material. Various woven textiles and knitted textiles may be formed from the yarn or thread. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be thermal bonded to other elements to form seams. A strand that is at least partially formed from a thermoplastic polymer material may extend through the seam, and the strand may be thermal bonded at the seam. The woven textiles or knitted textiles may be shaped or molded, incorporated into products, and recycled to form other products.

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of Making an Article Comprising Links

Номер: US20140123408A1
Автор: Michael A. Aveni
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A method of making an article comprising links is disclosed. The method includes a step of generating a link pattern according to a pre-selected portion of the article. The link pattern comprises a plurality of link indicia that correspond to plurality of links. After associating each link from the plurality of links with a link indicia from the plurality of link indicia, a plurality of threads may be threaded through the plurality of links to form a link matrix. The link matrix may be associated with the pre-selected portion of an article to make an article comprising links.

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150053340A1

A method of applying graphics to a set of articles with a graphic transfer assembly is disclosed. The method includes a step of selecting an article from a set of articles comprising different types of articles. After selecting a last that may be associated with the article, the last may be attached to a last assembly of the graphic transfer assembly. With the article attached to the graphic transfer assembly, a deformable membrane may apply graphics to curved portions of the article. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of applying a graphic to an article , comprising the steps of:placing the article onto a last assembly configured to fit the article;associating the graphic with a curved surface of the article using a temporary attachment layer;orienting the last assembly including the article so that the curved surface of the article is adjacent to a chamber of the graphic transfer assembly, wherein the chamber is attached to a first housing portion, and wherein the first housing portion includes a heating element, and wherein the chamber is filled with a liquid;heating the liquid with the heating element to conductively heat a deformable membrane of the chamber;pressing the curved surface of the article with the graphic against the deformable membrane using the last assembly, thereby applying heat and pressure to the graphic; andtransferring the graphic to the curved surface of the article.22. The method according to claim 21 , further including the step of separating the article from the deformable membrane using the last assembly.23. The method according to claim 21 , further including removing the temporary attachment layer from the article.24. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the step of pressing further includes deflecting the deformable membrane to conform the graphic to the curved surface of the article.25. The method according to claim 21 , wherein an outer periphery of the deformable membrane is attached to a cut out portion of the chamber.26. The ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating A Knitted Component

Номер: US20140130270A1

An article of footwear has an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes a knitted component and, in some configurations, a skin layer secured to the knitted component. The knitted component may have a plurality of protruding areas that extend outward and away from a void within the upper for receiving a foot of a wearer. The protruding areas may include one or both of (a) a first tubular structure and an inlaid strand extending through the first tubular structure and (b) a second tubular structure and yarn sections extending across the second tubular structure. 1. A method for manufacturing an upper for an article of footwear , the method comprising:positioning a skin layer adjacent to a knitted component and in an overlapping configuration, the knitted component having regions with different thicknesses;locating the skin layer and the knitted component between a first surface and a second surface of a press, the first surface including a first material, and the second surface including a second material, the first material having greater compressibility than the second material; andcompressing the skin layer and the knitted component between the first surface and the second surface to join the skin layer to the knitted component.2. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of locating includes selecting (a) the first material have a first hardness and (b) the second material to have a second hardness claim 1 , the first hardness being less than the second hardness.3. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of locating includes selecting (a) the first material have a first thickness and (b) the second material to have a second thickness claim 1 , the first thickness being greater than the second thickness.4. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of locating includes selecting the first material to be silicone.5. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of locating includes selecting each of the first ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating A Knitted Component

Номер: US20140130373A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An article of footwear has an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes a knitted component and, in some configurations, a skin layer secured to the knitted component. The knitted component may have a plurality of protruding areas that extend outward and away from a void within the upper for receiving a foot of a wearer. The protruding areas may include one or both of (a) a first tubular structure and an inlaid strand extending through the first tubular structure and (b) a second tubular structure and yarn sections extending across the second tubular structure.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating A Knitted Component

Номер: US20140130375A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An article of footwear has an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes a knitted component and, in some configurations, a skin layer secured to the knitted component. The knitted component may have a plurality of protruding areas that extend outward and away from a void within the upper for receiving a foot of a wearer. The protruding areas may include one or both of (a) a first tubular structure and an inlaid strand extending through the first tubular structure and (b) a second tubular structure and yarn sections extending across the second tubular structure.

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Method of Customizing an Article Using a Graphic Transfer Assembly

Номер: US20160059533A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A method of customizing an article with graphics applied using a graphic transfer assembly is disclosed. The method includes a step of creating or selecting a customized graphic to be applied to an article. The article and the customized graphic are placed within the graphic transfer assembly. A deformable membrane may apply the customized graphic to curved portions of the article.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054099A1

The invention relates to footwear and portions thereof having structural features and decorative designs thereon, and related systems and methods for manufacturing same. An exemplary method for providing a feature on a surface of an object includes positioning a laser proximate the surface of the object, directing a laser beam from the laser to the surface of the object to mark or engrave at least a portion of the surface of the object, and moving at least one of the laser and the object to create a pattern on the surface of the object, the pattern providing at least one of an aesthetic and a structural feature on the surface of the object. 134-. (canceled)35. A sole for an article of footwear , comprising:a midsole comprising a first midsole component, the first midsole component comprising an upper surface, a lower surface, and an interior portion extending between the upper surface and the lower surface and bounded by a sidewall, the sidewall comprising at least one first region and at least one second region, wherein;(i) the first region comprises a first pattern comprising a series of distributed structural elements comprising at least one of discrete unconnected polyhedronal elements, discrete unconnected spheroidal elements, or a grid of connected polyhedronal elements, the first pattern providing at least one of an aesthetic or a structural feature in the first region; and(ii) at least one of a size, a cross-sectional shape, an orientation, a depth, or a density of the structural elements differs between a first location and a second location of the first pattern.36. The sole of claim 35 , wherein the first pattern is substantially absent from the second region.37. The sole of claim 36 , wherein the sidewall comprises a plurality of first regions with at least one second region extending between the first regions.38. The sole of claim 35 , wherein the first midsole component comprises a single claim 35 , unitary foamed material.39. The sole of claim 35 , ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160066649A1
Автор: DAHL JEROD, Foley Peter

A welded shoe assembly includes a shoe upper with a plastic surface welded to a plastic surface of a bottom unit. The welded shoe assembly is formed, in one implementation, by compressing the shoe upper and a bottom unit against one another between an electrically conductive last and an electrically conductive mold and applying an electrical signal to either the electrically conductive last and/or the electrically conductive mold. 1. A shoe assembly comprising:a shoe upper; anda bottom unit including a plastic surface welded to a plastic surface of the shoe upper.2. The shoe assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bottom unit includes a carrier and an array of cushioning elements attached thereto.3. The shoe assembly of claim 2 , wherein individual cushioning elements of the array of cushioning elements protrude through apertures in the carrier.4. The shoe assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the cushioning elements includes multiple void cells.5. The shoe assembly of claim 2 , wherein each of the cushioning elements includes at least two interfacing void cells.6. A method of assembling a shoe comprising:compressing a shoe upper against a bottom unit between a conductive last and a conductive mold; andapplying an electrical signal to at least one of the conductive last and the conductive mold sufficient to weld the shoe upper to the bottom unit.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the electrical signal is a radio-frequency (RF) signal.8. The method of claim 6 , wherein the electrical signal has a frequency substantially between 15 and 70 kilohertz (kHz).9. The method of claim 6 , wherein the bottom unit includes a carrier and a number of cushioning elements and the carrier further includes through-holes each sized and shaped to receive a portion of one of the cushioning elements.10. The method of claim 9 , further comprising:positioning each of the cushioning elements within a corresponding one of the through-holes of the carrier.11. The method of claim 9 , further ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

Custom Footwear And Custom Footwear Fabrication System and Methods

Номер: US20160066655A1
Автор: Goldie Scott D.

Disclosed embodiments include systems for fabricating custom footwear, custom footwear, and blanks useful for creating custom footwear. System embodiments include a processor which controls the fabrication of custom footwear based in part upon contemporaneously received customer input concerning design choices and further based in part upon physical attributes of the customer's feet determined contemporaneously with a foot scanning unit. In some embodiments the entire design and fabrication process is completed at a retail location within the view of the customer. 1. A footwear fabrication system comprising:one or more customer input units providing for the selection of at least one footwear design feature by a customer;a foot scanning unit providing a digital representation of at least one physical attribute of the customer's feet;a supply of footwear blanks;a footwear forming machine; anda processor receiving input from the customer input unit and the foot scanning unit, the processor being configured to control the footwear forming machine and cause the footwear forming machine to fabricate footwear incorporating the at least one footwear design feature selected by the customer and the processor being further configured to cause the footwear forming machine to customize the footwear to correspond to the scanned physical attribute of the customer's feet.2. The footwear fabrication system of wherein the supply of footwear blanks comprises an automated supply of footwear blanks claim 1 , and wherein the processor is configured to control the automated supply of footwear blanks and cause the automated supply of footwear blanks to supply a selected blank to the footwear forming machine.34-. (canceled)5. The footwear fabrication system of further comprising a retail pad claim 2 , wherein the one or more customer input units claim 2 , the foot scanning unit claim 2 , the footwear forming machine claim 2 , the automated supply of footwear blanks and the processor are ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068504A1
Автор: WANG Shui-Mu

A method for assembling shoe components includes the steps of: providing at least two shoe components, a shoe last and a film unit; placing the at least two shoe components on an outer surface of the shoe last; removably covering an assembly of the at least two shoe components and the shoe last with the film unit such that the film unit and the shoe last cooperatively define a confining space therebetween; and pumping air out of the confining space and heating the at least two shoe components to shrink and deform the film unit so as to press the at least two shoe components to adhere tightly to each other. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for assembling shoe components , comprising:providing at least two shoe components, a shoe last and a film unit, at least one of the at least two shoe components having an adhesive layer, the shoe last having a shoe last body, the film unit including at least one flexible air barrier film;placing the at least two shoe components on an outer surface of the shoe last body;removably covering an assembly of the at least two shoe components and the shoe last with the at least one flexible air barrier film such that the at least one flexible air barrier film and the shoe last cooperatively define a confining space therebetween; andpumping air out of the confining space and heating the at least two shoe components to shrink and deform the at least one flexible air barrier film so as to press the at least two shoe components to adhere tightly to each other;wherein the shoe last body is formed with an air port and a plurality of vent holes communicating with the air port and the confining space, the air port being configured for pumping the air out of the confining space through the vent holes; andwherein the at least one flexible air barrier film has a through hole corresponding to the air port in of the shoe last body.13. The method as claimed in claim 12 , wherein the film unit includes two opposite flexible air barrier films removably ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160073740A1

An apparatus to assist in making an orthotic, insole or other footwear insert that is customized to a plantar surface of an individual's foot is provided. The apparatus includes a portable housing; a heater unit to selectively heat the orthotic or a heel cap of the footwear insert to increase its pliability; at least one alignment device to assist in positioning and orientating the individual's foot prior to conforming the orthotic or the heel cap to the plantar surface of the individual's foot; and a vacuum system to selectively apply a vacuum around the individual's foot to bring the orthotic or the heel cap into conformance with the plantar surface of the individual's foot prior to setting of the orthotic or the heel cap. Related methods of making custom orthotics, insoles and other footwear inserts are also provided. 1. An apparatus for making a customized orthotic , insole or other footwear insert for a plantar surface of an individual's foot , the apparatus comprising:a portable housing defining a foot receiving area and including an alignment device configured to assist in positioning and orientating the foot along the natural gait cycle of the foot, the alignment device comprising a support device adjustably movable back and forth in a direction generally parallel to a reference plane defined by the foot receiving area to selectively underlie and stabilize a metatarsal head of the foot for making the customized footwear insert; anda heater unit disposed within the portable housing and coupled to the portable housing, the heater unit configured and arranged to heat an orthotic or a heel cap item of a footwear insert to increase the pliability thereof prior to conforming the orthotic or the heel cap item to the plantar surface of the foot.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:a vacuum system coupled to the portable housing, including a control device and configured to selectively apply a vacuum around the foot to bring the orthotic or the heel cap ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Article of Footwear Having A Textile Upper

Номер: US20170071280A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A method of manufacturing an article of footwear is disclosed. The footwear may include an upper and a sole structure. The upper incorporates a textile element with flat-knit edges that are joined together to define at least a portion of a void for receiving a foot. The textile element may also have a first area and a second area with a unitary construction. The first area is formed of a first stitch configuration, and the second area is formed of a second stitch configuration that is different from the first stitch configuration to impart varying textures to a surface of the textile element. Various warp knitting or weft knitting processes may be utilized to form the textile element.

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Method Of Manufacturing Article Of Footwear With Graduated Projections

Номер: US20170071291A1

A method of manufacturing an article of footwear includes providing a textile and applying heat and/or pressure to the textile using a texturing device to form a textured area of the textile. The textured area is spaced apart from a substantially smooth area of the textile. The method further includes forming at least part of an upper from the textile after applying the heat and/or pressure to the textile. The upper includes a cavity configured to receive a foot. The substantially smooth area is configured to define a reference boundary of the upper. The substantially smooth area and the textured area are each configured to be disposed at predetermined regions of the upper. Furthermore, forming the textured area includes forming a plurality of projection structures that project outward from the reference boundary at varying distances. 1. A method of manufacturing an article of footwear comprising:providing a textile;applying at least one of heat and pressure to the textile using a texturing device to form a textured area of the textile, the textured area being spaced apart from a substantially smooth area of the textile; andforming at least part of an upper from the textile after applying the at least one of heat and pressure to the textile, the upper having a cavity configured to receive a foot;the substantially smooth area configured to define a reference boundary of the upper, the substantially smooth area and the textured area each configured to be disposed at predetermined regions of the upper; andwherein forming the textured area includes forming a plurality of projection structures that project outwardly from the reference boundary at varying distances.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein providing the textile includes knitting a knitted component of unitary knit construction.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming the textured area includes forming a plurality of recess structures that recess inwardly from the reference boundary claim 1 , the plurality of ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160075128A1

A printing jig system that includes a maintaining jig able to maintain an article for a first processing step and that is also used to maintain and align the article for a subsequent printing process step. In order to effectively be used for a first processing step and a second printing process step, a support portion supports the article in locations otherwise left unsupported by a processing aperture of the maintaining jig. The processing aperture is configured to facilitate the first processing step, such as steaming of the article. The print support portion is configured to extend through the processing aperture of the maintaining jig The maintaining jig and the print support portion are aligned and maintained relative to each other and a printing machine by a base plate adapted to removeably secure and align the maintaining jig and the print support portion. 1. A method of using a jig printing system , the method comprising:positioning a print support portion in a base plate;securing an article onto a first article maintaining jig, the article extends over a processing aperture of the first article maintaining jig, the article having a first surface and an opposite second surface;positioning the first article maintaining jig on the base plate, the print support portion extends through at least a portion of the first article maintaining jig; andprinting on the first surface of the article in a location proximate the print support portion that is supporting the article at the second surface of the article.2. The method of further comprising:removing the first article maintaining jig from the base plate;without repositioning the print support portion on the base plate, positioning a second article maintaining jig on the base plate, the print support portion extends through at least a portion of the second article maintaining jig; andprinting on a first surface of a second article maintained by the second article maintaining jig in a location proximate the print ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Buffing system for footwear

Номер: US20210076812A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

Buffing of a footwear component allows for an alteration of the component surface to achieve an intended surface for aesthetics and/or manufacturing purposes. The buffing is performed in a system having a vision module, a sidewall buffing module, an up surface buffing module, and a down surface buffing module. Each of the buffing modules are adapted for the unique shape and sizes of a footwear component to effectively and automatically buff the footwear component.

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220095745A1
Автор: ADESHINA Omowonuola

An attachment mechanism and system for detachably securing an attachment piece to a sandal or a regular shoe. The attachment piece wraps around the leg of the wearer thereby transforming the sandal or the regular shoe into a different type of footwear. The attachment mechanism and system comprises a planar elongated loop element having a loop at one end and a rivet at a section of the other end, and a metal ring inserted in the loop. The rivet is adapted to be received in a hole located on an upper section of the sandal or regular shoe. The attachment mechanism and system also constitutes an aesthetic component to the footwear. 1. An attachment mechanism and system for a footwear , comprising:a planar elongated loop element having a loop at one end and a rivet at a section of the other end; anda metal ring inserted in the loop, wherein the rivet is adapted to be received in a hole located on an upper section of the footwear.2. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , wherein the loop element is made of a flexible or foldable material.3. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , wherein the rivet is made of a metallic material.4. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , wherein the rivet is a Chicago screw rivet.5. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , wherein the loop element and the rivet are made of a same flexible material claim 1 , optionally the loop element and the rivet form a one-piece unit.6. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , wherein the loop element and the rivet are detachably or fixedly attached.7. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , which constitutes an aesthetic component to the footwear.8. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 7 , further comprising at least one other aesthetic component detachably or fixedly attached to the ring.9. The attachment mechanism and system according to claim 1 , wherein the footwear is ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210086527A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A method for printing a three-dimensional object includes printing a structural layer onto a three-dimensional object, printing a first color layer onto a first region of the structural layer, and printing a second color layer onto a second region of the structural layer. The first region includes a first structural thickness, and the second region includes a second structural thickness, which is different than the first structural thickness. The first color layer includes a first color and a first color thickness, and the first color thickness and the first structural thickness in combination form a target thickness. The second color layer includes a second color and a second color thickness, and the second color thickness and the second structural thickness in combination form the target thickness. 1. A method for printing a three-dimensional object , the method comprising:printing a structural layer onto a three-dimensional object, wherein the structural layer comprises a first region and a second region, wherein the first region comprises a first structural thickness, wherein the second region comprises a second structural thickness, and wherein the first structural thickness and the second structural thickness are different;printing a first color layer directly onto the first region of the structural layer, wherein the first color layer comprises a first color and a first color thickness, and wherein the first color thickness and the first structural thickness in combination form a target thickness; andprinting a second color layer directly onto the second region of the structural layer, wherein the second color layer comprises a second color and a second color thickness, and wherein the second color thickness and the second structural thickness in combination form the target thickness.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the structural layer comprises a third region claim 1 , wherein the third region comprises a third structural thickness claim 1 , and wherein ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating Foam-Filled Elements And Methods for Manufacturing The Foam-Filled Elements

Номер: US20140165304A1

An article of footwear may have an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The sole structure has a plurality of support elements, and each of the support elements include a shell and a core. The shell defines an interior void and is formed from a polymer material that extends around substantially all of the void. The core has a shape of the void and is located within the void, with at least a portion of the core being a polymer foam material. The polymer foam material of at least two of the support elements may have different densities. 1. A method of manufacturing a sole structure for an article of footwear , the method comprising steps of:dispensing a first volume of foam material into a first depression defined in a first polymer layer;dispensing a second volume of foam material into a second depression defined in the first polymer layer, the second depression being disposed adjacent the first depression;expanding the first volume of foam material within the first depression;expanding the second volume of foam material within the second depression; andplacing a permeable block over both the first depression and the second depression to substantially prevent the first volume of foam material from expanding out of the first depression and the second volume of foam material from expanding out of the second depression.2. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of expanding the first volume of foam material within the first depression includes expanding the foam material to fill a space between the first depression and the permeable block.3. The method recited in claim 2 , wherein the step of expanding the second volume of foam material within the second depression includes expanding the foam material to fill a space between the second depression and the permeable block.4. The method recited in claim 3 , wherein the first depression is the substantially the same size as the second depression.5. The method recited in claim 4 , wherein the first ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082793A1

A shoe embryo tailored from a tubular fabric is provided. The shoe embryo includes a sole portion, a toe cap portion located at one end of the sole portion, a heel portion located at the other end of the sole portion, and an ankle portion located above the sole portion and near the heel portion. The ankle portion includes an ankle opening overlock line formed by trimming the tubular fabric and overlocking. The heel portion includes a heel overlock line formed by trimming the tubular fabric and overlocking, and a sole overlock line formed by folding below the heel overlock line and overlocking. The toe cap portion includes a toe cap overlock line formed by trimming the tubular fabric and overlocking. 1. A method for manufacturing a shoe embryo tailored from a tubular fabric , comprising:providing at least two yarns to weave and form the tubular fabric, weaving a toe portion tailor auxiliary line at one end of the tubular fabric and weaving a heel portion tailor auxiliary line at one other end, and weaving an ankle portion tailor auxiliary line at a position between the heel portion tailor auxiliary line and the toe portion tailor auxiliary line and near the heel portion tailor auxiliary line, wherein the tubular fabric is sequentially defined into a toe portion trimmed region, an ankle portion trimmed region and a heel portion trimmed region by the toe portion tailor auxiliary line, the ankle portion tailor auxiliary line and the heel portion tailor auxiliary line, respectively;trimming and removing the ankle portion trimmed region, and performing an overlock process according to the ankle portion tailor auxiliary line to form an ankle opening overlock line at the tubular fabric;trimming and removing the heel portion trimmed region, and performing an overlock process according to the heel portion tailor auxiliary line to form a heel overlock line at the tubular fabric;folding below the heel overlock line to form a concave crease and a revealed crease, such that a ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142306A1

Footwear articles are disclosed herein. Footwear articles may be formed using a method comprising disposing uncured resin adjacent a mold, disposing a lattice structure in at least a portion of the uncured resin disposed adjacent the mold, closing the mold using a lasted upper, and injecting foam into the closed mold such that the foam operates to couple the lasted upper and the lattice structure together. 1. A footwear article formed using a method comprising:disposing uncured resin adjacent a mold;disposing a lattice structure in at least a portion of the uncured resin disposed adjacent the mold;closing the mold using a lasted upper; andinjecting foam into the closed mold such that the foam operates to couple the lasted upper and the lattice structure together.2. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the lattice structure is formed using additive manufacturing.3. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the upper comprises a knit upper.4. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the closing the mold using a lasted upper comprises using a mold component comprising an integral upper.5. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the foam is injected into the mold via an aperture formed in the mold.6. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the foam operates as a base cushion layer in a footwear article.7. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the first resin comprises a clear resin.8. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the lattice structure is formed using additive manufacturing.9. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the lattice structure is formed in the shape of the footwear article.10. The footwear article of claim 1 , wherein the lattice structure comprises one or more struts interconnected to define a plurality of apertures.11. A footwear article comprising:A lasted upper;a midsole; and disposing a first resin in a female mold portion of a mold associated with footwear;', 'closing the mold using a male mold portion;', 'disposing an ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Including Full Length Composite Plate

Номер: US20180092430A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A full length composite plate to be used as part of an outsole assembly in an article of footwear is disclosed. The full length composite plate comprises a composite material that has a certain percent elongation. The full length composite plate can include a heel cup for heel stability and improved traction. The full length composite plate also can include two angled portions along an arch region that provide arch support, as well as two flattened edges along the arch region to minimize or eliminate buckling. The forefoot region can be relatively flatter than the arch and heel regions, and notches are preferably included along a portion of the forefoot to increase flexibility. 120-. (canceled)21. A plate for an article of footwear having an upper , the plate comprising:a forefoot region;a heel region; andan arch region disposed between the forefoot region and the heel region, the forefoot region including a convex surface extending from a first end disposed at a medial side of the plate to a second end disposed at a lateral side of the plate.22. The article of footwear of claim 21 , wherein the plate includes a concave surface disposed on an opposite side of the plate than the convex surface and extending from the first end to the second end.23. The article of footwear of claim 22 , wherein the convex surface and the concave surface extend into the arch region.24. The article of footwear of claim 22 , wherein the convex surface and the concave surface terminate at the arch region.25. The article of footwear of claim 22 , wherein the arch region includes a first rib extending along a longitudinal axis of the plate and a second rib extending along the longitudinal axis of the plate claim 22 , the second rib being disposed adjacent to the first rib.26. The article of footwear of claim 25 , further comprising a groove disposed between the first rib and the second rib and extending in a direction toward the upper.27. The article of footwear of claim 25 , further ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190090589A1

An article of footwear may include an upper configured to receive a foot of a wearer and a sole structure fixedly attached to the upper, the sole structure including a ground-contacting outer member and a removable midsole. The footwear may further include a motorized tensioning system including a power source, a control unit, a tensile member, and a motorized tightening device, the motorized tightening device being attached to an outer surface of the upper, and the tightening device being configured to apply tension in the tensile member to adjust the size of an internal void defined by the article of footwear. In addition, the power source and the control unit of the tensioning system may be configured to be removably disposed in the removable midsole. 1. An article of footwear , comprising:an upper configured to receive a foot of a wearer, having an instep portion configured to extend over an instep of the foot of the wearer;a sole structure fixedly attached to the upper, the sole structure including a ground-contacting outer member and a removable midsole; anda motorized tensioning system including a power source, a control unit a motorized tightening device, the tightening device, and a tensile member having a first end connected to the tightening device and a second end connected to the tightening device, the tensile member extending from the first end forwardly along a side of the upper to a forefoot region of the upper and then across the instep portion and then rearwardly along an opposed side of the upper, the tightening device being configured to apply tension in the tensile member to adjust the size of an internal void defined by the article of footwear; anda plurality of lace receiving members fixedly attached to the upper on one or more of the inelastic portions of the upper along each side of the upper, wherein the tensile member is strung through the plurality of lace receiving members;wherein the power source and the control unit of the tensioning ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Sole Structure Comprising a Fluid Filled Member with Slots

Номер: US20190090591A1
Автор: Miner Mark C.

A sole structure for an article of footwear is disclosed. The sole structure comprises a fluid filled member and a plurality of slots. The slots are associated with connecting portions that connect portions of the sole structure in the generally longitudinal direction and provide for increased fit, flexibility and stability. 1. An article of footwear , comprising:a sole structure including a fluid filled member, wherein the fluid filled member includes an interior cavity that is sealed;the interior cavity including a central cavity portion, a lateral upper cavity portion, a lateral lower cavity portion, a medial upper cavity portion and a medial lower cavity portion;the fluid filled member including a first thickened portion separating the lateral upper cavity portion and the lateral lower cavity portion;the fluid filled member including a second thickened portion separating the lateral lower cavity portion and the medial lower cavity portion;the fluid filled member including a third thickened portion separating the medial lower cavity portion and the medial upper cavity portion;a first slot disposed in the first thickened portion, a second slot disposed in the second thickened portion and a third slot disposed in the third thickened portion; andwherein the first slot, the second slot and the third slot are aligned in a longitudinal direction, the longitudinal direction extending from a forefoot portion of the sole structure to a heel portion of the sole structure.2. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the sole structure has a first portion associated with a first longitudinal position and a second portion associated with a second longitudinal position claim 1 , wherein the second longitudinal position corresponds to a longitudinal position of the first slot claim 1 , the second slot and the third slot.3. The article of footwear according to claim 2 , wherein a cross-sectional area of the first portion is approximately rectangular.4. The article ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100320A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A method of manufacturing a midsole for an article of footwear includes cutting a pattern of openings at least partway through a midsole with a cutting tool driven by an embroidery machine. An article of footwear includes a midsole defining a pattern of openings extending at least partway through the midsole. An inner surface of the midsole is contoured and the midsole includes upwardly-extending sidewalls. At least some of the openings extend relatively nonparallel with one another through the sidewalls and splay away from one another along longitudinal axes of the openings. 1. A method of manufacturing a midsole for an article of footwear , the method comprising:cutting a pattern of openings at least partway through a midsole with a cutting tool driven by an embroidery machine.2. The method of manufacturing of claim 1 , wherein the cutting tool is disposed in a needle drive of the embroidery machine.3. The method of manufacturing of claim 1 , wherein the cutting tool is cone-shaped along a length of the cutting tool.4. The method of manufacturing of claim 1 , wherein the cutting tool is a star shape at a cross-section taken perpendicular to a length of the cutting tool.5. The method of manufacturing of claim 1 , wherein the openings extend only partway through the midsole.6. The method of manufacturing of claim 1 , wherein the openings extend completely through the midsole from an inner surface of the midsole to an outer surface of the midsole.7. The method of manufacturing of claim 1 , wherein the midsole is a preform when said cutting occurs claim 1 , and the method further comprising:after said cutting, thermoforming the preform to a midsole final formed shape.8. The method of manufacturing of claim 7 , wherein:the preform has a flat inner surface and a contoured outer surface and longitudinal axes of the openings extend relatively parallel with one another at least partially through the preform; andan inner surface of the midsole is contoured in the midsole ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации

Article with fiber pattern and method of manufacturing the article using an embroidery machine

Номер: US20210100321A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A method of manufacturing an article may include positioning a first textile sheet against a second textile sheet and reciprocating a single needle of an embroidery machine through the first textile sheet and the second textile sheet, the needle forcing fibers of the second textile sheet through the first textile sheet. The fibers may have terminal ends extending outward of an exterior side of the first textile sheet through which the fibers are forced. A method may include forcing fibers from a second side to an opposite side of a single textile sheet to create a pattern of the fibers on the opposite side. Various articles such as footwear uppers may be manufactured according to the method.

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099970A1
Автор: HUNG Chu-An

A 3D shoe upper fabrication method includes the steps of (A) preparing a shoe upper fabric, (B) preparing a non-woven fabric containing 20˜30 wt % low melting staple fiber and 70˜80 wt % general fiber, (C) bonding two pieces of woven fabric to opposing top and bottom surfaces of the non-woven fabric to form a sandwich middle material and cutting the sandwich middle material into a predetermined shape, (D) bonding the shoe upper fabric to the middle material to form a substrate, (E) preparing a mold, (F) putting the substrate in the mold and then heating and pressurizing the mold to mold the substrate into a 3D shoe upper, and (G) opening the mold and removing the 3D shoe upper thus formed. 1. A 3D shoe upper fabrication method comprising the steps of:Step A: preparing a shoe upper fabric;Step B: preparing a non-woven fabric containing 20˜30 wt % low melting staple fiber and 70˜80 wt % general fiber;Step C: bonding two pieces of woven fabric to opposing top and bottom surfaces of said non-woven fabric to form a sandwich middle material and cutting said sandwich middle material into a predetermined shape;Step D: bonding said shoe upper fabric to one surface of said middle material to form a substrate;Step E: preparing a mold consisting of an upper die and a lower die, said upper die and said lower die being closable to each other with a cavity defined in therebetween for molding a 3D shoe upper;Step F: putting said substrate in said cavity and then heating and pressurizing said mold at 80˜110° C. for 90˜150 seconds to mold said substrate into a 3D shoe upper; andStep G: opening said mold and removing the said 3D shoe upper thus formed;wherein said general fiber is selectively Polyester or Nylon.2. The 3D shoe upper fabrication method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the pressure applied to said mold in Step F is 2 kg/m.3. The 3D shoe upper fabrication method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the melting point of said low melting staple fiber is below 120° C.4. The 3D ...

19-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180103728A1
Автор: Koo John C.S.

Provided is a shoe that includes a sole and an upper extending above the sole. The upper has an outer surface and is made of a base material that is partially covered with a coating material, such that the coating material covers at least 90% but not more than 98% of the outer surface of the upper. 119-. (canceled)20. A method for use in making footwear , comprising:(a) applying a pattern of coating material to a substrate, said substrate being at least one of: (i) a part of a completed shoe or (ii) a component that subsequently is used to fabricate a shoe;(b) applying an additional pattern of coating material, on top of an existing pattern, in the form of small droplets; and(c) repeating step (b) a plurality of times so as to construct a desired three-dimensional structure on the substrate,wherein individual ones of said small droplets are less than 500 microns (μ) in diameter.21. A method according to claim 20 , wherein individual ones of said small droplets are less than 300μ in diameter.22. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the coating material used in step (a) is identical claim 20 , or at least is sufficiently chemically similar to claim 20 , a surface of said substrate on which said coating material is deposited so that the two are strongly bonded together and application of said coating material builds up portions of said substrate in a desired way claim 20 , forming an integrated structure.23. A method according to claim 20 , wherein said pattern of coating material provides a thick layer of the coating material while said additional pattern of coating material provides finer details.24. A method according to claim 20 , wherein said substrate is part of a fully completed shoe.25. A method according to claim 24 , wherein said pattern and said additional pattern are applied with a last inserted into the fully completed shoe.26. A method according to claim 20 , wherein the desired three-dimensional structure constructed on the substrate comprises a ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105490A1
Принадлежит: ORISOL ASIA LTD.

A three-dimensional measurement (C) system for a marked line for adhering a sole (A) to an upper (B) and a three-dimensional measurement method therefor. A three-dimensional structure of a sole inner surface (A) is measured automatically using a three-dimensional scanner (), so as to form three-dimensional inner surface data () of the sole (A); and by conducting operation processing on the three-dimensional inner surface data () of the sole (A) and three-dimensional surface data () of the upper (B), a contour line (A) of the sole inner surface (A) is transferred to an upper lower surface (B), so as to form a processing marked line of the upper (B), thereby improving the operation efficiency of adhering the sole (A) to the upper (B). 1. A three-dimensional measurement system for a marked line for adhering a sole to an upper , being used to measure the sole and the upper which are carried in pair by a conveyor of a shoe production line , characterized in that: the three-dimensional measurement system includes:a database stored with three-dimensional surface data of the upper;a three-dimensional scanner is mounted on the conveyor via a slideway to scan the sole, a projector and a video camera are slidably mounted on the slideway via a rack, projection lines of light rays generated from the projector are located within a coverage area of the video camera, the projection lines of the three-dimensional scanner are projected onto different parts of the sole inner surface of the sole to create a set of deformation during movement of the sole, measuring displacement distance between the rack and the slideway can create a projection-line displacement data;an identification device is used to identify a built-in identification data in a tag of the upper carried by the conveyor; anda processor is connected to the database, the three-dimensional scanner and the identification device, and serves to read the three-dimensional surface data of the database and the built-in ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105491A1
Автор: SUNDMAN Arjen

Disclosed is a milling head for shaping a shoe support for an article of foot wear. The disclosed milling head includes abrasive surfaces that are configured to allow for the shaping of an unfinished block of support material on all of the top, side and medial arch area of the perimeter surfaces without removing the block of support material from a support such as a vacuum vise, and without the need to interchange milling heads. The disclosed milling head has a semi-spherical milling surface for milling a top surface of the shoe support and two conical milling surfaces for milling a perimeter surface and a medial arch area of the perimeter surface of the shoe support, respectively. The disclosed milling head saves costs of labor and time when shaping the block of support material. 1. A milling head having a plurality of milling surfaces for forming a shoe support from an unfinished block of support material , the milling head comprising:at least a first angled undercutting surface; and wherein each surface is provided with a cutting surface,', 'wherein the at least first angled undercutting surface is configured to perform milling a milling operation on a perimeter surface of the unfinished block of support material, and', 'wherein the curved surface is configured to perform milling on a top surface of the unfinished block of support material., 'a curved surface,'}2. The milling head according to claim 1 , further comprising: 'wherein the second angled undercutting surface is configured to perform a milling operation on the medial arch area of the perimeter surface of the unfinished block of support material.', 'at least a second undercutting surface provided with a cutting surface,'}3. The milling head according to claim 1 , further comprising: an attachment means configured for insertion into a chuck of a drill.4. The milling head according to claim 2 , further comprising: an attachment means configured for insertion into a chuck of a drill.5. The milling head ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210120919A1
Автор: SCOLARO Filippo

A process for manufacturing a multi-layered sole directly on the upper, of the type that employs the technique known as “direct injection on the upper”, by which soles are made of a plastic material and consist of a plurality of layers with different colour, density, softness and physical-mechanical properties. Said layers form at least an external sole, called “outsole”, an internal sole, called “insole” that adheres and extends only partially or totally on the surface of the upper, and an intermediate sole, called “midsole”, that is intended to hold the other two above-said soles. Said process provides for the use of a single mould which is brought, when suitably equipped, in a well-defined sequence, in front of at least three distinct injectors (I, I, I) in order to obtain, also in sequence, by at least a first moulding operation (P) the lower portion of the sole, i.e. the “outsole”, by at least a second moulding operation (P) the upper part of the sole, i.e. the “insole” and by at least a third moulding operation (P) the “midsole”. 15-. (canceled)7. PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING A MULTI-LAYERED SOLE DIRECTLY ON THE UPPER claim 6 , according to claim 6 , wherein it provides a cavity in the mould claim 6 , in order to obtain the “outsole” (S) claim 6 , that is defined by the disc claim 6 , the base and the two opposed side half-rings claim 6 , mutually close to each other.8. PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING A MULTI-LAYERED SOLE DIRECTLY ON THE UPPER claim 6 , according to claim 6 , wherein it provides a cavity in the mould claim 6 , in order to obtain the “insole” (S) claim 6 , that is defined by a form related to the upper (T) and by the two opposed upper half-rings claim 6 , mutually close to each other.9. PROCESS FOR MANUFACTURING A MULTI-LAYERED SOLE DIRECTLY ON THE UPPER claim 6 , according to claim 6 , wherein it provides a cavity in the mould claim 6 , in order to obtain the intermediate sole (S) claim 6 , that is defined by the form related to the upper (T) and the “ ...

27-04-2017 дата публикации

Jig for Article of Footwear

Номер: US20170112238A1
Автор: Cooke John

A jig for an article of footwear includes a base plate and a footwear support assembly supported by the base plate. The support assembly includes an anchoring member extending from the base plate in a first direction, a toe last assembly extending from the base plate in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction and including a toe last, and a first engaging member pivotally connected at first end thereof to the base plate. 1. A jig for an article of footwear comprising:a base plate; and an anchoring member extending from the base plate in a first direction;', 'a toe last assembly extending from the base plate in a second direction that is perpendicular to the first direction and including a toe last; and', 'a first engaging member pivotally connected at a first end thereof to the base plate., 'a footwear support assembly supported by the base plate and comprising2. The jig of claim 1 , wherein the toe last assembly includes a base member connected to the base plate3. The jig of claim 2 , wherein the toe last is biased outwardly from the base member.4. The jig of claim 3 , wherein the toe last is biased outwardly by way of a telescoping member.5. The jig of claim 4 , wherein the telescoping member includes a pair of telescoping rods with springs contained therein.6. The jig of claim 1 , further comprising a curved arm extending outwardly from the toe last assembly.7. The jig of claim 6 , wherein the curved arm is formed from an elongate plate member.8. The jig of claim 1 , wherein the anchoring member has a movable end portion that is biased outwardly from the base plate.9. The jig of claim 1 , wherein the first engaging member extends from the base plate in a third direction claim 1 , that is perpendicular to the second direction.10. The jig of claim 1 , wherein the first engaging member is pivotally connected to the base plate at a base of the toe last.11. The jig of claim 1 , wherein the first engaging member has a pair of pins extending ...

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170119103A1

The present invention relates to a part of a shoe, in particular a shoe upper, a shoe with such a part and a method for the manufacture. According to an aspect of the invention a part of a shoe is provided which comprises an area comprising a contiguous piece of natural and/or synthetic leather, wherein the area comprises a first sub-area and a second sub-area, each sub-area having a size of more than 3 cm2, in particular more than 4 cm2, wherein the leather has a reduced thickness in the second sub-area compared to the first sub-area, and wherein the reduced thickness is obtained by milling off a first surface layer of the leather in the entire second sub-area. 1. An upper for an article of footwear comprising:an area comprising a contiguous piece of natural and/or synthetic leather,wherein the area comprises a first sub-area and a second sub-area, each sub-area having a size of more than 3 cm2,wherein the leather has a reduced thickness in the second sub-area compared to the first sub-area, andwherein the reduced thickness is obtained by milling off a first surface layer of the leather in the entire second sub-area.2. The upper according to claim 1 , wherein the second sub-area comprises several separate sub-sub-areas claim 1 , wherein the summed-up size of all these sub-sub-areas is larger than 3 cm2.3. The upper according to claim 1 , wherein the second sub-area is connected.4. The upper according to claim 1 , wherein the first sub-area and the second sub-area each encompass at least one polygon claim 1 , with two points on two opposite sides of the respective polygon always having a distance to each other larger than 5 mm.5. The upper according to claim 1 , wherein the contiguous piece of leather has a thickness of 1 mm-4 mm before milling.6. The upper according to claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the milled-off first surface layer is at least 0.2 mm.7. The upper according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the milled-off first surface layer varies across ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Agile manufacturing processes and systems

Номер: US20190116938A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A manufacturing process involving a series of discrete operations can be modified by adding, removing, or reordering operations, without design changes to the equipment. The manufacturing process uses a frame comprising one or more alignment tabs. Each alignment tab comprises an alignment element. The alignment element interacts with a corresponding alignment element at a manufacturing station to identify to the manufacturing station the position and orientation of the frame. The frame supports a material in a known position and orientation relative to the frame, allowing the manufacturing station to infer the position and orientation of the pliable material on the frame from the interaction of the alignment elements on the frame and the manufacturing station. The operations at any particular manufacturing station can therefore be positioned independent of what operations, if any, have come before, or in what order.

25-04-2019 дата публикации

Manufacturing Frame

Номер: US20190119843A1

A manufacturing frame comprises one or more alignment tabs. Each alignment tab comprises an alignment element. The alignment element interacts with a corresponding alignment element at a manufacturing station to identify to the manufacturing station the position and orientation of the frame. The frame supports a flexible material in a known position and orientation relative to the frame, allowing the manufacturing station to infer the position and orientation of the flexible material on the frame from the interaction of the alignment elements on the frame and the manufacturing station. 1. A frame for use in manufacturing having a long side and a short side , the frame comprising:a perimeter defined by the long side, a second, opposing long side, the short side, and a second, opposing short side;a first alignment tab extending from the frame long side, the first alignment tab comprising an alignment element, wherein the first alignment tab and the alignment element allow for positioning of the frame at a manufacturing station at a known location for a manufacturing process to occur within a center area defined by the perimeter.2. The frame of claim 1 , further comprising a second alignment tab claim 1 , the second alignment tab comprising a second alignment element.3. The frame of claim 2 , wherein the second alignment tab extends from the frame long side claim 2 , in an orientation the same as an orientation of the first alignment tab.4. The frame of claim 3 , wherein the first alignment tab is within 150 mm of the frame short side claim 3 , and the second alignment tab is within 150 mm of a second frame short side.5. The frame of claim 2 , wherein the alignment element of the first tab is positioned symmetrically about a center axis of the frame to the second alignment element.6. The frame of claim 2 , wherein the alignment element of the first tab is positioned asymmetrically about a center axis of the frame to the second alignment element.7. The frame of claim 1 ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Method of Providing Decorative Designs and Structural Features on an Article of Footwear

Номер: US20160128433A1

The invention relates to footwear and portions thereof having structural features and decorative designs thereon, and related systems and methods for manufacturing same. An example method for providing a feature on a surface of an object includes positioning a laser proximate the surface of the object, directing a laser beam from the laser to the surface of the object to mark or engrave at least a portion of the surface of the object, and moving at least one of the laser or the object to create a pattern on the surface of the object, the pattern providing at least one of an aesthetic or a structural feature on the surface of the object. 1. A method of providing a feature on a surface of an object , the method comprising:positioning a laser proximate the surface of the object;directing a laser beam from the laser to the surface of the object to mark or engrave at least a portion of the surface of the object; andmoving at least one of the laser or the object to create a pattern on the surface of the object, the pattern providing at least one of an aesthetic or a structural feature on the surface of the object.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the object comprises at least one of an outsole claim 1 , a midsole claim 1 , an insole claim 1 , or an upper of an article of footwear.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the surface of the object comprises a sidewall of the midsole.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the laser comprises at least one of a UV laser or a COlaser.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein marking the surface of the object comprises changing color of at least a portion of the surface of the object without removing material therefrom to provide the aesthetic feature on the surface of the object.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the object comprises at least one of an energy-absorbing claim 5 , color-sensitive additive and a coloring agent to achieve a desired external color on the surface of the object when exposed to the laser.7. The method of claim 1 , ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160128434A1

A conditionally visible bite line may be demarcated on a shoe upper using at least one of a fluorescent or an Infrared (IR)-responsive material. Such a conditionally visible bite line may be observable only under particular conditions, such as when illuminated by an ultraviolet light source or an IR light source, as appropriate. A light may be projected to intersect the conditionally visible bite line under conditions rendering the conditionally visible bite line detectable. The intersection(s) of the projected light and the conditionally visible bite line may be used to create a virtual bite line for use in generating a tool path to process the surface of a shoe upper bounded by the conditionally visible bite line.

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125155A1

A method for joining a sole element with an upper element includes the steps of (a) operating a positioning system to position the sole element and the upper element in a defined first position with respect to each other, (b) operating the positioning system to position the sole element and the upper element in a second position for applying a joining agent to the sole element and/or the upper element and (c) joining the sole element with the upper element by operating the positioning system to position the sole element in contact with the upper element in a third position of the positioning system, wherein the third position is defined with respect to the first position. 1. A method for joining a sole element with an upper element , the method comprising:a. positioning the sole element and the upper element in a defined first position with respect to each other with a positioning system;b. positioning the sole element and the upper element in a second position and applying a joining agent to at least one of the sole element or the upper element with the positioning system; andc. joining the sole element with the upper element by positioning with the positioning system the sole element in contact with the upper element in a third position, wherein the third position is defined with respect to the first position.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the defined first position is determined without contact of the sole element and the upper element.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the defined first position is determined by an ultrasonic method or 3D scanning method.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the defined first position is determined by a contact between the sole element and the upper element.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein positioning the sole element and the upper element in the defined first position comprises applying in the defined first position a predefined contact force between the sole element and the upper element.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Reversibly Modifying the Optical Appearance of a Piece of Apparel

Номер: US20180125170A1

Described is an apparatus for reversibly modifying the optical appearance of a piece of apparel. The apparatus may include a position-determining system for determining the position of the piece of apparel, a projecting system for projecting colors, images and/or patterns onto the piece of apparel, and a shape-modifying system for modifying the shape of the piece of apparel, e.g., the surface of the piece of apparel. 1. An apparatus for reversibly modifying an appearance of a piece of apparel , the apparatus comprising:a position-determining system configured for determining a position of the piece of apparel;a projecting system configured for projecting at least one of colors, images, or patterns onto the piece of apparel; anda shape-modifying system for modifying a shape of the piece of apparel into a modified shape.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , in response to the shape of the piece of apparel being modified via the shape-modifying system into a modified shape claim 1 , the projecting system is configured to adapt the projecting of the at least one of colors claim 1 , images claim 1 , or patterns in accordance with the modified shape.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the projecting comprises projecting at least one of different colors claim 1 , different images claim 1 , or different patterns onto different areas of the piece of apparel.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the shape-modifying system comprises at least one component that is at least one of:attachable to the piece of apparel; orremovable from the piece of apparel.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the piece of apparel is a shoe claim 4 , and wherein the at least one component comprises at least one of:a heel,a heel cap,a quarter,a top piece,a throat,a vamp,a welt,a side cage,a toe cap,a topline,shoelaces,a tongue, ora sole.6. The apparatus of claim 4 , wherein at least one of:the at least one component comprises an identification chip, the identification chip comprising ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Conditionally Visible Bite Lines For Footwear

Номер: US20150135447A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A conditionally visible bite line may be demarcated on a shoe upper using one of a fluorescent material and an Infrared (IR) material. Such a conditionally visible bite line may be observable only under particular conditions, such as when illuminated by an ultraviolet light source or an IR light source, as appropriate. A light may be projected to intersect the conditionally visible bite line under conditions rendering the conditionally visible bite line detectable. The intersection(s) of the projected light and the conditionally visible bite line may be used to create a virtual bite line for use in generating a tool path to process the surface of a shoe upper bounded by the conditionally visible bite line. 1. A system for creating a virtual bite line in connection with an article of footwear , the system comprising:a marking mechanism that applies conditionally visible indicia to a surface of a shoe upper at an interface of the shoe upper and a representation of a corresponding bottom unit when the shoe upper and the representation of the corresponding bottom unit are temporarily joined with a predetermined amount of force;a first light source that projects light across at least a portion of the marked shoe upper, the projected light intersecting the conditionally visible indicia at at least one point to create an intersection; andat least one camera that detects the intersection between the projected light and the conditionally visible indicia.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first light source renders the conditionally visible indicia detectable by the at least one camera.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the marking mechanism applies the conditionally visible indicia utilizing a marking agent that is responsive to the Infrared light spectrum claim 2 , and wherein the first light source is an Infrared light source.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a second light source that renders the conditionally visible indicia detectable by the at least one ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации

Footwear with interchangeable member

Номер: US20220273068A1
Автор: Ussery Jason L
Принадлежит: U.S.S. Ery, LLC

The present disclosure provides an item of footwear with removable modular sole member that allow customization of the footwear with respect to traction, cushioning, support, fit, performance and/or aesthetic functions and features. It is an object of the present invention to provide a footwear which can be customized to be utilized for varying conditions and/or occasions. Another object of the invention is to provide a footwear with relatively simple means for quickly and firmly securing an interchangeable sole with effective elements which do not adversely affect the appearance or comfort of the footwear. 2. The shoe of claim 1 , further wherein claim 1 , the tongue member further comprises: a set of eyelets with a connection to the base portion and/or the tongue portion of the tongue member.3. The shoe of wherein claim 1 , the set of openings in the base portion of the main body is formed in a grid of shaped openings.4. The shoe of wherein claim 1 , the sole member may be provided with a plurality of tongues extending outwardly from the flat surface of the sole member and arrayed along an outer edge of the flat surface claim 1 , the tongue portions are adapted to be disposed inside complimentary groves defined in the main body.5. The shoe of further wherein claim 1 , the tongue portion of the tongue member is provided with eyelets and positioned to protect the instep of the wearer from fastening means and/or the elements.6. The shoe of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the flat side of the sole member is covered with an inner sole made of the generally soft or cushioning materials of an athletic shoe.7. The shoe of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , the sole member is an interchangeable unit wherein claim 1 , the unit can be removed from main body by the user and the sole member is provided with one or more features selected from:uniform thickness from end to end;thickness which varies from end to end;a recessed central portion; anda heel, wherein: the heel is securely ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Methods Of Manufacturing Articles Of Footwear With Tensile Strand Elements

Номер: US20150143640A1

An upper for an article of footwear may have material layers and a plurality of strand segments. The material layers are located adjacent to each other and in an overlapping configuration, and the material layers are located in a lace region and a lower region of the upper. The strand segments extend from the lace region to the lower region. The strand segments may be located and secured between the material layers in the lace region and the lower region. The strand segments may form both an exterior surface of the upper and an opposite interior surface of the upper in an area between the lace region and the lower region. The material layers may define an opening between the lace region and the lower region, and the strand segments extend across the opening. 1. A method of manufacturing an article of footwear having an upper and a sole structure , the method comprising:locating a strand adjacent to a surface of a material layer;tacking a portion of the strand to the material layer with a first thread;stitching another portion of the strand to the material layer with a second thread; anddissolving at least a portion of the first thread.2. The method recited in claim 1 , further including a step of selecting the first thread to be water-soluble claim 1 , and the step of dissolving includes utilizing water.3. The method recited in claim 1 , further including a step of incorporating the strand claim 1 , the material layer claim 1 , and the second thread into the upper claim 1 , the material layer being positioned in at least a lace region of the upper claim 1 , and the strand extending from the lace region to a lower region of the upper claim 1 , the lower region being spaced from the lace region and located proximal to an area where the sole structure is secured to the upper.4. The method recited in claim 3 , further including a step of defining an opening in the material layer between the lace region and the lower region claim 3 , and the step of locating includes ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации

Article of Footwear with a Stretchable Upper and an Articulated Sole Structure

Номер: US20150143641A1

An article of footwear is disclosed that includes at least one of a stretchable upper and an articulated sole structure. The upper may include an exterior layer and an interior layer. The exterior layer forms at least a portion of an exterior of the upper, and the exterior layer includes a plurality of incisions that extend through the exterior layer. The interior layer is located adjacent an inner surface of the exterior layer, and the interior layer is exposed through the incisions. The sole structure may include a connecting portion and a plurality of discrete sole elements. The connecting portion is positioned adjacent the upper and may extend along a longitudinal length of the upper. The sole elements extend from the connecting portion, and the sole elements are separated by a plurality of sipes that extend upward into the sole structure. 1. A method of manufacturing articles of footwear having a female version and a male version , the method comprising steps of:molding sole structures of the articles of footwear to each include a connecting portion and a plurality of discrete sole elements extending from the connecting portion, the sole elements being separated by a plurality of sipes that extend into the sole structures;structuring the sole structures to have a first thickness in a forefoot region and a second thickness in a heel region; andforming the female version such that a differential between the first thickness and the second thickness is greater than a corresponding differential in the male version.2. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of molding includes forming at least one of the sipes to have a greater width than other sipes.3. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of molding includes forming the female version to include at least two sipes with a greater width than other sipes claim 1 , and forming the male version to include only one sipe with a greater width than other sipes.4. The method recited in claim 1 , wherein ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Automated Identification And Assembly Of Shoe Parts

Номер: US20190133258A1

Manufacturing and assembly of a shoe or a portion of a shoe is enhanced by automated placement and assembly of shoe parts. For example, a part-recognition system analyzes an image of a shoe part to identify the part and determine a location of the part. Once the part is identified and located, the part can be manipulated by an automated manufacturing tool. 1. A method for positioning and assembling shoe parts in an automated manner during a shoe-manufacturing process , the method comprising:determining a first geometric coordinate of a first shoe part in a geometric coordinate system from a first captured image of the first shoe part that depicts a two-dimensional representation of the first shoe part; andtransferring, using a part-transfer tool having a part-contacting surface, the first shoe part from the first geometric coordinate to a second geometric coordinate to position the first shoe part on a second shoe part.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the part-transfer tool generates a pickup force at the part-contacting surface to retain the first shoe part during transfer claim 1 , and wherein the part-transfer tool operates in the geometric coordinate system.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the part-contacting surface comprises a plurality of distinct portions claim 2 , and wherein the pickup force is independently generated at the plurality of distinct portions.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the part-contacting surface comprises a plurality of apertures.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the part-transfer tool generates at least a vacuum force that is applied through the plurality of apertures during transfer.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the part-transfer tool is coupled to a robot arm that is directed by a computing device.7. The method of claim 1 , further comprising claim 1 , determining an orientation of the first shoe part from the first captured image.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the part-transfer tool transfers the first shoe part ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Sole Structure with Visual Effects

Номер: US20140223672A1
Автор: Miner Mark C.
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

A multi-colored effect for a sole structure for an article of footwear is disclosed. The sole structure comprises a sole member having a first color and an exterior layer having a second color that is different from the sole member. A plurality of slots are formed in the sole structure and the second color is visible on an outer surface of the sole structure through the plurality of slots. 120-. (canceled)21. A method of making an article of footwear , comprising the steps of:forming a cavity in a midsole of a first color;placing an insert of a second color into the cavity;forming a plurality of slots through the midsole and the insert; andwherein the second color is visible through the slots.22. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the step of forming the plurality of slots through the midsole and the insert occurs after the step of placing the insert into the cavity.23. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the step of forming the plurality of slots through the midsole and the insert occurs before the step of placing the insert into the cavity.24. The method according to claim 23 , wherein the step of forming the plurality of slots through the midsole and the insert includes forming a first plurality of slots on the midsole and forming a second plurality of slots on the insert that correspond to the first plurality of slots.25. The method according to claim 24 , wherein a step of aligning the first plurality of slots with the second plurality of slots occurs before the step of placing the insert into the cavity.26. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the step of forming a plurality of slots includes a step of cutting slots into the midsole and insert.27. The method according to claim 21 , wherein the step of forming a plurality of slots includes a step of molding slots into the midsole and molding slots into the insert.28. A method of making an article of footwear claim 21 , comprising the steps of:applying a lower portion of an upper onto a ...

24-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180140050A1

A shoe embryo tailored from a tubular fabric is provided. The shoe embryo includes a sole portion, a toe cap portion located at one end of the sole portion, a heel portion located at the other end of the sole portion, and an ankle portion located above the sole portion and near the heel portion. The ankle portion includes an ankle opening overlock line formed by trimming the tubular fabric and overlocking. The heel portion includes a heel overlock line formed by trimming the tubular fabric and overlocking, and a sole overlock line formed by folding below the heel overlock line and overlocking. The toe cap portion includes a toe cap overlock line formed by trimming the tubular fabric and overlocking. 1. A method for manufacturing a shoe embryo tailored from a tubular fabric , comprising:providing at least two yarns to weave and form the tubular fabric, weaving a toe portion tailor auxiliary line at one end of the tubular fabric and weaving a heel portion tailor auxiliary line at one other end, and weaving an ankle portion tailor auxiliary line at a position between the heel portion tailor auxiliary line and the toe portion tailor auxiliary line and near the heel portion tailor auxiliary line, wherein the tubular fabric is sequentially defined into a toe portion trimmed region, an ankle portion trimmed region and a heel portion trimmed region by the toe portion tailor auxiliary line, the ankle portion tailor auxiliary line and the heel portion tailor auxiliary line, respectively;trimming and removing the ankle portion trimmed region, and performing an overlock process according to the ankle portion tailor auxiliary line to form an ankle opening overlock line at the tubular fabric;trimming and removing the heel portion trimmed region, and performing an overlock process according to the heel portion tailor auxiliary line to form a heel overlock line at the tubular fabric;folding below the heel overlock line to form a concave crease and a revealed crease, such that a ...

02-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160150856A1

An automated system for painting a shoe sole portion of a shoe is provided. The automated painting system is adapted to use a variety of stations and components to automatically paint a side surface of the shoe sole portion while it is secured in a jig, transition the jig to an open position, and remove the painted shoe sole portion from the jig. 1. A painting system for painting a shoe sole portion of a shoe , the painting system comprising:at least one loading station adapted to position the shoe sole portion in a jig comprising a first plate and a second plate coupled to the first plate, wherein the first plate and the second plate are placed in a closed position at the loading station such that at least a portion of a first surface and a second opposite surface of the shoe sole portion are covered by the first plate and the second plate of the jig when the jig is in the closed position, and at least a portion of a third surface of the shoe sole portion is left exposed when the jig is in the closed position;at least one computer-controlled painting station adapted to automatically paint the portion of the third surface of the shoe sole portion while the shoe sole portion is positioned in the closed jig; anda transport assembly adapted to transport the closed jig from the loading station to the painting station.2. The painting system of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the shoe sole portion is a top surface of the shoe sole portion claim 1 , and wherein the second surface of the shoe sole portion is a bottom surface of the shoe sole portion.3. The painting system of claim 1 , wherein the third surface of the shoe sole portion comprises a side surface of the shoe sole portion.4. The painting system of claim 1 , wherein the jig further comprises an open-assist mechanism affixed to at least one of the first plate or second plate claim 1 , wherein the open-assist mechanism is adapted to transition the jig from the closed position to an at least partially open ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации

Sports shoe, in particular cycling shoe

Номер: US20220287411A1
Принадлежит: Selle Royal SpA

The present invention relates to a shoe, for example a sports shoe, such as a cycling shoe including a sole, an upper constrained to the sole and an insole inserted in the upper or constrained to the open bottom of the upper.

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200138143A1
Автор: Stirling Jennifer

Systems and methods of the present invention provide for one or more server computers communicatively coupled to a network and configured to make and use an article of manufacture, and the associated method steps for making and using a soft-shelled foot covering. 1. An article of manufacture comprising:a foot covering; placing the foot of a user within the foot covering;', 'placing the foot within an outline pattern within the adhesive material;', 'lifting an inside heel strap and an outside heel strap around the back of the heel and towards the middle-top of the foot;', 'pressing an inside ankle/arch strap against the inside of the foot;', 'wrapping and pressing the inside ankle/arch strap around the underside of the foot, and up and over the outside of the foot;', 'lifting an outside ankle strap up and across towards the inside/front of the foot;', 'crossing the outside ankle strap to intersect with and cover the inside and outside heel straps, as well as the inside ankle/arch strap;', 'wrapping and pressing the end of the outside ankle strap around and under the ball-area of the foot;', 'wrapping an outside ball of the foot strap laterally across the foot;', 'lifting, wrapping, and pressing the outside ball of the foot strap across the foot from the outside to the inside of the foot;', 'wrapping and pressing a remainder of the outside ball of the foot strap underneath the foot, thereby covering at least a portion of the outside ankle strap;', 'lifting, wrapping, and pressing an inside big toe strap, using pressure from an outside little toe area;', 'wrapping the inside big toe strap across the outside ball of the foot strap;', 'wrapping and pressing the big toe strap underneath the outside of the foot between the outside ankle strap and the outside ball of the foot strap;', 'placing a sole under the base of the foot, thereby keeping the inside ankle strap, the outside ankle strap, the outside ball of the foot strap, and the inside big toe strap in place;, 'an ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177104A1

Methods for preparing a footwear article are disclosed herein. An example method may comprise disposing resin adjacent a mold, disposing a lattice structure in at least a portion of the resin disposed adjacent the mold, closing the mold using a lasted upper, injecting foam into the closed mold such that the foam operates to couple the lasted upper and the lattice structure together. 1. A method for preparing a footwear article , the method comprising:disposing an uncured first resin in a mold;curing the first resin to provide a cured first resin;disposing an uncured second resin on at least a portion of the cured first resin in the mold;disposing a lattice structure in at least a portion of the uncured second resin disposed on the cured first resin in the mold;closing the mold using a lasted upper;injecting foam into the closed mold such that the foam operates to couple the lasted upper and the lattice structure together.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first resin comprises a clear resin.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lattice structure is formed using additive manufacturing.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the lasted upper comprise a knit upper.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the closing the mold using a lasted upper comprises using a mold component comprising an integral upper.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the foam operates as a base cushion layer in a footwear article.7. A method for preparing a footwear article claim 1 , the method comprising:disposing a first resin in a female mold portion of a mold associated with footwear;closing the mold using a male mold portion;disposing an uncured second resin on at least a portion of the first resin in the female mold portion;disposing a lattice structure in at least a portion of the uncured second resin disposed on the first resin in the female mold portion;reclosing closing the mold;injecting foam into the mold such that the foam operates to couple the lasted upper and the lattice structure ...

07-06-2018 дата публикации

Overmold direct attach sole

Номер: US20180153252A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

Joining a bottom unit, such as an athletic shoe sole, with an upper is achieved with an over molding process. A midsole core may be formed with a direct attach to an underfoot portion of the upper. The forming of the midsole core may be achieved with open cast molding or injection molding, for example. A shell may encapsulate the midsole core and also mechanically engage with the upper to further join the bottom unit with the upper. The shell and the midsole core may be formed from an elastomeric polymer such as polyurethane, thermoplastic polyurethane, ethyl-vinyl acetate, and/or silicone-based materials.

07-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180153265A1
Автор: Bauer Ulrich, JEANDIN Eric

Described is a method of manufacturing a component for a shoe that includes the steps: forming a sheet of material; heating the sheet of material; stretching the heated sheet of material by moving a last into the sheet of material, wherein the last defines the shape of the component; and applying a pressure lower than ambient pressure between the stretched sheet of material and the last to conform the sheet of material to the last; or applying a pressure higher than ambient pressure over the stretched sheet of material to conform the sheet of material to the last. 1. A method of manufacturing a component for a shoe comprising the steps of:heating a sheet of material;stretching the heated sheet of material by moving a last into the sheet of material, wherein the last defines a shape of the component; andapplying at least one of a pressure lower than ambient pressure between the stretched sheet of material and the last to conform the sheet of material to the last and a pressure higher than ambient pressure over the stretched sheet of material to conform the sheet of material to the last.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the component is a fully formed shoe upper.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising a step of fixing the sheet of material in a frame prior to heating the sheet of material.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the sheet of material is fixed in the frame substantially without tension.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the step of stretching the heated sheet of material comprises decreasing a distance between the frame and the last.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the last is secured to a vacuum plate.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of stretching the heated sheet of material comprises stretching at least a portion of the sheet of material by about 30%.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of stretching the heated sheet of material comprises controlling the ...

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190150543A1

A method for rapid creation of CAD patterns for apparel, accessories and footwear is presented. The invention outlines a novel method comprising Encapsulation, Intersection, Abstraction and Coupling to rapidly create and edit CAD patterns, significantly reducing the time and effort required to create or modify CAD patterns. Further, a method for attaching attributes to points on a path of pattern elements and then using this to automatically grade, transform the patterns for different geographies or fix errors is also presented. 1. A computer implemented method for rapid creation of patterns for apparel , accessory and footwear , the method comprising:Encapsulation: wherein, a preset pattern element is provided for at least each of the anatomical extensions from the human torso, namely Neck, Arm hole (Scye) and Leg hole (Stride), comprising the Encapsulated Components.Intersection: wherein, a plurality of basic geometry such as rectangle, circle, path, arc and line are intersected with each other and the Encapsulated Components to create Composite Components.Abstraction: wherein, each Component includes a Defining Attribute for at least one of its points, the attributes chosen from a list consisting of Neck point, Shoulder point, Chest point, Waist point, Hip point, Thigh point, Bicep point, Elbow point, Wrist point, Knee point, Ankle point, Head Point and Body Height.Coupling: wherein, one or more Components are linked together, such that changes to the length or shape of one, automatically changes the corresponding shape or length of the other.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the Component is further comprised of points claim 1 , paths claim 1 , lines and curves and can either be open or closed.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , a created Composite Component is thereafter used as an Encapsulated Component for further operation.4. The method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an Encapsulated Component such as the Arm hole claim 1 , further ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170156444A1
Принадлежит: Nike, Inc.

An article of footwear has a tubular structure. The tubular structure may include tab portions that extend away from a tunnel portion of the tubular structure. The tab portions may engage parts of the article of footwear. The tab portions may engage an upper or sole structure along a bite line. The tab portions may be attached to a heel counter, eyestay, or other structure on the article of footwear. 1. An article of footwear , comprising:an upper;a tubular structure including a first end, a second end and an intermediate portion disposed between the first end and the second end;the tubular structure forming a tunnel extending through the tubular structure from the first end to the second end;a first tensile strand extending through at least a portion of the tunnel of the tubular structure;the intermediate portion of the tubular structure further comprising a tubular portion and a tab portion that extends away from the tubular portion; andwherein the tab portion is attached to the article of footwear and anchors the tubular structure to the article of footwear.2. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein:the article of footwear further includes a sole structure, a sole, and the upper being joined at least along a bite line; andwherein the tab portion is disposed between the upper and the sole structure.3. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein the tab portion is attached to a surface of the upper.4. The article of footwear according to claim 2 , wherein the tab portion is attached to a surface of the sole structure proximate the bite line.5. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein:the article of footwear further includes a heel counter; andwherein the tab portion is attached to the heel counter.6. The article of footwear according to claim 1 , wherein:the article of footwear further includes an eyestay; andwherein the tab portion is attached to the eyestay.7. An article of footwear claim 1 , comprising:an upper and a sole ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200149218A1
Автор: Luedecke Tom

Hot melt sequins and methods of applying these sequins are disclosed. A method of attaching two components includes stitching a hot melt sequin to one of the components and heating the hot melt sequin to bond the two components together. Sequins can also be applied to articles to create structural elements such as heel counters, toe covers, and lace cages. Sequins can be applied in 1D, 2D, and 3D patterns as well as in dispersive patterns. Sequins can be applied to vary the abrasion properties of a portion of an article. 1. An article , comprising:a layer and a plurality of sequins attached to the layer;the plurality of sequins being comprised of a hot melt material; andwherein at least two of the sequins in the plurality of sequins are in contact with one another.2. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sequins are arranged so that the sequins are in contact along their outer edges.3. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sequins are arranged so that the sequins are overlapping one another.4. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the article is an article of footwear.5. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the article is an article of apparel.6. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the article includes another layer claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of sequins are disposed between claim 1 , and attached to claim 1 , both the layer and the another layer.7. The article according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of sequins form a two-dimensional structural element on the article upon cooling after melting.8. The article according to claim 1 , wherein each sequin in the plurality of sequins has an approximately two-dimensional shape with a thickness that is less than a length and a width of the sequin.9. The article according to claim 1 , wherein each sequin in the plurality of sequins includes an opening and each sequin is sewn to the layer through the opening.10. The article according to claim 1 , ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Laser siping apparatus

Номер: US20170160538A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc, Taekwang Industrial Co Ltd

Laser siping forms sipes in an article. The laser operates in a scan laser configuration for some sipe patterns and the laser operates in a fixed laser concept for other siping patterns. The article on which the sipes are formed is secured by a part holder. Movement of the part holder may be computer controlled. Movement of the laser may also be computer controlled. A movement of a reflective surface of the laser may be computer controlled. Together, the movement of the part holder, the laser, and the reflective surface is coordinated to achieve the scan laser configuration and the fixed laser configuration when forming sipes.

04-09-2014 дата публикации

Article Of Footwear Incorporating A Knitted Component

Номер: US20140245638A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An article of footwear has an upper and a sole structure secured to the upper. The upper includes a knitted component and, in some configurations, a skin layer secured to the knitted component. The knitted component may have a plurality of protruding areas that extend outward and away from a void within the upper for receiving a foot of a wearer. The protruding areas may include one or both of (a) a first tubular structure and an inlaid strand extending through the first tubular structure and (b) a second tubular structure and yarn sections extending across the second tubular structure.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Three-dimensional cutting tool

Номер: US20210196003A1
Автор: Daniel Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

A tool and method for cutting an object three dimensionally is disclosed having a lower receiving plate comprising a cavity that is shaped and sized to fit a shoe last for placing a shoe sole on that is to be fully or partially cut, and an upper pressing plate comprising a segmented sub-plate comprising individually spring-backed segments, further comprising a cutting blade substantially surrounding each segment.

01-07-2021 дата публикации

High Heel Repair and/or Decorative High Heel Cover

Номер: US20210196005A1
Автор: Lopez Roberta S.

Novel semi-permanent and/or permanent high heel repair device and/or decorative cover slips over the original material on a high heel to either change the decoration, protect the original high heel material from damage, or to cover damage that occurred on the high heel or on the underlying high heel material. The invention comprises a tube of material in a variety of shapes (depending on the shape of the high heel) with one end of the tube closed, or both ends open. If one end is closed, the closed end has a small hole in it allowing for a heel tip dowel to pass through, stopping at the heel tip (neither the dowel nor the heel tip are part of the device), which helps secure the invention to the high heel. The invention may be semi-permanently attached using this method or permanently attached using this method or additional adhesive or another fixative. The shape of the invention can match the profile of the high heel or be a different profile from the high heel. The invention will be created in several sizes, heights, thicknesses and profiles to fit on several different high heels and either mimic the high heel's original shape or may change the original high heel shape. 15{'b': '5', 'a) A solid tube of material with a shaft though the middle with one closed end or two open ends (look the same after installation) ;'}{'b': 9', '2, 'b) The closed end may have a short stabilizer cove and small hole in which the dowel of a heel tip , not part of the invention, fits into;'}{'b': 7', '1, 'c) The closed end of the invention has a small hole either at the center or near the center whereby to assist securing the device to the high heel ;'}d) If the invention has two open ends (hollow tube), it can be installed one of three ways: 1) the invention may cover the sides of the heel tip (the heel tip is not part of the invention), or 2) be installed right above where this heel tip (the heel tip is not part of the invention) starts, or 3) remove the heel tip before installing the ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210198759A1
Автор: Santori Sara

Spiked plate () having an operating surface provided with a plurality of conical spikes (), configured to penetrate into an inner side of a full grain natural leather having a thickness t and make blind holes in said inner side of the full grain natural leather, wherein:—a base diameter d of the conical spikes () ranges from 33% to 100% of the thickness t, whereby 0.33−t≤d≤t,—a height h of the conical spikes () ranges from 70% to 110% of the thickness t, whereby 0.7−t≤h≤t, and—a minimum distance D between the conical spikes () on the operating surface of the spiked plate () ranges from 200% to 430% of the thickness t, whereby 2−t≤D≤4.3·t. 2. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the operating surface of the spiked plate is caused to press the inner side of the full grain natural leather once.3. The process according to claim 1 , wherein the press duration ranges from 1 second to 3 seconds claim 1 , optionally is equal to 3 seconds claim 1 , wherein in the case where the operating surface of the spiked plate -is caused to press the sheet of full grain natural leather at least twice the press duration optionally changes from one pressing to the other.4. Process according to claim 1 , wherein at each pressing the pressure ranges from 17 to 40 atmospheres claim 1 , optionally ranging from 19 to 30 atmospheres claim 1 , more optionally is equal to 20 atmospheres.5. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the spiked plate is at a temperature ranging from 60° C. to 100° C. claim 1 , optionally ranging from 85° C. to 95° C. claim 1 , more optionally equal to 90° C.6. Process according to claim 1 , wherein the thickness of the sheet of full grain natural leather ranges from 0.9 millimetres to 1.2 millimetres claim 1 , optionally ranging from 0.95 millimetres to 1.1 millimetres claim 1 , more optionally is equal to 1.0 millimetre.7. Spiked plate having an operating surface provided with a plurality of conical spikes claim 1 , configured to penetrate into an inner side of a ...

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Footwear article comprising links

Номер: US20170172254A1
Автор: Michael A. Aveni
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

An article of footwear may be constructed of a matrix of beads. For example, by preconfiguring the row length and the number of beads in a given row, the bead matrix may be configured to form a three dimensional shape that pulls towards a centerline or is concave.

22-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170172258A1
Автор: WEN Wen-Tsao, WEN Yu-Chang

The present disclosure illustrates a vamp with an embossed pattern. The vamp includes plain cloth and an embossed layer. The plain cloth is breathable fabric blended with hot-melt adhesive yarn. The embossed layer is formed on the plain cloth by a cold press process performed with cold press apparatus. The embossed layer formed on the vamp serves as a predetermined design pattern or as a structural reinforcement. The herein described process of manufacturing the vamp may be used as a basis to improve the manufacturing efficiency and quality of the vamp to produce a high quality shoe product at a reasonable price. The resulting shoe product has present-day desired characteristics and features beyond those provided in shoes made with conventional vamps, and may include added comfort, specific protection features and appear aesthetically appealing and fashionable. 1. A vamp with an embossed pattern , comprising:a plain cloth comprising breathable fabric blended with hot-melt adhesive yarn; andan embossed layer formed on the plain cloth using a cold press process performed by cold press apparatus, and partially covering a surface of the plain cloth to form a predetermined design pattern or a structural reinforcement.2. The vamp according to claim 1 , further comprising a colored layer formed on the embossed layer or the plain cloth by a manner of digital printing.3. The vamp according to claim 2 , wherein the plain cloth is provided with a crop mark claim 2 , and the colored layer is formed on an area enclosed by the crop mark.4. The vamp according to claim 1 , wherein the plain cloth is provided with a crop mark claim 1 , and the vamp is formed by cropping the plain cloth along the crop mark.5. The vamp according to claim 2 , wherein the plain cloth is provided with a crop mark claim 2 , and the vamp is formed by cropping the plain cloth along the crop mark.6. The vamp according to claim 1 , wherein the plain cloth has a temperature ranging from 150° C. to 190° C. ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200163405A1
Автор: VECCHINI Daniele

Disclosed is an orthopedic medical device which includes an orthesis structure which is made of a rigid or semi-rigid material or it is made of an elastically yielding material and has at least one external wall to be anchored to a face or wall of an orthopedic guardian adapted to directly or indirectly contact an area of a body limb or body part to be protected. 110-. (canceled)11. Orthopedic medical device suitable for being applied to an orthopedic guardian adapted to directly or indirectly contact an area of a limb or a part of the body to protect , said orthopedic guardian comprising a face , comprising an orthesis structure having at least one external wall to be anchored to the face of the orthopedic guardian.12. Orthopedic medical device according to claim 11 , wherein the orthesis structure comprises at least one external wall to be removably anchored to the face of the orthopedic guardian.13. Orthopedic medical device according to claim 11 , wherein the at least one external wall comprises a layer of grasping or graspable material claim 11 , the face of the orthopedic guardian comprising a graspable or grasping material claim 11 , respectively.14. Orthopedic medical device according to claim 12 , wherein the at least one external wall comprises a layer of grasping or graspable material claim 12 , the face of the orthopedic guardian comprising a graspable or grasping material claim 12 , respectively.15. Orthopedic medical device according to claim 11 , wherein the at least one external wall comprises removable male or female engaging means claim 11 , the face of the orthopedic guardian comprising removable female or male engaging means claim 11 , respectively.16. Orthopedic medical device according to claim 12 , wherein the at least one external wall comprises removable male or female engaging means claim 12 , the face of the orthopedic guardian comprising removable female or male engaging means claim 12 , respectively.17. Orthopedic medical device ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Gaging apparatus and method for automation of shoemaking process

Номер: US20200163417A1
Автор: Hyun-Woo Oh

A gaging apparatus and method for automation of a shoemaking process are provided for automating a shoemaking process. According to the method, the gaging apparatus obtains operation data according to the gaging process of drawing a gaging line on a boundary between the upper and the sole for shoe manufacturing, and generates trajectory data for the boundary based on the operation data. Based on the trajectory data, the gaging apparatus generates robot trajectory data for performing a buffing and bonding process after the gaging process and transmits it to a shoemaking robot.

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Method of manufacturing at least a part of a sports article

Номер: US20200164582A1
Принадлежит: adidas AG

Described are methods of manufacturing at least part of a sports article. The method includes determining a set of physical parameters of the sports article, wherein the set including a first group and a second group. The method further includes determining a set of constraints for the first group of physical parameters, wherein the set of constraints is intended to achieve at least one objective function. Moreover, method further includes determining an optimum for the at least one objective function, which is determined by optimizing the second group of physical parameters and manufacturing the part of the sports article according to the set of constraints and the second group of optimal physical parameters.

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170181502A1

A footwear component manufacturing fixture secures a component, such as a shoe sole, in a manner that allows for the processing of one or more surfaces of the component without obscuring the surfaces. The fixture has a fixed portion with a first compression surface and an adjustable portion having a second compression surface. The adjustable portion moves in relation to the fixed portion to compress one or more protrusions of the component between the compression surfaces to secure the component to the fixture for processing. 1. A footwear component manufacturing fixture , comprising:a fixed portion having a first compression surface;an adjustable portion having a second compression surface, the adjustable portion moveably coupled to the fixed portion between at least a maintaining position to maintain a footwear component relative to the footwear component manufacturing fixture and a receiving position, wherein the first compression surface is closer in proximity to the second compression surface in the maintaining position than when in the receiving position; andan adjustment mechanisms, the adjustment mechanism extending between the fixed portion and the adjustable portion, wherein the adjustment mechanism provides, in part, the moveable coupling between the fixed portion and the adjustable portion.2. The footwear component manufacturing fixture of claim 1 , wherein the fixed portion is comprised of a first maintaining member.3. The footwear component manufacturing fixture of claim 2 , wherein the first maintaining member is a protrusion extending from a component-facing surface or the first maintaining member is an aperture extending into the fixed portion from the component-facing surface.4. The footwear component manufacturing fixture of claim 2 , wherein the first maintaining member is positioned in one of:a heel region of the footwear component manufacturing fixture,a midfoot region of the footwear component manufacturing fixture, ora toe region of the ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150189952A1
Автор: Changming LIANG
Принадлежит: Regina Miracle International Group Ltd

The present invention relates to methods and devices for forming an upper of a piece of footwear, wherein the method comprises the steps of forming a first shaped piece and a second shaped piece of the footwear upper and laminating the two shaped pieces together. The present invention further relates to a method of printing on the surface of a piece of a shoe while the piece is in a substantially planar configuration, and then shaping the piece. The piece may then subsequently be used in the method of forming a piece of footwear.

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Method Of Customizing An Article And Apparatus Including An Inflatable Member

Номер: US20150189953A1

A graphic transfer assembly is disclosed. The graphic transfer assembly includes an inflatable member that is capable of expanding to fill the interior of an article of footwear. The graphic transfer assembly can include a fluid pump for filling the inflatable member. 1. A method of applying a graphic to an article , comprising the steps of:providing an inflatable member initially disposed in a substantially deflated state;partially filling the inflatable member with fluid using a first fluid line;associating the article with the inflatable member;filling the inflatable member with fluid using the first fluid line until the inflatable member has expanded to fill an interior of the article;associating the graphic with a surface of the article;evacuating fluid disposed between the deformable membrane and the portion of the article using a second fluid line connected to a vacuum pump, wherein at least a portion of the second fluid line is disposed within the first fluid line, thereby pressing a deformable membrane against a portion of the article so that the deformable membrane conforms to the surface of the portion of the article;heating the deformable membrane; andthereby transferring the graphic to the surface.2. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising the steps of:modifying the inflation pressure of the inflatable member;modifying the vacuum pressure applied between the first deformable membrane and the second deformable membrane;providing substantially even pressure throughout an exterior surface of the inflatable member; andthereby providing substantially even pressure throughout the interior of the article of footwear.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the step of evacuating fluid disposed between the deformable membrane and the portion of the article includes the step of drawing a vacuum between the first deformable membrane and the second deformable membrane using a first vacuum port associated with second fluid line and a second vacuum ...

29-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170183812A1

A method for marking references on a flat article includes providing a model having at least a through-opening and exhibiting the same peripheral profile as a flat article to be marked; detecting the peripheral profile of the model and storing that profile in a memory; detecting a profile of the through-opening and the relative positioning with respect to a reference system; detecting a peripheral profile of the flat article; replicating the peripheral profile of the model so as to superpose it on the peripheral profile of the flat article; replicating also the profile of the through-opening of the detected model, taking account of the relative positioning with respect to the reference system and of the positioning of the peripheral profile of the model with respect to the peripheral profile of the flat article. Contactless marking of at least a reference on the flat article is made at the profile of the through-opening which has been replicated. 1. A method for marking references on a flat article , comprising steps of:a) predisposing, on a detecting plane, a model provided with at least a through-opening, the model exhibiting a same peripheral profile as a flat article to be marked;b) detecting the peripheral profile of the model with respect to a reference system and storing the peripheral profile in a memory of a processing device;c) detecting a profile of the through-opening and the relative positioning with respect to a reference system;d) predisposing the flat article on a marking plane;e) detecting a peripheral profile of the flat article to be marked;f) replicating the peripheral profile of the model detected on the marking plane, in such a way as to superpose it on the peripheral profile of the flat article to be marked;g) replicating also the profile of the through-opening of the detected model on the marking plane, taking account of the relative positioning with respect to a reference system and taking account of the positioning of the peripheral profile ...
