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12-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674711C2

Описан футляр для электронной системы выдачи никотина. Футляр включает корпус, имеющий две торцевые стенки, разделенные расположенной между ними стенкой основания, и выемку, проходящую между торцевыми стенками, для помещения в нее электронной системы выдачи никотина. К корпусу шарнирно прикреплена крышка для поворота между открытым и закрытым положениями вокруг оси, параллельной продольной оси электронной системы выдачи никотина, помещенной в выемке. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

22-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU188727U1

Полезная модель относится к средствам индивидуальной защиты поверхности багажа от механических повреждений. Универсальный чехол для чемодана выполнен из эластичной ткани на основе полиуретанового волокна в виде покрывающей поверхность чемодана заготовки с тремя отверстиями для ручки и состоящей из соединенных между собой, фронтальной с боковыми ответвлениями и задней цельнокроеных частей, причем указанные части образуют между собой отверстие для надевания чехла на чемодан, при этом одна из частей снизу выполнена с клапаном, выполненным с возможностью прохождения между колесиками чемодана, и соединения с другой частью заготовки, а нижние части боковых ответвлений соединены элементом, выполненным из эластичного материала. По бокам идут вставки из неопрена, при этом чехол выполнен прозрачным, а с двух сторон с фронтальной части и с задней части, внизу липучки Велкро, при этом липучка выполнена из двух горизонтальных жёстких полосок на одной части и из трёх вертикальных мягких полосок на другой ...

11-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU196639U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к средствам защиты поверхности чемоданов от различного рода повреждений и загрязнений при их хранении и транспортировки. Особенностями конструкции чехла, помимо реализации прямого назначения, обеспечиваются: удобство доступа к верхним ручкам чемодана (выдвижной ручке для качения и переносной ручке) и к боковым ручкам; хорошая усадка и плотное прилегание чехла по всему контуру чемодана; удобство бережного и компактного хранения и транспортировки самого чехла в сложенном состоянии за счет наличия дополнительного конструктивного элемента, выполняющего функцию мешка; возможность индивидуализации и идентификации чемодана его владельцем среди багажа третьих лиц; создание оригинального дизайна чемодана. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

11-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU196637U1

Заявленная полезная модель относится к средствам защиты поверхности чемоданов от различного рода повреждений и загрязнений при их хранении и транспортировки. Особенностями конструкции чехла, помимо реализации прямого назначения, обеспечиваются: удобство доступа к верхним ручкам чемодана (выдвижной ручке для качения и переносной ручке), и к боковым ручкам; хорошая усадка и плотное прилегание чехла по всему контуру чемодана; удобство бережного и компактного хранения и транспортировки самого чехла в сложенном состоянии за счет наличия дополнительного конструктивного элемента, выполняющего функцию мешка; возможность индивидуализации и идентификации чемодана его владельцем среди багажа третьих лиц; создание оригинального дизайна чемодана. 4 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

21-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2654677C1

Изобретение относится к конструкциям складных чемоданов и комплектам деталей для их изготовления. Складной чемодан в одном из вариантов его осуществления в собранном состоянии содержит корпус, образованный передней стенкой (1), задней стенкой (2), первой боковой стенкой (3), второй боковой стенкой (4), верхней стенкой (5) и нижней стенкой(6). Края передней стенки (1) и задней стенки (2), обращенные к нижней стенке(6), жестко связаны с ее обращенными к ним краями. Передняя стенка (1) и задняя стенка (2) выполнены со скругленными углами (1а, 1b, 2a), а боковые стенки корпуса (3, 4) имеют участки поверхности (3a, 4a, 3b, 4b), выполненные с изгибом. Передняя стенка (1), задняя стенка 2, а также боковые стенки (3,4) имеют линии сгиба (9, 10, 11, 12, 13 и 14), выполненные таким образом, что обеспечивается возможность сгиба стенок в сложенном состоянии чемодана для размещения их на нижней стенке (6) так, чтобы верхняя стенка (5) контактировала с прилегающей к ней частью одной из боковых стенок ...

21-06-2006 дата публикации

Tamper indicator device

Номер: GB0000609118D0

14-10-2015 дата публикации

A carrier for storing an item

Номер: GB0201515345D0

29-02-2012 дата публикации

Tamper indicator device

Номер: GB0002437948C

14-06-2017 дата публикации

A wheel for a luggage receptacle including weighing means

Номер: GB0002496144B
Автор: MIN CHEN, Min Chen
Принадлежит: MIN CHEN, Min Chen

19-02-2014 дата публикации

Transparent shell for luggage

Номер: GB0002505055A

A transparent shell structure for luggage and the like includes an outer shell 1, a decorative plate 2 and a lining 3. The outer shell 1 has an inner space10 with a frame (11, figure 5). One side of the decorative plate 2 is a patterned surface 20. Each of the four corners of the decorative plate 2 has a notch 22, so that the four sides 23 thereof are bent inside the inner space 10. The decorative plate 2 is restricted within the outer shell 1. The lining 3 is attached to the decorative plate 2 and disposed in the inner space 10 of the outer shell 1, with the decorative plate 2 connecting to the frame (11) by the sides 30. Corner protectors (12, figure 8) are connected to the four corners of the outer shell 1.

05-05-2010 дата публикации

Bag or garment with hat carrier

Номер: GB0002464957A

A bag or garment includes a band 5 under which the brim or peak 11 of a hat or cap 12 can slide; there is also a fastener 15 connecting the belt and another portion of the bag/garment which can pass over the crown or dome 9 of the hat to secure it. The fastener is preferably in the middle of the belt forming a T-shape and may include a catch 8 and/or straps 6 and 7. The belt may be integral with the bag/garment and preferably curves to follow a curve of the hat. Typically the hat is a baseball cap. The hat can have a waterproof covering. The bag/garment may be a backpack, jacket or coat. The belt may be on the waistband, hood or collar of a jacket or coat, possibly forming part of such a hood.

17-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: GB0000403315D0

20-01-2016 дата публикации

RFID card wallet

Номер: GB0002528316A

A pouch 10 for an RFID card 24 having a pocket defined between a front wall and a rear wall for receiving a card, the rear wall of the pocket having an electrically conductive shield layer 18 incorporated therein to inhibit an RFID card within the pocket from communicating with a card reader through the rear wall of the pouch while permitting the card to communicate with a card reader through the front wall of a pouch. The second embodiment of the invention discloses a wallet (30, Fig. 2) for retaining RFID cards (24a and 24b), comprising two leaves connected to one another by a fold line (32), comprising pockets in the leaves for the insertion of RFID cards. Both leaves include an electrically conductive shield layer (18) such that no RFID card lying between the leaves of the wallet when in the closed position can be detected by a card reader and only one card can communicate with a card reader at any one time when the wallet is in the open position.

23-01-2019 дата публикации

Item of luggage with incoming call reminding function

Номер: GB0002564817A
Автор: ZHIJIAN LI, Zhijian Li

An item of luggage with an incoming call reminding function. An incoming call reminding device (1) is arranged inside a handle or a shoulder strap of an item of luggage and is used for sensing an incoming call signal of a mobile phone in the item of luggage and achieving a reminding effect through vibration. The incoming call reminding device (1) comprises: a battery (2) for supplying power to a main board (3); the main board (3) for sensing an incoming call signal of a mobile phone in an item of luggage and enabling a vibration motor (5) to vibrate so as to perform incoming call reminding; an electric wire (4) for connecting the vibration motor (5) with the battery (2) and the main board (3) respectively; and the vibration motor (5) for receiving a signal sent by the main board (3), and performing vibration reminding when an incoming call is received by the mobile phone in the item of luggage. The main board (3) is provided with: a Bluetooth chip (301) for receiving an incoming call signal ...

16-09-2009 дата публикации

Air traveller self weighing luggage

Номер: GB0000913400D0

15-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000191689A

15-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000239279A

15-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000926377A

25-06-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000004316U1

The fixing element (1) is designed so that a pressing force can be created, so that the reflector is arranged, to become fixed to a fixing surface (4) using the force mentioned. The fixing element has two jointed members that can be swiveled against each other. The members at their free ends have jaws (1a,1b), and the jaws (1a,1b) are pressed against each other by the reaction of a spring (5). The fixing surface (4) is held between the jaws.

15-01-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000059136T

15-11-2001 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000208578T

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Luggage system employing a telescopically-extendable handle and battery power supply assembly equipped with a semi-automatic battery power module ejection mechanism

Номер: AU2018321896A1

A luggage system employing a telescopically-extendable handle and rechargeable battery power supplying assembly. The assembly includes a pair of spaced-apart stationary guide tubes for supporting a pair of telescopically-extendable rods joined to a handle structure. A base housing component is mounted in an aperture formed in the rear housing portion, and has a top surface. A battery module casing is mounted to and beneath the base housing component, and disposed substantially in the same plane as and between the pair of spaced-apart guide tubes. A rechargeable DC battery power module is contained in the battery module casing, and provides a DC battery recharging port and a set of DC power supplying ports. A semi-automatic battery power module ejection mechanism is mounted within a battery module casing mounted beneath the telescopically-extendible handle and battery power supplying assembly.

26-10-2006 дата публикации

Mobile storage unit

Номер: AU2006236162A1

26-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002605478A1

A mobile storage unit is disclosed. The mobile storage unit includes a rigid exo-skeletal frame and a flexible storage bag that couples to the rigid exo- skeletal frame while within an open storage region framed by the exo-skeletal frame. The mobile storage unit also includes a top seat portion and stabilizing features that extend and retract from the rigid exo-skeletal frame to support the mobile storage unit in the upright position. The mobile storage unit can also include a monitoring device for transmitting signals that are used to determine the location of the mobile storage unit.

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002573875A1

18-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001326250C

A magnetic lock closure device comprises a magnetically attracting part and a magnetically attracted part, the magnetically attracting part having an enlarged portion extending outwardly for allowing the magnetically attracted part to engage the magnetically attracting part through the center bore on it by means of the ferromagnetic rods on the two parts, without making any attempt to search for the center bore. Each of the magnetically attracting part and magnetically attracted part includes means for fastening it to the correponding part of a two-part article such as a bag without increasing the thickness of that part.

21-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002660819A1

A portable hanger (10) for hanging a purse (12) from a table (14) has a b ase (20) adapted to rest upon and frictionally engage the table (14). A plur ality of links (30) are pivotally linked to each other in series to form a c hain (32) having a first link (34) and a last link (36). A pivot pin (40) pi votally connects the base (20) and the first link (34) of the plurality of l inks (30). The plurality of links (30) are adapted for pivot between a store d configuration in which the plurality of links (30) are positioned generall y adjacent the perimeter (26) of the base (20), and an operative configurati on in which the plurality of links (30) form a hook (46) adapted for hanging the purse (12).

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002665201A1

A child- carrying device comprising a baby carrier (1, 2, 52), a flexible front piece (3), which at upper laterally spaced - apart portions, by means of detachable couplings (31), is connected to the baby carrier, the front p iece (3) having a lower central portion that, by an appurtenant connection ( 40), is connected to an adjacent part of the baby carrier, whereby the front piece (3) forms a child- carrying pocket, the front piece (3) having an upp er border part that extends above the level of the upper laterally spaced- a part fittings and has laterally projecting end portions at each side, each o f the end portions at the end thereof carrying a first coupling part, which detachably can co-operate with an appurtenant other coupling part, the secon d coupling parts being carried by the baby carrier in laterally spaced-apart positions. The first and second coupling fittings have formations (85, 72) that co-operate with each other and, in the coupled state of the first and s econd coupling ...

28-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002815443A1

A storage tote includes a base and a selectively movable lid. A support assembly is secured to the base. The support assembly is movable between a folded position and a deployed position. In the folded position, the support assembly extends generally parallel to the surface upon which it is supported. In the deployed position the support assembly extends generally downwardly to support the base at a height substantially above the support surface. In this manner, the storage tote may be configured in at least two orientations as desired for access by the user thereof. The support assembly may include a pair of opposing legs. The storage tote may be insulated.

21-09-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002194508C

A bag buffer is applied to a bag, the bag buffer consisting of two plates, springs, and a sponge, the springs and the sponge being disposed between the two plates, such that the bag buffer can effectively buffer outside shocks to protect articles contained in the bag as well as to easily carry and use the articles.

29-10-1976 дата публикации

Rigid or flexible suitcase mounted on wheels - has axle passing through gripping blocks or through hollow tube

Номер: CH0000580934A5

The suitcase mounted on wheels, consists of a lid and base (10) made of rigid material each having a block or shoe (2) mounted underneath, at one end, made of resilient material, and with a hole through each, with a slot breaking into this hole, the diameter being such as to grip an axle (4) inserted through the two shoes, with a wheel each end. A suitcase made of flexible material may have a steel or brass tube inserted through the walls, including the doubled portions, so that an axle for the wheels can be inserted through the tube. An extra handle for gripping can be mounted on the end of the case, in addition to the conventional carrying handle on top.

31-10-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000568036A5
Принадлежит: AMIET AG

31-07-1968 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000460265A

15-01-1971 дата публикации

Behälter für Bandförderanlagen

Номер: CH0000501534A

28-02-1979 дата публикации

School bag, in particular school satchel

Номер: CH0000609224A5

Cuboidal school bag having straps (20) for carrying it on the back and having a thin flexible outer material, the interior being subdivided into two interior compartments, which are likewise cuboidal, by an intermediate wall (4) running approximately parallel to the bag rear side (3) which receives said carrying straps (20). For shaping purposes, an interior reinforcement in the form of a cuboidal element (17, 18), open at least at the top, is assigned to each interior compartment. ...

15-08-2007 дата публикации

Firm transporting holder for protecting a portable computer/laptop has two top parts each linked to a hinge with a main part with hollow space

Номер: CH0000696577A5

A main part (2) with hollow space consists of a five-walled holder with four sides and a bottom. A top part (1) and the main part consist of a rigid light-weight material like titanium or injection-molded magnesium. In a transporting holder there is an elevating mechanism for a portable computer (7) linked to top parts with an active link to opening and closing the top parts.

16-10-2018 дата публикации

Multifunctional intelligent key

Номер: CN0108661433A

26-04-2019 дата публикации

Schoolbag with temperature regulating function

Номер: CN0109674173A

06-04-2018 дата публикации

A packet

Номер: CN0105533979B

06-07-2016 дата публикации

Double-sided wheel assembly and methods thereof

Номер: CN0105744853A

29-05-2018 дата публикации

Suitcase provided with seat

Номер: CN0108078136A

26-02-1982 дата публикации

Suitcase with attached seat - has seat with covering over tubular frame and prop holding up against case

Номер: FR0002448315B1

28-08-1987 дата публикации

Case/display unit

Номер: FR0002594657A1

19-01-1979 дата публикации

Item arranging system for case - has permanent magnet fixed in case wall and cooperating with magnetic member

Номер: FR0002348864B3

13-07-1979 дата публикации

Key for box - is associated with ancient oriental puzzle which must be solved to release key

Номер: FR0002411587A1

11-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR101611787B1
Принадлежит: KANG, HYE EUN

The present invention relates to a prefabricated tuning board. Accommodating units having various shapes and sizes are attached to and detached from a tuning board, so design may be changed. More specifically, accommodating units and a tuning board may be easily assembled and disassembled in various shapes through a coupling means according to a usage purpose or user preference. The prefabricated tuning board may be utilized as a bag having a cross bag or shoulder bag shape. In particular, sub-boards may be additionally coupled with a plurality of tuning boards so as to be utilized as a disposing rod which may be used by being hung on a frame of a bicycle or a motorcycle. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 ...

25-07-2017 дата публикации

다양한 휴대성을 갖는 가방

Номер: KR0101760809B1
Принадлежит: 심희재, 황준석

... 본 발명은 다양한 휴대성을 갖는 가방에 관한 것으로, 가방을 손으로 들고 다니는 토트백 기능, 가방을 한 쪽 어깨에 맬 수 있는 크로스백 기능 및 가방을 등 뒤로 매는 백팩 기능을 선택하여 다양한 형태로 변화가 가능 하도록, 내부에 메인수납공간을 갖고 전후면에 각각 보관공간을 형성한 바디부와, 상기 바디부의 각각 설치된 측면손잡이를 보관 또는 노출시킬 수 있는 제1휴대부와, 상기 바디부의 백팩끈을 보관공간으로 보관 또는 노출시킬 수 있도록 하는 제2휴대부와, 상기 바디부의 양측면에 어깨끈을 결합 또는 분리시킬 수 있도록 하는 제3휴대부로 이루어져, 휴대성이 향상되는 효과가 있다.

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170100948A

Opening and closing units of a carrier is formed on the rear side of a body, and the opening and closing units are formed of an outer opening and closing unit and an inner opening and closing unit. The outer and inner opening and closing units can be opened by flipping over, and the height of the inner opening and closing unit is a third or two thirds of the height of the outer opening and closing unit. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

15-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170029091A

The present invention relates to a pencil holder equipped with a fixing foam. According to the present invention, the pencil holder comprises: a pencil insertion hole formed in an upper end of the pencil holder to allow a pencil or a writing tool to be inserted inside the pencil holder; and a fixing foam provided inside the pencil holder to fix the pencil, the writing tool, etc. The pencil holder according to the present invention provides an advantageous effect in that the pencil holder is a cost effective product based on the low price thereof; the pencil holder is eco-friendly because an existing pencil sharpener can be fully utilized without wasting; the pencil holder can be freely used because there is no maintenance expense; the pencil holder extends life of pencils and writing tools by preventing scratches on the pencils or the writing tools; and the pencil holder facilitates arrangement of the pencils or the writing tools. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017 ...

05-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020170101062A

The present invention relates to a smartphone case. More specifically, there is a time when a user uses a smartphone by supporting a lower part of the smartphone by the user′s little finger for holding convenience. In the case, the little finger becomes transformed because the user supports the smartphone with the user′s little finger for a long time. The invention prevents the little finger from being transformed and comforts the little finger. Considering the little finger supports the lower part of the smartphone, the smartphone case extends a lower part of the case longer than a lower part of the conventional case, protrudes inwardly in the lower part of the case in a semi-circular shape to be comfortably held by the little finger, and puts less burden on the little finger to prevent the same from being transformed, thereby having convenience and stability. To this end, for less burden on the little finger and comforting the same for holding the smartphone when the little finger supports ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014031794A2
Автор: POND, Renee

Some implementations of this disclosure provide an electronically customizable article comprising a fashion accessory selected from the group consisting of a handbag, a shoe, glasses, a tie, and a bowtie wherein the fashion accessory comprises an electronic visual display, a processor, a communication interface for communication between the fashion accessory and a network, and a non-transitory computer readable medium containing instructions that, when executed by the processor, causes the fashion accessory to connect to a server over the network, receive data from the server, and display one or more images associated with the data on the electronic visual display.

11-05-2017 дата публикации

Reusable portable cargo carrying container

Номер: US20170129409A1

The cargo carrier of the present invention is a cargo container that comprises at least one immobilizing flap that allows it to be secured inside a vehicle without shifting position as the vehicle moves. The immobilizing flap is securely affixed to one side of the container, and is protrudes through the base of the tailgate, trunk or door of the vehicle, stabilizing the cargo carrier in the cargo area of the vehicle. Another embodiment of the immobilizing flap is a loop of fabric through which the vehicle's seat belt can be extended, stabilizing the cargo carrier in a vehicle's seat. The cargo carrier take any number of forms found in the prior art to include collapsible coolers, golf bags, reusable grocery totes, food catering bags, and other carrying devices.

20-11-2012 дата публикации

Carrying case with selective object positioning

Номер: US0008312816B2

Handbag or carrying case includes a retaining compartment for retaining objects which is defined by structure having a plurality of apertures extending from the compartment to an exterior thereof, and at least one snap fastener which snaps into a respective aperture to thereby be secured to the compartment defining structure. An object may be coupled to the snap fastener such that the object is secured to the structure defining the compartment. The position of the object is variable depending on which aperture the snap fastener snaps into, with the user selecting where to locate the object by selecting the location at which the snap fastener connected thereto will engage with the compartment defining structure.

20-08-2019 дата публикации

Attaché case

Номер: USD856674S
Принадлежит: PA COTTE SA, PA. COTTE SA

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053315A1

Some implementations of this disclosure provide an electronically customizable article comprising a fashion article selected from the group consisting of a handbag, a shoe, glasses, a tie, and a bowtie wherein the fashion article comprises an electronic visual display, a processor, a communication interface for communication between the fashion article and a network, and a non-transitory computer readable medium containing instructions that, when executed by the processor, causes the fashion article to connect to a server over the network, receive data from the server, and display one or more images associated with the data on the electronic visual display.

04-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: US20100051657A1

An apparatus includes a bag to carry one or more objects on the back of a person, and a cushion for connection to a surface of the bag. The cushion is used for making substantially continuous contact with the back when the bag is carried on the back. The apparatus may be a backpack or any other type of bag.

10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587055C2
Принадлежит: ЛЕБЕЛ Денис (CA)

Сумка для спортивного инвентаря со встроенной в нее системой сушки имеет гибкую оболочку, образующую внутреннее пространство с контролируемыми условиями внешней среды, имеющую нижнюю часть, части боковой стенки и верхнюю часть. Герметизируемое отверстие в верхней части предназначено для обеспечения размещения спортивного инвентаря во внутреннем пространстве и изъятия спортивного инвентаря из внутреннего пространства. Отверстие в одной из частей боковой стенки предназначено для обеспечения размещения воздуха контролируемой окружающей среды во внутреннем пространстве и удаления воздуха контролируемой окружающей среды из внутреннего пространства. Крышка отверстия прикреплена рядом с отверстием боковой стенки и предназначена для закрытия и герметизации отверстия боковой стенки, когда не используется. Элемент решетчатого настила присоединен по меньшей мере к одной из боковых стенок и навешен над нижней частью, образовывая зазор между ними, при этом он содержит несколько отверстий; и по меньшей ...

19-03-2014 дата публикации

Protective bag

Номер: GB0002492895B
Принадлежит: HSU FU-YI [TW], HSU FU-YI, FU-YI HSU

20-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002528414A

A rucksack comprises an enclosure for containing a load to be carried and a frame 10 attached to a back wall of the enclosure and shaped to hold the back wall of the enclosure away from the user's back to create an air gap 20, wherein the frame comprises a pre-shaped panel. The pre-shaped panel may extend across the width of the back wall of the enclosure and can have a flat central section 12 with top 14 and bottom 16 sections that protrude forwardly of the central section 12. The rucksack may have a pair of shoulder straps with their top ends adjustably mounted on the rucksack to be adjustable between a first position nearer the top of the frame 10 and a second position nearer the bottom of the frame 10.

07-07-2004 дата публикации

Travel bags

Номер: GB0000412267D0

04-10-2006 дата публикации

Casing structure and function changing method thereof

Номер: GB0000616843D0

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Container for mobile device

Номер: GB0002572580A
Автор: CHIH FENG HO, Chih Feng Ho

A container includes a housing having a base wall 12, an upper wall 13 and a cover panel 15 extended from the upper wall 13 and foldable relative to the upper wall 13 and movable toward the upper wall 13. A base plate 30 is engaged in the housing with a support device 4 foldably attached to the base plate 30 via a hinge device 31. The support device 4 is foldable relative to the base plate 30 and the housing. A display 50 is attached to the support device 4 and movable relative to the upper wall 13 between an upwardly working position and a downwardly folded storing position. The housing includes a chamber 11 formed by a base wall 12 and the upper wall 13 for receiving a mobile device (20, figure 7).

28-02-1924 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to hand bags and the like

Номер: GB0000211807A

... 211,807. Frank, L. Sept. 15, 1923. B a g s ; purses; wallets. - A handbag, attachÚ case, purse, wallet, or other receptacle is formed with a recess provided with a sliding cover d normally held in the closing position by elastic or spring means, such as elastic loops f, and provided with a tab g which it can be pulled back for access to the contents. The recess may contain letters &c., a powder puff or, as shown, a mirror.

04-05-2005 дата публикации

Drink-item holding apparatus for a portable cooler box

Номер: GB0002407558A

A drink-item holding apparatus 5 incorporates an upper flap 53 and a lower flap 54 which may be unfolded from a stowed configuration (Fig. 7) to a deployed configuration (Fig. 8) in which the upper flap 53 is releasably latched in its horizontal position. Projections 532 at the rear edge of the upper flap 53 resiliently push in L-shaped arms 55 against the biasing action of springs 56 until the projections 532 snap past the arms 55 which then serve to latch the upper flap 53 in its deployed configuration. The upper flap 53 may be rotated in the reverse direction in order to unlatch the projections 532 so as to return to the stowed configuration. The upper flap 53 is therefore protected against inadvertent downward rotation. The lower flap 54 folds away upwards, and the upper flap 53 folds away downwards against the lower surface of the lower flap 54 in order to produce a compact arrangement of the apparatus 5. The apparatus 5 may be mounted on a cooler box or possibly on the dashboard of ...

10-03-2010 дата публикации

Self-Weighing luggage

Номер: GB0201001080D0

04-02-2004 дата публикации

Arrangements for mounting containers on one another

Номер: GB0002391216A

A container such as a food container may be mounted on a further container such as a beverage bottle (1). The containers may be attached directly or by means of a separate attachment unit (5a) which may have a carrying strap. They may be disposable or reusable and may be microwaveable.

21-05-2008 дата публикации

Tamper indicator device

Номер: GB0002437948B
Принадлежит: GWENTEC

28-07-2021 дата публикации

Improvements in storage systems

Номер: GB2591305A

A vacuum bag storage system (figure 1, 1) comprises a vacuum storage bag having a pocket 6 with a releasably sealable opening 3 through which items to be stored may be inserted and removed, and at least two substantially stiff panels (7, 8) configured to be at least partly removed from and inserted into the bag through the opening. The panels are connected by at least one length of flexible material (9a, 9b). The flexible material may be elastic. Also disclosed is a vacuum bag storage system as previously stated, wherein the panels are articulated, having a plurality of sections (7a-c, 8a-c) that are foldable relative to each other at one or more hinges (12a-b, 13a-b).

17-04-2013 дата публикации

An item of luggage that is convertible into a booster seat

Номер: GB0002495519A

An item of luggage comprises rigid sides, a retractable handle 2, at least one rotating part 3, and at least one seatbelt locator 1. The item of luggage may be used as a booster seat for a child when travelling in a vehicle. Seatbelt locators 1 on either side of the item are moveable into a useable position (see figure 3) when the item is used as a booster seat, and foldable when not required. A retractable handle 2, which is preferably telescopic, can preferably be locked in two positions, a short handle for carrying the case or a longer handle for wheeling the case. Seat padding 4 may be provided for comfort. A lock 5 may be provided to securely close the suitcase.

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Protective cover for a case

Номер: GB0002485091A

An apparatus for protecting and securing a case comprises a cover 301 for partially enclosing the case and a lockable toggle (601, fig.6). The lockable toggle (601, fig.6) is used to secure the case within the cover 301. The toggle (601, fig.6) preferably comprises an inner component (602, fog.6) and a hollow outer component (603, fig.6). The lockable toggle (601, fig.6) is capable of switching between a locked position and an unlocked position, and may be held in the locked position by inserting a lock such as a padlock through holes (605, 607, fig.6) which are aligned when the the toggle (601, fig.6) is in the locked position. The cover provides an alternative to wrapping a suitcase in sheets of plastic.

13-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002477742B
Принадлежит: FLASHBAY LTD

15-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA816774A

15-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AT516252B1

Bei einem Hohlkörper (11) zur Aufnahme in einem Behälter ist der Hohlkörper (11) kollabierbar und schließt ein Gasvolumen innerhalb einer ersten, festen Deckwand (2) sowie einer zwischen der ersten und einer zweiten Deckwand (3) angeordneten faltbaren Seitenwand (1) ein, wobei die zweite Deckwand (3) zumindest teilweise von einer elastischen Membran (3) gebildet ist. Ein erfindungsgemäßer Behälter umfassend einen Behälterteil und einen Deckelteil mit einem solchen Hohlkörper, wobei die zweite Deckwand (3) des Hohlkörpers (11) ausgebildet ist, um an einem Anschlag (14) am Behälterteil (9) aufzuliegen, sodass der Hohlkörper (11) in kollabiertem Zustand ist, wenn der Deckelteil (7) vollständig auf den Behälterteil (9) aufgesetzt ist.

15-05-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA239279A

15-04-1988 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000033091T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000010254U1

15-07-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000816774A

25-02-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000361159B

10-12-1981 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000365052B

21-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017268506A1
Автор: POND RENEE, Pond, Renee
Принадлежит: Acacia Law

Abstract An electronically customizable fashion article comprising an electronic visual multi touch-sensitive display integral with the fashion article, a sound sensor, a processor, and a communication interface for communication between the fashion article and a network. In use, the fashion article displays content associated with the data on the electronic visual touch-sensitive display, and allows the displayed content to be manipulated in response to an interaction with the touch-sensitive display, and a signal received from the sound sensor. The displayed content comprises an image, video, colour, pattern and design. The manipulation of the displayed content comprises multiple image merging options of adding and removing elements, image layering, and modifications including colour, colour depth, brightening and contrast adjustments, special effects, multiple image merging, softening options, sharpening abilities, image enhancing, selective colour changing, cropping, and size adjustments ...

02-08-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001014899A1

03-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002406364C
Принадлежит: KILDUFF, EDWARD

A sports equipment bag (10) having a water-resistant outer shell (12) with multiple ventilation assemblies (25) for exposing the interior of the bag to free air circulation. Each ventilation assembly includes an opening formed in the outer shell (12) that is covered by a mesh lining (42) and a flap (30) which can be selectively opened and closed using a zipper (93). In one embodiment, the bag (10) includes openings on both sides (16, 18) and both ends (20, 22) of the bag (10). In an alternate embodiment the bag (57) includes openings (66) on both sides only. In another alternate embodiment, the bag (68) includes a vent (73) at one end and a fan assembly (80) located at the other end (74). The fan assembly (80) includes an electric fan (76) which draws air through the interior of the bag through a vent (73) located on the opposing end of the bag (68).

17-12-1991 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001293108C

A strap retainer includes a flexible plate adapted to be attached by sewing to a substrate, and a retaining mound integral with the plate and raised above the upper surface of the plate so as to define therebetween a pair of laterally aligned apertures for the passage therethrough of the strap. A sewing groove extends in the upper surface of the plate along a peripheral edge of the plate for receiving a sewing thread. A support ridge projects from the bottom surface of the plate and extends along the periphery of the plate, the ridge being disposed inwardly of and immediately adjacent to the sewing groove. The strap retainer thus constructed is free from curling up around the periphery thereof and is capable of protecting the sewing thread against abrasive wear.

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3131892A1

A rechargeable carrying case for a portable cellular communication system which protects and provides power to a mobile device is provided. The case includes a housing with a first side and second side which provides protection to the mobile device. The carrying case provides aesthetic benefits to the consumer as a sliding system allows for the mobile device to engage the carrying case. The carrying case provides extended battery charging capabilities and is adapted to use with a phone that has two distinct displays.

02-09-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002459044A1

22-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767974A1

A sport equipment bag with drying system incorporated therein has a flexible shell defining an environmentally controlled interior space having a bottom portion, side wall portions, and a top portion. A sealable opening within the top portion adapted to allow sports equipment to be placed within and taken out from the interior space. An opening within one of the side wall portions adapted to allow environmentally controlled air to be placed within and taken from the interior space. An opening cover attached adjacent to the side wall opening and adapted to cover and seal the side wall opening when not in use. A grid floor member attached to at least one of the side wall portions and suspended above the bottom portion forming a gap therebetween, and including a plurality of holes therein; and at least one elongated support member adapted to fit within any one of the holes of the grid floor member and is adapted to extend between the bottom portion and the top portion and thereby support the ...

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002663373C

A luggage device having fully recessed legs that may be selectively engaged to translate and pivot about an axis to facilitate controlled movement from a fully recessed storage position to an operative position for conveniently transporting large heavy objects within the luggage. The fully recessed translation biased cantilever leg luggage device includes a dextral leg recess for receiving a dextral leg, and a sinistral leg recess for receiving a sinistral leg. Each leg recess has an engagement region, a storage region, and a pivot. Additionally, the engagement region includes a leg engagement region storage location, a leg engagement region operative location, and a leg engagement region transition region; through which a portion of the leg pivots about the axis and transitions from the fully recessed storage position to an operative position.

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002663373A1

A luggage device having fully recessed legs that may be selectively engaged to translate and pivot about an axis to facilitate controlled movement from a fully recessed storage position to an operative position for conveniently transporting large heavy objects within the luggage. The fully recessed translation biased cantilever leg luggage device includes a dextral leg recess for receiving a dextral leg, and a sinistral leg recess for receiving a sinistral leg. Each leg recess has an engagement region, a storage region, and a pivot. Additionally, the engagement region includes a leg engagement region storage location, a leg engagement region operative location, and a leg engagement region transition region; through which a portion of th e leg pivots about the axis and transitions from the fully recessed storage position to an operative position.

10-06-2015 дата публикации

Portable compression-resistant luggage carrier

Номер: CN0204378177U

08-07-1994 дата публикации

Finisher lining bags, cases or the like

Номер: FR0002700105A3

Elle comporte un panneau protecteur (1) réalisé en un matériau matelassé approprié pour être appliqué sur la face frontale de la valise et disposé longitudinalement sur sa face frontale, de manière à suivre partiellement son bord. Au moins une fente (9) est formée sur le panneau protecteur et constitue l'ouverture d'un compartiment destiné à recevoir une étiquette (10) sur laquelle on peut porter des indications d'identification appropriées. La garniture comporte en outre un élément de renfort (25) qui est constitué par une bande de matière plastique thermo-formée appliquée sur la surface supérieure de la valise et qui forme deux renflements (29) qui sont disposés symétriquement par rapport à une zone centrale concave (30) destinée à servir de siège à la poignée (31) de la valise.

07-03-1997 дата публикации

Locking system for bag or suitcase

Номер: FR0002727836B1

14-04-1961 дата публикации

Manufactoring process of flexible fine leather goods

Номер: FR0001258422A

27-01-1922 дата публикации

Improvements brought to the articles, such in particular that handkerchiefs and lingesde bandage, in front of being changed after use

Номер: FR0000532054A

19-12-1980 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002457226A


27-04-1960 дата публикации

Accessory for hand luggage

Номер: FR0001216833A

08-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003023137A1

Bagage comprenant une coque (1) définissant une cavité, dans laquelle sont logés la poignée (7) d'un dispositif (8) de traction et un peson (10), la poignée (7) du dispositif (8) de traction et le peson (10) sont distincts et sont logés tous deux dans la cavité et le peson (10) est guidé par deux parois (9) verticales de la cavité.

07-05-1971 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002056915A1

07-07-1989 дата публикации

Article with pocket and, in particular, a garment

Номер: FR0002625418A1

21-05-2019 дата публикации

Чехол для чемодана

Номер: RU0000189328U1

Чехол для чемодана, произведенный из эластичной ткани бифлекс, на основе полиэстера с лайкрой (спандексом), состоящий из двух симметричных цельнокройных частей, передней и задней, соединенных между собой распошивальным (трикотажным) швом, образующие вид перевернутого пакета, который надевается сверху на чемодан, с верхним и двумя симметричными боковыми отверстиями под ручки чемодана, при этом размер верхнего отверстия соответствует выдвижной верхней ручке так, чтобы она была доступна для применения и, в тоже время, по краям, до 1 см с каждой стороны, закрывалась чехлом, защищая от произвольного непреднамеренного выдвижения ручки; в нижней части образующих два симметричных элемента для закрытия чехла, с сохранением отверстий для колес чемодана, соединяющихся на молнию и усиленные эластичной лентой с латексными резинками, которая дополнительно натягивает и укрепляет нижнее отверстие чехла, располагаясь между колесами, также эластичная лента закрывает молнию, предотвращая возможное попадание на нее грязи; для усиления прочности, эластичности и предотвращения разрыва швов при натяжении по контуру нижнего отверстия чехла дополнительно вшита эластичная лента с латексными резинками шириной от 5 до 10 мм; для предотвращения нежелательного вскрытия чемодана и/или воровства самого чехла предусмотрен элемент для навеса багажного замочка соединением отверстия в пуллере слайдера молнии с встроенным в край чехла люверсе (в крайнем положении закрытия молнии); для уникализации внешнего вида и улучшения эстетических характеристик ткань может быть окрашена методом прямой печати или термотрансферного переноса; для хранения и транспортировки применяется мешочек из бифлекса. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 189 328 U1 (51) МПК A45C 13/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A45C 13/00 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2019105853, 28.02.2019 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и ...

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Carrying Devices Containing Alignment Elements

Номер: US20120080471A1
Автор: Scott Locke
Принадлежит: Individual

New and non-obvious systems and devices are provided for permitting decoration of the straps of bags. These systems and devices are configured to retain association of an accessory and a strap of a bag through the compression of a portion of the strap across the width of the strap in the direction of the thickness of the strap. Through the use of these systems and devices, bag owners will be able to decorate the straps or their bags easily and reversibly.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Bag with Cover

Номер: US20120121210A1
Принадлежит: Under Armour Inc

A bag includes an outer body portion or outer shell which encloses a storage compartment. The bag also includes a pocket non-removably attached to the bag which is accessible through the outer body portion or outer shell and is freely contained within the storage compartment. The pocket is configured to retain a cover, which is non-removably attached thereto. The cover is a flexible material that is water resistant or water repellant. The cover can be collapsed and stored within the pocket or can be withdrawn from the pocket and spread over the outer body portion or outer shell of the bag, thereby protecting it, for example, from inclement weather.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Adaptable storage device for rain attire

Номер: US20120152772A1
Автор: Timothy Garner
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments of the present disclosure generally relate to an adaptable storage device for rain attire. More specifically, embodiments of the present invention relate to an adaptable storage device that can be easily transported, may be affixed to a variety of everyday articles, provides a fashionable appearance, and conveniently stores rain attire and accessories thereof until needed. In one embodiment of the present invention, an adaptable storage device for rain attire comprises a substantially water-proof storage portion having an inner volume for storing rain attire; a closure means for sealing the inner volume of the storage portion; and an attachment means for attaching the adaptable storage device to an apparatus.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method for adding an ornament to a manufactured article

Номер: US20120192331A1
Принадлежит: Individual

This is directed to systems, processes, machines, and other means that attach ornaments to manufactured articles. The invention can allow a user to express oneself by attaching a removable object to a manufactured article by using a screw, snap, or magnet.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Portable electronic device protection system

Номер: US20120285849A1
Автор: Michael Schiffman
Принадлежит: Nash Martin Holdings Llc

A system for protecting portable electronic devices within a disposable protective enclosure is disclosed. The system includes a housing, one or more processors, and a power source. A display is communicatively coupled to the one or more processors. One or more user interfaces are communicatively coupled to the one or more processors. A device encapsulator is communicatively coupled to the one or more processors. The device encapsulator includes a receiving area that is configured to receive at least one portable electronic device and a reactive disposable enclosure material. The device encapsulator further includes at least a first forming element disposed above the receiving area and at least a second forming element disposed below the first forming element. The first and second forming elements are configured to apply a stimulus to the reactive disposable enclosure material. At least one of the first and second forming elements transitions from a first position to a second position as the receiving portion transitions into and out of the housing.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Scooter carrying case and backpack apparatus

Номер: US20120286011A1
Автор: Andreas C. Wegener
Принадлежит: Individual

A backpack apparatus comprises a backpack body, a holder panel assembly, and a closure device. The backpack body has a top portion, a bottom portion, a front portion, a back portion, a first side portion, and a second side portion and defines a main storage compartment. The holder panel assembly has a top edge, a bottom edge, a first side edge, and a second side edge. The holder panel assembly includes at least one zipper assembly, a first side wall extending from a portion of the first side edge, and a second side wall extending from a portion of the second side edge. The bottom edge of the holder panel assembly is fixedly attached to the backpack body, and the top edge of the holder panel is unattached to the backpack body. The first side wall of the holder panel is fixedly attached to the backpack body, and the second side wall of the holder panel is fixedly attached to the backpack body. A closure device may be attached to the first side portion of the backpack body.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Non-woven cooler bag with speaker and mp3 hookup

Номер: US20120294550A1
Автор: Ellen Hassman, Patty Luts
Принадлежит: Consumer Motivation Group Inc

A portable thermally insulated bag for maintaining contents thereof in a desired thermal state comprises an enclosure having a plurality of interconnected panels including a top, a bottom, front, back, and sides. The enclosure defines an interior volume for storing items to be kept in a desired thermal state and includes a flexible outer shell, an inner insulative layer, a zipper for at least partially separating one of the panels from the enclosure, and a handle. The bag also has a speaker for communicative connection to a personal playback device and a pocket external to one of the panels and proximate to the speaker. The pocket is sized to receive a personal playback device therein.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Inflatable shape maintenance device for a handbag or purse

Номер: US20120298229A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An inflatable shape maintenance device is provided to maintain the shape of a handbag or purse by first inserting it into a void space within the handbag or purse while being substantially deflated or partially inflated. Then a gas is introduced into the inflatable shape maintenance device until it is at a desired turgidity, whereby a desired shape (form) of the handbag or purse is restored and/or maintained. The turgid inflatable shape maintenance device remains within the handbag or purse during times of storage. Then when use of the handbag or purse is desired the valve is opened and the gas contained with the inflatable shape maintenance device is passively or actively evacuated to decrease turgidity thereof. Once a sufficient volume of gas has been removed from the inflatable shape maintenance device, it may then be removed from inside of the handbag or purse.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

Backpack and protective cover for bicycle

Номер: US20130062372A1
Автор: Lori Louise Bradford
Принадлежит: Individual

A durable yet flexible protective bicycle cover is disclosed. The protective cover having properties of insulation from damage, wear, elements, dust and dirt, and the like. The protective cover further includes means for carrying a bicycle while within the cover, means for pushing a bicycle while within the cover, means for lifting a bicycle to and from a motor vehicle while within the cover, and means for transforming the cover into a backpack.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Hygienic Cover for a Handbag

Номер: US20130068355A1
Автор: Océane Levy
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a protective cover ( 1 ) for a handbag, comprising a flexible wrapping element ( 2 ) and means ( 3 ) for closing said wrapping element ( 2 ) around said handbag, said wrapping element ( 2 ) comprising an internal surface ( 21 ) that comes into contact with said handbag, an external surface ( 22 ), and means for storing said cover, said storing means comprising a first pocket ( 4 ) arranged on said external surface ( 22 ) and a second pocket ( 5 ) arranged on said internal surface ( 21 ).

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130074999A1
Автор: Vaccarella Kimberlee

Handbag or carrying case includes a retaining compartment for retaining objects which is defined by structure having a plurality of apertures extending from the compartment to an exterior thereof, and at least one snap fastener which snaps into a respective aperture to thereby be secured to the compartment defining structure. An object may be coupled to the snap fastener such that the object is secured to the structure defining the compartment. The position of the object is variable depending on which aperture the snap fastener snaps into, with the user selecting where to locate the object by selecting the location at which the snap fastener connected thereto will engage with the compartment defining structure. 1. A carrying case , comprising:compartment defining means defining a retaining compartment for retaining objects, said compartment defining means including a plurality of apertures extending from said compartment to an exterior of said compartment defining means;at least one snap fastener arranged to snap into a respective one of said apertures to thereby be secured to said compartment defining means; andcoupling means for coupling an object to said at least one snap fastener such that the object is secured to said compartment defining means via said coupling means and the position of the object is variable depending on which of said apertures said snap fastener snaps into.2. The carrying case of claim 1 , wherein each of said at least one snap fastener has first and second parts removably engageable with one another such that when engaged with each other through the respective one of said apertures claim 1 , said snap fastener is secured to said compartment defining means claim 1 , said coupling means coupling the object to said first part of said at least one snap fastener.3. The carrying case of claim 2 , wherein said first part of said snap fastener has a flange arranged to prevent passage of said first part through the respective one of said apertures ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130098957A1

A holder for securing eyeglasses, sunglasses or other personal items that may be securely incorporated into an article of clothing or accessory at the time of manufacture. The holder includes a base member that can be inserted into or attached to the article of clothing or accessory. A hanger is connected to the base member and includes a loop connected to a support base. One or more openings can be provided on the base member. The support base and base member can be integrally formed. The support base can be formed from part of the article of clothing or accessory. The holder allows a wearer to insert a piece of a pair of eyeglasses, or a part of another personal item, through the loop and allows the item to assume a secure and relatively flat position. The holder may also include an RFID tag and/or a covered loop. 1. A holder for supporting a personal item comprising:a base member adapted to be inserted into or attached to an article of clothing or an accessory;a hanger connected to the base member, the hanger comprising a loop connected to a support base, the loop being adapted to support the personal item thereon.2. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the base member has at least one opening for securement of the base member with the article of clothing or the accessory.3. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the at least one opening is a through hole.4. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the base member has two or four openings for securement of the base member with the article of clothing or the accessory.5. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the base member is woven or sewn to the article of clothing or accessory.6. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the base member is adapted to be inserted into or attached to a handbag.7. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the support base is connected to base member.8. The holder of claim 1 , further comprising a fastening device claim 1 , the fastening device having a first end configured for connection to the base member and a second end ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130126286A1
Автор: Chehebar Alfred

There is a luggage system and a method of storing articles of clothing using a luggage system. The luggage system includes a luggage container. The luggage container includes a main access aperture and a secondary access aperture. The luggage container includes a sealing structure functionally coupled to the secondary access aperture. The luggage container includes a one-way valve disposed through the sealing structure and configured to permit air to exit the luggage system through the sealing structure. The luggage system includes a compression bag removably coupled to the luggage container. The compression bag includes a bag body of air impermeable material and a mouth. The luggage system includes a retaining system configured to retain the bag body when the bag body is in a rolled configuration. The retaining system includes a retaining strap selectably coupleable to one of the bag body and the luggage container. 1. A luggage system , comprising: a1) a main cavity configured to store items therein;', 'a2) a main access aperture in communication with the main cavity;', 'a3) a secondary access aperture in communication with the main cavity;', 'a4) a sealing structure functionally coupled to the secondary access aperture, such that the secondary access aperture is selectably sealable thereby; and', 'a5) a valve disposed through the sealing structure configured to permit air to exit the luggage system through the sealing structure when the sealing structure is sealed;, 'a) a luggage container, including b1) a bag body of air impermeable material; and', 'b2) a mouth;, 'b) a compression bag disposed inside the main cavity and removably coupled to the luggage container, includingc) a coupling structure selectably coupleable about the perimeter of the secondary access aperture and configured to couple the mouth of the compression bag thereto, such that when so coupled and when the sealing structure is open access is available to an interior of the bag body; andd) a ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130129948A1
Автор: Fikry Albert Vincent

An enclosure device for a portable pack including a perimeter, a first wall and a fastening member is provided. The perimeter forms an opening for receiving the portable pack. The first wall extends across the perimeter and the first wall has a plurality of individual covering elements extending a width of the perimeter. Each of the plurality of covering elements are independently moveable between an open position and a closed position. The perimeter and the first wall form an interior cavity for substantially surrounding the portable pack. The fastening member is operatively connected to the perimeter to secure the enclosure device to the portable pack. 1. An enclosure device for a portable pack comprising:a perimeter forming an opening for receiving the portable pack;a first wall extending across the perimeter, the first wall having a plurality of individual covering elements extending across a width of the perimeter, wherein each of the plurality of covering elements are independently moveable between an open position and a closed position, and wherein the perimeter and the first wall form an interior cavity for substantially surrounding the portable pack; anda fastening member operatively connected to the perimeter to secure the enclosure device to the portable pack.2. The enclosure device of claim 1 , further comprising a second wall extending from the perimeter and opposite the first wall that at least partially covers the opening.3. The enclosure device of claim 1 , further comprising a container attached to at least one of the perimeter and the first wall.4. The enclosure device of claim 3 , wherein the container is configured to receive the entirety of the perimeter claim 3 , the first wall and the fastening member and completely enclose the perimeter claim 3 , the first wall and the fastening member.5. The enclosure device of claim 3 , wherein the container further comprises a pair of attachment members for attaching the container to the portable pack.6. ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130167989A1
Автор: Thompson Bonnie

In combination with a pre-selected ladies purse having soft side wall and end wall portions which tend to collapse inwardly toward each other when such purse is insufficiently full, the improvement comprising an apparatus which will substantially minimize collapsing of the soft side wall and end wall portions when the purse is not full. The apparatus has a flexible member having each of a predetermined length, a predetermined width, and a predetermined thickness. 1. In combination with a pre-selected ladies purse having soft side wall and end wall portions which tend to collapse inwardly toward each other when said purse is insufficiently full , the improvement comprising an apparatus configured to substantially minimize collapsing of said soft side wall and end wall portions when said purse is not full , said apparatus having a flexible member , said flexible member having each of a predetermined length , a predetermined width , and a predetermined thickness.2. The combination according to claim 1 , wherein said flexible member is selected from the group consisting of plastic claim 1 , fiber board claim 1 , paper and cardboard.3. The combination according to claim 2 , wherein said flexible member is selected from the group consisting of plastic and fiber board.4. The combination according to claim 3 , wherein said flexible member is plastic.5. The combination according to claim 1 , wherein said flexible member further includes at least one notch formed adjacent a pre-selected end of said flexible member.6. The combination according to claim 5 , wherein said flexible member further includes a plurality of notches formed adjacent said pre-selected end of said flexible member.7. The combination according to claim 6 , wherein said flexible member includes a pair of notches formed adjacent said pre-selected end of said flexible member.8. The combination according to claim 1 , wherein said flexible member further includes a purse manufactures logo positioned on a surface ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Side rain flaps for shoulder bags

Номер: US20130180636A1
Автор: Gary Ashley
Принадлежит: Pioneer Square Brands Inc

A side flap for covering a gap in a bag is provided for reducing or eliminating environmental elements from entering the bag through the gap between a cover and a mouth of the bag, and for containing contents within the bag. The side flap includes an attachment device that automatically attaches to a corresponding attachment device on the bag when the cover is moved from an open position to a closed position. The attachment device automatically detaches from the corresponding attachment device when the cover is moved from the closed position to the open position.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Protective Cover for a Case

Номер: US20130192728A1
Автор: Karen Duncan
Принадлежит: Individual

There is provided an apparatus for protecting and securing a case, comprising a cover for partially enclosing the case and a lockable toggle configured to secure said case within said cover. The lockable toggle is capable of switching between a locked position and an unlocked position.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206628A1

A hair carrier bag includes an elongated body, a clip assembly, and a hair product. The elongated body has a top, a bottom, and an inner surface, and includes a plurality of fold sections. The clip assembly is coupled to the inner surface of the elongated body. The hair product is disposed against the inner surface of the elongated body and has a portion that is secured within the clip assembly. The fold sections of the elongated body are adapted to be temporarily folded against each other, thereby reconfiguring the elongated body into a folded state and imprisoning the hair product therein. 136.-. (canceled)37. A clip assembly for retaining a hair product in a hair carrier bag , comprising:a fixed plate, adapted to be fastened to a structure of a hair carrier bag and having a bottom side or edge;a clamp plate, rotationally coupled to the fixed plate and having a bottom side or edge, the bottom side or edge of the clamp plate being held against or in close proximity to the bottom side or edge of the fixed plate; anda hair product having an end portion that is clamped between the bottom side or edge of the clamp plate and the bottom side or edge of the fixed plate such that the hair product may be retained within the hair carrier bag when the fixed plate is fastened to the structure of the hair carrier bag.38. The clip assembly of claim 37 , further comprising a spring that biases the bottom side or edge of the clamp plate against the bottom side or edge of the fixed plate.39. The clip assembly of claim 37 , further comprising an axle that rotationally couples the clamp plate to the fixed plate.40. The clip assembly of claim 39 , wherein the fixed plate includes two end supports that support opposite ends of the axle.41. The clip assembly of claim 39 , wherein the clamp plate includes a plurality of end flaps supported by the axle.42. The clip assembly of claim 39 , further comprising a coil spring that is carried around the axle.43. The clip assembly of claim 37 , ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Shoulder Strap Retainer

Номер: US20130230679A1

A flexible, low profile retainer having a high coefficient of friction that may be adhered to the underside of a shoulder strap to retain the strap in the appropriate location on the shoulder of a user. The retainer is formed from a flexible layer of silicone or thermoplastic rubber and includes an adhesive positioned on one side to adhere the retainer in the appropriate location on the underside of the shoulder strap. The retainer may be dimensioned to be nearly invisible when positioned on the strap, thereby maintaining the aesthetic appeal and overall look of the item being supported by the strap. 1. A retainer for holding a strap in position , comprising:a flexible substrate that extends along a plane to define first and second opposing planar surfaces and an outer perimeter having first and second opposing minor sides and first and second opposing major sides;an adhesive applied to at least a portion of said surface treatment;a removable cover positioned over said adhesive.2. The retainer of claim 1 , wherein said flexible substrate comprises silicone.3. The retainer of claim 1 , wherein said flexible substrate comprises a thermoplastic rubber.4. The retainer of claim 1 , wherein said flexible substrate comprises vinyl-terminated dimethyl vinyl methyl (siloxane and polysiloxane) claim 1 , hydroxyl-terminated dimethyl (siloxane and polyusiloxane) claim 1 , and aluminum hydroxide.5. The retainer of claim 2 , wherein said flexible substrate is less than two millimeters in thickness throughout.6. The retainer of claim 5 , wherein said flexible substrate is dimensioned to have a width that is the same or less than a shoulder strap on which it may be adhered.7. The retainer of claim 5 , wherein said flexible substrate comprises a rectangle.8. The retainer of claim 7 , wherein said rectangle includes rounded corners.9. The retainer of claim 1 , wherein said first and second opposing minor sides are arcuate and said first and second opposing major sides are straight. ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130299365A1
Автор: Andrew McCurdy P.

A protective case () for mobile electronic devices (), such as smart phones, tablets, GPS and so forth, having various attachments that allow the electronic device to be held securely in an individual's hand, mounted to a surface and/or carried via a clip. 1. A protective case for electronic devices comprising:four side walls for securing the electronic device within the protective case;a raised rear portion that extending a predetermined distance from the side walls;a concave indentation located within the raised rear portion; andand an attachment means for attaching an accessory to the raised rear portion within the concave indentation.2. The protective case of further comprising:a finger grip mounted to the protective case via the attachment means.3. The protective case of wherein:said finger grip is capable of being rotated in relation to the protective case.4. The protective case of wherein:said finger grip has at least two finger indentations located on a front surface.5. The protective case of wherein:said finger grip has a curved rear surface so the finger grip is substantially recessed within the concave indentation of the protective case.6. The protective case of wherein:one or more straps are located on the finger grip to attach the protective case and electronic device to an individual's fingers.7. The protective case of further comprising:a mount that fits into the concave indentation of the protective case;an attachment means that secures the mount to the protective case; andattachment means located on a lower surface of the mount to allow a user to secure the mount to a surface.8. The protective case of further comprising:a clip that attaches directly to the protective case via an attachment means9. The protective case of further comprising:a plate that rests in the concave indentation of the protective cover thereby making it less likely the protective case will separate from the clip and plate.10. A finger grip for electronic devices comprising:a ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Protective enclosure for electronic device

Номер: US20130300267A1
Принадлежит: Otter Products LLC

A protective enclosure for an electronic device such as a laptop computer or tablet computer that comprises a shell that is capable of enclosing and substantially surrounding the electronic device. The shell is substantially watertight, substantially rigid and substantially crush-resistant. The inside of the shell has a hook and loop liner with shock absorbing corner bumpers having hook and loop type bases so that the bumpers may attach at any point on the liner inside the shell to accommodate electronic devices of various sizes and to secure the device inside the enclosure in a shock absorbent suspended manner. The shell may further comprise a USB connector hub for connection to the USB port of a laptop computer or PC tablet enclosed in the protective shell.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130334069A1
Автор: Fathollahi Andy

An improved protective case for a mobile device is disclosed herein. The protective case may comprise a base portion, a stop, and at least one sliding or moving impact section to assist in the absorption of impact. 1. A protective case for a mobile device comprising: a back panel and at least one side portion extending upward from said back panel, said at least one side portion configured to engage two pairs of opposing sides of a mobile device,', 'at least two channels disposed on said back panel of said case, and', 'a stop disposed on said back panel of said case, said stop being adjacent to said at least two channels; and, 'a base portion of said case comprising,'}one or more impact sections disposed around said stop, located on said back panel of said case;wherein said one or more impact sections are detachably connected to said base portion of said case by said at least two channels through at least one of a tongue-and-groove-type sliding mechanism or rail system.2. The protective case of claim 1 , wherein said one or more impact sections comprise two or more impact sections.3. The protective case of claim 1 , wherein said one or more impact sections comprise a plastic material having an impact strength of at least 7.0 ft lbs/in.4. The protective case of claim 3 , wherein said one or more impact sections comprise a plastic material having an impact strength of at least 14 ft lbs/in.5. The protective case of claim 1 , wherein said one or more impact sections claim 1 , when connected to said base portion of said case claim 1 , extend beyond one of said at least one side portions a distance of at least about 0.5 mm.6. The protective case of claim 5 , wherein said one or more impact sections claim 5 , when connected to said base portion of said case claim 5 , extend beyond one of said at least one side portions a distance of at least about 1.0 mm.7. The protective case of claim 1 , wherein said one or more impact sections directly contacts said stop.8. The ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140008164A1
Автор: LAI Chia-Hung

A transparent shell structure for luggage and the like includes an outer shell, a decorative plate, a lining, and a plurality of corner protectors. The outer shell has an inner space with a frame. One side of the decorative plate is a patterned surface. Each of the four corners of the decorative plate has a notch, so that the four sides thereof are bent inside the inner space. The decorative plate is restricted within the outer shell. The lining is attached to the decorative plate and disposed in the inner space of the outer shell with the decorative plate, connecting to the frame by the sides. The corner protectors are connected to the four corners of the outer shell. 1. A transparent shell structure for luggage and the like comprises two shells connected together , at least one of the shells includes:an outer shell with a rectangular shape and made of a transparent material, the outer shell having an inner space with an opening on one surface of the outer shell, and the end edge of the outer shell on the side of the opening being provided with a frame along the rim of the opening;a decorative plate made of a plastic material and being flat and bendable, one surface of the decorative plate being a decorative surface with a pattern, each of the four corners of the decorative plate having a notch to separate the four sides thereof, wherein the decorative plate is disposed into the inner space via the opening of the outer shell, the four sides of the decorative plate are individually bent along the inner surface of the inner space of the outer shell, the end edges of the four folded sides are correspondingly provided with blocking parts, and the decorative plate is restricted by the blocking parts inside the outer shell after being disposed inside the inner space; anda lining with an area at least equal to that of the decorative plate and stacked to the surface of the decorative plate opposite to the decorative surface, the lining being integrally fixed to the ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Handbag Accessory Device

Номер: US20140014243A1

A handbag accessory device that removably attaches to the strap of a purse, handbag or similar article, and enables the user to hang hangers from the strap, as well as articles such as clothing, etc. that may be hung from the hangers, all without damaging the user's purse or handbag. The device is generally comprised of an elongated strap and a fastener, and enables a user to free up his or her hands to perform other tasks such as answering the phone, browsing other clothing racks, checking price tags, etc. Finally, the device can be removed from the purse or handbag when not in use to as to not detract from the overall appearance of the purse or handbag. 1. A handbag accessory device comprising:an elongated strap; anda fastener.2. The handbag accessory device of wherein said elongated strap further comprises a first and second end claim 1 , wherein said fastener is used to removably attach the first end to the second end to form a continuous loop.3. The handbag accessory device of wherein said fastener is used to removably attach the first end to the second end to form a continuous loop around a handbag strap.4. The handbag accessory device of wherein said elongated strap is comprised of at least one of leather claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , cloth claim 1 , polyester webbing claim 1 , nylon tape claim 1 , mesh claim 1 , scuba webbing claim 1 , reflective webbing claim 1 , or rigid webbing.5. The handbag accessory device of wherein said elongated strap is between 6 and 10 inches in length.6. The handbag accessory device of wherein said fastener is comprised of at least one of a hook and loop fastener claim 1 , button claim 1 , snap claim 1 , or clasp.7. The handbag accessory device of wherein said fastener is comprised of at least one of a zipper claim 1 , buckle claim 1 , or mini turn fidlock.8. A handbag accessory device comprising:a continuous loop; anda fastener, wherein said fastener can be used to create a temporary interruption in said continuous loop.9. The ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140027317A1
Принадлежит: TreeFrog Developments, Inc.

An apparatus and system for housing a device include a housing that is configured such that a device may be fitted within the housing and thereby be protected, such as from shocks and/or liquid. The housing may include top and bottom members that may be removably coupled together so as to form the housing. Each top and bottom member optionally includes front and back surfaces surrounded by a perimeter. The perimeter is defined by proximal and distal ends as well as opposing sides. The top and bottom members may include respective clasping mechanisms that extend along the perimeter of the top and bottom members. The clasping mechanisms are configured for coupling the top and bottom members with one another thereby sealing the housing, for instance, in a shock-proof and/or water tight seal. 1. An apparatus for housing an electronic device having a touch screen display and one or more buttons , the apparatus comprising:a perimeter member having a back surface, a proximal end portion, a distal end portion, opposing side portions, and a front surface having a first opening corresponding to a perimeter of the touch screen display of the electronic device, the first opening framed by a top perimeter portion, the proximal end portion, distal end portion, opposing side portions, and top perimeter portion defining an outer perimeter, and the back surface, proximal end portion, distal end portion, opposing side portions, and front surface defining an inner cavity into which the electronic device may be fitted;a top member comprising an inner surface and an outer surface surrounded by a first rigid frame having a proximal end portion, a distal end portion, and opposing side portions, the proximal end portion, distal end portion, and opposing side portions of the first rigid frame of the top member being adapted to receive at least a portion of the outer perimeter and front surface of the perimeter member to mate the front surface of the perimeter member with the inner surface ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Contact lens dispensing apparatus

Номер: US20140027465A1

A contact lens dispensing apparatus may include a container with a lid that removably seals the container, a cradle that cradles a contact lens, and a lifting mechanism connected to the cradle and the lid. The container and lid may collectively form a blister pack with the contact lens sealed therein. The lid may protect the contact lens from foreign matter including bacteria while the contact lens is stored in the container. The lifting mechanism may lift the cradle from a storage position within the container to a dispensing position above the container in response to opening the lid of the container. The cradle may cradle a contact lens placed thereon and enable a user to slide the contact lens off of the cradle. The lifting mechanism and the cradle may be a laminar emergent mechanism that is integrally formed from a planar sheet of material.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140034520A1
Автор: Scicluna Paul V.

Embodiments of the present disclosure generally relate to RFID-shielded articles and methods thereof. In one embodiment, a wallet is provided that may comprise an inner layer having a foldable portion; an outer layer comprising RFID shielding material adapted to block a radio signal, the outer layer comprising a foldable portion adapted to cooperate with the foldable portion of the inner layer, the outer layer attached to the inner layer; a pocket formed between the outer layer and the inner layer, the pocket having an opening adapted to receive currency; and a card holder disposed on the inner layer, the card holder adapted to receive a card comprising an RFID tag. 1. A wallet comprising:an inner layer having a foldable portion;an outer layer comprising RFID shielding material adapted to block a radio signal, the outer layer comprising a foldable portion adapted to cooperate with the foldable portion of the inner layer, the outer layer attached to the inner layer;a pocket formed between the outer layer and the inner layer, the pocket having an opening adapted to receive currency; anda card holder disposed on the inner layer, the card holder adapted to receive a card comprising an RFID tag.2. The wallet of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer comprises RFID shielding material.3. The wallet of claim 1 , wherein the radio signal comprises at least one of an RFID interrogating signal from an RFID reader and an identification signal from an RFID tag.4. The wallet of claim 1 , wherein the RFID shielding material comprises at least one of aluminum claim 1 , steel claim 1 , copper claim 1 , nickel claim 1 , natural fibers claim 1 , and synthetic fibers.5. The wallet of claim 1 , wherein the RFID shielding material comprises polyester claim 1 , copper claim 1 , and nickel.6. The wallet of claim 1 , wherein the RFID shielding material comprises:between about 40% to about 80% polyester;between about 10% to about 40% copper; andbetween about 2% to about 20% nickel.7. The wallet ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Hair bow attachment clip

Номер: US20140041201A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hair bow attachment clip attaches to the exterior of a carrying bag, allowing a user to easily and securely attach and remove any hair bow, any time, for trading, sharing and displaying their hair bow collection. With current technology, it was not easy for users to attach their hair bow collection to the exterior of their carrying bags. The attachment clip of the present invention overcomes this deficiency by allowing users to easily and securely attach their hair bow collection to the exterior of their carrying bags.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Multifunctional electronic device case

Номер: US20140042041A1
Принадлежит: modulR LLC

A case for an electronic device includes a main body configured to secure and protect the electronic device and one or more accessory-attachment nodes configured to be coupled to a case accessory. Example case accessories include shoulder straps, car headrest frames, wall-mounting frames, and the like. When the electronic device case is mated to the case accessory using the one or more accessory-attachment nodes, the electronic device may be securely positioned for transport and/or use. Further, the one or more accessory-attachment nodes may allow the case and, in particular, the electronic device coupled to the case, to be easily moved from one case accessory to another case accessory.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048188A1
Автор: Chu Wai Ho
Принадлежит: LabPRIG Limited

A container apparatus comprises a swappable accessory that can be customized to myriads designs and styles by interchanging the compartment body and the swappable portion. The swappable accessory of the present invention is firmly secured onto the bag and can be hidden partially if desired, such that the styles and aesthetic appearances of the container apparatus are maximized. 1. A removable assembly which can be attached to a container apparatus , comprising:a bottom panel for supporting the container apparatus;a front section and a rear section, wherein the front and rear sections are connected to the two opposite sides of the bottom panel; andone or more handles connected to the front or rear sections or both,wherein each of the one or more handles comprises an internal part that passes through a channel of the container apparatus to partially hide the internal part from being seen and to firmly securing the removable assembly to the container apparatus.2. The removable assembly of claim 1 , wherein said one of more handles comprise a first annular strap and a second annular strap claim 1 , wherein the first annular strap has two ends connected to the rear section claim 1 , and the second annular strap has two ends connect to the front section claim 1 , wherein the length between the two ends of the first and second annular straps are adjustable.3. The handle assembly of claim 2 , further comprising one or more connecting means.4. The handle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the connecting means is a button claim 3 , buckle claim 3 , hook claim 3 , magnetic clasp or hook-and-loop fastener.5. A container apparatus comprisinga compartment body which creates space for carrying contents;a swappable portion removably attached to said compartment body, the swappable portion comprises a bottom panel, a front section connected to one side of said bottom panel, a rear section connected to a second side of said bottom panel that is opposite to the front section, wherein the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Electronic Device Cover

Номер: US20140054182A1
Автор: Robert James Shannon
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention is a cover made for an electronic device which has an element of protecting that device by way of the expressed thickness of its material composition and its design elements. This invention accommodates the various openings, ports, switches and features required to manage the device which it covers.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Suitcase with integrated garment bag

Номер: US20140060989A1
Автор: Ivory Johnson
Принадлежит: Individual

A suitcase with an integrated garment bag is able to be used to neatly store items to prevent them from being wrinkled or otherwise disarranged.

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140062042A1
Принадлежит: Western Industries, Inc.

A storage tote includes a base and a selectively movable lid. A support assembly is secured to the base. The support assembly is movable between a folded position and a deployed position. In the folded position, the support assembly extends generally parallel to the surface upon which it is supported. In the deployed position the support assembly extends generally downwardly to support the base at a height substantially above the support surface. In this manner, the storage tote may be configured in at least two orientations as desired for access by the user thereof. The support assembly may include a pair of opposing legs. The storage tote may be insulated. 1. A storage tote comprising:a base having an outer surface and an inner surface separated by a space therebetween and including a front wall, a rear wall opposite the front wall, a pair of opposed end walls interconnected between and generally transverse to the front wall and the rear wall, and a bottom wall interconnected with the front wall, the rear wall, and the end walls and opposite an opening defined by the base;a core disposed within the space and comprising an insulating material;a lid coupled to the base and movable between a closed position covering the opening and open position;a support assembly coupled to and configured to support the base and movable between a deployed position and a stored position wherein the base is elevated when in the deployed position relative to the stored position.2. The storage tote of claim 1 , wherein the support assembly comprises at least one pair of legs.3. The storage tote of claim 2 , wherein each of the legs of the at least one pair of legs is laterally spaced from one another.4. The storage tote of claim 2 , wherein the at least one pair of legs is coupled to the base by an axle about which the at least one pair of legs is rotatable between the deployed position and the stored position.5. The storage tote of claim 1 , wherein the support assembly comprises a ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Case for liquid state cosmetics

Номер: US20140076341A1
Автор: Young-Kwang Byun
Принадлежит: Individual

An airtight liquid cosmetic container is provided. The container includes a body configured to eject liquid contents through an ejection hole, a container inserted into the body through an opening of the body to be slidable and filled with the liquid contents therein, a container cap coupled with an inlet, and a valve unit allowing the liquid contents in the container to be transferred to the ejection hole of the body while pressing the container and blocking the transfer of the liquid contents while releasing a force of pressing the container. The valve unit includes an opening and closing element sliding together with the container and the container cap, allows the opening and closing element to open a transfer path of the liquid contents to be ejected while the container is being pressed, and allows the opening and closing element to block an ejection of the liquid contents.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076747A1
Принадлежит: Speculative Product Design, LLC

Cases for enclosing a personal electronic device may also enclose one or more cards, such as credit cards, payment cards, coupons, receipts, identification cards, merchandise credit cards, gift cards, or business cards through the use of a retaining system. Exemplary cases may include a personal device portion and a card portion that may be co-molded into a one-piece device for holding the personal electronic device and the inserted cards. 1. A one-piece case for enclosing a personal electronic device and one or more cards comprising a personal electronic device portion and a card portion that is co-molded with the personal electronic device portion , the one-piece case being sufficiently flexible to deform and thereby accept insertion of the personal electronic device and sufficiently rigid to reform around and securely retain the inserted personal electronic device , wherein:the personal electronic device portion includes a bottom surface and side surfaces joined to the bottom surface and extending upward therefrom, thereby forming a first fitted cavity and a top surface of an adjacent second fitted cavity, wherein the first fitted cavity is configured to accept and retain the inserted personal electronic device such that the bottom surface of the personal electronic device portion covers a bottom surface of the inserted personal electronic device and the side surfaces cover at least a portion of side surfaces of the inserted personal electronic device; andthe card portion includes a bottom surface and side surfaces joined to the bottom surface and extending upward therefrom, wherein the bottom and a first portion of the side surfaces of the card portion form the second fitted cavity and a second portion of the side surfaces of the card portion substantially cover the side portions of the personal electronic device portion, wherein the second fitted cavity is configured to accept and retain at least one card and at least one of the first portion of the side ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Cases and Covers for Handheld Electronic Devices

Номер: US20140076750A1
Автор: III John, Monaco Dean, Santo
Принадлежит: Eat Dirt, LLC

Holders and cases for supporting portable handheld electronic devices, such as but not limited to iPhones®, IPODS®, IPADS™, cellular phones, smart phones and the like. The holders and cases protect a portable handheld electronics device holder with a built on bottle opener fixed to a rear face of the holders and cases. 1. A portable case for a portable handheld electronics device , comprising:a cover having a separate top section and separate bottom section which attach and detach from one another, the cover having a front face and a rear face, the front face having a top wall and a bottom wall and a left side wall and a right side wall, the cover being sized and shaped for engaging and at least partially encasing a portable handheld electronics device, the portable handheld electronics device having a rear exterior face and a front exterior face and four sides with perimeter edges about the four sides, the cover for protecting the rear exterior face and the four sides and the perimeter edges of the portable handheld electronics device, the front face of the portable handheld electronics device being left open to be operable with the cover; anda bottle opener positioned within and permanently attached to the rear face of the separate top section of the cover, such that the bottle opener is accessible from the rear face of the cover, wherein the portable handheld electronics device is a separate component from the rear exterior wall of the portable handheld electronics device.2. The portable case of claim 1 , wherein the cover is made from plastic.3. The portable case of claim 1 , wherein the bottle opener partially protrudes beyond a planar surface of the rear face of the cover.4. The portable case of claim 1 , wherein the bottle opener includes:a tab adapted for additionally opening a can tab on a beverage can.5. The portable case of claim 1 , further comprising:sloping walls adjacent to the bottle opener.6. The portable case of claim 5 , wherein the sloping walls ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000236A1
Автор: Chang Chia-Wei
Принадлежит: BITPLAY INC.

A bag set comprises a first bag unit combined with a second bag unit. The first bag unit includes a main bag body and a strap set. The main bag body has two first fasteners disposed on an outer surface. The strap set includes a first strap component having two ends connected with the main bag body, and a second strap component having a loop structure and one end connected with the main bag body. The second bag unit has two second fasteners to be attached to or disassembled from the two first fasteners selectively. When in use, the first strap component is hung diagonally on a shoulder of a user; and the second strap component is extended forward from the waist of the user to make the loop structure positioned in front side of the user, to pass the first strap component through the loop structure. 1. A bag set comprising:a first bag unit, including a main bag body and a strap set, wherein the main bag body has two opposite sides and the strap set is connected between the two opposite sides of the main bag body, wherein the main bag body has a waterproof outer surface and two first fasteners disposed on the waterproof outer surface; anda second bag unit, having no straps, and having a waterproof rear surface and a waterproof front surface opposite to each other, and a transparent part for a user to operate an electronic device placed inside the second bag unit from outside thereof,wherein the waterproof rear surface has two second fasteners to combine with the two first fasteners correspondingly, wherein the two second is fasteners are selectively disassembled from the two first fasteners, andwherein the waterproof rear surface of the second bag unit is fixed on the waterproof outer surface of the first bag unit when the two second fasteners are combined with the two first fasteners.2. The bag set according to claim 1 , wherein the first bag unit has a first fused edge formed on the waterproof outer surface claim 1 , and the second bag unit has a second fused edge ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000197A1
Автор: Maclean Matthew

A cooler device configured to hold and organize a plurality of tailgating equipment and supplies. The device comprises one or more foldable platforms. In a closed configuration, any platforms are configured to lie generally flat against the device. In a deployed configuration, platforms are configured to unfold into one or more table surfaces. 1. A device comprising:a container configured to insulate against heat, and 'the first edge connected to the container via a first hinge.', 'at least one foldable platform having a first edge and an opposite second edge,'}2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the platform is configured such that in a closed configuration claim 1 , the platform lies flat against the container claim 1 , and in a deployed configuration claim 1 , the platform is unfolded via the first hinge of the first edge to serve as a substantially horizontal table surface.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the second edge is configured to be connected to a foldable support via a second hinge claim 2 ,the support configured to fold and unfold via the second hinge of the second edge such that, when the device is in the deployed configuration, the support is able to extend between the second edge and a ground surface to provide support for the platform.4. The device of claim 2 , the container further comprising an interior space configured to provide storage claim 2 , the interior space configured to hold a cooking grill.5. The device of claim 4 , the interior space further configured to receive a removable tray.6. The device of claim 5 , the tray comprising organizational compartments.7. The device of claim 4 , the interior space further configured to receive a removable grill stand.8. The device of claim 1 , the container further comprising a closable lid claim 1 , the lid being configured to releasably secure cooking utensils.9. The device of claim 2 , wherein the device entirely comprises recyclable materials.10. The device of claim 2 , wherein the device ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000203A1
Автор: Gregory Kathryn Ann

A vacuum assisted storage device may include a body having a first wall and a second wall coupled to a base. A vacuum compartment may be bounded by the base, first wall, and second wall. A vacuum compartment fastener may be configured to govern access to the vacuum compartment by removably coupling portions of the first wall to the second wall. A vacuum container may be configured to be received within the vacuum compartment. The vacuum container may define a vacuum storage cavity. A vacuum cavity fastener may govern access to the vacuum storage cavity, and the vacuum cavity fastener may form a removably air tight seal that is configured to be sealed and unsealed. A vacuum pump may be in communication with the vacuum storage cavity, and the vacuum pump may be operable to pump air out of the vacuum storage cavity. 1. A vacuum assisted storage device , the device comprising:a body having a base, first wall, and second wall, wherein the first wall and second wall are coupled to the base;a vacuum compartment bounded by the base, first wall, and second wall;a vacuum compartment fastener configured to govern access to the vacuum compartment by removably coupling portions of the first wall to the second wall;a vacuum container configured to be received within the vacuum compartment, the vacuum container defining a vacuum storage cavity, and the vacuum container comprising an air impermeable material;a vacuum cavity fastener governing access to the storage cavity, the vacuum cavity fastener forming a removably air tight seal that is configured to be sealed and unsealed;a vacuum pump in communication with the storage cavity, the vacuum pump operable to pump air out of the vacuum storage cavity.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the air impermeable material comprises a polymer.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a check valve.4. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a power supply.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the power supply comprises a battery.6. The ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

System for Protecting Vehicles from Debris

Номер: US20170000230A1
Автор: Jean Ronald

An assembly for protecting the rain gutter of an automobile having a main assembly body a first securing means, and a second securing means whereby said assembly is constructed and arranged to cover the rain gutter of an automobile. 1. An assembly for protecting the rain gutter of an automobile , said assembly comprising: a main assembly body , having a first longitudinal edge , nearest to said automobile front end and a second longitudinal edge furthest from said automobile front edge , a first horizontal edge nearest to a driver side of said automobile , and a second horizontal edge , nearest to a passenger side of said automobile; a first securing means attached to said first horizontal edge , and a second securing means attached to said second horizontal edge , whereby said assembly is constructed and arranged to cover the rain gutter of an automobile.2. The assembly of wherein said first securing means and second securing means are straps constructed and arranged to attach to existing rear view mirrors of said automobile.3. The assembly of wherein said main assembly body is an automobile rain gutter cover.4. The assembly of wherein said main assembly body is an automobile rain gutter cover includes one or more suction cups positioned along said first longitudinal edge.5. The assembly of wherein said main assembly body is an automobile rain gutter cover includes one or more suction cups positioned along said first longitudinal edge and one or more suction cups positioned along said second longitudinal edge.6. The assembly of wherein said main assembly body includes an elastic member along said second longitudinal edge.7. The assembly of wherein said first securing means and second securing means are adjustable straps constructed and arranged to attach to existing rear view mirrors of said automobile.8. The assembly of further comprising a windshield cover having a lower longitudinal edge and an upper longitudinal edge claim 1 , said windshield cover is attached ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000232A1
Автор: Scicluna Paul V.

A piece of luggage comprises a front shell, a rear shell, and a frame assembly configured to hingedly secure the front shell to the rear shell. The frame assembly including a front frame sub-assembly configured to be secured to the front shell and a rear frame sub-assembly configured to be secured to the rear shell. Each of the front frame sub-assembly and the rear frame sub-assembly including a plurality of frame members and a plurality of corner members. 1. A piece of luggage comprising:a front shell;a rear shell;a frame assembly including a front frame sub-assembly configured to be secured to the front shell and a rear frame sub-assembly configured to be secured to the rear shell, each of the front frame sub-assembly and the rear frame sub-assembly including a plurality of frame members and a plurality of corner members configured to be interchangeably assembled to achieve a respective frame sub-assembly; andat least one hinge that joins the front shell to the rear shell.2. The piece of luggage of claim 1 , wherein the piece of luggage comprises a piece of hard shell luggage and said front shell and said rear shell comprise hard shells.3. The piece of luggage of claim 1 , wherein the front shell and the rear shell are soft-sided shells.4. The piece of hard shell luggage of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of frame member includes at least one front edge frame member and at least one rear edge frame member.5. The piece of hard shell luggage of claim 4 , wherein the at least one front edge frame member has a front edge coupling portion that extends along a length of the front edge frame member and the at least one of a rear edge frame member has a rear edge coupling portion that extends along a length of the rear edge frame member claim 4 , the front edge coupling portion and the rear edge coupling portion being configured to mate with one another.6. The piece of hard shell luggage of claim 5 , wherein the plurality of corner members includes at least one front ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000805A1

A bag constructed a least in part of transparent plastic vinyl, PVC, mesh or other material that allows a clear unrestricted view of the contents held inside the walls of the bag. The bag is supplied with at least one removable concealment flaps constructed of an opaque material that would obstruct the view the bag contents. 1. A bag having a body defining an interior open space made at least in part from a substantially transparent material such that said interior open space of said bag is visible through said bag , andat least one opaque flap member connected to said bag and sized such that the interior open space of said bag is substantially blocked from view by said flap when said flap is in a first position, said flap being selectively movable between said first position and a second position at which the interior open space of said bag is visible.2. A bag as defined in wherein said at least one opaque flap member is detachably connected to said bag.3. A bag as defined in wherein said at least on opaque flap member has an area thereon for affixation of an indicia.4. A bag as defined in wherein said at least one flap member is attached to said bag by a detachable adherent material.5. A bag as defined in wherein said at least one flap member is attached to said bag by a detachable adherent material.6. A bag as defined in further comprising at least one handle affixed to said bag and wherein said at least one flap member includes at least one slot through which said at least one handle passes to connect said flap member to said bag.7. A bag as defined in wherein said at least on opaque flap member has an area thereon for affixation of an indicia.8. A bag as defined in wherein said at least one flap member is attached to said bag by a detachable adherent material.9. A bag as defined in wherein said body includes a from and rear side claim 1 , wherein at least one of said front and rear side is made from said substantially transparent material and said at least one ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150001020A1

The luggage sliders include various embodiments for permanent or removable installation upon the underside of a roll-around suitcase, wheeled cart, or similar article to facilitate movement of the article up a flight of stairs or other stepped inclined surface. Some of the sliders are pivotally extendible and retractable. Others are telescopically extendible and retractable. Still others are pivotally attached to one edge of the article, and pivotally fold against a surface of the article for storage. Still others may be adjustably clamped about the base of the article. Still others are pivotally attached about a wheel axle to rotate and lie beneath the wheel for operation. Still others may be removably attached directly to the wheels of the luggage, cart, or other wheeled article. Still others are pivotally attached to a point on the luggage and telescopically extend to project below the wheel for use.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200004293A1

A housing includes a substrate and a plastic part formed on the substrate. The substrate is made of ceramic. A plurality of holes is defined on surfaces of the substrate. The plastic part a plurality micro-structures. The plurality of holes is filled by the plurality micro-structures. A method for manufacturing the housing is provided. 1. A method for manufacturing a housing comprising:providing a substrate made of ceramic;defining a plurality of holes on surfaces of the substrate; andforming a plastic part on the substrate;wherein the plastic part comprises a plurality micro-structures, each of the plurality of holes is filled by each of the plurality micro-structures.2. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of holes is circular.3. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 1 , the method of defining the plurality of holes comprise immersing the substrate in a pickling solution.4. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 3 , wherein the pickling solution is a hydrofluoric acid solution.5. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of holes has a diameter of 1 μm to 8 μm and a depth of 10 μm to 100 μm.6. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 1 , further comprising:forming at least one antenna on a surface of the plastic part facing away from the substrate.7. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 1 , further comprising:forming a heat dissipation structure on a surface of the plastic part facing away from the substrate.8. The method for manufacturing the housing of claim 1 , wherein the substrate comprises a first baseplate and a first peripheral wall claim 1 , the first peripheral wall cooperates with the first baseplate to define a first receiving portion claim 1 , the plurality of holes is defined on the surfaces of the first peripheral wall facing the first receiving portion claim 1 , the plastic part is received in the first receiving ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170005687A1

A case for a tablet shaped device. The case comprises a body comprising a first face and a second face. The first face has a tablet shaped device receiving area. The body comprises a stylus holder for holding a stylus at the second face. The body comprises a collapsible stand attached to the body. The collapsible stand defines a space in which the stylus, when so held, is disposed when the collapsible stand is collapsed. 1. A case for a tablet shaped device , the case comprising:a body comprising a first face and a second face, the first face having a tablet shaped device receiving area;a stylus holder for holding a stylus at the second face; anda collapsible stand attached to the body, wherein the collapsible stand defines a space in which the stylus, when so held, is disposed when the collapsible stand is collapsed.2. The case of claim 1 , wherein the collapsible stand has an aperture in which the stylus claim 1 , when so held claim 1 , is disposed when the collapsible stand is collapsed.3. The case of claim 1 , wherein the stylus holder comprises a groove for receiving the stylus.4. The case of claim 1 , comprising at least one support configured for supporting the stylus holder above a case bearing surface.5. The case of claim 1 , wherein a distal edge of the collapsible stand comprises a slip-resistant material.6. The case of claim 1 , wherein the collapsible stand and the body are magnetically attracted to each other for fastening the collapsible stand at the second face when collapsed.7. The case of claim 1 , wherein the stylus holder comprises a loop for receiving the stylus.8. The case of claim 7 , wherein the collapsible stand and the loop are relatively disposed such that the loop is constricted by the collapsible stand when collapsed.9. The case of claim 8 , wherein a portion of the collapsible stand presses the loop inwardly when the collapsible stand is collapsed to constrict the loop.10. The case of claim 8 , wherein the portion of the collapsible ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015518A1
Автор: Harvey Willie

A luggage handle lateral displacement assembly includes a rod that has a first end, a second end and a perimeter wall extending between the first and second ends. A coupler is attached to the rod adjacent to the first end and is mounted on the perimeter wall. The coupler can engage a handle attached to a suitcase such that the second end extends laterally away from the handle. 1. A suitcase handle extension assembly configured to engage a handle of a suitcase and facilitate lateral displacement of the handle , the assembly comprising:a rod having a first end, a second end and a perimeter wall extending between the first and second ends; anda coupler being attached to the rod adjacent to the first end and being mounted on the perimeter wall, the coupler being configured to engage a handle attached to a suitcase such that the second end extends laterally away from the handle.2. The suitcase handle extension assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the rod has a length from the first end to the second end being greater than 6.0 inches and being less than 18.0 inches.3. The suitcase handle extension assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the rod has a greatest diameter being less than 2.0 inches and greater than 0.50 inches.4. The suitcase handle extension assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the rod has a cylindrical shape.5. The suitcase handle extension assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the coupler includes:a saddle for receiving the handle, the saddle being attached to the perimeter wall adjacent to the first end and extending toward the second end; anda securing member being configured to retain the handle in the saddle.6. The suitcase handle extension assembly according to claim 5 , wherein the saddle includes a front wall and a rear wall being spaced from each other by a receiving space claim 5 , the front and rear walls each lying in a plane oriented parallel to a longitudinal axis of the rod extending through the first and second ends claim 5 , the ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Contact Lens Travel Kit

Номер: US20170006985A1
Автор: Bennett Ryan

A contact lens travel device is provide having a flexible body. The body of the device is configurable to a circular configuration wherein it is adapted to engage an eyeglass case or for a positioning as support for a mirror at multiple angles above a support surface for a user to employ for contact lens insertion or removal from their eyes. A fluid container is engageable within a pocket of the body with a cap end of the container extending from the perimeter to allow for dispensing of eye drops therefrom without removal of the container from the pocket. 1. A contact lens travel apparatus comprising:a flexible body having a perimeter edge surrounding a first side which is opposite a second side, said body extending between a first end and a second end;cooperative fasteners positioned at or adjacent each of said first end and said second end of said body, said cooperative fasteners removably engageable to each other to hold said body in a circular configuration;said body in said circular configuration adapted for an engagement of said body around an eyeglass case with said first side of said body in contact therewith;a first pocket positioned within said body, said first pocket adapted to hold a contact lens case therein and having an opening on said first side of said body;a second pocket positioned within said body, said second pocket having two side surfaces extending to a second pocket opening positioned along said perimeter edge of said body;said second pocket adapted for holding a fluid container having a cap removably engaged thereon, with said cap projecting from said second pocket opening; andwhereby said body can be engaged around said eyeglass case and fluid is dispensable from said fluid container with said fluid container concurrently held within said second pocket.2. The contact lens travel apparatus of additionally comprising:said body having an elastic portion; andsaid engagement of said body around an eyeglass case being a biased compressive ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Locators and personal safety kits

Номер: US20160007706A1
Автор: Sandra Stein
Принадлежит: Alexx Inc

Provided is a personal safety kit and methods for using the kit. The kit comprises, in combination, a purse having an open edge, one or more personal safety items inside of the purse, and a locator comprising a first member and a second member engaged to each other. The first member includes a first end portion, a second end portion and a bent interior region intermediate the first end portion and the second portion. The first end portion and the second end portion are not urged against each other and are configured to allow the bent interior region to hang from the open edge. The second member includes a clasp or a ring for selectively retaining the one or more personal safety items. The locator hangs on the open edge and is retained in position by a removable fastener prior to a first use of the personal safety kit.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007454A1
Автор: Joseph Gary

A cell phone case/accessory that provides a storage compartment for containing articles, such as a reusable bag. The cell phone case/accessory has a carrier cap that houses a reusable bag, which improves on the reusable bag industry. With a reusable bag that is always connected to the consumers cell phone, that consumer will always have a bag in his or her possession when they enter a store, eliminating the need for the consumer to pre-plan a shopping trip or remember to carry a separate reusable bag. 1. A carrier cap for a cellular phone device , comprising:a main body having at least one sidewall defining an interior cavity, the main body dimensioned to be received on one or more of a back surface of the cellular phone device or a case for the cellular phone device;an opening to the interior cavity defined along a side of the main body; anda closure hingedly attached to the main body, the closure operable between a closed position covering the opening, and an open position providing access to the interior cavity via the opening.2. The carrier cap of claim 1 , further comprising:a plurality of hinge elements defined along an edge of a front sidewall, along the opening to the interior cavity; anda plurality of cooperating hinge elements defined along a top end of the closure, wherein the plurality of hinge elements and the plurality of cooperating hinge elements are joined in a snap fit configuration.3. The carrier cap of claim 2 , further comprising:a release tab protruding from an edge of the closure along an edge of the closure opposite the cooperating hinge elements, the release tab operable to release the closure from the closed position.4. The carrier cap of claim 3 , further comprising:a latch tab protrudes from an edge surface of the main body opposite the plurality of hinge elements.5. The carrier cap of claim 3 , further comprising:a latch tab formed as a recess in an edge surface of the main body, opposite the plurality of hinge elements.6. The carrier ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Frame fixation to a suitcase

Номер: US20210007455A1
Автор: Alexander KÄLIN
Принадлежит: Victorinox AG

A frame construction ( 10 ) for a piece of luggage comprises a shell ( 100 ) with an end portion ( 101 ) and a frame ( 1 ) with a profile ( 4 ) having a profile base ( 43 ) and a first profile wall ( 44 ) and a second profile wall ( 45 ), a seat ( 41 ) for receiving the end portion ( 101 ) of the shell ( 100 ) being delimited by opposing first and second inner surfaces ( 46; 47 ) of said first and second profile walls ( 44; 45 ). The frame construction ( 10 ) further comprises at least one fastening element ( 42; 62; 106 ) being configured to be removably inserted in the seat ( 41 ) of the profile ( 4 ) so as to removably fasten the end portion ( 101 ) of the shell ( 100 ) being received in the seat ( 41 ) to the frame ( 1 ).

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008023A1
Принадлежит: Clean Pack, LLC

A lunch tote for storing food is disclosed which includes an outer cover having a perimeter and first and second ends. A sidewall extends upward from the perimeter and has a distal edge. A liner having an outer perimeter is attached to the outer cover to form a pocket having an opening formed therein. A cooling mechanism is positioned in the pocket and is enclosed in a moisture-absorbing/insulating cover. A first insulating layer is positioned between the outer cover and the liner. An intermediate layer is positioned above the first insulating layer. A closure mechanism is secured to a portion of the distal edge. The closure mechanism is movable from a closed position, wherein the lunch tote is a closed container, to an open position, wherein the entire lunch tote is convertible into a serving tray. The lunch tote further includes a pair of handles. 1. A lunch tote for storing food , comprising:a) an outer cover having an interior surface, an exterior surface, and a perimeter, and said outer cover having a first end and a second end;b) a sidewall extending upward from said perimeter, said sidewall having distal edge;c) a liner having an outer perimeter of which a portion is attached to said interior surface of said outer cover to form a pocket, a portion of said outer perimeter being free from said interior surface of said outer cover to form an opening into said pocket;d) a cooling mechanism positioned in said pocket;e) an intermediate layer positioned below said cooling mechanism;f) a first insulating layer positioned between said interior surface of said outer cover and said intermediate layer;g) a closure mechanism secured to a major portion of said distal edge of said sidewall, said closure mechanism being movable from a closed orientation, wherein said lunch tote is a closed container, to an open orientation, wherein said entire lunch tote is convertible into a serving tray; andh) a pair of handles extending outward from said outer cover, one of said pair of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008024A1
Автор: Barton Priscilla

The present invention relates to a method of using the structure of an existing bag (or baby carrier) and attaching another bag (or baby carrier or other items) by means of an attachment point between the existing bag thus allowing another bag (or multiple bags) to be used without its strap or to be joined together as one bag. This allows multiple bags and items of various kinds to be attached to one another for any reason utilizing a peculiar clip and webbing system comprising an S-shaped clip which holds onto webbing, rests upon the webbing and accepts webbing, while also securing it, in order to support another item. 1. An apparatus which is a carrying item A and has the capability of attaching to another item B by means of an attachment point thus utilizing B's structure for load bearing and allowing A to be carried without its strap.2. The apparatus in comprising of:a webbing;an S-shaped attachment3. The apparatus in comprising of:a webbing;an S-shaped attachment clip with 4 hooks on it, 2 on each side of the S clip wherein the hooks are bent so as to catch the webbing under it and prevent it from sliding up or down along the S clip.4. The middle portion of the S-shaped clip in is hooked onto the webbing and on the right side the clip has webbing hooked onto it where the said clip can hold onto perpendicular pieces of webbing and also the said clip can be attached using the slit on the back.5. The S-shaped clip in may be provided with an additional secure attachment point attached perpendicular to S-shaped clip and this extra attachment is used to attach another item with webbing strips slid into this clip.6. The S-shaped clip in may have a back feature that allows the webbing to be slipped into it in order to provide more security and stability.7. The S shaped clip in may also be used to connect a diaper bag claim 2 , inter alia claim 2 , with a purse which is detachable and can be carried independently. 62/258,428Not ApplicableNot ApplicableThe present ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Protective Enclosure For Encasing an Electronic Device

Номер: US20190008059A1
Принадлежит: Otter Products LLC

A protective enclosure for an electronic device includes a first case portion that may be adapted to surround at least a portion of a top device portion and a second case portion that may be adapted to surround at least a portion of a bottom device portion. The protective enclosure may also include a first hinge member coupled to a portion of the first case portion and a portion of the second case portion, and the first hinge member may pivot about a first hinge axis that is coaxially aligned with or parallel to a device hinge axis.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008692A1
Автор: TOWNSEND Dustin

Disclosed herein is a portable exercise storage apparatus, comprising: a rigid hollow tube comprising a first end and a second end; a first end cap that is configured to removably close the first end; and at least one strap releasably connected to the first end and the second end. 1. A portable exercise storage apparatus , comprising:a) a rigid hollow tube comprising a first end and a second end;b) a first end cap that is configured to removably close the first end; andc) at least one strap releasably connected to the first end and the second end.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a second end cap to removably close the second end.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the outer surface of the tube comprises a plurality of raised flat ridges.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the outer circumference of the raised flat ridge area is the same as the outer circumference of the rest of the tube.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the strap provides a resistance to a user when the user is stretching.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first end cap comprises a push button and a movable tongue movably connected to the push button.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the first end cap further comprises a lock claim 6 , such that when the lock is engaged claim 6 , the push button is prevented from moving.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first and second ends each further comprises a rod for securing the strap.9. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first end cap makes a water tight seal with the first end.10. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the strap comprises a first loop at a first end and a second loop at a second end.11. The apparatus of claim 10 , wherein the at least one strap when connected to the apparatus is configured to carry the apparatus and when disconnected from the apparatus is configured to be used to stretch muscles claim 10 , ligaments and tendons.12. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the first end ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170008688A1

A soft-sided insulated container assembly has a generally box-shaped form, having a main body and a lid. The lid is joined to the main body of the box by a hinge. The front face of the unit may have a mid or partial height work surface. The work surface may be movable between a collapsed or retracted position, and a raised or deployed position. The work surface may be formed in a substantially rigid molded stiffener member, and may be divided into sub-regions with raised retainers to discourage sliding of objects where not precisely level. The container assembly may include a rigid internal liner with which the lid may mate zipperlessly. The mating portion of the lid may be formed in the same rigid member as the work surface. The work surface may be located at a depressed height relative to the main container opening. 1. A soft-sided insulated container comprising:a first container portion, said first container portion having a soft-sided insulated wall structure defining an insulated chamber therewithin;said insulated chamber having an upwardly facing opening;said first container portion having a lid mounted thereto, said lid being movable to govern access to said chamber;said lid being mounted to a rearward portion said soft-sided insulated wall structure;a substantially rigid work surface mounted to a forward region of said soft-sided insulated wall structure distant from said rearward portion, said substantially rigid work surface being positioned clear of said opening;said substantially rigid work surface being movable between a first position and a second position;in said first position said substantially rigid work surface extending forwardly of said first container portion and facing predominantly upwardly to provide a support interface upon which to place objects; andin said second position said work surface being in a storage position.2. The soft-sided insulated container of wherein said container further comprises a second container portion mounted ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Folio Organizer with Power

Номер: US20200009897A1
Автор: Mehringer Nicole

An electronic aware folio includes structure for holding a number of different electronics devices, and also includes a charger for those electronics devices at different levels in the folio, accessible from different sides. The folio has first and second sides hinged together on a spine. The first side, has a plurality of interconnected webbed pockets, including a first pocket adapted for holding a first electronic device, and accessible from a first side of the folio, a second pocket, above the first pocket, and accessible from a second side of the folio opposite to the first side, the first and second pockets sized for holding different sized electronic devices. A third pocket is adapted for holding charge cords, and adapted for allowing the charge cords to extend to both of the first pocket and the second pocket. A zippered pocket, at least part of which having the thickness of the first pocket and the second pocket combined, and having an inside area of the size of the combined thickness of the first pocket and the second pocket. A spine, having at least one battery attached thereto, and having at least one output port,where the third pocket includes a through hole, which leads to an area of the spine, enabling the charging cords to receive power from the battery. The second side is hingedly connected connected to the spine and holding a structure for taking notes thereon. 1. A folio , comprising:a first side, having a plurality of interconnected webbed pockets,including a first pocket adapted for holding a first electronic device, and accessible from a first side of the folio, a second pocket, above the first pocket, and accessible from a second side of the folio opposite to the first side, the first and second pockets sized for holding different sized electronic devices, a third pocket, adapted for holding charge cords, and adapted for allowing the charge cords to extend to both of the first pocket and the second pocket, and a zippered pocket, at least part ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Portable Computing Device Cover Including a Keyboard

Номер: US20170010635A1
Автор: Lockwood Robert J.

Example implementations relate to powering a keyboard using power received via a secondary coil. For example, an apparatus includes a support member to support a part of a portable computing device in a tilted orientation. The support member includes a secondary coil to receive power from a primary coil in the portable computing device. The apparatus also includes a base member connected to the support member. The base member includes a first wireless module to receive a first portion of the power from the secondary coil and to communicate with a second wireless module in the portable computing device. The base member also includes a keyboard to receive a second portion of the power from the secondary coil and to generate signals to transmit to the portable computing device via the first wireless module. 1. An apparatus comprising:a support member to support a part of a portable computing device in a tilted orientation, wherein the support member includes a secondary coil to receive power from a primary coil in the portable computing device; a first wireless module to receive a first portion of the power from the secondary coil and to communicate with a second wireless module in the portable computing device; and', 'a keyboard to receive a second portion of the power from the secondary coil and to generate signals to transmit to the portable computing device via the first wireless module., 'a base member connected to the support member, wherein the base member includes2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a communication coil to detect a presence of the portable computing device claim 1 , wherein the base member to support a second part of the portable computing device claim 1 , and wherein the base member is connected to the support member via a rotatable hinge member.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the support member claim 2 , the base member claim 2 , and the rotatable hinge member are integrally formed.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Insulating device and method for forming insulating device

Номер: US20200010261A1
Принадлежит: Yeti Coolers LLC

An insulating device can include an aperture having a waterproof closure which allows access to the chamber within the insulating device. The closure can help prevent any fluid leakage into and out of the insulating device if the insulating device is overturned or in any configuration other than upright. The closure may also prevent any fluid from permeating into the chamber if the insulating device is exposed to precipitation, other fluid, or submersed under water. This construction results in an insulating chamber that is substantially impervious to water and other liquids when the closure is sealed.

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Handheld Storage Tube Having an Externally Integrated Firestarter

Номер: US20190011127A1
Автор: JR. Samuel L., Seitler

The device disclosed herein is a handheld survival tool that incorporates a storage tube and a firestarting device into one ergonomic unit. Tinder and small survival items are stored within the device while a ferrocerium rod and scraper are stored externally. The replaceable scraper is fastened to one of the storage tube caps which allows the storage tube to be used as a handle for holding the scraper which greatly increases directional control while generating sparks. The ferrocerium rod is tethered to the opposite storage tube cap and secured within a sheath which prevents loss of the ferrocerium and provides a larger mechanism for holding the ferrocerium rod during spark generation. This device greatly improves upon the use, reliability, and function of prior fire-starting devices. 1a storage tube, being an elongated hollow structure sufficiently sized as to be held within the palm of the user's hand or pocket, being constructed of any rigid material, having threads formed at both ends which correspond and re-movably mate with the threads of a first and second end cap to create an enclosed and accessible dry storage area within said storage tube;a sheath, being a second elongated and open ended hollow structure sufficiently sized as to facilitate the insertion and storage of a replaceable ferrocerium rod within said sheath, said sheath being constructed of any flexible or rigid material which is either externally attached lengthwise to said storage tube's curved surface or said sheath being a physical extension or protrusion of said storage tube's curved surface;a replaceable ferrocerium rod, being made of any pyrophoric or spark generating material, being re-movably linked to the first end cap by any means that allow it to swivel, rotate, flex, or move independently of said first end cap;a first end cap, having threads that correspond with and re-movably mate with the first end of said storage tube, and being linked to said ferrocerium rod by any means that ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031035A1
Автор: Deng Lixin, Yu Xiaoyang

The present disclosure provides a mobile phone waterproof bag sealing assembly, including a bag body used to accommodate a mobile phone. The sealing assembly includes: a flip fixture and a fixing part. The flip fixture includes a first clamp plate and a second clamp plate which are integrated; the bag body is spread along an edge of the first clamp plate; a side surface of the bag body is adhered to an inner wall surface of the first clamp plate and/or the second clamp plate; an opening of the bag body is folded by means of flipping the first clamp plate and the second clamp plate, and a sealing fold is formed on the bag body. The bag body is driven to be folded by means of flipping the first clamp plate and the second clamp plate, and then the flip fixture is kept in the closed state. 1. A mobile phone waterproof bag sealing assembly , comprising a bag body used to accommodate a mobile phone , wherein the sealing assembly comprises:a flip fixture comprising a first clamp plate and a second clamp plate which are integrated, wherein the bag body is spread along an edge of the first clamp plate; a side surface of the bag body is adhered to an inner wall surface of the first clamp plate and/or the second clamp plate; an opening of the bag body is folded by means of flipping the first clamp plate and the second clamp plate, and a sealing fold is formed on the bag body; the first clamp plate and the second clamp plate are closed to form a mounting part;a fixing part provided with an inner cavity for allowing the mounting part to enter, wherein after the mounting part enters the fixing part, fixing fit between the mounting part and the fixing part is completed by means of a locking assembly to keep the flip fixture in a closed state.2. The mobile phone waterproof bag sealing assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the locking assembly comprises a limiting rail in a vertical direction claim 1 , and limiting buckles arranged at two ends of the mounting part and two ends of ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031036A1
Автор: Juhasz Anna, Katz Menachem

A travel accessory is provided for carrying and protecting multiple objects including luggage, documents, and other personal items. The travel accessory may include a mounting aspect with mounting panels, attachment aspect with straps, and storage aspect. Electromagnetic shielding may reduce communication of radio frequency transmissions. A method for carrying and protecting multiple objects, luggage, documents, and personal items using the travel accessory is also provided. 1. A travel accessory comprising:a mounting aspect for attaching to a primary object;an attachment aspect for securing a secondary object to the mounting aspect and being selectively removable from the secondary object;wherein the attachment aspect comprises a strap extending outwardly from the mounting aspect to substantially secure the secondary object; andwherein the mounting aspect is selectively removable from and attachable to the primary object independently from attachment to the secondary object.2. The travel accessory of claim 1 , wherein the mounting aspect comprises:a primary mounting panel;a first peripheral mounting panel attached to the primary mounting panel via a first mounting margin; andwherein the first peripheral mounting panel is pivotable about the primary mounting panel via the first mounting margin.3. The travel accessory of claim 2 , wherein the mounting aspect further comprises:a second peripheral mounting panel attached to the primary mounting panel via a second mounting margin; andwherein the second peripheral mounting panel is pivotable about the primary mounting panel via the second mounting margin.4. The travel accessory of claim 1 , wherein the primary object is a primary container comprising a primary container handle; andwherein the secondary object is a secondary container that is smaller than the primary container.5. The travel accessory of claim 1 , wherein the primary object is a primary luggage comprising a primary luggage handle; andwherein the mounting ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Coin card

Номер: US20180012435A1
Автор: Brian Finn
Принадлежит: Brian Finn

A device for holding coins, the device comprising a rectangular structure including: a first level, the first level capable of acting as a floor for any carried coins and including: eleven apertures including: a first penny size aperture, a second penny size aperture, a third penny size aperture, a fourth penny size aperture, a first dime size aperture, a second dime size aperture, a third dime size aperture, a fourth dime size aperture, a first nickel size aperture, a first quarter size aperture, and a second quarter size aperture arranged clockwise around the first level and spiraling inward in the order of, from a top left corner of the first level: the first dime size aperture, the first nickel size aperture, the second dime size aperture, the first penny size aperture, the first quarter size aperture, the third dime size aperture, the fourth dime size aperture, the second quarter size aperture, and the second penny size aperture, with the third penny size aperture located between the first dime size aperture and fourth dime size aperture and the fourth penny size aperture located between the second dime size aperture and third dime size aperture; and a second level, the second level including: two apertures, surrounded by the eleven apertures of the first level including: a fifth penny size aperture located between the first dime size aperture and fourth dime size aperture and a sixth penny size aperture located between the second dime size aperture and third dime size aperture; and a flange that partially overlaps one or more of the eleven apertures of the first level and forms at least part of the fifth penny size aperture and the sixth penny size aperture.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013927A1

A luggage having a luggage body with a fold out table is provided. The luggage body includes a top, a bottom, a front side, a rear side, a first side and a second side. The body further includes a slot formed along the rear side with an opening formed at the top leading into the slot. At least one wheel, such as a plurality of wheels are secured to the bottom of the body. A platform is slidably engaged with the slot. The platform includes a stowed position, a handle position, and a table position. The stowed position includes the platform substantially disposed within the slot, the handle position includes the platform extending from the slot and disposed vertically, and the table position includes the platform extending from the slot and disposed horizontally. 1. A luggage comprising:a body comprising a top, a bottom, a front side, a rear side, a first side and a second side, wherein an internal compartment is formed therebetween and a slot formed along the rear side, wherein an opening is formed at the top leading into the slot;at least one wheel secured to the bottom;a platform slidably engaged with the slot, whereinthe platform comprises a stowed position, a handle position, and a table position, wherein the stowed position comprises the platform substantially disposed within the slot, the handle position comprises the platform extending from the slot and disposed vertically, and the table position comprises the platform extending from the slot and disposed horizontally.2. The luggage of claim 1 , further comprising a locking hinge secured adjacent to the opening of the slot claim 1 , wherein the locking hinge is locked in the handle position and unlocked to allow the platform to pivot from the handle position to the table position.3. The luggage of claim 1 , wherein the platform comprises a handle opening formed at a distal end.4. The luggage of claim 1 , wherein a recess is formed along the rear side of the body from the top to the bottom.5. The luggage of ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160014922A1

A case for use with an electronic device is provided. The case includes a case body and a moveable member. The case body has an opening for receiving the electronic device and a cavity. The moveable member is moveably connected to the case body and received in the cavity. The moveable member is configured to receive one or more articles or items on a surface thereof. The moveable member is moveable between (i) a first position stored in the cavity and (ii) a second position withdrawn from the cavity to present the one or more articles or items to a user for removal. At least a member operatively associated with the moveable member is configured to be flexible to enable the moveable member to deform in a first direction to receive one or more new articles or items on the surface of the moveable member. 1. A case for use with an electronic device , the case comprising:a case body having a back wall and side walls extending therefrom forming an opening for receiving the electronic device, the case body having a cavity provided in a rear portion thereof; anda moveable member moveably connected to the case body and received in the cavity,wherein the moveable member and the rear portion of the case body are configured to form a storage space therebetween to receive one or more articles or items,wherein the moveable member is moveable between (i) a first position stored in the cavity and (ii) a second position withdrawn from the cavity to present the one or more articles or items to a user for removal, andwherein at least one of the moveable member and the rear portion of the case body is configured to be flexible to increase the storage space and to receive one or more new articles or items in the storage space.2. The case of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the moveable member and the rear portion of the case body is configured to deform to increase the storage space.3. The case of claim 2 , wherein the moveable member and the rear portion of the case body are ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Luggage Cover Device

Номер: US20160015140A1
Автор: Estrella Vera

A luggage cover device covers luggage to provide protection and facilitate identification of ownership of the luggage. The device includes a cover having a bottom panel and a perimeter wall defining an interior space configured for receiving a luggage bag therein. A top edge of the perimeter wall defining an opening into the interior space. A plurality of slots extends through the cover for extending wheels through the slots allowing the wheels rotate on a support surface while the luggage bag is positioned in the interior space. A slit extends through the cover proximate the opening for receiving a handle of the luggage bag therethrough when the luggage bag is positioned in the interior space.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015141A1

A collapsible support device configured to support an object in an inclined position, may include a base portion and an upper support panel. A hinge connecting the base portion to the upper support panel may be disposed at one edge of the base portion and a first edge of the upper support panel. The collapsible support device may be configured to be in at least one open position such that the base portion and the upper support panel are at an angle relative to each other and to be in a closed position such that the upper support panel lays against the base portion. The collapsible support device may be used to support the object at an inclined position in the open position.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015244A1

An illustrated view of an exemplary backpack for providing alerts and notification of specific events and information. The backpack is useful for providing an alert or notification to a user of the backpack of important items to remember to take at the end of a day. The backpack is also useful for reminders to eat, hydrate and directions for hikers and/or backpackers. Further the backpack is useful setting reminders for various events and thus removing the need for an additional reminder device. The backpack has an electronic system that can alert the user of the various events and activities further, the electronic system is coupled to an external light to visibly alert the user. The electronic system may further alert the user by audio voice or sounds. 1. A backpack for display and alerting of events , the backpack comprising: 'a front, the front having a first compartment;', 'a body, the body comprising a power source;', 'a computing device, the computing device being electrically coupled to the power source; and', 'a display, the display being communicatively coupled to the computing device; and wherein the display being electrically coupled to the power source; and, 'an electronic system, the system comprisinga light, wherein the light being communicatively coupled to the computing device, wherein the light being electrically coupled to the power source, wherein the light being coupled to the back of the backpack substantially near the middle of the backpack, and wherein the light emitting a light when a communication from the computing device indicates to light the light.2. The backpack of claim 1 , wherein the backpack being made of a fabric material.3. The backpack of claim 2 , wherein the fabric material being nylon.4. The backpack of claim 2 , wherein the material being waterproof.5. The backpack of claim 1 , wherein first compartment further comprising an interior and a closure;the interior having a lining, the lining having a first side and a second side ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220035413A1

A housing of a device comprises a screw boss that extends outwardly from a first base plate proximate to a corner of the housing. Additionally, the housing of the device includes a force dissipation member. The force dissipation member includes a central portion that is sized to detachably attach around the screw boss. The force dissipation member further includes at least two arms that extend outwardly from the central portion, wherein each arm of the at least two arms is attached to a different side of the two walls of the housing. 1. A housing for a device comprising:a screw boss that extends outwardly from a first base plate of the housing, wherein the screw boss is proximate to a corner of the housing, the housing comprising a plurality of wall portions defining the corner;a central portion sized to detachably attach around the screw boss, wherein an inner surface of the central portion abuts an outer surface of the screw boss; anda plurality of arms each attached to the central portion, the plurality of arms comprising at least two arms attached to two different wall portions of the plurality of wall portions.2. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the central portion and the plurality of arms form a force dissipation member that dissipates a force received at the corner along the plurality of arms and to the two different wall portions of the housing.3. The housing according to claim 1 , wherein the plurality of arms define a plurality of axes along which force received at the corner is distributed.4. The housing according to claim 1 , the housing further comprising:at least one supporting member attached to the screw boss and the first base plate.5. The housing according to claim 1 , the housing further comprising:at least one rib attached to the screw boss and at least one wall portion of the plurality of wall portions; andat least one supporting member attached to the screw boss and the at least one rib.6. The housing according to claim 1 , the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Protective case system

Номер: US20170017268A1
Принадлежит: Otter Products LLC

A protective case system includes a mounting accessory and a protective case. The mounting accessory is attachable to an object and has a dovetail rail member, a snap feature, and an engagement feature. The protective case includes an inner liner and an outer shell. The outer shell is removably attachable to the mounting accessory to removably attach the protective case to the object through the mounting accessory. The outer shell includes a receiver channel in proximity to a first end of the outer shell. The receiver channel is adapted to slidably receive the dovetail rail member of the mounting accessory to removably attach the outer shell of the protective case to the mounting accessory. The outer shell further includes an engagement feature for engaging the engagement feature of the mounting accessory to further removably attach the outer shell to the mounting accessory.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Disposable Wallet Device, and Processes and Methods for Design, Assembly and Distribution Thereof

Номер: US20150019369A1

The invention discloses a novel device that functions as a disposable wallet, together with uses thereof and related processes and methods for design, assembly and distribution thereof. The disposable wallet invention is composed of a single, flexible substrate upon which a design template is imposed that instructs the design to either a user or manufacturing element which assembles the disposable wallet. Various utilities of the disposable wallet are articulated through the design template through the use of cuts and folds of the substrate upon which the design template is affixed. Additional utilities such as inclusion of paging may be further affixed to the substrate in accordance with the design template. The design template may be computer generated by a remote user or an assembler to provide design variations coupled with variations of the flexible substrate. Completion of the assembly may involve mechanical fastening or adhesive elements. 1. A disposable wallet device comprising;A wallet sub-assembly image design image of a specific disposable wallet;A mirror image wallet sub-assembly image design image of the specific disposable wallet;A flexible thin substrate substantially comprising the material from which the disposable wallet device is assembled;Means to affix the wallet sub-assembly image design image to the flexible thin substrate, and;Fastening materials to complete final assembly of the specific disposable wallet device.2. The invention of where the wallet sub-assembly image design image of the specific disposable wallet design is affixed to the exterior surface of the flexible thin substrate.3. The invention of where a mirror image wallet sub-assembly image design image of the specific disposable wallet is produced from the wallet sub-assembly image design of a specific disposable wallet.4. The invention of where the imaging on or in the substrate may further incorporate copyrighted images of third parties or users that have obtained mutual consent ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Roller cart luggage

Номер: US20210016815A1
Автор: James S. Fleser
Принадлежит: Individual

Wheeled luggage characterized by its vertical orientation with the thin side of the bag aligned with the direction of travel and by its cart-like wheel configuration that has two fixed axis wheels near the retractable handle of the luggage and two spinning wheels at the other end. The retractable handle is offset allowing room for the legs when pushing the luggage as well as providing a location for a cupholder, tray for small items, etc. The top of the case's body contains a personal item catcher that deploys when the handle is extended and provides a place where medium-sized personal items such as a backpack, briefcase, large purse, etc. (which many travelers also take with them on trips), can be held in allowing for the bag to be stable at rest and while pushing the bag in a cart-like fashion during travels.

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Reusable Shopping Bag Storage and Dispensing System

Номер: US20150020935A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A shopping organizer comprises a purse or handbag enabled to carry cards and money, a carrier enclosure separate from the purse or handbag, attached to the purse or handbag, the carrier enclosure having a dispensing opening on one end, and a plurality of shopping bags, each formed from a material having a low coefficient of friction and capable of sustaining permanent fold creases, the shopping bags folded along the creases and arranged in a stack held together by a strap, the stack of shopping bags placed in the carrier enclosure such that individual ones of the plurality of bags may be grasped and pulled out of the stack through the dispensing opening.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Carrying case

Номер: US20160021995A1
Принадлежит: Pb Products LLC

A carrying case includes a first storage unit and a second storage unit. The second storage unit is moveable away from the first storage unit from a stowed position to an extended position to define a gap between the first storage unit and the second storage unit in the extended position. A tray extends across the gap from the first storage unit to the second storage unit. At least a portion of the tray is disposed in the second storage unit in the stowed position and extends along the gap in the extended position. Contents of the first storage unit and/or the second storage unit may be removed from the storage unit and supported on the tray during use of the contents.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180019779A1

A protective case adapted to be mounted on an electronic device is provided, wherein the electronic device is adapted to perform wireless signal transmission, and has a front surface for usage. The protective case is adapted to surround a periphery of the front surface, and has a frame which surrounds the periphery of the front surface when the protective case is mounted on the electronic device. The protective case includes a core material and a plated coating. The core material includes a metal material. The plated coating covers a surface of the core material, and has a thickness between 15 μm and 25 μm. Materials of the plated coating include a metallic oxide and an alloy oxide. Specifically, with the metallic oxide and the alloy oxide, the plated coating separates the core material from the exterior, and therefore provides an anticorrosion function, as well as prevents external interferences. 1. A protective case , which is adapted to be mounted on an electronic device , wherein the electronic device is adapted to perform wireless signal transmission , and has a front surface for usage; the protective case is adapted to surround a periphery of the front surface , and has a frame which surrounds the periphery of the front surface when the protective case is mounted on the electronic device; comprising:a core material comprising a metal material; anda plated coating, which covers a surface of the core material, and has a thickness between 15 μm and 25 μm; materials of the plated coating comprises a metallic oxide and an alloy oxide.2. The protective case of claim 1 , wherein the metal material of the core material is an alloy material.3. The protective case of claim 2 , wherein the alloy material of the core material is a magnesium alloy; the metallic oxide of the plated coating is a magnesium oxide claim 2 , and the alloy oxide is a magnesium alloy oxide.4. The protective case of claim 3 , wherein the magnesium alloy oxide is a magnesium aluminate.5. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Expandable Bags, Carrying Cases, and Luggage Systems

Номер: US20170020252A1
Автор: Chin Peter

A bag has a frame with a lip disposed about a periphery of the frame. The frame has an outer panel and an extension that couples the outer panel to the frame. The extension is configured to have an expanded configuration and a collapsed configuration. The extension extends laterally outward beyond the lip of the frame when the extension is in the expanded configuration, and the extension resides laterally inward of the lip of the frame when the extension is in the collapsed configuration. A first magnet is disposed at an end surface of the outer panel. A second magnet is disposed at an inner surface of the frame. The first magnet is configured to magnetically couple to the second magnet when the extension member is in the collapsed configuration. The extension further comprises a hinge. 1. A bag comprising:a frame having a lip disposed about a periphery of the frame;an outer panel; andan extension that couples the outer panel to the frame, the extension being configured to assume an expanded configuration and a collapsed configuration,wherein the extension extends laterally outward beyond the lip of the frame when the extension is in the expanded configuration, and wherein the extension resides laterally inward of the lip of the frame when the extension is in the collapsed configuration.2. The bag of claim 1 , further comprising:a first magnet disposed at an end surface of the outer panel; anda second magnet disposed at an inner surface of the frame.3. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the first magnet is configured to magnetically couple to the second magnet when the extension member is in the collapsed configuration.4. The bag of claim 1 , wherein the extension further comprises a hinge.5. The bag of claim 4 , wherein the hinge is configured to pull the outer panel flush with the lip of the frame when the extension is in the collapsed configuration.6. The bag of claim 5 , wherein the first magnet is configured to magnetically couple to the second magnet when the ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Decorative Luggage

Номер: US20170020254A1
Автор: Kim David R.

A decorative luggage comprises a shell confining a packing space, one or more wheels attached to the shell to enable rolling movement of the luggage and a handle attached to the shell to facilitate moving the luggage. The shell comprises a first half-shell and a second half-shell, which are detachably assembled to provide the packing space with a zipper. Each half-shell comprises an outer shell, an inner lining, and a decorative shell insert removably secured between them. The outer shell is transparent. The inner lining is attached to the outer shell with a zipper. The wheel comprises a circular wheel body, a tire surrounding the wheel body, a decorative cap removably attached to the wheel body, and a wheel bracket protruded from the wheel body. The handle comprises a telescopic extender, a decorative grip removably attached to the extender, and a handle bracket fixed to the extender. 1. A decorative luggage comprising:a) a shell confining a packing space, wherein the shell comprises a first half-shell and a second half-shell,wherein the first half-shell and the second half-shell are detachably assembled to provide the packing space with a closing device;b) one or more wheels attached to the shell to enable rolling movement of the luggage; andc) a handle attached to the shell to facilitate moving the luggage;wherein the first half-shell comprises a first outer shell, a first inner lining, and a first decorative shell insert between the first outer shell and the first inner lining,wherein the first outer shell is transparent, andwherein the first inner lining is removably attached to the first outer shell wherein the first decorative shell insert is removably secured between the first outer shell and the first inner lining.2. The decorative luggage of claim 1 , wherein the first inner lining is attached to the first outer shell with a zipper.3. The decorative luggage of claim 1 , wherein the closing device comprises a zipper provided between the first half-shell and ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020255A1
Автор: Vavrunek Amy

A protective cleaning sleeve is provided which substantially encloses a portable electronic device and which is configured with a narrowed stretchable cuff/opening made from a material that contacts and cleans the portable electronic device when it is being inserted into and removed from the sleeve. The stretchable cuff/opening is configured with a customized width or diameter narrower than a width of the portable electronic device so that it substantially closes around the portable electronic device and provides sufficient friction and contact with a display screen on the portable electronic device when the portable electronic device is being inserted into the sleeve and removed from the sleeve. In this manner, the narrowed stretchable cuff/opening cleans the display screen to remove fingerprints, smudges, oils, dirt and other particles simply by inserting the device into, and removing the device from the protective cleaning sleeve. 1. A protective cleaning sleeve for a portable electronic device , comprising:a protective pouch having a first width; anda stretchable cuff attached to an open end of the protective pouch at a first end of the stretchable cuff and having an elastic opening at a second end of the stretchable cuff, wherein the elastic opening has a second width smaller than the first width, wherein the stretchable cuff includes a material having cleaning properties, and wherein the stretchable cuff cleans a surface of the portable electronic device when the portable electronic device is being inserted into or removed from the protective pouch through the elastic opening.2. The protective cleaning sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the protective pouch is configured with dimensions to substantially enclose the portable electronic device.3. The protective cleaning sleeve of claim 1 , wherein the protective pouch is made from a single layer of fabric having cleaning properties to provide a cleaning function when the portable electronic device is inside the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Carrying case

Номер: US20180020791A1
Принадлежит: Ugowear LLC

A carrying case ( 20 ) is provided that includes a first portion ( 22 ) having a first inner surface ( 42 ) and a first outer surface ( 34 ). The carrying case also includes a second portion ( 24 ) having a second inner ( 58 ) surface, a second outer surface ( 36 ), and a pocket ( 68 ) located between the second inner surface and the second outer surface. An item located in the pocket can be viewed and manipulated from the second outer surface.

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160023349A1

Tool storage devices. A tool storage device may include a handle assembly including a support arm connected between a body and a handle portion and having a substantially rectangular cross section oriented with first walls extending transverse to the axis having a greater width than second walls extending parallel to the axis. A width of the handle portion may be at least about 50% of a width of the body. The body may include a frame assembly formed of a rigid material, a wall formed of a flexible material and at least partially defining the storage compartment with an open top, and a cover formed of a rigid material connected to the frame assembly to selectively close the open top. A wheel well portion receives each wheel and may cover the width of the wheel and a portion of the circumference of the wheel. A radial clearance between the wheel and a lower end of the wheel well may be no more than about 0.5 inches. 1. A tool storage device comprising:a body defining a storage compartment;wheels supporting the body for movement over ground, the wheels being rotatable about an axis; and a handle portion engageable by a user to pull the storage device in a direction transverse to the axis, the handle portion having opposite ends,', 'a first support arm connected between the body and one end of the handle portion, and', 'a second support arm connected between the body and an opposite end of the handle portion, each of the first support arm and the second support arm having a substantially rectangular cross section oriented with first walls extending transverse to the axis having a greater width than second walls extending parallel to the axis., 'a telescoping handle assembly including'}2. The storage device of claim 1 , wherein a ratio of a width of the first walls to a width of the second walls is between about 1.5:1 and about 4:1.3. The storage device of claim 2 , wherein the ratio is about 1.6:1.4. The storage device of claim 1 , wherein a width of the first walls is ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039529A1

The present invention relates to a luggage with a support. The luggage with the support according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a main body unit having a storage space therein; a cover unit closing the storage space of the main body unit; and a frame unit provided on a rear surface of the main body unit to form a support supporting the main body unit. Here, the frame unit includes: a first frame having one side fixed to a lower portion of the main body unit and the other side that is rotatable; and a second frame moving along the rotation of the first frame and forming the support with the first frame. 1. A luggage with a support , comprising:a main body unit having a storage space therein;a cover unit configured to close the storage space of the main body unit; anda frame unit provided on a rear surface of the main body unit to form a support configured to support the main body unit,wherein the frame unit comprises:a first frame having one side fixed to a lower portion of the main body unit and the other side that is rotatable; anda second frame configured to move along the rotation of the first frame and form the support with the first frame,wherein the first frame unit is handle part which comprises;an outer frame provided at both left and right sides of the rear surface of the main body unit; andan inner frame inserted to an upper end of the outer frame to vertically move, and configured to connect the outer frames,wherein the vertical move of the inner frame is controlled by control part which is provided at the inner frame.2. The luggage of claim 1 , wherein the second frame has one side fixed to an upper portion of the main body unit and the other side rotating along the rotation of the first frame.3. The luggage of claim 2 , wherein the first frame or the second frame further comprises:a connection part configured to connect the first frame and the second frame; anda guide line configured to guide a movement of the connection part.4. ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021775A1

A magnetic pouch attachment mechanism may include one or more magnetic pouch mounts having an alignment plate with one or more magnetic areas disposed within the alignment plate. The magnetic pouch mount may also include a pouch that may be removably coupled with the one or more magnetic pouch mounts such that when the pouch is placed in proximity to the one or more magnetic pouch mounts, an attractive magnetic force is exerted between the pouch and the one or more magnetic pouch mounts such that the pouch aligns with and couples to the one or more magnetic pouch mounts. A mounting bracket coupled to the pouch may include one or more bracket magnetic areas disposed within the mounting bracket and configured to induce an attractive magnetic force with the one or more magnetic areas. 1. A magnetic pouch attachment mechanism , comprising: an alignment plate,', 'one or more magnetic areas disposed within the alignment plate,', 'one or more mounting apertures disposed in the alignment plate,', 'one or more latch apertures disposed in the alignment plate, and', 'a latch comprising a latch handle and one or more latch teeth, each latch tooth protrudes into each latch aperture when the latch is in a retention position and each latch tooth is retracted out of each latch aperture when the latch is in a release position, and the latch handle transitions the latch between the retention position and the release position; and, 'one or more magnetic pouch mounts comprising,'} a container defining an interior compartment and having an opening for receiving items into the interior compartment,', 'a flap hingedly coupled to the container and sized to cover the opening and at least a portion of an outer surface of the container,', 'means for securing the flap to the outer surface of the container, and', one or more bracket magnetic areas disposed within the mounting bracket and configured to induce the attractive magnetic force with the one or more magnetic areas,', 'one or more ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Poster Storage, Display, and Carrying Case for Teachers

Номер: US20170021848A1
Автор: Kimberly Linkenhoker
Принадлежит: Individual

A durable, light-weight carrying case particularly suited to the needs of classroom teachers is disclosed. This case is especially designed for the storage, display, and transport of multiple flat, thin, oversized items such as poster boards, desk-top calendars, project tri-fold boards, jumbo story books, teaching posters, and pictures. The case may be easily transported from one location to another throughout the class day. The case provides a solution for long-term storage at the end of a school year or short-term transport between classrooms during the school day. The case is preferably composed of a durable light-weight transparent plastic with multiple clear dividers to protect items from moisture, bending, and tearing, while permitting identification and display. The case has a hinged lid to protect and secure stored items, a handle for carrying, and a wheel assembly for rolling transport. The base is flat for upright access, display of contents, or storage.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Case for electronic tablet

Номер: US20190021465A1
Автор: Hyun Hong, Markus Diebel
Принадлежит: Incase Designs Corp

A case incorporates a built-in stand for an electronic device, such as an electronic tablet computer, which the case houses. The case protects the electronic device and allows a user to view and access the device without removing it from the case. The built-in stand is adjustable and allows for multiple viewing angles.

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Mattress carrier

Номер: US20190021515A1
Принадлежит: Tuft and Needle LLC

A device for transporting and protecting a mattress via a cover containing straps and buckles, which allow the mattress to optionally be secured in a folded position. The cover may be made of a durable, water-impermeable fabric or other material, such as Cordura®, which both protects the mattress and its surroundings from damage. The cover may include, an end opening, such as a zipper, which allows the cover to slide over the mattress and then be enclosed therein. A strap or straps may be attached to the mattress, and the mattress may be folded in half and buckled in order for it to be transported. An additional strap and buckle may be located in the center of the cover to add additional support if necessary. The cover further may contain eight handles that may be used to pick up and transport the mattress,

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170023231A1
Автор: Gonzalez Joseph

The present disclosure provides a lighting system for a carrying bag having an interior surface that includes a repositionable fastening element having a first surface and a second surface. The first surface of the repositionable fastening element removably adheres to the interior surface of the carrying bag, and the second surface includes at least one fastening feature. 1. A lighting system for a carrying bag having an interior surface , comprising:a repositionable fastening element having a first surface and a second surface, the first surface removably adhering to the interior surface of the carrying bag, the second surface including at least one fastening feature; anda lighting device including a first surface including mating elements for coupling to the at least one fastening feature of the second surface of the repositionable fastening element, and a second surface including a lighting element.2. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the lighting element includes light emitting diodes (LEDs).3. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the light element includes electroluminescent phosphors.4. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one fastening feature on the second surface of the repositionable fastening element includes Velcro.5. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the first surface of the repositionable fastening element includes a pressure-sensitive adhesive.6. The lighting system of claim 1 , wherein the lighting device includes at least one battery. This patent application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/192,926, filed Jul. 15, 2015 and U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 62/164,339, filed May 20, 2015. This patent application is related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/350,139, filed Jan. 13, 2012. Each of the aforementioned patent applications is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety for any purpose whatsoever.There are many instances in daily life where it may be ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022474A1

A Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Bag is provided which is a medical supply bag specifically designed to provide emergency supplies to emergency medical technicians in the event of a mass casualty event such as in a public gathering. The MCI bag is designed to allow two medical technicians to treat two or more patients each. The MCI bag is a two-sided, two bag configuration and is designed with identical sets or substantially identical sets of supplies in each bag with some specialty supplies housed in a interconnecting center portion of each bag, where they can be accessed and shared by the two technicians. In one embodiment, the MCI bag is equipped with individual flood lights for each technician to illuminate the accident scene and his patients without the need for hand held flashlights or head lamps. Also provided are a system comprising MCI carts designed to carry multiple MCI bags, and a method of responding to a Mass Casualty Incident, where the method comprises positioning prior to an incident or deploying after an incident, a plurality of MCI carts, each containing a plurality of MCI bags, around the event or incident area. 1. A Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) bag comprisinga support frame comprising a substantially rectangular base and a central vertical section, andtwo bags disposed on the substantially rectangular base, and positioned back to back against the central vertical section, of the support frame.2. The MCI bag of wherein the bags are constructed of a fabric material.3. The MCI bag of wherein the bags are constructed of nylon.4. The MCI bag of wherein the bags are constructed of a substantially rigid material.5. The MCI bag of wherein the bags are constructed of molded plastic claim 4 , fiberglass claim 4 , carbon-fiber or other moldable material.6. The MCI bag of wherein the bags are substantially box-shaped claim 1 , and having a top claim 1 , bottom claim 1 , rear claim 1 , front claim 1 , and side panels.7. The MCI bag of wherein the two bags are ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160026218A1
Принадлежит: Lenovo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

A foldable tablet cover is described. The tablet cover can be used in multiple configurations, or stand modes, in which rubber attached to the tablet cover will provide friction so as to prevent slipping of the tablet while in use. 1. A cover for an electronic device comprising:a hinge that attaches the cover to the device, the cover being able to pivot about the hinge relative to the display from a fully open position exposing the display to a fully closed position covering the display,the cover comprising an inner and outer layer wherein the inner layer touches the screen when fully closed and the outer layer is exposed when fully closed,the cover further comprising at least a first segment and a second segment separated from the first segment by a folding line extendable parallel to the hinge, each segment including at least one foot comprised of high-friction material,wherein in a first folded configuration both feet make contact with a surface on which the device rests and in a second folded configuration one of the first and second feet contacts a surface and the other one of the first and second feet contacts the device,wherein the first foot and second foot are attached to the cover, one of the first and second foot is attached on the hinge, and the other one of the first and second feet is attached on the end of the cover opposite the hinge.2. The cover of claim 1 , further comprising a pen holder attached to the first segment configured to hold a pen claim 1 , stylus claim 1 , or other writing instrument.3. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the high-friction material has a coefficient of friction greater than a coefficient of friction of the cover.4. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the high-friction material is rubber.5. (canceled)6. The cover of wherein both feet are disposed on the inner layer of the cover.7. The cover of claim 1 , wherein one corner of the second segment of the cover is foldable.8. The cover of claim 1 , wherein the hinge includes a magnet ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180024590A1

A portable information device is provided. The portable information device includes a first chassis and a second chassis, a display, a back part and a movable back plate. The display, which is configured to be foldable in half, is disposed over inner faces of the first and second chassis. The back part, includes a movable hinge configured to join the first and second chassis rotatably. When the first and second chassis are folded towards each other, the movable hinge moves on the inner faces of the chassis in a direction from open ends of the chassis to the back part that is located on an opposite side of the open ends. The movable back plate configured to support a rear face of the display at a part corresponding to the back part. When the first and second chassis are folded towards each other, the movable back plate moves in a direction from the open ends to the back part together with the movable hinge. 1. A portable information device comprising:a first chassis and a second chassis;a display disposed over inner faces of said first and second chassis, wherein said display is configured to be foldable in half;a back part includes a movable hinge configured to join said first and second chassis rotatably, wherein when said first and second chassis are folded towards each other, said movable hinge moves on said inner faces of said chassis in a direction from open ends of said chassis to said back part that is located on an opposite side of said open ends; anda movable back plate configured to support a rear face of said display at a part corresponding to said back part, wherein when said first and second chassis are folded towards each other, said movable back plate moves in a direction from said open ends to said back part together with said movable hinge.2. The portable information device of claim 1 , wherein said movable hinge includesa first slide member supported slidably on said inner face of one of said chassis;a second slide member supported slidably on said ...

24-04-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for carrying drinks and articles on moving luggage

Номер: US20140110202A1
Автор: Mark Vesterby
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for carrying drinks and articles on moving luggage is provided. In an implementation, a carrying device has an elastic body expandable to fit luggage handles of various widths, and to remain at a selected height on the handle when carrying heavy drinks. Expandable pockets on the elastic body secure cups, bottles, and articles of various sizes. A closed bottom on each expandable pocket secures large and small articles, and for stacking, an expanding taper surface on each closed bottom accommodates the tops of cups, bottles, and articles being held by another instance of the apparatus situated below, to provide a stackable plurality of the carrying devices that are stackable on a single luggage handle for many cups, bottles, and articles of multiple travelers, such as a family.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210024276A1
Автор: Bradley Todd

An article of manufacture, comprising an inflatable unit having at least a portion with a drop-stitch construction is provided. The inflatable unit may comprise a first inflatable drop-stitch chamber defining a bottom wall, a second inflatable drop-stitch chamber defining a plurality of side walls, and a third inflatable drop-stitch chamber defining a lid of the inflatable unit. 1. An article of manufacture , comprising:a first pair of sides extending from a bottom portion;a plurality of foldable sections extending through a second pair of sides, the foldable sections enabling an angular position, with respect to the bottom portion, of each of the sides in the first pair of sides to be adjusted; andan inflation valve connected to an inflation chamber positioned between an interior storage compartment and an external layer, the inflation chamber positioned in one or more sides in the first pair of sides and the second pair of sides, wherein the article of manufacture only partially comprises drop-stitch construction and multiple sides have a common inflation chamber.2. The article of manufacture of claim 1 , where the article is a shipping container.3. The article of manufacture of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of foldable sections enable the first pair of sides to be arranged in an expanded configuration and a condensed configuration claim 1 , in the expanded configuration distal ends of a first and second side in the first pair of sides are further away from the bottom portion when compared to distal ends of the first and second sides in the first pair of sides in the condensed configuration claim 1 , and where claim 1 , when the first pair of sides is in the expanded configuration claim 1 , a first and a second foldable section included in the plurality of foldable sections and positioned in one of the sides in the second pair of sides extend towards one another.4. The article of manufacture of claim 3 , where claim 3 , when the first pair of sides is in the ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Security lining

Номер: US20150027831A1
Автор: Tina Case
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of preventing wireless identity theft including the step of: inserting a metallic lining into a storage bag, where the lining covers the entire interior of the storage bag. The storage bag may include at least one of a purse, handbag, backpack or briefcase. In another embodiment of the present invention, the method of preventing wireless identity theft may include inserting a metallic lining into a wallet. The present invention further includes a system for wireless identity theft prevention comprising: a mechanism to store RF enabled cards; and a metallic lining within an interior of the mechanism to store RF enable cards. The mechanism to store RF enabled cards may include at least one of a purse, backpack, briefcase or wallet.

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Multi-purpose suitcase

Номер: US20150027836A1
Автор: Jian Lin ZHOU
Принадлежит: MIG Tech Inc

The present utility model discloses a multi-purpose suitcase, comprising a case body and a pulling rod, wherein the rod is configured on the back of the case body, wheels are positioned at the bottom of the case body, a folding safety table and a socket are designed in the front of the case body, and a power supply device is set inside the bottom part of the case body. In the multi-purpose suitcase for the present utility model, the folding safety table can be used to place articles temporarily, the LED light on the pulling rod can be used for lighting, and the rotation of the wheels can generate current which is then stored in the power supply device.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170026070A1
Автор: HODROJ Ahmad H.

A smartphone case is provided with a card cache assembly for concealing one or a few cards therein, which may be credit cards, identity cards, or other cards selected by a user. The card cache assembly includes a slidably mounted card support member and a latch for retaining the tray inside of a main cache body. The smartphone case includes a concealed switch, which is operable to release the card support member from the main cache body using a spring-loaded ejection mechanism. 1. A smartphone case for protectively receiving a smartphone , said smartphone case comprising:a phone storage sleeve having at least one intermediate alignment structure therein, said phone storage sleeve configured to protectively receive a smartphone body therein on a first side of the alignment structure;a card cache assembly configured to fit into the phone storage sleeve on a second side of the alignment structure, the card cache assembly comprising:a main cache body having a hollow space formed therein and having a primary opening formed at one end thereof and communicating with said hollow space,a card support drawer slidably mounted in the main cache body, anda latch for retaining the card support drawer inside of the main cache body;the smartphone case further comprising a spring-loaded ejection mechanism, and a switch which is operable to disengage the latch and release an outer end portion of the card support drawer from the main cache body using the spring-loaded ejection mechanism.2. The smartphone case of claim 1 , wherein:the main cache body comprises a retaining ledge and a spring-receiving space for holding a spring;the card support drawer comprises a flexibly resilient locking pawl including a wedge-shaped head portion having a flattened tip end configured to abuttingly contact the retaining ledge of the main cache body; andthe spring-loaded ejection mechanism comprises a switch slidably attached to the main cache body, said switch button comprising a grippable part ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027292A1
Автор: HIBINO Kouta

An electronic device includes a case and a cover. The cover includes a hook to be engaged with the case. The case includes a receiving portion for receiving the hook. An end of the hook is configured to laterally extend from a body of the hook. The first portion is engaged with the end. The second portion is located at an opposite side of the end and supports the cover thereon. The second portion is softer than the hook. 1. An electronic device comprising:a case including a first portion and a second portion; anda cover configured to be attached to the case, whereinthe cover including a hook configured to be engaged with the case,the case including a receiving portion configured to receive the hook,an end of the hook being configured to laterally extend from a body of the hook,the first portion being configured to be engaged with the end, and the second portion being located at an opposite side of the end and supporting the cover thereon,the second portion being softer than the hook.2. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe case is rectangular as seen in plan view, andthe hook is located at a corner of the case.3. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the first portion includes an overhang which overhangs so as to overlap at least a part of the end.4. The electronic device according to claim 3 , wherein a maximum value of an engagement allowance between the end and the overhang is about equal to a maximum value of a gap between the body and the second portion.5. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion is smaller in Young's modulus than the hook.6. The electronic device according to claim 1 , wherein the second portion is softer than the first portion.7. The electronic device according to claim 6 , wherein the second portion is smaller in Young's modulus than the first portion.8. The electronic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe cover has a shape having a longitudinal direction as seen in plan view ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Mobile Device Case For Capturing Digital Images

Номер: US20180027156A1

A mobile device case for coupling around a mobile device that includes a miniature camera module has defined therein a lens attachment aperture shaped both to permit light from an object to be captured as a digital image to travel along the optical path of the miniature camera module to a built-in image sensor of the miniature camera module of the mobile device, and to facilitate stable coupling of an auxiliary lens in optical alignment with the miniature camera module. The case comprises electric circuit components positioned to balance an attached auxiliary lens approximately at a grip location. 1. A mobile camera system , comprising:a camera-enabled, mobile device; including a miniature camera module embedded within the mobile device including a built-in lens and an image sensor for capturing digital images;a mobile device processor configured for processing the digital images;a mobile device display for viewing the digital images;a case housing coupled around the camera-enabled mobile device, said case housing being configured with a center of gravity approximately at an image capture grip location of the case housing;a lens attachment interface embedded within or integral with the case,an auxiliary lens coupled to the lens attachment interface and stably aligned along the optical path of the miniature camera module; andwherein said case housing has therein disposed a case processor and electrical circuit components that are configured to detect the presence of the auxiliary lens coupled stably in said optical alignment with said miniature camera module, and a case battery that is configured to power the mobile device when the mobile device is low on battery power or is out of battery power.2. The mobile camera system of claim 1 , wherein said case processor and electrical circuit components are disposed at a grip end of the case housing.3. The mobile camera system of claim 1 , wherein said case processor and electrical circuit components are configured to ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

System for Storage of Compressible Wrinkle Resistant Garments in Reduced Volume

Номер: US20160029754A1
Автор: Martini Ashley M

A system for storage of an article of clothing intended for emergency use. The system includes a pouch formed of a flexible, waterproof, substantially tear-resistant, high tensile strength material, the pouch having a volume in a range of 400 to 1000 cubic centimeters, the pouch including a selectable opening and closure of a longitudinal opening of the pouch. The system also includes an article of clothing that is a wrinkle-resistant polymeric fabric, capable of selectable folding and compression to less than the volume of the pouch and which is press- or slip-fittable thereinto. The pouch includes a lining of moisture and heat-resistant flexible fabric adhered to an interior of the pouch, the lining fabric non-reactive with both the material of the pouch and of the article of clothing. 1. A system for storage of an article of clothing intended for emergency use , the system comprising:(a) a pouch formed of a flexible, waterproof, substantially tear-resistant, high tensile strength material, the pouch having a volume in a range of 400 to 1000 cubic centimeters, the pouch including means for selectable opening and closure of a longitudinal opening thereof;(b) an article of clothing comprising a wrinkle-resistant polymeric fabric, capable of selectable folding and compression to less than said volume of said pouch and, thereupon, press- or slip-fittable thereinto; and(c) a lining of moisture and heat-resistant flexible fabric adhered to an interior of said pouch, said fabric non-reactive with both the material of said pouch and of said article of clothing;2. The system as recited in claim 1 , in which the weight of said pouch comprises less than about 60 grams.3. The system as recited in claim 1 , in which a weight of said pouch comprises about 20% of a weight of said garment stored therein.4. The system as recited in claim 3 , in which said a density of the material of said pouch defines a range of about 0.25 to about 0.50 grams per square centimeter.5. The system ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Jewelry Box Mechanism

Номер: US20160029761A1
Автор: Parker Clarence

The jewelry box mechanism is a unique method of displaying a piece of jewelry inside a jewelry box by raising the piece of jewelry from a platform at the bottom of the jewelry box and as the lid is raised it lifts the platform which is raised at the same time lifting the platform to the top of its motion cycle to the top of the box making a more dramatic presentation of the jewelry piece. 1. A jewelry box mechanism with parts comprising of:a lid connector that connects to the armature;a lid hinge connecting the lid to the main body of the jewelry box;a jewelry platform female portion slider with a notch out at the top of the slider;a jewelry platform with supports that hold the platform above the bottom of the jewelry box to allow room for the armature cutout piece;a jewelry platform main body;an armature with the armature screw with the armature and lid connector support with the attachment screws that hold the lid connector in place to the lid portion;a male portion of the jewelry platform that fits into the female platform slider with the notch out for the armature and a notch out for the female slider piece.2. A jewelry box mechanism with a functionality comprising of:a jewelry box lid with an attached lid connector that is connected to an armature and cutout delay with an angle connected to a platform connector pin that is raised simultaneously as the lid is opened and lifted upward;a cutout in the armature that is about ⅓ the length of the armature that acts as a delay when the lid is raised and raises the platform to display a jewelry piece;a platform with a male portion that fits into a female portion slider connected to the platform main body that allows the platform to move upward and down ward with the movement of the lid portion being lifted upward or downward and a notch out in the female portion that stops the male slider from moving upward keeping it level with the top of the jewelry box. (1) Field of the InventionThe jewelry box mechanism is a new ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160029762A1
Автор: James, JR. Lewis William

A novel thermally insulated enclosure includes an insulated wall and a magnet assembly coupled thereto for mounting the insulated enclosure to ferromagnetic structures. In a particular embodiment, the magnet assembly includes a plurality of magnets coupled to the insulated wall. In another particular embodiment, the magnet assembly is a removable magnetic device that can be connected and disconnected from the insulated enclosure. In another particular embodiment, the magnet assembly is a removable magnet carrier that can be incorporated into the structure of the insulated enclosure. 1. A carrying bag , comprising:a first compartment including a first opening to facilitate inserting and removing items from said first compartment;a second compartment, coupled to said first compartment, including a second opening to facilitate inserting and removing items from said second compartment; anda magnetic insert, including a substrate and a set of magnets fixed to said substrate; and whereinsaid second compartment is sized to accept said magnetic insert within said second compartment and disposed to facilitate engagement of said magnetic insert with a ferromagnetic surface through a wall of said second compartment.2. The carrying bag of claim 1 , wherein said second opening includes a zipper.3. The carrying bag of claim 1 , further comprising a set of handles to facilitate manual transport of said carrying bag by a user.4. The carrying bag of claim 1 , wherein:said substrate includes a set of threaded receivers; andsaid magnets are fixed to said substrate via complimentarily threaded fasteners.5. The carrying bag of claim 4 , further comprising:a set of suction cups adapted to be removably coupled to said magnetic insert; and whereinsaid wall of said second compartment defines a set of holes to facilitate coupling said set of suction cups to said magnetic insert while said magnetic insert is disposed within said second compartment, said suction cups facilitating fixing said ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Removable Luggage Storage Accessory

Номер: US20220047052A1
Автор: Haack Scott Graham

A removable luggage storage accessory is an apparatus that creates additional external storage on luggage to retain items in a readily accessible manner. The apparatus may include a fabric sleeve, a first clamping mechanism, a second clamping mechanism, and at least one shoulder strap. The fabric sleeve enables the creation of an external storage space large enough to retain various items readily accessible outside the luggage. The first clamping mechanism serves as a closure that can be selectively opened to retrieve items retained within the fabric sleeve. The second clamping mechanism prevents the items retained within the fabric sleeve from falling out. The at least one shoulder strap enables the user to carry the apparatus from the shoulder when the apparatus is used as a carry-on bag. The at least one shoulder strap also enable the apparatus to be hanged from an object or to be carried as a handbag. 1. A removable luggage storage accessory comprising:a fabric sleeve;a first clamping mechanism;a second clamping mechanism;at least one shoulder strap;the fabric sleeve comprising a first open end and a second open end;the at least one shoulder strap comprising a first strap end and a second strap end;the first clamping mechanism being mounted about the first open end;the second clamping mechanism being mounted about the second open end;the first strap end being laterally connected to the fabric sleeve, adjacent to the first open end; and,the second strap end being laterally connected to the fabric sleeve, adjacent to the second open end.2. The removable luggage storage accessory as claimed in comprising:the first clamping mechanism comprising a first casing, a first entrance opening, a first exit opening, and a first drawstring;the first casing being integrated into the fabric sleeve around the first open end;the first entrance opening being integrated into the first casing;the first exit opening being integrated into the first casing; and,the first drawstring ...
