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10-09-2004 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000040219U1
Автор: Катыхин А.П.

1. Устройство для очистки поверхностей, содержащее ручной захват, на котором закреплен, по меньшей мере, один держатель со скребком, отличающееся тем, что ручной захват выполнен в виде емкости для очищающей жидкости, при этом в верхней части емкости расположен распылитель. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что держатель скребка выполнен съемным и имеет ответную часть, соответствующую штырям, закрепленным на корпусе емкости. 3. Устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что ответная часть скребка имеет внутренние или наружные зазубрины, насечки, канавки или резьбу и выполнена треугольной, квадратной, круглой или многогранной формы. 4. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что держатель скребка выполнен монолитно с корпусом емкости. 5. Устройство по любому из пп.1-4, отличающееся тем, что на держателе скребка закреплен при помощи защелок или пазов колпачок, выполненный из полиэтилена. 6. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что скребок выполнен из эластичного материала, преимущественно из резины. 7. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что емкость для очищающей жидкости имеет ребра жесткости. 8. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что держатель со скребком может быть установлен как вертикально, так и горизонтально. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 40 219 (13) U1 (51) МПК B05B 11/02 (2000.01) A46B 11/02 (2000.01) A46B 17/08 (2000.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2004106303/22 , 03.03.2004 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 03.03.2004 (46) Опубликовано: 10.09.2004 (72) Автор(ы): Катыхин А.П. (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Катыхин Андрей Павлович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 127434, Москва, И-434, а/я 54, ОАО "Моспатент" Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 4 0 2 1 9 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Устройство для очистки поверхностей, содержащее ручной захват, на котором закреплен, по меньшей мере, один держатель со скребком, отличающееся тем, что ручной захват ...

10-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000076785U1

Зубная щетка, содержащая головку, на основании которой установлены пучки щетины, связанную с головкой рукоятку, защитный элемент и зубную пасту, отличающаяся тем, что защитный элемент выполнен в виде съемного колпачка для головки, колпачок имеет форму параллелепипеда со скругленными ребрами, высота параллелепипеда равна высоте щетины щетки, длина и ширина параллелепипеда равна соответственно длине и ширине головки щетки, кроме того, колпачок снабжен хвостиками, при помощи которых производится съем колпачка, хвостики размещены соосно друг другу, один из хвостиков в начале головки, другой в конце головки под рукояткой, зубная паста расположена между пучками щетины в части, удаленной от основания головки. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 76 785 (13) U1 (51) МПК A44B 15/00 A46B 17/04 (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008116998/22 , 29.04.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 29.04.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 10.10.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Рассоленко Виктор Анатольевич (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Рассоленко Виктор Анатольевич (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 690048, г.Владивосток, а/я 119, Н.П. Король 7 6 7 8 5 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Зубная щетка, содержащая головку, на основании которой установлены пучки щетины, связанную с головкой рукоятку, защитный элемент и зубную пасту, отличающаяся тем, что защитный элемент выполнен в виде съемного колпачка для головки, колпачок имеет форму параллелепипеда со скругленными ребрами, высота параллелепипеда равна высоте щетины щетки, длина и ширина параллелепипеда равна соответственно длине и ширине головки щетки, кроме того, колпачок снабжен хвостиками, при помощи которых производится съем колпачка, хвостики размещены соосно друг другу, один из хвостиков в начале головки, другой в конце головки под рукояткой, зубная паста расположена между пучками щетины в части, удаленной от ...

10-07-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000095479U1
Автор: ВАН Хо-Пя
Принадлежит: ВАН Хо-Пя

1. Щетка, содержащая узел (10, 10', 10′′, 40, 40', 40′′) расчесывания, включающий в себя удерживающий щетинки элемент (100, 100', 400, 400', 400′′), который имеет первую сторону (11) и вторую сторону (12), противоположную первой стороне (11), ряд щетинок (13, 13'), удерживаемых на вышеуказанном удерживающем щетинки элементе (100, 100', 400, 400', 400′′), расположенных на вышеуказанной первой стороне (11), и поворотное соединительное устройство (14, 14', 14′′, 44, 44′′), предусмотренное на второй вышеуказанной стороне (12) вышеуказанного удерживающего щетинки элемента (100, 100', 400, 400', 400′′), ручку (20, 20', 20′′, 50, 50', 50′′), имеющую поворотный участок (21, 21′′, 51, 51', 51′′), который поворотно соединен с вышеуказанным поворотным соединительным устройством (14, 14', 14′′, 44, 44′′), участок (22) захвата, который противоположен вышеуказанному поворотному участку (21, 21′′, 51, 51', 51′′), и участок (23, 53', 53′′) позиционирования, который расположен между вышеуказанным поворотным участком (21, 21′′, 51, 51', 51′′) и вышеуказанным участком (22) захвата, и упругий компонент (30, 30', 30′′, 60, 60', 60′′), расположенный между вышеуказанным узлом (10, 10', 10′′, 40, 40', 40′′) расчесывания и вышеуказанной ручкой (20, 20', 20′′, 50, 50', 50′′), и обеспечивающий усилие смещения, вынуждающее вышеуказанный участок (23, 53', 53′′) позиционирования вышеуказанной ручки (20, 20', 20′′, 50, 50', 50′′) упираться в вышеуказанный удерживающий щетинки элемент (100, 100', 400, 400', 400′′). 2. Щетка по п.1, отличающаяся тем, что вышеуказанный поворотный участок (21) вышеуказанной ручки (20) имеет концевой сегмент (24), удаленный от вышеуказанного участка (23) позиционирования, и вышеуказанный упругий компонент (30) является пружиной сжатия, расположенной между и упруго упирающийся в вышеуказанную вторую сторону (12) вышеуказанного удерживающего щетинки элемента (100) и вышеуказанный концевой элемент (24). 3. Щетка по п.2, отличающаяся тем, что вышеуказанный удерживающий ...

10-05-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000104034U1

1. Футляр для зубной щетки, содержащий полый корпус из формоустойчивого полимерного материала, выполненный из двух шарнирно соединенных частей, снабженных элементами фиксации, отличающийся тем, что полимерный материал содержит добавку в виде натриевой соли дегидрацетовой кислоты в количестве 0,01-4,00 мас.% от массы полимерного материала. 2. Футляр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, одна часть корпуса снабжена вырезом для размещения шейки головки зубной щетки. 3. Футляр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что шарнирное соединение частей корпуса выполнено в виде гибкой перемычки из полимерного материала. 4. Футляр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что элементы фиксации частей корпуса выполнены в виде выступа и паза, расположенных на одной и другой частях корпуса с возможностью взаимодействия при примыкании частей корпуса друг к другу. 5. Футляр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве полимерного материала использован полипропилен. 6. Футляр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что в качестве полимерного материала использован полиэтилен. 7. Футляр по п.1, отличающийся тем, что, по меньшей мере, в одной части корпуса выполнены вентиляционные отверстия. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 104 034 (13) U1 (51) МПК A46B 17/00 A46B 17/04 A45D 44/18 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010148494/12, 19.11.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 19.11.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Марченко Егор Алексеевич (RU), Рогудеев Алексей Владимирович (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 10.05.2011 1 0 4 0 3 4 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Футляр для зубной щетки, содержащий полый корпус из формоустойчивого полимерного материала, выполненный из двух шарнирно соединенных частей, снабженных элементами фиксации, отличающийся тем, что полимерный материал содержит добавку в виде натриевой соли дегидрацетовой кислоты в количестве 0,014,00 мас.% от массы полимерного материала. 2. Футляр ...

10-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000122562U1

1. Устройство для ухода за полостью рта, содержащее рабочую часть, при этом рабочая часть выполнена в виде конусообразного полого с открытым с одной стороны концом элемента, по форме повторяющего кончик языка человека, изготовленного из материала, предназначенного и обычно использующегося в данной области для гигиены полости рта, силикона либо иного нетоксичного эластичного материала с образованием ребер фиксации на внутренней поверхности полого элемента и возможностью надевания устройства на язык для выполнения манипуляций по уходу за полостью рта и передачи механических движений языка рабочей части устройства. 2. Устройство для ухода за полостью рта по п.1 с рабочей частью в виде полого элемента, составляющего одно целое с размещенными на рабочей части насадками, например, со щетинистой внешней поверхностью для чистки зубов и удаления зубных отложений, а также для чистки брекетов и имплантантов. 3. Устройство для ухода за полостью рта по п.1 с рабочей частью в виде полого элемента, содержащее дополнительную насадку, выполненную с возможностью крепления на рабочую часть устройства, с шипованной внешней поверхностью для чистки десен, неба и внутренней поверхности щек и зубов, а также для массажа. 4. Устройство для ухода за полостью рта по п.1 с рабочей частью в виде полого элемента, содержащее дополнительную насадку, выполненную с возможностью крепления на рабочую часть устройства, с ребристой внешней поверхностью для массажа и нанесения лекарственных средств на десны, небо и внутренние стороны щек. 5. Устройство для ухода за полостью рта по п.1 с рабочей частью в виде полого элемента, содержащее дополнительную насадку, выполненную с возможностью крепления на рабочую часть устройства, частично охватывающую рабочую часть, с пористой внешней поверхностью для нанесения лекарственных средств на зубы, десны, небо и внутренние стороны щек. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 122 562 U1 (51) МПК A46B 17/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ ( ...

10-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000129779U1

Кисть, содержащая головку, с расположенной на ней щетиной с установленными гибкими трубочками между ворсинок, емкость с жидкостью, связанную с помощью трубки с гибкими трубочками между ворсинок, через указанную головку, отличающаяся тем, что между емкостью и головкой установлен насос. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 129 779 U1 (51) МПК A46B 17/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ (21)(22) Заявка: ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ 2012144826/12, 22.10.2012 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 22.10.2012 (72) Автор(ы): Латыпов Салават Адегамович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Латыпов Салават Адегамович (RU) R U Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.10.2012 (45) Опубликовано: 10.07.2013 Бюл. № 19 (54) КИСТЬ U 1 1 2 9 7 7 9 R U Стр.: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели Кисть, содержащая головку, с расположенной на ней щетиной с установленными гибкими трубочками между ворсинок, емкость с жидкостью, связанную с помощью трубки с гибкими трубочками между ворсинок, через указанную головку, отличающаяся тем, что между емкостью и головкой установлен насос. 1 2 9 7 7 9 Адрес для переписки: 423803, Республика Татарстан, г. Набережные Челны, п. ЗЯБ, ул. Хади Такташа, 41/9, кв.185, С.А.Латыпову U 1 U 1 1 2 9 7 7 9 1 2 9 7 7 9 R U R U Стр.: 2 RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 129 779 U1 Полезная модель относится к инструментам для нанесения лаков, красок и жидкостей на различные поверхности и может быть реализовано в промышленности, строительстве и в быту. Известны кисти, предназначенные для малярных работ, содержащие головку со щетиной, где головка переходит в ручку (см. патент на изобретение РФ №2190947 по кл. А46В 17/00). Недостатком данной конструкции кисти является невозможность непрерывной работы без периодического окунания щетины в жидкие вещества, наносимые на обрабатываемую поверхность. Это не позволяет увеличить скорость работы и повышает утомляемость работающего с данной кистью. Также, затруднена обработка вертикальных ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000176743U1

Изобретение относится к области удовлетворения жизненных потребностей человека, а именно к приспособлениям для держания помазков для бритья при их употреблении. Комплект для хранения помазка содержит помазок с рабочей частью и ручкой, в основании которой установлен магнит, а также металлическую пластину и уголок. Использование магнита в ручке помазка позволяет крепить его к любой металлической поверхности и сушить помазок в перевернутом состоянии. Рабочая поверхность при этом быстро сохнет и увеличивается срок службы помазка. Ц 176743 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ВУ” 176 743” 44 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ИЗВЕЩЕНИЯ К ПАТЕНТУ НА ПОЛЕЗНУЮ МОДЕЛЬ ММ9К Досрочное прекращение действия патента из-за неуплаты в установленный срок пошлины за поддержание патента в силе Дата прекращения действия патента: 12.10.2019 Дата внесения записи в Государственный реестр: 19.08.2020 Дата публикации и номер бюллетеня: 19.08.2020 Бюл. №23 Стр.: 1 па СУДЭУДЬ ЕП

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Wire brush

Номер: US20120096659A1
Принадлежит: Sherwin Williams Co

A wire brush may have wire type tufts extending from a head and may have a handle with only one finger separator. And/or a wire brush may have a manually detachable scraper that has a pair of tabs received in a pair of grooves formed on the brush body.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Toothpaste Dispensing Toothbrush with Mouthwash Strip Roll Compartment

Номер: US20120160261A1
Автор: Vanessa Lynn HARDEN
Принадлежит: Individual

A toothbrush combined with a toothpaste dispenser with a wall mounted holder. The present invention comprises of a twist knob that is able to push a piston up a toothpaste compartment. The piston creates pressure inside the toothpaste compartment and causes the toothpaste to travel up a main channel. The main channel branches into a plurality of smaller tubes. Each tube has a respective rubber tube dispenser that protrudes and extends from the brush head. The rubber tube dispensers allow the toothpaste to be dispensed on top of the bristles. The toothbrush additionally comprises of a mouthwash strip roll dispensing mechanism positioned in the knob. The present invention additionally comprises of audio and visual indicators to provide users with visual or hearing impairments with a signal notification of toothpaste depletion.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Waste receptacle

Номер: US20120260453A1
Принадлежит: Quirky Inc

An apparatus and methods for collecting swept waste material are described herein. The apparatus includes a dustpan having a base and a wall, a handle, and a plurality of protrusions. The base is configured to be placed in contact with a surface to be cleaned and includes a front lip over which debris can be swept. The wall extends upwardly from at least a portion of the base other than the front lip and is configured to contain debris in the dustpan. The handle is coupled to a top edge of the wall opposite the front lip and extends away from the wall and downwardly from the top edge so that an end of the handle is disposed approximately even with the base. The pturality of protrusions extend inwardly from the wall and are configured to remove debris from bristles of a broom when the broom is swept across the plurality of protrusions.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Push broom apparatus

Номер: US20120279520A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A push broom apparatus is shown having an elongated handle with an elongated broom head attached to the elongated handle. A plurality of substantially rigid bristles are attached laterally to the broom head. A plurality of substantially flexible bristles are also attached laterally to the broom head. At least one scraper blade is attached to the elongate broom head.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Toothbrush Having Removable Absorbent Pad

Номер: US20120298135A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An oral care device is provided. The oral care device includes a toothbrush and an absorbent pad. The toothbrush has an elongated shaft having a proximal end and a distal end. The proximal end defines a handle for a user. The toothbrush also includes a plurality of bristles at the distal end. The bristles are dimensioned to enter the mouth of a human user. The pad has an outer circumference or edge. The pad further has an interior through-opening for frictionally and removably receiving the shaft of the toothbrush. The pad is fabricated at least along its circumference from an absorbent material. A method for brushing one's teeth using a toothbrush with a pad is also provided.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Cleaning system

Номер: US20120301208A1
Принадлежит: Rubbermaid Inc

A cleaning system comprises a first type of scrubber head having a first type of attachment mechanism and a second type of attachment mechanism and a second type of scrubber head having the first type of attachment mechanism and the second type of attachment mechanism. A first type of cleaning pad may be releasably mounted to either the first scrubber head or the second scrubber head using the first attachment mechanism. A second type of cleaning pad may be releasably mounted to either the first scrubber head or the second scrubber head using the second attachment mechanism. One scrubber head comprises a base comprising a first section and a flexible section. An assembly is movably mounted on the base such that the assembly may be moved to make the flexible section active.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Bottle for Disinfecting Toothbrush

Номер: US20120312702A1
Автор: Dan Llewllyn
Принадлежит: Individual

A flexible bottle for containing a disinfecting liquid that can be used to disinfect a toothbrush. The bottle has a large reservoir for contain the disinfecting liquid and a small, secondary reservoir that is located proximate to the top of the bottle and which can be filled by squeezing the flexible bottle to force a quantity of the disinfecting liquid into the small, secondary reservoir. There is a cap that is designed to accept a toothbrush for entry into the container and which may have a slot formed therein or flexible flaps. The bottle can, therefore, be filled with disinfecting liquid and a toothbrush introduced into the small reservoir for disinfecting the toothbrush. The disinfecting liquid can then be discarded from the small reservoir and the secondary reservoir refilled as needed by the user.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Device for identifying oral conditions

Номер: US20120322023A1
Принадлежит: Colgate Palmolive Co

The present invention relates to devices and systems for detecting the existence of oral conditions.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Waste receptacle

Номер: US20130091651A1
Принадлежит: Quirky Inc

An apparatus and methods for collecting swept waste material are described herein. The apparatus includes a dustpan having a base and a wall, a handle, and a plurality of protrusions. The base is configured to be placed in contact with a surface to be cleaned and includes a front lip over which debris can be swept. The wall extends upwardly from at least a portion of the base other than the front lip and is configured to contain debris in the dustpan. The handle is coupled to a top edge of the wall opposite the front lip and extends away from the wall and downwardly from the top edge so that an end of the handle is disposed approximately even with the base. The plurality of protrusions extend inwardly from the wall and are configured to remove debris from bristles of a broom when the broom is swept across the plurality of protrusions.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Paint brush protective cover

Номер: US20130092581A1
Автор: Barry Todd Gabbard
Принадлежит: Individual

A paint brush protective cover for a paint brush includes a jacket which provides for wet media storage and safe transportation.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130097796A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a brush holder having a hollow, box-like upper structure with interior contours conformable to the shape of the ferrule and heel of a paintbrush. The lower structure of the brush holder comprises a hollow, primarily longitudinal staff, said staff affixed at its top end to the brush holder. The lower, open end of the staff comprises a circular opening with interior female threads. By use of an extension pole having compatible male threads at one end, a workman, after insertion of a paintbrush into said brush holder, may engage the threads of the brush holder with the threads of the extension pole until a firm and secure attachment is achieved. In this manner, there is provided a greater range of brush contact for applying paint to an otherwise hard-to-reach surface.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Cosmetic Brush Systems with Coupled Caps

Номер: US20130111683A1
Принадлежит: HCT Asia Ltd

A cosmetic brush system for applying a product to a surface is disclosed. The cosmetic brush system may include a displaceable cap coupled to a handle and a group of bristles fixed to one end of the handle. The displaceable cap may be slideably or peelably coupled to the handle. The handle may include ballast to position a centroid of the cosmetic brush closer to the end of the handle. In embodiments where the displaceable cap is a slideable cap, an end cap may be fixed to the end of the handle and the slideable cap and the end cap may form a uniform elongated cylindrical shape having the same outer diameter. The displaceable cap may also include a ventilation system. By virtue of having a displaceable cap permanently coupled to the handle of the cosmetic brush system, the user cannot misplace the cap and the system is portable and convenient. 1. A cosmetic brush for applying a product to a body comprising:a handle having a group of bristles fixed in a top end of the handle and a ballast fixed in a bottom end of the handle opposite the group of bristles, the ballast located so as to position a centroid of the handle closer to the bottom end of the handle than to the top end of the handle; anda cap coupled to the handle and configured to be displaced, while remaining coupled to the handle, from a stowed position exposing the group of bristles to a use position covering the group of bristles.2. The cosmetic brush according to claim 1 , wherein the cap comprises a flexible material and is configured to be peeled between the stowed position and the use position.3. The cosmetic brush according to claim 1 , wherein the cap is slideably coupled to the handle and slides between the stowed position and the use position.4. The cosmetic brush according to claim 3 , wherein the cap comprises a ventilation system to ventilate the covered group of bristles when the cap is in the use position.5. The cosmetic brush according to claim 4 , wherein the ventilation system comprises at ...

09-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130112846A1
Автор: JAMES Stephanie

A broom holder, which includes a base portion and a receiving portion having a groove therein, which receives a handle of a broom and/or the like within the groove. The base portion includes a base plate having a generally flat and/or planar surface, which provides a surface upon which the broom holder rests against a vertical surface and/or wall, and wherein the base plate has a curvature thereto. 1. A holder comprising:a base portion, the base portion includes a base plate having a generally planar surface, which provides a surface upon which the base portion rests against a vertical surface; anda receiving portion configured to be attachable to a handle.2. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the receiving portion has a cylindrical groove therein.3. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the base plate has a curvature thereto.4. The holder of claim 3 , comprising:a support plate, which extends from the receiving portion to the base portion.5. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the receiving portion has a generally cylindrical curvature thereto.6. The holder of claim 2 , wherein the cylindrical groove is configured to receive a cylindrical handle.7. The holder of claim 1 , further comprising an angular section claim 1 , which extends from a lower portion of the receiving portion and the base portion.8. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the angular section has a greater height on one end than on an opposite end.9. The holder of claim 1 , wherein the broom holder is fixed and/or attached to the handle of the broom and/or the like.10. A broom holder comprising:a base portion; anda cylindrical loop portion having a groove therein, which receives a cylindrical handle of a broom and/or the like within the groove.11. The broom holder of claim 10 , wherein the base portion includes a base plate having a generally flat and/or planar surface claim 10 , which is on an opposite surface of the loop portion claim 10 , and which provides a surface upon which the broom holder rests against a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Paintbrush with detachable head

Номер: US20130180067A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A paint brush has a handle and a paint brush head. The paint brush head is detachable from the paint brush handle. The paint brush head may be rotatable to a number of positions relative to the paint brush handle.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Toothbrush and process for producing the same

Номер: US20130180069A1

The invention relates to a toothbrush that is produced by AFT and has a head part and at least one carrier element connected thereto. A front surface of the head part is formed by the top surfaces of the at least one carrier element and has a non-planar three-dimensional configuration, or is capable of assuming such a configuration during intended use. The invention also relates to a process for producing such a toothbrush.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Painting implement cleaning and support apparatus

Номер: US20130206191A1
Автор: Michael Rhines
Принадлежит: Individual

A painting implement cleaning and storage apparatus 10 is provided. The apparatus facilitates the cleaning and storage of painting implements such as a roller 12, a brush 14 and a roller pan 16. The apparatus includes a base 18 and a bracket 32 coupled to the base. The roller 12 is supported on the bracket 32 in an upwardly extending diagonal position between shields 45 and 54 for containing paint spreads from the roller. The brush 14 is supported on bracket 32 in a upwardly projecting position. A roller pan 16 is coupable to shield 45 and supported thereon in a descending position. Once the painting implements 12, 14 and 16 are supported on the apparatus 10, cleaning can be accomplished by the application of a stream of water thereto after which the implements can be left until they are needed.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130291893A1
Автор: Stokes Gerard

The broom having a bottom rod and an offset top rod is provided. Bristles are attached to the bottom of the bottom rod to contact a floor. Connecting the top and bottom rods is a grip rod. The grip rod desirably slants downward toward the floor when the broom bristles contact the floor. Desirably, the grip rod is attached at its bottom end to the bottom rod at an angle α of from about 100° to about 150° preferably 100° to 140°. The grip rod is attached at its top end to the top rod at an angle β of about 100° to about 150°, preferably 100° to 140°. As a result, the grip rod slants downward toward the floor when the broom bristles contact the floor. The grip rod is located a predetermined distance above the bristles so the grip bar can be grasped when the bristles contact the floor by the user in a standing position. 1. A broom comprising;a) a bottom rod having a top and bottom;b) a top rod having a top and a bottom, said top rod offset from said bottom rod;c) a grip having a top end and a bottom end connecting said top and said bottom rods;d) said grip attached at its bottom end to said bottom rod top;e) said grip attached at its top end to said top rod bottom end;f) bristles attached to the bottom of said bottom rod having a distal end to contact a floor;g) said grip slanting downward toward said floor when said bristles distal end contact said floor; said grip rod located a predetermined distance above said bristles distal end for grasping by a user in a standing position, whereby the user can sweep in a standing position while grasping said grip rod.2. The broom according to wherein said grip is a rod.3. The broom according to wherein said grip and said top rod are a single unitary piece.4. The broom according to wherein in d) said grip rod is attached at its bottom end to said bottom rod top to form an angle α of from about 100° to about 150°; and in e) said grip rod attached at its top end to said top rod bottom to form an angle β of about 100° to about 150°.5. ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

System of a Magnetic Attachment Handle and Attachment devices

Номер: US20140012165A1
Автор: COCKLEY Thomas D.

A system of a magnetic attachment handle and attachment devices includes an attachment handle and a plurality of devices. Each of plurality of devices includes a device magnet which attaches with a handle magnet of the attachment handle so that the attachment handle can be interchangeably attached with a chosen device from the plurality of devices. The chosen device that attaches with the attachment handle is selected by a user as the plurality of devices can be different from one another. 1. A system of a magnetic attachment handle and attachment devices comprises:a attachment handle;a plurality of devices;the attachment handle comprises a handle body, a first end, a second end, and a handle magnet;each of the plurality of devices comprises a device body, a cavity, and a device magnet;the first end and the second end being oppositely positioned from each other along the handle body;the handle magnet being adjacently connected with the first end;the handle magnet being concentrically positioned with the handle body;the cavity traversing into the device body;the device magnet being concentrically connected within the cavity;the attachment handle being magnetically attached with a chosen device from the plurality devices through the handle magnet and the device magnet, wherein the chosen device is selected by a user; andthe attachment handle being concentrically positioned with the cavity.2. The system of a magnetic attachment handle and attachment devices as claimed in comprises:the plurality of devices being a plurality of orthoptics treatment prisms;each of the plurality of orthoptics treatment prisms comprises a diopter identification number;the diopter identification number being positioned on the device body; andthe chosen device being one of the plurality of orthoptics treatment prisms.3. The system of a magnetic attachment handle and attachment devices as claimed in comprises:the diopter identification number being positioned on a prism viewing surface; andthe ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Paint brush storage and protection device

Номер: US20140014542A1
Принадлежит: Likwid Concepts LLC

A paint brush storage and protection device includes an open well having an upstanding wall ending in an upper wall, the upper wall being continuous from one side of an opening to another; a top with an open channel extending around the perimeter of the top except at and end of an extension area; a hinge connecting the open well to the top; a seal located in the opening; first and second latching mechanisms associated with the open well and top; and a magnet. A paint brush may be placed within the well and the top closed by deflection of the hinge so the upper wall forms a generally airtight connection with the open channel and the seal closes the opening to secure and protect the paint brush while the magnet holds the paint brush in a fixed position relative to the device.

30-01-2014 дата публикации

Multipurpose cleaning apparatus

Номер: US20140026342A1
Автор: Shashank Pant
Принадлежит: Individual

A multiple purpose cleaning apparatus may provide mopping or scrubbing functionality as well as sweeping functionality in a single apparatus. The cleaning apparatus comprises an extendable and retractable broom casing that extends from between a pair of pivotally connected panels. When the broom casing is extended from between the panels, the cleaning apparatus may be used as a broom. When the broom casing is retracted within the panels, the cleaning apparatus may be used as a mop or scrubber.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140047656A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Methods of producing toothbrush handles having an inner cavity are provided. 1. A method for extrusion blow molding a toothbrush handle comprising:a) providing an extrusion blow mold having a longitudinal axis and a cavity, the cavity having a surface that defines a cross-sectional area; wherein the cavity has at least one of a maximum cross-sectional area, bordered by two smaller cross-sectional areas along the longitudinal axis of the blow mold or a minimum cross sectional area bordered by two greater cross-sectional areas along the longitudinal axis of the blow mold;b) extruding a parison comprising a thermoplastic material, the parison includes an interior cavity and an outer surface, wherein the outer surface defines a cross-sectional area of the parison;c) expanding the parison using a fluid to contact the cavity surface and produce a toothbrush handle having an inner cavity.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein a colorant is added to the parison prior to or during extrusion.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the minimum cross-sectional area of the extrusion blow mold cavity is less than the cross-sectional area of the parison.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the maximum cross-sectional area of the extrusion blow mold cavity is greater than the cross-sectional area of the parison.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid expands the cross-sectional area of the parison to the two greater cross-sectional areas of the extrusion blow mold cavity.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid expands the cross-sectional area of the parison to the maximum cross-sectional area of the extrusion blow mold cavity.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the fluid is injected into the parison interior cavity.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein vacuum is applied between the parison outer surface and the extrusion blow mold cavity surface.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the extrusion mold includes a label prior to extrusion of the parison.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Toothbrush Training System

Номер: US20140065588A1

A toothbrush training system for children includes an instrumented toothbrush with physics sensors, along with optional feedback elements, interacting with a dynamic audio-visual instructional program providing guidance, assessment and feedback on proper brushing procedures. The system provides instruction on tooth brushing technique in combination with monitoring and corrective feedback based on that technique in the context of an audio-visual game environment. The instructional program uses an animated character to illustrate the desired toothbrush positioning and movement for cleaning specific tooth surfaces. The content and progress of the audio-visual presentation may be dynamically altered based on data received from the toothbrush to adjust the presentation in response to a comparison of the instructional information and the actual tooth brushing movement performed by the user. 1. A toothbrush training system , comprising:an instrumented toothbrush comprising one or more sensors operative for monitoring tooth brushing action and one or more transmitters operative for communicating a data signal reflecting data acquired by the sensors;a controller operative for receiving the data signal and driving an audio-visual system to present an instructional tooth brushing program providing instruction for performing a tooth brushing routine and feedback to a user of the toothbrush based on performance qualities determined through analysis of the sensor data.2. The toothbrush training system of claim 1 , wherein the sensors comprise any combination comprising position claim 1 , orientation claim 1 , acceleration claim 1 , torque and pressure sensors.3. The toothbrush training system of claim 1 , wherein the toothbrush further comprises toothbrush resident feedback elements controlled by the controller.4. The toothbrush training system of claim 3 , wherein the toothbrush resident feedback elements comprise a haptic feedback element and/or an audible feedback element.5. ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140075693A1

A sleeve for partially covering a paint brush, the sleeve comprising a first substantially flat face and a second substantially flat face joined to each other by side faces, a first opening for receiving a ferrule of a paint brush and a second opening for receiving a shank portion of the paint brush, and at least one guide chosen from the group consisting of a thumb guide, an index finger guide, and a middle finger guide. A brush comprising at least one guide chosen from the group consisting of a thumb guide, an index finger guide, and a middle finger guide. 1. A sleeve for partially covering a paint brush , the sleeve comprisinga first substantially flat face and a second substantially flat face joined to each other by side faces, a first opening for receiving a ferrule of a paint brush and a second opening for receiving a shank portion of the paint brush, andat least one guide comprising an elastomeric material, with said guide being chosen from the group consisting of a thumb guide, an index finger guide, and a middle finger guide.2. The sleeve of comprising the thumb guide.3. The sleeve of with the thumb guide being positioned at least partially over the ferrule when the sleeve is on a brush.4. The sleeve of with the thumb guide being partially over the ferrule and partially over the wide portion.5. The sleeve of wherein the handle has a central axis passing through the center of the shank and the center of the wide portion claim 2 , wherein an angle measured from the distal tip of the axis to the thumb guide is in a range from about 30 to about 60 degrees.6. The sleeve of with the thumb guide providing a location for a phalangeal portion of a thumb of a user.7. The sleeve of wherein the thumb guide is on the first face of the sleeve and further comprising a middle finger guide for a middle finger claim 2 , with the middle finger guide being on the second face of the sleeve.8. The sleeve of wherein the middle finger guide is a first middle finger guide and ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140076744A1

A brush, particularly a vibrating paint brush, has a tapered connection with a detachable brush head. A damper sufficiently flexible to reduce the amplitude of vibration of the grip portion and sufficiently rigid to enable use as an ordinary paint brush may be provided between a grip and an active portion of the handle. The vibration measured at the root of the bristles may have an amplitude in the range 1.5 to 3.5 mm and a frequency in the range 60 to 100 Hz. 1. A vibrating paint brush adapted for use in an active , vibrating mode and in a passive , non-vibrating mode , comprising:a handle comprising a handle connector having a tapered handle connection surface provided on an active portion of the handle;a detachable brush head comprising a plurality of bristles and a head connector having a tapered head connection surface corresponding in taper angle to the taper angle of the handle connection surface, the head connector and the handle connector being arranged to permit assembly, retention and disassembly of the handle and the head by means of a fit between the tapered handle connection surface and the tapered head connection surface;a vibrator adapted to cause vibration of bristles of a brush head connected to the handle, the vibrator being integral with the active portion of the handle and positioned adjacent to the a brush head or a connector adapted to allow connection of a brush head to the handle; andan actuator adapted to switch the paint brush between its active and passive modes;wherein the handle comprises a grip portion spaced from and connected to the active portion of the handle by an intervening damper, the damper being arranged to be sufficiently flexible such that in the active mode it reduces the amplitude of vibration of the grip portion of the handle compared with the active portion of the handle and sufficiently rigid such that in the passive mode it enables easy application of paint to a surface by a user holding the grip portion of the handle ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Cleaning Apparatus

Номер: US20140083471A1
Принадлежит: C-SOL AS

An apparatus is for cleaning of articles, for example brushes. The apparatus comprises a container which is arranged for receiving a cleaning liquid, a lid which is arranged for closing the container, and means arranged for holding the articles at least partly fixed in an upper portion of the container. At least one paddle wheel is arranged rotatable in a lower portion of the container. The container comprises one or more wall portions which partly are surrounding the at least one paddle wheel and provide means arranged for guiding a flow of cleaning liquid from the at least one paddle wheel towards the upper portion of the container. 1. An apparatus for cleaning of articles , the apparatus comprising: a container which is arranged to receive a cleaning liquid , a lid which is arranged for closure of the container , and means which are arranged for holding the articles at least partly fixed in an upper portion of the container , wherein at least one paddle wheel is arranged rotatable in a lower portion of the container , the container comprising one or more wall portions which partly are surrounding the at least one paddle wheel and are providing means arranged for guiding a flow of cleaning fluid from the at least one paddle wheel towards the upper portion of the container , the paddle wheel being arranged with a horizontal centre shaft in a trough-like bottom portion of the container.2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the means arranged for fastening the articles are made as a thread basket.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the thread basket is provided with more separating walls.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the thread basket is provided with one or more hand grips projecting upwards during use.5. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the container is provided with means arranged for supporting the thread basket.6. The apparatus according to claim 5 , wherein the container is provided with a step arranged for ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000224A1

A connector for retaining a handle end of a brush, comprising: an end attachable to a mount (-); another end (-) comprising a collar to which the handle end of the brush can be secured, wherein the collar has: one or more indentations (), holes (), and/or protrusions () therein or thereon for facilitating the securing of the handle end in the collar, wherein, when the handle end is secured in the collar, spinning of the mount causes spinning of the brush about its length. 1. A connector adapted to retain a handle end of a brush , comprising:an end attachable to a mount;another end comprising a resilient collar portion in which the handle end can be secured, wherein the collar portion has an irregular interior surface to facilitate securing of the handle end in the collar portion, wherein, when the handle end is secured in the collar portion, spinning of the mount about a spinning axis thereof causes spinning of the brush about the axis.2. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the irregular interior surface has at least one of: one or more protrusions extending from the interior surface claim 1 , one or more indentations in the interior surface claim 1 , and one or more holes through the collar portion from the interior surface to an exterior surface.3. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the irregular interior surface facilitates deformation of collar portion claim 1 , thus facilitating the securing of the handle end in the collar portion.4. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the collar portion has an irregular exterior surface.5. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the one or more protrusions in the interior surface comprise a plurality of ridges claim 2 , knurls claim 2 , or other projections.6. The connector of claim 2 , wherein the one or more of indentations in the interior surface comprise a plurality of grooves or dimples.7. The connector of claim 1 , wherein the collar portion has a concertinaed configuration claim 1 , wherein ridges and channels in the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000225A1

There is provided apparatus for retaining liquid for cleaning brushes. The apparatus comprises: a first receptacle means () for retaining liquid; a second receptacle means () for retaining liquid when the second receptacle means () is in a first disposition, and for receiving an end of a brush for cleaning in the liquid; and mounting and operating means () for mounting the second receptacle on the first receptacle means so that the second receptacle is in the first disposition. The mounting and operating means is also for operating the apparatus to reconfigure the second receptacle to a draining disposition in which liquid in the second receptacle means drains into the first receptacle means, and to return the second receptacle means to the first disposition. The first receptacle is configured to retain more liquid than the second receptacle. 1. An apparatus for retaining liquid for cleaning brushes , comprising:a first receptacle adapted to retain liquid and having a rim;a second receptacle adapted to retain liquid when the second receptacle is in a liquid-retaining disposition, and to receive a fibrous end of a brush for cleaning in retained liquid;at least one mounting and operating part adapted to mount the second receptacle on the first receptacle so that the second receptacle is in the liquid-retaining disposition, and to be operated to: reconfigure the second receptacle to a draining disposition in which liquid in the second receptacle drains into the first receptacle, and return the second receptacle to the liquid-retaining disposition, wherein the first receptacle is configured to retain more liquid than the second receptacle;a liquid blocker that extends, in use, upwardly from the rim to prevent or impede egress of liquid in the second receptacle from the apparatus during cleaning of a brush, including egress between the liquid blocker and the first receptacle, wherein the liquid blocker provides an opening through which a fibrous end of a brush can be ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Cosmetic Applicator Cleaning Apparatus

Номер: US20160000217A1

A cosmetic applicator cleaning apparatus and solution for removing a cosmetic from an applicator includes a housing and a cleaning assembly. The housing defines an interior area and an open end. The interior area is configured to selectively hold the applicator and a cleaning solvent. The open end is configured to selectively receive the applicator into the interior area. The cleaning assembly is positioned within the interior area of the housing and includes an upper end defining an opening in communication with the open end of the housing. The cleaning assembly also includes a continuous outer wall and a plurality of bristles extending inwardly from the outer wall. Each bristle is flexible so that the applicator agitates the bristles as the applicator pushes through the bristles. A wiping member is situated adjacent the open end of the housing and is configured to remove excess cleaning solvent from the applicator. 1. A cosmetic applicator cleaning apparatus and solution for cleaning a cosmetic applicator , comprising:a housing defining an interior area configured to selectively hold the cosmetic applicator and a cleaning solvent, said housing defining an open end configured to selectively receive the cosmetic applicator into said interior area;a cleaning assembly having a continuous outer wall and a plurality of bristles extending inwardly from said outer wall, said cleaning assembly being constructed of a flexible material and positioned within said interior area of said housing.2. The cleaning apparatus and solution as in claim 1 , wherein said plurality of bristles are flexible so that the cosmetic applicator agitates said plurality of bristles as the cosmetic applicator is inserted through said plurality of bristles.3. The cleaning apparatus and solution as in claim 2 , wherein:said cleaning assembly includes an upper end defining an opening in communication with said open end of said housing; andsaid plurality of bristles is situated adjacent said upper end. ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000293A1
Автор: Akridge Robert E.

A spherical base member having a plurality of mesh elements extending outwardly therefrom, covering substantially the entire surface of the spherical base member. The spherical base member comprises two hemispheres, one of which has a motor mounted therein with a drive shaft extending therefrom. The drive shaft mates with a receiving element in the other hemisphere. The motor with a microprocessor controller produces an oscillation of the other hemisphere at a selected frequency and amplitude and a vibration of the lower hemisphere at approximately the same frequency. 1. A handheld skin cleansing appliance , comprising:a hollow base member having two separate portions;a plurality of mesh fabric elements attached to and extending from an exterior surface of the base member; anda motor mounted in one of said two portions of the base member, the motor having a driveshaft extending therefrom, the other of said two portions of the base member having a receiving element which is connected to and driven by the action of the motor driveshaft, wherein action of the motor driveshaft produces an oscillatory action of the other portion of the base member and movement of the mesh elements extending therefrom and a vibratory action of the one portion of the base member and movement of the mesh elements extending therefrom, to produce in operation a skin cleansing function when used against the skin.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base member is spherical.3. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the vibration of the one portion is approximately the same frequency as the oscillation of the other portion.4. The appliance of claim 2 , wherein the one and the other portions of the base member are hemispheres.5. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the motor is battery powered and rechargeable.6. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the base member is a flexible material.7. The appliance of claim 6 , wherein the flexible material is rubber.8. The appliance of claim 1 , wherein the ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Brush Debris Removal Apparatus

Номер: US20210000249A1

An apparatus for removal of debris from a debris-carrying brush comprising a housing having a brush aperture and an exhaust aperture, a debris-removal component having an array of cleaning elements, and a passive debris collection means, wherein, in a substantially dry environment free of water and cleaning solutions, the debris-removal component rotates such that the array of cleaning elements remove debris from a debris-carrying brush inserted into the apparatus through the brush aperture and brought in contact therewith, rotation of the debris-removal component causes the array of cleaning elements to induce an airflow towards the passive debris collection means, the airflow captures and entrains at least a portion of removed debris, and the entrained debris is deposited in the passive debris collection means. 1. An apparatus for removal of debris from a debris-carrying brush , the apparatus comprising a housing having a brush aperture and an exhaust aperture , a debris-removal component having an array of cleaning elements , and a passive debris collection means;wherein, in a substantially dry environment free of water and cleaning solutions:the debris-removal component rotates such that the array of cleaning elements remove debris from a debris-carrying brush inserted into the apparatus through the brush aperture and brought in contact therewith;rotation of the debris-removal component causes the array of cleaning elements to induce an airflow to flow towards the passive debris collection means;the airflow captures and entrains at least a portion of removed debris; andthe entrained debris is deposited in the passive debris collection means.2. The apparatus of wherein the passive debris collection means further comprises a baffle arranged to be at least partially in the path of the induced airflow.3. The apparatus of wherein the cleaning elements comprise one or more of bristles claim 1 , teeth claim 1 , tendrils claim 1 , scrubbers claim 1 , wipers and scrapers ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007014A1
Автор: Albers Oliver

A brush cleaning cup includes a bottom and one or more sides forming an internal volume for cleaning brushes, such as makeup or cosmetic brushes. The brush cleaning cup can include a plurality of projections, such as tines and ridges on interior surfaces of the bottom and/or sides to facilitate cleaning. In some forms, the bottom and/or sides may include one or more holes, for draining a cleaning agent, such as water. A brush may be positioned in the cup and rubbed against the projections in the presence of the cleaning agent to remove material therefrom. 1. A brush cleaning cup , comprising:a bottom;one or more sides extending from the bottom to form an internal volume; andone or more projections extending into the internal volume from an interior surface of the bottom and/or the one or more sides,wherein the one or more projections includes a plurality of ridges extending from an interior surface of the one or more sides,wherein the sides form a rim, distal from the bottom, andwherein the plurality of ridges extend from the bottom to the rim such that the height of the ridge relative to the bottom is substantially the same as the height of the rim relative to the bottom.2. The brush cleaning cup of claim 1 , wherein the one or more projections includes a plurality of tines extending from an interior surface of the bottom.3. (canceled)4. The brush cleaning cup of claim 1 , wherein the rim includes at least one depression.5. The brush cleaning cup of claim 4 , wherein the rim includes two depressions that form a brush cradle.6. The brush cleaning cup of claim 1 , further comprising at least one drain hole formed in at least one of the bottom and the one or more sides.7. The brush cleaning cup of claim 6 , wherein one or more drain hole is formed in the bottom.8. The brush cleaning cup of claim 6 , wherein one or more drain hole is formed in the one or more sides.9. The brush cleaning cup of claim 1 , wherein the bottom and the one or more sides are made from a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007015A1
Автор: Albers Oliver

Provided is a brush drying device including a strap having a head portion, a tail portion, and an elongate body portion between the head portion and the tail portion. The head portion includes a slot having a width and a height sized to receive the tail portion there through to form a loop between the head portion and the tail portion with at least the body portion. The further the tail portion is pulled through the slot, the smaller a circumference of the loop becomes, such that, when the loop is placed around bristles of a brush and the tail portion is pulled further through the slot, the decreasing circumference of the loop causes the body portion of the strap to compress the bristles and wring moisture therefrom. 1. A brush drying device comprising:a strap including a head portion, a tail portion and an elongate body portion between the head portion and the tail portion;the head portion including a slot having a width and a height sized to receive the tail portion there through to form a loop between the head portion and the tail portion with at least the body portion;wherein, the further the tail portion is pulled through the slot, the smaller a circumference of the loop becomes, such that, when the loop is placed around bristles of a brush and the tail portion is pulled further through the slot, the decreasing circumference of the loop causes the body portion of the strap to compress the bristles and wring moisture therefrom.2. The brush drying device of wherein the body portion has a first width and the head portion has a second width claim 1 , which is greater than the first width.3. The brush drying device of wherein the slot is arranged in the head portion substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of the strap.4. The brush drying device of wherein the tail portion has a width that is substantially similar to a width of the slot.5. The brush drying device of wherein the strap is formed from a non-moisture-absorbent material.6. The brush drying ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007729A1

A protective brush cover is described for use with a makeup brush. In some versions, the protective brush cover comprises a body and a closing feature. In some versions the protective brush cover comprises a body, a lid, and a securing feature. In some versions, the body is operable to hold the head of a makeup brush, and the body may further have an opening such that the handle of the makeup brush may extend through the opening. 1. A brush cover for storing a makeup brush , comprising:a first panel configured from flexible material;a second panel configured from flexible material coupled to the first panel such that the first panel is movable between a first position and a second position relative to the second panel;a fastener configured to selectably maintain the first panel in the first position relative to the second panel;a pocket cooperatively defined by the first and second panels when the first panel is in the first position, the pocket having an upper portion and a lower portion, the upper portion having a first width and the lower portion having a second width, wherein the first width of the upper portion is larger than the second width of the lower portion;wherein the first and second panels define an opening in communication with the lower portion of the pocket when the first panel is in the first position; andwherein one or more of the first and second panels comprises a retention portion, the retention portion configured to exert a biasing force.2. The brush cover of claim 1 , wherein the fastener is positioned proximate to the upper portion of the pocket.3. The brush cover of claim 2 , wherein the fastener is selected from the group consisting of a snap claim 2 , a button claim 2 , a zipper claim 2 , a magnetic snap claim 2 , a button snap claim 2 , a hook-and-loop fastener claim 2 , a clasp claim 2 , and a latch.4. The brush cover of claim 1 , comprising: a panel coupling claim 1 , wherein the panel coupling hingedly couples the first panel and the ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008036A1
Автор: Chih Lu Ying

A holder for utensils is manually adjustable, and capable of supporting a plurality of utensils in a range of positions from an upright position through an inverted position. The adjustments are incremental. The holder can be attached or mounted to a surface using a suction cup or through use of adhesive or other types of attachment methods. The utensils can be make up make up brushes, toothbrushes or paintbrushes, or other implements. 1. An adjustable holder for holding implements including make up brushes , toothbrushes , and paintbrushes , comprising:a central stem base,a suction pad underlying said central stem base,a central stem having an upper end and a lower end, said lower end of said central stem being supported by said central stem base,a left plate assembly supported by said central stem base, said left plate assembly having a plurality of openings adapted to retain implements therein,a right plate assembly supported by said central stem base, said right plate assembly having a plurality of openings adapted to retain implements therein,a mechanism disposed at said top end of said central stem, said mechanism having a left end supporting said left plate assembly and a right end supporting said right plate assembly; said mechanism being adapted to enable independent manual rotational positioning of said left plate assembly and of said right plate assembly relative to said central stem base; whereby implements retained by said left plate assembly and said right plate assembly can be inverted to facilitate cleaning by being oriented one way for drying and oriented in a different way to facilitate use; wherein said right plate assembly comprises a right superior plate, a right interior plate, and a right silicone pad disposed between said right superior plate and said right interior plate.2. (canceled)3. An adjustable holder as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said right superior plate has a first plurality of holes and said right interior plate has a second ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007835A1
Принадлежит: SDC U.S. SmilePay SPV

An apparatus includes a toothbrush head configured to brush teeth, an appliance brush configured to brush a dental appliance, and a body configured to be releasably coupled with either one of the toothbrush head and the appliance brush such that the appliance brush and the toothbrush head are interchangeable. The body includes a vibration component configured to vibrate the toothbrush head or the appliance brush head when coupled with the body. When the appliance brush is coupled with the body, a greater portion of the body is exposed than when the toothbrush head is coupled with the body. 1. An apparatus comprising:a toothbrush head configured to brush teeth;an appliance brush configured to brush a dental appliance; anda body configured to be releasably coupled with either one of the toothbrush head and the appliance brush such that the appliance brush and the toothbrush head are interchangeable, the body comprising a vibration component configured to vibrate the toothbrush head or the appliance brush when coupled with the body;wherein when the appliance brush is coupled with the body, a greater portion of the body is exposed than when the toothbrush head is coupled with the body.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the appliance brush comprises appliance bristles comprising a plurality of tufts of different lengths claim 1 , the plurality of tufts arranged to form a convex brushing surface.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the appliance bristles are arranged in a circular shape.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the convex brushing surface is asymmetrical.5. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the convex brushing surface is symmetrical.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the toothbrush head further comprises a stem and the body further comprises an extension that is substantially covered by the stem when the toothbrush head is coupled with the body.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the appliance brush is configured to couple to a tip of the extension ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008272A1
Автор: Torno Rose

A makeup brush set comprises a cylinder compact having a transparent rotating element disposed on its exterior. Inside, five double ended brushes are provided and stored in their own separated space, held in place by at least one magnetic connection between the brush and the cylinder. A button is provided on the cylinder that may cause the transparent rotating element to rotate, thereby exposing at least one brush for removal. In some embodiments, a small double ended storage compartment for mini eyeliners, lipliners, tweezers or small jewelry may be disposed on the exterior of this brush set. Both ends of the cylinder case may contain the last two larger brushes which may each be covered by an end cap. 1. A makeup brush kit , comprising: a) a cylinder first end, a cylinder second end, and a cylinder body;', 'b) at least two brush storage compartment depressions disposed lengthwise on the cylinder body, wherein each brush storage compartment depression has a width and a length;', 'c) at least one central magnetic element disposed within the center of the cylinder body;', 'd) at least one arcuate transparent rotating panel disposed at least partially around the cylinder body, wherein the at least one arcuate transparent rotating panel is configured to at least partially cover at least one brush storage compartment depression, and wherein the at least one arcuate transparent rotating panel is configured to at least partially expose at least one brush storage compartment depression;', 'e) at least one panel activation button disposed on the cylinder body, wherein the at least one panel activation button is configured to cause the at least one arcuate transparent rotating panel to rotate around the cylinder body in an amount equal to the width of at least one brush storage compartment depression;, 'at least one cylindrical center member, comprising a) an end piece first side and an end piece second side, wherein at least one end piece first side is configured to ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Toothbrush Sanitizing Device

Номер: US20220022641A1
Автор: Thompson Devon

A toothbrush sanitizing device is provided. The device includes a container having a base, a perimeter wall, and an open upper end defining an interior volume. A lid is removably securable over the open upper end of the container. An elongated connecting rod is connected to the interior face of the lid. A draining base is secured to a distal end of the elongated connecting rod. The elongated connecting rod includes one or more connectors that contour to and support the head of a toothbrush. The elongated connecting rod further includes one or more fasteners that receive and support the handle of the toothbrush. In operation, the container may be filled with a safe cleaning solution and a toothbrush secured to the elongated connecting rod. When the lid is secured to the container, the toothbrush will be submersed in the safe cleaning solution for cleaning. 1. A toothbrush sanitizing device , comprising:a container;the container includes a base, a perimeter wall extending upwardly from the base, and an open upper end defining an interior volume;a lid removably securable over the open upper end;the lid comprises an external surface and an internal surface;a perimeter wall extending downwardly from the lid;an elongated connecting rod affixed to the internal surface of the lid;a draining base disposed on a distal end of the elongated connecting rod;a plurality of apertures disposed on the draining base;at least one connector disposed at a connecting point of the elongated connecting rod and the draining base; andone or more fasteners disposed along the elongated connecting rod.2. The toothbrush sanitizing device of claim 1 , wherein the perimeter wall of the lid encircles the open upper end of the container.3. The toothbrush sanitizing device of claim 1 , wherein the lid is secured to the open upper end of the container via a lid fastener.4. The toothbrush sanitizing device of claim 4 , wherein the lid fastener removably secures the lid to the container is a frictional ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008564A1
Автор: Chen Kun-You

A hand tool assembly includes a handle having a connection portion formed on one end thereof by way of blow molding, and the connection portion includes a recess defined therein which includes a first inner bottom. At least one hole is defined through the first inner bottom of the recess. A head has the top thereof accommodated in the recess and includes at least one rod which is engaged with the at least one hole. At least one function part is connected to the underside of the head and protrudes beyond the recess. A board is connected between the head and the first inner bottom of the recess such that the head is replaceable. 1. A hand tool assembly comprising:a handle having a connection portion formed on one end thereof by way of blow molding, the connection portion having a recess defined therein which includes a first inner bottom, at least one hole defined through the first inner bottom of the recess, anda head having a top accommodated in the recess and having at least one rod which is engaged with the at least one hole, at least one function part connected to an underside of the head and protruding beyond the recess.2. The hand tool as claimed in claim 1 , wherein a hollow area is defined in the connection portion claim 1 , the at least one hole communicates with the hollow area.3. The hand tool as claimed in claim 2 , wherein a protrusion is formed on an outer periphery of the at least one rod and includes an inclined face which tapers outward from a distal end of the at least one rod toward a root of the at least one rod claim 2 , the at least one rod of the head has a slit defined axially therethrough which opens to the distal end of the at least one rod claim 2 , the inclined face guides the at least one rod to be inserted into the at least one hole of the first inner bottom of the recess claim 2 , the at least one rod is deformed because of the slit to allow the protrusion to pass through the at least one hole claim 2 , and the protrusion contacts a ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Pet Grooming Tool

Номер: US20200008571A1

A pet grooming tool includes a handle, a comb member, a push button, a gear rack, and a removal assembly. The removal assembly is rotatably connected to the handle and is movable between an original position and a removal position. The comb member has multiple claws, each has a distal end. A first slit is defined between every two adjacent claws. The removal assembly has a pinion section and multiple removing sections. The pinion section engages with the gear rack. The removing sections are corresponding to the first slits, respectively. when the removal assembly revolves from the original position to the removal position, the multiple removing sections pass through the first slits towards the distal ends of the multiple claws, so as to remove any hair from the claws. 1. A pet grooming tool comprising:a handle including a grip section, an extension, and two connection portions, the extension being defined between the grip section and the two connection portions, the extension having a first accommodation chamber and an orifice communicating with the first accommodation chamber;a comb member fixed between the two connection portions, and the comb member including multiple claws, wherein a first slit is defined between every two adjacent of the claws, and each of the claws has a distal end;a push button slidably housed in the orifice;a gear rack accommodated in the first accommodation chamber and linearly movable along with the push button; anda removal assembly rotatably connected with the handle and movable between an original position and a removal position, the removal assembly including a pinion section and multiple removing sections, wherein the pinion section engages with the gear rack, the multiple removing sections are corresponding to the first slits of the multiple claws, respectively, wherein when the removal assembly revolves from the original position to the removal position, the multiple removing sections pass through the first slits towards the distal ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Attachable Cup for toothbrush

Номер: US20150013096A1
Автор: Feng Shin

An attachable cup includes a container and an attachable device for a toothbrush, and the attachable device includes at least one part of the container. An attachable device is for attaching a container to a toothbrush. The attachable device uses a fastening method, a gripping method, a clamping method, a locking method or the like to attach the attachable cup to a toothbrush. Once the attachable device attaches the attachable cup to a toothbrush, the operator can use the attachable cup for oral rinsing. 1. An attachable cup for toothbrush comprising;a container; andan attachable device for toothbrush;wherein said attachable device includes at least one part of said container.2. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device attaches with a fastening method.3. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device comprising a strap and a member for fastening said strap,wherein said member is part of said container.4. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device comprising a strap which is made of silicone rubber and a member for fastening said strap,wherein said member is part of said container.5. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device attaches with a clamping method.6. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device comprising a first clamping arm, a second clamping arm, a spring, and a shaft for clamping onto said toothbrush,wherein said second clamping arm is part of said container.7. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device attaches with a locking method.8. An attachable cup for toothbrush according to claim 1 ,wherein said attachable device comprising a strap with locking steps and a member for fastening and then locking said strap,wherein said member is part of said container.9. An attachable cup for toothbrush according ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Brush Bristle Cover

Номер: US20220031059A1

A brush bristle cover encompasses the bristles of the makeup brush head for the purposes of hygiene, protection, and convenience. The arrangement of the apparatus allows for protection of brush bristles during transportation and immediately after use. The apparatus creates an enclosure around the bristles of the brush. Being made of a shape retaining material, especially silicone or other such durable semirigid materials, the desired protective function can be achieved without damaging a carrying bag or purse. The apparatus prevents the bristles from receiving damage due to the ambient environment in which the bristles are stored while simultaneously allowing the contained portion of the brush head to retain in its desired shape. This method of storage will allow the brush to stay free of environmental irritants, thus requiring less frequent washing practices. The apparatus will increase the longevity of the brush bristles by protecting them from being displaced during storage. 1. A brush bristle cover comprises:a bristle receptacle;an entrance slot;the bristle receptacle comprising an open end and a closed end;the entrance slot comprising a first lengthwise lip and a second lengthwise lip;the entrance slot being integrated into the closed end;the bristle receptacle tapering from the closed end to the open end;the first lengthwise lip and the second lengthwise lip being positioned parallel and offset to each other; andthe first lengthwise lip and the second lengthwise lip being positioned offset from each other by a clearance gap.2. The brush bristle cover as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the bristle receptacle is made of semirigid polymeric material.3. The brush bristle cover as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the bristle receptacle is made of silicone.4. The brush bristle cover as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the entrance slot is flexible.5. The brush bristle cover as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the open end is flexible.6. The brush bristle cover as claimed in claim ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013726A1
Принадлежит: Hamilton Webster LLC

A brush cleaning system includes a container having a bottom portion and an opening. A plurality of projections are located proximate to the bottom portion of the container. Bristles of a brush engage the plurality of projections to splay the bristles of the brush. A cap seals the opening of the container. A liquid solution is added to the container to clean the brush. 1. A brush cleaning system comprising:a container having a bottom portion and an opening;a plurality of projections located proximate to the bottom portion of the container, wherein bristles of a brush engage the plurality of projections to splay the bristles of the brush; anda cap that seals the opening of the container, wherein a liquid solution is added to the container to clean the brush.2. The brush cleaning system as recited in wherein the opening is an upper end opening and the cap is an upper end cap.3. The brush cleaning system as recited in wherein the opening is a lower end opening and the cap is a lower end cap claim 1 , and the lower end cap seals the lower end opening of the container.4. The brush cleaning system as recited in wherein the lower cap includes an inner surface having a plurality of parallel ribs and a plurality of spaces claim 3 , wherein one of the plurality of spaces is located between two adjacent of the plurality of parallel ribs.5. The brush cleaning system as recited in wherein the opening is an upper end opening and the cap is an upper end cap claim 1 , and the brush cleaning system further includes a lower end opening and a lower end cap claim 1 , and the lower end cap seals the lower end opening of the container.6. The brush cleaning system as recited in wherein the container includes a fill line to indicate a quantity of the liquid solution added to the container.7. The brush cleaning system as recited in including a jar mat including the plurality of projections claim 1 , wherein the jar mat includes a base and the plurality of projections project upwardly from ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170013937A1
Автор: Posnick Susan

A cosmetic application device is disclosed and includes a base member having a first surface, a second surface, and a bore there between; a powder flow conduit; a brush member; a clip; a middle body; an o-ring; a variable flow mechanism; a cartridge having a first end and a second end; and an end cap. 1. A cosmetic application device comprising:a. a base member having a first surface, a second surface, and a bore there between;b. a powder flow conduit;c. a brush member;d. a clip;e. a middle body having a longitudinal axis, a third end and forth end, a first inner diameter, a second inner diameter, an inner length, a third inner diameter, a first outer diameter, a second outer diameter, and a first outer surface wherein the first inner diameter is larger than the second inner diameter and the second inner diameter is larger than the third inner diameter;f. an o-ring;g. a variable flow mechanism;h. a first powder cartridge having a first end and a second end; andi. a first end cap;wherein, (i) the powder flow conduit protrudes from the first surface of the base member such that the powder flow conduit is in flow communication with the bore, (ii) the brush member is bundled around the powder flow conduit and connected to the base member by the clip, (iii) the middle body is coaxial to and surrounds the powder flow conduit, clip and base member, (iv) the o-ring is fitted on the second surface of the base member around the bore, (v) the variable flow mechanism is attached to the first end of the first powder cartridge and connected to the second surface of the base member such that the first powder cartridge is in flow communication with the bore through the variable flow mechanism, and (vi) the end cap covers the second end of the first powder cartridge.2. The cosmetic application device of claim 1 , further comprising a brush member shield.3. The cosmetic application device of claim 1 , further comprising a second cartridge.4. The cosmetic application device of claim 3 ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014615A1
Автор: OLYNYK Nyla Mansfield

A portable cosmetics case generally comprising two identical tray-shaped elongate containers that are hinged together along one of their elongate sides in a clam-shell arrangement. A plurality of rectangular plates for receiving and storing therein cosmetics applicators and/or cosmetics containers, are sized to fit within and to demountably engage each of the elongate tray-shaped containers. The rectangular plates may be configured to demountably receive and store a plurality of cosmetics applicators exemplified by brushes and sponge-tipped applicators. The rectangular plates may be provided with one or more pouches to receive and store a plurality of cosmetics containers. A foldable support plate may be provided for supporting a rectangular plate during use. 1. A portable cosmetics case , comprising:a pair of elongate tray-shaped containers hingedly connected together at one end, wherein each of said pair of elongate tray-shaped containers comprises a flat surface with sides extending away from the periphery of the flat surface wherein the sides form a continuous rim around the periphery of the flat surface;a device for releasably engaging the elongate tray-shaped containers at an end opposite the hinged end; anda pair of snap fasteners engaged with the flat surface of each of said pair of elongate tray-shaped containers about one end of each of said pair of elongate tray-shaped containers.2. A portable cosmetics case according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the elongate tray-shaped containers additionally comprises a pair of snap fasteners engaged with an inner surface of one of the sides extending away from the flat surface.3. A portable cosmetics case according to claim 1 , additionally comprising at least one rectangular plate having an elongate foldable end portion along one side of the rectangular plate claim 1 , said elongate foldable end portion has a pair of snap fasteners configured for demountable engagement with at least one of the pairs of snap ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Multipurpose Cleaning Device

Номер: US20180014632A1
Автор: Charette Ernst David
Принадлежит: Tweeba, inc.

A multipurpose cleaning device is disclosed which is designed to achieve a high degree of surface coverage in any direction with each brush sweep so that cleaning surfaces, such as vehicles, may be performed fast and easy. The shape of the brush head provides maximum area coverage on each sweep and minimizes the tendency of the brush head from tipping during a sweep when connected to a main handle and a pivoting head feature minimizes the need of bending. Embodiments includes versions optimized for both washing that including channels for the introduction of water and liquid soap as well as to received drying members. 1. A brush assembly comprising a head member having an upper and lower surface and a handle , said head member defining a plane and said member consisting of a central core region from which a plurality of rigid extensions radially extend from said core , each said extensions further comprising bristles said bristles having terminal ends extending perpendicular from a bottom surface of said head extensions , and said handle attached to the top surface of said hear member.2. The brush assembly recited in wherein said head member further comprises an inlet port and a plurality of outlet ports and channels to allow for fluid flow from said inlet port to said plurality of outlet ports claim 1 , and said outlet ports are in proximity to said terminal ends of said bristles.3. The brush assembly recited in wherein said handle is rigid claim 1 , elongate and tubular and pivotally attached to said head on said upper surface at said core and to said inlet port claim 1 , and said tubular handle is adapted to provide fluid through said handle through said inlet port to said brush head.4. The brush assembly recited in where said brush head comprises four projections and said head member resembles a X-shape.5. The brush assembly of wherein said projections radially extend from said core at 90 degrees angles from one another.6. The brush assembly of further ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Robotic vacuum cleaner having a rotating brush roller and cleaning method for a brush roller of a robotic vacuum cleaner

Номер: US20160015233A1
Принадлежит: Miele und Cie KG

A robot vacuum cleaner includes a housing and a brush roller disposed at a bottom of the housing. The brush roller is configured to be rotatable about a horizontal axle. A blade is disposed above the brush roller in stationary relation with respect to the housing. The horizontal axle is adjustable in height relative to the housing. The brush roller is spaced away from the blade in a lower position and is in engagement with the blade in an upper position.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Adjustable Brush Holding Assembly

Номер: US20200016923A1
Автор: LeWan James

A holder assembly for holding a painting tool within a paint container is provided. The holder assembly includes an inner tube including an attachment mechanism for receiving the painting tool, an outer tube that receives the inner tube, wherein the outer tube includes a securement means for attaching to the paint container, and a tightener to secure a position of the inner tube within the outer tube. 1. A holder assembly for holding a painting tool within a paint container , the holder assembly comprising:an inner tube;an outer tube that receives the inner tube;a tightener to secure a position of the inner tube within the outer tube;an attachment mechanism for receiving the painting tool; anda securement means for attaching to the paint container.2. The holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism comprises one of a screw claim 1 , a hook claim 1 , a clamp claim 1 , and a clip.3. The holder assembly of claim 2 , wherein the attachment mechanism comprises a screw claim 2 , a first bolt claim 2 , and a second bolt claim 2 , wherein the second bolt positions the painting tool along a length of the screw.4. The holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism extends from an upper end of the inner tube.5. The holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tightener comprises a turn screw.6. The holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the tightener comprises a post extending from the inner tube and a plurality of openings within the outer tube.7. The holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the securement means is attached to a lower end of the outer tube.8. The holder assembly of claim 1 , wherein the securement means comprises a plurality of magnets.9. The holder assembly of claim 8 , wherein the plurality of magnets are attached to one of the inner and outer tube claim 8 , and wherein the plurality of magnets spans a distance of about 9 inches along a height of the one of the inner and outer tube.10. The holder assembly of claim 9 , further ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Modular Tool Holder

Номер: US20140102925A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A tool caddy with vertical inner and outer compartment support sections. The inner and outer sections are made of a semi-rigid, semi-flexible material such as thermoplastic and joined to each other at their respective upper ends by a saddle. The support sections are generally pre-formed to fit the tapering radius of a selectable container and each support section has at least one compartment.

17-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140102926A1
Автор: Bidwell Joseph

A protective case for a paintbrush comprises a releasably engageable body and a cap. The body has a mouth for receiving bristles of the paintbrush. The cap has an end wall and a skirt extending from the end wall. The end wall has an aperture configured to allow a handle of the paintbrush pass therethrough. The bristles of the paintbrush are enclosed in the protective case when the cap and the body are engaged. 1. A protective case for a paintbrush , the paintbrush having a handle and bristles , and the case comprising:a body having a mouth for receiving the bristles of the paintbrush; anda cap releasably engageable with the body, the cap having an end wall and a skirt extending from the end wall, the end wall having an aperture configured to allow the handle of the paintbrush to pass therethrough, whereby the bristles of the paintbrush are enclosed in the protective case when the cap and the body are engaged.2. The protective case as claimed in wherein the cap and body are slidably engageable.3. The protective case as claimed in wherein the skirt of the cap receives the mouth of the body claim 2 , the skirt of the cap fitting slidably over an end of the body adjacent to the mouth of the body.4. The protective case as claimed in further including an outwardly projecting flange on the body claim 3 , the flange functioning as a stop to restrict slidable movement of the cap along the body when the cap and the body are engaged.5. The protective case as claimed in further including a contour in the skirt of the cap claim 3 , the contour functioning as a stop to restrict slidable movement of the cap along the body when the cap and the body are engaged6. The protective case as claimed in wherein the skirt of the cap has an inwardly projecting rib and the body has an outwardly projecting rib claim 3 , the inwardly projecting rib and the outwardly projecting rib functioning to lock the cap on the body.7. The protective case as claimed in wherein the mouth of the body receives ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Pool Cleaning Systems

Номер: US20200018085A1

A pool cleaning system is provided. The system includes a pool pole. The system also includes an angled attachment device configured to connect to an end of the pool pole. The system additionally includes specialty tools structured to connect to an end of the angled attachment device. The angled attachment device is structured to connect to pool poles and to specialty devices in such a way to provide a plurality of angles to allow cleaning of pool surfaces and pool surface areas in an effective, efficient, and ergonomically friendly fashion for pool cleaning personnel. The pool cleaning system is arranged to change the angles at which the surfaces are being cleaned without having to change out components. 1. A pool cleaning system comprising:a pool pole;an angled attachment device configured to connect to an end of the pool pole; anda plurality of specialty tools structured to connect to an end of the angled attachment device.2. The system as recited in wherein the angled attachment device further comprises a reinforced section positionable on the angled attachment device.3. The system as recited in wherein the pool pole further comprises a curved component.4. The system as recited in wherein the pool pole further comprises handles.5. The system as recited in wherein the angled attachment device includes mating holes claim 1 , the mating holes configured to connect to specialty tools at a plurality of angles.6. The system as recited in wherein the specialty tools include chemical feed systems claim 1 , electric powered devices claim 1 , hydraulically powered devices claim 1 , and/or pneumatically powered systems.7. The system as recited in wherein the pool pole further comprises curved components attached to a proximal and/or distal end of the pool pole.8. The system as recited in wherein the pool pole further comprises angled components connected to a proximal and/or distal end of the pool pole.9. The system as recited in wherein the angled attachment device ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022022A1

Disclosed herein is a method to measure and/or adjust combing resistance of fibers by using a brush, wherein the brush comprises: a brush handle; a brush head connecting to the brush handle and comprising a substrate and bristles which are mounted on the substrate, wherein a certain number of the bristles are movable; an activation means which moves the movable bristles from their original positions to different positions; wherein the brush further comprises at least one of the following: a cover for the brush head which is movable between an open position and a closed position, which internal surface can closely face to the tips of the bristles in its closed position, and which has a gap between the substrate and its side ends in its closed position; an indication to match at least one position of the movable bristles to at least one fiber type and/or at least one treatment type; or the combination thereof. By the use of the above brush device, it becomes easier to measure and/or adjust combing resistance of a variety of fiber types. 1. A method to measure and/or adjust combing resistance of fibers by using a brush , wherein the brush comprises:a brush handle;a brush head connecting to the brush handle and comprising a substrate and bristles which are mounted on the substrate, and wherein a certain number of the bristles are movable;an activation means which moves the movable bristles from their original positions to different positions; anda cover for the brush head which is movable between an open position and a closed position, which internal surface can closely face to the tips of the bristles in its closed position, and which has a gap between the substrate and its side ends in its closed position.2. A method to measure and/or adjust combing resistance of fibers by using a brush , wherein the brush comprises:a brush handle;a brush head connecting to the brush handle and comprising a substrate and bristles which are mounted on the substrate, and wherein a ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022025A1
Автор: RICE Patrick Jeremy

A cleaning apparatus; said apparatus combining mechanical combing action and liquid flow to remove detritus from frond-like structures. 1. A cleaning apparatus; said apparatus combining mechanical combing action and liquid flow to substantially remove detritus from structures incorporating frond-like structures.2. The cleaning apparatus of wherein said frond like structures comprise the bristles of a paintbrush.3. The apparatus of wherein said mechanical combing action is provided by a multi-tyned comb structure; tynes of said multi-tyned comb structure adapted for intrusion into claim 1 , and longitudinal movement through or between bundles of said frond like structures.4. The apparatus of wherein said liquid flow issues from at least one liquid flow orifice adjacent an outer end of each tyne of said multi-tyned comb structure.5. The apparatus of wherein said at least one orifice is arranged so as to direct said liquid flow substantially parallel to each tyne of said multi-tyned comb structure.6. The apparatus of wherein said liquid flow is arranged in a fine claim 4 , narrow fan-shaped jet issuing from said orifice.7. The apparatus of wherein said liquid is water.8. The apparatus of wherein said tynes of said multi-tyned comb structure extend from a manifold body portion of said apparatus.9. The apparatus of wherein said manifold body portion extends from a handle portion shaped for grasping by the hand of a user.10. The apparatus of wherein each of said tynes of said multi-tyned structure is formed with hard edges so as to act as scrapers as said tyne moves between bristles of a said paintbrush.11. The apparatus of wherein said manifold portion of said structure is formed with hard edges which act as scrapers as said tynes move through said frond like structure.12. The apparatus of wherein said handle portion is provided with a connector spigot at one end of said handle portion; said connector spigot adapted for connection to socket outlet fitting of a water ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Extension Adapter Assembly

Номер: US20220039546A1
Автор: David Adkins
Принадлежит: Individual

An extension adapter assembly includes a cylinder that has a first well extending therein and a second well extending therein. The first well insertably receives an end of an extension pole and the second well insertably receives a handle of a paint brush for attaching the paint brush to the extension pole. A nut is threadably coupled to the cylinder and the paint brush extends through the second nut. A compression fitting is positioned in the nut and the compression fitting compresses against the handle of the paint brush when the nut is tightened. In this way the handle of the paint brush is inhibited from being removed from the second well.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039929A1

The present disclosure provides a brushhead for a power toothbrush, and the power toothbrush. The brushhead configured for an electric toothbrush, the brushhead being detachably installed on a handle of the electric toothbrush, the brushhead comprising: a brushhead element; and an engaging assembly arranged in the brushhead element and connecting the brushhead element with a driving shaft, wherein the engaging assembly comprises a main body, an accommodating cavity is defined in a first end of the main body along a first direction, the accommodating cavity is configured to accommodate the driving shaft, a material of the brushhead element is different from a material of the main body, and the first direction is a direction from an end of the brushhead element connected with the handle toward an end of the brushhead element away from the handle. 1. A brushhead configured for an electric toothbrush , the brushhead being detachably installed on a handle of the electric toothbrush , the brushhead comprising:a brushhead element; andan engaging assembly arranged in the brushhead element and connecting the brushhead element with a driving shaft,wherein the engaging assembly comprises a main body, an accommodating cavity is defined in a first end of the main body along a first direction, the accommodating cavity is configured to accommodate the driving shaft, a material of the brushhead element is different from a material of the main body, and the first direction is a direction from an end of the brushhead element connected with the handle toward an end of the brushhead element away from the handle.2. The brushhead according to claim 1 , whereinthe material of the main body is selected from a material group consisting of POM, PA6, PA66 and PC, and the material of the brushhead element is selected from a material group consisting of ABS, PP and POM.3. The brushhead according to claim 1 , whereina wear resistance of the main body is higher than a wear resistance of the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Belt Clip Dual Cleaning Golf Brush with Ball Marker

Номер: US20180021644A1
Автор: White Louis Verdere

The portable golf club cleaning brush utilizes at least three releasable components; first, a compression clip carrying case that attaches to a belt or garment, with two sides, a front, a back, and bottom panels leaving the top of the case open. Second, the compact cleaning brush with a round easy grip handle all made of durable plastic. The brush pad has equally spaced rows of plastic bristles and equally spaced rows of soft metal bristles placed side by side on the same brush pad surface. The golf club cleaning brush is stored in the compression clip carrying case by sliding in from the top with the handle extending outside the case through a slot in the front panel of the case. Third, a disk magnet is centered and recessed from the outer surface of the round handle for the placement and securing a metal ball marker. 1. An apparatus for cleaning golf club heads comprising:a) a clip on portable storage and carrying case;b) a compact cleaning brush;c) a disk magnet; andd) a metal ball marker with at least 1 side of color.2. The apparatus of ; wherein said clip on portable storage and carrying case is made of strong durable molded plastic comprising a pressure clip claim 1 , a base claim 1 , 4 sides connected at the said base with top side open claim 1 , 2 sides at opposite ends of said 4 sides may be shorter in length.3. The portable case as recited in ; wherein the front panel of said 4 sides has a vertical slot centered with one end at the top of said front panel claim 2 , the other end of said slot towards the said base claim 2 , the end of said slot at the top of said front panel opens outwards to form a wide slanted funnel at the top of said front panel for guiding and centering of said compact cleaning brush into said portable case claim 2 , the opposite end of said slot near the said base has two protruding nipples opposite one another at the width of said slot placed at a distance upward of the radius of said slot near said base claim 2 , said nipples grip ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Brush Cleaner

Номер: US20190021482A1

Methods and apparatus for cleaning brushes quickly, comfortably and efficiently are disclosed. The apparatus contains at least one cleaning chamber comprising a plurality of cleaning elements disposed within the chamber that contacts the brushes during cleaning, the cleaning chamber in contact with a) a drive and a motor that can deliver rapid reciprocating motions to the cleaning elements, b) a solvent flow system, and c) a removable brush holder connected to a motor that turns the brushes slowly over the cleaning elements. Rapid reciprocating motions of the cleaning elements, continuous flow of a solvent over the brushes to be cleaned and a slow rotation of the brush itself over the cleaning elements achieve rapid cleaning of brushes with little damage to the brush itself. A removable brush holder that can accommodate many different kinds of brushes in the same slot extends the functionality and comfort of using the brush cleaner. 1. A brush cleaner comprising:a base;at least one vibratory motor mounted on the base, wherein the vibratory motor comprises a permanent magnet and an electromagnet;the at least one vibratory motor connected to a drive, wherein the drive is configured to provide circular reciprocating motions;at least one cleaning chamber in contact with the drive, and a plurality of cleaning elements disposed within the cleaning chamber;at least one detachable brush holder comprising a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end in contact with the base, and the distal end comprising a brush securement member connected to a rotary motor; anda reservoir attached to the base.2. The brush cleaner of claim 1 , wherein the permanent magnet is in close proximity to the electromagnet and the permanent magnet is configured to vibrate in response to fluctuating magnetic field of the electromagnet.3. The brush cleaner of claim 1 , wherein the at least one vibratory motor is connected to the at least one drive by a shaft claim 1 , wherein the shaft comprises a ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022489A1
Автор: SCHROEDER Jessica Lee

A wireless brush head dryer () for drying brush heads including an inductive charger (); a base () configured to be removably mounted to the inductive charger, the base including a heat conductive material (); an enclosure () arranged to enclose the heat conductive material; a cover () configured to form a cavity atop the base and enclose at least one brush head; at least one egress opening () to allow heated air to flow from the cover; and at least one ingress opening () to allow unheated air to flow into the cover. 1. A wireless brush head dryer , comprising:a base configured to be removably mounted to an inductive charger, the base including a heat conductive material;an enclosure arranged to enclose the heat conductive material;a cover configured to form a cavity atop the base and enclose one or more brush heads;at least one egress opening to allow heated air to flow from the cover; andat least one ingress opening to allow unheated air to flow into the cover.2. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 1 , wherein the base further comprises one or more locating features to locate the one or more brush heads.3. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 1 , wherein the at least one egress opening is positioned in the cover and the at least one ingress opening is positioned in the base.4. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 1 , wherein the base further comprises a printed circuit board assembly.5. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 4 , wherein the base further comprises an induction receiver coil configured to receive power from an induction transmitter coil.6. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 4 , wherein the base further comprises an electric heating circuit controlled by the printed circuit board assembly.7. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 4 , wherein the base further comprises a fan to cause convection airflow through the cover.8. The wireless brush head dryer of claim 4 , wherein the base further comprises a pump to cause convection airflow ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022562A1
Автор: LaRocca James

A customizable toothbrush container, including a main body to receive at least a portion of a toothbrush therein, and a UV light disposed on at least a portion of an interior surface of the main body to sterilize the toothbrush in response to an illumination of the UV light. 1. A customizable toothbrush container , comprising: a bottom portion, and', 'a top portion removably disposed on an end of the bottom portion to cover an interior portion of the bottom portion; and, 'a main body to receive at least a portion of a toothbrush therein, the main body comprisinga UV light circumferentially disposed on at least a portion of an interior surface of the top portion to sterilize the toothbrush in response to an illumination of the UV light, such that the UV light illuminates a greater surface area of the toothbrush in response to rotation of the top portion.2. (canceled)3. The customizable toothbrush container of claim 1 , further comprising:a motor disposed within at least a portion of the main body to rotate the top portion.4. The customizable toothbrush container of claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises:a draining aperture disposed on at least a portion of the main body to facilitate evaporation or draining of liquid from the toothbrush away from the main body.5. The customizable toothbrush container of claim 1 , wherein the main body comprises:at least one venting aperture disposed on at least a portion of the main body to permit air to flow in and out of the main body.6. (canceled) The present general inventive concept relates generally to a container, and particularly, to a customizable toothbrush container.A toothbrush is a common device used by people to clean teeth. The toothbrush can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, electric, and non-electric. Unfortunately, electric toothbrushes tend to lack an aesthetic appeal because they are typically oddly shaped.Additionally, containers for toothbrushes collect dirt and residue from the toothbrush. As such, the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023673A1
Автор: Lujan James

A paint brush cleaning nozzle that includes: a hose coupling whereas the house coupling is adapted for connection to a hose; waterflow tubing extending from the hose coupling; a plurality of teeth extending from the waterflow coupling; and a hole in each tooth of the plurality of teeth allowing for the flow of fluid through the nozzle. The paint brush cleaning nozzle may also include a control valve where the control valve controls the flow of fluid through the plurality of teeth and an o-ring within the coupling. 1. A paint brush cleaning nozzle comprising:a hose coupling whereas the house coupling is adapted for connection to a hose;waterflow tubing extending from the hose coupling;a plurality of teeth extending from the waterflow coupling; anda hole in each tooth of the plurality of teeth allowing for the flow of fluid through the nozzle.2. The paint brush cleaning nozzle according to claim 1 , further including a control valve where the control valve controls the flow of fluid through the plurality of teeth.3. The paint brush cleaning nozzle according to claim 1 , where the coupling includes an o-ring. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/533,802 filed on Jul. 25, 2017.The present invention relates to a nozzle used for cleaning paint brushes.Painting is a craft that involves use of paint brushes and rollers for application of paint over a surface such as a wall or ceiling. Painters frequently use multiple paint brushes on a single job and one task associated with painting involves the cleaning of the brush after use. Normally a user runs water over the brush and uses another cleaning utensil to scrub the brush or bristles in order to fully remove the paint. This cleaning method also applies for rollers that are used for painting, where water in combination with a cleaning brush or utensil is used to remove excess residue paint from the paint brush or roller. It would be therefore advantageous to have a specially designed ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023876A1
Автор: Sganga Peter

A tool is disclosed having an integral safety hanger. The tool has a handle including a gripping portion and a neck portion, and a channel within the handle which passes completely through the handle. A hanger assembly is provided which is mounted at a first end thereof within the channel and which includes one or more arm elements adapted to move between a position completely within the channel to positions on either a first side of the handle outside of the channel and/or a second side of the handle outside of the channel, the one or more arm elements are adapted to securely hold the tool on a lip of a container when the one or more arm elements are moved to the first position and/or to the second position. 1. A tool having an integral hanger , comprising:a tool having a handle including a gripping portion and a neck portion, and a channel within the handle which passes completely through the handle; andan insert adapted to fit within the channel, the insert including a frame portion and a hanger, the hanger having a head portion at a first end thereof and an arm portion extending from the head portion to a second end thereof, the arm portion having a first barb extending outward towards a first side of the handle at the second end thereof, the hanger hingedly mounted to the insert via the head portion, the hanger adapted to rotate between a position where the arm portion is completely within the channel to a first position on a first side of the handle with the end of the arm portion outside of the channel and to a second position on a second side of the handle with the end of the arm portion outside of the channel, the arm portion adapted to securely hold the tool on a lip of a container when the hanger is rotated to the first position.2. The tool of claim 1 , wherein the arm portion has a second barb extending outward towards the second side of the handle at the second end thereof and the arm portion is adapted to securely hold the tool on a lip of a container ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150027495A1

A brush cleaning device includes a flexible body having first and second opposed surfaces defining a top and a bottom. A plurality of different brush treatment surfaces are provided on the top of the flexible body, variously configured for washing and rinsing bristles of brushes having different sizes. A positioning element is provided on the bottom of the flexible body, configured to maintain a position of the device with respect to a work area such as a wash basin, tub or sink. A drain hole extends through the flexible body, configured to drain water from the top through the bottom of the flexible body. 1. A brush treatment device comprising:a flexible body having first and second opposed surfaces defining a top and a bottom thereof;a plurality of different brush treatment surfaces provided on the top of the flexible body, the different brush treatment surfaces variously configured for each of washing and rinsing bristles of brushes having different sizes;at least one positioning element provided on the bottom of the flexible body, the positioning element configured to maintain a position of the device with respect to a work area; anda drain hole extending through the flexible body, the drain hole configured to drain water from the top of the flexible body through the bottom of the flexible body to the work area.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a concave stress relief feature provided in a perimeter of the flexible body claim 1 , the concave stress relief feature configured to accommodate flexing of the top of the body with respect to the bottom positioned on a non-planar work area.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the drain hole and concave stress relief feature are positioned along a medial line of the device claim 2 , the medial line dividing the top of the flexible body into generally symmetric and opposing sides.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the different brush treatment surfaces comprise different textures configured for rinsing and ...

29-01-2015 дата публикации

Reversible device for cleaning cosmetic brushes

Номер: US20150027496A1

A reversible brush cleaning device having alternate, reversible orientations is disclosed. The device includes first and second brush treatment textures defined in first and second surface regions, respectively. The reversible orientations alternately present the first and second surface regions on the exterior and interior of the flexible body, respectively. The textures are differently configured, in order to provide for alternate brush treatments when each is individually presented on the exterior, in each of the reversible orientations.

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Protective Brush Cover

Номер: US20180027957A1
Автор: Hill Uton

A protective brush cover for sanitary use of brushes includes a shell having an open end. The shell is pliable. A plurality of penetrations is positioned through the shell. Each penetration is configured to allow passage of water through the shell and to reject passage of microbes through the shell. A closure is coupled to the shell adjacent to the open end. The shell is sized and configured such that the bristle section of a brush is insertable through the open end into the shell. The closure is positioned on the shell such that the closure is configured to reversibly couple to a handle of the brush to retain the shell in a covering position over the bristle section. The shell is configured to deter passage of microbes from the bristle section to a user. 1. A protective brush cover comprising:a shell having an open end, said shell being pliable, wherein said shell is sized and configured such that the bristle section of a brush is insertable through said open end into said shell;a plurality of penetrations positioned through said shell, each said penetration being configured to allow passage of water through said shell and to reject passage of microbes through said shell;a closure coupled to said shell adjacent to said open end, wherein said closure is positioned on said shell such that said closure is configured to reversibly couple to a handle of the brush to retain said shell in a covering position over the bristle section; andwherein said shell is sized and configured such that the bristle section of a brush is insertable through said open end into said shell, and wherein said closure is positioned on said shell such that said closure is configured to reversibly couple to a handle of the brush to retain said shell in a covering position over the bristle section, such that said shell is configured to deter passage of microbes from the bristle section to a user.2. The cover of claim 1 , further comprising:said shell being sized and configured such that the ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Rinsing Device

Номер: US20180028040A1
Автор: DELANGUE Fabien

A rinsing device for boosting the quality of the rinsing of a cleaning device to facilitate and improve the cleanness of surface cleaning, the rinsing device comprising a first tank () provided to collect wastewater coming from the cleaning device, a second tank () provided to store clean water, and a mechanical pumping device () configured to pump clean water coming from the second tank () to wet the cleaning device. 1. A rinsing device for a cleaning device , comprisinga first tank provided to collect wastewater coming from the cleaning device,a second tank provided to store clean water, anda mechanical pumping device, configured to pump clean water coming from the second tank to wet the cleaning device.2. The rinsing device according to claim 1 , wherein the pumping device is configured to pump clean water when an activating member of the pumping device is driven in rotation.3. The rinsing device according to claim 2 , wherein the pumping device is configured to pump clean water when an activating member of the pumping device is driven in rotation by the cleaning device.4. The rinsing device according to claim 1 , wherein the pumping device is of rotary type.5. The rinsing device according to claim 3 , wherein the pumping device is of rotary type.6. The rinsing device according to claim 1 , wherein the pumping device is configured to pump clean water when the cleaning device exerts pressure on an activating member of the pumping device.7. The rinsing device according to claim 1 , wherein the pumping device comprises a compression chamber claim 1 , a piston movable in the compression chamber between a rest position and a compression position claim 1 , and a valve connecting the compression chamber to a discharge conduit.8. The rinsing device according to claim 6 , wherein the pumping device comprises a compression chamber claim 6 , a piston movable in the compression chamber between a rest position and a compression position claim 6 , and a valve connecting the ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160031102A1
Автор: Sacks Jeff, Smith James J.

Disclosed herein are various embodiments and variations of a personal grooming device extender. In one embodiment, a personal grooming device extender comprises a telescoping handle having a proximal end and a distal end, and a top side and a bottom side; and an arm pivotably coupled with the distal end of the telescoping handle, the arm configured to adjust to a plurality of positions between a first position, extended linearly from the handle and a second position perpendicular with the distal end of the handle. A receiver may be releasably coupled onto the arm, the receiver comprising a moveable holding member configured to receive and hold a grooming tool. In some embodiments, the receiver may be interchangeable to accommodate a wider variety of grooming tools. 1. A personal grooming device extender , comprising:a telescoping handle having a proximal end and a distal end, and a top side and a bottom side;an arm pivotably coupled with the distal end of the telescoping handle, the arm configured to adjust to a plurality of positions between a first position, extended linearly from the handle and a second position perpendicular with the distal end of the handle; anda receiver releasably coupled onto the arm, the receiver comprising a moveable holding member configured to receive and hold grooming tools of various sizes.2. The personal grooming device extender according to claim 1 , wherein the arm is configured to adjust and lock into at least four positions at angles between about 0 degrees and about 90 degrees.3. The personal grooming device extender according to claim 1 , wherein the arm is coupled with the distal end of the telescoping handle via a hinge having hinge pins on opposing sides thereof.4. The personal grooming device extender according to claim 1 , wherein the telescoping handle is configured to telescope from a first position to three or more extended positions.5. The personal grooming device extender according to claim 1 , further comprising a ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047053A1
Автор: Nicoud Sébastien

A device for displaying and packaging hairdressing instruments, including a plurality of blow-dry rollers, at least one removable gripping handle to which one of the blow-dry rollers can be attached, and a storage housing. The storage housing includes a receiving compartment dimensioned to receive and contain the plurality of blow-dry rollers, a peripheral wall of the receiving compartment, a bottom wall of the receiving compartment, and a retractable top cover. Stabilizing devices are shaped to each hold one of the blow-dry rollers oriented along a respective substantially vertical axis and separated from the other rollers. An intermediate space contains an ultraviolet radiation source for directing and distributing ultraviolet radiation into the receiving compartment. Magnets are distributed on the inner face of the cover for retaining metal tools. An electrical safety switch actuated by the cover inhibits the supply of power to the ultraviolet radiation source when the cover is not in the closed position. 116-. (canceled)17. A device for displaying and packaging hairdressing instruments , comprising a storage case having:a receiving compartment designed to receive and contain at least a plurality of blow-dry rollers and at least one removable gripping handle to which one of the blow-dry rollers can be fixed,a receiving compartment bottom wall,a plurality of stabilizing means, each designed to receive and retain on the bottom wall, by axial engagement and in a removable manner, one of the blow-dry rollers that is oriented along a respective axis (I-I) substantially perpendicular to the receiving compartment bottom wall, and at a distance from the other blow-dry rollers,a receiving compartment peripheral wall,an upper opening, opposite the receiving compartment bottom wall,an upper lid, which is movable between a closed position in which it closes off the upper opening and an open position in which it allows access to the receiving compartment through the upper ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

System and method for manually cleaning an environment of a substance with an oil content and hand tools and their cleaning tools for the system

Номер: US20190029406A1
Принадлежит: SAJAKORPI OY

A system and method for manually cleaning an environment of a substance with an oil content. A hand tool includes a handle part and an attached brush element with fitted bristles. A cleaning tool includes a scraper with scraper elements to clean the hand tool brush element. Some of bristles of the hand tool are arranged in bristle bunches in one or more lines. The length of the bristle bunches is arranged to differ between the lines. In the brush element some of the lines of the bristle bunches are at a distance from each other. The scraper elements of the scraper of the cleaning tool and the lines of bristle bunches of the brush element of the hand tool are arranged relative to each other to scrape the substance with an oil content from between the lines of bristle bunches by the scraper elements.

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220048180A1

An adjustable tool holder is configured for interchangeable use with a variety of tools provided with different connection elements. The connection elements include at least a first connection element configured for a first manner of connection with the tool holder and a second connection element configured for a second manner of connection with the tool holder. The tool holder includes a distally extending tool support operable to detachably support each of the tools. The tool support includes a first tool connector configured to releasably connect with the first connection element in the first manner of connection. The tool support includes a second tool connector configured to releasably connect with the second connection element in the second manner of connection. 1. An adjustable tool holder for interchangeable use with a variety of tools provided with different connection elements , including at least a first connection element configured for a first manner of connection with the tool holder and a second connection element configured for a second manner of connection with the tool holder , said tool holder comprising:a proximal body; anda distally extending tool support coupled to the proximal body and operable to detachably support each of the tools,said tool support including a first tool connector, a second tool connector, and a support body,said support body presenting a longitudinal axis and operably supporting each of the tool connectors for connection to the respective connection element,said first tool connector defining a first interconnection location, at which the first tool connector is configured to engage and thereby releasably connect with the first connection element in the first manner of connection,said second tool connector defining a second interconnection location, at which the second tool connector is configured to engage and thereby releasably connect with the second connection element in the second manner of connection,said tool ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200029682A1
Автор: Kaicker Anisa Telwar

Example aspects of a cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush, a tape assembly, and a method for cleaning a cosmetics brush disclosed. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush can comprise a sheet defining a front surface and a back surface; and a treatment applied to the front surface, wherein the treatment comprises an adhesive configured to remove residue from the cosmetics brush. 1. A cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush , the cosmetics removing tape comprising:a sheet defining a front surface and a back surface; anda treatment applied to the front surface, wherein the treatment comprises an adhesive configured to remove residue from the cosmetics brush.2. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 1 , further comprising a backing removably coupled to the front surface and configured to cover the treatment.3. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 1 , wherein;the treatment further comprises an additive providing at least one of anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties; andthe additive is selected from one of alcohol, green tea, salicylic acid, and parabens.4. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 1 , wherein;the treatment further comprises an additive providing skin-soothing properties; andthe additive is selected from one of aloe, collagen, charcoal, vitamin C, and vitamin E.5. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 1 , wherein the sheet is formed as one of a substantially rectangular tape strip and a substantially circular tape pad.6. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 1 , wherein;the treatment is applied to a designated treatment area of the front surface; andthe designated treatment area defines only a portion of the front surface.7. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 1 , wherein the cosmetics removing tape is formed as a roll.8. The cosmetics removing tape for a cosmetics brush of claim 7 , wherein the roll ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140115917A1
Автор: YAMADA Kikuo

A raising device for a cleaning part in a cleaning tool and a raising method for a cleaning part in a cleaning tool are provided. The raising device is capable of raising the fibers of the cleaning part to a state in which waste can be collected. A raising device for raising the fibers in a fiber layer constituting a cleaning part in a cleaning tool is configured by providing a blowing part which blows compressed air at the fiber layer to raise the fibers of the fiber layer. 1. A raising apparatus for a cleaning portion in a cleaning tool , which raises fibers of the cleaning portion in the cleaning tool , comprising:a blowing part which blows gas toward fiber layers constituting the cleaning portion to raise the fibers of the fiber layers.2. The raising apparatus for a cleaning portion in a cleaning tool according to claim 1 , further comprising:a transporting section which transports the cleaning tool,wherein a pin member that supports the cleaning tool is provided in the transporting section, andthe blowing part includesa nozzle having a blowing hole for blowing the gas toward the fiber layers of the cleaning tool anda driving device for moving the nozzle so as to allow the nozzle to blow the gas all over the fiber layers.3. The raising apparatus for a cleaning portion in a cleaning tool according to claim 1 , further comprising:a detaching part for removing the cleaning tool mounted to the pin member by ejecting gas toward the cleaning tool of which the fibers of the fiber layers are raised by the blowing part.4. The raising apparatus for a cleaning portion in a cleaning tool according to claim 1 ,wherein the transporting section is provided which includes a belt member that transports the cleaning tool, a driving roller that transports the belt member, and a driven roller that allows the belt member to be overlaid thereon together with the driving roller,a pressing section is included which presses and fixes the cleaning tool transported by the belt member ...

01-05-2014 дата публикации

Decorated products

Номер: US20140116463A1
Принадлежит: Dr Fresh LLC

Decorated products, such as toothbrushes, of substantially the same type and having substantially the same features (preferably functional features) except for a decorative element. The decorative element on each product is selected from a plurality of different decorative elements such that the products may be visually or aesthetically differentiated from one another by the differences in the decorative element associated therewith, while otherwise having the same functional characteristics. An exemplary embodiment is sleeved adult toothbrushes, the sleeves each having one of a variety of designs, the set of available designs including designs of different categories to appeal to different consumer bases (e.g., different ages, genders, styles, etc.) or to signal a time period for use of the product (e.g., a variety of designs for each of the four seasons to signal changing the toothbrush each season).

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Ice Scraper with Pivoting Scraper Head

Номер: US20160039392A1
Автор: Bryant Charles E.

In ice scraper includes a scraper head that is pivotally mounted onto a handle has at least one, but preferably, four different scraping edges. When the scraper edge encounters accumulated ice, the scraper head pivots forward, transmitting more of the force applied to a downward force vector, causing the scraper head to pivot into a position that increase the angle of the scraper head and edge to the ice, thereby more readily removing ice. 1. An ice scraper comprising:a. a handle having a proximal end and a distal end;b. a scraper head, said scraper head further comprising a block having a flat polygonal recessed face and at least one scraping edge projecting from an edge of said flat polygonal recessed face; andc. means for pivotally fastening said scraper head to said handle.2. An ice scraper according to further comprising:a. a handle receiving cavity in said scraper head for receiving said distal end of said handle; andc. means pivotally fastening said scraper head relative to said handle.3. An ice scraper according to where in said pivoting means further comprises an axle bolt secured through said handle receiving cavity and said distal end of said handle claim 2 , said scraper head being pivotally mounted on said bolt for pivoting rotation of said scraper head relative to said handle.4. An ice scraper according to wherein said handle receiving cavity further comprises a substantially cylindrical bore having two parallel flattened side walls.5. An ice scraper according to wherein said axle bolt is positioned such that more of the weight of said scraper head lies in front of said axle bolt than behind said axle bolt.6. An ice scraper according to wherein said scraper head further comprises one scraper edge projecting from each of four edges of said recessed face of said scraper head.7. An ice scraper according to further comprising at least one notch formed in at least one said sharpened scraper edge.8. An ice scraper according to further comprising a left side ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150040336A1
Автор: McCaul Glenn Nelson
Принадлежит: LDRRS INC

A paint brush is attached to the rim of the mouth of a paint can such that the brush bristles are vertically above the mouth and are oriented at an angle between about 0 and about 90° from the vertical. A notch is formed on the side of the mid portion of the brush between the handle and the bristles. The notch has an upper face oriented toward the brush handle and a lower face oriented toward the bristles. The upper face, the lower face and the space there between are all dimensioned such that when the brush is attached to the rim of the paint can, the rim bears against the notch at a point adjacent to its upper face while the lower face of the notch bears against the rim sufficiently to position the brush at an angle from the vertical of less than about 90°. 1. A paint brush for use in conjunction with a paint can having a mouth defined by a continuous upwardly extending rim having upper and lower ends , said paint brush having a longitudinal axis and having a handle , a mid section and paint applying member and a notch defined by upper and lower faces , said upper face being inclined at an oblique angle relative to said longitudinal axis and having an upper central portion and a pair of upper lateral portions on opposite sides of said upper central portion , each said upper lateral portion extending toward said handle , said lower edge having a lower central portion and a pair of lower lateral portions , said paint brush being adapted to hang from said rim when said upper face rests upon said upper end while said lower face contacts said lower end , said paint applying member when said paint brush is so hanging being oriented relative to said mouth such that any paint on said paint brush falls into said paint can.2. The paint brush of wherein said notch is formed in said mid section.3. The paint brush of further including a ferrule in said mid section claim 1 , said notch being formed in said ferrule.4. The paint brush of wherein said paint brush has a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037725A1
Автор: Ahrens Mary Deborah

A hair-smoothing tool includes a supporting base, a carpeting structure on or over the supporting base, and optionally bristles and a cushion member. The bristles and the cushion member, if present, are formed on a first surface of the supporting base. The hair-smoothing tool further includes a carpeting structure on either the first surface of the supporting base or an opposite second surface of the supporting base, or both. The carpeting structure, for example, may be a hook structure or a loop structure of a Velcro® hook and loop fastener. The hair smoothing tool may have the carpeting structure in two or more locations, wherein such locations may be heated and/or may optionally contain heater material, and wherein the temperature of each such location may be separately controlled. The hair smoothing tool may also be in the form of a hair dryer, diffuser for a hair dryer, a hot air brush, or a combination thereof, wherein the carpeting structure is used to smooth the hair while the hair is dried, heated, and/or styled with hot hair. 1. A hair-smoothing tool , comprising:a supporting base to be held by a user to move over hair;at least one carpeting structure at least partially overlying the supporting base, and including a plurality of loop posts and/or hook posts, which stick out of the supporting base for penetrating hair when the supporting base moves over hair, whereinsaid carpeting structure(s) and supporting base are made of heat-resistant materials.2. The hair-smoothing tool of wherein the carpeting structure(s) and the supporting base are made from ceramic claim 1 , copper claim 1 , aluminum claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , foil claim 1 , iron claim 1 , steel claim 1 , carbon fiber claim 1 , fiber glass claim 1 , ceramic claim 1 , clay claim 1 , magnesium or metallic materials claim 1 , or a combination thereof.3. The hair-smoothing tool of wherein said tool further contains bristles or teeth.4. The hair-smoothing tool of claim 1 , wherein said tool is a hair ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037745A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

End effectors and systems including end effectors configured to provide visible indicia of a wear state of the end effectors are described. 1. An end effector for a face brush , comprising:a chamber containing one or more beads disposed in an interior portion of the chamber; andan optically clear window that separates the interior portion from an outside environment,wherein the one or more beads or an interior area of the interior portion have a coating configured to abrade with motion of the one or more beads.2. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the coating is disposed on a surface of the one or more beads and has a first color claim 1 , and wherein the surface of the one or more beads has a second color different from the first color.3. The end effector of claim 2 , wherein the surface of the one or more beads is smooth.4. The end effector of claim 2 , wherein the one or more beads have a first hardness and the coating has a second hardness that is lower than the first hardness.5. The end effector of claim 2 , wherein the one or more beads are generally spherical.6. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the optically clear window has a first side facing the interior portion and a second side facing away from the first side claim 1 , and wherein the coating is disposed on the first side.7. The end effector of claim 6 , wherein the chamber includes a wall opposite the optically clear window claim 6 , and wherein at least a portion of the wall has a color different than a color of the coating.8. The end effector of claim 6 , wherein the second side of the optically clear window includes a portion having a color.9. The end effector of claim 8 , wherein the portion of the second side is in a form of indicia of a wear state of the end effector.10. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the chamber is disposed around at least a portion of a circumference of the end effector claim 1 , and wherein one of the one or more beads is in the form of a puck slideably disposed ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200037746A1
Принадлежит: L'OREAL

End effectors and systems including end effectors configured to provide audible and/or haptic indicia of fatigue failure of springs disposed in the end effectors are described. 1. An end effector comprising:a base portion coupleable to a motor;a spring coupled to the base portion; anda mass coupled to the spring configured to move relative to the base portion,wherein the spring is configured to fatigue and fail after a predetermined number of cycles, and wherein the end effector is configured to provide indicia of fatigue failure of the spring.2. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the spring and the mass are disposed in an interior portion of a chamber claim 1 , and wherein the mass is configured to provide an audible or haptic indicia of fatigue failure detectable by a user upon fatigue failure of the spring and movement of the base portion.3. The end effector of claim 1 , further comprising a flag coupled to the mass claim 1 , wherein the flag is visible to a user before fatigue failure by the spring.4. The end effector of claim 3 , wherein the flag is not visible to a user upon fatigue failure by the spring.5. The end effector of claim 1 , further including one or more stops configured to limit an oscillation of the spring.6. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the spring includes:a portion having a cross section of a first width; anda notch section having a cross section of a second width less than the first width.7. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the spring includes a spring material selected from the group consisting of aluminum claim 1 , an aluminum alloy claim 1 , steel claim 1 , titanium claim 1 , a titanium alloy claim 1 , a polymeric material claim 1 , zinc alloys claim 1 , magnesium and combinations thereof.8. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the spring includes an aluminum alloy.9. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the spring is a flexural spring.10. The end effector of claim 1 , wherein the spring is a first spring and the mass is ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Powered Oral Care Implement Including a Tracking Module and Tracking Module Thereof

Номер: US20200037748A1
Принадлежит: Colgate-Palmolive Company

An oral care system that includes an oral care implement and a tracking attachment. The oral care implement may include a handle and a head. The tracking attachment is detachably coupled to the oral care implement. The tracking attachment may include a first component comprising a first housing having an inner surface that defines a first cavity and a second component comprising a second housing having an inner surface that defines a second cavity. When the tracking attachment is coupled to the oral care implement, a first portion of the handle is positioned within the first cavity and a second portion of the handle is positioned within the second cavity. 1. A powered oral care implement comprising:an upper outer casing comprising an upper cavity having an open bottom end, the upper outer casing defining an upper gripping portion of the powered oral care implement;an electronics assembly mounted to the upper outer casing and at least partially positioned within the upper cavity; a lower outer casing detachably coupled to the upper outer casing to enclose the open bottom end of the upper cavity and define a lower gripping portion of the powered oral care implement; and', 'a tracking unit integrated into the lower outer casing and configured to facilitate tracking at least one of a position, orientation, or movement of the powered oral care implement within an oral cavity of a user., 'a tracking module comprising2. The powered oral care implement according to further comprising:a handle comprising the upper outer casing, the tracking module, and a stem extending from a top end of the upper outer casing; anda replacement head comprising a sleeve portion having a cavity, the replacement head detachably coupled to the handle with the stem located within the cavity of the sleeve portion.3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The powered oral care implement according to wherein the tracking unit comprises a plurality of visual markers protruding from an outer surface of the lower ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Caddy cover

Номер: US20200037750A1

The concept of this invention is an accessory designed for placement beneath the handle of Electric toothbrushes resting on the charging caddy. The Caddy Cover would consist of a water absorbent material containing a circular opening within its center for placement atop the pedestal. This oral care disposable product could be produced in a wide array of colors and can be available in sizes designed for placement upon various styles of electric toothbrushes. The Caddy Cover could be produced easily using conventional and readily available materials and manufacturing processes. No new production technology would be required. 1. The appealing features of The Caddy Cover would be its ability to provide users with increased hygiene, cleanliness, ease of use and practicality. The design of the product would eliminate the pedestal or base of the toothbrush from being covered in water or any liquid. The Caddy Cover would serve as a sanitary barrier in which any liquid runoff would be prevented from getting all over the pedestal. This is an information summary of the product idea and the needs it may fulfill.The concept of the Caddy Cover is an accessory designed for placement beneath the handle of Electric Toothbrushes.The Caddy Cover's function is to absorb any liquid runoff from brushing your teeth. This oral care disposable product can be produced in an array of colors. Also can be designed for placement upon various styles of electric toothbrushes.The Caddy Cover will provide users with increased hygiene, cleanliness and serve as a sanitary barrier.This is an information summary of the product idea and the needs it may fulfill:The concept of the Caddy Cover is an accessory designed for placement beneath the handle of Electric Toothbrushes, such as the Oral-B.The Caddy Cover would consist of a round section of a cross stitch fabric or any liquid absorbing material. The measures 2 s in diameter and would contain a circular opening within its center measuring ¼ inch. This ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Hand tool assembly

Номер: US20210045519A1
Автор: Kun-You Chen
Принадлежит: Individual

A hand tool assembly includes a handle having a connection portion formed on one end thereof by way of blow molding, and the connection portion includes a recess defined therein which includes a first inner bottom. At least one hole is defined through the first inner bottom of the recess. A head has the top thereof accommodated in the recess and includes at least one rod which is engaged with the at least one hole. At least one function part is connected to the underside of the head and protrudes beyond the recess. A board is connected between the head and the first inner bottom of the recess such that the head is replaceable.

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045522A1

A cleaning device includes a body, a cover, a germicidal lamp, and a vibration mechanism. The body includes a cavity configured receive a fluid, a first dental appliance, and a first portion of a second dental appliance. The cover is coupled to the body and configured to selectively move between an open position and a closed position. The cover includes two holes that can each retain the second dental appliance so the first portion of the second dental appliance is positioned within the cavity and a second portion of the second dental appliance is positioned external to the cavity and the cover. The germicidal lamp is coupled to the cover and configured to provide a sanitizing light to the first dental appliance and the first portion of the second dental appliance positioned within the cavity. The vibration mechanism is configured to vibrate the body and the dental appliances. 1. A cleaning device comprising:a body including a cavity, the cavity configured to receive a liquid, the cavity sized to contain a first dental appliance and a first portion of a second dental appliance, wherein the first dental appliance is an arch-shaped dental appliance configured to be worn by a user to reposition at least one or more teeth of the user;a cover coupled to the body and configured to selectively move between an open position and a closed position, the cover including two holes, each hole having an outer boundary defined by the cover and a portion of the body, wherein each hole is shaped to retain the second dental appliance such that the first portion of the second dental appliance is positioned within the cavity and a second portion of the second dental appliance is positioned in an area external to the cavity and the cover;a germicidal lamp coupled to the cover and moveable therewith, the germicidal lamp configured to provide a sanitizing light to the first dental appliance and the first portion of the second dental appliance positioned within the cavity; anda vibration ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Grill Cleaning Brush

Номер: US20170042320A1
Автор: Hanna Potocka
Принадлежит: Individual

A grill for brush for cleaning the rungs of a grill grate includes a handle and a brush head attached to the handle. The brush head includes a body and bundles of bristles. The bundles are coupled to a first side of the body at a first end of each bristle. The bundles include long-bristle bundles and short-bristle bundles. The bristles of the long-bristle bundles have a first length that is longer than a second length of the bristles of the short-bristle bundles.

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Retractable cosmetic implement with multiple positions

Номер: US20180042372A1
Автор: Cindy Sean Yuei Lim
Принадлежит: HCT Group Holding Ltd

A retractable cosmetic implement may be movable between multiple different use positions. In one example, the cosmetic implement may include a housing elongated along a longitudinal axis, a multi-stop positioning mechanism disposed within the housing and a cosmetic element. By actuating the positioning mechanism, the cosmetic element may move through an opening to a partially extended position and/or a fully extended position from a retracted position. The cosmetic element may have a material characteristic, such as a density of bristles, affected by its position relative to a rim of the opening.

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Brush Easy

Номер: US20220061512A1
Автор: Horton Ykesha

A toilet brush including, a crystal transparent container referring to (FIG. , A) this container will consist of transparent plastic giving a crystal glassy look but made from plastic. A crystal transparent handle referring to (FIG. , B) this handle will consist of a crystal shape giving a diamond cut look made from transparent plastic with a glassy realistic look. (FIG. , C) A flat surface made from plastic that sits on top of the container to hold toilet brush in place inside the container. A button referring to (FIG. , D,E) a brush stick following two buttons (FIG. , D,E) attached on sides of the brush stick to squeeze to eject the brush head soap. is the attachment for the brush head and stick. Soap and air-freshener referring to (FIG. , J) This hard substance will consist of soap and air freshener, once the brush (FIG. , K) is inserted into the toilet bowl water it will automatically form soap (FIG. , J) with a good smell following. Once the brush is pulled from water it will no longer form soap this soap is only released by inserting water. Once the brush is out of water it will dry by natural room air more like an automatic dry. Brush head referring to (FIG. , M) The bristles will follow around the soap in a “U” shape following a circle shape around the top this is more of a housing for the soap to sit in the middle. The circle shape at the top of the brush will help to better clean underneath the rim of the toilet. (FIG. , L) This soap air freshener will sit in the middle of the “U’ shape bristles. (FIG. ) is the ejectable brush head.

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061518A1
Автор: KARRAS Vasiliki

An animal hairbrush having a handle and a brush head with various bristles for grooming animal hair. The animal hairbrush includes a removable cover having a rigid base and a hair binding layer. The hair binding layer is adapted to collect the animal hair. The removable cover has a plurality of perforations into which the various bristles on the brush head are aligned and placed within. The removable cover may be embodied as a plurality of removable sheets layered on top of each other and onto the rigid base. The hair binding layer may be an adhesive layer.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Cosmetic brush systems

Номер: US20190045910A1
Автор: Erika Sabrina Giuggio
Принадлежит: Individual

A cosmetic brush system includes interchangeable application-heads and a handle. The application-head is configured to receive and secure the handle via fastening means for use. A base of the head assembly comprises apertures configured to allow fluid to pass therethrough for cleaning and sanitizing bristles of the application-head.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052061A1
Автор: Levy Darren, Levy Frank

A make-up brush system includes a mandrel having a first end and a second end. The first end includes a gripping surface for engagement with a hand of a make-up artist and the second end being shaped and dimensioned for selective engagement with a plurality of make-up brushes. A plurality of make-up brushes is provided. Each of the plurality of make-up brushes includes a first end and a second end, the first end including a functional component of the make-up brush and the second end including a coupling member shaped and dimensioned for selective engagement with the second end of the mandrel. The system also includes a case both supporting and sanitizing the various components of the present invention. The case includes a tray supporting the plurality of make-up brushes in accessible positions within the case. 1. A make-up brush system , comprising:an elongated mandrel shaped and dimensioned for handling by a make-up artist including a first end and a second end, the first end including a gripping surface for engagement with a hand of a make-up artist and the second end being shaped and dimensioned for selective engagement with a plurality of make-up brushes;a plurality of make-up brushes, each of the plurality of make-up brushes including a first end and a second end, the first end including a functional component of the make-up brush and the second end including a coupling member shaped and dimensioned for selective engagement with the second end of the mandrel; anda case both supporting and sanitizing the various components of the present invention, the case including a tray supporting the plurality of make-up brushes in accessible positions within the case.2. (canceled)3. The make-up brush system according to claim 1 , wherein the second end of the mandrel is an elongated narrow member shaped and dimensioned for coupling with the second end of each of the plurality of make-up brushes.4. (canceled)5. The make-up brush system according to claim 1 , wherein the ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Brush cleaning apparatus

Номер: US20150052698A1
Автор: Cynthia Fakier
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus configured for cleaning brushes such as paint brushes, makeup brushes, and/or other brushes is disclosed. The apparatus may comprise a body having a first side opposing a second side. The first side may have a concave surface. The second side may have a convex surface. The first side may further have a texture configured to facilitate cleaning a brush by stroking bristles of the brush on the first side until an amount of any substance disposed on the bristles is reduced.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140130288A1
Автор: Dobson, III Eben W.

A dustpan () comprises a body (), a blade (), and a rear support (). The body () receives materials that are removed from a surface (). The blade () and the rear support () are coupled to the body (). The blade () includes a first end (F), a second end (S), a first contact point (A) near the first end (F), and a second contact point (B) near the second end (S). The rear support () includes a third contact point (C) and a fourth contact point (D). Each of the contact points (A), (B), (C), (D) contact the surface () when the dustpan () is in a resting position. Downward pressure on the dustpan () establishes firm and continuous contact between the blade () and the surface () along the length of the blade () from the first contact point (A) to the second contact point (B). 1. A dustpan usable or removing materials from a surface , the dustpan comprising:a body that is adapted to receive the materials that are removed from the surface;a blade that is coupled to the body, the blade including (i) a first end, (ii) an opposed second end, (iii) a first contact point near the first end of the blade, and (iv) a second contact point near the second end of the blade, the first contact point and the second contact point contacting the surface when the dustpan is in a resting position; anda rear support that is coupled to the body, the rear support including a third contact point and a fourth contact point, the third contact point and the fourth contact point contacting the surface when the dustpan is in the resting position.2. The dustpan of wherein downward pressure on the dustpan between the rear support and the blade moves the dustpan from the resting position to a depressed position and establishes a complete first area of contact between the blade and the surface along the length of the blade from the first contact point to the second contact point.3. The dustpan of wherein the blade is positioned substantially at the forward most portion of the dustpan.4. The dustpan of ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071383A1

A oral care implement for cleaning soft oral tissue of the mouth, such as the tongue. The oral care implement includes a handle, an intermediary region, and a cleaning region. The cleaning regions include a plurality of collecting bases for collecting debris from the oral tissue. The collecting bases may include multiple protrusions that extend from the collecting bases that remove debris from the user's soft oral tissue. 1. An oral care implement comprising:a handle;a plurality of collecting bases coupled to the handle; anda plurality of protrusions extending from each base,wherein the protrusions of one base are offset from the protrusions of another base such that when viewed along the longitudinal axis of the handle, protrusions on one base are visible between protrusions on the another base.2. The oral care implement of claim 1 , wherein each protrusion has a single radius of curvature in the longitudinal direction claim 1 , andwherein the radius of curvature of the protrusions on one of the bases is greater than the radius of curvature of the protrusions on the another base.3. The oral care implement of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of collecting bases are formed in rows that extend perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the handle.4. The oral care implement of claim 3 , wherein the plurality of collecting bases are formed in rows that curve away from the handle in opposing directions.5. The oral care implement of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of bases are formed in concentric circles.6. The oral care implement of claim 1 , wherein the protrusions have a substantially triangular saw-tooth shape claim 1 , and wherein a free end of the protrusions forms the apex of a triangle.7. The oral care implement of claim 3 , wherein a bottom surface of each collecting base has a convex curve such that protrusions at the center of the base are lower than protrusions at the periphery of the base.8. The oral care implement of claim 1 , further comprising:a ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210057102A1
Автор: Chen Yi-Chung

A dental health and care system utilizes an image capturing module installed on a teeth cleaning device in order to capturing teeth images during the cleaning of teeth of a user. Teeth images can be submitted to a care service center to determine whether the oral care is proper performing, the teeth is cleaning, and any symptom is in the teeth thereof. In addition, it is able to further provide diagnosis recommendations containing medical treatment information in order to timely report to the care giver of the child, elderly or care receiver or to the user for improvement on the health habit or as outpatient reference. Professional consultation and recommendation can also be provided in order to achieve the effect of providing assistance to the user or the entire family members in their understanding of the dental health and care condition through daily teeth cleaning actions with ease. 1. A dental health and care system , comprising:a teeth cleaning device provided for a user to clean teeth:an image capturing module installed on the teeth cleaning device and configured to capture teeth image of the user during teeth cleaning;a data transmission module connected to the image capturing module and configured to transmit out teeth image data captured by the image capturing module;a care service center connected to the data transmission module via an internet network in order to receive the teeth image data transmitted by the data transmission module, and comprising:a user database for recording user data and the teeth image data;an intelligent health examination module connected to the user database, and configured to examine the teeth image of the user and to analyze and compare the teeth image of the user based on a sample database stored with a plurality of learned symptom sample cases, thereby determining a teeth cleaning condition of the user and examining whether there is a symptom in teeth of the user;a diagnosis recommendation module connected to the user ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации

Textured device for cleaning cosmetic brushes

Номер: US20160058170A1

A device for cleaning cosmetic brushes includes first texturing features formed along a first surface region to provide a directionally neutral texture adapted for movement of a brush head substantially equally in all directions along the first surface region. Second texturing features are formed along a second surface region to provide a directionally oriented texture adapted for movement of the brush head in a predetermined direction along the second surface region.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180055190A1

A modular shaving system adapted to reversibly adopt a shaving brush transportation configuration and a shaving brush support configuration. When in the transportation configuration an interior volume of the shaving brush holder is adapted to reversibly retain the shaving brush and when in the support configuration the shaving brush holder is adapted to reversibly secure the shaving brush. 1. A modular shaving system , comprising a shaving brush and a shaving brush holder , wherein the system is adapted to reversibly adopt a shaving brush transportation configuration and a shaving brush support configuration , wherein in the transportation configuration an interior volume of the shaving brush holder is adapted to reversibly retain the shaving brush , wherein in the support configuration the shaving brush holder is adapted to reversibly secure the shaving brush.2. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the shaving brush is secured to the shaving brush holder using magnetism when the system is in the shaving brush support configuration.3. A system according to claim 1 , wherein the shaving brush holder comprises at least a first portion and a second portion adapted to be reversibly securable to each other to form the interior volume adapted to store the shaving brush when the system is in the transportation configuration.4. A system according to claim 3 , wherein the first portion and the second portion are adapted to be reversibly securable to each other using magnetism.5. A system according to claim 3 , wherein the first portion and the second portion comprise a sinusoidal shaped interface in the transportation configuration.6. A system according to claim 5 , wherein the first portion and second portion each comprise magnets at their sinusoidal shaped interface.7. A system according to claim 5 , wherein the shaving brush is adapted to be configured to be reversibly securable to the sinusoidal interface of the first portion or second portion in the support ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Oral Care Device

Номер: US20180055210A1
Автор: Olson Richard Carl

A toothbrush device having a body defining a cavity and an input port disposed on the body in fluid communication with the cavity. The input port permits brushing by-products to pass through the input port and into the cavity while restricting passage of the brushing by-products outward from the cavity. In one form, the toothbrush device includes an elongated handle with a reservoir having at least a portion disposed within the handle. The reservoir is sized to hold a predetermined amount of oral care product, and a mouthpiece is in fluid communication with the reservoir to discharge the oral care product from the reservoir. 1. (canceled)2. An oral care device comprising:a body;an oral care implement connected to the body;an oral care byproduct cavity of the body;an inlet in communication with the oral care byproduct cavity and permitting oral care byproducts to pass into the oral care byproduct cavity; andan absorbent material in the oral care byproduct cavity.3. The oral care device of wherein the body includes an air vent in communication with the oral care byproduct cavity.4. The oral care device of further comprising a wall in the oral care byproduct cavity separating the absorbent material from the air vent.5. The oral care device of wherein the body has a wall defining a portion of the cavity; andat least one spacer extending between the wall and the absorbent material to space at least a portion of the absorbent material a distance away from the wall.6. The oral care device of wherein the absorbent material includes a leading end portion and a trailing end portion claim 5 , the leading end portion being closer to the inlet than the trailing end portion; andthe at least one spacer spaces the leading end portion of the absorbent material a distance away from the wall of the body that is greater than a distance between the trailing end portion of the absorbent material and the wall of the body.7. The oral care device of wherein the oral care byproduct cavity ...
