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10-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000034329U1

1. Предмет мебели, преимущественно табурет, содержащий рабочую платформу, по меньшей мере три ножки, на которых закреплена рабочая платформа, и элемент жесткости, связывающий ножки между собой, отличающийся тем, что элемент жесткости выполнен в виде горизонтально расположенных жесткой металлической пластины с расположенными по ее периметру вертикальными лепестками, к каждому из которых прикреплена ножка, и диска с прорезями для ножек, установленного на пластину сверху и прикрепленного к ней. 2. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рабочая платформа, ножки и диск соединены между собой в местах взаимного прилегания с помощью клеевого соединения. (19) RU (11) 34 329 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47C 7/00 (2000.01) A47C 15/00 (2000.01) РОССИЙСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2003126373/20 , 02.09.2003 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 02.09.2003 (46) Опубликовано: 10.12.2003 (72) Автор(ы): Пятов-Пятаев В.О. (73) Патентообладатель(и): Пятов-Пятаев Всеволод Олегович R U Адрес для переписки: 105066, Москва, ул. Спартаковская, 19, корп.2, кв.58, В.О. Пятову-Пятаеву 3 4 3 2 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Предмет мебели, преимущественно табурет, содержащий рабочую платформу, по меньшей мере три ножки, на которых закреплена рабочая платформа, и элемент жесткости, связывающий ножки между собой, отличающийся тем, что элемент жесткости выполнен в виде горизонтально расположенных жесткой металлической пластины с расположенными по ее периметру вертикальными лепестками, к каждому из которых прикреплена ножка, и диска с прорезями для ножек, установленного на пластину сверху и прикрепленного к ней. 2. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся тем, что рабочая платформа, ножки и диск соединены между собой в местах взаимного прилегания с помощью клеевого соединения. 3 4 3 2 9 U 1 (54) ПРЕДМЕТ МЕБЕЛИ U 1 U 1 3 4 3 2 9 3 4 3 2 9 R U R U Ñòðàíèöà: 2 RU 34 329 U1 RU 34 329 U1 RU 34 329 U1

27-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000067408U1

1. Диван, содержащий боковины с передней и задней ножками, выполненные из плоско изогнутых металлических труб, снабженных боковыми и поперечными несущими элементами, с жестко закрепленными на них продольными элементами в виде, соответственно, спинки и сиденья, отличающийся тем, что на боковинах дополнительно закреплены плоско-изогнутые несущие элементы в виде боковых кронштейнов с закрепленным на них защитным экраном, расположенным с образованием навеса над сиденьем и спинкой. 2. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что каждый боковой кронштейн выполнен из, по крайней мере, двух изогнутых по окружности металлических профилей круглого или прямоугольного сечения, соединенных между собой по концевым частям, с образованием наружной и внутренней окружностей, между которыми расположены усилительные элементы, при этом изогнутый металлический профиль, образующий наружную окружность, снабжен прямым участком. 3. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что продольные элементы выполнены из деревянных планок, при этом под сиденьем в средней его части расположена промежуточная опора, снабженная боковыми и поперечными несущими элементами, закрепленными на спинке и сиденье, причем на промежуточной опоре закреплен боковой кронштейн, при этом защитный экран закреплен на его верхней части. 4. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что боковые кронштейны, боковые и поперечные несущие элементы выполнены из металлического профиля прямоугольного сечения. 5. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что боковины выполнены из металлических труб круглого сечения с наружным диаметром не менее 32 мм. 6. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитный экран выполнен из металлического листа. 7. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что защитный экран выполнен из полупрозрачного пластикового листа, например, из поликарбаната. 8. Диван по п.1, отличающийся тем, что на боковых кронштейнах закреплены дополнительные опоры. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 67 408 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47C 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ ...

20-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000074782U1

1. Предмет мебели, содержащий несущую поверхность, соединенную, по меньшей мере, с тремя опорами, и узел соединения опор между собой, выполненный в виде жесткой проножки, примыкающей к опорам, отличающийся тем, что узел соединения выполнен монолитным, а расстояние L между двумя максимально удаленными точками, лежащими в пределах зоны примыкания опоры к несущей поверхности, выбрано не менее 2 см. 2. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся тем, что зоны примыкания его элементов выполнены плоскими. 3. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся тем, что зоны примыкания его элементов выполнены неплоскими, при этом выступы и углубления одного из элементов выполнены как отклик на соответствующие углубления и выступы второго примыкающего элемента. 4. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся тем, что его элементы сопряжены посредством резьбовых соединений. 5. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся тем, что его элементы соединены посредством шкантов. 6. Предмет мебели по любому из пп.1-5, отличающийся тем, что угол α наклона опор составляет 0-15°. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 74 782 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47C 7/00 (2006.01) A47C 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2008108631/22 , 05.03.2008 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 05.03.2008 (45) Опубликовано: 20.07.2008 (72) Автор(ы): Галкин Александр Владимирович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Галкин Александр Владимирович (RU) Ñòðàíèöà: 1 U 1 7 4 7 8 2 R U U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Предмет мебели, содержащий несущую поверхность, соединенную, по меньшей мере, с тремя опорами, и узел соединения опор между собой, выполненный в виде жесткой проножки, примыкающей к опорам, отличающийся тем, что узел соединения выполнен монолитным, а расстояние L между двумя максимально удаленными точками, лежащими в пределах зоны примыкания опоры к несущей поверхности, выбрано не менее 2 см. 2. Предмет мебели по п.1, отличающийся ...

20-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000092309U1

1. Мебельный комплект, содержащий два обращенных друг к другу кресла, отличающийся тем, что на спинках кресел установлены телевизионные приемники, обращенные друг к другу экранами. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждое кресло снабжено наушником, настроенным на противоположный телевизионный приемник. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждое кресло выполнено с возможностью размещения в нем DVD проигрывателя, соединенного с телевизором, установленным на этом кресле. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 92 309 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47C 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21), (22) Заявка: 2009141898/22, 06.11.2009 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 06.11.2009 (45) Опубликовано: 20.03.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Шапиро Виктор Александрович (RU) (73) Патентообладатель(и): Шапиро Виктор Александрович (RU) R U Адрес для переписки: 195220, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Непокоренных, 10, корп.1, кв.145, В.А. Шапиро U 1 9 2 3 0 9 R U Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 Формула полезной модели 1. Мебельный комплект, содержащий два обращенных друг к другу кресла, отличающийся тем, что на спинках кресел установлены телевизионные приемники, обращенные друг к другу экранами. 2. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждое кресло снабжено наушником, настроенным на противоположный телевизионный приемник. 3. Устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что каждое кресло выполнено с возможностью размещения в нем DVD проигрывателя, соединенного с телевизором, установленным на этом кресле. 9 2 3 0 9 (54) МЕБЕЛЬНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКТ RU 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 92 309 U1 Полезная модель относится к области мебели и может быть использована для отдыха в домашних условиях. Известен комплект мебели для отдыха, состоящий из двух кресел, обращенных друг к другу, см. заявка №93002863, 1993 г. Также известен комплект мебели для отдыха, состоящий из двух обращенных друг к другу кресел по заявке №12037314, ...

27-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU0000107677U1

1. Кресло, содержащее спинку, сиденье, подлокотники, ножки, откидной съемный столик, отличающееся тем, что в состав кресла введена емкость для хранения столика в нерабочем положении. 2. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на нем установлен светильник. 3. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на нем установлен вентилятор. 4. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что подлокотники выполнены в форме площадки для компьютерной мыши. 5. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в конструкцию кресла введена емкость для хранения компьютера. 6. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено электрической розеткой. 7. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено выдвижной полкой, расположенной под сидением. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) 107 677 (13) U1 (51) МПК A47C 15/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ, ПАТЕНТАМ И ТОВАРНЫМ ЗНАКАМ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2010153181/12, 21.12.2010 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 21.12.2010 (72) Автор(ы): Шапиро Виктор Александрович (RU), Косниковский Сергей Николаевич (RU) (45) Опубликовано: 27.08.2011 1 0 7 6 7 7 R U Формула полезной модели 1. Кресло, содержащее спинку, сиденье, подлокотники, ножки, откидной съемный столик, отличающееся тем, что в состав кресла введена емкость для хранения столика в нерабочем положении. 2. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на нем установлен светильник. 3. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что на нем установлен вентилятор. 4. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что подлокотники выполнены в форме площадки для компьютерной мыши. 5. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что в конструкцию кресла введена емкость для хранения компьютера. 6. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено электрической розеткой. 7. Кресло по п.1, отличающееся тем, что оно снабжено выдвижной полкой, расположенной под сидением. Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ru CL U 1 U 1 (54) КРЕСЛО 1 0 7 6 7 7 Адрес для переписки: 195220, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Непокоренных, 10, корп.1, кв.145, ...

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Foldable sexual device

Номер: US20120197073A1
Автор: John Clifton Lindholm
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention is a foldable sexual device that includes a handle, a seat frame that includes a plurality of rollers and is rotated by a user while utilizing the foldable sexual device, a seat bar that allows the user to rotate the seat frame up or down and a pivot hinge point that allows the seat frame to rotate on the pivot hinge point. The device also includes a first support leg and a second leg support to support and stabilize the foldable sexual device, a phallus that moves upward and downward above and through the seat frame to provide sexual pleasure to the user, a seat that is disposed on the seat frame, a pair of corresponding arms that includes a slip bushing and a phallus base that is moved upward and downward by the pair of corresponding arms and the slip bushing.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Inflatable Vehicles for Simulating Driving for use with Handheld Video Games

Номер: US20120270663A1
Автор: Leo Markowitz
Принадлежит: Individual

An inflatable vehicle for simulating a driving experience while playing realistic computer-video driving games such as the WII games and handheld game players. The vehicle is life-like in construction and allows a player to sit therein while playing driving game. A steering wheel or handle bar is configured to receive a game controller or a motion-sensitive handheld game player. Movement of the steering wheel, thus, correspondingly controls images on a video game screen.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

In Swimming Pool Chair with Adjustable Angle and Height

Номер: US20130031712A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A swimming pool chair for use within a pool has a base that interfaces with the floor of the pool. A seat portion of the swimming pool chair has an adjustable height and an adjustable angle to compensate for variations in water depth and variations in pool floor angles, thereby providing a comfortable seating position for the user in many locations within the pool.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Multi-functional healthy chair

Номер: US20130134746A1
Автор: Yun Lan
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-functional healthy chair is added with many extra functions. The length of the seat is prolongable. A U shape frame can be attached and detached easily. Furthermore, the length of the handle is changeable. A semi-round plate aside the seat is helpful as the users are making love. Furthermore, a telescopic rod below the leg is helpful to extend the length of the leg. Furthermore, a safety ring causes a sick or weak person can wear it and then attaches the ring to the seat for exercising safely. The retaining rods between adjacent legs of the chair is helpful to retain the chair in a safe steady state so as to provide a safety environment as the user sits on the chair.

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Frame and Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Using the Same

Номер: US20200000239A1

A buoyant pool lounge chair frame and buoyant pool lounge chair using the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool chair is floating in water, frame members collectively form an open chair frame including a back frame and leg frame pivotally coupled thereto. Buoyant cushions are attached to the frame members to form a chair seat, a backrest, and a leg rest. A pair of rear pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies are coupled to the seat frame and to the back frame to adjust and fix the angle of recline of the back frame relative to the seat frame. Similarly, a pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies coupled to the leg frame and to the back frame to adjust and fix the angle of extension of the leg frame relative to the seat frame. 1. A buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool chair is floating in water , comprising:frame members collectively forming an open chair frame, the frame members including a seat frame having a front end and a rear end, the seat frame having a top side and a bottom side;the frame members including a leg frame pivotally coupled to the front end of the seat frame;buoyant cushions attached to the frame members, the buoyant cushions forming a chair seat, a backrest, and a leg rest; anda pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies coupled to the seat frame and the leg frame, the pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies including a manually operable actuator that is releasable to permit pivotal movement of the leg frame relative to the seat frame, and engageable to fix the angle of extension of the leg frame relative to the seat frame.2. The buoyant pool lounge chair as recited in claim 1 , wherein the pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies permit pivotal movement of the leg frame relative to the seat frame such that the leg frame is in proximate contact with the bottom side of the seat frame.3. ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Reconfigurable furniture

Номер: US20160000223A1
Автор: Shane Joseph Gagnon
Принадлежит: Individual

An adult stimulation device for an article of furniture, including a resilient cushion with a passage extending therethrough, and a penetrating member sized for insertion into a body cavity and extending from a substantially rigid base broader than said passage. The penetratory member extends from said passage in response to depression of said cushion member about said passage. An article of reconfigurable furniture with such device is also provided.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000258A1

A modular furniture assembly includes: a base member having a frame assembly, a transverse member having a frame assembly, a foot configured to contact a support surface, and a mounting platform having a plurality of apertures therethrough. The mounting platform is configured to be mounted on the base member frame assembly and the transverse member frame assembly, thereby connecting the frame assemblies. The foot is selectively mounted on the mounting platform, such that the foot is configured to contact the support surface when the modular furniture assembly is in an upright configuration. The mounting platform connects the base and transverse member frame assemblies together and also acts as a platform for receiving a variety of different types of feet. 1. A modular furniture assembly comprising:a base defining a seating surface;a transverse member having a hole therein, wherein a height of the transverse member is substantially greater than the height of the seating surface of the base;wherein the base includes a frame assembly, the frame assembly defining a storage compartment providing a convenient storage area in which a user can store desired items; anda coupler configured to selectively couple the base to the transverse member, wherein the coupler selectively extends through the hole of the transverse member to thereby couple the base to the transverse member.2. The modular furniture assembly of claim 1 , wherein the storage compartment is located beneath the seating surface defined by the base.3. The modular furniture assembly of claim 1 , wherein the base further comprises a cushion selectively mountable on the frame assembly of the base claim 1 , the storage compartment being hidden beneath the cushion when the cushion is mounted on the frame assembly of the base.4. The modular furniture assembly of claim 1 , where both the base member and the transverse member have a generally rectangular shape.5. The modular furniture assembly of claim 4 , wherein the ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Portable Recreational Device with Safety Folding Apparatus

Номер: US20220007839A1

A portable expandable device with a contracting mechanism which allows for many forms of recreational products and structures to be expanded, reinforced in the expanded shape, and then contracted easily to regain its portable form. The expansion means is exercised by the use of at least one of the following, resiliently extending, unfolding, inflating, as to become an expanding form which can then be easily retracted to the redeployed form. The retraction mechanism reverses the expansion process utilizing a mechanism which sequentially exerts the forces needed in the proper locations in order to ensure proper contraction. Disclosed embodiments utilized supplemental structural reinforcement of the expanded form through the use of joints, releasable interlocks, latching mechanisms, air bladders, to ensure the form is stable and usable. The objective being a stable structure with a rapid and easy deployment and a supplemental retraction means as to be easily transportable. 1. A foldable frame device , comprising:a flexible circular coil;a spool housing mounted to the flexible circular coil:a spool rotatably mounted within the spool housing:a handle mounted to the spool for manually rotating the spool;a first cord connected to the spool and a first location of the flexible circular coil opposing the spool; andwherein rotating the handle in a first direction causes the cord to wind around the spool into the spool housing enacting the force required to fold the flexible circular coil over itself in a predetermined manner so as to reduce overall circumference of the flexible circular coil for ease of portability.2. The foldable frame device of claim 1 , wherein the spool has an axle with a small diameter and a larger diameter claim 1 , wherein the first cord is attached to the first diameter axle and a second cord is attached to the second diameter axle claim 1 , and wherein rotating the handle of the spool winds and unwinds the first and second cords at difference rates.3 ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Frame and Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Using the Same

Номер: US20160007758A1
Автор: Rubey Ulyss Ray

A buoyant pool lounge chair frame and buoyant pool lounge chair using the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the buoyant pool lounge chair frame for supporting a floatation device while the buoyant pool chair frame is floating in water, a pod frame is provided including a rigid base portion and a window having a vertical opening therethrough. A substantially inverted parabolic surface is positioned at the front of the pod frame and a centra including a rigid back is positioned at the rear of the pod frame such that the window is therebetween. The pod frame is sized to accept a floatation device such that the substantially inverted parabolic surface and the centra engage the floatation device in a load-bearing relationship. 1. A buoyant pool lounge chair frame for supporting a floatation device while the buoyant pool chair frame is floating in water , comprising:a pod frame including a rigid base portion having a right side, a left side, a front support portion, and a rear support portion;right and left arm support members respectively positioned at the right and left sides of the pod frame;the front support portion having a substantially inverted parabolic surface;the pod frame being a substantially half-truncated pyramid having an acute scalene triangle profile from the rear support portion to the front support portion;the pod frame including a window intersecting the right side, the left side, the front and the rear to provide a vertical opening therethrough;front and rear cross-bars traversing the span between the right side and left side of the pod frame;a centra including a rigid back support positioned between the right side and left side of the pod frame and extending from the pod frame proximate the rear support portion;the pod frame sized to accept a floatation device having a first side, a second side, a first edge and a second edge, the floatation device being defined by a continuous form of pliable foam material; andthe substantially inverted ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Universal cover for water mat

Номер: US20220024543A1
Автор: Austin Zdrazil Stall
Принадлежит: Individual

A universal cover for a water mat is provided. The universal cover has a top cover portion and a bottom cover portion that can be secured together with zippers. The bottom cover portion has a plurality of parallel buoyant bars and the top cover portion has metal structures to securely hold magnetic accessories.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Drive apparatus of chair assembly for 4d theater

Номер: US20170009856A1
Принадлежит: CJ 4DPLEX Co Ltd

A drive apparatus of a chair assembly for a 4D theater according to the present disclosure includes: a lower plate which is in contact with the ground; an upper plate which is positioned above the lower plate so as to be spaced apart from the lower plate; a first actuator which is positioned at a left portion between the lower plate and the upper plate; a second actuator which is positioned at a right portion between the lower plate and the upper plate; and a spline device, in which the spline device is installed to be positioned on a vertical centerline of the lower plate, and the first actuator is installed to have a predetermined first angle with respect to a horizontal centerline of the lower plate.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013737A1
Автор: Daly Lisa Margaret

A portable personal seating barrier comprising of at least three poles and at least one panel, the barrier being capable of demarcating an individual seating space while also blocking out sensory stimuli from other people in close proximity and affording additional privacy to the user thereof. In certain embodiments, the panel retracts and expands telescopically, while in other embodiments the panel may be pleated or rolled around a core. This arrangement creates a portable device that can be used in a variety of settings, such as public buses, trains, airplanes, classrooms, and testing centers. The device can be free-standing and may not need to be physically attached to any structure, and thus provides a seat and a privacy/sensory barrier from others. 1. A personal barrier comprising:a rear horizontal support pole;a side horizontal support pole, the side horizontal support pole being hingedly attached to the rear horizontal support pole, the hinged attachment of the side horizontal support pole and the rear horizontal support pole allowing the rear horizontal support pole to rotate with respect to the side horizontal support pole and define a first plane, the first plane comprising a bottom of a space to be occupied by a user of the personal barrier;a vertical support pole, the vertical support pole being hingedly attached to the side horizontal support pole, the hinged attachment of the vertical support pole to the side horizontal support pole allowing the vertical support pole to rotate with respect to the side horizontal support pole to define a second plane, the second plane defining a first side of the space to be occupied by a user of the personal barrier; anda barrier comprising a fabric, the barrier being attached to the vertical support pole and the side horizontal support pole, the barrier occupying at least a portion of the first side.2. The personal barrier of wherein the hinged attachment of the vertical support pole to the side horizontal support ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Device for redirecting water underneath a shower chair

Номер: US20190014953A1
Автор: Thyria Shields
Принадлежит: Individual

The device for redirecting water underneath a shower chair is a shield that is installed on the underside of a shower chair and which redirects the flow of water that passes through the seat of the shower chair. The water is redirected to one side of the chair by the first landing on a water shield which is inclined and causes the water to flow towards the front of the chair. Water reaching the front of the water shield flows into a cylindrical member located at the front of the water shield. The cylindrical member is canted with respect to horizontal and cause the water to flow to a side of the chair.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015265A1

A collapsible flotation device is provided and includes an inflatable member forming a closed loop and defining at least in part a first opening within the closed loop. The inflatable member has a first portion positioned to be a back support and a second portion configured to be disposed beneath a leg of the user, a floor of the first opening being disposed between the first and second portions. The inflatable member defines a second opening providing access of a foot of the user to water. The second opening has a smaller axial length than the first opening such that a third, forwardmost portion of the closed loop is positioned to be a foot support member. 1. A collapsible flotation device , comprising:a flexible membrane including an inner portion and an outer portion, the outer portion including a perimeter of the flexible membrane, at least the inner portion of the flexible membrane being formed with a mesh; andan inflatable member forming a closed loop and defining at least in part a first opening within the closed loop, at least a portion of the flexible membrane disposed across the first opening of the inflatable memberthe inflatable member having a first portion configured to support a back of a user when the user is disposed on the collapsible flotation device and a second portion configured to be disposed beneath a leg of the user when the user is disposed on the collapsible flotation device, at least a portion of the flexible membrane being disposed between the first portion of the inflatable member and the second portion of the inflatable member, the first portion of the inflatable member having a height that is greater than a height of the second portion of the inflatable member when the inflatable member is inflated, wherein the entire inflatable member forms a single, contiguous inflatable chamber,the inflatable member defining at least in part a second opening of the collapsible flotation device, the second opening providing access of a foot of the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Sexual bed (slb) with sexual mechanical elevation device (sed)

Номер: US20160022049A1
Автор: Michael Gordon
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to sexual beds (SLB) comprising a mechanical sexual elevation device (SED) embedded therein to be used for sexual activities.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Inflatable lounge chair and methods of manufacturing same

Номер: US20170020296A1
Автор: Paul Osimo
Принадлежит: Aqua Leisure Industries Inc

This invention relates to recreational flotation devices, and particularly to inflatable lounge chairs, and to methods for manufacturing same.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Pedicure chairs and pumps for use with pedicure chairs and related methods

Номер: US20150040310A1
Автор: Christopher L. Long
Принадлежит: Individual

A jet pump associated with a heat source, such as a heating element or heating coils, is disclosed. The heating element is located in a housing chamber and coaxially with an impeller. An electrical motor rotates the impeller and circulates water within the chamber and between coils of the heating element. The heated water is then discharged into a basin found in a pedicure chair or other devices requiring agitated, heated water.

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Support surface and method of consruction thereof

Номер: US20190038032A1
Принадлежит: NorvaNivel IP Pty Ltd

A support surface, comprising a first, substantially planar rigid surface connected to a second substantially hemispherical, substantially non-rigid portion, wherein the support surface is arranged to be positionable in at least two orientations, wherein at least one orientation provides a substantially planar support surface, and at least one other orientation provides a seating surface.

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150048933A1

A device for providing the illusion of motion consists of at least two movable parts for stimulating the vestibular sense and the kinaesthetic sense of a user independently from each other. A moving headrest is provided for stimulating the vestibular sense of a user and a moving armrest is provided for stimulating the kinaesthetic sense of a user. 1. A device for providing the illusion of motion , wherein the device comprises at least two movable parts for stimulating the vestibular sense and the kinaesthetic sense of a user independently , each movable part being displaceable according to at least two degrees of freedom , wherein the at least two movable parts include a moving headrest is for stimulating the vestibular sense of a user and at least one a moving armrest for stimulating the kinaesthetic sense of a user.2. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 1 , wherein the device is further provided with a movable seat for stimulating the kinaesthetic sense of a user.3. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 1 , further comprising a movable legrest for stimulating the kinaesthetic sense of a user.4. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 1 , further comprising a movable backrest for stimulating the kinaesthetic sense of a user.5. (canceled)6. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 1 , wherein a movable part of the device is further rotatable in at least one degree of freedom.7. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 1 , further comprising an array of movable stamps for stimulating the tactile sense of a user.8. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 7 , wherein the array of stamps is integrated in at least one of the backrest claim 7 , seat claim 7 , armrest claim 7 , headrest and legrest.9. The device for providing the illusion of motion according to claim 7 , wherein each stamp of the array of ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Integrated Blind Seat System

Номер: US20190045930A1
Автор: Denmon Terry

A seating system for blind use that is quiet and allows movement and turning with little effort. The blind seating system comprises a seat assembly, support frame, and adjustable tether arm. The seat height may be adjustable to accommodate persons of different sizes. It also accommodates multiple persons and allows each to adjust their position relative to the blind floor plan and each other, which is particularly useful when helping others to hunt, observe, photograph, or film. 1. A blind seat system comprising:a. a structural support frame, and 'wherein said tether arm is connected to said structural support frame in a manner which allows a user to position said seat assembly in a plurality of locations within the blind.', 'b. at least one seat assembly comprising a lower support and at least one tether arm connected at one end to said structural support frame and at the other end to said seat assembly,'}2. The blind seat of wherein said tether arm is capable of being expanded and contracted.3. The blind seat system of wherein said tether arm comprises a first piece and a second piece wherein said first piece is connected to said second piece by a hinge mechanism.4. The blind seat system of wherein said tether arm comprises a first piece and a second piece and wherein said first piece is connected to said second piece so that said first piece and said second piece move telescopically relative to each other.5. The blind seat system of wherein said tether arm comprises a first piece and a second piece and wherein said first piece is connected to said second piece with a ball and socket joint.6. The blind seat system of wherein said tether arm is connected to said structural support frame by a mechanism which allows the tether arm to maneuver within the blind thirty-hundred and sixty degrees around said mechanism.7. The blind seat system of wherein said mechanism comprises a tether arm hinge connected to the end of said tether arm and coupled with a sliding hinge ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190045935A1

An adjustable and removable canopy may be affixed to a chair, lounge, recliner, or the like. The canopy comprises two flexible, aligned rods having a fabric panel extending between them. The rods attached to the lounge or chair so as to form an arc across and over the user of the lounge or chair. Adjustment straps extend from the rods to the lounge or chair. A plurality of connectors located on the adjustment straps allow the shortening or lengthening of the straps so that the position of the canopy relative to the user may be selectively adjusted. 1. A canopy for a lounge or chair comprising:a pair of spaced apart, aligned, flexible rods;a panel of material attached to each of the rods and extending therebetween along substantially the entire length of the rods;first attachment means for attaching each of the rods to the lounge or chair at each end of the rod to form an arc over the lounge or chair;a first adjustment strap connected to and extending from a location adjacent a first one of the rods for attachment to the lounge or chair;a second adjustment strap connected to and extending from a location adjacent to the second one of the rods for attachment to the lounge or chair;second attachment means for securing an end of each strap to the lounge or chair.said first and second adjustment straps being configured to allow the selective adjustment of the position of canopy relative to the lounge or chair by adjusting the length of the strap connecting the canopy to the lounge or chair.2. The canopy of claim 1 , wherein the panel material and the adjustment straps are removably attached to the lounge or chair.3. The canopy of claim 2 , wherein said second attachment means comprises a loop of material extending from the lounge or chair.4. The canopy of claim 3 , wherein the adjustment strap comprises means to selectively shorten or increase the length of the strap between the canopy and the lounge or chair so as to permit the selection of the position of the canopy. ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Slotted chair and method of using same

Номер: US20150054318A1
Автор: Alan J. HOWARD

A slot chair includes a frame, a seat coupled to the frame, and a pair of legs coupled to the seat. The slot chair also includes a slot in a backing that is located approximately three-quarters of the total height of the char as measured from the lowermost portion of the chair and a pouch coupled to the frame and surrounding the slot.

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053616A1
Автор: Miller Tonia Walstad

Furniture pieces which include integrated storage capacity for storing water or other material. By incorporating such storage capacity within furniture, a user may take advantage of space that would otherwise be unused or unusable to unobtrusively and conveniently store an emergency water supply or other desired material. 1. A table having integrated storage capacity comprising:a frame;a tabletop supported by said frame and having a port; andan emergency water store comprising a liquid-tight storage volume attached to said tabletop, disposed beneath said tabletop and configured for filling and drawing by way of said port, said emergency water store providing integrated long-term storage capacity for storing a supply of water that is intended for human consumption, wherein the table has a decorative outer surface and a design and appearance of common household furniture.2. The table as in wherein said storage volume includes a valve for filling or drawing.3. The table as in wherein said storage volume comprises a bladder.4. The table as in wherein said storage volume comprises a saucer-shaped structure. The present application is a continuation of copending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/224,720, which was filed on Mar. 25, 2014, by Tonia Walstad Miller for a FURNITURE WITH INTEGRATED STORAGE FOR WATER OR OTHER MATERIAL, which is in turn is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/268,083, which was filed on Oct. 7, 2011, by Tonia Walstad Miller for a FURNITURE WITH INTEGRATED STORAGE FOR WATER OR OTHER MATERIAL, both of which are hereby incorporated by reference.The present invention relates generally to furniture and, more specifically, to furniture which is capable of storing water or other material within its structure.In preparation for possible emergency situations such as natural disasters, power outages and the like, public safety agencies often recommend that residents keep a supply of potable water stored in a readily accessible location. In ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059591A1
Автор: Contreras John S.
Принадлежит: Era Nouveau, LLC

An adjustable fully upholstered chaise recliner is provided. The chaise comprises a stationary outer frame coupled to a platform. The platform is configured to move between a first position and a second position while the outer frame remains stationary. A cushion is coupled to the platform and is fully upholstered to the platform such that a cover material encloses the cushion and the platform. Movement of the platform causes one or more bending portions of the cushion to bend. The chaise further comprises one or more cords, each extending through the cushion with a first end coupled to the cover material and a second end coupled to the platform. The cords are configured to pull on the cover material such that movement of the platform from the first position to the second position does not result in bunching of the cover material near the bending portions of the cushion. 1. A chaise comprising:an outer frame, the outer frame being stationary;a platform coupled to the outer frame, the platform configured to move between a first position and a second position while the outer frame remains stationary;a cushion coupled to the platform, the cushion being fully upholstered to the platform, wherein being fully upholstered to the platform includes a cover material enclosing the cushion and the platform,wherein movement of the platform causes one or more bending portions of the cushion to bend; andone or more cords extending through the cushion, wherein a first end of each cord is coupled to the cover material and a second end of each cord is coupled to the platform, wherein the cushion includes one or more layers of cushion material, the one or more layers including a cavity layer, wherein the cavity layer includes one or more cavities substantially aligned with the one or more cords such that each cord of the one or more cords passes through a cavity of the one or more cavities while extending through the cushion,', 'wherein the one more cavities start at the top surface ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180063613A1

The present invention provides an inflatable device that floats on water having an inflatable body for flotation; and a built-in speaker unit being secured in a first compartment in the body. In addition, the first compartment and the speaker may be in the headrest, or armrest, or in a removable pillow. Further, the battery box is secured in a second compartment in the body, wherein the battery is rechargeable and the speaker unit is connected to the battery as a power source, or to a solar power source. The present invention also provides a flotation device that floats on water having a foam body for flotation; and a built-in speaker unit being secured in a first compartment in the body. In addition, the first compartment and the speaker may be in the headrest, or armrest, or in a removable pillow. Further, the battery box is secured in a second compartment in the body, wherein the battery is rechargeable and the speaker unit is connected to the battery as a power source, or to a solar power source. 1) An inflatable device that floats on water , said device comprising:a) an inflatable body having an interior for flotation;b) one or more speaker units is secured in one or more compartments formed in the body, wherein said speaker units may be in said headrest, armrest, or in a removable pillow; andc) a power source is secured in a compartment in said body, wherein said power source may be one or more batteries or a solar panel; and{'b': 20', '70', '74', '78', '76', '80, 'd) wherein each of said speakers include a housing , a battery , a speaker unit , an end cap , and a housing back .'}2) An inflatable device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said power source is a rechargeable and removable lithium battery claim 1 , and a further compartment is provided for receiving a cell phone therein.4) An inflatable device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said pool float is in the form of a chair claim 1 , a lounge claim 1 , or a double lounge.5) An inflatable device in ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060906A1

A lift chair frame is disclosed having an adjustable seat including a front support bar assembly including a left member and a right member connected to the left member, a rear support bar assembly opposite the front support bar assembly along a longitudinal direction, a left support bar connected to the front and rear support bar assemblies, and a right support bar opposite the left support bar along a lateral direction that is perpendicular to the longitudinal direction and connected to the front and rear support bar assemblies. The lift chair frame also includes an adjustable back coupled to the adjustable seat, where each of the left and right members includes a plurality of alignment features positioned in predetermined locations that correspond to predetermined adjustable seat widths, such that during assembly one of the predetermined adjustable seat widths can be achieved by 1) aligning one of the alignment features of the left member with one of the alignment features of the right member, and 2) securing the left member to the right member. 1. A lift chair frame , comprising:an adjustable seat including a front support bar assembly including a left member and a right member connected to the left member, a rear support bar assembly opposite the front support bar assembly along a longitudinal direction, a left support bar connected to the front and rear support bar assemblies, and a right support bar opposite the left support bar along a lateral direction that is perpendicular to the longitudinal direction and connected to the front and rear support bar assemblies; andan adjustable back coupled to the adjustable seat,wherein each of the left and right members includes a plurality of alignment features positioned in predetermined locations that correspond to predetermined adjustable seat widths, such that during assembly one of the predetermined adjustable seat widths is achieved when one of the alignment features of the left member is aligned with one of the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210068550A1
Автор: de Grasse Scott R.

A floating lounge having a substantially planar body portion has a middle area and an end area on each side of the middle area. A plurality of apertures located in the middle area extend through the body portion substantially perpendicular to the plane of the body portion. Additional apertures smaller than those in the middle area of the body portion may be arrayed in the outer areas of the lounge. When a user reclines on the lounge, the weight of the user, being greatest in the area of the hips, in combination with the apertures cause the middle area to sink into the water while the outer areas of the lounge are more buoyant. 1. A floating lounge comprising:a buoyant, substantially planar body portion having a middle area and an outer area on each side of the middle area;a plurality of apertures located in said middle area and said outer areas and extending through said body portion substantially perpendicular to the plane of the body portion, the apertures being larger in the middle area of the body portion than in the outer areas.2. The floating lounge of in which the width of the apertures decrease claim 1 , the farther the apertures are from the middle portion.3. The floating lounge of further comprising an inflatable headrest attached to the body portion.4. A floating lounge comprising an elongated claim 2 , substantially rectangular planar body portion having a plurality of apertures therethrough claim 2 , the apertures being larger in the middle area of the body than in the outer areas of the body portion along the longer dimensions of the rectangle.5. A floating lounge comprising an elongated claim 2 , substantially rectangular planar body portion having a plurality of apertures therethrough in the middle area of the body portion along the longer dimensions of the rectangle so that the middle area has less buoyance that the other areas of the lounge. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. Section 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/ ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Seat, particularly for video games, and hinge for use therein

Номер: US20220087435A1
Автор: Fernando Smit
Принадлежит: F Smit Holding BV

A seat, particularly for video games, includes a collapsible frame which carries a seat surface and a backrest. The frame includes a first part carrying the backrest and a second part configured to carry a console for a steering wheel or joystick for controlling a video game. These parts are connected pivotally to each other by a hinge. The hinge includes a first load-bearing body on which the first frame part is mounted, and a second load-bearing body on which the second frame part is mounted. The hinge has locking means for fixating the first and second frame parts in a desired position relative to each other. A hinge for application in such a seat.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Collapsible Floating Assemblies

Номер: US20190069680A1
Автор: Yu Zheng
Принадлежит: Patent Category Corp

A floating assembly for suspending a person on water has a foldable frame member that has a folded and an unfolded orientation, the frame member defining a periphery for the assembly. A sheet material covers portions of the frame member when the frame member is in the unfolded orientation. A plurality of floatation sleeves are attached to the periphery. A plurality of floatation devices are removably inserted into each of the floatation sleeves.

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071350A1

According to one aspect, embodiments of the invention provide a recreational floatation device comprising a body portion comprising an inflatable member having a first inner perimeter surrounding a first inner area, a first support portion comprising a layer of material extending through the first inner area and attached to the inflatable member at its first inner perimeter to support a user of the device, a back support member located within said first inner area, a hinge mechanism coupled to the back support member and the first inner perimeter and configured to allow the back support member to rotate between a first position, wherein a substantial portion of the back support member extends generally away from the first inner area, and a second position, in which the back support member lies substantially within the first inner area. 1. A recreational floatation device comprising:an inflatable member having a loop defined by an inner perimeter of the inflatable member surrounding an inner area;a back support member located within the inner area;a seat area comprising a layer of material extending throughout the inner area and attached to the inflatable member at the inner perimeter to support a user of the device; anda hinge connecting said back support member to said inflatable member at the inner perimeter so that said back support member may be moved between a first position.2. The recreational floatation device of claim 1 , wherein the inflatable member further has a second loop defined by a second inner perimeter surrounding a second inner area claim 1 , andwherein the recreational floatation device further comprises a foot area comprising a layer of material extending throughout the second inner area and attached to the inflatable member at its second inner perimeter.3. The recreational floatation device of claim 2 , further comprising a cushion positioned in the second inner area.4. The recreational floatation device of claim 3 , further comprising at least ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Frame and Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Using the Same

Номер: US20210076831A1

A buoyant pool lounge chair frame and buoyant pool lounge chair using the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool lounge chair is floating in water, frame members collectively form at least one of a seat frame, a leg frame, a back frame, a left arm frame, and a right arm frame. The frame members include multiple frame segments which are steel coated with a first vinyl polymer coating to provide steel-to-vinyl contact. Buoyant cushions are attached to the frame members. The buoyant cushions are coated with a second vinyl polymer coating. An adhesive coating is interposed between the first vinyl polymer coating and the buoyant cushions. 1. A buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool lounge chair is floating in water , comprising:frame members collectively forming an open chair frame, the frame members including a seat frame having a front end and a rear end, the seat frame having a top side and a bottom side;the seat frame including a seat support member, the seat support member being steel coated with a first vinyl polymer coating to provide steel-to-vinyl contact;buoyant cushions attached to the seat support member, the buoyant cushions forming a chair seat, the buoyant cushions being coated with a second vinyl polymer coating; andan adhesive coating interposed between the first vinyl polymer coating and the buoyant cushions.2. The buoyant pool lounge chair as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first vinyl polymer coating and the second vinyl polymer coating further comprise the same material.3. The buoyant pool lounge chair as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first vinyl polymer coating further comprises a polyvinyl chloride liquid vinyl coating.4. The buoyant pool lounge chair as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second vinyl polymer coating further comprises a polyvinyl chloride liquid vinyl coating.5. The buoyant pool lounge chair as recited in claim 1 , ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078041A1

A modular furniture assembly includes: a base member having a frame assembly, a transverse member having a frame assembly, a foot configured to contact a support surface, and a mounting platform having a plurality of apertures therethrough. The mounting platform is configured to be mounted on the base member frame assembly and the transverse member frame assembly, thereby connecting the frame assemblies. The foot is selectively mounted on the mounting platform, such that the foot is configured to contact the support surface when the modular furniture assembly is in an upright configuration. The mounting platform connects the base and transverse member frame assemblies together and also acts as a platform for receiving a variety of different types of feet. 1. A modular furniture assembly comprising:a base member having a frame assembly; anda transverse member having a frame assembly;a mounting platform, the mounting platform configured to be mounted on both the base member and the transverse member to thereby couple the base member to the transverse member; anda foot configured to contact a support surface;wherein the foot is mounted on the mounting platform, such that the foot is configured to contact the support surface when the modular furniture assembly is in an upright configuration.2. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the base member frame assembly and the transverse member frame assembly each have an aperture therein for receiving a fastener claim 1 , and wherein a first fastener extends through an aperture of the mounting platform and into the aperture of the transverse member frame assembly claim 1 , and wherein a second fastener extends through an aperture of the mounting platform and into the aperture of the base member frame assembly.3. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the foot comprises a peg.4. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the platform comprises a rigid plate having ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации

Seating Device

Номер: US20160081480A1
Автор: Nasim Mohammed

A new seating device where users can sit facing each other. The structure of the present invention comprises a first and second backrests that are attached on the opposite side of seating platform. The seating platform comprises two seats and may include a midsection. Users sit facing each other on the seating device with their backs resting against their respective backrests allowing for an intimate experience. 1: A seating device , said seating device comprising:(a) an outer surface that defines the shape and size of said seating device, said outer surface having an interior space;(b) a seating platform having a first seat and a second seat and further comprising a first lateral end and a second lateral end opposed thereto;(c) a first backrest and a second backrest, said first backrest is attached to said seating platform at said first lateral end, said second backrest is attached to said seating platform at said second lateral end such that said first backrest and said second backrest are facing each other;(d) one or more valves for inflating and deflating said interior space connected to said outer chamber.2: The seating device as recited in further comprising a footrest.3: The seating device as recited in further comprising a midsection between said first seat and said second seat.4: The seating device as recited in wherein said midsection is narrower than said first seat and said second seat.5: A seating device claim 3 , said seating device comprising:(a) a seating platform having a first seat and a second seat and further comprising a first lateral end and a second lateral end opposed thereto;(b) a first backrest and a second backrest, said first backrest is attached to said seating platform at said first lateral end, said second backrest is attached to said seating platform at said second lateral end such that said first backrest and said second backrest are facing each other.6. The seating device as recited in further comprising a footrest.7. The seating ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190082845A1

Compounds of the general structural formula (I) and (II) and use of the compounds and salts and hydrates thereof, as therapeutic agents are disclosed. Treatable diseases and conditions include cancers, inflammatory diseases and conditions, and immunodeficiency diseases. (I), (II). 7. The compound of wherein Ris methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , NH(CH) claim 1 , OCH claim 1 , or forms a five-membered aliphatic ring with R claim 1 , Ris methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , NH(CH) claim 1 , OCH claim 1 , forms a five-membered aliphatic ring with R claim 1 , or forms a five-membered claim 1 , nitrogen containing claim 1 , aliphatic ring with R claim 1 , and Ris hydrogen claim 1 , methyl claim 1 , ethyl claim 1 , or forms a five-membered aliphatic ring with R.8. The compound of wherein Ris hydrogen or forms a five-membered aliphatic ring with R claim 1 , Ris hydrogen or hydroxy claim 1 , Ris hydrogen claim 1 , Ris hydrogen claim 1 , Ris hydrogen or hydroxy claim 1 , Ris hydrogen claim 1 , forms a five-membered aliphatic ring with R claim 1 , or forms a five-membered claim 1 , nitrogen-containing aliphatic ring with R claim 1 , Ris hydrogen or forms a five-membered ring with R claim 1 , and n is 2 or 3.9. The compound of wherein Ris methyl or ethyl claim 4 , Ris hydrogen claim 4 , methyl claim 4 , ethyl claim 4 , or forms a five-membered claim 4 , nitrogen containing aliphatic ring with Rand R claim 4 , or Ris hydrogen; R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , R claim 4 , and Rare hydrogen claim 4 , p is 2 or 3.11. The compound of or having an ECvalue for p53 activation of less than about 1.35 μM.12. A compound selected from the group disclosed in paragraph [0238] herein.13. A method of treating a cancer comprising administering a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of claim 4 , claim 4 , or claim 4 , or Compound 100 claim 4 , to an individual in need thereof.14. The method of wherein the cancer is selected from a cancer disclosed in paragraphs [0270] claim ...

21-03-2019 дата публикации

Chair that adapts to multiple sitting positions

Номер: US20190082848A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An adaptable chair with multiple adjustable components that may be configured by the user for various seating positions, particularly to change between conventional and cross-legged seating position. The adaptable chair's seating surface is comprised of a set of separate surface components for each of the user's right and left thighs. In a conventional seating configuration, the seating surface components are in a closed or joined position and the footrest in an unobtrusive position. To configure the chair for cross-legged seating, the seat components for each thigh may be moved apart to allow a user cross-legged seating position and rest the feet and lower legs upon the footrest. The disclosure describes various means of adjustment to the thigh supports and footrest, and mechanisms for actuating the various configurations to maximize comfort and ease of use.

02-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150091351A1
Автор: Chlapaty Keith

A portable aquatic chair that is suspendible within a contained body of water such as, but not limited to, a pool or spa. The chair includes an at least partially collapsible and lightweight frame that facilitates installation and transport of the chair. The chair is supported during use by the containment structure of the aquatic body (e.g., by a pool deck and side wall). Chair embodiments according to the invention support a user in a partially submerged but seated and upright position. 1. A collapsible , hanging chair for supporting a user in a seated and partially submerged position within an aquatic body , comprising:a tubular main frame;a tubular hanging frame pivotally connected to the main frame near a proximal end thereof;at least one hanging frame rotation-limiting element for limiting the maximum upward angle of rotation of the hanging frame with respect to the main frame;a tubular seat frame pivotally connected to the main frame near a distal end thereof;at least one seat frame rotation-limiting element for limiting the maximum downward angle of rotation of the seat frame with respect to the main frame; anda seat associated with the seat frame for receiving a user in a seated position;wherein the chair is supportable in a partially submerged position within the aquatic body by contact between the hanging frame and a substantially horizontally-oriented upper bounding surface surrounding the aquatic body and by contact between a rear of the seat frame and a substantially vertically-oriented wall containing the aquatic body.2. The chair of claim 1 , wherein one or both of the main frame and the seat frame is a continuous tubular structure.3. The chair of claim 1 , wherein the main frame is a substantially U-shaped tubular structure.4. The chair of claim 1 , wherein the seat frame includes a rear seat frame section and a forward seat frame section that are joinable to form a substantially square and continuous tubular structure.5. The chair of claim 1 , ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Locker Seat Assembly

Номер: US20200085191A1
Автор: Allen Sam

A locker includes a pair of spaced-apart upstanding sidewalls having a pair of front edges. A generally horizontal seat extends between and at least partially forward of the front edges of the sidewalls. A lower seatback is connected at a lower extent by a hinge between the sidewalls and extending above the seat, the lower seatback is movable about the hinge between an open position and a closed position. An upper seatback is connected at an upper extent by a hinge between the sidewalls and above the lower seatback, the upper seatback being movable about the hinge between an open and a closed position. 1. A locker , comprising:a pair of upstanding side walls; a generally horizontal seat bench; and', a lower seatback having an upper edge and being connected to and movable about a hinge between an open position and a closed position; and', 'an upper seatback having a lower edge and being connected to and movable about a hinge between an open position and a closed position;', 'wherein the lower edge of the upper seatback and the upper edge of the lower seatback are adjacent to each other when the upper seatback and the lower seatback are in the closed positions; and, 'a multi-piece seatback comprising], 'a seat assembly disposed between the side walls, the seat assembly comprisingat least one storage compartment at least partially covered by the seat bench.2. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the upper seatback and lower seatback are each in a generally vertical orientation when the upper seatback and lower seatback are in the closed positions.3. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the upper seatback and lower seatback are each in a generally inclined orientation when the upper seatback and lower seatback are in the closed positions.4. The locker according to claim 1 , further comprising:at least one stop support strut, connected to the upper seatback, that holds the upper seatback in the open position when a user places the upper seatback in the open ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Furniture Systems and Furniture System Components

Номер: US20210093087A1

Furniture systems, furniture system components, methods of assembling furniture systems, and methods of assembling furniture system components are described in the present disclosure. The furniture systems comprise a seat frame assembly connected to a first arm assembly and a second arm assembly and a back assembly, wherein the seat frame assembly is connected to the first and second arm assemblies by inserts and tabs formed thereon. Inner frame assemblies and deck sections for furniture pieces are also described and include deck webs that define deck gaps therein.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160096598A1

Inflatable crafts incorporating an integral underwater viewing window, designed for a plurality of users and inflatable craft. The clear special lenses of the viewing window can be sonic welded to the host craft's viewing port walled cavity's, upper and lower perimeters, becoming one with the crafts and can be filled with water eliminating light re-fractions. There is a specially designed pillow sonic welded partially around the underwater viewing window. Crafts for lying prone, do not bend. Making for absolute comfort and ease of use. Further features are inflatable stand offs for bottom lens protection. An integral underwater viewing window within a hand held inflatable host for all ages from 2 to 90. It can be waded with or swam with. 1. Inflatable underwater viewing crafts , ergonomically designed for a plurality of users comprising:a. An integral underwater viewing window wherein said viewing window is comprised of a viewing port walled cavity within said crafts that is sealed water tight by clear lenses, such as but not limited to, PETG sonic welded integrally to the top and bottom extremes of said viewing port walled cavity, thus creating said underwater viewing window that is one with said crafts.b. Said integral underwater viewing window wherein said clear lenses are, such as but not limited to, PET.c. A pillow design, of single purpose, that extends, partially around, and extending over, the top clear lens sufficiently, allowing comfortable placement of a user's forehead upon said pillow allowing placement of a user's eyes over the center of said top clear lens, wherein said users face is supported several inches above said top lens of said integral underwater viewing window thereby possessing no head or facial confines or breathing restrictions, thus providing total body relaxation.d. Mid-ship handles mounted to the top surface of said craft, on port and starboard, being of a predetermined location from the stern, thereby allowing stern boarding of said ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Meditation seat and pad

Номер: US20200093269A1
Автор: Harry Miles
Принадлежит: Calyx Cushions LLC

Disclosed herein is a meditation apparatus comprising a meditation seat and articulated pad that is lightweight, compact, and easy to transport that is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, wherein the articulated pad is pivotally connected to the seat.

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180098631A1

A modular furniture assembly includes: a base member having a frame assembly, a transverse member having a frame assembly, a foot configured to contact a support surface, and a mounting platform having a plurality of apertures therethrough. The mounting platform is configured to be mounted on the base member frame assembly and the transverse member frame assembly, thereby connecting the frame assemblies. The foot is selectively mounted on the mounting platform, such that the foot is configured to contact the support surface when the modular furniture assembly is in an upright configuration. The mounting platform connects the base and transverse member frame assemblies together and also acts as a platform for receiving a variety of different types of feet. 1. A modular furniture assembly comprising:a base member providing a seating surface;a transverse member having a height that is substantially greater than the height of the seating surface of the base member;a first coupler configured to selectively couple the base member to the transverse member; anda second coupler, spaced apart from the first coupler, the second coupler being configured to selectively couple the base member to the transverse member, wherein the second coupler is positioned lower than the first coupler, so as to selectively couple together a lower portion of the base member to a lower portion of the transverse member;wherein the first coupler selectively couples together a higher portion of the base member to a higher portion of the transverse member.2. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the transverse member provides an armrest for the modular furniture assembly.3. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the transverse member provides a backrest for the modular furniture assembly.4. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the second coupler is positioned below at least one of a frame assembly of the base member or a frame ...

08-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210100365A1
Автор: Pavlov Dimitar
Принадлежит: HOME RACER LLC

A gaming chair assembly with adjustable keyboard assembly having a base frame assembly with a tubular framing configuration and a keyboard tray assembly having a lower tubular arm member selectively and telescopically coupled to one of the plurality of base frame members in a selectively lockable configuration, a pivoting lower tubular arm member rotatably coupled to the lower tubular arm member, two upright tubular arm members coupled together, wherein one of the upright tubular arm members has a tubular t-post defining a through hole thereon. A keyboard support member is selectively, slidably, and lockably coupled to the tubular t-post and disposed within the through hole thereon and a keyboard tray member with a mounting bracket coupled thereto is pivotably coupled to a tray clamping member with a through hole defined thereon and that is selectively, slidably, and lockably coupled to the keyboard support member. 1. A gaming chair assembly with adjustable keyboard assembly comprising:a base frame assembly with a tubular framing configuration having a plurality of base frame members; and a lower tubular arm member selectively and telescopically coupled to one of the plurality of base frame members in a selectively lockable configuration;', 'a pivoting lower tubular arm member rotatably coupled to the lower tubular arm member;', 'a first upright tubular arm member coupled to the pivoting lower tubular arm member in a substantially perpendicular orientation and configuration and a second upright tubular arm member telescopically coupled to the first upright tubular arm member in a selectively lockable configuration, the second upright tubular arm member having a tubular t-post defining a through hole thereon;', 'a keyboard support member selectively, slidably, and lockably coupled to the tubular t-post and disposed within the through hole thereon; and', 'a keyboard tray member with a substantially planar surface and with a mounting bracket coupled thereto, the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации

Threaded plugs in furniture being partially submerged

Номер: US20200095024A1

A submergible furniture is disclosed. Said submergible furniture comprises a threaded plugs, an outer shell and an internal cavity is configured to be partially submerged in a external body of liquid having a external liquid level. Said internal cavity is sealed by said outer shell and said threaded plugs. Said internal cavity comprises a gas portion and a liquid portion. Said liquid portion comprises an internal liquid level. Said submergible furniture is configured to be partially submerged in a external body of liquid. Said internal liquid level is higher than said external liquid level. Said internal cavity is selectively sealed with said threaded plugs. Said threaded plugs comprises a female plug portion and a male plug portion. Said female plug portion is welded into a portion of said outer shell. Said female plug portion is plastic welded into a portion of said outer shell. 1. A submergible furniture , wherein:said submergible furniture comprises threaded plugs, an outer shell and an internal cavity, and is configured to be partially submerged in an external body of liquid having an external liquid level;said internal cavity is sealed by said outer shell and said threaded plugs;said internal cavity comprises a gas portion and a liquid portion;said liquid portion comprises an internal liquid level;said submergible furniture is configured to be partially submerged in an external body of liquid;said internal liquid level is higher than said external liquid level;said internal cavity is selectively sealed with said threaded plugs;said threaded plugs comprise a female plug portion and a male plug portion;said female plug portion is integrated into said submergible furniture;said female plug portion selectively receives a portion of said male plug portion to create a seal in said outer shell;said male plug portion comprises a slot configured to receive a portion of a rotating driving tool to assist in installing said male plug portion into a portion of said female ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220167749A1
Автор: Keyes Jeffrey R.

A motorized movement providing system for use during sexual intercourse is provided. The movement providing system is preferably portable and designed to be placed under the lower back and/or buttocks of an individual engaged in sexual intercourse. The system includes a padded exterior body configured with an internal motor that extends and subsequently lowers the upper surface of the system continuously up and down to provide the required movement for the activity. In this way, the system may enable fatigued persons and/or persons with disabilities or lower back pain to engage in sexual intercourse by providing the required motion. 1. A movement providing system comprising:a support assembly including an upper surface and a lower surface defining an inner volume therebetween; anda controllable movement assembly configured at least partially within the inner volume and adapted to provide upward and/or downward movement to the upper surface and/or to the lower surface;wherein the support assembly is adapted to be placed against a user's body during sexual intercourse.2. The movement providing system of wherein the support assembly includes a proximal end and a distal end claim 1 , the movement providing system further comprising:a back support coupled to the proximal end and extending laterally therefrom.3. The movement providing system of wherein the upper surface and/or the lower surface includes at least one concave and/or convex curvature extending between the proximal end and the distal end.4. The movement providing system of wherein the back support includes a rectangular cuboid shape.5. The movement providing system of wherein the support assembly includes a first height claim 2 , and the back support includes a second height claim 2 , and the second height substantially matches the first height.6. The movement providing system of wherein the back support is coupled to the proximal end at a pivot point about which the upper surface is adapted to rotate.7. The ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105892A1

A conjugal aid chair includes a seat and back frame, which are attached to the front and the back leg frames via first and second pivot plates. Both the seat and back frames have connection snaps, allowing a mesh body support sling to be attached via its connection snaps. A pair of collapsible handles is attached to both the seat and back frames for user support. The two arms of the conjugal aid chair have removable appendage bolsters, allowing the sitting user to change their position to desired comfort. The angle of the front leg frame can be adjusted using the slideable push-button adjusters. An interchangeable cover-sleeve is slipped over the mesh body support sling before the mesh body support sling is attached to the back and seat frames. 1. A conjugal aid chair comprising:i. a seat frame comprising a first set of male connection snaps;ii. a first pivot plate;iii. a second pivot plate, wherein said seat frame connects to said second pivot plate;iv. a back frame comprising a second set of male connection snaps, wherein said back frame is connected to said second pivot plate;v. a front leg frame connected to said first pivot plate;vi. a back leg frame connected to said first pivot plate and said second pivot plate, wherein said back leg frame is configured to allow said second pivot plate to connect to said back frame and said seat frame; wherein said two arms comprise a plurality of appendage bolsters; and', 'wherein said two arms are configured to allow said first pivot plate to connect to said back leg frame and said front leg frame; and, 'vii. two arms connected to said back frame and said first pivot plate;'}viii. a mesh body support sling comprising multiple sets of female connection snaps.2. The conjugal aid chair according to claim 1 , wherein said first set of male connection snaps are located on the front side of said seat frame.3. The conjugal aid chair according to claim 1 , wherein said second set of male connection snaps are located on the top side ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Frame and Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair Using the Same

Номер: US20190104855A1

A buoyant pool lounge chair frame and buoyant pool lounge chair using the same are disclosed. In one embodiment of the buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool chair is floating in water, frame members collectively form an open chair frame including a back frame and leg frame pivotally coupled thereto. Buoyant cushions are attached to the frame members to form a chair seat, a backrest, and a leg rest. A pair of rear pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies are coupled to the seat frame and to the back frame to adjust and fix the angle of recline of the back frame relative to the seat frame. Similarly, a pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies coupled to the leg frame and to the back frame to adjust and fix the angle of extension of the leg frame relative to the seat frame. 1. A buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool chair is floating in water , comprising:frame members collectively forming an open chair frame, the frame members including a seat frame having a front end and a rear end, the seat frame having a top side and a bottom side;the frame members including a back frame pivotally coupled to the rear end of the seat frame, the frame members including a leg frame pivotally coupled to the front end of the seat frame;buoyant cushions attached to the frame members, the buoyant cushions forming a chair seat, a backrest, and a leg rest;a pair of rear pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies coupled to the seat frame and to the back frame, each of the pair of rear pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies including a manually operable actuator that is releasable to permit pivotal movement of the back frame relative to the seat frame, and engageable to fix the angle of recline of the back frame relative to the seat frame; anda pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies coupled to the leg frame and to the back frame, each of the pair of front pivotal coupling and clutch assemblies including ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Buoyant Pool Lounge Chair

Номер: US20190104856A1

A buoyant pool lounge chair is disclosed. In one embodiment of the buoyant pool lounge chair, frame members collectively form an open chair frame with buoyant cushions forming a chair seat and a backrest as well as a left arm rest and a right arm rest. The left arm rest and the right arm rest are each intersected by a cup holder. A recess in the cup holder has a forward tilt relative to a horizontal axis having an angle between approximately 20 degrees and approximately 40 degrees toward the front end of the buoyant pool lounge chair. In operation, when the buoyant pool lounge chair is supporting a person while the buoyant pool chair is floating in water, the forward tilt of the cup holder provides a compensating-leveling mechanism that mitigates spilling of liquid in the cup when the cup is placed within the cup holder. 1. A buoyant pool lounge chair for supporting a person while the buoyant pool chair is floating in water , comprising:frame members collectively forming an open chair frame, the frame members including a seat frame having a front end and a rear end, the seat frame having a top side and a bottom side;buoyant cushions attached to the frame members, the buoyant cushions forming a chair seat, a backrest, and a leg rest;a left arm frame including a left arm support riser that is laterally offset from the seat frame and a left arm rest segment that is vertically offset from the seat frame;a right arm frame including a right arm support riser that is laterally offset from the seat frame and a right arm rest segment that is vertically offset from the seat frame;buoyant cushions attached to the left arm frame and the right arm frame forming a left arm rest and a right arm rest;a left cup holder intersecting the left arm rest, the left cup holder including a recess configured to accept a cup, the recess having a forward tilt to the front end relative to a horizontal axis, the forward tilt being an angle between approximately 20 degrees and approximately 40 ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Flotation Device

Номер: US20180110337A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A flotation device for use with a plurality of foam tubes. The flotation device comprises a sheath assembly comprising a first sheath and a second sheath configured to cover a first foam tube and second foam tube respectively. The sheath assembly further comprising a plurality of straps attached to each of the first and second sheaths, and thereby connecting the first and second sheaths. The sheath assembly also comprises a securing member attached to the first and second sheaths to secure a user to the flotation device. Each of the first and second foam tubes and the sheath assembly cooperate to support the user at or near a surface of a body of water.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Inflatable and reconfigurable products and methods of making same

Номер: US20200107640A1
Автор: Corey Cooper
Принадлежит: Bote LLC

The present invention provides light weight, easily stowed in small spaces inflatable chairs, pads, and flotation devices all from a relatively simple combination of at least two inflatable drop stitch panels which can be held in position relative to each other by use of straps, or in other embodiments, by additional inflatable side panels which provide arms and support to hold the chair upright on the ground. Simple hinges can be used to connect the panels together in desired configurations, either as fixed deployments or as adjustable and convertible deployments, where in one deployment, the panels for a chair, and in another, a flat pad, which can be used as a float or as a ground pad for camping.

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220265049A1
Автор: SMIT Fernando
Принадлежит: F. SMIT HOLDING B.V.

A seat, particularly for playing video games, includes a tubular frame, a seat surface and a backrest. The seat surface and the backrest are formed by a piece of cloth tensioned in the frame, and the frame includes two lower frame parts extending forward from the backrest and each having a curved progression which is convex in downward direction. Each lower frame part can have a front outer end and a rear outer end, and the two lower frame parts can be connected to each other close to their front outer ends and close to their rear outer ends by front and rear transverse frame parts, which can each have a curved progression which is convex in upward direction. A tubular frame and a cloth are configured for application in such a seat. 1. A seat for playing video games , comprising:a tubular frame,a seat surface, anda backrest,wherein the seat surface and the backrest are formed by a piece of cloth tensioned in the frame, andwherein the frame comprises two lower frame parts extending forward from the backrest and each having a curved progression which is convex in downward direction.2. The seat according to claim 1 , wherein each lower frame part has a front outer end and a rear outer end claim 1 , and the two lower frame parts are connected to each other close to their front outer ends and close to their rear outer ends by front and rear transverse frame parts.3. The seat according to claim 2 , wherein the front and rear transverse frame part each have a curved progression which is convex in upward direction.4. The seat according to claim 2 , wherein the rear transverse frame part protrudes further above the lower frame parts than the front transverse frame part.5. The seat according to claim 2 , wherein the rear transverse frame part has two lower segments which connect to the lower frame parts and are substantially parallel to the front transverse frame part claim 2 , and a rearward extending upper segment which connects to the lower segments.6. The seat according ...

01-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220273106A1
Автор: Cooper Corey, May Aaron
Принадлежит: BOTE, LLC

The present invention surrounds a seating apparatus having an arm-rest assembly configured to traverse behind a seat-back, and arm-rests which extend forward of the seat back. Embodiments discussed herein include an inflatable chamber for providing positive buoyancy and structure. Certain embodiments of the present invention are configured primarily for use in a body of water, while other embodiments are configured for use in water or upon a surface. 1. A seating apparatus comprising:an inflatable seat-back comprising a rear surface;a seat-bottom interconnected to the seat-back;an inflatable arm-rest assembly comprising a first arm-rest, a second arm-rest, and a cross-member;wherein the rear surface of the seat-back is interconnected to the cross-member; andwherein the first arm-rest is configured to extend forward of the seat-back on a first side of the seat-back and the second arm-rest is configured to extend forward of the seat-back on a second side of the seat-back.2. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the seat-back is adapted to rotate relative to the cross-member.3. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the rear surface of the seat-back is hingedly interconnected with the arm-rest assembly.4. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the arm-rest assembly comprises a substantially planar upper surface and a substantially planar lower surface.5. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first arm-rest claim 1 , second arm-rest claim 1 , and cross-member are co-planar.6. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a magnetic connection apparatus interconnected to a top surface of the first arm-rest or the second arm-rest.7. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the arm-rest assembly comprises a plurality of inflatable chambers.8. The seating apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the seat-back and arm-rest assembly comprise drop-stitch construction.9. The seating apparatus of claim 8 , wherein the seat-back and arm-rest assembly are ...

23-04-2020 дата публикации

Compressible Foam Modular Sofa System

Номер: US20200121090A1
Автор: Romano Vincent

A compressible foam modular sofa system, comprising of two or more main compressible foam modules, and two or more main covers, each main cover for encasing one of the two or more main compressible foam modules, each the two or more main covers comprising an attachment mechanism comprising of two or more corresponding parts for removably attaching the two or more main compressible foam modules when encased in the two or more main covers. 1. A modular sofa system , comprising:a. two or more main compressible foam modules; andb. two or more main covers, each main cover for encasing one of the two or more main compressible foam modules, each of the two or more main covers comprising an attachment mechanism comprising of two or more corresponding parts for removably attaching the two or more main compressible foam modules when encased in the two or more main covers.2. The modular sofa system of claim 1 , further comprising of one or more water proof liners for removably fitting over each main module and under each main cover.3. The modular sofa system of claim 1 , wherein each of the two or more main covers further comprise of a base section and a back section.4. The modular sofa system of claim 1 , wherein one or more of the two or more main covers further comprise of a base section and no back section.5. The modular sofa system of claim 1 , further comprising of one or more ancillary compressible foam modules and one or more ancillary covers for removably encasing the one or more ancillary compressible foam modules.6. The modular sofa system of claim 3 , wherein each of the one or more main covers comprises of a support member.7. The modular sofa system of claim 3 , wherein one or more of the two or more main covers further comprise of an arm section.8. The modular sofa system of claim 3 , wherein the attachment mechanism is located on the base section.9. The modular sofa system of claim 3 , wherein the attachment mechanism is located on the back section.10. The ...

21-05-2015 дата публикации

Pool Lounge that Facilitates Interactions between Two People

Номер: US20150140880A1
Автор: Python Steven K.

A floating pool lounge is disclosed. The floating pool lounge has a head end and a foot end, and includes an opening between the head end and the foot end. The opening extends through the thickness of the lounge and is sized to admit a human head. The pool lounge may also include handles disposed on respective sides, and a head and cervical support disposed around the opening toward the foot end. In some embodiments, particularly where the pool lounge is not rigid enough to resist movement, it may carry a series of connected channels or pockets, and substantially rigid frame members may be connected within the channels or pockets to rigidify the structure. 1. A floating pool lounge , comprising:a support made of a buoyant material or a material that can be made buoyant, the support having a head portion, and a foot portion opposite the head portion, the support defining an opening between the head portion and the foot portion, the opening extending through a thickness of the support.2. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , wherein the opening is of sufficient size to admit at least an average-sized human head.3. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , further comprising handles disposed on respective sides of the support.4. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , further comprising a head support within the head portion.5. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , further comprising a head and cervical support and cushion arranged around a circumference or perimeter of the opening.6. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , wherein the support has a generally rectangular shape.7. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , wherein the support is made of a closed-cell buoyant foam.8. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , further comprising one or more reinforcements around a circumference or perimeter of the opening.9. The floating pool lounge of claim 1 , wherein the support defines a series of connected channels that extend at least around its perimeter.10. The floating pool lounge ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180132623A1

A seating system for detachable mounting onto a supporting frame of an elevated exercise structure is disclosed. The seating system includes a rigid frame assembly having a horizontal frame and a vertical member connected together using a mechanical attachment devices. The horizontal frame and the vertical member are reinforced using supporting cross members. A hook portion is attached to the vertical member to engage the rigid frame assembly with the supporting frame of the elevated exercise structure. There is a clamping device provided on a bottom portion of the vertical member securely attach the rigid frame assembly to a supporting leg of the elevated exercise structure. The seating arrangement can be removably attached to the horizontal frame to allow users to sit beside the elevated exercise structure such as a trampoline. The seating means further includes a backrest portion removably attached to the horizontal frame using a spring lock arrangement. 1. A seating systems for detachable mounting onto a supporting frame of an elevated exercise structure comprising:a rigid frame assembly having at least one horizontal frame and at least one vertical member;a hook portion attached to the vertical member to engage the rigid frame assembly with the supporting frame of the elevated exercise structure;a clamping means provided on a bottom portion of the vertical member to securely attach the rigid frame assembly to a supporting leg of the elevated exercise structure;a seating arrangement removably attached to the horizontal frame; anda backrest portion removably attached to the horizontal frame;whereby the rigid frame assembly is mounted onto the supporting frame of the elevated exercise structure using the hook portion and secured in position using the clamping means tightened to the supporting leg of the elevated exercise structure using a mechanical attachment devices.2. The seating system of wherein the seating arrangement is removably attached to the horizontal ...

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150143985A1
Принадлежит: SHIELDPRO, LLC

An Anti-Ballistic chair having a back portion, a seat portion, and an Anti-Ballistic panel within at least one of the back portion, and the seat portion, wherein the Anti-Ballistic portion comprises at least a first layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a first direction, and at least a second layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a second direction, different from the first direction. 1. An Anti-Ballistic chair comprising:a back portion;a seat portion;a skirt portion hingedly connected to the seat portion and configured to be moved between an extended portion extending downward from the seat portion and a folded position substantially parallel to the seat portion; anda first Anti-Ballistic panel within at least one of the back portion, the seat portion, and the skirt portion,wherein the Anti-Ballistic portion comprises at least a first layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a first direction, and at least a second layer of Anti-Ballistic material formed from high-strength synthetic fibers extending in a second direction, different from the first direction.2. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 1 , wherein the seat portion comprises a frame claim 1 , wherein the first Anti-Ballistic portion comprises the frame of the seat portion claim 1 , at least the first layer of high-strength synthetic fibers wrapped around the frame in the first direction claim 1 , and at least the second layer of high-strength synthetic fibers wrapped around the frame in the second direction claim 1 , different from the first direction.3. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 2 , further comprising a second Anti-Ballistic panel disposed within the back portion.4. The Anti-Ballistic chair according to claim 3 , wherein the back portion comprises a back frame claim 3 , wherein the second Anti-Ballistic portion comprises the back ...

08-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220279931A1
Автор: King Raymond

The present invention relates to a safe and secure intercourse-facilitating adjustable bench device. The bench device comprises a frame having vertical legs, U-shaped rails, an adjustable bench, footrests and wrist straps. The adjustable bench device can be adjusted both in height and inclination to perform sexual intercourse in a variety of positions. The bench device can be adjusted and locked in an inclined, flat or declined position. The height of the frame can also be adjusted and can be used for performing vaginal, anal and oral sex, even by obese users or users with injuries, illnesses or limited physical movement. 1. An adjustable bench device for sexual intercourse comprising:a frame comprising a first base arm, a second base arm, a first and a second front leg, a first and a second rear leg, and a first and a second U-shaped rail;an adjustable bench mounted on the frame;a pair of footrests for providing support to a user's legs during sexual intercourse; anda pair of wrist straps for wrapping a user's hands, wherein the frame, the adjustable bench, the pair of footrests, and the pair of wrist straps are all adjustable and can be locked in a specific position and orientation which allows users to enjoy sexual intercourse while maintaining stability and balance.2. The adjustable bench device of claim 1 , wherein the first rear leg and the first front leg are detachably secured to and extend from the first base arm.3. The adjustable bench device of claim 2 , wherein the second rear leg and the second front leg are detachably secured to and extend from the second base arm.4. The adjustable bench device of claim 3 , wherein the first rear leg and the first front leg are connected together at a top via the first U-shaped rail.5. The adjustable bench device of claim 4 , wherein the second rear leg and the second front leg are connected together at a top via the second U-shaped rail.6. The adjustable bench device of claim 5 , wherein a first and a second ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190142165A1

A modular furniture assembly includes: a base member having a frame assembly, a transverse member having a frame assembly, a foot configured to contact a support surface, and a mounting platform having a plurality of apertures therethrough. The mounting platform is configured to be mounted on the base member frame assembly and the transverse member frame assembly, thereby connecting the frame assemblies. The foot is selectively mounted on the mounting platform, such that the foot is configured to contact the support surface when the modular furniture assembly is in an upright configuration. The mounting platform connects the base and transverse member frame assemblies together and also acts as a platform for receiving a variety of different types of feet. 1. A modular furniture assembly comprising:a base member;a transverse member having a hole therein, wherein the height of the transverse member is substantially greater than the height of the base; anda first coupler configured to selectively couple the base to the transverse member, wherein the first coupler selectively extends through the hole to thereby couple the base to the transverse member.2. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , where both the base member and the transverse member have a generally rectangular shape.3. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the generally rectangular base member does not include any protrusions or appendages deviating from the generally rectangular shape defined by the base member.4. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 2 , wherein the generally rectangular transverse member does not include any protrusions or appendages deviating from the generally rectangular shape defined by the transverse member.5. A modular furniture assembly as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first coupler manually selectively couples the base to the transverse member without use of a hammer claim 1 , screwdriver claim 1 , or other tool.6. A modular ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190142167A1
Принадлежит: Krueger International, Inc.

A classroom chair includes a seat and a backrest, where the chair facilitates a wide variety of uses by an occupant. The backrest includes a center section and a pair of armrest sections that extend from the center section. The pair of armrest sections and center section each include a utility surface located in a plane parallel to a seating plane. Each of the armrest sections includes a lower edge positioned above the lowermost portion of the center section, which allows the occupant's legs to be located beneath the armrest sections. In one embodiment, the classroom chair includes a base having four legs. In another embodiment, the base includes two legs joined to a support frame have four stub legs. At least one of the legs extends rearward past the backrest such that the base provides required support for the occupant when the occupant's weight is supported by the backrest. 1. A classroom chair comprising:a base;a seat mounted to the base and having a seating surface generally located in a seating plane; anda backrest including a back support surface and a utility surface, wherein the back support surface is perpendicular to the seating plane and the utility surface is located in a support plane that is generally parallel to the seating plane.2. The classroom chair of wherein the backrest includes a center section and a pair of armrest sections extending from the center section claim 1 , wherein each of the armrest sections and the center section form a portion of the back support surface and the utility surface.3. The classroom chair of wherein the portion of the back support surface in the center section extends past a lower edge formed on the back support surface of the armrest sections.4. The classroom chair of wherein the seat and backrest are centered along a seating axis claim 2 , wherein the utility surface of the center section includes an apex positioned along the seating axis.5. The classroom chair of wherein the base includes four legs extending below ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200138199A1
Автор: Carnevale Dominic

This disclosure provides systems, methods, and devices for delivering vibroacoustic stimulation for enhancing a meditation experience. The system can include a seating apparatus. The seating apparatus can be a piece of furniture such as meditation cushion, a chair, mat, or pad, or the system can be embodied within a block or similar. The system can receive an audio signal via wired or wireless means. The system can produce a vibroacoustic output via one or more tactile transducers that product vibrations according to low frequency components of the audio signal. The system can also have one or more listening devices for producing an audible sound according to the audio input. The listening devices can be speakers or headphones coupled to the system via a wired or wireless link. 1. A system for delivering vibroacoustic stimulation , comprising:a seating apparatus;an acoustic subsystem contained within the seating apparatus having an audio input configured to receive an audio signal;one or more tactile transducers contained within the seating apparatus and communicatively coupled to the acoustic subsystem and configured to provide vibrations according to low frequency elements of the audio signal;a listening device coupled to the acoustic subsystem and configured to produce an audio signal to a user in conjunction with the vibrations; anda user interface configured to receive user input regarding the audio signal.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the seating apparatus comprises a meditation mat.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the seating apparatus comprises a meditation cushion having an upper portion and a lower portion.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the lower portion has a first diameter and the upper portion has a second diameter larger than the first diameter by the Golden Ratio (1.61803398875).5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a delay unit communicatively coupled to the audio input and configured to impart a delay on the audio signal.6. The ...

16-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190145974A1

Methods for a cell-based assay for Botulinum neurotoxin are provided in which a transfected cell that produces a reporting peptide is contacted with a Botulinum neurotoxin in media having a sub-physiological osmolarity and a temperature that is above physiological temperature. This combination provides an unexpected synergistic effect in reducing the ECof the cell-based assay relative to an analogous cell-based assay performed at physiological osmolarity and temperature. 1. A method of increasing sensitivity of a cell based assay for Botulinum neurotoxin , comprising:(i) providing, in a media having a sub-physiological osmolarity and a temperature of at least 39° C., a transfected cell comprising a reporting peptide cleavable by Botulinum neurotoxin;(ii) contacting the cell with Botulinum neurotoxin; and(iv) measuring a cleavage product derived from the reporting peptide,{'sub': '50', 'thereby providing a synergistic decrease in ECfor Botulinum neurotoxin relative to the cell-based assay performed at physiological temperature and physiological osmolarity.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the reporting peptide comprises:a terminus comprising a reporter-containing portion, wherein the reporter-containing portion exhibits a signal; and,a cleavage site that interacts with the Botulinum neurotoxin in a manner that produces a cleavage of the reporter-containing portion from a remainder of the reporting peptide, wherein measuring is performed by monitoring changes in the signal.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the media has an osmolarity of at least 250 mOsm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ECfor Botulinum neurotoxin is decreased by at least a factor of three relative to the cell-based assay performed at physiological temperature and osmolarity.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the Botulinum neurotoxin is a recombinant toxin.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the recombinant toxin is directed to a non-neuronal cell.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Mobile Antiballistic Bench

Номер: US20170156504A1
Автор: Gerard Muegerl
Принадлежит: Individual

A movable antiballistic bench, the bench comprising: a base, the base comprising a bullet resistant material; a plurality of support legs extending away from a first surface of the base, the support legs comprising a bullet resistant material and having distal ends which are adapted to contact a support surface; a seatback, the setback attached to the base at an angle other than 90°, the seatback comprising a bullet resistant material.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Locker with Inductive Charger

Номер: US20210186221A1
Автор: Allen John, Allen Sam

A locker includes a pair of spaced-apart upstanding sidewalls and at least one compartment defined between the upstanding sidewalls. A horizontal member extends at least partially between the sidewalls. An inductive charger is carried by the horizontal member and located such that an electronic device placed on the horizontal member may be charged by the charger. A visible indicia is disposed on the horizontal member indicating the location of the inductive charger; and an illuminated indicia is disposed on the horizontal member to indicate charging of the device. 1. A locker , comprising:a pair of spaced-apart upstanding sidewalls;a horizontal member extending at least partially between the sidewalls;an inductive charger carried by the horizontal member and located such that an electronic device placed on the horizontal member may be charged by the charger; anda visible indicia on the horizontal member indicating the location of the inductive charger; an upper panel;', 'a lower panel; and', 'a pocket defined by the upper panel and the lower panel;', 'wherein the pocket is a distinct component from the upper panel and the lower panel; and, 'wherein the horizontal member compriseswherein the inductive charger is disposed in the pocket.2. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the horizontal member is a seat bottom.3. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the horizontal member is a shelf.4. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the visible indicia comprises:a logo.5. The locker according to claim 1 , further comprising:one or more LED devices.6. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the visible indicia is disposed in the upper panel proximal the pocket.7. The locker according to claim 1 , wherein the inductive charger comprises:a charging unit; andone or more power cables for conductively connecting the charging unit to an electrical power source.8. The locker according to claim 7 , further comprising:a channel passing through the upper panel, the lower ...

14-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200148312A1
Автор: Duff Glen Wade

A saddle for an aquatic board is disclosed. The saddle is equipped with a strap or straps and/or edge wise clamps, or other suitably firm fastener, to engage and maintain position on the aquatic board positioned beneath the saddle. A user can then stand on the board and squeeze the saddle between their knees and ankles and maintain an enhanced balance on the board or, if fatigued, can sit or kneel alongside or on the saddle and paddle/ride from a seated or kneeling position. The saddle may be inflatable or solid and may include an inner void for storage for personal effects or equipment. The saddle may further include a speaker, cup holder, handles, or other optional features. 1. A saddle for an aquatic board having an upper surface for user engagement thereon , said saddle comprising:an upper seat portion located atop and associated with a lower base portion, andat least one pair of straps attached to said base portion for attaching said base portion to said upper surface of said board using anchors associated with said upper surface,wherein,{'b': 10', '24, 'said seat portion and lower base portion form a tapered shape increasing from front to back, in a longitudinal orientation along said board, and said seat portion has a slope from back to front, and an overall height, when mounted on said board, of between and inches and an overall width of 6 to 14 inches.'}2. A saddle as in claim 1 , wherein:said board is a stand-up paddle board.3. A saddle as in claim 1 , wherein:said board is a windsurfer.4. A saddle as in claim 1 , further comprising;a second pair of straps attached to said base portion for attaching said base portion to said upper surface.5. A saddle as in claim 1 , wherein:said seat portion and lower base portion are comprised of buoyant foam.6. A saddle as in claim 1 , wherein:said saddle is inflatable.7. An inflatable saddle for an aquatic board having an upper surface for user engagement thereon claim 1 , said saddle comprising:an upper seat portion ...

28-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180177302A2

According to one aspect, embodiments of the invention provide a recreational floatation device comprising a body portion comprising an inflatable member having a first inner perimeter surrounding a first inner area, a first support portion comprising a layer of material extending through the first inner area and attached to the inflatable member at its first inner perimeter to support a user of the device, a back support member located within said first inner area, a hinge mechanism coupled to the back support member and the first inner perimeter and configured to allow the back support member to rotate between a first position, wherein a substantial portion of the back support member extends generally away from the first inner area, and a second position, in which the back support member lies substantially within the first inner area. 1. A recreational floatation device comprising:an inflatable member having a loop defined by an inner perimeter of the inflatable member surrounding an inner area;a back support member located within the inner area;a seat area comprising a layer of material extending throughout the inner area and attached to the inflatable member at the inner perimeter to support a user of the device; anda hinge connecting said back support member to said inflatable member at the inner perimeter so that said back support member may be moved between a first position and a second position.2. The recreational floatation device of claim 1 , wherein the inflatable member further has a second loop defined by a second inner perimeter surrounding a second inner area claim 1 , and wherein the recreational floatation device further comprises a foot area comprising a layer of material extending throughout the second inner area and attached to the inflatable member at its second inner perimeter.3. The recreational floatation device of claim 2 , further comprising a cushion positioned in the second inner area.4. The recreational floatation device of claim 3 , ...

09-07-2015 дата публикации

Tattoo stools and chairs and methods using the same

Номер: US20150189992A1
Принадлежит: InkBed Inc

An apparatus that supports a tattoo artist in a variety of positions to comfortably apply one or more tattoos to skin of a subject is herein disclosed. The apparatus can be reconfigured to optimally position and support the arms and/or chest of the tattoo artist. A method for using a tattoo stool can involve rotating armrests of the apparatus from a stowed position to a deployed position. The armrests can support the user's forearms while supporting the user's chest such that the user can comfortably tattoo a portion of the subject positioned in front of the stool.

16-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150196209A1

Various technologies described herein pertain to sensing cardiovascular risk factors of a user. A chair includes one or more sensors configured to output signals indicative of conditions at site(s) on a body of a user. A seat of the chair, a back of the chair, and/or arms of the chair can include the sensor(s). Moreover, the chair includes a collection circuit configured to receive the signals from the sensor(s). A risk factor evaluation component is configured to detect a pulse wave velocity of the user based on the signals from the sensor(s). The risk factor evaluation component is further configured to perform a pulse wave analysis of the user based on a morphology of a pulse pressure waveform of the user, and the pulse pressure waveform is detected based on the signals from the sensor(s). 1. A system that senses cardiovascular risk factors of a user , comprising: one or more sensors configured to output signals indicative of conditions at one or more sites on a body of the user, wherein at least one of a seat of the chair, a back of the chair, or arms of the chair comprises the one or more sensors; and', 'a collection circuit configured to receive the signals from the one or more sensors; and, 'a chair, comprising detect a pulse wave velocity of the user based on the signals from the one or more sensors; and', 'perform a pulse wave analysis of the user based on a morphology of a pulse pressure waveform of the user, the pulse pressure waveform detected based on the signals from the one or more sensors., 'a risk factor evaluation component configured to2. The system of claim 1 , the risk factor evaluation component configured to derive at least one of a pulse pressure claim 1 , a blood pressure claim 1 , an augmentation index claim 1 , or a systolic ejection time of the user via the pulse wave analysis.3. The system of claim 1 , the risk factor evaluation component configured to infer thoracic impedance based on the signals from the one or more sensors.4. The ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170188713A1
Принадлежит: KELSYUS, LLC

A collapsible flotation device is provided that uses a coilable spring coupled to a panel to collapse the device when the spring is coiled, and to expand the device when the spring is uncoiled configuration. The spring can be contained within a sleeve along the outer portion of the panel. A support member that traverses the panel is provided. An inflatable bladder disposed about a part of the outer portion of the panel and coupled to the support member buoyantly supports a body weight of a user. The combination of the inflatable bladder and the support member provide support for a user in a seated position on the panel. Many configurations are disclosed, including a multi-user collapsible flotation device, multiple connected single-user flotation devices, and so forth. A back support member and a headrest, both of which can be inflatable, provide additional support for a user to maintain a seated position on the panel. A foot support member is provided for the comfort of the user. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a flexible membrane including an inner portion and an outer portion disposed about at least a portion of the inner portion of the flexible membrane, at least the inner portion of the flexible membrane being formed with a mesh; andan inflatable member forming a closed loop and defining at least in part an opening within the closed loop, at least a portion of the flexible membrane disposed across the opening of the inflatable member,the inflatable member having a first portion and a second portion, at least a portion of the flexible membrane being disposed between the first portion of the inflatable member and the second portion of the inflatable member, the first portion of the inflatable member having a height that is greater than a height of the second portion of the inflatable member when the inflatable member is inflatable,the first portion of the inflatable member, the second portion of the inflatable member and the flexible membrane collectively sized such ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Chair Apparatus for Enhancing Sexual Intimacy

Номер: US20170188714A1
Автор: Kaczmarek Robert

The present invention relates to a chair apparatus for facilitating sexual intimacy between a person and his or her sexual partner. The apparatus consists of a cushioned support surface connected to a base through resilient leaf spring legs. Alternately, the support surface can be designed to function as a resilient leaf spring itself, by material choice and fabrication techniques, and be directly coupled to the base or through rigid legs. The rebounding effect produced by the leaf springs reduces the effort needed for intimate activity creating a more pleasurable experience for the couple with less fatigue. 1. An apparatus for at least partially supporting a human body of at least a first human during an intimate activity of two humans , comprised of a support surface coupled to a base through one or more leaf spring legs for the purpose of rebounding and returning energy to the intimate activity.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf spring(s) form the rear leg(s) and are configured in a curved shape.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf spring(s) form the front leg(s) and are configured in curved shape.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf springs form the front and rear legs and are configured in a curved shape.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf spring(s) form the rear leg(s) and are configured in a straight shape.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf spring(s) form the front leg(s) and are configured in a straight shape.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf springs form the front and rear legs and are configured in a straight shape.8. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said leaf springs are oriented so as to form an upright X underneath two opposing sides of the support surface.9. An apparatus for at least partially supporting a human body of at least a first human during an intimate activity of two humans claim 1 , comprised of a support surface coupled to a base where legs may or may not be an ...

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210219733A1
Автор: Cervantes Jesse M.

A flotation device is described that provides a means for relaxation and enjoyment when used in a pool, lake, or other body of water. The flotation device is inflatable and includes a body configured in the form of a vehicle having a front side, a back side, a right side, and a left side. The flotation device further includes a seating area within an interior of the body of the flotation device, two side view mirrors, and a windshield frame. The body of the flotation device is configured to resemble a convertible version of a muscle car including doors, tires, and accompanying logos and details associated with a muscle car. The convertible version of the muscle car further includes a convertible roof that is folded and in an open position as displayed on the flotation device. 1. A flotation device , comprising:a body configured in the form of a vehicle having a front side, a back side, a right side, and a left side;a seating area within an interior of the body of the flotation device;two side view mirrors; anda windshield frame.2. The flotation device of claim 1 , wherein the flotation device is inflatable.3. The flotation device of claim 1 , wherein the body is configured to resemble a muscle car claim 1 , wherein the muscle car comprises doors claim 1 , tires claim 1 , and accompanying logos and decals associated with the muscle car.4. The flotation device of claim 3 , wherein the muscle car resembles a convertible version of the muscle car claim 3 , further comprising a convertible roof claim 3 , wherein the convertible roof is folded and in an open position as displayed on the body of the flotation device.5. The flotation device of claim 1 , wherein the seating area is configured to accommodate a minimum of two adults.6. The flotation device of claim 1 , wherein one or more cupholders are a part of the seating area.7. The flotation device of claim 1 , further comprising an open compartment area located behind the seating area and in the back of the flotation ...

25-09-2014 дата публикации

Seating attachment for a vehicle trailer hitch

Номер: US20140284971A1
Автор: Randal Gene Edwards
Принадлежит: Individual

A seating attachment for a vehicle trailer hitch features two metal bars, the main shaft and the cross member, each with a square cross section and capable of fitting into a standard vehicle trailer hitch mount. The main shaft and cross member are welded together in a “T” configuration. At the ends of the cross member, two seats mounted; the seats may optionally be positioned to face directly backward or be angled inward to face one another. Swivel-mounted seats are also contemplated. Additional mounting points are provided for a table top, an umbrella, beverage coolers, or other equipment. The height of the seats may be raised or lowered relative to the trailer hitch height by an angle piece in order to reach a comfortable sitting level.

18-06-2020 дата публикации

Detachable swivel seat

Номер: US20200187658A1
Автор: Jeffrey Christie
Принадлежит: Friend Success Inc

A detachable seat includes an elongate support bar having first and second brackets with opposed open sides to receive an rigid elongate member in the brackets from opposite directions, a seat support frame including a first support member extending parallel to the support bar and a second support member affixed to the first support member, a hinge connecting the first elongate support member to the support bar, a seat mounted on the second support member, the seat support frame pivoting around the elongate support on the hinge and a retaining arm affixed to and extending from the elongate support bar adjacent the first bracket including a plurality of alignment apertures, the second support member having a mating aperture formed therethough, the mating aperture aligning with a plurality of the alignment apertures upon pivotal movement of the second support member around the hinge to receive a locking pin through the mating aperture and one of the alignment apertures to secure the seat in a selected pivotal position.

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160206107A9
Автор: Liberatore Raymond A.

A water toy comprising a foam tube having a first end, a second end and a body therebetween, an optional seat positioned on the body, a first feature attached to the first end, and a second feature attached to the second end, the first and second features being aesthetic and/or functional and/or a combination of the same.

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160206108A1

The invention relates to an autonomous reclining seat element in a simple tub, the reclining seat element being locked and rotatably mounted on the edge of the pool and water is efficiently applied to the nozzles by means of a circulating pump with short pipes mounted in the equipment container and the reclining seat element is height-adjustable, tiltable and foldable, as an individual element or, by means of hinges, as multiple elements, and such a reclining seat element has one or more buoyancy bodies, armrests with pushbutton panel and, if required, an unbalance motor. 1. A reclining seat element ,whereinthe reclining seat element is fitted in a tub and fixed by means of rotating mountings or double rotating joint and has contact with the bottom or wall and has at least one of the following elements which are armrest, steps, buoyancy body, hollow space, nozzles, side cheeks, hinges, fold-out cushion, equipment container, opening for roller cover.2. The reclining seat element according to claim 1 ,whereinthe equipment container has a fixing for the rotating mountings and for at the pool edge and at least one of the following elements which are cover, unbalance motor, circulating pump, air filter, air mixture filter, air hose, suction pipe, pressure pipe, warm water feed pipe, head rest.3. The reclining seat element according to claim 1 ,whereinthe equipment container can be watertight and below the waterline and the electric motors and control means can be operated with direct current and up to 30 V.4. The reclining seat element according to claim 1 ,whereinthe reclining seat element can be changed by means of hinges and one or more individually controllable buoyancy bodies from a sitting position to a reclining position and to any intermediate position.5. The reclining seat element according to claim 1 ,whereinthe buoyancy body has a water inlet which can be manually opened and a water outlet at which the water can be pumped out of the buoyancy body by means of a ...

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Stools, chairs, and methods using the same

Номер: US20170202353A1
Принадлежит: InkBed Inc

An apparatus that supports a tattoo artist in a variety of positions to comfortably apply one or more tattoos to skin of a subject is herein disclosed. The apparatus can be reconfigured to optimally position and support the arms and/or chest of the tattoo artist. A method for using a tattoo stool can involve rotating armrests of the apparatus from a stowed position to a deployed position. The armrests can support the user's forearms while supporting the user's chest such that the user can comfortably tattoo a portion of the subject positioned in front of the stool.

04-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190200772A1

Disclosed herein are a sway-yaw motion device and a chair assembly with the same, which can provide an audience with various motion effects by moving a motion chair by various degrees of freedom. The sway-yaw motion device and the chair assembly can additionally provide various motions on the plane by adding a swaying motion, which is a linear motion on the plane, and a yawing motion, which is a rotary motion on the plane, to a pitching motion, a rolling motion and a heaving motion, which are provided generally. Particularly, the present invention relates to a sway-yaw motion device and a chair assembly with the same, which can provide swaying and yawing effects at the same time according to actuation of a driving part, for instance, according to an angle control of a crank arm, as well as provide the swaying motion and the yawing motion individually. 1. A sway-yaw motion device comprising:a guide part;a driving part arranged in an inner space of the guide part; anda driven part selectively carrying out motions according to one of a swaying mode, a yawing mode and a swaying-yawing composite mode by the driving part.2. The sway-yaw motion device according to claim 1 , wherein the driving part makes the driven part carry out a linear motion in a parallel direction to a longitudinal axis of the guide part in the case of a swaying mode claim 1 , and makes the driven part carry out eccentric rotation on a vertical axis of the guide part in the case of a yawing mode.3. The sway-yaw motion device according to claim 1 , wherein the guide part comprises at least one guide module for inducing the swaying mode and the yawing mode of the driven part.5. The sway-yaw motion device according to claim 4 , wherein the guide wheel comprises a front wheel located on the front surface of the guide rail and a rear wheel located on the rear surface of the guide rail.6. The sway-yaw motion device according to claim 5 , wherein a guide rod for connecting the front wheel and the rear wheel ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210235870A1

An apparatus that supports a user in a variety of positions to comfortably perform tasks, such as applying one or more tattoos to skin of a subject is herein disclosed. The apparatus can be reconfigured to optimally position and support the arms and/or chest of the user. A method for using a stool can involve rotating armrests of the apparatus from a stowed position to a deployed position. The armrests can support the user's forearms while supporting the user's chest such that the user can comfortably perform tasks in front of a chest support of the stool. 138-. (canceled)39. A stool , comprising:a seat assembly; and a chest support, and', "an armrest movable between a stowed locked position at which the armrest and chest support nest together to define a gapless chest support surface at a backside of the chest support and a deployed position at which the armrest extends forwardly away from a front side chest support to support a user's forearm while the user sits on the seat assembly and leans forward against the gapless chest support surface."], 'a chest support assembly coupled to the seat assembly and including40. The stool of claim 39 , wherein the armrest claim 39 , in the deployed position claim 39 , extends away from the user's torso when the user's chest contacts the chest support.41. The stool of claim 39 , further comprising a locking mechanism to lock the armrest at the stowed locked position and to lock the armrest at the deployed position.42. The stool of claim 39 , further comprising a locking mechanism assembly having a locked state for holding the armrest stationary relative to the chest support and an unlocked state for allowing movement of the armrest relative to the chest support.43. The stool of claim 39 , wherein the armrest claim 39 , in the stowed locked position claim 39 , is directly above a leg-receiving gap between the chest support and a seat cushion of the seat assembly.44. A stool claim 39 , comprising:a seat assembly;a chest support ...

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Buoyant Pool Float

Номер: US20170215595A1
Автор: Ulyss Ray Rubey
Принадлежит: TRC Recreation LP

A buoyant pool float for floating in water is disclosed. In one embodiment, the buoyant pool float includes a hingedly connected upper flotation member and lower flotation member. In a deployed position, the buoyant pool float provides an open unfolded engagement between the upper flotation member and the lower flotation member such that a continuous human reclining surface is provided from the upper end of the upper body to the lower end of the lower body. In a storage position, the buoyant pool float provides a closed folded-flat engagement between the upper flotation member and the lower flotation member such that the lower flotation member is nested against the upper flotation member.

02-08-2018 дата публикации

Seating System

Номер: US20180213938A1
Принадлежит: Smith System Manufacturing Company Inc.

A seating system configured for providing multi-directional motion. 1. A seating system , comprising: a top having an outer surface; and', 'a perimetrical wall extending away from the top; and, 'a first pedestal comprising spaced apart inner and outer surfaces;', 'a wall extend between the spaced apart inner and outer surfaces; and', 'a ledge extending outwardly from the inner surface;, 'a first reversible base comprisingwherein, a bottom of the perimetrical wall of the first pedestal and the ledge of the first reversible base comprise a first locking mechanism configured for removably and reversibly securing the first pedestal and the first reversible base to each other.2. The seating system of claim 1 , wherein the first pedestal and the first reversible base are removably secured to each other with the outer surface of the first reversible base oriented either outwardly and away from the first pedestal or inwardly into a hollow of the first pedestal.3. The seating system of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the first reversible base is convex.4. The seating system of claim 1 , wherein the outer surface of the top of the first pedestal is configured for seating.5. The seating system of claim 1 , comprising:a second pedestal substantially identical to the first pedestal; anda second reversible base substantially identical to the first reversible base;wherein, a bottom of a perimetrical wall of the second pedestal and a ledge of the second reversible base comprise a second locking mechanism substantially identical to the first locking mechanism and configured for removably and reversibly securing the second pedestal and the second reversible base to each other.6. The seating system of claim 5 , wherein the top of the first pedestal and the bottom of the perimetrical wall of the second pedestal comprise a third locking mechanism configured for removably securing the first and the second pedestal to each other.7. The seating system of claim 6 , wherein:the first ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200205570A1

An apparatus that supports a user in a variety of positions to comfortably perform tasks, such as applying one or more tattoos to skin of a subject is herein disclosed. The apparatus can be reconfigured to optimally position and support the arms and/or chest of the user. A method for using a stool can involve rotating armrests of the apparatus from a stowed position to a deployed position. The armrests can support the user's forearms while supporting the user's chest such that the user can comfortably perform tasks in front of a chest support of the stool. 138-. (canceled)39. A support assembly , comprising:a chest support configured to contact a user's chest during use; and ["an armrest movable away from the chest support and the user's chest when the armrest rotates from a raised chest-support position to a lowered horizontal position for supporting the user's arm, and", 'an extension mechanism movable between an undeployed state in which the armrest is positioned within an armrest-receiving portion of the chest support and a deployed state in which the armrest is positioned outside of the armrest-receiving portion., 'an armrest assembly including'}40. The support assembly of claim 39 , wherein the armrest assembly includes an arm positioner having an unlocked state for allowing rotation of the armrest relative to the chest support and about an axis of rotation and a locked state for preventing rotation of the armrest relative to the chest support.41. The support assembly of claim 39 , wherein the armrest is movable between a plurality of preset angular positions relative to the chest support.42. The support assembly of claim 39 , wherein the chest support is rotatable between an upright orientation and an inclined position while the support assembly rests on a horizontal support surface claim 39 , wherein the chest support is configured to expand when in the upright orientation and/or the inclined position.43. The support assembly of claim 39 , wherein the ...

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200205575A1

An adjustable seat for a flotation device includes a seat member made of flexible material attached to, surrounded by, and depending from the flotation device, said seat having two apertures therein for receipt of the legs of a child. A matable connector attached to the flotation device and the seat member means permits the adjustment of the shape and relative depth of the seat member to accommodate children of different sizes. 1. An adjustable seat for a flotation device for a child , comprisinga seat member made of flexible material attached to and depending from the flotation device, said seat having a bottom with two apertures therein for receipt of legs of a child; anda connector having two matable members, one member being attached to the flotation device and the other attached to the seat member, whereby dimensions of the seat may be selectively changed by mating the two connector members, thereby causing the bottom of the seat member to be raised in relation to the flotation device.2. The adjustable seat of claim 1 , wherein the connector comprises a snap buckle.3. The adjustable seat of claim 1 , wherein the connector comprises a toggle and a corresponding loop. This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. Section 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/785,735 entitled “ADJUSTABLE SEAT FOR BABY OR CHILD FLOAT,” filed on Dec. 28, 2018, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety for all purposes.This invention relates to boats, tubes, or other flotation devices for babies and small children, and particularly to devices in which the baby or child is placed upright in a seat that depends from and is surrounded by a flotation device such as a buoyant ring.Floating pool and beach toys are often used to keep a young child, including a baby or toddler, floating in a seated position at the surface of a body of water while preventing the child from becoming submerged in the water. One example of a common floating pool and beach toy ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации

Padded Bench Assembly with Height Adjustable Easel and Ridged Surface for Improved Canvas Support

Номер: US20190208905A1
Автор: Maynes Scott

A padded bench assembly with height adjustable easel and ridged surface provides an elongated frame. The frame supports a canvas at a desired height and slope. The frame also supports an artist, and includes a cushioned seat for the artist to sit on while working on the canvas. The artist bench provides an elongated frame at least 29″ long for an artist to sit. The frame has a cushioned seat for artist comfort while sitting and working on canvas. The bench assembly allows for selective positioning of the canvas, at adjustable angles, through height adjustment of a canvas support bar, and selective setting of the edge of the canvas in one of multiple ridges in a ridged canvas support panel. The artist sit at a desired distance from the canvas, and position the canvas at an angle for working on the canvas, while minimizing slippage by the canvas. 1. A padded bench assembly with height adjustable easel and ridged surface , the assembly comprising:a frame comprising at least one lower longitudinal support bar, at least one upper longitudinal support bar, four legs, and at least four traversed support bars extending between the legs, the frame defined by a proximal end and a distal end;a seat positioned longitudinally across the proximal end of the frame;a canvas support panel positioned longitudinally across the distal end of the frame, the canvas support panel defined by a plurality of ridges;a sleeve fixedly attached to the support bar at the distal end of the frame;a canvas support bar insertable in the sleeve, the canvas support bar slidably moveable in the sleeve;a clamp comprising a body, a friction mechanism, and at least one fastening hole, the body of the clamp surrounding the canvas support bar and the sleeve; andat least one fastener passing through the at least one fastening hole, the fastener being rotatable in the first direction to at least partially tighten the body of the clamp about the canvas support bar and the sleeve, the fastener being rotatable in ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Device for fastening a preferably planar object to a construction

Номер: US20190219080A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A device for fastening a planar object to a construction, including a first holding element and a second holding element which can be interlockingly connected to the first holding element. The first holding element, which can be connected to the construction or to the object or is an integral part of the construction or of the object, has a C- or U-shaped inner profile, in that the second holding element, which can be connected to the object or the construction or is an integral part of the object or the construction, has a C- or U-shaped outer profile, and in that the C- or U-shaped outer profile can be interlockingly accommodated in the inner profile and can be clamped against the inner profile by means of a clamping element.

16-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180228298A1
Автор: Chin Gerding Dorothy

An adjustable seat for a flotation device includes a seat member made of flexible material attached to, surrounded by, and depending from the flotation device, said seat having two apertures therein for receipt of the legs of a child. An adjustment strap extends from front to back under said seat, and is attached at its ends to the flotation device, Connection means permit the adjustment of the length of the strap, thereby changing the size of the seat member to accommodate children of different sizes. 1. An adjustable seat for a flotation device , comprisinga seat member made of flexible material attached to and depending from the flotation device, said seat having two apertures therein for receipt of the legs of a child; andan adjustable strap attached at each of its ends to the flotation device and extending under the seat, whereby the dimensions of the seat may be selectively changed by adjusting the length of said strap so as to increase or decrease the size of the seat member to accommodate the size of the child.2. The adjustable seat of claim 1 , wherein the adjustable strap extends between the two apertures in the seat.3. The adjustable seat of claim 1 , wherein the adjustable strap comprises two sections claim 1 , with a first section connected at one end to the flotation device claim 1 , a second section connected at one end to the flotation device claim 1 , and connection means for connecting the other end of the first section to the other end of the second section.4. The adjustable seat of claim 3 , wherein the connection means includes means for adjusting the length of the adjustment strap when the two sections of the strap are connected.5. The adjustable seat of claim 3 , wherein the connection means comprises a first member attached to the first section of the adjustment strap claim 3 , and a second member attached to the second section of the adjustment strap claim 3 , the first member including means for allowing adjustment of the length of the ...

06-11-2014 дата публикации

Collapsible flotation device

Номер: US20140329425A1
Принадлежит: Kelsyus LLC

A collapsible flotation device is provided that uses a coilable spring coupled to a panel to collapse the device when the spring is coiled, and to expand the device when the spring is uncoiled configuration. The spring can be contained within a sleeve along the outer portion of the panel. A support member that traverses the panel is provided. An inflatable bladder disposed about a part of the outer portion of the panel and coupled to the support member buoyantly supports a body weight of a user. The combination of the inflatable bladder and the support member provide support for a user in a seated position on the panel. Many configurations are disclosed, including a multi-user collapsible flotation device, multiple connected single-user flotation devices, and so forth. A back support member and a headrest, both of which can be inflatable, provide additional support for a user to maintain a seated position on the panel. A foot support member is provided for the comfort of the user.

26-08-2021 дата публикации

Chair and chroma key photography backdrop assembly thereof

Номер: US20210266427A1
Автор: Michael Kidakarn
Принадлежит: Individual

A chair and chroma key photography backdrop assembly leverages the effect of chroma key photography with a collapsible chroma key panel integrated directly into a chair on which an actor sits during broadcast or video conference. The chair has at least one accessory retention arm that forms a cavity sized and dimensioned to retain broadcast equipment, including cameras and sound systems. The chair also has a shock absorber to absorb shock impulses from the actor who is sitting on the chair. Chroma key photography software in the cameras separate the solid color of the chroma key panel from the actor sitting in the chair, and replaces the solid color background of the chroma key panel with a virtual image or video and also separates the actor from the background, such that the actor appears to be in front of a virtual image or video. By deploying the chroma key panel from the chair, stowage, mobility, and efficiency are enhanced during video production.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Locker Seat Assembly

Номер: US20180242735A1
Автор: Sam Allen
Принадлежит: Individual

An improved locker seat includes a pair of spaced-apart upstanding sidewalls having a pair of front edges. A generally horizontal seat extends between and at least partially forward of the front edges of the sidewalls. A lower seatback is connected at a lower extent by a hinge between the sidewalls and extending above the seat, the lower seatback is movable about the hinge between an open position and a closed position. An upper seatback is connected at an upper extent by a hinge between the sidewalls and above the lower seatback, the upper seatback being movable about the hinge between an open and a closed position.

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Life Seat

Номер: US20180242749A1
Автор: Rhody Levi

The Life Seat is an invention that is designed as a personal floatation device that has the ability to also function as a camp chair. This invention is based off the design of a Type III personal floatation device which can be worn like a vest. In order to convert this device into a camp chair, a seat, which is secured by straps that secure it in one of two possible positions can be folded down from the inside of the lower back section of the personal floatation device. 1. The subject matter for which this patent claims consists of any invention which combines a personal floatation device with a camp chair as a single piece of equipment through the deployment of a foldable seat which folds off the personal floatation device. This invention is designed to reduce the amount of equipment that is recommended for certain outdoor recreational activities by combining the functions of two of them. A personal floatation device is a necessity for any recreational activity that is conducted on the water, such as kayaking, fishing, sailing, etc. A camp chair is a piece of equipment that is very commonly used in association with these same outdoor recreational activities. One goal often associated with this field of activity is in lightweight, minimalist equipment. Both a personal floatation device and a camp chair are large, bulky items that are often difficult to pack and utilize effectively.By designing a personal floatation device that doubles as a camp chair, the amount of equipment needed to conduct many outdoor recreational activities is greatly reduced. In addition to this, the design of the camp chair was created in order to maximize the comfort of the user. The addition of the camp chair function to this “Life Seat” device will in no way inhibit the full functionality and safety considerations of the personal floatation function that this device will achieve.This combination of a personal floatation device and a camp chair can take several different configurations and ...

30-08-2018 дата публикации

Economical Actuation Modules and Systems for Beds

Номер: US20180242751A1
Автор: MacNaughton David

The invention is directed to modules for installation in beds to adjustably support targeted body zones of a user. Modularization renders actively controlled bed technology available to a broad range of beds on the market including upgrading many users' existing beds. Bed actuation modules include one or more lift systems connected to a mechanical support which has bed mounting devices for enabling installation of the module in a broad range of bed frames. An adjustable height platform of each lift system can be raised or lowered without necessarily changing the angle of inclination thereof. Lift systems for variable support of two zones may be actuated by single actuator in a way that provides contra-acting movement of the respective mattress support surfaces. Optionally, inclusion of a sensing and inference system enables automatic control of a bed actuation module according to the inferred orientation of a user's body. 2. A module according to wherein the shoulder-stop and the adjustable height platform are one wherein a vertically oriented shoulder retaining surface is provided by a surface of the adjustable height platform.3. A module according to wherein the adjustable height platform comprises of a first member claim 1 , a second member and a flexible board that bridges and is supported by the first member and the second member which are collectively arranged to form a longitudinal suspension system.4. A module according to wherein the support comprises a plurality of bed mounting devices.5. module according to wherein the bed mounting device comprises a vibration isolation device.6. A module according to wherein the actuator comprises an electric motor and a screw.7. A module according to wherein the electric motor comprises a brushless direct current electric motor.8. A module according to claim 1 , wherein the bed mounting device comprises a horizontal plate which allows the module to be supported on a member of a bed frame claim 1 , and wherein each bed ...

31-08-2017 дата публикации

Special needs flotation device

Номер: US20170245647A1
Автор: Crystal L. Ng
Принадлежит: Individual

A planar body board for supporting a special needs child in an aquatic environment provided with a cut-out adapted to circumscribe the child's waist, a seat section attached to the underside of the board and a back rest section which cooperate to permit the free movement of the arms, shoulders and legs of the child when partially submerged in the aquatic environment.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200237096A1
Автор: MILES Harry
Принадлежит: Calyx Cushions LLC

Disclosed herein is a meditation apparatus comprising a meditation seat and articulated pad that is lightweight, compact, and easy to transport that is suitable for indoor and outdoor use, wherein the articulated pad is pivotally connected to the seat.

30-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200239114A1
Автор: de Grasse Scott R.

A mat comprising an array of elongated buoyant elements enclosed in a casing or cover that may be waterproof or porous. The mat may be readily rolled into a cylindrical shape up for purposes of transportation and storage. A pillow may be removably encased in a pocket in the mat, and the pillow may be removable as desired. The pillow may be inflatable, whereby the user may select the extent of inflation (i.e., the hardness of the pillow) in order to provide a desired level of comfort. 1. A roll-up mat comprising:a plurality of elongated, buoyant elements arrayed side-by-side,a casing comprising a rectangular top layer having two long sides and two short sides, affixed at its outer edges to the corresponding outer edges of a rectangular bottom layer having two long sides and two short sides of length, said layers encasing the elongated, buoyant elements between them, the elements being spaced-apart and parallel to the short sides of the layers.2. The roll-up mat of claim 1 , wherein the top and bottom layers are affixed to each other between each adjacent pair of foam rods.3. The roll-up mat of claim 1 , wherein said casing further comprises a pillow and a pocket formed at one end of the roll-up mat between said layers for receipt of said pillow.4. The roll-up mat of claim 2 , wherein said casing further comprises a pillow and a pocket formed at one end of the roll-up mat between said layers for receipt of said pillow.5. The roll-up mat of claim 3 , wherein said pillow comprises an inflatable bladder.6. The roll-up mat of claim 4 , wherein said pillow comprises an inflatable bladder.7. The roll-up mat of claim 3 , wherein said pocket comprises a re-sealable opening that allow insertion and removal of the pillow into and out of the pocket.8. The roll-up mat of claim 4 , wherein said pocket comprises a re-sealable opening to allow insertion and removal of the pillow into and out of the pocket.9. The roll-up mat of claim 2 , further comprising a plurality of elongated ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180249846A1
Автор: Sheldrake Corrine

The disclosure herein provides modular cover systems for protecting furniture and other objects. In an embodiment, a furniture protection system comprises a first cover portion comprising a front surface and a back surface interconnected by a top surface, the first cover portion configured to substantially cover a front, back, and top surface of a first furniture component; and a second cover portion comprising a front surface and a back surface interconnected by a top surface, the second cover portion configured to substantially cover a front, back, and top surface of a second furniture component, wherein a first edge of the first cover portion comprises a first releasable fastener for connecting the first cover portion to the second cover portion, and wherein a second edge of the second cover portion comprises a second releasable fastener configured to engage the first releasable. 120.-. (canceled)21. A furniture protection system comprising:a first cover portion comprising a front surface and a back surface interconnected by a top surface, the first cover portion configured to substantially cover a front, back, and top surface of a first furniture component;a second cover portion comprising a front surface and a back surface interconnected by a top surface, the second cover portion configured to substantially cover a front, back, and top surface of a second furniture component; anda bridge panel comprising a front surface and a back surface interconnected by a top surface, the bridge panel configured to connect the first cover portion to the second cover portion,wherein a first lateral edge of the first cover portion, formed by the front surface, back surface, and top surface of the first cover portion, comprises a first releasable fastener for connecting the first cover portion to the second cover portion or the bridge panel,wherein a second lateral edge of the second cover portion, formed by the front surface, back surface, and top surface of the second cover ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации

Gaming chair

Номер: US20210298476A1
Автор: Shahriar L. Dardashti
Принадлежит: Individual

A gaming chair having a base member having wheels positioned about a perimeter of the base member; an adjustable vertically positioned cylinder having a first end affixed to the base member; a seat having a rigid seat base with a bottom affixed to a rotatable member and where the rotatable member is affixed to a second end of the cylinder; where the seat is adjustable upwardly, downwardly, rotationally and rockedly; a padded seat top positioned on the rigid seat base having at least one compressible internal core member that forms the padded seat top; and raised side bolsters located on opposite sides and on an external portion of the sitting platform; a first arm affixed to a first side of the rigid seat base; a second arm affixed to a second side of the rigid seat base; where each arm is an L-shape and each is extending out and up on opposite sides of the padded seat top; an arm rest affixed to a top of each of the first and second arms and where each of the arm rests is adjustable in multiple directions; a chair back having a chair back top with an internal oversized headrest; an internal S-Shaped spine; an internal lumbar support; a chair back bottom connected to the rigid chair base; a pivot member connecting the chair back bottom to the rigid chair base; and where the pivot member enables the chair back to recline.

24-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150265060A1
Автор: Kerr Walter B.

A tiered inline loveseat includes a first chair and a second chair where the second chair is positioned inline and below the first chair. The first chair includes a first seat, and a first seat back. The first seat has a front end, a back end, a first side and a second side. The first seat back is coupled to the back end of the first seat. The second chair has a second seat and a second seat back with a bottom edge and a top edge. Wherein, the top edge of the second seat back is coupled to the front end of the first seat. 1. A tiered inline loveseat configured to position two persons inline with one another , where the second person is positioned in front of and below the first person , the second person is between the legs of the first person , the legs of the first person function as arm rests for the second person , and the torso of the first person functions as a seat back for the second person , wherein said tiered inline loveseat comprises: a first seat with a front end, a back end, a first side and a second side;', 'a first seat back wherein the first seat back is coupled to the back end of the first seat; and, 'a first chair for the first person and a second chair for the second person, where the second chair is positioned in line and below the first chair, the first chair comprises a second seat; and', 'a second seat back with a bottom edge and a top edge;, 'the second chair compriseswherein the top edge of the second seat back is coupled to the front end of the first seat;wherein said first seat has a reduced depth to position the second person between the legs of the first person;wherein said second seat back has a reduced length to position the top portion of the second person's back between the legs of the first person; andwherein the first chair is reclined from vertical at a first reclined angle, and the second chair is reclined from vertical at a second reclined angle, where the second reclined angle is greater than the first reclined angle.2. ( ...

27-11-2014 дата публикации

Rapid Drying Buoyant Cushion and Floatation Device

Номер: US20140346824A1
Автор: James Harrison
Принадлежит: Individual

A rapid drying inflatable cushion for floating on water includes an inflatable element surrounded by a covering. The covering includes a top side adapted for the user and a bottom side made from a mesh adapted to interface with the water. The covering includes a sidewall, the sidewall has a portion which includes an opening which may be opened or shut by a zipper to permit the inflatable element to be placed in or removed from the covering. The inflatable element has a air valve which would be proximal the closed position of the zipper to allow ease of inflation or deflation. The mesh permits any water or other material which may have infiltrated the covering to exit when removed from the water, permitting the rapid drying inflatable cushion to rapidly dry.
