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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

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11-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2650206C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано со скобочным хирургическим сшивающим инструментом. Корпус кассеты имеет опорную часть с множеством гнезд с отверстиями для скоб. По меньшей мере часть каждой скобы съемно хранится внутри гнезда для скобы. Каждая скоба выполнена с возможностью перемещения между неактивированным положением и активированным положением и деформации между неактивированной конфигурацией и активированной конфигурацией. Сжимаемый компенсатор толщины ткани включает средство визуализации, выполнен для захвата внутри скоб и по меньшей мере частично покрывает отверстия гнезд для скоб. Компенсатор толщины ткани имеет возможность принимать разные значения высоты в сжатом состоянии внутри разных скоб. 2 н.п. ф-лы, 258 ил.

15-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638686C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим рассекающим и сшивающим инструментам и используемым в них компенсаторам толщины ткани, содержащим элементы врастания в ткань. Компенсатор, прикрепляемый к упорному элементу сшивающего аппарата, причем упорный элемент содержит формирующую поверхность, и при этом компенсатор содержит крепежный слой, выполненный с возможностью крепления к упорному элементу, и каркас, прикрепленный к крепежному слою. При этом каркас содержит множество каркасных слоев из биосовместимого материала и множество полостей, причем слои и полости образуют матрицу, способствующую врастанию тканей и клеток. Множество каркасных слоев содержит первый слой и второй слой, причем первый лекарственный препарат поглощается в первом слое, а второй лекарственный препарат поглощается во втором слое, при этом первый лекарственный препарат отличается от второго лекарственного препарата. Сшивающий узел для использования с крепежным инструментом содержит ...

12-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2638273C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к хирургическим рассекающим и сшивающим аппаратам и используемым в них компенсаторам толщины ткани, состоящим из множества материалов. Предложен компенсатор, прикрепляемый к упорному элементу сшивающего аппарата, в котором упорный элемент содержит формирующую поверхность, при этом компенсатор содержит первый слой, второй слой и соединительную часть. Первый слой содержит первые волокна и вторые волокна, причем первые волокна состоят из первого материала, а вторые волокна состоят из второго материала. Первый материал отличается от второго материала, и при этом первые волокна и вторые волокна находятся в первом слое в первом соотношении. Второй слой содержит первые волокна и вторые волокна, причем первые волокна и вторые волокна находятся во втором слое во втором соотношении, и при этом первое соотношение отличается от второго соотношения. Вторые волокна вплетены в первые волокна в первом слое, и первые волокна вплетены во вторые волокна ...

28-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2611747C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, в частности к медицинским устройствам для приложения давления на конечность пациента, в особенности на кровеносный сосуд или раневой участок. Медицинское устройство для обеспечения местного гемостаза в кровеносном сосуде или на раневом участке содержит: корпус для сдавливания кровеносного сосуда, удерживающий элемент для прикрепления корпуса к конечности пациента на участке контакта корпуса с конечностью пациента, средство застёгивания для удержания устройства в желаемом положении на конечности пациента. Корпус имеет удлиненную цилиндрическую форму, является полым и имеет отверстия на концах. Корпус имеет: первую область сдавливания для приложения сдавливающего усилия к кровеносному сосуду на участке контакта, расположенном в пределах первой области сдавливания, по меньшей мере, одну вторую область сдавливания, посредством которой корпус прижимается, с помощью удерживающего элемента, к конечности пациента, и третью область сдавливания.

24-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2642325C2

Группа изобретений включает кассету со скобками и концевой рабочий орган хирургического сшивающего инструмента, относится к области медицинской техники и предназначена для использования в области хирургии. Кассета со скобками включает корпус, содержащий пластину, множество первых и вторых полостей для скобок, множество приводных устройств, искривленный продольный проход и сжимаемый компенсатор толщины тканей. Множество первых полостей для скобок расположены вдоль первой кривой, причем указанная первая кривая определяется первым радиусом кривизны, и при этом каждая указанная первая полость для скобок содержит отверстие в указанной пластине. Множество вторых полостей для скобок расположены вдоль второй кривой, причем указанная вторая кривая определяется вторым радиусом кривизны, при этом указанный первый радиус кривизны отличается от второго радиуса кривизны, при этом каждая указанная вторая полость для скобок включает отверстие в указанной пластине. Множество приводных устройств для скобок ...

05-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2669022C2

Изобретение относится к медицине и может быть использовано для наложения хирургического скобочного шва. Картридж содержит корпус, панель с покрывающим слоем и съемные крепежные элементы, которые хранятся внутри корпуса. Корпус имеет продольный паз для приема режущего элемента. Слой включает первый слой и второй слой. Первая часть слоя проходит над пазом. Вторая часть расположена латерально по отношению к первой части и пазу. Характеристики первой части и второй части отличаются. Первая часть может быть толще, чем вторая часть или первая часть может быть жестче, чем вторая часть. Первая часть жестко поддерживает ткани, которые примыкают к продольному разрезу, проходящему через ткани и выполненному с помощью режущего элемента. Вторая часть, расположенная дальше от продольного разреза в тканях, может гибко поддерживать такие ткани. 5 н. и 22 з.п. ф-лы, 90 ил.

18-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706374C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии и кардиологии. Медицинское устройство содержит металлическое расширяемое тело, выполненное с возможностью расположения в биологическом пространстве, определенном внутренней поверхностью стенки биологического пространства. При этом расширяемое тело дополнительно содержит основную часть, дополнительно содержащую проксимальную шейку, проксимальную область и дистальную область, дистальную шейку, при этом проксимальная шейка соединена с проксимальной областью, проксимальная область соединена с дистальной областью, а дистальная область соединена с дистальной шейкой; и стенку, проходящую непрерывно через проксимальную шейку, проксимальную область, дистальную область и дистальную шейку, образуя наружную поверхность расширяемого тела и внутреннюю поверхность расширяемого тела, при этом внутренняя поверхность определяет внутренний объем расширяемого тела. При этом расширяемое тело выполнено с возможностью принимать односегментную форму при расширении ...

29-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2704539C2

Изобретения относятся к медицинской технике, а именно к медицинскому устройству, содержащему полую конструкцию и доставляющий катетер для лечения сегментов кровеносных сосудов сосудистой системы. Медицинское устройство для окклюзии или блокирования сегментов кровеносного сосуда содержит катетер и сжатую полую металлическую конструкцию, присоединенную к катетеру. Металлическая конструкция, когда она расширена, содержит один сегмент, имеющий стенку с внутренней поверхностью, образующей полость, и внешнюю поверхность с отверстием, ограниченным стенкой, которое позволяет проходить текучей среде в полость. Полость полой металлической конструкции и просвет катетера могут быть соединены текучей средой, а проход текучей среды из катетера в полость полой металлической конструкции приводит к ее расширению. Медицинское устройство сконфигурировано так, что расширенная полая металлическая конструкция и катетер могут быть разъединены. Расширенная полая металлическая конструкция имеет достаточную жесткость ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2470611C2

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к медицине, в частности к трансплантологии. Окклюдер состоит из поддерживающей структуры, соединенный с закупоривающей оболочкой, которая содержит конструкт клеточного матрикса, включающий клетки фибробластов и в норме выделяемые клетками фибробластов компоненты эндогенно-продуцированного внеклеточного матрикса. Посредством окклюдера осуществляют способ чрезкожного транслюминального закрытия отверстия в сердце путем установки в зоне дефекта. Кроме того, посредством окклюдера выполняется способ активации васкуляризации ткани млекопитающего. Заявленная группа изобретений позволяет закрыть дефекты органов, восстановить поврежденные ткани, активизировать васкуляризацию в месте дефекта. 5 н. и 16 з.п.ф-лы, 21 пр., 19 ил.

24-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018141394A3

13-06-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016122453A3

30-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689982C1
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, а именно к вариантам смеси рассасывающихся полимеров, к их применению для получения медицинского устройства и к способам получения медицинских устройств из указанных смесей. Предложенные смеси включают по меньшей мере 50 вес.% первого полимера, такого как полилактид или сополимер лактида/гликолида (в котором 70 мол.% или более лактида и 30 мол.% или менее гликолида), и не более 50 вес.% второго полимера, такого как сополимер п-диоксанона и гликолида (в котором 90-95 мол.% или 90-99 мол.% п-диоксанона и соответственно 5-10 мол.% или 1-10 мол.% гликолида), причем минимальное количество второго полимера в смеси зависит от молярного количества полимеризованного лактида в первом полимере и рассчитывается по формуле «весовой процент сополимера п-диоксанона и гликолида = (215,6212/мольный процент полимеризованного лактида)». В зависимости от варианта смеси первый или второй полимер изготовлен с использованием смеси моно- и дифункционального инициатора ...

10-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015101138A

... 1. Окклюдирующее устройство, содержащее:биопоглощаемый, окклюдирующий просвет имплантат, пропитанный терапевтическим средством, причем биопоглощаемый, окклюдирующий просвет имплантат имеет одну из следующих форм: эллипсоидную, овоидную, сферическую или цилиндрическую; иприсоединенное к нему биопоглощаемое средство прикрепления, причем средство прикрепления содержит один элемент из шовной нити и зубца.2. Окклюдирующее устройство по п. 1, в котором терапевтическое средство является склерозирующим средством.3. Заранее загруженная капсула, содержащая:корпус, образующий камеру подачи и имеющий входной и выходной концы; и биопоглощаемый, окклюдирующий просвет имплантат с присоединенным к нему биопоглощаемым средством прикрепления,при этом биопоглощаемый, окклюдирующий просвет имплантат расположен внутри камеры подачи и пропитан терапевтическим средством.4. Капсула по п. 3, в которой корпус содержит первый суженый переходник вокруг входного конца и второй суженый переходник вокруг выходного конца ...

10-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014121250A

... 1. Медицинское устройство, содержащее корпус (1) для сдавливания кровеносного сосуда, причем упомянутый корпус (1) имеет удлиненную цилиндрическую форму, является полым и имеет отверстия на концах, удерживающий элемент (2) для прикрепления корпуса (1) к конечности пациента на участке контакта корпуса (1) с конечностью пациента, средство (3) застегивания для удержания устройства в желаемом положении на конечности пациента, причем упомянутый корпус (1) имеетпервую область (1a) сдавливания для приложения сдавливающего усилия к кровеносному сосуду на участке контакта, расположенном в пределах первой области (1a) сдавливания, причем указанная первая область (1a) сдавливания расположена на наружной поверхности корпуса (1),по меньшей мере, одну вторую область (1b) сдавливания, посредством которой корпус (1) прижимается, с помощью удерживающего элемента (2), к конечности пациента, итретью область (1c) сдавливания, выполненную с возможностью ручного нажатия для управления сдавливанием в процессе ...

10-09-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014108417A

... 1. Окклюзирующее устройство, содержащее: удлиненный элемент, имеющий первую компоновку и вторую компоновку, в котором первая компоновка имеет относительно малый проходной профиль, а вторая компоновка сложена, в котором удлиненный элемент имеет по меньшей мере одну модификацию для увеличения площади поверхности, поверхностного сопротивления и/или осевого профиля удлиненного элемента, и в котором, после введения альгината, удлиненный элемент в первой компоновке имеет первый объем, а во второй компоновке - второй объем, который больше первого объема.2. Устройство по п. 1, в котором по меньшей мере часть удлиненного элемента предрасположена ко второй компоновке.3. Устройство по п. 1, в котором удлиненный элемент не предрасположен ни к первой компоновке, ни ко второй компоновке и в котором вторая компоновка выбирается произвольно.4. Устройство по п. 1, в котором в первой компоновке удлиненный элемент является трубчатым и проходным, а во второй компоновке его проходимость ограничена наполнителем ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013138347A

... 1. Медицинское устройство, содержащее:катетер исжатую полую металлическую конструкцию, присоединенную к катетеру, причем металлическая конструкция, когда она расширена, содержит один сегмент, имеющий стенку с внутренней поверхностью, образующей полость, и внешнюю поверхность с отверстием, определенным стенкой, которая позволяет проходу текучей среды в полость, причем полость металлической конструкции и полость катетера могут быть соединены текучей средой, а проход текучей среды из катетера в полость металлической конструкции приводит к ее расширению.2. Медицинское устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что форма расширенной металлической конструкции закруглена.3. Медицинское устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что стенка металлической конструкции содержит материал, выбранный из группы, состоящей из золота, платины, серебра, их сплавов и их сочетаний.4. Медицинское устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что металлическая конструкция имеет расширенный диаметр в диапазоне от приблизительно 2 ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013152958A

... 1. Хирургический сшивающий инструмент, содержащийкассету со скобками, содержащую:корпус кассеты, содержащий множество гнезд для скобок; имножество скобок, расположенных внутри указанных гнезд для скобок;узел упора, содержащий:раму упора;упор, содержащий позиционирующую поверхность и по меньшей мере одну поверхность для формирования скобок, причем указанный упор удерживается с возможностью перемещения по указанной раме упора; ирегулирующий элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения и установки между указанной рамой упора и указанным упором, причем указанный регулирующий элемент содержит первую ступень, имеющую первую высоту, и вторую ступень, имеющую вторую высоту, причем указанная вторая высота отличается от указанной первой высоты, и причем указанный регулирующий элемент выполнен с возможностью перемещения между первым положением и вторым положением избирательно для расположения одной из указанной первой ступени и указанной второй ступени между указанной рамой упора и указанной позиционирующей ...

27-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014143245A

... 1. Картридж со скобками, содержащий:корпус картриджа, содержащий полости для скобок;скобки, размещенные с возможностью извлечения в полостях для скобок, при этом скобки могут выталкиваться из полостей для скобок; икомпенсатор, содержащий емкость, причем емкость образует герметичную внутреннюю полость, причем герметичная внутренняя полость содержит внутреннюю атмосферу, при этом внутренняя атмосфера имеет давление ниже атмосферного давления, если емкость находится в неповрежденном состоянии, причем скобки выполнены с возможностью разрыва емкости, когда скобки выталкиваются из полостей для скобок.2. Картридж со скобками по п. 1, причем компенсатор выполнен с возможностью расширяться между смятым состоянием и расширенным состоянием, когда емкость разрывается скобками.3. Картридж со скобками по п. 2, в котором емкость ограничена стенкой емкости, причем стенка емкости изогнута, например является круглой, когда компенсатор находится в расширенном состоянии, и при этом стенка емкости сплющена, ...

20-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014143257A

... 1. Способ производства компенсатора толщины ткани, включающий:получение раствора, содержащего гидрофильный материал;растворение лекарственного средства в указанном растворе;смешивание раствора с гидрофобным материалом;заливание раствора в форму для литья илиофилизацию раствора.2. Способ по п. 1, в котором лиофилизация включает помещение формы для литья в вакуумную камеру, снижение атмосферного давления внутри вакуумной камеры и снижение температуры внутри вакуумной камеры.3. Способ по п. 1 или 2, в котором в результате лиофилизации получают лист материала, и причем способ дополнительно включает разрезание листа материала.4. Способ по п. 1, в котором лекарственное средство растворяют в микрочастицах в растворе.5. Способ по п. 4, в котором микрочастицы суспендируют в гидрофобном материале после смешивания раствора и гидрофобного материала.6. Компенсатор толщины ткани для применения в сшивающем инструменте, содержащий:сжимаемый слой, выполненный с возможностью по меньшей мере частичного захватывания ...

31-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060317040T2

17-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE602006014161D1

12-05-2010 дата публикации

Device for wound closure or wound healing in wound closure, particularly wound stitches, is formed as splint which covers wound or wound closure in longitudinal direction and lateral direction

Номер: DE102008057215A1

The device (10) is formed as a splint which covers the wound or the wound closure in a longitudinal direction and a lateral direction. The device is manufactured partly, particularly fully from a biocompatible and plastic deformed material, particularly silicon. The units are provided for receiving and discharging the pharmaceutical agents. An independent claim is included for a set for wound treatment.

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000400222T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000536154T

15-03-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000546098T

15-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000376391T

23-08-2018 дата публикации

Skin-augmenting surgical sutures

Номер: AU2017204937A1
Принадлежит: PIPERS

The present invention relates to surgical sutures and threads for introducing skin-augmenting materials into human tissues, such as the skin.

26-11-2020 дата публикации

Surgical stapling device

Номер: AU2020202569A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

SURGICAL STAPLING DEVICE A surgical stapling device, comprising: an end effector (16) including an anvil jaw member (20) and a cartridge jaw member (22) pivotally coupled to one another, the anvil jaw member (20) and the cartridge jaw member (22) being relatively movable such that the end effector (16) is movable between an open position and a clamped position; a first buttress (24) attached to the anvil jaw member (20), the first buttress (24) having at least one therapeutic agent thereon; and a second buttress (24a) attached to the cartridge jaw member (22). C'> C > CID, Jf ...

28-11-2019 дата публикации

Universal linear surgical stapling buttress

Номер: AU2019202984A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

UNIVERSAL LINEAR SURGICAL STAPLING BUTTRESS A surgical buttress carrier assembly (200), comprising: a buttress carrier (204) having a body and lateral sides, the carrier (204) having a plurality of distally extending arms on each of the lateral sides, the lateral sides including a first lateral side and a second lateral side, the first lateral side being opposite the second lateral side; and a buttress material (202) having an elongate shape, a distal end, and a first lateral side and a second lateral side, the buttress material having a plurality of openings at the buttress first lateral side and buttress second lateral side, the plurality of openings corresponding to the plurality of distally extending arms; and an elongate member (502) extending proximally from the buttress carrier (204), the buttress carrier (204) being separated from the buttress material when the elongate member (502) is pulled. cl/ ...

02-08-2007 дата публикации

Methods and procedures for ligament repair

Номер: AU2007208243A1

04-12-2008 дата публикации

Aneurysm treatment device

Номер: AU2008243176A1

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Antimicrobial medical devices

Номер: AU2007221050B2

Antimicrobial medical devices are prepared with a complexed antimicrobial agent which enhances the adherence of the antimicrobial agent to the medical device.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

A method and apparatus for increasing blood flow through an obstructed blood vessel

Номер: AU2007211269B2

A method for increasing blood flow through an obstructed blood vessel includes providing an expandable member (100) made of a mesh having a plurality of interstices. The expandable member is substantially closed at the distal end and is inserted into the vessel and positioned within the vessel with the member body located radially adjacent at least a portion of an obstruction. The expandable member is expanded into contact with the obstruction. An outward radial force is exerted on the obstruction to dislodge a fragment. The fragment is passed through at least one interstice of the member body in the radial direction, the fragment being selectively retained. An apparatus for increasing blood flow through an obstructed blood vessel is also provided.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Bioactive substance in a barbed suture

Номер: AU2007214379B2

BIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE IN A BARBED SUTURE Abstract Barbed surgical sutures (10) are prepared with a bioactive agent thereon. In embodiments, the bioactive agent may be an antimicrobial or clotting agent deposited 5 within the angle formed by the barb (12) and the suture body (14). Placement of the bioactive agent in the angle between the barb (12) and suture body (14) enhances the delivery of the bioactive agent to wound tissue at the point of contact.

04-05-2006 дата публикации

Structure containing wound treatment material

Номер: AU2005200724A1

27-04-2006 дата публикации

Adhesive suture structure and methods of using the same

Номер: AU2005295811A1

15-10-2009 дата публикации

Anchoring device

Номер: AU2009201099A1

04-04-2013 дата публикации

A device

Номер: AU2011260063A1

The present invention relates to devices and related methods for treating fistulas such as anal or recto-vaginal fistulas, in particular by the use of a seton to secure a tissue growth promoter such as a growth factor and/or fibrin. The various devices are particularly suitable for positioning tissue growth promoters securely within a fistula. Thus, one device comprises a seton and a tissue growth promoter. Further related aspects of the invention include devices comprising an enclosure provided inbetween portions of a seton, devices comprising a seton and a plurality of holes for enabling the device to be sutured to tissue, devices comprising a probe and a seton that are releasably connectable end-to-end, devices comprising an attachment device to secure the ends of a seton, and devices comprising a fistula plug adapted to be secured to a seton.

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Multizone implants

Номер: AU2010201170A1

03-08-2017 дата публикации

Surgical stapler anvil comprising a plurality of forming pockets

Номер: AU2012250194B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple- deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

06-10-2011 дата публикации

Compound barb medical device and method

Номер: AU2011201072A1

COMPOUND BARB MEDICAL DEVICE AND METHOD A compound barb medical device (100) includes a body portion (14) and at least one barb (12) extending therefrom. The at least one barb defines an inner surface. The inner surface includes a first portion (12a) disposed at a first orientation relative to a longitudinal axis of the body portion and a second portion (126) disposed at a second orientation relative to the longitudinal axis. The at least one barb is made from a shape memory material which can be deformed into a temporary shape from a permanent shape. The barb projects from the body portion in a first position relative to the body portion when in the permanent shape and in a second position when in the temporary shape. 12c 12b 12a ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Blockstent device and methods of use

Номер: AU2012207618B2

What is disclosed is a medical device comprising a compressed, cylindrical or oblong, thin-walled, expandable metal structure (a "blockstent") and a flexible, elongated device (a "delivery catheter") to position the compressed blockstent into the lumen of a blood vessel segment to be treated, and methods of use for occlusion of treated blood vessel segments. A blockstent can be made with ductile meta!s such that the blockstent will conform to the shape of the lumen of the treated blood vessel segment during expansion and allow for the shape of the blockstent to be permanently changed by the application of an external force. The surface of the blockstent can be configured to promote local thrombus on the external surface of the blockstent and to promote the growth of tissue into the wall of the blockstent in order to occlude the treated blood vessel and fix the blockstent in place.

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Device for instillation of a chemical agent into the endometrial cavity for purpose of global endometrial ablation

Номер: AU2013274227A1

A device for chemical endometrial ablation comprising an outer tube, a moveable cervical collar surrounding a portion of the outer tube and located near the distal end of the outer tube, an inner tube movable in a distal-proximal direction within the lumen of the outer tube, a porous and/or sponge-like material on the distal end of the inner tube within the lumen of the distal end of the outer tube having a size, shape, and expandability so that when the distal end of the inner tube within the distal end of the outer tube is moved in a distal direction in relation to the outer tube, the porous and/or sponge-like material expands to the approximate size of a uterus so as to contact the endometrium, a source of cauterizing agent, and means to cause the cauterizing agent to flow through the lumen of the inner tube onto the porous and/or sponge-like material. In operation, the cervical collar can be moved or advanced along the outer tube to the cervix and secured tightly around the external ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Target identification tool for intra-lumenal localization

Номер: AU2016256761B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

TARGET IDENTIFICATION TOOL FOR INTRA-LUMENAL LOCALIZATION An intraluminal marker for identification of a location of a target area, the intraluminal marker comprising an atraumatic anchoring portion (14) formed as a wire that extends axially along a longitudinal axis, the atraumatic anchoring portion (14) having a first configuration and a second configuration, wherein in the first configuration the atraumatic anchoring portion (14) is elongated to facilitate deployment via a catheter, and in the second configuration including the atraumatic anchoring portion (14) is in a relaxed state having a size greater than a diameter of a target airway when implanted at the target airway; and at least one body portion (12) circumferentially surrounding a section of the atraumatic anchoring portion (14), wherein the atraumatic anchoring portion (14) and the at least one body portion (12) are securable in the target airway such that airflow continues through the target airway.

18-12-2014 дата публикации

Pouch used to deliver medication when ruptured

Номер: AU2009230819B2

POUCH USED TO DELIVER MEDICATION WHEN RUPTURED Abstract An anvil assembly (26) for a circular stapling device (10) includes an anvil head (34) configured to support an anvil plate (36) thereon, a shaft (28) extending from the 5 anvil head (34) and configured to selectively engage a rod member of the circular stapling device (10), an anvil plate (36) operatively connected to the anvil head (34), wherein the anvil plate (36) includes an inner diametral edge, and wherein the anvil plate (36) defines a plurality of staple forming pockets (38) therein at a location radially outward of the inner diametral edge, a recess formed in the anvil head (34), wherein the recess is defined 1o by the inner diametral edge of the anvil plate (36) and a rear surface of the anvil head (34), and a wound treatment material disposed substantially within the recess. co C'%D c'Jo 34b 104 36a - 38 ----- CC~j a a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Ballstent device and methods of use

Номер: AU2012207387A1

What is disclosed are medical devices comprising a rounded, thin-walled, expandable metal structure ("ballstent") and a flexible, elongated delivery device ("delivery catheter") and systems and methods of use for treating saccular vascular aneurysms with the medical devices. Ballstents comprised of gold, platinum, or silver that can be compressed, positioned in the lumen of an aneurysm, and expanded to conform to the shape of the aneurysm are disclosed. The external surface of ballstents can be configured to promote local thrombosis and to promote the growth of tissue into and around the wall of the ballstent in order to seal the aneurysm and fix the ballstent in place in the aneurysm. The wall of the ballstent can also be configured to release drugs or pharmacologically active molecules, such as those that promote thrombosis, cell proliferation, extracellular matrix deposition, and tissue growth.

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Expandable body device and method of use

Номер: AU2014232323B2

Disclosed herein are medical devices comprising a single-lobed, thin-walled, expandable body and a flexible, elongated delivery device for treating saccular vascular aneurysms and occluding segments of blood vessels and other biological conduits. The expandable bodies may include gold and other metals that can be compressed, positioned in the lumen of an aneurysm, or other biological conduit and expanded. The external surface of the expandable bodies can be configured to promote local thrombosis and to promote the growth of tissue into and around the surface in order to reduce migration of the expandable body and to occlude and seal the aneurysm or biological conduit. For the treatment of saccular aneurysms, the expandable body may be deployed in combination with one or more coiled wires that contact both the wall of the aneurysm and the expandable body and exert force on the expandable body to aid in sealing the aneurysm neck.

25-07-2019 дата публикации

Implant for determining intraocular pressure

Номер: AU2015281158B2

An implant (1) for determining intraocular pressure, having at least one electrical pressure sensor (6) for measuring the intraocular pressure, at least one microchip (7) connected to the pressure sensor (6), and at least one antenna (8) connected to the microchip (7), wherein the microchip (7) generates digitally encoded data from the electrical signals of the pressure sensor (6), which data can be transferred via the antenna (8), by means of electromagnetic waves, to a receiver located outside the eye, and said components are accommodated in a small housing (11) whose external dimensions (12, 13, 14) are limited in such a way that it is possible to place the implant (1) between the sclera (3) and the choroid (4) of the eye (2), said implant (1) being improved, according to the invention, by virtue of the fact that the pressure sensor (6) is accommodated on an outer face (16) of the housing of the implant (1), which outer face (16), in the eye (2), is placed in contact with the choroid ...

21-11-2019 дата публикации

Collection of cells from a lumen in patient

Номер: AU2017248549B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

Il:\ejl\Interwovn\NRPortbl\DCC\EJL081809_l.docx-l0/20/2017 - 18 Disclosed herein is a process of collecting cells from a lumen, such as a Fallopian tube lumen, in a subject, comprising: deploying a distal end of a catheter at the proximal end of the lumen; everting a balloon on the distal end of the catheter to urge an extending portion into the lumen 5 with sufficient force to dislodge the cells from an inner wall of the lumen; and withdrawing said extending portion from the subject to collect the cells. Also disclosed herein is a catheter comprising: a tube having a distal end; a balloon secured to the distal end; and an extending portion moveable between a retracted position and an extended position with inflation of said balloon.

23-07-2020 дата публикации

Flow control valve

Номер: AU2019242546A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present disclosure relates generally to the field of medical devices and establishing fluid communication between body lumens. In particular, the present disclosure relates to devices and methods for establishing a controlled flow or access passage between body lumens.

28-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002523333C

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, an apparatus for forming an anastomosis between adjacent intestinal sections of tissue is provided. The apparatus includes an anastomosis device having an anvil and a tubular body portion, wherein the anvil is selectively attachable to the tubular body portion by a shaft; and a support structure for deposition between the intestinal sections of tissue. The support structure includes a body defining an aperture therein for receiving the shaft. The body has an outer terminal edge. The support structure includes at least one layer of expandable material disposed at the outer terminal edge of the body.

12-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002676237A1

The present disclosure describes an apparatus for accessing a medical dev ice sealed within a package having a base configured and dimensioned to rece ive at least a portion of a sealed package containing a medical device and a cover adapted to overlie at least a portion of the sealed package adjacent the base. The cover includes a portal configured and dimensioned to receive a piercing structure therethrough for piercing the package and accessing the device sealed therein.

04-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002786038A1

In various embodiments, an assembly of a surgical instrument is disclosed. The assembly includes a housing, a cutting member relatively movable with respect to the housing, and an agent cartridge connected to the housing. The agent cartridge houses a medical agent. The assembly is configured to deliver the medical agent proximate a cutting surface of the cutting member.

09-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002743509C

An apparatus (101) for sealing a puncture includes a cartridge (120), a pusher member (130), a sealant (2), and a tamping device (210) on a proximal end of the cartridge. During use, the cartridge, sealant, and pusher member are advanced over a positioning member (140) and into the puncture by advancing a cartridge hub (123) carrying the tamping device. When further distal advancement of the cartridge is limited, the cartridge hub is further advanced, activating the tamping device, and causing the pusher member to advance relative to the sealant to compress the sealant within the puncture.

22-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002745270A1

The present disclosure is directed to an implantable repository including a housing comprising at least one bioactive agent and at least one attachment member coupled to the housing, the at least one attachment member configured to couple the implantable repository to at least one of a medical device and a tissue surface.

12-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002583866C

... ²²²An apparatus for forming an anastomosis between adjacent intestinal sections ²of tissue is provided. The apparatus includes a circular surgical stapler ²having an anvil assembly with an anvil shaft and an anvil, the circular ²surgical stapler further having a tubular body portion with an annular knife ²and a body portion shaft selectively attachable to the anvil shaft; and a seal ²structure for deposition between the intestinal sections of tissue including a ²hub configured to engage attachment structure on at least one of the anvil ²shaft and the body portion shaft. The attachment structure is positioned so ²that the seal structure is located between the intestinal sections of tissue ²when the circular surgical stapler is disposed within the intestinal sections ²of tissue.² ...

09-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002791050A1

This invention relates generally to threads of hyaluronic acid, methods of making such threads and uses thereof, for example, in aesthetic applications (e.g., facial contouring, dermal fillers), surgery (e.g., sutures), drug delivery, negative pressure wound therapy, moist wound dressing, and the like.

27-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002520218A1

A novel combination of a suture anchor and a bone void filler composition. Also, a method of using the combination to affix soft tissue to mount a suture anchor in a bone.

01-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003089740A1

Closure devices for sealing a puncture and methods of sealing a puncture are described herein. A closure device may be used to position a sealant in a puncture. The sealant may be provided in a sheath which is retracted to expose the sealant in the puncture. A support member may be advanced to compress the sealant. The device may have a lock that prevents the support member from advancing prematurely. The lock may be unlocked when the sheath is at least partially retracted. The device may have an actuator that controls movement of the sheath and the support member. The lock may remain in a locked position until the sheath is at least partially retracted.

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3107753A1

The subject invention relates to novel methods for the rapid treatment of disorders resulting from thrombosis or embolism such as a myocardial infarction or stroke. Specifically, the invention relates to diffusion enhancing compounds and their use with embolectomy and thrombectomy, or other procedures for the treatment of ischemia.

26-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003037999A1

Force modulating tissue bridges, and associated applicators, kits and methods are provided. A force modulating tissue bridge can be a medical article for at least partially covering a wound and/or scar tissue. The medical article can include an elastic arch extending over an area, and a medial strut connected to the arch and extending into the area over which the central section extends.

09-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003041249A1

A surgical buttress carrier assembly includes a buttress carrier and a buttress material. The buttress carrier has a body, a distal end, and lateral sides; the carrier has at least one distally extending post at the distal end, at least one first laterally extending post at a first lateral side, and at least one second laterally extending post at a second lateral side. The buttress carrier has an inner edge adjacent the distal end, and a proximally extending hook extending from the inner edge. The buttress material has an elongate shape, a distal end, and a first lateral side and a second lateral side; the buttress material has at least one opening at the distal end, at least one first side opening adjacent the buttress first lateral side, and at least one second side opening adjacent the buttress second lateral side.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003091272A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

The present disclosure relates generally to the field of medical devices and establishing fluid communication between body lumens. In particular, the present disclosure relates to devices and methods for establishing a controlled flow or access passage between body lumens.

08-03-2001 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002379442A1

A liquid embolic delivery system is provided for trapping an injected liquid embolic composition to prevent the liquid embolic from solidifying or otherwise passing outside of an embolization area. The delivery system includes a catheter for delivery of a liquid embolic composition and a containment member positioned at a distal end of the catheter which is shaped to trap the liquid embolic composition delivered through the lumen of the catheter. The containment member is formed as a brush, nest, sponge, swab, flexible sack, or other shape into and around which the liquid embolic composition is injected. The liquid embolic composition is trapped or meshes with the containment member during solidification containing the liquid embolic and preventing the embolic composition from passing into the blood stream.

17-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002662445A1

The present disclosure provides a medical device package including a cont ainer for receiving a medical device having an area configured for storing a t least one agent and a port for permitting the passage of a contact materia l between the outside the container and the area configured for storing the agent.

24-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639474A1

There is disclosed an auxiliary device for injecting material between the ja ws of a surgical stapler. The auxiliary device includes a nozzle assembly having a discharge port and a compression assembly having at least one compression roller for forcing material out of the discharge port. The disclosed compression rollers may be formed of an incompressible or compressible material. The auxiliary device also includes a drive mechanism for moving the compression assembly within a nozzle body of the nozzle assembly. There is also disclosed a rupturable capsule for retaining material to be dispensed.

17-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002639445A1

A method is provided for forming a barbed medical device which includes the steps of providing a blank workpiece and forming at least one barb on the blank workpiece by applying vibrational energy to a tool and bringing the tool and the blank workpiece into contact with each other at an angle such that the tool cuts into the surface of the blank workpiece. A barbed medical device formed by this method is also provided. ...

18-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002632485A1

A surgical stapler is provided having a pair of jaws including a staple containing cartridge and an anvil. Buttress material is releasable affixed to the staple containi ng cartridge and the anvil. One of the jaws includes a pair of longitudinal projections at a firs t end of the jaw and configured to frictionally engage corresponding slots in a first end the buttress material. One of the jaws includes a post at a second end of the jaw. The buttress material includes a hole in a second end of the buttress material for receipt of the post.

03-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002656747A1

Methods and devices are provided for marking tissue to be subsequently locat ed for removal from a body or for other examination. In general, a marker is provid ed that can be delivered through a tissue wall proximate to tissue desirable for marking. T he marker can be movable between a non-deployed or unexpanded position, in which the marker i s configured to be delivered through a relatively small diameter passageway, to an expanded, balloon-like position in which the marker is configured to engage opposed sides of a tiss ue wall proximate to the desired tissue. The marker can remain disposed in the body in its expand ed position and be subsequently palpably identified and/or visually identified to locate the desired tissue.

06-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002666248C

The needle assembly of the invention is a quad-partite system for use with an arc- center stereotactic headframe that allows a clinician to deliver recombinant expression vectors through the needle assembly to targeted sites at exact depths in the brain. Methods for use of the needle assembly with a tube insert for the needle cannula that does not bind proteins, as in protein viral capsids, permit delivery of precise volumes of pharmaceutical compositions containing viral recombinant expression vectors for gene therapy.

21-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002995185A1

Devices, methods and systems are provided for occluding an opening within the tissue of a body, such as a left atrial appendage. In one embodiment, a medical device includes an occluder portion and an anchor portion. The occluder portion includes a hub that defines an axis, the occluder portion extending between a proximal end coupled to the hub and a distal end defining an occluder eyelet adjacent thereto. The anchor portion extends between a first end and a second end, the first end coupled to an anchor hub and the second end defining an anchor eyelet adjacent thereto and hingeably coupled to the occluder eyelet. With this arrangement, the anchor hub is moveable along the axis to move the anchor portion between a retracted position and a deployed position upon the occluder portion being in an expanded position.

21-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002939520C
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

An implant can include a single- or dual-layer braided body having a variable porosity. In a dual-layer body, first and second longitudinal sections, having respective first and second porosities, can be overlapped such that the first and second porosities overlap each other. The dual-layer construction can cumulatively provide a third porosity at a distal portion and a fourth porosity at a proximal portion.

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002888990A1

A device (100) for occluding an aperture in a body of a patient includes a frame (110) that includes a plurality of elongate members (111) and a hub component (102) that includes a plurality of attachment members (150), wherein for each elongate member of the plurality of elongate members a first end of the elongate member is fixedly attached to an attachment member of the plurality of attachment members at an attachment region. The frame and the hub component together form at least one occlusive element. Each receptacle of the plurality of attachment members is configured to pivot with respect to the hub component, such that each attachment region is movable with respect to the hub component.

14-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002899494A1

A fastener cartridge can comprise a cartridge body comprising a deck, fasteners removably stored within the cartridge body, and a layer covering the deck. The cartridge body can comprise a longitudinal slot which can be configured to receive a cutting member therein. The layer can comprise a first portion extending over the slot and a second portion located laterally with respect to the first portion and the slot. The first portion can comprise different properties than the second portion. For instance, the first portion can be thicker than the second portion. The first portion could also be stiffer than the second portion, for example. The first portion can rigidly support the tissue which is adjacent to a longitudinal cut extending through the tissue which is created by the cutting member. The second portion, positioned further away from the longitudinal cut in the tissue, can flexibly support such tissue.

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002915267A1

An implant can include a support component, a cover component, and a valve component. The valve component can be operable to permit flow through the implant. The implant can be delivered on a catheter, with one of the ends of the implant being selectively expanded to permit temporary occlusion of a vessel while delivering a material through the valve component to a downstream target region. The other end of the implant can thereafter be released such that the implant occludes the vessel, or the implant can be removed from the vessel entirely.

03-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002925665A1

Embodiments described herein generally relate to improved devices, systems, kits, products and methods related to topical medicament application of measured dosages. The kits and devices can single use and/or disposable for example.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002934304A1

Novel absorbable polymeric blends made from components wherein at least one of the components is synthesized using mixtures of mono- and di-functional initiators are disclosed. The blends have a first component that is a polylactide polymer or a copolymer of lactide and glycolide and a second component that is either poly(p-dioxanone) homopolymer, or a poly(p-dioxanone-co-glycolide) copolymer. The novel polymeric blends provide medical devices having dimensional stability. Also disclosed are novel absorbable medical devices made from these novel polymer blends, as well as novel methods of manufacture.

27-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002982471A1

A process and reactor for arsenic fixation in which a first gas stream comprises oxygen and an iron-containing particulate material. The oxygen and particulate material may be fed to reactor through respective first and second inlets. A second gas stream containing one or more volatile arsenic compounds is fed through a third inlet and mixed with the first gas stream and the particulate material to produce a combined gas stream containing the volatile arsenic compounds and the particulate material. The arsenic compounds are reacted with iron in the particulate material as the combined gas stream flows through the reactor to produce solid iron arsenates which are then recovered. The portion of the reactor including the first, second and third inlets is vertically oriented, and the reactor may include a venturi arrangement having a throat at which the second inlet is located.

29-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002832896C

A compression ring (10, 34, 52, 70, 100) to grip and compress body structure such as diverticulum, hemorrhoids, and tissue adjacent a hole. A resilient ring shaped body (12, 36, 54, 72, 102) defines a compression channel (14, 38, 56, 74, 104), and an elongated axially rigid gripping member (16, 40, 58, 76, 106) extends diametrically across the through-opening. The gripping member (106) can rest on a flange (108) on the opposite side of the through-opening or engage with a second gripping member (42, 60, 78) that extends diametrically across the through-opening from the opposite side of the ring. Or, a flexible cage structure (124) can be disposed in the through-opening.

08-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002824964C

A sealant is provided for sealing a puncture through tissue that includes an elongate first section including a proximal end, a distal end, and a cross-section sized for delivery into a puncture through tissue, and a second section fused to and extending from the distal end of the first section. The first section may be formed from a freeze-dried hydrogel that expands when exposed to physiological fluid within a puncture. The second section may be formed from a solid mass of non-freeze-dried, non-crosslinked hydrogel precursors, the precursors remaining in an unreactive state until exposed to an aqueous physiological, whereupon the precursors undergo in-situ crosslinking with one another to provide an adhesive layer bonded to the first section. Apparatus and methods for delivering the sealant into a puncture through tissue are also provided.

26-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002823378A1

What is disclosed is a medical device comprising a compressed, cylindrical or oblong, thin-walled, expandable metal structure (a "blockstent") and a flexible, elongated device (a "delivery catheter") to position the compressed blockstent into the lumen of a blood vessel segment to be treated, and methods of use for occlusion of treated blood vessel segments. A blockstent can be made with ductile metals such as gold, platinum, or silver such that the blockstent will conform to the shape of the lumen of the treated blood vessel segment during expansion and allow for the shape of the blockstent to be permanently changed by the application of an external force. The surface of the blockstent can be configured to promote local thrombus on the external surface of the blockstent and to promote the growth of tissue into the wall of the blockstent in order to occlude the treated blood vessel and fix the blockstent in place. The wall of the blockstent can also be configured to release drugs or pharmacologically ...

30-01-2015 дата публикации

samosshivayushchie catheters

Номер: EA0201491258A1

31-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201990790A1

10-05-2017 дата публикации

Drug eluting self-retention suture and related method thereof

Номер: CN0103747746B

20-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003041236B1
Принадлежит: VYGON

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101367977B1

15-09-2017 дата публикации

색전술 마이크로카테터

Номер: KR1020170104549A

... 타겟 신체 부분 쪽으로 작은 혈관에서 물질(예로서, 색전술 재료 및/또는 조영 증강 재료를 포함한 주입 작용제)을 전달하기 위한 마이크로카테터. 외부 직경을 가진 관형 벽에 의해 둘러싸여지며 양쪽 단부들에서 개방된 단일 내강을 포함한다; 관형 벽 근위 부분은 압력 소스 및 주입 작용제를 포함한 저장소에 연결 가능하며, 관형 벽 원위 부분은 팁으로 끝난다; 관형 벽 원위 부분은 저장소로부터 팁으로 주입 현탁액의 지속적 전달 동안, 주입 작용제의 인입하는 역행 흐름의 통과를 차단하도록 구성된 주입 작용제 흐름 중단 섹션을 포함한다. (예를 들면, 암에 걸린) 타겟 신체 부분에 공급하는 작은 혈관에서 국소적 색전술을 수행하기 위한 및 이러한 타겟 신체 부분 쪽으로 작은 혈관에서 주입 작용제를 전달하기 위한 마이크로카테터를 사용하는 방법들이 개시된다. 비-타겟 주입 작용제를 필터링하기 위한 디바이스들 및 방법들이 또한 개시된다.

10-07-2018 дата публикации

조직 리트랙터 시스템 및 방법

Номер: KR1020180079346A

... 본 발명은 하나 이상의 물질을 대상체의 신체에 주입하는 것 수반하는 것들을 포함하여, 다양한 의료 처치를 수행하기 위한 장치들, 시스템들 및 방법들을 교시한다. 몇몇 실시예에서, 본 발병은 조직 리트랙터의 대향하는 날들에 결합되는 전리 방사선원 및 디지털 방사선 검출기를 포함하는 이미징 시스템을 교시한다.

11-05-2015 дата публикации

혈관 폐색 및 약물 전달 장치, 시스템, 및 방법

Номер: KR1020150051191A

... 본 개시 내용의 실시형태는 폐색 및 약물 전달 장치 및 방법을 포함한다. 본 개시 내용의 일 양태는 내부 확장 부재와 외부 약물 전달 구성요소를 포함하는 약물 전달 장치를 포함한다. 본 개시 내용의 또 다른 양태는 생체 흡수성, 내강 폐색 임플란트를 포함한다.

11-01-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AR0000047229A1

Un aparato para la administracion por vía transdérmica de un agente biologicamente activo a un paciente, que comprende una pieza con microproyecciones que cuenta con una pluralidad de microproyecciones que están adaptadas para perforar el estrato corneo del usuario de nicotina, donde la pieza con microproyecciones tiene un revestimiento biocompatible dispuesto sobre la misma que incluye un agente biologicamente activo seleccionado del grupo formado por conjugados de péptidos y proteínas. Método para administracion transdérmica.

17-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011143184A8

A surgical stapler includes first and second tissue clamping members and a reservoir configured to hold a tissue treatment composition. The first tissue clamping member is configured to receive a plurality of staples. The second tissue clamping member comprises an anvil configured to form the staples. The reservoir may be provided in a handle portion of the surgical stapler, and a fluid conduit may be used to communicate the tissue treatment composition from the reservoir. An end effector lumen may selectively communicate with the fluid conduit. The lumen may also be in communication with openings to further communicate the tissue treatment composition to tissue or to a scaffold material positioned adjacent to tissue. A reservoir may alternatively be provided in one of the clamping members. A knife member may pierce a housing defining the reservoir, and a resilient member may then urge a tissue treatment composition from the housing.

28-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO000002008024621A1

Disclosed herein are removable devices (100) adapted to allow localized and contained delivery of bioactive materials to a treatment site within a lumen such as a blood vessel such that the flow of fluid through the lumen is not blocked during bioactive material delivery.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for increasing blood flow through an obstructed blood vessel

Номер: US20120041459A1
Автор: David Fiorella, Henry Woo

A method of increasing blood flow through an obstructed blood vessel includes providing an expandable member substantially made of a mesh having a plurality of interstices. The expandable member is inserted into the blood vessel, positioned within the blood vessel with the proximal member end upstream of the distal member end and the member body located radially adjacent at least a portion of an obstruction, and expanded to bring at least a portion of the member body into contact with the obstruction. An outward radial force is exerted on the obstruction to dislodge at least one fragment from the obstruction and to enhance blood flow through the blood vessel past the obstruction. The at least one fragment is passed through at least one interstice of the member body in the radial direction, and is selectively retained within the expandable member.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Biological tissue connection and repair devices and methods of using same

Номер: US20120059399A1
Автор: Ahmet Hoke, Hai-quan Mao

The instant invention provides compositions and methods for promoting the repair and/or growth of biological tissue, e.g., tubular biological tissue such as nerves. Specifically, the instant invention provides tissue connection devices and tissue repair devices and methods for using these devices.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising portions having different properties

Номер: US20120080337A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Compressible staple cartridge assembly

Номер: US20120080338A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Surgical stapler with floating anvil

Номер: US20120080493A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A surgical instrument can include an anvil and, in addition, a staple cartridge support configured to support a staple cartridge. In various embodiments, the jaw can be moved toward the staple cartridge to deform staples contained within the staple cartridge. The anvil can be configured to be translated and/or rotated as the anvil is moved toward the staple cartridge. In certain embodiments, the anvil can be configured to float and adjust such that the anvil is moved downwardly in a level manner.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Staple cartridge comprising a releasable portion

Номер: US20120083833A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge can comprise a support portion, a tissue thickness compensator positioned relative to the support portion, and a plurality of fasteners positioned within the support portion and/or the tissue thickness compensator which can be utilized to fasten tissue. In use, the fastener cartridge can be positioned in a first jaw of a surgical fastening device, wherein a second jaw, or anvil, can be positioned opposite the first jaw. To deploy the fasteners, a staple-deploying member is advanced through the fastener cartridge to move the fasteners toward the anvil. As the fasteners are deployed, the fasteners can capture at least a portion of the tissue thickness compensator therein along with at least a portion of the tissue being fastened.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Tissue or Organ Removal

Номер: US20120109144A1
Принадлежит: Pavilion Medical Innovations LLC

A system for tissue or organ removal is provided. The system has an outer bag having an exit end, and an inner bag situated within the outer bag and having an opening capable of receiving an organ or tissue. The inner bag may be sealed to the exit end of the outer bag about its opening. A fluid-tight space may be situated between the outer bag and the inner bag. The space may be designed to accommodate positive pressure which can act on the inner bag to cause the inner bag to evert and expel the organ or tissue. The system may also include an organ receiving component for receiving the organ as it is expelled. Methods for tissue or organ removal is also provided.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive Suture Structure and Methods of Using the Same

Номер: US20120150221A1
Автор: Frank J. Viola

According to an aspect of the present disclosure, a surgical suture needle assembly is provided including an elongate tube defining a lumen through at least a portion of a length thereof; and a wound treatment material contained within the lumen of the suture structure. The present disclosure further provides for methods of using the surgical suture needle assembly in anastomotic procedures and the like.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Cutting balloon assembly and method of manufacturing thereof

Номер: US20120232638A1
Принадлежит: Cardioniti Ltd

A method for fabrication of a cutting balloon assembly is described. The method includes providing a predetermined number of filaments having predetermined properties, diameter and length and fabricating a scoring mesh on a weaving jig having a plurality of pins disposed circumferentially about the jig's surface. The fabrication of the scoring mesh includes placing the filaments between the pins and interlacing the filaments to form a scoring mesh by interweaving and intertwining at least a part of filament to form one or more permanent links with neighboring filaments. The fabrication of the scoring mesh also includes forming distal and proximal filament loops that protrude from the mesh distal and proximal ends, respectfully. The scoring mesh is mounted on an expandable balloon mounted on a distal end of a delivery catheter.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising structure to produce a resilient load

Номер: US20120241501A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge assembly for an end effector of a surgical instrument can comprise a cartridge body, a deformable tube, and a fastener moveable between an initial position and a fired position. The deformable tube can be longitudinally positioned along a length of the cartridge body. When the fastener is moved to the fired position, the fastener can compress a portion of the deformable tube. The deformable tube can comprise a resilient material such that deformation of the deformable tube generates a restoring force. The deformable tube can comprise a lattice of strands woven together to form a tube wall. Further, the deformable tube can be bioabsorbable and can hold a therapeutic agent. The fastener cartridge assembly can comprise multiple, substantially parallel deformable tubes positioned side-by-side and/or within each other.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Delivery systems for brachytherapy, and associated methods

Номер: US20120259153A1

Delivery systems adapted for implementation during a brachytherapy procedure are provided. The delivery system includes a plurality of brachytherapy seeds and a plurality of spacers. Each spacer is formed of a matrix material carrying a plurality of microparticles and/or nanoparticles. The microparticles and/or nanoparticles carry an agent and are biodegradable and/or biocompatible. The brachytherapy seeds and the spacers are configured to be delivered to a target site. Associated methods are also provided.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Surgical stapling instrument having a medical substance dispenser

Номер: US20120273551A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

In various embodiments, an assembly of a surgical instrument is disclosed. The assembly includes a housing, a cutting member relatively movable with respect to the housing, and an agent cartridge connected to the housing. The agent cartridge houses a medical agent. The assembly is configured to deliver the medical agent proximate a cutting surface of the cutting member.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Source/seed delivery surgical staple device for delivering local source/seed direclty to a staple margin

Номер: US20120289762A1
Автор: Nazly Makoui Shariati
Принадлежит: Individual

A source delivery surgical staple device delivers a source/seed to a staple margin. The surgical staple delivery device includes a main staple body segment hingedly attached to a second body segment. Each of the segments is appointed for engagement to dispense the sources/seeds and/or a surgical staple to the staple margin. The device also includes a cartridge removably attached and snapped onto the main staple body segment. The cartridge has at least one staple line appointed for housing surgical staples, and being operative to form at least one staple line of surgical staples, and at least one cut line. The cartridge also has at least one source/seed/brachy staple line forming a brachy or radioactive seeds and/or chemotherapy agent dosage source. The radioactive seeds have a radioactive and/or chemotherapy source supported by leg portions that are manipulated during insert for fastening the radioactive staples to tissue at an incision margin. With this arrangement, a hybrid of chemotherapy agent and radiation is delivered directly into the staple lines and different dosage brachy loads can be loaded in the cartridge.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Stapling Apparatus Having a Wound Closure Material Applicator Assembly

Номер: US20130008937A1
Автор: Frank J. Viola

A surgical stapling apparatus includes a staple anvil and a staple cartridge having a working surface, one or more rows of individual staple slots formed in the working surface, a knife track formed along a length of the working surface, and a plurality of surgical staples individually disposed within the individual staple slots. The apparatus further includes an actuation sled having a knife and being configured and adapted to movably position the knife axially within the knife track. The apparatus also includes a wound closure material applicator assembly having a needle secured to the knife to dispense a quantity of wound closure material along a length of the knife track as the actuation sled and knife are moved therealong.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Polymer-Based Occlusion Devices, Systems and Methods

Номер: US20130035665A1
Принадлежит: WL Gore and Associates Inc

A method of occluding includes imbibing a porous elongate element comprised of ePTFE with a calcium-containing solution. The method also includes delivering, via a delivery catheter, the calcium-imbibed porous elongate element to a target occlusion site. The method further includes administering, after the calcium-imbibed porous elongate element has been completely delivered to the target occlusion site and resides entirely within a volume defined by the target occlusion site, an alginate-containing solution to the target occlusion site.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Interlocking Buttress Material Retention System

Номер: US20130037600A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical stapler is provided having a pair of jaws including a staple containing cartridge and an anvil. Buttress material is releasable affixed to the staple containing cartridge and the anvil. One of the jaws includes a pair of longitudinal projections at a first end of the jaw and configured to frictionally engage corresponding slots in a first end the buttress material. One of the jaws includes a post at a second end of the jaw. The buttress material includes a hole in a second end of the buttress material for receipt of the post.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Bioactive Substance in a Barbed Suture

Номер: US20130090686A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

Barbed surgical sutures are provided which include an elongated body and a plurality of barbs extending therefrom. A bioactive agent is disposed within barb angles formed between the barbs and the elongated body. The barbs may be made from a shape memory polymer having a permanent shape which may be deformed to a temporary shape, such that barbs of the suture extend at different barb angles in the different shape configurations. The barb angles of the permanent shape may be greater than the barb angles of the temporary shape, thereby exposing and/or releasing a bioactive agent after placement in tissue.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Threads of cross-linked hyaluronic acid and methods of use thereof

Номер: US20130142731A1
Принадлежит: Tau Tona Group LP

This invention relates generally to threads of hyaluronic acid, methods of making such threads and uses thereof, for example, in aesthetic applications (e.g., facial contouring, dermal fillers), surgery (e.g., sutures), drug delivery, negative pressure wound therapy, moist wound dressing, and the like.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Actuator for releasing a tissue thickness compensator from a fastener cartridge

Номер: US20130214030A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

A fastener cartridge assembly for use with a surgical end effector. The fastener cartridge assembly can comprise a cartridge body having fastener cavities, fasteners removably positioned in the fastener cavities, a layer of material releasably secured relative to the cartridge body, a connector configured to secure the layer of material to the cartridge body at a location distal to at least one fastener cavity, and an actuator. The layer of material can be a tissue thickness compensator. When actuated, the actuator can overcome the connector, and can overcome the connector prior to the removal of the fasteners from the fastener cavities. The actuator can be actuated at a location proximal to at least one fastener cavity, and can extend distally past at least one fastener cavity toward the connector.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Rib-protecting devices for thoracoscopic surgery, and related methods

Номер: US20130237766A1
Принадлежит: Physcient Inc

Methods and devices are disclosed to reduce tissue trauma when a surgeon performs surgery by thoracoscopy. Methods and devices are disclosed for protecting tissues adjacent to an intercostal incision from trauma caused by impingement of instruments into an intercostal incision. In one part, these methods and devices include devices that have controls that stick up out of the incision, permitting adjustment by the surgeon. In another part, methods and devices are disclosed for smaller devices that reside entirely under this skin and require no adjustment by the surgeon.

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Medical device

Номер: US20130237952A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A medical device is configured to position a bag member filled with a therapeutic substance in a prescribed region of the brain. The use of this medical device involves, with a sheath inserted in the brain region, filling a therapeutic substance into a bag member through an infusion tube, followed by retracting the sheath relative to the infusion tube until the bag member protrudes forward beyond the distal end of the sheath. After this, the bag member is put indwelling in the brain region by moving an operating member relative to the infusion tube to detach the bag member from the distal end of the infusion tube.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Tissue thickness compensator comprising a plurality of medicaments

Номер: US20130256367A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon Endo Surgery Inc

In various embodiments, a compensator can comprise a compensator body comprising a plurality of first packets and a plurality of second packets wherein, in at least one embodiment, each second packet is positioned intermediate two or more first packets. The compensator can further comprise a first medicament positioned within each first packet and a second medicament positioned within each second packet, wherein the first medicament is different than the second medicament.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Erodible embolization material for targeted tumor cryoablation

Номер: US20130324988A1
Автор: Dennis Delap
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A method of cryoablating diseased tissue is provided. The method includes providing an embolization agent. The embolization agent includes an inner core made of a first material. The inner core has a diameter less than a diameter of an opening of a target vessel. The embolization agent further includes an erodible outer shell made of a second embolization material encompassing the inner core. The erodible outer shell has an initial diameter greater than the diameter of the opening to occlude the target vessel. The method further includes occluding the opening of the target vessel with the embolization agent to reduce blood flow in the diseased tissue. The method further includes cryoablating the diseased tissue with a cryoablation probe while the target vessel is occluded by the embolization agent.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Blockstent device and methods of use

Номер: US20140018838A1
Принадлежит: Novita Therapeutics LLC

What is disclosed is a medical device comprising a compressed, cylindrical or oblong, thin-walled, expandable metal structure (a “blockstent”) and a flexible, elongated device (a “delivery catheter”) to position the compressed blockstent into the lumen of a blood vessel segment to be treated, and methods of use for occlusion of treated blood vessel segments. A blockstent can be made with ductile metals such as gold, platinum, or silver such that the blockstent will conform to the shape of the lumen of the treated blood vessel segment during expansion and allow for the shape of the blockstent to be permanently changed by the application of an external force. The surface of the blockstent can be configured to promote local thrombus on the external surface of the blockstent and to promote the growth of tissue into the wall of the blockstent in order to occlude the treated blood vessel and fix the blockstent in place. The wall of the blockstent can also be configured to release drugs or pharmacologically active molecules such as those that promote thrombosis, cell proliferation, extracellular matrix deposition to promote this thrombus formation and tissue growth.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Occlusion device for an atrial appendage

Номер: US20140018841A1
Принадлежит: Boston Scientific Scimed Inc

Occlusion device for an atrial appendage, the device having proximal and distal ends and a central axis and comprising a cage-like structure formed of struts, the struts having proximal strut ends and distal strut ends, wherein at the proximal end of the device the struts extend towards the central axis and are connected to each other at their proximal strut ends, and wherein at least some of the struts are connected to each other at their distal strut ends within the cage-like structure so that the struts form an atraumatic distal end of the device.

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Space-filling device

Номер: US20140039536A1
Принадлежит: WL Gore and Associates Inc

A medical device includes a balloon member, a port that couples a compartment interior of the balloon member to a region exterior of the balloon member, and a tubular member that defines a lumen. A distal end of the tubular member is attached to an internal surface of the balloon member within the compartment so that a portion of the internal surface of the balloon member provides a seal at a distal end of the lumen. The tubular member passes through the port, and the proximal end of the tubular member is configured to remain exterior of the compartment. A delivery of a sufficient amount of a filling material into the lumen of the tubular member causes a length of the tubular member to pass through the port and into the balloon compartment.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Occlusion perfusion catheter

Номер: US20140051997A1
Принадлежит: Advanced Catheter Therapies Inc

Catheters for occluding, visualizing, irrigating, evacuating, and delivering agents to a treatment area are disclosed. The catheters comprise a catheter body comprising five lumens, first and second occlusion balloons coupled to the catheter body, an optional space-occupying balloon coupled to the catheter body and disposed between the first and second occlusion balloons, and an optional visualization means that enables visualization between the first and second occlusion balloons. Methods for using these catheters are also disclosed. A method comprises inflating the first and second occlusion balloons, inflating the space-occupying balloon, allowing fluid to exit via an evacuation lumen, optionally irrigating or aspirating to facilitate fluid exit via said lumen, and delivering an agent to a treatment area via the agent lumen.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Open surgery anastomosis device, system, and method

Номер: US20140052160A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A medical device, system and method tor an open surgical procedure configured to couple, for example, open ends of anatomical structures. The system includes an expandable tubular structure and inflatable balloon positioned within the tubular structure. The tubular structure includes a lateral opening defined in a wall of the tubular structure through which the balloon is inflated to radially expand the tubular structure, after which the balloon is deflated, and then removed from the tubular structure to, thereby, provide a fluid flow path through the tubular structure.

20-02-2014 дата публикации

High strength suture with absorbable core and suture anchor combination

Номер: US20140052175A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Mitek LLC

A novel high tensile strength semi-absorbable composite suture with minimized non-absorbable mass. The suture has a core made from a bioabsorbable polymer. The core is covered by a braided sheath. The braided sheath is made from an absorbable yarn and a bioabsorbable yarn. The bioabsorbable yarn is made from a least one filament of a bioabsorbable polymer. The nonabsorbable yarn is made from at least one filament of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000458A1
Принадлежит: Neurogami Medical, Inc.

A device for occluding a vasculature of a patient including a micrograft having an absorbent polymeric structure with a lumen of transporting blood. The micrograft has a series of peaks and valleys formed by crimping. The occluding device is sufficiently small and flexible to be tracked on a guidewire and/or pushed through a microcatheter to a site within the vasculature of the patient. Delivery systems for delivering the micrografts are also disclosed. 1. A vascular graft configured for occluding a vasculature of a patient , the vascular graft comprising:an absorbent biocompatible textile structure for a tubular structure; anda core element having a proximal end, a distal end and a lumen within the core element, the core element positioned inside the biocompatible structure and attached to the biocompatible structure, the core element having a coiled structure having multiple coils;a tube secured to the core element, wherein a distal portion of the tube is within the textile structure, the tube having a lumen extending therethrough from a distal opening to a proximal opening to enable blood flow into and out of the tube;wherein a capillary effect is created within the vascular graft when the biocompatible structure is exposed to blood such that blood is transported in a proximal direction through the vascular graft wherein blood clots.2. The vascular graft of claim 1 , wherein the vascular graft is non-self-expanding along its length.3. The vascular graft of claim 1 , wherein a proximal end of the tube extends proximally of the coiled structure and the textile structure is attached over an outer surface of the tube.4. The vascular graft of claim 1 , wherein the tube is positioned within coils of the coiled structure.5. The vascular graft of claim 1 , wherein the biocompatible structure has a distal opening at a distal end for blood flow into the distal opening.68-. (canceled)9. The vascular graft of claim 1 , wherein the vascular graft is movable to a substantially ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Embolus Removal Device with Blood Flow Restriction and Related Methods

Номер: US20190000490A1
Автор: MA Jianlu
Принадлежит: NeuroVasc Technologies, Inc.

A clot removal device has an expandable treatment member having a distal tip and a proximal end, a delivery wire having a distal end coupled to the proximal end of the expandable treatment member, and a flow restrictor carried along the delivery wire at a location that is separate and proximal from the expandable treatment member. The flow restrictor has a body with a distal section and a proximal section, the distal section being covered and the proximal section being uncovered. The expandable treatment member is moveable relative to the flow restrictor, and can be retracted into the distal section. 117-. (canceled)18. A device for removing a clot or embolus from a blood vessel , comprising:an expandable treatment member having a distal tip and a proximal end;a delivery wire having a distal end coupled to the proximal end of the expandable treatment member; anda flow restrictor carried along the delivery wire at a location that is separate and proximal from the expandable treatment member, the flow restrictor having a body with a distal section and a proximal section, with the body defining an outer surface, the flow restrictor assuming an expanded configuration and an unexpanded configuration, wherein the outer surface of the distal section is covered by a biocompatible polymer coating, and the outer surface of the proximal section is uncovered in both the expanded and unexpanded configurations.19. The device of claim 18 , wherein the uncovered proximal section has a smaller diameter than the covered distal section.20. The device of claim 19 , wherein the uncovered proximal section is tapered and the covered distal section is cylindrical.21. The device of claim 18 , wherein the expandable treatment member is configured to define a catch basket.22. The device of claim 18 , wherein the expandable treatment member is moveable relative to the flow restrictor.23. The device of claim 18 , wherein the expandable treatment member is retractable into the distal section of ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Products for reducing tissue trauma using water-resistant stress-distributing materials

Номер: US20190000579A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

Methods and products for protecting tissue of a patient during a surgical procedure that involve making an incision in the tissue and retracting the tissue to make a larger opening, wherein the methods and products use a water-resistant stress-distributing layer.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for treating varicose veins

Номер: US20170007258A1
Принадлежит: Amsel Medical Corporation

An apparatus for occluding a blood vessel includes an occluder configured so that at least a portion of the occluder may assume (i) a diametrically-reduced configuration for disposition within the lumen of a tube, and (ii) a diametrically-expanded configuration for disposition adjacent to the blood vessel, such that when the at least a portion of the occluder is in its diametrically-expanded configuration adjacent to the blood vessel, the occluder will cause occlusion of the blood vessel.

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007980A1

A die-cuttable retractor/stabilizer comprising a top layer having an adhesive applied one side thereof and a backing layer which covers the adhesive and which is removable from the top. The retractor/stabilizer includes a dividing cut in the backing layer which extends the width of the backing layer to separate the backing layer into an upper panel and a lower panel. A first lower panel back cut in the backing layer lower panel extends from the bottom edge of the backing layer to a point proximate the dividing cut to divide the lower panel in to at least a lower panel positioning portion and a lower panel second portion. 1. A multi-ply adhesive device formed from a single sheet of two-ply material having a top layer and a backing layer; one of the top and backing layer having an adhesive applied thereto to adhere the top layer and backing layer together; the device comprising a body portion in which at least of a part of one of the top layer and backing layer is removable to define a removable panel; the device further including a tab portion associated with said removable panel;wherein, when the removable panel is in the top layer, the top layer of the tab portion is integral with the top layer of body portion and the device includes a cut in the backing layer which separates the backing layer of the tab portion from the backing layer of the body portion; andwherein, when the removable panel is in the backing layer, the backing layer of the tab portion is integral with the backing layer of body portion and the device includes a cut in the top layer which separates the top layer of the tab portion from the top layer of the body portion.2. The multi-ply adhesive device of where in the device is one of a bandage claim 1 , a label claim 1 , a sticker claim 1 , or a decal.3. (canceled)4. The multi-ply adhesive device of wherein said tab portion defines either (1) an outboard tab which extends from said body portion; said cut being formed at an inner edge of said tab ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007742A1
Принадлежит: STB, Ltd.

Disclosed are solid and frozen haemostatic materials and dressings consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator. Also disclosed are methods of treating internal wounded tissue in a mammal by applying one or more of these haemostatic materials and dressings, particularly for the treatment of injured tissue via endoscopic or minimally-invasive surgical techniques. 1. A composition for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue at least one haemostatic putty that is formed by combining a hemostatic material in an aqueous solution and drying under certain conditions to form a putty material that is capable of forming fibrin when in contact with an aqueous solution.2. The composition in claim 1 , wherein said composition is substantially non-adherent to latex gloves.3. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue the haemostatic putty of .4. A composition for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising at least one haemostatic material made by compressing powdered hemostatic components together with excipients to form shaped haemostatic materials.5. The composition of claim 4 , wherein said powdered hemostatic components are made from a single aqueous solution.6. A method for treating wounded internal tissue in a mammal comprising applying to wounded internal tissue the haemostatic composition of .7. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator.8. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen component.9. The composition of claim 1 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen activator.10. The composition of claim 4 , wherein said hemostatic material consists essentially of a fibrinogen component and a fibrinogen activator.11. The composition of claim 4 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008246A1

An apparatus for sealing a puncture includes a cartridge, a pusher member, a sealant, and a tamping device on a proximal end of the cartridge. During use, the cartridge, sealant, and pusher member are advanced over a positioning member and into the puncture by advancing a cartridge hub carrying the tamping device. When further distal advancement of the cartridge is limited, the cartridge hub is further advanced, activating the tamping device, and causing the pusher member to advance relative to the sealant to compress the sealant within the puncture. 120-. (canceled)21. A method for tamping a sealant , comprising: a positioning member;', 'a catheter hub substantially fixed relative to the positioning member;', 'a cartridge having an outer tubular member, the cartridge being axially moveable relative to the catheter hub;', 'a sealant disposed in the cartridge;', 'a pusher member disposed in the cartridge;', 'a tamping device that receives a proximal end of the pusher member; and', 'a latch, wherein the latch is in a first position that prevents distal movement of the tamping device;, 'positioning a distal end of an apparatus in a vessel, the apparatus comprisingmoving the cartridge proximally relative to the sealant and catheter hub, thereby moving the latch from the first position to a second position that allows distal movement of the tamping device; andmoving the tamping device and the pusher member distally to compress the sealant.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein moving the latch from the first position to the second position comprises moving the latch radially.23. The method of claim 22 , wherein the latch is biased in a radially inward direction claim 22 , and wherein moving the latch from the first position to the second position comprises moving the latch in a radially outward direction.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein the latch comprises an arm claim 21 , and wherein moving the latch from the first position to the second position comprises ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Method of Treating Scoliosis Using a Biological Implant

Номер: US20180008314A1
Принадлежит: Predictive Therapeutics LLC

The present invention is a bone growth stimulating and promoting cytokine type biological implant preferably comprising PTH coated with a controlled release biodegradable coating that is implanted preferably in the concave side of a scoliotically curved spine in combination with a bone growth inhibiting type biological implant preferably comprising methotrexate or like anti-metabolite coated with a controlled release biodegradable coating that is implanted preferably in the convex side of a scoliotically curved spine. The insertion of the biological implant is highly non-invasion, especially as compared to more conventional spine surgical methods, and the biological implant does not decrease spinal mobility or spinal range of motion.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008325A1
Автор: Vaidya Rahul

A medication impregnated bone cement (MIBC) coated intramedullary (IM) nail for fixation of a long bone fracture comprising an IM nail base and medication impregnated bone cement. The bone cement encapsulates at least a portion of the IM nail base and forms an interface between the adjacent surfaces of the IM nail base and the bone cement. The interface between the encapsulating bone cement and the encapsulated IM nail base being enhanced to increase the adhesion of the encapsulating bone cement to the encapsulated IM nail base. The increase in adhesion being sufficient to ensure that the encapsulating bone cement remains adhered to the encapsulated IM nail base when the medication impregnated bone cement coated intramedullary nail is removed from the long bone. 1. A medication impregnated bone cement (MIBC) coated intramedullary (IM) nail for fixation of a long bone fracture comprising:an IM nail base; andmedication impregnated bone cement;wherein said bone cement encapsulates at least a portion of said IM nail base and forms an interface between the adjacent surfaces of said IM nail base and said bone cement;said interface between said encapsulating bone cement and said encapsulated IM nail base being enhanced to increase the adhesion of said encapsulating bone cement to said encapsulated IM nail base;wherein said increase in adhesion is sufficient to ensure that said encapsulating bone cement remains adhered to said encapsulated IM nail base when said medication impregnated bone cement coated intramedullary nail is removed from said long bone.2. The MIBC coated IM nail of claim 1 , wherein said enhancement to increase the adhesion of said encapsulating bone cement to said encapsulated IM nail base is created by a physical enhancement of said interface.3. The MIBC coated IM nail of claim 2 , wherein said physical enhancement of said interface comprises indentations on said surface of said IM nail base adjacent to said bone cement claim 2 , said bone cement filling ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Combinatorial therapies including implantable damping devices and therapeutic agents for treating a condition and associated systems and methods of use

Номер: US20220022881A1
Принадлежит: Brain Protection Co Pty Ltd

Devices, systems, and methods for combinatorial treatment of a condition with an implantable damping device and therapeutic agent (e.g., drug) are disclosed herein. Methods for treating one or more effects of the condition, such as a neurological condition, include providing the implantable damping device and at least neck one other therapy, such as a therapeutic agent, that treats the condition to the patient. The implantable damping device includes a flexible damping member and an abating substance and can be placed in apposition with a blood vessel. The flexible damping member forms a generally tubular structure having an inner and an outer surface, the inner surface formed of a sidewall having a partially deformable portion. The abating substance is disposed within the partially deformable portion and moves longitudinally and/or radially within the partially deformable portion in response to pulsatile blood flow.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008744A1

Materials and methods for immobilizing bioactive molecules, stem and other precursor cells, and other agents of therapeutic value in surgical sutures and other tissue scaffold devices are described herein. Broadly drawn to the integration and incorporation of bioactive materials into suture constructs, tissue scaffolds and medical devices, the present invention has particular utility in the development of novel systems that enable medical personnel performing surgical and other medical procedures to utilize and subsequently reintroduce bioactive materials extracted from a patient (or their allogenic equivalents) to a wound or target surgical site. 138.-. (canceled)39. A method of making a surgical suture or an elongate linear tissue scaffold having an exterior surface and interior core comprised of a matrix of interwoven filaments or a porous monofilament , wherein a concentration of a bioactive material selected from the group consisting of biological cells and therapeutic agents is dispersed throughout said interior core , said method comprising the steps of:compressing or otherwise manipulating said matrix along or around a longitudinal axis so as to deform the interstices between interwoven filaments or the pores of the monofilament to a first size and shape sufficient to permit the migration of said bioactive material from a surrounding media, across said exterior surface, and into said interior core; andmanipulating said bioactive material-containing matrix along or around said longitudinal axis so as to shrink said interstices or pores to a second size and shape sufficient to restrict the migration of said bioactive material from said interior core across said exterior surface.40. (canceled)41. A method for applying a target agent to a portion of a medical device and subsequently coating or covering the portion with additional agents or materials to yield a coated target agent-containing medical device , said method comprising the following steps:a. providing ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Implant capable of releasing drug, and manufacturing and usage methods therefor

Номер: US20210008358A1
Принадлежит: Koln Hong Kong Ltd

The invention provides a drug-releasing implant, comprises the implant for fixing the surgical site, said implant is provided with the drug cavity for storing drug, said drug cavity is filled with liquid drug; said implant is further provided with micro pipeline, the micro pipeline passes through the drug cavity and the surface of the implant, the drug in the drug cavity is slowly released to the surgical site through the micro pipeline. The implant can effectively fix the bone at the surgical site (fracture site), after the surgery is completed, the drug set in implant's drug cavity slowly releases to the fracture site through micro pipeline, achieve local application of drug and reduce oral medication, so that decrease the fracture patients' medical expenses and psychological stresses, improve the utility of the device.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009006A1
Автор: Bengtson Bradley P.

A protective coating solution, liquid, gel, or film and a method of using such a material provide a sterile covering for fingers, hands, arms or other selected skin surface for use as a glove substitute. 1. A sterile , surgical hand barrier for use by a medical personnel on a predetermined skin surface of said hand of said medical personnel during a surgical procedure , the hand harrier comprising: 'a dryable coating solution, wherein when said coating solution is applied to the predetermined skin surface, said sterile harrier is adhered to said predetermined skin surface, thereby providing a flexible sterile barrier for said surgical procedure, said flexible sterile barrier having a thickness less than a surgical latex glove,', 'a film, said film comprisingwherein said surgical hand barrier is used by said medical personnel instead of a surgical glove.2. The sterile barrier according to wherein the dryable coating solution comprises silicone claim 1 , plastic polymer materials claim 1 , polyester material claim 1 , a PEG material claim 1 , a polyvinyl material claim 1 , a nylon material claim 1 , synthetic rubber claim 1 , a polypropylene material flexible collodion claim 1 , ether free collodion claim 1 , cyanoacrylates claim 1 , and combinations thereof.3. The sterile barrier according to wherein the solution further comprises an antiseptic.4. The sterile barrier according to claim 1 , wherein the dryable coating solution comprises an antibiotic.5. The sterile barrier ofwherein the coating solution contains a skin-color changing agent, said skin-color changing agent activated when said physical barrier is compromised.6. A method protecting a predetermined skin surface in preparation for a surgical procedure claim 1 , the method comprising:{'claim-ref': {'@idref': 'CLM-00001', 'claim 1'}, 'applying the film of to the predetermined skin surface.'} This application is a continuation of patent application Ser. No. 15/819,030, filed 21 Nov. 2017, which is a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200015800A1
Автор: Marshall Kevin

Apparatus for opening or closing a tissue opening in a biological subject, the apparatus including at least two flexible arms coupled to a tissue surface in use, each arm being curved outwardly in a mid-portion to accommodate a tissue opening therebetween and a biasing mechanism that selectively biases opposing ends of each arm to thereby at least one of bias mid-portions of the arms apart to assist in at least partially opening the tissue opening; and bias mid-portions of the arms towards each other to assist in at least partially closing the tissue opening. 1) Apparatus for opening or closing a tissue opening in a biological subject , the apparatus including:a) at least two flexible arms coupled to a tissue surface in use, each arm being curved outwardly in a mid-portion to accommodate a tissue opening therebetween; i) bias mid-portions of the arms apart to assist in at least partially opening the tissue opening; and,', 'ii) bias mid-portions of the arms towards each other to assist in at least partially closing the tissue opening., 'b) a biasing mechanism that selectively biases opposing ends of each arm to thereby at least one of2) Apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the at least two arms are provided laterally on either side of the tissue opening and wherein the biasing mechanism biases ends of the arms longitudinally relative to the opening.3) Apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the biasing mechanism moves ends of the arms:a) together so as to increase curvature of the arms to thereby bias mid-portions of the arms apart to assist in at least partially opening the tissue opening; and,b) apart so as to at least partially straighten the arms to thereby bias mid-portions of the arms towards each other to assist in at least partially closing the tissue opening.4) Apparatus according to any one of the to claim 2 , wherein the apparatus includes a plurality of laterally spaced first arms on a first side of the tissue opening and a plurality of laterally ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Method of forming and using a hemostatic hydrocolloid

Номер: US20210015964A1

A method and system for forming a hemostatic hydrocolloid for dispensing into a wound site includes a polymer of oxidized derivatized esterified cellulose in solid form comprising a chain of monomers, wherein, for a first plurality of the monomers in the chain: R is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , R1 is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , and R2 is —CH 2 OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 ; and wherein, for a second plurality of monomers in the chain: R is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , R1 is —OCH 2 (COO)CH 2 CH 3 , and R2 is —(COO)CH 2 CH 3 and a liquid mixed with the polymer to form a hemostatic gel for dispensing into a wound site.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018762A1
Принадлежит: Medical Device Works NV

The present application provides a device for the simultaneous or the separate perfusion and occlusion of a vessel comprising a body having a distal end, a proximal end, a single lumen () extending between the proximal end and the distal end, and at least one opening () which is in fluid communication with the lumen for delivering a therapeutic treatment to a vessel; and at least one expandable balloon () coupled with the body of the device, said balloon is provided with an interior which is in fluid communication with the lumen of the device through at least one opening (), said opening is provided with at least one valve () which is movable from a closed position, in which fluid communication of the lumen with the interior of the balloon is prevented, to an open position in which the lumen is in fluid communication with the interior of the balloon. 1. A device for the simultaneous or the separate perfusion and occlusion of a vessel comprising:a body having a distal end (X), a proximal end (Y), a single lumen extending between the proximal end (Y) and the distal end (X), and at least one opening which is in fluid communication with the lumen for delivering a therapeutic treatment to a vessel; andat least one expandable balloon coupled with the body of the device, wherein said balloon is provided with an interior which is in fluid communication with the lumen of the device through at least one opening, wherein said opening is provided with at least one valve which is movable from a closed position, in which fluid communication of the lumen with the interior of the balloon is prevented, to an open position in which the lumen is in fluid communication with the interior of the balloon.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is movable from a closed position to an open position in which said valve is completely contained outside the lumen of the device and inside the interior of the balloon.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the valve is movable ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Method of treating pleural abnormality

Номер: US20160022878A1
Принадлежит: National Taiwan University NTU

The invention relates to a method of treating pleural abnormalities in a subject in need thereof, comprising the steps of: (a) attaching a biodegradable polymeric membrane onto a pleural wound to elicit fibronectin from fibroblasts to cause fibrous adhesion; and (b) securing the membrane with securement products, including sutures, staples, and sealants. The present invention also relates to a biodegradable adhesion membrane used for treating pleural abnormalities, comprising: a biodegradable base material selected from the group consisting of polycaprolactone (PCL), polylactic acid or polylactide (PLA), polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), poly(ethylene adipate), poly(butylene adipate) (PBA), chitosan, hyaluronic acid, and polyglycolic acid (PGA); wherein the thickness of the membrane is 0.1-1 mm.

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039831A1

An external needle guide can include a skin contact portion for attaching to skin of a patient and a needle guide portion for guiding a needle into a vessel of the patient. The external needle guide provides an accurate placement of a needle into the vessel (e.g., a good puncture), which reduces the failures of the vessel. Furthermore, because of the accurate placement of the needles and the ease of placement of the external needle guide, a patient and/or another person can insert the needles into the vessel with one hand. An external needle guide can also include an anchor portion that secures a needle to the external needle guide, preventing unwanted movement of the needle and damage to the vessel. 142-. (canceled)43. An external needle guide , comprising:a skin contact portion for attaching to skin of a patient; anda needle guide portion for guiding a needle into a vessel of the patient, wherein the needle guide portion comprises at least one needle marker.44. The external needle guide of claim 43 , further comprising a hinge coupling the skin contact portion to the needle guide portion claim 43 , the hinge configured to enable the needle guide portion to be placed over the skin contact portion.45. The external needle guide of claim 44 , wherein the at least one needle marker of the needle guide portion is at least one needle slot claim 44 , the at least one needle slot having a predetermined angle relative to the skin of the patient when placed over the skin contact portion.46. The external needle guide of claim 45 , wherein the at least one needle slot is two needle slots claim 45 , wherein the predetermined angle of one of the two needle slots is a positive acute angle relative to the skin of the patient and the predetermined angle of another one of the two needle slots is a positive obtuse angle relative to the skin of the patient.47. The external needle guide of claim 45 , wherein the at least one needle slot is a plurality of needle slots claim 45 , wherein ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190021731A1
Автор: Meagher Edward

A surgical fastener for use with an anastomosis of two tissues includes a base leg and an upright leg. The base leg is selectively deformable and includes a traumatic tip for piecing tissue. The surgical fastener also includes at least one capillary disposed on the base leg which has a reservoir defined therein for retaining a liquid, e.g., bioadhesive, bonding agent, medicament, etc. Each of the capillaries is ruptureable upon deformation of the surgical fastener to dispense the liquid to the anastomosis site. 120-. (canceled)21. A surgical instrument comprising:an actuator assembly; a first leg;', 'a second leg; and', 'a pivot point connecting the first and second legs,', 'at least one capillary disposed on one of the first or second legs, the at least one capillary rupturable upon deformation of the one of the first or second legs to dispense a liquid disposed within the capillary., 'a loading unit coupled to the actuator assembly, the loading unit including a plurality of surgical fasteners, the actuator assembly configured to actuate the loading unit to fire the plurality of surgical fasteners from the loading unit, each surgical fastener of the plurality of surgical fasteners including22. The surgical instrument according to claim 21 , wherein the at least one capillary is disposed in a reservoir defined in one of the first or second legs.23. The surgical instrument according to claim 22 , wherein the liquid disposed within the at least one capillary includes at least one of a bonding agent claim 22 , medicinal agent claim 22 , or therapeutic agent.24. The surgical instrument according to claim 21 , wherein the liquid is selected from the group consisting of an anti-coagulant claim 21 , a bio-adhesive claim 21 , a coagulant claim 21 , an antibiotic claim 21 , a sterilizing solution claim 21 , an anti-inflammatory medication claim 21 , an inflammatory medications claim 21 , an immuno-stimulating agent claim 21 , an antiviral agent claim 21 , and an anti- ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Systems, methods and devices for performing gynecological procedures

Номер: US20140107404A1
Принадлежит: Hologic Inc

Systems, methods, apparatus and devices for performing improved gynecologic and urologic procedures are disclosed. The system and devices provide simplified use and reduced risk of adverse events. Patient benefit is achieved through improved outcomes, reduced pain, especially peri-procedural pain, and reduced recovery times. The various embodiments enable procedures to be performed outside the hospital setting, such as in a doctor's office or clinic.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022688A1

Systems, methods and compositions relating to delivering synthetic polymer formulations to the body are described, which can be used by a range of medical personnel including those with minimal experience and training. Under some embodiments, the present invention relates to systems and devices for delivering polymer formulations to a body cavity (e.g. peritoneal cavity) to reduce or stop bleeding. Under some embodiments, an initial percutaneous access pathway is first formed using a delivery device with a probe and needle mechanism that automatically stops the advance of the device upon insertion into a body cavity or space, thus minimizing user error and improving patient safety. The hollow probe then allows transmission of polymer, mixed with gas and/or additional substances, from a holding chamber or canister to flow through the device and hollow probe into the patient's anatomic cavity or space of interest, stopping expansion when the device senses the appropriate pressure. Once reaching the body cavity, the polymer formulation functions to reduce and/or stop bleeding. 1. A pressurized therapeutic composition configured to be stored in a valved container designed to maintain the composition under pressure and dispense the composition upon opening the valve thereof , the composition comprising a copolymer solution of a copolymer of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide in an aqueous solution combined with an organic liquefied gas , wherein said organic liquified gas is dissolved in or evenly dispersed throughout the copolymer solution so as to cause the copolymer solution to foam after the composition is dispensed from the container.2. The pressurized therapeutic composition according to wherein the copolymer has an average molecular mass of about 1 kg/mol to about 50 kg/mol claim 1 , and a mass ratio of ethylene oxide to propylene oxide of between 25:75 to 95:5.3. The pressurized therapeutic composition according to wherein:the copolymer of ethylene oxide and ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028166A1

A sealant for sealing a puncture through tissue includes a first section, e.g., formed from freeze-dried hydrogel, and a second section extending from the distal end. The second section may be formed from PEG-precursors including PEG-ester and PEG-amine, e.g., in an equivalent ratio of active group sites of PEG-ester/PEG-amine greater than one-to-one, e.g., such that excess esters may provide faster activation upon contact with physiological fluids and enhance adhesion of the sealant within a puncture. At least some of the precursors remain in an unreactive state until exposed to an aqueous physiological environment, e.g., within a puncture, whereupon the precursors undergo in-situ cross-linking to provide adhesion to tissue adjacent the puncture. For example, the PEG-amine precursors may include the free amine form and the salt form. The free amine form at least partially cross-links with the PEG-ester and the salt form remains in the unreactive state in the sealant before introduction into the puncture. 140-. (canceled)41. A sealant for sealing a puncture through tissue , comprising:a mass of PEG precursors comprising PEG-ester precursors and PEG-amine precursors, the PEG-amine precursors including a free-amine form of PEG-amine precursors and a salt form of PEG-amine precursors;wherein the sealant is provided such that the free-amine form of PEG-amine precursors are at least partially cross-linked with the PEG-ester precursors, and the salt form of PEG-amine precursors remain in an unreactive state until exposed to an aqueous physiological environment, whereupon the salt form of PEG-amine precursors undergo in-situ cross-linking with the PEG-ester precursors to provide adhesion to tissue adjacent the puncture.42. The sealant of claim 41 , wherein a ratio of active group sites of PEG-ester precursors/salt form of PEG-amine precursors/free-amine form of PEG-amine precursors is between about 50/42/8 and 50/48/2.43. The sealant of claim 41 , wherein a ratio of active ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028190A1

A vascular embolization device having the function of administering a biochemical active material and also having high flexibility is provided. Specifically, the vascular embolization device includes a coil and a biochemical active material-containing resin wire inserted in the inside of the coil, in which the resin wire is a multilayer strand including a core and at least one outer layer, and the core and the at least one outer layer individually include resin compositions with solubilities different from each other in the same organic solvent. 122-. (canceled)23. A vascular embolization device comprising: a coil; and a resin wire that contains a biochemical active material and is inserted in an inside of the coil , whereinthe resin wire is a multilayer strand including a core and at least one outer layer, andthe core and the at least one outer layer individually contain resin compositions with solubilities different from each other in a same organic solvent.24. The vascular embolization device according to claim 23 , wherein the resin composition in the at least one outer layer has a solubility higher than a solubility of the resin composition in the core.25. The vascular embolization device according to or claim 23 , wherein the resin composition in at least one of the core and the at least one outer layer is composed of an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer.26. The vascular embolization device according to claim 23 , wherein the resin compositions in the outer layer and the core individually contain ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers with compositions different from each other.27. The vascular embolization device according to claim 26 , wherein the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer in the core has a vinyl acetate unit content of 10 to 30% by weight claim 26 , and the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer in the outer layer has a vinyl acetate unit content of 30 to 50% by weight.28. The vascular embolization device according to claim 23 , wherein the resin wire is ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029659A1

A sealant is provided for sealing a puncture through tissue that includes an elongate first section including a proximal end, a distal end, and a cross-section sized for delivery into a puncture through tissue, and a second section fused to and extending from the distal end of the first section. The first section may be formed from a freeze-dried hydrogel that expands when exposed to physiological fluid within a puncture. The second section may be formed from a solid mass of non-freeze-dried, non-crosslinked hydrogel precursors, the precursors remaining in an unreactive state until exposed to an aqueous physiological, whereupon the precursors undergo in-situ crosslinking with one another to provide an adhesive layer bonded to the first section. Apparatus and methods for delivering the sealant into a puncture through tissue are also provided. 167-. (canceled)68. A sealant for sealing a puncture through tissue , comprising:a freeze-dried hydrogel comprising crosslinked polyethylene glycol (PEG), the freeze-dried hydrogel having pores; anda solid mass of non-freeze-dried, non-crosslinked hydrogel precursors, wherein the solid mass of hydrogel precursors is substantially distal to the freeze-dried hydrogel;wherein the pores in a distal end of the freeze-dried hydrogel contain non-freeze-dried, non-crosslinked hydrogel precursors.69. The sealant of claim 68 , wherein the solid mass of hydrogel precursors further comprises a pH adjusting agent.70. The sealant of claim 68 , wherein the freeze-dried hydrogel has a length between a proximal end and the distal end thereof and the solid mass of hydrogel precursors has a length between a proximal end and the distal end thereof;wherein the length of the freeze-dried hydrogel is between about one and twenty millimeters (1-20 mm), and the length of the solid mass of hydrogel precursors is substantially shorter than the length of the freeze-dried hydrogel.71. The sealant of claim 68 , wherein the solid mass of hydrogel precursors ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Non-invasive ocular drug delivery devices

Номер: US20200030230A1
Принадлежит: Aciont Inc

A non-invasive ocular drug delivery device can include a housing adapted to couple to an eye of a subject. An active agent matrix can be coupled to the housing. The active agent matrix can include an electrospun material having a combination of a density, a thickness, and an ocular surface area configured to hold and retain an active agent prior to application of the device to the eye, and deliver an effective dose of an active agent within 30 minutes of application of the device to the eye.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Surgical stapler with floating anvil

Номер: US20210030416A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A surgical instrument can include an anvil and, in addition, a staple cartridge support configured to support a staple cartridge. In various embodiments, the jaw can be moved toward the staple cartridge to deform staples contained within the staple cartridge. The anvil can be configured to be translated and/or rotated as the anvil is moved toward the staple cartridge. In certain embodiments, the anvil can be configured to float and adjust such that the anvil is moved downwardly in a level manner.

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Drug-impregnated encasement

Номер: US20210031013A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

A drug-impregnated sleeve for encasing a medical implant is provided. In one embodiment, the sleeve may include a body made of a biologically-compatible material that defines an internal cavity configured to receive the medical implant. In one embodiment, the biologically-compatible material is bioresorbable. The body may include a plurality of apertures, such as perforations or holes, extending from the cavity through the body. The sleeve may further include a first end, a second end, and a drug impregnated into the resorbable sheet. In one possible embodiment, the first end of the sleeve may be open for receiving the medical implant therethrough and the second end may be closed. The implant may be encased in the sleeve and implanted into a patient from which the drug is dispensed in vivo over time to tissue surrounding the implantation site. In one embodiment, the body is made from at least one sheet of a biologically-compatible material.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035446A1
Принадлежит: Perflow Medical Ltd.

A device arranged to sustain and/or provide at least partial patency of a small blood vessel exhibiting an occlusion, the device constituted of a tubular body expandable from a first small diameter state for manipulation to, and through, the occlusion of the small blood vessel and a second large diameter state, the inner dimensions of the second large diameter state being no more than 50% of the diameter of the small blood vessel at the occlusion location, the device presenting a conduit for blood flow through the occlusion when in the large diameter state. In one embodiment the small blood vessel is an intracranial blood vessel. 1. A device for retrieving at least a portion of an occlusion from a small blood vessel of 5 mm or less inner diameter , comprising:a first section comprising a tubular body deliverable into and across said occlusion, said tubular body expandable within said occlusion, said tubular body defining a distal end and a proximal end; said tubular body comprising braided filaments;a second member section extending from said proximal end of said tubular body and comprising filaments interweaved in said braided filaments of said tubular body, wherein said second member section is configured to be tensioned so as to reduce a diameter of said tubular body.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said small blood vessel is an intracranial blood vessel.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said member section is inherently connected to said tubular body claim 1 , defining an elongated protrusion of said expandable tubular body.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said braided filaments of said tubular body are arranged in a ‘one over one under’ braiding pattern.5. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said tubular body comprises between 8 and 36 filaments.6. The device according to claim 1 , wherein said device is sized to fit within a delivery catheter.7. The device according to claim 6 , wherein tensioning of said member section ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054714A1

Described herein are medical film materials that incorporate one or more neuro-regenerative drugs into a polymer film. The polymer film includes a copolymer of lactide and caprolactone. The neuro-regenerative drug includes the macrolactam immunosuppressant FK506. The film is configured such that when placed under physiological conditions, the neuro-regenerative drug is released in an extended, substantially linear fashion for a period of at least 30 days. 1. A medical film material , comprising:a polymer film comprising a copolymer of lactide and caprolactone; anda neuro-regenerative drug incorporated into the polymer film,wherein the polymer film is configured to provide substantially linear release of the neuro-regenerative drug over a period of at least 10 days when placed in a physiological environment.2. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the neuro-regenerative drug comprises FK506.3. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the neuro-regenerative drug comprises an immunosuppressant and/or anti-inflammatory macrolactam claim 1 , macrolactam derivative claim 1 , corticosteroid claim 1 , non-steroidal anti-inflammatory claim 1 , or combinations thereof.4. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the neuro-regenerative drug has a log P within a range of about 2.0 to about 5.0.5. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the neuro-regenerative drug has a water solubility (at 25° C.) of less than about 10 mg/L.6. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the polymer film omits polylactic acid.7. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the polymer forming the polymer film has an inherent viscosity of about 0.75 to 2.0 dl/g.8. The medical film material as claim 1 , wherein the lactide is L-lactide.9. The medical film material as in claim 1 , wherein the copolymer has a comonomer ratio (lactide to caprolactone on a molar percentage basis) that ranges from about 10:90 to about 90:10.10. The medical film material ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Flexible Tubular Spring Structure, and Scoring Balloon Catheter Equipped Therewith

Номер: US20220054805A1
Автор: Schulze John E.

A resiliently expandable elongate tubular spring structure, e.g., corresponding to a metal mesh type structure, mountable or mounted to a scoring balloon catheter includes multiple ring structures that are longitudinally separated from each other along portions of a balloon working region, and which are resiliently radially expandable in response to outwardly directed balloon expansion forces. Pairwise adjacent ring structures are structurally coupled and separated from each other by a scoring link, e.g., a single scoring link, configured as a traumatic structure with respect to vascular tissue, e.g., by way of having a square, trapezoidal, or raised blade tissue scoring/cutting profile. Each ring structure includes a pair of radially resiliently radially expandable annular springs, longitudinally separated from each other by a plurality of spacing elements, e.g., wire links, and which are atraumatic or substantially atraumatic structures relative to the scoring link with respect to tissue. 1. A flexible elongate tubular spring structure for a flexible scoring balloon catheter configured for insertion into a vessel within a mammalian cardiovascular system or other fluid or air carrying conduit or duct within a living mammalian body , the scoring balloon catheter comprising an inflatable elongate balloon having a working region spanning a length , an outer surface along its working region , a first internal passage along which a guide wire is insertable , a second internal passage for passage of a pressurized fluid in communication with the interior of the balloon , and a first longitudinal axis centrally aligned with and extending through the first internal passage , wherein the working region of the balloon in a folded , undeployed , or unexpanded state respectively has a folded , undeployed , or unexpanded outer cross sectional area perpendicular to the first longitudinal axis , wherein the working region of the balloon in an expanded or deployed state ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038280A1

Surgical methods involving cutting and sealing tissue include affixing a first adjunct material to tissue at a treatment site, such as by stapling the adjunct to tissue. A second adjunct material is applied to at least a portion of the first adjunct material such that the second adjunct material interacts with the first adjunct material to form a seal in an area of the tissue covered by at least one of the first and the second adjunct material. The resulting tissue sealing structure, which includes a combination of the two adjuncts, is believed to be superior to the sealing properties of either adjunct alone. 1. A staple cartridge for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staples disposed therein, the plurality of staples being configured to be deployed into tissue; andan adjunct configured to be releasably retained on the cartridge body, the adjunct material having first and second support layers and a core layer disposed therebetween, each layer being formed of woven fibers, wherein the adjunct is configured to compress from an initial height to a compressed height when a compressive force is applied thereto, and to expand from the compressed height to an uncompressed height when the compressive force is removed, and wherein the uncompressed height is greater than the initial height.2. The staple cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the woven fibers of the first support layer are interlocked such that there is substantially no relative motion between the woven fibers of the first support layer when the compressive force is applied and removed from the adjunct.3. The staple cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the woven fibers of the core layer are loosely woven relative to the woven fibers of the first and second support layers such that there is relative motion among the woven fibers of the core layer when the compressive force is applied and removed from the adjunct.4. The staple cartridge of claim 1 , wherein the core layer has a ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038640A1
Принадлежит: Medichem Technology S.R.O.

A cervical dilator including a stem comprising a partly or fully dehydrated hydrogel comprising a water-insoluble synthetic hydrophilic polymer capable of radial expansion due to absorption of water from a bodily fluid. The cervical dilator softens and ripens the cervical tissue and expands the cervical canal by a combined action of radial hydrogel stem expansion and osmotic withdrawal of water from the tissue. The osmotic withdrawal is caused by at least one osmotically active compound, such as a water-soluble salt, a polyelectrolyte, or a mixture thereof, wherein the at least one osmotically active compound is dispersed in the hydrogel. The cervical dilator may also include a non-toxic plasticizer of the hydrogel, such as water. 1. A cervical dilator comprising:a stem comprising a partly or fully dehydrated hydrogel comprising a water-insoluble synthetic hydrophilic polymer capable of radial expansion due to absorption of water from a bodily fluid; andat least one osmotically active compound dispersed within the hydrogel.2. The cervical dilator according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of the at least one osmotically active compounds is a polymeric electrolyte present in a concentration from about 1%-wt to about 60%-wt claim 1 , preferably from about 5%-wt to about 40%-wt based on the dehydrated hydrogel stem.3. The cervical dilator according to claim 2 , wherein the polymeric electrolyte comprises a polymer with pendant substituents selected from the group consisting of a carboxylate group claim 2 , a salt of the carboxylate group claim 2 , a sulfate group claim 2 , a salt of the sulfate group claim 2 , a phosphate group claim 2 , a salt of the phosphate group claim 2 , a sulfonic acid group claim 2 , and a salt of the sulfonic acid group.4. The cervical dilator according to or claim 2 , wherein the polymeric electrolyte forms an interpenetrating network with the water-insoluble hydrophilic polymer forming the hydrogel.5. The cervical dilator according to or ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045738A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

Implantable materials for use with end effectors like surgical stapling devices, and methods for using the same, are generally provided. In some embodiments, adjunct materials for use with surgical staplers are provided. For example, a kit for stapling tissue is provided that can include a surgical stapler having an end effector. The end effector can have first and second jaws. The kit can include an adjunct material having hydrophobic surface regions and hydrophilic surface regions and the adjunct material can be configured to mate to at least one of the jaws of the end effector. Other implants, devices, and methods for surgical stapling are also provided. 120.-. (canceled)21. A surgical stapling adjunct comprising:a bulk matrix; anda first plurality of spherical elastic members embedded within the bulk matrix such that the adjunct compresses when a compressive force is applied thereto and provides a spring back force when the compressive force is removed.22. The adjunct of claim 21 , wherein the bulk matrix is formed of a biological material.23. The adjunct of claim 21 , wherein the first plurality of spherical elastic members is formed of a synthetic material.24. The adjunct of claim 21 , wherein at least one of the spherical elastic members of the first plurality of spherical elastic members includes a plurality of circular components.25. The adjunct of claim 21 , further comprising a second plurality of elastic members embedded within the bulk matrix claim 21 , wherein the second plurality of spherical elastic members are connected to the first plurality of spherical elastic members.26. The adjunct of claim 25 , wherein the second plurality of elastic members are in the form of spherical elastic members.27. The adjunct of claim 21 , wherein the first plurality of spherical elastic members are randomly arranged within the bulk material.28. The adjunct of claim 21 , wherein the first plurality of spherical elastic members are uniformly arranged within the bulk ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045748A1

Described herein are the use of fluid complex coacervates that produce solid adhesives in situ to anchor medical devices such as catheters in a blood vessel. The anchored devices permit the targeted delivery of bioactive agents. The anchored devices can perform as an embolic agent by reducing or preventing blood flow in the vessel. Additionally, the embolic produced from the solid adhesive produced in situ can also include one or more bioactive agents that can be released in a controlled manner. 1. A method for anchoring a catheter in a blood vessel of a subject , the method comprising(a) inserting into a blood vessel of a subject a first catheter and a second catheter, wherein the second catheter is extended further into the vessel than the first catheter; and(b) injecting into the first catheter an in situ solidifying complex coacervate to produce an adhesive in the vessel that adheres the second catheter to the inner wall of the vessel, wherein the in situ solidifying complex coacervate comprises at least one polycation, at least one polyanion, and a salt that produces ions in water, wherein the concentration of the ions in the complex coacervate is greater than the concentration of the ions in the blood vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first catheter and second catheter are a co-axial catheter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second catheter comprises an occlusion balloon catheter.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first catheter and second catheter are sistered to one another.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the diameter of the first catheter is greater than the diameter of the second catheter.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the tip of the second catheter extends past the tip of the first catheter.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive completely seals the vessel.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first catheter is removed from the vessel.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second catheter is removed and the resulting ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Medical devices containing compositions of poly(butylene succinate) and copolymers thereof

Номер: US20210046212A1
Принадлежит: Tepha Inc

Resorbable implants, coverings and receptacles comprising poly(butylene succinate) and copolymers thereof have been developed. The implants are preferably sterilized, and contain less than 20 endotoxin units per device as determined by the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay, and are particularly suitable for use in procedures where prolonged strength retention is necessary, and can include one or more bioactive agents. The implants may be made from fibers and meshes of poly(butylene succinate) and copolymers thereof, or by 3d printing molding, pultrusion or other melt or solvent processing method. The implants, or the fibers preset therein, may be oriented. These coverings and receptacles may be used to hold, or partially/fully cover, devices such as pacemakers and neurostimulators. The coverings, receptacles and implants described herein, may be made from meshes, webs, lattices, non-wovens, films, fibers, foams, molded, pultruded, machined and 3D printed forms.

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Suture fixation device and method thereof

Номер: US20170042536A1

A suture fixation device and method thereof is provided. The suture fixation device includes a suture fiber having a length of about 24 to 40 inches and a plurality of knots spaced apart from each other along the length of the suture fiber. Each of the plurality of knots has an overall width of about 3.0 to 4.0 mm.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042612A1
Автор: Imran Mir A.

Embodiments of the invention provide systems and methods for using a tissue scaffold to facilitate healing of an anastomosis. One embodiment provides a tissue scaffold for placement at an anastomotic site within a body lumen comprising a radially expandable scaffold structure having lateral and mid portions, at least one retention element coupled to each lateral portion and a barrier layer. The retention element engages a luminal wall when the scaffold structure is expanded to retain the structure and exert a compressive force on the anastomosis. The mid portion has a greater radial stiffness than the lateral portions such that when the structure is expanded, the lateral portions engage tissue prior to the mid portion. The barrier layer is configured to engage a luminal wall when the structure is expanded to provide a fluidic seal at the anastomosis. The barrier layer may also include releasable biological agents to promote anastomotic healing. 1. A method for healing of an anastomosis in a target body lumen , the method comprising:positioning a prosthetic scaffold at an anastomotic site in the target body lumen;radially expanding the prosthetic scaffold to engage a wall of the target body lumen;utilizing the prosthetic scaffold to apply a compressive force on the wall of the target body lumen to maintain opposing like tissue layers of the anastomosis in substantial alignment; andretaining the prosthetic scaffold at the anastomotic site during a period of anastomotic healing.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prosthetic scaffold includes a barrier layer claim 1 , the method further comprising:engaging the barrier layer with the wall of the target body lumen to form a fluidic seal between the anastomosis and the barrier layer.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the prosthetic scaffold includes a biological agent claim 1 , the method further comprising:delivering the biological agent to the anastomotic site to facilitate healing of the anastomosis.4. The method of ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации

Surgical sutures incorporated with stem cells or other bioactive materials

Номер: US20150051643A1

Materials and methods for immobilizing bioactive molecules, stem and other precursor cells, and other agents of therapeutic value in surgical sutures and other tissue scaffold devices are described herein. Broadly drawn to the integration and incorporation of bioactive materials into suture constructs, tissue scaffolds and medical devices, the present invention has particular utility in the development of novel systems that enable medical personnel performing surgical and other medical procedures to utilize and subsequently reintroduce bioactive materials extracted from a patient (or their allogenic equivalents) to a wound or target surgical site.

25-02-2016 дата публикации

Advanced Endovascular Clip and Method of Using Same

Номер: US20160051263A1
Автор: Hesham Morsi
Принадлежит: Individual

Embodiments disclosed herein are directed towards an endovascular clip comprising a proximal anchoring member and a distal self-expanding member. The proximal anchoring member and distal self-expanding member are configured to extend across opposite sides of a neck of an aneurysm.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Suture anchor with proximal end for promoting tissue in-growth

Номер: US20210052265A1
Автор: Thomas Dooney, JR.
Принадлежит: Arthrex Inc

A suture anchor for tissue repair that has a proximal section and a main section where the proximal and main sections are formed of different materials. The proximal section is formed of a material that promotes in-growth from the surrounding tissue.

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046332A1

A clip for reducing a dimension of an opening in tissue may include a continuous member having a plurality of legs and a plurality of preformed bends connecting adjacent legs, wherein the plurality of legs form: a first group having two protrusions; a second group having two protrusions; and a third group having two protrusions, wherein each protrusion of each group includes two legs of the continuous member and a corresponding preformed bend connecting the two legs, and each protrusion of each group extends from a region adjacent a first end of the clip to a region adjacent a second end of the clip. 1. A clip for reducing a dimension of an opening in tissue , comprising: a first group having two protrusions;', 'a second group having two protrusions; and', 'a third group having two protrusions,', 'wherein each protrusion of each group includes two legs of the continuous member and a corresponding preformed bend connecting the two legs, and each protrusion of each group extends from a region adjacent a first end of the clip to a region adjacent a second end of the clip., 'a continuous member having a plurality of legs and a plurality of preformed bends connecting adjacent legs, wherein the plurality of legs form2. The clip of claim 1 , wherein the clip is configured to secure a first tissue portion to a second tissue portion claim 1 , with the first group configured to be positioned adjacent the first tissue portion opposite the second tissue portion claim 1 , the second group configured to be positioned between the first and second tissue portions claim 1 , and the third group configured to be positioned adjacent the second tissue portion opposite the first tissue portion.3. The clip of claim 1 , wherein the clip includes a shape memory material.4. The clip of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , relative to an axis through a center of the clip claim 1 , the preformed bends corresponding to the first group are positioned radially outward from the preformed bends ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046346A1
Автор: KIM Jong Hwan, Kim Woo Tae

A suturing needle is provided for injecting a gold thread. The suturing needle includes a needle body having a sharpened tip part at an upper end thereof. In addition, the suturing needle includes an upper groove provided on the sharpened tip part to hold the gold thread therein, and a lower groove provided near a lower end of the needle body to be opposite to the upper groove. Also, the suturing needle includes a handle part detachably combined with the lower end of the needle body. Various embodiments are possible. 1. A suturing needle for injecting a gold thread , comprising:a needle body having a sharpened tip part at a distal end thereof;an upper groove provided on the sharpened tip part to hold the gold thread therein;a thread locator means, for positioning an end of the gold thread on the needle body, provided at a proximal end of the needle body; anda handle part detachably combined with the lower end of the needle body, whereinthe upper groove and the thread locator means are disposed on different sides of the needle body, the different sides opposite to one another along a central longitudinal axis of the needle body, andthe sharpened tip part has a conical shape or has partially a triangular plane.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. The suturing needle of claim 1 , wherein the thread locator means includes a specific mark provided on the needle body.6. The suturing needle of claim 1 , wherein the handle part has a fastening protrusion detachably combined with the lower end of the needle body.7. The suturing needle of claim 6 , wherein the handle part or the fastening protrusion is formed of an elastic material.8. A suturing needle for injecting a gold thread claim 6 , comprising:a needle body having a sharpened tip part at an upper end thereof, the sharpened tip part having a flat upper surface;an upper groove provided on the flat upper surface of the sharpened tip part to hold the gold thread therein;a lower groove provided near a lower end of the ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Diffusion Resistant Implantable Devices for Reducing Pulsatile Pressure

Номер: US20200046369A1
Принадлежит: Aria CV, Inc.

A device for reducing pulsatile pressure within a vessel to treat heart disease, such as pulmonary hypertension, includes a compliant body structured to expand and contract upon changes in pressure within the vessel, a reservoir structured for holding a fluid therein, and a conduit extending between and fluidly coupling the reservoir and the compliant body, wherein the device includes a graphene-polymer composite designed to resist diffusion of the fluid through the device. 1. A system for reducing pulsatile pressure , the system comprising:a reservoir configured to hold a fluid therein;a transvascular conduit having a proximal region and a distal region, the proximal region coupled to the reservoir; anda compliant body configured to be implanted in a vessel and coupled to the distal region of the transvascular conduit, the compliant body further configured to contract during systole to move the fluid towards the reservoir and to expand during diastole to thereby reduce peak pressure in the vessel, wherein the compliant body is formed from a carbon-polymer composite configured to resist diffusion of the fluid through the compliant body.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the compliant body is configured for long term implantation in the vessel.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the compliant body is configured to be implanted in a pulmonary artery.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-polymer composite comprises at least one of a graphene oxide claim 1 , a reduced graphene oxide claim 1 , a graphene nanoribbon claim 1 , a graphene nanosheet claim 1 , a graphene nanoflake claim 1 , or a graphene nanoplatelet.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-polymer composite comprises at least one of a carbon nanotube or a buckminsterfullerene.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-polymer composite comprises a graphene-polymer matrix having graphene configured to be compounded into a polymer.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the carbon-polymer composite ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации

Implantable layers for a surgical instrument

Номер: US20170049447A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A staple cartridge is disclosed. The staple cartridge can include a cartridge body, a plurality of staples, and an implantable layer including a plurality of foam fragments, wherein the foam fragments are fused together to form a unitary body. The implantable layer can further include a plurality of intrastitial voids intermediate the foam fragments and/or a plurality of interstitial voids within the foam fragments. A method of forming an implantable layer for use with a surgical stapler is also disclosed. The method can include the steps of obtaining a plurality of foam fragments, heating the foam fragments, and compressing the foam fragments. A method of forming an implantable layer for use with a surgical stapler can also include lyophilizing a solution.

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210054172A1
Автор: Liu Qing, PU Cong

Disclosed are a polydopamine film and a preparation method and application thereof. The polydopamine film is loaded with silver sulfadiazine, and the preparation method achieves in-situ synthesis of silver sulfadiazine on a conventional polydopamine film by microwave irradiation. In the method, the sulfadiazine is not dissolved in conventional aqueous ammonia, which has the following advantages: firstly, preventing the polydopamine film from being corroded by the aqueous ammonia; secondly, protecting mucosa such as eyes and nasal cavities of workers from stimulation and corrosion of the aqueous ammonia; and thirdly, avoiding the environmental problem caused by pungent odor and fumes emitted from high-concentration aqueous ammonia. In the method, without using the catalyst trifluoromethanesulfonic acid or trifluoromethanesulfonic salt, not only is the loading of silver sulfadiazine increased, but also the safety performance can be further improved. 1. A polydopamine film , characterized by being loaded with silver sulfadiazine.2. The polydopamine film of claim 1 , characterized by being free of a catalyst trifluoromethanesulfonic acid or a trifluoromethanesulfonic salt residue.3. A method for preparing a polydopamine film claim 1 , characterized by comprising the step of in-situ synthesizing silver sulfadiazine on a conventional polydopamine film claim 1 , and the step of in-situ synthesizing silver sulfadiazine on a conventional polydopamine film further comprising the steps of:placing a conventional polydopamine film in a sodium hydroxide solution containing sulfadiazine, controlling the pH between 7.1 and 13.0, and reacting the mixture under the conditions of microwave irradiation to obtain an intermediate loaded with sodium sulfadiazine on the surface, taking out the intermediate, and washing and drying the same; andimmersing the material treated in step 1 in a silver nitrate solution, and reacting the mixture under the conditions of microwave irradiation, so ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170050996A1

Disclosed herein are novel amine-functionalized porphyrin compounds, as wells as pharmaceutically acceptable salts or esters thereof. The disclosed compounds can be used to impart antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and/or cell-adhesion specificity to a surface or material in need thereof, such as a surface of an indwelling medical implant, or a marine surface. 2. The compound claim 1 , salt claim 1 , or ester of claim 1 , wherein A is independently an optionally substituted azetyl claim 1 , an optionally substituted pyrrolyl claim 1 , an optionally substituted pyridinyl claim 1 , an optionally substituted azepinyl claim 1 , or an optionally substituted azocinyl.3. The compound claim 2 , salt claim 2 , or ester of claim 2 , wherein A is an optionally substituted pyridinyl.6. The compound claim 1 , salt claim 1 , or ester of claim 1 , wherein x is 0 or 1.7. The compound claim 1 , salt claim 1 , or ester of claim 1 , wherein Ris aminoethyl.8. The compound claim 1 , salt claim 1 , or ester of claim 1 , wherein M is magnesium claim 1 , iron claim 1 , or not present.9. The compound claim 1 , salt claim 1 , or ester of claim 1 , comprising a structure set forth as any one of Structure 5-39.11. The medical implant of claim 10 , comprising:(A), and wherein the implant is one of: a dental implant, a heart valve, a vascular stent, a neural tissue implant, an orthopedic implant, a pacemaker, an electoral lead, a neural probe for recording and/or stimulating a neural signal in a subject; or a medical catheter; or(B), and wherein the implant is one of: a dental implant, a heart valve, a vascular stent, an orthopedic implant; or a medical catheter.12. The medical implant of claim 10 , wherein the surface comprises from about 1 ng/mmto about 10 ng/mmof the compound.13. The medical implant of claim 10 , wherein A is independently an optionally substituted azetyl claim 10 , an optionally substituted pyrrolyl claim 10 , an optionally substituted pyridinyl claim 10 , an ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059661A1

In various embodiments, a layer of material can comprise a body, a proximal end portion, and a distal end portion. The proximal end portion can be releasably secured to a staple cartridge of a surgical end effector, and the distal end portion can be releasably secured to an anvil of the surgical end effector. The layer of material can comprise a tissue thickness compensator. 1. A surgical end effector , comprising:a staple cartridge comprising a staple;an anvil moveable relative to said staple cartridge, wherein said anvil comprises a staple forming surface; and a proximal end portion, wherein said proximal end portion is releasably secured to said staple cartridge; and', 'a distal end portion, wherein said distal end portion is releasably secured to said anvil., 'a layer of material comprising2. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said layer of material comprises a tissue thickness compensator.3. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said staple cartridge further comprises a first tissue contacting surface claim 1 , and wherein said layer of material further comprises a second tissue contacting surface.4. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said staple cartridge further comprises a proximal end and a slot extending from said proximal end claim 1 , and wherein said proximal end portion of said layer of material is releasably received in said slot.5. The surgical end effector of claim 4 , further comprising a firing element configured to move along at least a portion of said slot claim 4 , wherein said firing element is configured to deform said proximal end portion.6. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said anvil further comprises a distal end and a slot extending from said distal end claim 1 , and wherein said distal end portion of said layer of material is releasably received in said slot.7. The surgical end effector of claim 1 , wherein said proximal end portion further comprises a first deformable clip claim 1 , and ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170055985A1

Adjuncts for surgical devices including agonists and antagonists are provided. In general, an implantable adjunct can have two or more medicants releasably disposed therein that are each releasable from the adjunct. At least one of the medicants can include an agonist configured to encourage a physiological response, and at least one of the medicants can include an antagonist configured to discourage the physiological response encouraged by the agonist. The physiological response can include an aspect of wound healing such that the aspect of wound healing may be both encouraged by and discouraged by the adjunct. The adjunct having one or more agonists and one or more antagonists releasably disposed therein can be configured to be applied to tissue by a surgical stapler in conjunction with staples. 1. A staple cartridge assembly for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staple cavities, each staple cavity having a surgical staple disposed therein;a biocompatible adjunct material releasably retained on the cartridge body and configured to be delivered to tissue by deployment of the staples in the cartridge body;a first medicant disposed within and releasable from the adjunct material according to a predetermined release profile, the first medicant includes an agonist configured to encourage a physiological response; anda second medicant disposed within and releasable from the adjunct material according to a predetermined release profile, the second medicant includes an antagonist configured to discourage the physiological response encouraged by the agonist.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein according to the predetermined release profile of the first medicant the agonist is released from the adjunct material before the antagonist is released from the adjunct material according to the predetermined release profile of the second medicant.3. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein according to the predetermined release profile of the ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Inducing tissue adhesions using surgical adjuncts and medicants

Номер: US20170055989A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

Tissue adhesions using surgical adjuncts and medicants are provided. In general, an implantable adjunct can have one or more medicants releasably retained therein that are configured to induce tissue adhesions. The adjunct can be configured to be applied to lung tissue in conjunction with surgical staples using a surgical stapler. Pleurodesis can be encouraged through delivery of the adjunct to the lung tissue.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Surgical adjuncts with medicants affected by activator materials

Номер: US20170055992A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

Various exemplary surgical adjuncts with medicants affected by activator materials are provided. In general, an adjunct is provided with at least one medicant that is configured to be activated by an activator material. The adjunct can be delivered to a tissue of a patient, where the adjunct can be implanted. Various activator materials can be configured to activate the at least one medicant retained by the adjunct, the activation causing any one or more of a variety of actions. For example, the at least one medicant can be activated so as to yield at least one of a signal and/or an effect on the adjunct.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Staple cartridge assembly comprising various tissue compression gaps and staple forming gaps

Номер: US20170056002A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

An end effector including an anvil and a staple cartridge assembly is disclosed. The staple cartridge assembly comprises a deck having steps defined thereon for compressing tissue positioned between the anvil and the staple cartridge assembly to different pressures. The staple cartridge assembly further comprises staples having different unformed heights removably stored therein. The staples are deformed against the anvil to different formed heights.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056546A1

Surgical adjuncts having medicants controllably releasable therefrom are provided. In general, an adjunct retaining at least one medicant controllably releasable therefrom can be configured to be responsive to one or more physiological triggers. The adjunct can be provided with the at least one medicant releasably retained within the adjunct. In general, the one or more physiological triggers can each include an environmental condition to which the adjunct is exposed, such as when the adjunct is positioned within a body, such as by being stapled to tissue. Various physiological triggers can affect the adjunct, causing the adjunct to release the at least one medicant to the surrounding tissue in a selectable elution profile depending on the physiological trigger(s) that affect a particular adjunct. 1. A staple cartridge assembly for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staple cavities, each staple cavity having a surgical staple disposed therein;a biocompatible adjunct material releasably retained on the cartridge body and configured to be delivered to tissue by deployment of the staples in the cartridge body, the adjunct material having a plurality of distinct regions, wherein each region is formed of a biocompatible polymeric material and each region has a different construction; andan effective amount of at least one medicant disposed within and releasable from at least two of the regions, wherein the polymeric material in at least one region is responsive to at least one environmental condition upon delivery of the adjunct material to tissue such that the at least one environmental condition to which the adjunct material is subjected affects an elution profile of a medicant within the at least one region.2. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one environmental condition includes at least one of a chemical condition adjacent the adjunct material claim 1 , a physical condition adjacent the adjunct ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056566A1

Adjunct material to promote tissue growth is provided. In general, an implantable adjunct can be configured to be applied to tissue by a surgical stapler in conjunction with staples. The adjunct can have one or more medicants releasably retained therein that are effective to provide a desired effect on tissue in-growth in a predetermined manner. One or more characteristics associated with the adjunct can be altered between various implementations to promote organized tissue remodeling in a desired manner during wound healing, such as by encouraging tissue growth to be in a certain direction and/or by discouraging tissue growth in a certain area and/or on a certain structure. 1. A staple cartridge assembly for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staple cavities, each staple cavity having a surgical staple disposed therein;a biocompatible adjunct material releasably retained on the cartridge body and configured to be delivered to tissue by deployment of the staples in the cartridge body, the adjunct material being in the form of a fiber lattice, the fiber lattice having at least two distinct heterogeneous fiber lattice sections, each of the fiber lattice sections of the adjunct material being arranged in a pattern configured to promote organized tissue remodeling in a desired manner; andan effective amount of at least one medicant disposed within and releasable from the adjunct material, each of the at least one medicants being effective to provide a desired effect on tissue in-growth in a predetermined manner, and each of the at least one medicants being releasable from the adjunct material in a homogeneous manner.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the adjunct material is made of a plurality of fibers that are one of bioabsorbable and dissolvable.3. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the at least one medicant is eluted upon the absorption or dissolution of the fibers.4. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fiber lattice ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Composite Adjunct Materials for Delivering Medicants

Номер: US20170056567A1

Various exemplary composite adjunct materials for delivering medicants are provided. In general, the adjunct material can be configured to be delivered to tissue by deployment of staples from a cartridge body of a surgical stapler. The adjunct material includes a conformable region and a distinct reinforcing region that form the composite structure. An effective amount of at least one medicant can be disposed within and releasable from at least one of the conformable region and the reinforcing region and can provide a desired effect on tissue in-growth in a predetermined manner. 1. A staple cartridge assembly for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staple cavities, each staple cavity having a surgical staple disposed therein;a biocompatible adjunct material releasably retained on the cartridge body and configured to be delivered to tissue by deployment of the staples in the cartridge body, the adjunct material being in the form of a composite having a conformable region and a distinct reinforcing region; andan effective amount of at least one medicant disposed within and releasable from at least one of the conformable region and the reinforcing region, each of the at least one medicants being effective to provide a desired effect on tissue in-growth in a predetermined manner.2. The assembly of claim 1 , wherein the conformable region is a layer within the adjunct material and the reinforcing region is a separate layer within the adjunct material.3. The assembly of claim 2 , further comprising a barrier layer between the conformable layer and the reinforcing layer.4. The assembly of claim 2 , wherein the conformable layer is disposed between a first reinforcing layer and a second reinforcing layer.5. The assembly of claim 4 , wherein the conformable layer is a fibrous layer that contains a hydrogel.6. The assembly of claim 5 , wherein the hydrogel is applied as a coating to fibers that comprise the fibrous layer.7. The ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Adjunct Material to Provide Drug Elution from Vessels

Номер: US20170056568A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

Adjunct material is provided that has multiple reservoirs formed therein and releasably carrying a plurality of vessels that each retain at least one medicant. An implantable adjunct has at least one bioabsorbable polymer configured to maintain the vessels within a reservoir. Disruption of the at least one bioabsorbable polymer allows release of the vessels from at least one of the reservoirs. A rate of the vessels' release can be controlled by a degradation rate of the at least one bioabsorbable polymer. The released vessels are, in turn, disrupted to thereby cause at least one medicant disposed therein to release and thus provide a desired effect on tissue in-growth.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Adjunct Material to Provide Controlled Drug Release

Номер: US20170056569A1

Adjunct material retained by a staple cartridge assembly is provided. The adjunct material provides elution of medicants therefrom such that release of one medicant regulates release of another medicant. A first medicant is released as a bolus dose substantially immediately upon delivery of the adjunct material to tissue. The second medicant is associated with the staple cartridge assembly in a manner such that release of the second medicant to tissue is regulated by the release of the first medicant. 1. A staple cartridge assembly for use with a surgical stapler , comprising:a cartridge body having a plurality of staple cavities, each staple cavity having a surgical staple disposed therein;a bioabsorbable adjunct material releasably retained on the cartridge body and configured to be delivered to tissue by deployment of the staples in the cartridge body; anda first medicant component associated with a component of the staple cartridge assembly in a manner in which the first medicant is released as a bolus dose substantially immediately upon delivery of the adjunct material to tissue; anda second medicant component associated with a component of the staple cartridge assembly in a manner such that release of the second medicant component to tissue is regulated by the release of the first medicant component.2. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second medicant component is configured to be released to tissue at a time after the release of the first medicant component.3. The cartridge assembly of claim 1 , wherein the second medicant component is configured to be released to tissue over a period of time commencing at a time following release of the first medicant component.4. The cartridge assembly of claim 3 , wherein the second medicant component is a first active agent disposed within a bioabsorbable polymer that is configured to be released from the first medicant component upon release of the first medicant component claim 3 , the first active agent ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190059869A1

The present invention teaches apparatuses, systems and methods for performing a variety of medical procedures, including those involving introducing one or more substances into a subjects body. In some embodiments, the invention teaches an imaging system that includes an ionizing radiation source and a digital radiation detector that are coupled to opposing blades of a tissue retractor 1. A tissue retractor system comprising:a fixed tissue retractor arm with a first tissue retractor blade attached thereto, the first tissue retractor blade comprising three elongated walls;a travelling tissue retractor arm with a second tissue retractor blade attached thereto, the second tissue retractor blade comprising three elongated walls;a rack gear connected to the fixed tissue retractor arm and the travelling retractor arm, the travelling tissue retractor arm configured to move along the rack gear; andan adjustment mechanism in contact with the rack gear configured to move the travelling tissue reactor arm with respect to the fixed tissue retractor arm along the rack gear.2. The tissue retractor system of claim 1 , wherein the first and second tissue retractor blades are approximately U-shaped.3. The tissue retractor system of wherein at least one of the three elongated walls of the first and second tissue retractor blades comprise at least one ridge.4. The tissue retractor system of claim 3 , wherein the at least one ridge comprises a pattern of ridges.5. The tissue retractor system of claim 4 , wherein the pattern of ridges is in the shape of a chevron.6. The tissue retractor system of claim 1 , wherein the second tissue retractor blade comprises:a first vertical slit formed in a first elongated wall and is configured to receive a first edge of a first wall of the first tissue retractor blade; anda second vertical slit in a second elongated wall configured to receive a second edge of a second wall of the second tissue retractor blade.7. The tissue retractor system of claim 1 ...

28-02-2019 дата публикации

System And Method For Sealing An Incisional Wound

Номер: US20190060537A1

An apparatus, system, and method for treating an incisional wound having incisional walls is disclosed. The apparatus includes a conduit having a first end for receiving reduced pressure and a second end. The apparatus further includes a scaffold. The scaffold has opposing surfaces for positioning adjacent the incisional walls and is fluidly coupled to the second end of the conduit for receiving the reduced pressure. The scaffold is generally elongated in shape and has a thickness between the opposing surfaces that is sufficiently thin for positioning within the incisional wound. The apparatus further includes an internal manifold that has a primary flow channel extending generally longitudinally within the scaffold and between the opposing surfaces of the scaffold. The internal manifold is fluidly coupled to the second end of the conduit. The application of the reduced pressure through the scaffold and the internal manifold induces tissue apposition between the incisional walls. 1. An apparatus to treat an incisional wound having incisional walls , the apparatus comprising:a scaffold configured to be positioned within the incisional wound;an internal manifold having a primary flow channel configured to extend within the scaffold to fluidly couple to a reduced pressure source;an external manifold in fluid communication with a portion of the scaffold; anda drape formed of substantially impermeable material to cover the external manifold and the scaffold within the incisional wound.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the internal manifold further comprises one or more tributary flow channels fluidly coupled to the primary flow channel and extending generally transversely within the scaffold.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the one or more tributary flow channels extend generally perpendicular from the primary flow channel.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein at least one of the one or more tributary flow channels originate from a single location of the primary ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

Surgical staples comprising hardness variations for improved fastening of tissue

Номер: US20210068834A1
Принадлежит: Ethicon LLC

A surgical staple cartridge is disclosed comprising a plurality of staples removably stored within the surgical staple cartridge. The staples comprise staple legs which extend from a staple base portion. The staple legs comprise staple tips configured to pierce tissue and contact a corresponding forming pocket of an anvil of surgical stapling instrument. The staples further comprise zones having different hardnesses.

12-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150073472A1

Apparatus for sealing a vascular wall penetration disposed at the end of the tissue tract comprises a shaft, an occlusion element, a hemostatic implant, and a protective sleeve. The apparatus is deployed through the tissue tract with the occlusion element temporarily occluding the vascular wall penetration and inhibiting backbleeding therethrough. The hemostatic implant, which will typically be a biodegradable polymer such as collagen carrying an anti-proliferative agent or coagulation promoter, will then be deployed from the sealing apparatus and left in place to enhance closure of the vascular wall penetration with minimum scarring. The implant may be radiopaque to allow observation before release. 1. A method for sealing a blood vessel penetration disposed at the end of a tissue tract , said method comprising:providing an apparatus including a shaft, an occlusion element at a distal end of the shaft, a hemostatic implant disposed on an exterior surface of the shaft, and an outer sleeve constraining the implant on the shaft;introducing the shaft through the tissue tract to position the occlusion element in a lumen of the blood vessel and the hemostatic implant within the tissue tract, wherein the hemostatic implant is covered by the outer sleeve while the shaft is being introduced;deploying the occlusion element to inhibit blood flow from the blood vessel into the tissue tract;retracting the outer sleeve to expose the hemostatic implant wherein the hemostatic implant is axially split and configured to remain stationary on the shaft while the outer sleeve is being retracted and to open laterally to release from the shaft after the outer sleeve is fully retracted from over the implant;collapsing the occlusion element; andwithdrawing the shaft and collapsed occlusion element past the hemostatic implant which remains in the tissue tract.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the hemostatic implant is prevented from being displaced proximally by a back stop on the shaft ...

12-03-2015 дата публикации

Concentric barbed suture

Номер: US20150073474A1
Автор: Gerald N. Hodgkinson
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A barbed suture and a method of forming a barbed suture are disclosed. The barbed suture includes a core fiber and a sheet, which can be monolithic or formed from a plurality of longitudinally extending fibers, which is placed around the core fiber.

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074024A1
Автор: SCHEULE Albertus M.

The present invention relates to a vascular closure device for sealing a puncture site in a vascular wall comprising a sheath () having a distal end and at least one proximal end, wherein the sheath () comprises a tubular body (). The vascular closure device () is characterized in that at least one distal balloon member () is firmly arranged at the distal end of the tubular body () of the sheath () and at least one expandable anchor member () is firmly arranged proximal to the distal balloon member () on the tubular body of the sheath (), wherein at least the distal side of the distal balloon member () is a pressure area for applying pressure on the outside of the vascular wall. Furthermore a method of positioning of a vascular closure device () is described. 11010100111001012111011. Vascular closure device for sealing a puncture site in a vascular wall comprising a sheath () having a distal end and at least one proximal end , wherein the sheath () comprises a tubular body () , characterized in that at least one distal balloon member () is firmly arranged at the distal end of the tubular body () of the sheath () and at least one expandable anchor member () is firmly arranged proximal to the distal balloon member () on the tubular body of the sheath () , wherein at least the distal side of the distal balloon member () is a pressure area for applying pressure on the outside of the vascular wall.21110010. Vascular closure device according to claim 1 , characterized in that distal balloon member () in an expanded state at least partially extends beyond the distal end of the tubular body () of the sheath ().312111001010010. Vascular closure device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the at least one expandable anchor member () and the at least one distal balloon member () are provided on the circumferential surface of the tubular body () of the sheath () and preferably are expandable at least in a radial direction of the tubular body () of the sheath ().41211. ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087683A1
Автор: FISHEL Robert

Left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusion device including a membrane, a plurality of fixation splines and a deployment hub, the plurality of fixation splines for affixing the LAA occlusion device to an ostium of the LAA, the deployment hub being positioned in the membrane, the deployment hub including a threaded aperture and a one-way valve, for enabling a toxin to be entered into the LAA through the deployment hub. 1. Left atrial appendage (LAA) occlusion device comprising:a semi-permeable membrane having semi-permeability in only one direction, for covering an ostium of said LAA; anda deployment hub, positioned in said membrane,wherein said deployment hub comprises a one-way valve, for enabling a toxin to be entered into said LAA through said deployment hub; andwherein said semi-permeable membrane enables said toxin to seep out of said LAA and prevents blood from entering said LAA.2. (canceled)3. The LAA occlusion device according to claim 1 , wherein said semi-permeable membrane has a shape selected from the list consisting of:an umbrella shape;a parachute shape;a circular shape;a balloon shape; anda shape which approximates the anatomy of said ostium of said LAA.4. The LAA occlusion device according to claim 23 , wherein said threaded aperture enables at least one of a catheter and a delivery device to be coupled with said LAA occlusion device for placement in said LAA.5. The LAA occlusion device according to claim 23 , wherein said plurality of fixation splines is made from a biocompatible metal.6. The LAA occlusion device according to claim 23 , wherein said plurality of fixation splines has an open shape and a closed shape.7. The LAA occlusion device according to claim 23 , wherein said plurality of fixation splines is arranged radially around said deployment hub.8. The LAA occlusion device according to claim 23 , wherein said plurality of fixation splines is formed as a spring and is held under pressure by a delivery sheath.9. The LAA occlusion device according ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180070998A1

The present invention provides a drug eluting surgical screw and a method for manufacturing a drug eluting surgical screw. The drug eluting surgical screw may include a shaft having a threaded portion, a head having a drive recess disposed at a proximal end of the shaft, the drive recess having a reservoir region and a driver engagement region, and at least one or more drug eluting components disposed within the reservoir region of the drive recess in a manner that does not substantially impair a connection between a driver and the surgical screw when the driver is operably disposed within the driver engagement region, each of the at least one or more drug eluting components including a carrier matrix and a therapeutic agent, the therapeutic agent being at least 20 wt % of the drug eluting component prior to any implantation of the drug eluting surgical screw. 1. (canceled)2. An antibiotic eluting system comprising:a drug eluting component comprising a carrier matrix and a therapeutic agent, the therapeutic agent compounded within the carrier matrix, and wherein the therapeutic agent includes at least one antibiotic, and,an implant having a head disposed at a proximal end, the head defining a recess and the recess including a reservoir region;wherein the drug eluting component is disposed within the reservoir region, andwherein the drug eluting component has an elution profile configured to elute the at least one antibiotic locally along a surface of the implant at a rate of at least about 50% by weight of the at least one antibiotic over a period of least 7 days after implantation so as to reduce the risk of infection.3. The antibiotic eluting system of claim 2 , wherein the carrier matrix includes silica claim 2 , hydroxyapatite claim 2 , calcium phosphate claim 2 , bioglass claim 2 , or a combination thereof.4. The antibiotic eluting system of claim 2 , wherein the carrier matrix includes a nonabsorbable polymer.5. The antibiotic eluting system of claim 2 , ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071048A1

A tissue marker and tissue marking system is provided for treating and/or marking a site within a patient from which tissue has been removed. The tissue marker includes a press-formed marker body of 65% (by wt.) powder of corn starch or potato starch and 35% (by wt.) methylcellulose binder. 120-. (canceled)21. A tissue marker , comprising a press-formed marker body comprised of 65% (by wt.) powder of corn starch or potato starch and 35% (by wt.) methylcellulose binder.22. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the powder has a particle size less than 0.01 inch.23. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the powder has a particle size of about 10 to about 200 micrometers.24. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the press-formed marker body has a transverse dimension of about 0.02 to about 0.1 inch.25. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the press-formed marker body has a transverse dimension of about 0.035 to about 0.075 inch.26. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the press-formed marker body has a length of about 0.1 to about 0.4 inch.27. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the press-formed marker body has a length of about 0.15 to about 0.35 inch.28. The tissue marker of claim 21 , wherein the press-formed marker body has a pair of opposed flat surfaces and a pair of opposed convex surfaces claim 21 , the pair of opposed convex surfaces being orthogonal to the pair of opposed flat surfaces. This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/070,786, entitled “DEPLOYMENT OF POLYSACCHARIDE MARKERS’, filed Feb. 21, 2008, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/881,264, filed Jul. 26, 2007, which is related to and claims priority from provisional application Ser. No. 60/835,740, filed on Aug. 4, 2006.Also, this application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/155,628 entitled “FIBROUS MARKER AND INTRACORPOREAL DELIVERY THEREOF”, filed Jun. 8, 2011, which is a ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071100A1
Принадлежит: BIOVENTRIX, INC.

Devices, systems, and methods for treating a heart of a patient may make use of one or more implant structures which limit a size of a chamber of the heart, such as by deploying a tensile member to bring a wall of the heart toward (optionally into contact with) a septum of the heart. 120.-. (canceled)21. A method for treating a heart , the heart having a first chamber bordered by a septum and a wall , wherein the chamber comprises a left ventricle of the heart , the heart having a second chamber separated from the first chamber by the septum , the method comprising:providing a perforation device having a distal tip that is configured to deliver electrosurgical energy to heart tissue to enable the perforation device to penetrate through the heart tissue;penetrating, via the perforation device, the septum at a first location selected for deployment of an implant;penetrating, via the perforation device, the wall at a second location selected for the deployment of the implant;controllably steering the perforation device between the first location and the second location; anddeploying the implant by affixing a first anchor of the implant adjacent the penetration of the septum, affixing a second anchor of the implant adjacent the penetration of the wall, and applying tension between the first anchor and the second anchor;wherein the tensioned members are tensioned sufficiently to bring the wall and septum into engagement, and thereby effectively exclude a region of the wall and septum from the left ventricle with scar tissue extending along the excluded region.22. The method of claim 21 , further comprising sensing a pressure from a distal end of the perforation device advancing through the heart tissue at the first and/or second locations so as to characterize the tissue.23. The method of claim 21 , further comprising penetrating the wall at a plurality of additional locations claim 21 , wherein a plurality of separate implants are deployed claim 21 , each deployed ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074563A1

A plasma-activated coating (PAC) process covalently binds enzymes in their bioactive state, has low thrombogenicity and can be robustly applied to medical devices, resisting delamination when deployed in vivo. Applying this process to attachment of proteins such as enzymes that inhibit thrombosis and anticoagulants such as heparin or heparin fragments, one can produce medical devices and other materials for use in vascular applications having a number of benefits including covalent attachment, not requiring intermediate linkers or chemistry; substrate independent works on polymers, metals, ceramics, 3D shapes like stents, valves, etc.; bioactivity is retained; surface may retain greater bioactivity over time in vivo; Simultaneously supports endothelialisation; can be stored for long periods, following freeze drying, and retains effectiveness when rehydrated and; surface is able to bind many fibrinolytic enzymes such as streptokinase, urokinase, tPA, plasmin). 1. A vascular medical device comprising a surface consisting of a plasma polymerized biocompatible polyhexane or polyacetyiene having nitrogen incorporated therein on a metallic , ceramic , carbon or polymeric substrate of the device which contacts blood ,wherein the substrate is coated with a plasma-activated mediator;and wherein the thrombogenicity of the substrate is reduced by the immobilization of an anti-thrombogenic, anti-platelet or anti-coagulant protein to the mediator.2. The device of wherein the protein is an enzyme.3. The device of wherein the enzyme is fibrinolytic.4. The device of wherein the enzyme is selected from the group consisting of plasmin claim 3 , tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) including alteplase claim 3 , reteplase claim 3 , tenecteplase and desmoteplase claim 3 , streptokinase claim 3 , urokinase claim 3 , and plasminogen.5. The device of comprising anti-thrombogenic agent selected from the group consisting of direct thrombin inhibitors such as bivalirudin claim 1 , and heparins ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071596A1

A suture bridge to accommodate many common types of sutures, including a first leg and a second leg, where first leg and second leg include a patient contacting surface configured to contact a patient's skin. A first support connects to the first leg and second support connects to the second leg. A traversing member connects to the first support and the second support, and the first support and the second support elevate the traversing member away from the patient contacting surfaces of the first leg and the second leg creating a wound eversion void below the traversing member. This forms a wound eversion void which is a void configured to accept an everting wound. In some examples, the suture bridge includes notches on the first leg and the second leg to accommodate more types of sutures. 1. A suture bridge , comprising: a first leg including a first patient contacting surface configured to contact a patients skin, and', "a second leg spaced from the first leg and including a second patient contacting surface configured to contact the patient's skin;"], 'at least two legs, the at least two legs includinga first support connected to the first leg proximate the second leg, the first support and the first leg defining a first angle;a second support connected to the second leg proximate the first leg, the second support and the second leg defining a second angle;a traversing member extending between the first support and the second support, the traversing member being connected to the first support distal the first leg and connected to the second support distal the second leg,wherein the first support and the second support elevate the traversing member away from the first patient contacting surface of the first leg and from the second patient contacting surface of the second leg to define a wound eversion void below the traversing member,wherein the wound eversion void is configured to accept an everting wound.2. The suture bridge of claim 1 , wherein:the second leg ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170071622A1

The present invention provides a micro robot including: a drilling body which has a drilling tip formed at an end thereof; a spiral coupling body which has a magnet disposed therein, and is spirally coupled to an outer circumference of the drilling body; and a system control unit which allows the drilling body and the spiral coupling body to spirally move simultaneously or allows the spiral coupling body to spirally move around the drilling body by providing rotational magnetic field to the magnet. In addition, the present invention also provides a micro robot system including the micro robot. 1. A micro robot comprising:a drilling body which has a drilling tip formed at an end thereof;a spiral coupling body which has a magnet disposed therein, and is spirally coupled to an outer circumference of the drilling body; anda system control unit which allows the drilling body and the spiral coupling body to spirally move simultaneously or allows the spiral coupling body to spirally move around the drilling body by providing rotational magnetic field to the magnet.2. The micro robot of claim 1 , wherein a spiral protrusion claim 1 , which is spirally coupled to the spiral coupling body claim 1 , is formed on the outer circumference of the drilling body.3. The micro robot of claim 2 , wherein a medicine accommodating space claim 2 , which has a hollow shape and accommodates a medicine claim 2 , is formed in the drilling body claim 2 , and a medicine injection hole through which the accommodated medicine is injected to the outside is formed at an end portion of the drilling tip.4. The micro robot of claim 3 , wherein the spiral coupling body includes:a piston body which is disposed to be fitted into the medicine accommodating space in order to pump the medicine; anda spiral coil which is formed at an end portion of the piston body and spirally coupled to the spiral protrusion.5. The micro robot of claim 4 , wherein a magnet slot into which the magnet is fitted and installed ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070397A1
Автор: Levy Frank, Levy Kimberley

A gas enriched foam generating apparatus for performing medical procedures includes a foam generating tip assembly composed of a multi-channel arrangement at a proximal first end thereof and a tip at a distal second end thereof. The apparatus also includes a compressed gas unit fluidly connected to the multi-channel arrangement at a proximal first end of the foam generating tip assembly and a medical solution fluidly connected to the multi-channel arrangement at a proximal first end of the foam generating tip assembly. Compressed gas, from the compressed gas unit, and the medical solution are combined within the foam generating tip assembly in a manner generating a gas enriched foam that is ultimately dispensed from the foam generating apparatus. 1. A gas enriched foam generating apparatus for performing medical procedures , comprising:a foam generating tip assembly composed of a multi-channel arrangement at a proximal first end thereof and a tip at a distal second end thereof;a compressed gas unit fluidly connected to the multi-channel arrangement at a proximal first end of the foam generating tip assembly; anda medical solution fluidly connected to the multi-channel arrangement at a proximal first end of the foam generating tip assembly;wherein compressed gas, from the compressed gas unit, and the medical solution are combined within the foam generating tip assembly in a manner generating a gas enriched foam that is ultimately dispensed from the foam generating apparatus.2. The foam generating apparatus according to claim 1 , further including a dual lumen catheter including a first end and a second end to which the foam generating tip assembly is secured.3. The foam generating apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the compressed gas unit is fluidly connected to a first lumen of the dual lumen catheter.4. The foam generating apparatus according to claim 3 , wherein the medical solution is fluidly connected to a second lumen of the dual lumen catheter.5. The ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200069299A1

Medical devices for delivering compositions or medical articles to a patient are disclosed. The medical plug delivery devices can include a fluid delivery device (e.g., a syringe), a frame, and a rotatable magazine. The rotatable magazine can include a plurality of chambers that each hold a composition or a medical article (e.g., a medical plug). By rotating the rotatable magazine relative to the frame, material within the chambers of the rotatable magazine can be sequentially deployed to a patient. 1. (canceled)2. A method of injecting a plurality of medical plugs into a patient , the method comprising: a magazine defining a plurality of chambers; and', 'a selector that is rotatably coupled with respect to the magazine;, 'obtaining a medical plug delivery device comprisingconnecting a distal end of the medical plug delivery device to an elongate tube;deploying a first medical plug from a first chamber of the plurality of chambers such that the first medical plug travels through the elongate tube and to a patient;rotating the selector with respect to the magazine; anddeploying a second medical plug from a second chamber of the plurality of chambers such that the second medical plug travels through the elongate tube and to the patient;wherein the first medical plug and the second medical plug are each deployed as a result of one or more fluidic forces.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising simultaneously wetting the first medical plug and the second medical plug prior to deploying either the first medical plug or the second medical plug.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein simultaneously wetting the first medical plug and the second medical plug comprises injecting liquid through a channel of the selector and into a gap disposed between a portion of the selector and a portion of the magazine.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising wetting the first medical plug comprising drawing fluid through a distal channel and through the first medical plug disposed in ...
