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03-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618296C2

Изобретение относится к сенсорному устройству. Сенсорное устройство содержит ремешок, включающий в себя по меньшей мере один датчик для измерения физиологического параметра на внутренней стороне запястья тела человека или животного и блок обработки сигналов для обработки выходных данных измерения, полученного от упомянутого по меньшей мере одного датчика. Упомянутый ремешок выполнен с возможностью обеспечения регулируемого прикрепления к упомянутому блоку обработки сигналов на обоих концах упомянутого ремешка. В результате обеспечивается точное расположение датчика на внутренней стороне запястья тела человека или животного. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542778C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Небулайзер содержит насадку, разъемно соединенную с корпусом. Насадка содержит распылительное средство, воздушный канал и датчик расхода. Распыленная жидкость выбрасывается в воздушный канал, который заканчивается мундштуком, через который пользователь производит вдох и выдох. Вдох и выдох создают поток в воздушном канале, который обнаруживается датчиком расхода. Распылительное средство работает с управлением от средства управления, содержащегося в корпусе. Группа изобретений позволяет облегчить быструю и удовлетворительную очистку небулайзера. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Система мониторинга частоты сердечных сокращений

Номер: RU2709776C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к диагностике. Система мониторинга частоты сердечных сокращений, выполненная в виде выполненного с возможностью ношения устройства, которое выполнено с возможностью прикрепления к или расположения на коже пользователя. Система содержит: блок определения бездействия для определения периодов бездействия пользователя на основе данных о движении, зарегистрированных по меньшей мере одним датчиком движения, прикрепленным к пользователю. При этом данные о движении содержат индексы активности, информацию о скорости, информацию о количестве шагов, информацию об уровне движения. Индексы активности определяют путем анализа выходных данных акселерометров. По меньшей мере один датчик частоты сердечных сокращений для измерения данных о частоте сердечных сокращений пользователя в динамике по времени и в условиях жизни без ограничений. Блок вычисления частоты сердечных сокращений в состоянии покоя для вычисления частоты сердечных сокращений пользователя ...

04-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2629796C1

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, а именно к медицинской технике. Рассчитывают величину теплового эффекта метаболизма или теплопродукции в процессе метаболизма локального участка живой ткани. Для чего с помощью тепло- и водонепроницаемого аппликатора измеряют параметры ткани в локальной области под аппликатором, характеризующие процессы переноса тепла и вещества в локальной области под аппликатором. Одновременно или перед началом измерения указанных параметров измеряют временную динамику климатических параметров, определяющих теплообмен ткани с окружающей средой. Вычисляют величину энтальпии ткани с учетом влияния климатических параметров. Определяют гидравлическое давление в системе микроциркуляции в зависимости от осмотического давления и эластического давления. Рассчитывают величину теплового эффекта метаболизма или теплопродукции в процессе метаболизма локального участка живой ткани с помощью основного уравнения термодинамики, связывающего энтальпию ткани с переменными ...

28-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018110664A3

19-10-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016139135A3

18-07-2019 дата публикации

Процессор для обработки данных электропроводности кожи и устройство для обнаружения по меньшей мере одной стадии синдрома выгорания и/или синдрома хронической усталости живого существа

Номер: RU2694885C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Способ обработки данных осуществляют с помощью устройства для обнаружения стадий стрессового состояния живого существа. Устройство содержит измерительный блок для измерения данных электропроводности кожи за промежуток времени и процессор (10) для обработки данных электропроводности кожи живого существа. Процессор содержит блок (12) ввода для приема сигнала (13) данных электропроводности кожи, содержащего пиковые данные, вычислительный блок (14) и анализирующий блок (16). Вычислительный блок (14) осуществляет вычисление сигнала данных пиковых значений электропроводности кожи за день путем получения характеристики, связанной с указанными пиками данных, и формирования суммы значений указанной характеристики за единицу времени. Анализирующий блок (16) анализирует среднее значение и/или абсолютное значение сигнала данных пиковых значений электропроводности кожи за часть указанного периода времени для получения информации о стадии стрессового состояния ...

29-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2678494C1

Изобретение относится к области идентификации пользователя. Технические результаты заключаются в обеспечении непрерывной идентификации пользователя без запроса у пользователя данных для идентификации, сложности подделки биометрических данных пользователя, возможности встраивания в носимые устройства, отсутствия необходимости непосредственного контакта с кожей пользователя. Такие результаты достигаются за счет того, что устройство содержит передающую антенну; приемную антенну; передатчик для генерации сверхширокополосных сигналов и испускания сверхширокополосных сигналов в ткани части тела пользователя через передающую антенну; приемник для приема сигналов, прошедших через ткани части тела пользователя, через приемную антенну; аналого-цифровой преобразователь для преобразования принятых сигналов в цифровые сигналы; память для хранения параметров обученного средства классификации; и центральный процессор для анализа цифровых сигналов посредством обученного средства классификации с использованием ...

11-12-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2738322C1
Принадлежит: Тиссо СА (CH)

Изобретение относится к способу передачи посредством наручных часов (100) информационного сообщения, связанного с оценкой качества сна пользователя упомянутых наручных часов (100), причем способ содержит следующие этапы, на которых: регистрируют (10) посредством процессорного блока (2) данные, описывающие по меньшей мере один определяемый событием эпизод по меньшей мере одного типа события внешнего воздействия в течение периода сна пользователя; идентифицируют (11) по меньшей мере один тип события внешнего воздействия, нарушающего сон пользователя, исходя из результатов обработки упомянутых описательных данных; оценивают (16) индекс оценки качества сна пользователя как функцию индикатора нарушения сна для каждого идентифицированного типа события внешнего воздействия, нарушающего сон, и создают (17) информационное сообщение, содержащее оценочный индекс оценки, для его передачи пользователю. 3 н. и 3 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011136811A

... 1. Устройство определения движения тела, содержащее:средство определения ускорения для определения ускорения; ивычислительное средство для выполнения процедуры вычисления движения тела по вычислению движения тела живого организма на основании данных ускорения, определенных средством определения ускорения, при этом устройство определения движения тела содержит:участок закрепления/раскрепления для обеспечения возможности закрепления закрепляемой рабочей части, подлежащей закреплению на живом организме или предмете, связанном с живым организмом, на основном блоке устройства, или раскрепления от него, причемвычислительное средство выполнено с возможностью выполнения процедуры определения закрепления/раскрепления по определению закрепления или раскрепления на основании изменения ускорения, представляемого данными ускорения, при закреплении закрепляемой рабочей части на участке закрепления/раскрепления или при раскреплении от него, и выполнения процедуры вычисления движения тела на основании ...

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010142496A

... 1. Электронный сфигмоманометр (1) для измерения кровяного давления в соответствии со способом компенсации объема, при этом электронный сфигмоманометр содержит: ! манжету (20), прикрепленную к месту измерения кровяного давления; ! датчик (32) давления для определения давления в манжете, представляющего давление внутри манжеты; !датчик (70) объема, предусмотренный в манжете и предназначенный для детектирования сигнала артериального объема, указывающего объем артерии в месте измерения; ! блок (50) регулировки давления в манжете для регулировки давления в манжете путем увеличения и уменьшения давления; и ! блок управления, ! причем блок управления содержит: ! первый блок (104) управления для управления блоком регулировки давления в манжете и установки давления в манжете равным начальному давлению в манжете, представляющему конкретное значение давления; ! блок (106) сервоуправления для сервоуправления блоком регулировки давления в манжете таким образом, чтобы объем артерии становился постоянным ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106299A

... 1. Детектор (1) падения для обнаружения падений пользователя или объекта, к которому прикреплен детектор (1) падения, отличающийся тем, что детектор (1) падения содержит датчик (3) потока воздуха для предоставления измерений, указывающих вертикальную скорость и/или изменения высоты детектора (1) падения.2. Детектор (1) падения по п.1, который дополнительно содержит датчик (2) ускорения для измерения ускорений детектора (1) падения.3. Детектор (1) падения по п.2, который дополнительно содержит процессор (4) для обработки измерений от датчика (3) потока воздуха и датчика (2) ускорения для обнаружения того, произошло ли падение.4. Детектор (1) падения по п.3, в котором процессор (4) выполнен с возможностью оценивать ориентацию детектора (1) падения по измерениям от датчика (2) ускорения и использовать оцененную ориентацию для генерации профиля вертикальной скорости для детектора (1) падения по измерениям от датчика (3) потока воздуха.5. Детектор (1) падения по любому предыдущему пункту, в ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

System und Verfahren zur Detektion von Herzschlagereignissen in Echtzeit unter Verwendung eines Bewegungssensors mit niedriger Leistung

Номер: DE102018113307A1
Автор: LI YELEI, Li, Yelei

Als ein nicht einschränkendes Beispiel sehen unterschiedliche Aspekte dieser Offenbarung Ausführungsformen einer Echtzeit-Herzschlagereignisdetektion unter Verwendung eines Bewegungssensors mit niedriger Leistung und geringem Rauschen vor.

31-07-2003 дата публикации

Watch type unit for wireless transmission of heartbeats has conducting rubber parts with regions extending into housing interior to contact circuit board conducting sections

Номер: DE0020305450U1
Принадлежит: CHEN, YU YU

The arrangement has a housing (21) essentially the shape of a wristwatch, a pair of straps (23), a pair of conducting rubber parts (24), a circuit board (40) and a transmitter (41) for wireless signal transmission. The conducting rubber parts are connected to the housing so that their front regions extend into the housing interior and the circuit board has conducting sections at opposing points on its underside for contacting the rubber parts.

09-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018003745T5

Eine Antennenvorrichtung für biologischen Messungen nach dieser Erfindung umfasst einen Gurt (20), der so getragen werden soll, dass er eine Messzielstelle eines lebenden Körpers umgibt. Eine Sende-/Empfangsantennengruppe (40E) ist an dem Gurt (20) vorgesehen und umfasst eine Vielzahl von Antennenelementen (TX1, TX2,..., RX1, RX2,...). In einem Tragezustand, in dem der Gurt (20) so getragen wird, dass er eine Außenfläche des Messzielortes umgibt, wird eine Funkwelle in Richtung der Messzielstelle ausgesendet, wobei eines der Antennenelemente (TX1, TX2,...) als Sendeantenne verwendet wird. Eine reflektierte Funkwelle wird mit einem beliebigen Antennenelement (RX1, RX2,...) als Empfangsantenne empfangen. Ein Sende-/Empfangsantennenpaar, das aus der Sendeantenne und der Empfangsantenne unter der Vielzahl von Antennenelementen gebildet wird, wird auf der Grundlage eines Empfangsausgangs durch Umschalten ausgewählt oder gewichtet.

25-05-2016 дата публикации

Automatische Auswahl von Informationen

Номер: DE102015222899A1

Auswählen der auf einer Sportuhr angezeigten Informationen, wobei die Uhr umfasst: eine Schnittstelle zum Empfangen von Bewegungsinformationen von wenigstens einem Sensor; und ein Display mit wenigstens zwei Anzeigemodi, wobei wenigstens ein Anzeigemodus ein Sportmodus ist, der konfiguriert ist, um sportspezifische Daten anzuzeigen. Das Verfahren gemäß der Erfindung umfasst das Erfassen eines Sportereignisses basierend auf den von dem wenigstens einen Sensor empfangenen Bewegungsinformationen und das Auswählen des Sportmodus in Entsprechung zu dem erfassten Sportereignis.

03-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018006690T5

Blutdruckmessgerät (1) umfassend: einen Gerätehauptkörper (3); einen Wickler (5), der eingerichtet ist, sich entlang einer Umfangsrichtung eines Handgelenks (200) zu biegen, einschließlich eines Endes und eines anderen Endes, die voneinander getrennt sind, und ferner eingerichtet ist, an dem Gerätehauptkörper (3) befestigt zu werden kann; ein Armband (4), das an einer symmetrischen Position an einer äußeren Seitenfläche des Gerätehauptkörpers (3) vorgesehen und eingerichtet ist, eine Außenfläche des Wicklers (5)zu bedecken; eine Manschettenstruktur (6), die an einer inneren Umfangsfläche des Wicklers (5) vorgesehen und eingerichtet ist, durch ein Fluid aufgeblasen zu werden; und eine Stromzuführeinheit (8), die an dem Wickler (5) vorgesehen ist.

02-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE112018005574T5

Die vorliegende Erfindung identifiziert, ob ein Benutzer dem Bereitstellen personenbezogener Informationen, die biologische Informationen einschließen, an eine dritte Person zustimmt. Eine Messvorrichtung für biologische Informationen mit einer Funktion zum Kommunizieren mit einer Kommunikationsvorrichtung mit einem Kommunikationsbereich einer bestimmten Reichweite und einer Funktion zum Messen von Informationen eines lebenden Körpers, die einen Benutzer betreffen, schließt eine Übertragungssteuereinheit ein, die dazu ausgelegt ist, wenn die Messvorrichtung für biologische Informationen als solche erkannt wird, die den Kommunikationsbereich betreten hat, Identifikationsinformationen, die für die Messvorrichtung für biologische Informationen eindeutig sind, an die Kommunikationsvorrichtung zu übertragen, und eine Empfangssteuereinheit, die dazu ausgelegt ist, wenn die Kommunikationsvorrichtung die Identifikationsinformationen und die personenbezogenen Informationen des Benutzers im Voraus ...

15-09-2016 дата публикации

Verfahren, Pulsbestimmungsvorrichtung und am Handgelenk tragbares Gerät zum Bestimmen des Pulses

Номер: DE102015204285A1
Автор: BOOS RONALD, Boos, Ronald

Die Erfindung betrifft ein am Handgelenk tragbares Gerät (1), eine Pulsbestimmungsvorrichtung (4) und ein Verfahren zum Bestimmen des Pulses einer Person. Um den Puls und die Körpertemperatur der Person einfach, sicher und preiswert bestimmen zu können, ist erfindungsgemäß vorgesehen, dass die Pulsbestimmungsvorrichtung (4) mehrere Temperatursensoren (5a) aufweist, mit denen pulsbedingte Temperaturschwankungen mehrerer Stellen der Haut messbar sind.

20-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019202057A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zum Überwachen einer Arbeitssituation. Ein solches System umfasst eine zentrale Auswerteeinheit (3) mit einer Empfangseinheit (3.1). Außerdem umfasst es mindestens eine mobile Einheit (1) mit mindestens einem Sensor (1.1) zum Messen mindestens einer physikalischen Größe, die zum Beschreiben einer Tätigkeit oder einer Bewegung eines die mobile Einheit (1) tragenden Individuums (4) geeignet ist, und eine Sendeeinheit (1.3), die eingerichtet ist zum Übertragen von durch den mindestens einen Sensor (1.1) erfassten Messwerten der mindestens einen physikalischen Größe oder von daraus abgeleiteten Größen an die Empfangseinheit (3.1) der zentralen Auswerteeinheit (3). Weiterhin umfasst das System ein Magnetfeldbeacon (2), welches eingerichtet ist, ein mit einer charakteristischen Signatur moduliertes Magnetfeld (B) zu erzeugen. Die mindestens eine mobile Einheit (1) umfasst einen Magnetfeldsensor (1.2) zum Detektieren des Magnetfelds (B), wobei die Sendeeinheit ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102019118864A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein tragbares System (S) zur Messung und Überwachung physiologischer Parameter eines Menschen mittels Analyse einer seiner Körperflüssigkeiten, wobei das System (S) folgendes umfasst:- ein Verbrauchsteil (100) in Form eines Messpflasters zum Aufkleben auf die Haut (E), wobei das Messpflaster mit Sensorik (102) ausgestattet ist, die dazu eingerichtet ist, durch Körperflüssigkeitsanalyse Messwerte physiologischer Parameter zu liefern; und- eine am Körper tragbare und zum Dauereinsatz geeignete Ausleseeinheit (200), die dazu eingerichtet ist, die von der Sensorik (102) des Messpflasters gelieferten Messwerte auszulesen und zu überwachen. Die Ausleseeinheit (200) ist ferner dazu eingerichtet, über dem auf der Haut (E) aufgeklebten Messpflaster (100) getragen zu werden und in dieser Position die Messwerte auszulesen und zu überwachen.

25-07-2012 дата публикации

Wristwatch physiological monitoring device for infant

Номер: GB0002487426A

A wearable physiological monitoring device includes a strap 1, a clasp 2, sensors 3 (ECG electrodes, movement, temperature etc), a display 5, a loudspeaker 6 and a microphone. The speaker may be used to raise an alarm, to play a pre-recorded voice message (e.g. CPR instructions) or to play music. Wireless communications are provided. The device is worn on the wrist of a baby as a sudden infant death (SIDS) monitor. The device provides means for a carer to be alerted to an infant's loss of breathing, and provides audible instructions to deal with this event.

22-08-2012 дата публикации

A warning device for sudden infant death syndrome

Номер: GB0002488104A

A warning system for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome alerts parents of any unexpected and unpleasant change in their infants health condition, especially at night time. The system comprises two parts: a control panel and a bracelet made of light plastic that would be placed around the infant arm. The sensor bracelet adapted to be worn on the wrist of an infant comprises a breathing detector, temperature detector and blood pressure sensor. The control panel comprises a receiver to receive measurements from the sensor bracelet and display means to display the received measurements and provide audio visual alerts if the measurements are outside normal ranges, i.e. if infant breathing level falls below the normal reading (70-90 heart beats), if infant temperature is above (37 degC), if infant blood pressure is above 70-85.

20-08-2014 дата публикации

An apparatus and method for monitoring biometric parameters

Номер: GB0201412076D0

19-03-2014 дата публикации

A wearable heart entrainment device

Номер: GB0201401909D0

25-01-2017 дата публикации

System for providing wrist device with cellular communication capability

Номер: GB0201621010D0

22-05-2013 дата публикации

Angel Eye

Номер: GB0201306449D0

30-11-2016 дата публикации

Dexterity assessment

Номер: GB0201617389D0

06-11-2013 дата публикации

Assessing mobility of body parts

Номер: GB0002501799A

The present invention relates to a device 10 for measuring and assessing mobility of extremities and of body parts of a proband 20, comprising a wireless measuring means that is attachable or fixable at an extremity to be measured 22 or at a body part to be measured of the proband 20, wherein the measuring means 100 comprises at least one sensor 120, 122, 124, 126 for a three-dimensional continuous detection of position changes of the measuring means 100, a data processing device 200, that wirelessly receives the measured values of the measuring means 100, an input means 130 for manual inputs by a user, wherein the input means 130 are part of the wireless measuring means 100, an analysis program 230 for a planning of a measurement and/or for a visualization of a measurement and/or for an analysis of a measurement, wherein the analysis program 230 runs on the data processing device 200 and the analysis program 230 computes from the measured values of the measuring means 100 position changes ...

28-04-2021 дата публикации

Automated smart watch assistance in the event of cardiac arrest

Номер: GB0002588530A

A method, computer system, and a computer program product for automated smart watch assistance is provided. The present invention may include detecting a distress signal from a sensor of a distressed user device. The present invention may then include broadcasting a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) request based on detecting the distress signal from the sensor of the distressed user device. The present invention may then include receiving a response to the broadcasted CPR request based on an altered direction of travel of a responding user device. The present invention may finally include establishing a connection between the distressed user device and the responding user device.

11-09-2013 дата публикации

Microwave monitoring using an electrically conductive textile

Номер: GB0002500000A

Physiological information is gathered from a subject using an electrically conductive textile 11 interrogated with microwaves. The textile 11 has at least one property measurable at a microwave frequency. The textile 11 acts as a sensor by having microwave properties affected by flexure or extension for example. Alternatively the fabric 11 may act as an antenna for a sensor (14, fig. 1) attached to the fabric 11. Monitoring may be wired or wireless. The textile 11 may be made into clothing 15 to be worn by the subject, and may be used for monitoring personnel in hazardous environments, athletes and other sportspeople.

25-03-2015 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for User Exercise Monitoring

Номер: GB0002518369A

An apparatus for user exercise monitoring is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a frame, a motion sensing unit and a user input unit supported by the frame, and a harness configured to secure the frame to a user body part. The user input unit comprises a continuous input device. Also disclosed is a method for monitoring user exercise via a monitoring apparatus secured to the user. The method comprises sensing user motion with the monitoring apparatus and receiving, via the monitoring apparatus, user input during exercise. The user input is received via a continuous input device, such as a rotary displacement measurement element, e.g. knob, on the monitoring apparatus. The user input may correspond to a level of pain experienced by the user during completion of an exercise. Sensed motion patterns corresponding to exercise stored in the apparatus may be identified. In a stored record of completed exercises, received user feedback may be associated with an exercise being completed at the time ...

13-01-2016 дата публикации

Wearable activity monitoring device and related method

Номер: GB0002528137A

A device and method for monitoring physical activity of a person comprises an acceleration sensor (14, figure 1), such as an accelerometer, for providing acceleration data corresponding to movements of the person, a memory unit (16, figure 1) capable of storing an activity index value describing cumulative physical activity of the person, and data processing unit (12, figure 1). The device can be a wrist-mounted device. In one aspect the data processing unit is operated in a first activity monitoring mode in which the data processing unit is adapted to update the activity index value based on the acceleration data. In addition, the processing unit is configured to determine if and to update the activity index value only if, the acceleration data corresponds to walking- and/or running-related movements of the person. In another aspect the device detects features of the acceleration data that correspond to the cadence of walking. In other aspects the data processing unit further detects periodic ...

28-04-2021 дата публикации

Epilepsy seizure detection and prediction using techniques such as deep learning methods

Номер: GB0002588523A

One or both of epilepsy seizure detection and prediction at least by performing the following: running multiple input signals from sensors for epilepsy seizure detection through multiple classification models, and applying weights to outputs of each of the classification models to create a final classification output. The weights are adjusted to tune relative output contribution from each classifier model in order that accuracy of the final classification output is improved, while power consumption of all the classification models is reduced. One or both of epilepsy seizure detection and prediction are performed with the adjusted weights. Another method uses streams from sensors for epilepsy seizure detection to train and create the classification models, with fixed weights once trained. Information defining the classification models with fixed weights is communicated to wearable computer platforms for epilepsy seizure detection and prediction. The streams maybe from multiple people and ...

17-03-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and exercising device

Номер: GB0002587047A

An apparatus 1 comprises at least one processing core, and at least one memory including computer program code, configured to, with the at least one processing core, cause the apparatus at least to receive a first signal 3 from an exercising device 2, process the received signal, respond to the received signal by transmitting a second signal 4 to the exercising device 2, and participate in a pairing process 5 with the exercising device 2. The apparatus 1 and exercise device 2 may pair in a client server relationship and the apparatus may be a mobile device, watch, tablet or smartphone. Also disclosed is an exercise device comprising a processing core, memory and code that pairs with an apparatus.

17-09-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for monitoring swimming performance

Номер: GB0002511833A

A device 20 and method for monitoring a swimming performance, the device comprising a motion sensor 22 which may be an accelerometer or magnetometer. The device includes a computing unit 24 that calculates a plurality of correlation factors depicting correlation of motion data between successive body motions and stores the correlation factors as a time series. The device uses the correlation data to determine information about the swim which may include the stroke count, swimming style and resting periods. The device may have a display 28 to show statistics to the user. The processor may calculate the lap count and time by determining when each turn is made at the end of a length. There may be a teaching mode to train the device to recognise the sensor data associated with different strokes such as front crawl or butterfly. This can be used to automatically identify the stroke of a swimmer. The device may be mounted on a wristband 21.

22-02-2017 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for training a swimmer

Номер: GB0002541471A

A swimmer training apparatus comprises a base unit and a wristband 90; the wristband 90 includes a communication device for receiving and transmitting signals to the base unit; a notification device for communicating with a swimmer and a sensor; the base unit comprises a visual display and a communication device; the base unit and wristband 90 determine a training status and information about the training status is provided to a swimmer by the notification means 92 via at least two dissimilar signals. The dissimilar signals are preferably two different colours; the position or stroke count for the swimmer may be determined by the change in signal strength of the wristband relative the base unit.

26-08-2020 дата публикации

Physiological sensing in energy-constrained wearables

Номер: GB0002581733A

Physiological sensing in a wearable device includes generating a multi-faceted feedback for a user. Generating the multi-faceted feedback includes generating a baseline physiological sampling schedule for a user, generating a quality-aware feedback of the user, generating a user-state-aware feedback of the user, and generating a context- aware feedback of the user. An adjusted physiological sampling schedule for the user is generated based at least in part upon the multi-faceted feedback.

17-12-2014 дата публикации

Vital Pad +

Номер: GB0201419514D0

20-01-2010 дата публикации

A Sports Monitoring system

Номер: GB0000921448D0

09-12-2020 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to organic material

Номер: GB0002565330B
Принадлежит: LISA JANE EDWARDS, Lisa Jane Edwards

24-06-2020 дата публикации

Physiological sensing in energy-constrained wearables

Номер: GB0202007042D0

09-09-2020 дата публикации

Wearable diagnostic device

Номер: GB0202011660D0

12-04-2023 дата публикации

Wearable infection monitor

Номер: GB0002611672A

Heart rate data from a wearable physiological monitor can be used to determine a respiratory rate for a wearer. Using this respiratory rate data, a respiratory rate baseline for a wearer can be determined and used to detect variations from the baseline that indicate onset of conditions such as Covid-19 or other respiratory infections and the like.

03-08-2022 дата публикации

Wearable diagnostic device

Номер: GB0002603316A

One or more sensors are configured to detect one or more characteristics of a user and one or more analogue-digital converters (ADC) are coupled to the sensors. One or more computer and storage devices perform operations comprising: receiving 702 data indicative of a request to perform a non-invasive diagnostic test to detect a medical state of the user; obtaining (802, fig.8) information associated with the user to create a user profile; controlling 704 one or more infrared laser sensors of the one or more sensors to respectively emit one or more infrared signals towards a body part of the user; receiving 706 one or more infrared signals reflected from the body part of the user and determining an absorption pattern based on the signals. The signals are digitized 708 using the ADC and a particular data, from among a plurality of sets stored on the storage devices, set is selected corresponding to the pattern. A predictive value is obtained 710 (814, fig.8) for the test, the prediction corresponding ...

29-06-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for clinical neuronavigation

Номер: GB0002602429A

A system 100 for treating neurological conditions comprising a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil directed to apply an accelerated Theta-Burst stimulation (aTBS) protocol to an aTBS target in a patient’s brain. The aTBS protocol may be an intermittent or continuous aTBS protocol. The aTBS protocol may apply a set of pulse trains.

01-11-2023 дата публикации

A wearable device

Номер: GB0002608419B
Принадлежит: BUDDI LTD [GB]

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000390082T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497724T

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000298282A

15-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000511044B1

The method involves measuring heart rate variability during sitting position of test person, in one phase. The heart rate variability is measured during lying position of test person, in another phase. The measured values of heart rate variability in two phases are analyzed. The recovery state and performance potential of the test person are determined based on the analyzed result of measured values of heart rate variability in two phases. An independent claim is included for device for measuring recovery state and performance potential of test person.

15-02-2017 дата публикации

Illumination system for at least one luminous means

Номер: AT0000015210U1

Es wird ein Beleuchtungssystem (1) für mindestens ein Leuchtmittel, insbesondere für Leuchtdioden, aufweisend - eine Leuchte (3) - einen Konverter (2) zum Betreiben des Leuchtmittels, - ein Erfassungsgerät (7), wobei das Erfassungsgerät (7) dazu ausgelegt ist die Schlafphase einer Person (4) festzustellen, wobei, dass das Beleuchtungssystem (1) das Leuchtmittel in unterschiedlichen Betriebsmodi betreiben kann, wobei die Betriebsmodi in Abhängigkeit von der durch das Erfassungsgerät (7) festgestellten Schlafphase der Person (4) aktiviert werden, gezeigt.

15-11-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000160079T

15-04-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000320754T

03-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033275847T

28-09-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00034839410T

22-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030745665T

06-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00039116890T

17-10-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031228255T

10-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00032281399T

20-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031170635T

14-01-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030153934T

16-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00033526938T

10-05-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00038126564T

07-11-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00031224654T

08-12-2000 дата публикации


Номер: AT00030337264T

30-04-2020 дата публикации

Mobile Wearable Monitoring System

Номер: AU2018250529B2
Принадлежит: Kerry Hubick

Abstract An apparatus for determining and monitoring neurological or muscular disorder, comprising of: sensors for acquiring electro-myographic (EMG) signals of a subject; wherein the EMG signals are used to determine REM stages of sleep; and wherein the EMG signals are used to determine the presence of atonia; and the EMG signals are used to determine the presence of REM sleep behavior disorder (such as Parkinson's, restless leg, leg movement syndrome, dystonia, Wilson's disease, Huntington, Alzheimer or the like) and the sensors are for determining the electroencephalographic (EEG) signals of subject, or they further comprising determining elecro-oculogram (EOG) signals or motion signals. The apparatus is also used in monitoring muscular disorder that is a Parkinson's disease's disorders. WO 2016/110804 PCT/IB2016/050042 Title: Somfit FIGURES J --- INV, Figure 1 LEFT TOP: figure presents example of a subject/patient wearable neuro sleep/fitness/health management systems comprising applied ...

09-09-2021 дата публикации

An integrated health and security management system

Номер: AU2020235757A1

Disclosed is a mobile client care device, comprising a housing mounting circuitry including a processor arranged to execute computer processes, an alarm function process arranged to implement an alarm indication, the communications arrangement comprising a local communications process arranged to locate any available devices having a compatible local communications process, and communicate the alarm to the available device, whereby the available device may communicate with a remote location.

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Detecting conditions using heart rate sensors

Номер: AU2018243520B2
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

This relates to methods for measuring irregularities in a' signal and corresponding devices. The devices can include, a PPG sensor unit configured to detect multiple occurrences of a given event in the measured signal(s) over a sampling interval, in some instances, the device can register the occurrences of the events. In some examples;, the device can Include one or more motion sensors configured to detect whether the device is in a low-motion, state. The device may delay initiating measurements when the device Is not in a low-motion state to enhance measurement accuracy. Examples of the disclosure further include resetting the sample procedure based on one or more factors such as the number of non-qualifying 'measurements, in some examples, the -device can be configured to perform both primary and secondary measurements, where the primary measurements can Include readings using a set of operating: conditions different from the secondary measurements.

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018264140A1
Принадлежит: Murray Trento & Associates Pty Ltd

A device receives historical information associated with an individual to be monitored, wherein the historical information includes at least one of information associated with a health history of the individual, health histories of other individuals, activities of the individual, or activities of the other individuals. The device receives monitored information associated with the individual from one or more client devices associated with the individual, and pre processes the monitored information to generate pre-processed monitored information that is understood by the trained machine learning model. The device processes the pre processed monitored information, with a trained machine learning model, to identify one or more activities of the individual and one or more deviations from the one or more activities by the individual, and performs one or more actions based on the one or more activities of the individual and/or the one or more deviations from the one or more activities. 0095-0438AU ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Systems, devices, and methods for monitoring an under foot load profile of a patient during a period of partial weight bearing

Номер: US20120010535A1

Systems, devices, and methods for measuring an under foot load profile of a patient during a period of partial weight bearing are described. The system may include a walking boot cast. A housing, including an inner surface and an upper surface that cooperate to define an inner cavity, may be oriented with respect to a patient's leg. The upper surface may be slidably received within the inner cavity in a piston and cylinder configuration or may be otherwise configured. The system may include a pressure sensor configured to monitor the load profile of a patient during the desired period of partial weight bearing. The pressure sensor may be located below the upper surface. The system may include a noncompressible force transmitter positioned within the inner cavity and at least partially encapsulating an upper portion of the pressure sensor to transmit pressure within the housing to the pressure sensor.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Track measurement apparatus for sports shoes

Номер: US20120024061A1
Автор: Cheng-Tang Chiang

A track measurement apparatus for sports shoes includes a first accelerometer module located at a rear side of a sole of a shoe and a second accelerometer module located at a front side of the sole of the shoe to measure acceleration alterations of the shoe worn by a user in striding forwards during running, and also derive alterations of angular velocity and angle while the shoe is stridden forwards to get motion status of the shoe.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Wrist worn electronic device with belt embedded with sensor

Номер: US20120028479A1
Автор: Ping-Yang Chuang
Принадлежит: Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd

A wrist worn electronic device includes a main body having a processor and a receiving member electrically connected to the processor. A belt includes an electronic component and a connection member electrically connected to the electronic component. The connection member is used to engage the receiving member, to connect the belt to the main body and electrically connect the electronic component to the processor.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for improved computation of differential pulse transit time from photoplethysmograph signals

Номер: US20120029363A1
Автор: Greg Lund
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

Systems and methods for processing photoplethysmograph (PPG) signals to determine a differential pulse transit time (DPTT) are disclosed. Sensors may be used to obtain first and second PPG signals from a subject. The sensors may be placed at different locations on the subject's body. A first algorithm may be performed on the PPG signals or on signals derived from them to obtain a DPTT. A corresponding confidence measure may be determined and if the confidence measure falls within a first numerical range, the calculated DPTT may be used. On the other hand, if the confidence measure falls within a second numerical range, an alternative algorithm may be performed on the PPG signals or on signals derived from them and the DPTT obtained using the alternative algorithm may be used. The DPTT may be used to perform continuous or periodic measurements of blood pressure.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Brain information output apparatus, robot, and brain information output method

Номер: US20120035765A1

A brain information output apparatus includes an intention determination information storage unit in which two or more pieces of intention determination information can be stored, with each intention determination information including a pair of an intention identifier, and a learning feature amount group including one or more feature amounts extracted from second learning data that is obtained by converting first learning data into intracerebral brain activity data, the first leaning data being acquired from the outside of the cranium of a user when the user performs a trial according to one intention; a first brain activity data acquiring unit that acquires first brain activity data from the outside of the cranium of a user; a second brain activity data acquiring unit that converts the first brain activity data to intracerebral brain activity data, and acquires second brain activity data; a feature amount group acquiring unit that acquires, from the second brain activity data, an input feature amount group including one or more feature amounts; an intention identifier acquiring unit that acquires an intention identifier corresponding to the input feature amount group based on the two or more pieces of intention determination information; and an intention identifier output unit that outputs the intention identifier.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus, System and Method for Ultrasound Powered Neurotelemetry

Номер: US20120041310A1
Автор: Bruce C. Towe
Принадлежит: Arizona Board of Regents of ASU

The present embodiments provide an apparatus, system, and method for ultrasound powered neurotelemetry. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a piezoelectric element configured to receive an ultrasonic pulse and convert the electronic pulse into an electric potential. A diode may be coupled to the piezoelectric element, the diode configured to cause an electric current to flow in response to the electric potential. The apparatus may additionally include a reference electrode and a stimulating electrode coupled to the diode. The reference electrode may sense bioelectric activity in a region of body tissue located in proximity to the reference diode. The stimulating electrode may emit a carrier signal, wherein the carrier signal is modulated in response to the bioelectric activity sensed by the reference electrode.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Jaw motion measuring system

Номер: US20120048013A1
Принадлежит: Tokyo Medical and Dental University NUC

There is provided a jaw motion measuring system that can attach a simple detector and can accurately carry out measurement of jaw motion. The jaw motion measuring system includes: an acceleration detector having at least an acceleration sensor that senses accelerations of three-axis directions, a flexible wire whose one end is connected to the acceleration sensor, an output terminal that is connected to another end of the flexible wire and outputs acceleration data of the three-axis directions, and an attachment portion that attaches the acceleration sensor to a chin portion of a lower jaw; and a jaw motion measuring device that acquires acceleration data corresponding to jaw motion from the acceleration detector, and carries out correction, with respect to the acquired acceleration data, of errors due to the acceleration sensor, and measures jaw motion expressed by acceleration waveforms.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Clip-style medical sensor and technique for using the same

Номер: US20120053435A1
Автор: Rodney P. Chin
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

A clip-style pulse sensor may be adapted to apply limited, even pressure to a patient's tissue. A clip-style sensor is provided that reduces motion artifacts by exerting limited, uniform pressure to the patient tissue to reduce tissue exsanguination. Further, such a sensor provides a secure fit while avoiding discomfort for the wearer.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

System and method for monitoring blood glucose levels non-invasively

Номер: US20120059237A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system and method is described for non-invasive monitoring of blood glucose levels. The system includes a pulse-sensor unit configured to detect a pulse wave travelling through a blood vessel and a processor unit configured to determine pulse wave velocity, to calculate the blood density and so to determine blood glucose level. Various embodiments include pulse-sensor arrays and wearable units configured to communicate with insulin pumps worn about the person of the subject.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement and method for influencing and/or detecting magnetic particles

Номер: US20120065491A1

The present invention relates to an arrangement and a method for influencing and/or detecting magnetic particles in a region of action, in particular for monitoring of intra-cerebral or intra-cranial bleeding using Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI). A common coupling unit per coil of a coil array is provided for coupling all signals for generating the magnetic fields to the set of common coils. Further, the same coils are used for acquiring detection signals. In this way a small scanner can be built that can be left permanently or can be provided periodically to the patient, in particular for bleeding monitoring.

15-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for human height measurement

Номер: US20120065916A1
Принадлежит: Zoe Medical Inc

A method for measuring the height of a person is provided. A person is positioned in a room having a floor and a ceiling, and the method comprises the steps of: i) providing a measuring device; ii) calibrating the measuring device to determine a first distance from the floor to the ceiling; iii) placing the measuring device on the person's head; iv) measuring a second distance from the person's head to the ceiling; and v) subtracting the second distance from the first distance to calculate the person's height. An apparatus for performing the measurement is also included.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for robust heart rate sensing

Номер: US20120078066A1

A heart rate sensing system ( 300 ) includes a light source ( 112, 310, 1008, 1110 ) a light detector ( 114, 1010, 1112 ) and a pressure sensor ( 116, 1012, 1114 ) held by a compressible comformable resilient pad ( 110, 1006, 1108 ) against a wearers body ( 202 ). A signal from the pressure sensor is used to alter the amplitude of a signal detected by the light source in order to reduce motion artifacts. The system can be incorporated into an article, such as an ear cuff ( 100 ), an audio headset ( 1000 ) or a set of headphones ( 1100 ), that is suitable for use by an active user.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Blood Flow Monitoring

Номер: US20120078069A1
Автор: Richard J. Melker

The present invention relates to a method of utilizing photoplethysmography obtained from a central site and a non-central site to detect a low blood flow or low blood volume condition. Also disclosed are apparatuses and systems designed to acquire and process physiological information based on photoplethysmograpy signal information from dual sites.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for corrective secondary saccades analysis with video oculography system

Номер: US20120081666A1
Принадлежит: Neuro Kinetics Inc

A video oculography system for calculation and display of Corrective Secondary Saccades Analysis is disclosed. A method for Objective Diagnostics of at least one of traumatic brain injury, Internuclear Opthalmopligia, Ocular Lateral Pulsion, Progressive Supernuclear Palsy And Glissades comprises the steps of using a VOG system to calculate corrective saccades. The video oculography based system for the subject is configured to collect eye images of the patient in excess of 60 hz and configured to resolve eye movements smaller than at least 3 degrees of motion. The video oculography based system collects eye movement data wherein at least one fixation target is presented to the subject in a defined position configured to yield a voluntary saccadic eye response from at least one eye of the patient. The latency, amplitude, accuracy and velocity of each respective corrective saccade and totals latency and accuracy is calculated.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Megnetic electrical connector for patient monitors

Номер: US20120088984A1
Принадлежит: Masimo Corp

The present disclosure relates to an electrical connector for providing signal isolation between various components of a physiological monitoring system. In an embodiment, the electrical connector is placed between a sensor and associated monitoring system and includes a physical barrier and inductive components.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Diagnosis of asthma

Номер: US20120089042A1

An apparatus ( 200 ) for diagnosing asthma is disclosed. The apparatus ( 200 ) comprises a data acquisition module ( 210 ) configured to acquire at least one physical deformation feature associated with at least one of nasal flaring, neck retraction and inter-coastal retraction of a subject under examination and an analysis module ( 220 ) configured to analyze the acquired at least one physical deformation feature associated with at least one of the nasal flaring, the neck retraction and the inter-coastal retraction of the subject under examination and diagnose the asthma based on the analyzed at least one physical deformation feature associated with at least one of the nasal flaring, the neck retraction and the inter-coastal retraction of the subject under examination. The disclosed apparatus ( 200 ) can be used for monitoring asthma at home, at hospital or in ambulatory patients.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Wearable Device Assembly Having Athletic Functionality

Номер: US20120101602A1
Принадлежит: Nike Inc

A wearable device has a carrier having an aperture. A device has a USB connection and a protrusion wherein the protrusion is received in the aperture to connect the device to the carrier. The device is a USB type device having athletic functionality.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Thermal flow sensor integrated circuit with low response time and high sensitivity

Номер: US20120103085A1

A thermal flow sensor integrated circuit for sensing flow in a channel based on temperature measurements, the integrated circuit having a temperature sensing element ( 30 ) on a front side of the integrated circuit arranged to face the channel, and a bond pad ( 60, 200 ) coupled electrically to the temperature sensing element, for making electrical contact off the integrated circuit, the bond pad being arranged to face away from the channel. By having the bond pad facing away from the channel, the space needed for the bond pad and any connections to it need not extend beyond the temperature sensing element and get in the way of the channel. Hence the temperature sensing element can be located closer to the channel or in the channel to enable measurements with better response time and sensitivity.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Data Gathering System

Номер: US20120116201A1
Принадлежит: Proteus Biomedical Inc

A device for gathering data has first and second electrodes. The first electrode is coupled to a surface of interest, and the second electrode is coupled to “everything else” or “the air”. The first electrode is shielded from the second, and from most sources of parasitic capacitance, by a shield that is driven by an active driver that drives the shield to track, and ideally to match, the instantaneous potential of the electrode. The second electrode is likewise shielded in a similar way from most sources of parasitic capacitance. These shields likewise help to limit the extent to which RFI from the device electronics couples with either of the electrodes. In this way the sensing device achieves a markedly better signal-to-noise ratio at frequency bands of interest.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

SNR Through Ambient Light Cancellation

Номер: US20120136257A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

Systems, methods, and devices for improved patient monitor signal processing with higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) are provided. In accordance with an embodiment, an electronic patient monitor may include drive circuitry, a current-to-voltage converter, and feedback circuitry. The drive circuitry may drive an emitter of a medical sensor with dark periods during which the emitter does not emit light, and the current-to-voltage converter may receive and amplify a photocurrent signal from a detector of the sensor. The feedback circuitry may provide a feedback signal to the current-to-voltage converter. The feedback signal, based at least in part on the output of the current-to-voltage converter during the dark periods, may cause the current-to-voltage converter to substantially exclude an ambient light component of the photocurrent. As a result, the current-to-voltage converter may employ a higher transimpedance without distorting the output voltage signal due to oversaturation, and thus may achieve a higher SNR.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

System and method for facial nerve monitoring during facial surgery

Номер: US20120143023A1
Автор: Peter Costantino
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for monitoring the activity of a surgeon. At least one wireless sensing unit is provided for monitoring potential damage to a nerve and is located at a first location of a body being operated on by a surgeon. The wireless sensing unit senses a change in the body at the first location resulting from potential damage to the nerve occurring at a second location of the body remote from the first location. The wireless sensing unit produces a wireless sensed change output signal indicative of the change in the body which is received by a receiver and generates a corresponding received output signal. An analyzer unit receives and analyzes the received output signal to determine the change in the body. An indicator responsive to the output of said analyzer unit indicates the change in the body to indicate the potential damage to the nerve the surgeon.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Vacuum prosthesis with force sensing member

Номер: US20120143351A1
Автор: Michael E. Tompkins
Принадлежит: Hanger Orthopedic Group Inc

A prosthetic device includes a socket assembly defining a cavity and configured to receive a portion of a residual limb of a user within the cavity, a force sensing member configured to detect forces applied to the residual limb at a plurality of locations about the portion of the residual limb and generate signals based on the detected force, a vacuum system in fluid communication with the socket and configured to control an amount of vacuum applied to the cavity, and a controller coupled to the force sensing member and the vacuum system. The controller is configured to receive the signals from the force sensing member and control operation of the vacuum system during use of the prosthetic device by the user based at least in part on the signals received from the force sensing member.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Movement Monitoring Device For Action Sports, And Associated Methods

Номер: US20120143514A1
Принадлежит: PhatRat Tech LLC

A movement monitoring device (MMD) for action sports has a detector for sensing motion associated with action sports, a processor for processing data from the detector to determine one or more movement metrics, and a communications port for wirelessly relaying the movement metrics to a remote location. A method collects motion data within action sports, including: detecting motion of a person or object engaged in action sports; determining one or more events associated with the motion; and wirelessly relaying the events to a remote network. One MMD for action sports is formed within a cell phone having a detector for sensing motion associated with action sports and a processor for processing data from the detector to determine one or more movement metrics for (a) display to a person using carrying the cell phone during action sports or (b) relaying the movement metrics to an external network for review by others.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

System for continuous measuring, recording and monitoring of the splanchnic tissue perfusion and the pulmonary physiological dead space, and use thereof

Номер: US20120172683A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a new system for measuring, recording and monitoring the splanchnic tissue perfusion and the pulmonary physiological dead space in an automated way, both continuously and intermittently, and in real time, which is easy to manage and generates information easy to interpret. Said system comprises at least four measuring devices of medical parameters, connected to a device receiving, converting, storing, integrating, processing, and allowing the management and display of the data recorded in the measurements and the parameters estimated by the same. For this purpose, said device comprises a specific computer program of estimation of parameters related to the measurement of the splanchnic tissue perfusion and the pulmonary physiological dead space, from the data derived from the measuring devices. Likewise, the present invention is related to the use of a device for measuring, recording and monitoring of the splanchnic tissue perfusion and the pulmonary physiological dead space.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Diagnostic Classifications of Pulse Signal Waveform Data

Номер: US20120184861A1

Diagnostic classifications of pulse signal waveform data is provided. In one example, diagnosis or prediction of a disease may be performed by analyzing pulse signal waveform data, and comparing aspects of the pulse signal waveform data with a morphology pattern that has been found to indicate a subject is suffering from a specific disease. A pulse signal can be captured via wrist electrodes using bio-electric sensors based on an impedance plethysmographic principle, for example, and processed using feature extraction for diagnosis and assessment of the subject's proneness to a disease. Analysis of the pulse signal and pulse morphology patterns provides an in-vitro, non-invasive, and low-cost method for diagnosing diseases.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and methods for monitoring physiological data during environmental interference

Номер: US20120197093A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Apparatus and methods for attenuating environmental interference are described. A wearable monitoring apparatus includes a housing configured to be attached to the body of a subject and a sensor module that includes an energy emitter that directs energy at a target region of the subject, a detector that detects an energy response signal—or physiological condition—from the subject, a filter that removes time-varying environmental interference from the energy response signal, and at least one processor that controls operations of the energy emitter, detector, and filter.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Pulse Wave Detection Device and Pulse Wave Detection Method

Номер: US20120197140A1
Автор: Noriaki Okuda
Принадлежит: Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

A pulse wave detection device that includes a piezoelectric transducer acquiring the velocity pulse wave of a test subject and an information processing unit that processes the acquired velocity pulse wave and selectively detects regular velocity pulse wave data. The information processing unit acquires a differential waveform, extracts the extreme value of the velocity pulse wave, calculates the area value of a domain surrounded by the differential waveform and a reference line, compares the previous value and the current value of the extreme value with each other with respect to the velocity pulse waves chronologically adjacent to each other when the area value is greater than or equal to a predetermined value, and determines that the two velocity pulse waves are regular velocity pulse wave data when a difference between the two extreme values is less than or equal to a predetermined value.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Devices and methods for monitoring cerebral hemodynamic characteristics

Номер: US20120203121A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Devices, and methods for receiving and comparing bioimpedance signals are disclosed. In one aspect, the devices and methods may include receiving bioimpedance signals indicative of hemodynamic characteristics within a subject's brain. Bioimpedance signals may be compared, and the comparison used to provide information for diagnosing changes in arterial occlusion. Bioimpedance signals may be associated with left and right sides of a subject's brain. Signature features within the bioimpedance signals may be detected and used to determine differences in the bioimpedance signals.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Optical measurement system, portable optical measurement device used therein, and rehabilitation planning method using same

Номер: US20120238883A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

An optical measurement system having a main and a portable optical measurement devices. The portable optical measurement device is provided with a second case portable by the subject, C second light sending means for illuminating the subject, D second light receiving means receiving light emitted from the subject, a second holder worn on the head of the subject and having at least (C+D) through holes therein, a control unit acquiring measurement data relating to a brain activity while controlling the second light sending and receiving means, and a communication unit communicating with the main optical measurement device, that (C+D)>(A+B) is satisfied, and that the communication unit of the portable optical measurement device transmits the measurement data acquired by the control unit of the portable optical measurement device to the main optical measurement device.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Biological light measurement device

Номер: US20120245443A1
Принадлежит: HITACHI LTD

The mental state, such as mood or emotion, of an individual can be apprehended by a method using non-invasive biological light measurement technology. A biological light measurement device, which has an irradiation section, presents different tasks (at least a first task and a second task) to a subject, hemoglobin signals based on changes in the concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin in the subject are calculated from the strength of light detected by a detection section, and a relative value using the hemoglobin signal at a predetermined measurement channel with respect to the first task, and the hemoglobin signal at a different predetermined measurement channel with respect to the second task is calculated.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Bio-signal detection electrode and bio-signal detection apparatus

Номер: US20120245451A1
Автор: Seiji Wada
Принадлежит: Sony Corp

Provided is a bio-signal detection electrode including: an electrode section made of a gel including an electrolytic solution; and a support section configured to support the electrode section with respect to an accessory, the electrode section adhering to the support section.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Health monitoring appliance

Номер: US20120245464A1
Автор: Bao Tran
Принадлежит: Individual

A heart monitoring system for a person includes one or more wireless nodes; and a wearable appliance in communication with the one or more wireless nodes, the appliance monitoring vital signs. Other implementations can monitor heart rate, heart rate variability, respiratory rate, fluid status, posture and activity.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Moldable ear sensor

Номер: US20120253159A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure relates to sensors for use on a patient's ear. The sensors as provided may include a moldable member, such as a putty. The moldable member may be molded in place to affix the optical components of the sensor to a patient's ear tissue. For example, the moldable member may be sculpted around a curvature of a patient's earlobe. In particular embodiments, the moldable member may be activated, e.g., hardened, by exposure to particular temperatures or by exposure to light.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Stimulatory effect estimation device, sleep depth estimation device, stimulatory effect estimation method, and vehicle control device

Номер: US20120253221A1
Принадлежит: Toyota Motor Corp

A stimulatory effect estimation device includes a stimulus generator 3 which applies a stimulus to a back seat passenger, an electroencephalogram 2 which measures the brain waves of the back seat passenger, a memory 4 , and an ECU 5 which specifies the brain wave indexes of stimulatory effects which surface in response to the stimuli both when the passenger is awake and when the passenger is asleep from the brain waves measured by the electroencephalogram 2 when a stimulus is applied from the stimulus generator 3 while the passenger is awake and the brain waves measured by the electroencephalogram 2 when a stimulus is applied from the stimulus generator 3 while the passenger is asleep. The ECU 5 estimates stimulatory effects when the passenger is asleep from stimulatory effects when the passenger is awake using a conversion model for converting the stimulatory effect when the passenger is awake and the stimulatory effects when the passenger is asleep on the basis of the brain wave indexes which surface when the same stimulus is applied when the passenger is awake and when the passenger is asleep, and selects a stimulus which is applied to the back seat passenger on the basis of the relationship between the stimulatory effects and the changes in sleep depth.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method for Calibrating Exercise Apparatus

Номер: US20120253486A1

A procedure for calibrating walking and/or running measurements in an exercise-related apparatus are provided. As a result of a user running and walking a given distance which may be the same or different for running and walking, respective running and walking motion metrics are obtained during a calibration phase. A relation between the obtained running and walking motion metrics are then used to compute a calibration value applied to calibrate one of running and walking measurements during an exercise.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Interchangeable inserts

Номер: US20120285461A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a mask for patient ventilation, a frame portion is included for surrounding a respiratory opening of a patient. A retention strap is coupled with the frame portion for maintaining positive pressure between the frame portion and the respiratory opening of the patient. A removable insert is configured to physically attach and detach from the frame portion without requiring removal of the frame or the retention strap from the patient.

22-11-2012 дата публикации

Transducer mountings and wearable monitors

Номер: US20120296191A1
Принадлежит: Aircraft Medical Ltd

A transducer mounting comprising a compliant elongate support member having a skin engaging surface, adhering means to adhere the skin engaging surface to a wearer's head, and a plurality of transducers longitudinally spaced on the skin engaging surface. A wearable monitor comprising adhering means for adhering the wearable monitor to skin, a skin-facing surface with a transducer thereon for either or both stimulating a physiological response and measuring a physiological parameter, and display means or audio output means integral to the wearable monitor for displaying a signal related to a measured physiological parameter on the wearable monitor or transmitting a sound related to a measured physiological parameter from the wearable monitor, respectively.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Coupon redeemable upon completion of a predetermined threshold of physical activity

Номер: US20120308443A1
Принадлежит: Switch2Health Inc

A coupon for providing an incentive for a user to participate in physical activity. The coupon detects the physical activity of a user and indicates to the user when the threshold of physical activity has been reached. Once the coupon has indicated that the threshold has been reached, the user may redeem the coupon for a reward.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Device control using sensory input

Номер: US20120313746A1
Принадлежит: AliphCom LLC

Techniques for device control using sensory input are described, including receiving input from one or more sensors, processing the input to determine a pattern, referencing a pattern against a pattern library, the pattern library indicating a device in data communication with a wearable device coupled to the one or more sensors, and generating a control signal to the device, the control signal being configured to initiate execution of one or more functions of the device.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Power management in a data-capable strapband

Номер: US20120316471A1
Принадлежит: AliphCom LLC

Embodiments of the invention relates generally to electrical and electronic hardware, computer software, wired and wireless network communications, and computing devices, and more specifically to structures and techniques for managing power generation, power consumption, and other power-related functions in a data-capable strapband. Embodiments relate to a wearable band including sensors, a controller coupled to the sensors, an energy storage device, a power port configured to receive power and control signals, and a power manager. The power manager includes at least a transitory power manager configured to control an application of power to one or more components of the wearable band in one or more power modes. The band can be configured as a wearable communications device and sensor platform.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems for detecting a febrile condition and reducing risks of spreading infection

Номер: US20120319847A1
Автор: Alan Camerik Heller
Принадлежит: Individual

The technology provides an external device for estimating a core body temperature of a human subject, and a system for use in a local area, such as a school, hospital, workplace, and the like. The wrist monitor device includes a casing sized and shaped to fit onto a wrist of a human subject. The casing has a first face and a second face. In addition there is a cavity in the casing that houses a heat trap. The heat trap has an opening oriented to receive incoming thermal energy and a shell of a thermal-insulation material that has an inner thermal energy-reflective surface. Detected temperature data is compiled in a database and used to estimate whether an identified individual has a core body temperature indicative of a fever. There is also provided a system for identifying persons and screening the persons for a febrile condition. The system may include the steps of: identifying a person using data input by the individual or detected from indicia of the person and previously stored data about the person; detecting a temperature condition of the person; determining whether the person has a febrile condition using the detected temperature condition and previously stored temperature data of the person; and taking action to restrict ingress, deny ingress or allow ingress, based on the determined febrile condition of the person requiring ingress.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Health monitoring appliance

Номер: US20120330109A1
Автор: Bao Tran
Принадлежит: Individual

A heart monitoring system for a patient includes one or more wireless nodes forming a wireless network; a wearable appliance having a wireless transceiver to communicate with the one or more wireless nodes; and an analyzer to determine vital signs, the analyzer coupled to the wireless transceiver to receive patient data over the wireless network.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

System and method for obtaining an objective measure of dyspnea

Номер: US20120330114A1

A computer-implemented method for assessing a level of dyspnea in a patient is provided. The method includes measuring physical activity of the patient over a period of time with an activity monitor to gather physical activity data; measuring respiration rate of the patient over the period of time with a respiration rate sensor to gather respiration rate data; administering a questionnaire to gather clinical information of the patient; and executing, on one or more computer processors, one or more computer program modules to determine a dyspnea value for the patient based on the respiration rate data, the physical activity data, and the clinical information of the patient. The dyspnea value is representative of the level of dyspnea in the patient.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

System for Non-Invasive Assay of Liver Function

Номер: US20120330116A1
Принадлежит: Cardiox Corp

A system, method and apparatus are disclosed for using a transcutaneous detection system to measure the quantity of a circulating organ activity detection analyte in the blood, and thereby assay the activity of an organ. A preferred organ for assay is the human liver and a preferred indicator is indocyanine green (ICG) dye The procedure is under the control of a monitor/controller having a visual display and capable of providing cues to the operator. A sensor array apparatus for use in conjunction with the system monitor/controller is configured for increased sensitivity of assaying organ function.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Biological information processing device

Номер: US20130006123A1
Автор: Ichiro Aoshima
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A method for determining an appropriateness of a calculated pulse rate is provided. In a pulse rate monitor, a pulse rate calculation part calculates the pulse rate of the test subject based on the result detected by a pulse wave sensor. Then, a pulse rate difference calculation part calculates a difference (pulse rate difference) between a reference pulse rate and a calculated pulse rate, and a deviation degree is determined based on the pulse rate difference. Also, a SN ratio calculation part calculates a SN ratio of a pulse wave signal detected by the pulse wave sensor, and a reliability of the calculation result in the pulse rate calculation part is determined based on the SN ratio. Then, a pulse rate appropriateness judgment part determines an appropriateness of the calculated pulse rate based on the pulse rate difference (deviation degree) and the SN ratio (reliability).

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Probe structure, temperature measuring device having the probe structure, and method using the same

Номер: US20130006138A1
Автор: Chia-Chen Ho

The present invention relates to a probe structure, a temperature measuring device having the probe structure, and a method of using the same. The probe structure comprises a light transmissive unit and one or more light sources. One or more light sources radiate one or more colors of light to and through the light transmissive unit. The temperature measuring device includes the above-mentioned probe structure and a temperature measuring body. The probe structure is assembled within the temperature measuring body. By the design of the light transmissive unit and the visual light provided by the light sources, the user can easily place the probe structure to the part to be measured.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Personal emergency response (per) system

Номер: US20130009783A1
Автор: Bao Tran
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems and methods for identifying an activity of an object includes identifying each elemental motion of a sequence of elemental motions of a device attached to the object; and identifying the activity of the object, comprising matching the sequence of identified elemental motions of the device with a library of stored sequences of elemental motions, wherein each stored sequence of elemental motions corresponds with an activity.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Audio headset with bio-signal sensors

Номер: US20130039509A1
Принадлежит: Neurosky Inc

An audio headset with bio-signal sensors is provided. In some embodiments, an audio headset that includes one or more electroencephalography (EEG) sensors is provided.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Physiological and neurobehavioral status monitoring

Номер: US20130053656A1
Принадлежит: Pulsar Informatics Inc USA

A system and methods of use are disclosed for monitoring the neurobehavioral and physiological status of one or more individuals across a distributed network, the system comprising, at least in part, and according to alternative embodiments, i) a physiological sensor capable of measuring patient movement; ii) additional physiological sensors; iii) a wireless controller for monitoring polling cycles and power consumption ratings; iv) an administrative user interface for executing various executive control functions; and v) a patient interface capable of receiving input, providing output, and, optionally, administering one or more neurobehavioral tests.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Detecting and Quantifying Analytes in Solution

Номер: US20130075614A1
Автор: Frank Thomas Hartley
Принадлежит: ROC8SCI Co

A method for identifying and quantifying one or more analytes included in a sample comprising a background solvent is disclosed. The present invention locates a sample fluid at a sample region by virtue of a sample holder that comprises work-hardened silver halide. The sample fluid at the sample region is then spectrally characterized via a mid-infrared spectrometer.

18-04-2013 дата публикации

System for In Vivo Biosensing Based on the Optical Response of Electronic Polymers

Номер: US20130096406A1
Принадлежит: Ohio State University

A system for continuous in vivo biosensing of specific analyte molecule concentrations based on the dynamic optical properties of electronic polymers is disclosed. The biosensor system includes at least one implant member subcutaneously exposed to the interstitial fluid of the subject, and a reader member at least temporarily positioned over the implant member to probe it with light of specific wavelengths through the skin. The system has many potential applications, including the real-time monitoring of blood glucose levels in diabetics as a method to supplement or replace conventional capillary blood testing.

18-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130096408A1
Автор: He Bin, Yang Lin

An example includes a method of imaging brain activity. The method includes receiving signals corresponding to neuronal activity of the brain. The signals are based on a plurality of scalp sensors (). The method also includes decomposing the signals into spatial and temporal independent components (). In addition, the method includes localizing a plurality of sources corresponding to the independent components. The method includes generating a spatio-temporal representation of neural activity based on the plurality of sources. 1. A method of imaging brain activity comprising:receiving signals corresponding to electrical activity of a brain, the signals based on a plurality of scalp sensors;decomposing the signals into spatial and temporal independent components;localizing a plurality of sources corresponding to independent components selected based on spatial, temporal or spectral features of interest; andgenerating a spatio-temporal representation of electrical activity based on the plurality of sources.2. The method of wherein receiving signals includes at least one of receiving MEG data or receiving EEG data.3. The method of wherein decomposing the signals includes executing an independent component analysis.4. The method of wherein localizing the plurality of sources includes estimating a source distribution using the independent components.5. The method of wherein localizing the plurality of sources includes generating a time-frequency representation of EEG data or generating a time-frequency representation of data corresponding to an independent component.6. The method of wherein generating the spatio-temporal representation includes displaying source distribution within a three dimensional space of the brain.7. The method of further including selecting a surgical intervention site based on the spatio-temporal representation.8. A system for analyzing electrical activity of an organ claim 1 , the system comprising:an input module configured to receive data ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130102859A1
Автор: Schechter Amir
Принадлежит: GILI MEDICAL LTD.

An improved system and method for detecting a hypoglycemic event of a diabetic individual is provided. The system of the invention includes at least three sensors for monitoring the respective physiological parameter selected from the following list: heart rate, motorial activity, respiring rate, vasoconstriction, temperature of the skin and galvanic resistance of the skin of the user. The system automatically alerts the user and/or a member of medical care personnel in a case that at least three different symptoms of a hypoglycemic event, each of which associated with a respective physiological parameter, simultaneously occur. According to the method of the present invention basal levels and basal rates of changes of the respective physiological parameters are generated and repeatedly updated. These basal levels and/or rates provides for detecting changes that go beyond predefined limits for determining a symptom of a hypoglycemic event which is associated with the respective physiological parameter. 111-. (canceled)12. A method for non-invasively detecting a hypoglycemic event , the method comprising:detecting a level of heart rate, motorial activity, peripheral vasoconstriction, and skin resistance;comparing the detected levels of each of the heart rate, motorial activity, peripheral vasoconstriction, and skin resistance to a respective scale and assigning a respective score to each of the detected heart rate, motorial activity, peripheral vasoconstriction, and skin resistance; anddetermining a hypoglycemic event when a combined score calculated from the respective scores reaches a predefined value.13. The method of claim 12 , wherein when a hypoglycemic event is determined an alarm is triggered.14. The method of claim 12 , wherein the respective scale of each of the heart rate claim 12 , motorial activity claim 12 , peripheral vasoconstriction claim 12 , and skin resistance is predefined or experimentally derived.15. The method of claim 12 , wherein the score of ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Biological photometric device and biological photometry method using same

Номер: US20130102907A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi Medical Corp

The present invention is capable of separating/removing the influence of skin blood flow contained in near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) signals and extracting a brain- or brain cortex-origin signal. Moreover, the present invention enables versatile separation of brain-origin and skin-origin signals in view of differences among individuals. A biological photometric device, wherein light transmitters and light receivers are located in such a manner that measurement can be conducted at a plurality of source-detector (SD) distances and light received by the individual light-receivers can pass through the gray matter to thereby separate a brain-origin signal and a skin-origin signal. Individual component analysis (ICA) is conducted on data obtained at the individual measurement points. Then, it is determined whether each individual component originates in the brain or in the skin with the use of the SD distance-dependency of the weighted value of each of the separated components.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Holder and light measurement device employing same

Номер: US20130116521A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

Provided is a holder which comprises at least two probe mount portions into which a light-transmitting probe for emitting light from the tip thereof or a light-receiving probe for receiving light through the tip thereof is inserted from above and is to be put on the head of a subject, the holder being characterized by further comprising: a linear backbone portion that extends in a first direction that is perpendicular to the above-described direction from above; and at least two linear branch portions that extend in a second direction that is perpendicular to the above-described direction from above and is different from the first direction, wherein the lower end portions of the probe mount portions protrude from the lower surface of the backbone portion or a branch portion and are tapered.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Portable brainwave measuring and controlling system

Номер: US20130123585A1
Автор: Sungchul Kang
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a portable brainwave measuring method, which measures a weak brainwave signal detected from a human scalp through a noninvasive method to measure a degree of concentration through an analysis and process of the detected brainwave signal, and a control method enabled for short distance control of an electronic device or remote monitoring through the internet, by using the brainwave signal. An acceleration sensor is put on the head of a user, and a brainwave detecting means put on the head of a user to detect a brainwave and the acceleration sensor that outputs an acceleration value of three axes including XYZ axes as a signal of predetermined data are used to detect movement of the head, to thereby control the direction and speed of a brainwave-related device. In more detail, after a signal outputted from the brainwave detecting means is converted into a wireless signal and transmitted, a value of the wireless signal is inputted to a receiving unit of a display device and is expressed numerically. By setting the value inputted to the display device, a portable brainwave measuring device provides accurate device control. A control system is characterized in that a signal according to the slope direction of the head is detected and analyzed, and then numerically expressed by using 6 brainwave signals such as a delta wave (δ), theta wave (θ), alpha wave (α), SMR wave, beta wave (β) and gamma wave (σ), which are measured through the portable brainwave measuring device and the acceleration sensor put on the head. A wireless system, including a short distance wireless module for transmitting/receiving the wireless signal, includes a wireless receiving module, a signal analyzing unit, and a control output unit. Additionally, the wireless system is connected to a PC or controls a short/long distance external device.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123660A1
Принадлежит: RAUMEDIC AG

A sensor system is used for measuring, transmitting, processing and displaying a brain parameter. The sensor system has an implantable brain parameter sensor with a wireless transmission unit for measuring the brain parameter. A receiving unit with an antenna is in wireless signal connection with the latter. A data read module is in signal connection with the antenna and a data processing and display device is in turn in signal connection with the data read module. The sensor system also has a head cap or a head hood, on which the receiving unit is fixed to predetermine a relative position relative to the transmitting unit. A sensor system is the result, the use of which remains comfortable for the patient even over a relatively long measuring period. A method for transmission of measurement data measured with the brain parameter sensor to the external data read module is also provided. 12418. A method for transmission of measurement data measured with a brain parameter sensor () to an external data read module () comprising the following steps:{'b': '18', 'sending a HF signal generated by a high frequency source of the data read module (),'}{'b': '4', 'receiving said HF signal with a transmission unit () of the brain parameter sensor,'}rectifying said HF signal,{'b': 6', '4, 'charging a capacitor () with the rectified HF signal for a temporary energy supply of the transmission unit (),'}deactivating the HF signal after said charging,{'b': '6', 'recording a brain parameter measurement signal, wherein the brain parameter sensor is supplied with energy by means of the capacitor () during recording the brain parameter measurement signal,'}activating the HF signal, and{'b': 4', '8', '18, 'sending the brain parameter measurement signal with the HF signal as a carrier frequency via the transmission unit () to a receiving unit () of the data read module ().'}2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the brain parameter measurement signal is an intercranial pressure value. ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131460A1
Автор: Yuen Paul Anthony
Принадлежит: Dayton Technologies Limited

A physiological signal collection electrode comprises a signal collection pad having a skin contact portion, a signal output pad and an elongate bridging portion interconnecting the signal collection pad and the signal output pad. The signal collection pad, the signal output portion and the bridging portion are integrally moulded of a flexible, conductive and resilient material. The width of the bridging portion is substantially smaller than that of the skin contact portion. A narrowed bridging portion operates to concentrate collected physiological signals collected by the skin contact portion before the signals are output to the signal output pad. An elongate bridging portion reduces skin covering area for better wearer comfort as well as providing better resiliency to the electrode when the bridging portion is extended. 136.-. (canceled)37. A physiological signal collection electrode comprising:a signal collection pad;a signal output pad; andan elongate bridging portion interconnecting the signal collection pad and the signal output pad,wherein the signal collection pad comprises a skin contact portion and defines a skin contact surface;wherein the signal collection pad, the signal output portion and the bridging portion are integrally molded of a flexible, conductive and resilient material; andwherein the bridging portion is insulated by an insulating material which is flexible, resilient and waterproof.38. A physiological signal collection electrode according to claim 37 , wherein the insulating material is over-molded onto the bridging portion.39. A physiological signal collection electrode according to claim 37 , wherein the flexible claim 37 , resilient and conductive material is selected form carbonized rubber claim 37 , carbonized fabrics claim 37 , Nickel copper plated polyester claim 37 , silver nylon mesh claim 37 , cotton silver bamboo fiber claim 37 , or other conductive fabrics such as metalized fabrics or the like.40. A physiological signal ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131464A1

Systems and methods for assessment of sleep quality in adults and children are provided. These techniques include an apparatus worn above the forehead containing the circuitry for collecting and storing physiological signals. The apparatus integrates with a sensor strip and a nasal mask to obtain the physiological signals for the user. The form factor of this apparatus is comfortable, easy to self-apply, and results in less data artifacts than conventional techniques for capturing physiological data for analyzing sleep quality. Neuro-respiratory signals are analyzed using means to extract more accurate definitions of the frequency and severity of sleep discontinuity, sleep disordered breathing and patterns of sleep architecture. Biological biomarkers and questionnaire responses can also be compared to a database of healthy and chronically diseased patients to provide a more accurate differential diagnosis and to help determine the appropriate disease management recommendations. 1. (canceled)2. A system for assessing sleep quality of a user , the system comprising:a sensor strip comprising at least one sensor and a tab, wherein the tab comprises traces that are electrically coupled to the at least one sensor; and wherein the connector is configured to be detachably coupled to the tab of the sensor strip such that the traces of the tab are electrically coupled to the data acquisition unit via the connector, and', 'wherein the controller receives signal data from the at least one sensor, and characterizes an etiology of a sleep quality for a user based on the received signal data., 'a data acquisition unit comprising at least one controller and a connector,'}3. The system of claim 2 , wherein characterizing an etiology of a sleep quality comprises attributing insomnia to either a physical or psychological cause.4. The system of claim 2 , wherein characterizing an etiology of a sleep quality comprises determining a likelihood of the user having or developing depression. ...

23-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130131556A1
Автор: CHANTZ Hyman D.

A method and system for determining a pose of a subject. The subject is placed onto a surface of a platform having a first radio-frequency transceiver and a second radio-frequency transceiver. A first radio-frequency transponder is placed onto an upper extremity of the subject. A second radio-frequency transponder is placed onto a lower extremity of the subject. A first signal is transmitted from the first transceiver to the first transponder, resulting in the first transponder sending a second signal. A third signal is transmitted from the second transceiver to the second transponder, resulting in the second transponder sending a fourth signal. The second signal is received by the first transceiver. The fourth signal is received by the second transceiver. A pose of the subject is determined based on receiving the second signal and the fourth signal. 1. A method for determining a pose of a subject , said method comprising:placing transponders on the subject disposed on a surface of a platform, wherein a totality of the transponders consist of a first radio-frequency transponder and a second radio-frequency transponder placed onto an upper extremity and a lower extremity, respectively, of the subject, and wherein a first radio-frequency transceiver is located at a first location on the surface and a second radio-frequency transceiver is located at a second location on the surface;transmitting a first radio-frequency signal from the first radio-frequency transceiver to the first radio-frequency transponder on the upper extremity of the subject, resulting in the first radio-frequency transponder sending a second radio-frequency signal to the first radio-frequency transceiver;receiving, by the first radio-frequency transceiver, the second radio-frequency signal;receiving, by the second radio-frequency transceiver, a fourth radio-frequency signal transmitted by the second radio-frequency transponder in response to the second radio-frequency transponder having previously ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Fall-Responsive Emergency Device, System, and Method

Номер: US20130143519A1
Автор: Mary Doezema
Принадлежит: J&M I P HOLDING CO LLC

A system comprising a wearable device with a fall sensor responsive to the physical effect of a fall by a user wearing the device to generate a sensed-fall signal; a plurality of local communicators capable of receiving the sensed-fall signal and transmitting a fall alert; a base transmitter comprising a communications portal capable of initiating communication with a remote responder and establishing two-way voice communication between the remote responder and the user of the wearable device via the local communicators; the local communicators capable of establishing a perimeter and sending an alert if the wearable device is not within the perimeter boundary; a charging plate for induction charging the wearable device; and a mobile application adapted for use on a remote responder's mobile device, the mobile application capable of being activated by communication from the base transmitter to alert the remote responder of the fall or emergency event.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150689A1
Автор: SHAW-KLEIN Lori J.

The present invention relates to a device for sensing a target chemical. The device includes a flexible, non-planar substrate; a printed, solid-state sensing element comprising a chemical sensing material which produces an electrical signal upon interaction with the target chemical; a first printed electrode comprising a first conductive composition; and a second electrode comprising a second conductive composition. The first and second electrodes are electrically isolated from one another, and one or both of the first and second electrodes is in electrical contact with said sensing element. The first and second electrodes and the sensing element collectively form an electrochemical sensor which is coupled to the flexible, non-planar substrate. Medical devices comprising the device of the present invention and methods of making a device for sensing a target chemical are also disclosed. 1. A device for sensing a target chemical comprising:a flexible, non-planar substrate;a printed, solid-state sensing element comprising a chemical sensing material which produces an electrical signal upon interaction with the target chemical;a first printed electrode comprising a first conductive composition; anda second electrode comprising a second conductive composition, wherein said first and second electrodes are electrically isolated from one another, and one or both of the first and second electrodes is in electrical contact with said sensing element, wherein said first and second electrodes and said sensing element collectively form an electrochemical sensor, which is coupled to said flexible, non-planar substrate.2. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the first printed electrode is in electrical contact with said sensing element.3. The device according to claim 1 , wherein both the first and second electrodes are in electrical contact with said sensing element.4. The device according to claim 1 , wherein the second electrode is printed onto the substrate.5. The device ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Hypothenar sensor

Номер: US20130150738A1
Автор: Jesse Bruce Goodman
Принадлежит: Jesse Bruce Goodman

A device having an arterial pulse sensor that is adhered to the hypothenar region of a palm using an adhesive patch. The patch has an adhesive surface that is covered by a removable film with an outer portion and a central portion. Also disclosed is a method of detecting an arterial pulse by providing an arterial pulse sensor, placing the sensor on the hypothenar region of the palm of a hand, and receiving an arterial pulse signal from the sensor.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Personal items network, and associated methods

Номер: US20130151699A1
Принадлежит: Apple Inc

A personal items network, comprising a plurality of items, each item having a wireless communications port for coupling in network with every other item, each item having a processor for determining if any other item in the network is no longer linked to the item, each item having an indicator for informing a user that an item has left the network, wherein a user may locate lost items. A method for locating lost personal items, comprising: linking at least two personal items together on a network; and depositing one or both of time and location information in an unlost item when one of the items is lost out of network.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165760A1

Sensors for non-invasively determining tissue wetness/hydration based on relative changes in subsurface resistivities in tissue below the sensor when applied to a human body across different frequencies. A sensor including arrays of current-injecting and voltage-sensing electrodes may be placed on a subject's back to determine lung wetness. Sensors may be used as part of a systems and method for determining tissue water content, systems and methods for determining lung wetness, or the like. Sensors for determining relative changes in subsurface resistivities across frequencies and systems include arrays of electrodes used to determine relative changes in subsurface resistivities across frequencies may include pairs of current-injecting and voltage sensing electrodes. 1. A non-invasive lung wetness sensor , the sensor comprising:a support backing extending along a proximal to distal axis;a plurality of elongate electrodes each having a length of between about 1.5 and about 2.5 inches and a width of between about 0.1 and about 0.5 inches, wherein the electrodes are arranged with their lengths perpendicular to the proximal to distal axis on a subject-contacting surface of the support backing so that the electrodes extend in a line parallel to the proximal to distal axis of the support backing to form an active region that extends between about 6 and about 14 inches along the proximal to distal axis; andwherein the plurality of electrodes in the active region are configured to form a plurality of pairs of current-injecting electrodes and a plurality of pairs of voltage detection electrodes.2. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the support backing is flexible and relatively inelastic claim 1 , so that the spacing between each of the electrodes remains relatively fixed as the sensor is manipulated.3. The sensor of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive hydrogel.4. The sensor of claim 1 , wherein the support backing is less than about 5 mils thick.5. The sensor of claim 1 , ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Health monitoring appliance

Номер: US20130172691A1
Автор: Bao Tran
Принадлежит: Individual

A heart monitoring system for a person includes one or more wireless nodes forming a wireless network; a wearable body sensor having a wireless transceiver adapted to communicate with the one or more wireless nodes.

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Multiple wavelength sensor emitters

Номер: US20130172701A1
Принадлежит: Cercacor Laboratories Inc

A physiological sensor has light emitting sources, each activated by addressing at least one row and at least one column of an electrical grid. The light emitting sources are capable of transmitting light of multiple wavelengths and a detector is responsive to the transmitted light after attenuation by body tissue.

04-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130172718A1

The present disclosure provides a method for improving imaging resolution of electrical impedance tomography (EIT). More specifically, the present disclosure forms virtual electrode(s) using an electric current steering technique, which is used to improve imaging resolution of an EIT system without physically increasing a number of conducting electrodes. The EIT system of the present disclosure may includes a plurality of conducting electrodes, at least one signal generator, at least one signal receiver and at least one electric current steering device. In other words, the present disclosure applies both the electric current steering technique and the virtual electrode technique to EIT. Consequently, imaging resolution of EIT can be improved without physically increasing the number of conducting electrodes. 1. A method for improving imaging resolution of electrical impedance tomography (EIT) using a plurality of conducting electrodes on the surrounding of or inside a tissue structure , comprising the steps of:(1) inputting an electric current into the tissue structure through at least two of the plurality of conducting electrodes, and outputting the electric current from at least other one of the plurality of conducting electrodes;(2) forming a virtual electrode between the at least two of the plurality of conducting electrodes by inputting an electric current ratio to control the electric current via an electric current steering device;(3) measuring an electric potential using the at least two of the plurality of conducting electrodes, except these conducting electrodes for inputting and outputting the electric current, to obtain electric current and electric potential distributions corresponding to the plurality of conducting electrodes and the virtual electrode in the tissue structure; and(4) performing an image conversion processing according to the electric current and electric potential distributions to profile an image for a specific region in the tissue ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Using Photoplethysmography In The Administration Of Narcotic Reversal Agents

Номер: US20130172759A1

Provided according to embodiments of the present invention are methods of monitoring and treating respiratory depression that include securing a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor to a central source site of an individual; administering a central nervous system (CNS) depressant to the individual; processing PPG signals front the PPG sensor with a computer in communication with the PPG sensor; and administering a narcotic reversal agent to the individual if the PPG signals or a physiological parameter derived therefrom are outside a preset value range. Related systems are also described. 1. A method of monitoring and treating respiratory depression comprising:securing a photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor to a central source site of an individual;administering a central nervous system (CNS) depressant to the individual;processing PPG signals from the PPG sensor with a controller in communication with the PPG sensor; andadministering a narcotic reversal agent to the individual if the PPG signals or a physiological parameter derived therefrom are outside a preset value range.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is administered to the individual if a respiration rate of the individual is outside the preset value range.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is administered to the individual if a respiratory effort of the individual is outside the preset value range.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is naloxone.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising securing to the individual an additional sensor configured to determine at least one parameter selected from respiration rate claim 1 , end-tidal carbon dioxide content claim 1 , blood pressure claim 1 , heart rate and heart rate variability.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the narcotic reversal agent is administered if (a) the PPG signals or a physiological parameter derived therefrom are outside a first preset value range; and (b) a ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Monitoring system for sudden infant death syndrome for blind and deaf parents

Номер: US20130181833A1
Автор: Salah Abdullah Al-Ali
Принадлежит: Individual

A monitoring system for sudden infant death syndrome alerts parents, including parents who are blind and deaf, of changes in their infant's health condition. The system comprises three parts: a portable monitoring and warning control unit, a sensor bracelet that would be placed around the infant's wrist and an alarm bracelet for blind and deaf parents. The infant sensor bracelet comprises multiple sensors and a microphone and transceiver to receive and transmit data to a portable control monitoring unit. A similar system is provided for blind and deaf parents. The vibration alarm units each have Braille characters printed in the top to enable a blind person to identify the vibration alarm. A portable monitoring and warning control unit comprises at least a transceiver to communicate with the bracelets and a processing control unit to collect data and compare it with thresholds/acceptable ranges.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Hearing testing probe with integrated temperature and humidity sensors and active temperature control

Номер: US20130195299A1
Принадлежит: Etymotic Research Inc

Certain embodiments provide a hearing testing system. The hearing testing system includes a transducer and an environmental sensor coupled with an acoustic channel. The environmental sensor is configured to measure environmental conditions of the acoustic channel. The hearing testing system includes a processor. The processor is configured to receive the environmental conditions from the environmental sensor. The processor is configured to apply, based on the measure environmental conditions, correction data to a transducer response to generate a corrected transducer response. In certain embodiments, the processor is configured to control a heating element based on a measured temperature to maintain a pre-defined temperature, or range of temperatures, at a testing probe.

01-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130197322A1
Автор: Tran Bao

A wireless system for a person includes a wearable appliance monitoring one or more body parameters; a plurality of wireless nodes in communication with the wearable appliance; and a remote computer coupled to the wireless nodes to provide information to an authorized remote user. 1. A wireless system for a person , comprising:a wearable appliance monitoring one or more body parameters;a plurality of wireless nodes in communication with the wearable appliance; anda remote computer coupled to the wireless nodes to provide information to an authorized remote user.2. The system of claim 1 , comprising an accelerometer to detect a dangerous condition and to generate a warning when the dangerous condition is detected.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the appliance is wirelessly coupled to a hospital monitoring equipment.4. The system of claim 1 , comprising one of: EKG detector claim 1 , ECG detector claim 1 , electromagnetic detector claim 1 , ultrasonic detector claim 1 , optical detector claim 1 , a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) recognizer claim 1 , a dynamic time warp (DTW) recognizer claim 1 , a neural network claim 1 , a fuzzy logic engine.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the appliance monitors patient movement.6. The system of claim 1 , comprising a positioning system from an 802.X station to provide location information.7. The system of claim 1 , comprising a call center coupled to the appliance to provide a human response.8. The system of claim 1 , comprising a web server coupled to the wireless nodes to provide information to an authorized remote user.9. The system of claim 1 , comprising a heart disease recognizer to detect stroke symptom or heart attack symptom.10. The system of claim 1 , comprising code to store and analyze patient information.11. The system of claim 1 , comprising code to store medicine taking habits claim 1 , eating and drinking habits claim 1 , sleeping habits claim 1 , or excise habits.12. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wireless ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Generating an alarm based on brain wave patterns of a user

Номер: US20130204153A1
Автор: Emily Ruth Buzhardt
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and a device are disclosed including detecting a brainwave pattern associated with a particular mental and/or physical state of a user, classifying the detected brainwave pattern to identify the particular mental/physical state of the user, and generating an alarm signal to notify the user, other authority, and/or to be used otherwise. In various embodiments, the brainwave pattern data may be recorded and used for statistical analysis, work or process scheduling, or other management decisions. In various embodiments, the brainwave pattern is detected and/or recorded using a cap or harness with embedded electrodes, a controller for controlling the electrodes, collecting data, transmitting the data to a local or central data storage device, and generating an alarm.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211291A1
Автор: Tran Bao

A method of automatically requesting assistance for a patient includes wearing a wireless device with one or more accelerometers on the patient to detect patient motion; determining a fall based on detected motions; and automatically requesting assistance for the patient if needed.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Human safety indicator

Номер: US20130222139A1

A human safety system includes a circuit including a microcontroller and at least one power source; a probe in communication with the circuit; at least one use detector in communication with the circuit; and at least one alert indicator in communication with the circuit. A method of using a human safety device, the method includes initiating operation of the human safety device; arranging the human safety device in communication with skin; and monitoring the human safety device for alert indicators. A method of monitoring a user includes waking from sleep state; sensing at least one condition of the user; determining if the sensed condition is in a human condition; continuously monitoring the condition of the user; and, returning to sleep state when the user condition is outside of the human condition for an amount of time.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

System and method for storing and providing patient-related data

Номер: US20130225952A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

According to various embodiments, a regional oximetry sensor may include a light emitting element configured to emit light, a light detector configured to receive the light, and a memory device configured to store a baseline. The baseline stored by the memory device enables a regional oximetry monitor to display the baseline on a display of the regional oximetry monitor.

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Device and method for measuring and assessing mobilities of extremities and of body parts

Номер: US20130226038A1
Автор: Christian Egen
Принадлежит: SportMed AG

A device and method for measuring and assessing mobilities of extremities and body parts of a proband, characterized by a wireless measuring device attachable at an extremity to be measured or at a body part to be measured of the proband, the measuring device including a sensor for three-dimensional continuous detection of position changes of the measuring device, a data processing device that wirelessly receives the measured values, an input device for manual inputs, wherein the input device is part of the wireless measuring device, an analysis program for a planning of a measurement and/or for a visualization of a measurement and/or for an analysis of a measurement, wherein the analysis program runs on the data processing device and the analysis program computes from the measured values position changes of the measuring device, computes from the position changes a mobility of an extremity or of a body part; and processes manually inputted inputs.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231540A1
Принадлежит: Nihon Kohden Corporation

An airway adaptor includes: an airway case including a gas passage, the airway case adapted to be attachable to a part of a carbon dioxide sensor configured to detect a concentration of carbon dioxide contained in exhalation, flowing into the gas passage, of the subject, the exhalation; a nasal cannula having a pair of insertion portions inserted into nostrils of the subject to guide exhalation from the nostrils to the gas passage; a mouth guide placed in front of a mouth of the subject to guide exhalation from the mouth to the gas passage; a light-emitting element supported by one of the insertion portions; and a light-receiving element supported by the other of the insertion portions. When the insertion portions are inserted into the nostrils, the light-emitting element and the light-receiving element are opposed to each other across a nasal septum of the subject. 1. An airway adaptor which is adapted to be attached to a face of a subject , the airway adaptor comprising:an airway case which includes a gas passage, the airway case adapted to be attachable to a part of a carbon dioxide sensor configured to detect a concentration of carbon dioxide contained in exhalation of the subject, the exhalation flowing into the gas passage;a nasal cannula having a pair of insertion portions which are adapted to be inserted respectively into nostrils of the subject to guide exhalation from the nostrils to the gas passage when the airway adaptor is attached to the face;a mouth guide adapted to be placed in front of a mouth of the subject to guide exhalation from the mouth to the gas passage when the airway adaptor is attached to the face;a light-emitting element supported by one of the pair of insertion portions; anda light-receiving element supported by the other of the pair of insertion portions, whereinwhen the pair of insertion portions are inserted into the nostrils of the subject, the light-emitting element and the light-receiving element are opposed to each other across a ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Fitness monitoring

Номер: US20130231574A1
Автор: Bao Tran
Принадлежит: Individual

A heart monitoring system for a user includes a body wearable appliance placed on or near the user skin and having one or more sensors to capture fitness data and a wireless transceiver to communicate fitness data; and a processor coupled to the wireless transceiver to receive fitness data.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231575A1

A solution for monitoring accumulated physical activity is disclosed. A method according to the solution comprises: acquiring target accumulation parameters defining a target total amount of physical activity for a user to accumulate within an observation interval, wherein the amount of physical activity is defined in terms of an attribute measurable during the physical activity; distributing the target accumulation parameters into a plurality of subsets in a time domain such that each subset is associated with a time sub-interval and a target accumulation value, wherein the sum of the sub-intervals equals to the observation interval; and monitoring the physical activity of the user during a sub-interval by comparing a measured accumulation of the physical activity with the target accumulation derived from at least the target accumulation value of the sub-interval and by outputting a progress indicator indicating the measured accumulation of the physical activity with respect to the target accumulation. 1. An apparatus comprising:at least one processor; andat least one memory including computer program code, wherein the at least one memory and the computer program code are configured, with the at least one processor, to cause the apparatus to perform operations comprising:acquiring target accumulation parameters defining a target total amount of physical activity for a user to accumulate within an observation interval, wherein the amount of physical activity is defined in terms of an attribute measurable during the physical activity;distributing the target accumulation parameters into a plurality of subsets in a time domain such that each subset is associated with a time sub-interval and a target accumulation value, wherein the sum of the sub-intervals equals to the observation interval; andmonitoring the physical activity of the user during a sub-interval by comparing a measured accumulation of the physical activity with the target accumulation derived from at ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Flexible ring pessary

Номер: US20130237771A1
Принадлежит: VivoSensMedical GmbH

The present disclosure suggests an apparatus for determining at least one parameter in the vaginal channel of a user. The apparatus comprises a flexible pessary and a measurement unit comprising at least one sensor for measuring the at least one vaginal parameter. The measurement unit is reversibly mountable to the flexible pessary.

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237778A1
Автор: Rouquette Sebastien

A device () for assisting with physical exertion management, includes a physiological sensor, a positioning device, at least one memory in which data representative of the itinerary to be travelled during the physical exertion can be recorded, and at least one data processing unit organised so as to produce forecast data representative of the change in an physical exertion parameter over the remaining itinerary to be travelled by the individual, to compare these forecast data with predetermined data, and to produce and transmit a message, the content of which depends on the result of the comparison of the forecast data and the predetermined data, with a view to communicating the message to a user. 11. Portable device () for assisting the management of a physical exertion provided by a subject , comprising:{'b': 10', '11', '12, 'at least one sensor (, , ) for a physiological parameter, called exertion parameter, evolving as a function of the physical exertion, said sensor being suitable to provide digital data, called exertion data, that are representative of said exertion parameter,'}{'b': '20', 'at least one device, called positioning device (), that is suitable to determine its own position in a given topographical frame of reference and to provide digital data, called positioning data, that are representative of this position,'}{'b': 98', '99, 'at least one interface (, ) for communication with a user,'}{'b': '4', 'claim-text': positioning data provided by said positioning device,', 'exertion data,', 'data that are representative of an itinerary to be travelled in said topographical frame of reference by said subject in the course of the physical exertion,, 'at least one memory () in which data, called input data, are capable of being recorded, comprising at least{'b': '30', 'claim-text': to generate data, called forecast data, that are representative of the evolution of at least one exertion parameter over the itinerary remaining to be travelled by the subject, ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245399A1

A skin moisture measuring apparatus that measures moisture in a testee's skin includes an earphone plug that is connected to an earphone port of a smart device and connects the skin moisture measuring apparatus to the smart device; an oscillation signal generation unit that generates an oscillation signal; and a sensor unit that includes two or more contact portions exposed to the outside to be in direct with the testee's skin, modifies the oscillation signal depending on an electrical resistance corresponding to a moisture content in the testee's skin and formed between the two or more contact portions, and generates a measurement signal. In the skin moisture measuring apparatus, the sensor unit transmits the measurement signal to the smart device through the earphone plug. 1. A skin moisture measuring apparatus that measures moisture in a testee's skin , the skin moisture measuring apparatus comprising:an earphone plug that is connected to an earphone port of a smart device and connects the skin moisture measuring apparatus to the smart device;an oscillation signal generation unit that generates an oscillation signal; anda sensor unit that includes two or more contact portions exposed to the outside to be in direct with the testee's skin, modifies the oscillation signal depending on an electrical resistance corresponding to a moisture content in the testee's skin and formed between the two or more contact portions, and generates a measurement signal,wherein the sensor unit transmits the measurement signal to the smart device through the earphone plug.2. The skin moisture measuring apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein if the smart device receives the measurement signal, the smart device draws skin moisture information corresponding to the received measurement signal and displays the skin moisture information.3. The skin moisture measuring apparatus of claim 1 ,wherein a frequency of the oscillation signal is selected from an audio sampling rate range of the smart device.4 ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for the collection of samples of exhaled air

Номер: US20130245483A1
Автор: Rüdiger EICHLER
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for the collection of samples of exhaled air during normal respiration, comprising a flow generator, an orally insertable exhalation air receiver, and a device for isolating the nasal airways, wherein the apparatus further comprises: a sensor for detecting a change in a parameter representing the change from inhalation to exhalation and to transmit said change as a signal; a control unit adapted to receive said signal and to control said device for isolating the nasal airways; wherein the flow generator is connected to or integrated with the exhalation air receiver. A method of collecting samples of exhaled air during normal respiration conditions, comprising the steps of: detecting a change in a parameter representing the change from inhalation to exhalation and transmitting said change as a signal; receiving said signal in a control unit; activating a device for isolating the nasal airways; activating a flow generator connected to an exhalation air receiver; and collecting a sample of exhaled air during exhalation when the nasal airways are isolated.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261405A1
Автор: CHO Jae-Geol, Lee Sang-Hun

An apparatus and method for easily and accurately measuring a biological signal by using a wristwatch-type measurement module. After a band of the wristwatch-type measurement module is tightened to wear on a user's wrist, the band is further tightened to make the wristwatch-type measurement module closely contact the user's wrist. An operation mode of the wristwatch-type measurement module closely contacting the user's wrist is switched from a normal mode to a measurement mode, and a user's biological signal is measured from the user's wrist through the wristwatch-type measurement module in the measurement mode. The user's biological signal is then displayed through the wristwatch-type measurement module. 1. An apparatus for measuring a biological signal , the apparatus comprising:a first tightening portion for tightening a band of a wristwatch-type measurement module to wear on a user's wrist;a second tightening portion for further tightening the band to make the wristwatch-type measurement module closely contact the user's wrist;a button unit for switching an operation mode of the wristwatch-type measurement module;a sensor unit for measuring a user's biological signal from the user's wrist which the wristwatch-type measurement module closely contacts; anda display unit for displaying the user's biological signal.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the button unit switches the operation mode of the wristwatch-type measurement module from a normal mode to a measurement mode when the wristwatch-type measurement module closely contacts the user's wrist.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the sensor unit measures a user's Electrocardiogram (EKG) or Photoplethysmography (PPG) signal from the user's wrist when in the measurement mode.4. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the sensor unit measures at least one of a number of heartbeats claim 2 , blood pressure claim 2 , a blood oxygen saturation level claim 2 , a heart rhythm claim 2 , a number of breaths claim 2 , ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Method and system for processing information based on detected biometric event data

Номер: US20130262491A1
Принадлежит: Broadcom Corp

A system and method is provided for processing and storing captured data in a wireless communication device based on detected biometric event data. The captured data may be acquired through a data acquisition system with devices or sensors in an integrated or distributed configuration. The captured data may include multimedia data of an event with time, date and/or location stamping, and captured physiological and behavioral biometric event data in response to the event. The captured data may be dynamically stored in a data binding format or as raw data in a local host device or communicated externally to be stored in a remote host or storage. At least one user preference may be specified for linking a biometric event data to the mapped, analyzed, categorized and stored captured data in a database. Captured data may be retrieved by matching biometric event data to at least one user preference from the database.

10-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130267789A1

A method and apparatus is provided to detect the physiological and environmental status of an individual. The apparatus comprises a pod which is worn within a proximity zone of the body such that the mobility and flexibility of the body are not deleteriously affected by the presence of the apparatus. The system permits the dynamic monitoring of human physiological and environmental status data without substantial interference in human motion and flexibility. Sensors and processors are mounted within said pod. 110-. (canceled)11. A method of determining the placement of a wearable human physiological status monitor on the body of a wearer comprising the steps of:determining an area of the body that has a low size variance across a set of individuals;determining whether said area has low movement and flexibility;determining a proximate space around said human body that is perceptually considered part of the body by the individual; andproviding a pod having a physiological sensor therein to be worn on said area within said proximate space.12. A method according to claim 11 , wherein said area comprises the cranial area claim 11 , collar area claim 11 , the tricep claim 11 , the forearm claim 11 , the rib cage claim 11 , the waist claim 11 , the hip claim 11 , the thigh claim 11 , the shin claim 11 , and the top of the foot area.13. A method according to claim 11 , wherein said proximate space is between 0 and 5 inches from the body. This application is a continuation of co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/481,147, filed Jul. 5, 2006. U.S. application Ser. No. 481,147 is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/313,255 filed Dec. 6, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,153,262 issued Dec. 26, 2006, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/419,600 filed Oct. 18, 1999, which issued as U.S. Pat. No. 6,527,711, on Mar. 3, 2003, each of which are incorporated by reference in their entirety.1. Field of the InventionThe present invention ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Measurement of Cerebral Physiologic Parameters Using Bioimpedance

Номер: US20130274615A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Devices and methods for monitoring intracranial physiological parameters, including intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, edema status, and brain compliance are disclosed. In one aspect, an apparatus may involve receiving at least one impedance plethysmography signal. Waveforms may be extracted from the impedance plethysmography signals and used for estimating the intracranial physiological parameters. Various characteristics may be determined from the waveforms to aid in the estimation of intracranial physiological parameters.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Evoked Stapedius Reflex Threshold Tile Electrode

Номер: US20130281812A1
Принадлежит: MED EL Elektromedizinische Geraete GmbH

An electrode arrangement is described for sensing electrical activity in target tissue. An inner electrode has an elongate electrode body formed as a cylindrical section with an inner penetrating end for insertion into the stapedius muscle target tissue. An outer electrode fits over the inner electrode and an outer penetrating end for insertion into the target tissue. The two electrodes are joined together with their electrode bodies in parallel so that the penetrating ends of the electrodes penetrate in the same direction into the target tissue to sense electrical activity in the target tissue.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Biometric information processing device, biometric information processing method, and control program

Номер: US20130289418A1
Принадлежит: Seiko Epson Corp

A biometric information processing device has a heart rate detection unit that detects the heart rate of a subject; a relative heart rate calculation unit that calculates a relative heart rate, which is the relative value of the heart rate to the prescribed resting heart rate of the subject; a relative oxygen intake calculation unit that calculates a relative oxygen intake based on the relative heart rate; an oxygen intake estimation unit that estimates the oxygen intake from the relative oxygen intake; and a calorie expenditure calculation unit that calculates calorie expenditure based on the oxygen intake.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Hypertension System And Method

Номер: US20130296721A1
Принадлежит: CardioMEMS LLC

Disclosed are hypertension systems and related methods that include a blood pressure sensor located or implanted under the skin of a patient, and electronics, which may have the size and shape of a wrist watch, for example, that monitors the blood pressure of the patient by communicating with the implanted sensor.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for robotically assisted cochlear implant surgery

Номер: US20130296884A1

A novel sensing system and methods for preventing damage to the cochlea during cochlear implant surgery are disclosed, using optical sensing to determine the distance of a stylet or the end of the implant itself from the interior wall of the scalar tympani. A variety of feedback methods are proposed to enable the surgeon to perform the procedure safely without damage to the basilar membrane or other delicate anatomic structures. Although a number of embodiments are disclosed, one preferred embodiment comprises a robotically manipulated end-effector.

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Medical sensor with compressible light barrier and technique for using the same

Номер: US20130317330A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

According to various embodiments, a medical sensor assembly may include compressible light barriers configured to prevent undesired light from being detected. The compressible light barriers may protrude from the surface of the sensor. However, when applied to the tissue, the compressible light barriers may be compressed to the point of being substantially flush with the tissue.

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324865A1

A device is sued for measuring arterial pressure. The device includes a body in the form of a wrist-watch, an element for fastening the latter on a user's wrist, said element being in the form of a wristband designed so that the clamping force of the wristband on the wrist can he adjusted. A pulsed wave sensor is arranged on the element for fastening the body on the user's wrist. The device includes an analog-digital converter, a filter for isolating the alternating component of a signal, and a measurement data indicator, a voice synthesizer and a pulsed wave sensor position indicator, which are integrated by their inputs. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. A device for measuring arterial pressure of a human , said device comprising:a body in the form of a wrist-watch;an element for fastening said body on a wrist of the human, said element being in a form of a wristband designed so that clamping force of said wristband on the wrist can be adjusted;a pulsed wave sensor arranged on said element for fastening said body on the wrist of the human;an analog-digital converter, a filter for isolating the alternating component of a signal, and a measurement data indicator, a voice synthesizer and a pulsed wave sensor position indicator, which are integrated by their inputs; anda signal transmitter provided with a processor which is connected to an antenna output of the signal transmitter, the input of the signal transmitter being connected to the output of the analog-digital converter, and a signal receiver, which is in the form of a cellular telephone.4. A device for measuring arterial pressure of a human as set forth in claim I wherein said measurement data indicator , said voice synthesizer and said pulsed wave sensor position indicator are arranged in said body of the cellular telephone , and the integrated inputs thereof are also connected via an interface cable to an antenna input of the signal receiver. The present invention relates to the area of medicine and medical ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130324881A1
Принадлежит: Jin Co Ltd

A problem related to a known eyewear-type electro-oculogram measuring apparatus which detects the eye potential using a pair of electrodes positioned outside both the eyes of a user and a pair of electrodes respectively positioned above and below one eye is that the two pairs of electrodes have had an impact on the skins of users, and discomfort on them. Besides, the electrodes are not excellent in design. The present invention provides eyewear including: a frame; a pair of nose pads; and a first electrode and a second electrode respectively provided on the surface of the pair of nose pads, the first electrode and the second electrode detecting eye potential

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Processing Social Interactive Data and Sharing of Tracked Activity Associated with Locations

Номер: US20130325394A1
Принадлежит: Fitbit LLC

A method includes determining a location of a first monitoring device used while performing an activity. The first monitoring device is worn by a first user. The method includes determining a location of a second monitoring device used while performing an activity. The second monitoring device is worn by a second user. The method further includes determining whether the locations of the first and second monitoring devices are within a range and whether the activities are similar. The method includes sending a prompt to the first monitoring device upon determining that the activities are similar and the locations are within the range. The prompt includes a request for permission from a first user account to allow a second user account to access information from the first user account regarding the activity performed using the first monitoring device.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for interactive goal setting and recommender using events having combined activity and location information

Номер: US20130325404A1
Принадлежит: Fitbit LLC

A method for generating recommendations for achieving goals is described. The method includes receiving a goal for a user account. The goal is associated with an activity that is trackable via a monitoring device. The method further includes receiving tracking data associated with the monitoring device. At least part of the tracking data is associated to the activity. The method includes receiving geo-location data associated with the monitoring device. The geo-location data is correlated to the tracking data. The method includes analyzing the received tracking data and geo-location data to characterize a current performance metric for the activity and generating a recommendation for the user account. The recommendation identifies the current performance metric and a suggested action and location for increasing the current performance metric to achieve the goal.

19-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130338446A1

The invention relates to a sleep disturbance monitoring apparatus () for monitoring a sleep disturbance of a person. An ambience disturbance profile, which describes which levels and/or changes of an ambient signal, which is, for example, a temperature signal or a noise signal, are related to disturbed sleep, is amended depending on a correlation between the ambience signal and a sleep signal which is indicative of the quality of the sleep of the person. After the ambience disturbance profile has been amended, an environmental disturbance factor, which disturbs the sleep, is determined based on a comparison of an actual ambient signal with the amended ambience disturbance profile, wherein information regarding the determined environmental disturbance factor is output to the person on an output unit. This allows providing personalized information regarding environmental sleep disturbance factors, i.e. the information considers the individual susceptibility of a person for environmental disturbances during sleep. 1. A sleep disturbance monitoring apparatus for monitoring a sleep disturbance of a person , the sleep disturbance monitoring apparatus comprising:an ambient sensor for generating an ambient signal, the ambient signal being indicative of a property of the environment of the person,an ambience disturbance profile providing unit for providing an ambience disturbance profile, the ambience disturbance profile describing which levels and/or changes of an ambient signal are related to disturbed sleep,a sleep sensor for generating a sleep signal over time, while the person is sleeping, the sleep signal being indicative of the quality of the sleep of the person over time,a correlation unit for correlating the ambient signal and the sleep signal,an ambience disturbance profile amending unit for amending the ambience disturbance profile depending on the correlation,an environmental disturbance determination unit for determining an environmental disturbance factor, ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Hearing protection apparatus as well as a medical imaging apparatus having the hearing protection apparatus and a method for detecting movement of a patient's head

Номер: US20140012127A1
Автор: Lars Lauer, Stephan Biber
Принадлежит: SIEMENS AG

A hearing protection apparatus includes a first ear coupling unit, which is designed for positioning on a first ear of a user, a second ear coupling unit, which is designed for positioning on a second ear of the user, and a sound protection for at least partial shielding of sound waves, wherein the hearing protection apparatus has at least one motion sensor unit.

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Holder set and brain function measuring device using same

Номер: US20140018640A1
Принадлежит: Shimadzu Corp

This holder set is provided with: an optical bioinstrumentation holder which has at least two probe mounting units into which are inserted light-transmitting probes which irradiate light from the tip, or light-receiving probes which receive light from the tip, and which is mounted on the subject's head; and a electroencephalograph holder which has at least one electrode mounting unit into which an EEG electrode is inserted which detects the potential difference with a reference electrode. This optical bioinstrumentation holder is provided with a linear trunk unit extending in a first direction, and at least two linear branches extending in a second direction different from the first direction, and the electroencephalograph holder is provided with a linear trunk unit extending in a first direction, and at least one linear branch extending in the direction opposite to said second direction.
