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20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2571329C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройствам для получения информации об объекте. Устройство содержит источник света, выполненный с возможностью излучения импульсного света с множеством длин волн, контроллер длин волн, выполненный с возможностью переключения длины волны импульсного света, зонд, приема акустической волны, контроллер сканирования и процессор данных, выполненный с возможностью получения информации об объекте путем использования множества электрических сигналов. Контроллер длин волн переключает длину волны импульсного света на вторую длину волны до получения всех электрических сигналов соответствующих первой длине волны. Использование изобретения повышает надежность и точность. 9 з.п. ф-лы, 21 ил.

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727242C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине, а именно к эндокринологии, и может быть использована для неинвазивного определения in vivo концентрации глюкозы в протекающей крови в кровеносном сосуде внутри тела. Тело облучают ультразвуковым излучением с ультразвуковой частотой для маркировки кровеносного сосуда. Причем тело с кровеносным сосудом облучают излучением, имеющим по меньшей мере первую длину волны, при которой интенсивность обратнорассеянного излучения зависит от концентрации глюкозы. Тело с кровеносным сосудом облучают излучением, имеющим вторую длину волны, которая соответствует линии поглощения воды, положение которой зависит от температуры крови. Обратнорассеянное излучение детектируют с использованием по меньшей мере одного датчика. Соответствующие компоненты сигнала, модулированные с частотой модуляции, зависящей от частоты ультразвука, извлекают с использованием вычислительного блока из сигналов, выдаваемых датчиком. Определяют значение показателя для концентрации глюкозы с ...

21-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2667617C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для ультразвуковых эластографических измерений. Система для ультразвукового исследования анатомического участка содержит ультразвуковой зонд, сконфигурированный для передачи ультразвукового сигнала к анатомическому участку, и блок обработки для формирования ультразвукового изображения анатомического участка, при этом блок обработки дополнительно сконфигурирован для управления ультразвуковым зондом для передачи импульса давления для генерирования сдвиговых волн в анатомическом участке, идентификации, из опорного изображения в В-режиме, первой и второй неналоженных областей анатомического участка, причем первая область определяется блоком обработки как соответствующая области, подходящей для эластографии сдвиговых волн, а вторая область определяется блоком обработки как соответствующая области, не подходящей для эластографии сдвиговых волн, при этом первая и вторая области идентифицируются блоком обработки, по меньшей ...

01-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2731309C2
Принадлежит: НОВАУРА С.Р.Л. (IT)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Система и способ диагностической визуализации содержат устройство для проведения обследований молочной железы, содержащее: по меньшей мере одну полусферическую часть, имеющую выпуклую внешнюю поверхность и вогнутую внутреннюю поверхность, определяющую удерживающую камеру для молочной железы; средство надевания указанной полусферической части, выполненное с возможностью размещения по меньшей мере вокруг туловища пользователя для удержания указанной полусферической части на молочной железе; и соединительную трубку, связанную с указанной полусферической частью для приведения удерживающей камеры в сообщение по текучей среде с источником понижения давления, причем указанная полусферическая часть выполнена из эластичного материала с обеспечением возможности ее перехода между состоянием сжатия молочной железы и свободным состоянием молочным железы. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 3 ил.

24-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2720102C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Устройство для создания ультразвукового контрастного изображения микроциркуляторного русла в области изображения содержит процессор контраста по времени, реагирующий на гармонические эхо-сигналы и выполненный с возможностью обработки гармонических сигналов, принятых от контрастного вещества, для получения значения данных контраста для каждого из множества пространственных местоположений в области изображения для некоторого момента времени в течение некоторого периода времени, причем значение данных контраста для пространственного местоположения в области изображения для этого момента времени производится разными способами для этого периода времени, причем период времени включает в себя по меньшей мере этап поступления контрастного вещества, и сканирующий преобразователь, подсоединенный для приема полученных значений данных контраста и выполненный с возможностью формирования контрастного изображения для момента времени путем расположения полученных ...

22-12-2022 дата публикации

Способ прогнозирования манифестации гипогонадизма у мужчин

Номер: RU2786597C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к урологии, эндокринологии, и может быть использовано для определения вероятности возникновения гипогонадизма мужчин. Проводят анализ сыворотки крови и трансректальное УЗИ предстательной железы. При уровне общего тестостерона ниже 12,1 нмоль/л и при выявления аваскулярных и гиповаскулярных участков в предстательной железе более 1 см куб. в сочетании с фиброзом простаты прогнозируют манифестацию гипогонадизма в течение 12 месяцев. Способ позволяет повысить точность прогнозирования манифестации заболевания у мужчин в течение года и определить тактику лечения больного за счет оценки совокупности наиболее значимых показателей. 3 ил., 3 пр.

26-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016102638A3

15-10-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018100389A3

12-09-2023 дата публикации

Устройство для определения возможности УЗИ аппарата использовать эффект артефакта мерцания для обнаружения мочевых камней

Номер: RU220404U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине, а именно к возможности определения в лабораторных условиях ультразвукового аппарата определять артефакт мерцания для обнаружения мочевых камней. Устройство представляет собой контейнер размером 4×10×5 см, с толщиной боковых стенок 0,2 см, внутри устройства помещена подложка, изготовленная из силикона на основе платины, размером 10×5×2 см, по центральной линии подложки на расстоянии 2 см друг от друга имеются 3 углубления диаметром 5 мм для фиксации конкрементов, причем на корпусе контейнера размещена система фиксации УЗ-датчика в виде двух зажимов, соединенных друг с другом посредством зубчатого соединения с винтовым колесом. Использование устройства в клинической практике позволит: упростить определение возможностей УЗ-аппаратов по выявлению МА в режиме ЦДК; определить возможность получения артефакта мерцания на ультразвуковом сканере с цветовым допплером; повысить точность диагностики камней мочевыделительной системы, за счет сокращения ложных результатов ...

24-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2689175C2

Группа изобретений относится к ультразвуковым средствам визуализации, более конкретно к ультразвуковым системам и способам визуализации, предназначенным для получения данных во многих плоскостях в режимах одно- и двухплоскостной визуализации в реальном времени. Ультразвуковая система визуализации содержит контроллер, выполненный с возможностью определения количества N из множества плоскостей изображения для сканирования на протяжении области интереса, получения эхоинформации, соответствующей каждой из плоскостей изображения в множестве плоскостей изображения, формирования изобразительной информации для каждой из плоскостей изображения на основании получаемой эхоинформации, сохранения изобразительной информации, соответствующей каждой из плоскостей изображения, в запоминающем устройстве системы, выбора плоскости изображения из множества плоскостей изображений, и отображения ультразвукового изображения, сформированного на основании изобразительной информации для выбранной плоскости изображения ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688316C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам отслеживания проникающего инструмента. Система содержит матрицу интраоперационных измерительных преобразователей, выполненную с возможностью генерировать сигналы из положений в матрице и обеспечивать одно или более изображений целевой области в реальном времени, проникающий инструмент, имеющий тело с по меньшей мере одним датчиком, установленным в целевом положении на теле проникающего инструмента, причем датчик реагирует на сигналы из положений в матрице, модуль обработки сигналов, выполненный с возможностью определять положение и ориентацию проникающего инструмента в соответствии с сигналами из положений в матрице, причем модуль обработки сигналов дополнительно выполнен с возможностью классифицировать среду, в которой позиционировано целевое положение, на основе реакции упомянутого по меньшей мере одного датчика на сигналы из положений в матрице, модуль наложения, выполненный с возможностью генерировать наложенное ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014132547A

... 1. Сдрл свууфидфипоп ви свзу доо повпмипоовууфиптмпосиумиовууфи иотднотмпорудорлпо прлонутд2. Спп 1, дспом пувууфи п ви свзу доо ирур пммч вуом3. Спп 2, дсштш унпомдпрудции4. Спп 3, дск сушшлу сурупукилуфсвлп5. Спп 1, дсмтрдврудсхи иурт6. Спп 5, вкодвтруспмтрдохи ирт ноутру иррунохи ирт7. Сдрл сзу си ип вуидоо впмипоовууфиптмпосиумиовууфиотднотмпо иотддисру8. Спп 7, вкодвпдтруспмтрд иохи ирт ноутру9. Спп 8, вкодвррунохи ирт10. Спп 7, вкодвпмдиспо11. Спп 10, вкодвокпо12. Спп 7, вкодвоопо13. Спп 7, вкодвотв сопо пл14. Чспку си кпвипооэпо впмипоовууфиптмпосиумиовууфиотднотмпо иотддисру15. Чспкупп 14, вкодвпдтруспмтрд иохи ирт ноутру16. Чспкупп 15, вкодвррунохи ирт17. Чспкупп 14, вкодвпмдиспо18. Чспкупп 17, вкодвокпо19. Чспкупп 14, вкодвоопо20. Чспкупп 14, вкодвотв сопо пл21. Слпо ппмипоспвууопии свзуивп мипо пспвууаомипо иоцрвнпоноаомипо22. Спп 21, дппмипопрлспвуупоцрвнэпоиввпл иодцрвнэпоноумипопрл23. Спп 21, дпоцрвнпоноаомиповвсмсоцрвнповтплатпопввпл24. Спп 23, дпаопопввпл25. Спп 21, дпотв ...

17-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2723753C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины. Способ ультразвукового измерения и визуализации упругости биологических тканей в реальном времени, который включает в себя: излучение в биологическую ткань мощного ультразвукового пучка волн в заранее определенном направлении для возбуждения в ткани сдвиговых волн, задание множества направлений зондирования и излучение вдоль каждого из направлений множества зондирующих ультразвуковых импульсов, прием множества ультразвуковых сигналов отклика биологической ткани на множество зондирующих ультразвуковых импульсов, определение с помощью сигналов отклика перемещения тканей, обусловленного распространением сдвиговых волн, во множестве измерительных объемов с разной пространственной локализацией, вычисление по крайней мере одного параметра упругости биологической ткани включая и скорость распространения сдвиговых волн, получения изображения по крайней мере одного параметра упругости биологической ткани, измерение скорости распространения волнового фронта ...

18-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2717205C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для определения эластичности органов. Ультразвуковое устройство для определения эластичности органов содержит ультразвуковой зонд и устройство для генерации механических колебаний. Устройство для генерации механических колебаний для определения эластичности органов содержит генератор колебаний, демпфирующий компонент и компонент давления, демпфирующий компонент зафиксирован между генератором колебаний и компонентом давления и сконфигурирован для создания определенных механических колебаний под воздействием генератора колебаний. Ультразвуковой зонд соединен с компонентом давления. Генератор колебаний сконфигурирован для генерации колебаний при поступлении электрического сигнала от внешнего устройства тогда, когда значение давления, определенное компонентом давления, оказывается в заданном диапазоне. Использование изобретений позволяет повысить безопасность организма при определении эластичности органов. 2 н. и 8 з.п ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: DE102020124443A1

Offenbarte Ausführungsformen schließen Vorrichtungen, Systeme und Verfahren zum Transportieren von Hilfsmitteln durch einen engen Durchgang in einem Körper ein. In einer veranschaulichenden Ausführungsform definiert ein Einführungsrohr darin Lumen und ist dazu konfiguriert, sich durch eine Öffnung und in einen Durchgang zu einem Zielgewebe zu schieben. Eine erste Sonde ist mit einer Stromquelle verbindbar, ist schiebbar durch eines der Lumen aufnehmbar und weist ein distales Ende auf, das in das Zielgewebe eingeführt werden kann. Eine Bildgebungssonde ist mit einer Bildgebungsvorrichtung verbindbar, die dazu konfiguriert ist, Bildgebungsdaten an einem distalen Ende zu sammeln, ist durch eines der Lumen schiebbar, das die erste Sonde nicht aufnimmt, und ist dazu positionierbar, Bildgebungsdaten an einem distalen Ende des Einführungsrohrs zu sammeln. Eine zweite Sonde ist mit der Stromquelle verbindbar, ist schiebbar durch eines der Lumen aufnehmbar, das die erste Sonde nicht aufnimmt, und ...

16-09-2020 дата публикации

Intra-needle ultrasound system and its method of use of analysis, tracking, and display of pleura in millimeter scale resolution

Номер: GB0002582201A

A method for analysing, identifying, tracking, ranging and displaying pleura (which may be either visceral or parietal pleura) breath signal in millimetre-scale resolution, comprises obtaining signals from an ultrasound probe comprising a puncture needle. Each signal comprises an amplitude and an emission-reception time difference. The time differences are transformed into axial distances between tissue interfaces, and the tip of the puncture needle of the ultrasound probe. The distances are used to produce a distance-signal amplitude image. A region of interest is set in the image and dynamic distances between the tip of the needle 301 and the pleura 302 are instantly displayed and tracked. The method may comprise producing a time-varying distance-signal amplitude image (this may be an M-mode ultrasound image) and displaying tip-pleura dynamic distances at least 20 times per second. The puncture needle may relate to the paravertebral region or intercostal region. A warning signal may be ...

21-11-2018 дата публикации

Visualisation system for needling

Номер: GB0002562502A

Scan data representative of an interior portion of a body is received from a scanning portion S200-S202; a first set of positional and orientational data of at least one user is received and a second set in relation the scanning portion is received; rendered views are generated based on the scan, positional, and orientational data S204-S214; the rendered views are modified based on a user input and combined into a scene for display S216. The scan data may be three-dimensional ultrasound data and the system may further comprise a needle. The system may enable a surgeon to identify the position of a needle and the position of organs whilst performing a procedure. A support portion may support and move the scanning potion. The scene may be displayed on at least one headset; a rendered view may be generated for each of a plurality of headsets based on their respective positional data.

24-07-2019 дата публикации

Alignment of ultrasound image

Номер: GB0201908052D0

15-11-2020 дата публикации

Method for evaluating attenuated measurement signals

Номер: AT0000522510A2

Es wird ein Verfahren zur Auswertung von gedämpften Messsignalen einer unter einer Probenoberfläche (1) angeordneten abzubildenden Struktur (4) mit einem die Probenoberfläche (1) aufnehmenden Detektor (2) und einer Auswerteeinheit (7) zum Auswerten der von der abzubildenden Struktur (4) aufgenommenen Messsignale (6) beschrieben. Um ein Verfahren der eingangs beschriebenen Art so auszugestalten, dass die Auswerteeinheit (7) das von dem Detektor (2) aufgenommene, zeitdiskrete Messsignal einliest und die Auswerteeinheit (7) zuerst den durch das Durchlaufen des zeitdiskreten Messsignal von der abzubildenden Struktur (4) bis zur Probenoberfläche (1) verursachten Informationsverlust über eine Dämpfungsmatrix durch einen iterativen Auswertealgorithmus rekonstruiert und das so rekonstruierte Messsignal als ideales Signal, das eine Lösung der Wellengleichung ist, anschließend einer bildgebenden Vorrichtung zugeführt wird.

15-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000331465T

15-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019200271A1

Systems and methods can include a system for positioning an ultrasound probe proximal to anatomy of a patient on a radiation couch including a substantially planar base including engagement features to directly or indirectly index the substantially planar base to the radiation couch and a centrally located guide extending longitudinally along a top side of the base, a probe holder, configured to be coupled to, to translate longitudinally, and to be user accessed and user-controlled from within, a central region of the substantially planar base, a clamp, configured to localize the probe holder at a specified location along a translation path in the central region of the substantially planar base, leg supports shaped to accommodate a patient's legs from behind, the pair of leg supports being shaped and arranged to provide a space therebetween that can accommodate an ultrasound probe holder. Attorney Docket No. 4186.025US1 39 SERIAL NO.: 15/898,486 DOCKET NO.: 4186.025US1 REPLACEMENT SHEET ...

19-12-2019 дата публикации

Transperineal stepper including rotatable transducer probe and shaft with internal cable

Номер: AU2018263573A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A device includes an ultrasound probe including an elongated neck insertable in a patient and rotatable around a first longitudinal axis, an ultrasound transducer, and an elongated body rotatable around a second longitudinal axis that is parallel to and offset from the first longitudinal axis. The elongated body is removably attached to a probe mounting structure. A shaft is attached to the probe mounting structure, where rotation of the shaft causes corresponding rotation of the probe mounting structure and the attached elongated body of the ultrasound probe. The shaft defines a longitudinal shaft channel in an interior portion and a longitudinal shaft groove extending from a surface of the shaft to the longitudinal shaft channel. A cable is insertable into the longitudinal shaft channel through the longitudinal shaft groove, and enters an internal channel of the ultrasound probe through the longitudinal shaft channel enabling electrical connection with the ultrasound transducer.

25-03-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for characterization of acute otitis media

Номер: AU2016292652B2

An ultrasound signal processor uses an excitation generator to cause displacement of a tympanic membrane while a series of ultrasound pulses are applied to the tympanic membrane. Phase differences between a transmitted signal and received signal are examined to determine the movement of the tympanic membrane in response to the applied excitation. An examination of the phase response of the tympanic membrane provides a determination as to whether the fluid type behind the tympanic membrane is one of: no fluid, serum fluid, or purulent fluid.

04-04-2019 дата публикации

System and method for echogenically enhancing nerve fibers using targeted metallic particles

Номер: AU2016426136A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present invention is directed to a system and method for echogenically enhancing a target site within a patient during a medical procedure. The system includes an imaging system having a display for viewing the target site, a plurality of metallic particles configured to selectively target and bind to one or more locations at the target site, and a delivery mechanism for delivering the plurality of metallic particles into the patient towards the target site. As such, the method includes delivering, via the delivery mechanism, the plurality of metallic particles into the patient and allowing the metallic particles to selectively target and bind to the target site. The method also includes viewing, via a display of an imaging system, the target site with the plurality of metallic particles bound thereto.

22-07-2021 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for characterization of acute otitis media

Номер: AU2021204341A1

Abstract An ultrasound signal processor uses an excitation generator to cause displacement of a tympanic membrane while a series of ultrasound pulses are applied to the tympanic membrane. Phase differences between a transmitted signal and received signal are examined to determine the movement of the tympanic membrane in response to the applied excitation. An examination of the phase response of the tympanic membrane provides a determination as to whether the fluid type behind the tympanic membrane is one of: no fluid, serum fluid, or purulent fluid. WO 2017011035 PCTUS2I6/019432 o 00 _ rCN U- N o p E 0 -1 C, 0 L F- CC Cf -L o M 4) C) o00 o c: tot ry n ...

02-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767566C

Radiation treatment is delivered to a patient by positioning the patient such that a radiation beam is delivered to a lesion within the patient along a beam-delivery path while securing a diagnostic imaging device about the patient such that the diagnostic imaging device does not intersect the beam-delivery path. Radiation therapy is simultaneously delivered along the beam-delivery path while diagnostic images are obtained using the imaging device.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3120586A1

A histotripsy therapy system configured for the treatment of tissue is provided, which may include any number of features. Provided herein are systems and methods that provide efficacious non-invasive and minimally invasive therapeutic, diagnostic and research procedures. In particular, provided herein are optimized systems and methods that provide targeted, efficacious histotripsy in a variety of different regions and under a variety of different conditions without causing undesired tissue damage to intervening/non-target tissues or structures.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003004745A1

Disclosed are methods of delivering an agent to the lumen of the vas deferens under guidance of ultrasound imaging. The methods include vas-occlusive contraception in which the vas deferens is non-surgically isolated and an occlusive substance is percutaneously administered into the lumen of the vas deferens under ultrasound. Also disclosed are methods of reversal of vas-occlusive contraception and methods of delivering an agent to the lumen of the vas deferens. Also disclosed are compositions for use in the methods of the invention.

23-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3016581C

An ultrasonic device and a device for generating a mechanical vibration. The ultrasonic device comprises an ultrasonic probe and the device for generating a mechanical vibration. The device for generating a mechanical vibration comprises a vibration generator (1), a damping assembly (2), and a pressure assembly (3). The damping assembly (2) is fixed between the vibration generator (1) and the pressure assembly (3), and the ultrasonic probe is connected to the pressure assembly (3). The vibration generator (1) is used for generating a vibration when a pressure value detected by the pressure assembly (3) reaches a preset range. The ultrasonic probe of the ultrasonic device makes contact with the skin surface corresponding to an organ to be detected and applies a downward pressure to the skin surface, the device for generating a mechanical vibration generates mechanical vibration outside the organ to be detected, and accordingly organ elasticity detection can be carried out by carrying out ...

26-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3132063A1

The present disclosure relates generally to medical imaging devices, such as a real-time visualization and diagnostic and/or therapeutic tool assembly, which may include an ergonomic handle and catheter configured for dual-function use during a medical procedure. By way of non-limiting example, the medical device may be configured for use with a probe, such as one disposed at the distal end of the catheter, and delivered within a bronchoscope working channel to provide real-time visualization (e.g., radial ultrasound imaging) and manipulation (e.g., diagnostic biopsy sampling) of pulmonary nodules in peripheral regions of the lung. As disclosed herein, in various embodiments, one or more components of the medical imaging device may be configured to position a catheter with a first tool/instrument (e.g., a biopsy needle) within a peripheral region of the lung while maintaining real-time visualization of the pulmonary nodule (e.g., with a second tool/instrument, such as a radial ultrasound ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003064616A1
Принадлежит: SMART & BIGGAR LLP

Ultrasound devices configured to perform high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) are described. An ultrasound device may include HIFU units configured to emit high acoustic intensities. Multiple ultrasound devices may be disposed on a substrate, which may be configured to be flexed so that the direction of emission of the ultrasound devices can be mechanically controlled. Additionally, or alternatively, the ultrasound beams produced by different ultrasound devices may be electronically oriented by adjusting the phases of the signals with which each element of a device is driven. For example, multiple phased arrays of ultrasound devices may be used to concentrate ultrasound energy into a desired location. In some embodiments, the time at which different ultrasound signals are emitted may be controlled, for example to ensure that the combined signal has at least a desired intensity.

12-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002543077A1

03-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002949534A1

A sensor of a maternal and fetal monitoring device is disclosed. The sensor includes a signal processor configured to transmit ultrasound beam on to a portion of a subject. Reflected ultrasound signals are received from the subject. These reflected ultrasound signals are processed to generate one or more of processed fetal information and processed maternal information. The sensor also includes a wireless module configured to communicate with a remote ultrasound processing system. The wireless module streams the processed fetal information and the processed maternal information to be stored in the remote processing subsystem.

06-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002972419A1

Embodiments described herein include apparatus that includes an electrical interface and a processor. The processor is configured to receive, via the electrical interface, a first signal that indicates a time-varying force that was applied to a portion of tissue, and one or more second signals that are derived from ultrasound reflections received from the portion of tissue. The processor is further configured to learn, from the first signal and the second signals, a dependency of a thickness of the portion of tissue on the force applied to the portion of tissue. Other embodiments are also described.

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002985061A1

The invention relates to a spinal navigation method. The method comprises the steps of providing a MRI, X-ray or CT based two-dimensional image of the spine of a subject and generating an ultrasound two-dimensional image using an ultrasound imaging device on the spine of said subject. Further, the method comprises the steps of matching the ultrasound two-dimensional image to the MRI, X-ray or CT based two-dimensional image, and relating a pre-specified segment of a spinal profile in the MRI, X-ray or CT based two- dimensional image to a corresponding segment in the ultrasound two- dimensional image.

26-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002921665A1

Techniques for assessing a tissue condition and diagnosing, assessing the prognosis of, or the risk for pathological conditions are disclosed. The technique may comprise an image acquiring module adapted to receive an image comprising at least a portion of animal or human tissue, a delineation module adapted to indicate an analysis zone in said acquired image, a feature extraction module adapted to extract quantitative information from said analysis zone and a machine learning module adapted to receive said extracted information and apply at least one detection algorithm to assess a condition of said tissue. The feature extractor module may comprise at least a rotation compensation module to compensate for the rotation of the analysis zone.

15-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002890727A1

The invention generally relates to a continuous anesthesia nerve conduction apparatus and method thereof, and more particularly to a method and system for use in administering a continuous flow or intermittent bolus of anesthetic agent to facilitate a continuous or prolonged nerve block. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a sheath having a proximal end, a distal end and at least one lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end. The sheath also includes an embedded conductive element for transmitting an electrical signal from a proximal portion of the sheath to a distal portion of the sheath. A cannula is arranged in the at least one lumen of the sheath and has a distal end protruding from a distal portion of the sheath. The cannula is electrically coupled to at least a portion of the embedded conductive element and is configured to provide nerve stimulation.

30-12-2003 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002280792C

An excisional biopsy device includes a tubular member having a window near a distal tip thereof; a cutting tool, a distal end of the cutting tool being attached near the distal tip of the tubular member, at least a distal portion of the cutting tool being configured to selectively bow out of the window and to retract within the window; and a tissue collection device externally attached at least to the tubular member, the tissue collection device collecting tissue excised by the cutting tool as the biopsy device is rotated and the cutting tool is bowed. An excisional biopsy method for soft tissue includes the steps of inserting a generally tubular member into the tissue, the tubular member including a cutting tool adapted to selectively bow away from the tubular member and an external tissue collection device near a distal tip of the tubular member; rotating the tubular member; selectively varying a degree of bowing of the cutting tool; collecting tissue severed by the cutting tool in the ...

15-03-2023 дата публикации

Verfahren zur Bestimmung desLeistungs-und/oder Ernährungszustands eines menschlichen Probanden auf der Grundlage der Unterhautfettgewebeverteilung.

Номер: CH0000718947A2

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung des Leistungszustands und/oder Ernährungszustand eines menschlichen Probanden auf der Grundlage der Unterhautfettgewebeverteilung. Dabei wird in einem ersten Schritt a) für eine Rumpfmessung die Schichtdicke des Unterhautfettgewebes in der Bauchregion bestimmt. In einem zweiten Schritt b) wird für eine Extremitätenmessung die Schichtdicke des Unterhautfettgewebes in der in der Region am Oberschenkel oder am Trizeps bestimmt. In einem dritten Schritt c) werden für die Rumpfmessung und für die Extremitätenmessung anhand eines Referenzdatensatzes die Perzentile bestimmt. In einem vierten Schritt d) werden die Perzentile der Rumpfmessung und der Extremitätenmessung in ein orthogonales Koordinatensystem(27)eingetragen, wobei durch Eintragen des Perzentils der Rumpfmessung entlang der Y-Achse und des Perzentils der Extremitätenmessung entlang der X-Achse ein erster Datenpunkt generiert wird. In einem fünften Schritt wird der Leistungszustands ...

10-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: UA0000120644C2

18-07-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic imaging device, ultrasonic imaging method and program for ultrasonic imaging

Номер: CN102596050A

Provided is an ultrasonic imaging device capable of identifying a noise region in which the echo signal is weak. A reference frame and a comparison frame are selected from an image having two or more frames obtained by processing a received signal. A region of interest is set in the reference frame, a search region wider than the region of interest is set in the comparison frame, a plurality of candidate regions that are candidates for the destination of movement of the region of interest are set in the search region, the similarity between image characteristic values within the region of interest and within the candidate region is calculated for each of the candidate regions, and the similarity distribution over the entire search region is found. Consequently, it becomes possible to identify, on the basis of the similarity distribution, whether the region of interest is a noise region. For example, a statistic for comparing the minimum value of the similarity and all values of the similarity ...

29-08-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002991807B1

19-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003003154A1

Une fraction de matières grasses est estimée (40) à partir d'une propagation d'onde de cisaillement. Une force de radiation acoustique est utilisée pour générer une onde de cisaillement dans un tissu d'intérêt. L'atténuation, la fréquence centrale, la largeur de bande ou autre caractéristique non de vitesse de l'onde de cisaillement est calculée (34) et utilisée pour estimer (40) la fraction de matières grasses.

05-11-2018 дата публикации

Номер: KR0101915254B1

17-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR0101502964B1

24-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020160100885A

A system for determining the type of tissue of a patient by using CT images photographed in energy bands having different tube voltages with respect to the patient, which is provided as an embodiment of the present invention, comprises: an image receiving part for obtaining a first image with respect to a patient in a first energy band and obtaining a second image with respect to the patient in a second energy band; and an analysis and diagnosis aid information providing part for estimating the density of x-rays with respect to respective inspected areas in the first image and the second image, estimating a low tube voltage to a high tube voltage ratio (LHR) based on the estimated density value of x-rays, and determining the type of tissue in the inspected areas depending on the estimated ratio. COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016 (AA) Start (BB) End (S110) Obtain dual energy clinical images (S120) Calculate the HU values of the first energy band image and the second energy band image (S130) Calculate ...

25-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020200132121A

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Ultrasound imaging breast tumor detection system and its method

Номер: TW0201402074A

This invention relates to an ultrasound imaging breast tumor detection system and its method. The invention is to acquire a plurality of three-dimensional breast ultrasound images and use a mean shift algorithm to cut the breast ultrasound images into a plurality of small areas, and acquire a mean grayscale value from each area, then the corresponding areas are categorized according to the grades of their mean grayscale values. The area with lowest grade is considered as a suspicious tumor area. The area with lowest grade is combined with at least one adjacent area having similar properties to form a completed area of suspicious tumor tissue. The tumor characteristics of the completed area of suspicious tumor tissue is analyzed to judge whether it is a tumor tissue or a non-tumor tissue. Since the invention uses areas as basic computing units, it is capable of quickly detecting tumor tissues from the breast ultrasound images.

18-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: WO2012142223A1

An ablation catheter with acoustic monitoring comprises an elongated catheter body; a distal member disposed adjacent a distal end and including an ablation element to ablate a biological member at a target region outside the catheter body; and one or more acoustic transducers (5) each configured to direct an acoustic beam (6) toward a respective target ablation region and receive reflection echoes therefrom. The distal member includes a transducer housing in which the acoustic transducers (5a, 5b) are disposed, the transducer housing including at least one transducer window which is the only portion in the distal member through which the acoustic beam passes, at least the at least one transducer window portion of the distal member being made of a material (5c) comprising at least 50% carbon by volume, the transducer window material (5c) having an acoustic impedance between that of the acoustic transducers and that of the biological member.

01-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: WO2006057740A2

A method for determining a candidate lesion region within an ultrasound image. The method includes the steps of: accessing a digital ultrasound image of anatomical tissue; segmenting spatially contiguous pixels in the ultrasound image into a plurality of regions in accordance with substantially similar intensity values and spatial smoothness constraints; and selecting, from the plurality of regions, one or more candidate lesion regions having an intensity value lower than a pre-determined intensity value. In one arrangement, the one or more candidate lesion region is classified into at least one of the following classes: benign, malignant, or unknown.

13-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011003202A1

Radiation treatment is delivered to a patient by positioning the patient such that a radiation beam is delivered to a lesion within the patient along a beam-delivery path while securing a diagnostic imaging device about the patient such that the diagnostic imaging device does not intersect the beam-delivery path. Radiation therapy is simultaneously delivered along the beam-delivery path while diagnostic images are obtained using the imaging device.

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: WO2013158080A1

Embodiments provided herein generally relate to electrical stimulation enhanced ultrasound. In some embodiments, a device for ultrasound imaging is provided and includes an ultrasound head and an electrical stimulator. Ultrasound images can be taken before, during, and/or after electrical stimulation to determine if the ultrasound characteristics of a tissue have changed due to the electrical stimulation.

22-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210220056A1

The present invention relates to a device for providing information about a biopsy taking process configured to operate in conjunction with a biopsy taking device (7), the device (1) for providing information about the biopsy taking process comprising: an image acquisition device (6) for acquiring image frames of live anatomy being biopsied, the image acquisition device comprising an electronic processing device (3), a trigger element (2); and a memory (8), preferably being part of the image acquisition device; wherein the trigger element (2) is configured to generate a trigger event to trigger the biopsy taking device (7) for taking a biopsy sample from a biopsy location (9) in said anatomy, and to trigger the image acquisition device (6); and wherein the electronic processing device (3) is configured to: detect the trigger event, upon detection of the trigger event, to select a trigger image frame acquired by the image acquisition device (6) at a predefined point in time after the trigger ...

30-05-2017 дата публикации

Device and method for heat-sensitive agent application

Номер: US0009662165B2
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A method of directing energy to tissue includes the initial steps of determining target tissue location and/or target tissue margins, positioning an ablation device for delivery of energy to target tissue, and introducing a material having a shape into a tissue region to be monitored. The material is adapted to change echogenic properties in response to heat. The method also includes the steps of applying energy to the ablation device, monitoring the material on a monitor, determining an echogenic response of the material, and terminating ablation if it is determined that the echogenic response of the material is outside a predetermined target tissue threshold.

28-11-2019 дата публикации

System and Method for In Situ Visualization of Nerves Using Targeted Flourescent Molecules

Номер: US2019357772A1

The present invention is directed to a system and method for enhancing in situ visualization of a target site within a patient during a medical procedure using fluorescence. As such, the system includes a plurality of fluorescent molecules configured to selectively target and bind to one or more locations at the target site within the patient and a delivery mechanism for delivering the fluorescent molecules into the patient. In addition, the system includes a detection device configured to generate a detectable signal containing information relating to the target site and send the detectable signal to an imaging system for viewing by a user, such as a physician. Thus, the fluorescent molecules enhance in situ visualization of the target site when viewed through the skin of the patient.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009076A1

A method is provided including identifying a subject as being at risk of cognitive decline due to cardiac surgery. The method further includes implanting at least one neural stimulator in a vicinity of a sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) of the subject, and applying stimulation to the SPG by activating the neural stimulator at least during the cardiac surgery. Other applications are also described.

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081137A1

An ultrasound diagnostic apparatus is provided. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus includes a physical quantity calculating unit configured to set correlation windows to two echo signals different in time from each other on the same sound ray, and perform a correlation computation to calculate a physical quantity related to elasticity. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus further includes a computing unit configured to compute a computed value from a computational equation, the computed value emphasizing parameter characteristics of a cyst in a biological tissue, the computational equation using at least two of the following three parameters: an absolute value of the physical quantity, a correlation coefficient related to the correlation computation, and an intensity of each echo signal of ultrasound obtained from the biological tissue. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus further includes a display unit configured to display an image having a display form corresponding to the computed value.

03-05-2016 дата публикации

Diagnostic support apparatus and diagnostic support method

Номер: US0009330455B2

The diagnostic support apparatus includes a feature quantity calculation unit vectorizing a test image into shift-invariant feature quantities, a base representation unit transforming the shift-invariant feature quantities of the test image into a linear combination of base vectors with first coefficients, the base vectors being calculated from a plurality of vectors representing shift-invariant feature quantities of a plurality of normal structural images including no lesion site, a lesion determination unit determining that the test image includes a lesion site when a difference between the first coefficients and second coefficients is greater than a determination threshold value, the second coefficients being used to transform shift-invariant feature quantities calculated from one of the normal structural images into a linear combination of the base vectors, and an output unit outputting a result of the determination by the lesion determination unit.

26-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190388061A1

Provided are an ultrasound diagnosis apparatus for displaying shear wave data relating to an object and an operation method thereof. The ultrasound diagnosis apparatus includes a processor configured to obtain the shear wave data of the object with respect to each of a plurality of cross sections spaced apart by a predetermined distance and set a region of interest (ROI) in a reference cross section among the plurality of cross sections; and a display displaying a graphic user interface (GUI) representing shear wave data of a region corresponding to a same location as that of the ROI in the plurality of cross sections along a depth direction.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Plaque Vulnerability Assessment in Medical Imaging

Номер: US20200015758A1

Rather than rely on variation from physician to physician and limited imaging information for assessing plaque vulnerability of a patient, medical imaging and other information are used by a machine-implemented classifier to predict plaque rupture. Anatomical, morphological, hemodynamic, and biochemical features are used in combination to classify plaque.

03-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160317224A1

Disclosed are systems for performing a microwave ablation procedure comprising an ablation probe, an electromagnetic tracking system configured to track the location of the ablation probe inside a patient's body while the ablation probe is navigated inside the patient's body, an ultrasound imager configured to generate real-time ultrasound images, and a computing device configured to display guidance for navigating the ablation probe to at least one ablation target within the patient's body, display the tracked location of the ablation probe on the real-time ultrasound images based on the tracked location of the ablation probe inside the patient's body, iteratively update the displayed location of the ablation probe as the location of the ablation probe is tracked while the ablation probe is navigated inside the patient's body, and display guidance for ablating the at least one target when the ablation probe is navigated proximate to the at least one target.

28-01-2020 дата публикации

Respiratory motion compensation for four-dimensional computed tomography imaging using ultrasound

Номер: US0010546397B2

A method for determining a surrogate respiratory signal for four-dimensional computed tomography using ultrasound data includes acquiring computed tomography data with a computed tomography imaging system (402), acquiring ultrasound data with an ultrasound probe of an ultrasound imaging system (404) concurrently with acquiring the computed tomography data during one or more respiratory cycles, wherein the ultrasound probe is aligned to acquire an image of a diaphragm of a subject, synchronizing the acquired computed tomography data and the acquired ultrasound data, and determining a surrogate respiratory signal from the acquired ultrasound data.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200178933A1
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

There are provided an acoustic wave diagnostic apparatus and a control method of an acoustic wave diagnostic apparatus capable of easily performing measurement and preventing differences in measurement results by users. An ultrasound diagnostic apparatus includes: a display unit that displays an acquired acoustic wave image; a measurement target determination unit that determines a measurement target included in the acoustic wave image displayed on the display unit; a measurement algorithm setting unit that sets a measurement algorithm based on the measurement target; and a measurement unit that measures the measurement target in the acoustic wave image based on the measurement algorithm set by the measurement algorithm setting unit and displays a measurement result on the display unit.

26-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140180058A1

Nonlinear elastography systems and methods are provided. The elastography system includes a data acquisition module, such as an imaging device, and associated system control circuitry. The data acquisition module is configured to acquire various data, such as displacement and/or force data, from a material. A nonlinear transfer function is applied to the acquired data to generate information about the material's stiffness. In one implementation, a map representative of the material's stiffness is generated.

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Stone identification methods and systems

Номер: US0010646187B2

Aspects of stone identification methods and systems are described. According to one aspect, an exemplary method comprises: transmitting to a processing unit, with an imaging element mounted on a distal end of a scope, image data about a stone object inside a body cavity; generating from the image data, with the processing unit, a visual representation of the stone object and the body cavity; establishing from a user input, with the processing unit, a scale for the visual representation; determining from the visual representation, with the processing unit, a size of the stone object on the scale; comparing, with the processing unit, the size of the stone object with a predetermined maximum size to determine a removal status; and augmenting, with the processing unit, the visual representation to include an indicator responsive to the removal status. Associated systems are also described.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007710A1

A system may include an ultrasound probe and a controller unit configured to communicate with the ultrasound probe. The controller unit may be further configured to select an aiming mode for an ultrasound probe; detect a target of interest; determine a centroid for the detected target of interest; display a center indicator based on the determined centroid; detect that the center indicator is within a threshold number of pixels or distance of a centerline of a field of view of the ultrasound probe; and highlight the generated center indicator, in response to detecting that the center indicator is within the threshold number of pixels or distance of the centerline. 1. A method performed by a computing device , the method comprising:selecting, by the computing device, an aiming mode for an ultrasound probe;detecting, by the computing device, a target of interest;determining, by the computing device, a centroid for the detected target of interest;displaying, by the computing device, a center indicator based on the determined centroid;detecting, by the computing device, that the center indicator is within a threshold number of pixels or distance of a centerline of a field of view of the ultrasound probe; andhighlighting, by the computing device, the generated center indicator, in response to detecting that the center indicator is within the threshold number of pixels or distance of the centerline.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:display an area indicator for the target of interest.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:determining an area for the detected target of interest; andtracking the area for the detected target of interest, wherein the displayed area indicator does not change in size as the tracked area for the detected target of interest changes.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising:tracking the area for the detected target of interest to determine a current area;determining that the current area corresponds to a maximum area; ...

19-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200359990A1

Ultrasound image devices, systems, and methods are provided. In one embodiment, an ultrasound device includes a first ultrasound component (210) configured to generate a first signal representative of a subjects anatomy along a first axis; a second ultrasound component (220) configured to generate a second signal representative of the subjects anatomy along a second axis, the first axis disposed at an angle with respect to the second axis; and a processing component (420) in communication with the first ultrasound component and the second ultrasound component, the processing component configured to determine an orientation of the ultrasound device with respect to the subjects anatomy based on the first signal and the second signal. In one embodiment, the processing component is further configured to indicate, via visual indicators (132, 240) on the ultrasound device, a direction to orient the ultrasound device based on the determined orientation for aligning the ultrasound device with the ...

21-09-2017 дата публикации

Alert assistance for survey mode ultrasound imaging

Номер: US20170265846A1

For alert assistance for an ultrasound scanner, computer-assisted detection is applied as the patient is scanned. The user may be notified of any detected objects so that the user gathers more information when appropriate. An automated system may be configured to return to scan any detected objects. Information is gathered as part of the work flow for that given examination of the patient based on the detection. A mechanical property of the object is derived from the extra information, resulting in further information that may be used to avoid a return visit and/or increase sensitivity in survey mode scans.

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220293243A1

Provided are systems and methods for analyzing sonograms of abdomen to identify presence or absence of free fluid in the abdomen. The systems and methods are useful for performing or assisting with point of care diagnosis of presence of internal bleeding in trauma patients without requiring input from a radiologist or another clinician trained to analyze sonograms for presence or absence of free fluid. Also provided are methods and system for training a medical imaging system for analyzing sonograms of abdomen to identify presence or absence of free fluid in the abdomen.

29-12-2022 дата публикации

Intraoperative Ultrasound Probe System and Related Methods

Номер: US20220409289A1

An intraoperative ultrasound imaging system and method capable of using ultrasound imaging to safely place a surgical access instrument (e.g. guide wire, dilator, cannula, etc.) through a tissue (e.g., muscle, fat, brain, liver, lung, etc.) without damaging nearby neurovascular structure is described herein. The intraoperative ultrasound system includes an ultrasound probe assembly configured for emitting and receiving ultrasound waves and a computer system including a processor and a display unit. Once the probe is in position, ultrasound imaging is performed wherein the computer receives RF data from the probe and causes a B-mode image of the visible anatomical structures (e.g. muscle, bone, etc.) to be displayed on the display unit.

24-05-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for adaptive enhancement of vascular imaging

Номер: US0011341633B2

An ultrasound system (100) includes an ultrasound transducer, a processing circuit (210, 300), and a display. The ultrasound transducer is configured to detect ultrasound information regarding a patient and output the ultrasound information as an ultrasound data sample. The processing circuit (210, 300) is configured to segment the ultrasound data sample into a binary image including at least one first region and at least one second region, obtain a first location of a first vascular feature of the binary image based on a boundary between the at least one first region and the at least one second region, and modify the binary image based on the first location of the first vascular feature. The first vascular feature is associated with an intima media thickness. The display is configured to display the modified image.

08-03-2000 дата публикации

Excisional biopsy devices and methods

Номер: EP0000983749A3

An excisional biopsy device (100) includes a tubular member (110) having a window (120) near a distal tip (115) thereof; a cutting tool (125), a distal end of the cutting tool being attached near the distal tip of the tubular member, at least a distal portion of the cutting tool (125) being configured to selectively bow out of the window and to retract within the window; and a tissue collection device (260) externally attached at least to the tubular member, the tissue collection device collecting tissue excised by the cutting tool as the biopsy device is rotated and the cutting tool is bowed. An excisional biopsy method for soft tissue includes the steps of inserting a generally tubular member into the tissue, the tubular member including a cutting tool adapted to selectively bow away from the tubular member and an external tissue collection device near a distal tip of the tubular member; rotating the tubular member; selectively varying a degree of bowing of the cutting tool; collecting ...

26-10-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP3157438B1
Принадлежит: The Technology Partnership PLC

13-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: EP4289365A1

An ultrasound system (10) includes a single transducer (14). The single transducer (14) includes a flexible substrate (48). The single transducer (14) also includes an array of transducer elements (52) disposed on the flexible substrate (48) and configured to be disposed on an abdomen of a subject having one or more fetuses disposed within a single uterus and to acquire scan data. The ultrasound system (10) also includes a processor (44) coupled to the single transducer (14) and configured to receive the scan data and to determine a respective fetal heart rate of each fetus of the one or more fetuses based on the scan data.

07-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2663649C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средстам формирования ультразвуковых трехмерных изображений. Ультразвуковая система формирования изображения для обследования объекта в объеме содержит зонд получения ультразвуковых изображений, содержащий отслеживающее устройство положения зонда и предоставления положения точки наблюдения трехмерных ультразвуковых изображений, и процессор изображений, сконфигурированный для приема множества трехмерных ультразвуковых изображений и их соответствующих положений точки обзора и проведения сегментации объекта одновременно из множества трехмерных ультразвуковых изображений. Способ предоставления ультразвукового изображения осуществляется посредством системы, содержащей также машиночитаемый носитель, хранящий компьютерную программу выполнения этапов способа предоставления ультразвукового изображения объекта в объеме. Использование изобретений позволяет расширить арсенал средств для автоматизированной сегментации и регистрации трехмерных ...

04-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615284C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к челюстно-лицевой хирургии, и может быть использовано для лечения инфантильных гемангиом челюстно-лицевой области у детей. Для этого перорально вводят пропранолол в начальной дозировке 1 мг/кг/сутки. Дополнительно проводят три склерозирования гемангиомы смесью 70% этилового спирта и 2% раствора лидокаина в соотношении 2:1 с периодичностью 1 раз в 3 дня. Курс склерозирования повторяют 1 раз в месяц до этапа регресса гемангиомы, который фиксируют по результатам антропометрии, визуальной оценки и результатам УЗИ гемангиомы. Способ обеспечивает сокращение среднего числа сеансов лечения, необходимых для регресса гемангиомы, при снижении осложнений, простоте и малоинвазивности лечения. 1 пр.

21-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2636262C2

Использование: для обработки ультразвуковых данных. Сущность изобретения заключается в том, что для обработки ультразвуковых данных выполняют этапы, на которых: получают ультразвуковое изображение в В-режиме; определяют первую область, представляющую интерес, на ультразвуковом изображении, полученном в В-режиме, в соответствии с первым вводом, принятым от пользователя; измеряют данные, связанные с эластичностью, для первой области, представляющей интерес, с использованием метода ультразвуковой визуализации поперечных волн; генерируют вторую область, представляющую интерес, на ультразвуковом изображении, полученном в В-режиме, на основе первой области, представляющей интерес; и извлекают признаки изображения, представляющие анатомическую информацию, для второй области, представляющей интерес, из ультразвукового изображения, полученного в В-режиме. Технический результат: повышение качества ультразвуковой визуализации. 4 н. и 8 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

02-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2715598C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам измерения ригидности или эластичности ткани с использованием сдвиговых волн. Ультразвуковая система содержит зонд и передающий формирователь луча с заданным числом каналов передачи, в зонде расположена матрица ультразвуковых преобразователей, имеющая некоторое число преобразовательных элементов, превышающее упомянутое заданное число, и коммутатор-мультиплексор, подсоединенный между каналами передачи формирователя луча и элементами матрицы преобразователей и выполненный с возможностью избирательного соединения каждого из заданного числа каналов передачи с преобразовательными элементами на передающих апертурах толкающего импульса, причем система выполнена с возможностью передачи толкающих импульсов одновременно, когда каналы передачи формирователя луча соединены с преобразовательными элементами передающих апертур. Способ работы ультразвуковой системы для измерения сдвиговых волн включает в себя замыкание переключателей ...

04-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2702090C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к использованию визуализации для пространственного отображения эластичности. Ультразвуковое эластографическое устройство визуализации содержит ультразвуковой сканер и процессор эластографии сдвиговой волны, выполненный с возможностью управления работой ультразвукового сканера для опрашивания целевой среды и формирования предварительной карты пространственного распределения эластичности, основанной по меньшей мере частично на результате опрашивания, причем процессор эластографии сдвиговой волны дополнительно выполнен с возможностью определения калиброванной карты пространственного распределения эластичности посредством калибровки предварительной карты пространственного распределения эластичности по эталонной карте пространственного распределения эластичности, содержащей набор разных значений эластичности, соответствующих эталонной среде, которая не является упомянутой целевой средой и не располагается в ней. Аппарат для визуализации ...

22-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2703894C2

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к диагностике, и может быть использовано при неинвазивном оптическом in-vivo измерении свойств протекающей крови в кровеносном сосуде внутри тела для определения концентрации компонентов крови и/или температуры. Для этого, проводят маркирование кровеносного сосуда посредством облучения ультразвуковым излучением с ультразвуковой частотой (f). Область тела с кровеносным сосудом освещают световым излучением по меньшей мере с одной длиной волны. Регистрируют детектором обратно рассеянное световое излучение. С помощью блока обработки из измеренного на детекторе сигнала выделяют указанную часть сигнала, модулированную со сдвинутой частотой (f), определяемой на основании того, что световое излучение, которое состоит из излучения, обратно рассеянного из тела вне кровеносного сосуда, является модулированным с частотой (f), которая соответствует частоте (f) ультразвукового излучения. При этом световое излучение, которое состоит из излучения, обратно рассеянного ...

21-07-2021 дата публикации

Способ хирургического лечения рака щитовидной железы при тиреотоксикозе

Номер: RU2751971C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии и онкологии, и может быть использовано для хирургического лечения рака щитовидной железы при тиреотоксикозе. Выполняют УЗИ щитовидной железы (ЩЖ). Пациенту с диффузно-узловом токсическом зобом выполняют ТАБ, а у пациента с диффузным токсическим зобом интраоперационно берут ткань на патогистологическое исследование. При установлении одной из форм дифференцированного рака щитовидной железы осуществляют оперативное лечение: удаление активно функционирующей доли щитовидной железы при диффузно-узловом токсическом зобе или полное удаление щитовидной железы при диффузном токсическом зобе. Операцию проводят в условиях нейромониторинга возвратного гортанного и блуждающего нерва. Способ позволяет повысить точность выбора объективной оперативной тактики при дифференцированном РЩЖ в сочетании с тиреотоксикозом, повысить эффективность хирургического лечения, определить планируемый исход и оптимальный объем операции рака ЩЖ при тиреотоксикозе, определить ...

19-08-2024 дата публикации


Номер: RU2825053C1
Принадлежит: АйЭмДжиТи КО., ЛТД. (KR)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Устройство для механической абляции мягкой ткани фокусированным ультразвуком содержащее: генератор импульсов, преобразователь фокусированного ультразвука для излучения фокусированного ультразвукового сигнала в мягкую ткань, датчик кавитации для обнаружения кавитационного сигнала и процессор для анализа кавитационного сигнала и для настройки по меньшей мере одного из времени излучения или частоты фокусированного ультразвукового сигнала. Способ для механической абляции мягкой ткани фокусированным ультразвуком с применением устройства, при этом способ содержит этапы, на которых: генерируют и передают сгенерированный фокусированный ультразвуковой сигнал в преобразователь фокусированного ультразвука; определяют первый режим излучения; излучают фокусированный ультразвуковой сигнал; обнаруживают кавитационный сигнал датчиком кавитации; анализируют значение обнаруженной кавитации при первоначальном излучении сигнала в первую область, определяют следует ли ...

18-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2717206C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам для проведения мгновенной эластографии. Ультразвуковой датчик содержит матрицу ультразвуковых преобразователей, сконфигурированную для передачи и приема ультразвуковых волн, проводящее устройство, расположенное на переднем краю матрицы ультразвуковых преобразователей и содержащее камеру для текучей среды, заполненную текучей средой, при этом камера для текучей среды содержит отверстие и вход для приема энергии, сообщающиеся друг с другом, причем отверстие расположено на передней поверхности проводящего устройства и покрыто эластичной пленкой, и устройство подачи энергии, соединенное с входом для приема энергии и сконфигурированное для передачи энергии на текучую среду внутри камеры для текучей среды, чтобы эластичная пленка вибрировала под воздействием текучей среды так, чтобы генерировать сдвиговую волну. Ультразвуковой детектор содержит ультразвуковой датчик и обрабатывающее устройство, содержащее приводной блок, ...

21-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688299C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к средствам определения параметра вязкоупругости вязкоупругой среды. Способ включает приложение определенной одночастотной механической вибрации к вязкоупругой среде для формирования в вязкоупругой среде поперечной волны, излучение ультразвуковых волн из одноканального источника на вязкоупругую среду и прием ультразвуковых эхо-сигналов во время распространения поперечной волны в вязкоупругой среде, получение данных о максимальном перемещении поперечной волны на различных глубинах в соответствии с ультразвуковыми эхо-сигналами, причем каждый набор данных о максимальном перемещении представляет максимальную амплитуду колебаний поперечной волны, когда поперечная волна проходит по различным глубинам в вязкоупругой среде, аппроксимацию каждого набора данных о максимальном перемещении для получения графика затухания максимального перемещения, определение параметра вязкоупругости вязкоупругой среды на основании графика затухания максимального ...

31-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2626676C1

Изобретение относится к области медицины и представляет собой способ прогнозирования риска развития быстрорастущей миомы матки, заключающийся в том, что исследуют ультразвуковые параметры матки с подсчетом количества миоматозных узлов, методом краевой дегидратации менструальных выделений (МВ) определяют наличие параллельных и волокнистых структур и рассчитывают коэффициент Р:где z рассчитывают по формуле:z=b×x+b×x+b×х+а,где b- коэффициент, равный 2,172; x- волокнистые структуры в MB: наличие «2»; отсутствие «1»; b- коэффициент, равный 2,238; x- параллельные структуры в MB: наличие «2»; отсутствие «1»; b- коэффициент, равный 1,568; x- количество узлов; а - константа, равная –10,915; и при значении Р>0,5 дополнительно методом иммуноферментного анализа исследуют уровни лигандов APRIL и TRAIL, и при значении APRIL более 11,1 нг/мл, TRAIL менее 22,5 пг/мл прогнозируют риск развития быстрорастущей миомы матки. Изобретение обеспечивает повышение точности прогнозирования. 2 табл., 2 пр.

31-01-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018127774A3

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012126172A

... 1. Система диагностической ультразвуковой визуализации для анализа волн сдвига, содержащая:ультразвуковой матричный датчик, который посылает толкающий импульс вдоль предварительно заданного вектора для создания волны сдвига, посылает следящие импульсы вдоль линий слежения, соседних с вектором толкающего импульса, и принимает эхо-сигналы из точек вдоль линий слежения;многолинейный формирователь пучка, соединенный с матричным датчиком, который управляет матричным датчиком для посылки сфокусированных следящих импульсов, которые облучают ультразвуком множество соседних линий слежения, и для одновременного приема когерентных эхо-сигналов вдоль соседних линий слежения в последовательности с чередованием во времени;память A-линий для сохранения данных эхо-сигналов линий слежения;детектор движения, реагирующий на данные линий слежения, для обнаружения движения в результате волны сдвига, проходящей через позиции линий слежения;детектор скорости, который измеряет скорость волн сдвига, проходящих ...

27-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013127508A

... 1. Устройство, использующееся для обнаружения свойства объекта, устройство (1) содержит:блок (2) обеспечения ультразвукового сигнала для обеспечения ультразвукового сигнала, который указывает на свойство объекта (9) на одной или нескольких глубинах внутри объекта (9) и который зависит от времени,блок (5) определения значения периодичности для определения значения периодичности, указывающего на степень периодичности ультразвукового сигнала во времени на постоянной глубине, для того, чтобы обнаруживать свойство объекта.2. Устройство по п. 1, причем устройство дополнительно содержит блок (10) определения границы повреждения для определения границы повреждения, которое генерируют посредством приложения энергии к объекту (9), в зависимости от определяемого значения периодичности.3. Устройство по п. 2, причем блок (10) определения границы повреждения адаптируют для того, чтобы определять границу повреждения посредством определения порога значения периодичности.4. Устройство по п. 2, причем устройство ...

08-11-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for ultrasound image-guided ablation antenna placement

Номер: AU2018202024B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR ULTRASOUND IMAGE-GUIDED ABLATION ANTENNA PLACEMENT Abstract Disclosed are devices, systems, and methods for generating a graphical user interface (218) for use during a microwave ablation procedure, an exemplary method comprising receiving (502) microwave ablation procedure configuration settings, receiving (504) ultrasound image data from the ultrasound sensor, receiving (506) the EM tracking data from the EM tracking system, determining (508) a trajectory of the ablation probe based on the EM tracking data, and generating (512) a graphical user interface showing a position and orientation of the ablation probe and the trajectory in relation to a plane of the ultrasound image data.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Vacuum-assisted insertion device

Номер: AU2019368221A1

Insertion devices, systems, and methods for inserting a needle into a target tissue in an individual in need thereof are disclosed herein. Also disclosed herein are needle cartridges comprising a needle, a plate, and a needle holder. Also disclosed herein are methods of introducing a catheter into a target tissue in an individual in need thereof.

08-06-2006 дата публикации

Ultrasonic image and visualization aid

Номер: AU2005312020A1

02-03-2017 дата публикации

System and method for planning, monitoring, and confirming treatment

Номер: AU2015306770A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A system and method for monitoring a surgical procedure, the system including a catheter guidance assembly including an extended working channel navigable to a target, a surgical device positionable through the extended working channel to access the target, at least one sensor disposed on either the extended working channel or the surgical device. The at least one sensor is configured to sense a characteristic of tissue proximate either or both of the extended working channel or the surgical device. The system further includes a computing device operably coupled to the sensor. The computing device is configured to receive the characteristic from the sensor and determine whether the tissue characteristic is indicative of the target or tissue other than the target.

22-03-2018 дата публикации

Method for 3D imaging of mechanical assemblies transplanted into mammalian subjects

Номер: AU2016314173A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A medical imaging method is described for establishing implant configuration by measuring the positions and orientations of its components constrained by a defined kinematic relationship between them using stereo radiography images. The method allows the determination of a patient-specific implant configuration and enables accurate measurements of the pose of implant despite significant occlusions. The measurements obtained with this method can be used to determine the relative movement of an implant component relative to other components, bone or other landmark.

27-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2016277627A1
Принадлежит: Fisher Adams Kelly Callinans

A method for estimating a thickness of tissue includes receiving multiple measurements, each measurement indicating (i) a respective mechanical pressure applied to the tissue, and (ii) one or more round-trip propagation times of an ultrasound wave traversing the tissue in the presence of the respective mechanical pressure. A set of the measurements is selected, having mechanical pressures that fall in a specified partial subrange of mechanical-pressure values. The thickness of the tissue is estimated based on the round-trip propagation times in the selected set of the measurements. 43 - -- Q == 49 FIG. 2, "T.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Reconfirmation of ecg-assisted catheter tip placement

Номер: US20120046562A1
Принадлежит: CR Bard Inc

Reconfirmation of the position of a catheter intravascularly placed with the assistance of ECG signals of the patient is disclosed, thus assisting in determination of subsequent catheter displacement within the patient vasculature. In one embodiment a method for reconfirming a position of an indwelling medical device within a body of a patient comprises first placing the medical device within the body of the patient using ECG signals of the patient. A first ECG signal profile relating to an initial position of the indwelling medical device after initial placement of the medical device is stored. A second ECG signal profile relating to the position of the indwelling medical device at a time subsequent to initial placement of the medical device is then acquired. The first ECG signal profile is compared with the second ECG signal profile to determine whether displacement of the indwelling medical device has occurred.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Pressure control in medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging

Номер: US20120083692A1
Автор: Jeffrey Stoll
Принадлежит: Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc

Contact pressure from a transducer is controlled in medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging. Rather than measuring pressure directly using a pressure sensor on the transducer, the compression of tissue within the patient may be measured using ultrasound scanning. The desired amount of compression in the region of interest for diagnosis may be obtained. For example in breast imaging, the desired compression for imaging a portion of the breast is compared to compression measured from ultrasound data. Once the desired tissue compression is achieved, the pressure applied by the transducer is maintained while the diagnosis scan occurs. For example, a robotic arm locks or otherwise maintains the pressure during scanning.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Devices for creating passages and sensing blood vessels

Номер: US20120123264A9
Принадлежит: Broncus Technologies Inc

Devices and methods are disclosed for creating passages in tissue and detecting blood vessels in and around the passages. The devices may be used to create channels for altering gaseous flow within a lung to improve the expiration cycle of an individual, particularly individuals having Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In addition, the devices may be used to sample tissue during biopsy or other medical procedures where perforating a blood vessel could result in injury to a patient.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for automatically identifying and segmenting different tissue types in ultrasound images

Номер: US20120157842A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

A system for providing non-invasive ultrasound based treatment to a region of interest is provided. The system comprises an imaging unit for imaging one or more tissue types in the region of interest, an image processing unit that is configured to identify the one or more tissue types in the region of interest, an ultrasound transducer that is configured to focus an ultrasound beam to ablate at least a portion of the identified tissues, and a controller unit that controls a delivery of the ultrasound beam to the region of interest.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

System and method to illustrate ultrasound data at independent displays

Номер: US20120157844A1
Автор: Menachem Halmann
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An ultrasound imaging system is provided that comprises a beamformer, a first processor, and a second processor. The beamformer receives an ultrasound image data acquired by a transducer probe. The first processor processes the ultrasound image data communicated from the beamformer so as to create a first illustration at a first interface to show to a user of the ultrasound imaging system. The second processor processes the ultrasound image data communicated from the beamformer so as to create a second illustration at a second interface to show to a patient of the ultrasound imaging system. The first processor performs different processing steps compared to the second processor such that the first illustration at the first interface is different than the second illustration at the second interface.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Reducing risk of complications associated with tissue ablation

Номер: US20120253188A1
Автор: George A. HOLLAND

Methods and systems are described that reduce risks of hematologic, metabolic, and renal complications in a mammal, such as a human, undergoing tissue ablation. One such method includes inserting a probe into a mammal and ablating abnormal tissue in the mammal by emitting a first amount of energy from the probe. In some embodiments, after emitting the first amount of energy, a method can include denaturing proteins released from cells in the abnormal tissue by emitting a second amount of energy from at least one of the first probe or a second probe inserted into the mammal. Furthermore, some embodiments can be implemented such that during or after the emitting the energy from a probe, a composition is administered to the mammal in an effective amount to denature proteins released from cells in the abnormal tissue.

11-10-2012 дата публикации

Fluid injection system comprising a motion transfer cable

Номер: US20120259237A1
Автор: Michael Axelrod
Принадлежит: Carticept Medical Inc

An injection system for transferring a volume of fluid from a syringe into a patient comprises a syringe assembly having a syringe adapter configured to securely receive a pre-filled syringe and a plunger assembly configured to be selectively moved relative to the syringe adapter. The injection system further comprises a fluid delivery module comprising at least one motor to move an actuator in at least one direction. In some embodiments, the injection system additionally comprises a motion transfer cable. In one embodiment, one end of the motion transfer cable is mechanically coupled to the actuator of the fluid delivery module, and the other end is mechanically coupled to the plunger assembly of the syringe assembly. In some embodiments, movement of the actuator by the motor is transferred through the motion transfer cable to the plunger assembly, resulting in the plunger assembly moving a desired distance relative to the pre-filled syringe.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for real time monitoring of tissue layers

Номер: US20120277587A1

The disclosed method and apparatus employ ultrasound beams to monitor the tissue type composition of body tissue that is to be treated and the temperature at each body tissue type or layer in real time. Additionally, the disclosed method and apparatus also provides ultrasound-based thermo-control of an aesthetic body treatment session.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Method and system for treatment and diagnosis using ultrasound

Номер: US20120302883A1

A method and system for treatment and diagnosis using ultrasound includes irradiating ultrasound for treatment into a treatment site, inducing a shear wave around the treatment site, irradiating ultrasound for diagnosis into the treatment site, and determining a degree of treatment or necrosis of a tissue of the treatment site by using a measured displacement of the shear wave.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Ultrasonic diagnostic device, and method for measuring intima-media thickness

Номер: US20120310086A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The present invention provides a method for detecting lumen and adventitia boundaries and measuring an intima-media thickness without depending on the magnitudes of echo intensity variations on the lumen and adventitia sides. The ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus transmits an ultrasonic wave toward a body and obtains biological information based on an echo signal received and includes: an intensity distribution generating section that generates an echo intensity distribution in a depth direction about a vascular wall based on the echo signal; a template generating section that generates a template to detect a boundary based on template data provided in advance to represent a reference pattern of the intensity distribution; a pattern similarity calculating section that changes the depth and intima-media thickness pattern of the template to calculate similarity between the template and the intensity distribution on any change made; and a boundary defining section that defines lumen and adventitia boundaries based on the degree of similarity calculated on any change made.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Fatty tissue image display device

Номер: US20130018262A1
Принадлежит: Advantest Corp, Osaka Prefecture University

Provided is a fatty tissue image display device capable of displaying an index indicating the degree of progress of fatty change. The fatty tissue image display device is provided with a light source ( 3 ), an ultrasonic wave transmission/reception mechanism ( 2, 5 ), an ultrasonic wave velocity change analysis unit ( 24 ) which calculates the change in the velocity of the ultrasonic waves after irradiation with a heating beam as compared to before irradiation with light, an ultrasonic wave velocity change image display control unit ( 25 ) which displays as a tomographic image the distribution of the calculated change in the velocity of the ultrasonic waves, a region-of-interest designation unit ( 26 ) which waits for the designation of a region of interest, a histogram calculation unit ( 27 ) which, on the basis of luminance information or color information within the designated region of interest, calculates the histograms of a fatty region showing a negative change in the velocity of the ultrasonic waves and a normal region showing a positive change in the velocity of the ultrasonic waves, and a fatty change index calculation unit ( 28 ) which, from the calculated histograms of the fatty region and the normal region, calculates a fatty change index that is the index of the proportion of fatty tissue.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Ambient sound velocity obtaining method and apparatus

Номер: US20130030297A1
Автор: Kimito Katsuyama
Принадлежит: Fujifilm Corp

To obtain ambient sound velocity of a subject with high accuracy in a ultrasonic diagnosis apparatus. In an ambient sound velocity obtaining method that transmits ultrasonic waves from an ultrasonic probe, receives reflected waves reflected by a subject to obtain received signals, performs a receive focusing process on the received signals using receive delay times based on a plurality of sound velocity settings to obtain in-phase sum signals with respect to each sound velocity setting, and obtains an ambient sound velocity of the subject based on the in-phase sum signals with respect to each sound velocity setting, the in-phase sum signals with respect to each sound velocity setting is separated into an in-phase sum signal corresponding to a boundary portion in the subject and an in-phase sum signal corresponding to portions other than the boundary portion, an index is obtained based on at least either one of the in-phase sum signals, and the ambient sound velocity is obtained based on the index.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Device system and method for generating additive radiation forces with sound waves

Номер: US20130058195A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present relates to a device, a system and a method for generating radiation forces in a region of interest. For doing so, a plurality of additive shear waves are generated in the region of interest.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasound treatment of sub-dermal tissue for cosmetic effects

Номер: US20130072826A1
Принадлежит: Guided Therapy Systems LLC

A method and system for noninvasive face lifts and tissue tightening are disclosed. The method and treatment system are configured for thermal treatment of Superficial Muscular Aponeurosis System (SMAS) tissue, muscular fascia, or both. In one embodiment, a cosmetic system is configured for treating the SMAS and/or muscular fasica through delivery of ultrasound energy at a depth, distribution, timing, and energy level to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasound diagnostic apparatus and method for outputting ultrasound diagnostic image

Номер: US20130090557A1
Автор: Kazuya Takagi
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

An ultrasound diagnostic apparatus which includes: an imaging unit which forms images of a subject; a motion detection region setting unit which selects a first image from among the images which include images of the ultrasound contrast agent, selects a second image from among the images which do not include images of the ultrasound contrast agent, and sets, as a motion detection region, a region in which an amount of image change between the first image and the second image is smaller than a predetermined amount; and an output unit which outputs, as the ultrasound diagnostic image, the second image on which a position adjustment has been performed to match a position of the motion detection region set by the motion detection region setting unit and a position of a region included in the second image and similar in an image feature to the motion detection region.

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123628A1
Автор: KATSUYAMA Kimito
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

The present invention provides an ultrasound diagnostic device including an ultrasound probe including a plurality of ultrasound transducers transmitting ultrasound waves to an object and receiving ultrasound waves reflected from the specimen to output an ultrasound detection signal, a region-of-interest setting unit setting a region of interest within the specimen, and a variation measuring unit measuring a sonic variation or an attenuation variation of ultrasound waves in the region of interest. 1. An ultrasound diagnostic device comprising:an ultrasound probe including a plurality of ultrasound transducers transmitting ultrasound waves to an object and receiving ultrasound waves reflected from the specimen to output an ultrasound detection signal;a region-of-interest setting unit setting a region of interest within the specimen; anda variation measuring unit measuring a sonic variation or an attenuation variation of ultrasound waves in the region of interest.2. The ultrasound diagnostic device according to claim 1 , further comprising a point-of-interest setting unit setting at least one or more points of interest within the region of interest claim 1 , wherein the variation measuring unit measures the sonic variation based on a change in reception time of a received signal at each of the ultrasound transducers regarding the reflected wave from the point of interest.3. The ultrasound diagnostic device according to claim 2 , whereinthe variation measuring unit measures the attenuation variation based on a change in amplitude or frequency of the received signal at each of the ultrasound transducers regarding the reflected wave from the point of interest.4. The ultrasound diagnostic device according to claim 2 , whereinthe variation measuring unit measures the attenuation variation based on a change in attenuation at each point of interest within the region of interest.5. The ultrasound diagnostic device according to claim 1 , whereinthe variation measuring unit ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130123629A1

Provided are body fat measuring techniques employed to date, usually applying a certain level of force to the tissue causing narrowing of the adipose tissue layer at the time of measuring. This creates a bias in the adipose layer thickness measurement results that is not accounted for when employing these methods. Provided is a current apparatus and method offering a solution for accounting for this bias thus improving the accuracy of body fat measurements. 165.-. (canceled)66. A method for measuring adipose tissue physical properties comprising:coupling to a segment of skin overlaying said adipose tissue, at a certain level of force, an ultrasound transducer having at least one resilient spacer;emitting at least one ultrasound beam through said spacer into said segment of skin;receiving at least one signal of a portion of said beam reflected from a spacer-skin interface;receiving at least one signal of a portion of said beam reflected from skin-adipose tissue interface;receiving at least one signal of a portion of said beam reflected from a spacer-skin interface;extracting from at least two of said received signals at least one of a group of thicknesses consisting of the spacer thickness, the skin thickness and the thickness of said adipose tissue layer; andemploying at least one of the thicknesses to derive the level of force.67. The method according to claim 66 , wherein physical properties of said spacer are derived from at least one of a group consisting of selected material properties and a calibration process.68. The method according to claim 66 , wherein difference between the acoustical impedances of the spacer and the skin is selected to have the lowest values enabling detection of the reflection from the spacer-skin interface.69. The method according to claim 66 , wherein also changing said level of force manually or automatically.70. The method according to claim 66 , wherein said ultrasound beam is emitted in pulse mode.71. The method according to claim ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130144171A1
Автор: Watson John D.

A method and apparatus are disclosed for generating accurate and precise ultrasonic images of biological materials or animate objects, such as the cornea and lens of the eye, and, in particular, to an ultrasonic scanning apparatus that can position its virtual center of curvature such that its ultrasonic transducer will emit pulses that reflect substantially perpendicularly from a curved specular surface of interest within the eye. This invention can allow real time imaging of a lens as it accommodates and can better enable researchers and ophthalmic surgeons to develop, fit, implant and diagnose performance of artificial lenses including accommodative lenses. 1. A method of determining a thickness of a selected region of an eye , wherein the selected region is bounded by a first interface and a second interface , comprising:(a) substantially aligning an axis of an ultrasound transducer with a z-axis of a positioning mechanism and at least one of an optical axis of an eye, a visual axis of an eye, and any line passing through both the first interface and the second interface;(b) moving the positioning mechanism and the ultrasound transducer along the z-axis to determine a first z-axis position wherein an amplitude of a first A-scan is substantially a maximum value in proximity of the first interface of the selected region;(c) moving the positioning mechanism and the ultrasound transducer along the z-axis to determine a second z-axis position wherein an amplitude of a second A-scan is substantially a maximum value in proximity of the second interface of the selected region; and(d) subtracting the first axis position from the second z-axis position to determine the thickness of the selected region.2. The method of further comprising:generating a plurality of A-scans by moving the positioning mechanism and the ultrasound transducer along the z-axis while traversing the selected region, and from at least one of the A-scans determining an acoustic pulse transit time ...

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Blood vessel access devices, systems, and methods

Номер: US20130150724A1
Принадлежит: Verathon Inc

A device having a needle injector pivotally attached to an ultrasound transceiver is operated to place a sterilizable needle or needle/cannula unit within a blood vessel by a single user-device operator in which the blood vessel is made visible in a monitor image by ultrasound insonification. A guidance template is overlapped on at least one of a transverse, longitudinal, or three-dimensionally imaged blood vessel that illustrates a predicted path of the needle when it undergoes movement implemented by a controller. In alternate embodiments the needle injector, ultrasound transceiver, and needle or needle/cannula unit may be contained within a flexible sheath that is capable of being sterilized.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Shear Modulus Estimation by Application of Spatially Modulated Impulse Acoustic Radiation Force Approximation

Номер: US20130165778A1
Автор: McAleavey Stephen

A method for determining a shear modulus of an elastic material with a known density value is provided. In this method, a spatially modulated acoustic radiation force is used to initially generate a disturbance of known spatial frequency or wavelength. The propagation of this initial displacement as a shear wave is measured using ultrasound tracking methods. A temporal frequency is determined based on the shear wave. The shear modulus of the elastic material at the point of excitation may be calculated using the values of the spatial wavelength, material density, and temporal frequency. 1. A method for determining a shear modulus of a material , comprising the steps of:applying a disturbance having a spatial frequency to the material at an initial point, causing a shear wave to be produced in the material;detecting the shear wave;determining a temporal frequency of the shear wave; anddetermining the shear modulus of the material based on the determined temporal frequency.2. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the material comprises human or animal soft tissues.3. The method as recited in claim 1 , further comprising determining temporal frequencies at several points of the material and averaging to determine an average temporal frequency for the step of determining the shear modulus of the material.4. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of determining the temporal frequency comprises determining the temporal frequency through ultrasonic motion tracking.5. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the material has a known density claim 1 , and the step of determining the shear modulus of the material is also based on the known density and a wavelength of the spatial frequency.6. The method as recited in claim 1 , wherein the step of applying the disturbance having the spatial frequency comprises using an acoustic radiation force impulse to generate the disturbance.7. An apparatus for determining a shear modulus value of a material having a ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for measuring biometrics of object

Номер: US20130173175A1

A method for measuring biometrics of an object includes receiving an image of an object, modeling the object to identify a portion of the object, and measuring biometrics of the object based on a modeling result the object.

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178742A1
Принадлежит: URODAN ApS

A non-invasive method and apparatus for monitoring the bladder volume in humans or animals. The monitoring measurements are based on the analysis of ultrasound signals from at least two individual ultrasound transducer arrays. Each one individual ultrasound transducer array has a contact face, which is arranged in order to transmit an ultrasonic signal through an abdominal surface of an individual being monitored. The method and apparatus includes the arranging of each individual transducer array on the abdominal surface around an axis which extends from a point on the abdominal surface through a point on or within the urinary bladder. The method and apparatus further comprises that each individual transducer array is arranged to scan the bladder using a two-dimensional scan plane which extends radially from the transducer array through the bladder. 1. A non-invasive method of monitoring the bladder volume in humans or animals by transmitting ultrasonic signals through an abdominal surface to the bladder and receiving by reflection ultrasonic signals from the bladder wall of an individual being monitored , the method includes the steps of:arranging at least two individual transducers, each being a stand-alone array of ultrasound transducer elements combined into a single unit, around but not in line with an axis which extends from a point on the abdominal surface and through a point on or within the bladder, andanalyzing the ultrasonic signals from the at least two individual transducers so that the monitoring measurements define the bladder wall.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the individual transducers are arranged along a path of a closed curve having an area corresponding to at least the area of the largest section of an empty bladder.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bladder wall includes the side walls of the bladder and the monitoring measurements include side wall measurements.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the individual transducers are phased- ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Devices, apparatus and methods for analyzing, affecting and/or treating one or more anatomical structures

Номер: US20130188779A1

Exemplary embodiments of an apparatus and a system for generating at least one radiation are provided. For example, an exemplary system can include at least one radiation source arrangement configured to generate the at least one radiation, is translatable on at least one track, and is pivotable about at least two axes; a tracking assembly configured to track an internal movement of a target tissue within a living structure and provide tracking information to facilitate directing the radiation(s) generated by the radiation source arrangement(s) at the target tissue; and a collimator assembly configured to move in a curved path so as to shape and direct the at least one radiation generated by the radiation source arrangement(s).

25-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130190626A1
Автор: Bona Andrej, Pevzner Roman
Принадлежит: Curtin University of Technology

A method of determining a location (x,z) of a subsurface boundary () of a body (), comprising providing a wave source () and a receiver () on a surface () of body (); measuring a travel time of a wave from source () reflected to receiver () via the boundary (); and determining horizontal slowness of the wave at the receiver () and/or the source (), as well as the curvature of the wave at the receiver or the source. The location (x,z) is determined on the basis of the measured travel time and the determined horizontal slowness(es) and/or curvature of the wave. The wave may be a seismic wave for geophysical surveying purposes, or an ultrasound wave for medical diagnostic purposes. 1. A method of determining a location of a subsurface boundary in a body of material comprising:providing a first domain device and second domain device on a surface of the body where the first domain device is an elastic wave source or an elastic wave receiver, and the second domain device is the other of the elastic wave source or an elastic wave receiver;measuring travel time of a wave propagating via a subsurface boundary between the first and second domain devices;determining: slowness of the wave at the first domain device in a plane tangent to the surface at the first domain device; and, curvature of the wave at the first domain device; and,calculating the location of the subsurface boundary on the basis of the measured travel time, and the determined slowness of the wave and curvature of the wave.2. The method according to wherein determining slowness in the tangent plane comprises determining a first derivate of travel time at the first domain device.3. e method according to wherein determining curvature comprises determining a second derivate of travel time at the first domain device.5. The method according to wherein providing the first and second domain devices comprises providing the first and second domain device as an ultrasound source and an ultrasound receiver respectively.6 ...

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Image processing apparatus, imaging system, and image processing method

Номер: US20130195339A1
Принадлежит: Canon Inc

An image processing apparatus comprises a selection unit configured to select at least a first region of interest from regions of interest set in an imaging target, an image obtainment unit configured to obtain a first image representing the imaging target, and a second image from an imaging apparatus that images at least part of the imaging target, an information obtainment unit configured to obtain information of an existence range, and a display control unit configured to add, to the first image, displays representing positions of set regions of interest, and when the second image contains the existence range of the selected region of interest, display the existence range of the selected region of interest on the second image, and when the second image contains the existence range of an unselected region of interest, hide the existence range information.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130204127A1

Systems and methods using contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging for quantitative assessment of neovascularization, such as within a tumor or a plaque. The contrast agent moves in small blotches rather than in continuous flow, but image processing methods enable the detection and quantification of the blood flow, even in the tiny blood vessels of the vasculature tree. The image processing includes compensation for motion of the tissue arising from body movement. The position and extent of the discrete positions of contrast material may be accumulating during a complete heart cycle onto a single 2D image, to enable an indication of a vascular tree based on this local accumulated image. Dynamic processing (DP) of the discrete positions of contrast material enables a complete vascular tree to be obtained. The neovascularization is quantified by the ratio of its total area to that of the plaque in which the neovascularization has grown. 1. A method of analyzing ultrasound images to provide information regarding neovascularization in a tissue of a subject , said method comprising:obtaining a series of contrast enhanced ultrasound images of said tissue;compensating for motion of tissue features between different ones of said contrast enhanced ultrasound images, to generate a series of compensated images;detecting in at least one of said compensated images discrete segments of imaged contrast material;constructing a representation of an arterial tree from said detected segments; andquantifying the level of the neovascularization from the extent of the detected segments in said representation of said arterial tree.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said representation of said arterial tree is constructed by superimposing the positions of said discrete segments of said imaged contrast material from at least two sequential ones of said compensated images claim 1 , to generate an accumulated image claim 1 , and detecting segments on said accumulated image.3. A method ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211230A1
Автор: Sperling Daniel S.

A method and system for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. The method includes communicating MRI, CT, PET and/or ultrasound image data, and fusing such data using an image-guided biopsy system. It further includes using such fused images in conjunction with the image-guided biopsy system for performing diagnosis and treatment procedures. 1. A method for guiding a procedure , comprising:annotating regions of a medical imaging scan to acquire a first image of an organ;modeling the medical imaging scan as an imaging scan volumetric model;communicating the annotations of the medical imaging scan and the volumetric model through a communication network to an ultrasound center;processing ultrasound data from an ultrasound scanner at the ultrasound center to form an ultrasound volumetric model of the organ;fusing the medical imaging volumetric model with the ultrasound volumetric model into a fused image based on predetermined anatomical features, wherein at least one of the medical imaging volumetric model and the ultrasound volumetric model is deformed according to a tissue model such that the predetermined anatomical features of the medical imaging volumetric model and the ultrasound volumetric model are aligned; andmerging real-time ultrasound data with the fused image and annotated regions at the ultrasound center, such that that the annotated regions of the medical imaging scan are presented on a display maintaining anatomically accurate relationships with the real-time ultrasound data.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the modeling comprises a segmentation of anatomical features.3. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising transforming at least one of the imaging scan volumetric model and the ultrasound volumetric model to a common physical coordinate system such that the common anatomy of the organ is in a corresponding coordinate position.4. The method according to claim 3 , further comprising determining a projection of the ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130211254A1

Ultrasound acquisition Information about a structure () within a body is acquired by providing data defining a non-straight line (), at least a part of which corresponds to the structure (); transmitting an ultrasound transmit signal () into the body; receiving reflections (-) of the transmit signal (); processing the received reflections (-) so as to trace the focal point (-) of a receive beam along the path of the non-straight line (); using reflections (-) of the transmit signal () from along the non-straight line () to acquire information about the structure (). 1. A method of acquiring information about a structure within a body , comprising:providing data defining a non-straight line, at least a part of which corresponds to the structure;transmitting an ultrasound transmit signal into the body;receiving reflections of the transmit signal;processing the received reflections so as to trace a focal point of a receive beam along a path of the non-straight line; andusing reflections of the transmit signal from along the non-straight line to acquire information about the structure.2. A method as claimed in comprising steering the receive beam by delay-and-sum beamforming.3. A method as claimed in wherein the received reflections are processed so as to trace the focal point along the path in real-time.4. A method as claimed in comprising processing received reflections to determine Doppler shift information relating to the structure at one or more points along the non-straight line.5. A method as claimed in comprising using reflections of the transmit signal from along the non-straight line to produce pulse wave Doppler spectrums.6. A method as claimed in comprising determining velocity or strain information relating to the structure at one or more points along the non-straight line.7. A method as claimed in wherein the non-straight line is non-planar.8. A method as claimed in comprising providing data defining a plurality of non-straight lines claim 1 , and using ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Methods for face and neck lifts

Номер: US20130211258A1
Принадлежит: Guided Therapy Systems LLC

Methods for treating skin and subcutaneous tissue with energy such as ultrasound energy are disclosed. In various embodiments, ultrasound energy is applied at a region of interest to affect tissue by cutting, ablating, micro-ablating, coagulating, or otherwise affecting the subcutaneous tissue to conduct numerous procedures that are traditionally done invasively in a non-invasive manner. Methods of lifting sagging tissue on a face and/or neck are described.

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130225995A1

The invention includes: an ultrasound transducer; a holding part that holds the ultrasound transducer; an insertion portion in a rigid cylindrical shape where the holding part is installed at a distal end; and an insertion assisting instrument in a rigid rod or cylindrical shape-disposed in an extractable manner in the insertion portion; wherein: the holding part is installed at the distal end of the insertion portion to form a shape that is curved with a predetermined angle in a separating direction from a longitudinal direction from the distal end of the insertion portion; and a curvature angle of the holding part to the longitudinal direction of the insertion portion is set so that, when the insertion assisting instrument is inserted in the insertion portion, a straight line that contacts a distal end face of the insertion assisting instrument contacts the ultrasound transmitting/receiving face. 1. An ultrasound observation apparatus , comprising:an ultrasound transducer having an ultrasound transmitting/receiving face that transmits/receives ultrasound;a holding part that fixedly holds the ultrasound transducer;an insertion portion formed in a rigid cylindrical shape in which the holding part is fixedly installed at a distal end; andan insertion assisting instrument that is formed in a rigid rod shape or cylindrical shape, and that is insertedly disposed in a freely insertable/extractable manner in the insertion portion;wherein:the holding part is fixedly installed at the distal end of the insertion portion so as to form a shape that is curved with a predetermined angle in a separating direction with respect to a longitudinal direction from the distal end of the insertion portion; anda curvature angle of the holding part with respect to the longitudinal direction of the insertion portion is set so that, when the insertion assisting instrument is insertedly disposed in the insertion portion, an extension line of a straight line that contacts a distal end face of ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130231571A1
Принадлежит: Encapsule Medical, LLC

An excisional biopsy device includes a tubular member having a window near a distal tip thereof; a cutting tool, a distal end of the cutting tool being attached near the distal tip of the tubular member, at least a distal portion of the cutting tool being configured to selectively bow out of the window and to retract within the window; and a tissue collection device externally attached at least to the tubular member, the tissue collection device collecting tissue excised by the cutting tool as the biopsy device is rotated and the cutting tool is bowed. 1. An excisional biopsy device , comprising:a tubular member having a window near a distal tip thereof;a cutting tool, a distal end of the cutting tool being attached near the distal tip of the tubular member, at least a distal portion of the cutting tool being configured to selectively bow out of the window and to retract within the window; anda tissue collection device externally attached at least to the tubular member, the tissue collection device collecting tissue severed by the cutting tool as the biopsy device is rotated and the cutting tool is bowed.2. The excisional biopsy device of claim 1 , wherein the distal portion of the cutting tool comprises a thin ribbon sharpened on a leading edge thereof.3. The excisional biopsy device of claim 2 , wherein the leading edge of the thin ribbon is serrated.4. The excisional biopsy device of claim 1 , wherein the tubular member comprises an internal guide allowing a proximal portion of the cutting tool to slide therein when a proximal end of the cutting tool is pushed in a distal direction or pulled in a proximal direction.5. The excisional biopsy device of claim 1 , wherein the cutting tool further comprises:an interior lumen; anda plurality of through holes in the distal portion thereof, the through holes being in fluid communication with the interior lumen.6. The excisional biopsy device of claim 1 , wherein the tissue collection device comprises a bag within which ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации

Devices, methods, and systems for measuring elastic properties of biological tissues

Номер: US20130237820A1
Принадлежит: Columbia University of New York

A device, method, and system for using an acoustic radiation force resulting from focused ultrasound energy in order to generate an internal force remotely and to measure quantitatively tissue elasticity in vivo and non-invasively.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130245426A1

A diagnostic imaging apparatus and method are provided. The diagnostic imaging apparatus includes a detection unit configured to detect a lesion from a medical image, an interpretation unit configured to acquire a shape feature value by interpreting a shape of the detected lesion in a frequency domain, and a diagnosis unit configured to determine whether the detected lesion is benign or malignant based on the acquired shape feature value. 1. A diagnostic imaging apparatus , comprising:a detection unit configured to detect a lesion from a medical image;an interpretation unit configured to acquire a shape feature value by interpreting a shape of the detected lesion in a frequency domain; anda diagnosis unit configured to determine whether the detected lesion is benign or malignant based on the acquired shape feature value.2. The diagnostic imaging apparatus of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , to acquire the shape feature value claim 1 , the interpretation unit is further configured to extract one or more feature points from boundaries of the detected lesion claim 1 , generate a shape histogram based on the extracted feature points claim 1 , and convert the shape histogram to the frequency domain.3. The diagnostic imaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the interpretation unit is further configured to adjust a number of or an interval between the feature points to be extracted according to properties of the boundaries of the detected lesion.4. The diagnostic imaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the interpretation unit is further configured to generate a multi-dimensional shape histogram based on the extracted feature points.5. The diagnostic imaging apparatus of claim 4 , wherein the interpretation unit is further configured to generate the multi-dimensional shape histogram based on a polar diagram or a log-polar diagram.6. The diagnostic imaging apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the interpretation unit is further configured to generate a Fourier coefficient by applying a ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Plaque Characterization Using Multiple Intravascular Ultrasound Datasets Having Distinct Filter Bands

Номер: US20130245446A1
Принадлежит: Volcano Corp

A system and method are disclosed that facilitate generating visual representations of characterized tissue based upon ultrasound echo information obtained from a portion of an imaged body. The system includes a first filter having a first filter band that is applied to a near range portion of the ultrasound echo information to render near range filtered echo information. A second filter, having a second filter band that covers a frequency range of the first filter band, is applied to a far range portion of the ultrasound echo information to render far range filtered echo information. The system furthermore includes a set of characterization criteria that are applied to the near and far range filtered echo information. The characterized near and far range image data are thereafter combined into a single tissue-characterization image.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Ultrasonic diagnosis device and ultrasonic probe for use in ultrasonic diagnosis device

Номер: US20130245448A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

A structure for adjusting the positional relationship between an ultrasonic transducer and a blood vessel such that an acoustic line from the ultrasonic transducer passes the center of a cross-section of the blood vessel for measuring an elasticity characteristic is provided.—An ultrasonic probe includes a transducer for transmitting an ultrasonic wave and receiving the ultrasonic wave reflected by a biological tissue; and a driving device for physically moving the transducer. For measuring the elasticity characteristic, the driving device moves the transducer based on a control signal to change at least one of a direction and a position at which the ultrasonic wave is to be transmitted. A determination section specifies a position of the transducer at which the reflection intensity is maximum based on intensity information representing an intensity of the reflected wave. A calculation section calculates the elasticity characteristic at the specified position.

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130253317A1

The present invention relates to an ultrasound imaging system () and a corresponding method which enable that in subsequent examinations of the same patient ultrasound images are acquired under conditions such that the images can be compared and can be used to monitor disease progression. The proposed ultrasound imaging system () comprises an image acquisition unit () configured to acquire an ultrasound image based on a set of acquisition parameters, a user input () for entering (S) a patient identifier (), a database access () configured to access a database of sets of acquisition parameters, wherein the sets of acquisition parameters are associated with patient identifiers (), and a control unit () configured to automatically retrieve (S) a set of acquisition parameters that is associated with said patient identifier () based on an entered patient identifier () and control the image acquisition unit () to acquire (S) an ultrasound image based on the retrieved set of acquisition parameters. 1. An ultrasound imaging system comprising:an image acquisition unit configured to acquire an ultrasound image based on a set of acquisition parameters,a user input for entering a patient identifier,a database access configured to access a database of sets of acquisition parameters, wherein the sets of acquisition parameters are associated with patient identifiers, anda control unit configured to automatically retrieve a set of acquisition parameters that is associated with said entered patient identifier and control the image acquisition unit to acquire an ultrasound image based on the retrieved set of acquisition parameters,wherein the sets of acquisition parameters are further associated with body organs, andwherein the control unit is configured to determine the body organs for which sets of acquisition parameters are available for said entered patient identifier andwherein the system further comprises a selection user interface configured for allowing a user to choose from ...

10-10-2013 дата публикации

Augmented Reality System for Use in Medical Procedures

Номер: US20130267838A1
Принадлежит: University of Texas System

An augmented realty system is disclosed that allows a clinician to create and view a 3D model of structure of interest using an imaging device prior to introduction of a tool designed to interact with that structure. The 3D model of the structure can be viewed by the clinician through a head mounted display (HMD) in its proper position relative to the patient. With the 3D model of the structure in view, the imaging device can be dispensed with, and the clinician can introduce the tool into the procedure. The position of the tool is likewise tracked, and a virtual image of a 3D model of the tool is also viewable through the HMD. With virtual images of both the tool and the structure in view, the clinician can visually verify, or a computer coupled to the HMD can automatically determine, when the tool is proximate to the structure.

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274588A1
Автор: Shakiba Khashayar

Systems and related methods for measuring pelvic organ prolapse are disclosed. A plurality of positioning devices, such as RFID tags, ultrasound reflectors or magnetic field sensors, which may be active or passive, and which are preferably disposable, are set at predetermined positions within the patient and their relative positions recorded with one or more corresponding external receiving devices fixed to the patient while the patient is in a relaxed state. The patient is then instructed to perform an action (such as a valsalva maneuver) that causes the positioning devices to move and their movement relative to their initial recorded positions is measured. 1. A device for measuring pelvic organ prolapse comprising:a) at least one extracorporeal positioning receiver;b) at least positioning device capable of being attached to an internal surface of a vaginal cavity of a subject, the positioning device cooperative with the positioning receiver to generate corresponding positioning information; andd) a computing system operative to receive the positioning information and compute movement of the positioning device with respect to the vaginal cavity.2. The device of wherein the extracorporeal positioning receiver is at least one ultrasound receiver claim 1 , the positioning device is an ultrasound reflector claim 1 , and the device further includes at least one extracorporeal ultrasound transmitter.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein said at least one extracorporeal ultrasound transmitter is adopted to be placed on the abdomen or the medial aspect of thigh of the subject.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein said at least one ultrasound transmitter includes a transducer array.5. The device of claim 2 , wherein said at least one reflector includes a material selected from the group consisting of metal claim 2 , plastic claim 2 , water and air.6. The device of wherein the extracorporeal positioning receiver is at least one RFID receiver claim 1 , the positioning device is an ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130274602A1

Systems and methods for performing a colonoscopy or endoscopy using a scope system equipped with both diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound for more effective colorectal screening, particularly in colons with poor bowel preparation. 1. A medical device comprising:a flexible tube having an operable portion insertable into a body cavity and a control end;at least one ultrasound transducer positioned on or in the flexible tube at or near the operable portion of the flexible tube, the ultrasound transducer to generate ultrasound energy;at least one external reverberator operable in a time reversal acoustic mode; andan ultrasound generator circuit to control the at least one ultrasound transducer and the at least one external reverberator, the ultrasound generator circuit coupled to the at least one ultrasound transducer and the at least one external reverberator.2. The medical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one ultrasound transducer comprises a polyvinylidene fluoride transducer.3. The medical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one ultrasound transducer is built into the flexible tube.4. The medical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one ultrasound transducer is built into a disposable sheath positionable over the operable portion of the flexible tube.5. The medical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one ultrasound transducer is operable to focus ultrasound from the at least one external reverberator.6. The medical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the at least one external reverberator includes a plurality of transmitting channels.7. The medical device according to claim 6 ,further including a waveform generator, the waveform generator operable to generate an excitation signal, and apply the excitation signal sequentially to each of the plurality of transmitting channels.8. The medical device according to claim 1 ,wherein the medical device is operable for at least one of drug delivery by increasing ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

System and Method Using Forward Looking Imaging for Valve Therapies

Номер: US20130289391A1

A system is provided for aortic valve imaging utilizing forward looking imaging sensors. A method of imaging the aortic valve is provided that can be utilized for diagnostic evaluation and the delivery of a therapy. In one form, the imaging system can be used to place a replacement aortic valve. In another aspect, an imaging system is combined with a valve replacement delivery system. 1. A medical method , comprising:positioning a guidewire and a forward looking imaging device in the vasculature of a patient;advancing the guidewire and forward looking imaging device to a position adjacent the aortic valve;imaging the aortic valve with the forward looking imaging device to obtain a valve image and determine properties of the valve;crossing the aortic valve with at least a distal portion of the guidewire utilizing the valve image.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said imaging includes imaging tissue positioned distally beyond a distal tip of the guidewire.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the valve image is an axial image of the valve.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said advancing includes advancing along a first path claim 1 , the method further including determining a second path based on the valve image and aligning a least a distal tip of the guidewire with the second path and said crossing includes advancing the distal tip along the second path.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the first path defines a first longitudinal axis for at least the distal tip and said aligning includes rotating or moving the distal tip laterally away from the first longitudinal axis.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the advancing includes positioning the forward looking imaging device in the superior vena cava oriented to view the aortic valve.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the advancing includes positioning the forward looking imaging device in the right atrium oriented to view the aortic valve.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the advancing includes positioning the ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289400A1

Exemplary embodiments of an apparatus and a system for generating at least one radiation are provided. For example, an exemplary system can include at least one radiation source arrangement configured to generate the at least one radiation, is translatable on at least one track, and is pivotable about at least two axes; a tracking assembly configured to track an internal movement of a target tissue within a living structure and provide tracking information to facilitate directing the radiation(s) generated by the radiation source arrangement(s) at the target tissue; and a collimator assembly configured to move in a curved path so as to shape and direct the at least one radiation generated by the radiation source arrangement(s). 167-. (canceled)68. An apparatus for tracking of at least one portion of a diaphragm , comprising:a tracking assembly comprising an ultrasonic device which is configured to track a movement of the at least one portion of the diaphragm within a living structure.69. The apparatus of claim 68 , wherein the ultrasonic imaging device tracks the movement of the at least one portion by continuously acquiring a position of the at least one portion.70. The apparatus of claim 68 , wherein the tracking assembly provides tracking information based on the movement dynamically in real-time.71. The apparatus of claim 68 , further comprising at least one radiation source arrangement configured to generate at least one radiation directed at the target tissue claim 68 , and direct the at least one radiation at the target tissue at least partially based on tracking information provided by the tracking assembly based on the movement.72. The apparatus of claim 71 , wherein the at least one radiation source arrangement is translatable on at least one track claim 71 , and is pivotable about at least two axes.73. The apparatus of claim 72 , wherein the at least one track is pivotable between a first position and a second position.74. The apparatus of claim 73 , ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130289409A1

The present invention relates to a device () for determining tissue layer boundaries of a body (), comprising a probe () for acquiring (S) two or more ultrasound images () at adjacent positions of a surface () of the body (), a converter () for converting (S) said ultrasound images () separately to depth signals (), wherein a depth signal () is obtained by summing intensities of one of said ultrasound images () along a line () of substantially constant depth in the body (), a detector () for detecting (S) a set of candidate tissue layer boundaries () for an ultrasound image () by thresholding the depth signal () obtained for said ultrasound image (), a selection means () for selecting (S) from a set of candidate tissue layer boundaries () a nearest candidate tissue layer boundary () that is nearest to the surface () of the body (), and a processing means () for determining (S) an actual tissue layer boundary () from the nearest candidate tissue layer boundaries () obtained for various ultrasound images (). 1. Processor for determining actual tissue layer boundaries of a body , from two or more ultrasound images acquired at adjacent positions of a surface of the body comprisinga converter for converting said ultrasound images separately to depth signals, wherein a depth signal is obtained by summing intensities of one of said ultrasound images along a line of substantially constant depth in the body,a detector for detecting a set of candidate tissue layer boundaries for an ultrasound image by thresholding the depth signal obtained for said ultrasound image,a selection means for selecting from a set of candidate tissue layer boundaries a nearest candidate tissue layer boundary that is nearest to the surface of the body, anda processing means for determining an actual tissue layer boundary from the nearest candidate tissue layer boundaries obtained for the two or more ultrasound images.2. Processor according to claim 1 , wherein the selection means is adapted to select ...

14-11-2013 дата публикации

System and Method for Non-invasive Cosmetic Treatment

Номер: US20130303904A1
Принадлежит: Guided Therapy Systems LLC

Embodiments of a dermatological cosmetic treatment and imaging system and method can include use of a hand wand and a removable transducer module having an ultrasound transducer. The system can include a control module that is coupled to the hand wand and has a graphical user interface for controlling the removable transducer module, and an interface coupling the hand wand to the control module. In some embodiments, the cosmetic treatment system may be used in cosmetic procedures on at least a portion of a face, head, neck, body, and/or other part of a patient for a face lift, a brow lift, a chin lift, an eye treatment, a wrinkle reduction, a scar reduction, a burn treatment, a tattoo removal, a skin tightening, a vein reduction, a treatment on a sweat gland, a treatment of hyperhidrosis, a sun spot removal, a fat treatment, a vaginal rejuvenation, and/or an acne treatment.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Calculating the speed of ultrasound in at least two tissue types

Номер: US20130338485A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A medical apparatus ( 400 ) comprising an ultrasound transmitter ( 444, 602 ) and receiver ( 446, 604 ) system ( 600 ) for acquiring ultrasound data ( 476 ) descriptive of the speed of ultrasound ( 304, 306 ) along at least two paths ( 606, 1114 ). The medical apparatus further comprises a medical imaging system ( 402 ) for acquiring medical image data ( 468 ) and a memory ( 464 ) containing instructions ( 490, 492, 494, 496, 498, 500, 502, 504 ) that causes the processor to acquire ( 100, 200 ) the medical image data. The instructions further cause the processor to acquire ( 102, 202 ) the ultrasound data. The instructions further cause the processor to segment ( 104, 204 ) the medical image data into at least two tissue types ( 434, 436, 610, 612, 708, 710 ). The instructions further causes the processor to determine ( 106, 206 ) at least two distances corresponding to the at least two paths in the subject. The instructions further cause the processor to calculate ( 108, 208 ) the speed of ultrasound in the at least two tissue types.

26-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130345562A1

Methods for treating skin and subcutaneous tissue with energy such as ultrasound energy are disclosed. In various embodiments, ultrasound energy is applied at a region of interest to affect tissue by cutting, ablating, micro-ablating, coagulating, or otherwise affecting the subcutaneous tissue to conduct numerous procedures that are traditionally done invasively in a non-invasive manner. Methods of lifting sagging tissue on a face and/or neck are described. Pretreatment with heat is provided in several embodiments. 1. (canceled)2. A method of lifting tissue , the method comprising:positioning an ultrasound probe system on a skin surface, the ultrasound probe system comprising a motion mechanism, a therapy element, and an imaging element,wherein the motion mechanism is controlled by a control system in communication with the ultrasound probe system;imaging, with the imaging element, a region of interest under the skin surface, the region of interest comprising a tissue comprising at least two of muscle, muscular fascia, fat, and superficial muscular aponeurosis system (SMAS) tissue;wherein the region of interest is displayed on a display system, the display system being electronically connected to the imaging element;using the therapy element to treat the region of interest with a first treatment and a second treatment;wherein the therapy element is coupled to the motion mechanism within the ultrasound probe system;wherein the first treatment comprises using the therapy element for a diffused heating effect to at least a portion of the tissue,wherein the second treatment comprises using the therapy element for targeted delivery of ultrasound energy to form a thermal lesion with at least a temperature sufficient to treat at least a portion of the tissue at a fixed depth under the skin surface;wherein the second treatment is performed after the first treatment; andactivating the motion mechanism within the ultrasound probe system to move the therapy element to form a ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018679A1

A method for generation and analysis of shear waves in a subject with an ultrasound system. Multiple short ultrasound push pulses are applied, as a set and optionally more than once, to one or more push origins at the subject to produce first and second shear waves of large amplitudes and desired spatial distributions, which are separated in space and time and which have opposite polarity such that initial movements of the subject tissue, respectively caused by the first and second shear waves, occur in opposite directions. At least one mechanical property of the subject (including that represented by shear wave group velocity, phase velocity, and attenuation of a shear wave) is determined based at least in part on a distance between wavefronts of the first and second shear waves. 1. A method for characterizing a subject with an ultrasound system , the method comprising:applying a set of short ultrasound push pulses to one or more push origins at the subject;detecting, with the ultrasound system, echo energy representing first and second temporally resolved shear waves propagating through the subject from the one or more push origins; andcalculating a mechanical property of the subject using echo data representing the detected echo energy.2. A method according to claim 1 , where the first and second shear waves have opposite polarity.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the calculating a mechanical property includes calculating at least one of propagation velocity and attenuation of a shear wave through the subject.4. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the calculating a mechanical property includes calculating at least one of a shear storage modulus claim 1 , a shear loss modulus claim 1 , and a shear viscosity.5. A method for characterizing a subject with an ultrasound system claim 1 , the method comprising:detecting ultrasound energy reflected from the subject, said ultrasound energy representing first and second spatially separated shear waves formed ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046183A1

A method and apparatus for analyzing elastography of tissue using ultrasound waves, wherein elastography information of tissue in a region of interest (ROI) is analyzed by irradiating ultrasound waves for diagnosis towards the ROI to which a shear wave is induced from an ultrasound probe, receiving echo ultrasound waves, and acquiring three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound images with respect to the ROI. 1. A method of analyzing elastography of tissue using ultrasound waves , the method comprising:irradiating a region of interest (ROI) in a subject with ultrasound waves using an ultrasound probe having a two-dimensional (2D) transducer array, wherein a shear wave is induced in the ROI by the irradiating;acquiring three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound images with respect to the ROI using echo ultrasound waves of the ultrasound waves, wherein the echo ultrasound waves have been received by the ultrasound probe;measuring a displacement of the shear wave in the ROI based on the 3D ultrasound images received by the ultrasound probe; andanalyzing information about elastography of tissue in the ROI using the measured displacement of the shear wave.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the measured displacement of the shear wave is obtained by measuring a 3D movement of the shear wave claim 1 , which is shown in the acquired 3D ultrasound images.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing of the elastography information comprises analyzing the elastography information by calculating a shear modulus of the tissue in the ROI using displacement components corresponding to 3D coordinate axes claim 1 , which are included in the measured displacement of the shear wave.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the analyzing of the elastography information comprises analyzing the elastography information by calculating the shear modulus using a wave equation with respect to the shear wave.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the analyzing of the elastography information comprises:calculating a ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

System and Methods for Nerve Monitoring

Номер: US20140051999A1

A system and related methods for performing nerve detection during surgical access using ultrasound testing during surgery. 1. A method for safely avoiding nerve tissue during access to a surgical target site during surgery , comprising conducting both neurophysiologic testing and ultrasound testing to detect the presence of nerve tissue near an instrument equipped with at least one electrode for emitting a stimulation signal and at least one ultrasound transducer for emitting ultrasound signals while advancing the instrument to the surgical target site.2. The method of claim Error! Reference source not found. , wherein the ultrasound testing uses a signal having a frequency in the range of 50 kHz to 16 MHz.3. The method of claim Error! Reference source not found. , wherein the neurophysiologic testing and ultrasound testing are performed substantially simultaneously.4. The method of claim Error! Reference source not found. , wherein said transducer is located at a distal end of said instrument and is configured to transmit ultrasound signals through body tissue to nerve tissue near the surgical instrument during surgical access.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the transducer is further configured to receive ultrasound signals after they reflect off at least the nerve tissue adjacent to the surgical instrument.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the transducer is an array transducer.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the transducer includes multiple elements arranged in a circular pattern about the distal end of the surgical instrument.8. The method of claim 1 , comprising the further step of displaying an image of the ultrasound testing on a display screen.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the image depicts the position of the distal end of the surgical instrument in relation to the nerve tissue.10. The method of claim 9 , wherein the image is displayed together with data associated with the neurophysiologic testing. This application is a continuation of U.S. ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140058260A1

The present invention provides a sensor system for measuring an elastic modulus and a shear modulus and a method for using the sensor system to evaluate a tissue by determining the presence of and/or characterizing abnormal growths. The method involves applying a set of forces of different magnitudes to one or more locations of tissue, detecting the corresponding displacements due to said applied forces, determining the forces acting on those locations of tissue which are a combination of forces from the applied voltages and the countering forces from tissue deformation, obtaining the elastic modulus and/or shear modulus for a plurality of locations, and determining abnormal growth invasiveness, malignancy or the presence of a tumor from said elastic and/or shear moduli. 1. A method for evaluating tissue to predict the presence of one or more conditions selected from the group consisting of tumor malignancy , tumor invasiveness , and a presence and type of cancerous tissue , comprising steps of:applying a set of shear forces to a plurality locations on said tissue using at least one sensor comprising a piezoelectric material;detecting at least a set of shear displacements resulting from application of said set of shear forces on said tissue using said sensor;determining net shear forces exerted on said locations from the combination of applied shear forces and countering shear forces resulting from tissue deformation; anddeducing shear moduli of said tissue at said locations from the net shear forces and a corresponding shear displacement;applying a set of compressive forces to said locations on said tissue using said at least one sensor comprising a piezoelectric material;detecting at least a set of compressive displacements resulting from application of said compressive forces on said tissue using said sensor;determining net compressive forces exerted on said locations from the combination of applied compressive forces and countering compressive forces resulting ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066760A1
Принадлежит: Delphinus Medical Technologies, Inc.

A method for characterizing tissue of a patient, including receiving acoustic data derived from the interaction between the tissue and the acoustic waves irradiating the tissue; generating a morphology rendering of the tissue from the acoustic data, in which the rendering represents at least one biomechanical property of the tissue; determining a prognostic parameter for a region of interest in the rendering, in which the prognostic parameter incorporates the biomechanical property; and analyzing the prognostic parameter to characterize the region of interest. In some embodiment, the method further includes introducing a contrast agent into the tissue; generating a set of enhanced morphology renderings of the tissue after introducing the contrast agent; determining an enhanced prognostic parameter from the enhanced morphology renderings; and analyzing the enhanced prognostic parameter. 1. A method for characterizing a volume of breast tissue of a patient , comprising:introducing a contrast agent into the volume of breast tissue;scanning the volume of breast tissue with a ring transducer comprising a plurality of transmitters configured to emit acoustic waves towards a volume of contrast agent-enhanced breast tissue and a plurality of receivers configured to detect a collection of acoustic waves from the volume of contrast agent-enhanced breast tissue;receiving an enhanced acoustic data set derived from the collection of acoustic waves;generating an enhanced morphology rendering of the volume of contrast agent-enhanced breast tissue from the enhanced acoustic data set, wherein the enhanced morphology rendering represents a distribution of at least one of acoustic speed, acoustic attenuation, and acoustic reflection within the volume of contrast agent-enhanced tissue;identifying a region of interest within the volume of contrast agent-enhanced breast tissue from the enhanced morphology rendering;determining an enhanced prognostic parameter based on at least one of ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

Diagnostic support apparatus and diagnostic support method

Номер: US20140072193A1
Принадлежит: Panasonic Corp

The diagnostic support apparatus includes a feature quantity calculation unit vectorizing a test image into shift-invariant feature quantities, a base representation unit transforming the shift-invariant feature quantities of the test image into a linear combination of base vectors with first coefficients, the base vectors being calculated from a plurality of vectors representing shift-invariant feature quantities of a plurality of normal structural images including no lesion site, a lesion determination unit determining that the test image includes a lesion site when a difference between the first coefficients and second coefficients is greater than a determination threshold value, the second coefficients being used to transform shift-invariant feature quantities calculated from one of the normal structural images into a linear combination of the base vectors, and an output unit outputting a result of the determination by the lesion determination unit.

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073922A1
Автор: Mammone Richard J.

Embodiments provided herein generally relate to improved ultrasound visualization. In some embodiments, interoperative ultrasound displays may be enhanced for more accurate identification of cancerous and non-cancerous tissues. 1. A system for identifying cancerous tissue , comprising:a data store that maintains statistical information regarding the distribution of mean attenuation coefficients of ultrasound signals for a plurality of tissues in cancerous and non-cancerous states; obtain a mean attenuation coefficient representing attenuation of an ultrasound signal incident upon a region of interest of a tissue;', 'determine a first probability that the tissue is cancerous, wherein the first probability is determined based at least upon the obtained mean attenuation coefficient and the statistical mean attenuation coefficient information for the tissue in the cancerous state maintained in the data store;', 'determine a second probability that the tissue is non-cancerous, wherein the second probability is determined at least based upon the obtained mean attenuation coefficient and the statistical mean attenuation coefficient information for the tissue in the non-cancerous state maintained in the data store; and', {'sub': 'v', 'generate a likelihood value (L) that the tissue is cancerous based upon the first and second probabilities.'}], 'a computing device in communication with the data store, the computing device operative to2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the likelihood value is a likelihood ratio (L) that is the ratio of the first and second probabilities.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the computing device is further operative to output display data for display of the generated likelihood value (L) as a visual characteristic.4. (canceled)5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the computing device outputs the visual characteristic concurrently with a display of Intraoperative Ultrasound Imaging (IOUS) data.6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The system of ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081145A1

A multi-channel hemispherical ultrasonic wave transmit and receive detection system and method, wherein, a transmit control system transmits out a plurality of detection signals through an energy converter, a receive system receives the reflected signals reflected from an obstacle, in determining a channel used by said transmit control system to control a multiplexer to select a channel to switch to and then amplify said reflected signals. Then, said receive system performs high speed analog-to-digital sampling, and high speed transmission through USB for said reflected signals amplified. Finally, a Graphic User Interface (GUI) of a computer performs smooth-out processing for said reflected signals and displays its waveforms, in determining distance to said obstacle. 1. A multi-channel hemispherical ultrasonic wave transmit and receive detection method , comprising following steps:transmitting a plurality of single-channel detection signals by means of a transmit control system;receiving by a receive system through a multiplexer reflected signals of said detection signals which do not transmit through an obstacle and are reflected back;determining by said receive system a channel of said transmit control system used for said detection signal, to control said multiplexer to switch to said channel, and amplify said detection signals and said reflected signals;performing high speed analog-to-digital sampling by said receive system for said reflected signals amplified, and then performing high speed transmission of said reflected signals amplified through a USB communication module; andutilizing a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to receive said reflected signals sent from said receive system via said USB communication module, and to display waveforms of said reflected signals.2. The multi-channel hemispherical ultrasonic wave transmit and receive detection method as claimed in claim 1 , wherein utilizing at least a static random access memory (SRAM) by said receive system ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088421A1

Ultrasound system and method configured to locally determine a parameter of nonlinear tissue elasticity by monitoring shear wave propagating through the tissue. The shear wave is caused by an acoustic radiation force (ARF) which is applied to the tissue by ultrasound irradiation locally, in a focal region of the ultrasound beam and which is a function of the intensity of ultrasound irradiation, its time rate, and the featured nonlinearity parameter. The irradiation does not involve a quasi-static compression of the tissue, thereby permitting local estimation of nonlinear tissue elasticity and circumventing the need to solve the global inverse problem. 1. A method for locally determining a nonlinear elastic parameter of a subject with an ultrasound system , the method comprisingdetecting ultrasound energy reflected from at least two detection points of the subject by irradiating said at least two detection points with a second ultrasound wavefront;determining, from said detected ultrasound energy, echo data indicative of a target shear wave induced in said subject locally, at an origin region, by a target acoustic radiation force formed by irradiating said origin region with a first ultrasound wavefront generated by said ultrasound system, said target acoustic radiation force having a component that is non-linear with respect to an amplitude of said first ultrasound wavefront, said target shear wave propagating from said origin region towards said at least two detection points;determining, from said echo data, target parameters of the target shear wave, said target parameters including at least one of speed and attenuation of said target shear wave;calculating normalized parameters of a normalized shear wave induced in said subject locally, at the origin region, by a normalized acoustic radiation force formed by irradiating said origin region with said first ultrasound wavefront under normalization conditions, said normalization conditions defined by such a product ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140088430A1
Автор: Poland McKee Dunn

Ultrasonic image guidance of a transcutaneous invasive procedure such as a needle biopsy is conducted by placing an imaging probe above but laterally to one side of a mass to be biopsied. The image region of the probe is then laterally steered in the elevation direction to image the site of the mass to the side of the probe. The mass can then be accessed by needle insertion from immediately above the mass and away from interference with the probe. Preferably the probe has a 2D array transducer so that the image guidance can be viewed in real time three dimensional imaging. 1. A method for ultrasonically guiding a transcutaneous surgical procedure by real time ultrasonic imaging comprising:placing an ultrasonic imaging probe in acoustic coupling contact with the skin of a subject so that the footprint of the probe contact with the skin is laterally displaced from a location on the skin directly above a surgical site in the subject;steering an image region of the probe laterally to image the surgical site to one side of the probe footprint;inserting an invasive device into the skin of the subject at a location to the side of the probe footprint; andobserving the relative positions of the invasive device and the surgical site in real time ultrasound images as the invasive device approaches the surgical site.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein steering an image region further comprises electronically steering beams from an array transducer in the probe.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein electronically steering beams from an array transducer further comprises electronically steering beams to scan a volumetric region in the subject which includes the surgical site.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein electronically steering beams further comprises electronically steering beams from a two dimensional array transducer.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein steering an image region further comprises transmitting and receiving beams from a side of a curved array transducer in the ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Connective tissue monitoring, compositions for connective tissue treatment and methods for treating connective tissue

Номер: US20140100201A1
Принадлежит: Trackside Technologies Pty Ltd

Methods and computer instruction code for monitoring, screening and classifying the response to load of a connective tissue or part thereof are disclosed. The method includes the steps of obtaining or receiving an ultrasound scan of a connective tissue or part thereof and analysing the ultrasound scan to detect one or more region of differential structural disorganisation in the connective tissue or part thereof. The connective tissue or part thereof is then classified according to the detected one or more region of differential structural organisation to thereby monitor the response to load of the connective tissue or part thereof. Also disclosed are compositions and methods of treatment for a connective tissue disease or condition.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for a brain acoustic resonance intracranial pressure monitor

Номер: US20210000358A1
Принадлежит: Epilepsyco Inc

In some aspects, the described systems and methods provide for a method comprising transmitting to a brain of a patient, with at least one transducer, acoustic signals. The method further comprises receiving from the brain, with the at least one transducer, data acquired from the brain including information related to standing waves, distribution of acoustic modes, frequency response, and/or impulse/transient response. The method further comprises determining, from the acquired data, intracranial pressure of the person.

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000398A1

Dynamically identifying a stationary body of fluid () within a test volume by scanning within the volume can entail using a first part of a pulse sequence to acoustically interrogate a region within the volume to detect pre-existing movement () and, via a separate acoustic interrogation constituting the second part of the pulse sequence, acoustically interrogating the region to distinguish solid from fluid. The scanning is with both interrogations as a unit, so as to span the volume with the interrogations. The body is identified, dynamically based on an outcome of the interrogations. The scanning may span, for the identifying, a current field of view (), including normal tissue, within an imaging subject. The procedure, from scanning to identifying, may be performed automatically and without need for user intervention, although the user can optionally change the field of view to further search for stationary fluid. 1. An acoustic device configured for dynamically identifying a stationary body of fluid within a test volume by scanning within said volume , said device comprising: acoustically interrogating a region within said volume to detect pre-existing movement;', 'via a separate acoustic interrogation, acoustically interrogating said region to distinguish solid from fluid, said scanning comprising scanning, as a unit, both interrogations, so as to span said volume with said interrogations; and,', 'dynamically based on an outcome of said interrogations, identifying said body, said interrogator configured for generating, and transmitting, a sequence of pulses such that said sequence comprises:, 'an acoustic interrogator) configured fora) a first part for the interrogation to detect pre-existing movement; andb) a second part for the interrogation to distinguish solid from fluid, said first part occurring, in said sequence, prior to said second part, characterized in that said second part commencing a time period after completion of issuance of said first part, said ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems and methods for tumor detection

Номер: US20210000443A1
Принадлежит: Epilepsyco Inc

In some aspects, the described systems and methods provide for a method comprising transmitting to a brain and/or skull of a patient, with at least one transducer, acoustic signals. The method further comprises receiving from the brain and/or skull, with the at least one transducer, data acquired from the brain and/or skull including information related to standing waves, guided waves, distribution of acoustic modes, frequency response, and/or impulse/transient response. The method further comprises determining, from the acquired data, presence of a tumor within the brain of the person.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000448A1

A method for ascertaining the presence of target-bound microbubbles in the context of ultrasound molecular imaging is taught. This method, referred to herein as dynamic scaling ultrasound molecular imaging, relies upon the time-varying behavior contrast agents within a region expressing a molecular imaging target and that within a reference region. Ultrasound contrast agents compositions that enable use of the method are also taught. The method is useful for the use of ultrasound molecular imaging in diagnosing and monitoring treatment. 128.-. (canceled)29. A method for quantifying magnitude of a contrast signal within a region of interest (ROI) , the method comprises administering to a target tissue of a subject a targeted contrast agent to image presence of one or more targeted molecular markers of disease; selecting a reference region representative of the amount of contrast agent circulating within the blood pool in a dynamic , time-varying manner; imaging said target tissue including the selected reference region; determining the magnitude quantitatively of an area of disease by said dynamic scaling , time-varying manner procedure wherein said targeted contrast agent is configured to be bound to said one or more molecular markers of disease expressed within the diseased region.30. The method of claim 29 , wherein said dynamic scaling claim 29 , time-varying manner procedure comprisesa. providing a time series of images depicting a single field of view,b. selecting one or more regions of interest and one or more corresponding reference regions,c. forming a reference-scaled image, and/or a reference-scaled signal magnitude in which the region of interest and reference region are obtained at the same instant in the time series,d. performing the scaling operation of (c) on two or more images in the time series to determine the time-intensity relationship of the reference-scaled signal magnitude quantitatively; wherein the reference-scaled signal increases in the ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000409A1

A method and system are disclosed for radiosurgical treatment of moving tissues of the heart, including acquiring at least one volume of the tissue and acquiring at least one ultrasound data set, image or volume of the tissue using an ultrasound transducer disposed at a position. A similarity measure is computed between the ultrasound image or volume and the acquired volume or a simulated ultrasound data set, image or volume. A robot is configured in response to the similarity measure and the position of the transducer, and a radiation beam is fired from the configured robot. 1. An ultrasound tissue imaging method comprising:imaging a target with an ultrasound transducer to generate a stream of ultrasound data of the target, wherein the target is included within or adjacent to an anatomical site;imaging the anatomical site with a second imaging modality to generate ultrasound correction data of the anatomical site;compensating for distortion in the stream of ultrasound data using the ultrasound correction data of the anatomical site so as to generate compensated data; andtransmitting the compensated data.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the second imaging modality generates intermittent ultrasound correction data of the anatomical site less frequently than the ultrasound transducer; and wherein the second imaging modality comprises a bi-plane x-ray imaging modality.3. (canceled)4. The method of claim 1 , wherein compensating for distortion in the stream of ultrasound data comprises observing a time sequence of positions of the target or a surrogate of the target using the second imaging modality; and wherein the step of compensating for distortion in the stream of ultrasound data further comprises developing a first motion curve of the target position from the stream of ultrasound image data and a second motion curve of the target position from the second imaging modality data.5. (canceled)6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the step of compensating for distortion ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000414A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corporation

An image processing apparatus according to an embodiment includes processing circuitry. The processing circuitry is configured to perform a speckle noise reducing process on each of a plurality of images that were acquired by using an ultrasound wave and are in a time series. The processing circuitry is configured to calculate an index value indicating fluttering of image signal intensities in each of multiple positions within a region of interest, on the basis of the plurality of images resulting from the speckle noise reducing process. 1. An image processing apparatus comprising processing circuitry configured:to perform a speckle noise reducing process on each of a plurality of images that were acquired by using an ultrasound wave and are in a time series; andto calculate an index value indicating fluttering of image signal intensities in each of multiple positions within a region of interest, on a basis of the plurality of images resulting from the speckle noise reducing process.2. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry is further configured to generate a parametric image on a basis of the index values with respect to the multiple positions within the region of interest.3. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , on a basis of the index values in multiple positions within a measured region corresponding to at least a part of the region of interest claim 1 , the processing circuitry calculates a representative value for the measured region.4. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , before performing the speckle noise reducing process claim 1 , the processing circuitry performs a low pass filter process in a time direction on the plurality of images.5. The image processing apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , before performing the speckle noise reducing process claim 1 , the processing circuitry performs a movement correcting process to ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Lesion Formation Feedback

Номер: US20180000445A1
Автор: MA Zhenyi, Sliwa John W.

Apparatuses, systems, and methods of monitoring lesion formation using one-dimensional echograms are disclosed. In certain aspects, lesion formation progress is monitored using the intensity of reflectors in successive echograms during ablation. In another aspect, lesion formation progress is monitored based upon actual or apparent movement of acoustic reflectors before and after ablation. In still another aspect, the presence or absence of resonant microbubbles known to populate forming lesions are used to provide feedback on lesion formation. A lesion analysis processor can be programmed to determine lesion formation progress using any of the foregoing approaches, either alone or in various combinations. 1. A method of measuring lesion formation in a tissue , comprising:acquiring a first echogram scanline of the tissue from an ultrasound imaging device operating at a first transmit power and a first gain, wherein the first echogram scanline comprises a first line scan of the tissue from a surface of the tissue to a depth within the tissue;delivering an increment of ablation to the tissue;acquiring a second echogram scanline of the tissue from the ultrasound imaging device after acquiring the first echogram scanline and delivering the increment of ablation to the tissue, wherein the second echogram scanline comprises a second scan line of the tissue from the surface of the tissue to the depth within the tissue;identifying a region that appears darker in the second echogram scanline than in the first echogram scanline when the second echogram scanline is acquired with the ultrasound imaging device operating at the first transmit power and the first gain;increasing a brightness of the second echogram scanline until the region that appears darker in the second echogram scanline than in the first echogram scanline appears as bright in the second echogram scanline as it appears in the first echograms scanline; and 'identifying a region that appears brighter in the ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000446A1

A target biopsy system employing an ultrasound probe (), a target biopsy needle () and a ultrasound guide controller (). In operation, the ultrasound probe () projects an ultrasound plane intersecting an anatomical region (e.g. a liver). The target biopsy needle () include two or more ultrasound receivers () for sensing the ultrasound plane as the target biopsy needle () is inserted into the anatomical region. In response to the ultrasound receiver(s) () sensing the ultrasound plane, the ultrasound guide controller () predicts a biopsy trajectory of the target biopsy needle () within the anatomical region relative to the ultrasound plane. The prediction indicates the biopsy trajectory is either within the ultrasound plane (i.e., an in-plane biopsy trajectory) or outside of the ultrasound plane (i.e., an out-of-plane biopsy trajectory). 1. A target biopsy system , comprising:an ultrasound probe operable to project an ultrasound plane intersecting an anatomical region;a target biopsy needle;at least two ultrasound receivers in a known arrangement relative to the target biopsy needle, each ultrasound receiver being operable to sense the ultrasound plane as the target biopsy needle is inserted into the anatomical region; andan ultrasound guide controller operable in communication with the ultrasound probe and the at least two ultrasound receivers to predict a biopsy trajectory of the target biopsy needle within the anatomical region relative to the ultrasound plane responsive to a sensing of the ultrasound plane by the at least two ultrasound receivers.2. The target biopsy system of claim 1 , wherein the target biopsy needle includes the at least two ultrasound receivers.3. The target biopsy system of claim 1 , wherein the target biopsy needle includes a firing mechanism operable to project the target biopsy needle along the predicted biopsy trajectory of the target biopsy needle within the anatomical region.4. The target biopsy system of claim 1 , wherein the target ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Methods and Systems for Ultrasound Imaging

Номер: US20180000453A1
Принадлежит: YoR Labs

Described herein is a method and system for capturing, labeling, measuring and/or comparing images from current and/or previous ultrasound studies using a touch-screen user interface and a display where actions on the touch-screen input data on a captured ultrasound image on the display. Labels and measurements input on the touch-screen user interface are placed in the appropriate location on the captured ultrasound image and on an anatomically matching graphical representation on the touch-screen user interface either or both of which may be used to generate documentation and reports of an ultrasound study. 1. A method for annotating an ultrasound image frame in an active ultrasound scan of an anatomical feature comprising:displaying on a first device, a first active ultrasound image from a machine transformation of acquired ultrasound readings;displaying a proportional graphical representation of the anatomical feature being scanned on a user interface comprising a touch-screen;detecting, from a user, a touch gesture on the user interface;correlating the touch gesture on the user interface with a stored image manipulation function, wherein each of a plurality of touch gestures is correlated to a different image manipulation function;applying the image manipulation function associated with the touch gesture to the active ultrasound image and to the graphical representation of the anatomical feature being scanned, wherein information associated with the touch gesture on the user interface manipulates the active ultrasound image;labeling the graphical representation of the anatomical feature with a location of a lesion, wherein a label applied to the graphical representation of the anatomical feature appears on the active ultrasound image; andwherein subsequent touch gestures on the user interface modify the label of the lesion on the displayed active ultrasound image.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising importing the active ultrasound image to a touchpad on ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Setting of sonothromobolysis ultrasound output power

Номер: US20190000493A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An apparatus for patient-specific adjusting of ultrasound output pressure includes a controller (118) configured for adjusting, based on an estimate of thickness of a temporal bone (140) in a head of a medical treatment recipient, a pressure setting. It may also be based on treatment depth (134). Ultrasound at the adjusted pressure setting is applied. A user interface may be provided for user entry of the estimate, the user interface being further configured for user indication of the treatment depth. Both the entered estimate and the indicated treatment depth may be used in calculating ultrasound attenuation (148). The user indication can be interactive by virtue of designating, on a display, a location of a treatment target. The calculated attenuation may be a value, in decibels, that is in a range from 0.9×(2.70×0.1+16.60×T+0.87×(D−T−0.1)+3.02) to 1.1×(2.70×0.1+16.60×T+0.87×(D−T−0.1)+3.02), where T is the estimate in centimeters and D is the treatment depth in centimeters.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001213A1

A device for treatment of a tissue () of a living being, including a transducer () for emitting a beam of ultrasound waves mounted on a movable treatment head (), an ultrasonic imaging device (), optionally an inflatable balloon () surrounding the treatment head () and containing a coupling fluid, and a control unit for controlling movement of the treatment head () and operation of the transducer () and the imaging device (). In order to avoid displacement of tissues () during displacement of the treatment head () and increase imaging quality, the treatment head () is adjustable to at least two of a treatment position (T), a monitoring position (M) and a travel position (S). 117-. (canceled)18. A device for treatment of a tissue of a living being , the device comprising:a transducer, for emitting a beam of ultrasound waves for irradiating the tissue, mounted on a movable treatment head, and the beam being focused on or focusable onto a focal point;an ultrasonic imaging device mounted on the treatment head having an imaging plane intersecting the focal point;an inflatable balloon at least partially surrounding the treatment head, containing a coupling fluid and defining a contact surface of the treatment head; anda control unit for controlling movement of the treatment head and operation of the transducer and the imaging device;wherein the treatment head is adjustable to a treatment position and a monitoring position,in the monitoring position, a distance between the transducer and the tissue is smaller than in the treatment position, andthe control unit is adapted to:trigger the transducer to emit at least one beam of ultrasound waves when the treatment head is in the treatment position, andperform imaging of an area, surrounding the tissue, at least when the treatment head is in the monitoring position.19. The device according to claim 18 , wherein the control unit is adapted to move the treatment head claim 18 , after emission of an ultrasound pulse from the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000463A1
Принадлежит: Hitachi, Ltd.

A plurality of frames are generated by performing a pre-scan while sequentially setting a plurality of receive delay data based on a plurality of in vivo sound velocities. An optimum sound velocity calculation unit performs waveform analysis for each luminance waveform along a beam scanning direction on each of the frames. An optimum sound velocity map is obtained by mutually comparing a plurality of results of the waveform analysis of the plurality of frames. A control unit calculates the receive delay data for the main scan on the basis of the optimum sound velocity map. Specifically, waveform analysis for a high luminance portion (peak portion) and waveform analysis for a low luminance portion (recess portion) are performed in the waveform analysis. Thus, an optimum sound velocity map for the high luminance portion and an optimum sound velocity map for the low luminance portion are obtained. 1. An ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus comprising:a generator which generates a plurality of frames by repeatedly scanning a subject with an ultrasonic beam;a pre-scan controller which sequentially sets, to the generator, a plurality of delay process conditions in a trial based on a plurality of tentative sound velocities such that a plurality of tentative frames are generated;a first waveform analyzer which performs a first waveform analysis for at least one reference data sequence along a preset direction in each of the tentative frames to evaluate a sharpness of an image to obtain a plurality of first waveform analysis results for the plurality of tentative frames;a second waveform analyzer which performs a second waveform analysis for at least one reference data sequence along a preset direction in each of the tentative frames to evaluate a sharpness of an image to obtain a plurality of second waveform analysis results for the plurality of tentative frames, the second waveform analysis being different from the first waveform analysis;an optimum sound velocity calculator ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000511A1

A puncture assistance system provides information on a collapse state of a blood vessel to be punctured, caused by pressing action of an ultrasonic probe, when ultrasonic images of the blood vessel are acquired. A puncture assistance system includes: vascular diameter detecting means for detecting a vascular diameter during acquisition of the ultrasonic images from an ultrasonic diagnostic device puncture assistance information generating means for generating puncture assistance information for determination of whether or not puncture is allowed to be performed based on a collapse state of a blood vessel B caused by pressing action of an ultrasonic probe against skin S by comparing a current vascular diameter detected by the vascular diameter detecting means with a standard vascular diameter stored in advance; and a monitor that presents the puncture assistance information. 15-. (canceled)6. A puncture assistance system that assists blood vessel puncture by using ultrasonic images of a cross section of a blood vessel under a patient's skin from an ultrasonic diagnostic device that causes an ultrasonic probe to come into contact with the skin to acquire the ultrasonic images , the system comprising:vascular diameter detecting means for detecting a vascular diameter during acquisition of the ultrasonic images;puncture assistance information generating means for generating puncture assistance information for determination of whether or not puncture is allowed to be performed based on a collapse state of the blood vessel caused by pressing action of the ultrasonic probe against the skin by comparing a current vascular diameter detected by the vascular diameter detecting means with a standard vascular diameter that is a diameter of a standard blood vessel in a state in which the blood vessel is not pressed by the ultrasonic probe; andpresenting means for presenting the puncture assistance information,wherein the puncture assistance information generating means includes: ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Echogenic Indwelling Catheter

Номер: US20170000974A1

The present application relates to an echogenic indwelling catheter, an assembly and a method for medicating a patient with medication such as anaesthetics or other suitable drugs. In one embodiment, the echogenic indwelling catheter comprises a catheter shaft () comprising a bore (), a plurality of radial holes () distributed along at least a part of said catheter shaft and configured for delivery of medication, a guidewire () attached to and/or within the bore of the catheter and extending beyond a distal end of the catheter shaft. 1. An echogenic indwelling catheter for administration of fluid medication , comprising:a catheter shaft comprising a bore; 'wherein said bore of the catheter comprises obstructions, each obstruction comprising a solid substance distal to the plurality of holes such that one or more volume(s) of air or another echogenic material is/are permanently entrapped between the obstructions and inside the bore; and', 'a plurality of radial holes distributed along at least a part of said catheter shaft and configured for delivery of medication,'}a guidewire attached to and/or within the bore of said catheter and extending beyond a distal end of said catheter shaft, wherein a distal end of said plurality of radial holes are positioned in front of a proximal end of said guidewire.2. (canceled)3. The echogenic indwelling catheter according to claim 1 , wherein said medication is anaesthetic or any suitable drug.47-. (canceled)8. The echogenic indwelling catheter according to claim 1 , wherein said catheter shaft comprises a weakened zone.910-. (canceled)11. The echogenic indwelling catheter according to claim 1 , wherein said guidewire is made of an echogenic material.1217-. (canceled)18. An assembly for administration of medication claim 1 , comprising:a hollow needle, wherein at least a part of it is echogenic, and i. a catheter shaft comprising a bore;', 'ii. a plurality of radial holes distributed along at least a part of said catheter shaft and ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001043A1

A device for treatment of a tissue () of a living being, including a transducer () for emitting a beam of ultrasound waves mounted on a movable treatment head (), an ultrasonic imaging device (), optionally an inflatable balloon () surrounding the treatment head () and containing a coupling fluid, and a control unit for controlling movement of the treatment head () and operation of the transducer () and the imaging device (). In order to avoid displacement of tissues () during displacement of the treatment head () and increase imaging quality, the treatment head () is adjustable to at least two of a treatment position (T), a monitoring position (M) and a travel position (S). 116-. (canceled)17. A device for treatment of a tissue of a living being , the device comprising:a transducer for emitting a beam of ultrasound waves for irradiating the tissue mounted on a movable treatment head, and the beam being focused on or focusable onto a focal point;an ultrasonic imaging device mounted on the treatment head and having an imaging plane intersecting the focal point;an inflatable balloon, at least partially surrounding the treatment head, containing a coupling fluid and defining a contact surface of the treatment head; and{'b': '1', 'a control unit for controlling movement of the treatment head () and operation of the transducer and the imaging device;'}wherein the treatment head is adjustable along an axis to at least two of a treatment position, a monitoring position and a travel position,in the monitoring position, a distance between the transducer and the tissue is smaller than in the treatment position,in the travel position, a distance between the contact surface and the tissue or between the transducer and the tissue is larger than in the treatment position or a compression force onto the tissue is reduced, and trigger the transducer to emit at least one beam of ultrasound waves when the treatment head is in the treatment position,', 'position the treatment head in ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170003291A1
Автор: Bahado-Singh Ray

The present invention relates to methods for detecting, diagnosing and/or treating endometrial cancer by detecting in a biological sample from a patient the levels of one or more of the metabolites: C14.2, PC ae C38:1, 3-Hydroxybutyric acid, C18:2, PC ae C40:1, and C6 (C4:1-DC). In some embodiments, the method also includes diagnosing the patient with endometrial cancer when the one or more metabolites in the biological sample is at a different level than a statistically validated threshold for the one or more metabolites, and ultrasound indicates endometrial cancer in the patient. In further embodiments, once endometrial cancer is diagnosed, the patient is treated for the endometrial cancer. 1. A method of detecting a level of two or more metabolites in a biological sample , said method consisting of:obtaining a biological sample from a human patient, wherein said biological sample includes two or more of C14.2, PC ae C38:1, 3-Hydroxybutyric acid, C18:2, PC ae C40:1, and C6 (C4:1-DC); anddetecting the level of the two or more metabolites in the biological sample.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sample is blood serum.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more metabolites are C14.2 claim 1 , PC ae C38:1 claim 1 , and 3-Hydroxybutyric acid.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the two or more metabolites are C18:2 claim 1 , PC ae C40:1 claim 1 , and C6 (C4:1-DC).5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the level of the two or more metabolites are detected by performing Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine claim 1 , nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) claim 1 , or mass spectrometry (MS) on the biological sample.6. The method of wherein the two or more metabolites are detected by magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the MRS is proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS)8. A method of diagnosing endometrial cancer in a human patient claim 6 , wherein said human patient has a ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Myoma/Polyp In-Office Treatment with Lasers

Номер: US20150005577A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A noninvasive treatment of uterine growths such as myomas (fibroids) and polyps is presented. Treatment involves carrying out diagnostic hysteroscopy and ultrasound procedures to detect, measure, and evaluate unwanted uterine growths; then inserting optical fiber into a hysteroscope, reaching target tissue with optical fiber and eliminating said tissue or shrinking it to a size/shape for easy mechanical removal. Finally, ultrasound imaging is used to confirm success of procedure. In one embodiment, optical fiber has an off-axis firing end but can be inserted inside a conventional hysteroscopy device. In another embodiment, a laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) fiber is used to treat myomas found on the outside of the uterus. A high energy laser is used that can emit at wavelengths easily absorbed by water and blood, such as 980 nm and 1470 nm. Procedure is fast and can be done in the physician's office with little or no anesthesia used.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005632A1
Автор: Sakaguchi Tatsumi

An ultrasonic processing apparatus includes a viscoelastic coefficient calculation unit that calculates a viscoelastic coefficient of an object from an ultrasonic signal acquired through an oscillator of a probe; and a spatial change amount calculation unit that calculates spatial change amount of the viscoelastic coefficient calculated by the viscoelastic coefficient calculation unit and outputs the calculated spatial change amount as brightness information when displaying an image relating to the viscoelastic coefficient. 1. An ultrasonic processing apparatus comprising:a viscoelastic coefficient calculation unit that calculates a viscoelastic coefficient of an object from an ultrasonic signal acquired through an oscillator of a probe; anda spatial change amount calculation unit that calculates spatial change amount of the viscoelastic coefficient calculated by the viscoelastic coefficient calculation unit and outputs the calculated spatial change amount as brightness information when displaying an image relating to the viscoelastic coefficient.2. The ultrasonic processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the viscoelastic coefficient calculation unit outputs the calculated viscoelastic coefficient as color information when displaying an image relating to the viscoelastic coefficient.3. The ultrasonic processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the spatial change amount calculation unit calculates the spatial change amount of the viscoelastic coefficient of the object in a beam direction.4. The ultrasonic processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the spatial change amount calculation unit calculates the spatial change amount of the viscoelastic coefficient of the object in an element direction.5. The ultrasonic processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the spatial change amount of the viscoelastic coefficient is a differential value of the viscoelastic coefficient.6. The ultrasonic processing apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005635A1

A method for categorizing whole-breast density is disclosed. The method includes the steps of exposing breast tissue to an acoustic signal; measuring a distribution of an acoustic parameter by analyzing the acoustic signal; and obtaining a measure of whole-breast density from said measuring step. An apparatus is also disclosed. 1. A method for determining risk of developing cancer , comprising:transmitting an acoustic signal through a volume of biological tissue;measuring, throughout the volume of biological tissue, a distribution of sound speed by analyzing the acoustic signal transmitted through the volume of biological tissue;obtaining an average sound speed of the volume of biological tissue based upon the distribution of sound speed;generating a comparison between the average sound speed and a threshold condition associated with tissue density; andquantifying future cancer risk based upon the comparison.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the comparison includes classifying the volume of biological tissue as BI-RADS category 4 dense tissue if the average sound speed is substantially greater than 1476 m/s.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the comparison includes classifying the volume of biological tissue as BI-RADS category 3 heterogeneous tissue if the average sound speed has a value from 1463-1476 m/s.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating the comparison includes classifying the volume of biological tissue as one of: BI-RADS category 1 fatty tissue if the average sound speed has a value from 1438-1450 m/s and BI-RADS category 2 scattered tissue if the average sound speed has a value from 1450-1463 m/s.5. The method of whereby generating the comparison to the threshold condition comprises generating the comparison to a continuum of sound speed values associated with breast densities indicative of tissue type and risk of developing cancer.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising: identifying high sound speed volumes of the ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005636A1

Method for automatically measuring a fetal artery, and in particular the abdominal aorta, which comprises a step for acquiring and storing a sequence cineloop of B-mode images of the fetal abdomen by means of an ultrasonographic device; a step for the approximate identification of the abdominal aorta, by means of a bank of directional filters obtaining an approximate image; a step for the fine identification for each image of said sequence, of the walls of the abdominal aorta, starting from the aforesaid approximate image by means of a calculation model based on the active contours obtaining sequences of segmented images; a step for measuring the diameter and/or the corresponding intima-media thickness of the fetal artery and in particular of the abdominal aorta, conducted at one or more segmented images. 1. Method for automatically measuring a fetal artery , and in particular the abdominal aorta , characterized in that it comprises:a step for acquiring and storing at least one sequence of images of the fetal abdomen by means of an ultrasonographic device;a step for the approximate identification of the fetal artery, and in particular of the abdominal aorta, by means of a bank of directional filters, obtaining an approximate image of the fetal artery and in particular of the abdominal aorta;a step for the fine identification of the walls of the fetal artery and in particular of the abdominal aorta, starting from said approximate image of the fetal artery and in particular of the abdominal aorta, in each image of said sequence of images by means of a calculation model based on the active contours, obtaining sequences of segmented images;a step for measuring the diameter and/or the corresponding intima-media thickness of the fetal artery and in particular of the abdominal aorta, conducted at one or more segmented images.2. Method for automatically measuring a fetal artery according to claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises a step for selecting one or more ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005645A1

The present invention proposes an apparatus and method for characterizing a tissue in a first region of a subject. The apparatus comprises a receiving unit () for receiving ultrasound data of the tissue in the first region and ultrasound data of a predetermined target reference tissue of said subject; a deriving unit () for deriving a subject-specific model of the target reference tissue on the basis of the ultrasound data of the target reference tissue; and a characterizing unit () for determining a match between tissue in the first region and the target reference tissue on the basis of the subject-specific model and ultrasound data of the tissue in the first region. Unlike conventional tissue characterization based on a large cohort of patient data, the proposed subject-specific model is personalized for the specific subject without any generalization, resulting in higher sensitivity and/or accuracy. Preferably, the subject-specific model of the target reference tissue is derived on the basis of both the ultrasound data of the target reference tissue and the ultrasound data of a back-ground reference tissue of a different type than the target reference tissue. 1. An apparatus for characterizing a tissue in a first region of a subject , the apparatus comprising:a receiving unit for receiving ultrasound data of the tissue in the first region and ultrasound data of a pre-determined target reference tissue of said subject;a deriving unit for deriving a subject-specific model of the target reference tissue on the basis of the ultrasound data of the target reference tissue; anda characterizing unit for determining a match between the tissue in the first region and the target reference tissue on the basis of the derived subject-specific model and ultrasound data of the tissue in the first region.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the target reference tissue is a first type of abnormal tissue.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , whereinthe receiving unit is further configured ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190005698A1
Автор: CHAE Seung Chul

A computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) apparatus and a CAD method based on the diagnostic intention of a user are provided. The CAD apparatus includes a region of interest (ROI) detector configured to detect an ROI from an image input from a probe, and a probe motion determiner configured to determine a motion of the probe in response to the ROI detector detecting the ROI. The CAD apparatus further includes a diagnostic intention determiner configured to determine a diagnostic intention of a user based on the determined motion of the probe, and a diagnostic intention processor configured to perform a diagnostic procedure based on the determined diagnostic intention of the user. 1. An ultrasound diagnostic apparatus comprising:a probe configured to acquire ultrasound signals;a display configured to display an ultrasound image;a memory configured to store instructions; and to generate a plurality of ultrasound images, based on the ultrasound signals;', 'to determine a motion of the probe, based on the plurality of ultrasound images that is generated; and', 'to perform a first function corresponding to the motion of the probe that is determined, from a plurality of functions that are provided by the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, based on mapping information that maps a plurality of motions of the probe to the plurality of functions,, 'a processor configured to execute the instructions that are storedwherein the mapping information is pre-stored in the memory, andwherein the plurality of functions comprises any one or any combination of a freezing function for freezing the ultrasound image that is displayed, an unfreezing function for unfreezing the ultrasound image that is frozen, and a saving function for saving the ultrasound image that is displayed.2. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to execute the instructions that are stored to determine the motion of the probe claim 1 , based on changes across the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015741A1

Ultrasound systems and methods for shear wave elastography (SWE) imaging are described which may improve the scan protocol for SWE imaging of anisotropic tissue. One or more initial measurements may be acquired to determine the orientation of the anisotropic tissue. The system acquires shear wave speed and/or stiffness measurements from at least two perpendicular intersecting planes through the anisotropic tissue and reports, a shear wave speed and/or stiffness measurement along the perpendicular intersecting planes and/or a composite measurement based upon the plurality of individual shear wave speed and/or stiffness measurement obtained at the different image planes. Improvements to the SWE imaging protocol may be achieved by providing guidance by way of an improved graphical user interface, to assist the sonographer in acquiring measurements at suitable imaging planes for more accurately characterizing the anisotropic tissue. The SWE imaging protocol may be an automatic or semi-automatic protocol. 1. A method of acquiring shear wave elastography measurements of anisotropic tissue , the method comprising:acquiring initial measurements from the anisotropic tissue by transmitting ultrasound beams toward the anisotropic tissue at a plurality of different angles with respect to an orientation of the anisotropic tissue;determining a first imaging plane at the angle associated with a maximum or a minimum value of the initial acoustic measurements, wherein the maximum value indicates a first orientation to a structure of the anisotropic tissue and the minimum value indicates a second orientation to the structure of the anisotropic tissue;determining a second imaging plane;generating a first shear wave at an intersection of the first imaging plane and the second imaging plane;acquiring a first shear wave elastography measurement by tracking the first shear wave propagation along the first imaging plane;generating a second shear wave at the intersection of the first ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007207A1

The present invention relates to ultrasound imaging systems and methods, more particularly, to ultrasound imaging systems and methods for a multi-plane acquisition for single- or bi-plane real-time imaging modes suitable for ultrasound imaging applications, such as quantification of tumor blood flow and tumor fractional blood volume. An ultrasound imaging apparatus can determine a plurality of image planes to scan through a region of interest, acquire echo information corresponding to each of the image planes, generate image information for each of the image planes, store the image information corresponding to each of the image planes; and display an ultrasound image comprising the region of interest, wherein the ultrasound image is rendered from generated image information for a selected image plane of the plurality of image planes or a bi-plane that is at angle to the plurality of image planes. 1. An ultrasound system comprising:a controller configured to:determine a number of a plurality of image planes to scan through a region of interest;acquire echo information corresponding to each of the image planes in the plurality;generate image information for each of the image planes based upon the acquired echo information;store the image information corresponding to each of the image planes in a memory of the system; anddisplay an ultrasound image generated from image information for a selected image plane without displaying images corresponding to other one or more acquired but not selected for display image planes of the plurality of image planes.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ultrasound image is rendered from image information for a plane that is at an angle to other image planes in the plurality claim 1 , and wherein the controller is further configured to render for display in real-time claim 1 , one or more lines that are overlaid on the ultrasound image claim 1 , the one or more lines being indicative of one or more of the other image planes in the ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007944A1
Автор: OConnor Michael K.

A system and method of quantifying uptake of radionuclide by tumor with the use of an MBI system equipped with an ultrasound unit. The quantification is effectuated based on comparison a first photon count (determined from an MBI image of a region of interest encompassing both the tumor and background tissue of the sample) and a second photon count (determined from an MBI image of a region of a substantially co-extensive region of interest that encompasses only background tissue and is devoid of tumor), and based on the values of depth of tumor and its size determined from the ultrasound imaging data. 1. A molecular breast imaging (MBI) system comprising:a support structure having a surface dimensioned to support a breast in operation; a first gamma ray detector on the support structure and extending to define a first imaging plane;', 'a first collimator extending substantially coplanar with the first imaging plane in radiant communication with the first gamma ray detector;, 'a first detector head operably coupled to the support structure and includingan ultrasound paddle having an ultrasound transceiver therein, the ultrasound paddle attached to the support structure and rotatable about an axis to enable, in operation, compression of the breast between the ultrasound paddle and the first detector head ; and acquire, from the first detector head, MBI imaging data representing an MBI image of a region of the breast containing a tumor tissue, the breast having received a radionuclide;', 'acquire, from the ultrasound transceiver, ultrasound imaging data representing an ultrasound image of the region of the breast to determine depth and size of the tumor tissue;', 'determine a first photon count corresponding to a first region of interest (ROI) from the MBI image, wherein the first ROI is defined to circumscribe an image of the tumor tissue;', 'determine a second photon count corresponding to a second ROI from the MBI image, the second photon count associated with a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160007970A1

The present invention relates to an ultrasound imaging system () for inspecting an object () in a volume (). The ultra-sound imaging system comprises an ultrasound image acquisition probe () for acquiring three-dimensional ultrasound images and providing three-dimensional ultrasound image data, comprising a tracking device () for tracking a position of the ultrasound image acquisition probe () and providing a viewpoint position () of the three-dimensional ultrasound images. By this, an improved initialization and improved co-registration and co-segmentation is enabled by providing a plurality of three-dimensional ultrasound images and their respective viewpoint positions (), and to conduct a segmentation () of the object () simultaneously out of the plurality of three-dimensional ultrasound images and taking into account the viewpoint positions (). 1. An ultrasound imaging system for inspecting an object in a volume , the ultrasound imaging system comprising:an ultrasound image acquisition probe for acquiring three-dimensional ultrasound images and providing three-dimensional ultrasound image data, comprising a tracking device for tracking a position of the ultrasound image acquisition probe and providing a viewpoint position of the three-dimensional ultrasound images, andan image processor configured to receive the three-dimensional ultrasound image data and to provide display data, wherein the image processor is configured to receive a plurality of three-dimensional ultrasound images and their respective viewpoint positions, and to conduct a segmentation of the object simultaneously out of the plurality of three-dimensional ultrasound images.2. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the image processor is configured to conduct the segmentation by minimizing an energy term so that a deformed initial geometric shape matches the object's boundary as good as possible.3. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 2 , wherein the energy term comprises a first ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008229A1

Embodiments described herein include apparatus that includes an electrical interface and a processor. The processor is configured to receive, via the electrical interface, a first signal that indicates a time-varying force that was applied to a portion of tissue, and one or more second signals that are derived from ultrasound reflections received from the portion of tissue. The processor is further configured to learn, from the first signal and the second signals, a dependency of a thickness of the portion of tissue on the force applied to the portion of tissue. Other embodiments are also described. 1. Apparatus , comprising:an electrical interface; and [ a first signal that indicates a time-varying force that was applied to a portion of tissue, and', 'one or more second signals that are derived from ultrasound reflections received from the portion of tissue, and, 'to receive, via the electrical interface, 'to learn, from the first signal and the second signals, a dependency of a thickness of the portion of tissue on the force applied to the portion of tissue., 'a processor, configured2. The apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the processor is further configured to generate claim 1 , based on the learned dependency claim 1 , an output indicating at least one recommended parameter for an ablation of the portion of tissue performed at a particular contact force.3. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the processor is configured to generate the output by:based on the learned dependency, estimating a thickness of the portion of tissue that would result from the particular contact force being applied to the portion of tissue during the ablation of the portion of tissue, andin response to the estimated thickness, generating the output.4. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the recommended parameter includes a power of an ablating signal.5. The apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein the recommended parameter includes a duration of an ablating signal ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007707A1

Systems, devices, and methods are provided to provide workflow assistance to an operator during a medical imaging procedure, such as a Doppler ultrasound evaluation of a body vessel of a subject. A sensor such as a gyroscope (128) may be integrated in an external ultrasound probe (102). Workflow assistance may be provided to position the ultrasound probe (102) to make accurate flow measurements of fluid within the vessel, such as by coupling system color flow information with gyroscope angles. The workflow assistance may also assist a user in identifying a perpendicular orientation of the ultrasound to be used as a reference in making Doppler measurements. The system may also be used to create a vessel map. 1. An ultrasound imaging system , comprising:an imaging probe configured to be positioned on a body of a subject, the imaging probe comprising:an ultrasound transducer array configured to obtain imaging data associated with blood flowing through a blood vessel within the body of the subject;a processor provided at the imaging probe in communication with the ultrasound transducer array, the processor configured to:receive the imaging data from the ultrasound transducer array while the imaging probe is disposed at a plurality of angular positions with respect to the blood vessel of the subject;determine when the imaging probe is positioned perpendicularly with respect to the blood vessel based on the received imaging data; andthereafter output, to a first display device in communication with the processor, a visual representation of an angular position of the imaging probe with respect to the blood vessel.2. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the visual representation of the angular position comprises a numerical value of the angular position.3. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the imaging probe comprises a housing claim 1 , and wherein the first display device is coupled to the housing.4. The ultrasound imaging system of claim 3 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008432A1
Принадлежит: WEAR2B LTD.

System and method for non-invasive monitoring of physiological measurements of a subject, including at least one monitoring device, to detect changes in measured physiological signals, the monitoring device including at least one measuring unit, wherein each measuring unit includes: at least two light emitting sources, and at least one sensor, to detect light beams emitted from the at least two light emitting source, and a computerized device, in communication with the at least one monitoring device, the computerized device to receive data from monitoring device, wherein the monitoring device is configured to be removably attachable to the subject's body. 1. A monitoring device adapted to be removably attachable to a subject's body , the device comprising: at least two light emitting sources; and', 'at least one sensor, to detect light beams emitted from the at least two light emitting source; and, 'a measuring unit, comprisinga controller, coupled to the measuring unit, and configured to measure and analyze physiological signs of the subject.2. (canceled)3. The device of claim 1 , wherein a first sampling frequency is used for a first measured physiological characteristic claim 1 , and a second sampling frequency is used for a second measured physiological characteristic.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the at least one sensor is a light sensor configured to detect light beams emitted from the at least one light emitting source that are reflected from a subcutaneous tissue of the subject.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one light emitting source of the at least two light emitting sources claim 1 , operates at a different wavelength than at least another light emitting source of the at least two light emitting sources.6. (canceled)7. The device of claim 1 , wherein light beams are emitted from each light emitting source in predetermined time intervals.8. The device of claim 1 , wherein at least one light emitting source is a polarized light source ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023671A1

Methods and systems for treating skin, such as stretch marks through deep tissue tightening with ultrasound are provided. An exemplary method and system comprise a therapeutic ultrasound system configured for providing ultrasound treatment to a shallow tissue region, such as a region comprising an epidermis, a dermis or a deep dermis. In accordance with various exemplary embodiments, a therapeutic ultrasound system can be configured to achieve depth with a conformal selective deposition of ultrasound energy without damaging an intervening tissue. In addition, a therapeutic ultrasound can also be configured in combination with ultrasound imaging or imaging/monitoring capabilities, either separately configured with imaging, therapy and monitoring systems or any level of integration thereof. 1identifying a region of interest a skin surface;directing ultrasound energy into said region of interest;heating a portion of said region of interest; andtreating at least a portion of said skin surface.. A method for treating skin, said method comprising: This application is continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/797,387, filed Feb. 21, 2020, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/284,920, filed Feb. 25, 2019, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,610,706, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/996,263 filed on Jun. 1, 2018, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,252,086, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/829,182 filed on Dec. 1, 2017, now U.S. Pat. No. 10,010,726, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/625,818 filed on Jun. 16, 2017, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,833,640, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 15/260,825 filed on Sep. 9, 2016, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,694,212, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/554,668 filed on Nov. 26, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,440,096, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/574,512 filed on Oct. 6, 2009, now ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008880A1

According to the disclosed aspect, the ultrasonic probe provides the information of the target object, and by adjusting the scalpel provided on the ultrasonic probe based on the information, an ultrasonic probe and controlling method thereof provides to perform a precise incision for each layer of the target object and to detect the main part under the incision for preparing the dangerous situation. According to one embodiment of the present disclosure includes an incision unit configured to incise a target object, an adjustment unit configured to adjust the incision unit, a transducer configured to irradiate the ultrasonic signal to the target object and receive the reflected ultrasonic signal, and a controller configured to determine the inside of the target object based on the delivered signal by the transducer and control the adjustment unit corresponding to the inside of the target object. 1. An ultrasonic probe , comprising:an incision unit configured to incise a target object;an adjustment unit configured to adjust the incision unit;a transducer configured to irradiate an ultrasonic signal to the target object and receive the reflected ultrasonic signal;a controller configured to determine the inside of the target object based on the delivered signal by the transducer and control the adjustment unit corresponding to the inside of the target object.2. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , wherein the controller sets a region of interest in which the inside of the target object is incised.3. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the adjustment unit based on a depth of the inside of the target object.4. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , wherein the controller controls the adjustment unit to adjust an angle of the incision unit based on an incision direction of the inside of the target object.5. The ultrasonic probe of claim 1 , whereinthe adjustment unit further comprising a piston configured to be connected to the incision unit; and ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170011516A1

A medical imaging system configured to receive first image information corresponding with one or more images acquired at a first time, the one or more images including a lesion; receive second image information corresponding with one or more images of the lesion acquired at another time; render volumes of the lesion for each image; and overlays the two volumes. Other factors and/or indicators, such as vascularization indicators, may be calculated and compared between the first image information and second image information. 1. A medical imaging system comprising code , which when executed , cause the system to:receive first image information corresponding with a first image acquired at a first time, wherein the first image information includes location information, the first image comprising a lesion;receive second image information corresponding with a second image acquired at a second time, wherein the second image information includes location information, the second image comprising the lesion;render a first wire frame representing a first volume of the lesion based on the first image information;render a second wire frame representing a second volume of the lesion based on the second image information; andoverlay the second wire frame and the first wire frame based at least in part on the location information of the first image information and the second image information.2. The imaging system of claim 1 , further comprising an ultrasonic probe configured to acquire volume image data of the lesion at a selected time.3. The imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions further cause the system to determine coordinate information corresponding to the location information in the first image information and/or the second image information.4. The imaging system of claim 3 , wherein the coordinate information is based upon calculated image contour information of the lesion as a selected time.5. The imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the first image ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031283A1
Принадлежит: Veran Medical Technologies, Inc.

A method of generating an image of a medical instrument using a medical apparatus includes a catheter, a medical instrument assembly, and an imaging assembly. The catheter has a first working channel terminating with a first distal exit, and a second working channel terminating with a second distal exit. The medical instrument assembly has a medical instrument adapted to be housed within the first working channel and adapted to be extendable through the first distal exit to an extended position beyond the first distal exit to intercept a target tissue. The imaging assembly includes an imaging device adapted to be housed within the second working channel and is extendable through the second distal exit to an extended position beyond the second distal exit. The imaging device is adapted to generate an image in an image plane of the distal end of the medical instrument when the distal end of the medical instrument is extended out the first distal exit. 1. A medical assembly , the assembly comprising:a catheter, the catheter comprising an elongate flexible shaft having a proximal end portion and a distal end portion, the proximal end portion comprising a port that is fixed in relation to a first catheter handle, the distal end portion comprising a distal exit wherein a working channel extends between the port and the distal exit, a first localization element is attached to the catheter handle;a medical instrument comprising a proximal end and a distal end and housed within the first working channel, the proximal end of the medical instrument comprising a medical instrument handle, a second localization element attached to the medical instrument handle, the distal end of the medical instrument comprising a needle, the needle having a tip, the needle tip is extendable through the distal exit to an extended position beyond the distal exit; when the needle is positioned entirely within the working channel the needle tip has an unextended position, when in the unextended ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031288A1
Автор: YAMAMOTO Katsuya
Принадлежит: FUJIFILM Corporation

An ultrasound diagnostic apparatus () includes a B-mode processing unit () that generates a B-mode image in which at least a blood vessel is imaged based on a reception signal obtained by transmitting and receiving ultrasonic waves to and from a subject; a display device () that displays the B-mode image; a vascular wall detection unit () that detects a vascular wall based on the B-mode image; a gate setting unit () that sets a Doppler gate in the blood vessel on the B-mode image; a Doppler processing unit () that acquires Doppler data in the Doppler gate; a blood flow velocity calculation unit () that calculates a blood flow velocity based on the Doppler data; and a blood flow rate measurement unit () that measures a blood flow rate based on the detected vascular wall and the calculated blood flow velocity, in which the blood flow rate is automatically measured based on a fixed start trigger. 1. An ultrasound diagnostic apparatus comprising:a display device;a processor configured togenerate a B-mode image in which at least a blood vessel is imaged based a reception signal obtained by transmitting and receiving ultrasonic waves to and from a subject,detect a vascular wall by analyzing the B-mode image,set a Doppler gate in the blood vessel on the B-mode image,acquire Doppler data in the Doppler gate,calculate a blood flow velocity based on the Doppler data,measure a blood flow rate based on the vascular wall and the blood flow velocity, andautomatically measure the blood flow rate based on a fixed start trigger.2. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus according to claim 1 ,wherein the processor is further configured toset a search line for searching for the vascular wall on the B-mode image, anddetect an anterior vascular wall and a posterior vascular wall as the vascular wall based on a brightness profile of the B-mode image on the set search line.3. The ultrasound diagnostic apparatus according to claim 2 ,wherein the processor is further configured toset a ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Ultrasound Imaging

Номер: US20160012582A1
Принадлежит: Rivanna Medical LLC

Techniques for processing ultrasound data. The techniques include using at least one computer hardware processor to perform obtaining ultrasound data generated based, at least in part, on one or more ultrasound signals from an imaged region of a subject; calculating shadow intensity data corresponding to the ultrasound data; generating, based at least in part on the shadow intensity data and at least one bone separation parameter, an indication of bone presence in the imaged region, generating, based at least in part on the shadow intensity data and at least one tissue separation parameter different from the at least one bone separation parameter, an indication of tissue presence in the imaged region; and generating an ultrasound image of the subject at least in part by combining the indication of bone presence and the indication of tissue presence.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

System and method for prostrate treatment

Номер: US20220031606A1
Принадлежит: Resurge Therapeutics Inc

A minimally invasive treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) tissue. A system includes a sustained release formulation comprising a cytostatic or cytotoxic drug, and an applicator or delivery system for local delivery of a composition comprising or consisting essentially of the sustained release formulation to the prostate. A method includes introducing a composition into the prostate to achieve a sustained release of the cytostatic or cytotoxic drug over a period of between about 14 days and 12 months.

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Dual modality imaging system for coregistered functional and anatomical mapping

Номер: US20170014101A1
Принадлежит: Seno Medical Instruments Inc

A real-time imaging system that provides ultrasonic imaging and optoacoustic imaging coregistered through application of the same hand-held probe to generate and detect ultrasonic and optoacoustic signals. These signals are digitized, processed and used to reconstruct anatomical maps superimposed with maps of two functional parameters of blood hemoglobin index and blood oxygenation index. The blood hemoglobin index represents blood hemoglobin concentration changes in the areas of diagnostic interest relative to the background blood concentration. The blood oxygenation index represents blood oxygenation changes in the areas of diagnostic interest relative to the background level of blood oxygenation. These coregistered maps can be used to noninvasively differentiate malignant tumors from benign lumps and cysts.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014645A1

Methods and systems using magnetic resonance and ultrasound for tracking anatomical targets for radiation therapy guidance are provided. One system includes a patient transport configured to move a patient between and into a magnetic resonance (MR) system and a radiation therapy (RT) system. An ultrasound transducer is also provided that is hands-free and electronically steerable, securely attached to the patient, such that the ultrasound transducer is configured to acquire four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound images concurrently with one of an MR acquisition or an RT radiation therapy session. The system also includes a controller having a processor configured to use the 4D ultrasound images and MR images from the MR system to control at least one of a photon beam spatial distribution or intensity modulation generated by the RT system. The system determines the previously-acquired correct MR images that represent a specific motion state at some time, t, by a plurality of transformations that allow the representation of the position of fiducial markers in the corresponding ultrasound images to match that of a prior ultrasound acquisition. 1. A system comprising:one or more patient transports to move a patient into a magnetic resonance (MR) system and to a radiation therapy (RT) system;an ultrasound transducer attached to a patient, the ultrasound transducer mobile and electronically steerable, the ultrasound transducer configured to acquire four-dimensional (4D) images; acquire acquisitions of real-time three-dimensional (3D) MR images (M({right arrow over (r)}, t)) over time to produce 4D MR images, and real-time 3D ultrasound images (U({right arrow over (r)}, t)) over time to produce 4D ultrasound images, the acquisitions temporally synchronized to a designated time point; and', {'sub': '1', 'generate a series of real-time transformation functions to identify fiducial markers from one or more of the 4D ultrasound images, U({right arrow over (r)}, t), at each time ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015360A1

A computer implemented method, a computerized system and a computer program product for automatic image segmentation. The computer implemented method comprises obtaining an image of a tissue, wherein the image is produced using an imaging modality. The method further comprises automatically identifying, by a processor, a tissue segment within the image, wherein said identifying comprises identifying an artifact within the image, wherein the artifact is a misrepresentation of a tissue structure, wherein the misrepresentation is associated with the imaging modality; and searching for the tissue segment in a location adjacent to the artifact.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015069A1

An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system is used to acquire a fetal image in a sagittal view for the performance of a nuchal translucency measurement. After a fetal image has been acquired, a zoom box is positioned over the image, encompassing a region of interest. The size of the zoom box is automatically set for the user in correspondence with gestational age or crown rump length. The system automatically tracks the region of interest within the zoom box in the presence of fetal motion in an effort to maintain the region of interest within the zoom box despite movement by the fetus. 1. An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system for performing a nuchal translucency measurement , the system comprising instructions thereon , which when executed , cause the system to:acquire, using an ultrasound probe, ultrasound image data;produce fetal ultrasound images from the ultrasound image data, the fetal ultrasound images comprising at least a portion of a fetus;display successive fetal ultrasound image frames;position a zoom box over a nuchal fold of the fetus, wherein the zoom box delineates an image for enlargement based on a magnification factor and wherein a size of the zoom box is automatically set by the system based on a gestational age of the fetus;track fetal image data within the zoom box from frame to frame in the successive frames; andanalyze the nuchal fold in one or more of the fetal ultrasound images to perform a nuchal translucency measurement.2. (canceled)3. The ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the size of the zoom box is further based on a crown rump length of the fetus.4. (canceled)5. The ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system of claim 1 , wherein gestational age is based on patient data manually input into the ultrasound system.6. The ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system of claim 1 , wherein gestational age is based on fetal anatomy characteristics.7. The ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system of claim 1 , wherein the instructions further ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Micro vascular ultrasonic contrast imaging by adaptive temporal processing

Номер: US20190015074A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

An ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system produces contrast enhanced images which are processed differently during different stages of contrast agent wash-in. During an initial stage of contrast wash-in, imaging is done using pixels processed by maximum intensity detection, to better reflect the rapid change in contrast intensity. During a later stage of contrast wash-in, time averaged processing is used to diminish the effects of noise and motion on the pixel values. During an intermediate period of peak enhancement, a combination of both pixel values processed by both techniques is used. In another aspect, a wash-in period can be characterized by an appearance stage, a growth stage and a peak stage, in which contrast pixel data is adaptively processed in different ways during these periods.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus and controlling method

Номер: US20190015075A1
Принадлежит: Canon Medical Systems Corp

According to one embodiment, an ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus includes a transmission/reception circuit and processing circuitry. The transmission/reception circuit is configured to repeatedly perform ultrasonic scanning of an object to which a contrast agent is administered. The processing circuitry is configured to analyze dynamics of the contrast agent in a region of interest in the object based on image data acquired by the ultrasonic scanning. The transmission/reception circuit performs the ultrasonic scanning at a frame rate or a volume rate having a value according to an analysis result of the processing circuitry.
