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20-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2472533C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Система содержит закрывающую подушку повязки для размещения на эпидермисе пациента поверх линейной раны. Подушка содержит верхнюю стенку, нижнюю стенку, которая соединена с верхней стенкой на определенном расстоянии и которая имеет центральную часть, первую боковую часть и вторую боковую часть, первый закрывающий элемент, выполненный на первой боковой части, и второй закрывающий элемент, выполненный на второй боковой части. Первый закрывающий элемент имеет поверхность, выполненную со скошенным углом к центральной плоскости между первым закрывающим элементом и вторым закрывающим элементом. Второй закрывающий элемент имеет поверхность, выполненную со скошенным углом к центральной плоскости. Подсистема уплотнения предназначена для герметичного закрытия поверх закрывающей подушки повязки и пациента. Подсистема пониженного давления доставляет пониженное давление к закрывающей подушке. Первый закрывающий элемент и второй закрывающий элемент выполнены с ...

10-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2506064C2

Изобретение относится к средству для защиты ран с первым элементом в виде полотна, образующим первую плоскость соприкосновения, вторым элементом в виде полотна, образующим направленную в противоположную сторону от первой плоскости соприкосновения и параллельную ей вторую плоскость соприкосновения и соединенным с первым элементом в виде полотна, причем между обращенной от первой плоскости соприкосновения первой внутренней плоскостью соприкосновения первого элемента в виде полотна и обращенной от второй плоскости соприкосновения второй внутренней плоскостью соприкосновения второго элемента в виде полотна находится по меньшей мере одна дренажная область, толщина которой обеспечивает капиллярное действие, направленное вглубь перпендикулярно плоскостям соприкосновения, для впитывания в дренажную область биологических жидкостей, в частности экссудата. Изобретение обеспечивает хороший контроль над экссудатом во всей области раны без загрязнения. 2 н. и 23 з.п. ф-лы, 2 ил.

20-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2560994C2

Предложены способ и устройство для перевязывания раны. Устройство содержит абсорбирующий слой, предназначенный для поглощения раневого экссудата, газонепроницаемый покровный слой, расположенный над абсорбирующим слоем и содержащий по меньшей мере одно отверстие для передачи отрицательного давления через покровный слой по меньшей мере в двух зонах, находящихся на расстоянии друг от друга. 2 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы,18 ил.

27-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017140986A3

20-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014151468A

... 1. Устройство для обеспечения отсасывающего эффекта в области раны, включающее:разделительный слой, включающий проксимальный конец, удлиненную среднюю часть, а также дистальный конец;верхний слой, выполненный из непроницаемого для жидкости материала, расположенный над разделительным слоем;нижний слой, выполненный из непроницаемого для жидкости материала, расположенный под разделительным слоем, причем верхний слой и нижний слой по существу заключают между собой разделительный слой;одно или более отверстий в нижнем слое под дистальным концом разделительного слоя;фильтр, расположенный под дистальным концом разделительного слоя напротив одного или более отверстий; ипроводящую трубку, находящуюся в гидравлическом сообщении с проксимальным концом разделительного слоя.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что дистальный конец разделительного слоя увеличен относительно ширины удлиненной средней части и ширины проксимального конца.3. Устройство по п. 1 или 2, отличающееся тем, что фильтр расположен ...

10-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007128464A

... 1. Многослойная повязка, имеющая, по меньшей мере, следующее строение: ваточный холст 1, который должен контактировать с раной, и мембрана 3, которая водонепроницаема и включает в себя нерастворимый в воде полимер, причем мембрана 3 либо является липким пластырем 3 и включает в себя клеящуюся часть, которая приклеивается к коже, окружающей рану, либо не имеет клеящейся части и приклеивается к коже, окружающей рану, только в том случае, если на кожу, окружающую рану, наносят клей, и причем между мембраной 3 и ваточным холстом 1 имеется непрочная, легко разрываемая адгезивная связь, либо вообще никакой связи. 2. Многослойная повязка по п.1, причем, по меньшей мере, один нерастворимый в воде полимер мембраны 3 является - полипропиленом, поливинилхлоридом или полиуретаном. 3. Многослойная повязка по п.1, причем мембрана 3 представляет собой самоклеящийся гидрополимер. 4. Многослойная повязка по п.1, причем многослойная повязка включает в себя между мембраной 3 и холстом 1 вторую мембрану 2, ...

20-07-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94044443A

Лейкопластырную повязку, повязку на рану, подобный сшиванию механизм или химическую простыню, предназначенную для наложения поверх раны, изготавливают из слоистой структуры гибкой резины, гидрофильного гидрогельного полимера, связанного с одной стороной гибкой резины, и клейкого вещества, связанного с гидрофильным гидрогельным полимером, по крайней мере на первом участке лейкопластырной повязки, повязки на рану, подобного сшиванию механизма или хирургической простыни. Клейким веществом предпочтительно является гидрогельное клейкое вещество с целлюлозной, полиуретановой или полиакрилатной основой, тогда как гибкой резиной предпочтительно является резина, которая предварительно обработана гидрогельным полимером перед лечением. Лекарственное средство, типа пиридихлорцетила или бензиламмония, можно связывать с гидрофильным гидрогельным полимером на не имеющей клейкого вещества части лейкопластырной повязки, повязки на рану или хирургической простыни для обеспечения медленного выделения лекарственного ...

20-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010146765A

... 1. Система для обеспечения терапии пониженным давлением подвижного участка ткани, содержащая: ! гибкую подушку повязки, имеющую первую сторону и вторую обращенную внутрь сторону, ! сгибные сочленения, выполненные на подушке повязки, ! подсистему уплотнения для обеспечения гидравлического уплотнения поверх гибкой подушки повязки и ! подсистему пониженного давления для доставки пониженного давления к подсистеме уплотнения, ! причем подсистема уплотнения и подсистема пониженного давления выполнены с возможностью доставки пониженного давления к подвижному участку ткани, ! при этом гибкая подушка повязки выполнена с обеспечением возможности перемещения подвижного участка ткани. ! 2. Система по п.1, в которой указанные сгибные сочленения содержат первое количество отстоящих друг от друга модулей подушки, выполненных на первой стороне гибкой подушки повязки. ! 3. Система по п.1, в которой указанные сгибные сочленения содержат первое количество отстоящих друг от друга модулей подушки, выполненных ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011107121A

... 1. Повязка для приложения пониженного давления к участку ткани, содержащая: ! материал для передачи пониженного давления к участку ткани и для получения жидкости из участка ткани, причем материал повязки содержит: ! слой ткань-интерфейс, предназначенный для осуществления контакта с участком ткани и представляющий собой гидрофобный слой, ! магистраль, предназначенную для распределения пониженного давления и представляющую собой гидрофобный слой, и ! первый абсорбирующий слой для поглощения жидкости из участка ткани через слой ткань-интерфейс и магистраль, причем магистраль расположена между слоем ткань-интерфейс и первым абсорбирующим слоем, и ! хирургическую салфетку, покрывающую по меньшей мере часть материала повязки. ! 2. Повязка по п.1, в которой слой ткань-интерфейс содержит неадгезивный слой ткань-интерфейс. ! 3. Повязка по п.1, в которой слой ткань-интерфейс содержит выполненный с возможностью растяжения слой ткань-интерфейс. ! 4. Повязка по п.1, в которой слой ткань-интерфейс содержит ...

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Wundbehandlung und Wundabdeckpflaster

Номер: DE112011102047A5

26-07-1995 дата публикации

Wound dressings

Номер: GB0009510988D0

13-12-1995 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: GB0002290031A

A dressing for moist wounds has a body layer 1 of resiliently compressible, moisture-absorbent polyurethane foam, a wound contacting layer 3 of moisture permeable material and an outer barrier layer 2 of gas permeable material which has at least 2 reduced moisture permeability relative to the body layer. The wound contacting layer may comprise a collapsed or compressed polyurethane foam and the barrier layer may be a high density, closed cell polyurethane foam. At least one layer may be impregnated with an antiseptic and a hydrogel may be applied to the wound contacting surface. The dressing may additionally have an active carbon layer and retaining layer therefor, may have cross-cuts for use as a tracheostomy and cannula dressing and may have an adhesive covered perimeter (Fig. 12). ...

02-02-2005 дата публикации

A wound dressing

Номер: GB0002375485B

09-06-2010 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: GB0201006983D0

28-10-2020 дата публикации

Dressing for surgical drain

Номер: GB0002526267B

06-05-2015 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: GB0201504698D0

04-07-2001 дата публикации

A wound dressing

Номер: GB0000111755D0

21-04-2021 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: GB2537840B
Принадлежит: MEDTRADE PRODUCTS LTD, Medtrade Products Ltd

20-07-2022 дата публикации

Virtual memory metadata management

Номер: GB0002602948A

Scalable virtual memory metadata management comprising a plurality of pre-instantiated VM metadata containers representing the entire amount of real physical memory available to a computing system, with additional instantiated VM metadata containers created as needed. Individual and/or groups of VM metadata containers are assigned to metadata container groups, wherein each container group is controlled by an acquired lock assigned to the VM metadata container groups. Virtual memory metadata is managed using a "least used" technique. In response to allocation requests, the allocator scans the container groups/ VM containers and fulfills memory object metadata allocation to the least used VM metadata container of the least used container group, filling the individual VM metadata containers and/or the container groups at a nearly equal rate.

15-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000410193T

15-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000165506T

15-05-2018 дата публикации

The wound covering and wound supply a kit

Номер: AT0000015617U3

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Wundabdeckung mit einem eine erste Begrenzungsfläche bildenden ersten bahnförmigen Element und einem eine der ersten Begrenzungsfläche abgewandte und etwa parallel dazu verlaufende zweite Begrenzungsfläche bildenden und mit dem ersten bahnförmigen Element verbundenen zweiten bahnförmigen Element, wobei zwischen der der ersten Begrenzungsfläche abgewandten ersten inneren Begrenzungsfläche des ersten bahnförmigen Elements und einer der zweiten Begrenzungsfläche abgewandten zweiten inneren Begrenzungsfläche des zweiten bahnförmigen Elements mindestens ein Drainageraum gebildet ist, dessen Tiefe in einer sich senkrecht zu den Begrenzungsflächen erstreckenden Tiefenrichtung eine Kapillarwirkung auf in dem Drainageraum aufgenommene Körperflüssigkeiten, insbes. Exsudate, gewährleistet.

15-11-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000342027T

15-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000216865T

14-11-2019 дата публикации

Composite foam in wound treatment

Номер: AU2018266750A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

The present invention relates to a composite material, which is of particular use in wound treatment, and to a method for producing said composite material. Said composite material comprises a first foam layer comprising a first hydrophilic polyurethane foam material, and, in immediate contact therewith, a second foam layer comprising a second hydrophilic polyurethane foam material, which second hydrophilic foam material is different from the first hydrophilic foam material.

22-11-2018 дата публикации

Leak-resistant bandage systems and methods with hydrophilic foam wound insert for fluid-instillation and/or negative-pressure wound therapies

Номер: AU2018253553A1

Wound treatment systems and methods (e.g., having hydrophilic wound inserts), such as for negative-pressure and/or fluid-installation wound therapies. Some embodiments include a check-valve assembly between a wound dressing and a vacuum source. WO 2011/090996 PCT/US2011/021665 r100 108--\_ 112 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Dressing with fluid acquisition and distribution characteristics

Номер: AU2019236689B2

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for treating a tissue site are described. In some embodiments, the system may include a pouch having an upstream layer, a downstream layer, and an absorbent member enclosed between the upstream layer and the downstream layer. The upstream layer and the downstream layer may each include a hydrophobic side and a hydrophilic side. The hydrophilic side of both the upstream layer and the downstream layer may be positioned facing the absorbent member. The hydrophobic side of both the upstream layer and the downstream layer may form a portion of an exterior surface of the pouch such that fluid incident on the pouch is distributed laterally along the exterior surface of the pouch before being absorbed by the absorbent member. )) C( c" C: Col ...

29-08-1994 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: AU0006007294A

29-05-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007573296A

09-04-2015 дата публикации

Wound dressing

Номер: AU2011247125B2

A method and apparatus are disclosed for dressing a wound. The apparatus comprises a liquid and gas permeable transmission layer, an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, a gas impermeable cover layer overlying the absorbent layer and the transmission layer, the cover layer comprising an orifice connected to the transmission layer, and at least one element configured to reduce the rate at which wound exudate moves towards the orifice when a negative pressure is applied at the orifice.

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Very absorbent, thin adhesive dressing, and uses thereof for the treatment of chronic wounds

Номер: AU2012241650A1

The invention relates to an absorbent dressing comprising an adhesive silicone-coated side strip, which is particularly suitable for use in the care of chronic wounds, such as ulcers or eschars, or acute wounds, such as burns. The absorbent dressing includes a breathable impermeable substrate (4) and an absorbent non-woven fabric (6). The substrate is formed by assembling a continuous film (4a) and an openwork reinforcement that is coated with an adhesive silicone gel (4b) without blocking the openings in the reinforcement. A non-absorbent web (5) is secured to a complementary non-woven fabric (7), such as to encase the above-mentioned absorbent non-woven fabric (6) without being secured at any point to the latter. The encased absorbent non-woven fabric is subsequently assembled to the substrate (4) along part of the said silicone-coated surface of the substrate.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Apparatuses and methods for negative pressure wound therapy

Номер: AU2010341491A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Reduced-pressure, linear-wound treatment systems

Номер: AU2009262876B2

A system for treating a linear wound on a patient has a closing dressing bolster (46) for placing on the patient's epidermis over the linear wound, a sealing subsystem (70) for providing a seal over the closing dressing bolster and the patient, and a reduced-pressure subsystem (90) for delivering reduced pressure to the sealing subsystem. The sealing subsystem and reduced pressure subsystem are operable to deliver reduced pressure to the closing dressing bolster. The closing dressing bolster is operable under reduced pressure to develop a inward closing force. The closing dressing bolster may include one or more closing members (56) on each side of a center wound area to create the inward closing when under reduced pressure. A compressive force may also be developed. Other systems and methods are presented.

06-04-2017 дата публикации

Tissue healing

Номер: AU2011368647C1
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A system, method, and apparatus are disclosed for dressing a wound and for minimizing scarring. The apparatus promotes scar-minimizing healing of a wound where negative pressure wound therapy is applied, and comprises a wound contact layer containing silicone, polysiloxanes, or other related compounds.

25-03-2010 дата публикации

Multi-layer dressings, systems, and methods for applying reduced pressure at a tissue site

Номер: AU2009293350A1

20-09-2018 дата публикации

Dressing for wound treatment

Номер: AU2014216501A8

Embodiments of the present disclosure comprise devices, systems and methods related to advanced wound therapy dressings. Specific embodiments are optimized for use with mobile continuous diffusion of oxygen therapy systems for the localized delivery of oxygen to damaged and healing tissues. Exemplary embodiments may utilize a conduit to deliver therapeutic fluids, including for example oxygen, whereby the conduit comprises a plurality of apertures or perforations. Exemplary embodiments may also comprise a spacer material with a plurality of distribution channels in fluid communication with the conduit.

09-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2014202740B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A method and apparatus are disclosed for dressing a wound. The apparatus comprises an absorbent layer for absorbing wound 5 exudate, a liquid impermeable, gas permeable filter layer over the absorbent layer, a cover layer comprising at least one orifice and a first liquid and gas permeable transmission layer underlying the absorbent layer. The transmission layer is in fluid communication with the filter layer. 54033411 (GHMatters) P89816.AU.1 20/05/14 1021x0 F ig . p Fig. 3 ...

23-11-2017 дата публикации

Bilayered devices for enhanced healing

Номер: AU2016294135A8
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Disclosed herein is a multilayered wound dressing comprising a first layer; the first layer including channels that facilitate neovascularization of a wound; and a second layer in contact with the first layer, the second layer having the same or different chemical composition as the first layer; where the second layer comprises at least one surface that has a texture and the direction of the texture is operative to facilitate cell orientation and growth. A method includes forming a first layer of a polymeric material; forming a second layer of the same polymeric material as the first layer on the first layer; and forming a textured surface of the second layer of the same polymeric material as the first layer, the textured surface being operative to facilitate directional cell growth when used in a wound dressing, where the first layer and the second layer are formed using an additive manufacturing process.

15-08-2019 дата публикации

Dressing with fluid acquisition and distribution characteristics

Номер: AU2015269359B2
Принадлежит: Shelston IP Pty Ltd.

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for treating a tissue site are described, In some embodiments, the system may include a pouch having an upstream layer, a downstream layer, and an absorbent member enclosed between the upstream layer and the downstream layer. The upstream layer and the downstream layer may each include a hydrophobic side and a hydrophilic side, The hydrophilic side of both the upstream layer and the downstream layer may be positioned facing the absorbent member. The hydrophobic side of both the upstream layer and the downstream layer may form a portion of an exterior surface of the pouch such that fluid incident on the pouch is distributed laterally along the exterior surface of the pouch before being absorbed by the absorbent member.

26-09-2019 дата публикации

Wound dressing and method of treatment

Номер: AU2017219122B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

A wound dressing, a method of manufacturing a wound dressing, and a method of treating a patient are disclosed. The wound dressing may include an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate; and an obscuring element for at least partially obscuring a view of wound exudate absorbed by the absorbent layer in use. 100 -101 ,103 _12 106 FIG. 2a FIG. 2b ...

06-12-2018 дата публикации

Negative pressure wound dressing management system

Номер: AU2017264703A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A wound exudate management system includes a pump for generating negative pressure, a dressing for covering and protecting a wound of a user, a tube including an interior lumen, the tube disposed between the pump and the dressing such that the pump and the dressing are in fluid communication via the interior lumen. The dressing includes an adhesive layer for adhering the dressing adjacent the wound, a wound contact layer, a pressure dispersion layer, a plurality of layers of absorbent material disposed between the wound contact layer and the pressure dispersion layer, a backing layer having a first surface and a second surface, the first surface of the backing layer being adjacent, and in contact with, the pressure dispersion layer and the adhesive layer, and a flexible connector disposed on the second surface of the backing layer.

05-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2785388C

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters.

04-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002725943C

A system uses reduced pressure to provide a therapeutic force to a person's breast area. The system includes a dressing assembly (2) shaped and configured to be placed on the breast area, a releaseable circumferential connector for holding the dressing assembly against at least a portion of the breast area, and a sealing subsystem for providing a fluid seal over the dressing assembly against a person's epidermis. The system includes a reduced--pressure subsystem for providing reduced pressure to the dressing assembly. When reduced pressure is supplied, the system generates a force against at least a portion of the breast area of the person. The dressing assembly may be formed as a brassiere having a first cup and a second cup formed from a bolster material.

30-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002726042A1

A dressing assembly for use with a reduced pressure treatment system, the dressing assembly develops a directed force under reduced pressure. The directed force may be a radial force or a closing force. The dressing assembly includes a shaped dressing bolster having a shaped extremity that is operable to evenly deliver the radial force and to distribute reduced pressure. Numerous shapes may be used for the shaped extremity. The dressing assembly may further include an over-drape to assist in creating a seal over the shaped dressing bolster and against a portion of a patient's epidermis.

19-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001323270C

... 27 Skin Barrier Product An adhesive, flat skin barrier product for use as semi-manufacture in the production of, a.o., dressings, wound-care devices, electrodes and fastening means for ostomy equipment and catheters, consists of alternating zones of material of at least two different kinds (26,28,30) at least one of which is a skinfriendly self-adhesive material. The zones are parallel and extend in a direction usually at right angles to the main surfaces of the product. The zones may for instance be parallel strips, co-axial rings, co-wound Archimedean spirals or short strands. Fig. 9 ...

15-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003062733A1
Принадлежит: AIRD & MCBURNEY LP

The present invention relates to a composite material, which is of particular use in wound treatment, and to a method for producing said composite material. Said composite material comprises a first foam layer comprising a first hydrophilic polyurethane foam material, and, in immediate contact therewith, a second foam layer comprising a second hydrophilic polyurethane foam material, which second hydrophilic foam material is different from the first hydrophilic foam material.

17-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002651455C

The invention relates to a liquid-permeable primary dressing in the form of a supple thermoplastic section of material (1.4), comprising: a first smooth surface (4); a second surface (5) facing away from the smooth surface (4); and a plurality of three-dimensional perforations, whose walls extend from the first smooth surface (4) and end in an overhang with a free edge, thus making the second surface (5) rough to the touch. At least one of the free edges has an angled section that is approximately perpendicular to a perforation axis. In a preferred embodiment, the periphery (13) of the material section is smooth on both sides, i.e. on both the first and second surfaces (4; 5), the periphery (13) of the surface (5) that was at first rough being thermally smoothed.

26-07-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002637059A1

A wound shield for exudate management may include a conformable frame to circumscribe a wound. The conformable frame may be formed of material for absorbing wound exudate. Exudate absorbing material may also be one of two or more layers of material forming the conformable frame. The layers may be arranged to keep the exudate absorbing layer at some selected distance from a patients skin. Any suitable dressing may be secured over the conformable frame providing separation between the wound and the dressing. The wound frame may provide pressure relief around a wound or pressure sore to permit healing. The conformable frame may be wrapped, in a spiral, around a wound providing an increasing pressure relief by increasing distance from the wound. A conformable frame may be composed of one or more layers of any suitable material and may include adhesive on one or more surfaces to secure the frame to the wound site and or to secure the dressing to the conformable frame. One layer of the two or ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002902776A1

Certain embodiments described herein are directed to an elongated layer of material and a lip to be placed in contact with a wound and the elongated layer of material to be wrapped around a wound filler, their methods of use and systems incorporating the same, wherein the wound filler lip is configured to be positioned beneath the fascia. Additionally, some embodiments described herein are directed to the closure of the wound and the use of attachment mechanisms on the elongate layer and lip to attach to the wound surface.

30-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002978001C

A dressing assembly for use with a reduced pressure treatment system, the dressing assembly develops a directed force under reduced pressure. The directed force may be a radial force or a closing force. The dressing assembly (30) includes a shaped dressing bolster (32) having a shaped extremity (33) that is operable to evenly deliver the radial force and to distribute reduced pressure. Numerous shapes may be used for the shaped extremity. The dressing assembly may further include an over-drape (62) to assist in creating a seal over the shaped dressing bolster and against a portion of a patient's epidermis.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002926932A1

A dressing for treating a tissue site may include a base layer, a sealing member, a first and a second wicking layer, and an absorbent layer. The base layer may have a periphery surrounding a central portion and a plurality of apertures disposed through the periphery and the central portion. The apertures in the periphery may be larger than the apertures in the central portion. The sealing member and the base layer may define an enclosure. The first and the second wicking layer may each be disposed in the enclosure with the absorbent layer positioned between the first and the second wicking layer. Other dressings and systems are disclosed.

17-06-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002744548A1

A device to deliver and maintain reduced pressure to body surfaces for application of reduced pressure wound therapy (RPWT) also known as negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). A substantially airtight seal is formed around a section of tissue to be treated. This seal is formed by a dressing which provides fluid communication from a section of tissue to a reduced pressure source. The system may be configured to allow full rotation of the fluid communication conduit to the reduced pressure source. The system may be configured to include a one-way valve to prevent backflow of any drainage fluids, and with transparent windows covered by opaque flaps to allow inspection through the dressing. The system may be configured to include an indicator which visually makes clear whether reduced pressure is being applied or not. Also, the system is configured to minimize the profile of the dressing system.

02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002735136C

The illustrative systems, methods, and dressings for applying reduced pressure to a tissue site are presented that involve quickly removing fluids from the tissue site to reduce or avoid maceration of the epidermis. One dressing includes a dressing material for transferring the reduced pressure to the tissue site and a drape covering at least a portion of the dressing material. The dressing material includes a hydrophobic tissue-interface layer adapted to contact the tissue site. The dressing material also includes a manifold adapted to distribute reduced pressure. The manifold may be a hydrophobic layer. The dressing material also includes one or more absorbent layers adapted to absorb liquid from the tissue site via the tissue-interface layer and the manifold. Other aspects are disclosed.

25-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002735136A1

The illustrative systems, methods, and dressings for applying reduced pressure to a tissue site are presented that involve quickly removing fluids from the tissue site to reduce or avoid maceration of the epidermis. One dressing includes a dressing material for transferring the reduced pressure to the tissue site and a drape covering at least a portion of the dressing material. The dressing material includes a hydrophobic tissue-interface layer adapted to contact the tissue site. The dressing material also includes a manifold adapted to distribute reduced pressure. The manifold may be a hydrophobic layer. The dressing material also includes one or more absorbent layers adapted to absorb liquid from the tissue site via the tissue-interface layer and the manifold. Other aspects are disclosed.

20-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002820504C

A wound barrier pad is provided having a housing with a housing opening. The housing has a truncated conical shape. A base plate with an opening is disposed in the housing, and the housing is filled with a fluid or padding. The wound barrier pad may also be embodied to have a cylindrical shape, a rectangular shape or other shape. The wound barrier pad may be incorporated into a garment. In another embodiment the wound barrier pad includes a ring and an adhesive such that the wound barrier pad may be directly adhered to the patient, thus eliminating the need for the garment. In another embodiment there is a wound barrier device having a pad assembly and an anti-sheer member. The anti-shear member reduces frictional forces on the skin of a patient.

25-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002803242C

Disclosed herein is a backing having a three-layer structure prepared by sticking together an inner fiber layer for holding a pasty preparation, a film layer having through-holes, and an air-permeable outer fiber layer which prevents leaking out of the pasty preparation or a liquid component exuded from the pasty preparation, and also an aqueous patch using the backing which can be applied for a long time.

18-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002832885A1

La présente invention se rapporte à un pansement absorbant comprenant un trottoir adhésif siliconé particulièrement adapté au soin des plaies chroniques, comme les ulcères, les escarres, ou aiguës comme les brûlures. Le pansement absorbant comporte un support imperméable respirant (4) et un non tissé absorbant (6). Le support est constitué par l'assemblage d'un film continu (4a) et d'une armature ajourée enduite d'un gel de silicone adhésif (4b) sans obturer les ouvertures de l'armature. Un voile non absorbant (5) est fixé à un non tissé complémentaire (7) de manière à envelopper le non tissé absorbant (6) sans point de fixation avec ce dernier. Le non tissé absorbant enveloppé est ensuite assemblé au support (4) sur une partie de la surface dudit support enduite de silicone.

28-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002849939C

This disclosure provides a wound dressing and use thereof. The wound dressing includes an absorbent core, a backing layer, and a woven or non-woven fabric layer, which includes an agent having an effect against pathogenic microbial colonization of a wound. The woven or non-woven fabric layer is bonded to at least a part of the border portion to the proximal surface of the backing layer bordering the center portion but not bonded to the absorbent core. The wound dressing may be used in a method to treat wound. The process for preparing the wound dressing is also provided.

03-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2867090C

Some embodiments have a pump assembly mounted to or supported by a dressing for reduced pressure wound therapy. The dressing can have visual pressure, saturation, and/or temperature sensors to provide a visual indication of the level of pressure, saturation, and/or temperature within the dressing. Additionally, the pump assembly can have a pressure sensor in communication with the flow pathway through the pump, and at least one switch or button supported by the housing, the at least one switch or button being accessible to a user and being in communication with the controller. The pump assembly can have a controller supported within or by the housing, the controller being configured to control an operation of the pump. The pump can be configured to be sterilized following the assembly of the pump such that all of the components of the pump have been sterilized.

26-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2874509C

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed towards wound dressings comprising a liquid and gas permeable transmission layer, an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, the absorbent layer overlying the transmission layer, a gas impermeable cover layer overlying the absorbent layer and comprising a first orifice, wherein the cover layer is moisture vapor permeable. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters.

31-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002879529C

La présente invention concerne un article (10) ayant des propriétés de stockage et/ou d'évacuation d'un liquide (L), notamment pansement, comportant: -une structure proximale (20) perméable au liquide, comportant un matériau capable de gonfler en présence du liquide (L), -une structure distale (30) apte à drainer un liquide (L), -une structure intercalaire (40) hydrophobe et non absorbante s'étendant entre les structures distale (30) et proximale (20), et étant apte d'une part à limiter localement, en l'absence de gonflement dudit matériau, l'échange de liquide entre les structures distale et proximale via le maintien d'un espacement entre ces structures, et d'autre part à autoriser une expansion locale de la structure proximale dans au moins une zone (P) où le gonflement dudit matériau a lieu en réponse à une mise en présence avec un liquide, cette expansion conduisant au rapprochement local de la structure proximale et de la structure distale et au transfert dudit liquide de cette zone ...

13-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002264751C

A multilayered dressing comprising a fibrous absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, a barrier layer and an odour adsorbing layer where said barrier layer is located between the absorbent layer and th e odour adsorbing layer.

10-09-1965 дата публикации

Improvement with the surgical packs

Номер: FR0001410818A

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002955032A1

La présente invention concerne un pansement comprenant une masse hydrocolloïde adhésive, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend, sur une partie au moins de la surface de la masse adhésive destinée à venir au contact de la plaie en position d'utilisation, une pluralité d'agglomérats constitués de particules liées entre elles, de préférence selon une configuration multicouches, lesdites particules étant constituées pour 90 % au moins, et de préférence 95 % au moins d'entre elles d'un (ou plusieurs) matériau(x) choisi(s) parmi les polysaccharides, les protéines et des polymères synthétiques, et apte à se solubiliser ou gélifier en moins de 10 secondes et de préférence encore en moins de 1 seconde au contact des exsudats de la plaie. Le pansement selon l'invention est destiné au traitement des plaies telles que les ampoules, les plaies exudatives, les brûlures, les lésions dermo-épidermiques superficielles, profondes, chroniques ou aigües.

15-10-1984 дата публикации

Номер: KR19840004367A

16-12-2009 дата публикации

See-through, reduced-pressure dressings and systems

Номер: TW0200950829A

A see-through dressing assembly is presented for use with a reduced-pressure system for treating a wound on a patient using reduced pressure that allows visual observation of the wound during treatment. The dressing assembly includes a bolster for providing a directed force when under reduced pressure, a sealing member for covering the bolster and providing a seal over the bolster and a patient's epidermis, and wherein the bolster and sealing member are formed from see-through materials sufficient to allow perception of color from a point external to the system. Other systems, dressings, and methods are presented.

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014020443A3

Embodiments disclosed herein are directed to negative pressure treatment systems and wound dressing systems that may be used for the treatment of wounds. In particular, some embodiments are directed to improved wound dressings comprising an obscuring layer that may hide fluid contained therein. Some embodiments may further comprise one or more viewing windows disposed therethrough so as to enable monitoring or examination of fluids contained therein.

18-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180296396A1

A dressing for an open wound includes a cover layer dimensioned for positioning relative to a wound bed. The cover layer permits an evacuation of the space around the wound bed such that a sub-atmospheric pressure may be established to stimulate healing and facilitate the removal of fluid from the wound. Multiple performance zones in the cover layer allow the wound dressing to remain in position through repeated cycles of evacuation without placing undue strain on the wound bed. An outer peripheral zone may include a high peal-strength adhesive while an intermediate zone may include a shear resistant adhesive. A central zone may be devoid of any coating to maximize moisture transmission through cover layer.

27-12-2011 дата публикации

Conformable wound dressing

Номер: US0008084665B2

A wound dressing comprising an absorbent pad, an adhesive layer, and a backing layer is described, along with a dressing support layer configured to retain and deliver the wound dressing to a wound, the dressing support layer having a radial configuration that forms a plurality of alternating covered and uncovered portions of the backing layer along the perimeter of the wound dressing.

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Adhesive laminates and applications thereof

Номер: US0010086107B2

A releasably adhesive laminate (1) comprises a structural layer (2) carrying on at least part of one side thereof a hydrophobic gel (4) and on at least part of the other side thereof a pressure-sensitive adhesive (3). The structural layer (2) is preferably a film of synthetic plastics material, eg polyurethane. The pressure-sensitive adhesive (3) is preferably an acrylic adhesive, and the hydrophobic gel (4) is preferably a silicone gel. The laminate (1) may be used as a skin contact component of a wound dressing or in numerous other applications.

09-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: US2009177136A1

A wound dressing comprising an absorbent pad, an adhesive layer, and a backing layer is described, along with a dressing support layer configured to retain and deliver the wound dressing to a wound, the dressing support layer having a radial configuration that forms a plurality of alternating covered and uncovered portions of the backing layer along the perimeter of the wound dressing.

23-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190151159A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a wound treatment apparatus employing glue on the backing layer of a wound dressing. In some embodiments, the glue limits saturation of an absorbent layer beneath the backing layer.

22-11-2016 дата публикации

Assembled intermediate comprising staple fiber nonwoven web and articles

Номер: US0009498384B2

An assembled intermediate is described comprising a fluid transport element proximate an absorbent material is described. The fluid transport element comprises a thermoplastic nonwoven web comprising a plurality of bonded staple fibers having an average diameter of 20 to 500 microns and the web has a thickness of 3 to 20 mm, a density ranging from 0.01 to 0.10 g/cm3, and a work of compression no greater than 20 kJ/m3. Also described are articles comprising such assembled intermediate.

21-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US2015141941A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed towards wound dressings comprising a liquid and gas permeable transmission layer, an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, the absorbent layer overlying the transmission layer, a gas impermeable cover layer overlying the absorbent layer and comprising a first orifice, wherein the cover layer is moisture vapor permeable. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters.

15-06-2023 дата публикации


Номер: US20230181375A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters.

28-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: EP3072533A1

The present application is concerned with an improved wound dressing for use in the treatment of skin wounds with some level of exudation, especially for use in those wounds which are infected or under risk of being infected by microorganisms.

06-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EP2563307A1

05-10-1983 дата публикации

Reservoir wound dressing

Номер: EP0000090564A2

A wound dressing comprising a conformable, moisture vapor permeable, liquid water impermeable first layer containing perforation means and an imperforate, conformable, liquid water impermeable, moisture vapor permeable second layer attached to the first layer and overlaying the perforation means of the first layer and forming a reservoir into which wound exudate passes and is evaporated form.

29-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: EP4017443A1

10-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2471509C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Система содержит гибкую подушку повязки, имеющую первую сторону и вторую, обращенную внутрь, сторону, сгибные сочленения, выполненные на подушке повязки, подсистему уплотнения для обеспечения гидравлического уплотнения поверх гибкой подушки повязки, причем указанная подсистема уплотнения содержит хирургическую салфетку, имеющую средства продолжения хирургической салфетки, и подсистему пониженного давления для доставки пониженного давления к подсистеме уплотнения. Подсистема уплотнения и подсистема пониженного давления выполнены с возможностью доставки пониженного давления к подвижному участку ткани. Гибкая подушка повязки выполнена так, что позволяет подвижному участку ткани двигаться. Раскрыты узел гибкой повязки для использования на суставе пациента, гибкая закрывающая подушка повязки, альтернативные варианты системы для обеспечения терапии пониженным давлением, отличающиеся выполнением гибкой подушки. Технический результат состоит в обеспечении ...

03-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2715718C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к композиции раневой повязки для использования в качестве или составе раневой повязки, а также к способам изготовления композиции раневой повязки. Композиция раневой повязки содержит первый слой абсорбирующего материала, второй слой суперабсорбирующего полимера в форме порошка или гранул и третий слой суперабсорбирующего материала в форме волокон. Второй слой расположен между первым слоем и третьим слоем. Абсорбирующий материал представляет собой физиологически приемлемый материал, выполненный с возможностью абсорбирования текучей среды в количестве, составляющем более чем приблизительно 500% по отношению к массе абсорбирующего материала, и удерживания текучей среды в количестве, составляющем более чем приблизительно 40%. Суперабсорбирующий материал выполнен с возможностью абсорбирования текучей среды в количестве, составляющем более чем приблизительно 2000% по отношению к массе суперабсорбирующего материала, и удерживания текучей среды в количестве, составляющем ...

25-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2686307C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицины, а именно к пластырю для лечения и/или предотвращения рубцов, имеющему слоистую структуру, которая содержит по меньшей мере подложку, матричный слой, содержащий экстракт (А) лука и полимер (В) на основе акрилата-винилацетата, и открепляемую накладку, где матричный слой расположен между подложкой и открепляемой накладкой таким образом, что матричный слой соприкасается с подложкой и открепляемой накладкой с его противоположных сторон, где открепляемая накладка выполнена с возможностью открепления от матричного слоя, и где полимер (В) на основе акрилата-винилацетата содержит элементарные звенья, являющиеся производными мономерных компонентов алкилакрилата (В1) и винилацетата (В2), причем алкилакрилат имеет формулу CH=CH-COOR, в которой R представляет собой алкильную группу, содержащую от 1 до 20 атомов углерода (В1), и к способу изготовления пластыря для лечения и/или предотвращения рубцов. Изобретение обеспечивает высокую скорость высвобождения ...

10-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: RU2128481C1

Изобретение относится к медицине и может быть выполнено в виде лейкопластырной повязки, повязки на рану, подобного сшиванию механизма или химической простыни, предназначенной для наложения поверх раны. Средство изготавливают из слоистой структуры гибкой резины, гидрофильного гидрогельного полимера, связанного с одной стороной гибкой резины, и клейкого вещества, связанного с гидрофильным гидрогельным полимером по крайней мере на первом участке лейкопластырной повязки, повязки на рану, подобного сшиванию механизма или хирургической простыни. Клейким веществом предпочтительно является гидрогельное клейкое вещество с целлюлозной, полиуретановой или полиакрилатной основой, тогда как гибкой резиной предпочтительно является резина, которая предварительно обработана гидрогельным полимером перед лечением. Лекарственное средство типа пиридихлорцетила (СРС) или бензиламмония (БАК) можно связывать с гидрофильным гидрогельным полимером на не имеющей клейкого вещества части лейкопластырной повязки, повязки ...

27-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011107113A

... 1. Система для приложения пониженного давления к участку ткани, содержащая: ! источник пониженного давления, выполненный с возможностью подачи пониженного давления, ! пористую прокладку, проточно сообщающуюся с источником пониженного давления и имеющую канальные стенки, образующие между собой каналы, при этом стенки являются проницаемыми для газа, чтобы обеспечивать возможность прохождения через них газа, когда пониженное давление приложено к участку ткани, и по существу непроницаемыми для жидкости, чтобы предотвращать возможность прохождения через них жидкости, причем непроницаемость стенок для жидкости и приложение пониженного давления вызывает поток жидкости через каналы, и ! хирургическую салфетку, выполненную с возможностью размещения поверх пористой прокладки для герметичного закрытия пористой прокладки на участке ткани с обеспечением возможности поддержания пониженного давления на участке ткани. ! 2. Система по п.1, дополнительно содержащая трубку доставки, выполненную с возможностью ...

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2414243C9

Изобретение относится к медицине. Описана многослойная повязка, имеющая, по меньшей мере, следующее строение: ваточный холст 1, который должен контактировать с раной, и мембрана 3, которая водонепроницаема и включает в себя нерастворимый в воде полимер. Многослойная повязка не приклеивается к ране и с ней соответственно не срастается. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-07-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010146771A

... 1. Система пониженного давления для терапии линейных ран на пациенте, содержащая: ! закрывающую подушку повязки, предназначенную для размещения на эпидермисе пациента поверх линейной раны и содержащую: ! верхнюю стенку, ! нижнюю стенку, которая соединена с верхней стенкой на определенном расстоянии и которая имеет центральную часть, первую боковую часть и вторую боковую часть, ! первый закрывающий элемент, выполненный на первой боковой части, и ! второй закрывающий элемент, выполненный на второй боковой части, ! подсистему уплотнения для обеспечения герметичного закрытия поверх закрывающей подушки повязки и пациента и ! подсистему пониженного давления для доставки пониженного давления к закрывающей подушке повязки, ! причем первый закрывающий элемент и второй закрывающий элемент выполнены с возможностью перемещения навстречу друг другу при пониженном давлении. ! 2. Система по п.1, в которой закрывающая подушка повязки содержит основную часть, выполненную из гибкого закрывающего подушечного ...

25-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: DE202017104943U1

Verbundwundverband, umfassend eine Wasserabsorptionsschicht (1), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass oberhalb der Wasserabsorptionsschicht (1) eine Wassersperrschicht (2) angeordnet ist, wobei oberhalb der Wassersperrschicht (2) eine wasserdichte Folienschicht (4) angeordnet ist, und wobei unterhalb der Wasserabsorptionsschicht (1) eine Klebeschicht (3) angeordnet ist.

18-01-2007 дата публикации

Dressing for laying around a surgically applied cord from human or animal body opening or hole has a fleece mat which is interspersed with super absorber-particle and is surrounded by a liquid-permeable covering

Номер: DE202006015547U1

Dressing for laying around a surgically applied cord from human or animal body opening or hole, has fleece mat interspersed with super absorber particle and fleece mat is surrounded by liquid-permeable covering. Dressing has the fleece mat (1) which is interspersed with super absorber-particle (10). The fleece mat is surrounded by a liquid-permeable covering which forms a barrier for constant excretion and makes possible the absorbing and sucking of removable material by the absorbing body arranged within the covering. Dressing has at least a foam mat (3).

13-01-2005 дата публикации

Heftpflaster zur Verwendung als schmückendes Element

Номер: DE0019944251B4
Принадлежит: WETH CORDULA

Heftpflaster (11), das an seiner Oberfläche mit plastischen Schmuckelementen versehen ist, mit wenigstens einer bei Gebrauch der Haut (12) zugewandten Klebeseite und einer von der Haut weg zeigenden Oberfläche, wobei die Schmuckelemente zumindest einen Teil der Oberfläche überziehen und verdecken, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Schmuckelement als ein Aufsatz (13) ausgebildet ist, der bedarfsweise abnehmbar und/oder plastisch verformbar ist.

12-01-2022 дата публикации

Negative pressure wound treatment apparatuses and methods with integrated electronics

Номер: GB0002596948A

Disclosed herein are embodiments of a wound treatment apparatus with electronic components integrated within a wound dressing. In some embodiments, a wound dressing apparatus can comprise a wound dressing. The wound dressing can comprise an absorbent material, an electronics unit comprising a negative pressure source, the electronics unit integrated within the wound dressing and at least partially encapsulated by a preshaped film material or film. The preshaped film material can be incorporated into the wound dressing and can comprise an aperture configured to permit fluid communication between the absorbent material and the negative pressure source.

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Absorption Body for Use on Wounds

Номер: US20120010584A1
Автор: Andreas Schmidt

An absorption body for use on wounds is constructed of a multilayer configuration with a first layer that is facing the wound, a second layer that is facing away from the wound, and an absorbent core that is arranged between the first and second layers. The first layer in the area of the wound has a material that is permeable for liquids and the second layer has a breathable material. The absorption body is suitable as a wound pad.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Solid dressing for treating wounded tissue

Номер: US20120150087A1
Принадлежит: Dawson Beall, MACPHEE Martin

Disclosed are solid dressings for treated wounded tissue in mammalian patients, such as a human, comprising a haemostatic layer consisting essentially of a fibrinogen component and thrombin, wherein the thrombin is present in an amount between 0.250 Units/mg of fibrinogen component and 0.062 Units/mg of fibrinogen component. Also disclosed are methods for treating wounded tissue.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive bandage

Номер: US20120220974A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Adhesive bandages having a backing layer with first and second opposing surfaces, an adhesive layer applied to the second surface of the backing layer and an absorbent pad associated with the backing layer, the absorbent pad including a first surface that faces the second surface of the backing layer and an opposing second surface having a plurality of tufted regions surrounded and separated by a first network of interconnecting channels recessed in the second surface of the absorbent pad; where the shape of the tufted regions is a polygon having from five to eight sides, the tufted regions have a substantially uniform first density, the channel base region has a substantially uniform second density that is greater than the substantially uniform first density of the tufted regions and the network of channels is visible.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Foam device for liquid absorption and method

Номер: US20120226251A1
Автор: Anja White, Daniel Rivest

One aspect is a liquid absorption including a foam frame defining a cavity region and having a perimeter defining an area in a transverse direction. An insert is substantially contained within the cavity region. The cavity region has a perimeter defining an area in the transverse direction, the cavity area being the majority of the foam frame area. The foam frame and insert are configured to absorb liquid into the insert when the foam frame is placed adjacent a liquid source.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Wound Barrier Pad

Номер: US20130030343A1
Автор: Matthew D. Antalek
Принадлежит: Individual

A wound barrier pad is provided having a housing with a housing opening. The housing has a truncated conical shape. A base plate with an opening is disposed in the housing, and the housing is filled with a fluid or padding. The wound barrier pad may also be embodied to have a cylindrical shape, a rectangular shape or other shape. The wound barrier pad may be incorporated into a garment. In another embodiment the wound barrier pad includes a ring and an adhesive such that the wound barrier pad may be directly adhered to the patient, thus eliminating the need for the garment. In another embodiment there is a wound barrier device having a pad assembly and an anti-sheer member. The anti-shear member reduces frictional forces on the skin of a patient.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138057A1

The present invention relates to a backing having a three-layer structure prepared by sticking together an inner fiber layer for holding a pasty preparation, a film layer having through-holes, and an air-permeable outer fiber layer which prevents leaking out of the pasty preparation or a liquid component exuded from the pasty preparation, and also relates to an aqueous patch using the backing which can be applied for a long time. 1. A backing for an aqueous patch consisting of three layers , wherein a film layer having through-holes is laminated between an inner fiber layer and an air-permeable outer fiber layer.2. The backing for an aqueous patch according to claim 1 , wherein the inner fiber layer is an inner fiber layer having through-holes.3. The backing for an aqueous patch according to claim 1 , wherein the moisture permeability of the backing is 1000-5000 g/m·24 h.4. The backing for an aqueous patch according to claim 1 , wherein the opening area of the through-holes per 1 cmof the film layer is 1-18 mm.5. The backing for an aqueous patch according to claim 1 , wherein the through-hole area per a hole is 0.01-0.8 mm.6. An aqueous patch having a backing consisting of three layers claim 1 , wherein a film layer having through-holes is laminated between an inner fiber layer and an air-permeable outer fiber layer claim 1 , and a pasty preparation is spread on the inner fiber layer side of the backing.7. The aqueous patch according to claim 6 , wherein the inner fiber layer of the backing is an inner fiber layer having through-holes.8. The aqueous patch according to claim 6 , wherein the moisture permeability of the backing is 1000-5000 g/m·24 h.9. The aqueous patch according to claim 6 , wherein the opening area of the through-holes of the backing per 1 cmof the film layer is 1-18 mm.10. The aqueous patch according to claim 6 , wherein the through-hole area per a hole is 0.01-0.8 mm.11. The aqueous patch according to claim 6 , wherein the film layer of the ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Assembled intermediate comprising staple fiber nonwoven web and articles

Номер: US20130143020A1
Принадлежит: 3M Innovative Properties Co

An assembled intermediate is described comprising a fluid transport element proximate an absorbent material is described. The fluid transport element comprises a thermoplastic nonwoven web comprising a plurality of bonded staple fibers having an average diameter of 20 to 500 microns and the web has a thickness of 3 to 20 mm, a density ranging from 0.01 to 0.10 g/cm 3 , and a work of compression no greater than 20 kJ/m 3 . Also described are articles comprising such assembled intermediate.

18-07-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for wound protection and exudate management

Номер: US20130184662A1
Автор: Adel Aali, Raymond Barbuto
Принадлежит: Aalnex Inc

The present invention provides systems and methods for protecting a wound and managing exudate released from the wound comprising a dressing having a support cushion for surrounding the wound and periwound region; a wicking strip for application in the periwound region between the support cushion and the wound; and a reservoir for application over the wicking strip, the wicking strip configured to transfer exudate from the wound to the reservoir, where the exudate is sequestered. Various alternative embodiments are described in which the wicking strip may be custom-fit to approximate an irregular wound margin, to apply a preferred pressure gradient to the periwound regions, to periodically apply fluids to the wound bed or to apply negative pressure wound therapy. Methods of applying the dressing also are provided.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Reduced-pressure dressing assemblies for use in applying a closing force

Номер: US20130197457A1
Принадлежит: Kci Licensing Inc

A closing dressing bolster and assembly for use with a system for treating a linear wound on a patient includes a bolster body formed from a flexible closing bolster material having closing members that are operable to develop an inward closing force when the closing dressing bolster is placed under reduced pressure. In one aspect, when the closing dressing bolster is under reduced pressure, the system, dressing, or assembly develops an inward force realized at the linear wound and a compression force. A wicking-material holder and wicking material may be used as well. The member components may all be see-through to allow visual inspection of the wound without requiring removal of the dressing.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Wound and therapy compress and dressing

Номер: US20130245578A1
Принадлежит: Bruder Healthcare Co

A method of providing moisture therapy to a subject by applying a moist therapy compress against a treated body portion. The moist therapy compress includes a fluid-permeable shell, a flexible backing fastened to the shell to define an enclosure, and a hydrophilic zeolite fill granules loosely contained within the enclosure. The therapy compress is exposed to a source of moisture to cause absorption of water into the a hydrophilic zeolite, and the moisture is delivered from the hydrophilic zeolite through the fluid permeable shell to the treated body portion.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001099A1

A dressing for treating a tissue site may include a base layer, a sealing member, a first and a second wicking layer, and an absorbent layer. The base layer may have a plurality of apertures and may be adapted to cover the tissue site. The sealing member and the base layer may define an enclosure. The first and the second wicking layer may each be disposed in the enclosure with the absorbent layer positioned between the first and the second wicking layer. A conduit comprised of an absorbent material that is vapor permeable and liquid impermeable may be in fluid communication with the dressing for providing reduced pressure to the dressing. Other dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A system for treating a tissue site , comprising: a base layer adapted to cover the tissue site and tissue surrounding the tissue site,', 'a sealing member adapted to form an enclosure relative to the base layer, and', 'an absorbent layer disposed in the enclosure; and, 'a dressing, comprisinga conduit adapted to be positioned in fluid communication between the dressing and a reduced-pressure source, wherein the conduit includes at least one lumen, a first portion of the conduit being comprised of a hydrophobic polymer and a second portion of the conduit being comprised of a hydrophilic polymer.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a first wicking layer disposed in the enclosure, anda second wicking layer disposed in the enclosure.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dressing is adapted to distribute the reduced pressure to the tissue site and to store fluid extracted from the tissue site.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the base layer is comprised of silicone.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent layer is a plurality of absorbent layers claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of absorbent layers are positioned in fluid communication between a first wicking layer and a second wicking layer.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising at least one ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000611A1

Embodiments of the present disclosure comprise devices, systems and methods related to advanced wound therapy dressings. Specific embodiments are optimized for use with mobile continuous diffusion of oxygen therapy systems for the localized delivery of oxygen to damaged and healing tissues. Exemplary embodiments may utilize a conduit to deliver therapeutic fluids, including for example oxygen, whereby the conduit comprises a plurality of apertures or perforations. Exemplary embodiments may also comprise a spacer material with a plurality of distribution channels in fluid communication with the conduit. 1. A dressing for wound treatment comprising:an occlusive layer;a spacer material;a plurality of distribution channels;a first layer, wherein the spacer material is located between the occlusive layer and the first layer; anda first conduit in fluid communication with the plurality of distribution channels.2. The dressing of wherein the distribution channels are formed in the spacer material.3. The dressing of wherein the plurality of distribution channels comprise additional conduits in fluid communication with the first conduit claim 1 , and wherein the additional conduits are adjacent to the spacer material.4. The dressing of further comprising a second absorbent layer located between the spacer material and the occlusive layer.5. The dressing of wherein the second absorbent layer comprises an alginate.6. The dressing of wherein the occlusive layer comprises an adhesive.7. The dressing of wherein occlusive layer comprises a first surface proximal to the spacer material claim 6 , a second surface distal to the spacer material claim 6 , and a perimeter extending around the occlusive layer and wherein the adhesive extends around the perimeter of the first surface.8. The dressing of wherein the adhesive comprises a hydrocolloid.9. The dressing of wherein the first layer comprises a first surface proximal to the spacer material and a second surface distal to the spacer ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000677A1
Автор: Munro Hugh Semple

Herein is disclosed a composition for application to a wound comprising: a first layer comprising a skin adhesive, wherein the first layer has a wound-facing side and a non-wound-facing side and, in a first area, apertures extend through the first layer from the wound-facing side to the non-wound-facing side; and a second layer disposed on a non-wound-facing side of the first layer, the second layer comprising a polymeric film that is continuous in that it extends over and covers each of the apertures of the first layer, the second layer having a moisture vapour transmission rate (MVTR) of at least 500 g/m/24 hours, measured in accordance with BS EN 13726-2:2002, wherein the composition further comprises a third layer disposed between the first layer and second layer, the third layer being a supporting layer for the first layer, the third layer having apertures therethrough, substantially corresponding to the apertures in the first layer. A method of making such a composition is also disclosed. 1. A composition for application to a wound comprising:a first layer comprising a skin adhesive with low water absorption,wherein the first layer has a wound-facing side and a non-wound-facing side and, in a first area, apertures extend through the first layer from the wound-facing side to the non-wound-facing side, the first layer having a second area forming a perimeter around the first area, the perimeter lacking apertures therethrough, and, in-use, the wound facing side of the first layer would contact a wound,{'sup': '2', 'wherein the mean area of the apertures on at least one of the wound-facing side and non-wound-facing side of the first layer is at least 20 mm; and'}{'sup': '2', 'a second layer disposed on a non-wound-facing side of the first layer, the second layer being an outermost layer of the composition, the second layer comprising a polymeric film that is continuous in that it extends over and covers each of the apertures of the first layer, the second layer ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000641A1
Автор: CARROLL Stephen J.

The invention is a class of medical bandages that are effective for use in the treatment of various types of tissue burns, such as burns due to heat, chemicals, or sun exposure. The inventive bandages are comprised of a thin metal substrate in combination with a heat-sink. The inventive bandages incorporate a metal substrate (such as aluminum) having a burn-facing side for direct contact with the burn to draw heat away from the burn by conduction, and a heat-sink facing side opposite the burn-facing side for contact with a hydrogel to draw heat away from the metal layer by conduction. The thin aluminum layer and associated hydrogel heat-sink ensures flexibility and effective heat-transfer characteristics to rapidly cool a burn wound. 1. A bandage comprising:(a) a top layer of polymeric material, the top layer having a first surface and a second surface, and where the second surface of the top layer has adhesive disposed thereon;(b) a middle layer of hydrogel substrate, the hydrogel substrate having a first surface and a second surface, where the first surface of the hydrogel substrate is coupled to the second surface of the top layer, and where the hydrogel substrate is positioned within the perimeter of the top layer, wherein said hydrogel has a specific heat capacity of greater than 2 Joules/(grams×degree Kelvin), and(c) a bottom layer of metal substrate, the metal substrate having a first surface and a second surface, where the first surface of the metal substrate is coupled to the second surface of the hydrogel substrate and where the metal substrate is positioned within the perimeter of the hydrogel substrate,wherein the entire first surface of the metal substrate is in contact with the second surface of the hydrogel substrate so that the hydrogel substrate completely covers the metal substrate.2. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein said metal comprises an aluminum.3. The bandage of claim 2 , wherein said aluminum is 0.001 inches thick.4. The bandage of claim 3 , ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000642A1
Автор: WAITE Alexander
Принадлежит: Systagenix Wound Management, Limited

A wound dressing includes a first elastic foam layer, a superabsorbent layer, and a second elastic foam layer. The first elastic foam layer is configured to engage a wound bed and has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the wound surface. The superabsorbent layer is configured to absorb wound fluid and has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the elastic foam layer. The second elastic foam layer has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the superabsorbent layer. 1. A wound dressing comprising:a first elastic foam layer configured to engage a wound bed, and having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the wound surface;a superabsorbent layer configured to absorb wound fluid and having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the first elastic foam layer; anda second elastic foam layer having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the superabsorbent layer.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , further comprising a backing layer adhered to the second elastic foam layer opposite the superabsorbent layer.3. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the backing layer is substantially impermeable to liquid and substantially permeable to vapor.4. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the backing layer extends beyond a perimeter of the second elastic foam layer to provide and adhesive-coated margin configured to adhere the wound dressing to a surface.5. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the second elastic foam layer extends beyond a perimeter of the superabsorbent layer and the superabsorbent layer lies within a perimeter of the first elastic foam layer.6. The wound dressing of claim 5 , wherein the perimeter of the first elastic foam layer is laminated to the perimeter of the second elastic foam layer claim 5 , such that the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000955A1

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for forming a multi-function core for a dressing are described. The multi-function core includes a contact layer configured to be positioned adjacent to a tissue site, a wicking layer adjacent to the contact layer, an ion exchange layer adjacent to the wicking layer, an absorbing layer adjacent to the ion exchange layer, a blocking layer adjacent to the absorbing layer, and an odor-absorbing layer adjacent to the blocking layer. The contact layer, the wicking layer, the ion exchange layer, the absorbing layer, the blocking layer, and the odor-absorbing layer are coextensive and formed from a plurality of fibers disposed in a fibrous web. Methods of manufacturing the multi-function core are also described. 170-. (canceled)71. A method for providing negative-pressure therapy to a tissue site , the method comprising: placing a sealing member over the tissue interface and sealing the sealing member to tissue surrounding the tissue site to form a sealed space;', 'fluidly coupling a negative-pressure source to the sealed space;', a contact layer configured to be positioned adjacent to the tissue interface;', 'a fluid dispersion layer coupled to the contact layer;', 'an ion exchange layer coupled to the fluid dispersion layer;', 'a liquid retention layer coupled to the ion exchange layer;', 'a liquid blocking layer coupled to the liquid retention layer;', 'an odor removal layer coupled to the liquid blocking layer; and, 'positioning a fluid management apparatus between the tissue interface and the sealing member, the fluid management apparatus comprising, 'operating the negative-pressure source to draw fluid from the sealed space through the fluid management apparatus and generate a negative pressure in the sealed space., 'positioning a tissue interface adjacent to the tissue site;'}72. The method of claim 71 , wherein the fluid dispersion layer claim 71 , the ion exchange layer claim 71 , the liquid retention layer claim 71 , the liquid ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Solid dressing for treating wounded tissue and processes for mixing fibrinogen and thrombin while preserving fibrin-forming ability, compositions produced by these processes, and the use thereof

Номер: US20200000957A1
Принадлежит: Resource Transition Consultants LLC

Fibrin Sealant products are used for topical hemostasis and tissue adherence. They are composed of two main reagents, fibrinogen and thrombin. When mixed in solution fibrinogen is converted to fibrin upon the addition of activated thrombin. Therefore typically these two components are stored separately in a lyophilized or liquid state, and mixed, upon or immediately before, application to a patient. While effective, these products require significant preparation that must take place immediately before application, thus delaying treatment and limiting the use of these haemostatic products to the treatment of mild forms of low pressure and low volume bleeding. Attempts to eliminate this delay and expand the usefulness and effectiveness of these products have resulted in products produced by processes that require the separation of these components and their deposition in distinct layers within the product. The processes described herein permit the mixing of fibrinogen and thrombin during product manufacture, without excessive fibrin formation. The resulting ‘pre-mixed’ fibrin sealant material can then be stored in either a frozen or dried state, or suspended in a non-aqueous environment. Activation of the material to form therapeutic fibrin sealant is accomplished by permitting the product to thaw (if frozen) or by the addition of water or other aqueous fluid, including blood, or other bodily fluids, if dried or suspended in a non-aqueous environment. The resulting material can be used to make a product in which a pre-mixed form of activatable fibrin sealant is a desired component.

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150005722A1

A surgical tissue therapy device includes a sealant layer and a collection chamber. The sealant layer functions so as to create a sealed enclosure or space between it and the surface of a patient by forming, preferably, an airtight seal around a surgical area of skin trauma. The closed incision tissue therapy device also comprises a collection chamber, which may comprise an elongate tubular chamber with a plurality of longitudinally spaced openings. The collection chamber may be configured to be in fluid communication with the sealant layer and the area of skin trauma and functions as to distribute the negative pressure applied to a surgically closed area of skin trauma. Preferably, the pressure under the sealant layer is reduced by expanding the volume of the enclosure space and thereby decreasing the density of air molecules under the sealant layer. The collection material may comprise a material and/or a configuration that permits length changes based upon the length of the corresponding surgical wound or incision. 1. A wound treatment device , comprising:(a) a sealant layer, the sealant layer adapted and configured to seal onto skin around an area of skin having an incision and to form a sealed space around at least a portion of the incision;(b) a contact layer positioned beneath the sealant layer such that the contact layer is configured to be in direct contact with the skin; and(c) an elastic element configured to be attached to the skin while held in a state of tension such that the elastic element extends across and over a longitudinal axis of the incision, wherein the elastic element is configured to transmit compression to the skin upon attachment to the skin.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising a suction source claim 1 , the suction source configured to be in fluid communication with the sealed space and further configured to reduce a level of pressure inside the sealed space.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the contact layer comprises a series ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Traumatic Wound Dressing System with Wrap

Номер: US20170007460A1

A wound dressing system comprising a wrap and a frangible ampoule is provided. The wrap is configured to contact/surround a wound site and includes an oxygen catalyst. The ampoule includes an oxygen precursor. The catalyst and precursor are configured to form oxygen when combined. A wound dressing system including a container is also provided that includes a powder, wrap, and frangible ampoule. The powder is disposed within the container, which is configured to allow the powder to be dispersed onto a wound site when activated. The wrap, which may include an oxygen catalyst, is also disposed in the container and is configured to contact/surround the wound site. The ampoule, also disposed in the container, includes a liquid containing an oxygen precursor. The liquid is configured to contact the wrap when the container is activated. Further, the catalyst and precursor are configured to form oxygen when combined. 1. A wound dressing system comprising:a wrap configured to contact or surround a wound site;an oxygen catalyst; anda frangible ampoule including an oxygen precursor, wherein the oxygen catalyst and the oxygen precursor are configured to form oxygen when combined.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wrap includes an inner absorbent layer claim 1 , wherein the inner absorbent layer is positioned adjacent the wound site when the wrap is applied to the wound site.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wrap includes an outer protective layer.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wrap includes an elastic layer claim 1 , a breathable barrier layer claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein an end of the wrap includes an adhesive.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wrap is a nonwoven composite.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wrap includes the oxygen catalyst.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen precursor includes a peroxide.9. The system of claim 8 , wherein the peroxide includes hydrogen peroxide claim 8 , mannitol ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007463A1

A system that may be adapted to distribute reduced pressure to a tissue site may include a dressing and a sealing member. The dressing may include a manifold layer, a storage layer, and a plurality of retainers. The manifold layer may be adapted to be positioned proximate the tissue site, and the storage layer may be positioned proximate the manifold layer. The plurality of retainers may be disposed in the storage layer. Each of the retainers may define a fluid communication channel through the storage layer. The retainers may be adapted to substantially preclude deformation of the storage layer into the fluid communication channels. The sealing member may be adapted to cover the dressing and to provide a fluid seal between the sealing member and the tissue site. 1. A dressing adapted to distribute reduced pressure from a reduced-pressure source to a tissue site , comprising:a manifold layer adapted to be positioned proximate to the tissue site;a storage layer positioned proximate to the manifold layer;a fluid communication channel disposed through the storage layer; anda retainer disposed in the fluid communication channel, wherein the retainer is adapted to substantially preclude deformation of the storage layer into the fluid communication channel, and wherein the retainer comprises a porous, hydrophobic material.2. The dressing of claim 1 , further comprising a conduit interface adapted to be coupled in fluid communication with the dressing and to provide fluid communication between the dressing and the reduced-pressure source.3. The dressing of claim 1 , further comprising a fluid canister in fluid communication between the reduced-pressure source and the dressing claim 1 , the fluid canister adapted to retain fluid from the tissue site.4. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the manifold layer is in fluid communication with the tissue site and adapted to distribute reduced pressure to the tissue site claim 1 , the manifold layer comprising a porous claim 1 , ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007751A1

Embodiments disclosed herein are directed to negative pressure treatment systems and wound dressing systems, apparatuses, and methods that may be used for the treatment of wounds. In particular, some embodiments are directed to improved wound dressings comprising an obscuring layer that may hide fluid contained therein and a stabilizing structure that may aid in wound closure. 1. A negative pressure wound treatment apparatus , comprising:a wound dressing comprising a backing layer and a stabilizing structure positioned below the backing layer, wherein the backing layer and the stabilizing structure are configured as a single unit for placement simultaneously over a wound, and wherein the stabilizing structure is configured for placement over skin surrounding the wound;a port for communicating negative pressure to the wound dressing; andwherein the stabilizing structure is configured to collapse significantly more within a horizontal plane than within a vertical plane to apply a horizontal force to the skin surrounding the wound when the wound dressing is placed under negative pressure.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing further comprises a wound contact layer claim 1 , wherein the stabilizing structure is positioned between the backing layer and the wound contact layer.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing further comprises an acquisition distribution layer between the stabilizing structure and the backing layer.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing further comprises an absorbent layer between the stabilizing structure and the backing layer.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an adhesive configured to attach the wound dressing to the skin surrounding the wound.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the wound dressing is configured to relieve stress applied to sutures applied to the wound.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the backing layer is transparent or translucent.8. The apparatus of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Reduced-Pressure, Linear-Wound Treatment Systems

Номер: US20180008470A1

A system for treating a linear wound on a patient has a closing dressing bolster for placing on the patient's epidermis over the linear wound, a sealing subsystem for providing a seal over the closing dressing bolster and the patient, and a reduced-pressure subsystem for delivering reduced pressure to the sealing subsystem. The sealing subsystem and reduced pressure subsystem are operable to deliver reduced pressure to the closing dressing bolster. The closing dressing bolster is operable under reduced pressure to develop a inward closing. The closing dressing bolster may include one or more closing members on each side of a center wound area to create the inward closing when under reduced pressure. A compressive force may also be developed. Other systems and methods are presented. 1. A closing dressing bolster for placing over a linear wound on a patient , the closing dressing bolster comprising:a top wall;a bottom wall coupled to the top wall in a spaced relationship and forming a compartment between the top wall and the bottom wall, the bottom wall having a center portion, a first lateral portion, and a second lateral portion;a plurality of beads positioned within the compartment;a first closing member formed on the first lateral portion; anda second closing member formed on the second lateral portion;wherein the first closing member has a surface formed with an oblique angle to a center plane between the first closing member and the second closing member;wherein the second closing member has a surface formed with an oblique angle to the center plane.2. The closing dressing bolster of claim 1 , wherein the top wall and the bottom wall comprise a transparent material.3. The closing dressing bolster of claim 1 , wherein the top wall and the bottom wall comprise a mesh material.4. The closing dressing bolster of claim 1 , wherein the beads comprise transparent beads.5. The closing dressing bolster of a claim 1 , wherein the beads are configured to come together over ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008471A1

A closing dressing bolster and assembly for use with a system for treating a linear wound on a patient includes a bolster body formed from a flexible closing bolster material having closing members that are operable to develop an inward closing force when the closing dressing bolster is placed under reduced pressure. In one aspect, when the closing dressing bolster is under reduced pressure, the system, dressing, or assembly develops an inward force realized at the linear wound and a compression force. A wicking-material holder and wicking material may be used as well. The member components may all be see-through to allow visual inspection of the wound without requiring removal of the dressing. 1. A dressing assembly , comprising: a bolster body formed from a flexible closing bolster material,', 'a first closing member formed on a lower surface of the bolster body and including a first oblique wall,', 'a second closing member formed on the lower surface of the bolster body and including a second oblique wall; and, 'a closing dressing bolster for treating a wound, comprisingan over-drape configured to form a seal over the bolster body.2. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bolster body is formed from silicone.3. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bolster body is configured to develop a bending moment about a center area of the bolster body when the closing dressing bolster is placed under reduced pressure.4. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the first closing member and the second closing member are configured to move toward each other when the closing dressing bolster is placed under reduced pressure.5. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bolster body is configured to allow light to pass through such that color may be detected from a location external to the closing dressing bolster.6. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the lower surface of the bolster body is a tissue-facing surface.7. The dressing assembly of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008756A1

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for treating a tissue site with reduced pressure are described. The system includes a manifold configured to be placed adjacent the tissue site, and a sealing member configured to be placed over the tissue site and the manifold. The system also includes a reduced-pressure source fluidly coupled to the manifold through the sealing member. The system further includes a pouch having an upstream layer having a first thickness, a downstream layer having a second thickness, and an absorbent member enclosed between the upstream layer and the downstream layer. The second thickness is greater than the first thickness. The upstream layer may have a hydrophilic side adjacent the absorbent member, and the downstream layer may have a hydrophobic side adjacent the absorbent member. 19-. (canceled)10. A system for treating a tissue site with reduced pressure , the system comprising:a manifold adapted to be placed adjacent the tissue site;a sealing member adapted to be placed over the tissue site and the manifold to provide a substantially air-tight seal at the tissue site;a reduced-pressure source adapted to be fluidly coupled to the manifold through the sealing member; and an upstream layer having a hydrophilic side and a hydrophobic side,', 'a downstream layer having a hydrophilic side and a hydrophobic side, and', 'an absorbent member enclosed between the upstream layer and the downstream layer, the hydrophilic side of the upstream layer positioned adjacent the absorbent member and the hydrophobic side of the downstream layer positioned adjacent the absorbent member., 'a pouch adapted to be positioned between the manifold and the sealing member, the pouch comprising11. The system of claim 10 , wherein the upstream layer has a first thickness and the downstream layer has a second thickness claim 10 , and the second thickness is greater than the first thickness.12. The system of claim 10 , wherein the upstream layer has a first thickness and the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008689A1

A system, method, and apparatus are disclosed for dressing a wound. The apparatus comprises a liquid and gas permeable transmission layer, an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, the absorbent layer overlying the transmission layer, a gas impermeable cover layer overlying the absorbent layer and comprising a first orifice, wherein the cover layer is moisture vapor permeable. 1134-. (canceled)135. A wound treatment apparatus comprising a wound dressing , the wound dressing comprising:a gas impermeable cover layer comprising a fluid passage;a transmission layer comprising an upper portion and a lower portion, wherein the upper portion comprises a first plurality of openings and the lower portion comprises a second plurality of openings, and wherein the first plurality of openings has larger open area than the second plurality of openings; andan absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate.136. The apparatus of claim 135 , wherein the upper portion of the transmission layer comprises a first filament count and the lower portion of the transmission layer comprises a second filament count claim 135 , wherein the first filament count is greater than the second filament count.137. The apparatus of claim 135 , wherein the transmission layer comprises fiber elements extending laterally between the upper portion and the lower portion of the transmission layer.138. The apparatus of claim 135 , wherein the absorbent layer is positioned above the transmission layer.139. The apparatus of claim 135 , wherein the transmission layer comprises a knitted layer of at least partially elastomeric material.140. The apparatus of claim 135 , wherein the transmission layer comprises a 3D fabric material.141. The apparatus of claim 135 , wherein the wound dressing further comprises a suction port connectable to a source of negative pressure claim 135 , the suction port positioned above the fluid passage.142. The apparatus of claim 141 , wherein the suction port further comprises:a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008690A1

A system, method, and apparatus are disclosed for dressing a wound. The apparatus comprises a liquid and gas permeable transmission layer, an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, the absorbent layer overlying the transmission layer, a gas impermeable cover layer overlying the absorbent layer and comprising a first orifice, wherein the cover layer is moisture vapor permeable. 1134-. (canceled)135. A wound treatment apparatus comprising: a gas impermeable cover layer comprising an orifice;', 'an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, wherein the absorbent layer comprises superabsorbent material;', 'a transmission layer;', 'a lower pressure sensitive adhesive layer to adhere the wound dressing to skin around the wound site; and, 'a wound dressing comprisinga suction port sealed to the top of the cover layer over the orifice and configured to communicate negative pressure through the orifice;wherein the suction port is manufactured from a transparent material and wherein the wound dressing and the suction port are configured such that wound exudate collected by the wound dressing and located below the suction port is visible from above the suction port.136. The wound treatment of claim 135 , wherein the suction port is situated closer to one end of the dressing claim 135 , contrasted with a central position of the dressing.137. The wound treatment apparatus of claim 135 , further comprising a spacer element positioned over the gas impermeable cover layer configured to support the suction port out of direct contact with the absorbent layer and/or the transmission layer.138. The wound treatment apparatus of claim 135 , further comprising a filter element attached to the suction port over the orifice of the cover layer.139. The wound treatment apparatus of claim 138 , wherein the filter element is adhered to both the top of the cover layer and to the bottom of the suction port using an adhesive.140. The wound treatment apparatus of claim 138 , wherein the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008696A1

Embodiments disclosed herein are directed to negative pressure treatment systems and wound dressing systems, apparatuses, and methods that may be used for the treatment of wounds. In particular, some embodiments are directed to improved wound dressings comprising an obscuring layer that may hide fluid contained therein. Some embodiments may further comprise one or more viewing windows disposed therethrough so as to enable monitoring or examination of fluids contained therein. 195.-. (canceled)96. An apparatus for dressing a wound for the application of topical negative pressure at a wound site , comprising:an absorbent layer having one or more slits configured to enhance conformability when the apparatus is applied to a non-planar or contoured wound area, the one or more slits extending at least partially across the width of the absorbent layer;a backing layer above the absorbent layer, the backing layer having an orifice for communicating negative pressure to the wound site, wherein the orifice is positioned over a portion of the absorbent layer having no slits; anda transmission layer configured to allow for the passage of fluid therethrough.97113.-. (canceled)114. The apparatus of claim 96 , wherein each of the slits do not extend entirely across the width of the dressing.115. The apparatus of claim 96 , wherein the slits are distributed concentrically.116. The apparatus of claim 96 , wherein the one or more slits are arc-shaped.117. The apparatus of claim 96 , wherein one of the at least one or more slits has a different size with another of said at least one or more slits.118. The apparatus of claim 96 , wherein the one or more slits have an alternating pattern.119. The apparatus of claim 96 , wherein the one or more slits comprise a cut centered adjacent an edge of the absorbent layer.120. An apparatus for dressing a wound comprising:an absorbent layer having one or more slits configured to enhance conformability when the apparatus is applied to a non-planar ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015255A1

The methods, procedures, kits, and devices described herein assist with the healing process of tissue that was previously or simultaneously treated for a therapeutic or cosmetic effect. The methods, procedures, kits, and devices described herein can also provide temporary simulated results of a cosmetic procedure to allow for visual assessment to select the type of procedure or for treatment planning in advance of the surgical procedure. 1. A method of treating a subject , comprising:creating a pattern of mechanically generated skin openings, wherein each opening comprises a size;applying a tensioned dressing to the pattern, wherein the tensioned dressing is tensioned with a pre-determined level of strain;releasing tension in the dressing to reduce the size of the openings.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the openings comprises an asymmetrical double-tapered opening.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the openings comprises a slit opening.4. The method of claim 2 , further comprising orienting the tensioned dressing to apply tension transverse to an orientation of the double-taped opening.5. The method of claim 3 , further comprising orienting the tensioned dressing to apply tension transverse to slit opening. This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 13/411,443, filed on Mar. 2, 2012, which claims benefit under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) to a) U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/448,809, filed on Mar. 3, 2011, b) U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/476,163, filed on Apr. 15, 2011, and c) U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/605,717, filed on Mar. 1, 2012, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. This application is also related to U.S. application Ser. No. 11/888,978, filed on Aug. 3, 2007, U.S. application Ser. No. 12/854,859, filed on Aug. 11, 2010, and U.S. application Ser. No. 13/345,524, filed Jan. 6, 2012, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety.The present ...

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015648A1

An apparatus for cleansing wounds in which irrigant fluid from a reservoir connected to a conformable wound dressing and wound exudate from the dressing are moved by a device (which ⋅may be a single pump or two pumps) for moving fluid through a flow path which passes through the dressing and a means for providing simultaneous aspiration and irrigation of the wound. The apparatus also comprises means to apply high frequency vibrational energy, e.g. ultrasound, to the wound bed. The former removes materials deleterious to wound healing, while distributing materials that are beneficial in promoting wound healing over the wound bed. The latter promotes healing. The dressing and a method of treatment using the apparatus. 1. (canceled)2. A wound dressing comprising:a backing layer configured to positioned over a wound and form a closure over the wound;a boss configured to reinforce the backing layer;an inlet tube configured to pass through the backing layer and the boss, a first end of the inlet tube configured to be disposed outside a volume partially enclosed by the backing layer, and a second end of the inlet tube configured to be disposed in the volume partially enclosed by the backing layer; andan ultrasonic transducer configured to be mounted on the boss, the ultrasonic transducer comprising a flow passage configured to communicate irrigation fluid flowing through the inlet tube into the wound.3. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the ultrasonic transducer is configured to be mounted on a surface of the boss configured to face the wound.4. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein a portion of the boss is configured to extend through the backing layer.5. The wound dressing of claim 2 , further comprising an inlet manifold comprising a plurality of apertures in fluid communication with the inlet tube.6. The wound dressing of claim 5 , wherein the inlet manifold comprises a tree of tubules that fluidically connects the plurality of apertures to the inlet tube.7. ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015679A1

The present invention relates to a wound pad comprising fibers and being provided with at least a first and a second discrete group of incisions, wherein each one of said discrete groups of incisions comprises at least a first and a second incision, wherein said first and said second incision extend from a common starting point to a respective end point, wherein the end point of said first incision is spaced from the end point of said second incision, wherein the common starting point of said first group of incisions is provided on a first side of an imaginary line extending in the machine direction of said fibrous wound pad, and the common starting point of said second group of incisions is provided on a second side of said imaginary line, and wherein a first incision of said first group of incisions and a second incision of said second group of incisions each cross said imaginary line. The present invention also relates to a self-adhesive member for adhering to and cover a portion of a user's skin. 115.-. (canceled)16. A wound pad comprising fibers and being provided with at least a first and a second discrete group of incisions , wherein each one of the discrete groups of incisions comprises at least a first incision , a second incision , and a third incision all extending from a common starting point to a respective end point , wherein each respective end point is spaced from the other end points , wherein in the discrete group of incisions:a) the first incision is positioned to have an angle between 60° and 150° in a clockwise direction relative to a position of the second incision;b) the second incision is positioned to have an angle between 60° and 150° in a clockwise direction relative to a position of the third incision; andc) the third incision is positioned to have an angle between 60° and 150° in a clockwise direction relative to a position of the first incision.17. The wound pad of claim 16 , wherein:a) the first incision is positioned to have an angle ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018786A1

Connection pads for coupling fluid-instillation and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) apparatuses to wound dressing, and methods and wound dressings for breaching a drape after coupling a wound dressing to a fluid-instillation and/or NPWT apparatus. 1. Connection pads for providing vacuum and fluid to a wound insert adapted to be in fluid communication with a wound , comprising:a fluid-delivery connection pad comprising a first body including a first domed cover having a dressing side and a connection side, the dressing side forming a cavity having an upper portion and a base portion adapted to be disposed proximate a wound insert, and a first flange extending radially outward from the first domed cover and defining a terminus of the base portion, the first domed cover having a single-lumen connection on the connection side configured to be coupled to a fluid source and having a fluid-delivery lumen on the dressing side extending from the single-lumen connection and terminating proximate to the terminus for providing fluid to the wound insert; anda vacuum connection pad comprising a second body including a second domed cover having a dressing side and a connection side, the dressing side forming a cavity having an upper portion and a base portion adapted to be disposed proximate a wound insert, and a second flange extending radially outward from the second domed cover and defining a terminus of the base portion, the second domed cover having a multi-lumen connection on the connection side configured to be coupled to a vacuum source and a pressure sensor, and having (a) a vacuum lumen on the dressing side terminating within the upper portion for providing a vacuum to the wound insert, and (b) a first pressure-sensor lumen on the dressing side extending from the multi-lumen connection and having and open end terminating proximate to the terminus, the open end including a lateral portion adjacent the open end having an opening extending into the base portion of ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022505A1

A medical dressing comprising an absorbent adhesive layer having a pharmaceutically active agent incorporated, the non-skin-facing surface being provided with a backing layer and the skin facing surface being interrupted by a pattern of cavities. The cavities provide a storage room and distribution centre for wound exudates enabling the dressing to be applied to fast exuding wounds and at the same time allows for an increased initial release of the pharmaceutically active agent. 1. A medical dressing comprising an absorbent adhesive layer having a skin-facing surface and a non-skin-facing surface , the non-skin-facing surface being provided with a backing layer , the skin-facing surface being interrupted by a pattern of cavities in the absorbent adhesive layer , and wherein the absorbent adhesive layer comprises hydrocolloids and a pharmaceutically active agent , the active agent being distributed homogenously in the adhesive layer , wherein the pattern of cavities is a network of interconnected cavities.2. The medical dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically active agent is selected from analgesics claim 1 , local anesthetics claim 1 , antimicrobial agents claim 1 , and anti-viral agents.3. The medical dressing according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically active agent is selected from analgesics and local anesthetics.4. The medical dressing according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically active agent is selected from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).5. The medical dressing according to any of the preceding claims claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically active agent is ibuprofen claim 1 , naproxen claim 1 , fenoprofen claim 1 , ketoprofen claim 1 , flurbiprofen claim 1 , oxaprozin claim 1 , loxoprofen claim 1 , indomethacin claim 1 , tolmetin claim 1 , sulindac claim 1 , etodolac claim 1 , ketorolac claim 1 , diclofenac claim 1 , piroxicam claim 1 , meloxicam claim 1 , ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Dressing Interface With Moisture Controlling Feature And Sealing Function

Номер: US20190022290A1

Provided are systems, dressings, and methods suitable for treating a tissue site, such as an incision or linear wound. The systems, dressings, and methods relate to a dressing assembly that may include a dressing bolster and a sealing ring. The sealing ring may be adapted to provide a fluid seal around the tissue site, and to absorb fluids from the tissue site. In some embodiments, the sealing ring may be extruded around the tissue site. In other embodiments, the sealing ring may be coupled to the dressing bolster. Other systems, apparatuses, and methods are disclosed. 1. A system for treating a tissue site , comprising: a dressing bolster having a first side and a second side,', 'a comfort layer coupled to the second side of the dressing bolster,', 'a first sealing member covering the first side of the dressing bolster,', 'a second sealing member covering a portion of the second side of the dressing bolster and extending outward from the dressing bolster to form a drape extension, wherein a portion of the first sealing member is coupled to the second sealing member,', 'a sealing ring disposed adjacent to the second side of the dressing bolster, the sealing ring comprised of a hydrocolloid including an absorbent, and', 'wherein the first sealing member, the second sealing member, and the sealing ring are configured to provide a sealed space over the tissue site; and, 'a dressing assembly, comprisinga reduced-pressure source configured to be coupled in fluid communication with the sealed space.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent comprises carboxy methyl cellulose.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is positioned around a circumference of the dressing bolster.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is positioned at a lateral edge of the dressing bolster.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the comfort layer is exposed and configured to be positioned directly against the tissue site claim 1 , the sealing ring ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200022846A1

Disclosed embodiments relate to apparatuses and methods for wound treatment. In some embodiments, a wound dressing apparatus can comprise a wound contact layer, a spacer layer, an absorbent layer positioned on the spacer layer, an electronics unit comprising a negative pressure source and/or electronic components, wherein the absorbent layer comprises a recess configured to receive the electronics unit and the absorbent layer is configured to be in fluid communication with the electronics unit, and a cover layer configured to cover and form a seal over the wound contact layer, the spacer layer, the absorbent layer, and the electronics unit. 1. A wound dressing apparatus comprising:a wound contact layer comprising a proximal wound-facing face and a distal face, wherein the proximal wound-facing face is configured to be positioned in contact with a wound;a spacer layer comprising a proximal wound-facing face and a distal face, the spacer layer positioned over the distal face of the wound contact layer;an absorbent layer positioned on the distal face of the spacer layer;an electronics unit comprising a negative pressure source and/or electronic components;wherein the absorbent layer comprises a recess configured to receive the electronics unit and the absorbent layer is configured to be in fluid communication with the electronics unit; anda cover layer configured to cover and form a seal over the wound contact layer, the spacer layer, the absorbent layer, and the electronics unit.2. The wound dressing apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronic components comprise one or more of a power source claim 1 , a flexible circuit board claim 1 , a sensor claim 1 , a switch claim 1 , and/or a light or LED indicator.3. The wound dressing apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a negative pressure source inlet protection mechanism and a negative pressure source outlet or exhaust.4. The wound dressing apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the negative pressure source outlet or ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Reduced-Pressure, Compression Systems And Apparatuses For Use On A Curved Body Part

Номер: US20210022925A1

A system for providing a force to a desired area on a curved body part of a person includes a dressing assembly shaped and configured to be placed on the desired area of the person, a releaseable circumferential member surrounding the curved body part that holds the dressing assembly against the desired area, a sealing subsystem for providing a fluid seal over the dressing assembly and the person's skin, and a reduced-pressure subsystem for providing a reduced pressure to the dressing assembly. When reduced pressure is supplied, the system generates the force against the desired area on the curved body part. 1. A system for treating a curved body part on a patient , comprising: an interior surface member having a first surface and a second, inward-facing surface, and', 'a dressing bolster having a first surface and a second, inward-facing surface, wherein the second, inward-facing surface of the dressing bolster is disposed against the first surface of the interior surface member; and, 'a dressing assembly shaped and configured to form a pocket to receive at least a portion of the curved body part, the dressing assembly includingan over-drape configured to extend over the dressing assembly.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the curved body part comprises breast tissue.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dressing bolster is a shaped dressing bolster configured to conform to the curved body part.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the shaped dressing bolster comprises a peripheral edge including a chamfer claim 3 , taper claim 3 , or arcuate shape.5. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a gasket material configured to be positioned between a portion of the dressing bolster and an epidermis of the patient; anda sealing apparatus configured to provide a seal between the over-drape and the epidermis.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the dressing bolster is formed from a bolster material having a density greater than 25 kg/m.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027760A1
Автор: Ji Myungsoon

A flexible nose bandage is disclosed. The bandage is a surgical bandage for nose, wherein the bandage is comprised of foam, cloth, porous flexible material, and woven adhesive material or the like, which includes opposing infra orbital portions, opposing side arms, and a connecting bridge to place the bandage securely at its position. The bandage is further comprised of components like non-stick gauze sponge pads, to be applied over the wound, and waterproof edges made of thin film tegaderm to cover the entire outer surface of the dressing. 1. A nose bandage comprised of:(a) opposing infra orbital portions;(b) opposing side arms;(c) connecting bridge;(d) non-stick soft gauze pad; and(e) adhesive ends.2. A nose bandage claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the geometrical configuration of said opposing infra orbital portions includes parallel orbital sides and outwardly curved opposing sides.3. A nose bandage claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said opposing side arms include parallel arm sides and outwardly curved opposing sides claim 1 , and two perforated holes to provide nasal passages in the center mid portion of the opposing side arms.4. A nose bandage claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said adhesive ends coating with a protective strip is provided on one side of bandage for securing over and about the skin of the infra orbital portion of the face.5. A nose bandage claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the non-stick said soft gauze sponge pad provided is a non-adherent pad applied over wound with waterproof edges.6. A nose bandage claim 5 , as claimed in claim 5 , wherein said waterproof edges are made of a thin film called tegaderm to cover the entire outer surface of the dressing.7. A nose bandage claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said non-stick soft gauze sponge pad provided is a non-adherent pad applied over wound with said waterproof edges.8. A nose bandage claim 5 , as claimed in claim 5 , wherein said waterproof edges are ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028363A1

The present invention relates to materials for use as or in wound dressings. In particular, the present invention relates to a multilayer material for use as or in a wound dressing and to methods of making the multilayer material. The multilayer material comprises first and second layers comprising a chitosan and/or a chitosan derivative and a third layer located between the first and second layers comprising a reinforcing material, wherein one or more of the layers further comprises a physiologically acceptable acid. 1. A multilayer material comprising first and second layers comprising a chitosan and/or a chitosan derivative and a third layer located between the first and second layers comprising a reinforcing material , wherein one or more of the layers further comprises a physiologically acceptable acid.2. A multilayer material according to claim 1 , wherein the physiologically acceptable acid is located in either the first and/or second layer of the multilayer material.3. A multilayer material according to claim 1 , wherein the physiologically acceptable acid is located in the third layer of the multilayer material.4. A multilayer material according to claim 1 , wherein the first and/or second layers further comprise a carrier material for the acid.5. A multilayer material according to claim 4 , wherein the acid is absorbed in claim 4 , or coated onto claim 4 , the carrier material.6. A multilayer material according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing material comprises a non-absorbent material claim 1 , for example viscose.7. A multilayer material according to claim 1 , wherein the reinforcing material comprises an absorbent material.8. A multilayer material according to claim 7 , wherein the absorbent material is a superabsorbent material.9. A multilayer material according to claim 8 , wherein the superabsorbent material is a polymeric material claim 8 , such as poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) claim 8 , poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) claim 8 , and poly(acrylic acid). ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028365A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters. 153-. (canceled)54. A negative pressure wound treatment system , comprising:a wound cover configured to be positioned over a wound, the wound cover comprising an opening; an elongate liquid impermeable top layer extending from the proximal end to the distal end, wherein the top layer has an enlarged distal end;', 'an elongate liquid impermeable bottom layer extending from the proximal end to the distal end, wherein the bottom layer has an enlarged distal end comprising one or more apertures configured to fluidically connect the suction adapter to the opening in the wound cover;', 'an elongate spacer positioned within an elongate channel extending between the top and bottom layers, the spacer extending from a proximal end to a distal end with the distal end of the elongate spacer positioned between the enlarged distal ends of the top layer and bottom layer;, 'a suction adapter having a proximal end and a distal end, the suction adapter attached to the wound cover to provide negative pressure to the wound, the suction adapter comprisinga conduit connected to the proximal end of the spacer, the conduit being configured to directly or indirectly connect to a source of negative pressure; anda fluid-flow restricting element attached to the wound cover over an opening in the wound cover and beneath the enlarged distal end of the bottom layer.55. The negative pressure wound treatment system of claim 54 , wherein the fluid-flow restricting element comprises a one-way valve.56. The negative pressure wound treatment system of claim 54 , wherein the spacer is configured to permit fluid to pass therethrough when the spacer is kinked or folded over.57. The negative pressure ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047797A1

A bodily fluid collection system includes a reduced pressure treatment unit for providing reduced pressure to a fluid collection system through a canister having a container with an inlet adapted to be fluidly coupled to the fluid collection system, an outlet adapted to be connected to a source of reduced pressure, and an absorptive lamination disposed within the container. The absorptive lamination may be formed from a plurality of absorptive layers and wicking layers interleaved between the absorptive layers that collectively manifold bodily fluids from a tissue site into and throughout the absorptive lamination to trap and collect the bodily fluids. The container expands as the absorptive lamination swells with the bodily fluid being collected. 1. A canister for collecting bodily fluids from a tissue site , comprising:a first wall,a second wall, the first wall and the second wall substantially impervious to vapor,a plurality of absorptive layers,a plurality of wicking layers positioned proximate the plurality of absorptive layers,a connecting member positioned about a perimeter of the first wall and the second wall and configured to couple the first wall and the second wall, andone or more vapor permeable regions disposed in the first wall and the second wall.2. The canister of claim 1 , further comprising:an inlet configured to be in fluid communication with the tissue site;an outlet configured to be in fluid communication with a reduced pressure source; anda container including the first wall and the second wall, the container configured to collect fluids from the tissue site.3. The canister of claim 2 , wherein the first wall claim 2 , the second wall claim 2 , and the connecting member define a chamber.4. The canister of claim 3 , wherein the inlet and the outlet are disposed on one of the first wall or the second wall claim 3 , and wherein the canister further comprises a tube fluidly coupled to the inlet and extending into the chamber away from the outlet.5 ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Condensate Absorbing And Dissipating System

Номер: US20190030227A1

A dressing for treating a tissue site may include a base layer, a sealing member, a first and a second wicking layer, and an absorbent layer. The base layer may have a plurality of apertures and may be adapted to cover the tissue site. The sealing member and the base layer may define an enclosure. The first and the second wicking layer may each be disposed in the enclosure with the absorbent layer positioned between the first and the second wicking layer. A conduit comprised of an absorbent material that is vapor permeable and liquid impermeable may be in fluid communication with the dressing for providing reduced pressure to the dressing. Other dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A system for treating a tissue site , comprising: a base layer having a periphery surrounding a central portion, wherein the base layer is adapted to cover the tissue site and tissue surrounding the tissue site,', 'a sealing member having a periphery and a central portion, the periphery of the sealing member positioned proximate to the periphery of the base layer, wherein the central portion of the sealing member and the central portion of the base layer define an enclosure,', 'a first wicking layer disposed in the enclosure, wherein the first wicking layer has a grain structure adapted to wick fluid along a surface of the first wicking layer,', 'a second wicking layer disposed in the enclosure, wherein the second wicking layer has a grain structure adapted to wick fluid along a surface of the second wicking layer, and', 'an absorbent layer disposed between the first wicking layer and the second wicking layer;, 'a dressing, comprisinga reduced-pressure source adapted to provide reduced pressure to the dressing; anda conduit having an internal lumen coupled in fluid communication between the dressing and the reduced-pressure source, at least a portion of the conduit being comprised of an absorbent material that is vapor permeable and liquid impermeable.2. The system of claim 1 ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Modifiable Occlusive Skin Dressing

Номер: US20210030597A1
Автор: Zurovcik Danielle R.

Occlusive tissue dressings and methods including an elastomeric drape and a liquid component, at least partially cross-linked at least after one of drying and curing, suitable for application at a dressing-to-skin interface in order to create a substantially air-tight seal. The same or a different liquid component may be applied by a user at a tube-to-dressing interface in order to create a similar air-tight seal around the tube, if not occlusively sealed during its manufacture. 149-. (canceled)50. A kit suitable for occlusively sealing a wound penetrating the skin of a patient , comprising:a drape formed as a thin sheet of an organic material substantially impervious to fluid transfer and having a first surface on one side of the drape and a second surface on an opposite side of the drape and having an outer edge;at least one connection interface component capable of connecting with a source of negative pressure, the at least one connection interface component including at least one of (i) a flexible tube having a first end extendable through the drape and having a second end connectable with the source of negative pressure, (ii) at least two pieces of drape capable of forming a joint through which a first end of a tube is insertable, (iii) a flange having a central passage and connectable with a tube, and/or (iv) a tube connector;at least one biocompatible adhesive that is at least one of (1) disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the drape, and/or (2) capable of contacting at least a portion of at least the first surface of the drape;when the kit includes the at least one biocompatible adhesive disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the drape, the kit further includes at least a first removable liner covering at least a portion of the at least one biocompatible adhesive on the first surface of the drape; andat least one container of at least one dressing-to-skin interface sealant component that is capable of being delivered as a ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации

Moisture Absorbing Seal

Номер: US20180036178A1

A sealing drape may be suitable for use with a reduced-pressure treatment system for treating a tissue site. The sealing drape may have an interior surface adapted for positioning adjacent to a peripheral surface of the tissue site. The sealing drape may include a sealing material and an absorbent material. The sealing material may be hydrophobic and substantially free of hydrophilic components. Further, the sealing material may be positioned between the interior surface of the sealing drape and the absorbent material. The sealing drape may be used with a manifold for positioning at the tissue site, a reduced-pressure interface, and a reduced-pressure source. Methods of manufacture and treatment are also disclosed. 1. A sealing drape for treating a tissue site , the sealing drape comprising:an interior surface and an external surface, the interior surface adapted to be positioned adjacent a peripheral surface surrounding the tissue site and to overlap the peripheral surface to provide a sealed space between the sealing drape and the tissue site;a sealing material comprising a fluid permeable hydrophobic material, wherein at least a portion of the sealing material forms a part of the interior surface and is configured to provide a seal between the interior surface and the peripheral surface surrounding the tissue site; andan absorbent material associated with the sealing material, wherein the absorbent material is adapted to absorb fluid communicated through the sealing material.2. The sealing drape of claim 1 , the absorbent material disposed substantially uniformly within the sealing material.3. The sealing drape of claim 1 , the absorbent material comprising a plurality of absorbent particles.4. The sealing drape of claim 1 , the absorbent material comprising a plurality of absorbent fibers.5. The sealing drape of claim 1 , the absorbent material comprising a sheet-like absorbent layer disposed between a first layer and a second layer of the sealing material.6. ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220054319A1

Array for the treatment of wounds comprising a first absorbent wound dressing () that is non-adhesive and a second absorbent wound dressing () that is adhesive, wherein the first wound dressing () comprising a first absorbent pad () comprising superabsorbent fibers and/or particles, and wherein the second wound dressing () comprises a second absorbent pad () comprising superabsorbent fibers and/or particles, characterized in that the second wound dressing () comprises means for the adhesive fixation of the second wound dressing () to the skin of a patient, wherein the means for the adhesive fixation comprise a skin-friendly silicone adhesive (). 1103020401030123220402242204020402343bb. An array of wound dressings for the treatment of wounds comprising a first absorbent wound dressing , ) that is non-adhesive and a second absorbent wound dressing ( , ) that is adhesive , wherein the first wound dressing ( , ) comprises a first absorbent pad , ) comprising superabsorbent fibers and/or particles , and wherein the second wound dressing ( , ) comprises a second absorbent pad ( , ) comprising superabsorbent fibers and/or particles , and wherein the second wound dressing ( , ) comprises means for the adhesive fixation of the second wound dressing ( , ) to the skin of a patient , wherein the means for the adhesive fixation comprise a skin-friendly silicone adhesive ( , ).2103012321535143415351535204022422545244425452545. The array of claim 1 , wherein the first wound dressing ( claim 1 , ) comprises a first absorbent pad ( claim 1 , ) comprising a first absorbent core ( claim 1 , ) and a first envelope ( claim 1 , ) surrounding the first absorbent core ( claim 1 , ) claim 1 , wherein the first absorbent core ( claim 1 , ) comprises superabsorbent fibers and/or particles claim 1 , and wherein the second wound dressing ( claim 1 , ) comprises a second absorbent pad ( claim 1 , ) comprising a second absorbent core ( claim 1 , ) and a second envelope ( claim 1 , ) surrounding ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038472A1

A composite, expandable bioelectric device includes multiple first reservoirs and multiple second reservoirs joined with a planar substrate. Selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs include a reducing agent, and first reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs are proximate to a first substrate surface. Selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs include an oxidizing agent, and second reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs are proximate to the first substrate surface. 1. A composite bioelectric device comprising a substrate layer comprising two or more biocompatible electrodes configured to generate at least one of;a uniform low level electric field (LLEF); ora uniform low level electric current (LLEC); andfurther comprising an absorbent layer.2. The device of wherein the biocompatible electrodes comprise a first array comprising a pattern of microcells formed from a first conductive material claim 1 , and a second array comprising a pattern of microcells formed from a second conductive material.3. The device of wherein the first conductive material and the second conductive material comprise the same material.4. The device of wherein the first and second array each comprise a discrete circuit.5. The device of claim 3 , further comprising a power source.6. The device of wherein the first array and the second array spontaneously generate a LLEF.7. The device of wherein the first array and the second array spontaneously generate a LLEC when contacted with an electrolytic solution or with a conductive fluid.8. The device of wherein the LLEF is between 0.05 and 5 Volts.9. The device of wherein the LLEF is between 0.1 and 5 Volts.10. The device of wherein the LLEF is between 1.0 and 5 Volts.11. The device of wherein the substrate comprises a pliable material.12. The device of wherein the uniform LLEC is between 1 and 200 micro-amperes.13. The device of wherein the uniform LLEC is between 1 and 100 micro- ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038251A1

A wound dressing includes an elastic foam layer, a drape layer, and superabsorbent projections. The elastic foam layer is configured to engage a wound bed and has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the wound bed. The drape layer also has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the elastic foam layer. The elastic foam layer also has a plurality of superabsorbent projections (nodules, dots, bumps, lumps, islands, protuberances) fixed to and extending from the first side of the elastic foam layer towards the second side of the drape layer. 1. A wound dressing comprising:a hydrophilic elastic foam layer configured to engage a wound bed, and having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the wound bed;a drape layer having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the hydrophilic elastic foam layer; anda plurality of superabsorbent projections (nodules, dots, bumps, lumps, islands, protuberances) fixed to and extending from the first side of the hydrophilic elastic foam layer towards the second side of the drape layer which may be formed in a plurality of shapes or patterns comprising circles, squares, hexagons, hoops/halos, stars, crosses, a range of lines, or any combination of said shapes.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the superabsorbent projections are operable to draw a wound exudate fluid through the hydrophilic elastic foam layer.3. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the drape layer comprises a material having a high moisture vapor transmission rate claim 2 , and is configured to permit evaporation of the wound exudate fluid from the superabsorbent projections.4. The wound dressing of claim 3 , wherein the ordering of the hydrophilic elastic foam layer claim 3 , and the superabsorbent projections claim 3 , and the drape layer claim 3 , are configured to establish a relative hydrophilic gradient from the ...

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Vacuum wound therapy wound dressing with variable performance zones

Номер: US20160045374A1
Автор: Ronald F. Vitaris
Принадлежит: Smith and Nephew Inc

A dressing for an open wound includes a cover layer dimensioned for positioning relative to a wound bed. The cover layer permits an evacuation of the space around the wound bed such that a sub-atmospheric pressure may be established to stimulate healing and facilitate the removal of fluid from the wound. Multiple performance zones in the cover layer allow the wound dressing to remain in position through repeated cycles of evacuation without placing undue strain on the wound bed. An outer peripheral zone may include a high peal-strength adhesive while an intermediate zone may include a shear resistant adhesive. A central zone may be devoid of any coating to maximize moisture transmission through cover layer.

18-02-2016 дата публикации

Modifiable Occlusive Skin Dressing

Номер: US20160045375A1
Автор: Zurovcik Danielle

Occlusive tissue dressings and methods including an elastomeric drape and a liquid component, at least partially cross-linked at least after one of drying and curing, suitable for application at a dressing-to-skin interface in order to create a substantially air-tight seal. The same or a different liquid component may be applied by a user at a tube-to-dressing interface in order to create a similar air-tight seal around the tube, if not occlusively sealed during its manufacture. 1. A kit suitable for occlusively sealing a wound penetrating the skin of a patient , comprising:a drape formed as a thin sheet of an organic material substantially impervious to fluid transfer and having first and second surfaces;an interface including at least one of (i) a flexible tube having a first end extendable through the drape and having a second end connectable to a source of negative pressure, (ii) at least two pieces of drape capable of forming a joint through which a first end of a tube is insertable, and (iii) a flange attachable to a tube;a biocompatible adhesive that is at least one of (1) disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the drape and (2) capable of contacting at least a portion of at least the first surface of the drape;when the kit includes the biocompatible adhesive disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the drape, the kit further includes at least a first removable liner sheet covering the first surface of the drape; andat least one container of at least one sealant component that is capable of being delivered as a sealant in a liquid state at pre-selected ambient conditions, the sealant as delivered being at least partially cross-linked at least after one of drying and curing, and which is capable of at least one of drying and curing within thirty minutes after application of the sealant as a layer to the edges of the drape after the drape is applied to the skin surrounding the wound.2. The kit of wherein the organic material and ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Thermal reflective layer for a wound care dressing

Номер: US20170042741A1
Автор: Jeanine M. Salamone
Принадлежит: Healthko LLC

A thermal reflective layer provided either separately or in combination with a wound dressing is provided. The wound dressing typically includes a top layer, and a bottom layer on an opposite side of the wound dressing from the top layer. The thermal reflective layer is positioned between the top and bottom layers and is formed of a plurality of thermal reflecting domes arranged in an array configuration with apexes of each dome oriented toward the bottom layer of the wound dressing facing the wound upon which the wound dressing is configured for placement. This configuration reflects body heat back on to the wound when the wound dressing is in place, and more rapidly increases the wound surface to a physiologically optimum healing temperature more rapidly than other conventional wound dressings, which improves the facilitation of wound healing. The configuration also enables wound visualization, and required wound piercing procedures.

01-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140121620A1
Автор: Hung Tsui-Shan

An adhesive wound patch is provided. The adhesive wound patch includes a covering layer, a dressing layer, a releasing paper and a supporting layer. A pressure sensitive adhesive is coated on an inner surface of the covering layer, and the pressure sensitive adhesive with stickiness may adhere to the surrounding skin tightly. The dressing layer covers the pressure sensitive adhesive, the covering layer includes waterproof-breathable material, and the dressing layer includes hydro-absorbent material. The releasing paper includes separated first and second portions, and covers the entire covering layer. The supporting layer sticks to the covering layer, and has an ear portion, which is in the middle part of one side of the supporting layer and protrudes beyond the edge of the covering layer. After the dressing layer is adhered to the wound, the supporting layer is separated from the covering layer by tearing off the ear portion. 1. An adhesive wound patch , comprising:a covering layer, wherein a pressure sensitive adhesive is coated on an inner surface of the covering layer, the pressure sensitive adhesive with stickiness is able to adhere to a wound tightly, and the covering layer comprises a waterproof-breathable material;a dressing layer partially covering the pressure sensitive adhesive, wherein the dressing layer comprises a hydro-absorbent material;a releasing paper, comprising a first portion and a second portion which are separated, wherein the releasing paper covers the entire covering layer by sticking to an inner surface thereof, and is releasable from the covering layer; anda supporting layer sticking to an outer surface of the covering layer and having an ear portion protruding beyond the edge of the covering layer, wherein the ear portion is disposed in a middle part of one side of the supporting layer, and after the dressing layer is adhered to the wound, the supporting layer is separated from the covering layer by tearing off the ear portion.2. The ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062059A1

Wound dressing () comprising a backing layer (), an absorbent pad (), and a wound contact layer (), the absorbent pad () having an absorbent core () wherein the backing layer () comprises a water vapour-permeable and substantially liquid-impermeable film material, wherein the wound contact layer () comprises a layer of skin-friendly silicone adhesive (), the wound contact layer () comprising apertures (), each of the apertures () having an average area of from 0.03 mmto 7.00 mm, and the entire open area of the wound contact layer () formed by the apertures () is between 10% and 30%, characterized in that a distribution layer () is arranged between the wound contact layer () and the absorbent core ().

03-03-2022 дата публикации

Pressure Indicator

Номер: US20220062060A1

Disclosed herein is a device which is intended to deliver and maintain reduced pressure to body surfaces for application of reduced pressure wound therapy (RPWT) also known as negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). During application of this type of therapy, a substantially airtight seal is formed around a section of tissue to be treated. This seal is formed by a dressing which provides fluid communication from a section of tissue to a reduced pressure source. Disclosed herein is a dressing system which is configured to enhance usability and functionality of this dressing. First, the system may be configured to allow full rotation of the fluid communication conduit to the reduced pressure source along the axis substantially normal to the dressing. Second, the system may be configured to include a one-way valve to prevent backflow of any drainage fluids. Third, the system may be configured with transparent windows covered by opaque flaps to allow inspection through the dressing. Fourth, the system may be configured to include an indicator which visually makes clear whether reduced pressure is being applied or not. Fifth, the system is configured to minimize the profile of the dressing system. 1. A fluid communication conduit for treating tissue , comprising: a port cavity defined by port walls,', 'a port opening in communication with the port cavity, and', 'one or more integrated supports configured to resist collapse of the port walls into the port cavity; and, 'a low profile port, includinga low profile tubing extending from the low profile port.2. The fluid communication conduit of claim 1 , wherein the port opening is configured to be positioned in communication with the tissue claim 1 , and wherein the one or more integrated supports are configured to maintain patency within the port cavity and between the port cavity and the tissue through the port opening.3. The fluid communication conduit of claim 1 , wherein the low profile port and the low profile tubing ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Reduced-Pressure, Linear-Wound Treatment Systems

Номер: US20200046565A1

A system for treating a linear wound on a patient has a closing dressing bolster for placing on the patient's epidermis over the linear wound, a sealing subsystem for providing a seal over the closing dressing bolster and the patient, and a reduced-pressure subsystem for delivering reduced pressure to the sealing subsystem. The sealing subsystem and reduced pressure subsystem are operable to deliver reduced pressure to the closing dressing bolster. The closing dressing bolster is operable under reduced pressure to develop a inward closing. The closing dressing bolster may include one or more closing members on each side of a center wound area to create the inward closing when under reduced pressure. A compressive force may also be developed. Other systems and methods are presented. 1. A dressing assembly for treating a tissue site with a reduced pressure , comprising: at least one biased portion configured to move from a first position when the reduced pressure is being received by the bolster body to a second position when the reduced pressure is removed from the bolster body,', 'wherein the at least one biased portion is configured to allow the visual inspection of the tissue site in the second position; and, 'a bolster body configured to receive the reduced pressure and to allow a visual inspection of at least a portion of the tissue site, the bolster body includinga sealing member configured to form a seal over the bolster body.2. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the bolster body and the sealing member are configured to be positioned over the tissue site claim 1 , wherein the at least one biased portion is configured to cover at least a portion of the tissue site in the first position and to move aside to allow the visual inspection of at least a portion of the tissue site in the second position.3. The dressing assembly of claim 1 , wherein the at least one biased portion is configured to form a separation in the bolster body when the at least one ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046568A1
Автор: Sexton Jay

Systems, methods and devices are provided for use in a negative pressure wound therapy system for healing a wound in a patient. Various aspects may include an ester-based material adapted to be directly applied to the wound, such as a smooth muscle fistula, without substantially damaging tissue in the wound during dressing changes. The ester-based material may have an affinity for the wound bed surface and/or wound fluid. In addition, various aspects may include a device adapted to close the wound, such as a smooth muscle fistula. 1. A wound dressing adapted to be applied to a wound bed including a smooth muscle fistula in a negative pressure treatment system , the wound dressing comprising:a wound-side layer comprising a first foam adapted to be placed directly against the wound bed and to contact smooth muscle without causing substantial cellular disruption or damage in the negative pressure environment, the first foam comprising an ester-based material having pores with a width of about 0.1 μm to about 50 μm;an intermediate layer adjacent the wound-side layer and comprising a second foam having pores larger than the pores of the ester-based material; andan occlusive layer adjacent the intermediate layer and opposite the wound-side layer.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the wound-side layer and the intermediate layer includes one or more pre-formed flow paths.3. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the wound-side layer and the intermediate layer includes one or more flow barriers.4. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the ester-based material is a first ester-based material and the second foam comprises a second ester-based material the same or different from the first ester-based material.5. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the width of the pores of the ester-based material is from about 0.2 μm to about 2 μm.6. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the width of the pores of the ester-based material ...

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049627A1
Автор: Sexton Jay

Systems, methods and devices are provided for use in a negative pressure wound therapy system for healing a wound in a patient. Various aspects may include an ester-based material adapted to be directly applied to the wound, such as a smooth muscle fistula, without substantially damaging tissue in the wound during dressing changes. The ester-based material may have an affinity for the wound bed surface and/or wound fluid. In addition various aspects may include a device adapted to close the wound, such as a smooth muscle fistula. 1. An absorptive dressing for the treatment of a wound bed including a smooth muscle fistula in a negative pressure treatment system , the absorptive dressing comprising:an ester-based foam having primary structural features comprising pores with a width of about 0.1 μm to about 50 μm; andsecondary structural features adapted to direct a flow of wound fluid from the wound bed.2. The absorptive dressing of claim 1 , wherein the ester-based foam is a first layer and the secondary structural features comprise a second layer of ester-based foam having pores with an average pore size less than an average pore size of the first layer.3. The absorptive dressing of claim 1 , wherein the secondary structural features comprise one or more preformed flow paths within the ester-based foam and having an average pore size greater than the average pore size of the ester-based foam.4. The absorptive dressing of claim 3 , wherein the one or more preformed flow paths are arranged in an hourglass-like shape.5. The absorptive dressing of claim 1 , wherein the secondary structural features comprise one or more wing-like shaped barriers within the ester-based foam.6. The absorptive dressing of claim 5 , wherein the one or more wing-like shaped barriers are generally arranged in a circle.7. The absorptive dressing of claim 1 , wherein the secondary structural features comprise a radial housing comprising delivery tubing configured to deliver a fluid to an area ...

26-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150057624A1

Provided are systems, dressings, and methods suitable for treating a tissue site, such as an incision or linear wound. The systems, dressings, and methods relate to a dressing assembly that may include a dressing bolster and a sealing ring. The sealing ring may be adapted to provide a fluid seal around the tissue site, and to absorb fluids from the tissue site. In some embodiments, the sealing ring may be extruded around the tissue site. In other embodiments, the sealing ring may be coupled to the dressing bolster. Other systems, apparatuses, and methods are disclosed. 1. A system for treating a tissue site , comprising: a dressing bolster having a first side and a second side,', 'a comfort layer coupled to the second side of the dressing bolster,', 'a first sealing member covering the first side of the dressing bolster,', 'a second sealing member covering a portion of the second side of the dressing bolster and extending outward from the dressing bolster to form a drape extension, wherein a portion of the first sealing member is coupled to the second sealing member,', 'a sealing ring disposed adjacent to the second side of the dressing bolster, the sealing ring comprised of a hydrocolloid including an absorbent, and', 'wherein the first sealing member, the second sealing member, and the sealing ring are configured to provide a sealed space over the tissue site; and, 'a dressing assembly, comprisinga reduced-pressure source configured to be coupled in fluid communication with the sealed space.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent comprises carboxy methyl cellulose.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is positioned around a circumference of the dressing bolster.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the sealing ring is positioned at a lateral edge of the dressing bolster.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the comfort layer is exposed and configured to be positioned directly against the tissue site claim 1 , the sealing ring ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190053955A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed towards wound dressings comprising a liquid and gas permeable transmission layer, an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, the absorbent layer overlying the transmission layer, a gas impermeable cover layer overlying the absorbent layer and comprising a first orifice, wherein the cover layer is moisture vapor permeable. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters. 128-. (canceled)29. An apparatus to provide suction to a wound site comprising: a transmission layer configured to transmit wound exudate; and', 'a cover layer overlying the transmission layer and comprising an orifice;, 'a wound dressing comprising at least one film layer comprising a proximal end and a distal end;', 'a fluid passage surrounded by said at least one film layer and configured to be in fluid communication with a source of negative pressure, the fluid passage comprising a porous material encapsulated in said at least one film layer; and', 'a sealing surface at the distal end of said at least one film layer, the sealing surface comprising one or more apertures,', 'wherein the sealing surface of the fluidic connector is positioned over the cover layer of the wound dressing with the one or more apertures in the sealing surface positioned over the orifice in the cover layer;, 'a fluidic connector attached to the wound dressing comprisinga filter positioned above the orifice of the cover layer; andone or more spacer elements positioned below the filter, the spacer elements configured to support the filter and create a gap between the filter and the transmission layer.30. The apparatus according to claim 29 , wherein the filter is adhered to at least one of the top of the cover layer and the bottom of ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Multi-functional personalized patch with therapeutic properties

Номер: US20210059860A1
Принадлежит: Johnson and Johnson Consumer Inc

Carefully coordinated patches having camouflaging and/or benefit properties can be formed for application to a desired region of human skin. The patches include a flexible film having a first, adhesive, outwardly facing major surface and a second outwardly facing surface which is textured to correspond to skin covered by the patch during use; wherein the flexible film further comprises at least one pigmented region and at least one region adapted to modify one or more optical properties selected from the group consisting of light transmission, light reflection, and light absorption. Methods of custom use of such patches may include 3D printing processes.

02-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170056249A1
Автор: Stojanovski Dimitrije

A bandage covers skin of a patient for the purpose of fostering healing. A touchscreen device normally utilizes conductivity of skin to sense location of a finger upon the touchscreen device. A bandage is disclosed enabling use of a touchscreen device. The bandage includes a composite cloth layer including a majority portion made with non-conductive threads, a minority portion visibly distinct from the majority portion made with metallic strands configured to conduct electricity from one point on the touchscreen device to another point on the touchscreen device, and adhesive configured to attach the bandage to the skin. The bandage also includes a non-conductive absorbent pad. 1. An apparatus comprising a bandage for placement upon skin of a patient and enabling use of a touchscreen device , the apparatus comprising: [ a majority portion comprising non-conductive threads;', 'a minority portion visibly distinct from the majority portion comprising metallic strands configured to conduct electricity from one point on the touchscreen device to another point on the touchscreen device; and', 'adhesive configured to attach the bandage to the skin; and, 'a composite cloth layer comprising, 'a non-conductive absorbent pad attached to the bandage and configured to separate the metallic strands of the cloth layer from a wound site on the skin., 'the bandage comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bandage comprises holes to permit air to pass through the bandage.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein bandage further comprises one of a spray on material and a brush on material.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the bandage further comprises an additional conductive material comprising one of an anti-static conductive polymer adhesive claim 1 , a conductive silicone rubber claim 1 , and a conductive foam material. This disclosure is a divisional application of U.S. application Ser. No. 14/190,220 filed on Feb. 26, 2014, which is hereby incorporated by reference.The ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Partially transparent wound dressing

Номер: US20220079815A1
Принадлежит: Kci Licensing Inc

A partially transparent dressing includes a fluid management core having a first side and a second, wound-facing side. The fluid management core includes an absorbent material and a plurality of optically transparent windows. The dressing includes a barrier layer coupled to the first side and a patient interface layer coupled to the second side. A fluid communication port is disposed in the second side. An opening is disposed in the patient interface layer. The opening is configured to receive fluid from a wound.

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079816A1

Wound dressing () comprising a backing layer(), an absorbent pad () and a wound contact layer(), wherein the backing layer () comprises a water vapour-permeable and substantially liquid-impermeable film material, wherein the absorbent pad () comprises an absorbent core () having a proximal side and a distal side, and an envelope () surrounding the absorbent core(), the absorbent core () comprising an absorbent material, and wherein the wound contact layer () comprises a layer of a skin-friendly silicone adhesive(), characterized in that the envelope () comprises a first layer () of a first liquid-permeable material and a second layer () of a second material different from the first material, wherein the first layer () of the envelope () covers the proximal side of the absorbent core () and wherein the second layer () of the envelope () covers the distal side of the absorbent core(), and wherein the first layer () of the envelope() extends over the proximal side of the absorbent core () and the second layer () of the envelope() extends over the distal side of the absorbent core () each of them forming a border area () surrounding the absorbent core(), the first () and second layer () of the envelope () being joined to each other along the border area () surrounding the absorbent core(). 11030113112321333113112321535143415351535133313331434143414341434143415351434143415351434143415351434143415351636153514341434143416361535b,ba,ab,ba,ab,ba,ab,ba,ab,b. A wound dressing ( , ) comprising a backing layer ( , ) , an absorbent pad ( , ) and a wound contact layer ( , ) , wherein the backing layer ( , ) comprises a water vapour-permeable and substantially liquid-impermeable film material , wherein the absorbent pad ( , ) comprises an absorbent core ( , ) having a proximal side and a distal side , and an envelope ( , ) surrounding the absorbent core ( , ) , the absorbent core ( , ) comprising an absorbent material , and wherein the wound contact layer ( , ) comprises a layer of ...

22-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140142523A1
Принадлежит: RevMedx, Inc.

Provided herein are self-expanding wound dressings that include a first outer layer, a second outer layer, and a liquid-expandable layer disposed between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, wherein the liquid-expandable layer includes a plurality of liquid-expandable articles retained by a substrate, wherein the plurality of liquid-expandable articles expand to form expanded articles upon contact with a liquid. Also provided is a method of treating an individual having a bleeding wound, the method including applying a self-expanding wound dressing to the wound. Also provided are methods of manufacturing a wound dressing, the methods including forming an absorbent material into a plurality of liquid-expandable articles, coupling the plurality of liquid-expandable articles to a substrate to form a liquid-expandable layer, and positioning the liquid-expandable layer between a first outer layer and a second outer layer to form the wound dressing. 1. A wound dressing , comprising:a first outer layer;a second outer layer; anda liquid-expandable layer positioned between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, wherein the liquid-expandable layer comprises a plurality of liquid-expandable articles retained by a substrate, wherein the plurality of liquid-expandable articles expand to form expanded articles upon contact with a liquid.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first outer layer and second outer layer comprises a porous material.3. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the first outer layer and second outer layer are joined to form one or more pockets to receive the liquid-expandable layer therein.4. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of liquid-expandable articles comprises compressed sponge.5. The wound dressing of claim 4 , wherein the compressed sponge comprises regenerated cellulose.6. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the liquid-expandable articles comprise a substantially cylindrical ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации

System, method, and product for an adhesive strip configured to selectively dispense a fluid

Номер: US20160067105A1
Автор: Adam A. Kirsch
Принадлежит: Adam A. Kirsch

A fluid dispensing adhesive strip is presented. The fluid dispensing adhesive strip includes a backing layer having a first side and a second side, an adhesive that is disposed on at least a portion of the second side of the backing layer, and a packet that is disposed on the backing layer that includes a dispensable fluid and an activation mechanism that permits selective dispensing of the dispensable fluid. The packet can include multiple chambers configured to contain the same or different fluids, and channels associated with the chambers for dispensing the fluid when the activation mechanism is activated. The activation mechanism can be a tear-away strip, and can include perforations, serrations, and scoring to facilitate activation. Release strips in communication with the adhesive can releasably detach from the adhesive enabling the fluid dispensing strip to be applied and secured to an object or person.

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067107A1
Автор: Cotton Stephen

An absorbent wound dressing () comprising a superabsorbent material () that is in fluid communication with the surface of a wound to which the dressing is applied when in use. The superabsorbent material () is enclosed in an envelope () having a wound-facing surface that is knitted or woven from a yarn comprising gelling fibres. 1. An absorbent wound dressing comprising a superabsorbent material that , in use , is in fluid communication with the surface of a wound to which the dressing is applied , wherein the superabsorbent material is enclosed in an envelope having a wound-facing surface knitted or woven from a yarn comprising gelling fibres.2. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the envelope is assembled from two sheets of material claim 1 , with the superabsorbent material between them.3. A dressing according to claim 2 , wherein the non wound-facing surface is a polyester film or web.4. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the outward facing surface of the envelope is the outermost layer of the dressing.5. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the envelope is formed by welding.6. A dressing according to claim 5 , wherein the welding is heat welding.7. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the superabsorbent material is a polymeric superabsorbent material.8. A dressing according to claim 7 , wherein the superabsorbent material is sodium or calcium alginate.9. A dressing according to claim 7 , wherein the superabsorbent material is sodium polyacrylate polymer.10. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the superabsorbent material is in the form of particles.11. A dressing according to claim 10 , wherein the superabsorbent material particles are encapsulated between two layers of a carrier material.12. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the wound-facing surface is knitted.13. A dressing according to claim 1 , wherein the gelling fibre has an absorbency of at least 2 g/g.14. A dressing according to claim 13 , wherein the absorbency is at ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064581A1
Автор: Lowing Paul Howard

A wound dressing comprising: an air-impermeable backing sheet having an aperture for attachment of a suction element; an air-permeable screen layer on a wound facing side of the backing sheet; and a substantially air-impermeable hydrogel layer extending across a wound facing side of said screen layer and joined in substantially airtight fashion to a periphery of said backing sheet around said screen layer. Also provided is a wound treatment system comprising a wound dressing according to the invention and a source of suction in fluid communication with said aperture. 114-. (canceled)15. A system for the treatment of a tissue site with negative pressure , the system comprising:a source of suction; and a screen layer; and', 'a hydrogel layer, wherein the hydrogel layer is resorbable., 'a wound dressing in fluid communication with the source of suction and comprising16. The system of claim 15 , wherein the screen layer is rigid or semi-rigid to support the air-impermeable hydrogel layer.17. The system of claim 15 , wherein the screen layer is a porous foam.18. The system of claim 15 , wherein the screen layer is an open-cell foam.19. The system of claim 15 , further comprising a suction manifold connected to the source of suction and located inside the screen layer.20. The system of claim 15 , wherein the hydrogel layer comprises a biopolymer.21. The system of claim 15 , wherein the hydrogel layer comprises oxidized reduced cellulose (ORC).22. The system of claim 15 , wherein the hydrogel layer comprises silver.23. A method of treating a wound claim 15 , comprising:applying a dressing comprising a screen layer and a hydrogel layer, wherein the hydrogel layer is resorbable; andapplying reduced pressure to a non-wound-facing surface of the hydrogel layer.24. The method of claim 23 , wherein the screen layer is rigid or semi-rigid to support the air-impermeable hydrogel layer.25. The method of claim 23 , wherein the screen layer is a porous foam.26. The method of claim 23 ...

08-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180064843A1

The present application is concerned with an improved wound dressing for use in the treatment of skin wounds with some level of exudation, especially for use in those wounds which are infected or under risk of being infected by microorganisms. 115.-. (canceled)16. A unitary wound dressing comprising:an absorbent core,a backing layer, anda woven or non-woven fabric layer comprising an agent having an effect against pathogenic microbial colonization of a wound,wherein the woven or non-woven fabric layer is bonded to at least a part of the border portion to the proximal surface of the backing layer bordering the center portion,wherein the non-woven or woven fabric is not bonded to the absorbent core, said wound dressing further comprising a carrier layer secured to the woven or non-woven fabric in at least a part of the border portion thereof and having at least an opening through which fluid can pass from the wound into the absorbent core.17. The wound dressing according to claim 16 , where the woven or non-woven fabric layer is secured to the complete part of the proximal surface of the border portion of the backing layer.18. The wound dressing according to claim 16 , where the carrier layer comprises a conformable polyurethane film.19. The wound dressing according to claim 16 , where the wound dressing comprises a skin adherent facing layer disposed in the border portion of its proximal side.20. The wound dressing according to claim 19 , where the skin adherent facing layer comprises a silicone material claim 19 , preferably a silicone gel.21. The wound dressing according to claim 16 , where the backing layer comprises a water-impervious vapor-permeable layer claim 16 , preferably a conformable polyurethane film.22. The wound dressing according to claim 16 , where the woven or non-woven fabric layer comprising an agent having an effect against pathogenic microbial colonization of a wound comprises a cellulose acetate textile or a cotton textile which has been ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Leakage-Reducing Dressing

Номер: US20160074233A1
Автор: Stuart Boothman
Принадлежит: KCI USA Inc

An adhesive dressing that reduces the leakage of wound exudate from the dressing, comprising an adhesive-coated backing sheet; and an absorbent island adhered to said adhesive-coated backing sheet by said adhesive, having a first end and a second end, wherein the absorption capacity of the absorbent island is higher at the first end than at the second end. The adhesive dressing of the invention provides extended wear time for the dressing when it is applied to wounds.

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Absorbent Dressing With Indicator And Mechanical Decoupling Of Expansion Forces

Номер: US20220087870A1

A dressing for treating a tissue site, which may comprise a tissue interface and a cover comprising an expansion zone configured to be disposed over the tissue interface. The tissue interface may comprise a tissue contact layer having a treatment aperture in some examples. In more particular examples, the cover may be coupled to the tissue contact layer to form an expansion chamber between the expansion zone and the tissue contact layer. The cover may also comprise a base coupled to the tissue contact layer in some examples. Additionally, the tissue interface may further comprise an absorbent disposed within the expansion chamber in some embodiments. In some examples, the absorbent may be a manifold. Additionally or alternatively, the expansion chamber and the absorbent may be detachable. 1. A dressing for treating a tissue site , the dressing comprising:a tissue interface; anda cover comprising an expansion zone configured to be disposed over the tissue interface.2. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein:the tissue interface comprises a tissue contact layer having a treatment aperture;the cover is coupled to the tissue contact layer to form an expansion chamber between the expansion zone and the tissue contact layer.3. (canceled)4. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the expansion zone comprises concentric pleats or corrugations in the cover.5. (canceled)6. The dressing of claim 2 , wherein the cover further comprises a base coupled to the tissue contact layer.7. The dressing of claim 2 , wherein:the tissue interface further comprises an absorbent disposed within the expansion chamber; andthe absorbent is at least partially exposed through the treatment aperture.8. The dressing of claim 2 , wherein:the tissue interface further comprises a fluid control layer having a plurality of perforations; andan absorbent disposed adjacent to the plurality of perforations.9. The dressing of claim 2 , wherein the tissue contact layer comprises a bonding interface configured to adhere ...

15-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180071148A1

A vacuum bandage is provided for use with a wound having a wound surface. The bandage is connectable to a vacuum source and includes a wound dressing member having a wound contacting surface, a top surface, and a port configured for communication with the vacuum source. The wound dressing member further includes holes in the wound contacting surface configured for communication with the wound surface of the wound and a passageway between the port and each hole. The vacuum bandage further includes a pack adjacent to the top surface of the member. The pack may include an aperture positioned about the port. 125-. (canceled)26. A system for providing vacuum therapy to a tissue site , the system configured for fluid communication with a vacuum source to provide reduced pressure to the tissue site , the system comprising;a fluid conductor configured to provide at least a portion of a route of fluid communication between the vacuum source and the tissue site, and having an adhesive on a lower surface of the fluid conductor; anda member with a plurality of holes fluidly coupled to the fluid conductor and configured to define a plurality of fluid pathways, wherein the plurality of holes provide at least a portion of the route of fluid communication between the vacuum source and the tissue site.27. The system of claim 26 , wherein the member includes a first surface.28. The system of claim 26 , wherein the member includes a plurality of protrusions extending away from the first surface.29. The system of claim 28 , wherein the plurality of protrusions collectively define at least a portion of the plurality of fluid pathways.30. The system of claim 26 , wherein the member is flexible.31. A member for providing negative pressure therapy to a tissue site claim 26 , wherein the member is configured to be coupled to a vacuum source via a fluid conductor claim 26 , wherein the fluid conductor is configured to provide at least a portion of a route of fluid communication between the ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Wound-Connection Pads For Fluid Instillation And Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, And Systems And Methods

Номер: US20190070040A1

Connection pads for coupling fluid-instillation and negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) apparatuses to wound dressing, and methods and wound dressings for breaching a drape after coupling a wound dressing to a fluid-instillation and/or NPWT apparatus. 137.-. (canceled)38. A fluid-delivery system for providing fluid to a wound insert adapted to be in fluid communication with a wound , comprising a fluid-delivery connection pad comprising:a first domed cover having a dressing side and a connection side, the dressing side forming a cavity having an upper portion and a base portion adapted to be disposed proximate a wound insert;a fluid lumen connection on the connection side configured to be coupled to a fluid source and having a fluid-delivery lumen on the dressing side extending from the fluid lumen connection; anda flange extending radially outward from the first domed cover and defining a terminus of the base portion, wherein the fluid-delivery lumen extends into the cavity for providing fluid to the wound insert.39. The fluid-delivery system of claim 38 , wherein the fluid-delivery connection pad comprises a pressure-sensor connection on the connection side configured to be coupled to a pressure sensor claim 38 , and having a first pressure-sensor lumen on the dressing side extending from the pressure-sensor connection into the cavity and having an open end terminating proximate to the terminus of the base portion.40. The fluid-delivery system of claim 39 , wherein the flange has a lower surface substantially even with an open end of the first pressure-sensor lumen and the terminus of the base portion of the cavity.41. The fluid-delivery system of claim 38 , further comprising a vacuum connection pad including a second domed cover having a dressing side and a connection side claim 38 , the dressing side forming a cavity having an upper portion and a base portion adapted to be disposed proximate a wound insert claim 38 , a vacuum lumen connection on the ...

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Gel-Within-Gel Wound Dressing

Номер: US20200069478A1

Wound dressings, methods for forming the wound dressings, and methods for using the wound dressings are described. Wound dressings include a crosslinked hydrogel matrix and a plurality of porous absorbent microspheres encapsulated in the crosslinked matrix. The hydrogel matrix and the microspheres can include the same or different hydrogel polymers, e.g., alginates or the like. The wound dressings can be used in treating chronic wounds and burn wounds and can promote autolytic debridement.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Peel And Place Dressing For Thick Exudate And Instillation

Номер: US20210077302A1

A multi-layer dressing for treating tissue with negative pressure, instillation, or both. In some embodiments a first layer may be formed from reticulated foam having a series of holes. A second layer disposed adjacent to the first layer may be formed from a perforated polymer. The dressing may optionally include a third layer formed from a soft polymer, such as a silicone gel. The third layer may also have perforations or apertures. The third layer is generally oriented to face a tissue site, and may be disposed adjacent to the first layer so that the first layer is disposed between the third layer and the first layer. The perforations or apertures in the third layer may be registered with one or more perforations in the first layer. 147.-. (canceled)48. A dressing for treating a tissue site with negative pressure , the dressing comprising:a first layer comprising a manifold having variable density;a second layer adjacent to the first layer, the second layer comprising a polymer film having a plurality of fluid restrictions that are configured to expand in response to a pressure gradient across the polymer film; anda cover adjacent to the first layer, the cover comprising a polymer drape.49. The dressing of claim 48 , wherein the manifold comprises a first area having a first density and a second area having a second density.50. The dressing of claim 49 , wherein the first area comprises a first material and the second area comprises a second material.51. The dressing of claim 48 , wherein the manifold comprises a pattern of areas having different density.52. The dressing of claim 51 , wherein the pattern is an array.53. The dressing of claim 52 , wherein the areas are rectangular.54. The dressing of claim 51 , wherein the pattern comprises concentric rings.55. The dressing of claim 48 , wherein the manifold comprises open-cell foam.56. A system for treating tissue with negative pressure claim 48 , the system comprising:a negative-pressure source; and{'claim-ref': ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076304A1

The present invention includes disposable absorbent articles, such as disposable undergarment, diapers, other garments, and wound care dressings, having an elastomeric material disposed between two substrate layers and an absorbent core system that disposed on top of or between the two substrate layers. This invention may also include a disposable article having an elastomeric material disposed between two substrate layers without an absorbent core. The inclusion of an stretch adhesive in the construction of the article in various portions of the article (e.g., fastening tabs, front and/or rear sections, entire article, etc.) results in improved securement of the article to a wearer for reducing the risk of leakage and further improving comfort for the wearer. Furthermore, the inclusion of a stretch adhesive can provide a smooth contoured fit to a wearer, thereby improving appearance and self-confidence for the wearer. 1. A disposable absorbent garment comprising:a body comprising:a front body section configured to be fitted against a front, or anterior, portion of a wearer's body, and a rear body section configured to be fitted against a rear, or superior, portion of the wearer's body; anda crotch section coupled to the front and rear body sections, the crotch section configured to be fitted against a crotch region of the wearer's body;wherein at least one of the front body section, rear body section, and crotch section comprises an elastomeric composite comprising an elastomeric material and is configured to stretch upon application of a force thereto.2. The disposable absorbent garment of claim 1 , wherein the crotch section comprises an insert assembly having at least an absorbent core comprising a liquid-absorbing material.3. The disposable absorbent garment of claim 2 , wherein the insert assembly further comprises an acquisition layer disposed between the absorbent core and a first substrate layer.4. The disposable absorbent garment of claim 3 , wherein the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Delivery-And-Fluid-Storage Bridges For Use With Reduced-Pressure Systems

Номер: US20190076586A1

Systems, methods, and apparatuses are presented that facilitate the provision of reduced pressure to a tissue site by using a delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge, which separates liquids and gases and provides a flow path for reduced pressure. In one instance, a delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge includes a delivery manifold for delivering reduced pressure to a treatment manifold at the tissue site and an absorbent layer proximate the delivery manifold adapted to receive and absorb liquids. The delivery manifold and the absorbent layer are encapsulated in an encapsulating pouch. A first aperture is formed proximate a first longitudinal end of the delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge for fluidly communicating reduced pressure to the delivery manifold from a reduced-pressure source, and a second aperture is formed on a patient-facing side of the delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge. Reduced pressure is transferred to the tissue site via the second aperture. Other systems, apparatuses, and methods are disclosed. 159-. (canceled)60. A delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge , comprising:a first manifold having an outer surface an interior portion extending along a length of the delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge;a second manifold having an outer surface and interior portion;an encapsulating pouch having an inner surface enclosing the first manifold and the second manifold;a first aperture proximate a first longitudinal end of the delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge;a second aperture proximate a second longitudinal end of the delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge; anda lumen configured to measure pressure at a tissue site.61. The delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge of claim 60 , wherein the lumen is formed by a longitudinal sheet disposed within the encapsulating pouch between the first manifold and the second manifold.62. The delivery-and-fluid-storage bridge of claim 61 , wherein the encapsulating pouch comprises a first encapsulating layer and a second encapsulating layer claim 61 , and ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078423A1

Disclosed herein is a multilayered wound dressing comprising a first layer; the first layer including channels that facilitate neovascularization of a wound; and a second layer in contact with the first layer, the second layer having the same or different chemical composition as the first layer; where the second layer comprises at least one surface that has a texture and the direction of the texture is operative to facilitate cell orientation and growth. A method includes forming a first layer of a polymeric material; forming a second layer of the same polymeric material as the first layer on the first layer; and forming a textured surface of the second layer of the same polymeric material as the first layer, the textured surface being operative to facilitate directional cell growth when used in a wound dressing, where the first layer and the second layer are formed using an additive manufacturing process. 157-. (canceled)58. A multilayered wound dressing comprising:a first layer; the first layer comprising channels that facilitate neovascularization of a wound; anda second layer in contact with the first layer, the second layer having the same or different chemical composition as the first layer; wherein the second layer comprises at least one surface that has a texture that comprises a plurality of spaced features; wherein each feature has a substantially different geometry than a neighboring feature; the plurality of spaced features arranged in a plurality of groupings, the spaced features within each of the groupings being spaced apart at an average distance of about 10 nanometers to about 200 micrometers; the adjacent groupings of features being spaced from each other to define an intermediate tortuous pathway.59. The multilayer wound dressing of claim 58 , wherein the first layer comprises a surface that has a texture that is complementary to a patient's anatomy where the wound is located.60. The multilayer wound dressing of claim 58 , wherein the first layer ...

24-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160081859A1

A method and apparatus are disclosed for dressing a wound. The apparatus comprises an absorbent layer for absorbing wound exudate, a liquid impermeable, gas permeable filter layer over the absorbent layer, a cover layer comprising at least one orifice and a first liquid and gas permeable transmission layer underlying the absorbent layer. The transmission layer is in fluid communication with the filter layer. 137.-. (canceled)38. An apparatus for the treatment of a wound by applying negative pressure to the wound , the apparatus comprising:a first transmission layer configured to allow transmission of fluid away from a wound site and distribute negative pressure over the entire portion of the wound site being treated;an absorbent layer configured to absorb fluid removed from the wound site, the absorbent layer being disposed over the first transmission layer;a plurality of columns, wherein each of the plurality of columns is disposed in a corresponding channel in the absorbent layer; anda cover layer comprising an aperture and configured to cover the absorbent layer and to create a seal between the cover layer and the wound site.39. The apparatus of claim 38 , further comprising a second transmission layer disposed over the absorbent layer and the plurality of columns;40. The apparatus of claim 38 , wherein each of the plurality of columns comprises a cross-sectional shape corresponding to a cross-sectional shape of the corresponding channel.41. The apparatus of claim 39 , wherein each of the plurality of columns comprises a rectangular cross-sectional shape.42. The apparatus of claim 38 , wherein the absorbent layer comprises a hydrophilic material.43. The apparatus of claim 38 , wherein each of the plurality of columns comprise a porous material.44. The apparatus of claim 38 , wherein each of the plurality of columns extends vertically in each corresponding channel.45. The apparatus of claim 38 , the cover layer further comprising a pressure sensitive adhesive on a ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170079846A1

Sealing members and methods of manufacturing the same are described. A first film layer and a second film layer each having a first side and a second side can be provided. A first adhesive can be coupled to the second side of the first film layer to form a first adhesive layer. A second adhesive can be coupled to the second side of the second film layer to form a second adhesive layer, and a third adhesive can be coupled to the first side of the second film layer to form a third adhesive layer. One or more perforations can be formed through the third adhesive layer, the second film layer, and the second adhesive layer. A first side of the third adhesive layer can be coupled to a second side of the first adhesive layer. 1. A method of manufacturing a sealing member for a dressing of a negative-pressure therapy system , the method comprising:providing a first film layer having a first side and a second side;coupling a first adhesive to the second side of the first film layer to form a first adhesive layer having a first side and a second side, the first side of the first adhesive layer coupled to the second side of the first film layer;providing a second film layer having a first side and a second side;coupling a second adhesive to the second side of the second film layer to form a second adhesive layer having a first side and a second side, the first side of the second adhesive layer coupled to the second side of the second film layer;forming one or more perforations through the second film layer and the second adhesive layer; andcoupling the first side of the second film layer to the second side of the first adhesive layer.2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The method of claim 1 , wherein forming one or more perforations through the second film layer and the second adhesive layer comprises forming each perforation with an average effective diameter between about 2 mm and about 50 mm.10. The method of claim 1 ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Wearable medical training device

Номер: US20210082318A1
Автор: Stuart C. Segall
Принадлежит: Strategic Operations Inc

The present disclosure, when used by a live actor, may allow users to safely simulate hemorrhaging in some of the most challenging blood vessels in the most challenging anatomical locations such as the carotid artery, the axillary artery, and the femoral artery. The present disclosure may further provide the ability for users to safely perform hemorrhage control procedures, such as compression and ligation. The simulated wound of the present disclosure may be compressed to control hemorrhage. The simulated wound receptacle of the present disclosure may be packed with hemostatic or simple gauze to control hemorrhage. The simulated blood vessel of the device may be ligated with hemostats or other ligating instruments or material and bandaged with pressure dressings to control hemorrhage.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080133A1

Dressings, systems, and methods for treating a tissue site on a patient involve allowing liquids from the tissue site or a priming fluid to evaporate and exit the dressing through a liquid-impermeable, vapor-permeable membrane. The dressing is able to process more liquids than would otherwise be possible without evaporation and potentially to create reduced pressure. Other dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed. 141-. (canceled)42. A covering for forming a sealed space over a tissue site , the covering comprising:a film having a first portion and a second portion;an adhesive disposed on the first portion of the film; andthe second portion of the film being free of the adhesive and configured to permit evaporation of water vapor through the second portion.43. The covering of claim 42 , wherein the second portion comprises a membrane.44. The covering of claim 42 , wherein the first portion comprises a periphery of the film.45. The covering of claim 42 , wherein the second portion comprises a center of the film.46. The covering of claim 42 , wherein the first portion comprises a periphery of the film claim 42 , and the second portion comprises a center of the film.47. The covering of claim 42 , further comprising a one-way valve coupled to the film claim 42 , the one-way valve permitting fluid flow from the sealed space through the covering.48. The covering of claim 42 , further comprising a pressure-regulating valve coupled to the film claim 42 , the pressure-regulating valve permitting fluid flow into the sealed space through the film.49. The covering of claim 48 , wherein the pressure-regulating valve permits fluid flow into the sealed space in response to a maximum reduced pressure in the sealed space.50. A dressing for treating a tissue site claim 48 , the dressing comprising:a covering configured to be positioned over the tissues site to create a sealed space;a manifold configured to be positioned over the covering; anda drape configured to be positioned ...

12-03-2020 дата публикации

Dressing And System With Improved Total Fluid Handling

Номер: US20200078223A1

In some examples, a dressing suitable for treating a tissue site may include a sealing member having a periphery and a central portion. The central portion of the sealing member may include a breathable zone having a higher vapor permeability than the periphery of the sealing member. Other features may be associated with the dressing including, by way of example and without limitation, a base layer, an adhesive, one or more wicking layers, and an absorbent layer. Other dressings, apparatus, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A system for treating a tissue site , comprising: a base layer including a periphery surrounding a central portion and a plurality of apertures disposed through the periphery and the central portion,', 'an adhesive configured to extend through the apertures at least in the periphery of the base layer to contact tissue surrounding the tissue site,', 'a sealing member including a periphery and a central portion, the periphery of the sealing member positioned proximate to the periphery of the base layer, wherein the central portion of the sealing member and the central portion of the base layer define an enclosure, and wherein the central portion of the sealing member includes a breathable zone having a higher vapor permeability than the periphery of the sealing member,', 'at least one wicking layer disposed in the enclosure, and', 'an absorbent layer disposed in the enclosure; and, 'a dressing, comprisinga reduced-pressure source configured to be coupled in fluid communication with the dressing.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the breathable zone comprises a vapor permeable and liquid impermeable film having a thickness between 10 to 30 microns.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the breathable zone comprises a non-adhesive polyurethane film.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the adhesive is disposed on a surface of at least the periphery of the sealing member that is configured to face the base layer claim 1 , and wherein the breathable zone ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085528A1

A surface-wound healing dressing for a wound or incision includes a slip drain located within the closed wound or incision. A wick is placed over the closed wound or incision in contact with the slip drain. A mat is placed over the wick and adapted for fluidic communication therewith. A recoil core includes a foam material and is adapted for placement on the mat. A wound healing method includes the steps of placing a slip drain, placing a wick over the slip drain, placing a recoil core over the wick and covering the recoil core with an overdrape. The overdrape is adapted for connection to an external negative pressure source, such as a vacuum. 1. A negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) dressing assembly for a wound or incision , which comprises:an external fluid transfer component including a porous recoil core and configured for placement over and extracting fluid from the wound or incision;a semi-permeable overdrape placed over said external fluid transfer component, said overdrape including a perimeter configured for attachment to a skin surface around said wound or incision;an internal fluid transfer component located in said wound or incision in fluidic communication with said external fluid transfer component; andsaid recoil core configured for connection to a negative pressure source and having a compressed configuration for extracting fluid from said wound or incision under negative pressure.2. The dressing assembly according to claim 1 , which includes:said overdrape having an opening to said external fluid transfer component, said opening forming a discharge port for fluid extracted from said wound.3. The dressing assembly according to claim 2 , which includes:said external fluid transfer component including a wicking material cover over said recoil core;said recoil core forming a fluid transfer zone at its outer surface adjacent to said wicking material cover; andsaid fluid transfer zone being adapted for directing fluid from said wound or incision to ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Foam Dressing With Integral Porous Film

Номер: US20200085630A1

Wound dressings and wound inserts comprising a porous film layer and at least a channel, wound inserts of forming wound inserts comprising a porous film layer and at least a channel, and wound-treatment wound inserts. 1. A negative-pressure wound treatment system , comprising:a wound insert comprising a foam member having a felted surface configured to face a wound, wherein at least one channel is formed into the felted surface, the at least one channel having a depth extending through the felted surface;a drape configured to be placed over the wound and the wound insert; anda wound treatment apparatus fluidly coupled to the wound insert, the wound treatment apparatus configured to apply negative pressure to the wound insert.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the foam member is configured to be disposed between the wound and the drape claim 1 , wherein the drape is coupled to skin adjacent the wound.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one channel is defined by material removed from the felted surface.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the foam member comprises an open-celled reticulated foam.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the depth of the at least one channel is greater than a thickness of the felted surface.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the felted surface is a first felted surface claim 1 , and wherein the foam member further comprises a second felted surface.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one channel is an elongate channel.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one channel intersects an edge of the felted surface.9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one channel has a closed shape.10. The system of claim 1 , wherein a plurality of channels are formed into the felted surface.11. The system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one channel has a circular shape.12. The system of claim 1 , wherein the wound treatment apparatus comprises a vacuum source.13. The system of claim 12 , further comprising a conduit ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Hemostatic Agent and Method

Номер: US20140171883A1
Принадлежит: Individual

One aspect of the invention is a method of treating a wound to clot blood. A sponge material is applied to the wound. The sponge comprises a starch having hemostatic properties and at least one binding agent. The sponge may further comprise a porous, flexible material.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Multi-function dressing structure for negative-pressure therapy

Номер: US20160095754A1
Принадлежит: Kci Licensing Inc

Systems, methods, and apparatuses for forming a multi-function core for a dressing are described. The multi-function core includes a contact layer configured to be positioned adjacent to a tissue site, a wicking layer adjacent to the contact layer, an ion exchange layer adjacent to the wicking layer, an absorbing layer adjacent to the ion exchange layer, a blocking layer adjacent to the absorbing layer, and an odor-absorbing layer adjacent to the blocking layer. The contact layer, the wicking layer, the ion exchange layer, the absorbing layer, the blocking layer, and the odor-absorbing layer are coextensive and formed from a plurality of fibers disposed in a fibrous web. Methods of manufacturing the multi-function core are also described.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Unbacked and Modifiable Tapes and Skin Dressings

Номер: US20160095756A1
Автор: Zurovcik Danielle R.

Tapes and methods including an unbacked construction of at least one liquid layer adhesive that has been at least one of dried and cured. Occlusive tissue dressings, tapes and methods including an elastomeric drape and, for backed drapes and some unbacked drapes, a liquid component, at least partially cross-linked at least after one of drying and curing, suitable for application at a dressing-to-skin interface in order to create a substantially air-tight seal. The same or a different liquid component may be applied by a user at a tube-to-dressing interface of an elastomeric drape to create a similar air-tight seal around the tube, if not occlusively sealed during its manufacture. Featured are unbacked tapes, a drape with liquid sealant component, a liquid layered drape with liquid sealant component, and a liquid layered drape. 1. A kit suitable for occlusively sealing a wound penetrating the skin of a patient , comprising:a drape formed as a thin sheet of an organic material substantially impervious to fluid transfer and having first and second surfaces;a biocompatible adhesive that is at least one of (1) disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the drape, (2) capable of contacting at least a portion of at least the first surface of the drape, and (3) serves as a base material for the drape;when the kit includes the biocompatible adhesive (a) disposed on at least a portion of the first surface of the drape or (b) serving as the base material for the drape, the kit further includes at least one removable liner sheet covering at least the first surface of the drape; andat least one container of at least one sealant component that is capable of being delivered as a sealant in a liquid state at pre-selected ambient conditions, the sealant as delivered being at least partially cross-linked at least after one of drying and curing, and which is capable of at least one of drying and curing within thirty minutes after application of the sealant as a layer to ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142822A1
Автор: Cotton Stephen

An absorbent wound dressing () comprising a superabsorbent material () that is in fluid communication with the surface of a wound to which the dressing is applied when in use. The superabsorbent material () is enclosed in an envelope () having a wound-facing surface that is knitted or woven from a yarn comprising gelling fibres. 130-. (canceled)31. An absorbent wound dressing comprising a superabsorbent material that , in use , is in fluid communication with the surface of a wound to which the absorbent wound dressing is applied , wherein the superabsorbent material is enclosed in an envelope having a non-wound-facing surface and a wound-facing surface , wherein the wound-facing surface is knitted from a yarn comprising a blend of gelling fibres and non-gelling fibres.32. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 31 , wherein the envelope is assembled from two sheets of material claim 31 , with the superabsorbent material between them.33. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 32 , wherein the non wound-facing surface is a polyester film or web.34. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 31 , wherein the non-wound-facing surface of the envelope is the outermost layer of the absorbent wound dressing when in use.35. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 31 , wherein the envelope is formed by welding.36. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 35 , wherein the welding is heat welding.37. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 31 , wherein the superabsorbent material is a polymeric superabsorbent material.38. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 37 , wherein the polymeric superabsorbent material is sodium or calcium alginate.39. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 37 , wherein the polymeric superabsorbent material is sodium polyacrylate polymer.40. The absorbent wound dressing according to claim 31 , wherein the superabsorbent material is in the form of particles.41. The absorbent wound dressing ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации

Pressure Indicator

Номер: US20190091072A1

Disclosed herein is a device which is intended to deliver and maintain reduced pressure to body surfaces for application of reduced pressure wound therapy (RPWT) also known as negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). During application of this type of therapy, a substantially airtight seal is formed around a section of tissue to be treated. This seal is formed by a dressing which provides fluid communication from a section of tissue to a reduced pressure source. Disclosed herein is a dressing system which is configured to enhance usability and functionality of this dressing. First, the system may be configured to allow full rotation of the fluid communication conduit to the reduced pressure source along the axis substantially normal to the dressing. Second, the system may be configured to include a one-way valve to prevent backflow of any drainage fluids. Third, the system may be configured with transparent windows covered by opaque flaps to allow inspection through the dressing. Fourth, the system may be configured to include an indicator which visually makes clear whether reduced pressure is being applied or not. Fifth, the system is configured to minimize the profile of the dressing system. 127.-. (canceled)28. A reduced pressure treatment system , comprising:a cover structure comprising an outer edge, an upper surface, a lower surface, and at least one opening;a adhesive layer attached to the lower surface of the cover structure, wherein the adhesive layer has a thickness of at least about 0.2 mm; anda non-electrically powered, self-generating vacuum source.29. The reduced pressure treatment system of claim 28 , further comprising tubing configured to attach to the vacuum source.30. The reduced pressure treatment system of claim 28 , wherein the vacuum source is integrally formed with the cover structure.31. The reduced pressure treatment system of claim 28 , wherein the cover structure further comprises a port member attached to at least the upper surface of the ...

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200093646A1

A wound dressing includes a perforated film layer, a hydrophilic foam layer, a drape layer, and superabsorbent projections. The perforated film layer is configured to engage a wound bed and has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the wound bed. The hydrophilic foam layer also has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the perforated film layer. The drape layer also has a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the hydrophilic foam layer. The hydrophilic foam layer also has a plurality of superabsorbent projections fixed to and extending from the first side of the hydrophilic foam layer towards the second side of the drape layer. The drape layer further has a first drape and a second drape, the first drape comprising an adhesive-coated ring configured to peripherally surround and overlap the second drape. 1. A wound dressing comprising:a perforated film layer configured to engage a wound bed, and having a first side and a second side, wherein the second side is configured to face the wound bed;a hydrophilic foam layer having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the perforated film layer;a drape layer having a first side and a second side, the second side configured to face the first side of the of the hydrophilic foam layer; anda plurality of superabsorbent projections fixed to and extending from the first side of the hydrophilic foam layer towards the second side of the drape layer,wherein the drape layer comprises a first drape and a second drape, the first drape comprising an adhesive-coated ring configured to peripherally surround and overlap the second drape.2. The wound dressing of claim 1 , wherein the second drape is substantially free of adhesives.3. The wound dressing of claim 2 , wherein the first drape forms an adhesive border substantially surrounding the non-adhesive second drape claim 2 ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Extensible Dressings

Номер: US20190099294A1

The present invention relates to dressings such as bandages improved extensibility. The present invention further relates to dressings comprising an absorbent body and backing layer having improved extensibility. 1. A wound dressing assembly comprising:a. an extensible absorbent body having a longitudinally extending center line, a transversely extending centerline and a periphery, the absorbent body, having a first surface and a second surface, the second surface being opposite the first surface;b. a positioning adhesive contacting at least a portion of the second surface of the absorbent body;c. an extensible backing layer adhered to the second surface of the absorbent body by the positioning adhesive such that directional extension of the backing layer causes a corresponding directional extension of the second surface of the absorbent body; andd. a wound contacting layer which is less extensible than the absorbent body, the wound contacting layer disposed on the first surface of the absorbent body such that the second surface of the absorbent body extends upon corresponding extension of the backing layer.2. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body is in the form of a single layer or multilayer material.3. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises creped cellulose wadding; melt blown polymers; chemically stiffened claim 1 , modified or cross-linked cellulosic fibers; tissue; absorbent foams; absorbent sponges; superabsorbent polymers; absorbent gelling materials; or combinations of such materials.4. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises a web produced by electrospinning; a nonwoven; a woven; a film; a batting; spunbond; spunlace; hydroentangled; carded; needle-punched; wetlaid or any other suitable material.5. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises a foam material.6. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material comprises a polymer comprising one or ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Extensible Dressings

Номер: US20190099295A1

The present invention relates to dressings such as bandages improved extensibility. The present invention further relates to dressings comprising an absorbent body and backing layer having improved extensibility. 1. A wound dressing assembly comprising:a. an extensible absorbent body having a longitudinally extending center line, a transversely extending centerline and a periphery, the absorbent body, having a first surface, a second surface and an elastic modulus, the second surface being opposite the first surface;b. a positioning adhesive contacting at least a portion of the second surface of the absorbent body;c. a backing layer having an elastic modulus, the backing layer adhered to the second surface of the absorbent body by the positioning adhesivewherein the elastic modulus of the absorbent body is equal to or lower than the elastic modulus of the backing layer.2. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the elastic modulus of the backing layer is from about 1 MPa to about 50 MPa.3. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the elastic modulus of the backing layer is from about 1.5 MPa to about 6 MPa.4. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body is a nonwoven substrate having a basis weight of from about 50 gsm to about 200 gsm and formed from filaments of polyurethane having a filament diameter of from about 500 nm to about 3000 nm.5. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the backing layer is selected from i) a 25 μm to 50 μm thick polyurethane film layer; or ii) a 50 μm to 300 μm thick a melt blown polyurethane nonwoven.6. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body is in the form of a single layer or multilayer material.7. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises creped cellulose wadding; melt blown polymers; chemically stiffened claim 1 , modified or cross-linked cellulosic fibers; tissue; absorbent foams; absorbent sponges; superabsorbent polymers; absorbent gelling materials; or combinations of such ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Extensible Dressings

Номер: US20190099296A1

The present invention relates to dressings such as bandages improved extensibility. The present invention further relates to dressings comprising an absorbent body and backing layer having improved extensibility. 2. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the region of positioning adhesive is continuous.3. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the region of positioning adhesive is discontinuous.4. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body is in the form of a single layer or multilayer material.5. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises creped cellulose wadding; melt blown polymers; chemically stiffened claim 1 , modified or cross-linked cellulosic fibers; tissue; absorbent foams; absorbent sponges; superabsorbent polymers; absorbent gelling materials; or combinations of such materials.6. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises a web produced by electrospinning; a nonwoven; a woven; a film; a batting; spunbond; spunlace; hydroentangled; carded; needle-punched; wetlaid or any other suitable material.7. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises a foam material.8. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material comprises a polymer comprising one or more types of monomers or blend of polymers.9. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material is an open cell foam.10. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material is an open cell foam synthetic organic polymer selected from polyurethanes claim 7 , carboxylated butadiene-styrene rubbers claim 7 , polyesters claim 7 , polyacrylates or mixtures thereof.11. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises hydrocolloids.12. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the hydrocolloids is selected from sodium carboxymethylcellulose claim 11 , pectin claim 11 , xanthan gum claim 11 , polysaccharides claim 11 , sodium or calcium alginates claim 11 , chitosan claim 11 , seaweed extract ( ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Extensible Dressings

Номер: US20190099297A1

The present invention relates to dressings such as bandages improved extensibility. The present invention further relates to dressings comprising an absorbent body and backing layer having improved extensibility. 2. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the region of positioning adhesive is continuous.3. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the region of positioning adhesive is discontinuous.4. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body is in the form of a single layer or multilayer material.5. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises creped cellulose wadding; melt blown polymers; chemically stiffened claim 1 , modified or cross-linked cellulosic fibers; tissue; absorbent foams; absorbent sponges; superabsorbent polymers; absorbent gelling materials; or combinations of such materials.6. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises a web produced by electrospinning; a nonwoven; a woven; a film; a batting; spunbond; spunlace; hydroentangled; carded; needle-punched; wetlaid or any other suitable material.7. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises a foam material.8. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material comprises a polymer comprising one or more types of monomers or blend of polymers.9. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material is an open cell foam.10. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the foam material is an open cell foam synthetic organic polymer selected from polyurethanes claim 7 , carboxylated butadiene-styrene rubbers claim 7 , polyesters claim 7 , polyacrylates or mixtures thereof.11. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the absorbent body comprises hydrocolloids.12. The wound dressing assembly of wherein the hydrocolloids is selected from sodium carboxymethylcellulose claim 11 , pectin claim 11 , xanthan gum claim 11 , polysaccharides claim 11 , sodium or calcium alginates claim 11 , chitosan claim 11 , seaweed extract ( ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Extensible Dressings

Номер: US20190099298A1

The present invention relates to dressings such as bandages or tapes improved extensibility. The present invention further relates to dressings such as bandages or tapes which are extensible so as to at least partially conform to a body contour at wound surface upon stretching of the dressing. 1. A dressing comprising a layer of resilient material , the layer of resilient material having a length direction (LD) and a width direction (WD) , which together define a horizontal plane (HP) , the horizontal plane HP having a first surface and a second opposed surface , a longitudinal centerline (LC) and a transverse centerline (TC) , the layer of resilient material further including one or more pleats formed in at least a portion thereof , each pleat comprising two or more folds , at least one of which folds each pleat shares in common with a neighboring pleat when there are two or more pleats , each pleat further has a length extending in a direction taken along the pleat length , a pleat width , and a lengthwise centerline (PC) bisecting the pleat width , wherein the direction of each pleat length independently makes an angle φ with the longitudinal centerline LC in the horizontal plane HP , and wherein the angle φ has a value that falls within a range specified by the equation: 0°<φ<180°.2. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the lengthwise centerlines PC of a pleat is oriented substantially parallel relative to the lengthwise centerlines PC of an adjacent pleat.3. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the lengthwise centerline PC of one or more pleats is oriented at angle φ with respect to the longitudinal centerline LC such that angle φ has a value that falls within a range specified by the equation: 0°<φ≤90°.4. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the lengthwise centerline PC of one or more pleats is oriented at angle φ with respect to the longitudinal centerline LC such that angle φ has a value that falls within a range specified by the equation: 90°<φ<180°.5. The dressing ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации

Extensible Dressings

Номер: US20190099299A1

The present invention relates to dressings such as bandages or tapes improved extensibility. The present invention further relates to dressings such as bandages or tapes which are extensible so as to at least partially conform to a body contour at wound surface upon stretching of the dressing. 1. A dressing comprising a layer of resilient material , the layer of resilient material having a length direction (LD) and a width direction (WD) , which together define a horizontal plane (HP) , the horizontal plane HP having a first surface and a second opposed surface , a longitudinal centerline (LC) and a transverse centerline (TC) ,the layer of resilient material further including one or more pleats formed in at least a portion thereof, each pleat comprising two or more folds, at least one of which folds each pleat shares in common with a neighboring pleat when there are two or more pleats, each pleat further has a length extending in a direction taken along the pleat length, a pleat width, and a lengthwise centerline (PC) bisecting the pleat width,each pleat includes two or more folds incorporated so as to form an open end and a closed end, with a pair of side walls of the pleat, each side wall extending between a fold contributing to formation of the open end and the closed end, wherein one or more pleats has a pair of adjacent closed ends, spaced apart by a substantially fold-free segment of the layer of resilient material, andwherein the direction of each pleat length independently makes an angle φ with the longitudinal centerline LC in the horizontal plane HP, and wherein the angle φ has a value that falls within a range specified by the equation: 0°<φ<180°.2. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the lengthwise centerlines PC of a pleat is oriented substantially parallel relative to the lengthwise centerlines PC of an adjacent pleat.3. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the lengthwise centerline PC of one or more pleats is oriented at angle φ with respect to the ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168152A1

A system or apparatus including a dressing, a dressing interface, and a humidity sensor may be suitable for use with systems and methods for treating a tissue site. Embodiments of the apparatus are provided for treating a tissue site with reduced pressure provided by a source of reduced pressure. The dressing may include abase layer, a sealing member disposed proximate the base layer to define an enclosure providing a sealed space over the tissue site, and an absorbent member disposed within the enclosure. The dressing interface may comprise a reduced-pressure port configured to be coupled to the source of reduced pressure and a therapy port covered by a hydrophobic filter defining a reduced-pressure pathway between the hydrophobic filter and the source of reduced pressure. The humidity sensor may comprise a sensing portion fluidly coupled to the reduced-pressure pathway and an output for providing a humidity signal that indicates the amount of fluid extracted from the tissue site and stored by the absorbent member. Other dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A system for treating a tissue site with reduced pressure provided by a source of reduced pressure , comprising: a base layer having a periphery and a plurality of apertures adapted to cover tissue site,', 'a sealing member having a periphery adapted to be positioned proximate the periphery of the base layer to define an enclosure with the base layer, and', 'an absorbent member disposed within the enclosure between the base layer and the sealing member;, 'a dressing includinga dressing interface having a hydrophobic filter and disposed proximate the sealing member in fluid communication with the enclosure through the hydrophobic filter;a fluid conductor in fluid communication with the dressing interface and adapted to be coupled to the source of reduced pressure for providing reduced pressure to the enclosure; anda humidity sensor having a sensing portion fluidly coupled to the fluid conductor ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160106593A1
Автор: Chandaria Kapoor

An adhesive bandage including a fabric layer having upper and lower surfaces; a first adhesive layer provided adjacent the fabric layer's lower surface; a gauze strip provided adjacent the first adhesive layer's lower surface; and a releasable covering applied over the gauze and possibly over any exposed regions of the first adhesive layer. A second adhesive layer may be provided adjacent the fabric layer's upper surface. A plurality of metallic glitter pieces may be provided adjacent an upper surface of the second adhesive layer or may be mixed into the second adhesive and the resultant mixture may be applied over the fabric layers' upper surface. A sealant layer may be applied over the glitter layer or the glitter/second adhesive mixture. The glitter layer may cover the entire upper surface of the bandage or be applied in discrete regions thereof. The glitter pieces may be arranged in decorative patterns or images. 1. An adhesive bandage comprising:a fabric layer having an upper surface and a lower surface;a first adhesive layer provided adjacent the lower surface of the fabric layer;a gauze strip provided adjacent a portion of a lower surface of the first adhesive layer;a second adhesive layer provided adjacent the upper surface of the fabric layer; anda plurality of glitter pieces being provided adjacent an upper surface of the second adhesive layer.2. The adhesive bandage as defined in claim 1 , further comprising a sealant layer provided over the plurality of glitter pieces.3. The adhesive bandage as defined in claim 2 , wherein the glitter pieces are not provided to a perimeter edge of the bandage but terminate a distance inwardly therefrom; and wherein the sealant layer extends outwardly beyond the glitter pieces and to the perimeter edge of the bandage.4. The adhesive bandage as defined in claim 2 , wherein the sealant layer extends from a first end of the bandage to a second end thereof; and from a first side of the bandage to a second side thereof.5. The ...

20-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170105879A1

Medical dressings and medical dressing kits that can be used to proved positive pressure wound therapy. The medical dressings include one or more normally-closed valves. The medical dressing kits may further include fittings. 1. A medical dressing comprising:a conformable backing having generally opposed first and second major surfaces, a passage defined therethrough connecting the first and second major surfaces, and a perimeter of the second major surface;adhesive disposed at least proximate to the perimeter of the second major surface; anda normally-closed one-way flow control valve affixed to the conformable backing and surrounding the passage therethrough;wherein the normally-closed one-way flow control valve permits fluid flow in a first direction from the first major surface to the second major surface when in an open configuration and restricts fluid from flowing in a second direction from the second major surface to the first major surface when in a closed configuration; andwherein, if the medical dressing is applied over a treatment site, then the medical dressing defines a normally-sealed environment over the treatment site.2. The medical dressing of claim 1 , wherein a dead volume between the normally-closed one-way flow control valve and the conformable backing is 10 mmor less.3. The medical dressing of claim 1 , wherein the normally-closed one-way flow control valve comprises an antechamber defining an external opening claim 1 , and wherein administration of a pressurized fluid through the external opening opens the normally-closed one-way flow control valve.4. The medical dressing of claim 1 , wherein the normally-closed one-way flow control valve is flexible and may be easily folded in at least one direction between the thumb and forefinger of a healthcare worker.5. The medical dressing of claim 1 , further comprising a closure element attached to the first major surface of the backing and covering the normally-closed one-way flow control valve claim ...

03-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140188060A1
Принадлежит: KCI Licensing, Inc.

A sealing drape may be suitable for use with a reduced-pressure treatment system for treating a tissue site. The sealing drape may have an interior surface adapted for positioning adjacent to a peripheral surface of the tissue site. The sealing drape may include a sealing material and an absorbent material. The sealing material may be hydrophobic and substantially free of hydrophilic components. Further, the sealing material may be positioned between the interior surface of the sealing drape and the absorbent material. The sealing drape may be used with a manifold for positioning at the tissue site, a reduced-pressure interface, and a reduced-pressure source. Methods of manufacture and treatment are also disclosed. 1. A reduced-pressure system for treating a tissue site , the system comprising:a manifold adapted to be positioned adjacent the tissue site and to distribute reduced pressure to the tissue site; a sealing material, the sealing material being hydrophobic and substantially free of hydrophilic components; and', 'an absorbent material associated with the sealing material, the sealing material being positioned between the interior surface of the sealing drape and the absorbent material; and, 'a sealing drape having an interior surface and an external surface, the interior surface adapted to cover the manifold and the tissue site to provide a sealed space between the interior surface of the sealing drape and the tissue site, the sealing drape further comprisinga reduced-pressure interface adapted to deliver reduced-pressure, the reduced-pressure interface in fluid communication with the sealed space and the manifold.2. The system of claim 1 , the manifold having a first side and a second side claim 1 , the first side adapted to be positioned adjacent the tissue site and the second side adapted to be positioned adjacent the interior surface of the sealing drape.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a reduced-pressure source in fluid communication with ...

29-04-2021 дата публикации

Dressing With Sealing And Retention Interface

Номер: US20210121332A1

A dressing for treating a tissue site may include a base layer, a sealing member, a first and a second wicking layer, and an absorbent layer. The base layer may have a periphery surrounding a central portion and a plurality of apertures disposed through the periphery and the central portion. At least one of the apertures in the periphery may be positioned at an edge of the periphery, and may have an interior exposed at the edge. The sealing member and the base layer may define an enclosure. The first and the second wicking layer may each be disposed in the enclosure with the absorbent layer positioned between the first and the second wicking layer. Other dressings, systems, and methods are disclosed. 1. A dressing for treating a tissue site , comprising:a gel layer configured to provide a fluid seal relative to the tissue site and including a plurality of apertures disposed through a periphery and a central portion of the gel layer, the plurality of the apertures in the periphery having an interior exposed at an edge of the periphery; andan adhesive configured to extend through the apertures in at least the periphery of the gel layer to contact tissue surrounding the tissue site.2. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the periphery of the gel layer surrounds the central portion of the gel layer claim 1 , and wherein the apertures in the periphery are larger than the apertures in the central portion of the gel layer.3. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the central portion of the gel layer is adapted to cover the tissue site and the periphery of the gel layer is adapted to be positioned proximate to tissue surrounding the tissue site.4. The dressing of claim 1 , wherein the apertures in the gel layer are adapted to be in fluid communication with the tissue site and tissue surrounding the tissue site.5. The dressing of claim 1 , the gel layer further comprising a border substantially surrounding the central portion and positioned between the central portion and the ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200100945A1

Disclosed herein are several embodiments of a negative pressure appliance and methods of using the same in the treatment of wounds. Some embodiments are directed to improved fluidic connectors or suction adapters for connecting to a wound site, for example using softer, kink-free conformable suction adapters. 153.-. (canceled)54. A wound treatment system for treating a wound on a patient , the wound treatment system comprising:a treatment manifold for disposing on the wound, wherein the treatment manifold has a first side and a second, patient-facing side;a first sealing member for disposing over the first side of the treatment manifold and a portion of intact skin to create a sealed space containing the treatment manifold, wherein the first sealing member comprises a moisture-vapor-transferrable drape;an air-movement manifold having a first side and a second, patient-facing side, wherein the second, patient-facing side is disposed proximate to a first side of the first sealing member;a second sealing member disposed over the first side of the air-movement manifold forming a channel space;at least one port formed on the second sealing member for allowing an air path to the channel space; anda pump for producing reduced pressure, wherein the pump is fluidly coupled to the sealed space for delivering reduced pressure thereto and fluidly coupled to the channel space for delivering reduced pressure thereto.55. The wound treatment system of claim 54 , wherein the first sealing member has the first side and a second claim 54 , patient-facing side.56. The wound treatment system of claim 54 , further comprising a valve configured to open and close to permit the passage of air.57. A wound treatment system for treating a wound on a patient claim 54 , the wound treatment system comprising:a wound packing material configured to be positioned at a wound, wherein the wound packing material has a first side and a second, patient-facing side;a flexible drape configured to be ...

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Combination SIS And Vacuum Bandage And Method

Номер: US20190105201A1
Автор: Coffey Arthur C.

A wound care bandage for treating a wound is provided. The bandage includes an SIS layer to be placed on the wound surface and a cover to be placed over the wound. The bandage further includes a structure to provide a vacuum space. A method for promoting wound healing is further provided. The method includes applying the above-mentioned wound care bandage to the wound and creating a vacuum in the vacuum space to draw blood controllably from the wound into the SIS layer. 1. A wound care bandage for use with a vacuum source , the wound care bandage comprising:a cover having an aperture and configured for placement over a wound to provide a vacuum space around the wound;a collagen-containing layer configured for placement on the wound within the vacuum space;a porous pad configured for placement between the collagen-containing layer and the cover within the vacuum space, the porous pad being removable from the wound and having a plurality of fluid passageways; andan adhesive adapted to couple the cover to skin around the wound to hold the porous pad and the collagen-containing layer in place within the vacuum space.2. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the collagen-containing layer comprises a submucosa layer.3. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the collagen-containing layer is selected from the group consisting of submucosa claim 1 , lamina propria claim 1 , and stratum compactum.4. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the collagen-containing layer is a sheet of a collagen matrix material having a three-dimensional structure.5. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the collagen-containing layer is configured claim 1 , upon placement into a wound claim 1 , to support tissue remodeling.6. The bandage of claim 1 , wherein the bandage further includes a biological glue configured for placement between the wound and the collagen-containing layer to hold the collagen-containing layer stationary relative to the wound.7. The bandage of claim 6 , wherein the glue is a fibrin sealant.8. ...
