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13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2674845C2
Принадлежит: КАО КОРПОРЕЙШН (JP)

Абсорбирующее изделие (1) согласно настоящему изобретению составляют передняя часть (A), которая располагается на передней стороне пользователя, задняя часть (B), которая располагается на задней стороне пользователя, и промежностная часть (C), которая располагается между передней частью и задней частью, причем по меньшей мере одна часть из передней части (A) и задней части (B) имеет эластифицированные части (G1, G2), которые способны растягиваться и сокращаться в поперечном направлении изделия (Y). Каждая из эластифицированных частей (G1, G2) имеет наружный лист (22), расположенный на стороне, которая находится дальше от кожи пользователя, и внутренний лист (23), расположенный на стороне, которая находится ближе к коже пользователя, чем наружный лист. Наружный лист (22) и внутренний лист (23) присоединяются друг к другу в соединительных частях (26), которые располагаются в рассеянной конфигурации, таким образом, что множество рядов соединительных частей (26S, 26P), которые индивидуально ...

18-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2706413C2

Проблема: достижение более мягкого тактильного ощущения изделия в нерастянутом состоянии. Решение: растягивающаяся структура абсорбирующего изделия включает два листовых слоя 12S и 12H, которые проходят в направлении растяжения и ортогональном направлении, ортогональном направлению растяжения; и удлиненные упругие и эластичные элементы 19, которые располагаются между листовыми слоями 12S и 12H с заданными интервалами в ортогональном направлении и проходят в направлении растяжения, причем два конца в направлении растяжения каждого из упругих и эластичных элементов 19 включают фиксированные концы 19f, прикрепленные к двум листовым слоям 12S и 12H, и секция между фиксированными концами 19f включает свободную секцию 19m, не прикрепленную к двум листовым слоям 12S и 12H, по меньшей мере одна соединяющая листы секция 20 располагается по меньшей мере в одой разделяющей свободные секции области FA, определенной между свободными секциями 19m, соседними друг другу в ортогональном направлении, причем ...

27-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2448669C2

Изобретение относится к одноразовым абсорбирующим изделиям, таким как одноразовые подгузники, предназначенные для применения пациентами, страдающими недержанием. Одноразовый подгузник содержит каркас и абсорбирующий узел в сочетании с абдоминальными растягивающимися панелями, проходящими по окружности вокруг талии пользователя. Каркас включает влагонепроницаемый задний слой, который может быть согнут вовнутрь в поперечном направлении на обеих его боковых кромках с образованием противолежащих боковых отворотов. Каждый боковой отворот прикреплен к внутренней поверхности каркаса вблизи его концевых кромок. Каждый боковой отворот снабжен протяженным в продольном направлении эластичным собирающим элементом, прикрепленным вблизи своей проксимальной кромки. Каркас может содержать сформированный с возможностью растяжения ленточный материал. Абсорбирующий узел может быть прикреплен к каркасу в крестообразной конфигурации, что позволяет неприкрепленным частям каркаса проходить в стороны. Абдоминальная ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018125756A3

02-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018124989A3

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413488C1

Изобретение относится к одноразовым поглощающим изделиям, таким как подгузники-трусы, гигиенические трусы и трусы, используемые при недержании, и может быть использовано при уходе за ребенком, больным, инвалидом. Поглощающее изделие (55) типа трусов содержит базовую структуру, включающую переднюю панель (56), заднюю панель и промежностную панель (58), расположенную между передней и задней панелями (56, 57), и переднюю и заднюю поясные панели (61а, 61b), расположенные соответственно у передней и задней панелей (56, 57). При этом, по меньшей мере, одна из передней и задней панелей (56, 57) содержит активированный трехслойный эластичный ламинат (68), содержащий первый холст волокнистого нетканого материала и второй холст волокнистого нетканого материала и эластичную пленку между первым и вторым холстами волокнистого нетканого материала. По меньшей мере, один из первого и второго холстов волокнистого нетканого материала представляет собой холст крепированного нетканого материала. Технический ...

11-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2681594C1

Предложен подгузник (1), включающий в себя: передний наружный элемент (2а), задний наружный элемент (2b), множество эластичных элементов (4) и множество прорезей (5). Каждый из переднего наружного элемента (2а) и заднего наружного элемента (2b) включает в себя лист (22), расположенный со стороны, не обращенной к коже, и лист (21), расположенный со стороны, обращенной к коже, при этом множество эластичных элементов (4) предусмотрены в продольном направлении. Множество прорезей (5) выполнены в по меньшей мере любом одном из листа (22), расположенного со стороны, не обращенной к коже, и листа (21), расположенного со стороны, обращенной к коже, в по меньшей мере любом одном из переднего наружного элемента (2а) и заднего наружного элемента (2b). Первая прорезь (51) и вторая прорезь (52) выполнены между первым эластичным элементом (41) и вторым эластичным элементом (42), соседними друг с другом. Первая часть (5а) перекрытия представляет собой часть, в которой первая прорезь (51) и вторая прорезь ...

27-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009127327A

... 1. Одноразовый подгузник, содержащий: ! абсорбирующий узел, содержащий абсорбирующую сердцевину; ! каркас, имеющий продольную ось, поперечную ось, переднюю поясную область, имеющую переднюю поясную кромку, заднюю поясную область, имеющую заднюю поясную кромку, область ластовицы между поясными областями, противолежащие в поперечном направлении боковые кромки, проходящие между передней поясной кромкой и задней поясной кромкой, внешнюю поверхность и внутреннюю поверхность, к которой прикреплен абсорбирующий узел, при этом каркас содержит влагонепроницаемый задний слой и противолежащие в поперечном направлении боковые отвороты, прикрепленные к внутренней поверхности каркаса вблизи своих дистальных в продольном направлении концов, причем каждый из боковых отворотов снабжен протяженным в продольном направлении эластичным собирающим элементом, прикрепленным вблизи своей проксимальной кромки, при этом передняя поясная область и задняя поясная область скреплены вместе по соответствующим боковым ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718361C1

Настоящее изобретение относится к одноразовому впитывающему изделию типа трусов (1), такому как трусы-подгузник, гигиенические трусы или трусы для страдающих недержанием, имеющему продольное направление (Y) и поперечное направление (X). Указанное одноразовое впитывающее изделие типа трусов содержит: основную часть, изготовленную из ламинированного полотна материала и имеющую переднюю секцию (3) и заднюю секцию (4), впитывающую вставку (2), расположенную, в основном, в промежностной части впитывающего изделия (1), соединенную с передней и задней секциями (3, 4) и содержащую впитывающую сердцевину (5), где область (31, 23) передней и/или задней секции (3, 4) изготавливают из ламинированного эластичного полотна материала, содержащего множество эластичных нитей, простирающихся от положения смежно с первой латеральной стороной передней и/или задней секции (3, 4) до положения смежно с противоположной латеральной стороной передней и/или задней секции (3, 4), где указанные эластичные нити прерываются ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661845C1

Изобретение относится к впитывающим гигиеническим изделиям. Впитывающее изделие включает основу, содержащую впитывающую основу, которая имеет лицевую по отношению к телу поверхность. Впитывающее изделие также содержит герметизирующий элемент для талии, который содержит ближнюю часть, соединенную с лицевой по отношению к телу поверхностью основы, и дальнюю часть, которая содержит дальний край. Ближняя часть содержит эластичные элементы ближней части, и дальняя часть – эластичные элементы дальней части. Дальняя часть может свободно перемещаться относительно основы, когда впитывающее изделие находится в ослабленной конфигурации. Технический результат – улучшение герметизирующих свойств впитывающего изделия для предотвращения утечки выделений, в частности, в областях талии, также увеличение свободного объема для удержания выделений организма до смены впитывающего изделия. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 14 ил.

26-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2717888C1

Раскрыты впитывающие изделия с передним и задним раскрывающими элементами. Изделие может содержать впитывающую вставку, содержащую наружное покрытие, прокладочный материал и впитывающую сердцевину между наружным покрытием и прокладочным материалом, первую панель для талии, соединенную со вставкой и содержащую ослабленную область и первую часть области пояса, и первую часть основания, при этом первая часть области пояса и первая часть основания содержат эластичные элементы, и вторую панель для талии. Первая панель для талии может быть связана со второй вдоль боковых краев изделия. Один из эластичных элементов первой части области пояса может быть расположен сбоку на расстоянии от второго, с образованием неупругой области в области пояса в боковом направлении между первым из эластичных элементов и вторым одним из эластичных элементов, и при этом ослабленная область может проходить по меньшей мере частично через неупругую область области пояса. 3 н. и 17 з п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

20-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007144617A

... 1. Механически активированный растягивающийся слоистый материал, содержащий первую подложку и эластичную пленку, прикрепленную лицевой поверхностью к первой подложке посредством связующего вещества; по меньшей мере одну область прикрепления, расположенную вблизи конца растягивающегося слоистого материала, и область активации, расположенную с внутренней стороны области прикрепления, при этом связующее вещество в области активации нанесено виде множества отделенных друг от друга полосок при отношении ширины полоски к расстоянию между соседними полосками в части области активации меньше примерно 1 и больше примерно 0,33. ! 2. Материал по п.1, отличающийся тем, что содержит вторую подложку, прикрепленную посредством связующего вещества к поверхности эластичной пленки, противоположной лицевой ее поверхности, так, что эластичная пленка оказывается расположенной между первой и второй подложкой. ! 3. Материал по п.2, отличающийся тем, что включает первую область прикрепления, расположенную вблизи ...

16-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2019139054A

10-01-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2010127148A

... 1. Впитывающее изделие, образующее продольную ось и поперечную ось, перпендикулярную продольной оси, при этом изделие образует переднюю область талии, заднюю область талии, область промежности между передней областью талии и задней областью талии, и две стороны, образующие внешние границы предмета одежды вдоль поперечной оси, причем изделие содержит: ! впитывающий узел; ! одинарный внутренний слой, содержащий обращенную к телу сторону, которая обращена к пользователю изделия, и обращенную к одежде сторону, противоположную обращенной к телу стороне и обращенную к впитывающему узлу, причем внутренний слой является растяжимым в областях талии в поперечном направлении и; ! по меньшей мере, одну поясную панель, прикрепленную к прилегающей к одежде стороне внутреннего слоя на каждой из передней и задней областей талии, где каждая изпо меньшей мере одной поясной панели содержит материал, который является эластичным в по меньшей мере поперечном направлении; ! по меньшей мере, одну эластичную ленту ...

10-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013151388A

... 1. Абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее:- каркас, имеющий переднюю поясную зону, заднюю поясную зону и зону промежности, проходящую между передней и задней поясными зонами;- наружное покрытие и внутреннюю подкладку, проходящие между передней и задней поясными зонами;- абсорбирующую структуру между наружным покрытием и внутренней подкладкой;- поясную структуру, проходящую по меньшей мере через одну из передней и задней поясных зон, причем поясная структура содержит материал наполнителя и поясной материал;причем поясная структура соединена по меньшей мере с одной из передней и задней поясных зон при помощи соединительного узора, и соединительный узор изменяет положение в продольном направлении и имеет по меньшей мере одну высшую точку и одну низшую точку в соответствующей поясной зоне, и высота в направлении оси Z поясной структуры изменяется в соответствующей поясной зоне.2. Абсорбирующее изделие по п. 1, в котором материал наполнителя выбран из пушистого нетканого материала, многослойного ...

31-05-2017 дата публикации

Waist assembly having apertured layer and non-apertured layer for abosorbent articles

Номер: GB0002544953A

An absorbent article having a front region, a back region, and a crotch region extending between and connecting the front region and the back region generally includes an absorbent assembly extending longitudinally between the front region and the back region, and a waist assembly attached to the absorbent assembly along the front region and the back region. The absorbent assembly includes an inner layer for facing a wearer, an outer layer for facing away from the wearer, and an absorbent structure disposed between the inner and outer layers. The waist assembly defines a waist opening of the absorbent article when the article is in a wear configuration, and includes an elastic laminate including a non-apertured body-facing layer, an apertured garment-facing layer, and an elastic layer disposed between the body-facing layer and the garment-facing layer.

18-11-2020 дата публикации

Absorbent pants having a waistband with rear pocket

Номер: GB0002584041A

An absorbent garment that includes a longitudinal axis and a lateral axis. The absorbent garment is a pant that includes a front region, a back region and a crotch region, with the crotch region being disposed between the front region and the back region. The crotch region is formed by an absorbent assembly. In addition to the absorbent assembly, the garment includes a front panel and a back panel; the front panel is attached to a front region of the absorbent assembly and the back panel is attached to a back region of the absorbent assembly. The front panel and the back panel are bonded to each other to form the lateral side seams of the garment. The garment also includes a pocket at the back waist of the pant that is formed, in part, by a folded over portion of the back panel. The pocket includes a fluid barrier.

31-07-2019 дата публикации

Absorbent article comprising improved elastomeric laminates for donning

Номер: GB0201908484D0

06-11-2019 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: GB0201913521D0

22-01-2020 дата публикации

Absorbent article having elastomeric panels

Номер: GB0201918041D0

25-10-2023 дата публикации

Absorbent article with waistband

Номер: GB0002617968A

Absorbent articles comprising elastic waist members and methods of manufactured are disclosed. In an embodiment, an absorbent article may comprise a chassis including an absorbent body and a body facing surface. The article may further comprise a first adhesive disposed on the body facing surface of the chassis and an elasticated waist member coupled to the body facing surface of the chassis by the first adhesive. The article may still further comprise a second adhesive disposed on the elasticated waist member and a waist region covering material coupled to the elasticated waist member by the second adhesive.

15-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000398989T

15-03-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000177313T

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018202531A1

An absorbent article (10) according to the present invention having a liquid-permeable top sheet (14), a liquid impermeable back sheet (12), and an absorber (13) disposed between the top sheet and the back sheet includes a first recessed portion (20a) configured in a top surface of the absorber facing the top sheet and extending along a first direction and a second recessed portion (20b) configured in the top surface of the absorber facing the top sheet so as to intersect the first recessed portion, the second recessed portion extending along a second direction different from the first direction. The first recessed portion and the second recessed portion each have a first area (201) having a shallow depth from the top surface of the absorber to a bottom surface of the first area and a second area (202) having a deeper depth from the top surface of the absorber to a bottom surface of the second area than the first area.

14-04-2016 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: AU2012279494B2

An absorbent article comprising a separate belt intended to be placed around the waist of the wearer and an absorbent pad detachably attached to the belt and held by the belt when the article is used, wherein the pad comprises a chassis having a liquid-permeable topsheet, a liquid-impermeable backsheet and an absorbent core between the topsheet and the backsheet, wherein the absorbent pad includes a front portion, a rear portion and a crotch portion there between in the longitudinal direction and wherein the absorbent pad at each of its longitudinal ends is detachably attached to a surface of the belt oriented away from wearer using attaching arrangements provided on each corner of the front portion and the rear portion of the pad, wherein at least one of the front and rear portion is provided with a waist elastic arranged symmetrically on each side of the longitudinal center line and extending between the attaching elements in the transverse direction of the pad, wherein the waist elastic ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Absorbent article with cushioned waistband

Номер: AU2012247200B2

A waistband structure for an absorbent article is disclosed. The waistband structure extending across at least one of the front and back waist regions and is composed of a filler material and a waistband material positioned over the filler material. The waistband structure may be bonded to at least one of the front and back waist regions via a bond pattern. The bond pattern may vary position in the longitudinal direction and have at least one peak and one valley across the respective waist region. Typically, a distance between the peak and the valley in the bond pattern is between 5 and 100 mm. The bond pattern results in a z-directional height of the waistband structure varying on the respective waist region.

22-05-2008 дата публикации

Absorbent article comprising an elastic laminate

Номер: AU2006350778A1

22-04-2021 дата публикации

Absorbent article with selectively positioned waist containment member having an improved waist seal

Номер: AU2015410625B2

An absorbent article can include a chassis including an absorbent body. The chassis can include a body facing surface. The absorbent article can also include a waist containment member. The waist containment member can include a proximal portion coupled to the body facing surface of the chassis and a distal portion that includes a distal edge. The proximal portion includes proximal portion elastic members and the distal portion can include distal portion elastic members. The distal portion can be free to move with respect to the chassis when the absorbent article is in a relaxed configuration.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Pull-on clothing article

Номер: AU2013310314A1

Provided is a pull-on clothing article provided with tape fasteners that are not irritating even when in contact with the wearer's skin, are capable of stable fastening and are easy to use. Of first and second waist regions (14, 13), at least the first waist region (14) is elastic in the transverse direction (X). The tape fasteners (20) comprise a fixed section (21) that is fixed near the side region (18) and a free section (22) that has a region (68) for peelably fastening the tape fastener (20) to the outer surface of the second waist region (13). The pull-on clothing article is characterized in that: the free section (22) has a grasping section (63) and an outer grasping end (20a) that extend outward in the transverse direction (X) from the fastener region (68); the outer grasping end (20a) is separably fixed to the non-skin-facing surface of the first waist region (14) near the outer edge (14d); and contraction of the region between the fastener region (68) and the outer grasping end ...

19-08-2021 дата публикации

Disposable incontinence diaper

Номер: AU2017219700B2

The invention relates to a disposable incontinence diaper (2), with a main part (4) comprising a front region (12), a rear region (16) with rear lateral longitudinal edges (18), and rear side portions (22) attached on both sides to the rear region (16), whereas no side portions (22) are attached to the front region (14), and instead front lateral longitudinal edges (14) of the main part (4) form a free-ending longitudinal edge of the diaper, wherein the rear side portions (22) can each be placed in a circumferential direction around the body of a user, in order to apply and close the disposable incontinence diaper (2) on the user, and can be brought into an overlapping arrangement with an outer face of the front region (12) at which they can then be affixed releasably via the respective closure means (28), wherein the rear side portions (22) have an extent Q in the transverse direction (10) in the state when spread out flat but not stretched, wherein the rear side portions (22) are elastically ...

13-09-1993 дата публикации

Absorbent article with elastic waist feature and enhanced absorbency

Номер: AU0003615993A

01-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002613649C

... ²²²The present invention relates to disposable absorbent articles are useful for ²meeting this unmet need of producing disposable absorbent articles that ²include elastic members comprising elastomeric films manufactured with reduced ²equipment capital and associated expense. Such articles comprise: a) a liquid ²permeable topsheet; b) a backsheet; c) an absorbent core disposed between said ²topsheet and backsheet; and d) an incrementally stretched elastic member ²disposed adjacent said chassis wherein said member comprises a nonwoven ²carrier web adhesively bonded to an unapertured, skinless elastomeric layer.² ...

05-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002626659C

A disposable diaper includes a chassis having a front waist region, a back waist region, and a crotch region between the waist regions. The chassis includes laterally opposing closed side edges defining its width, longitudinally opposing front and back waist end edges defining its length, an interior surface and an exterior surface, and including a water-impermeable backsheet. An absorbent assembly is attached to the chassis. A belt structure is disposed in the waist region of the chassis. The belt structure includes a first belt segment, a second belt segment and a third belt segment. The belt segments are disposed longitudinally with respect to each other and the coefficient of friction of at least a portion of one of the first belt segment and third belt segment is greater than the coefficient of friction of at least a portion of the second belt segment.

26-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002887137C

A disposable absorbent garment can include a waistband assembly that is configured to be worn about a waist of a subject, and an absorbent panel assembly having first and second ends that are coupled to the waistband assembly. The absorbent panel assembly can include a liquid-pervious body-side layer, a liquid impervious external layer, and an absorbent core positioned between the body-side and external layers. At least one of the absorbent panel assembly or the waistband assembly includes a contraction region, such as near the absorbent core, that is configured to be extensible and retractable along a longitudinal axis of the absorbent core. The longitudinal axis can be substantially parallel to a vertical or height axis of a wearer when the absorbent garment is worn by an upright or standing individual.

21-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002795635A1

A disposable absorbent article worn about the lower torso of a wearer includes at least one pair of side panels connecting a first waist region to a second waist region forming a waist opening and a pair of leg openings. Each side panel includes a waist region, a hip region and a leg region wherein the waist region, the hip region and the leg region differs structurally, functionally and visually to provide an improved initial fit and sustained fit while exhibiting a garment-like appearance.

24-08-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002136577C

A disposable absorbent garment comprises a pair of elastic side sections, front and back sections, and a continuous, selectively elasticized waistband operatively joined thereto. The waistband does not substantially inhibit the elasticity of the elastic side sections, and provides the same or different elasticity to the front and back sections.

22-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002122240C

A method of making and a disposable garment manufactured from a fusion-slit chas sis having a pair of seams. The seams are formed by folding the chassis in the crotch portion so that the longitudinal side regions of the front portion and rear portion are superposed to form seaming areas; each seaming area is treated with ultrason ic energy sufficient to sever the material of the seaming area in a first area while simultaneously bonding the material of the se aming area in a marginal area adjacent the first area to form a flangeless seam which extends from the disposable garment 1/16" o r less, preferably 1/32" or less, and in a preferred embodiment will form a splice between the front portion and rear porti on of the chassis. The seaming area will consist of layers of polymeric material and in a preferred embodiment will consist of nonwo ven webs of 100 % polypropylene fibers.

02-03-1995 дата публикации

Article Having Composite Elasticized Member

Номер: CA0002168207A1

27-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002206052A1

Absorbent articles such as diapers, incontinent briefs, training pants, diaper holders and liners, feminine hygiene garments, and the like designed to provide sustained dynamic fit about the wearer during use as well as to improve the containment of body exudates and wearer comfort/mobility. Such an absorbent article has an absorbent core preferably designed to fit within the low motion zone of the wearer so that dynamic forces imparted by movements of the wearer on the absorbent core are minimized. Leg elastics as well as barrier leg cuff elastics have end portions to the longitudinal side edges. The absorbent article is also provided with a closure system for anchoring the absorbent article on the wearer to sustain the dynamic fit of the absorbent article throughout wearer. Tape tabs are disposed at an angle of approximately 45~ relative to the longitudinal side edges. The closure system is designed so that a plane of tension is formed at least about the front waist portion of the article ...

28-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002247027A1

Pull-on garments provided with an intermittent lap seam joining the front region and the back region together at spaced apart locations to provide a breathable seam. In a preferred embodiment, the pull-on garment includes a chassis layer comprising a continuous sheet that defines a front region, a back region, and a crotch region; a first belt layer joined to the chassis layer in the front region; a second belt layer joined to the chassis layer in the back region; elastic panel members positioned between the belt layers and the chassis layers which laminate is mechanically stretched to form elastically extensible stretch laminates in both the front region and the back region in the side panels; and intermittent lap seams joining the front region to the back region at spaced apart locations so as to form the leg openings and waist openings.

22-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002182873C

Absorbent articles such as disposable diapers, incontinent briefs, diaper holders, training pants, feminine hygiene garments and the like, that have a unique waist feature that improves the dynamic fit as well as the containment characteristics of the absorbent article. Such absorbent articles comprise a chassis assembly (22) preferably comprising a liquid pervious topsheet (24), a liquid impervious backsheet (26), and an absorbent core (28) positioned between the topsheet and the backsheet; an extensible back waist feature; and a closure system (40, 41) for maintaining the absorbent article on the wearer. The extensible back waist feature provides an extensible feature that provides a more comfortable and contouring fit by initially conformably fitting the diaper to the wearer and by sustaining this fit. The extensible back waist feature has a hip panel (38), a central waistband panel (32), and a pair of side panels (36). The force/extension characteristics of each panel is designed to ...

30-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201790217A1

30-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201491294A1

31-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201790736A1

30-01-2013 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201290197A1

Основание 10 подгузника 1 содержит первый внешний лист 11, образующий переднюю поясную область 2 и часть промежностной области 4, второй внешний лист 12, образующий заднюю поясную область 3 и часть промежностной области 4, и средний лист 13, соединяющий листы 11, 12 и образующий часть промежностной области 4. Влагопоглощающая структура 30 прикреплена к обращенной к коже стороне основания 10. Влагопоглощающая структура 30 содержит первый и второй эластичные листы 51, 52, перекрывающие соответственно передний и задний концы 31, 32 влагопоглощающей структуры 30. Первый эластичный лист 51 прикреплен в поперечном направлении X в растянутом состоянии с возможностью стягивания между нижней поверхностью влагопоглощающей структуры 30 и первым внешним листом 11, а второй эластичный лист 52 расположен на обращенной к коже поверхности влагопоглощающей структуры 30 и прикреплен к ней в поперечном направлении X в растянутом состоянии с возможностью стягивания.

29-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201991592A1

28-09-2016 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing disposable wear

Номер: CN0105979916A

30-07-2019 дата публикации

Laminate comprising beam-type resilient member and absorbent article comprising said laminate

Номер: CN0110072498A

12-09-2012 дата публикации

Disposable wearing article

Номер: CN102665631A

A chassis 10 of a diaper 1 includes a first outer sheet 11 defining a front waist region 2 and a part of a crotch region 4, a second outer sheet 12 defining a rear waist region 3 and a part of the crotch region 4 and a middle sheet 13 connecting these sheets 11, 12 and defining a part of the crotch region 4. To the skin-facing side of the chassis 10, a liquid-absorbent structure 30 is attached. The liquid-absorbent structure 30 is provided with first and second elastic sheets 51, 52 overlapping front and rear ends 31, 32 of the liquid-absorbent structure 30, respectively. The first elastic sheet 51 is attached under tension in a transverse direction X and in contractible manner between a bottom surface of the liquid-absorbent structure 30 and the first outer sheet 11 and the second elastic sheet 52 is located on a skin-facing surface of the liquid-absorbent structure 30 and attached thereto under tension in the transverse direction X and in contractible manner.

26-07-2019 дата публикации

Method for manufacturing disposable wearing article

Номер: CN0105979916B

15-04-2000 дата публикации


Номер: KR0100253785B1

12-05-2020 дата публикации

Stretchable sheet and absorbent article

Номер: KR0102109620B1

21-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020080007442A

Absorbent articles having form fitting properties are disclosed. In particular, the absorbent articles include at least one waist elastic member that extends a substantial distance in the longitudinal direction. The waist elastic member, for instance, may be positioned in a front region of the article, in a back region of the article or in both the front and back regions. The waist elastic member comprises a breathable elastic film. In order for the film to be breathable, the film includes apertures. The apertures appear on the film according to a particular pattern and having a particular diameter so that the film retains desired stretch properties. © KIPO & WIPO 2008 ...

25-07-2018 дата публикации

착용 물품

Номер: KR1020180084857A

... 본 발명은, 가로 방향을 따라 배치된 복측 외장 부재(30)와 등측 외장 부재(40)를 갖는 착용 물품(1)으로서, 상기 양 외장 부재(30)(40)의 각각은, 비피부측의 비피부측 시트(32)와 피부측의 피부측 시트(31)를 구비하고, 상기 양 시트(31)(32)의 사이에는, 가로 방향을 따른 탄성 부재(35, 351∼353)가 세로 방향으로 늘어서 복수 설치되어 있으며, 상기 양 시트(31)(32) 중 적어도 한쪽에, 가로 방향으로 소정의 길이를 갖는 복수의 컷(50, 51, 52)이 설치되고, 인접하는 제 1 탄성 부재(351)와 제 2 탄성 부재(352) 사이의 제 1 탄성 부재(351)측에 제 1 컷(51)이 설치되어 있으며, 인접하는 상기 제 2 탄성 부재(352)와 제 3 탄성 부재(353) 사이의 상기 제 3 탄성 부재(353)측에 제 2 컷(52)이 설치되어 있고, 상기 양 컷(51)(52)은, 가로 방향에 있어서 중복하는 부분을 가지며, 상기 양 컷(51)(52)의 사이에는 컷이 설치되어 있지 않다.

05-12-2006 дата публикации


Номер: KR1020060124617A

A method of forming a waist band on an absorbent article is disclosed. The method includes forming stretchable front and back panels and attaching an elastic band to at least one of the panels. Each elastic band is cantilevered outward from a distal end of the panel to which it is attached. An absorbent assembly is also secured between the front and back panels. The method further includes folding one panel over the other panel so that the outer ends of the elastic bands are aligned approximately even to one another. The first and second side edges of the front panel, back panel and elastic bands are then joined together by a pair of seams to form an absorbent article having a waist opening and a pair of leg openings. © KIPO & WIPO 2007 ...

30-01-1996 дата публикации

Dismissable clothes and dismissable absorbent clothes

Номер: BR0PI9502927A

22-06-2021 дата публикации

artigo absorvente descartável e processo de formação do mesmo

Номер: BRPI0410409B8

01-03-2005 дата публикации

A disposable absorbent article having an integral waistband

Номер: TW0200507813A

A disposable absorbent article is disclosed that includes front and back panels each having a first zone and a second zone. The first zone is extensible and retractable and the second zone is non-extensible and non-retractable. The disposable absorbent article also has a waistband integrally formed in the zone that has extensible regions separated by non-extensible regions. The waistband is constructed such that a greater force is required to extend it than is required to extend the remaining extensible portion of the first zone in both the front and back panels. The disposable absorbent article also includes an absorbent assembly and the front and back panels are secured together by a pair of seams to form a waist opening and a pair of leg openings.

11-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: TWI658819B

16-09-2010 дата публикации

An absorbent article comprising an elastic laminate and a method for manufacturing thereof

Номер: WO2010104429A1

In a personal care absorbent article comprising an elastic laminate said laminate comprises at least one elastic thermoplastic polymeric film laminated to at least one fibrous layer, wherein the fibrous layers are laminated to the film being in a stretched condition, so that the fibrous layers are gathered. The elastic film has a basis weight between 12 and 30 g/m2, and the laminate has a tensile strength of at least 5N/25.4 mm, preferably at least 10N/25.4mm in the machine direction of the laminate. The invention further refers a method for producing the absorbent article said method comprising: providing said elastic film, heating and stretching the heated elastic film in at least one direction so that the elastic film during stretching has a temperature of at least 4O°C, wherein stretching is performed so as to extend the dimension of the film in the stretching direction between 100 and 500% of its original dimension, laminating said fibrous layer to the elastic film while this is in ...

23-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: WO2009155346A1

A disposable absorbent article may comprise a web that may be folded over at a first fold line forming a first hem, folded over at a second fold line forming a second hem, and folded over at a third fold line and attached in the front and back waist regions to form a first side flap. The web may be folded over at a fourth fold line and attached in the front and back waist regions to form a second side flap. A closure member may be disposed in at least one of the front and back waist regions. The closure member may maintain waist and leg openings of the absorbent article in a closed configuration to form a pant. An abdominal stretch panel may be attached to the interior surface or the exterior surface of at least one of the web and/or absorbent assembly in the front waist region or the back waist region and may have a circumferentially extending longitudinally distal edge disposed at or adjacent to the respective waist end edge. The abdominal stretch panel may have longitudinally opposing ...

28-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: WO1997030671A2

Pull-on garments provided with an intermittent lap seam joining the front region and the back region together at spaced apart locations to provide a breathable seam. In a preferred embodiment, the pull-on garment includes a chassis layer comprising a continuous sheet that defines a front region, a back region, and a crotch region; a first belt layer joined to the chassis layer in the front region; a second belt layer joined to the chassis layer in the back region; elastic panel members positioned between the belt layers and the chassis layers which laminate is mechanically stretched to form elastically extensible stretch laminates in both the front region and the back region in the side panels; and intermittent lap seams joining the front region to the back region at spaced apart locations so as to form the leg openings and waist openings.

03-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011064681A3

A method of manufacturing disposable absorbent garments and a garment made thereby. In particular embodiments, the method comprises removing notches or holes of a garment web or webs adjacent to front and back waist edges to define a series of spaced apart front and back waist edge openings. The method includes providing front and back elastic waistband webs, and positioning the respective waistband webs to overlay at least a portion of each opening, and bonding the waistband webs to each other. The garment includes first and second waist edge cutouts, wherein two side seams extend from the waist edge cutouts to respective leg openings. The garment further includes front and back elastic waistbands attached to each other at first and second waistband side seams.

12-06-2003 дата публикации


Номер: WO2003047487A1
Автор: MOLEE, Kenneth, John

The present invention provides an absorbent garment (10) including a main chassis (34) having an attachment region (80), an absorbent portion (16) attached to the main chassis (34) at an attachment region (80), and an elastic portion (60) operatively associated with the main chassis (34). The attachment region (80) is substantially inelastic prior to the absorbent portion (16) being attached to the main chassis (34).

27-06-2002 дата публикации


Номер: WO2002049567A1

Absorbent article such as a diaper and an incontinence guard comprising a pair of belt portions (9, 10) attached to the rear portion (6) alternatively the front portion (5) of the article and which are intended to be fastened together around the waist of the wearer, wherein the one belt portion (9) carries first fastening means (11) intended to be attached against the opposite belt portion (10) and where said front portion (5) alternatively said rear portion (6) exhibits second fastening means (8) intended to be attached to the belt portions (9, 10), in such a way that the article will assume a pantlike shape, where the belt portions (9, 10) form a part of the waist portions of the pant. The belt portions (9, 10) are attached to the rear portion (6) alternatively the front portion (5) of the article via first elastic side panels (12) arranged on the article and the front portion (5) alternatively said rear portion (6) of the article exhibits second elastic side panels (12) to which fastening ...

26-04-2001 дата публикации


Номер: WO2001028481A1

L'invention concerne un article (10) absorbant comprenant deux structures à parois latérales qui comprennent chacune deux parties (92) terminales opposées, ainsi qu'une bande terminale constituée d'une partie fixe et fixée sur la feuille supérieure. La bande terminale sert de barrière de retenue et permet de pousser vers le haut une partie intermédiaire des structures à parois latérales.

27-04-2021 дата публикации

Stretchable and contractible sheet and absorbent article

Номер: US0010987255B2
Принадлежит: UNICHARM Corporation, UNICHARM CORP

A stretchable/contractible sheet having an up-down direction and a left-right direction intersecting each other includes a first sheet; a second sheet; welded portions; and elastic members. Elastic members are arranged between the first sheet and the second sheet by welded portions and with a space in the up-down direction. The welded portions include a first welded portion; and a third welded portion. The welded portions further include a second welded portion; and a fourth welded portion. The first welded portion and the third welded portion have portions that overlap in the up-down direction. A length of a portion where the first welded portion and the third welded portion overlap in the up-down direction is larger than a length in the up-down direction between a lowermost end of the first welded portion and a lowermost end of the third welded portion.

10-09-1996 дата публикации

Absorbent article with multiple zone structural elastic-like film web extensible waist feature

Номер: US0005554145A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

Absorbent articles such as disposable diapers, incontinent briefs, diaper holders, training pants, feminine hygiene garments and the like, that have a unique waist feature that improves the dynamic fit as well as the containment characteristics of the absorbent article. Such absorbent articles comprise a chassis assembly preferably comprising a liquid pervious topsheet, a liquid impervious backsheet, and an absorbent core positioned between the topsheet and the backsheet; an extensible back waist feature; and a closure system for maintaining the absorbent article on the wearer. The extensible back waist feature provides an extensible feature that provides a more comfortable and contouring fit by initially conformably fitting the diaper to the wearer and by sustaining this fit. The extensible back waist feature has a hip panel, a central waistband panel, and a pair of side panels. The force/extension characteristics of each panel is designed to provide such improved fit and containment.

13-08-1996 дата публикации

Disposable absorbent garment and a continuous, selectively elasticized band joined there to

Номер: US5545158A

A disposable absorbent garment comprises a pair of elastic side sections, front and back sections, and a continuous, selectively elasticized waistband operatively joined thereto. The waistband does not substantially inhibit the elasticity of the elastic side sections, and provides the same or different elasticity to the front and back sections.

29-09-2005 дата публикации

Absorbent garment with integral elastomeric side panels

Номер: US2005215974A1

The invention generally relates to an integral elastomeric side panel that is suitable for use in or on a disposable absorbent garment. The integral elastomeric side panel is formed from a material that has unidirectional or multidirectional stretch features enabling it to stretch in the lateral, or longitudinal and lateral directions. A fastening device is associated with the integral elastomeric side panel. A disposable absorbent garment including the integral elastomeric side panel also is disclosed. The integral elastomeric side panel is formed from the unitary composite sheet that is prepared during assembly of the absorbent garment in a manner such that it does not require separate attachment to the garment. A rear waist edge of the absorbent garment, while in a relaxed state, can extend a length that is greater than the lateral dimension of the unitary composite sheet from which the garment is formed.

11-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120259307A1

A disposable wearing article includes a front side edges lying in a front waist region, rear side edges lying in a rear waist region and crotch side edges lying in a crotch region. A chassis of the diaper includes a first backsheet forming the front waist region and a part of the crotch region and a second backsheet forming the rear waist region and a part of the crotch region. The front and rear waist regions are provided with first front and rear waist elastic yarns or threads and front and rear region elastic sheets, and the crotch region is provided along the crotch side edges with front and rear leg elastic elements. Ends of front leg elastic elements on one side overlap the front side edges. Ends of the rear leg elastic elements on one side overlap the rear side edges.

06-07-2010 дата публикации

Body conforming absorbent garment and methods for the use and manufacture thereof

Номер: US0007749211B2

An absorbent garment includes a chassis having first and second layers and an elastic core sandwiched therebetween. The chassis defines front and rear body panels each having elastic regions exhibiting a substantially permanent deformation of at least about 10% when elongated 80% for a period of 30 minutes at 37° C. and 60% relative humidity and then allowed to relax under a zero applied force. An absorbent composite is coupled to the chassis.

19-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170296401A1

An absorbent article according to the present invention having a liquid-permeable top sheet, a liquid-impermeable back sheet, and an absorber disposed between the top sheet and the back sheet includes a first recessed portion configured in a top surface of the absorber facing the top sheet and extending along a first direction and a second recessed portion configured in the top surface of the absorber facing the top sheet so as to intersect the first recessed portion, the second recessed portion extending along a second direction different from the first direction. The first recessed portion and the second recessed portion each have a first area having a shallow depth from the top surface of the absorber to a bottom surface of the first area and a second area having a deeper depth than the first area.

03-05-2022 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for making elastomeric laminates with elastic strands unwound from beams

Номер: US0011318052B2
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

The present disclosure relates to methods for assembling elastomeric laminates, wherein elastic material may be stretched and joined with either or both first and second substrates. A first beam is rotated to unwind a first plurality of elastic strands from the first beam in the machine direction. The first plurality of elastic strands are positioned between the first substrate and the second substrate to form the elastomeric laminate. Before the first plurality of elastic strands are completely unwound from the first beam, a second beam is rotated to unwind the second plurality of elastic strands from the second beam. Subsequently, the advancement of the first plurality of elastic strands from the first beam is discontinued. Thus, the elastomeric laminate assembly process may continue uninterrupted while switching from an initially utilized elastic material drawn from the first beam to a subsequently utilized elastic material drawn from the second beam.

02-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EP2157958B1
Принадлежит: SCA Hygiene Products AB

06-08-2014 дата публикации

Номер: JP0005566782B2

20-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2442554C2

Изобретение относится к одноразовому подгузнику типа трусов, содержащему наружный лист 12F, расположенный с брюшной стороны, и наружный лист 12В, расположенный с задней стороны, при этом указанные наружные листы не соединены, а разделены в промежностной части, где наружный лист 12В имеет основной цельный участок 13, который соответствует соединенным участкам 12 в направлении сверху вниз, и выступающий участок 14, расположенный с задней стороны. Наружный лист 12F состоит только из основного цельного участка, расположенного с брюшной стороны, который соответствует соединенным участкам 12А в направлении сверху вниз, выступающий участок 14, расположенный с задней стороны, имеет центральную часть 14М в направлении ширины, перекрывающую поглощающее средство 20, и закрывающие бедра части 14С, проходящие с обеих сторон центральной части 14М, на основном цельном участке 13, расположенном с задней стороны. Изобретение позволяет предотвратить выпучивание и закручивание закрывающей бедра части наружного ...

10-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2580492C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к поясной структуре для абсорбирующего изделия. Эта поясная структура проходит по меньшей мере через одну из передней и задней поясных зон и состоит из материала наполнителя и поясного материала, расположенного поверх материала наполнителя. Поясная структура может быть соединена по меньшей мере с одной из передней и задней поясных зон при помощи соединительного узора. Соединительный узор может изменять положение в продольном направлении и иметь по меньшей мере одну высшую точку и одну низшую точку в соответствующей поясной зоне. Обычно расстояние между высшей и низшей точками соединительного узора составляет от 5 до 100 мм. Соединительный узор обеспечивает изменение высоты поясной структуры в направлении оси Z в соответствующей поясной зоне. 3 н. и 16 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил.

27-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2496459C2

Изобретение относится к впитывающему изделию для выделений организма. Впитывающее изделие содержит одинарный внутренний слой и растягиваемый впитывающий узел, прикрепленный к внутреннему слою. Внутренний слой включает эластичные части так, что впитывающее изделие соответствует телу пользователя изделия. Растягиваемый впитывающий узел может быть минимально присоединен к обращенной к одежде стороне внутреннего слоя и к отверстию или разрезу во внутреннем слое, который позволяет выделениям проходить во впитывающий узел. Изделие может содержать растягиваемый внешний слой, присоединенный к обращенной к одежде стороне внутреннего слоя так, что внешний слой покрывает впитывающий узел и эластичные части, где внешний слой присоединен по периметру по меньшей мере части изделия. Техническим результатом изобретения является повышение удобства использования и защиты от протекания. 2 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2381102C2

Изобретение имеет отношение к механически активируемому растягивающемуся слоистому материалу для изготовления одноразовых абсорбирующих изделий, способу его изготовления и одноразовым абсорбирующим изделиям из такого материала. Материал содержит подложку и эластичную пленку, прикрепленную лицевой поверхностью к подложке посредством адгезива; область прикрепления, расположенную вблизи конца растягивающегося слоистого материала; и область активации, расположенную с внутренней стороны области прикрепления. Адгезив в области активации нанесен в виде множества отделенных друг от друга полосок. Соотношение ширины полоски и расстояния между соседними полосками в части области активации находится в пределах от примерно 0,33 до примерно 1. Способ получения заключается в механической активации промежуточной слоистой структуры в области активации при скорости деформации, большей или равной примерно 100 с-1. Полученный таким способом материал содержит уменьшенное количество адгезива при сохранении ...

20-09-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU2090171C1

Способ изготовления одноразового предмета одежды и одноразовый предмет одежды, изготовленный этим способом. Способ изготовления и одноразовый предмет одежды, полученный из основы и имеющий два сплавленных продольных бесфланцевых шва. Швы формируют путем сгибания основы в промежностной части, в результате чего продольные боковые участки передней и задней частей основы накладываются друг на друга, образуя зоны соединения, при этом каждую зону соединения обрабатывают ультразвуковой энергией, достаточной, чтобы обрезать материал зоны соединения в первом месте с одновременным креплением материала зоны соединения на кромочном участке рядом с первым местом для образования бесфланцевого шва, выступающего с одноразового предмета одежды на 1,59 мм или меньше, предпочтительно на 0,79 мм или меньше. В особо предпочтительном варианте каждый шов представляет собой сращивание передней и задней частей каркаса. Зона соединения состоит из слоев полимерного материала, а в предпочтительном варианте - из нетканых ...

02-11-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2634678C1

Впитывающее изделие, содержащее переднюю область, заднюю область и область промежности, проходящую между и соединяющую переднюю область и заднюю область, в целом содержит впитывающий узел, проходящий в продольном направлении между передней областью и задней областью, и узел талии, прикрепленный к впитывающему узлу вдоль передней области и задней области. Впитывающий узел содержит внутренний слой, обращенный к носящему, внешний слой, обращенный от носящего, и впитывающую структуру, расположенную между внутренним и внешним слоями. Узел талии образует отверстие для талии впитывающего изделия, когда изделие находится в конфигурации для ношения, и содержит эластичный слоистый материал, содержащий лицевой по отношению к телу слой без отверстий, лицевой по отношению к предмету одежды слой с отверстиями и эластичный слой, расположенный между лицевым по отношению к телу слоем и лицевым по отношению к предмету одежды слоем. 3 н. и 20 з.п. ф-лы, 6 ил., 2 табл.

19-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2759980C2

Задача состоит в улучшении текстуры концевой части, расположенной со стороны отверстия для талии. Поясная часть W имеет первую часть Р1 и вторую часть Р2, каждая из которых включает в себя поясной эластичный элемент 17. Первая часть Р1 включает в себя покровный листовой слой 127, загнутый на крае отверстия WO для талии от наружной стороны поясного наружного листового слоя 122 и проходящий до внутренней стороны поясного внутреннего листового слоя 121. Покровный листовой слой 127 образован из листового материала 12S, имеющего часть, загнутую на крае отверстия WO для талии, проходящую от места, находящегося с наружной стороны поясного эластичного элемента 17 во второй части Р2, и проходящую до места, находящегося с внутренней стороны поясного эластичного элемента 17 во второй части Р2. В первой части Р1 поясной эластичный элемент 17 не прикреплен к листовому материалу 12S. Во второй части Р2 поясной эластичный элемент 17 прикреплен к листовому материалу 12S, и листовой материал 12S стягивается ...

28-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2683562C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к растягивающемуся слоистому материалу. В частности, данное изобретение относится к применению растягивающегося слоистого материала во впитывающих гигиенических изделиях. Такие гигиенические изделия обладают повышенной эластичностью, крепежными свойствами и лучшим прилеганием, что приводит к улучшенным свойствам защиты от протекания благодаря регулируемым эластичным свойствам растягивающегося слоистого материала. Эластичность регулируется путем образования на тканевом слое выемок с определенным распределением без приложения к этому слою каких-либо предварительных растягивающих усилий и без его деформирования. В дополнение, изменение распределения частей с выемками простым и экономичным образом обеспечивает изменчивость эластичности в широком диапазоне для широкого диапазона материалов, из которых изготовлен тканевый слой. Данный способ позволяет получать растягивающиеся слоистые материалы с разной эластичностью путем простого изменения распределения частей ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013134164A

... 1. Поглощающее изделие типа трусов, имеющее вид трусов-боксеров (10), содержащих наружный элемент (11) в виде предмета одежды, включающий в себя переднюю основную панель (12), заднюю основную панель (13), промежностную панель (14), расположенную между передней и задней основными панелями, поглощающую сердцевину (16), расположенную, по меньшей мере, в промежностной панели, боковые швы (19, 20), соединяющие переднюю основную панель с задней основной панелью, два отверстия (22, 23) для ног и свисающие штанины (24, 25), при этом указанное изделие имеет продольное (y) и поперечное (х) направления, отличающееся тем, что каждая из указанных передней основной панели (12), задней основной панели (13) и промежностной панели (14) образована из эластичного рулонного материала, отверстия (22, 23) для ног расположены в промежностной панели и не проходят в переднюю и заднюю основные панели, и указанные боковые швы (19, 20) проходят в промежностную панель, при этом ширина промежностной панели в состоянии ...

28-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727983C1

Изобретение относится к абсорбирующим изделиям, более конкретно к одноразовым абсорбирующим изделиям, содержащим эластичные слоистые материалы, выполненные с возможностью применения в различных компонентах одноразовых абсорбирующих изделий. Абсорбирующее изделие содержит одно или комбинацию из каркаса, внутренних ножных манжет, наружных ножных манжет, вставок-ушек, боковых вставок, поясных лент и поясов, которые могут содержать одно или более множеств эластичных элементов с небольшим интервалом (менее 4 мм, менее 3 мм, менее 2 мм и менее 1 мм), и/или очень низким значением линейной плотности (менее 300 дтекс, менее 200 дтекс, менее 100 дтекс), и/или низким значением деформации (менее 300%, менее 200%, менее 100%) для обеспечения низкого давления (менее 1 фунта/кв. дюйм в соответствии с условиями, определенными методом определения давления, оказываемого прядью) под эластичными элементами, при этом обеспечивая подходящий модуль упругости (от приблизительно 2 до 15 гс/мм) для обеспечения простого ...

10-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011140087A

... 1. Носимое изделие, содержащее:- сформированный как одно целое крепежный элемент (50а, 50b), отходящий от соединительной линии (51), причем упомянутый крепежный элемент (50а, 50b) проходит вдоль направления (67) вытягивания, перпендикулярного упомянутой соединительной линии, и заканчивается в наружном конце (54), при этом упомянутая соединительная линия (51) соединяет первую и вторую самые наружные в продольном направлении точки (52, 53) соединения на первом самом наружном в продольном направлении поперечном крае (68) и втором самом наружном в продольном направлении поперечном крае (69) соответственно, причем упомянутый первый самый наружный в продольном направлении поперечный край (68) имеет первый профиль, начинающийся на упомянутой соединительной линии (51) и заканчивающийся на упомянутом наружном конце (54), а упомянутый второй самый наружный в продольном направлении поперечный край (69) имеет второй профиль, начинающийся на упомянутой соединительной линии (51) и заканчивающийся на ...

10-08-1996 дата публикации


Номер: RU94027289A

Швы формируются путем сгибания основы-каркаса в промежностной части, в результате чего продольные боковые участки передней и задней частей накладываются друг на друга для образования зон соединения, при этом каждая зона соединения обрабатывается ультразвуковой энергией, достаточной, чтобы обрезать материал зоны соединения в первом месте с одновременным креплением материала зоны соединения на кромочном участке рядом с первым местом для образования бесфланцевого шва, выступающего с одноразового предмета одежды на 1,58 мм или меньше, предпочтительно на 0,79 мм или меньше, а в предпочтительном варианте будет образовывать сращивание передней и задней частей каркаса. Зона соединения состоит из слоев полимерного материала, а в предпочтительном варианте будет состоять из нетканых полотен из 100%-ных полипропиленовых волокон.

20-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006120443A

... 1. Способ формирования поясной полосы на впитывающем изделии, предусматривающий a) формирование растягиваемой передней панели, имеющей удаленный конец, первый и второй боковые края и восстанавливаемую длину, измеренную между указанными первым и вторым боковыми краями; b) формирование растягиваемой задней панели, имеющей удаленный конец, первый и второй боковые края и восстанавливаемую длину, измеренную между указанными первым и вторым боковыми краями; c) прикрепление эластичной полосы к по меньшей мере одной из указанных передней и задней панелей, причем указанная эластичная полоса имеет первый и второй боковые края и наружный конец, причем указанная эластичная полоса консольно выступает наружу от указанного удаленного конца указанной панели, к которой она прикреплена, и указанная эластичная полоса имеет восстанавливаемую длину, меньше указанной восстанавливаемой длины указанной панели, к которой она прикреплена; d) прикрепление впитывающего узла к указанным передней и задней панелям, причем ...

12-09-2019 дата публикации

Absorptionsartikel zum Anziehen mit verbesserten elastomeren Laminaten

Номер: DE112017006446T5

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft Absorptionsartikel mit Bünden, die einen oder mehrere einer Vielzahl von Gummibändern mit engem Abstand (weniger als 4 mm, weniger als 3 mm, weniger als 2 mm und weniger als 1 mm) und/oder einen geringen Dezitex (weniger als 300, weniger als 200, weniger als 100 dtex) und/oder eine niedrige Spannung (weniger als 300 %, weniger als 200 %, weniger als 100 %) umfassen, um einen niedrigen Druck von weniger als 1 psi (gemäß den durch den Unter-Strang-Druck-Test im nachstehenden Verfahren definierten Bedingungen) unter dem Gummibändern abzugeben, während ein ausreichender Modul von (zwischen etwa 2 gf/mm und 15 gf/mm) bereitgestellt wird, was zu einem Bekleidungsverhältnis von etwa 1,0 und etwa 3 führt, um den Artikel einfach anlegen zu können und den Artikel bequem auf dem Träger zu halten.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Disposable absorbent article with overlapping absorbent assembly secured to front and back panels

Номер: US20120157956A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A disposable absorbent article has front and back panels, each having an elastic film layer and each having first and second zones. The first zone of each panel is extensible and retractable and the second zone of each panel is non-extensible and non-retractable. Each of the front and back panels has first and second side edges. An absorbent assembly is secured to the front and back panels. The absorbent assembly has a first end secured to the second zone of the front panel and a second end secured to the second zone of the back panel. A pair of seams join the front and back panels together at the first and second side edges to form a disposable absorbent article having a waist opening and a pair of leg openings.

28-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130079743A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

In the disclosed absorbent article (), in a front torso-surrounding region (SA), the distance (D) between the elastic member (A) that is most towards leg-surrounding openings among a plurality of elastic members that extend roughly linearly in the widthwise direction (W) and the edges (E) that are on the leg-surrounding opening (P) side of the front torso-surrounding region (SA) is configured in a manner so as to gradually shorten and then gradually lengthen when going from both side edges (C) towards the center in the widthwise direction (W). 1. An absorbent article , comprising: a chassis; and an absorbent body , whereinthe chassis includes a front waistline portion, a rear waistline portion, and a crotch portion provided between the front waistline portion and the rear waistline portion,respective one of both-side edges of the front waistline portion and respective one of both-side edges of the rear waistline portion are configured to be joined, andin the front waistline portion, a distance between an elastic member closest to a leg hole opening from among a plurality of elastic members extending in an almost straight line in a width direction and an edge at the leg hole opening side of the front waistline portion is configured to increase gradually after decreasing gradually from the both-side edges towards a center in the width direction.2. The absorbent article according to claim 1 , wherein the rear waistline portion includes: a hip portion in which the both-side edges of the rear waistline portion are joined with the both-side edges of the front waistline portion and which extends from an edge at one side of the rear waistline portion to an edge at the other side of the rear waistline portion in the width direction; and a leg hole portion that is closer to the crotch portion than the hip portion claim 1 ,the plurality of elastic members extend from the leg hole portion up to the hip portion along the leg hole opening, anda first portion in which a plurality ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130165895A1
Автор: WENNERBÄCK Margareta

A pant-type absorbent article having an absorbent assembly having an absorbent core and a chassis, wherein the front and back portions are joined to each other along two opposite longitudinal side edges to define a waist-opening and a pair of leg-openings, at least one of the front and back portions has an elastic web material, a crotch portion located between the front portion and the back portion in the longitudinal direction of the article, the front portion having a length in the longitudinal direction, the back portion having a length in the longitudinal direction, and the crotch portion having a length in the longitudinal direction, the absorbent assembly overlapping a distance with both the front and back portions, the article having a longitudinal and a transverse direction, wherein the absorbent assembly overlaps no more than 20% of the surface area of each of the front and back portions. 1132. A pant-type absorbent article comprising a longitudinal direction , a transverse direction , a longitudinal centerline , and an absorbent assembly comprising an absorbent core and a chassis , said chassis comprising a front portion and a back portion , wherein the front and back portions are joined to each other along two opposite longitudinal side edges to define a waist-opening and a pair of leg-openings , at least one of the front and back portions comprises an elastic web material , the elastic web material extending continuously from one longitudinal side edge of the front portion or the back portion , across the longitudinal centerline , and to the other longitudinal side edge , said article further comprising a crotch portion located between the front portion and the back portion in the longitudinal direction of the article , said front portion having a length (b) in the longitudinal direction , said back portion having a length (b) in the longitudinal direction , and said crotch portion having a length (b) in the longitudinal direction , said absorbent ...

18-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130184669A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A disposable pull-on wearing article including a pant-shaped chassis and an absorbent panel. A pull-on wearing article includes a pants-shaped chassis and an absorbent panel. The chassis has a front portion including a front waist region and part of a crotch region and a rear portion including a rear waist region and part of the crotch region. The front portion has a plurality of front waist elastics extending in a width direction and the rear portion has a plurality of rear waist elastics extending in the width direction. A bottom elastic of the front waist elastics and a bottom elastic of the rear waist elastics are in a stretched state in front peripheral edge portion and rear peripheral edge portion of respective leg-openings and in a relaxed state in a portion of the crotch region defined between a pair of the leg-openings. 2. The wearing article according to claim 1 , wherein opposite lateral portions in the width direction of the chassis extend in the vertical direction to a lower end portion of the absorbent panel located in the crotch region.3. The wearing article according to claim 1 , wherein the opposite lateral portions in the width direction of the chassis are prepared separately of the elements forming the front and rear waist regions and panel elements including neither the front waist elastics nor the rear waist elastics are interposed between the front waist region and the rear waist region.4. The wearing article according to claim 1 , wherein the bottom elastic in the front waist elastics and the bottom elastic in the rear waist elastics extend across the crotch region but not to inner thigh areas of the crotch region.5. The wearing article according to claim 4 , wherein the inner thigh areas of the crotch region include none of elastics extending in front-back direction in a stretched state.6. The wearing article according to claim 1 , wherein a portion of the front waist region defined below the front end portion of the absorbent panel is ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Disposable pull-on garment

Номер: US20130211363A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article having a longitudinal centerline, a front region, a crotch region, and a back region. The absorbent article has a main portion, a side portion, and a waist portion. The waist portion has a belt portion that has a front belt portion having elastomeric material and a back belt portion having elastomeric material. The front belt portion has a first elastic section and a second elastic section, each section having force zones. The back belt portion has a third elastic section and a fourth elastic section, each section having force zones. The force zones in the portions alternate between a high force zone and a low force zone in at least one belt portion.

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Elastic Member Cutting Roll System, Method, and Absorbent Article Made Therefrom

Номер: US20130261589A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

The present disclosure relates to apparatuses for cutting an elastic member suitable for use in absorbent articles. The cutting roll system includes: an anvil roll; and a cutting roll adjacent the anvil roll, the cutting roll adapted to rotate about a roll axis, and wherein the cutting roll comprises a knife block; wherein the knife block comprises at least two rows of knife edges, each row having at least two knife edges arrayed linearly parallel to the roll axis; each row of knife edges circumferentially spaced apart from each other; each knife edge oriented at an angle which does not match with the roll axis direction or a roll circumferential direction, the roll circumferential direction being perpendicular to the roll axis direction; the knife edges in the same knife block staggered with each other such that each elastic strand in the region is cut no more than once. 1. A cutting roll system for cutting a plurality of elastic strands in a region , the cutting roll system comprising:an anvil roll; anda cutting roll adjacent the anvil roll, the cutting roll adapted to rotate about a roll axis, and wherein the cutting roll comprises a knife block;wherein the knife block comprises at least two rows of knife edges, each row having at least two knife edges arrayed linearly parallel to the roll axis; each row of knife edges circumferentially spaced apart from each other;each knife edge oriented at an angle which does not match with the roll axis direction or a roll circumferential direction, the roll circumferential direction being perpendicular to the roll axis direction;the knife edges in the same knife block staggered with each other such that each elastic strand in the region is cut no more than once.2. The cutting roll system of claim 1 , wherein the knife edge is a rotary die cutter.3. The cutting roll system of claim 1 , wherein the knife edges in the same knife block are oriented in the same angle to the roll axis.4. The cutting roll system of claim 1 , ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Pull-on wear article and method for producing the same

Номер: US20130281955A1
Принадлежит: Kao Corp

A pull-on wear article having a front portion that is adapted to be worn around the front side of a wearer, a crotch portion that is adapted to be worn along the wearer's crotch region, and a rear portion that is adapted to be worn around the wearer's rear side, which is formed into a pants form by bonding lateral side edges of the front portion and lateral side edges of the rear portion, wherein the front portion and the rear portion are each constituted by an outer cover in which an inner layer material and an outer layer material are laminated, the outer cover has plural single layer areas that are formed of the inner layer material or the outer layer material at intervals in the direction of length of the outer cover, and the laminate areas where the inner layer material and outer layer material are laminated have elasticity in the waist-surrounding direction of the outer cover.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Elastic Composite Having Cross-Directional Elasticity and a System and Method for Making the Elastic Composite

Номер: US20130310790A1
Принадлежит: DSG Technology Holdings Ltd

A method of making an elastic composite is described that entails conveying a first sheet of material on a conveyor, and wrapping a section of elastic about the first sheet and the conveyor, thereby applying elastics cross directionally across the first sheets. A second sheet of material is applied onto the first sheet having elastics applied thereon, thereby creating a subcomposite including the first sheet, the second sheet, and elastics sandwiched therebetween, wherein a plurality of elastics extend outward from the one side of the subcomposite, about the conveyor, and return into an opposite side of the subcomposite. The sub-composite is cut through the first and second sheets and the elastics, thereby separating the sub-composite into a first carrier and a second carrier, each carrier including a first material layer and a second material layer, whereby a plurality of spaced apart elastic elements extend from the first carrier to the second carrier, the first and second carriers defining an exposed elastic region therebetween formed by the plurality of spaced apart elastic elements. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. (canceled)17. (canceled)18. (canceled)19. (canceled)20. (canceled)21. (canceled)22. (canceled)23. (canceled)24. (canceled)25. (canceled)26. (canceled)27. A method of making an elastic composite comprising:conveying a first sheet of material;wrapping a section of elastic about the first sheet, thereby applying elastics cross directionally across the first sheet;applying a second sheet of material onto and into union with the first sheet having elastics applied thereon, whereby the elastics extend from the union through one side of the union and encircle to return into the union though another side of the union; andcutting through the first and second sheets and the elastics to ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317471A1

The present disclosure is directed to an absorbent article that may comprise a main body graphic zone. A front belt portion and a back belt portion may each have a waist end region adjacent a waist opening, wherein front and back waist panels of an absorbent main body do not overlap with front or back waist end regions. The front and back belt portions may each have a leg end region adjacent the proximal edges. Left and right side panels of the front and back belt portions may each have a tummy belt region between the waist end region and the leg end region. And, the waist end region may have an opacity of at least 15 points greater than that of the tummy belt region. 1. An absorbent article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction , comprising a front belt portion , a back belt portion , and an absorbent main body , the center of the front belt portion is joined to a front waist panel of the absorbent main body , the center of the back belt portion is joined to a back waist panel of the absorbent main body , the front and back belt portion each having a left side panel and a right side panel where the absorbent main body does not overlap , and the respective left and right side panels of the front belt portion and the back belt portion are joined with each other only at the respective transverse edges to form a waist opening and two leg openings , each front belt portion and back belt portion having transversely continuous proximal and distal edges , the proximal edge being located closer than the distal edge relative to the longitudinal center of the article , wherein:the absorbent main body comprises a main body graphic zone;the front belt portion and the back belt portion each have a waist end region adjacent the waist opening, wherein the front and back waist panels of the absorbent main body do not overlap with the front or back waist end regions;the front belt portion and the back belt portion each have a leg end region adjacent the ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140031782A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A disposable wearing article adapted to prevent body exudates from leaking sideways beyond leg-opening peripheries and to prevent the wearer's body from being soiled with body exudates. Front and rear waist regions are elastically contractible at least in a transverse direction and a crotch region is provided in laterals with a pair of lateral elastic regions which are elastically contractible in a longitudinal direction. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction being orthogonal to the longitudinal direction , including:a skin-facing surface;a non-skin-facing surface;a front waist region;a rear waist region; anda crotch region lying between the front and rear waist regions, wherein:the front and rear waist regions are elastically contractible at least in the transverse direction;the crotch region is provided in lateral portions with a pair of lateral elastic regions adapted to be elastically contractible in the longitudinal direction, and a liquid-absorbent structure is located between the pair of lateral elastic regions;a cantilever bending resistance in a substantially central portion of the crotch region including the liquid-absorbent structure is in a range of about 15 to about 140 mm; anda length dimension measured from an inner side edge of one of the lateral elastic regions to an inner side edge of another lateral elastic region is in a range of about 0.5 to about 1.0 times of a length dimension in the transverse direction of a waist-opening periphery in one of the front and rear waist regions measured under tension in the transverse direction.2. The wearing article according to claim 1 , wherein the liquid-absorbent structure is formed of superabsorbent polymer particles wrapped with a liquid-permeable sheet in a sheet-like configuration and a thickness dimension of the crotch region in the substantially central portion thereof including the liquid-absorbent structure is about 5.0 mm or less.3. The wearing ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000664A1

A disposable diaper having front and rear augmented waistband zones having a specified size and stiffness is disclosed. For relatively thinner, less bulky diapers of currently marketed designs, providing augmented waistband zones is believed to reduce mental and physical effort for the caregiver in application of the diaper. The augmented waistband zones provide a robust-feeling structure proximate the waist edges, which the caregiver may grasp at front and rear to adjust the diaper on the wearer. Caregiver perception of a need to reach deeper into the diaper structure to grasp it at a thicker area to tug at it is believed to be reduced. 1. A disposable diaper , comprising:a liquid permeable topsheet forming a wearing-facing surface; a liquid impermeable backsheet forming an outward-facing surface; a front region ending at a front waist edge; a rear region ending at a rear waist edge; an overall length measured from the front waist edge to the rear waist edge; a left and right longitudinal edges connecting the front and rear waist edges; a longitudinal axis dividing the backsheet into left and right halves; left and right fastening members each extending laterally from the respective left and right longitudinal edges in the rear region and each having a mechanical fastener proximate an end thereof; a landing zone in the front region configured to cooperate with the mechanical fasteners to effect attachment therebetween; and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and backsheet, the absorbent core comprising a layer comprising absorbent gelling material and a separate layer of liquid acquisition/distribution material, the absorbent core having a front core edge, a rear core edge and a core length measured from the front core edge to the rear core edge, the core length being less than the overall length, the absorbent core comprising superabsorbent particles;respective front and rear augmented waistband zones in the respective front and rear waist regions, ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000659A1

Absorbent articles comprising a multilayer outer cover comprising a first outer layer and a second outer layer comprising a component that exhibits at least partial elastic recovery after mechanical activation in the machine direction; an inner layer, disposed between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, the inner layer comprising elastic strands; and wherein at least one of the first outer layer and second outer layer is laminated to the inner layer. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a topsheet;an outer cover; andan absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the outer cover; a first outer layer and a second outer layer, wherein at least one of the first or second outer layers comprises a component that exhibits at least partial elastic recovery after mechanical activation in the machine direction;', 'an inner layer, disposed between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, the inner layer comprising elastic strands; and', 'wherein at least one of the first outer layer and second outer layer is laminated to the inner layer., 'wherein the outer cover comprises a multilayer substrate comprising2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer comprising elastic strands is prestrained.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the outer layers comprises a film-nonwoven laminate.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the outer layers comprises a film comprising at least one elastomeric component.5. The absorbent article of claim 4 , wherein at least one elastomeric component is a polyolefin.6. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the outer layers comprises a multilayer nonwoven structure comprising at least one elastomeric component.7. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein an outer layer that is mechanically-activated in the machine direction is prestrained.8. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer and the outer layer that exhibits at least ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000661A1

A disposable absorbent article may include a first waist region, a second waist region, a crotch region disposed between the first and the second waist regions, and a chassis having a topsheet, backsheet, absorbent core, and chassis periphery. The chassis periphery has a varying width, W. The varying width Whas a first maximum width, W, in the first waist region, a minimum width, W, in the crotch region, and a second maximum width, W, in the second waist region, wherein Wis greater than W. 1. A disposable absorbent article for wearing about the lower torso of a wearer , the disposable absorbent article comprising:a first waist region having a first waist edge, a second waist region having a second waist edge, a crotch region disposed between the first and second waist regions; and a first longitudinal edge and a second longitudinal edge; and a longitudinal centerline;a chassis comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and backsheet; anda back ear joined to the chassis in the second waist region;{'sub': v', 'v', '1', 'min', '2', '1', '2, 'wherein the first longitudinal edge, second longitudinal edge, first waist edge and second waist edge define a chassis periphery and the chassis periphery comprises a varying width, W, the varying width Wcomprising a first maximum width, W, in the first waist region, a minimum width, W, in the crotch region, and a second maximum width, W, in the second waist region, wherein Wis greater than W.'}2. The disposable absorbent article of wherein the back ear comprises a highly extensible ear.3. The disposable absorbent article of wherein the backsheet comprises a material perimeter claim 1 , the material periphery being coterminous with the chassis periphery.4. The disposable absorbent article of wherein the back ear is joined to a garment-facing side of the backsheet.5. The disposable absorbent article of further comprising a fastening system joined to the back ear claim 4 , the fastening ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Wearable Absorbent Article With Robust Feeling Waistband Structure

Номер: US20150005728A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A disposable diaper having front and rear augmented waistband zones having a specified size and stiffness is disclosed. For relatively thinner, less bulky diapers of currently marketed designs, providing augmented waistband zones is believed to reduce mental and physical effort for the caregiver in application of the diaper. The augmented waistband zones provide a robust-feeling structure proximate the waist edges, which the caregiver may grasp at front and rear to adjust the diaper on the wearer. Caregiver perception of a need to reach deeper into the diaper structure to grasp it at a thicker area to tug at it is believed to be reduced.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011958A1
Автор: Yoshioka Toshiyasu

A disposable wearing article in which waist elastics are attached at least in a rear waist region of front and rear waist regions so that a space between a core and the wearer's skin is formed which functions as a pocket for retaining excretions such as feces or the like. A diaper includes front and rear waist panels in which front and rear waist elastics are attached and a crotch panel extending therebetween. With regard to the crotch panel, front and rear end edges are joined to the skin facing sides of the front and rear waist panels respectively such that the front and rear end edges of the core are overlapped with the front and rear waist panels. In the front and rear waist panels, inelastic regions, first elastic regions, and second elastic regions are formed respectively. In the crotch panel, a pair of first cuffs in which the gasket elastics is attached are formed, and the front and rear end portions are intersected with the front and rear waist elastics in the gasket elastics. 1. A disposable wearing article having in a developed plane view a longitudinal direction and lateral direction , comprising:a skin facing side and a non-skin facing side opposite thereto;front and rear waist regions;a crotch region extending between the front and rear waist regions;a first waist panel which defines one of the front and rear waist regions and is elastically contractible in the lateral direction;a second waist panel which defines the other of the front and rear waist regions and is elastically contractible in the lateral direction;a crotch panel extending between the first and second waist panels in the longitudinal direction to define a crotch region; anda body fluid absorbent structure located in the crotch panel, wherein:the body fluid absorbent structure includes a liquid-absorbent core and a liquid-permeable covering sheet covering the core;the crotch panel is provided with first and second panel-end edges extending in the lateral direction and joined on the skin ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Low-bulk, closely-fitting disposable absorbent pant for children

Номер: US20170020746A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A low-bulk disposable absorbent pant for a child is disclosed. The pant may have a belt structure formed of a stretch laminate of a pre-strained elastic film between two nonwoven layers. The belt may have a relaxed lateral size and a stretched lateral size that is at least 150% of the relaxed lateral size, the relaxed lateral size being no more than 400 mm. The pant may include one or more of waistband, leg band and supplemental elastic members.

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Absorbent Articles With Elastics In Multiple Layers

Номер: US20170020747A1

Absorbent articles that include elastics in multiple layers are disclosed herein. 1. An absorbent article having a center chassis , the center chassis comprising a topsheet , a backsheet and an absorbent core , the absorbent article comprising:a front waist region and a front waist edge;a back waist region and a back waist edge;a front inner belt portion disposed in the front waist region;a front outer belt portion disposed in the front waist region;a back inner belt portion disposed in the back waist region;a back outer belt portion disposed in the back waist region;a first plurality of elastics disposed in the front inner belt portion and inward of the front outer belt portion;a second plurality of elastics disposed in the front outer belt portion and outward of the front inner belt portion;a third plurality of elastics disposed in the back inner belt portion and inward of the back outer belt portion; anda fourth plurality of elastics disposed in the back outer belt portion and outward of the back inner belt portion;wherein at least one longitudinally opposing edge of the front outer belt portion is curved relative to a lateral centerline on the center chassis;wherein at least one of the first, second, third and fourth plurality of elastics comprise elastics that are curved relative to the lateral centerline on the center chassis;wherein at least a portion of at least one of the first, second, third and fourth pluralities of elastics comprise anchoring elastics;wherein at least a portion of at least one of the first, second, third and fourth pluralities of elastics comprise shaping elastics;wherein the absorbent article is disposable and wearable and wherein the front and back inner belt portions are disposed inward of the backsheet and the front and back outer belt portions are disposed outward of the backsheet.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein at least one longitudinally opposing edge of the front inner belt portion is curved relative to the lateral ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having Multiple Graphic Zones

Номер: US20170027770A1

An absorbent article includes a first waist region, a second waist region, and a crotch region, wherein the first waist region and second waist region are joined with each other such that a pair of side seams are formed and the absorbent article has two leg openings and a waist opening. At least one of the first waist region or the second waist region include a first graphic zone, a second graphic zone, and a third graphic zone, wherein the first graphic zone, the second graphic zone, and the third graphic zone are disposed at a side seam of the absorbent article. 1. An absorbent article comprising at least one elastomeric belt , a first waist region , a second waist region , and a crotch region , wherein the first waist region and second waist region are joined with each other such that a pair of side seams are formed such that the absorbent article comprises two leg openings and a waist opening , wherein at least one of the first waist region and the second waist region comprise: at least a portion of a main body graphic zone , a first graphic zone , a second graphic zone , and a third graphic zone , wherein the first graphic zone , the second graphic zone , and the third graphic zone are disposed at a side seam of the absorbent article , and wherein the main body graphic zone , the first graphic zone , the second graphic zone , and the third graphic zone are all disposed on the at least one elastomeric belt , wherein the main body graphic zone is disposed in an overlapping configuration with a main body of the absorbent article , and wherein the crotch region comprises a crotch region graphic zone such that the second graphic zone and the crotch region graphic zone are aligned to create a uniform graphical element , and the crotch region graphic zone is not substantially underlying the at least one elastomeric belt.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the first graphic zone is disposed at a waist edge and extends circumferentially about the first waist ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации

Stretch laminates

Номер: US20170028680A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A stretch laminate having a first substrate is adhesively attached to an elastic film. The adhesive is applied in a continuous manner to the substrate in a first tack down region which is disposed proximate to an end of the stretch laminate. The adhesive is applied as a plurality of adhesive stripes in an activation region which is interior of the first tack down region. The adhesive stripes have a width and a distance between adjacent adhesive stripes. The ratio of stripe width to distance between the adhesive stripes is in the range of less than about 1 or greater than about 0.33.

29-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150032072A1

A disposable wearing article includes an annular elastic waist panel having a front waist panel and a rear waist panel joined to each other and a crotch panel provided with an absorbent structure and connected to the elastic waist panels. Respective inner end edges of the front and rear waist panels cooperate with lateral edges of the crotch panel extending in a longitudinal direction to form a pair of leg-openings' peripheries. The crotch panel includes a pair of leg sheets connected to both lateral edges of the absorbent structure. The respective leg sheets include inner regions adjoining to the absorbent structure and outer regions adjoining the inner regions so that the inner regions rise above the absorbent structure along both lateral edges of the absorbent structure to define the leg-openings' peripheries and the outer regions are bent outwardly in the transverse direction so as to define the leg-openings' peripheries. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction , including:a front waist region;a rear waist region;a crotch region extending between the front and rear waist regions;an annular elastic waist panel including a front waist panel and a rear waist panel joined to each other so as to define the front and rear waist region;a crotch panel joined to the elastic waist panel so as to define the crotch region;an absorbent structure joined to the front and rear waist panels and the crotch panel; anda pair of leg-openings' peripheries lying on both sides in the transverse direction of the crotch region, wherein,in a state that the wearing article is flatly developed after the front and rear waist panels have been disjoined from each other, the front and rear waist panels have inner end edges and outer end edges respectively spaced apart from and opposed to each other in the longitudinal direction and extending in the transverse direction, the inner end edges of the front and rear waist panels lie closer to the ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029897A1

The present invention discloses a disposable diaper with a reusable waistband (including disposable diapers for adults and babies), which comprises a disposable diaper and an attachable waistband. Two waistband attachments are symmetrically formed in the back of the disposable diaper. The attachable waistband is made of a non-woven fabric. Several elastic bands are fixed onto the inner side of the attachable waistband. Two removable adhesive strips are formed in the middle region of the inner side of the attachable waistband and corresponding to the waistband attachments of the disposable diaper. Two corresponding hook-and-loop fasteners are respectively formed on two ends of the attachable waistband. The disposable diaper of the present invention is easy to wear. The attachable waistband of the present invention can be repeatedly used. Therefore, the present invention saves user much money and favors environmental protection. 1123126242352. A disposable diaper with a reusable waistband , comprising a disposable diaper () and an attachable waistband () , wherein two waistband attachments () are symmetrically formed in a back of said disposable diaper (); said attachable waistband () is made of a non-woven fabric; a plurality of elastic bands () is fixed onto an inner side of said attachable waistband (); two removable adhesive strips () are formed in a middle region of said inner side of said attachable waistband () and corresponding to said waistband attachments (); two corresponding hook-and-loop fasteners () are respectively formed on two ends of said attachable waistband ().211. The disposable diaper with a reusable waistband according to claim 1 , wherein a girth of said disposable diaper () for adults has three sizes: 155-165 cm for a large size claim 1 , 165-175 cm for an enlarged size claim 1 , and 175-190 cm for an extra-large size; a girth of said disposable diaper () for babies has three sizes: 60-80 cm for a large size claim 1 , 80-100 cm for an enlarged ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029898A1

The invention relates to a disposable incontinence diaper (), with a main part () comprising a front region (), a rear region () with rear lateral longitudinal edges (), and rear side portions () attached on both sides to the rear region (), whereas no side portions () are attached to the front region (), and instead front lateral longitudinal edges () of the main part () form a free-ending longitudinal edge of the diaper, wherein the rear side portions () can each be placed in a circumferential direction around the body of a user, in order to apply and close the disposable incontinence diaper () on the user, and can be brought into an overlapping arrangement with an outer face of the front region () at which they can then be affixed releasably via the respective closure means (), wherein the rear side portions () have an extent Q in the transverse direction () in the state when spread out flat but not stretched, wherein the rear side portions () are elastically extensible within this extent Q in the transverse direction () and for this purpose have an elastic or elasticated region () extended in the transverse direction () and in the longitudinal direction (), wherein this extent Q in the transverse direction () comprises a proximal portion (), adjoining the rear lateral longitudinal edge (), and a free-ending distal portion (), and wherein the proximal portion (), starting from the rear lateral longitudinal edge (), extends in the transverse direction () by a length that is 65% of the extent Q of a rear side portion (), characterized in that the respective elastic or elasticated region () of the rear side portions () is arranged completely within the proximal portion () and reaches the assigned rear lateral longitudinal edge () or is at a distance of at most 30 mm from the rear lateral longitudinal edge () in the transverse direction (), and in that the respective rear side portions () are substantially non-extensible in the entire distal portion (). ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030158A1

A method of making an elastic composite is described that entails conveying a first sheet of material on a conveyor, and wrapping a section of elastic about the first sheet and the conveyor, thereby applying elastics cross directionally across the first sheets. A second sheet of material is applied onto the first sheet having elastics applied thereon, thereby creating a subcomposite including the first sheet, the second sheet, and elastics sandwiched therebetween, wherein a plurality of elastics extend outward from the one side of the subcomposite, about the conveyor, and return into an opposite side of the subcomposite. The sub-composite is cut through the first and second sheets and the elastics, thereby separating the sub-composite into a first carrier and a second carrier, each carrier including a first material layer and a second material layer, whereby a plurality of spaced apart elastic elements extend from the first carrier to the second carrier, the first and second carriers defining an exposed elastic region therebetween formed by the plurality of spaced apart elastic elements. 1. An elastic composite comprising:a first nonwoven layered carrier;a second nonwoven layered carrier; anda plurality of mutually spaced apart, cross-directional elastic elements extending generally laterally from the first carrier to the second carrier thereby forming an elastic region therebetween.2. The elastic composite of claim 1 , wherein the elastic region consists of a plurality of elastic elements providing an exposed elastic construction.3. The elastic composite of claim 2 , wherein each of the first and second nonwoven carriers includes a first nonwoven layer claim 2 , a second nonwoven layer claim 2 , and the ends of the plurality of mutually-spaced apart elastic elements sandwiched therebetween.4. The elastic composite of claim 2 , wherein the elastic region further includes an upper nonwoven layer and a lower nonwoven layer claim 2 , the upper and lower nonwoven layers ...

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036181A1

An absorbent article comprising a first and second plurality of elastics. The first plurality of elastics may be disposed in a front and a crotch region. The second plurality of elastics may be disposed in a back region and the crotch region. The first and second plurality of elastics may be linear and parallel with a transverse axis of the article. 1. An absorbent article comprising a front region , a crotch region , and a back region , the absorbent article comprising:a first inner belt web;a second inner belt web;an outer cover web extending from a front waist edge to a back waist edge;a first plurality of elastics disposed between the first inner belt web and the outer cover web;a second plurality of elastics disposed between the second inner belt web and the outer cover web;first and second laterally opposed side seams joining the first and second inner belt webs together, such that a waist opening and first and second leg openings are formed;each of the laterally opposed side seams comprising a waist end edge and a leg end edge;a first axis from the leg end edge of the first side seam to the leg end edge of the second side seam, along the first inner belt, the first axis defining the transition between the front region and the crotch region;the area between the first axis and a transverse axis of the absorbent article defining a front crotch region;a second axis from the leg end edge of the first side seam to the leg end edge of the second side seam, along the second inner belt, the second axis defining the transition between the back region and the crotch region;the area between the second axis and a transverse axis of the absorbent article defining a back crotch region;wherein the first plurality of elastics are disposed in the front region and the front crotch region;wherein the second plurality of elastics are disposed in the back region and the back crotch region;wherein the first inner belt extends longitudinally from the front region into the front ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200038256A1

An absorbent article can include a chassis including an absorbent body. The chassis can include a body facing surface. The absorbent article can also include a waist containment member. The waist containment member can include a proximal portion coupled to the body facing surface of the chassis and a distal portion that includes a distal edge. The proximal portion includes proximal portion elastic members and the distal portion can include distal portion elastic members. The distal portion can be free to move with respect to the chassis when the absorbent article is in a relaxed configuration. 1. An absorbent article including a front waist region including a front waist edge , a rear waist region including a rear waist edge , a crotch region disposed intermediate the front waist edge and the rear waist edge , the absorbent article defining a longitudinal axis , a lateral axis located midway between the front waist edge and the rear waist edge and a vertical axis , the absorbent article comprising:a chassis including an absorbent body, the chassis including a body facing surface; anda waist containment member disposed on the body facing surface of the chassis, the waist containment member having a first longitudinal side edge and a second longitudinal side edge, a first end edge and a second end edge;the waist containment member having a proximal portion with a proximal edge defining a proximal portion lateral width between the first longitudinal side edge and the second longitudinal side edge in the proximal portion, the waist containment member including a proximal portion elastic member, the proximal portion being coupled to the body facing surface of the chassis adjacent the front waist edge or the rear waist edge; andthe waist containment member having a distal portion with a distal edge defining a distal portion lateral width between the first longitudinal side edge and the second longitudinal side edge in the distal portion; the proximal portion lateral width ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having a Folded Waist

Номер: US20200038259A1

An article including a front region, a back region, and a chassis. The chassis may include an absorbent core having a front end edge and a back end edge. The front region and the back region may extend laterally outward beyond side edges of the chassis. The front region and the back region may abut to form a first seam and a second seam. At least one of the front region and the back region may include an elastic member. A first outer nonwoven layer of the front region and a second outer nonwoven layer of the back region may be folded to form an upper edge in the front and back regions such that a distal end of each of the first and second outer nonwoven layer may be disposed between the upper edge and the front and back end edges of the absorbent core, respectively. 1. A pull-on wearable article comprising:a front region;a back region opposite the front region;a first central longitudinal axis extending parallel to a vertical plane equally bisecting the front region;a second central longitudinal axis extending parallel to a vertical plane equally bisecting the back region;a crotch region disposed between the front region and the back region, wherein the crotch region comprises two opposing longitudinal edges;a chassis comprising an absorbent core extending from the front region to the back region, the absorbent core comprising a front end edge and a back end edge;wherein the front region extends laterally outward beyond side edges of the chassis and the back region extends laterally outward beyond side edges of the chassis;wherein the front region comprises a first front edge and a second front edge, wherein the first front edge extends in a direction parallel to the first central longitudinal axis, and wherein the second front edge extends in a direction parallel to the first central longitudinal axis;wherein the back region comprises a first back edge and a second back edge, wherein the first back edge extends in a direction parallel to the second central ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045932A1

A method for producing a chassis web for a disposable pant article, the method including feeding a first continuous base web in a machine direction; attaching a continuous elastic waistband component to the first base web in an attachment area extending in the machine direction; attaching a second continuous base web to the first continuous base web and the continuous waistband component, covering at least the continuous waistband component, thereby forming a compound base web having first and second side edges, the attachment area being spaced apart from at least one of the first and second side edges of the compound base web; severing the compound base web and the attached waistband component by cutting; shifting positions of the first panel web and the second panel web in a cross machine direction; forming a coherent chassis web. 1. (canceled)2. A method for producing a chassis web for a disposable pant article , the method comprising:feeding a first continuous elastic base web in a machine direction, said first continuous elastic base web having first and second side edges extending in said machine direction;attaching a continuous elastic waistband component to said first elastic base web in an attachment area, said attachment area extending in said machine direction and being arranged between said first and said second side edges of said first base web, wherein the first base web comprises, in order from the first side edge to the second side edge: a first panel portion, the continuous elastic waistband component, and a second panel portion;attaching a second continuous base web to said first continuous elastic base web and said continuous elastic waistband component, covering at least said continuous waistband component, said second continuous base web having first and second side edges extending in said machine direction thereby forming a compound base web having first and second side edges, said attachment area being spaced apart from at least one of said ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045938A1

Pant-like absorbent articles having improved chassis structures are disclosed. One pant-like garment comprises a front panel comprising a front garment-side layer, a front body side layer, and front elastic members therebetween, and a rear panel comprising a rear garment-side layer, a rear bodyside layer, and rear elastic members between the rear garment-side layer and the rear bodyside layer, a portion of the rear elastic members proximate a rear waist end edge are being uncovered by one of the rear garment-side layer and the rear bodyside layer. The garment may further comprise a rear secondary elastic member disposed overlapping the uncovered portion of the rear elastic members, and wherein one of the rear garment-side layer and the rear bodyside layer is folded over the rear panel secondary elastic member and overlaps the other one of the rear garment-side layer and the rear bodyside layer. 1. A pant-like disposable absorbent garment extending in a longitudinal direction and a lateral direction and having a longitudinal centerline and a lateral centerline , the garment having a front region defining a front waist end edge , a rear region defining a rear waist end edge , and a crotch region longitudinally between the front and rear regions , the crotch region defining two laterally opposed crotch side edges , and the garment defining a garment length extending from the front waist end edge to the rear waist end edge , the garment comprising: a front panel garment-side facing layer,', 'a front panel body-side facing layer, and', 'one or more front panel chassis elastic members disposed between the front panel garment-side facing layer and the front panel body-side facing layer;, 'a front waist panel disposed in the front region comprising a rear panel garment-side facing layer,', 'a rear panel body-side facing layer, and', 'one or more rear panel chassis elastic members disposed between the rear panel garment-side facing layer and the rear panel body-side facing ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150045758A1

A disposable absorbent article worn about the lower torso of a wearer includes at least one serviceable indicium that facilitates the process of fitting the absorbent article to the wearer by providing an apparent visual and physical indication when the article is not properly fitted. The apparent visual and physical indication includes a detectable distortion of the waist opening, the leg openings or both the waist opening and the leg openings. The detectable distortion includes at least one serviceable indicium disposed on a portion of the waist opening or leg opening or both that becomes flipped in towards an inner surface of the article or flipped out towards the outer surface of the article when the article is not properly fitted. 1. A disposable absorbent article to be worn about a lower torso of a wearer including a topsheet , a backsheet and a core disposed therebetween , a waist opening defined by a waist opening edge having a front portion having a center and a rear portion and two leg openings defined by respective leg opening edges , the disposable absorbent article comprising:at least one serviceable indicium disposed on the article along the waist opening edge at the center of the front portion to form a first portion of the article including the at least one serviceable indicium, wherein the at least one serviceable indicium comprises a variation of color, wherein the first portion has a first buckling force which is greater than a second buckling force of a second portion of the article immediately adjacent and inboard of the first portion;wherein the first buckling force and the second buckling force are measured by the Buckling Force Test Method set forth herein.2. The disposable absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the at least one serviceable indicium comprises a separate element attached along the waist opening edge at the center of the front portion.3. A disposable absorbent article to be worn about a lower torso of a wearer claim 1 , the ...

12-02-2015 дата публикации

Diaper With Cuff Connector

Номер: US20150045759A1

The invention relates to an infant or adult diaper. More particularly, the invention relates to an infant or adult diaper having a first longitudinally extending elastic cuff and a second longitudinally extending elastic cuff each have a distal edge, at least the crotch region of which is not attached to the diaper and forms a free flap. 1. An infant or adult diaper having a longitudinal centerline and a lateral centerline perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline , wherein the diaper comprises a topsheet and a backsheet and positioned therein between an absorbent core , and a first longitudinally extending elastic cuff and second longitudinally extending elastic cuff , the first and the second elastic cuff being positioned on either longitudinal side of the topsheet and opposing each other , and wherein the diaper has a crotch region , positioned in between a front region and a back region and the first and the second longitudinally extending elastic cuff each have a crotch region , positioned in between a front region and a back region , these regions of the longitudinally extending elastic cuffs being generally positioned in or adjacent to the respective regions of the diaper , and the first longitudinally extending elastic cuff and the second longitudinally extending elastic cuff each have a proximal edge , at which the respective longitudinally extending elastic cuff is attached to the diaper and the the first longitudinally extending elastic cuff and the second longitudinally extending elastic cuff each have a distal edge , at least the crotch region of which is not attached to the diaper and forms a free flap and wherein the diaper comprises a cuff connector being attached to the first longitudinally extending elastic cuff and the second longitudinally extending elastic cuff , extending in a generally transverse direction and being able to extert a force between the first longitudinally extending elastic cuff and the second longitudinally extending elastic ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Textured Laminate Structure, Absorbent Articles With Textured Laminate Structure, And Method for Manufacturing

Номер: US20170042745A1

A textured laminate structure and absorbent articles having a component formed of the textured laminate structure are disclosed. The textured laminate structure may have a first layer formed of a nonwoven web having a preexisting pattern of first apertures therethrough, a second layer, and one or more elastic members disposed between the first and second layers in a prestrained condition. The laminate structure may be discontinuously joined or bonded such that the first layer is joined or bonded to the structure in first portions and unjoined or unbonded to the structure in second portions. The structure provides a stretch laminate with tactilely and visually interesting features, and may be used to form components of a disposable absorbent article such as a side panel thereof. 2. The laminate structure of wherein the first nonwoven web comprises continuous filaments spun from one or more polymers selected from the group consisting of polypropylene claim 1 , polyethylene claim 1 , poly-lactic acid claim 1 , polyethylene terephthalate and combinations thereof.3. The laminate structure of wherein the continuous filaments comprise multicomponent filaments.4. The laminate structure of wherein the multicomponent filaments have a core-and-sheath or side-by-side arrangement.5. The laminate structure of wherein the filaments have been hydroentangled.6. The laminate structure of wherein the first nonwoven web has a pattern of pre-bonds thereon.7. The laminate structure of wherein the pre-bonds are thermal bonds.8. The laminate structure of wherein the pre-existing pattern of first apertures is substantially similar to the pattern of pre-bonds in one or more of: machine-direction spacing claim 6 , cross-direction spacing claim 6 , aperture shape and aperture size.9. The laminate structure of wherein the second layer is formed of a second nonwoven web.10. The laminate structure of wherein the second nonwoven web has a second preexisting pattern of second apertures therethrough ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042785A1

An absorbent article includes a first waist region, a second waist region and a crotch region disposed between the first and second waist regions; and a chassis comprising a topsheet, a backsheet and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet. The absorbent article also includes an ear disposed in one of the waist regions. The ear includes a laminate having a first nonwoven and a second nonwoven and an elastomeric material sandwiched between said first and second nonwovens in an elasticized region. The laminate also includes a first bonding region comprising a first plurality of ultrasonic bonds having a first bond density, and a second bonding region comprising a second plurality of ultrasonic bonds having a second bond density. The first bond density is greater than the second bond density. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a first waist region, a second waist region and a crotch region disposed between the first and second waist regions;a chassis comprising a topsheet, a backsheet and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet; and a proximate side and a distal side, a width and a length;', 'an elasticized region; and', a first nonwoven and a second nonwoven and an elastomeric material sandwiched between said first and second nonwovens in the elasticized region;', 'a first bonding region comprising a first plurality of ultrasonic bonds having a first bond density, and', 'a second bonding region comprising a second plurality of ultrasonic bonds having a second bond density,, 'a laminate comprising], 'an ear disposed in one of the first or second waist regions, the ear comprisingwherein the first bond density is greater than the second bond density.2. The absorbent article of wherein the first bond density is at least 5% greater than the second bond density.3. The absorbent article of wherein the first and second bond densities are determined by bond frequency.4. The absorbent article of wherein the first bond density ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Elastic Laminates and Methods for Assembling Elastic Laminates for Absorbent Articles

Номер: US20180042787A1

The present disclosure relates to elastic laminates and methods for assembling elastic laminates that may be used to make absorbent article components. Elastic laminates may include one or more reinforcement layers positioned between unstretched portions of elastic materials and substrates to which the elastic materials are bonded. 1. A method for assembling elastic laminates , the method comprising the steps of:providing a first substrate and a second substrate, the first substrate and the second substrate each comprising a first surface and an opposing second surface, a first longitudinal edge and a second longitudinal edge separated from the first longitudinal edge to define a width in a cross direction;providing a first elastic material and a second elastic material, the first elastic material and the second elastic material each comprising a first edge region and a second edge region separated from the first edge region in the cross direction by a central region;stretching the central region of the first elastic material in the cross direction;stretching the central region of the second elastic material in the cross direction;advancing the first elastic material to position the stretched central region of the first elastic material in contact with the second surface of the first substrate;advancing the second elastic material to position the stretched central region of the second elastic material in contact with the second surface of the first substrate, and wherein the second edge region of the second elastic material is separated from the first edge region of the first elastic material in a cross direction;advancing the second substrate in a machine direction to position the first surface of the second substrate in contact with the stretched central regions of the first and second elastic materials;providing a first reinforcement layer between the first edge region of the first elastic material, the second edge region of the second elastic material, and ...

19-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150051569A1
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corporation

A disposable wearing article includes, in an inner end portion of a front waist region, a pair of first side elastic zones spaced apart from each other in a transverse direction and a first middle inelastic zone lying between the first side elastic zones. The article further includes, in an inner end portion of a rear waist region, a pair of second side elastic zones spaced apart from each other in the transverse direction and a second middle inelastic zone lying between the second side elastic zones. A crotch panel includes a pair of leg elastics intersecting with the first and second side elastic zones. A dimension in the transverse direction of the second middle inelastic zone is larger than that of the first middle inelastic zone. A dimension in the transverse direction of the respective first intersection zones is larger than that of the respective second intersection zones. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction being orthogonal to the longitudinal direction , comprising:a skin-facing surface;a non-skin-facing surface;a front waist region, a rear waist region;a crotch region extending between the front and rear waist regions;an annular elastic waist panel defining the front and rear waist regions;a crotch panel defining the crotch region; and the front waist region includes outer and inner end edges spaced apart from and opposite to each other in the longitudinal direction, a pair of first side elastic zones extending in the transverse direction and spaced apart from and opposite to each other in the transverse direction, and a first middle inelastic zone lying between the first side elastic zones;', 'the rear waist region includes outer and inner end edges spaced apart from and opposite to each other in the longitudinal direction, a pair of second side elastic zones extending in the transverse direction and spaced apart from and opposite to each other in the transverse direction, and a second middle ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Elastic Laminates and Methods for Assembling Elastic Laminates for Absorbent Articles

Номер: US20190046363A1

The present disclosure relates to elastic laminates and methods for assembling elastic laminates that may be used to make absorbent article components. Elastic laminates may include one or more reinforcement layers positioned between unstretched portions of elastic materials and substrates to which the elastic materials are bonded. 1. A taped absorbent article comprising:a topsheet;a backsheet;an absorbent core positioned at least partially intermediate the topsheet and the backsheet;a front waist region;a back waist region; anda discrete ear laminate joined to the front waist region or the back waist region and extending outwardly therefrom; a first nonwoven substrate;', 'a second nonwoven substrate; and', 'an elastic material positioned at least partially intermediate the first nonwoven substrate and the second nonwoven substrate;', 'wherein the first nonwoven substrate partially overlaps itself to create a folded over portion;', 'wherein the folded over portion overlaps a first portion of the elastic material; and', 'wherein the elastic material is free of overlap from itself., 'wherein the discrete ear laminate comprises2. The taped absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic material is generally planar and free of folds.3. The taped absorbent article of claim 1 , comprising a fastener comprising a fastener element claim 1 , wherein a portion of the fastener overlaps a portion of the folded over portion.4. The taped absorbent article of claim 1 , comprising a reinforcement layer intermediate the first nonwoven substrate and the second nonwoven substrate.5. The taped absorbent article of claim 4 , wherein the reinforcement layer overlaps a second portion of the elastic material.6. The taped absorbent article of claim 4 , wherein the reinforcement layer is positioned proximate to a first end of the discrete ear laminate claim 4 , and wherein the folded over portion is positioned proximate to a second end of the discrete ear laminate.7. The taped absorbent ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052439A1

One example pant-like garment may comprise a front panel comprising a front garment-side layer, a front body-side layer, and one or more front chassis elastic members disposed between the front garment-side layer and the front body-side layer, and a rear panel comprising a rear garment-side layer, a rear body-side layer, one or more rear chassis elastic members disposed between the rear garment-side layer and the rear body-side layer, and one or more rear panel leg elastic members directly overlapping the one or more rear chassis elastic members in a vertical direction perpendicular to longitudinal and lateral directions. The garment may further comprise an absorbent assembly disposed between the front panel and the rear panel. 1. A pant-like disposable absorbent garment extending in a longitudinal direction and a lateral direction and having a central longitudinal axis and a central lateral axis , the garment having a front region defining a front waist end edge , a rear region defining a rear waist end edge , and a crotch region longitudinally between the front and rear regions , the crotch region defining two laterally opposed crotch side edges , and the garment defining a garment length extending from the front waist end edge to the rear waist end edge , the garment comprising: a front panel garment-side facing layer,', 'a front panel body-side facing layer, and', 'one or more front panel chassis elastic members disposed between the front panel garment-side facing layer and the front panel body-side facing layer;, 'a front waist panel disposed in the front region comprising a rear panel garment-side facing layer,', 'a rear panel body-side facing layer,', 'one or more rear panel chassis elastic members disposed between the rear panel garment-side facing layer and the rear panel body-side facing layer;, 'a rear waist panel disposed in the rear region comprisingone or more rear panel leg elastic members directly overlapping the one or more rear panel chassis ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046577A1

Absorbent articles comprising a multilayer outer cover comprising a first outer layer and a second outer layer comprising a component that exhibits at least partial elastic recovery after mechanical activation in the machine direction; an inner layer, disposed between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, the inner layer comprising elastic strands; and wherein at least one of the first outer layer and second outer layer is laminated to the inner layer. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a topsheet;an outer cover; andan absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the outer cover; a first outer layer and a second outer layer, wherein at least one of the first and second outer layers comprises a component that exhibits at least partial elastic recovery;', 'an inner layer, disposed between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, the inner layer comprising elastic strands; and', 'wherein at least one of the first outer layer and second outer layer is laminated to the inner layer; and', 'wherein at least one of the first and second outer layers comprises a film comprising at least one elastomeric component., 'wherein the outer cover comprises a multilayer substrate comprising2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the inner layer comprising elastic strands is prestrained.3. An absorbent article comprising:a topsheet;an outer cover; andan absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the outer cover; a first outer layer and a second outer layer, wherein at least one of the first and second outer layers comprises a component that exhibits at least partial elastic recovery;', 'an inner layer, disposed between the first outer layer and the second outer layer, the inner layer comprising elastic strands; and, 'wherein the outer cover comprises a multilayer substrate comprisingwherein at least one of the first outer layer and second outer layer is laminated to the inner layer; andwherein at least one of the first and second outer layers ...

08-05-2014 дата публикации

Disposable Absorbent Article with Overlapping Absorbent Assembly Secured to Front and Back Panels

Номер: US20140128830A1

A disposable absorbent article has front and back panels, each having an elastic film layer and each having first and second zones. The first zone of each panel is extensible and retractable and the second zone of each panel is non-extensible and non-retractable. Each of the front and back panels has first and second side edges. An absorbent assembly is secured to the front and back panels. The absorbent assembly has a first end secured to the second zone of the front panel and a second end secured to the second zone of the back panel. A pair of seams join the front and back panels together at the first and second side edges to form a disposable absorbent article having a waist opening and a pair of leg openings. 1. A disposable absorbent article comprising:a) a front panel having a first zone and a second zone, said first zone being extensible and retractable and said second zone being non-extensible and non-retractable, said front panel also having a first end, a second end, a first side edge and a second side edge, said first zone extending from said first side edge to said second side edge, and said second zone is spaced inward from said first and second side edges and inward from said first end and coterminous with said second end, such that said extensible and retractable first zone abuts said first and second side edges along their entire length and surrounds said second zone on three sides;b) a back panel having a first zone and a second zone, said first zone being extensible and retractable and said second zone being non-extensible and non-retractable, said back panel also having a first side edge and a second side edge, and said second zone of said back panel is spaced inward from said first and second side edges of said back panel;c) an absorbent assembly including a liquid pervious bodyside liner, a liquid-impervious outer cover, and an absorbent positioned therebetween, said absorbent assembly having a first end and a second end, said absorbent assembly ...

10-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220071816A1

A wearable article comprising an elastic laminate which forms an elastic belt. The elastic laminate comprises an inner web and an outer web being in face to face relationship with each other. The inner web and the outer web are each formed of a hydrophilic nonwoven web. At the front and back waist edge, the elastic laminate comprises a fold over region wherein the outer web is extended beyond the elastic laminate, and the extended portion of the outer web is folded over the inner web. 1. A wearable article having a longitudinal direction extending from a front waist edge to a back waist edge , and a transverse direction extending perpendicular to the longitudinal direction ,the wearable article comprising an elastic laminate which forms an elastic belt with a front belt and a back belt which are discontinuous in the longitudinal direction of the article and wherein left and right transverse edges of the front belt and the back belt are joined by side seams to form two leg opening and such that the front and back waist edge jointly form a continuous waist opening,the elastic laminate comprising an inner web and an outer web being in face to face relationship with each other, the inner web and outer web being comprised by the complete surface area of the elastic laminate;wherein the inner web and the outer web are each formed of a hydrophilic nonwoven web comprising at least 90 weight-% synthetic fibers based on the total weight of the respective inner web and outer web;wherein, at the front and back waist edge, the elastic laminate comprises a fold over region wherein the outer web is extended beyond the elastic laminate, and the extended portion of the outer web is folded over the inner web, such that a portion of the elastic belt comprises the inner web sandwiched between the outer web and the extended portion of the outer web, wherein the extended folded over portion has a longitudinal extension parallel with the longitudinal direction of the wearable article, the ...

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160058628A1

A wearable article comprising: a main body comprising an outer cover layer and a backsheet attached to the skin-facing surface of the outer cover layer; and a ring-like elastic belt comprising a front belt and a back belt; the backsheet comprising a printed main artwork observable from the garment-facing side of the article. The main artwork exists in the vicinity of the proximal edge of the central panel of at least one of the front and back belts, extends from at least one of the front and back central panels into the crotch panel; and comprises a belt area artwork displayed on the central panel and a crotch area artwork displayed on the crotch panel. The relationship of the opacity of the outer cover layer to the opacity of the central panel overlayed on the garment facing side of the backsheet is defined herein. 1. A wearable article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction comprising: a main body comprising an outer cover layer at the most garment-facing side and a backsheet attached to the skin-facing surface of the outer cover layer; and a ring-like elastic belt comprising a front belt and a back belt;the center of the front belt is joined to a front waist panel of the main body, the center of the back belt is joined to a back waist panel of the main body, the front and back belt each having a left side panel and a right side panel where the main body does not overlap, and the transverse edges of the front belt and the back belt are joined by a seam to form a waist opening and two leg openings, the main body having a crotch panel which is not joined to either the front belt or the back belt;each front belt and back belt having transversely continuous proximal and distal edges, the proximal edge being located closer than the distal edge relative to the longitudinal center of the article, each of the front belt and back belt each comprise an inner sheet and an outer sheet, wherein the backsheet comprises printing for providing:a main ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Method of Making Disposable Pants Having Underwear-like Waistbands, and Pant Made Thereby

Номер: US20140135727A1

A method of manufacturing disposable absorbent garments and a garment made thereby. In particular embodiments, the method comprises removing notches or holes of a garment web or webs adjacent to front and back waist edges to define a series of spaced apart front and back waist edge openings. The method includes providing front and back elastic waistband webs, and positioning the respective waistband webs to overlay at least a portion of each opening, and bonding the waistband webs to each other. The garment includes first and second waist edge cutouts, wherein two side seams extend from the waist edge cutouts to respective leg openings. The garment further includes front and back elastic waistbands attached to each other at first and second waistband side seams. 1. A method of manufacturing a plurality of disposable absorbent garments comprising:providing a front panel web traveling in a machine direction, the front panel web defining a front waist edge extending in the machine direction;providing a back panel web traveling in the machine direction, the back panel web defining a back waist edge extending in the machine direction;removing portions of the front panel web adjacent to the front waist edge to define a series of spaced apart front waist edge openings;removing portions of the back panel web adjacent to the back waist edge to define a series of spaced apart back waist edge openings;providing a front elastic waistband web and a back elastic waistband web;positioning the front elastic waistband web proximate the front waist edge such that the front elastic waistband web overlays at least a portion of each front waist edge opening;positioning the back elastic waistband web proximate the back waist edge such that the back elastic waistband web overlays at least a portion of each back waist edge opening;providing a supply of individual absorbent assemblies, each individual absorbent assembly having a front end and a back end, and attaching the front end of each ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087877A1

A stretch laminate is disclosed. The stretch laminate may include a first layer; a second layer; and one or more elastic members disposed between the first layer and the second layer. The first layer may include a nonwoven web material bearing a pattern of thermal bonds, including a plurality of bonds each having a length and a width, the length being oriented perpendicularly to the stretch direction and being greater than the width, for a majority of the bonds. The elastic member(s) may be joined with the first layer and the second layer while pre-strained in the stretch direction; when the stretch laminate is in a relaxed condition, at least the first layer may include a plurality of gathers comprising elongate ridges and valleys oriented transversely to the stretch direction. A disposable absorbent pant having an elasticized belt structure including the stretch laminate, is also disclosed. 2. The stretch laminate of wherein claim 1 , for a majority of the bonds in the pattern claim 1 , the length is greater than the width.3. The stretch laminate of wherein a majority of the bonds in the pattern have an aspect ratio of length to width of at least 2.4. The stretch laminate of wherein the pattern of bonds has a stretch direction repeat interval RDSD measured along an identifiable first line SDL parallel with the stretch direction claim 1 , a trans-stretch direction repeat interval RDX measured along a second line XL perpendicular to the stretch direction claim 1 , individual ones of the bonds arranged along the second line XL and within the trans-stretch direction repeat interval RDX have lengths claim 1 , individual ones of the bonds arranged along the first line SDL and within the stretch direction repeat interval RDSD have widths claim 1 , and the ratio of the sum of the lengths to the trans-stretch direction repeat interval RDX is greater than the ratio of the sum of the widths to the stretch direction repeat interval RDSD claim 1 , for any identifiable second ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatuses for Making Elastomeric Laminates

Номер: US20190070041A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to methods for making elastomeric laminates that may be used as components of absorbent articles. Aspects of the methods for assembling elastomeric laminates may utilize elastic strands supplied from beams that may be joined with first and second substrates, and may be configured to carry out various types of operations, such as bonding and splicing operations.

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Beamed elastomeric laminate structure, fit, and texture

Номер: US20190070042A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to stranded elastomeric laminates (including bi-laminates and tri-laminates) comprising beamed elastics and may have inventive Dtex-to-Nonwoven-Basis-Weight-Ratios, Dtex-to-Spacing-Ratios, and/or Void-Area-to-Strand-Area-Ratios. The stranded laminates of the present disclosure may be used for disposable absorbent article components (including pant belts) and may comprise inventive bonding arrangements that yield inventive textures and texture arrangements. When the inventive stranded elastomeric laminates are used for pant belts, the pants may have inventive Application-Forces, Sustained-Fit-Load-Forces, and Sustained-Fit-Unload-Forces. Further, when absorbent articles are packaged under compression at inventive In-Bag-Stack-Heights, the stranded elastomeric laminates of the present disclosure maintain their inventive properties and characteristics, including their inventive textures.

05-06-2014 дата публикации

Disposable Absorbent Garment Having Colored Facings and Integral Waistband

Номер: US20140155857A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

A garment comprises a laminate. The laminate comprises a first layer colored a first color, and a second layer colored a second color different than the first color. The laminate includes a folded flap in the waist region, thereby defining an integral, outwardly visible waistband having a waistband lower edge. The first layer and the second layer are coterminous at the waistband lower edge and the folded flap is an outwardly folded flap. The first layer is an inner layer and the second layer is an outer layer, and the outwardly visible waistband is colored the first color. The distinction between the first color and second color in conjunction with the fold creates a visible waistband effect.

14-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190076304A1

The present invention includes disposable absorbent articles, such as disposable undergarment, diapers, other garments, and wound care dressings, having an elastomeric material disposed between two substrate layers and an absorbent core system that disposed on top of or between the two substrate layers. This invention may also include a disposable article having an elastomeric material disposed between two substrate layers without an absorbent core. The inclusion of an stretch adhesive in the construction of the article in various portions of the article (e.g., fastening tabs, front and/or rear sections, entire article, etc.) results in improved securement of the article to a wearer for reducing the risk of leakage and further improving comfort for the wearer. Furthermore, the inclusion of a stretch adhesive can provide a smooth contoured fit to a wearer, thereby improving appearance and self-confidence for the wearer. 1. A disposable absorbent garment comprising:a body comprising:a front body section configured to be fitted against a front, or anterior, portion of a wearer's body, and a rear body section configured to be fitted against a rear, or superior, portion of the wearer's body; anda crotch section coupled to the front and rear body sections, the crotch section configured to be fitted against a crotch region of the wearer's body;wherein at least one of the front body section, rear body section, and crotch section comprises an elastomeric composite comprising an elastomeric material and is configured to stretch upon application of a force thereto.2. The disposable absorbent garment of claim 1 , wherein the crotch section comprises an insert assembly having at least an absorbent core comprising a liquid-absorbing material.3. The disposable absorbent garment of claim 2 , wherein the insert assembly further comprises an acquisition layer disposed between the absorbent core and a first substrate layer.4. The disposable absorbent garment of claim 3 , wherein the ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having Multiple Graphic Zones

Номер: US20190076306A1

An absorbent article includes a first waist region, a second waist region, and a crotch region, wherein the first waist region and second waist region are joined with each other such that a pair of side seams are formed and the absorbent article has two leg openings and a waist opening. At least one of the first waist region and the second waist region include graphics disposed in a first graphic zone, a second graphic zone, and/or a third graphic zone, wherein the first graphic zone, the second graphic zone. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a first elastomeric belt, a second elastomeric belt, and a chassis;a first waist region, a second waist region, and a crotch region;wherein the first and second belts are joined with each other such that a pair of side seams are formed such that the absorbent article comprises two leg openings and a waist opening;wherein at least two of the zones selected from the group consisting of a main body graphic zone, a first graphic zone, a second graphic zone, a third graphic zone, and a crotch region graphic zone comprise graphics that coordinate to form a composite graphical element;wherein the main body graphic zone, the first graphic zone, the second graphic zone, and the third graphic zone are all disposed on at least one of the first and second elastomeric belts, wherein the main body graphic zone is disposed in an overlapping configuration with a chassis of the absorbent article; andwherein a first end of the chassis overlaps a portion of the first elastomeric belt, and wherein a second end of the chassis overlaps a portion of the second elastomeric belt.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the first graphic zone comprises graphics disposed at a waist edge and extends circumferentially about the first waist region and the second waist region of the absorbent article.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the third graphic zone comprises graphics disposed between the first graphic zone and the second graphic ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Textured Laminate Structure, Absorbent Articles With Textured Laminate Structure, And Method for Manufacturing

Номер: US20150088088A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A textured laminate structure and absorbent articles having a component formed of the textured laminate structure are disclosed. The textured laminate structure may have a first layer formed of a nonwoven web having a preexisting pattern of first apertures therethrough, a second layer, and one or more elastic members disposed between the first and second layers in a prestrained condition. The laminate structure may be discontinuously joined or bonded such that the first layer is joined or bonded to the structure in first portions and unjoined or unbonded to the structure in second portions. The structure provides a stretch laminate with tactilely and visually interesting features, and may be used to form components of a disposable absorbent article such as a side panel thereof. 1. A textured laminate structure , comprising:a first layer formed of a first nonwoven web having a machine direction, the first nonwoven web being formed of polymeric fibers having a machine direction bias and having a first preexisting pattern of first apertures therethrough;a second layer; andone or more elastic members disposed between the first layer and the second layer and bonded therebetween, the elastic member having been disposed between the first and second layers in a pre-strained condition, thereby forming a pattern of rugosities extending in the z-direction present in at least the first layer when the laminate is in a relaxed condition,wherein the laminate structure is discontinuously joined or bonded such that the first layer is joined or bonded to the structure in first portions of the first layer and unjoined or unbonded to the structure in second portions of the first layer.2. The laminate structure of wherein the one or more elastic members comprise strands of elastomeric material.3. The laminate structure of wherein the one or more elastic members comprise a strip or film of elastomeric material.4. The laminate structure of claim 1 , wherein the rugosities have a machine ...

25-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210085532A1

The present disclosure relates to methods for assembling elastic laminates that may be used to make absorbent article components. Particular aspects of the present disclosure involve providing a first substrate and a second substrate, the first substrate and the second substrate, each having a width in a cross direction; providing an activated elastic material; elongating the activated elastic material; and ultrasonically bonding the first substrate together with the second substrate with the elongated activated elastic material positioned between the first substrate and the second substrate. 1. A method for assembling elastic laminates , the method comprising steps of:providing a first substrate and a second substrate, the first substrate and the second substrate, each having a width in a cross direction;providing an activated elastic material;elongating the activated elastic material; andultrasonically bonding the first substrate together with the second substrate with the elongated activated elastic material positioned between the first substrate and the second substrate.2. The method of wherein the step of elongating the activated elastic material comprises elongating the activated elastic material in a cross machine direction.3. The method of wherein the first substrate is a nonwoven.4. The method of wherein the seconds substrate is a nonwoven.5. The method of wherein the activated elastic material is an elastic film.6. The method of wherein the activated elastic material comprises a skin having a plurality of tears.7. The method of wherein the plurality of tears are formed by a ring rolling apparatus.8. The method of wherein the plurality of tears extend in a machine direction.9. The method of wherein the step of ultrasonically bonding the first substrate claim 1 , second substrate and elongated activated elastic material comprises disposing the first substrate claim 1 , second substrate claim 1 , and elongated activated elastic material proximate to a ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085633A1

Disclosed is an absorbent article comprising a front elastic belt region having a front absorbent core stiffness edge wherein a distance from a distal edge to the front absorbent core stiffness edge defines a length L2 no greater than about 77 mm, wherein the front elastic belt region is divided into 3 zones extending in the transverse direction and defined by its location from the distal edge wherein; 0-50% of L2 is a Zone 1, 50-100% of L2 is a Zone 2, and the remainder of the front elastic belt region is a Zone 3; wherein Zone 1 has a Vertical Stiffness Z1, Zone 2 has a Vertical Stiffness of Z2, and Zone 3 has a Vertical Stiffness of Z3, and wherein Z1 Подробнее

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085644A1

Disclosed is a wearable article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction comprising a front elastic belt region, a back elastic belt region, a crotch region, a waist opening and two leg openings; the crotch region extending longitudinally between the front elastic belt region and the back elastic belt region; the front elastic belt region having an area of A the crotch region having an area of A the back elastic belt region having an area of A according to the measurements herein; wherein the total of A A and A is less than about 1500 cm2, and having a relationship of A>A or A22 A wherein the article is a Size baby diaper. 1. A wearable article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction comprising a front elastic belt region , a back elastic belt region , a crotch region , a waist opening and two leg openings; the crotch region extending longitudinally between the front elastic belt region and the back elastic belt region;{'b': 1', '2', '3, 'the front elastic belt region having an area of A, the crotch region having an area of A, the back elastic belt region having an area of A, according to the measurements herein;'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '2', '3', '2', '1, 'sup': '2', 'wherein the total of A, A and A is less than about 1500 cm, and having a relationship of A>A or A>A;'}{'b': '4', 'wherein the article is a Size baby diaper.'}21. The article of claim 1 , wherein the transverse length of the crotch region L is between about 150 mm to about 210 mm according to the measurements herein.3414. The article of claim 1 , wherein the front elastic belt region and the back elastic belt region have the same effective belt width L claim 1 , wherein the ratio of the transverse length of the crotch region L to the effective belt width L is no more than about 0.7 according to the measurements herein.410. The article of claim 1 , wherein the crotch region comprises a pair of leg elastics extending at least partially along the longitudinal ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085645A1

Disclosed is a wearable article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction comprising a front elastic belt region, a back elastic belt region, a crotch region, a waist opening and two leg openings; the crotch region extending longitudinally between the front elastic belt region and the back elastic belt region; the front elastic belt region having an area of A, the crotch region having an area of A, the back elastic belt region having an area of A, the front elastic belt region having a front placement distance L, and the back elastic belt region having a back placement distance L according to the measurements herein; wherein the total of A, A and A is from about 1250 cmto about 1400 cm, and having a relationship of A>A>A; and wherein the ratio of L to L is no more than about 0.8. 1. A wearable article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction comprising a front elastic belt region , a back elastic belt region , a crotch region , a waist opening and two leg openings; the crotch region extending longitudinally between the front elastic belt region and the back elastic belt region;{'b': 1', '2', '3', '8', '9, 'the front elastic belt region having an area of A, the crotch region having an area of A, the back elastic belt region having an area of A, the front elastic belt region having a front placement distance L, and the back elastic belt region having a back placement distance L according to the measurements herein;'}{'b': 1', '2', '3', '3', '1', '2, 'sup': 2', '2, 'wherein the total of A, A and A is from about 1250 cmto about 1400 cm, and having a relationship of A>A>A; and'}{'b': 8', '9, 'wherein the ratio of L to L is no more than about 0.8.'}21223. The article of claim 1 , wherein the ratio of A to A is from about 1 to about 1.5 claim 1 , and the ratio of A to A is less than about 0.7.31. The article of claim 1 , wherein the transverse length of the crotch region L is from about 150 mm to about 210 mm according to ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Laminate and Process For Making Same

Номер: US20140171895A1

Laminates are described that contain a frangible layer adhered to at least one extensible layer, such as an elastic layer. In one embodiment, a frangible layer is positioned between two opposing elastic layers. The frangible layer includes lines of separation that generally extend in a first direction. The lines of separation allow the elastic layers to stretch and recover in a direction perpendicular or skew to the lines of separation. In one particular embodiment, the lines of separation comprise lines where the frangible layer has been weakened. The lines of separation can be formed after the laminate is made using groove rolls. 1. An elastic laminate comprising:a first elastic layer and a second extensible layer;a frangible layer positioned in between the first elastic layer and the second extensible layer, the frangible layer comprising a nonwoven material, a film or a foil; andwherein the elastic laminate has a first direction and a second direction and wherein the frangible layer includes lines of separation that extend in the first direction, the lines of separation decoupling the frangible layer from the elastic layer allowing the elastic layer to stretch and recover along the second direction.2. An elastic laminate as defined in claim 1 , wherein the second extensible layer comprises an elastic layer.3. An elastic laminate as defined in claim 1 , wherein the lines of separation define lines where the frangible layer has been at least partially severed.4. An elastic laminate as defined in claim 1 , wherein the frangible layer has an elongation at break that is less than about 75% of the elongation at break of the first elastic layer.5. An elastic laminate as defined in claim 1 , wherein the frangible layer comprises the nonwoven material claim 1 , the nonwoven material comprising a spunbond web claim 1 , a meltblown web claim 1 , a bonded carded web claim 1 , or a coform web.6. An elastic laminate as defined in claim 1 , wherein the frangible layer ...

19-06-2014 дата публикации

Disposable absorbent article having side panels with structurally, functionally and visually different regions

Номер: US20140171897A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A disposable absorbent article worn about the lower torso of a wearer includes at least one pair of side panels connecting a first waist region to a second waist region forming a waist opening and a pair of leg openings. Each side panel includes a waist region, a hip region and a leg region wherein the waist region, the hip region and the leg region differs structurally, functionally and visually to provide an improved initial fit and sustained fit while exhibiting a garment-like appearance.

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Relative Stiffness Fasteners

Номер: US20160095760A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

A first fastening member joined to an absorbent article. A second fastening member joined to the absorbent article. The first fastening member and the second fastening member each include a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface. The first surface of each of the first fastening member and the second fastening member includes a first engaging component and a second engaging component, respectively. The second surface of each of the first fastening member and the second fastening member includes a first receiving component and a second receiving component, respectively. The first engaging component is configured to engage a garment-facing surface of the second fastening member or a portion of a garment-facing surface of the absorbent article, and the second engaging component is configured to engage a garment-facing surface of the first fastening member or a portion of the garment-facing surface of the absorbent article.

07-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160095764A1

In one embodiment, an array of packages may comprise two or more different sizes of disposable absorbent articles. The Array Average Length Difference of at least the first and second absorbent articles in the array is less than about 65 mm and greater than about negative 10 mm. In another embodiment, a disposable absorbent article may have a Product Length is within about +/−40 mm of the Target Rise. 1. An absorbent article having a central chassis , the central chassis comprising a topsheet , a backsheet and an absorbent core , the absorbent article comprising:a front waist region and a front waist edge;a back waist region and a back waist edge;a front belt disposed in the front waist region;a back belt disposed in the back waist region;wherein the front and back belts are joined at seams to form a waist opening and leg openings;wherein the front belt comprises a first film;wherein the back belt comprises a second film;a plurality of elastic strands disposed along a portion of the leg openings;wherein the article has a Product Length and a Target Rise;wherein the Product Length is within about +/−40 mm of the Target Rise.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the first and second films are elastomeric.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent core comprises cellulosic fibers.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent core comprises absorbent gelling material.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , further comprising a graphic.6. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the seams are refastenable.7. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of elastics are disposed between a film layer of the backsheet and a nonwoven layer of the backsheet.8. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent article appears black when viewed on a wearer.9. An array of packages comprising two or more different sizes of absorbent articles claim 1 , the array comprising:a first package comprising a first ...

12-05-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220142828A1

The present disclosure relates to front and back waist belt assemblies for absorbent articles. In some configurations, an absorbent article may include an absorbent chassis. First and second belts may be connected with opposing end regions of the chassis. At least one of the first belt and the second belt may comprise: an elastic material positioned between and connected with a first substrate and a second substrate. A panel layer extending longitudinally from a first lateral edge to a second lateral edge may be connected with at least one of the first substrate and the second substrate. The panel layer and/or the first and/or second substrate of the first and/or second belts may include features that differ along a width and/or length of the belts. Such features may include belt tensioning, rugosities, bonding patterns, and/or aperture arrangements. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a chassis comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core positioned between the topsheet and the backsheet, the chassis further comprising a first end region and a second end region longitudinally separated from the first end region by a crotch region;a first belt connected with the first end region of the chassis;a second belt connected with the second end region of the chassis, wherein laterally opposing end portions of the second belt are connected with laterally opposing end portions of the first belt to form a waist opening;wherein at least one of the first belt and the second belt comprises:a distal edge extending along a portion of the waist opening;an elastic material positioned between and connected with a first substrate and a second substrate, the elastic material comprising a first plurality of elastic strands positioned between and connected with a first substrate and a second substrate, wherein the first plurality of elastic strands comprises an Average-Strand-Spacing from about 0.25 mm to about 4 mm and an Average-Dtex from about 10 to about 500;wherein the ...

05-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180092784A1

Absorbent articles that include elastics in multiple layers are disclosed herein. 1. An absorbent article having a center chassis , the center chassis comprising a topsheet , a backsheet and an absorbent core , the absorbent article comprising:a front waist region and a front waist edge;a back waist region and a back waist edge;an inner belt portion disposed in one or both of the front waist region and back waist region;an outer belt portion disposed in one or both of the front waist region and back waist region;a first elastic disposed in the inner belt portion; anda second elastic disposed in the outer belt portion;wherein the first elastic is formed from one or more of an elastic non-woven, elastic strands, elastic films and elastic ribbons;wherein the second elastic is formed from one or more of an elastic non-woven, elastic strands, elastic films and elastic ribbons;wherein at least a portion of the inner belt portion and the outer belt portion overlap;wherein the first elastic is separated from the second elastic by a layer of material;wherein one or both of the inner belt portion and outer belt portion comprise a layer selected from a group consisting of a nonwoven, a film, and a laminate that includes a nonwoven and a film; andwherein a portion of the inner belt portion overlaps a portion of the absorbent core.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the first elastic and the second elastic are made from different elastic materials.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein one or both of the inner belt portion and outer belt portion comprise elastic disposed in an arcuate configuration.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent article comprises a second inner belt portion claim 1 , and the second inner belt portion is disposed inwardly of the outer belt portion.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the inner belt portion and the outer belt portion are formed in part by at least one common layer.6. The absorbent article of ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160106601A1

In this diaper (A), both lateral side edge portions () of an outer cover () to which an absorbent assembly () is fixed are bonded together, so as to form a pair of side seals (). In a fixing part () where the outer cover () and the absorbent assembly () are fixed, the outer cover () has a weak-functioning region (WT) in which the elastic function is reduced. In each outer lateral side of the weak-functioning region (WT) and in each side seal (), a lateral-side adhesion region (IT) and a side-seal adhesion region (OT) are formed, respectively, in each of which elastic members () are fixed between an outer sheet () and an inner sheet () by an adhesive (). In each lateral-side adhesion region (IT) and each side-seal adhesion region (OT), the basis weight of the adhesive () in a section (IP, OP) where the elastic member () is arranged is higher than the basis weight of the adhesive () in a section (IN, ON) between a pair of adjacent elastic members (), and sections with high and low basis weights in adhesive () alternate repeatedly in the Y direction. 1. A pull-on absorbent article comprising:an outer cover including an outer sheet that constitutes an outer surface, an inner sheet that is arranged on an inner surface side of the outer sheet, and a plurality of thread-form elastic members that are arranged in a stretched state between the outer sheet and the inner sheet; and an absorbent assembly that is fixed to the inner sheet of the outer cover; andboth lateral side edge portions of the outer cover's front portion which is arranged on a front side of a wearer are bonded with respective lateral side edge portions of the outer cover's rear portion which is arranged on a rear side of the wearer so as to form a pair of side seals, a waist opening, and a pair of leg openings; wherein:in a fixing part where the outer cover and the absorbent assembly are fixed, the outer cover has a weak-functioning region in which the plurality of elastic members are each divided into a ...

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210137750A1
Автор: Ishikawa Yoshitake

A waist portion W has a first portion P and a second portion P each including a waist elastic member. The first portion P includes an over sheet layer folded back at an edge of a waist opening WO extending to an inside of a waist inner sheet layer. The over sheet layer is formed of a sheet material having a portion folded back at an edge of the waist opening WO from a position outside the waist elastic member in the second portion P and extending to a position inside the waist elastic member in the second portion P In the first portion P the waist elastic member is not fixed to the sheet material. In the second portion P the waist elastic member is fixed to the sheet material, and the sheet material is contracted in a width direction WD together with the waist elastic member. 1. An underpants-type disposable diaper comprising:an outer member forming at least lower torso portions of a front body and a back body;an inner member attached to the outer member so as to extend from the front body to the back body and including an absorber;a waist opening; anda pair of left and right leg openings,a waist portion of the outer member including: a plurality of elongated waist elastic members disposed in a width direction at intervals; a waist inner sheet layer facing insides of the waist elastic members; and a waist outer sheet layer facing outsides of the waist elastic members,the waist elastic members being bonded to the waist inner sheet layer and the waist outer sheet layer via a hot melt adhesive, whereinthe waist portion has a first portion closer to the waist opening than an intermediate portion in a front-back direction and a second portion opposite thereto, and the first portion and the second portion each have at least one of the waist elastic members,the first portion includes an over sheet layer folded back at an edge of the waist opening from an outside of the waist outer sheet layer and extending to an inside of the waist inner sheet layer,the over sheet layer is ...

27-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210154059A1

An absorbent article includes a first waist region, a second waist region, and a crotch region disposed between the first and second waist regions. The article also includes a chassis having a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and backsheet; and an ear joined to the chassis. The ear includes a laminate formed from a first nonwoven and second nonwoven and an elastomeric material sandwiched between said first and second nonwovens. The laminate further includes a plurality of ultrasonic bonds; and the first nonwoven includes an exterior surface having an average TS750 value of 5 db V2 rms or less. 1. An absorbent article comprising:a first waist region, a second waist region, a crotch region disposed between the first and second waist regions;a chassis comprising a topsheet, a backsheet, and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and backsheet; and a laminate comprising a first spunbond nonwoven and an elastomeric material, wherein the laminate further comprises a plurality of ultrasonic bonds; and', 'the first spunbond nonwoven has an Average Bond Area of 14% or less, a basis weight of 25 gsm or less, and an average bond major dimension of 1.25 mm or greater., 'an ear joined to the chassis and comprising2. The absorbent article of wherein the elastomeric material comprises a film.3. The absorbent article of wherein the film comprises a preactivated film.4. The absorbent article of wherein the elastomeric material comprises a basis weight of about 10 to about 100 gsm.5. The absorbent article of wherein the ear comprises an ear area and the elastic region comprises an elastic region area claim 1 , wherein said elastic region area is about 80% or less of the total ear area.6. The absorbent article of wherein the first spunbond nonwoven is void of a meltblown layer.7. The absorbent article of wherein the first spunbond nonwoven comprises an Average Bond Height of at least 0.35 mm.8. The absorbent article of wherein the ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180125728A1

A crotch member of a disposable under garment is joined to central portions of a symmetrical ventral member and a symmetrical dorsal member. A crotch side edge of the ventral member includes a recessed line symmetrically recessed toward a waist side edge between a center line and left and right end portions of the ventral member. The recessed line includes bottom portions each closest to the waist side edge located at a position closer to the left and right end portions than the center line. A crotch side edge of the dorsal member include a protruding line symmetrically protruding away from a waist side edge between a centerline and left and right end portions of the dorsal member. The protruding line includes top portions farthest away from the waist side edge located at a position closer to the centerline than the left and right end portions. 1. A disposable undergarment comprising:a ventral member;a dorsal member including left and right end portions respectively joined to left and right end portions of the ventral member; anda crotch member joined to both central portions of the ventral member and the dorsal member,wherein each of the ventral member and the dorsal member includes an elastic body that is expandable and shrinkable at least in a left-right direction, andin a state where the ventral member and the dorsal member are separated from each other and expanded,a left half of a crotch side edge of the ventral member has a same shape as a shape of a right half of a crotch side edge of the dorsal member,a right half of the crotch side edge of the ventral member has a same shape as a shape of a left half of the crotch side edge of the dorsal member,the left half and the right half of the crotch side edge of the ventral member are symmetrical about a center line of the ventral member,the left half and the right half of the crotch side edge of the ventral member respectively include a left recessed line and a right recessed line recessed in a direction toward a ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Prestretched elastic film in personal hygiene products

Номер: US20180126619A1
Принадлежит: Berry Global Inc, Berry Plastics Corp

Stretched elastic films include a polyolefin, a styrene block copolymer, a non-styrene block copolymer, or a combination thereof. Methods for forming polymeric films and articles of manufacture prepared therefrom are described

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128281A1

In a disposable diaper, a back waist region includes a belt region extending in a transverse direction on a skin-facing surface and a downward openable pocket facing, in a front-back direction, a central sub-region in the transverse direction of the belt region. The pocket is defined by a pocket outside wall facing the middle portion in the front-back direction and extending upward from the crotch region, a pocket inside wall facing the pocket outside wall and the belt region, respectively, in the front-back direction, and being continuous with the pocket outside wall through a folded portion and extending downward from the fold line so as to become continuous with the pocket inside wall of the middle portion in the belt region, and both pocket lateral portions formed from the respective lateral portions of the inside and outside walls, and tucked inward in the transverse direction. 1. A disposable diaper having , in its state put on a wearer's body , an upward direction , a downward direction , a transverse direction and a front-back direction , and including a skin-facing surface , a non-skin-facing surface , a front waist region , a back waist region and a crotch region extending between the front and back waist regions , wherein:the back waist region includes a belt region extending in the transverse direction on the skin-facing surface and a downwardly openable pocket located on the non-skin-facing surface and facing a central sub-region in the transverse direction of the belt region in the front-back direction; a pocket outside wall extending upward from the crotch region;', 'a pocket inside wall facing the pocket outside wall and the belt region, respectively, in the front-back direction, and being continuous with the pocket outside wall through the folded portion extending in the transverse direction and extending downward from the folded portion so as to become continuous with the pocket inside wall; and', 'in both lateral portions of the pocket inside and ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190133840A1

An absorbent article includes a chassis having a substantially rectangular shape a first portion, a second portion and a crotch portion extending between the first and second portion, a portion of the chassis being configured to absorb fluids. The absorbent article includes a first securement portion operatively coupled to the first portion of the chassis. The absorbent article includes a second securement portion operatively coupled to the second portion of the chassis and configured to releasably attach to the first securement portion. The chassis is configured to include one of a first chassis length or a second chassis length. When the chassis includes the first length, the chassis includes a first width and the first securement portion includes a second width, and when the chassis includes the second length, the chassis includes the first width and the first securement portion includes a third width, greater than the second width. 1. A method of manufacturing a first absorbent article having a first size and a second absorbent article having a second size , the method comprising the steps of: [ a first chassis length extending in a longitudinal direction from the back to the front of a user,', 'a first chassis width extending in a lateral direction substantially perpendicular to the length between first and second longitudinal edges,', 'a front waist region,', 'a back waist region, and', 'a crotch region extending between the first and second portion;, 'forming a first chassis comprising, a first panel width extending in a lateral direction from the first longitudinal edge of the first chassis, and', 'a first panel length extending longitudinally along the first longitudinal edge of the first chassis;, 'attaching a first panel to the back waist region of the first chassis, the first panel comprising], 'assembling the first absorbent article by [ a second chassis length extending in a longitudinal direction from the back to the front of a user, wherein the ...

09-05-2019 дата публикации

Absorbent article

Номер: US20190133846A1
Принадлежит: Koyo Corp

An absorbent article that includes a stretchable region made of an elastic sheet. The elastic sheet includes a first non-stretchable sheet, an elastic film and a second non-stretchable sheet. The first non-stretchable sheet, the elastic film and the second non-stretchable sheet are laminated in this order. The elastic sheet includes joining-opening sections formed by joining the first non-stretchable sheet and the second non-stretchable sheet. The elastic film includes an opening at each of the joining-opening sections. The opening is formed while the elastic film is stretched in a stretchable direction. Each of the joining-opening sections includes the opening and a joint. The joining-opening sections include an adjacent joining-opening section that includes at least two joining-opening sections that are arranged adjacently in a direction inclined with respect to the stretchable direction.

10-06-2021 дата публикации

Absorbent articles with elastomeric laminates

Номер: US20210169708A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

An absorbent article includes a topsheet, backsheet and absorbent core disposed between a portion of the topsheet and the backsheet, and an elastomeric laminate. The elastomeric laminate includes a first nonwoven, a second nonwoven, and a preactivated film positioned between the first and second nonwoven; and a plurality of ultrasonic bonds. The absorbent core comprises absorbent material and at least one channel, wherein the at least one channel is substantially free of absorbent material.

28-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150148768A1

A diaper includes front and rear waist panels respectively defining front and rear waist regions, a crotch panel defining a crotch region, and an absorbent structure extending in a longitudinal direction. The crotch panel has a base sheet and a pair of leg sheets attached to both lateral edge portions of the base sheet. In vicinities of front and rear end portions of the crotch panel, first joint regions extending in a transverse direction from the base sheet beyond outer lateral edge portions of the respective leg sheets are formed. Through these joint regions, the crotch panel is joined to the front and rear waist panels. Cover sheets adapted to cover the front and rear end portions are joined to an interior crotch sheet of the crotch panel through second joint regions. The cover sheets extend outwardly in the transverse direction beyond the first joint regions. 1. A wearing article having a longitudinal direction in parallel to a longitudinal axis , a transverse direction in parallel to a transverse axis , a skin-facing surface , and a non-skin-facing surface lying on a side opposite to the skin-facing surface , the article comprising:front and rear waist panels respectively defining front and rear waist regions;a crotch panel defining a crotch region; andan absorbent structure lying at least on the crotch panel, wherein:the crotch panel has front and rear end portions extending in the transverse direction and lateral edge portions extending in the longitudinal direction, wherein the front and rear end portions are joined to the front and rear waist panels through first joint regions, and at least the first joint region in the rear waist panel overlaps with the lateral edge portions of the crotch panel; anda cover sheet covering the rear end portion and the corresponding first joint region in the crotch panel is attached to the rear waist panel.2. The wearing article according to claim 1 , whereinleg elastics extending in the longitudinal direction are ...

14-08-2014 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having Telescoping Waist

Номер: US20140228798A1
Принадлежит: The Procter & Gamble Company

A disposable absorbent article including a chassis. The chassis includes a front region having two opposing longitudinal edges, a back region having two opposing longitudinal edges, and a crotch region having two longitudinal edges. The crotch region is disposed between said front and back regions, and at least two side panels extend outwardly from the two opposing longitudinal edges of one or both of the front or back regions. The side panels may interconnect the front and the back regions to form a waist opening and a pair of leg openings. The article exhibits a pre-application side panel length, L, and a post-application side panel length, L, such that Lis less than L. The article may also include a plurality of graphics. 1. A pull-on wearable article comprising:a front region having two opposing longitudinal edges and a first elasticized waist feature;a back region opposite the front region, wherein the back region includes two opposing longitudinal edges;a crotch region disposed between the front region and the back region;a first front side panel and a second front side panel each extending laterally outward from the opposing longitudinal edges of the front region;a first back side panel and a second back side panel each extending laterally outward from the opposing longitudinal edges of the back region;wherein the first front side panel and the first back side panel abut to form a first seam;wherein the second front side panel and the second back side panel abut to form a second seam;wherein the first elasticized waist feature overlaps a portion of at least one of the first front side panel and the second front side panel;wherein the side panels are configured to join the front region and the back region, and wherein at least one of the side panels comprises an elastic member, wherein the elastic member comprises a film having one or more apertures;a topsheet disposed in at least a portion of the front region, the back region, and the crotch region;a ...

15-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220287887A1

The present disclosure relates to assembling elastic laminates that may be used to make absorbent article components. Methods herein may include an anvil adapted to rotate about an axis of rotation, wherein first and second spreader mechanisms adjacent the anvil roll are axially and angularly displaced from each other with respect to the axis of rotation. During the assembly process, a substrate may be advanced in a machine direction onto the rotating anvil. The first spreader mechanism stretches a first elastic material in the cross direction, and the second spreader mechanism stretches a second elastic material in the cross direction. The stretched first and second elastic materials advance from the spreader mechanisms and onto the substrate on the anvil roll. The combined and elastic materials may then be ultrasonically bonded together on the anvil to form at least one elastic laminate. 1. A method of spreading an elastic material in a cross-machine direction , the method comprising: a first disk comprising a first outer rim; and', 'a second disk comprising a second outer rim;, 'providing a spreader mechanism comprisingwherein the first disk and the second disk are canted relative to each other; 'a first channel defined in the first outer rim, a first plurality of support members planar with a first surface of the first outer rim and extending over portions of the first channel, and a single row of a first plurality of nubs extending radially outwardly from the first surface of the first outer rim;', 'wherein the first outer rim comprises 'a second channel defined in the second outer rim, a second plurality of support members planar with a second surface of the second outer rim and extending over portions of the second channel, and a single row of a second plurality of nubs extending radially outwardly from the second surface of the second outer rim;', 'wherein the second outer rim comprisesapplying a vacuum pressure to the first and second channels;conveying the ...

07-05-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200138641A1

A garment-like absorbent article can have a front region, a back region, and a central region extending between and connecting the front region and the back region. The front region and the back region of the absorbent article can be formed from a combination of elastic materials. The combination of the elastic materials can be asymmetrically configured about the absorbent article to provide an improved fit of the absorbent article to the body of the wearer as well as to provide the wearer with an absorbent article that resembles traditional woven underwear. 1. An absorbent article comprising: i. a front panel upper edge, a front panel lower edge, a first front side edge, and a second front side edge;', 'ii. a first longitudinal length between the front panel upper edge and the front panel lower edge;', 'iii. a first elastomeric panel comprising a first material selected from an elastomeric film, an elastomeric nonwoven web or a laminate of at least one elastomeric polymeric film layer and at least one nonwoven web layer;', 'iv. a first laminate comprising elastomeric strands and a nonwoven layer and defining a front waist portion having a front waist portion longitudinal length and a front central chassis portion having a front central chassis portion longitudinal length;, 'a. a front region comprising a front panel comprising i. a back panel upper edge, a back panel lower edge, a first back side edge, and a second back side edge;', 'ii. a second longitudinal length between the back panel upper edge and the back panel lower edge;', 'iii. a second elastomeric panel comprising a second material selected from an elastomeric film, an elastomeric nonwoven web or a laminate of at least one elastomeric polymeric film layer and at least one nonwoven web layer;', 'iv. a second laminate comprising elastomeric strands and a nonwoven layer and defining a back waist portion having a back waist portion longitudinal length and a back central chassis portion having a back central ...

17-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210177666A1

Disclosed is a ring-like elastic belt having a longitudinal direction and a lateral direction comprising: a pair of side seams which join the lateral edges of the front belt and the back belt such that the front fold over and the back fold over cooperatively define a distal edge of the ring-like elastic belt, the side seam made by a hot air bond which at least partially melts material of the elastic laminate, the side seam having continuity of the melted material along the substantial entirety of its longitudinal dimension; wherein the side seam has a Belt Minimum Peel Strength of at least about 6N/25 mm, a Belt Maximum Peel Strength of no more than 18N/25 mm, and a Top Bottom Difference of no more than 15%, according to the measurements herein. 1. A ring-like elastic belt having a longitudinal direction and a lateral direction comprising:a front belt and a back belt, each of the front belt and back belt being an elastic laminate comprising a first substrate layer, a second substrate layer, and a plurality of elastic bodies joined between the first substrate layer and the second substrate layer, each of the front belt and the back belt further comprising a fold over of at least one of the first substrate layer and the second substrate layer wherein the fold over of the front belt has a longitudinal dimension shorter than the front belt, and the fold over of the back belt has a longitudinal dimension shorter than the front belt,a pair of side seams which join the lateral edges of the front belt and the back belt such that the front fold over and the back fold over cooperatively define a distal edge of the ring-like elastic belt, the side seam made by a hot air bond which at least partially melts material of the elastic laminate, the side seam having continuity of the melted material along the substantial entirety of its longitudinal dimension;wherein the side seam has a Belt Minimum Peel Strength of at least about 6N/25 mm, a Belt Maximum Peel Strength of no more ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170156942A1

A disposable absorbent article may comprise a core comprising pockets of superabsorbent polymer formed between the areas of attachment, the pockets comprising superabsorbent polymer. The disposable absorbent article may also have an abdominal stretch panel attached to an exterior surface of the backsheet in one or a combination of the front and back waist regions. 1. An absorbent article , comprising:a front waist region, a back waist region, and a crotch region;an absorbent core comprising a first layer and a second layer;wherein the first layer joined to the second layer at areas of attachment, the areas of attachment extending longitudinally;pockets formed between the areas of attachment, the pockets comprising superabsorbent polymer;wherein the first layer comprises alternating ridges and valleys formed by altered and unaltered regions of the first layer;first and second barrier cuffs;wherein the first and second barrier cuffs are longitudinally extending, laterally opposed, and comprise longitudinally extending elastic elements;abdominal stretch panels attached to an exterior surface of a backsheet in the front and back waist regions;wherein the abdominal stretch panels extends laterally and circumferentially along the front and back waist edges such that the abdominal stretch panels overlaps the longitudinal axis;wherein the abdominal stretch panels are discrete from the backsheet; andwherein the abdominal stretch panels comprise an elastic layer comprising elastomeric strands.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the backsheet comprises a film layer and a nonwoven layer.3. The absorbent article of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the film layer forms the first and second barrier cuffs.4. The absorbent article of claim 2 , wherein the absorbent core is joined to the film layer of the backsheet.5. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the absorbent core comprises airfelt.6. The absorbent article of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Indicating Improper Fit

Номер: US20170156949A1

A disposable absorbent article worn about the lower torso of a wearer includes at least one serviceable indicium that facilitates the process of fitting the absorbent article to the wearer by providing an apparent visual and physical indication when the article is not properly fitted. The apparent visual and physical indication includes a detectable distortion of the waist opening, the leg openings or both the waist opening and the leg openings. The detectable distortion includes at least one serviceable indicium disposed on a portion of the waist opening or leg opening or both that becomes flipped in towards an inner surface of the article or flipped out towards the outer surface of the article when the article is not properly fitted. 1. A disposable absorbent article to be worn about a lower torso of a wearer including a topsheet , a backsheet and a core disposed therebetween , a waist opening defined by a waist opening edge , the absorbent article having a front portion , a rear portion , and two leg openings defined by respective leg opening edges , the disposable absorbent article comprising:a first serviceable indicium disposed on a body-facing surface of the article and that is contiguous with a majority of the waist opening edge in the front portion to form a first portion of the article including the first serviceable indicium, wherein the first serviceable indicium comprises a variation of color relative a remainder of the article, wherein the first portion has a first buckling force which is greater than a second buckling force of a second portion of the article immediately adjacent and inboard of the first portion;wherein the first buckling force and the second buckling force are measured by the Buckling Force Test Method set forth herein; anda second serviceable indicium disposed on the body-facing surface of the article and that is contiguous with a majority of the waist opening edge in the rear portion.2. A disposable absorbent article to be worn ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150164707A1

A disposable absorbent article may comprise a core comprising pockets of superabsorbent polymer formed between the areas of attachment, the pockets comprising superabsorbent polymer. The disposable absorbent article may also have an abdominal stretch panel attached to an exterior surface of the backsheet in one or a combination of the front and back waist regions. 1a front waist region, a back waist region, and a crotch region;an absorbent an absorbent core comprising a first layer and a second layer;wherein the first layer joined to the second layer at areas of attachment, the areas of attachment extending longitudinally;pockets formed between the areas of attachment, the pockets comprising superabsorbent polymer;wherein the first layer comprises alternating ridges and valleys;first and second barrier cuffs;wherein the first and second barrier cuffs are longitudinally extending, laterally opposed, and comprise longitudinally extending elastic elements;first and second ears disposed in the back waist region;an abdominal stretch panel attached to an exterior surface of the backsheet in one or a combination of the front and back waist regions;wherein the at least one abdominal stretch panel extends laterally and circumferentially along one or a combination of front and back waist edges such that it overlaps the longitudinal axis;wherein the at least one abdominal stretch panel is discrete from the backsheet; andwherein the abdominal stretch panel comprises an elastic layer comprising elastomeric strands.. An absorbent article, comprising: This application is a continuation of, and claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §120 to, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/709,500, filed on Feb. 22, 2007, the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference.This invention relates to disposable absorbent articles such as disposable diapers and other articles intended for use on incontinent persons.Disposable absorbent articles are designed to absorb and contain bodily ...

18-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150164712A1

Wearable disposable absorbent articles such as disposable diapers, having elastically extensible fastening members (also sometimes known as fastening “ears”) with particular features, extending from a chassis or main portion of the articles, are disclosed. The fastening members may be highly extensible and have an overall geometry characterized by greater length nearer the chassis or main portion and lesser length nearer the distal end. Examples disclosed may have a fastener zone having a Stiffness of at least about 1,500 N/m, and shape and dimensional characteristics, that help avoid problems of buckling and/or flipping of edges of the fastening members, dishing of fastener components, and fastening member tearing, while the articles are applied and worn. 1. A wearable article , comprising:an integrally-formed, highly extensible fastening member extending from a junction line, said fastening member extending along a stretch direction transverse to said junction line, and ending at an outboard end, wherein said junction line connects first and second longitudinally outermost junction points on a first longitudinally outermost lateral edge and an opposing second longitudinally outermost lateral edge, respectively, said first longitudinally outermost lateral edge having a first profile beginning at said junction line and ending at said outboard end, and said second longitudinally outermost lateral edge having a second profile beginning at said junction line and ending at said outboard end;an extensible zone bounded by inboard and outboard extensible zone extents; anda fastener zone disposed outboard of said extensible zone, said fastener zone comprising a fastener, and having respective first and second inboard fastener zone corners and first and second outboard fastener zone corners, said fastener zone having a Stiffness of at least about 1,500 N/m;wherein a first line connecting the first inboard fastener zone corner and the first outboard fastener zone corner ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for assembling elastic laminates with different bond densities for absorbent articles

Номер: US20210186769A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The methods herein relate to assembling an elastic laminate with a first elastic material and a second elastic material bonded between first and second substrates. During assembly, an elastic laminate may be formed by positioning the first and second substrates in contact with stretched central regions of the first and second elastic materials. The elastic laminates may include two or more bonding regions that may be defined by the various layers or components of the elastic laminate that are laminated or stacked relative to each other. In some configurations, a first plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a first bond density in the first bonding region, and a second plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a second bond density in the second bonding region, wherein the second bond density is not equal to the first bond density.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for assembling elastic laminates with different bond densities for absorbent articles

Номер: US20210186770A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The methods herein relate to assembling an elastic laminate with a first elastic material and a second elastic material bonded between first and second substrates. During assembly, an elastic laminate may be formed by positioning the first and second substrates in contact with stretched central regions of the first and second elastic materials. The elastic laminates may include two or more bonding regions that may be defined by the various layers or components of the elastic laminate that are laminated or stacked relative to each other. In some configurations, a first plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a first bond density in the first bonding region, and a second plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a second bond density in the second bonding region, wherein the second bond density is not equal to the first bond density.

24-06-2021 дата публикации

Elasticised absorbent article

Номер: US20210186775A1
Принадлежит: Ontex Group NV

The present invention relates to an absorbent article ( 1 ), preferably an incontinence pant-like diaper, comprising a chassis ( 2 ), a front waist region ( 3 ), a back waist region ( 4 ) and a crotch region ( 5 ) extending between said front and back waist regions ( 3,4 ); wherein the front and back waist regions ( 3,4 ) are joinable to each other and wherein, when joined, a waist-opening is formed and a pair of leg-openings are formed by one or more crotch-leg-peripheral-edges ( 17,17 ′) and front and back waist-leg-peripheral-edges ( 18,18′,19,19 ′), and wherein first and second front waist-leg-peripheral-edges ( 18,18 ′) extend from a first position ( 20,20 ′) proximal to the crotch region ( 5 ) to a second position ( 21,21 ′) distal therefrom and proximal to a lateral edge ( 15,15 ′) of the front waist region ( 3 ), said first and second front waist-leg-peripheral-edges ( 18,18 ′) being oppositely disposed from the longitudinal axis. It is characterized in that distance D extending parallel to the longitudinal axis (Y-Y) between the front waist end ( 13 ) and a fifth position ( 22,22 ′) along the first and second front waist-leg-peripheral-edges ( 18,18 ′) which is closest to the front waist end ( 13 ), is smaller than length L of a front waist lateral edge ( 15,15 ′) extending parallel to the longitudinal axis (Y-Y).

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160166444A1

Disposable absorbent garments, comprising front and rear waist and a central absorbent assembly comprising a liquid-absorbent core, where at least one of the front and rear waist portions comprises: a composite of an elastic sheet material and a non-woven fabric layer, and a plurality of elastic strands. In some of the present garments, the elastic strands are positioned on both sides of the liquid-absorbent core, and each strand has a first end laterally offset from the liquid-absorbent core and extending outward toward a respective leg edge of the waist portion. In others of the present garments, the elastic strands are positioned between the absorbent core and the elastic sheet material, and each extends laterally a majority of the distance between first and second side edges. 1. A disposable absorbent garment , comprising:front and rear waist portions each having a waist edge, a leg edge, and first and second side edges extending between the waist edge and the leg edge; anda central absorbent assembly having a first end, a second end, and first and second leg edges extending between the first and second ends, the central absorbent assembly coupled to the front and rear waist portions such that the central absorbent assembly extends between the respective leg edges of the front and rear waist portions, the central absorbent assembly comprising a liquid-permeable facing layer, a substantially liquid-impermeable backing layer, and a liquid-absorbent core positioned between the facing layer and the backing layer; a composite of an elastic sheet material and a non-woven fabric layer, the elastic sheet material overlapping a respective end of the central absorbent assembly and extending toward the waist edge of the waist portion; and', 'a first plurality of elastic strands on both sides of the liquid-absorbent core, each of the first plurality of elastic strands having a first end laterally offset from the liquid-absorbent core and extending outward toward a ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165128A1

The present disclosure relates to wearable articles having an elastic belt having arrays of elastic bodies. 1. An absorbent article , comprising:a main body and a ring-like elastic belt comprising a front belt and a back belt, wherein the front belt is joined to a front waist panel of the main body, and the back belt is joined to a back waist panel of the main body, wherein the front and back belt each having a left side panel and a right side panel, and wherein transverse edges of the front belt and the back belt are joined by first and second seams to form a waist opening and two leg openings;wherein each of the front belt and back belt formed by a plurality of elastic bodies running in the transverse direction sandwiched between an inner sheet and an outer sheet; each front belt and back belt having transversely continuous proximal and distal edges, the proximal edge being located closer than the distal edge relative to the longitudinal center of the article;wherein at least some of the elastic bodies disposed on the back belt are arranged in an array, the array defined as meeting a), b), and c) as follows:a) one array is formed by 2-10 elastic bodies;b) each elastic body within one array is disposed in an inner-interval in the longitudinal direction between each elastic body of 2-4 mm; andc) one specific array disposed in an extra-interval in the longitudinal direction between at least one neighboring elastic bodies outside the specific array of greater than the inner-interval; andwherein the back belt comprises at least 5 arrays.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein all of the elastic bodies disposed on the back belt are arranged in arrays.3. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein all of the arrays are a basic array claim 1 , the basic array disposed in an extra-interval in the longitudinal direction between at least one neighboring elastic body outside the specific basic array of 8-22 mm.4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the elastic ...

15-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170165129A1

Disclosed is a wearable article comprising a main body and a ring-like elastic belt comprising a front belt and a back belt. At least some of the elastic bodies may be arranged in at least 2 sets of a concentrated array defined as meeting: a) one concentrated array is formed by 2-4 elastic bodies; b) each elastic body within one concentrated array is disposed in an inner-interval between each elastic body of 2-4 mm; and c) one specific concentrated array disposed in an extra-interval between at least one neighboring elastic body outside the specific concentrated array of less than 8 mm. The entirety of the length of the belt side edge of the front belt may be seamed with a certain length of the belt side edge of the back belt to define a seam length LS. The front and back belts may each divided into 4 zones wherein at least 2 concentrated arrays are disposed on the front proximal tummy zone or the back distal tummy zone. 1. A wearable article continuous in a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction , comprising a main body and a ring-like elastic belt comprising a front belt and a back belt , the center of the front belt is joined to a front waist panel of the main body , the center of the back belt is joined to a back waist panel of the main body , the front and back belt each having a left side panel and a right side panel where the main body does not overlap , and the transverse edges of the front belt and the back belt are joined by a seam to form a waist opening and two leg openings , wherein each front belt and back belt have transversely continuous proximal and distal edges, the proximal edge being located closer than the distal edge relative to the longitudinal center of the article, each front belt and back belt having side edges;', a) one concentrated array is formed by 2-4 elastic bodies;', 'b) each elastic body within one concentrated array is disposed in an inner-interval in the longitudinal direction between each elastic body of 2-4 mm;', 'c) ...

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Stretchable and contractible sheet and absorbent article

Номер: US20200155370A1
Автор: Toshifumi Ohtsubo
Принадлежит: Unicharm Corp

A stretchable/contractible sheet having an up-down direction and a left-right direction intersecting each other is provided. The stretchable and contractible sheet includes: a first welded-portion row including a plurality of welded portions arranged side-by-side in the up-down direction; and a second welded-portion row including the plurality of welded portions located adjacent to the first welded-portion row on a one side in the left-right direction. The first welded-portion row includes: a first convex portion protruding toward the one side; and a second convex portion. The second welded-portion row includes a third convex portion protruding toward another side opposite to the one side in the left-right direction.

25-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150173973A1

An absorbent article may comprise at least one abdominal stretch panel, and an absorbent assembly comprising an absorbent core. The chassis may comprise a longitudinal axis, a lateral axis, a front waist region comprising a front waist edge, a back waist region comprising a back waist edge, a crotch region between the waist regions, laterally opposing side edges extending between the front waist edge and the back waist edge, an exterior surface, and an interior surface to which the absorbent assembly is attached. The chassis may further comprise a shaped attachment region disposed in one or both of the front and back waist regions of the article. The shaped attachment pattern region may overlap the portion of the chassis where the at least one abdominal stretch panel is disposed, and wherein the attachment pattern region overlaps a portion of the absorbent assembly. 1. An absorbent article comprising:an absorbent assembly comprising an absorbent core;a chassis comprising laterally opposing side flaps; the chassis further comprising a longitudinal axis, a lateral axis, a front waist region comprising a front waist edge, a back waist region comprising a back waist edge, a crotch region between the waist regions, laterally opposing side edges extending between the front waist edge and the back waist edge, an exterior surface, and an interior surface to which the absorbent assembly is attached;each of the side flaps comprise a longitudinally extending first elastic gathering member attached at or adjacent to its proximal edge to form barrier cuff flaps;at least one abdominal stretch panel attached to the interior surface or the exterior surface of the chassis in the front waist region or the back waist region and having a circumferentially extending longitudinally distal edge disposed at or adjacent to the respective waist edge and a longitudinally opposing circumferentially extending longitudinally proximal edge, the at least one abdominal stretch panel providing a ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for making elastomeric laminates with elastic strands unwound from beams

Номер: US20210196526A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to methods for assembling elastomeric laminates, wherein elastic material may be stretched and joined with either or both first and second substrates. A first beam is rotated to unwind a first plurality of elastic strands from the first beam in the machine direction. The first plurality of elastic strands are positioned between the first substrate and the second substrate to form the elastomeric laminate. Before the first plurality of elastic strands are completely unwound from the first beam, a second beam is rotated to unwind the second plurality of elastic strands from the second beam. Subsequently, the advancement of the first plurality of elastic strands from the first beam is discontinued. Thus, the elastomeric laminate assembly process may continue uninterrupted while switching from an initially utilized elastic material drawn from the first beam to a subsequently utilized elastic material drawn from the second beam.

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180168874A1

The present disclosure relates to one or a combination of an absorbent article's chassis, inner leg cuffs, outer leg cuffs, ear panels, side panels, waistbands, and belts that may comprise one or more pluralities of tightly spaced (less than 4 mm, less than 3 mm, less than 2 mm, and less than 1 mm) and/or very fine (less than 300, less than 200, less than 100 dtex) and/or low strain (less than 300%, less than 200%, less than 100%) elastics to deliver low pressure less than 1 psi (according to the conditions defined by the Pressure-Under-Strand method below) under the elastics, while providing adequate modulus of (between about 2 gf/mm and 15 gf/mm) to make the article easy to apply and to comfortably maintain the article in place on the wearer, even with a loaded core (holding at least 50 mls of liquid), to provide for the advantages described above. 1. An absorbent article , comprising:a chassis comprising a topsheet, a backsheet and an absorbent core disposed between the topsheet and the backsheet;a first belt;a longitudinal centerline extending from the midpoint of a front waist edge of the absorbent article to a midpoint of a back waist edge of the absorbent article;a lateral centerline extending perpendicular to the longitudinal centerline through a midpoint of the longitudinal centerline;wherein the first belt is formed at least in part by an elastomeric laminate comprising a first substrate layer, a second substrate layer and a first plurality of elastics disposed between the first and second substrate layers;wherein the first plurality of elastics comprises greater than about 40 elastic strands disposed at an Average-Strand-Spacing of less than 4 mm, having an Average-Dtex of less than 600, and having an Average-Pre-Strain of less than 400%; andwherein a basis weight of each of the first and second substrate layers is from about 6 grams per square meter to about 30 grams per square meter.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein the first plurality of ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Beamed elastic laminate properties

Номер: US20180168875A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to one or a combination of an absorbent article's chassis, inner leg cuffs, outer leg cuffs, ear panels, side panels, waistbands, and belts that may comprise one or more pluralities of tightly spaced (less than 4 mm, less than 3 mm, less than 2 mm, and less than 1 mm) and/or low Average-Dtex (less than 300, less than 200, less than 100 dtex) and/or low Average-Pre-Strain (less than 300%, less than 200%, less than 100%) elastics to deliver low Pressure Under Strand (less than 1 psi according to the conditions defined by the Pressure-Under-Strand Test), while providing adequate Section-Modulus (between about 2 gf/mm and 15 gf/mm) to make the article easy to apply and to comfortably maintain the article in place on the wearer, even with a loaded core (holding at least 100 mls of liquid), to provide for the advantages described above. Further, the elastomeric laminates of the present disclosure outperform existing laminates currently used for disposable absorbent articles as it relates to one or more key parameters (including Percent Contact Area, 2-98% Height Value, Pressure-Under-Strand, Air Permeability, Water Vapor Transmission Rate, Caliper, Caliper Retention Value, Cantilever Bending, Open Area, Section-Modulus, Rugosity Wavelength, Rugosity Frequency, Graphic Distortion Ratio).

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Methods for sealing absorbent cores on absorbent articles

Номер: US20180168885A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to methods for sealing absorbent cores of disposable diaper pants during the assembly process. The diaper pants may include a chassis connected with a ring-like elastic belt. Aspects of the assembly methods involve bonding a continuous length of absorbent cores between a continuous topsheet substrate and a continuous backsheet substrate advancing in a machine direction. The combined continuous topsheet substrate, continuous backsheet substrate, and continuous length of absorbent cores are then cut along a cross direction to create discrete chassis, wherein the topsheet, the backsheet, and the absorbent core of each chassis have equal longitudinal lengths. The discrete chassis are then deposited onto a first continuous elastic laminate and a second continuous elastic laminate. Opposing end regions of the absorbent cores may then be sealed by positioning a sealing layer across the topsheets of the chassis.

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Elastomeric laminate(s) for absorbent article donning

Номер: US20180168890A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to absorbent articles comprising belts comprising one or more pluralities of tightly spaced (less than 4 mm, less than 3 mm, less than 2 mm, and less than 1 mm) and/or low decitex (less than 300, less than 200, less than 100 dtex) and/or low strain (less than 300%, less than 200%, less than 100%) elastics to deliver low pressure less than 1 psi (according to the conditions defined by the Pressure-Under-Strand Test in the Method below) under the elastics, while providing adequate modulus of (between about 2 gf/mm and 15 gf/mm), resulting in a Donning-Ratio from about 1.0 and about 3 to make the article easy to apply and to comfortably maintain the article in place on the wearer.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Absorbent Article Having a Folded Waist

Номер: US20170172817A1

An article including a front region, a back region, and a chassis. The chassis may include an absorbent core having a front end edge and a back end edge. The front region and the back region may extend laterally outward beyond side edges of the chassis. The front region and the back region may abut to form a first seam and a second seam. At least one of the front region and the back region may include an elastic member. A first outer nonwoven layer of the front region and a second outer nonwoven layer of the back region may be folded to form an upper edge in the front and back regions such that a distal end of each of the first and second outer nonwoven layer may be disposed between the upper edge and the front and back end edges of the absorbent core, respectively. 1. A pull-on wearable article comprising:a front region;a back region opposite the front region;a first central longitudinal axis extending parallel to a vertical plane equally bisecting the front region;a second central longitudinal axis extending parallel to a vertical plane equally bisecting the back region;a crotch region disposed between the front region and the back region, wherein the crotch region comprises two opposing longitudinal edges;a chassis comprising an absorbent core extending from the front region to the back region, the absorbent core comprising a front end edge and a back end edge;wherein the front region extends laterally outward beyond side edges of the chassis and the back region extends laterally outward beyond side edges of the chassis;wherein the front region comprises a first front edge and a second front edge, wherein the first front edge extends in a direction parallel to the first central longitudinal axis, and wherein the second front edge extends in a direction parallel to the first central longitudinal axis;wherein the back region comprises a first back edge and a second back edge, wherein the first back edge extends in a direction parallel to the second central ...

02-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150182389A1
Автор: Takino Shunsuke

A pull-on wearing article includes first and second waist regions, and tape fasteners. The first waist region includes elasticity in the lateral direction. The tape fasteners include a fixed section fixed in the vicinity of a lateral region and a free section that includes a fastening section in which the tape fastener is removable with respect to the outer surface of the second waist region. The free section includes a holding end and a holding section extended from the fastening section to an outer side in the lateral direction, and the holding end is releasably fixed on a non-skin facing surface in the vicinity of the lateral edge of the first waist region, and a region between the fastening section of the first waist region and the holding end contracts, whereby the holding section assumes a convexly curved shape. 1. A pull-on wearing article having a longitudinal direction , a lateral direction , a non-skin facing surface , a skin facing surface opposed to the non-skin facing surface , and including a first waist region that is one of rear and front waist regions , a second waist region that is a remainder of the rear and front waist regions , and a crotch region between the first and second waist regions , wherein lateral edge portions of the first and second waist regions are joined with each other , a tape fastener is mounted on the non-skin facing surface in a lateral region of the first waist region , comprising:wherein at least the first waist region of the first and second waist regions is elastically stretchable in the lateral direction, andwherein the tape fastener includes a fixed section fixed on the lateral region of the first waist region, and a free section includes a fastening section that is releasably fastened to the non-skin facing surface in the second waist region, andwherein the free section includes a holding section extending from the fastening section and a holding end extending in the lateral direction, andwherein the holding end is ...

28-05-2020 дата публикации

Absorbent pants having a waistband with a rear pocket

Номер: US20200163812A1

An absorbent garment that includes a longitudinal axis and a lateral axis. The absorbent garment is a pant that includes a front region, a back region and a crotch region, with the crotch region being disposed between the front region and the back region. The crotch region is formed by an absorbent assembly. In addition to the absorbent assembly, the garment includes a front panel and a back panel; the front panel is attached to a front region of the absorbent assembly and the back panel is attached to a back region of the absorbent assembly. The front panel and the back panel are bonded to each other to form the lateral side seams of the garment. The garment also includes a pocket at the back waist of the pant that is formed, in part, by a folded over portion of the back panel. The pocket includes a fluid barrier.

04-06-2020 дата публикации

Methods and Apparatuses for Assembling Elastic Laminates with Different Bond Densities for Absorbent Articles

Номер: US20200170846A1

The methods herein relate to assembling an elastic laminate with a first elastic material and a second elastic material bonded between first and second substrates. During assembly, an elastic laminate may be formed by positioning the first and second substrates in contact with stretched central regions of the first and second elastic materials. The elastic laminates may include two or more bonding regions that may be defined by the various layers or components of the elastic laminate that are laminated or stacked relative to each other. In some configurations, a first plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a first bond density in the first bonding region, and a second plurality of ultrasonic bonds are applied to the elastic laminate to define a second bond density in the second bonding region, wherein the second bond density is not equal to the first bond density. 1. A method for assembling elastic laminates , the method comprising steps of:providing a first substrate and a second substrate, the first substrate and the second substrate each comprising a first surface and an opposing second surface, a first longitudinal edge and a second longitudinal edge separated from the first longitudinal edge to define a width in a cross direction;providing a first elastic film and a second elastic film, each of the first elastic film and the second elastic film comprising a stretched central region;positioning the stretched central region of the first elastic film in contact with the second surface of the first substrate;positioning the stretched central region of the second elastic film in contact with the second surface of the first substrate;forming an elastic laminate by advancing the second substrate in a machine direction to position the first surface of the second substrate in contact with the stretched central regions of the first and second elastic films, wherein the elastic laminate comprises a first bonding region and a second ...

05-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180185204A1

An absorbent article is disclosed. The absorbent article includes a core and a chassis. One or more discrete bonding zones bond the core to the chassis, and one or more unbonded zones of the core are not bonded to the chassis, forming a floating core. The core is not elastically coupled with the chassis. A method of making the absorbent article may include selectively bonding the chassis to the core at discrete bonding zones. 1. An absorbent article comprising:an absorbent core composite including an absorbent core and an elasticated chassis, wherein the core composite is bonded to the chassis via at least one discrete bonding zone that bonds the core with the chassis and imparts elasticity thereto, and wherein the core composite includes at least one unbonded zone that is unbonded with the chassis, wherein said bonded zone comprises from 5% to 40% of the surface area of a bottom surface of the core that is bonded with the chassis, and wherein said unbonded zone comprises from 60% to 95% of the surface area of the bottom surface of the core that is unbonded with the chassis.2. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein said unbonded surface area of the core composite is unrestrained by the chassis and is movable relative to the chassis.3. (canceled)4. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein said unbonded surface area of the core has an unbonded free width that ranges from 50% to 95% of the width of the core for a core length of up to 50% of the total length of the core.5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein said unbonded surface area of the core has an unbonded free area that is equal to greater than 50% of the total surface area of the bottom surface of the core.8. (canceled)9. (canceled)10. (canceled)11. The absorbent article of claim 1 , wherein said unbonded surface area of the core has an unbonded free width that ranges from 70% to 95% of the total width of the core for a core length ranging from 60% to 95% of the total ...

06-07-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170189244A1

An absorbent article having a front region, a back region, and a crotch region extending between and connecting the front region and the back region generally includes an absorbent assembly extending longitudinally between the front region and the back region, and a waist assembly attached to the absorbent assembly along the front region and the back region. The absorbent assembly includes an inner layer for facing a wearer, an outer layer for facing away from the wearer, and an absorbent structure disposed between the inner and outer layers. The waist assembly defines a waist opening of the absorbent article when the article is in a wear configuration, and includes an elastic laminate including a non-apertured body-facing layer, an apertured garment-facing layer, and an elastic layer disposed between the body-facing layer and the garment-facing layer. 1. An absorbent article having a front region , a back region , and a crotch region extending between and connecting the front region and the back region , the absorbent article comprising:an absorbent assembly extending longitudinally between the front region and the back region, the absorbent assembly comprising an inner layer for facing a wearer, an outer layer for facing away from the wearer, and an absorbent structure disposed between the inner and outer layers; anda waist assembly attached to the absorbent assembly along the front region and the back region and defining a waist opening of the absorbent article when the article is in a wear configuration, the waist assembly comprising an elastic laminate comprising a non-apertured body-facing layer, an apertured garment-facing layer, and an elastic layer disposed between the body-facing layer and the garment-facing layer.2. The absorbent article as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the waist assembly comprises a front panel attached to the absorbent assembly along the front region claim 1 , and a back panel attached to the absorbent assembly along the back region ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for assembling absorbent articles

Номер: US20200179179A1
Принадлежит: Procter and Gamble Co

The present disclosure relates to methods for assembling elastic laminates that may be used to make absorbent article components. Particular aspects of the present disclosure involve a spreader mechanism operating to activate an elastic material by stretching the elastic material in to a first elongation. The elastic material is then consolidated to a second elongation, wherein the second the elongation is less than the first elongation. The consolidated elastic material is then joined to one or more substrates. In some configurations, the substrates may be nonwovens, and the elastic material may be an elastic film and/or an elastic laminate.

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Elasticated material with non-continuous channels

Номер: US20200179183A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

Elasticated materials and methods of forming elasticated materials are disclosed. In one embodiment, an elasticated material may comprise a first layer of material, a second layer of material bonded to the first layer of material by a plurality of bonds arranged in bond groupings aligned in bond grouping rows, and an elastomeric strand extending in the lateral direction and disposed between the first layer and the second layer, the elastomeric strand extending between a first bond and a second bond of a first bond grouping with the first bond and the second bond of the first bond grouping being spaced apart in the longitudinal direction a distance less than an un-tensioned diameter of the elastomeric strand. A portion of a second bond grouping may laterally overlap the first bond grouping with the second bond grouping disposed row that is longitudinally adjacent to the row containing the first bond grouping.

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202094A1
Автор: Inoue Takuya

A wearing article improved so that an absorbent structure is not apt to be spaced away from the wearer's skin but stuffiness in the wearing article and/or eruption of the wearer's skin can be reliably prevented, which wearing article is a diaper that includes a front waist panel, a rear waist panel and a crotch panel. In the front and rear waist panels, elastics are respectively attached to front and rear waist sheets. The crotch panel includes an absorbent structure containing liquid-absorbent core material and, outboard of the absorbent structure as viewed in a longitudinal direction, front and rear end flaps are formed respectively. The crotch panel includes a first region which includes a front end of the absorbent structure and the front end flap and overlaps with the front waist panel and a second region which includes a front end of the absorbent structure and the rear end flap and overlaps with the rear waist panel. The first and second regions extend in the longitudinal direction and are joined to respective skin-facing surfaces of the front and rear waist panels by means of first and second joining zones each including a plurality of sub-zones spaced apart from one another in a transverse direction. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a transverse direction , including: a skin-facing surface;a non-skin-facing surface opposite to the skin-facing surface;front and rear waist panels defining front and rear waist regions, respectively, and elastically contractible in the transverse direction; anda crotch panel extending in the longitudinal direction between the front and rear waist panels and defining a crotch region, wherein:the crotch panel includes an absorbent structure, front and rear end flaps lying outboard of the absorbent structure in the longitudinal direction, a first region having part of the absorbent structure and the front end flap and overlapping with the skin-facing surface of the front waist panel and a second ...

23-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150202095A1

A wearing article making it possible to prevent a dimension in the transverse direction of respective recesses formed on an absorbent structure from being notably reduced even when the front and rear waist regions are disposed with waist elastic members directly or indirectly overlapping with the absorbent structure. The wearing article has a longitudinal direction parallel to a longitudinal center line, a transverse direction parallel to a transverse center line, a skin-facing surface and a non-skin-facing surface opposite to the skin-facing surface, and includes a chassis having a first waist region defined by one of front and rear waist regions and being elastically contractible in the transverse direction, a second waist region defined by another of the front and rear waist regions and a crotch region lying between the front and rear waist regions, an absorbent structure disposed on the skin-facing surface of the chassis and extending in the longitudinal direction across the crotch region into at least the first waist region and recesses disposed on the absorbent structure, the absorbent structure includes a first region defined in the first waist region and the recesses at least partially lying in the first region and extending in the longitudinal direction; and a shape retention panel is disposed on the non-skin-facing surface of the first waist region so that the shape retention panel may indirectly or directly overlap the first region and the recesses as viewed in a thickness direction of the article. 1. A wearing article having a longitudinal direction parallel to a longitudinal center line , a transverse direction parallel to a transverse center line , a skin-facing surface and a non-skin-facing surface opposite to the skin-facing surface , and including a chassis having a first waist region defined by one of front and rear waist regions and being elastically contractible in the transverse direction , a second waist region defined by another of the front ...

12-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180193207A1
Автор: HASEGAWA Mari

Disclosed is a disposable wearing article which can effectively prevent lateral leakage of body exudates by planarly fitting an outer flap positioned laterally outside of an absorbent core included in an absorbent panel on the body of a wearer with the outer flap pulled laterally outside of the article. In the article, the absorbent panel includes the absorbent core extending to front and rear waist regions centering on a crotch region and a pair of outer flaps extending laterally outside of the absorbent core. At least the front waist region of the front and rear waist regions includes a waist elastic area which is elastically contractible in the lateral direction and a pair of elastic strips which is elastically contractible, and the elastic strips each have an outer fixing end fixed on the body facing surface of the chassis. 1. A disposable wearing article having a longitudinal direction and a lateral direction , the article comprising a chassis including a body facing surface , a non-body facing surface , a first waist region which is one of front and rear waist regions , a second waist region which is another of the front and rear waist regions and a crotch region extending between the first and second waist regions , an absorbent panel disposed on a side of the body facing surface of the chassis , and both side seams respectively coupling both side edges of the first waist region and both side edges of the second waist region , respectively , wherein:the absorbent panel includes an absorbent core extending to the front and rear waist regions centering on the crotch region, a pair of outer flaps extending longitudinally along both side edges of the absorbent core,at least the first waist region of the first and second waist regions includes a waist elastic area which is elastically contractible in the lateral direction, and a pair of elastic strips which is elastically contractible in the lateral direction,each of the pair of elastic strips has an inner fixing ...
