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20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2570967C2
Принадлежит: ЛФС СПОЛКА З.О.О. (PL)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Протез для использования в передней части позвоночного столба состоит из корпуса и устройства позиционирования. Корпус выполнен в форме перфорированной втулки. В корпусе выполнены отверстия для прорастания и, по крайней мере, один анкерный элемент и зубцы на каждом торце поверхности корпуса. В стенке корпуса выполнено, по крайней мере, одно сквозное отверстие для манипулирования и, по крайней мере, одно отверстие для позиционирования, работающее совместно с первым, и при этом продольные оси отверстия для манипулирования и отверстия для позиционирования параллельны продольной оси корпуса. Устройство позиционирования расположено в корпусе и перемещается внутри корпуса. Устройство позиционирования снабжено отверстиями для прорастания и, по крайней мере, одним позиционирующим элементом, расположенным, по крайней мере, в одном отверстии для позиционирования корпуса и ограничивающим перемещение устройства позиционирования внутри корпуса. Устройство позиционирования ...

10-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2535513C2
Принадлежит: ВВ ТЕКНОЛОДЖИ АГ (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Сращивающее устройство для сращения сустава человека или животного содержит по меньшей мере одну анкерную часть и по меньшей мере одну опорную часть и дополнительно содержит две стержнеобразные анкерные части и одну опорную часть. По общей своей глубине (D), измеряемой от проксимальной поверхности до дистального конца сращивающего устройства, сращивающее устройство ориентировано параллельно направлению (I) имплантации, при этом по общей ширине (W) и профилю толщины (Т1 и T2) сращивающее устройство ориентировано перпендикулярно направлению (I) имплантации. Анкерная часть и опорная часть размещены с чередованием или выполнены с возможностью чередования на протяжении ширины (W), причем толщина (Т1) указанной по меньшей мере одной анкерной части больше толщины (T2) указанной по меньшей мере одной опорной части. Указанная по меньшей мере одна анкерная часть содержит разжижаемый материал, при этом разжижаемый материал представляет собой термопластичный ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2745794C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Протез тазобедренного сустава для закрепления в бедренной кости пациента содержит соединительную часть, выполненную с возможностью соединения с контактной частью протеза, по меньшей мере две расширяющиеся части, имеющие контактную поверхность для контакта с костью и стабилизирующий элемент, имеющий охватывающую часть, выполненную с возможностью ее расположения в контакте с наружной поверхностью бедренной кости, и простирающийся вдоль нее. Расширяющиеся части выполнены с возможностью вставки в бедренную кость пациента и возможностью расширения в этой бедренной кости таким образом, что указанная контактная поверхность для контакта с костью расположена в контакте с внутренней частью бедренной кости для прикрепления указанного медицинского устройства к бедренной кортикальной кости. Изобретение обеспечивает достижение прочного закрепления без прохождения или проникновения сквозь кость или без использования костного цемента. 15 з.п. ф-лы, 16 ил.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2506930C2
Принадлежит: ЗИНТЕС ГМБХ (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Имплантат для вставки в межпозвоночное пространство между телами позвонков, расположенных выше и ниже данного межпозвоночного пространства по первому варианту, содержит первый и второй элементы фиксации костей, вставку, сцепленную с вставкой пластину и первую и вторую подпружиненные защелки, препятствующие обратному выдвижению первого и второго элементов фиксации костей. Вставка включает в себя верхнюю поверхность для контакта с телом верхнего позвонка, нижнюю поверхность для контакта с телом нижнего позвонка, первую боковую поверхность, вторую боковую поверхность, переднюю поверхность и заднюю поверхность. Пластина включает в себя верхнюю поверхность, нижнюю поверхность, первую боковую поверхность, вторую боковую поверхность, переднюю поверхность и заднюю поверхность, а также первое и второе отверстия для фиксации костей и первое и второе гнезда. Первое и второе отверстия для фиксации костей имеют размер, подходящий для размещения первого и второго ...

19-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2631208C2
Принадлежит: ЛДР МЕДИКАЛ (FR)

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Устройство для закрепления по меньшей мере одного межпозвонкового импланта по меньшей мере в одном позвонке предназначено для вставки со стороны периферийной области позвоночника через канал, проходящий по меньшей мере через часть импланта. Устройство имеет корпус, содержащий по меньшей мере одну жесткую пластину, удлиненную вдоль продольной оси (L), проходящей между передним концом и задним концом, и выполненную таким образом, что ее передний конец входит по меньшей мере в один позвонок, а ее задний конец остается в канале импланта, что обеспечивает удержание импланта вплотную к указанному позвонку. Пластина содержит по меньшей мере одно щелевое отверстие, ориентированное, по существу, параллельно ее продольной оси (L) и разделяющее по меньшей мере заднюю часть пластины на две ветви. Щелевое отверстие выполнено относительно задней части пластины с обеспечением возможности сближения двух ветвей вместе, когда к ним приложено давление. Межпозвонковый ...

27-02-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2443400C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Имплантат для введения между телами позвонков позвоночника содержит первую контактную поверхность для прилегания к одному из смежных тел позвонков и вторую контактную поверхность для прилегания к другому смежному телу позвонка и образует цепь передачи усилия между поверхностями прилегания смежных тел позвонков, в которой расположен, по меньшей мере, один эластично податливый элемент. Имплантат выполнен составным, по меньшей мере, с одной первой частью имплантата и одной второй частью имплантата, которые установлены с возможностью перестановки относительно друг друга в направлении своей продольной оси. Каждая из частей имплантата выполнена в виде трубчатой гильзы. По меньшей мере, одна из частей имплантата имеет интегрированный в ее стенку эластично податливый элемент, который образован прорезями с перекрестно смещенным расположением. Изобретение обеспечивает уменьшение нагрузки концевых пластин тела позвонка. 14 з.п. ф-лы, 18 ил.

10-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005134216A

... 1. Межпозвонковый шарнирный протез для заранее определенного межпозвонкового пространства шейного отдела позвоночника, которое ограничено замыкательными пластинками (12, 13) смежных позвонков, поверхности которых во фронтальной плоскости имеют сильно изогнутые краевые зоны (4), латерально прилегающие к в основном плоской, центральной области (2), при этом поверхность замыкательных пластинок (27) во фронтальном сечении в своей центральной менее минерализованной области (2) имеет одно расстояние (18) от средней плоскости (20) межпозвонкового пространства, а в своих латеральных, более сильно минерализованных краевых зонах (4) другое расстояние (19), при этом протез в том же самом фронтальном сечении в своей центральной области поверхности (8), предназначенной для прилегания к центральной области (2) поверхности замыкательных пластинок (27) имеет третье расстояние (21) и в своих краевых зонах (10), предназначенных для прилегания к латеральным краевым зонам (4) поверхности замыкательных пластинок ...

10-03-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005134220A

... 1. Протез шейного межпозвонкового диска с покровной пластиной (1), которая имеет предусмотренную для соединения с позвонком соединительную поверхность (10), отличающийся тем, что дорсолатеральное ограничение (24) соединительной поверхности (10) имеет большее минимальное расстояние от соответствующего соседнего дорсального угла (29) мнимого, описывающего проходящий по периметру контур (14) покровной пластины (1) прямоугольника (21), чем ее антеролатеральное ограничение (14) от соседних вентральных углов (27). 2. Протез межпозвоночного диска по п.1, отличающийся тем, что минимальное расстояние (28) ограничения (24) соединительной поверхности (10) от дорсальных углов (29) в 1,3 раза больше, чем его минимальное расстояние (26) от вентральных углов (27). 3. Протез межпозвоночного диска по п.1, отличающийся тем, что отношение ширины (12) покровной пластины (1) к ее антеропостериорной глубине (11) составляет 1,1 - 1,6. 4. Протез межпозвоночного диска по п.3, отличающийся тем, что край (14) покровной ...

27-10-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007114196A

... 1. Протез для частичной замены тела позвонка, содержащий верхнюю присоединительную пластину (5) для соединения с верхним телом (1) позвонка, нижнюю присоединительную пластину (6) для соединения с нижним телом (2) позвонка и вставку (7), соединяющая верхнюю и нижнюю соединительные пластины (5, 6), при наличии по меньшей мере одного сустава (8), причем вставка предназначена для установки в по меньшей мере одном частично заменяемом теле (3) позвонка, находящемся между верхним и нижним телами (1, 2) позвонков, и имеет жесткие выступающие сбоку фиксирующие выступы (9, 11, 15, 32) для крепления на теле позвонка, отличающийся тем, что поперечное сечение вставки (7) имеет прямоугольную или сужающуюся в дорсальном направлении форму.2. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что фиксирующие выступы выполнены в виде шероховатости.3. Протез по п.1, отличающийся тем, что вставка (7) имеет отверстия (12) или поры для вхождения костной ткани.4. Протез по п.3, отличающийся тем, что он содержит наполнитель в виде ...

15-10-2012 дата публикации


Номер: DE202011103010U1

Gelenkimplantat mit einem oberen und einem unteren Implantatteil, welche unter Ausbildung des Gelenkes gelenkig miteinander verbunden sind, und mit einer Implantatlängsachse, wobei das obere und/oder untere Implantatteil ein den Gelenkbereich umfassendes Gelenkteil und ein an dem jeweils zugewandten Knochen anlegbares und abstützbares Anlageteil aufweist, wobei Gelenkteil und Anlageteil des jeweiligen Implantatteils durch Befestigungsmittel lösbar miteinander verbunden sind, wobei die beiden Gelenkteile der Implantatteile jeweils einen Gelenkbereich aufweise und die beiden Gelenkbereiche unmittelbar unter Ausbildung der Gelenkverbindung miteinander oder mit einem Zwischenelement mit gegenüberliegender Ober- und Unterseite als Anlageflächen unter Ausbildung von zwei Teilgelenken zusammenwirken, und wobei ein Verbindungsmittel vorgesehen ist, welches das obere und untere Implantatteil unter Ausbildung einer zusammenhängenden Baugruppe miteinander verbindet, wobei das Verbindungsteil lageveränderlich ...

04-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE202008009345U1
Принадлежит: AESCULAP AG

08-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: DE0029901612U1

24-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060313740T2

24-08-2006 дата публикации

Wirbelzwischenstück mit schwenkbaren Endplatten

Номер: DE0060302595T2
Принадлежит: STRYKER SPINE

13-04-1995 дата публикации

Ventral intervertebral implant

Номер: DE0004327054C1

In a ventral intervertebral implant for insertion, for example, between two vertebral bodies of a spinal column, having an upper and a lower contact surface and at least one anchoring pin which protrudes from at least one contact surface, optimum primary fixation is achieved in that the at least one anchoring pin is arranged so as to be retractable, and the implant has a mechanism for extending the anchoring pin. ...

27-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE102004017506A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Bandscheibenprothese mit einer ersten Verankerungseinrichtung zum Verankern an einem ersten Wirbelkörper und einer zweiten Verankerungseinrichtung zum Verankern an einem zweiten Wirbelkörper. DOLLAR A Erfindungsgemäß ist eine Kupplung zum beweglichen Koppeln der beiden Verankerungseinrichtungen miteinander vorgesehen.

08-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0060136690D1
Принадлежит: TRANS1 INC, TRANS1 INC.

23-03-1995 дата публикации

System for designing a knee-joint endoprosthesis

Номер: DE0004339895C1

System for designing a knee-joint endoprosthesis with articulation elements (11, 12) which can be secured at the lower end of the femur and which have a convexly curved articular bearing surface, with bearing elements (14, 15; 34) which can be secured at the upper end of the tibia 13 and which have a plane or optionally concave bearing surface (16, 17), and with a meniscus (18, 19) arranged movably between each of the femoral articulation elements (11, 12) and the tibial bearing elements (14, 15; 34), said menisci having slide surfaces (20, 21 and 22, 23) which are formed respectively on the upper side and the lower side and which are designed with a curvature complementing the associated articular bearing surface of the femoral articulation element (11 and 12) and the associated bearing surface of the tibial bearing element (14 or 15 or 34). The system includes tibial test bearing elements (29) with test meniscus (30), at least one bone-anchoring spike (31) being provided on the underside ...

01-04-2004 дата публикации

Platzhalter für Wirbelkörper oder Bandscheiben

Номер: DE0010242331A1

Es wird ein Platzhalter für Wirbelkörper oder Bandscheiben bereitgestellt, der einen rohrförmigen Abschnitt (100) und Zacken (103, 104) an den jeweiligen Enden des Platzhalters aufweist. An zumindest einem Ende des rohrförmigen Abschnittes ist ein Element (101) vorgesehen, welches eine Deckplatte (102) aufweist, die um einen Winkel zur Längsachse des rohrförmigen Abschnittes kippbar ist.

18-12-2013 дата публикации

Interbody device insertion systems and methods

Номер: GB0002503166A

Provided is a system for implanting an interbody device into a disc space located between a first and second vertebra includes a guide frame including a guide member having an opening. The system further includes an implant trial including an elongated body and a base plate coupled to the elongated body. The elongated body of the implant trial is releasably coupled to the guide member of the guide frame during use such that the opening guides longitudinal movement of the implant trial relative to the guide frame. The system still further includes a dilator operatively coupled to the elongated body during use for distracting the disc space. The system still further includes an insertion instrument including an elongated body and an insertion member coupled to the elongated body. The elongated body of the insertion instrument is releasably coupled to the guide member of the guide frame during use such that the opening guides longitudinal movement of the insertion instrument relative to the ...

10-01-2007 дата публикации

Orthopaedic implants and prosthesis

Номер: GB0000623801D0

19-02-2003 дата публикации

Articulating spinal disc prosthesis

Номер: GB0000301085D0

15-05-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000360402T

15-06-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000362739T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387165T

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000387163T

10-03-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000394307B

Described is an artificial vertebra designed to be implanted in place of one or more damaged vertebrae, the artifical vertebra having two bracket plates designed to rest against the ends of the neighbouring stable vertebrae. The bracket plates have spikes for anchoring them in these neighbouring vertebrae and are connected to each other by a brace whose length can be adjusted. The brace (9) is disposed out of the longitudinal axis of the artificial vertebra (1), as defined by the line joining the mid-points of the two bracket plates (4). The brace (9) has two flat bars (7, 8) with, on the two facing sides, rows of teeth (14) which engage with each other, the bars (7, 8) being joined to each other by a bolt (17). An empty space is left between the bracket plates (4) to hold an implant (32) made of natural and/or synthetic material. Also described is a device for handling the artificial vertebra, in particular for inserting it.

15-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000380532T

15-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383117T

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000370709T

15-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000391474T

15-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000401847T

15-11-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000306880T

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000444041T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497375T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497743T

15-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000452604T

15-01-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000493950T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553726T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553725T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553723T

15-09-1989 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000209785A

15-03-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000353610T

25-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000006369U1

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf eine Bewegungssimulations- und Prüfvorrichtung für künstliche Bandscheiben (Zwischenwirbel-Endoprothesen), die alle physiologischen, gelenkähnlichen Segmentbewegungen der menschlichen Wirbel d.h. Rotation, Translation und Flexion (seitliche Bewegung) in sämtlichen Richtungen unter annähernd realen Belastungen durch eine integrierte Antriebsvorrichtung mit einer Steuerung simuliert und betrifft die Abschlussplatten (1, 2) mit Gleitkern (3), welche in den Aufnahmen (4, 5) befestigt sind.Die segmentierte Rotationsbewegung der Aufnahme (5) mit der Abschlussplatte (2) erfolgt durch die Drehbewegung von Welle (10), die mit Zwischensäule (12) mittels Zwischenstück (23) mit einem Antriebssystem (7) mit Exzenter (29) verbunden ist.Bei der beschriebenen Vorrichtung wird die Translations- und Flexionsbewegung (seitliche Beugung) durch das Antriebsmodul (8) mit dem Exzenter (32), welcher auf der Rolle (33) angreift, und dem Hebelarm (24) der auf der Achse (36) gelagert ...

15-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000083639T

15-12-1992 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000082480T

15-09-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000093148T

15-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000013086U1

Bei einem Implantat (4) zum Einsetzen zwischen Wirbelkörper (1) der Wirbelsäule, wobei das Implantat (4) wenigstens eine in Richtung benachbarter Wirbelkörper (1) gewandte, vorzugsweise durchgehende Ausnehmung bzw. Durchbrechung (12) aufweist und in einer Draufsicht in eingebauter Lage einen Teilbereich einer Hälfte des Zwischenwirbelraums (3) zwischen zwei benachbarten Wirbelkörpern (1) abdeckt, ist vorgesehen, dass das Implantat (4) an seiner zum Äußeren des Zwischenwirbelraums (3) gewandten Seitenfläche (9) in der Draufsicht eine konvexe Krümmung aufweist, wodurch insbesondere unter Anpassung an die anatomischen Gegebenheiten eine zuverlässigere Abstützung des Implantats (4) in eingebautem Zustand möglich wird.

15-05-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000179064T

15-05-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000165726T

15-06-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000166220T

15-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000187318T

15-06-2006 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000326926T

15-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000300926T

15-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000247440T

15-04-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000214578T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293412T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000263526T

15-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000260618T

24-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2019202389A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

A device for attaching a soft tissue graft to bone includes a body with a smooth contoured first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface having a plurality of outwardly extending fixation members. The second surface is at least partially formed of a porous material adapted for bone ingrowth. A channel extends at least partially through the body in between the first and second surfaces for receiving a portion of the graft. The channel is at least partially formed of a porous material adapted for tissue ingrowth, bone ingrowth or a combination thereof.

09-11-2006 дата публикации

Synthetic loadbearing collagen-mineral composites for spinal implants

Номер: AU2006242649A1

25-08-2011 дата публикации

Intervertebral disc and insertion methods therefor

Номер: AU2006252735B2

A method of inserting an intervertebral disc implant into a disc space includes accessing a spinal segment having a first vertebral body, a second vertebral body and a disc space between the first and second vertebral bodies (FIG. 44) . The method includes securing a first pin to the first vertebral body and a second pin to the second vertebral body (FIG. 53) , using the first and second pins for distracting the disc space (FIG. 54) , and providing an inserter holding the intervertebral disc implant (FIG. 69) . The method also desirably includes engaging the inserter with the first and second pins, and advancing the inserter toward the disc space for inserting the intervertebral disc implant into the disc space, whereby the first and second pins align and guide the inserter toward the disc space (FIG. 71) .

14-07-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003303195A1

25-10-2007 дата публикации

Posterior spinal device and method

Номер: AU2007238092A1

10-04-2008 дата публикации

Orthopaedic component manufacturing method and equipment

Номер: AU2007219378A1

08-11-2007 дата публикации

Pivotable interbody spacer

Номер: AU2007243692A1

11-09-2008 дата публикации

Humeral component

Номер: AU2007206904A2

23-08-2007 дата публикации

Radially extended support member for spinal nucleus implants and methods of use

Номер: AU2007215244A1

29-08-2013 дата публикации

Expandable corpectomy spinal fusion cage

Номер: AU2008338495B2

An intervertebral expandable spacer having a pair of co-axial annuluses locked together by an engagement member having i) a set screw and ii) a pressure plate having an outer face contacting the set screw and an inner face having teeth adapted to mate with the ratchet notches of the second member.

13-05-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003286531A1

27-10-2011 дата публикации

Minimally invasive expandable contained vertebral implant and method

Номер: AU2010236479A1

Embodiments of the invention include expandable, implantable devices and methods. Devices expand linearly within the volume of a membrane and laterally to provide secure fixation between or among anatomical structures. In some embodiments, an implant replaces one or more vertebral bodies, or portions of vertebral bodies, of the spine.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Spinal disc annulus reconstruction method and spinal disc annulus stent

Номер: AU2010201773B2

Cco, C ?1 There is provided a method of treating a defect in the annulus fibrosus of an intervertebral disc. The method comprises providing a device delivery tool; providing a device, the device having a first anchor and a second anchor, said first and second anchors connected by at least one connecting member; and piercing the intervertebral disc with said device delivery tool at a first location. The first anchor is disposed into intervertebral disc tissue at the first location. The intervertebral disc is pierced with said device delivery tool at a second location at which the second anchor is disposed into intervertebral disc tissue. Tension is applied to one of said at least one said connecting members to foreshorten one of said at least one connecting members between the first and second anchors.

09-07-2015 дата публикации


Номер: AU2011247048B2

A prosthesis comprising a plastics body and a plurality of barbed stakes extending from a bone- facing surface of said body; said stakes being sized and located to provide fixation on impaction ...

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Implant components and methods

Номер: AU2011264848A1

Systems, devices, and methods are provided for orthopedic implants. The implants may include a base member, such as an acetabular shell or an augment, that is configured to couple with an augment, flange cup, mounting member, or any other suitable orthopedic attachment. A cup member that fits within an implantable shell and has mounting members that anchor an implant to a patient's bone or soft tissue may be provided. The cup member may fit within the shell and have an exterior surface configured to mate with a corresponding interior surface of the shell to couple the cup member to the shell. The mounting members may be integral with the cup member, or may be adjustable to provide flexibility to accommodate a specific implant or patient anatomy.

01-09-2005 дата публикации

Artificial intervertebral disc having an articulating joint

Номер: AU2005214915A1

04-08-2005 дата публикации

Interconnected spinal device and method

Номер: AU2005206125A1

23-06-2011 дата публикации

Vertebral facet joint prosthesis and method of fixation

Номер: AU2005213459B2

Devices and methods for altering the spacing and motion at the facet joints of the vertebral column are provided. One embodiment of the invention comprises a prosthesis 34 with surfaces or faces 46, 48 configured to articulate with the facets 20, 22 of the facet joint 28. A retaining member 72 for anchoring the prosthesis 34 within the facet joint 28 is optionally included. Methods for surgically and less invasively implanting the prosthesis 34 and securing the prosthesis 34 to the articular processes or surrounding soft tissue are also provided.

04-09-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003219773A1

02-04-2002 дата публикации

Reinforced molded implant formed of cortical bone

Номер: AU0009687901A

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Methods and surgical kits for minimally-invasive facet joint fusion

Номер: US20120010620A1
Автор: David A. Petersen
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed herein are methods and surgical kits that can be used to fuse facet joints via a minimally invasive procedure (including an arthroscopic or percutaneous procedure). An exemplary method includes creating an incision; locating a facet joint with a distal end of a pin; sliding a substantially hollow drill guide over said pin wherein said drill guide comprises a proximal end, a distal end; removing said pin from within said drill guide; inserting a drill bit into said drill guide; drilling a hole into a bone of said facet joint; removing said drill bit; inserting a facet joint bone plug into said hole using a bone plug inserter having a raised portion at or near is proximal end, wherein said raised portion prevents over-insertion of said bone plug; and removing said drill guide.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Intervertebral implant with multi-piece end cap

Номер: US20120016478A1

Implants sized to be inserted into an intervertebral space between first and second vertebral members, and related methods. The spinal implant may have a body extending along a longitudinal axis with opposing first and second longitudinal ends. An end cap is mounted to the body at one of the ends and disposed longitudinally outboard of the corresponding end. The end cap comprises a first portion, a second portion, and an annular elastic element, such as an O-ring. The first and second portions are disposed circumferentially around the longitudinal axis. The annular elastic member circumferentially surrounds the first portion, the second portion, and the longitudinal axis. The annular elastic member applies a compressive force that urges the first and second portions together in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis. The end cap may be flat or angled. Other implants and related methods are disclosed.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Method for fusing a human or animal joint as well as fusion device and tool set for carrying out the method

Номер: US20120022535A1
Принадлежит: WW Tech AG

The fusion device for fusing a synovial joint of a human or animal patient, in particular a human facet joint, finger joint or toe joint, includes two pin-shaped anchorage portions ( 1 ) and arranged therebetween a stabilization portion ( 2 ). The anchorage portions ( 1 ) include a thermoplastic material which is liquefiable by mechanical vibration. The stabilization portion ( 2 ) preferably has a surface which is equipped for enhancing osseointegration. The anchorage portions ( 1 ) have a greater thickness (T 1 ) and a greater depth (D) than the stabilization portion ( 2 ). Then the fusion device is pushed between the articular surfaces and mechanical vibration, in particular ultrasonic vibration, is applied to the proximal face ( 4 ) of the fusion device. Thereby the liquefiable material is liquefied where in contact with the bone tissue and penetrates into the bone tissue, where after re-solidification it constitutes a positive fit connection between the fusion device and the bone tissue.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Interbody spinal implants and insertion techniques

Номер: US20120029639A1

An implant for a spinal column is disclosed that is capable of being inserted into a patient in a first orientation having a reduced or minimum height and then rotated to a second orientation providing a second or maximum height, wherein in each orientation the height of the implant extends in a direction from one endplate toward the other endplate of adjacent vertebrae. The implant includes first and second side-by-side elongate members that are separately rotated from the first orientation to the second orientation after implantation. The first and second implant members are interconnected by a housing that maintains the first and second members in side-by-side relation.

01-03-2012 дата публикации

Intervertebral prosthetic disc with shock absorption

Номер: US20120053694A1
Принадлежит: Spinalmotion Inc

A prosthetic disc for insertion between adjacent vertebrae includes upper and lower plates and a core having upper and lower curved surfaces disposed between the plates. At least one of the plates and/or the core includes a resilient material for absorbing shock or other forces applied by vertebrae. Optionally, resilient support members may be disposed within the resilient material to connect two portions of a plate or the core. Such support members may be springs, cylinders, wires or other resilient structures. The resilient material is held within the core or plate(s) via a surrounding retaining structure, such as a membrane. The resilient material disposed in one or more components of the prosthetic disc provides for shock absorption.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Expandable Fusion Device and Method of Installation Thereof

Номер: US20120059470A1
Автор: Mark Weiman
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

The present invention provides an expandable fusion device capable of being installed inside an intervertebral disc space to maintain normal disc spacing and restore spinal stability, thereby facilitating an intervertebral fusion. In one embodiment, the fusion device includes a central ramp, a first endplate, and a second endplate, the central ramp capable of being moved in a first direction to move the first and second endplates outwardly and into an expanded configuration. The fusion device is capable of being deployed down an endoscopic tube.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Intervertebral insert system

Номер: US20120078315A1
Автор: Patrick J. Sweeney
Принадлежит: Spinal Generations LLC

A system for delivering fluid to a space between two vertebrae is provided. The system includes a tool and an insert configured to be implanted in the space between two vertebrae. The tool includes a proximal end, a distal end and a structure at the distal end configured to be coupled to the insert. The tool further includes a first opening located near the proximal end of the tool, a second opening located near the distal end of the tool, and a passage extending between the first opening and the second opening. The first opening, the passage and the second opening provide a fluid delivery path from the proximal end to the exterior of the tool near the distal end. The second opening is positioned relative to the structure such that fluid is permitted to be delivered from the tool directly into the space between the two vertebrae.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Intervertebral spinal implant, installation device and system

Номер: US20120095559A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Improved interbody spinal implant devices and related instrumentation used for surgical installation of such implant devices for use in spinal fusion surgeries. The spinal implant devices are configured with apertures preferably used in conjunction with the instrumentation of the invention to improve the retention of bone graft material within the implant during installation. The invention also includes improved implants with deployable spike mechanisms.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Prosthetic intervertebral disc with movable core

Номер: US20120101579A1
Принадлежит: Spinalmotion Inc

An intervertebral disc for a prosthetic intervertebral disc system for insertion from a posterior of the spine includes first and second end plates sized and shaped to fit within an intervertebral space, each end plate having a vertebral contacting surface and an inner surface, a first bearing surface on an inner surface of the first end plate, and a second bearing surface on an inner surface of the second end plate. A mobile core is configured to be received between the first and second bearing surfaces, the first and second end plates being articulable and rotatable relative to each other via sliding motion of at least one of the first and second bearing surfaces over the core. The core is movable with respect to at least one of the first and second end plates.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Implants and Methods for Spinal Fusion

Номер: US20120101582A1
Принадлежит: Nuvasive Inc

An implant is provided for performing spinal fusion. The implant includes an implant body having a leading side and a trailing side at opposing ends along a longitudinal axis. Between the leading side and trailing side are an upper surface, a lower surface, an anterior side, and a posterior side. At least one keel structure is provided extending from the implant body for penetration into an adjacent vertebral body. A trial sizer and keel cutter may be utilized to form keel channels within the vertebral body to receive the keel structure.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Medical implant and method for photodynamic therpy

Номер: US20120109302A1

An implant and method for insertion between adjacent vertebral members. The implant comprises an implant body with a base section having a plurality of base extensions, and an end cap adapted for selective axial positioning at a selected point on the base section. The end cap comprises a locking apertures and positioning apertures configured to engage corresponding base extensions, and a variable aperture slot extending through the end cap which is adapted to enable the end cap to resiliently deform as the end cap is positioned on the base section. The locking apertures and positioning apertures will prevent rotational movement of the end cap relative to the base section once the end cap is secured to the base section. The implant imparts end cap height and angulation to an adjacent vertebral body at the selected or desired point when the implant is positioned in the intervertebral space.

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Artificial disc prosthesis for replacing a damaged nucleus

Номер: US20120116516A1
Автор: Kamran Aflatoon
Принадлежит: Individual

A multi-piece disc replacement implant for replacing a disc removed by a discectomy including an upper plate member, a lower plate member, and an intermediate resilient member providing movement between the two plate members replicating the natural movement of the spine. The plate members are rigid and have orthogonal sidewalls forming an enclosure. The resilient member is an elastic solid or a multi-chamber balloon structure of fluid-filled sacks that collectively define a non-uniform shape such as an oblate spheroid, or a helically coiled string of beads. Such an implant is capable of supporting the compressive and cyclic loads required of a natural disc. The upper and lower plate members are cooperatively formed to selectively limit the allowable range of motion in any given direction and a provided with protrusions to be received in one or more channels cooperatively formed in the vertebrae and secured in place by a bone screw.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Two-component artificial disc replacements

Номер: US20120136444A1
Автор: Bret A. Ferree
Принадлежит: Spinecore Inc

Artificial disc replacements (ADRs) and total disc replacements (TDRs) are based upon two, directly articulating components, resulting in a restricted-motion system that better approximates more normal spinal flexion, extension, and lateral bending. One component may have a concave articulating surface, and the other a convex articulating surface. The radius of curvature of the articulating surface may be smaller in the anterior-to-posterior direction of the ADR than the radius of curvature of the articulating surface in the left-to-right direction of the ADR. Both components are preferably made of a hard material and are highly polished to reduce friction.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Joint arthroplasty devices and surgical tools

Номер: US20120151730A1
Принадлежит: Conformis Inc

Disclosed herein are methods, compositions and tools for repairing articular surfaces repair materials and for repairing an articular surface. The articular surface repairs are customizable or highly selectable by patient and geared toward providing optimal fit and function. The surgical tools are designed to be customizable or highly selectable by patient to increase the speed, accuracy and simplicity of performing total or partial arthroplasty.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Expandable spinal implant device

Номер: US20120179255A1
Принадлежит: EBI LLC

An expandable spinal implant device for supporting vertebral bodies can include first and second body members and first and second expansion mechanisms. The body members can each have a first end positionable toward one of the vertebral bodies and can each define a hollow interior. The expansion mechanisms can be spaced apart from each other and can include a first drive shaft and a second drive shaft, respectively. The first and second drive shafts can each have a gear member fixedly coupled thereto. Each drive shaft can be threadably engaged at a first side to the first body member and at a second side to the second body member. The expansion mechanisms can be operable to effect axial displacement of the first body member relative to the second body member by rotationally driving the gear members of the first and second drive shafts.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Joint support and subchondral support system

Номер: US20120185044A1
Автор: Derek Dee
Принадлежит: Individual

A joint support and subchondral support system and method of use of same for providing structural and dampening support to damaged subchondral bone adjacent to a body joint are disclosed. The joint support and subchondral support system and method of use of same are applicable to many parts of the joint as any area with cartilage disease has an adjoining subchondral component.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

System and devices for the repair of a vertebral disc defect

Номер: US20120191130A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A system for repairing a vertebral disc defect, such as hernia or bulge, a full or partial tear in the annulus, or a weakened annulus wall as a result of an excision procedure. The system introduces a treatment device arranged to repair the defect, and may prevent the leakage of fluid from the nucleus. The components of the device may be resorbable materials, and may induce the ingrowth of cellular material into the components. The system may feature a locating device to ensure proper placement of the treatment device.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for the treatment of tissue

Номер: US20120253392A1
Принадлежит: Anulex Technologies Inc

This disclosure presents methods and devices for treating a defect in soft tissue of a patient. The methods and devices can employ fixation delivery apparatuses and fixation apparatuses positioned, at least in part, in or on the soft tissue to be repaired. In some aspects, these techniques include the use of this includes a fixation apparatus that includes at least one bone anchor connected to at least one tissue anchor by a shortenable elongate member.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Ceramic manufactures

Номер: US20120271429A1
Принадлежит: Xylon LLC

Fired magnesium oxide stabilized transformation toughened zirconia ceramic can be for or of an implant or implant component of a one-piece unicompartmental knee spacer device; a multi-piece unicompartmental joint aligning device; a temporal mandibular joint cap implant; a vertebra cap; an ankle joint ensemble or component; a bridge, a tooth or teeth; a patellofemoral joint implant; a tibial tray for a knee joint replacement implant; an intermediary articulation plate for a tibial tray and liner for a knee joint replacement implant; or the intermediary articulation plate assembled in combination with the tibial tray.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Vertebral spacer

Номер: US20120290089A1
Автор: Hooman M. MELAMED
Принадлежит: Individual

A vertebral spacer includes a body having a top side, a bottom side, a front side, and a rear side. The top side is configured to be positioned adjacent to a first vertebra and the bottom side is configured to be positioned against a second vertebra. First, second, third and fourth bores extend through the body. First and second compression fasteners disposable in the first and third bores, and first and second locking fasteners disposable in the second and fourth bores. The first compression fastener and the first locking fastener cooperate to apply and lock a first predetermined compression force between the body and the first vertebra. The second compression fastener and the second locking fastener cooperate to apply and lock a second predetermined compression force between the body and the second vertebra.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Artificial Disc Device

Номер: US20120310287A1
Принадлежит: Pioneer Surgical Technology Inc

An artificial disc device for replacing a damaged nucleus is disclosed. In one form, the device may be inserted in components such that the device may be assembled within and retained by the natural annulus therein. In another form, the device may be inserted into the natural annulus in a collapsed or compressed state or arrangement and then be expanded within and retained by the annulus therein. In a further form, the device may be provided with a releasable connection so that the device may be connected in an insertion configuration and may be released in an operable configuration. Insertion tools and methods are also disclosed.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

In-situ intervertebral fusion device and method

Номер: US20120310352A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Spine LLC

An orthopedic device for implanting between adjacent vertebrae comprising: an arcuate balloon and a hardenable material within said balloon. In some embodiments, the balloon has a footprint that substantially corresponds to a perimeter of a vertebral endplate. An inflatable device is inserted through a cannula into an intervertebral space and oriented so that, upon expansion, a natural angle between vertebrae will be at least partially restored. At least one component selected from the group consisting of a load-bearing component and an osteobiologic component is directed into the inflatable device through a fluid communication means.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Spinal Facet Implants with Mating Articulating Bearing Surface and Methods of Use

Номер: US20120323277A1
Принадлежит: GMEDELAWARE 2 LLC

Superior and/or inferior facets of one or more facet joints may be replaced by superior and/or inferior facet joint prostheses. In one embodiment, a kit of superior or inferior prostheses is provided, in which the prostheses have at least two dimensions that vary among members of the kit independently of each other. Each prosthesis may have a bone engaging surface having a surface that is polyaxially rotatable against a corresponding resection of a vertebra. Each prosthesis may also have an articulating surface shaped such that, after attachment to the spine, the replaced or partially replaced facet joints provide a larger medial-lateral range of motion when the spine is flexed than when the spine is extended. Crosslinks may be used to connect left and right prosthesis together in such a manner that they are stabilized in a position in which they are seated directly against the vertebra.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Methods and apparatuses for vertebral body distraction and fusion employing a coaxial screw gear sleeve mechanism

Номер: US20120323329A1
Принадлежит: SpineX Tec LLC

Improved methods and apparatuses for vertebral body distraction and fusion in accordance with various embodiments of the present invention employ one or more coaxial screw gear sleeve mechanisms. In various embodiments, coaxial screw gear sleeve mechanisms include a post with a threaded exterior surface and a corresponding sleeve configured to surround the post, the corresponding sleeve having a threaded interior surface configured to interface with the threaded exterior surface of the post and a geared exterior surface. A drive mechanism can be configured to interface with the geared exterior surface of the sleeve, causing the device to distract.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for delivering an implant between adjacent vertebras using endoscopy

Номер: US20120330425A1
Автор: Richard I. Zipnick

An optical intervertebral implantation system can be used for a method of implanting an intervertebral implant into an intervertebral space with visualization. The system can include an elongate light guide and an intervertebral implant operably coupled with the elongate light guide. The elongate light guide can be configured as a guide wire and received through an aperture of the implant. The elongate light guide can be configured as a guide wire and the implant is received over and slides along on outside surface of the elongate light guide. The elongate light guide can be configured as a cannula having an internal conduit and the implant is received within the conduit. The elongate light guide can be configured as a cannula with an internal conduit and the implant is slidably coupled with an internal surface of the internal conduit of the cannula.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Prosthetic implant support structure

Номер: US20130013080A1
Принадлежит: Zimmer Inc

A prosthetic system that includes a prosthetic implant and a support structure secured to an inner surface of a cavity of a bone is disclosed. The support structure defines a channel that extends through the length of the support structure. The prosthetic implant is received in the channel, and a portion of the prosthetic implant is secured to an inner surface of the support structure by an adhesive. The support structure may comprise a pair of partially hemispherical components arranged in spaced apart relationship thereby defining the channel between the pair of components.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Vertebral joint implants and delivery tools

Номер: US20130030440A1
Принадлежит: Providence Medical Technology Inc

A spinal joint distraction system for treating a facet joint including articular surfaces having a contour is disclosed and may include a delivery device including a generally tubular structure adapted to engage a facet joint, an implant adapted to be delivered through the delivery device and into the facet joint, the implant comprising two members arranged in opposed position, and an implant distractor comprising a generally elongate member adapted to advance between the two members of the implant causing separation of the members and distraction of the facet joint, wherein the implant is adapted to conform to the shape of the implant distractor and/or the articular surfaces of the facet upon being delivered to the facet joint. Several embodiments of a system, several embodiments of an implant, and several methods are disclosed including a method for interbody fusion.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Implant interface system and method

Номер: US20130030529A1
Автор: Jessee Hunt
Принадлежит: 4Web Inc

An orthopedic implant having an implant body including a bone interface surface having a bone interface structure protruding therefrom. The bone interface structure includes a proximal portion of the bone interface structure adjacent the bone interface surface and a distal portion of the bone interface structure extending from the proximal portion of the bone interface structure, wherein the distal portion of the bone interface structure configured to be disposed at least partially into a bone structure during use.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Spinal fusion device

Номер: US20130035763A1
Автор: David Krueger
Принадлежит: Individual

A spinal fusion device is disclosed. The spinal fusion device includes a first endplate configured for fitting within a disc space and engaging with a first vertebra and a second endplate configured for fitting within the disc space and engaging with a second vertebra. The two endplates are separated by a single spacer that is positioned between the first endplate and the second endplate and maintains a pre-determined distance between the first endplate and the second endplate. The spacer contains an anterior end, a posterior end, a first lateral side, a second lateral side opposite to the first lateral side, a first surface that engages with the first endplate, a second surface that engages with the second endplate. Also disclosed are methods and instruments for implanting the spinal fusion device.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Multi-piece Intervertebral Implants

Номер: US20130073046A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

Intervertebral implants for implanting into an intervertebral space are provided. The implants can comprise one or more layers that are operably attached to one another. An implant can comprise a first layer having a first mating surface that mates with a second mating surface of a second layer. The first mating surface and the second mating surface can have features that allow them to complement each other. The implants can include one or more bore holes for receiving a fixation member. The bore holes can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. In some cases, the bore holes will be blind bore holes.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Joint arthroplasty devices and surgical tools

Номер: US20130081247A1
Принадлежит: Conformis Inc

Disclosed herein are methods, compositions and tools for repairing articular surfaces repair materials and for repairing an articular surface. The articular surface repairs are customizable or highly selectable by patient and geared toward providing optimal fit and function. The surgical tools are designed to be customizable or highly selectable by patient to increase the speed, accuracy and simplicity of performing total or partial arthroplasty.

02-05-2013 дата публикации

Joint implant

Номер: US20130110244A1
Принадлежит: Taurus GmbH and Co KG

A joint implant includes an upper and a lower implant part which are connected to each other, and a longitudinal axis of the implant. The implant parts each include a joint part having a joint region and an abutment part that can be abutted against the respective bone. The joint part and the abutment part are detachably connected to each other. The two joint parts each include a joint region and cooperate with each other, thus forming the articulated connection, or with an intermediate element having opposite upper and lower sides as abutment surfaces, thus forming two sub-joint. A connecting device interconnects the upper and lower implant part so as to form a coherent assembly and that can change its position relative to the upper and/or lower joint part.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods for the fixation or fusion of bone

Номер: US20130131739A1
Автор: Mark A. Reiley
Принадлежит: SI Bone Inc

A stem-like bone fixation device allows for bony in-growth on its surface and across fracture fragments or between bones that are to be fused.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Bone fusion device, system and method

Номер: US20130204371A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A bone fusion method, system and device for insertion between bones that are to be fused together in order to replace degenerated discs and/or bones, for example, the vertebrae of a spinal column. The bone fusion device comprises a frame and one or more extendable plates that are able to be angled, rotatable, adjustable, and have top profiles designed to correct and/or match the replaced discs/bones. The bone fusion device is able to be inserted between or replace the vertebrae by using a minimally invasive procedure wherein the dimensions and/or other characteristics of the bone fusion device are selectable based on the type of minimally invasive procedure.

22-08-2013 дата публикации

Prosthetic implant for ball and socket joints and method of use

Номер: US20130218282A1
Автор: Jessee Hunt
Принадлежит: 4Web Inc

A hip prosthesis includes an acetabular cup and a femoral component comprising a head and a stem, wherein the stem comprises a truss structure, the truss structure comprising a space truss comprising a plurality of planar truss units having a plurality of struts joined at nodes, wherein the web structure is configured to interface with bone tissue.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Interbody device insertion systems and methods

Номер: US20130245769A1
Принадлежит: Flexuspine Inc

Provided is a system for implanting an interbody device into a disc space located between a first and second vertebra includes a guide frame including a guide member having an opening. The system further includes an implant trial including an elongated body and a base plate coupled to the elongated body. The elongated body of the implant trial is releasably coupled to the guide member of the guide frame during use such that the opening guides longitudinal movement of the implant trial relative to the guide frame. The system still further includes a dilator operatively coupled to the elongated body during use for distracting the disc space. The system still further includes an insertion instrument including an elongated body and an insertion member coupled to the elongated body. The elongated body of the insertion instrument is releasably coupled to the guide member of the guide frame during use such that the opening guides longitudinal movement of the insertion instrument relative to the guide frame. The insertion member is releasably coupled to at least a portion of the interbody device during use.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus, systems, and methods for achieving lumbar facet fusion

Номер: US20130253654A1
Автор: Mark A. Reiley
Принадлежит: SI Bone Inc

Assemblies of one or more implant structures make possible the achievement of diverse interventions involving the fusion and/or stabilization of lumbar and sacral vertebra in a non-invasive manner, with minimal incision, and without the necessitating the removing the intervertebral disc. The representative lumbar spine interventions, which can be performed on adults or children, include, but are not limited to, lumbar interbody fusion; translaminar lumbar fusion; lumbar facet fusion; trans-iliac lumbar fusion; and the stabilization of a spondylolisthesis.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Vertebral body spacer

Номер: US20130274885A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A vertebral body spacer of the present invention is used by being inserted between a vertebral body and a vertebral body (intervertebral space). The vertebral body spacer has a block body constituted of titanium or a titanium alloy as a main component thereof, and provided with a pair of contact surfaces to be made contact with the vertebral body and the vertebral body. The block body includes a frame-shaped dense part and a porous part provided inside the dense part, and a porosity of at least a surface of the porous part is larger than a porosity of the dense part. According to the present invention, it is possible to maintain an appropriate size between the vertebral bodies (intervertebral space).

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Vertebral body spacer

Номер: US20130274886A1
Принадлежит: Mitsubishi Materials Corp

A vertebral body spacer of the present invention is used by being inserted between a vertebral body and a vertebral body (intervertebral space). The vertebral body spacer has a block body constituted of titanium or a titanium alloy as a main component thereof, and provided with a pair of contact surfaces to be made contact with the vertebral body and the vertebral body. The block body includes dense sheets having a dense part on at least a surface thereof and porous sheets having a porous part on at least a surface thereof. The porous part has a larger porosity than a porosity of the dense part. Each of the porous sheets is sandwiched between the pair of dense sheets. According to the present invention, it is possible to maintain an appropriate size between the vertebral bodies (intervertebral space).

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Spinal Implants for Rotationally Adjusting Vertebrae

Номер: US20130310937A1
Автор: Luiz Pimenta
Принадлежит: Nuvasive Inc

A spinal implant adapted to be positioned within a disc space between adjacent vertebrae includes a first intradiscal element, a second intradiscal element, and a coupling mechanism. The first and second intradiscal elements include respective first and second outer surfaces adapted to be positioned adjacent an endplate of respective first and second adjacent vertebrae. The first and second intradiscal elements further include respective first and second medial surfaces that are opposite the respective first and second outer surfaces, where the second medial surface is adapted to generally face the first medial surface upon assembly of the first intradiscal element with the second intradiscal element. The coupling mechanism is associated with the first and second medial surfaces and is adapted to provide relative rotational movement between the first and second intradiscal elements in a plane generally parallel with the first and second medial surfaces.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Spine surgery method and implant

Номер: US20130310939A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An implant has a first contact surface to contact a first vertebral body endplate and a second contact surface to contact a second vertebral body endplate adjacent the first vertebral body. The implant is deployable, when positioned within an intradiscal space between the first and second vertebral bodies, from a first non-expanded condition where the first contact surface has a first effective footprint area A 1 to a second expanded condition where the first contact surface has a second effective footprint area A 2. The ratio A 2/ A 1 is at least 1.05.

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Artificial intervertebral disc

Номер: US20130345816A1
Принадлежит: Blackstone Medical Inc

The present invention is directed to the field of prosthetic devices. More particularly, one embodiment of the present invention is directed to an artificial disc that can be used as a replacement for an intervertebral disc (e.g., a human intervertebral lumbar disc, a human intervertebral cervical disc and/or a human intervertebral thoracic disc).

16-01-2014 дата публикации

Expandable interbody spacer device

Номер: US20140018924A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

An expandable interbody spacer ( 10 ) is provided that includes a pair of oppositely facing endplate components ( 20, 40 ) and an interior component that includes one or more vertically extending stacks of arranged C-clip members ( 70 ) radially surrounding one or more bosses ( 30 ) protruding interiorly from one of the endplates, wherein the size and configuration of the bosses and the C-clip members are designed to allow the incremental expansion of expandable interbody spacer.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for fusing a human or animal joint as well as fusion device and tool set for carrying out the method

Номер: US20180000592A1
Принадлежит: WW Tech AG

The fusion device for fusing a synovial joint of a human or animal patient, in particular a human facet joint, finger joint or toe joint, includes two pin-shaped anchorage portions and arranged therebetween a stabilization portion. The anchorage portions include a thermoplastic material which is liquefiable by mechanical vibration. The stabilization portion preferably has a surface which is equipped for enhancing osseointegration. The anchorage portions have a greater thickness and a greater depth than the stabilization portion. Then the fusion device is pushed between the articular surfaces and mechanical vibration, in particular ultrasonic vibration, is applied to the proximal face of the fusion device. Thereby the liquefiable material is liquefied where in contact with the bone tissue and penetrates into the bone tissue, where after re-solidification it constitutes a positive fit connection between the fusion device and the bone tissue.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000640A1
Автор: Weiman Mark

An expandable fusion device capable of being installed inside an intervertebral disc space to maintain normal disc spacing and restore spinal stability, thereby facilitating an intervertebral fusion. In one embodiment, the fusion device includes a central ramp, a first endplate, and a second endplate, the central ramp capable of being moved in a first direction to move the first and second endplates outwardly and into an expanded configuration. The fusion device is capable of being deployed down an endoscopic tube. 1. An expandable fusion device comprising:a first endplate and a second endplate,a central ramp, a driving ramp, and an actuator positioned between the first and second endplates, the central ramp including a bore, a first expansion portion, and a second expansion portion separate from the first expansion portion, the driving ramp including a through bore and a third expansion portion, and the actuator including a head portion and an extension that extends from the head portion, and the extension of the actuator extends through the through bore of the driving ramp and into the bore of the central ramp,wherein when the actuator is rotated, the central ramp and the driving ramp move towards one another, thereby causing the first and second endplates to move apart.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the first expansion portion is proximate a first end and includes overlapping ramped portions.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the second expansion portion is positioned between the first end and a second end and includes central ramped portions.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the central ramped portions includes two central ramped portions on opposite side of the central ramp.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein the driving ramp includes an upper side claim 1 , a lower side claim 1 , a first side portion connecting the upper side and the lower side claim 1 , and a second side portion connecting the upper side and the lower side claim 1 , and the first and ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190000641A1
Автор: Grotz Robert Thomas
Принадлежит: iOrthopedics, Inc.

An expandable medical implant is provided with an implantable cage body. Methods for stabilizing and correcting the alignment of a spine with an expandable medical implant are provided. The proximal and distal ends of the cage body may each be provided with a plug for causing expansion of the ends of the implant and therefore the bone engaging surfaces of the implant. The proximal plug member may be configured to move longitudinally such that the proximal end of the cage body resiliently expands. The distal plug member may be configured to move longitudinally such that the distal end of the cage body resiliently expands. The proximal and distal plug members are moved longitudinally independently from one another to allow for independent expansion and contraction of each of the proximal and distal ends of the cage body itself. 1. An expandable medical implant comprising:a cage body with a proximal end and a distal end,a proximal hinge,a distal hinge,a first off-center tapered slot defining a first cantilevered arm wherein the first off-center slot can accommodate a first actuator screw,a second off-center tapered slot defining a second cantilevered arm wherein the first off-center slot can accommodate a second actuator screw,a first access hole, anda second access hole.2. The expandable medical implant of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator screw may be turned independently of the second actuator screw.3. The expandable medical implant of claim 1 , wherein the second actuator screw may be turned independently of the first actuator screw.4. The expandable medical implant of claim 1 , wherein the first actuator screw has a tapered head.5. The expandable medical implant of claim 1 , wherein the second actuator screw has a tapered head.6. The expandable medical implant of claim 1 , wherein the first access hole allows access to the first or second actuator screw.7. The expandable medical implant of claim 1 , wherein the second access hole allows access to the first or ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации

Intersomatic cage

Номер: US20170000620A1
Автор: Michael Perisic

The invention relates to an intersomatic cage comprising a body ( 3 ) and a part ( 2 ) that is designed to dilate the intersomatic space between two vertebrae ( 8, 8 ′) by rotating the cage so that the cage ( 1 ) can be inserted into the space. The body ( 3 ) has a prism shape with a substantially planar upper surface ( 6 ) which can bear against the superior vertebral endplate ( 8 ) and a substantially planar lower surface ( 6 ′) which can bear against the inferior vertebral endplate ( 8 ′).

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000623A1

A radiolucent intervertebral prosthesis is implanted in an environment that has been prepared in a manner which enhances radiopacity of the prosthesis and/or the environment. A liquid, powder, or other fluid radiopaque (RO) material, such as iohexol, is introduced into an implantation site, either by directly introducing the material into the site and/or by applying the material to a surface of the implant. The presence of the RO material in the implantation site provides contrast with the material of radiolucent prosthesis while the implantation site is being radiographically imaged, e.g. during fluoroscopic visualization while the prosthesis is being implanted. During implantation, the RO material helps the physician view and manipulate the implant, and after the implantation is complete, the RO material will be resorbed or otherwise lost from the implantation site so that the area returns to a radiolucent condition to facilitate subsequent radiographic imaging when needed. 1. A method for treating a patient having upper and lower vertebrae and an autologous disc in an intervertebral space between the upper and lower vertebrae , the method comprising:performing a discectomy to remove the autologous disc from the intervertebral space;providing an at least partially radiolucent prosthetic disc assembly configured for implantation into the intervertebral space and having upper and lower ends which are configured to engage the upper and lower vertebrae, respectively, after implantation;implanting the radiolucent prosthetic disc into the intervertebral space in the presence of a fluoroscopic contrast medium; andfluoroscopically imaging the intervertebral space while positioning the radiolucent prosthetic disc assembly in the intervertebral space, wherein boundary layers between the upper and lower ends of the radiolucent prosthetic disc assembly and the fluoroscopic contrast medium are visible during such positioning;wherein the fluoroscopic contrast medium is lost ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Vertebral body replacement apparatus

Номер: US20150005880A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

A vertebral body replacement apparatus includes an outer body member having a first end, a second end, and an opening, and an inner body member having a first end, a second end, and an inner surface defining an opening. The first end of the inner body member is received in the opening of the outer body member such that the inner body member and the outer body member are movable relative to one another. A support member has a first end secured within the inner body member and a second end extending a distance beyond the inner body member. The second end of the support member deflects relative to the first end of the outer body member in response to a force applied thereto and returns to a substantially non-deflected condition upon release of the force.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015918A1

A component including: a body having one or more surfaces with a contour formed to be substantially complementary to an anatomical surface of a specific patient; the body adapted to securably engage with a component-engaging part to form at least part of an implantable medical device, wherein: the one or more surfaces are substantially configured to evenly engage with the anatomical surface of the specific patient when the component is secured to the component-engaging part and the medical device implanted in the patient; and the body is at least in part manufactured by additive manufacturing. 1. A component including:a body having one or more surfaces with a contour formed to be substantially complementary to an anatomical surface of a specific patient;the body adapted to securably engage with a component-engaging part to form at least part of an implantable medical device, the one or more surfaces are substantially configured to evenly engage with the anatomical surface of the specific patient when the component is secured to the component-engaging part and the medical device implanted in the patient; and', 'the body is at least in part manufactured by additive manufacturing., 'wherein2. The component of claim 1 , wherein the anatomical surface of the specific patient is unique to one patient such that the one or more surfaces have been explicitly designed for the specific patient.3. The component of claim 1 , wherein the one or more surfaces are manufactured by additive manufacturing for the specific patient such that at least part of the one or more surfaces will not evenly engage a separate patient.4. The component of claim 1 , wherein the anatomical surface is taken in-situ within a human or animal patient.5. The component of claim 1 , wherein the one or more surfaces are matched to be complementary to the anatomical surface by retrieving a scan of the anatomical surface of the specific patient.6. The component of claim 1 , wherein a triangulated point surface ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

Intervertebral Disc Implants And Tooling

Номер: US20220015927A1
Автор: Rafail Zubok
Принадлежит: Howmedica Osteonics Corp

A kit for preparing an intervertebral disc space for receiving an implant (100) includes a plurality of trials (152) having different sizes. Each trial (152) includes a body (154) insertible into an intervertebral disc space, the body (154) having a leading end (162), a trailing end (164), a top surface (156) and a bottom surface (160), the top surface of the body having a first groove (176) formed therein. Each implant also includes a flange (166) secured to the trailing end (164) of the body (154), the flange (166) having a first channel (180) aligned with the first groove (176), wherein each of the different sized trials has a different flange thickness. The flange thickness controls advancement of a cutting tool such as a chisel (192) into the first groove at the top surface of the trial body, which controls the depth of the cut into vertebral bone.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Joint Arthroplasty Devices and Surgical Tools

Номер: US20170007408A1

Disclosed herein are methods, compositions and tools for repairing articular surfaces repair materials and for repairing an articular surface. The articular surface repairs are customizable or highly selectable by patient and geared toward providing optimal fit and function. The surgical tools are designed to be customizable or highly selectable by patient to increase the speed, accuracy and simplicity of performing total or partial arthroplasty. 1. A knee joint arthroplasty system for repairing a diseased or damaged knee joint of a patient , comprising:one or more implant components; and the patient-specific surface having at least a portion that is substantially a negative of a corresponding portion of a diseased or damaged articular surface of the knee joint of the patient and having a predetermined position and orientation relative to the corresponding portion;', 'the first and second drilling holes having predetermined positions and orientations relative to the patient-specific surface and each having an axis that extends through a portion of the joint when the patient-specific surface is fit to the corresponding portion of the diseased of damaged articular surface of the knee joint of the patient., 'a block having a patient-specific surface and first and second drilling holes;'}, 'at least one patient-specific surgical tool which includes2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more implant components include standard implant components.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more implant components include customized implant components. This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 13/405,826, entitled “Joint Arthroplasty Devices and Surgical Tools” filed Feb. 27, 2012, which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 12/606,844, entitled “Joint Arthroplasty Devices and Surgical Tools” filed Oct. 27, 2009, which is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. 10/724,010, entitled “Patient Selectable Joint Arthroplasty Devices and Surgical Tools Facilitating ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Linked Bilateral Spinal Facet Implants and Methods of Use

Номер: US20170007419A1

Superior and/or inferior facets of one or more facet joints may be replaced by superior and/or inferior facet joint prostheses. In one embodiment, a kit of superior or inferior prostheses is provided, in which the prostheses have at least two dimensions that vary among members of the kit independently of each other. Each prosthesis may have a bone engaging surface having a surface that is polyaxially rotatable against a corresponding resection of a vertebra. Each prosthesis may also have an articulating surface shaped such that, after attachment to the spine, the replaced or partially replaced facet joints provide a larger medial-lateral range of motion when the spine is flexed than when the spine is extended. Crosslinks may be used to connect left and right prosthesis together in such a manner that they are stabilized in a position in which they are seated directly against the vertebra. 1. An implantable system comprising:a superior member attachable to a bone member via a first fixation member;an inferior member attachable to a bone member via a second fixation member, wherein the superior member and the inferior member are configured to articulate relative to one another; anda flexible link extending a length of the inferior member and configured to attach to opposing ends of the inferior member.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the inferior member comprises a ball-and-socket joint.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first fixation member comprises an oval shaped cross-section that is wider in a first direction than in a second direction.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first fixation member comprises a square cross-section design with four substantially perpendicular sides.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the first fixation member comprises a triangular cross-section with three sides.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the superior member comprises a bone ingrowth surface.7. The system of claim 6 , wherein the bone ingrowth surface comprises a porous ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007420A1

A spinal implant includes an implant body including a first endplate and a second endplate. A plurality of electrodes include at least one electrode disposed with the first endplate and at least one electrode disposed with the second endplate such that the electrodes conduct an electric current to stimulate tissue growth adjacent the implant body. Systems, surgical instruments and methods are disclosed. 1. A spinal implant comprising:an implant body including a first endplate and a second endplate; anda plurality of electrodes including at least one electrode disposed with the first endplate and at least one electrode disposed with the second endplate such that the electrodes conduct an electric current to stimulate tissue growth adjacent the implant body.2. A spinal implant as recited in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the electrodes comprises a titanium coating.3. A spinal implant as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first endplate comprises a titanium endcap anode attached with the implant body and the second endplate comprises a titanium endcap cathode attached with the implant body.4. A spinal implant as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrode of the first endplate comprises a frame mounted with the implant body.5. A spinal implant as recited in claim 4 , wherein the implant body includes an inner surface that defines a cavity claim 4 , the frame including a first portion disposed with the first endplate and a second portion extending into the cavity.6. A spinal implant as recited in claim 1 , wherein the at least one electrode of the first endplate comprises a first frame attached with the implant body and the at least one electrode of the second endplate comprises a second frame attached with the implant body.7. A spinal implant as recited in claim 6 , wherein the first frame is electrically isolated from the second frame.8. A spinal implant as recited in claim 1 , wherein the first endplate comprises a superior surface and the at least one ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007860A1
Автор: Glerum Chad, Weiman Mark

The present invention provides an expandable fusion device capable of being installed inside an intervertebral disc space to maintain normal disc spacing and restore spinal stability, thereby facilitating an intervertebral fusion. In one embodiment, the fusion device includes a body portion, a first endplate, and a second endplate, the first and second endplates capable of being moved in a direction away from the body portion into an expanded configuration or capable of being moved towards the body portion into an unexpanded configuration. The fusion device is capable of being deployed and installed in both configurations. 1. An expandable device , comprising: endplates;', 'an elongate body disposed between the endplates and further extending proximally, the elongate body having an external threading at a proximal portion; and', 'an inner shaft disposed within the elongate body and adapted to translate to expand the endplates, the inner shaft having a mating section at a proximal end; and, 'an expandable spacer including a housing having an internal threading adapted to threadably receive the external threading of the inner shaft; and', 'a slidable lock coupled to the housing and having a mating portion, the slidable lock having a first sliding position that mates the mating portion with the mating section of the inner shaft to lock the inner shaft to the housing and a second sliding position that unlocks the inner shaft from the housing for removal of the expandable spacer from the removable handle., 'a removable handle coupled to the proximal portion of the elongate body and including2. The expandable device of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes an internally threaded insert coupled to the external threading of the inner shaft.3. The expandable device of claim 1 , wherein the housing includes an internally threaded insert coupled to the external threading of the inner shaft and the insert is formed of polymer material.4. The expandable device of claim 3 , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008429A1
Автор: Guo Wensheng, Li Zhaowen

The present disclosure relates to an interspinous omnidirectional dynamic stabilization device, including a first fixing part, a second fixing part, a connecting structure and an elastic structure, wherein the first fixing part and the second fixing part are fixedly connected to each other through the connecting structure and elastic structure, the bottoms of the first fixing part and the second fixing part are provided with one or more barbs, the elastic structure is made up of one or more U-shaped structures connected to each other, and the first fixing part and the second fixing part are provided with fixing holes respectively. The device is able to provide the maximum matching for the mobility in all directions, according to the requirements on the physiological activities of the human body, without causing stabilizing structures to be relatively displaced, or loosen and fall off. In addition, the device has a reasonably designed structure, with a small size. The device can be firmly fixed, and have a strong ability of elasticity attenuation resistance. In the device, the prosthesis has strong vertical support force at the bottom of the spinous process after implantation. Moreover, the device is fixed to the spinous processes and lamina, with the elastic structure attached to the spinous processes on either side of an interspinous space, and the bottom of the prosthesis is not forced to be close to the spinal dura mater, to reduce the risk of damaging the spinal dura mate during or after surgery. 1124312431263301125. An interspinous omnidirectional dynamic stabilization device , comprising a first fixing part () , a second fixing part () , a connecting structure () and an elastic structure () , wherein the first fixing part () and the second fixing part () are fixedly connected to each other through the connecting structure () and elastic structure () , the bottoms of the first fixing part () and the second fixing part () are provided with one or more barbs () , ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008431A1

A method of inserting an intervertebral disc implant into a disc space includes accessing a spinal segment having a first vertebral body, a second vertebral body and a disc space between the first and second vertebral bodies. The method includes securing a first pin to the first vertebral body and a second pin to the second vertebral body, using the first and second pins for distracting the disc space, and providing an inserter holding the intervertebral disc implant. The method also desirably includes engaging the inserter with the first and second pins, and advancing the inserter toward the disc space for inserting the intervertebral disc implant into the disc space, whereby the first and second pins align and guide the inserter toward the disc space. 1. (canceled)2. A surgical method comprising the steps of:selecting a dispenser associated with two members of an implant, each of the first and second members including at least one protrusion for association with one of a first vertebral body and a second vertebral body, the dispenser shaped so that at least a portion of the protrusion on each of the first and second members is exposed while the dispenser holds the first and second members in registration;providing an inserter shaft; andimplanting the first and second members between the first and second vertebral bodies by manipulating the inserter shaft.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising providing an inserter head.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising the steps of:engaging the inserter head with the inserter shaft;passing the first and second members from the dispenser to the inserter head;decoupling the implant from the inserter head; anddiscarding the inserter head.5. The method of claim 2 , further comprising the steps of:inserting a first pin in the first vertebral body;inserting a second pin in the second vertebral body;associating a distractor with the first and second pins; andmoving the first and second vertebral bodies with a ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Animal Knee Joint Implant Reflecting Anatomical Structure of Animal

Номер: US20220023053A1
Принадлежит: Vetrust Meditech Co Ltd

The present disclosure relates to an animal knee joint implant that reflects an anatomical structure of an animal. More particularly, the present disclosure relates to an animal knee joint implant that reflects the anatomical structure of an animal, wherein the knee joint implant is capable of being used for diseases, which are accompanied by bone loss, damage to surrounding muscles, ligaments, and the like and are thus more complex than general knee joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative arthritis, and wherein the animal knee joint implant is capable of reinforcing stability against varus and valgus as well as stability against flexion and extension, and capable of easily complementing gaps that may occur when the bones of a joint are cut.

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Systems and methods for expandable corpectomy spacer implantation

Номер: US20220023066A1
Автор: George Howard
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

An implant assembly including an expandable vertebral body replacement implant. The implant assembly includes a right hand end and a left hand end configured to attach to a threaded actuator. An outer ring is configured to surround each of the right and left hand ends and the threaded actuator. The implant assembly may include removable endplates configured to engage vertebral bodies as interbody spacer or through a corpectomy. The implant assembly includes a locking mechanism to prevent collapse or movement the implant assembly after implantation. The locking mechanism automatically engage after removal of an inserter instrument from the implant assembly.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008650A1

The present application generally relates to orthopedic systems, and in particular, to systems including independent plates and spacers. A plating system can include a spacer and a plate that is independent from the spacer. A number of locking mechanisms can be provided to secure the plate to the spacer. In some cases, the spacer includes a pair of notches that extend on an outer surface of the spacer. The plate can include a pair of lateral extensions that can engage the notches to secure the plate to the spacer. In other cases, the spacer includes an opening including a pair of inlets. The plate can include an enclosed posterior extension that can be received in the pair of inlets to secure the plate to the spacer. 1. A spinal system comprising:a plate member comprising a first opening for receiving a first fastener therein and a second opening for receiving a second fastener therein, wherein the first fastener is configured to engage a bone member in an upward direction and the second fastener is configured to engage a bone member is a downward direction, wherein the plate member comprises a first arm extending from a first side of the plate member and a second arm extending from a second side of the plate member;a first fastener received in the first opening;a second fastener received in the second opening; anda spacer member attachable to the plate member, wherein the spacer member engages the first arm and the second arm.2. The spinal system of claim 1 , wherein the plate member comprises torsional stabilizers.3. The spinal system of claim 1 , wherein each of the first arm and second arm includes a laterally extending protrusion.4. The spinal system of claim 3 , wherein the spacer member comprises a pair of notches claim 3 , wherein each of the laterally extending protrusions of the plate member is configured to extend into a respective notch of the spacer member.5. The spinal system of claim 1 , wherein the each of the first arm and the second arm includes a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008660A1

A dilation introducer for orthopedic surgery is provided for minimally invasive access for insertion of an intervertebral implant. The dilation introducer may be used to provide an access position through Kambin's triangle from a posterolateral approach. A first dilator tube with a first longitudinal axis is provided. A second dilator tube may be introduced over the first, advanced along a second longitudinal axis parallel to but offset from the first. A third dilator tube may be introduced over the second, advanced along a third longitudinal axis parallel to but offset from both the first and the second. An access cannula may be introduced over the third dilator tube. With the first, second, and third dilator tubes removed, surgical instruments may pass through the access cannula to operate on an intervertebral disc and/or insert an intervertebral implant. 123-. (canceled)24. A method of performing an endoscopic procedure through a Kambin's triangle of a human , the method comprising the steps of:inserting a tube along a previously-created opening through tissue of the human through the Kambin's triangle and toward an intervertebral disc space along a generally transforaminal approach, thereby enlarging the previously-created opening, wherein the dilator tube is prevented from contacting any existing nerves that partially define the Kambin's triangle during the inserting step;inserting at least one surgical tool through the Kambin's triangle through the tube and into the intervertebral disc space; andperforming the endoscopic procedure on the disc space using the at least one surgical tool.25. The method as recited in claim 24 , wherein the inserting step further comprises the step of applying an electrical current to an electrically conductive element supported by the tube claim 24 , and determining that a nerve of the Kambin's triangle has been stimulated by the electrically conductive element.26. The method as recited in claim 24 , wherein the performing step ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Expandable interbody spacer device

Номер: US20160015527A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

An expandable interbody spacer ( 10 ) is provided that includes a pair of oppositely facing endplate components ( 20, 40 ) and an interior component that includes one or more vertically extending stacks of arranged C-clip members ( 70 ) radially surrounding one or more bosses ( 30 ) protruding interiorly from one of the endplates, wherein the size and configuration of the bosses and the C-clip members are designed to allow the incremental expansion of expandable interbody spacer.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Spinal implant configured for lateral insertion

Номер: US20160015528A1
Принадлежит: Centinel Spine Inc

The embodiments provide a spinal implant that is configured for lateral insertion into a patient's intervertebral disc space. The spinal implant may have a body having a tapered anterior portion and one or more apertures. The tapered anterior portion allows for concomitant distraction of soft tissue during insertion of the implant. In addition, at least some of the apertures are designed to permit a predetermined amount of nutation by a fixation element. The fixations dements that allow nutation enable the fixation element to toggle from one position to another, for example, during subsidence of the implant in situ.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Arcuate Fixation Member

Номер: US20190015219A1

Arcuate fixation members with varying configurations and/or features are provided, along with additional components for use therewith in provided fixation systems and intervertebral implant systems. The arcuate fixation members may be of varying lengths, cross sectional geometries, and/or cross sectional areas, and may be configured with various features such as heads configured to accept other fixation system components, tabs to allow arcuate fixation member-in-arcuate fixation member or fixation anchor-in-arcuate fixation member configurations. Applications of fixation systems and intervertebral implants systems utilizing arcuate fixation members are particularly suitable when a linear line-of-approach for delivering fixation members is undesirable. 1an implant body defining a first bone-engaging surface, a second bone-engaging surface spaced from the first bone engaging surface along a transverse direction, a posterior end, an anterior end spaced from the posterior end along a longitudinal direction that is perpendicular to the transverse direction, and opposed lateral sides spaced apart with respect to each other along a lateral direction that is substantially perpendicular to the transverse direction and the longitudinal direction, the opposed lateral sides extending between the first and second bone-engaging surfaces;a fixation plate attached to the implant body, the fixation plate defining a posterior surface and an anterior surface spaced from the posterior surface along the longitudinal direction, and first and second lateral arms that extend away from the anterior surface along the longitudinal direction, the first and second lateral arms each defining a terminal end attached to the implant body, the fixation plate further defining a first and second upper curved apertures, and first and second lower curved apertures spaced from the first and second upper curved apertures along the transverse direction, and each at least one curved aperture having an ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Bone structural device

Номер: US20210015619A9
Принадлежит: CORELINK LLC

A bone structural device including a plurality of bone structural segments, wherein adjacent bone structural segments are pivotally connected to one another about a pivot axis, and the bone structural segments are expandable in height, which is in a direction generally parallel to the pivot axis.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Instrumentation And Methods For Use In Implanting A Cervical Disc Replacement Device

Номер: US20210015628A1
Принадлежит: Howmedica Osteonics Corp

Instrumentation for implanting a cervical disc replacement device includes cervical disc replacement trials for determining the appropriate size of replacement device to be implanted, an insertion plate for maintaining the elements of the replacement device in fixed relation to one another for simultaneous manipulation, an insertion handle for attachment to the insertion plate for manipulation of the elements, an insertion pusher for releasing the insertion handle from the insertion plate, a drill guide that cooperates with the insertion plate to guide the drilling of tap holes for bone screws to be placed through bone screw holes in the flanges of the replacement device, clips that are applied to the flanges after placement of the bone screws to resist screw backout, and a clip applicator for applying the clips to the flanges.

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Spinal Fusion Implant

Номер: US20200015986A1
Автор: James A. Sack

An implant includes a housing; a blade having a retracted position in the housing and an extended position where the blade extends outwardly from the housing; and a blade actuating component comprising a driven shaft portion and a blade engaging portion. The blade actuating component can move the blade between the retracted position and the extended position. In addition, the blade engaging portion of the blade actuating component has a substantially U-shaped configuration defined at least in part by a superior surface and an inferior surface. Also, when the blade is in the extended position, the superior surface of the blade engaging portion of the blade actuating component is substantially flush with a superior surface of the housing, and the inferior surface of the blade engaging portion of the blade actuating component is substantially flush with an inferior surface of the housing.

28-01-2016 дата публикации

In-situ formed intervertebral fusion device and method

Номер: US20160022437A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

An orthopedic device for implanting between adjacent vertebrae comprising: an arcuate balloon and a hardenable material within said balloon. In some embodiments, the balloon has a footprint that substantially corresponds to a perimeter of a vertebral endplate. An inflatable device is inserted through a cannula into an intervertebral space and oriented so that, upon expansion, a natural angle between vertebrae will be at least partially restored. At least one component selected from the group consisting of a load-bearing component and an osteobiologic component is directed into the inflatable device through a fluid communication means.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Implants and implantation techniques for sacroiliac joint fusion

Номер: US20220039960A1
Автор: John Anthony Sazy
Принадлежит: Individual

A sacroiliac joint implant includes an implant structure formed from an elongated base member, an elongated first side member, and an elongated second side member, with an internal support structure extending in an implant plane from the base member to each of the first side member and the second side member. A fusion passage is defined in an area between the base member, first side member, and second side member. The fusion passage defines a respective open area through the implant to facilitate bone growth across the sacroiliac joint when the implant is properly implanted in the joint.

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Expandable spinal implant system and method

Номер: US20140107787A1

A spinal implant comprises a first member defining a longitudinal axis and including a wall that defines an axial cavity and at least one lateral opening configured for disposal of an instrument. A second member is configured for disposal with the axial cavity and includes a wall having an axial surface disposed along a thickness thereof. The axial surface defines at least a portion of an axial opening and includes a plurality of gear teeth disposed therealong. The instrument is engageable with the teeth to axially translate the second member relative to the first member. Systems and methods of use are disclosed.

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170027712A1

A system and method for spinal fusion comprising a spinal fusion implant of non-bone construction releasably coupled to an insertion instrument dimensioned to introduce the spinal fusion implant into any of a variety of spinal target sites, in particular into the thoracic region of the spine. 1an implant having a top surface for contacting said upper vertebral body and a bottom surface for contacting said lower vertebral body, opposing proximal and distal sides, and opposing anterior and posterior sides defined with respect to said anterior portion and said posterior portion of said upper and lower vertebral bodies;. A spinal fusion implant for implantation in an interbody space between an upper and a lower vertebral body situated in the thoracic spine, wherein each of said vertebral body is defined by an anterior portion and a posterior portion, comprising: This is a continuation of Ser. No. 14/931,351, filed Nov. 3, 2015, which is a continuation of Ser. No. 14/193,886, filed Feb. 28, 2014 (now U.S. Pat. No. 9,186,261), which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/044,917, filed on Mar. 7, 2008 (now U.S. Pat. No. 8,673,005), which claims the benefit of priority from U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/905,674, entitled “Systems and Methods for Spinal Fusion,” and filed on Mar. 7, 2007, the entire contents of these prior application being hereby expressly incorporated by reference into this disclosure as if set forth in its entirety herein.I. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to spinal surgery and, more particularly, to a system and method for spinal fusion comprising a spinal fusion implant of non-bone construction releasably coupled to an insertion instrument dimensioned to introduce the spinal fusion implant into the thoracic region of the spine.II. Discussion of the Prior ArtCurrently there are nearly 500,000 spine lumbar, thoracic and cervical fusion procedures performed each year in the United States. ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028330A1

Instrumentation for implanting an artificial intervertebral disc includes static trials and a dynamic trial for determining the appropriate size of disc to be implanted, static trial holders for manipulating the static trials, inserter/impactors for inserting and removing the static trials and for inserting the artificial intervertebral discs, repositioners/extractors for repositioning and extracting the static trials or the artificial intervertebral discs, and a leveler for setting the proper position of the artificial intervertebral disc. Methods for using the same are also disclosed. Features for artificial intervertebral discs and intervertebral spacer devices useful for manipulation by the instrumentation are also disclosed. 1. A method of orienting an implant within an intervertebral disc space comprising:providing an implant having first and second bone-contacting surfaces adapted to be positioned in the intervertebral disc space and space apart adjacent vertebral bodies surrounding the disc space, the implant having a plurality of apertures;providing an instrument having a shaft and at least one pin adapted to engage with at least a first and a second of the plurality of apertures, wherein engaging the at least one pin with the first aperture orients the implant at a first fixed angular orientation relative to the shaft of the instrument, and engaging the at least one pin with the second aperture orients the implant at a second different fixed angular orientation relative to the shaft of the instrument;engaging the at least one pin of the instrument with the first aperture; androtating the implant within the disc space while the at least one pin of the instrument is engaged with the first aperture of the implant.2. A method of orienting an implant within an intervertebral disc space comprising:providing an implant having first and second bone-contacting surfaces adapted to be positioned in the intervertebral disc space and space apart adjacent vertebral ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028331A1

The invention is a modular interbody fusion device for fusing adjacent spinal vertebrae that is adapted to be implanted in a prepared interbody space including a first modular segment having a width including a first rail extending at least partially along one side of the width and beyond a periphery of a body portion of the first modular segment, a second modular segment having a width and slidably connected to the first rail on one side of the width and having a second rail extending at least partially along another side of the width and beyond a periphery of a body portion of the second modular segment, a third modular segment having a width and slidably connected to the second rail on one side of the width and wherein the device has an expanded position in which the second and third modular segments are extended along the first and second rails and positioned in a generally end to end configuration spaced apart by the rails prior to implantation and an implanted position in which the modular segments are positioned in a generally side by side configuration that defines a unitary body that mimics the planar shape of the vertebra such that the device contacts and supports the adjacent vertebra. 131-. (canceled)32. A modular interbody fusion device for fusing adjacent spinal vertebrae that is adapted to be implanted in a prepared interbody space , the device comprising:a first modular segment having a first width including a first rail extending at least partially along one side of the first width and beyond a first periphery of a first body portion of the first modular segment;a second modular segment having a second width and slidably connected to the first rail on one side of the second width and having a second rail extending at least partially along another side of the second width and beyond a second periphery of a second body portion of the second modular segment;a third modular segment having a third width and slidably connected to the second rail on one ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации

Proximal humeral stabilization systems and methods thereof

Номер: US20220047308A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

An intramedullary nail implant for positioning in a bone having a head and a shaft defining an intramedullary canal. The implant includes a distal portion having a shaft extending along a central axis and configured for positioning within the intramedullary canal. A proximal portion extends proximally from the distal portion. The proximal portion defines a contact surface which extends at least in part medially of the central axis such that it is configured to extend within a medial portion of the bone head. A method of implanting the nail is also provided.

31-01-2019 дата публикации

Disk Fusion Implant

Номер: US20190029840A1
Принадлежит: JMEA Corp

An implant strip is disclosed. In some cases, the prosthesis can take the form of an implant strip that may be implanted through the use of a surgical procedure that minimizes incision sizes and may be considered less invasive than typical spinal implant procedures. The implant strip includes provisions for implantation, including teeth, spacing provisions, and various shapes.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029841A1

A spinal distractor and stabilizer has resilient, conformable bone contacting sections which are separated by an expandable chamber that extends from one of the sections, and which forms a ratchet with the section, ensuring that once expanded by being filled with a substance, cannot contract absent intervention by a medical practitioner. The stabilizer may be filled with a material which solidifies, after which some or all of the device may biodegrade. The device may also be provided in separable portions to facilitate implantation. The conformable sections distribute the distraction and stabilizing force evenly over the bone surface, reducing the incidence of disruption to the integrity of the bone. 1. A spinal device , comprising:a first bone contacting endplate having a first surface for contacting a surface of a first bone and a second surface into the intervertebral space;a second bone contacting endplate having a third surface contacting a surface of a second bone and a fourth surface into the intervertebral space; andan expandable element having an upper end and a lower end into the intervertebral space, wherein the expandable element is in positioned after introducing the first bone contacting endplate and the second bone contacting endplate such that the expandable element is positionable between said first and second bone contacting endplates,wherein the expandable element is expanded such that the upper end of the expandable element engages with the second surface of the first bone contacting endplate pushing the first bone contacting endplate against the first bone and the lower end of the expandable element engages with the fourth surface of the second bone contacting endplate pushing the second bone contacting endplate against the second bone,wherein the expandable element comprises a housing and a threaded shaft that passes through a nut and into the housing,wherein the expandable element remains in the intervertebral space.2. The spinal device of ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190029843A1
Автор: Berger Roger, RICHTER Joem

An intervertebral implant includes opposing upper and lower endplates that are configured to engage respective vertebral surfaces in an intervertebral space. The implant carries a plurality of bone fixation spikes that extend out from each endplate. The spikes define a plurality of outer surfaces that extend from a base to a tip. The spikes are laterally staggered, and have a height that increases along a longitudinal direction from the front toward the rear of the implant, and a define recess formed in at least one outer surfaces. 1an implant body having at least one endplate, the endplate comprising an outer transverse bone facing surface configured to engage a respective adjacent vertebral surface; andat least one bone fixation spike projecting out from the bone facing surface, the bone fixation spike defining at least one outer surface extending between a base and a tip,wherein the tip is outwardly spaced from the bone facing surface, and the bone fixation spike defines a recess extending into the outer surface at a location between the tip and the base.. An intervertebral implant, comprising: This application is a continuation application of U.S. patent Continuation application Ser. No. 14/470,992, filed Aug. 28, 2014 which is a continuation application of U.S. patent Continuation application Ser. No. 12/757,443, filed Apr. 9, 2010, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,858,636, all applications are herein incorporated by reference in their entireties.Historically, complete removal of a disc from between adjacent vertebrae resulted in fusing the adjacent vertebrae together. This “spinal fusion” procedure, which is still in use today, is a widely accepted surgical treatment for symptomatic lumbar and cervical degenerative disc disease. More recently, disc arthoplasty may be utilized to insert an artificial intervertebral disc implant into the intervertebral space between adjacent vertebrae. Such a disc implant allows limited universal movement of the adjacent vertebrae with ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Expandable intervertebral implant

Номер: US20200030114A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products Inc

An expandable intervertebral implant is provided for insertion into an intervertebral space defined by adjacent vertebrae. The expandable intervertebral implant includes a pair of outer sleeve portions and an inner core disposed between the outer sleeve portions. Movement of the inner core relative to the outer sleeve portions causes the outers sleeve portions to deflect away from each other, thereby engaging the expandable intervertebral implant with the vertebrae and adjusting the height of the intervertebral space.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210030559A1
Принадлежит: SMED-TA/TD, LLC

A tool for use with an orthopaedic implant includes: a tubular assembly including a tubular passage having a first end and a second end, the first end including a means for attachment to an implant body; a plug; and a plunger coupled to the plug. The tubular passage is configured to receive, via the second end, a material agent and the plunger coupled to the plug. The plunger is configured to slide through the tubular passage for expelling the material agent from the tubular passage into a load bearing member via the at least one first opening. The plunger is configured to rotate within the tubular passage for coupling the plug with the first opening to seal the first opening against expulsion of the material agent from the load bearing member via the first opening. 1. A tool configured for use with an orthopaedic implant , said orthopaedic implant including an implant body having a first surface , a second surface opposite said first surface , a cavity formed therein that extends through said first surface and said second surface , said implant body being substantially non-porous , said implant body further including a third surface with at least one first opening formed therethrough to said cavity and at least one second opening , said at least one first opening comprising an threaded outer portion having an outer diameter and an threaded inner portion having an inner diameter , said outer diameter greater than said inner diameter , and a load bearing member comprising a substantially porous material held within said cavity , said load bearing member configured to receive , via said at least one first opening , a material agent , said load bearing member having a first contact surface extending out of said cavity past said first surface , said tool comprising:a tubular assembly including a tubular passage having a first end and a second end, wherein said first end comprises a means for attachment to said implant body;a plug; anda plunger coupled to said plug, ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Vertebral joint implants and delivery tools

Номер: US20170035468A1

A spinal joint distraction system for treating a facet joint including articular surfaces having a contour is disclosed and may include a delivery device including a generally tubular structure adapted to engage a facet joint, an implant adapted to be delivered through the delivery device and into the facet joint, the implant comprising two members arranged in opposed position, and an implant distractor comprising a generally elongate member adapted to advance between the two members of the implant causing separation of the members and distraction of the facet joint, wherein the implant is adapted to conform to the shape of the implant distractor and/or the articular surfaces of the facet upon being delivered to the facet joint. Several embodiments of a system, several embodiments of an implant, and several methods are disclosed including a method for interbody fusion.

11-02-2016 дата публикации

Medical Implant for Fixation and Integration with Hard Tissue

Номер: US20160038299A1
Принадлежит: LifeNet Health

The invention relates to medical implants, including spinal implants and bone grafts, for fixation and integration with hard tissue. The bone medical implants include at least one rotational fixation mechanism that further includes or is attached to one or more sharp protrusions configured to penetrate and become lodged into hard tissue to provide support and positional stability. Such support is useful to ensure that the spinal bone graft may be used without additional stabilizing or anchoring structures, such as supporting plates or screws.

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180036140A1

A system for spinal surgery includes a prosthesis comprising a plurality of bone anchors which engage an intervertebral construct for fusion or motion preservation. The fusion construct comprises a spacer optionally encircled by a jacket. The motion preservation construct may comprise an articulating disc assembly or an elastomeric disc assembly. Any of the constructs may occupy the intervertebral disc space between adjacent vertebrae after removal of an intervertebral disc. The anchors slidingly engage the construct to securely fix the prosthesis to the vertebrae. The anchors and jacket of the fusion construct provide a continuous load path across opposite sides of the prosthesis so as to resist antagonistic motions of the spine. 117-. (canceled)18. A bone anchor , comprising:an interconnection portion to slidingly engage a prosthesis;a fixation portion to fix the anchor to a bone having an expandable leading end and being spaced apart from the interconnection portion; anda leg connecting the fixation portion to the interconnection portion, the leg including a cutting edge capable of cutting through bone.19. The anchor of claim 18 , wherein the interconnection portion comprises a dovetail beam.20. The anchor of claim 18 , wherein the fixation portion comprises a plate oriented substantially perpendicular to the leg.21. The anchor of claim 18 , comprising:a prosthesis lock portion to resist disengagement of the anchor from the prosthesis.22. The anchor of claim 21 , wherein the prosthesis lock portion comprises a resilient tab integral with the interconnection portion.23. The anchor of claim 21 , wherein the prosthesis lock portion is biased to resist disengagement of the anchor from the prosthesis.24. The anchor of claim 23 , wherein the prosthesis lock portion is selectively releasable to permit disengagement of the anchor from the prosthesis.25. The anchor of claim 18 , comprising:a stop portion to limit engagement of the anchor to the prosthesis to a ...

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Ankle prosthesis and methods of using the same

Номер: US20220054273A1
Принадлежит: Dt Medtech LLC

The present disclosure pertains to ankle prostheses. In an example embodiment, the ankle prosthesis comprises an adjustable and replaceable intermediate implant that is disposed between a tibial implant and a talar implant. The intermediate implant is adjustable relative to the tibial implant and can be interlocked therewith once adjusted. Methods of using, fitting, and adjusting the device are also described. Still other embodiments are described.

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Implant Device(s) Including Tapered Protrusions and Method(s) for Inserting the Same into Bone

Номер: US20210045884A1

An example implant device includes a base having a surface that mates with bone, and a plurality of tapered protrusions positioned on the base and extending from the surface of the base that mates with bone. A surface of the plurality of tapered protrusions includes a textured surface to increase area for bone growth. An example method for inserting the implant device into bone includes forcing the plurality of tapered protrusions of the implant device into the bone, and securing the implant device in place without cement due to the plurality of tapered protrusions cutting into the bone for fixation of the implant device. 1. An implant device comprising:a base having a surface that mates with bone; anda plurality of tapered protrusions positioned on the base and extending from the surface of the base that mates with bone, wherein the plurality of tapered protrusions are porous structures to increase area for bone growth.2. The implant device of claim 1 , wherein the implant is additively manufactured and the plurality of tapered protrusions have a porous surface comprising a same material as the base.3. The implant device of claim 1 , wherein the implant is additively manufactured and the plurality of tapered protrusions have a textured surface comprising a same material as the base.4. The implant device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of tapered protrusions vary in density.5. The implant device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of tapered protrusions vary in porosity.6. The implant device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of tapered protrusions have respective bottom portions contacting the base and respective top portions opposite the bottom portions claim 1 , and wherein the plurality of tapered protrusions vary in porosity such that the respective bottom portions of the plurality of tapered protrusions are more porous than the respective top portions of the plurality of tapered protrusions.7. The implant device of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of tapered ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210045885A1
Принадлежит: CARTIVA, INC.

Disclosed is an implant for implantation in a joint that includes a first portion, a second portion, and a third portion. The first portion includes a hydrogel. The second portion includes a porous material and the hydrogel in pores of the porous material. The third portion includes the porous material. The first portion is free of the porous material, the third portion is free of the hydrogel, and the pores of the porous material in the second portion are different than the pores of the porous material in the third portion. 1. An implant configured for implantation in a joint , the implant comprising:a first portion comprising a hydrogel;a second portion comprising a porous material and the hydrogel in pores of the porous material, the porous material comprising at least one of metal or plastic; anda third portion comprising the porous material, the first portion being free of the porous material, the third portion being free of the hydrogel,wherein pores of the porous material in the second portion are different than the pores of the porous material in the third portion.2. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the lateral dimension of the first portion is larger than a lateral dimension of the third portion.3. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the implant is load bearing and non-biodegradable.4. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a frustoconical shape.5. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a pyramid shape.6. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the porous material in the second portion and the third portion comprises a disc shape.7. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the porous material in the second portion and the third portion comprises a frustoconical or pyramid shape.8. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the porous material has a porosity between 45 ppi and 80 ppi claim 1 , and wherein pores of the porous material have a dimension between 100 μm and 500 μm.9. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the porous material has a porosity between ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Shoulder Implant Impactor With Stabilization Features

Номер: US20210045895A1

An impactor system is for impacting a base of a shoulder implant into a humerus. The system may include a housing having distal stabilizer configured to contact a proximal resected surface of the humerus. The distal stabilizer may define an open space. An impaction member may be slidably received within the housing. The impaction member may have a proximal surface and a distal connection mechanism adapted to connect to the base of the shoulder implant. The impaction member may be movable from a first proximal position in which the base of the shoulder implant, when connected to the impaction member, is positioned within the open space defined by the distal stabilizer, to a second distal position in which the base of the shoulder implant, when connected to the impaction member, is positioned at least partially distal to the open space defined by the distal stabilizer. 1. An impactor system for impacting a base of a shoulder implant into a humerus , the system comprising:a housing having distal stabilizer configured to contact a proximal resected surface of the humerus, the distal stabilizer defining an open space; andan impaction member slidably received within the housing, the impaction member having a proximal surface and a distal connection mechanism adapted to connect to the base of the shoulder implant,wherein the impaction member is movable from a first proximal position in which the base of the shoulder implant, when connected to the impaction member, is positioned within the open space defined by the distal stabilizer, to a second distal position in which the base of the shoulder implant, when connected to the impaction member, is positioned at least partially distal to the open space defined by the distal stabilizer.2. The impactor system of claim 1 , wherein the distal stabilizer includes a substantially circular rim at a distal end of the distal stabilizer.3. The impactor system of claim 1 , wherein the distal stabilizer includes a plurality of extensions ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042733A1
Автор: Bray, JR. Robert S.

A bone stabilization plate system. The bone stabilization plate system includes a base plate configured to fit primarily between an anterior portion of a first bone's lip osteophyte and an anterior portion of a second, adjacent bone's lip osteophyte. The bone stabilization plate system includes a plurality of bone screws configured to fit in respective bone screw holes in the base plate to secure the base plate. 1. A bone stabilization plate system comprising:a base plate having a top surface, first and second ends, a bottom surface, and a plurality of bone screw holes, wherein the base plate is sized to fit primarily between anterior portions of adjacent vertebral bones' lip osteophytes and is configured to bear weight to hold the bones while sharing weight with bone graft material for fusion; anda plurality of bone screws configured to fit in the plurality of bone screw holes, respectively;wherein one of the bone screw holes is configured to receive one of the bone screws to secure the base plate to one of the vertebral bones;wherein another of the bone screw holes is configured to receive one of the bone screws to secure the base plate to the lip osteophyte of another of the vertebral bones; andwherein each and every one of the plurality of bone screw holes is configured to receive one of the bone screws angled relative to the base plate and oriented generally in an anterior-posterior direction through the top surface of the base plate.2. The system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein at least one of the plurality of bone screw holes is configured to permit a range of bone screw angles.3. The system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the bottom surface of the base plate is generally flat.4. The system as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the system further comprises a screw retainer configured to prevent at least one of the plurality of bone screws from backing out.5. The system as set forth in claim 4 , wherein the screw retainer is a plate or a screw.6. The system as ...

25-02-2016 дата публикации

System and methods for spinal fusion

Номер: US20160051372A1
Принадлежит: Nuvasive Inc

A system and method for spinal fusion comprising a spinal fusion implant of non-bone construction releasably coupled to an insertion instrument dimensioned to introduce the spinal fusion implant into any of a variety of spinal target sites, in particular into the thoracic region of the spine.

25-02-2021 дата публикации

Joint Surface Replacement System

Номер: US20210052392A1

The present invention relates to an articular joint replacement system. The system has first and second components. Each component has a tapered head piece for covering the end of a bone and for acting as an articular surface, an integrally formed screw stem having a length sufficient to extend into the medullary canal, and inwardly angled bone grips affixed to the underside of the head piece to allow solid fixation to the bone by compression press fit. The head piece of the first component is provided with a shaped exterior surface which complements the shaped exterior surface of the head piece of the second component and which allows motion in three planes. 1. An articular surface replacement system comprising: an exterior articular surface defined by a head piece dimensioned to cover an end of the first bone,', 'anti-rotation bone grips on the head piece for gripping the end of the first bone and for allowing solid fixation, and', 'an integral, centrally located screw for joining the first component to the first bone, the screw being affixed to an interior bone-engaging surface of the head piece and having a tapered threaded portion for allowing the first component to be anchored to the first bone;, 'a first component sized and configured to be implanted into a first bone, the first component comprising,'}a one-piece reamer tool configured to countersink and surface grind the first bone in a single process step for preparing the bone for insertion of the first component therein; anda centrally located driver hole on an exterior articular surface of the head piece for inserting the first component into the first bone.2. The system of wherein at least a portion of the screw is coated with a subchondral bone replacement in-growth coating.3. The system of further including a subchondral bone replacement component connected to an undersurface of the first component claim 1 , the subchondral bone replacement component residing between the first bone and the head piece. ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

System for Articular Surface Replacement

Номер: US20200046383A1
Автор: Ek Steven W.

A system for replacing a portion of an articular surface including providing an implant site and installing an implant into the implant site. The implant site includes a first and a second excision site which at least partially intersect with one another. Each of the first and second excision sites are formed by providing a respective axis and excising a portion of the articular surface relative to the respective axes. 1. A method of replacing a portion of an articular surface comprising:forming a first excision site relative to a first axis relative to said articular surface;forming a second excision site relative to a second axis relative to said articular surface, at least a portion of said second excision site intersecting at least a portion of said first excision site; andinstalling an implant at least partially in said first and second excision sites, said implant having a load bearing surface comprising a contour based on an original contour of said articular surface.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said implant site is formed in a femoral articular surface.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said first axis is defined by providing a guide pin extending from said articular surface.4. A method according to claim 3 , wherein providing said guide pin extending from said articular surface comprises providing a hole extending into said articular surface and disposing said guide pin at least partially in said hole and extending from said articular surface.5. A method according to claim 1 , wherein forming said first excision site comprises excising said articular surface along a circular excision path around said first axis.6. A method according to claim 5 , wherein at least a portion of said circular excision path extends radially from said first axis beyond said articular surface.7. A method according to claim 1 , wherein said first axis is oriented normal to said articular surface at a point of intersection with said articular surface.8. A ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200046511A1

Devices and related methods for the dynamic correction of spinal deformities are disclosed. The devices and methods are particularly useful for correcting an abnormal curvature of the spine. In one exemplary embodiment, a method for correcting deformity via a spinal implant that can include a polymer between or attached to a top and bottom plate, which can exist in a wedge-shaped configuration in order to apply asymmetric forces to the spinal column, is provided. The implant may be inserted between adjacent vertebrae comprising part of the abnormal curvature, thereby restoring the normal curvature of a spine. 1. A spinal intervertebral disc implant device for alignment and/or realignment of a spinal column in more than one plane or axis comprising an elastic polymer component , wherein the elastic polymer component is capable of:(a) absorbing shock;(b) applying asymmetric force(s) to a vertebrae or vertebral element and adjacent vertebrae or vertebral element from within an intervertebral disc space by extension and/or contraction of one or more portions of the elastic polymer component;(c) aligning and/or realigning a spinal column; and(d) responding to loading and/or movement of the spinal column.2. The spinal intervertebral disc implant device of claim 1 , wherein the elastic polymer component comprises one or more polymer springs capable of applying force(s) to the adjacent vertebrae or vertebral element by extension or contraction of the one or more polymer springs to align and/or realign the spinal column and respond to loading and/or movement of the spinal column.3. The spinal intervertebral disc implant device of claim 1 , wherein the spinal intervertebral disc implant device further comprises a top face and a bottom face claim 1 , wherein the elastic polymer component is continuous from the top face to the bottom face.4. The spinal intervertebral disc implant device of claim 1 , wherein the spinal intervertebral disc implant device is capable of being ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации

Intervertebral Prosthesis or Disk Prosthesis

Номер: US20180055653A1
Принадлежит: DePuy Synthes Products, Inc.

An intervertebral prosthesis or disk prosthesis comprising a front side, a rear side, an upper side which can be placed on the base plate of vertebral body, a lower side which can be placed on the base plate of a vertebral body, a right side, a left side, a cavity which can receive a fluid hydraulic osteocementum, an opening in the cavity and several outlets out from the cavity. The total of the transversal surfaces of the outlets Son the front side, the total of the transversal surfaces of the outlets Son the rear side, the total of the transversal surfaces of the outlets Son the right side and the total of the transversal surfaces of the outlets on the left side satisfy the following conditions: S>Sor S>Sor S>Sor S>S. 19-. (canceled)10. A surgical method , comprising: an upper side in contact with at least a portion of the upper vertebra;', 'a lower side in contact with at least a portion of the lower vertebra;', 'an anterior side facing towards an anterior portion of the disc space;', 'a posterior side facing towards a posterior portion of the disc space;', 'a first lateral side extending between the upper and lower sides and between the anterior and posterior sides; and', 'a second lateral side extending between the upper and lower sides and between the anterior and posterior sides;, 'implanting a first intervertebral spacer in a disc space defined between an upper vertebra and a lower vertebra, wherein the first spacer comprises an upper side in contact with at least a portion of the upper vertebra;', 'a lower side in contact with at least a portion of the lower vertebra;', 'an anterior side facing towards the anterior portion of the disc space;', 'a posterior side facing towards the posterior portion of the disc space;', 'a first lateral side extending between the upper and lower sides and between the anterior and posterior sides; and', 'a second lateral side extending between the upper and lower sides and between the anterior and posterior sides;, 'implanting ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Rotational Drive Mechanism, Tool and Methods for Using Same

Номер: US20170056070A1
Автор: Donald A. Buss
Принадлежит: Aesculap Implant Systems LLC

The disclosed subject matter relates a medical instrument having a rotational drive mechanism that can be integrated into a variety of medical devices, including a tool used as an external retaining ring removal tool or as a non-marring bushing inserter, or in a spinal interbody device. The tool can include a knob portion at a proximal end and a drive mechanism at the distal end. The drive mechanism can include a plurality of drive pins that can be actuated to extend outward by rotating the knob portion. The spinal interbody device can include a drive mechanism configured to translate rotational motion into a linear driving motion to cause locking projections to move into engagement with vertebrae.

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210059834A1
Принадлежит: Alliance Partners LLC

A medical implant having an anchoring system for anchoring and retaining the medical implant (such as a cage) in place and method of use thereof. The implantable intervertebral device can be used with any interchangeable combination of (a) anchors and (b) screws (i.e., the surgeon/practitioner can use the same medical implant and elect which combination of anchors and screws to use for anchoring purposes). The medical implant can be placed between the vertebrae and a tool be utilized to secure and anchor the medical implant in place. 1. A medical implant system comprising:(a) a plurality of fasteners comprising screws and/or anchors; '(i) each of the openings in the plurality of openings is capable of interchangeably receiving a screw or an anchor from the plurality of fasteners;', '(b) a receiving member body having a plurality of openings, wherein'}(c) anchor system instrumentation that is operable for rigidly attaching to the receiving member body resulting in the anchor system instrumentation being perpendicular to a midline of the receiving member body; and (i) each opening in the plurality of openings has at least one locking mechanism located nearby,', '(ii) each of locking mechanism in the plurality of locking mechanisms is capable of being moved with an instrument between an open position and a closed position relative to the opening nearby the locking mechanism,', '(iii) when the locking mechanism is in the open position, the locking mechanism does not cover any portion of the opening nearby the locking mechanism such that the fastener can be passed through the opening to secure the fastener into bone;', '(v) when the locking mechanism is in the closed position, a portion of the locking mechanism covers a portion of the opening such that the fastener cannot pass through the opening, such that the fastener is prevented from becoming unsecured from the bone., '(d) a plurality of locking mechanisms connected to the receiving member body, wherein'}2. The ...

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Implantable systems, devices and related methods

Номер: US20170056203A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

The present application is generally directed to implantable systems, devices and related methods pertaining to spinal surgery. In particular, the present application discloses a frame and spacer system for inserting into a disc space. The frame and spacer system is of low profile. The frame can receive different fixation devices, including threaded and non-threaded fixation devices.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Implantable systems, devices and related methods

Номер: US20170056204A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

The present application is generally directed to implantable systems, devices and related methods pertaining to spinal surgery. In particular, the present application discloses a frame and spacer system for inserting into a disc space. The frame and spacer system is of low profile. The frame can receive different fixation devices, including threaded and non-threaded fixation devices.

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Composite joint arthroplasty systems and methods

Номер: US20200054346A1
Принадлежит: Titanium Fusion Technologies LLC

A prosthesis may have an articulating component formed via casting and a 3D printed bone anchoring component with a joint-facing side and a bone-facing side. The bone-facing side may have a bone engagement surface with a porous structure with pores selected to facilitate in-growth of the bone into the pores. The bone facing side may further have a surface layer of Titanium Dioxide nanotubes. The joint-facing side may be secured to the articulating component by melting Titanium nanoparticles at a temperature below the melting temperatures of the major constituents of the articulating component and/or the bone anchoring component, such as Cobalt, Chromium, and/or Titanium, so as to avoid significantly modifying the crystalline structures of the articulating component and/or the bone anchoring component. The melting temperature of the Titanium nanoparticles may be about 500° C.

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Expandable Vertebral Prosthesis

Номер: US20140135934A1
Принадлежит: Globus Medical Inc

The present invention relates to an expandable prosthetic implant device for engagement between vertebrae generally comprising an inner member, outer member, gear member and a locking assembly positioned coaxial with respect to each other such that the inner and outer members are moveable relative to each other along an axis. The gear member is axially fixed to the outer member and freely rotatable with respect to the outer member and the gear member threadedly engages a threaded portion of the inner member to translate inner member along the axis. The implant is configured to engage the vertebrae in a predetermined alignment and the gear member includes gear teeth exposed to the exterior and configured to be accessible by a tool member at a plurality of angular positions around the perimeter of the implant device.

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Distance interbody device for introducing a biomaterial to a vertebral body and a method of its use

Номер: US20150066031A1
Принадлежит: LFC SPOLKA z oo

A distance interbody device for introducing a biomaterial to a vertebral body includes a shaped body and a dispense mechanism operable to dispense biomaterial. The shaped body includes a top side, a bottom side, and a lateral wall forming a peripheral wall that extends between the top and bottom sides. The shaped body is provided with at least one through channel and at least one anchoring element. The through channel includes an internal reservoir for the biomaterial. The through channel passes through the anchoring element to at least one outlet opening located in the at least one anchoring element.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060077A1
Автор: Ganey Timothy, Hunt Jessee

Various embodiments of implant systems and related apparatus, and methods of operating the same are described herein. In various embodiments, an implant for interfacing with a bone structure includes a web structure, including a space truss, configured to interface with human bone tissue. The space truss includes two or more planar truss units having a plurality of struts joined at nodes. Implants are optimized for the expected stress applied at the bone structure site. 1. An implant for interfacing with a bone structure , comprising:a web structure comprising a plurality of struts joined at nodes, wherein the web structure is configured to interface with human bone tissue;wherein a density of the web structure is predetermined such that when the web structure is in contact with the bone at least a portion of the struts create a microstrain in adhered osteoblasts.2. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the density of the web structure is predetermined so that the struts claim 1 , under load claim 1 , create a microstrain claim 1 , in adhered osteoblasts claim 1 , wherein the microstrain is within a range that stimulates an osteogenetic response.3. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the density of the web structure is predetermined so that at least a portion of the struts create a microstrain in the adhered osteoblasts of between about 1με and about 5000με.4. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the density of the web structure is predetermined so that at least a portion of the struts create a microstrain in the adhered osteoblasts of between about 500με and about 2000με.5. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the density of the web structure is predetermined so that at least a portion of the struts create a microstrain in the adhered osteoblasts of between about 1000με and about 1500με.6. The implant of claim 1 , wherein the density of the web structure is predetermined so that at least a portion of the struts create a change in length of the adhered osteoblasts of between about ...
