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25-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2634339C2

Изобретение относится к лечебному устройству с барокамерой для медицинской и/или косметически-физической терапии. Оно служат для того, чтобы размещать нижнюю половину тела человека и подавать на нее определенное, пульсирующее пониженное давление. Пульсирующее пониженное давление приводит к возбуждению кровоснабжения и снятию лимфообязанных нагрузок. Выполненная в виде трубы барокамера на торце имеет входное отверстие, которое посредством запорного элемента герметизировано относительно корпуса. Внутри ориентированной горизонтально барокамеры расположена первая часть ложа. Вне барокамеры в продолжении первой части находится вторая часть ложа. Для создания лечебного устройства, которое, прежде всего, без проблем может использоваться также и ограниченными в движении пациентами, предлагается, что как первая часть, так и вторая часть ложа установлены с возможностью перемещения в одном и том же направлении в каждом случае на линейной направляющей, причем первая часть выполнена с возможностью, ...

20-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU166139U1

... 1. Корпус барокамеры, содержащий корпус, крышку с уплотнительными элементами, средства подвода-отвода рабочего тела, а также средства измерения и контроля давления в полости корпуса, отличающийся тем, что корпус выполнен в виде обечайки, снабженной ребрами жесткости, которые с натягом установлены на внешней поверхности обечайки, в ее поперечной плоскости, причем торцы обечайки снабжены крышками.2. Корпус барокамеры по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ребра жесткости выполнены в форме дисков со сквозными отверстиями.3. Корпус барокамеры по п.1, отличающийся тем, что ребра жесткости равномерно установлены по длине обечайки.

29-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU184492U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине и может быть использована для лечения многих заболеваний, например органов дыхания, сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, кожи, вегетативной нервной системы и многих других заболеваний. Задачей настоящей полезной модели является разработка простой и эффективной конструкции гало-спелеокамеры с достижением технического результата - получения оптимального насыщения воздуха внутри гало-спелеокамеры аэроионами хлорида натрия и калия без дополнительных затрат на доочистку воздуха от пыли и других вредных микрочастиц. В сухое помещение 1 встраивается гало-спелеокамера 2. Гало-спелеокамера 2 выполнена из соляных кирпичей 3, образующих внутренние стенки 4, установленные вплотную к наружным стенкам 5 помещения 1. При этом соляный кирпич 3 может быть выполнен с углублениями 6. Внутренние стенки 4 из соляного кирпича 3 выполнены с образованием воздушных каналов 7. Средство для обработки и обмена воздуха выполнено в виде системы вытяжной вентиляции 8 и системы приточной ...

31-07-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2800891C1

Изобретение относится к ветеринарной медицине, а именно к экспериментальной физиологии. Животное помещают в гипобарокамеру и поднимают на высоту 3500 метров ступенчато в течение 15 минут с учетом выдержки по 5 минут на высотах 1000, 2000, 3000 метров. В завершении выдерживают животное на высоте 3500 метров при разрежении 505-499 мм рт.ст. со скоростью нагнетания разрежения 200 м/с. После чего в течение 15 минут повышают давление в гипобарокамере. Гипобарическую гипоксию моделируют ежедневно в течение семи дней, каждая экспозиция составляет 60 минут. Способ обеспечивает повышение естественной резистентности организма, выражающейся в компенсаторной реакции рассматриваемых систем органов животных в условиях хронической гипоксии, увеличение функциональной активности за счет особенности строения и функционирования гипобарокамеры и хронического типа воздействия гипоксии, что облегчает и упрощает реализацию данного способа. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 2 табл., 1 пр.

26-10-2021 дата публикации

Способ лечения больных с замедленной консолидацией переломов костей нижней трети голени

Номер: RU2758135C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии, медицинской реабилитации и может быть использовано для лечения больных с замедленной консолидацией переломов костей нижней трети голени. Ежедневно проводят сеанс гипербарической оксигенации в барокамере ОКА-МТ с режимом давления 1,3-1,5 ата длительностью 40 минут курсом 10 дней. При этом общий курс лечения пациентов составляет 14 дней. В первые четыре дня пациентам ежедневно проводят только сеанс гравитационной терапии длительностью 10-12 минут с вектором краниокаудального направления 1,57-1,7 Gz с ежедневным постепенным увеличением числа оборотов от 30 до 35 в минуту и нарастающей дозированной мышечной нагрузкой нижних конечностей от 10 до 100 Вт. С пятого дня курса через 30 минут после окончания сеанса гравитационной терапии ежедневно проводят сеанс гипербарической оксигенации. Способ обеспечивает консолидацию костей нижней трети голени за счет комбинированного лечения и последовательного проведения сеансов. 2 табл ...

11-08-2005 дата публикации


Номер: DE0050106702D1

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Raumsensorik für den Einsatz im Pflegebereich

Номер: DE102020125768A1
Автор: DUDA ROMAN, Duda, Roman

Die Erfindung betrifft ein Raumsensoriksystem, das insbesondere beim Überwachen von Räumen im Pflegebereich hilfreich ist.Verschiedene, auch unabhängig voneinander, aber insbesondre auch in Kombination miteinander zu verwirklichende Aspekte der Erfindung dienen dem Erreichen dieses Ziels, nämlich- in Raumsensoriksystem mit einer zentralen Raumsensoreinheit, die mehrere Einzelsensoren, insbesondere einen Temperatursensor, einen Luftfeuchtigkeitssensor und/oder eine Wärmebildkamera umfasst,- eine Gewichtssensorik für ein Bett mit schwenkbaren Rollen an den Beinen des Betts, wobei die Gewichtssensorik Gewichtssensoren mit je einem Kraftsensor aufweist, der ausgebildet und angeordnet ist, eine auf einem jeweiligen Bein des Betts lastende Gewichtskraft zu erfassen,- eine zentrale Sensoreinheit mit einem Gehäuse und mehreren darin angeordneten Sensoren, zu denen vorzugsweise eine niedrig auflösende 3D-Kamera, eine Wärmebildkamera und ein Temperatursensor gehören, und- eine zentrale Auswerteeinheit ...

19-11-2009 дата публикации

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Regeln des Sauerstoffgehalts in einem geschlossenen Raum

Номер: DE0010261809C5

Verfahren zum Regeln des Sauerstoffgehalts in einem geschlossenen Raum (1), insbesondere einem Sport-/Übungsraum, bei dem: – ein in dem Raum (1) enthaltenes Gasgemisch mit einer in dem Raum (1) angeordneten Lüftungsanlage (8), die mit Hilfe einer Steuereinrichtung (18) geregelt wird, umgewälzt wird, – in die Lüftungsanlage (8) ein sauerstofffreies Gas und/oder ein Sauerstoff enthaltendes Gasgemisch eingebracht und in der Lüftungsanlage (8) in dem Raum (1) mit dem Gasgemisch aus dem Raum (1) durchmischt wird, um in dem Gasgemisch einen vorgegebenen Sauerstoffgehalt von < 21% zu erzeugen und somit in dem Raum (1) eine Atmosphäre auf einer bestimmten Höhe über Meeresniveau zu simulieren, – die Zufuhr des sauerstofffreien Gases und/oder des Sauerstoff enthaltenden Gasgemisches geschlossen wird, sobald der vorgegebene Sauerstoffgehalt erreicht wird, – das Durchmischen des Gasgemisches mit dem eingebrachten sauerstofffreien Gas und/oder dem eingebrachten Sauerstoff enthaltenden Gasgemisch mittels ...

03-01-2002 дата публикации

Air cooling device for clean rooms has air coolers mounted inside ceiling casing on pressure side of circulating fans

Номер: DE0010030399A1

The air cooling device includes fans, sound damper and filter, with a heat exchanger as an air cooler and a mixing system within the ceiling of the room (e.g. an operating theater) for mixing circulating air with outside air. The air coolers (14) are located in the interior of the ceiling casing (5) on the pressure side of the air circulating fans.

28-08-2008 дата публикации


Номер: DE102007008733A1

Zur Stabilisierung der einen Luftvorhang bildenden Luftströmung ist ein Wärmetherapiegerät (1) mit am Rand der Liegefläche (2) verlaufenden Luftauslasskanälen (3) und mit jeweils zwei gegenüberliegend entsprechend der Kanalbreite angeordneten Begrenzungswänden (6, 6') für ausströmende Luft dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass zumindest eine Begrenzungswand (6, 6') zumindest eines Luftauslasskanals (3) mit einem in Längsrichtung des Luftauslasskanals (3) und parallel zur Liegefläche (2) verlaufenden Zylinder (5, 5') am ausströmungsseitigen Ende versehen ist, wobei der Zylinder (5, 5') einen Durchmesser von 0,005 bis 0,2 der Kanalbreite des Luftauslasskanals (3) aufweist. Gemäß einer Variante ist zumindest eine Begrenzungswand (6, 6') zumindest eines Luftauslasskanals (3) mit zumindest einer eine Düsen bildenden inneren Wand (81, 82, 83, 84) am ausströmungsseitigen Ende versehen, wobei der Abstand zwischen der Begrenzungswand (6, 6') und der eine Düse mit der Begrenzungswand (6, 6') bildenden inneren ...

28-08-1975 дата публикации

Hyperthermic treatment cabinet - with roller assembly for accurate positioning of treatment source

Номер: DE0002003137B2

A bed for hyperthermic treatment of arhritis or cancer etc. has a massive glass top and a roller blind attachment of transparent material and strengthening bars through which by means of a slit closed by two sliding snap fasteners short wave radiation source may be directed at the required body area. Head supports outside the bulk of the cabinet are provided at each end, so that the roller attachment need be fixed at one end only. a series of clutches and releases permit adjustment of the blind system. Part of the roof body between the front ends is formed as an opening containing rollers and is slidable across the length of the roof, the rollers being movable along both sides of the roof.

12-12-2007 дата публикации

Heat therapy apparatus

Номер: GB0000721601D0

05-06-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001355171A

... 1355171 Treatment chambers PIELKENROOD-VINITEX BV 29 April 1971 [6 May 1970] 12112/71 Heading A5R [Also in Division F4] A dust-free treatment chamber comprises a frame 2 supporting an air supply box 3 which contains dust-filters and has a perforated lower wall; and side walls 5 consisting at least partly of transparent sheet or plate material and defining a peripheral gap 6 at the bottom of the chamber, air being drawn into the box 3 and discharged vertically through the perforated wall into the chamber, escaping therefrom by gap 6. A blower chamber 4 contains electric fans. A plurality of chambers may be interconnected by means of couplings on the frames 2, in which case walls 5 are pliable plastics curtains which may be opened to connect the chambers. A hollow raised floor 8 having a peripheral recess 10 is provided, and may house a blower used to extract disinfectant which may be sprayed from ducts 21. A separate extractor, Fig. 7 (not shown) may alternatively be used, being connected ...

18-05-1966 дата публикации

Medical breathing apparatus

Номер: GB0001030314A

A tent-like enclosure comprising a flexible curtain mounted on a wooden frame has provision for being clamped to the end of a bed so as to enclose a patient's head and shoulders. A motor-driven fan blows air into the enclosure through a humidifier and a heated duct, and the upper part of the frame, in the form of a pivoted lid, is normally held closed by an electromagnetic catch so that, in the event of current supply failure, the lid is opened by a spring to admit an adequate supply of air for breathing.

26-11-1980 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001579969A

10-05-1982 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000366811B

15-09-1981 дата публикации


Номер: ATA859777A

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: ATA19742000A

15-02-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000421308T

15-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000049465T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178782T

25-02-1975 дата публикации

Mobile patient couch

Номер: AT0000320844B

27-08-1973 дата публикации

Mechanism for separating a dust free chamber from an area

Номер: AT0000309741B

25-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000329741B

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus for controlled delivery of opioid and other medications

Номер: AU2017345767A1
Принадлежит: FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd

A method, system and apparatus for administering various medicaments including those for treating pain and substance dependency are disclosed. The apparatus is a unit for heat activation of a morphine opiate liquid concentrate mixed with a carrier substance to produce inhaled gas. The method includes inhaling the heat activated gaseous vapor concentrate for pain relief, to treat substance dependency or administration of other medicaments. The system includes a heat vaporization unit with security, control and communication capability to provide effective patient care and ensure safety.

30-10-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000512806B2

19-06-2000 дата публикации

Method and device for ventilating a so called clean room

Номер: AU0001594600A

25-09-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000934211A1

11-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002688831A1

A controller is operable to selectively supply gas to, and evacuate gas from, regions of a hyperbaric wound treatment chamber The controller operates to inflate a passage or rib of the device to provide that the device is made sufficiently rigid for inserting a limb there through, and inflate an inflatable cuff to create a seal against the limb The controller also operates to evacuate ambient air trappe within the chamber, and optionally partially evacuate the passage or rib, after the seal is created by the inflatable cuff, and then introduce oxygen into the chamber, and optionally inflate the passage or .pi.b The cuff, when inflated and creating a seal against a limb, optionally Is at least partially within the chamber, and the treatment gas is supplied to the chamber to maintain the seal of the cuff against the limb ...

28-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003019046A1

Provided is a method of treating animals, such as livestock, by exposing the animals to an airborne suspension of finely divided mineral salts. Treatment is effected upon inspiration of the mineral salts or skin contact with the mineral salts. The animals are accommodated in a treatment chamber with a substantially sealed limited confined volume and a pressure difference airflow means, a dispensing means for the mineral salts and dessicant(s) in the walls and on the floor of the treatment chamber. The treatment chamber is a stationary installation or adapted as a trailer to treat animals during a journey or to transport the treatment chamber to the animals' location, for example, a zoo or to apiaries.

17-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002990815C

A mobile chamber apparatus includes a support structure of inflatable support members, and a chamber assembly. The inflatable support members may include transverse and upright sections. The chamber assembly may include a top wall, a bottom wall, and one or more side walls. Connectors may detachably couple the support structure and the chamber assembly. Installed, the support structure supports the chamber assembly to enclose an interior space. Inlets may deliver a supply airflow to the interior space, and outlets may deliver a return airflow from the interior space. An environmental control unit may deliver the supply airflow and receive the return airflow. At least one mechanism may be provided for introducing an allergen into the interior space. Human patients may be exposed to the allergen in the interior space, and therefore the mobile chamber apparatus may be used for clinical trials to study allergy response.

15-08-1958 дата публикации

Ruhebett, insbesondere für therapeutische Zwecke

Номер: CH0000331972A

30-09-1976 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000579943A5

15-12-1973 дата публикации

Lit pour le traitement de grands brûlés

Номер: CH0000545102A
Принадлежит: DETEC SA, DETEC S. A.

28-02-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000546095A
Принадлежит: CEAG DOMINIT AG

15-05-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000561541A5

15-08-1975 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000565291A5

15-08-1980 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000618782A5

15-01-1979 дата публикации

Номер: CH0000608594A5

13-11-1981 дата публикации


Номер: CH0000626257A5

31-05-2018 дата публикации

Protection system for a patient transport unit.

Номер: CH0000710349B1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein neues Schutzsystem (1) für eine Patiententransporteinheit (2), mit einer Schutzhülle und einer an der Schutzhülle angeschlossenen Belüftungs- und Filteranlage, wobei die Schutzhülle aus einem flexiblen Plastikmaterial hergestellt ist und durchsichtige Bereiche aufweist. Die Schutzhülle ist als Einhausung (3) mit bogenförmigen Stützstäben (4) ausgebildet, die auf einer Bodenplatte (15) aus hartplastischem Material angebracht ist.

13-05-2016 дата публикации

patient transportation unit Protection system for a.

Номер: CH0000710349A2

Es wird ein neues Schutzsystem (1) für eine Patiententransporteinheit (2) beschrieben, mit einer Schutzhülle und einer an der Schutzhülle angeschlossenen Belüftungs- und Filteranlage, wobei die Schutzhülle aus einem flexiblen Plastikmaterial hergestellt ist und durchsichtige Bereiche aufweist. Die Schutzhülle ist als Einhausung (3) mit bogenförmigen Stützstäben (4) ausgebildet, die auf einer Bodenplatte (15) aus hartplastischem Material angebracht ist.

25-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: UA0000079761U

Способ размещения соли на поверхности при создании соляных комнат или горок, включающий подготовку поверхности путем закрепления на ней конструкции, удерживающей соль, размещение соли, кроме того соль размещается в виде кристаллов непосредственно сверху конструкции.

28-04-1978 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002366027A1

21-02-1969 дата публикации

Номер: FR0001557899A

14-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: KR2020090008190U

15-05-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008056964A1

Изобретение относится к приборостроению, в частности к технике кондиционирования воздуха в сочетании с компьютерной техникой и может быть использовано в лечебных, общеукрепляющих и развлекательно-информационных целях. Задачами, на которые направлено предлагаемое изобретение, является снижение веса и расширение функциональных возможностей устройства. Устройство, содержащее камеру, состоящую из корпуса с крышкой, снабженной отверстием под окружность шеи и системы подачи кондиционированного воздуха, включающей компрессор, воздуховоды и сопла, расположенные в воздуховодах, дополнительно снабжено компьютерным процессором, встроенным в нижней части корпуса камеры и монитором, с расположенными вокруг него стробоскопами и светофильтрами, находящимися внутри камеры, причем корпус с крышкой выполнен из высокачественной пластмассы с уложенным по периметру крышки уплотнением. Корпус имеет в верхней части сквозную ручку и/ или ремень для переноса, а в нижней кронштейны и /или резиновые растяжки для ...

06-11-1986 дата публикации


Номер: WO1986006460A1
Автор: NILSSON, Agne

A method and a means for supplying clean or sterile air to an area intended to be kept clean or sterile in an operating room or similar. The means comprises a central supply member (10) for a central carry beam directed towards said area and at two secondary air suppy members (12, 13) adapted adjacent said central supply member (10), said secondary air supply members (12, 13l) being adapted for supplying secondary air beams in an area surrounding the carry beam. The air velocity of the carry beam is greater than the air velocity of the secondary air beams. The central supply member (10) for the central carry beam comprises one or several slits (11) for directing and supplying the carry beam. Preferably, the supply member (10) is surrounded by secondary air supply members (12, 13) on either sides thereof and the air beams from the secondary air members (12, 13) are directed towards the carry beam. The central supply member (10) may be positioned in a corner about 45o upwards seen from said ...

01-01-1974 дата публикации


Номер: US0003782265A1

28-01-1930 дата публикации

Oxygen chamber

Номер: US1744890A

18-04-2018 дата публикации

Способ профилактики рубцово-склеротических осложнений после оперативного лечения на верхних мочевых путях

Номер: RU2651093C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к урологии и физиотерапии, и может быть использовано для профилактики рубцово-склеротических осложнений после оперативного лечения на верхних мочевых путях. Для этого проводят дренирование верхних мочевых путей путём чрескожной пункционной нефростомии, антибиотикопрофилактику. Внутримышечно вводят Лонгидазу 3000 ME 1 раз в 3 дня курсом 10 инъекций. Начиная со следующих суток после установки нефростомического дренажа осуществляют наружную магнитно-лазерную терапию в количестве 10 процедур. На 7 сутки после установки нефростомического дренажа проводят курс многоканальной электростимуляции (МЭС) в областях трапециевидной и широчайших мышц спины, прямой и косых мышц живота биполярно-импульсными токами с трапециевидной огибающей частотой 1-150 Гц, посылкой и паузой по 2 с, временем воздействия 15-20 минут. МЭС сочетают с ультрафонофорезом Лонгидазы 3000 ME в проекции пораженного мочеточника с интенсивностью 0,2 Вт/смв непрерывном режиме лабильно. Курс ...

14-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2718699C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к физиотерапии, и может быть использовано для лечения рецидивирующих бактериальных осложнений придаточных пазух носа у детей в стадии обострения на фоне головных болей путем физиотерапевтического рефлекторного воздействия на очаги инфекции. На фоне антибактериальной терапии проводят воздействие электромагнитным излучением КВЧ-диапазона на области проекции очагов инфекции фронтальных, этмоидальных, гайморовых пазух, заушную область и проекцию миндалин по 2,5 минуты на каждую из них с плотностью потока энергии до 7-10 мВт/кв⋅см. Также проводят воздействие галотерапии с плотностью сухого высокодисперсного аэрозоля хлорида натрия 5 мг/м3, при температуре 22-24°С, относительной влажности 70%-80% с длительностью процедуры 30-40 минут. Способ обеспечивает лечение рецидивирующих бактериальных осложнений придаточных пазух носа у детей в стадии обострения на фоне головных болей за счет сочетанного назначения КВЧ терапии, с последующим проведением галотерапии ...

02-10-2018 дата публикации

Способ размораживания частично замороженного биообъекта СВЧ-энергией дециметрового диапазона

Номер: RU2668696C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии и экспериментальной медицине, и может быть использовано для размораживания частично замороженного биообъекта с использованием СВЧ-энергии дециметрового диапазона. Для этого биообъект помещают в радиогерметичную камеру, в состав которой входят холодильник и источник СВЧ-энергии. При этом с помощью холодильника поддерживают температуру в камере на уровне, предотвращающем или замедляющем самопроизвольное оттаивание наружных слоев биообъекта. Мощность СВЧ-излучения выбирают из компромисса между интенсивностью отогрева биообъекта из глубинных слоев наружу и исключением возможности перегрева биообъекта. Способ обеспечивает создание тепловой волны изнутри-наружу, когда отогрев замерзшего участка происходит в направлении с глубинных слоев к наружним.

10-02-2021 дата публикации

Установка для жидкостного дыхания в условиях гипербарии

Номер: RU202283U1

Полезная модель установки для жидкостного дыхания в условиях гипербарии относится к медицинской технике для искусственного дыхания и может найти применение в исследовательских целях, лечебной и реанимационной практике.Ожидаемый результат - расширение функциональных возможностей оборудования для реализации процесса жидкостного дыхания в условиях гипербарии биологических объектов, погруженных в жидкую дыхательную среду с изменяющимся по заданному закону давлением.Технический результат достигается применением камеры, заполненной управляющей жидкой водной средой с изменяющимся гипербарическим давлением, в которой размещена капсула с жидкой дыхательной средой для биологического объекта, соединенная с нагнетательным и откачивающим поршневыми насосами пульсирующего действия с приводными гидроцилиндрами, подключенными через гидрораспределитель к источнику управляющего регулируемого давления управляющей жидкой масляной среды.Синхронная работа насосов обеспечивает циркуляцию очищаемой от примесей ...

24-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU184394U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике, к устройствам для получения микроклимата, и может использоваться для искусственного создания в различных помещениях микроклимата соляных калийных шахт, оказывающего лечебное и профилактическое действие при заболеваниях органов дыхания, кожных и аллергических заболеваниях за счет насыщения воздуха помещения отрицательными аэроионами и микрокристаллами хлористого калия и натрия.Корпус генератора спелеоклимата коробчатой формы разделен перегородкой с отверстием посредине на воздухозаборную и загрузочную камеры. В воздухозаборной камере устроено воздухозаборное отверстие и установлен вентилятор. В загрузочной камере помещается дробленая соляная порода и устанавливается воздухораспределитель, состоящий из основного вертикального воздуховода и распределяющих воздуховодов. Загрузочный люк является выходным отверстием для воздуха насыщенного микрокристаллами соли и отрицательными аэроионами.Полезная модель позволяет повысить эксплуатационные характеристики ...

28-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017122071A3

07-09-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016134766A3

02-03-2020 дата публикации

Бокс для пациентов изолированный

Номер: RU196482U1

Полезная модель относится к медицинской технике. Технический результат заключается в недопущении проникновения микроорганизмов, частиц пыли и химических веществ через конструкцию переносного бокса в процессе работы на режиме поддержания отрицательного либо положительного давления. Бокс выполнен в виде надувной герметичной камеры из прочного преимущественно прозрачного пластичного материала для размещения больного лежа с каркасом, содержит внутренний карман для лекарственных препаратов, порты для подключения к внешним устройствам, две автономные фильтровентиляционные установки с микропроцессорным средством управления подачей и удалением воздуха. По верху каркаса камеры на дугах в удерживающих разъемах установлена продольная распорка, герметичные перчаточные порты для доступа к пациенту выполнены с креплением перчаток через пластиковую манжету и уплотнительные кольца, бокс оснащен средством регулирования давления, температуры и влажности внутри камеры посредством встроенных датчиков с выводом ...

25-01-2022 дата публикации

Мобильный комплекс для диагностики вирусов на базе транспортного средства

Номер: RU2765109C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к мобильному комплексу для диагностики вирусов на базе транспортного средства. Комплекс включает отделенные перегородками зону ожидания для пациентов, зону диагностики и лечения, и зону медперсонала. Зона ожидания пациентов и зона диагностики и лечения выполнены с возможностью поддержания постоянного отрицательного давления системой для создания отрицательного давления, а в перегородке, разделяющей зону ожидания для пациентов и зону диагностики и лечения, выполнены дверные проемы. Мобильный комплекс разделен на бокс с отрицательным давлением и бокс диагностики, в котором расположена зона диагностики и лечения. В боксе с отрицательным давлением, содержащем обособленные друг от друга зону ожидания для пациентов, зону забора биологического материала и зону медперсонала, дополнительно выполнены зона исследования биологического материала и коридор, разделенные перегородками. Зона забора биологического материала и зона медперсонала дополнительно ...

10-03-1994 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Sterilisierung in Plattfluß

Номер: DE0009400998U1
Принадлежит: BRAM SRL, BRAM S.R.L., PARMA, IT

31-08-1978 дата публикации

Micro-filter for sterilising purposes - made of mica flakes with etched micropores after ion bombardment

Номер: DE0002708641A1

Microfilter for medical purposes, e.g. to sterilise air for operating theatres or to produce sterilised water, consists of a foil, made of an inorganic material such as mica with a thickness from 40-100mu, perforated with holes of dia. 0.5-20mu, pref. by a method such as heavy-ion bombardment and etching. Arrangement saves the considerable labour and time required to clean clogged porous porcelain filters. The frequent replacement of cellulose tissue filters is also eliminated.

17-03-1988 дата публикации

Method of generating fresh breathing air for controlling allergies in the respiratory tract

Номер: DE0003630109A1

People suffering from allergies are known to recover very quickly in certain regions and to regain a normal life rhythm. Moreover, patients suffering from dermatological disorders are known to be healed quickly or at least progressively at the Dead Sea, for example. Since a course of treatment at places with air and/or water of treatment that brings about the healing process is very expensive for comparatively many patients it is proposed, according to the invention, that samples of healing water and air are taken at specific places and are technically processed, and that an air handling technique for the desired healing process is devised by combining packed materials and/or other technical auxiliary measures such as ionization or ozonization.

28-05-1986 дата публикации

Cold chamber for medical purposes

Номер: DE0003441091A1

A cold chamber for cryotherapy has a heat-insulated treatment chamber (101) and a sluice chamber (103). In the treatment chamber (101), a temperature of about -150 DEG C is set by means of a heat exchanger (13) operated with liquid nitrogen. A venting device (30 to 35) supplies dry air to the treatment chamber (101). The sluice chamber (103) pre-cooled by means of a heat exchanger (19) permits a comparatively high opening frequency of the door for entering and leaving the treatment chamber (101). ...

21-02-1973 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001308583A

... 1308583 Hand propelled vehicles NETHERLANDS APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON BEHALF OF PUBLIC HEALTH 19 April 1971 [16 March 1970] 24069/71 Heading B7B [Also in Division F4] A transporter for conveying objects under sterile conditions has mounted air conditioning equipment with an associated power source and means defining a closed space with an entrance, the equipment supplying a laminar flow of air through the space. In a preferred embodiment two fans 4, 7 are actuated by a battery 6 and by an external power source respectively. The fans discharge air into the space 16 via distributing box 11, wall channels 12, 13 and distributing chamber 14 which has hepa filters 15. A side wall of the space 16 has a trasnparent plastics screen 17 with sleeves and gloves 18 for handling the object, such as a patient, and a carrying plate 3. The entrance to the space 16 is provided with a folding curtain which upon closing switches off fan 7 and starts fan 4 which provides a smaller flow of air. The reverse ...

24-07-1974 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001361527A

... 1361527 Beds with air conditioning DETEC SA 17 Aug 1972 [20 Jan 1972] 38320/72 Headings A4J and A4M In a bed for the treatment of seriously burned patients conditioned air is uniformly distributed to the undersurface of a polyurethane foam mattress 11 from holes 10 in the upper surface of a box 3 connected through inlets 8, 9 and flexible hoses (6, 7) Fig. 1, (not shown) to a mobile air-conditioning device (5). A cover of plastics material over a frame (26) detachably secured to the bed may be used to isolate the patient. The head 3b of the bed may be adjusted using a rack. The bed may have a moveable foot-rest (25).

07-03-2012 дата публикации

Hypoxic pressure chamber

Номер: GB0201201161D0

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: ATA1092872A

15-04-1987 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000026211T

26-11-1973 дата публикации

Transport device

Номер: AT0000311547B

15-07-1990 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000227087A

15-08-1975 дата публикации


Номер: AT0001092872A

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for extracorporeal support of premature fetus

Номер: AU2020286215A1

Abstract A system configured to support growth and development of a premature fetus is disclosed. Specifically, a method and apparatus configured to provide extracorporeal support for premature fetuses is disclosed.

20-01-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA981971A

23-01-1973 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000919486A1

09-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003004433A1

The present invention includes an apparatus for transdermal treatments comprising: an openable enclosure for a subject in communication with three or more sources of treatment modalities selected from: a source of ozone; a source of steam, a source of CO2 / Carbonic Acid; a source of Far Infrared; and a source of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), wherein each of the three or more sources is in communication with an interior of the openable enclosure to treat the subject transdermally.

26-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002913384A1

The invention provides for an improved method of containing air-born contaminants emanating from an infected patient. The infection Control Vent Hood is a mechanical device that is placed in close proximity to an infected patient with the intended purpose of collecting the "sneezing - coughing" and other contaminated air-streams complete with diseased body fluid particles emitted from a patient. Typically; the application would involve placing the air collection device (vent hood) over, that is: in close proximity to, the infected person, who would be lying prone, perhaps incapacitated, in a hospital bed. The infection control vent hood captures these emanations and directs them to sterilization equipment or to discharge in a safe zone. Technical Development and claimed Improvement in the Art of Infection Control: Typically, hospital rooms containing infected patients use a centralized HVAC air control system. Air is conditioned by heating, cooling, humidifying and filtering by commercial ...

10-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002912737A1

An Infection Control Chamber / machine is a device used to contain infection and protect personnel from inadvertent contamination from an infected person. The infected person may be coughing, vomiting or in other ways emitting body fluids and air-flows containing germs and other pathogens. The purpose of the device is to restrict and contain these emanations. Contamination protection can be provided in the form of a simple cloth screen up to and including sophisticated devices as explained in this patent application. In this invention a further step in the development of the art of infection control is undertaken by the introduction of a "disposable liner" for the Infection Control Chamber. This disposable liner is the patent claim of this invention.

30-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: EA0201490327A1

20-08-1976 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002158340B1

01-06-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002157014A5

26-10-1973 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002175935A1

12-01-1979 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002394300A1

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: WO2014046008A1

... [Problem] An animal intensive care apparatus (10) is provided with an A air-conditioning unit (88), a B air-conditioning unit (93), and a C air-conditioning unit (97) for an A intensive care room (20), a B intensive care room (40), and a C intensive care room (60), respectively. Thus, the room temperature can be set for the intensive care rooms individually, and air conditioning can be performed in accordance with the type or state of an animal housed. Further, the air-conditioning units can be maintained individually, whereby the intensive care rooms other than the intensive care room corresponding to the particular air-conditioning unit can be continuously used. Further, an A floor heating heater (30), a B floor heating heater (50), and a C floor heating heater (70) are disposed on the outer surfaces of rear plates of the A intensive care room (20), the B intensive care room (40), and the C intensive care room (60), respectively. Thus, the heat from the heaters is transmitted to the floor ...

05-07-2007 дата публикации

Cradle or bed with isolation from room contamination, with controlled temperature and moisture

Номер: US20070151564A1
Автор: Raul Sadir, Jose Perez

New bed or a new cradle model to be used specifically in hospitals, clinics and similar facilities for babies, which presents a specific laminar air flow system, with controlled temperature and moisture, for the patient desired levels, which provides reduction of the contamination on the micro environment where it is placed, allowing its use by patients under critical and delicate condition, with easy access to the patients.

03-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: EP2063806A1

08-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU177111U1

Полезная модель относится к устройствам, применяемым для создания микроклимата в лечебных помещениях с искусственным климатом. Предлагаемая полезная модель может быть использована и при организации комнат отдыха в коммерческих и государственных структурах.Техническим результатом является создание и поддержание заданных параметров воздуха искусственного микроклимата.Устройство для создания атмосферы соляной камеры, включающее резервуар для соли первого помола, вентилятор, ионизатор, бактерицидный излучатель. Устройство дополнительно содержит резервуар для подготовленной измельченной соли, снабженный вибратором, дозатор. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 177 111 U1 (51) МПК A61G 10/02 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61G 10/02 (2017.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2017117782, 22.05.2017 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Идоленко Роман Викторович (RU) Дата регистрации: 08.02.2018 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 104066 U1, 10.05.2011. RU 2145886 C1, 27.02.2000. RU 2093196 C1, 20.10.1997. (45) Опубликовано: 08.02.2018 Бюл. № 4 R U (54) УСТРОЙСТВО ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ АТМОСФЕРЫ СОЛЯНОЙ КАМЕРЫ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к устройствам, искусственного микроклимата. применяемым для создания микроклимата в Устройство для создания атмосферы соляной лечебных помещениях с искусственным климатом. камеры, включающее резервуар для соли первого Предлагаемая полезная модель может быть помола, вентилятор, ионизатор, бактерицидный использована и при организации комнат отдыха излучатель. Устройство дополнительно содержит в коммерческих и государственных структурах. резервуар для подготовленной измельченной Техническим результатом является создание соли, снабженный вибратором, дозатор. и поддержание заданных параметров воздуха Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 650000, Кемеровская обл., г. Кемерово, ул. Николая Островского, 30, кв. 3, ...

13-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU200220U1

Полезная модель относится к медицине и может быть использована при возведении гало-спелеокамер, которые предназначены для лечения многих заболеваний, например органов дыхания, сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, кожи, вегетативной нервной системы и многих других заболеваний. Задачей настоящей полезной модели является разработка простой и эффективной конструкции двойных стен гало-спелеокамеры с достижением технического результата - уменьшения трудоемкости и времени возведения стен гало-спелеокамеры. В сухое помещение (условно не показано) со стенами 1 встраивают стены 2 гало-спелеокамеры (условно не показана). Стены 2 гало-спелеокамеры выполнены из соляных монтажных элементов 3, которые установлены в пазы 4 профиля 5. Профиль 5 с пазами 4 могут быть выполнены из пластмассы, дерева, или из металлического профиля. Стены 2 гало-спелеокамеры выполнены двойными с образованием воздушных каналов 6 между ними. Первый ряд 7 профиля 5 с пазами 4 неподвижно закреплен на стенах 1 помещения, причем он может ...

31-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2712804C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к способу коррекции функционального состояния человека, в котором на человека воздействуют инертными газами и аппаратными методами. Воздействие на человека инертными газами и воздействие аппаратными методами осуществляют одновременно в замкнутом пространстве. Начало аппаратного воздействия осуществляют через 3-5 минут после добавления инертных газов, при концентрации инертных газов от 10% до 80%, а время совместного воздействия определяют в зависимости от времени воздействия выбранного аппаратного метода. Техническим результатом является уменьшение внутреннего противодействия человека процедурам коррекции для обеспечения возможности получения эффекта моделирования функционального состояния.

19-09-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2780130C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, в частности к устройствам для лечения и профилактики заболеваний органов дыхания и укрепления иммунитета, и может быть использовано в физкультурно-оздоровительной деятельности для поддержания и укрепления здоровья. Мобильная соляная комната содержит соляную лечебную палату, галогенератор и систему вентиляции, при этом соляная лечебная палата включает металлический каркас, образованный из вертикальных стоек, ферм и перемычек, внешнюю гибкую тканевую оболочку, покрывающую внешнюю часть каркаса, внутреннюю гибкую тканевую оболочку, закрепленную с внутренней стороны каркаса и пропитанную перенасыщенным раствором соли, и тканевый пол. Техническим результатом является уменьшение габаритов, упрощение монтажа и демонтажа соляной комнаты. 8 з.п. ф-лы, 1 ил.

21-12-2017 дата публикации

Способ оценки эффективности работы сильвинитовых сооружений

Номер: RU2639511C1

Изобретение относится к области биотехнологии. Предложен способ оценки эффективности работы сильвинитовых сооружений. Предложенный способ заключается в том, что чашки Петри с кровяным агаром и культурой S. aureus размещают в сильвинитовом и контрольном помещениях на время, равное длительности процедуры солетерапии на период от 1 до 18 ч, затем инкубируют 24 ч при температуре 37°C, после чего проводят измерение диаметра выросших колоний, и при снижении диаметра колоний по сравнению с контролем делают вывод об эффективности функционирования сильвинитовых сооружений. Предложенный способ позволяет проводить комплексную оценку эффективности функционирования сильвинитовых сооружений с учетом всех факторов внутренней лечебной среды. Изобретение может быть использовано в медицине. 6 табл., 3 пр.

22-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2614098C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к физиотерапии, и может быть использовано для лечения больных остеоартрозом. Для этого пациентов размещают в управляемом радоновом эманатории с концентрацией радона 0,3 кБк/л c экспозицией один час. Затем им на три часа на поражённые суставы накладывают радиоактивные повязки с радоном и продуктами его распада активностью 4 МБк. Курс лечения составляет 12-15 процедур. Способ обеспечивает значительное снижение болевого синдрома, улучшение альго-функциональных индексов, уменьшение дозы вводимых пациенту нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов, что повышает качество жизни пациентов. Предлагаемый способ может быть использован в любом медицинском учреждении, имеющем отделение радонотерапии. 4 ил., 1 пр.

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Способ лечения и профилактики у детей рецидивирующего бронхита, ассоциированного с воздействием мелкодисперсной пыли

Номер: RU2682116C1

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к педиатрии и пульмонологии, и может быть использовано для лечения и профилактики у детей рецидивирующего бронхита, ассоциированного с воздействием мелкодисперсной пыли. Для этого в период неполной ремиссии или ремиссии осуществляют сочетанное медикаментозное и физиотерапевтическое лечение. Начиная с первого дня лечения, вводят препарат «Амброксол» перорально во время приема пищи с небольшим количеством жидкости в возрастной дозе от 3 лет до 6 лет - 7,5 мг 3 раза в день, от 6 лет до 12 лет - 15 мг 2 раза в день, старше 12 лет - 15 мг 3 раза в день курсом 7 дней, начиная с первого дня. Также вводят препарат «Гипоксен» перорально до или во время еды по 1 капсуле 2 раза в день в течение 21 дня. Начиная с одиннадцатого дня лечения, вводят препарат «Бронхо-Мунал» перорально в виде капсул утром натощак в возрастной дозе с 3 до 12 лет - 3,5 мг, с 12 лет - 7 мг курсом 10 дней. В качестве физиотерапевтического лечения одновременно с медикаментозным лечением ...

10-05-2012 дата публикации

Device for percutaneous absorption of carbon dioxide gas, method for percutaneous absorption of carbon dioxide gas, and envelope body

Номер: US20120116291A1
Автор: Kuninobu Mogi
Принадлежит: AMUSE Co Ltd

By providing an envelope body ( 101 ) enveloping at least a part of body surface, a supply unit ( 61 ) supplying carbon dioxide gas into the envelope body ( 101 ), and a pressurizing unit ( 102 ) pressurizing the carbon dioxide gas supplied into the envelope body ( 101 ) to make the gas to be absorbed into an absorbent material, it is possible to further improve an efficiency for making the carbon dioxide gas to be absorbed from the body surface.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Human healing ability enhancing apparatus and method for actuating human healing ability enhancing apparatus

Номер: US20120266874A1
Принадлежит: Yosuke Kawakami, Yukichika Kawakami

A human healing ability enhancing apparatus includes an airtight part that is capable of being airtight; a decompression pump that decompresses air pressure in the airtight part and communicates with an exhaust port of the airtight part; and an over-decompression prevention device for preventing over-decompression in which the air pressure in the airtight part is lower than a predetermined threshold air pressure. The apparatus that can favorably provide a stimulus for enhancing healing capacity of a living body by a decompression control means sequentially and repeatedly controls a decompressing process in which air pressure in the airtight part that is capable of being airtight is changed to a decompression state that is equal to or higher than the threshold air pressure during 1 to 60 minute(s), and a pressurizing process in which the decompression state is changed to a wide-range normal pressure state that is a normal pressure or a pressure higher than the decompression state and lower than the normal pressure during 1 to 60 minute(s) can be obtained.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Intermitted hypoxic training facility and method for animals

Номер: US20130000561A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A hypoxic training facility includes a plurality of walls defining an enclosure for housing an animal to be trained. A hypoxicator is adapted for delivering hypoxic, hyperoxic, and normoxic air to the enclosure during a hypoxic training session. An animal exercise station is located within the enclosure. A pulse oximeter monitors oxygen saturation of the animal's blood during the hypoxic training session. A computing device calculates hypoxic stress delivered to the animal during the hypoxic training session.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Method for treating cancer

Номер: US20130014753A1
Автор: Mohammed Amin Nezami

A method for treating cancer is described using combination therapies comprising the use of hyperbaric oxygen with histone deacetylase inhibitors, with and without glycolytic therapies. The patient is subjected to a hyperbaric environment of substantially pure oxygen. A predetermined dose of one or more HDACI substances is administered to the patient. In addition, glycolitic inhibitors may also be administered. Dosages, pressures, and durations are selected as described herein to have a therapeutic effect on the patient.

04-04-2013 дата публикации

Occupancy driven patient room environmental control

Номер: US20130085609A1
Автор: Kimberly Ann Barker
Принадлежит: Siemens Industry Inc

Using a real-time location system, the hospital environment is controlled locally. By categorizing individuals detected at different locations, the proper control may be provided to enhance energy savings and maintain a comfortable patient environment without sacrificing safety. By altering the environment within a room for patients and not staff and/or based on the type of patient, more optimized and localized control may be provided, such as implementing a number of air changes per hour appropriate for detected patients within rooms.

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Portable Chamber for Hyperbaric and/or Hypoxic Treatment

Номер: US20130206146A1
Принадлежит: Groupe Medical Gaumond

A portable chamber for hyperbaric and/or hypoxic treatment comprises an open-ended and typically frustro-conical tubular body sized to accommodate at least one occupant, and two end members configured to be respectively received at opposite extremities of the body for closing the body in a seal tight arrangement. The body of the chamber is made of a flexible yet reinforced elastomeric material such as to be collapsible during transport. One of the end members is provided with a door to provide access to the interior of the chamber. The extremities of the body are substantially spherical such as to receive the correspondingly substantially periphery of the end members. When the chamber is supplied with gases during hyperbaric or hypoxic treatment, the spherical peripheries of the end members are urged against the spherical extremities of the body, thereby providing a seal tight chamber. A treatment system comprising the chamber is also disclosed. 1) A chamber suitable for use with a portable hyperbaric and/or hypoxic chamber system , the chamber being connectable to at least one source of gases for receiving a supply of gases during a treatment , the chamber comprising:a) an open-ended tubular body sized to accommodate at least one occupant, the tubular body being made of a flexible and reinforced elastomeric material and comprising a first substantially spherical extremity having a first radius of curvature and comprising a first opening, a second substantially spherical extremity having a second radius of curvature and comprising a second opening, and a central axis;b) a first end member configured to be mounted substantially inside the tubular body at the first extremity of the tubular body to close off the first extremity of the tubular body, the first end member comprising a first substantially spherical periphery having a third radius of curvature, the third radius of curvature being substantially equal to the first radius of curvature; wherein at least one of ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237139A1
Автор: MACK Rupert

The invention relates to a method for testing and/or monitoring the air quality in an operating room () with an operating table () arranged in it. In order to achieve conclusions about the air quality with simple measures it is suggested that at least one measured value recorder () is arranged in, on and/or in the range of the operating table by means of which the air quality of the air is measured in the area of the operating table and during the activities. 1. A method for testing and/or monitoring the air quality in an operating room with an operating table present in it with a wound area provided on the table as well as with at least one instrument table , wherein at least one measured value recorder is arranged at least in the area of the wound area or of an area standardized like the wound area , by means of which recorder an air quality parameter representing the air quality is measured.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one measured value recorder is arranged on and/or in the area of the instrument table.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein in order to determine the at least one air quality parameter representing the air quality claim 1 , this parameter is measured in the area of an operating lamp present in the operating room.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein at least one parameter representing the air quality and from the group of air speed claim 1 , turbulence claim 1 , temperature claim 1 , particle concentration particle number with and/or without germ load is measured by the measured value recorder or recorders.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein one or more air quality parameters is/are measured online and the parameter or parameters measured with the at least one measured value recorder is/are regulated by regulating the air to be supplied to the operating room in such a manner that a determined actual value is in the range of a theoretical value.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the air to be ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140014100A1
Автор: Linton Carl E.
Принадлежит: CVAC SYSTEMS, INC.

A method and apparatus for cyclic variations in altitude condition that allows a user to rest in a pressure vessel while undergoing rapid variations or transitions between simulated altitudes. The pressure vessel comprises a blower to generate negative pressure, and a proportional valve to allow air back into the pressure vessel in order to relieve the negative pressure. An on-board interface, kiosk controller and master controller are all in electrical communication with each other in order to enable a user to implement a program of cyclic variations in altitude conditioning that is suitable to the specific user, and enables an operator to bill the user for such services, as well as to allow the user to use a different pressure vessel without re-entering data, so long as such data was originally entered and stored, and the different pressure vessel is in electrical communication with the master controller. A user sensor monitors the user during a session, such that the program may be modified or replaced with another program in real time, according to the user's needs. 1. An apparatus , comprising: a bottom portion defining an opening,', 'a top portion hingedly coupled to the bottom portion, the top portion defining an opening,', 'a flange disposed about at least a portion of at least one of the top portion or the bottom portion and', "a sensor configured to measure a parameter of a user's body condition;"], 'a pressure vessel includingthe pressure vessel having a closed configuration when the top portion and the bottom portion are engaged with the flange, the pressure vessel having an open configuration when the top portion is moved away from the bottom portion, the pressure vessel configured to enclose the user when the pressure vessel is in its closed configuration, the pressure vessel configured to facilitate execution of a session of rapid cyclical changes in pressure levels therein;the sensor configured to be electrically connected to an external controller ...

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Medical Lock For Pressure Vessel For Human Occupancy

Номер: US20140083015A1
Автор: BRADFORD Jeffrey
Принадлежит: Advanced Marine Pte Ltd.

The present invention describes a medical, supply or transfer lock () for a pressure vessel () for human occupancy. The medical lock () includes a body tube (), an outer door flange () and an outer door () in sealing face relation with an inside face () of the outer door flange (). In an embodiment, the outer door () has upper rollers () and lower rollers (). The upper rollers run on a horizontal rail () whilst the lower rollers run on a slant rail (), which is mounted below the horizontal rail (). The ends of the horizontal and slant rails () are curved () so that weight component of the outer door is generated to assist the outer door to close. When pressure in the medical lock () is increased, the outer door of this medical lock () becomes self-locking and self-sealing. 1. A medical lock for a pressure vessel for human occupancy comprising:a body tube for penetration mounting with a shell of said pressure vessel, with an outer end of said body tube extendable outside said pressure vessel whilst its inner end is disposed inside said pressure vessel;an outer door flange connected to said outer end of said body tube; andan outer door in sealing face relation with an inside face of said outer door flange;wherein pressure inside said medical lock allows said outer door to be self-locking and self-sealing.2. A medical lock according to claim 1 , further comprising:a substantially horizontal rail mountable on each of two sides of said body tube; anda support axis, which extends out of each of two sides of said outer door;wherein extended ends of said support axis are constrained to move on said substantially horizontal rails when said outer door is being opened or closed.3. A medical lock according to claim 2 , wherein an end of said substantially horizontal rail adjacent said outer door flange has a curved profile that slopes downward to generate a weight component of said outer door to assist the outer door to close.4. A medical lock according to claim 3 , further ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220000694A1
Автор: Grothem Larissa
Принадлежит: LGI, LLC

A disposable, isolating intubation device is described, the device comprising a flexible, spherical compartment inflatable from a collapsible state, the flexible, spherical compartment being substantially transparent and having a closed end and an open end distal from the closed end defining an inside volume for receiving a head, shoulders and a portion of a torso of a patient and methods of using. 1. A disposable , isolating intubation device , the device comprising:a flexible, spherical compartment inflatable from a collapsible, folded state, the flexible, spherical compartment being substantially transparent and having a closed end and an open end distal from the closed end defining an inside volume for receiving a head, shoulders and a portion of a torso of a patient;a cuff proximal to the open end; the cuff providing for closing of the flexible, spherical compartment about the torso to provide a barrier about the patient therein;at least one inlet port on the spherical compartment configured for receiving powered air;at least one exit port on the spherical compartment configured for releasing air from the inside volume;at least one access port on the spherical compartment configured for coupling with medical devices; andat least one pair of gloves coupled with the spherical compartment and projecting into the inside volume.2. The intubation device of claim 1 , further comprising a substantially airtight zipper extending lengthwise from the cuff to at least partially between the open end and the closed end.3. The intubation device of claim 1 , further comprising at least one selectively openable hatch on the flexible spherical compartment for receiving and removing objects from the inside volume.4. The intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the spherical compartment is comprised of a transparent polymeric material.5. The intubation device of claim 1 , wherein the cuff comprises at least two securing straps spaced from each other claim 1 , the at least two ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180003684A1
Автор: Kerr Gareth

There is disclosed a method and system for determining the partial pressure of at least one gas in a mixture of gasses contained in a pressure vessel, the mixture being pressurised to a level which is above local atmospheric pressure. The method comprises the steps of positioning a gas analysis sensor () within a pressure vessel (); exposing the sensor to the mixture of gasses at the pressure level found in the pressure vessel; operating the sensor to measure the actual partial pressure of the at least one gas in the mixture contained in the vessel; and periodically calibrating the sensor by directing a calibrating gas mixture () to the sensor in the chamber, the calibrating gas mixture being breathable by a human being. 1. A method of determining the partial pressure of at least one gas in a mixture of gasses contained in a pressure vessel , the mixture being pressurised to a level which is above local atmospheric pressure , in which the method comprises the steps of:positioning a gas analysis sensor within the pressure vessel;exposing the sensor to the mixture of gasses at the pressure level found in the pressure vessel;operating the sensor to measure the actual partial pressure of the at least one gas in the mixture contained in the vessel; andperiodically calibrating the sensor by directing a calibrating gas mixture to the sensor in the chamber, the calibrating gas mixture being breathable by a human being.2. A method as claimed in claim 1 , in which calibration gas mixture comprises a known proportion of a calibration gas.3. A method as claimed in claim 2 , in which the step of calibrating the gas mixture comprises:monitoring a partial pressure value of the calibration gas outputted by the sensor;comparing the partial pressure value of the calibration gas outputted by the sensor to the actual partial pressure value which the sensor should output for said proportion of calibration gas at the pressure in the pressure vessel at which the measurement is made; ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Method of treating cancer with combinations of histone deacetylase inhibitors (hdac1) substances

Номер: US20170007573A1
Автор: Mohammed Amin Nezami

A method for treating cancer is described using combination therapies comprising the use of hyperbaric oxygen with histone deacetylase inhibitors, with and without glycolytic therapies. The patient is subjected to a hyperbaric environment of substantially pure oxygen. A predetermined dose of one or more HDACI substances is administered to the patient. In addition, glycolitic inhibitors may also be administered. Dosages, pressures, and durations are selected as described herein to have a therapeutic effect on the patient.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200008996A1
Автор: Zack Aaron Michael
Принадлежит: Sunlighten, Inc.

A portable, personal therapy chamber for provision of infrared radiation therapy. The therapy chamber includes a pair of telescopically positionable cabins that are lightweight and easily portable by a single user. The therapy chamber is configured for use by a single person lying generally prone on a surface. The cabins are disposed to overlie the user and include a plurality of infrared radiation elements that direct infrared energy toward the user's body. When using the therapy chamber, the user's head extends from an open end of the cabin. A facial treatment fixture is integrated with the cabin to be extendable longitudinally from a terminal end thereof and to overlie the user's face/head. The therapy chamber can be configured to provide mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy in addition to infrared therapy. 1. A personal therapy chamber comprising:a cabin that is manually disposable by hand on a surface to define an interior space between a wall of the cabin and the surface in which a single user can be positioned with a head of the user extending at least partially from a terminal end of the cabin; anda plurality of infrared radiation elements disposed in the wall of the cabin and directed toward the interior space to provide infrared radiation to the user positioned within the cabin, each of the infrared radiation elements comprising an array of LEDs.2. The personal therapy chamber of claim 1 , wherein the cabin includes an upper portion and a lower portion that are telescopically movable relative to one another.3. The personal therapy chamber of claim 1 , further comprising:a facial treatment fixture including a second infrared radiation element disposed to extend from the terminal end of the cabin to overlie a face of a user positioned within the cabin, the second infrared radiation element comprising a second array of LEDs.4. The personal therapy chamber of claim 3 , wherein the facial treatment fixture is moveable between a stowed position in which the fixture is ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Controller For An Extremity Hyperbaric Device

Номер: US20200009008A1
Принадлежит: AOTI Inc

A controller is operable to selectively supply gas to, and evacuate gas from, regions of a hyperbaric wound treatment chamber. The controller operates to inflate a passage or rib of the device to provide that the device is made sufficiently rigid for inserting a limb therethrough, and inflate an inflatable cuff to create a seal against the limb. The controller also operates to evacuate ambient air trapped within the chamber, and optionally partially evacuate the passage or rib, after the seal is created by the inflatable cuff, and then introduce oxygen into the chamber, and optionally inflate the passage or rib. The cuff, when inflated and creating a seal against a limb, optionally is at least partially within the chamber, and the treatment gas is supplied to the chamber to maintain the seal of the cuff against the limb.

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014295A1

A system is provided by applying pressure to a portion of a body of an individual in a chamber having an aperture along a vertical axis for receiving the portion of the body of the individual. A pressure sensor is coupled to the chamber for measuring a pressure inside the chamber. A negative feedback control system, calibrates, adjusts and maintains the pressure inside the chamber. 1. (canceled)2. A system for applying pressure to a portion of a body of an individual , comprising:a chamber having an aperture for receiving the portion of the body of the individual and a base that supports the individual while standing in the chamber;a treadmill in the chamber base positioned with respect to the aperture to permit use by the individual in the aperture;a seal between the aperture and the portion of the body of the individual;a pressure sensor in communication with the chamber for sensing pressure inside the chamber;a regulated pressure source coupled to the chamber;a processor communicating with the pressure sensor for controlling the regulated pressure source in response to a set point for an amount of unweighting of the individual; andA control panel with a touchscreen interface to permit a user to interact with the system via the processor to program a speed and an inclination of the treadmill; anda calibration system initiated by interaction with the touch screen that generates an individual specific relationship between one or more pressure readings of the chamber and a corresponding amount of unweighting of the individual in the chamber, the individual specific relationship thereafter used by the processor to operate the pressure source to regulate the pressure inside the chamber in response to a set point entered using the touchscreen.3. The system for applying pressure to a portion of a body of an individual according to wherein when the chamber is deflated claim 2 , a portion of the chamber may be lowered to allow the portion of the body of the individual to ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Interlock vessel for hyperbaric transfer system

Номер: US20160022523A1
Автор: Robert Bartlett
Принадлежит: Individual

An interlock vessel having an air-tight body with opposing ends. A portion of the body is designed to fit into a decompression (hyperbaric) chamber, wherein a diver or a patient undergoing a decompression treatment is positioned. The opposing ends are closed by pivotally moveable doors and locking assemblies that retain the doors in a closed position until the pressure inside the decompression chamber and the exterior of the chamber can be equalized. The outer door has two locking systems: (a) an interlock system and (b) a safety/delay locking system. Both locking assemblies are manually operated.

10-02-2022 дата публикации

High-Access Patient Transport Shield

Номер: US20220040020A1

A patient transport shield provides for a flexible support sheet supporting a patient with upstanding ribs holding a transparent cover over the patient to provide a patient volume that may hold negative pressure when the transparent cover is attached to the support sheet by a resealable pressure-sensitive attachment strip allowing rapid assembly and ready access to the patient. 1. A patient transport shield comprising:a flexible support sheet sized to receive a recumbent patient thereupon within a support sheet periphery;a set of flexible ribs positionable in an assembled state on the flexible support sheet to extend upward and over the flexible support sheet;a transparent barrier sheet sized to cover the flexible ribs in the assembled state and to extend downward to the support sheet periphery and together with the flexible support sheet to define a volume surrounding the recumbent patient; anda resealable pressure-sensitive strip sealingly connecting the support sheet periphery to the transparent barrier sheet.2. The patient transport shield of wherein the resealable pressure-sensitive strip is an adhesive material.3. The patient transport shield of wherein the adhesive material is attached at one side to at least one of the flexible support sheet and transparent barrier sheet and covered on another side with a release liner removable to reveal the adhesive material.4. The patient transport shield of wherein the resealable pressure-sensitive strip is a double-sided tape having a permanent pressure-sensitive adhesive on one side and a releasable pressure-sensitive adhesive on the other side.5. The patient transport shield of wherein the resealable pressure-sensitive strip is a hook and loop fastener material.6. The patient transport shield of further including a vacuum line attachment for releasable attachment to a vacuum system and wherein the set of flexible ribs support the transparent barrier sheet away from the flexible support sheet under negative pressure.7. ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025300A1

A patient enclosure, comprised of at least two spaced-apart side walls, a top wall, and a front wall, the side walls, the top wall, and the front wall defining a predetermined area surrounding a location where a patient is positionable. At least one of the walls has a panel of electrochromic glass that is switchable between a clear state, an opaque state and a reflective (mirrored) state. UV radiators are provided within the area of the enclosure. An air circulation system is provided for circulating air through the area defined by the enclosure. A controller controls the UV radiators and the air circulation system. The controller is programmed to create one of a higher pressure or a lower pressure within the area as compared to the environment surrounding the enclosure. 1. A patient enclosure , comprising:at least two spaced-apart side walls, a top wall, and a front wall, said side walls, said top wall, and said front wall defining a predetermined area surrounding a location where a patient is positionable, at least one of said walls having a panel of electrochromic glass that is switchable between a clear state and an opaque state;an opening through one of said walls allowing access into said area;a door within said opening, said door movable between an open position allowing access to said area and a closed position preventing access to said area;UV radiators within said area of said enclosure; and a conduit having distal ends communicating with said area within said enclosure at spaced-apart locations in said enclosure;', 'a blower for blowing air through said enclosure;', 'an air filtration system connected to said conduit such that air flowing through said conduit is filtered by said air filtration system;', 'an air inlet connecting said area within said enclosure with the environment surrounding said enclosure, said air inlet having an inlet valve controlling air flow therethrough;', 'an air outlet connecting said area within said enclosure with the ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210022664A1
Автор: Hariri Ali, Jokerst Jesse

A method of identifying a subdermal feature in a subject includes directing optical energy into a subject to photoacoustically generate ultrasonic waves from a dermal or subdermal feature in tissue. Signals representing ultrasonic waves that are generated from the dermal or subdermal feature are received. The signals representing the ultrasonic waves are processed to generate image data of the dermal or subdermal feature. It is determined from the image data that the dermal or subdermal feature is a non-healing skin lesion selected from the group including a pressure ulcer, a diabetic foot ulcer, an arterial insufficiency injury, a decubitus ulcer, a diabetic ulcer, and an insufficiency injury. 1. A method of identifying a subdermal feature in a subject , comprising:directing optical energy into a subject to photoacoustically generate ultrasonic waves from a dermal or subdermal feature in tissue;receiving signals representing ultrasonic waves that are generated from the dermal or subdermal feature;processing the signals representing the ultrasonic waves to generate image data of the dermal or subdermal feature; anddetermining from the image data that the dermal or subdermal feature is a non-healing skin lesion selected from the group including a pressure ulcer, a diabetic foot ulcer, an arterial insufficiency injury, a decubitus ulcer, a diabetic ulcer, and an insufficiency injury.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining includes determining from the image data that the dermal or subdermal feature is a non-healing skin lesion before the non-healing skin lesion is visible by eye.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the determining includes determining that the non-healing skin lesion selected from the group including a pressure ulcer claim 1 , a diabetic foot ulcer claim 1 , an arterial insufficiency injury claim 1 , a decubitus ulcer claim 1 , a diabetic ulcer claim 1 , and an insufficiency injury extends beyond a region that is visible by eye.4. The method ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023104A1

Devices and methods for wound treatment are disclosed. A chamber may define a treatment space having an interior engineered surface including a plurality of structures configured to provide pathways for the distribution of negative pressure and to exert mechanical stress on a wound. One or more tubes may be in fluid communication with the treatment space to facilitate the application of negative pressure, the introduction of therapeutic agents, and the removal of wound material. Therapeutic agents may be formulated with a gel, for example, a hydrogel, a hydrocolloid, alginate, methyl cellulose, gelatin or any other gels for sustained-release and enhanced usability. A wound fluid collection device including an absorbable material may interface with the wound treatment device to facilitate the collection and disposal of wound material. 1. A kit for wound treatment , comprising: a chamber that includes an inner surface and a sealing portion that defines an isolated treatment space;', 'a plurality of embossed structures arranged in a pattern on the inner surface of the chamber, the structures configured to directly contact a wound and to create pathways for distributing negative pressure between the inner surface of the chamber and the wound; and', 'at least one tube having a first end connected to the chamber, the at least one tube being in fluid communication with the isolated treatment space so as to enable at least one selected from the group of: applying negative pressure to the isolated treatment space and applying a therapeutic agent to the wound; and, 'a wound treatment device comprisinga therapeutic agent comprising an antibiotic formulated at a concentration of up to or at least about 1000×MIC with a gel.2. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutic agent further comprises an analgesic.3. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutic agent formulation includes saline.4. The kit of claim 1 , wherein the structures have a height of about 0.2 mm to about 5 mm ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180028299A1

A system and method of administrating conventional hyperbaric chamber therapy as well as supplemental oxygen therapy at ambient conditions to an animal using a veterinary hyperbaric chamber. The hyperbaric chamber can function in its usual mode of operation; i.e., providing oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure and also in a second mode of operation to administer supplemental oxygen thereafter at ambient pressure conditions. In the second mode of operation, the method and apparatus may deliver approximately 80 liters per minute continuous flow of 0.21 through 1.0 FI02 adjustable oxygen gas mixture. The mixture is delivered at ambient pressure from one end of the chamber, flows across the animal positioned within the hyperbaric chamber, and exits at the opposite end for exhaust to ambient conditions. A high flow gas mixture is utilized to maintain accurate gas mixture concentrations with fluctuating supply pressures of medical air and medical oxygen gases. 1. A multi-mode , veterinary therapy chamber device comprising:a housing including a therapy chamber,an oxygen inlet connectable to a source of pressurized oxygen;an air inlet connectable to a source of pressurized air; and a first operational mode wherein the fluid delivery network establishes fluid communication between the oxygen inlet and the therapy chamber and isolates the air inlet from the therapy chamber to facilitate delivery of pressurized oxygen into the therapy chamber; and', 'a second operational mode wherein the fluid delivery network establishes fluid communication between the oxygen inlet and the therapy chamber and the air inlet and the therapy chamber to facilitate delivery of a mixture of oxygen and air to the therapy chamber., 'a fluid delivery network connected to the oxygen inlet, the air inlet and the therapy chamber, the fluid delivery network being selectively transitional between at least two different operational modes including2. The device recited in claim 1 , wherein the fluid ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047883A1
Автор: Dietz Dan

The devices and methods of stimulating the immune system to treat damaged and abnormal tissue using compressed static magnetic fields provides for noninvasive treatment of damages tissue and removal of abnormal tissue. At least two magnets are positioned to have their static magnetic fields compressed at the damaged or abnormal tissue and at the immediately surrounding healthy tissue. The compressed static magnetic fields stimulate the immune system in the immediately surrounding healthy tissue which treats the damaged or abnormal tissue. The treated tissue fully regenerates without additional medical intervention. The devices provide for efficient exposure to compressed magnetic fields and ease of use at different locations on a body and different types of animal species. 1. A magnetic resting apparatus for regenerating tissues , comprising:a resting platform with a first static magnet;wherein a user rests on said resting platform.2. The magnetic resting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , where said resting platform is curved.3. The magnetic resting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:an elevated platform with a second static magnet;wherein said second static magnet is aligned to said first static magnet while said user is resting on said resting platform.4. The magnetic resting apparatus as claimed in claim 3 , further comprising:a vertical support for supporting said elevated platform, wherein said vertical support raises or lowers said elevated platform vertically.5. The magnetic resting apparatus as claimed in claim 4 , where said resting platform further comprises:a track;wherein said vertical support is attached to said track, said vertical support moves said elevated platform by sliding along said track.6. The magnetic resting apparatus as claimed in claim 1 , further comprising:a first encasement;wherein said first static magnet is placed within said first encasement.7. The magnetic resting apparatus as claimed in claim 6 , further ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150034086A1

A sonic aerosol generator is provided that provides a constant concentration of particulate aerosol over a long exposure time to an animal. The concentration of aerosols is maintainable for greater than 30 hours at concentrations of 15 mg/mor more. The aerosol generator is used to expose subject to high concentrations of aerosols that more accurately represents the levels that may be seen in a workplace environment. 1. An aerosol generator comprising:an acoustic energy generator;an aerosol chamber;a first diaphragm having a first side and a second side, and coupled to said aerosol chamber, said first diaphragm being impenetrable to aerosol or substrate;said acoustic generator acoustically coupled to said first side of said first diaphragm;and a mass flow controller in gaseous contact with said aerosol chamber, said mass flow controller operable to transfer gas to said aerosol chamber;wherein the atmospheric pressure on said first side or said second side of said first diaphragm is tunable,wherein said aerosol chamber is configured to produce a substantially constant concentration of airborne particulate exposure particles for an exposure period.2. The generator of wherein the atmospheric pressure on said second side of said first diaphragm is higher than the atmospheric pressure on said first side of said first diaphragm.3. The generator of wherein the atmospheric pressure on said second side of said first diaphragm differs from the atmospheric pressure on said first side of said first diaphragm by −0.3 to 0.5 inch-HO.4. The generator of wherein the atmospheric pressure on said second side of said first diaphragm is 0.1 inch-HO higher than the atmospheric pressure on said first side of said first diaphragm.5. The generator of further comprising an exposure chamber atmospherically coupled to said generator.6. The generator of wherein an aerosol is produced with a concentration between 0.1 and 15 mg/m.7. The generator of wherein said concentration is from 5 to 12 mg/m ...

11-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160038071A1

A consumer based novel personal exercise apparatus that allows simultaneous simulation of mild to high altitude environments with algorithmically driven novel additional environmental stressors that may be pre-programmed or personally developed via physiological feedback during training. Additional stressors include the ability to transiently alter chamber pressure at variable frequencies and amplitudes with a range of changes with the option of random pressure oscillations designed to personalize training programs. Additional stressors include small variations in inspired CO2 levels and temperature allowing individuals to stimulate breathing and temperature conditions in preparation for desired environmental conditions. 1. A system and apparatus for the improvement of exercise or athletic performance and recovery from physical stress comprising:an enclosed chamber sufficient for entry by a full size human;a pressure-altering apparatus to change the atmosphere inside of said chamber such that the pressure can be altered to simulate a change in elevation and corresponding gas concentrations;one or more pieces of exercise or recovery equipment placed in said chamber for use by a human;a monitoring system wherein the health status of said human is recorded and monitored before, during and after use of said system and apparatus; andan ability to apply external pressure patterns wherein various periods and amplitudes of the pressure patterns can be individualized.2. The system and apparatus as defined in wherein said external pressure patterns are taken from the group comprising but not limited to: sine claim 1 , saw tooth claim 1 , square claim 1 , triangle claim 1 , other geometric patterns claim 1 , randomized claim 1 , or combinations of multiple waveforms.3. The system and apparatus as defined in wherein said exercise and recovery equipment is taken from the group comprising but not limited to: treadmill claim 1 , cycle and arm ergometer claim 1 , rowing machine ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Bed enabling simulation of an absence of gravity, sensorial simulation and/or isolation device incorporating said bed

Номер: US20190038042A1
Автор: BEDAT Denis

A bed making it possible to simulate an absence of gravity comprises a tank containing a fluid with a specific gravity of between 1.20 and 1.23, a plate mobile between a high position above the fluid and an immersed low position, and a membrane covering the plate and having a thickness less than or equal to 0.3 mm A sensory isolation and/or stimulation chamber incorporates such a bed. 114-. (canceled)15. A bed making it possible to simulate an absence of gravity and comprising:a tank containing a fluid,a plate mobile between a high position above the fluid and an immersed low position, 'a specific gravity of the fluid being between 1.20 and 1.23.', 'a membrane covering the plate and having a thickness less than or equal to 0.3 mm,'}16. The bed as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the membrane is linked at a periphery to the tank and has an excess length and width equal to at least 25% of a length and width of the tank.17. The bed as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the membrane has a modulus of elasticity less than or equal to 100 MPa.18. The bed as claimed in claim 15 , further comprising a mattress interposed between the plate and the membrane claim 15 , and linked to the plate.19. The bed as claimed in claim 15 , further comprising a mechanism for displacing the plate being positioned above the plate.20. The bed as claimed in claim 19 , wherein the plate comprises at least one upright and wherein the plate displacement mechanism comprises at least one actuator configured to displace the at least one upright vertically in two opposite directions.21. The bed as claimed in the claim 20 , wherein the bed comprises a supporting structure claim 20 , each actuator being positioned in an extension of an upright and being connected at one end to said upright and at another end to said supporting structure.22. The bed as claimed in claim 20 , wherein the bed comprises claim 20 , for each upright claim 20 , a guide fixed relative to the tank claim 20 , arranged just above a top ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043128A1
Принадлежит: Airsonett AB

This invention relates in general to methods and devices for displacing body convection and thereby reducing exposure to allergens and other airborne fine particles within a personal breathing zone during situations of or corresponding to sleep thereby reducing or removing symptoms of asthma and allergic rhinitis while improving quality of sleep and in particular to methods and devices that utilize Temperature controlled Laminar Airflow (abbreviated TLA from herein and onwards). Also, business methods involving such methods and devices are disclosed. 12-. (canceled)3. A method of decreasing or suppressing the level of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in a person comprisingcreating a breathing zone around the person's nose and mouth,delivering treated air into the breathing zone using a device which includes at least one of each of an air inlet, a filter, a blower, an air supply nozzle and a housing, wherein said device removes more than 95% of particles larger than 0.5 and which delivers said treated air by temperature controlled laminar air flow,detecting the temperature of said treated air by a first sensor situated such that it is in an air-stream of said treated air in said breathing zone,detecting the temperature of ambient air situated at a level of the person's personal breathing zone but outside the air-stream of said treated air by a second sensor,controlling the temperature of the temperature controlled laminar air flow in the breathing zone so that the air in the breathing zone is maintained at a temperature of 0.5 to 0.9° C. cooler than the ambient air situated at a level of the person's personal breathing zone but outside the air-stream, andcausing the temperature controlled laminar air flow to descend from the delivering device at a rate of less than 0.2 m/s and into the breathing zone at a rate higher than 0.1 m/s which displaces the body convection currents of the person and substantially avoids in-mixing of ambient surrounding air into the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062081A1

An isolation room system comprising a plurality of walls defining a first chamber; and including an air filtration system that pulls air from within at least the first chamber through a filter. 1. An isolation room system comprising:a rigid collapsible architecture defined by a plurality of metal poles; a primary first chamber defined at least in part by two sidewalls, one end-wall and the first internal wall, the primary first chamber having a volume of 410-370 cubic feet;', 'a second chamber defined at least in part by a portion of a first end-wall, a portion of a first sidewall, a first portion of the first internal wall and by the second internal wall;', 'a third chamber defined by a second portion of the first end-wall, a portion of a second sidewall, a second portion of the first internal wall and the second internal wall;', 'wherein the second and third chambers are antechambers that are smaller than the primary first chamber and disposed adjacent to the primary first chamber with a combined length of the second and third chambers being the same as a width of the primary first chamber, the primary first chamber configured to hold a bed for an isolated patient,', 'wherein the first internal wall defines a first door between the primary first chamber and the second chamber,', 'wherein the second internal wall defines a second door between the second chamber and the third chamber, and', 'wherein a wall of the third chamber defines a third door between the third chamber and an external environment of the isolation room system,, 'a plurality of flexible and collapsible walls supported by the rigid collapsible architecture and defined by transparent or translucent flexible polymer sheets, the plurality of flexible and collapsible walls defining a polyhedron shape with walls that include end-walls, sidewalls, roof walls, a floor wall and at least a first internal wall and a second internal wall, the plurality of flexible and collapsible walls defining a hug suit ...

05-03-2015 дата публикации

Hyperoxic therapy systems, methods and apparatus

Номер: US20150059761A1

The present invention provides systems, methods, and apparatus for applying a hyperoxic therapy delivery system to a patient; administering hyperoxic gas to the patient according to an oxygen dose-response model; and adjusting the administration of the hyperoxic gas to the patient based upon monitored parameters related to a condition of the patient. Numerous additional features are disclosed.

03-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160059009A1

A system for wound treatment includes adjunctive wound therapy devices and substrates comprising multiple first reservoirs and multiple second reservoirs. Selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs include a reducing agent, and first reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs are proximate to a first substrate surface. Selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs include an oxidizing agent, and second reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs are proximate to the first substrate surface. 1. A system for treating a wound comprising;a device for providing adjunctive wound therapy; anda substrate comprising biocompatible electrodes capable of generating at least one of a Low Level Electric Field (LLEF), or when said first and second arrays are introduced to an electrolytic solution, a Low Level Micro Current (LLMC).2. The system of wherein the adjunctive wound therapy is one of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) claim 1 , Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) claim 1 , Topical Oxygen Therapy (TOT) claim 1 , or Multi-Layer Compression Therapy (MLCT).3. The system of wherein the biocompatible electrodes comprise a first array comprising a pattern of microcells formed from a first conductive material claim 2 , and a second array comprising a pattern of microcells formed from a second conductive material.4. The system of wherein the first conductive material and the second conductive material comprise the same material.5. The system of wherein the first and second array each comprise a discrete circuit.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising a power source.7. The system of wherein the first array and the second array spontaneously generate a LLEF.8. The system of wherein the adjunctive wound therapy is NPWT.9. The system of wherein the adjunctive wound therapy is HBOT.10. The system of wherein the adjunctive wound therapy is TOT.11. (canceled)12. (canceled)13. (canceled)14. (canceled)15. (canceled)16. ( ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

Method of Noninvasive Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy

Номер: US20190054312A1

A method for noninvasive treatment of diabetic retinopathy helps prevent and reverses diabetic retinopathy and other vascular retinopathies, such as diabetic macular edema for a patient. The method comprises administering at least 80 percent pure oxygen to a patient in an oxygen chamber or nasal cannula. The oxygen chamber includes light emitting diodes that emit a light having a wavelength between 630-700 nm wavelengths on the patient. The method also includes administering an anti-inflammatory agent; an anti-oxidant; at least one of the following: an amino acid, arginine, and citrulline; and an omega-3 fatty acids to the patient. In extreme cases of diabetic retinopathy, a cold laser therapy is also administered to the patient with a wavelength between 570 nanometers and 1000 nanometers. The combination of all the aforementioned treatment modalities and compositions that work to synergistically to achieve unexpected clinical results for prevention and reversal of diabetic retinopathy. 1. A method for noninvasive treatment of diabetic retinopathy , the method comprising:administering, to a patient, at least 80 percent pure oxygen;directing a light from the light emitting diode on the patient;administering an anti-inflammatory agent to the patient;administering an anti-oxidant to the patient;administering at least one of the following: an amino acid, arginine, and citrulline, to the patient; andadministering an omega-3 fatty acid to the patient,wherebythe combination of treatment in the oxygen chamber and administered compositions and agents help to prevent and reverse the effects of diabetic retinopathy.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of administering the at least 80 percent pure oxygen is delivered in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the hyperbaric oxygen chamber is defined at 1.3 atmospheric absolute.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the step of administering the at least 80 percent pure oxygen is delivered through a ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067133A1

The present invention is a method and chamber for exposure of human subjects to non-allergic rhinitis (“NAR”) trigger environments. The method occurs in a NAR chamber and involves tests that expose subjects to environmental triggers known to induce NAR symptoms. The chamber may be an enclosure capable of housing multiple subjects, constructed to facilitate the NAR tests and/or challenges and operable to create one or more NAR environments within the chamber. A different NAR environment may be required for each test. The chamber may facilitate the creation and containment of a specific NAR environment relating to a NAR test and/or challenge within the chamber for a particular period of time and achieve air-flow therein whereby subjects positioned within the chamber may be exposed to a NAR trigger environment in a virtually consistent manner. NAR tests and challenges may be assessed and the results thereof may be stored, compiled and/or reported. 1. A chamber for creating one or more NAR environments to conduct one or more NAR challenges , characterized in that it comprises:(a) an air handling system operable to create the one or more NAR environments by disseminating a selected NAR trigger within the chamber by way of one or more NAR environment generation means;(b) one or more level indicators being operable to indicate levels within the chamber of the NAR environment;(c) one or more fans operable to facilitate a flow of fresh air within the chamber; and(d) one or more positions for one or more subjects within the chamber.2. The chamber of claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises the air handling system operable to remove the one of the one or more NAR environments from the chamber and to generate a different one of the one or more NAR environments in the chamber to conduct a different one of the one or more NAR challenges in the chamber.3. The chamber of claim 1 , characterized in that it comprises the air handling system operable to invoke exposure to the NAR ...

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Allergen Exposure System Comprising a Chamber for Mixing Air and Allergens, Which is Separated from the Exposure room That Accommodates the Patients

Номер: US20170065219A1
Автор: Santailler Gérard

An allergen exposure system includes a mixing chamber, delimited by walls and distinct from the air inlet duct and from the exposure room in which the patients are situated. A mixing between a stream of allergen particles from an allergen injection device and a flow of air devoid of allergens which has passed through a filtration device, occurs through a phenomenon of microturbulence in this mixing chamber which forms a widening with respect to the air inlet duct and makes it possible to obtain a flow of air laden with allergen particles which is injected into the exposure room through at least one diffusion outlet so that it can be inhaled by the patients. This invention is of benefit to medical and pharmaceutical research in the field of allergy study. 1. An allergen exposure system comprising:an allergen injection device;an air inlet duct;an exposure room containing the air containing allergen particles obtained by mixing a flow of allergen particles from an allergen injection device and a flow of air devoid of allergens fed in through the air inlet duct, this exposure room being designed to accommodate patients inhaling the air containing allergen particles to cause an allergic provocation;a mixing chamber, contained by walls, separate from the air inlet duct and the exposure room, in which occurs said mixture between the flow of allergen particles and the flow of air devoid of allergens; at least one allergen inlet, connected to the outlet of the allergen injection device and through which the flow of allergen particles penetrates;', 'at least one air inlet, connected to the air inlet duct and through which the flow of air devoid of allergens penetrates;', 'at least one diffusion outlet connected to the exposure room and through which a flow of air containing allergen particles, obtained by mixing in the mixing chamber the flow of air devoid of allergens and the flow of allergen particles, escapes towards the exposure room;, 'the mixing chamber compriseswherein ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации

Deployable Compact Surgical and Biological Apparatus and Methods of Use

Номер: US20160074268A1

A collapsible containment apparatus () with a first hub (), a second hub (), a plurality of articulated arms () coupled to the first hub (), a plurality of support arms () coupled to both the second hub () and the articulated arms (), and a flexible canopy () carried by the articulated arms (). The apparatus () is collapsed by relative movement of the two hubs () away from one another, and deployed by relative movement of the hubs () toward one another. When the apparatus () is deployed the canopy () creates a closed interior environment, which may be sterile. 1. A collapsible containment apparatus , comprising:a first hub;a second hub;a plurality of articulated arms coupled to the first hub;a plurality of support arms coupled to both the second hub and the articulated arms; anda flexible canopy carried by the articulated arms;wherein the apparatus is collapsed by relative movement of the two hubs away from one another, and deployed by relative movement of the hubs toward one another;wherein when the apparatus is deployed the canopy creates a closed interior environment.2. The apparatus of further comprising a shaft connecting the first and second hubs claim 1 , where one or both of the hubs are movable along the shaft.3. The apparatus of wherein the articulated arms are pivotably coupled to the first hub and the support arms are pivotably coupled to both the second hub and the articulated arms.4. The apparatus of wherein the canopy is at least in part transparent.5. The apparatus of wherein the canopy is made at least in part of a polymeric material.6. The apparatus of wherein the canopy includes a base that forms the bottom of the interior environment.7. The apparatus of wherein the base comprises an outer layer that is impervious to fluids claim 6 , and at least one layer inside of the outer layer that is constructed and arranged to absorb fluids.8. The apparatus of further comprising an adhesive on the outside of the base claim 5 , to allow the base to be ...

17-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160074269A1

The invention relates to an on-site medical gas production plant () comprising a unit () for purifying gas, such as air, a first compartment (A) for storing purified gas, and a main gas line () fluidically connecting the gas purification unit () to the said first storage compartment (A). It furthermore comprises an actuated valve () arranged on the main gas line () upstream of the first storage compartment (A), and furthermore connected to the secondary purifying device (), as well as an operating device () which controls at least the actuated valve (), and at least a gas analysis device (D) in fluid communication with the main line (), and which is in communication with said operating device (). 1100. An on-site medical gas production plant () , comprising:{'b': '50', 'a gas purification unit () configured to produce a purified gas from a less pure supply gas source,'}a first compartment (A) for storing the purified gas;{'b': 10', '50', '50, 'a main gas line () fluidically connecting the gas purification unit () to the first storage compartment (A) so as to supply the said first storage compartment (A) with the purified gas coming from the gas purification unit ();'}{'b': 304', '10', '50, 'an actuated valve () in fluid communication with the main gas line () between the gas purification unit () and the first storage compartment (A);'}{'b': 2', '10', '2', '10, 'a gas analysis device (D) in fluid communication with the main line (), wherein the gas analysis device (D) is configured to analyze the purified gas within the main line () for impurities;'}{'b': '306', 'a secondary purifying device in fluid communication with the main gas line, the secondary purifying device configured to receive at least a portion of the purified gas and remove additional impurities from the purified gas;'}{'b': 4', '304', '2', '4', '304', '210', '2', '10', '306', '210', '2', '10, 'an operating device () configured to control the actuated valve (), wherein the operating device is in ...

14-03-2019 дата публикации

Exercise Apparatus Simulating Mild to High Altitude Environments

Номер: US20190076076A1

A personal physical conditioning system, for a single, full-size human subject, has a sealable chamber that is configured to allow entry therein and occupancy thereof by the entirety of the single, full-size human subject and to allow the subject to exercise in a standing position using an item of physical conditioning equipment entirely contained within the sealable chamber. The system also has a ventilation system, including a pump, operable to change air in the sealable chamber and to establish, within the sealable chamber, a desired non-zero air pressure level of less than 1 atmosphere and down to pressure conditions substantially equivalent to an elevation of 25,000 feet above sea level. Related methods are also provided. 1. A personal physical conditioning system for a single , full-size human subject , the system comprising:a sealable chamber, the chamber configured to allow entry therein and occupancy thereof by the entirety of the single, full-size human subject and to allow the subject to exercise in a standing position using an item of physical conditioning equipment entirely contained within the sealable chamber;a ventilation system, including a pump, operable to change air in the sealable chamber and to establish, within the sealable chamber, a desired non-zero air pressure level of less than 1 atmosphere and down to pressure conditions substantially equivalent to an elevation of 25,000 feet above sea level;a monitoring system operable to monitor vital signs of the single, full-size human subject, the vital signs including at least one parameter selected from the group consisting of heart rate, breathing rate, skin temperature, oxygen saturation, and combinations thereof; anda controller coupled to the ventilation system and operable to regulate air pressure in the sealable chamber at the desired non-zero air pressure level under specifiable conditions;wherein the sealable chamber has a size and shape for use in an interior space and wherein the ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096303A1
Автор: KOKALJ Peter, KOKALJ Tina

The present invention belongs to the field of hyperbaric chambers for performing hyperbaric and hyperbaric-oxygen therapies for medical or non-medical purposes, more precisely to the field of constructional execution of flexible-inflatable hyperbaric chambers. The essence of the inflatable hyperbaric chamber with a multilayer structure according to the invention is in the three-layer structure and in separable connection of individual layers of the said structure as well as functional elements, which allows the chamber to operate at a pressures between 130 kPa (1.3 bar) and 300 kPa (3.0 bar). The three-layer structure consists of an inner bag for sealing, an outer bag for protection and relief of the inner bag and which maintains the shape of the chamber, as well as a grid for maintaining the structure and even distribution of forces. 1. An inflatable hyperbaric chamber with a multi-layer structure , which comprises a powerful compressor for raising pressure inside the chamber and proper ventilation , and an oxygen tank or any other oxygen source or a concentrator , characterized in that:the chamber has a three-layered structure and a releasable connection of individual layers and functional elements, which allows operation of the chamber at pressures from 130 kPa (1.3 bar) to 300 kPa (3.0 bar), wherein the three-layered structure consists of an inner bag, an outer bag and a grid, mutually connected with straps with hooks on one layer interacting with straps with loops on another layer;soft windows are provided on a wrap of the inner bag;hard windows are provided on a wrap of the outer bag;a zipper on the inner bag for closing thereof is covered with a flap containing the inserts;above the flap trasverse straps of the grid are closed with buckles;rings are installed on the bottoms, wherein ends of horizontal straps of the grid are trapped in the said rings;the outer bag has holes corresponding to circular holes of the inner bag, the circular coles having attachments ...

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170080246A1
Автор: Knight Judith Darlene

Methods and apparatuses for providing therapy, including light therapy, to a user positioned within an enclosure are described herein. A method includes generating and selecting therapy settings based on user information and positioning the user within an enclosure having a plurality of light sources. The enclosure is configured to focus light on the user at a location within the enclosure according to selected settings. Post-therapy user information is provided to generate a report regarding the user and may include the user's measured physical attributes, measured spectrum values, reported information, or survey information. Aromatherapy, audio therapy, or air therapy may be additionally provided. An apparatus includes an enclosure with a control system configured to perform a therapy method. An enclosure may be have the shape of an octagon or another shape. A computer readable non-transitory storage media includes instructions for providing therapy to a user positioned within the enclosure. 1. A method for providing therapy to a user positioned within an enclosure , comprising:generating a plurality of settings for the therapy based on one or more of: measured information, reported information, historical information, or operator selected information;selecting one or more of the plurality of settings to provide therapy to the user, wherein the one or more settings are operator configurable;positioning the user at a location within the enclosure, wherein a floor, a ceiling and each wall of the enclosure are configured to focus light at the location when light is provided by a plurality of non-reflective light sources, and wherein the plurality of non-reflective light sources are located equidistant from the location at four or more positions on separate walls of the enclosure to directly emit non-reflective light to form a three-dimensional region of maximum light density at the location and also provide resonance of the emitted light;providing therapy to the user ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Method of treating cancer with combinations of histone deacetylase inhibitors (hdac1) substances

Номер: US20150090267A1
Автор: Mohammed Amin Nezami

A method for treating cancer is described using combination therapies comprising the use of hyperbaric oxygen with histone deacetylase inhibitors, with and without glycolytic therapies. The patient is subjected to a hyperbaric environment of substantially pure oxygen. A predetermined dose of one or more HDACI substances is administered to the patient. In addition, glycolitic inhibitors may also be administered. Dosages, pressures, and durations are selected as described herein to have a therapeutic effect on the patient.

21-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190083532A1
Автор: Hughes John C.

A formulation comprising platelet rich plasma (PRP) for treatment of patients who have experienced brain injury, consisting of: a mixture of human plasma composed of pluripotent adult stem cells comprising very small embryonic like stem cells from autologous plasma or allogeneic plasma, D5W, glutathione, methylcobalamin, and regular insulin. The formulation is infused directly adjacent to a patient's brain through the nostrils or nares of the nasal cavity. Treatment using the formulation may be supplemented with one or more therapies including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), cranial osteopathic therapy, intravenous (IV) nutrition, electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback, low level laser therapy (LLLT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), additional PRP pluripotent adult stem cell treatments, and a ketogenic diet and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil therapy. 1. A formulation comprising platelet rich plasma (PRP) for treatment of patients who have experienced brain injury , consisting of: a mixture of human plasma composed of pluripotent adult stem cells comprising very small embryonic like stem cells from autologous plasma or allogeneic plasma; D5W; glutathione; methylcobalamin; and regular insulin.2. A formulation as recited in wherein the formulation consists of a mixture of approximately 75% by volume human plasma claim 1 , 15% by volume D5W claim 1 , 5% by volume glutathione claim 1 , 4% by volume methylcobalamin claim 1 , and less than 1% by volume regular insulin.3. A formulation delivery apparatus claim 1 , consisting of: a syringe having a reservoir and a dispensing tip; and', 'a catheter selectively attached to the dispensing tip of the syringe., 'an intranasal delivery device, comprising4. A formulation delivery apparatus as recited in wherein the dispensing tip is an atomizing dispensing tip.5. A formulation delivery apparatus as recited in wherein the catheter is configured to be inserted into a naris of a brain injury patient claim 3 , and ...

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Oxygen distributor

Номер: US20150094646A1
Принадлежит: Inotec AMD Ltd

An oxygen distributor ( 1 ) positionable, in use, in a wound for supplying oxygen to the wound has an oxygen delivery area ( 17 ) for, in use, receiving a supply of oxygen. At least one tube ( 19 A) extends from the oxygen delivery area, having a tube wall with an oxygen-permeable, liquid-impermeable section. Oxygen delivered to the oxygen delivery area can flow away from the oxygen delivery area along the, or each, tube.

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200085660A1
Автор: JENKNER Peter

A patient isolation unit (PIU) for use in marine rescues. The PIU of this invention is useful to safely transport personnel exposed to, or potentially exposed to, an identified and/or known infectious agent or chemical warfare agent (CWA) on marine vessels and/or aircraft such as Coast Guard boasts, cutters and aircraft. The PIU has a generally tapered tubular shape compatible with wire rescue baskets conforming in shape to the human body and into which an injured, sick, or disabled person can be safely strapped, such as the Stokes litter rescue basket for hoisting and fit in rotary wing aircraft. 1. An isolation apparatus for transporting a person , comprising:an enclosure sealed against releasing chemical, biological, and radiological agents, and including a plurality of vapor permeable and liquid tight flexible panels each formed of a selectively permeable material and sealed by gas tight and liquid tight seams, and defining a transport chamber for receiving the person;the enclosure including a closable opening providing access to the transport chamber; andthe enclosure including a rounded first end and a rounded second end, and the enclosure at least partially tapered from the first end toward the second end.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first end has a first diameter that is greater than a second diameter at the second end.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the isolation apparatus comprises dimension configured to fit within a Stokes basket.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first end comprises a bulbous top portion including a patient head window.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the closable opening comprises a gas tight and liquid tight fastener that extends around each of the first and second ends.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the closable opening comprises a gas and liquid tight zipper extending along one side and around both the first end and the second end.7. The apparatus of claim 6 , wherein the zipper includes an ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Portable Hybrid Hyperbaric Chamber

Номер: US20170100294A1

A pressured hybrid-construction hyperbaric chamber and method of using same are disclosed. The present invention provides for the fabrication and building of hybrid-construction, solid or semi-flexible wall, exoskeleton reinforced, hybrid hyperbaric chambers suitable for office and/or home use in providing oxygen rich therapies. 1. A portable hyperbaric chamber comprising:a sealed chamber formed by a ceiling, a floor and three or more solid or semi-flexible walls capable of retaining their shape, wherein said walls have one or more openings through them pneumatically connecting the sealed chamber with the outside;a compressor;an oxygen supply apparatus; anda solid or semi-flexible door capable of sealing an opening for providing access to the chamber.2. The chamber of wherein;said ceiling, floor, door and wall surfaces are each made from a flexible material is selected from a group comprised of one or more of: fiberglass composite, carbon composite, wood composites, plastic, metal or other similar materials.3. The chamber of further comprising;a metal exoskeleton where at least one of said exoskeleton vertical or horizontal corner members overlap and compress at least one of the angled joints between one of said walls and said ceiling, floor and/or neighboring wall.4. The chamber of wherein;none of said angled joints the angles at the joints between one of said walls and said ceiling, floor and/or neighboring wall measure 90 degrees.5. The chamber of wherein;a compressible elastomeric material is placed where said metal exoskeleton meets said angled joint.6. The chamber of wherein claim 5 ,said elastomeric material is selected from a group comprised of one or more of: natural rubber mat, synthetic rubber mat, O-ring, SIKAFLEX® or similar materials.7. The chamber of wherein;a compressible elastomeric material is placed where said metal exoskeleton meets said angled joint.8. The chamber of wherein claim 7 ,said elastomeric material is selected from a group comprised ...

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190099312A1

A pressure therapy device includes a pressure chamber, an inflatable padding, a seal, and a positioning mechanism. The pressure chamber has an opening arranged for admitting the inflatable padding and a limb of a user. The inflatable padding is inflatable to enclose and fix the limb in position. The seal covers the opening, including the inflatable padding and the limb to seal the pressure chamber from ambient atmospheric pressure. A pump unit is provided to generate a non-atmospheric pressure within the pressure chamber and includes a first valve system and a piston with safety release features for preventing unsafe pressure levels. 1. A pressure therapy device , comprising:a pressure chamber having first and second ends, the first end defining an opening;an inflatable padding positioned in the opening; anda seal secured to the first end of the pressure chamber for sealing the opening;wherein the inflatable padding is configured to be inflatable to narrow the opening and secure about a limb of a user.2. The pressure therapy device of claim 1 , wherein an exterior surface of the pressure chamber is provided with a first locking element for securing to an adjustment piece.3. The pressure therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the second end of the pressure chamber comprises a support surface having a flat portion and an angled portion.4. The pressure therapy device of claim 3 , wherein an interior of the support surface comprises a positioning mechanism for receiving a foot of the limb.5. The pressure therapy device of claim 4 , wherein the positioning mechanism comprises a narrow arch shape corresponding to the arch of the foot.6. The pressure therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the pressure chamber is provided with at least one second locking element for securing to the inflatable padding on an exterior surface of the pressure chamber.7. The pressure therapy device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure chamber is provided with an adjustable stabilizing ...

02-06-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220168559A1

An apparatus includes multiple first reservoirs and multiple second reservoirs joined with a substrate. Selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs include a reducing agent, and first reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs are proximate to a first substrate surface. Selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs include an oxidizing agent, and second reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs are proximate to the first substrate surface. 1. A device for reducing inflammation in a wound comprising a stretchable substrate comprising biocompatible electrodes capable of generating a low level electric field (LLEF) or low level micro current (LLMC).2. The device of wherein the biocompatible electrodes comprise a first array comprising a pattern of microcells formed from a first conductive material claim 1 , and a second array comprising a pattern of microcells formed from a second conductive material.3. The device of wherein the first conductive material and the second conductive material comprise the same material.4. The device of wherein the first and second array each comprise a discrete circuit.5. The device of claim 4 , further comprising a power source.6. The device of wherein the first array and the second array spontaneously generate a LLEF.7. The device of wherein the first array and the second array spontaneously generate a LLMC when contacted with an electrolytic solution.8. The device of wherein the LLEF is between 0.05 and 5 Volts.9. The device of wherein the LLEF is between 0.1 and 5 Volts.10. The device of wherein the LLEF is between 1.0 and 5 Volts.11. The device of wherein the LLMC is between 1 and 200 micro-amperes.12. The device of wherein the LLMC is between 1 and 100 micro-amperes.13. The device of wherein the LLMC is between 100 and 200 micro-amperes.14. The device of wherein the LLMC is between 150 and 200 micro-amperes. The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent ...

28-04-2016 дата публикации

Method & Device for Containing Deadly Germs of a Patient During Treatment

Номер: US20160113829A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and device is presented for a hermetically sealed human sized, largely rectangular, mostly transparent, preferably hard-shelled, multi-gloved containment box that can hold a patient and which has means to allow the patient treatments by caregivers outside said box without caregiver having any direct contact with said patient.

09-04-2020 дата публикации

Molecular modifier for combustible and non-combustible fluids, liquids and gases

Номер: US20200107563A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present magnetic and electromagnetic equipment achieves the molecular modification of liquid and gaseous fluids combustible or non-combustible by combining magnetic turbulence. The device combines magnetic and electromagnetic fields for producing magnetic turbulence that modifies the atomic behavior diamagnetic materials to be processed by the covalence thereof, improving the assimilation of fluids in humans by increasing the surfactant quality of the fluids in physical states.

05-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160120724A1
Автор: YOON Suc Ho

The present invention relates to a portable and foldable oxygen chamber, and more particularly, relates to a portable and foldable hyperbaric oxygen chamber that may be reduced in volume and conveniently carried and kept by including a tube capable of accommodating a patient and a body part which protects the tube and is divided into multiple cylindrical bodies formed in a longitudinal direction and inserted into and overlapped with one another. 1. A portable and foldable hyperbaric oxygen chamber comprising:{'b': '100', 'a cylindrical body part configured to be foldable;'}{'b': 200', '100, 'a body entrance provided on a lateral face of the body part ;'}{'b': 300', '100, 'a tube provided as a cylindrical tube inside the body part ;'}{'b': 400', '300, 'a tube entrance provided on a lateral face of the tube ;'}{'b': 510', '300, 'an oxygen injection pipe provided on a surface of the tube ; and'}{'b': 600', '300, 'a oxygen controller provided on the surface of the tube ,'}{'b': 200', '400, 'wherein the body entrance and the tube entrance are provided at positions corresponding to each other, and'}{'b': '300', 'the tube includes a space capable of accommodating a patient.'}2. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber according to claim 1 ,{'b': 100', '110', '120, 'wherein the body part includes a body A and a body B ,'}{'b': 110', '120', '110', '120, 'wherein each of the body A and the body B has one open end and the other closed end, and the body A and the body B face each other, and'}{'b': 120', '110, 'the body B is inserted into the body A from the one open end.'}3. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber according to claim 2 ,{'b': 130', '110', '120, 'wherein at least one body C connected between the body A and the body B is included.'}4. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber according to claim 1 ,{'b': 400', '300', '410', '420', '411', '410', '421', '410', '420, 'wherein the tube entrance is formed such that the tube is divided into an outer skin and an inner skin , and an external zipper are ...

25-08-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220265498A1

The present disclosure relates to a vehicle-type mobile infectious disease clinic, and more particularly, to a mobile infectious disease clinic, which is a vehicle-type mobile infectious disease clinic, that allows a test subject to be tested by a healthcare provider using an infectious disease test kit while exposure of the body parts is minimized and the healthcare provider and the test subject are isolated in the vehicle-type mobile infectious disease clinic, that performs sterilization of an infectious disease using an ultraviolet C (UV-C) lamp to reduce the time taken for disinfecting the clinic, and that allows the light radiation intensity of the UV-C lamp to be adaptively adjusted according to the body temperature of the test subject. 1. A mobile infectious disease clinic , which is a vehicle-type mobile infectious disease clinic , comprising:a vehicle which includes a first compartment that a test subject is able to enter and a second compartment that a healthcare provider, who performs testing for an infectious disease on the test subject, is able to enter, the first compartment and the second compartment partially or entirely sharing a transparent wall to block a spread of the infectious disease between the first compartment and the second compartment;one or more openings which are disposed in the transparent wall and through which a hand of the healthcare provider is able to pass;a negative pressure device which is configured to adjust an air pressure in the first compartment to be lower than an air pressure outside the mobile infectious disease clinic to cause the air outside the mobile infectious disease clinic to enter the first compartment and configured to filter the air inside the first compartment and then discharge the filtered air to an outside of the mobile infectious disease clinic;a thermal imaging camera which is configured to measure a body temperature of the test subject in the first compartment; anda UV-C lamp which is configured to ...

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Mobile Isolation and Containment Unit

Номер: US20160128886A1

Completely self-contained and self-supported mobile isolation and containment unit (ICU) facilities are disclosed that can be transported on roads and highways to a location in need of an isolation facility and rapidly deployed to provide isolation and treatment. In some embodiments, exemplary ICUs can safely provide isolation and treatment to a level that meets or exceeds “bricks and mortar” hospital isolation and containment facilities and any applicable regulations. In some examples, the mobile ICUs include sophisticated heating ventilation and air Conditioning (HVAC) systems that can separately maintain areas within the facility at different levels of pressure to ensure contaminated air does not escape the facility. And the mobile ICUs may also incorporate a multiple-vestibule with airlock design for ensuring safe entry and exit from the facility. The mobile ICUs disclosed herein may also include automated decontamination systems for disinfecting and/or sterilizing spaces within the facility. 1. A mobile isolation unit , comprising:a first and a second vestibule;a common area; andat least one patient room, wherein entry to the common area from a location outside the mobile isolation unit or exit from the common area to a location outside the mobile isolation unit requires passage through both of the first and second vestibules, wherein one of the first and second vestibules is adjacent the common area and is configured as an airlock to prevent the flow of contaminated air from the mobile isolation unit.2. A mobile isolation unit according to claim 1 , further comprising a heating claim 1 , ventilation claim 1 , and air-conditioning (HVAC) system designed and configured to separately and independently control an air pressure in each of the second vestibule claim 1 , the common area claim 1 , and the at least one patient room.3. A mobile isolation unit according to claim 2 , wherein the second vestibule includes a first door separating the second vestibule from ...

11-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170128769A1

A differential air pressure system has a pressure bag with windows and preferred folding configuration such that when the bag is folded no window is folded. The pressure bag is supported by a lift support that is proximal to a user control panel and adjacent to or nearly adjacent to the user who is coupled to the pressure bag. A treadmill base for use with differential air pressure equipment is provided. There are various improvements provided to adapt the operations of the DAP system via the use of separate pressure volume and non-pressure volume portions of the treadmill base. Various improvements to serviceability and repairs are provided by placement of components outside of the pressure volume portion or by providing one or more pressure volume access points. 1. A differential air pressure exercise system , comprising:A frame having a pressure control section and a non-pressure control section, the frame supporting a user control panel and an exercise device wherein a motor for the exercise device is within the non-pressure control section and is adapted and configured to drive the exercise device within the pressure control section;A first and a second cockpit support stanchion positioned on each on either side of the support frame and proximal to the user control panel;A latch-able, pressure resisting cockpit and DAP bag assembly, wherein the DAP bag is sealably coupled to the frame to support the operating pressure maintained in the pressure control section by the differential air pressure system;A first roller support frame assembly attached to one side of the cockpit assembly to move within the first cockpit support stanchion and a second roller support frame assembly attached to another side of the cockpit assembly to move within the second cockpit support stanchion wherein the first and the second roller support frames are adapted and configured to slide-ably support the cockpit assembly in height adjustable movement relative to the exercise device ...

03-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210161744A1
Автор: Davey Marcus, Flake Alan

A system configured to support growth and development of a premature fetus is disclosed. Specifically, a method and apparatus configured to provide extracorporeal support for premature fetuses is disclosed. 1. A method of using an extracorporeal system to support a human premature fetus in an extrauterine environment and maintain the human premature fetus during maturation , the method comprising the steps of:positioning the human premature fetus in a fetal chamber designed to hold the premature fetus in a heated bath of synthetic amniotic liquid;filling the fetal chamber with a quantity of synthetic amniotic liquid and heating the synthetic amniotic liquid to a temperature corresponding to the temperature of amniotic fluid in utero;using a turbidity sensor to monitor the synthetic amniotic liquid within the fetal chamber for the presence of stool from the human premature fetus wherein the presence of stool in the synthetic amniotic liquid thereby creates a contaminated synthetic amniotic liquid within the fetal chamber;sensing the presence of stool from the human premature fetus in the contaminated synthetic amniotic liquid within the fetal chamber by way of the turbidity sensor and in response thereto removing the contaminated synthetic amniotic liquid from the fetal chamber and introducing fresh synthetic amniotic liquid into the fetal chamber to maintain a liquid level within the fetal chamber.2. The method of wherein the turbidity sensor is electronically connected to a central controller comprising a computer and a display and further comprising the step of the central controller receiving signals from the turbidity sensor.3. The method of wherein the extracorporeal system includes a synthetic amniotic liquid inlet to the fetal chamber and a contaminated synthetic amniotic liquid outlet from the fetal chamber and further comprising the step of the central controller claim 2 , in response to receiving signals from the turbidity sensor claim 2 , causing ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Method & Device for Containing Deadly Germs of a Patient During Treatment

Номер: US20160136024A1

Methods and devices are presented for the long-term treatment of a patient infectious with deadly microbes without a risk for spread of germs to caregivers comprising a hermetically sealed human sized containment box with means for delivering medical care, for sustaining life, and for dealing with waste products, as well as providing rehabilitative care. 1. A method of this invention comprisingplacing a patient suspected or proven to be infected with certain germs and in need of long-term quarantine and/or long-term treatment into a space delimiting containment box large enough to hold said patient and which provides sufficient separation between said patient and caregivers to prevent transfer of germs from said patient to caregivers,providing long-term care to said patient using sets of glove portal means mounted on sets of openings in the walls of said containment box,providing means for delivering necessary fluids, nutrition, and air to said patient without allowing said germs to escape out of said containing box into environment outside said containment box,providing means to remove from said box waste products of said patient and products of caregiving of said patient and processing said products to become free of live germs before said products are released into the environment outside said box.2. A device of this invention comprising:A sealed box large enough to hold an infected human for purpose of medically treating him long-term without contaminating caregivers or the environment outside said box,said box enabling caregivers to see said patients being cared for,said box having means for placing said human sealed inside and removing said human from said box,said box having multiple dual-gloved portal means on walls of said box for handling and caring of said human from outside said box,said box having means for inputting respiratory gases into said box,said box having means for maintaining optimum humidity inside said box,said box having means for allowing ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133074A1

The present invention is a mobile hyperbaric unit including a vehicle having a vehicle chassis with a front cabin and a rear bed. A partition can extend upwardly from the rear bed at a position next to the cabin. A pod can be removably attachable to the vehicle chassis, the pod having top wall, left and right side walls, a front wall, a rear wall, and a bottom wall that is sized and shaped to occupy and rest upon the rear bed. A detachable connection can enable attachment or detachment of the pod from the vehicle chassis, the connection can be connected to the pod at the bottom wall. The partition can have a portion that extends at least partially over the pod top wall. A pod chassis enables the pod to be transported independently of the vehicle chassis, the pod chassis can have a lift that enables elevation of the pod between lower and upper positions. A control station that has ambient pressure can be located in between the partition and the pod. A desired pressure that is not ambient pressure can be maintained within said pod interior by means on the vehicle. 1. A mobile hyperbaric apparatus , comprising:a) a vehicle having a vehicle chassis with a front cabin and a rear bed;b) a partition that extends upwardly from the bed at a position next to the cabin;c) a pod that is removably attachable to the vehicle chassis, the pod having a top wall, left and right side walls, a front wall, a rear wall, and a bottom wall that is sized and shaped to occupy and rest upon the rear bed;d) a detachable connection that enables attachment or detachment of the pod from the vehicle chassis, said connection being connected to said pod at the bottom wall;e) a pod chassis that enables the pod to be transported independently of said vehicle chassis, said pod chassis having a lift that enables elevation of the pod between lower and upper positions;f) a control station having ambient pressure and located in between the partition and the pod; andg) means on the vehicle chassis for ...

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Medical apparatus with selectively enabled features

Номер: US20160140307A1
Принадлежит: Stryker Corp

A medical system includes a medical apparatus, a computer, a user input device, and at least one feature in communication with and controlled by the computer. The computer is in communication with the user input device, which is configured and arranged to allow a user to purchase the use of the feature. The computer is configured to enable the use of the feature after the user purchases use of the feature.

26-05-2016 дата публикации

Oscillating Hyperbaric Capsule.

Номер: US20160143797A1

This invention makes reference to an autonomous, versatile and non-invasive hyperbaric capsule with a new functional and esthetic design for high pressured air or oxygen therapies for one or more people which can be installed vertically to a structure. It has an oscillating effect starting the vertical until the horizontal and features a new bolted gate with a twin closure mechanism of 2 movements and 3 positions. Also, it has all the necessary equipment already built in ready to be operated to the pleasures of the patient inside or by an assistant in the outside. 1. Hyperbaric capsule made of solid materials that characterizes for having a design that allows more than one user and that its composition includes a capsule body, an structural metallic profile located on the back side of the capsule allowing this to be installed in any wall or vertical structure, the structural metallic profile also houses an oscillating mechanism that enables it to oscillate from vertical to horizontal position, the capsule also has one pair of exterior access doors located on each lateral side of the capsule, one pair of internal bolted gates on each lateral side of the capsule which perform an hermetic seal on the body of the capsule and that are triggered through 2 twins mechanisms of closure located on the upper and lower back side of the capsule, this provides the characteristic of being operated in 2 movements and 3 positions. It include internal, external and remote control panels. The following invention refers to pressurized chambers or capsules used in hyperbaric oxygenation therapies for human beings by exposing them to hyperbaric conditions in a fixed amount of time. The referred capsule creates a pressured environment above normobaric conditions where oxygen enriched air is breathed by the patient. This therapy is named hyperbaric oxygenation (HBOT) and it's used to treat a wide range of medical and physiological conditions.The hyperbaric oxygenation therapy (HBOT) is a ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150150482A1

A method for dynamic investigation of a subject lung, the method comprising the steps of: (i) imparting an oscillation to the lung at one or more forcing frequencies so as to elicit a lung response, (ii) sensing the response of the lung simultaneously with the imparting of the oscillation to elicit a lung response, (iii) choosing at least one parameter used in the sensing to define the lung motion associated with the lung response, (iv) comparing one of the chosen parameters at each forcing frequency with the response at the forcing frequency in at least one region of the lung, and (v) recording the comparison of step (iv). 1. A method for dynamic investigation of a subject lung , the method comprising the steps of:(i) imparting an oscillation to the lung at one or more forcing frequencies so as to elicit a lung response,(ii) sensing the response of the lung simultaneously with the imparting of the oscillation to elicit a lung response,(iii) choosing at least one parameter used in the sensing to define the lung motion associated with the lung response,(iv) comparing one of the chosen parameters at each forcing frequency with the response at the forcing frequency in at least one region of the lung, and(v) recording the comparison of step (iv).2. A method according to wherein the sensing comprises imaging the response.3. A method according to which comprises the additional step (vi) of comparing a parameter between different regions throughout the lung and creating a visual representation thereof.4. A method according to wherein the oscillation is externally applied oscillation chosen from the group comprising mechanical input oscillation claim 1 , external chest wall oscillation claim 1 , heart oscillation or combinations thereof.5. A method according to wherein the oscillation imparted to the lung is of a single frequency.6. A method according to wherein the oscillation imparted to the lung is of multiple frequencies applied simultaneously or one after the other.7. ...

04-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150150742A1
Принадлежит: CVAC SYSTEMS, INC.

A method according to an embodiments includes administering at least two Cyclic Variations in Altitude Condition (CVAC) sessions to a mammal disposed in a pressure vessel unit. The at least two CVAC sessions each have a duration of at least twenty minutes. The at least two CVAC sessions each include a start point of ambient pressure at a delivery site, an end point of ambient pressure at the delivery site, and a plurality of atmospheric pressure targets executed between the start point and the end point. The administering is configured to treat at least one of loss of sensation and chronic pain. 1. A method , comprising:administering at least two Cyclic Variations in Altitude Condition (CVAC) sessions to a mammal disposed in a pressure vessel unit, the at least two CVAC sessions each having a duration of at least twenty minutes, and including a start point of ambient pressure at a delivery site, an end point of ambient pressure at the delivery site, and a plurality of atmospheric pressure targets executed between the start point and the end point, the administering being configured to treat at least one of loss of sensation and chronic pain.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the mammal is wholly disposed within the pressure vessel unit.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising:measuring, after the administering, at least one parameter associated with the loss of sensation or chronic pain, the at least one parameter including a measure of feeling, pain severity, pain-related symptoms, or quality of life of the mammal.4. The method of claim 3 , further comprising:measuring an efficacy of the at least two CVAC sessions based on a change to the at least one parameter prior to and after the administering.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of pressure targets is equivalent to a pressure in a range of about 2 claim 1 ,000 feet and 22 claim 1 ,500 feet above atmospheric pressure.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of pressure ...

31-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180147102A1
Автор: Zhang Jinhua, Zhang Liping

It is disclosed a localized topical hyperbaric therapeutic instrument, comprising: a primary airbag, which is a chamber with an opening at an end; an oxygen generating device, which comprises an oxygen generator and a first pressure controller, wherein the oxygen generator has an oxygen outlet which communicates with the primary airbag through a first air inlet line and supplies oxygen into the primary airbag, and wherein the first pressure controller controls an amount of oxygen supplied to the primary airbag by the oxygen generator; a massage device; a heating piece, which is arranged in the primary airbag and generates heat; a treatment unit, which is arranged in the primary airbag in a detachable manner, disposed at a position corresponding to the heating piece, and comprises medical ingredients which are volatile upon heating. 1. A localized topical hyperbaric therapeutic instrument , comprising:a primary airbag, which is a chamber with an opening at an end, wherein the opening is provided with a sealing part;an oxygen generating device, which comprises an oxygen generator and a first pressure controller, wherein the oxygen generator generates oxygen and has an oxygen outlet, and the oxygen outlet communicates with the primary airbag through a first air inlet line and supplies oxygen into the primary airbag, and wherein the first pressure controller controls an amount of oxygen supplied to the primary airbag by the oxygen generator, and keeps a value of gas pressure in the primary airbag in a range of 1 KPa-10 KPa;a massage device, which comprises a massage airbag, an air pump and a second pressure controller, wherein the massage airbag is arranged on an inner wall of the primary airbag, the air pump communicates with the massage airbag through a second air line, and the second pressure controller is connected with the air pump and the massage airbag, respectively, so that the value of gas pressure in the massage airbag changes regularly between 0 and 20 KPa;a ...

11-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150159374A1
Принадлежит: OR21, LLC

A hospital layout comprising a plurality of adjacent OR/intervention rooms () uniquely configured and equipped to perform surgical and other interventional procedures, with adjacent intubation rooms () configured and equipped to prepare patients for procedures to occur in the OR/intervention rooms and at least one extubation room () adjacent the OR/intervention rooms, configured and equipped to post-intervention awaken and extubate patients. A plurality of universal patient rooms () are located adjacent the OR/intervention rooms and universal patient rooms, and are configured and equipped to admit patients for surgery/intervention, prepare patients for surgery/intervention, allow patients to recover post-intervention, and discharge patients post-recovery. 1. A pre-constructed , standalone , drop-down ceiling assembly for a medical facility operating/intervention room , comprising:a. a drop-down ceiling structure adapted for installation as a unit with a ceiling substrate of a medical facility operating/intervention room, said ceiling structure comprising a downwardly recessed sub-structure at an elevation below the substrate ceiling; multiple light sources recessed into the recessed ceiling sub-structure;', 'movable mounting systems for the light sources positioned within the recessed ceiling sub-structure; and', 'a powered actuating system for moving the light mounting systems to aim the lights from the light sources as desired by operating/intervention room personnel; and, 'b. a lighting system installed in the drop-down ceiling structure, said lighting system comprisingc. a ventilation distribution system installed in the drop-down ceiling structure, said ventilation distribution system comprising a plurality of laminar flow outlets in the recessed ceiling sub-structure wherein ventilation air is able to travel from said outlets in a laminar flow condition from the drop-down ceiling sub-structure to the surgical site.2. The pre-constructed claim 1 , standalone ...

08-06-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170156961A1

A mobile chamber apparatus includes a support structure of inflatable support members, and a chamber assembly. The inflatable support members may include transverse and upright sections. The chamber assembly may include a top wall, a bottom wall, and one or more side walls. Connectors may detachably couple the support structure and the chamber assembly. Installed, the support structure supports the chamber assembly to enclose an interior space. Inlets may deliver a supply airflow to the interior space, and outlets may deliver a return airflow from the interior space. An environmental control unit may deliver the supply airflow and receive the return airflow. At least one mechanism may be provided for introducing an allergen into the interior space. Human patients may be exposed to the allergen in the interior space, and therefore the mobile chamber apparatus may be used for clinical trials to study allergy response. 1. A mobile chamber apparatus , comprising:a support structure comprising a plurality of inflatable support members; anda chamber assembly comprising a top wall, a bottom wall, and at least one side wall coupled between the top and bottom walls,wherein, in an installed state, the support structure is coupled to the chamber assembly and supports the chamber assembly so that the top wall, the bottom wall and the at least one side wall enclose an interior space.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a plurality of connectors for detachably coupling the support structure and the chamber assembly.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the plurality of inflatable support members comprise at least one transverse section claim 2 , and the plurality of connectors comprise first connectors that couple the transverse section to the top wall.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the first connectors comprise a plurality of cable elements claim 3 , each of the cable elements fixed to and extending between an interior side of the ...

24-06-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210186788A1
Автор: TRUDEN Maja, VEZOJA Daniel

The present invention is a device for transcutaneous application of CO, which comprises: 1. A device for transcutaneous application of carbon dioxide for treatment of chronic wounds or neuropathy comprising at least:a therapeutic chamber comprising at least a portion to receive a part of a patient's body to which the carbon dioxide is to be applied,{'sub': '2', 'an inlet/outlet pipe connecting the chamber with a COdistribution system, wherein the inlet/outlet pipe is connected to the chamber with a suitable element or a valve;'}{'sub': '2', 'claim-text': [{'sub': '2', 'a first pipe with a first valve for supplying COfrom a tank or a reservoir,'}, 'a second pipe with a second valve for suction of air out of the chamber;, 'the COdistribution system comprising a housing where at least the following components are installed at least one device for ensuring air flow through the said valves and inlet/outlet pipe, preferably a ventilator or a pump;', 'preferably at least one airflow measuring device for measuring the air flow through the valve on the inlet/outlet pipe or through any valve;', {'sub': '2', 'preferably a reservoir for CO, where it is stored at the pressure of 1 to 5 bar, connected to the second pipe;'}, 'an outlet pipe for leading the used air from the chamber through the wall to the external environment of the building where the device is installed; and, 'wherein the first and second pipe are combined into the inlet/outlet pipe upstream of the valves;'}{'sub': 2', '2, 'at least one tank for storing COsuitably connected to the COdistribution system or preferably to the reservoir.'}2. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that characterized in that the COdistributing system may have more pipes and valves claim 1 , preferably one additional pipe with a valve is provided for delivering air to the chamber before it is filled with COin order to achieve COconcentrations below 100%.3. The device according to claim 1 , characterized in that the device ...

16-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160166455A1
Автор: Steinert Roger F.

The present invention relates to a sterile enclosure for performing medical procedures, such as an ophthalmologic surgery. The enclosure includes a lightweight, flexible housing material forming an enclosure, at least one equipment attachment region within the housing material, at least one subject attachment region within the housing material, at least one air intake port, at least one air exhaust port, and at least one user access port within the housing material. 1. A sterile enclosure for performing an ophthalmologic procedure , comprising:a lightweight, flexible housing material forming an enclosure;at least one equipment attachment region within the housing material;at least one subject attachment region within the housing material;at least one air intake port;at least one air exhaust port; andat least one user access port within the housing material.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one air intake port further comprises a filter.3. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one access port is a glove integrated with the housing material.4. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the at least one access port is a flexible septum having separable leaflets.5. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the flexible housing material includes a frame.6. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the equipment attachment region includes an adhesive perimeter for at least temporary attachment to the desired equipment component.7. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the subject attachment region includes an adhesive perimeter for at least temporary attachment around the treatment site of the subject.8. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein the housing material enclosure is inflated with air.9. The enclosure of claim 1 , wherein a bactericidal gas is pumped into the housing material enclosure.10. A sterile enclosure for performing a medical procedure claim 1 , comprising:a lightweight, flexible housing material forming an enclosure;a suspension mechanism for suspending ...

30-05-2019 дата публикации

Patient care room with reduction of spread of pathogens

Номер: US20190159951A1
Принадлежит: Innovative Designs For Healthcare LLC

A patient care room, and method of treating a patient includes a patient treatment area that is configured to accept a patient support and an airflow system in said patient care room. The airflow system has an air discharge outlet mounted above the patient support. The outlet has a plenum with at least two laterally outside portions that are aligned with opposite perimeters of the patient support. Each outside portion has at least one large opening that is adapted to direct a curtain of air toward the perimeter of the patient support. The plenum has at least one laterally inside portion within the perimeter of the patient support. A cover over the plenum has small openings distributed over the cover that are smaller than the large opening. The outside portions are adapted to each produce a curtain of air that is passed outside a perimeter of the patient support at a higher flow than air inside the perimeter of the patient support.

14-06-2018 дата публикации

Biosafety Containment System

Номер: US20180163978A1

A biosafety containment chamber comprises a rigid frame that supports an enclosure made of a flexible, substantially transparent material, which includes at least top and side surfaces joined to provide a fully enclosed environment. A plurality of glove ports are disposed on the enclosure, each including a flexible glove that enables manipulation of items within the enclosure. The biosafety containment chamber further comprises an air supply system to draw air into the fully enclosed environment through an intake HEPA filter, and an air exhaust system to draw air from the fully enclosed environment into an external environment through an exhaust HEPA filter. The air supply system and the air exhaust system are configurable to maintain a negative pressure in the fully enclosed environment. 1. A biosafety containment chamber , comprising:a rigid frame to provide an overall shape for the biosafety containment chamber;an enclosure supported by the rigid frame and including top and side surfaces joined to provide a fully enclosed environment, the enclosure comprising a flexible, substantially transparent material;a plurality of glove ports disposed on the enclosure, each glove port comprising a flexible glove that enables manipulation of items within the enclosure;an air supply system configured to draw air into the fully enclosed environment through an intake high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter; andan air exhaust system configured to draw air from the fully enclosed environment into an external environment through an exhaust HEPA filter, the air supply system and the air exhaust system being configurable to maintain a negative pressure in the fully enclosed environment.2. The biosafety containment chamber of claim 1 , further comprising a sealable access port sized to permit introduction of a specimen into the biosafety containment chamber.3. The biosafety containment chamber of claim 2 , wherein the access port provides access to the biosafety containment ...

01-07-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210196552A1

A system is provided by applying pressure to a portion of a body of an individual in a chamber having an aperture along a vertical axis for receiving the portion of the body of the individual. A pressure sensor is coupled to the chamber for measuring a pressure inside the chamber. A negative feedback control system, calibrates, adjusts and maintains the pressure inside the chamber. 1. (canceled)2. A system for applying pressure to a portion of a body of an individual , comprising:a chamber having an aperture for receiving the portion of the body of the individual and a base that supports the individual while standing in the chamber;a treadmill on the chamber base positioned with respect to the aperture to permit use by the individual in the aperture;a seal between the aperture and the portion of the body of the individual;a pressure sensor in communication with the chamber for sensing pressure inside the chamber;a regulated pressure source coupled to the chamber;a processor communicating with the pressure sensor for controlling the regulated pressure source in response to a set point for an amount of unweighting of the individual;a control panel with a touchscreen interface to permit the individual to interact with the system via the processor to produce a lighter or a heavier sensation of the amount of unweighting of the individual; anda calibration system initiated by interaction with the touchscreen that generates an individual specific relationship between one or more pressure readings of the chamber and a corresponding amount of unweighting of the individual in the chamber, the individual specific relationship thereafter used by the processor to operate the pressure source to regulate the pressure inside the chamber in response to an input from the touchscreen to produce the lighter or the heavier sensation of the amount of unweighting of the individual.3. The system for applying pressure to a portion of a body of an individual according to wherein when the ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации

Incubator with thermoregulating arrangement for newborns suffering from pathologies

Номер: US20180168902A1

The invention relates to an incubator with a thermoregulating arrangement for newborns suffering lrom pathologies, comprising a closed compartment consisting of a horizontal partition that separates an upper part from a lower part, wherein the upper part has receiving and housing elements for the newborn, while the lower part has respective means and elements for thermoregulation, measurement, etc., which allow the production of air flows that maintain environmental conditions according to the newborn's needs. 1. An incubator with a thermoregulating arrangement for newborns suffering from pathologies , comprising:a closed compartment which externally has a plurality of openings and an access door, while internally it is comprised of a horizontal partition defining an upper part where the newborn is resting and a lower part provided with at least one measuring element and thermoregulating means that produce air flows, that maintain the newborn at required temperatures, whereinsaid upper part comprises an outer hood separated from an inner hood, an upper external circulation channel being defined therebetween,said partition is provided with end communication holes which communicate with each other to the upper part and the lower part,said lower part has a pair of lateral holes which are in connection with said upper external circulation channel through respective lower external circulation channels, andat least one thermoregulating element is provided in said lower part.2. An incubator according to claim 1 , wherein said outer and inner hoods are transparent.3. An incubator according to claim 1 , wherein said respective lower external circulation channels are of low- and high-pressure.4. An incubator according to claim 1 , wherein said horizontal partition is provided with a first head and a second head claim 1 , each of which has at least one communication line which is connected to its respective end communication port.5. An incubator according to claim 4 , wherein ...

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180168925A1
Автор: WOZNIAK Krzysztof D.

The invention relates to a medical use of water exerting a hydrostatic pressure higher than 1.1 bar, completely surrounding and affecting a patient's organism under total submergence, for use in prophylaxis, physiotherapy, rehabilitation and therapy of disorders, defects and injuries of skeletal system, arthroskeletal system, musculoskeletal system and other body systems such as circulatory system, nervous system, immune system, as well as pain conditions, such as migraine, myalgia and neuralgia, skin diseases, fertility disorders, potency dysfunctions, as well as overweight, obesity and defects of posture. According to the invention the hydrostatic pressure of water is preferably higher than 1.2 bar, and the patient is human being. The invention is of a particular importance in rehabilitation and therapy that follows after aesthetic medicine treatment, after surgeries, after physical injuries of motor system. The solution according to the invention is advantageously used in combination with procedures of classic hydrotherapy, manual therapy, kinesitherapy or combination thereof. It is of a particular benefit to provide air, mixture of gases of a composition different to the composition of air, mixtures of air and oxygen or pure oxygen for breathing (hyperbaric oxygen therapy HBO/HBOT), while the water may be supplemented with various additives appropriate for the kind of an ailment treated, such as mineral, gaseous, herbal, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial including antibacterial additives. 112-. (canceled)13. A method of prophylactic , physiotherapeutic , rehabilitative and therapeutic treatment of a human patient under total submergence in water completely surrounding and affecting the patient's organism , exerting pressure higher than 1.1 bar , comprising the steps ofa) providing a water reservoir of a depth greater than 1 m, allowing reaching a pressure higher than 1.1 bar;b) providing an installation or apparatus delivering gas enabling breathing under the ...

18-09-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140261429A1
Автор: TSAI Chi-Sheng

An oxygen-supplying respirator requiring no electric power is provided. The oxygen-supplying respirator, which is driven not by electricity but by the oxygen supply pressure at an external oxygen supply end, includes an oxygen supply valve unit in communication with the oxygen supply end so as to turn on and off oxygen output therefrom. An inhalation/exhalation time setting valve unit is in communication between the oxygen supply valve unit and the oxygen supply end, receives the oxygen continuously supplied from the oxygen supply end, and outputs oxygen to the oxygen supply valve unit intermittently. Thus, the oxygen supply valve unit is driven to turn on the oxygen supply end intermittently and thereby enable intermittent oxygen output. The respirator can supply oxygen to a patient where there is no electricity. 1. An oxygen-supplying respirator requiring no electric power , comprising an oxygen supply valve unit which is in communication with an external oxygen supply end and which is configured for turning on and off oxygen output from the oxygen supply end , the oxygen-supplying respirator being characterized in that:an inhalation/exhalation time setting valve unit is in communication between the oxygen supply valve unit and the oxygen supply end, wherein the inhalation/exhalation time setting valve unit receives oxygen supplied continuously from the oxygen supply end and outputs oxygen to the oxygen supply valve unit intermittently, thereby driving the oxygen supply valve unit to turn on the oxygen supply end intermittently in order to output oxygen intermittently.2. The oxygen-supplying respirator of claim 1 , wherein the oxygen supply valve unit comprises a pilot-operated cylinder and a gas-operated valve claim 1 , the gas-operated valve being driven by the pilot-operated cylinder to turn on or off oxygen output from the oxygen supply end to a patient; and wherein the inhalation/exhalation time setting valve unit comprises a timing valve module claim 1 , the ...

06-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190167634A1
Автор: Nezami Mohammed Amin

A method for treating cancer is described using combination therapies comprising the use of hyperbaric oxygen with histone deacetylase inhibitors, with and without glycolytic therapies. The patient is subjected to a hyperbaric environment of substantially pure oxygen. A predetermined dose of one or more HDACI substances is administered to the patient. In addition, glycolitic inhibitors may also be administered. Dosages, pressures, and durations are selected as described herein to have a therapeutic effect on the patient. 1. A method for treating a patient having cancer , comprising:administering a predetermined dose of one or more HDACI substances to the patient; and,subjecting the patient to a hyperbaric pressure environment of substantially pure oxygen;said predetermined dose, hyperbaric pressure, and the duration of said subjection being selected to have a therapeutic affect on said cancer.2. The method of wherein said duration is substantially one hour.3. The method of wherein said hyperbaric pressure is substantially between one and one half to two atmospheres.4. The method of wherein the subjecting step is carried out within about one hour from the administering step.5. The method of wherein the HDACI substance is selected from the group consisting of sodium phenyl butyrate claim 1 , quercetin claim 1 , lipoic acid; and combinations thereof.6. The method of wherein a therapeutic amount of one or more additional substances is administered selected from the group consisting of DCA claim 1 , 3BP claim 1 , and octreotide.7. The method of wherein said dose is administered either orally or intravenously or both.8. A composition for treating cancer comprising a predetermined dose of one or more HDACI substances. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/507,950 filed Jul. 14, 2011, the entirety of which is hereby incorporated by reference.This invention relates to the treatment of patients with cancer, particularly cancer in advanced ...

30-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160184159A1
Принадлежит: CVAC SYSTEMS, INC.

Methods for administering pressure changes to a patient for the treatment and prevention of a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods of administering Cyclic Variations in Altitude Conditioning (CVAC) Sessions in a patient prior to or subsequent to a traumatic brain injury (TBI) event for the treatment of: blood production (erythropoiesis); stem cell therapy; inflammation or swelling; ischemia; or Alzheimer's disease.

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200170865A1

Constructive layout in a container, to provide clean areas for medical and hospital care, such as fractionation of solid and liquid oral drugs (ISO8) and handling of sterile drugs (ISO7), as well as the configuration of the containers for the infusion, diagnosis, surgery, ICU and hemodialysis areas. 1. Constructive layout in a container characterized by a clean handling and washing room ISO7 equipped with HVAC system , pressure monitoring , the said modular installation being composed of: a primary antechamber for people entrance , said primary antechamber containing an alcohol gel dispenser , an electromagnetic door interlock system by CLP control and a cabinet for supplies; a gowning antechamber for people containing: a sink for sanitizing in ANSI 304 stainless steel and (sensor driving) high spout faucet , an electromagnetic door interlock system by CLP control , a bench with AISI 304 stainless steel coating with storage compartment for gowning , a cabinet for storage of supplies and waste for disposal; a washing/sterilization room containing: a washing countertop with AISI 304 stainless steel with lower shelves for storage , fed by water purified by a reverse osmosis system or similar , a cabinet for storage of supplies and waste for disposal; a double pass-through for material input and output with an electromagnetic door interlock system by CLP control; a handling area containing: II B2 biosecurity cabin , a workbench with AISI 304 stainless steel on 2 levels; an engine room comprising: a fan coil with coarse , fine and absolute filtration for air cooling and cleaning , a power and control board for electrical supply of the container , an automation board of the air conditioning system , an interlocking board for doors and pass-throughs , reverse osmosis system.2. Constructive layout in a container according to characterized by finishing with rounded sanitary profiles (aluminum/PVC/stainless steel or similar) claim 1 , floor coated in high resistance vinyl ...

04-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200171265A1

A hydrogen supply apparatus includes: an air path having an inlet and an outlet; a fan that is disposed in the air path and produces a flow of air from the inlet to the outlet; a first pipe having an end that forms a first supply port through which to supply hydrogen gas to the air path; a flow control device that is attached to the first pipe and adjusts a flow rate of the hydrogen gas; and a hydrogen gas sensor, disposed downstream of the fan or the end in a direction of flow of the air that detects a concentration of the hydrogen gas in the air path, where the end is disposed between the fan and the outlet or between the fan and the inlet in the air path. 1. A hydrogen supply apparatus comprising:an air path having an inlet and an outlet;a fan that is disposed in the air path and produces a flow of air from the inlet to the outlet;a first pipe having an end that forms a first supply port through which to supply hydrogen gas to the air path;a flow control device that is attached to the first pipe and adjusts a flow rate of the hydrogen gas; anda hydrogen gas sensor that is disposed downstream of the fan or the end in a direction of flow of the air and detects a concentration of the hydrogen gas in the air path,wherein the end is disposed between the fan and the outlet or between the fan and the inlet in the air path.2. The hydrogen supply apparatus according to claim 1 , further comprising a controller that controls the flow control device to keep a concentration of hydrogen gas at the outlet lower than a predetermined concentration.3. The hydrogen supply apparatus according to claim 2 , wherein in a case where a concentration of hydrogen gas as detected by the hydrogen gas sensor is equal to or higher than the predetermined concentration claim 2 , the controller either controls the flow control device to stop supply of hydrogen gas to the air path or reduce a flow rate of hydrogen gas that is supplied to the air path or controls the fan to increase a flow rate of ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190183709A1

Methods and devices are presented for the long-term treatment of a patient infectious with deadly microbes without a risk for spread of germs to caregivers comprising a hermetically sealed human sized containment box with means for delivering medical care, for sustaining life, and for dealing with waste products, as well as providing rehabilitative care. 1. A method of containing germs , the method comprising:hermetically sealing a patient containment box; flowing air into the patient containment box; and sterilizing the air that flows out of the patient containment box, the sterilizing comprising heat sterilizing the air.2. The method of claim 1 , in which the air flowing comprises maintaining an air pressure inside the patient containment box less than an air pressure outside the patient containment box.3. The method of claim 2 , further comprising transmitting an alarm in response to the air pressure inside the patient containment box being at least equal to the air pressure outside the patient containment box.4. The method of claim 2 , in which the sterilizing is performed while the air pressure inside the patient containment box is less than the air pressure outside the patient containment box.5. The method of claim 1 , further comprising pressure testing a flexible glove extending inwardly from an opening formed through a wall of the patient containment box claim 1 , the pressure testing comprising: reducing an air pressure inside the patient containment box claim 1 , thereby increasingly inflating the flexible glove in the patient containment box; sealing a previously open end of the glove at the opening; and monitoring an air pressure inside the glove while the end of the glove is sealed.6. The method of claim 1 , further comprising tilting the patient containment box.7. The method of claim 6 , further comprising draining water from the patient containment box while the patient containment box is tilted.8. The method of claim 1 , further comprising enlarging ...

11-06-2020 дата публикации

Hydrogen-containing gas supply system and hydrogen house

Номер: US20200179205A1

A hydrogen-containing gas supply system includes one or more hydrogen-containing gas suppliers, one or more acquirers, and a controller. The one or more hydrogen-containing gas suppliers supply a hydrogen-containing gas to one or more areas in a building. The one or more acquirers acquire information indicating that a person is present in the one or more areas. When it is determined that a person is present in a certain area of the one or more areas in accordance with the information acquired by the acquirers, the controller causes at least one of the one or more hydrogen-containing gas suppliers to supply the hydrogen-containing gas to the certain area.

11-06-2020 дата публикации

System and method for a thermoregulated environment

Номер: US20200179206A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Various systems and devices are provided for determining a weaning readiness for weaning a patient from a thermoregulated microenvironment. In one example, a method includes receiving a plurality of current patient parameters of a patient housed in a thermoregulated microenvironment, applying a weaning model to the plurality of current patient parameters to generate a weaning index representing a likelihood that the patient will be successfully weaned from the microenvironment if weaned at that time, the weaning model trained to correlate the current patient parameters with the likelihood based on historical data of prior patients and known outcomes for those prior patients, and outputting the weaning index for display on a display device and/or for storage in a medical record of the patient.

11-06-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200179219A1

A lower body negative pressure device is provided. The lower body negative pressure device includes an internal frame that surrounds a patient's lower body when the patient is in the lower body negative pressure device. The lower body negative pressure device includes a flexible cover covering the internal frame to receive the patient and provide a sealable environment. The lower body negative pressure device includes a pressure device coupled to the sealable environment to generate and regulate a negative pressure in the sealable environment when the sealable environment is sealed. 1. A lower body negative pressure device comprising:an internal frame that surrounds a patient's lower body when the patient is in the lower body negative pressure device;a flexible cover covering the internal frame to receive the patient and provide a sealable environment; anda pressure device coupled to the sealable environment to generate and regulate a negative pressure in the sealable environment when the sealable environment is sealed.2. The lower body negative pressure device of claim 1 , wherein the pressure device comprises a pressure release mechanism claim 1 , such that when the negative pressure of the sealable environment reaches a threshold value claim 1 , the pressure release mechanism releases air from the sealable environment.3. The lower body negative pressure device of claim 1 , further comprising a biological feedback monitor comprising:a sensor to monitor the sealable environment;a biosensor to monitor a biological metric of the patient;the pressure device to regulate the negative pressure in the sealable environment;a processor coupled to the sensor, the bio sensor, and the pressure device; anda non-transitory computer-readable medium coupled to the processor and storing instructions that, when executed, cause the processor to: adjust the negative pressure in the sealable environment, using the pressure device, to a predetermined value when the biological metric ...

21-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160206492A1
Автор: di Girolamo Edward R.

The present subject matter relates to devices, systems and methods for the construction of pressure chambers. Such pressure chamber devices, systems, and methods can include a plurality of substantially rigid panels arranged around a space, each of the substantially rigid panels comprising a metal frame formed from a plurality of metal frame elements. One or more connecting plate can be coupled to adjacent pairs of the plurality of substantially rigid panels. In this way, the one or more connecting plate is configured to provide a pressure-tight seal between a respective adjacent pair of the plurality of substantially rigid panels. 1. A pressure chamber system comprising:a plurality of substantially rigid panels arranged around a space, each of the substantially rigid panels comprising a metal frame formed from a plurality of metal frame elements;one or more connecting plate coupled to adjacent pairs of the plurality of substantially rigid panels; anda pressure differential generator configured to control pressure within the space to be different than an atmospheric pressure outside of the space;wherein the one or more connecting plate is configured to provide a pressure-tight seal between a respective adjacent pair of the plurality of substantially rigid panels.2. The pressure chamber system of claim 1 , wherein the metal frame of one or more of the plurality of substantially rigid panels surrounds a core material.3. The pressure chamber system of claim 2 , wherein the core material comprises a polymer core.4. The pressure chamber system of claim 1 , wherein the metal frame comprises a plurality of elongated beam elements formed from the plurality of metal frame elements.5. The pressure chamber system of claim 4 , wherein the elongated beam elements are connected together in a stacked array.6. The pressure chamber system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of metal frame elements comprises a plurality of roll-formed steel frame elements.7. The pressure chamber ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140290651A1

Embodiments of the present invention provide systems, methods and apparatus for to using crude neon with oxygen and nitrogen as a hyperbaric intervention breathing mixture. Embodiments include providing a work environment under pressure; performing work operations within the pressurized work environment; and providing a breathing mixture created from crude neon and oxygen as a hyperbaric intervention breathing gas. Numerous additional aspects are disclosed. 1. A method comprising:providing a work environment under pressure;performing work operations within the pressurized work environment; andproviding a breathing mixture created from crude neon and oxygen as a hyperbaric intervention breathing gas.2. The method of wherein providing a work environment under pressure includes providing a work environment under pressure greater than 72 psia.3. The method of wherein providing a breathing mixture includes providing a breathing mixture that includes crude neon 50.4. The method of wherein providing a breathing mixture includes providing a breathing mixture that includes crude neon 75.5. The method of wherein providing a breathing mixture includes providing a breathing mixture that includes additional gases including nitrogen and helium.6. The method of wherein providing a breathing mixture includes providing a breathing mixture that includes 50% to 60% neon claim 1 , 20% to 30% nitrogen claim 1 , and 10% to 30% helium.7. The method of wherein providing a breathing mixture includes providing a breathing mixture that includes 60% to 80% neon claim 1 , 0% to 19% nitrogen claim 1 , and 10% to 30% helium.8. A breathing mixture production system comprising:an air separation plant;a hydrogen removal portion configured to receive a first fluid stream from the air separation plant; andan adsorbent bed portion configured to receive a second fluid stream from the hydrogen removal portion and further adapted to provide crude neon for use in a hyperbaric intervention breathing mixture ...

02-10-2014 дата публикации

Harleyhex Carbon Dioxide Balanced Foldable Respiratory Treatment Chamber

Номер: US20140290660A1

One embodiment of a collapsible chamber that is used to house a small animal while administering respiratory medications prescribed by Veterinarians that allows atmospheric air to flow in and carbon dioxide to flow out while the animal is receiving respiratory treatment. The chamber: maintains a medically sanitary environment; keeps the animal calm during treatment thus maximizing the amount of medication delivered; becomes foldable, thus portable for mobile treatment or storage; uses standard tubing and connectors for nebulizer, oxygen and other gaseous types of medication delivery systems. One embodiment of a chamber comprised of transparent panels, edging, and screws. Other embodiments are described and shown. 1. A foldable respiratory therapy chamber for small animals comprising:2. The chamber of wherein said body of materials is comprised of a plurality of transparent panels.3. The chamber of wherein said body of materials is comprised of a plurality of edging.4. The chamber of wherein said body is comprised of a means that a human operator can fold said body into a stack of said adjacent panels.5. The chamber of wherein said body is comprised of a means that a human operator can unfold said body into a stable chamber.6. The chamber of wherein said body of materials is comprised of a means for atmospheric air to flow into said chamber claim 1 , and carbon dioxide to flow out of said chamber whereby carbon dioxide does not build up in said chamber.7. The chamber of wherein said body of materials is comprised of a means to use standard respiratory apparatus. This application claims the benefit of provisional patent application No. 61/638,763, filed 2012 Apr. 26 by the present inventors.Respiratory disease in small animals is becoming more and more prevalent in today's environment. In both dogs and cats environmental factors are causing many respiratory diseases and illnesses. In addition, respiratory illnesses are more wide-spread when animals are housed closely ...

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Urinary Catheter Suited for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Prostatitis

Номер: US20210228823A1

The present invention is a urinary catheter with media injection channel suited for prostatitis treatment and therapy. The urinary catheter with media injection channel contains a catheter body, an injection channel, and at least one injection aperture. The catheter body contains a bladder opening, a balloon, and a utility port. The bladder opening and the utility port are positioned terminally opposite to each other along the catheter body. The balloon is positioned between the bladder opening and the utility port. At least one injection aperture is positioned adjacent to the balloon, opposite to the bladder opening. At least one injection aperture is distributed about the catheter body. The injection channel traverses from the utility port to the at least one injection aperture. 1. A urinary catheter with media injection channel comprising:a catheter body;an injection channel;at least one injection aperture;the catheter body comprising a bladder opening, a balloon, and a utility port;the bladder opening and the utility port being positioned terminally opposite to each other along the catheter body;the balloon being positioned between the bladder opening and the utility port;at least one injection aperture being positioned adjacent to the balloon, opposite to the bladder opening;at least one injection aperture being distributed about the catheter body;the injection channel traversing from the utility port to the at least one injection aperture.2. The urinary catheter with media injection channel claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:the utility port comprising an injection port; andthe injection port being connected adjacent to the injection channel, opposite to the at least one injection aperture.3. The urinary catheter with media injection channel claim 1 , as claimed in claim 1 , comprising:an injection cavity;the injection cavity being positioned within the catheter body;the injection cavity being positioned adjacent to the balloon, opposite to the ...

05-08-2021 дата публикации

Personal micro-climate system for bedridden patients

Номер: US20210236366A1

The invention provides a personal micro-climate system that reduces the energy requirement to keep a person cool by providing a personal air-conditioned space specially for bed-ridden patients. A dome is provided to create a personal space that just cools the area where the patient is at avoiding wasting energy in cooling the room's floor, ceiling, walls and empty space. The cooling system can be energized through solar power, deep cycle battery packs, small power plant or through a combination thereof. The system allows for the movement of an automatic or semi-automatic bed. A transparent cover is stretched over a frame structure to allow for maximum visibility from the inside out and vice versa. The system allows ease of opening an attendant window for patient care or to help a bedridden patient in an emergency. Breathing tubes, feeding tubes, IV lines, sensors and cables can be fed into the dome through openings between a mattress cover and the micro-climate dome. The personal microclimate system serves as a positive or negative personal isolation chamber provided with high-efficiency particulate air filters and ultraviolet germicidal irradiation systems. An anteroom can be added next to the micro-climate dome and/or a secondary larger structure may be added to enclose the micro-climate dome. 1. A personal micro-climate system for bedridden patients comprising:a frame having a first arc and a second arc configured to be provided above a bed;a cover coupled to said frame and including at least one window provided on a side of said cover, wherein said cover further comprises at least one opening; anda cooling system coupled to said at least one opening via a tube.2. The personal micro-climate system according to claim 1 , wherein said first arc has a first end configured to be positioned at an upper left corner of the bed and a second end configured to be positioned at a lower right corner of the bed; and said second arc has a first end configured to be positioned ...

18-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190216637A1

The present invention relates to a device for carrying out cryotherapy treatments, which corresponds to a closed element, shaped like a tube or container, which mainly includes a treatment chamber into which the patient enters and is closed by an access door, as well as a system for supplying and storing a treatment gas, i.e. nitrogen, which allows to reach very low temperatures that are adequate for the recovery of the patient's muscular system. In this way, the device of the present invention has the advantage that the bottom thereof has a floor in the form of a grid, which allows that the gas used and applied to the patient to pass through same and then to be recovered by a feedback system that recirculates the gas and sends it back to the top of the device for application. 1. A cryotherapy device comprising:{'b': '1', 'a control system () located on a side of the device;'}{'b': '2', 'a cooling cabin ();'}{'b': 3', '2, 'an access door () located in a front end of the cabin ();'}{'b': 4', '2', '4, 'a perforated floor or bottom () located in a lower part of the cooling cabin (), the perforated floor or bottom () including a plurality of grooves or holes;'}{'b': 5', '2', '5', '2, 'a gas supply system or diffuser () arranged inside the cooling cabin (), the gas supply system or diffuser () is uniformly arranged along the entire height of said cabin ();'}{'b': 1', '4', '5, 'a vertical feedback system located inside the control system (), the feedback system having a first end connected to the perforated floor or bottom () and a second end connected to the gas supply system-or diffuser ();'}{'b': 6', '2', '3, 'an upholstery () covering internal side walls of the cooling cabin () and an internal wall of the door ();'}{'b': 7', '4, 'a lifting mechanism () located below the perforated floor or bottom (); and'}{'b': '1', 'a communication system located inside the control system (), communication system includes a wireless communication module.'}22. The cryotherapy device ...

27-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150238379A1

A system and method are provided for performing hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment to stop a cascading effect of an inflammatory response to an injury. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is performed during the inflammation to suppress the release of cytokines, most preferably, within 72 hours of sustaining the injury. Subject to evaluation of the patient, at least a second hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment is performed. 1. A method of treating a patient for an injury that results in an inflammatory response , comprising the steps of:during the inflammatory response, putting the patient into a hyperbaric chamber and performing a first hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment at a first pressure;after the first hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment, maintaining the patient under normobaric conditions for a surface interval of twenty-four hours or less; andupon the conclusion of the surface interval, performing a second hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment on the patient at a second pressure different from the first pressure.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein each of the first and second pressures is selected from 1.4 ATA claim 1 , up to 3.3 ATA.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the first hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment is performed within 24 hours of the injury.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein he first hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment is performed within 6 to 24 hours of the injury.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surface interval is between 7 and 10 hours.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the surface interval is about 9 hours.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first pressure is 2.0 ATA.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the second pressure is 2.4 ATA.9. The method of claim 1 , further comprising the step of providing the patient with normobaric oxygen for a first period of time prior to the first hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the injury is a concussion or traumatic brain injury.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160235786A1
Автор: Hughes John C.

A formulation comprising platelet rich plasma (PRP) for treatment of patients who have experienced brain injury, consisting of a mixture of human autologous plasma, D5W, glutathione, methylcobalamin, and regular insulin. The formulation is infused directly adjacent to a patient's brain through the nostrils or nares of the nasal cavity. Treatment using the formulation may be supplemented with one or more therapies including hyperbaric oxidation therapy (HBOT), cranial osteopathic therapy, intravenous (IV) nutrition, electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback, low level laser therapy (LLLT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), adult stem cell treatments, and a ketogenic diet and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil therapy. 1. A formulation comprising platelet rich plasma (PRP) for treatment of patients who have experienced brain injury , consisting of: a mixture of human autologous plasma , D5W , glutathione , methylcobalamin , and regular insulin.2. A formulation as recited in wherein the formulation consists of a mixture of approximately 75% by volume human autologous plasma claim 1 , 15% by volume D5W claim 1 , 5% by volume glutathione claim 1 , 4% by volume methylcobalamin claim 1 , and less than 1% by volume regular insulin.3. A formulation delivery apparatus claim 1 , consisting of: a syringe having a reservoir and an atomizing dispensing tip; and', 'a single-use pipette tip selectively attached to the dispensing tip of the syringe., 'a nasal atomizer, comprising4. A formulation delivery apparatus as recited in wherein the pipette tip is configured to be inserted into a naris of a brain injury patient claim 3 , and the syringe is actuable to provide a nasal atomizer with the pipette tip being positioned in the nasal cavity to provide delivery of a formulation to the fossa of the cribiform plate under the nasal bridge just posterior to the frontal bone of the cranium to infuse the formulation into the patient's brain.5. A method for treatment of patients who ...

17-08-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170231848A1
Автор: VanBasten Willem

A flexible rapid deployable system that may be used create an isolated space within a medical transport vehicle for use when transporting infected or contaminated patients, including a flexible tent-like liner creates a room inside the vehicle where both the patient and medical personnel can be isolated and contain contaminants within and a filtration system capable of producing the required air flow to maintain a negative pressurized isolated environment, sized to effectively accomplish this for the isolated cubic space. 1. A medical isolation transport system comprising: a collapsible flexible liner , having top , floor and walls , sized and tailored to the interior of a medical emergency transport vehicle and adapted for rapid deployment as a medical isolation chamber in said interior of said medical emergency transport.2. A medical isolation transport system according to claim 1 , wherein said collapsible flexible liner permits both patient and medical personnel to be in said emergency transport vehicle claim 1 , but isolated from the driver's cabin and/or other areas in the vehicle outside the flexible liner.3. A medical isolation transport system according to claim 1 , further comprising an air circulation system configured to create negative pressure in said medical isolation chamber claim 1 , said air circulation system comprising a hepa or similar medical filtration system; and further comprising a support system sufficient to maintain said collabsible flexible liner in an erected state notwithstanding said negative pressure4. In a preferred embodiment the tent like room has an integrated inflatable structure capable of rapid deployment claim 1 , ease of use and strong enough to keep the tent walls from collapsing that are subject to the negative pressure created by the filter system claim 1 , thus creating a contained working space for the patient and medical personnel during transport of an infected or contaminated patient.5. In an alternate embodiment ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Regenerati Incupod

Номер: US20200222260A1
Автор: Sylver Crystal

The invention is a regenerative pod for premature babies. 1. The invention claimed is a Regenerati Incupod comprised of:a portable body shaped like a pod with built-in sound speakers, two handles, one at each end, a monitor screen, power button, defibrillator, and knob for manual incline of the bed;a black tinted rounded glass-like visor comprised of two removable pieces and four arm holes, two on each side, with protective wrist guards, and an opening at the head and at the base to allow for tubes into the chamber, which can also be sealed shut;infrared light diodes, seven on each side built into the chamber, which are used for reflected and diffused infrared and red light therapy;hyperbaric oxygen therapy built into the chamber;climate control with ventilation built into the chamber;a base and battery;a removable memory gel waterbed with molded headrest that is vibrating and warming;a built-in baby swaddler with changeable cloths.2. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may house the monitor screen and power button on any area of the body. They may be of any size or shape.3. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may not have a defibrillator built-in or it may be located anywhere convenient in the body.4. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may house the battery in another area inside the body rather than at the base and it may be shaped differently to suit that area.5. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may use an electrical plug rather than a battery.6. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may not have handles built into each end for manual transporting.7. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may not be portable.8. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may use a visor that is not tinted black claim 1 , but is clear claim 1 , or another shade of grey claim 1 , or colored.9. The Regenerati Incupod as recited in claim 1 , may be comprised of one piece claim 1 , or three pieces claim 1 , or four ...

16-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200222687A1

An apparatus includes multiple first reservoirs and multiple second reservoirs joined with a substrate. Selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs include a reducing agent, and first reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple first reservoirs are proximate to a first substrate surface. Selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs include an oxidizing agent, and second reservoir surfaces of selected ones of the multiple second reservoirs are proximate to the first substrate surface. 1. A method for directing cell migration comprising applying to an area where cell migration is desired a stretchable device comprising a power source and a substrate comprising biocompatible electrodes , wherein the substrate comprises a long axis and a short axis , and wherein the substrate further comprises within its perimeter and between the electrodes a slit substantially perpendicular to the long axis of the device , wherein the biocompatible electrodes comprise a first array comprising a pattern of microcells and a second array comprising a pattern of microcells , said microcells formed from the same conductive material , wherein the first and second array each comprise a discrete circuit.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said stretchable device provides a low-level microcurrent (LLMC) to a treatment area of between 1 and 200 micro-amperes.3. The method of wherein said applying comprises affixing said stretchable device to an area where treatment is desired.4. The method of wherein said cells comprise at least one of keratinocytes claim 1 , fibroblasts claim 1 , myofibroblasts claim 1 , macrophages claim 1 , and neutrophils.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein said cells comprise keratinocytes.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein said cells comprise fibroblasts.7. The method of claim 4 , wherein said cells comprise neutrophils.8. A method of preventing microbial proliferation comprising applying to an area where preventing microbial proliferation is desired a ...

25-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160242979A1
Принадлежит: Bluestone Technology, GmbH

In a method and in an apparatus for a controlled dispensing of particles, allergenic particles of at least one first kind and one second kind are dispensed into a space, wherein the particles are dispensed into different corridors within the space which do not overlap. 1. A method for a controlled dispensing of allergenic particles of at least one first kind and one second kind into a space , wherein the allergenic particles of the first kind are dispensed into the space at a first dispensing point and the allergenic particles of the second kind are dispensed into the space at a second dispensing point spaced apart from the first dispensing point , wherein the allergenic particles of the first kind are only dispensed into a first corridor and the allergenic particles of the second kind are only dispensed into a second corridor within the space , with the two corridors not overlapping at least over a predefined extent region.2. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the corridors are aligned downwardly in a vertical direction.3. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein center axes of the corridors are aligned substantially in parallel with one another.4. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein an air flow having a preferential direction which faces in the direction of gravity is produced in the space at least in the region of the dispensing points.5. A method in accordance with claim 4 , wherein the air flow is produced as a substantially laminar air flow.6. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein air is extracted from the space by a floor extraction device.7. A method in accordance with claim 6 , wherein the floor extraction device extends at least along two parallel walls of the space.8. A method in accordance with claim 1 , wherein air is introduced into the space through an air supply.9. A method in accordance with claim 8 , wherein the air supply extends at least along two parallel walls of the space.10. A method in accordance with claim ...

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200229912A1
Автор: DeZort Michael
Принадлежит: Dezort Enterprises, LLC

The present invention is drawn to a gas induction chamber that is particularly suited to being scaled to larger animals, such as swine. The present invention solves the problems associated with researchers having to physically restrain animals to inject them with sedative and/or holding a cone over the animal's face to introduce sedation. That process can be dangerous for both the researcher and the animal. The present invention provides a gas induction chamber for use with larger animals comprised of a combination of interconnecting frame members for use in connecting side panels, roof panels, and floor panels into a leak-free chamber. A gas inlet pipe is located near the top of the back side panel and an extraction pipe located near the bottom of the back side panel. 1. A gas induction chamber for animals , comprising:a plurality of interconnecting frame members for use in connecting at least two side panels, at least one back side panel, at least one roof panel, at least one floor panel and a front door into an enclosed rectangular chamber;a plurality of connectors to connect the framing members to each other;a gas inlet pipe located near the top of the back side panel; andan extraction pipe located near the bottom of the back side panel, wherein the joints and points of intersection of the at least two side panels, at least one back side panel, at least one roof panel, at least one floor panel, front door, gas inlet and extraction pipe are sealed.2. A gas induction chamber according to claim 1 , further comprising a sealed window to view the interior of the chamber.3. A gas induction chamber according to claim 1 , wherein the front door is a sliding front door with a handle and a door sweep at the top of the sliding front door claim 1 , and wherein the front door slides within door channels on the front frame members.4. A gas induction chamber according to including a slidable pull-out tray mounted above the at least one floor panel.5. The gas induction chamber ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации

System for Cooling a Pressurized Hyperbaric Chamber without Pressure Change

Номер: US20190240097A1
Автор: McKeeman Bruce Elgin

A system for cooling a pressurized hyperbaric chamber without pressure change includes an air compressing unit, an air cooling unit, and an air discharging hose. The pressurized hyperbaric chamber, the air compressing unit, the air cooling unit, and the air discharging hose are in fluid communication with each other. A flow of output warm air from the pressurized hyperbaric chamber is withdrawn and discharged into the air cooling unit by the air compressing unit. A heat exchanger of the air cooling unit then removes heat energy from the flow of output warm air to convert the flow of output warm air into a flow of input cold air, as the heat exchanger is in fluid communication with stored ice water within an insulated reservoir of the air cooling unit. The flow of input cold air is then discharged back into the pressurized hyperbaric chamber through the air discharging hose. 1. A system for cooling a hyperbaric chamber without pressure change comprises:a pressurized hyperbaric chamber;an air compressing unit;an air cooling unit;an air discharging hose;the air cooling unit comprises an insulated reservoir, a male reservoir inlet, a reservoir outlet, a heat exchanger, and a submersible pump;the heat exchanger comprises an air inlet, an air outlet, a water inlet, and a water outlet;the pressurized hyperbaric chamber being in fluid communication with the air compressing unit;the male reservoir inlet and the reservoir outlet traverses into the insulated reservoir;the heat exchanger and the submersible pump being positioned within the insulated reservoir;the air inlet being in fluid communication with the air compressing unit through the male reservoir inlet;the water outlet being in fluid communication with the water inlet through the submersible pump; andthe air outlet being in fluid communication with the air discharging hose through the reservoir outlet.2. The system for cooling hyperbaric chamber without pressure change as claimed in comprises;the pressurized ...

08-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160256441A1

The present disclosure concerns uses for isoxazole compounds or salts or analogs thereof for the treatment of wounds. The present disclosure also concerns devices for delivering a isoxazole compound or salts or an analogs thereof to a wound site. 1. A method of treating a wound in a subject comprising contacting said wound with a composition comprising an isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a dermal wound.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is an epidermal wound.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a burn.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a laceration or abrasion.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is an infectious lesion.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a surgical site.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is an ulcer claim 1 , such as a diabetic ulcer.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a puncture.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a chronic wound.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a scar claim 1 , such as a hypertrophic scar.12. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a keloid.13. The method of claim 1 , wherein said wound is a blister.14. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof is contacted with said wound in a wound dressing.15. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof is contacted with said wound in a gel claim 1 , salve or ointment16. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof is contacted with said wound in a topical spray.17. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof is contacted with said wound in a powder.18. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof is contacted with said wound by injection local or regional to said wound.19. The method of claim 1 , wherein the isoxazole or a salt or analog thereof is contacted with said wound ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190240848A1

A germ-free glove box includes: a housing in which a germ-free space is formed, the housing including a connector to which a container housing an object is connected; and a glove provided at a front plate of the housing to allow an operating personnel to perform an operation in the germ-free space from the outside of the housing. In this germ-free glove box, the connector is provided on an upper plate of the housing. In the germ-free glove box outside spaces beside the box are effectively utilized, and a large working space is secured at around the bottom surface of a germ-free space. 1. A germ-free glove box comprising:a housing in which a germ-free space is formed, the housing having a connector to which a container housing an object is connected; anda glove which is provided at a front plate of the housing to allow an operating personnel to perform an operation in the germ-free space from the outside of the housing,the connector being provided on an upper plate of the housing.2. The germ-free glove box according to claim 1 , further comprising:a lifting mechanism configured to move up or down a bottom lid of the container together with the object; andoperation units which are provided in the germ-free space to drive the lifting mechanism,the lifting mechanism becoming drivable when at least two of the operation units are simultaneously operated.3. The germ-free glove box according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 ,an introduction portion is formed in a side plate of the housing to introduce cleaned gas into the germ-free space, andthe operation units are disposed not to overlap a locus of the object moving up or down, when viewed from a side.4. The germ-free glove box according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the operation units are disposed on a ceiling surface of the germ-free space.5. The germ-free glove box according to claim 2 , wherein claim 2 , the operation units are provided on the front plate side as compared to the connector.6. The germ-free glove box ...

23-09-2021 дата публикации

Enclosures Including Systems and Methods Thereof for Establishing a Sterile Environment for a Medical Procedure

Номер: US20210290465A1

Disclosed are enclosures for establishing a sterile environment over a patient for a medical procedure, as well as systems and methods thereof. An enclosure can include an expandable portion of a barrier separating a sterile environment inside of the enclosure from a non-sterile environment outside of the enclosure and a patient-interfacing portion of the barrier. The enclosure can also include a support system coupled to the patient-interfacing portion of the barrier in some embodiments. The patient-interfacing portion of the barrier can include one or more fenestrations for placement directly over one or more areas of interest of the patient, as well as for access to the areas of interest from within the sterile environment. When present, the support system can flank the fenestration. The support system is configured to support the enclosure on a surface when placed over an appendage of the patient or a main body of the patient. 1. An enclosure for establishing a sterile environment over a patient for a medical procedure , comprising:an expandable portion of a barrier separating the sterile environment inside of the enclosure from a non-sterile environment outside of the enclosure, the expandable portion of the barrier configured to expand from an unexpanded state to an expanded state for working within the sterile environment; anda patient-interfacing portion of the barrier including a fenestration configured for placement directly over an area of interest of a patient, the fenestration having a sealed state and an unsealed state for access to the area of interest from within the sterile environment.2. The enclosure of claim 1 , further comprising a support system coupled to the patient-interfacing portion of the barrier flanking the fenestration claim 1 , the support system configured to support the enclosure on a surface when placed over an appendage of the patient or a main body of the patient positioned in any one of a number of anatomical positions on the ...

06-09-2018 дата публикации

Foamed patient transport incubator

Номер: US20180250181A1
Автор: Uri Rapoport
Принадлежит: Aspect Imaging Ltd

A patient transport incubator (PTI) suitable for MRI device having an open bore; the PTI comprises an inner volume having a first set of dimensions, adapted by means of shape and size to accommodate a patient or accommodate at least a portion of an MRI-compatible neonate's cradle, the inner volume is further covered by an envelope having a second set of dimensions, adapted by means of shape and size to be temporarily introduced within the open bore; wherein at least a portion of the envelope comprises MRI safe thermo-isolating and noise reducing foam. The invention will increase the safety and comfort of MRI scanning of neonates.

27-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140345619A1

A hyperbaric exercise facility is provided allowing a persons to perform exercises and other activities at increased pressures along with controlled levels of oxygen. Additionally, a catastrophe shelter is provided to protect its occupants from peril. 1. A method of using a hyperbaric facility to exercise comprising the steps of:a) providing a first hyperbaric dome, the first dome including an exterior domed reinforced concrete wall surrounding an interior, and a pressure regulating system which controls the pressure of the interior of the first dome;b) providing at least one air lock for entering the interior of the first dome;c) providing a second hyperbaric dome which is connected to the first dome of step “a” by the at least one double air lock;d) a plurality of people entering the first dome and exercising within the first dome; ande) the pressure regulating system increasing the pressure of the interior of the first dome to at least 1.2 atmospheres.225. The method of claim , wherein the dome in step “a” comprises a dome shaped wall , a floor , a support ring at floor and wall interface , each of these components being structurally connected to each other by reinforcement.325. The method of claim , wherein in step “e” the joint includes interlocking portions of the domed wall and floor.425. The method of claim , wherein in step “c” the pressure is between about 1.2 and 2.0 atmospheres.525. The method of claim , wherein in step “c” the pressure is programmable to vary between about 1.2 and 2.4 atmospheres.625. The method of claim , wherein there are multiple domes in step “a” that are connected via a double air lock.726. The method of claim , wherein in step “e” the joint includes interlocking portions of the domed wall and the floor at a position above the ring.825. The method of claim , wherein the interior pressure of the second dome is different than the interior pressure of the dome of step “a.”925. The method of claim , wherein the first dome includes a ...

30-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210298977A1

A disease isolation module for patients, where the module includes an inflatable body adapted to accommodate a bed for a patient, transparent walls on the inflatable body to enable observation of the patient, and a door on the inflatable body. 1. A disease isolation module for patients , the module comprising:(a) an inflatable body adapted to accommodate a bed for a patient;(b) transparent walls on the inflatable body to enable observation of the patient; and(c) a door on the inflatable body.2. The module of claim 1 , wherein the module has insertion portals.3. The module of claim 1 , wherein the module has a high-efficiency particulate air filter machine.4. The module of claim 3 , wherein the high-efficiency particulate air filter machine is on an air outtake.5. The module of claim 1 , wherein the module has an air conditioning unit.6. The module of claim 5 , wherein the air conditioning unit is a split system claim 5 , and an air intake is on the outside of the module and an air outtake is on the inside of the module.7. The module of claim 1 , wherein the module has air vents.8. The module of claim 7 , wherein the air vents have a filter.9. The module of claim 1 , wherein the door can be rolled up.10. The module of claim 1 , wherein the door has zips.11. The module of claim 1 , wherein the door is sealed at its base with a hook and loop fastener.12. The module of claim 1 , wherein the module has an entry compartment and a bed compartment. This is a Nonprovisional U.S. patent application filed under 35 U.S.C. 111 and claiming priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 63/001,318, filed Mar. 28, 2020.The present invention relates to the medical industry and, more particularly to a means of minimizing the spread of infectious diseases in medical arenas.The Covid-19 novel corona virus is highly contagious and presents a risk to patients and medical staff in hospitals. Patients are typically arranged on beds in wards with only curtains separating each patient. This ...

06-08-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200248449A1

A pre-fabricated universal operating room ceiling system including red iron steel support frames and a track assembly immediately above the ceiling in the interstitial space of the operating room for supporting medical equipment including medical gas lines and electrical and data cabling and heating, ventilation and cooling trunk lines and ducts for reducing interference with such systems when installing or moving operating room equipment. 1. An operating room ceiling system , comprising:a plurality of steel support frames;a first substantially hollow track assembly positioned above a ceiling assembly in the interstitial space of an operating room for supporting medical equipment;at least one light and at least one diffuser positioned within the ceiling assembly; andat least one ventilation line positioned above the first substantially hollow track assembly,wherein the first substantially hollow track assembly is configured to accept power cables, medical gas lines, and communication cables associated with positioned and re-positioned medical equipment.2. The operating room ceiling system of claim 1 , further comprising a second substantially hollow track assembly.3. The operating room ceiling system of claim 2 , wherein the second substantially hollow track assembly is positioned above the ceiling assembly in the interstitial space of the operating room for supporting medical equipment.4. The operating room ceiling system of claim 2 , wherein the at least one ventilation line is horizontally positioned between the first substantially hollow track assembly and the second substantially hollow track assembly.5. The operating room ceiling system of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of steel support frames comprises a horizontal member and a plurality of vertical members.6. The operating room ceiling system of claim 5 , further comprising a plurality of headed spikes mounted to at least one of the plurality of steel support frames for connecting the at least one steel ...

22-08-2019 дата публикации

Infant Care Apparatus and System

Номер: US20190254901A1

Infant care apparatus and system comprising a tray molded in the shape of an infant's body; and fastening devices to fasten the tray around the caregiver's chest, to provide safe kangaroo care to infants. Some embodiments may include sensors to monitor the infant's physiological parameters, and/or a negative pressure ventilator and/or an automated urine and feces collection and disposal system, and/or an external cardiac compression system, and/or electroencephalograph cap, and/or a heat pump to maintain infant body temperature; and/or light emitting diodes to provide phototherapy; and/or an aspirator for suctioning secretions from nose and/or mouth of infant; and/or warm mist generating apparatus to humidify air around the infant. It may include a networking module for transmission of sensor data to and receiving of operating commands from remote servers accessible by medical professionals. The invention thus also provides safe and easy-to-operate intensive care for infants, along with kangaroo care. 1. An infant care apparatus comprising:{'b': 10', '10, 'claim-text': [{'b': 12', '18, "a plurality of depressions (-) for accommodating different parts of the infant's body; and"}, {'b': '62', 'claim-text': [{'b': 64', '62, 'at least one sensor () that detects a presence of urine or feces inside the nappy casing shell () when the infant has passed the urine or feces;'}, {'b': '70', "a plurality of disposable means () for collection of the infant's urine and feces; and"}, "at least one device that seals and dispenses the disposable means that collects the infant's urine and feces;"], "a nappy casing shell that surrounds the infant's pelvis, wherein the nappy casing shell () comprises,"}, {'b': '68', 'claim-text': [{'b': 72', '64', '62, 'a vacuum pump () for suctioning the urine and feces when the sensor () detects the presence of urine or feces inside the nappy casing shell ();'}, {'b': 74', '72', '62, "a warm mist generator () that generates warm mist or fine bubbles ...

28-10-2021 дата публикации

Portable negative-pressure medical/dental procedures and isolation chamber

Номер: US20210330535A1
Автор: Jerry K. Willaims
Принадлежит: Individual

A portable negative air pressure apparatus for isolating a treatment subject to permit a selected treatment procedure to be performed by a treatment operator. The apparatus comprises an air source connected to a closed chamber for sealable disposition over the head, neck and upper thorax of the treatment subject with the chamber having air ports, in and out. The chamber has rigid clear sides and a plurality of sealed ports, with the ports including sealed armholes for access, and with sealed gloves connected to the sealed armholes. The chamber also has at least one instrument hatch to permit introduction into the chamber of instruments for carrying-out the selected treatment procedure.
