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Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


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25-09-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2803981C2

Группа изобретений относится к области стерилизации. Способ стерилизации медицинских инструментов и изделий включает герметичную упаковку инструментов и изделий в крафт-пакеты, применяемые в медицине, отличающийся тем, что в качестве стерилизующей среды используют жидкую углекислоту CO2 или ее смесь с аргоном при повышенном давлении, а стерилизацию проводят в динамическом режиме в течение 15-120 минут в интервале температур 37-90°С при давлении 30-300 атм путем повторения циклов набора и декомпрессии со сбросом давления до атмосферного давления свободным истечением. Также раскрывается вариант данного способа стерилизации в сочетании с одновременным ультразвуковым воздействием 35 кГц, 100 Вт. Группа изобретений обеспечивает эффективную стерилизацию материалов различных классов. 2 н. и 2 з.п. ф-лы, 4 пр., 1 табл.

10-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2413540C2
Принадлежит: ЭТИКОН, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к стерилизации эндоскопов. Устройство для обработки эндоскопов снабжено системой измерения параметров раствора, которая включает в себя: кювету для пробы раствора; источник света; светочувствительное устройство; резервуар для принятия некоторого количества раствора, содержащего пузырьки; насос, связанный с резервуаром; два пути прохождения - из резервуара в дренаж и из резервуара к кювете; систему управления. Система управления запрограммирована так, чтобы сначала насос выкачивал из резервуара часть находящегося в нем количества раствора через первый путь прохождения для удаления из резервуара находящихся в нем пузырьков, а затем направлял пробу раствора в кювету по второму пути прохождения из резервуара к кювете. Способ определения в ходе процедуры обработки эндоскопа свойств раствора, используемого для его обработки, включает: сбор некоторого количества раствора в резервуар; выведение части раствора из резервуара через первый путь прохождения для выведения ...

27-06-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2554224C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Хирургический инструмент содержит первую часть и вторую часть. Первая часть герметично закрыта мембраной. Вторая часть содержит корпус хирургического инструмента и полость в корпусе хирургического инструмента. Полость выполнена с возможностью приема первой части. Вторая часть содержит первую область, содержащую сообщающееся с полостью отверстие, и закрывающий элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения между первым положением и вторым положением. Закрывающий элемент находится в герметизирующем контакте со второй областью, будучи в первом положении, и по меньшей мере частично не находится в герметизирующем контакте со второй областью, будучи во втором положении. Один или более электрических контактов в первой части или во второй части выполнены с возможностью прохождения через мембрану для установления соединения между первой частью и второй частью, когда закрывающий элемент перемещается из второго положения в первое положение. В результате часть инструмента ...

24-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2712171C2
Принадлежит: ЭКОЛАБ ЮЭсЭй ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к дезинфектологии и санитарии и предназначена для обработки целевого объекта, в том числе кожи. Композиция реагентов для постановки реакции для получения надмуравьиной кислоты содержит первый реагент, который содержит сложный эфир многоатомного спирта и муравьиной кислоты; и второй реагент, который содержит перекись водорода, или который содержит вещество, которое образует перекись водорода при контакте с жидкостью. Указанный первый реагент и указанный второй реагент, когда необходимо получить надмуравьиную кислоту, компонуют так, что при контакте друг с другом образуется жидкость, которая содержит надмуравьиную кислоту и имеет pH ниже 11, и pH полученной жидкости становится 8 или ниже в течение 1 минуты после приведения в контакт указанного первого реагента и указанного второго реагента. Альтернативно, указанный второй реагент содержит вещество, которое образует перекись водорода при контакте с жидкостью, указанный первый реагент и указанный второй реагент ...

10-11-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2601619C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Описан способ получения медицинского устройства с покрытием, в котором покрытие, содержащее терапевтический агент, диспергированный в полимерной или олигомерной матрице, наносят на внешнюю поверхность медицинского устройства. Затем покрытие подвергают постобработке с обеспечением селективного удаления значительной части полимерной или олигомерной матрицы из покрытия. Затем покрытие, прошедшее указанную последующую постобработку, стерилизуют. Способ осуществляет точную регулировку требуемого количества терапевтического агента, помещаемого на медицинское устройство. 19 з.п. ф-лы, 12 ил., 8 табл., 9 пр.

12-03-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017108914A3

22-08-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016140551A3

30-08-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU206201U1

Полезная модель относится к вооружению и средствам РХБ защиты, в частности к средствам специальной обработки.Предлагаемая бронированная установка для специальной обработки БПЛА вертолетного типа (фиг. 1) представляет собой устанавливаемую основанием на корпус машины РХБ разведки конструкцию полусферической формы, обеспечивающую в автоматическом (полуавтоматическом) режиме, без выхода экипажа из машины обеззараживание БПЛА, а также защиту БПЛА от пуль и осколков.Установка для специальной обработки беспилотных летательных аппаратов вертолетного типа состоит из: бронекупола (фиг. 2), крышка, корпус и основание (фиг. 1) которого выполнены из высокомодульного арамидного материала заданной толщины, причем внутри корпуса располагается отсек для специальной обработки (фиг. 1), система обеспечения специальной обработки (фиг. 3), система подачи и отведения раствора для специальной обработки (фиг. 4). Основание выполнено в виде воронки для удаления использованной обеззараженной среды, с дальнейшим ...

27-12-2023 дата публикации


Номер: RU2810427C1

Группа изобретений относится к медицине и медицинской технике, а именно к способу нанесения антимикробного покрытия на медицинский катетер и защитному покрытию из полиуретана для медицинского катетера. Способ включает подготовку поверхности медицинского катетера перед нанесением покрытия, приготовление раствора полиуретана, приготовление антимикробного раствора путем добавления антимикробного агента к раствору полиуретана, формирование покрытия путем погружения медицинского катетера в антимикробный раствор, последующего поднятия катетера с обеспечением стекания раствора по поверхности и сушку покрытия. Приготовление раствора полиуретана осуществляют путем растворения его в тетрагидрофуране в количествах, необходимых для получения 5% раствора полимера. В качестве антимикробного агента используют бикомпонентные наночастицы Cu72/Fe28 со средним размером 72 нм со структурой янус-наночастиц, а добавление антимикробного агента к раствору полиуретана осуществляют путем введения в раствор полиуретана ...

10-07-2019 дата публикации

Установка для розлива напитков

Номер: RU2694248C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам наполнения и закрытия бутылок, происходящих в стерилизуемой среде. Техническим результатом предложенного решения является повышение надежности, упрощение и удешевление процесса розлива за счет создания стерилизатора пероксида водорода разумной структуры, обеспечивающей требуемую высокую биологическую чистоту разливаемого напитка, происходящего в стерилизующей среде. Технический результат достигается тем, что установка для розлива напитков содержит изолятор, внутреннее пространство которого состоит из стерилизующей смеси, включающей горячий воздух и распыленную мелкодисперсную перекись водорода, пероксида - НО, причем установка выполнена на двухконтурных негерметичных корпусах под различными внутренними давлениями пространства, соответственно, внутренний негерметичный изолятор - при давлении выше атмосферного, а внешний негерметичный корпус - под давлением ниже атмосферного, причем вентилятор вытяжки внешнего негерметичного корпуса переносит при дросселировании ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006110343A

... 1. Способ диагностирования плотности соединения приспособления с каналом и надлежащего потока по каналу во время процедуры очистки или дезинфекции эндоскопа с каналом, причем эндоскоп содержит приспособление, подсоединяемое к первому отверстию канала, и канал содержит второе отверстие, при этом способ содержит следующие этапы: a) помещают эндоскоп вторым отверстием в жидкость; b) создают отрицательное давление на первом отверстии на какой-то период времени; c) втягивают жидкость вверх в канал через второе отверстие; d) пропускают жидкость из канала через первое отверстие; и e) измеряют количество жидкости, пропущенной из первого отверстия, и определяют, исходя из количества, плотно ли подсоединено приспособление, и надлежащий ли поток пропускается по каналу. 2. Способ по п.1, в котором, по меньшей мере, участок канала содержит воздух до начала этапа создания отрицательного давления. 3. Способ по п.1, в котором применяют насос с постоянной объемной производительностью для создания отрицательного ...

27-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2008129481A

... 1. Способ инактивации патогенных микоорганизмов и/или лейкоцитов в концентратах тромбоцитов (КТ), включающий в себя следующие этапы: ! приготовление КТ из донорской крови и/или посредством машинного афереза; ! обработки КТ посредством облучения ультрафиолетовым (УФ-) излучением, ! при этом КТ состоят из множества доз, предназначенных для отдельного пользования и хранящихся раздельно; и ! дозы КТ (каждая) находятся в гибких, проницаемых для УФ-излучения, плоских пакетах для облучения, ! отличающийся тем, что ! пакет для облучения заполнен менее чем на 30% от максимальной емкости пакета для облучения, и ! пакет для облучения во время облучения УФ-излучением приводят в движение, так что содержимое пакета для облучения перемешивается, и во время движения образуются зоны с переменной толщиной слоев. ! 2. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что патогенными микроорганизмами являются вирусы и/или бактерии. ! 3. Способ по п.1, отличающийся тем, что во время движения облучаемые области имеют зоны, которые ...

30-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2737417C1

Изобретение относится к способу борьбы с бактериальными биопленками и может использоваться в медицине и ветеринарии. Способ борьбы с бактериальными биопленками заключается в том, что обеспечивают подложку из пластика, прозрачного для излучения используемого впоследствии лазера; наносят на одну сторону упомянутой подложки металлический слой из серебра или меди субмикронной толщины; накладывают упомянутую подложку нанесенным металлическим слоем на упомянутую бактериальную биопленку; сканируют упомянутый металлический слой через упомянутую подложку импульсами излучения упомянутого лазера с энергией импульса 0,2 мДж, обеспечивая в результате аппликационный перенос вещества упомянутого металлического слоя в виде наночастиц на упомянутую бактериальную биопленку. Изобретение обеспечивает упрощение применения и предотвращения прямого воздействия лазерного излучения на ткани организма при высокой эффективности. 2 з.п. ф-лы, 1 табл., 2 ил.

27-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676273C1

Изобретение относится к области дезинфекции и дезинсекции и предназначено для обеззараживания объектов и ликвидации очагов инфекционного заражения. Бактерицидное средство содержит действующее вещество йод, азотнокислый калий или азотнокислый натрий, углеводы, а также серу и тальк. Компоненты используются в заявленных количествах. Использование изобретения позволяет повысить эффективность обеззараживания объектов, включая находящийся в них воздух, в сельском хозяйстве, пищевой промышленности, медицине, коммунально-бытовой сфере, на транспорте, снизить пожароопасность, а также увеличить бактерицидную и фунгицидную активность средства. 1 з.п. ф-лы, 16 пр.

27-11-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2673524C1

Изобретение относится к композициям противомикробного покрытия. Описан состав противомикробного покрытия, содержащий:(i) силан со структурой (1),(ii) пероксотитановую кислоту и золь пероксо-модифицированного анатаза, а также(iii) триэтаноламин,при этом R1, R2 и R3 выбраны из группы, состоящей из -ОН и -O-алкила, a R4 выбран из группы, состоящей из -O-алкила и замещенного -алкила, в том числе γ-хлор-пропила, γ-амино-пропила и замещенного солью четвертичного аммония алкила. Также описан способ формирования противомикробного покрытия на поверхности. Технический результат: предложена покрывающая композиция противомикробного действия. 2 н. и 18 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

04-12-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для стерилизации гибких пакетов облучением электронным пучком и способ стерилизации гибких пакетов

Номер: RU2737900C1

Группа изобретений относится к фармацевтической отрасли и может быть использована для стерилизации облучением электронным пучком гибких пакетов, в частности гибких пакетов, содержащих растворы белков плазмы человека. Устройство для стерилизации гибких пакетов содержит зону стерилизации, образованную по меньшей мере двумя ускорителями электронов, которые излучают электронные пучки с разными энергиями, причем по меньшей мере один ускоритель излучает электронный пучок с энергией 450-500 кэВ, и по меньшей мере другой ускоритель излучает электронный пучок с энергией 700-750 кэВ. Группа изобретений относится также к способу стерилизации облучением электронным пучком указанных гибких пакетов и к поточному способу заполнения гибких пакетов, в котором используют указанное устройство. Группа изобретений позволяет стерилизовать гибкие пакеты без необходимости приложения высоких энергий, поскольку энергия, необходимая для стерилизации, будет применяться к каждой части в соответствии с характеристиками ...

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012125262A

... 1. Хирургический инструмент, содержащий:первую часть, содержащую по меньшей мере один первый электрический контакт;мембрану, герметично закрывающую первую часть; ивторую часть, содержащую:корпус хирургического инструмента;стенку, определяющую полость в корпусе хирургического инструмента, причем полость выполнена с возможностью по меньшей мере частично принимать первую часть, которая при этом остается герметично закрытой мембраной;первую область, содержащую по меньшей мере один второй электрический контакт;вторую область, содержащую отверстие, сообщающееся с полостью; изакрывающий элемент, выполненный с возможностью перемещения между первым положением и вторым положение, причем закрывающий элемент находится в герметизирующем контакте со второй областью, будучи в первом положении, при этом закрывающий элемент по меньшей мере частично не находится в герметизирующем контакте со второй областью, будучи во втором положении, и при этом один из первого электрического контакта и второго электрического ...

22-06-2021 дата публикации

Установка для розлива напитков

Номер: RU2740572C9

Изобретение относится к устройствам наполнения и закрытия контейнеров, бутылок или любой другой тары, происходящего в стерилизуемой среде. Установка для розлива напитков характеризуется тем, что является стерильным негерметичным изолятором, внутреннее пространство которого заполнено стерилизующей смесью, включающей горячий воздух и распыленную мелкодисперсную перекись водорода – Н2О2– пероксидный пар. При этом установкавыполнена по принципу одноконтурного корпуса-изолятора, начиная со входа тары в стерильное пространство машины розлива и до момента выхода уже закупоренной тары с продуктом. На входе и выходе тары расположены кожухи вытяжки, которые создают контролируемое движение стерилизующей среды внутри. При этом кожухи вытяжки обеспечивают постоянный эффект эжекции, благодаря которому они всасывают частично пероксидный пар и частично воздух из окружающего пространства. При правильно подобранном расходе вытяжек внутри создается такое движение стерилизующей среды, которое исключает попадание ...

14-07-1921 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Reinigen von Metallbuersten, -kaemmen u. dgl.

Номер: DE0000339053C

18-01-1968 дата публикации

Verfahren zum Sterilisieren von Glasbehaeltern

Номер: DE0001259022B

31-03-1983 дата публикации


Номер: DE0008130469U1

03-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: DE0010102572C2

04-08-2004 дата публикации

Air decontamination device and method

Номер: GB0000414602D0

02-05-2012 дата публикации

Sterilisation apparatus

Номер: GB0201204574D0

29-06-1988 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002171860B

15-09-1993 дата публикации

Sterilising container head

Номер: GB2264936A

The maintenance of sterility of sterile liquids e.g. drugs in containers during supply/removal of liquid to/from the containers, in particular by a transseptual technique, is enhanced by housing the head only of the container in an internal chamber 11 of a sterilisation body 10 to which sterilisation agent e.g. vapour followed by rinsing water and air is supplied. This sterilisation technique can be extended to tubes and/or needles utilised in supply/removal of such liquid to/from the container. When the liquid is toxic, a neutralising agent for a toxin may be subsequently supplied to the closed region. A sample needle 16 gains access through valved aperture 33 and advances through self sealing head 14 into container 15. A plurality of sterilisation bodies 10 may be mounted on the external side of a wall of a common sterilised chamber (41, Figure 4), access to the chamber being through an access panel (51, Figure 3). Each sample needle may be robotically controlled. Alternatively the sterilisation ...

17-09-2008 дата публикации

A seal arrangment for sealing a container

Номер: GB0002447476A

A seal arrangement comprises a resilient seal component 22 engageable within an opening 20 formed in a housing 16, the seal component 22 defining an opening 24 through which, in use, an item to be sealed to the housing 16 extends. A clamp device 18, 26 is operable in conjunction with a retaining member 28 to apply a clamping load to the seal member 22. The seal member 22 is of split form, and a seal keystone member 32 is located in the split 30 of the seal member 22.

03-04-1939 дата публикации

Improvements relating to liquid circulating means for pasteurising apparatus

Номер: GB0000503411A

... 503,411. Injectors. CREAMERY PACKAGE MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd., and GABB, A. H. Oct. 2, 1937, No. 26682. [Class 71] [Also in Group VI] A steam injector device for circulating the heating water in pasteurizing apparatus comprises a fitting 7 having integrally formed and diametrically opposed inlet and outlet sections 7a, 7c adapted for connection to the circulation pipes, the steam injector nozzle 14a being intermediately disposed and located across the axis of the inlet and outlet and directed towards a pocket 7b formed integrally with the fitting. The pocket 7b has a removable plug 16.

06-03-1911 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to Means for Sterilizing Purposes.

Номер: GB0191005581A

... 5581. Macdonald, G. G. March 5. Disinfecting- chambers. - A pparatus for sterilizing bandages, surgical instruments, &c. comprises an outer envelope a, within which a container b is supported by a perforated diaphragm c. The space e between the two vessels is partly filled with water, and the whole apparatus is adapted to be heated over a burner. The lid comprises an outer dome h and an inner dome g connected together by a flange i, so forming a closed chamber j from which the air is exhausted so as to prevent cooling of the dome g and condensation thereon. Condensation takes place on the unprotected portion of the lid, and the water is prevented by the overhanging dome g from falling on to the articles treated. An exhaust outlet for steam, and means for fastening the lid in place are provided.

24-01-1951 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to sterilising and like apparatus

Номер: GB0000649293A

... 649,293. Sterilizing cabinet. BENN, J. May 21, 1948, No. 13762. [Class 81 (i)] Sterilizing apparatus comprises a cabinet 1 in the base of which is a container 3 for a volatile liquid sterilizing medium whilst at one or both sides of the container is formed a further upstanding container 5 having reticulated or gauze-protected apertures 8, and which is adapted to contain absorbent material 6, such as cotton wool, arranged to dip into the sterilizing liquid. The cabinet may be provided with fixed or detachable shelves 9 between which the apertures in the side container or containers are arranged.

03-04-2013 дата публикации

Ventilation device for a motor vehicle

Номер: GB0201302856D0

26-06-1930 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to spinning pumps

Номер: GB0000331152A

... 331,152. Barmer Maschinenfabrik Akt.-Ges., and Sieper, F. Oct. 3, 1929. Governing and regulating pumps; movable-abutment type.-A rotary measuring pump for artificial silk spinning has the pressures in its inlet and outlet chambers maintained at the same level by means of an automatic throttling device. A diaphragm 5 separates two annular areas 7 and 6 which are connected to the supply chamber of the pump, 17 and 18, and the discharge chamber respectively. An excess of pressure on the supply side causes the diaphragm to deflect and throttle the discharged material which passes through a duct 16. The annular space 7 is inclined at an angle to the face of the plate 2 to prevent the material from shortcircuiting from the inlet duct to the exit duct, both of which are situated in the narrow position of the space 7. Specifications 182,154 and 293,325 are referred to.

16-10-1913 дата публикации

Improvements connected with certain kinds of Spraying Machines.

Номер: GB0191228527A

... 28,527. Ludford, W. C. G. Dec. 11. Oscillating and reciprocating stirrers; clamping and securing devices.-In a spraying-machine of which the container is formed by a bucket or the like, which carries a handoperated spraying-pump, an independent agitator is provided, clamped to the side of the container. The member d is clamped on the container a by means of a screw f and carries two lugs g, h which provide bearings for the rod c carrying the agitator blade e.

22-01-1920 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to towels

Номер: GB0000137752A

... 137,752. Jarvis, H. E. June 27, 1919. Towels.-Hairdressers' " hot towels " for treating the face are made of single-sided Terry cloth, the smooth side being placed, in use, against the face. The towel may be in the form of a closed bag with the smooth side of the fabric outside.

24-10-1938 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to electrically heated liquid heaters such as sterilizers

Номер: GB0000494284A

... 494,284. Sterilizers. AMERICAN SUNDRIES CO., Inc. Oct. 5, 1937, No. 26947. Convention date, April 23. [Class 81 (i)] [Also in Group XI] The sterilizer has a false bottom formed by a perforated porcelain cover 18 arranged above the electric heating means 5, 6. The hinged lid 27 is operated by a crank arm 34 pivoted to the tank at 35 and connected to the lid by a toggle link 36. A stop pin 40 on the arm 34 limits the movement. A leaf spring on the arm carries a button engaging a depression on the link in the limiting position. The perforated tray 30 has an upstanding back 50 with a shelf 51 adapted to receive test-tubes and is provided with slotted lugs 33 engaged by hooks 31 on the lid, when the latter is opened to raise the tray. The lid has holes 43 with pivoted covers for the insertion of test-tubes, and a shelf 48 to lead condensed steam, which runs down the lid in the open position, back to the container. Single or double trays, without perforations may be provided in places of a perforated ...

14-09-2016 дата публикации

Decontamination unit

Номер: GB0201613325D0

14-09-1960 дата публикации

Antibacterial detergent compositions

Номер: GB0000848306A

A heavy duty detergent composition comprises by weight (a) 5-50% of water-soluble non-soap organic detergent other than a cationic detergent; (b) 10-80% of a water soluble polyphosphate; and (c) 3 : 5-dichlorsalicyl -31 : 41-dichloranilide in a minor amount sufficient to render fabric antibacterial when repeatedly washed with solutions of the composition. Component (a) may be anionic, such as the sodium, potassium, ammonium, or alkanolamine organic sulphate or sulphonate detergents containing 12-26 carbon atoms or higher fatty acyl or alkyl derivatives of lower amino acids, and/or non-ionic, such as alkylene oxide condensates; several types of suitable detergents are specified but those preferred are sodium and potassium dodecylbenzene sulphonates, sodium tallow alcohol sulphate and nonylphenoxypolyethenoxyethanol. Component (b) may be an alkali p metal, ammonium, or alkanolamine pyro-, hexameta-, tetra-, or tripoly-phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate in an amount of 20-50% by weight being ...

15-05-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000465647T

15-03-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000499950T

15-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000533423T

15-12-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000415981T

15-10-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000095429T

15-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: AT14852U1
Автор: Göbl Otmar

Trägeranordnung (1) für die Lagerung und/oder den Transport und/oder die Reinigung von Geschirr oder anderen Gegenständen, wobei die Trägeranordnung (1) zumindest eine Trägerplatte (2) mit zumindest einer gitterförmigen Struktur (3) aufweist, wobei die gitterförmige Struktur (3) von rechteckförmig, insbesondere quadratisch, angeordneten und rechteckförmige, insbesondere quadratische, Öffnungen (4) umschließenden Gitterstäben (5) gebildet ist, und wobei die Trägeranordnung (1) zumindest einen Befestigungssockel (6) aufweist, welcher klemmend an der gitterförmigen Struktur (3) befestigbar oder befestigt ist, wobei der Befestigungssockel (6) in einer einzelnen der rechteckförmigen, insbesondere quadratischen, Öffnungen (4) klemmend befestigbar oder befestigt ist.

15-03-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000232750T

15-04-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000235262T

10-11-1965 дата публикации

Mechanism for continuous sterilizing of different goods in the large-scale enterprise, preferably in hospitals

Номер: AT0000243438B

04-04-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018232897A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A surgical instrument system includes a pair of side-specific orthopaedic surgical instrument assemblies. The right-limb side-specific instrument assembly is kitted so as to be devoid of left-limb side-specific instruments and vice versa. Oo oo00 Oc OOO0 A o O O 9000000000000'0000 O~~ O0000 OOOO ...

20-12-2018 дата публикации

Generation of peroxyformic acid through polyhydric alcohol formate

Номер: AU2018271409A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

GENERATION OF PEROXYFORMIC ACID THROUGH POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOL Abstract The present invention relates generally to peroxyformic acid forming compositions, methods for forming peroxyformic acid, preferably in situ, using the peroxyformic acid forming compositions. The present invention also relates to the peroxyformic acid formed by the above compositions and methods. The present invention further relates to the uses of the peroxyformic acid, preferably in situ, for treating a surface or a target. The present invention further relates to methods for treating a biofilm using peroxyformic acid, including peroxyformic acid generated in situ.

29-08-2019 дата публикации

Methods and apparatus for low-pressure radiant energy processing of cannabis

Номер: AU2018219880A1
Принадлежит: Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick

Methods and apparatuses for reducing the bioburden of cannabis using low-pressure radiant energy processing. The present invention achieves sufficient microbial killing and/or adequate drying without impacting product quality (terpene loss, smell, color, texture, etc.) by appropriate determination and application of pressure(s) and radiant energy (e.g., microwave intensity).

20-01-2005 дата публикации

Washer pressure equalization system

Номер: AU2004255166A1

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Deposition of discrete nanoparticles on an implant surface

Номер: AU2006315629B2

A method of forming an implant to be implanted into living bone is disclosed. The method comprises the act of roughening at least a portion of the implant surface to produce a roughened surface. The method further comprises the act of depositing discrete nanoparticles on the roughened surface though a one-step process of exposing the roughened surface to a solution. The nanoparticles comprise a material having a property that promotes osseointegration.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Methods and compositions for the production of high concentration alloxazine solutions

Номер: AU2007210149B2

Methods are provided for preparation of compositions having an enhanced level of soluble alloxazine, as compared to compositions prepared using conventional techniques. Compositions and a riboflavin form having higher solubility in solution is also provided.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for concentrating a nebulant

Номер: AU2006275320B2

Apparatus for concentrating a nebulant comprising a nebulant flow conduit and a counter-flow conduit, or preferably, a plurality of alternating nebulant flow conduits and corresponding counter-flow conduits eg in layered or coaxial arrangement, and wherein at least a portion of the nebulant flow conduit and said counter-flow conduits define respective opposed sides of a gas permeable membrane. In use a nebuliser is in communication with the nebulant flow conduit and the nebulant flow and counter-flow are in the same or opposite directions and act to concentrate the amount of active in a droplet eg from 35wt% to 60wt% hydrogen peroxide in water to disinfect and/or sterilize an article.

06-06-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2003296222A1

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for releasing a dry chemistry into a liquid sterilization system

Номер: AU2011232880B2

The present invention provides an apparatus that inhibits microbial viability on a medical instrument. The apparatus has a sterilization chamber for receiving the instrument. A circulation system is fiuidiy connected to the sterilization chamber to circulate a fluid through the sterilization chamber. A well to receive a chemistry container that includes a removable base portion. A device to detach the removable base portion from the chemistry container including a mounting end that is mountable within the well such that the device extends into a lower portion of the well. An elongated intermediate section extends from the mounting end at a first angle. A free end extends from the elongated intermediate section at a second angle. The free end is dimensioned to matingly engage and apply a force to a mating feature on the chemistry container or on the removable base portion as the chemistry container is inserted into the well.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Membrane sterilization

Номер: AU2006275318B2

A method for disinfecting or sterilizing an article comprising enclosing the article or article part inside a container having a wall of which at least a part is a semipermeable fabric or membrane and introducing an amount of vaporizable biocide, preferably hydrogen peroxide in water, to the interior of said container in solution, vapour, liquid or preferably nebulant form. The semipermeable fabric or membrane is selected to allow the biocide to pass from inside to outside of the container as a vapour at atmospheric pressure and to provide a barrier against entry of micro-organisms. The biocide is allowed to exit the container through said membrane while at or above atmospheric pressure, a fluid eg air is directed to flow adjacent the outside of the membrane to expedite vapour removal from the interior side. The article is exposed to the biocide for a time sufficient to disinfect or sterilize the article.

29-09-2005 дата публикации

Anti-adhesion spraying

Номер: AU2005223678A1

08-12-2011 дата публикации

Antimicrobial agents

Номер: AU2010264656A1

The present invention relates to antimicrobial agents against Gram-negative bacteria, in particular to fusion proteins composed of an enzyme having the activity of degrading the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria and a peptide stretch fused to the enzyme at the N- or C- terminus. Moreover, the present invention relates to nucleic acid molecules encoding said fusion protein, vectors comprising said nucleic acid molecules and host cells comprising either said nucleic acid molecules or said vectors. In addition, the present invention relates to said fusion protein for use as a medicament, in particular for the treatment or prevention of Gram-negative bacterial infections, as diagnostic means or as cosmetic substance. The present invention also relates to the treatment or prevention of Gram-negative bacterial contamination of foodstuff, of food processing equipment, of food processing plants, of surfaces coming into contact with foodstuff, of medical devices, of surfaces in hospitals and surgeries ...

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Antimicrobial obturator for use with vascular access devices

Номер: AU2015250123A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

An obturator (100) can include antimicrobial features which assist in sterilizing or maintaining the sterility of fluid contained within a vascular access device while the device is not being used for infusion or other access to the patient's vasculature. These antimicrobial features include antimicrobial coatings applied to various surfaces of an obturator and antimicrobial components bonded or otherwise secured to an obturator. Various combinations of antimicrobial coatings and/or components can be used on an obturator as necessary to provide a desired amount of antimicrobial agents within a particular enclosed volume of a vascular access device.

16-08-2018 дата публикации

Dispenser system for aerosol and non-aerosol products

Номер: AU2015254945B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A dispensing system for air care products contained in aerosol and non-aerosol containers having spray nozzles includes a dispenser including a contoured surface that is configured to accept an aerosol container within the interior of the dispenser, the dispenser further including an adaptor releasably attached to the contoured surface of the dispenser, the adaptor configured to retain a non-aerosol container within the interior of the dispenser such that the actuator may contact the non-aerosol spray nozzle.

12-05-2016 дата публикации

Odor control bulk material cover

Номер: AU2014205422B2

An odor suppressing cover material for a bulk material pile and method for applying the cover material are disclosed. The cover composition includes at least 50 weight percent water; 1 to 50 weight percent of a bentonite clay; 0.1% to 5% cellulosic water dispersible polymer or starch; and 0.02% to 1% of a mixture containing at least some lipid essential oil and at least some ethoxylated alkylphenol. The cover composition may additionally and optionally contain Portland cement, colorant and fibers.

20-07-2017 дата публикации

Anti-microbial coating and method to form same

Номер: AU2016219202A1

An anti-microbial coating formulation consisting essentially of triethanolamine and a silane.

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Systems, methods and articles for enhancing wellness associated with habitable environments

Номер: AU2013308871B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice

Environmental characteristics of habitable environments (e.g., hotel or motel rooms, spas, resorts, cruise boat cabins, offices, hospitals and/or homes, apartments or residences) are controlled to eliminate, reduce or ameliorate adverse or harmful aspects and introduce, increase or enhance beneficial aspects in order to improve a "wellness" or sense of "wellbeing" provided via the environments. Control of intensity and wavelength distribution of passive and active Illumination addresses various issues, symptoms or syndromes, for instance to maintain a circadian rhythm or cycle, adjust for "jet lag" or season affective disorder, etc.. Air quality and attributes are controlled. Scent(s) may be dispersed. Hypoallergenic items (e.g. bedding, linens) may be used. Water quality is controlled. Noise is reduced and sounds (e.g., masking, music, natural) may be provided. Passive and active pathogen controls are employed. Controls are provided for the occupant and/or facility personnel, as is instruction ...

16-07-2015 дата публикации

Optical fiber based antimicrobial ultraviolet radiation therapy system

Номер: AU2014244380A1

An ultraviolet irradiation system includes a medical device having a central lumen, an optical fiber having a longitudinal length, and an ultraviolet wave generator, wherein ultraviolet waves generated by the wave generator are dispersed along the longitudinal length of the optical fiber to disinfect the central lumen of the medical device.

21-11-2002 дата публикации

A method for sterilising a medical device having a hydrophilic coating

Номер: AU0000754585B2

05-12-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002450549A1

Odor control compositions include a source of nitrogen, a non-salt source of oxygen, and a surfactant. The compositions added to a biomass in a concentration sufficient to produce a noticeable stimulation of aerobic activity. Preferred compositions include at least one of ammonium nitrate and urea, as well as calcium nitrate, and more preferred compositions also include potassium nitrate. Related methods include use of the compositions in treating a wide range of odors emanating from sewage and other flowable materials, air, and solid surfaces.

10-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002767186A1

A multi-panel sterilization assembly that includes a barrier panel formed of a permeable material, a fold protection panel, and at least one panel attachment means. The barrier panel has a first end and a second end opposite the first end such that the barrier panel has a length that is the distance from the first end to the second end and a midpoint along the length generally delineating the barrier panel into a content receiving region and a content covering region. Panel attachment means are located between the first end and the midpoint of the barrier panel at a pre-determined position to identify the content receiving region. The fold protection panel is in juxtaposed communication with the barrier panel, and has a proximal end generally adjacent the barrier panel, a distal end generally opposite the proximal end, and a length that is the distance between these ends, such that, after the barrier panel has been folded at or near the barrier panel's midpoint so its second end is brought ...

29-11-1988 дата публикации


Номер: CA1245714A

A method of providing sterile, charged batteries for use in a sterile field which includes the steps of sterilizing at least one battery and a battery charger, transferring the sterilized battery and charger in a sterile state to the sterile field and charging the battery with the battery charger. The battery charger is adapted to withstand exposure to the environment present during the sterilization process. The sterilizing step may be preceded by an initial charging step in which the battery is charged with a battery charger. A sterilizable battery charger permits implementation of the method.

05-05-1992 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001299835C

A sterilization process wherein articles contacted with hydrogen peroxide and containing trace amounts of residual hydrogen peroxide are subjected to plasma treatment to generate an active species from the residual hydrogen peroxide which effects sterilization of the article and concurrently removes the residual hydrogen peroxide by converting it into non-toxic decomposition products.

04-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA1002876A

11-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA0000988845A1

04-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001002876A1

21-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003044899A1

A composition for treating a textile fabric to impart an odor control property is provided. The composition has a synergistic effect on controlling odor of a textile fabric for an extended number of home launderings. The composition comprises a urethane based binder dispersion or a urethane precursor in addition to a metal oxide. The composition comprises a blocked isocyanate binder and a metal oxide.

08-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002396344C
Принадлежит: SURMODICS, INC.

The present invention provides bioerodable constructs for controlled release of bioactive materials. In a preferred mode, the constructs may be utilized adjacent to a biological surface. The constructs are based on a blend of two or more poly(ester- amide) polymers (PEA). Such polymers may be prepared by polymerization of a diol (D), a dicarboxylic acid (C) and an alpha-amino acid (A) through ester and amide links in the form (DACA)n. An example of a(DACA)n polymer is shown below in formula II. Suitable amino acids include any natural or synthetic alpha-amino acid, preferably neutral amino acids.

05-11-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002945268A1

A dispensing system for air care products contained in aerosol and non-aerosol containers having spray nozzles includes a dispenser including a contoured surface that is configured to accept an aerosol container within the interior of the dispenser, the dispenser further including an adaptor releasably attached to the contoured surface of the dispenser, the adaptor configured to retain a non-aerosol container within the interior of the dispenser such that the actuator may contact the non-aerosol spray nozzle.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002957812A1

The present invention concerns a process for the recovery of carboxylic acid from a fraction comprising carboxylic acid and impurities, and a process for the manufacture of treated wood, which comprise the step of submitting a fraction containing carboxylic acid and impurities to a gas stripping operation.

09-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2960460C
Принадлежит: PMBS LLC, PMBS, LLC

A mobile sterilization system comprising: a sterilization cabinet, the sterilization cabinet comprising: a bottom panel, a top panel, two side panels, a back panel and a door configured so as to define an interior chamber; a plurality of casters or wheels mounted to the bottom panel, each of the plurality of casters or wheels being mounted to the bottom panel by a caster or wheel bracket, wherein the caster or wheel bracket comprises a lateral projection.

13-08-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002712678A1

The invention provides antimicrobial compositions comprising one or more acid and one or more organic diol. In one embodiment, the invention's compositions have an acidic pH. The compositions may optionally further contain one or more oxidizing agent (including stabilized oxidizing agent and/or unstabilized oxidizing agent), and/or one or more surfactant. In particular embodiments, the acid lacks one or both of -NH group and-NH2 group. The invention's compositions are useful in all stages of handling agricultural products, in hospitals, and in commercial and household applications.

22-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002722489C

A validated healthcare facility cleaning and sanitizing system provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to cleaning and sanitizing practices at a hospital or other healthcare facility. The validated hospital cleaning system identifies hospital vectors of contamination; that is, sources through which hospital acquired infections (HAIs) may be spread. The validated system defines a plurality of modules within a healthcare facility, each having an associated cleaning process map designed to meet the particular cleaning and/or sanitizing needs and challenges faced by that module. Various stages of the cleaning process map include validation points, at which certain parameters designed to ensure proper cleaning and/ or sanitizing of the module are verified.

15-10-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002720824A1

The present invention provides improved methods for treating red blood cell compositions with a pathogen-inactivating compound under conditions which provide suitable pathogen inactivation while maintaining cell vitality. Also provided methods of reducing dehydration in red blood cells, as well as treated red blood cell compositions.

14-09-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA2720824C

The present invention provides improved methods for treating red blood cell compositions with a pathogen-inactivating compound under conditions which provide suitable pathogen inactivation while maintaining cell vitality. Also provided methods of reducing dehydration in red blood cells, as well as treated red blood cell compositions.

15-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002712678C

The invention provides antimicrobial compositions comprising one or more acid and one or more organic diol. In one embodiment, the invention's compositions have an acidic pH. The compositions may optionally further contain one or more oxidizing agent (including stabilized oxidizing agent and/or unstabilized oxidizing agent), and/or one or more surfactant. In particular embodiments, the acid lacks one or both of -NH group and-NH2 group. The invention's compositions are useful in all stages of handling agricultural products, in hospitals, and in commercial and household applications.

10-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002807362C

A catheter lock solution includes a hydrochloric acid solution having a concentration of 0.3 Molar to 1.0 Molar. This hydrochloric acid solution may be used to lock a catheter and/or salvage an infected catheter.

15-10-2019 дата публикации

Установка очистки сточных вод путем облучения сверхвысокочастотными волнами и ультрафиолетом

Номер: RU0000193171U1

Полезная модель относится к системам СВЧ-обработки и УФ-обработки материалов и может быть использована для обеззараживания сточной воды перед выпуском в водоемы. Задачей полезной модели является повышение качества и обеззараживание сточных вод перед выпуском в водоемы. Поставленные задачи успешно решаются полезной моделью установки СВЧ-обработки и УФ-обработки сточных вод. Установка состоит из УФ и СВЧ модулей, резервуара, щита управления автоматикой. Главным отличием установки от известных прототипов является принцип противофазного режима обработки сточных вод УФ и СВЧ волнами. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 193 171 U1 (51) МПК C02F 1/30 (2006.01) C02F 1/32 (2006.01) C02F 1/48 (2006.01) A61L 2/10 (2006.01) A61L 2/12 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК C02F 1/302 (2019.02); C02F 1/32 (2019.02); A61L 2/0047 (2019.02); A61L 2/0064 (2019.02); A61L 2/10 (2019.02); A61L 2/12 (2019.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2018130573, 22.08.2018 22.08.2018 Дата регистрации: 15.10.2019 (45) Опубликовано: 15.10.2019 Бюл. № 29 (54) УСТАНОВКА ОЧИСТКИ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД ПУТЕМ ОБЛУЧЕНИЯ СВЕРХВЫСОКОЧАСТОТНЫМИ ВОЛНАМИ И УЛЬТРАФИОЛЕТОМ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к системам СВЧобработки и УФ-обработки сточных вод. обработки и УФ-обработки материалов и может Установка состоит из УФ и СВЧ модулей, быть использована для обеззараживания сточной резервуара, щита управления автоматикой. воды перед выпуском в водоемы. Задачей Главным отличием установки от известных полезной модели является повышение качества прототипов является принцип противофазного и обеззараживание сточных вод перед выпуском режима обработки сточных вод УФ и СВЧ в водоемы. Поставленные задачи успешно волнами. решаются полезной моделью установки СВЧ- R U 1 9 3 1 7 1 (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: АХМЕДОВА О.О., СОШИНОВ А.Г., СТЕПАНОВ С.Ф., Устройство очистки сточных вод комплексом электрофизических методов воздействия, Известия ...

07-12-2020 дата публикации

Шлюз дезинфицирующий

Номер: RU0000201271U1

Полезная модель относится к дезинфицирующим системам быстрого обеззараживания, расположенным в местах массового прохождения людей. Шлюз дезинфицирующий содержит терминал (2), включающий устройство распознавание объекта и его идентификации, проверку наличия маски и содержащий бесконтактный термометр со звуковой и световой сигнализацией с функцией обнаружения повышенной температуры. Шлюз оснащен бесконтактным санитайзером (3) для обработки рук, дезинфицирующим ковриком (4) для обуви, устройством (5) обработки поверхности человека в виде ультразвукового увлажнителя и бактерицидным излучателем (6) для обеззараживания и очистки воздуха. Техническим результатом является обеспечение максимального обеззараживания объекта. 1 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 271 U1 (51) МПК A61L 2/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61L 2/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020129595, 08.09.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью ТНГ Групп (RU) Дата регистрации: 07.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 07.12.2020 Бюл. № 34 2 0 1 2 7 1 R U (54) Шлюз дезинфицирующий (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к дезинфицирующим системам быстрого обеззараживания, расположенным в местах массового прохождения людей. Шлюз дезинфицирующий содержит терминал (2), включающий устройство распознавание объекта и его идентификации, проверку наличия маски и содержащий бесконтактный термометр со звуковой и световой сигнализацией с функцией Стр.: 1 U 1 U 1 Адрес для переписки: 423822, РТ, г.Набережные Челны, пр.Чулман, д.18, кв.253, Сунагатов Назип Мингалеевич (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 2082 U1 16.05.1996. RU 2526810 С1 27.08.2014. SU 475153 A 29.09.1975. DISINFECTION TUNNELS & SANITIZATION GATES COVID-19 FACTSHEETS & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION // Dubai Municipality Health and Safety Department // FACTSHEETS & SUPPORTING ...

14-12-2020 дата публикации

Устройство для создания стерильной воздушной завесы

Номер: RU0000201418U1

Решаемой заявленным устройством технической задачей является формирование стерильной воздушной завесы, препятствующей распространению аэрозолей, потенциально содержащих патогенную микрофлору, внутри помещения или препятствующей проникновению таковых аэрозолей в защищаемое помещение извне. Данный результат достигается за счет обработки воздуха, из которого формируется струя воздушной завесы, ультрафиолетовым излучением диапазона 200-280 нм, эффективно обеззараживающим обрабатываемый воздух. Источник ультрафиолетового излучения оптически изолирован от окружающей среды системой перегородок, что позволяет использовать устройство в помещениях с людьми. Также камера обработки воздуха оснащена зеркальными элементами, отражающими ультрафиолетовое излучение, что значительно повышает эффективность обработки. 1ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 418 U1 (51) МПК A61L 9/20 (2006.01) A61L 2/10 (2006.01) F24F 9/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61L 9/20 (2020.08); A61L 2/0047 (2020.08); A61L 2/10 (2020.08); F24F 9/00 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020124381, 23.07.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Руфеев Андрей Николаевич (RU) Дата регистрации: 14.12.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 14.12.2020 Бюл. № 35 2 0 1 4 1 8 R U (54) Устройство для создания стерильной воздушной завесы (57) Реферат: Решаемой заявленным устройством излучением диапазона 200-280 нм, эффективно технической задачей является формирование обеззараживающим обрабатываемый воздух. стерильной воздушной завесы, препятствующей Источник ультрафиолетового излучения распространению аэрозолей, потенциально оптически изолирован от окружающей среды содержащих патогенную микрофлору, внутри системой перегородок, что позволяет помещения или препятствующей проникновению использовать устройство в помещениях с людьми. таковых аэрозолей в защищаемое помещение Также камера обработки воздуха оснащена извне. ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Устройство для обеззараживания душевой кабины в пассажирском железнодорожном вагоне

Номер: RU0000202442U1

Полезная модель относится к санитарно-техническому оборудованию пассажирских железнодорожных вагонов, в частности к устройствам обеззараживания душевых кабин с использованием ультрафиолетового излучения. Устройство для обеззараживания душевой кабины в пассажирском железнодорожном вагоне установлено над потолком 11 кабины и включает монтажную рамку 3, мотор 4 для перемещения источника 6 ультрафиолетового излучения в зону облучения и вентилятор 9. Согласно полезной модели устройство включает корпус 1, выполненный в виде правильной треугольной призмы, смонтированной с помощью кронштейна 2 на монтажной рамке 3, в которой выполнено прямоугольное отверстие, размер которого соответствует форме и размеру боковой грани призмы. На внешней стороне одной из граней 5 призмы смонтирован светодиодный источник 6 ультрафиолетового излучения, а на внутренней ее стороне – охлаждающий радиатор 7. На другой боковой грани 8 установлен вентилятор 9. Третья грань 10 выполнена в виде пластины для заглушки отверстия в монтажной рамке 3. На кронштейне 2, в точке пересечения медиан треугольного основания закреплен мотор-редуктор 4 для осуществления поворота корпуса 1 до полного перекрытия прямоугольного отверстия в монтажной рамке 3 одной из граней треугольной призмы. Техническим результатом является упрощение конструкции. 1 з.п. ф-лы; 5 ил. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 202 442 U1 (51) МПК A61L 2/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61L 2/00 (2021.02) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020144111, 30.12.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: (73) Патентообладатель(и): Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЛТС-СЕРВИС" (RU) Дата регистрации: 18.02.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 18.02.2021 Бюл. № 5 2 0 2 4 4 2 R U (54) Устройство для обеззараживания душевой кабины в пассажирском железнодорожном вагоне (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к санитарносоответствует форме и размеру боковой грани техническому ...

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Mobile sanitizing devices and systems for dispensing sanitizer solution

Номер: US20120024890A1

A mobile sanitizing device may include a sanitizer solution dispenser module, a motorized wheel assembly, and a controller module. The sanitizer solution dispenser module may be operable to dispense the sanitizer solution. The motorized wheel includes at least one wheel and is coupled to the sanitizer solution dispenser module. The controller module includes a microcontroller and a memory, and is programmed to log a sanitization record into a sanitization history of at least one user, compare the sanitization history of the user with a sanitization standard, and control the motorized wheel assembly to cause the mobile sanitizing device to approach the user to dispense sanitizing solution to the user when the sanitization history does not meet the sanitization standard.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Oral irrigator appliance with radiant energy delivery for bactericidal effect

Номер: US20120045730A1
Принадлежит: Water Pik Inc

An oral irrigator includes a base having a pump mechanism, a reservoir housed within the base and fluidically connected with the pump mechanism. A handle with a jet tip is connected with an outlet from the pump mechanism to receive a pressurized fluid stream from the reservoir to direct a fluid at a surface inside an oral cavity. The oral irrigator also includes a radiant energy source and delivery system for directing radiant energy at a surface inside an oral cavity.

23-02-2012 дата публикации

Method for purifying glucose polymers for peritoneal dialysis solutions

Номер: US20120046460A1
Принадлежит: Roquette Freres SA

The invention relates to a method of purifying glucose polymers for the production of peritoneal dialysis solutions, characterized in that it includes at least one step of processing activated carbon and/or granular black, at least one sterilizing filtration step, at least one heat treatment step, and at least one ultrafiltration step.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Terpolymers as pressure-sensitive adhesives

Номер: US20120077887A1
Принадлежит: Surmodics Pharmaceuticals Inc

Disclosed herein are terpolymers that can function as pressure-sensitive adhesives. The disclosed articles comprise the terpolymers adhered to a release liner. The disclosed implant devices comprise the pressure-sensitive adhesive terpolymer adhered to a surface thereof. The pressure-sensitive adhesive terpolymer can promote adhesion of the implant device to a location in a subject.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Method for preparing a medical solution for the manufacture of a medicament for peritoneal dialysis

Номер: US20120083468A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of preparing a medical solution includes the steps of a) providing a solution having one or more acetylated or deacetylated amino sugar/sugars in at least one compartment of a container at a pH of from 2.5 to 5.0, and b) terminal sterilization of the compartment and the contents therein. The solution can be used for manufacturing a medicament for peritoneal dialysis.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Wound healing device

Номер: US20120089084A1

A plasma coating device for treating a wound comprises a plasma chamber having: one or more electrodes, a gas supply inlet, a plasma outlet exposed to ambient pressure, and an ignition system operatively connected to the electrodes for providing a non-thermal equilibrium plasma within the plasma chamber. An aerosol delivery system is operable to introduce a bioresorbable material as an aerosol into the plasma, to produce a coating on the wound surface.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

A method and a kit of parts for decontaminating a mattress or other effects

Номер: US20120096761A1
Автор: Colin Smith
Принадлежит: Midmos Solutions Ltd

The invention relates to a method for decontaminating a mattress ( 14 ) or other effect of bed bugs comprising the steps of: Placing the mattress or other effect in a hermetically sealable container ( 10 ) of a size and shape commensurate with that of the mattress or other effect; Inserting an appropriate quantity of an oxygen scavenger ( 16 ) into the container; Hermetically sealing the container so as to prevent ingress of oxygen; and Leaving it for a time sufficient for the oxygen levels to be depleted to less than 0.2% and the bed bugs and their eggs and larvae to be destroyed. It also relates to a kit of parts for implementing the method.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Catheter insertion sterilization

Номер: US20120161032A1
Принадлежит: University of Minnesota

A device includes a sheath having a lumen defined by a wall. The wall has an outer surface that is configured to emit ultraviolet light in a direction substantially normal to the wall. The lumen has a distal end configured for percutaneous placement. The lumen has a proximal end configured to receive a catheter.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Drying pad

Номер: US20120311881A1
Автор: Pi-Fen Lin
Принадлежит: Individual

A drying pad includes a flexibly bendable pad body, an air-blowing device and an ultraviolet sterilization device. The pad body is sheet-shaped. A supporting blower is disposed on a bottom-layer sheet of the pad body. An air-blowing device is provided one side of the pad body and communicated with the air-blowing device. The pad body has a plurality of outlet-air vents on a top surface thereof. The supporting blower has a plurality of inlet pipes communicated with the air-blowing device, round casings, and joining pipes. Each round casing has an outlet hole formed on a top thereof. Channels are defined in the supporting blower for guiding the air from the air-blowing device to the outlet holes through the outlet hole. The present invention is capable of blowing air, drying and sterilizing the feet by ultraviolet lights, so that the feet can be dried sufficiently.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Prophylactic bactericidal implant

Номер: US20120316655A1
Принадлежит: ArgentumCidalElectrics Inc

A medical implant system is described for inhibiting infection associated with a joint prosthesis implant. An inventive system includes an implant body made of a biocompatible material which has a metal component disposed on an external surface of the implant body. A current is allowed to flow to the metal component, stimulating release of metal ions toxic to microbes, such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viruses. One detailed system is completely surgically implantable in the patient such that no part of the system is external to the patient while the system is in use. In addition, externally controlled devices are provided which allow for modulation of implanted components.

14-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130062535A1

A surface treatment device of dental implant according to an embodiment of the present invention includes: a body providing a treatment chamber to receive a surface processing object; a cover combined to the body to selectively open the treatment chamber; a light source irradiating UV light to a surface of the surface treatment object; and a reflective plate positioned at a bottom of the treatment chamber to reflect the UV light emitting from the light source toward the surface treatment object. 1. A surface treatment device of dental implant , comprising:a body providing a treatment chamber to receive a surface processing object;a cover combined to the body to selectively open the treatment chamber;a light source irradiating UV light to a surface of the surface treatment object; anda reflective plate positioned at a bottom of the treatment chamber to reflect the UV light emitting from the light source toward the surface treatment object.2. The surface treatment device of claim 1 , further comprising a mounting module detachably combined to the body and inserting the surface treatment object to an inner portion the treatment chamber in a status where the surface treatment object is coupled to the mounting module.3. The surface treatment device of claim 2 , wherein the mounting module includes a driving mechanism to rotate the surface treatment object.4. The surface treatment device of wherein the mounting module includes:a module case receiving the driving mechanism;a handle formed at an outer periphery surface of the module case; anda terminal projected to one surface of the module case and supplying power to the driving mechanism.5. The surface treatment device of claim 4 , wherein the driving mechanism includes:a drive motor generating a torque by the power supplied through the terminal;a drive gear connected to the drive motor; andone or more driven gears engaged to the drive gear.6. The surface treatment device of claim 5 , wherein the driving mechanism further ...

21-03-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130071287A1
Автор: OConnell Thomas W.

A method of reducing toxins in stored crops comprises producing a stream of aqueous or gas ClOand exposing the stored crops to the ClOwherein the ClOkills toxin-producing microorganisms and/or reacts with toxins to reduce the toxins in said stored crops. An apparatus for reducing toxins in stored crops comprises a treatment area for containing the stored crops and a ClOgenerator comprising an inlet for introducing at least one chlorine-containing feed chemical and an outlet for exhausting a stream of aqueous or gas ClOfrom the generator into the treatment area wherein introducing the ClOkills toxin-producing microorganisms and/or reacts with toxin molecules to reduce the toxins in the stored crops. 1. A method of reducing toxin-producing microorganism concentration in stored crops , the method comprising the steps of:{'sub': '2', '(a) producing ClOgas; and'}{'sub': 2', '2, '(b) exposing said stored crops to said ClOgas wherein said ClOgas kills toxin-producing microorganisms in said stored crops.'}2. The method of wherein said steps are performed sequentially.3. The method of wherein said ClOgas is generated by reacting chlorine gas with water and then adding sodium chlorite.4. The method of wherein said ClOgas is generated by reacting sodium hypochlorite with an acid and then adding sodium chlorite.5. The method of wherein said ClOgas is generated by reacting sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid.6. The method of wherein said ClOgas is generated using an electrochemical cell and sodium chlorite.7. The method of wherein said ClOgas is generated using an electrochemical cell and sodium chlorate.8. The method of wherein said ClOgas is generated using an equipment-based sodium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide method.9. The method of wherein said ClOis produced by reacting sodium chlorate and hydrogen peroxide.10. The method of wherein said ClOis produced by dry mix chlorine dioxide packets having a chlorite precursor packet and an acid activator packet.11. The method of ...

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Sterilizer with Integrated Battery Charging Device

Номер: US20130076307A1
Принадлежит: Syntheon LLC

A device for sterilizing and charging a battery of an instrument, comprising a sterilization device sealingly enclosing therein at least one battery of an instrument and operable to sterilize the at least one battery, an inductively powered battery-charging device disposed inside the sterilization device and having a charger operable to be placed in conductive contact with and charge the at least one battery and a power receiver sub-assembly electrically coupled to the charger and operable to receive electrical power inductively from outside the sterilization device and supply the received electrical power to the charger to charge the battery during sterilization, and a power supply disposed outside the sterilization device and operable to supply power inductively to the power receiver sub-assembly through the sterilization device.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Bioadhesive Compositions of Local Anaesthetics

Номер: US20130079371A1
Принадлежит: PHARMANEST AB

The present invention relates to a gelling bioadhesive pharmaceutical composition comprising one or more local anaesthetics in base form and which is suitable for topical administration. The compositions have anisotropic organic phase behaviour that admits swelling at administration site with excess water. 1. An aqueous stabilized pharmaceutical bioadhesive gelling composition comprising;(a) an anaesthetically effective amount of one or more local anaesthetics;(b) a monoglyceride or a diglyceride, or mixtures thereof of a long chain fatty acid in an amount of between 15 to 70% by weight; and(c) a free long chain saturated or unsaturated fatty acid in an amount of between 5 to 60% by weight, wherein the composition has an anisotropic organic phase behaviour that admits swelling at administration site with excess water.2. The pharmaceutical composition according to further comprising;(d) one or more solubilizer in an amount of between 0 to 30% by weight, preferably between 5 to 25% by weight and most preferably between 5 to 15% by weight.3. The pharmaceutical composition according to wherein the one or more local anaesthetics are present in an amount of between 0.1 to 20% by weight claim 1 , preferably in an amount of between 0.5 to 12% by weight claim 1 , most preferably in an amount of between 2 to 10% by weight.4. The pharmaceutical composition according to wherein the one or more local anaesthetic is a local anaesthetic of the amide type claim 1 , ATC code N01BB.5. The pharmaceutical composition according to wherein the local anaesthetic of the amide type is selected from lidocaine claim 4 , prilocaine claim 4 , mepivacaine claim 4 , ropivacaine claim 4 , bupivacaine claim 4 , and levobupivacaine.6. The pharmaceutical composition according to wherein the one or more local anaesthetic is a local anaesthetic of the ester type claim 1 , ATC code N01BA.7. The pharmaceutical composition according to wherein the local anaesthetic of the ester type is selected from the ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации

Sterilizable biopharmaceutical packaging

Номер: US20130086871A1
Принадлежит: Sartorius Stedim Biotech SA

A sterilizable biopharmaceutical packaging includes an opening for inserting biopharmaceutical contents to be sterilized, the opening being separate from a sterilization gas conveyance channel so that the opening can be closed independently and before closing the sterilization gas conveyance channel. The opening is directly adjacent to an inner space for receiving the biopharmaceutical contents so that the contents to be sterilized are inserted directly into the inner space from outside the packaging. The elements for controlling the distribution of the sterilization gas open/close the sterilization gas conveyance channel independently of the opening or closing of the insertion opening. After sterilization, the outer wall, the sterilization gas conveyance channel, and the opening/closing element are capable of remaining rigidly connected therebetween so as to form a sterilized biopharmaceutical packaging that contains the sterilized biopharmaceutical contents and can be subjected to one or more integrity tests at any desired time after the sterilization.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130136669A1

The invention relates to an appliance for disinfecting the hands of a user, said appliance including: a disinfection chamber (), at least one opening () through which the user inserts his or her hands (M) in the disinfection chamber; separators () placed in the disinfection chamber () such that the fingers are separated when the user inserts his or her hands in said chamber, characterised in that the disinfection chamber () is provided with a device for spraying a disinfectant product in said chamber and a device for blowing air into said chamber, said two devices operating at the same time, and in that the spraying device consists of injectors () suitable for scattering a disinfectant product into the blown air stream, the scattering of the disinfectant product being carried out in a spatial sector defined by a vertical plane and an inclined plane of 1° to 90°, preferably 45° to 90°, relative to the axis of said air stream. 2. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the separators are vertical rods positioned in the disinfection chamber claim 1 , the spacing between the rods defining the separation of the fingers.3. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the separators incorporate a device for spraying the disinfectant product directly between the fingers.4. An apparatus according to claim 1 , comprising two elliptical openings through which the user inserts his hands into the disinfection chamber.5. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the spaying device comprises nozzles dispersing a disinfectant product claim 1 , the nozzles being arranged in the disinfection chamber so as to disperse the product on the front and back of the hands claim 1 , the dispersion being carried out from the fingertips to the wrist and from wrist to the fingertips.6. An apparatus according to claim 1 , wherein the disinfection chamber is provided with a device for blowing warm air in the chamber so as to dry hands after the disinfection phase.7. An apparatus according to ...

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Methods for the Sterilization of Bendamustine

Номер: US20130144068A1
Принадлежит: CEPHALON, INC.

The present application is directed to methods of sterilizing bendamustine and its pharmaceutically acceptable salt forms. Preferred sterilization methods include dry heat sterilization, gamma irradiation, and e beam radiation. Sterile pharmaceutical compositions are also described. 1. A method of sterilizing bendamustine or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt form thereof , comprising:providing a solid comprising bendamustine, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt form thereof; andsterilizing the solid.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable salt form is bendamustine hydrochloride.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the purity of the bendamustine claim 1 , or the pharmaceutically acceptable salt form thereof claim 1 , is at least 95% claim 1 , as measured by HPLC claim 1 , after the sterilization step.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the purity of the bendamustine claim 1 , or the pharmaceutically acceptable salt form thereof claim 1 , is at least 99% claim 1 , as measured by HPLC claim 1 , after the sterilization step.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sterilization step comprises dry heat sterilization and the bendamustine is bendamustine hydrochloride.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dry heat sterilization comprises heating the solid in a chamber for about 180 minutes or less.7. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dry heat sterilization comprises heating the solid in a chamber for about 150 minutes to about 180 minutes.8. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dry heat sterilization comprises heating the solid in a chamber that is about 140° C.9. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dry heat sterilization comprises heating the solid in a chamber that is about 140° C. for about 180 minutes.10. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dry heat sterilization comprises heating the solid in a chamber that is about 150° C.11. The method of claim 5 , wherein the dry heat sterilization comprises heating the solid in a chamber that is about ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Use of non-pathogenic bacteria in their spore or dormant form to remove glycypharus droppings and allergic materials of all sorts of textile

Номер: US20130177968A1
Автор: Cornelis Gielen
Принадлежит: Individual

The use and application of non-pathogenic bacteria in their spore or dormant form to remove glycyphagus droppings and other organic allergenic materials of any sorts of textile and in any environment they occur in and characterised by the fact that the non-pathogenic bacteria consume the glycyphagus droppings and organic allergenic materials and use these droppings as food, resulting in a permanent reduction of the droppings and resulting in a significant reduction of the allergen pressure in the areas to be cleaned.

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202482A1
Автор: Froimson Mark I.

An applicator for delivering a surgical prep solution onto a bodily surface includes a hollow member having a reservoir, an absorbent pad that is attached to a portion of the hollow member and in communication with the reservoir, a timer operably connected to the hollow member, and a gating mechanism in electrical communication with the timer and for coordinating application of the surgical prep solution with activation of the timer. 1. An applicator for dispensing a surgical prep solution onto a bodily surface , said applicator comprising:a hollow member including a reservoir;an absorbent pad attached to a portion of said hollow member, said absorbent pad being in fluid communication with said reservoir;a timer operably connected to said hollow member; anda gating mechanism for coordinating application of the surgical prep solution with activation of said timer, said gating mechanism being in electrical communication with said timer.2. The applicator of claim 1 , wherein said timer is physically integrated with a portion of said hollow member.3. The applicator of claim 1 , wherein said timer is capable of generating at least one signal.4. The applicator of claim 1 , wherein said at least one signal comprises an audible signal or a visible signal.5. The applicator of claim 1 , wherein release of the surgical prep solution from said reservoir is prevented until said timer is activated.6. The applicator of claim 4 , wherein said timer generates an audible and/or visible signal upon application of the surgical prep solution onto the bodily surface for a period of time sufficient to allow evaporation of the surgical prep solution from the bodily surface.7. The applicator of claim 4 , wherein said timer generates an audible and/or visible signal after a period of time sufficient to allow evaporation of the surgical prep solution from the bodily surface.8. The applicator of claim 1 , further including a communication protocol configured to communicate with an electronic ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130202484A1
Автор: Green Bruce
Принадлежит: Tristel PLC

A hand sanitizer () comprises: (a) a first part () comprising a chlorite solution and contained in a first dispenser () whereby it will be dispensed as a spray or jet of liquid; and (b) a second part () comprising an acid solution and contained in a second dispenser () whereby it will be dispensed as a second spray or jet of liquid; wherein the chlorite and the acid will react to provide chlorine dioxide when the first part is mixed with the second part; and wherein a mixture () of equal quantities of the first part and the second part contains at least 15% alcohol by weight; and wherein at least a part of the alcohol comprises 3-methoxy-3-methylbutan-1-ol (MMB). 113-. (canceled)14. A hand sanitizer comprising:(a) a first part comprising a chlorite solution and contained in a first dispenser whereby it will be dispensed as a first spray or jet of liquid; and wherein the chlorite and the acid will react to provide chlorine dioxide when the first part is mixed with the second part; and wherein a mixture of equal quantities of the first part and the second part contains at least 15% alcohol by weight; and wherein', 'at least a part of the alcohol comprises 3-methoxy-3-methylbutan-1-ol (MMB)., '(b) a second part comprising an acid solution and contained in a second dispenser whereby it will be dispensed as a second spray or jet of liquid;'}15. A hand sanitizer according to claim 14 , wherein the first part and the second part each further comprises from 0.01 to 1% by weight of a thickener.16. A hand sanitizer according to claim 15 , wherein the thickener is present in a concentration of from 0.1 to 0.25% by weight.17. A hand sanitizer according to claim 14 , wherein the first part and the second part each further comprises a gelling agent whereby the aqueous media are each in the form of a gel.18. A hand sanitizer according to claim 14 , wherein each of the first part and the second part contains at least 15% alcohol by weight.19. A hand sanitizer according to claim 14 ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130224076A1
Принадлежит: Dräger Medical GmbH

A medical device () for treating a patient, with a device body (), at which at least one functional unit () to be operated manually by a treating person is arranged. The device () has a disinfection unit (), which is provided separately from the functional unit and comprises a housing () arranged at the device body () with a disinfection chamber () for receiving at least one hand of the treating person, a plasma generator () arranged in the disinfection chamber for generating an atmospheric plasma (P) disinfecting the hand of the treating person and a control unit () for actuating the plasma generator (). 1. A medical device for treating a patient , the medical device comprising:a device body;a functional unit to be operated by a treating person manually, said functional unit being arranged at said device body; anda disinfection unit provided separately from said functional unit, said disinfection unit comprising a housing arranged at said device body, a disinfection chamber for receiving at least one hand of the treating person, a plasma generator arranged in said disinfection chamber for generating an atmospheric plasma disinfecting the hand of the treating person and a control unit for actuating said plasma generator.2. A medical device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said disinfection unit has a sensor for detecting the hand of the treating person in said disinfection chamber.3. A medical device in accordance with claim 2 , wherein said control unit actuates said plasma generator as a function of a detection signal generated by said sensor.4. A medical device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein said disinfection unit has an initializing means for generating an initialization signal and said control unit puts said plasma generator into operation upon receiving said initialization signal and switches it off after an end of a predetermined operating time.5. A medical device in accordance with claim 4 , wherein:said initialization means is formed by a sensor ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130230430A1
Принадлежит: NOXILIZER, INC.

A system for gas sterilization includes a sterilization chamber, a source of sterilant gas, and a sterilant gas remediation mechanism. Embodiments relate to systems and methods for delivering humidified air to a sterilization chamber, systems and methods for removing gaseous NOfrom an exhaust gas stream of a sterilization chamber, systems and methods for removing and replacing a source of sterilant gas, an exhaust gas scrubber and/or supplies for a humidification system. Some embodiments relate to hardware and software for user interface in a sterilizing device and hardware and software for control of a sterilization cycle. Some embodiments relate to chamber, chassis and door configurations of a sterilizer. 1. A device for sterilization , comprising:{'sub': '2', 'a source of liquid NO;'}{'sub': '2', 'a pre-chamber, in fluid communication with the source of liquid NO;'}{'sub': 2', '2', '2, 'a valve arrangement, constructed and arranged to, when the pre-chamber is at a low pressure, controllably allow NOto flow from the source of liquid NOto the pre-chamber to charge the pre-chamber with a controlled dose of NO;'}{'sub': '2', 'a sterilization chamber, in fluid communication with the pre-chamber, such that, when the sterilization chamber is held at a pressure lower than a pressure of the pre-chamber, at least a portion of the NOwill flow into the sterilization chamber;'}a source of humidity, constructed and arranged to provide a controlled level of humidity in the sterilization chamber;a controller, configured and arranged to control a duration of exposure to the sterliant gas of an object to be sterilized in the sterilization chamber; and{'sub': '2', 'an exhaust, in fluid communication with the sterilization chamber and including a chemical scrubber constructed and arranged to remediate the NOgas prior to exhausting it.'}2. A device as in claim 1 , wherein the source of humidity comprises:a nebulizer;a fluid reservoir, constructed and arranged to controllably supply ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130236358A1

Methods and systems for virus inactivation in the production or processing of biological or other sensitive substances are provided. The disclosed methods and systems for virus inactivation involve the key steps of dissolving carbon dioxide into biological or other sensitive substances; and treating the substance with the dissolved carbon dioxide at conditions which are less than critical pressure and temperature for a prescribed treatment time to inactivate at least 80% of the target virus or viruses contained within the biological or other sensitive substances. The disclosed carbon dioxide treatments for virus inactivation may optionally include concurrently or sequentially subjecting the substances with an acid treatment to lower the pH of the substance and inactivate viruses contained within the biological or other sensitive substance. Operating conditions for the disclosed carbon dioxide treatments preferably involve sparging carbon dioxide gas into the substance until the composition is saturated with carbon dioxide and is conducted at pressures below about 5 MPa; at temperatures of less than or equal to 30° C.; and for a treatment time of between about one minute and about 2000 minutes. 1. A method for virus inactivation in the production , processing , storage or shipping of a biological or other sensitive substance comprising the steps of:dissolving carbon dioxide into a composition containing the biological or other sensitive substance, or otherwise exposing the biological or other sensitive substance to carbon dioxide; andtreating the composition containing the biological or other sensitive substance with said carbon dioxide at a temperature and pressure substantially less than critical pressure and temperature for a prescribed treatment time to inactivate at least 80% of a target virus or viruses contained within the composition containing the biological or other sensitive substance.2. The method of further comprising the step of treating the composition ...

12-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130237916A1

A fluid pathway assembly includes a needle insertion mechanism, a fluid conduit, and a fluid pathway connection. The fluid pathway assembly may further include a drug container to hold a drug fluid prior to initiation of the injection. The assembly may include a carrier disposed along at least a portion of the fluid pathway assembly, and/or a drug container. The fill-finish cartridge functions to retain the components of the fluid pathway assembly in a sterile condition, while allowing for easy integration of the fluid pathway assembly and the drug container into a standard fill-finish process. Methods of constructing a cartridge, filling a drug container included in a cartridge, and incorporating the same into a drug delivery device are disclosed. 1. A cartridge for coupling to a drug container for use in a drug delivery device , the cartridge comprising:a needle insertion mechanism including a needle, and operative to move the needle to an insertion position, anda fluid pathway connection, the fluid pathway connection being adapted for disposal between the drug container and the needle insertion mechanism and being selectively actuable to fluidly connect the drug container to the needle insertion mechanism, the drug container, the fluid pathway connection, and the needle insertion mechanism defining a sterile fluid flowpath.2. The cartridge of wherein the fluid pathway connection and the needle insertion mechanism are in either axial or non-axial alignment.3. The cartridge of wherein the fluid pathway connection and the needle insertion mechanism are in axial alignment with the drug container when coupled thereto.4. The cartridge of wherein the fluid pathway connection and the needle insertion mechanism are mechanically coupled such that the cartridge may be handled as a unit.5. The cartridge of having sufficient structural integrity to be filled in a fill finish process.6. The cartridge of further including a fluid conduit fluidly coupling the fluid pathway ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130262345A1

A hand sanitizer dispensing system includes a support case, a container, and a fabric sleeve. The support case may be adapted to be secured to an air vent in an automobile, and includes a body defining an inner volume for receipt of the container. The container includes a product reservoir and a pump in communication with the product reservoir. The fabric sleeve is adapted to be received on the container to allow for personalization of the dispensing system, and the support case may be transparent so that the fabric sleeve is visible. In certain embodiments, the container may be provided with a cap, and pumps including plastic components with infused fragrances may be provided separately for attachment to the container upon removal of the cap. 1. A personalized hand sanitizer dispensing system comprising:(a) a support case defining an inner volume and including a mounting structure to attach the dispensing system to the inside of a car;(b) a container selectively received in the inner volume of said support case, the container including a pump and a product reservoir containing a fluid product.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a fabric sleeve positioned over the container claim 1 , the fabric sleeve including a graphic printed thereon.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the support case includes a transparent body portion such that at least a portion of the fabric sleeve is viewed through said transparent body.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein said support case includes a base portion and a lid portion that is pivotable relative to the base portion between an open position and a closed position in order to selectively receive said container.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein at least one of said support case claim 2 , container claim 2 , and fabric sleeve is formed from a material that carries a fragrance.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein said mounting structure secures the support case to an air vent in an automobile.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

31-10-2013 дата публикации

Products and methods to prevent infections

Номер: US20130287780A1
Принадлежит: Multimerics ApS

The present invention relates to products and methods for preventing, ameliorating and/or treating infections and other diseases. In one aspect, the products of the present invention relates to compositions comprising germ free colostrum. In another aspect, the products of the present invention relates to compositions comprising synthetically multimerised immunoglobulins. In a third aspect, the products of the present invention relates to compositions comprising germ free colostrum enriched with synthetically multimerised immunoglobulins. The invention also relates to use of said compostions as a pharmaceutical e.g. for prophylactic or ameliorating treatment of infections and other diseases. In addition the invention comprises methods for production of said compositions.

14-11-2013 дата публикации

Apparatus for manufacturing sterilized saline solution

Номер: US20130299340A1
Автор: Chil-Young Kim
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a manufacturing method of medical sterilized normal saline, more specifically, to such a method for manufacturing sterilized normal saline for medical purpose with effective sterilizing efficacy comprising: a step of disposing at least one electrode set immersed in saline solution of pH 4.0 to pH 7.5 including a pair of electrodes with flat surface separated from each other by an interval between 1 mm and 3 mm, the flat surfaces of the electrodes facing each other; and a step of supplying 30 mA to 200 mA direct current to the electrodes by applying 2.4V to 3.3V DC power to the electrodes; wherein free chlorine is reliably and stably generated as having concentration range between 0.17 ppm and 6 ppm from electrolysis between electrodes.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130309128A1

The present invention describes a new system and method, named “Antinfection”, to protect primarily healthcare workers (HCWs) and patients against communicable and nosocomial infections. It's based on new antiseptic sprays, non-alcoholic, that can be sprayed automatically on the hands. The base of the antiseptic action is the persistent part, preventing the colonization of tissue and non-living surfaces with microorganisms through the targeted, on-demand release of Fluorine ions. The system including new sprayers for fast and controlled application; new technologies to secure the long-term protection against wear in the daily work routines of HCWs; new measurement techniques for the quality of the Antinfection; new quality recording concepts for the promotion and verification of new strategies and campaigns in the “lost war against the germs”. 131-. (canceled)32. A method of controlling the spread of infectious diseases between two contiguous areas of a facility by personnel passing through a portal connecting the two areas , comprising:subjecting, at the portal, at least certain of the exposed body parts of the personnel with a high persistence antiseptic skin coating;subjecting said certain exposed body parts of the personnel with a sprayed coating matrix of polymers;measuring the antiseptic strength of the coatings based on their suspended halogens to evaluate the effective time of antiseptic protection afforded by the coatings; andstoring a record of the identity of the person subjected to the coatings and the time and quality of the coating.33. The method of wherein said contiguous areas are disposed within a health care facility for patients with the patients confined within one of said areas with said method being applied to personnel passing through said portal into the area in which the patients are confined.34. The method of claim 32 , wherein sensors for assessing the quality of protection and an estimated antinfection time are disposed within the ...

02-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140004253A1
Автор: Ruane Patrick H.

A method of forming a coated medical device is described in which a coating including a therapeutic agent dispersed in a polymer or oligomer matrix is applied to an outer surface of the medical device. The coating is then post-processed to selectively remove a substantial portion of the polymer or oligomer matrix from the coating. The post-processed coating is then sterilized. 1. A method of forming a coated medical device comprising:applying a coating to an outer surface of a medical device, the coating including a therapeutic agent dispersed in a matrix of a polymer or oligomer excipient;post-processing the medical device to selectively remove a substantial portion of the polymer or oligomer excipient from the coating; andsterilizing the post-processed medical device.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the therapeutic agent is substantially water insoluble.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the coating comprises less than 50% by weight the therapeutic agent prior to post-processing claim 2 , and the coating comprises greater than 50% by weight the therapeutic agent after post-processing.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the coating comprises 35% or less by weight the therapeutic agent prior to post-processing claim 2 , and the coating comprises 65% or more by weight the therapeutic agent after post-processing.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein less than 10% by weight of the therapeutic agent is removed from the coating during post-processing.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein greater than 75% by weight of the polymer or oligomer excipient is removed from the coating during post-processing.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein less than 15% by weight of therapeutic agent is removed from the coating during post-processing.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein greater than 90% of the polymer or oligomer excipient is removed from the coating during post-processing.9. The method of claim 2 , wherein the substantially water insoluble therapeutic agent comprises a taxane.10. ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации

System and Method for Pumping Fluid Using a Pump Cassette

Номер: US20140010691A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A system and method for pumping fluid using a pump cassette. The system includes a control assembly for operating the pump cassette. A force assembly having a movable member is capable of applying force to the pump cassette to press the pump cassette against the control assembly. The movable member may be an expandable member, such as a bladder.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Implantation Compositions for Use in Tissue Augmentation

Номер: US20140010709A1
Автор: Devore Dale, Voigts Robert

A composition of matter and method for preparation of a tissue augmentation material. A polysaccharide gel composition is prepared with rheological properties selected for a particular selected application. The method includes preparing a polymeric polysaccharide in a buffer to create a polymer solution or gel suspending properties in the gel and selecting a rheology profile for the desired tissue region. 1. A method of preparing a tissue implant comprising:(i) preparing an aqueous carboxymethylcellulose composition comprising between 2.3 wt. % and 2.9 wt. % carboxymethylcellulose; and (ii) sterilizing the composition of step (i) by autoclaving for about 3 minutes to about 12 minutes to prepare said tissue implant.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the carboxymethylcellulose composition is in 25 mM to 100 mM phosphate buffer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the phosphate buffer has a pH from 7.2 to 8.0.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein the water content of the tissue implant is between 57.9% and 70.3%.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the tissue implant is a midfacial tissue implant.6. A method of preparing a tissue implant comprising:(i) preparing an aqueous carboxymethylcellulose composition comprising between 2.3 wt. % and 2.9 wt. % carboxymethylcellulose; (ii) adding calcium hydroxyapatite between 5 wt. % and 65 wt. % to form a composition; and (iii) sterilizing the composition of step (ii) by autoclaving for about 3 minutes to about 12 minutes to prepare said tissue implant.7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the carboxymethylcellulose composition is in 25 mM to 100 mM phosphate buffer.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the phosphate buffer has a pH from 7.2 to 8.0.9. The method of claim 8 , wherein the water content of the tissue implant is between 57.9% and 70.3%.10. The method of claim 6 , wherein the tissue implant is a midfacial tissue implant.11. The method of claim 6 , wherein the calcium hydroxyapatite is added between 10 wt. % and 50 wt. %.12. The ...

30-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140030162A1
Автор: Konesky Gregory

A cold plasma device for large area decontamination that can function as a scrub brush to sterilize surfaces and areas that are otherwise difficult, time consuming and/or may cause exposure hazards under convention sterilization methods. 120-. (canceled)21. A sterilization device comprising:a flexible applicator configured to adjust to contoured surfaces, the applicator having an input coupled to a gas source, the applicator having a first surface and a second surface opposite the first surface, the first surface configured to be placed adjacent to a surface of tissue to be sterilized;a first plurality of output channels operatively formed on the first surface, each output channel having an individual wire electrode with a sharp conductive point disposed therein; anda resistor network coupled to the individual wire electrodes, the resistor network further coupled to a power source for supplying the same electrical potential to each of the individual wire electrodes, wherein each individual wire electrode is coupled to the resistor network such that each individual wire electrode extends from the resistor network into the first plurality of output channels;wherein when each of the individual wire electrodes are powered by the power source with the same electrical potential and gas is flowing through the plurality of output channels, each sharp conductive point of the individual wire electrode creates an electric field gradient which removes electrons from molecules of the gas and ionizes the gas to form a cold plasma beam at each of the plurality of output channels under atmospheric pressure so as to sterilize the tissue in contact with the cold plasma beams.22. The sterilization device of claim 21 , wherein the gas is inert.23. The sterilization device of claim 22 , wherein the inert gas is argon.24. The sterilization device of claim 22 , wherein the inert gas is helium.25. The sterilization device of claim 21 , wherein the applicator is disposable.26. The ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039357A1

Systems, devices, methods, and compositions are described for providing an actively-controllable disinfecting implantable device configured to, for example, treat or prevent an infection in a biological subject. 1. An implantable device , comprising:a sterilizing stimulus providing portion;an actively-controllable excitation component configured to deliver a sterilizing stimulus, in vivo, to tissue proximate the sterilizing stimulus providing portion of the implantable device;a controller communicatively coupled to the sterilizing stimulus providing portion; anda power source, the power source electromagnetically, magnetically, ultrasonically, optically, inductively, electrically, or capacitively-coupled to the actively-controllable excitation component.26.-. (canceled)7. The implantable device of claim 1 , wherein the actively-controllable excitation component is configured to concurrently or sequentially deliver at least a first sterilizing stimulus and a second sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , the second sterilizing stimulus different than the first sterilizing stimulus; wherein the first sterilizing stimulus comprise one of an electrical sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , an electromagnetic sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , an ultrasonic sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , or a thermal sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , and the second sterilizing stimulus comprises the different one of an electrical sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , an electromagnetic sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , an ultrasonic sterilizing stimulus claim 1 , or a thermal sterilizing stimulus.820.-. (canceled)21. The implantable device of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one energy-emitting component, the at least one energy-emitting component configured to provide a spatially-patterned light energy stimulus.2223.-. (canceled)24. The implantable device of claim 1 , further comprising:a scaffold-forming material supply component configured to deliver at least one scaffold-forming material to the first outer ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039582A1

An illumination device comprises a housing, a power supply and at least one light source powered by the power supply. The at least one light source is adapted to emit radiation from the housing at one or more therapeutic wavelengths. The illumination device is positioned in proximity to an area for applying radiation to the area for a time and intensity sufficient to have a bacteriocidal effect. 2. The illumination device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the radiation emitted is ultraviolet C radiation.3. The illumination device as recited in claim 2 , wherein the ultraviolet C radiation is applied to the area for a duration of between about 5 seconds and 2 minutes.4. The illumination device as recited in claim 1 , further comprising a pulsatile lavage device claim 1 , wherein the housing is mounted to the pulsatile lavage device. This application is related to U.S. provisional application No. 61/680,061, filed Aug. 6, 2012, entitled “LAVAGE DEVICES WITH UV LIGHT AND METHODS OF USE”, naming Kevin Brown as the inventor, and U.S. provisional application No. 61/751,490, filed Jan. 11, 2013, entitled “LIGHTING UNITS FOR USE WITH LAVAGE DEVICES”, naming Kevin Brown as the inventor. The contents of the provisional applications are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, and the benefit of the filing date of the provisional applications are hereby claimed for all purposes that are legally served by such claim for the benefit of the filing date.An apparatus and method for using ultraviolet light (UV) with pulsatile lavage is described and, more particularly, an apparatus and method using UV light with a pulsatile lavage device at a surgical or wound site.Surgical site infections occur after an invasive procedure at the site of the surgery. Every year in the U.S. there are nearly 1.7 million occurrences of surgical site infections with approximately 99,000 cases resulting in death. Surgical site infections are an obvious burden to patients and physicians, but also ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140044607A1
Принадлежит: KRONES AG

A seal device is provided for sealing intermediate spaces formed between bodies arranged to be relatively movable, wherein the seal device has a resilient, gas-tight main body which is extendable in a peripheral direction and through which a portion of the first of the two bodies is guided, and a first end portion, which fastenable to the second body, and a second end portion, which is settable against the first movable body, wherein the second end portion is movable with respect to the first end portion in a first transverse direction which extends at an angle different from 0° with respect to a longitudinal direction. A sliding seal device, which is applicable to the first movable body so that a relative rotation is made possible between the first body and the second body by a pre-set angle, is arranged on the second end portion of the seal device. 1. A seal device for sealing off intermediate spaces formed between bodies arranged so as to be movable with respect to each other , comprising: the seal device has a main body which is formed from a resilient and gas-tight material and which extends completely in a peripheral direction and through which a portion of the first of the two bodies is capable of being guided , and a first end portion , which is capable of being fastened to the second body , and a second end portion , which is capable of being set against the first movable body , wherein the second end portion is movable with respect to the first end portion in a first transverse direction which extends at an angle different from 0° with respect to a longitudinal direction , wherein a sliding seal device , which is capable of being applied to the first movable body in such a way that a relative rotation is made possible between the first body and the second body by a pre-set angle , is arranged on the second end portion of the seal device.2. The seal device according to claim 1 , wherein the sliding seal device has a shaft seal ring.3. The seal device ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140048431A1
Автор: Young Duncan
Принадлежит: DEPUY (IRELAND)

A surgical pack, method of providing a surgical pack and method of use are described. The surgical pack comprises () a container () having an opening (), at least one item of surgical equipment in the container and a closure () which shuts the opening and which is sealed about the opening by bonding. The closure and the container provide between them at least one attachment mechanism by which the closure can be re -attached to the container over the opening to shut the opening. The surgical pack can be used by removing the closure and then removing the surgical equipment. After use, the surgical equipment is replaced in the container and the closure is re -attached over the opening to hold the replaced surgical equipment within the container. The container and used surgical equipment can then safely be disposed of. 1. A surgical pack , comprising:a container having an opening;at least one item of surgical equipment received by the container; anda closure which shuts the opening and which is sealed about the opening of the container by bonding, wherein the closure and the container provide between them at least one attachment mechanism by which the closure can be re-attached to the container over the opening to shut the opening.2. The pack of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism comprises one or more areas of adhesive.3. The pack of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism comprises one or more regions of hook and loop fastener material.4. The pack of claim 1 , wherein the attachment mechanism is one or more mechanical mechanisms.5. The pack of claim 4 , wherein each attachment mechanism comprises a male component and a female component and wherein the male and female components are interlockable.6. The pack of claim 5 , wherein the male components are provided by a part of the container and the female components are provided by a part of the closure.7. The pack of claim 1 , wherein the closure includes a sealing portion which seals about the opening and the ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Methods for inactivating fluid cultures through heating

Номер: US20140065015A1
Принадлежит: Hyclone Laboratories LLC

A method for inactivating a fluid culture includes inserting a collapsible bag within a chamber of a tank assembly. A fluid is dispensed into a compartment of the collapsible bag, the fluid including a culture containing live cells or microorganisms. A lid is positioned over an opening of the tank assembly so that the collapsible bag is substantially enclosed within the tank assembly. The fluid within the collapsible bag is heated to an inactivation temperature that is sufficiently high to kill all of the live cells or microorganisms within the fluid. In one embodiment, the fluid within the flexible bag is mixed while the fluid is being heated to the inactivation temperature.

06-03-2014 дата публикации

Hyperbaric Device and Methods for Producing Inactivated Vaccines and for Refolding/Solubilizing Recombinant Proteins

Номер: US20140065187A1

The invention relates to hyperbaric devices for inactivating microorganisms and viruses while retaining their immunogenicity and for making and producing the soluble, disaggregated, refolded or active immunogenic or therapeutic proteins from inclusion bodies produced from prokaryotes or eukaryotes. The invention encompasses hyperbaric methods for inactivating pathogenic organisms, and methods for producing vaccine compositions using the inactivated pathogens. The hyperbarically inactivated microorganisms are safer and more immunogenic than chemically inactivated microorganisms. Similarly, the solubilized proteins have superior properties compared to more heavily aggregated proteins, including reduced non-specific immune reactions. 1. A hyperbaric device comprising:(a) an enclosure;(b) at least one computer processor and a programmable user interface therefor;(c) a means for supplying super-ambient pressure;(d) a means for controlling the temperature and pressure of a pressure transmitting fluid;(e) a means for decontaminating the device for routine cleaning purposes or in the event of rupture of a sample pouch; and(f) a means for receiving into the device, conveying within the device, and expelling from the device, trays or receptacles that are adapted to receive sample pouches comprising either microorganisms to be inactivated or peptides to be solubilized and refolded.2. The device of wherein the pressure means comprises an isostatic press comprising a piston.3. The device of further comprising a means to monitor the inactivation status of the microorganisms.4. The device of wherein the inactivation monitoring means comprises a needle or other suitable probe claim 3 , which can aseptically penetrate the pouches to remove a sample of the microorganisms for subsequent viability testing.589. The device of and depicted in claim 1 , wherein pressure is initially communicated to a primary fluid chamber () via a pressure intensifier chamber () claim 1 , which receives ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066838A1

A sterilization system having a controllable non-ironismg microwave radiation source for providing microwave energy for combining with a gas to produce atmospheric low temperature plasma for sterilizing biological tissue surfaces or the like. A plasma generating region may be contained in a hand held plasma applicator. The system may include an impedance adjustor e.g. integrated in the plasma applicator arranged to set a plasma strike condition and plasma sustain condition. The gas and microwave energy may be transported to a plasma generating region along an integrated cable assembly. The integrated cable assembly may provide a two way gas flow arrangement to permit residual gas to be removed from the surface. Invasive surface plasma treatment is therefore possible. The plasma applicator may have multiple plasma emitters to produce a line or blanket of plasma. 135-. (canceled)37. A manoeuvrable applicator assembly according to that is insertable into the natural orifice through an endoscope.38. A manoeuvrable applicator assembly according to claim 36 , wherein the coaxial cable is suspended within the tube to permit gas to flow along a channel formed between the outer wall of coaxial cable and the inner wall of the tube.39. A manoeuvrable applicator assembly according to claim 36 , wherein the impedance transformer has a physical length that is an odd number of quarter wavelengths of the microwave energy.40. A manoeuvrable applicator assembly according to claim 36 , wherein an additional half wavelength transformer is added to the distal end of the plasma applicator to increase the electric field for striking the plasma in the plasma applicator.41. A manoeuvrable applicator assembly according to claim 38 , wherein:the coaxial cable comprises a tube of flexible dielectric material that is coated with a layer of metal on both its inner and outer walls;the tube is made from a flexible material having a thinner thickness than the tube of the coaxial cable; andthe ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074159A1

A method for improving bioactivity of a surface of a surgical suture and sutures prepared thereby provides forming a gas-cluster ion-beam (GCIB) in a reduced-pressure chamber, introducing a surgical suture into the reduced-pressure chamber, and irradiating at least a first portion of the surface of said surgical suture with a GLIB derived beam. 1. A method of improving bioactivity of a surface of a surgical suture , the method comprising:forming a gas-cluster ion-beam (GCIB) in a reduced-pressure chamber;introducing a surgical suture into the reduced-pressure chamber; andirradiating at least a first portion of the surface of said surgical suture with a GCIB derived beam.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surgical suture is a sterile surgical suture.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the at least a first portion of the surface comprisespolyethylene, or a polyester, or polyethylene terephthalate, or ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surgical suture is a monofilament claim 1 , or is a multistranded suture.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the surgical suture is a multistranded suture claim 1 , and further wherein the multistranded suture is braided or has a braided jacket.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein a second portion of the surface of said surgical suture is not irradiated by a GCIB derived beam.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the irradiating step uses a gas-cluster ion-beam dose of at least 10gas-cluster ions per cm.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the irradiating step uses a gas-cluster ion-beam dose of at least 6.7×10gas-cluster ions per cm.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming step further includes accelerating the gas-cluster ion-beam using an acceleration voltage of at least 5 keV.10. The method of claim 1 , wherein the forming step further includes accelerating the gas cluster ion-beam using an acceleration voltage of at least 30 keV.11. The method of claim 1 , wherein the GCIB derived beam ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Solid state fragrancing

Номер: US20140076991A1
Принадлежит: Impact Products LLC

Fragrance control is provided by articles of manufacture including various solid state fragrancing objects, methods of using such objects, and systems that employ one or more such objects. The fragrancing object can be easy to manufacture, long lasting, provide fragrance that is consistently released over time, provide an indication to the user that the object needs to be replaced, and can hold a desired ratio of fragrance. The fragrancing object can include a first material comprising a polyether block amide, a second material comprising a polyolefin elastomer (POE), and a fragrance component such as a fragrance oil.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Exposure chamber and a system for reduction of pathogens in a biological fluid using ultraviolet irradiation by light emitting diodes

Номер: US20140084179A1
Принадлежит: Hemalux Technologies LLC

An exposure chamber for reducing pathogens in a biological fluid such as whole blood or blood-derived products includes a serpentine-shaped UV-transparent flow path and closely positioned ultraviolet light emitting diodes configured for emanating UV irradiation towards the biological fluid at peak wavelength of 250 nm to 270 nm. The control system is provided to energize UV LEDs using various novel modes of modulating pulse width and current amplitude for LEDs so as to deliver higher UV intensity to the biological fluid but without overheating thereof or the LEDs.

27-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140086793A1
Принадлежит: Hemalux Technologies LLC

A system and method for reducing pathogens in a biological fluid such as whole blood or blood-derived products includes a pump configured to propagate the fluid through a serpentine-shaped flow path while exposing the fluid to UV irradiation. Extensive mixing of flow is accomplished by causing the pump to vary the flow of fluid. In embodiments, the pump may be operated to periodically switch the flow back and forth between a high flow rate and a slow flow rate. Alternatively, the pump may be periodically stopped or even cause the flow to reverse direction for short periods of time. 1. A system for reduction of pathogens in a biological fluid , the system comprising:a source of UV light irradiation,a UV-transparent flow path for the biological fluid, said flow path having an inlet and an outlet, said flow path is configured to expose the biological fluid propagating therethrough to UV light from said source of UV light irradiation upon activation thereof,a pump operably connected to said flow path, said pump is configured to cause the biological fluid to propagate from said inlet towards said outlet, anda pump control system configured to operate said pump in a variable flow mode including reversal of flow direction to propagate from said outlet towards said inlet so as to cause mixing of the biological fluid while in said flow path.2. The system as in claim 1 , wherein said variable flow mode is configured for a periodic and repeatable change of flow rate of the biological fluid through said flow path.3. The system as in claim 2 , wherein said pump control system is configured to operate said pump in a repeatable sequence of a first flow rate followed by a second flow rate of the biological fluid through said flow path.4. The system as in claim 3 , wherein said first rate of flow and said second rate of flow causing the biological fluid to propagate from said inlet to said outlet of said flow path claim 3 , one of said first rate of flow or said second rate of flow ...

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Mems based filter and catalizer

Номер: US20140099234A1
Автор: David Hirshberg
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a filter for separating particles and/or catalyzer for particle reaction in a fluid. The device comprising array of passageways fabricated on a die wherein the passageway size is controlled by actuators. The passageway size is monitored and the actuators controlling the passageway size are activated conditionally upon the passageway size monitoring. Using movable actuators the passageway can achieve passageway size that is less then the fabrication minimal resolution. Proper locating, setting and/or activation of the actuators create passageways that can perform filtration of particles, trapping of particles and catalyzing particles reaction.

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000117A1

This invention relates to a wipe for killing spores comprising an absorbent sheet holding an aqueous composition and a sealed package containing the absorbent sheet, wherein the aqueous composition comprises water, an antimicrobial agent and a peroxide. The invention also relates to a process for killing spores using the above-indicated wipe. 149-. (canceled)50. A process for killing spores positioned on a substrate , comprising:contacting the spores with an aqueous composition using an absorbent sheet, the aqueous composition comprising water, an antimicrobial agent, and a peroxide, the concentration of the peroxide in the water being in the range from about 0.01 to about 14% by weight; andmaintaining the aqueous composition in contact with the spores for an effective period of time to effect at least a 4 log reduction in the number of spores capable of returning to vegetative growth.51. The process of wherein the substrate is made of a material comprising brass claim 50 , copper claim 50 , aluminum claim 50 , stainless steel claim 50 , carbon steel claim 50 , rubber claim 50 , plastic claim 50 , glass claim 50 , wood claim 50 , painted surface claim 50 , or a combination of two or more thereof.52. The process of wherein the substrate comprises a table top claim 50 , counter top claim 50 , floor claim 50 , wall claim 50 , ceiling claim 50 , window claim 50 , door claim 50 , door handle claim 50 , sink claim 50 , faucet claim 50 , toilet or toilet seat.53. The process of wherein the substrate comprises a medical claim 50 , dental claim 50 , pharmaceutical claim 50 , veterinary or mortuary device.54. The process of wherein the substrate comprises human skin.55. The process of wherein the temperature of the aqueous composition is in the range from about 1° C. to about 40° C.56. The process of wherein the effective period of time is from about 30 seconds to about 20 minutes.57. The process of wherein the spores comprise bacterial spores.58BacillusClostridia genera.. ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации

Anaerobic Blood Storage and Pathogen Inactivation Method

Номер: US20220001013A1
Принадлежит: Hemanext Inc

A method for reducing hemolysis and microparticle formation during storage of pathogen reduced blood. Oxygen reduced blood compositions comprising SAGM and riboflavin having reduced hemolysis. Oxygen reduced blood compositions comprising SAGM and riboflavin having reduced microparticles. Oxygen and pathogen reduced blood compositions comprising CPAD and riboflavin having reduced hemolysis. Oxygen and pathogen reduced blood compositions comprising SAGM and riboflavin having reduced microparticles.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001044A1
Автор: Burd Peter
Принадлежит: B/E Aerospace, Inc.

A sanitization system can include a housing defining an interior volume, and one or more FAR-UVC light sources disposed within the housing and configured to irradiate at least a portion of the interior volume. The interior volume can be configured to receive one or more user hands or portions thereof to sanitize the one or more user hands and/or portions thereof. 1. A sanitization system , comprising:a housing defining an interior volume; andone or more FAR-UVC light sources disposed within the housing and configured to irradiate at least a portion of the interior volume, wherein the interior volume is configured to receive one or more user hands or portions thereof to sanitize the one or more user hands and/or portions thereof.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more FAR-UVC light sources include at least one FAR-UVC light source disposed on each internal surface of each wall of the housing.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the housing defines an enclosed chamber having an opening.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the housing includes five walls.5. The system of claim 3 , further comprising a proximity sensor disposed on or within the housing and configured to detect when a user has inserted a hand and/or portion thereof into the enclosed chamber.6. The system of claim 5 , further comprising a control module operatively connected to the proximity sensor and to each FAR-UVC light sources to turn on each FAR-UVC light source when a user's hand and/or portion thereof is detected by the proximity sensor.7. The system of claim 3 , further comprising one or more visible lights disposed within the internal volume to indicate that the device is active when in use claim 3 , wherein the control module is configured to turn on the one or more visible lights when the one or more FAR-UVC light sources are turned on.8. The system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more FAR-UVC light sources is a FAR-UVC LED that emits light between about 207 nm to about 222 nm.9. An ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001045A1
Автор: Al-Jazaeri Ayman H.

A wearable non-contact fluid dispenser is provided. An arm band fastened to a user's arm having receptacle configured to hold a compressible pouch, the pouch retaining a volume of sanitation fluid. A flexible elastic tube extends from the pouch to an outlet positioned approximately to the user's palm. A hands-free valve may release sanitation fluid from the pouch to the user's palm enabling the user to sanitize their hands. The flow rate of the sanitation fluid may be controlled by the user. 1. A non-contact fluid dispenser comprising:a compressible container configured to hold a volume of fluid;a conduit having a first end and a second end, the first end in fluid communication with the volume of fluid, wherein the second end is in fluid communication with an outlet;a valve configured to release fluid from the volume of fluid through the conduit, wherein the valve is operable without the use of a hand of a user; and,wherein the non-contact fluid dispenser is configured to be fastened to the user.2. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the volume of fluid is sanitation liquid configured to be dispensed into a hand of the user.3. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the compressible container is a disposable pouch.4. The dispenser of claim 1 , wherein the compressible container is configured to be removably housed in an inner volume of a receptacle.5. The dispenser of claim 4 , wherein the receptacle is attached to an arm strap configured to be fastened around an arm of the user.6. The dispenser of claim 5 , wherein the valve is removably fastened to an outer surface of the receptacle or the arm strap and the valve is configured to slide along the conduit in both a proximal and distal direction.7. The dispenser of claim 4 , wherein the compressible container is configured to compress via a pressure applied to the receptacle.8. The dispenser of claim 7 , wherein the pressure applied is via tension wires adjustable via a pressure adjustment knob.9. The dispenser of claim 1 ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000739A1
Принадлежит: Galenicum Health S.L.U.

The present invention relates to a method to prepare pharmaceutical compositions of sugammadex, to pharmaceutical compositions of sugammadex and uniform pharmaceutical batches of said compositions. 1. A method for preparing an aqueous liquid pharmaceutical composition comprising an active ingredient , wherein the active ingredient is sugammadex , a pharmaceutically acceptable salt of sugammadex , or a mixture thereof , wherein the method comprises at least the following steps:a) providing a solution comprising the active ingredient;b) optionally, adjusting the pH of the solution obtained in step a) from about 7 to about 8;c) filtering the solution obtained in step b) through an equal or less than 0.45 μm pore filter;d) filling a suitable pharmaceutical container with the solution obtained in step c);e) terminally sterilizing the solution obtained in step d) at a temperature from about 110° C. to about 130° C. during less than about 37 min.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step c) is performed at least twice claim 1 , and least one filtration is through an equal or less than 0.45 μm pore filter and/or at least one filtration through an equal or less than 0.3 μm pore filter or a 0.2 μm pore filter.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step e) is carried out at a temperature from about 115° C. to about 125° C.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step e) is carried out during about 10 min to about 31 min.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step e) is carried out at a temperature from about 115° C. to about 125° C. claim 1 , and during about 10 min to about 31 min.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the terminal sterilization of step e) is a thermal sterilization.7. The method according to claim 1 , wherein step c) is performed at least once claim 1 , wherein the sterilization temperature in step e) is from about 115° C. to about 125° C. claim 1 , and the sterilization time in step e) from more than about 15 min.8. The method ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000989A1
Принадлежит: DENTSPLY SIRONA Inc.

The present invention provides a photosensitising composition comprising a mixture of at least one surfactant at least one alcohol; and/or water, with the proviso that when the at least one surfactant is an alcohol, it is different from the at least one alcohol. In particular, the composition may comprise a mixture of glycerol, ethanol and water. Alternatively, the composition may comprise a mixture of polyethylene glycol, ethanol and water. The photosensitising composition may further comprise at least one photosensitising compound. The present invention also provides a method of treating and/or preventing conditions caused by microorganisms in a subject. 1. A photosensitising solution for use in photodynamic elimination of a microorganism in dentinal tubule of a root canal , the photosensitising solution comprising at least one photosensitising compound dissolved in an alcohol carrier solution ,wherein the at least one photosensitising compound being selected from the group consisting of: toluidine blue, methylene blue, arianor steel blue, tryptan blue, crystal violet, azure blue cert, azure B chloride, azure II, azure A chloride, azure B tetrafluoroborate, thionin, azure A eosinate, azure B eosinate, azure mix sicc., azure II eosinate, haematoporphyrin HCl, haematoporphyrin ester, aluminium disulphonated phthalocyanine, chlorins, photoactive fullerenes (e.g. C16-b), aminolevulinic acid (ALA), bacteriochlorins, phthalocyanines, pheophorbides, purpurins, naphthalocyanines, indocyanine green, and mixtures thereof;wherein the alcohol solution comprises polyethylene glycol and/or ethanol.2. The photosensitising solution according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one photosensitising compound is methylene blue or arianor steel blue.3. The photosensitising solution according to claim 1 , wherein the alcohol carrier solution comprises polyethylene glycol and ethanol.4. The photosensitising solution according to claim 1 , wherein the at least one photosensitising ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Treatment System for Cleaning a Component, in Particular an Implant Part, Contaminated with a Biofilm

Номер: US20160000947A1
Автор: Brodbeck Urs

A treatment system () for cleaning a component part contaminated with a biofilm, in particular for cleaning bacterially contaminated surfaces of bone implants or dental implants (), shall enable a particularly effective, locally focused and flexible treatment. For this purpose, the treatment system () according to the invention has a conduction element (), which can be put into electric contact with the component needing treatment and which can be connected to a first pole of an electric supply unit (), and a media cannula () which is provided for supplying a treatment liquid and whose interior is connected in an electrically conductive manner with the second pole of the electric supply unit (). 11201016216. A treatment system () for cleaning a component part contaminated with a biofilm , in particular for cleaning bacterially contaminated surfaces of bone implants or dental implants () , having a conduction element () , which can be put into electric contact with the component needing treatment and which can be connected to a first pole of an electric supply unit () , and having a media cannula () which is provided for supplying a treatment liquid and whose interior is connected in an electrically conductive manner with the second pole of the electric supply unit ().21102. The treatment system () of claim 1 , wherein the conduction element () and the media cannula () are arranged in a common housing.3142404. The treatment system () of claim 1 , wherein the outlet opening () of the media cannula () is provided with a lock () claim 1 , which automatically opens when the outlet opening () is pressed against a surface with a force of more than a predefined minimum value.4142404. The treatment system () of claim 2 , wherein the outlet opening () of the media cannula () is provided with a lock () claim 2 , which automatically opens when the outlet opening () is pressed against a surface with a force of more than a predefined minimum value. The invention relates to a ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160000948A1

Disclosed herein are methods of making sterilized ciprofloxacin compositions. In some embodiments, the method includes the steps of: (a) forming an aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles; (b) heating the aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles at a temperature range of from about 100° C. to about 120° C.; and (c) allowing the aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles to cool down. Also described herein are otic formulations containing ciprofloxacin formed by the disclosed methods, and therapeutic use of such otic formulation for providing sustained release of ciprofloxacin into the ear for treating various otic disorders and conditions. 1. A method of making a sterilized ciprofloxacin composition , comprising the steps of:(a) forming an aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles;(b) heating the aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles at a temperature range of from about 100° C. to about 120° C.;(c) allowing the aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles to cool down; and(d) combining the cooled aqueous suspension comprising ciprofloxacin particles with a sterilized aqueous solution comprising a thermoreversible polymer to form an otic formulation.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the aqueous suspension in step (a) is essentially free of organic solvent.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ciprofloxacin particles in step (a) are essentially in the form of ciprofloxacin hydrate particles.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ciprofloxacin particles in step (a) are present in the aqueous suspension at a concentration of from about 4 wt % to about 30 wt %.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ciprofloxacin particles in step (a) are present in the aqueous suspension at a concentration of from about 10 wt % to about 16 wt %.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ciprofloxacin particles in step (a) have a D90 of from about 40 μm to about 80 μm.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001006A1
Принадлежит: Delta Faucet Company

A fluid delivery system illustratively includes a spout, at least one valve in fluid communication with the spout, and a disinfectant device, illustratively an antibacterial device, fluidly coupled to the spout. The faucet is configured to selectively flow water through the disinfectant device in response to a user input to the faucet. In another illustrative embodiment, the fluid delivery system includes an outer housing, a plurality of fluid devices supported by the outer housing, and an ozone generator fluidly coupled to the fluid devices. 1. A faucet comprising:a spout including a waterway defining an outlet;at least one valve in fluid communication with the waterway of the spout;a controller in communication with the at least one valve; anda disinfectant device fluidly coupled to the waterway of the spout, the faucet being configured to selectively flow fluid through the disinfectant device in response to an input to the controller.2. The faucet of claim 1 , wherein the disinfectant device includes an antibacterial device.3. The faucet of claim 2 , wherein the antibacterial device includes an electrolytic ozone generator.4. The faucet of claim 3 , wherein the antibacterial device includes a first electrolytic ozone generator in serial fluid communication with a second electrolytic ozone generator.5. The faucet of claim 3 , wherein the ozone generator comprises:an outer cartridge; a first housing;', 'an anode coupled to the first housing;', 'a second housing', 'a cathode coupled to the second housing;', 'a separator positioned between the anode and the cathode; and', 'a holder that couples the first housing to the second housing independently of the outer cartridge., 'an electrolytic cell assembly received within the outer cartridge, the electrolytic cell assembly comprising6. The faucet of claim 1 , further comprising a sensor in communication with the controller and configured to detect a user's hands in proximity to the spout claim 1 , the controller ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001009A1
Автор: Jennings Audrey Jean

An apparatus for sanitizing hands comprising a base, wherein the base is configured to dispense towels; at least one dispensing chamber configured to store a viscous material comprising a conduit; at least one sensor activated pump mechanism comprising a sensor device connected to a circuit system, an actuator, and an energy source; and wherein when the sensor device is triggered, the sensor activated pump mechanism is configured to draw a predetermined volume of viscous material through the conduit and out the discharge nozzle. 1. An apparatus for sanitizing hands comprising:a base, wherein the base is configured to dispense towels;wherein the base comprises a bottom wall, a back wall, at least one interior side wall, at least one exterior side wall, and a front wall;wherein the bottom wall includes a battery holder, switch, and a motor;at least one dispensing chamber configured to store a viscous material comprising a conduit;wherein the at least one dispensing chamber is connected to the base via the conduit;at least one chamber cap placed on top of the at least one dispensing chamber comprising a discharge nozzle and a sliding portion,at least one sensor activated pump mechanism comprising a sensor device connected to a circuit system, an actuator, and an energy source;and wherein when the sensor device is triggered, the sensor activated pump mechanism is configured to draw a predetermined volume of viscous material through the conduit and out the discharge nozzle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the viscous material is selected from the group consisting of soap claim 1 , lotion claim 1 , hand sanitizer claim 1 , essential oil claim 1 , foam claim 1 , gel claim 1 , shampoo claim 1 , conditioner claim 1 , topical medication claim 1 , liquid baby powder claim 1 , dye claim 1 , hair mousse claim 1 , toothpaste claim 1 , mouthwash claim 1 , liquid makeup claim 1 , facial creams claim 1 , sunscreen claim 1 , detergent claim 1 , and shaving cream.3. The apparatus ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170001031A1
Автор: DeWalt Douglas Gary

Equipment including a lamp for producing UV light in the range 300-314 nm wavelength having spectral power in the range 302-307 nm wavelength across a 5 nm bandwidth of 40% of overall spectral power and spectral power in the range 307-312 nm of 40% of overall spectral power with a reflector of 90% reflectance in the range 300-314 nm wavelength. A key operated arming switch is series connected to a timer switch. 1. Equipment for producing ultraviolet (UV) light , comprising:(a) an electromagnetic wave generator lamp operable upon connection to a source of electrical power to emit ultra violet (UV) radiation in the range of 300-314 nanometers (nm) wavelength having spectral power in the range of 302-307 (nm) wavelength being measured across a five (5) nm bandwidth of wavelength of at least 40% of the overall spectral power of the emitted irradiance of the lamp and the spectral power in the range of 307-312 nm of at least 40% of the overall spectral power;(b) a timed switch electrically series connected to the said generator;and, operative to de-energize the wave generator after a predetermined interval;(c) a user operated switch series connected with the timed switch; and,(d) a reflector providing 90% reflectance in the range 300-314 nm wavelength.2. The equipment of claim 1 , wherein the user operated switch includes a key operated cylinder lock claim 1 , wherein the key is removable only with the user operated switch in an open circuit position.3. The equipment of claim 1 , wherein the generator includes an ultra violet emitting tube lamp.4. The equipment of claim 1 , wherein the timed switch includes a user selected period of time-out.5. The equipment of claim 1 , wherein the generator includes one of a mercury vapor lamp and a light emitting diode (LED ARRAY).6. The equipment of claim 1 , wherein the remaining UV spectral power other than the forty percent is within the range of 290-400 nm.7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the lamp comprises a tube coated with a ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001336A1

A device for the destruction of biohazardous converts harmful waste products into environmentally friendly discharge in compliance with environmental protection agency (EPA) standards. The device includes a waste disposal chamber where a crucible resides. The crucible contains a basket for holding the waste which is heated through induction coils that surround the crucible. The waste is vaporized and ionized in a vacuum forming a waste gas and drawn through a catalytic converter and a hot plasma jet via vacuum suction. The waste gas is then exhausted via a discharge duct where is it condensed by a heat exchanger further refining the waste gas into environmentally friendly molecules such as carbon dioxide. The waste destruction device further includes a programmable logic controller and user interface to control the device. Once the waste destruction process is completed, a compressor passes compressed air over the crucible to rapidly cool the crucible, 1. A device for the destruction of biohazardous medical waste comprising:a removable basket disposed to receive a predetermined amount of waste;a crucible including a crucible body forming a crucible socket configured to receive the removable basket, wherein an induction coil is in thermodynamic communication with an outside of the crucible body, such that the induction coil heats the removable basket through electromagnetic induction, thereby atomizing and ionizing the waste disposed within the removable basket into a waste gas; defining an internal cavity configured to receive the crucible; and', 'including a thru-hole in communication with the internal cavity;, 'a waste disposal chamber comprising a disposal body, a removable lid, and a coupling structure for coupling the lid to the disposal body, the disposal bodya first duct having a first end and a second opposite end, wherein the first end is disposed through the thru-hole forming an airtight seal and the second end is coupled to a catalytic converter, such ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

System, Method, and Device for Facilitating Effective Decontamination as Part of a Decontamination Event

Номер: US20220008592A1
Автор: Smith Fraser M.

Systems and methods for assessing the effectiveness of a decontamination event to decontaminate a portion of at least one of skin or a covering of the skin of an individual. A water dispenser housing a light source and an agent dispensing system. The light source to emit light in accordance with a predetermined field of view, and to emit the light at a sufficient intensity and wavelength to cause a fluorescent agent dispensed by the agent dispensing system to fluoresce. The field of view defines an inspection space in which the portion of the individual can be positioned to detect at least one of a presence or an absence of the fluorescent agent during the decontamination event. 1. A water dispenser for facilitating effective decontamination of a portion of at least one of skin or a covering of the skin of an individual as part of a decontamination event , the water dispenser comprising:a housing, wherein the water dispenser is adapted to communicate water from a water source to the skin or a covering of the skin of the individual;an agent dispensing system supported in the housing and configured to dispense a composition from a chamber via a conduit that passes through the housing, the composition comprising a skin cleansing agent and a fluorescent agent capable of fluorescing when exposed to light; anda light source supported in the housing so as to emit light in accordance with a predetermined field of view, wherein the light source is configured to emit the light at a sufficient intensity and wavelength so as to cause the fluorescent agent disposed about the skin or a covering of the skin of the individual to fluoresce at a wavelength in the visible spectrum, the field of view defines, at least in part, an inspection space in which the portion of the skin or the covering of the skin of the individual can be positioned to detect the at least one of a presence or an absence of fluorescing fluorescent agent during the decontamination event.2. The water dispenser of ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

System, Method, and Device for Facilitating Effective Decontamination as Part of a Decontamination Event

Номер: US20220011243A1
Автор: Smith Fraser M.

Systems and methods for assessing the effectiveness of a decontamination event to decontaminate a portion of at least one of skin or a covering of the skin of an individual. A composition dispenser housing a power source and configured to dispense a composition with a fluorescent agent. A light module remote from the composition dispenser with a light source powered by the power source of the composition dispenser. The light source to emit light in accordance with a predetermined field of view, and to emit the light at a sufficient intensity and wavelength to cause a fluorescent agent dispensed by the agent dispensing system to fluoresce. The field of view defines an inspection space in which the portion of the individual can be positioned to detect at least one of a presence or an absence of the fluorescent agent during the decontamination event. 1. A system for facilitating effective decontamination of a portion of at least one of skin or a covering of the skin of an individual as part of a decontamination event , the system comprising:a composition dispenser having a dispenser housing, the composition dispenser configured to dispense a composition from a chamber supported in the dispenser housing, the composition comprising a skin cleansing agent and a fluorescent agent capable of fluorescing when exposed to light, the composition dispenser further comprising a power source supported by the dispenser housing;a light module having a module housing, and located remote to the composition dispenser, the light module further comprising a light source supported by the module housing and powered by the power source so as to emit light in accordance with a predetermined field of view;a cable connecting the composition dispenser and the light module,wherein the light source is configured to emit the light at a sufficient intensity and wavelength so as to cause the fluorescent agent disposed about the skin or the covering of the skin of the individual to fluoresce at a ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210005291A1

The present invention provides a hand hygiene system implemented on a computer comprising: 1. A hand hygiene system comprising:a health management program including a cleaning hand module implemented on a processor; anda sanitizer dispenser equipped with a sensing unit that is associated with said processor via wired communication or wireless communication;wherein the sensing unit is configured to identify every time the dispenser is used and to transmit a signal to the health management program, and wherein said health management program provides access to a new/consequent patient file only when receiving said signal.2. The hand hygiene system of claim 1 , wherein said sensing unit comprises one of: a touch sensor claim 1 , a motion sensor claim 1 , a sound sensor claim 1 , an acoustic sensor and an electrical or magnetic switch.3. The hand hygiene system of claim 1 , wherein said health management program pops-up a window notifying that said sanitizer dispenser must be used prior to opening a new patient's file.4. The hand hygiene system of claim 3 , wherein said health management program closes said window and opens a new medical file when receiving a signal from said sensing unit.5. The hand hygiene system of claim 1 , wherein said health management program maintains an open new file button unresponsive until receiving a signal from said sensing unit indicating that the sanitizer dispenser is used.6. The hand hygiene system of claim 1 , wherein said sanitizer dispenser further comprising identification means selected from a barcode or a scanner.7. The hand hygiene system of claim 1 , wherein said sanitizer dispenser further comprising a module that includes an increasing counter indicating the number of times of using the sanitizer dispenser.8. The hand hygiene system of claim 7 , wherein when said counter is above a predefined threshold claim 7 , the module provides an alert to replace the dispenser claim 7 , and when said dispenser is replaced claim 7 , said ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016278A1

A flow through photochemistry apparatus and methods of use are disclosed in the present application. One or more reactant materials are passed through a reaction chamber and are exposed to electromagnetic radiation. The reaction chamber has reflective walls arranged to reflect electromagnetic radiation across the volume of the chamber a plurality of times, thereby increasing the probability of the electromagnetic radiation interacting with the reactive materials. The reaction chamber may be used for sterilization and photochemistry applications. 1. A method for applying electromagnetic radiation to reactant materials in a reaction chamber comprising:introducing the electromagnetic radiation into the chamber;and increasing the probability of interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with the reactant materials by using multiple reflections to increase the optical path length of the electromagnetic radiation through the reaction chamber;wherein the reaction chamber includes two opposing reflective surfaces of the chamber arranged to cause reflections of the electromagnetic radiation back and forth within a volume between the reflective surfaces;wherein at least one of the reflective surfaces is a concave mirror.2. The method according to wherein at least one reflective surface of the reaction chamber comprises a dielectric mirror with reflectivity at the selected wavelengths greater than 99%.3. The method according to wherein a majority of radiation paths include at least ten and preferably more than one hundred reflections.4. The method according to wherein there is provided a further reflective surface between the two reflective surfaces.5. The method according to wherein the further reflective mirror surface is metallic.6. The method according to wherein the reflective surfaces define at least one center optical axis extending therebetween along which the reflections pass and wherein the source is located at a position offset from the center axis between the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220017868A1
Автор: DeCaro Mark, Wei Guobao
Принадлежит: Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc.

Methods of decontaminating bone tissue and an apparatus or system for the same are provided. The methods can be multi-batch processes and include contacting the bone tissue having contaminants with carbon dioxide to decontaminate the bone tissue and to form carbon dioxide having contaminants. The contaminated carbon dioxide is collected and the contaminants are removed to obtain purified carbon dioxide which can be recycled to treat contaminated bone tissue. The contaminated carbon dioxide can be purified by bubbling it through water and/or an organic solvent followed by acid treatment, filtering and liquefying the carbon dioxide. Contaminants that can be removed from contaminated bone tissue, and in turn, from contaminated carbon dioxide include infectious organisms, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, parasites, fungi and mold or a mixture thereof 118.-. (canceled)19. A system for treating contaminated bone tissue with purified carbon dioxide , the system comprising a bone tissue chamber configured for holding contaminated bone tissue and receiving purified carbon dioxide into the bone tissue chamber and evacuating contaminated carbon dioxide from the bone tissue chamber; a purified carbon dioxide supply configured for supplying purified carbon dioxide to the bone tissue chamber to decontaminate the bone tissue; a collection chamber configured to receive contaminated carbon dioxide from the bone tissue chamber and evacuate contaminated carbon dioxide from the collection chamber; and a purification chamber configured to receive contaminated carbon dioxide from the collection chamber and to remove contaminants from the contaminated carbon dioxide by a purification material to obtain purified carbon dioxide , the purification chamber configured to evacuate the purified carbon dioxide and supply it to the bone tissue chamber.20. A system for treating contaminated bone tissue with purified carbon dioxide of claim 19 , further comprising a controller and a signal transmission ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007729A1

The invention relates to a continuous sterilizing system comprising a sterilizing body into which a thermal fluid is introduced for sterilizing products, the products to be sterilized being arranged in containers that circulate inside the sterilizing body, said sterilizing body being divided into different sterilization zones by means of dividing walls, and each of said dividing walls having a through-opening that is substantially the same shape as a container, such that the containers close the through-openings of the dividing walls, rendering the sterilization zones thermally isolated from one another. 1. A piece of continuous sterilizing equipment comprising a sterilizing body into which a thermal fluid is introduced for sterilizing products , the products to be sterilized being arranged in containers circulating inside the sterilizing body which is divided by means of dividing walls in different sterilization zones , wherein each dividing wall has a through hole having a shape substantially identical to the shape of a container , such that the containers close the through holes of the dividing walls , the sterilization zones being thermally isolated from one another , and each container is formed by a vertical stack of receptacles , the sterilizing body incorporating an inlet for the introduction of receptacles , and an outlet for the removal of receptacles.2. The continuous sterilizing equipment according to claim 1 , wherein a respective pressurizing chamber is arranged in relation to the inlet and the outlet of the sterilizing body.3. The continuous sterilizing equipment according to claim 2 , wherein the pressurizing chambers can be filled with water to reduce the pressure rise and drop time.4. The continuous sterilizing equipment according to claim 1 , wherein the sterilizing body has at one of its ends a loading zone for containers claim 1 , and the sterilizing body has at the opposite end an unloading zone for containers.5. The continuous sterilizing ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007733A1

Systems, devices, methods, and compositions are described for providing an actively controllable implant configured to, for example, monitor, treat, or prevent microbial growth or adherence to the implant. 165.-. (canceled)66. An insertable device , comprising:a body structure having an outer surface and an inner surface defining one or more fluid-flow passageways;circuitry configured to detect one or more microorganisms present proximate at least one of the outer surface, the inner surface, or the one or more fluid-flow passageways; andone or more actively controllable anti-microbial regions included on at least one of the outer surface or the inner surface, or embedded in the body structure, at least one of the one or more actively controllable anti-microbial regions having a structure configured to actuate between a first anti-microbial state and a second anti-microbial state responsive to detection of at least one microorganism by the circuitry.67. The insertable device of claim 66 , wherein the structure is reversibly switchable between the first anti-microbial state and the second anti-microbial state.68. The insertable device of claim 67 , wherein the structure includes a surface having a chemical switch having at least one of a surface chemistry or a surface charge configured to actuate between the first anti-microbial state and the second anti-microbial state responsive to detection of at least one microorganism by the circuitry.69. The insertable device of claim 67 , wherein the structure includes a surface having a layer of material configured to actuate between a first conformation and a second conformation responsive to detection of at least one microorganism by the circuitry.70. The insertable device of claim 66 , wherein the structure is configured to actuate between the first anti-microbial state and the second anti-microbial state responsive to an external stimulus.71. The insertable device of claim 70 , wherein the external stimulus includes at ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008639A1

The present invention provides pathogen-inactivated red blood cell compositions. 1116-. (canceled)117. A composition comprising red blood cells produced by a method of reducing dehydration in a red blood cell composition wherein the composition is a mixture comprising (a) a quencher capable of reacting with a pathogen-inactivating compound , (b) about 0.5 to 1.5 equivalents of base , wherein an equivalent means a molar amount that is equivalent to the molar amount of quencher in the mixture , (c) red blood cells , and (d) a treatment solution or diluent solution; wherein the treatment solution or diluent solution comprises one or more of dextrose , adenine , mannitol , citrate , and citric acid; and wherein the red blood cell composition comprises between about 40 mM and 100 mM chloride ion; wherein the method of reducing dehydration in the red blood cell composition comprises replacing the solution in the mixture with a final additive solution , such that the concentration of the quencher in the mixture is decreased to less than about 10 mM; wherein the level of dehydration of the red blood cell composition is decreased relative to the level of dehydration of a red blood cell composition comprising (a) , (c) , (d) , and 2.0 or greater equivalents of base and in which the solution in the mixture has not been replaced with a final additive solution.118. The composition of claim 117 , wherein the quencher comprises cysteine or a derivative of cysteine.119. The composition of claim 117 , wherein the quencher is glutathione or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof.120. The composition of claim 117 , wherein the quencher is glutathione monosodium salt.121. The composition of claim 117 , wherein the concentration of the quencher is decreased to less than about 8 mM.122. The composition of claim 117 , wherein the concentration of the quencher is decreased to less than about 6 mM.123. The composition of claim 117 , wherein the red blood cells of the mixture after ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008734A1

An apparatus and method for hand sanitisation by application of ozone. The apparatus includes a disinfecting chamber having at least one port for receiving a hand therein and a sensor for detecting entry or exit of the hand into the chamber. The apparatus delivers ozone water to the hand while a controller provides start and stop times for the delivery of the ozone water. This results in improved sanitisation of the hand or hands. 1111325ab. An apparatus ( , , ,) for hand sanitisation by application of ozone , the apparatus comprising ,{'b': 3', '3', '110, 'claim-text': [{'b': 2', '3', '110, 'at least one port () adapted for insertion of at least one hand into the disinfecting chamber (, ),'}, {'b': 4', '26', '3', '110, 'at least one sensor () adapted for detection of an entry and/or exit of the at least one hand () into the disinfecting chamber (, ),'}, {'b': 7', '130', '8', '18', '26', '3', '3', '110, 'at least one ozone water output (,) of an ozone water supply () that comprises an electrolytic ozone generator () and being arranged to deliver ozone water to the at least one hand () when inserted into the disinfecting chamber (,′, ),'}, {'b': '6', 'claim-text': [{'b': 7', '130', '3', '3', '110', '4', '26', '3', '3', '110, 'is arranged to start a discharge of ozone water from the at least one ozone water output (,) into the disinfecting chamber (,′, ) when the at least one sensor () detects entry of the at least one hand () into the disinfecting chamber (,′, ),'}, {'b': 7', '130', '6, 'is arranged to stop the discharge of ozone water from the at least one ozone water output (,) in response to an input from the control means (),'}, {'b': 5', '4', '26', '3', '110, 'comprises a timer () arranged to cooperate with the at least one sensor () to regulate a sanitisation timing of the at least one hand () inserted in the disinfecting chamber (, ),'}], 'a control means () which'}], 'a disinfecting chamber (,′, ) having'}wherein{'b': 7', '130', '3', '110', '33', '26', '34', ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Process of Manufacturing a Stable, Ready to Use Infusion Bag for an Oxidation Sensitive Formulation

Номер: US20220023238A1

A process for minimizing formation of a highest degradation product during moist heat sterilization of a drug solution of an oxidation susceptible active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is provided, wherein the water is not deoxygenated and a nitrogen blanket is not used during formulation, or the formulation is stored in ambient conditions in the polymer bag and autoclaved. The highest degradation product in the parenteral drug product is less than 0.1% by weight of a labeled amount of the oxidation susceptible API in the parenteral drug product. 1. A process of manufacturing a pharmaceutically acceptable product comprising of an oxidation susceptible active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) which can be moist heat sterilized in a moist heat sterilizable container , said process comprising sterilizing a drug solution comprising an oxidation-susceptible API dissolved in water , said drug solution being contained in a moist heat sterilizable container , said moist heat sterilization being performed at an air overpressure between about 0.2 bar to about 1.2 bar , to obtain a parenteral drug product with a degradation of less than 0.1% by weight of a labeled amount of said oxidation susceptible API , wherein said moist heat sterilizable container is a flexible infusion bag made of a plastic material , and wherein the water is not deoxygenated and a nitrogen blanket is not used during formulation , or the formulation is stored in ambient conditions in the polymer bag before autoclaving.2. The process of claim 1 , wherein said moist heat sterilizable container is a flexible infusion bag made of a plastic material claim 1 , wherein said plastic material is one of a cycloolefinic polymer claim 1 , a polypropylene polymer claim 1 , a polyvinyl chloride polymer claim 1 , and any combination thereof.3. The process of claim 1 , wherein the fill volume of said moist heat sterilizable container is about 20 ml to about 1000 ml.4. The process of claim 1 , wherein said drug solution ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Aqueous ozone sanitizing system with ozone generator cartridge docking station

Номер: US20220023474A1
Принадлежит: 3Oe Scient LLC

An illustrative aqueous ozone delivery device for use with an aqueous ozone generator cartridge can be used for body part, tissue, and instrument sanitizing, including hand rinsing, hand sanitizing, and clinical treatment. One embodiment includes a hooded sanitizing chamber and spray devices directed to each hand of a user, a docketing station for pluggably receiving a replaceable ozone generator and sensor cartridge, and a controller for sensing hand position and orientation, delivering a desired ozone concentration and duration.

09-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200009280A1

A building automation system (BAS) may control ultra-violet (UV) lights to intelligently disinfect a disinfection environment (e.g., a patient room). In some examples, the BAS includes a disinfection environment tracking engine and a UV light control engine. The disinfection environment tracking engine may access patient room data indicative of a state of a patient room of a patient, medical data of the patient, the medical data of the patient specifying a medical condition of the patient, real-time location data of the patient. The UV light control engine may control operation of UV lights to disinfect the patient room based on the patient room data, the medical data of the patient, and the real-time location data of the patient. 1. A system comprising: access patient room data indicative of a state of a patient room of a patient;', 'access medical data of the patient, the medical data of the patient specifying a medical condition of the patient; and', 'access real-time location data of the patient; and, 'a disinfection environment tracking engine configured toan ultra-violet (UV) light control engine configured to control operation of a UV light to disinfect the patient room based on the patient room data, the medical data of the patient, and the real-time location data of the patient.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the patient room data comprises an occupancy schedule for the patient room specific to the patient; and determining a disinfection time for the patient room based on a severity of the medical condition of the patient and a length of an occupied time period in the occupancy schedule in which the patient occupies the patient room;', 'identifying an unoccupied time period in the occupancy schedule in which the patient does not occupy the patient room; and', 'activating the UV light to disinfect the patient room during the unoccupied time period responsive to a determination that a length of the unoccupied time period exceeds the determined disinfection ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Faucet For Handwashing Feedback With Integrated Dispenser

Номер: US20220028247A1
Принадлежит: Abluo Inc

A “smart-faucet” is provided that provides instructions and feedback to a user that improves the efficacy of a handwashing event. The faucet includes a supply of sanitizer that includes a visualization component, such as a fluorescent component, that assists the user in determining sanitizing coverage of the hands. The visualization component may require the presence of an energy source radiating a specific frequency, such as UV, in order to become visible. The faucet may further be able to communicate information to a remote location regarding supply data necessary to insure just in time delivery of a replacement supply of sanitizer.

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Adaptor for Coupling to a Medical Container

Номер: US20150013837A1

An adaptor for coupling with a medical container, including: a tubular body receiving a pierceable elastomeric piece, defining an inner cavity of the adaptor, the pierceable elastomeric piece being movable within the tubular body between a first position, in which a distal part of the pierceable elastomeric piece forms a seal of the cavity, and a second position, proximally spaced from the first position, in which the distal part opens the seal of the cavity, an air inlet, a filtering system for filling the inner cavity with decontaminated air, and a gripping member for securing the adaptor to the medical container. Also, an assembly comprising such an adaptor and a medical container. 1. An adaptor for coupling with a medical container having a collar closed by a septum , said septum having an outer surface directed towards an outside of the medical container , the adaptor comprising:a tubular body substantially closed at a distal end with a transversal wall provided with a central hole and substantially closed at a proximal end by a pierceable elastomeric piece, said pierceable elastomeric piece, transversal wall and tubular body together defining an inner cavity of said adaptor, said pierceable elastomeric piece being movable within said tubular body between a first position, in which a distal part of said pierceable elastomeric piece forms a seal of said central hole, and a second position, proximally spaced from said first position, in which said distal part opens the seal of said central hole,an air inlet for allowing air from the outside to enter said inner cavity at least when said pierceable elastomeric piece moves from the first position to the second position, said air inlet comprising a filtering system for decontaminating said entering air before it reaches said inner cavity, anda gripping member for securing the adaptor to the medical container, so that a distal surface of said transversal wall is brought in contact with the outer surface of said septum ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Combination glove and antiseptic dispenser

Номер: US20220031886A1
Принадлежит: Giftedness and Creativity Co

The combination glove and antiseptic dispenser includes a glove adapted for receiving the hand of the user and having an inner surface and an outer surface. The glove is formed from a first fluid-impermeable material. A dispensing layer is formed from at least one sheet, which is made from a second fluid-impermeable material and has a plurality of pores formed therethrough. At least one absorbent layer is sandwiched between the outer surface of the glove and the dispensing layer, such that antiseptic liquid absorbed by the at least one absorbent layer may be dispensed through the plurality of pores of the at least one sheet. The at least one absorbent layer may be formed from any suitable type of absorbent material, such as those commonly associated with pre-moistened towelettes, wet wipes, baby wipes and the like.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031917A1

Provided are methods for preparing pathogen-inactivated whole blood and other pathogen-inactivated blood product compositions, as well as kits and compositions related thereto. 1. A method of preparing a pathogen inactivated whole blood composition , comprising: (i) a whole blood composition;', '(ii) an effective amount of a pathogen inactivation compound (PIC); and', 'optionally (iii) an effective amount of a quencher;, '(a) mixing in a first container'}(b) incubating in the first container the mixture of the whole blood composition, the PIC and optionally the quencher, under conditions and for a time sufficient to inactivate a pathogen, if present;(c) transferring the mixture under sterile conditions to a second container; and (i) the concentration of the PIC after incubating in the second container is at least 25% less than the concentration of the PIC in the mixture at the time of transfer step (c);', {'sup': '5', '(ii) the concentration of the PIC after incubating in the second container is at least 10fold less than the concentration of the PIC in the mixture of step (a); or'}, '(iii) the concentration of the PIC after incubating in the second container is about 1 nm or less,, '(d) incubating in the second container the mixture under conditions and for a time sufficient such that at least one of (i)-(iii) appliesthereby yielding the pathogen inactivated whole blood composition.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the PIC in the mixture of step (a) is at least about 0.1 mM.3. The method of or claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the PIC in the mixture of step (a) is about 0.1 mM to about 1.0 mM.4. The method of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the PIC in the mixture of step (a) is about 0.2 mM.5. The method of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the PIC after step (d) is less than about 2 nM.6. The method of any one of - claim 1 , wherein the concentration of the PIC after step (d) is less than about 1 nM.7 ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180014545A1
Принадлежит: Allied Bioscience, Inc.

The present disclosure provides antimicrobial coatings on a surface comprising a reactive silanol and triethanolamine. In various examples the reactive silane is 3-chloropropylsilane triol. The coating is capable of reducing the number of Murine norovirus and inoculated on the dried coating. In various examples, the coating further comprises a mixture of peroxotitanium acid and peroxo-modified anatase sol. The compositions may be electrostatically sprayed on the surface, and in certain examples, a mixture of silanol and triethanolamine is spray-coated on the surface followed by an aqueous mixture of peroxotitanium acid and peroxo-modified anatase sol. 2. The antimicrobial coating of claim 1 , wherein the substrate is stainless steel.3E. ColiE. Coli.. The antimicrobial coating of claim 2 , wherein the antimicrobial coating exhibits about a 4.74 log reduction in 1 hour after initial inoculation of the coating with4E. ColiE. Coli.. The antimicrobial coating of claim 2 , wherein the antimicrobial coating exhibits about a 5.55 log reduction in 4 hours after initial inoculation of the coating with5. The antimicrobial coating of claim 1 , further comprising a mixture of peroxotitanium acid and peroxo-modified anatase sol.6. The antimicrobial coating of claim 5 , wherein the substrate is Formica.7. The antimicrobial coating of claim 6 , wherein the antimicrobial coating exhibits ≧1.50 log viral count reduction in Murine norovirus 4 hours after initial inoculation of the coating with Murine norovirus.8. The antimicrobial coating of claim 5 , wherein the substrate is stainless steel.9. The antimicrobial coating of claim 8 , wherein the antimicrobial coating exhibits about a 2.3 log viral count reduction in Murine norovirus 4 hours after initial inoculation of the coating with Murine norovirus.10. The antimicrobial coating of claim 8 , wherein the antimicrobial coating exhibits about a 2.58 log viral count reduction in Murine norovirus 6 hours after initial inoculation of the ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190014651A1

A device for treating a surface with a dielectric harrier plasma, wherein the surface functions as a counterelectrode, having an electrically insulating housing () which is formed from a housing body () and a housing head () and in which a high-voltage feed line () and a support for an electrode (), which is connected to the high-voltage feed line () and has a dielectric () which shields the electrode () front the surface, is located, wherein the electrode () is rotatably mounted in the housing head () and, by way of a surface section which is covered by the dielectric (), protrudes out of the housing head (), allows, with a simple construction, a fundamentally unrestricted movement of the electrode over the surface to be treated in that the electrode has rotary bearing elements () which are arranged in a centre axis and with which it is rotatably mounted about the centre axis in the housing head () in interaction with rotary hearing elements () and is connected to the high-voltage feed line (), and in that the housing head () is connected to the housing body () such that it can rotate about a rotation axis which is at an angle to the centre axis and is provided with a contact arrangement () for maintaining an electrical connection during the rotary movement. 1. A device for treating a surface with a dielectric barrier plasma , wherein the surface functions as a counter electrode , comprising:an electrically insulating housing which is formed from a housing body and a housing head;a high voltage feed line situated in the housing;an electrode;a bearing arrangement for the electrode connected to the high voltage feed line;a dielectric which shields the electrode from a surface, wherein the electrode is rotatably mounted in the housing head and protrudes out of the housing head by way of a surface portion which is covered by the dielectric,wherein the electrode comprises pivot bearing elements which are arranged in a center axis,wherein the housing head includes pivot ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации

Method for Virus Clearance

Номер: US20180015189A1

The invention discloses a method for virus clearance of a cell culture medium, comprising the steps of: i) providing a bulk medium portion, comprising amino acids and glucose, and a first additive portion, comprising vitamins in aqueous solution; ii) subjecting the bulk medium portion to a high temperature short time treatment (HTST); iii) passing the first additive portion through a virus retentive filter or an ultrafilter; and iv) after steps ii) and iii), mixing the bulk medium portion with the first additive portion to obtain a cell culture medium. 1. A method for virus clearance of a cell culture medium , comprising the steps of:i) providing a bulk medium portion, comprising amino acids and glucose;ii) providing a first additive portion, comprising vitamins in aqueous solution;iii) subjecting the bulk medium portion to a high temperature short time treatment (HTST);iv) passing the first additive portion through a virus retentive filter or an ultrafilter; andv) after steps iii) and iv), mixing the bulk medium portion with the first additive portion to obtain a cell culture medium.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein step iii) comprises heating the bulk medium portion to a temperature of about 85-110° C. claim 1 , maintaining said temperature for about 1 s to about 10 min claim 1 , and cooling the bulk medium portion to <40° C. claim 1 , such as 1 -40° C.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein in step iii) the rate of heating is at least 5° C. per s.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein in step iii) the rate of cooling is at least 5° C. per s.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein the heating is performed in a flow-through heater.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the flow-through heater is an inductive heater.7. The method of claim 2 , wherein the cooling is performed in a flow-through cooler.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the first additive portion comprises thiamine and/or pantothenic acid.9. The method of claim 1 , wherein the bulk medium portion is passed through a ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015206A1

A bone repairing material comprises a composition including an α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and an autologous bone powder, wherein the bone repairing material contains 20˜60 weight percent of the autologous bone powder and 40˜80 weight percent of the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate. The bone repairing material has a particle size in the range of 50˜1,000 μm. A method for producing the bone repairing material comprises the following steps: producing the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from a calcium sulfate dihydrate by microwave heating; grinding an autologous bone for generating the autologous bone powder; and, mixing the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and the autologous bone powder to form the bone repairing material. 1. A bone repairing material comprises a composition including an α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and an autologous bone powder , wherein the bone repairing material contains 20˜60 weight percent of the autologous bone powder and 40˜80 weight percent of the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate , and the bone repairing material has a particle size in the range of 50˜1 ,000 μm.2. A method for producing the bone repairing material of claim 1 , comprising the following steps:producing the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate from a calcium sulfate dihydrate by microwave heating;grinding an autologous bone for generating the autologous bone powder; andmixing the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and the autologous bone powder to form the bone repairing material.3. The method for producing the bone repairing material of claim 2 , wherein the step of mixing the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate and the autologous bone powder to form the bone repairing material further comprises the following substeps:taking the autologous bone powder and the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate into a stirring device and stirring for a first predetermined time, wherein the autologous bone powder is accounted for 20˜60 weight percent of the bone repairing material and the α-calcium sulfate hemihydrate is ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015840A1
Автор: Gordon Peter

A device for pathogen inactivation on an object may include a main body defining an internal space; and a first light source provided on a first internal surface of the main body. The first light source may light having a wavelength in the range of 400 nm to 500 nm. The internal space accommodates the object.

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015302A1

Methods and apparatus provide therapeutic electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for inactivating infectious agents in, on or around a catheter residing in a patient's body cavity and/or for enhancing healthy cell growth. The method comprises transmitting non-ultraviolet therapeutic EMR substantially axially along an optical element in a lumen of the catheter body and/or the catheter body. Through delivery of the therapeutic EMR to particular infected areas and/or areas requiring tissue healing. The methods and apparatus of the present disclosure inactivate the major sources of infection in, on, and around catheters and/or enhance healthy cell growth around catheters. 1. A medical device assembly for insertion into a cavity of a patient's body and for delivery of a fluid to and/or retrieval of fluid from the patient's body , comprising:{'sup': 2', '2, 'an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) source for providing non-ultraviolet, therapeutic EMR having an intensity comprising a radiant exposure of at least 0.1 J/cmand up to 1.0 kJ/cmand power of at least 0.005 mW and up to 1 Watt, such intensity being sufficient to produce a therapeutic effect of at least one of inactivating one or more infectious agents and enhancing healthy cell growth;'}a catheter having an elongate catheter body with at least one internal lumen, a coupling end and an distal end, the distal end being insertable into the cavity of the patient's body, wherein the catheter body directs both the fluid and the therapeutic EMR axially relative to the catheter body, axial flow of the fluid within the catheter body facilitates at least one of delivery of fluid into the patient's body and retrieval of fluid from the patient's body;an optical element conducive to the axial propagation of the therapeutic EMR relative to the catheter body, the optical element having a position with respect to the catheter body of being at least one of in, on, or within a wall of the catheter body and within at least one internal lumen of ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Treatment of Diseases Using Combination of Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation and Probiotics

Номер: US20160016002A1
Автор: John Todd Kuenstner
Принадлежит: Individual

A method of and composition for treating a patient having Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC), and in embodiments including Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and/or Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis (MAH), causing one or more diseases, one embodiment of the method including administering to the patient an effective amount of one or more probiotics and administering to the patient an effective amount of ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) treatment, and an embodiment of the composition including an effective amount of one or more probiotics and an effective amount of UVBI treated blood of the patient.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Removal of Microorganisms from Fluid Samples Using Nanofiber Filtration Media

Номер: US20190015533A1

A method for removing microorganisms from liquid samples and a nanofiber containing liquid filtration medium that simultaneously exhibits high liquid permeability and high microorganism retention. Microorganisms such as bacteria, particularly , are removed from a liquid by passing the liquid through a porous nanofiber containing filtration medium having a LRV greater than about 9, and the nanofiber(s) has a diameter from about 10 nm to about 1,000 nm. Another method for removing microorganisms such as bacteria and , includes passing the liquid through a porous nanofiber containing filtration medium having a microorganism LRV greater than about 8, and the nanofiber(s) has a diameter from about 10 nm to about 1,000 nm. The filtration medium can be in the form of a fibrous electro spun polymeric nanofiber liquid filtration medium mat. 120.-. (canceled)21Brevundimonas diminuta. A filtration device comprising a porous nanofiber containing filtration medium made by electrospinning a polymer , wherein the filtration medium exhibits full retention of by size-based separation as measured in accordance with ASTM F838-83 and a liquid permeability greater than about 1000 LMH/psi , wherein the nanofiber has a fiber diameter from about 10 nm to about 1 ,000 nm.22. The filtration device of claim 21 , wherein the filtration medium has a thickness ranging from about 1 μm to about 500 μm.23. The filtration device of claim 21 , wherein the polymer is selected from the group consisting of polyimide claim 21 , aliphatic polyamide claim 21 , aromatic polyamide claim 21 , polysulfone claim 21 , cellulose acetate claim 21 , polyether sulfone claim 21 , polyurethane claim 21 , poly(urea urethane) claim 21 , polybenzimidazole claim 21 , polyetherimide claim 21 , polyacrylonitrile claim 21 , poly(ethylene terephthalate) claim 21 , polypropylene claim 21 , polyaniline claim 21 , poly(ethylene oxide) claim 21 , poly(ethylene naphthalate) claim 21 , poly(butylene terephthalate) claim 21 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

System for Separation of a Sample

Номер: US20170015970A1
Автор: Naida M. Loskutoff
Принадлежит: Individual

A centrifuge layering insert configured for insertion into a centrifuge tube includes a tube having a first open end and a second open end. The centrifuge layering insert also includes a casing having an outer wall, an inner wall, a first open end, and a second substantially closed end. The casing forms an annular space around the tube between the tube first end and the tube second end. The tube has at least a portion of the length extending beyond the first open end of the casing in a direction opposite the second open end of the tube.

17-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190015625A1

A sterilized packaging system for a deployable medical device comprises a sealed container with a tray disposed within the sealed container. The tray comprises a first chamber at a proximal end of the tray and at least a deployable medical device is disposed within the first chamber in a storage configuration, wherein the deployable medical device is engaged with the catheter and positioned in a partially deployed state distally from the distal end of a catheter. A sterilizing fluid is disposed within at least the first chamber. 1. A packaging system for a deployable medical device comprising:a sealed container with at least one sealed seam; and a first chamber at a distal end of the tray, the second chamber in fluid configuration with the chamber;', 'a deployable medical device disposed within the first chamber in a storage configuration, wherein the deployable medical device is engaged with a catheter and positioned in a partially deployed state distally from a distal end of the catheter;', 'a sterilizing fluid disposed within the first chamber., 'a tray disposed within the sealed container, the tray having a proximal end and a distal end, the tray comprising2. The packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the sterilizing fluid is a propylene oxide solution that converts to propylene glycol.3. The packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the tray further comprises an attachment means at a proximal end of the tray for attaching a handle to the catheter.4. The packaging system of claim 1 , further comprising an outer sealable container claim 1 , wherein the sealed container with the tray are disposed within the outer sealable container.5. The packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the sealed container is sealed at an angle.6. The packaging system of claim 1 , wherein the sealed container has a clear window aligned with the first chamber.7. The packaging system of claim 1 , further comprising:a second chamber proximal to the first chamber, wherein at least a portion of a ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации

Anti-microbial compositions comprising cannabinoids

Номер: US20200016095A1
Принадлежит: Axim Biotechnologies Inc

This invention discloses anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compositions in spray form, in cream form, in liquid form, and in powder form. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compositions comprise cannabinoids, specifically cannabidiol, cannabigerol, tetrahydrocannabinol, tetracannabidivarin, and/or cannabidivarin for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal activities. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compositions may be used to treat toe nail fungus, MRSA infection, herpes virus infection, tinea pedis, burn wound infections, sun burns, diabetic infections, eczema, impetigo, dermatophytosis, psoriasis, itchy skin, atopic dermatitis, dandruff, and general topical infections.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Biofilm inhibiting compositions enhancing weight gain in livestock

Номер: US20210017208A1
Принадлежит: Akeso Biomedical Inc

A method of enhancing the growth of an animal, as well as treating or preventing antimicrobial infections is provided. The method includes causing the animal to ingest or absorb an effective amount of one or more Fe III complex compounds, including but not limited to Fe III complexes comprising ligands bound to the iron center such as amino acids or α-hydroxy acids. The compounds are also useful for inhibiting, reducing, or preventing biofilm formation or buildup on a surface; the treatment of, inhibition of growth of, and inhibition of colonization by, bacteria, both in biological and non-biological environments; disinfecting surfaces, potentiating the effects of antibiotics and other anti-microbial agents, and increasing the sensitivity of bacteria and other microorganisms, to anti-microbial agents are also provided.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220036989A1
Автор: Minkus Marc Steven

A peritoneal dialysis system includes (i) a fill container, and (ii) an energizing unit that removably accepts the fill container, the energizing unit including a sterilization source so configured and arranged relative to the fill container when accepted by the energizing unit to place fluid within the fill container in a physiologically safe condition for delivery to the peritoneal cavity of a patient. 1. A peritoneal dialysis system for providing peritoneal dialysis exchanges to peritoneal dialysis patients at a facility located outside of the patients' homes , the system comprising:a plurality of different peritoneal dialysis solutions provided at the facility, the different peritoneal dialysis solutions including varying concentrations for providing peritoneal dialysis exchanges for the multiple peritoneal dialysis patients;a prescription for one of the patients, the prescription including information concerning a treatment prescribed for the patient;at least one computer located at the facility, the at least one computer configured to select one of the peritoneal dialysis solutions according to the patient's prescription, wherein the selected peritoneal dialysis solution is (i) stored in the facility for multiple peritoneal dialysis patients or (ii) prepared on demand; anda patient station provided at the facility for the patient to perform a peritoneal dialysis exchange according to the patient's prescription, using the selected peritoneal dialysis solution.2. The peritoneal dialysis system of claim 1 , wherein the peritoneal dialysis exchange is a continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (“CAPD”) exchange.3. The peritoneal dialysis system of claim 1 , wherein the peritoneal dialysis exchange uses an automated peritoneal dialysis (“APD”) machine.4. The peritoneal dialysis system of claim 3 , wherein the APD machine is provided at the facility.5. The peritoneal dialysis system of claim 1 , wherein the at least one computer is configured to retrieve the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Wipe for killing spores

Номер: US20160021888A1
Принадлежит: American Sterilizer Co

This invention relates to a wipe for killing spores comprising an absorbent sheet holding an aqueous composition and a sealed package containing the absorbent sheet, wherein the aqueous composition comprises water, an antimicrobial agent and a peroxide. The invention also relates to a process for killing spores using the above-indicated wipe.

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020790A1
Автор: LI Nathan Y.

A root canal filling cone made of a material having a composition that can maintain its physical and chemical characteristics and shelf life after sterilization, and a process of sterilizing the point/cone prior to shipment to a user. In one aspect, the cone is made of a composition that includes a plurality of base polymers of substantially equal amounts, and nanoparticles, which can withstand sterilization by gamma irradiation. In one embodiment, the compound includes Gutta Percha based polymers. In another aspect, the Gutta Percha based cone is packaged and sterilized by irradiation prior to shipment to a user. In one embodiment of the present invention, the irradiation is gamma irradiation. 1. A root canal filling composition , comprising:a plurality of polymers from a group consisting of Gutta Percha having different Mooney index values;an antioxidant of particles having a particle size of 1000 nm or less; anda filler of particles having a particle size of 1000 nm or less,wherein the composition can substantially maintain its physical and chemical characteristics and shelf life after sterilization by irradiation.2. The composition as in claim 1 , wherein the polymers comprises Gutta Percha having at least three different Mooney index values.3. The composition as in claim 2 , wherein the polymer comprises Gutta Percha having at least Mooney index values of 20 claim 2 , 50 and 100.4. The composition as in claim 3 , wherein the polymer comprises about equal proportions of Gutta Percha having the different Mooney index values.5. The composition as in claim 1 , wherein the filler comprises at least two groups of filler particles having substantially different particle sizes.6. The composition as in claim 5 , wherein the filler comprises a first group of filler particles having a particle size of about 20-30 nm.7. The composition as in claim 6 , wherein the first group of filler particles is less than 0.3% by weight of the composition.8. The composition as in claim 5 ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039352A1

A pet comb with an illumination and ultraviolet sterilization lamp includes a front shell. A bottom shell is provided at an opening of the front shell. A battery cover is provided on a side of the bottom shell away from the front shell. A decorative cover is provided on a side of the front shell away from the bottom shell. A button is provided on the surface of the decorative cover. A circuit board is provided inside the front cover. A sheet ultraviolet light is provided on the comb head base and configured to sterilize hairs of a pet via the ultraviolet rays emitted from the sheet ultraviolet light while grooming the pet, which provides improved sanitization and health for the pet. Moreover, the sheet ultraviolet light can be replaced with an illumination lamp, so that the comb may be used in poorly lighted or dark environments. 1. A pet comb with an illumination and ultraviolet sterilization lamp , comprisinga front shell;whereina bottom shell is provided at an opening of the front shell;a battery cover is provided on a side of the bottom shell, wherein the side of the bottom shell is away from the front shell;a decorative cover is provided on a side of the front shell, wherein the side of the front shell is away from the bottom shell;a button is provided on a surface of the decorative cover; a circuit board is provided inside the front shell; a dry battery is provided inside the bottom shell and arranged between the battery cover and the bottom shell;a first side of an inside of the bottom shell is provided with a conductive sheet positive electrode, wherein the first side of the inside of the bottom shell is adjacent to a negative electrode of the dry battery;a second side of the inside of the bottom shell is provided with a conductive sheet negative electrode, wherein the second side of the inside of the bottom shell is adjacent to a positive electrode of the dry battery; anda conductive sheet with a positive electrode and a negative electrode is provided on ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации

Flow-Through Pathogen Reduction

Номер: US20170021042A1

Embodiments are described for reducing pathogens in a fluid. The embodiments may include systems, apparatuses, and methods. Embodiments may provide for a flow cell with a plurality of channels through which a fluid to be pathogen reduced is flowed. The flow cell, and fluid, may be illuminated from more than one direction to pathogen reduce the fluid. In embodiments, the fluid may include a photosensitizer to aid in the pathogen reduction process. 1. A flow cell for reducing one or more pathogens in a fluid , the flow cell comprising: a depth;', 'a first wall transparent to ultraviolet light;', 'a second wall transparent to ultraviolet light;, 'a plurality of channels, each of the plurality of channels comprisingan inlet port, wherein fluid enters the flow cell through the inlet port;at least one inlet manifold in fluid communication with the inlet port and the plurality of channels;an outlet port wherein fluid exits the flow cell through the outlet port;at least one outlet manifold in fluid communication with the outlet port and the plurality of channels.2. The flow cell of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises one or more of red blood cells claim 1 , plasma claim 1 , platelets claim 1 , or combinations thereof.3. The flow cell of claim 1 , wherein the fluid comprises packed red blood cells.4. The flow cell of claim 2 , wherein the depth is less than about 0.125 mm.5. The flow cell of claim 2 , wherein the depth is greater than about 0.025 mm.6. The flow cell of claim 1 , wherein the at least one inlet manifold comprises a proximal end and a distal end.7. The flow cell of claim 6 , wherein a cross section of the at least one inlet manifold tapers from the proximal end to the distal end.8. The flow cell of claim 7 , wherein the at least one outlet manifold comprises a proximal end and a distal end.9. The flow cell of claim 8 , wherein a cross section of the at least one outlet manifold tapers from the proximal end to the distal end.10. The flow cell of claim 9 , ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021043A1
Автор: BAEK Myung Soo
Принадлежит: SMI CO., LTD.

Disclosed herein is a counting machine-loadable bill sterilizer using ion clusters. The whole structure of the counting machine configured to count the bills is fixedly disposed in the inside of a body configured to disinfect the bills, and cluster anion is supplied into the inside of the body, whereupon the anion can be uniformly transferred onto the surfaces of each bill, thus eliminating any contaminant which might be on the bills. 1. A counting machine-loadable bill sterilizer using ion cluster , comprising:{'b': 210', '200', '100, 'an accommodation space which is formed at one side of a disinfection body and is configured to accommodate a counting machine which is able to count bills;'}{'b': 300', '200', '100', '210, 'an ion cluster which is provided in the inside of the disinfection body and is able to sterilize and disinfect the bills placed on the counting machine in such a way to emit anion into the accommodation space ;'}{'b': 240', '200', '300, "a hand disinfection spray unit which is provided at a lower side of the disinfection body and is able to sterilize the surfaces of user's hands in such a way to emit anion from the ion cluster to the outside;"}{'b': 260', '200', '300', '210', '240, 'an ion guide unit which is installed in the inside of the disinfection body and is configured to guide the anion in such a way that the anion supplied from the ion cluster is supplied into the inside of the accommodation space and in the direction of the hand disinfection unit ; and'}{'b': 500', '200', '300, 'an adjusting unit which is provided on an outer side of the disinfection body and is configured to adjust the generation amount of anion generating from the ion cluster ; and'}{'b': 510', '200, 'a display unit which is provided on an outer side of the disinfection body so as to indicate the amount of generated anion.'}2. The sterilizer of claim 1 , further comprising:{'b': 600', '240', '240, 'an opening and closing member which is installed at the hand ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021045A1

An apparatus and method administering nitric oxide at very high concentrations to healthy skin, tools, implements, support surfaces, and sterile fields to provide sterilization. The apparatus and method providing sterilization in a dry environment lacking the common undesirable effects of anti-microbial soaps and antiseptics. 1. A method comprising:providing a surface to be sterilized;substantially enclosing the surface within a volume;providing a container defining the volume and comprising an inlet and an exit;providing a generator generating nitric oxide, wherein the generator delivers the nitric oxide at negative gage pressure;providing a conduit connecting the generator to the inlet;introducing into the volume a preselected concentration of nitric oxide, wherein introducing comprises conducting the nitric oxide from the generator through the conduit to the inlet; andwaiting a preselected time for the nitric oxide to sterilize the surface.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein generating nitric oxide further comprises heating a nitrite and a nitrate in the presence of a metal.3. The method of further comprising:providing a controller maintaining the preselected concentration of nitric oxide; andcontrolling incursion of air into the volume from the environment thereof.4. The method of claim 3 , wherein generating nitric oxide further comprises heating a nitrite and a nitrate in the presence of a metal.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein generating nitric oxide produces substantially pure nitric oxide.6. The method of claim 4 , wherein the controller exposes the surface to a preselected concentration of nitric oxide for a preselected time to render the surface sterilized of microbes.7. The method of further comprising:evacuating the volume through the exit; andremoving the surface from the volume.8. A method comprising:providing a surface to be sterilized;substantially enclosing the surface within a volume;generating nitric oxide at negative gage pressure;controlling ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021302A1

Lightweight, small, portable devices and methods are disclosed that provide oxygen-enriched air using an ultra rapid adsorption cycle based on advanced molecular sieve materials. 1. A method of purging contaminants from a device for oxygen enrichment , comprising:compressing in said device an ambient air flow comprising oxygen and nitrogen to form a compressed air flow;transporting said compressed flow through at least one adsorbent bed and adsorbing at least a portion of said nitrogen in said at least one adsorbent bed to form an oxygen-enriched gas flow;removing said oxygen-enriched gas flow to form an oxygen-enriched product;transporting said oxygen-enriched product to a first vessel; andpurging said adsorbent bed using said oxygen-enriched product in said first vessel upon shutdown to remove said contaminants without permitting entry of material from the external environment;wherein said oxygen-enriched product passes through an orifice between said first vessel and said at least one adsorbent bed; andwherein said oxygen-enriched product does not pass through a check valve, mechanical valve, or electromechanical valve between said first vessel and said at least one adsorbent bed.2. A method of purging contaminants from a device for oxygen enrichment , comprising:compressing in said device an ambient air flow comprising oxygen and nitrogen to form a compressed air flow;transporting said compressed flow through an air delivery manifold and then at least one adsorbent bed and adsorbing at least a portion of said nitrogen in said adsorbent bed to form an oxygen-enriched gas flow and adsorbed nitrogen;removing said oxygen-enriched gas flow to form an oxygen-enriched product;transporting said oxygen-enriched product to a first vessel;optionally, desorbing from said adsorbent bed said adsorbed nitrogen and exhausting said nitrogen; andpurging said at least one adsorbent bed and said air delivery manifold using said oxygen-enriched product in said first vessel upon ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021543A1

An obturator can include antimicrobial features which assist in sterilizing or maintaining the sterility of fluid contained within a vascular access device while the device is not being used for infusion or other access to the patient's vasculature. These antimicrobial features include antimicrobial coatings applied to various surfaces of an obturator and antimicrobial components bonded or otherwise secured to an obturator. Various combinations of antimicrobial coatings and/or components can be used on an obturator as necessary to provide a desired amount of antimicrobial agents within a particular enclosed volume of a vascular access device. 120-. (canceled)21. An obturator for a vascular access device , the obturator comprising:a catheter portion configured to be inserted through a lumen of the vascular access device and into a proximal end of a catheter of the vascular access device when the catheter is placed intravenously within a patient, wherein the catheter portion includes a first outer diameter;a middle portion directly coupled to a proximal end of the catheter portion, wherein the middle portion is configured to be disposed entirely within the lumen of the vascular access device and spaced apart from the vascular access device when the catheter portion is inserted into the catheter, wherein the middle portion includes a second outer diameter;a base portion that is inserted into the lumen and seals the lumen when the obturator is secured to the vascular access device, wherein the base portion is inserted into the lumen of the vascular access device, wherein the base portion includes a third outer diameter, wherein the second outer diameter is less than the third outer diameter and greater than the first outer diameter, wherein the base portion is proximal to the middle portion; anda cap portion proximal to the base portion and configured to secure the obturator to the vascular access device.22. The obturator of claim 21 , further comprising an ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040341A1
Автор: Greenfield Jon

An ultraviolet light sterilization device for treatment of plant materials, having a rotational treatment chamber having an axis of rotation and at least one mechanical agitation element, an ultraviolet light device that is positioned inside the rotational treatment chamber and is further positioned generally parallel to and congruent with the axis of rotation and where the ultraviolet light device and the rotational treatment chamber are connected to one another via a rotational bearing such that the rotational treatment chamber may be rotated about the axis of rotation while the ultraviolet light device does not rotate, and where the ultraviolet light device is electrically coupled to a power source via an electrical cable that passes through an aperture in the rotational bearing. 1. An ultraviolet light treatment device for treating agricultural products comprising: a bearing comprising an inner race, an outer race, and a plurality of rotational bearing elements engaged therebetween, wherein the bearing has an axis of rotation;', 'wherein the inner race includes an aperture;', 'a mount affixed to the inner race;', 'an electrical element for positioning and powering an ultraviolet light device, wherein the electrical element is affixed to the mount, such that when the ultraviolet light device is positioned, the ultraviolet light device will be generally parallel to the axis of rotation and projecting away from a first side of the bearing; and', 'an electrical cable, in electrical communication with the electrical element, wherein the electrical cable passes through the aperture and away from a second side of the bearing;, 'an environmental control unit comprisinga treatment chamber into which agricultural products may be placed;wherein the environmental control unit is mounted on the treatment chamber;wherein the first side of the bearing is positioned toward an interior of the treatment chamber, and the second side of that the bearing is positioned toward an ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

System and method for cleaning and disinfecting shopping carts

Номер: US20220040347A1

The present invention provides a system and method for cleaning and disinfecting shopping carts. The system comprises a main housing with three main systems: a steam system, an ultraviolet system and a microwave system. The combination of the systems allows for the reduction of germs and viruses without the use of chemicals which may be both harmful to the shopping carts and to the environment. A conveying means allows shopping carts to be displaced through the system. The system further provides a disinfecting box in connection with the main housing for users to disinfect their hands. The method provided allows for the cleaning and disinfecting of a shopping cart with the use of the system. 1) A system for cleaning and disinfecting at least a shopping cart , the system comprising:a main housing configured to house the at least one shopping cart and having an entry point and an exit point, the entry and exit points being closable;a conveying means configured to displace the at least one shopping cart from the entry point to the exit point;a steam system configured to emit steam in the main housing;an ultraviolet system configured to emit ultraviolet light in the main housing; anda microwave system configured to emit microwaves in the main housing.2) The system of claim 1 , the steam system comprising a water tank containing pressurised water and at least one spray fluidly connected to the water tank.3) The system of claim 2 , the steam system further comprising a heating system for heating the pressurised water.4) The system of claim 1 , the steam being at a temperature in a range of 60 to 90° C.5) The system of claim 1 , the emitted ultraviolet light having a wavelength in a range of 100 nm to 280 nm.6) The system of claim 1 , the system further comprising a disinfecting box for washing hands of a user claim 1 , wherein the ultraviolet system is further configured to emit ultraviolet light in the disinfecting box.7) The system of claim 1 , the emitted microwaves ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Sanitizing uvc lighting system

Номер: US20220040352A1
Автор: Greg Rosenbaum
Принадлежит: Individual

A system or kit for distributing UVC light in an environment occupied by humans generally comprises a fiber optic cable, a UVC light assembly that couples to the fiber optic cable and emits a wavelength of 200-250 nm, and a flexible plastic tube that receives and carries the light and distributes the UVC light through its outer surface. UVC light issues from multiple locations along the length of the flexible plastic tube at varied angles toward surfaces in the light's path to disinfect the surfaces and intervening air. The UVC light does not penetrate the outer layer of human skin. One light source may feed multiple flexible plastic tubes, which may have light-emitting perforations and a flat side shaped to aid mounting on many surfaces. An outer finish on the flexible plastic tube may enhance dispersion of the emitted UVC light.
