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29-11-2017 дата публикации

Дыхательный тренажер "будь здоров"

Номер: RU0000175305U1
Принадлежит: ООО "Здоровье"

Полезная модель относится к спорту, к устройствам для тренировок, может быть использована в качестве тренажера, в качестве гипоксикатора, капникатора, в любой последовательности по желанию пользователя.В качестве гипоксикатора повышает устойчивость организма к эмоциональным нагрузкам и повышает работоспособность организма. В качестве капникатора устраняет дефицит углекислого газа в альвеолярном воздухе в легких человека.Технический результат - упрощение конструкции достигается за счет того, что в дыхательном тренажере, включающем цельную воздухозаборную камеру из прозрачного материала, с метками и отверстиями для подсоса атмосферного воздуха и выхода отработанной газовой смеси; эластичный дыхательный резервуар с горловиной цилиндрической формы; эластичное обжимное кольцо; воздухопроницаемую перегородку; коробку с воздухопроницаемым дном и крышкой, заполненную сильвинитом с фракцией от 3 мм до 3,5 мм; эластичное фиксирующее кольцо; шланг; маску без клапанов вдоха, выдоха. Всего 9 деталей. В качестве капникатора газовая смесь содержит углекислый газ от 0,3% до 3,49%. Воздухопроницаемая перегородка передвигается, останавливаясь напротив меток, создавая объемы газовой смеси с разным содержанием углекислого газа. Воздухопроницаемая поверхность площади перегородки составляет от 200,96 ммдо 251,20 мм, позволяет регулировать содержание углекислого газа в газовой смеси. Отверстия на воздухозаборной камере в режиме гипоксикатора обеспечивают создание дыхательной газовой смеси с содержанием кислорода от 15% до 10,06% в объеме тренажера в пределах от 7 л до 0,6 л, и в ней отсутствует пыль от химпоглотителя. Ц 1 175305 ко РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ 19 11 маза ва за = (13 ВИ +5 за 1 (51) МПК ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ АбЗВ 23/18 (2006.01) (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (21)(22) Заявка: 2016114188, 12.04.2016 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 12.04.2016 Дата регистрации: 29.11.2017 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 12.04.2016 (45) ...

27-11-2020 дата публикации

Установка для проведения экспериментальных исследований на животных в гипоксических условиях при низких температурах

Номер: RU0000201120U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности к устройствам для моделирования определенных условий среды в эксперименте, а именно к установке для проведения экспериментальных исследований на животных в гипоксических условиях при низких температурах.Установка для проведения экспериментальных исследований на животных в гипоксических условиях при низких температурах, включающая климатическую камеру, внутри которой расположены клетки для подопытных животных, термодатчик, трубопровод и датчик газоанализатора, снаружи камеры расположена газосмесительная камера, соединенная через ротаметры с воздушным компрессором и баллоном с азотом, а также связанная с климатической камерой через трубопровод, при этом датчики соединены с соответствующими индикаторами, расположенными снаружи климатической камеры, а также климатическая камера оснащена элементами для вентиляции. Ротаметры соединены с газосмесительной камерой через расположенный в ней газосмесительный эжектор, при этом установка дополнительно оснащена холодильной установкой, испаритель которой расположен рядом с клетками для подопытных животных. Климатическая камера оснащена термоизоляцией, которая выполнена из вспененного утеплителя толщиной 45-55 мм на боковых стенках и толщиной 25-35 мм на верхней и задней стенках, при этом на каждой стенке термоизоляция оснащена дополнительным наружным и внутренним слоем из фольгированного утеплителя толщиной 2,5-3,5 мм.Технический результат состоит в обеспечении возможности проведения экспериментальных исследований на животных в гипоксических условиях при низких температурах. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 120 U1 (51) МПК A61M 16/00 (2006.01) G09B 23/28 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61M 16/00 (2020.08); G09B 23/28 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020122211, 06.07.2020 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 27.11.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 27.11.2020 Бюл. № 33 ...

15-01-2021 дата публикации

Устройство контура доставки кислородно-воздушной смеси с оксидом азота

Номер: RU0000201845U1

Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области медицинской техники, а именно к оборудованию для респираторной поддержки.Задачей предлагаемой полезной модели является создание надежного контура доставки кислородно-воздушной смеси азота с расширенными эксплуатационными возможностями.Поставленная задача решается путем последовательного присоединения к первому клапану вдоха адаптера для подключения магистрали доставки воздуха и адаптера для подключения магистрали доставки NO, к которым присоединяют Т-образный переходник для подключения резервуарной емкости, и второй клапана вдоха, который соединяют с адаптером для подключения магистрали доставки кислорода, подключают к емкости с поглотителем NO2, который при помощи первого бактериально-вирусного фильтра присоединяют к Ү-насадке с мундштуком. Экспираторную часть Y-насадки подключают к клапану выдоха, соединенному со вторым бактериально-вирусным фильтром.Техническим результатом, на достижение которого направлена предлагаемая полезная модель, является создание контура доставки кислородно-воздушной смеси с оксидом азота при спонтанном дыхании с возможностью очистки доставляемой смеси от токсичного NO2, минимальной скоростью генерации NO2, адекватным расходом NO, а также предотвращением контаминации окружающей среды и персонала за счет бактериально-вирусной фильтрации выдыхаемой смеси. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 201 845 U1 (51) МПК A61M 16/10 (2006.01) A61M 16/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61M 16/00 (2020.08); A61M 16/10 (2020.08); A61M 16/1055 (2020.08); A61M 16/1065 (2020.08); A61M 16/107 (2020.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2020126409, 04.08.2020 04.08.2020 15.01.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 04.08.2020 (45) Опубликовано: 15.01.2021 Бюл. № 2 2 0 1 8 4 5 R U (56) Список документов, цитированных в отчете о поиске: RU 174585 U1, 23.10.2017. WO 2019164418, 29.08.2019. US 20080066739 A1, 20.03.2008. US 20070151561 A1, 05.07. ...

12-01-2012 дата публикации

Prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia (vap)

Номер: US20120006331A1
Принадлежит: Virginia Commonwealth University

Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) may be prevented in a patient, or its occurrence reduced in a population of patients, by using an anti-VAP device or an anti-VAP material such as an anti-VAP mouthpiece that absorbs secretions. By reducing the problem of bacterial-containing secretions that otherwise build up in the airway of, and elsewhere in, the intubated patient, VAP can be prevented from occurring in intubated patients, such as patients intubated with an endotracheal tube (ETT) or a nasogastric tube. Anti-VAP mouthpieces also are useable in non-intubated patients to maintain oral hygiene.

20-12-2021 дата публикации

Дыхательный фильтр для защиты трахеостомы

Номер: RU0000208443U1

Полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности к устройству для защиты трахеостомы у пациентов, перенесших ларингектомию и/или трахеостомию. Дыхательный фильтр содержит корпус со сквозным отверстием, определяющим проксимальный конец корпуса для соединения с трахеостомой пациента и дистальный конец корпуса, и тепловлагообменный фильтрующий элемент, установленный в отверстии корпуса, при этом дыхательный фильтр содержит предохранительный элемент, образующий углубление на входе в отверстие со стороны проксимального конца корпуса, и прокладку, расположенную в отверстии корпуса между предохранительным элементом и тепловлагообменным фильтрующим элементом, при этом предохранительный элемент и прокладка выполнены частично перекрывающими указанное отверстие. Таким образом, разработан дыхательный фильтр, конструкция которого обеспечивает достижение технического результата, заключающегося в уменьшении закупоривания тепловлагообменного фильтрующего элемента слизистыми выделениями из трахеи пациента, снижении периодичности снятия дыхательного фильтра для очистки и/или замены в течение суток и увеличении срока службы дыхательного фильтра, что, в свою очередь, приводит к уменьшению материальных затрат и/или снижению психологического дискомфорта пациента. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 208 443 U1 (51) МПК A61M 16/00 (2006.01) A61F 2/20 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61M 16/0465 (2021.08); A61F 2/20 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021121729, 22.07.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: 20.12.2021 Приоритет(ы): (22) Дата подачи заявки: 22.07.2021 (45) Опубликовано: 20.12.2021 Бюл. № 35 2 0 8 4 4 3 R U (54) ДЫХАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФИЛЬТР ДЛЯ ЗАЩИТЫ ТРАХЕОСТОМЫ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель относится к области тепловлагообменным фильтрующим элементом, медицины, в частности к устройству для защиты при этом предохранительный элемент и трахеостомы у пациентов, перенесших прокладка выполнены ...

14-03-2022 дата публикации

Аппарат жидкостного дыхания

Номер: RU0000209285U1

Полезная модель аппарата жидкостного дыхания относится к медицинской технике, а именно к аппаратам искусственного дыхания. Задачами, на решение которых направлена предлагаемая полезная модель, являются расширение функциональных возможностей аппарата и повышение качества подготавливаемой дыхательной жидкости. Аппарат содержит эластичные емкости для вдыхаемой и выдыхаемой жидкости, камеру ультразвуковой проточной обработки жидкости с источником ультразвукового воздействия, оксигенатор с термостатом, обеззараживающую камеру, систему циркуляции дыхательной жидкости, включающую контуры вдоха, выдоха и ее подготовки, с подключенными к блоку управления насосами, устройствами для измерения параметров циркуляции жидкости и электромагнитными клапанами. Насос контура подготовки осуществляет перекачку жидкости, поступающей в емкость контура выдоха, в емкость контура вдоха через обеззараживающую камеру, камеру ультразвуковой проточной обработки и камеру оксигенатора. Возникающая под действием механических ультразвуковых колебаний кавитация жидкости вызывает выделение в виде пузырьков растворенных в ней газов азота, углекислого газа и кислорода, которые переносятся жидкостью в оксигенатор, где под воздействием создаваемых дозатором пузырьков кислорода выносятся из жидкости, накапливаются в верхней части его корпуса, а затем, при увеличении давления, удаляются через предохранительный клапан в окружающую среду. РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ (19) RU (11) (13) 209 285 U1 (51) МПК A61M 16/00 (2006.01) ФЕДЕРАЛЬНАЯ СЛУЖБА ПО ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОЙ СОБСТВЕННОСТИ (12) ОПИСАНИЕ ПОЛЕЗНОЙ МОДЕЛИ К ПАТЕНТУ (52) СПК A61M 16/0054 (2021.08); A61M 16/00 (2021.08) (21)(22) Заявка: 2021129676, 11.10.2021 (24) Дата начала отсчета срока действия патента: Дата регистрации: 14.03.2022 (45) Опубликовано: 14.03.2022 Бюл. № 8 2 0 9 2 8 5 R U (54) АППАРАТ ЖИДКОСТНОГО ДЫХАНИЯ (57) Реферат: Полезная модель аппарата жидкостного дыхания относится к медицинской технике, а именно к аппаратам искусственного дыхания. Задачами, ...

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for resuscitation

Номер: US20120012107A1
Принадлежит: Mercury Enterprises Inc

An application for a disposable support/resuscitation system is disclosed includes a pressurized gas inlet and a pressure relief device interfaced to the pressurized gas inlet. The pressure relief device has a first pressure relief valve that opens at a setable gas pressure and, optionally, has a second pressure relief valve that opens at a pre-determined maximum gas pressure. A manometer is interfaced to the pressure relief valve, a manually operated valve is interfaced to the manometer, and a patient interface port is interfaced with the manually operated valve. The manually operated valve selectively controls administration of the pressurized gas to the patient and both the manometer and the manually operated valve are in close proximity to the patient.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Artificial nose and breathing circuit provided with the artificial airway

Номер: US20120012108A1
Принадлежит: SATA Corp

Provided is an artificial airway and a breathing circuit provided with the artificial airway, including a tubular outer shell; a moisture permeable and water resistant film disposed on an entire circumference of an internal surface of the outer shell, forming a water retention region with the outer shell, and forming an aeration region on an internal surface side thereof; a feed water inlet provided in the outer shell to supply water to the water retention region; and a heater disposed outside the outer shell, heating the water in the water retention region to generate water vapor, and also heating an inspiratory gas flowing in the aeration region, wherein the water supplied from the feed water inlet is retained in the water retention region by the moisture permeable and water resistant film, and only the water vapor generated by the heating of the heater passes through the moisture permeable and water resistant film and flows into the aeration region to heat and humidify the inspiratory gas flowing in the aeration region.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Tracheostomy valves and related methods

Номер: US20120012116A1
Принадлежит: Passy Muir Inc

The embodiments of the present tracheostomy valves include a flexible diaphragm abutting a rib shaped substantially as a flat plate. Opposite the rib, the diaphragm abuts a boss and forms an uninterrupted seal therewith. As the tracheostomized patient inhales, the diaphragm bends about the rib, interrupting the seal and allowing air to flow smoothly into the valve. The features of the various embodiments contribute to a positive seal at all times except during inhalation, and low resistance to airflow through the valve during inhalation.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Artificial nose and breathing circuit provided with the artificial nose

Номер: US20120017905A1
Принадлежит: SATA Corp

Provided is an artificial nose and a breathing circuit provided with the artificial nose, including: an outer shell; a moisture permeable and water resistant film 6 disposed on an entire circumference of an internal surface of the outer shell, forming a water retention region with the outer shell, and forming an aeration region on an internal surface side thereof; a feed water inlet provided in the outer shell to supply water to the water retention region; a heat and moisture exchanger element loaded in the aeration region; and a heater disposed outside the outer shell, wherein the water supplied from the feed water inlet is retained in the water retention region by the moisture permeable and water resistant film, an inspiratory gas and an expiratory gas pass through the heat and moisture exchanger element loaded in the aeration region, and the artificial nose carries out a first heating and humidifying process of the inspiratory gas in which heat and moisture included in the expiratory gas passing therethrough are captured and retained by the heat and moisture exchanger element and the heat and the moisture are discharged to an inspiratory gas passing therethrough next, and a second heating and humidifying process in which only water vapor generated by heating of the heater passes through the moisture permeable and water resistant film and is supplied to the inspiratory gas passing through the heat and moisture exchanger element to heat and humidify the inspiratory gas and also the inspiratory gas in the heat and moisture exchanger element is heated by the heater.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Modified Liquid Trap Cup and a Liquid Trap Assembly

Номер: US20120017907A1
Автор: Fei-Fang Hsiao

A liquid trap cup is provided. The liquid trap cup comprises a hollow cup tube with a upper portion and a lower portion, a piston element with a top portion and a tail portion and a liquid discharge structure, in which the piston element is arranged airtight in the lower portion and is movable between a start point and an end point of the lower portion so as to control the opening and the closing of the liquid discharge structure. A liquid trap assembly using the liquid trap cup is provided. The liquid trap assembly comprises said liquid trap cup and a multi-necked adapter tube with an expanded-plate structure, in which expanded-plate structure can be tightly sealed with the liquid trap. When applying the liquid trap assembly to a breathing system, it can simply drain the liquid collected in the liquid trap cup without disassembling the liquid trap assembly so as to prevent the infection problems of patients and reduce the burden of the medical staff.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Tracheostomy Tube Loading Catheter

Номер: US20120017913A1
Принадлежит: Kimberly Clark Worldwide Inc

There is provided a tracheostomy tube loading catheter with a handle, mid-section, tip portion and guiding catheter portion, where the guiding catheter and tip portions are non-detachably attached to the mid-section, and where the loading catheter has a cannula therethrough.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Respiratory device comprising a double lumen endotracheal tube

Номер: US20120017915A1
Автор: Hajo Reissmann
Принадлежит: Individual

Device for ventilation with a double lumen endotracheal tube featuring a connecting piece at the end distal to the patient into which the two lumina of the endotracheal tube are extended, separated within the connecting piece by an axial partition wall, a connector with two nozzles leading to a joint connecting section and separated from each other by another partition wall, the connector being attachable to the connecting piece in a way that brings the partition wall and the other partition wall into a sealing contact, a ventilator and at least one tube connected to a nozzle of the connector at one end and to the ventilator at the other.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Personal air filtration device

Номер: US20120024154A1

A personal air filtration device and methods of using the same for providing a zone of filtered air proximate a breathing zone of a user are described. A blower provides an air flow to a head support which delivers the air flow to a zone proximate the users head. The air flow passes through a filter. The filter can be a point of delivery filter disposed about an air permeable surface of the head support. The delivered air flow can provide a laminar air flow defining a zone of filtered air about the user's breathing zone.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Laryngeal mask airway placement system and method

Номер: US20120024285A1
Автор: Roman W. Dashawetz
Принадлежит: Individual

A laryngeal mask airway having a laryngeal mask and a flexible airway tube is provided with an external brace that is easily detached or reattached onto the airway tube. The brace, when attached, enhances the stiffness of the combination to facilitate placement of the mask at the laryngeal inlet of a patient. After the mask is in proper, sealed position at the laryngeal inlet the brace may be removed to permit the external portion of the flexible airway tube to be located in an out-of-the-way position.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for supplying a respiratory gas

Номер: US20120024288A1
Принадлежит: MAP Medizin Technologie GmbH

An apparatus for supplying a respiratory gas to a patient within the scope of the diagnosis and/or the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders includes an electronic signal processing device for generating a pressure control signal on the basis of indicative signals relating to the breathing activity and/or the physiological state of a person. The signal processing device comprises a signal inputting device and an extraction device for generating data field entries according to predefined signal analysis procedures. A pressure signal generator is provided for generating the pressure control signal, taking into account determined data field entries which are at least selected by the extraction device.

09-02-2012 дата публикации

Cricoid manipulating apparatus for anesthesia assistance and tracheal intubation

Номер: US20120031400A1
Автор: Peter Shimm
Принадлежит: Individual

A medical assistance apparatus, includes a support adjacent to a patient, a flexible shaft with a first end and a second end, with the first end being connected to the support, a housing connected to the second end of the flexible shaft, a shaft movably disposed with respect to the housing, an adjustment device associated with the housing, permitting adjustment of the shaft with respect to the housing, and a cricoid manipulating head connected to the shaft. The cricoid manipulating head is adjusted with respect to the housing along when the shaft is adjusted with respect to the housing.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Devices and methods for respiratory variation monitoring by measurement of respiratory volumes, motion and variability

Номер: US20120041279A1
Принадлежит: Respiratory Motion Inc

This invention is directed to devices and methods for assessing a patient. The devices have at least one impedance measuring element functionally connected to a programmable element, programmed to analyze an impedance measurement, and to provide an assessment of at least one respiratory parameter of the patient. Preferably the device includes electronics which aid in calibration, signal acquisition, conditioning, and filtering.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Oxygen concentrator system and methods for oral delivery of oxygen enriched gas

Номер: US20120055475A1
Автор: William R. Wilkinson
Принадлежит: Inova Labs Inc

Described herein are various embodiments of an oxygen concentrator system. In some embodiments, an oxygen concentrator system may be used to provide oxygen enriched gas to a patient using a mouthpiece.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Anesthesia reversal methods and systems

Номер: US20120055481A1
Принадлежит: ANECARE LLC

An apparatus for reversing inhaled anesthesia, which may be configured to be positioned along a breathing circuit or anesthesia delivery circuit, includes an anesthesia removal component and a blood flow acceleration component. The blood flow acceleration component facilitates an increase in the ventilation of the individual without resulting in a significant decrease in the individual's P a CO 2 level and, thus, a decrease in the rate at which blood flows through the individual's brain. A method of reversing the effects of inhaled anesthesia includes increasing the rate of ventilation of an anesthetized individual while causing the individual to inhale gases with at least atmospheric amounts of CO 2 .

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Nasal Soft CPAP Cushion

Номер: US20120067350A1
Автор: Melvin Palmer, JR.
Принадлежит: Individual

A cushion to reduce prevent nasal skin breakdown and bridge soreness while preventing Continuous Positive Airway Pressure mask leaks is made from a tacky polymeric gel material and uses a unique shape overlying and conforming to the bridge of the nose and cheekbones to provide a comfortable soft seal between the mask and the skin of the wearer.

22-03-2012 дата публикации

Chin strap assembly for sleep apnea

Номер: US20120067351A1
Автор: Russell J. MacMillan
Принадлежит: Individual

A chin strap assembly that easily helps in keeping the mouth closed in conjunction with a respiratory machine. The chin strap assembly includes a main body having a center, a first strap protruding from a first side of the center, and a second strap protruding from a second side of the center. The first strap and the second strap are separated by a gap. The main body is made of an inner layer surrounded by an outer layer. The outer layer is made of a soft material and the inner layer is made of a stuffing material.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Endotracheal intubation device

Номер: US20120078050A1
Принадлежит: AI Medical Devices Inc

A stylet assembly for performing a nasal endotracheal intubation of a patient is disclosed. The stylet assembly includes an elongated tube as a stylet for the intubation defining a longitudinal axis, a proximal end, and a distal end for entering the trachea of the patient. The elongated tube includes (i) a rigid section adjacent the proximal end, (ii) an articulation section adjacent the distal end and adapted to curve into the patient's trachea upon actuation, and (iii) a flexible section between the rigid section and the articulation section, the flexible section being adapted to curve to an internal shape of at least one of the patient's nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx during nasal intubation. The stylet assembly can further include an actuator housing, a control wire for actuating the articulating section, and a hand grip for maneuvering the stylet assembly.

29-03-2012 дата публикации

Blood Flow Monitoring

Номер: US20120078069A1
Автор: Richard J. Melker

The present invention relates to a method of utilizing photoplethysmography obtained from a central site and a non-central site to detect a low blood flow or low blood volume condition. Also disclosed are apparatuses and systems designed to acquire and process physiological information based on photoplethysmograpy signal information from dual sites.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Visual indicator for an aerosol medication delivery apparatus and system

Номер: US20120080028A1

A delivery system includes a holding chamber with first, second and third openings, and independently moveable first, second and third flow control members. A delivery system includes a holding chamber and a flow control member including a flap pivotable from an at rest position in a direction toward an outlet of a user interface and away from an output end of the holding chamber in response to a pressure being applied thereto.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Parameter-sensing endotracheal tube

Номер: US20120089023A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensor-equipped endotracheal tube has a flexible body surrounding an airway lumen and includes sensors for monitoring physiological parameters such as CO 2 /O 2 concentration in respiratory gases, and patient body temperature. These sensors provide electrical output for parameter display on suitable ventilators and monitors. In another specific embodiment, the endotracheal tube includes a sensor for measuring pressure exerted between an inflation cuff and a patient's tracheal tissues for preventing injury from over/under cuff inflation. Other specific embodiments of the sensor equipped endotracheal tube include combining sensors with a heating member for warming inhaled respiratory gases, and with ultrasound reflecting elements that make the tube visible within the body using ultrasound.

19-04-2012 дата публикации

Device and method for tracheotomy

Номер: US20120090623A1
Принадлежит: SAFETRACH AB

A device for facilitating tracheotomy includes a first branch ( 14 ), which is adapted to be introduced down the trachea of a patient, such that the end thereof is located below the larynx, and a second branch ( 12 ), adapted to be arranged on the outside of the neck with the end thereof located adjacent to the site intended for the tracheostoma. The end of the second branch has a guiding tube for a needle, and the end of the first branch has a protection plate. When the needle is moved towards the skin through the guiding tube and penetrates the skin and tracheal wall in order to provide the tracheostoma, the needle is directed towards the protection plate, and may engage it after passage through the tracheal wall. In such a manner the other side of the tracheal wall is protected. Furthermore, the tracheostoma will automatically be located at the best position. The first branch ( 14 ) includes hooks ( 30, 31 ), adapted to slidingly engage with a tube ( 40 ) in trachea, the hooks being located close to the distal end of the first branch ( 14 ), for directing said first branch along said tube.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable tracheostomy valve

Номер: US20120097170A1
Автор: Randy J. DAWSON

A valve, usable in connection with a tracheostomy tube, permits phonation by selectively blocking passage of air therethrough. The valve includes a main body portion with first and second internal passages. A first aperture extends radially through a peripheral wall, connecting the first internal passage to an environment external to the main body. A second aperture extends radially through the peripheral wall, connecting the second internal passage to the environment. A trach body portion defines a third internal passage and is connected to the main body portion. A flapper valve is sandwiched between the main body portion and the trach body portion. First and second adjustment rings permit adjustment of opening defined by the first and second apertures, thereby permitting control over the air passing through the first and second apertures.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Thermal flow sensor integrated circuit with low response time and high sensitivity

Номер: US20120103085A1

A thermal flow sensor integrated circuit for sensing flow in a channel based on temperature measurements, the integrated circuit having a temperature sensing element ( 30 ) on a front side of the integrated circuit arranged to face the channel, and a bond pad ( 60, 200 ) coupled electrically to the temperature sensing element, for making electrical contact off the integrated circuit, the bond pad being arranged to face away from the channel. By having the bond pad facing away from the channel, the space needed for the bond pad and any connections to it need not extend beyond the temperature sensing element and get in the way of the channel. Hence the temperature sensing element can be located closer to the channel or in the channel to enable measurements with better response time and sensitivity.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Device and Methods for Applying Therapeutic Protocols to Organs of the Cardiopulmonary System

Номер: US20120103337A1
Автор: Yuval Avni
Принадлежит: RESPINOVA Ltd

The invention is a device for the introduction of a fluid into a human's airway. The air so introduced has a carefully modulated envelope of pressure vs. time, this envelope generally consisting of sequences of pressurized air packets of controlled frequency and pressures. The device produces these packets by means of pressurized air occluded by a shutter action which “chops” and interrupts the fluid stream. The vibrations induced by the device within human organs have been shown to have beneficial effects on various bodily systems, such as increase in heart rate variability, increase in absorbed oxygen, decrease in absorbed CO2, and the like.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Nasal airway management device

Номер: US20120118286A1
Автор: Viachaslau M. Barodka

An airway management device including a hollow flexible tube. The tube defines a lumen extending between a proximal end and a distal end. The proximal end is configured to be coupled to a ventilator and/or anesthesia circuit. An opening is provided at or near the distal end to allow passage of air and/or anesthesia therethrough. The tube is configured to be expanded radially after insertion through a patient's nasopharyngeal passageway when the distal end of the tube is positioned proximate the patient's hypopharynx. The device may include an inflatable outer sleeve surrounding and extending along the length of the tube. When the outer sleeve is in a deflated state, the distal end of the tube may be inserted through a patient's nasopharyngeal passageway. When the distal end of the tube is positioned proximate the patient's hypopharynx, the outer sleeve may be inflated and expanded. The device may include an inflatable cuff attached at or near the distal end of the tube and including an opening fluidly coupled with the opening and lumen of the tube to allow passage of air and/or anesthesia therethrough. When in a deflated state, the inflatable cuff may be inserted through the patient's nasopharyngeal passageway. When in an inflated state, the inflatable cuff may expand to form a seal around the patient's supraglottic laryngeal inlet. An intermediate inflatable cuff having a larger diameter than other portions of the outer sleeve when inflated may be positioned along the length of the tube between the proximal and distal ends. The respective inflatable elements of the device may be concurrently or separately inflatable.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Detection of Dynamic Hyperinflation in Spontaneously Breathing Mechanically Ventilated Patients

Номер: US20120118290A1
Принадлежит: St Michaels Hospital

A method and device for determining dynamic hyperinflation during mechanical ventilation of a spontaneously breathing patient, wherein mechanical ventilation is removed during one breath of the patient, inspiratory and expiratory volumes of the patient are measured during the one breath, and a difference between the inspiratory and expiratory volumes measured during the one breath is calculated. Dynamic hyperinflation of the patient's lungs is indicated in relation to the calculated difference.

17-05-2012 дата публикации

Devices for diagnosing sleep apnea or other conditions and related systems and methods

Номер: US20120123286A1
Автор: Louis J. Wilson
Принадлежит: Individual

A system includes a sensor device having a body configured to be inserted into an airway of a patient and one or more sensors mounted in or on the body. The one or more sensors are configured to collect sensor data associated with the airway of the patient. The system also includes a signal analyzer configured to analyze the sensor data. The one or more sensors could include one or more microphones. The signal analyzer could identify volume and/or pitch characteristics of the sensor data, perform pattern recognition to identify one or more patterns using the volume and/or pitch characteristics, and use the one or more patterns to identify a type, a location, and/or a degree of airway obstruction. This could be done, for instance, to determine if the patient suffers from obstructive sleep apnea or other condition that affects his or her airway.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Respiratory system

Номер: US20120125333A1

The present invention relates a modular respiratory system to which different parts can be added in a convenient way enabling such upgraded respiratory system to deliver the most comfortable respiratory conditions at an acceptable cost of ownership.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Arrangement in a Patient Breathing Tube and a Patient Breathing Tube

Номер: US20120136272A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Arrangement in a patient breathing tube and a patient breathing tube. The breathing tube is provided with a patient end and a ventilator end. The arrangement comprises a sampling conduit having a sampling tip provided at a pre-determined point of the patient end to define a sampling point. The arrangement further comprises a support structure locating the sampling tip of the sampling conduit apart from the inner surface of the patient breathing tube.

31-05-2012 дата публикации

Method And Apparatus For Treating Airway Obstruction

Номер: US20120136440A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods and Devices for treating airway openings and breathing disorders including obstructive sleep apnea are disclosed. Structures and methods disclosed herein maintain and preserve airway openings against posterior collapse of the tongue.

07-06-2012 дата публикации

Mask system

Номер: US20120138063A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A mask system ( 10 ) includes a frame ( 20 ) defining a breathing chamber, a cushion ( 40 ) provided to the frame and adapted to form a seal with the patient's face, and a shroud ( 50 ) provided to the frame and adapted to attach headgear. The shroud includes a retaining mechanism structured to connect the shroud to the frame. The retaining mechanism includes both a taper lock arrangement and a retaining clip arrangement.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Mask or other device having adjustable scent carrier

Номер: US20120144556A1
Принадлежит: Kaz USA Inc

A face mask assembly includes a face mask having inner and outer surfaces, with a first receiving portion defined between the inner and outer surfaces and a scent carrier removably installed in the first receiving portion. The scent carrier has a housing that defines a chamber to hold a scent or vapor releasing material. Scent releasing apertures are defined in the housing in fluidic communications with the chamber. The effective size of the apertures is adjustable by a selective closing mechanism. The face mask can also have a second receiving portion, and a thermal ballast can be removably inserted into the second receiving portion.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Sound dampening in positive airway pressure devices

Номер: US20120145155A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A CPAP system includes a PAP device ( 5 ) structured to generate a supply of pressurized air, a patient interface ( 15 ) adapted to engage with the patient's face to provide a seal, an air delivery conduit ( 102,104 ) provided between the PAP device and the patient interface to deliver the supply of pressurized air along a gas delivery path from the PAP device to the patient interface, and a muffler ( 100 ) provided along the gas delivery path downstream of the PAP device.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Video cricothyrotomy camera and cannula system

Номер: US20120149980A1
Автор: John A. Pacey
Принадлежит: Verathon Medical Canada ULC

A substantially rigid cannula having a channel configured to sequentially house a slidably removable video camera and to provide a ventilating airway upon sealable engagement of a ventilation extension with the channel after the camera is removed. The camera is connected with a monitor to guide the placement of the cannula and its placement within the tracheal lumen. Upon engagement with the channel and a ventilating source, a breathable airway is established through the cannula.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Process for the automatic control of a respirator

Номер: US20120152249A1
Принадлежит: Draëger Medical GmbH

A process for the automatic control of a respirator with a changeover between phases of respiration (inspiration and expiration), by a control unit checking a breathing activity signal for a threshold criterion. If the threshold criterion is met, a changeover is made and the control unit controls the fan of the respirator such that a pneumatic respiration variable (airway pressure, flow) is brought from an actual value to a preset target value for the new phase of respiration. The control unit further divides the change in the respiration variable, from the actual value to the target value, into a plurality of partial steps and checks the current breathing activity signal for the threshold criterion after each partial step. If this threshold criterion is no longer met, the state of operation of the respirator returns to the state before the last changeover, and otherwise, continues with the next partial step.

21-06-2012 дата публикации

Connector part and fluid connection structure

Номер: US20120153613A1
Автор: Heikki Haveri, Jani Kauppi
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

Connector part comprising a body part for connecting to a counterpart for creating a fluid tight seal when fitted together. The connector part also comprises a seal element made of resilient material and a space which is capable to receive the seal element made of resilient material when the fluid tight seal is made. The connector part can be used for forming a fluid tight connection structure.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Nasal Nebulizer for Transporting and Storing Fluids

Номер: US20120160237A1
Автор: William J. Flickinger
Принадлежит: Medinvent LLC

A nasal nebulizer with a main canister for receiving fluid and an insert with a fluid channel includes a contiguous pressurized air supply source. The fluid channel may be a tapered tube overlapping an air exit port in the canister. The fluid channel may also comprise a common bell housing surrounding the air exit port above a base of the insert, which rests within the canister. The insert may include an extension projecting out to the canister and a vertical groove may extend down the fluid channel to a hole in the extension, which upon use helps create a vacuum that pulls in deflected fluid. The main canister includes a convex top surface around the periphery of an opening for a reservoir that receives fluids. The top surface extends downwardly to a generally rectangular opening that connects to the pressurized air supply source.

28-06-2012 дата публикации

Adaptable oxygen regulator system and method with an electronic control device

Номер: US20120160244A1
Автор: Anurag Sharma HK
Принадлежит: Airbus Group India Pvt Ltd

A system and method for an adaptable oxygen regulator with an electronic control device is disclosed. In one embodiment, an oxygen regulator system includes an electronic control device which includes a non-volatile memory for storing a first reference point. The electronic control device also includes a pressure sensor configured for generating pressure data of the pressurized aircraft cabin. The electronic control device further includes a logical control unit for generating a control signal by processing the first reference point and the pressure data. Further, the electronic control unit includes a rotary actuator for generating a rotary displacement based on the control signal. Moreover, the oxygen regulator system includes a demand dilution oxygen regulator coupled to the electronic control unit and configured to control the supply of oxygen and the flow of dilution air from the pressurized aircraft cabin based on the control signal.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Positive airway pressure therapy apparatus and methods

Номер: US20120167879A1
Принадлежит: Somnetics Global Pte Ltd

Embodiments of the invention are directed to positive airway pressure therapy apparatus and methods for using same. In some embodiments, the apparatus includes a body- (e.g., head-) mounted housing enclosing a blower, wherein the housing includes air inlets on multiple sides so that the blower may draw adequate air even when inlets on one side are obstructed. In another embodiment, the apparatus includes a mask or mask system securable to an airway of the user. The mask system may include a mask shell and two or more adapters configured to permit the attachment of two or more different mask seals to the same mask shell. Other embodiments of the invention describe strapping systems configured to removably attach the housing and the mask to the body. The apparatus may further include a drying mode that activates upon removal of the apparatus from the user.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Wireless control of laryngoscope system

Номер: US20120169481A1
Принадлежит: Amy Sheppard, Tydlaska Jay Jason

A Laryngoscope system for controlling and monitoring characteristics associated with airway management and a remote access unit continuously interfacing through instant wireless private direct connectivity to a laryngoscope. The system also includes a plurality of sensors and controllers that measure and control characteristics and provide the remote unit with measurements and control results. In other aspects, the laryngoscope and display unit are sensitive to movement and may power on and off with motion or absence of motion. In another aspect, the laryngoscope is capable of wirelessly communicating with the screen for command and control of the Laryngoscope and laryngoscope system.

05-07-2012 дата публикации

Temperature measuring device

Номер: US20120172748A1
Автор: Lisa A. Dunn
Принадлежит: Individual

An apparatus for accurately measuring the body temperature of a patient at the tracheal wall of the patient. The apparatus includes a novel handheld temperature readout assembly that is easy to use by the caregiver and one which clearly and accurately displays the temperature of the patient. The handheld temperature readout assembly includes a handheld housing having a viewing window and a light emitting diode temperature display that is carried by the housing and is readily viewable through the viewing window of the handheld housing for displaying the patient temperature. The apparatus also includes a built-in alarm system to alert to high and low body temperatures.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Tube for inspecting internal organs of a body

Номер: US20120179009A1
Автор: Oren Gavriely
Принадлежит: Individual

An inspection tube ( 20 ) for use in the medical practice, in which sensors, such as a miniature electronic camera, are incorporated in the distal face of the tube. The sensors receive energy supplied via conduits ( 24, 26, 28 ) running along the length of the tube, preferably embedded within the wall. Signals of the sensors are transmitted to the rear of the tube where they are fed into receivers. Sensor cleaning can be affected in some embodiments by conducting cleaning agents through a channel in the wall of the tube. An alarm procedure can be affected by comparing sensed pattern with a reference base pattern and defining a critical deviation from the reference base .

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Tracheostomy Tubes

Номер: US20120180796A1

A fenestrated tracheostomy tube has two rows of openings extending along the outside of the curve of the tube where they will be located in the trachea. The shaft of the tube is made of a soft material, such as silicone, and is reinforced along the fenestrated region by a frame of a stiffer material. The frame has a longitudinal spine extending between the two rows and has several ribs extending from the spine circumferentially on opposite sides of the openings.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Intermittent dosing of nitric oxide gas

Номер: US20120199123A1

A method and corresponding device are described for combating microbes and infections by delivering intermittent high doses of nitric oxide to a mammal for a period of time and which cycles between high and low concentration of nitric oxide gas. The high concentration of nitric oxide is preferably delivered intermittently for brief periods of time that are interspersed with periods of time with either no nitric oxide delivery or lower concentrations of nitric oxide. The method is advantageous because at higher concentration, nitric oxide gas overwhelms the defense mechanism of pathogens that use the mammalian body to replenish their thiol defense system. A lower dose or concentration of nitric oxide gas delivered in between the bursts of high concentration nitric oxide maintains nitrosative stress pressure on the pathogens and also reduces the risk of toxicity of nitric oxide gas.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Forehead and nose bridge pad for cpap interface

Номер: US20120199128A1
Автор: Karen Leigh Moore
Принадлежит: Individual

A pad is attachable to the forehead part of a CPAP face mask with pockets sewn into the body of the pad. The pad protects the forehead of the wearer and the nose bridge by a flap of material that fits between the seal of the mask and the wearer's nose bridge distributing the pressure from the mask seal. Persons with sleep apnea rely on CPAP therapy to prevent the obstruction in order to continue to breathe while sleeping. The CPAP masks appear medical and strange, especially to a new user of the device. By making the CPAP mask more comfortable with soft padding and also preventing marks and sores, it is more likely that the person will continue their therapy and improve their health. The invention is designed to be colorful, soft and comforting to help people with sleep apnea continue to get the necessary therapy.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Strapping force indicator accessory

Номер: US20120199131A1

An apparatus for indicating a strapping force applied by a headgear of a patient interface device. The apparatus includes a first portion structured to be selectively connectable to a connecting element of a mask of the patient interface device, a second portion structured to be selectively connectable to a strap of the headgear, and a force gauging mechanism coupled to the first portion and the second portion. The force gauging mechanism is structured to gauge and indicate a force being applied by the headgear in response to the second strap portion being pulled by the strap of the headgear.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Deconstricting airway devices

Номер: US20120199140A1
Автор: Charles C. Baldwin
Принадлежит: Individual

An intraoral airway having opposing trays with a soft lining or cushion to grip the maxillary and mandibular dental arches of a patient with a fixed relationship in such a manner as to gently open the mouth and thrust the mandibular component slightly forward thereby opening the oral cavity and hypopharynx for air/gas passage that is easily tolerated by fully awake patients/users as well as by sedated, anesthetized or obtunded patients.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

System and method of monitoring breathing

Номер: US20120215125A1

Sidestream sampling of gas to determine information related to the composition of gas at or near the airway of a subject is implemented. From such information one or more breathing parameters of subject 12 (e.g., respiratory rate, end-tidal CO2, etc.) are determined, respiratory events (e.g., obstructions, apneas, etc.) are identified, equipment malfunction and/or misuse is identified, and/or functions are performed. To improve the accuracy of one or more of these determinations, information related to pressure at or near the airway of subject is implemented. This information may include detection of pressure at or near a sidestream sampling cell.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Use of Multiple Spontaneous Breath Types To Promote Patient Ventilator Synchrony

Номер: US20120216811A1
Автор: Gardner Kimm, Peter Doyle
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure combines the advantages of a hybrid mode of ventilation with an automatic determination of an appropriate spontaneous breath type in response to one or more patient based criteria. Specifically, when the ventilator is delivering a spontaneous breath type, a determination may be made as to whether predetermined ventilatory criteria have been met. Based on the determination the ventilator may deliver one of any number of spontaneous breath types.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Methods and protocols for providing artificially induced vibrations (aivs) to mammalian patients for therapeutic purposes

Номер: US20120220905A1
Автор: Yuval Avni

The present invention discloses a method of producing therapeutic oscillations useful in treating a mammalian patient comprising steps of: obtaining an artificially induced vibrations device (AIVD) useful for a patients wellness for producing artificially induced vibrations of any of a given frequency, pressure, amplitude, volume and duration according to a protocol; said AIVD comprising: a. plurality of regulators, each of which is adapted to define an AIVD; b. mechanism for producing the protocol of said defined individual AIVs; and, c. effector adapted to introduce said protocol of produced AIVs to impinge in or on at least at least one body portion of a patient; wherein said therapeutic protocol of AIVs comprises two or more different individual time resolved AIVs.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods for gas treatment

Номер: US20120222556A1
Принадлежит: Blue Zone Tech Ltd

A system and process for the recovery of at least one halogenated hydrocarbon from a gas stream. The recovery includes adsorption by exposing the gas stream to an adsorbent with a lattice structure having pore diameters with an average pore opening of between about 5 and about 50 angstroms. The adsorbent is then regenerated by exposing the adsorbent to a purge gas under conditions which efficiently desorb the at least one adsorbed halogenated hydrocarbon from the adsorbent. The at least one halogenated hydrocarbon (and impurities or reaction products) can be condensed from the purge gas and subjected to fractional distillation to provide a recovered halogenated hydrocarbon.

06-09-2012 дата публикации

Antibiotic formulations, unit doses, kits, and methods

Номер: US20120225835A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Healthcare AG

An aqueous or powder composition includes anti-gram-negative antibiotic or salt thereof being present at an amount ranging from about 100 mg/ml to about 200 mg/ml. Another aqueous or powder composition includes anti-gram-positive antibiotic or salt thereof being present at a concentration ranging from about 0.6 to about 0.9 of the water solubility limit, at 25° C. and 1.0 atmosphere, of the anti-gram-positive antibiotic or salt thereof. Other embodiments include unit doses, kits, and methods.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Therapeutic device

Номер: US20120227741A1
Автор: Ulrich Cegla
Принадлежит: R Cegla GmbH and Co KG

A therapeutic device for improving the respiration of a patient, the device comprising a curved or kinked pipe section, into the first end of which a mouthpiece provided with a passage is disposed, a holding peg inserted into a second end of the pipe section and connected thereto, the holding peg having a passage disposed therein and being insertable into the inside of the pipe section, and a flexible hose attached to the holding peg inside the pipe section, a free end of the hose moveable freely in an area of the mouthpiece between an inner wall of the pipe section, such that the therapeutic device can be used during inhalation and exhalation, the device ( 1 ) enabling the patient to train his respiratory passageways both during exhalation and inhalation, thereby to improve the effectiveness of respiration.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

ECG Artifact Reduction System

Номер: US20120238884A1

An ECG signal processing system which removes the CPR-induced artifact from measured ECG signals obtained during the administration of CPR.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Nose Cannula Heated/Humidified Gas Delivery System

Номер: US20120247468A1
Принадлежит: Smiths Medical ASD Inc

A low flow heated/humidified respiratory gas delivery system, especially useful for low flow rates as preferred in the treatment of neonate and other such patients, wherein the respiratory gas is heated and humidified as desired for delivery to the patient and the temperature is monitored at the point of delivery to the patient.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Disorders

Номер: US20120247472A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A method for diagnosing and treating sleep disorders with a sleep therapy auto-titrator for in-home use by the patient includes the step of collecting, recording and analyzing sleep data in real time with the auto-titrator. Corrective action is provided in real time to the patient to mitigate sleep events based upon the collected sleep data. The collected sleep data is transmitted, via a global computer information system, to a remote server for storage. The stored sleep data is analyzed by a computer programmed with an algorithm to monitor therapy effectiveness daily and for identifying one or more therapy intervention recommendations. An alert is provided to at least one of the patient or a sleep therapy professional associated with the patient communicating the one or more intervention recommendations.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Apparatus for aspirating the sputum in tracheotomy patients and inner cannula for a tracheal cannula

Номер: US20120247473A1
Автор: Helmut Fendler

In order to make automatic suctioning of sputum in tracheotomy patients possible, the suctioning device includes a tracheal cannula having an external cannula and an internal cannula guided therein. The internal cannula is formed with suction openings for internal suctioning and is spaced apart from the external cannula to form a suction chamber. The suction chamber is connected to a suction connection, by way of which a suction apparatus can be connected. As an alternative, or in addition, the external cannula has additional suction openings for external suction in the region of a cuff. In this way, automated suctioning of sputum in patients, in particular in a gentle manner, is made possible.

18-10-2012 дата публикации

Microfluidic device and method of use

Номер: US20120260718A1
Принадлежит: Integrated Sensing Systems Inc

A microfluidic device and sensing method that utilize a resonating tube configured to have sufficient sensitivity to be capable of sensing the volume of a gas present as bubbles in a liquid or the flow rate and/or density of a gas or gas mixture flowing through the tube. The tube has a freestanding tube portion supported above a surface of a substrate so as to be capable of vibrating in a plane normal to the surface of the substrate. As a gas-containing fluid flows through an internal passage of the tube, a drive signal vibrates the freestanding tube portion at a resonant frequency thereof. Coriolis-induced deflections of the freestanding tube portion are sensed relative to the substrate to produce an output corresponding to the sensed deflections, and the drive signal and/or the output are assessed to determine the volume, density and/or flow rate of the gas of the gas-containing fluid.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Gas concentrator with removable cartridge adsorbent beds

Номер: US20120266883A1
Принадлежит: Inogen Inc

portable oxygen concentrator designed for medical use where the sieve beds, adsorbers, are designed to be replaced by a patient. The concentrator is designed so that the beds are at least partially exposed to the outside of the system and can be easily released by a simple user-friendly mechanism. Replacement beds may be installed easily by patients, and all gas seals will function properly after installation.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Double-ended blower and volutes therefor

Номер: US20120266887A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A variable speed blower for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) ventilation of patients includes two impellers in the gas flow path that cooperatively pressurize gas to desired pressure and flow characteristics. Thus, the blower can provide faster pressure response and desired flow characteristics over a narrower range of motor speeds, resulting in greater reliability and less acoustic noise.

25-10-2012 дата публикации

Anchoring system

Номер: US20120271237A1
Автор: Rafael V. Andino
Принадлежит: Venetec International Inc

A retainer comprises a first member and a second member. The first member can define at least a portion of a channel. The channel can have a longitudinal axis and be configured to receive at least a portion of a medical article. The second member can be moveable with respect to the first member, between locked and unlocked positions. The second member can contact the portion of the medical article received by the channel at least when in the locked position so as to inhibit longitudinal movement of the medical article relative to the retainer.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Two-phase surgical procedure for creating a pneumostoma to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Номер: US20120277584A1
Принадлежит: Portaero Inc

A two-phase surgical procedure is disclosed for creating a pneumostoma to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The first phase is a procedure to induce creation of a localized pleurodesis and is preferably performed as an outpatient procedure. The second phase is a procedure to introduce a surgical instrument into the lung via the pleurodesis to create the pneumostoma. An interval of about one of more days between the first and second phases allows the formation of a stable pleurodesis to prevent pneumothorax during the procedure.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Ventilator breath display and graphic user interface

Номер: US20120279501A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The invention is directed to a ventilation control system for controlling the ventilation of a patient. The ventilation control system utilizes a user-friendly user interface for the display of patient data and ventilator status. The user interface includes a graphic representation of a breath cycle that displays the breath cycle currently being ventilated, and is also responsive to changes in ventilation settings to assist the user in evaluation the effect of those changes on the ventilator strategy before the changes are implemented.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Non-invasive ventilation exhaust gas venting

Номер: US20120285457A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-invasive ventilation patient interface comprises a fresh gas entry port, an exhaust gas vent port, and a filter media disposed in the exhaust gas vent port. The fresh gas entry port is configured for coupling with a fresh gas supply. The exhaust gas vent port is configured for allowing expulsion of exhaust gas from the patient interface in response to exhalation of a patient. The filter media is configured for filtering contagious from the exhaust gas, diffusing the exhaust gas, and controlling an expulsion flow of the exhaust gas through the exhaust gas vent port.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Mechanical Insufflation/Exsufflation Airway Clearance Apparatus

Номер: US20120285460A1
Принадлежит: LUNG ASSIST Inc

An MIE apparatus has a blower, a direction valve, an oscillator, and a mask hose connector. The blower is connected to the direction valve, which is connected to the oscillator, which is connected to the hose connector. During insufflation, a direction valve connects exhaust of a blower to an oscillator, causing positive pressure at the hose connector. During exsufflation, the direction valve connects the blower intake to the oscillator, causing negative pressure at the hose connector. The oscillator is a butterfly valve with a 360° rotating disc. During insufflation, the disc is fixed to steadily modulate the airflow. During exsufflation, the oscillator is inactive or in flutter mode. When inactive, the disc is fixed to allow maximum air flow. In flutter mode, the disc continuously rotates so that the air flow rapidly alternates between maximum and minimum.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Interchangeable inserts

Номер: US20120285461A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In a mask for patient ventilation, a frame portion is included for surrounding a respiratory opening of a patient. A retention strap is coupled with the frame portion for maintaining positive pressure between the frame portion and the respiratory opening of the patient. A removable insert is configured to physically attach and detach from the frame portion without requiring removal of the frame or the retention strap from the patient.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Textured/polished respiratory mask seal and mask

Номер: US20120285469A1
Принадлежит: Ric Investments LLC

A seal for a respiratory mask that includes a first end portion adapted to be coupled to a mask shell, a second end portion for sealing engagement with a face of a patient, and a sidewall extending between the first end portion and the second end portion. At least a portion of the second end portion includes a textured area having a predetermined pattern. The area of increased surface roughness provides the patient contacting portion of the seal with a silky feeling to maximize patient comfort and the effectiveness of the seal without impairing the sealing ability.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Docking system for a cpap machine

Номер: US20120298099A1
Автор: Michael G. Lalonde
Принадлежит: Deshum Medical LLC

A docking station holds a flow generator of a CPAP system. The docking station has many purposes including having an acoustic chamber to reduce the inherent acoustic noise including from the intake of the flow generator that the user and other hear. The docking station has additional features including humidifying and intake air filtering.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Magnet Aided Intubation Systems, Kits, and Methods

Номер: US20120298101A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Endotracheal intubation systems, methods, and kits are provided. The system may include an endotracheal tube assembly which includes an endotracheal tube having a proximal end and a distal end; a wire having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein the wire is configured to be removably inserted into the endotracheal tube through the proximal end of the endotracheal tube; an internal magnetic member fixed at the distal end of the wire; and an end cap attached to the proximal end of the wire and removably securable to the proximal end of the endotracheal tube, wherein at least a portion of the internal magnetic member is disposed within the distal end of the endotracheal tube at a fixed position when the end cap is secured to the proximal end of the endotracheal tube; and an external magnetic member positionable on the exterior of a patient.

29-11-2012 дата публикации

Dual-lumen tracheal tube with assembly portion

Номер: US20120298111A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure describes systems and methods having a dual-lumen tube with an assembly end. The assembly end may be molded and coupled to an extruded portion of the tube to form a complete dual-lumen tube. The assembly end may form the distal portion of the dual-lumen tube, which may simplify the manufacturing process by eliminating cutting and shaping steps involved in forming the distal ends of the ventilation lumens. The assembly end may be molded or otherwise formed so that the distal portion is not cut to length. In addition, the assembly end may include addition functionality, such as a camera apparatus or one or more sensors.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Device

Номер: US20120304988A1
Автор: Adam Meyer, Dan Engelbreth
Принадлежит: Individual

A respiratory treatment device comprising at least one chamber, a chamber inlet configured to receive exhaled air into the at least one chamber, at least one chamber outlet configured to permit exhaled air to exit the at least one chamber, and an exhalation flow path defined between the chamber inlet and the at least one chamber outlet. A restrictor member positioned in the exhalation flow path is moveable between a closed position, where a flow of exhaled air along the exhalation flow path is restricted, and an open position, where the flow of exhaled air along the exhalation flow path is less restricted. A vane in fluid communication with the exhalation flow path is operatively connected to the restrictor member and is configured to reciprocate between a first position and a second position in response to the flow of exhaled air along the exhalation flow path.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Mask assembly supporting arrangements

Номер: US20120304999A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A mask assembly includes nasal interface, e.g., in the form of a pair of nozzles, at least one joining portion provided to each side of the nasal interface, and a headgear coupled or otherwise provided to or extending from the joining portion, that is looped around the patient's ears. The joining portion is small and compact and may be readily affixed to an existing nasal arrangement, i.e., retrofitted. The joining portion and the headgear can be formed in separate components, or they can be formed as an integral or one-piece arrangement.

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120305001A1
Автор: Stanislav Tatkov
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

A user interface comprising a non-sealing nasal cannula and a mask arranged about the nasal cannula, the mask including a seal configured with a user's face to allow the interface to be pressurised, the cannula configured to deliver breathing gases to the nares of a user at a flow rate exceeding the intended user's peak inspiratory flow requirements so that the mask and the user's pharynx are flushed continuously with fresh breathing gases to reduce dead space.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Anesthesia vaporizer system and method

Номер: US20120318263A1
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

An anesthetic vaporizer system is disclosed herein. The anesthetic vaporizer system includes a pump, and a controller operatively connected to the pump. The controller is configured to generally simultaneously control both a frequency and a stroke of the pump in order to regulate the delivery of an anesthetic agent in the liquid phase. The anesthetic vaporizer system also includes a vaporization chamber in fluid communication with the pump. The vaporization chamber is adapted to vaporize the anesthetic agent delivered by the pump.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Ventilation mask with integrated piloted exhalation valve

Номер: US20120325206A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a mask for achieving positive pressure mechanical ventilation (inclusive of CPAP, ventilator support, critical care ventilation, emergency applications), and a method for a operating a ventilation system including such mask. The mask of the present invention includes a piloted exhalation valve that is used to achieve the target pressures/flows to the patient. The pilot for the valve may be pneumatic and driven from the gas supply tubing from the ventilator. The pilot may also be a preset pressure derived in the mask, a separate pneumatic line from the ventilator, or an electro-mechanical control. The mask of the present invention may further include a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) which is integrated therein.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

System, Method and Apparatus for Removal of Volatile Anesthetics for Malignant Hyperthermia

Номер: US20120325213A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Systems, methods, and apparatus for removing volatile anesthetics from an anesthesia or ventilation system to minimize the effects of malignant hyperthermia in susceptible patients. According to one aspect of the present invention, a system for removing volatile anesthetics is provided. A first filter component placed in fluid communication with an inspiratory limb of an anesthesia or ventilation system such that volatile anesthetics will pass through the first filter component during operation of the anesthesia or ventilation system. A second filter component is operably coupled to the expiration port of the anesthesia or ventilation system such that gases passing through the expiratory limb of the anesthesia or ventilation system pass through the second filter component. The first filter component and second filter component are adapted to effectively remove volatile anesthetics passing through the respective filters.

03-01-2013 дата публикации

Methods and systems for monitoring volumetric carbon dioxide

Номер: US20130006134A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

This disclosure describes novel systems and methods for monitoring volumetric CO 2 during ventilation of a patient being ventilated by a medical ventilator. The disclosure describes more accurate, more cost effective, and/or less burdensome non-invasive methods and systems for calculating volumetric CO 2 than previously utilized methods and systems. The disclosure describes estimating a flow rate in a breathing circuit to calculate a volumetric CO 2 . Further, the disclosure describes synchronizing the estimated flow rate with a measured CO 2 to calculate a volumetric CO 2 . Additionally, the disclosure describes synchronizing a measured flow rate from within the breathing circuit with a measured CO 2 to calculate a volumetric CO 2 .

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Oxygen concentrator

Номер: US20130008438A1
Принадлежит: Ikiken Co Ltd, Terumo Corp

To provide an oxygen concentrator that can ensure safety by interrupting oxygen in a case where the oxygen concentrator is exposed to fire or an abnormal high-temperature environment when a user thereof is inhaling oxygen with a cannula. The oxygen concentrator includes: a compressor separating compressed air by compressing raw air; an oxygen outlet for discharging oxygen acquired from the compressed air; a coupler mounted on a tube of a cannula and removably connecting the tube to the oxygen outlet, and moreover having a temperature sensor; and a control unit stopping operation of the compressor to interrupt the supply of oxygen when a temperature sensed by the temperature sensor reaches a predetermined temperature or higher.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Elbow assembly

Номер: US20130008439A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

An elbow assembly for a mask system includes an elbow including a slot and a port, an anti-asphyxia valve adapted to be received within the slot and including a flap portion adapted to selectively close the port depending on the presence of pressurized gas, and a clip member to secure the anti-asphyxia valve to the elbow. The clip member includes a slot that is adapted to interlock with a protrusion provided to the anti-asphyxia valve.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Adapters for use with an anesthetic vaporizer

Номер: US20130008441A1

Adapters are provided for establishing fluid communication between an anesthetic agent container and an anesthetic vaporizer having a fluid port. The adapter may be mountable on the vaporizer to cooperate with the spout of an anesthetic agent container or may be mountable on an anesthetic agent container to cooperate with the fluid port of an anesthetic vaporizer to provide a sealing and/or retaining relationship therebetween.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Respiratory assistance mask

Номер: US20130008445A1
Автор: Georges Boussignac
Принадлежит: Individual

According to the present device, system, and method, the respiratory assistance mask comprising a hollow body bounding an internal chamber provided with a respiratory gas inlet and outlet, and a bearing member is remarkable in that it also comprises: a flexible membrane inserted on said bearing member and being able to be interposed between said bearing member and the face of said patient: and a multi-perforated internal skirt inserted, thru one of its two contours, on said bearing member and surrounded, at least partially, by said flexible membrane, the free contour of said skirt extending in direction of said internal chamber.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Headgear for mask assembly

Номер: US20130008446A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A mask system for use between a patient and a structure to deliver a breathable gas to the patient includes a mask assembly including a frame, a cushion provided to the frame, and optionally an elbow provided to the frame. Headgear is removably attached to the mask assembly to maintain the mask assembly in a desired position on a patient's face. The headgear includes a top strap, crown straps which cooperate to form a round shape adapted to accommodate a crown of the patient's head, and bottom straps.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Flexible mask attachment for a patient interface device

Номер: US20130008449A1

A patient interface device ( 10 ) that includes a mask ( 12 ) and a headgear component ( 18 ) for attaching the patient interface device to the head of a patient. The headgear component includes a strap ( 20 ) and an attachment element ( 22, 40, 60, 80 ) provided between the mask and the strap. The attachment element has a mask attachment portion ( 24, 42, 62, 82 ) coupled to the mask, a strap attachment portion ( 26, 44, 64, 84 ) coupled to the strap, and a flexible linkage portion ( 28, 46, 66, 86 ) provided between the mask attachment portion and the strap attachment portion. The flexible linkage portion is more flexible than both the mask attachment portion and the strap attachment portion to enable the mask attachment element to flex, bend, and/or twist along multiple axes to conform to particular facial contours of the patient.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Respiratory mask with ribbed contacting surface

Номер: US20130014760A1

A patient interface device ( 8 ) for delivering a flow of breathing gas to an airway of a patient is provided that includes a patient contacting component ( 9, 90 ) having a patient contacting surface structured to engage the face of the patient when the patient interface device is donned by the patient, the patient contacting surface also including a plurality of ribs ( 40, 52, 62, 72, 82, 96 ) extending therefrom. The patient contacting component may be, without limitation, a mask having a mask cushion, a forehead support having a forehead cushion, a cheek pad or a chin pad.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

System for monitoring ongoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Номер: US20130018288A1
Автор: Michael Brian Jaffe

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation being provided to a subject is monitored. An enhanced measurement of the effectiveness of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation received by the subject is determined by correlating chest compressions with changes in movement and/or composition of gas at or near the airway of the subject. For example, one or more therapy parameters may be measured with an enhanced accuracy and/or precision, and/or one or more therapy parameters not monitored in conventional cardiopulmonary resuscitation monitoring systems may be measured.

17-01-2013 дата публикации

Air-operated speech aid

Номер: US20130018462A1
Автор: Tong-Yuan Huang
Принадлежит: Individual

An air-operated speech aid that includes a cover cup, a tube, a sound guide tube, a gasket, and an internal tube. The cover cup of the speech aid is provided with a breathing hole, and a side of the breathing hole is clasped into a soft air gate. One end of the sound guide tube is encased in a sleeve or a mask type cover member.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Dose delivery device for inhalation

Номер: US20130032144A1
Принадлежит: Manta Devices LLC

Methods and devices for delivering a dose, such as a medicament, for inhalation. A dose may be stored by a delivery device and dispersed and delivered in a metered fashion to a subject, such as by the subject inhaling via a mouthpiece of the delivery device. One or more chambers of the device may have a toroidal shape and may be arranged to be selectively opened for fluid communication with a flow path of the delivery device, such as by sliding the chamber relative to a portion of the flow path. The flow path may include a restriction that permits air to bypass the chamber, and/or the chamber may be arranged so that fluid entering the chamber interacts with fluid exiting the chamber so as to enhance dispersion of the dose.

07-02-2013 дата публикации

Fiber optic intubating device

Номер: US20130035548A1
Принадлежит: Tufts Medical Center Inc

A fiberoptic intubating device is provided which permits visualization of the vocal cords and automatic deployment of an endotracheal tube into the trachea upon visualization. The device includes a housing, a handle extending from the housing, and an extendable and retractable stylet extending from the distal end generally in parallel with the longitudinal axis. The device also includes a support member disposed on the housing that is configured to support the endotracheal tube with respect to the housing and to be selectively movable in the longitudinal direction relative to the housing. The device is configured to automatically move the stylet relative to the housing upon actuation of a trigger. Once the stylet is positioned relative to the vocal cords, the device is configured to deploy the endotracheal tube into the trachea upon further actuation of the trigger.

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Fluid guide for a soother

Номер: US20130042862A1
Принадлежит: Aalborg Sygehus

The soother ( 100 ) is provided with a fluid guide ( 103 ) comprising one or more conduits ( 133 a, 133 b ) for supplying e.g. oxygen to the nostrils of an infant. The fluid guide ( 103 ) is manufactured as a single piece to ensure a simple design. The soother ( 100 ) can be assembled from three or four parts which make the manufacturing of the soother simple. The soother ( 100 ) may be designed so that parts of the soother ( 100 ) are releasably connectable. Thereby, the soother ( 100 ) may be disassembled after use so that efficient cleaning is possible. Accordingly, the cleaned parts can be assembled possibly in combination with new parts and other part types. The design of the fluid guide ( 103 ) ensures convenient supply of e.g. oxygen to the nostrils and convenient connection of oxygen hoses ( 701 ).

21-02-2013 дата публикации

Systems and methods employing a bite block insert for positioning and stabilizing external instruments deployed within the body

Номер: US20130046301A1
Принадлежит: Meden Therapeutics Inc

Systems and methods are provided for positioning and stabilizing an external instrument during insertion of the instrument through the oral cavity (e.g., insertion of a catheter through the oral cavity and into the esophagus or cardia for treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)). The systems and methods provide a gripping tool for association with a bite block, capable of selectively moving between an open position in which the instrument may be inserted or removed, and a closed position in which the external instrument is held in a fixed position.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Battery Management for a Breathing Assistance System

Номер: US20130047983A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A method for providing battery security in a breathing assistance system configured to provide breathing assistance to a patient is provided. A battery security system of the breathing assistance system receives battery data from a battery received in the breathing assistance system, and analyzes the received battery data to determine whether the battery is approved for use in the breathing assistance system. If the battery is determined to be approved for use in the breathing assistance system, the battery is allowed to provide power to the breathing assistance system. If the battery is not determined to be approved for use in the breathing assistance system, the battery is prevented from providing power to the breathing assistance system.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Tracheal tube with visualization device and integrated flushing system

Номер: US20130053636A1
Принадлежит: Nellcor Puritan Bennett LLC

The present disclosure describes systems and methods that utilize a multi-lumen tube with an integral visualization apparatus, such as a camera. The multi-lumen tracheal tube system may include a camera apparatus that is positioned to facilitate left or right bronchial intubation. In addition, the camera apparatus may be a unitary assembly that functions to hold and position the camera relative to the tube and provides an acceptable profile for comfortable intubation. The camera apparatus may include additional components, such as integral light sources and flushing or cleaning devices to remove any buildup from the camera or optical components.

28-02-2013 дата публикации

Systems and Methods of Adjusting Ventilator Modes and Settings Visually Via a Touchscreen

Номер: US20130055134A1
Автор: Timothy Michael Knor
Принадлежит: General Electric Co

The systems and methods of the present application provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for adjusting the modes and settings of a patient ventilator. Upon selecting the type of breath setting (mechanical and/or pressure supported), and the target and control parameters for each breath setting, an ideal set of pressure, flow and volume waveforms are displayed on a touch-screen GUI. The user is then able to adjust any of the waveforms using the touch-screen GUI to the desired ventilator settings for that particular patient. The user then confirms the settings and the ventilator operates according to the user-set waveforms.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Inductance compensation in a pressure support system

Номер: US20130056006A1

A system and method for delivering a flow of gas to an airway of a patient ( 54 ). The system includes a gas flow generator ( 52 ) and a patient circuit ( 56 ) comprising a conduit ( 100 ) that communicates the flow of gas to a patient. A sensor ( 62 ) is configured to measure a rate of the flow gas and generate flow signals based on the measured rate of flow. A controller ( 64 ) is operatively connected with the gas flow generator ( 52 ) and the sensor ( 62 ) and is configured to control a pressure of the flow of gas provided to the patient. The controller ( 64 ) receives the flow signals from the sensor ( 62 ), determines a rate of change in the flow of the gas, and modifies or compensates the pressure of the flow of gas provided to the patient if the rate of change in the flow of gas provided to the patient exceeds a threshold amount.
