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02-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2618084C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Наконечник для использования при доставке смеси распыляемого пропеллента и лекарственной композиции включает входное отверстие для лекарственного продукта, сконфигурированное для получения смеси распыляемого пропеллента и интраназальной лекарственной формы. Входное отверстие расположено на проксимальном конце. Корпус наконечника прикреплен к входному отверстию для лекарственного продукта. Два или более каналов расположены внутри корпуса. Два или более отверстий расположены на дистальном конце наконечника. 3 н. и 15 з.п. ф-лы, 3 табл., 31 ил.

22-05-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2688703C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Устройство для подачи аэрозоля, полученного из способного к аэрозолизации материала, содержит блок аэрозолизации, через который проходят импульсы давления газа-носителя, резервуар, содержащий способный к аэрозолизации материал и соединенный с блоком аэрозолизации с возможностью подачи в него способного к аэрозолизации материала, увлекаемого газом-носителем, клапан подачи материала, представляющий собой клапан типа «утиный нос», расположенный между резервуаром и блоком аэрозолизации и выполненный с возможностью: открытия в направлении блока аэрозолизации, открытия или закрытия при возникновении перепада давления между резервуаром и блоком аэрозолизации и подачи, в открытом положении, способного к аэрозолизации материала в блок аэрозолизации. Модуль управления содержит элемент обеспечения приложения усилия, который имеет возможность обеспечивать создание механического усилия, прикладываемого к клапану подачи материала, и влиять путем приложения ...

04-04-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2615280C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Варианты устройства для дыхательной терапии включают по крайней мере одну камеру, вход в камеру, выполненный для приема выдыхаемого воздуха в нее, по крайней мере один выход камеры, формируемый для выхода выдыхаемого воздуха из по крайней мере одной камеры, и контур выдоха, определенный между входом камеры и по крайней мере одним выходом камеры. Ограничительный элемент помещен в контур выдоха, при этом он подвижен между закрытой позицией, когда поток выдыхаемого воздуха вдоль контура выдоха ограничивается, и открытой позицией, в которой поток выдыхаемого воздуха вдоль контура выдоха ограничивается в меньшей степени. Лопасть в жидкостной связи с контуром выдоха оперативно связана с ограничивающим элементом и выполнена с возможностью совершения возвратно-поступательных перемещений между первым положением и вторым положением в ответ на поток выдыхаемого воздуха вдоль контура выдоха. Группа изобретений позволяет повысить эффективность терапии ...

18-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657953C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Раскрыто устройство адаптера для системы респираторной терапии, имеющей устройство генерации давления и узел подогреваемой трубки, соединенный с интерфейсным устройством пациента, причем устройство генерации давления содержит выпускной патрубок, имеющий первый корпус с первым пазовым элементом, выполненным с возможностью совмещения с выступающими элементами узла подогреваемой трубки, при этом узел подогреваемой трубки выполнен с возможностью электрического соединения с первым корпусом. Устройство адаптера включает первый конец, имеющий первый патрубковый элемент, выполненный с возможностью сообщения по текучей среде с узлом подогреваемой трубки; и второй конец, имеющий второй патрубковый элемент, выполненный с возможностью приема потока дыхательного газа, генерируемого устройством генерации давления, и выполнено с возможностью подачи потока дыхательного газа в узел подогреваемой трубки через первый патрубковый элемент. Вспомогательное ...

12-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017115845A3

11-01-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016134233A3

15-10-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019106402A3

27-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113434A3

20-08-2000 дата публикации


Номер: RU2154503C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Клапан предназначен для использования, в частности, в ингаляторах, имеющих корпус, такой как проставка (спейсер). Клапан имеет корпус, содержащий первую часть, которая выполнена с возможностью установки на выходное отверстие корпуса ингалятора, вторую часть, на которой установлен мундштук или лицевая маска, причем указанные первая и вторая части корпуса выполнены с первым отверстием, образующим канал для вдыхания, первую мембрану, предусмотренную в канале для вдыхания, и вторую мембрану, причем вторая часть корпуса выполнена со вторым отверстием. Указанное отверстие образует канал для выдыхания, два канала отделены друг от друга и расположены рядом друг с другом. Клапан позволяет создавать минимальное сопротивление и минимальную застойную зону. 2 с. и 19 з.п.ф-лы, 6 ил.

10-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009103826A

... 1. Дыхательный аппарат, в частности, комбинированный наркозный и терапевтический аппарат искусственного дыхания (1), включающий устройство подготовки свежего газа (2), устройство подготовки стимулирующего газа (4), магистраль обратного потока (17), магистраль прямого потока газа (15), участок вдоха (8), содержащий газовый сосуд (5), расположенный на магистрали обратного потока (17), участок выдоха (9), соответствующие регулировочно-управляющие устройства, регулируемый переключающий клапан регенерации и возврата избыточного газообразного анестетика (16), размещенный на участке выдоха (9) и связанный с магистралью обратного потока (17) и магистралью прямого потока газа (15), и тройник (7), связанный с участками вдоха (8) и выдоха (9), отличающийся тем, что он содержит клапан разблокировки свежего газа (13), который связан с газовым сосудом (5) и устройством подготовки свежего газа (2) и подключен к газовому сосуду (5) по направлении газового потока. ! 2. Аппарат по п.1, отличающийся тем, ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011124541A

... 1. Устройство осциллирующей терапии с избыточным давлением выдоха для использования пациентом, причем указанное устройство содержит: ! корпус с размерами, пригодными для его использования пациентом, и определяющий дыхательные пути пациента, проходящие со стороны пациента, и через которые пациент, который должен лечиться, вдыхает и выдыхает воздух: и ! клапанное устройство прерывателя, заключенное в корпус и содержащее: ! порт управления, через который поток выдыхаемого воздуха выпускается из дыхательного пути пациента, ! корпус клапана с такими размерами, чтобы, по меньшей мере, частично перекрывать поток текучей среды через порт управления, !приводной механизм, срабатывающий в ответ на поток выдыхаемого воздуха, причем приводной механизм выполнен с возможностью вращения корпуса клапана относительно порта управления, ! в котором клапанное устройство прерывателя выполнено с возможностью вращения корпуса клапана с неоднократными переходами между положением максимального перекрытия и положением ...

10-09-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011107226A

... 1. Дыхательное приспособление для присоединения дыхательного устройства к искусственному воздуховоду пациента, содержащее: ! сборочный узел адаптера, включающий в себя: ! порт для аппарата искусственной вентиляции легких, предназначенный для соединения с устройством для искусственной вентиляции легких, ! дыхательный порт для соединения с воздуховодом, ! порт доступа, включающий в себя канал, определяющий проход, продолжающийся от открытого вводного конца, ! промывочный порт, выступающий из канала и открытый с возможностью сообщения по текучей среде в проход на выходном отверстии промывочного порта; а также ! сборочный узел катетера, включающий в себя: ! соединительное приспособление, включающее в себя втулку и трубку, продолжающуюся от втулки к заднему концу, ! при этом трубка определяет: ! наружную поверхность, ! внутреннюю поверхность, образующую просвет, ! окружную канавку на наружной поверхности, прилегающую к заднему концу, ! множество отверстий, открытых с возможностью сообщения по ...

27-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2013133923A

... 1. Система вентиляции (300), содержащая:- отверстие (322) вдоха, выполненное с возможностью соединения с патрубком (312) вдоха двухсегментного контура (110, 210, 310) пациента, и отверстие (342) выдоха, выполненное с возможностью соединения с патрубком (114, 214, 314) выдоха двухсегментного контура пациента;- устройство (320) подачи газа, оперативно соединенное с отверстием вдоха и способное принимать сжатый газ из внешнего источника и регулировать и подавать поток сжатого газа к отверстию вдоха для создания положительного давления;- воздуходувку (330), имеющую вход (332), функционально соединенный с отверстием выдоха и выполненный с возможностью управления для выборочной подачи отрицательного давления на уровне от 4 до 120 см вод. ст. на патрубок выдоха, и, кроме того, имеющую выход (334), способный выпускать газ, полученный через отверстие выдоха;- выпускное отверстие (370) аппарата вентиляции;- двухходовой клапан (360), имеющий вход клапана и первый и второй выходы клапана, причем вход ...

12-02-1998 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069405587T2

02-09-1999 дата публикации

Inhalations-Anästhesiegerät mit einem handbetätigtem Sicherheitsventil

Номер: DE0069511002D1

02-03-2000 дата публикации

Respirator with improved high frequency oscillating ventilation

Номер: DE0019936038A1

A one direction valve (7) regulates the emission of airflow of expiration at fixed direction at the time of injecting and supplying air to a patient (P) via an emission path. A respirator (12) energizes the oscillating pneumatic pressure of period higher than the patient's respiration period at the time of oxygen supply.

26-03-1981 дата публикации

Номер: DE0002715003C3

14-10-1999 дата публикации

Inhalator zur Erzeugung von aroma- und/oder wirkstoffhaltigen Dämpfen aus Pflanzenmaterial und/oder Flüssigkeiten

Номер: DE0019803376C1

Verfahren zur Inhalation und Inhalator zur Erzeugung von aroma- und wirkstoffhaltigen Dämpfen aus Pflanzenmaterial und/oder Flüssigkeiten mittels Heißluft. DOLLAR A Die für das - im Gegensatz zum Rauchen - schadstoffreie Verdampfen von Wirkstoffen aus Pflanzenmaterial konzipierten Geräte waren bisher zu umständlich in der Handhabung, so daß sie sich nicht durchsetzen konnten. Der neue Inhalator soll es ermöglichen, die zu verdampfende Portion Pflanzenmaterial oder Flüssigkeit in einem Zug mit Heißluft durchströmen zu lassen und dennoch gewährleisten, daß individuell und bequem in mehreren Zügen inhaliert werden kann. DOLLAR A Hierbei werden die entstehenden Dämpfe in einem Ballon gesammelt und danach über einen Ventilmechanismus mit aufgesetztem Mundstück unabhängig vom Dampferzeuger inhaliert. DOLLAR A Der Inhalator ermöglicht es, die Wirkstoffe aus dafür geeignetem Pflanzenmaterial zu inhalieren (wie z. B. Tabak), ohne daß man die bei einer Verbrennung anfallenden Schadstoffe mitkonsumieren ...

07-08-2014 дата публикации

Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Durchführung eines Atemtrainings

Номер: DE102013001913A1

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung zur Durchführung eines Atemtrainings umfassend eine Mündungsöffnung (1), durch die hindurch von einer Person Atemluft in ein Volumen (2, 3a, 7) ausatembar oder aus dem Volumen (2, 3a, 7) einatembar ist, wobei dieses Volumen (2, 3a, 7) zumindest zum Teil durch einen in seinem Behältervolumen einstellbaren, mit der Mündungsöffnung verbundenen Behälter (2) gebildet ist, wobei das Volumen (2, 3a, 7) an eine Seite wenigstens einer gaspermeablen Membran (4) angrenzt, an deren andere Seite wenigstens eine Gasaustauschkammer (3b) angeschlossen ist, insbesondere die aktiv von einem für den Gasaustausch, insbesondere CO2- und/oder O2-Gasaustausch vorgesehenen Fluid durchströmbar ist. Die Erfindung betrifft weiterhin auch ein Verfahren zur Durchführung eines Atemtrainings, wobei eine Person durch eine Mündungsöffnung (1) in eine Trainingsvorrichtung ausatmet und aus dieser Trainingsvorrichtung einatmet, wobei der O2- und/oder CO2-Partialdruck in der aus der ...

19-07-2007 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Flowsteuerung

Номер: DE202007003817U1

Vorrichtung zur Flowsteuerung, bestehend aus einem im Gehäuse (1) vor einer Einströmöffnung (2) mit einem Ventilsitz (4.2) angeordneten, mit einer Kraft (FF) gegen die Strömungsrichtung im Strömungsrohr (3) gedrückten, den Ventilsitz (4.2) abdichtenden Ventilteller (4.1) und einer Ausströmöffnung (5) aus dem Gehäuse (1), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Ventilteller (4.1) mit einem Verschluss (6) für die Ausströmöffnung (5) gekoppelt ist, derart, dass ein festlegbares Maß der Öffnung zwischen Ventilsitz (4.2) und Ventilteller (4.1) den vollständigen oder nahezu vollständigen Verschluss der Ausströmöffnung (5) durch den Verschluss (6) bewirkt.

28-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: DE102016000677A1

In einer Ausführungsform umfasst ein Spin-Drehmoment-Oszillator (STO) eine Referenzschicht mit einer Magnetisierung, die zu einer freien Rotation auf gleicher Ebene fähig ist, eine Feldgenerierungsschicht (FGL), die wenigstens einen Magnetfilm mit einer Magnetisierungsvorzugsebene effektiv in einer Filmebene umfasst, wobei eine Magnetisierung der FGL zu einer Rotation auf gleicher Ebene fähig ist, und eine Stabilisierungsschicht (STL), die an einer Seite der FGL entgegengesetzt zu der Referenzschicht positioniert ist, welche STL einen Magnetfilm mit einer Magnetisierungsvorzugsebene effektiv in einer Filmebene umfasst, wobei eine Magnetisierung der STL zu einer Rotation auf gleicher Ebene fähig ist, und wobei ein Produkt einer Sättigungsmagnetisierung der STL multipliziert mit einer Dicke der STL kleiner ist als die Hälfte eines Produkts einer Magnetisierung der FGL multipliziert mit einer Dicke der FGL.

27-01-2021 дата публикации

Verbesserungen beim Einfangen von Xenon aus Narkosegas und dessen Wiederverabreichung an denPatienten

Номер: DE212019000291U1

Eine Vorrichtung zur Rückgewinnung von Xenon-Anästhesiemittel aus einer medizinischen Umgebung, umfassend einen Behälter einschliesslich ein Filter, durch welches Gas aus einer medizinischen Umgebung durchgeleitet werden kann, so dass Xenon-Anästhesiemittel daran reversibel gebunden ist.

26-02-2015 дата публикации

Inhalator und dafür verwendete Inhalationshilfe

Номер: DE112009000533B4

Inhalator, der aufweist: einen Inhalatorkörper (100), in dem ein Aerosol erzeugt wird; und eine Inhalationshilfe (150), die verwendet wird, während sie an dem Inhalatorkörper (100) angebracht ist, damit ein Benutzer das in dem Inhalatorkörper (100) erzeugte Aerosol inhaliert, wobei der Inhalatorkörper (100) umfaßt: einen Behälterabschnitt (116), in dem eine Flüssigkeit zurückgehalten wird; eine Drucklufteinleitungsöffnung (114a), die Druckluft einleitet; eine Außenlufteinleitungsöffnung (101), die Außenluft einleitet; einen Aerosolerzeugungsabschnitt, der die in dem Behälterabschnitt (116) zurückgehaltene Flüssigkeit unter Verwendung der Druckluft, die von der Drucklufteinleitungsöffnung (114a) eingeleitet wird, in zerstäubte Partikel zerstäubt und das Aerosol erzeugt, indem die zerstäubten Partikel an die Außenluft geliefert werden, die von der Außenlufteinleitungsöffnung (101) eingeleitet wird; und eine Aerosolausleitungsöffnung (132a), die das in dem Aersosolerzeugungsabschnitt erzeugte ...

16-05-2012 дата публикации

Beheiztes Beatmungsschlauchsystem

Номер: DE102010051079A1

Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft ein Beatmungsschlauchsystem zur Beatmung von Neugeborenen bzw. Frühchen unter Atemgaskonditionierung. Zur Lösung der Aufgabe, ein besonders einfach und kostengünstig herzustellendes Beatmungsschlauchsystem, welches auch eine ausreichende Konditionierung des Atemgases für Frühchen oder Neugeborene ermöglichen soll, schlägt die Erfindung einen Koaxialbeatmungsschlauchsystem vor, bei dem der Heizdraht (15) innerhalb des ersten Schlauchs (4) verläuft, am vom Patienten abgewandten Ende des zweiten Schlauchs (8) ein Abzweigstück (7) mit einem ersten Teil (7b) für das Expirationsgas sowie einem zweiten Teil (7a) für das Beatmungsgas vorgesehen ist und der Heizdraht (15) den zweiten Teil (7a) des Abzweigstücks (7) vollständig durchlauft.

20-09-2012 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Filtern von Atemgas

Номер: DE102011014018A1

Eine Vorrichtung (FV) zum Filtern von Atemgas weist ein Gehäuse (G) mit einem Gaseinlass (GE), einem Gasauslass (GA), und einem Filter (F) auf, der in einem zwischen Gaseinlass (GE) und Gasauslass (GA) ausgebildeten ersten Gehäuseabschnitt (G1) angeordnet ist, wobei das Gehäuse (G) einen vom ersten Gehäuseabschnitt (G1) gasdicht getrennten zweiten Gehäuseabschnitt (G2) mit wenigstens einer ersten Wand (W1, W2, W3) aufweist, die einen thermischen Kontakt mit einer Wand (W1, W2, W3) des ersten Gehäuseabschnitt (G1) herstellt. Der zweite Gehäuseabschnitt (G2) weist an einer Außenseite des Gehäuses (G) eine Öffnung auf.

16-08-1979 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002851192A1

13-07-2006 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Beatmung sowie Verfahren zur Steuerung eines Beatmungsgerätes

Номер: DE102004063158A1

Die Vorrichtung wird zur Beatmung verwendet und weist einen mit einer Druckgasversorgung verbindbaren Beatmungszugang sowie eine Steuerung für die Druckgasversorgung auf. Im Bereich eines dem Beatmungszugang zugewandten Endes eines Beatmungsschlauches ist ein steuerbares Ventil angeordnet. Die Druckgasverordnung ist über eine Blende wenigstens zeitweise mit einer Umgebung verbunden. Ein Druckregler ist zur Druckerfassung an einen Drucksensor angeschlossen. Über die Blende wird mindestens zeitweilig eine Leckage gegenüber einer Umgebung durch Druckluftableitung erzeugt. Die Druckluftableitung über die Blende ermöglicht eine verbesserte Steuerung des Beatmungsgerätes, insbesondere eine verbesserte Druckregelung.

16-04-2009 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zur Lieferung eines bestimmten Druckes oder Volumens von Beatmungsgas

Номер: DE602004012672T2
Принадлежит: AIROX

15-01-1970 дата публикации


Номер: DE0001933477A1

23-07-1970 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Aufrechterhalten der Konzentration eines Gases

Номер: DE0001960517A1

11-08-2010 дата публикации

Air supply valve

Номер: GB0201010646D0

18-01-2012 дата публикации

Valve for respiratory masks

Номер: GB0201121192D0

30-08-2017 дата публикации

Integrated, extendable, anesthesia system

Номер: GB0201711443D0

16-07-1986 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008613944D0

10-07-1991 дата публикации


Номер: GB0009110910D0

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Respiratory therapy apparatus

Номер: GB0201415323D0

09-09-1998 дата публикации

Micro ventilation anaesthetic circuit

Номер: GB0002318518B

22-11-2006 дата публикации

Oxygen administration apparatus

Номер: GB0002417425B

10-12-2008 дата публикации

T-piece for respiratory apparatus

Номер: GB0002449980A

A respiratory connector (10) is disclosed, which comprises first and second limbs defining a fluid conduit adapted for incorporation into a breathing circuit, and a third limb defining a valve port (50) adapted for connection to a respiratory component e.g. nebulizer. The respiratory connector (10) also includes a valve member (40) movable relative to the valve port (50) between an open configuration in which the valve member (40) enables fluid communication between the valve port (50) and the fluid conduit, and a closed configuration in which the valve member (40) seals the valve port (50) from the fluid conduit, and a fourth limb that houses means (30) for resiliently biasing the valve member (40) into the closed configuration.

13-01-1993 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002232220B

21-09-2016 дата публикации

Stabilizing layer for a spin torque oscillator (STO)

Номер: GB0002536544A

A Microwave assisted magnetic recording (MAMR) head has a spin torque oscillator (STO) 600 including a reference layer 602 having a magnetization that is capable of free in-plane rotation. The STO also includes a field generation layer (FGL) 606 including at least one magnetic film having an easy magnetization plane effectively in a film plane, wherein a magnetization of the FGL is capable of in-plane rotation, and a stabilizing layer (STL) 610 positioned on a side of the FGL opposite the reference layer. The STL includes a magnetic film having an easy magnetization plane effectively in a film plane, wherein a magnetization of the STL is capable of in-plane rotation. The product of a saturation magnetization of the STL multiplied by a thickness of the STL can be less than half a product of a magnetization of the FGL multiplied by a thickness of the FGL.

21-07-2004 дата публикации

A dual-shot moulded face mask

Номер: GB0002397244A

A face mask has a relatively soft canopy 1 and a more rigid reinforcement member 2 moulded together from different plastics as two shots in a dual shot moulding process. The peripheral sealing edge 10 of the canopy 1 is tapered to a reduced thickness to increase its flexibility. The reinforcement member is a frame 2 with radially extending arms 20,21 and 22 supporting respectively a gas port 23 by which gas can enter the mask, a valve 25 that allows air into the mask when there is an inadequate supply at the gas port and a selectively closeable vent 30. The mask is secured to the patients's head by a harness (40, 140, Fig 2) attached to ends 24,26 of the harness arms 21 and 22.

08-01-2014 дата публикации

Interface comprising a rolling nasal bridge portion

Номер: GB0002503843A

An interface for positive pressure therapy includes a mask assembly, a headgear assembly and a connection port assembly. The mask assembly comprises a seal member that has an upper portion movably connected to an integrated lower portion, wherein the upper portion rolls during hinging movement of the upper portion relative to the lower portion. The headgear assembly allows connection to the mask assembly in a direction substantially normal to a direction of strap tension. The connection port assembly includes a swivel elbow with a valve member that controls flow through a port that opens toward the user.

15-10-2014 дата публикации

Respiratory physiotherapy device

Номер: GB0002513064A

A device for providing positive expiratory pressure therapy to a patient wherein exhaled air is at a comparatively higher pressure than atmospheric pressure, said device including a container to hold liquid, an air inlet means to allow entry of air into the container and an air outlet to allow air to vent from the container. The air inlet means includes a conduit to discharge the exhaled air. The conduit is fixed in position so that the exhaled air is discharged at or substantially adjacent the base of the container. In use liquid is introduced into the container to a predetermined level and the bottom of the conduit is below the predetermined level of liquid to provide a desired level of positive pressure and the air outlet is above the predetermined level of liquid.

20-06-2007 дата публикации

Improvements relating to respiratory masks

Номер: GB0000709089D0

30-03-2011 дата публикации

Respiratory device with valved monitoring port

Номер: GB0002473826A

A respiratory device 10 comprises a body 12 defining an internal space having an inlet 14, an outlet 16, a monitoring port 20 with a valve 22 biased to a normally closed position, and a filter assembly 18 between the inlet and outlet ports. The valve 22 may have a pivotally hinged valve member 38 openable against the closing force of a biasing element 40 by an inserted tube such as a Luer tip 32 which may be sealed within the port by a seal 46. Various alternative types of one-way valves are also disclosed, including resiliently flexible blocking elements (28, fig 3a), which may additionally comprise tensioning elements (36, fig 4a) or a poppet-type arrangement (fig 6a).

18-05-2016 дата публикации

Back strap for a headgear assembly

Номер: GB0002532394A

Headgear for a respiratory mask has a back strap portion with a pair of first arms 514 extending transversely from its lower edge 516 and a pair of second arms 510 extending transversely from its upper edge 512. The distal ends 520 of the arms may be enlarged with hooked tabs 522 for connecting to a mask assembly such as a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask. Preferably, a pair of arms 506 extend from the upper arms and in use fasten over the crown of the users head. The edges of the back strap portion are preferably concave. The portion may incorporate a panel 516 of inextensible material, the portion being for location on or below the occipital protuberance. Also disclosed is: a face mask with a pivoting upper portion; an elbow connector having a flap valve; and a clip arrangement for securing the headgear to the mask.

30-10-2013 дата публикации

Respiratory therapy apparatus and methods

Номер: GB0201316223D0

13-04-2016 дата публикации

Interface comprising a rolling nasal bridge portion

Номер: GB0201603271D0

19-11-2014 дата публикации

Respiratory therapy devices

Номер: GB0201417482D0

11-02-1941 дата публикации

Improvements relating to apparatus for use in artificial respiration

Номер: GB0000533297A

... 533,297. Artificial respiration apparatus. DAVIS, Sir, R. H. Aug. 8, 1939, No. 22920. [Class 81 (ii)]] Artificial respiration apparatus comprises an oxygen supply 2, a mouthpiece 4 to be used by a rescuer, a mask 1 to be applied over the patient's mouth and nose, conduit means connecting the mouthpiece to the oxygen supply on the one hand and to the mask on the other, and non-return valve 16, 20 which automatically cut off communication between the mask and mouthpiece during inhalation of oxygen through the latter by the rescuer, and cut off communication between mouthpiece and oxygen supply when the rescuer is exhaling and forcing an atmosphere rich in oxygen with the addition of some carbon dioxide into the lungs of the patient. The oxygen supply comprises a cylinder of compressed oxygen connected to the rest of the apparatus through a pressure reducing valve 12. A small reservoir in the form of an india-rubber bag 15 is provided to accommodate oxygen delivered from the cylinder during ...

04-07-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus for use in a respiratory support system

Номер: GB0002558033A

An apparatus or kit for a respiratory support system for delivering humidified gas to a user or patient. The apparatus comprising a humidifier chamber in pneumatic communication with a gases source, an inspiratory conduit in pneumatic communication with the humidifier chamber downstream of the humidifier chamber, a filter that is in pneumatic communication with the inspiratory conduit downstream of the inspiratory conduit, and a patient interface for delivering humidified gas to a user or patient, wherein the patient interface is in pneumatic communication with the filter downstream of the filter, or is configured to be placed in pneumatic communication with the filter downstream of the filter.

05-09-2018 дата публикации

Improvements to halocarbon recycling methods and systems

Номер: GB0002560264A

A method of delivering or introducing anaesthetic agent to a medical device is provided. The anaesthetic agent is dissolved in a supercritical fluid wherein the anaesthetic agent is dissolved in a supercritical fluid before delivery to the device. A system comprises a cartridge or storage tank 420 containing a supercritical solution 418 of anaesthetic agent dissolved in supercritical fluid. The anaesthetic is injected into the medical device and is vaporised for delivery to a patient by depressurisation and warming of the supercritical solution. The agent may be injected into a patients blood.

23-08-1961 дата публикации

Breathing control valve

Номер: GB0000875790A

... 875,790. Artificial respiration apparatus. SEELER, H. W. Oct. 29, 1958 [July 7, 1958], No. 34719/58. Class 81 (2). A breathing control valve for use in artificial respiration apparatus comprises a housing having an inner chamber communicating with four passages, the first passage 14 being controlled by a one-way valve 12 to admit air to the chamber, the second passage 4 being connected to a source of intermittent positive and negative pressure, the third passage 30 communicating with atmosphere and the fourth passage 2 being connected to a source of intermittent positive pressure, and a valve member 24 movable between a first position, in which it seals the second and fourth passages from one another and permits communication between the third and fourth passages, and a second position, in which it closes the third passage and permits communication between the second and fourth passages. The valve is used in mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration apparatus, the second passage 4 being connected ...

05-12-1979 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to patient ventilators

Номер: GB0002021421A

The present invention relates to a delivery tube array which is used to connect a patient to a lung ventilator. A problem arising in the use of such ventilators is that exhaled air cannot be exhausted directly to the atmosphere since a normal outlet valve would also serve to exhaust air delivered on the compression stroke of the ventilator. The invention overcomes this problem by the introduction into a delivery tube array of a relief valve 14, a non-return valve 12 and a bleed-pipe 17 which connects the relief valve to a point up-stream of the non-return valve. Such an arrangement ensures that the relief valve opens only when the pressure within the patient's lungs is greater than the pressure upstream of the non-return valve. ...

28-11-2018 дата публикации

Digital endoscope

Номер: GB0201816514D0

07-10-2020 дата публикации

Deterministically controlled humidification system

Номер: GB0002582875A

A respiratory humidification system for providing heated and humidified respiratory gases to a patient comprising a liquid flow controller 110 providing a controlled flow of a liquid and a heating system including a heating surface 114 configured to receive the controlled flow of liquid. The system comprises one or more temperature sensors measuring a surface temperature of the heating surface and one or more liquid sensors 117 configured to detect whether the heating surface is wetted in at least one region. The system comprises one or more hardware processors providing deterministic control of a humidity level of gases passing through the system by instructing the liquid flow controller to adjust the controlled flow of liquid received at the heating system and instructing the heating system to adjust the surface temperature of the heating surface. Adjusting the surface temperature of the heating surface provides control to produce a known evaporative area. A heater plate is also provided ...

08-11-2017 дата публикации

A user interface and system for supplying gases to an airway

Номер: GB0201715236D0

27-07-1977 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001481246A

... 1481246 Respirator demand valve KOMBINAT MEDIZINUND LABORTECHNIK LEIPZIG VEB 31 Dec 1974 [3 Jan 1974] 56161/74 Heading A5T [Also in Division F2] A respirator valve comprises a housing 1, an inlet 2 for compressed gas, an outlet 3 for exhaled air and an inlet-outlet 9 for connection to the patient, in which the inlet for compressed gas and the outlet for exhaled air comprise stub pipes with openings 5, 4 in their side walls within the housing which are closable by an elastic diaphragm 6 on their outside and inside respectively and in which the inlet-outlet for connection to the patient can communicate with the interiors of the stub pipes via said openings in their side walls in dependence on the action of said diaphragm on said openings. As described the diaphragm has the shape of a finger stall, and there may be provided an extra valve 7 in the outlet to provide a double non-return function. The parts of the valve may be constructed of transparent material to allow visual monitoring of ...

19-02-1958 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to fluid-actuated valves

Номер: GB0000791005A

... 791,005. Artificial respiration apparatus. BRITISH OXYGEN CO., Ltd. March 16, 1956 [April 7, 1955], No. 10254/55. Addition to 748,363. Class 81 (2). [Also in Group XXIX] The fluid-actuated valve for use with pulsating pressure systems which is claimed in the parent Specification is provided with a non- return valve in the form of a rigid member such as the thin metal disc 21 adapted to float on a stem 22 secured to the movable member or diaphragm 13. The disc overlies a port or ports 23 in the diaphragm and is yieldingly urged to the closed position by a spring which may be a helical or leaf-spring of metal but is preferably of rubber or like resilient non-metallic material. As shown, the spring comprises a strip 27 of rubber held against a shoulder 26 on the stem 22 by a metal bridge 28 secured with the stem 22 to the diaphragm 13 by a screw 24 and a nut 25. Under the pressure stroke, the diaphragm engages a seating 19 and an outlet port 17 to a mask is cut off from a port leading to atmosphere ...

11-01-2023 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to capture and remanufacture of anaesthetic gas

Номер: GB0002608737A

A method of purifying xenon gas 3 by binding it to a filter material 17a, 17b, such as silica gel, zeolites, or a sliver of lithium doped aerogel, then extracting the xenon gas from the filter, such as by exposing the filter to supercritical CO2, and then purifying the xenon gas, such as with a vortex tube 14. The apparatus may be used to recycle anaesthetic gas ...

17-05-2006 дата публикации

Systems and methods for aerosolizing pharmaceutical formulations.

Номер: AP0000001611A

Systems and methods are provided for aerosolizing a pharmaceutical formulation. According to one method, respiratory gases are prevented from flowing to the lungs when attempting to inhale. Then, respiratory gases are abruptly permitted to flow to the lungs. The flow of respiratory gases may then be used to extract a pharmaceutical formulation from a receptable and to place the pharmaceutical formulation within the flow of respiratory gases to form an aerosol.

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Systems and methods for aerosolizing pharmacetical formulations

Номер: AP2001002366A0

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Systems and methods for aerosolizing pharmacetical formulations

Номер: AP0200102366D0

31-12-2001 дата публикации

Systems and methods for aerosolizing pharmacetical formulations

Номер: AP0200102366A0

15-09-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000372801T

15-08-2007 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000367179T

15-06-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000432043T

15-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000487508T

15-02-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000497400T

15-05-2012 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000553663T

15-09-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000722275A

15-08-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000517602T

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000419824T

15-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000422927T

15-12-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000005295T

15-04-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000178498T

15-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000182801T

15-10-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000304875T

15-10-2003 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000249853T

15-11-2002 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000226461T

15-05-2005 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000293471T

05-10-2017 дата публикации


Номер: AU2017228699A1
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

... - 72 INTERFACE COMPRISING A NASAL SEALING PORTION An interface for positive pressure therapy includes a mask assembly comprising a mask seal and a mask base, the mask seal being secured to the mask base. The mask seal has an oral opening and at least one nasal opening. The seal has a variety of rigidities or degrees of flexibility to enhance the conformability of the mask seal with a user's face. In an upper region the seal has a support region and a ballooning or flexing region, the support region being more rigid than the ballooning or flexing region. The seal also has lower corner reinforcements and a flexing chin region formed in between the lower corner reinforcements, the lower corner reinforcements being stiffer than the flexing chin region.

05-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: AU2018204754B2
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

An interface for positive pressure therapy includes a mask assembly and a headgear assembly. The mask assembly comprises a mask seal that is adapted to underlie the nose. 5 The mask seal extends up the lateral sides of the nose. The mask seal has a primary seal below the nose and a secondary seal alongside the nose. -50- ...

02-09-2021 дата публикации

Textile seal with air-assisted biasing portion

Номер: AU2020222309A1

A patient interface comprises a plenum chamber and a seal-forming structure. The seal-forming structure comprises a support structure arranged to support a sealing portion that is adapted to sealing engage the patient's face in use. The seal-forming structure may also include a seal biasing portion configured to inflate under pressurization within the cavity in the cushion assembly in use to extend the reach of the sealing portion and decouple the sealing portion from external forces.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Tracheostomy valves and related methods

Номер: US20120012116A1
Принадлежит: Passy Muir Inc

The embodiments of the present tracheostomy valves include a flexible diaphragm abutting a rib shaped substantially as a flat plate. Opposite the rib, the diaphragm abuts a boss and forms an uninterrupted seal therewith. As the tracheostomized patient inhales, the diaphragm bends about the rib, interrupting the seal and allowing air to flow smoothly into the valve. The features of the various embodiments contribute to a positive seal at all times except during inhalation, and low resistance to airflow through the valve during inhalation.

05-04-2012 дата публикации

Visual indicator for an aerosol medication delivery apparatus and system

Номер: US20120080028A1

A delivery system includes a holding chamber with first, second and third openings, and independently moveable first, second and third flow control members. A delivery system includes a holding chamber and a flow control member including a flap pivotable from an at rest position in a direction toward an outlet of a user interface and away from an output end of the holding chamber in response to a pressure being applied thereto.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable tracheostomy valve

Номер: US20120097170A1
Автор: Randy J. DAWSON

A valve, usable in connection with a tracheostomy tube, permits phonation by selectively blocking passage of air therethrough. The valve includes a main body portion with first and second internal passages. A first aperture extends radially through a peripheral wall, connecting the first internal passage to an environment external to the main body. A second aperture extends radially through the peripheral wall, connecting the second internal passage to the environment. A trach body portion defines a third internal passage and is connected to the main body portion. A flapper valve is sandwiched between the main body portion and the trach body portion. First and second adjustment rings permit adjustment of opening defined by the first and second apertures, thereby permitting control over the air passing through the first and second apertures.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Non-invasive ventilation exhaust gas venting

Номер: US20120285457A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A non-invasive ventilation patient interface comprises a fresh gas entry port, an exhaust gas vent port, and a filter media disposed in the exhaust gas vent port. The fresh gas entry port is configured for coupling with a fresh gas supply. The exhaust gas vent port is configured for allowing expulsion of exhaust gas from the patient interface in response to exhalation of a patient. The filter media is configured for filtering contagious from the exhaust gas, diffusing the exhaust gas, and controlling an expulsion flow of the exhaust gas through the exhaust gas vent port.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Device

Номер: US20120304988A1
Автор: Adam Meyer, Dan Engelbreth
Принадлежит: Individual

A respiratory treatment device comprising at least one chamber, a chamber inlet configured to receive exhaled air into the at least one chamber, at least one chamber outlet configured to permit exhaled air to exit the at least one chamber, and an exhalation flow path defined between the chamber inlet and the at least one chamber outlet. A restrictor member positioned in the exhalation flow path is moveable between a closed position, where a flow of exhaled air along the exhalation flow path is restricted, and an open position, where the flow of exhaled air along the exhalation flow path is less restricted. A vane in fluid communication with the exhalation flow path is operatively connected to the restrictor member and is configured to reciprocate between a first position and a second position in response to the flow of exhaled air along the exhalation flow path.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Ventilation mask with integrated piloted exhalation valve

Номер: US20120325206A1
Принадлежит: Individual

In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a mask for achieving positive pressure mechanical ventilation (inclusive of CPAP, ventilator support, critical care ventilation, emergency applications), and a method for a operating a ventilation system including such mask. The mask of the present invention includes a piloted exhalation valve that is used to achieve the target pressures/flows to the patient. The pilot for the valve may be pneumatic and driven from the gas supply tubing from the ventilator. The pilot may also be a preset pressure derived in the mask, a separate pneumatic line from the ventilator, or an electro-mechanical control. The mask of the present invention may further include a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) which is integrated therein.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Nitric Oxide Delivery Device

Номер: US20130074838A1

A nitric oxide delivery device including a valve assembly, a control module and a gas delivery mechanism is described. An exemplary gas delivery device includes a valve assembly with a valve and circuit including a memory, a processor and a transceiver in communication with the memory. The memory may include gas data such as gas identification, gas expiration and gas concentration. The transceiver on the circuit of the valve assembly may send wireless optical line-of-sight signals to communicate the gas data to a control module. Exemplary gas delivery mechanisms include a ventilator and a breathing circuit. Methods of administering gases containing nitric oxide are also described. 1. A nitric oxide delivery device comprising:a control module to deliver a gas comprising NO to a patient in an amount effective to treat or prevent hypoxic respiratory failure; and a valve attachable to the gas container containing the gas comprising NO, the valve including an inlet and an outlet in fluid communication and a valve actuator to open or close the valve to allow the gas comprising NO through the valve to the control module; and', a valve memory to store gas data comprising gas concentration in the gas container and', 'a valve processor and a valve transceiver in communication with the valve memory to send wireless optical line-of-sight signals to communicate the gas data to the control module., 'a circuit supported within the valve assembly and disposed between the actuator and a cap, the circuit including], 'a valve assembly to deliver the gas comprising NO from a gas container containing the gas comprising NO to the control module, the valve assembly comprising2. The nitric oxide delivery device of claim 1 , where in the valve assembly further comprises a data input disposed on the actuator and in communication with said valve memory claim 1 , to permit a user to enter the gas data into the valve memory.3. The nitric oxide delivery device of claim 2 , wherein the gas data ...

04-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130081616A1
Автор: Tatkov Stanislav

A tracheal coupling for interfacing between a patient and a gases source, the connector comprising a patient port () for connecting to the trachea interface/insert, an outlet port (), and inlet port () between patient port and outlet port for receiving a flow of gases from the gases flow source, the connector restricting expiratory flow in use to produce PEEP of at least 1 cm H2O when flow to the inlet port is 50 litres per minute. A system or method for supplying gases to a patient using the connector is also disclosed. Flow restriction is implemented using an orifice that can be adjustable, jetting or turbulence induced by a directed flow nozzle (). PEEP can also be varied by flow control of gas source. 138-. (canceled)39. A tracheal coupling for interfacing between a patient and a gases source , the coupling comprising:a patient port for connecting to a trachea interface in or on a patient;an outlet port;an inlet port for receiving an incoming flow of gases from the gases source, the inlet port located between the patient port and the outlet port; and{'sub': '2', 'a flow restriction to restrict expiratory flow in use to produce PEEP of at least 1 cm HO when flow to the inlet port is 50 litres per minute, the flow restriction located between the inlet port and the outlet port or at the outlet port, the flow restriction comprising an adjustable orifice;'}wherein, during inhalation by the patient, a first portion of the incoming flow flows directly to outlet port and a second portion of the incoming flow flows through the patient port to be inhaled by the patient, and during exhalation by the patient, all of the incoming flow and the expiratory flow combines and the combined flow flows through the outlet port.40. The tracheal coupling as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the flow restriction is caused by turbulence from inlet flow.41. The tracheal coupling as claimed in claim 39 , wherein the flow restriction is caused by jetting air from inlet flow.42. The tracheal ...

11-04-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130087146A1

A ventilator includes a compressor, a storage vessel, a valve assembly communicating with the compressor, the storage vessel, and an inhalation line. A controller directs the valve assembly between a storage configuration where ventilation gas is delivered from the compressor into the storage vessel, and a delivery configuration where ventilation gas is delivered from the storage vessel to the inhalation line. The controller is coupled to a pressure sensor for detecting a first pressure within the storage vessel when the valve assembly is directed to the delivery configuration, and detecting subsequent pressure while ventilation gas is delivered from the storage vessel to the inhalation line, the controller determining the volume of ventilation gas delivered to the patient based at least in part on the difference between the first pressure and the subsequent pressure. 1. A ventilator comprising:a source of pressurized gas;a storage vessel;a first pressure sensor coupled to the storage vessel for detecting the pressure of ventilation gas within the storage vessel;one or more valves communicating with the gas source via a source line, communicating with the storage vessel, and communicating with an inhalation line for delivering ventilation gas to a patient; anda controller coupled to the one or more valves for selectively directing the one or more valves between a storage configuration where ventilation gas is delivered from the gas source into the storage vessel, and a delivery configuration where ventilation gas is delivered from the storage vessel to a patient via the inhalation line, the controller coupled to the first pressure sensor for detecting a first pressure within the storage vessel when the one or more valves is directed to the delivery configuration, and detecting subsequent pressure thereafter while ventilation gas is delivered from the storage vessel to the patient via the inhalation line, the controller determining the volume of ventilation gas ...

18-04-2013 дата публикации

Lung Volume Reduction Devices, Methods, and Systems

Номер: US20130096603A1
Принадлежит: PneumRx, Inc.

The invention provides improved medical devices, therapeutic treatment systems, and treatment methods for treatment of the lung. A lung volume reduction system includes an implantable device having an elongate body that is sized and shaped for delivery via the airway system to a lung airway of a patient. The implant is inserted and positioned while the implant is in a delivery configuration, and is reconfigured to a deployed configuration so as to locally compress adjacent tissue of the lung, with portions of the elongate body generally moving laterally within the airway so as to laterally compress lung tissue. A plurality of such implants will often be used to treat a lung of a patient. 1. A method for treating a lung of a patient , the lung including:an airway system having a first airway elongate axial region with an associated first local airway central axis and a second airway elongate axial region with an associated second local airway central axis, the method comprising:delivering an implant axially into the airway system so that a proximal end of the implant is disposed within the first axial airway region and so that a distal end of the implant is disposed within the second axial airway region;tensioning a portion of the lung by deploying the implant in the airway system such that the deployed implant urges the first local airway axis of the first airway axial region laterally toward the second airway axial region while the proximal and distal portions of the elongate body extend axially within the first and second axial airway regions, respectively.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the deployed implant urges the first local airway axis of the first airway axial region laterally toward the second airway axial region by bending the airway system.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the implant comprises a tubular member claim 1 , the tubular member including one or more notches and a pull-wire within a lumen of the tubular member and wherein the implant urges ...

25-04-2013 дата публикации

System and method for performing respiratory diagnostics

Номер: US20130102917A1

A system ( 2, 2′, 2″, 2″′ ) for performing respiratory diagnostics is provided that includes a pressure generator ( 14 ) configured to generate a first pressurized flow of breathable gas having a first pressure level above atmospheric pressure (e.g., at levels typical of common CPAP devices) and a patient interface device ( 4, 4′, 4″, 4″′ ) coupled to the pressure generator. The patient interface device includes a body ( 6 ) having one or more subject interface openings ( 8 ) and one or more valves ( 18, 22, 24 ) disposed in the body, at least one of the one or more valves being selectively configurable to cause a second pressurized flow of breathable gas to be delivered through the one or more subject interface openings at a selectable pressure level anywhere between the first pressure level and atmospheric pressure in response to the patient interface receiving the first pressurized flow of breathable gas and without receiving any other pressurized flows of breathable gas.

16-05-2013 дата публикации

Anesthetic Inhalation Aid Device and Attachment Used for the Same

Номер: US20130118484A1
Автор: Naoyuki ISHIKITA
Принадлежит: Individual

An inhalation mask, an artificial nose unit, an anesthetic gas concentration detector, an extension tube, an anesthesia attachment, and an elastic bag are in communicative connection in sequence. The elastic bag has a mixing chamber formed therein and has an anesthetic inlet, an air inlet, and an outlet port each formed at the boundary to the exterior. The anesthesia attachment includes a hollow structure and an evaporation injector syringe. The outlet port of the elastic bag is in communicative connection with the hollow structure through its opening, and the evaporation injector syringe tightly mates with the interior of another opening. The anesthetic introduced into the mixing chamber is vaporized and then mixed with air introduced from the air inlet into mixed gas. The mixed gas is supplied from the outlet port to the inhalation mask by compressing the elastic bag or other procedures.

30-05-2013 дата публикации

Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Device

Номер: US20130133649A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An oscillating positive expiratory pressure apparatus having a housing defining a chamber, a chamber inlet, a chamber outlet, a deformable restrictor member positioned in an exhalation flow path between the chamber inlet and the chamber outlet, and an oscillation member disposed within the chamber. The deformable restrictor member and the oscillation member are moveable between an engaged position, where the oscillation member is in contact with the deformable restrictor member and an disengaged position, where the oscillation member is not in contact with the deformable restrictor member. The deformable restrictor member and the oscillation member move from the engaged position to the disengaged position in response to a first exhalation pressure at the chamber inlet, and move from the disengaged position to an engaged position in response to a second exhalation pressure at the chamber inlet.

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130160766A1

Components for a respiratory treatment apparatus that is capable of providing a humidified respiratory treatment permit a reduction in condensation in a patient interface and/or its gas delivery tubing. In some embodiments, a rainout valve that may be an integrated component of a humidifier output aperture, or coupled thereto, may reduce condensation with a vapor barrier operable to selectively block and permit humidified gas transfer from the humidifier. For example, the barrier may be operable to open in response to a flow of pressurized breathable gas that may be generated by a flow generator of the respiratory treatment apparatus. In the absence of such a generation of pressurized flow, the barrier may prevent a transfer of the humidified gas such as into a conduit for a patient interface by retracting to a closed position. Example vapor barriers may include a resilient membrane, cover, bellows, flap, shutter or other suitable valve. 1. A device to reduce conduit rainout attributable to a breathable supply of humidified gas by a respiratory treatment apparatus , the device comprising:a breathable gas conduit having an input aperture and an output aperture, the gas conduit configured as a channel for movement of a humidified gas between the input aperture and the output aperture; anda vapor barrier in the channel between the input aperture and the output aperture of the gas conduit, the vapor barrier operable to selectively permit and prevent vapor to pass from the input aperture to the output aperture.2. The device of wherein the vapor barrier is configured to normally seal the channel to prevent vapor passing from the input aperture to the output aperture.3. The device of wherein the vapor barrier is configured to open to permit vapor to pass from the input aperture to the output aperture by an application of pneumatic pressure applied at the input aperture that exceeds the pressure at the output aperture.4. The device of wherein the vapor barrier is configured ...

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Valved holding chamber including valve retention system

Номер: US20130186393A1

A valved holding chamber ( 2 ) includes a main chamber housing ( 49 and a mouthpiece assembly ( 6 ) removeably coupled to a first end of the main chamber housing, the mouthpiece assembly including a mouthpiece housing ( 24 ) having a mouthpiece portion ( 32 ) and a valve housing portion ( 30 ), a retaining ring ( 28 ) provided within and coupled to the valve housing portion, and a one-way inhalation valve ( 26 ) having an annular valve seat member ( 52 ), wherein the valve seat member is held between the retaining ring and an engagement surface of the valve housing portion. In one particular embodiment, a portion of the first end of the main chamber housing engages the bottom of the valve seat member and creates a seal between the main chamber housing and the one-way inhalation valve and between the one -way inhalation valve and the mouthpiece housing.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Reservoir System for Gas Delivery to a Patient

Номер: US20130192597A1
Принадлежит: WESTMED, INC.

A breathing system is provided that employs a reservoir for holding oxygen or an oxygen and medicine mixture while the patient is not inhaling. The reservoir generally prevents waste and reduces cost and helps prevent the patient from re-inhaling the previously exhaled gases. The reservoir also may include a flange extending from an inlet thereof that allows the reservoir to be positioned in an inverted position. 1. A reservoir for a breathing system , comprising:body;a tube extending therefrom, said tube having a first end interconnected to said body and a second end; anda flange extending from said second end.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said reservoir is made of a blow-molded material.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein said body includes a means for stiffening.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein said means for stiffening are ribs integrated into said body.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein said body includes thickened areas that function to stiffen said reservoir when it is inverted. This application is a Continuation-In-Part of U.S. patent Ser. No. 13/188,793, filed Jul. 22, 2011, which is a Continuation-In-Part of U.S. patent Ser. No. 12/688,295, filed Jan. 15, 2010, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/145,318, filed Jan. 16, 2009, the entirety of each application being incorporated by reference herein.Embodiments of the present invention generally relate to a breathing system designed to provide gas, such as an oxygen and medicine mixture, to a patient.Hospitalized patients with pulmonary or cardiovascular health issues often require supplemental oxygen. Typically, supplemental oxygen is delivered to a patient from an oxygen source that is interconnected by tubing to a patient interface, e.g., a mouth piece or a mask. In addition, some patients require medicine, which is delivered to the patient in the form of aerosolized particles mixed with the oxygen by a nebulizer that is interconnected to the tubing and positioned ...

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Aerosol therapy device

Номер: US20130199526A1
Автор: Davide Fraccaroli
Принадлежит: MED 2000 Srl

The present invention relates to an aerosol-therapy device, comprising a casing, a compressor group mounted in the casing and air intake and delivery means respectively to and from said compressor group. The compressor group comprises a motor and a compressor device which can be driven by the motor to draw in and deliver air respectively through the air delivery and intake means. In addition, the compressor device comprises a piston attached and supported solely by the casing and a cylinder sliding on the piston and eccentrically connected to the drive shaft of the motor.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206145A1
Автор: HEESCH Ralf, TÜRKER Ahmet
Принадлежит: Dräger Medical GmbH

A respiration system with a respirator () and with a breathing system (), which is detachably coupled with the respirator. The coupling between the respirator and the breathing system takes place by at least two connector systems (). The coupling between the respirator and the breathing system is designed such that the volume flow through the connector systems always takes place in only one direction. A pressure sensor (′) is preferably combined with at least one of the connector systems () such that a unidirectional volume flow, by which the direction of migration of bacteria through the connector system is influenced in the desired manner, becomes established within this connector system (), as a result of which the connector system and the coupled sensor are kept free from bacteria, viruses and other contaminants. 1. A respiration system comprising:a respirator;at least two connector systems;a breathing system detachably coupled with the respirator by the at least two connector systems, the breathing system comprising an expiratory branch and an inspiratory branch;a controllable gas inlet to admit gas from the respirator into the breathing system via one of the at least two connector systems;a controllable gas outlet to draw off gas from the breathing system into the respirator via another of the at least two connector systems;valves controlling the controllable gas inlet and the controllable gas outlet such that only a unidirectional volume flow, by which the direction of migration of bacteria, viruses or other contaminants through the respective connector system is affected, prevails in the corresponding two connector systems, so that collection of bacteria, viruses or other contaminants on the connector systems is essentially prevented from occurring; anda sensor wherein at least one of the at least two connector systems is coupled with the sensor such that due to the unidirectional volume flow through the respective connector system, collection of bacteria, ...

29-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130220322A1
Автор: Ruff William Henry

A personal airway humidification apparatus includes means for generating a heated air laden with gaseous (molecular) water. The personal airway humidification apparatus further includes an accumulator coupled to the generating means for retaining a volume of the gaseous water-laden heated air prior to being delivered by natural breathing to a user and a delivery tube coupled to the accumulator. The delivery tube has a sufficiently large diameter bore to enable the user's natural breathing to draw the gaseous water-laden heated air from the accumulator and through the delivery tube. The personal airway humidification apparatus also includes a one-way valve coupled to the delivery tube for venting exhalations of the user to atmosphere and preventing the exhalations from being exhaled back into the delivery tube and an interface device by which the gaseous water-laden heated air enters the user's mouth from the delivery tube. 1. A personal airway humidification apparatus comprising:means for generating a heated air laden with gaseous (molecular) water;an accumulator coupled to the generating means for retaining a volume of the gaseous water-laden heated air prior to being delivered by natural breathing to a user;a delivery tube coupled to the accumulator, the delivery tube having a sufficiently large diameter bore to enable the user's natural breathing to draw the gaseous water-laden heated air from the accumulator and through the delivery tube;a one-way valve coupled to the delivery tube for venting exhalations of the user to atmosphere and preventing the exhalations from being exhaled back into the delivery tube; andan interface device by which the gaseous water-laden heated air enters the user's mouth from the delivery tube.2. The personal airway humidification apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising a fan or pump coupled to the apparatus to promote the flow of the gaseous water-laden heated air from the generating means to the accumulator.3. The personal airway ...

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Respiratory therapy device having standard and oscillatory pep with nebulizer

Номер: US20130228174A1
Принадлежит: Hill Rom Services Pte Ltd

A respiratory therapy device has both a standard positive expiratory pressure (PEP) device and an oscillatory PEP device packaged together. A manually operable member is movable to select which of the standard and oscillatory PEP device is placed in communication with a patient's airway. A nebulizer connector may also be provided for connection of a nebulizer.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130228176A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Shoichi

The invention is to offer a gas mist inhaler which makes only one part of the gas mist inhaler disposable for ensuring hygiene as well as realizing economization. The gas mist inhaler comprises a gas supply means of supplying oxygen, carbon dioxide, or a mixed gas of oxygen and carbon dioxide; a gas mist generating means which has a connecting portion connected to the gas supply means , a liquid storage of storing a liquid, a nozzle supplied with the gas, a liquid suction pipe of sending the liquid to the tip of the nozzle, a collision member of colliding the liquid blown up by a gas stream from the nozzle therewith to convert it into a gas mist, a cylindrical gas inlet leading the gas till the upper portion of the nozzle, and a donut-shaped gas mist outlet collecting and discharging the gas mist; and an inhalation member connected to the gas mist generating member and having an inhalation port for enabling to inhale the gas mist into a living organism, and wherein the gas mist generating means is structured such that at least the liquid storage is made replaceable with others, and is disposable. 1. A gas mist inhaler , comprising:a gas supply means of supplying oxygen, carbon dioxide, or a mixed gas (called as “gas” hereafter) of oxygen and carbon dioxide;a gas mist generating means which has a connecting portion connected to the gas supply means, a liquid storage of storing a liquid, a nozzle supplied with the gas, a liquid suction pipe of sending the liquid to the tip of the nozzle, a collision member of colliding the liquid blown up by a gas stream from the nozzle therewith to convert it into a mist (called as “gas mist” hereafter) by pulverizing and dissolving these liquid and gas, a cylindrical gas inlet supplied with the gas and leading the gas till the upper portion of the nozzle, and a donut-shaped gas mist outlet collecting and discharging the gas mist; andan inhalation member connected to the gas mist generating member and having an inhalation port for ...

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Lung ventilator and/or anaesthesia machine

Номер: US20130239968A1

Lung ventilator ( 14 ) and/or anaesthesia machine with a blender for mixing a pressurised medical gas, e.g. oxygen, with air drawn in by a blower ( 1 ), comprising a gas line ( 10 ) for the medical gas, and an air line ( 11 ), which open into a common breathing gas line ( 12 ), whereby the opening of the gas line ( 10 ) into the common gas line ( 12 ) is downstream of the blower ( 1 ) and in the gas line ( 10 ) a regulating valve ( 8 ) is provided for variable adjustment of the gas flow and in the common breathing gas line ( 12 ) a regulating valve ( 4 ) is provided for dosing the breathing gas, and whereby in the breathing gas line ( 12 ) a flow sensor ( 3 ) is provided for measuring the breathing gas flow and in the gas line ( 10 ) a flow sensor ( 9 ) is provided for measuring the gas flow.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Closed loop control system for a high frequency oscillation ventilator

Номер: US20130239969A1
Автор: Michael A. Borrello
Принадлежит: CareFusion 207 Inc

A control system for a high frequency oscillating ventilator (HFOV) includes an oscillator controller and a mean airway pressure (MAP) controller. The HFOV includes a reciprocating piston which is adapted to generate positive and negative pressure waves for delivery to a patient airway. The oscillator controller comprises a pair of closed loop control circuits including an oscillator pressure loop and a centering loop which are collectively adapted to regulate frequency and amplitude of piston reciprocations and centering of the piston. The MAP controller comprises a closed loop control circuit that is adapted for regulating MAP at the patient utilizing feedback in the form of patient circuit pressure. Likewise, the oscillator controller utilizes patient circuit pressure as well as piston displacement feedback in order to regulate movement of the piston.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130239971A1

A flow regulation vent includes a fixed portion adapted to engage a gas supply conduit and a spring force biased movable portion connected by a hinge to the fixed portion and flowingly connected to the pressurized gas supply. The fixed portion includes a gas flow orifice. The movable portion is pivotably movable between 1) a relaxed position, wherein at a specified minimum operating pressure, the movable portion is pivoted by the spring force away from the fixed portion to a position to establish a first gas washout flow area between the movable portion and the gas flow orifice; and 2) a fully pressurized position, wherein at a specified maximum operating pressure, the pressurized gas offsets the spring force to pivot the movable portion to a position adjacent the fixed portion to establish a minimum gas washout flow area between the movable portion and the gas flow orifice. 1. A flow regulation vent for venting washout gas to atmosphere and for regulating flow from a pressurized gas supply , comprising:a fixed portion adapted to engage a gas supply conduit;a spring force biased movable portion structured for flowing communication with the pressurized gas supply; anda hinge pivotably connecting the movable portion to the fixed portion;wherein the fixed portion has a gas flow orifice and the movable portion is pivotably movable between 1) a relaxed position, wherein at a specified minimum operating pressure, the movable portion is pivoted by the spring force to a position away from the fixed portion to establish a first gas washout flow area between the movable portion and the gas flow orifice; and 2) a fully pressurized position, wherein, at a specified operating pressure, the pressurized gas offsets the spring force to pivot the movable portion to a position adjacent the fixed portion to cover at least a portion of the gas flow orifice and establish a minimum gas washout flow area between the movable portion and the gas flow orifice and the flow characteristics of ...

26-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130247909A1
Автор: Dotan Mordechai

A nebulizer for use in mechanical respiratory therapy that allows for the introduction of medicaments in the form of aerosols into the system without causing interruption to the therapy being provided to the patient. 1. A nebulizer for use in conjunction with apparatus providing mechanical respiratory ventilation therapy to a patient , the nebulizer comprising:a container having a volume sufficient to hold a therapeutically effective amount of a liquid medicament and to enable aerosolizing therein of the medicament upon the inflow thereto of a respiratory gas, the container comprising:a first port adapted for attachment to a source of a respiratory gas,a second port adapted for attachment to the apparatus providing respiratory ventilation to the patient,a third port adapted for inserting the medicament into the container without causing interruption to the respiratory ventilation therapy being provided to the patient; anda fourth port adapted for draining residual liquid from said nebulizer without causing interruption to the respiratory ventilation therapy being provided to the patient.2. The nebulizer according to wherein the container is of a unitary structure.3. The nebulizer according to wherein the third port is a one-way valve allowing introduction of the medicament without allowing outflow of any respiratory gas or aerosol.4. The nebulizer according to wherein the third port comprises a sealed insertion point for insertion of a needle of a syringe.5. The nebulizer according to wherein the insertion point is sealed with an elastomeric material.6. The nebulizer according to wherein the container comprises an internal configuration that is adapted to facilitate the aerosolizing of the medicament therein.7. The nebulizer according to wherein the configuration comprises a bottom portion that is tapered downward.8. The nebulizer according to wherein the configuration comprises a narrow tube extending from the first port and directing the inflow of respiratory gas ...

03-10-2013 дата публикации

Methods, Systems and Devices for Non-Invasive Open Ventilation For Providing Ventilation Support

Номер: US20130255683A2
Принадлежит: Breathe Technologies Inc

A system for providing ventilation support to a patient may include a ventilator, a control unit, a gas delivery circuit with a proximal end in fluid communication with the ventilator and a distal end in fluid communication with a nasal interface, and a nasal interface. The nasal interface may include at least one jet nozzle at the distal end of the gas delivery circuit; and at least one spontaneous respiration sensor for detecting respiration in communication with the control unit. The system may be open to ambient. The control unit may receive signals from the at least one spontaneous respiration sensor and determine gas delivery requirements. The ventilator may deliver gas at a velocity to entrain ambient air and increase lung volume or lung pressure above spontaneously breathing levels to assist in work of breathing, and deliver ventilation gas in a cyclical delivery pattern synchronized with a spontaneous breathing pattern.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130255689A1
Принадлежит: Seoil Pacific Corp.

Provided is a direction switching valve unit and a cough assisting device using the same for inhaling to and exhaling from a patient's respiratory organ to induce a cough, the cough assisting device has a case body () having an inhaling space () formed on and passing through a lower surface thereof; an air pressure generating unit () provided in the case body (), the air pressure generating unit generating an air pressure through a rotation force for suctioning air into an air inlet () and discharging suctioned air via an air outlet (); a direction switching valve unit () provided in the inhaling space () formed through the case body (), the direction switching valve unit converting a flow direction of the air for forcedly suctioning air toward a patient's respiratory organ or forcedly discharging air from a patient's respiratory organ by means of air pressure generated in the air pressure generating unit (), whereby the device can be operated with low electric power. 1. A direction switching valve unit , comprising:{'b': 310', '311', '312', '311', '313', '311', '314', '311', '315', '311', '316', '312, 'claim-text': [{'b': 330', '311', '310', '331', '311, 'a receiving body () fixed in the receiving space () of the housing () and having communication ports () formed at and penetrating locations corresponding to four (4) opened portions of the receiving space ();'}, {'b': 340', '330', '341', '342', '343', '344', '341', '342', '345', '346', '347, 'a rotating body () placed on the receiving body (), the rotating body having an upper plate (), a lower plate () and first and second partitions () and () connecting the upper plate () and the lower plate () to form a first direct passage (), a second direct passage () and a third direct passage (), both sides of each of the direct passages being opened; and'}, {'b': 350', '310', '340, 'a two-directional motor () provided at an upper side of the housing () and connected to a shaft of the rotating body ().'}], 'a housing () ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Inhalation Devices and Systems and Methods Including the Same

Номер: US20130276781A1
Принадлежит: FSC Laboratories, Inc.

A collapsible inhalation device for use with a metered dose inhaler (MDI) dispenser includes an outlet end member, an inlet end member and a tubular, pliable, collapsible sleeve member attached at either end to the inlet and outlet members. The outlet end member includes a mouthpiece. The inlet end member includes an inlet port and an MDI dispenser mount structure configured to receive and engage the MDI dispenser. The inhalation device is positionable in each of an open position, wherein the sleeve member defines a chamber, and a closed position, wherein the sleeve member is collapsed and enveloped by the outlet end member and the inlet end member. When the inhalation device is in the open position with the MDI dispenser mounted in the MDI dispenser mount structure, a dose of the medication can be dispensed from the MDI dispenser into the chamber through the inlet port to mix with air in the chamber and thereby form a mixture of the air and the dose of the medication that can be inhaled by a patient from the chamber through the mouthpiece. 1. A collapsible inhalation device for use with a metered dose inhaler (MDI) dispenser , the MDI dispenser operable to dispense a dose of a medication therefrom , the inhalation device comprising:an outlet end member including a mouthpiece;an inlet end member including an inlet port and an MDI dispenser mount structure configured to receive and engage the MDI dispenser; anda tubular, pliable, collapsible sleeve member having first and second opposed ends attached to the inlet end member and the outlet end member, respectively;wherein the inhalation device is positionable in each of an open position, wherein the outlet end member and the inlet end member are spaced apart and the sleeve member is extended such that the outlet end member, the inlet end member and the sleeve member define a chamber, and a closed position, wherein the sleeve member is collapsed and the outlet end member and the inlet end member are proximate one ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276784A1
Автор: Flynn, SR. Stephen Donald

A therapeutic face mask comprises a face-engaging portion and a single connector having a mask-engaging end and a single treatment-receiving end which has a single attachment mounting for detachably sealingly receiving a treatment attachment, such as an oxygen reservoir bag or a nebulizer. A one-way inhalation valve in the connector permits fluid flow from the treatment-receiving end to the mask-engaging end during inhalation and inhibits fluid flow in the other direction. The mask also includes a valve-governed exhalation port and an anti-asphyxia valve assembly configured to permit fluid flow from ambient to the face-engaging portion during inhalation only when inspiratory effort during inhalation exceeds fluid flow to the treatment-receiving end of the connector. Also provided is an oxygen reservoir bag having a neck shaped for removable coupling to a mating connector of a therapeutic face mask. An oxygen reservoir bag may have a metered-dose inhaler port defined in its neck. 1. A therapeutic face mask , comprising:a face-engaging portion having a fluid aperture; the mask-engaging end of the connector is coupled to the face-engaging portion in fluid communication with the fluid aperture;', 'the connector has only a single attachment mounting for detachably sealingly receiving a treatment attachment in fluid communication therewith, the attachment mounting being defined at the treatment-receiving end of the connector; and', 'the connector has at least one inhalation valve interposed in the fluid passageway between the mask-engaging end and the treatment-receiving end thereof, each inhalation valve being a one-way valve and being oriented to permit fluid flow from the treatment-receiving end to the mask-engaging end during inhalation and to inhibit fluid flow from the mask-engaging end to the treatment-receiving end;, 'only a single connector, the connector having a mask-engaging end and a only a single treatment-receiving end, the connector defining a fluid ...

24-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130276789A1

A ventilator system () includes an integrated blower (). In one case, the ventilator system includes: an inspiration port () for connection to an inspiratory limb () of a dual-limb patient circuit (), and an expiration port () for connection to an expiratory limb () of the dual-limb patient circuit; a gas delivery device () connected to the inspiration port to supply a pressurized flow of gas to the inspiration port to generate a positive pressure; and a blower having an inlet () that is operatively connected to the expiration port and configured to be controlled to selectively supply a negative pressure level between 4 and 120 cmHO to the expiration port, and an outlet () to exhaust gas received from the expiration port. In another case, the ventilator system includes a blower to generate positive pressure/flow to augment flow for noninvasive ventilation. 1100200300. A ventilator system ( , , ) , comprising:{'b': 122', '222', '322', '112', '212', '312', '110', '210', '310', '142', '242', '342', '114', '214', '314, 'an inspiration port (, , ) configured to be connected to an inspiratory limb (, , ) of a dual-limb patient circuit (, , ), and an expiration port (, , ) configured to be connected to an expiratory limb (, , ) of the dual-limb patient circuit;'}{'b': 120', '220', '320, 'a gas delivery device (, , ) operatively connected to the inspiration port and configured to supply a pressurized flow of gas to the inspiration port to generate positive pressure; and'}{'b': 130', '230', '330', '132', '232', '332', '134', '234', '334, 'sub': '2', 'a blower (, , ) having an inlet (, , ) that is operatively connected to the expiration port and configured to be controlled to selectively supply a negative pressure level between 4 and 120 cmHO to the expiratory limb, and further having an outlet (, , ) configured to exhaust gas received via the expiration port.'}2100200300140240340. The ventilator system ( claim 1 , claim 1 , ) of claim 1 , further comprising an exhalation ...

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Spacer and components therefor

Номер: US20130291862A1
Автор: Allan Eagle
Принадлежит: Medical Developments International Ltd

A spacer comprising a polycarbonate chamber and a flow valve located within the chamber. The chamber comprises: a first reservoir and a second reservoir; an inlet for admission of aerosolized medication into the first reservoir; an outlet for withdrawal of medication from the second reservoir; and a vent for expulsion of air from the second reservoir. The flow valve is adapted to: allow forward-flow of medication from the first reservoir to the second reservoir during user inspiration; substantially limit inflow of air through the vent into the second reservoir during user inspiration, substantially limit backflow of air or medication from the second reservoir to the first reservoir during user expiration; and allow expulsion of air from the second reservoir through the vent during user expiration.

07-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130296696A1

The volume of a hyperinflated lung compartment is reduced by sealing a distal end of the catheter in an airway feeding the lung compartment. Air passes out of the lung compartment through a passage in the catheter while the patient exhales. A one-way flow element associated with the catheter prevents air from re-entering the lung compartment as the patient inhales. Over time, the pressure of regions surrounding the lung compartment cause it to collapse as the volume of air diminishes. Residual volume reduction effectively results in functional lung volume expansion. Optionally, the lung compartment may be sealed in order to permanently prevent air from re-entering the lung compartment. 1. A method for reducing the residual volume of a hyperinflated lung compartment , said method comprising:sealing a distal end of a catheter in an airway feeding the lung compartment;allowing air to be expelled from the lung compartment through a passage in the catheter while the patient is exhaling; andblocking air from entering the lung compartment through the catheter passage while the patient is inhaling.2. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the hyperinflated lung compartment is substantially free of collateral flow from adjacent lung compartments prior to sealing the catheter distal end.3. A method as in claim 1 , wherein the hyperinflated lung compartment has collateral flow channels with one or more adjacent lung compartments prior to sealing the catheter distal end.4. A method as in claim 3 , wherein the collateral flow channels at least partially collapse as the volume of the hyperinflated lung compartment is reduced.5. A method as in claim 1 , further comprising introducing an oxygen-rich gas into the lung compartment after the volume is reduced to induce or promote absorption atelectasis.6. A method as in claim 1 , wherein reducing the residual volume of a hyperinflated lung compartment causes functional lung volume expansion of the remaining lung compartments.7. A catheter ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации

Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure Device

Номер: US20130312746A1

An oscillating positive expiratory pressure apparatus having a housing defining a chamber, a chamber inlet, a chamber outlet, a deformable restrictor member positioned in an exhalation flow path between the chamber inlet and the chamber outlet, and an oscillation member disposed within the chamber. The deformable restrictor member and the oscillation member are moveable between an engaged position, where the oscillation member is in contact with the deformable restrictor member and an disengaged position, where the oscillation member is not in contact with the deformable restrictor member. The deformable restrictor member and the oscillation member move from the engaged position to the disengaged position in response to a first exhalation pressure at the chamber inlet, and move from the disengaged position to an engaged position in response to a second exhalation pressure at the chamber inlet. 1. An oscillating positive expiratory pressure apparatus comprising:a housing defining a chamber,a chamber inlet configured to receive exhaled air into the chamber;a chamber outlet configured to permit exhaled air to exit the chamber;a respiratory portal configured to receive an aerosol medicament into the chamber from a nebulizer configured to deliver aerosol therapy; and,a one-way valve configured to permit the aerosol medicament to enter the chamber;wherein the one-way valve is configured to remain closed during administration of oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy, and is configured to open when the aerosol medicament is received into the chamber, thereby allowing a user to perform both oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy and aerosol therapy during a respiratory cycle.2. The oscillating positive expiratory pressure apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one-way valve is configured to remain closed during a period of exhalation.3. The oscillating positive expiratory pressure apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the one-way valve is configured to open during ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312749A1

A device to enable user inhalation and exhalation of air. The air delivered by the device may or may not be aromatically conditioned with user-selected aroma. Further, the air may or may not be thermally conditioned by the device to deliver air that is chilled, warmed, or ambient. The device can include a mask subassembly; an aroma subassembly; a neck portion; a base subassembly with thermal mass; and a soft, insulated cover assembly. Methods of using the device i) teach breathing techniques for relaxation using sensory feedback from the device; ii) educate, establish and heighten awareness of positive sleep routines that are considered important in healthy sleep hygiene; iii) aid in identifying behaviors that are not conducive to good sleep hygiene; iv) assist the user in identifying dysfunctional rumination and belief systems about sleep and relaxation; and v) educate the user about breathing techniques and relaxation. 1. A device to enable user inhalation and exhalation of aromatically conditioned air , comprising:a mask subassembly; andan aroma subassembly positioned relative to the mask subassembly such that air drawn through the first opening passes through the aroma subassembly prior to exiting through the mask.2. A device to enable user inhalation and exhalation of ambient air and/or thermally conditioned air comprising:a mask subassembly;a neck portion including a first opening on one end and a second opening on an opposite end thereof with a passage extending between the first and second openings, the passage of the neck portion in fluid communication with the mask subassembly such that air drawn through the first opening travels through the neck portion and exits through the mask; anda thermal mass that includes an inlet and a channel, the channel in fluid communication with the mask subassembly such that air that enters the thermal mass through the inlet is cooled, warmed, or maintained at ambient temperature before it reaches the mask subassembly.3. A ...

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130312757A1

A system for treating a patient suffering from obstructive sleep apnea may include a mask, a portable air flow generator configured to generate air flow at a relatively low flow rate, and a tube connecting the air flow generator and the mask such that air flow from the generator passes through an air flow generator valve on the mask. The mask may include a contact surface for forming a seal between the mask and the patient's face such that the mask surrounds the patient's nostrils, an expiration valve that opens during expiration, and an air flow generator valve that opens during inspiration. In some embodiments, the mask may further include an inspiration valve that opens during inspiration to allow air from outside the system to enter the mask. 1. A system for treating a patient suffering from obstructive sleep apnea or snoring , the system comprising:a mask having a contact surface for forming a seal between the mask and the patient's face such that the mask surrounds at least the patient's nostrils;a portable air flow generator configured to generate air flow at a relatively low flow rate of less than or equal to about 60 L/min;a tube connecting the air flow generator and the mask; anda one-way, variable resistance expiration valve coupled with the mask or the tube to allow exhaled air to exit the mask during exhalation, wherein the expiration valve provides less total resistance to expired air during a first half of an expiratory phase than during a second half of the expiratory phase.2. A system as in claim 1 , wherein the mask surrounds the patient's nostrils.3. A system as in claim 1 , further including an inspiration valve coupled to the mask or the tube to allow ambient air to enter the mask.4. A system as in claim 1 , wherein the expiration valve has an opening pressure of between about 0 cm H2O and about 15 cm H2O.5. A system as in claim 4 , wherein the expiration valve has an opening pressure of between about 2 cm H2O and about 5 cm H2O.6. A system as ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

High performance ventilatory training mask incorporating multiple and adjustable air admittance valves for replicating various encountered altitude resistances

Номер: US20130319420A1
Автор: Casey J. Danford
Принадлежит: Casey J. Danford

A wearable training mask providing varied inhalation resistance settings and including a depth defining and air impermeable both) having an exterior surface and an interior surface exhibiting a perimeter extending seal such that the body is adapted to overlay a wearer's mouth and nose. A plurality of air admittance valve subassemblies are provided and incorporated into locations along the body. Each of the valve subassemblies exhibit multiple resistance settings for affecting a degree of air flow into tie mask in response to inhalation by the wearer. Straps extending from said body have inter-engaging ends affixing about the wearers head.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

System and device for neonatal resuscitation and initial respiratory support

Номер: US20130327332A1
Принадлежит: VENTINVENT AB

The present invention relates to a device and a system for positive pressure ventilation and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment for neonatal resuscitation and initial respiratory support. The device and system are designed and tested for preterm and term neonatal use. The device is easy to use and allows rapid switch between PPV and CPAP without change of equipment and significantly reduces the imposed work of breathing for a breathing child treated with CPAP.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Mask system

Номер: US20130327333A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A full-face mask system for delivery of a supply of gas at positive pressure to a patient for medical treatment includes a shroud, a cushion module adapted to form a seal with the patient's nose and mouth, an elbow, and headgear. The cushion module includes a frame and a cushion. The frame includes an opening that releasably receives a distal end of the elbow with a snap-fit, wherein an inner edge of the opening and the distal end of the elbow together form a retention structure to retain the elbow to the frame.

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Devices for cooling the nasal cavity

Номер: US20130331915A1
Принадлежит: BeneChill Inc

A method for cerebral cooling is described using a cooling assembly, which includes first and second elongate tubular members adapted for insertion into a nasal cavity of a patient through the patient's nostrils. The elongate tubular members each have a proximal end, a distal end, a lumen extending therebetween, and a plurality of ports in fluid communication with the lumen. The cooling assembly also includes a manifold and a reservoir, which contains a pressurized fluid that includes a propellant having a boiling point less than 22° C. The elongate tubular members are inserted into the nasal cavity through the patient's nostrils and pressurized fluid is delivered onto a surface of the nasal cavity by infusing the pressurized fluid from the reservoir through the manifold, into the lumens and through the plurality of ports of the first and second elongate tubular members.

19-12-2013 дата публикации

Wrist Worn Portable Breathing Apparatus

Номер: US20130333704A1
Автор: Duncan Jeffery

The present invention, WristOx, is designed as a means of providing a user with means of extracting multiple breaths in situations that do not allow for the use of a traditional SCUBA configuration. The interchangeable compressed air cylinders allow for the user to exchange spent cylinders for full cylinders on the fly. Designed to be worn unobtrusively on the arm, the present invention foregoes the need for hoses or a second stage regulator, allowing for use in activities such as kayaking, spelunking, or even as an additional line of defense for divers and fire rescue personnel. 1. A portable breathing apparatus comprising: a independent single stage regulator with the capability of selectively permitting airflow , a mouthpiece or other means with which to connect said regulator directly to a human mouth , interchangeable pressurized air cylinders connected directly to said regulator , a visible pressure gauge , and a means for attaching a strap to fasten said apparatus to a human wrist , forearm , or upper arm , all of which , when combined to form said apparatus do not interfere with normal human range of motion or activity while being worn.2. A portable breathing apparatus as set forth in with said pressurized air cylinders comprised of carbon fiber wrapped aluminum tanks.3. A portable breathing apparatus as set forth in with said regulator comprising an independent unit from the said interchangeable pressurized air cylinders claim 1 , allowing for a pressurized air cylinder to be replaced while apparatus is still in use.4. A portable breathing apparatus as set forth in comprising attachment points for a plurality of pressurized air cylinders claim 1 , only one of which must be attached for said apparatus to function.5. A portable breathing apparatus as set forth in comprising a method of connecting said apparatus to an external compressed air source and filling compressed air cylinders attached to apparatus.6. A portable breathing apparatus as set forth in ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Method of measuring cardiac related parameters non-invasively via the lung during spontaneous and controlled ventilation

Номер: US20130345586A1
Принадлежит: Thornhill Scientific Inc

An apparatus to measure pulmonary blood flow and cardiac output (Q) comprising: a) a breathing circuit which, at exhalation, keeps exhaled gas separate from inhaled gas and at inhalation, when V E is greater than first gas set (FGS) flow, results in a subject inhaling FGS first and then a second gas set (SGS), for the balance of inhalation; b) a gas sensor for monitoring gas concentrations at the patient-circuit interface; c) a gas flow control means for controlling the rate of FGS flow into the breathing circuit; d) machine intelligence consisting of a computer or logic circuit capable of controlling the gas flow control means which receives the output of the gas sensor means and outputs pulmonary blood flow.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

System, apparatus and method for supplying gases

Номер: US20140000610A1
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

A system, apparatus and methods are provided for supplying gases to a user. The supply includes a sub-therapeutic mode and a pressure support mode for delivering therapy to a user. A flow diversion device or valve switches from a first mode corresponding with the sub-therapeutic mode of the system to a second mode corresponding with the pressure support mode of the system. In the first mode, the valve opens a larger flow path between the interior of the user interface and ambient air than in the second mode.

02-01-2014 дата публикации

Systems and Methods for Therapeutic Intrathoracic Pressure Regulation

Номер: US20140005566A1
Принадлежит: ResQSystems, Inc.

Embodiments of the present invention provide systems and methods for delivering respiratory treatment to a patient. For example, a treatment system may include a mechanism for delivering a positive pressure breath to a patient, and one or more limb flow control assemblies which modulate gas flow to and from the patient. Exemplary treatment techniques are embodied in anesthesia machines, mechanical ventilators, and manual ventilators. 1109-. (canceled)110. A system for providing intrathoracic pressure regulation (IPR) to an individual , the system comprising:a patient connection mechanism for coupling with an airway of the individual;a flow control assembly comprising a housing having a vent, an impeller disposed within the housing, and a motor in operative association with the motor; andan external pressure source selected from the group consisting of a manual bag valve mask mechanism, a mechanical ventilator machine, and an anesthesia machine,wherein the external pressure source is in fluid communication with the housing vent of the flow control assembly,wherein the impeller of the flow control assembly is disposed between the patient connection mechanism and the external pressure source, along a fluid passage that extends between the patient connection mechanism and the external pressure source, andwherein the flow control assembly is configured to allow retrograde airflow from the external pressure source to the patient connection mechanism while simultaneously compelling airflow from the patient connection mechanism to the housing vent.111. The system according to claim 110 , wherein the impeller of the flow control assembly is configured to produce a continuous pressure differential within a range from about 3 cm HO to about 16 cm HO.112. The system according to claim 110 , wherein the external pressure source is configured to provide a respiratory cycle duration of about 5 seconds.113. The system according to claim 110 , wherein operation of the flow control ...

09-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140007870A1

A dosing device for supplying a gas, preferably oxygen, to a breathing person under physical strain and/or during recovery from physical strain, which dosing device is portable, and includes: a gas conduit comprising a connector configured to connect to a gas supply, a gas nozzle adapted to be held in front of the mouth and/or nose of the breathing person; a breathing cycle detector configured to detect the occurrence of inhalation and/or exhalation phase and exhalation phase in the breathing cycle; a gas flow controller, and a control unit configured to control the gas dosage supplied to the person dependent on values obtained from the breathing cycle detector, so that gas is supplied during the inhalation phase of the breathing cycle at a point in time and for a time period. 1. A dosing device configured to supply a gas to a breathing person under physical strain and/or during recovery from physical strain , wherein the device is portable , and comprises:a gas conduit comprising a connector configured to connect to a gas supply,a gas nozzle adapted to be held in front of the mouth and/or nose of the breathing person;a breathing cycle detector configured to detect the occurrence of inhalation and/or exhalation phase and exhalation phase in the breathing cycle;a gas flow controller, anda control unit configured to control the gas dosage supplied to the person dependent on values obtained from the breathing cycle detector, so that gas is supplied during the inhalation phase of the breathing cycle.2. The dosing device according to claim 1 , wherein the dosing device further includes a measuring component configured to measure the physiological state of the breathing person claim 1 , and a gas supply controller configured to set a range of physiological state threshold values for gas supply claim 1 , wherein the control unit is adapted to control the gas dosage so that gas is supplied to the breathing person only when the values obtained from the measuring component ...

16-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140018616A1

A nebulizing catheter for bronchial therapy includes a catheter having a sheath defining an interior space and an open tip. A nebulizer is positioned in the interior space and located adjacent the open tip. The nebulizer includes a piezoelectric device. A liquid mixture is provided and placed in flow communication with the piezoelectric device for nebulizing a portion of that liquid mixture into small droplets for use in the bronchial therapy. 1. A nebulizing catheter for bronchial therapy comprising:a catheter including a sheath defining an interior space and an open tip;a nebulizer positioned in said interior space, adjacent said open tip, said nebulizer including a piezoelectric device; anda liquid mixture placed in flow communication with said piezoelectric device for nebulizing a portion of said liquid mixture into small droplets for use in bronchial therapy.2. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said liquid mixture includes modified cells.3. The nebulizing catheter of which further includes a reservoir for retaining said liquid mixture.4. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said reservoir includes a mesh material.5. The nebulizing catheter of which further includes a one-way valve.6. The nebulizing catheter of which further includes a porous material which is adjacent said piezoelectric device.7. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said porous material is in communication with a reservoir.8. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said piezoelectric device includes a wave generator.9. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said sheath has an outside diameter of approximately between 3.6 mm and 4.0 mm.10. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said liquid mixture is supplied to said nebulizing catheter by means of a syringe.11. The nebulizing catheter of wherein said liquid mixture is supplied to said nebulizing catheter by means of a tube which is connected to an external supply.12. A bronchial therapy device comprising:a supply of air;a handle connected to said supply of air ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Anesthesia Machine CO2 Absorber Bypass.

Номер: US20140034050A1
Автор: Bernstein Jerome

Anesthesia apparatus delivers anesthesia through flexible tubes in the patient-circuit. The tubes attach to inhalation and exhalation connectors on the COabsorber. 1. (canceled)3. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein the shunt reservoir is connected to the diverter.4. The COabsorber bypass of claim 3 , wherein the shunt reservoir can be shut when the diverter is not activated.5. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein the shunt reservoir is located upstream the shunt one way valve.6. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein the shunt reservoir is located downstream the shunt one way valve.7. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , further including a cooling mechanism for cooling gas passing through the shunt.8. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein the diverter is automatically activated.9. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein at least a portion of the exhalation limb and at least a portion of the inhalation limb are co-axial.10. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein the diverter is located upstream of the one way exhalation valve.11. The COabsorber bypass of claim 2 , wherein the diverter is located downstream of the one way exhalation valve.12. The COabsorber bypass of claim 11 , wherein the diverter is located between the one way exhalation valve and the adjustable pressure limiting valve.13. An anesthesia machine for a patient claim 11 , the machine comprising:an exhalation limb for conveying exhaled gas from a patient through a reservoir;a one way exhalation valve coupled to the exhalation limb;an adjustable pressure limiting valve coupled to the exhalation limb;{'sub': 2', '2, 'a COabsorber, with an entry port coupled to the adjustable pressure limiting valve and an exiting port of the COabsorber coupled to a connector for incoming gas;'}an inhalation limb coupled to the connector through a one way inhalation valve, the inhalation limb for conveying gas to the patient; and{'sub': '2', 'a COabsorber bypass comprising{'sub': '2', 'a ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Oscillating Positive Respiratory Pressure Device

Номер: US20140041657A1
Автор: Engelbreth Dan, Meyer Adam

An oscillating positive respiratory pressure apparatus and a method of performing oscillating positive respiratory pressure therapy. The apparatus includes a housing having an interior chamber, a chamber inlet, a chamber outlet, an exhalation flow path defined between the inlet and the outlet, and a restrictor member rotatably mounted within the interior chamber. The restrictor member has an axis of rotation that is substantially perpendicular to the flow path at the inlet, and includes at least one blocking segment. Rotation of the restrictor member moves the at least one blocking segment between an open position and a closed position. Respiratory pressure at the chamber inlet oscillates between a minimum when the at least one blocking segment is in the open position and a maximum when the at least one blocking segment is in the closed position. By exhaling into the apparatus, oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy is administered. 120.-. (canceled)21. A respiratory treatment device comprising:a housing having a chamber;a chamber inlet configured to receive air into the chamber;a chamber outlet configured to permit air to exit the chamber;a user interface in communication with the chamber inlet;a restrictor member mounted within the interior of the chamber, the restrictor member being movable relative to the chamber inlet between a closed position where the flow of air through the chamber inlet is restricted, and an open position where the flow of air through the chamber inlet is less restricted;a respiratory portal substantially aligned with the user interface, the respiratory portal being configured to receive an aerosol medicament from a nebulizer configured to deliver aerosol therapy; and,a one-way valve configured to permit the aerosol medicament to enter the chamber;wherein the one-way valve is configured to remain closed for the administration of oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy during a period of exhalation, and remain open for ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for preventing over inflation of the retention balloon in medical catheters and airway devices

Номер: US20140052063A1
Принадлежит: Convatec Technologies Inc

The body has a fluid inlet port for receiving pressurized fluid and a fluid outlet port connected to the retention balloon. A first passage connects the fluid inlet port and the fluid outlet port. A second passage in the body is connected to the balloon fluid return path and is at the pressure of the retention balloon. A valve prevents fluid flow through the first passage when actuated. The valve includes a pressure-responsive member movable to a position to obstruct fluid flow in response to fluid pressure in the second passage exceeding the predetermined level. Flexible means such as a membrane defines a normally open portion of the first fluid passage, which is closed by the moveable means bearing on the membrane when pressure exceeding the predetermined level actuates the valve.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140053839A1
Автор: NAKAMURA Shoichi

The present invention is to provide a gas mist inhaler, in which a gas introduction part of heightening pressure for supplying a gas mist is made integral with a gas mist generator in order to realize a simplified structure and cost reduction. This gas mist inhaler is provided with a gas supply means 10, a gas mist generation means 30 and an inhalation member 50, and the gas mist generation means 30 forms integrally a connection part to the gas supply means 10, a diverging part of branching a gas flow from the connection part, a liquid storage, a nozzle of discharging one-side gas flow branched by the diverging part, a liquid suction pipe of sending the liquid to a front end of the nozzle, a collision member of colliding the liquid blown up by the gas flow discharged from the nozzle with this collision member, a confluent part of joining the generated gas mist with the gas from an upward side, a gas introduction part of leading the other-side gas flow branched by the diverging part until the confluent part, and a gas mist discharge part of collecting and discharging the generated gas mist and gas. 1. A gas mist inhaler , comprising:a gas supply means of supplying oxygen, carbon dioxide, or mixed gas (called as “gas” hereafter) of oxygen and carbon dioxide,a gas mist generation means of generating a mist (called as “gas mist” hereafter) prepared by pulverizing and dissolving the gas supplied from the gas supply means as well as a liquid stored in an inside thereof and of supplying the mist under a condition of mixing with the gas, andan inhalation member connected to the gas mist generation means and having an inhalation port for causing the above mentioned gas mist to be absorbed into a living body,wherein the above mentioned gas mist generation means is integrally provided witha connection part to the gas supply means,a diverging part of branching a gas flow from the connection part,a liquid storage of storing the liquid,a nozzle of discharging one-side gas flow ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Breathing-Gas Delivery And Sharing System And Method

Номер: US20140090647A1

A device, system, and method for isolating a ventilator from one or more patients in which the delivery conditions of gas delivered to an isolation device from a ventilator may drive the delivery of breathing-gas delivered to one or more patients, the breathing-gas having the same or different delivery conditions. In one embodiment, an isolation device may have a housing and a movable partition. The movable partition may be joined to the housing, The movable partition may have a patient side on a first side of the partition and an actuating side on a second side of the partition. The isolation device may include an inlet pressure regulator on the actuating side and/or an exhaust pressure regulator on the patient side. These regulators may alter the delivery conditions (including, but not limited to, pressure and volume) of breathing-gas delivered to a patient.

10-04-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140096768A1
Автор: Lee Gary C.J.

A respiratory mask includes a mask body and an air inlet connector. The mask body is formed with an air inlet. The air inlet connector is integrally formed at the air inlet. The respiratory mask can be direct connected to an oxygen tube, an air storage bag, a mist spray tank, a medicine feed tank or a standard air tube of 22 mm, without the need for a separate connector. The respiratory mask decreases the number of the parts and is easy to operate for medical workers to change different pipes, without changing the respiratory mask. 1. A respiratory mask , comprising a mask body and an air inlet connector , the mask body being formed with an air inlet , the air inlet connector being integrally formed at the air inlet.2. The respiratory mask as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the air inlet connector is adapted to mate with a standard connector of an oxygen tube claim 1 , a standard air tube of 22 mm claim 1 , an air storage bag claim 1 , a medicine feed tank or a mist spray tank.3. The respiratory mask as claimed in claim 1 , wherein an inner side of the air inlet is provided with a one-way inlet valve plate.4. The respiratory mask as claimed in claim 3 , wherein two sides of the mask body are respectively formed with an air outlet. 1. Field of the InventionThe present invention relates to a mask, and more particularly to a respiratory mask.2. Description of the Prior ArtFor a serious patient, the patient needs to wear a respiratory mask to cover the mouth and the nose of the patient to assist the patient in breathing or in pouring medial gas along with breath so that the patient can maintain normal physiological functions. A conventional respiratory mask has a mask body. The mask body is formed with an air inlet for connecting an oxygen tube, an air storage bag, a mist spray tank, a medicine feed tank or a standard air tube of 22 mm. Because all the mask body, the oxygen tube, the air storage bag, the mist spray tank, the medicine feed tank and the standard air tube of ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000658A1
Автор: Martin Andrew

The invention concerns a nasal cannula assembly () adapted to deliver gases to a patient comprising a first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (); a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (); the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () for introducing a first gas into said first compartment (); the second compartment () comprising a second inlet () for introducing a second gas into said second compartment (); and the separation wall () comprising at least one valve element () for controlling the passage of gas from the second compartment () to the first compartment (). The invention concerns also a breathing assistance apparatus comprising a source of NO gas, and said nasal cannula assembly () in fluid communication with said source of NO gas. 1. A breathing assistance apparatus comprising:{'b': 10', '10, 'claim-text': [{'b': 4', '7', '1, 'A) a hollow body () configured to be capable of acting as a gas conduct or a gas manifold and comprising an internal chamber () defining a first compartment (),'}, {'b': 1', '2', '6, 'B) the first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (),'}, {'b': 5', '1, 'C) a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (),'}, {'b': 1', '11', '1, 'D) the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () forming a side gases entry in fluid communication with a gas transport conduct and configured to conduct a first gas into said first compartment (),'}, {'b': 2', '2, 'claim-text': [{'b': 12', '2, 'a second inlet () configured to conduct a second gas into said second compartment (), and'}, {'b': 14', '2, 'a deformable wall () having greater Compliance while filling than when the second compartment () is full,'}], 'E) the second compartment () having a fully inflated internal volume for a gas of about 0.5 to 5 ml, the second compartment () comprising,'}, {'b': 6', '3', '6', '5, 'claim-text': [{'b': 2', ' ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000659A1
Автор: Martin Andrew

The invention concerns a nasal cannula assembly () adapted to deliver gases to a patient comprising a first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (); a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (); the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () for introducing a first gas into said first compartment (); the second compartment () comprising a second inlet () for introducing a second gas into said second compartment (); and the separation wall () comprising at least one valve element () for controlling the passage of gas from the second compartment () to the first compartment (). The invention concerns also a breathing assistance apparatus comprising a source of NO gas, and said nasal cannula assembly () in fluid communication with said source of NO gas. 1. A method for treating pulmonary vasoconstriction in a patient , comprising:{'b': 10', '10, 'claim-text': [{'b': 4', '7', '1, 'A) a hollow body () configured to be capable of acting as a gas conduct or a gas manifold and comprising an internal chamber () defining a first compartment (),'}, {'b': 1', '2', '6, 'B) the first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (),'}, {'b': 5', '1, 'C) a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (),'}, {'b': 1', '11', '1, 'D) the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () forming a side gases entry in fluid communication with a gas transport conduct and configured to conduct a first gas into said first compartment (),'}, {'b': 2', '2, 'claim-text': [{'b': 12', '2, 'a second inlet () configured to conduct a second gas into said second compartment (), and'}, {'b': 14', '2, 'a deformable wall () having a greater Compliance while filling than when the second compartment () is full,'}], 'E) the second compartment () having a fully inflated internal volume for a gas of about 0.5 to 5 ml, the second compartment () comprising,'}, {'b': 6', '3', '6 ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000660A1
Автор: Martin Andrew
Принадлежит: American Air Liquide, Inc.

The invention concerns a nasal cannula assembly () adapted to deliver gases to a patient comprising a first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (); a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (); the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () for introducing a first gas into said first compartment (); the second compartment () comprising a second inlet () for introducing a second gas into said second compartment (); and the separation wall () comprising at least one flow restriction element () for controlling the passage of gas from the second compartment () to the first compartment (). 11010. A nasal cannula assembly () adapted to deliver gases to a patient , the nasal cannula assembly () comprising:{'b': 4', '7', '1, 'a) a hollow body () configured to be capable of acting as a gas conduct or a gas manifold and comprising an internal chamber () defining a first compartment (),'}{'b': 1', '2', '6, 'b) the first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (),'}{'b': 5', '1, 'c) a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (),'}{'b': 1', '11', '1, 'd) the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () forming a side gases entry in fluid communication with a gas transport conduct and configured to conduct a first gas into said first compartment (),'}{'b': 2', '2, 'claim-text': [{'b': 12', '2, 'a second inlet () configured to conduct a second gas into said second compartment (), and'}, {'b': 14', '2', '2', '2, 'sub': 2', '2, 'a deformable wall () forming a part of the boundary between the second compartment () and the room atmosphere such that the Compliance of the second compartment () is not less than 5 ml/cm HO while filling but is less than 0.1 ml/cm HO once the second compartment () is full,'}], 'e) the second compartment () having a fully inflated internal volume for a gas of about 0.5 to 5 ml, the second compartment () ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150000661A1
Автор: Martin Andrew
Принадлежит: American Air Liquide, Inc.

The invention concerns a nasal cannula assembly () adapted to deliver gases to a patient comprising a first compartment () and a second compartment (2) separated by a separation wall (); a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (); the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () for introducing a first gas into said first compartment (); the second compartment () comprising a second inlet () for introducing a second gas into said second compartment (); and the separation wall () comprising at least one flow restriction element () for controlling the passage of gas from the second compartment () to the first compartment (). 1. A method for treating pulmonary vasoconstriction in a patient , comprising:{'b': 10', '10, 'claim-text': [{'b': 4', '7', '1, 'A) a hollow body () configured to be capable of acting as a gas conduct or a gas manifold and comprising an internal chamber () defining a first compartment (),'}, {'b': 1', '2', '6, 'B) the first compartment () and a second compartment () separated by a separation wall (),'}, {'b': 5', '1, 'C) a pair of nasal prongs () in fluid communication with the first compartment (),'}, {'b': 1', '11', '1, 'D) the first compartment () comprising a first inlet () forming a side gases entry in fluid communication with a gas transport conduct and configured to conduct a first gas into said first compartment (),'}, {'b': 2', '2, 'claim-text': [{'b': 12', '2, 'a second inlet () configured to conduct a second gas into said second compartment (), and'}, {'b': 14', '2', '2', '2, 'sub': 2', '2, 'a deformable wall () forming a part of the boundary between the second compartment () and the room atmosphere such that the Compliance of the second compartment () is not less than 5 ml/cm HO while filling but is less than 0.1 ml/cm HO once the second compartment () is full,'}], 'E) the second compartment () having a fully inflated internal volume for a gas of about 0.5 to 5 ml, the second compartment () ...

01-01-2015 дата публикации

Nasal cannula assembly with inhalation valves communicating with a deformable reservoir

Номер: US20150000673A1
Автор: Andrew Martin

The invention concerns a nasal cannula assembly ( 10 ) adapted to deliver gases to a patient comprising a first compartment ( 1 ) and a second compartment ( 2 ) separated by a separation wall ( 6 ); a pair of nasal prongs ( 5 ) in fluid communication with the first compartment ( 1 ); the first compartment ( 1 ) comprising a first inlet ( 11 ) for introducing a first gas into said first compartment ( 1 ); the second compartment ( 2 ) comprising a second inlet ( 2 ) for introducing a second gas into said second compartment ( 2 ); and the separation wall ( 6 ) comprising at least one valve element ( 3 ) for controlling the passage of gas from the second compartment ( 2 ) to the first compartment ( 1 ). The invention concerns also a breathing assistance apparatus comprising a source of NO gas, and said nasal cannula assembly ( 10 ) in fluid communication with said source of NO gas.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000992A1
Автор: Leyva Timothy

The present invention is generally related to a device and method for sanitizing a medical instrument with ozone, in particular the invention relates to a system, method and a device for sanitizing a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. The device has an ozone compartment, an ozone operating system and one or more ozone distribution lines that distribute ozone to a continuous positive airway pressure device. The device may further include a heater adapter unit to connect heating systems in CPAP devices while distributing ozone to sanitize the CPAP device in accordance with the present invention. 1. A system for sanitizing continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equipment , comprising:an ozone device comprising a housing, the housing comprising a compartment and an ozone operating system separate from the compartment, wherein:the compartment is configured to house at least a portion of a CPAP mask;the ozone operating system is configured to generate ozone gas and to convey at least a portion of the ozone gas outside of said ozone device; andthe compartment is configured to receive at least a portion of the ozone gas from outside said ozone device.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an air pump that is configured to cause ozone gas generated by said ozone operating system to flow outside said ozone device.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein said air pump is within said housing.4. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a CPAP part claim 1 , wherein the ozone device is configured such that at least a portion of the ozone gas generated by the ozone operating system can flow into the CPAP part.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising an ozone distribution line claim 4 , wherein:the ozone distribution line is configured to fluidly couple to the ozone operating system and to the CPAP part; andthe ozone device is configured such that at least a portion of the ozone gas generated by the ozone operating system can flow into the CPAP part at ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160001030A1

A patient interface that is comfortable for a user to wear is disclosed. The patient interface includes a forehead rest and cushion. In particular the cushion includes a deformable resilient member that when compressed creates a uniformly and gradually increasing force while evenly distributing the pressure on the forehead of the patient. 1. A device for delivering a supply of gases to a user comprising: a hollow mask body having a first opening and a second opening; and', 'a mask cushion provided around a periphery of the first opening to form a seal between the hollow mask body and the face of the user in use the patient interface further comprising:', 'an arm comprising an aperture and a plurality of recesses;', 'a movable member configured to engage two of said recesses when the movable member is in each of a plurality of predetermined positions; and', 'a forehead pad comprising a forehead contacting portion, an elongate member and at least two protrusions configured to engage the movable member;, 'a patient interface configured to fluidly communicate with the supply of gases, the patient interface comprisingwhereby movement of the movable member between the predetermined positions causes a linear distance between the forehead contacting portion and the arm to increase or decrease by a predetermined linear distance.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the movable member is adapted to move between the predetermined positions in a direction that is perpendicular to the increase or decrease in linear distance between the forehead contacting portion and the arm.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the hollow mask body comprises a valve through which expiratory gases are expelled.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein the hollow mask body is formed from a transparent polycarbonate plastic.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the mask cushion comprises an indented section.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the mask cushion comprises an inner resilient cushion loosely covered by ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for evaluation of electrophysiology systems

Номер: US20200001036A1
Принадлежит: Biosig Technologies Inc

A signal processing evaluator and methods that compare a digital waveform of a cardiac signal to a first processed signal generated by a test system such as an EP recorder or an EP mapping system and generates a first finding evaluating how well the test system filters non-cardiac signals or simulated body impedance. A simulator and methods that send cardiac signals including non-cardiac signals or simulated body impedance to a test system and to a signal processing evaluator for evaluation of the test system.

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001095A1

An interface for positive pressure therapy includes a mask assembly, a headgear assembly and a connection port assembly. The mask assembly comprises a seal member that has an upper portion movably connected to an integrated lower portion, wherein the upper portion rolls during hinging movement of the upper portion relative to the lower portion. The headgear assembly allows connection to the mask assembly in a direction substantially normal to a direction of strap tension. The connection port assembly includes a swivel elbow with a valve member that controls flow through a port that opens toward the user. The valve member is provided with a tapered bead that helps prevent the valve member from sticking in a given position. Also, a connector for connecting a respiratory tube to an elbow connector. 112.-. (canceled)13. A headgear for use with a respiratory mask , comprising a component formed from two layers of 3D fabric folded from a sheet or tube of 3D fabric to have a folded edge , the folded edge forming an edge of the headgear.14. A headgear as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the component is a back panel claim 13 , the headgear comprising a lower strap and an upper strap extending from the back panel to connect to the mask claim 13 , the folded edge forming an edge of the back panel.15. A headgear as claimed in claim 14 , wherein the folded edge forms a bottom edge of the back panel.16. A headgear as claimed in claim 15 , wherein the bottom edge of the back panel extends across the back of a user's neck in use.17. A headgear as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the two layers of 3D fabric are joined together by bonding claim 13 , stitching or welding at other edges of the component.18. A headgear as claimed in claim 13 , wherein the two layers of 3D fabric are stitched together at an edge to have a seamed edge claim 13 , the seamed edge forming an edge of the headgear.19. A headgear as claimed in claim 18 , wherein the seamed edge is at an edge of the component ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001096A1
Принадлежит: 1Ready, LLC

A therapeutic vaporizer is disclosed having two or more housing portions configured to form an inner cavity. The housing portions are movable between an open and closed position, such that at least a portion of the inner cavity is enclosed when the housing portions are in the closed position. The vaporizer includes at least one accessory-receiving element configured to receive at least one accessory within the inner cavity when the housing portions are in the closed position. 166-. (canceled)67. A therapeutic vaporizer , comprising:a housing;a gas flow device contained within the housing;a heater contained within the housing, the heater comprising a chamber and a heating element configured to selectively heat a gas flowed from the gas flow device and through the chamber; an inner bowl cavity comprising a first therapeutic material support configured for supporting a vaporizable material;', 'an inlet providing fluid communication between the inner bowl cavity and the chamber, and', 'an outlet providing fluid communication from the inner bowl cavity;, 'a bowl comprisingan intermediary conduit positioned between the heater and the bowl, the heater in fluid communication with the bowl via the intermediary conduit;a first temperature sensor configured to detect a first temperature proximate to or within a portion of the heater;a second temperature sensor configured to detect a second temperature proximate to or within a fluid pathway formed downstream of the heater;a temperature controller electrically connected to the first and the second temperature sensors and the heating element for controlling the temperature of a gas flowed through the bowl cavity; anda second therapeutic material support positioned proximate to the outlet of the bowl, the second therapeutic material support formed as a tray, a basin, a receptacle or another container configured to support an aromatic material selected from an oil, a liquid, a gel, a solid or a semi-solid material.68. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001187A1

A positive exhalation pressure device increases the pressure gradient in the airways, thereby increasing oxygen saturation levels and decreasing the severity of hypoxia. Various embodiments of the device may be inserted into the nasal and/or oral cavities, or configured as mask devices covering the nasal and/or oral cavities. In some embodiments, the resistance of the device may be varied. 143-. (canceled)44. A positive expiratory pressure device comprising:a mask comprising a body shaped to cover the user's mouth and nose, wherein the mask is configured with a first port configured with an inhalation valve, and a second exhalation port sized to produce an exhalation pressure between 1-15 cmH2O; anda neck tube coupled to the mask and extending downwardly therefrom.45. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the neck tube is releasably coupled to the mask.46. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the neck tube is releasably coupled to the mask with a magnet.47. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the neck tube does not cover the first or second ports.48. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the mask comprises fabric catches for aligning one or more openings in the neck tube with the first and second ports on the mask.49. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the neck tube comprises an elastic member configured to engage the user.50. The positive expiratory pressure device of further comprising a drawstring mechanism for adjusting the elastic member.51. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the neck tube is the only feature for securing the mask to the user.52. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the body defines a dead space external to the user.53. The positive expiratory pressure device of wherein the expiratory port comprise a single orifice having an area of between 3.142 mmand 78.540 mm.54. A method of using a positive expiratory pressure device comprising:positioning a ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220007962A1
Принадлежит: PulmonX Corporation

Methods and systems for accessing and diagnosing diseased lung compartments are disclosed. Methods may comprise introducing a diagnostic catheter with an occluding member at its distal end into a lung segment; inflating the occluding member to isolate the lung compartment; and performing a diagnostic procedure with the catheter. The proximal end of the diagnostic catheter is configured to be attached to a console. Methods may also include allowing air to enter the lung compartment through the passage in the catheter while the patient is inhaling and blocking air from being expelled from the lung compartment through the catheter passage while the patient is exhaling by using a one-way flow element adapted to be disposed within or in-line with the passage of the catheter so that flow in a proximal-to-distal direction is allowed and flow in a distal-to-proximal direction is inhibited or prevented. 1. A method of assessing the functionality of a lung compartment in a patient , the method comprising:introducing a diagnostic catheter into the lung compartment, wherein the diagnostic catheter comprises a distal end, an occluding member at the distal end, and a proximal end configured to be attached to a console;inflating the occluding member to isolate the lung compartment;{'sub': '2', 'measuring COconcentration within the isolated lung compartment over time; and'}{'sub': '2', 'determining whether collateral ventilation is present in the isolated lung compartment based on the measured COconcentration within the isolated lung compartment over time.'}2. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether collateral ventilation is present in the isolated lung compartment comprises determining that no collateral ventilation is present if the COconcentration within the isolated lung compartment plateaus over time.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein determining whether collateral ventilation is present in the isolated lung compartment comprises determining that collateral ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016372A1
Принадлежит: Brantleymarie Medical Devices, Inc.

A stylet for use with a suction system and with an endotracheal (ET) tube configured for insertion into a patient airway in an intubation procedure. The stylet has a semi-rigid elongate tube portion and is configured for removable insertion into the ET tube. An inlet is located at a first end of the stylet and an outlet is located at a second end of the stylet. A suction interface located at the second end of the stylet interfaces with the suction system. The stylet is configured such that a suction pressure created within the suction passage by the suction system suctions substances located within the patient airway into the stylet via the inlet, through the suction passage, and then out of the stylet via the outlet. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. The stylet of wherein the thumb valve functions as a suction state selector for selecting the first or second mode of operation and wherein claim 23 , in the first mode of operation claim 23 , a first suction pressure at the at least one opening is a maximum suction pressure and claim 23 , in the second mode of operation claim 23 , a second suction pressure at the at least one opening is a minimum suction pressure.5. The stylet of wherein the suction state selector modulates a suction pressure that is between the first and second suction pressures when the stylet is operating in a third mode.6. The stylet of stylet operates in the first mode when the valve opening is sealed to prevent airflow through the valve opening claim 5 , the stylet operates in the second mode when the valve opening of the thumb valve is fully uncovered claim 5 , and the stylet operates in the third mode when the valve opening is partially uncovered.7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. The stylet of wherein flanges extend laterally outwards from opposing sides of the tube of the thumb valve and are sized and positioned to permit a separate finger of the user to be placed under each of the flanges alongside the tube of the thumb valve while a ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Concentrating Gas

Номер: US20220016571A1
Автор: Haneen Y. YEHYA
Принадлежит: Invacare Corp

Embodiments of gas concentrating systems and methods are provided. These systems and methods comprise configuration of hardware and software components to monitor various sensors associated the systems and methods of concentrating gas as described herein. These hardware and software components are further configured to utilize information obtained from sensors throughout the system to perform certain data analysis tasks. Through analysis, the system may, for example, calculate a time to failure for one or more system components, generate alarms to warn a user of pending component failure, modify system settings to improve functionality in differing environmental conditions, modify system operation to conserve energy, and/or determine optimal setting configurations based on sensor feedback.

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150007819A1

A portable medical device for sedating a patient includes a first vessel with a first substance contained under pressure and a second vessel with a second substance contained under pressure. A Y-valve may be provided with a first inlet, a second inlet, an outlet, a first pressure control valve between the first inlet and the outlet, and a second pressure control valve between the second inlet and the outlet. Tubes may connect the first and second vessels and a face mask to the Y-valve. The first pressure control valve may be opened to permit a fluid flow of the first substance from the first vessel to the face mask, and the second pressure control valve may be opened to permit a fluid flow of the second substance from the second vessel to the face mask. 1. A portable medical apparatus , comprising:a first vessel with a first substance contained under pressure;a second vessel with a second substance contained under pressure, the second vessel coupled to the first vessel;a Y-valve with a first inlet, a second inlet, an outlet, a first pressure control valve between the first inlet and the outlet, and a second pressure control valve between the second inlet and the outlet;a first tube coupled between the first vessel and the first inlet;a second tube coupled between the second vessel and the second inlet;a third tube coupled between the outlet and a face mask configured to seal over at least one of a nose and mouth of a user,wherein the first pressure control valve is opened to permit a fluid flow of the first substance from the first vessel to the face mask, and the second pressure control valve is opened to permit a fluid flow of the second substance from the second vessel to the face mask.2. The portable medical apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the first substance is medical grade nitrous oxide claim 1 , and the second substance is medical grade oxygen.3. The portable medical apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising:at least one pressure gauge that provides a ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

Non-Rebreather Face Mask

Номер: US20170007793A1
Автор: Salvino Chris, White Scott

The invention is an improved non-rebreather face mask (NRB). The mask enables users to obtain high purity oxygen, over 80%, while minimizing the amount of pure oxygen needed to run the system by reducing dead space within the mask. The mask also features safety mechanisms to ensure users will never suffocate. 1. A non-rebreather face mask for oxygen supplementation comprising:A face mask with a balloon disposed along the circumference of the inner surface of the mask, that may be inflated to a volume of between 10-100 milliliters, further disposed with a standard valve at the center bottom of the mask for inflation by a tube connected to an external gas source, further disposed with two one way check valves for releasing gas from within the mask, further disposed with a luer lock for attachment to a semi-compliant elastic reservoir bag, which may be 0.1-5 liters, which is further disposed with a luer lock for attachment to a hose connected to a source of pure oxygen.2. A non-rebreather face mask for oxygen supplementation comprising:An elastic reservoir bag, a face mask with an inflatable inner lining, one way CO2 check valves, an O2 line.3. A non-rebreather face mask for oxygen supplementation comprising:a face mask with a reservoir bag attached to a bottom portion of the face mask, an oxygen line inlet on the reservoir bag for receiving oxygen, an exhaust valve for a user's exhaled breath, and a balloon attached to an inner surface of the face mask and wherein the balloon is inflated to occupy a dead space in the face mask but does not obstruct a user's nostril or mouth airways.4. Wherein the balloon is incorporated into the circumference of the face mask in a generally circular configuration.5. Wherein the balloon is configured in the shape of two saddle bags that rest over the user's nose and onto the user's cheeks.6. Wherein the balloon is inflatable with a luer lock configured port on the face mask.7. Wherein the balloon has a volume of between 10-25 ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008789A1

An apparatus and method for providing a nebula or aerosol to a patient is described. In one aspect, the nebulizer is composed of a minimum number of parts to reduce complexity for automated or human assembly. The nebulizer may include an inhalation valve, exhalation valve and biasing member integrated into a single diaphragm structure that may be connected with an actuator and inserted into a housing for controlling nebulization of a medicine to a patient in response to the patient's breathing or in a continuous nebulization mode. 1. A nebulizer comprising:a housing having a chamber for holding an aerosol;an air outlet communicating with the chamber;a liquid outlet located in the chamber;a pressurized gas outlet located in the chamber adjacent to the liquid outlet;an actuator movably disposed along a central axis of the housing, the actuator connected to a diaphragm comprising an inhalation valve, an exhalation valve and a biasing member integrated in a single piece of material;wherein the biasing member is configured to move a diverter positioned on the actuator between a nebulizing position and a non-nebulizing position with respect to the pressurized gas outlet in response to a patient's breathing.2. The nebulizer of claim 1 , wherein the actuator comprises an attachment region configured to form a friction fit with a portion of a first region of the biasing member in the diaphragm.3. The nebulizer of claim 2 , wherein a second region of the biasing member is held in a fixed position relative to the housing claim 2 , such that the actuator is movable relative to the housing between the nebulizing position and the non-nebulizing position by the biasing member in response to the patient's breathing.4. The nebulizer of claim 3 , wherein the actuator further comprises a sealing surface claim 3 , separate from the attachment region claim 3 , and the inhalation valve of the diaphragm is configured to seal against the sealing surface of the actuator in response to a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Endotracheal Tube To Bag Valve Device Connecting Assembly

Номер: US20210008314A1
Автор: Stuckey Will

An endotracheal tube to bag valve device connecting assembly for quick access to an endotracheal tube for suctioning includes a first tube and a second tube that are coupled to a hinge so that the first tube is positioned to be swiveled relative to the second tube to align the first tube with the second tube, wherein the first tube and the second tube define a pipe. A first end of the pipe is configured to selectively couple to a patient valve of a bag valve device. A second end of the pipe is configured to selectively couple to an endotracheal tube. The pipe is configured to allow flow of gas from the bag valve device to the endotracheal tube. The first tube is positioned to be swiveled on the hinge so that the second tube is configured to insert a suction tube into the endotracheal tube to clear an airway. 1. An endotracheal tube to bag valve device connecting assembly comprising:a hinge;a first tube and a second tube coupled to the hinge such that the first tube is positioned for swiveling relative to the second tube for aligning the first tube with the second tube such that the first tube and the second tube define a pipe, a first end of the pipe being configured for selectively coupling to a patient valve of a bag valve device, a second end of the pipe being configured for selectively coupling to an endotracheal tube wherein the pipe is configured for flowing of gas from the bag valve device to the endotracheal tube and such that the first tube is positioned for swiveling on the hinge wherein the second tube is configured for inserting a suction tube into the endotracheal tube for clearing an airway.2. The assembly of claim 1 , further including the hinge comprising:a first barrel coupled to the first tube;a second barrel coupled to the second tube; anda pivot extending through the first barrel and the second barrel such that the first tube is hingedly coupled to the second tube.3. The assembly of claim 1 , further comprising:a first coupler coupled to the ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Exhalation Disposal System

Номер: US20220023512A1
Автор: Morgan Carl

The present invention relates to an exhalation disposal system for collecting, transporting and properly disposing of a bio-waste exhalation from an infectious patient in a closed system, thereby minimizing, if not completely eliminating, contact between medical personnel and the infectious patient's bio-waste exhalation. The system utilizes a length of flexible vacuum tubing in communication with both a specialized patient mouthpiece and a waste drain, and a check valve positioned along the length of the tubing to prevent backflow of the bio-waste exhalation. In an exemplary embodiment, the disposal system further comprises at least one sensor, a window and an access point for clearing blockages that may arise in the disposal system during use. The disposal system is configured to service multiple infectious patients simultaneously. 1. A kit for retrofitting a ventilation system comprising:a mouthpiece sized and configured for an individual patient, the mouthpiece having a connection fitting;an extraction hose having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end is connected to the mouthpiece;a valve for controlling a flow of air and a flow of aspirants within the extraction hose; anda drain line having a first end, a second end, and a fitting positioned on the first end of the drain line, wherein the extraction hose extends from the mouthpiece to the fitting on the drain line.2. The kit for retrofitting a ventilation system of claim 1 , wherein the mouthpiece is disposable.3. The kit for retrofitting a ventilation system of claim 1 , wherein the extraction hose is a flexible hose.4. The kit for retrofitting a ventilation system of further comprising at least one tee joint for connecting one or more patients to the drain line.5. The kit for retrofitting a ventilation system of claim 1 , wherein the valve is a one-way valve.6. The kit for retrofitting a ventilation system of claim 5 , wherein the one-way valve comprises a trap.7. The kit for retrofitting a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Compact oronasal patient interface

Номер: US20210008317A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A breathing arrangement includes a patient interface, at least one inlet conduit, and a headgear assembly. The patient interface includes a mouth covering assembly including a cushion structured to sealingly engage around exterior of a patient's mouth in use, a nozzle assembly including a pair of nozzles structured to sealingly engage within nasal passages of a patient's nose in use, and a flexible element connecting the mouth covering assembly and the nozzle assembly. The at least one inlet conduit is structured to deliver breathable gas into at least one of the mouth covering assembly and the nozzle assembly for breathing by the patient. The headgear assembly is removably connected to at least one of the mouth covering assembly and the nozzle assembly so as to maintain the mouth covering assembly and the nozzle assembly in a desired position on the patient's face.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008322A1

The invention allows for considerably improving the efficiency of inhalation treatment of various diseases and conditions in pulmonology, therapy, intensive treatment, anesthesiology, and sports medicine and is provided with new integral technical solutions while employing the opportunities of microelectronic technology and modern components. A modular structure of the apparatus simplifies its manufacture, ensures the ease of setting it up, and operation in various operating modes. When using the invention, monitoring of the ventilation indicators and patient condition with achieving his high safety level may be ensured; in sports medicine a problem of rehabilitation and training of athletes with the background of extreme loads and increased ventilation indicators is solved. 1. A method of the inhalation effect on the human body consisting in forming a respiratory mixture on the basis of oxygen and/or air and feeding same to a patient with the addition of anesthetic vapors and/or of an aerosol of medicinal agents to the respiratory mixture , characterized by that the respiratory-mixture feeding mode is set with the help of the control module via the rebreathing or non-rebreathing loop through artificial lung ventilation and/or autonomous breathing; wherein the flow and pressure of each gas is monitored by means for automating adjustment and monitoring connected with it by setting the isodromic flow of each gas in accordance with the signals from the control module; wherein the total flow is independently measured and controlled by setting the necessary flow as per signals of the control module; and also inhalation and exhalation lines are connected/disconnected to/from the atmosphere in line with the signals from the control module.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the respiratory mixture is generated as a two-component mixture of oxygen with helium claim 1 , xenon claim 1 , or nitrogen oxide.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in case of artificial ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008324A1
Автор: Huby Ronald James

A humidifier for humidifying a flow of air to be delivered to a patient includes a base unit having at least one wall defining a receiving space. The base unit also includes a variable volume reservoir configured to hold a body of water and receive the flow of air to humidify the flow of air for delivery to the patient. The receiving space is configured to receive the variable volume reservoir and the variable volume reservoir is conformable to a shape of the receiving space. The humidifier further includes a heater for heating the body of water. 1. A humidifier for humidifying a flow of air to be delivered to a patient , the humidifier comprising:a base unit comprising at least one wall defining a receiving space;a variable volume reservoir configured to hold a body of water and receive the flow of air to humidify the flow of air for delivery to the patient; anda heater for heating the body of water,wherein the receiving space is configured to receive the variable volume reservoir and the variable volume reservoir is conformable to a shape of the receiving space.2. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir is collapsible to a flat plate.3. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the at least one wall defines a prism shaped receiving space.4. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir comprises low thermal impedance material configured to engage the heater in use.5. The humidifier of claim 4 , wherein the low thermal impedance material comprises at least one of polyethylene or polyamide.6. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir does not comprise a metal plate.7. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir comprises the heater.8. The humidifier of claim 7 , wherein the heater is a flexible tape heater.9. The humidifier of claim 8 , wherein at least a part of the heater is molded within a wall of the variable volume reservoir.10. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008326A1

Systems and methods are provided for delivering anesthetic agent to a patient. In one embodiment, an anesthetic vaporizer includes a vaporizing chamber configured to hold a liquid anesthetic agent, and an inductive heating element positioned exterior to the vaporizing chamber and housed within a gas-tight barrier, the inductive heating element operated to selectively heat a target. 1. A system for an anesthetic vaporizer , comprising:a vaporizing chamber configured to hold a liquid anesthetic agent; andan inductive heating element positioned exterior to the vaporizing chamber and housed within a gas-tight barrier, the inductive heating element operated to selectively heat a target component of the anesthetic vaporizer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the target component of the anesthetic vaporizer includes a heat pipe claim 1 , a first portion of the heat pipe housed within the gas-tight barrier and a second portion of the heat pipe crossing the barrier and extending into the vaporizing chamber.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the target component of the anesthetic vaporizer further includes a ferromagnetic collar in contact with the first portion of the heat pipe claim 2 , the ferromagnetic collar housed within the gas-tight barrier claim 2 , and the second portion of the heat pipe is configured to be at least partially submerged in the liquid anesthetic agent.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the inductive heating element is coiled around a length of the ferromagnetic collar.5. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a gas inlet passage that fluidically couples the vaporizing chamber to a carrier gas portion of a medical gas claim 2 , the gas inlet passage configured to flow the carrier gas portion into the liquid anesthetic agent in the vaporizing chamber.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the target component of the anesthetic vaporizer includes a capillary pump claim 1 , the capillary pump including a vaporization zone housed within an outlet manifold ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009041A1

An inflation valve () for a sealing cuff () on a tracheal tube () has a helical ceramic spring () that urges a valve seal () against a valve seat (). The actuator () by which the seal () is lifted from the seat to open the valve includes a spring latch mechanism (). The latch mechanism has three spring fingers () that are held resiliently in compression in a recess () before the first actuation of the valve. When first used, the actuator is moved forwardly to open the valve so that the free ends of the spring fingers clear the end of the recess and deflect outwardly. When the actuator () is released to allow the valve to close, the spring fingers () engage a latch surface () so that the spring () is held in greater tension. 19-. (canceled)10. A valve including an outer housing , a valve seat , a valve seal displaceable along the housing into or out of sealing engagement with the valve seat , a resilient member arranged to urge the seal into engagement with the seat and an actuator arrangement extending from the valve seal to an opening of the housing , characterised in that the actuator arrangement includes a latch member and is displaceable forwardly from an initial position before use where it is out of engagement with a latch surface on the housing to a second position where the latch member engages the latch surface and prevents movement of the actuator arrangement rearwardly beyond the latched position , that the actuator arrangement is displaceable forwardly from the latched position to displace the seal away from the seat and allow flow through the housing , and that the actuator arrangement , when released , allows the seal to be displaced by the action of the resilient member to return to engagement with the seat and prevent flow along the valve.11. A valve according to claim 10 , characterised in that the latch member includes an outwardly displaceable spring element that is held inwardly in the initial position by engagement with an external surface ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Expandable Inter Vivos Tube and Method of Manufacturing Same

Номер: US20150011828A1

A flexible expandable inter vivos tube includes at least one arched segmented portion, a corresponding movable element and at least one positioning mechanism. The at least one arched segmented portion and corresponding movable element forming a flexible closed longitudinally expandable tube. The at least one arched segment includes an H-shaped connector having at least one cavity that allows variable slidable movement of a free end portion of the corresponding movable element. A balloon is contained in each of the at least one cavity so that the hydraulic or air pressure within balloon expands the movable element and, thus, the circumference of the flexible inter vivos tube is increased. 2. The inter vivos tube of claim 1 , further comprising:sealing means associated with each of a distal end of said flexible member and a proximal end of said flexible member.3. The inter vivos tube of claim 1 , wherein said first free end and said second free end are tapered.4. The inter vivos tube of claim 1 , wherein said balloon comprising a material having an expansion capability greater at a distal end of said balloon than at a proximal end of said balloon.5. The inter vivos tube of claim 1 , wherein said rib has a greater width at a distal end of said flexible member than at a proximal end of said flexible member.6. The inter vivos tube of claim 1 , wherein said injection ports are at substantially one of: a distal end and a proximal end of said flexible member.7. The inter vivos tube of claim 6 , wherein said insertion ports are in one of: said outer circumference member and said inner circumference member.8. The inter vivos tube of claim 1 , further comprising;a plurality of serrations on each of said first free end and said second free end; anda retaining pin positioned on at least a portion of an edge of one of: the lower circumference member and the outer circumference member, said retaining pin positioned opposite said plurality of serrations.9. The inter vivos tube of ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150013671A1

A respiratory treatment device having an inlet configured to receive exhaled air into the device and an outlet configured to permit exhaled air to exit the device. A blocking member is moveable between a closed position where the flow of air through the device is restricted, and an open position where the flow of air through the device is less restricted. A biasing member is configured to bias the blocking member toward the closed position, wherein a level of bias decreases as the blocking member moves from the closed position to the open position. 1. A respiratory treatment device comprising:an inlet configured to receive exhaled air into the device;an outlet configured to permit exhaled air to exit the device;a blocking member moveable between a closed position where the flow of air through the device is restricted, and an open position where the flow of air through the device is less restricted; and,a biasing member configured to bias the blocking member toward the closed position, wherein a level of bias decreases as the blocking member moves from the closed position to the open position.2. The respiratory treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the biasing member comprises a pair of magnets.3. The respiratory treatment device of claim 2 , wherein a distance between a first magnet and a second magnet of the pair of magnets is selectively adjustable when the blocking member is in the closed position.4. The respiratory treatment device of claim 1 , wherein the blocking member moves from the closed position to the open position in response to a threshold exhalation pressure in the device.5. A respiratory treatment device comprising:an inlet configured to receive exhaled air into the device;an outlet configured to permit exhaled air to exit the device;a blocking member moveable between a closed position where the flow of air through the device is restricted, and an open position where the flow of air through the device is less restricted; and,a biasing member ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации

Speaking valve system with cuff deflation

Номер: US20150013684A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A tracheal tube system includes a tracheal tube assembly having a cannula configured to be positioned in a patient airway, and a connector coupled to the proximal end of the cannula. The tracheal tube assembly further includes a cuff disposed about the cannula. The tracheal tube system additionally includes a speaking valve comprising means for deflating the cuff, wherein the speaking valve, the connector, and the cannula form a contiguous passageway for delivering air one-way into the patient airway when the speaking valve is disposed onto the end connector.

03-02-2022 дата публикации

Active Lung Assist Device

Номер: US20220031983A1
Автор: SALEHPOOR Karim

An active breathing assistance apparatus is disclosed. A simple apparatus includes first, second and third sets of balloons in a base compartment; a compression component on or over the balloons, configured to expel air from the balloons; a tubing network connected to the balloons; a wearable breathing compartment at an outlet of the tubing network; first and second check valves in the tubing network, between the breathing compartment and (i) the third set of balloons and (ii) the first and/or second balloons, respectively; third and fourth check valves between atmospheric air and the first and second balloons, respectively; a cover securing the compression component to the base compartment; and a motion restricting component controlling movement of the compression component. The first and second sets of balloons are between the compression component and the base compartment, and the third set of balloons is between the compression component and the cover. 1. An apparatus , comprising:first, second and third sets of balloons in a base compartment;a compression component on or over the balloons, configured to expel air from the balloons when pressed against the balloons, wherein the first and second sets of balloons are between the compression component and the base compartment;a tubing network connected to the first, second and third sets of balloons, configured to carry the air from the first and/or second sets of balloons and to the third set of balloons;a wearable breathing compartment at an outlet of the tubing network;a first check valve in the tubing network between the third set of balloons and the wearable breathing compartment;a second check valve in the tubing network between the wearable breathing compartment and the first and/or second sets of balloons;one or more third check valves between the first set of balloons and atmospheric air;one or more fourth check valves between the second set of balloons and the atmospheric air;a cover over the compression ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220031985A1

A respiratory ventilator device is described herein. The respiratory ventilator device includes an inhaled air assembly, an exhaled air assembly, and a control system operatively coupled to the inhaled air assembly and the exhaled air assembly. The inhaled air assembly is coupled to a patient respiratory circuit and configured to channel a volume of inhalation air to the patient's lungs to assist in patient inhalation. The exhaled air assembly is coupled to the patient respiratory circuit and configured to remove air from the patent's lungs to assist in a patient exhalation. The control system is configured to operate the respiratory ventilator system in an inhalation mode and an exhalation mode. 1. A respiratory ventilator device , comprising:an inhaled air assembly coupled to a patient respiratory circuit and configured to channel a volume of inhalation air to a patient's lungs via the patient respiratory circuit to assist in patient inhalation;an exhaled air assembly coupled to the patient respiratory circuit and configured to remove air from the patent's lungs via the patient respiratory circuit to assist in a patient exhalation; anda control system operatively coupled to the inhaled air assembly and the exhaled air assembly and configured to operate the respiratory ventilator device in an inhalation mode and an exhalation mode;wherein the control system operates the inhaled air assembly to generate a positive air pressure to channel the volume of inhalation air to the patient's lungs during the inhalation mode; andwherein the control system operates the exhaled air assembly to generate a negative air pressure to remove the air from the patent's lungs during the exhalation mode.2. The respiratory ventilator device of claim 1 , wherein the control system operates the exhaled air assembly to channel the air removed from the patent's lungs to an exhaust air outlet connector assembly during the inhalation mode.3. The respiratory ventilator device of claim 2 , ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Material recovery and capture device for atomized material delivery apparatuses

Номер: US20170014586A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A recovery and collection assembly for an atomized material inhalation device is provided. The recovery and collection assembly includes an outer tubular housing and an input tube. The outer tubular housing includes a sidewall defining an outer chamber, an upper end piece attached to an upper end of the sidewall, and a lower end piece attached to a lower end of the sidewall. The lower end piece has at least one air flow opening allowing fluid communication between an interior of the outer chamber and an atmosphere surrounding the outer tubular housing. The input tube extends through the lower end piece and has a first end in fluid communication with the atomized material inhalation device. The input tube also has a second end disposed in an upper half of the outer chamber and in fluid communication with the outer chamber and defines an inner chamber.

17-01-2019 дата публикации

Apparatus and Method for Offline Collection of Breath Samples for Nitric Oxide Measurement

Номер: US20190015081A1
Принадлежит: Spirosure, Inc.

A breath collection and storage apparatus is disclosed for collecting and storing samples of exhaled breath for later analysis of nitric oxide contained in collected breath samples. The described apparatus provides for inhaling air into the lungs via a one-way air inflow portal through an airflow chamber via an inhalation/exhalation portal. Air inhaled into the lungs is then expelled back into the airflow chamber via the inhalation/exhalation portal and flowed into a breath storage vessel. A flow meter monitor, such as a flow meter or pressure gauge can be employed to monitor and control the rate of flow of the exhaled breath. A three-way valve can be incorporated into the air outflow portal to selectively permit discharge of exhaled breath to the outside or into the breath storage vessel. If desired, a programmable controller in electrical connection with the flow meter and three-way valve can be employed to maneuver the three-way valve to discharge and collection positions to allow for collecting and storing preselected portions of the exhaled breath. In addition, a flow rate restriction mechanism can be employed to automatically control the flow rate of exhaled air (breath) through the airflow chamber. 1. An apparatus for collecting a breath sample , comprising:(a) an exhalation portal in fluid communication with an airflow chamber;(b) an air outflow portal in fluid communication with said airflow chamber;(c) an airflow monitor in fluid communication with said airflow chamber; and(d) a detachable breath storage vessel in fluid communication with said airflow chamber via said air outflow portal.2. The apparatus of wherein said air outflow portal is a three-way valve claim 1 , said three-way valve maneuverable between an air discharge position and an air collection position.3. The apparatus of further comprising a programmable controller in electrical communication with said airflow monitor and said three-way valve claim 2 , said programmable controller configured ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018694A1
Автор: Gomo Oystein
Принадлежит: Laerdal Global Health AS

Resuscitation assembly (101) comprising a patient mask (107), a ventilation bag (105), an inflation valve (113), an exhalation valve (111), and an expiration indicator (119). The expiration indicator (119) is a positive end expiratory pressure valve in the form of a slit valve that exhibits a slit (131) in a flexible sheet part (125). Also disclosed is a resuscitation assembly (101) comprising a patient mask (107), a ventilation bag (105), an inflation valve (113), an exhalation valve (111), a positive end expiratory pressure valve (119), and a pressure sensor (133) adapted to measure pressure on the patient side (127) of the positive end expiratory pressure valve (119). 1. A resuscitation assembly comprising:a patient mask;a ventilation bag;an inflation valve;an exhalation valve; andan expiration indicator; andwherein the expiration indicator is a positive end expiratory pressure valve and the expiration indicator is a slit valve that comprises a slit in a flexible sheet part.2. The resuscitation assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the expiration indicator has a patient side and an ambience side; and thatthe flexible sheet part exhibits a convex face that faces the patient side; andthe flexible sheet part is adapted to deflect towards the ambience side at a pressure on the patient side in such way that a visible gap is formed in the slit.3. The resuscitation assembly according to claim 1 , comprising:a valve assembly arranged between the patient mask and the ventilation bag; andwherein the expiration indicator is arranged to the valve assembly.4. The resuscitation assembly according to claim 3 , wherein the valve assembly exhibits a pipe stub adapted to receive the expiration indicator.5. The resuscitation assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the expiration indicator is in the form of a cap which is adapted to be releasably arranged to a receiving connecting piece of the resuscitation assembly.6. The resuscitation assembly according to claim 5 , wherein said ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016347A1

The subject matter of the application is a device for adjustment and/or regulation of the CO, carbon dioxide content of the inhaled air. Device based on the invention where a COvessel is connected to the COinput aperture , a measuring tool determining the COcontent of the exhaled air is connected to the exhaled air pipe , the output aperture of the measuring tool is connected to the input aperture of a control unit , and the output aperture of the control unit is connected to the valve adjusting the blending rate of blending vessel and so adjusting the COcontent of the inhaled air. 1. A device for automatic adjustment and/or regulation of the CO(carbon dioxide) content of inhaled air for treatment of hyperventilation , comprising:a by-pass element, leading inhaled and exhaled air of a self-breathing patient in two directions,an exhaled air pipe and inhaled air pipe connected to the by-pass element, where valves enabling one direction flow are placed and arranged in the pipes, and{'sub': '2', 'a blending vessel connected to the inhaled air pipe comprising a fresh air input aperture and a COinput aperture,'}wherein{'sub': 2', '2, 'a COvessel is connected to the COinput aperture,'}{'sub': '2', 'a measuring tool determining the COcontent of the inhaled air is connected to the inhaled air pipe,'}{'sub': '2', 'a measuring tool determining the COcontent of the exhaled air is connected to the exhaled air pipe,'}measuring tools determining the oxygen content of exhaled and inhaled air are connected to the exhaled air pipe and to the inhaled air pipe,the output apertures of the measuring tools are connected to the input aperture of a control unit,an exhaled air vessel, where one output aperture of the vessel is connected to the blending vessel the other output aperture is connected to a pipe opened to the atmosphere,{'sub': 2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2, 'the output aperture of the control unit is connected to the valve adjusting the blending rate of the blending vessel and so ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016356A1

A mask assembly can include a mask seal. In some configurations, the mask assembly can be configured to be fully positioned lower than a bridge of a nose of a face of a user and to provide an exposed bridge of the nose of the user. The mask seal can comprise a nasal region comprising at least one nasal opening, a first paddle on a first side of the nasal region and a second paddle on a second side of the nasal region. The first paddle is configured to contact one side of the nose of the user and the second paddle is configured to contact the other side of the nose of the user. 120.-. (canceled)21. A respiratory mask comprising: ["a seal comprising a nasal sealing portion and an oral sealing portion, the seal configured to provide a flow of gasses to a user's nose and mouth;", 'a housing,', 'wherein the seal and housing forming a breathing chamber; and, 'a mask assembly including a main body defining at least one headgear connector;', 'an inlet opening through which a supply of pressurized air is provided to the mask assembly; and', 'an anti-asphyxia valve in fluid communication with the inlet opening,', 'wherein the main body of the frame defines at least a portion of a gas flow passage of the anti-asphyxia valve., 'a frame that is removably coupled to the mask assembly, the frame comprising22. The respiratory mask of claim 21 , wherein the main body of the frame defines at least one vent passage and at least one valve outlet of the anti-asphyxia valve.23. The respiratory mask of claim 21 , wherein the frame comprises a tube connector coupled to the main body of the frame and configured to be connected to a breathing tube claim 21 , wherein the tube connector defines the inlet opening.24. The respiratory mask of claim 23 , wherein the tube connector secures a valve member of the anti-asphyxia valve to the main body of the frame.25. The respiratory mask of claim 21 , wherein the frame defines a mask connector configured to secure the mask assembly to the frame claim ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Breath Actuated Inhaler

Номер: US20210016027A1
Принадлежит: Norton (Waterford) Limited

A breath actuated metered dose inhaler may comprise a canister fire system configured to fire a medicament containing canister in response to patient inhalation. The canister fire system may comprise a pneumatic force holding unit and having a rest configuration in which a metering valve of the canister is in a refill configuration; a prepared configuration in which a canister actuation force is retained by the pneumatic force holding unit and the canister fire system is actuatable by patient inhalation induced airflow; and a fire configuration in which the metering valve is in a dose delivery position. When in the prepared configuration, the force retained by the pneumatic force holding unit may be reduced by less than about 6% over a period of 5 minutes, preferably less than about 3% over a period of 5 minutes. 1. A valve port for a pneumatic force holding unit in a breath actuated metered dose inhaler , said valve port comprising a valve seal surface , which in use is sealably engaged by a movable valve seal , wherein the valve seal surface has a surface roughness average (RA) of less than about 0.15 μm.2. The valve port of claim 1 , wherein the valve seal comprises an elastomer.3. The valve port of claim 2 , wherein the valve seal comprises a thermoplastic elastomer.4. The valve port of claim 2 , wherein the elastomer has a hardness of from about 80 to 90 Shore A.5. The valve port of claim 1 , wherein the valve port is injection molded.6. The valve port of claim 5 , comprising:an annular boss defining a valve orifice channel; andone or more radially outwardly extending projections defining a path through which polymer passes to form the annular boss during injection molding.7. The valve port of claim 6 , wherein the one or more radially outwardly extending projections comprises at least two radially outwardly extending projections and the at least two radially outwardly extending projections are substantially uniformly circumferentially separated claim 6 , ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Portable ventilator and methods for providing oscillatory flow

Номер: US20210016029A1

Disclosed herein is a portable ventilator and a method for providing an oscillatory flow to a subject in need thereof. The method comprises: (a) forming a gas mixture comprising pure oxygen and air; (b) converting the gas mixture into the oscillatory flow by applying thereto a predetermined oscillatory frequency and a predetermined ventilatory duration; (c) outputting the oscillatory flow of the step (b) at a first jet pressure, in which the outputted oscillatory flow has a first flow rate; and (d) modulating the outputted oscillatory flow of the step (c) by, (i) varying the respective amounts of the pure oxygen and the air in the gas mixture; or (ii) varying the predetermined ventilatory duration of the step (b), in which if the fist jet pressure is smaller than the predetermined jet pressure, then decreases the predetermined ventilatory duration; or if the first jet pressure is greater than the predetermined jet pressure, then increases the predetermined ventilatory duration.

21-01-2021 дата публикации

Energy transfer circuit

Номер: US20210016033A1
Автор: David Paul BOEHM
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

An apparatus for treating a respiratory disorder in a patient includes a power supply, a first power supply circuit coupled to the power supply, a pressure generator to generate a flow of air, a transducer to generate a flow signal representing a property of the flow of air, and motor power supply circuitry. The motor power supply circuitry includes: a motor controller to control operation of a motor in the pressure generator based on the flow signal; one or more storage elements to store energy generated by motor deceleration; an energy dissipation circuit to dissipate a portion the energy generated by the deceleration of the motor; and an energy transfer circuit to couple the one or more storage elements to the first power supply circuit and transfer the energy generated by motor deceleration and/or the energy stored by the one or more storage elements to the first power supply circuit.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016039A1

A customizable mask including a conforming seal is configured to utilize the physical process of granular jamming to enable it to adapt to a wide range of facial geometries. The mask may include a frame having a perimeter and a conduit connection, a conforming seal positioned along the perimeter of the frame. The conforming seal may include a sealing surface and a connecting surface, the connecting surface configured to mate with the perimeter of the frame, and the sealing surface configured to conform to a users' face. The conforming seal may further include an outer casing, granular material contained within the outer casing, and a vacuum connection. The mask may also include a similarly configured conforming frame. Further disclosed are methods of forming such masks. 1. A headgear arrangement for retaining a mask , the headgear arrangement comprising:a granular jamming layer in one or more portions of the headgear arrangement, the granular jamming layer providing a variable stiffness portion configured to selectively transition between a decreased stiffness state and an increased stiffness state, wherein the granular jamming layer comprises a density-dependent, variable viscosity material contained in a compressible chamber, and wherein the headgear arrangement comprises a crown strap, a rear portion, an upper strap, a lower strap, an upper connection and a lower connection, the upper and lower connections being configured to connect a mask to the headgear arrangement.2. The headgear arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the compressible chamber is an air-tight bladder configured to maintain a vacuum therein and so as to collapse against a granular material claim 1 , increase the density thereof and thereby increase the viscosity of the granular material therein and transition the variable stiffness portion to the increased stiffness state.3. The headgear arrangement according to claim 1 , wherein the variable viscosity material is a granular material.4. The ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016041A1

A headgear portion or assembly for use in combination with a breathing apparatus in some configurations is at least substantially inelastic and is three dimensional in shape. The headgear portion or assembly can comprise a plastic core and a textile casing. The headgear, or part thereof, may also have integrally moulded labels, connectors, adjustment mechanisms and/or grips. 1. A headgear , comprising:a top strap;a rear strap;a front strap;a yoke; anda connector, wherein the headgear is configured to be substantially inelastic and three dimensional in structure.2. The headgear of claim 1 , wherein the headgear comprises integrally moulded labels claim 1 , connections claim 1 , and/or adjustment features.3. The headgear of claim 1 , wherein a portion of the headgear comprises a grip that is moulded to a textile surface of the headgear.4. The headgear of claim 1 , wherein the headgear is constructed from a composite material in which a textile casing is integrally formed on a plastic core.5. The headgear of claim 4 , wherein the textile casing comprises a first portion that covers an inwardly-facing surface of the headgear.6. The headgear of claim 5 , wherein the textile casing comprises a second portion that covers an outwardly-facing surface of the headgear.7. The headgear of claim 6 , wherein the first portion and the second portion of the textile casing meet at first and second edges.8. The headgear of claim 7 , wherein the first portion and the second portion are not connected to one another at the first and second edges.9. The headgear of claim 4 , wherein the textile casing comprises one or more retainer holes configured to engage a retaining pin of a moulding tool.10. The headgear of claim 4 , further comprising at least one flexible joint that permits the strap to bend and/or fold.11. The headgear of claim 10 , wherein the at least one flexible joint comprises a gap between portions of the plastic core and wherein the textile casing extends within the gap to ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016048A1

Disclosed is an anesthetic evaporator, comprising a housing, a drug reservoir, and a cover movably connected to the housing, wherein the drug reservoir is provided with a drug adding barrel arranged corresponding to the cover, and further comprising a mechanical pressure relief assembly and a linkage mechanism, wherein the mechanical pressure relief assembly is connected to the drug reservoir; the mechanical pressure relief assembly has a first state in which the pressure within the drug reservoir is maintained and a second state in which the pressure within the drug reservoir is released; when adding a drug, the operation action on the anesthetic evaporator drives the linkage mechanism, and the linkage mechanism drives the mechanical pressure relief assembly to switch same from the first state to the second state. The pressure of the anesthetic evaporator can be mechanically released, so that greater and reliability are realized. 115-. (canceled)16. An anesthetic evaporator , comprising:a housing;an anesthetic agent storage tank;a cover that is movably connected with the housing, the anesthetic agent storage tank being provided with an anesthetic agent adding barrel arranged corresponding to the cover;a mechanical pressure relief assembly connected with the anesthetic agent storage tank, wherein the mechanical pressure relief assembly is provided with a first state in which a pressure within the anesthetic agent storage tank is maintained and a second state in which a pressure within the anesthetic agent storage tank is released; anda linkage mechanism, wherein when adding an anesthetic agent, an operation action on the anesthetic evaporator drives the linkage mechanism, and the linkage mechanism drives the mechanical pressure relief assembly to be switched from the first state to the second state.17. The anesthetic evaporator of claim 16 , wherein a first end of the linkage mechanism is connected with the cover claim 16 , a second end of the linkage mechanism is ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации

System and method for non-invasive ventilation

Номер: US20210016050A1
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

Systems and methods for non-invasive ventilation are provided. The systems may include a gas source that provides breathing gases to a patient through one or more of a primary flow path (PFP) and a flushing flow path (FFP). The system may include a control assembly configured to open and restrict gas flow through the PFP. When the PFP is open, a significant portion of the gas flows through the PFP while the remaining gas flows through the FFP. When the PFP is restricted, a significant portion of the gas flows through the FFP. Increased flow through the FFP may have a high velocity (especially relative to the flow through the PFP). Gas delivered through the FFP may be used to flush dead space. One or both flow paths may contribute to inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP), expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP), and/or positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP).

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150020802A1
Автор: Li Zhili, Perkins Walter
Принадлежит: Insmed Incorporated

Low resistance aerosol exhalation filters, and methods of their use are provided. The exhalation filters provided herein are used in conjunction with a nebulizer in the treatment of a pulmonary infection in a patient in need thereof. In one method, an antiinfective formulation is administered to a patient in need of treatment of a pulmonary infection, with a nebulizer comprising a low resistance aerosol exhalation filter of the invention. The pulmonary infection, in one embodiment, is a Pseudomonas or mycobacterial (e.g., NTM) infection. 1. A low resistance aerosol exhalation filter comprising , means for controlling air flow upon patient exhalation.2. The low resistance aerosol exhalation filter of claim 1 , wherein the means for controlling air flow comprises a one-way valve.3. The low resistance aerosol exhalation filter of or claim 1 , wherein the filter is comprised of cloth claim 1 , plastic claim 1 , fiber claim 1 , paper claim 1 , or a combination thereof.43. A nebulizer comprising the low resistance aerosol exhalation filter of any one of -.5. The nebulizer of claim 4 , wherein the nebulizer is single use and disposable.6. A method for treating a pulmonary infection in a patient in need thereof claim 4 , comprising claim 4 , administering a nebulized drug formulation to the patient in need of treatment with the nebulizer of or .7. The method of claim 6 , wherein the drug formulation comprises an aminoglycoside.8. The method of claim 7 , wherein the aminoglycoside is amikacin claim 7 , apramycin claim 7 , arbekacin claim 7 , astromicin claim 7 , capreomycin claim 7 , dibekacin claim 7 , framycetin claim 7 , gentamicin claim 7 , hygromycin B claim 7 , isepamicin claim 7 , kanamycin claim 7 , neomycin claim 7 , netilmicin claim 7 , netilmicin claim 7 , paromomycin claim 7 , rhodestreptomycin claim 7 , ribostamycin claim 7 , sisomicin claim 7 , spectinomycin claim 7 , streptomycin claim 7 , tobramycin or verdamicin.9. The method of claim 7 , wherein the ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022946A1

Systems and methods for collecting samples from a patient for diagnosis are provided. In many embodiments, the sample collection and analysis system concentrates particles emanating from a patient's cough, sneeze, or breathe in a sample for the diagnosis of a respiratory tract infection or other ailment of the patient. The sample collection and analysis system has a pre-collection assembly (that is patient interface, a collector in fluid communication with a sample reservoir that function in combination to: efficiently capture the volume of air expelled from the subject, direct the expelled air towards a sample reservoir, and separate the desired particle sizes from the expelled air into the sample reservoir. 1. A biological sample collector system comprising:a pre-collection assembly configured to engage with a patient such that the entirety of the outflow of breath from the patient including any biological particulates contained therein is captured within the collector system;a sample reservoir defining a volume having therein a sample medium for entraining the target biological particulates in the sample medium to form a sample analyte suitable for diagnostic analysis;a collector in fluid communication between the pre-collection assembly and the sample reservoir, and having at its terminating end a fluid focusing nozzle, the collector being configured to select said biological particulates of greater than a target size from said outflow of breath and direct said target biological particulates into said sample reservoir such that efficient transfer of the target biological particulates into the sample medium is obtained; andwherein at least a portion of the outflow of breath flows through said pre-collection assembly and into said collector in any single breath, and wherein the remainder of the outflow of breath is temporarily stored within said pre-collection assembly.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the angle formed between the entry of the fluid focusing ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021121A1

A patient interface for delivering breathable gas to a patient includes a nasal prong assembly including a pair of nasal prongs structured to sealingly communicate with nasal passages of a patient's nose in use and headgear to maintain the nasal prong assembly in a desired position on the patient's face. The headgear includes side straps and rigidizers provided to respective side straps. Each rigidizer includes a first end portion that provides a connector structured to engage a respective end of the nasal prong assembly and an inwardly curved protrusion in the form of a cheek support that curves inwardly of the connector. The cheek support is adapted to follow the contour of the patient's cheek and guide a respective end portion of the side strap into engagement with the patient's cheek to provide a stable cheek support. 120-. (canceled)21. A patient interface for delivering breathable gas to a patient , the patient interface comprising:a substantially rigid frame;a nasal seal assembly including a nasal seal to sealingly communicate with the patient's nose in use;headgear to maintain the nasal seal in a desired position on the patient's face, the headgear including side straps, each side strap including a sleeve formed therein; anda rigidizer positioned in each sleeve to provide rigidity to the straps.22. A patient interface according to claim 21 , wherein each rigidizer is coextensive with a respective side strap at least along a portion of the headgear configured to extend along a side of the patient's head.23. A patient interface according to claim 21 , wherein the rigidizers are formed of a semi-rigid material.24. A patient interface according to claim 23 , wherein each rigidizer is connected to the frame.25. A patient interface according to claim 24 , wherein the rigidizers are connected to opposing sides of the frame.26. A patient interface according to claim 21 , wherein the headgear includes a rear strap that passes around a rear portion of the patient's ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021540A1

A valve () for the sealing cuff () of a tracheal tube has a valve member () urged against a valve seal () by an MRI-safe resilient member () of neoprene or nitrile. The valve includes a two-part actuator () by which the valve member is displaced. Before use, during storage, the valve member is in a closed position with the resilient member relatively relaxed. When the valve is opened for the first time by inserting a syringe or the like, the two-part actuator arrangement is moved forwards to unseat the valve member to allow flow. This causes inclined surfaces () and () on the two parts () and () of the actuator to rotate the forward part slightly. When the syringe is removed to allow the valve to close, the forward part of the actuator latches on a surface () of the housing () in an operational position where the valve is closed. 110-. (canceled)11. A valve including an outer housing , a valve seat , a valve member displaceable along the housing into or out of sealing engagement with the valve seat , a resilient member arranged to urge the valve member into engagement with the seat , characterised in that the valve includes an actuator arrangement extending from the valve member to an opening of the housing , and that the actuator arrangement includes a first part displaceable from an initial position where the valve is closed to a second position where the valve is also closed and is subsequently displaceable from the second position to a third position where the valve member is displaced against the action of the resilient member away from the seat to open the valve and allow flow through the housing , the first part of the actuator arrangement returning to the second position when released.12. A valve according to claim 11 , characterised in that the actuator arrangement includes a second part displaceable axially relative to the first part claim 11 , and that the valve is opened by pushing the second part axially relative to the housing.13. A valve according to ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040429A1

Devices, systems, and methods of facilitating airway management with reduced risk of release of droplets and aerosolized pathogens from the lungs of a patient are disclosed, including a bronchoscope adapter for an endotracheal tube, an endotracheal tube with integral bronchoscope adapter, an endotracheal intubation mask system, a laryngeal mask airway-specific mask system, and a quick-seal laryngeal mask airway-specific mask system. 1. A sealed access endotracheal tube adapter configured to attach to an endotracheal tube , the adapter comprising:a. an access port comprising a first tube ending in a proximal entry port and a distal endotracheal tube connector, the proximal entry port configured to receive at least medical instrument and the distal endotracheal tube connector configured to couple to a proximal end of the endotracheal tube;b. a selectively pressurized balloon-valve seal positioned within an inner surface of the first tube distal to the proximal entry port, the balloon-valve seal comprising at least two balloons attached to at least a portion of the inner surface of the first tube, wherein the balloon-valve seal assumes a sealed configuration when the at least two balloons are inflated and the balloon-valve seal assumes an open configuration when the at least two balloons are deflated; andc. a ventilation system connector comprising a second tube comprising a distal end operatively coupled to the first tube between the balloon-valve seal and the distal endotracheal tube connector and a proximal end ending in a ventilation system connector, the ventilation system connector configured to couple to a ventilation device.2. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein the at least one medical instrument is selected from a bronchoscope and a laryngoscope.3. The adapter of claim 1 , wherein each balloon of the at least two balloons comprises an elastic membrane claim 1 , wherein the elastic membrane and an underlying portion of the inner surface of the first tube define ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040433A1

A patient interface structure for delivery of respiratory therapy to a patient include a cushion assembly that has an elastomeric piece with a mouth seal portion configured to seal around the patient's mouth and a nasal seal portion configured to seal against at least an underside of the patient's nose. The cushion assembly also has a cushion clip that is chemically or mechanically bonded to the elastomeric piece and forms at least part of a plenum chamber with the elastomeric piece. The cushion clip is more rigid than the elastomeric piece. A front plate that is more rigid than the elastomeric piece and has a plurality of headgear attachment points is attachable to the cushion clip by way of a snap fit connection. A gas passage extends along a posterior surface of the front plate and includes an inlet opening configured to connect to an air delivery tube or a connector for an air delivery tube. 1. (canceled)2. A patient interface structure for delivery of respiratory therapy to a patient , the patient interface structure comprising: ["an elastomeric piece comprising a mouth seal portion configured to seal around the patient's mouth and a nasal seal portion configured to seal against at least an underside of the patient's nose; and", 'a cushion clip that is attached to the elastomeric piece and forms at least part of a plenum chamber with the elastomeric piece, the cushion clip being more rigid than the elastomeric piece;, 'a cushion assembly comprisinga front plate with a plurality of headgear attachment points, the front plate being more rigid than the elastomeric piece and being attachable to the cushion clip by way of a snap fit connection; an inlet opening configured to connect to an air delivery tube or a connector for an air delivery tube, the inlet opening being oriented to receive a pressurized flow of respiratory gas from an inferior side of the patient interface in a first direction; and', 'an outlet opening configured to sealingly attach to an opening in ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации

Fresh Air/Oxygen Portable Breathing Device With or Without Aromas and Methods of Use

Номер: US20220040434A1
Автор: Hae Dong Jho
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention provides a portable, light-weight, breathing device and methods of use for delivering pristine, fresh air or varying high concentrations of oxygen with or without aroma, i.e., essential oils for stimulating appetite, boosting mood or decreasing stress and anxiety. The breathing device comprises an air container having a breathing air bag therein which contains the fresh air or the varying concentrations of oxygen optionally with the one or more essential oils, tubing for delivering the fresh air or oxygen to a breathing mask, and a plurality of movable valves included in the mask which directs air or oxygen into or out of the mask depending on whether the user is inhaling or exhaling. The breathing device also comprises the use of a can of compressed fresh air or oxygen with or without aroma to be used with an air reservoir or with an expandable air bag.

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023323A1
Принадлежит: Inova Labs, Inc.

Described herein are various embodiments of an oxygen concentrator system and method of delivering oxygen enriched gas to a user. In some embodiments, oxygen concentrator system includes one or more components that improve the efficiency of oxygen enriched gas delivery during operation of the oxygen concentrator system. 1. An oxygen concentrator apparatus comprising:a compression system configured to generate a pressurized stream of ambient air;a canister system comprising at least one canister configured to house a gas separation adsorbent, wherein the gas separation adsorbent is configured to separate at least some nitrogen from the pressurized stream of ambient air to produce oxygen enriched air;one or more valves coupled to the at least one canister; anda controller coupled to and configured to operate the one or more valves,wherein the controller is configured to be set for operation using a remote electronic device.2. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of wherein the remote electronic device is a smart phone or tablet.3. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of wherein the controller is configured to be operated by a user using the remote electronic device.4. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of wherein the controller is configured to accept input from the remote electronic device entered by the user via the remote electronic device.5. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of wherein the one or more valves comprises a supply valve configured to release a bolus of oxygen enriched air.6. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of wherein the controller is configured to adjust a volume of a bolus released by the oxygen concentrator apparatus based on the input.7. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the input is a selection of a mode of operation of the oxygen concentrator apparatus.8. The oxygen concentrator apparatus of wherein the controller is configured to adjust a volume of a bolus released by the oxygen concentrator apparatus based on the selected mode ...
