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10-06-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2587011C2
Принадлежит: ЗОДЖЕНИКС, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к безыгольным инъекторам. В соответствии с первым вариантом безыгольный инъектор содержит газовый баллон со сжатым газом; золотник; средство для освобождения золотника таким образом, чтобы обеспечивался впуск сжатого газа в камеру; шток и лекарственный контейнер. Золотник содержит уплотнение для хранения, которое поддерживает газовый баллон в состоянии под давлением во время хранения. Шток расположен с возможностью перемещения со скольжением в камере таким образом, что он является перемещаемым вперед под воздействием выпускаемого сжатого газа. Лекарственный контейнер поддерживает сообщение по текучей среде жидкого лекарственного препарата с отверстием для подачи лекарства. Шток является принудительно перемещаемым выпускаемым сжатым газом, обеспечивая подачу жидкого препарата через отверстие для подачи лекарства. В соответствии со вторым вариантом безыгольный инъектор содержит лекарственную капсулу, содержащую жидкий лекарственный ...

10-09-2011 дата публикации


Номер: RU2428213C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовому инжектору. Одноразовый инжектор выполнен с корпусом, в котором расположен по меньшей мере один механический пружинный накопитель энергии, по меньшей мере один - заполняемый по меньшей мере время от времени биологически активным веществом - цилиндрово-поршневой блок, по меньшей мере один стержень воздействия на поршень и по меньшей мере один разобщающий механизм. Пружинный накопитель энергии включает в себя предварительно напряженный пружинный элемент. Пружинный элемент удерживается в предварительно напряженной позиции тяговым средством, окружающим его по меньшей мере на отдельных участках. Разобщающий механизм включает в себя режущий инструмент, который с целью освобождения энергии пружинного накопителя энергии разделяет или ослабляет тяговое средство по меньшей мере в одном месте, причем ослабление приводит к немедленному разрыву тягового средства. Изобретение имеет небольшое количество деталей, отличается простотой обращения ...

10-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2607529C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к автоматическому инъектору для введения дозы жидкого лекарственного средства. Инъектор содержит удлиненный футляр, выполненный с возможностью удерживания пользователем, трубчатый корпус, телескопически вдвигаемый в футляр и поджатый к футляру таким образом, чтобы выступать из футляра, шприц с полой инъекционной иглой, приводную пружину и плунжер для передачи нагрузки от приводной пружины на пробку-поршень шприца, кнопку спуска, которая первоначально упирается в футляр, что предотвращает приведение в действие, при этом корпус выполнен с возможностью поступательного перемещения в футляр против поджимающего усилия, причем кнопка спуска, по меньшей мере, в исходном состоянии соединена с корпусом таким образом, что кнопка спуска выступает из футляра, когда корпус поступательно перемещается к футляру для начала цикла инъекции, кнопка спуска расположена дистально в или на футляре, и подузел оправы содержит трубчатую оправу, расположенную с ...

11-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676820C2
Принадлежит: ФАРМАДЖЕТ, ИНК. (US)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к безыгольным инъекционным устройствам. Устройство имеет внешний корпус и внутренний корпус. Указанный внутренний корпус выполнен с возможностью вмещения безыгольного шприца с одного конца. В дополнение, внутренний корпус имеет возможность смещаться внутри внешнего корпуса между положением загрузки шприца и положением срабатывания. Данное устройство также включает в себя пусковую кнопку, оперативно соединенную с внутренним и внешним корпусами, и фиксатор корпуса, который задействуется с помощью указанной пусковой кнопки с целью не допустить перемещение внутреннего корпуса из положения загрузки шприца в положение срабатывания при включении пусковой кнопки, когда внутренний корпус находится в положении загрузки шприца. Также раскрываются способы и приспособления для использования, наполнения и работы данного безыгольного инъекционного устройства. 2 н. и 9 з.п. ф-лы, 7 ил.

27-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2502527C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовым инъекторам. Предложенный одноразовый инъектор содержит корпус, в котором или на котором - соответственно, по меньшей мере, местами - расположены, по меньшей мере, один механический пружинный энергоаккумулятор с, по меньшей мере, одним предварительно напряженным пружинным элементом, по меньшей мере, один периодически заполняемый активным веществом блок, имеющий цилиндр и поршень, по меньшей мере, один плунжер управления поршнем и, по меньшей мере, один пусковой блок, расположенные с возможностью взаимосвязи с периодически заполняемым активным веществом блоком. Корпус имеет, по меньшей мере, одну подпорную поверхность и промежуточное дно с проходящим через него центральным отверстием. По меньшей мере, часть плунжера управления поршнем позиционирована между пружинным энергоаккумулятором и поршнем заполняемого активным веществом блока. Нагруженный пружинный плунжер управления поршнем имеет, по меньшей мере, один тяговый стержень ...

27-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2505322C2

Группа изобретений относится к области медицинской техники и предназначено для инъекций. Инъекционное устройство, выполненное с возможностью перемещения из положения хранения в положение инъекции, содержит несущий корпус, активирующую гильзу, по меньшей мере, частично охватывающую несущий корпус, карпулу с содержащимся в ней и выдаваемым в процессе инъекции лекарством, первый приводной механизм, находящийся во взаимодействии с карпулой и активирующей гильзой, предохранительное устройство, удерживающее первый приводной механизм до его активирования, узел иглы, защитный элемент иглы, второй срабатывающий приводной механизм. Защитный элемент иглы с взаимодействующим с ним вторым приводным механизмом расположен радиально между несущим корпусом и активирующей гильзой. Несущий корпус имеет переднюю и заднюю части с передней и задней приемными камерами соответственно, и обе части несущего корпуса выполнены с возможностью соединения друг с другом на соединительном участке посредством соединительного ...

10-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2545910C2
Принадлежит: СХЛ ГРУП АБ (SE)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству доставки лекарственного средства и в частности к устройству доставки лекарственного средства, устроенного для того, чтобы обращаться с контейнерами для лекарственного средства, имеющими по меньшей мере две камеры для вмещения средств, смешиваемых вручную перед доставкой. Устройство доставки лекарственного средства для получения и доставки восстановленного лекарственного средства содержит проксимальную часть корпуса, дистальную часть корпуса, присоединенную к проксимальной части корпуса, блок привода доставки лекарственного средства, размещенный в дистальной части корпуса, и средство приведения в действие, обеспеченное на дистальной части корпуса. Проксимальная часть корпуса приспособлена для вмещения многокамерного контейнера, содержащего по меньшей мере два агента. Проксимальная и дистальная части корпуса выполнены с возможностью перемещения по отношению друг к другу из выдвинутого положения во втянутое положение посредством ...

27-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2524487C2

Группа изобретений относится к автоматическому инъекционному устройству, плунжеру шприца для него, выполненному из полимерного материала, и способу его изготовления. Плунжер шприца содержит нажимной элемент, расположенный на проксимальном конце, и дистальный конец, раздвоенный на первую лапку плунжера, имеющую первую коническую поверхность и вторую коническую поверхность, и вторую лапку плунжера, имеющую первую коническую поверхность и вторую коническую поверхность. Дистальный конец содержит первую контактную поверхность, заданную первой конической поверхностью первой лапки плунжера и первой конической поверхностью второй лапки плунжера, причем первая контактная поверхность выполнена с возможностью первоначального контакта с механизмом включения спуска и первая контактная поверхность расположена под первым углом в пределах от приблизительно 40° до приблизительно 80° относительно продольной оси плунжера шприца. Технический результат заключается в исключении возможности ненамеренного перемещения ...

10-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2530771C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к одноразовым инъекторам. Инъектор содержит с корпусом, в котором расположены механический накопитель энергии, цилиндро-поршневой блок, приводной шток-упор поршня и пусковой блок, причем находящийся под упругим воздействием пружины приводной шток-упор поршня упирается в корпус с возможностью разъема. Корпус инъектора состоит из тонкостенной металлической листовой детали. У металлической листовой детали имеются по меньшей мере два плеча. На свободном конце каждого плеча имеется по расположенному под углом элементу удерживания или проему. Плечи представляют собой эластичные траверсы, которые в средней части в каждом случае изогнуты z-образно или s-образно для формирования опорного участка для приводного штока-упора поршня. Располагающаяся между отдельным опорным участком и приводным штоком-упором поршня контактная зона образует пару клинового механизма, выдавливающую конкретное плечо наружу. Причем на плечах располагается защелкивающий ...

10-10-2007 дата публикации


Номер: RU2006110039A

... 1. Устройство для автоматической инъекции инъекционных жидкостей, содержащее разделенный по оси корпус, части которого выполнены с возможностью соединения друг с другом, где выполненный с возможностью осевого перемещения шток (5) направляется в первой части (2) корпуса), при этом шток выполнен с возможностью вставляться в аккумулятор (6) силы и блокироваться во вставленном положении, и выдвигаться при освобождении этого аккумулятора (6) силы, при этом инъекционная игла (15), зафиксированная в направляющей (14) иглы, и ампула (13) установлены во второй части (3) корпуса с возможностью осевого перемещения относительно друг друга, где та сторона инъекционной иглы (15), которая обращена к ампуле (13), выполнена как перфорирующая деталь для ампулы (13), отличающееся тем, что ампула (13) своим концом, обращенным к инъекционной игле (15), установлена во втулке (16), зафиксированной во второй части (3) корпуса, и внутренний диаметр которой по существу соответствует наружному диаметру ампулы (13 ...

27-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011124491A

... 1. Безыгольный одноразовый инъектор с корпусом (200), в котором или на котором - в каждом случае по меньшей мере на отдельных участках - размещены по меньшей мере один механический пружинный накопитель энергии (50), по меньшей мере один - как минимум отчасти пригодный к наполнению действующим веществом - цилиндро-поршневой блок (100), по меньшей мере один приводной шток-упор поршня (60) и по меньшей мере одно пусковое устройство (80),- причем приводной шток-упор поршня (60) располагается между пружинным накопителем энергии (50) и поршнем (111) цилиндро-поршневого блока (100),- причем пружинный накопитель энергии включает в себя по меньшей мере один предварительно натянутый пружинный элемент (50),- причем находящийся под упругим воздействием пружины приводной шток-упор поршня (60) упирается в корпус (200) посредством опорных стержней (240) или тяговых крюков (250), и причем контактная зона, расположенная между отдельным опорным стержнем (240) или тяговым крюком (250) и приводным шток-упором ...

27-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012120309A

... 1. Автоинъектор, внутри которого при его использовании находится шприц с дозой медикамента, причем шприц (12) содержит корпус (14), имеющий, по существу, цилиндрическую форму, иглу (18) у переднего конца корпуса шприца и поршень (20), установленный, с возможностью скольжения, в корпусе шприца и используемый для выведения дозы,при этом автоинъектор содержит:корпус (10), выполненный с возможностью приема шприца (12), устанавливаемого с возможностью скользящего перемещения между отведенным положением и выдвинутым, рабочим положением, в котором игла (18) выступает из корпуса, иприводной механизм (30-34; 42), освобождаемый из состояния с накопленной энергией для смещения шприца вперед, к рабочему положению для вытеснения дозы, при этом приводной механизм содержит:плунжер (42), выполненный с возможностью приводить, при использовании автоинъектора, в движение поршень (20),промежуточный приводной компонент (34),первую приводную пружину (30) сжатия, установленную между промежуточным приводным компонентом ...

28-03-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069429918D1

08-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069822160D1

13-05-2015 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device sub-assembly

Номер: GB0002519973A

A sub-assembly (12, Fig 1) of a medicament delivery device (10, Fig 1), wherein the sub-assembly comprises a propellant source 26 which includes a reservoir housing 44 to define a reservoir 46 and a stem 48 with a bore 50 therethrough. The stem has least one inlet 52 in fluid communication with the bore, and an open outlet end 54 in fluid communication with the bore. The stem is moveable relative to the reservoir housing between a first position (Fig 4) in which the at least one inlet is not in fluid communication with the reservoir and a second position (Fig 5) in which the at least one inlet is in fluid communication with the bore. The propellant source further comprises a biasing member 56 for biasing the stem towards the first position. The sub-assembly also includes a collet member 20 with two sets of radially flexible fingers 62, 64. The fingers 62, 63 are arranged to inhibit the stem in different positions.

01-05-2002 дата публикации

Novel device

Номер: GB0000206560D0

04-11-2015 дата публикации

Opthalmic delivery device

Номер: GB0201516621D0

05-02-1975 дата публикации


Номер: GB0001382941A

... 1382941 Hypodermic injection device PHILIPS GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN NV 7 Feb 1973 [10 Feb 1972] 6039/73 Heading A5R A hypodermic injection device comprises a cartridge holder 104 containing an ampoule 135, a cannula 150, and a gun-type assembly 200 whereby a spring 138 advances the ampoule and inserts the cannula until arrested by a buffer sprang 210 interposed between the ampoule 135 and the nose of the cartridge holder 161. The gun spring 138 then operates a piston in the ampoule 135 to inject the medicament until the buffer spring 210 overcomes the gun spring 138 and retracts the cannula. An outer sleeve 100 contains a concentric sleeve 104 within which fits the cartridge assembly, comprising the ampoule 135 on which is mounted the cannula 150. The sleeve 104 has a tapered end 156 seated by a stopper 158 pierceable by the cannula. At its end supporting the cannula 150 the ampoule 135 has a cylindrical projection 86 surrounded by or forming an abutment Fig. 3 (not shown) for the buffer spring ...

21-10-2015 дата публикации

Medicament delivery devices

Номер: GB0201515650D0

15-06-2016 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: GB0201607491D0

19-03-2014 дата публикации

Therapeutic product delivery device

Номер: GB0201401587D0

25-06-2008 дата публикации

An auto-injector having syringe blocking or gripping means

Номер: GB0002445090A

An autoinjector comprises an outer housing in which can be mounted a syringe 8 for holding a volume of medicament, the syringe 8 for holding medicament having a needle 1 at one end thereof, a syringe holder for supporting the syringe in an axial position relative to the outer housing, and an intermediate housing 6 at least part of which is located within said outer housing, characterised in that said intermediate housing 6 is provided with a blocking or gripping means 7 capable of abutting the syringe 8 or the syringe holder so as to be capable of preventing forward axial movement of the syringe 8 when a forward axial force is applied to said needle 1 before actuation of the autoinjector to deliver an injection, but incapable of preventing forward axial movement of the syringe 8 during actuation of the autoinjector to deliver an injection.

11-02-2009 дата публикации

An interactive auto-injector

Номер: GB2451769A

An auto-injector provides a user with visual, haptic, and/or audible feedback in order to allow for easy injection of medications. The audible feedback may be in the form of a pre-recorded voice giving the user information on how to operate the device, details of dosage arrangements, or relevant safety information. The injector can comprise an information device and/or system comprising at least one sensor, a switch, a processing unit, and an electronic output system. The electronic circuit system may be incorporated into a label which is affixed to the housing of the device.

05-11-2008 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for medicament delivery

Номер: GB0002449027A

An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container and an actuator. The apparatus includes a label configured to be coupled to a medicament delivery device. The label includes a first surface and a second surface. The first surface is configured to be coupled to an outer surface of the medicament delivery device. The second surface includes a textual indicia. The label further includes an electronic circuit system configured to output an electronic signal.

14-11-2007 дата публикации

Injection Device

Номер: GB0002437922A

An injection device comprises a housing 101 to 104 containing a syringe 24. The contents of the syringe 24 are viewable through a window 14 in the mid-section 102 of the housing. The window 14 is concealed by a slideable shutter 12. The slideable shutter 12 is biased by a bias spring 22 which also biases an internal syringe carrier. Also disclosed is a reversible needle cap 36 which operates initially to cap the front end of the housing and, upon removal thereof, pulls a needle sheath 30 off the syringe needle 26. The cap 36 is designed to be reversible so that, after use, it can be reversed and reconnected to the housing to cover the exposed needle.

16-10-2013 дата публикации

Devices and methods for delivering medicaments from a multi-chamber container

Номер: GB0002501213A

An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container, and a movable assembly. The movable assembly includes a first movable member and a second movable member. The second movable member is configured to move relative to the first movable member to move the movable assembly from a first configuration to a second configuration. A distal end portion of the second movable member is configured to move a plunger disposed within the medicament container in a distal direction when the movable assembly is moved to the second configuration. The movable assembly is configured to move between a first position and a second position to move the medicament container within the housing between a first container position and a second container position.

03-09-2014 дата публикации

Automatic injection device

Номер: GB0002511317A

An automatic injection device 101 has a mechanical interlock preventing actuation of its trigger 105 until removal of its needle boot 111. The interlock may be between a boot remover 104 (such as a cap) and a trigger cover 106, the cover having flexible ridges 109 which are compressed by the boot remover to prevent removal (figure 1). Alternatively, the injection device may comprise a separate syringe housing (203, figure 4) and a firing mechanism housing (202). When the two are joined together a lip (205) on the firing mechanism housing axially displaces a rod (207) residing in the syringe housing which in turn displaces the boot remover (204). Alternatively, a helical track in the rod may engage with a peg on the boot remover to rotate the rod and thereby deactivate a trigger lock (figures 8-13) such as a rotatable arm (405, figure 16). The two housings may be hinged together and held in a folded position by the boot remover 502 such that the device cannot operate until the boot remover ...

25-04-2007 дата публикации

Improved autoinjector

Номер: GB0000705388D0

16-09-2009 дата публикации

Improved autoinjector

Номер: GB0000913385D0

11-03-2009 дата публикации

Improved autoinjector

Номер: GB0000901801D0

27-06-2012 дата публикации

Autoinjector which inhibits disengagement of body portions

Номер: GB0002486681A

An autoinjector has a body portion 10, 12 containing a syringe 13 or cartridge with a needle at its forward end, the autoinjector having a drive arrangement for effecting operation of said autoinjector and including a drive element that moves from a first position to a second position during said operation, the body including a first 10 and a second body portion 12 connected together by a snap fit arrangement including a resiliently moveable latch finger 138 on one of the body portions that cooperates with a latch surface 142 on the other to hold the two portions connected, wherein in the second position the drive element limits or prevents resilient movement of the moveable latch finger 138, thereby preventing disconnection of the first and second body portions after operation. The limiting element may be fins 144 on the side of the plunger, which forms part of the drive mechanism. The latch surface may be an aperture in the rear housing.

27-07-2011 дата публикации

A electrical isolation member for an electronic auto-injector

Номер: GB0002477227A

An auto-injector 4002 is first enabled by removing the needle guard 4810 and the safety lock 4710. As illustrated by arrow AA in FIG. 57, the needle guard 4810 is removed by moving it distally. The sheath retainer 4840 includes an actuator 4864 that is received by an opening 4862 in the isolation tab 4860. Accordingly, when the sheath retainer 4840 is moved distally away from the base 4520, the isolation tab 4860 is removed from the area between the first electrical contact portion 4936 of the printed circuit board 4922 and the first surface 4964 of one of the batteries 4962. In this manner, the batteries 4962 can be operatively coupled to the electronic circuit system 4920 when the needle guard 4810 is removed, thereby actuating the electronic circuit system 4920.

06-01-2021 дата публикации

A medicament delivery device

Номер: GB2570319B
Принадлежит: CONSORT MEDICAL PLC, Consort Medical plc

17-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008926825D0

03-02-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for self-injection

Номер: GB0201522268D0

26-10-2016 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: GB0201615337D0

27-11-2019 дата публикации

Systems and methods for delivering a polymeric material to a treatment site during a radio frequency ablation procedure

Номер: GB0201914914D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Fluid delivery device and method

Номер: AP0201508476D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Fluid delivery device and method

Номер: AP2015008476A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Automatic mixing device and delivery system

Номер: AP2014007377A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Automatic mixing device and delivery system

Номер: AP0201407377D0

31-05-2015 дата публикации

Fluid delivery device and method

Номер: AP0201508476A0

31-01-2014 дата публикации

Automatic mixing device and delivery system

Номер: AP0201407377A0

15-03-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000386564T

15-03-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000460192T

15-09-2017 дата публикации

An injection device, in particular autoinjector

Номер: AT0000517801B1

Die Erfindung betrifft einen Autoinjektor mit einem Basisgehäuse (2), einer Karpule (6), einer Nadelanordnung (7), zumindest einer Antriebsbaugruppe (8) und einer Sicherungsbaugruppe (9), welche die Antriebsbaugruppe (8) bis zu deren Aktivierung für den Injektionsvorgang bezüglich des Basisgehäuses (2) in ihrer Position festlegt. Die Sicherungsbaugruppe (9) umfasst eine Sicherungskappe (12) mit einem Kappenmantel (14), einer Kappenwand (15) sowie einen innerhalb des Kappenmantels (14) angeordneten Sicherungsstift (16). Zwischen der Sicherungskappe (12) und dem Basisgehäuse (2) ist eine Führungsanordnung (17) mit einem ersten und einem zweiten Führungselement (19, 20) vorgesehen, welche einen in Axialrichtung auf die von einem distalen Ende (3) abgewendete Seite begrenzten Verstellweg (18) festlegen. Die Sicherungskappe (12) ist in deren Freigabestellung noch am Basisgehäuse (2) angeordnet und gehalten.

15-05-1979 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000621774A

15-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000419028T

15-07-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000515283T

15-12-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000023802T

15-08-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000109014T

15-10-1985 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000015860T

15-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000009546T

15-12-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000173643T

15-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000262935T

11-04-2019 дата публикации

Medication delivery device with mechanical locking system

Номер: AU2017362894A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A medication delivery device having a lock element. The device is connectable to an electrical plug of a conduit. The device includes an external housing with an opening that ports to a plug receiving hollow within an interior volume. An electrical circuit connected to at least one of a rechargeable battery and a memory controller includes a connection element within the plug receiving hollow. The lock element travels within the plug receiving hollow when a dose delivery assembly of the device operates for forcing medication from the device. The lock element is sized and positioned to have its travel halted by abutment with the plug, when the plug is within the plug receiving hollow and electrically interfacing with the connection element, to thereby halt the dose delivery assembly from further operating for forcing medication from the device.

30-07-2020 дата публикации

Auto-injector device

Номер: AU2018210965B2
Принадлежит: AJ PARK

An auto-injector for hypodermic delivery of medication includes a first subassembly releasably coupled to a second subassembly. The first subassembly includes a cartridge holder configured to receive a medication cartridge, an injection needle through which medication can pass from the medication cartridge, and a needle shield movable between an extended position enclosing the needle and a retracted position in which a proximal end of the needle is not enclosed by the needle shield. The second subassembly includes a movable plunger rod positioned within a housing. Movement of the needle shield in a proximal direction from the retracted position to the extended position following administration of the medication automatically releases the first subassembly from the second subassembly. The released first subassembly is locked with the needle shield in the extended position. A new first subassembly containing an unused dosage of medication may be inserted and releasably connected to the second ...

24-07-1980 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000511074B2

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Devices, systems, and methods for medicament delivery

Номер: AU2009200841B2

Certain exemplary embodimets can comprise an auto-injector (1000), which can comprise: a vial (4300) configured to store and/or contain an injectable medicament, the vial defining a vial longitudinal axis, and a housing (1800) comprising the vial. In various embodiments, the injectable medicament can be a medicine, medication, drug, pharmaceutical, prescriptive, agent, antidote, anti-veno hormone, stimulant, vasodilator, anesthetic, and/or nutritional supplement that is substantially ready for injection.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Disposable injector with at least one support rod

Номер: AU2008274625B2

The invention relates to a disposable injector with a housing (10) in which are arranged at least one mechanical spring energy reservoir (50), at least one cylinder/piston unit (100), at least one piston-actuating ram, and at least one trigger unit. The spring-loaded piston-actuating ram is supported on the housing via at least one support rod (21), wherein the contact zone located between an individual support rod and the piston-actuating ram represents a wedge gear pairing that forces the respective support rod radially outwards. The support rod or support rods bear on at least one trigger element (82) that is mounted on the housing and positioned in a locking position. The trigger element can be brought by displacement into a triggering position that releases the piston-actuating ram.

08-12-2011 дата публикации

Medicine injection devices and methods

Номер: AU2005314401B2

A reloadable medicine injector and methods are described in which a barrel with a receiving cavity is adapted to slidably receive a syringe subassembly for axial movement therein. Upon removal of a safety and release of a syringe driver, the syringe driver moves forward and injects the syringe needle. A plurality of penetration controls are shown for controlling injection needle penetration depth. The penetration controls have an abutment and various lengths to provide different needle penetration depth positions. In one form of penetration control a sleeve is used against which the syringe or related parts contact. In another form the front return spring is used as a penetration control. A cushioning ring may be used to reduce syringe breakage. A load distribution and guide ring may be used to distribute loading applied to the syringe and help guide the moving syringe.

15-06-2006 дата публикации

Automatic injection and retraction syringe

Номер: AU2005314035A1

13-08-2015 дата публикации

Medicament delivery devices for administration of a medicament within a prefilled syringe

Номер: AU2012211307B2

An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container and a movable member. The medicament container is configured to move within the housing between a first position and a second position in response to a force produced by an energy storage member. A proximal end portion of the medicament container includes a flange and has a plunger disposed therein. A first shoulder of the movable member is configured to exert the force on the flange to move the medicament container from the first position to the second position. A portion of the first shoulder deforms when the medicament container is in the second position such that at least a portion of the force is exerted upon the plunger. A second shoulder of the movable member is configured to exert a retraction force on the flange to move the medicament container from the second position towards the first position.

21-08-2008 дата публикации

Disposable injector with at least one central traction rod

Номер: AU2008214937A1

13-10-2011 дата публикации

Hazardous agent injection system

Номер: AU2010226442A1

Injection systems comprising a powered injector and one or more hazardous agents are disclosed.

17-02-1983 дата публикации


Номер: AU0008677982A

11-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: AU2002336381A1

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Activator for an autoinjector

Номер: AU2014302002A1

The invention relates to an activator unit for an autoinjector, comprising a substantially cylindrical housing (3) in which an axially movable pressure pin (4) is guided, said pressure pin being insertable counter to a spring unit and being lockable, when inserted, by means of detent projections (6) of a retaining element (5) that is connected to the pressure pin. The spring unit comprises a first spiral spring (1) and at least one second spiral spring (2) having a larger diameter than the first spiral spring, the second spiral spring being coaxial to the first spiral spring.

19-05-2016 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: AU2016202677B1

Abstract An injection device comprising a housing adapted to receive a syringe having a discharge nozzle, and a sliding component which protrudes, when in a first position, from the aperture in the housing, wherein the sliding component is movable into the housing into a second position, wherein the sliding component comprises a contact surface located at a first end of the sliding component which protrudes from the housing when the sliding component is in its first position.

26-10-2017 дата публикации

Injection device

Номер: AU2013276203B2
Принадлежит: Griffith Hack

The injection device comprises: a static structure (2) comprising a first gear member (14), a dynamic structure (3) comprising a medicine container (11), means (6, 7, 8, 12) for pushing liquid medicine out of said medicine container (11) for its injection to a patient, and a second gear member (13) engaged with the first gear member (14), a drive member (4) for driving one (14) of the first and second gear members (13, 14) so as to cause the dynamic structure (3) to move relative to the static structure (2) along a predetermined direction (D) due to the engagement between the first and second gear members (13, 14), and clutch means (23, 25, 28) for maintaining engagement between the first and second gear members (13, 14) in normal condition of the injection device, and for allowing disengagement of the first and second gear members (13, 14) upon a shock received by the injection device along the predetermined direction (D).

07-01-2010 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device with mixing mechanism

Номер: AU2009265915A1

16-05-2019 дата публикации

Needle shield puller cap assembly

Номер: AU2015355128B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A puller assembly for removing a shield from around a needle of a syringe. The puller assembly includes a grip component and a cap. The grip component has a tubular body defining an interior hollow which axially receives the shield. The tubular body has a slit that allows it to be forcibly shifted from a first arrangement to a second arrangement to change the size of the interior hollow. The tubular body includes a radial inner face with at least one radial inward projection for directly engaging the shield. The cap is grippable by a user. The grip component is held by the cap when inserted within a cavity of the cap during manufacturing installation, and when so held at least one radial inward projection of the grip component engages the shield for removal of the shield from around the needle when the cap is moved. A method of mounting a puller assembly to a shield around a needle is also disclosed.

11-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002609115C

... ²²²The invention relates to a one-way injector having a housing in which at least ²one mechanical spring energy store, at least one piston/cylinder unit, which ²can be at least temporarily filled with an active substance, at least one ²piston-actuating plunger and at least one tripping unit are arranged. To this ²end, the spring energy store comprises a preloaded spring element. The spring ²element is held in the preloaded position by a tension means surrounding at ²least a region of the spring. The tripping unit comprises a cutting tool ²which, in order to release the energy of the spring energy store, severs or ²weakens the tension means at at least one point, the weakening immediately ²tearing the tension means. With the present invention, a one-way injector is ²developed which, with a small overall size, has only a few components and ²ensures reliable mounting and functioning with simple manipulation.² ...

04-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002760237A1

Exemplary embodiments provide a syringe plunger formed of a polymeric material. The syringe plunger includes a pressurizer disposed at a proximal end, and a distal end bifurcated into a first plunger arm having a first conical surface and a second conical surface, and a second plunger arm having a first conical surface and a second conical surface. The distal end includes a first contact surface defined by the first conical surface of the first plunger arm and the first conical surface of the second plunger arm, the first contact surface configured to initially contact a firing engagement mechanism, the first contact surface disposed at a first angle of between about 40° and about 80° relative to a longitudinal axis of the syringe plunger.

03-11-1987 дата публикации


Номер: CA1228776A

... 21 DUAL MODE AUTOMATIC INJECTOR A dual mode automatic injector having a dual mode safety device for preventing the release of the stressed spring assembly except when it is desired to operate the medicament injecting assembly by the stressed spring assembly. The dual mode safety device comprises a first part including a pin portion disposed in a safety position extending through a central aperture in the rear wall of the housing assembly of the injector in release preventing relation with the stressed spring assembly for removal therefrom in response to a relative rearward movement with respect to the rear wall so as to permit an actuating movement to release the stressed spring assembly. The first part includes an automatic removal portion fixed to the rearward end of the pin portion. The automatic removal portion is of a size greater than the pin portion but less than the rear wall so as to present a forwardly facing surface spaced rearwardly from the rear wall operable to be engaged ...

15-10-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA956195A

10-03-2005 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002537243A1

The invention relates to an automatic injection device (1) comprising a housing that is sub-divided in the axial direction, the parts of said housing being interconnectable. An axially displaceable stud (5) is guided in a first part (2) of the housing, and an injection canula (15) blocked in a canula guiding mechanism (14) is mounted, with an ampule (13), in the second part (3) of the housing in such a way that they can be displaced in relation to each other. According to the invention, the injection canula (15) is embodied as a puncturing part (32) for the ampule (13), on the side thereof facing the ampule (13), and the end of the ampule (13) facing the injection canula (15) is plunged into a sleeve (16) blocked in the second part (3) of the housing, the inner diameter of the sleeve essentially corresponding to the outer diameter of the ampule (13). Radially inwardly protruding projections (17) are formed on the inner circumference of the sleeve (16), and the sleeve (16) comprises locking ...

08-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003088613A1

The present invention relates to an injection device (1) for injecting a composition contained in a medical container (60), comprising: a body (2) configured to receive the medical container (60) in a fixed position relative to the body, a spring-loaded piston rod (3) translationally movable inside the body (2) along a spring axis (A), between a proximal rest position and a distal operative position wherein the spring-loaded piston rod (3) engages a stopper (64) of the medical container (60), a selective blocking mechanism comprising a braking member (10) selectively tiltable relative to the piston rod (3) between: o a blocking position wherein the braking member impinges on the piston rod (3) so as to prevent any translational movement of the spring-loaded piston rod (3) in a distal direction by a bracing effect; and o a releasing position wherein the braking member disengages from the piston rod (3) so as to allow the piston rod (3) to move towards the distal operative position under ...

20-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003083491A1

A medication delivery device including a drive mechanism, a retraction mechanism and a sensing system. A medication container is movable relative to the medication delivery device between storage and delivery positions. The drive mechanism drives a plunger in a translational movement to move the medication container from the storage position to the delivery position and to dispense medication from the medication container in a dispensing event. The retraction mechanism includes a rotary member that rotates during a retraction movement of the retracting mechanism. The sensing system includes a first sensor to detect operational status and a second sensor to sense rotational movement of the rotary member. A controller is configured to detect initiation of a dispensing event based on signals generated by the first sensor and detect completion of the dispensing event and/or completion of the retraction movement based on signals generated by the second sensor.

21-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003014777A1

An automatic medication injection device including a driver (95), a retractor (190, 230) and a blocking member (180). Upon device triggering the driver is shifted proximally to move a device syringe, expel medication from the syringe0, and then to disengage itself from the syringe plunger. The driver and the blocking member have a complementary camming configuration by which the blocking member, during the driver shifting, is automatically rotated from a first rotational orientation to a second rotational orientation. The blocking member blocks retraction of the retractor when disposed in the first rotational orientation, and permits retraction of the retractor when disposed in the second rotational orientation, which retractor retraction withdraws the device syringe from an injecting position to a retracted position.

08-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002500195A1

The present invention relates to an injection device comprising a elongated body, including a container with medicament, means for connecting a needle to the container, actuating means capable of injecting a dose of medicament upon activation, activating means capable of activating said actuating means, a needle shield arranged to said body and slidable between an extended and a retracted position in relation to said body. The invention is characterised in that said needle shield is designed and arranged such that, upon penetration of the needle into a patient, when moved to its retracted position, acts on said activating means, which in turn activates said actuating means and injects a dose.

03-03-2004 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002401094A1

The present invention is directed to a drug delivery device. The device includes an interior chamber and a seal structure. In accordance with the present invention, the interior chamber may include a first, liquid medicament compartment and a second medicament compartment. The seal structure is conditionable to permit fluid to pass therethrough upon pressurization of the fluid. The seal structure preferably includes a sealing member which moves from a first sealed position into a second by-pass position upon pressurization of the liquid injection solution in the wet compartment of the housing assembly. Such by-pass movement of the sealing member enables the liquid injection solution to flow through the seal structure into the second ingredient compartment and mix for injection.

10-04-2012 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002464459C
Принадлежит: ZOGENIX, INC.

A needleless injector has a syringe body having an opening at one end, a piston housed within the syringe body for urging a liquid within the syringe body through the opening and a ram for driving the piston. A shock absorbing component is provided for reducing an initial transfer of force from the ram to the piston. The initial rate of pressure increase on the liquid is reduced, thereby controlling the rate of collapse of gas bubbles in the liquid.

03-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002644547C

An apparatus (1000) includes a housing (1100), a medicament container (9000) and an actuator (4000). The apparatus includes a label configured to be coupled to a medicament delivery device The label includes a first surface and a second surface. The first surfac configured to be coupled to an outer surface of the medicament delivery device. The second surface includes a textual indicia (1400). The label further includes an electronic circuit system configured to output an electronic signal.

31-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002658918A1

A constant volume discharge device capable of reliably releasing air from a syringe. A constant volume discharge syringe (10) includes the syringe (1 2) and the constant volume discharge device (14). The constant volume discha rge device (14) has an outer tube (26) extending in the direction of arrow A , an inner tube (28) and spring (30) received in the outer tube (26), a lid member (32) fitted in the outer tube (26), a pressing member (34) inserted t hrough the outer tube (26), the inner tube (28), and the lid member (32), an d an operation member (36) attached to the outer tube (26). In preparatory o peration, the operation member (36) is moved to an initial position to a sto p position, and in operation subsequent to the preparatory operation, the op eration member (36) is moved from a standby position to the stop position. T he distance of movement of the pressing member (34) in the preparatory opera tion is greater than that of pressing member (34) in operation subsequent to the preparatory ...

09-10-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002903484A1

A push button safety injector includes a housing having a proximal end, a distal end spaced from the proximal end, and a longitudinal axis. An injection ram is positioned along the longitudinal axis and configured to actuate a fluid chamber. The injection ram is biased toward the distal end in an initial position. A sliding member is configured to retain the injection ram in the initial position. A safety member confines radial movement of the sliding member in the initial position and allows radial movement of the sliding member in an armed position. A button is moveable between an initial extended position and a depressed position. The button is engagable with the sliding member and configured to move the sliding member radially in the armed position. The sliding member releases the injection ram when the button is in the depressed position.

25-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002994801A1

A portable auto-injector configured to store a dry medication separately from a liquid component, wherein removal of a cap opens a rotary valve allowing for the initiation of a mixing step prior to injection. An extendable needle guard is provided over the delivery assembly which prevents premature injection as well as inadvertent sticks or other cross contamination of a needle. The needle guard can also form part of a secondary trigger mechanism which injects the reconstituted drug after the mixing stage is complete.

08-11-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002905774A1

... ²²An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container and an actuator. The ²apparatus ²includes a label configured to be coupled to a medicament delivery device. The ²label includes a ²first surface and a second surface. The first surface configured to be coupled ²to an outer surface ²of the medicament delivery device. The second surface includes a textual ²indicia. The label ²further includes an electronic circuit system configured to output an ²electronic signal.² ...

18-12-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002915185A1

An injection device comprises an actuator adapted when actuated to cause commencement of an injection sequence; a locking mechanism adapted to be moved between a locked position in which the locking mechanism prevents the actuator from being actuated, and an unlocked position in which the actuator can be actuated to cause commencement of the injection sequence. The locking mechanism comprises a contact portion which in the locked position of the locking mechanism projects against the actuator. The contact portion comprises a curved surface.

07-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002976873C
Принадлежит: KALEO INC, KALEO, INC.

An apparatus includes a housing associated with an automatic injection device and defining a status window. A contact member movably coupled to a distal end portion of the housing, includes a surface to place against a target location. An energy storage member within the housing can exert force on a movable member to move the movable member within the housing to transition the apparatus from an initial configuration to an activated configuration. An electronic circuit system coupled to the housing, has a switch and a speaker, and produces recorded speech output when the switch is manipulated. A use indicator moves within the housing along with the movable member from a first to a second position when the contact member is in a fixed position relative to the housing, and provides a visual indication when the apparatus is in the activated configuration and the use indicator is in the second position.

17-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002718053A1

A safety member (80) for use with an injection device (12) is disclosed. The safety member includes a blocking ring extending into a housing (14) of the injection device in blocking association with a latch member (55) associated with a trigger mechanism (64) of the injector, in which the blocking ring blocks movement of a portion of the trigger mechanism into a firing position. The safety member further includes a manipulable portion (82,64) disposed outside the housing and configured for hand-manipulation by a user to remove the safety member from the housing to unblock the firing mechanism to enable firing of the injector.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Disposable injector comprising at least one draw hook and a sliding wedge-type gear for unlocking a locking element

Номер: US20120197186A1
Автор: Rudolf Matusch
Принадлежит: Individual

A disposable injector with a housing ( 10 ) in which are arranged at least one mechanical spring energy store ( 50 ), at least one cylinder-piston unit that can be filled at least temporarily with an active substance, at least one piston actuation plunger ( 60 ) and at least one triggering unit ( 80 ). The spring energy store comprises at least one pre-loaded spring element. The spring-loaded piston actuation plunger has at least one traction rod ( 61 ) which can be moved transversely, at least in certain regions, and by means of a supporting portion supports the tensioned spring energy store on at least one resting surface ( 37 ) of the housing. An actuatable triggering slide device ( 82 ) unlocks the disposable injector and releases the supporting portion to allow it to move away from the resting surface.

09-08-2012 дата публикации

Injection device with pricking protection and/or overload protection for a product container

Номер: US20120203186A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An injection device having a distal end, and including a needle located inside the injection device in an initial position, wherein the needle is moveable to a puncturing position in which the needle projects from the distal end, an open region located distally relative to the needle in the initial position of the needle and having a dimension, and a reduction piece moveable relative to the opening region whereby the dimension may be reduced.

30-08-2012 дата публикации

Seal Structures For Wet/Dry Automatic Injectors

Номер: US20120220930A1
Принадлежит: Meridian Medical Technologies Inc

An automatic injection device including a housing, a chamber with a first compartment and a second compartment, and a seal structure between the compartments. The seal structure is initially in a sealing condition that seals the first compartment from the second compartment, where the seal includes a plug and an outer sealing member. The plug is slidably movable within the outer sealing member to convert the seal structure from the sealing condition to a mixing condition by opening a path between the first compartment and the second compartment. The automatic injection device also includes a needle assembly and an activation assembly. Activation of the activation assembly causes (1) pressurization of the first compartment, (2) the seal structure to convert from the sealing condition to the mixing condition, and (3) the first and second medicament components to be mixed and forced through the needle assembly.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

System and Methods for Medicament Infusion

Номер: US20120245515A1
Принадлежит: Individual

System for trans-dermal delivery of doses of a medicament, comprising a delivery device to be placed in dermal contact with a patient, the delivery device comprising a reservoir for holding a medicament to be delivered, a trans-dermal injection element for delivering doses of the medicament to the patient, a control unit for controlling the delivery of the medicament when activated, the system further comprising a separate hand-held drive device to be temporarily placed in proximity of the delivery device when a dose of medicament is required, the drive device comprising an activation unit for activating the control unit of the delivery device.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Palm-controlled injectors

Номер: US20120253314A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A palm-controlled device is disclosed for injection of a substance into an organism. The device includes a palm-receiving surface for receiving a palm of a hand, the palm receiving surface being shaped so that the palm is substantially parallel to a surface of an injection site of the organism while operating the device. The palm receiving surface can also be shaped so that the palm is substantially perpendicular to a surface of the injection site. The device also includes an injector having at least one pre-filled syringe, the palm-receiving surface being cooperative with the injector such that when pressure is applied to the palm-receiving surface, the injector is actuated so as to inject contents of the at least one pre-filled syringe. Actuation of the injector is by gradual pressure; not sudden motion. Single or multiple doses of same or different medications can be included in a single injector.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20120310156A1
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

Injection device for manual penetration and injection comprising a distal housing part ( 10 ); a proximal housing part ( 12 ) with a multi-chamber container ( 20 ); a plunger rod ( 40 ); a push button ( 70 ); an activation member ( 30 ); a drive force means( 100 ) and a locking member ( 50 ), wherein the device further comprises a guide rod ( 60 ) arranged to generate an audible and tactile indication of the start of an injection.

25-04-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device with Braking Means

Номер: US20130102971A1
Автор: Stephan Olson
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

A medicament delivery device has an elongated housing; a medicament container carrier for a medicament container to which a medicament delivery member is attached, the carrier being slidable in the housing; a trigger unit; a cover unit coaxial and slidable in the housing; a release mechanism adapted to be actuated partly by the trigger unit and partly by movement of the cover unit; a preloaded drive unit releasably connected to the carrier and controlled by the release mechanism for advancing the carrier to a predetermined proximal position in relation to the housing at which the drive unit becomes disconnected from the carrier for advancing a slidable stopper in the container and thereby dispensing the medicament; and a braking mechanism acting between the preloaded drive unit and the release mechanism for controlling the speed of the preloaded drive unit when advancing the slidable stopper in the container.

13-06-2013 дата публикации

Needle-free intradermal injection device

Номер: US20130150820A1
Принадлежит: PharmaJet Inc

A needle-free injection device suitable for delivering a therapeutic substance into the intradermal space of a patient. The needle-free injection device includes a main spring which can be compressed using one or more handles attached to the device to place the needle-free injection device into an armed configuration. Device embodiments may optionally include an injector tube and associated apparatus which may be moved relative to other device structures when the injector is pressed against the skin of a patient with sufficient force. The disclosed operational switches and release mechanisms cooperate to prevent injection unless the device is properly positioned for an injection. Needle-free injection systems and methods of operating a needle-free injection device are also disclosed.

27-06-2013 дата публикации

Self-injection device having needle cover with activation preventer

Номер: US20130165866A1
Автор: Corey Christensen
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A drug delivery device, including a body ( 104, 116 ) having a reservoir ( 160 ) disposed therein for containing a medicament and an injection needle ( 152 ) for penetrating the skin of a patient, the needle ( 152 ) providing a path for the medicament between the reservoir ( 160 ) and the patient. The device also includes a rotor ( 580 ) rotatably disposed in the body ( 104, 116 ) for activating the device upon rotation of the rotor ( 580 ), a needle cover ( 112 ) for covering the injection needle, and a needle cover clip ( 560 ) disposed on the needle cover ( 112 ) to rotate from a first position preventing rotor rotation to a second position permitting rotor rotation.

25-07-2013 дата публикации

Needleless injector

Номер: US20130190685A1
Автор: Chang-Hee Lee, Min-Su Cho
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a needleless injector. The needleless injector includes: a piston shaft including a plurality of holders on an outer surface in a circumferential direction thereof; a cylinder assembly which slidably receives and supports the piston shaft in the forward and backward directions; a plurality of balls which are received in the cylinder assembly and disposed around the piston shaft, the plurality of balls being movable in a radial direction and inserted into the plurality of holders when the piston shaft is moved in the backward direction; a trigger button slidably coupled to a rear end of the cylinder assembly to form a trigger end interrupting the movement of the balls inserted into the holders in the radial direction, the trigger button releasing the interruption of the trigger end when the piston shaft is slid in the forward direction; a first elastic pressing unit for pressing the piston in the forward direction; and a second elastic pressing unit for pressing the trigger button in the backward direction. Thus, the needleless injector can have a simplified structure to improve the use convenience thereof.

01-08-2013 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: US20130197442A1
Автор: Jeremy Marshall, Toby Cowe

An injection device includes an elongate housing ( 10 ), a syringe ( 12 ) disposed in the housing, and an internal piston ( 20 ) to express a dose from a needle ( 16 ) at its front end. The injection device further includes a shroud element ( 24 ) movable forwardly relative to the syringe to shroud the needle after use and a latch ( 74 ) movable between a latched state in which it restricts rearward movement of the shroud element, and a release state. The latch is moved to its latch state by a magnetic force ( 56 ).

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Medicament Delivery Device

Номер: US20130245558A1
Автор: Anders Holmqvist
Принадлежит: SHL GROUP AB

The invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising a housing arranged to receive a medicament container ( 20 ), a drive unit ( 25 ) arranged to act on a stopper ( 27 ) in said medicament container ( 20 ), which drive unit ( 25 ) comprises a torsion drive spring ( 50 ). A dose setting member ( 56 ) is operably connected to said drive unit ( 25 ) such that a manual turning of said dose setting member ( 56 ) causes a tensioning of said torsion drive spring ( 50 ). The device further comprises an activation mechanism ( 76 ) having an activation button ( 94 ) protruding through the distal end of the device, wherein said activation mechanism ( 76 ) is operably connected to said drive unit ( 25 ) such that actuation of said activation mechanism ( 76 ) causes a release of said drive unit ( 25 ) whereby a set dose of medicament is delivered.

24-10-2013 дата публикации

Injection devices

Номер: US20130281933A1
Автор: Jeremy Marshall, Toby Cowe

An injection device includes an elongate housing ( 10 ); a syringe ( 12 ) disposed in the housing and having an internal piston ( 20 ) to express a dose from a needle ( 16 ) at its front end; a trigger device ( 52 ) for, in use, activating the internal piston, and a cap ( 66 ) that, in a fitted configuration, fits over at least part of the elongate housing and prevents activation of the trigger device.

07-11-2013 дата публикации

Needle assembly for drug pump

Номер: US20130296785A1
Автор: Oz Cabiri
Принадлежит: Medimop Medical Projects Ltd

A needle assembly adapted for fluid communication with a cartridge containing a substance to be delivered to a subject, the needle assembly characterized by a biasing device ( 70 ) arranged to apply a biasing force on a needle ( 28, 116 ) to cause the needle ( 28, 116 ) to protrude outwards of a housing ( 30, 112 ) to pierce the subject, and biasing device release apparatus ( 60 ) including a biasing device arrestor ( 62 ) that initially blocks movement of the biasing device ( 70 ) and which releases the biasing device ( 70 ) when the safety latch ( 32, 122 ) moves to a position that permits moving the needle holder ( 26, 118 ) to cause the needle ( 28, 116 ) to protrude outwards of the housing ( 30, 112 ).

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317435A1

An autoinjector includes a body ( 1; 1010 ), a reservoir containing fluid product, a piston, a needle, a piston rod ( 5 5; 1005 ) that is displaceable between a loaded position and an injection position, and an injection spring ( 8; 1008 ) to stress 10 the piston rod towards the injection position. The autoinjector also includes an injection lock having a control sleeve ( 4; 1004 ) containing the piston rod and the injection spring. The piston rod includes a radial recess ( 50; 1050 ) receiving a substantially spherical blocking element ( 7; 1007 ) mobile between a blocking position and an unblocking position, stressed radially towards the exterior by the piston rod, and held in the blocking position by a blocking member ( 23; 1004 ) that is displaceable relative to the piston rod to release the blocking element.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Preservative-Free Follicle Stimulating Hormone Solution Delivery Device

Номер: US20130324965A1

A one-time use device to deliver preservative-free follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) solution is disclosed. The device includes a needle covered by a sliding needle shield, which covers the needle in all modes of the device. The device can be placed into a ready-to-use position in four or fewer user steps. The device has a knob for setting a desired dose of FSH. The knob includes longitudinally spaced elements respectively corresponding to the lock position and the seven or fewer discrete dosing positions. The device locks after one use and cannot be reused thereafter.

12-12-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130331796A1
Автор: Robert Wozencroft

An autoinjector includes a body ( 10, 12 ), a syringe carrier ( 34 ) supporting a syringe ( 13 ) or cartridge with a needle at its forward end, for movement from a rearward position to a forward position to extend a needle, the syringe or cartridge having a barrel of generally cylindrical form having at a forward region thereof a forward facing abutment surface, wherein the syringe carrier is provided with a retention surface arranged to cooperate with the forward facing abutment surface on the syringe to prevent or limit forward movement of the syringe relative to the syringe carrier, the autoinjector further including a removable needle shield ( 15 ) releasably attached to the syringe or cartridge and shrouding the needle, a cap ( 14 ) attached to the forward end of the body and forwardly removable, the cap having a removal surface for engaging the needle shield whereby removal of the cap removes the needle shield.

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Prefilled medical injection device

Номер: US20140046270A1
Автор: Daniel W. Thornton
Принадлежит: ADAR MEDTECH Inc

An integrated injection device with pre-packaged medication is disclosed. The integrated injection device includes an ampule that is filled with a fluid medication and a collar with hypodermic needle. The collar includes an axial valve that is positioned between a first end of the collar a second end that includes an exit aperture that is connected to the hypodermic needle. The valve is movable from a first position where the valve blocks fluid communication between the first end and the second end and a second position where valve provides fluid communication between the first end and the exit aperture in the second end. The valve cooperates with a frangible webbing that extends over the second end of the collar and causes the valve to move to the second position when twisted to separate the frangible webbing from the injection device to expose the hypodermic needle.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Medicated module with automatic reservoir engagement and lock mechanism

Номер: US20140058333A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

A module for an injection system to co-deliver at least two medicaments is disclosed where a primary delivery device containing a primary medicament accepts a module containing a single dose of a secondary medicament and where both medicaments are delivered through a hollow needle. The module does not require the user to manually engage a reservoir containing the secondary medicament. Instead, a biasing member automatically activates the reservoir when the needle guard is retracted. The needle guard prevents accidental needle sticks before and after an injection, and locks after dose delivery. Restraining features are present on the module to prevent the needle guard from moving relative to the device, in a trigger locked position.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Fluid dispenser

Номер: US20210001040A1
Принадлежит: Preci Health SA

A fluid dispensing device is provided for dispensing a measured amount of fluid into a living organism. The device includes a rigid fluid reservoir closed by a septum for use in a fluid dispensing device for dispensing a measured amount of fluid into a living organism, wherein the device has a main housing enclosing the operative components of the device, the said fluid reservoir located within the main housing, an injection assembly including a needle, and a trigger mechanism. The needle has a first end adapted to piercing the septum and pushing the septum into the reservoir so that the septum acts as a piston, expelling the fluid through the needle, and a second end adapted to injecting the fluid into the living organism.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Injection Device Having Variable Dosing

Номер: US20180001025A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

An injection device for injecting medicament in a patient comprises a housing configured to house a fluid reservoir that has one of a plurality of volumes of medicament. An injection conduit fluidly coupled to the fluid reservoir defines a fluid pathway from the fluid reservoir to the patient. A firing mechanism is coupled to the fluid reservoir and is configured to expel the medicament from the fluid reservoir through the injection conduit. A volume setting mechanism is coupled to the firing mechanism and is configured to select the one of the plurality of volumes of medicament for the firing mechanism to expel. A dose setting mechanism is configured to select all or a fraction of the one of the plurality of volumes of medicament that is injected from the injection conduit when the firing mechanism is actuated. 1. An injection device for injecting medicament in a patient comprising:a housing configured to house a fluid reservoir having one of a plurality of volumes of medicament;an injection conduit fluidly coupled to the fluid reservoir configured to define a fluid pathway from the fluid reservoir to the patient;a firing mechanism coupled to the fluid reservoir and configured to expel the medicament from the fluid reservoir through the injection conduit;a volume setting mechanism coupled to the firing mechanism and configured to be adjusted to select the one of the plurality of volumes of medicament for the firing mechanism to expel; anda dose setting mechanism configured to be adjusted to select a fraction of the one of the plurality of volumes of medicament that is injected from the injection conduit when the firing mechanism is actuated.2. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the volume setting mechanism includes a nut and the firing mechanism includes a ram and a biasing member claim 1 , the nut being threadably coupled to the ram claim 1 , the nut being releaseably retained against a force of the biasing member in an initial position by a latch.3. The ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001026A1

An auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) is presented having an elongate case arranged to be held by a user, a tubular chassis telescoped in the case and biased against the case so as to protrude from the case. The injector also includes a syringe with a hollow injection needle, a drive spring and a plunger for forwarding load of the drive spring to a stopper of the syringe. A trigger button is distally arranged in or on the case, wherein the trigger button is initially coupled to the case in a manner to protrude distally from the case and interlocked to the chassis in a manner preventing the trigger button from disengaging the case. 11. Auto-injector () for administering a dose of a liquid medicament (M) , comprising:{'b': '12', 'an elongate case () arranged to be held by a user,'}{'b': 2', '12', '12', '12, 'a tubular chassis () telescopable in the case () and biased against the case () so as to protrude from the case (),'}{'b': 3', '4', '8', '9', '8', '6', '3, 'a syringe () with a hollow injection needle (), a drive spring () and a plunger () for forwarding load of the drive spring () to a stopper () of the syringe (),'}{'b': 13', '12, 'a trigger button () distally arranged in or on the case (),'}{'b': 13', '12', '12', '2', '13', '12', '13', '12', '2', '13', '2', '13', '13, 'wherein the trigger button () is initially coupled to the case () in a manner to protrude distally from the case () and interlocked to the chassis () in a manner preventing the trigger button () from disengaging the case () and thus preventing actuation of the trigger button () in an initial position, wherein the case () is arranged to translate in the proximal direction (P) against the bias relative to the chassis () thereby also translating the trigger button () releasing the interlock to the chassis () so as to allow actuation of the trigger button (), wherein the trigger button () is arranged to lock in a more proximal position on actuation.'} ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации

Trigger assembly for an automatic injection device

Номер: US20160008540A1
Принадлежит: Eli Lilly and Co

A trigger assembly for an automatic injection device which by its operation releases a biased element of the device for movement. The trigger assembly includes a button pressable by a user, and a lock member. Prior to the button being plunged, a blocking element on the button is abutted by a button-engaging surface of the lock member to prevent lock member rotation, thereby allowing an engagement surface on the lock member to remain in engagement with an engagement surface of the biased element so as to restrain motion of the biased element. When the button is plunged, the blocking surface moves clear of the button-engaging surface to allow the lock member to rotate, during which rotation the engagement surfaces disengage to release the biased element for movement.

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008773A1

A medicament delivery device is presented having a housing that is arranged to accommodate a medicament container; a drive unit operably arranged to act on the medicament container upon activation; an activation mechanism operably arranged to be operated by a user; an activation preventing mechanism operably arranged to prevent said activation mechanism to be activated; an identification module arranged to be operated by a user, which identification module is designed as an attachable unit to the medicament delivery device; mechanical keying elements arranged on said device and on said identification module designed to interact with each other when attaching said identification module; first electrical keying elements comprised in said identification module, wherein said electrical keying elements are capable of obtaining identification information, such that the identification information obtained is compared to stored data and authenticated by the identification module, and wherein the authentication causes a deactivation of the activation preventing mechanism to allow operation of the activation mechanism. 117-. (canceled)18. A medicament delivery device comprising a housing , which housing is arranged to accommodate a medicament container ,a drive unit operably arranged to act on the medicament container upon activation,an activation mechanism operably arranged to be operated by a user,an activation preventing mechanism operably arranged to prevent said activation mechanism to be activated,an identification module arranged to be operated by a user, which identification module is designed as an attachable unit to the medicament delivery device,mechanical keying elements arranged on said device and on said identification module designed to interact with each other when attaching said identification module,first electrical keying elements comprised in said identification module, wherein said electrical keying elements are capable of obtaining identification ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008774A1
Принадлежит: kaleo, Inc.

An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container, an actuator, and a biasing member. The actuator is configured to move the medicament container within the housing when the actuator is moved from a first configuration to a second configuration. The actuator includes a gas container and a puncturer. When the actuator is in the first configuration, a portion of the puncturer is disposed apart from the gas container. When the actuator is in the second configuration, the portion of the puncturer is disposed within the gas container. The gas container has a longitudinal axis offset from a longitudinal axis of the medicament container. The biasing member is configured to bias the actuator toward the second configuration. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a housing;a medicament container disposed within the housing;an actuator coupled to an end portion of the housing, the actuator configured to move between a first actuator position and a second actuator position;a plunger having a first plunger end portion and a second plunger end portion, the first plunger end portion configured to move in response to the movement of the actuator to move the second plunger end portion within the medicament container from a first plunger position to a second plunger position; anda medicament container interface disposed within the housing, the medicament container interface coupled to the medicament container, the medicament container interface including an end stop surface configured to limit movement of the plunger in a distal direction.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the medicament container is configured to move within the housing claim 1 , the apparatus further comprising:a biasing member configured to urge the medicament container in a proximal direction.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein:the housing includes a stop member; andthe biasing member is a spring, a distal end portion of the spring engaging the stop member.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the medicament ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008779A1

A medicament delivery device is presented having a housing that is arranged to accommodate a medicament container, a drive unit operably arranged to act on the medicament container upon activation, an activation mechanism operably arranged to be operated by a user, an activation preventing mechanism operably arranged to prevent the activation mechanism to be activated, an usage management module arranged to be operated by a user, which usage management module is designed as an attachable unit to the medicament delivery device. First keying elements are arranged on the device and on the usage management module designed to interact with each other when attaching said usage management module, such as to cause a deactivation of the activation preventing mechanism to allow operation of the activation mechanism. The usage management module can include a monitoring circuit arranged to monitor the use of the medicament delivery device. 114-. (canceled)15. A medicament delivery device comprisinga housing constructed to accommodate a medicament container;a drive unit configured to operably act on the medicament container upon activation;an activation mechanism configured for operation by a user;an activation preventing mechanism operably configured that prevents a user from activating the activation mechanism;a usage management module configured for operation by a user, where the usage management module is attachable to the medicament delivery device; andfirst keying elements arranged on the medicament delivery device and on the usage management module that interact with each other when the usage management module is attached to the medicament delivery device, where the attachment causes deactivation of the activation preventing mechanism and allowing operation of the activation mechanism, wherethe usage management module comprises a monitoring circuit that monitors the use of the medicament delivery device.16. The medicament delivery device according to claim 15 , wherein ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023541A1
Автор: FABIEN David

An autoinjector having a reservoir () containing fluid and a piston; a needle; a driver () having a body; a piston rod () movable between a rest position and an injection position; an injection spring (); and a force control mechanism () for causing the force exerted by the injection spring to vary in predetermined manner during injection, and a lever () and a cam (), the lever () pivotally mounted on the piston rod, being connected to the injection spring (), and co-operating with the cam; and an interface module () fastened to the driver that receives a reservoir () before each actuation. The interface module having a selector ring () mounted to turn on the driver module, and pivot elements () fastening the reservoir module in the interface module. 1. An autoinjector , characterized in that it comprises:a reservoir module comprising a reservoir containing fluid and a piston, and including a needle; a body;', 'a piston rod that co-operates with the piston of said reservoir, said piston rod being moved between a rest position and an injection position in which said piston rod has moved the piston of the reservoir so as to inject the fluid through said needle;', 'an injection spring for urging said piston rod towards its injection position; and', 'force control means, for causing the force exerted by said injection spring on said piston rod to vary in predetermined manner throughout the injection stage, said force control means comprising a lever and a cam, said lever being pivotally mounted at one end on said piston rod, being connected to said injection spring, and co-operating at its other end with said cam; and, 'a driver module comprisingan interface module that is fastened to the driver module and that receives a reservoir module before each actuation, said interface module comprising a selector ring that is mounted to turn on the driver module, and pivot elements for fastening the reservoir module in the interface module.2. An autoinjector according to claim 1 ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220023548A1
Автор: Moleda Jaroslaw

A method includes protecting an entire length of a needle of a needle-based device protruding from a needle mount coupled to a body thereof based on providing a needle shield completely encompassing the entire protruding length of the needle in a first state of disuse, and retracting the needle shield in a first direction toward the body of the needle-based device to apply a first force in the first direction to cause the needle to emerge out of the needle shield to prepare the needle-based device for a second state of use. The method also includes transitioning the needle-based device back to the first state of disuse following the second state of use in accordance with applying a second force in a second direction diametrically opposite to the first direction, and providing a lock button to lock the needle shield in the first state of disuse. 1. A method comprising:protecting an entire length of a needle of a needle-based device protruding from a needle mount coupled to a body of the needle-based device based on providing a needle shield completely encompassing the entire protruding length of the needle in a first state of disuse of the needle-based device;retracting the needle shield in a first direction toward the body of the needle-based device to apply a first force in the first direction to cause the needle to emerge out of the needle shield to prepare the needle-based device for a second state of use thereof;transitioning the needle-based device back to the first state of disuse thereof following the second state of use in accordance with applying a second force in a second direction diametrically opposite to the first direction;securedly maintaining the encompassing of the entire protruding length of the needle by the needle shield in the first state of disuse of the needle-based device based on coupling between the needle shield and the body of the needle-based device;providing a lock button with a first end, the first end is either integrally formed with ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009025A1
Принадлежит: Pharma Consult Ges, M.B.H.

An autoinjector device is provided. The autoinjector device can include an activator unit including an activation housing, an activation guard, and an activation shell such that a portion of the activation guard extends beyond a proximal end of the activation shell. The autoinjector device can include camouflage on a proximal surface to obscure a device lock hole and reduce user confusion around needle orientation. 1. An autoinjection device comprising:an injection unit; and an activation housing;', 'an activation engine positioned within an interior area of the activation housing, the activation engine including a spring, a piston, a locking mechanism, and a retaining element;', 'an activation guard at least partially surrounding the activation housing such that a portion of the activation housing is positioned within an interior area of the activation guard, the activation guard extending beyond a proximal end of the activation housing; and', 'an activation shell at least partially surrounding the activation guard such that a portion of the activation guard is positioned within an interior area of the activation shell and a portion of the activation guard is extended beyond a proximal end of the activation shell., 'an activator unit, the activator unit comprising2. The autoinjection device of claim 1 , wherein at least one of the activation housing claim 1 , the activation guard claim 1 , and the activation shell is substantially cylindrical in shape claim 1 , wherein the activation guard includes a guard member claim 1 , and wherein the guard member extends beyond a proximal end of the activation housing.3. The autoinjection device of claim 1 , wherein the activation housing includes a radial protrusion claim 1 , andwherein the activation guard includes a groove at least partially surrounding the activation housing protrusion such that the activation guard is prevented from linearly translating about the activation housing.4. The autoinjection device of claim 3 , ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Medication Injection Device with Automatic Needle Retraction Following Injection

Номер: US20190009026A1

An automatic medication injection device including a driver (), a retractor () and a blocking member (). Upon device triggering the driver is shifted proximally to move a device syringe, expel medication from the syringe and then to disengage itself from the syringe plunger. The driver and the blocking member have a complementary camming configuration by which the blocking member, during the driver shifting, is automatically rotated from a first rotational orientation to a second rotational orientation. The blocking member blocks retraction of the retractor when disposed in the first rotational orientation, and permits retraction of the retractor when disposed in the second rotational orientation, which retractor retraction withdraws the device syringe from an injecting position to a retracted position. 1. An automatic medication injection device comprising:a housing;a syringe filled with medication and including a needle and a plunger;a driver shiftable proximally in said housing along a track from a ready position to a plunged position, said driver and said track and said plunger being complementarily configured for said driver, when shifted from said ready position to said plunged position, to advance said plunger to move said syringe proximally from a start position, at which said needle is disposed within said housing, to an injecting position, at which said needle projects external to said housing, and to advance the plunger to expel medication from the syringe through said needle, and to disengage from said plunger to permit axial movement of said driver relative to said plunger;a retractor having an opening in which said syringe extends, said retractor shiftable distally within said housing from a ready position to a retraction position to withdraw said syringe from said injecting position to a retracted position at which said needle is disposed within said housing;a blocking member having an opening in which said syringe extends, said blocking member ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009027A1
Принадлежит: kaleo, Inc.

An apparatus includes a movable member and a valve coupled to the movable member. The movable member is configured to be disposed within a housing of a medical device and has a first end portion and second end portion. A portion of the first end portion is configured to define a portion of a boundary of a gas chamber. The first end portion defines an opening configured to be in fluid communication between the gas chamber and an area outside the gas chamber. The second end portion is configured to be coupled to a needle configured to deliver a medicament into a body. The valve is configured to selectively allow fluid communication between the gas chamber and the area outside the gas chamber through the opening defined by the first end portion of the movable member. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a housing defining a gas chamber;a medicament container disposed within the housing;a needle fluidically coupled to the medicament container, the needle configured to move between a first needle position, in which the needle is disposed within the housing, and a second needle position in which a portion of the needle extends from the housing;a retraction spring configured to bias the needle towards the first needle position;an expandable assembly including a flexible member and a distal member, the flexible member configured to transition between a collapsed configuration and an expanded configuration; andan energy storage member configured to produce a pressurized gas within the gas chamber, the pressurized gas exerting a force to move the needle from the first needle position to the second needle position and to move the distal member of the expandable assembly within the medicament container to convey a medicament from the medicament container via the needle, the flexible member of the expandable assembly configured to actuate a valve to release the pressurized gas from the gas chamber when the flexible member is transitioned from the collapsed configuration to the expanded ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации

Devices, systems, and methods for medicament delivery

Номер: US20150011973A1
Принадлежит: kaleo Inc

Certain exemplary embodiments comprise can comprise an auto-injector, which can comprise: a vial configured to store and/or contain an injectable medicament, the vial defining a vial longitudinal axis, and a housing comprising the vial. In various embodiments, the injectable medicament can be a medicine, medication, drug, pharmaceutical, prescriptive, agent, antidote, anti-venom, hormone, stimulant, vasodilator, anesthetic, and/or nutritional supplement that is substantially ready for injection.

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210015741A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

The present invention provides compositions and methods for treating a subject in need of treatment with testosterone, including introducing testosterone into the subject subcutaneously, intradermally, or intramuscularly, from a needle assisted jet injection device. 1. A injection device , comprising:a housing member having a distal end and a proximal end;a chamber disposed within the housing member configured to hold an amount of a preservative-free medicament comprising testosterone;a needle operatively associated with the chamber and having a length sufficient to deliver the medicament to an injection site at a depth below a patient's skin sufficient to minimize leak-back;a plunger movable within the chamber; anda force generating source capable of providing sufficient force on the plunger to eject at least a portion of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 20 seconds.2. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the injection site is subcutaneous.3. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the force on the plunger is configured to eject at least a portion of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 15 seconds4. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the force on the plunger is configured to eject all of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 15 seconds.5. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the force on the plunger is configured to eject all of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 10 seconds.6. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle length is greater than about 5 mm.7. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle length is less than about 20 mm.8. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle length is between about 5 and 12 mm.9. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle gauge is 27 gauge.10. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle gauge is 25 gauge to 30 gauge.11. The ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021103A1

An autoinjector includes a case adapted to hold a medicament container having a needle telescopically coupled to the case and movable between a first extended position relative to the case in which the needle is covered and a retracted position relative to the case in which the needle is exposed. The autoinjector includes a plunger rotationally and slidably disposed in the case rotatable relative to the case between a first rotational position in which the plunger is engaged to the case and a second rotational position in which the plunger disengages the case engages the plunger to rotate the plunger from the first rotational position to the second rotational position when the needle shroud translates from the first extended position to the retracted position. The autoinjector includes a cap removably coupled to the case includes at least one compliant case beam adapted to releasably engage at least one aperture in the case. 11. An autoinjector () comprising:{'b': 2', '4, 'a case () adapted to hold a medicament container having a needle ();'}{'b': 7', '2', '2', '4', '2', '4, 'a needle shroud () telescopically coupled to the case () and movable between a first extended position (FEP) relative to the case () in which the needle () is covered and a retracted position (RP) relative to the case () in which the needle () is exposed,'}a shroud spring biasing the needle shroud in a distal direction relative to the case; and{'b': 10', '2', '10', '2', '10', '2', '10', '2, 'a plunger () rotationally and slidably disposed in the case (), the plunger () rotatable relative to the case () between a first rotational position in which the plunger () is engaged to the case () and a second rotational position in which the plunger () disengages the case (),'}{'b': 7', '10', '10', '7', '1, 'wherein the needle shroud () engages the plunger () to rotate the plunger () from the first rotational position to the second rotational position when the needle shroud () translates from the first ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021104A1
Автор: Walsh Jessica

A medication administration device is provided. The device has a flexible tube having an administration end, an activation end and a lumen between the ends. An administration assembly is attached to the administration end. An activation assembly is attached to the activation end. A syringe is disposed within the lumen. The syringe contains the medication and has a first end and an opposite second end. A plunger is disposed within the lumen and operatively connected to the first end of the syringe. A rupturable seal is provided to the second end of the syringe, which end is approximate to the administration end. The activation assembly activates the plunger to break the rupturable seal to establish a fluid communication between the second end of the syringe and the administration assembly. Accordingly, transportation of the medication from the syringe to the medication administration assembly through the medication administration end is allowed. 1. A wearable device for administering medication to a subject , comprising:a flexible tube comprising a medication administration end and an activation end, the flexible tube defining a lumen between the medication administration end and the activation end;a medication administration assembly attached to the medication administration end;an activation assembly attached to the activation end;a syringe disposed within the lumen, wherein the syringe contains the medication and comprises a first end and an opposite second end;a plunger disposed within the lumen and operatively connected to the first end of the syringe; anda rupturable seal provided to the second end of the syringe, the second end of the syringe being approximate to the medication administration end,wherein the activation assembly is configured to activate the plunger and break the rupturable seal, such that a fluid communication is established between the second end of the syringe and the medication administration assembly to allow transportation of the ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021516A1
Принадлежит: LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG

A disposable injector comprising a housing, a spring-loaded piston-actuating plunger arranged in the housing and able to be released by a trigger unit. A cylinder-piston unit comprising a cylinder and a piston that is positioned at a distance from the piston-actuating plunger. A closed layer made on an elastically-deformable material surrounds the piston-actuating plunger in at least some sections and projects beyond same in the trigger direction, resulting in a disposable injector that will not alarm a patient during use thereof. 141060108010010111160140606. A single use injector () having a housing () , having a resiliently loaded piston actuation ram () which is arranged in the housing () and which can be unlocked by a trigger unit () , and having a cylinder/piston unit () which comprises a cylinder () and a piston () which is spaced apart from the piston actuation ram () , characterized in that a closed layer () of a resiliently deformable material surrounds the piston actuation ram () at least partially and protrudes therebeyond in a triggering direction ().24. The single-use injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the resiliently deformable material is an open-pore material.3414082143. The single-use injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the closed layer () is arranged on a carrier component (; ).4414013582143. The single-use injector () as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the thickness of the closed layer () corresponds to at least the thickness of the carrying region () of the carrier component (; ) which carries it.5414082143. The single-use injector () as claimed in claim 3 , characterized in that the closed layer () is connected to the component (; ) which carries it by a chemical or physical connection.64808210. The single-use injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the triggering unit () comprises a tubular triggering element () which can be displaced in an axial direction relative to the ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040408A1

An injection device comprises a casing, a syringe carrier located within a proximal end of the casing and being movable along a longitudinal axis of the device between a stowed position and a needle insertion position, and a drive assembly located within a distal end of the casing and being movable by an insertion driver in order to move the syringe carrier and a loaded syringe from a stowed position to a needle insertion position. The device further comprises a first formation fixed relative to the casing and a second formation fixed relative to an insertion tube of the drive assembly, the first and second formations defining between them a plurality of stop positions for the insertion tube relative to the casing, spaced along the direction of said longitudinal axis, to prevent significant rearward movement of the insertion tube along said axis when a plunger of a firing cartridge is released from a reaction assembly of the cartridge. 1. An injection device for delivering a fluid from a syringe having a needle , the device comprising:a casing;a syringe carrier located within a proximal end of the casing for receiving a syringe and being movable along a longitudinal axis of the device between a stowed position and a needle insertion position: an insertion tube having a proximal end abutting said syringe carrier or the syringe,', 'a firing cartridge comprising a plunger, a reaction assembly releasably coupled to the plunger, and a delivery driver coupled between the plunger and the reaction assembly, wherein the firing cartridge is configured to move forward with the insertion tube until the syringe carrier reaches said needle insertion position and then to continue moving in a proximal direction through the insertion tube until said plunger contacts or approaches a bung within the syringe, whereupon said plunger is released from the reaction assembly and the reaction assembly is pushed rearwards to latch onto the insertion tube and thereby provide a reaction surface ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022334A1

According to the invention, a safety device for a pre-filled syringe with an injection needle comprises of a support body adapted to mount the pre-filled syringe, a needle shield slidably arranged with respect to the support body, a retention and locking means (M) for retaining and locking the needle shield with respect to the support body in a first and a second advanced position (PA, PA) and in a retracted position (PR). The needle shield comprises an annular flange adapted to rest on the skin of the patient receiving an injection. The retention and locking means (M) are arranged at a distal end of the safety device. 11221. A safety device () for a pre-filled syringe () with an injection needle (.) comprising{'b': 1', '2', '2, 'a support body (.) adapted to mount the pre-filled syringe (),'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2, 'a needle shield (.) slidably arranged with respect to the support body (.),'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '2, 'a retention and locking means (M) for retaining and locking the needle shield (.) with respect to the support body (.) in a first and a second advanced position (PA, PA) and in a retracted position (PR),'}{'b': 1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1, 'wherein the needle shield (.) comprises an annular flange (..) adapted to rest on the skin of the patient receiving an injection and wherein the retention and locking means (M) are arranged at a distal end of the safety device ().'}21. A safety device () according to claim 1 ,{'b': 1', '2', '1', '1', '1', '3, 'characterized in that the support body (.), the needle shield (.) and/or the outer body (.) is at least partially made from a transparent plastics material.'}31. A safety device () according to or claim 1 ,{'b': 1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '1', '1', '2', '1', '2', '2', '1', '2, 'characterized in that the needle shield (.) is movable from the first advanced position (PA) to the retracted position (PR) and further to the second advanced position (PA), wherein the needle shield (.) in ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации

Injection System

Номер: US20160030677A1
Принадлежит: Hospira Inc

Methods and systems for an injection system are provided. An example injection system includes a container for a pharmaceutical that is sealed at a proximal end with a plunger having a pushing surface for engaging an inner surface of the hollow body. A plunger rod extends axially from the proximal end of the container and is covered with a plunger rod cover. Removal of the cover activates the system and allows for delivery of the pharmaceutical product from the container by advancing the plunger within the container towards the seal.

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030249A1

A trigger assembly for an automatic medication injection device. The trigger assembly includes an actuator that rotates when shifted axially, and at least one upstanding member extending from a biased drive element of the device toward said actuator which is rotated within the device housing when the actuator is shifted axially. The trigger assembly also includes a track and follower structured and arranged to guide the biased drive element when being rotated within said housing when the actuator shifts axially and to release the biased drive element for axial movement. 1. A trigger assembly for an automatic medication injection device including a biased drive element and a housing , the biased drive element releasable by operation of the trigger assembly for movement in a first axial direction relative to the housing , the trigger assembly comprising:an actuator including one of a first track and a first follower, the other of said first track and said first follower being fixed in relation to the housing, said first track and first follower arranged for turning said actuator within the housing when said actuator shifts from a first axial position to a second axial position within the housing, said actuator including an interior hollow in which at least one drive element extends;at least one upstanding member extending from the biased drive element toward said actuator, one of said at least one upstanding member and said at least one drive element defining an opening in which fits the other of said at least one upstanding member and said at least one drive element, said at least one upstanding member complementarily shaped with said at least one drive element for said at least one upstanding member, and thereby the biased drive element, to be rotated within said housing when said actuator shifts from said first axial position to said second axial position; andone of a second track and a second follower being fixed in relation to the housing, the other of said ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030260A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

The present invention provides compositions and methods for treating a subject in need of treatment with testosterone, including introducing testosterone into the subject subcutaneously, intradermally, or intramuscularly, from a needle assisted jet injection device. 1. A injection device , comprising:a housing member having a distal end and a proximal end;a chamber disposed within the housing member configured to hold an amount of a preservative-free medicament comprising testosterone;a needle operatively associated with the chamber and having a length sufficient to deliver the medicament to an injection site at a depth below a patient's skin sufficient to minimize leak-back;a plunger movable within the chamber; anda force generating source capable of providing sufficient force on the plunger to eject at least a portion of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 20 seconds.2. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the injection site is subcutaneous.3. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the force on the plunger is configured to eject at least a portion of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 15 seconds4. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the force on the plunger is configured to eject all of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 15 seconds.5. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the force on the plunger is configured to eject all of the medicament from the chamber through the needle in less than about 10 seconds.6. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle length is greater than about 5 mm.7. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle length is less than about 20 mm.8. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle length is between about 5 and 12 mm.9. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle gauge is 27 gauge.10. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the needle gauge is 25 gauge to 30 gauge.11. The ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030265A1
Принадлежит: kaleo, Inc.

An apparatus includes a label configured to be coupled to a medicament delivery device. The label includes a first surface and a second surface. The first surface is configured to be coupled to an outer surface of the medicament delivery device. The second surface includes a textual indicia. The label further includes an electronic circuit system configured to output an electronic signal. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a housing having a mouthpiece;a medicament container, a proximal end portion of the medicament container disposed outside of the housing, a distal end portion of the medicament container disposed within the housing such that movement of the distal end portion of the medicament container within the housing actuates the medicament container to deliver a medicament via the mouthpiece;an electronic circuit system configured to produce an electronic output associated with the movement of the distal end portion of the medicament container within the housing, the electronic circuit system including a printed circuit board, a processor coupled to the printed circuit board, a switch operably coupled to the processor, and a sensory output device coupled to the processor, the sensory output device configured to produce a sensory output in response to the electronic output; andan electronics actuator coupled to the medicament container, the electronics actuator configured to engage the switch to actuate the electronic circuit system when the distal end portion of the medicament container is moved within the housing.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the electronics actuator includes a protrusion configured to engage the switch to actuate the electronic circuit system when the distal end portion is moved.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the switch includes a conductive member claim 2 , the switch configured to be moved from a first state to a second state when the protrusion engages the conductive member.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the switch ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации

Prefilled Syringe With Breakaway Force Feature

Номер: US20200030536A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

A jet injector that includes a prefilled syringe. The syringe includes a fluid chamber that contains a medicament. The syringe also has an injection-assisting needle, and a plunger is movable within the fluid chamber. A housing is configured for allowing insertion of the needle to a penetration depth. The housing includes a retractable guard and an interference component, e.g., a lock ring, adjacent to the retractable guard that interferes with the movement of the retractable guard. An energy source is configured for biasing the plunger to produce an injecting pressure to jet inject the medicament from the fluid chamber through the needle to an injection site. 1. A jet injector , comprising: a container portion defining a fluid chamber containing a medicament;', 'an injection-assisting needle disposed at the distal end of the chamber, having an injecting tip configured for piercing an insertion location, and defining a fluid pathway in fluid communication with the chamber for injecting the fluid from the chamber into an injection site;', 'a plunger movable within the fluid chamber;, 'a prefilled syringe comprising a retractable guard that is movable between a protecting position in which the needle is disposed within the guard and an injecting position in which the tip of the needle is exposed for insertion to the insertion point, and', 'an interference component adjacent to the retractable guard that interferes with the movement of the retractable guard when the retractable component is moved at least partially from the protecting position toward the injecting position;, 'a housing that houses the prefilled syringe and is configured for allowing insertion of the needle at the injection location to an insertion point that is at a penetration depth below the surface, the housing comprisinga syringe support supportively mounting the prefilled syringe in the housing;an energy source configured for biasing the plunger with a force selected to produce an injecting ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030537A1

Processes and devices are disclosed for parenteral delivery of therapeutic fluids, in particular high-viscosity therapeutic fluids (e.g., protein therapeutics), by a chemical reaction that generates a gas. The device may include a first actuation chamber containing a first reagent, a second reaction chamber containing a second reagent, and a third therapeutic fluid chamber containing the therapeutic fluid. In a loaded configuration, a plunger separates the first chamber from the second chamber. In a delivery configuration, the plunger allows the first reagent from the first chamber to communicate and react with the second reagent from the second chamber. The generated gas acts upon a plunger to deliver the therapeutic fluid from the third chamber. 1. A device for delivering a therapeutic fluid by chemical reaction , the device comprising:a barrel having a first chamber, a second chamber, and a third chamber;a piston positioned between the first and second chambers of the barrel;a spring configured to move the piston;a plunger positioned between the second and third chambers of the barrel; and a locked configuration in which the actuator is prevented from moving axially relative to the barrel;', 'an unlocked configuration in which the actuator is capable of moving axially relative to the barrel; and', 'a delivery configuration in which the actuator moves axially relative to the barrel;, 'an actuator having in the locked and unlocked configurations, the first chamber contains a first reagent, the second chamber contains a second reagent and is separated from the first chamber by the piston, and the third chamber contains the therapeutic fluid; and', 'in the delivery configuration, the spring moves the piston to place the first chamber in communication with the second chamber, the first and second reagents reacting and generating a gas that drives the plunger to deliver the therapeutic fluid from the third chamber., 'wherein2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20210030963A1
Принадлежит: SANOFI SA

A drug delivery device comprises a housing adapted to receive a primary package, the housing comprising a distal surface adapted to be placed against an injection site and a proximal surface opposite the distal surface, the proximal surface adapted to be held in the palm of a user's hand during drug delivery, the housing having a flat form-factor in such a manner that a first extension of the housing between the distal surface and the proximal surface is less than at least one extension at right angles to the first extension.

24-02-2022 дата публикации

Cap Assembly for a Medicament

Номер: US20220054752A1

An auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament includes an elongate housing arranged to contain a syringe with a hollow needle and a stopper for sealing the syringe and displacing the medicament, the housing having a distal end and a proximal end with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site. The syringe is slidably arranged with respect to the housing. A spring capable of, upon activation: pushing the needle from a covered position inside the housing into an advanced position through the orifice and past the proximal end (P), operating the syringe to supply the dose of medicament (M), and retracting the syringe with the needle into the covered position. After delivering the medicament, an activator arranged to lock the spring in a pressurized state prior to manual operation and capable of, upon manual operation, releasing the spring for injection. 1. (canceled)2. A drug delivery device , comprising:an elongate member;a drug container with a needle arranged in the elongate member, the needle having a proximal needle tip configured to pierce a skin at an injection site;a needle shield configured to attach to the needle and cover the proximal needle tip; and a cap member providing an outer surface of the cap, wherein the outer surface is configured to be manipulated by a user to detach the cap from the drug delivery device; and', 'an interface member configured to engage the needle shield, the interface member being axially locked to the cap member, and the cap member being rotatable relative to the interface member in order to detach the cap from the drug delivery device., 'a cap that is detachable from the drug delivery device, the cap comprising'}3. The drug delivery device of claim 2 , wherein a proximal end of the cap covers a proximal end of the needle shield.4. The drug delivery device of claim 2 , wherein the needle shield is configured to be removed from the needle when the cap is detached from the drug delivery device.5. ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации

Activator for Autoinjector

Номер: US20190038845A1

The invention relates to an activator unit for an autoinjector, comprising a substantially cylindrical housing () in which an axially movable pressure pin () is guided, said pressure pin being insertable counter to a spring unit and being lockable, when inserted, by means of detent projections () of a retaining element () that is connected to the pressure pin. The spring unit comprises a first coil spring () and at least one second coil spring () having a larger diameter than the first coil spring, the second coil spring being coaxial to the first coil spring. 1346512121. An activator unit for an autoinjector comprising a substantially cylindrical housing () in which an axially movable pressure pin () is guided , said pressure pin being insertable counter to a spring unit and being lockable , when inserted , by means of detent projections () of a retaining element () that is connected to the pressure pin , characterized in that the spring unit comprises a first coil spring () and at least one second coil spring () having a larger diameter than the first coil spring () , the second coil spring () being coaxial to the first coil spring ().212. The activator unit according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first coil spring () and the second coil spring () have substantially the same length.312. The activator unit according to or claim 1 , characterized in that the first coil spring () and the second coil spring () are designed as parts of an integral double spring.42121. The activator unit according to claim 1 , characterized in that the second coil spring () is retained and locked by an element that can be moved by the first coil spring () claim 1 , wherein the locking of the second coil spring () can be unlocked when the first coil spring () is at an outer release point.51212. The activator unit according to claim 1 , characterized in that the first coil spring () is retained and locked by an element that can be moved by the second coil spring () claim 1 , ...

16-02-2017 дата публикации

Hazardous Agent Injection System

Номер: US20170043093A1

Injection systems comprising a powered injector and one or more hazardous agents are disclosed. 1. An injection system comprising: a container configured to contain a hazardous agent;', 'an injection outlet member associated with the container for injecting the hazardous agent;', 'a firing mechanism configured to expel the hazardous agent from the fluid chamber through the outlet member for injecting the hazardous agent;', 'an energy source associated with the firing mechanism to power the firing mechanism for causing the injection;', 'a trigger mechanism associated with the firing mechanism to activate the firing mechanism; and, 'a powered injector comprisinga therapeutically effective amount of a hazardous agent contained in the container;wherein the powered injector is configured to inject the therapeutically effective amount of the hazardous agent in less than about 5 seconds.2duboisia hopwoodiipiper methysticum. The injection system of claim 1 , wherein the hazardous agent is selected from botulinum toxin claim 1 , injectable gold claim 1 , 6-mercaptopurine claim 1 , 6-thioinosinic acid claim 1 , azathioprine claim 1 , chlorambucil claim 1 , cyclophosphamide claim 1 , cytophosphane claim 1 , cytarabine claim 1 , fluorouracil claim 1 , melphalan claim 1 , methotrexate claim 1 , uramustine claim 1 , anti-cytokine biologicals claim 1 , cell receptor antagonists claim 1 , cell receptor analogues claim 1 , dexamethasone claim 1 , progesterone claim 1 , somatostatin claim 1 , analogues of dexamethasone claim 1 , analogues of progesterone claim 1 , analogues of somatostatin claim 1 , teriparatide claim 1 , scopolamine claim 1 , antihypertensives claim 1 , blood pressure down regulators claim 1 , fentanyl claim 1 , fentanyl citrate claim 1 , morphine claim 1 , meperidine claim 1 , other opioids claim 1 , adalimumab (anti-tissue necrosis factor monoclonal antibody or anti-TNF) claim 1 , anakinra claim 1 , daclizumab claim 1 , basiliximab claim 1 , azathioprine claim 1 , ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации

Plunger-Driven Auto-Injectors

Номер: US20180043101A1
Принадлежит: UNL Holdings LLC

Plunger sub-assemblies for automatic injectors include a plunger outer having one or more engagement prongs, a plunger inner having one or more engagement slots which correspond with the engagement prongs of the plunger outer, and a retraction biasing member. The retraction biasing member is retained in a first energized state between the plunger outer and plunger inner when the engagement prongs of the plunger outer are releasably engaged with the engagement slots of the plunger inner. The one or more engagement prongs are capable of flexing substantially radially to release from engagement with the engagement slots of the plunger inner to permit the retraction biasing member to expand from the first energized state to a second expanded state. An automatic injector having a plunger sub-assembly includes a housing, an activation mechanism, and a plunger sub-assembly at least partially mounted within a syringe cartridge having a needle assembly.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180043103A1

The present invention relates to a rectal delivery device in the form of a syringe with improved locking mechanism for the delivery of an appropriate dosage of a medicament, thereby minimizing errors. More particularly, the present invention provides syringes with improved lock control units for delivering diazepam formulations for the treatment of patients experiencing epileptic seizures. 1. A syringe device comprising: a piston a plunger , a checking nut , a cartridge , and a locking nut , wherein the plunger is slideable within the check nut , the plunger further coupled to a piston and locked by a locking nut.2. A syringe device comprising: a piston , a plunger , a checking nut , a locking nut , a plug , and a lens , wherein the plug is for a cartridge and the locking nut and check nut are dimensioned to limit travel of the piston on the plunger deliver a dose of an agent from the syringe; and wherein the lock unit comprises a first surface , the first surface configured to receive a piston cap and other surface to receive the cartridge.3. The syringe device as in wherein the lock nut attaches to a lens at a first end of the piston claim 1 , and the lens is circular.4. The syringe device in the claim 1 , wherein the device is superior to existing devices in terms of Dose delivery claim 1 , Dose accuracy and Patient Compliance.5. A plurality of syringe devices as in wherein each of a plurality of lock units of differing dimensions from a first surface to a second surface are selectable to limit the travel of the piston in the check nut to dispense different amounts of an agent.6. The syringe device as in wherein each of the plurality of syringes is associated with at least two lock units claim 1 , each lock unit having a differing dimension from a first surface to a second surface claim 1 , whereby selecting and affixing lock units of equal dimension for each syringe limits the travel of the piston to the check nut of each syringe to dispense an equal dose of the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062564A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

An injection device, for example, an auto-injector of any type, includes a sleeve configured to hold a medicament chamber. The sleeve may be sufficiently deformable such that it functions as a shock absorbing member to distribute the force exerted on the medicament chamber during use of the injection device. 1. A shock absorbing member comprising:a sleeve configured to receive a medicament chamber, the sleeve having a proximal end and a distal end connected by a middle portion;wherein the sleeve includes a compressible element between the proximal end and the distal end that is deformable,wherein the compressible element comprises a plurality of compressible posts spaced about an axis of the sleeve.2. The shock absorbing member of claim 1 , wherein the sleeve includes an initial length and the sleeve compresses by greater than 0.40% of the initial length when a load is applied to the sleeve.3. The shock absorbing member of claim 2 , wherein the load is less than a 55 lb force.4. The shock absorbing member of claim 2 , wherein the load is an 18.5 lb force.5. The shock absorbing member of claim 2 , wherein the load is less than a 53 lb force.6. The shock absorbing member of claim 2 , wherein the sleeve returns substantially to the initial length of the sleeve once the load is removed.7. The shock absorbing member of claim 2 , wherein the sleeve is irreversibly compressed once the load is removed.8. The shock absorbing member of claim 1 , wherein the compressible element is located at the distal end of the sleeve.9. The shock absorbing member of claim 1 , wherein the compressible element is located at the proximal end of the sleeve.10. The shock absorbing member of claim 1 , wherein the compressible element is located at a middle portion of the sleeve.11. A method of reducing failure rate of an auto-injector comprising providing an injection device having the shock absorbing member of12. The method of claim 11 , wherein the sleeve returns substantially to its original ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации

Push Button Safety Injector

Номер: US20190046728A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

A push button safety injector includes a housing having a proximal end, a distal end spaced from the proximal end, and a longitudinal axis. An injection ram is positioned along the longitudinal axis and configured to actuate a fluid chamber. The injection ram is biased toward the distal end in an initial position. A sliding member is configured to retain the injection ram in the initial position. A safety member confines radial movement of the sliding member in the initial position and allows radial movement of the sliding member in an armed position. A button is moveable between an initial extended position and a depressed position. The button is engagable with the sliding member and configured to move the sliding member radially in the armed position. The sliding member releases the injection ram when the button is in the depressed position. 1. A push button safety injector comprising:a housing having a proximal end, a distal end spaced from the proximal end, and a longitudinal axis;an injection ram positioned along the longitudinal axis and configured to actuate a fluid chamber, the injection ram being biased toward the distal end in an initial position;a sliding member retaining the injection ram in the initial position;a safety member confining radial movement of the sliding member in the initial position and allowing radial movement of the sliding member in an armed position; anda button moveable between an initial extended position and a depressed position, the button being engagable with the sliding member and configured to move the sliding member radially in the armed position, wherein the sliding member releases the injection ram when the button is in the depressed position.2. The push button safety injector of further comprising:the fluid chamber, the fluid chamber configured for storing and dispensing a liquid medicament through an injection outlet.3. The push button safety injector of claim 2 , wherein the fluid chamber includes a piston slidably and ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Medicament delivery device

Номер: US20200046901A1
Автор: Oscar Alexandersson
Принадлежит: SHL Medical AG

A medicament delivery device is disclosed having a housing, an actuation mechanism capable of delivering doses of medicament from a medicament container and arranged with a delivery member, a shield, a guard movable within the housing, wherein the guard is operably connected to the actuation mechanism. A protective cap is releasably arranged on the housing and having a shield remover. A blocking element on the guard is movable between a blocking position and a release position and has an engagement surface to engage a proximal area of the housing. The blocking element engages with a surface of the shield remover to retain the blocking element in the blocking position. The engagement surface causes a blocking of the guard from movement and removal of the protective cap enables a movement of the blocking element to a release position when the engagement surface engages the proximal area allowing the member guard to move.

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Auto-injector with active agent container latching

Номер: US20200046909A1
Принадлежит: TecPharma Licensing AG

In an elongated casing, an active agent container connected to an injection needle can be shifted axially by a spring force. Auto-injectors which are sold or distributed filled and with the springs tensed have to be provided with a needle protecting cap to ensure the sterility of the injection needle. When such a needle protecting cap is removed as preparation for using the auto-injector, a tensile force can be exerted on the active agent container. Therefore, the active agent container comprising the injection needle must be prevented from being undesirably pulled forwards. At least one latching tongue prevents the active agent container from being prematurely shifted with respect to the casing, by abutting a flange arranged on a sliding sleeve which accommodates the active agent container. When the auto-injector is placed onto a person's skin, a needle protecting tube is shifted into the casing, forcing the latching tongue away from the flange and, thus, freeing the travel path for needle movement.

22-02-2018 дата публикации

Needle Assisted Injection Device Having Reduced Trigger Force

Номер: US20180050156A1
Автор: Travanty Michael
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

An injector includes a trigger mechanism including: a trigger member disposed about an axis having an aperture and a protrusion, and a ram assembly having a ram configured to pressurize a medicament container for expelling a medicament therefrom, the ram assembly further having a trigger engagement member configured to engage the aperture of the trigger member when the trigger member is in a pre-firing condition; an energy source associated with the ram for powering the ram to expel the medicament; and a user-operable firing-initiation member having an aperture engaged with the protrusion of the trigger member and operable for causing an axial translation of the trigger member in a proximal direction from the pre-firing condition to a firing condition in which the trigger engagement member is released from the retaining portion to allow the energy source to fire the ram. 1. An injector , comprising: a trigger member disposed about an axis having an aperture and a protrusion, and', 'a ram assembly having a ram configured to pressurize a medicament container for expelling a medicament therefrom, the ram assembly further having a trigger engagement member configured to engage the aperture of the trigger member when the trigger member is in a pre-firing condition;, 'a trigger mechanism includingan energy source associated with the ram for powering the ram to expel the medicament; anda user-operable firing-initiation member having an aperture engaged with the protrusion of the trigger member and operable for causing an axial translation of the trigger member in a proximal direction from the pre-firing condition to a firing condition in which the trigger engagement member is released from the retaining portion to allow the energy source to fire the ram.2. The injector of claim 1 , further comprising an injector housing claim 1 , wherein the firing initiation member includes a skin-contacting member disposed at a distal end of the injector that is movable proximally with ...

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056000A1
Принадлежит: LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG

A disposable injector with a piston actuation ram is mounted in a housing, is loaded by a spring energy accumulator and can be unlocked by a displaceable trigger device. The piston actuation ram can be supported by a tensioning rod mounted in the housing. The trigger device comprises a trigger ring displaceable relative to the housing. The tensioning rod can be supported directly or indirectly by a bearing surface of the trigger ring. The bearing surface encloses an angle of between ten degrees and forty five degrees with the longitudinal direction of the disposable injector. The point of the angle lies offset with respect to the trigger ring in the triggering direction of the disposable injector. A disposable injector with increased trigger reliability is developed. 241908280. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the triggering ring () is supported in a triggering sleeve () of the triggering device ().3419010. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the triggering ring () and the housing () are constructed so as to be rotationally secure with respect to each other.44195196. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the abutment face () carries a sliding plate ().5421. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the tensile rod () is constructed as a single strip.64211025. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the tensile rod () is supported in the housing () by a clamping member ().7425101210. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 6 , characterized in that the clamping member () is fixed in the housing () by a support screw () which is secured in the housing ().84801087. The disposable injector () as claimed in claim 1 , characterized in that the relative movement between the displaceable triggering device () and the housing () can be blocked by a releasable or unlockable securing element (). ...

04-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210060251A1

A medicament delivery device including a housing for receiving a syringe, the housing having first and second casing parts separably attachable to one another. The device further includes a sleeve receivable within the housing and including a tubular wall having an inner surface delimiting a bore and an opposing outer surface. A locking member is receivable within the second casing part such that the locking member is axially movable between first and second axial positions relative to the second casing part. In the first axial position the locking member is engageable with the outer surface to inhibit an axial movement of the sleeve relative to the first casing part. In the second axial position the locking member is disengageable from the outer surface. The device, in one or more embodiments, includes an application as an autoinjector. 1. A medicament delivery device comprising:a housing for receiving a syringe, the housing having first and second casing parts separably attachable to one another;a sleeve receivable within the housing and comprising a tubular wall having an inner surface delimiting a bore and an opposing outer surface; anda locking member receivable within the second casing part such that the locking member is axially movable between first and second axial positions relative to the second casing part, the locking member comprising a body portion having one or more radially inward protrusions extending therefrom such that in the first axial position the one or more radially inward protrusions is engageable with the outer surface to inhibit an axial movement of the sleeve relative to the first casing part and in the second axial position the one or more radially inward protrusions is disengageable from the outer surface.2. (canceled)3. The medicament delivery device according to claim 1 , wherein the locking member is moveable from the first axial position to the second axial position by separation of the first and second casing parts from one ...

20-02-2020 дата публикации

Palm Activated Drug Delivery Device

Номер: US20200054840A1
Принадлежит: Janssen Biotech Inc

A device configured to administer a medication can comprise a lower housing that includes a housing latch. The device can further comprise a needle guard that is movable relative to the lower housing along a first direction from a first position to a second position so as to expose a needle, and an upper housing supported relative to the lower housing. The upper housing can be configured to move with respect to the lower housing along a second direction from a pre-use position to a dispensed position. The housing latch can releasably interfere with the upper housing when the upper housing is in the pre-use position so as to prevent the upper housing from moving toward the dispensed position, and the movement of the needle guard toward the second position, causes the interference to be removed, thereby allowing the upper housing to move toward the second position.

28-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190060567A1

An expansion/compression mechanism of a piston rod assembly is composed of a bush shaft, a first cylindrical piston rod that is screwed with the bush shaft, a second cylindrical piston rod that is screwed with the first piston rod, and a piston rod holding member for housing the bush shaft and these piston rods. Therefore, the piston rods move linearly in multiple stages. 1. An administration apparatus for medical use which performs administration of a drug , said apparatus comprising:a drug cartridge having an end closed with a plunger, and containing a drug inside;a cartridge holder for housing the drug cartridge;a piston rod for pressing the plunger in the drug cartridge to move the plunger;a needle assembly for administering the drug emitted from the other end of the drug cartridge with movement of the piston rod;a controller which controls the movement of the piston rod, anda contact sensor for detecting whether or not a portion of the administration apparatus in the vicinity of the needle assembly contacts a target region,whereinthe controller is configured to perform an air releasing operation for releasing air in the drug cartridge and the needle assembly with the movement of the piston rod before a drug administration operation, and to suppress the air releasing operation when the contact sensor detects that the portion of the administration apparatus contacts the target region.2. The administration apparatus for medical use as defined in claim 1 ,wherein the controller configured to permit the drug administration operation after detecting that the air releasing operation is performed before performing the drug administration operation.3. The administration apparatus for medical use as defined in claim 1 , further includes a switch for starting the air releasing operation and a switch for starting the drug administration operation claim 1 ,wherein the controller is configured to permit the drug administration operation performed by turn-on of the switch for ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220080131A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

An exemplary embodiment of the present disclosure can provide an injector including a trigger mechanism, an energy source, and a user-operable firing-initiation member. The trigger member can include a trigger member having a retainer portion, and a ram assembly having a ram configured to pressurize a medicament container for expelling a medicament therefrom and a trigger engagement member configured to engage the retainer portion of the trigger member in a pre-firing condition. The energy source can be associated with the ram for powering the ram to expel the medicament, and the user-operable firing-initiation member can be operable for causing an axial rotation between the trigger engagement member and the retainer portion from the pre-firing condition to a firing condition in which the trigger engagement member is released from the retainer portion to allow the energy source to fire the ram. 1. An injector , comprising: a trigger member having a retainer portion, and', 'a ram assembly having a ram configured to pressurize a medicament container for expelling a medicament therefrom, the ram assembly further having a trigger engagement member configured to engage the retainer portion of the trigger member in a pre-firing condition;, 'a trigger mechanism includingan energy source associated with the ram for powering the ram to expel the medicament; anda user-operable firing-initiation member operable for causing an axial rotation between the trigger engagement member and the retainer portion from the pre-firing condition to a firing condition in which the trigger engagement member is released from the retainer portion to allow the energy source to fire the ram.2. The injector of claim 1 , further comprising an injector housing claim 1 , wherein the firing initiation member includes a skin-contacting member disposed at a distal end of the injector that is movable proximally with respect to the housing when a force is applied to the skin-contacting member at the ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210069428A1

The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device comprising, a housing () having a proximal and a distal end, a delivery member connected to the housing; a medicament container () operably arranged within the housing; a drive mechanism () capable of acting on the medicament container () for priming and for expelling a dose of medicament. The invention is characterised in that the device further comprises—an activator mechanism configured to interact with the drive mechanism, such that a first interaction between the activator mechanism and the drive mechanism causes the container to move towards the delivery member wherein the container is primed and such that a subsequent second interaction between the activator mechanism and the drive mechanism causes a dose of medicament to be expelled through the delivery member. 124-. (canceled)25. A medicament delivery device , comprising:a housing having a proximal end and a distal end;a medicament container operably arranged within the housing;a delivery member holder fixedly attached to the housing, the delivery member holder is configured to accept and axially hold a hub that is fixedly attached to an injection needle having a proximal pointed end and a distal pointed end;a drive mechanism arranged within the housing and configured to act on the medicament container;a medicament container holder movably disposed inside the housing and configured to accommodate the medicament container; andan activator mechanism configured to interact with and to activate the drive mechanism such that the drive mechanism moves both the medicament container and the medicament container holder toward the distal pointed end of the injection needle to penetrate the medicament container.26. The medicament delivery device of claim 25 , wherein the delivery member holder further comprises a distal section configured such that the distal pointed end covered by a sheath protrudes into an interior portion of the distal section.27. The ...

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for medicament delivery

Номер: US20140148783A1
Принадлежит: Intelliject Inc

An apparatus includes a housing, a medicament container, an actuator, and a biasing member. The actuator is configured to move the medicament container within the housing when the actuator is moved from a first configuration to a second configuration. The actuator includes a gas container and a puncturer. When the actuator is in the first configuration, a portion of the puncturer is disposed apart from the gas container. When the actuator is in the second configuration, the portion of the puncturer is disposed within the gas container. The gas container has a longitudinal axis offset from a longitudinal axis of the medicament container. The biasing member is configured to bias the actuator toward the second configuration.

05-03-2020 дата публикации

Seal Structures for Wet/Dry Automatic Injectors

Номер: US20200069884A1
Принадлежит: Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc.

An automatic injection device including a housing, a chamber with a first compartment and a second compartment, and a seal structure between the compartments. The seal structure is initially in a sealing condition that seals the first compartment from the second compartment, where the seal includes a plug and an outer sealing member. The plug is slidably movable within the outer sealing member to convert the seal structure from the sealing condition to a mixing condition by opening a path between the first compartment and the second compartment. The automatic injection device also includes a needle assembly and an activation assembly. Activation of the activation assembly causes (1) pressurization of the first compartment, (2) the seal structure to convert from the sealing condition to the mixing condition, and (3) the first and second medicament components to be mixed and forced through the needle assembly.

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077725A1

An autoinjector for dispensing a fluid product, in particular a medicament, comprises: a) a housing () and a product container (), in particular a syringe, arranged in the housing and has a piston displaceable in a distal direction, by means of an advancement member, in order to dispense the product contained in the product container, b) a removable covering cap () arranged at the distal end of the housing, c) a triggering member (), which, in the starting position, projects beyond the distal end of the housing, d) where the triggering member, in order to trigger the dispensing operation, can move in a proximal direction relative to the housing from the starting position into a triggering position when the covering cap has been removed from the housing, and e) where the triggering member is blocked against movement into the triggering position when the covering cap is arranged on the housing. 1. An autoinjector for dispensing a liquid product , comprising:a housing;a product container configured to hold the liquid product and arranged in the housing, the product container comprising a piston shiftable in a distal direction by a drive member for product dispensing;a covering cap removably arranged on a distal end of the housing;a triggering member configured to protrude beyond the distal end of the housing in a starting position; anda barring means integrally formed by the triggering member, wherein a free end of the barring means is directed in a proximal direction relative to the housing,wherein when the covering cap is removed from the housing, the triggering member is movable in the proximal direction from the starting position into a triggering position for triggering product dispensing, andwherein when the covering cap is arranged on the distal end of the housing, the barring means is deflected into a barring position when the triggering element is moved in the proximal direction such that the triggering member is blocked against moving into the triggering ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Infusion device with safety feature for preventing inadvertent activation

Номер: US20150080799A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A safety feature for a wearable infusion device is disclosed. The safety feature is configured to prevent accidental activation of the infusion device by protecting the activation button of the infusion device prior to and after the actuation of the activation button. The safety feature includes a wall section that protrudes from the main body of the infusion device in the vicinity of the activation button. A cover device covers the activation button prior to the actuation of the activation button. The cover device slides on the main body of the infusion device. When the cover covers the activation button, movement of the cover is restricted by the protruding wall section adjacent to the activation button, to hold the cover in position over the activation button.

19-03-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150080806A1
Автор: Pribitkin Edmund

A hypodermic injection device configured to be attached to a portable electronic device is disclosed herein. The hypodermic injection device can be an auto-injector for delivering a dose of an injectable medicament. The injection device can include a durable barrier providing a sheath over an injectable cannula to maintain sterility of an injectable cannula that delivers the medicament. The injection device can also include tamper proof features such as by requiring that deployment of the device only be possible after completing two mechanical manipulations so as to prevent accidental discharge of the injection device. By incorporating the injection device within a case for a portable electronic device, the injection device is readily available to those that rely on auto-injectors to provide emergency therapeutic treatment, and is much less likely to be forgotten or left behind by a user than a typical auto-injector. 1. A hypodermic injection device , comprising:an enclosure having an internal cavity, the enclosure including a safety cover preventing access to a button while the safety cover is in a closed position;a cartridge situated within the cavity and configured to be slidably displaced within the cavity, the cartridge including:a reservoir housing at least one dose of a fluid medicament;a cannula having a first end configured for hypodermic injection, a second end opposite the first end, and an inner channel in fluid connection with the reservoir, the inner channel terminating proximate the first end of the cannula;a spring-loaded plunger configured to urge the fluid medicament through the inner channel of the cannula responsive to release of a safety catch preventing actuation of the spring-loaded plunger;a resilient sheath covering the first end of the cannula so as to maintain the cannula in a sterile condition; anda release arm situated to release the safety catch responsive to the resilient sheath being urged toward the cannula, andwherein the cartridge ...

22-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180078712A1

The novel devices comprise a housing that preferably contains a preloaded, conventional syringe with medication. Both trained and untrained users may administer an injection safely and conveniently to themselves or others in myriad settings. The disclosed devices rely on the user's manual action to insert the needle. Only after the needle is fully inserted is the medicament delivered, resulting in a safer injection. After use, the devices include a locking mechanism that locks a spring-loaded sheath in place around the needle for protection. As a common syringe is utilized, engineering and production issues of automatic injectors' custom syringe assemblies are avoided. 1. A device for administering medicament using a conventional syringe , the device comprising:a body assembly configured to receive a conventional syringe, the body assembly having a top and an opposing bottom;a housing cap at the top of the body assembly; and 'wherein the body assembly comprises a housing, a sheath slideably contained within the housing, a sheath lock disposed within the housing opposite the sheath, and a second spring disposed within the sheath lock.', 'a first spring disposed between the body assembly and housing cap,'}2. The medicament device of claim 1 , further comprising a sheath clip disposed in an annular groove within the housing for retaining the sheath during handling of the device.3. The medicament device of claim 1 , further comprising a sheath cap disposed about the bottom of the body assembly.4. The medicament device of claim 1 , wherein the sheath lock is configured to frictionally engage flanges of a barrel of a conventional syringe.5. The medicament device of claim 1 , wherein the housing is substantially the same length as a barrel of a conventional syringe.6. The medicament device of claim 1 , wherein the sheath is substantially the same length as a barrel of a conventional syringe.7. The medicament device of claim 1 , wherein the second spring requires less ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096733A1
Автор: Holmqvist Anders

A transport lock assembly for a medicament delivery device, wherein the transport lock assembly comprises a powerpack () having a locking member (″) configured to interact with a control member (), which locking member (″) is movable, relative to the control member (), from a first state in which the control member () is immobilized, to a second state in which the control member () is free to move; wherein the transport lock assembly further comprises a housing part () having a key member (), such that assembly of the powerpack () with the housing part () causes the key member () to move the locking member (″) from the first state to the second state. 112-. (canceled)13: A medicament delivery device comprising:a housing having an open terminal distal end and an inner surface comprising a first fastener and a key member;a body comprising a tubular portion, an end cap portion, and a second fastener configured to engage the first fastener, where the body has a first axial position and a second axial position, both relative to the terminal distal end of the housing;a control member rotatably positioned on the tubular portion of the body and having a first mating member;a locking member positioned on the body and having a second mating member configured to engage with the first mating member,wherein when the body is in the first axial position, the first and second mating members are engaged such that rotation of the control member relative to the tubular portion and housing is prevented, andwherein when the body is in the second axial position the first and second fasteners are not engaged.14: The medicament delivery device of claim 13 , wherein movement of the body from the first position to the second position causes the second mating member to engage the key member.15: The medicament delivery device of claim 13 , wherein engagement of the key member with the second mating member causes the second mating member to disengage from the first mating member16: The ...

31-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220096751A1

A medication delivery device having a lock element. The device is connectable to an electrical plug of a conduit. The device includes an external housing with an opening that ports to a plug receiving hollow within an interior volume. An electrical circuit connected to at least one of a rechargeable battery and a memory controller includes a connection element within the plug receiving hollow. The lock element travels within the plug receiving hollow when a dose delivery assembly of the device operates for forcing medication from the device. The lock element is sized and positioned to have its travel halted by abutment with the plug, when the plug is within the plug receiving hollow and electrically interfacing with the connection element, to thereby halt the dose delivery assembly from further operating for forcing medication from the device. 1. A medication delivery device connectable to an electrical plug of a conduit for at least one of charging and data transfer , the medication delivery device comprising:an external housing having an outer surface and defining an interior volume, said outer surface defining an opening that ports to a plug receiving hollow within said interior volume;a reservoir configured to be filled with medication;a plunger operable for forcing medication from the reservoir by advancing within the reservoir;an electrical circuit within said interior volume connected to at least one of a rechargeable battery and a memory controller within said interior volume, said electrical circuit including an electrical connector within said plug receiving hollow for electrically interfacing with the plug when the plug is inserted, from external to the external housing, through the opening into the plug receiving hollow;a lock element within said interior volume operably connected to said plunger to travel within said plug receiving hollow when said plunger operates for forcing medication from the device, said lock element sized and positioned to have ...

26-03-2015 дата публикации

Needle assembly for drug pump

Номер: US20150088071A1
Автор: Oz Cabiri
Принадлежит: Medimop Medical Projects Ltd

An apparatus ( 110 ) includes an activation mechanism ( 20 ) and a safety latch ( 122 ). The activation mechanism is operative to deploy a needle ( 116 ) to protrude out of a housing ( 112 ), the needle ( 116 ) having a longitudinal axis. The safety latch ( 122 ) is movably mounted on the housing ( 112 ) and formed with a needle opening ( 129 ) to allow the needle ( 116 ) to pass therethrough. The safety latch ( 122 ) has a first position wherein the needle ( 116 ) is aligned to pass through the needle opening ( 129 ) and a second position wherein the safety latch ( 122 ) is moved with respect to the housing ( 112 ) such that the needle ( 116 ) is blocked from movement in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis thereof by a portion of the safety latch ( 122 ) distanced from the needle opening ( 129 ).

29-03-2018 дата публикации

Two-Stage Reconstituting Injector

Номер: US20180085531A1
Принадлежит: Antares Pharma, Inc.

An injector () for injecting a medicament into a patient. The injector includes a container () defining a first chamber (), which contains a fluid therein, and a second chamber (). The injector also includes an injection conduit () configured for directing the fluid fired from the container into the patient. A transfer mechanism is operable by a user to transfer the fluid from the first chamber to the second chamber in a first stage of operation, and a firing mechanism is operable by the user for firing the fluid from the second chamber through the injection conduit in a second stage of operation. An energy source () is in powering association with the firing mechanism to drive firing mechanism in the first and second stages. 1. An injector for injecting a medicament into a patient , comprising: a first chamber containing a fluid, and', 'a second chamber;, 'a container definingan injection conduit configured for directing the fluid fired from the container into the patient;a transfer mechanism operable by a user to transfer the fluid from the first chamber to the second chamber in a first stage of operation;a firing mechanism operable by the user for firing the fluid from the second chamber through the injection conduit in a second stage of operation; andan energy source in powering association with the transfer and firing mechanisms to drive transfer and firing mechanisms in both the first and second stages.2. The injector of claim 1 , further comprising an injection trigger mechanism operably associated with the firing mechanism to operate the firing mechanism in the second stage.3. The injector of claim 2 , wherein the transfer and firing mechanisms comprise a firing ram that is movable over a first throw in the first stage of operation and a second throw in the second stage of operation claim 2 , the energy source in biasing association with the ram in each stage of operation to power the ram.4. The injector of claim 3 , wherein the injection trigger mechanism ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160089495A1

A method for treating a disorder using an automatic injection device is disclosed. The device includes a syringe movably disposed in a housing and including a barrel portion, a needle and a bung for sealing the barrel portion. The device includes a syringe actuation component for moving the syringe towards a first open end of the housing such that the needle projects from the first end, and for subsequently applying pressure to the bung. The syringe actuation component includes a pressurizer, a rod comprising a compressible portion projecting therefrom, and a flange between a second end of the rod and the compressible portion. The device also includes a biasing mechanism for biasing the syringe actuation component towards the first open end of the housing, the biasing mechanism disposed about the second end of the rod between the flange and a second end of the housing. 1. A method for treating a disorder in which TNFα activity is detrimental in a subject , the method comprising:using adalimumab to treat the disorder by subcutaneous injection, the adalimumab contained in an automatic injection device comprising:a housing having an open first end and a second end;a syringe movably disposed in the housing, the syringe including a barrel portion holding the adalimumab, a hollow needle in fluid communication with the barrel portion for ejecting the adalimumab from the syringe, and a bung for sealing the barrel portion and selectively applying pressure to the adalimumab to force the adalimumab through the hollow needle;a syringe actuation component for first moving the syringe towards the first end of the housing such that the needle projects from the first end and for subsequently applying pressure to the bung, the syringe actuation component including a pressurizer, at a first end of the syringe actuation component, for selectively applying pressure to the bung, a rod comprising a compressible portion projecting from the rod along at least a portion of a length of the ...

31-03-2016 дата публикации

Drug Delivery Device with Means for Disabling Activation of Expelling Mechanism

Номер: US20160089500A1
Автор: Soerensen Morten

A drug delivery device has a cartridge holder adapted to receive and hold a cartridge, the cartridge holder having a receiving and a holding state. The device further comprises a drive assembly with a piston rod and a drive spring, setting means allowing a user to set a dose amount to be expelled and strain the drive spring correspondingly, and user actuated release means for releasing the drive spring, wherein the drive assembly spring cannot be released to move the piston rod unless the cartridge holder is in the holding state. 2. A drug delivery device as in claim 1 , further comprising:a first blocking member actuatable between an initial blocking position and a released position,wherein the first blocking member in the blocking position prevents the release structure from being released and/or prevents the drive structure from moving the piston rod.3. A drug delivery device as in claim 2 , wherein the release structure comprises:a coupling member actuatable between an initial locked position and a released position,wherein the first blocking member in the blocking position prevents the coupling member from being actuated from the initial locked position to the released position.4. A drug delivery device as in claim 3 , wherein:the coupling member is moved axially in distal direction when actuated, andthe first blocking member is moved axially in distal direction when actuated, thereby allowing the coupling member to be moved distally to the released position.5. A drug delivery device as in claim 2 , further comprising:user operated actuation structure actuatable from a loading state to an operational state,wherein actuation of the actuation structure from the loading state to the operational state results in the cartridge holder being actuated from the receiving state to the holding state, and the first blocking member being actuated from the initial blocking position to the released position.6. A drug delivery device as in claim 5 , wherein the actuation ...

19-03-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200086053A1
Автор: DOBSON Matthew John

Disclosed is an injection device for receiving a syringe therein and for delivering a dose of medicament from the syringe, the injection device including: an insertion driver configured to drive the syringe forwards within the injection device for inserting a needle of the syringe into an injection site; an interlock mechanism configured to retain the insertion driver in a primed state and, when actuated, to allow the insertion driver to drive the syringe forwards; and an interlock actuator moveable between a stowed position and an operable position and configured on movement from the stowed position to the operable position to couple to an actuation system such that movement from the operable position back towards the stowed position actuates the interlock mechanism. 1. An injection device for receiving a syringe therein and for delivering a dose of medicament from the syringe , the injection device comprising:an insertion driver configured to drive the syringe forwards within the injection device for inserting a needle of the syringe into an injection site;an interlock mechanism configured to retain the insertion driver in a primed state and, when actuated, to allow the insertion driver to drive the syringe forwards; andan interlock actuator moveable between a stowed position and an operable position and configured on movement from the stowed position to the operable position to couple to an actuation system such that movement from the operable position back towards the stowed position actuates the interlock mechanism.2. An injection device according to claim 1 , wherein the interlock actuator comprises a lock out shroud at least partially received within the injection device.3. An injection device according to claim 2 , wherein the lock out shroud is configured to move forward from the stowed position such that it extends from a forward end of the injection device in the operable position.4. An injection device according to claim 2 , wherein the interlock ...

07-04-2016 дата публикации

Apparatus for Dispensing Medicinal Fluids and Method of Making Same

Номер: US20160095977A1

A dispensing device and the method of making same for dispensing medicaments to a patient that includes a housing, a first assembly connected to the first end of the housing that includes a body portion, and a penetrating sub-assembly. The first assembly also includes a rate control chip of novel construction that is connected to the penetrating sub-assembly and functions to control the rate of flow of medicinal fluid to the patient. Disposed within the housing is a second assembly that includes a shuttle, a collapsible container carried by the shuttle and a plurality of variable force springs that function to thrust the collapsible container into penetrating engagement with the penetrating member of the penetrating assembly and then to collapse the collapsible container to deliver the medicinal fluid to the patient. Connected to the second end of the housing is a novel third assembly that includes an operating member that functions to controllably move the shuttle forwardly of the housing. 1. An apparatus for dispensing medicinal fluids to a patient comprising:(a) A generally cylindrically shaped housing having first and second ends and a longitudinally extending center line; (i) a front cover;', '(ii) a unitary fluidics hub disposed within said front cover, said unitary fluidics hub having a sidewall defining a central bore, a closure wall and a penetrating member connected to said closure wall and extending into said central bore, said penetrating member having a fluid passageway; and', '(iii) a rate control for controlling the rate of flow of medicinal fluids to the patient, said rate control comprising a spiral micro-channel formed in said closure wall of said unitary fluidics hub, said spiral microchannel having an inlet in communication with said fluid passageway of said penetrating member;, '(b) a first assembly connected to said first end of said housing, said first assembly comprising (i) a threaded shuttle;', '(ii) a collapsible container carried by said ...

09-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150100031A1
Автор: Cowe Toby

An autoinjector includes a housing () to receive a syringe (), and a drive mechanism including first and second springs () operating in tandem via an intermediate member (), on a plunger (). The plunger is retained in a locked position by a trigger. Release of the trigger causes the first spring to advance the syringe to an arrest point whereafter the second spring extends within the syringe to expel a dose. 1. An autoinjector comprising:a housing for receiving a syringe,a drive mechanism for driving the syringe forwardly and for expelling a dose, the drive mechanism including at least one drive spring anda release arrangement including a trigger element movable against a bias to fire the mechanism,wherein the bias for the trigger element is provided by least one drive spring.2. An autoinjector according to claim 1 , wherein said drive arrangement includes an elongate compression spring acting directly or indirectly on said trigger element.3. An autoinjector according to claim 2 , wherein said drive arrangement includes forward and rearward generally co-axial springs claim 2 , and said rearward spring acts on said trigger element.4. An autoinjector according to claim 3 , wherein said drive spring includes an intermediate drive member disposed between the forward and rearward co-axial springs.5. An autoinjector according to claim 4 , wherein the trigger element is part of a trigger arrangement adapted releasably to prevent movement of the intermediate member from a cocked position.6. An autoinjector according to claim 5 , wherein the trigger arrangement includes a latch member engageable with an abutment surface on the plunger claim 5 , and releasable by the trigger element.7. An autoinjector according to claim 1 , wherein the trigger element is a trigger button.8. An autoinjector according to claim 1 , wherein the trigger element is captive to the housing.9. An autoinjector according to claim 8 , wherein the trigger element is a captive axially slideable trigger ...

13-04-2017 дата публикации

Portable Drug Mixing and Delivery Device and Associated Methods

Номер: US20170100541A1
Принадлежит: Windgap Medical, LLC

A portable auto-injector configured to store a dry medication separately from a liquid component, wherein removal of a cap opens a rotary valve allowing for the initiation of a mixing step prior to injection. An extendable needle guard is provided over the delivery assembly which prevents premature injection as well as inadvertent sticks or other cross contamination of a needle. The needle guard can also form part of a secondary trigger mechanism which injects the reconstituted drug after the mixing stage is complete. 1. (canceled)2. (canceled)3. (canceled)4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. (canceled)7. (canceled)8. (canceled)9. A medication mixing and delivery device comprising:a housing;a first chamber located within the housing, the first chamber having an outlet;a second chamber located within the housing, the second chamber having an inlet;a rotary valve located within the housing, the rotary valve being selectively opened or closed by aligning or misaligning the outlet of the first chamber to cause or prevent fluid communication between the outlet of the first chamber and the inlet of the second chamber;an actuation device having a pre-loaded energy source, the actuation device also being in mechanical communication with the rotary valve and is configured to allow the rotatory valve to alternate between a closed and open state;a displacement mechanism configured to reduce the effective volume of the first chamber;a delivery assembly configured to be in fluid communication with the second chamber;wherein the actuation device is activated by means of an axial torsional force, which axial torsional force causes the rotary valve to be placed into the open state and wherein the axial torsional force causes a first portion of energy stored within the pre-stored energy source to be released and cause the displacement mechanism to force a liquid stored in the first chamber to pass through the outlet and inlet to be received by the second chamber,wherein a dry medicament is ...

12-04-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180102066A1
Принадлежит: kaleo, Inc.

An apparatus includes a simulated medicament delivery device and an electronic circuit system coupled to the simulated medicament delivery device. The electronic circuit system is configured to output an electronic output associated with a use of the simulated medicament delivery device. 1. An apparatus , comprising:a housing of a simulated medical injector, the simulated medical injector configured to simulate an operation of an actual medical injector, the simulated medical injector devoid of a medicament or a delivery member such that the simulated medical injector is incapable of delivering the medicament;an electronic circuit system coupled to the housing, the electronic circuit system including a speaker, the electronic circuit system configured to produce an audible output via the speaker when the electronic circuit system is actuated;a contact member coupled to a distal end portion of the housing, the contact member configured to contact a target location to simulate use of the actual medical injector; anda cover member movably coupled to the distal end portion of the housing, a first portion of the cover member disposed within the housing and in contact with the electronic circuit system when the cover member is in a first position, a second portion of the cover member disposed about a portion of the contact member when the cover member is in the first position, the first portion spaced apart from the electronic circuit system and the second portion spaced apart from the contact member when the cover member is in a second position, the first portion configured to actuate the electronic circuit system when the cover member is moved from the first position to the second position.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the simulated medical injector is configured to repeatedly simulate the operation of the actual medical injector.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein:the electronic circuit system includes a processor, a power source, and an electrical contact ...

21-04-2016 дата публикации

Guide For An Injection Device

Номер: US20160106930A1
Принадлежит: Cilag GmbH International

There is provided a guide 200 for contacting an injection device 110 with a user; the guide 200 having a first end 210 adapted to engage a housing 112 of the injection device 110 and a second end 220 adapted to engage the surface of a user's skin, wherein the guide 200 permits movement of the housing 112 towards the user's skin.

19-04-2018 дата публикации

Injection Device with Retaining Means Actuated by Needle Shield

Номер: US20180104419A1
Автор: Carrel Franck

A device is presented for injection of a product into an injection site, comprising: a container provided with a needle, a housing receiving the container, and a needle shield releasably coupled with the container. The device also includes a retaining arrangement provided at or near the distal end of the device, designed for preventing the container from moving distally with respect to the housing until the needle shield is removed from the container. 1. An injection device , comprising:a container holding a fluid;a housing receiving the container;a first shield removably connectable to a portion of the container; anda retaining element transitionable between a first position in which movement of the container relative to the housing is prevented and a second position in which distal movement of the container relative to the housing is allowed,wherein, with the first shield connected to the container, a portion of the first shield forces the retaining element into the first position, andwherein, with the first shield removed from the container, the retaining element is in the second position.2. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the retaining element includes a protrusion.3. The injection device of claim 2 , further comprising a second shield receiving a portion of the container claim 2 , the second shield defining a recess.4. The injection device of claim 3 , wherein claim 3 , with the first shield connected to the container claim 3 , a portion of the first shield forces the protrusion of the retaining element into the recess of the second shield thereby preventing movement of the container relative to the housing.5. The injection device of claim 3 , wherein the second shield is located at least partially within the housing.6. The injection device of claim 1 , wherein the container includes a proximal end and a distal end coupled to a needle.7. The injection device of claim 6 , wherein claim 6 , with the first shield connected to the container claim 6 , the ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150112262A1

An autoinjection device includes a main body in the front end of which is slideably mounted a drawer or front body portion. The drawer can be opened to remove or insert a syringe. Closing the drawer whilst pressing a multifunction button primes the drive mechanism by latching it against trigger latch. Pressing the button gain whilst urging the front end causes the drawer to release the trigger latch. After the injection the drawer shrouds the used needle and can be released only by pressing the button. 1. An autoinjection device comprising:a housing including a main body portion and a front body portion moveable longitudinally between a closed position and an open position allowing access to enable in use a syringe to be loaded into said housing, the syringe having a body, a plunger and a needle at a forward end of the body;a drive member and a drive bias means disposed in said housing, the drive member being moveable against said drive bias means to a primed position and operable in use when released from said primed position to urge the syringe forwardly to an injection position, and to expel a dose therefrom;trigger means for releasably retaining said drive member in its primed position;the device being operable to move said drive member to its primed position as the main body and the front housing portion are moved to their closed position.2. An autoinjection device according to claim 1 , wherein at least one of said front housing portion and said drive member is moveable between an inactive configuration in which closing movement of the front housing portion does not cause engagement with said drive member and an active configuration in which closing movement of said front housing portion applies directly or indirectly a rearward force to said drive member to move it to said primed position.3. An autoinjection device according to claim 2 , wherein the front housing portion includes a drive face adapted to be moved to cooperate with a drive face on the drive ...

23-04-2015 дата публикации

Auto-injector with active agent container latching

Номер: US20150112273A1
Принадлежит: TecPharma Licensing AG

In an elongated casing, an active agent container connected to an injection needle can be shifted axially by a spring force. Auto-injectors which are sold or distributed filled and with the springs tensed have to be provided with a needle protecting cap to ensure the sterility of the injection needle. When such a needle protecting cap is removed as preparation for using the auto-injector, a tensile force can be exerted on the active agent container. Therefore, the active agent container comprising the injection needle must be prevented from being undesirably pulled forwards. At least one latching tongue prevents the active agent container from being prematurely shifted with respect to the casing, by abutting a flange arranged on a sliding sleeve which accommodates the active agent container. When the auto-injector is placed onto a person's skin, a needle protecting tube is shifted into the casing, forcing the latching tongue away from the flange and, thus, freeing the travel path for needle movement.

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101218A1

A therapeutic product delivery device is described which comprises a device body and a cartridge for holding a therapeutic product. An engagement structure is provided for releasably engaging the cartridge with the device body. A fault detector is provided for detecting a fault in the delivery of the therapeutic product from the cartridge. A release trigger is responsive to the detection of a fault to cause the engagement structure to release the cartridge from the device body. In this way, a fault causes the cartridge to be released from the device body, which will prevent any further delivery of the therapeutic product to the patient. This solution is strongly preferable to a solution in which a product delivery mechanism (e.g. a pump) is merely paused or stopped, since when the cartridge separates then no further delivery is possible at all, until the cartridge is reattached (or more probably replaced with a new cartridge in case the fault is with the cartridge). 1. A therapeutic product delivery device comprising:a device body;a cartridge for holding a therapeutic product;an engagement structure for releasably engaging the cartridge with the device body;a fault detector for detecting a fault in the delivery of the therapeutic product from the cartridge; anda release trigger, responsive to the detection of a fault to cause the engagement structure to release the cartridge from the device body.2. A therapeutic product delivery device according to claim 1 , wherein the cartridge comprises a reservoir containing the therapeutic product and a pumping device for pumping the therapeutic product from the reservoir to the patient.3. A therapeutic product delivery device according to claim 2 , whereinthe device body comprises a biasing element which presses against the reservoir of the cartridge when the cartridge is engaged with the device body; andthe force exerted by the biasing element on the cartridge causes the cartridge to be ejected away from the device body when ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101230A1

Disclosed is an injection device including a body for receiving a syringe, a firing mechanism including a reaction component, a plunger configured to be axially displaced in a forward direction relative to the reaction component, and a drive spring located between the reaction component and the plunger for driving the plunger forwards upon activation of the injection device, wherein the reaction component provides a reaction surface for the drive spring. The device further includes a locking mechanism for locking the reaction component in a first axial position within the body, the locking mechanism being configured to release the reaction component upon a predefined forward movement of the plunger thereby allowing the reaction component to be driven in a rearward axial direction by the drive spring until it impacts against the body or a component secured to the body to thereby emit an audible indication of an end of dose. 1. An injection device comprising:a body for receiving a syringe;a firing mechanism comprising a reaction component, a plunger configured to be axially displaced in a forward direction relative to the reaction component, and a drive spring located between the reaction component and the plunger for driving the plunger forwards upon activation of the injection device, wherein said reaction component provides a reaction surface for the drive spring; anda locking mechanism for locking the reaction component in a first axial position within the body, the locking mechanism being configured to release the reaction component upon a predefined forward movement of the plunger thereby allowing the reaction component to be driven in a rearward axial direction by the drive spring until the reaction component impacts against said body or a component secured to the body to thereby emit an audible indication of an end of dose.2. An injection device according to claim 1 , wherein said locking mechanism comprises a stop feature having a fixed axial position relate ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101231A1

An apparatus for a firing mechanism for use in an injection device and including: a rear cap having an elongate member extending axially forwards when installed within the injection device; a plunger releasably connected, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member and, upon release of the connection to the elongate member, axially displaceable in a forward direction; and a plunger driver to drive the plunger axially forwards upon release of the connection to the elongate member, wherein the plunger and the rear cap define an axial length of the assembly, which in turn determines a start position of a forward end of the plunger before release of the connection to the elongate member, and wherein, during construction of the assembly, the plunger is releasably connectable, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member at one of a plurality of positions for controlling the axial length of the assembly. 1. An assembly for a firing mechanism for use in an injection device and comprising:a rear cap having an elongate member extending axially forwards when installed within the injection device;a plunger releasably connected, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member and, upon release of the connection to the elongate member, axially displaceable in a forward direction; anda plunger driver to drive the plunger axially forwards upon release of the connection to the elongate member,wherein the plunger and the rear cap define an axial length of the assembly, which in turn determines a start position of a forward end of the plunger before release of the connection to the elongate member,and wherein, during construction of the assembly, the plunger is releasably connectable, directly or indirectly, to the elongate member at one of a plurality of positions for controlling the axial length of the assembly.2. The assembly according to claim 1 , wherein one or both of the plunger and the elongate member comprises a plurality of connection features for connection between the ...

02-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200101232A1
Автор: Sexton Brian

A method and device for delivering medications that includes a syringe body, a cartridge nest with an application tip, a plunger actuator, and an electronic lock subassembly adapted for preventing administration of the medication until specific conditions are met. The medicine cartridge may comprise a form of a digital security key to prevent the device from administering medication unless specific configurations and conditions are met. The device may further be adapted with pre-programmed information and may be used with a smartphone, tablet, or computer application. The electronic lock subassembly will only permit the administration of medicine when the patient and/or administrator is verified via facial and voice recognition, biometric identifier, or other unique information. Upon proper permission, the device may be used to administer medicine, including injecting medicine into the nasal cavity of a patient. 1. A secure device for delivering medications , the device comprising:a syringe body;a cartridge nest with an application tip;a plunger actuator; andan electronic lock subassembly adapted for preventing administration of the medication until specific conditions are met.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the device is suitable for delivering intranasal medications and further comprises a flexible application injector and a nose guard.3. The device of further comprising a medicine cartridge with integrated electronics claim 1 , wherein the cartridge nest is adapted for receiving the medicine cartridge.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the medicine cartridge may further comprise at least one of an RFID chip claim 3 , customizable information data claim 3 , and a digital security key stored therein and adapted for preventing the device from administering medication under specific configurations and conditions.5. The device of claim 3 , wherein the medicine cartridge may further comprise a specific pre-loaded amount of medication.6. The device of claim 5 , ...

26-04-2018 дата публикации

Portable Drug Mixing and Delivery Device and Associated Methods

Номер: US20180110928A1

A portable auto-injector configured to store a dry medication separately from a liquid component, wherein removal of a cap opens a rotary valve allowing for the initiation of a mixing step prior to injection. An extendable needle guard is provided over the delivery assembly which prevents premature injection as well as inadvertent sticks or other cross contamination of a needle. The needle guard can also form part of a secondary trigger mechanism which injects the reconstituted drug after the mixing stage is complete. 1. A medication mixing and delivery device comprising:a housing;a first chamber located within the housing, the first chamber having an outlet;a second chamber located within the housing, the second chamber having an inlet;a rotary valve located within the housing, the rotary valve being selectively opened or closed by aligning or misaligning the outlet of the first chamber to cause or prevent fluid communication between the outlet of the first chamber and the inlet of the second chamber;an actuation device having a pre-loaded energy source, the actuation device also being in mechanical communication with the rotary valve and is configured to allow the rotatory valve to alternate between a closed and open state;a displacement mechanism configured to reduce the effective volume of the first chamber;a delivery assembly configured to be in fluid communication with the second chamber; andwherein the actuation device is activated by means of an axial torsional force, which axial torsional force causes the rotary valve to be placed into the open state and wherein the axial torsional force causes a first portion of energy stored within the pre-stored energy source to be released and cause the displacement mechanism to force a liquid stored in the first chamber to pass through the outlet and inlet to be received by the second chamber.2. The medication mixing and delivery device of claim 1 , wherein a dry medicament is stored within the housing and outside the ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

Hazardous Agent Injection System

Номер: US20150119799A1

Injection systems comprising a powered injector and one or more hazardous agents are disclosed. 1. An injection system comprising: a container configured to contain a hazardous agent;', 'an injection outlet member associated with the container for injecting the hazardous agent;', 'a firing mechanism configured to expel the hazardous agent from the fluid chamber through the outlet member for injecting the hazardous agent;', 'an energy source associated with the firing mechanism to power the firing mechanism for causing the injection;', 'a trigger mechanism associated with the firing mechanism to activate the firing mechanism; and, 'a powered injector comprisinga therapeutically effective amount of a hazardous agent contained in the container;wherein the powered injector is configured to inject the therapeutically effective amount of the hazardous agent in less than about 5 seconds.2. The injection system of claim 1 , wherein the hazardous agent is selected from botulinum toxin claim 1 , injectable gold claim 1 , 6-mercaptopurine claim 1 , 6-thioinosinic acid claim 1 , azathioprine claim 1 , chlorambucil claim 1 , cyclophosphamide claim 1 , cytophosphane claim 1 , cytarabine claim 1 , fluorouracil claim 1 , melphalan claim 1 , methotrexate claim 1 , uramustine claim 1 , anti-cytokine biologicals claim 1 , cell receptor antagonists claim 1 , cell receptor analogues claim 1 , dexamethasone claim 1 , progesterone claim 1 , somatostatin claim 1 , analogues of dexamethasone claim 1 , analogues of progesterone claim 1 , analogues of somatostatin claim 1 , teriparatide claim 1 , scopolamine claim 1 , antihypertensives claim 1 , blood pressure down regulators claim 1 , fentanyl claim 1 , fentanyl citrate claim 1 , morphine claim 1 , meperidine claim 1 , other opioids claim 1 , adalimumab (anti-tissue necrosis factor monoclonal antibody or anti-TNF) claim 1 , anakinra claim 1 , daclizumab claim 1 , basiliximab claim 1 , azathioprine claim 1 , cyclosporine claim 1 , tacrolimus ...

30-04-2015 дата публикации

An autoinjector

Номер: US20150119812A1

An autoinjector having a lower body receiving a tank containing fluid product and a piston and a needle. The autoinjector including a central body fastened to the lower body and an actuating sleeve provided with a contact end that contacts the body of the user, the actuating sleeve moveable between a projected position and an actuation position. The actuating sleeve is in a projected position prior to and after actuation of the autoinjector, an injection mechanism is provided to inject the fluid product through the needle when the needle is in an injection position in which it is inserted in the body of the user. The autoinjector includes a tank movement device to move the needle towards the injection position, the tank movement device triggering the injection mechanism only after the needle has reached its injection position.

13-05-2021 дата публикации

Devices, systems and methods for medicament delivery

Номер: US20210138152A1
Принадлежит: kaleo Inc

An apparatus includes a movable member and a valve coupled to the movable member. The movable member is configured to be disposed within a housing of a medical device and has a first end portion and second end portion. A portion of the first end portion is configured to define a portion of a boundary of a gas chamber. The first end portion defines an opening configured to be in fluid communication between the gas chamber and an area outside the gas chamber. The second end portion is configured to be coupled to a needle configured to deliver a medicament into a body. The valve is configured to selectively allow fluid communication between the gas chamber and the area outside the gas chamber through the opening defined by the first end portion of the movable member.

13-05-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210138153A1

The invention relates to an autoinjector for administering a fluid medicament to a subject comprising: a housing for receiving a cartridge holder; a driver assembly the driver assembly on actuation may move the cartridge forward in the cartridge holder a needle cover may be coupled to the housing wherein the needle cover travels in a linear or translational movement; said needle cover is adapted to protect a needle when the needle cover may be in first locking position and second locking position the linear or translational movement may be achieved by a cam profile and a cam follower the cam profile may be provided on outside surface of housing and the cam follower located between the needle cover and the housing a first biasing member and a second biasing member configured to bias the cartridge and the needle cover respectively; and a safety cap to control the actuation of the autoinjector.The needle cover further comprises a sleeve or sleeve which prevents or inhibits the obstruction of the movement of needle cover when the user accidentally hold the needle cover during actuation of the autoinjector. 1. An autoinjector for administering a fluid medicament to a subject comprising:(i) a housing having a proximal portion and a distal portion;(ii) a cartridge holder received within the housing said cartridge holder having a proximal end and a distal end;(iii) a cartridge;(iv) a plunger;(v) a needle cover, wherein the housing is at least partially received within the needle cover;(vi) a needle cover locking mechanism having a first locking position and a second locking position, wherein the needle cover locking mechanism comprises a cam profile; and a cam follower; and wherein the cam follower of locking mechanism is located between the needle cover and the distal portion of the housing in both first locking position and second locking position.2. The autoinjector of claim 1 , wherein the proximal portion of the housing is having a first sleeve section and the distal ...

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Systems and methods for delivering a polymeric material to a treatment site during a radio frequency ablation procedure

Номер: US20200114041A1
Принадлежит: Avent Inc

An example temperature-controlled system is described herein. The system can be used for delivering a thermoresponsive polymer to a treatment site, for example, during an RF ablation procedure. The system can include a syringe capable of maintaining the thermoresponsive polymer liquid at a temperature below its liquid-solid phase transition temperature.

16-04-2020 дата публикации

Drug delivery device having damping mechanism

Номер: US20200114082A1
Принадлежит: AMGEN INC

A drug delivery device includes a housing defining a shell having a proximal and a distal end, a needle assembly at least partially disposed within the housing at the proximal end, a drive assembly at least partially disposed within the housing, and a damper mechanism at least partially disposed within the housing adjacent to the distal end. The housing further defines a longitudinal axis extending between the proximal end and the distal end. The needle assembly includes a syringe barrel containing a medicament and a needle or a cannula. The drive assembly is operably coupled to the needle assembly to urge the medicament through the needle or cannula. The damper mechanism is operably coupled to the drive assembly and the housing. Upon activating the drive assembly, the damper mechanism dampens an effect thereof.

16-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200114089A1
Автор: WANG Ziyang

An auto-retractable blood collection needle, including: a needle holder including a first tube, a second tube and a holder tail; a needle in stalled in the first tube; a built-in sliding sleeve which is elongated and through and has a C-shaped cross section; a needle shield which is hollow and elongated; and a spring sheathed on the first tube. The second tube is installed in the built-in sliding sleeve and is capable of sliding back and forth. The built-in sliding sleeve is installed in the needle shield and is capable of sliding back and forth. A locking mechanism is formed by the holder tail and the needle shield. When the holder tail is unlocked from the needle shield, a force of the spring pushes the second tube to slide backward, and then the built-in sliding sleeve is driven to slide rearward to lock with the needle shield. 1. An auto-retractable safety blood collection needle , comprising:a needle holder comprising a first tube, a second tube and a holder tail connected in sequence;a needle;a built-in sliding sleeve which is elongated and through and has a C-shaped cross section;a needle shield which is hollow and elongated; anda spring;wherein a diameter of the second tube is larger than a diameter of the first tube; a rear of the needle is mounted in the first tube; the first tube and the second tube both are installed in the built-in sliding sleeve; a built-in slider is provided on a peripheral surface of the second tube, and the second tube matches with the built-in slider to allow the second tube to slide back and forth; a holder tail of the needle holder is located outside a rear of the built-in sliding sleeve which is mounted in the needle shield and is capable of sliding back and forth; the holder tail is allowed to be locked at or unlocked from a rear of the needle shield; the spring is sheathed on the first tube; a front end of the spring abuts against an inner wall of the needle shield, and a rear of the spring abuts against a front end of the ...

24-07-2014 дата публикации

Automatic Injection Device

Номер: US20140207073A1
Принадлежит: AbbVie Inc

Automatic injection device includes a housing, a syringe, a plunger, and a syringe carrier. The housing includes a barrel between a first end and a second end. The barrel includes an elongated window to allow viewing of contents inside the housing. The syringe is disposed within the housing and has a reservoir. The plunger is at least partially disposed within the syringe and includes a visual indicator. The syringe carrier is disposed within the housing and configured to contain the syringe and displace the syringe within the housing between a first position and a second position. The syringe carrier can be substantially transparent. The syringe carrier can have first and second legs and an extension disposed therebetween, and at least a portion of the extension can be configured to align with the window and the reservoir when the syringe carrier is in the first position.

12-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160129189A1

An auto-injector for administering a dose of a liquid medicament includes an elongate housing arranged to contain a syringe with a hollow needle and a stopper for sealing the syringe and displacing the medicament, the housing having a distal end and a proximal end with an orifice intended to be applied against an injection site. The syringe is slidably arranged with respect to the housing. A spring capable of, upon activation: pushing the needle from a covered position inside the housing into an advanced position through the orifice and past the proximal end, operating the syringe to supply the dose of medicament, and retracting the syringe with the needle into the covered position. After delivering the medicament, an activator arranged to lock the spring in a pressurized state prior to manual operation and capable of, upon manual operation, releasing the spring for injection. 1. (canceled)2. An auto-injector for administering a medicament , the auto-injector comprising:an elongate housing configured to hold a syringe;a plunger movable in a proximal direction through the housing to dispense the medicament from the syringe;a retraction sleeve positioned within the housing and configured to move in a distal direction relative to the housing to retract the syringe; anda decoupling member comprising a decoupling arm supported by an inner wall of the retraction sleeve in a radially outward direction to inhibit the decoupling arm from deflecting in the radially outward direction, the decoupling arm being coupled to the plunger to enable joint translation of the decoupling member and the plunger in a proximal direction,wherein the retraction sleeve is configured such that the decoupling arm deflects in the radially outward direction into an aperture of the retraction sleeve to decouple the decoupling member from the plunger when the decoupling member moves a predetermined distance in the proximal direction.3. The auto-injector of claim 2 , wherein the decoupling arm is ...

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Device and method for applying a composition on the skin or skin layers

Номер: US20180126078A1
Принадлежит: Versailles BV

The present Invention relates to a kit for applying a liquid composition on or in the skin, comprising an injection device and one or more cartridges, provided with a container appropriate for receiving a liquid composition, in which the injection device is provided with means for receiving a cartridges, characterized in that the container is provided with a movable body. The cartridge is provided with a peripheral edge, that allows the safe removal of a used cartridge out of the device, In a second aspect, the invention relates to a method for applying a liquid composition onto the skin.

17-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180133395A1
Принадлежит: Preci Health SA

A fluid dispensing device is provided for dispensing a measured amount of fluid into a living organism. The device includes a rigid fluid reservoir closed by a septum for use in a fluid dispensing device for dispensing a measured amount of fluid into a living organism, wherein the device has a main housing enclosing the operative components of the device, the said fluid reservoir located within the main housing, an injection assembly including a needle, and a trigger mechanism. The needle has a first end adapted to piercing the septum and pushing the septum into the reservoir so that the septum acts as a piston, expelling the fluid through the needle, and a second end adapted to injecting the fluid into the living organism. 1. A rigid fluid reservoir closed by a septum for use in a fluid dispensing device for dispensing a measured amount of fluid into a living organism , wherein the device hasa main housing enclosing the operative components of the device, the said fluid reservoir located within the main housing,an injection assembly including a needle, anda trigger mechanism, a first end adapted to piercing the septum and pushing the septum into the reservoir so that the septum acts as a piston, expelling the fluid through the needle, and', 'a second end adapted to injecting the fluid into the living organism., 'wherein the needle has'}2. The rigid fluid reservoir of claim 1 , further containing a second piston-like septum which closes the needle's first end after extraction of the fluid claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the needle lodges into the said second septum claim 1 , a barb ensures that the needle claim 1 , upon retraction claim 1 , remains lodged in the second septum.3. The rigid reservoir of where the movement of the second septum is assisted by a gas under pressure contained between the said second septum and the bottom of the reservoir.4. The rigid reservoir of claim 1 , where the septum includes an internal structure to improve guiding behavior within ...

17-05-2018 дата публикации

Self-administered injection device and method

Номер: US20180133403A1
Принадлежит: Dj Medical LLC

An injection device kit for the self-administration of an injection of solution that includes a body portion configured for engagement with a cartridge containing the solution and an injection needle where the body portion includes an injection component having an actuation mechanism for inserting the injection needle of the cartridge and for injecting the solution in the cartridge and a safety mechanism on the body portion and configured to prevent injection unless released.

18-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170136184A1
Автор: Travanty Michael

An injector includes a trigger mechanism including: a trigger member disposed about an axis having an aperture and a protrusion, and a ram assembly having a ram configured to pressurize a medicament container for expelling a medicament therefrom, the ram assembly further having a trigger engagement member configured to engage the aperture of the trigger member when the trigger member is in a pre-firing condition; an energy source associated with the ram for powering the ram to expel the medicament; and a user-operable firing-initiation member having an aperture engaged with the protrusion of the trigger member and operable for causing an axial translation of the trigger member in a proximal direction from the pre-firing condition to a firing condition in which the trigger engagement member is released from the retaining portion to allow the energy source to fire the ram. 126-. (canceled)27. An injector , comprising:a container containing progesterone or an analogue of progesterone; a trigger member disposed about an axis, the trigger member having a trigger member opening wall and a trigger member protrusion, and', 'a ram assembly having a ram configured to pressurize the container for expelling the progesterone or analogue of progesterone from the container, the ram assembly further having a trigger engagement member configured to engage the trigger member opening wall when the trigger member is in a pre-firing condition;, 'a trigger mechanism includingan energy source associated with the ram and configured to power the ram to expel the progesterone or analogue of progesterone; anda guard including a guard aperture receiving the trigger member protrusion, the guard configured to cause an axial translation of the trigger member in a proximal direction from the pre-firing condition to a firing condition in which the trigger engagement member is disengaged from the trigger member opening wall to allow the energy source to fire the ram.28. The injector of claim 27 , ...
