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Небесная энциклопедия

Космические корабли и станции, автоматические КА и методы их проектирования, бортовые комплексы управления, системы и средства жизнеобеспечения, особенности технологии производства ракетно-космических систем


Мониторинг СМИ

Мониторинг СМИ и социальных сетей. Сканирование интернета, новостных сайтов, специализированных контентных площадок на базе мессенджеров. Гибкие настройки фильтров и первоначальных источников.


Форма поиска

Поддерживает ввод нескольких поисковых фраз (по одной на строку). При поиске обеспечивает поддержку морфологии русского и английского языка
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Применить Всего найдено 15956. Отображено 200.
27-09-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2598465C2
Принадлежит: НОВАРТИС АГ (CH)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Ингалятор, содержащий корпус и картридж, при этом картридж содержит отсек для хранения доз и воздушный канал. Отсек для хранения доз подходит для содержания множества доз вдыхаемого медикамента, при этом воздушный канал содержит мундштук на его конце, устройство ингалятора сконфигурировано и сконструировано так, что доза вдыхаемого медикамента из отсека для хранения доз может быть доступна и расположена в конфигурации выдачи для выдачи пользователю через воздушный канал во время вдоха пользователем через мундштук, при этом картридж прикреплен к корпусу с возможностью высвобождения. 2 н. и 14 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

05-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2733642C2
Принадлежит: СИКЕ МЕДИКАЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Описан элемент дозирования, содержащий рамку с отверстием и воздухопроницаемую пластину внутри отверстия. Пластина имеет отношение площади поверхности к массе по меньшей мере 1000 м/г и/или отношение площади поверхности к объему по меньшей мере 500 м/мл. 24 з.п. ф-лы, 15 ил.

19-12-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2639081C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к ароматическому ингалятору негорящего типа. Предложен ароматический ингалятор негорящего типа, подающий аэрозоль, распыляемый с помощью распылителя без горения, причем ингалятор содержит светоизлучающий элемент и блок управления, который управляет светоизлучающим элементом, при этом упомянутый блок управления управляет светоизлучающим элементом в заданном светоизлучающем режиме в состоянии отсутствия затяжки, когда аэрозоль не вдыхается, заданный светоизлучающий режим включает в себя первый заданный светоизлучающий режим и второй заданный светоизлучающий режим, причем первый заданный светоизлучающий режим сохраняется до тех пор, пока число затяжек не достигнет определенного числа, которое составляет два или более, второй заданный светоизлучающий режим применяется после того, как число затяжек превысит это определенное число, первый заданный светоизлучающий режим отличается от второго заданного светоизлучающего режима, и упомянутое определенное число, которое ...

27-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU2542778C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицине. Небулайзер содержит насадку, разъемно соединенную с корпусом. Насадка содержит распылительное средство, воздушный канал и датчик расхода. Распыленная жидкость выбрасывается в воздушный канал, который заканчивается мундштуком, через который пользователь производит вдох и выдох. Вдох и выдох создают поток в воздушном канале, который обнаруживается датчиком расхода. Распылительное средство работает с управлением от средства управления, содержащегося в корпусе. Группа изобретений позволяет облегчить быструю и удовлетворительную очистку небулайзера. 4 н. и 11 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

16-10-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2734473C2

Изобретение относится к управляющему корпусу, который соединен или выполнен с возможностью соединения с картриджем, который оснащен нагревательным элементом и содержит композицию предшественника аэрозоля, причем управляющий корпус соединен или выполнен с возможностью соединения с картриджем с образованием устройства для доставки аэрозоля, в котором нагревательный элемент выполнен с возможностью активирования и испарения компонентов композиции предшественника аэрозоля, при этом управляющий корпус содержит: оболочку и внутри оболочки датчик потока, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения потока воздуха по меньшей мере через часть оболочки и вывода сигнала обнаружения воздушного потока в ответ на таким образом обнаруженный поток воздуха; управляющий компонент, выполненный с возможностью работы в активном режиме, в котором управляющий корпус соединен с картриджем, при этом управляющий компонент в активном режиме выполнен с возможностью управления нагревательным элементом для активирования и ...

28-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2712432C2

Настоящее изобретение относится к частицам, имеющим сердцевину из сусцепторного материала для индукционного нагрева. Настоящее изобретение относится также к генерирующей аэрозоль системе, содержащей такие частицы. Частица содержит сердцевину из сусцепторного материала и первое покрытие, содержащее первый образующий аэрозоль субстрат. Сердцевина из сусцепторного материала покрыта первым покрытием, содержащим первый образующий аэрозоль субстрат. Раскрыта также генерирующая аэрозоль система, содержащая множество частиц (1). Система дополнительно содержит индуктор (703) для индукционной связи с сердцевиной из сусцепторного материала по меньшей мере некоторых частиц из указанного множества частиц. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 9 ил.

08-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2653467C2

Изобретение относится к системе, генерирующей аэрозоль, которая содержит изделие, генерирующее аэрозоль, содержащее первое отделение, которое содержит первый из источников летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку, и источника лекарственного средства; и второе отделение, содержащее второй из источника летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку, и источника лекарственного средства; и устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, содержащее: полость, выполненную с возможностью вмещения первого отделения и второго отделения изделия, генерирующего аэрозоль; и внешний нагреватель, расположенный по периметру полости, при этом устройство, генерирующее аэрозоль, выполнено с возможностью нагрева первого отделения и второго отделения изделия, генерирующего аэрозоль, так что первое отделение изделия, генерирующего аэрозоль, имеет более низкую температуру, чем второе отделение изделия, генерирующего аэрозоль. Технический результат заключается в обеспечении возможности нагрева разными температурами. 2 н. и 11 з.п ...

25-09-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2668067C2
Принадлежит: МЕТЕЛИЦ Джоэл Б. (US)

Система доставки текучей среды для управления доставкой обогащенной кислородом газообразной текучей среды от источника текучей среды к пациенту содержит по меньшей мере один источник указанной текучей среды, по меньшей мере один клапанный узел, соединенный с указанным по меньшей мере одним источником указанной текучей среды и выполненный с возможностью обеспечения потока указанной текучей среды из указанного по меньшей мере одного источника во время вдоха пациента. Также содержит выпускной конец, содержащий назальную или ороназальную канюлю, сообщающуюся по текучей среде с указанным по меньшей мере одним клапанным узлом, датчик назального потока, выполненный с возможностью обнаружения утечки назального потока через назальную полость пациента во время назального вдоха, а также обнаружения утечки назального потока во время вдоха через рот для определения, когда начинается вдох, и генерации сигнала на основании того, когда начинается вдох, а также механизм 112 инициирования, сообщающийся с ...

24-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2692322C2
Принадлежит: ДЕНТСПЛАЙ ИХ АБ (SE)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к контейнеру (1) для медицинского использования в орошающей системе, орошающей системе и способу реверсивного складывания контейнера. Контейнер образует закрытую камеру (17) для содержания жидкости. Контейнер содержит боковой стеночный элемент (2), изготовленный из листового материала и образующий боковую стенку указанной закрытой камеры (17). Боковой стеночный элемент (2) содержит противоположно расположенные первый открытый конец (10) и второй открытый конец (11). Контейнер включает жесткий нижний участок (3), расположенный на первом открытом конце (10) указанного бокового стеночного элемента (2) таким образом, что указанный нижний участок (3) обеспечивает уплотнение первого открытого конца (10) бокового стеночного элемента (2) с формированием дна закрытой камеры (17). Контейнер имеет жесткий верхний участок (4), расположенный на втором открытом конце (11) бокового стеночного элемента (2) таким образом, что указанный верхний ...

29-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2695834C2

Представлена система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, причем система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, содержит устройство (70), генерирующее аэрозоль, содержащее нагревательный элемент (72), и изделие (60), генерирующее аэрозоль. Изделие (60), генерирующее аэрозоль, содержит источник (18) лекарственного средства и источник (22) летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку. Система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, также содержит по меньшей мере один упругий элемент (48, 58), предусмотренный в устройстве (70), генерирующем аэрозоль, или в изделии (60), генерирующем аэрозоль, и упруго поджатый к нагревательному элементу (72). По меньшей мере один из источника (18) лекарственного средства и источника (22) летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку, находится в контакте с по меньшей мере одним упругим элементом (48, 58), и система (80), генерирующая аэрозоль, выполнена с возможностью нагрева источника (18) лекарственного средства и источника (22) летучего соединения, ускоряющего доставку, изделия (60), генерирующего ...

11-07-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2694292C2

Изобретение относится к устройству для электронной системы снабжения аэрозолем, которое содержит резервуар для исходной жидкости; и несущий модуль, который ограничивает канал воздушного потока внутри резервуара и содержит нагревательный элемент, установленный в канале воздушного потока внутри резервуара для генерации аэрозоля из исходной жидкости, в котором несущий модуль содержит первую часть и вторую часть, соединенные вместе, чтобы поддерживать нагревательный элемент, в котором первая и вторая части несущего модуля соединяются друг с другом в зоне контакта, которая продолжается в направлении, по существу, параллельном направлению, вдоль которого воздух проходит по каналу воздушного потока при нормальном использовании устройства, в котором периферийный участок нагревательного элемента вставлен в зазор между первой и второй частями, чтобы таким образом поддерживать нагревательный элемент в канале воздушного потока, и зазор между первой и второй частями образует капиллярный канал, предназначенный ...

14-06-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2691616C2
Принадлежит: СИКЕ МЕДИКАЛ ЛТД. (IL)

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Описано устройство формирования, управления и/или введения измеренных доз веществ с целью применения в испаренном виде. В некоторых вариантах осуществления описаны дозовые картриджи, содержащие, по меньшей мере, одно вещество растительного происхождения, которые имеют нагревательный элемент, встроенный в картридж в непосредственном контакте с веществом растительного происхождения. В некоторых вариантах осуществления дозы, содержащиеся в картриджах, до использования хранятся в накопителе, необязательно в форме карусели. Транспортировка картриджа из накопителя в испаряющую камеру с электроприводом, которую приводит в действие нагревательный элемент, обеспечивается механическими средствами захвата. 26 з.п. ф-лы, 13 ил.

15-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2677056C2

Заявленная группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к узлу увлажнителя (100, 100-1) для системы поддержания давления в дыхательных путях, системе поддержания давления (50) в дыхательных путях, содержащей узел увлажнителя, способу обеспечения влагой подаваемого газа в системе (50) поддержания давления в дыхательных путях. Узел содержит емкость (120), выполненную с возможностью удерживания воды. Узел включает впускную конструкцию (112, 112-1), ведущую в указанную емкость, и выпускную конструкцию (114, 114-1), ведущую из емкости. Впускная конструкция выполнена с возможностью получения потока дыхательного газа. Узел содержит трубочный элемент (130, 130-1), имеющий первый конец (131, 131-1), корпусную часть (132, 132-1) и второй конец (133, 133-1). Первый конец соединен по текучей среде с впускной конструкцией. Узел содержит поплавковый узел (140, 140-1), соединенный со вторым концом трубочного элемента и выполненный с возможностью удерживания на поверхности воды, содержащейся ...

09-12-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2708612C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к системе (10) поддержания давления и электронному носителю информации. Система (10) выполнена с возможностью регулировки параметров потока дыхательного газа под давлением, подаваемого субъекту (12). Система содержит генератор (14) давления, выполненный с возможностью создания потока дыхательного газа под давлением для подачи в дыхательные пути субъекта. Система включает увлажнитель (16), выполненный с возможностью увлажнения потока дыхательного газа под давлением. Система имеет датчики (18), выполненные с возможностью генерирования выходных сигналов, несущих информацию, относящуюся к параметрам потока дыхательного газа под давлением. Система содержит интерфейс (20) пользователя, выполненный с возможностью приема ввода информации обратной связи от субъекта, указывающей на уровень комфорта в отношении потока дыхательного газа под давлением. Система включает физические компьютерные процессоры (22), которые, благодаря компьютерочитаемым ...

10-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2532893C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Терапевтическое устройство содержит терапевтический элемент, имеющий одноразовую и многоразовую части, в котором расположен процессор, соединенный с датчиком температуры нагреваемой ткани. Терапевтический элемент имеет место для введения инъекции препарата в ткань в заданном месте на ткани в определенный момент времени. Управляемый процессором нагревательный элемент расположен в терапевтическом элементе или смежно с ним, прикладывает тепло к ткани в указанном месте в течение заданного периода времени: до, во время и/или после введения лекарственного средства, и нагревает ткань до заданной температуры, которая меньше заданной предельной температуры. В зависимости от температуры ткани процессор стабилизирует нагрев на заданной температуре. Одноразовая часть содержит элемент идентификации для определения факта ее использования. Индикатор терапевтического элемента выполнен с возможностью указания факта использования конкретного места инъекции. Применение ...

28-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2676433C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике. Система поддержки давления выполнена с возможностью доставки дыхательного газа в дыхательные пути пациента и содержит генератор давления, соединенный по текучей среде с интерфейсом пациента, датчики, выполненные с возможностью генерирования сигналов, передающих информацию, связанную с параметрами находящегося потока дыхательного газа, и процессоры, сконфигурированные с возможностью приема информации датчиков и исполнения модулей компьютерной программы. Модуль оценивает значение текущей утечки, которое является мгновенной индикацией величины утечки. Модуль управления управляет работой генератора давления, чтобы генерировать поток дыхательного газа согласно режиму терапии по методу ограниченного потока, который предписывает терапевтический уровень для первого газового параметра внутри или вблизи дыхательных путей пациента. Модуль компенсации определяет величину компенсации для регулировки первого газового параметра, чтобы компенсировать дыхательное ...

20-08-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2594440C2
Принадлежит: Б. БРАУН АВИТУМ АГ (DE)

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. Устройство содержит диализатор, линию подачи свежего диализирующего раствора, сливную линию, присоединенную к диализатору, и измерительное устройство, расположенное в сливной линии для оценки поглощения отработанным диализирующим раствором, протекающим по сливной линии, и содержащее источник излучения для излучения монохроматического электромагнитного излучения, а также детекторную систему для определения интенсивности электромагнитного излучения. Электронный регулятор обеспечен для регулирования интенсивности источника излучения таким образом, чтобы обеспечить возможность определения предварительно заданных интенсивностей после поглощения свежим диализирующим раствором и/или без поглощения свежим диализирующим раствором в детекторной системе для компенсации изменений, которые возникают в интенсивности электромагнитного излучения источника излучения и/или чувствительности детекторной системы. Регулятор температуры служит для регулирования ...

19-07-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2661723C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к аэрозольобразующему элементу, содержащему этот элемент компоненту устройства для подачи аэрозоля и устройству для подачи аэрозоля. Аэрозольобразующий элемент содержит лист материала, выполненный с возможностью впитывания и нагревания раствора. Лист материала содержит первый участок и второй участок. Первый участок расположен под углом относительно второго участка, при этом первый участок выполнен с возможностью нагревания относительно второго участка. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 10 ил.

18-06-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2657935C2

Изобретение относится к медицинским трубкам и способам изготовления медицинских трубок. Составная трубка содержит первый удлиненный элемент, содержащий полое тело, спирально намотанное для образования по меньшей мере частично удлиненной трубки, имеющей продольную ось, полость, проходящую вдоль продольной оси, и полую стенку, по меньшей мере частично окружающую эту полость; и второй удлиненный элемент, спирально намотанный и присоединенный между прилегающими витками первого удлиненного элемента. Второй удлиненный элемент образует по меньшей мере часть полости удлиненной трубки. Второй удлиненный элемент выполнен с возможностью действовать как конструктивная опора или арматура для первого удлиненного элемента. Раскрыты способ изготовления составной трубки, медицинская трубка и способ ее изготовления. Технический результат состоит в обеспечении эксплуатации трубки в условиях повышенной влажности и температуры при сохранении ее прочности. 4 н. и 31 з.п. ф-лы, 11 ил.

21-06-2017 дата публикации

Небулайзер с подогревом аэрозоля и способ подогрева аэрозоля в распылительной камере небулайзера

Номер: RU2622993C1

Группа изобретений относится к области медицинской техники. Небулайзер, используемый в способе подогрева аэрозоля, содержит корпус распылительной камеры, в верхней части которой установлен штуцер с узким выходным отверстием, над которым установлен колпачок с широким основанием в нижней части, при этом распылительная камера закрыта съемной крышкой с отражателем, выполненным с возможностью крепления возле выхода сопла сменного сепаратора, трубку воздуховодную для подачи сжатого газа, соединенную с указанным штуцером, электрический нагреватель, представляющий собой тонкую пластину с малой теплоемкостью, расположенную на дне верхней части распылительной камеры и выполненную из материала с малой теплоемкостью и хорошей теплопроводностью, к тыльной стороне которой прикреплен нагревательный элемент с площадью поверхности и формой, практически совпадающими с поверхностью и формой тонкой пластины, с теплоизоляцией на тыльной стороне, термочувствительный элемент, расположенный на тыльной стороне ...

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018144294A3

21-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2016107490A3

29-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018137501A3

26-04-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017133232A3

19-03-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018133022A3

05-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018130723A3

05-06-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2018130655A3

06-03-2018 дата публикации

Номер: RU2015144036A3

17-06-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2019141957A3

13-05-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017124854A3

27-02-2019 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017113434A3

20-12-2015 дата публикации


Номер: RU157882U1
Принадлежит: ПЭКС Лабз, Инк. (US)

... 1. Устройство для образования ингалируемого аэрозоля, содержащее:(a) корпус; и(b) электронный нагреватель, выполненный для нагрева испаряемого материала и образования ингалируемого аэрозоля; причем электронный нагреватель расположен внутри указанной наружной поверхности указанного корпуса, отличающееся тем, что указанное устройство содержит рядом с указанным электронным нагревателем теплоизоляцию из аэрогеля, выполненную для поддержания теплопроизводительности испаряемого материала и снижения температуры поверхности наружной поверхности.2. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что теплоизоляция из аэрогеля содержит силикагель с армирующими волокнами.3. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что теплоизоляция из аэрогеля представляет собой эластичное покрытие из силикагеля.4. Устройство по любому из пп. 1-3, отличающееся тем, что теплоизоляция из аэрогеля выбрана из группы, состоящей из углеродного аэрогеля и алюмооксидного аэрогеля.5. Устройство по п. 1, отличающееся тем, что содержит уплотнение ...

11-11-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2705639C1

Изобретение относится к устройствам, обеспечивающим нагрев курительного материала. Способ регулирования нагревателя в устройстве, обеспечивающем нагрев курительного материала с целью испарения по меньшей мере одного компонента указанного курительного материала, включает в себя реализацию контура регулирования, способного регулировать работу нагревательного элемента нагревателя для нагрева соответствующей зоны устройства до заданной температуры, причем контур регулирования в течение одного или нескольких последовательных периодов регулирования выполняет этапы определения текущей температуры в соответствующей зоне; определения текущей скорости изменения температуры в соответствующей зоне; определения оставшегося на данный момент времени работы нагревательного элемента нагревателя для нагрева соответствующей зоны устройства до заданной температуры исходя из текущей скорости изменения температуры, заданной температуры и текущей температуры в указанной зоне. Техническим результатом изобретения ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: RU2680444C1

Изобретение касается системы и способа синхронизации признака для электронных систем предоставления пара, таких как электронные системы подачи никотина (например, электронные сигареты). Способ синхронизации признака между электронной системой предоставления пара и устройством мобильной связи пользователя, при этом указанный способ включает этапы получения текущего параметра конфигурируемого признака или в электронной системе предоставления пара, или в устройстве мобильной связи; передачи указания параметра на другое устройство из электронной системы предоставления пара или устройства мобильной связи; и другое устройство из электронной системы предоставления пара и устройства мобильной связи изменяет конфигурацию соответствующего признака в соответствии с переданным указанием параметра, при этом конфигурируемый признак электронной системы предоставления пара является цветом освещенного участка электронной системы предоставления пара, и при этом соответствующий признак устройства мобильной ...

06-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756907C1

Предлагается трубчатый нагревательный элемент (1) для использования в устройстве нагревания аэрозольобразующего материала с целью испарения по меньшей мере одного компонента этого материала. Трубчатый нагревательный элемент (2) содержит нанесенный на трубчатое основание (2a) слой нагреваемого материала (1b, 2b), способного нагреваться при прохождении сквозь него изменяющегося магнитного поля. Толщина стенки (T) трубчатого нагревательного элемента (1, 2) составляет не более 1 мм. Кроме того, трубчатый нагревательный элемент (2) может содержать защитный слой (2c). Нагреваемый слой выполнен из ферромагнитного материала на основе кобальта или никеля. Нагревательные элементы согласно различным вариантам осуществления изобретения обеспечивают эффективную передачу энергии изменяющегося магнитного поля в нагревательный элемент, сохраняя при этом преимущества относительно низкой стоимости, легкости получения материала и простоты формования в процессе изготовления. 4 н. и 27 з.п. ф-лы, 5 ил.

10-02-1997 дата публикации


Номер: RU95112501A

Предложены способы ввода рабочих команд в схему гемодиализа, включающую фильтр для диализа и возможность работы в соответствии с изменяемым по времени параметром, таким, как меняющаяся ультрафильтрация. Согласно этим способам, вводятся значение требуемого периода времени, заданное суммарное значение параметра, такого, как заданный объем ультрафильтрации, и предполагаемый изменяющийся по времени профиль параметра, представляющий собой ряд координат на участке, ограниченном осью ординат, на которой откладываются значения параметра, и осью абсцисс, на которой откладывается время, а график показывает профиль нарастания значения параметра. Если суммарное значение по профилю не равно заданному суммарному значению, изменяется положение предполагаемого изменяющегося по времени профиля относительно оси ординат, чтобы уравнять эти суммарные значения. После этого схема работает согласно измененному профилю, чтобы достичь заданного введенного суммарного значения в течение заданного периода времени.

27-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: RU2015140135A

20-08-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009104951A

... 1. Система вентиляции (1), содержащая ! устройство, выполненное с возможностью подачи вентиляции с положительным давлением и вентиляции с отрицательным давлением пациенту; и ! контроллер (10), выполненный с возможностью синхронизации подачи вентиляции с положительным давлением и вентиляции с отрицательным давлением такому пациенту. ! 2. Система (1) вентиляции по п.1, в которой устройство содержит ! компонент (20) положительного давления; и ! компонент (22) отрицательного давления. ! 3. Система (1) вентиляции по п.2, в которой ! компонент (20) положительного давления содержит ! генератор (2) положительного потока газа, выполненный с возможностью генерирования потока газа (5) с положительным давлением; ! первый трубопровод (4); и ! интерфейс (8) пациента, в котором первый трубопровод (4) и интерфейс (8) пациента выполнены с возможностью передачи потока (5) газа с положительным давлением от генератора (2) положительного потока газа в дыхательные пути пациента, и при этом компонент (20) отрицательного ...

20-08-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011104373A

... 1. Датчик (102) для измерения скорости жидкости (208), протекающей через канал (206), при этом датчик содержит микросхему (104) и приемник (310) датчика, при этом микросхема содержит нагревательный элемент (106) для нагрева жидкости и преобразовательную схему (108) для генерирования измерительного сигнала, указывающего на скорость жидкости, протекающей через канал, основанного на отношении пространственных разностей температур, ! отличающийся тем, что приемник датчика выполнен с возможностью приема электромагнитного излучения для энергоснабжения нагревательного элемента, а также тем, что приемник датчика представляет собой антенну (110), в которую интегрирован нагревательный элемент. ! 2. Датчик по п.1, в котором преобразовательная схема выполнена с возможностью генерирования измерительного сигнала на основе отношения первой пространственной разности температур ко второй пространственной разности температур, при этом первая пространственная разность температур представляет собой численную ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018130723A

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2018130655A

20-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011120820A

... 1. Терапевтическое устройство, содержащее:терапевтический элемент, имеющий несколько мест инъекции для введения по меньшей мере одной инъекции препарата в ткань, причем каждое место инъекции из указанных нескольких мест инъекции соответствует заранее заданному месту на ткани для выполнения инъекции лекарственного средства в определенный момент времени,процессор, расположенный в терапевтическом элементе,нагревательный элемент, расположенный в терапевтическом элементе или смежно с ним, причем нагревательный элемент управляется процессором и электрически с ним соединен и выполнен с возможностью приложения тепла к ткани в указанном заранее заданном месте в течение заранее заданного периода времени по меньшей мере в одно время, выбранное из: до, во время и после введения лекарственного средства, с обеспечением нагревания ткани до заданной температуры, которая меньше заданной предельной температуры, идатчик температуры, электрически соединенный с процессором и выполненный с возможностью обеспечения ...

20-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012119493A

... 1. Устройство для лечения индивидуума с остановкой сердца или кровообращения или с апоплексическим ударом, содержащее применяемое на индивидууме (Р) средство (ВЕ) взятия крови для взятия по меньшей мере части крови у индивидуума, блок (ВА) анализа, опосредованно или непосредственно связанный со средством взятия крови, для определения и предоставления по меньшей мере одной характеристики крови в виде результата (ВАЕ) анализа крови, исполнительный блок (КЕ), который опосредованно или непосредственно связан с применяемым на индивидууме средством (BR) обратной подачи и выполненный с возможностью передачи вещества индивидууму через средство (BR) обратной подачи, отличающееся тем, что исполнительный блок (КЕ) содержит по меньшей мере один блок (R) резервуара, который создает запас по меньшей мере двух веществ (S, S, …), что предусмотрен скомбинированный с блоком (R) резервуара блок (D) дозирования, который по меньшей мере с учетом результата (ВАЕ) анализа крови, определенного блоком (ВА) анализа ...

27-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2011151549A

... 1. Система, сконфигурированная для выдачи субъекту указания на сознательное изменение одного или более параметров дыхания, при этом система включает в себя:устройство, сконфигурированное для создания потока пригодного для дыхания газа под давлением для доставки в дыхательные пути субъекта;интерфейс пользователя, сконфигурированный для передачи субъекту информации, относящейся к функционированию устройства и/или потоку пригодного для дыхания газа под давлением;процессор, сконфигурированный (i) для управления устройством таким образом, что устройство настраивает один или более параметров газа для газа в потоке пригодного для дыхания газа под давлением для выдачи субъекту контрольных сигналов дыхания, которые выдают субъекту указание на сознательное изменение одного или более параметров вдоха и выдоха, и (ii) для управления интерфейсом пользователя таким образом, что интерфейс пользователя выдает субъекту информацию, относящуюся к значению контрольных сигналов дыхания, выдаваемых субъекту ...

27-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012106299A

... 1. Детектор (1) падения для обнаружения падений пользователя или объекта, к которому прикреплен детектор (1) падения, отличающийся тем, что детектор (1) падения содержит датчик (3) потока воздуха для предоставления измерений, указывающих вертикальную скорость и/или изменения высоты детектора (1) падения.2. Детектор (1) падения по п.1, который дополнительно содержит датчик (2) ускорения для измерения ускорений детектора (1) падения.3. Детектор (1) падения по п.2, который дополнительно содержит процессор (4) для обработки измерений от датчика (3) потока воздуха и датчика (2) ускорения для обнаружения того, произошло ли падение.4. Детектор (1) падения по п.3, в котором процессор (4) выполнен с возможностью оценивать ориентацию детектора (1) падения по измерениям от датчика (2) ускорения и использовать оцененную ориентацию для генерации профиля вертикальной скорости для детектора (1) падения по измерениям от датчика (3) потока воздуха.5. Детектор (1) падения по любому предыдущему пункту, в ...

11-03-2021 дата публикации

System und Beatmungsgerät zur nichtinvasiven Infektionserkennung während der Beatmung

Номер: DE102020004418A1

Die Erfindung betrifft ein System zur nichtinvasiven Messung der Körpertemperatur während der Beatmung mit zumindest einem Temperatursensor, einem Beatmungsgerät, einer Schnittstelle zwischen Beatmungsgerät und Temperatursensor, einer Verarbeitungseinheit, einem Datenspeicher, einem User Interface, einer Schnittstelle zu einem Remote Alarm, einem Remote Alarm, einem Beatmungsschlauch mit einem Patienteninterface und zumindest einem Atemgassensor dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Beatmungsgerät eingerichtet und ausgebildet ist mittels des Atemgassensors Phasen der Inspiration und Exspiration zu identifizieren und Atemgas während der Inspiration und Exspiration zu fördern und wobei das System eingerichtet ist zumindest phasenweise während der Inspiration und Exspiration mittels des Temperatursensors und der Verarbeitungseinheit ein Sensorsignal zu ermitteln und zu überprüfen, ob das Sensorsignal repräsentativ für die Körpertemperatur ist und solche Körpertemperatursignale zu verarbeiten und ...

15-05-2014 дата публикации

Device for insufflation of visceral cavity with insufflation gas by insufflator, has discharge line that is provided for discharging gases from visceral cavity, which is communicated with humidity sensor

Номер: DE102012110889A1

The device (10) has a supply line (16) for supplying insufflation gas (22) in a visceral cavity (20). A humidifier (14) is provided for moistening the supplied insufflation gas with an aqueous moistener (15). A discharge line (26) is provided for discharging gases from the visceral cavity, which is communicated with a humidity sensor (30), through which the water content is detected in the discharged gas. The humidity sensor produces a measurement signal.

05-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: DE102012101795A1

Es wird ein Beatmungsschlauch (13) für das Durchleiten eines Gasgemisches in einem Beatmungssystem bereitgestellt mit einem Schlauchabschnitt (17), einem mit dem Schlauchabschnitt (17) verbindbaren Koppelteil (19), einem mit dem Koppelteil (19) verbindbaren Anschlussteil (15), das an einen Schlauch oder ein Gerät anschließbar ist, wobei zwischen dem Koppelteil (19) und dem Anschlussteil (15) ein Filterelement (20) zur Filterung des Gasgemisches angeordnet ist. Dabei weist das Koppelteil (19) integral eine erste elektrische Heizvorrichtung auf, die das Filterelement (20) umschließt und die geeignet ist, das Filterelement (20) wirksam aufzuheizen.

27-07-2006 дата публикации

Pumpe zum sterilen Fördern erwärmter Tumeszenzlösung

Номер: DE0050110098D1

02-04-2015 дата публикации

Medizinische Komponenten mit Mikrostrukturen für die Befeuchtung und das Kondensatmanagement

Номер: DE112013003245T5

Es werden neue Komponenten medizinischer Kreise und Verfahren zum Herstellen derartiger Komponenten offenbart. Diese Komponenten enthalten Mikrostrukturen für die Befeuchtung und/oder das Kondensatmanagement. Die offenbarten Mikrostrukturen können in vielfältige Komponenten einverleibt werden, einschließlich Schläuche (beispielsweise inspiratorische Beatmungsschläuche und expiratorische Beatmungsschläuche sowie andere Schläuche zwischen verschiedenen Elementen eines Beatmungskreises, wie z. B. Ventilatoren, Befeuchter, Filter, Wasserfallen, Probenleitungen, Verbindungsstücke, Gasanalysatoren und dergleichen), Y-Verbindungsstücke, Katheteranschlüsse, Befeuchter und Patientenankopplungen (beispielsweise Masken zum Bedecken von Nase und Gesicht, Nasenmasken, Kanülen, Nasenkissen usw.), Schwimmer, Sonden und Sensoren in verschiedenen medizinischen Kreisen.

26-11-2015 дата публикации

Komponenten für medizinische Kreisläufe

Номер: DE112014001468T5

Es wird ein exspiratorisches Glied vorgesehen, das konfiguriert ist, um befeuchtete Gase von einem Patienten wegzuführen und das konfiguriert ist, um eine verbesserte Feuchtigkeitsabführungs- bzw. Trockungsleistungsfähigkeit vorzusehen, um ein bedarfsgerechtes bzw. zugeschnittenes Temperaturprofil entlang des Gliedes vorzusehen. Glieder zum Liefern befeuchteter Gas an einen Patienten und/oder zum Abführen von befeuchteten Gasen von einem Patienten werden ebenfalls vorgesehen, wobei die Glieder eine verbesserte Gasverweildauer bei einer konstanten volumetrischen Flussrate aufweisen. Die verbesserte Verweildauer kann durch Vorsehen eines Gliedes erreicht werden, das mehrere Lumen bzw. Hohlräume aufweist.

19-11-2020 дата публикации

Blutdruckmessvorrichtung, Verfahren und Programm zum Messen des Blutdrucks und Atmungsunterstützungsvorrichtung

Номер: DE112019000953T5

Um gemäß einem Aspekt der vorliegenden Erfindung den Leistungsverbrauch zu senken und die Geräuschlosigkeit der Atmungsunterstützungsvorrichtung, die einen kontinuierlichen Atemwegüberdruck ausführt, zu verbessern, überwacht die tragbare Blutdrucküberwachungseinrichtung 1 die Änderung des Blutdrucks einer Zielperson 3 während des Schlafs, schätzt die Änderung des Blutdrucks als einen Hinweis auf einen plötzlichen Blutdruckanstieg, der mit einem Einsetzen des Schlafapnoesyndroms verbunden ist, wenn der Blutdruck eine vorgegebene Zeit oder länger kontinuierlich auf einen Schwellwert TH oder niedriger sinkt, und gibt ein Aktivierungssignal an die CPAP-Vorrichtung 2 aus, um einen Luftzuführungsbetrieb zu beginnen.

14-10-2010 дата публикации


Номер: DE502006007774D1

27-03-2008 дата публикации

Hygenic condition determining method for e.g. cable-bound patient near breath stream sensor, involves comparing temperature events with comparison values, so that indication, output and/or alarm are caused during exceedence of values

Номер: DE102006057196A1

The method involves storing temperature events of an additional part (1) e.g. cable-bound patient near breath stream sensor, corresponding to a temperature exceedence of a given temperature with the corresponding times. The stored temperature events with the corresponding times are compared with comparison values for temperature and time, so that an indication, output and/or an alarm at a medical basic equipment (3) e.g. anaesthesia equipment, are caused during exceedence of the comparsion value of the temperature for a given total time or for a given number of the temperature events. An independent claim is also included for a device for executing a method for determining a hygenic condition of an additional part.

02-09-1976 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002507281A1

06-07-2017 дата публикации

Temperaturmesseinrichtung für einen Beatmungsanfeuchter

Номер: DE102007037955B4

Temperaturmesseinrichtung für einen Beatmungsanfeuchter mit einem Strömungskanal (2, 6) für Atemgas, wobei – ein zum Strömungskanal (2, 6) geschlossener Hohlkörper (1) für die Aufnahme der Temperatur im Strömungskanal (2, 6) in den Strömungskanal (2, 6) hineinreicht und – ein Infrarotdetektor (3, 7) auf die Innenfläche des in den Strömungskanal (2, 6) hineinreichenden Hohlkörpers (1) für die berührungslose Erfassung der Temperatur des Hohlkörpers (1) ausgerichtet ist, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Strömungskanal ein aus einer Mischkammer (5) des Beatmungsanfeuchters herausführender erster Strömungskanal (2) zur Messung einer Ausgangstemperatur des Atemgases ist, und dass ferner ein in die Mischkammer (5) hineinführender zweiter Strömungskanal (6) mit einem entsprechenden Hohlkörper (1) und einem zweiten, zugeordneten Infrarotdetektor (3, 7) zur Messung einer Eingangstemperatur des Atemgases ausgestattet ist.

29-04-2020 дата публикации

Electronic vaporiser system

Номер: GB0002542017B
Принадлежит: AYR LTD, Ayr Ltd

07-12-2016 дата публикации

Respiratory gas humidification system

Номер: GB0002539121A

A humidification apparatus comprises a humidification unit, a cartridge, and a humidification chamber removably connectable to the humidification unit, the humidification chamber comprising two ports respectively defining a first and second gas flowpath. The cartridge comprises a chassis, a first end having a single sensor and a second end having two sensors. The cartridge comprises a central boss, which connects to a recess on the humidification unit, and has a USB connection 161 for electrical power and sensor connectivity. The sensors may be thermistors, and may monitor temperature or flow. The sensors are insertable into apertures in the ports on the humidification chamber.

24-01-2018 дата публикации

A bioprocessing system

Номер: GB0201720405D0

12-06-2013 дата публикации

Vaporisable material plug and capsule

Номер: GB0201307917D0

09-05-1985 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008508922D0

17-05-1989 дата публикации


Номер: GB0008907770D0

31-12-2014 дата публикации

Cardioplegic agent delivery system

Номер: GB0201420161D0

22-11-2006 дата публикации

Oxygen administration apparatus

Номер: GB0002417425B

02-04-2008 дата публикации

Respiratory apparatus and a humidifier controller

Номер: GB0002442302A

A device with a respiratory apparatus (1) and a humidifier (11) for respiratory gas is intended to be improved in such a way that a respiratory gas humidification adapted to the different operating states of the respiratory apparatus (1) is achieved. To solve the problem, a connection arrangement (13) is provided for bi-directional data transmission between the control and operating unit (8) of the respiratory apparatus (1) and the control and operating unit (9) of the humidifier (11).

08-01-1992 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002218640B

17-10-1984 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002097272B

01-02-2017 дата публикации

Blood analysis apparatus and method

Номер: GB0002540724A

A blood gas analysis method 100 is provided for determining the partial pressure of oxygen of arterial blood exiting an oxygenator, wherein the oxygenator generates arterial blood by exposing venous blood to an oxygenation gas and releases excess oxygenation gas as exhaust gas. The method comprises: (i) a step 140 of determining one or more gas values comprising an estimate of the partial pressure pO2GE of oxygen in the exhaust gas; (ii) determining one or more blood values comprising a blood oxygen uptake value indicative of an amount of oxygen taken up by the blood in the oxygenator; and (iii) generating an output of the partial pressure pO2BLOOD of oxygen in the arterial blood by adjusting the estimate using the blood oxygen uptake value. Preferably, the blood oxygen uptake is determined with optical sensors and so does not require physical contact with the blood. An apparatus for determining the partial pressure of oxygen is also provided. A method of characterizing the oxygenation ...

17-06-1998 дата публикации

Modular home dialysis system - debubblers

Номер: GB0002320209A

An apparatus for removing air bubbles from blood is disclosed. The debubbler comprises front and rear covers (1002, 1008 respectively) with a fluid circuit board (1004) arranged between the two covers. A blood chamber is defined between cover (1002) and circuit board (1004) and an air chamber is defined between covers (1008) and circuit board (1004). A microporous membrane (1006) separates the blood and air chambers. A support means (1024) supports membrane (1006) from the air side of the membrane. A blood pressure sensor is provided between covers (1002, 1008). The debubbler has a blood inlet port (1022) and a blood outlet port (1020) for conducting blood to and from the blood chamber. An air port (1012) is provided in communication with the air chamber, to allow air passing through membrane (1006) to escape.

16-11-2016 дата публикации

Improvements relating to systems for laparoscopic surgery

Номер: GB0002538425A

A surgical humidification system including a humidification chamber adapted to hold a volume of water comprises a heater base provided adjacent the humidification chamber and a controller being adapted to determine a low water or no water condition in the humidification chamber. The humidification chamber includes an inlet and an outlet, the inlet of the humidification chamber adapted to be in gases communication with a gases source to receive gases therefrom in use, the gases entering the humidification chamber through the inlet and exiting the humidification chamber though the outlet in use. The heater base is adapted to heat the volume of water in the humidification chamber to provide water vapour to said gases flowing through the humidification chamber. The low water or no water condition is determined based at least on a temperature of the gases exiting the humidification chamber and/or a rate of flow of gases through the humidification chamber. The system may be used with a smoke ...

05-10-2016 дата публикации

Water out alarm

Номер: GB0002535087B

04-07-2018 дата публикации

Humidification system connections

Номер: GB0002558102A

A connector for a breathing gas tube comprising a connector body 2012 comprising a lumen 2130 extending through the connector body 2012, an electrical connector 2106 located adjacent to the lumen 2130. The connector body 2012 comprises one or more channels 2126 located in the connector body 2012, wherein the one or more channels 2126 are arranged to receive one or more corresponding rails 2042 operatively coupled to a heater base of a respiratory humidification system, so as to align the connector 2012 in relation to the heater base when the two are removably coupled together I use.

03-01-2018 дата публикации

Mask system headgear

Номер: GB0002551920A

A respiratory mask system includes a headgear that, in use, secures the respiratory mask system to a patient's head. The headgear includes a pair of forehead straps that are coupled together by a forehead coupler to form a closed loop. The forehead coupler is removably connected to a frame of the respiratory mask such that the forehead straps remain in a closed loop. The pair of forehead straps can also be coupled together by positioning a male strap portion within an aperture of a female strap portion. The male strap portion has a free end that is configured to be received into the aperture. The male strap portion includes a plurality of notches that engage the aperture of the female strap portion and provide incremental adjustment. The free ends of the male and female strap portions have fasteners configured to engage the surface of the other strap portion.

12-09-2018 дата публикации

Vaporization device systems and methods

Номер: GB0002559506A8

A vaporiser device 10 comprising a device body 20 having a cartridge receptacle 21 at a first end of the device body wherein the cartridge receptacle comprises a notched body that has a notch that exposes a channel air inlet 50 when a cartridge is inserted into the cartridge receptacle, wherein the cartridge 30a comprises a heater, near a first end of a fluid reservoir 32, a mouthpiece 31 that encloses a second end of the reservoir and in fluid communication with the heater, and an air inlet passage located at the first end of the reservoir through which air passes from the channel air inlet to reach the heater when a user draws on the mouthpiece to create suction, wherein the cartridge is insertable in the cartridge receptacle with the first end received in the cartridge receptacle and the mouthpiece remaining exposed outside of the cartridge receptacle, wherein the device body further comprises a puff sensor 27 for detecting a user’s puffing action, the puff sensor positioned to sense ...

19-12-2018 дата публикации

Vaporization device systems and methods

Номер: GB0002560465A8

A vaporization apparatus comprising a cartridge 30 comprising a storage compartment 32 to store liquid vaporizable material, a heater chamber 37, a pair of heater contacts wherein each heater contact comprises a plate 33 and a formed shape comprising a flexible tab 33a wherein each of plates are affixed at opposite sides of the heater chamber and the flexible tabs extend out of the heater chamber and are configured to complete an electrical circuit with a vaporizer body, a wick 34 disposed between the plates, a resistive heating element 35 that is coupled to the plates and is in contact with the wick, and a mouthpiece 31. The vaporization body may comprise a cartridge receptacle and a pair of electrical contacts. Preferably the resistive heating element is wound around the wick. Each contact of the pair of heater contacts may comprise a fixation site for coupling to the resistive heating element by tension. Ideally the mouthpiece comprises a condensation chamber. The mouthpiece may comprise ...

09-10-2019 дата публикации

Usability features for respiratory humidification system

Номер: GB0002572693A

A humidification apparatus with a heater base 102 and a sensor cartridge module 200 having a plurality of sensors 206. The sensor cartridge module is mechanically and electrically connectable to the heater base via a spine 210. The sensors may be temperature or flow sensors. There may be a display [103, figure 11] on an upper surface of the spine. The display may be angled to allow easier viewing of the display by a viewer. A humidification chamber may be slid on the heater base with the sensors properly orientated and positioned relative to the humidification chamber.

29-01-2020 дата публикации

Usability features for respiratory humidification system

Номер: GB0002575894A

A humidification chamber 104 with a top wall and a base wall, each connected to at least one side wall, defining a cavity configured to hold a volume of liquid; an inlet 110 port extending from the top wall and defining a passage into the cavity; an outlet 112 port extending from the top wall and defining a passage out of the cavity; and a protrusion in the top wall, the protrusion being configured to mate with a corresponding recess on a heater base to guide insertion of the chamber on the heater base, for example, to guide insertion in the desired rotational orientation. The inlet port and outlet port may comprise a first and second sensor aperture, respectively, to receive a first and second sensors 206 mounted on the heater base. Grommets may pneumatically seal the sensor apertures. A front of the chamber may be taller than the back of the chamber.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Artificial nose and breathing circuit provided with the artificial airway

Номер: US20120012108A1
Принадлежит: SATA Corp

Provided is an artificial airway and a breathing circuit provided with the artificial airway, including a tubular outer shell; a moisture permeable and water resistant film disposed on an entire circumference of an internal surface of the outer shell, forming a water retention region with the outer shell, and forming an aeration region on an internal surface side thereof; a feed water inlet provided in the outer shell to supply water to the water retention region; and a heater disposed outside the outer shell, heating the water in the water retention region to generate water vapor, and also heating an inspiratory gas flowing in the aeration region, wherein the water supplied from the feed water inlet is retained in the water retention region by the moisture permeable and water resistant film, and only the water vapor generated by the heating of the heater passes through the moisture permeable and water resistant film and flows into the aeration region to heat and humidify the inspiratory gas flowing in the aeration region.

26-01-2012 дата публикации

Artificial nose and breathing circuit provided with the artificial nose

Номер: US20120017905A1
Принадлежит: SATA Corp

Provided is an artificial nose and a breathing circuit provided with the artificial nose, including: an outer shell; a moisture permeable and water resistant film 6 disposed on an entire circumference of an internal surface of the outer shell, forming a water retention region with the outer shell, and forming an aeration region on an internal surface side thereof; a feed water inlet provided in the outer shell to supply water to the water retention region; a heat and moisture exchanger element loaded in the aeration region; and a heater disposed outside the outer shell, wherein the water supplied from the feed water inlet is retained in the water retention region by the moisture permeable and water resistant film, an inspiratory gas and an expiratory gas pass through the heat and moisture exchanger element loaded in the aeration region, and the artificial nose carries out a first heating and humidifying process of the inspiratory gas in which heat and moisture included in the expiratory gas passing therethrough are captured and retained by the heat and moisture exchanger element and the heat and the moisture are discharged to an inspiratory gas passing therethrough next, and a second heating and humidifying process in which only water vapor generated by heating of the heater passes through the moisture permeable and water resistant film and is supplied to the inspiratory gas passing through the heat and moisture exchanger element to heat and humidify the inspiratory gas and also the inspiratory gas in the heat and moisture exchanger element is heated by the heater.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Modular infusion set with an integrated electrically powered functional component

Номер: US20120029333A1

An infusion set for administering a medicament delivered by an infusion pump which can be carried separately from the infusion set as well as an infusion system including the infusion set are disclosed. The infusion set can comprise a disposable part, a reusable part, and an electrically powered functional component. The disposable part can comprise a single lumen infusion cannula that projects from the underside and is the only skin piercing or penetrating element of the infusion set. The reusable part when in the interconnected state is fluidically isolated from the disposable part. The disposable part can comprise a feeding line which fluidically connects an upstream end of the first connector with a downstream end of a cannula to feed and deliver the medicament via the disposable part and bypass the reusable part.

08-03-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for treatment of intracranial hemorrhages

Номер: US20120059285A1
Принадлежит: Ekos LLC

An ultrasound catheter with a lumen for fluid delivery and fluid evacuation, and an ultrasound source is used for the treatment of intracerebral or intraventricular hemorrhages. After the catheter is inserted into a blood clot, a lytic drug can be delivered to the blood clot via the lumen while applying ultrasonic energy to the treatment site. As the blood clot is dissolved, the liquefied blood clot can be removed by evacuation through the lumen.

12-04-2012 дата публикации

Parameter-sensing endotracheal tube

Номер: US20120089023A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A sensor-equipped endotracheal tube has a flexible body surrounding an airway lumen and includes sensors for monitoring physiological parameters such as CO 2 /O 2 concentration in respiratory gases, and patient body temperature. These sensors provide electrical output for parameter display on suitable ventilators and monitors. In another specific embodiment, the endotracheal tube includes a sensor for measuring pressure exerted between an inflation cuff and a patient's tracheal tissues for preventing injury from over/under cuff inflation. Other specific embodiments of the sensor equipped endotracheal tube include combining sensors with a heating member for warming inhaled respiratory gases, and with ultrasound reflecting elements that make the tube visible within the body using ultrasound.

26-04-2012 дата публикации

LED torch

Номер: US20120097660A1
Автор: Fan Bao
Принадлежит: Individual

A LED torch includes a hand-held housing, an electrical power arrangement, and a multifunctional head unit. The electric power arrangement includes an electric power source and an electrical-powered operation head electrically linked to the electric power source. The multifunctional head unit includes an inhaler unit and a LED illumination unit detachably and interchangeably coupled with the hand-held housing to operatively link to the operation head. When the inhaler unit is operatively coupled with the operation head, the operation head forms a heating head for heating the treatment element in the treatment cavity to extract the treatment element for inhalation of an ingredient thereof via the mouthpiece. When the LED illumination unit is operatively coupled with the operation head, the operation head forms an electrical adapter to electrically link the LED illumination unit with the electric power source for generating illumination light.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Thermal flow sensor integrated circuit with low response time and high sensitivity

Номер: US20120103085A1

A thermal flow sensor integrated circuit for sensing flow in a channel based on temperature measurements, the integrated circuit having a temperature sensing element ( 30 ) on a front side of the integrated circuit arranged to face the channel, and a bond pad ( 60, 200 ) coupled electrically to the temperature sensing element, for making electrical contact off the integrated circuit, the bond pad being arranged to face away from the channel. By having the bond pad facing away from the channel, the space needed for the bond pad and any connections to it need not extend beyond the temperature sensing element and get in the way of the channel. Hence the temperature sensing element can be located closer to the channel or in the channel to enable measurements with better response time and sensitivity.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Cassette system integrated apparatus

Номер: US20120106289A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A cassette integrated system. The cassette integrated system includes a mixing cassette, a balancing cassette, a middle cassette fluidly connected to the mixing cassette and the balancing cassette and at least one pod. The mixing cassette is fluidly connected to the middle cassette by at least one fluid line and the middle cassette is fluidly connected to the balancing cassette by at least one fluid line. The at least one pod is connected to at least two of the cassettes wherein the pod is located in an area between the cassettes.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Respiratory system

Номер: US20120125333A1

The present invention relates a modular respiratory system to which different parts can be added in a convenient way enabling such upgraded respiratory system to deliver the most comfortable respiratory conditions at an acceptable cost of ownership.

14-06-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive and peripheral systems and methods for medical devices

Номер: US20120150115A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

Fill stations and base stations are provided for personal pump systems. The fill stations may be opened and closed to accept a reservoir and to allow fluid to be introduced into the reservoir for use with personal pump systems. The fill stations may hold the reservoir at a tilt relative to an underlying surface and may discourage overfilling of the reservoir. The filling stations may also include viewing windows having fluid lines marked thereon for indicating volume of fluid within the reservoir.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

Method and apparatus for machine error detection by combining multiple sensor inputs

Номер: US20120194335A1
Принадлежит: Nxstage Medical Inc

One of the most significant safety concerns in the automation of extracorporeal blood treatments such as dialysis is the risk of blood leakage. Extracorporeal blood treatment systems draw blood at such a high rate that a loss of integrity in the blood circuit can be serious. There are a number of mechanisms for detecting and preventing leaks, but none is perfect. This tends to limit the use of such equipment in unsupervised settings, such as the home will be limited. Some leak detection schemes can be made sensitive enough to detect the barest of leaks, but when this is done, they result in too many false positives. The invention combines information from multiple inputs to enhance sensitivity in leak detection and reduce the problem of false positives.

02-08-2012 дата публикации

System Comprising a Drug Delivery Device and a Cartridge Provided with a Bung and a Method of Identifying the Cartridge

Номер: US20120195182A1
Принадлежит: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH

The present invention relates to a bung ( 20 ), to a drug containing cartridge ( 10 ) and to a drug delivery device, wherein the bung ( 20 ) comprises a coding feature ( 28 ) for carrying information regarding at least one of the cartridge ( 10 ) and the content of the cartridge ( 10 ). Furthermore, it relates to a method for identifying a cartridge ( 10 ) containing a medicinal product.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Patch-sized fluid delivery systems and methods

Номер: US20120209179A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A patch-sized fluid delivery device may include a reusable portion and a disposable portion. The disposable portion may include components that come into contact with the fluid, while the reusable portion may include only components that do not come into contact with the fluid. Redundant systems, such as redundant controllers, power sources, motor actuators, and alarms, may be provided. Alternatively or additionally, certain components can be multi-functional, such a microphones and loudspeakers that may be used for both acoustic volume sensing and for other functions and a coil that may be used as both an inductive coupler for a battery recharger and an antenna for a wireless transceiver. Various types of network interfaces may be provided in order to allow for remote control and monitoring of the device.

16-08-2012 дата публикации

Adhesive and peripheral systems and methods for medical devices

Номер: US20120209207A1
Автор: Eric Yeaton, Larry B. Gray
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A repeater system may control a pump by using a repeater and a user interface. An adhesive patch system may be used for affixing a pump or other object to a human body. Such an adhesive patch system may include two sets of adhesive members, each member including an adhesive material on at least one side so as to attach to the body. The members of the first set are spaced to allow the members of the second set to attach to the body in spaces provided between the members of the first set, and the members of the second set are spaced to allow members of the first set to detach from the body without detaching the members of the second set. Also, fill stations and base stations are provided for personal pump systems.

23-08-2012 дата публикации

Sleep element for improving the sleep of a person

Номер: US20120210513A1

The invention relates to a sleep element ( 1 ) like a heating blanket for improving the sleep of a person. The sleep element comprises a property determination unit ( 2, 5 ) for determining a property of a person, a thermal energy unit ( 3 ) for transferring thermal energy to or away from the person, and a thermal energy control unit ( 4 ) for controlling the thermal energy unit depending on the determined property of the person. Since the sleep element comprises the property determination unit, the thermal energy unit, and the thermal energy control unit, the temperature of the person can be controlled depending on a determined property of the person, while the person is sleeping, such that the sleep of the person is improved. Moreover, the temperature control can simply be used within a bed by placing the sleep element in the bed. The handling of the temperature control is therefore very simple.

04-10-2012 дата публикации

Nose Cannula Heated/Humidified Gas Delivery System

Номер: US20120247468A1
Принадлежит: Smiths Medical ASD Inc

A low flow heated/humidified respiratory gas delivery system, especially useful for low flow rates as preferred in the treatment of neonate and other such patients, wherein the respiratory gas is heated and humidified as desired for delivery to the patient and the temperature is monitored at the point of delivery to the patient.

01-11-2012 дата публикации

Oxygen enrichment device

Номер: US20120272966A1
Принадлежит: Teijin Pharma Ltd

Disclosed is an oxygen enrichment that can follow changes in adsorption performance in response to changes in the temperature of the usage environment and can reduce power consumption. The oxygen enrichment device has a purge step control means that controls a purge step time to increase/decrease the length of a purge step so as to maximize the oxygen concentration by changing opening/closing timing of a flow-channel switching means while the oxygen enrichment device is running.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Mechanical Insufflation/Exsufflation Airway Clearance Apparatus

Номер: US20120285460A1
Принадлежит: LUNG ASSIST Inc

An MIE apparatus has a blower, a direction valve, an oscillator, and a mask hose connector. The blower is connected to the direction valve, which is connected to the oscillator, which is connected to the hose connector. During insufflation, a direction valve connects exhaust of a blower to an oscillator, causing positive pressure at the hose connector. During exsufflation, the direction valve connects the blower intake to the oscillator, causing negative pressure at the hose connector. The oscillator is a butterfly valve with a 360° rotating disc. During insufflation, the disc is fixed to steadily modulate the airflow. During exsufflation, the oscillator is inactive or in flutter mode. When inactive, the disc is fixed to allow maximum air flow. In flutter mode, the disc continuously rotates so that the air flow rapidly alternates between maximum and minimum.

15-11-2012 дата публикации

Automated Reservoir Fill System

Номер: US20120289900A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

An automated reservoir filling system for a portable medical device is disclosed. The system includes a vial sealed by a septum partially filled with a liquid and a gas occupying a headspace. The system further includes a reservoir with a volume defined between a reservoir septum and a plunger head. The plunger head is coupled to a plunger arm which is further coupled to a drive system. Further included is a transfer system with a vial end that pierces the vial septum and remains in contact with the liquid, and a reservoir end that pierces the reservoir septum and remains in the reservoir volume. A controller coupled to the drive system to actuates the drive system automatically drawing fluid from the vial to the reservoir through the degas system.

06-12-2012 дата публикации


Номер: US20120305001A1
Автор: Stanislav Tatkov
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

A user interface comprising a non-sealing nasal cannula and a mask arranged about the nasal cannula, the mask including a seal configured with a user's face to allow the interface to be pressurised, the cannula configured to deliver breathing gases to the nares of a user at a flow rate exceeding the intended user's peak inspiratory flow requirements so that the mask and the user's pharynx are flushed continuously with fresh breathing gases to reduce dead space.

13-12-2012 дата публикации

Intravenous fluid monitoring device

Номер: US20120316498A1
Принадлежит: US Department of Navy

A device for automatic monitoring intravenous fluid flow rate and temperature. The inventive device is capable of automatically adjusting the temperature of the fluid administered to a patient and recording the fluid flow rate and temperature. The device is also capable of transferring data to an electronic data storage repository via a wire connection or wirelessly.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Applying shear stress for disease treatment

Номер: US20120323223A1
Принадлежит: HRD Corp

A system for applying shear stress ex-situ to a fluid. A method of preparing a fluid for intravenous administration to a patient. In some embodiments, the system comprises a shear device; and at least one device configured for intravenous administration of the fluid to a patient, the devices defining a fluid passage configured to be sterilized and maintained sterile during use, the fluid comprising at least one therapeutic fluid, blood, or a combination thereof. The shear device of the system is in fluid communication with the at least one device configured for intravenous administration of the fluid to a patient.

10-01-2013 дата публикации

Oxygen concentrator

Номер: US20130008438A1
Принадлежит: Ikiken Co Ltd, Terumo Corp

To provide an oxygen concentrator that can ensure safety by interrupting oxygen in a case where the oxygen concentrator is exposed to fire or an abnormal high-temperature environment when a user thereof is inhaling oxygen with a cannula. The oxygen concentrator includes: a compressor separating compressed air by compressing raw air; an oxygen outlet for discharging oxygen acquired from the compressed air; a coupler mounted on a tube of a cannula and removably connecting the tube to the oxygen outlet, and moreover having a temperature sensor; and a control unit stopping operation of the compressor to interrupt the supply of oxygen when a temperature sensed by the temperature sensor reaches a predetermined temperature or higher.

24-01-2013 дата публикации

Cassette system integrated apparatus

Номер: US20130022483A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A cassette integrated system. The cassette integrated system includes a mixing cassette, a balancing cassette, a middle cassette fluidly connected to the mixing cassette and the balancing cassette and at least one pod. The mixing cassette is fluidly connected to the middle cassette by at least one fluid line and the middle cassette is fluidly connected to the balancing cassette by at least one fluid line. The at least one pod is connected to at least two of the cassettes wherein the pod is located in an area between the cassettes.

14-02-2013 дата публикации

Blood treatment systems and methods

Номер: US20130037485A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

Dialysis systems are disclosed comprising new fluid flow circuits. Systems may include blood and dialysate flow paths, where the dialysate flow path includes balancing, mixing, and/or directing circuits. Dialysate preparation may be decoupled from patient dialysis. Circuits may be defined within one or more cassettes. The fluid circuit fluid flow paths may be isolated from electrical components. A gas supply in fluid communication with the dialysate flow path and/or the dialyzer able to urge dialysate through the dialyzer and urge blood back to the patient may be included for certain emergency situations. Fluid handling devices, such as pumps, valves, and mixers that can be actuated using a control fluid, may be included. Control fluid may be delivered by an external pump or other device, which may be detachable and/or generally rigid, optionally with a diaphragm dividing the device into first and second compartments.

14-03-2013 дата публикации

System and method for detecting sleep onset in a subject based on responsiveness to breathing cues

Номер: US20130066226A1

A wake-to-sleep transition for a subject is detected based on responsiveness to breathing cues provided to the subject. A pressurized flow of breathable gas to the airway of subject having one or more gas parameters that are adjusted to provide breathing cues to the subject. Based on a detected conformance of the respiration of the subject to the breathing cues, a determination is made as to whether the subject is awake or asleep.

21-03-2013 дата публикации

Patient temperature control catheter with outer sleeve cooled by inner sleeve

Номер: US20130073014A1
Принадлежит: Zoll Circulation Inc

A catheter has an inner sleeve through which refrigerant circulates to and from a source of refrigerant. The catheter also has an outer sleeve surrounding the inner sleeve, including a distal end thereof. The outer sleeve is filled with a frozen biocompatible substance. The refrigerant is separated from the biocompatible substance by one or more walls of the inner sleeve such that the refrigerant is isolated from a patient in whom the catheter is positioned by both the inner sleeve and the frozen biocompatible substance. The refrigerant circulates through the catheter when the catheter is positioned in the patient to maintain the biocompatible substance frozen as heat is transferred from the patient to the biocompatible substance.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Pumping cassette

Номер: US20130074959A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A pump cassette is disclosed. The pump cassette includes a housing having at least, one fluid inlet line and at least one fluid outlet line. The cassette also includes at least one reciprocating pressure displacement membrane pump within the housing. The pressure pump pumps a fluid from the fluid inlet line to the fluid outlet line. A hollow spike is also included on the housing as well as at least one metering pump The metering pump is fluidly connected to the hollow spike on the housing and to a metering pump fluid line. The metering pump fluid line is fluidly connected to the fluid outlet line.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Management of patient fall risk

Номер: US20130127620A1
Принадлежит: Cerner Innovation Inc

Methods, computer systems, and computer-storage media are provided for facilitating the management of a patient's fall risk. It is determined that the patient has previously been classified as a fall risk. Inputs are automatically received from fall risk sensors located in the patient's clinical care room, and, based on the inputs received from the fall risk sensors, it is determined that the patient is currently at risk for falling. Alerts are initiated and settings for components within the clinical care room are adjusted to decrease the patient's fall risk.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Surgical Method for Performing an Open Surgical Site Surgery

Номер: US20130204180A1
Принадлежит: Lexion Medical Llc

In accordance with one embodiment of the present disclosure, a surgical method may include making an incision in a patient. The method may also include opening the incision in order to create an open surgical site in the patient. The method may further include receiving a gas from a source. The method may further include humidifying and warming the gas received from the source. The method may further include successively reflecting the humidified and warmed gas off a plurality of non-porous surfaces within a non-porous gas delivery mechanism to create a flow. The method may further include delivering the flow of the humidified and warmed gas adjacent to or into the open surgical site.

08-08-2013 дата публикации

Wireless strain gauge/flow sensor

Номер: US20130204202A1
Принадлежит: STMicroelectronics lnc USA

A flow rate sensor is provided in a wireless, leadless package. The flow rate sensor includes a MEMs sensor coupled to an ASIC and an antenna. The flow rate sensor is powered by radiation received from a control module adjacent the flow rate sensor. The flow rate sensor is placed within a fluid and monitors the flow rate of the fluid. The control module is not in the fluid and receives flow rate data from the flow rate sensor.

15-08-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130206142A1
Принадлежит: NOVARTIS AG

An inhaler, the inhaler including a body ( 104 ) and a cartridge ( 106 ), the cartridge comprising a dose storage portion ( 122 ) and an airway ( 124 ), 102 the dose storage portion being suitable for containing a plurality of doses of an inhalable medicament, the airway including a mouthpiece ( 128 ) at an end thereof, the inhaler device configured and arranged such that a dose of inhalable medicament from the dose storage portion can be accessed and arranged in a delivery configuration for delivery to a user through the airway upon inhalation through the mouthpiece by the user, the inhaler characterised in that the cartridge is replaceably removable from the body.

26-09-2013 дата публикации

Patient infusion media warmer and method of use

Номер: US20130252190A1
Принадлежит: Thermacore Technologies Inc

A warming unit and method for warming an infusion medium prior to introducing the medium into a patient's body. The apparatus includes an outer casing, inlet and outlet tubes secured to the outer casing, a fluid conduit for transporting the infusion medium through the warming unit, and a heating element disposed proximate to the fluid conduit for warming the infusion medium flowing therethrough. The warming unit can form part of a system, which further includes a controller for controlling various functions of and separate from the warming unit, a reservoir containing the infusion medium, and a power source for powering the warming unit.

10-10-2013 дата публикации

System and method for administering humidified gas to a ventilated patient

Номер: US20130263851A1

Provided are systems for humidifying gas delivered to a patient. A humidifier unit ( 107 ) is provided located proximal to a patient interface ( 105 ) of a patient circuit ( 103 ). The humidifier unit includes a chamber that receives water from a water source ( 109 ), a heat source disposed within the chamber, a water flow sensor ( 113 ), an output temperature sensor ( 117 ), an output humidity sensor, and/or other sensors. A controller ( 119 ) receives flow data relating to water being provided to the chamber and temperature data relating to the temperature of the humidified gas, humidity, and/or other data. The controller further adjusts a flow of water being provided to the chamber based on the flow data and/or a heat output of the heat source based on the received data.

28-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130317435A1

An autoinjector includes a body ( 1; 1010 ), a reservoir containing fluid product, a piston, a needle, a piston rod ( 5 5; 1005 ) that is displaceable between a loaded position and an injection position, and an injection spring ( 8; 1008 ) to stress 10 the piston rod towards the injection position. The autoinjector also includes an injection lock having a control sleeve ( 4; 1004 ) containing the piston rod and the injection spring. The piston rod includes a radial recess ( 50; 1050 ) receiving a substantially spherical blocking element ( 7; 1007 ) mobile between a blocking position and an unblocking position, stressed radially towards the exterior by the piston rod, and held in the blocking position by a blocking member ( 23; 1004 ) that is displaceable relative to the piston rod to release the blocking element.

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Airway device, airway assist device and the method of using same

Номер: US20130324798A1
Принадлежит: Arcangelo Michele Iusco, Robert Molnar

An airway device is provided for opening a patient's airway. The airway device provides dual tubes which allow the patient to breathe on his/her own, to be ventilated, or to be intubated. The airway device includes a camera which provides constant visualization of the patient's tissues during insertion of the airway device and during the entire medical procedure. A transmission lumen monitors heart and breath sounds. Information from the camera and the transmission lumen is relayed to a microprocessor to allow for monitoring which may be remote. An airway assist device may be used with the airway device for properly positioning the patient's tongue is also disclosed. The airway assist device is inserted into the patient's vallecula to manipulate the patient's tongue.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Nebulizer system and heater device for use in said nebulizer system

Номер: US20140007866A1
Принадлежит: Japan Medicalnext Co Ltd

A nebulizer system includes a bottle that has a bottle mouth on top thereof and stores liquid therein, a heater device that is connectable to the bottle mouth, and a nebulizer adapter that is connectable to the heater device. The bottle includes a dip tube that is dipped into the liquid stored therein. An upper end portion of the dip tube is disposed inside a circumferential wall of the bottle mouth with a clearance communicating between an interior and an exterior of the bottle via the bottle mouth. The nebulizer adapter includes a nozzle member that has an orifice for injecting gas, and an aerosol-forming member in a corresponding position with the orifice, the aerosol-forming member sucking up the liquid in the bottle via the dip tube and heater device by a stream of gas injected from the orifice, and generating fine aerosol from the sucked liquid.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Childbirth labor coach with paced breathing

Номер: US20140007877A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A system ( 10 ) configured to prompt a subject ( 12 ) to consciously alter one or more breathing parameters during childbirth. The system includes a pressure generator ( 14 ) that generates a pressurized flow of breathable gas for delivery to an airway of the subject during childbirth and a processor ( 22 ) that controls the pressure generator to adjust one or more gas parameters of the gas in the pressurized flow of breathable gas to provide breathing cues to the subject in accordance with a breathing regime associated with labor contractions, wherein the breathing cues prompt the subject to consciously alter one or more breathing parameters of respiration.

09-01-2014 дата публикации

Device and method for removal of blood-borne pathogens, toxins and inflammatory cytokines

Номер: US20140012097A1
Принадлежит: Exthera Medical Corp

The present invention is directed to an integrated system and a method for utilizing the system to detect and remove blood-borne factors of interest, such as pathogens and/or toxins and/or cytokines, from blood or serum (blood) by contacting the blood with a solid, essentially nonporous substrate which has been surface treated with molecules or chemical groups (the adsorbent media or media) having a binding affinity for the pathogens and/or toxins to be removed (the adsorbents). The invention can be used to remove virulence factors, e.g. toxins, that are released from various pathogens. In one aspect, the invention is for the treatment of sepsis and infection, such as infections associated with battle field trauma.

23-01-2014 дата публикации

Patch-sized fluid delivery systems and methods

Номер: US20140025001A1
Принадлежит: Deka Products LP

A patch-sized fluid delivery device may include a reusable portion and a disposable portion. The disposable portion may include components that come into contact with the fluid, while the reusable portion may include only components that do not come into contact with the fluid. Redundant systems, such as redundant controllers, power sources, motor actuators, and alarms, may be provided. Alternatively or additionally, certain components can be multi-functional, such a microphones and loudspeakers that may be used for both acoustic volume sensing and for other functions and a coil that may be used as both an inductive coupler for a battery recharger and an antenna for a wireless transceiver. Various types of network interfaces may be provided in order to allow for remote control and monitoring of the device.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Exposure chamber and a system for reduction of pathogens in a biological fluid using ultraviolet irradiation by light emitting diodes

Номер: US20140084179A1
Принадлежит: Hemalux Technologies LLC

An exposure chamber for reducing pathogens in a biological fluid such as whole blood or blood-derived products includes a serpentine-shaped UV-transparent flow path and closely positioned ultraviolet light emitting diodes configured for emanating UV irradiation towards the biological fluid at peak wavelength of 250 nm to 270 nm. The control system is provided to energize UV LEDs using various novel modes of modulating pulse width and current amplitude for LEDs so as to deliver higher UV intensity to the biological fluid but without overheating thereof or the LEDs.

27-03-2014 дата публикации

Fluid injection system having various systems for controlling an injection procedure

Номер: US20140088494A1
Принадлежит: Bayer Medical Care Inc

A fluid injection system that includes an injector head having a syringe for delivering a fluid to a patient; a mounting structure pivotally connected to the injector head and configured to support the injector head above a surface; and a control system operationally coupled to the injector head for controlling an injection procedure is disclosed. The fluid injection system is provided with various sensors to control various aspects of the fluid injection system, such as the establishment of a reference plane, the determination of a tilt angle of the injector head, and the determination of a temperature of an actuation system of the injector head.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Vaporizer Device

Номер: US20190000145A1
Принадлежит: Loto Labs Inc

A vaporizer device includes a housing, a wick element that is configured to contact a vaporizable substance, an induction heating element located within the housing and inductively coupled to the wick element and not in contact with the wick element, and a power source electrically connected to the induction heating element. The wick element is positioned such that the induction heating element is around the wick element and the wick element is surrounded by the induction heating element. The wick element is configured to heat the vaporizable substance based on induction heating. The induction heating element receives an alternating current from the power source and creates an electromagnetic induction field around the wick element, and the wick element generates heat based on the electromagnetic induction field.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000177A1

The present disclosure relates to aerosol delivery devices. In various implementations, the aerosol delivery devices comprise a control device that includes a battery, a control component, and an outer housing that defines receiving chamber, and a cartridge that includes a mouthpiece portion, a tank that contains a liquid composition, and a heater configured to heat the liquid composition. The cartridge and the control device each include at least one connector configured to provide a magnetic and an electrical connection between the cartridge and the control device such that the cartridge can be removably and operatively received into the cartridge receiving chamber of the control body, wherein the at least one connector of the cartridge is located on the mouthpiece portion. 1. An aerosol delivery device comprising:a control device that includes an outer housing defining an outer wall and having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end of the control device defining a cartridge receiving chamber; anda cartridge that includes a mouthpiece portion and a tank, the mouthpiece portion having a proximal end and a distal end, the proximal end of the mouthpiece portion having an exit portal defined therethrough, the tank further defining a proximal end and a closed distal end and being configured to contain a liquid composition,wherein the cartridge and the control device each include at least one connector configured to provide a magnetic and an electrical connection between the cartridge and the control device such that the cartridge can be removably and operatively received into the cartridge receiving chamber of the control device, wherein the distal end of the mouthpiece portion is located proximate the proximal end of the tank, and wherein the at least one connector of the cartridge is located on the mouthpiece portion.2. The aerosol delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the control device further comprises:an inner frame that defines the cartridge receiving ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации

On-demand, portable convection vaporizer

Номер: US20180000160A1
Принадлежит: Juul Labs Inc

On-demand, hand-held vaporizer that operates primarily by convection. The vaporizer is configured to permit very rapid (e.g., within a few seconds) heating of air drawn through an oven chamber to a predetermined or selectable vaporizing temperature to vaporize a material (e.g., loose leaf plant material, etc.) that is held in the oven chamber. The vaporizer provides efficient transfer of air being heated as well as rapid delivery of vaporizable material to a user.

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Apparatus and method for adjustable earpieces in an mri system

Номер: US20180000376A1
Автор: Brandon J. Tramm
Принадлежит: Life Services LLC

Apparatus and method for imaging a patient in an MRI system. This includes a frame, and at least one assembly that includes an earpiece positioner connected to a reference position on the frame, a first lockable joint on the positioner; and an earpiece connected to a patient-proximal end of the positioner by a second joint, wherein the first earpiece is moveably positioned to a selected pitch angle, a selected yaw angle, and a selected one of a plurality of distances relative to the reference position on the frame. The first lockable joint is configured to be tightened to yieldably hold the first earpiece at the selected pitch and yaw angles, and at the selected one of the plurality of distances, relative to the reference position. Optionally a second substantially similar earpiece and assembly are provided. The earpiece(s) optionally include audio transducer(s) and/or RF coil(s).

04-01-2018 дата публикации

Temperature control device for fluid-based hyper/hypothermia systems

Номер: US20180000634A1
Принадлежит: Sorin Group Deutschland GmbH

Temperature control device for use in fluid-based hyper/hypothermia systems, comprising a connection unit for connecting the device to a local power network, and a fluid temperature control unit for heating or cooling a fluid. The device includes a power supply unit, by which electrical consuming components of the fluid temperature control unit are supplied with power, and which effects supply of the electrical consuming components with direct current.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Pharmaceutical suspensions containing drug particles, devices for their administration, and methods of their use

Номер: US20210000776A1
Принадлежит: Synagile Corp

The invention features a pharmaceutical suspension containing drug particles, a drug delivery device anchored in the mouth for continuously administering the pharmaceutical suspension, and methods of their use.

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Priming System and Method for Dialysis Systems

Номер: US20210001033A1

The application is directed to an extracorporeal blood processing system capable of using dialysate to prime the system. A plastic molded compact manifold supports molded blood and dialysate fluidic pathways along with relevant sensors, valves and pumps. The compact manifold is also disposable in one embodiment and can be detachably installed in the dialysis machine. A two-way valve in the manifold is used to direct the dialysate flow through the blood circuit to prime the circuit for use in treatment. 1. A priming process for priming a manifold within a dialysis machine for use in a dialysis treatment , comprising the steps of:a. Inserting said manifold into the dialysis machine, wherein said manifold comprises a substrate defining a first circuit and a second circuit and a compressible valve structure in fluid communication with each of said first and second circuits, wherein said valve structure has a first state and a second state and wherein, when in said first state, fluid from the first circuit cannot enter into the second circuit and when in said second state, fluid from the first circuit can enter into the second circuit;b. Placing said valve in said second state by removing pressure from said compressible valve structure;c. Pumping fluid through said first and second circuits;d. Placing said valve in said first state by applying pressure to said compressible valve structure; ande. Removing fluid from said second circuit.2. The priming process of wherein the first circuit is a dialysate circuit and wherein the second circuit is a blood circuit.3. The priming process of wherein the fluid is dialysate and wherein claim 2 , in said second state claim 2 , the dialysate flows through the dialysate circuit and into the blood circuit.4. The priming process of wherein the dialysate is removed from the blood circuit upon completion of the priming process.5. The priming process of wherein the dialysate is pumped from a dialysate reservoir and not from a separate ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210001070A1

Apparatus for generating a supply of air at positive pressure for the amelioration or treatment of a respiratory disorder includes a first chamber, a second chamber, at least one inlet tube structured and configured to allow ambient air to enter the first chamber, at least one flow tube structured and configured to allow air to pass from the first chamber to the second chamber, and a blower structured and configured to produce a flow of air at positive pressure. The blower is positioned in the first chamber and structured and configured to receive air from the second chamber. The blower includes a housing structured and configured to sealingly separate air flow through an interior of the housing from the first chamber. The at least one inlet tube is axially spaced from the at least one flow tube. 111.-. (canceled)12. Apparatus for generating a supply of air at positive pressure for the amelioration or treatment of a respiratory disorder , comprising:a first chamber;a second chamber;a plurality of inlet tubes structured and configured to allow ambient air to enter the first chamber;a plurality of flow tubes structured and configured to allow air to pass from the first chamber to the second chamber;a blower structured and configured to produce a flow of air at positive pressure,wherein the blower is positioned in the first chamber and structured and configured to receive air from the second chamber;an inlet end suspension to support the blower adjacent a blower inlet of the blower; andan outlet end suspension to support the blower adjacent a blower outlet of the blower,wherein the first chamber, the second chamber, the inlet tubes, the flow tubes, and the blower are arranged to form an air flow path extending from an inlet to the blower inlet of the blower and from the blower outlet of the blower to an outlet, wherein the air flow path includes a general U-shape from the inlet to the outlet.13. The apparatus according to claim 12 , wherein each of the inlet and outlet ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180000998A1
Принадлежит: THERMEDX, LLC

A fluid management system including a pass-through fluid volume measurement system to provide continuous measurement of fluid returned from a surgical site during transit to a waste collection system. The pass-through fluid volume measurement system eliminates the need to physically replace full fluid collection containers during the medical procedure with new, empty fluid collection containers. 1. A fluid management system comprising:at least one fluid supply container for storing a fluid to be delivered to a surgical site;means for delivering the fluid from the at least one fluid supply container to the surgical site; and a plurality of fluid collection containers, wherein each fluid collection container has (i) a suction input in fluid communication with a suction line for drawing a vacuum in the fluid collection container, (ii) a fluid input in fluid communication with a fluid return line for receiving fluid returning from the surgical site, and (iii) a fluid output in fluid communication with a fluid output line for evacuating the fluid collected in the fluid collection container to a waste collection system;', 'one or more sensors for providing signals indicative of the amount of fluid in the fluid collection containers; and', 'a plurality of valves moveable between open and closed positions to control the flow of fluid through the suction line, the fluid return line and the fluid output line;, 'a pass-through fluid volume measurement system for determining the volume of fluid returned from the surgical site, said pass-through fluid volume measurement system comprisingone or more suction sources for providing suction in the suction line to draw a vacuum in the fluid collection containers to thereby draw fluid from the surgical site into the fluid collection containers, and for providing suction in the fluid output line to draw fluid collected in the fluid collection containers into the waste collection system; anda control unit for receiving the signals from ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Aromatherapy device

Номер: US20160001035A1
Автор: Jennifer K. Keener
Принадлежит: Individual

An aromatherapy device includes a housing forming two annular wells for retaining a scented fluid therein. Each well includes an insert positioned in the well to assist the retention of the fluid in the well by providing a second contact surface for the fluid to contact. The shape of the annular well and the viscosity of the fluid discourage the fluid from leaking out of the housing if laid on its side.

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200000992A1

Dialysis devices include a frame defined by a plurality of sidewalls that are impermeable to a sample being dialyzed, a pair of dialysis membranes that are each associated with an opposing face of the plurality of sidewalls such that the plurality of sidewalls and the pair of dialysis membranes define a sample chamber, an outer shell surrounding at least a portion of the pair of dialysis membranes, and a cap selectively associated with the sample chamber. The cap can be selectively associated with the sample chamber via an attachment mechanism that is configured to provide aural and/or haptic feedback when the cap forms a tight association with the sample chamber. The cap can be a sensor cap having one or more probes for measuring at least one property of fluid inside and/or outside the sample chamber and a transmitter for transmitting data captured at the probe(s) to a destination device. 1. A dialysis device , comprising:a frame comprising by a plurality of sidewalls impermeable to a sample being dialyzed;a pair of dialysis membranes, wherein each dialysis membrane of the pair of dialysis membranes is associated with an opposing face of the plurality of sidewalls such that the plurality of sidewalls and the pair of dialysis membranes define a sample chamber;an outer shell surrounding at least a portion of the pair of dialysis membranes; anda cap selectively associated with the sample chamber.2. The dialysis device of claim 1 , wherein a first sidewall of the plurality of sidewalls comprises a concave curvature with respect to the sample chamber partially defined thereby.3. The dialysis device of claim 2 , wherein the concave curvature is defined at least in part by a portion of the first sidewall claim 2 , the portion of the first sidewall having a first end claim 2 , a second end opposite the first end claim 2 , and a peak disposed between the first end and the second end claim 2 , wherein a slope of the first sidewall between the first end and the peak is ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Treatment Fluid Multi-Stream Blood Warmer

Номер: US20200000993A1
Автор: Dennis M. Treu
Принадлежит: Nxstage Medical Inc

The disclosed subject matter relates to extracorporeal blood processing or other processing of fluids. A blood treatment system treats blood with multiple fluids and performs fluid balancing on a patient's blood compartment. Multiple streams influence the patient temperature but only a subset of the fluids are dynamically temperature regulated. The system regulates a temperature of the flow, for example, of dialysate in order to regulate the return temperature of blood, in such a way that the temperature effect of the multiple streams is compensated.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001015A1

An insulated, epinephrine auto-injector case that also includes a rapid-opening cap, two spring-loaded chambers, each with a rapid-opening cap to facilitate immediate and easy availability of the auto-injector for grasping by the user, means for recording the expiration date of an auto-injector contained within the case, such as a re-writeable surface positioned on the case, means for attaching the case to a user or to a user's clothing, such as a stitched holster, a belt loop, a belt clip or an adjustable lanyard. 1. A case for holding two epinephrine auto-injectors comprising:a housing having a length, width, height, top end, top end cap, bottom end, and two cavities extending from said top end toward said bottom end;insulation material positioned around said cavities, inside of said housing and adapted to maintain the interior of said case at ambient temperature for a predetermined period;a temperature measuring strip positioned inside of said housing and adapted to measure and to provide an indication of the highest temperature reached inside of said device;each of said cavities sized and configured to encase an epinephrine auto-injector;each of said cavities having an internal top cap;a spring-loaded ejector assembly positioned at the bottom of each of said cavities;said ejector assembly including a movable plate, a spring and adapted to move toward the bottom of said housing upon insertion of an auto-injector and to move said auto-ejector toward the top end of said housing when a corresponding internal top cap; and,said case including means for recording an expiration date of an epinephrine auto-injector contained within said case.2. An insulated epinephrine auto-injector system comprising:an epinephrine auto-injector container having a first container end and a longitudinal centerline extending from the first container end to a second container end, an epinephrine auto-injector and an auto-injector container top cap positioned adjacent the first container end ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000957A1
Принадлежит: THERMEDX, LLC

Fluid management system and method of operating a fluid management system which may provide one or more functions associated with suction, irrigation, distention, deficit monitoring, infusion, fluid warming, and the like. The fluid management system may be selectable between pressure control and flow control modes. 1. A fluid management system comprising:a pump configured to deliver a fluid from at least one fluid supply container to a body cavity;a remote pressure sensor configured for placement in or proximate to a body cavity; anda control system operatively connected to the pump and the remote pressure sensor, the control system receiving from the remote pressure sensor a signal associated with a pressure of the fluid at the location of the remote pressure sensor, and adjusting a speed of the pump to maintain a desired fluid pressure based at least in part upon the signal received from the remote pressure sensor.2. The fluid management system of claim 1 , wherein the control system receives at least one of a pneumatic signal and an electrical signal from the remote pressure sensor.3. The fluid management system of claim 1 , wherein said fluid distends the body cavity.4. A method for operating a fluid management system claim 1 , the method comprising:delivering fluid from a fluid supply container to a body cavity via a tubing set;sensing a system fluid pressure in the tubing set at a location between the fluid supply container and the body cavity;sensing a site fluid pressure using a remote pressure sensor disposed in or proximate to a body cavity; andcontrolling a pressure of the fluid delivered to the body cavity based at least in part upon at least one of (i) the sensed system fluid pressure and (ii) the sensed site fluid pressure.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein controlling the pressure of the fluid delivered to the body cavity is based at least in part upon both (i) the sensed system fluid pressure and (ii) the sensed site fluid pressure.6. The method of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000958A1

An intravenous fluid warming device for warming intravenous fluid and delivering the intravenous fluid to an infant or other patient comprises a housing, a heating element, a heat spreader, a temperature sensor, a controller, a display, a number of user inputs, and a power source. The housing includes outer walls defining an interior chamber and an intravenous tube channel separate from the interior chamber for receiving an intermediate portion of an intravenous tube. The interior chamber retains the heating element, heat spreader, temperature sensor, and controller therein. The intravenous tube channel includes a number of large turns and small turns for increasing an effective length of the intravenous tube channel. The intravenous tube channel is large enough to receive an intravenous tube or an enteral feeding tube. The intravenous fluid warming device may also include a secondary heating element configured to wrap around the intravenous tube. 1. An intravenous fluid warming device comprising:a housing;a channel positioned in the housing for receiving an intravenous tube having a first end for receiving intravenous fluid from a storage source and a second end for administering the intravenous fluid to a patient;a heating element positioned within the housing and configured to heat the channel for warming the intravenous fluid in the intravenous tube;a heat spreader incorporated in the housing for uniformly spreading heat from the heating element;a temperature sensor for sensing a temperature of the internal heating chamber;a display configured to indicate an internal temperature of the intravenous fluid warming device, the display being further configured to indicate when the intravenous fluid warming device is ready to begin warming the intravenous fluid for being administered to the patient; anda controller for controlling operation of the heating element based on temperature readings received from the temperature sensor such that the intravenous fluid ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000968A1

A humidifier for humidification of air to be delivered to a patient's airways may include a humidification chamber, a reservoir and a water delivery mechanism. The humidification chamber may include a water retention feature such as a wick that encloses part of the flow path, a heating element for heating the humidification chamber, and an air flow baffle configured to promote humidification. The humidifier may be further configured to execute one or more algorithms, for example to determine a condition of the wick or to detect condensation in the flow path. In some forms, the humidifier may also comprise algorithms for controlling one or more components of the humidifier such as to control the build up of foreign matter on the wick. 1100-. (canceled)101. A humidifier for increasing an absolute humidity of a flow of air to be delivered to a patient's airways by a respiratory therapy device , the humidifier comprising:a reservoir configured to retain a first volume of water; an air inlet configured to receive the flow of air from a pressure device;', 'an air outlet configured to deliver the flow of air to a patient interface from the humidifier chamber with added humidity;', 'a flow path through the humidifier chamber for the flow of air;', 'a humidifier wick configured to retain a second volume of water and the humidifier wick having a profiled shape to substantially enclose at least a portion of the flow path for the flow of air in an axial direction of the flow path;', 'a heating element; and', 'an air flow baffle configured to lengthen at least a portion of the flow path for the flow of air through the humidifier chamber; and, 'a humidifier chamber comprisinga delivery mechanism configured to deliver a flow of water from the reservoir to the humidifier wick,wherein the heating element is configured to heat the humidifier wick to vaporise the second volume of water to add absolute humidity to the flow of air and the humidifier wick is removable from the humidifier ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001022A1
Принадлежит: Belmont Instrument, LLC

The present disclosure provides improved technologies relating to medical fluid heating systems and apparatus. In certain embodiments, the present disclosure relates to systems and apparatus for heating a fluid and, more particularly, for quickly and controllably heating a flow of blood or a blood product, for example, for infusion into a patient or for hyperthermia treatment. In particular, in a first aspect, the present disclosure is directed to a system and apparatus featuring single flow path fluid heating (“single path flow”). Moreover, in a second aspect, the present disclosure is directed to a system, apparatus, and related method for efficiently utilizing the thermal energy of an infusate stored in a reservoir (“slack time heating”). Furthermore, in a third aspect, the present disclosure is directed to a fluid heating system and apparatus featuring a vacuum release valve designed to prevent the undesired orientation of deformed inflow tubing (“vacuum release valve”). 1. A system for heating a fluid , the system comprising:a fluid separator comprising an inlet nozzle and an outlet nozzle;a conduit (e.g., toroid-shaped) connected to the fluid separator, the conduit defining a central opening;a primary inductor at least partially within the central opening; and wherein the inlet nozzle directs an inlet flow to the conduit through the fluid separator,', 'wherein the conduit provides a single fluid flow path,', 'wherein each of the one or more secondary inductors is substantially parallel, the one or more secondary inductors being separated by gaps (or spaces),', 'wherein, when the primary inductor is energized, the primary inductor generates magnetic flux passing through the central opening, and', 'wherein the outlet nozzle receives an outlet flow from the conduit through the fluid separator., 'one or more secondary inductors within the conduit (e.g., wherein each of the one or more secondary inductors is ring-shaped, flat),'}2. The system of claim 1 , wherein ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации

Pressure support system and method of providing pressure support therapy to a patient

Номер: US20200001038A1
Принадлежит: Koninklijke Philips NV

A pressure support system for providing pressure support therapy to a patient, the pressure support device includes an airflow generator structured to generate a flow of breathing gas to the patient, a temperature conditioning unit structured to adjust a temperature of the breathing gas provided to the patient, and a processing unit structured to estimate a core body temperature of the patient for selected times of day based on one or more inputs and to control the temperature conditioning unit to adjust temperature of the breathing provided to the patient at the selected times of day based on the estimated core body temperatures of the patient.

03-01-2019 дата публикации

Therapy Control by Comprehensive Feedback

Номер: US20190001039A1

The application refers to a medical treatment device a medical treatment system and a method for operating the medical treatment device and medical treatment system for treatment of a patient, comprising a sensor interface for receiving sensor data from a plurality of different external and internal peripheral sensors, a controller for processing the received sensor data in order to calculate control data and for providing the calculated control data for controlling medical treatment-related devices or for controlling a configuration of medical treatment-related apparatuses and an output interface for providing the control data. 1. A method for automatic control of a medical treatment device based on sensor data , comprising:receiving the sensor data from a plurality of peripheral sensors;processing received sensor data in order to calculate control data and;providing the control data for controlling medical treatment-related devices or for controlling a configuration of medical treatment-related apparatuses.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the control data is provided to the medical treatment device or parts thereof for control of dialysis treatment.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the control data is provided to one or more external machines claim 1 , being activatable during the dialysis treatment.4. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the one or more external machines comprises a central server.5. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the one or more external machines comprises a local media device.6. The method according to claim 3 , wherein the one or more external machines comprises a local temperature control device.7. The method according to wherein the one or more external machines comprises a local lighting system.8. The method according to claim 1 , wherein a control status is detected automatically and a control status message may be generated.9. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the control data is pre- ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001091A1

A PAP system for delivering breathable gas to a patient includes a flow generator to generate a supply of breathable gas to be delivered to the patient; a humidifier including a heating plate to vaporize water and deliver water vapor to humidify the supply of breathable gas; a heated tube configured to heat and deliver the humidified supply of breathable gas to the patient; a power supply configured to supply power to the heating plate and the heated tube; and a controller configured to control the power supply to prevent overheating of the heating plate and the heated tube. 1. A control system for a heated conduit for use in a respiratory apparatus , the control system comprising:a power supply to provide power to the heated conduit;an over-temperature control circuit to prevent the overheating of the heated conduit;a heating control circuit configured to control heating to obtain a predetermined temperature;a sensing circuit including a sensing resistor configured to indicate the temperature of a sensor positioned in the heated conduit; anda bias generator circuit configured to provide a first source voltage to the sensing circuit so that the temperature of the heated conduit is continuously monitored.2. A control system according to claim 1 , wherein the over-temperature control circuit comprises a first transistor switch that is turned on when the temperature is below the predetermined temperature and is turned off when the temperature is at or above the predetermined temperature.3. A control system according to claim 2 , wherein the predetermined temperature is between the range of about 30° C. and about 45° C.4. A control system according to claim 2 , wherein the over-temperature control circuit further comprises a first comparator that controls the switching of the first transistor switch by comparing a reference voltage representing the predetermined temperature to a voltage determined from a first amplifier of the sensing circuit.5. A control system ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001096A1
Принадлежит: 1Ready, LLC

A therapeutic vaporizer is disclosed having two or more housing portions configured to form an inner cavity. The housing portions are movable between an open and closed position, such that at least a portion of the inner cavity is enclosed when the housing portions are in the closed position. The vaporizer includes at least one accessory-receiving element configured to receive at least one accessory within the inner cavity when the housing portions are in the closed position. 166-. (canceled)67. A therapeutic vaporizer , comprising:a housing;a gas flow device contained within the housing;a heater contained within the housing, the heater comprising a chamber and a heating element configured to selectively heat a gas flowed from the gas flow device and through the chamber; an inner bowl cavity comprising a first therapeutic material support configured for supporting a vaporizable material;', 'an inlet providing fluid communication between the inner bowl cavity and the chamber, and', 'an outlet providing fluid communication from the inner bowl cavity;, 'a bowl comprisingan intermediary conduit positioned between the heater and the bowl, the heater in fluid communication with the bowl via the intermediary conduit;a first temperature sensor configured to detect a first temperature proximate to or within a portion of the heater;a second temperature sensor configured to detect a second temperature proximate to or within a fluid pathway formed downstream of the heater;a temperature controller electrically connected to the first and the second temperature sensors and the heating element for controlling the temperature of a gas flowed through the bowl cavity; anda second therapeutic material support positioned proximate to the outlet of the bowl, the second therapeutic material support formed as a tray, a basin, a receptacle or another container configured to support an aromatic material selected from an oil, a liquid, a gel, a solid or a semi-solid material.68. The ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001107A1

A wound oxygen supply system includes a chassis that defines an oxygen outlet. an oxygen production subsystem is included in the chassis and coupled to the oxygen outlet. A control subsystem is coupled to the oxygen production subsystem and configured to receive humidity information that is indicative of a humidity experienced by the oxygen production subsystem. The control system then uses the humidity information to control power provided to the oxygen production subsystem in order to control an oxygen flow that is created by the oxygen production subsystem and provided through the oxygen outlet to a restricted airflow enclosure adjacent a wound site. 1. A wound oxygen supply system , comprising:a chassis that defines an oxygen outlet;an oxygen production subsystem that is included in the chassis and coupled to the oxygen outlet; and receive humidity information that is indicative of a humidity experienced by the oxygen production subsystem; and', 'control, using the humidity information, power provided to the oxygen production subsystem in order to control an oxygen flow that is created by the oxygen production subsystem and provided through the oxygen outlet to a restricted airflow enclosure., 'a control subsystem that is coupled to the oxygen production subsystem and configured to2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a power subsystem that is located in the chassis, coupled to the oxygen production subsystem and the control subsystem, and configured to provide the power to the oxygen production subsystem.3. The system of claim 1 , further comprising:a pressure sensor that is located in the chassis and configured to provide the pressure information to the control subsystem.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the control subsystem includes: retrieve, from the oxygen production control database using the humidity information, first oxygen production control data that includes a first power that will cause the oxygen production subsystem to produce a desired ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Smart spa shower column

Номер: US20220007895A1
Принадлежит: Insetec Sureste SL

Smart spa shower column, including a compartment containing a roller) which cleans it by pressure by a perforated tube and which is located in the lower part of a chassis that houses a motor and a spindle that provides vertical movement to a roller that is attached to the chassis by arms, one of which houses a motor which gives rotation to the roller and the other arm houses a mechanism for locking the roller in its stop position and a tube that provides water and/or soap to the roller; and where the chassis houses an electronic control unit and a power supply battery. The chassis is solidly attached at the top to a shower system which incorporates a dispenser and a presence sensor.

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Surgical humidifier control

Номер: US20220008681A1
Принадлежит: Fisher and Paykel Healthcare Ltd

Some embodiments provide for humidifier control systems and methods configured to adjust power to a heater plate in a surgical humidifier to account for changes in flow rate to provide a consistent output, to provide functionality for different modes of use, and to provide accurate control over temperature and/or humidity at relatively low flows. The humidifier control system can receive a flow rate reading and determine a power requirement corresponding to the received flow rate reading, wherein the power requirement is one of a plurality of set points which correspond to ranges of flow rates. The humidifier control system can determine a mode of use based at least in part on the flow rate reading. The humidifier control system can provide electrical power to the heater plate according to the power requirement and/or the mode of use.

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008683A1

An apparatus for humidifying a flow of pressurised, breathable air includes varying a first pressure of the flow of breathable gas to vary a level of thermal engagement between the conductive portion of the reservoir and the heater plate, varying a height of the variable portion varies a level of thermal engagement between the conductive portion of the reservoir and the heater plate, use of a humidifier reservoir base component with a maximum water capacity substantially equal to the predetermined maximum volume of water of the humidifier reservoir or the use of intersecting inlet and outlet axes. 1. (canceled)2. A water reservoir for an apparatus for generating a humidified flow of air for delivery to an entrance of the airways of a patient for respiratory therapy , the water reservoir comprising:a reservoir base configured to hold a predetermined maximum volume of water;a reservoir lid pivotally connected to the reservoir base to allow the water reservoir to be movable between an open position and a closed position, the reservoir lid comprising an inlet and an outlet; anda variable portion configured to sealingly engage the reservoir lid and the reservoir base when the water reservoir is in the closed position,wherein the reservoir base includes an overfill protection element configured and arranged to form an egress path of water at a predetermined location when the predetermined maximum volume of water is exceeded,wherein, in the closed position of the water reservoir, the variable portion is configured to block or seal the overfill protection element to prevent fluid communication into and out of the water reservoir through the overfill protection element, andwherein, in the open position of the water reservoir, the overfill protection element is configured so that excess water above the predetermined maximum volume of water will spill out via the overfill protection element when the predetermined maximum volume of water is exceeded and the reservoir base is in ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008684A1

An apparatus for humidifying a flow of pressurised, breathable air includes varying a first pressure of the flow of breathable gas to vary a level of thermal engagement between the conductive portion of the reservoir and the heater plate, varying a height of the variable portion varies a level of thermal engagement between the conductive portion of the reservoir and the heater plate, use of a humidifier reservoir base component with a maximum water capacity substantially equal to the predetermined maximum volume of water of the humidifier reservoir or the use of intersecting inlet and outlet axes. 1. (canceled)2. A water reservoir for use with a respiratory pressure therapy (RPT) device for pressurising breathable air to treat a respiratory disorder in a patient , the water reservoir comprising:a water reservoir base configured to hold a volume of water to be used for humidification of the breathable air;a water reservoir lid connected to the water reservoir base, the water reservoir lid including a clip configured to engage with a recess of a water reservoir dock associated with the RPT device, thus securing the water reservoir to the water reservoir dock; anda pair of reservoir handles graspable by the patient to movably compress at least a portion of the water reservoir lid against the bias of a spring to disengage the clip from the recess, thus allowing removal of the water reservoir from the water reservoir dock.3. The water reservoir of claim 2 , wherein the spring is in the form of a cantilevered member with a proximate end and a free end claim 2 , the spring being deflected when a force is applied and returning to a less deflected state when the force is released.4. The water reservoir of claim 2 , wherein the water reservoir lid is configured to receive a downward force to deflect the spring to allow the water reservoir lid to be move when inserting the water reservoir into the water reservoir dock and when removing the water reservoir from the water ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220008688A1
Автор: Kochman Cary

A system and method for facilitating and maintaining various states of a user consciousness, including the transition between a conscious and unconscious state, is provided. The system and method include use of a smart device having a user interface, a biometric sensor coupled to a user and configured to transmit the user's biometric data to the smart device and an environmental sensor configured to transmit environmental data to the smart device. The smart device controls one or more environmental systems proximate the user and an audio/visual device proximate the user to facilitate transitioning the state of the user. 120-. (canceled)21. A system for enhancing a desired user state comprising:a smart device having a user interface configured to provide user feedback input to the smart device;a first biometric device coupled to the smart device for transmitting a first biometric data from a user to the smart device;a first environmental sensor for transmitting a first environmental data proximate the user to the smart device;a first environmental device proximate the user coupled to the smart device;an audio/visual device proximate the user coupled to the smart device;wherein the smart device controls the environmental device and the audio/visual device in response to data received from the first biometric device, the first environmental sensor and user feedback input received from the user interface to effect a desired state of the user.22. The system of further comprising a second biometric device coupled to the smart device for transmitting a second biometric data from the user to the smart device.23. The system of further comprising a second environmental sensor for transmitting a second environmental data proximate the user to the smart device.24. The system of further comprising a second environmental device proximate the user coupled to the smart device.25. The system of wherein the audio/visual device is controlled by the smart device to produce a desired ...

13-01-2022 дата публикации

Methods and systems for neural stimulation via visual stimulation

Номер: US20220008746A1
Принадлежит: Cognito Therapeutics Inc

Systems and methods of the present disclosure are directed to systems and methods for treating cognitive dysfunction in a subject in need thereof. The system can include eyeglasses, a photodiode positioned to detect ambient light, light sources, and an input device. The system can include a neural stimulation system that retrieves a profile and selects a light pattern having a fixed parameter and a variable parameter. The neural stimulation system can set a value of the variable parameter of the light pattern, construct an output signal, and then provide the output signal to the light sources to direct light towards the fovea.

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220015435A1

A portable vaporizing device and/or cartridge comprises a product chamber capable of holding a vaporizable product therein, and a porous valve element configured to be heated to flow the vaporizable product therethrough and generate vapor from the vaporizable product, and optionally including a heat transfer element to heat the vaporizable product as it flows through the product chamber towards the porous valve element. 1. A portable vaporizing device comprising:a vaporizable product receiving chamber configured to receive a vaporizable product therein, the vaporizable product receiving chamber comprising one or more chamber walls defining an product flow path between upper and lower opposing ends of the vaporizable product receiving chamber;a heat transfer element extending at least partly along the product flow path, and configured to transfer heat to vaporizable product received in the product receiving chamber to at least partially melt and/or reduce the viscosity of vaporizable product as it flows via gravitational pull from the upper end to the lower end along the product flow path; and a porous valve body comprising porous material configured to allow heated vaporizable product having a predetermined viscosity to pass therethrough;', 'at least one first porous entry surface of the porous valve body configured to receive the heated vaporizable product from the product flow path into the porous valve body; and', 'at least one porous vaporizing surface of the porous valve body configured to flow the heated vaporizable product out of the porous valve body,, 'a porous valve element located towards the lower end of the vaporizable product receiving chamber, the porous valve element comprisingwherein the heat transfer element and porous valve element are configured to be placed in thermal contact with at least one heating element to provide heating of the heat transfer element and porous valve element during operation of the portable vaporizing device to heat the ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220016345A1

This invention relates to a feedback predictive controller, systems comprising and methods employing the same. Preferably the feedback predictive controller and/or systems comprising the feedback predictive controller are part of an automatic insulin delivery system. The methods described herein can be used to control blood glucose concentration in a patient with diabetes. Preferably, the insulin delivery system is an artificial pancreas. 1. A method of using an insulin delivery system comprising steps of:determining an amount of insulin to administer using a feedback predictive control, wherein the feedback predictive control is stored on a machine readable non-transitory media; wherein the feedback predictive control comprises a first model and a second model; wherein the first model is a predictive model; and wherein the second model is a noise model, which models unmeasured disturbances and bias;providing a predictive input and a measured input to the first model;using the predictive input and measured input to provide a parametrized first model to provide an output, wherein the output is provided to the second model and to a PID controller, wherein the PID controller controls an insulin flow rate;providing feedback to the PID controller from the second model;administering insulin using the insulin delivery system based on the output and the feedback, wherein the administration of insulin is adjusted to nullify the effect of any disturbances on blood glucose concentration based on a predicted blood glucose value.2. The method of wherein the measured input is provided by an automatic monitoring system.3. The method of wherein the predictive input is provided manually by a user.4. The method of wherein the insulin delivery system is a wearable device claim 1 , an artificial pancreas claim 1 , or a combination thereof.5. The method of wherein the automatic monitoring system comprises one or more sensors comprising at least one of the following a soft sensor claim 2 ...

20-01-2022 дата публикации

System and Method for Concentrating Gas

Номер: US20220016571A1
Автор: Haneen Y. YEHYA
Принадлежит: Invacare Corp

Embodiments of gas concentrating systems and methods are provided. These systems and methods comprise configuration of hardware and software components to monitor various sensors associated the systems and methods of concentrating gas as described herein. These hardware and software components are further configured to utilize information obtained from sensors throughout the system to perform certain data analysis tasks. Through analysis, the system may, for example, calculate a time to failure for one or more system components, generate alarms to warn a user of pending component failure, modify system settings to improve functionality in differing environmental conditions, modify system operation to conserve energy, and/or determine optimal setting configurations based on sensor feedback.

12-01-2017 дата публикации

System And Method For Locating Fluid Leaks At A Drape Using Sensing Techniques

Номер: US20170007746A1

A system and method for determining location of a fluid leak at a drape of a reduced pressure delivery system being used on a tissue site of a patient may include applying a reduced pressure to the tissue site of the patient. The drape may be imaged to generate image data, and a determination of a location of a fluid leak of the drape may be made from the image data. As a result of the determination of the location of the fluid leak, the drape may be corrected. The imaging may be made in a non-visible spectrum. The non-visible spectrum may be in an IR spectrum or UV spectrum. In one embodiment, a fluid, such as compressed air, may be applied to the dressing via the interface between the drape and tissue of the patient to improve imaging in the non-visible spectrum. 1. A method for determining location of a fluid leak at a drape of a reduced pressure delivery system being used on tissue site of a patient , said method comprising:applying reduced pressure to the tissue site at which the drape is positioned;imaging the drape at the tissue site and generating image data; anddetermining a location of the fluid leak of the drape from the image data.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein imaging includes imaging in a non-visible spectrum.3. The method according to claim 2 , wherein imaging includes imaging in an IR spectrum.4. The method according to claim 2 , further comprising:applying a fluid to the drape; andwherein imaging includes imaging in a UV spectrum.5. The method according to claim 4 , wherein applying the fluid to the drape includes directing an aerosol fluid toward an interface between the drape and tissue of the patient.6. The method according to claim 5 , wherein applying the fluid includes applying at least one of compressed air claim 5 , CO claim 5 , fluorocarbons claim 5 , and butane.7. The method according to claim 1 , further comprising storing claim 1 , in a computer memory claim 1 , the image data in association with a patient record that ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации

In-joint sensor for a surgical fluid management pump system

Номер: US20170007750A1
Принадлежит: Individual

An in-joint pump and control device comprising a pump and an in-joint sensor. The pump is configured to convey fluid to a body joint surgical site. The pump has an algorithm associated therewith to make calculations and to assist in controlling the operation of the pump. The in-joint sensor is operatively associated with the pump by at least a communication member. The in-joint sensor comprises a sheath, an integration member attached to the sheath, a pressure sensor connected to the integration member, and a temperature sensor adjacent the sheath. The pressure sensor is adapted to provide pressure information to the pump via the communication member. The temperature sensor is also adapted to provide temperature information to the pump via the communication member.

20-01-2022 дата публикации

System and method for managing medical devices

Номер: US20220020480A1
Принадлежит: Invacare Corp

Systems and methods are provided for managing medical devices. In one embodiment, medical device usage data is stored on the medical device to indicate the usage, health, and alarm or error codes. The usage data is electronically read and assessed against one or more thresholds to determine if the medical device is operating properly and, hence, can be inventoried for reuse, or is need of service or repair. Other embodiments are also disclosed wherein the medical device wirelessly scan its environment to ensure, for example, the device is used with approved accessories or components and personnel. In yet other embodiments, medical devices are provided that can configure themselves for operation by scanning any connected components for component-specific operational data. The operational data is then used to configure the medical device to operate with the component.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007394A1
Автор: Breiwa, III George R.

An exothermal vaporizer is provided. The exothermal vaporizer has a body including an air and vapor mix port, a fluid inlet port in communication with a reservoir, an air inlet, and a wicking material. A mouthpiece is coupled to the body and a temperature indicating cap is removable from the body. A counter flow design exothermal vaporizer, a modular exothermal vaporizer, and a vaporizer which is adjustable to modulate and/or regulate the flow ratio of dilution air and produced vapor are also disclosed. 120-. (canceled)21. A modular exothermal vaporizer comprising:a tip, a diffuser, a mouthpiece, a body, a condenser tube provided within the body, and a temperature indicating cap which is removable from the body;wherein the tip, the diffuser, the condenser tube, and the mouthpiece are removably and interchangeably assembled in the exothermal vaporizer by a friction fit assembly enabled by a plurality of O-rings positioned on any one or more of the tip, the diffuser, the condenser tube, and the mouthpiece, the O-rings also being configured to provide an insulative interface between heated and unheated components of the assembled exothermal vaporizer.22. The modular exothermal vaporizer of claim 21 , wherein O-rings from the plurality of O-rings are provided on the tip claim 21 , the condenser tube claim 21 , and/or the mouthpiece.23. The modular exothermal vaporizer of claim 21 , wherein one or more grooves are provided on the tip claim 21 , condenser tube claim 21 , and/or mouthpiece claim 21 , and O-rings are provided in the one or more grooves.24. The modular exothermal vaporizer of claim 21 , wherein a double O-ring is provided.25. The modular exothermal vaporizer of claim 21 , wherein one or more of the tip claim 21 , the diffuser claim 21 , the condenser tube claim 21 , and the mouthpiece are constructed of different materials and the O-rings further provide an interface between components composed of different material.26. The modular exothermal vaporizer of ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Temperature adjustment of a vaporizer device

Номер: US20210007407A1
Принадлежит: Juul Labs Inc

Features relating to vaporizer devices configured to allow for temperature adjustment are provided. User controlled actions with respect to removing a cartridge from a vaporizer body and inserting the cartridge into the vaporizer body provide for temperature adjustment, where the temperature refers to a setpoint temperature of operation of the vaporizer device. The temperature adjustment aspects of the current subject matter provide a user with a controlled, intuitive, and simple method to adjust the setpoint temperature of the vaporizer device by incrementing through a sequence of setpoint temperatures.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007408A1

An aerosol generation device includes: a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article by using power that is supplied from a power source, the aerosol generation article comprising an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; and a control unit configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load. When starting the supply of power to the load in a non-operation state, or when the load is in a preparation state in which the load is not capable of generating a predetermined amount or more of aerosols from the aerosol generation article, the control unit is configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load by feed-forward control. 1. An aerosol generation device comprising:a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article by using power that is supplied from a power source, the aerosol generation article comprising an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; andcircuitry configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load, whereinthe circuitry is configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load by feed-forward control in a case of starting the supply of power to the load in a non-operation state, or in a case that the load is in a preparation state in which the load is not capable of generating a predetermined amount or more of aerosols from the aerosol generation article.2. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined amount is an amount at which an effective amount of aerosols is capable of being delivered into a user's mouth.3. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the predetermined amount is an amount at which aerosols generated by the load is capable of being delivered into a user's mouth.4. The aerosol generation device according to ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007409A1

An aerosol generation device includes: a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article by using power that is supplied from a power source, the aerosol generation article comprising an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; and a control unit configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load, in multiple phases where different control modes are executed. 1. An aerosol generation device , comprising:a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article by using power that is supplied from a power source, the aerosol generation article comprising an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; andprocessing circuitry configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load, in multiple phases where different control modes are executed.2. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the processing circuitry is further configured toexecute first feed-forward control in a first phase of the multiple phases, andexecute at least feedback control of second feed-forward control and the feedback control in a second phase of the multiple phase which is executed after the first phase.3. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein a number of control modes that are used in a second phase of the multiple phase is larger than a number of control modes that are used in a first phase of the multiple phases claim 1 , the second phase being executed after the first phase.4. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein an execution time period of a first phase of the multiple phases is shorter than an execution time period of a second phase of the multiple phases where a rate of temperature increase of the load is lower than in the first phase.5. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein an execution time period of a ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210007410A1

An aerosol generation device includes: a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article including an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; and a controller configured to control power that is supplied from a power source to the load. When a phase where a temperature of the load is equal to or higher than a value at which a predetermined amount or more of aerosols is capable of being generated from the aerosol generation article, the controller is configured to acquire the temperature of the load and a degree of progress of the phase, to execute feedback control so that the temperature of the load converges to a predetermined temperature, and to increase a gain in the feedback control or an upper limit value of the power, as the degree of progress progresses, in the feedback control. 1. An aerosol generation device comprising:a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article by using power that is supplied from a power source, the aerosol generation article comprising an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; andcircuitry configured to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load,wherein in a case of a use phase where a temperature of the load is equal to or higher than a value at which a predetermined amount or more of aerosols is capable of being generated from the aerosol generation article, the circuitry is configured to acquire the temperature of the load and a degree of progress of the use phase, execute feedback control so that the temperature of the load converges to a predetermined temperature, and increase a gain in the feedback control or an upper limit value of the power that is supplied from the power source to the load, as the degree of progress progresses, in the feedback control.2. The aerosol generation device according to claim 1 , wherein the circuitry is configured to ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Aerosol generation device, control method and storage medium

Номер: US20210007411A1
Принадлежит: Japan Tobacco Inc

An aerosol generation device includes: a load configured to heat an aerosol generation article by using power that is supplied from a power source, the aerosol generation article comprising an aerosol-forming substrate configured to hold or carry at least one of an aerosol source and a flavor source; and a control unit configured to acquire a temperature of the load and to control the power that is supplied from the power source to the load by feedback control. The control unit is configured to determine the power that is supplied from the power source to the load, based on comparison between an operation value obtained in the feedback control and a predetermined value.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008455A1
Автор: Hacker David C.
Принадлежит: Medtronic Xomed, Inc.

An apparatus for monitoring EMG signals of a patient's laryngeal muscles includes an endotracheal tube having an exterior surface and a first location configured to be positioned at the patient's vocal folds. A first electrode is formed on the exterior surface of the endotracheal tube substantially below the first location to receive EMG signals primarily from below the vocal folds. A second electrode is formed on the exterior surface of the endotracheal tube substantially above the first location to receive EMG signals primarily from above the vocal folds. The first and second electrodes are configured to receive the EMG signals from the laryngeal muscles when the endotracheal tube is placed in a trachea of the patient. 1. An apparatus for monitoring EMG signals of a patient's laryngeal muscles , comprising:an endotracheal tube having an exterior surface; anda plurality of conductive electrodes printed on the exterior surface along a posterior side of the endotracheal tube, wherein the conductive electrodes are laterally offset and not substantially longitudinally offset, wherein an anterior side opposite the posterior side is substantially free from conductive electrodes.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the posterior side of the endotracheal tube is configured to be positioned along a posterior trachea of the patient.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the anterior side is completely free from conductive electrodes.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the posterior side of the endotracheal tube is configured to be positioned along a posterior trachea of the patient claim 3 , and wherein the anterior side of the endotracheal tube is configured to be positioned along an anterior trachea of the patient.5. The apparatus of claim 4 , and further comprising a cuff inflating lumen formed in the anterior side of the endotracheal tube.6. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the conductive electrodes extend longitudinally along a length of the tube and are spaced ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Infusion Pump Apparatus, Method and System

Номер: US20180008788A1

An infusion pump system is disclosed. The infusion pump system includes an infusion pump and a controller device in wireless communication with the infusion pump, wherein the controller including instructions for controlling the infusion pump, wherein the instructions may be synchronized with a secure web portal. 1. An infusion pump system comprising:an infusion pump; anda controller device in wireless communication with the infusion pump,wherein the controller in communication with a secure web portal,wherein the secure web portal may contact the controller, andwherein if an acknowledgement of the secure web portal contact is not made on the controller the secure web portal contacts an emergency contact.2. The infusion pump system of wherein the controller device instructs the infusion pump claim 1 , and wherein the controller device synchronizes the instructions with the secure web portal.3. The infusion pump system of wherein the infusion pump and the controller device are paired using near field communication.4. The infusion pump system of further comprising a continuous glucose monitor system comprising a transmitter wherein the transmitter in wireless communication with the controller device.5. The infusion pump system of further comprising a blood glucose meter wherein the blood glucose meter in wireless communication with the controller device.6. The infusion pump system of further comprising wireless communication wherein the wireless communication is radio frequency communication.7. The infusion pump system of wherein the controller further comprising at least one accelerometer.8. A medical device system comprising:a first medical device; anda second medical device in wireless communication with the first medical device,wherein the controller in communication with the secure web portal,wherein the secure web portal may contact the controller, andwherein if an acknowledgement of the secure web portal contact is not made on the controller the secure web ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180008791A1

A respiratory assistance system can provide high flow therapy to patients. The respiratory assistance system can include a patient interface that can deliver a gas flow to a patient and a gas source that can drive the gas flow towards the patient interface at an operating flow rate. The system can include a controller for controlling the operating flow rate of the gas. The controller can apply multiple test flow rate values in a range as the operating flow rate. For each of the test flow rate values, the controller can measure a patient parameter. The controller can determine a new flow rate value based on the measured patient parameters. Patient parameters can include respiration rate, work of breathing, or any other parameters related to the respiratory circuit. 1. A respiratory assistance system for delivering gas to a patient , said respiratory assistance system comprising:a patient interface configured to deliver a gas flow to a patient;a gas source configured to drive the gas flow to the patient interface at an operating flow rate; and apply a plurality of test flow rate values in a range as the operating flow rate;', 'measure at least one patient parameter corresponding to each of the plurality of test flow rate values;', 'determine a new flow rate value based at least in part on the measured at least one patient parameter; and', 'change the operating flow rate to the new flow rate value., 'one or more hardware processors configured to2. The respiratory assistance system of claim 1 , wherein the one or more hardware processors are further configured to determine a rate of change in the measured at least one patient parameter as a function of the change in the applied plurality of test flow rate values.3. The respiratory assistance system of claim 2 , wherein said determining the new flow rate further comprises determining where in the range of the plurality of test flow rate values the rate of change approaches zero.4. The respiratory assistance system of ...

11-01-2018 дата публикации

Humidification of respiratory gases

Номер: US20180008795A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A humidifier for a respiratory apparatus for delivering a humidified flow of breathable gas to a patient includes a humidifier chamber configured to store a supply of water to humidify the flow of breathable gas. The humidifier chamber includes a first heating element configured to heat the supply of water. The humidifier also includes a relative humidity sensor to detect a relative humidity of ambient air and generate signals indicative of the ambient relative humidity; a first temperature sensor to detect a temperature of ambient air and generate signals indicative of the ambient temperature; and a controller configured to determine an absolute humidity of the ambient air from the signals generated by the relative humidity sensor and the first temperature sensor and to control the first heating element to provide a predetermined relative humidity to the flow of breathable gas. A method of humidifying a flow of breathable gas to be provided to a patient includes determining an absolute humidity of ambient air used to form the flow of breathable gas; and controlling a temperature of a supply of water that humidifies the flow of breathable gas to provide a predetermined absolute humidity corresponding to a predetermined temperature and a predetermined relative humidity of the flow to be delivered to the patient.

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008259A1

Systems, apparatuses, and methods for providing negative pressure and/or instillation fluids to a tissue site are disclosed. Some embodiments are illustrative of an apparatus or system for delivering negative-pressure and/or therapeutic solution of fluids to a tissue site, which can be used in conjunction with sensing properties of fluids extracted from a tissue site and/or instilled at a tissue site. For example, an apparatus may comprise a dressing interface or connector that includes a pH sensor, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor and/or a pressure sensor embodied on a single pad within the connector and proximate the tissue site to provide data indicative of acidity, humidity, temperature and pressure. Such apparatus may further comprise algorithms for processing such data for detecting leakage and blockage as well as providing information relating to the progression of healing of wounds at the tissue site. An illustrative method may comprise positioning a dressing interface having a pH sensor, a temperature sensor, a humidity sensor, and a pressure sensor at a tissue site, and applying reduced pressure to the dressing interface to draw fluids from the tissue interface in contact with the sensors to sense the pH, temperature, humidity, and pressure properties of the fluids flowing from the tissue site. The method may further comprise providing fluid data indicative of such properties to a control device for processing the fluid data and transmitting the data to another component in the system. 1. A dressing interface for connecting a source of fluids to a tissue interface and sensing properties of fluids at a tissue site , the dressing interface comprising:a housing having a body including an outside surface and a therapy cavity therein, the therapy cavity having an opening configured to be in fluid communication with the tissue interface;a reduced-pressure port fluidly coupled to the therapy cavity and adapted to fluidly couple a reduced-pressure source to ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации

Patch-Sized Fluid Delivery Systems and Methods

Номер: US20210008279A1
Автор: Gray Larry B.

A patch-sized fluid delivery device may include a reusable portion and a disposable portion. The disposable portion may include components that come into contact with the fluid, while the reusable portion may include only components that do not come into contact with the fluid. Redundant systems, such as redundant controllers, power sources, motor actuators, and alarms, may be provided. Alternatively or additionally, certain components can be multi-functional, such a microphones and loudspeakers that may be used for both acoustic volume sensing and for other functions and a coil that may be used as both an inductive coupler for a battery recharger and an antenna for a wireless transceiver. Various types of network interfaces may be provided in order to allow for remote control and monitoring of the device. 1. A method for delivering an infusion medium to a user , the method comprising:providing a first housing portion and a second housing portion;providing the first housing portion and the second housing portion with connection structure to allow the first housing portion and the second housing portion to be selectively engaged with each other for operation and disengaged from each other to allow disposal of the first housing portion without disposing of the second housing portion;providing a pumping assembly;providing a first exit valve in the pumping assembly wherein the first exit valve inhibits fluid flow from a reservoir to a pump exit;providing a dispensing assembly downstream from the pumping assembly, and in fluid communication with the reservoir by a flow line;providing an exit assembly downstream from the dispensing assembly, the exit assembly in fluid communication with the pump exit: andmaintaining the infusion medium in the first housing portion so as to not contact the second housing portion.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the one-way valve comprises a duckbill valve structure.4. A method according to claim 1 , further comprising connecting ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации

Extracorporeal Life Support System And Methods Of Use Thereof

Номер: US20190008712A1

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation systems and methods of use are disclosed. Several publications and patent documents are cited throughout the specification in order to describe the state of the art to which this invention pertains. Full citations of these references can be found throughout the specification. Each of these citations is incorporated herein by reference as though set forth in full. 116-. (canceled)17. A method of treating premature birth of a fetus , the method comprising the steps of:coupling a pumpless oxygenation circuit to the fetus such that the pumpless oxygenation circuit defines a fetus blood path that includes: 1) a first portion that provides blood outflow from the fetus to an inflow port of an oxygenator, 2) a second portion that passes through the oxygenator from the inflow port to an outflow port of the oxygenator, and 3) a third portion that provides return blood flow from the outflow port to the fetus;placing the fetus inside an incubation chamber;transferring a liquid from a supply tank defining a first volume into an incubation chamber defining a second volume, the first volume being greater than the second volume;submerging the fetus in the liquid inside the incubation chamber such that a liquid level within the incubation chamber is above a nose and a mouth of the fetus; anddraining at least a portion of the liquid from the incubation chamber.18. The method of claim 17 , wherein the transferring step includes the step of pumping the sterile liquid through an inlet port of the incubation chamber claim 17 , and the draining step includes the step of draining the sterile fluid through an exit port of the incubation chamber.19. The method of claim 17 , further comprising the step of dropping pressure of the pumpless oxygenation circuit less than 40 mmHg at 1.5 l/min of blood flow claim 17 , as measured between the inflow port and the outflow port.20. The method of claim 17 , wherein the coupling step includes the step of positioning ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008312A1
Автор: YOUNG Alex

Described herein is a respiratory therapy system comprising: a primary power supply, a secondary power supply, and a breathing apparatus configured to provide respiratory therapy. The breathing apparatus comprises a controller. There is a connection between the primary power supply and the breathing apparatus configured to facilitate transmission of power and data between the primary power supply and the breathing apparatus. The controller is configured to monitor a parameter of the primary power supply, and disengage the primary power supply if the parameter differs from a parameter threshold. The controller is configured to engage the secondary power supply on disconnection of the primary power supply such that the breathing apparatus can continue operation without interruption. 1. A respiratory therapy system comprising:a primary power supply,a secondary power supply,a breathing apparatus configured to provide respiratory therapy comprising a controller,a connection between the primary power supply and the breathing apparatus configured to facilitate transmission of power and data between the primary power supply and the breathing apparatus,wherein the controller is configured to monitor a parameter of the primary power supply, and disengage the primary power supply if the parameter differs from a parameter threshold, andwherein the controller is configured to engage the secondary power supply on disconnection of the primary power supply such that the breathing apparatus can continue operation without interruption.2. A respiratory therapy system according to claim 1 , wherein the breathing apparatus comprises a power module for controlling power distribution.3. A respiratory therapy system according to claim 2 , wherein the controller is configured to monitor the parameter of the primary power supply claim 2 , and disengage the power module from the primary power supply if the parameter differs from the parameter threshold.4. A respiratory therapy system ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008322A1

The invention allows for considerably improving the efficiency of inhalation treatment of various diseases and conditions in pulmonology, therapy, intensive treatment, anesthesiology, and sports medicine and is provided with new integral technical solutions while employing the opportunities of microelectronic technology and modern components. A modular structure of the apparatus simplifies its manufacture, ensures the ease of setting it up, and operation in various operating modes. When using the invention, monitoring of the ventilation indicators and patient condition with achieving his high safety level may be ensured; in sports medicine a problem of rehabilitation and training of athletes with the background of extreme loads and increased ventilation indicators is solved. 1. A method of the inhalation effect on the human body consisting in forming a respiratory mixture on the basis of oxygen and/or air and feeding same to a patient with the addition of anesthetic vapors and/or of an aerosol of medicinal agents to the respiratory mixture , characterized by that the respiratory-mixture feeding mode is set with the help of the control module via the rebreathing or non-rebreathing loop through artificial lung ventilation and/or autonomous breathing; wherein the flow and pressure of each gas is monitored by means for automating adjustment and monitoring connected with it by setting the isodromic flow of each gas in accordance with the signals from the control module; wherein the total flow is independently measured and controlled by setting the necessary flow as per signals of the control module; and also inhalation and exhalation lines are connected/disconnected to/from the atmosphere in line with the signals from the control module.2. A method according to claim 1 , wherein the respiratory mixture is generated as a two-component mixture of oxygen with helium claim 1 , xenon claim 1 , or nitrogen oxide.3. A method according to claim 1 , wherein in case of artificial ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008324A1
Автор: Huby Ronald James

A humidifier for humidifying a flow of air to be delivered to a patient includes a base unit having at least one wall defining a receiving space. The base unit also includes a variable volume reservoir configured to hold a body of water and receive the flow of air to humidify the flow of air for delivery to the patient. The receiving space is configured to receive the variable volume reservoir and the variable volume reservoir is conformable to a shape of the receiving space. The humidifier further includes a heater for heating the body of water. 1. A humidifier for humidifying a flow of air to be delivered to a patient , the humidifier comprising:a base unit comprising at least one wall defining a receiving space;a variable volume reservoir configured to hold a body of water and receive the flow of air to humidify the flow of air for delivery to the patient; anda heater for heating the body of water,wherein the receiving space is configured to receive the variable volume reservoir and the variable volume reservoir is conformable to a shape of the receiving space.2. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir is collapsible to a flat plate.3. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the at least one wall defines a prism shaped receiving space.4. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir comprises low thermal impedance material configured to engage the heater in use.5. The humidifier of claim 4 , wherein the low thermal impedance material comprises at least one of polyethylene or polyamide.6. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir does not comprise a metal plate.7. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable volume reservoir comprises the heater.8. The humidifier of claim 7 , wherein the heater is a flexible tape heater.9. The humidifier of claim 8 , wherein at least a part of the heater is molded within a wall of the variable volume reservoir.10. The humidifier of claim 1 , wherein the variable ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008325A1

In one embodiment, there is provided a humidification chamber for use in a medical humidification system. The humidification chamber may comprise: a base and a top linked by a side wall to define the chamber, the chamber being configured to contain a volume of water; a gases inlet configured to receive a gases flow from a gases source; and a gases outlet, wherein the gases inlet is orientated relative to the side wall to introduce the gases flow to the humidification chamber at a direction substantially tangential to the side wall of the humidification chamber. 1. A humidification chamber for use in a medical humidification system , the humidification chamber comprising:a chamber comprising a base and a top linked by a side wall;a gases inlet configured to receive a gases flow from a gases source; anda gases outlet disposed on a top of the humidification chamber,wherein the gases inlet is configured to introduce the gases flow to the humidification chamber as a gases jet in a direction substantially tangential to the side wall of the humidification chamber.2. (canceled)3. The humidification chamber of claim 1 , wherein the side wall defines a substantially circular chamber claim 1 , when viewed from above.4. (canceled)5. (canceled)6. The humidification chamber of claim 3 , wherein the gases inlet comprises or is configured to receive a nozzle.7. The humidification chamber of claim 6 , wherein an inner diameter of the nozzle is configured to decrease along a length of the nozzle so as to increase a velocity of the gases flow prior to the gases flow being introduced to the humidification chamber.8. The humidification chamber of claim 6 , wherein the gases inlet comprises a substantially tubular body.9. The humidification chamber of claim 6 , wherein an inner diameter of the gases outlet is greater than an inner diameter of the gases inlet.10. The humidification chamber of claim 9 , wherein a ratio of the inner diameter of the gases outlet to the inner diameter of the ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008326A1

Systems and methods are provided for delivering anesthetic agent to a patient. In one embodiment, an anesthetic vaporizer includes a vaporizing chamber configured to hold a liquid anesthetic agent, and an inductive heating element positioned exterior to the vaporizing chamber and housed within a gas-tight barrier, the inductive heating element operated to selectively heat a target. 1. A system for an anesthetic vaporizer , comprising:a vaporizing chamber configured to hold a liquid anesthetic agent; andan inductive heating element positioned exterior to the vaporizing chamber and housed within a gas-tight barrier, the inductive heating element operated to selectively heat a target component of the anesthetic vaporizer.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the target component of the anesthetic vaporizer includes a heat pipe claim 1 , a first portion of the heat pipe housed within the gas-tight barrier and a second portion of the heat pipe crossing the barrier and extending into the vaporizing chamber.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the target component of the anesthetic vaporizer further includes a ferromagnetic collar in contact with the first portion of the heat pipe claim 2 , the ferromagnetic collar housed within the gas-tight barrier claim 2 , and the second portion of the heat pipe is configured to be at least partially submerged in the liquid anesthetic agent.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the inductive heating element is coiled around a length of the ferromagnetic collar.5. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a gas inlet passage that fluidically couples the vaporizing chamber to a carrier gas portion of a medical gas claim 2 , the gas inlet passage configured to flow the carrier gas portion into the liquid anesthetic agent in the vaporizing chamber.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the target component of the anesthetic vaporizer includes a capillary pump claim 1 , the capillary pump including a vaporization zone housed within an outlet manifold ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008327A1

Systems and methods are provided for delivering anesthetic agent to a patient. In one embodiment, an anesthetic vaporizer includes a housing defining a sump, the sump configured to hold a self-contained supply of liquid anesthetic agent, a heating element electrically coupled to an electrical mating component, a gas inlet passage and a gas outlet passage, a manifold fluidically coupled to the gas inlet passage and the gas outlet passage, the manifold coupled to the housing and forming a gas-tight seal with the sump, and a quick disconnect pneumatic system coupled to the gas inlet passage and the gas outlet passage, sealing the gas inlet passage and the gas outlet passage from atmosphere. 1. A system for an anesthetic vaporizer cartridge , comprising:a housing defining a sump, the sump configured to hold a self-contained supply of liquid anesthetic agent;a heating element electrically coupled to an electrical mating component;a gas inlet passage and a gas outlet passage;a manifold fluidically coupled to the gas inlet passage and the gas outlet passage, the manifold coupled to the housing and forming a gas-tight seal with the sump; anda quick disconnect pneumatic system coupled to the gas inlet passage and the gas outlet passage, sealing the gas inlet passage and the gas outlet passage from atmosphere.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a capillary pump claim 1 , the capillary pump including a vaporization zone housed within the manifold and a wick extending into the sump and configured to be submerged in the liquid anesthetic agent in the sump.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the heating element is housed within the manifold and is positioned in direct contact with the vaporization zone claim 2 , and the electrical mating component includes a terminal external to the manifold and wires that extend from the terminal to the interior of the manifold.4. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a vapor delivery passage that fluidically couples the manifold ...

27-01-2022 дата публикации

Humidifier for respiratory apparatus

Номер: US20220023578A1
Принадлежит: ResMed Pty Ltd

A heated conduit is configured to be connected to and receive pressurized breathable gas from a respiratory unit. The heated conduit includes a first cuff configured to be attached to the respiratory unit, the first cuff comprising a tubular air inlet portion that is configured to receive the pressurized breathable gas and an electrical connector portion that is adjacent to the tubular air inlet portion and comprises three electrical terminals. The three electrical terminals are configured to engage an electrical connector of the respiratory unit. A grouping of wires are supported within a helical rib of a flexible tube portion. The grouping of wires includes a pair of heating wires configured to generate heat and a signal wire configured to carry the signal that is output by a sensing device. Each of the heating wires and the signal wire is connected to a corresponding one of the three electrical terminals of the electrical connector portion of the first cuff.

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009017A1
Принадлежит: Bracco Injeneering SA

A solution for injecting one or more fluids into a patient is proposed. A corresponding injection system () comprises one or more supply stations () each one for supplying one of the fluids to be injected, wherein at least one of the supply stations () comprises a bottle holder () for holding a bottle () containing the fluid to be injected, the bottle holder () comprising a first connector (), and a cover () for covering the bottle () when held on the bottle holder (), the cover () comprising a second connector () for mating with the first connector () to mount the cover () on the bottle holder (); said at least one supply station () further comprises a bag holder () for holding a bag () containing the fluid to be injected, the bag holder () comprising a further second connector () for mating with the first connector () to mount the bag holder () on the bottle holder () and a further first connector () for mating with the second connector () to mount the cover () on the bag holder (). 2200700200700135145115115132132110110135145205205307132132605135145132132307abababababab. The injection system (;) according to claim 1 , wherein the injection system (;) comprises a delivery arrangement ( claim 1 ,) for delivering the fluids to the patient claim 1 , the bottle holder (;) comprising a connection port (;) for connecting the bottle (; ) to the delivery arrangement ( claim 1 ,) and the bag holder (;) comprising an opening () for accessing the connection port (;) to connect the bag () to the delivery arrangement ( claim 1 ,) in the connection port (;) across the opening ().3200700205205115115200700130130132132110110135145205205115115200700630132132635605640635135145abababababababab. The injection system (;) according to claim 2 , wherein when the bag holder (;) is not mounted on the bottle holder (;) the injection system (;) comprises a bottle connector (;) arranged in the connection port (;) having a bottle connection element for connecting to the bottle (;) and a ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009039A1
Принадлежит: Syqe Medical Ltd.

Devices and methods are described for preparing, managing, and/or administering metered doses of substances for vaporized administration. In some embodiments, dose cartridges comprising at least one botanical substance include a heating element integrated into the cartridge in close contact with the botanical substance. In some embodiments, cartridge-mounted doses are stored in a magazine, optionally in carousel form, before use. Transport of a cartridge from a magazine to an electrically operated vaporizing chamber which activates the heating element is provided by a mechanical pickup means. 1. A dose cartridge container comprising a plurality of dose cartridges within a closed container to be used in an inhaler device , wherein the dose cartridge container is a carousel dose cartridge container such that the carousel provides selectable access to dose cartridges positions in the carousel.2. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein the carousel provides selectable access by being revolved within a carousel enclosure.3. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein the carousel is configured to allow access to dose cartridges in the sequential order of the dose cartridges positions within the carousel.4. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein the carousel is configured to allow access to dose cartridges in an order different from the sequential order of the dose cartridges positions within the carousel.5. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein the carousel is configured to allow access to dose cartridges according to their specified location in the dose cartridge container.6. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein the number of the dose cartridges carried by the dose cartridge container is within the range of 10-200 doses.7. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein each of the plurality of dose cartridges comprises a drug substance.8. The dose cartridge container of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of dose ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190009048A1

A device for use in pulmonary surgery is presented. The device comprises a dispensing apparatus a delivery apparatus in fluid communication with said dispensing apparatus, and a pressurized gas input The dispensing apparatus is configured to provide a pressurized gas, a fibrinogen stream, and a thrombin stream to the delivery apparatus. The delivery apparatus is configured to mix the fibrogen stream and the thrombin stream in the pressurized gas stream to form a fibrin reaction mixture comprising a cellular foam 2. The device of claim 1 , wherein said pressurized gas input is integral with said dispensing apparatus.3. The device of claim 3 , wherein said dispensing apparatus comprises a pneumatic plunger.4. The device of claim 2 , wherein said dispensing apparatus comprises a pressure regulator in fluid communication with said pressurized gas input.5. The device of claim 1 , wherein said dispensing apparatus comprises a first fluid reservoir claim 1 , a second fluid reservoir claim 1 , a first heating element disposed around said first reservoir claim 1 , and a second heating element disposed around said second reservoir.6. The device of claim 1 , wherein said input assembly further comprises: a second pressurized gas input;wherein said turbulent mixing assembly is configured such that a turbulent flow of a thrombin/fibrinogen reaction mixture propelled therethrough comprises a Reynolds number greater than 5000.7. The device of claim 1 , wherein said plurality of inwardly extending dimples are formed in opposing pairs.8. The device of claim 6 , wherein:said delivery apparatus further comprises a venturi assembly; andsaid venturi assembly comprises a tubular structure having an outer surface and formed to include a plurality of air passages extending from said outer surface to an interior lumen.9. The device of claim 8 , wherein said plurality of air passages are formed in opposing pairs. This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/891, ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Medicament Preparation and Treatment Devices, Methods, and Systems

Номер: US20200009308A1

A medicament preparation system, according to an embodiment, includes a water purification module and a medicament proportioning module. The system is configured to allow convenient and safe use in a home environment or a critical care environment as well as others affording safety, reliability, and a compact form factor. 1. A compact medicament supply system to support blood treatment systems susceptible to leakage current from an electric heater used to heat medicament due to the inherent formation of a fluid path between the electric heater and a patient , comprising:a water purification module having a pump and a controller, the water purification module having deionization filters of sufficient capacity and the pump controlled to purify water to a level of purity exceeding 1 megaohm-cm and providing product water at least that level of purity to a product water output connected to an electric heater;a water channel of a predefined length and of electrically insulating material connecting the electric heater to a medicament proportioning module disposable fluid circuit, the water channel receiving said product water from said electric heater;the electric heater being of a configuration that places the product water in direct contact with permanent non-disposable surfaces of a flow channel in said electric heater; anda sterile filter connected to receive said product water at a point along said water channel, the water channel having a output connector for connecting to the medicament proportioning system;the medicament proportioning system, principally of electrically insulating material, connected to supply a conductive medicament solution to a treatment component connected to a patient via a blood circuit including a patient access such that a continuous fluid path between said electric heater and said patient access at times during a treatment;a controller adapted for controlling the electric heater responsively to a measured temperature and temperature ...
