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26-02-2020 дата публикации

Устройство ввода катетера, включающее установленные сверху элементы выдвижения

Номер: RU2715308C2
Принадлежит: С.Р.БАРД, ИНК. (US)

Группа изобретений относится к области медицинской техники, а именно к инструментам ввода для введения катетера или другого трубчатого медицинского устройства в тело пациента. Устройство ввода для введения катетера в тело пациента содержит корпус, в котором изначально расположен по меньшей мере участок катетера; иглу, дистально проходящую от корпуса, причем по меньшей мере участок катетера предварительно расположен поверх иглы; проволочный направитель; узел выдвижения проволочного направителя; и узел выдвижения катетера. Узел выдвижения проволочного направителя включает в себя первый элемент взаимодействия с пользователем, выполненный с возможностью воздействия на него большим или другим пальцем руки пользователя для выборочного дистального выдвижения дистального конца проволочного направителя из дистального отверстия иглы при подготовке к дистальному выдвижению катетера. Узел выдвижения катетера включает в себя второй элемент взаимодействия с пользователем, выполненный с возможностью воздействия ...

22-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2641887C2

Группа изобретений относится к медицинской технике, а именно к катетеру в сборе, в частности к внутривенному катетеру в сборе, и к защитному узлу иглы упомянутого катетера. Защитный узел иглы для катетера в сборе содержит корпус для приема иглы, продолжающейся через него, имеющий дистальный конец и проксимальный конец, причем корпус выполнен с возможностью присоединения на дистальном конце к проксимальному концу втулки катетера, и защиту иглы, расположенную в корпусе. Защита иглы содержит уловитель иглы, упругий рычажок, принудительно смещающий уловитель иглы в защитное положение, соединительную лапку и средство для ограничения перемещения иглы в проксимальном направлении относительно защитного узла иглы, выполненное с возможностью не допускать выхода защитного узла иглы из дистального конца иглы, причем средство для ограничения представляет собой нить или выступ. Уловитель иглы выполнен с возможностью перемещения между положением готовности, в котором уловитель иглы удерживается на одной ...

05-10-2021 дата публикации


Номер: RU2756766C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к внутривенному катетеру в сборе, который может использоваться для доступа к вене пациента, в частности, для подачи текучих сред пациенту или для удаления текучей среды, особенно крови. Внутривенный катетер в сборе содержит втулку катетера, полый трубчатый катетер, иглу, полую гибкую удлинительную трубку, клапанный узел, приспособление для открывания клапана и защитный узел. Втулку катетера имеет дистальный конец, проксимальный конец и камеру внутри нее. Полый трубчатый катетер имеет проксимальный конец и дистальный конец, при этом катетер присоединен своим проксимальным концом к дистальному концу втулки катетера, при этом внутренняя часть катетера открыта в камеру внутри втулки катетера. Игла имеет стержень и заостренный кончик иглы. Полая гибкая удлинительная трубка имеет дистальный и проксимальный конец, при этом полая гибкая удлинительная трубка соединена своим дистальным концом с втулкой катетера между проксимальным и дистальным ...

10-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2763749C2

Группа изобретений относится, в общем, к медицинским устройствам перемещения текучей среды, более конкретно, к устройствам и способам для перемещения текучей среды к пациенту или от него через установленный периферический внутривенный катетер. Устройство для перемещения текучей среды к пациенту или от пациента содержит катетер, проводник и исполнительный механизм. Катетер имеет проксимальный концевой участок и дистальный концевой участок и образует просвет, продолжающийся через проксимальный концевой участок и дистальный концевой участок. Проводник имеет проксимальный концевой участок и дистальный концевой участок и образует внутренний объем, выполненный с возможностью подвижно принимать катетер. Дистальный концевой участок проводника имеет замок, выполненный с возможностью соединять проводник с периферической линией для внутривенного введения. Исполнительный механизм подвижно соединен с проводником. Исполнительный механизм имеет первый участок, расположенный снаружи проводника, и второй ...

20-11-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2533844C2

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к катетерным устройствам, обычно используемым для облегчения введения и установки катетера или другого медицинского устройства в вену (сосуд) пациента. Катетерное устройство содержит катетер, втулку катетера, иглу, втулку иглы и колпачок иглы. Втулка катетера имеет наружную поверхность и внутреннюю поверхность, дистальную часть и проксимальную часть. Дистальная часть соединена с катетером. Проксимальная часть ограничивает камеру. Игла проходит через втулку катетера и катетер и определяет осевое направление. Игла имеет противоположные проксимальный и дистальный концы. Дистальный конец образует кончик иглы. Втулка иглы соединена с проксимальным концом иглы. Колпачок иглы установлен на игле с возможностью скольжения. Колпачок иглы удерживается в камере втулки катетера посредством удерживающего рычага, зацепляющего наружную часть втулки катетера, когда игла проходит через втулку катетера и катетер. Колпачок иглы удаляется из втулки катетера ...

15-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: RU2766520C1

Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к устройству реканализации тотальных окклюзий кровеносных сосудов и/или повторного входа из одного просвета в другой просвет, включая без ограничения повторный вход в истинный просвет кровеносного сосуда из внепросветного или субинтимального пространства сосуда. Катетерное устройство для прохождения через окклюзии в кровеносных сосудах или повторного входа в истинный просвет кровеносного сосуда содержит стержень катетера, рукоятку и иглу. Стержень катетера содержит дистальный конец катетера. Рукоятка соединена с проксимальным участком стержня катетера. Игла проходит через просвет в стержне катетера и дистальный конец катетера. Игла содержит первый прямой участок, соединенный с рукояткой, изогнутый участок, который отходит в дистальном направлении от первого прямого участка, второй прямой участок, который отходит в дистальном направлении от изогнутого участка, и острый конец на наиболее дистальном конце иглы. Изобретение имеет множество ...

06-02-2020 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017141815A3

05-03-2021 дата публикации

Номер: RU2017144600A3

20-02-2005 дата публикации


Номер: RU2003123096A

... 1. Блокирующий механизм (10) для управления взаимным зацеплением между подвижными по отношению друг к другу частями медицинских острых инструментов, включающий фиксатор (12) для удержания медицинского острого предмета (22), имеющий первую фигурную часть (46), выполненную с возможностью взаимного зацепления со второй фигурной частью (70), расположенной на корпусной части медицинского острого инструмента (62), и соединитель (14), выполненный с возможностью перемещения относительно указанной корпусной части в положение, в котором соединитель и фиксатор находятся во взаимном зацеплении, причем соединитель выполнен с возможностью изменения относительной силы зацепления между первой и второй фигурными частями при перемещении в указанное положение взаимного зацепления, что обеспечивает возможность отсоединения фиксатора от корпусной части, фиксатор (12) включает две гибких ножки (30), на каждой из которых размещена указанная первая фигурная часть, а соединитель при зацеплении с фиксатором имеет ...

27-05-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2012148172A

... 1. Катетерное устройство (10), содержащеекатетер (12),втулку (14) катетера, имеющую дистальную часть и проксимальную часть, в которой дистальная часть соединена с катетером (12), а проксимальная часть ограничивает камеру (24),иглу (16), проходящую через втулку (14) катетера и катетер (12) и определяющую осевое направление, при этом игла (16) имеет противоположные проксимальный и дистальный концы, причем дистальный конец образует кончик (18) иглы,втулку (20) иглы, соединенную с проксимальным концом иглы (16), и колпачок (26) иглы, установленный на игле (16) с возможностью скольжения, при этом колпачок (26) иглы удерживается в камере (24) втулки (14) катетера посредством удерживающего рычага (54), зацепляющего наружную часть втулки (14) катетера, когда игла (16) проходит через втулку катетера (14) и катетер (12), и при этом колпачок (26) иглы удаляется из втулки (14) катетера после того, как кончик (18) иглы входит в колпачок (26) иглы после извлечения иглы (16) из катетера (12).2. Катетерное ...

10-07-2016 дата публикации


Номер: RU2014150559A

... 1. Узел внутривенного катетера, содержащий:адаптер катетера, имеющий проксимальный конец, дистальный конец и камеру текучей среды, продолжающуюся между ними;катетер, соединенный с дистальным концом адаптера катетера, причем катетер имеет полость, находящуюся в сообщении по текучей среде с камерой текучей среды адаптера катетера;адаптер иглы, размещенный с возможностью скольжения внутри камеры текучей среды адаптера катетера, причем адаптер иглы поддерживает конец основания иглы-проводника и терминальный конец секции внутривенной трубки так, что путь текучей среды иглы-проводника находится в сообщении по текучей среде с путем текучей среды секции внутривенной трубки; иперегородку, расположенную между внутренней поверхностью адаптера катетера и наружной поверхностью иглы-проводника, причем перегородка разделяет камеру текучей среды на дистальную камеру текучей среды и проксимальную камеру текучей среды.2. Узел по п. 1, в котором перегородка, по существу, предотвращает проход текучей среды ...

16-07-1992 дата публикации

Номер: DE0004113045C1
Принадлежит: MEYER, LUDGER, 4400 MUENSTER, DE

The invention concerns an indwelling vein cannula with a cannula body comprising essentially a plastic cannula and a handle attachment, and with an inner puncture cannula comprising a metal cannula (stylet), the cannula body (2) including a flexing section (11) in the region of the handle attachment (3).

13-01-1977 дата публикации


Номер: DE0002628369A1

10-09-2020 дата публикации


Номер: DE102011009482B4
Автор: HAINDL HANS, Haindl, Hans
Принадлежит: HAINDL HANS, Haindl, Hans

Kanüle (1) zur Punktion von Körperhohlräumen mit einer äußeren und einer inneren längsgeschnittenen Hülse (2, 3) mit proximalen und distalen Enden (4, 5) und zwei Griffabschnitten (8a, 8b; 18a, 18b) am proximalen Ende (5), wobei die innere Hülse (3) innerhalb der äußeren Hülse (2) in Längsrichtung verschiebbar angeordnet und in der äußeren Hülse (2) derart drehbar ist, dass der Längsschnitt (7) der inneren Hülse in einer ersten Drehposition durch die äußere Hülse (2) abgedeckt wird und die Längsschnitte (6, 7) von innerer und äußerer Hülse in einer zweiten Drehposition übereinander zu liegen kommen, wobei die innere Hülse (3) an ihrem distalen Ende (4) eine Punktionsspitze (9) aufweist, die vollständig in die äußere Hülse (2) zurückgezogen ist, wenn sich die innere Hülse (3) in der zweiten Drehposition befindet und wobei die innere und äußere Hülse (2, 3) und/oder die beiden Griffabschnitte (8a, 8b; 18a, 18b) in der zweiten Position miteinander verrasten.

06-01-1965 дата публикации

Improvements in methods of making assemblies comprising catheters and pointed penetrating elements

Номер: GB0000979919A

... 979,919. Moulding plastics material by dipping. W. R. KOEHN. Aug. 16, 1963, No. 32516/63. Heading B5A. [Also in Division A5] A method of making an assembly comprising a catheter or tube 2 and a pointed penetrating element, e.g. tubular needle 3, which assembly is used for injecting or withdrawing fluids into or from a body by inserting the needle 3 into the body, which needle carries the catheter 2 with it and then withdrawing the needle 3 from the catheter 2 which remains in the body, comprises mounting the needle 3 in handle 5, dipping the handle 5 and shank of the needle 3 in a liquid synthetic resin to a level adjacent the pointed end 4 of the needle 3 to coat the handle 5 and needle 3, hanging the assembly, from the pointed end 4 to produce a sleeve 2 of gradually increasing thickness from a thin end adjacent the pointed end 4, curing the resin and cutting the sleeve 2 around the handle 5 and removing the end of the sleeve from the handle 5 to leave the remainder of the sleeve 2 as ...

07-01-2009 дата публикации

Tube connector for connecting multiple fluid sources to an infusion device

Номер: GB2450782A

A connector 23 couples a tube 24 to an infusion device (13, figure 2d) and has a first type of coupling means 189 at its front and a second type of coupling means 190 at its rear. The first coupling means joins with a coupling means of the second type on the infusion device (figure 28), whilst the second coupling means can receive the front coupling means of a second connector. Multiple connectors may be joined together to deliver fluid from multiple sources. The tube may enter the connector on its centerline 191, via a port 219 which communicates with a flow passage 220 terminating in a needle at its front end and a self-sealing septum at its rear. Also disclosed are a connector having a spatulate member 192 that extends forwardly of the connecting needle (214, figure 26), and a sliding, shielded hub for inserting a cannula into a patient.

09-02-2005 дата публикации

A cannula

Номер: GB0002404592A

A cannula 1 is disclosed. It comprises a resilient flexible sleeve 4 having a distal end for insertion into the tissue surrounding the eyeball of a patient during ocular surgery and through which local anaesthetic may be administered into said tissue and, a needle 7 that extends through the sleeve 4 and has a tip 8 that protrudes from the distal end of the sleeve to make an initial incision in the tissue to facilitate insertion of the sleeve into the tissue through the incision. The needle is removable from the sleeve once an incision has been made and the sleeve has been inserted into the tissue through the incision.

30-03-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to medical apparatus

Номер: GB0001024410A

... 1,024,410. Injection devices. STILLEWERNER A.B. Dec. 22, 1964 [Dec. 30,1963], No. 52103/64. Heading A5R. A cannula system comprises a cock or valve as described in Specification 1,024,409 having axially aligned fittings 11 and 13 and fitting 12 perpendicular thereto,a catheter tape 16 connected to fitting 11, a cannula needle 18 passing through fittings 13 and 11 and catheter tube 16, and a sleeve 20 attached to fitting 11 and having wings 21 and 22 for securing the system to the patient and a stopper 24 for sealing fitting 12 or 13.

16-09-2015 дата публикации

Catheter devices and related methods

Номер: GB0002524163A

A catheter device comprises (i) a catheter hub 312, (ii) a needle guard housing 300 in contact with the hub and (iii) a needle hub (110, Fig 2) with a needle (108, Fig 2) having a needle tip 9116, Fig 1), the needle guard housing being removably secured to the catheter hub by engaging a first detent 320 on the catheter hub with a second detent 322 on the needle guard housing. In a first embodiment the catheter hub has a pair of wings (126, Fig 2) and an injection port (128, Fig 2), the first detent element provided on the catheter hub comprising a groove or a projection and the second detent element on the needle guard housing comprising a corresponding projection or a groove, or both of the two detent elements are a projection. A method of manufacturing a catheter device is also described wherein catheter hub has an exterior surface with exterior threads, the needle guard housing has an exterior surface and an interior cavity with a second detent element, wherein the needle guard housing ...

14-04-1966 дата публикации

Improvements in or relating to cannula devices

Номер: GB0001026119A

... 1,026,119. Injection devices. VIGGO A.B. Feb. 17, 1964 [Feb. 18, 1963], No. 6446/64. Heading A5R. A cannula device has a self-sealing flexible diaphragm 9 clamped on the end of inlet socket 7 e.g. of polyethylene. The diaphragm 9 is clamped on by locating over the diaphragm 9 and the end of the socket 7 a holder having an annular end wall 10 and deformable flange (e.g. Al) 11 and deforming the flange 11 into engagement with projections on or recesses in the socket 7. The device comprises cannula 1 and inlet socket 5 which may be closed by plug 6 when not connected to a source of transfusion liquid.

10-08-1960 дата публикации

Surgical apparatus incorporating a catheter tube

Номер: GB0000843744A

... 843,744. Surgical catheters. KOEHN, W. R. Oct. 14, 1958 [Oct. 17, 1957], No. 32733/58. Class 81(2). An appliance for administering or withdrawing fluids comprises a flexible tube through which a needle extends. The needle is used to make an incision, carrying the tube with it, and is then withdrawn through the tube, which remains in position. The needle 2, having a point 5, is formed with a shank 3 of reduced diameter so as to leave a shoulder 4 against which the leading end of the tube 6 is placed, so as to facilitate entry of the tube. The needle is withdrawn by holding the rear end 8 of the tube, which is preferably widened to receive a syringe nozzle, and pulling the needle rearwardly by a handle 10. In a modified form the needle and tube are normally enclosed in a cover which may be reversed for use as a handle, (see Fig. 4 not shown). Other forms of needle are also described which include a fine bore in the needle, to allow blood to pass and indicate when a vein is reached, and a ...

22-10-2004 дата публикации

Self-retracting IV catheter introducer.

Номер: AP0000001319A

A self-retracting IV catheter introducer (10) automatically retracts the catheter needle (60) safely within a housing when the connector (24) attached to the cannula (22) is separated from the housing after the cannula has been inserted into a patient. In one embodiment the housing comprises a retraction tube (14) enclosing a retraction body (56) having rear portion (72) mounted within the retraction tube and a front portion (58) carrying a needle (60) and extending through an opening in the front of the retraction body. A connection surface (66) on the exposed front of the retraction body is frictionally engaged with a corresponding connection surface (34) on the connector. Abutting surfaces (84, 86) between the connector and the retraction tube serve as stops. Releasable frictional engagement of the connection surfaces prevents retraction. In a second embodiment, the retraction tube front portion extends forwardly configured as springing arms (96) having a protrusion (100) engaging a ...

12-01-2010 дата публикации

IV catheter introducer with retractable needle

Номер: AP0000002090A

31-12-2000 дата публикации

Self-retracting iv catheter introducer

Номер: AP2000002005A0

30-06-2005 дата публикации

IV catheter introducer with retractable needle

Номер: AP2005003296A0

30-06-2005 дата публикации

IV catheter introducer with retractable needle

Номер: AP0200503296A0

30-06-2005 дата публикации

IV catheter introducer with retractable needle

Номер: AP0200503296D0

31-12-2000 дата публикации

Self-retracting iv catheter introducer

Номер: AP0200002005A0

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000384545T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442179T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000435674T

15-09-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000442178T

15-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000433774T

15-05-1994 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000104559T

15-10-1995 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000128876T

15-11-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000069388T

25-06-1996 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000000824U1

15-08-1997 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000156025T

07-03-2019 дата публикации

Blood control for a catheter insertion device

Номер: AU2017322745A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A fluid control component configured for controlling fluid flow through the hub of a catheter assembly during and after placement into the patient is disclosed. In one embodiment, the fluid control component comprises a body disposed within a cavity of the hub, the body being movable between a first position and a second position, wherein the body does not pierce a valve disposed in the hub when in the first position and wherein the body pierces the valve when in the second position. The body includes a conduit to enable fluid flow through an internal portion of the body when the body is in the second position, and a plurality of longitudinally extending ribs disposed on an exterior surface of the body. The ribs provide at least one fluid flow channel between the valve and an external portion of the body when the body is in the second position.

18-03-2021 дата публикации

Cannula capture mechanism

Номер: AU2017240486B2

A cannula capture mechanism (12) may include an inner housing (18), outer housing (20), and a cannula (14). The outer housing may be configured to move between a compressed and a decompressed state. An outer surface of the inner housing may include one or more interlock components (46). When the cannula is exposed from a distal end of the inner housing, the one or more interlock components may interact with one or more interlock surfaces formed in another surface of the catheter device. When the cannula is retracted proximally within the inner housing, the inner housing may contract radially inward causing the one or more interlock components to be separated from the one or more interlock surfaces and the outer housing to move to the decompressed state and extend distally over a distal portion of the inner housing.

12-12-2019 дата публикации

Soft push tabs for catheter adapter

Номер: AU2019268130A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An IV catheter system may have a catheter component and a needle component. The catheter component may have a catheter hub, a cannula extending distally from the catheter hub, and a push feature extending outward from the catheter hub. The push feature may have an outer surface that receives contact from a digit to move the IV catheter system from an insertion configuration, in which the needle is within the cannula, to a fluid delivery configuration, in which the needle is outside the catheter hub. The needle component may have a needle hub and a needle extending distally from the needle hub along an axis. The push feature may be formed of a flexible material that causes the push feature, in response to pressure exerted on the outer surface by a dressing securing the catheter component to a patient, to deflect the outer surface toward the cannula axis. 150 192 134 102 162 16190 120 e 168 138 146 ...

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Low-drag septum for a catheter system

Номер: AU2019326298A1

A peripheral intravenous catheter assembly may include a low-drag septum. The septum may include a body having a distal end and a proximal end, which may be sealed. The septum may include a slot disposed within an outer surface of the body and oriented along a longitudinal axis of the body. The slot may include a distal end spaced apart from the distal end of the body, and a proximal end spaced apart from the proximal end of the body. An introducer needle may extend through the slot.

29-07-2021 дата публикации

Telescoping needle shield with blood exposure prevention

Номер: AU2020207213A1

A needle shield device may include a needle housing and a needle assembly slideably coupled to the needle housing. The needle housing may include a nose portion configured to be inserted into a catheter adapter and an elongated body having a distal end, a proximal end, and a slot disposed between the distal end and the proximal end of the elongated body. A distal portion of the slot may be sealed to prevent blood from leaking out of the needle housing. The needle assembly may include a needle grip, an introducer needle having a sharp distal tip and a proximal end, and a needle hub having a protuberance coupled to the needle grip and slideably fit within the slot. In response to movement of the needle assembly to a proximal position with respect to the needle housing, the sharp distal tip may be disposed within the needle housing.

19-09-2019 дата публикации

Sample tube holder and system and method employing same

Номер: AU2018227418A1
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

A sample tube holder (40) includes an elongated body (42) with an open end (46) suitable for receiving sample vials. A lid (50) is pivotally attached to body and movable to a position over the open end. The lid includes an aperture (62) that is configured to allow a portion of a vascular access needle assembly to extend through the aperture while an access needle (20) and needle protector (34) portion of the assembly are captured and confined within the body to afford added protection against accidental needle sticks.

20-06-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0000611817B2

09-07-2020 дата публикации

Ported IV catheter having external needle shield and internal blood control septum

Номер: AU2019203957B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An extravascular system is provided which includes a catheter adapter having a blood control septum configured to control flow of a fluid through the catheter adapter, the catheter adapter further having a catheter configured for intravenous insertion. The extravascular system further includes a septum activator slidably inserted within the catheter adapter and configured for advancement through the blood control septum to provide a fluid pathway through the blood control septum. Further still, the extravascular system includes an external safety mechanism comprising a needle hub and a needle shield interconnected via a tether, wherein the needle shield includes a safety clip that is configured to retain a sharpened end of the introducer needle within the needle shield. Some implementations further comprise an access port forming a portion of the catheter adapter and providing selective access to the lumen of the catheter adapter. 2/-43 0r 0n Nt ~~t.

18-09-1986 дата публикации


Номер: AU0005476186A

03-11-2011 дата публикации

IV catheter introducer

Номер: AU2010248050A1

An IV catheter introducer having an elastomeric grommet disposed between the housing and the IV catheter assembly that helps avoid unintentional separation of IV catheter assembly from the housing during shipping and handling prior to use, that acts as a needle guide, that helps align the housing and IV catheter assembly coaxially, that indicates that top side of the catheter introducer, that provides proper rotational alignment between the grommet and housing, that wipes blood off the needle during withdrawal of the needle from the catheter assembly and grommet, that impedes blood flow out of the catheter hub after needle withdrawal, and that assists the user in separating the housing from the IV catheter assembly following insertion of the catheter and withdrawal of the needle.

05-09-2013 дата публикации

Needle guard

Номер: AU2012223534A1

A needle guard assembly having a resilient arm extending from a base situated to slide along the shaft of a needle, in one implementation the needle guard has an elongate containment member that rides with the resilient arm and is co-operable with the resilient arm to effectuate a covering of the entire distal tip of the needle upon the needle being retracted into the needle guard.

02-05-2008 дата публикации

Safety transfusion catheter

Номер: AU2007308578A1

29-04-1971 дата публикации

Номер: AU0006286569A

08-08-1991 дата публикации


Номер: AU0007017591A

01-12-2016 дата публикации

Antimicrobial obturator for use with vascular access devices

Номер: AU2015250123A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

An obturator (100) can include antimicrobial features which assist in sterilizing or maintaining the sterility of fluid contained within a vascular access device while the device is not being used for infusion or other access to the patient's vasculature. These antimicrobial features include antimicrobial coatings applied to various surfaces of an obturator and antimicrobial components bonded or otherwise secured to an obturator. Various combinations of antimicrobial coatings and/or components can be used on an obturator as necessary to provide a desired amount of antimicrobial agents within a particular enclosed volume of a vascular access device.

15-12-2016 дата публикации

Syringe-IV access locking device

Номер: AU2016262683A1
Автор: WITT ERIK K, Witt, Erik K.
Принадлежит: Dark IP

SYRINGE-IV ACCESS LOCKING DEVICE A safety device is described wherein drug delivery systems and methods involve associating unique keys to patients that prevent the interconnection between a drug delivery 5 device and non-complimentary patient key. Medication in a drug delivery device intended for a patient may only be accessed via a particular unique key associated with the intravenous access device of that patient. - on 00" ...

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Ported catheter adapter having combined port and blood control valve with venting

Номер: AU2015209607A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

A ported catheter adapter (20) having a combined blood control valve (40) and port valve, wherein the combined valve comprises one or more vents that permit the passage of air and prevent the passage of fluids. The one or more vents are located on the outer surface of the valve so as to avoid being overlapped with the pathway of the side port. As such, fluid communication between the side port and the vents is prevented. Various venting configurations are provided. The application further includes a valve actuator (90) that is advanced through a slit in the membrane of the valve to provide a pathway for fluid to bypass the valve.

24-11-2016 дата публикации

Activator attachment for blood control catheters

Номер: AU2012318632B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice

An activator attachment (40) that can be attached to the proximal end of a catheter adapter (14) and can activate a blood control valve within the catheter adapter.

20-06-2019 дата публикации

Over-the-needle catheter sleeve

Номер: AU2015277531B2
Принадлежит: Spruson & Ferguson

The present disclosure is directed to an over-the-needle (OTN) catheter assembly having a sleeve configured thereon. The catheter includes a body having an outer diameter. The body also includes a proximal end and a distal end and defines a lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end. A needle is configured within the lumen of the catheter and extends from the proximal end to the distal end. The sleeve is configured around a portion of the outer diameter of the catheter that passes through an insertion site of the catheter. Further, the sleeve includes a length extending from a first end to a second end and is configured to prevent the catheter from collapsing along the length of the sleeve. In addition, the sleeve is configured to prevent leakage from the insertion site of the catheter.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Ergonomic IV systems

Номер: AU2016346887A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An IV catheter system (100) having a catheter component (102) with a catheter hub (120), a cannula (126) extending distally from the hub, and a push feature protruding outwardly from the hub. The IV catheter system may also have a needle component (104) with a needle hub (150), a needle (154) extending distally from the hub along an axis, and a grip extending from the hub, generally parallel to the axis, with a pull feature. In the insertion configuration, the needle may be positioned within the cannula and the distal end of the needle hub may be seated in a needle port of the catheter hub. In the fluid delivery configuration, the needle may be positioned outside the catheter hub. The push and pull features may be positioned to facilitate manipulation with a single hand to move the IV catheter system from an insertion configuration to a fluid delivery configuration.

10-05-2018 дата публикации

Soft push tabs for catheter adapter

Номер: AU2016344420A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An IV catheter system (100) having a catheter component (102) and a needle component (104). The catheter component has a catheter hub (120), a cannula (126) extending distally from the catheter hub, and a push feature (190) extending outward from the catheter hub. The push feature has an outer surface (420) that receives contact from a digit to move the IV catheter system from an insertion configuration, in which the needle is within the cannula, to a fluid delivery configuration, in which the needle is outside the catheter hub. The needle component has a needle hub (150) and a needle (154) extending distally from the needle hub. The push feature is formed of a flexible material that causes the push feature, in response to pressure exerted on the outer surface by a dressing securing the catheter component to a patient, to deflect the outer surface toward the cannula axis.

05-04-2018 дата публикации

Systems and methods for sealing a septum within a catheter device

Номер: AU2017201253B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

Systems and methods for sealing and venting a septum of an intravenous catheter device. Implementations of the present invention include a compact, molded septum that is retained within an inner lumen of a catheter adapter such that slowed or stopped flow of air and/or a fluid is permitted to pass between the compact septum and an inner wall surface of the catheter adapter via one or more fluid pathways. In some instances, a snap ring is provided to secure the position of the compact septum within the catheter adapter, a fluid pathway being provided through the snap ring.

22-06-2017 дата публикации

Catheter assembly

Номер: AU2017203710A1
Автор: WOEHR KEVIN, Woehr, Kevin

A catheter assembly comprising a catheter hub having a chamber therein, the catheter hub having a distal end and a proximal end, the catheter hub being connectable at its proximal end to a device for the infusion or withdrawal of fluids to or from the chamber within the catheter hub; a hollow tubular catheter having a proximal end and a distal end, the catheter being connected at its proximal end to the distal end of the catheter hub, the interior of the catheter opening into the chamber within the catheter hub; a needle having a sharpened needle tip, in a ready position the needle extending through the chamber in the catheter hub and the catheter with the needle tip extending beyond the distal end of the catheter; a hollow extension tube having a distal end and a proximal end, the extension tube being connected at its distal end to the catheter hub between the proximal and distal ends thereof, the extension tube opening at its distal end into the chamber within the catheter hub, the extension ...

08-07-2021 дата публикации

Cannula capture mechanism

Номер: AU2021204057A1

A cannula capture mechanism is described herein. The capture mechanism may include an inner housing, outer housing, and a cannula. The outer housing may be configured to move between a compressed and a decompressed state. An outer surface of the inner housing may include one or more interlock components. When the cannula is exposed from a distal end of the inner housing, the one or more interlock components may interact with one or more interlock surfaces formed in another surface of the catheter device. When the cannula is retracted proximally within the inner housing, the inner housing may contract radially inward causing the one or more interlock components to be separated from the one or more interlock surfaces and the outer housing to move to the decompressed state and extend distally over a distal portion of the inner housing. ---- 50 542-/ 62 -64 --- 40 34 32 5 r -- 54 --- 3860 32 5848 52 42-," 62 64 ...

18-05-2000 дата публикации

Snap-together integral nose and guard arrangement for a safety catheter

Номер: AU0000719682B2

28-08-1997 дата публикации

Snap-together integral nose and guard arrangement for a safety catheter

Номер: AU0001474397A

03-06-2002 дата публикации

Catheter insertion apparatus

Номер: AU0002311602A

04-01-1996 дата публикации

Improved over-the-needle catheter

Номер: AU0002761195A

02-07-1998 дата публикации

A needle and valve assembly for use with a catheter

Номер: AU0004924397A

22-01-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002332918C

A self-retracting IV catheter introducer (10) automatically retracts the catheter needle (60) safely within a housing when the connector (24) attached to the cannula (22) is separated from the housing after the cannula has been inserted into a patient. In one embodiment the housing comprises a retraction tube (14) enclosing a retraction body (56) having a rear portion (72) mounted within the retraction tube and a front portion (58) carrying a needle (60) and extending through an opening in the front of the retraction body. A connection surface (66) on the exposed front of the retraction body is frictionally engaged with a corresponding connection surface (34) on the connector. Abutting surfaces (84, 86) between the connector and the retraction tube serve as stops. Releasable frictional engagement of the connection surfaces prevents retraction. In a second embodiment, the retraction tube front portion extends forwardly configured as springing arms (96) having a protrusion (100) engaging ...

05-04-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002553066C

A needle guard includes a clip with a canting wall to grip the needle shaft and a distal wall to block the tip thereof, wherein the canting and distal walls may be interconnected by an angled strut, a spring member, such as a leaf spring, may have a portion extending past an edge of the strut to bias the clip to grip the needle shaft, and the distal wall may be or include a stylus and have an L-shape to define a lip to help block the needle tip. The clip may have a depending heel to help pivot the clip about a ledge to grip the needle shaft. A needle support may be provided to limit flexure of the needle which might otherwise allow the needle to come loose from the clip. Arrangements for limiting rotation of the needle hub and needle guard housing are provided, as is a protective shroud to reduce the risk of inadvertent activation of the needle guard. Further, the needle guard may be used with a catheter assembly. Also provided is an improved duckbill release mechanism.

23-07-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002710969A1

This invention provides devices and methods for insertion of a catheter into a vessel. The devices include coaxial slidably mounted needle, dilator and catheter components. The methods include piercing a vessel with the needle component, dilating the pierced hole with the dilator component, retraction of the needle component, insertion of the catheter and withdrawal of the dilator.

09-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002710969C

This invention provides devices and methods for insertion of a catheter into a vessel. The devices include coaxial slidably mounted needle, dilator and catheter components. The methods include piercing a vessel with the needle component, dilating the pierced hole with the dilator component, retraction of the needle component, insertion of the catheter and withdrawal of the dilator.

28-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002734668C

An insertion kit includes a lead and a splitable member configured and arranged for receiving the lead when implanting the lead into a patient. The lead has a distal end and at least two proximal ends. The lead includes a plurality of electrodes disposed at the distal end, a plurality of terminals disposed at the proximal ends, and a plurality of conductive wires coupling the plurality of electrodes electrically to the plurality of terminals. The lead also includes a junction coupling the distal end of the lead to the proximal ends of the lead. The splitable member defines a lumen for receiving the distal end of the lead and is configured and arranged to divide into at least two parts for removal of the splitable member from the lead upon implantation of the lead into the patient.

02-04-1974 дата публикации


Номер: CA944643A

18-05-1976 дата публикации


Номер: CA989268A

18-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001326192C

Apparatus for use in cannulation of blood vessels includes a hollow needle having a sharpened end for penetrating tissue, a stylet including a transducer mounted on one end for positioning within the hollow needle for transmitting and receiving ultrasonic waves through the sharpened end of the needle. The stylet further includes a support rod for the transducer and ultrasound damping material attaching the transducer to the support rod. Electrical conductors are provided through the support rod or on the surface of the support rod in contact with electrodes on the front and back surfaces of the transducer for transmitting electrical signals to and from the transducer. A container portion is detachably detached from the needle for receiving the back flow of blood when the needle is inserted into a blood vessel.

12-06-1979 дата публикации


Номер: CA0001056249A1

02-12-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002332918A1

A self-retracting IV catheter introducer (10) automatically retracts the catheter needle (60) safely within a housing when the connector (24) attached to the cannula (22) is separated from the housing after the cannula has been inserted into a patient. In one embodiment the housing comprises a retraction tube (14) enclosing a retraction body (56) having a rear portion (72) mounted within the retraction tube and a front portion (58) carrying a needle (60) and extending through an opening in the front of the retraction body. A connection surface (66) on the exposed front of the retraction body is frictionally engaged with a corresponding connection surface (34) on the connector. Abutting surfaces (84, 86) between the connector and the retraction tube serve as stops. Releasable frictional engagement of the connection surfaces prevents retraction. In a second embodiment, the retraction tube front portion extends forwardly configured as springing arms (96) having a protrusion (100) engaging ...

09-03-2000 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002340655A1

An infusion device is provided for use with an intravenous catheter connected to a primary fluid supply. A Y site (92) is in fluid communication with the catheter (90). The infusion device is releasably connectable with the Y site (92) to connect a secondary fluid supply (97) to the catheter (40). The infusion device includes a retractable needle (70) that is retractable after use.

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003092591A1
Принадлежит: WILSON LUE LLP

The device includes a dilator with a hub (38) and an elongated body (36). A locking mechanism (30) is configured to limit a distance a guidewire (28) can be advanced out of a distal end of the dilator. The guidewire has a guidewire stop (92B) being receivable through the elongated dilator body (36). The guidewire lock (30) having at least one member being moveable between an engaged state and a non-engaged state and being biased toward the engaged state in which the guidewire lock interacts with the guidewire. The locking mechanism and the dilator are configured to permit removal of the locking mechanism (30) from the dilator by moving the guidewire (28) axially in a proximal direction relative to the dilator with the guidewire stop abutting at least part of the portion of the locking mechanism that an opening extends through.

03-10-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA3094804A1

An intravenous catheter introducer for medical use having a body, a frontal attachment that is disposed in transverse sliding engagement with a front part of the body, a hub tube assembly that is releasably supported by the frontal attachment, and a retractable catheter insertion needle and needle holder that are biased rearwardly by a spring offset laterally from the needle axis, whereby lateral repositioning of the body relative to the frontal attachment following vascular insertion moves a needle retraction cavity disposed inside the body into substantial coaxial alignment and causes the needle holder to be retracted into the needle retraction cavity.

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003090324A1

A method of preventing blood leakage through a septum of a catheter assembly when a needle is disposed within a slit of the septum may include providing a lubricant within multiple gaps disposed between an outer surface of the needle and the slit. The lubricant may include a viscosity greater than 1,000 centipoise. Providing the lubricant within the multiple gaps may include applying the lubricant to the outer surface of the needle, and inserting the lubricated needle distally through the slit of the septum. Providing the lubricant within the multiple gaps may include applying the lubricant to a tip of a septum actuator of the catheter assembly, and penetrating the septum with the lubricated septum actuator. Providing the lubricant within the plurality of gaps may include dispensing the lubricant within the slit of the septum prior to insertion of the septum into the lumen of the catheter adapter.

11-10-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003058618A1

A catheter assembly (20) includes a catheter (24), a catheter adapter (26), a needle (22), a needle guard (33) and a housing (50). The housing (50) is coupled to the needle guard (33) and disposed within a lumen (30) of the catheter adapter (26). The needle guard (33) may include first and second resilient arms (40a,b), which may include first and second curved portions (42), respectively. When the needle (22) is in a ready position, the first and second curved portions (42) are urged by a shaft (34) of the needle (22) into retaining contact with an inner wall (28) of the catheter adapter (26). When the needle (22) is in the retracted position, the shaft (34) may no longer bias the first and second resilient arms (40a,b) outwardly such that the retaining contact between the first and second curved portions (42) and the catheter adapter (26) is released, and the housing (50) and the needle guard (33) enclose a distal tip (36) of the needle (22).

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003080843A1

23-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA3126035A1

A catheter system may include a catheter adapter, which may include a distal end and a proximal end. The catheter system may include a catheter, which may include a distal end, a proximal end, a catheter lumen extending through the distal end of the catheter and the proximal end of the catheter, and an inner surface forming the catheter lumen. The catheter may extend distally from the distal end of the catheter adapter. The distal end of the catheter may include one or more holes. The distal end of the catheter may include one or more channels. The holes and/or the channels may facilitate visualization of blood flashback indicating the catheter is disposed within a vein of a patient.

03-05-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003037600A1

A medical device, such as a catheter, for use in medical applications includes an elongated body (26) with a tip having an opening (32) at one end. The catheter tip is configured to inhibit occluding and to permit outflow of fluid medication from the catheter to ensure proper delivery of the medication to an intended target area. The tip of the catheter is constructed to have at least one beveled end surface (42) to assist insertion into the patient and a radial thickness (49) at a critical bend point substantially equal to the radius (41) of the fluid path (36) and at a location spaced from the end a distance substantially equal to the radius of the fluid path to inhibit folding and occluding the catheter during use.

23-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002998359A1

A catheter assembly (10) comprising a catheter (18), a needle (12) having a sharp distal tip (13), and a catheter hub (14) connected to the catheter (18) having the needle (12) passing therethrough, the catheter hub (14) including a valve (19) having a preformed opening (22) that selectively permits or blocks a flow of fluid through the catheter (18), a first inner diameter (32) that closes the valve (19), and a second inner diameter (30) larger than the first inner diameter (32), the second inner diameter (30) opening the valve (19), wherein the valve (19) is in an open position upon axially compressing the valve (19) into engagement with the second inner diameter (30) of the catheter hub (14), and the valve (19) is in a closed position upon releasing the valve (19) to engage the first inner diameter (32) of the catheter hub (14).

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Access device with blunting device

Номер: US20120041371A1
Принадлежит: Access Scientific Inc

A device may include a hollow needle, a dilator mounted coaxially on the needle, and a sheath mounted coaxially on the dilator. The dilator may be slideably displaceable relative to the sheath.

16-02-2012 дата публикации

Medical implement insertion device

Номер: US20120041372A1
Автор: Bruce Leigh Kiehne
Принадлежит: Just Innovative Layouts Pty Ltd

An insertion device for the introduction of a medical implement, the insertion device including a hollow body, a needle holder mounting portion, a needle holder, a needle adapted for a medical implement to be mounted therewith relative to the needle, biasing means to bias the needle and the needle holder into the hollow body, and a retaining mechanism adapted to at least temporarily retain the needle and the needle holder in a forward condition in which the needle extends forward of the hollow body against the biasing force of the biasing means. The retaining mechanism of the insertion device retains the needle and the needle holder in the forward condition until the medical implement is disassociated from the retaining mechanism and unless the retaining mechanism is operated independently to retain the needle holder and the needle in the forward condition.

19-07-2012 дата публикации

Assembly method for catheter with blood control

Номер: US20120184912A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A system and method for assembling a catheter device, wherein a septum actuator is positioned within the lumen of a catheter adapter to provide a pathway through a septum component, an introducer needle being inserted through the septum via the septum actuator thereby preventing damage to the septum, the septum actuator thereafter being withdrawn from the septum and positioned within a rearward chamber of the catheter adapter lumen.

26-07-2012 дата публикации

Infusion Apparatuses and Methods of Use

Номер: US20120191071A1
Принадлежит: CR Bard Inc

An exemplary infusion system for accessing an implanted device is disclosed comprising an insertion assembly, a hub comprising a sealable path configured to receive at least a portion of the insertion assembly, a flexible catheter attached to the hub and configured to receive at least a portion of the insertion assembly, and an extension tube attached to the hub. The hub may comprise a manifold element configured to provide fluid communication between the flexible catheter and the extension tube. The hub may also comprise a septum configured to seal the sealable path upon removal of the insertion assembly from the flexible catheter. The extension tube may also be configured to receive at least a portion of the insertion assembly. Exemplary methods of providing a fluid communication path to an implanted device are also disclosed.

13-09-2012 дата публикации

Systems and methods to compensate for compression forces in an intravascular device

Номер: US20120232498A1
Автор: Marty L. Stout, Yiping Ma
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A system and method for providing vent channel geometries to compensate for compression forces experienced by a septum within an intravascular device.

20-12-2012 дата публикации

Intravenous Catheter Introducer with Needle Retraction Controlled by Catheter Hub Seal

Номер: US20120323181A1
Автор: Ni Zhu, Thomas J. Shaw
Принадлежит: Individual

A passive intravenous (“IV”) catheter introducer having a spring-biased needle retraction system that is triggered when the needle is manually withdrawn through a catheter hub seal. The catheter hub seal constricts to block the rearward flow of bodily fluid and wipe potentially infectious fluids off the outer surface of the needle as the needle is manually withdrawn through the catheter sheath and seal following insertion of the catheter into a patient's vein. No additional steps are needed to activate the needle retraction mechanism beyond manual removal of the needle from the catheter hub seal.

27-12-2012 дата публикации

Needle assembly and components thereof

Номер: US20120330248A1
Автор: Kevin Woehr
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

Needle assemblies are generally discussed herein with particular discussions extended to needle assemblies having a tip protector with a plurality of wall surfaces for preventing contact with the needle tip from a side. Aspects of the tip protectors discussed herein include a first protector body having an arm for blocking a needle tip surrounded by a second protector body having a plurality of wall surfaces.

31-01-2013 дата публикации

Angiocatheter System With Anti-Leak Features

Номер: US20130030373A1

Angiocatheter systems with anti-leak features for helping to prevent leaking or blood splashes that could possibly pose a health risk to the patient and/or practitioner. The systems may feature slidable anti-leak components that regulate opening and closing of the hub's hole, wherein the anti-leak components are moveable upon insertion or removal of a secondary device. The systems may feature a moveable inner wall or components on the inner wall that regulate opening of the hub's hole, wherein the wall or components of the wall are movable upon insertion or removal of a secondary device. The systems may feature compressible valves or twistable bases that regulate opening of the hub's hole, wherein the valves or bases are manipulated upon insertion or removable of a secondary device.

23-05-2013 дата публикации

Blood vessel access system and device

Номер: US20130131502A1
Принадлежит: Verathon Inc

An access system and device having a needle injector pivotally attached to an ultrasound transceiver is operated to place a sterilizable needle or needle/cannula unit within a blood vessel by a single user-device operator in which the blood vessel is made visible in a monitor image by ultrasound insonification. A guidance template having an expected path trajectory is overlapped on at least one of a transverse short axis, a longitudinal long axis, or a three-dimensionally imaged blood vessel that illustrates the predicted path of the needle or needle with overlapping cannula when it undergoes movement implemented by a controller located on the needle injector. In alternate embodiments the needle injector, ultrasound transceiver, and needle or needle/cannula unit may be contained within a flexible sheath that is capable of being sterilized.

30-05-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130138080A1

A medical article is configured to provide access to a patient's vasculature. The medical article includes an elongated body and a pair of stabilizing wings that extend from the elongated body and are configured to stabilize the medical article on a patient. The stabilizing wings are configured to rotate together or independently about the longitudinal axis of the elongated body between at least a first configuration and a second configuration. The elongated body can include a one-way valve disposed therein. The medical article can also one or more adhesive layers configured to releasably attach at least a portion of the wings to a patient. 1. A medical article for use in providing access to a patient's vasculature , the medical article comprising:an elongated body having a longitudinal axis, a distal end, and a proximal end; anda pair of wings extending away from the elongated body, at least one of the pair of wings being configured to rotate about the longitudinal axis of the elongated body between at least a first configuration and a second configuration.2. The medical article of further comprising a catheter extending from the proximal end of the elongated body.3. The medical article of claim 2 , wherein the catheter includes a bevel disposed near a distal end of the catheter claim 2 , the bevel and at least a portion of the rotating wing being rotationally aligned about the longitudinal axis of the elongated body when the wing is in the first configuration.4. The medical article of further comprising a one-way valve disposed within the elongated body.5. The medical article of further comprising an adhesive layer disposed on at least a portion of one side of each of the pair of wings claim 1 , the adhesive layer configured to releasably attach the wings to the patient.6. The medical article of claim 1 , wherein the elongated body comprises a luer connector disposed near the distal end claim 1 , the luer connector being configured to connect the elongated body ...

11-07-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130178825A1
Автор: Helm, JR. Robert E.

Methods and devices are disclosed herein that generally involve a sterile catheter-dressing system that allows for integrated injection of fluids, e.g., a saline flush, during the process of catheter insertion and sterile dressing placement. Such methods and devices can be used as a fully integrated catheter insertion system, or to convert existing catheter insertion devices and methods into integrated flush and sterile sealing catheter-dressing systems. Such methods and devices can greatly simplify the catheter insertion process, and can allow the reproducible placement of a fully sterile and flushed vascular catheter, as well as the placement of a durably sterile circumferentially sealing and securing dressing. 1. A catheter system comprising:a catheter assembly comprising an implantable catheter and catheter hub formed at a proximal end of the implantable catheter; anda needle containment device extending proximally from the catheter assembly, the needle containment device being coupled to an insertion needle disposed through an inner lumen of the implantable catheter;wherein the needle containment device includes a chamber filled with an injectable agent and is configured to selectively place the chamber in fluid communication with the inner lumen of the implantable catheter.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a dressing assembly configured to slide over the needle containment device and catheter hub to form a circumferential seal around the catheter hub and a catheter insertion site.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the injectable agent comprises sterile saline or other solution suitable for flushing a catheter.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the chamber comprises a flexible bag.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the needle containment device includes a first hemi-cylindrical collar disposed about an exterior surface of a body portion of the needle containment device claim 1 , the collar being coupled to a roller configured to compress the chamber ...

15-08-2013 дата публикации

Intravenous catheter set

Номер: US20130211325A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The invention includes a barrel, a needle assembly, a catheter, a stopper and a vacuum generator. The needle assembly is disposed in the barrel and has a needle, a needle hub and a needle piston. The needle piston is fastened onto the needle hub. The catheter is axially connected onto the needle hub and passed through by the needle. The stopper is operably disposed at the first end of the barrel and normally stops the needle hub from moving. The vacuum generator has a plunger and a vacuum piston mounted on an end thereof. The vacuum piston is slidably received in the barrel and normally abuts against the needle piston, and the plunger protrudes from the second end of the barrel. The needle assembly will be pulled and retracted in the barrel when the plunger is pulled outward and the stopper releases the needle hub.

19-09-2013 дата публикации

Safety Catheter and Needle Assembly

Номер: US20130245567A1
Автор: Kathleen Tremblay

An intravenous catheter and safety needle assembly is disclosed which includes a catheter assembly, a needle assembly and a needle guard. The needle guard is supported within a hub of the catheter and is positioned to engage an enlarged diameter portion of a needle of the needle assembly during withdrawal of the needle from the catheter assembly to effect an inversion of the needle guard about a sharpened tip of the needle.

03-10-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130261554A1
Автор: Baid Rishi
Принадлежит: Poly Medicure Limited

The invention relates to an intravenous catheter apparatus comprising a tubular catheter having a proximal end and a distal end, a needle defining an axial direction and having a needle shaft and a needle tip at a distal end of the needle shaft, wherein said needle shaft extends through said tubular catheter such that said needle tip of said needle protrudes from said distal end of said tubular catheter, and wherein said needle shaft comprises an engagement means adapted to engage with a needle guard slidably arranged on said needle shaft in order to prevent said needle guard from sliding off said needle tip. 1. An intravenous catheter apparatus comprising:{'b': 10', '16, 'a tubular catheter () having a proximal end and a distal end ();'}{'b': 12', '22', '14', '22, 'a needle () defining an axial direction and having a needle shaft () and a needle tip () at a distal end of the needle shaft ();'}{'b': 22', '10', '14', '12', '16', '10, 'said needle shaft () extending through said tubular catheter () such that said needle tip () of said needle () protrudes from said distal end () of said tubular catheter (); and'}{'b': 22', '26', '22', '14, 'said needle shaft () comprising an engagement means () adapted to engage with a needle guard slidably arranged on said needle shaft () in order to prevent said needle guard from sliding off said needle tip (),'}characterized in that{'b': 22', '28', '26', '14', '28', '10, 'said needle shaft () further comprises a lateral opening () arranged between said engagement means () and said needle tip () such that said lateral opening () is covered by said tubular catheter ().'}2. An intravenous catheter apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 28', '18', '12', '10, 'said lateral opening () provides communication between a lumen () of said needle () and an interior of said tubular catheter ().'}3. An intravenous catheter apparatus in accordance with claim 1 ,characterized in that{'b': 28', '22, 'said lateral opening () ...

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Infusion catheter assembly with reduced backflow

Номер: US20130274672A1
Автор: Brian D. Nelson
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

Catheters assemblies having structural configurations operable to reduce backflow along the catheter assembly track, and methods of making and using such catheter assemblies. Catheters assemblies in accordance with embodiments of the present invention find use in various applications including the treatment of acute and chronic medical conditions. An exemplary catheter assembly includes, in one illustrative embodiment, a flexible proximal catheter body portion, and a distal portion of a smaller diameter than the body portion. The distal portion includes a sealed distal tip or end and one or more side flow openings to permit flow of therapeutic substance from the catheter along an axis that is different than, e.g., skewed relative to, a longitudinal axis of the distal portion of the catheter assembly.

17-10-2013 дата публикации

Minimizing Resistance to Catheter Advancement During Vascular Cannulation

Номер: US20130274713A1

A hypodermic needle minimizing resistance to catheter advancement during vascular cannulation includes a needle shaft and a needle tip including an open needle bevel extending along middle and proximal portions of the open bevel until a distal end of the needle shaft, wherein a most distal portion of the open bevel is filled to prevent flashback. The hypodermic needle also includes a catheter overlying the needle shaft in the resting position. 1. A hypodermic needle minimizing resistance to catheter advancement during vascular cannulation , comprising:a needle shaft having a needle tip;the needle tip extending to a distal point in alignment with a longitudinal axis extending along a wall of the needle shaft, the needle tip including an open needle bevel extending diametrically across a full extent of the needle, the open portion of the open needle bevel extending along middle and proximal portions of the open needle bevel until a distal end of the needle shaft, wherein a most distal portion of the open needle bevel is filled so that contact of the open portion of the open needle bevel with a vessel is delayed until a predetermined portion of the needle tip is in the vessel to delay flashback from the open portion of the open needle bevel, the open needle bevel being filled as dead space to ensure that flashback cannot occur until a region of the open needle bevel with greater than a prescribed width has passed through an anterior vessel wall;a catheter having a constant diameter along its length, the catheter overlying the needle shaft in the resting position;wherein a distance from the catheter to a distal tip of the open needle bevel is greater than a distance from the catheter to a most distant point of flashback via the open portion of the open needle bevel, thereby delaying flashback until a predetermined portion of the needle tip is in the vessel to ensure an adequate size path is formed in a vessel wall so as to minimize resistance to advancement of the ...

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Blood control iv catheter with antimicrobial properties

Номер: US20130310764A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A system and method is provided for applying an anti-pathogenic material to various surfaces of a medical device, wherein the method includes identifying various surfaces of the medical tests which include noncritical dimensions, and limiting the application of the anti-pathogenic material to those surfaces. Some aspects of the invention further include the application of an anti-pathogenic lubricant material to various parts or components of a medical device to reduce friction.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310804A1
Принадлежит: PROMED, INC.

The methods, devices and systems described herein relate to accessing a hollow organ with increased accuracy and safety. In one example, they relate to transseptal crossings of the atrial septal wall, preferably from the right atrium into the left atrium. Numerous different devices are described for performing access methods, each of which can be used with a piercing stylet that transitions to an atraumatic configuration after piercing the intervening tissue. 1. A method for transseptal left atrium access , comprising:accessing a patient's vasculature percutaneously;advancing an elongate member through the patient's vasculature and into the right atrium;adjusting an orientation of the distal end of the elongate member from a first position to a variable second position, where in the second position is in a desired orientation with respect to a septal wall and is deflected away from the longitudinal axis of the proximal end of the elongate member; andcreating a hole in the septal wall.2. A method for transseptal left atrium access , comprising:accessing a patient's vasculature percutaneously;advancing a guidewire through the vasculature and into the right atrium;advancing an elongate member along the guidewire into the right atrium;retracting the guidewire at least partially into the distal end of the elongate member;adjusting an orientation of the distal end of the elongate member from a first position to a variable second position, wherein the second position is in a desired orientation with respect to a septal wall and is deflected away from the longitudinal axis of the proximal end of the elongate member;creating a hole in the septal wall; andadvancing the distal end of the delivery device into the hole in the septal wall.3. A method for transseptal left atrium access , comprising:accessing a patient's vasculature percutaneously;advancing a guidewire through the vasculature and into the right atrium;advancing an elongate member, with an elongate delivery device, ...

05-12-2013 дата публикации

Transvascular Access Methods

Номер: US20130324901A1

Various methods employing transvascular access devices are described, including a method of placing a central catheter in a peripheral vein in an arm of a patient; a method of providing percutaneous access to the heart of a patient; a method of clearing a clotted arteriovenous dialysis graft; a method of creating multiple access points into a single blood vessel; a method of creating an AV fistula in a patient; and a method of providing a bypass to a blockage in a popliteal artery in a patient. 1. A method of placing a central catheter in a peripheral vein in an arm of a patient , the method comprising:inserting an access device percutaneously through an entry site in a femoral vein of the patient, the access device comprising a vascular catheter;advancing a distal end of the vascular catheter from the entry site to an exit site in the peripheral vein;advancing a puncture tool from the distal end of the catheter through the peripheral vein wall and skin of the patient at the exit site; andafter the step of advancing the puncture tool, inserting the central catheter into the peripheral vein at the exit site.2. The method of wherein the peripheral vein comprises a cephalic vein.3. The method of wherein the peripheral vein comprises a basilic vein.4. The method of wherein the peripheral vein comprises a brachial vein.5. A method of providing percutaneous access to the heart of a patient claim 1 , the method comprising:inserting an access device percutaneously through an entry site in a femoral artery of the patient, the access device comprising a vascular catheter;advancing a distal end of the vascular catheter from the entry site to an exit site in an axillary artery of the patient;advancing a puncture tool from the distal end of the catheter through the axillary artery wall and skin of the patient at the exit site;after the step of advancing the puncture tool, inserting a cardiac access catheter into the axillary artery at the exit site; andadvancing the cardiac ...

26-12-2013 дата публикации

Delivery devices, systems and methods for delivering therapeutic agents

Номер: US20130345634A1

Delivery devices, systems, and methods are configured to increase the retention of the therapeutic agent, and thereby increase the dose of the agent delivered. The delivery device may include a delivery body and a retractable member configured to move with respect to the delivery body. The retractable member may include a puncture member configured to create a delivery channel at the treatment site. The body may include an opening through which an agent may be delivered after the retractable member has been retracted within the device.

23-01-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140025039A1

The invention generally relates to a continuous anesthesia nerve conduction apparatus and method thereof, and more particularly to a method and system for use in administering a continuous flow or intermittent bolus of anesthetic agent to facilitate a continuous or prolonged nerve block. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a sheath having a proximal end, a distal end and at least one lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end. The sheath also includes an embedded conductive element for transmitting an electrical signal from a proximal portion of the sheath to a distal portion of the sheath. A cannula is arranged in the at least one lumen of the sheath and has a distal end protruding from a distal portion of the sheath. The cannula is electrically coupled to at least a portion of the embedded conductive element and is configured to provide nerve stimulation. 1142.-. (canceled)143. A medical apparatus , comprising:a catheter having a proximal end, a distal end, a lateral port, a distal end region, proximal end region, and at least one lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end, wherein a distal end region is configured to visually distinct from the rest of the catheter without the aid of echogenic additive materials; anda cannula configured to be arranged in the at least one lumen, wherein the cannula has a curved distal end region.144. A medical apparatus , comprising:a sheath having a proximal end, a distal end, a lateral port, and at least one lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end; anda cannula having a proximal end, a distal end, and hub, the cannula configured to be arranged in the at least one lumen.145. The medical apparatus of claim 144 , wherein the sheath comprises a reinforced catheter.146. The medical apparatus of claim 144 , wherein the hub comprises a conductive element configured to be coupled to a nerve stimulator.147. The medical apparatus of claim 146 , wherein the conductive element is configured to ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140039398A1
Автор: Rottenberg Dan, Sacher Ron

Device and method for puncturing blood vessels while using fluoroscopy. The disclosed device enables improved needle orientation control and avoids direct exposure of the clinician's hand to X-ray during the puncturing procedure. 1. A needle holder comprising:an elongate stiff member having a hollow lumen, and comprising a needle connector at a distal end thereof for connecting to a needle; anda vent at a proximal end of said elongate stiff member for blood flow therethrough.2. The needle holder according to claim 1 , wherein said needle connector comprises a male luer connector.3. The needle holder according to claim 1 , wherein said vent comprises a female luer connector.4. The needle holder according to claim 1 , wherein said needle holder has a length of at least 12 cm.5. The needle holder according to claim 1 , wherein said lumen has a diameter of equal to or more than 1.0 mm.6. The needle holder according to claim 1 , further comprising a guidewire holder assembled with said elongate stiff member.7. The needle holder according to claim 6 , wherein said guidewire holder comprises a guidewire locking element and a sliding knob arranged to slide over said guidewire locking element claim 6 , which forces said guidewire locking element into said lumen.8. The needle holder according to claim 6 , further comprising a vent hole in said elongate stiff member distal to said guide wire holder.9. The needle holder according to claim 1 , wherein said needle holder has a length of 20 to 25 cm.10. A needle holder comprising:an elongate stiff member having a hollow lumen and comprising a needle connector at a distal end thereof;a needle connected to said distal end; anda vent at a proximal end of said elongate stiff member for blood flow therethrough.11. A needle holder comprising:an elongate stiff member having a proximal end, a distal end, and hollow lumen;a connector coupled to the distal end of the elongate stiff member, wherein the connector is capable of connecting to a ...

06-02-2014 дата публикации

Compact Spring Inserter For Drug Delivery Infusion Set

Номер: US20140039458A1

An infusion set () includes a base () and an inserter () removably connected to the base (). A catheter () is movable from a first catheter position disposed substantially entirely within the inserter () to a second catheter position′ in which a free end of the catheter () is disposed externally of the base (). An introducer needle () is located within the catheter () and is movable with the catheter () between a first introducer needle position disposed substantially entirely within the inserter () and a second introducer needle position in which a free end of the introducer needle () is disposed externally of the base (). A spring member () moves the catheter () from the first to the second catheter position and the introducer needle () from the first to the second introducer needle position to facilitate insertion of the catheter (). The spring member () is disposed substantially entirely within the base (111) when the catheter (134) is in the second catheter position. 1. An infusion set , comprising:a base;an inserter removably connected to said base;a catheter movable from a first catheter position disposed substantially entirely within said inserter to a second catheter position in which a free end of said catheter is disposed externally of said base;an introducer needle located within said catheter and movable with said catheter between a first introducer needle position disposed substantially entirely within said inserter and a second introducer needle position in which a free end of said introducer needle is disposed externally of said base; anda spring member for moving said catheter from said first to said second catheter position and said introducer needle from said first to said second introducer needle position to facilitate insertion of said catheter, said spring member being disposed substantially entirely within said base when said catheter is in said second catheter position.2. The infusion set in accordance with claim 1 , whereinsaid spring member ...

13-02-2014 дата публикации

Catheter assembly with seal member

Номер: US20140041496A1
Принадлежит: Smiths Medical ASD Inc

A catheter assembly includes a catheter hub defining an interior cavity and a catheter tube extending distally thereof. A rigid actuator extends proximally in the interior cavity and supports a seal member thereon. The seal member includes a central membrane, a distal portion, and a proximal portion. An hourglass shaped actuator cavity is formed in the distal portion and receives a barbed end of the actuator. The outer surface of the seal member is in partial circumferential engagement with the catheter hub to define an air path that allows fluid communication between areas of the interior cavity distal and proximal of the seal member. A punch tool is provided to form a tri-slit in the membrane of the seal member.

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052066A1
Автор: Dangoisse Vincent

Vascular needle system for visualisation of blood comprising a vascular needle comprising a tube having a beveled distal end and a proximal end and between said ends a tubular wall having an external surface and an axial cavity for the passage of a fluid between said ends, said needle being provided with at least one lateral aperture and a proximal base-body, said vascular needle system also comprising a plastic transparent tubular cannula having an internal surface and overlying at least partially said needle. 1. Vascular needle system for visualisation of blood comprising a vascular needle comprising:a) a tube having a bevelled distal end and a proximal end and between said ends a tubular wall having an external surface and an axial cavity for the passage of a fluid between said ends, said needle being provided with at least one lateral aperture, a proximal basebody fastened to the proximal end of the tube,b) a transparent tubular cannula having an internal surface and overlying at least partially said needle, characterized in that said vascular needle system further comprises a detection cavity for said fluid provided for maintaining said at least one lateral aperture at distance from said internal surface of said cannula, so creating a space between said at least one lateral aperture and said internal surface of said cannula for collecting and detecting said fluid.2. Vascular needle system according to claim 1 , characterized in that said detection cavity between said at least one lateral aperture and said internal surface of said cannula is obtained via at least one reinforcing shoulder located between said external surface of said tubular wall of said needle and said internal surface of said cannula claim 1 , at least one lateral aperture being maintained at distance from said internal surface of said cannula by said at least one reinforcing shoulder.3. Vascular needle system according to claim 2 , characterized in that said at least one reinforcing shoulder ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации

Suprapubic safety cannula

Номер: US20140052166A1
Автор: Hans Haindl
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention relates to a cannula for puncturing body cavities, comprising an inner and an outer longitudinally cut sleeve with proximal and distal ends. The inner sleeve is arranged within the outer sleeve so as to be longitudinally displaceable and rotatable within the outer sleeve such that the longitudinal cut of the inner sleeve is covered by the outer sleeve in a first rotational position and the longitudinal cuts of the inner and outer sleeves are placed on top of each other in a second rotational position. The distal end of the inner sleeve is provided with a puncture tip that is completely retracted into the outer sleeve if the inner sleeve is in the second rotational position, wherein the inner and outer sleeves and/or the two handle portions are, preferably unreleasably, locked to one another.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Hollow curved superelastic medical needle and method

Номер: US20140058355A1
Автор: James F. Mcguckin
Принадлежит: Rex Medical LP

A needle assembly 10 compromising an infusion needle 11 that includes a needle cannula 13 made of a superelastic material such as Nitinol. The needle cannula is cold-worked or heat annealed to produce a preformed bend 16 that can be straightened within passageway 21 of a coaxial outer cannula 12 for introduction into the body of a patient. Upon deployment from the outer cannula, the needle cannula substantially returns to the preformed configuration for the introduction or extraction of materials at areas lateral to the entry path of the needle assembly. The needle assembly can compromise a plurality of needle cannulae than can be variably arranged or configured for attaining a desired infusion pattern.

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Apparatus for Peripheral Vascular Access

Номер: US20140058357A1
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

This invention provides devices and methods for insertion of a catheter into a vessel. The devices include coaxial slidably mounted needle, dilator and catheter components. The methods include piercing a vessel with the needle component, dilating the pierced hole with the dilator component, retraction of the needle component, insertion of the catheter and withdrawal of the dilator. 1. A method of inserting a catheter into a vessel , which method comprises:providing a rigid hollow guide needle slidably mounted within a resilient guide dilator slidably mounted within the catheter, wherein a piercing end of the needle extends out from a distal end of the dilator and wherein the distal end of the dilator extends out from a distal end of the catheter;inserting the piercing end of the needle through a wall of a vessel at an insertion point;inserting the distal end of the dilator through the insertion point;removing the needle from within the dilator or retracting the piercing end into the dilator; and,inserting the distal end of the catheter through the insertion point into the vessel.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising pushing the resilient dilator along a lumen of the vessel after the needle is removed or retracted.3. The method of claim 1 , further comprising removing the dilator from within the catheter.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein a guide wire is not placed within the guide dilator.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the catheter is inserted into the vessel before the needle is removed from the dilator.625-. (canceled)26. The method of claim 1 , wherein the needle is retracted before the catheter is inserted into the vessel.27. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing the rigid guide needle adapted to be rigid along most of its length.28. The method of claim 1 , further comprising providing a catheter body at the proximal end of the catheter claim 1 , and providing rigidity along the rigid guide needle at least from the piercing end to the ...

27-02-2014 дата публикации

Self-Contained Inserter For Drug Delivery Infusion Set

Номер: US20140058360A1

An infusion set () includes a base (), a flexible catheter () and an introducer needle (). The flexible catheter () is movable from a first catheter position disposed substantially entirely within the base () to a second catheter position in which a free end of the flexible catheter () is disposed externally of the base (). The introducer needle () is movable between a first introducer needle position disposed substantially entirely within the base () and a second introducer needle position in which a free end of the introducer needle () is disposed externally of the base (). An activation button () is movable between first and second button positions. When the activation button () is moved from the first button position to the second button position, the flexible catheter () is moved from the first to the second catheter position, and the introducer needle () is moved from the first to the second introducer needle position to facilitate insertion of the catheter () and back to the first introducer needle position to store the introducer needle () within the base (). 1. An infusion set , comprising:a base;a flexible catheter movable from a first catheter position disposed substantially entirely within said base to a second catheter position in which a free end of said catheter is disposed externally of said base;an introducer needle located within said catheter and movable between a first introducer needle position disposed substantially entirely within said base and a second introducer needle position in which a free end of said introducer needle is disposed externally of said base; andan activation button movable between first and second button positions, wherein when said button is moved from said first button position to said second button position, said catheter is moved from said first to said second catheter position, said introducer needle is moved from said first to said second introducer needle position to facilitate insertion of said catheter, and said ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140073926A1

The invention generally relates to a continuous anesthesia nerve conduction apparatus and method thereof, and more particularly to a method and system for use in administering a continuous flow or intermittent bolus of anesthetic agent to facilitate a continuous or prolonged nerve block. In one embodiment, the apparatus includes a sheath having a proximal end, a distal end and at least one lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end. The sheath also includes an embedded conductive element for transmitting an electrical signal from a proximal portion of the sheath to a distal portion of the sheath. A cannula is arranged in the at least one lumen of the sheath and has a distal end protruding from a distal portion of the sheath. The cannula is electrically coupled to at least a portion of the embedded conductive element and is configured to provide nerve stimulation. 1. A medical apparatus , comprising:a sheath having a proximal end, a distal end, a lateral port, and at least one lumen extending from the proximal end to the distal end; anda cannula arranged in the at least one lumen.2. The medical apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sheath comprises a reinforced catheter.3. The medical apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sheath comprises an embedded conductive element comprising at least one wire.4. The medical apparatus of claim 3 , wherein at least one wire is helically wound along at least a portion of the sheath.5. The medical apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the reinforced catheter comprises a material selected from the group consisting of polyesters claim 2 , polyurethanes claim 2 , polyamides claim 2 , polyolefins claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , polypropylene and combinations thereof.6. The medical apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the reinforced catheter comprises a material selected from the group consisting of nylon claim 2 , polyester elastomer claim 2 , polyether/block polyamide claim 2 , polyether ether ketone claim 2 , polyethylene claim 2 , ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации

One-Piece Molded Catheter and Method of Manufacture

Номер: US20140074028A1

A one-piece catheter () and manufacturing method therefor are disclosed. The catheter () includes a catheter tube () and an adapter (). The catheter catheter tube () includes a tip () at one end and an end portion () at another other end. The adapter () can be configured for receiving a septum (). The adapter () includes a narrow opening. The end portion () of the catheter tube () is connected to the adapter () at the narrow opening for fluid communication between the catheter tube () and the adapter (). The catheter tube () and adapter () are formed as a one-piece element that is preferably injection molded in a single-shot process. Additional elements, such as one or more retention tabs () for attaching to a base can be formed on the catheter (). The one-piece catheter () can be made by a single-shot injection molding process. Additional structures, such as a base can be attached to the catheter () by a second-shot injection molding process. 1. A one-piece catheter , comprising:a catheter tube; andan adapter comprising a retention tab configured to lock with a base of an infusion set, the retention tab extending radially outwardly from an outer wall of the adapter to engage a corresponding recess in the base to secure the adapter to the base;wherein an end portion of the catheter tube is connected to the adapter for fluid communication between the catheter tube and the adapter; andwherein the catheter and adapter are formed as a one-piece element.2. The one-piece catheter as claimed in claim 1 , the adapter comprises a lead-in portion that forms a narrow opening.3. The one-piece catheter as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the lead-in portion comprises a wide mouth and a narrow stem.4. The one-piece catheter as claimed in claim 3 , wherein an end portion of the catheter tubing is connected to the adapter at the narrow stem of the lead-in portion.5. The one-piece catheter as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the adapter comprises an opening configured to be in fluid ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074031A1
Автор: Bornhoft Stephen

A Luer securement device comprising a Luer adapter having a septum and a catheter hood, the Luer adapter further having a wedge seal for receiving a base portion of a catheter. The Luer securement device further includes an inserter body in which is slidably housed a catheter threader having a probe which is configured to advance a base portion of a catheter through the septum thereby seating the base portion of the catheter into the wedge seal of the Luer adapter as a tip portion of the catheter is inserted into a patient. The catheter threader further includes a needle adapter having a needle which is threaded through the probe and the catheter to assist in inserting the catheter into the patient. Following insertion of the catheter, the catheter threader is retracted within the inserter body thereby withdrawing the needle from the catheter and shielding a sharpened tip of the needle within at least one of the inserter body and the catheter threader. The inserter body is then detached from the Luer adapter and discarded. 1. A Luer securement device , comprising:a Luer adapter having a first end comprising a septum and a second end comprising a catheter hood having a base, the Luer adapter further comprising a wedge seal interposed between the first and second ends;an inserter body having a distal end for receiving the first end of the Luer adapter;a catheter threader slidably housed within the inserter body, the catheter threader having a probe for contacting a base portion of a catheter, the probe being configured to advance the base portion of the catheter through the septum of the Luer adapter and into the wedge seal, the wedge seal being configured to retain the catheter and form a fluid-tight seal between the base portion and the wedge seal, the probe further having an aperture providing a pathway through the probe; anda needle adapter slidably housed within the catheter threader and including a needle which extends through the aperture of the probe and the ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074034A1

A catheter assembly includes a hollow catheter; a catheter hub fixed onto a base end portion of the catheter, the catheter hub having an internal passage communicating with an inside of the catheter; a needle disposed in the catheter; a needle hub; a valve element including an opening and closing unit configured to be opened and closed; an operation member including a tubular body, the operation member being configured such that an opening portion of the operation member is insertable into the opening and closing unit to cause the base end side and a tip side of the catheter hub to communicate with each other; a communication unit; and a sealing member including a tubular body, the sealing member being disposed at a base end side of the valve element and being configured to allow the passage of air and prohibit the passage of liquid. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a hollow catheter;a catheter hub fixed onto a base end portion of the catheter, the catheter hub having an internal passage communicating with an inside of the catheter;a needle disposed in the catheter;a needle hub fixed to a base end portion of the needle, the needle hub being connectable to a base end side of the catheter hub;a valve element positioned to block the internal passage of the catheter hub, the valve element including an opening and closing unit configured to be opened and closed;an operation member including a tubular body, the operation member being configured such that an opening portion of the operation member is insertable into the opening and closing unit to cause the base end side and a tip side of the catheter hub to communicate with each other;a communication unit disposed on at least one of (i) an inner periphery portion of the catheter hub where the valve element is positioned, and (ii) a peripheral edge portion of the valve element, the communication unit being configured to allow the base end side and the tip side of the catheter hub to communicate with each other; anda ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140081210A1

An access device for placing a medical article within a body space includes a needle, a dilator, and a sheath. The needle can include an elongated needle body and a hub from which the needle body extends. The dilator can be slideably disposed on the needle body and include a dilator hub and an elongated dilator shaft that extends from the dilator hub. The sheath can include a tubular sheath body disposed on the dilator and a sheath hub coupled with the tubular sheath body. The tubular sheath body can include a material that exhibits a reduced rigidity upon exposure to heat. 1. An access device for placing a medical article within a body space , comprising:a needle having an elongated needle body and a needle hub from which the needle body extends;a dilator slideably disposed on the needle body, the dilator comprising a dilator hub and an elongated dilator shaft that extends from the dilator hub; anda sheath comprising a tubular sheath body disposed on the dilator and a sheath hub coupled with the tubular sheath body, wherein the tubular sheath body comprises a material that exhibits a reduced rigidity upon exposure to heat.2. The access device of claim 1 , wherein the material comprises urethane polycarbonate.3. A sheath configured to be placed within a body space by an access device claim 1 , the sheath comprising:a tubular sheath body comprising a proximal portion; anda sheath hub coupled with the tubular sheath body, wherein the tubular sheath body comprises a material that exhibits a reduced rigidity upon exposure to heat.4. The sheath of claim 3 , wherein the material comprises urethane polycarbonate.5. An access device for placing a medical article within a body space claim 3 , comprising:a needle having an elongated needle body and a needle hub from which the needle body extends;a dilator slideably disposed on the needle body, the dilator comprising a dilator hub and an elongated dilator shaft that extends from the dilator hub; a tubular sheath body disposed ...

03-04-2014 дата публикации

Insertion device for an insertion set and method of using the same

Номер: US20140094756A1
Принадлежит: Medtronic Minimed Inc

An insertion device and insertion set. The insertion device for inserting at least a portion of at least one piercing member of an insertion set through the skin of a patient includes a device housing, a carrier body and a driver. The carrier body is slidably received within the device housing for movement between an advanced position and a retracted position. The carrier body also includes a receiving structure to support the insertion set in a position with the at least one piercing member oriented for insertion through the skin of the patient at a predetermined or variable angle relative to the skin of the patient upon movement of the carrier body from the retracted position to the advanced position. The driver is operatively coupled between the device housing and the carrier body to urge the carrier body from the retracted position toward the advanced position to place at least a portion of the at least one piercing member of the insertion set thorough the skin of the patient to install the insertion set to the patient. The receiving structure of the carrier body is removable from the insertion set while maintaining the installation of the insertion set to the patient.

10-04-2014 дата публикации

Safety Catheter

Номер: US20140100528A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A needle assembly including a needle tip guard and needle is provided. The needle tip guard includes a proximal base defining an opening that is dimensioned for passage of the needle therethrough, first and second clamp members extending from the proximal base and defining an internal cavity, and a finger tab extending from the proximal base. Each of the first and second clamp members define an inner surface including a protrusion extending into the internal cavity. A distal end of each of the clamp members includes a clamp arm, the clamp arms being supported for movement between an open position and a closed position. The finger tab includes a contacting portion for engagement by a user.

07-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210000401A1
Автор: Millerd Donald L.
Принадлежит: MMI, LLC

Apparatus and methods for a single, handheld device that provides for both insertion of a catheter and collection of a fluid. Some embodiments further include a needle that assists in the insertion of the catheter into a blood vessel, and which includes a retraction feature that protects the user from an accidental needle stick when the device is ready for disposal. Still further embodiments include a protective cover that prevents a user from accidentally being stuck by a second needle used for the introduction of the patient's blood into a collection device. 149-. (canceled)50. A method for automatically retracting a needle from a catheter , comprising:providing a first hollow needle extending in a distal direction from the lumen of a catheter;providing a flowpath from the first hollow needle to a second hollow needle, the second hollow needle being aligned with a second axis that is laterally displaced from the first axis of the first hollow needle;extending the tip of the second hollow needle through an aperture in a slidable cover;retracting the first hollow needle from the lumen in a proximal direction along the first axis; andautomatically sliding the cover along the second axis during said retracting.51. The method of which further comprises separating the first hollow needle from the catheter before said retracting.52. The method of wherein said automatically sliding the cover is to a position that is proximal of the tip.53. The method of wherein said extending is in a proximal direction.54. The method of which further comprises automatically locking the cover in a position after said automatically sliding.55. The method of wherein the flowpath is flexible.56. The method of wherein said automatically sliding the cover is by pushing the cover with the retracting first hollow needle.57. The method of wherein said automatically sliding the cover is by expanding a coiled spring. This application claims the benefit of priority to U.S. Provisional Patent ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Systems, devices and methods for resuscitation

Номер: US20210000547A1
Автор: Michael D. Laufer
Принадлежит: Individual

Methods, devices, systems of resuscitating a patient including accessing an arterial vessel positioning a catheter into the arterial vessel advancing the catheter through the arterial vessel to position it below a vessel supplying blood to a heart and a brain expanding an expandable portion of the catheter to prevent blood from flowing past the expanded portion and infusing a substance retrograde into the artery within the arterial section between the heart and the expanded portion of the catheter.

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001145A1

Needle assemblies and related methods having a needle hub with a needle, a catheter tube with a catheter hub and having the needle extending through the catheter tube, a valve positioned in an interior cavity of the catheter hub, a valve opener proximal of the valve, and a needle guard extending at least partially into the valve opener. The valve opener can be used with a range of needle sizes. 1. A needle assembly comprising:a needle hub with a needle having a needle shaft and a needle tip extending from a distal end of the needle hub;a catheter hub having an interior surface defining an interior cavity;a catheter tube attached to the catheter hub and having the needle extending through the catheter tube with the needle tip extending out a distal opening in a ready to use position;a valve comprising a plurality of slits and a plurality of flaps defining an opening seated in the interior cavity of the catheter hub;a needle guard comprising at least one arm extending from a proximal wall having a perimeter defining a proximal opening;a valve opener positioned in the interior cavity of the catheter hub and proximal of the valve in a first position, the valve opener comprising a head located distally of the needle guard and two valve opener arms extending in a proximal direction of the head and located in between the needle guard and the interior surface of the catheter hub, each of said two valve opener arms comprising a clip seat having the needle guard biased there against and having a width measured orthogonally to the needle shaft, and wherein the width of the clip seat is larger than a diameter of the needle shaft and larger than a range of diameters of needle shafts in which the diameter of the needle shaft falls into; andwherein the head of the valve opener is axially displaceable against the valve to open the valve in a second position.2. The needle assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the needle guard engages a guard engagement section formed on the ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001161A1

A catheter assembly and/or an introducer may include one or more features configured to guide a probe and/or a catheter distally through a septum. The catheter assembly may include a catheter adapter and the septum. The catheter adapter may include a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending therebetween. In some embodiments, the septum may be disposed within the lumen. The septum may include a proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in a distal direction such that the proximal surface of the septum is configured to guide the probe and/or the catheter distally through the septum. The catheter assembly may be configured to receive an introducer, which may include an introducer element. A proximal end of the introducer element may include another proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in the distal direction such that the other proximal surface is configured to guide the probe or the catheter distally through the septum. 1. A catheter assembly , comprising:a catheter adapter, comprising a distal end, a proximal end, and lumen extending therebetween; anda septum disposed within the lumen, wherein the septum comprises a proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in a distal direction such that the proximal surface is configured to guide a probe or catheter distally through the septum.2. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the septum comprises a cavity claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the cavity comprises an annular protrusion claim 1 , wherein annular protrusion forms the proximal surface.3. The catheter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the septum further comprises a slit disposed in a center of the annular protrusion.4. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising extension tubing claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the catheter adapter comprises a first port and a second port claim 1 , wherein the lumen comprises a first lumen claim 1 , a second lumen claim 1 , and a common lumen claim 1 , wherein the first port forms the first lumen claim ...

07-01-2021 дата публикации

Catheter assembly

Номер: US20210001092A1
Автор: Masahiro Ishida
Принадлежит: Terumo Corp

A catheter assembly includes: a catheter comprising a distal end portion, and a body portion that is continuous with a proximal end of the distal end portion and extends along an axial direction; a hollow inner needle that has a needle tip and is removably inserted into the catheter; and a guide wire that is inserted into the inner needle so as to be movable back and forth and that is deliverable from the needle tip. The distal end portion of the catheter comprises a constituent portion that is harder than, has a higher lubricity than, or has a higher elasticity than the body portion at at least a part of a surface of the distal end portion.

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001060A1

An access device places a medical article within a body space of a patient. The device has a needle that includes an elongated body and a needle hub. The device further includes a dilator disposed on and slideable along the elongated body of the needle and a medical article. The medical article is disposed on and slideable along the dilator. A track extends in a proximal direction from the dilator. The needle hub slides along at least a portion of the track between a first position and a second position. The device further includes a locking mechanism operably disposed between the track and the needle hub so as to inhibit further axial movement of the needle in the proximal direction when the needle hub is in the second position. 1a needle having an elongated needle body with a distal end and a hub from which the needle body extends;a dilator disposed on the needle body, the needle and the dilator being moveable relative to each other from a first position, wherein the distal end of the needle lies distal of the dilator, and a second position wherein the distal end of the needle lies within the dilator, the dilator including a dilator hub and an elongated dilator shaft that extends from the dilator hub; anda locking mechanism operating between the needle and the dilator to inhibit movement of the needle relative to the dilator when in the second position, the locking mechanism being configured to allow movement of the needle from the first position toward the second position without engagement by the locking mechanism so as to lessen resistance to the movement.. An access device for placing a medical article within a body space, comprising: This application is a continuation application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/185,358, filed Jul. 18, 2011, which is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/106,196, filed Apr. 18, 2008, which issued as U.S. Pat. No. 8,105,286 on Jan. 31, 2012, which is related to and claims the benefit under 35 U. ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000982A1
Автор: ISHIDA Masahiro

A catheter assembly includes a catheter, a catheter hub fixed to a proximal end portion of the catheter, a hollow inner needle detachably inserted in to the catheter, a pressing member configured to press a portion between a proximal end and a distal end of the catheter, a guide wire slidably inserted into the inner needle, and a wire operating member which is configured to be displaced in a longitudinal direction relative to the inner needle and the catheter and is connected to the guide wire. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a catheter possessing a distal end, a proximal end and a proximal end portion;a catheter hub fixed to the proximal end portion of the catheter;a hollow inner needle positioned inside the catheter and removable from inside the catheter, the needle possessing a distal end, and the needle including a needlepoint at the distal end of the needle;a pressing member including a main body connected to the catheter hub and extending in a longitudinal direction of the inner needle and the catheter, the pressing member being configured to press a portion of the catheter between the proximal end of the catheter and the distal end of the catheter;a guide wire slidably positioned in the inner needle and possessing a distal end, the guide wire possessing a length longer than the inner needle and longer than the catheter, the guide wire being configured so that the distal end of the guide wire projects distally beyond the needlepoint during use of the catheter assembly; anda wire operating member connected to the guide wire and movable in the longitudinal direction relative to the inner needle and the catheter.2. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the wire operating member possesses a distal end and axially overlaps the pressing member.3. The catheter assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the pressing member is configured to press the portion of the catheter by pushing on the pressing member from above in a state in which the distal end of ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000983A1
Автор: Woehr Kevin

Needle assemblies are generally discussed herein with particular discussions extended to needle assemblies having a tip protector with a plurality of wall surfaces for preventing contact with the needle tip from a side. Aspects of the tip protectors discussed herein include a first protector body having an arm for blocking a needle tip surrounded by a second protector body having a plurality of wall surfaces. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a catheter hub comprising a wall having an interior wall surface defining a cavity;a catheter tube having a distal opening extending distally of the catheter hub;a needle, which has a lengthwise axis, a sharpened needle tip, and a crimp, a material build up, a bend or combinations thereof, passing through the catheter hub and the catheter tube with the sharpened needle tip extending distally of the distal opening in a ready to use position;a tip protector assembly being removably held with the catheter hub, said tip protector assembly comprising a first protector body located inside a second protector body having a plurality of walls;wherein the first protector body comprises a proximal wall, a perimeter defining an opening having the needle passing therethrough, a first arm having a free end extending distally of the proximal wall from a first side of the needle and crossing the lengthwise axis to a second side of the needle in the ready position towards the sharpened needle tip and biased by the needle, a second arm having a free end extending distally of the proximal wall towards the sharpened needle tip and being shorter in length relative to the first arm; the free ends of the first arm and the second arm are spaced apart and movable relative to one another;wherein the crimp, the material build up, the bend or the combinations thereof on the needle is configured to engage the perimeter defining the opening and moving the tip protector assembly in a proximal direction to a protective position in which the free end of the ...

02-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200001050A1

A catheter system may include a catheter hub, a septum disposed within the catheter hub, a catheter tube extending from the catheter hub, a needle hub, and an introducer needle secured within the needle hub. The catheter hub may include a push tab and one or more ribs, which may extend outwardly from an upper surface of the catheter hub. The ribs may be shorter in height than the push tab and/or may be generally parallel to the push tab. The introducer needle may include a flashback notch. In response to insertion of the introducer needle into vasculature, blood may flow into the introducer needle, through the flashback notch, and into a flashback chamber disposed between the septum and the catheter tube. The flashback chamber may be disposed distal to the push tab and the ribs, which may improve visualization of the flashback chamber by a user. 1. A catheter system , comprising: a catheter hub, comprising a distal end, a proximal end, a lumen disposed between the distal end and the proximal end, a push tab extending outwardly from an upper surface of the catheter hub, a first rib, a second rib proximal to the first rib, and a third rib proximal to the second rib, wherein the first rib, the second rib, and the third rib are shorter in height than the push tab, proximal to the push tab, and extend outwardly from the upper surface of the catheter hub;', 'a septum disposed within the lumen of the catheter hub; and', 'a catheter tube extending distally from the distal end of the catheter hub;, 'a catheter assembly, comprisinga needle hub;an introducer needle secured within the needle hub and extending through the catheter tube, wherein the introducer needle comprises a flashback notch, wherein the catheter system is configured such that in response to insertion of the introducer needle into vasculature, blood flows into the introducer needle, through the flashback notch, between an outer surface of the introducer needle and an inner surface of the catheter tube, and ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001031A1

A single step body insertion device comprises a cannula and a Veress needle which penetrates the skin surface and relevant tissue layers to reach fluid and/or gases that need to be removed from the body. The cannula shaft and tapered tip are of a polymeric material which is flexible and kink resistant. The Veress needle has an engagement feature for engagement with the tapered tip of the cannula for delivery of the cannula into the body as the Veress needle is inserted into the body. The device is used for the management of conditions such as pneumothoraxes and pleural effusions as well as other conditions that require release of fluid and/or gas from the body. 120.-. (canceled)21. A single step body insertion device for removal of fluid from a body comprising a cannula having:a cannula shaft;a tapered tip at the distal end of the cannula shaft; anda hub at the proximal end of the cannula shaft, the hub having:a sealing valve aligned with the longitudinal axis of the cannula shaft for sealingly engaging a Veress needle which is adapted to extend through the cannula to penetrate the skin surface to facilitate delivery of the distal end of the cannula for fluid to be removed from the body; anda side port with a one-way valve which permits flow of fluid through the valve only in the proximal direction,wherein the cannula shaft is flexible and kink resistant, the main body of the cannula shaft is of a uniform thickness and the wall thickness progressively reduces inwardly distally along the distal tip of the cannula,wherein the Veress needle has a proximal hub and the cannula has a proximal hub and wherein a releasable interlock is provided between the needle proximal hub and the cannula proximal hub so that when the interlock is engaged the needle and the cannula move together on insertion into the body and when the interlock is released the Veress needle is removable through the cannula hub, andan indicator to provide a visual indication when the interlock between the ...

03-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190001055A1
Автор: Gyrn Steffen

The invention relates to an inserter device for subcutaneously inserting a medical device, the inserter device comprising an outer part comprising one or more locking elements including a first locking element and one or more release elements including a first release element; a housing; and a functional part accommodated in the housing; wherein the housing comprises a sidewall with an inner surface forming a cavity, the housing extending from a first end to a second end along a first axis and comprising one or more housing guide members including a first housing guide member for engagement with one or more guide members of the functional part, and where the housing is at least partly covered by the outer part; wherein the functional part comprises a first part with a first body extending from a first end to a second end along the first axis, the first part comprising one or more first locking members; a second part releasably connected to the first part and comprising a second body extending from a first end to a second end along the first axis, the second part comprising a second guide member and one or more second locking members; an insertion needle attached to the second part; an insertion spring adapted for moving the first part from a first position to a second position in an insertion direction along the first axis in relation to the housing; and a retraction spring adapted for moving the second part from the second position to a third position in an extraction direction along the first axis in relation to the housing. 2. An inserter device according to claim 1 , wherein the first locking element is two protrusions positioned on an annular engaging device extending inwards.3. An inserter device according to or claim 1 , wherein the first release element is two surfaces positioned on the annular engaging device.4. An inserter device according to claim 1 , or claim 1 , wherein the first housing guide member is a wall extending from the sidewall into the cavity ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008579A1

A needle assembly can include a needle and a proximal compartment forming a reservoir for collecting blood that flows through an inner lumen of needle. The needle assembly may also include a needle tip shield for capturing a sharpened distal tip of the needle. The needle tip shield can form a fluid pathway through which blood contained within the reservoir is expelled. The volume of the reservoir can be reduced to cause blood to be expelled from the needle tip shield such as by compressing the proximal compartment or a plunger connected to the proximal compartment or by moving a plunger into the reservoir. The fluid pathway of the needle tip shield can either be the same pathway through which the sharpened distal tip is withdrawn into the needle tip shield, or can be a separate pathway. 1. A needle assembly comprising:a needle having a sharpened distal tip and an inner lumen, the needle being configured to be used within an intravenous device;a proximal compartment secured to a proximal end of the needle, the proximal compartment forming a reservoir that is in fluid communication with the inner lumen of the needle thereby allowing blood to be withdrawn through the inner lumen and into the reservoir; anda needle tip shield secured to the needle and configured to capture the sharpened distal tip when the sharpened distal tip is withdrawn from the intravenous device, the needle tip shield forming a fluid pathway for dispensing blood contained within the reservoir.2. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the proximal compartment is compressible to cause blood contained within the reservoir to be expelled through the needle tip shield.3. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the proximal compartment includes a plunger for reducing the volume of the reservoir to cause blood contained within the reservoir to be expelled through the needle tip shield.4. The needle assembly of claim 3 , wherein the plunger forms a second reservoir.5. The needle assembly of claim 4 , ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008580A1

Embodiments of a catheter insertion device are discussed comprising: an approximately hollow cylindrical catheter sleeve, at whose distal end a catheter is attached; a needle sleeve with a hollow needle, which is attached thereto and which, when ready for use, extends through the catheter sleeve and the catheter, and; a needle protective element that is arranged inside the catheter sleeve while being able to move on the needle. Said needle protective element has an engaging section that engages with an engaging device, which is formed in the vicinity of the needle tip, when the hollow needle is withdrawn from the catheter sleeve. A check valve is placed inside the catheter sleeve between the catheter and the needle protective element. The hollow needle, when ready for use, extends through said check valve, and the check valve automatically closes once the needle is withdrawn. 1. A catheter insertion device comprising:a catheter hub comprising a body having an interior surface defining a bore having a groove on the interior surface; said bore comprising an opening at a proximal end and a catheter tube attached at a distal end;a valve located inside the bore of the catheter hub for blocking fluid flow therethrough and remaining inside the bore in a ready position and a needle guarded position;a valve actuating element slidably disposed in the bore of the catheter hub; said valve actuating element comprising a locating section and a plunger section extending from the locating section;a needle having a needle shaft defining a needle axis projecting distally of an end of a needle hub, said needle projecting through the catheter tube and comprising a needle tip extending out a distal opening of the catheter tube;a needle guard element slidably mounted relative to the needle so that the needle tip is guarded by the needle guard when the needle tip is removed from the catheter hub; andwherein the valve actuating element is guided in the groove of the bore and projects ...

10-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190008557A1
Принадлежит: Indian Wells Medical, Inc.

An endoluminal needle or punch is describes wherein the distal end of the endoluminal needle is able to articulate laterally out of the longitudinal axis of the steerable endoluminal needle. The endoluminal needle further comprise a blunted distal end configuration that is minimally traumatic. Under control by the user, at the proximal end of the endoluminal needle, a sharp stylet can be advanced to punch tissue and then be retracted to maximize safety. The endoluminal needle is configured for use within an introducer. 1. A device for penetrating a body lumen or hollow organ of a mammal comprising:an outer tube, said outer tube characterized by a distal end, and proximal end, and an outer tube lumen extending from the distal end to the proximal end thereof, said outer tube having a flexible region near the distal end of the outer tube;a first control rod disposed within the outer tube, said first control characterized by a distal end and a proximal end, said first control rod comprising a partial cylinder, wherein the control rod is longitudinally fixed to the distal end of the outer tube and extends proximally to the proximal end of the outer tube; anda hub disposed at the proximal end of the outer tube, said hub operable to pull the proximal end of the first control rod to exert compression force on the outer tube and thereby cause deflection of the flexible region relative to the less flexible regions of the outer tube proximal to the flexible region.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprising:a second control rod disposed within the outer tube, said second control rod characterized by a distal end and a proximal end, said first control rod comprising a partial cylinder, wherein the second control rod is longitudinally fixed to the distal end of the outer tube and extends proximally to the proximal end of the outer tube; whereinthe hub further is further operable to tension the proximal end of the second control rod to cause deflection of the flexible region ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008347A1

A catheter assembly with segmented or step-wise deployment stabilization system includes a base or handle, puncture needle extending from the handle, and a deployment mechanism or mechanisms to selectively extend from the distal end of the needle for first length a hollow stabilizing component and as a second step to a second further length a stabilizing guide wire element. The hollow stabilizing component has some degree of flexibility as does the guide wire to minimize chance of damage to surrounding tissue. The user can feel resistance and have the opportunity to retract either component and attempt redeployment without a retraction of the puncture needle and a second poke of the patient's skin. In the example for peripheral venous catheterization, the system reduces the probability of blood vessel puncture. The deployment mechanism can have a guiding system which ensures the proper sequence of deployment. 1. An apparatus designed for facilitating subcutaneous insertion of a catheter comprising:a hollow needle assembly comprising a hollow needle having a longitudinal axis and a distal end; anda hollow stabilizing component assembly comprising a hollow stabilizing component having a longitudinal axis and a distal end, the hollow stabilizing component coaxial to and selectively movable between a retracted position along the longitudinal axis of the needle to a deployed position extended past the distal end of the needle;wherein the needle is configured to provide subcutaneous access and the hollow stabilizing component is configured to provide a first support and guide section extendible from the needle.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , further comprising an additional stabilizing component selectively movable between a retracted position along the longitudinal axis of the hollow stabilizing component to a deployed position extended from the distal end of the hollow stabilizing component so that the needle is operable to provide subcutaneous access claim 1 , wherein ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008349A1

A catheter system may include a needle assembly coupled to a catheter adapter. The needle assembly may include a housing, an introducer needle, a distal opening, a first magnet, and a second magnet. In response to proximal withdrawal of the introducer needle, the first magnet may move towards the second magnet, which may block the distal opening and/or prevent blood from leaking out the distal opening. 1. A catheter system , comprising:a catheter adapter, comprising a distal end, a proximal end, and a wall forming a lumen;a catheter extending distally from the distal end of the catheter adapter; and an introducer needle, comprising a distal tip and a bump feature, wherein the distal tip is disposed distal to the catheter in a first position; and', a distal opening;', 'a proximal opening, wherein a diameter of the proximal opening is less than an outer diameter of the bump feature;', 'a pathway extending between the distal opening and the proximal opening, wherein the introducer needle extends through the pathway; and', 'a first portion, comprising a magnet extending through the first portion, wherein the magnet comprises a first magnetic pole and a second magnetic pole;', 'a second portion comprising another magnet, wherein the other magnet comprises a first magnetic pole and a second magnetic pole, wherein the second magnetic pole of the other magnet is proximal to the first magnetic pole of the other magnet, wherein the second magnetic pole of the magnet is generally aligned with and repelled by the second magnetic pole of the other magnet, wherein the introducer needle is disposed between the second magnetic pole of the magnet and the second magnetic pole of the other magnet,', 'wherein the distal tip of the introducer needle is configured to be withdrawn proximally from the first position to a second position in which the bump feature contacts the proximal opening and proximally from the second position to a third position, wherein in response to withdrawing the ...

09-01-2020 дата публикации

Closed system catheter vent cap

Номер: US20200009366A1
Принадлежит: Smiths Medical ASD Inc

A self activating vent cap configured to be operably coupled to a needleless connector and automatically shifted relative to the needleless connector from the first, storage position to a second, activated position upon rotation of the vent cap relative to the needleless connector. The self activating vent cap including a threaded portion, an activation portion and a biasing mechanism, wherein shifting of the activation portion to the second, activated position is selectively precluded by the interference of at least one ridge of the threaded portion with a ledge of the activation portion.

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032008A1

Extended dwell catheter assembly allows for one-handed operation by a physician such that the physician may continue to operate a visualization tool with the other hand throughout the catheterization process using the extended dwell catheter assembly. The catheter assembly can have stacked push tags to prevent false activations and to provide a manipulation means in the correct order of actuation. 115-. (canceled)16. A catheter assembly comprising:a housing having spaced apart walls;a catheter hub located within the housing;a catheter tube coupled to the catheter hub, the catheter tube defining a catheter axis;a needle projecting through the catheter tube; anda catheter activation device comprising a first push tag having a surface for pushing to move the catheter hub relative to the housing and a second push tag having a surface for pushing to move the catheter hub relative to the housing,wherein the first and second push tags are movable with one another to move the catheter hub from a first position to a second position within the housing and the first and second push tags are movable relative to one another for moving the catheter hub from the second position to a third position; andwherein the first and second push tags are spaced from one another a first distance in the first position and are spaced from one another a second distance in the second position, which is less than the first distance.17. The catheter assembly of claim 16 , wherein the surface of the second push tag is obscured by the housing in a ready to use state.18. The catheter assembly of claim 17 , wherein a cover attached to the housing obscures the surface of the second push tag.19. The catheter assembly of claim 16 , further comprising:a guidewire projecting through the needle; anda guidewire push tag slidably mounted within the housing for moving the guidewire relative to the needle.20. The catheter assembly of claim 19 , wherein the second push tag is covered by a cover attached to the ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации

Passive safety i.v. blood collection catheter

Номер: US20170014061A1
Автор: Donald L. Millerd
Принадлежит: Millaghi Medical Inc

Apparatus and methods for a single, handheld device that provides for both insertion of a catheter and collection of a fluid. Some embodiments further include a needle that assists in the insertion of the catheter into a blood vessel, and which includes a retraction feature that protects the user from an accidental needle stick when the device is ready for disposal. Still further embodiments include a protective cover that prevents a user from accidentally being stuck by a second needle used for the introduction of the patient's blood into a collection device.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Peripheral Catheter

Номер: US20160015932A1

Catheter assemblies that can reduce the occurrence of kinking of a catheter when the catheter assembly is secured to a surface of the patient's skin are provided herein. In accordance with various aspects, the catheter hub is shaped such that a catheter extending therefrom lies substantially flat on the patient's skin and/or the distance between the orifice from which the catheter hub extends and the surface of the patient's skin when the catheter assembly is secured thereto is minimized, thereby reducing the stress experienced by the catheter when the catheter hub is secured to the skin.

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015941A1

A catheter assembly includes an inner needle having a sharp tip at a distal end thereof; a catheter in which the inner needle is disposed; a tip protective member having an insertion hole through which the inner needle is insertable, the tip protective member being configured to cover at least a tip of the inner needle when the inner needle is withdrawn; and a shutter member which is arranged in an interior of a shutter accommodating section provided in the tip protective member, the shutter member being configured to be deformed and thereby block a movement path of the inner needle in the shutter accommodating section when the inner needle is retracted to a predetermined position relative to the tip protective member. The shutter accommodating section includes a needle guide configured to guide movement of the inner needle. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:an inner needle having a sharp tip at a distal end thereof;a catheter in which the inner needle is disposed;a tip protective member having an insertion hole through which the inner needle is insertable, the tip protective member being configured to cover at least a tip of the inner needle when the inner needle is withdrawn; anda shutter member which is arranged in an interior of a shutter accommodating section provided in the tip protective member, the shutter member being configured to be deformed and thereby block a movement path of the inner needle in the shutter accommodating section when the inner needle is retracted to a predetermined position relative to the tip protective member;wherein the shutter accommodating section includes a needle guide configured to guide movement of the inner needle.2. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein a distal end portion of the shutter member is disposed between the needle guide and an inside wall that faces the needle guide in the shutter accommodating section.3. The catheter assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the shutter member is formed in a V-shape ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015942A1

A catheter assembly includes an inner needle having a sharp tip at a distal end thereof; a catheter in which the inner needle is disposed; a catheter hub disposed on a proximal end side of the catheter and through which the inner needle is insertable; an inner needle hub disposed on a proximal end side of the inner needle; and a protector mounted detachably on the inner needle hub, the protector being configured to cover at least the tip of the inner needle. The protector includes a movement prevention unit, the movement prevention unit being configured to prevent movement of the catheter toward the tip with respect to the inner needle in a state in which a distal end side of the inner needle protrudes a predetermined length from the catheter.

21-01-2016 дата публикации

Intravenous Catheter Insertion Device and Method of Use

Номер: US20160015945A1
Принадлежит: Vascular Pathways Inc

A catheter insertion device includes a housing, a needle, a guide wire, and a catheter disposed coaxially over the needle. The needle has a proximal end in the housing and a distal end extending from a distal end of the housing in an insertion position. The guide wire has a distal portion disposed in a lumen of the needle in a withdrawn position. The guide wire may include a safety tip having a non-coiled configuration in the withdrawn position and a coiled configuration in an advanced position. The catheter insertion device may include a sliding member attached to the guide wire, wherein movement of the sliding member translates the guide wire from the withdrawn position to the advanced position.

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016374A1

A delivery device for delivering an instrument into a catheter assembly may include a housing having a proximal end, a distal end, and a slot. The delivery device may include a guide feature, which may be disposed within the housing. The guide feature may extend through the slot. The delivery device may include an instrument disposed within the housing and extending through the guide feature. In response to movement of the guide feature along the slot in the distal direction a first distance, a first end of the instrument may be advanced in the distal direction a second distance, which may be greater than the first distance. A second end of the instrument may be stationary with respect to the housing. 1. A delivery device for delivering an instrument into a catheter assembly , comprising:a housing having a proximal end, a distal end, and a slot;a guide feature disposed within the housing, wherein the guide feature extends through the slot, wherein the guide feature comprises a channel, wherein the channel is generally U-shaped; andan instrument disposed within the housing and extending through the channel, wherein in response to movement of the guide feature along the slot in a distal direction, the instrument moves through the channel and a first end of the instrument is advanced in the distal direction, wherein a second end of the instrument is stationary with respect to the housing.2. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein in response to movement of the guide feature along the slot in the distal direction a first distance claim 1 , the first end of the instrument is advanced in the distal direction a second distance claim 1 , wherein the second distance is greater than the first distance.3. The delivery device of claim 1 , wherein the first end of the instrument is advanced in the distal direction beyond the distal end of the housing in response to the guide feature being fully advanced along the slot in the distal direction.4. The delivery device of claim 1 , ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016375A1
Автор: SOLOMON Clint
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices to facilitate positioning of a catheter into a vessel. Devices include axially concentric assemblies of a piercing needle and a dilator that guides an outer catheter into a vessel, such as a blood vessel. The assemblies described herein can include retraction mechanisms and/or lock mechanisms to control needle positioning during catheterization processes as well as improved valves that prevent leakage of fluid from the proximal end of the devices. The devices and method include the use of novel valves to prevent undesired leakage of fluids through the proximal end of the catheter. 1a housing having a projection located therein;a first tubular member having a first hub slidably engaged with the housing;a needle having a needle hub, the needle extending through the first tubular member, the needle hub positioned within the assembly housing, the needle hub including a stop material positioned in a fluid path of the needle hub such that fluids passing through the needle into the needle hub contacts the stop material;a biasing element in contact with the needle hub applying a biasing force against the needle hub;where the needle assembly comprises an unloaded configuration where the stop material and the projection are adjacent without the biasing force acting therebetween;where the first hub and needle hub are moveable relative to each other to assume a loaded configuration where the biasing force drives the needle hub proximally to force the stop material against the projection such that the stop material prevents further proximal movement of the needle hub; andwherein when fluid in the needle hub contacts the stop material, the stop material weakens causing proximal movement of the needle hub such that a distal end of the needle retracts within the first tubular member.. A needle assembly comprising: This application is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/004,970 filed Jun. 11, 2018, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016376A1

A pediatric catheter system may include a catheter adapter having a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending therebetween. The system may include a catheter tube extending distally from the catheter adapter. The catheter tubing may be constructed of thermoplastic polyurethane for improved vein insertion success. The system may include a needle hub removably coupled to a proximal end of the catheter adapter and an introducer needle extending through the catheter tube. A proximal end of the introducer needle may be secured within the needle hub. The introducer needle may include a notch, which may also facilitate successful vein insertion. In response to insertion of the catheter tube into a vein of a patient, blood may flow into the introducer needle and out of the notch into a space disposed between an outer surface of the introducer needle and an inner surface of the catheter tube. 1. A pediatric catheter system , comprising:a catheter adapter having a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending therebetween;a catheter tube extending distally from the catheter adapter, wherein the catheter tube is constructed of thermoplastic polyurethane;a needle hub removably coupled to a proximal end of the catheter adapter; andan introducer needle extending through the catheter tube, wherein a proximal end of the introducer needle is secured within the needle hub.2. The pediatric catheter system of claim 1 , wherein the catheter tube is 24 gauge or 26 gauge.3. The pediatric catheter system of claim 1 , wherein a length of the catheter tube is approximately 19 mm.4. The pediatric catheter system of claim 1 , wherein the introducer needle comprises a notch disposed towards a distal end of the introducer needle claim 1 , wherein in response to insertion of the catheter tube into a vein of a patient claim 1 , blood flows into a distal end of the introducer needle and out of the notch into a space disposed between an outer surface of the introducer needle and an inner ...

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018769A1

A catheter insertion device has a generally hollow housing having a closed base end opposite an open distal end. A hollow needle defines a channel in fluidic or pneumatic communication between a distal skin-piercing end and the proximal needle end. A plunger is slidably disposed over at least a portion of the hollow needle. The distal skin-piercing end of the hollow needle extends through the plunger distal end. An expandable chamber is at least partially formed by the plunger proximal chamber end and at least an inside surface of the closed based end of the generally hollow needle, where the expandable chamber is in fluidic or pneumatic communication with the channel of the hollow needle through the proximal needle end. The expandable chamber is configured to increase in volume as the plunger moves towards the distal skin-piercing end of the hollow needle. 1. A catheter insertion device , comprising:a hollow needle having a distal skin-piercing end opposite a proximal base end, the hollow needle defining a channel in fluidic or pneumatic communication between the distal skin-piercing end and the proximal base end;a plunger slidably disposed over at least a portion of the hollow needle, where the distal skin-piercing end of the hollow needle extends through a distal end of the plunger;a spring mechanically engaged between at least a portion of the proximal base end of the hollow needle and a portion of the plunger, the spring biasing the plunger towards the distal skin-piercing end of the hollow needle;a catheter slidably disposed over at least a second portion of the hollow needle where the distal skin-piercing end of the hollow needle extends through a distal insertion end of the catheter, the catheter comprising the distal insertion end opposite a proximal connection end, where the proximal connection end of the catheter is configured to be disposed next to the distal end of the plunger; andan expandable chamber having a first opening in fluidic or pneumatic ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016058A1
Автор: EBNET Jens

The invention relates to an indwelling venous cannula for application to a living being, comprising a venous catheter (), wherein a puncture needle () can be guided in a longitudinally displaceable manner in the venous catheter (), wherein at least the part of the venous catheter (), which is designed to remain in the living being, is formed from a puncture-resistant material or is coated with such a puncture-resistant material over its entire length or most of its length, in which the puncture needle (3) can be guided in a longitudinally displaceable manner. 1. An indwelling venous cannula for application to a living being , comprising a venous catheter , wherein a puncture needle can be guided in a longitudinally displaceable manner in the venous catheter , characterized in that at least the part of the venous catheter designed to remain in the living being is formed from a puncture-resistant material , or is coated with such a puncture-resistant material , over its entire length or most of its length in which the puncture needle can be guided in a longitudinally displaceable manner.2. The indwelling venous cannula as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the indwelling venous cannula is a peripheral indwelling venous cannula.3. The indwelling venous cannula as claimed in claim 2 , wherein the venous catheter of the peripheral indwelling venous cannula has a piercing length of 10 mm to 200 mm.4. The indwelling venous cannula as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the indwelling venous cannula has at least one holding element for easier application to the living being.5. The indwelling venous cannula as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the indwelling venous cannula has a fastening element claim 1 , wherein the fastening element is configured to fix the indwelling venous cannula on the living being.6. The indwelling venous cannula as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the venous catheter has an undulating surface.7. The indwelling venous cannula as claimed in claim 6 , wherein the venous ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016059A1

A guidewire and catheter are disclosed which are configured together so that it is not possible to advance the guidewire into the patient where it may be undesirably retained in the patient. The improved safety is achieved by protrusions on each of the guidewire and catheter which coordinate with one another. Novel methods of catheterization are also disclosed. 1. A system for reducing or preventing unintentional advancement of a guidewire during catheterization , comprisinga guidewire with at least one guidewire protrusion on an external surface of the guidewire; anda catheter with a lumen and at least one catheter protrusion on an internal surface of the catheter,wherein a diameter of the guidewire is smaller than a diameter of the lumen of the catheter,wherein the protrusions of the guidewire and catheter are configured to cooperate with one another such that (i) the catheter protrusion is moveable past the guidewire protrusion in a first direction and (ii) the catheter protrusion is immovable past the guidewire protrusion in a second direction, wherein the first and second directions are opposite one another.2. The system of claim 1 ,wherein the guidewire has a first cross-sectional size at the guidewire protrusion,wherein the lumen has a second cross-sectional size at the catheter protrusion, andwherein the first cross-sectional size is greater than the second cross-sectional size.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guidewire comprises a plurality of guidewire protrusions on an external surface of the guidewire.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guidewire protrusion is nondeformable claim 1 , and wherein a body of the catheter and/or the catheter protrusion is deformable.5. The system of claim 1 , wherein the catheter protrusion is configured with variable stiffness such that deformation in one direction requires less force than deformation in another direction.6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the guidewire protrusion is at a proximal end of the guide ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016065A1
Автор: Dikeman W. Cary

A system and method for assessing an intravenous catheter site is described in embodiments herein. An application accessible on a mobile device may be used to take calibrated photographs of an intravenous catheter site. The resulting calibrated image may be compared to previously taken calibrated images to determine a complication. Success of treatments to the complication may be tracked and the patient's electronic medical record may be updated. 1. One or more non-transitory computer-readable media storing computer-executable instructions that , when executed by a processor , perform a method of determining a blood vessel of a patient for receiving a medication via an intravenous catheter , the method comprising the steps of:obtaining blood vessel characteristics via ultrasonography;generating a blood vessel model based on the blood vessel characteristics;simulating blood flow in the blood vessel model;simulating an introduction of the medication into the blood vessel model via the intravenous catheter;determining a medication effect on the blood vessel model; andrecommending the blood vessel for receiving the medication based at least in part on the medication effect,wherein the medication effect is based at least in part on an effect of the medication flow and the blood flow on the blood vessel model.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the blood vessel characteristics are indicative of at least a diameter of the blood vessel and are obtained from a calibrated image obtained via a mobile device configured to run the simulation.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the medication effect comprises at least one of a change in pH and a change in osmolality of a combination of blood and the medication in the blood vessel model.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the blood flow is simulated using computational fluid dynamics based at least in part on a hemodilution ratio and a size of the blood vessel obtained via ultrasonography.5. The method of claim 1 ,wherein the blood ...

21-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210016066A1
Автор: SINGH Paramjeet

The present invention relates to an IV cannula with tip protector assembly including a tip protector assembly slidably and coaxially arranged over a needle and having a locking mechanism which is automatically triggered during withdrawal of the needle after successful placement of the catheter tube in patient's vein. The tip protector assembly securely locks the tip and prevents it from coming out of either and of the tip protector. The tip protector assembly thereby prevents any possibility of needle stick injuries to the person placing the catheter tube inside the body of the patient, and hence preventing them from common needle stick hazards. 1. An intravenous cannula comprising:a needle having a distal end portion with a bevel/tip and a bulge, the bulge located nearer a proximal end;an intravenous delivery catheter assembly removably located coaxially over the needle in such a manner that the needle can be withdrawn from the catheter assembly after successful placement of a delivery end of a catheter tube in a patient vein;a tip protector assembly coaxially and moveably arranged over the needle and removably attached to a proximal portion of the catheter assembly and adapted to protectively cover the bevel/tip;the tip protector assembly having a mechanism for obstructing the bevel/tip from emerging out of a distal end of the tip protector assembly once the bevel/tip is retracted and the mechanism is activated, and the tip protector assembly also having another mechanism to engage the bulge and prevent the portion of the needle from the bulge to the bevel/tip from emerging out of a proximal end of the tip protector assembly.2. The intravenous cannula of claim 1 , wherein the tip protector assembly comprises a non reactive metallic body.3. The intravenous cannula of claim 1 , wherein the tip protector assembly further comprises:a retaining strip forming a base defining a proximal through-bore;a stem extending from one side of the base in a distal direction and ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022901A1
Автор: ISHIDA Masahiro

A method involves positioning an assembled indwelling assembly adjacent a patient, wherein the assembly includes an inner needle, a hub fixed to the inner needle, a hollow outer member in which the inner needle is positioned, a hub fixed to the hollow outer member, and an elongated member axially overlapping an intermediate portion of the hollow outer member. The method also includes moving a distal portion of the assembly to puncture a blood vessel of the patient with the sharp needlepoint while the elongated member contacts the hollow outer member, advancing the hollow outer member in a distal direction along the inner needle to insert a distal portion of the hollow outer member to a target position in the blood vessel, and moving the inner needle hub in a proximal direction such that the inner needle is pulled out from and entirely removed from the hollow outer member. 2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein: the hollow outer member is an outer needle; the outer member hub is an outer needle hub; and the elongated member is a pressing member connected to the outer needle hub.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the advancing of the hollow outer member in the distal direction along the inner needle is performed while holding the inner needle hub so that a position of the inner needle hub is fixed.4. The method according to claim 1 , wherein after the blood vessel is punctured by the sharp needlepoint of the inner needle claim 1 , flashback of blood from the blood vessel is visually confirmed.5. The method according to claim 1 , wherein after the blood vessel is punctured by the sharp needlepoint of the inner needle claim 1 , flashback of blood from the blood vessel is visually confirmed though the inner needle hub.6. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the inner needle possesses a distal-most end that extends distally beyond a distal-most end of the hollow outer member when the blood vessel is punctured by the sharp needlepoint of the inner ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022902A1
Автор: ISHIDA Masahiro

An indwelling assembly includes an inner needle having a sharp needlepoint at a distal end to puncture a blood vessel of a patient, an inner needle hub fixed to the proximal portion of the inner needle, a hollow elongated outer member in which the inner needle is positioned, with the hollow elongated member being movable in a distal direction relative to the inner needle after puncturing the patient's blood vessel, an outer member hub fixed to the proximal portion of the hollow elongated outer member, an elongated contact member configured to contact an intermediate portion of the hollow elongated outer member, and an elongated movable member movable relative to the hollow elongated outer member and the outer member hub. The elongated movable member is connected to the inner needle hub so that the inner needle hub, the inner needle and the elongated movable member move together. 1. An indwelling assembly comprising:an inner needle having a sharp needlepoint at a distal end to puncture a blood vessel of a patient when the indwelling assembly is moved toward the patient, the inner needle possessing a proximal portion;an inner needle hub fixed to the proximal portion of the inner needle;a hollow elongated outer member in which the inner needle is positioned, the hollow elongated outer member being movable in a distal direction relative to the inner needle after puncturing the patient's blood vessel with the sharp needlepoint to position the hollow elongated outer member at a desired position in the blood vessel, the hollow elongated outer member possessing a proximal portion;an outer member hub fixed to the proximal portion of the hollow elongated outer member;an elongated contact member configured to contact an intermediate portion of the hollow elongated outer member located between proximal and distal ends of the hollow elongated outer member when the indwelling assembly is moved toward the patient to puncture the blood vessel of the patient with the sharp ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022962A1

An introducer assembly includes a sheath and a tubular member that are coupled by a movement that is simultaneously longitudinal and radial. 1. An introducer assembly , comprising: a sheath tubular member having a proximal end and a distal end, and defining an inner diameter;', 'a sheath hub at the proximal end of the sheath tubular member, the sheath hub comprising a first feature; and', 'a hemostasis valve within the sheath hub; and, 'a sheath, comprising a dilator, cannula or catheter having a proximal end and a distal end, and defining an outer diameter that is less than the inner diameter of the sheath tubular member; and', 'a tubular member hub at the proximal end of the dilator, cannula or catheter, the tubular member hub comprising a second feature that is complementary to the first feature of the sheath hub,, 'a tubular member, comprisingwherein the first feature of the sheath hub and the second feature of the tubular member hub are configured to reversibly and rotatingly couple to one another to prevent proximal or distal movement of the tubular member relative to the sheath.2. The introducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the first feature of the sheath hub is a channel defined by the sheath hub, andthe second feature of the tubular member hub is a protrusion extending radially from the tubular member hub.3. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion extends radially outward from an outer surface of the tubular member hub.4. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion extends radially inward from an outer surface of the tubular member hub.5. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion comprises at least one ridge claim 2 , fin claim 2 , panel or male thread.6. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the channel defined by the sheath hub extends in an arc that is configured to receive the protrusion of the tubular member hub to guide the tubular member to move in a proximal to distal direction relative ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации

Intravenous Catheter Insertion And Blood Sample Devices And Method Of Use

Номер: US20160022963A1
Автор: Belson Amir

A catheter insertion device includes a housing, a needle, a catheter, and a guide wire. The needle has a proximal end positioned in the housing and a distal end extending beyond a distal end of the housing. The catheter is positioned coaxially over the needle, and includes a flexible tube and a catheter hub on a proximal end of the flexible tube. A proximal portion of the flexible tube and the catheter hub are positioned in the housing. the guide wire has a proximal end positioned in the housing and a distal end positioned in a lumen of the needle. The catheter insertion device also includes a handle coupled to the catheter, wherein movement of the handle relative to the housing moves the catheter hub from a position in the housing to a position outside of the housing. 1. A catheter insertion device , comprising:a housing;a needle having a proximal end positioned in the housing and a distal end extending beyond a distal end of the housing;a catheter positioned coaxially over the needle, the catheter comprising a flexible tube and a catheter hub on a proximal end of the flexible tube, wherein a proximal portion of the flexible tube and the catheter hub are positioned in the housing;a guide wire having a proximal end positioned in the housing and a distal end positioned in a lumen of the needle; anda handle coupled to the catheter, wherein movement of the handle relative to the housing moves the catheter hub from a position in the housing to a position outside of the housing.2. The catheter insertion device according to claim 1 , further comprising a guide wire advancement member claim 1 , wherein movement of the guide wire advancement member moves the guide wire relative to the needle.3. The catheter insertion device according to claim 2 , wherein the guide wire advancement member includes a guide wire carrier associated with the guide wire in the housing.4. The catheter insertion device according to claim 2 , wherein movement of the guide wire advancement member is ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170021137A1
Автор: Cole Russell

Manual insertion device has retraction spring () and hollow septum configuration () implemented using barrel-shaped guides () and a guiding boss () in insertion device housing (), and provides a fluid path through alignment of septum openings, side-port openings and catheter openings upon complete catheter insertion. Button () causes manual insertion of introducer needle () and catheter () of a first barrel () into a skin surface, and loading of retraction spring () disposed in an adjacent second barrel (). Once introducer needle () and catheter () are fully inserted, the introducer needle hub () is released and automatically retracted by release of the retraction spring (), leaving the catheter () in the user's body. Septums () and side-port openings () in the button () and introducer needle () are thus aligned, creating an uninterrupted fluid path between a reservoir or pump and catheter (). 1. A catheter insertion device , comprising:a device housing and a button slidably captured therein;a catheter slidably captured by the button; andan introducer needle subassembly, releasably secured to the button,wherein the button moves the introducer needle subassembly from a first linear position to a second linear position to insert the catheter and release the introducer needle subassembly from the button.2. The catheter insertion device of claim 1 , further comprising:a spring disposed between the device housing and the introducer needle subassembly, wherein the spring urges the introducer needle subassembly from the second linear position to a third linear position past the first linear position.3. The catheter insertion device of claim 2 , further comprising:a plurality of conjoined cylindrical openings, and wherein the button is disposed in a first cylindrical opening of the plurality of conjoined cylindrical openings, andwherein the spring is disposed in a second cylindrical opening of the plurality of conjoined cylindrical openings.4. The catheter insertion device ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021543A1

An obturator can include antimicrobial features which assist in sterilizing or maintaining the sterility of fluid contained within a vascular access device while the device is not being used for infusion or other access to the patient's vasculature. These antimicrobial features include antimicrobial coatings applied to various surfaces of an obturator and antimicrobial components bonded or otherwise secured to an obturator. Various combinations of antimicrobial coatings and/or components can be used on an obturator as necessary to provide a desired amount of antimicrobial agents within a particular enclosed volume of a vascular access device. 120-. (canceled)21. An obturator for a vascular access device , the obturator comprising:a catheter portion configured to be inserted through a lumen of the vascular access device and into a proximal end of a catheter of the vascular access device when the catheter is placed intravenously within a patient, wherein the catheter portion includes a first outer diameter;a middle portion directly coupled to a proximal end of the catheter portion, wherein the middle portion is configured to be disposed entirely within the lumen of the vascular access device and spaced apart from the vascular access device when the catheter portion is inserted into the catheter, wherein the middle portion includes a second outer diameter;a base portion that is inserted into the lumen and seals the lumen when the obturator is secured to the vascular access device, wherein the base portion is inserted into the lumen of the vascular access device, wherein the base portion includes a third outer diameter, wherein the second outer diameter is less than the third outer diameter and greater than the first outer diameter, wherein the base portion is proximal to the middle portion; anda cap portion proximal to the base portion and configured to secure the obturator to the vascular access device.22. The obturator of claim 21 , further comprising an ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации

Guidewire Advancing Device and Method

Номер: US20180021545A1
Принадлежит: REDSMITH, INC.

The guidewire advancing device and method according to the present invention is used with a tubular catheter body configured to receive a hollow needle for receiving the guidewire. The guidewire advancing device includes the guidewire, guidewire housing, and means for advancing and retracting the guidewire. The means for advancing the guidewire includes a spool assembly or a slide tab and may also include a rack and pinion assembly for translation of forces to advance the guidewire. 1. A guidewire advancing device for inserting a guidewire into a hollow needle wherein the needle is configured for receipt within a lumen of a catheter , the needle having a proximal end and a distal end for medical device placement and access into an anatomical structure , comprising:a guidewire configured for receipt along the length of the hollow needle so as to be inserted into said needle proximal end to selectively extend from said needle distal end; andan advancing assembly for initially supporting said guidewire and for selectively advancing a portion of said guidewire distally through the needle proximal end and beyond the needle distal end, said advancing assembly comprising a spool rotatably supported on a shaft for receiving a proximal portion of said guidewire initially being wound on said spool, at least one peripheral member adjacent said spool wherein said at least one peripheral member is coupled with said spool and is rotated so as to rotate said spool about said shaft to advance the distal end of said guidewire distally wherein said advancing assembly is operatively connected to said needle proximal end.2. A guidewire advancing device according to further comprising a pre-assembled needle which initially houses the distal portion of the guidewire and which extends distally from said advancing assembly.3. A guidewire advancing device according to further comprising a longitudinally extending guidewire guide having a proximal and distal end wherein said guidewire is ...

25-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180021549A1

A low-profile universal passive protector is provided for an IV catheter comprising a hypodermic needle and a catheter. An elongate sheath defines a sheath cavity and a longitudinal axis. A slider is connected to the hypodermic needle and is movable along the sheath between first and second positions for withdrawing the needle into the sheath. A finger-press plate is coupled to the sheath and extends beyond the slider in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to define a plate height. A flashback body is coupled to the slider in a manner such that the flashback body and slider collectively define a cavity in fluid communication with the hypodermic needle. The flashback body is sized and configured to extend from the slider in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to define a flashback body height that is less than the plate height. 1. A low-profile universal passive protector for an IV catheter comprising:a hypodermic needle;an over-the-needle catheter removeably disposed about the hypodermic needle;an elongate sheath detachably engaged with the over-the-needle catheter, the elongate sheath defining a sheath cavity and a longitudinal axis;a slider connected to the hypodermic needle and movable along the sheath between a first position and a second position, the hypodermic needle being drawn into the sheath cavity as the slider moves from the first position toward the second position;a finger-press plate coupled to the sheath and extending beyond the slider in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to define a plate height; anda flashback body coupled to the slider, the flashback body and slider collectively defining a cavity in fluid communication with the hypodermic needle, the flashback body extending from the slider in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis to define a flashback body height;the flashback body height being less than the plate height.2. The protector as recited in claim 1 , wherein the flashback body ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220040456A1
Автор: ISHIDA Masahiro

A catheter assembly is disclosed, which includes a catheter; a catheter hub fixed to a base end portion of the catheter; an inner needle having a needlepoint, inserted into the catheter; a needle hub coupled to the inner needle; a needle support portion configured to support the inner needle through the catheter on a leading end side beyond the catheter hub, the needle support portion having a pair of support arms openable and closeable in a different direction to an axis of the inner needle; a restraining portion capable of restraining the pair of support arms in a closed state and releasing a restraint of the pair of support arms; and wherein the restraining portion is movable with respect to the pair of support arms by a distal movement of the catheter hub relative to the inner needle, which releases the restraint with respect to the pair of support arms. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a catheter;a catheter hub fixed to a base end portion of the catheter;an inner needle having a needlepoint, inserted into the catheter;a needle hub coupled to the inner needle;a needle support portion configured to support the inner needle through the catheter on a leading end side beyond the catheter hub, the needle support portion having a pair of support arms openable and closeable in a different direction to an axis of the inner needle;a restraining portion capable of restraining the pair of support arms in a closed state and releasing a restraint of the pair of support arms; andwherein the restraining portion is movable with respect to the pair of support arms by a distal movement of the catheter hub relative to the inner needle, which releases the restraint with respect to the pair of support arms.2. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the restraining portion is configured to at least partially surround a leading end portion of the pair of support arms.3. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the restraining portion has a frame shape ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022357A1

A vascular access device may be an integrated catheter. The vascular access device includes a catheter and catheter adapter having a catheter hub and side port. The contact angle of a probe is greater than 90 degrees. The entrance angle of a probe entering the catheter hub from the side port may be less than 45 degrees. The vascular access device may include a component configured to direct the path of a probe towards the catheter opening. The component may be a protrusion extending into the lumen of the side port, internal fluid passageway, and/or extension tube, or a septum within the catheter hub. The vascular access device includes an access adapter in fluid communication with the side port and permitting insertion of a probe into the catheter through the side port with or without a separate luer adapter. Methods of using a vascular access device are further disclosed. 1. A vascular access device , comprising:a catheter for insertion into a biological site; anda catheter adapter having a catheter hub and a side port, the catheter hub having a first end operably coupled to the catheter, a second end opposite the first end, and an internal wall defining an internal fluid passageway therebetween, the side port in fluid communication with the internal fluid passageway;wherein the contact angle of a probe entering the catheter hub from the side port is greater than 90 degrees.2. The vascular access device of claim 1 , wherein the contact angle is greater than 90 degrees along the length of the internal fluid passageway and to the first end.3. The vascular access device of claim 1 , wherein the contact angle is greater than 120 degrees.4. The vascular access device of claim 1 , further comprising a component configured to direct the path of a probe entering the catheter hub from the side port towards the first end claim 1 , the component comprising: a) a protrusion extending into the lumen of the side port claim 1 , internal fluid passageway claim 1 , and/or extension ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Intravenous Catheter Insertion and Blood Sample Devices and Method of Use

Номер: US20190022358A1
Автор: Belson Amir

A catheter insertion device includes a handle, a needle, a guide wire, and a catheter. The handle may have a proximal region and a distal region. The distal region may include a slot between a top extension and a bottom extension, which extends through a distal end. The needle may have a proximal end positioned in the proximal region and a distal end extending from the distal region. The guide wire may have a proximal end positioned in the proximal region of the handle and a distal end positioned in a lumen of the needle. The catheter may be positioned coaxially over the needle with a proximal end connected to a catheter hub. The catheter hub may be slidably disposed in the slot to enable movement from a first position in the distal region to a second position distal of the distal region. 1. A catheter insertion device , comprising:a handle having a proximal region and a distal region, the distal region including a slot between a top extension and a bottom extension, the slot extending through a distal end of the distal region;a needle having a proximal end positioned in the proximal region of the handle and a distal end extending from the distal region of the handle;a guide wire having a proximal end positioned in the proximal region of the handle and a distal end positioned in a lumen of the needle; anda catheter positioned coaxially over the needle, the catheter having a proximal end connected to a catheter hub, the catheter hub slidably disposed in the slot to enable movement from a first position in the distal region of the handle to a second position distal of the distal region.2. The catheter insertion device according to claim 1 , further comprising a guide wire advancement member coupled to the proximal end of the guidewire claim 1 , wherein movement of the guide wire advancement member moves the guide wire relative to the needle.3. The catheter insertion device according to claim 2 , wherein the guide wire advancement member includes a guide wire actuator ...

24-01-2019 дата публикации

Medical guide element with diameter transition

Номер: US20190022363A1
Принадлежит: Individual

Improved medical guide elements for use with dilators to be inserted into an organ or body structure of a patient, such as the kidney. The guide element includes a proximal segment and a distal segment. The diameter of the distal segment is greater than the diameter of the proximal segment. The change in diameter is abrupt, providing a discrete step transition at a point along the filament which presents a proximally-facing surface on the distal segment. When the proximal segment of the guide element is fully inserted into a dilator having a distal tip adapted for insertion into a patient, the dilator distal tip firmly abuts the proximally-facing end surface of the distal segment. The relative dimensions of the dilator tip and the discrete stepped transition of the guide element provides full shielding or over shielding of the dilator tip, thereby facilitating passage of the dilator tip along the tissue track, through the puncture hole and into the orifice.

24-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190022367A1

A catheter assembly and/or an introducer may include one or more features configured to guide a probe and/or a catheter distally through a septum. The catheter assembly may include a catheter adapter and the septum. The catheter adapter may include a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending therebetween. In some embodiments, the septum may be disposed within the lumen. The septum may include a proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in a distal direction such that the proximal surface of the septum is configured to guide the probe and/or the catheter distally through the septum. The catheter assembly may be configured to receive an introducer, which may include an introducer element. A proximal end of the introducer element may include another proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in the distal direction such that the other proximal surface is configured to guide the probe or the catheter distally through the septum. 1. A catheter assembly , comprising:a catheter adapter, comprising a distal end, a proximal end, and lumen extending therebetween; anda septum disposed within the lumen, wherein the septum comprises a proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in a distal direction such that the proximal surface is configured to guide a probe or catheter distally through the septum.2. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the septum comprises a cavity claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the cavity comprises an annular protrusion claim 1 , wherein annular protrusion forms the proximal surface.3. The catheter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the septum further comprises a slit disposed in a center of the annular protrusion.4. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising extension tubing claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the catheter adapter comprises a first port and a second port claim 1 , wherein the lumen comprises a first lumen claim 1 , a second lumen claim 1 , and a common lumen claim 1 , wherein the first port forms the first lumen claim ...

17-04-2014 дата публикации

Bloodless Arterial Percutaneous Insertion System

Номер: US20140107616A1
Автор: Hamboly M. Samy Ahmed

A needle connector assembly comprises a hemostatic segment and a side tube. The hemostatic segment comprises an opening permitting passage of a guidewire therethrough. The hemostatic segment comprises a proximal portion comprises a perimeter ring and a spanning member. The distal portion comprises a bell or rounded configuration. Upon insertion of a guidewire, the hemostatic segment generally seals around the guidewire such that blood or other fluids are prevented from entering the area proximal to the hemostatic segment. The side tube comprises a closed distal end and is positioned between the proximal end and the distal end of the needle connector assembly. The side tube is in fluid communication with the passageway of the connector assembly and is adapted to receive blood or other fluids. The connector assembly is adapted for connection with a needle assembly. 1. A percutaneous connection device comprising:a housing and a side chamber;the housing comprising first and second ends;said housing further comprising a housing chamber, a connection member, and a hemostatic segment;said housing chamber being in fluid communication with said side chamber;said connection member defining said second end and adapted for coupling with a percutaneous insertion member; andsaid hemostatic segment sealingly positioned proximate to the first end.2. The percutaneous connection device of claim 1 , the hemostatic segment comprising a through opening adapted for insertion of a guidewire.3. The percutaneous connection device of claim 2 , the hemostatic segment further comprising a perimeter ring and a spanning member claim 2 , said spanning member extending between edges of said perimeter ring.4. The percutaneous connection device of claim 3 , the hemostatic segment comprising a rounded distal portion.5. The percutaneous connection device of claim 2 , the hemostatic segment comprising an elastomeric material.6. The percutaneous connection device of claim 1 , the side tube extending ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150025467A1
Автор: Woehr Kevin

The present disclosure relates to a catheter insertion device, which comprises a catheter hub in which a check valve is arranged, and a catheter, which is in fluid communication with the catheter hub, wherein a support element is attached to the catheter, and a flexible buffer element is provided between the support element and the catheter hub. 1. A catheter insertion device comprising:a catheter hub in which a check valve is arranged;a catheter in fluid communication with the catheter hub;a needle hub having a needle attached thereto and projecting through the catheter hub, the check valve, and the catheter;a support element attached to the catheter;a flexible buffer element provided between the support element and the catheter hub with the support element being in fluid communication with the flexible buffer element, the catheter, and the catheter hub; anda needle guard element positioned in the catheter hub.2. The catheter insertion device according to claim 1 , wherein the needle guard element is a spring clip comprising crossing arms.3. The catheter insertion device according to claim 2 , wherein the support element and the flexible hose line are made from soft PVC or soft polyurethane.4. The catheter insertion device according to claim 1 , wherein the check valve comprises radial slits.5. The catheter insertion device according to claim 1 , wherein the flexible buffer element comprises a thicker wall material than a wall material of the catheter.6. The catheter insertion device according to claim 1 , wherein a hollow needle is connected to a wire claim 1 , and the hollow needle and the wire extend through the catheter hub claim 1 , the hose line and the catheter.7. The catheter insertion device according to claim 6 , wherein the support element is provided with wings claim 6 , the wings being foldable and extending on opposite sides of a tubular main body claim 6 , wherein when the wings are folded claim 6 , a releasable clamping means is provided for ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023166A1

A system for facilitating instrument delivery through a peripheral intravenous catheter (“PIVC”) may include a catheter assembly having a catheter adapter, an extension tube extending from a side port of the catheter adapter, a septum disposed in a lumen of the catheter adapter, and a PIVC extending distally from the catheter adapter. The septum may include a first piece and a second piece and may be least partially disposed within a canister. The system may include an extension set, which may include a distal end and a proximal end. The distal end may include a distal connector and a rigid tube. The proximal end may include a proximal connector. The distal connector may be coupled to the proximal end of the catheter adapter. The rigid tube may penetrate the septum in response to the distal connector being coupled to the proximal end of the catheter adapter. 1. A system for facilitating instrument delivery through a peripheral intravenous catheter , comprising: a catheter adapter having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending therethrough, the catheter adapter having a side port;', 'an extension tube extending from the side port;', 'a septum disposed in the lumen of the catheter adapter, wherein the septum comprises a first piece and a second piece disposed within a canister; and', 'a peripheral intravenous catheter extending distally from the catheter adapter; and, 'a catheter assembly, comprising a distal end comprising a distal connector and a rigid tube, wherein the distal connector is coupled to the proximal end of the catheter adapter, wherein the rigid tube penetrates the septum in response to the distal connector being coupled to the proximal end of the catheter adapter; and', 'a proximal end comprising a proximal connector., 'an extension set, comprising2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the extension set further comprises tubing disposed between the distal connector and the proximal connector.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the rigid tube is ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации

Vascular Access Apparatus

Номер: US20210023336A1
Автор: Lee Choon Kee

The present invention for vascular access comprises a single-lumen catheter that is configured to be reversibly and coaxially combinable with an inner catheter so as to form a coaxial double-lumen catheter device. The single-lumen catheter in a configuration of the coaxial double-lumen catheter device is configured to take in blood from patient to a hemodialysis machine whereas the inner catheter in the configuration of the coaxial double-lumen catheter device is configured to return the blood from the hemodialysis machine to the patient. 1. A vascular access apparatus for vascular access , comprising:an outer single-lumen catheter, and an inner single-lumen catheter comprising a plurality of longitudinal ridges disposed on an outer surface of a tubular shaft of the inner single-lumen catheter, wherein the inner single-lumen catheter is configured to be reversibly threaded in a tubular space of the outer single-lumen catheter so as to reversibly compartmentalize a single lumen of the outer single-lumen catheter into a coaxial double lumen.2. The vascular access apparatus for vascular access according to claim 1 , wherein the outer single-lumen catheter further comprises:a proximal opening, wherein the proximal opening is provided in a beveled, elliptical configuration having a long radius of the proximal opening longer than 2×a short radius of the proximal opening so as to reduce turbulence of an inflow of blood flowing through the proximal opening and cross-sectional collapse of the proximal opening by the inflow of the blood.3. The vascular access apparatus for vascular access according to claim 1 , wherein the outer single-lumen catheter further comprises:a distal portion having a sealable lock assembly;the sealable lock assembly comprises an external helical thread portion adjoining proximally a seal portion, wherein the sealable lock assembly is configured to sealably accommodate and lock the inner single-lumen catheter in the outer single-lumen catheter.4. The ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023345A1

A catheter device to visually identify a blood vessel may include a cannula. The cannula may include a distal tip, an elongated tubular shaft, and an inner lumen formed by the elongated tubular shaft. The cannula may also include an optical fiber, which may be disposed within the inner lumen of the cannula. The optical fiber may include a distal end and a proximal end. The optical fiber may be configured to emit light from the distal end. 119-. (canceled)20. A method of assisting introduction of a catheter into a blood vessel of a patient , comprising:inserting a cannula into the blood vessel of the patient, wherein the cannula comprises a distal tip, an elongated tubular shaft, and an inner lumen formed by the elongated tubular shaft; andadvancing an optical fiber beyond the distal tip of the cannula, wherein at least a portion of the optical fiber is disposed within the inner lumen of the cannula, wherein the optical fiber comprises a distal end and a proximal end, wherein the optical fiber is configured to emit light from one or more notch features, wherein each of the notch features defines a discontinuity in the optical fiber.21. The method of claim 20 , further comprising activating a light source coupled to the optical fiber to produce the light.22. The method of claim 21 , wherein the light does not include red light having a light emission peak in wavelengths of 640 to 680 nanometers.23. The method of claim 21 , wherein the light is red light having a light emission peak in wavelengths of 640 to 680 nanometers.24. The method of claim 21 , wherein activating the light source comprises illuminating the optical fiber.25. The method of claim 24 , wherein illuminating the optical fiber comprises emitting the light from the one or more notch features claim 24 , wherein the one or more notch features is positioned proximate to the distal tip of the cannula.26. The method of claim 22 , further comprising receiving a visual cue from the optical fiber when the distal ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028128A1

A catheter insertion device () includes a housing () with a base (), a catheter (), an introducer needle () and an actuator () mounted within the housing. The catheter () and needle () are coupled to the actuator () and movable between a first position where the catheter and needle are retracted within the housing and a second position where the catheter () and needle () extend from the housing, and where the needle retracts into the actuator when the catheter and needle reach the second position. A spring () is provided in the housing () or the actuator () where the spring () is released after deployment of the device to retract the needle () with respect to the catheter (). 1. A catheter insertion device comprises:a housing having a base:a catheter movable between a first retracted position and a second extended position with respect to said base;an introducer needle within said catheter and movable between a first retracted position and a second extended position with respect to said base and catheter;a spring disposed in said housing;a spring retainer for retaining said spring in a compressed state; andan actuator for actuating said device, said catheter and needle being coupled to said actuator and being movable between a first position where said catheter and needle are retracted within said actuator, and a second position where said catheter and needle extend from said base, and where said retainer releases said spring when said actuator is moved to said second position to automatically retract said needle.2. The device of claim 1 , further comprisinga catheter hub coupled to said actuator and having a first end contacting said actuator and a second distal end, said catheter being coupled to said catheter hub.3. The device of claim 1 , further comprisinga catheter hub having a first end engaging said actuator and a second end, said catheter extending from said second end, wherein said catheter hub contacts said spring retainer when said actuator is in said ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028171A1
Автор: ISHIDA Masahiro

A catheter assembly includes a hollow catheter; a catheter hub configured to fix and hold the catheter; an inner needle including a needle tip and configured to be removably inserted through an inside of the catheter; a needle hub configured to fix and hold the inner needle; and a catheter operation member capable of moving the catheter relative to the inner needle. The catheter operation member includes a holding portion configured to directly hold the catheter in a detachable manner. 1. A catheter assembly , comprising:a hollow catheter;a catheter hub configured to fix and hold the catheter;an inner needle including a needle tip and configured to be removably inserted through an inside of the catheter;a needle hub configured to fix and hold the inner needle; anda catheter operation member capable of moving the catheter relative to the inner needle,wherein the catheter operation member includes a holding portion configured to directly hold the catheter in a detachable manner.2. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein:the catheter operation member extends in a longitudinal direction of the needle hub and includes an elongated portion that includes the holding portion, andthe elongated portion is curvable in a direction separating away from the inner needle.3. The catheter assembly according to claim 2 , wherein:the elongated portion is engaged with the needle hub such that the elongated portion is movable relative to the needle hub, andthe needle hub inhibits the elongated portion from being curved when the elongated portion is engaged with the needle hub.4. The catheter assembly according to claim 2 , wherein the catheter is detachable from the holding portion by curving the elongated portion in a direction so as to separate the elongated portion away from the inner needle.5. The catheter assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the elongated portion holds the catheter with the holding portion by being housed in the needle hub in a manner formed in a ...

02-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170028172A1
Автор: ISHIDA Masahiro

A catheter assembly including a catheter; a catheter hub fixed to a proximal end portion of the catheter; an inner needle disposed inside the catheter; and a housing supporting the inner needle, the housing accommodating the catheter hub when in an initial state in which a distal end of the inner needle is protruding from a distal end of the catheter. The catheter hub is configured to rotate with respect to the inner needle and the housing when accommodated inside the housing. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a catheter;a catheter hub fixed to a proximal end portion of the catheter;an inner needle disposed inside the catheter; anda housing supporting the inner needle, the housing accommodating the catheter hub when in an initial state in which a distal end of the inner needle is protruding from a distal end of the catheter,wherein the catheter hub is configured to rotate with respect to the inner needle and the housing when accommodated inside the housing.2. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the catheter hub is claim 1 , in the initial state claim 1 , configured to rotate with respect to the inner needle and the housing.3. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , wherein the catheter hub is configured to rotate with respect to the inner needle and the housing over an entire range from a first position corresponding to the initial state to a second position after forward movement of the catheter hub by a predetermined distance with respect to the housing.4. The catheter assembly according to claim 1 , further comprising a rotation operation section coupled to the catheter hub in a manner not capable of relative rotation claim 1 ,wherein the rotation operation section is exposed from the housing when the housing is in a state in which the catheter hub is accommodated inside the housing.5. The catheter assembly according to claim 4 , wherein the rotation operation section is detachable from the catheter hub.6. The catheter assembly according to ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030667A1

An insertion device for an infusion set includes an advancement unit or a sliding element for moving the infusion set along a central axis from a proximal position into a distal position, a retaining element for retaining the infusion set that includes a guide element, a base part for accommodating the retaining element that includes a mating guide element and a contact surface for placing the insertion device on an application point of a patient's body, and a head part arranged rotatably about a central axis in relation to the base part. Upon relative rotation between the head part and the base part in one direction, the guide element of the retaining element can be guided with the mating guide element provided on the base part such that the retaining element is movable along the central axis relative to the base part from the distal position into the proximal position. 1. An insertion device for an infusion set , comprising:an advancement unit for moving the infusion set along a central axis from a proximal position into a distal position;a retaining element for retaining the infusion set, wherein the retaining element comprises a guide element;a base part accommodating the retaining element, wherein the base part comprises a mating guide element and a contact surface configured to be placed on an application point of a patient's body; anda head part rotatably coupled to the base part such that the two are rotatable relative to one another about the central axis,wherein relative rotation between the head part and the base part in a first rotational direction causes the guide element of the retaining element to be guided with the mating guide element of the base part such that the retaining element moves along the central axis relative to the base part from a distal position into a proximal position.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the mating guide element is configured as a guide cam track and the guide element is configured as a guide cam.3. The device of claim ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030716A1

A cannulation system which may comprise a needle disposed within a catheter is disclosed. The needle may be coupled to a needle wire to facilitate displacement of the needle within the catheter. In some embodiments, a guidewire may be disposed within the needle and/or the catheter. This system and associated methods may facilitate needle placement and vascular cannulation. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:an elongate catheter extending from a proximal end to a distal end with a catheter lumen disposed therein;a needle disposed within the catheter lumen such that the needle is axially displaceable, by a practitioner, within the catheter lumen, the needle comprising a needle lumen; anda guidewire disposed within the needle lumen such that the guidewire is axially displaceable, by a practitioner, within the needle lumen.2. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a needle wire coupled to a proximal end of the needle claim 1 , the needle wire extending through the catheter lumen such that a distal end of the needle wire extends from a distal end of the catheter lumen.3. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the guidewire extends from a distal end of the catheter lumen.4. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising a dilator disposed within the catheter lumen such that the dilator is axially displaceable claim 1 , by a practitioner claim 1 , within the catheter lumen claim 1 , the dilator comprising a dilator lumen claim 1 , and wherein the needle and the guidewire are disposed within the dilator lumen.5. The catheter assembly of claim 4 , wherein a distal end of the dilator extends from a distal end of the catheter lumen.6. The catheter assembly of claim 4 , further comprising a needle wire coupled to a proximal end of the needle claim 4 , the needle wire extending through the dilator lumen such that a distal end of the needle wire extends from a distal end of the dilator lumen.7. The catheter assembly of claim 4 , wherein a ...

04-02-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160030717A1
Автор: Ma Yiping, Stout Marty L.

A system and method for providing vent channel geometries to compensate for compression forces experienced by a septum within an intravascular device. 1. An intravascular device comprising:a catheter adapter having a cylindrical inner surface, wherein the diameter of the inner surface increases from a first location until a second location, the second location being distal to the first location; anda septum having an outer surface, a proximal end, and a distal end forming a distal surface, the outer surface having one or more vents that each extend from the proximal end to the distal end to thereby allow air or liquid to bypass the septum by passing through the one or more vents;wherein the septum is positioned within the inner surface of the catheter adapter with the distal end of the septum being located at the second location such that, when the septum is compressed within the inner surface of the catheter adapter, the diameter of the distal end of the septum is greater than the diameter of a portion of the septum located at the first location.2. The intravascular device of claim 1 , wherein each vent comprises a vent outer surface that is recessed from the outer surface of the septum and a vent distal surface that is recessed from the distal end of the septum.3. The intravascular device of claim 2 , wherein the vent outer surface and the vent distal surface form an edge that is not chamfered.4. The intravascular device of claim 1 , wherein the one or more vents comprise a plurality of vents.5. The intravascular device of claim 4 , wherein the plurality of vents are equally spaced around the outer surface of the septum.6. The intravascular device of claim 1 , wherein the inner surface includes a protrusion at the second location against which a portion of the distal end of the septum is positioned.7. The intravascular device of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , when the septum is positioned within the inner surface of the catheter adapter claim 1 , the first location ...

01-02-2018 дата публикации

Systems And Methods For Needle And Catheter Advancement

Номер: US20180028788A1
Автор: Belson Amir

Intravenous access is achieved by introducing a catheter over an access needle which is initially present in the catheter. A tapered dilating element is positioned over the needle and provides a transition between the needle and a larger catheter lumen. The access needle is hollow and has a port which allows blood to flash back through a lumen of the catheter so that flashback can be observed on a catheter hub or the catheter itself. 1. A method , comprising: a catheter; and', 'a needle including a dilating element secured to an exterior of the needle at a distal portion of the needle proximate a tissue-penetrating distal end thereof, the dilating element having an outer diameter equal to or greater than a diameter of an opening at a distal end of the catheter, the needle situated in a first medical device position such that at least a portion of the dilating element is in the opening and the tissue-penetrating distal end is distal of the opening;, 'obtaining a medical device, comprisingpenetrating the vein with the tissue-penetrating distal end of the needle;moving the distal end of the catheter into the vein;advancing the catheter into the vein over the needle; andremoving the needle from the catheter lumen.2. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the needle includes a flashback port proximal of the dilating element claim 1 , and wherein the catheter includes a transparent or translucent region proximate the distal end thereof claim 1 , the method further comprising observing blood through the transparent or translucent region after the penetrating step claim 1 , but before the moving step claim 1 , to ensure that the distal end of the needle is within the vein.3. The method according to claim 1 , wherein the medical device further comprises a guidewire claim 1 , the method further comprising inserting at least a distal end of the guidewire through the tissue-penetrating distal end of the needle and into the vein prior to the advancing step.4. The method ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030291A1

A needle assembly can include a needle and a proximal compartment forming a reservoir for collecting blood that flows through an inner lumen of needle. The needle assembly may also include a needle tip shield for capturing a sharpened distal tip of the needle. The needle tip shield can form a fluid pathway through which blood contained within the reservoir is expelled. The volume of the reservoir can be reduced to cause blood to be expelled from the needle tip shield such as by compressing the proximal compartment or a plunger connected to the proximal compartment or by moving a plunger into the reservoir. The fluid pathway of the needle tip shield can either be the same pathway through which the sharpened distal tip is withdrawn into the needle tip shield, or can be a separate pathway. 1. A needle assembly comprising:a needle having a sharpened distal tip and an inner lumen, the needle being configured to be used within an intravenous device;a proximal compartment secured to a proximal end of the needle, the proximal compartment forming a reservoir that is in fluid communication with the inner lumen of the needle thereby allowing blood to be withdrawn through the inner lumen and into the reservoir; anda needle tip shield secured to the needle and configured to capture the sharpened distal tip when the sharpened distal tip is withdrawn from the intravenous device, the needle tip shield forming a fluid pathway for dispensing blood contained within the reservoir, wherein the proximal compartment includes a plunger for reducing the volume of the reservoir to cause blood contained within the reservoir to be expelled through the needle tip shield, and wherein the plunger forms a second reservoir.2. The needle assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plunger is removable from the proximal compartment to enable blood contained within the second reservoir to be expelled through an opening of the plunger.3. The needle assembly of claim 2 , wherein the proximal compartment includes ...

31-01-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190030292A1

A catheter assembly including a catheter carried by a catheter adapter, a needle having a sharp distal tip and disposed in the catheter such that in a first needle position, the needle extending beyond the catheter, a needle hub fixed adjacent to a proximal end of the needle, a clip disposed in the catheter adapter and cooperating with the needle, and a barrel assembly including an inner diameter, wherein when the needle is in a second needle position, the clip encloses the distal tip of the needle, and when the needle moves to a third needle position, the clip and the needle is disposed in the inner diameter of the barrel assembly. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a catheter carried by a catheter adapter;a needle having a sharp distal tip and disposed in the catheter such that in a first needle position, the needle extending beyond the catheter;a needle hub fixed adjacent to a proximal end of the needle;a clip disposed in the catheter adapter and cooperating with the needle; anda barrel assembly including an inner diameter; whereinwhen the needle is in a second needle position, the clip encloses the distal tip of the needle; andwhen the needle moves to a third needle position, the clip and the needle is disposed in the inner diameter of the barrel assembly.2. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , whereinthe catheter adapter includes a retention feature; andthe clip is retained in the catheter adapter by the retention feature until the needle is in the second needle position.3. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , whereina rear wall of the clip includes a tapered outer surface, said rear wall is substantially perpendicular to an axis of the needle;said barrel assembly includes a tapered inner surface disposed at a distal end of the inner diameter of the barrel assembly; andthe clip is guided by an engagement between the tapered outer surface of the clip and the tapered inner surface of the barrel assembly to dispose the clip and the needle in the barrel assembly.4. The ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030581A1

A self-slitting open lumen cannula may be used with catheter adapters to reduce manufacturing complexity and costs, as well as improve the safety of the catheter adapters against fluid leakage. The open lumen cannula may also include one or more notches to facilitate flashback visualization. The catheter adapters may further include a catheter adapter body formed of a compliant material that houses one or more compression resistant septa with at least one lumen formed by the proximal end of the needle during a self-slitting process as the catheter adapter is assembled. The compression resistant septum may also be coupled to a compression cap that imparts a radial compression force on the one or more compression resistant septa such that the at least one lumen narrows and seals when the cannula is removed. 1. A compliant catheter adapter comprising: a proximal end, the proximal end of the needle shaped to facilitate a self-slitting/self-guiding process during assembly of the catheter adapter;', 'a distal end; and', 'a plurality of openings disposed along the needle between the proximal end and the distal end of the needle, wherein the plurality of openings is configured to facilitate flashback visualization;, 'a needle comprising a proximal end and a distal end, the catheter adapter body having a generally elongate shape formed about a longitudinal axis extending between the proximal end and the distal end of the catheter adapter body;', 'an inner chamber disposed within the catheter adapter body, the inner chamber having a generally elongate shape formed about the longitudinal axis extending between the proximal end and the distal end of the catheter adapter body;', 'a compression resistant septum formed in the compliant material of the catheter adapter body, the compression resistant septum disposed toward the proximal end of the catheter adapter body; and', 'a lumen formed through the compression resistant septum by the proximal end of the needle during the self- ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Catheter devices with valves and related methods

Номер: US20210031008A1
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

Needle assemblies and related methods in which a valve opener is used to push into a valve to open one or more slits on the valve to open the valve. The needle assemblies each includes a needle hub with a needle, a catheter tube with a catheter hub and the valve and valve opener positioned in the interior cavity of the catheter hub. The valve can have a valve skirt and a nose section of the valve opener can locate therein. One or more reliefs can be provided with the valve opener so that an elbow or diagonal section on a needle guard can project from a holding space within the valve opener through the relief.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031009A1
Автор: SOLOMON Clint
Принадлежит: I-V Access Technology, Inc.

Methods and devices to facilitate positioning of a catheter into a vessel. Devices include axially concentric assemblies of a piercing needle and a dilator that guides an outer catheter into a vessel, such as a blood vessel. The assemblies described herein can include retraction mechanisms and/or lock mechanisms to control needle positioning during catheterization processes as well as improved valves that prevent leakage of fluid from the proximal end of the devices. The devices and method include the use of novel valves to prevent undesired leakage of fluids through the proximal end of the catheter. 1. A septum valve for use with a catheter assembly having a catheter hub configured for use with a male luer having a distal end and a lateral surface , the male luer having a connector portion , the septum valve comprising:a barrier layer at a far end of the septum valve;a wall portion extending proximally from the barrier layer towards a near end of the septum valve, the wall portion defining a valve cavity therein, the barrier layer extending perpendicularly to the wall portion at the far end, at least one slit extending through the barrier layer forming a plurality of leaflets in the barrier layer;where a thickness of the barrier layer is greater than a thickness of the wall portion;a flange portion at the near end of the septum valve, the flange portion having a diameter greater than a diameter of the wall portion causing the valve cavity to have an open proximal end;where the septum valve is configured for positioning in the catheter hub such that the flange portion engages a proximal surface of an exterior of the catheter hub and the wall portion engages a surface of a chamber within the catheter hub; andwherein insertion of the male luer into the valve cavity causes the distal end of the male luer to open the at least one slit and separate the plurality of leaflets, while the lateral surface of the male luer engages the wall portion at an interior of the valve ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Catheters, catheter systems, and methods for puncturing through a tissue structure and ablating a tissue region

Номер: US20210031020A1

A percutaneous catheter system for use within the human body and an ablation catheter for ablating a selected tissue region within the body of a subject. The percutaneous catheter system can include two catheters that are operatively coupled to one another by magnetic coupling through a tissue structure. The ablation catheter can include electrodes positioned within a central portion. The ablation catheter is positioned such that the central portion of a flexible shaft at least partially surrounds the selected tissue region. Each electrode of the ablation catheter can be activated independently to apply ablative energy to the selected tissue region. The ablation catheter can employ high impedance structures to change the current density at specific points. Methods of puncturing through a tissue structure using the percutaneous catheter system are disclosed. Also disclosed are methods for ablating a selected tissue region using the ablation catheter.

09-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170035459A1

An access device for placing a medical article within a body space includes a needle, a dilator, and a sheath. The dilator can be coaxially and slideably disposed about the needle, and the sheath can be coaxially and slideably disposed about the dilator. The access device can further include a inner member coaxially disposed between the needle and dilator. The needle can include a fenestration in fluid communication with a space between the needle and inner member. When the needle punctures a blood vessel, the fenestration allows blood to flow into the space between the needle and inner member to provide a visual indicator to a physician or healthcare professional that the needle is in a vessel. 1. An access device for placing a medical article within a body space , the access device comprising:a needle comprising a fenestration near a distal end of the needle;a dilator disposed about the needle, a distal end of the dilator positioned distal to the fenestration; anda inner member coaxially disposed between the needle and the dilator, a distal end of the inner member positioned distal to the fenestration and proximal to the distal end of the dilator;wherein a space between an outer diameter of the needle and an inner diameter of the inner member defines a blood flash channel in fluid communication with the fenestration to allow blood to flow from an interior of the needle through the fenestration to the blood flash channel when the needle punctures a blood vessel.2. The access device of claim 1 , further comprising a sheath coaxially disposed about the dilator.3. The access device of claim 1 , wherein the needle is 21 gauge and the dilator is 7 French.4. The access device of claim 1 , wherein a thickness of the blood flash channel is in the range of about 0.002 inches to about 0.005 inches.5. The access device of claim 1 , wherein at least a portion of the inner member and dilator are configured to allow visualization of blood in the blood flash channel.6. An access ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038908A1
Принадлежит: Luther Needlesafe Products, Inc.

An over-the-needle catheter having a curvilinear slit formed therein to allow for infusion of fluids through the catheter and into the blood vessel of the patient in the event of blockage of the primary opening of the catheter. 1. An over-the-needle catheter for introduction into a blood vessel of a patient , the over-the-needle catheter comprising: a proximal end portion;', 'an opposed distal end portion; and', 'an outer surface and an inner surface defining a tube passageway extending between the proximal and distal end portions; and, 'a catheter tube havinga curvilinear slit formed in the catheter tube adjacent the proximal end portion thereof and extending through the catheter tube from the outer surface to the inner surface and in fluid communication with the tube passageway.2. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 1 , further comprising a hardened tip connected to the catheter tube adjacent the proximal end portion thereof.3. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 1 , wherein the curvilinear slit defines a sinusoidal configuration.4. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 1 , wherein the curvilinear slit defines an arcuate configuration.5. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 1 , wherein the curvilinear slit circumscribes the catheter tube at least once.6. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 5 , wherein the curvilinear slit defines a helical configuration.7. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 1 , wherein the curvilinear slit is defined by a pair of flaps configured to be transitional between a closed position wherein fluid flow therethrough is inhibited claim 1 , and an open position wherein fluid flow therethrough is facilitated.8. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 7 , wherein the catheter tube is formed from a resilient material causing the flaps to be biased toward the closed position.9. The over-the-needle catheter recited in claim 7 , wherein a pressure differential between the tube ...
