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27-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: RU2329774C2
Принадлежит: ДЕ ВИНТЕР Эрвин (BE)

Изобретение относится к устройствам для анастомоза и может быть использовано для анастомоза боковой стороны одного сосуда к другому сосуду или конца одного сосуда к боковой стороне другого сосуда, такими как, например, кровеносные сосуды, кишки, мочеточники или трахея со стенками определенной толщины. Ввинчиваемое устройство включает винтообразную спиральную пружину с витками и нережущим перфорирующим приспособлением. Витки винтообразной спиральной пружины соединены между собой с заранее определенным минимальным расстоянием между ними. Минимальное расстояние между витками соответствует толщине стенок сосудов. Нережущее перфорирующее приспособление неподвижно прикреплено к винтообразной спиральной пружине или съемно прикреплено к винтообразной спиральной пружине. В результате устройство обеспечивает возможность присоединения боковых частей двух сосудов (бок-в-бок) или конца одного сосуда с боковой частью другого сосуда (конец-в-бок) без наложения швов. 3 н. и 12 з.п. ф-лы, 8 ил.

17-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: RU2727037C2
Принадлежит: КОЛОПЛАСТ А/С (DK)

Изобретение относится к медицине, а именно к способу расположения урологического устройства в мочевом пузыре пациента. Причем урологическое устройство содержит урологический клапан и стержень, поддерживающий клапан, при этом способ содержит этап расположения стержня, поддерживающего клапан, в мочеиспускательном канале пациента, и этап расположения урологического клапана в мочевом пузыре пациента, при этом способ дополнительно содержит этап продвижения катетера, включающего удерживаемые в нем в сжатом состоянии урологический клапан и стержень, поддерживающий клапан, и этап разворачивания устройства из катетера, причем во время разворачивания устройство расширяется до развернутого состояния, и катетер вытягивается для закрепления проксимального конца устройства. 5 з.п. ф-лы,105 ил.

27-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: RU2508059C2

Изобретение относится к медицине. Устройство хирургического доступа и системы уплотнителя имеют один или более клапанов или узлов уплотнителей для формирования закрытой системы между внешней окружающей средой и средой, в которую вставляют устройство хирургического доступа. Предусмотрен узел уплотнителя. Уплотнитель имеет отверстие для установки через него хирургического инструмента и съемника текучей среды в форме абсорбирующего элемента, элемента скребка, отводящего элемента или любой их комбинации, которая может быть соединена с уплотнителем и выполнена с возможностью удаления текучей среды из отверстия и/или хирургического инструмента. 11 з.п. ф-лы, 59 ил.

10-10-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005109224A

... 1. Троакар для проведения процедуры на пациенте, содержащий а. пустотелую канюлю, имеющую дистальный конец и проксимальный конец, b. корпус, имеющий дистальный конец, прикрепленный к проксимальному концу канюли и проксимальный конец, имеющий прикрепленную к нему стенку, в которой выполнено отверстие, с. узел клапана, расположенный в корпусе, содержащий первое, по существу, жесткое кольцо, второе, по существу, жесткое кольцо и множество уложенных слоями эластомерных элементов, зажатых между ними, при этом первое кольцо имеет множество проходящих в дистальном направлении выступов, отходящих от его дистальной поверхности, а второе кольцо имеет множество проходящих в проксимальном направлении выступов, отходящих от его проксимальной поверхности. 2. Троакар по п.1, в котором множество уложенных слоями эластомерных элементов образует коническую форму. 3. Троакар по п.1, в котором эластомерные элементы содержат проксимальный участок фланца и проходящий внутрь участок отходящий от него в дистальном ...

10-05-2006 дата публикации


Номер: RU2005136882A

... 1. Хирургическое ввинчиваемое устройство, приспособленное к закреплению в стенке структуры трубочного типа внутри человеческого тела, такой как например кровеносный сосуд или мочеточник, включающее полый винт с витками, между которыми при применении закрепляется стенка структуры трубочного типа, отличающееся тем, что включает нережущее перфорирующее приспособление, которое может быть прикреплено постоянно или съемно к полому винту, которое предназначено для перфорирования стенки структуры трубочного типа таким образом, чтобы было возможным прохождение витков полого винта путем ввинчивания. 2. Хирургическое ввинчиваемое устройство по п.1, отличающееся тем, что устройство для перфорирования образовано передним витком полого винта, передний виток имеет острый и закругленный конец. 3. Хирургическое ввинчиваемое устройство по п.2, отличающееся тем, что острый и закругленный конец отогнут внутрь и вниз под углом от 10 до 20° по отношению к другим виткам. 4. Хирургическое ввинчиваемое устройство ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009116363A

... 1. Узел уплотнителя, предназначенный для использования в устройстве хирургического доступа, содержащий ! по меньшей мере, один уплотнитель, выполненный с возможностью приема через него хирургического инструмента, причем указанный, по меньшей мере, один уплотнитель выполнен с возможностью формирования уплотнения вокруг хирургического инструмента, размещенного через отверстие, и выполнен с возможностью формирования уплотнения, когда хирургический инструмент не размещен в нем; и ! скребок, расположенный рядом с указанным, по меньшей мере, одним уплотнителем, и выполненный с возможностью соскабливания текучей среды с хирургического инструмента, проходящего через отверстие в уплотнителе. ! 2. Узел уплотнителя по п.1, в котором скребок расположен на расстоянии от указанного, по меньшей мере, одного уплотнителя. ! 3. Узел уплотнителя по п.1, в котором указанный, по меньшей мере, один уплотнитель содержит одиночный уплотнительный элемент, который выполнен с возможностью, как формирования уплотнения ...

10-11-2010 дата публикации


Номер: RU2009116369A

... 1. Узел уплотнителя, предназначенный для использования в устройстве хирургического доступа, содержащий ! уплотнитель, имеющий отверстие, выполненный с возможностью приема через него хирургического инструмента; и ! абсорбирующий элемент, связанный с уплотнителем и выполненный с возможностью впитывания текучей среды от, по меньшей мере, одного из отверстия или хирургического инструмента, пропущенного через отверстие. ! 2. Узел уплотнителя по п.1, в котором абсорбирующий элемент расположен рядом с отверстием таким образом, что он выполнен с возможностью контакта и впитывания текучей среды с хирургического инструмента, пропущенного через отверстие в уплотнителе. ! 3. Узел уплотнителя по п.1, в котором уплотнитель выполнен с возможностью соскабливания текучей среды с хирургического инструмента, пропущенного через отверстие, и абсорбирующий элемент выполнен с возможностью поглощения текучей среды, соскабливаемой с хирургического инструмента уплотнителем. ! 4. Узел уплотнителя по п.1, в котором ...

20-01-2009 дата публикации


Номер: RU2007125990A

... 1. Штыревой моэр-соединитель, предназначенный для соединения с приемным моэр-соединителем для подачи медицинской жидкости, при этом приемный моэр-соединитель имеет переднюю контактирующую поверхность и внутренний клапан, а штыревой моэр-соединитель содержит трубчатый корпус, имеющий дальний конец и ближний конец, причем дальний конец предназначен для сцепления с приемным моэр-соединителем и содержит участок раздела и средство для создания вакуума, выполненное с возможностью создания низкого вакуума на дальнем конце трубчатого корпуса при отсоединении штыревого соединителя от приемного соединителя в течение времени, когда приемный клапан закрыт, в котором средство для создания вакуума при разъединении штыревого и приемного соединителей выполнено с возможностью вытягивания жидкости, остающейся на участке раздела. 2. Соединитель по п.1, в котором средство для создания вакуума расположено в трубчатом корпусе. 3. Соединитель по п.1, в котором средство для создания вакуума содержит первый клапан ...

13-12-2018 дата публикации


Номер: RU2016138311A

03-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069841253D1
Принадлежит: COOK INC, COOK INC.

30-11-2006 дата публикации

Vorrichtung zum Implantieren einer Herzschrittmacher - und/oder Defibrillations-Elektrode

Номер: DE102004011217B4

Vorrichtung (1) zum Implantieren einer Herzschrittmacher- und/oder Defibrillations-Elektrode in ein Blutgefäß oder eine Vene mit einer über einen Führungsdraht in das Blutgefäß einführbaren Einführhülse (3) und mit einer am proximalen Ende dieser Einführhülse (3) angeordneten Abdichtvorrichtung (5), die wenigstens eine Dichtung (8) aufweist, welche in Gebrauchsstellung die Herzschrittmacher- und/oder Defibrillations-Elektrode außenseitig gegen einen Blutaustritt aus der Einführhülse (3) abdichtet, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Abdichtvorrichtung (5) und ihre Dichtung (8) wenigstens einmal unterteilt und die dadurch gebildeten Teile der Abdichtvorrichtung (5) und der Dichtung (8) soweit voneinander wegbewegbar sind, dass die Herzschrittmacher- und/oder Defibrillations-Elektrode zwischen diese Teile passt und einführbar ist, dass die Unterteilung der Dichtung (8) quer zum Verlauf der Herzschrittmacher- und/oder Defibrillations-Elektrode angeordnet ist und dass die Dichtung (8) mit den ...

29-05-2002 дата публикации


Номер: DE0069620883D1

20-04-2016 дата публикации

Exhailed breath condensate collection device and a kit of parts thereof

Номер: GB0201604011D0

26-01-1994 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002268883A

A surgical apparatus 10 for use in minimally invasive surgery comprises an endoscope 12 with a seal 20 provided on the outer end thereof. An operating device 22 extends through the seal 20 into the endoscope. The device comprises a length of tube 24 connectible to a suction pump. A branch 26 extends from the tube and mounts on its end an inverted Y-shaped connector 28 to permit manual control of the suction. Another seal 32 is provided across the outer end of the tube. Operating means such as a lithotripter can extend through the tube and seal. The device finds use in the removal of stones from e.g. the kidney, ureter, bladder or bile duct wherein the stone is located by the endoscope, held in position by suction and broken up by the lithotripter. ...

20-10-1999 дата публикации


Номер: GB0002336316A

A self-sealing needle injection hub has two resilient, elastomeric sealing members 13 and 14 mounted adjacent one another in a housing 1, member 14 having a pierced passage 18 through which a needle 20 can be inserted. (Member 13 may also have a pierced passage 16). The outer member 13 is thick and relatively rigid; the inner member 14 is preferably thinner and flexible. Both members are radially compressed by the housing 1, the inner member 14 bowing away from the outer member 13 at its centre. The action of withdrawing a needle 20 from the hub 1, combined with the pressure of blood on the inner member 14, maintains the inner member flat against the outer member 13, thereby further compressing the passage 18 through the inner member.

15-02-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000383825T

15-12-2009 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000448817T

15-02-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000455508T

15-12-2010 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000489985T

15-09-2008 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000407628T

15-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000509656T

15-09-1998 дата публикации


Номер: AT0000170383T

01-04-2021 дата публикации

Low-drag septum for a catheter system

Номер: AU2019326298A1

A peripheral intravenous catheter assembly may include a low-drag septum. The septum may include a body having a distal end and a proximal end, which may be sealed. The septum may include a slot disposed within an outer surface of the body and oriented along a longitudinal axis of the body. The slot may include a distal end spaced apart from the distal end of the body, and a proximal end spaced apart from the proximal end of the body. An introducer needle may extend through the slot.

21-05-2020 дата публикации

Devices for performing minimally invasive surgery having foam support housing

Номер: AU2018355094A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

An access device for surgical procedures includes an end cap having a rigid body with a flexible support sealingly mounted to the rigid body with at least one separate access port for accommodating introduction of individual surgical instruments into a body of a patient. The at least one access port is sealingly attached to the flexible support and extend in a proximal direction therefrom. The flexible support is of a material more flexible than those of the rigid body and the at least one access port to provide for relative angular movement of the at least one access port to provide flexibility for positioning surgical instruments introduced through the at least one access port.

15-11-2018 дата публикации

Conduit tips and systems and methods for use

Номер: AU2017257508A1

The present disclosure relates to a rotary blood pump system. The rotary blood pump system may comprise a double pivot contact bearing system. The rotary blood pump system may also comprise an inflow blood conduit, an outflow conduit, a control system, and a power source. The present disclosure further relates to various inflow conduit assemblies comprising a conduit tip having an undulating opening surface that provides improved blood flow and washing properties while minimizing regions susceptible to stagnation, and a resilient tip protecting cage structure that reduces the risk of conduit tip suction events and suction-related injury of the wall of adjacent blood vessels or other blood containing structures. The present disclosure further relates to various outflow conduit assemblies with a conduit tip wherein the cross-sectional area of the lumen of the conduit or conduit tip is reduced to generate a localized jet-like fluid flow in a blood vessel segment adjacent to the conduit tip ...

03-11-2011 дата публикации

IV catheter introducer

Номер: AU2010248050A1

An IV catheter introducer having an elastomeric grommet disposed between the housing and the IV catheter assembly that helps avoid unintentional separation of IV catheter assembly from the housing during shipping and handling prior to use, that acts as a needle guide, that helps align the housing and IV catheter assembly coaxially, that indicates that top side of the catheter introducer, that provides proper rotational alignment between the grommet and housing, that wipes blood off the needle during withdrawal of the needle from the catheter assembly and grommet, that impedes blood flow out of the catheter hub after needle withdrawal, and that assists the user in separating the housing from the IV catheter assembly following insertion of the catheter and withdrawal of the needle.

18-01-2007 дата публикации

An access port

Номер: AU2006269112A1

02-05-2008 дата публикации

Safety transfusion catheter

Номер: AU2007308578A1

14-10-2010 дата публикации

Devices and methods for providing access into a body cavity

Номер: AU2010201024A1

24-01-1995 дата публикации

Patient fluid collection system

Номер: AU0007214194A

24-08-2017 дата публикации

Filter cartridge with integrated gaseous seal for multimodal surgical gas delivery system

Номер: AU2016223265A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A system is disclosed for delivering gas during a laparoscopic surgical procedure performed within a patient' s abdominal cavity which includes a gas delivery device having a housing with a port for receiving pressurized insufflation gas from a gas source, a pump assembly for circulating gas throughout the system, and a separate gas conditioning unit configured for operative association with the gas delivery device.

18-08-2016 дата публикации

Ported catheter adapter having combined port and blood control valve with venting

Номер: AU2015209607A1
Принадлежит: FB Rice

A ported catheter adapter (20) having a combined blood control valve (40) and port valve, wherein the combined valve comprises one or more vents that permit the passage of air and prevent the passage of fluids. The one or more vents are located on the outer surface of the valve so as to avoid being overlapped with the pathway of the side port. As such, fluid communication between the side port and the vents is prevented. Various venting configurations are provided. The application further includes a valve actuator (90) that is advanced through a slit in the membrane of the valve to provide a pathway for fluid to bypass the valve.

16-07-2020 дата публикации

Coupling devices for tube sets used with surgical gas delivery systems

Номер: AU2016310484B2
Принадлежит: FB Rice Pty Ltd

A coupling system is disclosed for connecting a tube set to a trocar that includes a multi-lumen trocar having a housing that has a connector extending outwardly from the housing, the connector having a plurality of coaxial flow passages defined therein by a plurality of concentric annular walls, a multi-lumen tube set including a plurality of tubes arranged in a parallel relationship, a coupling including a generally cylindrical body having a first end portion adapted and configured to selectively mate with the coaxial flow passages of the connector of the trocar and a second end portion adapted and configured for attachment to the parallel tubes of the tube set, and a latch assembly operative!}' associated with the cylindrical body of the coupling for selectively engaging the connector of the trocar housing when the coupling mates with the connector.

30-03-1995 дата публикации

Locking trocar sleeve

Номер: AU0000657949B2

14-09-1995 дата публикации

Suction catheter system

Номер: AU0000662861B2

22-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: AU0002706892A

07-04-2009 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002397432C

A hemostasis cannula unit (70) including a valve housing (90), a cap (80), and a hemostasis valve (10), wherein the hemostasis valve (10) includes a proximal valve gasket (20) and a distal valve gasket (40) compressed by the valve housing (90), wherein the proximal valve gasket (20) is the same shape as the distal valve gasket (40). In order to restrict axial rotation of the proximal valve gasket (20) in relation to the distal valve gasket (40), a positioning protusion (52) of the distal gasket (40) interacts with a positioning slot (34) of the proximal valve gasket (20).

08-07-2014 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002544524C

A surgical seal system is adapted for use with a cannula assembly having a cannula housing and a cannula sleeve extending from the cannula housing. The surgical seal assembly includes a seal assembly and an adapter assembly. The seal assembly is mountable to the cannula housing. The seal assembly includes a seal housing and a seal defining inner portions adapted to form a substantial seal about an instrument with a first cross-sectional dimension. The adapter assembly includes an adapter body adapted for releasably coupling to the seal housing of the seal assembly. The adapter body has an adapter seal and a tether. The adapter seal is adapted to form a substantial seal about an instrument with a second cross-sectional dimension less than the first cross- sectional dimension. The tether is mountable to the cannula sleeve thus securing the adapter assembly to the cannula.

04-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002398801C

A balloon dilation catheter comprising a tubular member having a proximal end and a distal end. An inflatable balloon is disposed at the distal end of the tubular member. A first lumen is disposed in the tubular member and is in communication with an interior of the inflatable balloon. A second lumen is disposed in the tubular member for receiving a guidewire substantially along a portion of its length. The second lumen has a first opening in the proximal region of the tubular member and a second opening at the distal region of the tubular member. A first slit is disposed longitudinally in the tubular member and extends along at least a portion of the tubular member, the first slit comprising a first pair of longitudinal edges in a side by side relationship. The tubular member is constructed of a resilient material such that, as the guidewire is separated from the second lumen, the longitudinal edges are biassed open from a first position to a second position having a gap greater than or ...

12-09-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002698059C

Various devices and methods are provided with respect to inserting multiple surgical instruments through a single surgical access device. A medical device including a flexible tissue retractor and a releasable insert having multiple instrument openings is disclosed. The insert can be in the form of an insert assembly including multiple components. A method of using the insert is also described.

30-01-1990 дата публикации


Номер: CA1265012A

Hemostatic valve and method for positioning a plurality of elongated elements such as dilatation catheters and guide wires in the cardiovascular system. The hemostatic valve has two or more separately sealable access ports through which the elongated elements can be inserted and manipulated independently of each other.

14-11-1995 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002000493C

In a blood perfusion system comprising a dilation catheter defining a lumen and including a dilating member at the leading end, and a sheath defining a bore through which the dilation catheter is inserted to define a blood intake gap between the outer surface of the dilation catheter and the sheath bore and including a transverse bore branched from the sheath bore, a tube is connected at one end to the transverse bore and at another end to the lumen of the dilation catheter at a trailing end. When the sheath having the dilation catheter inserted therein is set in a blood vessel, a pump in the tube operates to take blood into the blood intake gap in the sheath, pass through the tube and the dilation catheter lumen, and feed back to the periphery of a lesion through the open leading end of the dilation catheter. The patient's own fresh blood can be injected without the need for a further cutdown or puncture for blood intake.

06-09-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003090324A1

A method of preventing blood leakage through a septum of a catheter assembly when a needle is disposed within a slit of the septum may include providing a lubricant within multiple gaps disposed between an outer surface of the needle and the slit. The lubricant may include a viscosity greater than 1,000 centipoise. Providing the lubricant within the multiple gaps may include applying the lubricant to the outer surface of the needle, and inserting the lubricated needle distally through the slit of the septum. Providing the lubricant within the multiple gaps may include applying the lubricant to a tip of a septum actuator of the catheter assembly, and penetrating the septum with the lubricated septum actuator. Providing the lubricant within the plurality of gaps may include dispensing the lubricant within the slit of the septum prior to insertion of the septum into the lumen of the catheter adapter.

19-09-2013 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003080843A1

10-11-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003026550C

This invention relates to a urological device comprising: a valve support stem, a bladder retainer, and a urological valve disposed in the bladder retainer, the urological valve including a leaflet, wherein the leaflet of the urological valve has a closed configuration adapted to prevent a flow of urine through the valve support stem and the leaflet of the urological valve is adapted to respond to a pressure and move to an open configuration adapted to allow a flow of urine through the valve support stem; wherein the leaflet extends from the interior surface of the bladder retainer to a top proximal end of the device. This device is used for treatment of urinary incontinence in patients with prostate cancer.

04-05-2017 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003002968A1

Catheter adapters and vascular access device including catheter adapters are discloses. The catheter adapter tip opening (34) has an internal curvature defining a tapered region in the lower portion, but not the upper portion, to support a flexured portion of the catheter to prevent kinking and occlusion.

23-06-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0003063081A1
Принадлежит: RIDOUT & MAYBEE LLP

02-11-2021 дата публикации


Номер: CA3052980C

A system for performing an endoscopic surgical procedure in a surgical cavity of a patient that includes a multi-lumen tube set including a dual lumen portion having a pressurized gas line and a return gas line for facilitating gas recirculation relative to the surgical cavity of the patient, and a single lumen portion having a gas supply and sensing line for delivering insufflation gas to the surgical cavity of the patient and for periodically sensing pressure within the surgical cavity of the patient, a first gas sealed single lumen access port communicating with the dual lumen portion of the tube set and a second valve sealed single lumen access port communicating with the single lumen portion of the tube set.

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002663152A1

A surgical fluid transfer apparatus includes a hub defining a longitudina l axis and an internal chamber. An elongated member extends from the hub and defines a longitudinal conduit. A closure valve is disposed within the inte rnal chamber. The closure valve is adapted for movement between a first posi tion substantially sealing the internal chamber to prevent passage of fluids and a second position establishing a fluid passage within the hub to permit passage of fluids therethrough. The closure valve includes a valve housing having inner wall portions defining a general tapered internal bore and a ge nerally tapered seal member at least partially disposed within the tapered i nternal bore of the valve housing. The seal member has an open condition per mitting passage of an access instrument through the closure valve and into t he longitudinal conduit of the elongated member and a closed condition in th e absence of the access instrument.

13-12-2007 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002653834A1

A medical sealing device (10) is provided that substantially seals around one or more medical devices (15, 16) that are placed into the working chann el (17) of an endoscope; wherein the one or more medical devices have an irr egular cross-sectional profile. When a sufficient back pressure or surface t ension is present in the working channel, the sealing device collapses a por tion of itself and conforms to a portion of the one or more medical devices present in the working channel, thus forming a seal around and between the o ne or more medical devices. The seal thereby substantially prevents the esca pe of fluids from the working channel.

07-05-2015 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002929002A1

A sampling hub for directing a medical device towards a target area, the hub comprising a hub body having at least a front end, a rear end, a top, and a bottom configured to be facing downwards in respect to the target area, a lumen passing between paroximal and distal openings at the front end or bottom and the rear end, the lumen allowing for passage of an elongate element through the entire lumen, and within the lumen, a proximal valve and a distal valve, wherein the rear of the hub is configured to allow the elongated body to enter the lumen, and the hub body at the front end or bottom of the hub body configured to allow the elongate element to exit the lumen, wherein the lumen enables guidance of the elongate element towards the target area.

20-08-2019 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002983535C

A flushable catheter assembly having features to enable selective activation of fluid flow through the catheter assembly is disclosed herein. Generally disclosed is a vascular access device that employs a septum and septum activator designed to minimize or eliminate the possibility that fluid will flow into interstitial spaces between the septum activator and the body of the vascular access device. The septum activator can be configured with a proximal end that has an outer diameter that is at least as great as the diameter of the lumen within which the septum activator is contained.

06-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002680949C

Various devices are provided for allowing multiple surgical instruments to be inserted through a single surgical access device at variable angles of insertion, allowing for ease of manipulation within a patient's body while maintaining insufflation. Safety shields and release mechanisms are also provided for use with various surgical access devices.

14-08-2018 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002844755C

A surgical access assembly (100) is disclosed. The surgical access assembly comprises an outer sheath (102) and an obturator (104). The outer sheath and obturator are configured to be delivered to an area of interest within the brain. Either the outer sheath or the obturator may be configured to operate with a navigational system to track the location of either device within the brain.

29-12-2011 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002797083A1

A catheter assembly includes a catheter hub (12) defining an interior cavity (24) and a catheter tube (14) extending distally thereof. A rigid actuator (16) extends proximally in the interior cavity (24) and supports a seal member (18) thereon. The seal member (18) includes a central membrane (72), a distal portion (74), and a proximal portion (76). An hourglass shaped actuator cavity (88) is formed in the distal portion (74) and receives a barbed end (50) of the actuator (16). The outer surface (71) of the seal member (18) is in partial circumferential engagement with the catheter hub (12) to define an air path (102) that allows fluid communication between areas (PI and Dl) of the interior cavity (24) distal and proximal of the seal member (18). A punch tool (160) is provided to form a tri-slit (82) in the membrane (72) of the seal member (18). The seal member (18) may be configured for multi-use and include a biasing member (204) that moves the seal member (18) to force the membrane ( ...

21-07-2020 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002866750C

A catheter assembly is disclosed that includes a catheter adapter having a port disposed on its sidewall. A valve is couple to the port to seal the opening in the port. Placing the valve on the port can avoid the problems involved when a valve is in the path of an introducer needle. This valve can further provide the ability to infuse and withdraw fluids through the port.

19-04-1993 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002080765A1

Trocar assembly devices are disclosed that include an improved seal assembly that accommodates instruments having a wide range of diameters. The seal assembly includes a universal seal member that is generally of hourglass shape defining converging and diverging side walls that form a constricted center bore portion therebetween. Various alternative means are provided to either increase or decrease the inner diameter of the center bore portion of the seal member.

10-08-1999 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002159012C

An endoscopic portal (10) includes a portal sleeve (14) for insertion through a cavity wall and having an open distal end (16) for positioning within the cavity and an open proximal end (18) for positioning externally of the cavity and a valve assembly (12) disposed adjacent the portal sleeve proximal end (18). The valve assembly (12) includes a bladder (36) having a passage (38) therethrough permitting insertion of instruments of various sizes in the portal sleeve (14) through the passage (38) of the bladder. The bladder (36) has means therein for compressing the passage to cause the bladder to contact the instruments inserted through the passage in sealing relation. The portal sleeve (14) includes an expandable lumen (28) allowing instruments and objects larger in size than the inner diameter of the portal sleeve to be passed therethrough.

18-07-2006 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002291838C

A seat assembly (100) is provided for reception of an elongated surgical instrument (130), which comprises a body having at least one opening configured, and dimensioned to permit entry of an elongated surgical instrument (130), defining a central long axis, a seal member (118) formed of a resilient material, defining an aperture therein, the aperture being configured and dimensioned such that insertion of the surgical instrument (130) into the aperture causes the resilient material defining the aperture to resiliently contact the outer surface of the surgical instrument in a substantially fluid tight manner, the seal member (118) further including a peripheral flange element (129) which contacts a surface of the body to form a contact seal therewith, and a fabric layer juxtaposed relative to the resilient material.

25-11-2008 дата публикации


Номер: CA0002309126C

A partitioned hemostasis valve system for use with a splittable sheath, including a partitioned hemostasis valve housing which holds a partitioned hemostasis valve formed in at least two separate and distinct sections. Pivotable wing portions are secured to the partitioned valve housing such that upon pressure being placed on these wing portions, the separate sides of the partitioned hemostasis valve housing and the partitioned hemostasis valve are separated. The partitioned hemostasis valve system may also include a splittable adaptor system for securing to a splittable sheath.

03-09-2019 дата публикации

Smooth insertion tools for medical devices and methods of use thereof

Номер: CN0110198756A

25-11-2015 дата публикации

Valved access device

Номер: CN0102802720B

06-06-1997 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002731895B1

06-03-2009 дата публикации


Номер: FR0002902015B1

13-05-2016 дата публикации


Номер: FR0003028181A3

Raccord pour ventilation comprenant une bouche d'entrée (2) raccordée à un tube de transport afférent à un appareil de ventilation, une bouche de sortie raccordée à un corps tubulaire (5) associé au patient et un accès auxiliaire pour des sondes et l'instrumentation endoscopique, doté d'un bouchon amovible (8) respectif. Le bouchon amovible (8) comprend un trou traversant et au moins un appendice en saillie (10) à partir de sa surface externe (8a) disposé à proximité du trou traversant ; l'appendice (10) empêche l'occlusion accidentelle du trou.

07-08-2015 дата публикации


Номер: KR101542793B1
Принадлежит: YUNMEDICAL CO., LTD.

The present invention relates to a double side protection cap (200) used for an injection port (100), which includes: a housing (110) including a hollow unit (111) therein, an injection hole (112) for injecting an agent solution on a front end portion thereof, and a discharging hole (114) for discharging the agent solution on a base portion thereof; and a valve body (130) which is embedded in the hollow unit (111) of the housing (110) to open and close the injection hole (112). The double side protection cap (200) includes a cap main body (210) having an injection hole insertion groove (212) and a discharging hole insertion groove (214) which allow the injection hole (112) and the discharging hole (114) of the injection port (100) to be inserted therein, respectively, and are formed on both sides facing each other. Therefore, the double side protection cap (200) can be selectively and detachably joined with the discharging hole (114) and the injection hole (112) of the injection port (100 ...

26-09-2016 дата публикации

개선된 역압 밀봉을 갖는 의료용 밸브

Номер: KR0101659640B1
Принадлежит: 엔피 메디컬 인크.

... 본 발명의 의료용 밸브는 유체 유동을 허용하는 개방 모드와, 유체 유동을 방지하는 폐쇄 모드 사이에서 전이한다. 그러한 목적으로, 의료용 밸브는 입구 및 출구를 구비한 하우징, 하우징 내에 이동 가능하게 장착된 강성 부재, 및 밀봉 부분을 구비한 탄성 부재를 갖는다. 하우징은 또한 밸브가 폐쇄 모드에 있을 때 출구와 유체 연통하는 적어도 하나의 릴리프 구역을 갖는다. 강성 부재는 기부 단부, 말단 단부, 및 유동 채널을 가질 수 있다. 릴리프 구역은 밀봉 부재로부터 방사상 외측에 있을 수 있다. 밀봉 부분은 폐쇄 모드에 있을 때, 밸브를 밀봉하고 유체가 밸브를 통과하는 것을 방지할 수 있다.

25-10-2016 дата публикации


Номер: BR0PI1013860A2

10-11-2011 дата публикации


Номер: WO2011139024A2
Автор: LEE, Jeongsam

Disclosed is a retractor system for laparoscopic surgery. According to one aspect of the present invention, provided is a retractor system for laparoscopic surgery comprising: a sleeve portion for forming a passage at a retractor; an upper guide portion in which an upper circular elastic ring is built, formed at the upper portion of the sleeve portion; a lower guide portion comprising a circular tube in which a lower circular elastic ring is built, formed at the lower portion of the sleeve portion; a tube pressure controller for injecting air or water into the circular tube or discharging the air or water of the circular tube to contract or extend the circular tube, connected to the circular tube through a pipe; and an air injector or a CO2 injector in which one end is mounted to the adjacent area of the sleeve portion, the extended pipe passes through the inside of the lower guide portion along the outer wall of the sleeve portion, and the other end is mounted to the lower portion of the ...

10-04-2008 дата публикации


Номер: WO2008042285A2

A surgical fluid transfer apparatus for passage of fluids includes a hub defining a longitudinal axis and having an internal chamber, an elongated member extending from the hub and defining a longitudinal conduit and a closure valve disposed within the internal chamber of the hub. The closure valve is adapted for movement between a first position substantially sealing the internal chamber to prevent passage of fluids and a second position establishing a fluid passage within the hub to permit passage of fluids therethrough. The closure valve includes a valve housing having inner wall portions defining a general tapered internal bore and a seal member at least partially disposed within the tapered internal bore of the valve housing. The seal member defines a general tapered configuration and has an open condition permitting passage of an access instrument through the closure valve and into the longitudinal conduit of the elongated member and a closed condition in the absence of the access ...

22-04-2004 дата публикации


Номер: WO2004032791A2

Two renal delivery members have two distal ports that are adapted to be positioned within two renal arteries via their corresponding renal ostia at unique locations along an abdominal aortic wall. A proximal coupler assembly is outside the body and is coupled to deliver material to the two distal ports for bi-lateral renal therapy. One or both of the delivery members may be self-cannulating into the corresponding renal ostium, or may be controllably steered into the respective ostium. Non-occlusive anchors may be coupled with one or both of the delivery members at anchoring positions in the renal artery or abdominal aorta to secure the renal delivery member within the renal artery. Renal-active fluid agents are coupled to the bi-lateral delivery system. Another renal therapy system cannulates a renal vein from the vena cava and controls a retrograde delivery of agents to the respective kidney.

14-01-2010 дата публикации


Номер: WO2010005524A3

Delivery systems, components of delivery system, stent graft systems, stent graft delivery systems can be used to treat aortic aneurysms.

11-08-2015 дата публикации

Indwelling catheter

Номер: US9101749B2

An indwelling catheter including: a hollow catheter base having a tip and a back end, the back end being able to receive and connect a male connector; a tube provided at the tip of the catheter base; a flexible hemostasis valve installed inside the catheter base; a pusher installed at a back of the hemostasis valve; and a pusher guide installed between the pusher and the catheter base. The pusher has a hollow constitution whose taper reduces in diameter facing its tip. The pusher guide is able to restrict a position of the pusher at a first position where the pusher does not push open the hemostasis valve and a second position where the taper of the pusher is positioned inside the hemostasis valve and pushes open the hemostasis valve.

04-07-2000 дата публикации

Partitioned hemostasis valve system

Номер: US0006083207A1
Автор: Heck; Alicia
Принадлежит: Daig Corporation

A partitioned hemostasis valve system for use with a splittable sheath, including a partitioned hemostasis valve housing which holds a partitioned hemostasis valve formed in at least two separate and distinct sections. Pivotable wing portions are secured to the partitioned valve housing such that upon pressure being placed on these wing portions, the separate sides of the partitioned hemostasis valve housing and the partitioned hemostasis valve are separated. The partitioned hemostasis valve system may also include a splittable adaptor system for securing to a splittable sheath.

31-07-1984 дата публикации

Surgical drape

Номер: US0004462396A1
Автор: Wichman; Cynthia A.
Принадлежит: The Kendall Company

A surgical drape comprising, a main sheet of flexible material having an inner surface for facing a patient after placement of the drape, an outer surface for facing away from the patient after placement of the drape, and a fenestration. The drape has a pocket comprising a secondary sheet of flexible material having a pair of end edges, a pair of side edges connecting the end edges, a first surface, and an opposing second surface. The secondary sheet has a first fold line extending between the end edges at a location between the side edges and defining a pair of first and second panels extending between the first fold line and the side edges. The first surface of the first and second panels face each other in the folded sheet. The first and second panels have second and third fold lines defining a pair of opposed first and second flaps and a central portion extending between the flaps. The second and third fold lines extend from the juncture of the end and side edges to the first fold line ...

16-05-2000 дата публикации

Seal assembly for accommodating introduction of surgical instruments

Номер: USRE36702E

A seal assembly is provided which includes a gimbal-like structure permitting rotation of a mounting member relative to the housing. The rotation of the mounting member allows the seal member to align with an instrument being inserted therethrough. The seal assembly is adapted to be detachably mounted to a cannula assembly for use in endoscopic surgery.

01-02-2005 дата публикации

Stent delivery system and method of use

Номер: US0006849077B2

A balloon dilation catheter comprising a tubular member having a proximal end and a distal end. An inflatable balloon is disposed at the distal end of the tubular member. A first lumen is disposed in the tubular member and in is communication with an interior of the inflatable balloon. A second lumen is disposed in the tubular member for receiving a guidewire substantially along a portion of its length. The second lumen has a first opening in the proximal region of the tubular member and a second opening at the distal region of the tubular member. A first slit is disposed longitudinally in the tubular member and extends along at least a portion of the tubular member, the first slit comprising a first pair of longitudinal edges in a side by side relationship. The tubular member is constructed of a resilient material such that, as the guidewire is separated from the second lumen, the longitudinal edges are biassed open from a first position to a second position having a gap greater than or ...

18-04-2000 дата публикации

Pressure limiting device

Номер: US6050973A

An apparatus for limiting the pressure of inflation fluid injected into one or more balloon of a catheter device comprising a reservoir chamber having an inlet port coupled in fluid communication with an inflation/deflation device and a plurality of outlet ports coupled in fluid communication with a plurality of cylindrical housings. Each cylindrical housing includes a pressure chamber and a valve chamber. The valve chamber receives a piston moveable between a fully open position and a closed position and spring biased toward the fully open position. Each housing includes an outlet port coupled in fluid communication with a separate balloon of a catheter device. Each piston includes an internal flow path which enables the flow of pressurized inflation fluid from the reservoir chamber to the balloon catheter when the pressure of the inflation fluid within the balloon is below the desired cut-off pressure. As the pressure of the inflation fluid within each balloon increases, the associated ...

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Access device

Номер: US0010849651B2

An access device for placing a medical article within a body space includes a needle, a dilator, and a medical article. The needle can include an elongated needle body with a distal end and a hub from which the needle body extends. The elongated needle body can include at least one side fenestration and an outer diameter. The dilator can be slideably disposed on the needle body and include a dilator hub and an elongated dilator shaft that extends from the dilator hub. The dilator shaft can include at least one side fenestration in communication with the needle side fenestration. The dilator shaft can also include an inner diameter that is less than the outer diameter of the needle. The medical article can include a tubular section and a hub. The tubular section can be disposed on the dilator and define a space between the medical article and the dilator in communication with the needle side fenestration through the dilator side fenestration. At a least portion of the medical article can ...

01-12-2020 дата публикации

Trocar seal membrane and assembly comprising normal and reverse concave channels

Номер: US0010849655B2

Disclosed is a trocar seal membrane and assembly including normal concave-channels and reverse concave-channels. The seal membrane includes a proximal opening, a distal aperture, and a sealing wall from the distal aperture extending to the proximal opening. The distal aperture formed by a sealing lip for accommodating the inserted instrument forms a gas-tight seal. The sealing wall includes a proximal surface and a distal surface. The sealing wall is a seamless sealing body with multiple normal concave-channels and multiple reverse concave-channels surrounding the sealing lip in an alternating manner. The normal concave-channels and reverse concave-channels has the functions of enlarging hoop circumference, reducing the wrapped-area, improving lubrication reliability, increasing the axial tensile stiffness, etc., thereby, the frictional resistance and the stick-slip can be greatly reduced.

24-12-2019 дата публикации

Septum securement

Номер: US0010512755B2

A catheter assembly may include a catheter adapter, which may include a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending between the proximal end and the distal end. The distal end may include a catheter configured to be inserted into vasculature of a patient. The catheter assembly may also include a septum, which may be disposed within the lumen of the catheter adapter. The septum may be secured within the lumen in response to increased pressure by one or more of the following: one or more septum stoppers, a retention disc of a needle assembly, a U-shaped washer, and a conical washer.

04-02-2020 дата публикации

Guide catheter control flexible track

Номер: US0010549071B2
Принадлежит: CORINDUS, INC., CORINDUS INC, Corindus, Inc.

A robotic catheter system includes a base and a robotic mechanism having a longitudinal axis and being movable relative to the base along the longitudinal axis. A flexible track is releasably secured to the base and includes an outer surface having a longitudinal opening slit extending therethrough to an inner channel. A rigid guide has a non-linear portion fixed relative to the robotic mechanism. A portion of the flexible track moves along the non-linear portion of the rigid guide away from the longitudinal axis when the robotic mechanism moves along the longitudinal axis.

23-04-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200121891A1
Автор: Tingchao Zhang, Yang Li

An interventional medical device delivery system comprises a loader provided with a loading tube, a delivery sheath, a dilator, a pushing component, and a hemostasis valve. The loading tube or the delivery sheath is provided with a position-limiting locking connector. An appropriate-rotation control mechanism for controlling a tightening degree between a distal end of the loading tube and a proximal end of the delivery sheath is disposed outside the loading tube or the delivery sheath. The proximal end of the delivery sheath and the distal end of the loading tube engage with each other in a sealed manner, and are threadingly fixed to each other by means of the position-limiting locking connector. The appropriate-rotation control mechanism rotates in one direction to appropriately tighten a thread-connection, and rotates in the opposite direction to release the thread-connection. The interventional medical device conveying system of the invention automatically determines a tightening degree ...

26-06-2012 дата публикации

Valved connector

Номер: US0008206375B2

A valved connector configured to control the leakage of bodily fluid from within a patient. The valved connector including a seal positioned within a lumen of the body of the valved connector. The distal end of the valved connector is adapted to permit access to, or coupling of an apparatus. A proximal end is adapted to be threadably coupled to a secondary device. The needless connector valve being configured to be openable by a dilator or post of an apparatus which is connected to the proximal end of the needleless connector. In the event that a luer coupler or other secondary apparatus is not available, a needle, cannula, trocar, or other instrument can be threaded through the main lumen of the valved connector opening the valve and allowing the passage of fluid directly through the needle, trocar, cannula, or other instrument.

23-03-2021 дата публикации

Guide extension catheter

Номер: US0010953197B2

Guide extension catheters and related methods are disclosed. A guide extension catheter can comprise an elongate tube member, a push member, and a removable support member. The push member can be eccentrically coupled directly or indirectly to the elongate tube member and can extend proximally therefrom for slidably positioning the elongate tube member within and partially beyond a distal end of a guide catheter. The removable support member can comprise a structure that surrounds at least a portion of the push member. The removable support member alone, or when placed over the push member, can be more rigid along its longitudinal axis than the elongate tube member and can have a cross-sectional dimension that is greater than a maximal cross-sectional dimension of the push member.

25-03-2010 дата публикации

Detachable And Freely Rotating Hemostasis Valve

Номер: US20100076384A1
Принадлежит: Terumo Medical Corporation

The present invention is directed to a valve hub comprising a hemostasis valve enclosed within a housing, the housing having an upper portion and a lower portion and an access port aligned with the vertical axis of the hemostasis valve; wherein the lower portion of valve hub is engaged within a connector such as a luer fitting, such that the valve hub rotates freely about its vertical axis. The present invention is also directed to medical devices comprising such valves hubs and catheters, as well as methods for assembling such devices and performing medical procedures using such devices.

18-07-2017 дата публикации

Valved connector

Номер: US0009707386B2

A valved connector configured to control the leakage of bodily fluid from within a patient. The valved connector including a seal positioned within a lumen of the body of the valved connector. The distal end of the valved connector is adapted to permit access to, or coupling of an apparatus. A proximal end is adapted to be threadably coupled to a secondary device. The needless connector valve being configured to be openable by a dilator or post of an apparatus which is connected to the proximal end of the needleless connector. In the event that a luer coupler or other secondary apparatus is not available, a needle, cannula, trocar, or other instrument can be threaded through the main lumen of the valved connector opening the valve and allowing the passage of fluid directly through the needle, trocar, cannula, or other instrument.

17-07-2008 дата публикации


Номер: US2008171987A1

A trocar comprising an alignment channel and an instrument seal comprising a bending portion and a base portion. The bending and base portions of the instrument seal are spaced relative the alignment channel such that when a surgical instrument is retracted the bending portion inverts and the lip does not enter the alignment channel.

27-12-2022 дата публикации

Conduit tips and systems and methods for use

Номер: US0011534593B2

The present disclosure relates to a rotary blood pump system. The rotary blood pump system may comprise an inflow conduit, an outflow conduit, a control system, and a power source. The present disclosure further relates to various inflow conduit assemblies comprising a conduit tip comprised of metal or polymer having an undulating opening surface that provides improved blood flow and washing properties while minimizing regions susceptible to stagnation, and optionally a resilient tip-protecting cage structure that reduces the risk of conduit tip suction events and suction-related injury of the wall of adjacent blood vessels or other blood containing structures. The present disclosure further relates to various outflow conduit assemblies with a conduit tip comprised of metal or polymer wherein the cross-sectional area of the lumen of the conduit or conduit tip is reduced to generate a localized jet-like fluid flow in a blood vessel segment adjacent to the conduit tip.

19-01-2012 дата публикации

Catheter assembly and pierced septum valve

Номер: US20120016302A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A septum activator is disclosed herein. The septum activator has an outer tubular body and an inner tubular body. The outer tubular body and the inner tubular body each have a plurality of openings therein. The inner tubular body has a first position relative to the outer tubular body and a second position relative to outer tubular body. In the first position, the plurality of openings of the inner tubular body do not overlap with the plurality of openings in the outer tubular body. In the second position, the plurality of openings of the inner tubular body overlap with the plurality of openings of the inner tubular body.

02-02-2012 дата публикации

Catheter apparatus

Номер: US20120029480A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

A proximal terminal end of a proximal section of a catheter, preferably tapered, defines a perimeter of an opening into a lumen of the catheter and includes an exposed sealing area. A sealing assembly, that may be removed from the catheter, includes a relatively soft part and a relatively rigid part, wherein the exposed sealing area is formed by the soft part, and the relatively rigid part may include an attachment feature for removable connection of the assembly to the catheter. The lumen of the catheter, within the proximal section, may include a seal zone portion, which preferably includes a slit segment intersecting a funnel-like segment of a bore. The catheter proximal section may further include a feature for interlocking engagement with an accessory tool.

03-05-2012 дата публикации

Haemostatic valve assembly

Номер: US20120109063A1
Автор: Sebastian Hansen
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A haemostatic valve assembly ( 18 ) is provided with a housing ( 24 ) having first and second ends ( 26, 28 ) within each of which there is provided an aperture of opening ( 30, 32 ). A flexible valve element ( 34 ) is disposed within the housing ( 24 ) between the first and second openings ( 30, 32 ). A mass of separate pellets ( 40 ) is located within the chamber ( 38 ) formed between the housing ( 24 ) and the valve element ( 34 ). The pellets ( 40 ) apply pressure to the valve element ( 34 ) so as to close the lumen ( 36 ) thereof. The pellets ( 40 ) are preferably made of a compressible material and such that when an element is inserted through the openings ( 30, 32 ) and thus through the valve assembly ( 18 ) the pellets ( 40 ) compress to allow opening of the lumen ( 36 ). The biasing force of the pellets ( 40 ) against the valve ( 34 ) provide constant sealing pressure to the valve assembly ( 18 ) without the need for any intervention by the clinician. The valve assembly is therefore entirely automatic.

24-05-2012 дата публикации

Haemostatic valve device

Номер: US20120130354A1
Автор: Arman H. Valaie
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A haemostatic valve device ( 10 ) comprises a disk valve ( 52 a ) having a valve body with a first surface facing in a first direction, a second surface facing in a second direction opposite the first direction, and an opening ( 58 a ) formed in the valve body for providing communication through the disk valve. In some examples, the disk valve comprises a nipple ( 60 b ), axially off-set from the opening, extending outwardly and away from at least one of the first and second surfaces. The haemostatic valve device may further comprise a second disk valve ( 52 b ) and the nipple ( 60 b ) may be removably disposed within, and sealingly engage, an opening ( 58 b ) of the second disk valve.

12-07-2012 дата публикации

Access sealing apparatus and method

Номер: US20120179001A1
Принадлежит: Applied Medical Resources Corp

A surgical access device includes a seal housing and a roller disposed in the housing and defining a working channel. The roller may be stationary or movable within the seal housing to form both a zero seal in the absence of an instrument, and an instrument seal in the presence of an instrument. Rotation of the roller is contemplated and low-friction surfaces are discussed to reduce instrument insertion forces. Multiple rollers, wiper elements, low-friction braid, pivoting elements and idler rollers are contemplated. The rollers will typically be formed of a gel material in order to facilitate the desired compliance, stretchability and elongation desired.

27-09-2012 дата публикации

Adjustable cannula

Номер: US20120245426A1
Принадлежит: Individual

A cannula having a tubular body having a proximal end and a distal end and a central axis defined therethrough, a first protruding member coupled to a first region of the tubular body, and a second protruding member coupled to a second region of the tubular body. Further, the tubular body has a bore formed therethrough. Each of the first protruding member and the second protruding member are coupled to an outer surface of the tubular body. Finally, a length of the tubular body is adjustable along the central axis.

08-11-2012 дата публикации

Low-profile surgical universal access port

Номер: US20120283518A1
Автор: Charles C. Hart
Принадлежит: Applied Medical Resources Corp

A surgical access device includes an elongate cannula having a side wall at the proximal end that is coaxial with and movable relative to a seal-housing. A seal assembly that includes at least one seal is disposed within the seal-housing. An inflation port is formed in on the seal housing and configured to align with an opening in the side wall at the proximal end of the cannula. The seal housing is movable relative to the side wall between an open and closed configuration. In an open configuration, the inflation port is aligned with the opening in the side wall permitting fluid to flow across the cannula side wall. In a closed configuration, the inflation fort is offset from the opening in the side wall preventing fluid flow across the cannula side wall. In one variation, a resilient retention member is disposed inside the seal housing to bias the seal.

06-12-2012 дата публикации

Coaxial trocar seals havng sequential adjacent openings

Номер: US20120310165A1
Принадлежит: Applied Medical Resources Corp

An instrument seal of a surgical access device is provided and includes a plurality of nested coaxial seals arranged to cooperate and form a complete, circumferential seal around an inserted instrument.

07-03-2013 дата публикации

Retractor system for laparoscopic surgery

Номер: US20130060094A1
Автор: Jeongsam Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

Disclosed is a retractor system for laparoscopic surgery. According to one aspect of the present invention, provided is a retractor system for laparoscopic surgery comprising: a sleeve portion for forming a passage at a retractor; an upper guide portion in which an upper circular elastic ring is built, formed at the upper portion of the sleeve portion; a lower guide portion comprising a circular tube in which a lower circular elastic ring is built, formed at the lower portion of the sleeve portion; a tube pressure controller for injecting air or water into the circular tube or discharging the air or water of the circular tube to contract or extend the circular tube, connected to the circular tube through a pipe; and an air injector or a CO2 injector in which one end is mounted to the adjacent area of the sleeve portion, the extended pipe passes through the inside of the lower guide portion along the outer wall of the sleeve portion, and the other end is mounted to the lower portion of the lower guide portion.

28-03-2013 дата публикации

Introducer sheath with thin-walled shaft

Номер: US20130079746A1

A thin-walled introducer sheath is described. In some embodiments, the introducer sheath includes structural support components, such as wires, used in connection with a polymeric inner coating, a polymeric outer coating, or both. Further, in some embodiments, the wire components are annealed to reduce cold-work-related stresses and hardness. Use of annealed components may enable a reduction in the thickness of the polymeric outer coating in some applications.

09-05-2013 дата публикации

Disposable connector for hemofiltration

Номер: US20130112301A1
Принадлежит: Individual

The present invention refers to a disposable connector 20 suitable for engagement on the substitution port 180 of a hemo filtration machine 18. The connector 20 comprises: a rigid main body 22 defining a duct 220; and a soft element 24 fitted on an end of the main body 22. In the connector 20 according to the invention, the soft element 24 comprises a membrane 240 occluding the duct 220 and performing a valve function; and a seal portion 242 radially expanding outward of the duct 220.

06-06-2013 дата публикации

Sealing valve cover used in sputum suction pipe

Номер: US20130144268A1
Автор: Jin Chung
Принадлежит: Pacific Hospital Supply Co Ltd

A sealing vale cover used in a sputum suction pipe, which is mounted in a sputum suction pipe, includes a valve body and an elastic contractible cover. The valve body has a hollow interior and an open end. The elastic contractible cover seals the other end of the valve body. The inner wall surface of the elastic contractible cover is provided with a contact rib. The contact rib extends radially and outwardly from the top of an inner wall surface of the elastic contractible cover. The contact rib is formed with an arc-shaped surface on its protruding portion. When a long conduit of the sputum suction pipe is disposed through the elastic contractible cover, the arc-shaped surface of the contact rib is brought into contact with the outer surface of the long conduit, thereby preventing the leakage of the sputum.

13-06-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130150795A1
Автор: SNOW Jeremy W.
Принадлежит: Merit Medical Systems, Inc

A valved connector configured to control the leakage of bodily fluid from within a patient. The valved connector including a seal positioned within a lumen of the body of the valved connector. The distal end of the valved connector is adapted to permit access to, or coupling of an apparatus. A proximal end is adapted to be threadably coupled to a secondary device. The needless connector valve being configured to be openable by a dilator or post of an apparatus which is connected to the proximal end of the needleless connector. In the event that a luer coupler or other secondary apparatus is not available, a needle, cannula, trocar, or other instrument can be threaded through the main lumen of the valved connector opening the valve and allowing the passage of fluid directly through the needle, trocar, cannula, or other instrument. 1. A valved connector configured to selectively permit the passage of fluid , the valved connector comprising:a body member having a proximal end and a distal end;a lumen disposed within the body member, the lumen configured to provide fluid communication between the proximal end and the distal end of the body member, the lumen comprising a tapered lumen portion; anda valve disposed adjacent the proximal end of the body member.2. The valved connector of claim 1 , wherein the body member comprises a proximal body component and a distal body component claim 1 , and wherein the distal body component comprises a taper configured to facilitate coupling of the distal body component to another device.3. The valved connector of claim 2 , wherein the proximal body component comprises a first set of threads and the distal body component comprises a second set of threads.4. The valved connector of claim 3 , wherein the valve is configured to open when a luer connector is coupled to the first set of threads.5. The valved connector of claim 1 , wherein the valve is configured to allow passage of an elongate instrument through the valve claim 1 , while ...

04-07-2013 дата публикации

Hemostasis valve and guidewire pacing system

Номер: US20130172924A1
Принадлежит: Cardiac Pacemakers Inc

Systems and methods for temporarily pacing a patient's heart are provided. One system includes a hemostasis valve with an adjustable electrical connection, the adjustable electrical connection having one or more adjustable contacts. The adjustable contacts have a first, radially expanded configuration and a second, radially constricted configuration. In the radially constricted configuration, the adjustable contacts are configured to pierce through a layer of an elongate medical device that is disposed in the hemostasis valve. The elongate medical device has a distal electrode and a conductor extending along a portion of the elongate medical device. The adjustable contacts pierce through a make contact with the conductor, providing an electrical pathway to the distal electrode. Also provided are vascular access systems including a hemostasis valve and a guide catheter, guide wire torquers with adjustable contacts and methods of temporarily pacing a patient's heart.

11-07-2013 дата публикации

Trocar system for use in laparoscopic surgery

Номер: US20130178885A1
Автор: Jeong Sam Lee
Принадлежит: Individual

A trocar system for use in laparoscopic surgery is disclosed. According to an embodiment of the present invention, the trocar system includes: an upper housing having a circular or oval shape with a lower opening; a plurality of protrusion membranes provided to the upper housing to install a trocar; one or more tubes for sustaining air passage installed on the upper housing; and a lower guide formed at the lower edge of the upper housing, installed on the upper portion of a laparoscopic retractor, and conveniently removed therefrom. The trocar is fixedly installed on the protrusion membrane, and includes: a trocar body having a cylindrical shape; a valve cover disposed over the trocar body to close the upper space thereof; a recess for an installation ring disposed on the lower outer circumference of the trocar body; and an elastic press which is moved in conjunction with the side portion of an upper valve to open the upper valve; the trocar system further includes a seal part. When the trocar body is inserted into the protrusion membrane, the seal part is disposed at the recess for an installation ring to fix the outer circumference of the protrusion membrane.

21-11-2013 дата публикации

Blood control iv catheter with antimicrobial properties

Номер: US20130310764A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A system and method is provided for applying an anti-pathogenic material to various surfaces of a medical device, wherein the method includes identifying various surfaces of the medical tests which include noncritical dimensions, and limiting the application of the anti-pathogenic material to those surfaces. Some aspects of the invention further include the application of an anti-pathogenic lubricant material to various parts or components of a medical device to reduce friction.

21-11-2013 дата публикации


Номер: US20130310773A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A surgical access device includes a seal assembly having a seal housing and a gimbal mount disposed within the seal housing, the seal housing defining a central longitudinal axis and having a longitudinal passage for receiving at least one surgical object therethrough and the gimbal mount adapted for angular movement relative to the central longitudinal axis. The surgical access device also includes a bellows configured to engage at least a portion of the gimbal mount, the bellows dimensioned and adapted to establish a biasing relationship with the gimbal mount, such that the bellows overcomes a frictional relationship between the gimbal mount and the seal housing, thereby moving the gimbal mount towards a position in which the passage of the gimbal mount is aligned with the central longitudinal axis. The bellows is configured to be attached to a side wall of the seal housing. 1. A surgical access device , comprising:a seal assembly including a seal housing and a gimbal mount disposed within the seal housing, the seal housing defining a central longitudinal axis and having a longitudinal passage for receiving at least one surgical object therethrough and the gimbal mount adapted for angular movement relative to the central longitudinal axis; anda bellows configured to engage at least a portion of the gimbal mount, the bellows dimensioned and adapted to establish a biasing relationship with the gimbal mount, such that the bellows causes friction between the gimbal mount and the seal housing to be overcome to permit the gimbal mount to align with the central longitudinal axis;wherein the bellows is configured to be attached to a side wall of the seal housing.2. The surgical access device according to claim 1 , wherein the gimbal mount defines a substantially hemispherical configuration.3. The surgical access device according to claim 1 , wherein the gimbal mount defines a substantially parabolic configuration.4. The surgical access device according to claim 1 , ...

12-12-2013 дата публикации

Access port

Номер: US20130331655A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

An endoscopic access port and sheath assembly or laparoscopic port ( 10 ) comprises a sheath ( 12 ) and a haemostatic valve. The sheath has an elongate tubular body and a sheath lumen through it. The haemostatic valve comprising a housing ( 14 ), the housing comprises a tubular body with an internal lumen ( 18 ) and a first end and a second end. The first end is connected to the sheath and the sheath lumen and the internal lumen are in fluid communication. The second end of the housing has an access port. There is a substantially cylindrical valve assembly ( 27 ) within the housing at the second end of the housing. The substantially cylindrical valve assembly is formed from a plurality of valve segments ( 28 ). Each valve segment has an elongate body being in cross section a sector of a circle. Each valve segment is formed from a resilient material. The plurality of valve segments when assembled form the substantially cylindrical valve assembly and define between each other a plurality resilient interface regions ( 29 ) to receive and grip a medical device between them in use.

13-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140046258A1

A flushable catheter assembly having features to enable selective activation of fluid flow through the catheter assembly is disclosed herein. A septum is placed within the catheter adapter of the catheter assembly and includes a pathway that is closed prior to being biased open via a septum activator also positioned within the catheter adapter. A plurality of air vent channels is interposed between the septum and the inner surface of the catheter adapter to permit “flashback” of blood during insertion of the catheter into a patient. The septum activator is advanced through the pathway of the septum as a coupler is attached to a proximal opening of the catheter adapter. 1. A system for controlling fluid flow in a closed IV catheter assembly , comprising:a luer port having an inner lumen;a septum disposed within a portion of the inner lumen; anda ventilation channel interposed between the septum and an inner surface of the inner lumen of the catheter adapter, the ventilation channel having a surface area and a perimeter selected to permit passage of at least one of air and blood at a desired rate of flow.2. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a septum activator disposed within a portion of the inner lumen adjacent to the septum claim 1 , a distal end of the septum activator contacting a proximal surface of the septum claim 1 , and a proximal end of the septum activator being positioned adjacent to an opening of the luer port claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the septum activator is accessed by inserting an external device into the opening of the luer port.3. The system of claim 2 , further comprising a lumen forming a fluid pathway through the septum activator claim 2 , the lumen having an inner diameter configured to permit passage of a fluid.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the septum activator comprises a plurality of vents and flow diverters configured to improve circulation of the fluid within at least one of the septum activator and an interstitial ...

20-02-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140052064A1
Автор: Loewen John L.
Принадлежит: W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.

A hemostatic valve apparatus used in medical procedures that provides rapid activation of a sealing mechanism resulting in lower blood loss during use of the sealing device. The valve apparatus incorporates an actuator and two mechanisms that counter-rotate opposite ends of a sealing tube. 1. A vascular introducer sheath assembly for endoluminal delivery of medical treatment , said vascular introducer sheath assembly comprising: a valve housing having a proximal opening and an opposite distal opening, the distal opening being in fluid communication with the catheter,', 'a flexible tube having a proximal end and an opposite distal end, the tube having a longitudinal axis extending along the proximal and distal ends of the tube, the tube having a lumen extending along the longitudinal axis between the proximal and distal ends of the tube, the proximal and distal ends of the tube being in fluid communication with the proximal and distal openings of the housing, respectively, such that in an open configuration the tube allows fluid to pass between the proximal and distal openings of the housing via the lumen,', 'a first gear having an axis of rotation aligned to the tube longitudinal axis and fixedly secured to the distal end of the tube,', 'a second gear having an axis of rotation aligned to the tube longitudinal axis and fixedly secured to the proximal end of the tube, and', 'an actuator having a third gear rotatably coupled to the housing for rotation about a third gear axis, the third gear being directly engaged with each of the first and second gears so as to cause a collapsing of the lumen by rotation of the proximal and distal ends of the tube in opposite directions in response to selective rotation of the third gear about the third gear axis., 'a catheter and a valve coupled to the catheter for controlling fluid flow through the catheter, each of the catheter and valve being configured to accommodate delivery of a medical device therethrough, the valve having2. ...

06-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140066899A1
Автор: Blacker Steven
Принадлежит: Corindus, Inc.

A combined hemostasis valve and drive mechanism is provided. The hemostasis valve has a valve body with a first and second leg. The first leg has a proximal port, a distal port and a lumen extending between the proximal port and the distal port. At least one valve is located in the lumen adjacent the proximal port to permit an interventional device to be passed therethrough. The second leg extends at an angle relative to the first leg and is in fluid communication with the first leg. A rotating male luer lock connector is rotatably connected to the first leg proximate to the distal port. It is configured to secure a guide catheter and has a driven member. The drive mechanism has a drive member removably interfacing with the driven member and a motor operatively connected to the drive member. The motor rotates the guide catheter about its longitudinal axis in a first direction and opposing second direction in response to rotation of the motor in a first direction about an axis of the motor and an opposing second direction about the axis of the motor, through rotation of the drive member, driven member and rotating male luer lock connector. 1. An apparatus comprising:a hemostasis valve including a valve body with a first leg having a proximal port, a distal port and a lumen extending between the proximal port and the distal port, at least one valve being located in the lumen adjacent the proximal port to permit an interventional device to be passed therethrough, the valve body including a second leg extending at an angle relative to the first leg and in fluid communication with the first leg, a rotating male luer lock connector rotatably connected to the valve body proximate the distal port to secure a guide catheter thereto, the rotating male luer lock connector having a driven member;a drive mechanism having a drive member removably interfacing with the driven member, and a motor operatively connected to the drive member, the motor rotating the guide catheter about ...

13-03-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140074034A1

A catheter assembly includes a hollow catheter; a catheter hub fixed onto a base end portion of the catheter, the catheter hub having an internal passage communicating with an inside of the catheter; a needle disposed in the catheter; a needle hub; a valve element including an opening and closing unit configured to be opened and closed; an operation member including a tubular body, the operation member being configured such that an opening portion of the operation member is insertable into the opening and closing unit to cause the base end side and a tip side of the catheter hub to communicate with each other; a communication unit; and a sealing member including a tubular body, the sealing member being disposed at a base end side of the valve element and being configured to allow the passage of air and prohibit the passage of liquid. 1. A catheter assembly comprising:a hollow catheter;a catheter hub fixed onto a base end portion of the catheter, the catheter hub having an internal passage communicating with an inside of the catheter;a needle disposed in the catheter;a needle hub fixed to a base end portion of the needle, the needle hub being connectable to a base end side of the catheter hub;a valve element positioned to block the internal passage of the catheter hub, the valve element including an opening and closing unit configured to be opened and closed;an operation member including a tubular body, the operation member being configured such that an opening portion of the operation member is insertable into the opening and closing unit to cause the base end side and a tip side of the catheter hub to communicate with each other;a communication unit disposed on at least one of (i) an inner periphery portion of the catheter hub where the valve element is positioned, and (ii) a peripheral edge portion of the valve element, the communication unit being configured to allow the base end side and the tip side of the catheter hub to communicate with each other; anda ...

20-03-2014 дата публикации

Method and Devices for Implantation of Biologic Constructs

Номер: US20140081285A1
Автор: Kucklick Theodore R.
Принадлежит: Cannuflow, Inc.

Seal systems and devices for delivering a biologic construct repair for shoulder and joint surgery into an arthroscopic workspace, including a pinch to open seal that uses fluid pressure to self-seal against a curved surface when closed. 1. A seal system for use with an arthroscopic instrument comprising:a seal having a first section with a top face, the first section having a central inwardly curved or parabola shape that curves towards a slit in the top face, said seal having a second section integrally formed with the first section, said second section having a narrower diameter than the first section; anda cannula for conducting fluid therethrough, said cannula having a proximal end;said seal second section releasably attached to the cannula proximal end; andwherein the seal first section is moveable from a first closed configuration to a second open configuration.2. The seal system of further including a circular wiper seal.3. The seal system of wherein the top face is elliptical.4. The seal system of wherein the top face is oval.5. A seal for use with a cannula claim 1 , said seal comprising:a seal having a first section with a top face, the first section having a central inwardly curved or parabola shape that curves towards a slit in the top face, said seal having a second section integrally formed with the first section, said second section having a narrower diameter than the first section; andwherein the seal first section is moveable from a first closed configuration to a second open configuration.6. The seal of further including a circular wiper seal.7. The seal of wherein the top face is elliptical.8. The seal of wherein the top face is oval. This application is a continuation in part of application Ser. No. 13/088,327, filed Apr. 15, 2011, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,585,773, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application 61/324,746 filed Apr. 15, 2010.The inventions described below relate to the field of arthroscopic surgery and more specifically ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001142A1
Автор: Blacker Steven J.
Принадлежит: Corindus, Inc.

A base is configured to support a hemostasis valve having a driven surface configured to be rotatably driven to rotate a catheter secured thereto. The base may include a drive mechanism and a sideloading hemostasis valve holder configured to retain the driven surface of the hemostasis valve in engagement with the drive mechanism. 1. An apparatus comprising: a drive mechanism; and', 'a sideloading hemostasis valve holder configured to retain the driven surface of the hemostasis valve in engagement with the drive mechanism., 'a base to support a hemostasis valve having a driven surface configured to be rotatably driven to rotate a catheter secured thereto, the base comprising2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the drive mechanism is rotatable about a first axis and wherein the sideloading hemostasis valve holder comprises an insertion opening for the hemostasis valve that faces in a direction nonparallel to the first axis.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sideloading hemostasis valve holder comprises:a channel; anda clamp resiliently biased for movement toward the channel for clamping the hemostasis valve in the channel.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the clamp is pivotable towards the channel.5. The apparatus of further comprising a spring in engagement with the clamp to resiliently bias the clamp for movement towards the channel.6. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the clamp comprises a groove to receive and contact a side surface of the hemostasis valve within the channel.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the sideloading hemostasis valve holder comprises a C-shaped bracket.8. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the hemostasis valve comprises an outer circumferential groove proximate the driven surface and wherein the C-shaped bracket is configured to be received within the outer circumferential groove.9. The apparatus of claim 7 , wherein the sideloading hemostasis valve holder comprises a second C-shaped bracket.10. The apparatus of claim 9 , ...

06-01-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220001161A1

A catheter assembly and/or an introducer may include one or more features configured to guide a probe and/or a catheter distally through a septum. The catheter assembly may include a catheter adapter and the septum. The catheter adapter may include a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending therebetween. In some embodiments, the septum may be disposed within the lumen. The septum may include a proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in a distal direction such that the proximal surface of the septum is configured to guide the probe and/or the catheter distally through the septum. The catheter assembly may be configured to receive an introducer, which may include an introducer element. A proximal end of the introducer element may include another proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in the distal direction such that the other proximal surface is configured to guide the probe or the catheter distally through the septum. 1. A catheter assembly , comprising:a catheter adapter, comprising a distal end, a proximal end, and lumen extending therebetween; anda septum disposed within the lumen, wherein the septum comprises a proximal surface that is tapered inwardly in a distal direction such that the proximal surface is configured to guide a probe or catheter distally through the septum.2. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , wherein the septum comprises a cavity claim 1 , wherein a distal end of the cavity comprises an annular protrusion claim 1 , wherein annular protrusion forms the proximal surface.3. The catheter assembly of claim 2 , wherein the septum further comprises a slit disposed in a center of the annular protrusion.4. The catheter assembly of claim 1 , further comprising extension tubing claim 1 , wherein the proximal end of the catheter adapter comprises a first port and a second port claim 1 , wherein the lumen comprises a first lumen claim 1 , a second lumen claim 1 , and a common lumen claim 1 , wherein the first port forms the first lumen claim ...

07-01-2016 дата публикации

Hybrid Lateral Vein Introducer

Номер: US20160001042A1
Принадлежит: Pressure Products Medical Supplies Inc.

A hybrid lateral vein introducer which includes a conventional splittable hemostatic valve, which comprises two symmetrical wing extending from a splittable hub. A conventional splittable proximal sheath portion is coupled to and extends from the hub. The sheath portion is a conventional soft pliable sheath, which has limited torqueability, but adequate flexibility to be maneuvered in the cardiac vascular system. At a predetermined distance from the valve, the sheath is coupled to a reinforced sheath portion. Reinforced sheath portion is reinforced sufficiently to allow for good integrity and crush resistance while maintaining flexibility of the sheath portion. A proximal segment of the sheath portion is reinforced, but still splittable. Alternatively, the entire length of the sheath portion including the proximal segment and distal portions are rendered splittable. 1. A cardiac introducer comprising:a splittable hemostatic valve; and a nontorqueable, splittable proximal portion coupled to and fluidicly communicated to the hemostatic valve; and', 'a reinforced, non-splittable, sliceable, flexible distal portion coupled to and fluidicly communicated to the nontorqueable, splittable proximal portion., 'a sheath coupled to and fluidicly communicated to the hemostatic valve, wherein the sheath further comprises2. The cardiac introducer of were the reinforced claim 1 , non-splittable sliceable claim 1 , flexible distal portion of the sheath is biased into a shape adapted for use in left ventricle access.3. The cardiac introducer of where the reinforced claim 1 , non-splittable claim 1 , sliceable claim 1 , flexible distal portion of the sheath is soft but crush resistant.4. The cardiac introducer of where the reinforced claim 1 , non-splittable claim 1 , sliceable claim 1 , flexible distal portion of the sheath is reinforced with fiber claim 1 , wire claim 1 , flat wire claim 1 , braid claim 1 , spiral coil reinforcement claim 1 , material selection claim 1 , fillers ...

04-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180001037A1

This invention is an air block for industrial, medical, and non-medical uses. For example, the air block is connected to the proximal end of a vascular access catheter. The air block is either removably connected to the proximal end of the catheter or it is integral to the proximal end of the catheter. The air block permits introduction of other catheters or instrumentation through its central lumen and on into a lumen of the catheter while minimizing fluid loss or gain into the catheter. The air block further prevents air from entering the catheter and provides for removal of the air or other gas from the central lumen before it can enter the catheter where it could cause harm to the patient. The air block can be attached to various standard proximal catheter terminations including Luer fittings and hemostasis valve outer barrels. 1. A method of catheterization , comprising:connecting a source of liquid to an air block apparatus that comprises an outer shell, a core tube disposed within an interior volume of the outer shell, a first valve, a second valve and an outlet port, the core tube in fluid communication with the interior volume of the outer shell via a fenestrated portion of the core tube,delivering liquid from the source of liquid into the interior volume of the outer shell;inserting a catheter through the first valve, and then through an unobstructed inner channel of the core tube, and then through the second valve; andremoving gas that passes from the core tube via the fenestrated portion and collects within the interior volume of the outer shell.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the air block apparatus is connected to a proximal end of a catheter introducer.3. The method of claim 2 , wherein the catheter introducer comprises a primary catheter.4. The method of claim 2 , wherein the catheter introducer comprises a cannula.5. The method of claim 2 , wherein said inserting further comprises inserting the catheter into the catheter introducer after the ...

05-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170000979A1
Автор: Blacker Steven J.
Принадлежит: Corindus, Inc.

An introducer assembly for introducing a catheter into a patient, includes a sheath having a distal end and a proximal end with a hollow lumen extending between the distal end and proximal end. The assembly also includes a coupler having a distal end operatively coupled to the proximal end of the sheath, the coupler having an internal passage in fluid communication with the hollow lumen. The assembly further includes a connector having a distal end operatively coupled to the coupler proximate the distal end of the coupler. 1. A catheter introducer comprising:a coupler having a distal end configured to operatively couple a sheath;a connector extending from the proximal end of the coupler, the connector having a portion that expands and contracts along a longitudinal axis upon the application of a force applied to a distal end of the connector.2. The catheter introducer of claim 1 , wherein the connector includes a breakaway portion that separates the connector into a first portion and a second portion upon the application of a force along the longitudinal axis greater than a predetermined force.3. The catheter introducer of claim 2 , wherein the breakaway portion includes a frangible portion intermediate a proximal end and distal end of the connector. This application is a divisional application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/106,638 entitles SYSTEM FOR GUIDE CATHETER CONTROL WITH INTRODUCER CONNECTOR filed Dec. 13, 2013, which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/737,092, filed Dec. 13, 2012, entitled SYSTEM FOR GUIDE CATHETER CONTROL WITH INTRODUCER CONNECTOR, both of which are incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.The present invention relates generally to the field of catheter systems for performing diagnostic and/or intervention procedures. The present invention relates specifically to a guide catheter control in robotic catheter system with an introducer connector.Vascular disease, and in particular cardiovascular disease, ...

12-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170007428A1
Автор: Eaton Elizabeth A.

The present embodiments relate to an endovascular treatment system comprising a sheath having a sheath lumen and a sheath aperture located on a circumferential surface of the sheath, and an internal liner disposed at least partially within the sheath lumen. The internal liner comprises a liner aperture, a protrusion, and a liner lumen, and has a delivery state and an expanded state. In the expanded state, the protrusion extends out of the sheath lumen through the sheath aperture. 1. An endovascular treatment system , comprising:a sheath comprising a sheath lumen and a sheath aperture located on a circumferential surface of the sheath; andan internal liner disposed at least partially within the sheath lumen, comprising a liner aperture, a protrusion selectively covering a portion of the liner aperture, and a liner lumen, and having a delivery state and an expanded state,where, in the delivery state, the protrusion of the internal liner is disposed within the sheath lumen such that fluid flow through the sheath aperture is substantially inhibited, andwhere, in the expanded state, at least a portion of the protrusion of the internal liner extends out of the sheath lumen through the sheath aperture such that fluid flow is permitted from the liner lumen through the liner aperture and the sheath aperture.2. The endovascular treatment system of claim 1 , further comprising a hub at a distal end of the sheath.3. The endovascular treatment system of wherein the sheath aperture is located a set distance from the hub.4. The endovascular treatment system of wherein the sheath comprises a plurality of sheath markings.5. The endovascular treatment system of wherein the internal liner comprises a plurality of liner markings.6. The endovascular treatment system of wherein the protrusion comprises an atraumatic characteristic claim 1 , wherein the atraumatic characteristic is selected from the group consisting of a soft material claim 1 , a flexible material claim 1 , or a rounded ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008580A1

Embodiments of a catheter insertion device are discussed comprising: an approximately hollow cylindrical catheter sleeve, at whose distal end a catheter is attached; a needle sleeve with a hollow needle, which is attached thereto and which, when ready for use, extends through the catheter sleeve and the catheter, and; a needle protective element that is arranged inside the catheter sleeve while being able to move on the needle. Said needle protective element has an engaging section that engages with an engaging device, which is formed in the vicinity of the needle tip, when the hollow needle is withdrawn from the catheter sleeve. A check valve is placed inside the catheter sleeve between the catheter and the needle protective element. The hollow needle, when ready for use, extends through said check valve, and the check valve automatically closes once the needle is withdrawn. 1. A catheter insertion device comprising:a catheter hub comprising a body having an interior surface defining a bore having a groove on the interior surface; said bore comprising an opening at a proximal end and a catheter tube attached at a distal end;a valve located inside the bore of the catheter hub for blocking fluid flow therethrough and remaining inside the bore in a ready position and a needle guarded position;a valve actuating element slidably disposed in the bore of the catheter hub; said valve actuating element comprising a locating section and a plunger section extending from the locating section;a needle having a needle shaft defining a needle axis projecting distally of an end of a needle hub, said needle projecting through the catheter tube and comprising a needle tip extending out a distal opening of the catheter tube;a needle guard element slidably mounted relative to the needle so that the needle tip is guarded by the needle guard when the needle tip is removed from the catheter hub; andwherein the valve actuating element is guided in the groove of the bore and projects ...

14-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160008591A1

A medical valve assembly includes a tube extending between a first tube end and a second tube end to define a passageway extending along a longitudinal axis between the ends. A plunger plate extends radially from the second tube end of the tube, and a valve housing surrounds the tube about the second tube end and extends from a first valve housing end to a second valve housing end. The valve housing includes a flange extending radially inwardly from the second valve housing end and disposed in spaced relationship with the plunger plate to define a distance dimension D extending therebetween. An elastomeric seal is compressed between the plunger plate and the flange, and one of the valve housing and the tube is axially movable relative to the other to vary the distance between said plunger plate and said flange and adjust an inner diameter of the elastomeric seal. 1. A medical valve assembly for use in inserting a medical device into a body vessel of a patient , comprising:a tube extending between a first tube end and a second tube end to define a passageway extending along a longitudinal axis between said ends;a plunger plate extending radially from said second tube end of said tube;a valve housing surrounding said tube about said second tube end and extending from a first valve housing end to a second valve housing end;said valve housing including a flange extending radially inwards from said second valve housing end and disposed in spaced relationship with said plunger plate to define a distance extending therebetween;an elastomeric seal compressed between said plunger plate and said flange and having an inner diameter for use in establishing a variable seal of the medical valve assembly; andone of said valve housing and said tube axially movable relative to the other to vary the distance between said plunger plate and said flange and adjust said inner diameter of said elastomeric seal for variably sealing the medical valve assembly to a variety of differently ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008342A1

Guide extension catheters and related methods are disclosed. A guide extension catheter can comprise an elongate tube member, a push member, and an external manipulation member. The push member can be eccentrically coupled relative to the tube member and extend proximally therefrom for slidably positioning the tube member within and partially beyond a distal end of a guide catheter. The manipulation member can be coupled to a proximal end of the push member, where the manipulation member can be configured to secure the guide extension catheter in place during use by attaching to an external object such that the tube member and push member remain stationary without user engagement. 1. A guide extension catheter for use with a predefined length guide catheter including a continuous lumen having a cross-sectional inner diameter , the guide extension catheter comprising:an elongate tube member having a circular cross-section having a cross-sectional outer diameter sized to be insertable through the cross-sectional inner diameter of the guide catheter's continuous lumen and defining a coaxial lumen having a cross-sectional inner diameter through which an interventional cardiology device is insertable;a push member that is rigid enough to allow the tube member to be advanced through the guide catheter, the push member being proximal of and operably connected to the elongate tube, the push member having a maximal cross-sectional dimension at a proximal portion that is smaller than the cross-sectional outer diameter of the tube member and having a length that, when combined with the length of the tube member, is longer than the guide catheter, such that when at least a distal portion of the tube member is extended distally of a distal end of the guide catheter, at least a portion of the proximal portion of the push member extends proximally through a hemostatic valve in common with the interventional cardiology device insertable through the coaxial lumen of the tube member; ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008343A1

Guide extension catheters and related methods are disclosed. A guide extension catheter can comprise an elongate tube member, a push member, and a removable support member. The push member can be eccentrically coupled directly or indirectly to the elongate tube member and can extend proximally therefrom for slidably positioning the elongate tube member within and partially beyond a distal end of a guide catheter. The removable support member can comprise a structure that surrounds at least a portion of the push member. The removable support member alone, or when placed over the push member, can be more rigid along its longitudinal axis than the elongate tube member and can have a cross-sectional 1. A guide extension catheter for use with a guide catheter , the guide extension catheter comprising:an elongate tube member having a cross-sectional outer diameter sized to be insertable through a cross-sectional inner diameter of the guide catheter and having a cross-sectional inner diameter defining a coaxial lumen through which an interventional cardiology device is insertable;a push member that is proximal of and operably connected to the elongate tube member, the push member having a maximal cross-sectional dimension that is smaller than the cross-sectional outer diameter of the elongate tube member and having a length that, when combined with the length of the elongate tube member, is longer than the guide catheter, such that when at least a distal portion of the elongate tube member is extended distally of a distal end of the guide catheter, at least a portion of the proximal portion of the push member extends proximally through a hemostatic valve in common with the interventional cardiology device; anda removable support member surrounding at least a portion of the push member, the removable support member comprising a structure that, when surrounding the push member, is more rigid along its longitudinal axis than the elongate tube member.2. The guide extension ...

14-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210008355A1

This patent document discloses guide extension catheters for use with a predefined length guide catheter and related methods for treating blood vessel lesions and abnormalities. A guide extension catheter can include a push member, an elongate tube member, and a balloon radially surrounding a portion of the elongate tube member. The balloon can include an inflatable tube coupled to an elongate shaft having a lumen for receiving inflation fluid, and the inflatable tube can be coiled in a helical manner around the elongate tube member. A bioactive layer can coat an outer surface portion of the balloon and, when the balloon is inflated, one or more drugs of the bioactive layer can be received by the blood vessel. Inflation of the balloon can engage the elongate tube member with an inner surface of the blood vessel and/or an inner surface of the guide catheter. 1. (canceled)2. The guide extension catheter of claim 5 , wherein the inflatable tube is coiled in a helical manner around a central axis into a series of windings.3. The guide extension catheter of claim 2 , wherein adjacent windings of the inflatable tube are stacked against and bonded to each other claim 2 , and an inner surface of the series of windings are bonded to an outer surface of the elongate tube member.4. The guide extension catheter of claim 2 , wherein adjacent windings of the inflatable tube are spaced apart such that a lateral space is defined between them claim 2 , and an inner surface of the series of windings are bonded to an outer surface of the elongate tube member.5. A guide extension catheter for use with a predefined length guide catheter claim 2 , the guide extension catheter comprising:an elongate tube member having a circular cross-section with an outer diameter sized to be insertable through a cross-sectional inner diameter of the guide catheter and defining a coaxial lumen having a cross-sectional inner diameter through which an interventional cardiology device is insertable;a push ...

08-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150011977A1
Автор: Kuniyasu Junko

Provided is a puncture device assembly excellent in operability. Provided is a puncture device assembly which includes an inner needle that can puncture skin, a sheath tube that has a lumen through which the inner needle can be inserted, and a support portion which is provided at a proximal portion of the sheath tube and prevents kink of the sheath tube. The support portion has a cylindrical body which is bendable and can maintain a curved shape in a state where the sheath tube is inserted. 1. A puncture device assembly comprising:an inner needle,a sheath tube possessing a lumen through which the inner needle is configured to be inserted,a support portion provided at a proximal portion of the sheath tube, the support portion being configured to prevent kink of the sheath tube; andwherein the support portion includes a bendable cylindrical body configured to maintain a curved shape in a state where the sheath tube is inserted into a blood vessel.2. The puncture device assembly according to claim 1 ,wherein a medical elongated object is positionable in the lumen of the sheath tube, andwherein the sheath tube is configured as an introducer sheath.3. The puncture device assembly according to claim 2 ,wherein the medical elongated object is at least one of a balloon catheter and a stent delivery catheter.4. The puncture device assembly according to claim 1 ,wherein the cylindrical body includes a plurality of cylindrical members bendably connected to each other and axially adjacent to each other, andwherein the curved shape of the cylindrical body is maintained based on friction between each pair of axially adjacent cylindrical members.5. The puncture device assembly according to claim 4 ,wherein each of the cylindrical members has a spherical distal portion and a truncated cone-shaped base, andwherein the spherical distal portion is rotatably fitted into the truncated cone-shaped base of the axially adjacent cylindrical members.6. The puncture device assembly according ...

03-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220032037A1
Принадлежит: ABIOMED, Inc.

Improved securement devices for use with intracardiac blood pump assemblies are provided. The present technology provides securement devices that may be used with a sheath assembly (e.g., an introducer sheath assembly, repositioning sheath assembly), and which are configured to restrict movement of an object (e.g., the catheter of the pump assembly) within the sheath assembly except when a mechanism (e.g., button) of the securement device is actively being actuated (e.g., pressed, held, etc.). 1. A device for securing an intravenous medical device , comprising:a flexible sleeve having a first lumen configured to receive at least a portion of the intravenous medical device;a button having a bore configured to receive at least a portion of the flexible sleeve;a spring element; and a second lumen configured to house the flexible sleeve; and', 'a cavity configured to house the button and the spring element,, 'a housing comprisingwherein the spring element is configured to exert a force on the button tending to cause the bore to compress the flexible sleeve unless the button is being held in a depressed state.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the housing comprises at least one protrusion with at least one eyelet claim 1 , the at least one protrusion configured to enable the housing to be sutured to a patient's skin.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the housing further comprises a hemostasis valve.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the housing is configured to couple with a hemostasis valve.5. The device of claim 4 , wherein the housing comprises at least one slot configured to accept at least one peg of the hemostasis valve when the housing is coupled with the hemostasis valve.6. The device of claim 5 , wherein the at least one slot and the at least one peg comprise a bayonet connection.7. The device of claim 5 , wherein the at least one slot further comprises at least one eyelet configured to engage with the at least one peg.8. The device of claim 5 , wherein the at ...

19-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170014617A1
Автор: Huici Bruce T.

A catheter including a tube with a coupling assembly at one end. The coupling assembly has an interior volume within which a ball is capture between a seat and a retainer. When fluid flows through the catheter in a first directed the fluid flows around the ball and exits through a port. When fluid starts to back-flow in a second direction the ball seals against the seat preventing flow in the second direction. 1. A catheter comprised of a tube and a coupling assembly;the coupling assembly on a first end is connected to an end of the tube;the coupling assembly on a second end includes a port;the coupling assembly has an interior volume bounded on a first end by a seat and on a second end by a retainer;the seat has a first diameter;the interior volume includes a ball captured between the seat and the retainer;the ball has a second diameter;the interior volume between the seat and retainer has a third diameter;the first diameter is less than the second diameter;the second diameter is less than the third diameter;the first diameter is less than or equal to the difference between the third diameter and the second diameter so that an other-than-liquid that enters the interior volume can pass the ball and exit through the port;the ball freely floats in the interior volume between the seat and retainer;when an unpressurized fluid flows in a first direction through the coupling assembly the ball does not contact the seat and fluids can flow from the first end of the coupling assembly past the ball and to the port;when the fluid flows in a second direction though the coupling assembly the ball flows into contact with the seat creating a watertight seal between the ball and seat preventing further flow in the second direction.2. A catheter as described in further characterized in that a density of the ball is the same as the fluid.3. A catheter as described in further characterized in that the difference between the second diameter and third diameter is sufficient to allow the ...

18-01-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180015277A1

A valve for sealing the hub of a sheath assembly is provided. The valve includes a valve body having a solid thickness extending between a proximal surface and a distal surface. A bisecting slot extends across the proximal surface of the valve body and terminates at a depth less than the thickness of the valve body such that a portion of the valve body distally of the slot defines a bridge extending between opposed halves of the valve body such that the distal surface of the valve body is substantially continuous and a central portion of the proximal surface of the valve body is concave and defines a concave proximal portion. 1. A valve for sealing the hub of a sheath assembly comprising:a valve body having a solid thickness extending between a proximal surface and a distal surface, wherein a bisecting slot extends across the proximal surface of the valve body and terminates at a depth less than the thickness of the valve body such that a portion of the valve body distally of the slot defines a bridge extending between opposed halves of the valve body such that the distal surface of the valve body is substantially continuous and further wherein a central portion of the proximal surface of the valve body is concave and defines a concave proximal portion.2. The valve according to wherein the valve body includes a groove in the distal surface extending about the central portion.3. The valve according to wherein a portion of the distal surface of the valve body opposite the concave proximal portion is convex.4. The valve according to wherein a sealing slit extends through the valve body from the proximal surface of the valve body to the distal surface of the valve body.5. The valve according to wherein the sealing slit extends at an angle between 45° to 135° relative to the bisecting slot.6. The valve according to wherein the sealing slit extends at an angle of approximately 90° relative to the bisecting slot.7. The valve according to wherein the sealing slit extends at ...

21-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160015955A1
Принадлежит: Jumark Properties, LLC

The present invention is a hemostatic plug for use with Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) cannulas that allow quick access to the blood vessel as well as maintaining a sterile environment to resume ECMO, if needed. It is designed to be a universal fit for use with adult ECMO circuits. The plug consists of a hemostatic membrane, a collection chamber and a cap. The membrane is designed to allow catheter delivery of up to a 19 French diameter through the ECMO cannula. The collection chamber allows the distribution of blood pressure over a broader surface, which allows additional hemostasis in addition to the membranes. The plug is then further reinforced with a cap that provides additional hemostasis, but when removed, allows hemostatic access into the blood vessel via the ECMO cannula.

15-01-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150018626A1

A surgical access device includes a seal housing and a roller disposed in the housing and defining a working channel. The roller may be stationary or moveable within the seal housing to form both a zero seal in the absence of an instrument, and an instrument seal in the presence of an instrument. Rotation of the roller is contemplated and low-friction surfaces are discussed to reduce instrument insertion forces. Multiple rollers, wiper elements, low-friction braid, pivoting elements and idler rollers are contemplated. The rollers will typically be formed of a gel material in order to facilitate the desired compliance, stretchability and elongation desired. 1. (canceled)2. A surgical access device comprising:a seal housing;a working channel extending longitudinally through the seal housing;at least one axle disposed in the seal housing and spaced from the working channel; andat least one roller mounted on and rotatable about the at least one axle and in the presence of an instrument in the working channel defines an instrument seal.3. The surgical access device of wherein the seal housing has a low friction coating in contact with the at least one roller.4. The surgical access device of further comprising a low friction material disposed between the at least one roller and the seal housing.5. The surgical access device of wherein the at least one roller is rotatable only about the at least one axle and is only translatable proximally and distally.6. The surgical access device of wherein the seal housing has an oblong recess with a length parallel to the working channel and a width perpendicular to the working channel claim 2 , the length of the oblong recess being greater than the width of the oblong recess and wherein the at least one axle is disposed in the oblong recess and the at least one axle is biased towards a proximal end of the oblong recess.7. The surgical access device of wherein the at least one axle comprises a first axle and a second axle and the at ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016321A1

Interventional procedures on the carotid arteries are performed through a transcervical access while retrograde blood flow is established from the internal carotid artery to a venous or external location. A system for use in accessing and treating a carotid artery includes an arterial access device, a shunt fluidly connected to the arterial access device, and a flow control assembly coupled to the shunt and adapted to regulate blood flow through the shunt between at least a first blood flow state and at least a second blood flow state. The flow control assembly includes one or more components that interact with the blood flow through the shunt. 1. A system for use in accessing and treating a target artery , said system comprising:an arterial access device adapted to be introduced into a common carotid artery and receive blood flow from the target artery;a shunt fluidly connected to the arterial access device, wherein the shunt provides a pathway for blood to flow from the arterial access device to a return site; anda flow control assembly coupled to the shunt and adapted to regulate blood flow through the shunt between at least a first blood flow state and at least a second blood flow state, wherein the flow control assembly includes one or more components that interact with the blood flow through the shunt, wherein the flow control assembly comprises two or more parallel flow paths and a valve to open or close one or more of the flow paths to adjust the state of flow by selectively directing blood flow through one or more of the flow paths.2. A system as in claim 1 , further comprising a port fluidly communicating with the shunt claim 1 , wherein the port may be used to connect an aspiration device to the shunt.3. A system as in claim 2 , further comprising a second valve which controls fluid communication between the shunt and the port.4. A system as in claim 3 , wherein the second valve automatically opens with attachment of an aspiration or injection device ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016371A1
Автор: Blacker Steven J.
Принадлежит: Corindus, Inc.

An extension member is has a body with a proximal end and an opposing distal end. It includes a hollow lumen extending therethrough from the proximal end to the distal end. It has a female luer lock connector proximate its proximal end and a male luer lock connector proximate its distal end. Its body has an outer surface with a driven member. 1. An apparatus comprising:a hemostasis valve including a valve body with a first leg having a proximal port, a distal port and a lumen extending between the proximal port and the distal port, at least one valve being located in the lumen adjacent the proximal port to permit an interventional device to be passed therethrough, the valve body including a second leg extending at an angle relative to the first leg and in fluid communication with the first leg, a rotating male luer lock connector rotatably connected to the first leg proximate the distal port configured to secure a guide catheter thereto, the rotating male luer lock connector having a driven member configured to be rotatably driven by a drive mechanism, the guide catheter rotatingly coupled with the rotating male luer lock connector.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the driven member includes a gear.3. The apparatus of claim 2 , wherein the gear is a beveled gear having a plurality of teeth facing toward the proximal port.4. The apparatus of claim 3 , wherein the driven member includes a groove extending about an outer circumference of the driven member configured to receive a bearing surface to locate the driven member.5. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the driven member includes an outer surface to receive a belt to rotate the rotating male luer lock connector.6. The apparatus of claim 5 , wherein the driven member includes an outer surface with pulley teeth extending radially outwardly away from the longitudinal axis of the body claim 5 , the pulley teeth being configured to be driven by the belt.7. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein the at least one valve ...

16-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200016390A1
Автор: Klepac Steven R.
Принадлежит: KAST AXESS, INC.

A vascular access port and catheter for use in association with same. The port has a length greater than its height and an access face that is angled with respect to the longitudinal axis of the port. The catheter has a first end for association with a port, and a second end with an angled intra-vascular flange. Apart from the flange is an extra-vascular retaining ring. The wall of the vessel is disposed between the intra vascular flange and extra vascular retaining ring to hold the catheter in place without the need of sutures. 117-. (canceled)18. A catheter comprising:a tubular extension extending from a first end to a second end and defining a longitudinal axis between the first end and the second end, wherein the first end is configured to receive a connecting member;an intra-vascular flange formed from a first material and coupled to the tubular extension at the second end;an extra-vascular retaining ring coupled to the tubular extension and spaced apart from the intra-vascular flange; anda sleeve of stent material coupled to an outer surface of the tubular extension such that the sleeve terminates at a sleeve distal end and a sleeve proximal end whereby the entirety of the sleeve lies between the extra-vascular retaining ring and the first end of the tubular extension;wherein the extra-vascular retaining ring and the intra-vascular flange are configured to hold the catheter in place when a wall of a peripheral vessel is positioned between them.19. The catheter of claim 18 , wherein the extra-vascular retaining ring is a continuous ring in uninterrupted contact with the tubular extension around a circumference of the tubular extension.20. The catheter of claim 18 , wherein the extra-vascular retaining ring is integrally formed with the tubular extension.21. The catheter of claim 18 , wherein the extra-vascular retaining ring is movable along the tubular extension.22. The catheter of claim 18 , further comprising an annular disk formed from a second material ...

26-01-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170020428A1

Blood sample optimization systems and methods are described that reduce or eliminate contaminates in collected blood samples, which in turn reduces or eliminates false positive readings in blood cultures or other testing of collected blood samples. A blood sample optimization system can include a blood sequestration device located between a patient needle and a sample needle. The blood sequestration device can include a sequestration chamber for sequestering an initial, potentially contaminated aliquot of blood, and may further include a sampling channel that bypasses the sequestration chamber to convey likely uncontaminated blood between the patient needle and the sample needle after the initial aliquot of blood is sequestered in the sequestration chamber. 1. A blood sample optimization system comprising: a patient needle configured for a venipuncture of a patient to access a sample of blood of a patient;', 'a blood sampling pathway connected with the patient needle for conveying the sample of blood; and', 'a sample needle configured for receiving an evacuated blood collection container to collect and contain at subsequent portion of the sample of blood; and, 'a blood sampling system comprising an inlet port for receiving the sample of blood;', 'a sequestration chamber connected with the inlet port for receiving a first amount of the sample of blood, the sequestration chamber having a vent comprising an air permeable blood barrier for sequestering at least a first portion of the first amount of the sample of blood;', 'a sampling channel having a proximal end connected with the inlet port, the sampling channel conveying a subsequent amount of the sample of blood to the evacuated blood collection container upon the sequestration chamber sequestering at least the first portion of the first amount of the sample of blood; and', 'an outlet port connected with a distal end of the sampling channel, the outlet port for outputting the subsequent amount of the sample of blood ...

28-01-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160022962A1

An introducer assembly includes a sheath and a tubular member that are coupled by a movement that is simultaneously longitudinal and radial. 1. An introducer assembly , comprising: a sheath tubular member having a proximal end and a distal end, and defining an inner diameter;', 'a sheath hub at the proximal end of the sheath tubular member, the sheath hub comprising a first feature; and', 'a hemostasis valve within the sheath hub; and, 'a sheath, comprising a dilator, cannula or catheter having a proximal end and a distal end, and defining an outer diameter that is less than the inner diameter of the sheath tubular member; and', 'a tubular member hub at the proximal end of the dilator, cannula or catheter, the tubular member hub comprising a second feature that is complementary to the first feature of the sheath hub,, 'a tubular member, comprisingwherein the first feature of the sheath hub and the second feature of the tubular member hub are configured to reversibly and rotatingly couple to one another to prevent proximal or distal movement of the tubular member relative to the sheath.2. The introducer assembly of claim 1 , wherein:the first feature of the sheath hub is a channel defined by the sheath hub, andthe second feature of the tubular member hub is a protrusion extending radially from the tubular member hub.3. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion extends radially outward from an outer surface of the tubular member hub.4. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion extends radially inward from an outer surface of the tubular member hub.5. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the protrusion comprises at least one ridge claim 2 , fin claim 2 , panel or male thread.6. The introducer assembly of claim 2 , wherein the channel defined by the sheath hub extends in an arc that is configured to receive the protrusion of the tubular member hub to guide the tubular member to move in a proximal to distal direction relative ...

10-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220039781A1

Collapsible tube embodiments may be used to promote hemostasis at surgical sites or any other suitable location. In some cases, vascular closure device embodiments may include collapsible tube embodiments in order to promote hemostasis at a surgical site during a vascular closure procedure. 1. A method of preventing blood leakage from a closure site of a passage in a tissue layer , comprising:disposing a distal end of a housing of a vascular closure device to a position adjacent the passage in the tissue layer;deploying a plurality of anchor deployers from a distal section of the housing in a distal and radially outward direction from the housing into the tissue layer in positions disposed about the passage in the tissue layer;penetrating the tissue layer with the plurality of anchor deployers of the vascular closure device and extending each of the plurality of anchor deployers distally through the tissue layer until a proximal end of a collapsible tube of each of the plurality of anchor deployers extends distally beyond a lower surface of the tissue layer;proximally retracting an anchor of each of the anchor deployers by proximally retracting a filament which is secured thereto;axially compressing the collapsible tube of each of the plurality of anchor deployers between the respective anchor and lower surface of the tissue layer by applying tension to the filament which is secured to the anchor and which is disposed within an inner lumen of the collapsible tube until the collapsible tube shortens in axial length and expands in an outward radial direction adjacent the passage; andapplying tension to the filaments from a distal section of the housing to reduce a distance between the anchors drawing the anchors and adjacent tissue of the tissue layer radially inward so as to reduce the size of the passage in the tissue layer.2. The method of further comprising proximally withdrawing deployment rods of each of the plurality of anchor deployers from respective anchors ...

22-01-2015 дата публикации

Surgical seal assembly including centering mechanism

Номер: US20150025477A1
Принадлежит: COVIDIEN LP

A seal assembly for a surgical access assembly includes a housing defining a center, first and second ring members, an inner seal member, and first and second centering mechanisms. The first ring member is disposed within the housing and includes the inner seal member coupled thereto and extending radially inwardly therefrom. The second ring member is disposed within the housing annularly about the first ring member. The inner seal member is configured to sealingly receive a surgical instrument inserted through the housing. The first centering mechanism is configured to bias the first ring member towards a concentric orientation relative to the second ring member. The second centering mechanism is concentrically disposed about the first centering mechanism and is configured to bias the second ring member towards a concentric orientation relative to the center of the housing.

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023160A1

Described are methods, systems, and devices for facilitation of intraluminal medical procedures within the neurovasculature including catheters and catheter advancement elements. 1. A coaxial catheter system , the system comprising: a distal, catheter portion having a lumen and a distal end having an opening from the lumen, the lumen having an inner diameter at the distal end of at least about 0.052″; and', 'a proximal extension coupled to and extending proximally from the distal, catheter portion, the proximal extension being less flexible than the distal, catheter portion; and, 'a catheter comprising a tubular portion having an inner diameter that is at least about 0.014″ up to about 0.024″, an outer diameter, wherein the outer diameter has at least one snug point, wherein a difference between the inner diameter of the distal, catheter portion and the outer diameter of the tubular portion at such snug point is no more than about 0.010″;', 'a proximal extension coupled to and extending proximally from the tubular portion, the proximal extension being less flexible than the tubular portion; and', 'a tip portion located distal to the at least one snug point of the tubular portion, wherein the tip portion has a length and tapers along at least a portion of the length of the tip portion,, 'a catheter advancement element comprisingwherein the coaxial catheter system has an advancement configuration characterized by:a) the catheter advancement element positioned coaxially within the lumen of the distal catheter portion, wherein the at least one snug point of the tubular portion is substantially aligned with the distal end of the distal catheter portion, and a distal point of the at least three points located a distance proximal from the distal-most end of the catheter advancement element, the distal point having a first bending force that is no greater than about 0.05 Newtons;', 'an intermediate point of the at least three points located a distance proximal from the ...

23-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200023176A1

A system for facilitating instrument delivery through a peripheral intravenous catheter may include a catheter adapter having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending there through. The catheter adapter may include a side port. The system may include an extension tube extending from the side port. The system may include a blood control valve disposed in the lumen of the catheter adapter. The system may include a peripheral intravenous catheter extending distally from the catheter adapter. 1. A system for facilitating instrument delivery through a peripheral intravenous catheter , comprising:a catheter adapter having a proximal end, a distal end, and a lumen extending there through, the catheter adapter having a side port;an extension tube extending from the side port;a blood control valve disposed in the lumen of the catheter adapter; anda peripheral intravenous catheter extending distally from the catheter adapter.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the blood control valve is disposed proximal to the side port claim 1 , wherein the blood control valve does not allow air venting.3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the blood control valve is disposed distal to the side port claim 1 , wherein the blood control valve allows air venting.4. The system of claim 1 , wherein the blood control valve allows air venting.5. The system of claim 4 , further comprising:a Y-adapter coupled to a proximal end of the extension tube, the Y-adapter having a first port and a second port;a needleless connector coupled to the first port; anda needleless connector coupled to the second port.6. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a cap coupled to the proximal end of the catheter adapter.7. The system of claim 1 , further comprising a needleless connector coupled to the proximal end of the catheter adapter.8. The system of claim 1 , further comprising an extension set claim 1 , the extension set comprising: a proximal connector; and', 'tubing disposed between the distal ...

28-01-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210023358A1

A hemostasis valve for use in a medical device. The hemostasis valve may include a generally cylindrical body having a proximal side, a distal side, and a thickness extending therebetween. The proximal side may include a tapered central region having a surface sloped towards a center of the body and the distal side may include a distally extending curved central region. 1. A hemostasis valve for use in a medical device , the hemostasis valve comprising:a body designed to be disposed within a hub of a medical device, the body having a proximal side, a distal side, and a central region with a diametrical center point;wherein the proximal side of the central region includes a proximal surface that slopes toward the distal side of the body, the proximal surface extending linearly between a perimeter of the central region and the diametrical center point of the body; andwherein the distal side of the central region includes a distally extending distal surface with a shape that is different from a shape of the proximal surface of the central region.2. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , wherein thickness of the body is measured between the proximal side and the distal side claim 1 , wherein the body has a first thickness at the perimeter of the central region and a second thickness at the diametrical center point claim 1 , wherein the second thickness is less than the first thickness.3. The hemostasis valve of claim 2 , wherein the thickness in the central region decreases from the perimeter to the diametrical center point.4. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , wherein the shape of the distal surface in the central region is rounded.5. The hemostasis valve of claim 4 , wherein the shape of the proximal surface in the central region is a pointed cone.6. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises an elastomeric silicone.7. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , wherein the body comprises a liquid silicone rubber (LSR).8. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , wherein ...

17-02-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220047283A1

A lithotripsy device can comprise a handpiece, a lithotripsy probe extending from the handpiece, an energization source configured to deliver an energy to a distal end of the lithotripsy probe, a suction passage extending from the distal end of the probe and through the handpiece, and a capture device comprising a container comprising a storage space, an entry port configured to couple to the handpiece at the suction passage, and an exit port, and a capture element connected to the container and configured to facilitate capture of stone fragments within the storage space. A method can comprise fragmenting stones with a lithotripsy device, drawing a vacuum through the lithotripsy device to pull stone fragments and waste fluid therethrough, pulling the vacuum through a stone capture device connected to the lithotripsy device, depositing stone fragments within the stone capture device using a capture element, and drawing the vacuum through the device. 1. A lithotripsy device comprising:a handpiece;a lithotripsy probe extending from the handpiece;an energization source coupled to the handpiece configured to deliver an energy to a distal end of the lithotripsy probe;a suction passage extending from the distal end of the probe and through the handpiece; and{'claim-text': [{'claim-text': ['a wall defining a storage space within the container;', 'an entry port configured to couple to the handpiece at the suction passage; and', 'an exit port; and'], '#text': 'a container comprising:'}, 'a capture element connected to the container and configured to facilitate capture of stone fragments within the storage space.'], '#text': 'a capture device coupled to the handpiece, the capture device comprising:'}2. The lithotripsy device of claim 1 , wherein the capture element comprises at least one of (i) a filter disposed in the container and extending across the exit port claim 1 , (ii) a baffle disposed between the inlet port and the exit port or (iii) an elongate tube extending from ...

30-01-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200030581A1

A self-slitting open lumen cannula may be used with catheter adapters to reduce manufacturing complexity and costs, as well as improve the safety of the catheter adapters against fluid leakage. The open lumen cannula may also include one or more notches to facilitate flashback visualization. The catheter adapters may further include a catheter adapter body formed of a compliant material that houses one or more compression resistant septa with at least one lumen formed by the proximal end of the needle during a self-slitting process as the catheter adapter is assembled. The compression resistant septum may also be coupled to a compression cap that imparts a radial compression force on the one or more compression resistant septa such that the at least one lumen narrows and seals when the cannula is removed. 1. A compliant catheter adapter comprising: a proximal end, the proximal end of the needle shaped to facilitate a self-slitting/self-guiding process during assembly of the catheter adapter;', 'a distal end; and', 'a plurality of openings disposed along the needle between the proximal end and the distal end of the needle, wherein the plurality of openings is configured to facilitate flashback visualization;, 'a needle comprising a proximal end and a distal end, the catheter adapter body having a generally elongate shape formed about a longitudinal axis extending between the proximal end and the distal end of the catheter adapter body;', 'an inner chamber disposed within the catheter adapter body, the inner chamber having a generally elongate shape formed about the longitudinal axis extending between the proximal end and the distal end of the catheter adapter body;', 'a compression resistant septum formed in the compliant material of the catheter adapter body, the compression resistant septum disposed toward the proximal end of the catheter adapter body; and', 'a lumen formed through the compression resistant septum by the proximal end of the needle during the self- ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации

Catheter devices with valves and related methods

Номер: US20210031008A1
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

Needle assemblies and related methods in which a valve opener is used to push into a valve to open one or more slits on the valve to open the valve. The needle assemblies each includes a needle hub with a needle, a catheter tube with a catheter hub and the valve and valve opener positioned in the interior cavity of the catheter hub. The valve can have a valve skirt and a nose section of the valve opener can locate therein. One or more reliefs can be provided with the valve opener so that an elbow or diagonal section on a needle guard can project from a holding space within the valve opener through the relief.

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031023A1

A valve for sealing the hub of a sheath assembly is provided. The valve includes a valve body having a solid thickness extending between a proximal surface and a distal surface. A bisecting slot extends across the proximal surface of the valve body and terminates at a depth less than the thickness of the valve body such that a portion of the valve body distally of the slot defines a bridge extending between opposed halves of the valve body such that the distal surface of the valve body is substantially continuous and a central portion of the proximal surface of the valve body is concave and defines a concave proximal portion. 1. A valve for sealing a hub of a sheath assembly , the valve comprising a valve body with a thickness between a proximal surface and a distal surface , the valve body including a bisecting slot extending into and across the proximal surface of the valve body and terminating at a depth less than the thickness of the valve body such that a remaining portion of the valve body distal of the slot defines a bridge extending between opposed halves of the valve body such that the distal surface of the valve body is substantially continuous , wherein a central portion of the proximal surface of the valve body is convex and defines a convex proximal portion; and wherein the central portion includes a pilot hole coaxial with the valve body.2. The valve according to wherein as a tip of an instrument is passed through the valve claim 1 , the tip enters the slot claim 1 , pierces the bridge claim 1 , and splits the bridge outwardly from the pilot hole.3. The valve of wherein the resiliency of the valve causes the valve to seal against a stem of the instrument.4. The valve of wherein the bridge slits only enough to pass the instrument.5. The valve of wherein the resiliency of the valve causes the valve to substantially seal upon itself as the instrument is removed therefrom.6. The valve of wherein the bridge includes a central bridging portion and an outer ...

04-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210031024A1

A valve for sealing the hub of a sheath assembly is provided. The valve includes a valve body having a solid thickness extending between a proximal surface and a distal surface. A bisecting slot extends across the proximal surface of the valve body and terminates at a depth less than the thickness of the valve body such that a portion of the valve body distally of the slot defines a bridge extending between opposed halves of the valve body such that the distal surface of the valve body is substantially continuous and a central portion of the proximal surface of the valve body is concave and defines a concave proximal portion. 1. A valve for sealing a hub of a sheath assembly , the valve comprising a valve body with a thickness between a proximal surface and a distal surface , the valve body including a bisecting slot extending into and across the proximal surface of the valve body and terminating at a depth less than the thickness of the valve body such that a remaining portion of the valve body distal of the slot defines a bridge extending between opposed halves of the valve body such that the distal surface of the valve body is substantially continuous and wherein the bridge includes a central bridging portion and an outer bridging portion with a central thickness of the central bridging portion being larger than an outer bridging portion thickness of the outer bridging portion and wherein a central portion of the proximal surface of the valve body is concave and defines a concave proximal portion.2. The valve of wherein the valve body includes a groove in the distal surface extending about the central portion.3. The valve of wherein a portion of the distal surface of the valve body opposite the concave proximal portion is convex.4. The valve of wherein a sealing slit extends through the valve body from the proximal surface of the valve body to the distal surface of the valve body.5. The valve of wherein the sealing slit extends at an angle between 45° to 135° ...

09-02-2017 дата публикации

Implantable Bone Marrow Access Apparatus

Номер: US20170035396A1
Автор: Solomon Stephen

Bone marrow access apparatus includes a bone attachment part attachable to bone, a tubular conduit part attached to the bone attachment part and defining a conduit communicating with a hollow interior of the bone attachment part, and a port attached to the conduit part. The port defines a hollow interior communicating with the conduit defined by the conduit part. One or more optional flow control components are arranged in a passage defined by the interior of the bone attachment member, the conduit of the conduit part and the interior of the port and operatively restrict inflow or outflow. A localization part is on or integrated into the port and enables the port to be located through skin. In use, a sampling device is inserted through skin overlying the port, into and through the passage defined by the apparatus, through the flow control component(s), when present, and into the marrow space. Marrow is captured and then the sampling device is removed. 1. A bone marrow access apparatus , comprising:a bone attachment part adapted to be attached to bone, said bone attachment member having a hollow interior;a tubular conduit part attached to said bone attachment part and defining a conduit communicating with said interior of said bone attachment part;a port attached to said conduit part, said port including a housing defining a hollow interior communicating with said conduit defined by said conduit part, said interior of said bone attachment part, said conduit of said conduit part and said hollow interior of said housing of said port defining a passage;a flow control component arranged in said passage; anda localization part on or integrated into said port and configured to enable said port to be located through skin that covers said port.2. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said localization part comprises palpable structure on a surface of said housing of said port.3. The apparatus of claim 1 , wherein said conduit part is flexible.4. The apparatus of claim 1 , ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038910A1

The present invention extends to a blood control catheter valve for use in a catheter adapter. The blood control catheter value employs an actuator for bypassing a septum to open the blood control catheter valve. The actuator includes flexible retention arms positioned on one end which retract into the body of the actuator while the end of the actuator passes through the septum, and then expand outwardly to maintain the actuator positioned within the septum. This design facilitates the manufacturing of catheter adapters (as well as blood control catheter valves and other components that attach to the catheter adapter) because the design can reduce the tolerance requirements of such components. Further, the design provides a reliable blood control catheter valve that does not require the catheter adapter to be increased in size to accommodate the valve. 1. A blood control catheter valve comprising:a septum configured to be retained within a catheter adapter; andan actuator configured to pass partially through the septum to open the blood control catheter valve, the actuator including one or more flexible retention arms that are biased in an outward position, the one or more flexible retention arms folding inwardly as the actuator passes through the septum and returning to the outward position after the one or more flexible retention arms have passed through the septum thereby retaining the actuator within the septum.2. The blood control catheter valve of claim 1 , wherein claim 1 , prior to the actuator passing partially through the septum claim 1 , the one or more flexible retention arms are biased outwardly into one or more recesses formed in an internal wall of the catheter adapter thereby retaining the actuator within the catheter adapter.3. The blood control catheter valve of claim 1 , wherein the actuator is forced partially through the septum when a device is connected to the catheter adapter.4. The blood control catheter valve of claim 3 , wherein the device ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации

Hemostasis Mechanism And Method

Номер: US20150038919A1
Принадлежит: Cook Medical Technologies LLC

A hemostasis mechanism includes a housing having a valve body, a connector coupled to a distal end of the valve body, and a cap coupled to a proximal end of the valve body. A first valve is within the housing and has a fixed state of axial compression between the valve body and the cap. A second valve is within the housing and has a range of states of axial compression between the valve body and the connector. The first valve has a self-closing bias and forms a lower pressure seal about a medical device pushed therethrough. The second valve has a self-opening bias and forms a higher pressure seal about the medical device via adjustment of its state of axial compression. 1. A hemostasis mechanism comprising:a housing including a valve body defining a longitudinal axis extending between a proximal body end and a distal body end, and including a cap coupled to the proximal body end and having a fixed axial location relative the valve body, a connector coupled to the distal body end and having an adjustable axial location relative the valve body, and a device passage formed in part in each of the valve body, cap, and connector;a first valve positioned at least partially within the device passage and having a fixed state of axial compression between the valve body and the cap, the first valve having a first opening formed therein and a self-closing bias such that the first opening is normally closed, and further forming a lower pressure seal about a medical device in response to pushing the medical device through the first opening in opposition to the self-closing bias; anda second valve positioned at least partially within the device passage and having a range of states of axial compression between the valve body and the connector, the second valve having a second opening formed therein and a self-opening bias such that the second opening is normally open, and further forming a higher pressure seal about the medical device via an adjustment of the state of axial ...

05-02-2015 дата публикации


Номер: US20150038921A1

A hernia repair implant includes a first layer for facing a body structure having a hernia defect to cover the defect while promoting tissue growth into the first layer from the body structure. The implant also includes a second layer opposed to the first layer and made of anti-adhesion material to prevent growth of tissue into the second layer from body structures contacting the second layer. Furthermore, the implant includes at least one engagement strap connected to the first layer and extending therefrom to terminate at a free end. The engagement strap defines opposed thin edges and opposed flat surfaces extending between the edges. At least one barb extends from at least one edge and/or at least one flat surface of the strap and is configured to impede motion of the strap in only a single direction. 1. A pneumatic seal for laparoscopic surgery , comprising:a patient adhesion side positionable against a patient's insufflated abdomen to hold the seal onto the patient;a puncture membrane opposed to the patient adhesion side; anda sealant chamber containing sealant and disposed under the puncture membrane, wherein a piercing instrument can be advanced through the puncture membrane and sealant and into the patient's insufflated abdomen with the sealant sealing around the piercing instrument to impede leakage of insufflation gas from inside the patient's abdomen along the piercing instrument to external of the patient.2. The pneumatic seal for laparoscopic surgery of claim 1 , wherein the puncture membrane and/or sealant are made of high density closed cell foam.3. The pneumatic seal for laparoscopic surgery of claim 1 , wherein the sealant is made of a biocompatible substance including an antibiotic.4. The pneumatic seal for laparoscopic surgery of claim 1 , wherein the sealant is made of a hydrogel.5. The seal of claim 1 , wherein the sealant is made of biocompatible cream or grease or jelly or mixtures thereof.6. The seal of claim 1 , comprising a valve in the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038846A1
Автор: Patel Tejash

A port-a-cath needle adapted for determining the position of the needle prior to dispensing medical treatments is disclosed. Disclosed embodiments of the port-a-cath needle comprises a cannula, a hollow needle, and an inflatable balloon. The balloon is disposed at the distal end of the port-a-cath needle such that when the needle is inserted into a patient, the balloon may be inflated and the resistance pressure used to determine if the needle is inserted into the port chamber or a port-a-cath device or is surrounded by soft tissue. In certain embodiments, the balloon may be maintained in the inflated configuration in order to help retain the port-a-cath needle within the port chamber while treatment is delivered to the patient. 1. A port-a-cath needle comprising:a cannula wherein the cannula has a distal portion and a proximate portion;a hollow needle wherein the hollow needle has a distal portion and a proximate portion; andan inflatable balloon, wherein the balloon is in fluid communication with the cannula.2. The port-a-cath needle of claim 1 , wherein the hollow needle is at least partially sealed within the interior of the cannula claim 1 , wherein the proximate portion of the hollow needle is sealed to the proximate portion of the cannula forming a proximate junction and the distal portion of the hollow needle is sealed to the distal portion of the cannula forming a distal junction claim 1 , wherein the interior of the hollow needle is isolated from the interior of the cannula claim 1 , and wherein the inflatable balloon is positioned at the distal portion of the cannula.3. The port-a-cath needle of claim 2 , wherein the distal junction is tapered.4. The port-a-cath needle of claim 2 , wherein the cannula has an exterior surface and the inflatable balloon is arranged to be substantially flush with the exterior surface of the cannula when the balloon is not inflated.5. The port-a-cath needle of claim 1 , wherein the inflatable balloon is positioned at the ...

07-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190038875A1
Принадлежит: Radux Devices, LLC

In general, medical sheath systems that can employ retainer devices having a plurality of channels configured to retain a sheath assembly in one or more curved configurations are described. In one embodiment, a retainer device may releasably retain a curvable tube of the sheath assembly in any of multiple curved configurations that range, for example, in selectable increments between 0° to 180°. 1. A sheath assembly , comprising:a curvable tube comprising a first end having a connector and a second end comprising a port configured to receive an interventional tool, the curvable tube configured to bend between a curved configuration and a substantially straight configuration in which the first end is linearly distal to the second end; anda retainer having a plurality of channels configured to releasably retain the curvable tube in first and second curved configurations, the curvable tube forming a 180° curve when the curvable tube is retained by the retainer in the first curved configuration and forming a 90° curve when the curvable tube is retained by the retainer in the second curved configuration.2. The sheath assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a first channel defining a first channel axis and a second channel defining a second channel axis claim 1 , the first channel axis parallel to and offset from the second channel axis.3. The sheath assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a first channel defining a first channel axis and a second channel defining a second channel axis claim 1 , the first channel axis being coaxial with the second channel axis.4. The sheath assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a first channel defining a first channel axis and a second channel defining a second channel axis claim 1 , the first channel axis angled 90° relative to the second channel axis.5. The sheath assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a third channel defining a third ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210046253A1
Автор: Patel Tejash

A port-a-cath needle adapted for determining the position of the needle prior to dispensing medical treatments is disclosed. Disclosed embodiments of the port-a-cath needle comprises a cannula, a hollow needle, and an inflatable balloon. The balloon is disposed at the distal end of the port-a-cath needle such that when the needle is inserted into a patient, the balloon may be inflated and the resistance pressure used to determine if the needle is inserted into the port chamber or a port-a-cath device or is surrounded by soft tissue. In certain embodiments, the balloon may be maintained in the inflated configuration in order to help retain the port-a-cath needle within the port chamber while treatment is delivered to the patient. 1. A port-a-cath system comprising:a vascular access port comprising an internal chamber, wherein the internal chamber is sealed using a self-sealing septum and wherein the internal chamber is in fluid communication with a catheter; and a cannula wherein the cannula has a distal portion and a proximate portion;', 'a hollow needle; and', 'an inflatable balloon,', 'wherein the inflatable balloon is in fluid communication with the cannula; wherein the hollow needle is at least partially sealed within an interior of the cannula and wherein an interior of the hollow needle is isolated from the interior of the cannula, and wherein the inflatable balloon is positioned at the distal portion of the cannula and wherein the hollow needle and the cannula are in a fixed positional relationship relative to each other and do not substantially slide or rotate relative to each other., 'a port-a-cath needle comprising2. The port-a-cath system of wherein the hollow needle comprises a non-coring tip.3. The port-a-cath system of claim 1 , further comprising a squeeze bulb in fluid communication with the cannula.4. The port-a-cath system of claim 1 , further comprising a processor.5. The port-a-cath system of claim 4 , further comprising a pressure sensor claim 4 ...

18-02-2021 дата публикации

Valve clamp for device delivery catheter handle

Номер: US20210046281A1
Принадлежит: MEDTRONIC INC

In some examples, an implantable medical device delivery catheter comprises a handle and an elongated member disposed within the handle, the elongated member comprising an elongated member lumen configured to receive an inner tool that is configured to extend through a lumen of the delivery catheter, including the elongated member lumen, and interface with an implantable medical device. The handle further comprises a clamping assembly comprising a button configured to be actuated toward a longitudinal axis of the elongated member in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis to compress the elongated member against the inner tool to restrain movement of the inner tool through the elongated member lumen.

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042626A1

Mechanical thrombectomy apparatuses including an inverting, rolling conveyor region (“tractor”) at the distal end that are configured to grab and remove thrombus material. In particular, described herein are mechanical thrombectomy apparatuses that are adapted to prevent premature deployment of the tractor, e.g., by including a tractor hold (e.g., a housing, a lock, a clamp, etc.) or the like to secure the outer end of the tractor against and/or relative to the elongate inversion support. 1. A method of removing a clot using a mechanical thrombectomy apparatus , the method comprising:positioning a distal end of the mechanical thrombectomy apparatus adjacent to the clot within a vessel, wherein the mechanical thrombectomy apparatus includes a tractor region that extends along a distal region of a catheter and inverts over a distal end of the catheter so that a first end of the tractor extends proximally within the catheter;disengaging a second end of the tractor from a tractor hold that secures the second end of the tractor to an outer diameter of the catheter by applying a first force that is greater than a threshold force to the first end of the tractor;pulling the distal end of the tractor proximally within the catheter to roll the tractor over the distal end of the catheter so that the tractor inverts over the distal end of the catheter; anddrawing the clot into the catheter with the inverting tractor.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein disengaging the second end of the tractor from the tractor hold comprises disengaging the second end of the tractor from a tractor hold attached to an outer diameter of the catheter.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein disengaging the second end of the tractor from the tractor hold comprises disengaging the second end of the tractor from a tractor hold that extends proximally along the catheter for less than 10 cm.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein disengaging the second end of the tractor from the tractor hold comprises disengaging ...

15-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180042643A1
Принадлежит: Axcess Instruments Inc.

A percutaneous access device for use in minimally invasive surgery includes an elongated body having a proximal portion and an opposing distal portion. The proximal portion has a proximal bore extending therethrough and the distal portion has a distal bore extending therethrough. The distal portion of the body is hingedly connected to the proximal portion in a first percutaneous access position and a second anchoring position. In the first percutaneous access position the distal and proximal bores are linearly aligned when a surgical instrument is inserted into both the proximal and distal bores. In the second anchoring position the distal bore is angularly displaced from the proximal bore when the surgical instrument is removed from the distal bore. 1. A percutaneous access device for use in minimally invasive surgery , comprising:an elongated body having a proximal portion and an opposing distal portion, the proximal portion having a proximal bore extending therethrough and the distal portion having a distal bore extending therethrough, wherein the distal portion of the body is hingedly connected to the proximal portion in a first percutaneous access position in which the distal and proximal bores are linearly aligned along an axis of the body when at least one surgical instrument is inserted into both the proximal and distal bores and a second anchoring position in which the distal bore is angularly displaced from the proximal bore when the at least one surgical instrument is removed from the distal portion.2. The access device of claim 1 , wherein the distal portion of the body includes shape memory material configured to automatically hinge the distal portion from the first position to the second position when the at least one surgical instrument is slidably removed from the distal bore.3. The access device of claim 1 , wherein when the distal portion is in the second position claim 1 , the proximal bore includes an open end configured to allow the at least one ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220061975A1
Автор: Behan Niall

A method of delivering a urological device includes providing a catheter and a urological valve that can be retained within the catheter; advancing the catheter toward a bladder neck of a user; withdrawing the catheter from the user; and deploying the urological valve out of the catheter into the bladder neck or urethra of the user. 1. A method of delivering a urological device , the method comprising:providing a catheter and a urological valve that is adapted to be retained within the catheter;advancing the catheter toward a bladder neck of a user;withdrawing the catheter from the user; anddeploying the urological valve out of the catheter into one of the bladder neck and a urethra of the user.2. The method of claim 1 , wherein the urological valve comprises an anchor claim 1 , with the method further comprising anchoring the urological valve to tissue with the anchor and preventing migration of the urological valve into a bladder of the user.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the urological valve is adapted to be retained within the catheter in a retracted configuration claim 1 , and upon the withdrawing the catheter from the user claim 1 , the urological valve expands to a deployed configuration within the bladder neck.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the urological valve comprises a stem defining a lumen claim 1 , a plurality of leaflets connected to a proximal portion of the stem claim 1 , and a head part connected to the stem and extending radially around the plurality of leaflets claim 1 , with the method further comprising:deploying the head part of the urological valve in a bladder of the user; anddeploying the stem of the urological valve in the urethra of the user.5. The method of claim 4 , wherein the head part comprises a distal surface with a concave curvature claim 4 , the method further comprising:placing the concave curvature of the distal surface of the head part in contact with the bladder of the user.6. The method of claim 1 , wherein the ...

03-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220062594A1

In a sheath device for inserting a catheter into a patient's body, comprising a first sheath having a proximal end and a distal end, wherein when used as intended the distal end of the first sheath is provided for arrangement in the patient's body and the proximal end of the first sheath is provided for arrangement outside the patient's body, and wherein the first sheath comprises a tubular section and a sheath housing, which is disposed at the proximal end of the section and comprises a receiving channel for a catheter, according to the invention the tubular section is detachably held in a clamping element of the sheath housing in a non-positive manner so as to be able to easily shorten the tubular section.

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046233A1

A skin surface indwelling device for guiding punctures includes: an indwelling tube () having an inside tunnel (P) substantially extending along the longitudinal direction of the indwelling tube (), the tunnel (P) is used for guiding needle (N), the indwelling tube () has a proximal end positioned above the skin surface (S) and a distal end positioned under the skin surface (S) in indwelling state; a support () having a bottom surface on its bottom that directly or indirectly contacts with the skin surface (S), the support () supports and fixates the indwelling tube (); and a sealing elements () configured to seal the tunnel (P). The skin surface indwelling device for guiding punctures can shorten the time of establishing a puncture tunnel in the buttonhole puncture method, and help to build the puncture tunnel. In addition, the skin surface indwelling device can also guide the puncture needle (N) when puncturing, and protect the immature puncture tunnel. 1. A skin surface indwelling device for guiding punctures , comprising:an indwelling tube having an inside tunnel substantially extending along the longitudinal direction of the indwelling tube, wherein the tunnel is used for guiding a needle, the indwelling tube has a proximal end positioned above the skin surface and a distal end positioned under the skin surface in indwelling state; a support having a bottom surface that directly or indirectly contacts with the skin surface, wherein the support supports and fixates the indwelling tube;and sealing elements configured to seal the tunnel.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the extension length of the distal end is set in such a way that the bottom of the distal end is close to the vascular wall to be punctured but not in contact with the vascular wall to be punctured.3. The device of claim 1 , wherein the diameter of the tunnel is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the needle.4. The device of claim 1 , wherein the angle between the bottom surface of the ...

14-02-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190046781A1

Hemostasis valves and hemostasis valve systems are provided. A hemostasis valve can include a valve member, wherein the valve member includes a first sealable opening disposed through a first portion of the valve member and a second sealable opening disposed through a second portion of the valve member. The valve member may also include three or more sealable openings. A hemostasis valve system may include a hemostasis valve and another medical device. The hemostasis valve may be releasably coupleable to the other medical device. 1. A hemostasis valve comprising:a body; a first sealable opening disposed through a first portion of the valve member; and', 'a second sealable opening disposed through a second portion of the valve member; and, 'a valve member coupled to the body, the valve member comprisinga hemostasis valve lumen extending between a proximal end portion and a distal end portion of the hemostasis valve.2. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , wherein the valve member further comprises a resilient wall disposed between the first sealable opening and the second sealable opening.3. The hemostasis valve claim 1 , wherein the body further comprises a sidearm claim 1 , the sidearm comprising a sidearm lumen extending therethrough claim 1 , the sidearm lumen in fluid communication with the hemostasis valve lumen.4. The hemostasis valve of claim 3 , further comprising an elongate member coupled to the sidearm claim 3 , the elongate member comprising an elongate member lumen extending therethrough.5. The hemostasis valve of claim 1 , further comprising:a valve bypass portion extending distally from the distal end portion of the hemostasis valve, wherein the hemostasis valve lumen extends through a portion of the valve bypass portion.6. The hemostasis valve of claim 5 , wherein the valve bypass portion is configured to bypass a valve of a valved medical device when the hemostasis valve is coupled to the valved medical device such that the hemostasis valve is in fluid ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052877A1
Принадлежит: Creganna Unlimited Company

A hemostasis valve assembly includes a hollow body delimiting an inner passage for inserting a medical material, the inner passage extending between a proximal opening and a distal opening of the hollow body, a distal seal arranged at the distal opening, a proximal seal arranged at the proximal opening, a spacer element arranged between the distal seal and the proximal seal, and an end cap. The distal seal is an elastic valve that is sealed when idle. The end cap has a fixing element engaging a support element of the hollow body to fix a stacked assembly including the distal seal, the spacer element, and the proximal seal inside the hollow body. 1. A hemostasis valve assembly , comprising:a hollow body delimiting an inner passage for inserting a medical material, the inner passage extending between a proximal opening and a distal opening of the hollow body;a distal seal arranged at the distal opening, the distal seal is an elastic valve that is sealed when idle;a proximal seal arranged at the proximal opening;a spacer element arranged between the distal seal and the proximal seal; andan end cap having a fixing element engaging a support element of the hollow body to fix a stacked assembly including the distal seal, the spacer element, and the proximal seal inside the hollow body.2. The hemostasis valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the fixing element is attached to the support element in a static manner.3. The hemostasis valve assembly of claim 2 , wherein the fixing element has a snap-fit hook and the support element has a snap-fit recess into which the snap-fit hook engages.4. The hemostasis valve assembly of claim 1 , wherein the distal seal is an elastic planar seal with a first radial slit and a second radial slit.5. The hemostasis valve assembly of claim 4 , wherein the first radial slit extends from a first surface of the distal seal through approximately half of a total axial thickness of the distal seal and the second radial slit extends from a second ...

25-02-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210052878A1
Автор: Olson Charles

Aspects herein relate to a low-friction septum for providing a leak-resistant seal for use in a vascular access device. In an embodiment, a device for vascular access hemostasis is included having an enclosure defining a cavity and configured to at least partially receive a medical device. The device can include a first seal portion and a second seal portion, the cavity disposed between the first seal portion and the second seal portion. The device can include a barrel in structural communication with the second seal portion, the second seal portion including a septum seal. The second seal portion can define two or more discrete portions, each separated by one or more split lines. The discrete portions can include a mating surface to interface with mating surfaces of other discrete portions. The mating surface can include a surface topology including raised portions and depressions. Other embodiments are also included herein. 1. A device for vascular access hemostasis , the device comprising: a first seal portion; and', 'a second seal portion, the cavity disposed between the first seal portion and the second seal portion;', 'a barrel in structural communication with the second seal portion;', 'the second seal portion comprising a septum seal;, 'an enclosure configured to at least partially receive a medical device, the enclosure defining a cavity and having'}the second seal portion defining two or more discrete portions each separated from one another by one or more split lines, the discrete portions each comprising a mating surface configured to interface with mating surfaces of other discrete portions, the mating surface comprising a surface topology including a plurality of raised portions and depressions.2. The device of claim 1 , the first seal portion comprising an inwardly sloped portion claim 1 , the inwardly sloped portion comprising an outer surface claim 1 , further comprising a hydrophilic layer disposed on the outer surface.3. The device of claim 1 , ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Blood control septum and related systems

Номер: US20200046938A1
Автор: Yiping Ma
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A catheter assembly may include a catheter adapter, which may include a distal end, a proximal end, and a lumen extending therethrough. The catheter assembly may also include a septum slidably disposed within the lumen. The septum may include a distal end, a proximal end, and a barrier disposed between the distal end of the septum and the proximal end of the septum. The barrier may divide an interior of the septum into a distal cavity and a proximal cavity. A distal face of the barrier may include a protrusion. The barrier may include a slit extending through the protrusion for selectively opening fluid communication between the distal cavity and the proximal cavity.

23-02-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170049995A1
Автор: Blacker Steven J.
Принадлежит: Corindus, Inc.

An extension member is has a body with a proximal end and an opposing distal end. It includes a hollow lumen extending therethrough from the proximal end to the distal end. It has a female luer lock connector proximate its proximal end and a male luer lock connector proximate its distal end. Its body has an outer surface with a driven member. 120-. (canceled)2123-. (canceled)24. An apparatus comprising:a drive motor coupled to a drive member;a hemostasis valve including a valve body having a proximal port, a distal port and a lumen extending between the proximal port and the distal port, at least one valve being located in the lumen to permit an interventional device to be passed therethrough, a rotating luer lock connector rotatably connected to the valve body proximate the distal port;an extension member having an extension member body with a proximal end and an opposing distal end, the extension member body including a hollow lumen extending therethrough from the proximal end to the distal end, the extension member body having a female luer connector proximate the proximal end and a male luer connector proximate the distal end, the female luer connector of the extension member being removable secured to the rotating luer of the hemostasis valve at the proximal end of the extension member, the male luer connector of the extension member being configured to removable secure a catheter thereto, the body of the extension member having a driven member configured to be rotatably driven by the drive member;wherein rotation of the drive member imparts rotation to the extension member and the catheter while isolating the hemostasis valve from rotational motion; anda controller providing instructions to the motor via a user interface to rotate the driven member and extension member.25. The apparatus of claim 24 , wherein the driven member includes a driven gear.26. The apparatus of claim 25 , wherein the driven gear is a beveled gear having a plurality of teeth facing ...

22-02-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180050184A1

A medical connector for use in a fluid pathway includes a substantially transparent housing having a proximal end with a proximal opening and a distal end with a distal opening, and a cavity extending therebetween. The connector provides a substantially visible fluid flow path extending through a substantial portion of the connector. 157-. (canceled)58. A method of using a medical connector in conjunction with a first medical implement , the method comprising: a hollow housing having a female end and a male end;', 'a rigid hollow support fixedly positioned within the hollow housing and having a closed end adjacent the female end of the hollow housing, and an open end opposite the closed end; and', 'an elongate elastomeric member positioned at least partially between the hollow housing and the rigid hollow support, the elongate elastomeric member having a first end and a second end;', the elongate elastomeric member is configured to transition between a closed position wherein the first end is closed over the closed end of the rigid hollow support and an opened position wherein the first end is opened and positioned between the closed end of the rigid hollow support and the open end of the rigid hollow support; and', 'at least a portion of the interior passage of the rigid hollow support is visible through the hollow housing, through the rigid hollow support, and through the elongate elastomeric member when the elongate elastomeric member is in the closed position and when the elongate elastomeric member is in the opened position; and, 'wherein], 'providing the medical connector havingcoupling the male end of the housing to the first medical implement.59. The method of claim 58 , further comprising transitioning the elongate elastomeric member from the closed position to the opened position.60. The method of claim 59 , further comprising transitioning the elongate elastomeric member from the opened position to the closed position.61. The method of claim 58 , further ...

13-02-2020 дата публикации

Functionalized Unitary Molded Manifolds For Closed Fluid Handling Systems

Номер: US20200049288A1
Принадлежит: Invetech Inc

A connector system having for joining tubes having an overmolded or bonded connector or manifold incorporating specialized features. The overmolded or bonded connector includes a tubular body, an input portion, at least one output portion, an internal fluid passageway, and at least one specialized feature such as a valve or sensor integrally molded or embedded therein. The connection system may be pre-sterilized, disposable and made for single-time usage in a closed fluid handling system.

01-03-2018 дата публикации


Номер: US20180056036A1
Автор: WADA Satoshi

An introducer sheath is disclosed capable of reducing a physical burden on a patient by shortening a time necessary for hemostasis at an introduction part after removing the introducer sheath percutaneously introduced into a body lumen. The introducer sheath includes a catheter main body, which is percutaneously introduced into a body lumen, a hub, which is connected to a proximal side of the catheter main body, and a tube member which includes a thrombus inducing material M. The tube member is disposed at a proximal side of an outer surface of the catheter main body. 1. An introducer sheath comprising:a catheter main body configured to be percutaneously introduced into a body lumen;a hub configured to be connected to a proximal side of the catheter main body; anda tube member that includes a thrombus inducing material, and wherein the tube member is disposed at a proximal side of an outer surface of the catheter main body.2. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 ,wherein a thickness of the tube member is smaller than a thickness of the catheter main body; andwherein a material of the tube member is harder than a material of the catheter main body.3. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 ,wherein a distal area of the tube member is inclined toward the outer surface of the catheter main body.4. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 ,wherein a color of the tube member is different from a color of the catheter main body.5. The introducer sheath according to claim 1 ,wherein the tube member includes a main body portion and a medicine portion which is disposed on an outer surface of the main body portion and includes the thrombus inducing material.6. The introducer sheath according to claim 5 ,wherein the main body portion includes a distal area which is inclined toward the outer surface of the catheter main body and a proximal area which is positioned at a proximal side in relation to the distal area;wherein an outer diameter of a proximal end of the ...

21-02-2019 дата публикации

System for guide catheter control with introducer connector

Номер: US20190054273A1
Автор: Steven J. Blacker
Принадлежит: Corindus Inc

An introducer assembly for introducing a catheter into a patient, includes a sheath having a distal end and a proximal end with a hollow lumen extending between the distal end and proximal end. The assembly also includes a coupler having a distal end operatively coupled to the proximal end of the sheath, the coupler having an internal passage in fluid communication with the hollow lumen. The assembly further includes a connector having a distal end operatively coupled to the coupler proximate the distal end of the coupler.

04-03-2021 дата публикации

Supraglottic airway device

Номер: US20210060276A1
Автор: Eric A. Cantor
Принадлежит: Individual

A method and apparatus for a medical airway passage device suitable for maintaining an airway for a patient is provided. The medical airway passage device includes a novel coupler device designed to prevent contamination, infection, and unwanted discharge of patient fluids and solids during usage. The coupler includes a locking mechanism configured to lock the coupler to a breathing tube and thus preventing unintentional decoupling of the coupler from the breathing tube. The coupler also includes a self-sealing suction port for removing patient discharges. The coupler further includes a filter for enabling the free flowing passage of airflow but prevention of the flow of patient discharges.

02-03-2017 дата публикации

Blood control catheter with antimicrobial needle lube

Номер: US20170056639A1
Автор: Yiping Ma
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

An antimicrobial lubricant applied to an outer surface of an introducer needle as part of a catheter assembly device. The catheter assembly device further includes a septum having a slit through which the introducer needle is threaded. The antimicrobial lubricant is squeegeed, or removed from the outer surface of the introducer needle as the needle is removed from the slit following catheterization. The removed antimicrobial lubricant forms a deposit on the septum at a location proximate to the slit, thereby preventing colonization and growth of pathogens on the septum and other adjacent components and surfaces of the catheter assembly device.

20-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200054871A1

Systems and methods are adapted for treating the carotid artery. The systems include interventional catheters and blood vessel access devices that are adapted for transcervical insertion into the carotid artery. Embodiments of the systems and methods can be used in combination with embolic protection systems including blood flow reversal mechanisms, arterial filters, and arterial occlusion devices. 116-. (canceled)17. A method of accessing and treating a carotid artery , the method comprising: the hemostasis valve assembly comprising:', '(a) a housing defining an internal chamber that communicates with the internal lumen of the distal sheath, wherein the internal chamber is adapted to contain a liquid;', '(b) a first seal member that seals the internal chamber from the internal lumen of the distal sheath, the first seal member having a central passageway that opens for passage of an interventional device into the internal lumen of the distal sheath from the internal chamber, wherein the central passageway is closed in a default state to prevent passage of fluid across the first seal member;', '(c) wherein, when the internal chamber is filled with liquid or gel, the liquid or gel prevents air from entering the internal lumen of the distal sheath via the hemostasis valve assembly when the internal lumen of the distal sheath is aspirated, via the aspiration port;', 'a second seal member, wherein the second seal member is positioned on a proximal end of the internal chamber and the first seal member is positioned on a distal end of the internal chamber so that the first seal member and second seal member define the internal chamber therebetween and can enclose liquid or gel within the internal chamber, and wherein the first seal member and second seal member are aligned along a common, straight axis;, 'inserting an arterial access device into an artery, wherein the arterial access device comprises a distal sheath, an aspiration port communicating with an internal lumen ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220079483A1
Принадлежит: KURIN, INC.

Blood sample optimization systems and methods are described that reduce or eliminate contaminates in collected blood samples, which in turn reduces or eliminates false positive readings in blood cultures or other testing of collected blood samples. A blood sample optimization system can include a blood sequestration device located between a patient needle and a sample needle. The blood sequestration device can include a sequestration chamber for sequestering an initial, potentially contaminated aliquot of blood, and may further include a sampling channel that bypasses the sequestration chamber to convey likely uncontaminated blood between the patient needle and the sample needle after the initial aliquot of blood is sequestered in the sequestration chamber. 1. A blood sample control device comprising;an inlet configured to receive blood from the patient;an outlet;a chamber connected with the inlet and having a vent that includes an air permeable blood barrier; anda sampling channel having a distal end connected with the outlet;a junction connected between the inlet, the chamber and the sampling channel, the junction being sized and configured such that a first portion of blood conveyed from the patient flows into the chamber to displace air therein through the air permeable blood barrier, and such that a second portion of blood is allowed to bypass the chamber and the first portion of blood at least temporarily contained therein to be directed into the sampling channel toward the outlet.2. The blood sequestration device in accordance with claim 1 , wherein the air permeable blood barrier includes an air permeable material that at least partially seals upon contact with blood.3. The blood sequestration device in accordance with claim 1 , further comprising a housing that defines at least a part of each of the inlet claim 1 , the outlet claim 1 , the chamber claim 1 , and the sampling channel.4. The blood sequestration device in accordance with claim 3 , wherein the ...

17-03-2022 дата публикации

Catheter devices with blood control systems and related methods

Номер: US20220080157A1
Принадлежит: B Braun Melsungen AG

Needle assemblies and related methods having a needle hub with a needle, a catheter tube with a catheter hub and having the needle extending through the catheter tube, a valve positioned in an interior cavity of the catheter hub, a valve opener proximal of the valve, and a needle guard extending at least partially into the valve opener. The valve opener can be used with a range of needle sizes. The valve opener can be used for forming a sub-assembly while minimizing distortion or compression of a needle guard.

27-02-2020 дата публикации


Номер: US20200060802A1

Vascular filters and deflectors and methods for filtering bodily fluids. A blood filtering assembly can capture embolic material dislodged or generated during an endovascular procedure to inhibit or prevent the material from entering the cerebral vasculature. A blood deflecting assembly can deflect embolic material dislodged or generated during an endovascular procedure to inhibit or prevent the material from entering the cerebral vasculature. 1. An embolic protection system for isolating the cerebral vasculature , the system comprising: a proximal sheath;', 'a proximal self-expanding filter assembly radially within the proximal sheath;', 'a distal sheath; and', 'a distal self-expanding filter assembly radially within the distal sheath;, 'a first protection device having a proximal portion configured to remain outside a body and a distal portion, the distal portion comprising an outer sheath;', 'a wire radially within the outer sheath; and', 'a third filter assembly radially within the outer sheath and coupled to the wire., 'a second protection device having a proximal portion configured to remain outside the body and a distal portion, the distal portion comprising2. The embolic protection system of claim 1 , wherein the third filter assembly of the second protection device has a generally tubular self-expanding main body portion defining a lumen extending from a distal end to a proximal end thereof.3. The embolic protection system of claim 2 , wherein the generally tubular self-expanding main body portion is configured to be positioned over an ostium of a left subclavian artery.4. The embolic protection system of claim 1 , wherein the wire is woven into the third filter assembly adjacent a distal end of the third filter assembly.5. The embolic protection system of claim 4 , wherein a distal edge of a filter element of the third filter assembly is folded proximally over the wire.6. The embolic protection system of claim 1 , wherein the wire comprises a plurality of ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067454A1

An expandable sheath assembly includes a support body extending from a proximal end to a distal end. A guide rod is interconnected to the support body and extends between the ends along an axis. A dilator extends from the guide rod for insertion into a body vessel, and a hub is releasable connected to the distal end of the support body. A distal sheath overlays the dilator, and a hemostatic valve is slidably disposed along the axis. A proximal sheath extends from the hemostatic valve and is disposed in surrounding and coaxial relationship with the guide rod. The proximal sheath is concurrently slidable with the hemostatic valve along axis to advance the proximal sheath through the hub and interleave the proximal sheath between the dilator and the distal sheath for lifting the distal sheath from the dilator and effectuating an expansion of the body vessel. 1. A method of inserting an expandable sheath assembly into a body vessel of a patient comprising:inserting a dilator overlaid with a distal sheath comprised of a low friction polymeric material into a body vessel of a patient;releasing a hemostatic valve from a proximal end of a support body, the hemostatic valve including a proximal sheath extending therefrom and disposed in surrounding and coaxial relationship with a guide rod along an axis A; andsliding the hemostatic valve along the guide rod to advance the proximal sheath through a hub attached to a distal end of the support body and interleave the proximal sheath between the dilator and the distal sheath for lifting the distal sheath from the dilator and effectuating an expansion of the body vessel to allow the proximal sheath to be advanced into the body vessel.2. A method of inserting an expandable sheath assembly into a body vessel as set forth in further comprising:sliding the hemostatic valve along the guide rod to dispose the hemostatic valve and the hub in abutting relationship with one another and to axially advance the proximal sheath past a second ...

10-03-2016 дата публикации


Номер: US20160067455A1
Автор: OKAMURA Ryo, YAZAKI Yushin

An introducer is configured to distinguish an introducer provided with a sheath tube whose wall thickness is reduced, from an introducer provided with a sheath tube whose wall thickness is not reduced, and to recognize the relationship between the inner diameter and the outer diameter for the sheath tube in which the wall thickness is reduced. The introducer includes an introducer sheath and a three-way stopcock portion. The introducer further includes a first information piece on at least one of the introducer sheath and the three-way stopcock portion and has an inner diameter dimension of the sheath tube as an index. Furthermore, a second information piece having an outer diameter dimension of the sheath tube as an index is on at least one of the introducer sheath and the three-way stopcock portion. 1. An introducer comprising:an introducer sheath including an elongated hollow sheath tube and a sheath hub which is provided at a proximal side of the sheath tube and provided with an insertion port configured to permit a dilator to be inserted into the insertion port;a three-way stopcock portion including a connection tube having one end configured to be connected to the sheath hub, and a three-way stopcock main body which is connected to the other end of the connection tube; anda first information piece on at least one of the introducer sheath and the three-way stopcock portion and which identifies an information of the inner diameter dimension of the sheath tube;a second information piece on at least one of the introducer sheath and the three-way stopcock portion and which identifies an information of the outer diameter dimension of the sheath tube;the first information piece is a color indicating a first Fr size of the sheath tube;the second information piece is a color indicating a second Fr size which is smaller than the first Fr size indicated by the first information piece; andwherein the first information piece and the second information piece are different ...

27-02-2020 дата публикации

Low-drag septum for a catheter system

Номер: US20200061343A1
Принадлежит: Becton Dickinson and Co

A peripheral intravenous catheter assembly may include a low-drag septum. The septum may include a body having a distal end and a proximal end, which may be sealed. The septum may include a slot disposed within an outer surface of the body and oriented along a longitudinal axis of the body. The slot may include a distal end spaced apart from the distal end of the body, and a proximal end spaced apart from the proximal end of the body. An introducer needle may extend through the slot.

08-03-2018 дата публикации

Sheath assembly for catheter pump

Номер: US20180064862A1
Принадлежит: TC1 LLC

In one embodiment, a catheter pump assembly is disclosed. The catheter pump assembly can include an impeller assembly. A catheter body can be coupled with the proximal end of the impeller assembly, the catheter body having a reduced stiffness section disposed proximally of the impeller assembly. A sheath assembly can be configured to be translate over the catheter body relative to the impeller assembly from an impeller assembly delivery position to an impeller assembly deployment position. When the sheath assembly is in the impeller assembly deployment position, a reduction in stiffness is provided between the distal end of the sheath assembly and the impeller assembly.

09-03-2017 дата публикации

Hemostatic valve for medical device introducer

Номер: US20170065267A1
Принадлежит: Abiomed Inc

An introducer for insertion of a medical device into a patient's vasculature includes an elongate introducer body, a hub, and a hemostatic valve. The elongate introducer body includes a longitudinal axis, a proximal region, a distal region, and an inner lumen. The hub is coupled to the proximal region of the introducer body. The hemostatic valve is disposed within the hub and forms a liquid-tight seal across the inner lumen. The introducer includes a guide configured to guide an object towards the center of the valve during insertion of the object.

29-05-2014 дата публикации

Matter Conveyance System

Номер: US20140148830A1
Автор: Heath Bowman
Принадлежит: MicroVention Inc

A matter conveyance system is located within a catheter and transports thrombus from a proximal portion of the catheter to a distal end of the catheter. In one example, the matter conveyance system is a screw or helix that rotates to cause movement of the thrombus.

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220087713A1

A vascular introducer sheath device comprising a tubular main shaft and a main hub attached to the proximal end of the main shaft. Attached to the proximal end of the main hub is a header hub, which has a first arm and a second arm. The header hub is attached to the main hub in a releasably locked configuration. As such, the header hub is functionally detachable from the main hub. The header hub and the main hub could together have a twist-on or snap-on mating mechanism. An example of such a mating mechanism is a male lock fitting on the header hub and a female lock fitting on the main hub. Further, there could be a side port on the main hub and a side port on the header hub, wherein the side ports for the main hub and header hub are oriented on a same plane when the header hub and the main hub are in locked configuration. 1. A vascular introducer sheath device comprising:a tubular main shaft having a proximal end, a distal end, and a shaft passage;a main hub having a proximal end, a distal end, and a main hub passage; wherein the main hub is attached to the proximal end of the main shaft;a header hub having a proximal end, a distal end, and a header passage; wherein the header hub has a first arm and a second arm;wherein the header hub is attached to the proximal end of the main hub in a releasably locked configuration, and wherein the header hub is functionally detachable from the main hub.2. The device of claim 1 , wherein the header hub and the main hub together have a twist-on or snap-on mating mechanism.3. The device of claim 2 , wherein the mating mechanism is a male lock fitting at the distal end of the header hub and a female lock fitting at the proximal end of the main hub that is designed to receive the male lock fitting of the header hub.4. The device of claim 3 , wherein the distal end of the header hub further comprises a lock protrusion claim 3 , and the proximal end of the main hub comprises a slot and groove; wherein the lock protrusion inserts ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации

Method and Devices for Implantation of Biologic Constructs

Номер: US20220087809A1
Автор: Kucklick Theodore R.
Принадлежит: Smith & Nephew, Inc.

Methods for delivering a sheet-like implant to a target site including a means of deploying and orienting the sheet-like implant within the body. 1. A method of delivering a sheet-like biologic implant through a cannula to a treatment site within a patient , the method comprising:inserting a distal end of the cannula through the patient's skin and proximate the treatment site such that a proximal end of the cannula is positioned exterior of the patient;inserting an elongated instrument having the sheet-like biologic implant secured to a distal end region thereof through the cannula with the sheet-like biologic implant in a folded configuration without a covering over the implant;transitioning the sheet-like biologic implant to a flattened configuration once the sheet-like biologic implant is positioned distal of the distal end of the cannula; andsecuring the sheet-like biologic implant to tissue at the treatment site in the flattened configuration.2. The method of claim 1 , further comprising withdrawing the instrument from the cannula after securing the sheet-like biologic implant at the treatment site.3. The method of claim 1 , wherein the treatment site is a shoulder of the patient.4. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sheet-like biologic implant is a collagen scaffold.5. The method of claim 1 , wherein the sheet-like biologic implant is held between a pair of legs of the elongated instrument in the folded configuration.6. The method of claim 5 , wherein the pair of legs are movable relative to one another to transition the sheet-like biologic implant to the flattened configuration.7. The method of claim 1 , wherein the elongate instrument includes a longitudinal slot claim 1 , and the sheet-like biologic implant is positioned in the longitudinal slot.8. The method of claim 1 , wherein the cannula includes a seal at the proximal end of the cannula.9. A method of delivering a sheet-like biologic implant through a cannula to a treatment site within a patient claim ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088360A1
Автор: SNOW Jeremy W.

A medical device for accessing body tissue or fluid is disclosed. The medical device may include an introducer sheath and a valve that impedes the flow of fluid through the introducer sheath. An assembly for selectively coupling components of a medical device is also disclosed. The assembly may comprise two components configured to engage with one another by at least a snap fit-type connection. This connection may facilitate disengagement of the two components via actuation of a release mechanism. 1. An introducer sheath for use during a percutaneous biopsy procedure , the introducer sheath comprising:a first elongate member comprising a lumen that extends through the first elongate member, the lumen configured to accommodate a portion of a second elongate member; anda first hub disposed adjacent a proximal end of the first elongate member, the first hub configured to selectively couple to the second elongate member;wherein the lumen extends through the first hub.2. The introducer sheath of claim 1 , wherein the first hub is configured to selectively couple to the second elongate member via a snap fit-type connection.3. The introducer sheath of claim 2 , wherein the first elongate member is configured to disengage from the second elongate member in response to actuation of a release mechanism.4. The introducer sheath of claim 3 , wherein the release mechanism comprises one or more depressible members.5. The introducer sheath of claim 4 , wherein the first elongate member is configured to disengage from the second elongate member without rotation of the first elongate member relative to the second elongate member.6. The introducer sheath claim 5 , wherein the first hub comprises a component configured to function as a portion of a detent.7. The introducer sheath of claim 1 , whereinthe first elongate member comprises a rigid hypotube; andthe introducer sheath is not configured for use in vascular procedures.8. A hub assembly for selectively coupling two components of ...

24-03-2022 дата публикации


Номер: US20220088362A1

Various concepts relate to treatment systems for medical devices delivered into patients in medical procedures. The treatment system may include a proximal valve configured to receive the endoluminal device, an optional distal valve configured to receive the endoluminal device, and a treatment chamber configured to receive a portion of the endoluminal device. 1. A treatment system for an endoluminal device , the treatment system comprising:a proximal valve configured to receive the endoluminal device, the proximal valve including a proximal seal mechanism actuatable between a sealed state and an unsealed state to seal around the endoluminal device;a distal valve configured to receive the endoluminal device, the distal valve including a distal seal mechanism actuatable between a sealed state and an unsealed state around the endoluminal device; anda treatment chamber configured to receive a portion of the endoluminal device that extends between the proximal valve and the distal valve, the treatment chamber being fluidly coupled between the proximal valve and the distal valve to define a treatment space between the proximal valve and the distal valve.2. The system of claim 1 , wherein one or both of the proximal seal mechanism and the distal seal mechanism includes an outer tube claim 1 , an inner tube claim 1 , and a pressurizable space formed between an inner surface of the outer tube and an outer surface of the inner tube claim 1 , and the pressurizable space being pressurizable to cause the inner tube to conform around the endoluminal device to form a seal around the endoluminal device.3. The system of claim 2 , wherein the inner tube is formed of a conformable material.4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the conformable material includes one or more of ePTFE (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) claim 3 , silk claim 3 , and Poly-paraphenylene terephthalamide.5. The system of claim 2 , wherein the outer tube is formed of an elastomeric material.6. The system of claim 5 ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070394A1

An expandable introducer assembly for use in inserting a medical device into a body vessel of a patient includes an expandable sheath subassembly including a sheath hub and an expandable sheath extending from the sheath hub for initial insertion into the body vessel of the patient. The expandable introducer assembly also includes introducer subassembly including a hemostasis valve and an introducer sheath extending from the hemostasis valve and axial advanceable through the sheath hub and into the expandable sheath for radially expanding the body vessel. A coupler is releasably connected to the sheath hub and disposed in interlocked relationship with the hemostasis valve when the hemostasis valve is axially advanced with the introducer sheath towards the sheath hub for allowing serial retraction of the introducer sheath and the expandable sheath out of the body vessel of the patient. 1. An expandable introducer assembly for use in inserting a medical device into a body vessel of a patient , said expandable introducer assembly comprising:a dilator extending along an axis from a proximal dilator end to a distal dilator end;an expandable sheath extending from adjacent said distal dilator end in surrounding and coaxial relationship with said dilator for concurrent insertion and axial advancement with said dilator into the body vessel of the patient;an introducer subassembly including a hemostasis valve releasably interconnected to said proximal dilator end and an introducer sheath extending in surrounding and coaxial relationship with said dilator from said hemostasis valve to next adjacent said expandable sheath;said expandable sheath including a sheath hub interchangeable from a locked condition for preventing axial movement of said dilator and said introducer subassembly relative to said expandable sheath during the insertion of said expandable introducer assembly into the body vessel and an unlocked condition for allowing concurrent axial advancement of said ...

07-03-2019 дата публикации


Номер: US20190070401A1

Devices, systems, and methods for sealing medical devices, particularly during intravascular access, are disclosed herein. Some aspects relate to a hemostatic valve for sealing a wide range of medical devices, such as catheters, wires, embolectomy systems. The valve can include an elongate member having a first end, a second end, and a central lumen extending therebetween. A reinforcement structure extends along at least a portion of the elongate member and is coupled to the elongate member. A shell defining a first aperture and a second aperture may be included, which first and second apertures can be fluidly coupled by the elongate member. A tensioning mechanism is coupled to the shell and to the elongate member, the tensioning mechanism can be moveable between a first configuration wherein the tensioning mechanism is collapsed and the central lumen is sealed and a second configuration wherein the central lumen is open. 1. A hemostatic valve for sealing a medical device , the hemostatic valve comprising:an elongate member having a first end, a second end, and a central lumen extending therebetween, wherein the elongate member is pliable;a reinforcement structure extending along at least a portion of the elongate member, wherein the reinforcement structure is coupled to the elongate member; andan active tensioning mechanism coupled to the elongate member, wherein the tensioning mechanism is moveable between a first configuration wherein the central lumen is constricted and sealed and a second configuration wherein the central lumen is open.2. The hemostatic valve of claim 1 , wherein the elongate member comprises a compliant polymer tube.3. The hemostatic valve of claim 1 , wherein the tensioning mechanism comprises at least one filament extending at least partially around the elongate member.4. The hemostatic valve of claim 3 , wherein the reinforcement structure is positioned between the at least one filament and the elongate member.5. The hemostatic valve of ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации


Номер: US20170072164A1
Принадлежит: Radux Devices, LLC

In general, medical sheath systems that can employ retainer devices having a plurality of channels configured to retain a sheath assembly in one or more curved configurations are described. In one embodiment, a retainer device may releasably retain a curvable tube of the sheath assembly in any of multiple curved configurations that range, for example, in selectable increments between 0° to 180°. 1. A sheath assembly , comprising:a curvable tube comprising a first end having a connector and a second end comprising a port configured to receive an interventional tool, the curvable tube configured to bend between a curved configuration and a substantially straight configuration in which the first end is linearly distal to the second end; anda retainer having a plurality of channels configured to releasably retain the curvable tube in first and second curved configurations, the curvable tube forming a 180° curve when the curvable tube is retained by the retainer in the first curved configuration and forming a 90° curve when the curvable tube is retained by the retainer in the second curved configuration.2. The sheath assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a first channel defining a first channel axis and a second channel defining a second channel axis claim 1 , the first channel axis parallel to and offset from the second channel axis.3. The sheath assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a first channel defining a first channel axis and a second channel defining a second channel axis claim 1 , the first channel axis being coaxial with the second channel axis.4. The sheath assembly of claim 1 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a first channel defining a first channel axis and a second channel defining a second channel axis claim 1 , the first channel axis angled 90° relative to the second channel axis.5. The sheath assembly of claim 2 , wherein the plurality of channels comprise a third channel defining a third ...

16-03-2017 дата публикации

Anti-reflux catheter

Номер: US20170072180A1
Принадлежит: DELTA MED S.P.A.

An anti-reflux catheter includes a central support body having an inner longitudinal passage chamber; a cannula extending out of one end of the central body and connected to the inner chamber; a transverse opening which extends through the central body and communicates with the inner chamber; an outwardly extending mouthpiece of the transverse opening; a flexible sleeve longitudinally accommodated in the inner chamber at the transverse opening and having an outer surface facing such transverse opening, the mouthpiece having a pressure system associated therewith, which act upon the sleeve and is movable between an idle position or an operating pressed position, and vice versa. 1. An anti-reflux catheter comprising:{'b': 2', '3, 'a support center body () having an inner chamber () providing for longitudinal passage;'}{'b': 5', '2', '2', '3, 'a cannula () prolonging from one end (A) of the center body () and connected to the inner chamber ();'}{'b': 8', '2', '3, 'a transversal opening () crossing the center body () and communicating with the inner chamber ();'}{'b': 9', '8, 'a prolonging extension () of the transversal opening () toward an outside;'}{'b': 7', '3', '8', '8, 'a flexible sleeve () longitudinally and coaxially fitted in the inner chamber () in correspondence with the transversal opening () and having an outer surface facing said transversal opening (); and'}{'b': 10', '11', '7', '8, 'a pressing system (, ) acting on said sleeve () and movable between a deactivated position or an activated position, and vice versa, the pressing system being associated with said transversal opening ().'}21011. The catheter as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said pressing system ( claim 1 , ) is activated from the outside.3. The catheter as claimed in claim 1 , wherein said pressing system comprises:{'b': 10', '9', '2', '2, 'a maneuvering member () slidingly coupled to said extension () and disposed to be alternatively positioned between a deactivated position raised from said ...

18-03-2021 дата публикации


Номер: US20210077243A1
Автор: Behan Niall

A urological device includes a valve retained in a urinary catheter. The urinary catheter has a first portion that is insertable into a urethra and a second portion adapted to remain outside of the urethra when the first portion is inserted into the urethra. The valve has a closed configuration adapted to prevent urine from exiting the urinary catheter and an open configuration adapted to allow urine to flow through and exit the urinary catheter. The valve is adapted to move from the closed configuration to the open configuration in response to a hydrodynamic pressure of at least 750 mm H2O applied to the valve for at least 5 seconds. 1. A urological device adapted to treat urinary incontinence , the urological device comprising:a urinary catheter comprising a first portion that is insertable into a urethra and a second portion adapted to remain outside of the urethra when the first portion is inserted into the urethra; anda valve retained in the urinary catheter;wherein the valve has a closed configuration adapted to prevent urine from exiting the urinary catheter and an open configuration adapted to allow urine to flow through and exit the urinary catheter;wherein the valve is adapted to move from the closed configuration to the open configuration in response to a hydrodynamic pressure of at least 750 mm H2O applied to the valve for at least 5 seconds.2. The urological device of claim 1 , wherein the urinary catheter comprises a Foley catheter and the valve is retained inside of the Foley catheter.3. The urological device of claim 1 , further comprising a housing that is removably insertable into the urinary catheter claim 1 , and the valve is retained inside of the housing.4. The urological device of claim 3 , wherein the housing comprises a distal section that is separable from a proximal section claim 3 , and the valve is retained between the distal section and the proximal section of the housing.5. The urological device of claim 1 , wherein the valve comprises ...

19-03-2015 дата публикации

Universal Transvalvular Insertion Tool for Use with Hemostatic Cardiac Introducers and Method of Using the Same

Номер: US20150080851A1
Автор: Armour Andrew, Kurth Paul
Принадлежит: Pressure Products Medical Supplies Inc.

The invention includes a universal transvalvular insertion tool for providing a passage through a multiplicity of differently designed hemostatically valved introducers, each having a valve within a valved body coupled to a cardiac introducer. The tool includes a longitudinally rigid sheath having a lumen and for insertion through the valve of any one of the multiplicity of differently designed hemostatically valved introducers to provide a substantially obstruction free path for delivery of a lead or vascular device through the valve and valved body to the introducer, the sheath having a length selected to extend through the valve without substantial deformation of the lumen of the sheath. A mechanism is provided for separating the rigid sheath to allow removal from the lead or device without removal of the transvalvular insertion tool over either end of the lead or vascular device. 1. A transvalvular insertion tool for providing a passage through a hemostatically valved introducer comprising:at least one tab;a hub coupled to the tab;a longitudinally rigid sheath for insertion through the valved introducer to provide an obstruction free path for delivery of a lead or vascular device through the valved introducer; andmeans for separating the hub and rigid sheath to allow removal from the lead or device without removal of the transvalvular insertion tool over either end of the lead or vascular device.2. The transvalvular insertion tool of where the means for separating comprises longitudinal halves of the rigid sheath and a temporary mechanical coupling for selectively retaining the longitudinal halves together.3. The transvalvular insertion tool of where the means for separating comprises a longitudinal line of separation of the rigid sheath and a clam-shell mechanism for spreading the longitudinal line of separation of the rigid sheath apart to selectively create a longitudinal gap in the rigid sheath.4. The transvalvular insertion tool of where the means for ...

05-06-2014 дата публикации


Номер: US20140155831A1

A peripheral venous catheter comprising a vein indwelling section and a cannula (), wherein the vein indwelling section includes a connection section and a tube connected to the connection section in a firmly bonded manner, and wherein the cannula is inserted into the vein indwelling section prior to inserting the venous catheter into a vein, and a wall is provided in the connection, which runs substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal extension of the connection section, including a plurality of circular ring-like wall segments, and exhibiting a central passage for the cannula at the middle of the wall, such that the wall segments form a boundary for a chamber provided in the connection section on the side facing the tube, in order to accommodate blood exiting the tube after the cannula has been removed. 1. A peripheral venous catheter comprising a vein indwelling section and a cannula , wherein the vein indwelling section includes a connection section and a tube connected to the connection section in a firmly bonded manner , and wherein the cannula is inserted into the vein indwelling section prior to inserting the venous catheter into a vein , the connection section is made of silicone or polyurethane , and a wall is provided in the connection section , which runs substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal extension of the connection section , including a plurality of circular ring-like wall segments , and exhibiting a central passage for the cannula at the middle of the wall , such that the wall segments form a boundary for a chamber provided in the connection section on the side facing the tube , in order to accommodate blood exiting the tube after the cannula has been removed , and the wall and the connection section are an integrated unit.2. The peripheral venous catheter as set forth in claim 1 , wherein the wall segments lie flush and tightly aligned to one another at their abutting edges.3. The peripheral venous catheter as set forth in claim 1 ...
